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import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from kornia.geometry.subpix import dsnt
from kornia.utils.grid import create_meshgrid
from loguru import logger
class FineMatching(nn.Module):
"""FineMatching with s2d paradigm"""
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.local_regress_temperature = config['match_fine']['local_regress_temperature']
self.local_regress_slicedim = config['match_fine']['local_regress_slicedim']
self.fp16 = config['half']
def forward(self, feat_0, feat_1, data):
feat0 (torch.Tensor): [M, WW, C]
feat1 (torch.Tensor): [M, WW, C]
data (dict)
data (dict):{
'expec_f' (torch.Tensor): [M, 3],
'mkpts0_f' (torch.Tensor): [M, 2],
'mkpts1_f' (torch.Tensor): [M, 2]}
M, WW, C = feat_0.shape
W = int(math.sqrt(WW))
scale = data['hw0_i'][0] / data['hw0_f'][0]
self.M, self.W, self.WW, self.C, self.scale = M, W, WW, C, scale
# corner case: if no coarse matches found
if M == 0:
assert == False, "M is always > 0 while training, see"
'conf_matrix_f': torch.empty(0, WW, WW, device=feat_0.device),
'mkpts0_f': data['mkpts0_c'],
'mkpts1_f': data['mkpts1_c'],
# compute pixel-level confidence matrix
with torch.autocast(enabled=True, device_type='cuda'):
feat_f0, feat_f1 = feat_0[...,:-self.local_regress_slicedim], feat_1[...,:-self.local_regress_slicedim]
feat_ff0, feat_ff1 = feat_0[...,-self.local_regress_slicedim:], feat_1[...,-self.local_regress_slicedim:]
feat_f0, feat_f1 = feat_f0 / C**.5, feat_f1 / C**.5
conf_matrix_f = torch.einsum('mlc,mrc->mlr', feat_f0, feat_f1)
conf_matrix_ff = torch.einsum('mlc,mrc->mlr', feat_ff0, feat_ff1 / (self.local_regress_slicedim)**.5)
softmax_matrix_f = F.softmax(conf_matrix_f, 1) * F.softmax(conf_matrix_f, 2)
softmax_matrix_f = softmax_matrix_f.reshape(M, self.WW, self.W+2, self.W+2)
softmax_matrix_f = softmax_matrix_f[...,1:-1,1:-1].reshape(M, self.WW, self.WW)
# for fine-level supervision
data.update({'sim_matrix_ff': conf_matrix_ff})
data.update({'conf_matrix_f': softmax_matrix_f})
# compute pixel-level absolute kpt coords
self.get_fine_ds_match(softmax_matrix_f, data)
# generate seconde-stage 3x3 grid
idx_l, idx_r = data['idx_l'], data['idx_r']
m_ids = torch.arange(M, device=idx_l.device, dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(-1)
m_ids = m_ids[:len(data['mconf'])]
idx_r_iids, idx_r_jids = idx_r // W, idx_r % W
m_ids, idx_l, idx_r_iids, idx_r_jids = m_ids.reshape(-1), idx_l.reshape(-1), idx_r_iids.reshape(-1), idx_r_jids.reshape(-1)
delta = create_meshgrid(3, 3, True, conf_matrix_ff.device).to(torch.long) # [1, 3, 3, 2]
m_ids = m_ids[...,None,None].expand(-1, 3, 3)
idx_l = idx_l[...,None,None].expand(-1, 3, 3) # [m, k, 3, 3]
idx_r_iids = idx_r_iids[...,None,None].expand(-1, 3, 3) + delta[None, ..., 1]
idx_r_jids = idx_r_jids[...,None,None].expand(-1, 3, 3) + delta[None, ..., 0]
if idx_l.numel() == 0:
'mkpts0_f': data['mkpts0_c'],
'mkpts1_f': data['mkpts1_c'],
# compute second-stage heatmap
conf_matrix_ff = conf_matrix_ff.reshape(M, self.WW, self.W+2, self.W+2)
conf_matrix_ff = conf_matrix_ff[m_ids, idx_l, idx_r_iids, idx_r_jids]
conf_matrix_ff = conf_matrix_ff.reshape(-1, 9)
conf_matrix_ff = F.softmax(conf_matrix_ff / self.local_regress_temperature, -1)
heatmap = conf_matrix_ff.reshape(-1, 3, 3)
# compute coordinates from heatmap
coords_normalized = dsnt.spatial_expectation2d(heatmap[None], True)[0]
if data['bs'] == 1:
scale1 = scale * data['scale1'] if 'scale0' in data else scale
scale1 = scale * data['scale1'][data['b_ids']][:len(data['mconf']), ...][:,None,:].expand(-1, -1, 2).reshape(-1, 2) if 'scale0' in data else scale
# compute subpixel-level absolute kpt coords
self.get_fine_match_local(coords_normalized, data, scale1)
def get_fine_match_local(self, coords_normed, data, scale1):
W, WW, C, scale = self.W, self.WW, self.C, self.scale
mkpts0_c, mkpts1_c = data['mkpts0_c'], data['mkpts1_c']
# mkpts0_f and mkpts1_f
mkpts0_f = mkpts0_c
mkpts1_f = mkpts1_c + (coords_normed * (3 // 2) * scale1)
"mkpts0_f": mkpts0_f,
"mkpts1_f": mkpts1_f
def get_fine_ds_match(self, conf_matrix, data):
W, WW, C, scale = self.W, self.WW, self.C, self.scale
m, _, _ = conf_matrix.shape
conf_matrix = conf_matrix.reshape(m, -1)[:len(data['mconf']),...]
val, idx = torch.max(conf_matrix, dim = -1)
idx = idx[:,None]
idx_l, idx_r = idx // WW, idx % WW
data.update({'idx_l': idx_l, 'idx_r': idx_r})
if self.fp16:
grid = create_meshgrid(W, W, False, conf_matrix.device, dtype=torch.float16) - W // 2 + 0.5 # kornia >= 0.5.1
grid = create_meshgrid(W, W, False, conf_matrix.device) - W // 2 + 0.5
grid = grid.reshape(1, -1, 2).expand(m, -1, -1)
delta_l = torch.gather(grid, 1, idx_l.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, 2))
delta_r = torch.gather(grid, 1, idx_r.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, 2))
scale0 = scale * data['scale0'][data['b_ids']] if 'scale0' in data else scale
scale1 = scale * data['scale1'][data['b_ids']] if 'scale0' in data else scale
if torch.is_tensor(scale0) and scale0.numel() > 1: # scale0 is a tensor
mkpts0_f = (data['mkpts0_c'][:,None,:] + (delta_l * scale0[:len(data['mconf']),...][:,None,:])).reshape(-1, 2)
mkpts1_f = (data['mkpts1_c'][:,None,:] + (delta_r * scale1[:len(data['mconf']),...][:,None,:])).reshape(-1, 2)
else: # scale0 is a float
mkpts0_f = (data['mkpts0_c'][:,None,:] + (delta_l * scale0)).reshape(-1, 2)
mkpts1_f = (data['mkpts1_c'][:,None,:] + (delta_r * scale1)).reshape(-1, 2)
"mkpts0_c": mkpts0_f,
"mkpts1_c": mkpts1_f
}) |