CogVideoX-2B-Space / sr_pipeline /
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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File :
@Time : 2021/10/09 00:46:04
@Author : Ming Ding
@Contact :
# here put the import lib
import os
import sys
import math
import random
from cv2 import reduce
import torch
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
def top_k_logits_(logits, top_k=0, filter_value=-float('Inf')):
indices_to_remove = logits < torch.topk(logits, top_k)[0][..., -1, None]
logits[indices_to_remove] = filter_value
return logits
class IterativeEntfilterStrategy:
def __init__(self, invalid_slices=[], temperature=1., topk=6):
self.invalid_slices = invalid_slices
self.temperature = temperature
self.topk = topk
self.cluster_labels = torch.tensor(np.load('cluster_label2.npy'), device='cuda', dtype=torch.long)
def forward(self, logits_, tokens, temperature=None, entfilter=None, filter_topk=5, temperature2=None):
# In interative strategy, logits are of shape [batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size]
if temperature is None:
temperature = self.temperature
logits = logits_.float() / temperature
for invalid_slice in self.invalid_slices:
logits[..., invalid_slice] = -float('Inf')
logits = logits.view(-1, logits.shape[-1])
rprobs = F.softmax(logits.float(), dim=-1)
c = self.cluster_labels.expand(*rprobs.shape)
cprobs = torch.zeros(logits.shape[0], 500, device=logits.device).scatter_add_(1, c, rprobs)
best_scores, best_clusters = cprobs.topk(self.topk)
bz = logits.shape[0]
best_scores = best_scores / best_scores.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
sampled_ids = torch.multinomial(best_scores, num_samples=1)
selected_clusters = torch.gather(best_clusters, dim=1, index=sampled_ids)
selected_mask = (self.cluster_labels.unsqueeze(0).expand(bz, -1) != selected_clusters) # cluster_labels [1, 20000] \in [0,500)
logits[selected_mask] = -65504
# for i in range(bz):
# selected_cluster = best_clusters[i][torch.multinomial(best_scores[i] / best_scores[i].sum(), num_samples=1)]
# logits[i, self.cluster_labels != selected_cluster] = -65504
# logits = top_k_logits(logits, self.topk, self.top_p)
probs = F.softmax(logits.float()/0.6, dim=-1) # float is essetial, due to a bug in Pytorch
pred = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1).view(*logits_.shape[:2])
assert tokens.shape[1] == pred.shape[1] + 1
tokens =[:, :1], pred), dim=1)
return tokens
def filling_sequence_dsr(
block_hw=(4, 4),
seq: [PAD]... [ROI1] text ... [BOI1] {layout[0]} 1024 {layout[1]} [EOI1]
4095 {layout[2]} final_token.
The sampling temperature are changing, temporally we hard code them here.
The temperature in the strategy is not used.
assert hasattr(model, 'layout')
layout = model.layout
assert len(seq0.shape) == 2 and len(seq1.shape) == 2 \
and seq0.shape[0] == seq1.shape[0]
assert len(layout) == 3
assert seq1.shape[1] == layout[-1] - layout[-2] + 1
assert (seq1 >= 0).all() and (seq0 >= 0).all()
device = seq0.device
# concat and pad sequences
batch_size = seq0.shape[0]
n_pad = layout[1] - seq0.shape[1]
assert n_pad > 0, "You should truncate long input before filling."
seq =
torch.tensor([0]*n_pad, device=device, dtype=seq0.dtype)
.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, n_pad),
seq0, seq1), dim=1) # [b, layout[-1]+1]
assert seq.shape[1] == layout[-1] + 1
# build initial tokens, attention_mask, and position_ids
tokens = seq.clone()
attention_mask = torch.ones(layout[1], layout[1]).to(device)
attention_mask[:layout[0], layout[0]:] = 0
attention_mask[n_pad:, :n_pad] = 0
attention_mask = attention_mask.type_as(next(model.parameters())) # if fp16
position_ids =
torch.zeros(n_pad, dtype=torch.long),
torch.arange(0, layout[0] - n_pad),
torch.arange(513, 513 + layout[1] - layout[0]),
torch.arange(1024, 1024+layout[2]-layout[1]))).to(device)
log_attention_weights = torch.zeros(layout[1], layout[1],
log_attention_weights[layout[0]:, n_pad:layout[0]] = 0.
# prepare for interation
unfixed = (tokens < 0) # just init an all-False tensor
unfixed[:, -layout[-1] + layout[-2]:] = True
ll, rr = block_hw
edge_len = int(math.sqrt(layout[-1] - layout[-2]) + 1e-4)
num_steps = warmup_steps + ll - 1 + rr
# interative refining
# unfixed[..., -(layout[-1] - layout[-2]):].view(
# batch_size, edge_len//ll, ll, edge_len//rr, rr)[:, :, :, :, -1] = False
ret = []
ret.append(tokens[:, layout[-2]+1:].clone())
for step_cnt in range(1, num_steps+1):
if step_cnt <= warmup_steps:
logits, *_dump = model(tokens[:,:-1], position_ids, attention_mask, log_attention_weights=log_attention_weights)
real_temp = 1.
new_tokens = strategy.forward(logits, tokens, real_temp)
tokens[unfixed] = new_tokens[unfixed]
logits, *_dump = model(tokens[:,:-1], position_ids, attention_mask, log_attention_weights=log_attention_weights)
real_temp = 1.
new_tokens = strategy.forward(
logits, tokens, real_temp,
# tokens[unfixed] = new_tokens[unfixed]
# fixed tokens (update unfixed)
unfixed2 = (tokens > 10000000)
for x in range(min(ll, step_cnt - warmup_steps)):
y = step_cnt - warmup_steps - x - 1
if y < rr:
unfixed[..., -(layout[-1] - layout[-2]):].view(
batch_size, edge_len//ll, ll, edge_len//rr, rr)[:, :, x, :, y] = False
unfixed2[..., -(layout[-1] - layout[-2]):].view(
batch_size, edge_len//ll, ll, edge_len//rr, rr)[:, :, x, :, y] = True
tokens[unfixed2] = new_tokens[unfixed2]
ret.append(tokens[:, layout[-2]+1:].clone())
return ret