import base64 import json # import mimetypes import os import sys from io import BytesIO from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union import banana_dev as banana import geopy.distance import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import plotly import as px # import requests from dotenv import load_dotenv sys.path.append("..") from gantry_callback.gantry_util import GantryImageToTextLogger # noqa: E402 from gantry_callback.s3_util import make_unique_bucket_name # noqa: E402 load_dotenv() URL = os.getenv("ENDPOINT") GANTRY_APP_NAME = os.getenv("GANTRY_APP_NAME") GANTRY_KEY = os.getenv("GANTRY_API_KEY") MAPBOX_TOKEN = os.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN") BANANA_API_KEY = os.getenv("BANANA_API_KEY") BANANA_MODEL_KEY = os.getenv("BANANA_MODEL_KEY") examples = json.load(open("examples.json")) def compute_distance(map_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, float, None]]]): hierarchy_lat, hierarchy_long = ( map_data["hierarchy"]["latitude"], map_data["hierarchy"]["longitude"], ) coarse_lat, coarse_long = ( map_data["coarse"]["latitude"], map_data["coarse"]["longitude"], ) fine_lat, fine_long = ( map_data["fine"]["latitude"], map_data["fine"]["longitude"], ) hierarchy_to_coarse = geopy.distance.geodesic( (hierarchy_lat, hierarchy_long), (coarse_lat, coarse_long) ).miles hierarchy_to_fine = geopy.distance.geodesic( (hierarchy_lat, hierarchy_long), (fine_lat, fine_long) ).miles return hierarchy_to_coarse, hierarchy_to_fine def get_plotly_graph( map_data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, float, None]]] ) -> plotly.graph_objects.Figure: hierarchy_to_coarse, hierarchy_to_fine = compute_distance(map_data) what_to_consider = {"hierarchy"} if hierarchy_to_coarse > 30: what_to_consider.add("coarse") if hierarchy_to_fine > 30: what_to_consider.add("fine") size_map = {"hierarchy": 3, "fine": 1, "coarse": 1} lat_long_data = [] for subdivision, location_data in map_data.items(): if subdivision in what_to_consider: lat_long_data.append( [ subdivision, float(location_data["latitude"]), float(location_data["longitude"]), location_data["location"], size_map[subdivision], ] ) map_df = pd.DataFrame( lat_long_data, columns=["subdivision", "latitude", "longitude", "location", "size"], ) px.set_mapbox_access_token(MAPBOX_TOKEN) fig = px.scatter_mapbox( map_df, lat="latitude", lon="longitude", hover_name="location", hover_data=["latitude", "longitude", "subdivision"], color="subdivision", color_discrete_map={ "hierarchy": "fuchsia", "coarse": "blue", "fine": "blue", }, zoom=3, height=500, size="size", ) fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="dark") fig.update_layout(margin={"r": 0, "t": 0, "l": 0, "b": 0}) return fig def gradio_error(): raise gr.Error("Unable to detect the location!") def get_outputs( data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, float, None]]] ) -> Tuple[str, str, plotly.graph_objects.Figure]: if data is None: gradio_error() location, latitude, longitude = ( data["hierarchy"]["location"], data["hierarchy"]["latitude"], data["hierarchy"]["longitude"], ) if location is None: gradio_error() return ( location, f"{latitude},{longitude}", get_plotly_graph(map_data=data), ) def image_gradio(img_file: str) -> Tuple[str, str, plotly.graph_objects.Figure]: # data = json.loads( # # f"{URL}predict-image", # files={ # "image": ( # img_file, # open(img_file, "rb"), # mimetypes.guess_type(img_file)[0], # ) # }, # ).text # ) with open(img_file, "rb") as image_file: image_bytes = BytesIO( data = json.loads( BANANA_API_KEY, BANANA_MODEL_KEY, { "image": base64.b64encode(image_bytes.getvalue()).decode("utf-8"), "filename": os.path.basename(img_file), }, )["modelOutputs"][0] ) return get_outputs(data=data) def video_gradio(video_file: str) -> Tuple[str, str, plotly.graph_objects.Figure]: # data = json.loads( # # f"{URL}predict-video", # files={ # "video": ( # video_file, # open(video_file, "rb"), # "application/octet-stream", # ) # }, # ).text # ) data = json.loads( BANANA_API_KEY, BANANA_MODEL_KEY, { "video": video_file, "filename": os.path.basename(video_file), }, )["modelOutputs"][0] ) return get_outputs(data=data) def url_gradio(url: str) -> Tuple[str, str, plotly.graph_objects.Figure]: # data = json.loads( # # f"{URL}predict-url", # headers={"content-type": "text/plain"}, # data=url, # ).text # ) data = json.loads(, BANANA_MODEL_KEY, {"url": url},)[ "modelOutputs" ][0] ) return get_outputs(data=data) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# GeoLocator") gr.Markdown( "### An app that guesses the location of an image 🌌 or a YouTube link 🔗." ) with gr.Tab("Image"): with gr.Row(): img_input = gr.Image(type="filepath", label="Image") with gr.Column(): img_text_output = gr.Textbox(label="Location") img_coordinates = gr.Textbox(label="Coordinates") img_plot = gr.Plot() img_text_button = gr.Button("Go locate!") with gr.Row(): # Flag button img_flag_button = gr.Button("Flag this output") gr.Examples(examples["images"], inputs=[img_input]) # with gr.Tab("Video"): # with gr.Row(): # video_input = gr.Video(type="filepath", label="Video") # with gr.Column(): # video_text_output = gr.Textbox(label="Location") # video_coordinates = gr.Textbox(label="Coordinates") # video_plot = gr.Plot() # video_text_button = gr.Button("Go locate!") # gr.Examples(examples["videos"], inputs=[video_input]) with gr.Tab("YouTube Link"): with gr.Row(): url_input = gr.Textbox(label="Link") with gr.Column(): url_text_output = gr.Textbox(label="Location") url_coordinates = gr.Textbox(label="Coordinates") url_plot = gr.Plot() url_text_button = gr.Button("Go locate!") gr.Examples(examples["video_urls"], inputs=[url_input]) # Gantry flagging for image # callback = GantryImageToTextLogger(application=GANTRY_APP_NAME, api_key=GANTRY_KEY) callback.setup( components=[img_input, img_text_output], flagging_dir=make_unique_bucket_name(prefix=GANTRY_APP_NAME, seed="420"), ) fn=lambda *args: callback.flag(args), inputs=[img_input, img_text_output, img_coordinates], outputs=None, preprocess=False, ) ################### image_gradio, inputs=img_input, outputs=[img_text_output, img_coordinates, img_plot], ) # # video_gradio, # inputs=video_input, # outputs=[video_text_output, video_coordinates, video_plot], # ) url_gradio, inputs=url_input, outputs=[url_text_output, url_coordinates, url_plot], ) gr.Markdown( "Check out the [GitHub repository]( that this demo is based off of." ) demo.launch()