Update appStore/target.py
Browse files- appStore/target.py +2 -348
@@ -64,11 +64,9 @@ def app():
64 |
65 |
# Load the classifier model
66 |
classifier = load_targetClassifier(classifier_name=params['model_name'])
67 |
68 |
69 |
st.session_state['{}_classifier'.format(classifier_identifier)] = classifier
70 |
71 |
72 |
# test
73 |
if "target_classifier" not in st.session_state:
74 |
st.write("target classifier not saved :(")
@@ -84,347 +82,3 @@ def target_display():
84 |
df = st.session_state['key1']
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
# # Declare all the necessary variables
89 |
# classifier_identifier = 'target'
90 |
# params = get_classifier_params(classifier_identifier)
91 |
92 |
# ## Labels dictionary ###
93 |
# _lab_dict = {
94 |
# '0':'NO',
95 |
# '1':'YES',
96 |
# }
97 |
98 |
# # # @st.cache_data
99 |
# # def to_excel(df):
100 |
# # # df['Target Validation'] = 'No'
101 |
# # # df['Netzero Validation'] = 'No'
102 |
# # # df['GHG Validation'] = 'No'
103 |
# # # df['Adapt-Mitig Validation'] = 'No'
104 |
# # # df['Sector'] = 'No'
105 |
# # len_df = len(df)
106 |
# # output = BytesIO()
107 |
# # writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine='xlsxwriter')
108 |
# # df.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name='rawdata')
109 |
# # if 'target_hits' in st.session_state:
110 |
# # target_hits = st.session_state['target_hits']
111 |
# # if 'keep' in target_hits.columns:
112 |
113 |
# # target_hits = target_hits[target_hits.keep == True]
114 |
# # target_hits = target_hits.reset_index(drop=True)
115 |
# # target_hits.drop(columns = ['keep'], inplace=True)
116 |
# # target_hits.to_excel(writer,index=False,sheet_name = 'Target')
117 |
# # else:
118 |
119 |
# # target_hits = target_hits.sort_values(by=['Target Score'], ascending=False)
120 |
# # target_hits = target_hits.reset_index(drop=True)
121 |
# # target_hits.to_excel(writer,index=False,sheet_name = 'Target')
122 |
123 |
# # else:
124 |
# # target_hits = df[df['Target Label'] == True]
125 |
# # target_hits.drop(columns=['Target Label','Netzero Score','GHG Score','Action Label',
126 |
# # 'Action Score','Policies_Plans Label','Indicator Label',
127 |
# # 'Policies_Plans Score','Conditional Score'],inplace=True)
128 |
# # target_hits = target_hits.sort_values(by=['Target Score'], ascending=False)
129 |
# # target_hits = target_hits.reset_index(drop=True)
130 |
# # target_hits.to_excel(writer,index=False,sheet_name = 'Target')
131 |
132 |
133 |
# # if 'action_hits' in st.session_state:
134 |
# # action_hits = st.session_state['action_hits']
135 |
# # if 'keep' in action_hits.columns:
136 |
# # action_hits = action_hits[action_hits.keep == True]
137 |
# # action_hits = action_hits.reset_index(drop=True)
138 |
# # action_hits.drop(columns = ['keep'], inplace=True)
139 |
# # action_hits.to_excel(writer,index=False,sheet_name = 'Action')
140 |
# # else:
141 |
# # action_hits = action_hits.sort_values(by=['Action Score'], ascending=False)
142 |
# # action_hits = action_hits.reset_index(drop=True)
143 |
# # action_hits.to_excel(writer,index=False,sheet_name = 'Action')
144 |
# # else:
145 |
# # action_hits = df[df['Action Label'] == True]
146 |
# # action_hits.drop(columns=['Target Label','Target Score','Netzero Score',
147 |
# # 'Netzero Label','GHG Label',
148 |
# # 'GHG Score','Action Label','Policies_Plans Label',
149 |
# # 'Policies_Plans Score','Conditional Score'],inplace=True)
150 |
# # action_hits = action_hits.sort_values(by=['Action Score'], ascending=False)
151 |
# # action_hits = action_hits.reset_index(drop=True)
152 |
# # action_hits.to_excel(writer,index=False,sheet_name = 'Action')
153 |
154 |
# # # hits = hits.drop(columns = ['Target Score','Netzero Score','GHG Score'])
155 |
# # workbook = writer.book
156 |
# # # worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']
157 |
# # # worksheet.data_validation('L2:L{}'.format(len_df),
158 |
# # # {'validate': 'list',
159 |
# # # 'source': ['No', 'Yes', 'Discard']})
160 |
# # # worksheet.data_validation('M2:L{}'.format(len_df),
161 |
# # # {'validate': 'list',
162 |
# # # 'source': ['No', 'Yes', 'Discard']})
163 |
# # # worksheet.data_validation('N2:L{}'.format(len_df),
164 |
# # # {'validate': 'list',
165 |
# # # 'source': ['No', 'Yes', 'Discard']})
166 |
# # # worksheet.data_validation('O2:L{}'.format(len_df),
167 |
# # # {'validate': 'list',
168 |
# # # 'source': ['No', 'Yes', 'Discard']})
169 |
# # # worksheet.data_validation('P2:L{}'.format(len_df),
170 |
# # # {'validate': 'list',
171 |
# # # 'source': ['No', 'Yes', 'Discard']})
172 |
# # writer.save()
173 |
# # processed_data = output.getvalue()
174 |
# # return processed_data
175 |
176 |
# def app():
177 |
178 |
# ### Main app code ###
179 |
# with st.container():
180 |
# if 'key0' in st.session_state:
181 |
# df = st.session_state.key0
182 |
183 |
# #load Classifier
184 |
# classifier = load_targetClassifier(classifier_name=params['model_name'])
185 |
# st.session_state['{}_classifier'.format(classifier_identifier)] = classifier
186 |
# if len(df) > 100:
187 |
# warning_msg = ": This might take sometime, please sit back and relax."
188 |
# else:
189 |
# warning_msg = ""
190 |
191 |
# df = target_classification(haystack_doc=df,
192 |
# threshold= params['threshold'])
193 |
# st.session_state.key1 = df
194 |
195 |
196 |
# # def target_display():
197 |
198 |
# # if 'key1' in st.session_state:
199 |
# # df = st.session_state.key1
200 |
# # st.caption(""" **{}** is splitted into **{}** paragraphs/text chunks."""\
201 |
# # .format(os.path.basename(st.session_state['filename']),
202 |
# # len(df)))
203 |
# # hits = df[df['Target Label'] == 'TARGET'].reset_index(drop=True)
204 |
# # range_val = min(5,len(hits))
205 |
# # if range_val !=0:
206 |
207 |
# # # collecting some statistics
208 |
# # count_target = sum(hits['Target Label'] == 'TARGET')
209 |
# # count_netzero = sum(hits['Netzero Label'] == 'NETZERO TARGET')
210 |
# # count_ghg = sum(hits['GHG Label'] == 'GHG')
211 |
# # count_transport = sum([True if 'Transport' in x else False
212 |
# # for x in hits['Sector Label']])
213 |
214 |
# # c1, c2 = st.columns([1,1])
215 |
# # with c1:
216 |
# # st.write('**Target Paragraphs**: `{}`'.format(count_target))
217 |
# # st.write('**NetZero Related Paragraphs**: `{}`'.format(count_netzero))
218 |
# # with c2:
219 |
# # st.write('**GHG Target Related Paragraphs**: `{}`'.format(count_ghg))
220 |
# # st.write('**Transport Related Paragraphs**: `{}`'.format(count_transport))
221 |
# # # st.write('-------------------')
222 |
# # hits.drop(columns=['Target Label','Netzero Score','GHG Score','Action Label',
223 |
# # 'Action Score','Policies_Plans Label','Indicator Label',
224 |
# # 'Policies_Plans Score','Conditional Score'],inplace=True)
225 |
# # hits = hits.sort_values(by=['Target Score'], ascending=False)
226 |
# # hits = hits.reset_index(drop=True)
227 |
228 |
# # # netzerohit = hits[hits['Netzero Label'] == 'NETZERO']
229 |
# # # if not netzerohit.empty:
230 |
# # # netzerohit = netzerohit.sort_values(by = ['Netzero Score'], ascending = False)
231 |
# # # # st.write('-------------------')
232 |
# # # # st.markdown("###### Netzero paragraph ######")
233 |
# # # st.write('**Netzero paragraph** `page {}`: {}'.format(netzerohit.iloc[0]['page'],
234 |
# # # netzerohit.iloc[0]['text'].replace("\n", " ")))
235 |
# # # st.write("")
236 |
# # # else:
237 |
# # # st.info("🤔 No Netzero paragraph found")
238 |
239 |
# # # st.write("**Result {}** `page {}` (Relevancy Score: {:.2f})'".format(i+1,hits.iloc[i]['page'],hits.iloc[i]['Relevancy'])")
240 |
# # st.write('-------------------')
241 |
# # st.markdown("###### Top few Target Classified paragraph/text results ######")
242 |
# # range_val = min(5,len(hits))
243 |
# # for i in range(range_val):
244 |
# # # the page number reflects the page that contains the main paragraph
245 |
# # # according to split limit, the overlapping part can be on a separate page
246 |
# # st.write('**Result {}** (Relevancy Score: {:.2f}): `page {}`, `Sector: {}`,\
247 |
# # `GHG: {}`, `Adapt-Mitig :{}`'\
248 |
# # .format(i+1,hits.iloc[i]['Relevancy'],
249 |
# # hits.iloc[i]['page'], hits.iloc[i]['Sector Label'],
250 |
# # hits.iloc[i]['GHG Label'],hits.iloc[i]['Adapt-Mitig Label']))
251 |
# # st.write("\t Text: \t{}".format(hits.iloc[i]['text'].replace("\n", " ")))
252 |
# # hits = hits.reset_index(drop =True)
253 |
# st.write('----------------')
254 |
255 |
256 |
# st.caption("Filter table to select rows to keep for Target category")
257 |
# hits = filter_for_tracs(hits)
258 |
# convert_type = {'Netzero Label': 'category',
259 |
# 'Conditional Label':'category',
260 |
# 'GHG Label':'category',
261 |
# }
262 |
# hits = hits.astype(convert_type)
263 |
# filter_dataframe(hits)
264 |
265 |
# # filtered_df = filtered_df[filtered_df.keep == True]
266 |
# # st.write('Explore the data')
267 |
# # AgGrid(hits)
268 |
269 |
270 |
# with st.sidebar:
271 |
# st.write('-------------')
272 |
# df_xlsx = to_excel(df)
273 |
# st.download_button(label='📥 Download Result',
274 |
# data=df_xlsx ,
275 |
# file_name= os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(st.session_state['filename']))[0]+'.xlsx')
276 |
277 |
# # st.write(
278 |
# # """This app accomodates the blog [here](https://blog.streamlit.io/auto-generate-a-dataframe-filtering-ui-in-streamlit-with-filter_dataframe/)
279 |
# # and walks you through one example of how the Streamlit
280 |
# # Data Science Team builds add-on functions to Streamlit.
281 |
# # """
282 |
# # )
283 |
284 |
285 |
# # def filter_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
286 |
# # """
287 |
# # Adds a UI on top of a dataframe to let viewers filter columns
288 |
289 |
# # Args:
290 |
# # df (pd.DataFrame): Original dataframe
291 |
292 |
# # Returns:
293 |
# # pd.DataFrame: Filtered dataframe
294 |
# # """
295 |
# # modify = st.checkbox("Add filters")
296 |
297 |
# # if not modify:
298 |
# # st.session_state['target_hits'] = df
299 |
# # return
300 |
301 |
302 |
# # # df = df.copy()
303 |
# # # st.write(len(df))
304 |
305 |
# # # Try to convert datetimes into a standard format (datetime, no timezone)
306 |
# # # for col in df.columns:
307 |
# # # if is_object_dtype(df[col]):
308 |
# # # try:
309 |
# # # df[col] = pd.to_datetime(df[col])
310 |
# # # except Exception:
311 |
# # # pass
312 |
313 |
# # # if is_datetime64_any_dtype(df[col]):
314 |
# # # df[col] = df[col].dt.tz_localize(None)
315 |
316 |
# # modification_container = st.container()
317 |
318 |
# # with modification_container:
319 |
# # cols = list(set(df.columns) -{'page','Extracted Text'})
320 |
# # cols.sort()
321 |
# # to_filter_columns = st.multiselect("Filter dataframe on", cols
322 |
# # )
323 |
# # for column in to_filter_columns:
324 |
# # left, right = st.columns((1, 20))
325 |
# # left.write("↳")
326 |
# # # Treat columns with < 10 unique values as categorical
327 |
# # if is_categorical_dtype(df[column]):
328 |
# # # st.write(type(df[column][0]), column)
329 |
# # user_cat_input = right.multiselect(
330 |
# # f"Values for {column}",
331 |
# # df[column].unique(),
332 |
# # default=list(df[column].unique()),
333 |
# # )
334 |
# # df = df[df[column].isin(user_cat_input)]
335 |
# # elif is_numeric_dtype(df[column]):
336 |
# # _min = float(df[column].min())
337 |
# # _max = float(df[column].max())
338 |
# # step = (_max - _min) / 100
339 |
# # user_num_input = right.slider(
340 |
# # f"Values for {column}",
341 |
# # _min,
342 |
# # _max,
343 |
# # (_min, _max),
344 |
# # step=step,
345 |
# # )
346 |
# # df = df[df[column].between(*user_num_input)]
347 |
# # elif is_list_like(df[column]) & (type(df[column][0]) == list) :
348 |
# # list_vals = set(x for lst in df[column].tolist() for x in lst)
349 |
# # user_multi_input = right.multiselect(
350 |
# # f"Values for {column}",
351 |
# # list_vals,
352 |
# # default=list_vals,
353 |
# # )
354 |
# # df['check'] = df[column].apply(lambda x: any(i in x for i in user_multi_input))
355 |
# # df = df[df.check == True]
356 |
# # df.drop(columns = ['check'],inplace=True)
357 |
358 |
# # # df[df[column].between(*user_num_input)]
359 |
# # # elif is_datetime64_any_dtype(df[column]):
360 |
# # # user_date_input = right.date_input(
361 |
# # # f"Values for {column}",
362 |
# # # value=(
363 |
# # # df[column].min(),
364 |
# # # df[column].max(),
365 |
# # # ),
366 |
# # # )
367 |
# # # if len(user_date_input) == 2:
368 |
# # # user_date_input = tuple(map(pd.to_datetime, user_date_input))
369 |
# # # start_date, end_date = user_date_input
370 |
# # # df = df.loc[df[column].between(start_date, end_date)]
371 |
# # else:
372 |
# # user_text_input = right.text_input(
373 |
# # f"Substring or regex in {column}",
374 |
# # )
375 |
# # if user_text_input:
376 |
# # df = df[df[column].str.lower().str.contains(user_text_input)]
377 |
378 |
# # df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
379 |
380 |
# # st.session_state['target_hits'] = df
381 |
# # df['IKI_Netzero'] = df.apply(lambda x: 'T_NETZERO' if ((x['Netzero Label'] == 'NETZERO TARGET') &
382 |
# # (x['Conditional Label'] == 'UNCONDITIONAL'))
383 |
# # else 'T_NETZERO_C' if ((x['Netzero Label'] == 'NETZERO TARGET') &
384 |
# # (x['Conditional Label'] == 'CONDITIONAL')
385 |
# # )
386 |
# # else None, axis=1
387 |
# # )
388 |
# # def check_t(s,c):
389 |
# # temp = []
390 |
# # if (('Transport' in s) & (c== 'UNCONDITIONAL')):
391 |
# # temp.append('T_Transport_Unc')
392 |
# # if (('Transport' in s) & (c == 'CONDITIONAL')):
393 |
# # temp.append('T_Transport_C')
394 |
# # if (('Economy-wide' in s) & (c == 'CONDITIONAL')):
395 |
# # temp.append('T_Economy_C')
396 |
# # if (('Economy-wide' in s) & (c == 'UNCONDITIONAL')):
397 |
# # temp.append('T_Economy_Unc')
398 |
# # if (('Energy' in s) & (c == 'CONDITIONAL')):
399 |
# # temp.append('T_Energy_C')
400 |
# # if (('Energy' in s) & (c == 'UNCONDITIONAL')):
401 |
# # temp.append('T_Economy_Unc')
402 |
# # return temp
403 |
# # df['IKI_Target'] = df.apply(lambda x:check_t(x['Sector Label'], x['Conditional Label']),
404 |
# # axis=1 )
405 |
406 |
# # # target_hits = st.session_state['target_hits']
407 |
# # df['keep'] = True
408 |
409 |
410 |
# # df = df[['text','IKI_Netzero','IKI_Target','Target Score','Netzero Label','GHG Label',
411 |
# # 'Conditional Label','Sector Label','Adapt-Mitig Label','page','keep']]
412 |
# # st.dataframe(df)
413 |
# # # df = st.data_editor(
414 |
# # # df,
415 |
# # # column_config={
416 |
# # # "keep": st.column_config.CheckboxColumn(
417 |
# # # help="Select which rows to keep",
418 |
# # # default=False,
419 |
# # # )
420 |
# # # },
421 |
# # # disabled=list(set(df.columns) - {'keep'}),
422 |
# # # hide_index=True,
423 |
# # # )
424 |
# # # st.write("updating target hits....")
425 |
# # # st.write(len(df[df.keep == True]))
426 |
# # st.session_state['target_hits'] = df
427 |
428 |
# # return
429 |
430 |
64 |
65 |
# Load the classifier model
66 |
classifier = load_targetClassifier(classifier_name=params['model_name'])
67 |
68 |
st.session_state['{}_classifier'.format(classifier_identifier)] = classifier
69 |
70 |
# test
71 |
if "target_classifier" not in st.session_state:
72 |
st.write("target classifier not saved :(")
82 |
df = st.session_state['key1']
83 |
84 |