"use strict"; // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.compareArrayLike = exports.rebaseValueOffsets = exports.toUint8ClampedArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toFloat64ArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toFloat32ArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toUint32ArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toUint16ArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toUint8ArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toInt32ArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toInt16ArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toInt8ArrayAsyncIterator = exports.toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator = exports.toUint8ClampedArrayIterator = exports.toFloat64ArrayIterator = exports.toFloat32ArrayIterator = exports.toUint32ArrayIterator = exports.toUint16ArrayIterator = exports.toUint8ArrayIterator = exports.toInt32ArrayIterator = exports.toInt16ArrayIterator = exports.toInt8ArrayIterator = exports.toArrayBufferViewIterator = exports.toUint8ClampedArray = exports.toFloat64Array = exports.toFloat32Array = exports.toBigUint64Array = exports.toUint32Array = exports.toUint16Array = exports.toUint8Array = exports.toBigInt64Array = exports.toInt32Array = exports.toInt16Array = exports.toInt8Array = exports.toArrayBufferView = exports.joinUint8Arrays = exports.memcpy = void 0; const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); const utf8_js_1 = require("../util/utf8.js"); const compat_js_1 = require("./compat.js"); /** @ignore */ const SharedArrayBuf = (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' ? SharedArrayBuffer : ArrayBuffer); /** @ignore */ function collapseContiguousByteRanges(chunks) { const result = chunks[0] ? [chunks[0]] : []; let xOffset, yOffset, xLen, yLen; for (let x, y, i = 0, j = 0, n = chunks.length; ++i < n;) { x = result[j]; y = chunks[i]; // continue if x and y don't share the same underlying ArrayBuffer, or if x isn't before y if (!x || !y || x.buffer !== y.buffer || y.byteOffset < x.byteOffset) { y && (result[++j] = y); continue; } ({ byteOffset: xOffset, byteLength: xLen } = x); ({ byteOffset: yOffset, byteLength: yLen } = y); // continue if the byte ranges of x and y aren't contiguous if ((xOffset + xLen) < yOffset || (yOffset + yLen) < xOffset) { y && (result[++j] = y); continue; } result[j] = new Uint8Array(x.buffer, xOffset, yOffset - xOffset + yLen); } return result; } /** @ignore */ function memcpy(target, source, targetByteOffset = 0, sourceByteLength = source.byteLength) { const targetByteLength = target.byteLength; const dst = new Uint8Array(target.buffer, target.byteOffset, targetByteLength); const src = new Uint8Array(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, Math.min(sourceByteLength, targetByteLength)); dst.set(src, targetByteOffset); return target; } exports.memcpy = memcpy; /** @ignore */ function joinUint8Arrays(chunks, size) { // collapse chunks that share the same underlying ArrayBuffer and whose byte ranges overlap, // to avoid unnecessarily copying the bytes to do this buffer join. This is a common case during // streaming, where we may be reading partial byte ranges out of the same underlying ArrayBuffer const result = collapseContiguousByteRanges(chunks); const byteLength = result.reduce((x, b) => x + b.byteLength, 0); let source, sliced, buffer; let offset = 0, index = -1; const length = Math.min(size || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, byteLength); for (const n = result.length; ++index < n;) { source = result[index]; sliced = source.subarray(0, Math.min(source.length, length - offset)); if (length <= (offset + sliced.length)) { if (sliced.length < source.length) { result[index] = source.subarray(sliced.length); } else if (sliced.length === source.length) { index++; } buffer ? memcpy(buffer, sliced, offset) : (buffer = sliced); break; } memcpy(buffer || (buffer = new Uint8Array(length)), sliced, offset); offset += sliced.length; } return [buffer || new Uint8Array(0), result.slice(index), byteLength - (buffer ? buffer.byteLength : 0)]; } exports.joinUint8Arrays = joinUint8Arrays; /** @ignore */ function toArrayBufferView(ArrayBufferViewCtor, input) { let value = (0, compat_js_1.isIteratorResult)(input) ? input.value : input; if (value instanceof ArrayBufferViewCtor) { if (ArrayBufferViewCtor === Uint8Array) { // Node's `Buffer` class passes the `instanceof Uint8Array` check, but we need // a real Uint8Array, since Buffer#slice isn't the same as Uint8Array#slice :/ return new ArrayBufferViewCtor(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, value.byteLength); } return value; } if (!value) { return new ArrayBufferViewCtor(0); } if (typeof value === 'string') { value = (0, utf8_js_1.encodeUtf8)(value); } if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return new ArrayBufferViewCtor(value); } if (value instanceof SharedArrayBuf) { return new ArrayBufferViewCtor(value); } if ((0, compat_js_1.isFlatbuffersByteBuffer)(value)) { return toArrayBufferView(ArrayBufferViewCtor, value.bytes()); } return !ArrayBuffer.isView(value) ? ArrayBufferViewCtor.from(value) : (value.byteLength <= 0 ? new ArrayBufferViewCtor(0) : new ArrayBufferViewCtor(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, value.byteLength / ArrayBufferViewCtor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)); } exports.toArrayBufferView = toArrayBufferView; /** @ignore */ const toInt8Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Int8Array, input); exports.toInt8Array = toInt8Array; /** @ignore */ const toInt16Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Int16Array, input); exports.toInt16Array = toInt16Array; /** @ignore */ const toInt32Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Int32Array, input); exports.toInt32Array = toInt32Array; /** @ignore */ const toBigInt64Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(compat_js_1.BigInt64Array, input); exports.toBigInt64Array = toBigInt64Array; /** @ignore */ const toUint8Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Uint8Array, input); exports.toUint8Array = toUint8Array; /** @ignore */ const toUint16Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Uint16Array, input); exports.toUint16Array = toUint16Array; /** @ignore */ const toUint32Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Uint32Array, input); exports.toUint32Array = toUint32Array; /** @ignore */ const toBigUint64Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(compat_js_1.BigUint64Array, input); exports.toBigUint64Array = toBigUint64Array; /** @ignore */ const toFloat32Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Float32Array, input); exports.toFloat32Array = toFloat32Array; /** @ignore */ const toFloat64Array = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Float64Array, input); exports.toFloat64Array = toFloat64Array; /** @ignore */ const toUint8ClampedArray = (input) => toArrayBufferView(Uint8ClampedArray, input); exports.toUint8ClampedArray = toUint8ClampedArray; /** @ignore */ const pump = (iterator) => { iterator.next(); return iterator; }; /** @ignore */ function* toArrayBufferViewIterator(ArrayCtor, source) { const wrap = function* (x) { yield x; }; const buffers = (typeof source === 'string') ? wrap(source) : (ArrayBuffer.isView(source)) ? wrap(source) : (source instanceof ArrayBuffer) ? wrap(source) : (source instanceof SharedArrayBuf) ? wrap(source) : !(0, compat_js_1.isIterable)(source) ? wrap(source) : source; yield* pump((function* (it) { let r = null; do { r = it.next(yield toArrayBufferView(ArrayCtor, r)); } while (!r.done); })(buffers[Symbol.iterator]())); return new ArrayCtor(); } exports.toArrayBufferViewIterator = toArrayBufferViewIterator; /** @ignore */ const toInt8ArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Int8Array, input); exports.toInt8ArrayIterator = toInt8ArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ const toInt16ArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Int16Array, input); exports.toInt16ArrayIterator = toInt16ArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ const toInt32ArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Int32Array, input); exports.toInt32ArrayIterator = toInt32ArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ const toUint8ArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Uint8Array, input); exports.toUint8ArrayIterator = toUint8ArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ const toUint16ArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Uint16Array, input); exports.toUint16ArrayIterator = toUint16ArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ const toUint32ArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Uint32Array, input); exports.toUint32ArrayIterator = toUint32ArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ const toFloat32ArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Float32Array, input); exports.toFloat32ArrayIterator = toFloat32ArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ const toFloat64ArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Float64Array, input); exports.toFloat64ArrayIterator = toFloat64ArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ const toUint8ClampedArrayIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewIterator(Uint8ClampedArray, input); exports.toUint8ClampedArrayIterator = toUint8ClampedArrayIterator; /** @ignore */ function toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(ArrayCtor, source) { return tslib_1.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator_1() { // if a Promise, unwrap the Promise and iterate the resolved value if ((0, compat_js_1.isPromise)(source)) { return yield tslib_1.__await(yield tslib_1.__await(yield* tslib_1.__asyncDelegator(tslib_1.__asyncValues(toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(ArrayCtor, yield tslib_1.__await(source)))))); } const wrap = function (x) { return tslib_1.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* () { yield yield tslib_1.__await(yield tslib_1.__await(x)); }); }; const emit = function (source) { return tslib_1.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* () { yield tslib_1.__await(yield* tslib_1.__asyncDelegator(tslib_1.__asyncValues(pump((function* (it) { let r = null; do { r = it.next(yield r === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.value); } while (!r.done); })(source[Symbol.iterator]()))))); }); }; const buffers = (typeof source === 'string') ? wrap(source) // if string, wrap in an AsyncIterableIterator : (ArrayBuffer.isView(source)) ? wrap(source) // if TypedArray, wrap in an AsyncIterableIterator : (source instanceof ArrayBuffer) ? wrap(source) // if ArrayBuffer, wrap in an AsyncIterableIterator : (source instanceof SharedArrayBuf) ? wrap(source) // if SharedArrayBuffer, wrap in an AsyncIterableIterator : (0, compat_js_1.isIterable)(source) ? emit(source) // If Iterable, wrap in an AsyncIterableIterator and compose the `next` values : !(0, compat_js_1.isAsyncIterable)(source) ? wrap(source) // If not an AsyncIterable, treat as a sentinel and wrap in an AsyncIterableIterator : source; // otherwise if AsyncIterable, use it yield tslib_1.__await(// otherwise if AsyncIterable, use it yield* tslib_1.__asyncDelegator(tslib_1.__asyncValues(pump((function (it) { return tslib_1.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* () { let r = null; do { r = yield tslib_1.__await(it.next(yield yield tslib_1.__await(toArrayBufferView(ArrayCtor, r)))); } while (!r.done); }); })(buffers[Symbol.asyncIterator]()))))); return yield tslib_1.__await(new ArrayCtor()); }); } exports.toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator = toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toInt8ArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Int8Array, input); exports.toInt8ArrayAsyncIterator = toInt8ArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toInt16ArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Int16Array, input); exports.toInt16ArrayAsyncIterator = toInt16ArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toInt32ArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Int32Array, input); exports.toInt32ArrayAsyncIterator = toInt32ArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toUint8ArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Uint8Array, input); exports.toUint8ArrayAsyncIterator = toUint8ArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toUint16ArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Uint16Array, input); exports.toUint16ArrayAsyncIterator = toUint16ArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toUint32ArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Uint32Array, input); exports.toUint32ArrayAsyncIterator = toUint32ArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toFloat32ArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Float32Array, input); exports.toFloat32ArrayAsyncIterator = toFloat32ArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toFloat64ArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Float64Array, input); exports.toFloat64ArrayAsyncIterator = toFloat64ArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ const toUint8ClampedArrayAsyncIterator = (input) => toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator(Uint8ClampedArray, input); exports.toUint8ClampedArrayAsyncIterator = toUint8ClampedArrayAsyncIterator; /** @ignore */ function rebaseValueOffsets(offset, length, valueOffsets) { // If we have a non-zero offset, create a new offsets array with the values // shifted by the start offset, such that the new start offset is 0 if (offset !== 0) { valueOffsets = valueOffsets.slice(0, length + 1); for (let i = -1; ++i <= length;) { valueOffsets[i] += offset; } } return valueOffsets; } exports.rebaseValueOffsets = rebaseValueOffsets; /** @ignore */ function compareArrayLike(a, b) { let i = 0; const n = a.length; if (n !== b.length) { return false; } if (n > 0) { do { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } while (++i < n); } return true; } exports.compareArrayLike = compareArrayLike; //# sourceMappingURL=buffer.js.map