#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # <span style="font-width:bold; font-size: 3rem; color:#1EB182;"> **Air Quality** </span><span style="font-width:bold; font-size: 3rem; color:#333;">- Part 04: Batch Inference</span> # # ## 🗒️ This notebook is divided into the following sections: # # 1. Download model and batch inference data # 2. Make predictions, generate PNG for forecast # 3. Store predictions in a monitoring feature group adn generate PNG for hindcast # ## <span style='color:#ff5f27'> 📝 Imports # In[1]: import datetime import pandas as pd from xgboost import XGBRegressor import hopsworks import json from functions import util import os # In[2]: today = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(0) tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days = 1) today # ## <span style="color:#ff5f27;"> 📡 Connect to Hopsworks Feature Store </span> # In[3]: # os.environ["HOPSWORKS_API_KEY"] = "" project = hopsworks.login() fs = project.get_feature_store() secrets = util.secrets_api(project.name) location_str = secrets.get_secret("SENSOR_LOCATION_JSON").value location = json.loads(location_str) country=location['country'] city=location['city'] street=location['street'] # ## <span style="color:#ff5f27;"> ⚙️ Feature View Retrieval</span> # # In[4]: feature_view = fs.get_feature_view( name='air_quality_fv', version=1, ) # ## <span style="color:#ff5f27;">🪝 Download the model from Model Registry</span> # In[5]: mr = project.get_model_registry() retrieved_model = mr.get_model( name="air_quality_xgboost_model", version=1, ) # Download the saved model artifacts to a local directory saved_model_dir = retrieved_model.download() # In[6]: # Loading the XGBoost regressor model and label encoder from the saved model directory # retrieved_xgboost_model = joblib.load(saved_model_dir + "/xgboost_regressor.pkl") retrieved_xgboost_model = XGBRegressor() retrieved_xgboost_model.load_model(saved_model_dir + "/model.json") # Displaying the retrieved XGBoost regressor model retrieved_xgboost_model # In[7]: # Access the feature names of the trained XGBoost model feature_names = retrieved_xgboost_model.get_booster().feature_names # Print the feature names print("Feature names:", feature_names) # ## <span style="color:#ff5f27;">✨ Get Weather Forecast Features with Feature View </span> # # # In[8]: weather_fg = fs.get_feature_group( name='weather', version=1, ) today_timestamp = pd.to_datetime(today) batch_data = weather_fg.filter(weather_fg.date >= today_timestamp ).read() batch_data # ### Get Mean air quality for past days # In[9]: air_quality_fg = fs.get_feature_group( name='air_quality', version=1, ) selected_features = air_quality_fg.select_all() #(['pm25']).join(weather_fg.select_all(), on=['city']) selected_features = selected_features.read() # In[10]: selected_features = selected_features.sort_values(by='date').reset_index(drop=True) # In[11]: past_air_q_list = selected_features[['date', 'pm25']][-3:]['pm25'].tolist() # In[12]: batch_data = batch_data.sort_values(by='date').reset_index(drop=True) # In[13]: batch_data['past_air_quality'] = None # In[14]: batch_data # ### <span style="color:#ff5f27;">🤖 Making the predictions</span> # In[15]: # Initialize an empty list to store predictions predictions = [] # Iterate through each row of the DataFrame for index, row in batch_data.iterrows(): past_air_quality_mean = sum(past_air_q_list)/3 # Extract the feature values for prediction as a 1D array features = row[['past_air_quality', 'temperature_2m_mean', 'precipitation_sum', 'wind_speed_10m_max', 'wind_direction_10m_dominant']].values # Reshape features to a 2D array (required by XGBoost's predict method) features = features.reshape(1, -1) # Make a prediction for the row prediction = retrieved_xgboost_model.predict(features) # Append the prediction to the list predictions.append(prediction[0]) past_air_q_list.append(prediction[0]) past_air_q_list = past_air_q_list[1:] # print(past_air_q_list) batch_data.loc[index,'past_air_quality'] = past_air_quality_mean # Add the predictions as a new column in the DataFrame batch_data['predicted_pm25'] = predictions # Display the updated DataFrame batch_data # In[16]: # batch_data['predicted_pm25'] = retrieved_xgboost_model.predict( # batch_data[['temperature_2m_mean', 'precipitation_sum', 'wind_speed_10m_max', 'wind_direction_10m_dominant']]) # batch_data # In[17]: batch_data.info() # ### <span style="color:#ff5f27;">🤖 Saving the predictions (for monitoring) to a Feature Group</span> # In[18]: batch_data['street'] = street batch_data['city'] = city batch_data['country'] = country # Fill in the number of days before the date on which you made the forecast (base_date) batch_data['days_before_forecast_day'] = range(1, len(batch_data)+1) batch_data = batch_data.sort_values(by=['date']) batch_data['date'] = batch_data['date'].dt.tz_convert(None).astype('datetime64[ns]') batch_data # In[19]: batch_data.info() # ### Create Forecast Graph # Draw a graph of the predictions with dates as a PNG and save it to the github repo # Show it on github pages # In[20]: file_path = "img/pm25_forecast.png" plt = util.plot_air_quality_forecast(city, street, batch_data, file_path) plt.show() # In[21]: # Get or create feature group monitor_fg = fs.get_or_create_feature_group( name='aq_predictions', description='Air Quality prediction monitoring', version=1, primary_key=['city','street','date','days_before_forecast_day'], event_time="date" ) # In[22]: monitor_fg.insert(batch_data, write_options={"wait_for_job": True}) # In[23]: # We will create a hindcast chart for only the forecasts made 1 day beforehand monitoring_df = monitor_fg.filter(monitor_fg.days_before_forecast_day == 1).read() monitoring_df # In[24]: air_quality_fg = fs.get_feature_group( name='air_quality', version=1, ) air_quality_df = air_quality_fg.read() air_quality_df # In[25]: air_quality_df['date'] # In[26]: monitoring_df['date'] # In[27]: air_quality_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(air_quality_df['date']) monitoring_df['date'] = monitoring_df['date'].dt.tz_convert(None).astype('datetime64[ns]') # In[28]: weather_fg.read() # In[29]: air_quality_df # In[30]: monitor_fg.read() # In[31]: outcome_df = air_quality_df[['date', 'pm25']] preds_df = monitoring_df[['date', 'predicted_pm25']] hindcast_df = pd.merge(preds_df, outcome_df, on="date") hindcast_df = hindcast_df.sort_values(by=['date']) # If there are no outcomes for predictions yet, generate some predictions/outcomes from existing data if len(hindcast_df) == 0: hindcast_df = util.backfill_predictions_for_monitoring(weather_fg, air_quality_df, monitor_fg, retrieved_xgboost_model) hindcast_df # ### Plot the Hindcast comparing predicted with forecasted values (1-day prior forecast) # # __This graph will be empty to begin with - this is normal.__ # # After a few days of predictions and observations, you will get data points in this graph. # In[32]: file_path = "img/pm25_hindcast_1day.png" plt = util.plot_air_quality_forecast(city, street, hindcast_df, file_path, hindcast=True) plt.show() # %%