import streamlit as st import os import subprocess import sys import shutil from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from datasets import load_dataset import pandas as pd import oci from oci import object_storage from oci.object_storage.models import CreateBucketDetails from oci.object_storage.models import CreatePreauthenticatedRequestDetails import pickle st.set_page_config(page_title="Oracle") st.title("Oracle") st.caption("Upload HF Dataset to OCI Object Storage!") config_location = ".oci/config" user_ocid = "" tenancy_ocid = "" region = "" gen_api_key = "n" private_key_location = ".oci/private_key.pem" hf_dataset = "" oracle_form = st.form("configuration") oracle_form.write("OCI Settings") user_ocid = oracle_form.text_input("Enter the User OCID", "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaakhekqfxefo2a3sveid67qqlfgtrmpk5cym5oqkcgtgkhbi3elova") tenancy_ocid = oracle_form.text_input("Enter the tenancy ocid", "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaahzy3x4boh7ipxyft2rowu2xeglvanlfewudbnueugsieyuojkldq") region = oracle_form.text_input("Enter the region", "us-ashburn-1") existing_checkbox = oracle_form.checkbox("Check this if you want to put the dataset into an existing bucket") oracle_submitted = oracle_form.form_submit_button("Generate API Key") dataset_form = st.form("dataset") dataset_form.write("Dataset Settings") dataset_name = dataset_form.text_area("Enter the name of the huggingface Dataset:", value = "Hellisotherpeople/DebateSum") dataset_name_2 = dataset_form.text_area("Enter the name of the config for the dataset if it has one", value = "") split_name = dataset_form.text_area("Enter the name of the split of the dataset that you want to use", value = "train") pd_checkbox = dataset_form.checkbox("Check this if you want this to be a pandas dataframe instead of a HF Dataset Object") dataset_submitted = dataset_form.form_submit_button("Pull Dataset") def load_and_process_data(path, name, streaming, split_name): dataset = load_dataset(path = path, name = name, streaming=streaming, keep_in_memory = True) #return list(dataset) dataset_head = dataset[split_name] return dataset_head if oracle_submitted: input_str = config_location + "\n" + "Y" + "\n" + "USER" + "\n" + user_ocid + "\n" + tenancy_ocid + "\n" + region + "\n" + gen_api_key + "\n" + private_key_location key_input_str = " \n" + " \n" try: shutil.rmtree(".oci") except Exception: pass try: os.mkdir(".oci") except FileExistsError: pass open(".oci/config", "a").close() key = RSA.generate(2048) private_key = key.export_key() file_out = open(".oci/private_key.pem", "wb") file_out.write(private_key) file_out.close() public_key = key.publickey().export_key() file_out = open(".oci/public_key.pem", "wb") file_out.write(public_key) file_out.close() p =["oci", "setup", "config"], text = True, input = input_str) cat_public =["cat", ".oci/public_key.pem"], text = True, capture_output=True) cat_config =["cat", ".oci/config"], text = True, capture_output=True) oracle_form.text(cat_public.stdout) ###took me SIX HOURS of debugging to figure out that the st.write command is NOT the right way to output an RSA key :( with oracle_form.expander("Open to see the generated OCI config file"): oracle_form.text(cat_config.stdout) if dataset_submitted: hf_dataset = load_and_process_data(dataset_name, dataset_name_2, False, split_name) if pd_checkbox: hf_dataset = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hf_dataset) st.write(hf_dataset) st.write("Dataset Pulled Succesfully!") oci_config = oci.config.from_file("~/HF_X_OCI/.oci/config", profile_name = "USER") object_storage = object_storage.ObjectStorageClient(oci_config) st.write("Object Storage Connected Succesfully") namespace = object_storage.get_namespace().data compartment_id = oci_config["tenancy"] st.write(namespace) bucket_name = dataset_name.replace("/", "-") try: bucket = object_storage.create_bucket( namespace, oci.object_storage.models.CreateBucketDetails( name=bucket_name, compartment_id=compartment_id, storage_tier='Archive', public_access_type='ObjectRead' ) ) st.write("Bucket Written:") st.write(bucket) except Exception: st.write("Bucket Exists, Writing Dataset to Bucket") st.write("Uploading new object if it doesn't already exist {!r}".format(hf_dataset)) hf_bytes = pickle.dumps(hf_dataset) obj = object_storage.put_object( namespace, bucket_name, bucket_name, hf_bytes) st.write("Object Pushed Succesfully!") #if test_connection_button: