Build error
Build error
File size: 7,972 Bytes
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import logging
from flask import request
from flask_login import current_user
from flask_restful import Resource, fields, inputs, marshal, marshal_with, reqparse
from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized
import services
from controllers.common.errors import FilenameNotExistsError
from controllers.console import api
from controllers.console.admin import admin_required
from controllers.console.datasets.error import (
from controllers.console.error import AccountNotLinkTenantError
from controllers.console.wraps import (
from extensions.ext_database import db
from libs.helper import TimestampField
from libs.login import login_required
from models.account import Tenant, TenantStatus
from services.account_service import TenantService
from services.file_service import FileService
from services.workspace_service import WorkspaceService
provider_fields = {
"provider_name": fields.String,
"provider_type": fields.String,
"is_valid": fields.Boolean,
"token_is_set": fields.Boolean,
tenant_fields = {
"id": fields.String,
"name": fields.String,
"plan": fields.String,
"status": fields.String,
"created_at": TimestampField,
"role": fields.String,
"in_trial": fields.Boolean,
"trial_end_reason": fields.String,
"custom_config": fields.Raw(attribute="custom_config"),
tenants_fields = {
"id": fields.String,
"name": fields.String,
"plan": fields.String,
"status": fields.String,
"created_at": TimestampField,
"current": fields.Boolean,
workspace_fields = {"id": fields.String, "name": fields.String, "status": fields.String, "created_at": TimestampField}
class TenantListApi(Resource):
def get(self):
tenants = TenantService.get_join_tenants(current_user)
for tenant in tenants:
if == current_user.current_tenant_id:
tenant.current = True # Set current=True for current tenant
return {"workspaces": marshal(tenants, tenants_fields)}, 200
class WorkspaceListApi(Resource):
def get(self):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument("page", type=inputs.int_range(1, 99999), required=False, default=1, location="args")
parser.add_argument("limit", type=inputs.int_range(1, 100), required=False, default=20, location="args")
args = parser.parse_args()
tenants = (
.paginate(page=args["page"], per_page=args["limit"])
has_more = False
if len(tenants.items) == args["limit"]:
current_page_first_tenant = tenants[-1]
rest_count = (
Tenant.created_at < current_page_first_tenant.created_at, !=
if rest_count > 0:
has_more = True
total = db.session.query(Tenant).count()
return {
"data": marshal(tenants.items, workspace_fields),
"has_more": has_more,
"limit": args["limit"],
"page": args["page"],
"total": total,
}, 200
class TenantApi(Resource):
def get(self):
if request.path == "/info":
logging.warning("Deprecated URL /info was used.")
tenant = current_user.current_tenant
if tenant.status == TenantStatus.ARCHIVE:
tenants = TenantService.get_join_tenants(current_user)
# if there is any tenant, switch to the first one
if len(tenants) > 0:
TenantService.switch_tenant(current_user, tenants[0].id)
tenant = tenants[0]
# else, raise Unauthorized
raise Unauthorized("workspace is archived")
return WorkspaceService.get_tenant_info(tenant), 200
class SwitchWorkspaceApi(Resource):
def post(self):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument("tenant_id", type=str, required=True, location="json")
args = parser.parse_args()
# check if tenant_id is valid, 403 if not
TenantService.switch_tenant(current_user, args["tenant_id"])
except Exception:
raise AccountNotLinkTenantError("Account not link tenant")
new_tenant = db.session.query(Tenant).get(args["tenant_id"]) # Get new tenant
return {"result": "success", "new_tenant": marshal(WorkspaceService.get_tenant_info(new_tenant), tenant_fields)}
class CustomConfigWorkspaceApi(Resource):
def post(self):
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument("remove_webapp_brand", type=bool, location="json")
parser.add_argument("replace_webapp_logo", type=str, location="json")
args = parser.parse_args()
tenant = db.session.query(Tenant).filter( == current_user.current_tenant_id).one_or_404()
custom_config_dict = {
"remove_webapp_brand": args["remove_webapp_brand"],
"replace_webapp_logo": args["replace_webapp_logo"]
if args["replace_webapp_logo"] is not None
else tenant.custom_config_dict.get("replace_webapp_logo"),
tenant.custom_config_dict = custom_config_dict
return {"result": "success", "tenant": marshal(WorkspaceService.get_tenant_info(tenant), tenant_fields)}
class WebappLogoWorkspaceApi(Resource):
def post(self):
# get file from request
file = request.files["file"]
# check file
if "file" not in request.files:
raise NoFileUploadedError()
if len(request.files) > 1:
raise TooManyFilesError()
if not file.filename:
raise FilenameNotExistsError
extension = file.filename.split(".")[-1]
if extension.lower() not in {"svg", "png"}:
raise UnsupportedFileTypeError()
upload_file = FileService.upload_file(
except services.errors.file.FileTooLargeError as file_too_large_error:
raise FileTooLargeError(file_too_large_error.description)
except services.errors.file.UnsupportedFileTypeError:
raise UnsupportedFileTypeError()
return {"id":}, 201
api.add_resource(TenantListApi, "/workspaces") # GET for getting all tenants
api.add_resource(WorkspaceListApi, "/all-workspaces") # GET for getting all tenants
api.add_resource(TenantApi, "/workspaces/current", endpoint="workspaces_current") # GET for getting current tenant info
api.add_resource(TenantApi, "/info", endpoint="info") # Deprecated
api.add_resource(SwitchWorkspaceApi, "/workspaces/switch") # POST for switching tenant
api.add_resource(CustomConfigWorkspaceApi, "/workspaces/custom-config")
api.add_resource(WebappLogoWorkspaceApi, "/workspaces/custom-config/webapp-logo/upload")