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<title>Image Generator bfl api by mahmoudshokri</title>
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<div class="header">
<img src="palestine.png" alt="Logo" id="logo">
<span class="tooltip">Free Palestine</span>
Pray for Palestine
<div class="api-info">
<p>Get the API key and 50 free credits to generate images and purchase from here<a href="" target="_blank">BFL API Portal</a>.</p>
<div class="container">
<div class="controls">
<label for="api-key">API Key:</label>
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
<input type="password" id="api-key" placeholder="Enter your API Key">
<button class="toggle-button" id="toggle-api-key">Show</button>
<label for="prompt">Image Description:</label>
<textarea id="prompt" placeholder="Describe the image you want to generate" rows="4"></textarea>
<div class="sliders">
<div class="slider-container">
<label for="width">Width:</label>
<input type="range" id="width" min="512" max="1440" step="64" value="1024">
<input class="slider-value" type="text" id="width-value" value="1024" readonly>
<div class="slider-container">
<label for="height">Height:</label>
<input type="range" id="height" min="512" max="1440" step="64" value="768">
<input class="slider-value" type="text" id="height-value" value="768" readonly>
<div class="slider-container">
<label for="steps">Steps:</label>
<input type="range" id="steps" min="1" max="100" step="1" value="8">
<input class="slider-value" type="text" id="steps-value" value="8" readonly>
<button id="generate-btn">Generate Image</button>
<p id="status"></p>
<div class="output" id="output-container"></div>
<div class="modal" id="modal">
<div class="modal-content">
<img id="modal-image" alt="Enlarged Image">
<div class="prompt-info" id="prompt-info"></div>
<div class="settings-info" id="settings-info"></div>
<button id="copy-prompt" class="copy-prompt">Copy Prompt</button>
const generateBtn = document.getElementById('generate-btn');
const promptInput = document.getElementById('prompt');
const apiKeyInput = document.getElementById('api-key');
const widthSlider = document.getElementById('width');
const heightSlider = document.getElementById('height');
const stepsSlider = document.getElementById('steps');
const widthValue = document.getElementById('width-value');
const heightValue = document.getElementById('height-value');
const stepsValue = document.getElementById('steps-value');
const statusElement = document.getElementById('status');
const outputContainer = document.getElementById('output-container');
const modal = document.getElementById('modal');
const modalImage = document.getElementById('modal-image');
const promptInfo = document.getElementById('prompt-info');
const settingsInfo = document.getElementById('settings-info');
const copyPromptBtn = document.getElementById('copy-prompt');
const toggleApiKeyBtn = document.getElementById('toggle-api-key');
let isApiKeyVisible = false;
window.onload = () => {
const savedPrompt = localStorage.getItem('lastPrompt');
const savedApiKey = localStorage.getItem('apiKey');
if (savedPrompt) {
promptInput.value = savedPrompt;
if (savedApiKey) {
apiKeyInput.value = savedApiKey;
function loadImagesFromStorage() {
const savedImages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('images')) || [];
savedImages.forEach(imgObj => addImageToOutput(imgObj.url, imgObj.prompt, imgObj.width, imgObj.height, imgObj.steps));
widthSlider.addEventListener('input', () => {
widthValue.value = widthSlider.value;
localStorage.setItem('lastWidth', widthSlider.value);
heightSlider.addEventListener('input', () => {
heightValue.value = heightSlider.value;
localStorage.setItem('lastHeight', heightSlider.value);
stepsSlider.addEventListener('input', () => {
stepsValue.value = stepsSlider.value;
localStorage.setItem('lastSteps', stepsSlider.value);
generateBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const prompt = promptInput.value;
const apiKey = apiKeyInput.value;
const width = widthSlider.value;
const height = heightSlider.value;
const steps = stepsSlider.value;
if (!prompt || !apiKey) {
alert('Please enter both a prompt and API key!');
localStorage.setItem('lastPrompt', prompt);
localStorage.setItem('apiKey', apiKey);
statusElement.textContent = 'Generating image...';
try {
const requestId = await sendImageGenerationRequest(prompt, width, height, steps, apiKey);
const imageUrl = await pollResult(requestId, apiKey);
addImageToOutput(imageUrl, prompt, width, height, steps);
statusElement.textContent = 'Image generated successfully!';
} catch (error) {
statusElement.textContent = `Error: ${error.message}`;
toggleApiKeyBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
isApiKeyVisible = !isApiKeyVisible;
apiKeyInput.type = isApiKeyVisible ? 'text' : 'password';
toggleApiKeyBtn.textContent = isApiKeyVisible ? 'Hide' : 'Show';
function addImageToOutput(imageUrl, prompt, width, height, steps) {
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'image-container';
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = imageUrl;
img.alt = "Generated Image";
img.onclick = () => openModal(imageUrl, prompt, width, height, steps);
// زر الحذف مع أيقونة
const deleteButton = document.createElement('button');
deleteButton.className = 'delete-button';
const deleteIcon = document.createElement('img');
deleteIcon.src = 'delete.png'; // استبدل بالمسار الصحيح للأيقونة
deleteButton.onclick = (e) => {
// زر التحميل مع أيقونة
const downloadButton = document.createElement('button');
downloadButton.className = 'download-button';
const downloadIcon = document.createElement('img');
downloadIcon.src = 'download.png'; // استبدل بالمسار الصحيح للأيقونة
downloadButton.onclick = (e) => {
let savedImages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('images')) || [];
if (!savedImages.some(imgObj => imgObj.url === imageUrl)) {
savedImages.push({ url: imageUrl, prompt: prompt, width: width, height: height, steps: steps });
localStorage.setItem('images', JSON.stringify(savedImages));
function removeImageFromStorage(imageUrl) {
let savedImages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('images')) || [];
savedImages = savedImages.filter(imgObj => imgObj.url !== imageUrl);
localStorage.setItem('images', JSON.stringify(savedImages));
function openModal(imageUrl, prompt, width, height, steps) { = 'flex';
modalImage.src = imageUrl;
promptInfo.innerText = `Prompt: ${prompt}`;
settingsInfo.innerText = `Width: ${width}, Height: ${height}, Steps: ${steps}`;
function downloadImage(imageUrl) {
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = imageUrl; = 'generated-image.png'; // Specify the default filename
copyPromptBtn.onclick = () => {
const promptText = promptInfo.innerText.replace('Prompt: ', '');
modal.onclick = (event) => {
if ( === modal) { = 'none';
async function sendImageGenerationRequest(prompt, width, height, steps, apiKey) {
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-key': apiKey,
body: JSON.stringify({
prompt: prompt,
width: parseInt(width),
height: parseInt(height),
steps: parseInt(steps),
const data = await response.json();
async function pollResult(requestId, apiKey) {
while (true) {
const result = await getResult(requestId, apiKey);
const status = result.status;
if (status === 'Ready') {
return result.result.sample;
} else if (['Error', 'Content Moderated', 'Request Moderated', 'Task not found'].includes(status)) {
throw new Error(`Image generation failed. Status: ${status}`);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
async function getResult(requestId, apiKey) {
const response = await fetch(`${requestId}`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'x-key': apiKey,
const data = await response.json();
return data;