Runtime error
Runtime error
import os | |
import streamlit as st | |
from PIL import Image | |
from streamlit_extras.switch_page_button import switch_page | |
from baam_functions import * | |
from pathlib import Path | |
import re | |
import datetime | |
import pandas as pd | |
# Set parent direction as current folder | |
sourceFileDir = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))).parent.absolute() | |
os.chdir(sourceFileDir) | |
logo ='img/logo.png') | |
st.set_page_config(page_title = "BAAM", page_icon = logo) | |
# Get user_dict & location from previous page | |
username = st.session_state['username'] | |
raw_location = st.session_state['raw_location'] | |
# typing_speed = st.session_state['typing_speed'] | |
# Header of the page | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([6,6,2]) | |
with col1: | |
st.subheader("Welcome " + username) | |
with col2: | |
st.write(' ') | |
with col3: | |
st.image("img/Standard_Chartered.png", width=100) | |
# Body of the page | |
# col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
# # Bank sidebar | |
# with col1: | |
# st.image("img/bank_sidebar.png") | |
# with col1: | |
st.header('Testing tool') | |
# new_title = '<p style="font-family:Roboto; font-size: 40px;">Testing tool</p>' | |
# st.markdown(new_title, unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
# Select box | |
use_cases = ['','Real time','Custom','1', '2','3','4','5'] | |
option = st.selectbox('Select test case',use_cases) | |
# Select real time | |
if option == 'Real time': | |
st.write('You selected use case:', option) | |
# Record testing time | |
login_time = | |
# Collect user's information when logging in | |
# user_dict, location = collect_data(username, raw_location, login_time, typing_speed) | |
user_dict, location = collect_data(username, raw_location, login_time) | |
# Display user's current information on the page | |
show_test_data(user_dict, location) | |
# Submit button | |
submit_test_case(user_dict, location) | |
elif option == '': | |
st.warning('Please select use case') | |
elif option == 'Custom': | |
# Collect input as lat, long | |
coor_input = st.text_input('Enter location (lattitude, longitude)') | |
# Collect IPv4 | |
ip_v4 = st.text_input('Enter IP Address (IPv4) (eg.') | |
# Collect device name | |
device_name = st.text_input('Enter Device Name (eg. Linhs-MacBook-Air-2.local)') | |
# Collect mac address | |
mac_address = st.text_input('Enter Device Mac address (eg. 8c:7a:aa:f2:e5:88)') | |
# Collect other information | |
device_uuid = st.text_input('Enter Device UUID (eg. 24291951679256)') | |
device_model = st.text_input('Enter Device Model (eg. macOS-12.5.1-arm64-arm-64bit)') | |
# typing_speed = st.slider('Select username & password typing speed (characters per minute). Note: Average Typing Speed is between 190 and 200 characters per minute.', 0, 500) | |
if coor_input and ip_v4 and mac_address: | |
# Record testing time | |
login_time = | |
# Split lat, long from coor input | |
collect_coor = lambda x : [i for i in re.split(",", x) if i != ""] | |
coor = collect_coor(coor_input) | |
lat = coor[0] | |
lon = coor[1] | |
# Get information from IP | |
ip_country, ip_region, ip_city, ip_lat, ip_lon, isp_name, isp_org, is_vpn, is_proxy, is_tor, is_relay = get_ip_info(ip_v4) | |
# Get location from lat, long | |
location, suburb, district, city, country = get_location(lat, lon) | |
# Get device information from mac address | |
device_vendor = get_from_api("", mac_address) | |
device_ram = str(round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024.0 **3)))+" GB" | |
# Store everything in a dictionary | |
user_dict = { | |
"username": username, | |
"login_time": login_time, | |
# "typing_speed": typing_speed, | |
"device_name": device_name, | |
"device_uuid": device_uuid, | |
"mac_address": mac_address, | |
"device_vendor": device_vendor, | |
"device_model": device_model, | |
"device_ram": device_ram, | |
"ip_v4": ip_v4, | |
"ip_country": ip_country, | |
"ip_region": ip_region, | |
"ip_city": ip_city, | |
"ip_lat": ip_lat, | |
"ip_lon": ip_lon, | |
"isp_name": isp_name, | |
"isp_org": isp_org, | |
"is_vpn": is_vpn, | |
"is_proxy": is_proxy, | |
"is_tor": is_tor, | |
"is_relay": is_relay, | |
"lat": lat, | |
"lon": lon, | |
"suburb": suburb, | |
"district": district, | |
"city": city, | |
"country": country | |
} | |
# Update location, user_dict to pass to other pages | |
st.session_state['location'] = location | |
st.session_state['user_dict'] = user_dict | |
# Display user's current information on the page | |
show_test_data(user_dict, location) | |
# Submit button | |
submit_test_case(user_dict, location) | |
else: | |
st.write('You selected test case:', option) | |
if option == '1': | |
st.write('Case: Lili normal transaction') | |
elif option == '4': | |
st.write('Case: Scammer using Hong Kong VPN') | |
else: | |
st.write('Other cases, try your self!') | |
file_csv = 'test_cases.csv' | |
df = pd.read_csv(file_csv,sep=',') | |
# st.write(df) | |
# read data from a csv WHERE test_case = 'test case selected' to get the following information. | |
login_time = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['login_time'].values[0] | |
# typing_speed = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['typing_speed'].values[0] | |
device_name = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['device_name'].values[0] | |
device_uuid = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['device_uuid'].values[0] | |
mac_address = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['mac_address'].values[0] | |
device_vendor = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['device_vendor'].values[0] | |
device_model = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['device_model'].values[0] | |
device_ram = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['device_ram'].values[0] | |
ip_v4 = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['ip_v4'].values[0] | |
ip_country = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['ip_country'].values[0] | |
ip_region = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['ip_region'].values[0] | |
ip_city = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['ip_city'].values[0] | |
ip_lat = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['ip_lat'].values[0] | |
ip_lon = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['ip_lon'].values[0] | |
isp_name = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['isp_name'].values[0] | |
isp_org = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['isp_org'].values[0] | |
is_vpn = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['is_vpn'].values[0] | |
is_proxy = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['is_proxy'].values[0] | |
is_tor = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['is_tor'].values[0] | |
is_relay = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['is_relay'].values[0] | |
lat = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['lat'].values[0] | |
lon = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['lon'].values[0] | |
suburb = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['suburb'].values[0] | |
district = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['district'].values[0] | |
city = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['city'].values[0] | |
country = df[df['test_id'] == int(option)]['country'].values[0] | |
# Store everything in a dictionary | |
user_dict = { | |
"username": username, | |
"login_time": login_time, | |
# "typing_speed": typing_speed, | |
"device_name": device_name, | |
"device_uuid": device_uuid, | |
"mac_address": mac_address, | |
"device_vendor": device_vendor, | |
"device_model": device_model, | |
"device_ram": device_ram, | |
"ip_v4": ip_v4, | |
"ip_country": ip_country, | |
"ip_region": ip_region, | |
"ip_city": ip_city, | |
"ip_lat": ip_lat, | |
"ip_lon": ip_lon, | |
"isp_name": isp_name, | |
"isp_org": isp_org, | |
"is_vpn": is_vpn, | |
"is_proxy": is_proxy, | |
"is_tor": is_tor, | |
"is_relay": is_relay, | |
"lat": lat, | |
"lon": lon, | |
"suburb": suburb, | |
"district": district, | |
"city": city, | |
"country": country | |
} | |
location, suburb, district, city, country = get_location(str(lat), str(lon)) | |
# Display user's current information on the page | |
show_test_data(user_dict, location) | |
# Submit button | |
submit_test_case(user_dict, location) |