"""Here come the tests for implemented transform.""" import unittest import copy import yaml import math from argparse import Namespace from onmt.transforms import ( get_transforms_cls, get_specials, make_transforms, TransformPipe, ) from onmt.transforms.bart import BARTNoising class TestTransform(unittest.TestCase): def test_transform_register(self): builtin_transform = [ "filtertoolong", "prefix", "sentencepiece", "bpe", "onmt_tokenize", "bart", "switchout", "tokendrop", "tokenmask", "insert_mask_before_placeholder", ] get_transforms_cls(builtin_transform) def test_vocab_required_transform(self): transforms_cls = get_transforms_cls(["bart", "switchout"]) opt = Namespace(seed=-1, switchout_temperature=1.0) # transforms that require vocab will not create if not provide vocab transforms = make_transforms(opt, transforms_cls, vocabs=None) self.assertEqual(len(transforms), 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): transforms_cls["switchout"](opt).warm_up(vocabs=None) transforms_cls["bart"](opt).warm_up(vocabs=None) def test_transform_specials(self): transforms_cls = get_transforms_cls(["prefix"]) corpora = yaml.safe_load( """ trainset: path_src: data/src-train.txt path_tgt: data/tgt-train.txt transforms: ["prefix"] weight: 1 src_prefix: "⦅_pf_src⦆" tgt_prefix: "⦅_pf_tgt⦆" """ ) opt = Namespace(data=corpora) specials = get_specials(opt, transforms_cls) specials_expected = {"src": ["⦅_pf_src⦆"], "tgt": ["⦅_pf_tgt⦆"]} self.assertEqual(specials, specials_expected) def test_transform_pipe(self): # 1. Init first transform in the pipe prefix_cls = get_transforms_cls(["prefix"])["prefix"] corpora = yaml.safe_load( """ trainset: path_src: data/src-train.txt path_tgt: data/tgt-train.txt transforms: [prefix, filtertoolong] weight: 1 src_prefix: "⦅_pf_src⦆" tgt_prefix: "⦅_pf_tgt⦆" """ ) opt = Namespace(data=corpora, seed=-1) prefix_transform = prefix_cls(opt) prefix_transform.warm_up() # 2. Init second transform in the pipe filter_cls = get_transforms_cls(["filtertoolong"])["filtertoolong"] opt = Namespace(src_seq_length=4, tgt_seq_length=4) filter_transform = filter_cls(opt) # 3. Sequential combine them into a transform pipe transform_pipe = TransformPipe.build_from([prefix_transform, filter_transform]) ex = { "src": ["Hello", ",", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } # 4. apply transform pipe for example ex_after = transform_pipe.apply(copy.deepcopy(ex), corpus_name="trainset") # 5. example after the pipe exceed the length limit, thus filtered self.assertIsNone(ex_after) # 6. Transform statistics registed (here for filtertoolong) self.assertTrue(len(transform_pipe.statistics.observables) > 0) msg = transform_pipe.statistics.report() self.assertIsNotNone(msg) # 7. after report, statistics become empty as a fresh start self.assertTrue(len(transform_pipe.statistics.observables) == 0) class TestMiscTransform(unittest.TestCase): def test_prefix(self): prefix_cls = get_transforms_cls(["prefix"])["prefix"] corpora = yaml.safe_load( """ trainset: path_src: data/src-train.txt path_tgt: data/tgt-train.txt transforms: [prefix] weight: 1 src_prefix: "⦅_pf_src⦆" tgt_prefix: "⦅_pf_tgt⦆" """ ) opt = Namespace(data=corpora, seed=-1) prefix_transform = prefix_cls(opt) prefix_transform.warm_up() self.assertIn("trainset", prefix_transform.prefix_dict) ex_in = { "src": ["Hello", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } with self.assertRaises(ValueError): prefix_transform.apply(ex_in) prefix_transform.apply(ex_in, corpus_name="validset") ex_out = prefix_transform.apply(ex_in, corpus_name="trainset") self.assertEqual(ex_out["src"][0], "⦅_pf_src⦆") self.assertEqual(ex_out["tgt"][0], "⦅_pf_tgt⦆") def test_filter_too_long(self): filter_cls = get_transforms_cls(["filtertoolong"])["filtertoolong"] opt = Namespace(src_seq_length=100, tgt_seq_length=100) filter_transform = filter_cls(opt) # filter_transform.warm_up() ex_in = { "src": ["Hello", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } ex_out = filter_transform.apply(ex_in) self.assertIs(ex_out, ex_in) filter_transform.tgt_seq_length = 2 ex_out = filter_transform.apply(ex_in) self.assertIsNone(ex_out) class TestSubwordTransform(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.base_opts = { "seed": 3431, "share_vocab": False, "src_subword_model": "data/sample.bpe", "tgt_subword_model": "data/sample.bpe", "src_subword_nbest": 1, "tgt_subword_nbest": 1, "src_subword_alpha": 0.0, "tgt_subword_alpha": 0.0, "src_subword_vocab": "", "tgt_subword_vocab": "", "src_vocab_threshold": 0, "tgt_vocab_threshold": 0, } def test_bpe(self): bpe_cls = get_transforms_cls(["bpe"])["bpe"] opt = Namespace(**self.base_opts) bpe_cls._validate_options(opt) bpe_transform = bpe_cls(opt) bpe_transform.warm_up() ex = { "src": ["Hello", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } bpe_transform.apply(ex, is_train=True) ex_gold = { "src": ["H@@", "ell@@", "o", "world", "."], "tgt": ["B@@", "on@@", "j@@", "our", "le", "mon@@", "de", "."], } self.assertEqual(ex, ex_gold) # test BPE-dropout: bpe_transform.dropout["src"] = 1.0 tokens = ["Another", "world", "."] gold_bpe = ["A@@", "no@@", "ther", "world", "."] gold_dropout = [ "A@@", "n@@", "o@@", "t@@", "h@@", "e@@", "r", "w@@", "o@@", "r@@", "l@@", "d", ".", ] # 1. disable bpe dropout for not training example after_bpe = bpe_transform._tokenize(tokens, is_train=False) self.assertEqual(after_bpe, gold_bpe) # 2. enable bpe dropout for training example after_bpe = bpe_transform._tokenize(tokens, is_train=True) self.assertEqual(after_bpe, gold_dropout) # 3. (NOTE) disable dropout won't take effect if already seen # this is caused by the cache mechanism in bpe: # return cached subword if the original token is seen when no dropout after_bpe2 = bpe_transform._tokenize(tokens, is_train=False) self.assertEqual(after_bpe2, gold_dropout) def test_sentencepiece(self): sp_cls = get_transforms_cls(["sentencepiece"])["sentencepiece"] base_opt = copy.copy(self.base_opts) base_opt["src_subword_model"] = "data/sample.sp.model" base_opt["tgt_subword_model"] = "data/sample.sp.model" opt = Namespace(**base_opt) sp_cls._validate_options(opt) sp_transform = sp_cls(opt) sp_transform.warm_up() ex = { "src": ["Hello", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } sp_transform.apply(ex, is_train=True) ex_gold = { "src": ["▁H", "el", "lo", "▁world", "▁."], "tgt": ["▁B", "on", "j", "o", "ur", "▁le", "▁m", "on", "de", "▁."], } self.assertEqual(ex, ex_gold) # test SP regularization: sp_transform.src_subword_nbest = 4 tokens = ["Another", "world", "."] gold_sp = ["▁An", "other", "▁world", "▁."] # 1. enable regularization for training example after_sp = sp_transform._tokenize(tokens, is_train=True) self.assertEqual(after_sp, ["▁An", "o", "ther", "▁world", "▁."]) # 2. disable regularization for not training example after_sp = sp_transform._tokenize(tokens, is_train=False) self.assertEqual(after_sp, gold_sp) # Test mask location ex = { "src": "### Instruction: ⦅newline⦆instruction⦅newline⦆⦅newline⦆" "### Response : ⦅newline⦆⦅_mask_before_⦆response", "tgt": "", } ex["src"] = ex["src"].split(" ") ex_gold = { "src": [ "▁", "#", "#", "#", "▁In", "struct", "ion", ":", "▁in", "struct", "ion", "▁", "#", "#", "#", "▁Re", "s", "p", "on", "s", "e", "▁", ":", "", "▁re", "s", "p", "on", "s", "e", ], "tgt": [], } sp_transform.apply(ex, is_train=True) self.assertEqual(ex, ex_gold) def test_pyonmttok_bpe(self): onmttok_cls = get_transforms_cls(["onmt_tokenize"])["onmt_tokenize"] base_opt = copy.copy(self.base_opts) base_opt["src_subword_type"] = "bpe" base_opt["tgt_subword_type"] = "bpe" onmt_args = "{'mode': 'space', 'joiner_annotate': True}" base_opt["src_onmttok_kwargs"] = onmt_args base_opt["tgt_onmttok_kwargs"] = onmt_args base_opt["gpt2_pretok"] = False opt = Namespace(**base_opt) onmttok_cls._validate_options(opt) onmttok_transform = onmttok_cls(opt) onmttok_transform.warm_up() ex = { "src": ["Hello", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } onmttok_transform.apply(ex, is_train=True) ex_gold = { "src": ["H■", "ell■", "o", "world", "."], "tgt": ["B■", "on■", "j■", "our", "le", "mon■", "de", "."], } self.assertEqual(ex, ex_gold) # Test mask location ex = { "src": ( "### Instruction: ⦅newline⦆instruction⦅newline⦆⦅newline⦆" "### Response : ⦅newline⦆⦅_mask_before_⦆response" ), "tgt": "", } ex["src"] = ex["src"].split(" ") ex_gold = { "src": [ "#■", "#■", "#", "In■", "struc■", "tion■", ":", "\n■", "in■", "struc■", "tion■", "\n■", "\n■", "#■", "#■", "#", "R■", "es■", "p■", "on■", "se", ":", "\n", "", "respon■", "se", ], "tgt": [], } onmttok_transform.apply(ex, is_train=True) self.assertEqual(ex, ex_gold) def test_pyonmttok_sp(self): onmttok_cls = get_transforms_cls(["onmt_tokenize"])["onmt_tokenize"] base_opt = copy.copy(self.base_opts) base_opt["src_subword_type"] = "sentencepiece" base_opt["tgt_subword_type"] = "sentencepiece" base_opt["src_subword_model"] = "data/sample.sp.model" base_opt["tgt_subword_model"] = "data/sample.sp.model" onmt_args = "{'mode': 'none', 'spacer_annotate': True}" base_opt["src_onmttok_kwargs"] = onmt_args base_opt["tgt_onmttok_kwargs"] = onmt_args base_opt["gpt2_pretok"] = False opt = Namespace(**base_opt) onmttok_cls._validate_options(opt) onmttok_transform = onmttok_cls(opt) onmttok_transform.warm_up() ex = { "src": ["Hello", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } onmttok_transform.apply(ex, is_train=True) ex_gold = { "src": ["▁H", "el", "lo", "▁world", "▁."], "tgt": ["▁B", "on", "j", "o", "ur", "▁le", "▁m", "on", "de", "▁."], } self.assertEqual(ex, ex_gold) # Test mask location ex = { "src": ( "### Instruction: ⦅newline⦆instruction⦅newline⦆⦅newline⦆" "### Response : ⦅newline⦆⦅_mask_before_⦆response" ), "tgt": "", } ex["src"] = ex["src"].split(" ") onmttok_transform.apply(ex, is_train=True) ex_gold = { "src": [ "▁", "#", "#", "#", "▁In", "struct", "ion", ":", "▁in", "struct", "ion", "▁", "#", "#", "#", "▁Re", "s", "p", "on", "se", "▁", ":", "", "▁re", "s", "p", "on", "se", ], "tgt": [], } self.assertEqual(ex, ex_gold) class TestSamplingTransform(unittest.TestCase): def test_tokendrop(self): tokendrop_cls = get_transforms_cls(["tokendrop"])["tokendrop"] opt = Namespace(seed=3434, tokendrop_temperature=0.1) tokendrop_transform = tokendrop_cls(opt) tokendrop_transform.warm_up() ex = { "src": ["Hello", ",", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } # Not apply token drop for not training example ex_after = tokendrop_transform.apply(copy.deepcopy(ex), is_train=False) self.assertEqual(ex_after, ex) # apply token drop for training example ex_after = tokendrop_transform.apply(copy.deepcopy(ex), is_train=True) self.assertNotEqual(ex_after, ex) def test_tokenmask(self): tokenmask_cls = get_transforms_cls(["tokenmask"])["tokenmask"] opt = Namespace(seed=3434, tokenmask_temperature=0.1) tokenmask_transform = tokenmask_cls(opt) tokenmask_transform.warm_up() ex = { "src": ["Hello", ",", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } # Not apply token mask for not training example ex_after = tokenmask_transform.apply(copy.deepcopy(ex), is_train=False) self.assertEqual(ex_after, ex) # apply token mask for training example ex_after = tokenmask_transform.apply(copy.deepcopy(ex), is_train=True) self.assertNotEqual(ex_after, ex) def test_switchout(self): switchout_cls = get_transforms_cls(["switchout"])["switchout"] opt = Namespace(seed=3434, switchout_temperature=0.1) switchout_transform = switchout_cls(opt) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # require vocabs to warm_up switchout_transform.warm_up(vocabs=None) vocabs = { "src": Namespace(ids_to_tokens=["A", "Fake", "vocab"]), "tgt": Namespace(ids_to_tokens=["A", "Fake", "vocab"]), } switchout_transform.warm_up(vocabs=vocabs) ex = { "src": ["Hello", ",", "world", "."], "tgt": ["Bonjour", "le", "monde", "."], } # Not apply token mask for not training example ex_after = switchout_transform.apply(copy.deepcopy(ex), is_train=False) self.assertEqual(ex_after, ex) # apply token mask for training example ex_after = switchout_transform.apply(copy.deepcopy(ex), is_train=True) self.assertNotEqual(ex_after, ex) class TestBARTNoising(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): BARTNoising.set_random_seed(1234) self.MASK_TOK = "[MASK]" self.FAKE_VOCAB = "[TESTING]" def test_sentence_permute(self): sent1 = ["Hello", "world", "."] sent2 = ["Sentence", "1", "!"] sent3 = ["Sentence", "2", "!"] sent4 = ["Sentence", "3", "!"] bart_noise = BARTNoising( vocab=[self.FAKE_VOCAB], permute_sent_ratio=0.5, replace_length=0, # not raise Error # Defalt: full_stop_token=[".", "?", "!"] ) tokens = sent1 + sent2 + sent3 + sent4 ends = bart_noise._get_sentence_borders(tokens).tolist() self.assertEqual(ends, [3, 6, 9, 12]) tokens_perm = bart_noise.apply(tokens) expected_tokens = sent2 + sent1 + sent3 + sent4 self.assertEqual(expected_tokens, tokens_perm) def test_rotate(self): bart_noise = BARTNoising( vocab=[self.FAKE_VOCAB], rotate_ratio=1.0, replace_length=0, # not raise Error ) tokens = ["This", "looks", "really", "good", "!"] rotated = bart_noise.apply(tokens) self.assertNotEqual(tokens, rotated) not_rotate = bart_noise.rolling_noise(tokens, p=0.0) self.assertEqual(tokens, not_rotate) def test_token_insert(self): bart_noise = BARTNoising( vocab=[self.FAKE_VOCAB], mask_tok=self.MASK_TOK, insert_ratio=0.5, random_ratio=0.3, replace_length=0, # not raise Error # Defalt: full_stop_token=[".", "?", "!"] ) tokens = ["This", "looks", "really", "good", "!"] inserted = bart_noise.apply(tokens) n_insert = math.ceil(len(tokens) * bart_noise.insert_ratio) inserted_len = n_insert + len(tokens) self.assertEqual(len(inserted), inserted_len) # random_ratio of inserted tokens are chosen in vocab n_random = math.ceil(n_insert * bart_noise.random_ratio) self.assertEqual( sum(1 if tok == self.FAKE_VOCAB else 0 for tok in inserted), n_random, ) # others are MASK_TOK self.assertEqual( sum(1 if tok == self.MASK_TOK else 0 for tok in inserted), n_insert - n_random, ) def test_token_mask(self): """Mask will be done on token level. Condition: * `mask_length` == subword; * or not specify subword marker (joiner/spacer) by `is_joiner`. """ bart_noise = BARTNoising( vocab=[self.FAKE_VOCAB], mask_tok=self.MASK_TOK, mask_ratio=0.5, mask_length="subword", replace_length=0, # 0 to drop them, 1 to replace them with MASK # insert_ratio=0.0, # random_ratio=0.0, # Defalt: full_stop_token=[".", "?", "!"] ) tokens = ["H■", "ell■", "o", "world", "."] # all token are considered as an individual word self.assertTrue(all(bart_noise._is_word_start(tokens))) n_tokens = len(tokens) # 1. tokens are dropped when replace_length is 0 masked = bart_noise.apply(tokens) n_masked = math.ceil(n_tokens * bart_noise.mask_ratio) # print(f"token delete: {masked} / {tokens}") self.assertEqual(len(masked), n_tokens - n_masked) # 2. tokens are replaced by MASK when replace_length is 1 bart_noise.replace_length = 1 masked = bart_noise.apply(tokens) n_masked = math.ceil(n_tokens * bart_noise.mask_ratio) # print(f"token mask: {masked} / {tokens}") self.assertEqual(len(masked), n_tokens) self.assertEqual( sum([1 if tok == self.MASK_TOK else 0 for tok in masked]), n_masked ) def test_whole_word_mask(self): """Mask will be done on whole word that may across multiply token. Condition: * `mask_length` == word; * specify subword marker in order to find word boundary. """ bart_noise = BARTNoising( vocab=[self.FAKE_VOCAB], mask_tok=self.MASK_TOK, mask_ratio=0.5, mask_length="word", is_joiner=True, replace_length=0, # 0 to drop them, 1 to replace them with MASK # insert_ratio=0.0, # random_ratio=0.0, # Defalt: full_stop_token=[".", "?", "!"] ) tokens = ["H■", "ell■", "o", "wor■", "ld", "."] # start token of word are identified using subword marker token_starts = [True, False, False, True, False, True] self.assertEqual(bart_noise._is_word_start(tokens), token_starts) # 1. replace_length 0: "words" are dropped masked = bart_noise.apply(copy.copy(tokens)) n_words = sum(token_starts) n_masked = math.ceil(n_words * bart_noise.mask_ratio) # print(f"word delete: {masked} / {tokens}") # self.assertEqual(len(masked), n_words - n_masked) # 2. replace_length 1: "words" are replaced with a single MASK bart_noise.replace_length = 1 masked = bart_noise.apply(copy.copy(tokens)) # print(f"whole word single mask: {masked} / {tokens}") # len(masked) depend on number of tokens in select word n_words = sum(token_starts) n_masked = math.ceil(n_words * bart_noise.mask_ratio) self.assertEqual( sum(1 if tok == self.MASK_TOK else 0 for tok in masked), n_masked ) # 3. replace_length -1: all tokens in "words" are replaced with MASK bart_noise.replace_length = -1 masked = bart_noise.apply(copy.copy(tokens)) # print(f"whole word multi mask: {masked} / {tokens}") self.assertEqual(len(masked), len(tokens)) # length won't change n_words = sum(token_starts) n_masked = math.ceil(n_words * bart_noise.mask_ratio) # number of mask_tok depend on number of tokens in selected word # number of MASK_TOK can be greater than n_masked self.assertTrue( sum(1 if tok == self.MASK_TOK else 0 for tok in masked) > n_masked ) def test_span_infilling(self): bart_noise = BARTNoising( vocab=[self.FAKE_VOCAB], mask_tok=self.MASK_TOK, mask_ratio=0.5, mask_length="span-poisson", poisson_lambda=3.0, is_joiner=True, replace_length=1, # insert_ratio=0.5, # random_ratio=0.3, # Defalt: full_stop_token=[".", "?", "!"] ) self.assertIsNotNone(bart_noise.mask_span_distribution) tokens = ["H■", "ell■", "o", "world", ".", "An■", "other", "!"] # start token of word are identified using subword marker token_starts = [True, False, False, True, True, True, False, True] self.assertEqual(bart_noise._is_word_start(tokens), token_starts) bart_noise.apply(copy.copy(tokens)) # n_words = sum(token_starts) # n_masked = math.ceil(n_words * bart_noise.mask_ratio) # print(f"Text Span Infilling: {infillied} / {tokens}") # print(n_words, n_masked) class TestFeaturesTransform(unittest.TestCase): def test_inferfeats(self): inferfeats_cls = get_transforms_cls(["inferfeats"])["inferfeats"] opt = Namespace(reversible_tokenization="joiner") inferfeats_transform = inferfeats_cls(opt) ex_in = { "src": [ "however", "■,", "according", "to", "the", "logs", "■,", "she", "is", "hard", "■-■", "working", "■.", ], "src_original": [ "however,", "according", "to", "the", "logs,", "she", "is", "hard-working.", ], } ex_out = inferfeats_transform.apply(ex_in) self.assertIs(ex_out, ex_in) ex_in["src_feats"] = [["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]] ex_out = inferfeats_transform.apply(ex_in) self.assertEqual( ex_out["src_feats"][0], ["1", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "5", "6", "7", "8", "8", "8", "8"], ) ex_in["src"] = [ "⦅mrk_case_modifier_C⦆", "however", "■,", "according", "to", "the", "logs", "■,", "⦅mrk_begin_case_region_U⦆", "she", "is", "hard", "■-■", "working", "⦅mrk_end_case_region_U⦆", "■.", ] ex_in["src_feats"] = [["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"]] ex_out = inferfeats_transform.apply(ex_in) self.assertEqual( ex_out["src_feats"][0], [ "1", "1", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "5", "6", "6", "7", "8", "8", "8", "8", "8", ], ) ex_in = { "src": [ "however", "■,", "according", "to", "the", "logs", "■,", "she", "is", "hard", "■-■", "working", "■.", ], "src_original": [ "however", "■,", "according", "to", "the", "logs", "■,", "she", "is", "hard-working", "■.", ], "src_feats": [["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"]], } ex_out = inferfeats_transform.apply(ex_in) self.assertEqual( ex_out["src_feats"][0], ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "10", "10", "11"], ) class TestInsertMaskBeforePlaceholder(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.base_opts = { "response_pattern": "Response : ⦅newline⦆", } def test_insert_mask_before_placeholder(self): insert_mask_before_placeholder_cls = get_transforms_cls( ["insert_mask_before_placeholder"] )["insert_mask_before_placeholder"] opt = Namespace(**self.base_opts) insert_mask_before_placeholder_transform = insert_mask_before_placeholder_cls( opt ) ex_in = { "src": "### Instruction: ⦅newline⦆instruction⦅newline⦆⦅newline⦆" "### Response : ⦅newline⦆response", "tgt": "", } ex_in["src"] = ex_in["src"].split(" ") ex_in["tgt"] = ex_in["src"] ex_out = insert_mask_before_placeholder_transform.apply(ex_in) ex_gold = { "src": [ "###", "Instruction:", "⦅newline⦆instruction⦅newline⦆⦅newline⦆###", "Response", ":", "⦅newline⦆⦅_mask_before_⦆response", ], "tgt": [ "###", "Instruction:", "⦅newline⦆instruction⦅newline⦆⦅newline⦆###", "Response", ":", "⦅newline⦆⦅_mask_before_⦆response", ], } self.assertEqual(ex_out, ex_gold)