#!/bin/bash # Write some commands here that will run on root user before startup. # For example, to clone transformers and install it in dev mode: # git clone https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git # cd transformers && pip install -e ".[dev]" # useradd -m aku && adduser aku sudo && echo 'aku:aku' | sudo chpasswd && sed -i 's/\/bin\/sh/\/bin\/bash/g' /etc/passwd # /usr/bin/newuidmap 1500 0 1000 1 1 100000 65536 git clone https://github.com/ckt1031/one-api/ # Build the frontend cd one-api/web npm install npm run build # Build the backend cd .. export GO111MODULE=on export CGO_ENABLED=1 export GOOS=linux python ./i18n/translate.py --repository_path . --json_file_path ./i18n/en.json go mod download go build -ldflags "-s -w -X 'one-api/common.Version=$(cat VERSION)' -extldflags '-static'" -o one-api chmod u+x one-api #./one-api --port 3000 --log-dir ./logs