import torch import torch.nn as nn from onmt.modules.stacked_rnn import StackedLSTM, StackedGRU from onmt.modules import context_gate_factory, GlobalAttention from onmt.utils.rnn_factory import rnn_factory class DecoderBase(nn.Module): """Abstract class for decoders. Args: attentional (bool): The decoder returns non-empty attention. """ def __init__(self, attentional=True): super(DecoderBase, self).__init__() self.attentional = attentional @classmethod def from_opt(cls, opt, embeddings): """Alternate constructor. Subclasses should override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError class RNNDecoderBase(DecoderBase): """Base recurrent attention-based decoder class. Specifies the interface used by different decoder types and required by :class:`~onmt.models.NMTModel`. Args: rnn_type (str): style of recurrent unit to use, one of [RNN, LSTM, GRU, SRU] bidirectional_encoder (bool) : use with a bidirectional encoder num_layers (int) : number of stacked layers hidden_size (int) : hidden size of each layer attn_type (str) : see :class:`~onmt.modules.GlobalAttention` attn_func (str) : see :class:`~onmt.modules.GlobalAttention` coverage_attn (str): see :class:`~onmt.modules.GlobalAttention` context_gate (str): see :class:`~onmt.modules.ContextGate` copy_attn (bool): setup a separate copy attention mechanism dropout (float) : dropout value for :class:`torch.nn.Dropout` embeddings (onmt.modules.Embeddings): embedding module to use reuse_copy_attn (bool): reuse the attention for copying copy_attn_type (str): The copy attention style. See :class:`~onmt.modules.GlobalAttention`. """ def __init__( self, rnn_type, bidirectional_encoder, num_layers, hidden_size, attn_type="general", attn_func="softmax", coverage_attn=False, context_gate=None, copy_attn=False, dropout=0.0, embeddings=None, reuse_copy_attn=False, copy_attn_type="general", ): super(RNNDecoderBase, self).__init__( attentional=attn_type != "none" and attn_type is not None ) self.bidirectional_encoder = bidirectional_encoder self.num_layers = num_layers self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.embeddings = embeddings self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) # Decoder state self.state = {} # Build the RNN. self.rnn = self._build_rnn( rnn_type, input_size=self._input_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_layers=num_layers, dropout=dropout, ) # Set up the context gate. self.context_gate = None if context_gate is not None: self.context_gate = context_gate_factory( context_gate, self._input_size, hidden_size, hidden_size, hidden_size ) # Set up the standard attention. self._coverage = coverage_attn if not self.attentional: if self._coverage: raise ValueError("Cannot use coverage term with no attention.") self.attn = None else: self.attn = GlobalAttention( hidden_size, coverage=coverage_attn, attn_type=attn_type, attn_func=attn_func, ) if copy_attn and not reuse_copy_attn: if copy_attn_type == "none" or copy_attn_type is None: raise ValueError("Cannot use copy_attn with copy_attn_type none") self.copy_attn = GlobalAttention( hidden_size, attn_type=copy_attn_type, attn_func=attn_func ) else: self.copy_attn = None self._reuse_copy_attn = reuse_copy_attn and copy_attn if self._reuse_copy_attn and not self.attentional: raise ValueError("Cannot reuse copy attention with no attention.") @classmethod def from_opt(cls, opt, embeddings): """Alternate constructor.""" return cls( opt.rnn_type, opt.brnn, opt.dec_layers, opt.dec_hid_size, opt.global_attention, opt.global_attention_function, opt.coverage_attn, opt.context_gate, opt.copy_attn, opt.dropout[0] if type(opt.dropout) is list else opt.dropout, embeddings, opt.reuse_copy_attn, opt.copy_attn_type, ) def init_state(self, src, _, enc_final_hs): """Initialize decoder state with last state of the encoder.""" def _fix_enc_hidden(hidden): # The encoder hidden is (layers*directions) x batch x dim. # We need to convert it to layers x batch x (directions*dim). if self.bidirectional_encoder: hidden = [hidden[0 : hidden.size(0) : 2], hidden[1 : hidden.size(0) : 2]], 2 ) return hidden if isinstance(enc_final_hs, tuple): # LSTM self.state["hidden"] = tuple( _fix_enc_hidden(enc_hid) for enc_hid in enc_final_hs ) else: # GRU self.state["hidden"] = (_fix_enc_hidden(enc_final_hs),) # Init the input feed. batch_size = self.state["hidden"][0].size(1) h_size = (batch_size, self.hidden_size) self.state["input_feed"] = ( self.state["hidden"][0]*h_size).zero_().unsqueeze(0) ) self.state["coverage"] = None def map_state(self, fn): self.state["hidden"] = tuple(fn(h, 1) for h in self.state["hidden"]) self.state["input_feed"] = fn(self.state["input_feed"], 1) if self._coverage and self.state["coverage"] is not None: self.state["coverage"] = fn(self.state["coverage"], 1) def detach_state(self): self.state["hidden"] = tuple(h.detach() for h in self.state["hidden"]) self.state["input_feed"] = self.state["input_feed"].detach() if self._coverage and self.state["coverage"] is not None: self.state["coverage"] = self.state["coverage"].detach() def forward(self, tgt, enc_out, src_len=None, step=None, **kwargs): """ Args: tgt (LongTensor): sequences of padded tokens ``(batch, tgt_len, nfeats)``. enc_out (FloatTensor): vectors from the encoder ``(batch, src_len, hidden)``. src_len (LongTensor): the padded source lengths ``(batch,)``. Returns: (FloatTensor, dict[str, FloatTensor]): * dec_outs: output from the decoder (after attn) ``(batch, tgt_len, hidden)``. * attns: distribution over src at each tgt ``(batch, tgt_len, src_len)``. """ dec_state, dec_outs, attns = self._run_forward_pass( tgt, enc_out, src_len=src_len ) # Update the state with the result. if not isinstance(dec_state, tuple): dec_state = (dec_state,) self.state["hidden"] = dec_state # Concatenates sequence of tensors along a new dimension. # NOTE: v0.3 to 0.4: dec_outs / attns[*] may not be list # (in particular in case of SRU) it was not raising error in 0.3 # since stack(Variable) was allowed. # In 0.4, SRU returns a tensor that shouldn't be stacke if type(dec_outs) == list: dec_outs = torch.stack(dec_outs, dim=1) for k in attns: if type(attns[k]) == list: attns[k] = torch.stack(attns[k]) self.state["input_feed"] = dec_outs[:, -1, :].unsqueeze(0) self.state["coverage"] = None if "coverage" in attns: self.state["coverage"] = attns["coverage"][-1, :, :].unsqueeze(0) return dec_outs, attns def update_dropout(self, dropout, attention_dropout=None): self.dropout.p = dropout self.embeddings.update_dropout(dropout) class StdRNNDecoder(RNNDecoderBase): """Standard fully batched RNN decoder with attention. Faster implementation, uses CuDNN for implementation. See :class:`~onmt.decoders.decoder.RNNDecoderBase` for options. Based around the approach from "Neural Machine Translation By Jointly Learning To Align and Translate" :cite:`Bahdanau2015` Implemented without input_feeding and currently with no `coverage_attn` or `copy_attn` support. """ def _run_forward_pass(self, tgt, enc_out, src_len=None): """ Private helper for running the specific RNN forward pass. Must be overriden by all subclasses. Args: tgt (LongTensor): a sequence of input tokens tensors ``(batch, tgt_len, nfeats)``. enc_out (FloatTensor): output(tensor sequence) from the encoder RNN of size ``(batch, src_len, hidden_size)``. src_len (LongTensor): the source enc_out lengths. Returns: (Tensor, List[FloatTensor], Dict[str, List[FloatTensor]): * dec_state: final hidden state from the decoder. * dec_outs: an array of output of every time step from the decoder. * attns: a dictionary of different type of attention Tensor array of every time step from the decoder. """ assert self.copy_attn is None # TODO, no support yet. assert not self._coverage # TODO, no support yet. attns = {} emb = self.embeddings(tgt) if isinstance(self.rnn, nn.GRU): rnn_out, dec_state = self.rnn(emb, self.state["hidden"][0]) else: rnn_out, dec_state = self.rnn(emb, self.state["hidden"]) tgt_batch, tgt_len, _ = tgt.size() # Calculate the attention. if not self.attentional: dec_outs = rnn_out else: dec_outs, p_attn = self.attn(rnn_out, enc_out, src_len=src_len) attns["std"] = p_attn # Calculate the context gate. if self.context_gate is not None: dec_outs = self.context_gate( emb.view(-1, emb.size(2)), rnn_out.view(-1, rnn_out.size(2)), dec_outs.view(-1, dec_outs.size(2)), ) dec_outs = dec_outs.view(tgt_batch, tgt_len, self.hidden_size) dec_outs = self.dropout(dec_outs) return dec_state, dec_outs, attns def _build_rnn(self, rnn_type, **kwargs): rnn, _ = rnn_factory(rnn_type, **kwargs) return rnn @property def _input_size(self): return self.embeddings.embedding_size class InputFeedRNNDecoder(RNNDecoderBase): """Input feeding based decoder. See :class:`~onmt.decoders.decoder.RNNDecoderBase` for options. Based around the input feeding approach from "Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation" :cite:`Luong2015` """ def _run_forward_pass(self, tgt, enc_out, src_len=None): """ See StdRNNDecoder._run_forward_pass() for description of arguments and return values. """ # Additional args check. input_feed = self.state["input_feed"].squeeze(0) dec_outs = [] attns = {} if self.attn is not None: attns["std"] = [] if self.copy_attn is not None or self._reuse_copy_attn: attns["copy"] = [] if self._coverage: attns["coverage"] = [] emb = self.embeddings(tgt) assert emb.dim() == 3 # batch x len x embedding_dim dec_state = self.state["hidden"] coverage = ( self.state["coverage"].squeeze(0) if self.state["coverage"] is not None else None ) # Input feed concatenates hidden state with # input at every time step. for emb_t in emb.split(1, dim=1): dec_in =[emb_t.squeeze(1), input_feed], 1) rnn_out, dec_state = self.rnn(dec_in, dec_state) if self.attentional: dec_out, p_attn = self.attn(rnn_out, enc_out, src_len=src_len) attns["std"].append(p_attn) else: dec_out = rnn_out if self.context_gate is not None: # TODO: context gate should be employed # instead of second RNN transform. dec_out = self.context_gate(dec_in, rnn_out, dec_out) dec_out = self.dropout(dec_out) input_feed = dec_out dec_outs += [dec_out] # Update the coverage attention. # attns["coverage"] is actually c^(t+1) of See et al(2017) # 1-index shifted if self._coverage: coverage = p_attn if coverage is None else p_attn + coverage attns["coverage"] += [coverage] if self.copy_attn is not None: _, copy_attn = self.copy_attn(dec_out, enc_out) attns["copy"] += [copy_attn] elif self._reuse_copy_attn: attns["copy"] = attns["std"] return dec_state, dec_outs, attns def _build_rnn(self, rnn_type, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, dropout): assert rnn_type != "SRU", ( "SRU doesn't support input feed! " "Please set -input_feed 0!" ) stacked_cell = StackedLSTM if rnn_type == "LSTM" else StackedGRU return stacked_cell(num_layers, input_size, hidden_size, dropout) @property def _input_size(self): """Using input feed by concatenating input with attention vectors.""" return self.embeddings.embedding_size + self.hidden_size def update_dropout(self, dropout, attention_dropout=None): self.dropout.p = dropout self.rnn.dropout.p = dropout self.embeddings.update_dropout(dropout)