--- title: 'ACRES: Center For Rapid Evidence Synthesis' emoji: 👁 colorFrom: gray colorTo: pink sdk: gradio sdk_version: 5.6.0 app_file: app.py pinned: false license: apache-2.0 --- Check out the configuration reference at https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference # ACRES RAG Project ## Project Setup To test and run the project locally. Clone the project from github and change directoory to `acres`. ```sh git clone https://github.com/SunbirdAI/acres.git cd acres ``` Create python virtual environment and activate it. ```sh python -m venv env source env/bin/activate ``` Install project dependencies ```sh pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Run project locally To test the project locally follow the steps below. Copy `.env.example` to `.env` and provide the correct enviroment variable values. ```sh cp .env.example .env ``` Run the application ```sh python app.py ``` OR ```sh gradio app.py ``` Browse the application with the link `http://localhost:7860/` ### Run the api Make sure the gradio app is running on port `7860` and then run the command below in another terminal tab in the same directory. ```sh uvicorn api:app --reload ``` Browse the api at `http://localhost:8000/docs` ## Run with docker To run the application with docker locally, first make sure you have docker installed. See [link](https://docs.docker.com/) Build the project docker image ```sh docker build -f Dockerfile.gradio -t gradio-app . ``` Create docker network ```sh docker network create gradio-fastapi-network ``` Run the docker container ```sh docker run -it -p 7860:7860 --rm --name gradio --network=gradio-fastapi-network gradio-app ``` Browse the application with the link `http://localhost:7860/` To run the api with docker run the commands below. The gradio container should be run first before running the api. ```sh docker build -f Dockerfile.api -t fastapi-app . docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --rm --name fastapi --network=gradio-fastapi-network fastapi-app ``` Browse the api at `http://localhost:8000/docs` ## Deploy to AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) with Fargate Install and configure the AWS CLI and aws credentials. See [link](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-welcome.html) OR: See the pdf document [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pdfs/cli/latest/userguide/aws-cli.pdf#getting-started-quickstart) Now follow the steps below to deploy to AWS ECS Setup the default region and your aws account id ```sh export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=region # i.e us-east-1, eu-west-1 export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=aws_account_id # ie. 2243838xxxxxx ``` Login into the AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry) via the commandline ```sh aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin "$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com" ``` Create a python image and push to ECR. This image will be used as the base image for the application image deployed on AWS ECS. - Create python repository ```sh aws ecr create-repository \ --repository-name gradio-python \ --image-tag-mutability MUTABLE ``` ```sh export ECR_PYTHON_URL="$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/gradio-python" echo $ECR_PYTHON_URL ``` - Pull python image and tag it to the ECR url ```sh docker pull python:3.11.10-slim docker tag python:3.11.10-slim $ECR_PYTHON_URL:3.11.10-slim docker push $ECR_PYTHON_URL:3.11.10-slim ``` - Now create application repostory ```sh aws ecr create-repository \ --repository-name gradio-app-prod \ --image-tag-mutability MUTABLE export ECR_BACKEND_GRADIO_URL="$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/gradio-app-prod" echo $ECR_BACKEND_GRADIO_URL ``` - Build the docker image for the production and push to ECR ```sh docker build --build-arg AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID -f Dockerfile.gradio.prod -t gradio-app-prod . docker tag gradio-app-prod:latest "${ECR_BACKEND_GRADIO_URL}:latest" docker push "${ECR_BACKEND_GRADIO_URL}:latest" ``` - Now create fastapi repostory ```sh aws ecr create-repository \ --repository-name fastapi-api-prod \ --image-tag-mutability MUTABLE export ECR_BACKEND_FASTAPI_URL="$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.amazonaws.com/fastapi-api-prod" echo $ECR_BACKEND_FASTAPI_URL ``` - Build the docker image for the production and push to ECR ```sh docker build --build-arg AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID -f Dockerfile.api.prod -t fastapi-api-prod . docker tag fastapi-api-prod:latest "${ECR_BACKEND_FASTAPI_URL}:latest" docker push "${ECR_BACKEND_FASTAPI_URL}:latest" ``` ### Setup and Provision AWS ECS infra using AWS Cloudformation (IaC) #### Install To install the CFN-CLI run the command below ```sh pip install cloudformation-cli cloudformation-cli-java-plugin cloudformation-cli-go-plugin cloudformation-cli-python-plugin cloudformation-cli-typescript-plugin ``` #### CFN-Toml ```sh gem install cfn-toml ``` Copy `infra/ecs_config.template` to `infra/ecs_config.toml` and provide the correct `AWS Account ID` for the `ContainerImageGradio` ```sh cp infra/ecs_config.template infra/ecs_config.toml ``` #### Deploy To deploy the ECS infra run the commands below. It provisions the cloudformation stack changeset for review. Log into your aws console and search for `cloudformation`. See and review the changeset. If everything is good execute the changeset to finish with the infra deployment. Then look for the outputs to the link for the deployed application. ```sh chmod u+x bin/cfn/* ./bin/cfn/ecs-deploy ``` #### Update Task Definition Deployments After making changes, build the docker images and then push to ECR. To update the task definition deployments, force the new deployment by running the commands below For the gradio task definition ```sh ./bin/cfn/ecs-deploy-update-gradio ``` For the api task definition ```sh ./bin/cfn/ecs-deploy-update-api ```