Build error
Build error
'use client' | |
import type { FC } from 'react' | |
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' | |
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' | |
import { | |
RiErrorWarningFill, | |
} from '@remixicon/react' | |
import { useBoolean, useClickAway } from 'ahooks' | |
import { XMarkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline' | |
import { usePathname, useRouter, useSearchParams } from 'next/navigation' | |
import TabHeader from '../../base/tab-header' | |
import Button from '../../base/button' | |
import { checkOrSetAccessToken } from '../utils' | |
import s from './style.module.css' | |
import RunBatch from './run-batch' | |
import ResDownload from './run-batch/res-download' | |
import cn from '@/utils/classnames' | |
import useBreakpoints, { MediaType } from '@/hooks/use-breakpoints' | |
import RunOnce from '@/app/components/share/text-generation/run-once' | |
import { fetchSavedMessage as doFetchSavedMessage, fetchAppInfo, fetchAppParams, removeMessage, saveMessage } from '@/service/share' | |
import type { SiteInfo } from '@/models/share' | |
import type { | |
MoreLikeThisConfig, | |
PromptConfig, | |
SavedMessage, | |
TextToSpeechConfig, | |
} from '@/models/debug' | |
import AppIcon from '@/app/components/base/app-icon' | |
import { changeLanguage } from '@/i18n/i18next-config' | |
import Loading from '@/app/components/base/loading' | |
import { userInputsFormToPromptVariables } from '@/utils/model-config' | |
import Res from '@/app/components/share/text-generation/result' | |
import SavedItems from '@/app/components/app/text-generate/saved-items' | |
import type { InstalledApp } from '@/models/explore' | |
import { DEFAULT_VALUE_MAX_LEN, appDefaultIconBackground } from '@/config' | |
import Toast from '@/app/components/base/toast' | |
import type { VisionFile, VisionSettings } from '@/types/app' | |
import { Resolution, TransferMethod } from '@/types/app' | |
import { useAppFavicon } from '@/hooks/use-app-favicon' | |
const GROUP_SIZE = 5 // to avoid RPM(Request per minute) limit. The group task finished then the next group. | |
enum TaskStatus { | |
pending = 'pending', | |
running = 'running', | |
completed = 'completed', | |
failed = 'failed', | |
} | |
type TaskParam = { | |
inputs: Record<string, any> | |
} | |
type Task = { | |
id: number | |
status: TaskStatus | |
params: TaskParam | |
} | |
export type IMainProps = { | |
isInstalledApp?: boolean | |
installedAppInfo?: InstalledApp | |
isWorkflow?: boolean | |
} | |
const TextGeneration: FC<IMainProps> = ({ | |
isInstalledApp = false, | |
installedAppInfo, | |
isWorkflow = false, | |
}) => { | |
const { notify } = Toast | |
const { t } = useTranslation() | |
const media = useBreakpoints() | |
const isPC = media === MediaType.pc | |
const isTablet = media === MediaType.tablet | |
const isMobile = media === | |
const searchParams = useSearchParams() | |
const mode = searchParams.get('mode') || 'create' | |
const [currentTab, setCurrentTab] = useState<string>(['create', 'batch'].includes(mode) ? mode : 'create') | |
const router = useRouter() | |
const pathname = usePathname() | |
useEffect(() => { | |
const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams) | |
if (params.has('mode')) { | |
params.delete('mode') | |
router.replace(`${pathname}?${params.toString()}`) | |
} | |
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps | |
}, []) | |
// Notice this situation isCallBatchAPI but not in batch tab | |
const [isCallBatchAPI, setIsCallBatchAPI] = useState(false) | |
const isInBatchTab = currentTab === 'batch' | |
const [inputs, setInputs] = useState<Record<string, any>>({}) | |
const [appId, setAppId] = useState<string>('') | |
const [siteInfo, setSiteInfo] = useState<SiteInfo | null>(null) | |
const [canReplaceLogo, setCanReplaceLogo] = useState<boolean>(false) | |
const [promptConfig, setPromptConfig] = useState<PromptConfig | null>(null) | |
const [moreLikeThisConfig, setMoreLikeThisConfig] = useState<MoreLikeThisConfig | null>(null) | |
const [textToSpeechConfig, setTextToSpeechConfig] = useState<TextToSpeechConfig | null>(null) | |
// save message | |
const [savedMessages, setSavedMessages] = useState<SavedMessage[]>([]) | |
const fetchSavedMessage = async () => { | |
const res: any = await doFetchSavedMessage(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id) | |
setSavedMessages( | |
} | |
const handleSaveMessage = async (messageId: string) => { | |
await saveMessage(messageId, isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id) | |
notify({ type: 'success', message: t('common.api.saved') }) | |
fetchSavedMessage() | |
} | |
const handleRemoveSavedMessage = async (messageId: string) => { | |
await removeMessage(messageId, isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id) | |
notify({ type: 'success', message: t('common.api.remove') }) | |
fetchSavedMessage() | |
} | |
// send message task | |
const [controlSend, setControlSend] = useState(0) | |
const [controlStopResponding, setControlStopResponding] = useState(0) | |
const [visionConfig, setVisionConfig] = useState<VisionSettings>({ | |
enabled: false, | |
number_limits: 2, | |
detail: Resolution.low, | |
transfer_methods: [TransferMethod.local_file], | |
}) | |
const [completionFiles, setCompletionFiles] = useState<VisionFile[]>([]) | |
const handleSend = () => { | |
setIsCallBatchAPI(false) | |
setControlSend( | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define | |
setAllTaskList([]) // clear batch task running status | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define | |
showResSidebar() | |
} | |
const [controlRetry, setControlRetry] = useState(0) | |
const handleRetryAllFailedTask = () => { | |
setControlRetry( | |
} | |
const [allTaskList, doSetAllTaskList] = useState<Task[]>([]) | |
const allTaskListRef = useRef<Task[]>([]) | |
const getLatestTaskList = () => allTaskListRef.current | |
const setAllTaskList = (taskList: Task[]) => { | |
doSetAllTaskList(taskList) | |
allTaskListRef.current = taskList | |
} | |
const pendingTaskList = allTaskList.filter(task => task.status === TaskStatus.pending) | |
const noPendingTask = pendingTaskList.length === 0 | |
const showTaskList = allTaskList.filter(task => task.status !== TaskStatus.pending) | |
const [currGroupNum, doSetCurrGroupNum] = useState(0) | |
const currGroupNumRef = useRef(0) | |
const setCurrGroupNum = (num: number) => { | |
doSetCurrGroupNum(num) | |
currGroupNumRef.current = num | |
} | |
const getCurrGroupNum = () => { | |
return currGroupNumRef.current | |
} | |
const allSuccessTaskList = allTaskList.filter(task => task.status === TaskStatus.completed) | |
const allFailedTaskList = allTaskList.filter(task => task.status === TaskStatus.failed) | |
const allTasksFinished = allTaskList.every(task => task.status === TaskStatus.completed) | |
const allTasksRun = allTaskList.every(task => [TaskStatus.completed, TaskStatus.failed].includes(task.status)) | |
const [batchCompletionRes, doSetBatchCompletionRes] = useState<Record<string, string>>({}) | |
const batchCompletionResRef = useRef<Record<string, string>>({}) | |
const setBatchCompletionRes = (res: Record<string, string>) => { | |
doSetBatchCompletionRes(res) | |
batchCompletionResRef.current = res | |
} | |
const getBatchCompletionRes = () => batchCompletionResRef.current | |
const exportRes = => { | |
const batchCompletionResLatest = getBatchCompletionRes() | |
const res: Record<string, string> = {} | |
const { inputs } = task.params | |
promptConfig?.prompt_variables.forEach((v) => { | |
res[] = inputs[v.key] | |
}) | |
let result = batchCompletionResLatest[] | |
// task might return multiple fields, should marshal object to string | |
if (typeof batchCompletionResLatest[] === 'object') | |
result = JSON.stringify(result) | |
res[t('share.generation.completionResult')] = result | |
return res | |
}) | |
const checkBatchInputs = (data: string[][]) => { | |
if (!data || data.length === 0) { | |
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('share.generation.errorMsg.empty') }) | |
return false | |
} | |
const headerData = data[0] | |
let isMapVarName = true | |
promptConfig?.prompt_variables.forEach((item, index) => { | |
if (!isMapVarName) | |
return | |
if ( !== headerData[index]) | |
isMapVarName = false | |
}) | |
if (!isMapVarName) { | |
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('share.generation.errorMsg.fileStructNotMatch') }) | |
return false | |
} | |
let payloadData = data.slice(1) | |
if (payloadData.length === 0) { | |
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('share.generation.errorMsg.atLeastOne') }) | |
return false | |
} | |
// check middle empty line | |
const allEmptyLineIndexes = payloadData.filter(item => item.every(i => i === '')).map(item => payloadData.indexOf(item)) | |
if (allEmptyLineIndexes.length > 0) { | |
let hasMiddleEmptyLine = false | |
let startIndex = allEmptyLineIndexes[0] - 1 | |
allEmptyLineIndexes.forEach((index) => { | |
if (hasMiddleEmptyLine) | |
return | |
if (startIndex + 1 !== index) { | |
hasMiddleEmptyLine = true | |
return | |
} | |
startIndex++ | |
}) | |
if (hasMiddleEmptyLine) { | |
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('share.generation.errorMsg.emptyLine', { rowIndex: startIndex + 2 }) }) | |
return false | |
} | |
} | |
// check row format | |
payloadData = payloadData.filter(item => !item.every(i => i === '')) | |
// after remove empty rows in the end, checked again | |
if (payloadData.length === 0) { | |
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('share.generation.errorMsg.atLeastOne') }) | |
return false | |
} | |
let errorRowIndex = 0 | |
let requiredVarName = '' | |
let moreThanMaxLengthVarName = '' | |
let maxLength = 0 | |
payloadData.forEach((item, index) => { | |
if (errorRowIndex !== 0) | |
return | |
promptConfig?.prompt_variables.forEach((varItem, varIndex) => { | |
if (errorRowIndex !== 0) | |
return | |
if (varItem.type === 'string') { | |
const maxLen = varItem.max_length || DEFAULT_VALUE_MAX_LEN | |
if (item[varIndex].length > maxLen) { | |
moreThanMaxLengthVarName = | |
maxLength = maxLen | |
errorRowIndex = index + 1 | |
return | |
} | |
} | |
if (!varItem.required) | |
return | |
if (item[varIndex].trim() === '') { | |
requiredVarName = | |
errorRowIndex = index + 1 | |
} | |
}) | |
}) | |
if (errorRowIndex !== 0) { | |
if (requiredVarName) | |
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('share.generation.errorMsg.invalidLine', { rowIndex: errorRowIndex + 1, varName: requiredVarName }) }) | |
if (moreThanMaxLengthVarName) | |
notify({ type: 'error', message: t('share.generation.errorMsg.moreThanMaxLengthLine', { rowIndex: errorRowIndex + 1, varName: moreThanMaxLengthVarName, maxLength }) }) | |
return false | |
} | |
return true | |
} | |
const handleRunBatch = (data: string[][]) => { | |
if (!checkBatchInputs(data)) | |
return | |
if (!allTasksFinished) { | |
notify({ type: 'info', message: t('appDebug.errorMessage.waitForBatchResponse') }) | |
return | |
} | |
const payloadData = data.filter(item => !item.every(i => i === '')).slice(1) | |
const varLen = promptConfig?.prompt_variables.length || 0 | |
setIsCallBatchAPI(true) | |
const allTaskList: Task[] =, i) => { | |
const inputs: Record<string, string> = {} | |
if (varLen > 0) { | |
item.slice(0, varLen).forEach((input, index) => { | |
inputs[promptConfig?.prompt_variables[index].key as string] = input | |
}) | |
} | |
return { | |
id: i + 1, | |
status: i < GROUP_SIZE ? TaskStatus.running : TaskStatus.pending, | |
params: { | |
inputs, | |
}, | |
} | |
}) | |
setAllTaskList(allTaskList) | |
setCurrGroupNum(0) | |
setControlSend( | |
// clear run once task status | |
setControlStopResponding( | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define | |
showResSidebar() | |
} | |
const handleCompleted = (completionRes: string, taskId?: number, isSuccess?: boolean) => { | |
const allTaskListLatest = getLatestTaskList() | |
const batchCompletionResLatest = getBatchCompletionRes() | |
const pendingTaskList = allTaskListLatest.filter(task => task.status === TaskStatus.pending) | |
const runTasksCount = 1 + allTaskListLatest.filter(task => [TaskStatus.completed, TaskStatus.failed].includes(task.status)).length | |
const needToAddNextGroupTask = (getCurrGroupNum() !== runTasksCount) && pendingTaskList.length > 0 && (runTasksCount % GROUP_SIZE === 0 || (allTaskListLatest.length - runTasksCount < GROUP_SIZE)) | |
// avoid add many task at the same time | |
if (needToAddNextGroupTask) | |
setCurrGroupNum(runTasksCount) | |
const nextPendingTaskIds = needToAddNextGroupTask ? pendingTaskList.slice(0, GROUP_SIZE).map(item => : [] | |
const newAllTaskList = => { | |
if ( === taskId) { | |
return { | |
...item, | |
status: isSuccess ? TaskStatus.completed : TaskStatus.failed, | |
} | |
} | |
if (needToAddNextGroupTask && nextPendingTaskIds.includes( { | |
return { | |
...item, | |
status: TaskStatus.running, | |
} | |
} | |
return item | |
}) | |
setAllTaskList(newAllTaskList) | |
if (taskId) { | |
setBatchCompletionRes({ | |
...batchCompletionResLatest, | |
[`${taskId}`]: completionRes, | |
}) | |
} | |
} | |
const fetchInitData = async () => { | |
if (!isInstalledApp) | |
await checkOrSetAccessToken() | |
return Promise.all([ | |
isInstalledApp | |
? { | |
app_id: installedAppInfo?.id, | |
site: { | |
title: installedAppInfo?, | |
prompt_public: false, | |
copyright: '', | |
icon: installedAppInfo?.app.icon, | |
icon_background: installedAppInfo?.app.icon_background, | |
}, | |
plan: 'basic', | |
} | |
: fetchAppInfo(), | |
fetchAppParams(isInstalledApp, installedAppInfo?.id), | |
!isWorkflow | |
? fetchSavedMessage() | |
: {}, | |
]) | |
} | |
useEffect(() => { | |
(async () => { | |
const [appData, appParams]: any = await fetchInitData() | |
const { app_id: appId, site: siteInfo, can_replace_logo } = appData | |
setAppId(appId) | |
setSiteInfo(siteInfo as SiteInfo) | |
setCanReplaceLogo(can_replace_logo) | |
changeLanguage(siteInfo.default_language) | |
const { user_input_form, more_like_this, file_upload, text_to_speech }: any = appParams | |
setVisionConfig({ | |
...file_upload.image, | |
image_file_size_limit: appParams?.system_parameters?.image_file_size_limit, | |
fileUploadConfig: appParams?.system_parameters, | |
}) | |
const prompt_variables = userInputsFormToPromptVariables(user_input_form) | |
setPromptConfig({ | |
prompt_template: '', // placeholder for future | |
prompt_variables, | |
} as PromptConfig) | |
setMoreLikeThisConfig(more_like_this) | |
setTextToSpeechConfig(text_to_speech) | |
})() | |
}, []) | |
// Can Use metadata( to set title. But it only works in server side client. | |
useEffect(() => { | |
if (siteInfo?.title) { | |
if (canReplaceLogo) | |
document.title = `${siteInfo.title}` | |
else | |
document.title = `${siteInfo.title} - Powered by Dify` | |
} | |
}, [siteInfo?.title, canReplaceLogo]) | |
useAppFavicon({ | |
enable: !isInstalledApp, | |
icon_type: siteInfo?.icon_type, | |
icon: siteInfo?.icon, | |
icon_background: siteInfo?.icon_background, | |
icon_url: siteInfo?.icon_url, | |
}) | |
const [isShowResSidebar, { setTrue: doShowResSidebar, setFalse: hideResSidebar }] = useBoolean(false) | |
const showResSidebar = () => { | |
// fix: useClickAway hideResSidebar will close sidebar | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
doShowResSidebar() | |
}, 0) | |
} | |
const resRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) | |
useClickAway(() => { | |
hideResSidebar() | |
}, resRef) | |
const renderRes = (task?: Task) => (<Res | |
key={task?.id} | |
isWorkflow={isWorkflow} | |
isCallBatchAPI={isCallBatchAPI} | |
isPC={isPC} | |
isMobile={isMobile} | |
isInstalledApp={isInstalledApp} | |
installedAppInfo={installedAppInfo} | |
isError={task?.status === TaskStatus.failed} | |
promptConfig={promptConfig} | |
moreLikeThisEnabled={!!moreLikeThisConfig?.enabled} | |
inputs={isCallBatchAPI ? (task as Task).params.inputs : inputs} | |
controlSend={controlSend} | |
controlRetry={task?.status === TaskStatus.failed ? controlRetry : 0} | |
controlStopResponding={controlStopResponding} | |
onShowRes={showResSidebar} | |
handleSaveMessage={handleSaveMessage} | |
taskId={task?.id} | |
onCompleted={handleCompleted} | |
visionConfig={visionConfig} | |
completionFiles={completionFiles} | |
isShowTextToSpeech={!!textToSpeechConfig?.enabled} | |
siteInfo={siteInfo} | |
/>) | |
const renderBatchRes = () => { | |
return ( => renderRes(task))) | |
} | |
const resWrapClassNames = (() => { | |
if (isPC) | |
return 'grow h-full' | |
if (!isShowResSidebar) | |
return 'none' | |
return cn('fixed z-50 inset-0', isTablet ? 'pl-[128px]' : 'pl-6') | |
})() | |
const renderResWrap = ( | |
<div | |
ref={resRef} | |
className={ | |
cn( | |
'flex flex-col h-full shrink-0', | |
isPC ? 'px-10 py-8' : 'bg-gray-50', | |
isTablet && 'p-6', isMobile && 'p-4') | |
} | |
> | |
<> | |
<div className='flex items-center justify-between shrink-0'> | |
<div className='flex items-center space-x-3'> | |
<div className={s.starIcon}></div> | |
<div className='text-lg font-semibold text-gray-800'>{t('share.generation.title')}</div> | |
</div> | |
<div className='flex items-center space-x-2'> | |
{allFailedTaskList.length > 0 && ( | |
<div className='flex items-center'> | |
<RiErrorWarningFill className='w-4 h-4 text-[#D92D20]' /> | |
<div className='ml-1 text-[#D92D20]'>{t('', { num: allFailedTaskList.length })}</div> | |
<Button | |
variant='primary' | |
className='ml-2' | |
onClick={handleRetryAllFailedTask} | |
>{t('share.generation.batchFailed.retry')}</Button> | |
<div className='mx-3 w-[1px] h-3.5 bg-gray-200'></div> | |
</div> | |
)} | |
{allSuccessTaskList.length > 0 && ( | |
<ResDownload | |
isMobile={isMobile} | |
values={exportRes} | |
/> | |
)} | |
{!isPC && ( | |
<div | |
className='flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer' | |
onClick={hideResSidebar} | |
> | |
<XMarkIcon className='w-4 h-4 text-gray-800' /> | |
</div> | |
)} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div className='overflow-y-auto grow'> | |
{!isCallBatchAPI ? renderRes() : renderBatchRes()} | |
{!noPendingTask && ( | |
<div className='mt-4'> | |
<Loading type='area' /> | |
</div> | |
)} | |
</div> | |
</> | |
</div> | |
) | |
if (!appId || !siteInfo || !promptConfig) { | |
return ( | |
<div className='flex items-center h-screen'> | |
<Loading type='app' /> | |
</div>) | |
} | |
return ( | |
<> | |
<div className={cn( | |
isPC && 'flex', | |
isInstalledApp ? s.installedApp : 'h-screen', | |
'bg-gray-50', | |
)}> | |
{/* Left */} | |
<div className={cn( | |
isPC ? 'w-[600px] max-w-[50%] p-8' : 'p-4', | |
isInstalledApp && 'rounded-l-2xl', | |
'shrink-0 relative flex flex-col pb-10 h-full border-r border-gray-100 bg-white', | |
)}> | |
<div className='mb-6'> | |
<div className='flex items-center justify-between'> | |
<div className='flex items-center space-x-3'> | |
<AppIcon | |
size="small" | |
iconType={siteInfo.icon_type} | |
icon={siteInfo.icon} | |
background={siteInfo.icon_background || appDefaultIconBackground} | |
imageUrl={siteInfo.icon_url} | |
/> | |
<div className='text-lg font-semibold text-gray-800'>{siteInfo.title}</div> | |
</div> | |
{!isPC && ( | |
<Button | |
className='shrink-0 ml-2' | |
onClick={showResSidebar} | |
> | |
<div className='flex items-center space-x-2 text-primary-600 text-[13px] font-medium'> | |
<div className={s.starIcon}></div> | |
<span>{t('share.generation.title')}</span> | |
</div> | |
</Button> | |
)} | |
</div> | |
{siteInfo.description && ( | |
<div className='mt-2 text-xs text-gray-500'>{siteInfo.description}</div> | |
)} | |
</div> | |
<TabHeader | |
items={[ | |
{ id: 'create', name: t('share.generation.tabs.create') }, | |
{ id: 'batch', name: t('share.generation.tabs.batch') }, | |
...(!isWorkflow | |
? [{ | |
id: 'saved', | |
name: t('share.generation.tabs.saved'), | |
isRight: true, | |
extra: savedMessages.length > 0 | |
? ( | |
<div className='ml-1 flex items-center h-5 px-1.5 rounded-md border border-gray-200 text-gray-500 text-xs font-medium'> | |
{savedMessages.length} | |
</div> | |
) | |
: null, | |
}] | |
: []), | |
]} | |
value={currentTab} | |
onChange={setCurrentTab} | |
/> | |
<div className='h-20 overflow-y-auto grow'> | |
<div className={cn(currentTab === 'create' ? 'block' : 'hidden')}> | |
<RunOnce | |
siteInfo={siteInfo} | |
inputs={inputs} | |
onInputsChange={setInputs} | |
promptConfig={promptConfig} | |
onSend={handleSend} | |
visionConfig={visionConfig} | |
onVisionFilesChange={setCompletionFiles} | |
/> | |
</div> | |
<div className={cn(isInBatchTab ? 'block' : 'hidden')}> | |
<RunBatch | |
vars={promptConfig.prompt_variables} | |
onSend={handleRunBatch} | |
isAllFinished={allTasksRun} | |
/> | |
</div> | |
{currentTab === 'saved' && ( | |
<SavedItems | |
className='mt-4' | |
isShowTextToSpeech={textToSpeechConfig?.enabled} | |
list={savedMessages} | |
onRemove={handleRemoveSavedMessage} | |
onStartCreateContent={() => setCurrentTab('create')} | |
/> | |
)} | |
</div> | |
{/* copyright */} | |
<div className={cn( | |
isInstalledApp ? 'left-[248px]' : 'left-8', | |
'fixed bottom-4 flex space-x-2 text-gray-400 font-normal text-xs', | |
)}> | |
<div className="">© {siteInfo.copyright || siteInfo.title} {(new Date()).getFullYear()}</div> | |
{siteInfo.privacy_policy && ( | |
<> | |
<div>·</div> | |
<div>{t('')} | |
<a | |
className='text-gray-500 px-1' | |
href={siteInfo.privacy_policy} | |
target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>{t('')}</a> | |
{t('')} | |
</div> | |
</> | |
)} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{/* Result */} | |
<div | |
className={resWrapClassNames} | |
style={{ | |
background: (!isPC && isShowResSidebar) ? 'rgba(35, 56, 118, 0.2)' : 'none', | |
}} | |
> | |
{renderResWrap} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</> | |
) | |
} | |
export default TextGeneration | |