import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import os from huggingface_hub import HfApi, upload_file, list_repo_files, hf_hub_download # Configuration for Hugging Face Repository REPO_ID = "MarcosRodrigo/Breakfast-Poll" HISTORY_DIR = "history" TEMP_FILE = "current_selections.csv" # Hugging Face API (requires a token with write access) hf_token = st.secrets["HF_TOKEN"] api = HfApi() # Initialize all required session state variables if "users" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.users = [] if "current_selections" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.current_selections = [] if "step" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.step = 1 if "history" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.history = [] # Load temporary selections from the shared file def load_current_selections(): if os.path.exists(TEMP_FILE): return pd.read_csv(TEMP_FILE) else: return pd.DataFrame(columns=["Name", "Drinks", "Food"]) # Save current user selections to the shared CSV file without overwriting previous data def save_current_selection_to_file(current_selections): current_selections["Drinks"] = current_selections["Drinks"].apply(lambda x: ", ".join(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x) current_selections["Food"] = current_selections["Food"].apply(lambda x: ", ".join(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x) if os.path.exists(TEMP_FILE): existing_selections = pd.read_csv(TEMP_FILE) combined_selections = pd.concat([existing_selections, current_selections]).drop_duplicates() else: combined_selections = current_selections combined_selections.to_csv(TEMP_FILE, index=False) # Upload the shared file to Hugging Face repository for persistence def upload_temp_file_to_repo(): if os.path.exists(TEMP_FILE): upload_file( path_or_fileobj=TEMP_FILE, path_in_repo=TEMP_FILE, repo_id=REPO_ID, token=hf_token, repo_type="space" ) # Delete a file from the repository (e.g., `current_selections.csv`) def delete_file_from_repo(filename): api.delete_file( path_in_repo=filename, repo_id=REPO_ID, token=hf_token, repo_type="space" ) # Download the shared file from the repository to ensure persistence and real-time updates def download_temp_file_from_repo(): try: hf_hub_download(repo_id=REPO_ID, filename=TEMP_FILE, repo_type="space", token=hf_token, local_dir=".") except Exception: pd.DataFrame(columns=["Name", "Drinks", "Food"]).to_csv(TEMP_FILE, index=False) # Load history from the repository def load_history(): history = [] files_in_repo = list_repo_files(REPO_ID, token=hf_token, repo_type="space") history_files = [f for f in files_in_repo if f.startswith(f"{HISTORY_DIR}/") and f.endswith(".txt")] for file in history_files: local_filepath = hf_hub_download(repo_id=REPO_ID, filename=file, token=hf_token, repo_type="space") summary_df = pd.read_csv(local_filepath) date = file.split("/")[-1].split(".txt")[0] history.append({"Date": date, "Summary": summary_df}) return history # Save the current summary to a text file in the history directory def save_summary_to_history(): timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") history_filename = f"{HISTORY_DIR}/{timestamp}.txt" if not os.path.exists(HISTORY_DIR): os.makedirs(HISTORY_DIR) if os.path.exists(TEMP_FILE): summary_df = pd.read_csv(TEMP_FILE) summary_df.to_csv(history_filename, index=False) upload_file(path_or_fileobj=history_filename, path_in_repo=history_filename, repo_id=REPO_ID, token=hf_token, repo_type="space") return timestamp # Load persistent history and temporary selections on app start if "history" not in st.session_state: download_temp_file_from_repo() st.session_state.history = load_history() st.session_state.current_selections = load_current_selections().to_dict(orient="records") # Sidebar for navigating through different views menu = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select View", ["Poll", "Current", "History"]) # Function to reset the current selections after submission def reset_selections(): st.session_state.users = [] st.session_state.current_selections = [] # Poll view with four consecutive steps if menu == "Poll": st.title("Breakfast Poll Application") # Step 1: User's Name st.header("Step 1: Enter your name") name = st.text_input("Name:") if st.button("Next", key="step1_next") and name: st.session_state.users.append(name) st.session_state.step = 2 # Set the next step to be visible # Show Step 2 only if Step 1 is completed if st.session_state.step >= 2: st.header("Step 2: Select your drink(s)") drinks_options = [ "Café con leche", "Colacao", "Descafeinado con leche", "Cortado", "Aguasusia", "Aguasusia susia", "Café descafeinado con leche desnatada", "Italiano", "Café con soja", "Té", "Manzanilla", "Nada" ] selected_drinks = st.multiselect("Choose your drinks:", drinks_options) if st.button("Next", key="step2_next") and selected_drinks: st.session_state.current_selections.append({"Name": st.session_state.users[-1], "Drinks": selected_drinks}) st.session_state.step = 3 # Set the next step to be visible # Show Step 3 only if Step 2 is completed if st.session_state.step >= 3: st.header("Step 3: Select your food(s)") food_options = [ "Barrita con aceite", "Barrita con tomate", "Palmera de chocolate", "Palmera de chocolate blanco", "Yogurt", "Pincho de tortilla", "Nada" ] selected_food = st.multiselect("Choose your food:", food_options) if st.button("Save Selections", key="save_selections") and selected_food: st.session_state.current_selections[-1]["Food"] = selected_food df = pd.DataFrame(st.session_state.current_selections) save_current_selection_to_file(df) upload_temp_file_to_repo() st.success(f"Selections saved for {st.session_state.users[-1]}!") st.session_state.step = 1 # Reset to step 1 for the next user # "Current" view to display the current summary of all users' selections and submit to history elif menu == "Current": st.title("Current Selections of All Users") if st.button("Reload Selections"): download_temp_file_from_repo() current_df = load_current_selections() st.table(current_df) if st.button("Submit Summary to History"): timestamp = save_summary_to_history() st.success(f"Summary saved to history at {timestamp}") st.session_state.history = load_history() # Clear local and remote current selections if os.path.exists(TEMP_FILE): os.remove(TEMP_FILE) delete_file_from_repo(TEMP_FILE) # Delete the file from the remote repo # Create an empty CSV to replace the deleted one pd.DataFrame(columns=["Name", "Drinks", "Food"]).to_csv(TEMP_FILE, index=False) upload_temp_file_to_repo() # st.experimental_set_query_params(step="reset") # History view to check past summaries elif menu == "History": st.title("Breakfast Poll History") # Reload history if it's not already loaded if not st.session_state.history: st.session_state.history = load_history() if st.session_state.history: # Display history in reverse chronological order for record in reversed(st.session_state.history): st.subheader(f"Date: {record['Date']}") st.table(record["Summary"]) else: st.write("No history records found.") # "Current" view to display the current summary of all users' selections and submit to history elif menu == "Current": st.title("Current Selections of All Users") if st.button("Reload Selections"): download_temp_file_from_repo() current_df = load_current_selections() st.table(current_df) if st.button("Submit Summary to History"): timestamp = save_summary_to_history() st.success(f"Summary saved to history at {timestamp}") st.session_state.history = load_history() # Clear local and remote current selections if os.path.exists(TEMP_FILE): os.remove(TEMP_FILE) delete_file_from_repo(TEMP_FILE) # Delete the file from the remote repo # Create an empty CSV to replace the deleted one pd.DataFrame(columns=["Name", "Drinks", "Food"]).to_csv(TEMP_FILE, index=False) upload_temp_file_to_repo() # st.experimental_set_query_params(step="reset") # History view to check past summaries elif menu == "History": st.title("Breakfast Poll History") # Reload history if it's not already loaded if not st.session_state.history: st.session_state.history = load_history() if st.session_state.history: # Display history in reverse chronological order for record in reversed(st.session_state.history): st.subheader(f"Date: {record['Date']}") st.table(record["Summary"]) else: st.write("No history records found.")