import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from millify import millify import folium from PIL import Image from streamlit_folium import st_folium APP_TITLE = "Italy Agrifoods Data" APP_SUB_TITLE = "by Omdena Milan chapter 👇 (" image ='data/logo.png') image=image.resize((100,100)) def display_time_filters(df): year_list = list(df['TIME'].unique()) year_list.sort() year = st.selectbox('Year', year_list, len(year_list)-1) #st.header(f'{year}') return year def display_product(): product_list= ['Cereals', 'Vegetables', 'Fruits', 'Olive'] product = st.selectbox('Agricultural Product',product_list) return product def display_state_filter(df, Region): region_list = [''] + list(df['Region'].unique()) region_list.sort() state_index = region_list.index(Region) if Region and Region in region_list else 0 return st.selectbox('Region', region_list, state_index) def display_yield(df, year, region, metric_title): df = df[df["TIME"] == year] if region: df = df[df["Region"] == region] total = df['Value'].sum() st.metric(metric_title, millify(total)) def display_map(df, year): df = df[df["TIME"] == year] map = folium.Map(location=[42.3, 13], zoom_start=5,scrollWheelZoom=False, tiles='CartoDB positron') gpd_data = gpd.read_file("data/") #st.write(gpd_data[gpd_data['NAME_1']=="Valle d'Aosta"]) #st.write(gpd_data) ch = folium.Choropleth( geo_data=gpd_data, data=df, columns=['region_code', 'Value'], key_on="", #fill_color='YlGn', #highlight=True ).add_to(map) ch.geojson.add_child( folium.features.GeoJsonTooltip(['NAME_1'], labels=False) ) st_map = st_folium(map, width=700, height= 450) region_name = '' if st_map['last_active_drawing']: region_name = st_map['last_active_drawing']['properties']['NAME_1'] if region_name == 'Sicily': return 'Sicilia' if region_name == 'Apulia': return 'Puglia' return region_name def main(): st.set_page_config(APP_TITLE, layout="wide") st.title(APP_TITLE) image ='data/logo.png') image=image.resize((100,100)) with st.sidebar: logo = st.image(image) st.caption(APP_SUB_TITLE) #load data df_olives = pd.read_csv("data/Italy_regions_with_code_grapes_olives.csv") df_cereals = pd.read_csv("data/Italy_regions_with_code_cereals.csv") df_veg = pd.read_csv("data/Italy_regions_with_code_fresh_veg.csv") df_fruit = pd.read_csv("data/Italy_regions_with_code_fruit.csv") df = df_fruit year = '' region = "" #st.write(df.shape) #st.write(df.head()) product = display_product() col1, col2 = st.columns([2,1]) #display map with col2: #display metric year = display_time_filters(df) region = display_state_filter(df, region) metric_title = f"{product} Harvested Production in Quintals {region} - Italy: {year}" display_yield(df, year, region, metric_title) with col1: region = display_map(df, year) #st.header('{Header!!!!}') #metric_title = f"Harvested Production in Quintals {region} - Italy: {year}" if __name__ == "__main__": main()