from hydralit import HydraApp import hydralit_components as hc import apps import streamlit as st #Only need to set these here as we are add controls outside of Hydralit, to customise a run Hydralit! st.set_page_config(page_title='Secure Hydralit Data Explorer',page_icon="🐙",layout='wide',initial_sidebar_state='auto',) if __name__ == '__main__': #---ONLY HERE TO SHOW OPTIONS WITH HYDRALIT - NOT REQUIRED, use Hydralit constructor parameters. st.write('Some options to change the way our Hydralit application looks and feels') c1,c2,c3,c4,_ = st.columns([2,2,2,2,8]) hydralit_navbar = c1.checkbox('Use Hydralit Navbar',True) sticky_navbar = c2.checkbox('Use Sticky Navbar',False) animate_navbar = c3.checkbox('Use Animated Navbar',True) hide_st = c4.checkbox('Hide Streamlit Markers',True) over_theme = {'txc_inactive': '#FFFFFF'} #this is the host application, we add children to it and that's it! app = HydraApp( title='Secure Hydralit Data Explorer', favicon="🐙", hide_streamlit_markers=hide_st, #add a nice banner, this banner has been defined as 5 sections with spacing defined by the banner_spacing array below. use_banner_images=["./resources/hydra.png",None,{'header':"

Secure Hydralit Explorer

"},None,"./resources/lock.png"], banner_spacing=[5,30,60,30,5], use_navbar=hydralit_navbar, navbar_sticky=sticky_navbar, navbar_animation=animate_navbar, navbar_theme=over_theme ) #Home button will be in the middle of the nav list now app.add_app("Home", icon="🏠", app=apps.HomeApp(title='Home'),is_home=True) #add all your application classes here app.add_app("Cheat Sheet", icon="📚", app=apps.CheatApp(title="Cheat Sheet")) app.add_app("Sequency Denoising",icon="🔊", app=apps.WalshApp(title="Sequency Denoising")) app.add_app("Sequency (Secure)",icon="🔊🔒", app=apps.WalshAppSecure(title="Sequency (Secure)")) app.add_app("Solar Mach", icon="🛰️", app=apps.SolarMach(title="Solar Mach")) app.add_app("Spacy NLP", icon="⌨️", app=apps.SpacyNLP(title="Spacy NLP")) app.add_app("Uber Pickups", icon="🚖", app=apps.UberNYC(title="Uber Pickups")) app.add_app("Solar Mach", icon="🛰️", app=apps.SolarMach(title="Solar Mach")) app.add_app("Loader Playground", icon="⏲️", app=apps.LoaderTestApp(title="Loader Playground")) app.add_app("Cookie Cutter", icon="🍪", app=apps.CookieCutterApp(title="Cookie Cutter")) #we have added a sign-up app to demonstrate the ability to run an unsecure app #only 1 unsecure app is allowed app.add_app("Signup", icon="🛰️", app=apps.SignUpApp(title='Signup'), is_unsecure=True) #we want to have secure access for this HydraApp, so we provide a login application #optional logout label, can be blank for something nicer! app.add_app("Login", apps.LoginApp(title='Login'),is_login=True) #specify a custom loading app for a custom transition between apps, this includes a nice custom spinner app.add_loader_app(apps.MyLoadingApp(delay=0)) #we can inject a method to be called everytime a user logs out #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # @app.logout_callback # def mylogout_cb(): # print('I was called from Hydralit at logout!') #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #we can inject a method to be called everytime a user logs in #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # @app.login_callback # def mylogin_cb(): # print('I was called from Hydralit at login!') #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #if we want to auto login a guest but still have a secure app, we can assign a guest account and go straight in app.enable_guest_access() #check user access level to determine what should be shown on the menu user_access_level, username = app.check_access() # If the menu is cluttered, just rearrange it into sections! # completely optional, but if you have too many entries, you can make it nicer by using accordian menus if user_access_level > 1: complex_nav = { 'Home': ['Home'], 'Loader Playground': ['Loader Playground'], 'Intro 🏆': ['Cheat Sheet',"Solar Mach"], 'Hotstepper 🔥': ["Sequency Denoising","Sequency (Secure)"], 'Clustering': ["Uber Pickups"], 'NLP': ["Spacy NLP"], 'Cookie Cutter': ['Cookie Cutter'] } elif user_access_level == 1: complex_nav = { 'Home': ['Home'], 'Loader Playground': ['Loader Playground'], 'Intro 🏆': ['Cheat Sheet',"Solar Mach"], 'Hotstepper 🔥': ["Sequency Denoising"], 'Clustering': ["Uber Pickups"], 'NLP': ["Spacy NLP"], 'Cookie Cutter': ['Cookie Cutter'] } else: complex_nav = { 'Home': ['Home'], } #and finally just the entire app and all the children. #print user movements and current login details used by Hydralit #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # user_access_level, username = app.check_access() # prev_app, curr_app = app.get_nav_transition() # print(prev_app,'- >', curr_app) # print(int(user_access_level),'- >', username) # print('Other Nav after: ',app.session_state.other_nav_app) #---------------------------------------------------------------------