import math import time import streamlit as st from PIL import Image import cv2 import os import urllib.request import moviepy.editor import threading hide_streamlit_style = """ """ def sound_extract(file): video = moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip(file)'.')[0] + '.mp3') def remove_file(file): os.remove('deep_'+file) st.set_page_config(layout="wide") def loadModel(n): super_res = cv2.dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl_create() super_res.readModel('models/ESPCN_x'+n+'.pb') return super_res # on removing (show_spinner=False), it will show that fuction is running on web app @st.experimental_memo(show_spinner=False) def upscale(file,task,_progressBar = None): with open(, "wb") as f: f.write(file.getbuffer()) print('No file found, so added in list files') if isinstance(task,str): super_res = loadModel(task) super_res.setModel('espcn', int(task)) if file.type.split('/')[0] == 'image': img = cv2.imread( upscaled_image = super_res.upsample(img) print('I upscaled upto',task,'times') cv2.imwrite("processed_",upscaled_image) with st.sidebar: st.success('Done!', icon="✅") return True elif file.type.split('/')[0] == 'video': t1 = threading.Thread(target=sound_extract, args=(,)) t1.start() cap = cv2.VideoCapture( fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) width = int(cap.get(3)) height = int(cap.get(4)) writer = cv2.VideoWriter("deep_",fourcc,fps,(width*int(task),height*int(task))) length = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) step_size = 1.0/length progress = 0 with st.sidebar:"Operation in progress. Please wait.",icon="ℹ️") my_bar = st.progress(0) for percent_complete in range(length): frame =[1] frame = super_res.upsample(frame) writer.write(frame) print(progress) progress += step_size my_bar.progress(progress-0.000000001) return True return True # Second case where custom size is required else: req_width,req_height = int(task[0]),int(task[1]) if file.type.split('/')[0] == 'image': img = cv2.imread( actual_width,actual_height = img.shape[1],img.shape[0] w_ratio,h_ratio = req_width/actual_width , req_height/actual_height if min([w_ratio,h_ratio]) <= 1.0: img = cv2.resize(img,(req_width,req_height)) print("I did resizing only!") cv2.imwrite("processed_" +, img) with st.sidebar: st.success('Done!', icon="✅") return True # rounding off the ratios w_ratio,h_ratio = math.ceil(w_ratio),math.ceil(h_ratio) # find bigger number upscale_number = max(w_ratio,h_ratio) # task can be greater than 4 but we can upscale upto 4. So setting task to 4. if upscale_number >= 4: upscale_number = 4 super_res = loadModel(str(upscale_number)) super_res.setModel('espcn', int(upscale_number)) upscaled_image = super_res.upsample(img) print("Before resizing ",(upscaled_image.shape[1], upscaled_image.shape[0])) upscaled_image = cv2.resize(upscaled_image,(task[0],task[1])) print("Final size got: ",(upscaled_image.shape[1],upscaled_image.shape[0])) print("I upscale upto", upscale_number , "times and then resize it.") cv2.imwrite("processed_" +, upscaled_image) with st.sidebar: st.success('Done!', icon="✅") return True # If file is video elif file.type.split('/')[0] == 'video': t1 = threading.Thread(target=sound_extract, args=(,)) t1.start() cap = cv2.VideoCapture( fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) width = int(cap.get(3)) height = int(cap.get(4)) if height > 2160 or width > 3840: with st.sidebar: st.success("Sorry, I can't processed Video with resolution above 4k. Please select custom size option.!", icon="ℹ️") writer = cv2.VideoWriter("deep_" +, fourcc, fps, (int(task[0]),int(task[1]))) length = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) step_size = 1.0 / length progress = 0 progress_text = "Operation in progress. Please wait." with st.sidebar:"Operation in progress. Please wait.", icon="ℹ️") my_bar = st.progress(0) for percent_complete in range(length): frame =[1] frame = cv2.resize(frame, (task[0], task[1])) writer.write(frame) progress += step_size my_bar.progress(progress-0.000000001) return True return "It's second" if 'disable_opt2' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.disable_opt2 = True if 'disable_opt1' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.disable_opt1 = False if 'disable_download' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.disable_download = True if 'disable_proceed' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.disable_proceed = False st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) col1,_,col2 = st.columns([6,1,3],gap="small") def toggle_state_opt1(): if st.session_state.get("opt1") == True: st.session_state.opt2 = False st.session_state.disable_opt2 = True else: st.session_state.opt2 = True st.session_state.disable_opt2 = False def toggle_state_opt2(): if st.session_state.get("opt2") == True: st.session_state.opt1 = False st.session_state.disable_opt1 = True else: st.session_state.opt1 = True st.session_state.disable_opt1 = False # Update the states based on user selection before drawing the widgets in the web page toggle_state_opt2() toggle_state_opt1() options = ["2", "3","4"] progressBar = None with col1: file = st.file_uploader(" ",type=['png','jpeg','jpg','pgm','jpe','mp4','mov']) if file is not None: # writing file and saving its details in dict for further processing bytes_data = file.getvalue() file_size = len(bytes_data) print("File size: ",file_size) if file.type.split('/')[0] == "image" and file_size > 1550000: st.session_state.disable_proceed = True with st.sidebar:'Sorry, maximum size of image is 1.5MB', icon="ℹ️") elif file.type.split('/')[0] == "image": image = st.session_state.disable_proceed = False st.image(image,caption="Upload Image", use_column_width=True) st.session_state.disable_proceed = False elif file.type.split('/')[0] == 'video' and file_size > 200000000: with st.sidebar: options = ["2", "3"]'Sorry, maximum size of video is 200MB', icon="ℹ️") st.session_state.disable_proceed = True elif file.type.split('/')[0] == 'video': video = print(type(video)) options = ["2", "3"] st.session_state.disable_proceed = False with st.sidebar:'For custom size, currently I can processed video without AI.', icon="ℹ️") with col2: st.markdown("\n") st.markdown("\n") st.markdown("\n") st.subheader(" UPSCALE RESOLUTION UP TO") st.markdown("\n") st.markdown("\n") opt1 = st.checkbox("MULTIPLES OF",key="opt1",value=True,on_change=toggle_state_opt1) st.selectbox("SELECT", options,key="opt1_selBox",disabled=st.session_state.disable_opt1) st.markdown("\n") st.markdown("\n") opt2 = st.checkbox("CUSTOM SIZE",key="opt2",on_change=toggle_state_opt2) st.number_input("Width", step=1, min_value=150,max_value=3840, value=900, key="width",disabled=st.session_state.disable_opt2) st.number_input("Height", step=1, min_value=150,max_value=2160, value=900, key="height",disabled=st.session_state.disable_opt2) st.markdown("\n") st.markdown("\n") if st.button(15*" "+"PROCEED"+" "*15,disabled=st.session_state.disable_proceed) and file is not None: if st.session_state.get('opt1') == True: task = st.session_state.opt1_selBox else: task = [st.session_state.width, st.session_state.height] print(task) st.session_state.disable_download = not upscale(file,task,progressBar) if file.type.split('/')[0] == 'video': with st.sidebar:"Preparing for Download. Please wait.", icon="ℹ️") audio = moviepy.editor.AudioFileClip('.')[0] + '.mp3') video = moviepy.editor.VideoFileClip("deep_" videoClip = video.set_audio(audio) videoClip.write_videofile('processed_' t2 = threading.Thread(target=remove_file( t2.start() st.success('Done! Thankyou for your patience', icon="✅") #print(resulted_file.shape) st.markdown("\n") st.markdown("\n") if file is None: st.session_state.disable_download = True if st.session_state.disable_download == True: st.button(13*" "+"DOWNLOAD"+" "*13,disabled=True) else: with open('processed_', "rb") as download_file: st.download_button(label=13*" "+"DOWNLOAD"+" "*13, data=download_file, file_name= 'processed_', mime= "image/png", disabled=st.session_state.disable_download) st.markdown("\n") st.markdown("\n")"DESCRIPTION : This web app is designed to upscale or resize image resolution. While the app"+ " is still undergoing development, we are delighted to offer you to use it for image resolution upscaling."+ " We welcome your feedback and suggestions, and encourage you to contact us at "+ "to share your thoughts. Thank you for your interest in our web application, and we look forward "+ "to hearing from you as we continue to work towards making this project a resounding success." )