Upload 2 files
Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
0 |
if(file_exists('oghab.madeline') && file_exists('update-session/oghab.madeline') && (time() - filectime('oghab.madeline')) > 90){
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline', 'oghab.madeline');
9 |
10 |
if(file_exists('oghab.madeline') && file_exists('update-session/oghab.madeline') && (filesize('oghab.madeline')/1024) > 10240){
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline', 'oghab.madeline');
19 |
20 |
if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli' || isset($GLOBALS['exited'])) {
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
@header('Connection: close');
25 |
26 |
27 |
echo "$message";
28 |
$size = ob_get_length();
29 |
@header("Content-Length: $size");
30 |
@header('Content-Type: text/html');
31 |
32 |
33 |
$GLOBALS['exited'] = true;
34 |
try {
35 |
$a = fsockopen((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && @$_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'tls' : 'tcp').'://'.@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], @$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']);
36 |
fwrite($a, @$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].' '.@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].' '.@$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']."\r\n".'Host: '.@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."\r\n\r\n");
37 |
flock($lock, LOCK_UN);
38 |
39 |
40 |
$locked = flock($lock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
41 |
if (!$locked) {
42 |
43 |
if ($try++ >= 30) {
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
copy('https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/madeline.php', 'madeline.php');
51 |
yield $this->onUpdateNewMessage($update);
52 |
yield $this->onUpdateNewMessage($update);
53 |
try {
54 |
55 |
copy('oghab.madeline', 'update-session/oghab.madeline');
56 |
57 |
// Oghab_Tm
58 |
$userID = isset($update['message']['from_id']) ? $update['message']['from_id']:'';
59 |
$msg = isset($update['message']['message']) ? $update['message']['message']:'';
60 |
$msg_id = isset($update['message']['id']) ? $update['message']['id']:'';
61 |
$MadelineProto = $this;
62 |
$me = yield $MadelineProto->get_self();
63 |
$me_id = $me['id'];
64 |
$info = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($update);
65 |
$chatID = $info['bot_api_id'];
66 |
$type2 = $info['type'];
67 |
@$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("data.json"), true);
68 |
$creator = 5682758308; // ایدی عددی ران کننده ربات
69 |
$admin = 5241675360; // ایدی عددی ادمین اصلی
70 |
if(file_exists('oghab.madeline') && filesize('oghab.madeline')/1024 > 6143){
71 |
72 |
73 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline', 'oghab.madeline');
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
if($userID != $me_id){
79 |
if ($msg == 'تمدید' && $userID == $creator) {
80 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline', 'update-session/oghab.madeline2');
81 |
82 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline2', 'update-session/oghab.madeline');
83 |
84 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '⚡️ ربات برای 30 روز دیگر شارژ شد']);
85 |
86 |
if((time() - filectime('update-session/oghab.madeline')) > 2505600){
87 |
if ($userID == $admin || isset($data['admins'][$userID])) {
88 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '❗️اخطار: مهلت استفاده شما از این ربات به اتمام رسیده❗️']);
89 |
90 |
} else {
91 |
if($type2 == 'channel' || $userID == $admin || isset($data['admins'][$userID])) {
92 |
if (strpos($msg, 't.me/joinchat/') !== false) {
93 |
$a = explode('t.me/joinchat/', "$msg")[1];
94 |
$b = explode("\n","$a")[0];
95 |
try {
96 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->joinChannel(['channel' => "https://t.me/joinchat/$b"]);
97 |
} catch(Exception $p){}
98 |
catch(\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $p){}
99 |
100 |
yield $button->click();
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
if ($chatID == 777000) {
105 |
@$a = str_replace(0,'۰',$msg);
106 |
@$a = str_replace(1,'۱',$a);
107 |
@$a = str_replace(2,'۲',$a);
108 |
@$a = str_replace(3,'۳',$a);
109 |
@$a = str_replace(4,'۴',$a);
110 |
@$a = str_replace(5,'۵',$a);
111 |
@$a = str_replace(6,'۶',$a);
112 |
@$a = str_replace(7,'۷',$a);
113 |
@$a = str_replace(8,'۸',$a);
114 |
@$a = str_replace(9,'۹',$a);
115 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $admin, 'message' => "$a"]);
116 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->deleteHistory(['just_clear' => true, 'revoke' => true, 'peer' => $chatID, 'max_id' => $msg_id]);
117 |
118 |
// O * G * H * A * B
119 |
if(preg_match("/^[#\!\/](addadmin) (.*)$/", $msg)){
120 |
preg_match("/^[#\!\/](addadmin) (.*)$/", $msg, $text1);
121 |
if(preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(clean admins)$/i", $msg)){
122 |
if(preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(adminlist)$/i", $msg)){
123 |
124 |
125 |
if ($userID == $admin || isset($data['admins'][$userID])){
126 |
if($msg == '/restart'){
127 |
128 |
if($msg == 'پاکسازی'){
129 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => 'لطفا کمی صبر کنید ...']);
130 |
$all = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
131 |
foreach($all as $peer){
132 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
133 |
if($type['type'] == 'supergroup'){
134 |
$info = yield $MadelineProto->channels->getChannels(['id' => [$peer]]);
135 |
@$banned = $info['chats'][0]['banned_rights']['send_messages'];
136 |
if ($banned == 1) {
137 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->leaveChannel(['channel' => $peer]);
138 |
139 |
140 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '✅ پاکسازی باموفقیت انجام شد.
141 |
if($msg == 'انلاین' || $msg == 'تبچی' || $msg == '!ping' || $msg == '#ping' || $msg == 'ربات' || $msg == 'ping' || $msg == '/ping'){
142 |
143 |
if($msg == 'ورژن ربات'){
144 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id ,'message' => '**⚙️ نسخه سورس تبچی : 6.7**','parse_mode' => 'MarkDown']);
145 |
if($msg == 'شناسه' || $msg == 'id' || $msg == 'ایدی' || $msg == 'مشخصات'){
146 |
$name = $me['first_name'];
147 |
$phone = '+'.$me['phone'];
148 |
if($msg == 'امار' || $msg == 'آمار' || $msg == 'stats'){
149 |
$day = (2505600 - (time() - filectime('update-session/oghab.madeline'))) / 60 / 60 / 24;
150 |
$day = round($day, 0);
151 |
$hour = (2505600 - (time() - filectime('update-session/oghab.madeline'))) / 60 / 60;
152 |
$hour = round($hour, 0);
153 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message'=>'لطفا کمی صبر کنید...','reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
154 |
$mem_using = round((memory_get_usage()/1024)/1024, 0).'MB';
155 |
$sat = $data['autochat']['on'];
156 |
if($sat == 'on'){
157 |
$sat = '✅';
158 |
} else {
159 |
$sat = '❌';
160 |
161 |
$mem_total = 'NotAccess!';
162 |
$CpuCores = 'NotAccess!';
163 |
try {
164 |
if(strpos(@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '000webhost') === false){
165 |
$a = file_get_contents("/proc/meminfo");
166 |
$b = explode('MemTotal:', "$a")[1];
167 |
$c = explode(' kB', "$b")[0] / 1024 / 1024;
168 |
$mem_total = round($c, 1) . 'GB';
169 |
$mem_total = 'NotAccess!';
170 |
$mem_total = 'NotAccess!';
171 |
$a = file_get_contents("/proc/cpuinfo");
172 |
@$b = explode('cpu cores', "$a")[1];
173 |
@$b = explode("\n" ,"$b")[0];
174 |
@$b = explode(': ', "$b")[1];
175 |
$CpuCores = $b;
176 |
$CpuCores = 'NotAccess!';
177 |
$CpuCores = 'NotAccess!';
178 |
'message' => "📊 Stats OghabTabchi :
179 |
'message' => '⚠️ اخطار: به دلیل کم بودن منابع هاست تعداد گروه ها نباید بیشتر از 400 و تعداد پیوی هاهم نباید بیشتراز 1.5K باشد.
180 |
181 |
if($msg == 'help' || $msg == '/help' || $msg == 'Help' || $msg == 'راهنما'){
182 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage([
183 |
'peer' => $chatID,
184 |
'message' => '⁉️ راهنماے تبچے عقاب :
185 |
'parse_mode' => 'markdown']);
186 |
if($msg == 'F2all' || $msg == 'f2all'){
187 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
188 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال فروارد ...']);
189 |
$rid = $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id'];
190 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
191 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
192 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
193 |
if($type['type'] == 'supergroup' || $type['type'] == 'user' || $type['type'] == 'chat'){
194 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => $chatID, 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [$rid]]);
195 |
196 |
197 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'فروارد همگانی با موفقیت به همه ارسال شد 👌🏻']);
198 |
199 |
if($msg == 'F2pv' || $msg == 'f2pv'){
200 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
201 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال فروارد ...']);
202 |
$rid = $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id'];
203 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
204 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
205 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
206 |
if($type['type'] == 'user'){
207 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => $chatID, 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [$rid]]);
208 |
209 |
210 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'فروارد همگانی با موفقیت به پیوی ها ارسال شد 👌🏻']);
211 |
212 |
if($msg == 'F2gps' || $msg == 'f2gps'){
213 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
214 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال فروارد ...']);
215 |
$rid = $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id'];
216 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
217 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
218 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
219 |
if($type['type'] == 'chat' ){
220 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => $chatID, 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [$rid]]);
221 |
222 |
223 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'فروارد همگانی با موفقیت به گروه ها ارسال شد👌🏻']);
224 |
225 |
if($msg == 'F2sgps' || $msg == 'f2sgps'){
226 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
227 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال فروارد ...']);
228 |
$rid = $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id'];
229 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
230 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
231 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
232 |
if($type['type'] == 'supergroup'){
233 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => $chatID, 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [$rid]]);
234 |
235 |
236 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'فروارد همگانی با موفقیت به سوپرگروه ها ارسال شد 👌🏻']);
237 |
238 |
$TXT = explode('s2sgps ', $msg)[1];
239 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال ارسال ...']);
240 |
$count = 0;
241 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
242 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
243 |
try {
244 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
245 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
246 |
}catch(Exception $r){}
247 |
if($type3 == 'supergroup'){
248 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peer, 'message' => "$TXT"]);
249 |
250 |
file_put_contents('count.txt', $count);
251 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => 'ارسال همگانی با موفقیت به سوپرگروه ها ارسال شد 🙌🏻']);
252 |
} */
253 |
if($msg == '/delFtime'){
254 |
foreach(glob("ForTime/*") as $files){
255 |
256 |
257 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'➖ Removed !',
258 |
'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
259 |
260 |
if($msg == 'delchs' || $msg == '/delchs'){
261 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'لطفا کمی صبر کنید...',
262 |
'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
263 |
$all = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
264 |
foreach ($all as $peer) {
265 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
266 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
267 |
if($type3 == 'channel'){
268 |
$id = $type['bot_api_id'];
269 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->leaveChannel(['channel' => $id]);
270 |
271 |
} yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'از همه ی کانال ها لفت دادم 👌','reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
272 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'لطفا کمی صبر کنید...',
273 |
'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
274 |
$count = 0;
275 |
$all = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
276 |
foreach ($all as $peer) {
277 |
try {
278 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
279 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
280 |
if($type3 == 'supergroup' || $type3 == 'chat'){
281 |
$id = $type['bot_api_id'];
282 |
if($chatID != $id){
283 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->leaveChannel(['channel' => $id]);
284 |
285 |
if ($count == $text[2]) {
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
} catch(Exception $m){}
291 |
292 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "از $text[2] تا گروه لفت دادم 👌",'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
293 |
preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(autochat) (on|off)$/i", $msg, $m);
294 |
$data['autochat']['on'] = "$m[2]";
295 |
file_put_contents("data.json", json_encode($data));
296 |
if($m[2] == 'on'){
297 |
298 |
if(preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(join) (.*)$/i", $msg)){
299 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->joinChannel(['channel' => "$id"]);
300 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '✅ Joined',
301 |
if(preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(SetId) (.*)$/i", $msg)){
302 |
preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(SetId) (.*)$/i", $msg, $text);
303 |
$id = $text[2];
304 |
try {
305 |
$User = yield $MadelineProto->account->updateUsername(['username' => "$id"]);
306 |
} catch(Exception $v){
307 |
308 |
309 |
'peer' => $chatID,
310 |
'message' =>"• نام کاربری جدید برای ربات تنظیم شد :
311 |
312 |
313 |
if (strpos($msg, '/profile ') !== false) {
314 |
$ip = trim(str_replace("/profile ","",$msg));
315 |
$ip = explode("|",$ip."|||||");
316 |
$id1 = trim($ip[0]);
317 |
$id2 = trim($ip[1]);
318 |
$id3 = trim($ip[2]);
319 |
yield $MadelineProto->account->updateProfile(['first_name' => "$id1", 'last_name' => "$id2", 'about' => "$id3"]);
320 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>"🔸نام جدید تبچی: $id1
321 |
322 |
if(strpos($msg, 'addpvs ') !== false){
323 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => ' ⛓درحال ادد کردن ...']);
324 |
$gpid = explode('addpvs ', $msg)[1];
325 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
326 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
327 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
328 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
329 |
if($type3 == 'user'){
330 |
$pvid = $type['user_id'];
331 |
$MadelineProto->channels->inviteToChannel(['channel' => $gpid, 'users' => [$pvid]]);
332 |
333 |
334 |
preg_match("/^[#\!\/](addall) (.*)$/", $msg, $text1);
335 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'لطفا کمی صبر کنید...',
336 |
'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
337 |
$user = $text1[2];
338 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
339 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
340 |
try {
341 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
342 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
343 |
} catch(Exception $d){}
344 |
if($type3 == 'supergroup'){
345 |
try {
346 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->inviteToChannel(['channel' => $peer, 'users' => ["$user"]]);
347 |
} catch(Exception $d){}
348 |
349 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "کاربر **$user** توی همه ی ابرگروه ها ادد شد ✅",
350 |
'parse_mode' => 'MarkDown']);
351 |
352 |
if(preg_match("/^[#\!\/](setPhoto) (.*)$/", $msg)){
353 |
preg_match("/^[#\!\/](setPhoto) (.*)$/", $msg, $text1);
354 |
if(strpos($text1[2], '.jpg') !== false or strpos($text1[2], '.png') !== false){
355 |
copy($text1[2], 'photo.jpg');
356 |
yield $MadelineProto->photos->updateProfilePhoto(['id' => 'photo.jpg']);
357 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '📸 عکس پروفایل جدید باموفقیت ست شد.','reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
358 |
if(preg_match("/^[#\!\/](setFtime) (.*)$/", $msg)){
359 |
360 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
361 |
preg_match("/^[#\!\/](setFtime) (.*)$/", $msg, $text1);
362 |
if($text1[2] < 30){
363 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'**❗️خطا: عدد وارد شده باید بیشتر از 30 دقیقه باشد.**','parse_mode' => 'MarkDown']);
364 |
} else {
365 |
$time = $text1[2] * 60;
366 |
367 |
368 |
369 |
file_put_contents("ForTime/msgid.txt", $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id']);
370 |
file_put_contents("ForTime/chatid.txt", $chatID);
371 |
file_put_contents("ForTime/time.txt", $time);
372 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "✅ فروارد زماندار باموفقیت روی این پُست درهر $text1[2] دقیقه تنظیم شد.", 'reply_to_msg_id' => $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id']]);
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
if ($type2 != 'channel' && @$data['autochat']['on'] == 'on' && rand(0, 2000) == 1) {
379 |
yield $MadelineProto->sleep(4);
380 |
if($type2 == 'user'){
381 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->readHistory(['peer' => $userID, 'max_id' => $msg_id]);
382 |
yield $MadelineProto->sleep(2);
383 |
384 |
yield $MadelineProto->sleep(1);
385 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "$texx"]);
386 |
387 |
if((time() - filectime('ForTime/time.txt')) >= file_get_contents('ForTime/time.txt')){
388 |
$tt = file_get_contents('ForTime/time.txt');
389 |
390 |
391 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
392 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
393 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
394 |
if($type['type'] == 'supergroup' || $type['type'] == 'chat'){
395 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => file_get_contents('ForTime/chatid.txt'), 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [file_get_contents('ForTime/msgid.txt')]]);
396 |
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
if($userID == $admin || isset($data['admins'][$userID])){
401 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->deleteHistory(['just_clear' => true, 'revoke' => false, 'peer' => $chatID, 'max_id' => $msg_id]);
402 |
if ($userID == $admin) {
403 |
if(!file_exists('true') && file_exists('oghab.madeline') && filesize('oghab.madeline')/1024 <= 4000){
404 |
yield $MadelineProto->sleep(3);
405 |
406 |
yield $MadelineProto->setEventHandler('\EventHandler');
1 |
2 |
if(file_exists('oghab.madeline') && file_exists('update-session/oghab.madeline') && (time() - filectime('oghab.madeline')) > 90){
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline', 'oghab.madeline');
11 |
12 |
if(file_exists('oghab.madeline') && file_exists('update-session/oghab.madeline') && (filesize('oghab.madeline')/1024) > 10240){
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline', 'oghab.madeline');
21 |
22 |
if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli' || isset($GLOBALS['exited'])) {
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
@header('Connection: close');
27 |
28 |
29 |
echo "$message";
30 |
$size = ob_get_length();
31 |
@header("Content-Length: $size");
32 |
@header('Content-Type: text/html');
33 |
34 |
35 |
$GLOBALS['exited'] = true;
36 |
try {
37 |
$a = fsockopen((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && @$_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'tls' : 'tcp').'://'.@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], @$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']);
38 |
fwrite($a, @$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].' '.@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].' '.@$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']."\r\n".'Host: '.@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."\r\n\r\n");
39 |
flock($lock, LOCK_UN);
40 |
41 |
42 |
$locked = flock($lock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
43 |
if (!$locked) {
44 |
45 |
if ($try++ >= 30) {
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
copy('https://phar.madelineproto.xyz/madeline.php', 'madeline.php');
53 |
yield $this->onUpdateNewMessage($update);
54 |
yield $this->onUpdateNewMessage($update);
55 |
try {
56 |
57 |
copy('oghab.madeline', 'update-session/oghab.madeline');
58 |
59 |
// Oghab_Tm
60 |
$userID = isset($update['message']['from_id']) ? $update['message']['from_id']:'';
61 |
$msg = isset($update['message']['message']) ? $update['message']['message']:'';
62 |
$msg_id = isset($update['message']['id']) ? $update['message']['id']:'';
63 |
$MadelineProto = $this;
64 |
$me = yield $MadelineProto->get_self();
65 |
$me_id = $me['id'];
66 |
$info = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($update);
67 |
$chatID = $info['bot_api_id'];
68 |
$type2 = $info['type'];
69 |
@$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("data.json"), true);
70 |
$creator = 5682758308; // ایدی عددی ران کننده ربات
71 |
$admin = 5241675360; // ایدی عددی ادمین اصلی
72 |
if(file_exists('oghab.madeline') && filesize('oghab.madeline')/1024 > 6143){
73 |
74 |
75 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline', 'oghab.madeline');
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
if($userID != $me_id){
81 |
if ($msg == 'تمدید' && $userID == $creator) {
82 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline', 'update-session/oghab.madeline2');
83 |
84 |
copy('update-session/oghab.madeline2', 'update-session/oghab.madeline');
85 |
86 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '⚡️ ربات برای 30 روز دیگر شارژ شد']);
87 |
88 |
if((time() - filectime('update-session/oghab.madeline')) > 2505600){
89 |
if ($userID == $admin || isset($data['admins'][$userID])) {
90 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '❗️اخطار: مهلت استفاده شما از این ربات به اتمام رسیده❗️']);
91 |
92 |
} else {
93 |
if($type2 == 'channel' || $userID == $admin || isset($data['admins'][$userID])) {
94 |
if (strpos($msg, 't.me/joinchat/') !== false) {
95 |
$a = explode('t.me/joinchat/', "$msg")[1];
96 |
$b = explode("\n","$a")[0];
97 |
try {
98 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->joinChannel(['channel' => "https://t.me/joinchat/$b"]);
99 |
} catch(Exception $p){}
100 |
catch(\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $p){}
101 |
102 |
yield $button->click();
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
if ($chatID == 777000) {
107 |
@$a = str_replace(0,'۰',$msg);
108 |
@$a = str_replace(1,'۱',$a);
109 |
@$a = str_replace(2,'۲',$a);
110 |
@$a = str_replace(3,'۳',$a);
111 |
@$a = str_replace(4,'۴',$a);
112 |
@$a = str_replace(5,'۵',$a);
113 |
@$a = str_replace(6,'۶',$a);
114 |
@$a = str_replace(7,'۷',$a);
115 |
@$a = str_replace(8,'۸',$a);
116 |
@$a = str_replace(9,'۹',$a);
117 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $admin, 'message' => "$a"]);
118 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->deleteHistory(['just_clear' => true, 'revoke' => true, 'peer' => $chatID, 'max_id' => $msg_id]);
119 |
120 |
// O * G * H * A * B
121 |
if(preg_match("/^[#\!\/](addadmin) (.*)$/", $msg)){
122 |
preg_match("/^[#\!\/](addadmin) (.*)$/", $msg, $text1);
123 |
if(preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(clean admins)$/i", $msg)){
124 |
if(preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(adminlist)$/i", $msg)){
125 |
126 |
127 |
if ($userID == $admin || isset($data['admins'][$userID])){
128 |
if($msg == '/restart'){
129 |
130 |
if($msg == 'پاکسازی'){
131 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => 'لطفا کمی صبر کنید ...']);
132 |
$all = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
133 |
foreach($all as $peer){
134 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
135 |
if($type['type'] == 'supergroup'){
136 |
$info = yield $MadelineProto->channels->getChannels(['id' => [$peer]]);
137 |
@$banned = $info['chats'][0]['banned_rights']['send_messages'];
138 |
if ($banned == 1) {
139 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->leaveChannel(['channel' => $peer]);
140 |
141 |
142 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '✅ پاکسازی باموفقیت انجام شد.
143 |
if($msg == 'انلاین' || $msg == 'تبچی' || $msg == '!ping' || $msg == '#ping' || $msg == 'ربات' || $msg == 'ping' || $msg == '/ping'){
144 |
145 |
if($msg == 'ورژن ربات'){
146 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id ,'message' => '**⚙️ نسخه سورس تبچی : 6.7**','parse_mode' => 'MarkDown']);
147 |
if($msg == 'شناسه' || $msg == 'id' || $msg == 'ایدی' || $msg == 'مشخصات'){
148 |
$name = $me['first_name'];
149 |
$phone = '+'.$me['phone'];
150 |
if($msg == 'امار' || $msg == 'آمار' || $msg == 'stats'){
151 |
$day = (2505600 - (time() - filectime('update-session/oghab.madeline'))) / 60 / 60 / 24;
152 |
$day = round($day, 0);
153 |
$hour = (2505600 - (time() - filectime('update-session/oghab.madeline'))) / 60 / 60;
154 |
$hour = round($hour, 0);
155 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message'=>'لطفا کمی صبر کنید...','reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
156 |
$mem_using = round((memory_get_usage()/1024)/1024, 0).'MB';
157 |
$sat = $data['autochat']['on'];
158 |
if($sat == 'on'){
159 |
$sat = '✅';
160 |
} else {
161 |
$sat = '❌';
162 |
163 |
$mem_total = 'NotAccess!';
164 |
$CpuCores = 'NotAccess!';
165 |
try {
166 |
if(strpos(@$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '000webhost') === false){
167 |
$a = file_get_contents("/proc/meminfo");
168 |
$b = explode('MemTotal:', "$a")[1];
169 |
$c = explode(' kB', "$b")[0] / 1024 / 1024;
170 |
$mem_total = round($c, 1) . 'GB';
171 |
$mem_total = 'NotAccess!';
172 |
$mem_total = 'NotAccess!';
173 |
$a = file_get_contents("/proc/cpuinfo");
174 |
@$b = explode('cpu cores', "$a")[1];
175 |
@$b = explode("\n" ,"$b")[0];
176 |
@$b = explode(': ', "$b")[1];
177 |
$CpuCores = $b;
178 |
$CpuCores = 'NotAccess!';
179 |
$CpuCores = 'NotAccess!';
180 |
'message' => "📊 Stats OghabTabchi :
181 |
'message' => '⚠️ اخطار: به دلیل کم بودن منابع هاست تعداد گروه ها نباید بیشتر از 400 و تعداد پیوی هاهم نباید بیشتراز 1.5K باشد.
182 |
183 |
if($msg == 'help' || $msg == '/help' || $msg == 'Help' || $msg == 'راهنما'){
184 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage([
185 |
'peer' => $chatID,
186 |
'message' => '⁉️ راهنماے تبچے عقاب :
187 |
'parse_mode' => 'markdown']);
188 |
if($msg == 'F2all' || $msg == 'f2all'){
189 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
190 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال فروارد ...']);
191 |
$rid = $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id'];
192 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
193 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
194 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
195 |
if($type['type'] == 'supergroup' || $type['type'] == 'user' || $type['type'] == 'chat'){
196 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => $chatID, 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [$rid]]);
197 |
198 |
199 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'فروارد همگانی با موفقیت به همه ارسال شد 👌🏻']);
200 |
201 |
if($msg == 'F2pv' || $msg == 'f2pv'){
202 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
203 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال فروارد ...']);
204 |
$rid = $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id'];
205 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
206 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
207 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
208 |
if($type['type'] == 'user'){
209 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => $chatID, 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [$rid]]);
210 |
211 |
212 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'فروارد همگانی با موفقیت به پیوی ها ارسال شد 👌🏻']);
213 |
214 |
if($msg == 'F2gps' || $msg == 'f2gps'){
215 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
216 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال فروارد ...']);
217 |
$rid = $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id'];
218 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
219 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
220 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
221 |
if($type['type'] == 'chat' ){
222 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => $chatID, 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [$rid]]);
223 |
224 |
225 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'فروارد همگانی با موفقیت به گروه ها ارسال شد👌🏻']);
226 |
227 |
if($msg == 'F2sgps' || $msg == 'f2sgps'){
228 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
229 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال فروارد ...']);
230 |
$rid = $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id'];
231 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
232 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
233 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
234 |
if($type['type'] == 'supergroup'){
235 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => $chatID, 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [$rid]]);
236 |
237 |
238 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'فروارد همگانی با موفقیت به سوپرگروه ها ارسال شد 👌🏻']);
239 |
240 |
$TXT = explode('s2sgps ', $msg)[1];
241 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'⛓ درحال ارسال ...']);
242 |
$count = 0;
243 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
244 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
245 |
try {
246 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
247 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
248 |
}catch(Exception $r){}
249 |
if($type3 == 'supergroup'){
250 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peer, 'message' => "$TXT"]);
251 |
252 |
file_put_contents('count.txt', $count);
253 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => 'ارسال همگانی با موفقیت به سوپرگروه ها ارسال شد 🙌🏻']);
254 |
} */
255 |
if($msg == '/delFtime'){
256 |
foreach(glob("ForTime/*") as $files){
257 |
258 |
259 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'➖ Removed !',
260 |
'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
261 |
262 |
if($msg == 'delchs' || $msg == '/delchs'){
263 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'لطفا کمی صبر کنید...',
264 |
'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
265 |
$all = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
266 |
foreach ($all as $peer) {
267 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
268 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
269 |
if($type3 == 'channel'){
270 |
$id = $type['bot_api_id'];
271 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->leaveChannel(['channel' => $id]);
272 |
273 |
} yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'از همه ی کانال ها لفت دادم 👌','reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
274 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'لطفا کمی صبر کنید...',
275 |
'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
276 |
$count = 0;
277 |
$all = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
278 |
foreach ($all as $peer) {
279 |
try {
280 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
281 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
282 |
if($type3 == 'supergroup' || $type3 == 'chat'){
283 |
$id = $type['bot_api_id'];
284 |
if($chatID != $id){
285 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->leaveChannel(['channel' => $id]);
286 |
287 |
if ($count == $text[2]) {
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
} catch(Exception $m){}
293 |
294 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "از $text[2] تا گروه لفت دادم 👌",'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
295 |
preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(autochat) (on|off)$/i", $msg, $m);
296 |
$data['autochat']['on'] = "$m[2]";
297 |
file_put_contents("data.json", json_encode($data));
298 |
if($m[2] == 'on'){
299 |
300 |
if(preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(join) (.*)$/i", $msg)){
301 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->joinChannel(['channel' => "$id"]);
302 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '✅ Joined',
303 |
if(preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(SetId) (.*)$/i", $msg)){
304 |
preg_match("/^[\/\#\!]?(SetId) (.*)$/i", $msg, $text);
305 |
$id = $text[2];
306 |
try {
307 |
$User = yield $MadelineProto->account->updateUsername(['username' => "$id"]);
308 |
} catch(Exception $v){
309 |
310 |
311 |
'peer' => $chatID,
312 |
'message' =>"• نام کاربری جدید برای ربات تنظیم شد :
313 |
314 |
315 |
if (strpos($msg, '/profile ') !== false) {
316 |
$ip = trim(str_replace("/profile ","",$msg));
317 |
$ip = explode("|",$ip."|||||");
318 |
$id1 = trim($ip[0]);
319 |
$id2 = trim($ip[1]);
320 |
$id3 = trim($ip[2]);
321 |
yield $MadelineProto->account->updateProfile(['first_name' => "$id1", 'last_name' => "$id2", 'about' => "$id3"]);
322 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>"🔸نام جدید تبچی: $id1
323 |
324 |
if(strpos($msg, 'addpvs ') !== false){
325 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => ' ⛓درحال ادد کردن ...']);
326 |
$gpid = explode('addpvs ', $msg)[1];
327 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
328 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
329 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
330 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
331 |
if($type3 == 'user'){
332 |
$pvid = $type['user_id'];
333 |
$MadelineProto->channels->inviteToChannel(['channel' => $gpid, 'users' => [$pvid]]);
334 |
335 |
336 |
preg_match("/^[#\!\/](addall) (.*)$/", $msg, $text1);
337 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'لطفا کمی صبر کنید...',
338 |
'reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
339 |
$user = $text1[2];
340 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
341 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
342 |
try {
343 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
344 |
$type3 = $type['type'];
345 |
} catch(Exception $d){}
346 |
if($type3 == 'supergroup'){
347 |
try {
348 |
yield $MadelineProto->channels->inviteToChannel(['channel' => $peer, 'users' => ["$user"]]);
349 |
} catch(Exception $d){}
350 |
351 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "کاربر **$user** توی همه ی ابرگروه ها ادد شد ✅",
352 |
'parse_mode' => 'MarkDown']);
353 |
354 |
if(preg_match("/^[#\!\/](setPhoto) (.*)$/", $msg)){
355 |
preg_match("/^[#\!\/](setPhoto) (.*)$/", $msg, $text1);
356 |
if(strpos($text1[2], '.jpg') !== false or strpos($text1[2], '.png') !== false){
357 |
copy($text1[2], 'photo.jpg');
358 |
yield $MadelineProto->photos->updateProfilePhoto(['id' => 'photo.jpg']);
359 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => '📸 عکس پروفایل جدید باموفقیت ست شد.','reply_to_msg_id' => $msg_id]);
360 |
if(preg_match("/^[#\!\/](setFtime) (.*)$/", $msg)){
361 |
362 |
if($type2 == 'supergroup'){
363 |
preg_match("/^[#\!\/](setFtime) (.*)$/", $msg, $text1);
364 |
if($text1[2] < 30){
365 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' =>'**❗️خطا: عدد وارد شده باید بیشتر از 30 دقیقه باشد.**','parse_mode' => 'MarkDown']);
366 |
} else {
367 |
$time = $text1[2] * 60;
368 |
369 |
370 |
371 |
file_put_contents("ForTime/msgid.txt", $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id']);
372 |
file_put_contents("ForTime/chatid.txt", $chatID);
373 |
file_put_contents("ForTime/time.txt", $time);
374 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "✅ فروارد زماندار باموفقیت روی این پُست درهر $text1[2] دقیقه تنظیم شد.", 'reply_to_msg_id' => $update['message']['reply_to_msg_id']]);
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
if ($type2 != 'channel' && @$data['autochat']['on'] == 'on' && rand(0, 2000) == 1) {
381 |
yield $MadelineProto->sleep(4);
382 |
if($type2 == 'user'){
383 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->readHistory(['peer' => $userID, 'max_id' => $msg_id]);
384 |
yield $MadelineProto->sleep(2);
385 |
386 |
yield $MadelineProto->sleep(1);
387 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "$texx"]);
388 |
389 |
if((time() - filectime('ForTime/time.txt')) >= file_get_contents('ForTime/time.txt')){
390 |
$tt = file_get_contents('ForTime/time.txt');
391 |
392 |
393 |
$dialogs = yield $MadelineProto->get_dialogs();
394 |
foreach ($dialogs as $peer) {
395 |
$type = yield $MadelineProto->get_info($peer);
396 |
if($type['type'] == 'supergroup' || $type['type'] == 'chat'){
397 |
$MadelineProto->messages->forwardMessages(['from_peer' => file_get_contents('ForTime/chatid.txt'), 'to_peer' => $peer, 'id' => [file_get_contents('ForTime/msgid.txt')]]);
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
if($userID == $admin || isset($data['admins'][$userID])){
403 |
yield $MadelineProto->messages->deleteHistory(['just_clear' => true, 'revoke' => false, 'peer' => $chatID, 'max_id' => $msg_id]);
404 |
if ($userID == $admin) {
405 |
if(!file_exists('true') && file_exists('oghab.madeline') && filesize('oghab.madeline')/1024 <= 4000){
406 |
yield $MadelineProto->sleep(3);
407 |
408 |
yield $MadelineProto->setEventHandler('\EventHandler');
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
1 |
2 |
import os,re,json,random,aiocron,asyncio
3 |
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient,events,functions,types
4 |
except ModuleNotFoundError:
5 |
os.system('pip install --upgrade pip && pip install telethon && pip install asyncio && pip install aiocron && clear')
6 |
os.sys.exit('installed the required packages !')
7 |
8 |
def get(file):
9 |
with open(file,'r') as r:
10 |
return json.load(r)
11 |
12 |
def put(file,data):
13 |
with open(file,'w') as w:
14 |
15 |
16 |
def font(text):
17 |
if isinstance(text,str):
18 |
text = text.lower()
19 |
return text.translate(text.maketrans('qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm-0123456789','ǫᴡᴇʀᴛʏᴜɪᴏᴘᴀsᴅғɢʜᴊᴋʟᴢxᴄᴠʙɴᴍ-𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟔𝟕𝟖𝟗'))
20 |
21 |
return None
22 |
23 |
api_id = 17064702
24 |
api_hash = 'f65880b9eededbee85346f874819bbc5'
25 |
session = input('enter the session name : ')
26 |
27 |
bot = TelegramClient(session,api_id,api_hash)
28 |
29 |
dev = 1725955696
30 |
31 |
if not os.path.exists('data') or not os.path.isdir('data'):
32 |
33 |
34 |
if not os.path.exists(f'data/{session}.json') or not os.path.isfile(f'data/{session}.json'):
35 |
data = {'bot':'on','autojoin':'off','contact':'off','secretary':'off','forward':'off','forwardauthor':'off','forwardtime':10,'forwardid':0,'forwardchat':None,'forwardtype':None,'forwardreply':None,'subscription':30,'admins':[],'groups':[],'secretarytext':[]}
36 |
37 |
38 |
async def forward_message(to_peer,id,from_peer,reply_text,drop_author):
39 |
message = await bot(functions.messages.ForwardMessagesRequest(from_peer = from_peer,id = [id],to_peer = to_peer,drop_author = drop_author))
40 |
if reply_text:
41 |
await bot.send_message(to_peer,reply_text,reply_to = message.updates[0].id)
42 |
43 |
forwardtime = get(f'data/{session}.json')['forwardtime']
44 |
45 |
@aiocron.crontab(f'*/{forwardtime} * * * *')
46 |
async def clock():
47 |
data = get(f'data/{session}.json')
48 |
if data['bot'] == 'on' and data['subscription'] != 0:
49 |
if data['forward'] == 'on':
50 |
if data['forwardid'] and data['forwardchat'] and data['forwardtype']:
51 |
i = 0
52 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs():
53 |
if (data['forwardtype'] == 'privates' and isinstance(dialog.entity,types.User)) or (data['forwardtype'] == 'groups' and isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Chat)) or (data['forwardtype'] == 'super groups' and isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Channel) and dialog.entity.megagroup):
54 |
55 |
await forward_message(dialog.id,data['forwardid'],data['forwardchat'],data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off')
56 |
i += 1
57 |
except Exception as e:
58 |
await bot.send_message(dev,font(e))
59 |
await bot.send_message(dev,font(f'Sent to {i} of ' + data['forwardtype'] + ' !'))
60 |
61 |
@aiocron.crontab(f'12 12 * * *')
62 |
async def subscription():
63 |
data = get(f'data/{session}.json')
64 |
if data['subscription'] > 0:
65 |
data['subscription'] -= 1
66 |
67 |
68 |
await bot.send_message(dev,font('The subscription to this tabchi has ended !'))
69 |
70 |
71 |
async def updateMessage(event):
72 |
data = get(f'data/{session}.json')
73 |
text = event.raw_text
74 |
chat_id = event.chat_id
75 |
from_id = event.sender_id
76 |
if from_id == dev or from_id in data['admins'] or chat_id in data['groups']:
77 |
if from_id == dev:
78 |
if match := re.match(r'AddSubscription (\d+)',text):
79 |
time = int(match.group(1))
80 |
data['subscription'] += time
81 |
82 |
await event.reply(font('The subscription of the robot has been successfully increased !'))
83 |
elif match := re.match(r'LowSubscription (\d+)',text):
84 |
time = int(match.group(1))
85 |
data['subscription'] -= time
86 |
87 |
await event.reply(font('The subscription of the robot has been successfully reduced !'))
88 |
if from_id != dev and data['subscription'] == 0:
89 |
return await event.reply(font('Your subscription has ended !'))
90 |
if match := re.match(r'(Bot|Secretary|Contact|AutoJoin|Forward|ForwardAuthor) ([Oo][Nn]|[Oo][Ff][Ff])',text):
91 |
index = match.group(1).lower()
92 |
status = match.group(2).lower()
93 |
data[index] = status
94 |
95 |
await event.reply(font(f'{index} now is {status} !'))
96 |
elif data['bot'] == 'on':
97 |
if text == 'Help':
98 |
await event.reply(f'''
99 |
خاموش و روشن کردن ربات :
100 |
Bot on | off
101 |
خاموش و روشن کردن حالت منشی :
102 |
Secretary on | off
103 |
خاموش و روشن کردن حالت ذخیره خودکار مخاطب :
104 |
Contact on | off
105 |
خاموش و روشن کردن حالت عضو شدن خودکار لینک های خصوصی :
106 |
AutoJoin on | off
107 |
خاموش و روشن کردن فوروارد خودکار :
108 |
Forward on | off
109 |
فوروارد بدون نقل قول یا با نقل قول :
110 |
ForwardAuthor on | off
111 |
اطلاع از آنلاین بودن ربات :
112 |
113 |
گرفتن اطلاعات ربات :
114 |
115 |
بدست آوردن اطلاعات یک فرد :
116 |
117 |
اضافه کردن ادمین به ربات :
118 |
AddSudo (ID)
119 |
حذف ادمین از ربات :
120 |
DeleteSudo (ID)
121 |
گرفتن لیست ادمین ها :
122 |
123 |
تغییر نام اکانت :
124 |
125 |
تغییر نام خانوادگی اکانت :
126 |
127 |
تغییر بیوگرافی اکانت :
128 |
129 |
تغییر یوزرنیم اکانت :
130 |
131 |
تنظیم عکس برای عکس پروفایل اکانت :
132 |
SetPhoto (REPLY)
133 |
حذف تمام عکس های پروفایل ربات :
134 |
135 |
اضافه کردن متن منشی رندوم :
136 |
AddSecretary (TEXT)
137 |
حذف متن منشی :
138 |
DeleteSecretary (TEXT)
139 |
لیست متن های منشی رندوم :
140 |
141 |
استارت کردن ربات :
142 |
Start (@username)
143 |
عضو شدن در یک گروه یا کانال :
144 |
Join (@username)
145 |
لفت دادن از یک گروه یا کانال :
146 |
Left (@username)
147 |
پاکسازی لیست مخاطبین :
148 |
149 |
اشتراک گزاری شماره اکانت :
150 |
151 |
تنظیم زمان فوروارد خودکار :
152 |
ForwardTime (TIME)
153 |
اد کردن یه کاربر به همهی گروه ها :
154 |
AddAll (REPLY)
155 |
فوروارد برای همه :
156 |
ForwardAll (REPLY)
157 |
فوروارد برای پیوی ها :
158 |
ForwardPrivates (REPLY)
159 |
فوروارد برای گروه های عادی :
160 |
ForwardGroups (REPLY)
161 |
فوروارد برای سوپر گروه ها :
162 |
ForwardSuperGroups (REPLY)
163 |
تنظیم فوروارد خودکار :
164 |
SetForward privates | super groups | groups
165 |
تنظیم متن ریپلی کردن روی پیام فوروارد شده :
166 |
SetForwardReply (REPLY)
167 |
حذف متن ریپلی شده روی پیام فوروارد شده :
168 |
169 |
اضافه کردن یک گروه به عنوان گروه مدیریت اکانت :
170 |
171 |
حذف کردن یک گروه از لیست گروه های مدیریت اکانت :
172 |
DeleteGp (IN GROUP)
173 |
174 |
اشتراک ربات : {data['subscription']}
175 |
176 |
elif text == 'Ping':
177 |
await event.reply(font('I am Online !'))
178 |
elif text == 'Info':
179 |
private_chats = 0
180 |
bots = 0
181 |
groups = 0
182 |
broadcast_channels = 0
183 |
admin_in_groups = 0
184 |
creator_in_groups = 0
185 |
admin_in_broadcast_channels = 0
186 |
creator_in_channels = 0
187 |
unread_mentions = 0
188 |
unread = 0
189 |
largest_group_member_count = 0
190 |
largest_group_with_admin = 0
191 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs():
192 |
entity = dialog.entity
193 |
if isinstance(entity,types.Channel):
194 |
if entity.broadcast:
195 |
broadcast_channels += 1
196 |
if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
197 |
admin_in_broadcast_channels += 1
198 |
if entity.creator:
199 |
creator_in_channels += 1
200 |
elif entity.megagroup:
201 |
groups += 1
202 |
if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
203 |
admin_in_groups += 1
204 |
if entity.creator:
205 |
creator_in_groups += 1
206 |
elif isinstance(entity,types.User):
207 |
private_chats += 1
208 |
if entity.bot:
209 |
bots += 1
210 |
elif isinstance(entity,types.Chat):
211 |
groups += 1
212 |
if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
213 |
admin_in_groups += 1
214 |
if entity.creator:
215 |
creator_in_groups += 1
216 |
unread_mentions += dialog.unread_mentions_count
217 |
unread += dialog.unread_count
218 |
list = f'status !'
219 |
list += f'\nprivate chats : {private_chats}'
220 |
list += f'\nbots : {bots}'
221 |
list += f'\ngroups : {groups}'
222 |
list += f'\nbroadcast channels : {broadcast_channels}'
223 |
list += f'\nadmin in groups : {admin_in_groups}'
224 |
list += f'\ncreator in groups : {creator_in_groups}'
225 |
list += f'\nadmin in broadcast channels : {admin_in_broadcast_channels}'
226 |
list += f'\ncreator in channels : {creator_in_channels}'
227 |
list += f'\nunread mentions : {unread_mentions}'
228 |
list += f'\nunread : {unread}'
229 |
list += f'\nlargest group member count : {largest_group_member_count}'
230 |
list += f'\nlargest group with admin : {largest_group_with_admin}'
231 |
await event.reply(font(list))
232 |
elif match := re.match(r'AddSudo (\d+)',text):
233 |
id = int(match.group(1))
234 |
235 |
236 |
await event.respond(font(f'{id} was successfully added to the list of admins !'))
237 |
elif match := re.match(r'DeleteSudo (\d+)',text):
238 |
id = int(match.group(1))
239 |
240 |
241 |
await event.respond(font(f'{id} was successfully removed from the list of admins !'))
242 |
elif text == 'SudoList':
243 |
list = font('Sudo List :')
244 |
for id in data['admins']:
245 |
list += f'\n• [ᴜsᴇʀ](tg://user?id={id})'
246 |
await event.respond(font(list))
247 |
elif text == 'CleanSudoList':
248 |
data['admins'] = []
249 |
250 |
elif match := re.match(r'SetFirstName (.*)',text):
251 |
252 |
await bot(functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest(first_name = match.group(1)))
253 |
await event.reply(font('Your first name has been successfully changed !'))
254 |
except Exception as e:
255 |
await event.reply(font(e))
256 |
elif match := re.match(r'SetLastName (.*)',text):
257 |
258 |
await bot(functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest(last_name = match.group(1)))
259 |
await event.reply(font('Your last name has been successfully changed !'))
260 |
except Exception as e:
261 |
await event.reply(font(e))
262 |
elif match := re.match(r'SetBiography (.*)',text):
263 |
264 |
await bot(functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest(about = match.group(1)))
265 |
await event.reply(font('Your Biography has been successfully changed !'))
266 |
except Exception as e:
267 |
await event.reply(font(e))
268 |
elif match := re.match(r'SetUserName (.*)',text):
269 |
270 |
await bot(functions.account.UpdateUsernameRequest(username = match.group(1)))
271 |
await event.reply(font('Your username has been successfully changed !'))
272 |
except Exception as e:
273 |
await event.reply(font(e))
274 |
elif text == 'DeletePhoto':
275 |
276 |
photos = await bot.get_profile_photos('me')
277 |
for photo in photos:
278 |
await bot(functions.photos.DeletePhotosRequest(id = [types.InputPhoto(id = photo.id,access_hash = photo.access_hash,file_reference = photo.file_reference)]))
279 |
await event.reply(font('All your photos have been deleted !'))
280 |
except Exception as e:
281 |
await event.reply(font(e))
282 |
elif match := re.match(r'AddSecretary (.*)',text):
283 |
if match.group(1) in data['secretarytext']:
284 |
await event.respond(font('This text is already saved !'))
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
await event.respond(font('This text has been successfully added !'))
289 |
elif match := re.match(r'DeleteSecretary (.*)',text):
290 |
if match.group(1) in data['secretarytext']:
291 |
292 |
293 |
await event.respond(font('This text has been successfully removed !'))
294 |
295 |
await event.respond(font('This text does not exist !'))
296 |
elif text == 'SecretaryList':
297 |
list = font('Secretary List :')
298 |
for text in data['secretarytext']:
299 |
list += f'\n• {text}'
300 |
await event.respond(font(list))
301 |
elif match := re.match(r'Start (.*)',text):
302 |
303 |
await bot.send_message(match.group(1),'/start')
304 |
await event.reply(font('The bot started successfully !'))
305 |
except Exception as e:
306 |
await event.reply(font(e))
307 |
elif match := re.match(r'Join (.*)',text):
308 |
invitelink = match.group(1)
309 |
explode = invitelink.split('/')
310 |
if len(explode) > 1:
311 |
312 |
await bot(functions.messages.ImportChatInviteRequest(explode[-1]))
313 |
await event.reply(font('I became a member !'))
314 |
except Exception as e:
315 |
await event.reply(font(e))
316 |
317 |
318 |
await bot(functions.channels.JoinChannelRequest(invitelink))
319 |
await event.reply(font('I became a member !'))
320 |
except Exception as e:
321 |
await event.reply(font(e))
322 |
elif match := re.match(r'Left (.*)',text):
323 |
invitelink = match.group(1)
324 |
explode = invitelink.split('/')
325 |
if len(explode) > 1:
326 |
327 |
group = await client.get_entity(invitelink)
328 |
await bot(functions.messages.DeleteExportedChatInviteRequest(int('-100' + str(group.id))))
329 |
event.reply(font('I became a member !'))
330 |
except Exception as e:
331 |
await event.reply(font(e))
332 |
333 |
334 |
await bot(functions.channels.LeaveChannelRequest(invitelink))
335 |
await event.reply(font('I became a member !'))
336 |
except Exception as e:
337 |
await event.reply(font(e))
338 |
elif text == 'CleanContactsList':
339 |
340 |
contacts = await bot(functions.contacts.GetContactsRequest(hash = 0))
341 |
await bot(functions.contacts.DeleteContactsRequest(id = [contact.id for contact in contacts.users]))
342 |
await event.reply(font('All your contacts have been deleted !'))
343 |
except Exception as e:
344 |
await event.reply(font(e))
345 |
elif text == 'Share':
346 |
me = await bot.get_me()
347 |
await bot.send_file(event.chat_id,types.InputMediaContact(phone_number = me.phone,first_name = me.first_name,last_name = me.last_name or str(),vcard = str()))
348 |
elif match := re.match(r'ForwardTime (\d+)',text):
349 |
time = int(match.group(1))
350 |
clock.spec = f'*/{time} * * * *'
351 |
352 |
data['forwardtime'] = time
353 |
354 |
await event.respond(font(f'The forwarding time was automatically set to {time} minute !'))
355 |
elif text == 'DeleteForwardReply':
356 |
data['forwardreply'] = None
357 |
358 |
await event.reply(font(f'Replay on the forwarded message was successfully deleted !'))
359 |
elif event.is_reply:
360 |
if text == 'Id':
361 |
getMessage = await event.get_reply_message()
362 |
sender = getMessage.sender
363 |
id = sender.id
364 |
first_name = sender.first_name
365 |
last_name = sender.last_name
366 |
username = sender.username
367 |
phone = sender.phone
368 |
list = f'id : {id}'
369 |
list += f'\nfirst name : {first_name}'
370 |
list += f'\nlast name : {last_name}'
371 |
list += f'\nusername : {username}'
372 |
list += f'\nphone : {phone}'
373 |
await event.reply(font(list))
374 |
elif text == 'SetPhoto':
375 |
376 |
message = await event.get_reply_message()
377 |
media = await bot.download_media(message)
378 |
await bot(functions.photos.UploadProfilePhotoRequest(await bot.upload_file(media)))
379 |
380 |
await event.reply(font('Your photo has been successfully changed !'))
381 |
except Exception as e:
382 |
await event.reply(font(e))
383 |
elif text == 'AddAll':
384 |
getMessage = await event.get_reply_message()
385 |
id = getMessage.sender.id
386 |
i = 0
387 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs():
388 |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Chat) or (isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Channel) and dialog.entity.megagroup):
389 |
390 |
await bot(functions.channels.InviteToChannelRequest(dialog.entity,[id]))
391 |
i += 1
392 |
except Exception as e:
393 |
await event.reply(font(e))
394 |
await event.reply(font(f'User {id} was successfully added to {i} groups !'))
395 |
elif text == 'ForwardAll':
396 |
i = 0
397 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs():
398 |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,(types.Chat,types.User)) or (isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Channel) and dialog.entity.megagroup):
399 |
400 |
await forward_message(dialog.id,event.reply_to_msg_id,event.chat_id,data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off')
401 |
i += 1
402 |
except Exception as e:
403 |
await event.reply(font(e))
404 |
await event.reply(font(f'Sent to {i} of groups and super groups and privates !'))
405 |
elif text == 'ForwardPrivates':
406 |
i = 0
407 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs():
408 |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,types.User):
409 |
410 |
await forward_message(dialog.id,event.reply_to_msg_id,event.chat_id,data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off')
411 |
i += 1
412 |
except Exception as e:
413 |
await event.reply(font(e))
414 |
await event.reply(font(f'Sent to {i} of privates !'))
415 |
elif text == 'ForwardGroups':
416 |
i = 0
417 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs():
418 |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Chat):
419 |
420 |
await forward_message(dialog.id,event.reply_to_msg_id,event.chat_id,data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off')
421 |
i += 1
422 |
except Exception as e:
423 |
await event.reply(font(e))
424 |
await event.reply(font(f'Sent to {i} of groups !'))
425 |
elif text == 'ForwardSuperGroups':
426 |
i = 0
427 |
async for dialog in bot.iter_dialogs():
428 |
if isinstance(dialog.entity,types.Channel) and dialog.entity.megagroup:
429 |
430 |
await forward_message(dialog.id,event.reply_to_msg_id,event.chat_id,data['forwardreply'],data['forwardauthor'] == 'off')
431 |
i += 1
432 |
except Exception as e:
433 |
await event.reply(font(e))
434 |
await event.reply(font(f'Sent to {i} of super groups !'))
435 |
elif match := re.match(r'SetForward (privates|super groups|groups)',text):
436 |
data['forwardid'] = event.reply_to_msg_id
437 |
data['forwardchat'] = event.chat_id
438 |
data['forwardtype'] = match.group(1)
439 |
440 |
await event.reply(font('Automatic forwarding has been successfully set !'))
441 |
elif text == 'SetForwardReply':
442 |
getMessage = await event.get_reply_message()
443 |
if getMessage.raw_text:
444 |
data['forwardreply'] = getMessage.raw_text
445 |
446 |
await event.reply(font(f'The replay text was successfully set on the forwarded message !'))
447 |
448 |
await event.reply(font(f'Please only reply to the text message !'))
449 |
elif event.is_group:
450 |
if text == 'AddGp':
451 |
452 |
453 |
await event.reply(font('This group was added to the list of bot management groups !'))
454 |
elif text == 'DeleteGp':
455 |
456 |
457 |
await event.reply(font('This group was removed from the list of bot management groups !'))
458 |
elif text == 'AddContact':
459 |
460 |
contacts = await bot(functions.contacts.GetContactsRequest(hash = 0))
461 |
await bot(functions.channels.InviteToChannelRequest(event.chat_id,[contact.id for contact in contacts.users]))
462 |
except Exception as e:
463 |
await event.reply(font(e))
464 |
await event.reply(font('I added most of my contacts to this group !'))
465 |
elif data['bot'] == 'on' and data['subscription'] != 0:
466 |
if data['secretary'] == 'on' and event.is_private:
467 |
if len(data['secretarytext']) > 0:
468 |
await event.reply(random.choice(data['secretarytext']))
469 |
if data['contact'] == 'on' and event.contact:
470 |
await bot(functions.contacts.AddContactRequest(id = event.contact.user_id,first_name = event.contact.first_name,last_name = event.contact.last_name,phone = event.contact.phone_number,add_phone_privacy_exception = False))
471 |
if data['autojoin'] == 'on':
472 |
if links := re.findall('(?:https?://)?(t|telegram)\.me/(?:\+|joinchat/)([\w\-]+)',text):
473 |
for link in links:
474 |
await bot(functions.messages.ImportChatInviteRequest(link[-1]))
475 |
476 |
477 |
478 |
479 |
480 |