import io import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image from filters import * import streamlit as st # Generating a button to download the image file. def download_image_button(img, filename, text): buffered = io.BytesIO(), format="JPEG") img_bytes = buffered.getvalue() # Using st.download_button to handle the download st.download_button(label=text, data=img_bytes, file_name=filename, mime="image/jpeg", use_container_width=True) # Set title. st.title("Artistic Image Filters") # Upload image. uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an image file:", type=["png", "jpg"]) if uploaded_file is not None: # Convert the file to an opencv image. raw_bytes = np.asarray(bytearray(, dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(raw_bytes, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) input_col, output_col = st.columns(2) with input_col: st.header("Original") # Display uploaded image. st.image(img, channels="BGR", use_column_width=True) st.header("Filter Examples:") # Display radio buttons for choosing the filter to apply. option = "Select a filter:", ( "None", "Black and White", "Sepia / Vintage", "Vignette Effect", "Pencil Sketch", ), horizontal=True, ) # Define columns for thumbnail images. col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) with col1: st.caption("Black and White") st.image("filter_bw.jpg") with col2: st.caption("Sepia / Vintage") st.image("filter_sepia.jpg") with col3: st.caption("Vignette Effect") st.image("filter_vignette.jpg") with col4: st.caption("Pencil Sketch") st.image("filter_pencil_sketch.jpg") # Flag for showing output image. output_flag = 1 # Colorspace of output image. color = "BGR" # Generate filtered image based on the selected option. if option == "None": # Don't show output image. output_flag = 0 elif option == "Black and White": output = bw_filter(img) color = "GRAY" elif option == "Sepia / Vintage": output = sepia(img) elif option == "Vignette Effect": level = st.slider("level", 0, 5, 2) output = vignette(img, level) elif option == "Pencil Sketch": ksize = st.slider("Blur kernel size", 1, 11, 5, step=2) output = pencil_sketch(img, ksize) color = "GRAY" with output_col: if output_flag == 1: st.header("Output") st.image(output, channels=color) # fromarray converts cv2 image into PIL format for saving it using download button. if color == "BGR": result = Image.fromarray(output[:, :, ::-1]) else: result = Image.fromarray(output) # Display the download button with the text "Download Output" download_image_button(result, "output.jpg", "Download Output") else: st.header("Output") st.image(img, channels=color)