import os from typing import List from cog import BasePredictor, Input, Path import subprocess import shutil MODEL_CACHE = "model-cache" class Predictor(BasePredictor): def setup(self): pass def predict( self, prompt: str = Input( description="Input prompt", default="An astronaut riding a horse" ), negative_prompt: str = Input( description="Negative prompt", default=None ), init_video: Path = Input( description="URL of the initial video (optional)", default=None ), init_weight: float = Input( description="Strength of init_video", default=0.5 ), num_frames: int = Input( description="Number of frames for the output video", default=24 ), num_inference_steps: int = Input( description="Number of denoising steps", ge=1, le=500, default=50 ), width: int = Input( description="Width of the output video", ge=256, default=576 ), height: int = Input( description="Height of the output video", ge=256, default=320 ), guidance_scale: float = Input( description="Guidance scale", ge=1.0, le=100.0, default=7.5 ), fps: int = Input(description="fps for the output video", default=8), model: str = Input( description="Model to use", default="xl", choices=["xl", "576w", "potat1", "animov-512x"] ), batch_size: int = Input(description="Batch size", default=1, ge=1), remove_watermark: bool = Input( description="Remove watermark", default=False ), seed: int = Input( description="Random seed. Leave blank to randomize the seed", default=None ), ) -> List[Path]: if seed is None: seed = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(2), "big") print(f"Using seed: {seed}") shutil.rmtree("output", ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs("output", exist_ok=True) args = { "prompt": prompt, "negative_prompt": negative_prompt, "batch_size": batch_size, "num_frames": num_frames, "num_steps": num_inference_steps, "seed": seed, "guidance-scale": guidance_scale, "width": width, "height": height, "fps": fps, "device": "cuda", "output_dir": "output", "remove-watermark": remove_watermark, } args['model'] = MODEL_CACHE + "/" + model if init_video is not None: # for some reason I need to copy the file to make it work if os.path.exists("input.mp4"): os.unlink("input.mp4") shutil.copy(init_video, "input.mp4") args["init-video"] = "input.mp4" args["init-weight"] = init_weight print("init video", os.stat("input.mp4").st_size) cmd = ["python", ""] for k, v in args.items(): if not v is None: cmd.append(f"--{k}") cmd.append(str(v)) subprocess.check_call(cmd) # outputs =**args) outputs = [] for f in os.listdir("output"): if f.endswith(".mp4"): outputs.append(Path(os.path.join("output", f))) return outputs