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<title>Medical Image Classification with MONAI - Pathology Nuclei Segmentation Classification</title> | |
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<h1 class="title">Medical Image Classification with MONAI - Pathology Nuclei Segmentation Classification</h1> | |
<h2 class="subtitle">Kalbe Digital Lab</h2> | |
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<h3 class="overview-heading"><span class="vl">Overview</span></h3> | |
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<p> | |
A simultaneous segmentation of nuclei within multitissue histology images. <br /> | |
References: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> | |
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<h3 class="overview-heading"><span class="vl">Dataset</span></h3> | |
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<p class="overview-content">The model is trained with multi-tissue histology images based on <a href="" target="_blank">CoNSeP dataset.</a></p> | |
<ul > | |
<li>Target: Nuclei</li> | |
<li>Task: Instance Segmentation</li> | |
<li>Modality: RGB images</li> | |
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<h3 class="overview-heading"><span class="vl">Model Architecture</span></h3> | |
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<p class="overview-content">Overview approach for simultaneous nuclear instance segmentation.</p> | |
<img class="content-image" src="file/figures/OverviewNucleiSegmentationClassification.jpg" alt="model-architecture" /> | |
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<h3 class="overview-heading"><span class="vl">Demo</span></h3> | |
<p class="overview-content">Please select or upload a histology image to see nuclei segmentation capabilities of this model</p> | |
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