<!-- build.xml file for ant for JavaNLP --> | |
<!-- Before using this, unjar the sources' jar file into the src/ directory! --> | |
<!-- A "project" describes a set of targets that may be requested | |
when Ant is executed. The "default" attribute defines the | |
target which is executed if no specific target is requested, | |
and the "basedir" attribute defines the current working directory | |
from which Ant executes the requested task. This is normally | |
set to the current working directory. | |
--> | |
<project name="JavaNLP" default="compile" basedir="."> | |
<property name="build.home" value="${basedir}/classes"/> | |
<property name="build.tests" value="${basedir}/classes"/> | |
<property name="docs.home" value="${basedir}/docs"/> | |
<property name="src.home" value="${basedir}/src"/> | |
<property name="javadoc.home" value="${basedir}/javadoc"/> | |
<!-- ==================== Compilation Control Options ==================== --> | |
<!-- | |
These properties control option settings on the Javac compiler when it | |
is invoked using the <javac> task. | |
compile.debug Should compilation include the debug option? | |
compile.deprecation Should compilation include the deprecation option? | |
compile.optimize Should compilation include the optimize option? | |
compile.source Source version compatibility | |
compile.target Target class version compatibility | |
--> | |
<property name="compile.debug" value="true"/> | |
<property name="compile.deprecation" value="false"/> | |
<property name="compile.optimize" value="true"/> | |
<property name="compile.source" value="1.8" /> | |
<property name="compile.target" value="1.8" /> | |
<property name="compile.encoding" value="utf-8" /> | |
<!-- ==================== All Target ====================================== --> | |
<!-- | |
The "all" target is a shortcut for running the "clean" target followed | |
by the "compile" target, to force a complete recompile. | |
--> | |
<target name="all" depends="clean,compile" | |
description="Clean build and dist directories, then compile"/> | |
<!-- ==================== Clean Target ==================================== --> | |
<!-- | |
The "clean" target deletes any previous "build" and "dist" directory, | |
so that you can be ensured the application can be built from scratch. | |
--> | |
<target name="clean" description="Delete old classes"> | |
<delete dir="${build.home}/edu"/> | |
</target> | |
<!-- ==================== Compile Target ================================== --> | |
<!-- | |
The "compile" target transforms source files (from your "src" directory) | |
into object files in the appropriate location in the build directory. | |
This example assumes that you will be including your classes in an | |
unpacked directory hierarchy under "/WEB-INF/classes". | |
--> | |
<target name="compile" depends="prepare" | |
description="Compile Java sources"> | |
<!-- Compile Java classes as necessary --> | |
<mkdir dir="${build.home}"/> | |
<javac srcdir="${src.home}" | |
destdir="${build.home}" | |
debug="${compile.debug}" | |
encoding="${compile.encoding}" | |
deprecation="${compile.deprecation}" | |
optimize="${compile.optimize}" | |
source="${compile.source}" | |
target="${compile.target}" | |
includeantruntime="false"> | |
<compilerarg value="-Xmaxerrs"/> | |
<compilerarg value="20"/> | |
<classpath> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib"> | |
<include name="*.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="javanlp*"/> | |
</fileset> | |
</classpath> | |
<!-- <compilerarg value="-Xlint"/> --> | |
</javac> | |
<!-- Copy application resources --> | |
<!-- | |
<copy todir="${build.home}/WEB-INF/classes"> | |
<fileset dir="${src.home}" excludes="**/*.java"/> | |
</copy> | |
--> | |
</target> | |
<!-- ==================== Javadoc Target ================================== --> | |
<!-- | |
The "javadoc" target creates Javadoc API documentation for the Java | |
classes included in your application. Normally, this is only required | |
when preparing a distribution release, but is available as a separate | |
target in case the developer wants to create Javadocs independently. | |
--> | |
<target name="javadoc" depends="compile" | |
description="Create Javadoc API documentation"> | |
<mkdir dir="${javadoc.home}"/> | |
<javadoc sourcepath="${src.home}" | |
destdir="${javadoc.home}" | |
maxmemory="1g" | |
author="true" | |
source="${compile.source}" | |
overview="${src.home}/edu/stanford/nlp/overview.html" | |
doctitle="Stanford JavaNLP API Documentation" | |
windowtitle="Stanford JavaNLP API" | |
encoding="${compile.encoding}" | |
docencoding="${compile.encoding}" | |
charset="${compile.encoding}" | |
packagenames="*"> | |
<!-- Allow @generated, @modifiable and @ordered tags --> | |
<tag name="generated" scope="all" description="Generated" /> | |
<tag name="modifiable" scope="all" description="Modifiable" /> | |
<tag name="ordered" scope="all" description="Ordered" /> | |
<!-- Depends on lib and classes folders --> | |
<classpath> | |
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib"> | |
<include name="*.jar"/> | |
<exclude name="javanlp*"/> | |
</fileset> | |
<pathelement path="${build.home}" /> | |
</classpath> | |
<bottom><![CDATA[<font size="2"><a href="https://nlp.stanford.edu" target="_top">Stanford NLP Group</a></font>]]></bottom> | |
<link href="https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/"/> | |
</javadoc> | |
</target> | |
<!-- ==================== Prepare Target ================================== --> | |
<!-- | |
The "prepare" target is used to create the "build" destination directory, | |
and copy the static contents of your web application to it. If you need | |
to copy static files from external dependencies, you can customize the | |
contents of this task. | |
Normally, this task is executed indirectly when needed. | |
--> | |
<target name="prepare"> | |
<!-- Create build directories as needed --> | |
<mkdir dir="${build.home}"/> | |
</target> | |
</project> | |