File size: 6,318 Bytes
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from collections import Counter
from dis import dis
from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Dict
from pprint import pprint
import torch
import ffmpeg
import numpy as np
MAX_SILENT_PERIOD = 10 # seconds
SEGMENT_PADDING_LEFT = 1 # Start detected text segment early
SEGMENT_PADDING_RIGHT = 4 # End detected segments late
def load_audio(file: str, sample_rate: int = 16000,
start_time: str = None, duration: str = None):
Open an audio file and read as mono waveform, resampling as necessary
file: str
The audio file to open
sr: int
The sample rate to resample the audio if necessary
start_time: str
The start time, using the standard FFMPEG time duration syntax, or None to disable.
duration: str
The duration, using the standard FFMPEG time duration syntax, or None to disable.
A NumPy array containing the audio waveform, in float32 dtype.
inputArgs = {'threads': 0}
if (start_time is not None):
inputArgs['ss'] = start_time
if (duration is not None):
inputArgs['t'] = duration
# This launches a subprocess to decode audio while down-mixing and resampling as necessary.
# Requires the ffmpeg CLI and `ffmpeg-python` package to be installed.
out, _ = (
ffmpeg.input(file, **inputArgs)
.output("-", format="s16le", acodec="pcm_s16le", ac=1, ar=sample_rate)
.run(cmd="ffmpeg", capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)
except ffmpeg.Error as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to load audio: {e.stderr.decode()}")
return np.frombuffer(out, np.int16).flatten().astype(np.float32) / 32768.0
class VadTranscription:
def __init__(self):
self.model, utils = torch.hub.load(repo_or_dir='snakers4/silero-vad', model='silero_vad')
(self.get_speech_timestamps, _, _, _, _) = utils
def transcribe(self, audio: str, whisperCallable):
wav = load_audio(audio, sample_rate=SAMPLING_RATE)
# get speech timestamps from full audio file
sample_timestamps = self.get_speech_timestamps(wav, self.model, sampling_rate=SAMPLING_RATE, threshold=SPEECH_TRESHOLD)
seconds_timestamps = self.convert_seconds(sample_timestamps, sampling_rate=SAMPLING_RATE)
padded = self.pad_timestamps(seconds_timestamps, SEGMENT_PADDING_LEFT, SEGMENT_PADDING_RIGHT)
merged = self.merge_timestamps(padded, MAX_SILENT_PERIOD)
result = {
'text': "",
'segments': [],
'language': ""
languageCounter = Counter()
# For each time segment, run whisper
for segment in merged:
segment_start = segment['start']
segment_duration = segment['end'] - segment_start
segment_audio = load_audio(audio, sample_rate=SAMPLING_RATE, start_time = str(segment_start) + "s", duration = str(segment_duration) + "s")
print("Running whisper on " + str(segment_start) + ", duration: " + str(segment_duration))
segment_result = whisperCallable(segment_audio)
adjusted_segments = self.adjust_whisper_timestamp(segment_result["segments"], adjust_seconds=segment_start, max_source_time=segment_duration)
# Append to output
result['text'] += segment_result['text']
# Increment detected language
languageCounter[segment_result['language']] += 1
if len(languageCounter) > 0:
result['language'] = languageCounter.most_common(1)[0][0]
return result
def adjust_whisper_timestamp(self, segments: Iterator[dict], adjust_seconds: float, max_source_time: float = None):
result = []
for segment in segments:
segment_start = float(segment['start'])
segment_end = float(segment['end'])
# Filter segments?
if (max_source_time is not None):
if (segment_start > max_source_time):
segment_end = min(max_source_time, segment_end)
new_segment = segment.copy()
# Add to start and end
new_segment['start'] = segment_start + adjust_seconds
new_segment['end'] = segment_end + adjust_seconds
return result
def pad_timestamps(self, timestamps: List[Dict[str, Any]], padding_left: float, padding_right: float):
result = []
for entry in timestamps:
segment_start = entry['start']
segment_end = entry['end']
if padding_left is not None:
segment_start = max(0, segment_start - padding_left)
if padding_right is not None:
segment_end = segment_end + padding_right
result.append({ 'start': segment_start, 'end': segment_end })
return result
def merge_timestamps(self, timestamps: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_distance: float):
result = []
current_entry = None
for entry in timestamps:
if current_entry is None:
current_entry = entry
# Get distance to the previous entry
distance = entry['start'] - current_entry['end']
if distance <= max_distance:
# Merge
current_entry['end'] = entry['end']
# Output current entry
current_entry = entry
# Add final entry
if current_entry is not None:
return result
def convert_seconds(self, timestamps: List[Dict[str, Any]], sampling_rate: int):
result = []
for entry in timestamps:
start = entry['start']
end = entry['end']
'start': start / sampling_rate,
'end': end / sampling_rate
return result