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import json
import pathlib
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
import os
from os.path import join as join_path
from .omograph_model import OmographModel
from .accent_model import AccentModel
import re
class RUAccent:
def __init__(self, workdir=None):
self.omograph_model = OmographModel()
self.accent_model = AccentModel()
if not workdir:
self.workdir = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent)
self.workdir = workdir
def load(
if not os.path.exists(
join_path(self.workdir, "dictionary")
) or not os.path.exists(join_path(self.workdir, "nn")):
ignore_patterns=["*.md", "*.gitattributes"],
self.omographs = json.load(
open(join_path(self.workdir, "dictionary/omographs.json"), encoding='utf-8')
self.yo_words = json.load(
open(join_path(self.workdir, "dictionary/yo_words.json"), encoding='utf-8')
self.dict_load_startup = dict_load_startup
if dict_load_startup:
self.accents = json.load(
open(join_path(self.workdir, "dictionary/accents.json"), encoding='utf-8')
if disable_accent_dict:
self.accents = {}
self.disable_accent_dict = True
self.disable_accent_dict = False
if omograph_model_size not in ["small", "medium"]:
raise NotImplementedError
join_path(self.workdir, f"nn/nn_omograph/{omograph_model_size}/")
self.accent_model.load(join_path(self.workdir, "nn/nn_accent/"))
def split_by_words(self, string):
result = re.findall(r"\w*(?:\+\w+)*|[^\w\s]+", string.lower())
return [res for res in result if res]
def extract_initial_letters(self, text):
words = text
initial_letters = []
for word in words:
if len(word) > 2 and '+' not in word and not bool('[a-zA-Z]', word)):
return initial_letters
def load_dict(self, text):
chars = self.extract_initial_letters(text)
out_dict = {}
for char in chars:
join_path(self.workdir, f"dictionary/letter_accent/{char}.json"),
return out_dict
def count_vowels(self, text):
vowels = "аеёиоуыэюяАЕЁИОУЫЭЮЯ"
return sum(1 for char in text if char in vowels)
def has_punctuation(self, text):
for char in text:
if char in "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~":
return True
return False
def delete_spaces_before_punc(self, text):
punc = "!\"#$%&'()*,./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"
for char in punc:
text = text.replace(" " + char, char)
return text
def process_yo(self, text):
splitted_text = text
for i, word in enumerate(splitted_text):
splitted_text[i] = self.yo_words.get(word, word)
return splitted_text
def process_omographs(self, text):
splitted_text = text
founded_omographs = []
for i, word in enumerate(splitted_text):
variants = self.omographs.get(word)
if variants:
{"word": word, "variants": variants, "position": i}
for omograph in founded_omographs:
] = f"<w>{splitted_text[omograph['position']]}</w>"
cls = self.omograph_model.classify(
" ".join(splitted_text), omograph["variants"]
splitted_text[omograph["position"]] = cls
return splitted_text
def process_accent(self, text):
if not self.dict_load_startup and not self.disable_accent_dict:
self.accents = self.load_dict(text)
splitted_text = text
for i, word in enumerate(splitted_text):
stressed_word = self.accents.get(word, word)
if stressed_word == word and not self.has_punctuation(word) and self.count_vowels(word) > 1:
splitted_text[i] = self.accent_model.put_accent(word)
splitted_text[i] = stressed_word
return splitted_text
def process_all(self, text):
text = self.split_by_words(text)
processed_text = self.process_yo(text)
processed_text = self.process_omographs(processed_text)
processed_text = self.process_accent(processed_text)
processed_text = " ".join(processed_text)
processed_text = self.delete_spaces_before_punc(processed_text)
return processed_text |