# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Copy of compose_glide.ipynb Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/19xx6Nu4FeiGj-TzTUFxBf-15IkeuFx_F """ # from PIL import Image # from IPython.display import display import torch as th from glide_text2im.download import load_checkpoint from glide_text2im.model_creation import ( create_model_and_diffusion, model_and_diffusion_defaults, model_and_diffusion_defaults_upsampler ) # This notebook supports both CPU and GPU. # On CPU, generating one sample may take on the order of 20 minutes. # On a GPU, it should be under a minute. has_cuda = th.cuda.is_available() device = th.device('cpu' if not has_cuda else 'cuda') # Create base model. timestep_respacing = 100 #@param{type: 'number'} options = model_and_diffusion_defaults() options['use_fp16'] = has_cuda options['timestep_respacing'] = str(timestep_respacing) # use 100 diffusion steps for fast sampling model, diffusion = create_model_and_diffusion(**options) model.eval() if has_cuda: model.convert_to_fp16() model.to(device) model.load_state_dict(load_checkpoint('base', device)) print('total base parameters', sum(x.numel() for x in model.parameters())) # Create upsampler model. options_up = model_and_diffusion_defaults_upsampler() options_up['use_fp16'] = has_cuda options_up['timestep_respacing'] = 'fast27' # use 27 diffusion steps for very fast sampling model_up, diffusion_up = create_model_and_diffusion(**options_up) model_up.eval() if has_cuda: model_up.convert_to_fp16() model_up.to(device) model_up.load_state_dict(load_checkpoint('upsample', device)) print('total upsampler parameters', sum(x.numel() for x in model_up.parameters())) def show_images(batch: th.Tensor): """ Display a batch of images inline. """ scaled = ((batch + 1)*127.5).round().clamp(0,255).to(th.uint8).cpu() reshaped = scaled.permute(2, 0, 3, 1).reshape([batch.shape[2], -1, 3]) display(Image.fromarray(reshaped.numpy())) def compose_language_descriptions(prompt): #@markdown `prompt`: when composing multiple sentences, using `|` as the delimiter. prompts = [x.strip() for x in prompt.split('|')] batch_size = 1 guidance_scale = 10 #@param{type: 'number'} # Tune this parameter to control the sharpness of 256x256 images. # A value of 1.0 is sharper, but sometimes results in grainy artifacts. upsample_temp = 0.980 #@param{type: 'number'} masks = [True] * len(prompts) + [False] # coefficients = th.tensor([0.5, 0.5], device=device).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1) masks = th.tensor(masks, dtype=th.bool, device=device) # sampling function def model_fn(x_t, ts, **kwargs): half = x_t[:1] combined = th.cat([half] * x_t.size(0), dim=0) model_out = model(combined, ts, **kwargs) eps, rest = model_out[:, :3], model_out[:, 3:] cond_eps = eps[masks].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) # cond_eps = (coefficients * eps[masks]).sum(dim=0)[None] uncond_eps = eps[~masks].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) half_eps = uncond_eps + guidance_scale * (cond_eps - uncond_eps) eps = th.cat([half_eps] * x_t.size(0), dim=0) return th.cat([eps, rest], dim=1) ############################## # Sample from the base model # ############################## # Create the text tokens to feed to the model. def sample_64(prompts): tokens_list = [model.tokenizer.encode(prompt) for prompt in prompts] outputs = [model.tokenizer.padded_tokens_and_mask( tokens, options['text_ctx'] ) for tokens in tokens_list] cond_tokens, cond_masks = zip(*outputs) cond_tokens, cond_masks = list(cond_tokens), list(cond_masks) full_batch_size = batch_size * (len(prompts) + 1) uncond_tokens, uncond_mask = model.tokenizer.padded_tokens_and_mask( [], options['text_ctx'] ) # Pack the tokens together into model kwargs. model_kwargs = dict( tokens=th.tensor( cond_tokens + [uncond_tokens], device=device ), mask=th.tensor( cond_masks + [uncond_mask], dtype=th.bool, device=device, ), ) # Sample from the base model. model.del_cache() samples = diffusion.p_sample_loop( model_fn, (full_batch_size, 3, options["image_size"], options["image_size"]), device=device, clip_denoised=True, progress=True, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, cond_fn=None, )[:batch_size] model.del_cache() # Show the output return samples ############################## # Upsample the 64x64 samples # ############################## def upsampling_256(prompts, samples): tokens = model_up.tokenizer.encode("".join(prompts)) tokens, mask = model_up.tokenizer.padded_tokens_and_mask( tokens, options_up['text_ctx'] ) # Create the model conditioning dict. model_kwargs = dict( # Low-res image to upsample. low_res=((samples+1)*127.5).round()/127.5 - 1, # Text tokens tokens=th.tensor( [tokens] * batch_size, device=device ), mask=th.tensor( [mask] * batch_size, dtype=th.bool, device=device, ), ) # Sample from the base model. model_up.del_cache() up_shape = (batch_size, 3, options_up["image_size"], options_up["image_size"]) up_samples = diffusion_up.ddim_sample_loop( model_up, up_shape, noise=th.randn(up_shape, device=device) * upsample_temp, device=device, clip_denoised=True, progress=True, model_kwargs=model_kwargs, cond_fn=None, )[:batch_size] model_up.del_cache() # Show the output return up_samples # sampling 64x64 images samples = sample_64(prompts) # show_images(samples) # upsample from 64x64 to 256x256 upsamples = upsampling_256(prompts, samples) # show_images(upsamples) out_img = upsamples[0].permute(1,2,0) out_img = (out_img+1)/2 out_img = np.array(out_img.data.to('cpu')) return out_img # prompt = "a camel | a forest" #@param{type: 'string'} # out_img = compose_language_descriptions(prompt) import gradio as gr gr.Interface(fn=compose_language_descriptions, inputs='text', outputs='image').launch();