import pandas as pd import as px import streamlit as st # Display title and text st.title("Week 1 - Data and visualization") st.markdown("Here we can see the dataframe created during this weeks project.") # Read dataframe dataframe = pd.read_csv( "WK1_Airbnb_Amsterdam_listings_proj_solution.csv", names=[ "Airbnb Listing ID", "Price", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Meters from chosen location", "Location", ], ) # We have a limited budget, therefore we would like to exclude # listings with a price above 100 pounds per night dataframe = dataframe[dataframe["Price"] <= 100] # Display as integer dataframe["Airbnb Listing ID"] = dataframe["Airbnb Listing ID"].astype(int) # Round of values dataframe["Price"] = "£ " + dataframe["Price"].round(2).astype(str) # Rename the number to a string dataframe["Location"] = dataframe["Location"].replace( {1.0: "To visit", 0.0: "Airbnb listing"} ) # Display dataframe and text st.dataframe(dataframe) st.markdown("Below is a map showing all the Airbnb listings with a red dot and the location we've chosen with a blue dot.") # Create the plotly express figure fig = px.scatter_mapbox( dataframe, lat="Latitude", lon="Longitude", color="Location", zoom=11, height=500, width=800, hover_name="Price", hover_data=["Meters from chosen location", "Location"], labels={"color": "Locations"}, ) fig.update_geos(center=dict(lat=dataframe.iloc[0][2], lon=dataframe.iloc[0][3])) fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="stamen-terrain") # Show the figure st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)