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Add a simple "VAD" alternative - periodic VAD
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8.59 kB
import re
from typing import Iterator
from io import StringIO
import os
import pathlib
import tempfile
# External programs
import whisper
import ffmpeg
# UI
import gradio as gr
from download import ExceededMaximumDuration, downloadUrl
from utils import slugify, write_srt, write_vtt
from vad import VadPeriodicTranscription, VadSileroTranscription
# Limitations (set to -1 to disable)
# Whether or not to automatically delete all uploaded files, to save disk space
# Gradio seems to truncate files without keeping the extension, so we need to truncate the file prefix ourself
"English", "Chinese", "German", "Spanish", "Russian", "Korean",
"French", "Japanese", "Portuguese", "Turkish", "Polish", "Catalan",
"Dutch", "Arabic", "Swedish", "Italian", "Indonesian", "Hindi",
"Finnish", "Vietnamese", "Hebrew", "Ukrainian", "Greek", "Malay",
"Czech", "Romanian", "Danish", "Hungarian", "Tamil", "Norwegian",
"Thai", "Urdu", "Croatian", "Bulgarian", "Lithuanian", "Latin",
"Maori", "Malayalam", "Welsh", "Slovak", "Telugu", "Persian",
"Latvian", "Bengali", "Serbian", "Azerbaijani", "Slovenian",
"Kannada", "Estonian", "Macedonian", "Breton", "Basque", "Icelandic",
"Armenian", "Nepali", "Mongolian", "Bosnian", "Kazakh", "Albanian",
"Swahili", "Galician", "Marathi", "Punjabi", "Sinhala", "Khmer",
"Shona", "Yoruba", "Somali", "Afrikaans", "Occitan", "Georgian",
"Belarusian", "Tajik", "Sindhi", "Gujarati", "Amharic", "Yiddish",
"Lao", "Uzbek", "Faroese", "Haitian Creole", "Pashto", "Turkmen",
"Nynorsk", "Maltese", "Sanskrit", "Luxembourgish", "Myanmar", "Tibetan",
"Tagalog", "Malagasy", "Assamese", "Tatar", "Hawaiian", "Lingala",
"Hausa", "Bashkir", "Javanese", "Sundanese"
model_cache = dict()
class UI:
def __init__(self, inputAudioMaxDuration):
self.vad_model = None
self.inputAudioMaxDuration = inputAudioMaxDuration
def transcribeFile(self, modelName, languageName, urlData, uploadFile, microphoneData, task, vad):
source, sourceName = self.getSource(urlData, uploadFile, microphoneData)
selectedLanguage = languageName.lower() if len(languageName) > 0 else None
selectedModel = modelName if modelName is not None else "base"
model = model_cache.get(selectedModel, None)
if not model:
model = whisper.load_model(selectedModel)
model_cache[selectedModel] = model
# Callable for processing an audio file
whisperCallable = lambda audio : model.transcribe(audio, language=selectedLanguage, task=task)
# The results
if (vad == 'silero-vad'):
# Use Silero VAD
if (self.vad_model is None):
self.vad_model = VadSileroTranscription()
result = self.vad_model.transcribe(source, whisperCallable)
elif (vad == 'periodic-vad'):
# Very simple VAD - mark every 5 minutes as speech. This makes it less likely that Whisper enters an infinite loop, but
# it may create a break in the middle of a sentence, causing some artifacts.
periodic_vad = VadPeriodicTranscription(periodic_duration=60 * 5)
result = periodic_vad.transcribe(source, whisperCallable)
# Default VAD
result = whisperCallable(source)
text = result["text"]
language = result["language"]
languageMaxLineWidth = getMaxLineWidth(language)
print("Max line width " + str(languageMaxLineWidth))
vtt = getSubs(result["segments"], "vtt", languageMaxLineWidth)
srt = getSubs(result["segments"], "srt", languageMaxLineWidth)
# Files that can be downloaded
downloadDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
filePrefix = slugify(sourceName, allow_unicode=True)
download = []
download.append(createFile(srt, downloadDirectory, filePrefix + "-subs.srt"));
download.append(createFile(vtt, downloadDirectory, filePrefix + "-subs.vtt"));
download.append(createFile(text, downloadDirectory, filePrefix + "-transcript.txt"));
return download, text, vtt
# Cleanup source
print("Deleting source file " + source)
except ExceededMaximumDuration as e:
return [], ("[ERROR]: Maximum remote video length is " + str(e.maxDuration) + "s, file was " + str(e.videoDuration) + "s"), "[ERROR]"
def getSource(self, urlData, uploadFile, microphoneData):
if urlData:
# Download from YouTube
source = downloadUrl(urlData, self.inputAudioMaxDuration)
# File input
source = uploadFile if uploadFile is not None else microphoneData
if self.inputAudioMaxDuration > 0:
# Calculate audio length
audioDuration = ffmpeg.probe(source)["format"]["duration"]
if float(audioDuration) > self.inputAudioMaxDuration:
raise ExceededMaximumDuration(videoDuration=audioDuration, maxDuration=self.inputAudioMaxDuration, message="Video is too long")
file_path = pathlib.Path(source)
sourceName = file_path.stem[:MAX_FILE_PREFIX_LENGTH] + file_path.suffix
return source, sourceName
def getMaxLineWidth(language: str) -> int:
if (language and language.lower() in ["japanese", "ja", "chinese", "zh"]):
# Chinese characters and kana are wider, so limit line length to 40 characters
return 40
# TODO: Add more languages
# 80 latin characters should fit on a 1080p/720p screen
return 80
def createFile(text: str, directory: str, fileName: str) -> str:
# Write the text to a file
with open(os.path.join(directory, fileName), 'w+', encoding="utf-8") as file:
return file.name
def getSubs(segments: Iterator[dict], format: str, maxLineWidth: int) -> str:
segmentStream = StringIO()
if format == 'vtt':
write_vtt(segments, file=segmentStream, maxLineWidth=maxLineWidth)
elif format == 'srt':
write_srt(segments, file=segmentStream, maxLineWidth=maxLineWidth)
raise Exception("Unknown format " + format)
return segmentStream.read()
def createUi(inputAudioMaxDuration, share=False, server_name: str = None):
ui = UI(inputAudioMaxDuration)
ui_description = "Whisper is a general-purpose speech recognition model. It is trained on a large dataset of diverse "
ui_description += " audio and is also a multi-task model that can perform multilingual speech recognition "
ui_description += " as well as speech translation and language identification. "
ui_description += "\n\n" + "Note: You can upload more audio (and even video) types by changing to All Files (*.*) in the file selector. For longer audio files (>10 minutes), "
ui_description += "it is recommended that you select Silero VAD (Voice Activity Detector) in the VAD option."
if inputAudioMaxDuration > 0:
ui_description += "\n\n" + "Max audio file length: " + str(inputAudioMaxDuration) + " s"
demo = gr.Interface(fn=ui.transcribeFile, description=ui_description, inputs=[
gr.Dropdown(choices=["tiny", "base", "small", "medium", "large"], value="medium", label="Model"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=sorted(LANGUAGES), label="Language"),
gr.Text(label="URL (YouTube, etc.)"),
gr.Audio(source="upload", type="filepath", label="Upload Audio"),
gr.Audio(source="microphone", type="filepath", label="Microphone Input"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=["transcribe", "translate"], label="Task"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=["none", "silero-vad", "periodic-vad"], label="VAD"),
], outputs=[
demo.launch(share=share, server_name=server_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':