import streamlit as st import os def text_to_srt(text): lines = text.split('\n') srt_content = "" for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.strip() == "": continue try: times, content = line.split(']', 1) start, end = times[1:].split(' -> ') # Check if the timestamp includes hours; if not, prepend "00:" if start.count(":") == 1: start = "00:" + start if end.count(":") == 1: end = "00:" + end # Replace '.' with ',' in timestamps for SRT format srt_content += f"{i+1}\n{start.replace('.', ',')} --> {end.replace('.', ',')}\n{content.strip()}\n\n" except ValueError: continue # Skip lines that don't match the expected format # Save SRT content to a temporary file temp_file_path = '' with open(temp_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(srt_content) return temp_file_path def save_temp_file(content, filename=""): with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(content) return filename # Streamlit app st.title("Text to SRT Converter") st.markdown("For API use, please visit [this space](") text = st.text_area("🗯️ Enter text from [Whisper](", height=300) if st.button("📁 Convert to SRT"): if text: srt_path = text_to_srt(text) with open(srt_path, "r") as file: st.download_button(label="⬇️ Download SRT File", data=file, file_name="", mime="text/plain") else: st.warning("🔴 Please enter some text.")