import glob
import json
import os
import os

import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
import random

def open_content(path):
    paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.json"))
    train, dev, test, labels = None, None, None, None
    for p in paths:
        if "train" in p:
            with open(p, "r") as f:
                train = json.load(f)
        elif "dev" in p:
            with open(p, "r") as f:
                dev = json.load(f)
        elif "test" in p:
            with open(p, "r") as f:
                test = json.load(f)
        elif "labels" in p:
            with open(p, "r") as f:
                labels = json.load(f)
    return train, dev, test, labels

def process(data):
    words = data['sentence'].split()
    entities = []  # List of entities (start, end, type)

    for entity in data['entities']:
        start_char, end_char = entity['pos']

        # Initialize variables to keep track of word positions
        start_word = None
        end_word = None

        # Iterate through words and find the word positions
        char_count = 0
        for i, word in enumerate(words):
            word_length = len(word)
            if char_count == start_char:
                start_word = i
            if char_count + word_length == end_char:
                end_word = i
            char_count += word_length + 1  # Add 1 for the space

        # Append the word positions to the list
        entities.append((start_word, end_word, entity['type']))

    # Create a list of word positions for each entity
    sample = {
        "tokenized_text": words,
        "ner": entities

    return sample

# create dataset
def create_dataset(path):
    train, dev, test, labels = open_content(path)
    train_dataset = []
    dev_dataset = []
    test_dataset = []
    for data in train:
    for data in dev:
    for data in test:
    return train_dataset, dev_dataset, test_dataset, labels

def get_for_one_path(path, model):
    # load the dataset
    _, _, test_dataset, entity_types = create_dataset(path)

    data_name = path.split("/")[-1]  # get the name of the dataset

    # check if the dataset is flat_ner
    flat_ner = True
    if any([i in data_name for i in ["ACE", "GENIA", "Corpus"]]):
        flat_ner = False

    # evaluate the model
    results, f1 = model.evaluate(test_dataset, flat_ner=flat_ner, threshold=0.5, batch_size=12,
    return data_name, results, f1

def get_for_all_path(model, steps, log_dir, data_paths):
    all_paths = glob.glob(f"{data_paths}/*")

    all_paths = sorted(all_paths)

    # move the model to the device
    device = next(model.parameters()).device
    # set the model to eval mode

    # log the results
    save_path = os.path.join(log_dir, "results.txt")

    with open(save_path, "a") as f:
        # write step
        f.write("step: " + str(steps) + "\n")

    zero_shot_benc = ["mit-movie", "mit-restaurant", "CrossNER_AI", "CrossNER_literature", "CrossNER_music",
                      "CrossNER_politics", "CrossNER_science"]

    zero_shot_benc_results = {}
    all_results = {}  # without crossNER

    for p in tqdm(all_paths):
        if "sample_" not in p:
            data_name, results, f1 = get_for_one_path(p, model)
            # write to file
            with open(save_path, "a") as f:
                f.write(data_name + "\n")
                f.write(str(results) + "\n")

            if data_name in zero_shot_benc:
                zero_shot_benc_results[data_name] = f1
                all_results[data_name] = f1

    avg_all = sum(all_results.values()) / len(all_results)
    avg_zs = sum(zero_shot_benc_results.values()) / len(zero_shot_benc_results)

    save_path_table = os.path.join(log_dir, "tables.txt")

    # results for all datasets except crossNER
    table_bench_all = ""
    for k, v in all_results.items():
        table_bench_all += f"{k:20}: {v:.1%}\n"
    # (20 size aswell for average i.e. :20)
    table_bench_all += f"{'Average':20}: {avg_all:.1%}"

    # results for zero-shot benchmark
    table_bench_zeroshot = ""
    for k, v in zero_shot_benc_results.items():
        table_bench_zeroshot += f"{k:20}: {v:.1%}\n"
    table_bench_zeroshot += f"{'Average':20}: {avg_zs:.1%}"

    # write to file
    with open(save_path_table, "a") as f:
        f.write("step: " + str(steps) + "\n")
        f.write("Table for all datasets except crossNER\n")
        f.write(table_bench_all + "\n\n")
        f.write("Table for zero-shot benchmark\n")
        f.write(table_bench_zeroshot + "\n")

def sample_train_data(data_paths, sample_size=10000):
    all_paths = glob.glob(f"{data_paths}/*")

    all_paths = sorted(all_paths)

    # to exclude the zero-shot benchmark datasets
    zero_shot_benc = ["CrossNER_AI", "CrossNER_literature", "CrossNER_music",
                      "CrossNER_politics", "CrossNER_science", "ACE 2004"]

    new_train = []
    # take 10k samples from each dataset
    for p in tqdm(all_paths):
        if any([i in p for i in zero_shot_benc]):
        train, dev, test, labels = create_dataset(p)

        # add label key to the train data
        for i in range(len(train)):
            train[i]["label"] = labels

        train = train[:sample_size]

    return new_train