import gradio as gr import requests import json from decouple import Config config = Config('.env') def query_vectara(question): user_message = question # Read authentication parameters from the .env file CUSTOMER_ID = config('CUSTOMER_ID') CORPUS_ID = config('CORPUS_ID') API_KEY = config('API_KEY') # Define the headers api_key_header = { "customer-id": CUSTOMER_ID, "x-api-key": API_KEY } # Define the request body in the structure provided in the example request_body = { "query": [ { "query": user_message, "queryContext": "", "start": 0, "numResults": 25, "contextConfig": { "charsBefore": 0, "charsAfter": 0, "sentencesBefore": 2, "sentencesAfter": 2, "startTag": "%START_SNIPPET%", "endTag": "%END_SNIPPET%", }, "rerankingConfig": { "rerankerId": 272725718, "mmrConfig": { "diversityBias": 0.27 } }, "corpusKey": [ { "customerId": CUSTOMER_ID, "corpusId": CORPUS_ID, "semantics": 0, "metadataFilter": "", "lexicalInterpolationConfig": { "lambda": 0 }, "dim": [] } ], "summary": [ { "maxSummarizedResults": 1, "responseLang": "eng", "summarizerPromptName": "vectara-summary-ext-v1.2.0" } ] } ] } # Make the API request using Gradio response = "", json=request_body, # Use json to automatically serialize the request body verify=True, headers=api_key_header ) if response.status_code == 200: query_data = response.json() if query_data: # Extract summary and the first 5 sources summary_text = query_data[0]["summary"]["text"] sources = query_data[0]["responseSet"]["responseList"][:5] sources_text = [source["text"] for source in sources] return f"Summary: {summary_text}\n\nSources:\n{json.dumps(sources_text, indent=2)}" else: return "No data found in the response." else: return f"Error: {response.status_code}" iface = gr.Interface( fn=query_vectara, inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Input Text")], outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Output Text"), title="Vectara Chatbot", description="Ask me anything using the Vectara API!" ) iface.launch()