import { useReactFlow } from 'reactflow' import { useKeyPress } from 'ahooks' import { useCallback } from 'react' import { getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem, isEventTargetInputArea, } from '../utils' import { useWorkflowHistoryStore } from '../workflow-history-store' import { useWorkflowStore } from '../store' import { useEdgesInteractions, useNodesInteractions, useNodesSyncDraft, useWorkflowMoveMode, useWorkflowOrganize, useWorkflowStartRun, } from '.' export const useShortcuts = (): void => { const { handleNodesCopy, handleNodesPaste, handleNodesDuplicate, handleNodesDelete, handleHistoryBack, handleHistoryForward, } = useNodesInteractions() const { handleStartWorkflowRun } = useWorkflowStartRun() const { shortcutsEnabled: workflowHistoryShortcutsEnabled } = useWorkflowHistoryStore() const { handleSyncWorkflowDraft } = useNodesSyncDraft() const { handleEdgeDelete } = useEdgesInteractions() const workflowStore = useWorkflowStore() const { handleModeHand, handleModePointer, } = useWorkflowMoveMode() const { handleLayout } = useWorkflowOrganize() const { zoomTo, getZoom, fitView, } = useReactFlow() // Zoom out to a minimum of 0.5 for shortcut const constrainedZoomOut = () => { const currentZoom = getZoom() const newZoom = Math.max(currentZoom - 0.1, 0.5) zoomTo(newZoom) } // Zoom in to a maximum of 1 for shortcut const constrainedZoomIn = () => { const currentZoom = getZoom() const newZoom = Math.min(currentZoom + 0.1, 1) zoomTo(newZoom) } const shouldHandleShortcut = useCallback((e: KeyboardEvent) => { const { showFeaturesPanel } = workflowStore.getState() return !showFeaturesPanel && !isEventTargetInputArea( as HTMLElement) }, [workflowStore]) useKeyPress(['delete', 'backspace'], (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() handleNodesDelete() handleEdgeDelete() } }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.c`, (e) => { const { showDebugAndPreviewPanel } = workflowStore.getState() if (shouldHandleShortcut(e) && !showDebugAndPreviewPanel) { e.preventDefault() handleNodesCopy() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.v`, (e) => { const { showDebugAndPreviewPanel } = workflowStore.getState() if (shouldHandleShortcut(e) && !showDebugAndPreviewPanel) { e.preventDefault() handleNodesPaste() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.d`, (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() handleNodesDuplicate() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('alt')}.r`, (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() handleStartWorkflowRun() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.z`, (e) => { const { showDebugAndPreviewPanel } = workflowStore.getState() if (shouldHandleShortcut(e) && !showDebugAndPreviewPanel) { e.preventDefault() workflowHistoryShortcutsEnabled && handleHistoryBack() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true }) useKeyPress( [`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.y`, `${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.shift.z`], (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() workflowHistoryShortcutsEnabled && handleHistoryForward() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true }, ) useKeyPress('h', (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() handleModeHand() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true, }) useKeyPress('v', (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() handleModePointer() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true, }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.o`, (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() handleLayout() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.1`, (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() fitView() handleSyncWorkflowDraft() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true, }) useKeyPress('shift.1', (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() zoomTo(1) handleSyncWorkflowDraft() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true, }) useKeyPress('shift.5', (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() zoomTo(0.5) handleSyncWorkflowDraft() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true, }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.dash`, (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() constrainedZoomOut() handleSyncWorkflowDraft() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true, }) useKeyPress(`${getKeyboardKeyCodeBySystem('ctrl')}.equalsign`, (e) => { if (shouldHandleShortcut(e)) { e.preventDefault() constrainedZoomIn() handleSyncWorkflowDraft() } }, { exactMatch: true, useCapture: true, }) }