license: apache-2.0
title: Question & Answer Generator From Given PDF
sdk: gradio
emoji: 💻
colorFrom: blue
colorTo: yellow
pinned: true
## Make Question and Answer from your PDF 

### Setup Environment:

1.  Create an account at https://openai.com/ and generate your own API_KEY

2.  Download the following libraries and packages:
    a.  !pip install langchain
    b.  !pip install pypdf
    c.  !pip install transformers==4.33.1
        This particular package will install the following dependencies:
        1. huggingface-hub-0.17.1 
        2. safetensors-0.3.3 
        3. tokenizers-0.13.3 
    d. !pip install gradio

### Run the System

1.  Run the file: 
python3 app.py
2. Copy the URL from the terminal and paste into the browser

3. Upload your PDF and get the Questions from each page of the PDF