import os import gradio as gr from hivision import IDCreator from hivision.error import FaceError, APIError from hivision.utils import add_background, resize_image_to_kb from hivision.creator.layout_calculator import ( generate_layout_photo, generate_layout_image, ) from hivision.creator.choose_handler import choose_handler import pathlib import numpy as np from demo.utils import csv_to_size_list import argparse from PIL import Image from hivision.plugin.watermark import Watermarker, WatermarkerStyles # 获取尺寸列表 root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) size_list_dict_CN = csv_to_size_list(os.path.join(root_dir, "demo/size_list_CN.csv")) size_list_dict_EN = csv_to_size_list(os.path.join(root_dir, "demo/size_list_EN.csv")) color_list_dict_CN = { "蓝色": (86, 140, 212), "白色": (255, 255, 255), "红色": (233, 51, 35), "黑色": (0, 0, 0), "深蓝色": (69, 98, 148), } color_list_dict_EN = { "Blue": (86, 140, 212), "White": (255, 255, 255), "Red": (233, 51, 35), "Black": (0, 0, 0), "Dark blue": (69, 98, 148), } # 检测 RGB 是否超出范围,如果超出则约束到 0~255 之间 def range_check(value, min_value=0, max_value=255): value = int(value) if value <= min_value: value = min_value elif value > max_value: value = max_value return value def idphoto_inference( input_image, mode_option, size_list_option, color_option, render_option, image_kb_options, custom_color_R, custom_color_G, custom_color_B, custom_size_height, custom_size_width, custom_image_kb, language, matting_model_option, watermark_option, watermark_text, watermark_text_color, watermark_text_size, watermark_text_opacity, watermark_text_angle, watermark_text_space, face_detect_option, head_measure_ratio=0.2, # head_height_ratio=0.45, top_distance_max=0.12, top_distance_min=0.10, ): top_distance_min = top_distance_max - 0.02 idphoto_json = { "size_mode": mode_option, "color_mode": color_option, "render_mode": render_option, "image_kb_mode": image_kb_options, } text_lang_map = { "中文": { "Size List": "尺寸列表", "Custom Size": "自定义尺寸", "The width should not be greater than the length; the length and width should not be less than 100, and no more than 1800.": "宽度应不大于长度;长宽不应小于 100,大于 1800", "Custom Color": "自定义底色", "Custom": "自定义", "The number of faces is not equal to 1, please upload an image with a single face. If the actual number of faces is 1, it may be an issue with the accuracy of the detection model. Please switch to a different face detection model on the left or raise a Github Issue to notify the author.": "人脸数量不等于 1,请上传单张人脸的图像。如果实际人脸数量为 1,可能是检测模型精度的问题,请在左边更换人脸检测模型或给作者提Github Issue。", "Solid Color": "纯色", "Up-Down Gradient (White)": "上下渐变 (白)", "Center Gradient (White)": "中心渐变 (白)", "Set KB size (Download in the bottom right)": "设置 KB 大小(结果在右边最底的组件下载)", "Not Set": "不设置", "Only Change Background": "只换底", }, "English": { "Size List": "Size List", "Custom Size": "Custom Size", "The width should not be greater than the length; the length and width should not be less than 100, and no more than 1800.": "The width should not be greater than the length; the length and width should not be less than 100, and no more than 1800.", "Custom Color": "Custom Color", "Custom": "Custom", "The number of faces is not equal to 1, please upload an image with a single face. If the actual number of faces is 1, it may be an issue with the accuracy of the detection model. Please switch to a different face detection model on the left or raise a Github Issue to notify the author.": "The number of faces is not equal to 1, please upload an image with a single face. If the actual number of faces is 1, it may be an issue with the accuracy of the detection model. Please switch to a different face detection model on the left or raise a Github Issue to notify the author.", "Solid Color": "Solid Color", "Up-Down Gradient (White)": "Up-Down Gradient (White)", "Center Gradient (White)": "Center Gradient (White)", "Set KB size (Download in the bottom right)": "Set KB size (Download in the bottom right)", "Not Set": "Not Set", "Only Change Background": "Only Change Background", }, } # 如果尺寸模式选择的是尺寸列表 if idphoto_json["size_mode"] == text_lang_map[language]["Size List"]: if language == "中文": idphoto_json["size"] = size_list_dict_CN[size_list_option] else: idphoto_json["size"] = size_list_dict_EN[size_list_option] # 如果尺寸模式选择的是自定义尺寸 elif idphoto_json["size_mode"] == text_lang_map[language]["Custom Size"]: id_height = int(custom_size_height) id_width = int(custom_size_width) if ( id_height < id_width or min(id_height, id_width) < 100 or max(id_height, id_width) > 1800 ): return { img_output_standard: gr.update(value=None), img_output_standard_hd: gr.update(value=None), notification: gr.update( value=text_lang_map[language][ "The width should not be greater than the length; the length and width should not be less than 100, and no more than 1800." ], visible=True, ), } idphoto_json["size"] = (id_height, id_width) else: idphoto_json["size"] = (None, None) # 如果颜色模式选择的是自定义底色 if idphoto_json["color_mode"] == text_lang_map[language]["Custom Color"]: idphoto_json["color_bgr"] = ( range_check(custom_color_R), range_check(custom_color_G), range_check(custom_color_B), ) else: if language == "中文": idphoto_json["color_bgr"] = color_list_dict_CN[color_option] else: idphoto_json["color_bgr"] = color_list_dict_EN[color_option] # 如果输出 KB 大小选择的是自定义 if idphoto_json["image_kb_mode"] == text_lang_map[language]["Custom"]: idphoto_json["custom_image_kb"] = custom_image_kb else: idphoto_json["custom_image_kb"] = None creator = IDCreator() choose_handler(creator, matting_model_option, face_detect_option) change_bg_only = idphoto_json["size_mode"] in ["只换底", "Only Change Background"] # 生成证件照 try: result = creator( input_image, change_bg_only=change_bg_only, size=idphoto_json["size"], head_measure_ratio=head_measure_ratio, # head_height_ratio=head_height_ratio, head_top_range=(top_distance_max, top_distance_min), ) except FaceError: result_message = { img_output_standard: gr.update(value=None), img_output_standard_hd: gr.update(value=None), img_output_layout: gr.update(visible=False), notification: gr.update( value=text_lang_map[language][ "The number of faces is not equal to 1, please upload an image with a single face. If the actual number of faces is 1, it may be an issue with the accuracy of the detection model. Please switch to a different face detection model on the left or raise a Github Issue to notify the author." ], visible=True, ), } except APIError as e: result_message = { img_output_standard: gr.update(value=None), img_output_standard_hd: gr.update(value=None), img_output_layout: gr.update(visible=False), notification: gr.update( value=f"Please make sure you have correctly set up the Face++ API Key and Secret.\nAPI Error\nStatus Code is {e.status_code}\nPossible errors are: {e}\n", visible=True, ), } else: (result_image_standard, result_image_hd, _, _) = result if idphoto_json["render_mode"] == text_lang_map[language]["Solid Color"]: result_image_standard = np.uint8( add_background(result_image_standard, bgr=idphoto_json["color_bgr"]) ) result_image_hd = np.uint8( add_background(result_image_hd, bgr=idphoto_json["color_bgr"]) ) elif ( idphoto_json["render_mode"] == text_lang_map[language]["Up-Down Gradient (White)"] ): result_image_standard = np.uint8( add_background( result_image_standard, bgr=idphoto_json["color_bgr"], mode="updown_gradient", ) ) result_image_hd = np.uint8( add_background( result_image_hd, bgr=idphoto_json["color_bgr"], mode="updown_gradient", ) ) else: result_image_standard = np.uint8( add_background( result_image_standard, bgr=idphoto_json["color_bgr"], mode="center_gradient", ) ) result_image_hd = np.uint8( add_background( result_image_hd, bgr=idphoto_json["color_bgr"], mode="center_gradient", ) ) # 如果只换底,就不生成排版照 if ( idphoto_json["size_mode"] == text_lang_map[language]["Only Change Background"] ): result_layout_image = gr.update(visible=False) # 如果是尺寸列表或自定义尺寸,则生成排版照 else: typography_arr, typography_rotate = generate_layout_photo( input_height=idphoto_json["size"][0], input_width=idphoto_json["size"][1], ) if watermark_option == "添加" or watermark_option == "Add": result_layout_image = gr.update( value=generate_layout_image( add_watermark( image=result_image_standard, text=watermark_text, size=watermark_text_size, opacity=watermark_text_opacity, angle=watermark_text_angle, space=watermark_text_space, color=watermark_text_color, ), typography_arr, typography_rotate, height=idphoto_json["size"][0], width=idphoto_json["size"][1], ), visible=True, ) else: result_layout_image = gr.update( value=generate_layout_image( result_image_standard, typography_arr, typography_rotate, height=idphoto_json["size"][0], width=idphoto_json["size"][1], ), visible=True, ) # 如果输出 KB 大小选择的是自定义 if idphoto_json["custom_image_kb"]: # 将标准照大小调整至目标大小 print("调整 kb 大小到", idphoto_json["custom_image_kb"], "kb") # 输出路径为一个根据时间戳 + 哈希值生成的随机文件名 import time output_image_path = f"{os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'demo/kb_output')}/{int(time.time())}.jpg" resize_image_to_kb( result_image_standard, output_image_path, idphoto_json["custom_image_kb"], ) else: output_image_path = None # Add watermark if selected if watermark_option == "添加" or watermark_option == "Add": result_image_standard = add_watermark( image=result_image_standard, text=watermark_text, size=watermark_text_size, opacity=watermark_text_opacity, angle=watermark_text_angle, space=watermark_text_space, color=watermark_text_color, ) result_image_hd = add_watermark( image=result_image_hd, text=watermark_text, size=watermark_text_size, opacity=watermark_text_opacity, angle=watermark_text_angle, space=watermark_text_space, color=watermark_text_color, ) if output_image_path: result_message = { img_output_standard: result_image_standard, img_output_standard_hd: result_image_hd, img_output_layout: result_layout_image, notification: gr.update(visible=False), file_download: gr.update(visible=True, value=output_image_path), } else: result_message = { img_output_standard: result_image_standard, img_output_standard_hd: result_image_hd, img_output_layout: result_layout_image, notification: gr.update(visible=False), file_download: gr.update(visible=False), } return result_message # Add this function to handle watermark addition def add_watermark( image: np.ndarray, text, size=50, opacity=0.5, angle=45, color="#8B8B1B", space=75 ): image = Image.fromarray(image) # 创建 Watermarker 实例 watermarker = Watermarker( input_image=image, text=text, style=WatermarkerStyles.STRIPED, angle=angle, color=color, opacity=opacity, size=size, space=space, ) # 返回带水印的图片 return np.array(watermarker.image.convert("RGB")) if __name__ == "__main__": argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument( "--port", type=int, default=7860, help="The port number of the server" ) argparser.add_argument( "--host", type=str, default="", help="The host of the server" ) argparser.add_argument( "--root_path", type=str, default=None, help="The root path of the server, default is None (='/'), e.g. '/myapp'", ) args = argparser.parse_args() language = ["中文", "English"] matting_model_list = [ os.path.splitext(file)[0] for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir, "hivision/creator/weights")) if file.endswith(".onnx") or file.endswith(".mnn") ] DEFAULT_MATTING_MODEL = "modnet_photographic_portrait_matting" if DEFAULT_MATTING_MODEL in matting_model_list: matting_model_list.remove(DEFAULT_MATTING_MODEL) matting_model_list.insert(0, DEFAULT_MATTING_MODEL) face_detect_model_list = ["mtcnn", "face++ (联网API)"] size_mode_CN = ["尺寸列表", "只换底", "自定义尺寸"] size_mode_EN = ["Size List", "Only Change Background", "Custom Size"] size_list_CN = list(size_list_dict_CN.keys()) size_list_EN = list(size_list_dict_EN.keys()) colors_CN = ["蓝色", "白色", "红色", "黑色", "深蓝色", "自定义底色"] colors_EN = ["Blue", "White", "Red", "Black", "Dark blue", "Custom Color"] watermark_CN = ["不添加", "添加"] watermark_EN = ["Not Add", "Add"] render_CN = ["纯色", "上下渐变 (白)", "中心渐变 (白)"] render_EN = ["Solid Color", "Up-Down Gradient (White)", "Center Gradient (White)"] image_kb_CN = ["不设置", "自定义"] image_kb_EN = ["Not Set", "Custom"] css = """ #col-left { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 430px; } #col-mid { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 430px; } #col-right { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 430px; } #col-showcase { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 1100px; } #button { color: blue; } """ def load_description(fp): with open(fp, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = return content demo = gr.Blocks(title="HivisionIDPhotos", css=css) with demo: gr.HTML(load_description(os.path.join(root_dir, "assets/"))) with gr.Row(): # ------------ 左半边 UI ---------------- with gr.Column(): img_input = gr.Image(height=400) with gr.Row(): language_options = gr.Dropdown( choices=language, label="Language", value="中文", elem_id="language", ) face_detect_model_options = gr.Dropdown( choices=face_detect_model_list, label="人脸检测模型", value=face_detect_model_list[0], elem_id="matting_model", ) matting_model_options = gr.Dropdown( choices=matting_model_list, label="抠图模型", value=matting_model_list[0], elem_id="matting_model", ) with gr.Tab("核心参数") as key_parameter_tab: mode_options = gr.Radio( choices=size_mode_CN, label="证件照尺寸选项", value="尺寸列表", elem_id="size", ) # 预设尺寸下拉菜单 with gr.Row(visible=True) as size_list_row: size_list_options = gr.Dropdown( choices=size_list_CN, label="预设尺寸", value=size_list_CN[0], elem_id="size_list", ) with gr.Row(visible=False) as custom_size: custom_size_height = gr.Number( value=413, label="height", interactive=True ) custom_size_wdith = gr.Number( value=295, label="width", interactive=True ) # 左:背景色选项 color_options = gr.Radio( choices=colors_CN, label="背景色", value="蓝色", elem_id="color" ) # 左:如果选择「自定义底色」,显示 RGB 输入框 with gr.Row(visible=False) as custom_color: custom_color_R = gr.Number(value=0, label="R", interactive=True) custom_color_G = gr.Number(value=0, label="G", interactive=True) custom_color_B = gr.Number(value=0, label="B", interactive=True) # 左:渲染方式选项 render_options = gr.Radio( choices=render_CN, label="渲染方式", value="纯色", elem_id="render", ) with gr.Tab("高级参数") as advance_parameter_tab: # 面部占照片总比例 head_measure_ratio_option = gr.Slider( minimum=0.1, maximum=0.5, value=0.2, step=0.01, label="面部比例", interactive=True, ) # 人像头顶距离照片顶部的比例 top_distance_option = gr.Slider( minimum=0.02, maximum=0.5, value=0.12, step=0.01, label="头距顶距离", interactive=True, ) # 输出照片的KB值 image_kb_options = gr.Radio( choices=image_kb_CN, label="设置 KB 大小(结果在右边最底的组件下载)", value="不设置", elem_id="image_kb", ) # 自定义 KB 大小,滑动条,最小 10KB,最大 200KB with gr.Row(visible=False) as custom_image_kb: custom_image_kb_size = gr.Slider( minimum=10, maximum=1000, value=50, label="KB 大小", interactive=True, ) with gr.Tab("水印") as watermark_parameter_tab: # 左: 水印 watermark_options = gr.Radio( choices=watermark_CN, label="水印", value="不添加", elem_id="watermark", ) with gr.Row(): # 左:水印文字 watermark_text_options = gr.Text( max_length=10, label="水印文字", value="Hello", placeholder="请输入水印文字(最多10个字符)", elem_id="watermark_text", interactive=False, ) # 水印颜色 watermark_text_color = gr.ColorPicker( label="水印颜色", interactive=False, value="#FFFFFF", ) # 文字大小 watermark_text_size = gr.Slider( minimum=10, maximum=100, value=20, label="文字大小", interactive=False, step=1, ) # 文字透明度 watermark_text_opacity = gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.15, label="水印透明度", interactive=False, step=0.01, ) # 文字角度 watermark_text_angle = gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=360, value=30, label="水印角度", interactive=False, step=1, ) # 文字间距 watermark_text_space = gr.Slider( minimum=10, maximum=200, value=25, label="水印间距", interactive=False, step=1, ) def update_watermark_text_visibility(choice): return [ gr.update(interactive=(choice == "添加" or choice == "Add")) ] * 6 watermark_options.change( fn=update_watermark_text_visibility, inputs=[watermark_options], outputs=[ watermark_text_options, watermark_text_color, watermark_text_size, watermark_text_opacity, watermark_text_angle, watermark_text_space, ], ) img_but = gr.Button("开始制作") # 案例图片 example_images = gr.Examples( inputs=[img_input], examples=[ [path.as_posix()] for path in sorted( pathlib.Path(os.path.join(root_dir, "demo/images")).rglob( "*.jpg" ) ) ], ) # ---------------- 右半边 UI ---------------- with gr.Column(): notification = gr.Text(label="状态", visible=False) with gr.Row(): img_output_standard = gr.Image( label="标准照", height=350, format="jpeg" ) img_output_standard_hd = gr.Image( label="高清照", height=350, format="jpeg" ) img_output_layout = gr.Image( label="六寸排版照", height=350, format="jpeg" ) file_download = gr.File(label="下载调整 KB 大小后的照片", visible=False) # ---------------- 设置隐藏/显示组件 ---------------- def change_language(language): # 将Gradio组件中的内容改为中文或英文 if language == "中文": return { size_list_options: gr.update( label="预设尺寸", choices=size_list_CN, value=size_list_CN[0], ), mode_options: gr.update( label="证件照尺寸选项", choices=size_mode_CN, value="尺寸列表", ), color_options: gr.update( label="背景色", choices=colors_CN, value="蓝色", ), img_but: gr.update(value="开始制作"), render_options: gr.update( label="渲染方式", choices=render_CN, value="纯色", ), image_kb_options: gr.update( label="设置 KB 大小(结果在右边最底的组件下载)", choices=image_kb_CN, value="不设置", ), matting_model_options: gr.update(label="抠图模型"), face_detect_model_options: gr.update(label="人脸检测模型"), custom_image_kb_size: gr.update(label="KB 大小"), notification: gr.update(label="状态"), img_output_standard: gr.update(label="标准照"), img_output_standard_hd: gr.update(label="高清照"), img_output_layout: gr.update(label="六寸排版照"), file_download: gr.update(label="下载调整 KB 大小后的照片"), head_measure_ratio_option: gr.update(label="面部比例"), top_distance_option: gr.update(label="头距顶距离"), key_parameter_tab: gr.update(label="核心参数"), advance_parameter_tab: gr.update(label="高级参数"), watermark_parameter_tab: gr.update(label="水印"), watermark_text_options: gr.update(label="水印文字"), watermark_text_color: gr.update(label="水印颜色"), watermark_text_size: gr.update(label="文字大小"), watermark_text_opacity: gr.update(label="水印透明度"), watermark_text_angle: gr.update(label="水印角度"), watermark_text_space: gr.update(label="水印间距"), watermark_options: gr.update( label="水印", value="不添加", choices=watermark_CN ), } elif language == "English": return { size_list_options: gr.update( label="Default size", choices=size_list_EN, value=size_list_EN[0], ), mode_options: gr.update( label="ID photo size options", choices=size_mode_EN, value="Size List", ), color_options: gr.update( label="Background color", choices=colors_EN, value="Blue", ), img_but: gr.update(value="Start"), render_options: gr.update( label="Rendering mode", choices=render_EN, value="Solid Color", ), image_kb_options: gr.update( label="Set KB size (Download in the bottom right)", choices=image_kb_EN, value="Not Set", ), matting_model_options: gr.update(label="Matting model"), face_detect_model_options: gr.update(label="Face detect model"), custom_image_kb_size: gr.update(label="KB size"), notification: gr.update(label="Status"), img_output_standard: gr.update(label="Standard photo"), img_output_standard_hd: gr.update(label="HD photo"), img_output_layout: gr.update(label="Layout photo"), file_download: gr.update( label="Download the photo after adjusting the KB size" ), head_measure_ratio_option: gr.update(label="Head ratio"), top_distance_option: gr.update(label="Top distance"), key_parameter_tab: gr.update(label="Key Parameters"), advance_parameter_tab: gr.update(label="Advance Parameters"), watermark_parameter_tab: gr.update(label="Watermark"), watermark_text_options: gr.update(label="Text"), watermark_text_color: gr.update(label="Color"), watermark_text_size: gr.update(label="Size"), watermark_text_opacity: gr.update(label="Opacity"), watermark_text_angle: gr.update(label="Angle"), watermark_text_space: gr.update(label="Space"), watermark_options: gr.update( label="Watermark", value="Not Add", choices=watermark_EN ), } def change_color(colors): if colors == "自定义底色" or colors == "Custom Color": return {custom_color: gr.update(visible=True)} else: return {custom_color: gr.update(visible=False)} def change_size_mode(size_option_item): if ( size_option_item == "自定义尺寸" or size_option_item == "Custom Size" ): return { custom_size: gr.update(visible=True), size_list_row: gr.update(visible=False), } elif ( size_option_item == "只换底" or size_option_item == "Only Change Background" ): return { custom_size: gr.update(visible=False), size_list_row: gr.update(visible=False), } else: return { custom_size: gr.update(visible=False), size_list_row: gr.update(visible=True), } def change_image_kb(image_kb_option): if image_kb_option == "自定义" or image_kb_option == "Custom": return {custom_image_kb: gr.update(visible=True)} else: return {custom_image_kb: gr.update(visible=False)} # ---------------- 绑定事件 ---------------- language_options.input( change_language, inputs=[language_options], outputs=[ size_list_options, mode_options, color_options, img_but, render_options, image_kb_options, matting_model_options, face_detect_model_options, custom_image_kb_size, notification, img_output_standard, img_output_standard_hd, img_output_layout, file_download, head_measure_ratio_option, top_distance_option, key_parameter_tab, advance_parameter_tab, watermark_parameter_tab, watermark_text_options, watermark_text_color, watermark_text_size, watermark_text_opacity, watermark_text_angle, watermark_text_space, watermark_options, ], ) color_options.input( change_color, inputs=[color_options], outputs=[custom_color] ) mode_options.input( change_size_mode, inputs=[mode_options], outputs=[custom_size, size_list_row], ) image_kb_options.input( change_image_kb, inputs=[image_kb_options], outputs=[custom_image_kb] ) idphoto_inference, inputs=[ img_input, mode_options, size_list_options, color_options, render_options, image_kb_options, custom_color_R, custom_color_G, custom_color_B, custom_size_height, custom_size_wdith, custom_image_kb_size, language_options, matting_model_options, watermark_options, watermark_text_options, watermark_text_color, watermark_text_size, watermark_text_opacity, watermark_text_angle, watermark_text_space, face_detect_model_options, head_measure_ratio_option, top_distance_option, ], outputs=[ img_output_standard, img_output_standard_hd, img_output_layout, notification, file_download, ], ) demo.launch( #, # server_port=args.port, show_api=False, # favicon_path=os.path.join(root_dir, "assets/hivision_logo.png"), # root_path=args.root_path, )