import numpy as np |
import os |
os.environ['CUDA_HOME'] = '/usr/local/cuda-12.1' |
os.environ['PATH'] += ':/usr/local/cuda-12.1/bin' |
os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] += ':/usr/local/cuda-12.1/lib64' |
import sys |
import torch |
import torch.utils.cpp_extension |
from .bsdf import * |
from .loss import * |
_cached_plugin = None |
def _get_plugin(): |
global _cached_plugin |
if _cached_plugin is not None: |
return _cached_plugin |
if os.name == 'nt': |
def find_cl_path(): |
import glob |
for edition in ['Enterprise', 'Professional', 'BuildTools', 'Community']: |
paths = sorted(glob.glob(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\*\%s\VC\Tools\MSVC\*\bin\Hostx64\x64" % edition), reverse=True) |
if paths: |
return paths[0] |
if os.system("where cl.exe >nul 2>nul") != 0: |
cl_path = find_cl_path() |
if cl_path is None: |
raise RuntimeError("Could not locate a supported Microsoft Visual C++ installation") |
os.environ['PATH'] += ';' + cl_path |
opts = ['-DNVDR_TORCH'] |
if os.name == 'posix': |
ldflags = ['-lcuda', '-lnvrtc'] |
elif os.name == 'nt': |
ldflags = ['cuda.lib', 'advapi32.lib', 'nvrtc.lib'] |
source_files = [ |
'c_src/mesh.cu', |
'c_src/loss.cu', |
'c_src/bsdf.cu', |
'c_src/normal.cu', |
'c_src/cubemap.cu', |
'c_src/common.cpp', |
'c_src/torch_bindings.cpp' |
] |
os.environ['TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST'] = '' |
try: |
lock_fn = os.path.join(torch.utils.cpp_extension._get_build_directory('renderutils_plugin', False), 'lock') |
if os.path.exists(lock_fn): |
print("Warning: Lock file exists in build directory: '%s'" % lock_fn) |
except: |
pass |
import renderutils_plugin |
_cached_plugin = renderutils_plugin |
return _cached_plugin |
class _fresnel_shlick_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, f0, f90, cosTheta): |
out = _get_plugin().fresnel_shlick_fwd(f0, f90, cosTheta, False) |
ctx.save_for_backward(f0, f90, cosTheta) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
f0, f90, cosTheta = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().fresnel_shlick_bwd(f0, f90, cosTheta, dout) + (None,) |
def _fresnel_shlick(f0, f90, cosTheta, use_python=False): |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_fresnel_shlick(f0, f90, cosTheta) |
else: |
out = _fresnel_shlick_func.apply(f0, f90, cosTheta) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of _fresnel_shlick contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _ndf_ggx_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, alphaSqr, cosTheta): |
out = _get_plugin().ndf_ggx_fwd(alphaSqr, cosTheta, False) |
ctx.save_for_backward(alphaSqr, cosTheta) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
alphaSqr, cosTheta = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().ndf_ggx_bwd(alphaSqr, cosTheta, dout) + (None,) |
def _ndf_ggx(alphaSqr, cosTheta, use_python=False): |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_ndf_ggx(alphaSqr, cosTheta) |
else: |
out = _ndf_ggx_func.apply(alphaSqr, cosTheta) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of _ndf_ggx contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _lambda_ggx_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, alphaSqr, cosTheta): |
out = _get_plugin().lambda_ggx_fwd(alphaSqr, cosTheta, False) |
ctx.save_for_backward(alphaSqr, cosTheta) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
alphaSqr, cosTheta = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().lambda_ggx_bwd(alphaSqr, cosTheta, dout) + (None,) |
def _lambda_ggx(alphaSqr, cosTheta, use_python=False): |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_lambda_ggx(alphaSqr, cosTheta) |
else: |
out = _lambda_ggx_func.apply(alphaSqr, cosTheta) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of _lambda_ggx contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _masking_smith_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, alphaSqr, cosThetaI, cosThetaO): |
ctx.save_for_backward(alphaSqr, cosThetaI, cosThetaO) |
out = _get_plugin().masking_smith_fwd(alphaSqr, cosThetaI, cosThetaO, False) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
alphaSqr, cosThetaI, cosThetaO = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().masking_smith_bwd(alphaSqr, cosThetaI, cosThetaO, dout) + (None,) |
def _masking_smith(alphaSqr, cosThetaI, cosThetaO, use_python=False): |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_masking_smith_ggx_correlated(alphaSqr, cosThetaI, cosThetaO) |
else: |
out = _masking_smith_func.apply(alphaSqr, cosThetaI, cosThetaO) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of _masking_smith contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _prepare_shading_normal_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, pos, view_pos, perturbed_nrm, smooth_nrm, smooth_tng, geom_nrm, two_sided_shading, opengl): |
ctx.two_sided_shading, ctx.opengl = two_sided_shading, opengl |
out = _get_plugin().prepare_shading_normal_fwd(pos, view_pos, perturbed_nrm, smooth_nrm, smooth_tng, geom_nrm, two_sided_shading, opengl, False) |
ctx.save_for_backward(pos, view_pos, perturbed_nrm, smooth_nrm, smooth_tng, geom_nrm) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
pos, view_pos, perturbed_nrm, smooth_nrm, smooth_tng, geom_nrm = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().prepare_shading_normal_bwd(pos, view_pos, perturbed_nrm, smooth_nrm, smooth_tng, geom_nrm, dout, ctx.two_sided_shading, ctx.opengl) + (None, None, None) |
def prepare_shading_normal(pos, view_pos, perturbed_nrm, smooth_nrm, smooth_tng, geom_nrm, two_sided_shading=True, opengl=True, use_python=False): |
'''Takes care of all corner cases and produces a final normal used for shading: |
- Constructs tangent space |
- Flips normal direction based on geometric normal for two sided Shading |
- Perturbs shading normal by normal map |
- Bends backfacing normals towards the camera to avoid shading artifacts |
All tensors assume a shape of [minibatch_size, height, width, 3] or broadcastable equivalent. |
Args: |
pos: World space g-buffer position. |
view_pos: Camera position in world space (typically using broadcasting). |
perturbed_nrm: Trangent-space normal perturbation from normal map lookup. |
smooth_nrm: Interpolated vertex normals. |
smooth_tng: Interpolated vertex tangents. |
geom_nrm: Geometric (face) normals. |
two_sided_shading: Use one/two sided shading |
opengl: Use OpenGL/DirectX normal map conventions |
use_python: Use PyTorch implementation (for validation) |
Returns: |
Final shading normal |
''' |
if perturbed_nrm is None: |
perturbed_nrm = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1], dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda', requires_grad=False)[None, None, None, ...] |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_prepare_shading_normal(pos, view_pos, perturbed_nrm, smooth_nrm, smooth_tng, geom_nrm, two_sided_shading, opengl) |
else: |
out = _prepare_shading_normal_func.apply(pos, view_pos, perturbed_nrm, smooth_nrm, smooth_tng, geom_nrm, two_sided_shading, opengl) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of prepare_shading_normal contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _lambert_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, nrm, wi): |
out = _get_plugin().lambert_fwd(nrm, wi, False) |
ctx.save_for_backward(nrm, wi) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
nrm, wi = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().lambert_bwd(nrm, wi, dout) + (None,) |
def lambert(nrm, wi, use_python=False): |
'''Lambertian bsdf. |
All tensors assume a shape of [minibatch_size, height, width, 3] or broadcastable equivalent. |
Args: |
nrm: World space shading normal. |
wi: World space light vector. |
use_python: Use PyTorch implementation (for validation) |
Returns: |
Shaded diffuse value with shape [minibatch_size, height, width, 1] |
''' |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_lambert(nrm, wi) |
else: |
out = _lambert_func.apply(nrm, wi) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of lambert contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _frostbite_diffuse_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, nrm, wi, wo, linearRoughness): |
out = _get_plugin().frostbite_fwd(nrm, wi, wo, linearRoughness, False) |
ctx.save_for_backward(nrm, wi, wo, linearRoughness) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
nrm, wi, wo, linearRoughness = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().frostbite_bwd(nrm, wi, wo, linearRoughness, dout) + (None,) |
def frostbite_diffuse(nrm, wi, wo, linearRoughness, use_python=False): |
'''Frostbite, normalized Disney Diffuse bsdf. |
All tensors assume a shape of [minibatch_size, height, width, 3] or broadcastable equivalent. |
Args: |
nrm: World space shading normal. |
wi: World space light vector. |
wo: World space camera vector. |
linearRoughness: Material roughness |
use_python: Use PyTorch implementation (for validation) |
Returns: |
Shaded diffuse value with shape [minibatch_size, height, width, 1] |
''' |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_frostbite(nrm, wi, wo, linearRoughness) |
else: |
out = _frostbite_diffuse_func.apply(nrm, wi, wo, linearRoughness) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of lambert contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _pbr_specular_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, col, nrm, wo, wi, alpha, min_roughness): |
ctx.save_for_backward(col, nrm, wo, wi, alpha) |
ctx.min_roughness = min_roughness |
out = _get_plugin().pbr_specular_fwd(col, nrm, wo, wi, alpha, min_roughness, False) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
col, nrm, wo, wi, alpha = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().pbr_specular_bwd(col, nrm, wo, wi, alpha, ctx.min_roughness, dout) + (None, None) |
def pbr_specular(col, nrm, wo, wi, alpha, min_roughness=0.08, use_python=False): |
'''Physically-based specular bsdf. |
All tensors assume a shape of [minibatch_size, height, width, 3] or broadcastable equivalent unless otherwise noted. |
Args: |
col: Specular lobe color |
nrm: World space shading normal. |
wo: World space camera vector. |
wi: World space light vector |
alpha: Specular roughness parameter with shape [minibatch_size, height, width, 1] |
min_roughness: Scalar roughness clamping threshold |
use_python: Use PyTorch implementation (for validation) |
Returns: |
Shaded specular color |
''' |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_pbr_specular(col, nrm, wo, wi, alpha, min_roughness=min_roughness) |
else: |
out = _pbr_specular_func.apply(col, nrm, wo, wi, alpha, min_roughness) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of pbr_specular contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _pbr_bsdf_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, kd, arm, pos, nrm, view_pos, light_pos, min_roughness, BSDF): |
ctx.save_for_backward(kd, arm, pos, nrm, view_pos, light_pos) |
ctx.min_roughness = min_roughness |
ctx.BSDF = BSDF |
out = _get_plugin().pbr_bsdf_fwd(kd, arm, pos, nrm, view_pos, light_pos, min_roughness, BSDF, False) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
kd, arm, pos, nrm, view_pos, light_pos = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().pbr_bsdf_bwd(kd, arm, pos, nrm, view_pos, light_pos, ctx.min_roughness, ctx.BSDF, dout) + (None, None, None) |
def pbr_bsdf(kd, arm, pos, nrm, view_pos, light_pos, min_roughness=0.08, bsdf="lambert", use_python=False): |
'''Physically-based bsdf, both diffuse & specular lobes |
All tensors assume a shape of [minibatch_size, height, width, 3] or broadcastable equivalent unless otherwise noted. |
Args: |
kd: Diffuse albedo. |
arm: Specular parameters (attenuation, linear roughness, metalness). |
pos: World space position. |
nrm: World space shading normal. |
view_pos: Camera position in world space, typically using broadcasting. |
light_pos: Light position in world space, typically using broadcasting. |
min_roughness: Scalar roughness clamping threshold |
bsdf: Controls diffuse BSDF, can be either 'lambert' or 'frostbite' |
use_python: Use PyTorch implementation (for validation) |
Returns: |
Shaded color. |
''' |
BSDF = 0 |
if bsdf == 'frostbite': |
BSDF = 1 |
if use_python: |
out = bsdf_pbr(kd, arm, pos, nrm, view_pos, light_pos, min_roughness, BSDF) |
else: |
out = _pbr_bsdf_func.apply(kd, arm, pos, nrm, view_pos, light_pos, min_roughness, BSDF) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of pbr_bsdf contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _diffuse_cubemap_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, cubemap): |
out = _get_plugin().diffuse_cubemap_fwd(cubemap) |
ctx.save_for_backward(cubemap) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
cubemap, = ctx.saved_variables |
cubemap_grad = _get_plugin().diffuse_cubemap_bwd(cubemap, dout) |
return cubemap_grad, None |
def diffuse_cubemap(cubemap, use_python=False): |
if use_python: |
assert False |
else: |
out = _diffuse_cubemap_func.apply(cubemap) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of diffuse_cubemap contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _specular_cubemap(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, cubemap, roughness, costheta_cutoff, bounds): |
out = _get_plugin().specular_cubemap_fwd(cubemap, bounds, roughness, costheta_cutoff) |
ctx.save_for_backward(cubemap, bounds) |
ctx.roughness, ctx.theta_cutoff = roughness, costheta_cutoff |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
cubemap, bounds = ctx.saved_variables |
cubemap_grad = _get_plugin().specular_cubemap_bwd(cubemap, bounds, dout, ctx.roughness, ctx.theta_cutoff) |
return cubemap_grad, None, None, None |
def __ndfBounds(res, roughness, cutoff): |
def ndfGGX(alphaSqr, costheta): |
costheta = np.clip(costheta, 0.0, 1.0) |
d = (costheta * alphaSqr - costheta) * costheta + 1.0 |
return alphaSqr / (d * d * np.pi) |
nSamples = 1000000 |
costheta = np.cos(np.linspace(0, np.pi/2.0, nSamples)) |
D = np.cumsum(ndfGGX(roughness**4, costheta)) |
idx = np.argmax(D >= D[..., -1] * cutoff) |
bounds = _get_plugin().specular_bounds(res, costheta[idx]) |
return costheta[idx], bounds |
__ndfBoundsDict = {} |
def specular_cubemap(cubemap, roughness, cutoff=0.99, use_python=False): |
assert cubemap.shape[0] == 6 and cubemap.shape[1] == cubemap.shape[2], "Bad shape for cubemap tensor: %s" % str(cubemap.shape) |
if use_python: |
assert False |
else: |
key = (cubemap.shape[1], roughness, cutoff) |
if key not in __ndfBoundsDict: |
__ndfBoundsDict[key] = __ndfBounds(*key) |
out = _specular_cubemap.apply(cubemap, roughness, *__ndfBoundsDict[key]) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of specular_cubemap contains inf or NaN" |
return out[..., 0:3] / out[..., 3:] |
class _image_loss_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, img, target, loss, tonemapper): |
ctx.loss, ctx.tonemapper = loss, tonemapper |
ctx.save_for_backward(img, target) |
out = _get_plugin().image_loss_fwd(img, target, loss, tonemapper, False) |
return out |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
img, target = ctx.saved_variables |
return _get_plugin().image_loss_bwd(img, target, dout, ctx.loss, ctx.tonemapper) + (None, None, None) |
def image_loss(img, target, loss='l1', tonemapper='none', use_python=False): |
'''Compute HDR image loss. Combines tonemapping and loss into a single kernel for better perf. |
All tensors assume a shape of [minibatch_size, height, width, 3] or broadcastable equivalent unless otherwise noted. |
Args: |
img: Input image. |
target: Target (reference) image. |
loss: Type of loss. Valid options are ['l1', 'mse', 'smape', 'relmse'] |
tonemapper: Tonemapping operations. Valid options are ['none', 'log_srgb'] |
use_python: Use PyTorch implementation (for validation) |
Returns: |
Image space loss (scalar value). |
''' |
if use_python: |
out = image_loss_fn(img, target, loss, tonemapper) |
else: |
out = _image_loss_func.apply(img, target, loss, tonemapper) |
out = torch.sum(out) / (img.shape[0]*img.shape[1]*img.shape[2]) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of image_loss contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
class _xfm_func(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, points, matrix, isPoints): |
ctx.save_for_backward(points, matrix) |
ctx.isPoints = isPoints |
return _get_plugin().xfm_fwd(points, matrix, isPoints, False) |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
points, matrix = ctx.saved_variables |
return (_get_plugin().xfm_bwd(points, matrix, dout, ctx.isPoints),) + (None, None, None) |
def xfm_points(points, matrix, use_python=False): |
'''Transform points. |
Args: |
points: Tensor containing 3D points with shape [minibatch_size, num_vertices, 3] or [1, num_vertices, 3] |
matrix: A 4x4 transform matrix with shape [minibatch_size, 4, 4] |
use_python: Use PyTorch's torch.matmul (for validation) |
Returns: |
Transformed points in homogeneous 4D with shape [minibatch_size, num_vertices, 4]. |
''' |
if use_python: |
out = torch.matmul(torch.nn.functional.pad(points, pad=(0,1), mode='constant', value=1.0), torch.transpose(matrix, 1, 2)) |
else: |
out = _xfm_func.apply(points, matrix, True) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of xfm_points contains inf or NaN" |
return out |
def xfm_vectors(vectors, matrix, use_python=False): |
'''Transform vectors. |
Args: |
vectors: Tensor containing 3D vectors with shape [minibatch_size, num_vertices, 3] or [1, num_vertices, 3] |
matrix: A 4x4 transform matrix with shape [minibatch_size, 4, 4] |
use_python: Use PyTorch's torch.matmul (for validation) |
Returns: |
Transformed vectors in homogeneous 4D with shape [minibatch_size, num_vertices, 4]. |
''' |
if use_python: |
out = torch.matmul(torch.nn.functional.pad(vectors, pad=(0,1), mode='constant', value=0.0), torch.transpose(matrix, 1, 2))[..., 0:3].contiguous() |
else: |
out = _xfm_func.apply(vectors, matrix, False) |
if torch.is_anomaly_enabled(): |
assert torch.all(torch.isfinite(out)), "Output of xfm_vectors contains inf or NaN" |
return out |