mesutdmn's picture
Carbon Footprint Streamlit Interface
from streamlit.components.v1 import html
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import io
import pandas as pd
def click_element(element):
open_script = f"<script type = 'text/javascript'>window.parent.document.querySelector('[id^=tabs-bui][id$=-{element}]').click();</script>"
html(open_script, width=0, height=0)
sample = {'Body Type': 2,
'Sex': 0,
'How Often Shower': 1,
'Social Activity': 2,
'Monthly Grocery Bill': 230,
'Frequency of Traveling by Air': 2,
'Vehicle Monthly Distance Km': 210,
'Waste Bag Size': 2,
'Waste Bag Weekly Count': 4,
'How Long TV PC Daily Hour': 7,
'How Many New Clothes Monthly': 26,
'How Long Internet Daily Hour': 1,
'Energy efficiency': 0,
'Do You Recyle_Paper': 0,
'Do You Recyle_Plastic': 0,
'Do You Recyle_Glass': 0,
'Do You Recyle_Metal': 1,
'Cooking_with_stove': 1,
'Cooking_with_oven': 1,
'Cooking_with_microwave': 0,
'Cooking_with_grill': 0,
'Cooking_with_airfryer': 1,
'Diet_omnivore': 0,
'Diet_pescatarian': 1,
'Diet_vegan': 0,
'Diet_vegetarian': 0,
'Heating Energy Source_coal': 1,
'Heating Energy Source_electricity': 0,
'Heating Energy Source_natural gas': 0,
'Heating Energy Source_wood': 0,
'Transport_private': 0,
'Transport_public': 1,
'Transport_walk/bicycle': 0,
'Vehicle Type_None': 1,
'Vehicle Type_diesel': 0,
'Vehicle Type_electric': 0,
'Vehicle Type_hybrid': 0,
'Vehicle Type_lpg': 0,
'Vehicle Type_petrol': 0}
def input_preprocessing(data):
data["Body Type"] = data["Body Type"].map({'underweight':0, 'normal':1, 'overweight':2, 'obese':3})
data["Sex"] = data["Sex"].map({'female':0, 'male':1})
data = pd.get_dummies(data, columns=["Diet","Heating Energy Source","Transport","Vehicle Type"], dtype=int)
data["How Often Shower"] = data["How Often Shower"].map({'less frequently':0, 'daily':1, "twice a day":2, "more frequently":3})
data["Social Activity"] = data["Social Activity"].map({'never':0, 'sometimes':1, "often":2})
data["Frequency of Traveling by Air"] = data["Frequency of Traveling by Air"].map({'never':0, 'rarely':1, "frequently":2, "very frequently":3})
data["Waste Bag Size"] = data["Waste Bag Size"].map({'small':0, 'medium':1, "large":2, "extra large":3})
data["Energy efficiency"] = data["Energy efficiency"].map({'No':0, 'Sometimes':1, "Yes":2})
return data
def hesapla(model,ss, sample_df):
copy_df = sample_df.copy()
travels = copy_df[["Frequency of Traveling by Air",
"Vehicle Monthly Distance Km",
'Vehicle Type_None',
'Vehicle Type_diesel',
'Vehicle Type_electric',
'Vehicle Type_hybrid',
'Vehicle Type_lpg',
'Vehicle Type_petrol']]
copy_df[list(set(copy_df.columns) - set(travels.columns))] = 0
travel = np.exp(model.predict(ss.transform(copy_df)))
copy_df = sample_df.copy()
energys = copy_df[[ 'Heating Energy Source_coal','How Often Shower', 'How Long TV PC Daily Hour',
'Heating Energy Source_electricity','How Long Internet Daily Hour',
'Heating Energy Source_natural gas',
'Heating Energy Source_wood','Energy efficiency']]
copy_df[list(set(copy_df.columns) - set(energys.columns))] = 0
energy = np.exp(model.predict(ss.transform(copy_df)))
copy_df = sample_df.copy()
wastes = copy_df[[ 'Do You Recyle_Paper','How Many New Clothes Monthly',
'Waste Bag Size',
'Waste Bag Weekly Count',
'Do You Recyle_Plastic',
'Do You Recyle_Glass',
'Do You Recyle_Metal',
'Social Activity',]]
copy_df[list(set(copy_df.columns) - set(wastes.columns))] = 0
waste = np.exp(model.predict(ss.transform(copy_df)))
copy_df = sample_df.copy()
diets = copy_df[[ 'Diet_omnivore',
'Diet_vegetarian', 'Monthly Grocery Bill','Transport_private',
'Heating Energy Source_coal',
'Heating Energy Source_electricity',
'Heating Energy Source_natural gas',
'Heating Energy Source_wood',
copy_df[list(set(copy_df.columns) - set(diets.columns))] = 0
diet = np.exp(model.predict(ss.transform(copy_df)))
hesap = {"Travel": travel[0], "Energy": energy[0], "Waste": waste[0], "Diet": diet[0]}
return hesap
def chart(model, scaler,sample_df, prediction):
p = hesapla(model, scaler,sample_df)
bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor="white", edgecolor="white", alpha=0.7)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
patches, texts = plt.pie(x=p.values(),
explode=[0.03] * 4,
colors=["#29ad9f", "#1dc8b8", "#99d9d9", "#b4e3dd" ], shadow=True,
textprops={'fontsize': 20, 'weight': 'bold', "color": "#000000ad"})
for text in texts:
data = io.BytesIO()
plt.savefig(data, transparent=True)
background ="./media/default.png")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(background)
font1 = ImageFont.truetype(font="./style/ArchivoBlack-Regular.ttf", size=50)
font = ImageFont.truetype(font="./style/arialuni.ttf", size=50)
draw.text(xy=(320, 50), text=f" How big is your\nCarbon Footprint?", font=font1, fill="#039e8e", stroke_width=1, stroke_fill="#039e8e")
draw.text(xy=(370, 250), text=f"Monthly Emission \n\n {prediction:.0f} kgCO₂e", font=font, fill="#039e8e", stroke_width=1, stroke_fill="#039e8e")
data_back = io.BytesIO(), "PNG")
background ='RGBA')
piechart =
ayak ="./media/ayak.png").resize((370, 370))
bg_width, bg_height = piechart.size
ov_width, ov_height = ayak.size
x = (bg_width - ov_width) // 2
y = (bg_height - ov_height) // 2
piechart.paste(ayak, (x, y), ayak.convert('RGBA'))
background.paste(piechart, (40, 200), piechart.convert('RGBA'))
data2 = io.BytesIO(), "PNG")
background =, 700))
data3 = io.BytesIO(), "PNG")
return data3