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<script> | |
let programs = {{ programs|tojson }}; // Passing programs from the backend as a JSON object | |
// Update the courses dropdown when a program is selected | |
function updateCourses() { | |
const programSelect = document.getElementById("program"); | |
const courseSelect = document.getElementById("course"); | |
const selectedProgram = programSelect.value; | |
// Clear existing options in the course dropdown | |
courseSelect.innerHTML = "<option value=''>--Select a course--</option>"; | |
document.getElementById("course_outcomes").value = ""; // Clear the course outcomes | |
if (selectedProgram && programs[selectedProgram]) { | |
const courses = Object.keys(programs[selectedProgram]); | |
courses.forEach(course => { | |
let option = document.createElement("option"); | |
option.value = course; | |
option.text = course; | |
courseSelect.appendChild(option); | |
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} | |
} | |
// Update the course outcomes in the listbox when a course is selected | |
function updateCourseOutcomes() { | |
const programSelect = document.getElementById("program").value; | |
const courseSelect = document.getElementById("course").value; | |
const courseOutcomes = programs[programSelect] ? programs[programSelect][courseSelect] : []; | |
const courseOutcomesTextArea = document.getElementById("course_outcomes"); | |
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<h3 class="text-center py-4">CLOs - PLOs Mapping Using Large Language Models </h3> | |
<div class="row"> | |
<div class="img-part col-md-6"> | |
<h1> </h1> | |
<!-- Section for Model Selection --> | |
<h5>Select Model</h5> | |
<form action="/set_model" method="post"> | |
<label for="model_name">Choose a Model:</label><br> | |
<select id="model_name" name="model_name"> | |
<option value="sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2" selected>all-mpnet-base-v2</option> | |
<option value="sentence-transformers/bert-base-nli-mean-tokens">bert-base-nli-mean-tokens</option> | |
<option value="thuan9889/llama_embedding_model_v1">llama_embedding_model_v1</option> | |
<option value="sembeddings/model_gpt_trained">model_gpt_trained</option> | |
</select> | |
<button type="submit">Set Model</button> | |
</form> | |
<h5>Current Model: {{ model_name }}</h5> | |
{% if message %} | |
<p style="color: red;">{{ message }}</p> | |
{% endif %} | |
<hr> | |
<!-- Section for Course Outcome Matching --> | |
<h5>Select Program and Course</h5> | |
<form action="/match" method="post"> | |
<label for="program">Select Program:</label><br> | |
<select id="program" name="program" onChange="updateCourses()"> | |
<option value="">--Select a program--</option> | |
{% for program in programs %} | |
<option value="{{ program }}">{{ program }}</option> | |
{% endfor %} | |
</select><br><br> | |
<label for="course">Select Course:</label><br> | |
<select id="course" name="course" onChange="updateCourseOutcomes()"> | |
<option value="">--Select a course--</option> | |
</select><br><br> | |
<label for="course_outcomes">Course Outcomes:</label><br> | |
<textarea id="course_outcomes" name="course_outcomes" rows="10" cols="50" readonly></textarea><br><br> | |
<input type="submit" value="Submit"> | |
</form> | |
</div> | |
<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12 right-part"> | |
<h5 class="mb-2"><center>Create a Program or Course</center></h5> | |
<div class="row"> | |
<div class="res-part col-md-5 col-xs-12"><div class="jsonRes"><h2></h2> | |
<ul> | |
<li><a href="/addprogram">Create Program</a></li> | |
<li><a href="/addcourse">Create Course</a></li> | |
</ul></div></div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
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</section> | |
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