from __future__ import annotations import io import os import re import subprocess import textwrap import time import uuid import wave import torch import emoji import gradio as gr import langid import nltk import numpy as np import noisereduce as nr from huggingface_hub import HfApi # Download the 'punkt' tokenizer for the NLTK library"punkt") # will use api to restart space on a unrecoverable error HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN") REPO_ID = os.environ.get("REPO_ID") api = HfApi(token=HF_TOKEN) latent_map = {} def get_latents(chatbot_voice, xtts_model, voice_cleanup=False): global latent_map print("here") if chatbot_voice not in latent_map: print("here1", chatbot_voice) speaker_wav = f"examples/{chatbot_voice}.wav" if (voice_cleanup): try: print("here2") cleanup_filter="lowpass=8000,highpass=75,areverse,silenceremove=start_periods=1:start_silence=0:start_threshold=0.02,areverse,silenceremove=start_periods=1:start_silence=0:start_threshold=0.02" resample_filter="-ac 1 -ar 22050" out_filename = speaker_wav + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".wav" #ffmpeg to know output format #we will use newer ffmpeg as that has afftn denoise filter shell_command = f"ffmpeg -y -i {speaker_wav} -af {cleanup_filter} {resample_filter} {out_filename}".split(" ") command_result =[item for item in shell_command], capture_output=False,text=True, check=True) speaker_wav=out_filename print("Filtered microphone input") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # There was an error - command exited with non-zero code print("Error: failed filtering, use original microphone input") else: print("here3", speaker_wav) speaker_wav=speaker_wav # gets condition latents from the model # returns tuple (gpt_cond_latent, speaker_embedding) latent_map[chatbot_voice] = xtts_model.get_conditioning_latents(audio_path=speaker_wav) return latent_map[chatbot_voice] def detect_language(prompt, xtts_supported_languages=None): if xtts_supported_languages is None: xtts_supported_languages = ["en","es","fr","de","it","pt","pl","tr","ru","nl","cs","ar","zh-cn","ja"] # Fast language autodetection if len(prompt)>15: language_predicted=langid.classify(prompt)[0].strip() # strip need as there is space at end! if language_predicted == "zh": #we use zh-cn on xtts language_predicted = "zh-cn" if language_predicted not in xtts_supported_languages: print(f"Detected a language not supported by xtts :{language_predicted}, switching to english for now") gr.Warning(f"Language detected '{language_predicted}' can not be spoken properly 'yet' ") language= "en" else: language = language_predicted print(f"Language: Predicted sentence language:{language_predicted} , using language for xtts:{language}") else: # Hard to detect language fast in short sentence, use english default language = "en" print(f"Language: Prompt is short or autodetect language disabled using english for xtts") return language def get_voice_streaming(self,prompt, language, chatbot_voice, xtts_model, suffix="0"): speaker = { "speaker_embedding": xtts_model.speaker_manager.speakers["Claribel Dervla"][ "speaker_embedding" ] .cpu() .squeeze() .half() .tolist(), "gpt_cond_latent": xtts_model.speaker_manager.speakers["Claribel Dervla"][ "gpt_cond_latent" ] .cpu() .squeeze() .half() .tolist(), } speaker_embedding = ( torch.tensor(speaker.get("speaker_embedding")) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(-1) ) gpt_cond_latent = ( torch.tensor(speaker.get("gpt_cond_latent")) .reshape((-1, 1024)) .unsqueeze(0) ) #gpt_cond_latent, speaker_embedding = get_latents(chatbot_voice, xtts_model) try: t0 = time.time() chunks = xtts_model.inference_stream( prompt, language, gpt_cond_latent, speaker_embedding, repetition_penalty=7.0, temperature=0.85, ) first_chunk = True for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): if first_chunk: first_chunk_time = time.time() - t0 metrics_text = f"Latency to first audio chunk: {round(first_chunk_time*1000)} milliseconds\n" first_chunk = False #print(f"Received chunk {i} of audio length {chunk.shape[-1]}") # In case output is required to be multiple voice files # out_file = f'{char}_{i}.wav' # write(out_file, 24000, chunk.detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()) # audio = AudioSegment.from_file(out_file) # audio.export(out_file, format='wav') # return out_file # directly return chunk as bytes for streaming chunk = chunk.detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze() chunk = (chunk * 32767).astype(np.int16) yield chunk.tobytes() except RuntimeError as e: if "device-side assert" in str(e): # cannot do anything on cuda device side error, need tor estart print( f"Exit due to: Unrecoverable exception caused by prompt:{prompt}", flush=True, ) gr.Warning("Unhandled Exception encounter, please retry in a minute") print("Cuda device-assert Runtime encountered need restart") # HF Space specific.. This error is unrecoverable need to restart space api.restart_space(REPO_ID=REPO_ID) else: print("RuntimeError: non device-side assert error:", str(e)) # Does not require warning happens on empty chunk and at end ###gr.Warning("Unhandled Exception encounter, please retry in a minute") return None return None except: return None def wave_header_chunk(frame_input=b"", channels=1, sample_width=2, sample_rate=24000): # This will create a wave header then append the frame input # It should be first on a streaming wav file # Other frames better should not have it (else you will hear some artifacts each chunk start) wav_buf = io.BytesIO() with, "wb") as vfout: vfout.setnchannels(channels) vfout.setsampwidth(sample_width) vfout.setframerate(sample_rate) vfout.writeframes(frame_input) return def format_prompt(message, history): system_message = f""" You are an empathetic, insightful, and supportive coach who helps people deal with challenges and celebrate achievements. You help people feel better by asking questions to reflect on and evoke feelings of positivity, gratitude, joy, and love. You show radical candor and tough love. Respond in a casual and friendly tone. Sprinkle in filler words, contractions, idioms, and other casual speech that we use in conversation. Emulate the user’s speaking style and be concise in your response. """ prompt = ( "[INST]" + system_message + "[/INST]" ) for user_prompt, bot_response in history: if user_prompt is not None: prompt += f"[INST] {user_prompt} [/INST]" prompt += f" {bot_response} " if message=="": message="Hello" prompt += f"[INST] {message} [/INST]" return prompt def generate_llm_output( prompt, history, llm, temperature=0.8, max_tokens=256, top_p=0.95, stop_words=["","[/INST]", ""] ): temperature = float(temperature) if temperature < 1e-2: temperature = 1e-2 top_p = float(top_p) generate_kwargs = dict( temperature=temperature, max_tokens=max_tokens, top_p=top_p, stop=stop_words ) formatted_prompt = format_prompt(prompt, history) try: print("LLM Input:", formatted_prompt) # Local GGUF stream = llm( formatted_prompt, **generate_kwargs, stream=True, ) output = "" for response in stream: character= response["choices"][0]["text"] if character in stop_words: # end of context return if emoji.is_emoji(character): # Bad emoji not a meaning messes chat from next lines return output += response["choices"][0]["text"] yield output except Exception as e: print("Unhandled Exception: ", str(e)) gr.Warning("Unfortunately Mistral is unable to process") output = "I do not know what happened but I could not understand you ." return output def get_sentence(history, llm): history = [["", None]] if history is None else history history[-1][1] = "" sentence_list = [] sentence_hash_list = [] text_to_generate = "" stored_sentence = None stored_sentence_hash = None for character in generate_llm_output(history[-1][0], history[:-1], llm): history[-1][1] = character.replace("<|assistant|>","") # It is coming word by word text_to_generate = nltk.sent_tokenize(history[-1][1].replace("\n", " ").replace("<|assistant|>"," ").replace("<|ass>","").replace("[/ASST]","").replace("[/ASSI]","").replace("[/ASS]","").replace("","").strip()) if len(text_to_generate) > 1: dif = len(text_to_generate) - len(sentence_list) if dif == 1 and len(sentence_list) != 0: continue if dif == 2 and len(sentence_list) != 0 and stored_sentence is not None: continue # All this complexity due to trying append first short sentence to next one for proper language auto-detect if stored_sentence is not None and stored_sentence_hash is None and dif>1: #means we consumed stored sentence and should look at next sentence to generate sentence = text_to_generate[len(sentence_list)+1] elif stored_sentence is not None and len(text_to_generate)>2 and stored_sentence_hash is not None: print("Appending stored") sentence = stored_sentence + text_to_generate[len(sentence_list)+1] stored_sentence_hash = None else: sentence = text_to_generate[len(sentence_list)] # too short sentence just append to next one if there is any # this is for proper language detection if len(sentence)<=15 and stored_sentence_hash is None and stored_sentence is None: if sentence[-1] in [".","!","?"]: if stored_sentence_hash != hash(sentence): stored_sentence = sentence stored_sentence_hash = hash(sentence) print("Storing:",stored_sentence) continue sentence_hash = hash(sentence) if stored_sentence_hash is not None and sentence_hash == stored_sentence_hash: continue if sentence_hash not in sentence_hash_list: sentence_hash_list.append(sentence_hash) sentence_list.append(sentence) print("New Sentence: ", sentence) yield (sentence, history) # return that final sentence token try: last_sentence = nltk.sent_tokenize(history[-1][1].replace("\n", " ").replace("<|ass>","").replace("[/ASST]","").replace("[/ASSI]","").replace("[/ASS]","").replace("","").strip())[-1] sentence_hash = hash(last_sentence) if sentence_hash not in sentence_hash_list: if stored_sentence is not None and stored_sentence_hash is not None: last_sentence = stored_sentence + last_sentence stored_sentence = stored_sentence_hash = None print("Last Sentence with stored:",last_sentence) sentence_hash_list.append(sentence_hash) sentence_list.append(last_sentence) print("Last Sentence: ", last_sentence) yield (last_sentence, history) except: print("ERROR on last sentence history is :", history) # will generate speech audio file per sentence def generate_speech_for_sentence(history, chatbot_voice, sentence, xtts_model, xtts_supported_languages=None, filter_output=True, return_as_byte=False): language = "autodetect" wav_bytestream = b"" if len(sentence)==0: print("EMPTY SENTENCE") return # Sometimes prompt coming on output remove it # Some post process for speech only sentence = sentence.replace("", "") # remove code from speech sentence = re.sub("```.*```", "", sentence, flags=re.DOTALL) sentence = re.sub("`.*`", "", sentence, flags=re.DOTALL) sentence = re.sub("\(.*\)", "", sentence, flags=re.DOTALL) sentence = sentence.replace("```", "") sentence = sentence.replace("...", " ") sentence = sentence.replace("(", " ") sentence = sentence.replace(")", " ") sentence = sentence.replace("<|assistant|>","") if len(sentence)==0: print("EMPTY SENTENCE after processing") return # A fast fix for last chacter, may produce weird sounds if it is with text #if (sentence[-1] in ["!", "?", ".", ","]) or (sentence[-2] in ["!", "?", ".", ","]): # # just add a space # sentence = sentence[:-1] + " " + sentence[-1] # regex does the job well sentence= re.sub("([^\x00-\x7F]|\w)(\.|\。|\?|\!)",r"\1 \2\2",sentence) print("Sentence for speech:", sentence) try: SENTENCE_SPLIT_LENGTH=350 if len(sentence)