Infinity / utils /
MohamedRashad's picture
Add initial project structure with requirements and utility functions
import gc
import os
import subprocess
import time
import re
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import torch
from torch.distributed.fsdp import FullyShardedDataParallel as FSDP
import glob
import shutil
from infinity.utils import arg_util
import infinity.utils.dist as dist
def glob_with_epoch_iter(pattern, recursive=False):
def extract_ep_iter(filename):
match ='ep(\d+)-iter(\d+)', filename)
if match:
ep = int(
iter_idx = int(
return ep, iter_idx
return 0, 0
return sorted(glob.glob(pattern, recursive=recursive), key=lambda x: extract_ep_iter(os.path.basename(x)), reverse=True)
def glob_with_global_step(pattern, recursive=False):
def extract_ep_iter(filename):
match ='global_step_(\d+)', filename)
if match:
iter_idx = int(
return iter_idx
return 0
return sorted(glob.glob(pattern, recursive=recursive), key=lambda x: extract_ep_iter(os.path.basename(x)), reverse=True)
class CKPTSaver(object):
def __init__(self, is_master: bool, eval_milestone: List[Tuple[float, float]]):
self.is_master = is_master
self.time_stamp = torch.tensor([time.time() - 1e5, time.time()], device=dist.get_device())
self.sp_also: subprocess.Popen = None
self.sp_best: subprocess.Popen = None
self.sp_backup: subprocess.Popen = None
self.acc_str, self.eval_milestone = '[no acc str]', eval_milestone
def sav(
self, args: arg_util.Args, g_it: int, next_ep: int, next_it: int, trainer,
acc_str: Optional[str] = None, eval_milestone: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]] = None,
also_save_to: str = None, best_save_to: str = None,
self.time_stamp[1] = time.time()
dist.broadcast(self.time_stamp, src_rank=0)
last_save_time, cur_time = self.time_stamp.cpu().tolist()
auto_save = cur_time - last_save_time > 20 * 60
need_save = also_save_to is not None or best_save_to is not None or next_ep == args.ep or auto_save
if not need_save:
if acc_str is not None: self.acc_str = acc_str
if eval_milestone is not None: self.eval_milestone = eval_milestone
fname = f'ar-ckpt-giter{g_it//1000:03d}K-ep{next_ep}-iter{next_it}-last.pth' if args.gpt_training else f'ckpt-last.pth'
local_out_ckpt = os.path.join(args.local_out_path, fname)
# NOTE: all rank should call this state_dict(), not master only!
trainer_state = trainer.state_dict()
if self.is_master:
stt = time.time(){
'args': args.state_dict(),
'gpt_training': args.gpt_training,
'arch': args.model if args.gpt_training else args.vv,
'epoch': next_ep,
'iter': next_it,
'trainer': trainer_state,
'acc_str': self.acc_str,
'milestones': self.eval_milestone,
}, local_out_ckpt)
print(f'[CKPTSaver][rank00] start: {also_save_to=} {best_save_to=} {(next_ep == args.ep)=} {auto_save=} | see {local_out_ckpt}', flush=True)
print(f'[CKPTSaver][rank00] dbg: {args.bed=}', flush=True)
if auto_save:
if self.sp_backup is not None:
self.sp_backup.wait(timeout=300); self.sp_backup.kill(); self.sp_backup.communicate()
self.time_stamp[0] = time.time()
def auto_sync(source_filename, target_filename):
cmd = f'cp -r {source_filename} {target_filename}'
self.sp_backup = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=-1)
print(f'[CKPTSaver] auto_save cmd: {cmd}', flush=True)
local_files = glob.glob(f"{args.local_out_path}/*")
for filename in local_files:
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
target_filename = f'{args.bed}/{basename}'
if basename.endswith('.pth'):
if not os.path.isfile(target_filename):
auto_sync(filename, target_filename)
auto_sync(filename, target_filename)
cost = time.time() - stt
print(f'[CKPTSaver][rank00] cost: {cost:.2f}s', flush=True)
del trainer_state
time.sleep(3), gc.collect(), torch.cuda.empty_cache(), time.sleep(3)
def auto_resume(args: arg_util.Args, pattern='ckpt*.pth') -> Tuple[List[str], int, int, str, List[Tuple[float, float]], dict, dict]:
info = []
resume = ''
if args.auto_resume:
for dd in (args.local_out_path, args.bed):
all_ckpt = glob_with_epoch_iter(os.path.join(dd, pattern))
if len(all_ckpt): break
if len(all_ckpt) == 0:
info.append(f'[auto_resume] no ckpt found @ {pattern}')
info.append(f'[auto_resume quit]')
resume = all_ckpt[0]
info.append(f'[auto_resume] auto load from @ {resume} ...')
info.append(f'[auto_resume] disabled')
info.append(f'[auto_resume quit]')
if len(resume) == 0:
return info, 0, 0, '[no acc str]', [], {}, {}
print(f'auto resume from {resume}')
ckpt = torch.load(resume, map_location='cpu')
except Exception as e:
info.append(f'[auto_resume] failed, {e} @ {resume}')
if len(all_ckpt) < 2:
return info, 0, 0, '[no acc str]', [], {}, {}
try: # another chance to load from bytenas
ckpt = torch.load(all_ckpt[1], map_location='cpu')
except Exception as e:
info.append(f'[auto_resume] failed, {e} @ {all_ckpt[1]}')
return info, 0, 0, '[no acc str]', [], {}, {}
ep, it = ckpt['epoch'], ckpt['iter']
eval_milestone = ckpt.get('milestones', [])
info.append(f'[auto_resume success] resume from ep{ep}, it{it}, eval_milestone: {eval_milestone}')
return info, ep, it, ckpt.get('acc_str', '[no acc str]'), eval_milestone, ckpt['trainer'], ckpt['args']