update: roma and dust3r
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import os
import torch
from pathlib import Path
import math
import numpy as np
from torch import nn
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from romatch.utils.kde import kde
class BasicLayer(nn.Module):
Basic Convolutional Layer: Conv2d -> BatchNorm -> ReLU
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, dilation=1, bias=False, relu = True):
self.layer = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d( in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding = padding, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, bias = bias),
nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels, affine=False),
nn.ReLU(inplace = True) if relu else nn.Identity()
def forward(self, x):
return self.layer(x)
class TinyRoMa(nn.Module):
Implementation of architecture described in
"XFeat: Accelerated Features for Lightweight Image Matching, CVPR 2024."
def __init__(self, xfeat = None,
freeze_xfeat = True,
sample_mode = "threshold_balanced",
symmetric = False,
exact_softmax = False):
del xfeat.heatmap_head, xfeat.keypoint_head, xfeat.fine_matcher
if freeze_xfeat:
self.xfeat = [xfeat]# hide params from ddp
self.xfeat = nn.ModuleList([xfeat])
self.freeze_xfeat = freeze_xfeat
match_dim = 256
self.coarse_matcher = nn.Sequential(
BasicLayer(64+64+2, match_dim,),
BasicLayer(match_dim, match_dim,),
BasicLayer(match_dim, match_dim,),
BasicLayer(match_dim, match_dim,),
nn.Conv2d(match_dim, 3, kernel_size=1, bias=True, padding=0))
fine_match_dim = 64
self.fine_matcher = nn.Sequential(
BasicLayer(24+24+2, fine_match_dim,),
BasicLayer(fine_match_dim, fine_match_dim,),
BasicLayer(fine_match_dim, fine_match_dim,),
BasicLayer(fine_match_dim, fine_match_dim,),
nn.Conv2d(fine_match_dim, 3, kernel_size=1, bias=True, padding=0),)
self.sample_mode = sample_mode
self.sample_thresh = 0.05
self.symmetric = symmetric
self.exact_softmax = exact_softmax
def device(self):
return self.fine_matcher[-1].weight.device
def preprocess_tensor(self, x):
""" Guarantee that image is divisible by 32 to avoid aliasing artifacts. """
H, W = x.shape[-2:]
_H, _W = (H//32) * 32, (W//32) * 32
rh, rw = H/_H, W/_W
x = F.interpolate(x, (_H, _W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)
return x, rh, rw
def forward_single(self, x):
with torch.inference_mode(self.freeze_xfeat or not
xfeat = self.xfeat[0]
with torch.no_grad():
x = x.mean(dim=1, keepdim = True)
x = xfeat.norm(x)
#main backbone
x1 = xfeat.block1(x)
x2 = xfeat.block2(x1 + xfeat.skip1(x))
x3 = xfeat.block3(x2)
x4 = xfeat.block4(x3)
x5 = xfeat.block5(x4)
x4 = F.interpolate(x4, (x3.shape[-2], x3.shape[-1]), mode='bilinear')
x5 = F.interpolate(x5, (x3.shape[-2], x3.shape[-1]), mode='bilinear')
feats = xfeat.block_fusion( x3 + x4 + x5 )
if self.freeze_xfeat:
return x2.clone(), feats.clone()
return x2, feats
def to_pixel_coordinates(self, coords, H_A, W_A, H_B = None, W_B = None):
if coords.shape[-1] == 2:
return self._to_pixel_coordinates(coords, H_A, W_A)
if isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)):
kpts_A, kpts_B = coords[0], coords[1]
kpts_A, kpts_B = coords[...,:2], coords[...,2:]
return self._to_pixel_coordinates(kpts_A, H_A, W_A), self._to_pixel_coordinates(kpts_B, H_B, W_B)
def _to_pixel_coordinates(self, coords, H, W):
kpts = torch.stack((W/2 * (coords[...,0]+1), H/2 * (coords[...,1]+1)),axis=-1)
return kpts
def pos_embed(self, corr_volume: torch.Tensor):
B, H1, W1, H0, W0 = corr_volume.shape
grid = torch.stack(
torch.linspace(-1+1/W1,1-1/W1, W1),
torch.linspace(-1+1/H1,1-1/H1, H1),
indexing = "xy"),
dim = -1).float().to(corr_volume).reshape(H1*W1, 2)
down = 4
if not and not self.exact_softmax:
grid_lr = torch.stack(
torch.linspace(-1+down/W1,1-down/W1, W1//down),
torch.linspace(-1+down/H1,1-down/H1, H1//down),
indexing = "xy"),
dim = -1).float().to(corr_volume).reshape(H1*W1 //down**2, 2)
cv = corr_volume
best_match = cv.reshape(B,H1*W1,H0,W0).argmax(dim=1) # B, HW, H, W
P_lowres =[:,::down,::down].reshape(B,H1*W1 // down**2,H0,W0), best_match[:,None]),dim=1).softmax(dim=1)
pos_embeddings = torch.einsum('bchw,cd->bdhw', P_lowres[:,:-1], grid_lr)
pos_embeddings += P_lowres[:,-1] * grid[best_match].permute(0,3,1,2)
P = corr_volume.reshape(B,H1*W1,H0,W0).softmax(dim=1) # B, HW, H, W
pos_embeddings = torch.einsum('bchw,cd->bdhw', P, grid)
return pos_embeddings
def visualize_warp(self, warp, certainty, im_A = None, im_B = None,
im_A_path = None, im_B_path = None, symmetric = True, save_path = None, unnormalize = False):
device = warp.device
H,W2,_ = warp.shape
W = W2//2 if symmetric else W2
if im_A is None:
from PIL import Image
im_A, im_B ="RGB"),"RGB")
if not isinstance(im_A, torch.Tensor):
im_A = im_A.resize((W,H))
im_B = im_B.resize((W,H))
x_B = (torch.tensor(np.array(im_B)) / 255).to(device).permute(2, 0, 1)
if symmetric:
x_A = (torch.tensor(np.array(im_A)) / 255).to(device).permute(2, 0, 1)
if symmetric:
x_A = im_A
x_B = im_B
im_A_transfer_rgb = F.grid_sample(
x_B[None], warp[:,:W, 2:][None], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False
if symmetric:
im_B_transfer_rgb = F.grid_sample(
x_A[None], warp[:, W:, :2][None], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False
warp_im =,im_B_transfer_rgb),dim=2)
white_im = torch.ones((H,2*W),device=device)
warp_im = im_A_transfer_rgb
white_im = torch.ones((H, W), device = device)
vis_im = certainty * warp_im + (1 - certainty) * white_im
if save_path is not None:
from romatch.utils import tensor_to_pil
tensor_to_pil(vis_im, unnormalize=unnormalize).save(save_path)
return vis_im
def corr_volume(self, feat0, feat1):
feat0 -> torch.Tensor(B, C, H, W)
feat1 -> torch.Tensor(B, C, H, W)
corr_volume -> torch.Tensor(B, H, W, H, W)
B, C, H0, W0 = feat0.shape
B, C, H1, W1 = feat1.shape
feat0 = feat0.view(B, C, H0*W0)
feat1 = feat1.view(B, C, H1*W1)
corr_volume = torch.einsum('bci,bcj->bji', feat0, feat1).reshape(B, H1, W1, H0 , W0)/math.sqrt(C) #16*16*16
return corr_volume
def match_from_path(self, im0_path, im1_path):
device = self.device
im0 = ToTensor()([None].to(device)
im1 = ToTensor()([None].to(device)
return self.match(im0, im1, batched = False)
def match(self, im0, im1, *args, batched = True):
# stupid
if isinstance(im0, (str, Path)):
return self.match_from_path(im0, im1)
elif isinstance(im0, Image.Image):
batched = False
device = self.device
im0 = ToTensor()(im0)[None].to(device)
im1 = ToTensor()(im1)[None].to(device)
B,C,H0,W0 = im0.shape
B,C,H1,W1 = im1.shape
corresps = self.forward({"im_A":im0, "im_B":im1})
#return 1,1
flow = F.interpolate(
size = (H0, W0),
mode = "bilinear", align_corners = False).permute(0,2,3,1).reshape(B,H0,W0,2)
grid = torch.stack(
torch.linspace(-1+1/W0,1-1/W0, W0),
torch.linspace(-1+1/H0,1-1/H0, H0),
indexing = "xy"),
dim = -1).float().to(flow.device).expand(B, H0, W0, 2)
certainty = F.interpolate(corresps[4]["certainty"], size = (H0,W0), mode = "bilinear", align_corners = False)
warp, cert =, flow), dim = -1), certainty[:,0].sigmoid()
if batched:
return warp, cert
return warp[0], cert[0]
def sample(
H,W,_ = matches.shape
if "threshold" in self.sample_mode:
upper_thresh = self.sample_thresh
certainty = certainty.clone()
certainty[certainty > upper_thresh] = 1
matches, certainty = (
matches.reshape(-1, 4),
expansion_factor = 4 if "balanced" in self.sample_mode else 1
good_samples = torch.multinomial(certainty,
num_samples = min(expansion_factor*num, len(certainty)),
good_matches, good_certainty = matches[good_samples], certainty[good_samples]
if "balanced" not in self.sample_mode:
return good_matches, good_certainty
use_half = True if matches.device.type == "cuda" else False
down = 1 if matches.device.type == "cuda" else 8
density = kde(good_matches, std=0.1, half = use_half, down = down)
p = 1 / (density+1)
p[density < 10] = 1e-7 # Basically should have at least 10 perfect neighbours, or around 100 ok ones
balanced_samples = torch.multinomial(p,
num_samples = min(num,len(good_certainty)),
return good_matches[balanced_samples], good_certainty[balanced_samples]
def forward(self, batch):
x -> torch.Tensor(B, C, H, W) grayscale or rgb images
im0 = batch["im_A"]
im1 = batch["im_B"]
corresps = {}
im0, rh0, rw0 = self.preprocess_tensor(im0)
im1, rh1, rw1 = self.preprocess_tensor(im1)
B, C, H0, W0 = im0.shape
B, C, H1, W1 = im1.shape
to_normalized = torch.tensor((2/W1, 2/H1, 1)).to(im0.device)[None,:,None,None]
if im0.shape[-2:] == im1.shape[-2:]:
x =[im0, im1], dim=0)
x = self.forward_single(x)
feats_x0_c, feats_x1_c = x[1].chunk(2)
feats_x0_f, feats_x1_f = x[0].chunk(2)
feats_x0_f, feats_x0_c = self.forward_single(im0)
feats_x1_f, feats_x1_c = self.forward_single(im1)
corr_volume = self.corr_volume(feats_x0_c, feats_x1_c)
coarse_warp = self.pos_embed(corr_volume)
coarse_matches =, torch.zeros_like(coarse_warp[:,-1:])), dim=1)
feats_x1_c_warped = F.grid_sample(feats_x1_c, coarse_matches.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)[...,:2], mode = 'bilinear', align_corners = False)
coarse_matches_delta = self.coarse_matcher(, feats_x1_c_warped, coarse_warp), dim=1))
coarse_matches = coarse_matches + coarse_matches_delta * to_normalized
corresps[8] = {"flow": coarse_matches[:,:2], "certainty": coarse_matches[:,2:]}
coarse_matches_up = F.interpolate(coarse_matches, size = feats_x0_f.shape[-2:], mode = "bilinear", align_corners = False)
coarse_matches_up_detach = coarse_matches_up.detach()#note the detach
feats_x1_f_warped = F.grid_sample(feats_x1_f, coarse_matches_up_detach.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)[...,:2], mode = 'bilinear', align_corners = False)
fine_matches_delta = self.fine_matcher(, feats_x1_f_warped, coarse_matches_up_detach[:,:2]), dim=1))
fine_matches = coarse_matches_up_detach+fine_matches_delta * to_normalized
corresps[4] = {"flow": fine_matches[:,:2], "certainty": fine_matches[:,2:]}
return corresps