import pickle import hashlib import time import plyvel import struct from typing import List from hashlib import sha256 import streamlit as st # Global constant for target bits TARGET_BITS = 24 class Block: def __init__(self, index, previous_hash, timestamp, data, nonce, hash): self.index = index self.previous_hash = previous_hash self.timestamp = timestamp = data self.nonce = nonce self.hash = hash def serialize(self): """Serialize the Block object to a byte stream.""" return pickle.dumps(self.__dict__) @staticmethod def deserialize(serialized_block): """Deserialize a byte stream into a Block object.""" block_dict = pickle.loads(serialized_block) return Block(**block_dict) def __repr__(self): return (f"Block(index={self.index}, " f"timestamp={self.timestamp}, " f"data={'utf-8')}, " f"prev_block_hash={self.previous_hash.hex()}, " f"hash={self.hash.hex()}, " f"nonce={self.nonce})") class ProofOfWork: def __init__(self, block: Block): self.block = block = 1 << (256 - TARGET_BITS) def prepare_data(self, nonce: int) -> bytes: """Prepare the data to be hashed.""" return b''.join([ self.block.previous_hash,, struct.pack('>I', int(self.block.timestamp)), # Convert timestamp to int struct.pack('>I', TARGET_BITS), struct.pack('>I', nonce) ]) def run(self) -> (int, bytes): """Run the Proof of Work algorithm.""" nonce = 0 st.write(f"Mining the block containing \"{'utf-8')}\"") while nonce < 2**32: # maxNonce data = self.prepare_data(nonce) hash = sha256(data).digest() st.write(f"\r{hash.hex()}", end="") hash_int = int.from_bytes(hash, byteorder='big') if hash_int < break else: nonce += 1 st.write("\n\n") return nonce, hash def validate(self) -> bool: """Validate the Proof of Work.""" data = self.prepare_data(self.block.nonce) hash = sha256(data).digest() hash_int = int.from_bytes(hash, byteorder='big') return hash_int < def new_genesis_block(): return Block(index=0, previous_hash=b'0'*64, timestamp=time.time(), data='Genesis Block'.encode('utf-8'), nonce=0, hash=b'genesis_hash') class Blockchain: def __init__(self): self.db = plyvel.DB('blockchain.db', create_if_missing=True) self.tip = self._init_blockchain() def _init_blockchain(self): """Initialize the blockchain or load the existing one.""" blocks_bucket = self.db.prefixed_db(b'blocks') if blocks_bucket.get(b'l') is None: genesis = new_genesis_block() blocks_bucket.put(genesis.hash, genesis.serialize()) blocks_bucket.put(b'l', genesis.hash) return genesis.hash else: return blocks_bucket.get(b'l') def add_block(self, data): """Add a new block to the blockchain.""" blocks_bucket = self.db.prefixed_db(b'blocks') last_hash = blocks_bucket.get(b'l') new_block = Block(index=self.get_block_count(), previous_hash=last_hash, timestamp=time.time(), data=data.encode('utf-8'), nonce=0, hash=b'') pow = ProofOfWork(new_block) nonce, hash = new_block.hash = hash new_block.nonce = nonce blocks_bucket.put(new_block.hash, new_block.serialize()) blocks_bucket.put(b'l', new_block.hash) self.tip = new_block.hash def get_block_count(self): """Get the number of blocks in the blockchain.""" blocks_bucket = self.db.prefixed_db(b'blocks') return len(list(blocks_bucket)) def get_last_block_hash(self): """Get the hash of the last block in the chain.""" blocks_bucket = self.db.prefixed_db(b'blocks') return blocks_bucket.get(b'l') def get_block(self, block_hash): """Retrieve a block from the BoltDB by its hash.""" blocks_bucket = self.db.prefixed_db(b'blocks') serialized_block = blocks_bucket.get(block_hash) if serialized_block: return Block.deserialize(serialized_block) return None def close(self): """Close the database connection.""" self.db.close() def print_blockchain(bc): last_hash = bc.get_last_block_hash() while last_hash: block = bc.get_block(last_hash) if block is None: st.write("Block not found for hash:", last_hash.hex()) break st.write(f"Prev. hash: {block.previous_hash.hex()}") st.write(f"Data: {'utf-8')}") st.write(f"Hash: {block.hash.hex()}") st.write(f"Nonce: {block.nonce}") pow = ProofOfWork(block) st.write(f"PoW: {pow.validate()}") st.write() # Stop iterating when we reach the genesis block if block.previous_hash == b'0'*64: break last_hash = block.previous_hash # Initialize the blockchain try: bc = Blockchain() except IOError as e: st.write(f"Error initializing blockchain: {e}") bc = None if bc: try: # Add a new block with the Starbucks reusable Holiday cup data starbucks_data = "Pay 0.0001 BTC for a Starbucks reusable Holiday cup coffee ($9.20 USD)" bc.add_block(starbucks_data) # Print the entire blockchain print_blockchain(bc) finally: # Ensure the database is closed properly bc.close() # Streamlit App st.title("Blockchain Prototype 4") st.image('Starbucks BTC Model 1.jpeg', caption='Starbucks BTC Model 1') st.image('Starbucks BTC Model 2.jpeg', caption='Starbucks BTC Model 2')