iris / llama.cpp /.devops /cloud-v-pipeline
Mat17892's picture
b664585 verified
node('x86_runner1'){ // Running on x86 runner containing latest vector qemu, latest vector gcc and all the necessary libraries
cleanWs() // Cleaning previous CI build in workspace
stage('checkout repo'){
retry(5){ // Retry if the cloning fails due to some reason
checkout scm // Clone the repo on Runner
stage('Compiling llama.cpp'){
make RISCV=1 RISCV_CROSS_COMPILE=1 # Compiling llama for RISC-V
stage('Running llama.cpp'){
module load gnu-bin2/0.1 # loading latest versions of vector qemu and vector gcc
qemu-riscv64 -L /softwares/gnu-bin2/sysroot -cpu rv64,v=true,vlen=256,elen=64,vext_spec=v1.0 ./llama-cli -m /home/alitariq/codellama-7b.Q4_K_M.gguf -p "Anything" -n 9 > llama_log.txt # Running llama.cpp on vector qemu-riscv64
cat llama_log.txt # Printing results