import note_seq |
import numpy as np |
from PIL import Image |
NOTE_LENGTH_16TH_120BPM = 0.25 * 60 / 120 |
BAR_LENGTH_120BPM = 4.0 * 60 / 120 |
def token_sequence_to_audio(token_sequence): |
note_sequence = token_sequence_to_note_sequence(token_sequence) |
synth = note_seq.midi_synth.fluidsynth |
array_of_floats = synth(note_sequence, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE) |
note_plot = note_seq.plot_sequence(note_sequence, False) |
array_of_floats /=1.414 |
array_of_floats *= 32767 |
int16_data = array_of_floats.astype(np.int16) |
return SAMPLE_RATE, int16_data |
def token_sequence_to_image(token_sequence): |
note_sequence = token_sequence_to_note_sequence(token_sequence) |
min_pitch = 128 |
max_pitch = 0 |
for note in note_sequence.notes: |
if note.pitch < min_pitch: |
min_pitch = note.pitch |
if note.pitch > max_pitch: |
max_pitch = note.pitch |
image_height = max_pitch - min_pitch + 1 |
image_width = int(16 * 4) |
color = (12, 12, 12) |
image = Image.new("RGB", (image_width, image_height), color) |
colors = [(248, 249, 250), (233, 236, 239), (173, 181, 189), (52, 58, 64)] |
instrument_to_color_index = {} |
for note in note_sequence.notes: |
x = int(note.start_time / note_sequence.total_time * image_width) |
y = note.pitch - min_pitch |
width = int((note.end_time - note.start_time) / note_sequence.total_time * image_width) |
height = 1 |
if note.instrument not in instrument_to_color_index: |
instrument_to_color_index[note.instrument] = len(instrument_to_color_index) |
color_index = instrument_to_color_index[note.instrument] |
color = colors[color_index] |
image.paste(color, (x, y, x + width, y + height)) |
factor = 8 |
image = image.resize((image_width * factor, image_height * factor), Image.NEAREST) |
image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) |
return image |
def token_sequence_to_note_sequence(token_sequence, use_program=True, use_drums=True, instrument_mapper=None, only_piano=False): |
if isinstance(token_sequence, str): |
token_sequence = token_sequence.split() |
note_sequence = empty_note_sequence() |
current_program = 1 |
current_is_drum = False |
current_instrument = 0 |
track_count = 0 |
for token_index, token in enumerate(token_sequence): |
if token == "PIECE_START": |
pass |
elif token == "PIECE_END": |
print("The end.") |
break |
elif token == "TRACK_START": |
current_bar_index = 0 |
track_count += 1 |
pass |
elif token == "TRACK_END": |
pass |
elif token.startswith("INST"): |
instrument = token.split("=")[-1] |
if instrument != "DRUMS" and use_program: |
if instrument_mapper is not None: |
if instrument in instrument_mapper: |
instrument = instrument_mapper[instrument] |
current_program = int(instrument) |
current_instrument = track_count |
current_is_drum = False |
if instrument == "DRUMS" and use_drums: |
current_instrument = 0 |
current_program = 0 |
current_is_drum = True |
elif token == "BAR_START": |
current_time = current_bar_index * BAR_LENGTH_120BPM |
current_notes = {} |
elif token == "BAR_END": |
current_bar_index += 1 |
pass |
elif token.startswith("NOTE_ON"): |
pitch = int(token.split("=")[-1]) |
note = note_sequence.notes.add() |
note.start_time = current_time |
note.end_time = current_time + 4 * NOTE_LENGTH_16TH_120BPM |
note.pitch = pitch |
note.instrument = current_instrument |
note.program = current_program |
note.velocity = 80 |
note.is_drum = current_is_drum |
current_notes[pitch] = note |
elif token.startswith("NOTE_OFF"): |
pitch = int(token.split("=")[-1]) |
if pitch in current_notes: |
note = current_notes[pitch] |
note.end_time = current_time |
elif token.startswith("TIME_DELTA"): |
delta = float(token.split("=")[-1]) * NOTE_LENGTH_16TH_120BPM |
current_time += delta |
elif token.startswith("DENSITY="): |
pass |
elif token == "[PAD]": |
pass |
else: |
pass |
instruments_drums = [] |
for note in note_sequence.notes: |
pair = [note.program, note.is_drum] |
if pair not in instruments_drums: |
instruments_drums += [pair] |
note.instrument = instruments_drums.index(pair) |
if only_piano: |
for note in note_sequence.notes: |
if not note.is_drum: |
note.instrument = 0 |
note.program = 0 |
note_sequence.total_time = current_time |
return note_sequence |
def empty_note_sequence(qpm=120.0, total_time=0.0): |
note_sequence = note_seq.protobuf.music_pb2.NoteSequence() |
note_sequence.tempos.add().qpm = qpm |
note_sequence.ticks_per_quarter = note_seq.constants.STANDARD_PPQ |
note_sequence.total_time = total_time |
return note_sequence |