from tkinter import * import geocoder from tkcalendar import Calendar, DateEntry from tkinter import Label, Tk, ttk from PIL import Image, ImageTk import requests from tkinter import font import smtplib from datetime import timedelta from datetime import datetime from datetime import * import os sring_my = '''\n\n\n\nHello!\n\nI am called to rescue you from the hellish chaos of life. Where you can define your path, divide it into stages, understand the possibilities of time and your pace. And what is very important, you can see all the work done and admire yourself.\n\nI'll always keep you posted.''' type_to_image = {'programming':"pc.png"), 'health':"m.png"), 'erudition':"cr.png"), 'work'"money.png"), 'cleanliness':"c.png")} #gmail_message #smtpobj = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) #smtpobj.starttls() #smtpobj.login('','NIkapirog992!') #smtpobj.sendmail("", "massage here!") #smtpObj.quit() #Работа с календарем удаление def updateLabel(a): #settings_window()select()get_schedule() labelblue.config(text="Selected Date: " + tkc.get_date(), font=85) for i in frame3.winfo_children(): #тут др фрейм i.destroy() print('current dict state : ',dict_) curr_date = tkc.get_date() dict_for_variables = {} if curr_date in dict_: for i in range( len(dict_[curr_date])): dict_for_variables[curr_date] = dict_for_variables.get(curr_date,[]) + [IntVar()] dict_for_variables[curr_date][i].set(dict_[curr_date][i][-1]) for i in range( len(dict_[curr_date])): #восстановление окна с задачами current_task = dict_[curr_date][i][0] #current_task[-1].pack(fil=X, font=40) print(current_task) curr_frame = Frame(frame3, background='white',borderwidth=0,highlightthickness=0,bd=0) curr_frame.pack(side='top',fill = X) #a = 'Checkbutton' + str(i) + '_'.join(curr_date.split('/')) #locals()[a] = IntVar() # в a переменая кнопки #dict_for_variables[curr_date] = dict_for_variables.get(curr_date,[]) + [eval(a)] print('dict_for_variables', dict_for_variables) #eval(a).set(dict_[curr_date][i][-1]) def callBackFunc(): #обновление всех галочек по текущей дате print('функция работает исправно') n =0 print('dict_for_variables',dict_for_variables) for form in frame3.winfo_children(): for widget in form.winfo_children(): #print(widget) #print(type(widget)) if str(type(widget)) == "": print('dict_for_variables[curr_date][n]',repr(dict_for_variables[curr_date][n])) print('dict_for_variables[curr_date][n].get()', dict_for_variables[curr_date][n].get()) #print('widget.variable.get()', widget.variable.get()) dict_[curr_date][n][-1] = dict_for_variables[curr_date][n].get() print(dict_) n += 1 current_task = Checkbutton(curr_frame, text = current_task, font=45,bg='white', variable = dict_for_variables[curr_date][i], onvalue = 1, offvalue = 0, highlightthickness=0,bd=0 ) # command= callBackFunc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Checkbutton.command print('current_task.cget("text")',current_task.cget("text")) current_task['command'] = callBackFunc #print('dict_[curr_date][i]', dict_[curr_date][i] ) print() #dict_[curr_date][i][-1] = eval(a).get() print(dict_) current_task.pack(side='left', padx=7) print(dict_) img = type_to_image[dict_[curr_date][i][1]]'mass.png') resized_image = img.resize((30, 30)) photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized_image) lab = Label(curr_frame, image=photo ) lab.image = photo lab.pack(side='right') #first run def hello(): global tkc hello = Toplevel(root) root['bg'] = 'white' hello.title("Hellper_2.0") hello.geometry("1000x480") #hello.eval('tk::PlaceWindow . center') frame1 = Frame(hello, bg='white', width=200, height=200) frame1.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True, side='left') frame2 = Frame(hello, bg='white', width=200, height=200) frame2.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True, side='left') global icon1 #photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) Label(frame1, image=icon1, bg='white').pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True, padx=12) global my_font noteditor = Text(frame2,wrap='word', bg='white', font=my_font, highlightthickness = 0, borderwidth=0, height=14) noteditor.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1, padx=35) #noteditor.insert(5.5, 'Hello!') global sring_my noteditor.insert(7.0, sring_my) noteditor.config(state=DISABLED) def open_settings(): global tkc hello.withdraw() settings_window() frame3 = Frame(frame2, bg='white', width=200, height=100) frame3.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True, side='bottom') global my_font2 btn = Button(frame3, bg='white', text='start settings', font=my_font2, foreground='red', justify=RIGHT, command=open_settings, highlightthickness = 0, borderwidth=0) btn.configure(width=200, height=100) btn.pack(anchor='se') #settings window def settings_window(): global tkc settings.deiconify() frame1 = Frame(settings, bg='white') frame1.pack() title = Label(frame1, text='Settings', font=my_font2, bg='white', highlightthickness=0, bd=0, pady=15).pack() frame_email = Frame(settings, bg='white', width=200, height=100) frame_email.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True) title = Label(frame_email, text='Enter your mail: ', font=my_font, bg='white', highlightthickness=0, bd=0, pady=15).pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) entry1 = Entry(frame_email, width=30) entry1.pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) frame_name = Frame(settings, bg='white', width=200, height=100) frame_name.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True) title = Label(frame_name, text='Enter your name: ', font=my_font, bg='white', highlightthickness=0, bd=0, pady=15).pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) entry2 = Entry(frame_name, width=30) entry2.pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) frame_work = Frame(settings, bg='white', width=200, height=100) frame_work.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True) title = Label(frame_work, text='Сhoose your work schedule: ', font=my_font, bg='white', highlightthickness=0, bd=0, pady=15).pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) #frame_worktime = Frame(settings, bg='white', width=200, height=100).pack(side=LEFT, fill = X).pack() counter = 0 def select(selected): nonlocal counter counter +=1 if counter >1: frame_worktime.destroy() frame_worktime = Frame(settings, bg='white', width=200, height=100) frame_worktime.pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) title = Label(frame_worktime, text='Set your worktime (08:00 20:00): ', font=my_font, bg='white', highlightthickness=0, bd=0, pady=15).pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) entry_start = Entry(frame_worktime) entry_start.pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) entry_end = Entry(frame_worktime) entry_end.pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) title = Label(frame_worktime, text='Last workday: ', font=my_font, bg='white', highlightthickness=0, bd=0, pady=15).pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) datentry = DateEntry(frame_worktime) datentry.pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) def saving_and_destroy(): settings_list = [entry1.get(), entry2.get(), btn.get(), datentry.get_date(), entry_start.get(), entry_end.get()] with open('settings', mode='w') as f: f.write(str(settings_list)) settings.withdraw() btnn = Button(frame_worktime, text="OK",padx=30, command=saving_and_destroy).pack(side=RIGHT, fill = BOTH) list_of_workdays = [] #print(settings_list) def get_schedule(*A): # работа над заполнением рабочих дней date = datentry.get_date() date_last = date + timedelta(days=int(selected.split('/')[-1])+1) if A: selected = settings[2] date = settings[3] if list_of_workdays: tkc.calevent_remove(*list_of_workdays) step = int(selected.split('/')[-1]) step_weekend = int(selected.split('/')[0])-1 #последний введеный выходной день for i in range(130): for j in range(int(selected.split('/')[0])): work_event = tkc.calevent_create(date=date_last, text='EVENT HERE', tags='tag') tkc.tag_config('tag', background='azure2', foreground='dodgerblue4') list_of_workdays.append(work_event) date_last = date_last + timedelta(days=1) date_last = date_last + timedelta(days=step) datentry.bind('<>', get_schedule) btn = StringVar() def f(): selected = btn.get() select(selected) list_ = ['5/2', '1/3', '2/2'] for schedule in list_: schedule = Radiobutton(frame_work, text=schedule, value=schedule, variable=btn, command=f, bg='white') schedule.pack(side=LEFT, fill = X) def func(): # Определяет геолокацию и погоду BASE_URL = "" g = geocoder.ip('me') city = g.latlng # Параметры запроса для Краснодара params = { "latitude": city[0], # широта Краснодара "longitude": city[1], # долгота Краснодара "daily": "temperature_2m_min,temperature_2m_max,precipitation_sum", # минимальная и максимальная температура, сумма осадков "timezone": "Europe/Moscow" } # временная зона для Краснодара response = requests.get(BASE_URL, params=params) data = response.json() user_name['text'] = str( + ' : '+str(data['daily']['temperature_2m_max'][1]) #get_schedule(tkc) #вызываю функцию заполнения рабочими днями #add events #print(datetime.strptime(tkc.get_date(), '%m/%d/%y')) #print(f'tags names - {tkc.tag_names()}') #color of event #print(f'tags names - {tkc.tag_names()}') #event_my = tkc.calevent_create(date=datetime.strptime(tkc.get_date(), '%m/%d/%y'), text='EVENT HERE', tags='tag') #tkc.tag_config('tag', background='azure3', foreground='white') #print(tkc.get_calevents(date=datetime.strptime(tkc.get_date(), '%m/%d/%y'), tag=None)) number = 0 position = 0 dict_ = {} def func1(): stroka = tkc.get_date() newWindow = Toplevel(root) newWindow.title("Add your task/goal") newWindow.geometry("700x300") class_tasks = ['Goal','Task'] combobox = ttk.Combobox(newWindow, values=class_tasks) combobox.pack() combobox.insert(0, 'Task') def goal_or_task(a, b=False): if combobox.get() == 'Task' or b==True: def fetch(): task_name, task_type = tasky.get(), combobox1.get() global number dict_[stroka] = dict_.get(stroka, []) + [[task_name, task_type, number, False]] print(dict_) number += 1 updateLabel('a') newWindow.destroy() newWindow.update() frame11 = Frame(newWindow, background='green') frame11.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True) print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', newWindow) taskname = Label(frame11, text='Set the task') taskname.pack(side=LEFT, fill = BOTH) tasky = Entry(frame11) tasky.pack(side=LEFT) frame22 = Frame(newWindow, background='white') frame22.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True) print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!',frame22 ) types_of_tasks = Label(frame22, text='Set type') types_of_tasks.pack(side=LEFT, fill = BOTH) #tasky.bind('', fetch) tasks_types = ['programming', 'health', 'erudition', 'work', 'cleanliness'] combobox1 = ttk.Combobox(frame22, values=tasks_types, background='white') combobox1.pack(side=LEFT) Button(newWindow, text='add task', command=fetch).pack(anchor='se') newWindow.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", updateLabel) #close window trigger elif combobox.get() == 'Goal': newWindow.update() goal_or_task('a', b=True) combobox.bind("<>", goal_or_task) def record(): with open('your_story.txt', 'w') as f: data = str(dict_) f.write(data) root.destroy() def read_dict(): isempty = os.stat('your_story.txt').st_size print('isempty', isempty) if isempty != 0: with open('your_story.txt') as f: global dict_ dict_ = eval(f.readlines()[0]) print('HERE===========',type(dict_)) read_dict() root = Tk() root.title('Hellper_2.0') root['bg'] = '#fafafa' icon = PhotoImage(file="aaa.png") icon1 = PhotoImage(file="bb.png") root.iconphoto(True, icon) #root.eval('tk::PlaceWindow . center') root.wm_attributes('-alpha', 0.7) root.geometry('780x400') #create settings window: settings = Toplevel(root) root['bg'] = 'white' settings.title("Hellper_2.0") settings.geometry("1000x480") root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", record) #root.wm_withdraw() #скрываем окно до окончания настройки settings.wm_withdraw() #скрываем окно до окончания настройки my_font2 = font.Font(family= "Arial", size=17,weight='bold') my_font = font.Font(family= "Arial", size=17, weight="normal") hello() frame = Frame(root, bg='white', width=200, height=200) frame.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True, side=RIGHT) current_font = font.Font(weight='bold', size=13) dt_now = str([0].split('-') tkc = Calendar(frame,selectmode = "day", year=int(dt_now[0]),month=int(dt_now[1]),date=int(dt_now[2]), foreground='darkorange1', font=current_font, background='white', bordercolor='azure2', headersbackground='white', weekendbackground='white', othermonthbackground='floralwhite', weekendforeground='black', othermonthwebackground='floralwhite', showweeknumbers=False, day=int(dt_now[2]), disabledselectbackground='yellow', disabledselectforeground='blue', disableddaybackground='pink', selectbackground='green') tkc.pack(fill='both', expand=True, padx=17, pady=4) tkc.bind('<>', updateLabel) #нажатие на дату frame1 = Frame(root, bg='white', width=200, height=200) #frame.configure(width=520, height=500) frame1.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True, side=RIGHT) frame4 = Frame(frame1, bg='white') frame4.pack(side='top',fill = X) frame3 = Frame(frame1, bg='white') frame3.pack(side=TOP,fill = BOTH,expand = True) btn1 = Button(frame4, text='ADD', bg='white', command=func1) btn1.pack(side=LEFT) labelblue = Label(frame4, text="Selected Date: ", font=40, bg='white') labelblue.pack(side=LEFT) labelblue.config(text="Selected Date: " + tkc.get_date(), font=85) #Для погоды по геолокации image ="picture.png") resized_image = image.resize((28, 28)) photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized_image) #фрейм с погодой frame2 = Frame(frame, bg='white', width=100, height=100) frame2.pack(side='top', fill = X, pady=13) #кнопка с фото #title = Label(frame2, bg='white') btn = Button(frame2, text='Создать задачу', bg='white', image=photo, command=func) btn.configure(width=28, height=28) btn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=17, pady=1) #title.pack(side='left') user_name = Label(frame2, text='wheather', font=25, bg='white', highlightthickness=0,bd=0) user_name.pack(side=LEFT) btn.invoke() #кнопка погоды нажатие print('cick') updateLabel('a') root.mainloop() root.mainloop()