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import torch
import pyonmttok
from onmt.constants import DefaultTokens, CorpusTask, ModelTask
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from onmt.utils.logging import logger
from collections import Counter
def parse_features(line, n_feats=0, defaults=None):
Parses text lines with features appended to each token.
Ex.: This│A│B is│A│A a│C│A test│A│B
text, feats = [], [[] for _ in range(n_feats)]
check, count = 0, 0
for token in line.split(" "):
tok, *fts = token.strip().split("│")
check += len(fts)
count += 1
if not fts and defaults is not None:
if isinstance(defaults, str):
defaults = defaults.split("│")
if n_feats > 0:
assert len(defaults) == n_feats # Security check
fts = defaults
assert len(fts) == n_feats, (
f"The number of fetures does not match the "
f"expected number of features. Found {len(fts)} "
f"features in the data but {n_feats} were expected."
for i in range(n_feats):
# Check if all tokens have features or none at all
assert (
check == 0 or check == count * n_feats
), "Some tokens are missing features. Please check your data."
feats = [" ".join(x) for x in feats] if n_feats > 0 else None
return " ".join(text), feats
def append_features_to_text(text, features):
It appends features to subwords when dumping to file
text_tok = text.split(" ")
feats_tok = [x.split(" ") for x in features]
pretty_toks = []
for tok, *feats in zip(text_tok, *feats_tok):
feats = "│".join(feats)
if feats:
return " ".join(pretty_toks)
def text_sort_key(ex):
"""Sort using the number of tokens in the sequence."""
if ex["tgt"]:
return len(ex["src"]["src_ids"]), len(ex["tgt"]["tgt_ids"])
return len(ex["src"]["src_ids"])
def clean_example(maybe_example):
maybe_example["src"] = {"src": " ".join(maybe_example["src"])}
# Make features part of src like
# {'src': {'src': ..., 'feats': [...., ....]}}
if "src_feats" in maybe_example:
maybe_example["src"]["feats"] = [
" ".join(x) for x in maybe_example["src_feats"]
del maybe_example["src_feats"]
if maybe_example["tgt"] is not None:
maybe_example["tgt"] = {"tgt": " ".join(maybe_example["tgt"])}
if "align" in maybe_example:
maybe_example["align"] = " ".join(maybe_example["align"])
return maybe_example
def process(task, bucket, **kwargs):
"""Returns valid transformed bucket from bucket."""
transform_cid_to_examples = {}
for example in bucket:
transform_cid = (example[1], example[2])
if transform_cid not in transform_cid_to_examples:
transform_cid_to_examples[transform_cid] = []
processed_bucket = []
for (transform, cid), sub_bucket in transform_cid_to_examples.items():
transf_bucket = transform.batch_apply(
sub_bucket, is_train=(task == CorpusTask.TRAIN), corpus_name=cid
for example, transform, cid in transf_bucket:
example = clean_example(example)
if len(example["src"]["src"]) > 0:
# at this point an example looks like:
# {'src': {'src': ..., 'feats': [....]},
# 'tgt': {'tgt': ...},
# 'src_original': ['tok1', ...'tokn'],
# 'tgt_original': ['tok1', ...'tokm'],
# 'indices' : seq in bucket
# 'align': ...,
# }
if len(processed_bucket) > 0:
return processed_bucket
return None
def numericalize(vocabs, example):
""" """
decoder_start_token = vocabs["decoder_start_token"]
numeric = example
numeric["src"]["src_ids"] = []
if vocabs["data_task"] == ModelTask.SEQ2SEQ:
src_text = example["src"]["src"].split()
numeric["src"]["src_ids"] = vocabs["src"](src_text)
if example["tgt"] is not None:
numeric["tgt"]["tgt_ids"] = []
tgt_text = example["tgt"]["tgt"].split()
numeric["tgt"]["tgt_ids"] = vocabs["tgt"](
[decoder_start_token] + tgt_text + [DefaultTokens.EOS]
elif vocabs["data_task"] == ModelTask.LANGUAGE_MODEL:
src_text = example["src"]["src"].split()
if decoder_start_token != "":
src_text = [decoder_start_token] + src_text
numeric["src"]["src_ids"] = vocabs["src"](src_text)
if example["tgt"] is not None:
numeric["tgt"]["tgt_ids"] = []
tgt_text = example["tgt"]["tgt"].split()
numeric["tgt"]["tgt_ids"] = vocabs["tgt"](tgt_text + [DefaultTokens.EOS])
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong with task {vocabs['data_task']}")
if "feats" in example["src"]:
numeric_feats = []
for fv, feat in zip(vocabs["src_feats"], example["src"]["feats"]):
numeric["src"]["feats"] = numeric_feats
return numeric
def parse_align_idx(align_pharaoh):
Parse Pharaoh alignment into [[<src>, <tgt>], ...]
align_list = align_pharaoh.strip().split(" ")
flatten_align_idx = []
for align in align_list:
src_idx, tgt_idx = align.split("-")
except ValueError:
logger.warning("{} in `{}`".format(align, align_pharaoh))
logger.warning("Bad alignement line exists. Please check file!")
flatten_align_idx.append([int(src_idx), int(tgt_idx)])
return flatten_align_idx
def tensorify(vocabs, minibatch):
This function transforms a batch of example in tensors
Each example looks like
{'src': {'src': ..., 'feats': [...], 'src_ids': ...},
'tgt': {'tgt': ..., 'tgt_ids': ...},
'src_original': ['tok1', ...'tokn'],
'tgt_original': ['tok1', ...'tokm'],
'indices' : seq in bucket
'align': ...,
Returns Dict of batch Tensors
{'src': [seqlen, batchsize, n_feats+1],
'tgt' : [seqlen, batchsize, n_feats=1],
'indices' : [batchsize],
'srclen': [batchsize],
'tgtlen': [batchsize],
'align': alignment sparse tensor
tensor_batch = {}
tbatchsrc = [torch.LongTensor(ex["src"]["src_ids"]) for ex in minibatch]
padidx = vocabs["src"][DefaultTokens.PAD]
tbatchsrc = pad_sequence(tbatchsrc, batch_first=True, padding_value=padidx)
if "feats" in minibatch[0]["src"]:
tbatchfs = [tbatchsrc]
for feat_id in range(len(minibatch[0]["src"]["feats"])):
tbatchfeat = [
torch.LongTensor(ex["src"]["feats"][feat_id]) for ex in minibatch
padidx = vocabs["src_feats"][feat_id][DefaultTokens.PAD]
tbatchfeat = pad_sequence(
tbatchfeat, batch_first=True, padding_value=padidx
tbatchsrc = torch.stack(tbatchfs, dim=2)
# Need to add features in last dimensions
tbatchsrc = tbatchsrc[:, :, None]
tensor_batch["src"] = tbatchsrc
tensor_batch["indices"] = torch.LongTensor([ex["indices"] for ex in minibatch])
tensor_batch["srclen"] = torch.LongTensor(
[len(ex["src"]["src_ids"]) for ex in minibatch]
if minibatch[0]["tgt"] is not None:
tbatchtgt = [torch.LongTensor(ex["tgt"]["tgt_ids"]) for ex in minibatch]
padidx = vocabs["tgt"][DefaultTokens.PAD]
tbatchtgt = pad_sequence(tbatchtgt, batch_first=True, padding_value=padidx)
tbatchtgt = tbatchtgt[:, :, None]
tbatchtgtlen = torch.LongTensor([len(ex["tgt"]["tgt_ids"]) for ex in minibatch])
tensor_batch["tgt"] = tbatchtgt
tensor_batch["tgtlen"] = tbatchtgtlen
if "align" in minibatch[0].keys() and minibatch[0]["align"] is not None:
sparse_idx = []
for i, ex in enumerate(minibatch):
for src, tgt in parse_align_idx(ex["align"]):
sparse_idx.append([i, tgt + 1, src])
tbatchalign = torch.LongTensor(sparse_idx)
tensor_batch["align"] = tbatchalign
if "src_map" in minibatch[0].keys():
src_vocab_size = max([max(ex["src_map"]) for ex in minibatch]) + 1
src_map = torch.zeros(
len(tensor_batch["srclen"]), tbatchsrc.size(1), src_vocab_size
for i, ex in enumerate(minibatch):
for j, t in enumerate(ex["src_map"]):
src_map[i, j, t] = 1
tensor_batch["src_map"] = src_map
if "alignment" in minibatch[0].keys():
alignment = torch.zeros(len(tensor_batch["srclen"]), tbatchtgt.size(1)).long()
for i, ex in enumerate(minibatch):
alignment[i, : len(ex["alignment"])] = torch.LongTensor(ex["alignment"])
tensor_batch["alignment"] = alignment
if "src_ex_vocab" in minibatch[0].keys():
tensor_batch["src_ex_vocab"] = [ex["src_ex_vocab"] for ex in minibatch]
return tensor_batch
def textbatch_to_tensor(vocabs, batch, is_train=False):
This is a hack to transform a simple batch of texts
into a tensored batch to pass through _translate()
numeric = []
infer_iter = []
for i, ex in enumerate(batch):
# Keep it consistent with dynamic data
ex["srclen"] = len(ex["src"]["src"].split())
ex["indices"] = i
ex["align"] = None
numeric.append(numericalize(vocabs, ex))
numeric.sort(key=text_sort_key, reverse=True)
infer_iter = [tensorify(vocabs, numeric)]
return infer_iter
def _addcopykeys(vocabs, example):
"""Create copy-vocab and numericalize with it.
In-place adds ``"src_map"`` to ``example``. That is the copy-vocab
numericalization of the tokenized ``example["src"]``. If ``example``
has a ``"tgt"`` key, adds ``"alignment"`` to example. That is the
copy-vocab numericalization of the tokenized ``example["tgt"]``. The
alignment has an initial and final UNK token to match the BOS and EOS
example (dict): An example dictionary with a ``"src"`` key and
maybe a ``"tgt"`` key. (This argument changes in place!)
``example``, changed as described.
src = example["src"]["src"].split()
src_ex_vocab = pyonmttok.build_vocab_from_tokens(
src_ex_vocab.default_id = src_ex_vocab[DefaultTokens.UNK]
# make a small vocab containing just the tokens in the source sequence
# Map source tokens to indices in the dynamic dict.
example["src_map"] = src_ex_vocab(src)
example["src_ex_vocab"] = src_ex_vocab
if example["tgt"] is not None:
if vocabs["data_task"] == ModelTask.SEQ2SEQ:
tgt = (
+ example["tgt"]["tgt"].split()
+ [DefaultTokens.UNK]
elif vocabs["data_task"] == ModelTask.LANGUAGE_MODEL:
tgt = example["tgt"]["tgt"].split() + [DefaultTokens.UNK]
example["alignment"] = src_ex_vocab(tgt)
return example