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#include <cuda.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "loss.h"
// Utils
__device__ inline float bwdAbs(float x) { return x == 0.0f ? 0.0f : x < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f; }
__device__ float warpSum(float val) {
for (int i = 1; i < 32; i *= 2)
val += __shfl_xor_sync(0xFFFFFFFF, val, i);
return val;
// Tonemapping
__device__ inline float fwdSRGB(float x)
return x > 0.0031308f ? powf(max(x, 0.0031308f), 1.0f / 2.4f) * 1.055f - 0.055f : 12.92f * max(x, 0.0f);
__device__ inline void bwdSRGB(float x, float &d_x, float d_out)
if (x > 0.0031308f)
d_x += d_out * 0.439583f / powf(x, 0.583333f);
else if (x > 0.0f)
d_x += d_out * 12.92f;
__device__ inline vec3f fwdTonemapLogSRGB(vec3f x)
return vec3f(fwdSRGB(logf(x.x + 1.0f)), fwdSRGB(logf(x.y + 1.0f)), fwdSRGB(logf(x.z + 1.0f)));
__device__ inline void bwdTonemapLogSRGB(vec3f x, vec3f& d_x, vec3f d_out)
if (x.x > 0.0f && x.x < 65535.0f)
bwdSRGB(logf(x.x + 1.0f), d_x.x, d_out.x);
d_x.x *= 1 / (x.x + 1.0f);
if (x.y > 0.0f && x.y < 65535.0f)
bwdSRGB(logf(x.y + 1.0f), d_x.y, d_out.y);
d_x.y *= 1 / (x.y + 1.0f);
if (x.z > 0.0f && x.z < 65535.0f)
bwdSRGB(logf(x.z + 1.0f), d_x.z, d_out.z);
d_x.z *= 1 / (x.z + 1.0f);
__device__ inline float fwdRELMSE(float img, float target, float eps = 0.1f)
return (img - target) * (img - target) / (img * img + target * target + eps);
__device__ inline void bwdRELMSE(float img, float target, float &d_img, float &d_target, float d_out, float eps = 0.1f)
float denom = (target * target + img * img + eps);
d_img += d_out * 2 * (img - target) * (target * (target + img) + eps) / (denom * denom);
d_target -= d_out * 2 * (img - target) * (img * (target + img) + eps) / (denom * denom);
__device__ inline float fwdSMAPE(float img, float target, float eps=0.01f)
return abs(img - target) / (img + target + eps);
__device__ inline void bwdSMAPE(float img, float target, float& d_img, float& d_target, float d_out, float eps = 0.01f)
float denom = (target + img + eps);
d_img += d_out * bwdAbs(img - target) * (2 * target + eps) / (denom * denom);
d_target -= d_out * bwdAbs(img - target) * (2 * img + eps) / (denom * denom);
// Kernels
__global__ void imgLossFwdKernel(LossKernelParams p)
// Calculate pixel position.
unsigned int px = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
unsigned int py = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
unsigned int pz = blockIdx.z;
float floss = 0.0f;
if (px < p.gridSize.x && py < p.gridSize.y && pz < p.gridSize.z)
vec3f img = p.img.fetch3(px, py, pz);
vec3f target =, py, pz);
img = vec3f(clamp(img.x, 0.0f, 65535.0f), clamp(img.y, 0.0f, 65535.0f), clamp(img.z, 0.0f, 65535.0f));
target = vec3f(clamp(target.x, 0.0f, 65535.0f), clamp(target.y, 0.0f, 65535.0f), clamp(target.z, 0.0f, 65535.0f));
if (p.tonemapper == TONEMAPPER_LOG_SRGB)
img = fwdTonemapLogSRGB(img);
target = fwdTonemapLogSRGB(target);
vec3f vloss(0);
if (p.loss == LOSS_MSE)
vloss = (img - target) * (img - target);
else if (p.loss == LOSS_RELMSE)
vloss = vec3f(fwdRELMSE(img.x, target.x), fwdRELMSE(img.y, target.y), fwdRELMSE(img.z, target.z));
else if (p.loss == LOSS_SMAPE)
vloss = vec3f(fwdSMAPE(img.x, target.x), fwdSMAPE(img.y, target.y), fwdSMAPE(img.z, target.z));
vloss = vec3f(abs(img.x - target.x), abs(img.y - target.y), abs(img.z - target.z));
floss = sum(vloss) / 3.0f;
floss = warpSum(floss);
dim3 warpSize = getWarpSize(blockDim);
if (px < p.gridSize.x && py < p.gridSize.y && pz < p.gridSize.z && threadIdx.x % warpSize.x == 0 && threadIdx.y % warpSize.y == 0 && threadIdx.z % warpSize.z == 0) / warpSize.x, py / warpSize.y, pz / warpSize.z, floss);
__global__ void imgLossBwdKernel(LossKernelParams p)
// Calculate pixel position.
unsigned int px = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
unsigned int py = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
unsigned int pz = blockIdx.z;
if (px >= p.gridSize.x || py >= p.gridSize.y || pz >= p.gridSize.z)
dim3 warpSize = getWarpSize(blockDim);
vec3f _img = p.img.fetch3(px, py, pz);
vec3f _target =, py, pz);
float d_out = p.out.fetch1(px / warpSize.x, py / warpSize.y, pz / warpSize.z);
// FWD
vec3f img = _img, target = _target;
if (p.tonemapper == TONEMAPPER_LOG_SRGB)
img = fwdTonemapLogSRGB(img);
target = fwdTonemapLogSRGB(target);
// BWD
vec3f d_vloss = vec3f(d_out, d_out, d_out) / 3.0f;
vec3f d_img(0), d_target(0);
if (p.loss == LOSS_MSE)
d_img = vec3f(d_vloss.x * 2 * (img.x - target.x), d_vloss.y * 2 * (img.y - target.y), d_vloss.x * 2 * (img.z - target.z));
d_target = -d_img;
else if (p.loss == LOSS_RELMSE)
bwdRELMSE(img.x, target.x, d_img.x, d_target.x, d_vloss.x);
bwdRELMSE(img.y, target.y, d_img.y, d_target.y, d_vloss.y);
bwdRELMSE(img.z, target.z, d_img.z, d_target.z, d_vloss.z);
else if (p.loss == LOSS_SMAPE)
bwdSMAPE(img.x, target.x, d_img.x, d_target.x, d_vloss.x);
bwdSMAPE(img.y, target.y, d_img.y, d_target.y, d_vloss.y);
bwdSMAPE(img.z, target.z, d_img.z, d_target.z, d_vloss.z);
d_img = d_vloss * vec3f(bwdAbs(img.x - target.x), bwdAbs(img.y - target.y), bwdAbs(img.z - target.z));
d_target = -d_img;
if (p.tonemapper == TONEMAPPER_LOG_SRGB)
vec3f d__img(0), d__target(0);
bwdTonemapLogSRGB(_img, d__img, d_img);
bwdTonemapLogSRGB(_target, d__target, d_target);
d_img = d__img; d_target = d__target;
if (_img.x <= 0.0f || _img.x >= 65535.0f) d_img.x = 0;
if (_img.y <= 0.0f || _img.y >= 65535.0f) d_img.y = 0;
if (_img.z <= 0.0f || _img.z >= 65535.0f) d_img.z = 0;
if (_target.x <= 0.0f || _target.x >= 65535.0f) d_target.x = 0;
if (_target.y <= 0.0f || _target.y >= 65535.0f) d_target.y = 0;
if (_target.z <= 0.0f || _target.z >= 65535.0f) d_target.z = 0;
p.img.store_grad(px, py, pz, d_img);, py, pz, d_target);
} |