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"$": " dollar ",
"€": " euro ",
"4ao": "for adults only",
"a.m": "before midday",
"a3": "anytime anywhere anyplace",
"aamof": "as a matter of fact",
"acct": "account",
"adih": "another day in hell",
"afaic": "as far as i am concerned",
"afaict": "as far as i can tell",
"afaik": "as far as i know",
"afair": "as far as i remember",
"afk": "away from keyboard",
"app": "application",
"approx": "approximately",
"apps": "applications",
"asap": "as soon as possible",
"asl": "age, sex, location",
"atk": "at the keyboard",
"ave.": "avenue",
"aymm": "are you my mother",
"ayor": "at your own risk",
"b&b": "bed and breakfast",
"b+b": "bed and breakfast",
"b.c": "before christ",
"b2b": "business to business",
"b2c": "business to customer",
"b4": "before",
"b4n": "bye for now",
"b@u": "back at you",
"bae": "before anyone else",
"bak": "back at keyboard",
"bbbg": "bye bye be good",
"bbc": "british broadcasting corporation",
"bbias": "be back in a second",
"bbl": "be back later",
"bbs": "be back soon",
"be4": "before",
"bfn": "bye for now",
"blvd": "boulevard",
"bout": "about",
"brb": "be right back",
"bros": "brothers",
"brt": "be right there",
"bsaaw": "big smile and a wink",
"btw": "by the way",
"bwl": "bursting with laughter",
"c/o": "care of",
"cet": "central european time",
"cf": "compare",
"cia": "central intelligence agency",
"csl": "can not stop laughing",
"cu": "see you",
"cul8r": "see you later",
"cv": "curriculum vitae",
"cwot": "complete waste of time",
"cya": "see you",
"cyt": "see you tomorrow",
"dae": "does anyone else",
"dbmib": "do not bother me i am busy",
"diy": "do it yourself",
"dm": "direct message",
"dwh": "during work hours",
"e123": "easy as one two three",
"eet": "eastern european time",
"eg": "example",
"embm": "early morning business meeting",
"encl": "enclosed",
"encl.": "enclosed",
"etc": "and so on",
"faq": "frequently asked questions",
"fawc": "for anyone who cares",
"fb": "facebook",
"fc": "fingers crossed",
"fig": "figure",
"fimh": "forever in my heart",
"ft.": "feet",
"ft": "featuring",
"ftl": "for the loss",
"ftw": "for the win",
"fwiw": "for what it is worth",
"fyi": "for your information",
"g9": "genius",
"gahoy": "get a hold of yourself",
"gal": "get a life",
"gcse": "general certificate of secondary education",
"gfn": "gone for now",
"gg": "good game",
"gl": "good luck",
"glhf": "good luck have fun",
"gmt": "greenwich mean time",
"gmta": "great minds think alike",
"gn": "good night",
"g.o.a.t": "greatest of all time",
"goat": "greatest of all time",
"goi": "get over it",
"gps": "global positioning system",
"gr8": "great",
"gratz": "congratulations",
"gyal": "girl",
"h&c": "hot and cold",
"hp": "horsepower",
"hr": "hour",
"hrh": "his royal highness",
"ht": "height",
"ibrb": "i will be right back",
"ic": "i see",
"icq": "i seek you",
"icymi": "in case you missed it",
"idc": "i do not care",
"idgadf": "i do not give a damn fuck",
"idgaf": "i do not give a fuck",
"idk": "i do not know",
"ie": "that is",
"i.e": "that is",
"ifyp": "i feel your pain",
"IG": "instagram",
"iirc": "if i remember correctly",
"ilu": "i love you",
"ily": "i love you",
"imho": "in my humble opinion",
"imo": "in my opinion",
"imu": "i miss you",
"iow": "in other words",
"irl": "in real life",
"j4f": "just for fun",
"jic": "just in case",
"jk": "just kidding",
"jsyk": "just so you know",
"l8r": "later",
"lb": "pound",
"lbs": "pounds",
"ldr": "long distance relationship",
"lmao": "laugh my ass off",
"lmfao": "laugh my fucking ass off",
"lol": "laughing out loud",
"ltd": "limited",
"ltns": "long time no see",
"m8": "mate",
"mf": "motherfucker",
"mfs": "motherfuckers",
"mfw": "my face when",
"mofo": "motherfucker",
"mph": "miles per hour",
"mr": "mister",
"mrw": "my reaction when",
"ms": "miss",
"mte": "my thoughts exactly",
"nagi": "not a good idea",
"nbc": "national broadcasting company",
"nbd": "not big deal",
"nfs": "not for sale",
"ngl": "not going to lie",
"nhs": "national health service",
"nrn": "no reply necessary",
"nsfl": "not safe for life",
"nsfw": "not safe for work",
"nth": "nice to have",
"nvr": "never",
"nyc": "new york city",
"oc": "original content",
"og": "original",
"ohp": "overhead projector",
"oic": "oh i see",
"omdb": "over my dead body",
"omg": "oh my god",
"omw": "on my way",
"p.a": "per annum",
"p.m": "after midday",
"pm": "prime minister",
"poc": "people of color",
"pov": "point of view",
"pp": "pages",
"ppl": "people",
"prw": "parents are watching",
"ps": "postscript",
"pt": "point",
"ptb": "please text back",
"pto": "please turn over",
"qpsa": "what happens",
"ratchet": "rude",
"rbtl": "read between the lines",
"rlrt": "real life retweet",
"rofl": "rolling on the floor laughing",
"roflol": "rolling on the floor laughing out loud",
"rotflmao": "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off",
"rt": "retweet",
"ruok": "are you ok",
"sfw": "safe for work",
"sk8": "skate",
"smh": "shake my head",
"sq": "square",
"srsly": "seriously",
"ssdd": "same stuff different day",
"tbh": "to be honest",
"tbs": "tablespooful",
"tbsp": "tablespooful",
"tfw": "that feeling when",
"thks": "thank you",
"tho": "though",
"thx": "thank you",
"tia": "thanks in advance",
"til": "today i learned",
"tl;dr": "too long i did not read",
"tldr": "too long i did not read",
"tmb": "tweet me back",
"tntl": "trying not to laugh",
"ttyl": "talk to you later",
"u": "you",
"u2": "you too",
"u4e": "yours for ever",
"utc": "coordinated universal time",
"w/": "with",
"w/o": "without",
"w8": "wait",
"wassup": "what is up",
"wb": "welcome back",
"wtf": "what the fuck",
"wtg": "way to go",
"wtpa": "where the party at",
"wuf": "where are you from",
"wuzup": "what is up",
"wywh": "wish you were here",
"yd": "yard",
"ygtr": "you got that right",
"ynk": "you never know",
"zzz": "sleeping bored and tired"