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from typing import Optional, Union
import torch
from torch import device
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.models as tvm
import gc
class ResNet50(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, pretrained=False, high_res = False, weights = None,
dilation = None, freeze_bn = True, anti_aliased = False, early_exit = False, amp = False, amp_dtype = torch.float16) -> None:
if dilation is None:
dilation = [False,False,False]
if anti_aliased:
if weights is not None: = tvm.resnet50(weights = weights,replace_stride_with_dilation=dilation)
else: = tvm.resnet50(pretrained=pretrained,replace_stride_with_dilation=dilation)
self.high_res = high_res
self.freeze_bn = freeze_bn
self.early_exit = early_exit
self.amp = amp
self.amp_dtype = amp_dtype
def forward(self, x, **kwargs):
with torch.autocast("cuda", enabled=self.amp, dtype = self.amp_dtype):
net =
feats = {1:x}
x = net.conv1(x)
x = net.bn1(x)
x = net.relu(x)
feats[2] = x
x = net.maxpool(x)
x = net.layer1(x)
feats[4] = x
x = net.layer2(x)
feats[8] = x
if self.early_exit:
return feats
x = net.layer3(x)
feats[16] = x
x = net.layer4(x)
feats[32] = x
return feats
def train(self, mode=True):
if self.freeze_bn:
for m in self.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
class VGG19(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, pretrained=False, amp = False, amp_dtype = torch.float16) -> None:
self.layers = nn.ModuleList(tvm.vgg19_bn(pretrained=pretrained).features[:40])
self.amp = amp
self.amp_dtype = amp_dtype
def forward(self, x, **kwargs):
with torch.autocast("cuda", enabled=self.amp, dtype = self.amp_dtype):
feats = {}
scale = 1
for layer in self.layers:
if isinstance(layer, nn.MaxPool2d):
feats[scale] = x
scale = scale*2
x = layer(x)
return feats
class CNNandDinov2(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, cnn_kwargs = None, amp = False, use_vgg = False, dinov2_weights = None, amp_dtype = torch.float16):
if dinov2_weights is None:
dinov2_weights = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url("", map_location="cpu")
from .transformer import vit_large
vit_kwargs = dict(img_size= 518,
patch_size= 14,
init_values = 1.0,
ffn_layer = "mlp",
block_chunks = 0,
dinov2_vitl14 = vit_large(**vit_kwargs).eval()
cnn_kwargs = cnn_kwargs if cnn_kwargs is not None else {}
if not use_vgg:
self.cnn = ResNet50(**cnn_kwargs)
self.cnn = VGG19(**cnn_kwargs)
self.amp = amp
self.amp_dtype = amp_dtype
if self.amp:
dinov2_vitl14 =
self.dinov2_vitl14 = [dinov2_vitl14] # ugly hack to not show parameters to DDP
def train(self, mode: bool = True):
return self.cnn.train(mode)
def forward(self, x, upsample = False):
B,C,H,W = x.shape
feature_pyramid = self.cnn(x)
if not upsample:
with torch.no_grad():
if self.dinov2_vitl14[0].device != x.device:
self.dinov2_vitl14[0] = self.dinov2_vitl14[0].to(x.device).to(self.amp_dtype)
dinov2_features_16 = self.dinov2_vitl14[0].forward_features(
features_16 = dinov2_features_16['x_norm_patchtokens'].permute(0,2,1).reshape(B,1024,H//14, W//14)
del dinov2_features_16
feature_pyramid[16] = features_16
return feature_pyramid |