diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9ea89a3c95026900c2e0057ecccba045588f9c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# python temp files
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32897cd3e640101ba184f8c4ccd896981de3804a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+license: mit
diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a06ed00d40e74f6caf0ef6d784454f11673f0aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+import io
+import os
+import json
+import base64
+import random
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import gradio as gr
+from pathlib import Path
+from PIL import Image
+from plots import get_pre_define_colors
+from utils.load_model import load_xclip
+from utils.predict import xclip_pred
+DEVICE = "cpu"
+XCLIP_DESC_PATH = "data/jsons/bs_cub_desc.json"
+XCLIP_DESC = json.load(open(XCLIP_DESC_PATH, "r"))
+PREPROCESS = lambda x: OWLVIT_PRECESSOR(images=x, return_tensors='pt')
+IMAGES_FOLDER = "data/images"
+# XCLIP_RESULTS = json.load(open("data/jsons/xclip_org.json", "r"))
+# correct_predictions = [k for k, v in XCLIP_RESULTS.items() if v['prediction']]
+# get the intersection of sachit and xclip (revised)
+# IMAGE_RES = 400 * 400 # minimum resolution
+# for file_name in XCLIP_RESULTS:
+#     image = Image.open(os.path.join(IMAGES_FOLDER, 'org', file_name)).convert('RGB')
+#     w, h = image.size
+#     if w * h < IMAGE_RES:
+#         continue
+#     else:
+#         INTERSECTION.append(file_name)
+IMAGE_FILE_LIST = json.load(open("data/jsons/file_list.json", "r"))
+# IMAGE_FILE_LIST.append('Eastern_Bluebird.jpg')
+IMAGE_GALLERY = [Image.open(os.path.join(IMAGES_FOLDER, 'org', file_name)).convert('RGB') for file_name in IMAGE_FILE_LIST]
+ORG_PART_ORDER = ['back', 'beak', 'belly', 'breast', 'crown', 'forehead', 'eyes', 'legs', 'wings', 'nape', 'tail', 'throat']
+ORDERED_PARTS = ['crown', 'forehead', 'nape', 'eyes', 'beak', 'throat', 'breast', 'belly', 'back', 'wings', 'legs', 'tail']
+COLORS = get_pre_define_colors(12, cmap_set=['Set2', 'tab10'])
+# CUB_BOXES = json.load(open("data/jsons/cub_boxes_owlvit_large.json", "r"))
+VISIBILITY_DICT = json.load(open("data/jsons/cub_vis_dict_binary.json", 'r'))
+VISIBILITY_DICT['Eastern_Bluebird.jpg'] = dict(zip(ORDERED_PARTS, [True]*12))
+# --- Image related functions ---
+def img_to_base64(img):
+    img_pil = Image.fromarray(img) if isinstance(img, np.ndarray) else img
+    buffered = io.BytesIO()
+    img_pil.save(buffered, format="JPEG")
+    img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue())
+    return img_str.decode()
+def create_blank_image(width=500, height=500, color=(255, 255, 255)):
+    """Create a blank image of the given size and color."""
+    return np.array(Image.new("RGB", (width, height), color))
+# Convert RGB colors to hex
+def rgb_to_hex(rgb):
+    return f"#{''.join(f'{x:02x}' for x in rgb)}"
+def load_part_images(file_name: str) -> dict:
+    part_images = {}
+    # start_time = time.time()
+    for part_name in ORDERED_PARTS:
+        base_name = Path(file_name).stem
+        part_image_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_FOLDER, "boxes", f"{base_name}_{part_name}.jpg")
+        if not Path(part_image_path).exists():
+            continue
+        image = np.array(Image.open(part_image_path))
+        part_images[part_name] = img_to_base64(image)
+    # print(f"Time cost to load 12 images: {time.time() - start_time}")
+    # This takes less than 0.01 seconds. So the loading time is not the bottleneck.
+    return part_images
+def generate_xclip_explanations(result_dict:dict, visibility: dict, part_mask: dict = dict(zip(ORDERED_PARTS, [1]*12))):
+    """
+    The result_dict needs three keys: 'descriptions', 'pred_scores', 'file_name'
+    descriptions: {part_name1: desc_1, part_name2: desc_2, ...}
+    pred_scores: {part_name1: score_1, part_name2: score_2, ...}
+    file_name: str
+    """
+    descriptions = result_dict['descriptions']
+    image_name = result_dict['file_name']
+    part_images = PART_IMAGES_DICT[image_name]
+    MAX_LENGTH = 50
+    exp_length = 400
+    fontsize = 15
+    # Start the SVG inside a div
+    svg_parts = [f'<div style="width: {exp_length}px; height: 450px; background-color: white;">',
+                 "<svg width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">"]
+    # Add a row for each visible bird part
+    y_offset = 0
+    for part in ORDERED_PARTS:
+        if visibility[part] and part_mask[part]:
+            # Calculate the length of the bar (scaled to fit within the SVG)
+            part_score = max(result_dict['pred_scores'][part], 0)
+            bar_length = part_score * exp_length
+            # Modify the overlay image's opacity on mouseover and mouseout
+            mouseover_action1 = f"document.getElementById('overlayImage').src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,{part_images[part]}'; document.getElementById('overlayImage').style.opacity = 1;"
+            mouseout_action1 = "document.getElementById('overlayImage').style.opacity = 0;"
+            combined_mouseover = f"javascript: {mouseover_action1};"
+            combined_mouseout = f"javascript: {mouseout_action1};"
+            # Add the description
+            num_lines = len(descriptions[part]) // MAX_LENGTH + 1
+            for line in range(num_lines):
+                desc_line = descriptions[part][line*MAX_LENGTH:(line+1)*MAX_LENGTH]
+                y_offset += fontsize
+                svg_parts.append(f"""
+                <text x="0" y="{y_offset}" font-size="{fontsize}" 
+                    onmouseover="{combined_mouseover}"
+                    onmouseout="{combined_mouseout}">
+                    {desc_line}
+                </text>
+                """)
+            # Add the bars
+            svg_parts.append(f"""
+            <rect x="0" y="{y_offset +3}" width="{bar_length}" height="{fontsize*0.7}" fill="{PART_COLORS[part]}"
+                onmouseover="{combined_mouseover}"
+                onmouseout="{combined_mouseout}">
+            </rect>
+            """)
+            # Add the scores
+            svg_parts.append(f'<text x="{exp_length - 50}" y="{y_offset+fontsize+3}" font-size="{fontsize}" fill="{PART_COLORS[part]}">{part_score:.2f}</text>')
+            y_offset += fontsize + 3
+    svg_parts.extend(("</svg>", "</div>"))
+    # Join everything into a single string
+    html = "".join(svg_parts)
+    return html
+def generate_sachit_explanations(result_dict:dict):
+    descriptions = result_dict['descriptions']
+    scores = result_dict['scores']
+    MAX_LENGTH = 50
+    exp_length = 400
+    fontsize = 15
+    descriptions = zip(scores, descriptions)
+    descriptions = sorted(descriptions, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
+    # Start the SVG inside a div
+    svg_parts = [f'<div style="width: {exp_length}px; height: 450px; background-color: white;">',
+                 "<svg width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\">"]
+    # Add a row for each visible bird part
+    y_offset = 0
+    for score, desc in descriptions:
+        # Calculate the length of the bar (scaled to fit within the SVG)
+        part_score = max(score, 0)
+        bar_length = part_score * exp_length
+        # Split the description into two lines if it's too long
+        num_lines = len(desc) // MAX_LENGTH + 1
+        for line in range(num_lines):
+            desc_line = desc[line*MAX_LENGTH:(line+1)*MAX_LENGTH]
+            y_offset += fontsize
+            svg_parts.append(f"""
+            <text x="0" y="{y_offset}" font-size="{fontsize}" fill="black">
+                {desc_line}
+            </text>
+            """)
+        # Add the bar
+        svg_parts.append(f"""
+        <rect x="0" y="{y_offset+3}" width="{bar_length}" height="{fontsize*0.7}" fill="{SACHIT_COLOR}">
+        </rect>
+        """)
+        # Add the score
+        svg_parts.append(f'<text x="{exp_length - 50}" y="{y_offset+fontsize+3}" font-size="fontsize" fill="{SACHIT_COLOR}">{part_score:.2f}</text>') # Added fill color
+        y_offset += fontsize + 3
+    svg_parts.extend(("</svg>", "</div>"))
+    # Join everything into a single string
+    html = "".join(svg_parts)
+    return html
+# --- Constants created by the functions above ---
+BLANK_OVERLAY = img_to_base64(create_blank_image())
+PART_COLORS = {part: rgb_to_hex(COLORS[i]) for i, part in enumerate(ORDERED_PARTS)}
+blank_image = np.array(Image.open('data/images/final.png').convert('RGB'))
+PART_IMAGES_DICT = {file_name: load_part_images(file_name) for file_name in IMAGE_FILE_LIST}
+# --- Gradio Functions ---
+def update_selected_image(event: gr.SelectData):
+    image_height = 400
+    index = event.index
+    image_name = IMAGE_FILE_LIST[index]
+    current_image.state = image_name
+    org_image = Image.open(os.path.join(IMAGES_FOLDER, 'org', image_name)).convert('RGB')
+    img_base64 = f"""
+    <div style="position: relative; height: {image_height}px; display: inline-block;">
+        <img id="birdImage" src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{img_to_base64(org_image)}" style="height: {image_height}px; width: auto;">
+        <img id="overlayImage" src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{BLANK_OVERLAY}" style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:auto; height: {image_height}px; opacity: 0;">
+    </div>
+    """
+    gt_label = XCLIP_RESULTS[image_name]['ground_truth']
+    gt_class.state = gt_label
+    # --- for initial value only ---
+    out_dict = xclip_pred(new_desc=None, new_part_mask=None, new_class=None, org_desc=XCLIP_DESC_PATH, image=Image.open(os.path.join(IMAGES_FOLDER, 'org', current_image.state)).convert('RGB'), model=XCLIP, owlvit_processor=OWLVIT_PRECESSOR, device=DEVICE, image_name=current_image.state)
+    xclip_label = out_dict['pred_class']
+    clip_pred_scores = out_dict['pred_score']
+    xclip_part_scores = out_dict['pred_desc_scores']
+    result_dict = {'descriptions': dict(zip(ORG_PART_ORDER, out_dict["descriptions"])), 'pred_scores': xclip_part_scores, 'file_name': current_image.state}
+    xclip_exp = generate_xclip_explanations(result_dict, VISIBILITY_DICT[current_image.state], part_mask=dict(zip(ORDERED_PARTS, [1]*12)))
+    # --- end of intial value ---
+    xclip_color = "green" if xclip_label.strip() == gt_label.strip() else "red"
+    xclip_pred_markdown = f"""
+        ### <span style='color:{xclip_color}'>XCLIP: {xclip_label} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {clip_pred_scores:.4f}</span>
+    """
+    gt_label = f"""
+        ## {gt_label}
+    """
+    current_predicted_class.state = xclip_label
+    # Populate the textbox with current descriptions
+    custom_class_name = "class name: custom"
+    descs = XCLIP_DESC[xclip_label]
+    descs = {k: descs[i] for i, k in enumerate(ORG_PART_ORDER)}
+    descs = {k: descs[k] for k in ORDERED_PARTS}
+    custom_text = [custom_class_name] + list(descs.values())
+    descriptions = ";\n".join(custom_text)
+    textbox = gr.Textbox.update(value=descriptions, lines=12, visible=True, label="XCLIP descriptions", interactive=True, info='Please use ";" to separate the descriptions for each part, and keep the format of {part name}: {descriptions}', show_label=False)
+    # modified_exp = gr.HTML().update(value="", visible=True)
+    return gt_label, img_base64, xclip_pred_markdown, xclip_exp, current_image, textbox
+def on_edit_button_click_xclip():
+    empty_exp = gr.HTML.update(visible=False)
+    # Populate the textbox with current descriptions
+    descs = XCLIP_DESC[current_predicted_class.state]
+    descs = {k: descs[i] for i, k in enumerate(ORG_PART_ORDER)}
+    descs = {k: descs[k] for k in ORDERED_PARTS}
+    custom_text = ["class name: custom"] + list(descs.values())
+    descriptions = ";\n".join(custom_text)
+    textbox = gr.Textbox.update(value=descriptions, lines=12, visible=True, label="XCLIP descriptions", interactive=True, info='Please use ";" to separate the descriptions for each part, and keep the format of {part name}: {descriptions}', show_label=False)
+    return textbox, empty_exp
+def convert_input_text_to_xclip_format(textbox_input: str):
+    # Split the descriptions by newline to get individual descriptions for each part
+    descriptions_list = textbox_input.split(";\n")
+    # the first line should be "class name: xxx"
+    class_name_line = descriptions_list[0]
+    new_class_name = class_name_line.split(":")[1].strip()
+    descriptions_list = descriptions_list[1:]
+    # construct descripion dict with part name as key
+    descriptions_dict = {}
+    for desc in descriptions_list:
+        if desc.strip() == "":
+            continue
+        part_name, _ = desc.split(":")
+        descriptions_dict[part_name.strip()] = desc
+    # fill with empty string if the part is not in the descriptions
+    part_mask = {}
+    for part in ORDERED_PARTS:
+        if part not in descriptions_dict:
+            descriptions_dict[part] = ""
+            part_mask[part] = 0
+        else:
+            part_mask[part] = 1
+    return descriptions_dict, part_mask, new_class_name
+def on_predict_button_click_xclip(textbox_input: str):
+    descriptions_dict, part_mask, new_class_name = convert_input_text_to_xclip_format(textbox_input)
+    # Get the new predictions and explanations
+    out_dict = xclip_pred(new_desc=descriptions_dict, new_part_mask=part_mask, new_class=new_class_name, org_desc=XCLIP_DESC_PATH, image=Image.open(os.path.join(IMAGES_FOLDER, 'org', current_image.state)).convert('RGB'), model=XCLIP, owlvit_processor=OWLVIT_PRECESSOR, device=DEVICE, image_name=current_image.state)
+    xclip_label = out_dict['pred_class']
+    xclip_pred_score = out_dict['pred_score']
+    xclip_part_scores = out_dict['pred_desc_scores']
+    custom_label = out_dict['modified_class']
+    custom_pred_score = out_dict['modified_score']
+    custom_part_scores = out_dict['modified_desc_scores']
+    # construct a result dict to generate xclip explanations
+    result_dict = {'descriptions': dict(zip(ORG_PART_ORDER, out_dict["descriptions"])), 'pred_scores': xclip_part_scores, 'file_name': current_image.state}
+    xclip_explanation = generate_xclip_explanations(result_dict, VISIBILITY_DICT[current_image.state], part_mask)
+    modified_result_dict = {'descriptions': dict(zip(ORG_PART_ORDER, out_dict["modified_descriptions"])), 'pred_scores': custom_part_scores, 'file_name': current_image.state}
+    modified_explanation = generate_xclip_explanations(modified_result_dict, VISIBILITY_DICT[current_image.state], part_mask)
+    xclip_color = "green" if xclip_label.strip() == gt_class.state.strip() else "red"
+    xclip_pred_markdown = f"""
+        ### <span style='color:{xclip_color}'>XCLIP: {xclip_label} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {xclip_pred_score:.4f}</span>
+    """
+    custom_color = "green" if custom_label.strip() == gt_class.state.strip() else "red"
+    custom_pred_markdown = f"""
+        ### <span style='color:{custom_color}'>XCLIP: {custom_label} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {custom_pred_score:.4f}</span>
+    """
+    textbox = gr.Textbox.update(visible=False)
+    # return textbox, xclip_pred_markdown, xclip_explanation, custom_pred_markdown, modified_explanation
+    modified_exp = gr.HTML().update(value=modified_explanation, visible=True)
+    return textbox, xclip_pred_markdown, xclip_explanation, custom_pred_markdown, modified_exp
+custom_css = """
+        html, body {
+            margin: 0;
+            padding: 0;
+        }
+        #container {
+            position: relative;
+            width: 400px;
+            height: 400px;
+            border: 1px solid #000;
+            margin: 0 auto; /* This will center the container horizontally */
+        }
+        #canvas {
+            position: absolute;
+            top: 0;
+            left: 0;
+            width: 100%;
+            height: 100%;
+            object-fit: cover;
+        }
+# Define the Gradio interface
+with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft(), css=custom_css, title="PEEB") as demo:
+    current_image = gr.State("")
+    current_predicted_class = gr.State("")
+    gt_class = gr.State("")
+    with gr.Column():
+        title_text = gr.Markdown("# PEEB - demo")
+        gr.Markdown(
+            "- In this demo, you can edit the descriptions of a class and see how to model react to it."
+        )
+    # display the gallery of images
+    with gr.Column():
+        gr.Markdown("## Select an image to start!")
+        image_gallery = gr.Gallery(value=IMAGE_GALLERY, label=None, preview=False, allow_preview=False, columns=10, height=250)
+        gr.Markdown("### Custom descritions: \n The first row should be **class name: {some name};**, where you can name your descriptions. \n For the remianing descriptions, please use **;** to separate the descriptions for each part, and use the format **{part name}: {descriptions}**. \n Note that you can delete a part completely, in such cases, all descriptions will remove the corresponding part.")
+        with gr.Row():
+            with gr.Column():
+                image_label = gr.Markdown("### Class Name")
+                org_image = gr.HTML()
+            with gr.Column():
+                with gr.Row():
+                    # xclip_predict_button = gr.Button(label="Predict", value="Predict")
+                    xclip_predict_button = gr.Button(value="Predict")
+                xclip_pred_label = gr.Markdown("### XCLIP:")
+                xclip_explanation = gr.HTML()
+            with gr.Column():
+                # xclip_edit_button = gr.Button(label="Edit", value="Reset Descriptions")
+                xclip_edit_button = gr.Button(value="Reset Descriptions")
+                custom_pred_label = gr.Markdown(
+                    "### Custom Descritpions:"
+                )
+                xclip_textbox = gr.Textbox(lines=12, placeholder="Edit the descriptions here", visible=False)
+                # ai_explanation = gr.Image(type="numpy", visible=True, show_label=False, height=500)
+                custom_explanation = gr.HTML()
+    gr.HTML("<br>")
+    image_gallery.select(update_selected_image, inputs=None, outputs=[image_label, org_image, xclip_pred_label, xclip_explanation, current_image, xclip_textbox])
+    xclip_edit_button.click(on_edit_button_click_xclip, inputs=[], outputs=[xclip_textbox, custom_explanation])
+    xclip_predict_button.click(on_predict_button_click_xclip, inputs=[xclip_textbox], outputs=[xclip_textbox, xclip_pred_label, xclip_explanation, custom_pred_label, custom_explanation])
+demo.launch(server_port=5000, share=True)
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+    "Black-footed Albatross": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter accents",
+        "beak: large, grayish-white, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white feathers with dark brown edges",
+        "breast: white plumage fading to brown at sides",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with smooth contour",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by dark feathering",
+        "legs: large, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark brown with white edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting to crown and back",
+        "tail: narrow, pointed, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with dark edges, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "Laysan Albatross": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, greyish-yellow",
+        "belly: white, with soft feathers",
+        "breast: slightly broader and rounded, white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, white feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers that blend into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a thin grey ring",
+        "legs: thick, pale pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, black-tipped",
+        "nape: white, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: wide, white, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, with fine feathers"
+    ],
+    "Sooty Albatross": [
+        "back: dark grey, streamlined body",
+        "beak: long, slender, greyish-black",
+        "belly: lighter grey, smoothly curved",
+        "breast: pale grey, narrow contours",
+        "crown: dark grey, rounded head shape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey, gentle slope",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert expression",
+        "legs: short, webbed, grey-black",
+        "wings: long, narrow, grey-black with white edges",
+        "nape: soft, grey transition from head to body",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: smooth, light grey, narrow shape"
+    ],
+    "Groove-billed Ani": [
+        "back: blackish-grey, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, ridged groove pattern",
+        "belly: dark grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: charcoal grey, feathery texture",
+        "crown: sleek blackish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey-black transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, black pupils in white-grey eye rings",
+        "legs: slender, long, grey-black",
+        "wings: dark grey, raptor-like appearance",
+        "nape: black, feathers gently curve towards back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: dark grey, fine feathered texture"
+    ],
+    "Crested Auklet": [
+        "back: dark gray with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, orange and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with white speckles",
+        "crown: black with prominent crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray and slightly tufted",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like with white eyering",
+        "legs: orange and webbed",
+        "wings: dark gray with white tips on secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-blue with short, sharp feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "Least Auklet": [
+        "back: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stubby, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round, black",
+        "legs: short and orangish-red",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short and blackish-brown",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Parakeet Auklet": [
+        "back: colorful feathers with a gradient of oranges and reds",
+        "beak: red and short, curved inwards",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: mixture of grey and white feathers",
+        "crown: orange-feathered crest on the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and prominent",
+        "legs: strong, red-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: medium-sized with spotted black and white feathers",
+        "nape: grey and white plumage",
+        "tail: short, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with a greyish hue"
+    ],
+    "Rhinoceros Auklet": [
+        "back: dark, sturdy, streamlined",
+        "beak: large, horn-like, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light gray, feathered",
+        "breast: dark gray, thick plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, black-tinged feathers",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting streak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark, strong, pointed tips",
+        "nape: darker shading, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, black feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "Brewer Blackbird": [
+        "back: shiny black feathers with iridescent hues",
+        "beak: short, pointed, light grey to black",
+        "belly: sleek black plumage plus a hint of iridescent green",
+        "breast: reflective black feathers with a purple sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent black with a hint of purple sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny black feathers with subtle purple-blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: glossy black with blue-green sheen",
+        "nape: iridescent black feathers with purple and green tinges",
+        "tail: reflective black with a fan shape and greenish sheen",
+        "throat: black feathers with a faint green iridescence"
+    ],
+    "Red-winged Blackbird": [
+        "back: jet black feathers covering",
+        "beak: sharply pointed, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: sleek black underside",
+        "breast: black feathers meeting at the center",
+        "crown: subtle peak with black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, black space between eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs on the side of the head",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray to black appendages",
+        "wings: long black feathers with red and yellow patches on the shoulders",
+        "nape: black plumage connecting head and back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped black feathers creating a sleek profile",
+        "throat: black feathers curve gracefully under the head"
+    ],
+    "Rusty Blackbird": [
+        "back: dark rust-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black and pointed",
+        "belly: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rusty brown with dusky streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of rust",
+        "forehead: dark rust-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black and shiny",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with rusty edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: black with rust-tinged feathers, medium length",
+        "throat: lighter rusty-brown, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-headed Blackbird": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp-pointed, black",
+        "belly: black feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow patch",
+        "crown: bright yellow on head",
+        "forehead: striking yellow color",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and dark grey",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: glossy black plumage",
+        "tail: black with white accents",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "Bobolink": [
+        "back: black upper-side with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: light brownish-white",
+        "breast: black with white patches",
+        "crown: black with white median stripe",
+        "forehead: black with white central patch",
+        "eyes: small with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark grey",
+        "wings: black with white edges and prominent stripes",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and stubby with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with white patches"
+    ],
+    "Indigo Bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant indigo-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: lighter indigo blue shading to white",
+        "breast: bright indigo-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bold, indigo-blue crest",
+        "forehead: deep indigo-blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: striking indigo-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: rich indigo-blue",
+        "tail: tapered, black with blue edges",
+        "throat: vivid indigo-blue with lighter shades"
+    ],
+    "Lazuli Bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: white with streaks of blue and rust",
+        "breast: rich rusty-orange color",
+        "crown: bright blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with clawed feet",
+        "wings: striking blue with black and white accents",
+        "nape: blue transitioning to rusty-orange",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with a notched tip",
+        "throat: deep blue contrasting with rich breast color"
+    ],
+    "Painted Bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant green coloring",
+        "beak: conical and silver-gray",
+        "belly: rich red hue",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: purplish-blue tint",
+        "forehead: deep blue coloring",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light gray and slender",
+        "wings: green with dark edges",
+        "nape: green-blue transition",
+        "tail: green feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: bright red plumage"
+    ],
+    "Cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, orange",
+        "belly: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: bright red chest feathers",
+        "crown: striking red crest",
+        "forehead: vivid red coloration",
+        "eyes: small, black, watchful",
+        "legs: slender, grey, clawed",
+        "wings: red, with black outlines",
+        "nape: reddish back of the head",
+        "tail: long, red, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: rich red plumage"
+    ],
+    "Spotted Catbird": [
+        "back: greenish with dappled spots",
+        "beak: dark grey and hooked",
+        "belly: cream-colored with dark spots",
+        "breast: cream with irregular spots",
+        "crown: greenish and densely feathered",
+        "forehead: bright green strip",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: green with dapple pattern",
+        "nape: greenish with subtle spots",
+        "tail: long and green with brown bands",
+        "throat: cream with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "Gray Catbird": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft gray underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth gray plumage",
+        "forehead: flat, grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a small white ring",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with a hint of rust color",
+        "nape: pale gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-breasted Chat": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: sunny yellow",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow blend",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green tint",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive color",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with white markings",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "Eastern Towhee": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark color",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish marks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown merging into the white belly",
+        "crown: black or dark brown, depending on the gender",
+        "forehead: same color as the crown",
+        "eyes: bold red or reddish-brown color",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown or reddish-brown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or grayish, contrasting with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "Chuck-will Widow": [
+        "back: brownish-green with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: buffy brown with white spots",
+        "breast: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and brown",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: black with a white stripe",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Brandt Cormorant": [
+        "back: dark grey feathered coat",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: lighter grey shading",
+        "breast: dark grey with some white feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey to black",
+        "eyes: piercing blue-green",
+        "legs: black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey with wide span",
+        "nape: black with distinctive white patches",
+        "tail: dark grey, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vibrant blue-purple pouch"
+    ],
+    "Red-faced Cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek dark plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: dark-feathered underside",
+        "breast: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "crown: crimson-colored crest",
+        "forehead: glowing red forehead",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy orange-red legs",
+        "wings: large, extended dark wingspan",
+        "nape: rich deep-colored feathers",
+        "tail: long and dark tapering tail feathers",
+        "throat: dark and smooth feathered"
+    ],
+    "Pelagic Cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: dark feathers blending with breast",
+        "breast: black with greenish sheen",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, dark feathered",
+        "eyes: brilliant turquoise color",
+        "legs: strong, dark, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, narrow, black feathers",
+        "nape: slender neck with dark feathers",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: black, with a small patch of feathers on the chin"
+    ],
+    "Bronzed Cowbird": [
+        "back: glossy, dark bronze-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and conical",
+        "belly: iridescent dark black-bronze coloration",
+        "breast: shiny, dark bronze-black feathers",
+        "crown: dark black-bronze feathers, often forming a small crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black-bronze feathers transitioning to the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing, red eyes",
+        "legs: strong and black with dark gray feet",
+        "wings: dark bronze-green feathers with rounded tips",
+        "nape: glossy black-bronze feathers continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and black-bronze in color",
+        "throat: shimmering dark bronze-black feathers descending towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "Shiny Cowbird": [
+        "back: iridescent dark blue or black",
+        "beak: short and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: slightly lighter blue hue",
+        "breast: deep blue-black with a sheen",
+        "crown: black with a shining blue tone",
+        "forehead: glossy blue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by shimmering feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray or black",
+        "wings: dark blue, shiny, and long",
+        "nape: gleaming black-blue",
+        "tail: iridescent dark blue or black feathers",
+        "throat: glossy black-blue color"
+    ],
+    "Brown Creeper": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with a white pattern",
+        "beak: thin, decurved, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and light brown",
+        "breast: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with lighter markings",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-white",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, light brown",
+        "wings: brown with intricate white barring",
+        "nape: streaked brown and white",
+        "tail: long, stiff, with brown and white banded feathers",
+        "throat: pale brown with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "American Crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth dark plumage",
+        "breast: black, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: dark feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, smooth, and flat",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: long, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: large, black, with splayed feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: broad, black, and fan-like",
+        "throat: black, slender, and smooth"
+    ],
+    "Fish Crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong black beak",
+        "belly: black smooth feathers",
+        "breast: dark glossy plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers",
+        "forehead: nearly flat feathered area",
+        "eyes: dark brown, watchful gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs",
+        "wings: elongated, black flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transition to neck",
+        "tail: moderately long, black tail feathers",
+        "throat: dark feathered, tapered area"
+    ],
+    "Black-billed Cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved upper part",
+        "belly: white with gray-brown sides",
+        "breast: smooth grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: muted dark gray-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with white spots on feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and edged with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "Mangrove Cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark upper and lighter lower part",
+        "belly: pale, washed-out yellow",
+        "breast: yellow-orange fading into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown, in line with the back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler shade of olive-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, ringed with pale white",
+        "legs: long, sturdy; pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, distinctiv\u0435 white spots on tail feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the rest of the body",
+        "tail: long with white tips on outer feathers, distinct white bands",
+        "throat: yellowish, continues to the breast"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-billed Cuckoo": [
+        "back: brownish-gray and sleek",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, yellow bill",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: whitish, with faint gray-brown markings",
+        "crown: smooth, gray-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: flat and gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a yellow eyering",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray",
+        "wings: pointed, with white spots on blackish primary feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown, with a transition to the back",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with white-tipped blackish feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Gray-crowned-Rosy Finch": [
+        "back: pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: rosy pink hue",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with silver streaks",
+        "forehead: pale silver-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish hue",
+        "wings: gray with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending into dark crown",
+        "tail: medium length, dark gray with pink tinge",
+        "throat: light, rosy pink with gray edges"
+    ],
+    "Purple Finch": [
+        "back: reddish-purple plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, and stout",
+        "belly: soft white with streaks",
+        "breast: rosy-pink to reddish-purple",
+        "crown: purple-red with a peaked shape",
+        "forehead: similar reddish-purple hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: purple-red plumage continued from the crown",
+        "tail: short and notched, with a reddish-brown color",
+        "throat: rosy-pink shade, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "Northern Flicker": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black barring",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy or buff-colored with black spots",
+        "breast: pale gray, featuring a spotted pattern",
+        "crown: gray with red markings on the nape (red-shafted) or beige (yellow-shafted",
+        "forehead: tan or light brown, may include black whisker marks",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a light gray-white ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, adapted for clinging to trees",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white or yellow shafts, displaying white spots and a white raptor-like patch in flight",
+        "nape: red patch on red-shafted, beige on yellow-shafted variety",
+        "tail: brownish-black, featuring white, yellow or salmon undertail coverts",
+        "throat: beige or light gray, adorned with a black crescent shape"
+    ],
+    "Acadian Flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, dark-grey appendages",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: dark, forked, and short",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "Great-Crested Flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with soft feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: yellow with matte texture",
+        "breast: gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a raised crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyelids",
+        "legs: sturdy and slate gray",
+        "wings: black with white edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray texture with gentle gradation",
+        "tail: long and broad with reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "Least Flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: light gray with slight olive tinge",
+        "crown: grayish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-green and flat",
+        "eyes: round, black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-gray, thin but sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "Olive-sided Flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark grayish olive, streaked pattern",
+        "beak: short, black, and strong",
+        "belly: light cream, buff-colored",
+        "breast: streaked, grayish olive, and white",
+        "crown: dark grayish olive, flattish",
+        "forehead: grayish olive, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, black, and twig-perching",
+        "wings: dark grayish olive, long, and pointed",
+        "nape: grayish olive, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark grayish olive, forked, and stiff",
+        "throat: white, streaked grayish olive"
+    ],
+    "Scissor-tailed Flycatcher": [
+        "back: light gray, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: black, thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray, delicate feathers",
+        "crown: light gray, smooth contour",
+        "forehead: light gray, unmarked",
+        "eyes: black, small and round",
+        "legs: black, slender and strong",
+        "wings: black, long with white edges",
+        "nape: light gray, sleek transition",
+        "tail: black, exceptionally long forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, unblemished coloration"
+    ],
+    "Vermilion Flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointy black beak",
+        "belly: bright vermilion hue",
+        "breast: fiery red-orange coloring",
+        "crown: intense red-orange plumage",
+        "forehead: bright vermilion feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp black beads",
+        "legs: thin dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: black with red-orange highlights",
+        "nape: striking vermilion feathers",
+        "tail: long black with red-orange edges",
+        "throat: vivid red-orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-bellied Flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green or yellowish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black with a slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: pale yellow or whitish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: greyish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: greyish-green to olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with thin white eye-rings",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey or black",
+        "wings: greyish-green with black feather tips and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green or greyish-green coloration",
+        "tail: greyish-green feathers with black tips and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Frigatebird": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-colored, aerodynamic",
+        "beak: long, hooked, pointed",
+        "belly: light, white, feathery",
+        "breast: puffed, red, large (in male during mating season",
+        "crown: smooth, dark-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, flat, dark-colored",
+        "eyes: large, round, black",
+        "legs: short, strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide, angular, impressive span",
+        "nape: slim, dark, connects head to body",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, feathered, distinct (in female"
+    ],
+    "Northern Fulmar": [
+        "back: light grey or dark brown feathered",
+        "beak: thick, hooked, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: white with some brownish speckles",
+        "breast: white with possibly light brown streaks",
+        "crown: light grey to dark brown feathered",
+        "forehead: lighter grey to brown shaded",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, encircled with white",
+        "legs: short, pale bluish-grey",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grayish-brown",
+        "nape: light gray or brownish feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, pale grey or brown",
+        "throat: white with some possible light streaks"
+    ],
+    "Gadwall": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with subtle patterning",
+        "beak: slate-gray with black edges and hooks",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: speckled gray and black feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with slightly raised feathering",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a gentle expression",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue, gray, and white striped wing coverts, black primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with the back feathers",
+        "tail: long black feathers with white tips and black underside",
+        "throat: light gray with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "American Goldfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pink-orange",
+        "belly: pale white to light yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow in males, duller yellow in females",
+        "crown: black on males, dull green in females",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow in males, pale green in females",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange and slender",
+        "wings: black with vivid white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow in males, light green-yellow in females"
+    ],
+    "European Goldfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, bright orange",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-orange hue",
+        "crown: bold black and yellow stripes",
+        "forehead: vibrant red patch",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: black with golden-yellow bar",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown feathers",
+        "tail: black with white spots",
+        "throat: creamy white, blends with belly"
+    ],
+    "Boat-tailed Grackle": [
+        "back: iridescent black-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, and dark",
+        "belly: shiny black feathers",
+        "breast: sleek black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth glossy black",
+        "forehead: gleaming black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong and dark gray",
+        "wings: shimmering black with blue-green highlights",
+        "nape: glossy black plumage",
+        "tail: long, boat-shaped, and black",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers"
+    ],
+    "Eared Grebe": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: reddish-brown to chestnut color",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: steep black slope meeting beak",
+        "eyes: small, bright red",
+        "legs: set far back, lobed toes for swimming",
+        "wings: short, grayish-brown with limited flight capability",
+        "nape: black with a slight crest",
+        "tail: short, light gray to white, often held erect",
+        "throat: black, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "Horned Grebe": [
+        "back: dark with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white or grey",
+        "breast: light grey with white spots",
+        "crown: black with reddish tufts",
+        "forehead: black or dark grey",
+        "eyes: bright red",
+        "legs: short, dark, and webbed",
+        "wings: relatively small, dark with white edging",
+        "nape: black or dark grey",
+        "tail: short and pointy",
+        "throat: white or light grey"
+    ],
+    "Pied-billed Grebe": [
+        "back: brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and striped",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: slightly sloped with dark feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red, beady",
+        "legs: short, greenish-gray, set far back",
+        "wings: small, brownish-gray",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: short and stubby, no apparent feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "Western Grebe": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointy, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, feathered underside",
+        "breast: white and grey, blended feathers",
+        "crown: black, smoothly rounded contour",
+        "forehead: sharp transition to black feathers",
+        "eyes: striking red, slightly oval-shaped",
+        "legs: powerful, set far back, webbed feet",
+        "wings: greyish, long, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: black, narrow, elongates the neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, continuous with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "Blue Grosbeak": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: silver-colored, conical shape",
+        "belly: lighter blue plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with smooth contour",
+        "forehead: bright blue and flat",
+        "eyes: black, small and circular",
+        "legs: dark grey, sturdy",
+        "wings: blue and black striped pattern",
+        "nape: rich blue and rounded",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue and smooth"
+    ],
+    "Evening Grosbeak": [
+        "back: yellow-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: large, conical, and pale ivory",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: black and rounded",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, with bold white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark with white patches, yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellow with subtle black streaks",
+        "tail: forked, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow, blending into pale breast"
+    ],
+    "Pine Grosbeak": [
+        "back: light reddish-brown with soft, dense feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and light pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-gray with a hint of rose",
+        "breast: rosy-pink in males, yellowish-gray in females",
+        "crown: round, with a blend of reddish-brown and gray feathers",
+        "forehead: matching the crown, smooth feathers transitioning into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, short, and grayish-blue with scaled texture",
+        "wings: darker reddish-brown, long and broad, ending in a curved tip",
+        "nape: similar to back, reddish-brown feathers smoothly transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, straight-edged, and darker reddish-brown",
+        "throat: pale, blending from the breast color, transitioning into the belly"
+    ],
+    "Rose-breasted Grosbeak": [
+        "back: black feathers with white patches",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: white with faint streaking",
+        "breast: rose-red splashes on male, pale on female",
+        "crown: black on males, brown or gray on females",
+        "forehead: black on males, brown or gray on females",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or grayish",
+        "wings: black and white with large white patches",
+        "nape: black on males, brown or gray on females",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black on males, white or gray on females"
+    ],
+    "Pigeon Guillemot": [
+        "back: blackish-grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: bright red-orange with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with occasional feathers",
+        "breast: white merging into grey-black near wings",
+        "crown: glossy black with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth black curve from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: red-orange, set back on body for swimming",
+        "wings: black with large white patches near tips",
+        "nape: black, connecting seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: black, short with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black beak and neck"
+    ],
+    "California Gull": [
+        "back: smooth gray feathers",
+        "beak: medium-length, slightly hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white plumage with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: round, slate-gray head",
+        "forehead: flat, light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and round",
+        "legs: thin, webbed, dusky-pink",
+        "wings: gray with black-tipped primaries and white edges",
+        "nape: light gray feather transition between head and back",
+        "tail: white, fan-shaped, with black border",
+        "throat: white, soft feathered area connecting head to belly"
+    ],
+    "Glaucous-winged Gull": [
+        "back: light gray feathers cover the back",
+        "beak: strong, yellowish with a red spot",
+        "belly: clean white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white, slightly round and plump",
+        "crown: sleek, light gray plumage atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers at front of head",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, rimmed in red skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish with webbed feet",
+        "wings: pale gray with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: feathered transition connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: short, white feathers tipped in gray-black",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers under the beak"
+    ],
+    "Heermann Gull": [
+        "back: pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: dark red to orange, sturdy and sharp",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with gray shading",
+        "crown: smooth white with light gray area",
+        "forehead: white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-red and medium-length",
+        "wings: pale gray with black tips and a white trailing edge",
+        "nape: white turning to pale gray",
+        "tail: white with black terminal band",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Herring Gull": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: pale white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: white head with speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth white curve",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange in color",
+        "wings: gray with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: white with speckled gray",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "Ivory Gull": [
+        "back: clean white plumage",
+        "beak: short, pale yellow with black tip",
+        "belly: pristine white feathers",
+        "breast: white, rounded profile",
+        "crown: brilliant white head",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady with a white outline",
+        "legs: black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with a pale grey edge",
+        "nape: curved white neck",
+        "tail: short, white, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, slender appearance"
+    ],
+    "Ring-billed Gull": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with a black ring",
+        "belly: white underneath",
+        "breast: white chest plumage",
+        "crown: white with a faint grey band",
+        "forehead: white with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: yellow-orange and thin",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white edges",
+        "nape: white with a faint grey marking",
+        "tail: white with a black band",
+        "throat: white with smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "Slaty-backed Gull": [
+        "back: pale bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellow with a red dot",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: pale gray with mottled streaks",
+        "forehead: flat and pale gray",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-yellow",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black wingtips and white spots",
+        "nape: pale gray and slightly curved",
+        "tail: white with black banding",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "Western Gull": [
+        "back: grayish-white plumage",
+        "beak: strong, yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: pale gray feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, perceptive gaze",
+        "legs: pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray with white and black tips",
+        "nape: paler gray transition",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "Anna Hummingbird": [
+        "back: green iridescent feathering",
+        "beak: long, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light-gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: green and gray feathers with possible red spotting",
+        "crown: iridescent emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green with a red gorget",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: slender, fast-flapping, greenish tint",
+        "nape: green iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering red or purple gorget"
+    ],
+    "Ruby-throated Hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray and white feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant red throat patch (male) or smudged gray patch (female",
+        "crown: glistening green plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: delicate and extremely short",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed, capable of rapid movement",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: forked with white-tipped outer feathers (male) or rounded and banded (female",
+        "throat: brilliant red gorget (male) or white to light gray (female"
+    ],
+    "Rufous Hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant bronze-green",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: soft white or light gray",
+        "breast: rich orange or reddish-brown",
+        "crown: glossy green",
+        "forehead: iridescent green or sometimes reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short with tiny feet",
+        "wings: narrow and pointed, rapidly moving",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: squared or slightly forked tail feathers, often with orange-brown tips",
+        "throat: bright orange-red, iridescent gorget"
+    ],
+    "Green Violetear": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and curved",
+        "belly: lighter green with soft hue",
+        "breast: iridescent green plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green",
+        "forehead: shiny green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: swift green with violet streaks",
+        "nape: glistening green",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: glimmering violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "Long-tailed Jaeger": [
+        "back: sleek feathers in shades of grey or brown",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light grey or white feathers",
+        "breast: light grey or white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark-colored feathers, sometimes with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey or brown feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long and thin, covered in scales",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with dark tips",
+        "nape: dark-colored feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, forming a forked appearance",
+        "throat: light-colored feathers with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "Pomarine Jaeger": [
+        "back: tawny-brown to dark-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout, pointy, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale gray to white feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown or grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: tawny-brown or dark-brown feathers, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long and slender, blue-gray or grayish-black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark-brown or grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: central tail feathers elongated in adults, typically white with black tips",
+        "throat: pale-gray or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Blue Jay": [
+        "back: striking blue feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black bill",
+        "belly: white/gray underbelly",
+        "breast: blended blue and white plumage",
+        "crown: bold blue crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue hues",
+        "eyes: curious black orbs",
+        "legs: strong gray limbs",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black bands",
+        "nape: transitional blue and white feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue, fan-like appendage",
+        "throat: white/gray frontal feathering"
+    ],
+    "Florida Jay": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: light gray-blue",
+        "crown: blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: long, black, slender",
+        "wings: blue with white stripes",
+        "nape: blue-gray",
+        "tail: long, rounded, blue-gray",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "Green Jay": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale green underbelly",
+        "breast: light green plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue to purplish crest",
+        "forehead: striking blue-black pattern",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: rich green with blue accents",
+        "nape: blue-green transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: subtle light green patch"
+    ],
+    "Dark-eyed Junco": [
+        "back: dark gray to brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, cone-shaped pinkish beak",
+        "belly: light gray or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with a slight pink hue",
+        "crown: dark gray or blackish cap-like feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black or dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, thin pinkish legs",
+        "wings: slate gray with white outer edges",
+        "nape: dark gray, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-gray feathers with white outer corners",
+        "throat: light gray to off-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "Tropical Kingbird": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with hidden orange-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: light gray to olive-green transition",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: black, slender, and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges and white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light gray, leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "Gray Kingbird": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "beak: long, straight, dark grey or black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray fading into the white belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than the crown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: black, slender, scaled appearance",
+        "wings: gray with darker feathers on the tips, prominent white patch at base",
+        "nape: light gray, continuous with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers and a forked shape",
+        "throat: light gray with white undertones"
+    ],
+    "Belted Kingfisher": [
+        "back: slate blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, dagger-like",
+        "belly: white with blue-gray bands",
+        "breast: white with blue-gray band",
+        "crown: large blue-gray crest",
+        "forehead: white patch with blue-gray accents",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with black-gray coloring",
+        "wings: slate blue with dark spots and white accents",
+        "nape: blue-gray with white borders",
+        "tail: slate blue with white bars and dark tips",
+        "throat: white, extending to the underside"
+    ],
+    "Green Kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant green with bluish tinge",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white or buff colored",
+        "breast: greenish-blue with white patches",
+        "crown: dark green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: round, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish-green",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with dark spots",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with white collar",
+        "tail: blue-green with black bands",
+        "throat: white with green feathers"
+    ],
+    "Pied Kingfisher": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with some black markings",
+        "breast: predominantly white with black speckles",
+        "crown: bold black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white with small black spots",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyebrow-like stripe",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bands",
+        "nape: black and white stripes",
+        "tail: black and white banded feathers",
+        "throat: white with a marked black necklace"
+    ],
+    "Ringed Kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp grey-black bill",
+        "belly: whitish grey with streaks of brown",
+        "breast: white or pale gray shading",
+        "crown: striking blue with a shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue merging into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and sharp",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and grey",
+        "wings: bright blue with black bands",
+        "nape: blue with chance of rufous band",
+        "tail: broad, blue feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: white with unique ring pattern"
+    ],
+    "White-breasted Kingfisher": [
+        "back: striking blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, robust, and black",
+        "belly: delicate white plumage",
+        "breast: bright white feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant blue crest",
+        "forehead: intense blue plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark, and watchful",
+        "legs: sturdy, scarlet-red",
+        "wings: bold blue with white patches",
+        "nape: rich blue feathering",
+        "tail: streamlined blue with white tips",
+        "throat: crisp white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Red-legged Kittiwake": [
+        "back: sleek, white-grey feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow-tipped hook",
+        "belly: smooth, white plumage",
+        "breast: white, well-rounded",
+        "crown: grey, subtly streaked",
+        "forehead: flat, extended white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: vibrant red, slender",
+        "wings: long, black-tipped with white-grey feathers",
+        "nape: white, short plumage",
+        "tail: white, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "Horned Lark": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with light brown sides",
+        "breast: pale with black patch",
+        "crown: dark brown with pointed feathers",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white strip above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: thin, dark-colored, strong",
+        "wings: brown with black tips and white stripes",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black crescent"
+    ],
+    "Pacific Loon": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray with subtle white speckling",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and black",
+        "belly: smooth, snowy white",
+        "breast: white, transitioning into the gray of the back",
+        "crown: black or dark gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: dark gray, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing red, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: black, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: dark gray, long and narrow for powerful flight",
+        "nape: black or dark gray, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: short, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: clean, bright white, contrasting with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "Mallard": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: yellowish-green bill",
+        "belly: white to light gray feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark green, iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: orange to reddish-orange webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue speculum bordered by white stripes",
+        "nape: sleek black feathers",
+        "tail: black, curled upward central feathers",
+        "throat: white to light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "Western Meadowlark": [
+        "back: yellowish-brown with black stripes",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and light gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with a central black v-shape",
+        "crown: streaked brown and tan",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-yellow with black stripes",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Hooded Merganser": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: thin, serrated, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pure white with slight shading",
+        "breast: white with black chestnut sides",
+        "crown: large, fan-shaped crest, black and white",
+        "forehead: sleek, narrow, black",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing",
+        "legs: orange, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: white with black and brown feathers, iridescent patches",
+        "nape: black, smoothly curved",
+        "tail: short, dark rufous-colored feathers",
+        "throat: white, sharply defined"
+    ],
+    "Red-breasted Merganser": [
+        "back: dark-feathered and streamlined",
+        "beak: slender, serrated edges",
+        "belly: white, with dark spots",
+        "breast: rusty red, speckled",
+        "crown: greenish-black, sleek",
+        "forehead: merges seamlessly with crown",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown",
+        "legs: orange, powerful",
+        "wings: grayish-blue, white patch",
+        "nape: elongated, black feathers",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "Mockingbird": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light, white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray chest feathers",
+        "crown: gray feathered head",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, piercing",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: broad, gray, powerful",
+        "nape: gray feathers, thick plumage",
+        "tail: long, gray, fan-like",
+        "throat: white-gray, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "Nighthawk": [
+        "back: dark brown with cryptic patterns",
+        "beak: short, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: dull grey-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: mottled deep brown with hints of grey",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with white markings",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, pointed with cryptic patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale feather edges",
+        "tail: long and dark with white markings near the tip",
+        "throat: light grey-brown with mottled patterns"
+    ],
+    "Clark Nutcracker": [
+        "back: striated black, white and gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointy, black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: white-gray with some black markings",
+        "crown: black feathers transitioning to light gray",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: black, white and gray patterned feathers; strong for long flights",
+        "nape: light gray feathers blending into darker grey-back",
+        "tail: black feathers with white edges; long and sturdy",
+        "throat: white feathers with black markings"
+    ],
+    "White-breasted Nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white, unmarked feathers",
+        "breast: white with a slight rusty tinge",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey cap",
+        "forehead: light blue-grey hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-grey with white patches",
+        "nape: dark blue-grey stripe",
+        "tail: blue-grey with black bars and white edges",
+        "throat: white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "Baltimore Oriole": [
+        "back: black and orange feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, slender silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow",
+        "crown: black with orange stripe",
+        "forehead: black with orange accents",
+        "eyes: black, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: black with white and orange markings",
+        "nape: black with orange stripe",
+        "tail: black with orange-yellow edging",
+        "throat: bright orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "Hooded Oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-orange color",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "crown: deep orange with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-orange",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: intense orange-yellow",
+        "tail: long, black, with white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow with a hint of orange"
+    ],
+    "Orchard Oriole": [
+        "back: bright greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharply pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white underside",
+        "breast: yellow-orange with grayish-black streaks",
+        "crown: black with greenish-yellow tinges",
+        "forehead: black extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with black outline",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: dark gray or black with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow blending into black",
+        "tail: dark gray or black, forked",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with black border"
+    ],
+    "Scott Oriole": [
+        "back: dark yellow-orange with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange",
+        "crown: black with some yellow patches",
+        "forehead: black extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, contrasting the surrounding yellow feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and strong",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: bright yellow-orange",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: bold yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "Ovenbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, light color",
+        "belly: light yellowish hue with black streaks",
+        "breast: white or pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: orange stripe bordered by black",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, expressive",
+        "legs: strong, gray or pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green, elongating the back",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-green with white spots",
+        "throat: pale white or yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "Brown Pelican": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: white to light brown",
+        "breast: mostly white plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown to black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, white",
+        "eyes: small, pale yellow",
+        "legs: short, webbed, gray",
+        "wings: long, brown, arching",
+        "nape: dark brown with neck pouch",
+        "tail: short, square, brown",
+        "throat: large, expandable gular pouch"
+    ],
+    "White Pelican": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathered upper body",
+        "beak: long, hooked tip, orange-yellow color",
+        "belly: rounded, white plumage",
+        "breast: full, white-feathered chest",
+        "crown: slightly elevated, white feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, blends into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, thick, with webbed feet, grayish color",
+        "wings: wide, white feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: curved, white neck connecting head to body",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, expands to hold fish when feeding"
+    ],
+    "Western-Wood Pewee": [
+        "back: olive-gray and plain",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale grayish",
+        "crown: olive-gray",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: dusky gray with indistinct wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray",
+        "tail: grayish with slight fork",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "Sayornis": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: lighter grey plumage",
+        "breast: soft, greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey or black head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grey feathered area above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, long, and dark grey or black",
+        "wings: elongated, tapered, with brownish-grey feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-black feathered area at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: thin, elongated with darker grey feathers tipped in white",
+        "throat: lighter grey or white, slightly fluffy plumage"
+    ],
+    "American Pipit": [
+        "back: streaked pale brown and gray",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale buff or white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with buff or white",
+        "crown: brown with a gray central stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish or buff with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: dark, long, slender, with elongated toes",
+        "wings: dusky brown with buff edging on feathers",
+        "nape: grayish or brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, pale, and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Whip-poor Will": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, wide, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white with sparse gray markings",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: mottled gray-brown with a central crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and well-camouflaged",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and gray-brown with fine patterns",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks and mottling",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with narrow gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Horned Puffin": [
+        "back: blackish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: large, bright orange with a darker tip",
+        "belly: white feathered region",
+        "breast: white plumage, occasionally with black streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: black feathers with horn-like extensions above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a white ring around the iris",
+        "legs: short, orange, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: dark, pointed, adapted for both flying and swimming",
+        "nape: black feathers merging with the crown",
+        "tail: short, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "Common Raven": [
+        "back: iridescent black feathers",
+        "beak: large and curved, dark in color",
+        "belly: sleek black feathers",
+        "breast: smooth black plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers near the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: dark, strong and featherless",
+        "wings: broad and black with finger-like feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers on the back part of the neck",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped black feathers",
+        "throat: jet black feathers tapering towards beak"
+    ],
+    "White-necked Raven": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: smooth black feathers",
+        "breast: black plumage, subtly glossy",
+        "crown: black, feathery crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: black, powerful, and scaly",
+        "wings: expansive black feathers, large span",
+        "nape: white neck feathers, distinct",
+        "tail: long black feathers, fanned shape",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning to white"
+    ],
+    "American Redstart": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: black and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange",
+        "breast: black upper, yellow-orange lower",
+        "crown: black with orange patch",
+        "forehead: black and sleek",
+        "eyes: black, small and round",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: black with orange patches",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with orange edges",
+        "throat: black with yellow-orange edges"
+    ],
+    "Geococcyx": [
+        "back: elongated, earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, strong black beak",
+        "belly: sandy white, light feathering",
+        "breast: pale brown, soft feathers",
+        "crown: sleek dark blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, brown to blue-black transition",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: long, strong, light brown with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: lengthy, brown, barred with white",
+        "nape: light brown, narrow feathers",
+        "tail: long, banded with brown and white",
+        "throat: sandy white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "Loggerhead Shrike": [
+        "back: grayish-black upperparts",
+        "beak: stout, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white underside",
+        "breast: lightly streaked, grayish-white chest",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised head",
+        "forehead: light gray or white, merging with eye stripe",
+        "eyes: prominent black stripe, white eyebrows",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: smooth gray and white transition",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Great-Grey Shrike": [
+        "back: slate-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: pale-grey underparts",
+        "breast: cream-colored with slight streaking",
+        "crown: monochromatic-gray head",
+        "forehead: blending seamlessly into crown",
+        "eyes: conspicuous black bandit mask",
+        "legs: black, slender legs",
+        "wings: long, black-tipped grey wings",
+        "nape: uniformly grey continued from crown",
+        "tail: long, black, white-bordered tail feathers",
+        "throat: clean, whitish-grey throat area"
+    ],
+    "Baird Sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: small and conical, dark in color",
+        "belly: pale gray or buff",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray or buff",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: short and notched, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray or buff"
+    ],
+    "Black-throated Sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "beak: dark, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray-white",
+        "crown: black and white striped",
+        "forehead: black small patch",
+        "eyes: dark and inconspicuous",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white edgings",
+        "nape: gray with black and white stripes",
+        "tail: brown with white corners",
+        "throat: black patch"
+    ],
+    "Brewer Sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, conical and greyish",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown streaking",
+        "breast: pale brown with diffused streaks",
+        "crown: brown with grey central stripe",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, thin and slender",
+        "wings: brown with light buffy wing bars",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: brown and medium length, notched tip",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Chipping Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with brown and black",
+        "beak: dark, conical shaped",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: plain grayish-white",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with central stripe",
+        "forehead: black stripe at base of beak",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: brown with dark bars and white edging",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: dark with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "Clay-colored Sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown hue with white stripes",
+        "beak: small and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale and light grayish-white",
+        "breast: slightly streaked, light brown",
+        "crown: patterned with grey, brown, and white stripes",
+        "forehead: pale gray with thin brown stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rich brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light stripes",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: clean white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "House Sparrow": [
+        "back: brown and black streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale cream or white feathers",
+        "breast: light grey or beige feathering",
+        "crown: reddish-brown color with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey tone",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round pupils",
+        "legs: thin, brown, scaly texture",
+        "wings: brown, black, and white feathers with wing bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: cream-colored, sometimes with a black patch (in males"
+    ],
+    "Field Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray",
+        "beak: short and conical, pinkish",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray stripes",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: brown with distinct white edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "Fox Sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with gray and dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick and conical",
+        "belly: grayish-white with sparse streaks",
+        "breast: heavily streaked with reddish-brown",
+        "crown: rufous cap with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with gray patches",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, strong, and pinkish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark brown bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown, and tapered",
+        "throat: white with some streaking"
+    ],
+    "Grasshopper Sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: whitish, unmarked",
+        "breast: buffy with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale buffy-yellow",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and pale",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown and gray",
+        "tail: short with a white outer edge",
+        "throat: pale buffy-yellow"
+    ],
+    "Harris Sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: light brownish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark black or brownish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: black or brownish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: brownish-gray feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Henslow Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with reddish-brown and black",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with an olive stripe on the sides",
+        "forehead: dull olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: short and round, with reddish-brown and dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: short and square, with dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "Le-Conte Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with reddish-brown and gray",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with central gray stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with a gray stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "Lincoln Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rusty red with fine, dark gray stripes",
+        "forehead: chestnut-colored",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown and notched",
+        "throat: white with buff-colored markings"
+    ],
+    "Nelson-Sharp-tailed Sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish color",
+        "belly: whitish with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale, grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown:rusty brown with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray or buffy",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with buffy white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: pointed and long, dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: whitish or pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Savannah Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white, blending in with grassy surroundings",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale-colored for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: white with faint brown streaks, unassuming appearance",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks, slightly round",
+        "crown: rusty-colored with dark brown streaks, distinct streaking",
+        "forehead: pale brown, gradually blending into crown detail",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and watchful, surrounded by whitish eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, slender, and perfectly adapted for perching",
+        "wings: brown, rounded with white and cream-colored wingbars",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks, strong color for camouflage",
+        "tail: notched, brownish-black, with white outer feathers for maneuvering",
+        "throat: white, clean-looking, contrasting with streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "Seaside Sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: conical and sharp",
+        "belly: white with sparse streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: greyish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short and pointed",
+        "throat: white and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "Song Sparrow": [
+        "back: brown, streaked with dark, narrow lines",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: light, creamy white with some streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white, heavily streaked with dark brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with slight streaking",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown, with three forward-facing toes and one rear-facing toe",
+        "wings: brown, spotted with lighter, reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown, relatively short, with faint reddish-brown edges",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Tree Sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: pale grey with brownish tinge",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with white cheeks",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown, central streak",
+        "eyes: round and shiny-black",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender and strong",
+        "wings: brown-black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, clear and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Vesper Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with brown and buff tones",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown flanks",
+        "breast: creamy white with fine streaks and spots",
+        "crown: brown with grayish-white central stripe",
+        "forehead: light buff color, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with brown and buff streaking",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short with white outer feathers and dark inner feathers",
+        "throat: clean white, bordered by streaked malar stripes"
+    ],
+    "White-crowned Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: light to medium gray",
+        "breast: plain gray, unmarked",
+        "crown: black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, round, framed by white stripe",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, thin",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium length",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "White-throated Sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: off-white color",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: rufous stripes with a central white stripe",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark, round, framed by light eyestripe",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker brown and white markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with rufous streaks",
+        "tail: rounded, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white patch"
+    ],
+    "Cape-Glossy Starling": [
+        "back: iridescent dark blue-green",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright blue and glossy",
+        "breast: shimmering blue-green",
+        "crown: dark glossy blue with purple sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-green, smoothly blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright orange encircled with black feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey-black",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: glossy dark blue-green blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, shiny blue-green with a slight fork",
+        "throat: vibrant blue, subtly merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "Bank Swallow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white feathering",
+        "breast: light-colored, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark brown, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed edges",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, well-defined",
+        "tail: short, forked, with white edges",
+        "throat: white with a slight dark band"
+    ],
+    "Barn Swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff to white with some pale streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange to brick-red hue",
+        "crown: shiny, dark blue-black color",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, strong, pinkish to reddish-brown",
+        "wings: long, narrow, pointed, with dark blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: blue-black, blending into the back",
+        "tail: deeply forked, flowing streamer-like feathers",
+        "throat: rich chestnut shade, sharply contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "Cliff Swallow": [
+        "back: slate-blue upper body",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: buff-colored chest",
+        "crown: dark blue, rounded head",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: petite black limbs",
+        "wings: silver-edged, pointed tips",
+        "nape: black collar at base of neck",
+        "tail: forked, dark, short tail feathers",
+        "throat: buff-colored, leading to chest"
+    ],
+    "Tree Swallow": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green upperparts",
+        "beak: small, thin and sleek black",
+        "belly: bright white underparts",
+        "breast: white, smoothly curving into belly",
+        "crown: vibrant blue-green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-green transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly almond-shaped, centered on the head",
+        "legs: short, thin, and black with tiny, clawed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and blue-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: sleek blue-green connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, black with blue-green tint, and white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, curving up around cheeks"
+    ],
+    "Scarlet Tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant red with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: bright scarlet red",
+        "breast: rich crimson color",
+        "crown: deep scarlet hue",
+        "forehead: intense red shade",
+        "eyes: small, dark and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with red highlights",
+        "nape: red transitioning to black",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: brilliant red hue"
+    ],
+    "Summer Tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow hue",
+        "beak: thick, pale and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: bright yellow tone",
+        "breast: vivid orange-yellow color",
+        "crown: intense reddish-orange shade",
+        "forehead: fiery red hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: deep red with dark secondary feathers",
+        "nape: flush of red-orange blending into green",
+        "tail: elongated, tapering, crimson feathers",
+        "throat: radiant red chestnut shade"
+    ],
+    "Artic Tern": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and slender, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: snowy white feathers, fluffy",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers, curved",
+        "crown: distinct black cap, covers head",
+        "forehead: white and connected to the black cap",
+        "eyes: beady, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, red-orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: pointed, long, greyish-white",
+        "nape: transition between black cap and light grey feathers",
+        "tail: forked, long, white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth, connects to the breast"
+    ],
+    "Black Tern": [
+        "back: smooth dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a hint of gray",
+        "crown: sleek black cap on the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers covering the front of the head",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round, with a noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, red-orange color, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, dark gray with black edges",
+        "nape: black feathers extending down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: forked and dark gray with black central feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with a slight gray hue"
+    ],
+    "Caspian Tern": [
+        "back: sleek and gray",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and red",
+        "belly: smooth and white",
+        "breast: white with a slight gray shimmer",
+        "crown: black cap extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: black forehead blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and well-spaced",
+        "legs: short, orange, and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, tapering, and gray",
+        "nape: black, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: narrow and forked, white with dark edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "Common Tern": [
+        "back: sleek, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and orange-red",
+        "belly: smooth, white plumage",
+        "breast: light grey-white feathers",
+        "crown: black cap with white forehead",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long, slender, and orange-red",
+        "wings: long, tapered, with dark-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: light grey feathers connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: deeply forked, white and grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "Elegant Tern": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp, bright orange-yellow",
+        "belly: soft, white plumes",
+        "breast: slightly curved, white and smooth",
+        "crown: contrasting black cap, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers blending into the black crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal colored, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, aerodynamic, grayish-white with black outline",
+        "nape: creamy, white feathers transitioning into the black crown",
+        "tail: forked, long, white with black streaks",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers with a tapered shape"
+    ],
+    "Least Tern": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender black beak",
+        "belly: white feathered area",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage",
+        "crown: black cap on head",
+        "forehead: white band above beak",
+        "eyes: black eyes on either side of head",
+        "legs: thin orange legs",
+        "wings: pointed wings with grey and white feathers",
+        "nape: where the black crown meets the grey back",
+        "tail: forked with white and grey feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Green-tailed Towhee": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale white with rufous undertones",
+        "breast: reddish-brown wash",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, with reddish-brown and darker streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: olive green with rufous and black markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into olive green",
+        "tail: long, dark green with reddish-brown undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white with black streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "Brown Thrasher": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown color, streaked with dark markings",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pale yellowish",
+        "belly: buff-white with heavy brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with bold dark spots",
+        "crown: smooth reddish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue, with strong toes",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with bold dark bars and white wingtips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with white tips and distinct dark bands",
+        "throat: paler with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Sage Thrasher": [
+        "back: light brown with streaky patterns",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale with dark spotting",
+        "crown: greyish-brown color",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and greyish",
+        "wings: brown with white and black markings, pale edging",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "Black-capped Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale-gray blending into white",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black that tapers into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, framed by white eyering",
+        "legs: gray-blue and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white markings",
+        "nape: black to olive-green transitioning",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, extending to the sides"
+    ],
+    "Blue-headed Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with yellow wash",
+        "breast: white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray fading to green",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with black border",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gently sloping, olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with black and white elements",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "Philadelphia Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellow tinge",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white",
+        "breast: soft yellow with olive tones",
+        "crown: olive-green fading into grayish-white forehead",
+        "forehead: grayish-white or off-white",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: thin and pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feather edging",
+        "nape: faint yellow-green hue",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with olive tinge"
+    ],
+    "Red-eyed Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: whitish with faint greenish wash",
+        "crown: gray with narrow white eye stripe",
+        "forehead: gray with slight dark line",
+        "eyes: piercing red with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive coloration",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark tip",
+        "throat: clean white, sharply contrasted"
+    ],
+    "Warbling Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, and pale",
+        "belly: white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow fading to white",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive, smooth texture",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-gray in color",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, streaked texture",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "White-eyed Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish lower body",
+        "breast: yellowish-white, faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive, slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-gray, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: white eyering, striking appearance",
+        "legs: pale blue-gray, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-gray, matches crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, dark edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-throated Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with slight yellow wash",
+        "breast: pale gray with yellow tint",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint gray streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish with slight olive tint",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with white eye ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with gray streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "Bay-breasted Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle yellow wash",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint black crown stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "Black-and-white Warbler": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: mostly white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black stripes",
+        "crown: black and white striped",
+        "forehead: white with thin black stripes",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and grayish",
+        "wings: layered black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white with some black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Black-throated-Blue Warbler": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: dark, pointed bill",
+        "belly: pristine white",
+        "breast: vivid blue hue",
+        "crown: dark blue, sleek",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue plumage",
+        "eyes: alert, dark eyes",
+        "legs: thin, black legs",
+        "wings: blue with white accents",
+        "nape: blue, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark blue, short",
+        "throat: distinct black patch"
+    ],
+    "Blue-winged Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: yellow, unblemished",
+        "breast: yellow, with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow, with bold stripes",
+        "forehead: pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, with bold white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish, thin and long",
+        "wings: vibrant blue, with white and black bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, with faint striping",
+        "tail: dark, with blue edges and white spots",
+        "throat: bright yellow, with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "Canada Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointy",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: blue-gray",
+        "eyes: large, prominent, surrounded by yellow spectacles",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue",
+        "tail: dark with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Cape-May Warbler": [
+        "back: bright yellow with bold black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: yellow with black streaks on sides",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with a black cap",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: bold black eye stripe, white crescent below",
+        "legs: dark gray or black",
+        "wings: black with white patches and edging",
+        "nape: yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "Cerulean Warbler": [
+        "back: deep blue with streaks of black",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: blue-gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright cerulean blue",
+        "forehead: blue and unmarked",
+        "eyes: black, round and tiny",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: cerulean blue with black edging",
+        "nape: blue, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: blue-black with white edges",
+        "throat: clean white contrasting with blue upperparts"
+    ],
+    "Chestnut-sided Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with distinct chestnut streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: grayish-blue, white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: bright white"
+    ],
+    "Golden-winged Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: black, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint yellow hue",
+        "breast: white with light yellow patches",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black border",
+        "forehead: brilliant yellow",
+        "eyes: black, with faint white eye rings",
+        "legs: blueish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: gold and black, with distinctive white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Hooded Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint, darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, slightly paler than belly",
+        "crown: striking black hood extending to nape",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, contrasting with black hood",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bands",
+        "nape: black hood extends from the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, matching the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "Kentucky Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow coloring",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: black extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and encircled with black",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with gray edges",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive color with a dark center and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Magnolia Warbler": [
+        "back: yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: black with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: black with yellow patches",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with bold white eyering",
+        "legs: long, dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: black with two bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: black with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: black with bold white patches",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Mourning Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: blackish, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow underside",
+        "breast: grayish-blue chest",
+        "crown: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "forehead: olive-green transition to face",
+        "eyes: white eye-rings, black pupils",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Myrtle Warbler": [
+        "back: yellow-tinged green, some dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint gray streaking",
+        "breast: bright yellow, can have thin gray streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish-green, blue-gray edges",
+        "forehead: bright yellow mixed with green",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale, long toes",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars and yellow edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, blue-gray edges",
+        "tail: dark, forked with white patches on outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Nashville Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, grey-black",
+        "belly: white with pale yellow tint",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: blue-grey with distinct eyeline",
+        "forehead: grey-blue coloring",
+        "eyes: small, black, centered",
+        "legs: long, grey-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green shading to grey",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Orange-crowned Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow to grayish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: hidden orange patch with olive surrounding",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: olive-green with two faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, transitioning to breast color"
+    ],
+    "Palm Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown back with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: orange-yellow with pale edges",
+        "forehead: yellowish with faint markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark, framed by eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and skinny, with blackish coloring",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "Pine Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow to white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow, unmarked",
+        "forehead: slightly brighter yellow",
+        "eyes: black with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray-blue, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "tail: gray-blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Prairie Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish-green",
+        "forehead: yellow with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Prothonotary Warbler": [
+        "back: bright yellow-green",
+        "beak: black, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: vivid yellow",
+        "crown: golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: striking yellow",
+        "eyes: black bead with white ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: yellow-greenish",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Swainson Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: relatively long and curved",
+        "belly: pale buff-white",
+        "breast: light, subtly-streaked olive-brown",
+        "crown: rusty reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter rusty reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, edged with rust color",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending into crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded with rust-colored edges",
+        "throat: whitish, sometimes with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Tennessee Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with a darker cap",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: dark with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow, similar to the breast"
+    ],
+    "Wilson Warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green with light stripes",
+        "beak: sharp and slender, black in color",
+        "belly: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: yellow with thin dark streaks",
+        "crown: black on males, olive on females",
+        "forehead: intense yellow, distinct from the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale, with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker edges, two white wing bars",
+        "nape: yellow-green, connects with the crown",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-green with white patches",
+        "throat: yellow, blends seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "Worm-eating Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and slim for catching worms",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green color, with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-olive hue merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, with darker flight feathers and white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green color blending into the back",
+        "tail: relatively short, olive-green with dark tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, with streaks on either side"
+    ],
+    "Yellow Warbler": [
+        "back: bright yellow, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light yellow, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, unmarked",
+        "crown: golden-yellow, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, alert",
+        "legs: thin and delicate, black",
+        "wings: yellow with black stripes, agile",
+        "nape: vibrant yellow, unmarked",
+        "tail: yellow with black-edged feathers, lovely fan shape",
+        "throat: rich yellow, sleek feathers"
+    ],
+    "Northern Waterthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with bold streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and slightly flat",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, faintly streaked",
+        "tail: olive-brown with subtle markings",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Louisiana Waterthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown, striped",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown, flat",
+        "eyes: dark with thin, pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, long",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short, with white spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Bohemian Waxwing": [
+        "back: silky gray with subtle brown hue",
+        "beak: sharp and dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow or light gray",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown with soft gray gradient",
+        "crown: plush crest in a gray hue",
+        "forehead: bright yellow band",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: slate gray with elegant white and red tips",
+        "nape: smooth blend of gray and brown tones",
+        "tail: short tapering with a bold yellow band",
+        "throat: soft beige transitioning to chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "Cedar Waxwing": [
+        "back: smooth, sleek grayish-brown",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft yellow with light gray",
+        "breast: pale gray, blending to yellow",
+        "crown: sleek, high-ridged crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into crest",
+        "eyes: dark black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: dark, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: gray with red waxy tips",
+        "nape: gray-brown, sleek, and smooth",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, with yellow band",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked, blending to chest"
+    ],
+    "American-Three-toed Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: straight, chisel-shaped, black",
+        "belly: white with faint barring",
+        "breast: white with minimal markings",
+        "crown: black with yellow patch in males",
+        "forehead: white, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white",
+        "legs: short, grayish with three toes",
+        "wings: black with large white patches",
+        "nape: black, blending into back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "Pileated Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black feathers with white stripes",
+        "beak: long, strong, chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: black and white striped",
+        "crown: bright red crest",
+        "forehead: red with a black border",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: powerful with gray coloring",
+        "wings: black with white stripes and large white patches",
+        "nape: red topped with black feathers",
+        "tail: black with white accents",
+        "throat: white with black striping"
+    ],
+    "Red-bellied Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and light grey",
+        "belly: pale, reddish hue",
+        "breast: white and slightly speckled",
+        "crown: bright red patch",
+        "forehead: white or pale gray",
+        "eyes: black with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black feathers with white bars",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Red-cockaded Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white barred pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint black barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with red streaks (only in adult males",
+        "forehead: black, rectangular-shaped",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, with a white outline",
+        "legs: gray, slender, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black with horizontal white stripes",
+        "tail: black with white spots and red markings (only in adult males",
+        "throat: white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Red-headed Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white, fairly unmarked",
+        "breast: white, contrasting with black back",
+        "crown: bright red, eye-catching",
+        "forehead: continuation of red crown",
+        "eyes: black, sharply focused",
+        "legs: grayish, strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with prominent white spots",
+        "nape: red, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, merges with belly"
+    ],
+    "Downy Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: straight, strong, chisel-like",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: plain white, unmarked",
+        "crown: black with a red patch (males",
+        "forehead: white or buff, clean",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white spots or bars",
+        "nape: black, sometimes with red patch",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or buff, clean"
+    ],
+    "Bewick Wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown and well-feathered",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and dark in color",
+        "belly: light grey and soft-looking",
+        "breast: pale grey with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: streaked brown, lightly striped",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, long, and dark",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: matching brown with the crown",
+        "tail: long, barred, and slightly uptilted",
+        "throat: pale grey, meeting the breast smoothly"
+    ],
+    "Cactus Wren": [
+        "back: light brown with white spotting",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: dusty white with black streaks",
+        "breast: covering of dark brown spots",
+        "crown: brown, with a slight reddish tinge",
+        "forehead: brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and a black streak",
+        "nape: light brown, similar to the back",
+        "tail: brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Carolina Wren": [
+        "back: rusty-brown and black-striped",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown",
+        "crown: rusty-orange with a faint streak",
+        "forehead: slightly buffy-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a white eyestripe",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, with black barring",
+        "nape: rich, chestnut brown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, barred, upward-cocked",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "House Wren": [
+        "back: brown, mottled feathers with subtle barring",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, brownish-black",
+        "belly: light buff or creamy-white with sparse spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black bars and pale spots",
+        "nape: brown, mottled with light speckles",
+        "tail: short, brown with faint black bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Marsh Wren": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with a broad white stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and brown",
+        "wings: short with barred patterns",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white stripes",
+        "tail: short and upright, barred with black and white",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Rock Wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle spotting",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale white with light speckling",
+        "breast: greyish-white with darker spots",
+        "crown: brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey with faint markings",
+        "eyes: black, round, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, long, pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with finer streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "Winter Wren": [
+        "back: small and brown with fine barring",
+        "beak: tiny, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale and finely barred",
+        "breast: creamy white with minimal spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown and slightly tufted",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and pale pink",
+        "wings: short and rounded, gently barred feathers",
+        "nape: brown with thin, white streaks",
+        "tail: short and upturned, with dark barring",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Common Yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with light yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with white border on male, olive-brown on female",
+        "forehead: black in male, olive-brown in female",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow on both male and female"
+    ],
+    "Forsters Tern": [
+        "back: sleek and light gray",
+        "beak: long, slender, and orange",
+        "belly: clean white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white and smooth plumage",
+        "crown: black and streamlined",
+        "forehead: smooth blending from black to white",
+        "eyes: piercing and dark in color",
+        "legs: strong and orange-red",
+        "wings: lengthy and sharp-edged, with gray and black tips",
+        "nape: black seamlessly transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: elongated and forked, with white and gray feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth plumage"
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
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+    "Least_Flycatcher_0007_30339.jpg": {
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+    "Gray_Kingbird_0005_70103.jpg": {
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+    "American_Goldfinch_0018_32324.jpg": {
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/jsons/descriptors_bird_soup.json b/data/jsons/descriptors_bird_soup.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ed6c9a2e46057e8e4b276312c0cb0852a217e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsons/descriptors_bird_soup.json
@@ -0,0 +1,176163 @@
+    "abbott babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and curved",
+        "belly: white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: white with prominent dark scaling",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale-gray with small tufts",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark scaling"
+    ],
+    "abbott booby": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pale blue",
+        "belly: white feathers with a soft texture",
+        "breast: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers with a smooth appearance",
+        "forehead: slightly elevated, with blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by a thin blue ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, with pale blue-gray color",
+        "wings: large and elongated, with a mix of gray-brown and white feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers that smoothly transition to the back",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped with white and grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, slightly puffed outward"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian ground hornbill": [
+        "back: black, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and reddish-brown",
+        "belly: black feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: black and glossy with a slight bulge",
+        "crown: smooth, black, and featherless with a bony casque",
+        "forehead: flat and black, transitioning into the casque",
+        "eyes: piercing, with a striking reddish-orange color",
+        "legs: long and gray, with powerful, two-toed feet",
+        "wings: black, long, and sturdy, with a hint of blue iridescence",
+        "nape: black feathers flowing gracefully into the back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight curve and a hint of blue",
+        "throat: black feathers, featuring long wattles in males"
+    ],
+    "african crowned crane": [
+        "back: covered in elongated, golden feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and tapered",
+        "belly: light grey with white and gold feathers",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden feathery crest on head",
+        "forehead: red patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender with grey scales",
+        "wings: broad, black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: elongated, golden feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: white, feathery tuft"
+    ],
+    "african emerald cuckoo": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: black, short, curved",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: yellow-green",
+        "crown: vivid green",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: small, brown",
+        "legs: slender, slate-blue",
+        "wings: iridescent green",
+        "nape: rich emerald hue",
+        "tail: green, elongated",
+        "throat: pale green-yellow"
+    ],
+    "african firefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant red or rusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray or blackish bill",
+        "belly: whitish vent with pale gray underparts",
+        "breast: crimson or orange breast with black spotted patterns",
+        "crown: red or chestnut head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red or chestnut forehead stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with white eyerings",
+        "legs: pinkish or grayish slender legs and feet",
+        "wings: black feathers with white or red edges, red or chestnut secondary feathers",
+        "nape: red or chestnut feathers fading to gray or brown",
+        "tail: black, gray, or brown tail feathers with white or red outer edges",
+        "throat: vibrant red or chestnut throat patch"
+    ],
+    "african oyster catcher": [
+        "back: black, slightly glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long, red-orange, and pointed",
+        "belly: black, blending seamlessly with breast",
+        "breast: black, with some white streaks",
+        "crown: black, smooth, and well-defined",
+        "forehead: black, transitioning to red-orange beak",
+        "eyes: bold and bright, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, red-orange, sturdy with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black, broad, with white arm bars when open",
+        "nape: black, continued from crown to back",
+        "tail: black and fan-shaped with some white streaks",
+        "throat: black, connecting to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "african pied hornbill": [
+        "back: black-feathered with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow and black casque",
+        "belly: white plumage contrasting with the upper body",
+        "breast: white feathers extending to the undertail",
+        "crown: black, with short feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: adorned with a yellow and black casque above the beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow encircled by a dark line",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey legs with scaly texture",
+        "wings: elongated, powerful black feathers",
+        "nape: black-feathered neck with white accents on the sides",
+        "tail: fan-shaped black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white plumage extending from the chest to the chin"
+    ],
+    "african pygmy goose": [
+        "back: greenish-black glossy feathers",
+        "beak: small, silver-grey with dark tip",
+        "belly: white with grey barring",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white",
+        "crown: greenish-black with purple gloss",
+        "forehead: pale buff",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: green-black with iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: glossy green with purplish hue",
+        "tail: short, black with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: off-white with grey markings"
+    ],
+    "alberts towhee": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark gray color",
+        "belly: pale gray, looking a bit lighter than the back",
+        "breast: soft gray with some red-brown shades on the sides",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: pale gray or whitish",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and shiny",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with red-brown edging on the feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to the back",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with white corners",
+        "throat: pale gray or whitish, blending with the belly color"
+    ],
+    "alexandrine parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, red upper beak and black lower beak",
+        "belly: light greyish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: flat bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: emerald green plumage",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grey with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green with blue and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark green with a slight glossy finish",
+        "tail: long and blue with dark red undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale grey, leading to bluish-grey breast"
+    ],
+    "alpine chough": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, bright yellow",
+        "belly: smooth, dark feathers covering lower body",
+        "breast: black plumage with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: sleek, black feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: black plumage meeting bright yellow beak",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, bright red, with sharp claws for gripping",
+        "wings: black, elongated feathers for agile flight",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to wings and tail",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight fork at the end",
+        "throat: black plumage, part of the sleek contour of the head and neck"
+    ],
+    "altamira yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: straight, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: lemon-yellow underside",
+        "breast: bright yellow and slightly rounded",
+        "crown: olive-green or dark masked",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into dark mask",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey or blackish",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: olive-green and rounded with darker tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow extending up to cheeks"
+    ],
+    "american avocet": [
+        "back: long and sleek",
+        "beak: thin and upward-curved",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: pale buff or grayish",
+        "crown: cinnamon-rufous in breeding season",
+        "forehead: white or buffy",
+        "eyes: dark and medium-sized",
+        "legs: long, thin, and blue-gray",
+        "wings: white with contrasting black stripe",
+        "nape: cinnamon-rufous in breeding season",
+        "tail: short and white",
+        "throat: white or buffy"
+    ],
+    "american bittern": [
+        "back: streaked brown and buff",
+        "beak: long, straight, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: buff with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark-colored, with yellow ring",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown with buff mottling",
+        "nape: brown with buff streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "american coot": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: white blunt and slightly conical",
+        "belly: grayish with white under-tail coverts",
+        "breast: dark gray with white edges",
+        "crown: black with slight forehead crests",
+        "forehead: white frontal shield above beak",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with dark pupils",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow with lobed toes",
+        "wings: dark gray with white secondary tips",
+        "nape: dark slate-gray and smooth",
+        "tail: short and black with white under-tail feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-black with white chin accent"
+    ],
+    "american flamingo": [
+        "back: curved, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black-tipped",
+        "belly: white to light pink plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, light pink",
+        "crown: pale pink feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, light pink",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, pinkish-red",
+        "wings: long, pink feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: curved, pinkish-white",
+        "tail: short, pink feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale pink, smooth"
+    ],
+    "american goldfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pink-orange",
+        "belly: pale white to light yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow in males, duller yellow in females",
+        "crown: black on males, dull green in females",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow in males, pale green in females",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange and slender",
+        "wings: black with vivid white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow in males, light green-yellow in females"
+    ],
+    "american pipit": [
+        "back: streaked pale brown and gray",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale buff or white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with buff or white",
+        "crown: brown with a gray central stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish or buff with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: dark, long, slender, with elongated toes",
+        "wings: dusky brown with buff edging on feathers",
+        "nape: grayish or brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, pale, and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "american redstart": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: black and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange",
+        "breast: black upper, yellow-orange lower",
+        "crown: black with orange patch",
+        "forehead: black and sleek",
+        "eyes: black, small and round",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: black with orange patches",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with orange edges",
+        "throat: black with yellow-orange edges"
+    ],
+    "amethyst woodstar": [
+        "back: shimmering green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white-feathered with gray tinge",
+        "breast: white with wisps of amethyst feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant amethyst-purple",
+        "forehead: gradient of amethyst-purple to green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: iridescent green with long and pointed feathers",
+        "nape: rich amethyst fading to green",
+        "tail: elongated and dark, forked shape",
+        "throat: stunning amethyst-purple patch"
+    ],
+    "andean goose": [
+        "back: grayish-white plumage with black markings",
+        "beak: black, short, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with minimal black markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black with a prominent white band",
+        "forehead: black coloration blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange and strong for walking",
+        "wings: grayish-white with black highlights and white trailing edges",
+        "nape: black blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "andean lapwing": [
+        "back: dark gray with a subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with some gray",
+        "breast: pale gray blending into white",
+        "crown: solid black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white with black bordering",
+        "eyes: round and dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and yellowish, with black claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edges, prominent in flight",
+        "nape: black blending into gray",
+        "tail: short, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a black border"
+    ],
+    "andean siskin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow underparts",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black cap with green tinges",
+        "forehead: black feathers extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: green with black and yellow markings",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to black",
+        "tail: forked with black and green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black border"
+    ],
+    "anhinga": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: white or light grey feathers",
+        "breast: white or light grey feathers with streaks",
+        "crown: black or dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: black or dark grey feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red or orange with a ring of blue skin around it",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grey or black",
+        "wings: black or dark grey feathers with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: black or dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black or dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: white or light grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "anianiau": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: olive-yellow hues",
+        "crown: bright olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grayish-brown slender legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark feather tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "anna hummingbird": [
+        "back: green iridescent feathering",
+        "beak: long, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light-gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: green and gray feathers with possible red spotting",
+        "crown: iridescent emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green with a red gorget",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: slender, fast-flapping, greenish tint",
+        "nape: green iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering red or purple gorget"
+    ],
+    "antillean euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue coloration",
+        "forehead: striking blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue feathers with yellow edges",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: short, blue with yellow tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "apapane": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: curved, slender, black",
+        "belly: light white with patches of red",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: fiery red feathers",
+        "forehead: red plumage with a small black patch",
+        "eyes: round black eyes with thin white ring",
+        "legs: skinny with dark grey scales",
+        "wings: radiant red with black edges",
+        "nape: striking red feathers",
+        "tail: elongated red feathers with thin black stripes",
+        "throat: intense red with small white streaks"
+    ],
+    "apostlebird": [
+        "back: greyish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: lighter grey feathers",
+        "breast: grey with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: long, strong, and black",
+        "wings: rounded and grey-brown",
+        "nape: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, black-tipped",
+        "throat: pale grey, streaked feathers"
+    ],
+    "araripe manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short and black, adapted for eating fruits",
+        "belly: white plumage with a subtle yellow tint",
+        "breast: bright white with striking red fringes",
+        "crown: striking, vibrant red helmet-like crest",
+        "forehead: bright red, blending seamlessly into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender and black, with strong, agile feet",
+        "wings: green and black-tipped, designed for agile flight",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from the head to the back",
+        "tail: long and black with a distinct forked shape",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with the surrounding red and green"
+    ],
+    "ashy storm petrel": [
+        "back: light grey, slightly darker than belly",
+        "beak: small, dark, narrow",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey",
+        "breast: pale grey, blending with belly",
+        "crown: light grey, continuous with back",
+        "forehead: smooth, light grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: short, dark, slender",
+        "wings: long, slender, pale grey with darker edges",
+        "nape: light grey, like crown and back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, grey with black tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, similar to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "ashy thrushbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: pale cream with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with a soft texture",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: round, dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark-colored with scaly texture",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "asian crested ibis": [
+        "back: reddish-brown and white feathers, elongated",
+        "beak: long, curved and slender, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white, merging to reddish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: elongated white, silky feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: white with slight reddish-brown tint",
+        "eyes: dark-brown, surrounded with white feathers",
+        "legs: long, greyish-pink, and skinny",
+        "wings: reddish-brown and white feathers, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: white, merging to reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: elongated reddish-brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "asian dollard bird": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, stubby, pale-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black barring",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "crown: glossy midnight-blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant turquoise-blue",
+        "eyes: round, small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, thin, gray",
+        "wings: black with turquoise-blue edging",
+        "nape: olive-green, streaked with black",
+        "tail: elongated, black with blue edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, black-bordered"
+    ],
+    "asian green bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green and sleek",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light green with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: bright green fading to pale blue",
+        "crown: blueish-green, crested",
+        "forehead: bluish-green, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: round, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, green with blue edges",
+        "nape: green, smooth transition to back",
+        "tail: long, slender, and forked",
+        "throat: yellowish-green and delicate"
+    ],
+    "asian openbill stork": [
+        "back: sleek, greyish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, uniquely shaped, and curved for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and soft feathered",
+        "breast: slightly rounded with white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark grey plumage",
+        "forehead: narrow, feathered with dark grey color",
+        "eyes: small and sharp, surrounded by dark grey feathers",
+        "legs: tall, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: large, broad, with grey and white feathers",
+        "nape: elongated, grey feathers contrasting with the white lower neck",
+        "tail: long, white, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white feathers with a slight curve towards the chest"
+    ],
+    "auckland shaq": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light golden-brown, soft plumage",
+        "breast: rich golden-brown, spotted texture",
+        "crown: dark with iridescent highlights",
+        "forehead: rounded, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, olive green",
+        "wings: long, powerful, greenish-brown",
+        "nape: slightly paler than the back, well-defined",
+        "tail: broad, long, greenish-blue with white tips",
+        "throat: buff-white, striped with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "austral canastero": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: slim and curved, dark grey color",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks, crest-like",
+        "forehead: light buff merging into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and circular",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown, long and graduated with black bars",
+        "throat: pale off-white with brownish tinges"
+    ],
+    "australasian figbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow, fading towards vent",
+        "breast: yellowish, blending into green on sides",
+        "crown: greyish with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: blackish with a mask-like marking around the eye",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by grey eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, blackish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into back",
+        "tail: long with square-shaped end, black with green edges",
+        "throat: yellow, demarcated from the grey crown"
+    ],
+    "azara spinetail": [
+        "back: soft olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly decurved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with some grayish streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with a russet brown stripe",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dull pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale inner margins",
+        "nape: rufous blending into olive-brown back",
+        "tail: long and graduated with blackish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "azure breasted pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue pattern",
+        "beak: strong, black, and curved",
+        "belly: bright azure blue",
+        "breast: rich blue and purple mix",
+        "crown: deep blue with green accents",
+        "forehead: turquoise blue outline",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with white rings",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange with sturdy talons",
+        "wings: gleaming green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green fade",
+        "tail: elongated, vivid blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: paler blue with tinges of purple"
+    ],
+    "azure jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, curved",
+        "belly: pale grey plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: crest of blue plumage",
+        "forehead: blue and tufted",
+        "eyes: piercing black gaze",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: striking blue with white edges",
+        "nape: blue feathered, smooth",
+        "tail: long, blue, with white tips",
+        "throat: soft, pale grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "azure tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: bright turquoise",
+        "breast: turquoise",
+        "crown: deep blue plumage",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue merging with crown",
+        "tail: long azure feathers",
+        "throat: rich turquoise"
+    ],
+    "azure tit": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers merging with belly",
+        "crown: deep blue crest atop head",
+        "forehead: vivid blue patch above eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey, and featherless",
+        "wings: bold blue with white wing bars",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: slender, long, with blue and white feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "baikal teal": [
+        "back: light grey with intricate feather patterns",
+        "beak: black, short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with delicate feather designs",
+        "breast: creamy-white, spotted with black flecks",
+        "crown: dark green, iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: green with a slight metallic luster",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow and webbed feet",
+        "wings: mottled grey-blue with bold white stripes on flight feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green, extending from the crown",
+        "tail: short and pointed, striped with white and black",
+        "throat: white, blending with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "bali starling": [
+        "back: strikingly white feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow and sharp",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: radiant white feathers",
+        "crown: blue-gray tinted crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale blue skin",
+        "eyes: intense, dark orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: white with hints of blue",
+        "nape: sleek, white plumage",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: white with a smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "baltimore oriole": [
+        "back: black and orange feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, slender silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow",
+        "crown: black with orange stripe",
+        "forehead: black with orange accents",
+        "eyes: black, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: black with white and orange markings",
+        "nape: black with orange stripe",
+        "tail: black with orange-yellow edging",
+        "throat: bright orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "bananaquit": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: light gray or white",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with small white patch",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with yellow edging",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark",
+        "throat: black with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "band tailed guan": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: strong, short, and curved, pale in color",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black barring",
+        "breast: dark gray with white speckles",
+        "crown: black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: reddish bare skin",
+        "eyes: dark brown with red eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue, and feathered",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped covert feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, and dark brown with a white band",
+        "throat: dark gray, slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "banded broadbill": [
+        "back: black feathers with vibrant blue edges",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: light blue mixed with patches of faint white",
+        "breast: bold, cobalt blue feathering",
+        "crown: black feathers with a bright blue border",
+        "forehead: rich yellow band across the brow",
+        "eyes: small, round, with dark pupils",
+        "legs: black with short talons",
+        "wings: predominantly black, fringed with eye-catching blue",
+        "nape: jet black with a touch of bright blue border",
+        "tail: black feathers with vibrant blue edging",
+        "throat: bright yellow, sharply contrasting against neck"
+    ],
+    "banded pita": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, black hook",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with blue banding",
+        "breast: blue and orange bands",
+        "crown: striking blue with black stripes",
+        "forehead: blue with black stripes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, encircled by blue feathers",
+        "legs: robust, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: green with black and blue patterns",
+        "nape: green with black stripes",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: white with blue banding"
+    ],
+    "banded stilt": [
+        "back: light grey plumage with a tinge of pink",
+        "beak: long, slender, black and slightly down-curved",
+        "belly: white with a hint of pink on the sides",
+        "breast: pink-tinged white feathers",
+        "crown: white with a streak of black on the rear",
+        "forehead: smooth white transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, skinny, black, webless",
+        "wings: light grey with contrasting black stripes",
+        "nape: white connecting to a dark rear stripe",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with alternating black and white feathers",
+        "throat: soft white blending into breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "bar tailed godwit": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "beak: long, slightly upturned, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white or pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale gray-blue",
+        "wings: pointed, grayish-brown with bar-like patterns",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: barred with black and white, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "barn owl": [
+        "back: rounded, buff-colored feathers with dark markings",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, greyish-white",
+        "belly: white to beige, spotted feathers",
+        "breast: light, speckled plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, light-colored with a heart-shaped facial disc",
+        "forehead: white to beige, covered by facial disc",
+        "eyes: large, dark, forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, beige or light grey, with strong talons",
+        "wings: long, buff-colored with distinctive dark spots",
+        "nape: buff-colored, narrow feathers",
+        "tail: long, squared-off, light-colored with dark bands",
+        "throat: white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "barn swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff to white with some pale streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange to brick-red hue",
+        "crown: shiny, dark blue-black color",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, strong, pinkish to reddish-brown",
+        "wings: long, narrow, pointed, with dark blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: blue-black, blending into the back",
+        "tail: deeply forked, flowing streamer-like feathers",
+        "throat: rich chestnut shade, sharply contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "barred puffbird": [
+        "back: striped black and white pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale whitish yellow with black barring",
+        "breast: bold black and white bands",
+        "crown: black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: black with narrow white stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by bare greyish skin",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: black and white stripe pattern",
+        "tail: black with white spots and tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black bars"
+    ],
+    "barrows goldeneye": [
+        "back: glossy greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with black tip",
+        "belly: pearly white with fine black spotting",
+        "breast: white with small black spots",
+        "crown: high and rounded, greenish-black",
+        "forehead: smoothly sloping, greenish-black",
+        "eyes: vivid golden-yellow",
+        "legs: bright orange-yellow",
+        "wings: blackish with bold white wing patch",
+        "nape: glossy greenish-black, merging to head color",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with small black spots"
+    ],
+    "bay breasted warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle yellow wash",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint black crown stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "bearded barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow and green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, robust, and red with a black tip",
+        "belly: reddish-orange with dark streaks",
+        "breast: rich red with black markings",
+        "crown: black, fluffy crest feather",
+        "forehead: black and feathery with a hint of red",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with small, round pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown, and featherless",
+        "wings: bold green with black and yellow patterns",
+        "nape: black band across the vivid yellow-green neck",
+        "tail: short, graduated green feathers with black and white markings",
+        "throat: black with minimal feathers and a prominent beard-like bristle"
+    ],
+    "bearded bellbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: stout, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage, lighter than breast",
+        "breast: pale beige-brown with chestnut-colored barring",
+        "crown: olive-green blending into a grayish head",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with sparse black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a subtle ring of pale feathers",
+        "legs: short and black with semi-feathery 'trousers",
+        "wings: olive-green on top and beige underneath",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with white tips, forming \"beard",
+        "tail: long olive-green feathers, slightly darker than wings",
+        "throat: ivory-white with sparse chestnut-brown barring"
+    ],
+    "bearded reedling": [
+        "back: pale brown with a streaked pattern",
+        "beak: small and pointed, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale whitish-grey",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown",
+        "crown: males with bluish-grey hue, females brownish",
+        "forehead: males with bluish-grey hue, females brownish",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring, giving a masked appearance",
+        "legs: light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: sleek and rounded, brown with black and white bars",
+        "nape: pale brown, blending into the back color",
+        "tail: long and thin, black with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, males with a black beard-like marking"
+    ],
+    "belted kingfisher": [
+        "back: slate blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, dagger-like",
+        "belly: white with blue-gray bands",
+        "breast: white with blue-gray band",
+        "crown: large blue-gray crest",
+        "forehead: white patch with blue-gray accents",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with black-gray coloring",
+        "wings: slate blue with dark spots and white accents",
+        "nape: blue-gray with white borders",
+        "tail: slate blue with white bars and dark tips",
+        "throat: white, extending to the underside"
+    ],
+    "black and yellow broadbill": [
+        "back: black with thin yellow streaks",
+        "beak: chunky, silver-blue",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vivid yellow",
+        "crown: black with yellow piping",
+        "forehead: black with yellow accent",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, thin",
+        "wings: black with yellow edges",
+        "nape: black with yellow line",
+        "tail: black and broad with yellow tip",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "black baza": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: stout, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: white with black bars",
+        "crown: black and crest-like",
+        "forehead: black with small crest",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black with white speckles",
+        "tail: black and white horizontal bands",
+        "throat: black and white striped"
+    ],
+    "black faced spoonbill": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, spoon-shaped",
+        "belly: white and smooth underbelly",
+        "breast: rounded, white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: white with a black border",
+        "eyes: piercing, black orbs",
+        "legs: long, skinny, black stilts",
+        "wings: wide, white feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: black, stretching down the neck",
+        "tail: short, white feathers with subtle black markings",
+        "throat: white, leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "black francolin": [
+        "back: dark brown with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: chestnut brown with black barring",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black and white spots",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with a hint of red",
+        "forehead: black patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, bright, black eyes",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown with long, thin claws",
+        "wings: predominantly black with streaks of chestnut and white",
+        "nape: black strip along the back of the neck",
+        "tail: chestnut brown with black and white bars and white tipping",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "black headed caique": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked shape",
+        "belly: creamy white coloring",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black cap-like pattern",
+        "forehead: black, connected to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray with small scales",
+        "wings: green and yellow blend",
+        "nape: green, connects to the crown",
+        "tail: green and yellow, short length",
+        "throat: white, connects to the creamy belly"
+    ],
+    "black necked stilt": [
+        "back: black, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, needle-like",
+        "belly: white, softly curved",
+        "breast: white, smooth transition to belly",
+        "crown: black, sleek and rounded",
+        "forehead: black, small and flat",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with white edges",
+        "legs: extremely long, slender, and pinkish-red",
+        "wings: black, long, and pointed",
+        "nape: black, narrow and streamlined",
+        "tail: short, black and white, fanned",
+        "throat: white, slightly curved"
+    ],
+    "black skimmer": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and sharp-edged with a bright orange base and black tip",
+        "belly: pure white underbelly",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to black on the upper breast",
+        "crown: solid black feathered head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and positioned towards the top of the head",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and bright red",
+        "wings: long, angular, and black with white patches underneath",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting the crown and back",
+        "tail: short, forked, and black with white edges",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from the chin down"
+    ],
+    "black swan": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: vibrant red with a white strip",
+        "belly: black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black head feathers",
+        "forehead: black plumage meeting the red beak",
+        "eyes: piercing dark eyes",
+        "legs: dark grey to black",
+        "wings: elegant black feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: long curved black neck",
+        "tail: black feathers with subtle white undertones",
+        "throat: black leading to white lower belly"
+    ],
+    "black tail crake": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pale yellow",
+        "belly: blackish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: blackish-grey feathers with a slight tinge of olive-brown",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with small pale spots",
+        "forehead: dark olive-brown with pale spots",
+        "eyes: dark reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with pale spots near the tips",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown with pale spotting",
+        "tail: short and blackish-grey with small white corners",
+        "throat: blackish-grey with simple white streaks"
+    ],
+    "black throated bushtit": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with gray sides",
+        "breast: white with soft streaks",
+        "crown: black with subtle gray edges",
+        "forehead: black with white above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: black with gray transitional color",
+        "tail: long, narrow, gray-brown",
+        "throat: black and boldly marked"
+    ],
+    "black throated warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale white with light olive-green flanks",
+        "breast: white with distinctive black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with black stripes",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with white breast"
+    ],
+    "black vented shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: blackish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark round cap",
+        "forehead: black extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, set back in the head",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, strong",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark",
+        "nape: blackish-brown, smooth",
+        "tail: dark with a slight fork",
+        "throat: white fading to gray"
+    ],
+    "black vulture": [
+        "back: dark, glossy-black feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "breast: dark black feathers with a defined pectoral area",
+        "crown: sparsely covered in black down feathers",
+        "forehead: wrinkled, dark gray skin with no feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by wrinkled, bare skin",
+        "legs: grayish-black, sturdy, and featherless",
+        "wings: long, broad, with silver-gray underside",
+        "nape: black feathers with a slight ruffled look",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped with dark black feathers",
+        "throat: bare, dark gray, and slightly wrinkled skin"
+    ],
+    "black capped chickadee": [
+        "back: gray plumage with subtle olive-toned",
+        "beak: small, black, and conical",
+        "belly: white with buffy-to-rust hues on sides",
+        "breast: whitish-grey colored",
+        "crown: black with rounded shape",
+        "forehead: black, extending from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eye-rings",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black, joining crown to back",
+        "tail: dark gray, short and stiff",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black cap"
+    ],
+    "black necked grebe": [
+        "back: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: white to pale grey transition",
+        "crown: black, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: black, smoothly curved",
+        "eyes: bright red, alert gaze",
+        "legs: black, slender, set far back",
+        "wings: dark grey, short, edged with white",
+        "nape: black, with distinct fan-like tuft",
+        "tail: short, dark, inconspicuous",
+        "throat: black, smooth contours"
+    ],
+    "black throated sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "beak: dark, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray-white",
+        "crown: black and white striped",
+        "forehead: black small patch",
+        "eyes: dark and inconspicuous",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white edgings",
+        "nape: gray with black and white stripes",
+        "tail: brown with white corners",
+        "throat: black patch"
+    ],
+    "blackburniam warbler": [
+        "back: olive green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: white and free from marks",
+        "breast: saturated orange-red",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: striking yellow-orange",
+        "eyes: black and round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink and slender",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with a white stripe",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: intense orange-red"
+    ],
+    "blonde crested woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark, vertically striped feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, chisel-like shape",
+        "belly: light yellow coloring with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with faint horizontal lines",
+        "crown: bold, blonde tufted crest",
+        "forehead: white to pale yellow, blending into the crest",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: slate gray with sharp, curved claws",
+        "wings: black with white spotting and patches",
+        "nape: white to pale yellow, blending into crest",
+        "tail: mainly black with white outer feathers and tips",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "blood pheasant": [
+        "back: strikingly patterned with rich chestnut and black",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pale horn-colored",
+        "belly: chestnut brown with white, brown, and black speckles",
+        "breast: rusty red shading with black and white feathers",
+        "crown: dark, glossy blue-black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: glossy blue-black, smoothly merging into crown",
+        "eyes: deep brown with a bare, bright red orbital ring",
+        "legs: robust, feathered, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-colored, barred with black and white",
+        "nape: rich chestnut with black streaks and speckles",
+        "tail: long, chestnut to black with white bands and black bars",
+        "throat: vibrant scarlet red, feathered texture"
+    ],
+    "blue coau": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and curved",
+        "belly: bright blue plumage",
+        "breast: rich blue feathery chest",
+        "crown: deep blue feathered crest",
+        "forehead: radiant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, and strong",
+        "wings: wide, iridescent blue",
+        "nape: sleek blue feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: elongated, brilliant blue feathers",
+        "throat: soft, blue feathered area"
+    ],
+    "blue dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: light blue-gray plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue head crest",
+        "forehead: small blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, expressive",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black edges",
+        "nape: blue and smooth",
+        "tail: slender, blue with black tips",
+        "throat: sky-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue gray gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: sleek blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: petite, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with soft gray undertones",
+        "breast: pale bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-blue with slender white eye-ring",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: petite and black, encased in white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: subtle deep blue-gray coloration",
+        "tail: long, blackish-blue, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "blue grosbeak": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: silver-colored, conical shape",
+        "belly: lighter blue plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with smooth contour",
+        "forehead: bright blue and flat",
+        "eyes: black, small and circular",
+        "legs: dark grey, sturdy",
+        "wings: blue and black striped pattern",
+        "nape: rich blue and rounded",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue and smooth"
+    ],
+    "blue grouse": [
+        "back: short, rounded bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, blackish hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers with streaks of white",
+        "breast: dark slate-gray with subtle white speckles",
+        "crown: dark blue-gray feathers with a slight peak",
+        "forehead: blue-gray feathers extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with a faint yellow ring around the pupil",
+        "legs: feathered bluish-gray with sturdy toes",
+        "wings: bluish-gray feathers with subtle white streaks",
+        "nape: gray-blue feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, fanned gray-blue feathers",
+        "throat: dark blue-gray with fine, white speckling"
+    ],
+    "blue malkoha": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: curved, black beak",
+        "belly: lighter blue feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: blue feathers with a crest",
+        "forehead: blue feathered",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes",
+        "legs: long, gray legs",
+        "wings: blue, mid-sized wings",
+        "nape: blue feathers at the back of the head",
+        "tail: long, blue, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: slightly lighter blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue throated toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green curved body",
+        "beak: large, colorful, and curve-tipped",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green hues",
+        "breast: green fading to blueish undertones",
+        "crown: bright green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: emerald green merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: bold, black, surrounded by blue circles",
+        "legs: dull gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue-edged feathers",
+        "nape: green blending seamlessly with the back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers fanning out",
+        "throat: brilliant blue patch underneath the beak"
+    ],
+    "bobolink": [
+        "back: black upper-side with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: light brownish-white",
+        "breast: black with white patches",
+        "crown: black with white median stripe",
+        "forehead: black with white central patch",
+        "eyes: small with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark grey",
+        "wings: black with white edges and prominent stripes",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and stubby with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with white patches"
+    ],
+    "bornean bristlehead": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thick, short, and black",
+        "belly: dark orange-brown feathers",
+        "breast: deep brown with a slight orange tint",
+        "crown: blackish with a spiky brush-like crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers with small black bristles",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and black, strong for perching",
+        "wings: long and rounded, dark reddish-brown",
+        "nape: black bristles extending from the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, dark reddish-brown with black tips",
+        "throat: deep brown transitioning into orange-brown on the belly"
+    ],
+    "bornean leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with slight yellowish tint",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark-colored beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathering",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with a subtle blue shine",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: bright green with black and yellow feather tips",
+        "nape: green plumage blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bold yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "bornean pheasant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with blue and purple sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and ivory-colored",
+        "belly: light brownish-orange feathers",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-colored feathers with darker speckles",
+        "crown: glossy, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange patch of skin",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almond-shaped with white eyelid rings",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green feathers with a mix of blue and purple hues",
+        "nape: multicolored iridescent feather patterns",
+        "tail: long and elegant with green, blue, and purple feathers",
+        "throat: dark rufous plumage with grayish-brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "brandt cormarant": [
+        "back: dark plumage with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, thin, and hooked at the tip, colored black",
+        "belly: black feathering fading to white towards the tail",
+        "breast: mostly black with small white patches",
+        "crown: black with a sleek, rounded appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth and sloping, leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: small and bright, with a blue iris surrounded by a blue ring",
+        "legs: short and black, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: black with a slight green sheen, long and broad for diving and soaring",
+        "nape: black feathers with white streaks, meeting at the back of the head",
+        "tail: short and wide, black with a slight green sheen",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from the base of the beak, blending into the black breast"
+    ],
+    "brewer blackbird": [
+        "back: shiny black feathers with iridescent hues",
+        "beak: short, pointed, light grey to black",
+        "belly: sleek black plumage plus a hint of iridescent green",
+        "breast: reflective black feathers with a purple sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent black with a hint of purple sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny black feathers with subtle purple-blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: glossy black with blue-green sheen",
+        "nape: iridescent black feathers with purple and green tinges",
+        "tail: reflective black with a fan shape and greenish sheen",
+        "throat: black feathers with a faint green iridescence"
+    ],
+    "brown crepper": [
+        "back: rich brown, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: pale, buff-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring, rounded shape",
+        "nape: streaked, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: fanned, reddish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: buff-white with streaks on sides"
+    ],
+    "brown noody": [
+        "back: dark brown and sleek",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: light brown with white undertones",
+        "breast: soft brown and smooth",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown gradient",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: elongated and dark brown with a tapered shape",
+        "nape: lighter brown, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, forked, and dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light brown with a white patch"
+    ],
+    "brown thrasher": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown color, streaked with dark markings",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pale yellowish",
+        "belly: buff-white with heavy brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with bold dark spots",
+        "crown: smooth reddish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue, with strong toes",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with bold dark bars and white wingtips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with white tips and distinct dark bands",
+        "throat: paler with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "bulwer pheasant": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: soft greyish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: shiny dark blue with green sheen",
+        "crown: black crest feathers erecting upwards",
+        "forehead: covered by white, small feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by striking blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered with dark blue plumage, strong talons",
+        "wings: elongated, greenish-blue with metallic sheen",
+        "nape: covered in black feathers, transitioning to iridescent blue",
+        "tail: strikingly elongated, curved magenta tail feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering yellowish-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "burchell courser": [
+        "back: streaked sandy-brown color",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: white or creamy color",
+        "breast: sandy-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark and round",
+        "legs: long, light gray with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: sandy-brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: sandy brown with dark band and white tip",
+        "throat: clean, white color"
+    ],
+    "bush turkey": [
+        "back: dark-brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: lighter brown, slightly feathered",
+        "breast: robust, dark-brown plumage",
+        "crown: small, black, prehistoric-looking crest",
+        "forehead: flat and feathered, transitions to crown",
+        "eyes: small, beady, light-brown",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark-brown, fan-shaped, small for flight",
+        "nape: dark-brown, well-feathered, transitions to back",
+        "tail: flat, wide, dark-brown feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: lighter brown, well-feathered, transitions to breast"
+    ],
+    "caatinga cacholote": [
+        "back: light brown and streaked",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale whitish-brown",
+        "breast: buff-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with a crest",
+        "forehead: tawny-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, strong, grayish",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: tawny-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale buff-brown"
+    ],
+    "cabot tragopan": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white ocelli",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: deep orange with black-and-white patches",
+        "crown: dark blue-black with a crest-like tuft",
+        "forehead: bright blue skin patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown with bare blue skin around",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white spotting",
+        "nape: orange with black and white bars",
+        "tail: long and barred with reddish-brown, black, and white",
+        "throat: blue skin with inflatable dark blue lappets"
+    ],
+    "cactus wren": [
+        "back: light brown with white spotting",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: dusty white with black streaks",
+        "breast: covering of dark brown spots",
+        "crown: brown, with a slight reddish tinge",
+        "forehead: brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and a black streak",
+        "nape: light brown, similar to the back",
+        "tail: brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "california condor": [
+        "back: dark, elongated feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, and prominent for tearing flesh",
+        "belly: mostly featherless, with well-developed muscles",
+        "breast: sturdy, with layers of feathers for insulation and protection",
+        "crown: bald head with small patches of feathers",
+        "forehead: lack of feathers, exposing the wrinkled skin",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark, and keen for spotting carrion",
+        "legs: strong, scaled, and taloned for gripping onto branches",
+        "wings: massive, broad, and black for soaring high in the air",
+        "nape: elegant arch connecting the head to the body with sparse feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers, broad, and slightly wedge-shaped for added flight control",
+        "throat: bare, fleshy skin with a characteristic pinkish-red color"
+    ],
+    "california gull": [
+        "back: smooth gray feathers",
+        "beak: medium-length, slightly hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white plumage with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: round, slate-gray head",
+        "forehead: flat, light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and round",
+        "legs: thin, webbed, dusky-pink",
+        "wings: gray with black-tipped primaries and white edges",
+        "nape: light gray feather transition between head and back",
+        "tail: white, fan-shaped, with black border",
+        "throat: white, soft feathered area connecting head to belly"
+    ],
+    "campo flicker": [
+        "back: yellowish-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: long, curved, and beige",
+        "belly: cream-colored with black spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: solid black with a red stripe",
+        "forehead: black with bold white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a white ring around it",
+        "legs: strong, greyish, and adapted for climbing",
+        "wings: yellowish-brown, black barring, and white spots",
+        "nape: black with white horizontal stripes",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown, with white bars",
+        "throat: white with black spotting"
+    ],
+    "cape glossy starling": [
+        "back: iridescent dark blue-green",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright blue and glossy",
+        "breast: shimmering blue-green",
+        "crown: dark glossy blue with purple sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-green, smoothly blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright orange encircled with black feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey-black",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: glossy dark blue-green blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, shiny blue-green with a slight fork",
+        "throat: vibrant blue, subtly merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "cape longclaw": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow patch",
+        "crown: dark brown with a crest",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: long and light-colored",
+        "wings: golden-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: golden-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark, long, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with mottled streaks"
+    ],
+    "cape may warbler": [
+        "back: bright yellow with bold black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: yellow with black streaks on sides",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with a black cap",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: bold black eye stripe, white crescent below",
+        "legs: dark gray or black",
+        "wings: black with white patches and edging",
+        "nape: yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "cape rock thrush": [
+        "back: dark gray and sleek",
+        "beak: straight, black and thin",
+        "belly: light gray with fine spotting",
+        "breast: pale gray with gentle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: dark gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by a faint white ring",
+        "legs: strong, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark gray fading to black at tips, with subtle light gray edges",
+        "nape: dark gray, connecting to the back and crown",
+        "tail: black with a subtle white patch at the base, medium length",
+        "throat: pale gray with tiny streaks, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "capped heron": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, yellow with a black tip",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white with pale blue tuft",
+        "crown: black crest on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: pale blue frontal shield",
+        "eyes: yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green, and slender",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: black and white striping",
+        "tail: long, white central feathers with blue-gray edges",
+        "throat: white feathered"
+    ],
+    "capuchinbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with streaks of black",
+        "crown: smooth with a dark brown to black crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown or black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady with a hint of white outline",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-black, suited for perching",
+        "wings: brownish-black, rounded for short flights",
+        "nape: thick with reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long and streaming, dark brown with black streaks",
+        "throat: pale buff with a textured, feathery look"
+    ],
+    "caspian tern": [
+        "back: sleek and gray",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and red",
+        "belly: smooth and white",
+        "breast: white with a slight gray shimmer",
+        "crown: black cap extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: black forehead blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and well-spaced",
+        "legs: short, orange, and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, tapering, and gray",
+        "nape: black, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: narrow and forked, white with dark edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "cedar waxwing": [
+        "back: smooth, sleek grayish-brown",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft yellow with light gray",
+        "breast: pale gray, blending to yellow",
+        "crown: sleek, high-ridged crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into crest",
+        "eyes: dark black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: dark, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: gray with red waxy tips",
+        "nape: gray-brown, sleek, and smooth",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, with yellow band",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked, blending to chest"
+    ],
+    "cerulean warbler": [
+        "back: deep blue with streaks of black",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: blue-gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright cerulean blue",
+        "forehead: blue and unmarked",
+        "eyes: black, round and tiny",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: cerulean blue with black edging",
+        "nape: blue, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: blue-black with white edges",
+        "throat: clean white contrasting with blue upperparts"
+    ],
+    "chara de collar": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers brilliantly reflecting light",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and slightly curved inquisitive beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey feathers providing warmth and comfort",
+        "breast: deep reddish-orange colored plumage",
+        "crown: bright green crest with hints of iridescence",
+        "forehead: small and unassuming, gently merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny orbs observantly gazing",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and strong perching limbs",
+        "wings: expansive green and orange canvas in flight",
+        "nape: smooth transition from bright crown to green back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers aiding stability and balance",
+        "throat: beautiful circular black collar-like marking accentuating the neck"
+    ],
+    "chattering lory": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: curved, bright orange",
+        "belly: deep yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright red and yellow mix",
+        "crown: vibrantly red feathers",
+        "forehead: deep red shading",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: grey with strong grip",
+        "wings: green with splashes of blue and red",
+        "nape: red with green blended feathers",
+        "tail: green and blue elongated feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant red with hints of yellow"
+    ],
+    "chestnet bellied euphonia": [
+        "back: deep blue plumage",
+        "beak: short and thick, light grey",
+        "belly: reddish chestnut hue",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue cap",
+        "forehead: royal blue shading",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with black edges",
+        "nape: bold blue feathers",
+        "tail: black with blue highlights",
+        "throat: gleaming blue patch"
+    ],
+    "chestnut winged cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dense dark-grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark grey streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye rings",
+        "legs: greyish-blue, long",
+        "wings: chestnut-colored primaries and secondaries, with contrasting white tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with dark streaking"
+    ],
+    "chinese bamboo partridge": [
+        "back: brown and black streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, grayish-white",
+        "belly: buff-white with black bars and spots",
+        "breast: pale chestnut with dark black spots",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with black markings",
+        "forehead: chestnut fading to buff-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with rufous and pale buff barring",
+        "nape: chestnut with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chinese pond heron": [
+        "back: greyish-brown plumage with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: white feathers with some brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark and bushy crest feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: shiny black surrounded by white streaks",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green, and slender",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and greyish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers fading into greyish-brown"
+    ],
+    "chipping sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with brown and black",
+        "beak: dark, conical shaped",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: plain grayish-white",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with central stripe",
+        "forehead: black stripe at base of beak",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: brown with dark bars and white edging",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: dark with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "chucao tapaculo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, blackish in color",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with pale gray at sides",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with light gray stripe",
+        "forehead: dark olive-brown with light gray markings",
+        "eyes: dark, small-sized with whitish eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded, with faint rufous bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, dark olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "chukar partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark barring",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark bars",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown with bold, dark bands",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: white-bordered black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with a red orbital ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, with reddish-orange scales",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-white with dark bars",
+        "tail: brown with black bands and white outer tips",
+        "throat: white with a black band"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon attila": [
+        "back: rich cinnamon-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: light cinnamon with slight streaks",
+        "breast: warm cinnamon hue, slightly paler than back",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown connecting to crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: slim and black",
+        "wings: cinnamon-brown with faint darker markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown transitioning to back",
+        "tail: long and cinnamon-brown with subtle banding",
+        "throat: muted cinnamon with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon flycatcher": [
+        "back: warm brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange-cinnamon color",
+        "crown: russet-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "tail: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale cinnamon-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "clark grebe": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: white and fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: white, merging with gray on the sides",
+        "crown: black, extending towards nape",
+        "forehead: steep profile, meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: bright red with a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with lobed toes for swimming",
+        "wings: pointed, grayish-black on top, white underneath",
+        "nape: black, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: short, pointed, grayish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark head"
+    ],
+    "clark nutcracker": [
+        "back: striated black, white and gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointy, black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: white-gray with some black markings",
+        "crown: black feathers transitioning to light gray",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: black, white and gray patterned feathers; strong for long flights",
+        "nape: light gray feathers blending into darker grey-back",
+        "tail: black feathers with white edges; long and sturdy",
+        "throat: white feathers with black markings"
+    ],
+    "cock of the  rock": [
+        "back: bright orange feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, sharply hooked",
+        "belly: vibrant orange plumage",
+        "breast: rich orange feathers with a slight curve",
+        "crown: sleek crest of bright orange feathers",
+        "forehead: bold, bright orange plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, circular",
+        "legs: robust black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, broad, orange feathers",
+        "nape: glowing orange feathers tapering down the neck",
+        "tail: semi-circular array of long, orange feathers",
+        "throat: bright orange, surrounded by white tufted feathers"
+    ],
+    "collared aracari": [
+        "back: greenish-black with golden hues",
+        "beak: large, colorful, serrated",
+        "belly: red to yellowish-green gradient",
+        "breast: bright red with black markings",
+        "crown: glossy green with white patches",
+        "forehead: glossy green",
+        "eyes: encircled in blue, reddish-brown iris",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: vibrant green and black with yellow tips",
+        "nape: white collar marking",
+        "tail: long, greenish-black with yellow tips",
+        "throat: red to yellowish-green gradient"
+    ],
+    "collared crescentchest": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: thin, straight, dark-colored",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with black crescent markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow with distinctive black collar",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-olive transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: small black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded with faint markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint barring, medium length",
+        "throat: bright yellow with tiny black streaks"
+    ],
+    "common firecrest": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellow with white highlights",
+        "breast: soft yellow with orange patch",
+        "crown: bright orange and yellow crest",
+        "forehead: yellow and black striped pattern",
+        "eyes: black with bold white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale brown and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with black and white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white and black bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a white central patch"
+    ],
+    "common grackle": [
+        "back: iridescent black-blue sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy, black",
+        "belly: dark, iridescent blue-black",
+        "breast: shiny, black-blue plumes",
+        "crown: glossy, slightly raised black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, gleaming black",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal gray",
+        "wings: black-blue shimmer, faint bars",
+        "nape: glittering black curve",
+        "tail: lengthy, v-shaped black feathers",
+        "throat: reflective, bluish-black sheen"
+    ],
+    "common house martin": [
+        "back: sleek dark-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: clean white underparts",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers",
+        "crown: glossy dark-blue cap",
+        "forehead: sharp contrast between dark and white",
+        "eyes: small and alert",
+        "legs: short with tiny claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, adept for flight",
+        "nape: dark blue-black transition to white",
+        "tail: forked, dark-colored feathers",
+        "throat: bright white plumage"
+    ],
+    "common iora": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale-yellow and soft",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, slight gradient",
+        "crown: bright, yellow cap",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow, sleek",
+        "eyes: small, black, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slim, gray, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, long, pointed",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, well-defined",
+        "tail: black, white-tipped, forked",
+        "throat: pale-yellow, delicate"
+    ],
+    "common poorwill": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: small, black, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark barring",
+        "crown: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and prominent",
+        "legs: short and feathered, with small black claws",
+        "wings: rounded, mottled brownish-gray with dark spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, with white-tipped outer feathers and dark brown bars",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "common starling": [
+        "back: shiny, iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale gray, spotted with dark feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: glossy, purplish-black sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny, iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: reddish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and shimmering with shades of green and purple",
+        "nape: iridescent green-black plumage",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, and dark with a green-purple sheen",
+        "throat: speckled, grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "coppersmith barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, short, and red-orange",
+        "belly: shades of yellow and green",
+        "breast: bright yellow with streaks of green",
+        "crown: red with short feathers",
+        "forehead: blue and compact",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and encircled with pale blue rings",
+        "legs: short, brown, and strong",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue in flight feathers",
+        "nape: green, blends with the back",
+        "tail: short, green, with light feather tips",
+        "throat: black, in contrast with the yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "coppery tailed coucal": [
+        "back: earth-toned feathers with hints of copper",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with some black markings",
+        "breast: black and white barred pattern",
+        "crown: glossy black with subtle iridescence",
+        "forehead: sleek black transitioning to rufous",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: copper-rust color with black and white barring",
+        "nape: black and rufous striped pattern",
+        "tail: elongated, coppery-rust iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers fading into the white belly"
+    ],
+    "crab plover": [
+        "back: sleek, black plumage",
+        "beak: long, stout, and black",
+        "belly: clean, white feathers",
+        "breast: striking white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, black feathering",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "eyes: large, dark orbs with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: tall, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: long, black feathers with white underwing coverts",
+        "nape: black feathers extending down the neck",
+        "tail: short, black feathers with white edging",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "crane hawk": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: white or light grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: darker feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: white or pale grey plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or orange",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and powerful",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, with pronounced primary feathers",
+        "nape: transition from darker head to lighter back plumage",
+        "tail: long, banded with white and dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey or white feathers, sometimes with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "cream colored woodpecker": [
+        "back: sleek cream feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like",
+        "belly: soft cream plumage",
+        "breast: pale creamy feathers",
+        "crown: buff-cream crest",
+        "forehead: smooth cream finish",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: strong, cream-colored",
+        "wings: cream flecked with brown",
+        "nape: subtly streaked cream",
+        "tail: elongated, cream feathers",
+        "throat: delicate cream shading"
+    ],
+    "crested auklet": [
+        "back: dark gray with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, orange and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with white speckles",
+        "crown: black with prominent crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray and slightly tufted",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like with white eyering",
+        "legs: orange and webbed",
+        "wings: dark gray with white tips on secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-blue with short, sharp feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "crested caracara": [
+        "back: rich dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong and curved, black-and-yellow",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: white and speckled with brown",
+        "crown: velvety black crest",
+        "forehead: red facial skin",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, powerful, yellow",
+        "wings: dark brown, long and pointed",
+        "nape: white collar separates neck from body",
+        "tail: banded in black and white",
+        "throat: white with dark lower edge"
+    ],
+    "crested coua": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray with light bluish sheen",
+        "breast: pale gray blending into belly",
+        "crown: bright blue with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: orange-red with distinctive blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with a slight iridescence",
+        "nape: blue-green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, similar to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "crested kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and white feathered patterns",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with faint greyish-blue streaks",
+        "crown: majestic blue with a blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue with a dark plumage",
+        "eyes: deep, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, sturdy, silver-grey",
+        "wings: broad, blue with bold white veining",
+        "nape: rich blue",
+        "tail: elongated, wide feathers with blue and white bands",
+        "throat: soft white"
+    ],
+    "crested nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-grey with faint stripes",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale grey",
+        "belly: whitish with grey spots",
+        "breast: pale buff-white",
+        "crown: dark grey with a sharp crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black line",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: slate grey with white accents",
+        "nape: blue-grey with black markings",
+        "tail: dark grey, slightly barred",
+        "throat: light grey underbelly"
+    ],
+    "crested oropendola": [
+        "back: glossy black, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, silver-grey, slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep black feathering",
+        "breast: black and glossy feathers",
+        "crown: yellow or golden crest, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black feathering, blending into the crest",
+        "eyes: small, deep black, with unfeathered eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: lengthy, black feathers with dim iridescence",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers, connecting crest to back",
+        "tail: long, pendulum-like, yellow-edged black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, black feathers slightly extending to neck"
+    ],
+    "crested serpent eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown with horizontal streaks",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, black with a yellow base",
+        "belly: creamy-white with horizontal dark brown bands",
+        "breast: white with dark brown horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with a prominent feathered crest",
+        "forehead: white and intermixed with dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown, with light and dark bands visible in flight",
+        "nape: dark brown with a slight feathered collar",
+        "tail: long, brown with broad light bands at intervals",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with a few brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "crested shriketit": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: prominent black crest",
+        "forehead: contrasting white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-orange with a white spot"
+    ],
+    "crested wood partridge": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: short, curved, and grey",
+        "belly: greyish-blue feathers with black bars",
+        "breast: reddish-brown feathers with black bars",
+        "crown: blueish-grey feathers with red crest",
+        "forehead: blueish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown and alert",
+        "legs: strong, grey, with three toes",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: greyish-blue with black bars"
+    ],
+    "crimson chat": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange feathers",
+        "beak: small and conical, black colored",
+        "belly: pale white to light orange plumage",
+        "breast: bright crimson feathering",
+        "crown: red-orange feathers fading to gray at back",
+        "forehead: vivid red plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and gray, with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish coloration, transitioning to red",
+        "tail: medium length, grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright crimson feathers, contrasting with white belly"
+    ],
+    "crimson sunbird": [
+        "back: brilliant crimson-red feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: shining yellow-orange plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant red with a metallic sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent red-purple cap",
+        "forehead: shimmering ruby-red feathers",
+        "eyes: round, shiny, black, with white outer rings",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black, with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark purple-blue with flashes of red",
+        "nape: fiery crimson hue blending into purple-blue wings",
+        "tail: elongated, split-end, deep purple-blue feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming red merging into a yellow-orange belly"
+    ],
+    "cuban tody": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: bright red patch with white borders",
+        "crown: bright green with a bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: vivid red feathers",
+        "eyes: large and dark, encircled by fine blue feathers",
+        "legs: short and slender, grayish-blue color",
+        "wings: short and round, green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: green feathers, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short and square, green with a yellowish tip",
+        "throat: white feathers, contrasting with the red breast"
+    ],
+    "cuban trogon": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: deep red plumage",
+        "breast: white band separating green and red",
+        "crown: bright green with slight metallic shine",
+        "forehead: light green transition from the beak",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by thin white ring",
+        "legs: short, reddish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: striking blue with black and white markings",
+        "nape: vibrant green continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped and serrated with blue upper feathers",
+        "throat: greenish sheen blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "curl crested aracuri": [
+        "back: dark green feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, and ivory-colored",
+        "belly: smooth white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a subtle yellow tinge",
+        "crown: elaborately curled black feathers",
+        "forehead: adorned with tightly curled feather tufts",
+        "eyes: round and dark in color, slightly hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong, with grey-to-black scales",
+        "wings: long and green with a hint of iridescence",
+        "nape: dark green, transitioning into the crown's curls",
+        "tail: moderately long with green and blue feather banding",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from chin to breast area"
+    ],
+    "d arnauds barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: thick and crimson red",
+        "belly: yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-green coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: green with blue and red flashes",
+        "nape: bright turquoise-blue hue",
+        "tail: long, green with red-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "dalmatian pelican": [
+        "back: silvery-white with light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, strong, and hooked with an orange pouch",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: short white feathers blending into grey",
+        "crown: subtle crest of feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers transitioning to soft grey",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short, thick, and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: large, powerful, with white and grey plumage",
+        "nape: white and grey feathers extending down the neck",
+        "tail: short with square-cut white feathers",
+        "throat: puffy white feathers extending to the upper chest"
+    ],
+    "darjeeling woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson with black markings",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with black patches",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: vivid scarlet hue",
+        "forehead: red to deep crimson coloration",
+        "eyes: dark and alert with a white frame",
+        "legs: light grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white markings, hint of blue",
+        "nape: rich, continuous red from the crown",
+        "tail: black with white bars, strong for bracing",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the head's red color"
+    ],
+    "dark eyed junco": [
+        "back: dark gray to brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, cone-shaped pinkish beak",
+        "belly: light gray or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with a slight pink hue",
+        "crown: dark gray or blackish cap-like feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black or dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, thin pinkish legs",
+        "wings: slate gray with white outer edges",
+        "nape: dark gray, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-gray feathers with white outer corners",
+        "throat: light gray to off-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "daurian redstart": [
+        "back: rusty-copper colored feathers",
+        "beak: dark, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: pale-gray with a hint of orange",
+        "breast: bright fiery-orange",
+        "crown: dark, grayish-black",
+        "forehead: grayish-black, extending to the eye area",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin",
+        "wings: folded, gray with patches of white",
+        "nape: grayish-black, contiguous with the crown",
+        "tail: orange-red with white edges, contrasting with body",
+        "throat: white, with clear demarcation from breast"
+    ],
+    "demoiselle crane": [
+        "back: smooth, bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, light grey",
+        "belly: white to light grey plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers with black edges",
+        "crown: pale grey with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: white feathered with a small black patch",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a white outline",
+        "legs: slender, grey-blue with long, sharp claws",
+        "wings: bluish-grey, elongated feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: black plume feathers extending from the head",
+        "tail: grey feathers with black borders",
+        "throat: grey, bordered by white and black bands"
+    ],
+    "double barred finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint barring",
+        "beak: thick, silvery-blue with dark tips",
+        "belly: white or pale with dark barring",
+        "breast: white with bold black bars",
+        "crown: dark gray-black feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: gray-black with faint barring",
+        "tail: dark brown edged with white",
+        "throat: white with faint gray markings"
+    ],
+    "double brested cormarant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored",
+        "breast: two layers, white and black feathers",
+        "crown: pronounced, black crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers, smooth curve",
+        "eyes: bright green, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, dark, powerful",
+        "nape: thick, elongated neck, dark feathers",
+        "tail: long, slender, black feathers",
+        "throat: white, feathered patch"
+    ],
+    "double eyed fig parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and stout",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid blue feathers",
+        "crown: striking red-orange patch",
+        "forehead: bright green with thin white band",
+        "eyes: white rings with black pupils",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with grayish scales",
+        "wings: green with blue highlights, strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green feathers with a slight tuft",
+        "tail: short and squarish, green with light blue tips",
+        "throat: distinct pale blue coloration"
+    ],
+    "downy woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: straight, strong, chisel-like",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: plain white, unmarked",
+        "crown: black with a red patch (males",
+        "forehead: white or buff, clean",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white spots or bars",
+        "nape: black, sometimes with red patch",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or buff, clean"
+    ],
+    "dusky lory": [
+        "back: vibrant orange feathers with hints of yellow",
+        "beak: short, stout, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers with orange undertones",
+        "breast: vivid orange feathers fading to yellow at the edges",
+        "crown: deep orangish-red feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: bright orange fading to yellow towards beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and attentive",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with dark-colored claws",
+        "wings: orange and yellow feathers with dark trailing edges",
+        "nape: fiery orange feathers with faint yellow highlights",
+        "tail: medium-length, orange and yellow feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers with a hint of orange at the edges"
+    ],
+    "dusky robin": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: dusky brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: long and thin, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with lighter edges",
+        "nape: slightly darker grey than the back",
+        "tail: dark brownish-grey, rounded and short",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "eared pita": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, broad, and stout",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: blue-grey with a black-and-white stripe",
+        "forehead: blue-grey with faint white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like, surrounded by a pale crescent",
+        "legs: long and slender, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: blue-grey with a distinctive black ear patch",
+        "tail: elongated and graduated, olive-green with black bars",
+        "throat: white with a sharp demarcated black border"
+    ],
+    "eastern bluebird": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathered",
+        "beak: small and sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: white or light gray",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: bright blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: thin and blue-gray",
+        "wings: vivid blue with some white tips",
+        "nape: blue extending from the crown",
+        "tail: blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of orange"
+    ],
+    "eastern bluebonnet": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with light blue streaks",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue top feathers",
+        "forehead: blue with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: blue with black and white edges",
+        "nape: blue with gray transition",
+        "tail: long, blue with black streaks",
+        "throat: white with slender blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "eastern golden weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with hints of black",
+        "nape: yellow-green coloration",
+        "tail: medium-length, black, and yellow-bordered feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "eastern meadowlark": [
+        "back: brown and black streaked pattern",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black v-shaped markings",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: striped with brown and light beige",
+        "forehead: pale beige with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown, patterned with white and beige",
+        "nape: brown striped with lighter shades",
+        "tail: brown, fan-shaped with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "eastern rosella": [
+        "back: vibrant green and black feathers",
+        "beak: off-white, strong and hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow with fine dark markings",
+        "breast: vivid red transitioning to yellow",
+        "crown: bright red with white cheeks",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue merging into red",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a greyish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, strong and scaly",
+        "wings: green and black feathers with blue edges",
+        "nape: green and black feathers with a red patch",
+        "tail: long and blue, with green and black feather patterns",
+        "throat: yellow with black and red feathers on the sides"
+    ],
+    "eastern towee": [
+        "back: dark, reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: conical, bicolored with gray upper and pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: creamy-white with tinges of buff",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: deep reddish-brown with distinct streaks",
+        "forehead: rich reddish-brown with blackish outlines",
+        "eyes: dark, featuring expressive white eyerings",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender and agile",
+        "wings: blackish with reddish-brown and white barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, distinct from the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, typically held high and fanned",
+        "throat: white or cream, unmarked and clear"
+    ],
+    "eastern wip poor will": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, dark-colored, and triangular",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: mixed shades of gray with black speckles",
+        "crown: grayish-brown streaked with black",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and prominent",
+        "legs: short, covered in feathers, dark-colored",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grayish-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with white corners, thin black bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "eastern yellow robin": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slim and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: olive-yellow plumage",
+        "forehead: unmarked olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with some grayish-brown",
+        "nape: olive-yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with a slight fork",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian hillstar": [
+        "back: iridescent green and black plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: silvery-white with greenish-black speckles",
+        "breast: silvery-white with greenish-black speckles",
+        "crown: glossy violet-blue",
+        "forehead: glossy deep green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black edges",
+        "nape: iridescent green and black",
+        "tail: forked, black with vibrant green tips",
+        "throat: brilliant purple iridescence"
+    ],
+    "egyptian goose": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: pinkish-red with black tip",
+        "belly: cream to light brown feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with dark brown speckles",
+        "crown: rich reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale creamy-white",
+        "eyes: orange to yellow with small black pupil",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: grey and white with distinctive green patches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, fading to grey",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white tip",
+        "throat: pale white or creamy-yellow"
+    ],
+    "elegant trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, yellow",
+        "belly: striking red-orange",
+        "breast: defined green-to-red transition",
+        "crown: iridescent green, rounded",
+        "forehead: bright green, descending to the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, with light eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, gray, with strong feet",
+        "wings: shimmering green, medium-sized",
+        "nape: metallic green, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: black and white, long, squared-off feathers",
+        "throat: striking red-orange, matching belly"
+    ],
+    "elliot pheasant": [
+        "back: glossy, metallic greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and grayish in color",
+        "belly: light brown with black and white bars",
+        "breast: bold, dark chestnut with white speckles",
+        "crown: shimmering greenish-black feathers with a crest",
+        "forehead: metallic green-black feathers, covering the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive and round with a brownish-orange hue",
+        "legs: long, slender, and featherless with strong claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black and white bars, long and pointed",
+        "nape: metallic greenish-black plumage blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with black barring, ending in curved feathers",
+        "throat: white and speckled, contrasting with the darker breast"
+    ],
+    "emerald tanager": [
+        "back: deep emerald green",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: lighter green hue",
+        "breast: vibrant green feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent emerald green",
+        "forehead: slightly turquoise tint",
+        "eyes: dark with white ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: intense green with darker edges",
+        "nape: rich emerald tone",
+        "tail: elongated with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: bright green blending to the belly"
+    ],
+    "emperor penguin": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: large, white, and rounded",
+        "breast: broad and full",
+        "crown: black feathers that fan out",
+        "forehead: black plumage with a small white patch",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and round",
+        "legs: short with strong webbed feet",
+        "wings: short, stiff, and flipper-like",
+        "nape: black, gently sloping feathers",
+        "tail: short, black, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white with a touch of yellow near the neck"
+    ],
+    "enggano myna": [
+        "back: dark glossy greenish-blue",
+        "beak: black and thick",
+        "belly: deep blue-black",
+        "breast: rich blue-black with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin black eye ring",
+        "legs: strong and black",
+        "wings: deep blue-black with greenish-blue gloss",
+        "nape: blue-green, shiny",
+        "tail: long and blue-black with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "throat: dark blue-black with a smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "eurasian bullfinch": [
+        "back: greyish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light grey color",
+        "breast: reddish-pink for males, greyish for females",
+        "crown: black and curved",
+        "forehead: black, extending into cheeks",
+        "eyes: dark and small, with black outline",
+        "legs: short, dark grey with strong feet",
+        "wings: dark blue with white bars",
+        "nape: black in males, grey in females",
+        "tail: black with white markings on edges",
+        "throat: black, distinct from breast color"
+    ],
+    "eurasian golden oriole": [
+        "back: bright yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed and pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: sleek yellow-green feathers",
+        "forehead: small, yellow-green feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blueish-grey, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: black primary and secondary feathers with yellow edges",
+        "nape: smooth yellow-green feathers",
+        "tail: black with yellow outer feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "eurasian magpie": [
+        "back: iridescent black and green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: contrasting white plumage",
+        "breast: bright white feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded black eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs and claws",
+        "wings: long black feathers with blue and green iridescence",
+        "nape: bold black color with a greenish tinge",
+        "tail: elongated with multicolored black, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: sleek white feathers under the beak"
+    ],
+    "european goldfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, bright orange",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-orange hue",
+        "crown: bold black and yellow stripes",
+        "forehead: vibrant red patch",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: black with golden-yellow bar",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown feathers",
+        "tail: black with white spots",
+        "throat: creamy white, blends with belly"
+    ],
+    "european turtle dove": [
+        "back: soft grey-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, slim, blackish in color",
+        "belly: light greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-grey with smudged pattern",
+        "crown: pale greyish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light greyish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by eye ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, medium length",
+        "wings: tan and black patterned feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: black and white striped patch",
+        "tail: square-ended, grey, black-bordered feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark stripe"
+    ],
+    "evening grosbeak": [
+        "back: yellow-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: large, conical, and pale ivory",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: black and rounded",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, with bold white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark with white patches, yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellow with subtle black streaks",
+        "tail: forked, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow, blending into pale breast"
+    ],
+    "fairy penguin": [
+        "back: dark-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointy",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: dark-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and pinkish",
+        "wings: short flippers",
+        "nape: dark-blue feathers",
+        "tail: short and stiff",
+        "throat: white plumage"
+    ],
+    "fasciated wren": [
+        "back: brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: curved and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by a lighter circle",
+        "legs: slender, pale brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: barred with dark and light brown, white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white and rufous spots",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "fiery minivet": [
+        "back: bright scarlet hue",
+        "beak: sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red",
+        "crown: deep black",
+        "forehead: striking black",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: bold scarlet with black edges",
+        "nape: shimmering black",
+        "tail: long, fiery orange with black bands",
+        "throat: intense orange shade"
+    ],
+    "fiordland penguin": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers covering the backside",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and orange-tipped",
+        "belly: white underside with no distinct markings",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning smoothly to back",
+        "crown: dark bluish-grey feathers extending from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey feathers blending with crown",
+        "eyes: expressive and round, with a pale ring around each eye",
+        "legs: short and strong, with pinkish-grey, scaly skin",
+        "wings: long and narrow flippers, bluish-grey with white undersides",
+        "nape: continuation of the dark bluish-grey crown",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, covered by bluish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale stripes on either side, separating crown from white breast"
+    ],
+    "fire tailled myzornis": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: petite, dark curved",
+        "belly: soft pale yellow",
+        "breast: radiant yellow-orange",
+        "crown: vivid orange-red",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark, tree-perching",
+        "wings: green with striking white markings",
+        "nape: lush, yellow-green",
+        "tail: elongated, with fiery reddish-orange tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, bordered by orange"
+    ],
+    "flame bowerbird": [
+        "back: vibrant orange and yellow plumage",
+        "beak: curved black beak",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: deep orange-red coloration",
+        "crown: fiery yellow-orange crest",
+        "forehead: bright orange feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and beady",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: mix of grey and vivid orange feathers",
+        "nape: area transitioning from orange to grey plumage",
+        "tail: elongated orange-yellow feathers with grey streaks",
+        "throat: bright orange-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "flame tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and straight",
+        "belly: bright red-orange plumage",
+        "breast: deep red and orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright emerald green feathers",
+        "forehead: bold green and blue hues",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: brilliant green and blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: vivid red and orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "forest wagtail": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: yellowish with faint grey streaks",
+        "crown: grey with a prominent black stripe",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pale pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edges",
+        "nape: greyish-green",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, black and white",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "frill back pigeon": [
+        "back: rounded and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, strong for pecking",
+        "belly: full and rounded, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: puffed out and fluffy",
+        "crown: adorned with frills, fanned out",
+        "forehead: flat and feathered",
+        "eyes: bright and alert, surrounded by thin feather ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, feathered down to feet",
+        "wings: wide and powerful with frilled edges",
+        "nape: sleek and smooth feathers, connecting to frilled crown",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, frilled feathers",
+        "throat: rounded, frilled feathers curving around neck"
+    ],
+    "gambels quail": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: cream to buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: scaled, greyish-brown pattern",
+        "crown: bold, black, with a topknot",
+        "forehead: prominent, red-brown crest",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong and featherless, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-grey, with some reddish-brown markings",
+        "nape: greyish-blue with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey, and squared-off",
+        "throat: black patch on the male, plain greyish-white on the female"
+    ],
+    "gang gang cockatoo": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and light-colored",
+        "belly: soft gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with a slight pink hue",
+        "crown: bright red crest on males, gray on females",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, and feathered",
+        "wings: light gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: gray plumage blending into the back",
+        "tail: light gray feathers tipped with white",
+        "throat: pale gray with a pinkish hue"
+    ],
+    "gila woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, and chisel-tipped",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale gray",
+        "breast: lightly streaked beige or gray",
+        "crown: dark brown or black",
+        "forehead: light brown or beige",
+        "eyes: dark brown with prominent white eye-rings",
+        "legs: gray or black, fairly short",
+        "wings: black with white crossbars",
+        "nape: striped black and white",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: streaked beige or gray"
+    ],
+    "gilded flicker": [
+        "back: golden-olive feathers with black bars",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with a red patch",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: golden-olive with black barring and white patches",
+        "nape: gray-brown with red patch",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: creamy white with a black-spotted border"
+    ],
+    "glossy ibis": [
+        "back: dark iridescent green-purple",
+        "beak: long, slender, and down-curved",
+        "belly: deep reddish-brown with slight shine",
+        "breast: metallic bronze-green",
+        "crown: glossy dark green",
+        "forehead: dark greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long and dark grey",
+        "wings: iridescent purple with green edges",
+        "nape: shiny bluish-purple",
+        "tail: short, dark iridescent green",
+        "throat: metallic bronze-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "gold wing warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green",
+        "forehead: yellow, with black eyeline",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, pale flesh-colored",
+        "wings: black with bold white and yellow markings",
+        "nape: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "tail: black, white-edged",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden bower bird": [
+        "back: bright golden-yellow plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, light-gray",
+        "belly: pale golden-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow crest feathers",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: golden-yellow layered feathers with dark edges",
+        "nape: bright golden-yellow neck feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, dark-tipped golden-yellow feathers",
+        "throat: rich golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden cheeked warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: deep black",
+        "forehead: black with golden-yellow cheeks",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: black with streaky olive-green",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden chlorophonia": [
+        "back: vibrant green with yellow tinges",
+        "beak: thin, curved shape, dark in color",
+        "belly: bright yellow with some green hues",
+        "breast: brilliant golden-yellow, shimmering",
+        "crown: vivid green with slight blue tinge",
+        "forehead: green merging into yellow on the face",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking green with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: green transitioning to yellow towards the throat",
+        "tail: long, forked, green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: rich golden-yellow, blending into belly"
+    ],
+    "golden parakeet": [
+        "back: bright golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: strong, beige-colored, short, hooked",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow hue, feathers close to body",
+        "crown: striking golden-yellow crest, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: striking golden-yellow feathers, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with brilliant white ring around",
+        "legs: light beige with strong feet and sharp claws",
+        "wings: golden-yellow, medium length with feathers fanning outward",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, seamlessly blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: long golden-yellow feathers, pointed tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, feathers slightly shorter than breast"
+    ],
+    "golden pheasant": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow plumage with subtle green accents",
+        "beak: strong, curved, dark-colored bill",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: bright red and orange textured plumage",
+        "crown: sleek, brown feathers with prominent yellow crest",
+        "forehead: striking red and yellow coloration",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: combination of red, blue and green iridescent feathers",
+        "nape: colorful transitional feathers from head to back",
+        "tail: long, barred, and golden-yellow feathers extending elegantly",
+        "throat: bold, deep red plumage"
+    ],
+    "golden pipit": [
+        "back: golden-yellow with streaks of olive",
+        "beak: long, thin, and pointy",
+        "belly: yellowish with some white hues",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green and gold",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with gold sheen",
+        "eyes: dark black with white markings",
+        "legs: thin and smooth with light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: golden olive with darker streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green with a gold sheen",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with olive streaks",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "gouldian finch": [
+        "back: vivid multicolored plumage",
+        "beak: cone-shaped, light-colored",
+        "belly: vibrant purple or lavender",
+        "breast: bright, bold orange",
+        "crown: intense black or red color",
+        "forehead: matching hue with crown",
+        "eyes: black, beady and alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: striking blue and green shades",
+        "nape: continuation of the crown color",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant white or cream patch"
+    ],
+    "grandala": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark-colored, and conical",
+        "belly: white plumage with minimal markings",
+        "breast: vibrant cobalt blue feathers with purple sheen",
+        "crown: bright blue with dark head streaks",
+        "forehead: predominantly blue with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp, sturdy talons",
+        "wings: medium-length with vivid blue and black feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue with dark, thin streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked with blue and black tones",
+        "throat: brilliant blue with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray catbird": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft gray underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth gray plumage",
+        "forehead: flat, grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a small white ring",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with a hint of rust color",
+        "nape: pale gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray kingbird": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "beak: long, straight, dark grey or black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray fading into the white belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than the crown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: black, slender, scaled appearance",
+        "wings: gray with darker feathers on the tips, prominent white patch at base",
+        "nape: light gray, continuous with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers and a forked shape",
+        "throat: light gray with white undertones"
+    ],
+    "gray partridge": [
+        "back: gray-brown feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: chestnut brown with black markings",
+        "breast: gray with orange-brown patches",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with creamy edges",
+        "forehead: white with contrasting black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale surrounds",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, and gray",
+        "wings: rounded, gray-brown with darker markings",
+        "nape: chestnut brown with subtle patterns",
+        "tail: short, brown with reddish tinge",
+        "throat: white with black borders"
+    ],
+    "great argus": [
+        "back: brownish-black and finely patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and greyish-white",
+        "belly: dark brown with lighter buff-colored sides",
+        "breast: rich chestnut color with delicate, white streaking",
+        "crown: rusty brown and velvety texture",
+        "forehead: pale buff with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a blue skin patch",
+        "legs: long, greyish-blue, and scaled",
+        "wings: elongated and intricately patterned with eye-like spots",
+        "nape: rich chestnut with fine white streaking",
+        "tail: extremely long, with broad darker brown feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with fine, brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "great gray owl": [
+        "back: thick, gray-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with faint vertical stripes",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark gray barring",
+        "crown: rounded, gray with white-speckled pattern",
+        "forehead: white with a gray streak",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with a black ring",
+        "legs: feathered, pale gray with irregular dark gray bands",
+        "wings: broad, gray-brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: gray with a slight white v-pattern",
+        "tail: long, pale gray with dark gray bars",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "great jacamar": [
+        "back: vibrant green and iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow underneath",
+        "breast: bright green or blue-green feathers",
+        "crown: glossy green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: shimmering green or blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green, with a blue or purple sheen",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers",
+        "tail: long, slightly rounded, and green with blue or purple edges",
+        "throat: white or light yellow, contrasting with the vibrant body color"
+    ],
+    "great kiskadee": [
+        "back: golden-olive color",
+        "beak: sturdy and black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: black and white",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: rufous with distinct white band",
+        "nape: golden-olive hue",
+        "tail: rufous with black terminal band",
+        "throat: white and clean"
+    ],
+    "great potoo": [
+        "back: brown and white speckled plumage",
+        "beak: large, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with black barring",
+        "breast: mottled with brown, gray, and white",
+        "crown: rounded, grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray",
+        "eyes: large, forward-facing, and yellow",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and feathered",
+        "wings: long, brown, and white streaked",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: gray, faintly speckled with white"
+    ],
+    "great tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale grayish color",
+        "belly: whitish with fine black barring",
+        "breast: dark grayish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-brown with some black markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and grayish with strong feet",
+        "wings: round and short, olive-brown with black tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine, dark gray markings",
+        "tail: long and rounded, olive-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with subtle black markings"
+    ],
+    "great xenops": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slightly upturned, flattened",
+        "belly: buff-colored, light streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-grey, streaking",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, striped",
+        "forehead: pale buff, short line",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: dull greyish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown, barred pattern",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, striped",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown with white tip",
+        "throat: white, narrow rufous band"
+    ],
+    "greater pewee": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: off-white with slight yellowish tint",
+        "breast: pale grayish with indistinct streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, uniform with back",
+        "forehead: slight pale eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long and dark with slight fork",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "greater prairie chicken": [
+        "back: brownish-orange with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, light-colored",
+        "belly: cream with brownish spots",
+        "breast: orange-brown with irregular bars",
+        "crown: round, red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: light with dark stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: moderate size, dark-colored",
+        "legs: strong with feathered thighs, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-orange, white tips, dark-barred",
+        "nape: buff-colored with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, central feathers dark-barred",
+        "throat: distinctive yellow-orange air sacs during mating display"
+    ],
+    "greator sage grouse": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with white patterns",
+        "beak: short, strong, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white, dense, feathery plumage",
+        "breast: dark chest feathers, round and slightly protruding",
+        "crown: dark feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: white, feathery, and slightly bushy",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: strong, feathered grayish-brown, with three toes",
+        "wings: mottled gray-brown, rounded tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white spotting",
+        "tail: long, pointed, central feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: two large, yellow air sacs in males; white-feathered in females"
+    ],
+    "green broadbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pale blue",
+        "belly: bright green with paler streaks",
+        "breast: rich green plumage",
+        "crown: striking emerald green",
+        "forehead: deep green with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: bright green with broad, rounded shape",
+        "nape: lush green with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short, squared-off green tail feathers",
+        "throat: light green with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "green jay": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale green underbelly",
+        "breast: light green plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue to purplish crest",
+        "forehead: striking blue-black pattern",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: rich green with blue accents",
+        "nape: blue-green transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: subtle light green patch"
+    ],
+    "green winged dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers smoothly covering the back",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: lighter green with hints of gray, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering green with a purple hue, rounded feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent green feathers that transition from the forehead",
+        "forehead: radiant bright green, small smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: round black beads, accentuated with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: slim, reddish-brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: large, luminous green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the crown, shimmering green feathers",
+        "tail: long, green feathers tipped with black and blue bands",
+        "throat: subtle green with hints of blue, short and sleek feathers"
+    ],
+    "grey cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: soft, grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: slightly darker grey than belly",
+        "crown: smooth, grey feathers",
+        "forehead: similar grey to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking grey with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the grey crown",
+        "tail: long, black with greyish outer feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey, almost white"
+    ],
+    "grey headed fish eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown with grey feather tips",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-white",
+        "forehead: greyish-white",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown, wide and strong",
+        "nape: greyish-brown",
+        "tail: broad, dark brown with white band",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "grey plover": [
+        "back: dark grey with intricate feather pattern",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: white with hints of grey speckles",
+        "breast: muted grey with small black spots",
+        "crown: slate grey with slight white streaks",
+        "forehead: light grey transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a subtle white eyering",
+        "legs: pale yellow-green",
+        "wings: grey with bold black and white markings",
+        "nape: grey with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer feathers and black bars",
+        "throat: clean white, bordering the breast"
+    ],
+    "groved billed ani": [
+        "back: blackish-green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, black",
+        "belly: dark grayish underparts",
+        "breast: smoky gray plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black, few feathers",
+        "eyes: sparkling white with pupil",
+        "legs: long, dark, slender",
+        "wings: broad, blackish-green",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, square-tipped",
+        "throat: dark grayish feathers"
+    ],
+    "guinea turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, red, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light green, soft plumage",
+        "breast: emerald green feathers",
+        "crown: thick, green plumage with red crest",
+        "forehead: red coloration extending from beak",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: gray, scaly, strong",
+        "wings: green, long, strong",
+        "nape: green with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, green, white-tipped",
+        "throat: bright green feathers"
+    ],
+    "gurney pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: black and stout",
+        "belly: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright azure feathers",
+        "crown: blue and black striped pattern",
+        "forehead: bold black markings",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white surrounding",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black accents",
+        "nape: striped blue and black design",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "gyrfalcon": [
+        "back: strong, broad, and slate-gray to white",
+        "beak: hooked, dark, and powerful",
+        "belly: light-colored with dark barring",
+        "breast: white or cream with black markings",
+        "crown: covered in pale feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: rounded and faintly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by a pale ring",
+        "legs: yellow and well-muscled, ending in strong talons",
+        "wings: broad and powerful, enabling agile flight",
+        "nape: pale with dark speckling, matching the crown",
+        "tail: long and banded, typically white with dark bars",
+        "throat: white or cream, transitioning into breast markings"
+    ],
+    "hamerkop": [
+        "back: medium-brown feathers",
+        "beak: wide, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter brown plumage",
+        "breast: buff and brown feathers",
+        "crown: flattened, crest-like appearance",
+        "forehead: relatively smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: large and rounded, brown with some lighter markings",
+        "nape: distinctive crest extending towards the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, squared-off, and brown",
+        "throat: light brown, blending with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "harlequin quail": [
+        "back: dark brown and rust speckled feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: bold white and black barring",
+        "breast: pale buff with black markings",
+        "crown: rich brown with scale-like pattern",
+        "forehead: rusty-brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-brown with three toes",
+        "wings: speckled chocolate and chestnut, short and round",
+        "nape: dark brown with a scaly pattern",
+        "tail: short, maroon-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with small black spots"
+    ],
+    "harpy eagle": [
+        "back: broad dark-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black hook",
+        "belly: light-grey with dark strips",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: sleek dark-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly raised dark-gray",
+        "eyes: intense and yellow",
+        "legs: thick with powerful talons",
+        "wings: wide, grey-black in color",
+        "nape: dark-grey plumage",
+        "tail: striped black and grey feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "hawaiian goose": [
+        "back: dark feathers with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: cream to light gray feathers",
+        "breast: buff-colored feathers with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: black or dark brown head",
+        "forehead: dark feathers with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong and unfeathered",
+        "wings: dark feathers with light brown or white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black or dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "hawfinch": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: thick, powerful, black",
+        "belly: buff-hued plumage",
+        "breast: pale orange hue",
+        "crown: black feathers with a small crest",
+        "forehead: dark, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white outer ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pink-grey",
+        "wings: black with a bold white patch",
+        "nape: dark feathers transitioning to lighter shades",
+        "tail: short, dark with white tip",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "helmet vanga": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, pale blue bill",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: light blue-grey plumage",
+        "crown: vivid blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: strong, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: short, rounded, blue feathers",
+        "nape: smooth, blue-toned plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale white under feathers"
+    ],
+    "hepatic tanager": [
+        "back: bright olive-green",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale orange-red",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange",
+        "crown: deep red",
+        "forehead: striking red",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: rich red-orange",
+        "tail: olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: bright red-orange"
+    ],
+    "himalayan bluetail": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with a slight hue of green",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: white to pale orange with soft feathering",
+        "breast: bright orange that fades to white towards the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue with a hint of purple plumage",
+        "forehead: royal blue with a glossy shine",
+        "eyes: small, round, black and alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, strong for perching",
+        "wings: striking blue with black feather tips, slightly curved",
+        "nape: transition from crown to back with blue-green tinting",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with touches of purple and black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant orange, contrasting with the blue of the face"
+    ],
+    "himalayan monal": [
+        "back: vibrant multicolored feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and silverish-gray",
+        "belly: iridescent purplish-blue",
+        "breast: bright orange and blue feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering green and purple crest",
+        "forehead: metallic green with hints of blue",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, and gray",
+        "wings: long and colorful with metallic sheen",
+        "nape: radiant turquoise and green feathers",
+        "tail: extended, adorned with copper feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant blue with iridescent hues"
+    ],
+    "hoatzin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a bronze sheen",
+        "beak: short, blunt, and yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: buff-colored with white barring",
+        "breast: russet-orange with fine white barring",
+        "crown: spiky, erect crest of blue feathers",
+        "forehead: small and bare blue skin patch",
+        "eyes: orange-red with a thin, pale blue eye ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-green with long, sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, rounded, with maroon and green feathers",
+        "nape: russet-orange with white spots",
+        "tail: long and brown, with ten graduated feathers",
+        "throat: small, cream-colored patch of feathers"
+    ],
+    "hooded merganser": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: thin, serrated, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pure white with slight shading",
+        "breast: white with black chestnut sides",
+        "crown: large, fan-shaped crest, black and white",
+        "forehead: sleek, narrow, black",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing",
+        "legs: orange, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: white with black and brown feathers, iridescent patches",
+        "nape: black, smoothly curved",
+        "tail: short, dark rufous-colored feathers",
+        "throat: white, sharply defined"
+    ],
+    "hoopoes": [
+        "back: rusty brown with broad black and white stripes",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon or pinkish-buff",
+        "breast: beautifully barred with black and white",
+        "crown: elongated crest with black tips",
+        "forehead: white feathers with black tips",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by thin black markings",
+        "legs: grayish or brownish, with sharp claws for probing the ground",
+        "wings: rounded with bold black and white striping",
+        "nape: rusty brown with black bars extending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with vivid white banding",
+        "throat: pale with subtle black markings"
+    ],
+    "horned guan": [
+        "back: black and white spotted feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and ivory colored",
+        "belly: white, grayish plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white, lightly speckled feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive red horn protruding from the top",
+        "forehead: covered in fine, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a prominent ring of red skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown with gripping toes",
+        "wings: long, broad, and black with white spots",
+        "nape: covered in a mix of black and white feathers",
+        "tail: black with white rectrices, extending straight back",
+        "throat: covered in white, downy feathers"
+    ],
+    "horned lark": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with light brown sides",
+        "breast: pale with black patch",
+        "crown: dark brown with pointed feathers",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white strip above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: thin, dark-colored, strong",
+        "wings: brown with black tips and white stripes",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black crescent"
+    ],
+    "horned sungem": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and needle-like",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with streaks",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-red",
+        "crown: green and black with tufted 'horns",
+        "forehead: shiny violet-blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated and narrow, green and black",
+        "nape: greenish-black feathers",
+        "tail: forked, with green and black feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering violet-red"
+    ],
+    "house sparrow": [
+        "back: brown and black streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale cream or white feathers",
+        "breast: light grey or beige feathering",
+        "crown: reddish-brown color with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey tone",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round pupils",
+        "legs: thin, brown, scaly texture",
+        "wings: brown, black, and white feathers with wing bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: cream-colored, sometimes with a black patch (in males"
+    ],
+    "hyacinth macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: rich blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: sleek blue plumage on head",
+        "forehead: intense blue feathers",
+        "eyes: expressive black eyes",
+        "legs: dark gray, thick legs",
+        "wings: expansive blue plumage with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to neck",
+        "tail: long blue tail feathers with black streaks",
+        "throat: smooth blue neck feathers"
+    ],
+    "iberian magpie": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, dark grey-black",
+        "belly: light grey to white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey-white feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-blue iridescent",
+        "forehead: shiny black hue",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: blackish-blue iridescent",
+        "tail: long, blue-green with black bands",
+        "throat: soft grey-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "ibisbill": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved downward",
+        "belly: pale white underside",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, gray-greenish legs",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white stripe",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "imperial shaq": [
+        "back: royal purple plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy golden hooked",
+        "belly: pristine white feathers",
+        "breast: intricate silver designs",
+        "crown: regal crest of vibrant blues",
+        "forehead: diamond-shaped ruby marking",
+        "eyes: piercing emerald gaze",
+        "legs: sleek ebony with sharp talons",
+        "wings: majestic and wide, silver-tipped",
+        "nape: adorned with small opal stones",
+        "tail: elongated and flowing, sunset hues",
+        "throat: glistening sapphire feathers"
+    ],
+    "inca tern": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with contrasting lighter streaks",
+        "beak: vivid orange with slight curve",
+        "belly: soft grey, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: greyish-white with feather tufts at the neck",
+        "crown: dark grey with white, wispy crest feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and grey with white highlights",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white border",
+        "legs: sturdy red-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey with white underparts and elongated feathers",
+        "nape: grey base with white, wispy feathers",
+        "tail: forked with grey feathers and elongated streamers",
+        "throat: white, fluffy feathers transitioning to grey on the neck"
+    ],
+    "indian pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid orange feathers",
+        "crown: dull green with a blue streak",
+        "forehead: pastel orange hues",
+        "eyes: dark color with a white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pink",
+        "wings: multi-colored with blue-green tips",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers fading into darker blue",
+        "tail: short, stubby, and deep blue",
+        "throat: light cream feathers"
+    ],
+    "indian roller": [
+        "back: vibrant blue coloring",
+        "beak: strong, black, and curved",
+        "belly: light blue to purplish hue",
+        "breast: pale bluish-green plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with purplish tinge",
+        "forehead: bright blue strip above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light gray color",
+        "wings: bright blue with contrasting black edges",
+        "nape: deep blue blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with dark banding",
+        "throat: pale turquoise-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "indian vulture": [
+        "back: dark brown contour feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy white with scattered dark feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown feathers, slightly paler",
+        "crown: featherless red head, wrinkled skin",
+        "forehead: bald, red, with scattered small feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale skin",
+        "legs: pale yellow, strong, scaly",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown, white underwing coverts",
+        "nape: wrinkled red skin, sparse feathering",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale neck ruff, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "indigo bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant indigo-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: lighter indigo blue shading to white",
+        "breast: bright indigo-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bold, indigo-blue crest",
+        "forehead: deep indigo-blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: striking indigo-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: rich indigo-blue",
+        "tail: tapered, black with blue edges",
+        "throat: vivid indigo-blue with lighter shades"
+    ],
+    "indigo flycatcher": [
+        "back: deep indigo plumage",
+        "beak: thin, black, pointed",
+        "belly: lighter indigo hue",
+        "breast: vibrant indigo feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent indigo crest",
+        "forehead: dark indigo gradient",
+        "eyes: black with white accents",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: vivid indigo with black edges",
+        "nape: rich indigo coloration",
+        "tail: long, slender with indigo and black feathers",
+        "throat: bright indigo plumage"
+    ],
+    "inland dotterel": [
+        "back: light brown with thin white stripes",
+        "beak: short, straight, cream-colored",
+        "belly: white with black side markings",
+        "breast: white with a black dividing band",
+        "crown: brown with white-spotted pattern",
+        "forehead: sandy brown fading into white",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, cream-colored",
+        "wings: mottled brown and white with black tips",
+        "nape: pale brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: brownish with white outer feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: white transitioning into sandy brown on the sides"
+    ],
+    "ivory billed aracari": [
+        "back: dark green feathers with a slight shine",
+        "beak: large, curved, ivory-white with a black tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers with black markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers with black stripes",
+        "crown: black feathers with a hint of metallic shine",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into green on the back",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white ring around the iris",
+        "legs: strong, gray, and scaly with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, dark green feathers with white bands",
+        "nape: greenish-black feathers transitioning to dark green",
+        "tail: long, straight, black feathers with white bands",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "ivory gull": [
+        "back: clean white plumage",
+        "beak: short, pale yellow with black tip",
+        "belly: pristine white feathers",
+        "breast: white, rounded profile",
+        "crown: brilliant white head",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady with a white outline",
+        "legs: black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with a pale grey edge",
+        "nape: curved white neck",
+        "tail: short, white, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, slender appearance"
+    ],
+    "jack snipe": [
+        "back: dark brown with pale golden stripes",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white with brownish-grey streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow spangled with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale golden with fine dark line",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, with long slender toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with bold white markings and rich chestnut borders",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale golden stripes",
+        "tail: short, brown with prominent golden edgings on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with some fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "jacobin pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, stout",
+        "belly: lightly feathered, rounded",
+        "breast: full, puffed-out, soft feathers",
+        "crown: feathered hood, encircling head",
+        "forehead: adorned with short, curled feathers",
+        "eyes: round, bright, expressive",
+        "legs: medium length, slender, scaled",
+        "wings: strong, slightly arched, neat fold",
+        "nape: extended feather mane, flowing",
+        "tail: broad, straight, symmetrical feathers",
+        "throat: sleek, short feathers, distinct from breast"
+    ],
+    "jandaya parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: black, curved, and strong",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich orange and yellow hues",
+        "crown: radiant green with blue tint",
+        "forehead: yellow to orange gradient",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: bold green with blue tips",
+        "nape: vivid green transitioning to orange",
+        "tail: long and green with blue accents",
+        "throat: brilliant orange and yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "japanese robin": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short and thin, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale beige-white feathers",
+        "breast: orange, fading into belly color",
+        "crown: bluish-grey vibrant feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey, similar to crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, encompassed by narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and dark grey in color",
+        "wings: bluish-grey plumage with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-grey, aligning with crown and back",
+        "tail: short and dark grey, with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: orange, matching the breast color"
+    ],
+    "java sparrow": [
+        "back: soft, grey feathers",
+        "beak: thick, silver-grey beak",
+        "belly: light, greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: white, plump chest",
+        "crown: black, rounded head",
+        "forehead: small, black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, beady eyes",
+        "legs: pinkish, scaly, and slender legs",
+        "wings: sleek, grey feathers with white bars",
+        "nape: subtle, grey feathers leading to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, black, forked shape",
+        "throat: white, contrasting against the black head"
+    ],
+    "jocotoco antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown color, camouflaging with forest surroundings",
+        "beak: short and robust, curved for digging insects",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow, soft and rounded",
+        "breast: tawny-brown, blending with olive back",
+        "crown: dark olive, providing a small crest",
+        "forehead: lighter olive, grading into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, bright and alert",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, for hopping on the ground",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown, short for bursts of flight",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with black and white barred pattern",
+        "throat: white, providing contrast to brown surroundings"
+    ],
+    "kagu": [
+        "back: pale gray with black stripes",
+        "beak: long, slender and orange",
+        "belly: white with gray shading",
+        "breast: light gray with white stripes",
+        "crown: gray-white with short crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray-white",
+        "eyes: bright orange-red",
+        "legs: long and strong, orange with scaled texture",
+        "wings: large, marked with bold black stripes",
+        "nape: light gray with faint black stripe",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, black and white barred",
+        "throat: white with fine gray striations"
+    ],
+    "kakapo": [
+        "back: moss-green feathers, speckled with black and yellow",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish-brown",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage with dark barring",
+        "breast: mossy-green feathers, speckled with blackish, yellow and brown",
+        "crown: densely covered in moss-green feathers with dark bars",
+        "forehead: flat, greenish feathers with black and yellow markings",
+        "eyes: beady dark-brown, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong, greyish-green with scaly skin",
+        "wings: small, round, flightless, green feathers with dark stripes",
+        "nape: moss-green plumage with black and yellow speckles",
+        "tail: short, broad fan, earth-toned feathers with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow with dark barring"
+    ],
+    "killdear": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white, unmarked",
+        "breast: light beige, thin dark bands",
+        "crown: dark, distinct stripes with white edges",
+        "forehead: bold white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale orange",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white tips, broad black and white bands in flight",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown pattern",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white edges and v-shape in the center",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "king eider": [
+        "back: dark, greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, orange with a prominent knob at the base",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: deep chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "crown: pale bluish, with a soft tuft at the top",
+        "forehead: bluish-white color merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, surrounded by yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, orange-red, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: broad, dark, greenish-black for powerful flight",
+        "nape: dark feathers transitioning between the crown and back",
+        "tail: short, black, slightly upturned feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the darker head and breast"
+    ],
+    "king vulture": [
+        "back: black and white plumage",
+        "beak: powerful, hooked, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: orange-red, fleshy crest",
+        "forehead: bare, bright orange skin",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and piercing",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, gray",
+        "wings: long, broad, black and white",
+        "nape: white feathers, black edges",
+        "tail: short, broad, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: bright, wrinkled, orange-yellow skin"
+    ],
+    "lazuli bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: white with streaks of blue and rust",
+        "breast: rich rusty-orange color",
+        "crown: bright blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with clawed feet",
+        "wings: striking blue with black and white accents",
+        "nape: blue transitioning to rusty-orange",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with a notched tip",
+        "throat: deep blue contrasting with rich breast color"
+    ],
+    "lesser adjutant": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, pale and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: lighter, whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: sparse feathers with exposed black skin",
+        "forehead: dark grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small and deep-set with a greenish tinge",
+        "legs: long, greyish-black with large, webbed feet",
+        "wings: wide and rounded with dark grey feathers",
+        "nape: feathered, blending into neutral shades on the back",
+        "tail: short, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: featherless, pendulous pouch with black or reddish-brown skin"
+    ],
+    "lilac roller": [
+        "back: vibrant lilac-blue hues",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale white with blue tinges",
+        "breast: rich lilac-blue color",
+        "crown: glossy deep blue-purple",
+        "forehead: smooth, light purple-blue",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-black finish",
+        "wings: elongated, bright lilac-blue",
+        "nape: shiny blue with purple cast",
+        "tail: long, streaming, azure-blue",
+        "throat: pale blue with subtle dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "limpkin": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, curved, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale brown with white markings",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: lighter brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and brown with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: pale brown with faint white markings"
+    ],
+    "little auk": [
+        "back: black with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: black and white mixture",
+        "crown: black with white patches",
+        "forehead: black with white borders",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, dark-colored, webbed feet",
+        "wings: black, short, rounded",
+        "nape: white, streaked with black",
+        "tail: short, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, narrow"
+    ],
+    "loggerhead shrike": [
+        "back: grayish-black upperparts",
+        "beak: stout, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white underside",
+        "breast: lightly streaked, grayish-white chest",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised head",
+        "forehead: light gray or white, merging with eye stripe",
+        "eyes: prominent black stripe, white eyebrows",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: smooth gray and white transition",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "long eared owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers mottled with white",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light-grey, densely streaked with darker lines",
+        "breast: pale, with dark plumage and light-brown spots",
+        "crown: rufous or brownish-grey, well camouflaged",
+        "forehead: pale spot above the eyes contrasted with bold blackish background",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: light grey and feathered, with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: buff-colored and mottled with brown, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: dark-grey feathers interspersed with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, with dark bars across the top and white underneath",
+        "throat: lighter patch contrasting with darker neck and head feathers"
+    ],
+    "looney birds": [
+        "back: vibrant multicolored feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and bright orange",
+        "belly: round and fluffy with yellow feathers",
+        "breast: turquoise plumage with a shimmering sheen",
+        "crown: wild neon blue crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and shiny, deep purple feathers",
+        "eyes: large, expressive with a mischievous glint",
+        "legs: long and skinny with zany striped patterns",
+        "wings: oversized, rainbow-striped and seemingly chaotic",
+        "nape: soft, teal feathers that smoothly transition into the back",
+        "tail: extravagantly adorned with whimsical, curly fronds",
+        "throat: vibrant pink with exaggerated feathers jutting outward"
+    ],
+    "lucifer hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with golden hues",
+        "beak: elongated and slender, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: cinnamon-orange with greenish flecks",
+        "crown: glittering violet-purple",
+        "forehead: bright magenta-violet",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and slender, black",
+        "wings: medium-length, dark green",
+        "nape: metallic green-violet, transitioning to purple",
+        "tail: forked with rufous outer feathers, black central feathers, and white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant magenta with iridescent sheen"
+    ],
+    "magpie goose": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: broad, hooked, primarily orange with a black tip",
+        "belly: white, round and fluffy",
+        "breast: large, white feathers with black edges",
+        "crown: black curved plume atop the head",
+        "forehead: white and smooth, contrasts with crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, alert and inquisitive",
+        "legs: long, thin, yellow-orange, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: wide, black and white feathers, powerful in flight",
+        "nape: back of the neck, white with black border",
+        "tail: short, rectangular, black and white feathers for steering",
+        "throat: white and smooth, connects with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "malabar hornbill": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black with elongated feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow-orange with a black stripe",
+        "belly: creamy-white, extending to undertail coverts",
+        "breast: dark olive-grey with a wavy pattern",
+        "crown: black, elongated feathery crest with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black, blending with the crest",
+        "eyes: round, pale yellow surrounded by a blue-black eye ring",
+        "legs: short, dark grey with strong, grasping toes",
+        "wings: broad, black with green-blue iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: black, merging with crest and back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: black, blending with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "malachite kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue, crested",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue-green with black markings",
+        "nape: bright blue-green coloration",
+        "tail: short and blue-green",
+        "throat: reddish-orange, marking the transition to the breast"
+    ],
+    "malagasy white eye": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow soft plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: light green coloration",
+        "eyes: large, white eye-ring, dark pupil",
+        "legs: grayish-black, thin and agile",
+        "wings: olive green with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: light green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, similar to the belly"
+    ],
+    "maleo": [
+        "back: black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: stout and slightly hooked, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: black, shiny feathers",
+        "crown: orange-yellow plumes",
+        "forehead: bare, black skin",
+        "eyes: bright and alert, black or dark brown",
+        "legs: strong and featherless, greyish color",
+        "wings: black with a hint of gloss",
+        "nape: orange-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers, sometimes with a lighter patch"
+    ],
+    "mallard duck": [
+        "back: glossy green and gray feathers",
+        "beak: yellowish-orange with black outline",
+        "belly: light-grey feathered area",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark green and glossy plumage",
+        "forehead: light green and glossy feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, and round",
+        "legs: orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray and white with a blue speculum",
+        "nape: green and glossy, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: black and white, slightly curled",
+        "throat: white-bordered, purple-blue neck ring"
+    ],
+    "mandrin duck": [
+        "back: vibrant, multicolored feathers",
+        "beak: bright red, flattened shape",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: rich purple with white markings",
+        "crown: orange-brown with black stripes",
+        "forehead: white and reddish-orange crest",
+        "eyes: dark, bright gaze",
+        "legs: orange-red, webbed feet",
+        "wings: metallic blue-green, with ornate patterns",
+        "nape: orange-brown, elongated feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, striking orange-brown plumes",
+        "throat: white, contrasting plumage"
+    ],
+    "mangrove cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark upper and lighter lower part",
+        "belly: pale, washed-out yellow",
+        "breast: yellow-orange fading into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown, in line with the back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler shade of olive-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, ringed with pale white",
+        "legs: long, sturdy; pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, distinctiv\u0435 white spots on tail feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the rest of the body",
+        "tail: long with white tips on outer feathers, distinct white bands",
+        "throat: yellowish, continues to the breast"
+    ],
+    "marabou stork": [
+        "back: hunched greyish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white and feathery",
+        "breast: white with sparse feathers",
+        "crown: nearly bald with sparse hair-like feathers",
+        "forehead: patchy grey skin with sparse feathering",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a focused gaze",
+        "legs: long and scaly with black skin",
+        "wings: large, grey, and widespread for soaring",
+        "nape: pale pink with minimal feathering",
+        "tail: medium-length with dark-grey feathers",
+        "throat: wrinkled, bare pink skin with a pouch-like appearance"
+    ],
+    "masked bobwhite": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped, pale grayish",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: reddish-orange, finely barred with black",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, white streak",
+        "forehead: white stripe, short black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish, slender",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, black barring, white patches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, striped appearance",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, black bars, white tip",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "masked booby": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and sturdy, yellowish-white with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: white, fluffy under-feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, white head feathers",
+        "forehead: white and slightly raised",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, webbed, pale blue-grey",
+        "wings: elongated, aerodynamic, brownish-grey",
+        "nape: slightly curved, white feathers",
+        "tail: broad, fan-shaped, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "masked lapwing": [
+        "back: light brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, yellowish with a black tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: white blending into light brown",
+        "crown: black with a defined crest",
+        "forehead: white patch with a black mask around the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long, yellowish with well-defined joints",
+        "wings: brownish with white lines and black tips",
+        "nape: brown with a distinct white band",
+        "tail: short and brown with black banding",
+        "throat: white with a faint yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "mckay bunting": [
+        "back: dark black-blue plumage",
+        "beak: thick, black conical shape",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black patches",
+        "crown: jet black, rounded",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with narrow white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with bold white tips",
+        "nape: black, bordered with white",
+        "tail: black, long and forked",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "merlin": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with dark bands",
+        "beak: short, strong, and sharp",
+        "belly: light cream with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with dark feather lines",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: slate-blue with dark barring",
+        "nape: blue-gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark bands on a light background",
+        "throat: white, lightly streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "mikado  pheasant": [
+        "back: vivid blue with reddish-brown bars",
+        "beak: strong, long, curved, and dark",
+        "belly: velvety black feathers",
+        "breast: deep bluish-purple with vibrant blue crescents",
+        "crown: metallic violet-blue, tall and crest-like",
+        "forehead: white streak extending to neck",
+        "eyes: expressive, brown, surrounded by red skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, featherless, and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, deep blue and bronze barred",
+        "nape: blue-violet, contrasting with white neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, graduated, black and reddish-brown barred",
+        "throat: striking white contrasting with black belly"
+    ],
+    "military macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: olive-green hue",
+        "breast: lighter green plumage",
+        "crown: blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright-red patch",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring, dark pupil",
+        "legs: dark grey, scaly",
+        "wings: blue and green feathers with red accents",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue and green with a red underside",
+        "throat: light greenish-grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "mourning dove": [
+        "back: soft, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slim black beak",
+        "belly: pale buff-grey coloring",
+        "breast: rosy pinkish-brown hue",
+        "crown: bluish-gray crest",
+        "forehead: light gray-tan shade",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with bluish eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, reddish-pink legs",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black spots",
+        "nape: subtle iridescent patch",
+        "tail: long, tapered with white edges",
+        "throat: light-brown or grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "nicobar pigeon": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: metallic green feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, bluish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grey plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, red with strong feet",
+        "wings: vibrant green-blue, short, and round",
+        "nape: long, cascading, dark greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: white-tipped feathers with a medium length",
+        "throat: silvery-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "noisy friarbird": [
+        "back: grey-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grey-white with dark streaking",
+        "crown: black with a distinct raised crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, black and scaly",
+        "wings: brown-grey with white edges on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey-brown with white streaks, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and grey-brown with white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with a brown or yellowish tinge, depending on geographic variation"
+    ],
+    "northern beardless tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, pale, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale grayish-olive",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two faint wingbars",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and olive-green",
+        "throat: whitish with faint grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern flicker": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black barring",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy or buff-colored with black spots",
+        "breast: pale gray, featuring a spotted pattern",
+        "crown: gray with red markings on the nape (red-shafted) or beige (yellow-shafted",
+        "forehead: tan or light brown, may include black whisker marks",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a light gray-white ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, adapted for clinging to trees",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white or yellow shafts, displaying white spots and a white raptor-like patch in flight",
+        "nape: red patch on red-shafted, beige on yellow-shafted variety",
+        "tail: brownish-black, featuring white, yellow or salmon undertail coverts",
+        "throat: beige or light gray, adorned with a black crescent shape"
+    ],
+    "northern fulmar": [
+        "back: light grey or dark brown feathered",
+        "beak: thick, hooked, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: white with some brownish speckles",
+        "breast: white with possibly light brown streaks",
+        "crown: light grey to dark brown feathered",
+        "forehead: lighter grey to brown shaded",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, encircled with white",
+        "legs: short, pale bluish-grey",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grayish-brown",
+        "nape: light gray or brownish feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, pale grey or brown",
+        "throat: white with some possible light streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern goshawk": [
+        "back: horizontally striped with wavy dark gray and white patterns",
+        "beak: sharp, short, and hooked with dark gray upper and yellow lower mandibles",
+        "belly: light gray with fine horizontal darker stripes",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint wavy bars",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown feathers forming a small crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray with sparse, small darker stripes",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange orbital ring with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: feathered pale gray with strong yellow talons",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown flight feathers with lighter gray barring",
+        "nape: slightly paler grayish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "tail: long, broad feathers with alternating dark and light gray bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with delicate horizontal dark gray barring"
+    ],
+    "northern jacana": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and dark grey",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: smooth, chestnut brown feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with brownish-yellow edges",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark crown feathers with a yellow frontal shield",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-blue with large, elongated toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with a yellow stripe and yellow spur at the bend",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown feathers fading into the crown",
+        "tail: short, chestnut brown with a white or buff tip",
+        "throat: white or cream feathering transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "northern mockingbird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light gray, faint streaks",
+        "crown: gray, with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, white patches when extended",
+        "nape: gray, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "northern parula": [
+        "back: olive-green with bluish-gray wash",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow with a white lower belly",
+        "breast: yellow with distinctive black-and-rufous band",
+        "crown: bluish with a black patch on the sides of the head",
+        "forehead: yellow with a bluish-gray hue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale and slender",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark with white crescent-shaped spots on outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "northern red bishop": [
+        "back: deep red feathers with a black border",
+        "beak: short and conical, silver-grey color",
+        "belly: bright red-orange feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant red plumage",
+        "crown: red feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright red coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: greyish, short, sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with red highlights",
+        "nape: deep red feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black with red edges",
+        "throat: bright red plumage"
+    ],
+    "ocellated turkey": [
+        "back: iridescent green and bronze feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy and slightly curved, grayish-brown in color",
+        "belly: bluish-gray with black and white spots",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers with iridescent bronze tips",
+        "crown: small and rounded, covered in red-orange warty skin",
+        "forehead: red-orange warty skin, extending from the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow irises with black pupils, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy and long, grayish-blue with sharp spur on each leg",
+        "wings: iridescent green and bronze feathers with white spots at the tips",
+        "nape: bluish-green feathers transitioning to bronze near the mantle",
+        "tail: large, fan-shaped with iridescent green and black feathers, rounded tips and blue-gray spots",
+        "throat: blue, dewlap with red-orange warty skin, extending to the neck"
+    ],
+    "okinawa rail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: stout and slightly curved, yellow-green",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks and spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring",
+        "legs: strong and yellow-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright orange plumage",
+        "breast: vivid orange mixed with white",
+        "crown: green with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: green with intricate barring",
+        "nape: gleaming green feathers",
+        "tail: long, elegant, and patterned",
+        "throat: white with a contrasting orange breast"
+    ],
+    "orange brested bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with bold stripes",
+        "beak: short, gray, strong and conical",
+        "belly: bright orange",
+        "breast: striking orange hue",
+        "crown: deep blue with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: intense blue coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with white and black accents",
+        "nape: ornate blue with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue, with distinctive white markings",
+        "throat: brilliant orange, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "oriental bay owl": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: buff-colored with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine black speckles",
+        "eyes: large dark brown",
+        "legs: yellowish with pale feathering",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with dark barring on primary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with dark brown bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "ornate hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark, linear feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: off-white or cream-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white or cream with bold, dark spots",
+        "crown: black plumage with crest-like appearance",
+        "forehead: white or cream with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange eyes in a dark patch",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale yellow with powerful talons",
+        "wings: dark, broad feathers with white or light-colored underwing patches",
+        "nape: dark, long plumaged feathers cascading down the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with prominent white stripes",
+        "throat: white or cream with dark mottling"
+    ],
+    "osprey": [
+        "back: brown and white feathers, streamlined",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white, speckled with light brown",
+        "breast: white, sometimes marked with light brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, helmet-like",
+        "forehead: white, with pronounced dark eye stripe",
+        "eyes: yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue, featherless",
+        "wings: brown, large, span up to 6 feet",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: brown and white bands, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, contrast with dark crown"
+    ],
+    "ovenbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, light color",
+        "belly: light yellowish hue with black streaks",
+        "breast: white or pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: orange stripe bordered by black",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, expressive",
+        "legs: strong, gray or pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green, elongating the back",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-green with white spots",
+        "throat: pale white or yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "painted bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant green coloring",
+        "beak: conical and silver-gray",
+        "belly: rich red hue",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: purplish-blue tint",
+        "forehead: deep blue coloring",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light gray and slender",
+        "wings: green with dark edges",
+        "nape: green-blue transition",
+        "tail: green feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: bright red plumage"
+    ],
+    "palila": [
+        "back: yellow-tinged olive-green",
+        "beak: stout, hooked, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white",
+        "breast: golden-yellow",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow",
+        "forehead: yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, featherless",
+        "wings: olive-green with white tips",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green, squared-off",
+        "throat: same as breast (golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "palm nut vulture": [
+        "back: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: hooked, strong, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: black plumes with white edges",
+        "breast: sleek, white feathers",
+        "crown: white-feathered head, balding",
+        "forehead: white feathers fading to black",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-gray legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: large, black and white feathers, broad outline",
+        "nape: white plumage, occasionally with black streaks",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with white accents",
+        "throat: white feathers with black fine lines"
+    ],
+    "paradise tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: radiant deep blue head",
+        "forehead: turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady eyes",
+        "legs: slim, grayish legs",
+        "wings: shimmering green-blue wings",
+        "nape: lustrous blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, black, forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "parakett  auklet": [
+        "back: sleek, coastline-hugging feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, angled",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: deep grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: jet-black feather cap",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into bill",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, and round",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, bluish legs",
+        "wings: compact, strong, and curved",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, and black",
+        "throat: white, pronounced feathered curve"
+    ],
+    "great tit": [
+        "back: yellowish-green with black stripes",
+        "beak: short, sharp and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black central stripe",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with bold black markings",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black color",
+        "forehead: deep blue fading to black",
+        "eyes: large, dark and outlined by white patches",
+        "legs: bluish-grey and slender",
+        "wings: blue and white with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue fading to black",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges and blue tint",
+        "throat: striking yellow with black markings"
+    ],
+    "patagonian sierra finch": [
+        "back: olive-gray with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with small streaks",
+        "crown: olive-gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-gray with streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and strong with dark grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: olive-gray with brownish edges",
+        "nape: olive-gray with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with olive-gray edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pink robin": [
+        "back: soft pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: petite, dark, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light creamy-pink hue",
+        "breast: vibrant pink plumage",
+        "crown: dusky pink-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: subtle blush pink tinge",
+        "eyes: small and beady, dark hue",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal-grey limbs",
+        "wings: pink-grey feathers with dark edges",
+        "nape: delicate pink-grey feathering",
+        "tail: elongated pink-grey plumes",
+        "throat: rosy pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "plush crested jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black beak",
+        "belly: light grey fluff",
+        "breast: grey-blue feathers",
+        "crown: plush crest atop head",
+        "forehead: sleek blue and black",
+        "eyes: piercing white-ringed eyes",
+        "legs: strong grey legs",
+        "wings: bold blue wingspan",
+        "nape: sleek blue and black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: grey-blue feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "pomarine jaeger": [
+        "back: tawny-brown to dark-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout, pointy, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale gray to white feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown or grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: tawny-brown or dark-brown feathers, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long and slender, blue-gray or grayish-black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark-brown or grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: central tail feathers elongated in adults, typically white with black tips",
+        "throat: pale-gray or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "puna teal": [
+        "back: blue-black with white speckles",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with black tip",
+        "belly: white with grayish-blue sides",
+        "breast: blue-black with white speckles",
+        "crown: black with green shimmer",
+        "forehead: dark gray-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white surrounding",
+        "legs: grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: blue-black with green speculum and white patches",
+        "nape: black fading to gray-blue",
+        "tail: dark gray with white edging",
+        "throat: light gray"
+    ],
+    "purple finch": [
+        "back: reddish-purple plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, and stout",
+        "belly: soft white with streaks",
+        "breast: rosy-pink to reddish-purple",
+        "crown: purple-red with a peaked shape",
+        "forehead: similar reddish-purple hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: purple-red plumage continued from the crown",
+        "tail: short and notched, with a reddish-brown color",
+        "throat: rosy-pink shade, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "purple swamphen": [
+        "back: rich violet-blue feathers",
+        "beak: red cone-shaped bill",
+        "belly: cool blueish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant purple-blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep violet-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: striking red frontal shield",
+        "eyes: small, dark and beady",
+        "legs: long, strong, and red-orange",
+        "wings: broad and dark purple-blue",
+        "nape: rich blue-violet feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark, and fan-like",
+        "throat: pale purple-blue hue"
+    ],
+    "pyrrhuloxia": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale gray or whitish",
+        "breast: grayish-ivory tint",
+        "crown: bright red or reddish crest",
+        "forehead: red and tufted",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with red-tinged edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with red-tinged edges",
+        "throat: pale gray or whitish"
+    ],
+    "rainbow lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange, curved tip",
+        "belly: deep royal blue",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: violet-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: velvety blue-black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white rings",
+        "legs: gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: mix of green, blue and red feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, red feathers with hints of green and blue",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with blue-black streaks"
+    ],
+    "razorbill": [
+        "back: black sleek feathers",
+        "beak: black, thick and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white and rounded",
+        "crown: black, rounded top",
+        "forehead: black with a curved shape",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized and alert",
+        "legs: short, black and webbed",
+        "wings: black, streamlined for swimming",
+        "nape: black, narrow feathers",
+        "tail: short, black with pointed feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth and curved"
+    ],
+    "red bearded bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly-curved",
+        "belly: soft orange-to-yellow hues",
+        "breast: brilliant reddish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with blue tinge",
+        "forehead: narrow blue band above the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing black with thin eyering",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light brown",
+        "wings: vivid green with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: green-to-blue gradient",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with needle-like tips",
+        "throat: fluffy red beard-like feathers"
+    ],
+    "red bellied pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: bright red-orange patch",
+        "breast: bluish-green plumage",
+        "crown: green with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black and piercing",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: brilliant blue-green",
+        "nape: greenish with blue accents",
+        "tail: short, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale bluish-white"
+    ],
+    "red billed tropicbird": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and vibrant red",
+        "belly: pure white underside",
+        "breast: smooth, white chest feathers",
+        "crown: rounded white head",
+        "forehead: unmarked, white plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, with a narrow black stripe",
+        "legs: short, webbed, black feet",
+        "wings: long, white, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: white connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: distinctive, elongated white streamers",
+        "throat: white, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "red browed finch": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: bright red-orange tapering point",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with red brow stripe",
+        "forehead: red stripe extending above eye",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish, slender with small claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with bold white bar",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, in line with crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tip",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "red faced cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek dark plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: dark-feathered underside",
+        "breast: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "crown: crimson-colored crest",
+        "forehead: glowing red forehead",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy orange-red legs",
+        "wings: large, extended dark wingspan",
+        "nape: rich deep-colored feathers",
+        "tail: long and dark tapering tail feathers",
+        "throat: dark and smooth feathered"
+    ],
+    "red faced warbler": [
+        "back: bright olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: ruby red feathers",
+        "forehead: red merging with white cheeks",
+        "eyes: round, prominent black orbs",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, long",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker tips",
+        "nape: distinct white collar",
+        "tail: olive-green, forked-shaped",
+        "throat: brilliant white patch"
+    ],
+    "red fody": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: brilliant red plumage",
+        "breast: stunning red chest feathers",
+        "crown: bright red crest atop head",
+        "forehead: red feathers extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: small, dark attentive eyes",
+        "legs: slender black legs and claws",
+        "wings: red and black mix of feathers",
+        "nape: radiant red feathers near neckline",
+        "tail: elongated red and black feathers",
+        "throat: eye-catching red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red headed duck": [
+        "back: smooth feathers in brown and black shades",
+        "beak: narrow and pointed with pale bluish-gray color",
+        "belly: white or light grey with a fine pattern of dark speckles",
+        "breast: deep chestnut-brown with grayish-white edges on feathers",
+        "crown: bright red feathers on the head's top",
+        "forehead: vivid red, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: short, sturdy with dark grey or black color",
+        "wings: elongated with dark brown and white markings",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to brown and black on the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: rich red, contrasting with the white belly"
+    ],
+    "red headed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white, fairly unmarked",
+        "breast: white, contrasting with black back",
+        "crown: bright red, eye-catching",
+        "forehead: continuation of red crown",
+        "eyes: black, sharply focused",
+        "legs: grayish, strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with prominent white spots",
+        "nape: red, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, merges with belly"
+    ],
+    "red knot": [
+        "back: light gray with streaks of white",
+        "beak: straight, slender black",
+        "belly: clean white with gray spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "red legged honeycreeper": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: light teal plumage",
+        "breast: deep blue feathers",
+        "crown: eye-catching azure crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: vivid red with sharp talons",
+        "wings: turquoise feathers with distinct markings",
+        "nape: contrasting blue and turquoise feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "throat: deep blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "red naped trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the bird's upper back",
+        "beak: sharp, short, and slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray feathers extending from breast to tail",
+        "breast: bright crimson red feathers at the upper chest area",
+        "crown: brilliant green and blue feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: green-blue feathers transitioning from the crown to the face",
+        "eyes: round, black, piercing eyes on each side of the face",
+        "legs: two slender, gray legs with strong, sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: long, green-blue feathers with black and white bars and patterns",
+        "nape: red patch of feathers at the back of the head and neck",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers with black and white bars at the tips",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning from the red breast to the gray belly"
+    ],
+    "red tailed thrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light cream with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale orange with black spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown on the head",
+        "forehead: lighter, smoother feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a thin black outline",
+        "legs: strong, scaled, grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: lighter reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, red with black horizontal stripes",
+        "throat: pale beige, unspotted"
+    ],
+    "red winged blackbird": [
+        "back: jet black feathers covering",
+        "beak: sharply pointed, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: sleek black underside",
+        "breast: black feathers meeting at the center",
+        "crown: subtle peak with black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, black space between eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs on the side of the head",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray to black appendages",
+        "wings: long black feathers with red and yellow patches on the shoulders",
+        "nape: black plumage connecting head and back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped black feathers creating a sleek profile",
+        "throat: black feathers curve gracefully under the head"
+    ],
+    "red wiskered bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green shade with distinct feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, slightly curved, black color",
+        "belly: light greyish-white, gentle curve",
+        "breast: warm brown, soft plumage",
+        "crown: black with pointed crest",
+        "forehead: reddish patch between beak and eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, alert expression",
+        "legs: slender, grey, featherless",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white tips, medium length",
+        "nape: olive-brown, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: long with white outer feathers, black center feathers",
+        "throat: light greyish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "regent bowerbird": [
+        "back: velvety black plumage",
+        "beak: slightly curved, pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: black with hints of blue iridescence",
+        "breast: bright yellow with hints of orange",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with opalescent sheen",
+        "forehead: striking golden-orange crest",
+        "eyes: bright silver, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-black with scaled texture",
+        "wings: black and blue iridescent feathers, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: smooth black with faint blue iridescence",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly tapered with a flared, fan-like shape",
+        "throat: vibrant golden-yellow with fine, lace-like feather patterns"
+    ],
+    "rock dove": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with darker shading",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale orange with dark tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with slightly darker feather edges",
+        "breast: slightly iridescent pinkish-purple hue",
+        "crown: smooth, light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray plumage seamlessly blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright orange with thin black pupil and delicate eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, scaly texture with strong talons",
+        "wings: light gray with black barring and white fringes",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark gray feathers with white terminal band",
+        "throat: irisdescent green or purple patch on sides, surrounded by light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "rose breasted cockatoo": [
+        "back: pale pinkish-white feathers",
+        "beak: large, light grey curved beak",
+        "belly: soft pinkish-white feathers",
+        "breast: rosy pink plumage with white accents",
+        "crown: crest of white and pink feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers fading into pink",
+        "eyes: expressive black eyes with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: short grey legs with strong claws",
+        "wings: white feathers with pink undertones",
+        "nape: pinkish-white feathers leading to crest",
+        "tail: long, white fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of pink coloration"
+    ],
+    "rose breasted grosbeak": [
+        "back: black feathers with white patches",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: white with faint streaking",
+        "breast: rose-red splashes on male, pale on female",
+        "crown: black on males, brown or gray on females",
+        "forehead: black on males, brown or gray on females",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or grayish",
+        "wings: black and white with large white patches",
+        "nape: black on males, brown or gray on females",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black on males, white or gray on females"
+    ],
+    "roseate spoonbill": [
+        "back: pinkish-white with hints of orange",
+        "beak: long, flat, spoon-shaped and pale greyish",
+        "belly: pale pink with white undertones",
+        "breast: rosy pink feathers fading to white",
+        "crown: bald, pale green and slate blue skin",
+        "forehead: pale white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: reddish surrounded by a blue thin patch",
+        "legs: long, thin with greyish-pink scales",
+        "wings: mix of vibrant pink, orange and white feathers",
+        "nape: rosy pink and white feathers",
+        "tail: downward-curved pink feathers with orange streaks",
+        "throat: white and pink feathers under the beak"
+    ],
+    "rosy faced lovebird": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-green feathers",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue-violet hue",
+        "forehead: rosy pink patch",
+        "eyes: round, black and alert",
+        "legs: short, gray with strong grip",
+        "wings: green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with transition to blue-violet",
+        "tail: long, squared-off with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-green, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "rough leg buzzard": [
+        "back: brown and white speckled plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with rufous barring",
+        "breast: light with rufous streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: tawny with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or orange",
+        "legs: feathered, whitish with dark bands",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown, white underwing with dark spots",
+        "nape: light brown with some white spotting",
+        "tail: banded white and dark brown",
+        "throat: white with light rufous streaking"
+    ],
+    "royal flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow-feathered chest",
+        "crown: prominent, fan-shaped crest with red or yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers transitioning into the colorful crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black and white markings",
+        "nape: transition from the colorful crest to the brownish back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with black and white bars",
+        "throat: bright yellow or white, complementing breast color"
+    ],
+    "ruby crowned kinglet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright red crest (male), duller crest (female",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greenish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: short and dark with white outer tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "ruby throated hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray and white feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant red throat patch (male) or smudged gray patch (female",
+        "crown: glistening green plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: delicate and extremely short",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed, capable of rapid movement",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: forked with white-tipped outer feathers (male) or rounded and banded (female",
+        "throat: brilliant red gorget (male) or white to light gray (female"
+    ],
+    "ruddy shelduck": [
+        "back: warm, rusty-brown with pale fringes",
+        "beak: black, thick, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: beige or creamy white, with a slight tinge of rusty-brown",
+        "breast: deep, rich golden-brown fading to lighter shade near belly",
+        "crown: rusty-orange, bordering on the forehead",
+        "forehead: pale, creamy orange blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with a thin, white eye ring",
+        "legs: dark slate-grey or black, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: rusty-brown with shiny, iridescent green speculum feathers",
+        "nape: same rusty-orange as the crown, flowing down the neck",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter, pale edges",
+        "throat: pale creamy white, fading into the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "rudy kingfisher": [
+        "back: brilliant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: long, bright red-orange",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: orange with bluish feathers",
+        "crown: blue-green with distinctive white markings",
+        "forehead: blue-green with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze",
+        "legs: short and red-orange",
+        "wings: vibrant blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers and white markings",
+        "tail: long, bright blue with black bands",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast color"
+    ],
+    "rufous trepe": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: pale and white with black-brown streaks",
+        "breast: rich rufous color with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with a crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-orange blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and strong, with olive-brown color",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuous rufous from crown, slightly paler",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: white streaked with rufous-brown"
+    ],
+    "rufuos motmot": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: rufous-orange with light blue streaks",
+        "breast: pale green-blue transitioning to rufous-orange",
+        "crown: black with a blue stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a short blue line",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with white crescent below",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: green-blue with black tips and rufous-orange patches",
+        "nape: blue stripe connecting crown to mantle",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with black and white central feathers forming unique \"racquet\" shape",
+        "throat: light turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "samatran thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: pale grey or whitish",
+        "breast: gray with faint brownish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: brownish-black with light streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, often fanned",
+        "throat: pale grey, lightly streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "sandhill crane": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-feathered",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: smooth, light-toned feathers",
+        "breast: curved, light gray plumage",
+        "crown: small patch of red skin",
+        "forehead: white streak above beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and focused",
+        "legs: lengthy, thin, and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, powerful, and gray",
+        "nape: lengthy with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and pointed feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, smoothly feathered"
+    ],
+    "satyr tragopan": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-orange feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: deep red with white speckles",
+        "breast: bright red, adorned with blue inflatable pouches during mating",
+        "crown: dark, short crest feathers",
+        "forehead: blueish-grey bare skin",
+        "eyes: black with a yellowish iris",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown, and scaled",
+        "wings: reddish-orange with white speckled feather patterns",
+        "nape: deep red feathers with white speckles",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped, black and brown feathers",
+        "throat: bright blueish-grey bare skin"
+    ],
+    "say phoebe": [
+        "back: olive-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: buff-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: faint pale eyebrow",
+        "eyes: black with fine white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: dusky with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-grey shading",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey-brown"
+    ],
+    "scarlet crowned fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and powerful, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light green with small specks",
+        "breast: deep orange fading to yellow",
+        "crown: brilliant red-orange with small feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: short and yellow-green",
+        "wings: wide, green with subtle orange-yellow highlights",
+        "nape: bright green, transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green with orange-yellow tips",
+        "throat: lime green with faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "scarlet faced liocichla": [
+        "back: vibrant green and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: rich, yellowish-orange hue",
+        "breast: striking scarlet-red plumage",
+        "crown: vivid red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: intense scarlet patch",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: bold green and yellow coloring with black patterns",
+        "nape: smooth transition of red to green-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: long and green with yellow and black highlights",
+        "throat: brilliant scarlet-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "scarlet ibis": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, downward-curving",
+        "belly: lighter red to pinkish feathers, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: rich scarlet color, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: red-feathered, gently rounded",
+        "forehead: red feathers meeting the beak base",
+        "eyes: round, black eyes, contrast with red feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark grey with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: brilliant red, elongated and elegant",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning from head to back",
+        "tail: long, red feathers extending past body",
+        "throat: slightly paler red, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "scarlet macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: large, strong, hooked, and white",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid red feathers",
+        "crown: red feathers atop head",
+        "forehead: red plumage transitioning into blue and green",
+        "eyes: round, expressive, surrounded by white skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey, scaly",
+        "wings: large, colorful, with red, yellow, and blue feathers",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning into blue",
+        "tail: long, red feathers with blue and yellow bands",
+        "throat: brilliant red plumage"
+    ],
+    "scarlet tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant red with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: bright scarlet red",
+        "breast: rich crimson color",
+        "crown: deep scarlet hue",
+        "forehead: intense red shade",
+        "eyes: small, dark and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with red highlights",
+        "nape: red transitioning to black",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: brilliant red hue"
+    ],
+    "shoebill": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with a horizontal posture",
+        "beak: large, hooked, boat-like and light grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with a mix of white feathers",
+        "breast: broad, blue-grey with a powerful build",
+        "crown: flat, blue-grey feathers, bald at the head-top",
+        "forehead: broad and flat with blue-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: yellow to white with a piercing stare",
+        "legs: long, stork-like, grey with strong feet",
+        "wings: blue-grey, wide and long, well-suited for soaring",
+        "nape: smooth, blue-grey feathers covering the neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, blue-grey feathers",
+        "throat: blue-grey with a loose, inflatable gular pouch"
+    ],
+    "short billed dowitcher": [
+        "back: covered in dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: relatively short, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with brownish speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light spots",
+        "forehead: pale brown with darker markings",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-green and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white tips and fringes",
+        "nape: brown with light speckles",
+        "tail: short and dark with white edges",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "smith longspur": [
+        "back: streaked brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short, conical, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: buff-orange with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rust-colored with a white central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale with a whitish stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and dark, with strong claws",
+        "wings: black with white and rust-colored edgings",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers and a forked shape",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with buff-orange breast"
+    ],
+    "snow partridge": [
+        "back: white with black bars and spots",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: white, barred with black and brown",
+        "crown: white, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: white, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by grayish-white feathers",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-white",
+        "wings: rounded, white with black and brown bars",
+        "nape: white with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short, black and white bands",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "snowy egret": [
+        "back: white, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, white feathers",
+        "crown: white plumage, sometimes with wispy plumes",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, black, and thin",
+        "wings: large, white, and feathered",
+        "nape: white feathers, possible plumes during breeding season",
+        "tail: short, white, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, white plumage"
+    ],
+    "snowy owl": [
+        "back: covered in white feathers with some dark speckles",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with minimal dark spots",
+        "breast: white with light speckling",
+        "crown: rounded and covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: white with a smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: white feathers with black claws",
+        "wings: broad and white with dark spots",
+        "nape: white with no distinct markings",
+        "tail: white feathers with dark bands",
+        "throat: white and relatively unmarked"
+    ],
+    "snowy plover": [
+        "back: pale sandy-brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: pale brown blending into white lower down",
+        "crown: sandy-brown with thin white streak",
+        "forehead: white with black patch",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish to black, thin and long",
+        "wings: sandy-brown with black and white pattern",
+        "nape: sandy-brown with white streak",
+        "tail: short with white edges and dark central feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sora": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish with black and white barring",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with white and dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with a white central stripe",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow, and slender",
+        "wings: short and rounded with brown, black, and white feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "spangled cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright turquoise-blue hue",
+        "breast: deep blue-turquoise plumage",
+        "crown: saturated blue-violet shade",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue-violet feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and focused",
+        "legs: slender, dark, and twig-like",
+        "wings: broad with cobalt-blue markings",
+        "nape: shimmering blue-purple color",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with darker spangles",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-violet sheen"
+    ],
+    "splendid wren": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender black beak",
+        "belly: pale cream-colored plumage",
+        "breast: delicate sky-blue feathers",
+        "crown: striking cobalt blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright electric blue streak",
+        "eyes: shiny black with white outline",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray appendages",
+        "wings: mixture of blue, black, and white feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with a hint of blue, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: soft white chest feathers"
+    ],
+    "spoon biled sandpiper": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey with dark feather edges",
+        "beak: long, flattened, and spoon-shaped",
+        "belly: white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: pale grey-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey-brown, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark grey",
+        "wings: grey-brown with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale grey-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: grey-brown with white outer feathers and dark band",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "spotted catbird": [
+        "back: greenish with dappled spots",
+        "beak: dark grey and hooked",
+        "belly: cream-colored with dark spots",
+        "breast: cream with irregular spots",
+        "crown: greenish and densely feathered",
+        "forehead: bright green strip",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: green with dapple pattern",
+        "nape: greenish with subtle spots",
+        "tail: long and green with brown bands",
+        "throat: cream with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted whistling duck": [
+        "back: deep brown feathers with black-edged pattern",
+        "beak: dark gray and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers with black speckles",
+        "breast: brownish-gray with lighter spots",
+        "crown: dark brown extending to nape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with small spots",
+        "eyes: bright and round with black pupils",
+        "legs: long and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: brown and white with distinct spots pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: lighter, rich brown with smaller spots"
+    ],
+    "squacco heron": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: creamy white with subtle brown striping",
+        "crown: golden-brown plumage with a crest",
+        "forehead: white, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellow",
+        "wings: white with light brown patterns and markings",
+        "nape: golden-brown, transitioning into back coloration",
+        "tail: white with light brown stripes",
+        "throat: white, clean with no markings"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka blue magpie": [
+        "back: iridescent blue feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, blackish-blue hooked beak",
+        "belly: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "breast: rich cobalt-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue slicked-back crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue, slightly curved feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark blue legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent blue feathers with a hint of chestnut",
+        "nape: curved blue plumage towards the shoulders",
+        "tail: long, cobalt blue feathers with chestnut tips",
+        "throat: deep blue feathers transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "stork billed kingfisher": [
+        "back: blue and green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: large, bright red-orange bill",
+        "belly: white with slight blue tint",
+        "breast: white and well-rounded",
+        "crown: blue and green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: broad, blue-green iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, and alert",
+        "legs: short and bright red-orange",
+        "wings: large with bright blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: blue and green, connects to the crown",
+        "tail: long and blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "striated caracara": [
+        "back: striated dark brown and black feather pattern",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with thin dark brown stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: black with a few white streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing, intelligent gaze with yellow-orange eye rings",
+        "legs: scaled, dark grey with black talons",
+        "wings: long, broad with dark brown and black striped pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: alternating cream and dark brown bands",
+        "throat: white with black horizontal streaks"
+    ],
+    "striped owl": [
+        "back: streaked dark and light brown pattern",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked",
+        "belly: off-white, striped with brown accents",
+        "breast: beige with thin brown stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown, gray patterned streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by brown facial disks",
+        "legs: feathered, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: pale and dark brown stripes, rounded tips",
+        "nape: light gray, streaked with brown",
+        "tail: short, brown barred with white bands",
+        "throat: off-white, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "stripped manakin": [
+        "back: bright olive-green",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: lemon-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "crown: glistening iridescent blue",
+        "forehead: bold white stripe",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: rich olive-green",
+        "tail: long and olive-green",
+        "throat: brilliant golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "stripped swallow": [
+        "back: sleek feathers with iridescent blue-green hues",
+        "beak: short and sharp, designed for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white with some light streaks",
+        "breast: light and slightly speckled, blending into belly",
+        "crown: vibrant blue-green, streamlined along the head",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green, continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, alert and quick to spot prey",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, perfect for perching on branches",
+        "wings: elongated and pointed, with unique striping",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green, transitions smoothly to back",
+        "tail: slightly forked and deeply striped, aiding in swift flight",
+        "throat: white or pale in color, leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "sunbittern": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black stripe patterns",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with dark markings",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown with fine black stripes",
+        "crown: streaked black and white",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellowish",
+        "wings: large, striking pattern of red, yellow, and black bands",
+        "nape: black and white stripes",
+        "tail: long, broad, black and grey with white bands",
+        "throat: white with lateral black streaks"
+    ],
+    "superb starling": [
+        "back: vibrant blue sheen with metallic tones",
+        "beak: short and thick, black in color",
+        "belly: bright white with contrasting blue edges",
+        "breast: rich chestnut hue that transitions to blue",
+        "crown: shiny dark blue with iridescence",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue with metallic shine",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by striking white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy and slender",
+        "wings: blue-black with a shining green sheen",
+        "nape: deep blue, bold and iridescent",
+        "tail: dark blue, slightly elongated and iridescent",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a blue-black band"
+    ],
+    "swinhoe pheasant": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green with black barring",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-white",
+        "belly: dark purple-blue plumes",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue",
+        "forehead: white extending to upper cheeks",
+        "eyes: bright, attentive, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: strong, powerful, dark-colored",
+        "wings: mix of blue, purple, green, and black feathers",
+        "nape: metallic blue feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, flowing, with multiple shades of blue, green, and black",
+        "throat: white feathers contrasting with the surrounding colors"
+    ],
+    "taiwan magpie": [
+        "back: iridescent green-black plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white-feathered and elongated",
+        "breast: snowy-white and sizeable",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black, and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, with bold white crescents",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, green-blue, with trailing white and black feathers",
+        "nape: thick, black feathers tapering down the neck",
+        "tail: long, white, with streaming black feathers",
+        "throat: velvety black feathers, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "tasmanian hen": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle gray spots",
+        "beak: short, stout, and blackish-gray",
+        "belly: off-white with gray-brown barring",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with darker speckling",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with faint lighter spots",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown-gray with thin barring",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with visible light-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "tail: rounded, dark brown with grayish bars and white tips",
+        "throat: off-white, demarcated from the breast by a faint brown streak"
+    ],
+    "tawny frogmouth": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray plumage",
+        "beak: wide and hooked, whitish-gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray, striated pattern",
+        "crown: rounded, gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown with delicate streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark with silvery-gray eye rings",
+        "legs: strong, feathered gray-brown",
+        "wings: mottled gray and brown, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: gray-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and tapering, gray-brown with fine bars",
+        "throat: softly barred, pale grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "teal duck": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark grey bill",
+        "belly: light greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark greenish-black, capped head",
+        "forehead: greenish-black fading to lighter feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: short, dark grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: bluish-green speculum with white bar",
+        "nape: greenish-black with lighter feather edging",
+        "tail: pointed, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feather patch, sharply defined"
+    ],
+    "tit mouse": [
+        "back: gray with slight olive tinge",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: off-white, sometimes pale-yellowish",
+        "breast: lighter gray or off-white",
+        "crown: dark gray-black, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: dark gray-black, connected to the crown",
+        "eyes: black, prominent against lighter face",
+        "legs: thin, gray-black, strong for perching",
+        "wings: gray-blue, black and white edging on feathers",
+        "nape: gray, slightly paler than back",
+        "tail: gray-blue, black and white edging on feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, often with a pale-yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "touchan": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light cream, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: grayish feathers with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: smooth, continuous gradient with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: thin, long, sturdy bird's legs",
+        "wings: wide, grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: subtle blend of gray and brown feathers",
+        "tail: fan-like, elongated, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: lighter in color, hint of cream against a gray base"
+    ],
+    "townsend warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black or dark gray with yellow sides",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: black with white eye rings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: black or dark gray"
+    ],
+    "tree swallow": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green upperparts",
+        "beak: small, thin and sleek black",
+        "belly: bright white underparts",
+        "breast: white, smoothly curving into belly",
+        "crown: vibrant blue-green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-green transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly almond-shaped, centered on the head",
+        "legs: short, thin, and black with tiny, clawed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and blue-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: sleek blue-green connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, black with blue-green tint, and white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, curving up around cheeks"
+    ],
+    "tricolored blackbird": [
+        "back: black feathers with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe on the edges",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with white patch on primaries",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with rounded feathers",
+        "throat: reddish-brown, sometimes with a black bib"
+    ],
+    "tropical kingbird": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with hidden orange-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: light gray to olive-green transition",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: black, slender, and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges and white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light gray, leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "trumpter swan": [
+        "back: elongated, arched",
+        "beak: straight, black and orange",
+        "belly: rounded, soft white feathers",
+        "breast: plump, white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth curve, white feathers",
+        "forehead: wide, flat, white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, wide-set",
+        "legs: strong, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, powerful, white feathers",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, white feathers",
+        "tail: short, pointed, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "turkey vulture": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: dark brown, soft feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown feathers with hunched appearance",
+        "crown: small and featherless, red skin",
+        "forehead: featherless, red skin",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by red skin",
+        "legs: pale pink, scaly with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and broad, dark brown with silver-gray underside",
+        "nape: featherless, red skin",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: soft, dark brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "turquoise motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: light turquoise feathers",
+        "breast: pale blue with black markings",
+        "crown: bright turquoise cap",
+        "forehead: blue-green with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feather mask",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: blue-green, with black markings",
+        "tail: long, racket-shaped, turquoise with black tips",
+        "throat: pale turquoise with black stripe"
+    ],
+    "umbrella bird": [
+        "back: black-feathered with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: stout, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: black-feathered and rounded",
+        "breast: black and fluffed out feathers",
+        "crown: striking crest of long hair-like feathers",
+        "forehead: black and smoothly feathered",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, black, and broad for strong flight",
+        "nape: black feathered with unique umbrella-like crest",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers, often with a white tip",
+        "throat: distinctive, inflatable pouch for vocalizations"
+    ],
+    "varied thrush": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey with orange-brown markings",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: rich orange with dark banding",
+        "breast: boldly striped black and orange",
+        "crown: blue-grey with a faint orangish tinge",
+        "forehead: white-line bordered grey",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright orange",
+        "wings: dark blue-grey with orange-brown patches",
+        "nape: blue-grey with a hint of orange",
+        "tail: dark blue-grey with orange undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "veery": [
+        "back: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale and lightly speckled",
+        "breast: soft buff with light spots",
+        "crown: russet-brown and smooth",
+        "forehead: light brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, encircled by light feathers",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and light gray",
+        "wings: warm brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: russet-brown, merging with back",
+        "tail: brown, lengthy, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "venezuelian troupial": [
+        "back: vibrant orange coloring",
+        "beak: solid, pointy, and silver-black",
+        "belly: sunshine yellow hue",
+        "breast: striking orange-yellow tinge",
+        "crown: deep black and glossy",
+        "forehead: sleek black contrast",
+        "eyes: alluring touch of white with black pupils",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slim",
+        "wings: mixture of black and orange feathers",
+        "nape: bold black and shiny",
+        "tail: long and black with orange lining",
+        "throat: bright yellow shade"
+    ],
+    "verdin": [
+        "back: light brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange patch",
+        "crown: bright yellow to olive-yellow",
+        "forehead: unmarked, light gray",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: light gray blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: gray, short, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: off-white with a hint of gray"
+    ],
+    "vermilion flycather": [
+        "back: deep red feathers",
+        "beak: slender and pointy",
+        "belly: white or light grey",
+        "breast: red or orangish feathers",
+        "crown: vivid red plumage",
+        "forehead: bright red feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and dark",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to grey",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant red feathers"
+    ],
+    "victoria crowned pigeon": [
+        "back: metallic blue-green feathers with maroon tips",
+        "beak: short, pale, curved for fruit consumption",
+        "belly: smoky-blue feathers with white spots",
+        "breast: deep blue-purple plumage",
+        "crown: prominent white-tipped crest with fan-like feathers",
+        "forehead: dark blue with pale blue lacy crest",
+        "eyes: bold red-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, red-purple with scale-like patterns",
+        "wings: iridescent blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue with lacy crest feathers",
+        "tail: long, deep blue with maroon-tipped ends",
+        "throat: lighter blue with subtle white spots"
+    ],
+    "violet backed starling": [
+        "back: vibrant violet iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: shimmering violet plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant violet with a subtle shine",
+        "forehead: iridescent violet feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: petite and dark grey",
+        "wings: violet with white underparts",
+        "nape: striking purple-blue hue",
+        "tail: long, violet, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: luminous violet transitioning to white"
+    ],
+    "violet cuckoo": [
+        "back: metallic green-violet plumage",
+        "beak: slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: glossy green-violet feathers",
+        "breast: lavender-blue breastband",
+        "crown: glossy green-violet head",
+        "forehead: creamy-white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with blue-gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: long and metallic green-violet",
+        "nape: iridescent green-violet neck",
+        "tail: long and graduated with greenish-violet feathers",
+        "throat: white base with lavender-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "violet green swallow": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with a hint of green",
+        "breast: vibrant white",
+        "crown: shiny emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green blending to violet",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: tiny and black",
+        "wings: pointed, dark green with violet shimmer",
+        "nape: iridescent violet-green",
+        "tail: forked and iridescent greenish-violet",
+        "throat: glistening white"
+    ],
+    "violet turaco": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: short and red with a yellow tip",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: deep violet plumage",
+        "crown: purple crest with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red coloring",
+        "eyes: dark with red orbital rings",
+        "legs: long and gray",
+        "wings: green with purple flight feathers",
+        "nape: blending of purple and green feathers",
+        "tail: green feathers with a dark base and purple tips",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "visayan hornbill": [
+        "back: dark green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: large, white, and curved",
+        "belly: white or light-colored plumage",
+        "breast: white or pale-colored feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: white or light-colored plumage",
+        "eyes: brown with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: short, thick, and gray",
+        "wings: long, dark green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: black plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers with narrow white banding",
+        "throat: black feathers with streaks of blue"
+    ],
+    "vulturine guineafowl": [
+        "back: dark cobalt blue with scattered white spots",
+        "beak: strong, pale ivory beak",
+        "belly: iridescent blue with white spots",
+        "breast: radiant blue feathers with white speckling",
+        "crown: red, helmet-like crest on top of head",
+        "forehead: smooth, bluish-grey skin",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with long toes and sharp claws",
+        "wings: deep blue with white spots, short and rounded",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to a striking red crest",
+        "tail: dark blue with long, alternating white and blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant blue with bare, bluish-grey skin under the beak"
+    ],
+    "wall creaper": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray or white",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown or gray",
+        "forehead: pale-colored, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "nape: reddish-brown or gray, like the crown",
+        "tail: squared or slightly forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, similar to belly"
+    ],
+    "wattled curassow": [
+        "back: dark green, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: black, stout, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with black bands",
+        "breast: dark green, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: black, curly crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with strong, thick toes",
+        "wings: dark green, long, rounded",
+        "nape: bright red, fleshy wattle",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white feathers with black bands"
+    ],
+    "whimbrel": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, downward-curved, and slender",
+        "belly: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale with a dark eyestripe",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white stripes",
+        "legs: long, bluish-gray to greenish",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: brown with a pale lateral stripe",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: light brown with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "white breasted waterhen": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: smooth, white feathers",
+        "breast: prominent, white plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey blending into beak",
+        "eyes: piercing, red-orange hue",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, yellow-green",
+        "wings: broad, dark grey feathers with discreet white patches",
+        "nape: delicately curved, dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed crake": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers smoothly covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pointed in a dark gray hue",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine black bars and streaks",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with black and grayish-brown hues",
+        "crown: dark gray cap extending from the forehead to the nape",
+        "forehead: white-browed with distinct thin black band separating the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-defined, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: relatively long, slender, and yellowish-green for wading",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with some white stripe detailing",
+        "nape: continuation of the dark gray crown with a slight brownish hue",
+        "tail: short, brownish-grey, and slightly spread out at the base",
+        "throat: white and unmarked, contrasting with the dark breast and face"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, red-orange",
+        "belly: deep green plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green",
+        "crown: rich green, crest-like",
+        "forehead: bright green, slight gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, framed by white cheek patches",
+        "legs: greyish-blue, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep green, reddish-purple tips",
+        "nape: vibrant green, elongated feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark green, white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers, contrasting with green"
+    ],
+    "white crested hornbill": [
+        "back: sleek, glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, pale ivory-yellow",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: soft white feathers with black markings",
+        "crown: distinct, flowing white crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers meeting crest",
+        "eyes: captivating, dark brown with white eyelids",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, black feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: black, feathered neck contrasted with white crest",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with a white base and white tip",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning to white belly"
+    ],
+    "white eared hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, straight black bill",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: vibrant green with white touches",
+        "crown: iridescent green crown",
+        "forehead: shimmering green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: fast-beating, translucent, and slender",
+        "nape: shining green plumage",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white ear patch and throat"
+    ],
+    "white necked raven": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: smooth black feathers",
+        "breast: black plumage, subtly glossy",
+        "crown: black, feathery crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: black, powerful, and scaly",
+        "wings: expansive black feathers, large span",
+        "nape: white neck feathers, distinct",
+        "tail: long black feathers, fanned shape",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning to white"
+    ],
+    "white throated bee eater": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: soft pastel green",
+        "breast: yellow-orange plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant green crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, pale",
+        "wings: elongated green with blue-black tips",
+        "nape: white streaked with green",
+        "tail: elongated, green, and black tipped",
+        "throat: pure white patch"
+    ],
+    "wild turkey": [
+        "back: broad, rounded, and covered in dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and dark in color",
+        "belly: large, beige, with feathered underparts",
+        "breast: big, muscular, and bronze-colored",
+        "crown: patch of bare skin, often red or blue in males",
+        "forehead: featherless area above the beak, sometimes with wattles",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly bulging",
+        "legs: strong, sturdy, and featherless with large, curved spurs in males",
+        "wings: large and folded against the body, with strong, barred flight feathers",
+        "nape: long neck covered in narrow, iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: big, fan-shaped, with alternating dark and light bands",
+        "throat: pouch-like area where the wattle hangs, featherless and colorful in males"
+    ],
+    "willow ptarmigan": [
+        "back: tawny brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong black upper beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with grayish spots",
+        "breast: tawny and white markings mixed",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers with a slight red crest",
+        "forehead: pale feathers with a reddish hue",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered and white, with short claws",
+        "wings: white with brown-black barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers with rusty-red streaks",
+        "tail: short and square with a white edge",
+        "throat: white feathers with tawny spots"
+    ],
+    "wilson bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and curved; ivory-like color",
+        "belly: bright blue feathers with velvet sheen",
+        "breast: eye-catching red plumage with a touch of indigo",
+        "crown: iridescent green with a slight curve",
+        "forehead: shiny green plumage, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and focused; encircled by a thin, light blue ring",
+        "legs: slim, strong, and deep purple; ending in sharp, black claws",
+        "wings: elongated and vibrant green, with hints of indigo and gold",
+        "nape: a striking mix of green and blue, connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: unique twin-wired structure, dotted with neon blue ornamentation",
+        "throat: covered in delicate, neon-like blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "wood thrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: straight and slender",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with dark spots",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and long, grayish color",
+        "wings: brown with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: square-shaped with brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "woodland kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black and elongated",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale sky blue with thin black stripes",
+        "crown: bright blue with dark center stripe",
+        "forehead: vivid light-blue shade",
+        "eyes: large, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, gray and delicate",
+        "wings: mixed blue hues with black accents",
+        "nape: deep blue feathers with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black markings",
+        "throat: white with thin black stripe"
+    ],
+    "wrentit": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight brownish hue",
+        "beak: short, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: soft gray-white color",
+        "breast: pale gray with warm undertones",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: unmarked olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, gray-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long and rounded, olive-brown",
+        "throat: light gray with a slight buff wash"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: light olive-green feathers",
+        "crown: blueish-green head",
+        "forehead: small patch of white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, shiny black",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with blue tinge",
+        "nape: blue-green with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and forked, greenish-blue",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow cacique": [
+        "back: dark greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow and black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin black line",
+        "legs: black, extending to sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark greenish-yellow with black tips",
+        "nape: black with subtle yellow streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, forked with yellow edging",
+        "throat: vivid yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow headed blackbird": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp-pointed, black",
+        "belly: black feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow patch",
+        "crown: bright yellow on head",
+        "forehead: striking yellow color",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and dark grey",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: glossy black plumage",
+        "tail: black with white accents",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "zebra dove": [
+        "back: pale brown with black and white stripes",
+        "beak: short, slender, and light-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with delicate barring",
+        "breast: pinkish-grey with fine black bars",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with slight barring",
+        "forehead: pale grey-blue, unmarked",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-red",
+        "wings: pale brown with black and white striping",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with fine black bars",
+        "tail: long and tapered, with black and white striping",
+        "throat: light with subtle, dark barring"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted chat": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: sunny yellow",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow blend",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green tint",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive color",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with white markings",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "american dipper": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, and slender",
+        "belly: pale grey with white undertones",
+        "breast: slate-grey with slight gloss",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers with white tips",
+        "forehead: smoky grey with white accents",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "wings: slate-black with white streaks",
+        "nape: glossy grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark grey feathers with narrow white bars",
+        "throat: light greyish-white with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "blue throated piping guan": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, ivory-colored beak",
+        "belly: pale blue with white spotting",
+        "breast: deep blue with large white spots",
+        "crown: velvety black with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red eye ring",
+        "legs: long, sturdy reddish-orange legs",
+        "wings: rounded wings, blue-black with white edging",
+        "nape: deep blue with white stripe",
+        "tail: long, black tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant blue throat patch"
+    ],
+    "oilbird": [
+        "back: sleek, dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked and slender",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown, slightly mottled plumage",
+        "crown: rounded with dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and dark brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, adapted for night vision",
+        "legs: short, strong with scaly texture",
+        "wings: elongated, dark brown with white speckles",
+        "nape: slightly curved, dark brown, connecting head and back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: dark brown, blending with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "snowy sheathbill": [
+        "back: sleek and white feathers",
+        "beak: short and thick, pale-colored",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: fluffy and white",
+        "crown: smooth white plumage",
+        "forehead: white feathered area above beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, black or brown",
+        "legs: pinkish stubby legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, white with a black tip",
+        "nape: white and subtly curved",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, white feathers",
+        "throat: white-feathered, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "knob billed duck": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: large, knobbed upper bill in males, grayish in females",
+        "belly: creamy white soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with faint speckling",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: lighter pale brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a surrounding contrasting white ring",
+        "legs: orange or yellow webbed feet, stout and fleshy",
+        "wings: olive-brown primary feathers with iridescent green speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers that are relatively long and stiff",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "grey headed chachalaca": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark gray beak",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage, subdued patterns",
+        "crown: gray-headed with minimal crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, slightly almond-shaped",
+        "legs: slender, long, grayish-orange legs",
+        "wings: compact, gray with barred patterns",
+        "nape: gray, slightly downy feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, gray with distinct barring",
+        "throat: lighter gray, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "black breasted puffbird": [
+        "back: dark olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: large black hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale white-yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: black distinctive band",
+        "crown: plain blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: dark brown",
+        "eyes: yellow encircled by black mask",
+        "legs: grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: olive brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale white-yellowish color"
+    ],
+    "acadian flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, dark-grey appendages",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: dark, forked, and short",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "acorn woodpecker": [
+        "back: black plumage with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped, black",
+        "belly: white with slight black markings",
+        "breast: solid black",
+        "crown: bright red patch",
+        "forehead: white band above the beak",
+        "eyes: black, alert, and surrounded by feathers",
+        "legs: short, gray, and powerful",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: white, bordered by black plumage",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black, extending to the chest"
+    ],
+    "alder flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light olive wash",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: uniform olive-brown without a crest",
+        "forehead: plain olive-brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: same olive-brown as back and crown",
+        "tail: fairly short with dark feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "altamira oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-yellow with contrasting black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale white or creamy yellow",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: sleek black with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny black extending from beak",
+        "eyes: alert, with black pupils surrounded by white",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy dark gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black, with two distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: rich orange-yellow, fading into black towards the crown",
+        "tail: long, pointed, black with white edges",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-yellow, gradually fading to lighter yellow on the belly"
+    ],
+    "american black duck": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle barring",
+        "beak: olive green to dusky yellow",
+        "belly: dull grayish-brown",
+        "breast: chocolate brown with fine streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown along the top of the head",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: deep dark brown, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with bold speculum comprising an iridescent purple-green, and white edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly elongated and pointed",
+        "throat: lighter brown, separating the breast and head"
+    ],
+    "american crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth dark plumage",
+        "breast: black, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: dark feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, smooth, and flat",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: long, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: large, black, with splayed feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: broad, black, and fan-like",
+        "throat: black, slender, and smooth"
+    ],
+    "american golden plover": [
+        "back: speckled brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and black-edged",
+        "nape: grayish speckled brown",
+        "tail: short, brown, and black-striped",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "american oystercatcher": [
+        "back: dark brown to black feathers",
+        "beak: long, bright orange-red with a sharp tip",
+        "belly: white underside with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white chest feathers with brown to black edging",
+        "crown: dark brown to black feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a red eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-grey and unfeathered",
+        "wings: dark brown to black feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown to black feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: dark brown to black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks near the beak"
+    ],
+    "american three toed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: straight, chisel-shaped, black",
+        "belly: white with faint barring",
+        "breast: white with minimal markings",
+        "crown: black with yellow patch in males",
+        "forehead: white, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white",
+        "legs: short, grayish with three toes",
+        "wings: black with large white patches",
+        "nape: black, blending into back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "american tree sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown with gray",
+        "beak: small and conical, yellow lower mandible, dark upper mandible",
+        "belly: light gray-white",
+        "breast: buff-colored with central dark spot",
+        "crown: rusty red with thin gray stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown spot in front of crown",
+        "eyes: black, encircled with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: brown with multiple white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: brownish, notched, and short",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "american white pelican": [
+        "back: pale gray with a smooth feather texture",
+        "beak: long, flat, orange-yellow with a prominent hooked tip",
+        "belly: large, white feathered area",
+        "breast: white feathers with an occasional tinge of yellow",
+        "crown: flat, white head with a subtle feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, white with subtle feather lines",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly sunken, surrounded by bare, white skin",
+        "legs: thick, short, orange-yellow with large, webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, long, black-tipped primaries with strong white coverts",
+        "nape: white feathers merging into a gentle curve at the back of the head",
+        "tail: short, white feathers with a square-shaped end",
+        "throat: bare, orange-yellow pouch used for catching and carrying fish"
+    ],
+    "american woodcock": [
+        "back: well-camouflaged, mottled brown with black and gray markings",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender for probing in moist soil",
+        "belly: buff-colored with faint dark bars",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut with dark spots and bars",
+        "crown: mottled brown, streaked with black and gray",
+        "forehead: wide and rounded, with buff and gray markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and set high on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with light-colored, scaled appearance",
+        "wings: rounded and mottled brown, with a distinctive whistling sound in flight",
+        "nape: buff-colored with gray and black streaks",
+        "tail: short, with banded outer feathers and a dark band near the tip",
+        "throat: light buff with some dark markings"
+    ],
+    "ash throated flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slightly paler grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and slightly hooked with a black upper part and pale lower part",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint yellow undertones",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with subdued streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown blending seamlessly with the back",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown, leading into the crown",
+        "eyes: black and round, encircled by thin pale-gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and sturdy with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale bars and a conspicuous white wing patch",
+        "nape: olive-brown, consistent with the crown and back coloration",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, with olive-brown feathers and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, contrasting lightly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "audubon oriole": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: slim and pointed silver-gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "crown: black with green tinges",
+        "forehead: black with green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: black with bold white edging",
+        "nape: black with a greenish tint",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "baird sandpiper": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with faint black markings",
+        "beak: long, straight, and thin with a dark brown color",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: pale brown with a hint of light streaks",
+        "crown: medium brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with streaks gradually fading towards the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady with a pale brown eyering",
+        "legs: slender with a greenish or yellowish tint",
+        "wings: brown with dark flight feathers and white edges",
+        "nape: light brown, smoothly transitioning to the back color",
+        "tail: medium brown with dark bars and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of light brown streaks near the breast"
+    ],
+    "band tailed pigeon": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale yellow with black tip",
+        "belly: soft gray plumage",
+        "breast: rosy-purple hue",
+        "crown: glossy bluish-gray",
+        "forehead: white crescent-shaped marking",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-purple with yellow feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with wide white bands",
+        "nape: iridescent greenish-black",
+        "tail: long, gray with broad black band",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "barred owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with white horizontal barring",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish in color",
+        "belly: light grey with dark horizontal stripes",
+        "breast: light grey with dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, brownish-grey with faint white spotting",
+        "forehead: light grey with faint horizontal barring",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: feathered, light grey with dark barring",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with white horizontal bars and spots",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with fine white horizontal barring",
+        "tail: long, brown with several thick white horizontal bars",
+        "throat: light grey with minimal dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "bell vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow or pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale olive with faint streaking",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with light streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with pale streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with light streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "bewick wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown and well-feathered",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and dark in color",
+        "belly: light grey and soft-looking",
+        "breast: pale grey with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: streaked brown, lightly striped",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, long, and dark",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: matching brown with the crown",
+        "tail: long, barred, and slightly uptilted",
+        "throat: pale grey, meeting the breast smoothly"
+    ],
+    "black oystercatcher": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: long, orange-red bill",
+        "belly: black feathered",
+        "breast: black with slight white streaks",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers",
+        "forehead: black, connected to beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: red-orange, strong",
+        "wings: black, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: black, smooth transition from head",
+        "tail: black, short and pointed feathers",
+        "throat: black, connecting to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "black phoebe": [
+        "back: dark grey with streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: contrasting white or pale grey",
+        "breast: greyish-white, merging with belly",
+        "crown: dark grey, well-defined",
+        "forehead: greyish-black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: thin and black with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark grey with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark grey, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, often flicking",
+        "throat: white or pale grey, contrasting with darker feathers above"
+    ],
+    "black rosy finch": [
+        "back: deep black with subtle iridescence",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft rosy pink fading into gray",
+        "breast: rosy pink transitioning to gray",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight purple sheen",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of metallic purple",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray, strong feet",
+        "wings: black with a rosy pink tinge, long and pointed",
+        "nape: deep black gently blending into the rosy pink",
+        "tail: dark black feathers with subtle rosy accents, forked shape",
+        "throat: rosy pink blending smoothly into gray"
+    ],
+    "black tern": [
+        "back: smooth dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a hint of gray",
+        "crown: sleek black cap on the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers covering the front of the head",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round, with a noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, red-orange color, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, dark gray with black edges",
+        "nape: black feathers extending down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: forked and dark gray with black central feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with a slight gray hue"
+    ],
+    "black turnstone": [
+        "back: dark blackish-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: solid black with white patches on the sides",
+        "breast: black with white spotting",
+        "crown: black with white speckles",
+        "forehead: black, transitioning into white speckles on the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and inset with white outlines",
+        "legs: orange or yellow, thin and bird-like",
+        "wings: black with white speckles and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: black with white flecks",
+        "tail: black with white speckles and distinct white patches",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black breast"
+    ],
+    "black and white warbler": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: mostly white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black stripes",
+        "crown: black and white striped",
+        "forehead: white with thin black stripes",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and grayish",
+        "wings: layered black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white with some black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: jet black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like, black",
+        "belly: white with barred pattern",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: solid black, glossy",
+        "forehead: black with distinctive marking",
+        "eyes: dark with intense gaze",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white spotting",
+        "nape: black and fully feathered",
+        "tail: long, black with white markings",
+        "throat: smooth, white with slight flecks"
+    ],
+    "black billed cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved upper part",
+        "belly: white with gray-brown sides",
+        "breast: smooth grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: muted dark gray-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with white spots on feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and edged with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "black billed magpie": [
+        "back: glossy black plumage",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white feathers with iridescent shades",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black pupil",
+        "legs: black, long, and sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent black and blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: black and glossy feathers",
+        "tail: long, black iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black chinned sparrow": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: dark gray and conical",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with soft streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight chestnut edging",
+        "forehead: light gray fading into darker crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown fading into darker crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with faint white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "black crested titmouse": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: creamy white with gray shading",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight peach tint",
+        "crown: black crest with gray edges",
+        "forehead: blending of black crest and gray face",
+        "eyes: large and dark, outlined in gray",
+        "legs: thin, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gray transitioning into black crest",
+        "tail: long and gray with white tips",
+        "throat: slightly lighter gray than breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated blue warbler": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: dark, pointed bill",
+        "belly: pristine white",
+        "breast: vivid blue hue",
+        "crown: dark blue, sleek",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue plumage",
+        "eyes: alert, dark eyes",
+        "legs: thin, black legs",
+        "wings: blue with white accents",
+        "nape: blue, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark blue, short",
+        "throat: distinct black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated gray warbler": [
+        "back: gray with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: clean white",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with gray edges",
+        "forehead: black and distinct",
+        "eyes: black with white eye arcs",
+        "legs: pale and thin",
+        "wings: gray with white patches",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: gray with outer white edges",
+        "throat: black and bold"
+    ],
+    "black throated green warbler": [
+        "back: olive green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: yellow and vibrant",
+        "crown: solid black",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small and black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark stripes",
+        "nape: black with two white wing bars",
+        "tail: dark with white patches on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: black and well-defined"
+    ],
+    "blackburnian warbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with some stripes",
+        "breast: bright orange, bordered with black",
+        "crown: black with orange-yellow patch",
+        "forehead: black with orange-yellow tinge",
+        "eyes: black, almond-shaped, gold eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-black",
+        "wings: black with white stripes and bars",
+        "nape: black with yellow-orange patch",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: bright orange with black borders"
+    ],
+    "blue jay": [
+        "back: striking blue feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black bill",
+        "belly: white/gray underbelly",
+        "breast: blended blue and white plumage",
+        "crown: bold blue crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue hues",
+        "eyes: curious black orbs",
+        "legs: strong gray limbs",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black bands",
+        "nape: transitional blue and white feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue, fan-like appendage",
+        "throat: white/gray frontal feathering"
+    ],
+    "blue headed vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with yellow wash",
+        "breast: white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray fading to green",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with black border",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gently sloping, olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with black and white elements",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "blue winged warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: yellow, unblemished",
+        "breast: yellow, with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow, with bold stripes",
+        "forehead: pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, with bold white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish, thin and long",
+        "wings: vibrant blue, with white and black bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, with faint striping",
+        "tail: dark, with blue edges and white spots",
+        "throat: bright yellow, with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "boat tailed grackle": [
+        "back: iridescent black-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, and dark",
+        "belly: shiny black feathers",
+        "breast: sleek black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth glossy black",
+        "forehead: gleaming black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong and dark gray",
+        "wings: shimmering black with blue-green highlights",
+        "nape: glossy black plumage",
+        "tail: long, boat-shaped, and black",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers"
+    ],
+    "bohemian waxwing": [
+        "back: silky gray with subtle brown hue",
+        "beak: sharp and dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow or light gray",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown with soft gray gradient",
+        "crown: plush crest in a gray hue",
+        "forehead: bright yellow band",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: slate gray with elegant white and red tips",
+        "nape: smooth blend of gray and brown tones",
+        "tail: short tapering with a bold yellow band",
+        "throat: soft beige transitioning to chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "bonaparte gull": [
+        "back: pale gray plumage",
+        "beak: thin and black-tipped",
+        "belly: white, often clean",
+        "breast: white with minimal markings",
+        "crown: black during breeding, white in nonbreeding",
+        "forehead: white with a subtle black smudge",
+        "eyes: dark with a noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright orange-red",
+        "wings: gray with black tips and a white trailing edge",
+        "nape: black during breeding, white with limited dark streaks in nonbreeding",
+        "tail: short, white with outer feathers black-tipped",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "boreal chickadee": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white with buffy sides",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: brownish-black cap",
+        "forehead: same color as crown",
+        "eyes: shiny black with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-edged feather tips",
+        "nape: lighter brown than crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "brandt cormorant": [
+        "back: dark grey feathered coat",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: lighter grey shading",
+        "breast: dark grey with some white feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey to black",
+        "eyes: piercing blue-green",
+        "legs: black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey with wide span",
+        "nape: black with distinctive white patches",
+        "tail: dark grey, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vibrant blue-purple pouch"
+    ],
+    "brant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with fine black markings",
+        "breast: charcoal grey feathering",
+        "crown: black or dark brown rounded top",
+        "forehead: slope from crown to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, black, and webbed",
+        "wings: elongated with white striping",
+        "nape: dark grey, transitioning to black on crown",
+        "tail: short and black, sometimes with a white edge",
+        "throat: lighter grey, nearing white"
+    ],
+    "brewer sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, conical and greyish",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown streaking",
+        "breast: pale brown with diffused streaks",
+        "crown: brown with grey central stripe",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, thin and slender",
+        "wings: brown with light buffy wing bars",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: brown and medium length, notched tip",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "bridled titmouse": [
+        "back: light gray with white spots",
+        "beak: small, black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: gray with subtle orange wash",
+        "crown: gray crest with black border",
+        "forehead: black band across the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: black and white bridle-like pattern",
+        "tail: gray with black edges",
+        "throat: white with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bronzed cowbird": [
+        "back: glossy, dark bronze-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and conical",
+        "belly: iridescent dark black-bronze coloration",
+        "breast: shiny, dark bronze-black feathers",
+        "crown: dark black-bronze feathers, often forming a small crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black-bronze feathers transitioning to the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing, red eyes",
+        "legs: strong and black with dark gray feet",
+        "wings: dark bronze-green feathers with rounded tips",
+        "nape: glossy black-bronze feathers continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and black-bronze in color",
+        "throat: shimmering dark bronze-black feathers descending towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "brown creeper": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with a white pattern",
+        "beak: thin, decurved, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and light brown",
+        "breast: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with lighter markings",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-white",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, light brown",
+        "wings: brown with intricate white barring",
+        "nape: streaked brown and white",
+        "tail: long, stiff, with brown and white banded feathers",
+        "throat: pale brown with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown pelican": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: white to light brown",
+        "breast: mostly white plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown to black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, white",
+        "eyes: small, pale yellow",
+        "legs: short, webbed, gray",
+        "wings: long, brown, arching",
+        "nape: dark brown with neck pouch",
+        "tail: short, square, brown",
+        "throat: large, expandable gular pouch"
+    ],
+    "brown capped rosy finch": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: soft whitish-pink",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-brown with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: long, slim, blackish",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale pinkish-brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: brownish-olive hue with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: straight, pointed, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy yellow undertones with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white with streaks of brown",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored crest with darker borders",
+        "forehead: grayish-white hues blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, surrounded by faint off-white rings",
+        "legs: slender with grayish-black coloring",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker, well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown fading into the crown",
+        "tail: moderately-long with darker brown feather tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with subtle tinges of brown"
+    ],
+    "brown headed nuthatch": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white or light gray",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: rich brown covering head",
+        "forehead: brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: shiny black, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, white wing bars",
+        "nape: brown blending into back",
+        "tail: short, grayish-blue",
+        "throat: pale gray, white borders"
+    ],
+    "burrowing owl": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored with brown barring",
+        "breast: pale with vertical brown streaks",
+        "crown: rounded with white and brown speckled feathers",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks or spots",
+        "eyes: large and yellow, encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, feathered, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white bands and spots",
+        "nape: brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: short, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "bushtit": [
+        "back: grayish to pale-brown",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray or cream",
+        "breast: light gray or buffy",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray or grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rounded, grayish-brown",
+        "nape: grayish-brown to pale buff",
+        "tail: long, dark, and straight",
+        "throat: light gray or cream"
+    ],
+    "cackling goose": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers spanning down the spine",
+        "beak: short, orange with black tip",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale chestnut, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: rounded, dark brown feathers fading to lighter brown",
+        "forehead: gentle slope from crown into beak, light brown coloring",
+        "eyes: small, shiny black dots surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: orange and slightly webbed feet, medium length",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with white stripes on the edges",
+        "nape: lighter brown feathers with dark streaks at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: short, dark brown feathers with black and white banding",
+        "throat: creamy white under the beak, blending slightly with breast"
+    ],
+    "california thrasher": [
+        "back: dark brown with a streaked appearance",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-browns",
+        "breast: slightly darker grayish-brown, spotted",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: rusty-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, with a pale eye ring",
+        "legs: gray, with strong feet for scratching",
+        "wings: medium brown with small pale spots",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, with lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, contrasting with breast color"
+    ],
+    "california towhee": [
+        "back: light brown and grayish",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with slight reddish tint",
+        "crown: brownish with slight reddish tint",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by a small pale ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: gray-brown with reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: light reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "canada goose": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slender",
+        "belly: creamy-white underside",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown chest feathers",
+        "crown: rounded top of the head with dark feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, flat area above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, shining orbs with black pupils",
+        "legs: black and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: wide, gray-brown feathers for powerful flight",
+        "nape: back of the neck with distinctive white chinstrap marking",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped feathers aiding in stability",
+        "throat: soft, light grayish-brown area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "canada warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointy",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: blue-gray",
+        "eyes: large, prominent, surrounded by yellow spectacles",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue",
+        "tail: dark with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "canyon towhee": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and thick, grayish color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light pinkish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown color",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by faint whitish ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink color",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint streaks and white-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: medium length, reddish-brown with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint pinkish-brown wash"
+    ],
+    "canyon wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle darker markings",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light buff to whitish",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown",
+        "crown: rich chestnut color",
+        "forehead: smoothly transitions from reddish-brown to pale grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark and bead-like",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with distinct black bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored and blends with crown",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-colored with narrow black bars",
+        "throat: white with greyish-brown spots"
+    ],
+    "carolina chickadee": [
+        "back: gray feathers with slight brown tinge",
+        "beak: short, black, and thick",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: white with gray sides",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, same color as the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, gray-black with three toes facing forward and one facing backward",
+        "wings: gray, edged in white",
+        "nape: black stripe down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: gray, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a black patch under the chin"
+    ],
+    "carolina wren": [
+        "back: rusty-brown and black-striped",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown",
+        "crown: rusty-orange with a faint streak",
+        "forehead: slightly buffy-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a white eyestripe",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, with black barring",
+        "nape: rich, chestnut brown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, barred, upward-cocked",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "cassin kingbird": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: solid black, strong, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: light gray, blending into yellow belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth transition into the dark gray crown",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: black and slender, strong for perching",
+        "wings: dark gray with pale edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: blending from dark gray crown to olive-green back",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer tail feathers and notched tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, borders onto the light gray breast"
+    ],
+    "cassin sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and pale gray",
+        "belly: light buff-gray",
+        "breast: beige-gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a central stripe",
+        "forehead: light brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pale grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with buff edges on feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light beige-gray"
+    ],
+    "cassin vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green, subtly streaked",
+        "beak: pale gray, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white, unmarked",
+        "breast: light gray, crisp white boundary",
+        "crown: grayish-blue, well-defined",
+        "forehead: pale gray, uniform color",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green, short primary projection",
+        "nape: olive-gray, blending with crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, squared-off tips",
+        "throat: chalky white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cattle egret": [
+        "back: white, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: orange-yellow, sharp and pointed",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: white with slight cream tinge",
+        "forehead: white and close-feathered",
+        "eyes: deep orange or red, alert gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, slender, and long",
+        "wings: white, broad, and strong",
+        "nape: white with beige streaks",
+        "tail: short, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "cave swallow": [
+        "back: smooth and dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout with a slight curve",
+        "belly: buff-colored feathers with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown with faint markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: white to pale orange-brown coloring",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by feathers",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with dark gray scales",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown with a slight curve to the head",
+        "tail: square-shaped and dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale orange-brown with a distinct dark brown band"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed chickadee": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with soft texture",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: off-white with warm brownish tinge",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black cap extending to nape",
+        "forehead: black color continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, glossy, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with whitish edging",
+        "nape: black like the crown, connecting to back",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with subtle white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black head"
+    ],
+    "chestnut collared longspur": [
+        "back: streaked, brown and gray plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, and black",
+        "belly: cream-white with a hint of rusty brown",
+        "breast: chestnut collar outlining white underparts",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks of white and gray",
+        "forehead: white with brownish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, well-defined, and attentive",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: black with white edges and long, pointed shape",
+        "nape: grayish brown with a streaked pattern",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, forked appearance",
+        "throat: white extending up to the cheeks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut sided warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with distinct chestnut streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: grayish-blue, white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: bright white"
+    ],
+    "chihuahuan raven": [
+        "back: smooth, black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: black feathers, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: dark black plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers",
+        "forehead: black, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, almost black",
+        "legs: strong, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, black feathers with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, shiny plumage",
+        "tail: rounded, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: black feathers, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "chimney swift": [
+        "back: sleek black-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, narrow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: gray-toned feathers, streamlined",
+        "crown: rounded, blackish-gray plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, set on the sides",
+        "legs: short, tiny, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, curved, slender",
+        "nape: smooth black-gray feathers",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, with needle-like spines",
+        "throat: lighter gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "clapper rail": [
+        "back: striped pattern with brown and gray hues",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: barred with white and brown markings",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with streaked flanks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: relatively short with brown, black, and white feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, extending from the crown",
+        "tail: short and round, showing barred pattern when fanned",
+        "throat: buffy or light-colored, transitioning into breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "clay colored sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown hue with white stripes",
+        "beak: small and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale and light grayish-white",
+        "breast: slightly streaked, light brown",
+        "crown: patterned with grey, brown, and white stripes",
+        "forehead: pale gray with thin brown stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rich brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light stripes",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: clean white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cliff swallow": [
+        "back: slate-blue upper body",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: buff-colored chest",
+        "crown: dark blue, rounded head",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: petite black limbs",
+        "wings: silver-edged, pointed tips",
+        "nape: black collar at base of neck",
+        "tail: forked, dark, short tail feathers",
+        "throat: buff-colored, leading to chest"
+    ],
+    "common black hawk": [
+        "back: dark gray to black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-black plumage",
+        "crown: black feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: powerful, yellow",
+        "wings: broad, black, long-span",
+        "nape: black, feathered",
+        "tail: black feathers with white banding",
+        "throat: dark gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "common ground dove": [
+        "back: grayish-brown, feathered surface",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with fine darker patterns",
+        "breast: pinkish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: soft grey with a tinge of blue",
+        "forehead: pale grey-blue blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a pale blue orbital ring",
+        "legs: short, red-brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black spots and rufous edges",
+        "nape: pale grey-blue blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, tapered with black and white markings",
+        "throat: plain and unmarked light grey"
+    ],
+    "common murre": [
+        "back: sleek black-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, sharp-edged",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with gray-black edges",
+        "crown: dark, glossy black",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, glossy",
+        "legs: short, webbed, pale red-orange",
+        "wings: narrow-pointed, black upper, white under",
+        "nape: black, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: short, pointed, dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black head"
+    ],
+    "common nighthawk": [
+        "back: mottled gray-brown",
+        "beak: small and dark",
+        "belly: streaked and pale",
+        "breast: marked with brown bands",
+        "crown: blended gray-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth and grayish",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: short and feathered",
+        "wings: long and slender with white streaks",
+        "nape: same as back coloration",
+        "tail: slightly forked with white banding",
+        "throat: white crescent-shaped patch"
+    ],
+    "common raven": [
+        "back: iridescent black feathers",
+        "beak: large and curved, dark in color",
+        "belly: sleek black feathers",
+        "breast: smooth black plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers near the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: dark, strong and featherless",
+        "wings: broad and black with finger-like feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers on the back part of the neck",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped black feathers",
+        "throat: jet black feathers tapering towards beak"
+    ],
+    "common redpoll": [
+        "back: subdued olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light pinkish-red wash",
+        "crown: bright red patch",
+        "forehead: red-tinted",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: thin, blackish",
+        "wings: dark with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: forked, dark with white tips",
+        "throat: plain white"
+    ],
+    "common tern": [
+        "back: sleek, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and orange-red",
+        "belly: smooth, white plumage",
+        "breast: light grey-white feathers",
+        "crown: black cap with white forehead",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long, slender, and orange-red",
+        "wings: long, tapered, with dark-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: light grey feathers connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: deeply forked, white and grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "common yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with light yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with white border on male, olive-brown on female",
+        "forehead: black in male, olive-brown in female",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow on both male and female"
+    ],
+    "connecticut warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: relatively thin and pointed",
+        "belly: clean, light yellow color",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaking",
+        "crown: uniform olive-gray with a darker eyestripe",
+        "forehead: olive-gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a distinct white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-gray with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, matching the back",
+        "tail: olive-gray with slightly rounded edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "cordilleran flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green or brownish coloration",
+        "beak: short and sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish hue",
+        "breast: yellowish-green or light brown shades",
+        "crown: distinct dark-gray stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and long, dark-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green or brownish, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white, contrasting with breast color"
+    ],
+    "couch kingbird": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray plumage",
+        "eyes: beady and black, with a curious gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, gray feathers with white bars",
+        "nape: well-defined gray contour",
+        "tail: forked and elongated wingtips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "curve billed thrasher": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dull brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light brown with thin feathers",
+        "eyes: bright orange-yellow",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and dark with pale tips",
+        "throat: light grey with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "dickcissel": [
+        "back: yellow-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale, off-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: rusty brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: black or gray",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: light brown, slender",
+        "wings: brown with white edges",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: brown, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with black bib"
+    ],
+    "dusky grouse": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short and stout, light gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with minimal patterns",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle wavy feather patterns",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown blending with the back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a faint yellow ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with faint barring patterns",
+        "nape: lighter gray transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with broad white terminal band",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "eared grebe": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: reddish-brown to chestnut color",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: steep black slope meeting beak",
+        "eyes: small, bright red",
+        "legs: set far back, lobed toes for swimming",
+        "wings: short, grayish-brown with limited flight capability",
+        "nape: black with a slight crest",
+        "tail: short, light gray to white, often held erect",
+        "throat: black, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "eastern kingbird": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: black with concealed red patch",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin black eye-line",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: black, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: black, squared-off with white outer tail-feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "eastern phoebe": [
+        "back: olive-brown to gray-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale white with light yellow hues",
+        "breast: dull white and unstreaked",
+        "crown: olive-gray or dark gray",
+        "forehead: smooth and gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: moderately long with dark wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown coloration",
+        "tail: dark, relatively long with slight flicking motion",
+        "throat: pale white or light yellowish"
+    ],
+    "eastern screech owl": [
+        "back: vertical streaks on gray or reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: light-colored and hooked",
+        "belly: soft white with dark vertical stripes",
+        "breast: thickly barred with gray or reddish hues",
+        "crown: gray or red-brown feathers with indistinct streaks",
+        "forehead: rounded with camouflaging feathers",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered with sharp talons",
+        "wings: mottled with dark-edged feathers",
+        "nape: streaked with gray or reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: banded with intricate markings",
+        "throat: light-colored with black vertical stripes"
+    ],
+    "eastern towhee": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark color",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish marks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown merging into the white belly",
+        "crown: black or dark brown, depending on the gender",
+        "forehead: same color as the crown",
+        "eyes: bold red or reddish-brown color",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown or reddish-brown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or grayish, contrasting with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "eastern wood pewee": [
+        "back: light olive-green",
+        "beak: thin black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: buff-white",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: beige smooth-feathered",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin dark-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray",
+        "tail: long, dark gray",
+        "throat: light buff-white"
+    ],
+    "elf owl": [
+        "back: small, rounded, and covered in grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved, yellowish in color",
+        "belly: light grayish-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine, dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with small, dark spots",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow with a dark border",
+        "legs: short, featherless, and yellow",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint barring and white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine, dark streaking",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with grayish-brown feathers and bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of white"
+    ],
+    "eurasian collared dove": [
+        "back: pale gray with a subtle brown tinge",
+        "beak: short, light gray, with a small hook at the end",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-gray, becoming lighter towards the belly",
+        "crown: smooth pale gray with a slight brown tint",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by a narrow pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and slender, with reddish-pink or grayish-pink scales",
+        "wings: pale gray with darker gray flight feathers and white edging",
+        "nape: distinctive black collar with a white crescent border",
+        "tail: long, with white outer feathers and a broad, square tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending smoothly with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "eurasian wigeon": [
+        "back: dark brown with dense markings",
+        "beak: short and steel-blue",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with wavy pattern",
+        "crown: dark greenish-black",
+        "forehead: white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and brown",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray with striking white patch",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine markings",
+        "tail: short and dark gray",
+        "throat: creamy-white with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "ferruginous hawk": [
+        "back: warm brown tones with light feather edges",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale with reddish-brown spots",
+        "crown: light brown with a reddish tint",
+        "forehead: creamy white with sparse reddish-brown speckles",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow and strong, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: deep brown with lighter feather edges, broad and slightly pointed",
+        "nape: reddish-tan with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: brown with narrow white bands and a broad white tip",
+        "throat: creamy white with sparse reddish-brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "ferruginous pygmy owl": [
+        "back: rusty brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white with bold dark-brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with small white dots",
+        "forehead: pale reddish-brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: intense yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: rusty brown with white bands and spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaked with white",
+        "tail: brown with mottled white bands",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with few reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "field sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray",
+        "beak: short and conical, pinkish",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray stripes",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: brown with distinct white edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "fish crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong black beak",
+        "belly: black smooth feathers",
+        "breast: dark glossy plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers",
+        "forehead: nearly flat feathered area",
+        "eyes: dark brown, watchful gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs",
+        "wings: elongated, black flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transition to neck",
+        "tail: moderately long, black tail feathers",
+        "throat: dark feathered, tapered area"
+    ],
+    "florida scrub jay": [
+        "back: light blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: subtly streaked, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, azure crest",
+        "forehead: whitish-blue base",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert gaze",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: vibrant blue, rounded edges",
+        "nape: striking blue-gray transition",
+        "tail: long, straight, blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale, whitish-gray color contrast"
+    ],
+    "forster tern": [
+        "back: sleek and light gray",
+        "beak: long, slender, and orange",
+        "belly: clean white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white and smooth plumage",
+        "crown: black and streamlined",
+        "forehead: smooth blending from black to white",
+        "eyes: piercing and dark in color",
+        "legs: strong and orange-red",
+        "wings: lengthy and sharp-edged, with gray and black tips",
+        "nape: black seamlessly transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: elongated and forked, with white and gray feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "fox sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with gray and dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick and conical",
+        "belly: grayish-white with sparse streaks",
+        "breast: heavily streaked with reddish-brown",
+        "crown: rufous cap with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with gray patches",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, strong, and pinkish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark brown bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown, and tapered",
+        "throat: white with some streaking"
+    ],
+    "franklin gull": [
+        "back: light grey to white feathers",
+        "beak: slim and dark with a slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: white, soft feathered",
+        "breast: white with hints of grey",
+        "crown: black during breeding season; speckled greyish outside breeding season",
+        "forehead: black in breeding plumage; greyish non-breeding",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded",
+        "legs: red or pinkish, medium length",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white trailing edge",
+        "nape: black or speckled grey, depending on breeding season",
+        "tail: white with black outer tips",
+        "throat: white, elegant"
+    ],
+    "fulvous whistling duck": [
+        "back: golden-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: pale bluish-gray with a dark tip",
+        "belly: pale buff with black spots",
+        "breast: rich cinnamon color with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown fading into the golden nape",
+        "forehead: dark brown transitioning to lighter brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: golden-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: golden-brown, flowing into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with gray undertail coverts",
+        "throat: light buff color, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "gadwall": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with subtle patterning",
+        "beak: slate-gray with black edges and hooks",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: speckled gray and black feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with slightly raised feathering",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a gentle expression",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue, gray, and white striped wing coverts, black primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with the back feathers",
+        "tail: long black feathers with white tips and black underside",
+        "throat: light gray with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "glaucous gull": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: strong yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: smooth white",
+        "forehead: white and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: light pink",
+        "wings: pale gray with white tips",
+        "nape: white and unmarked",
+        "tail: white with streaks of gray",
+        "throat: clean white feathers"
+    ],
+    "glaucous winged gull": [
+        "back: light gray feathers cover the back",
+        "beak: strong, yellowish with a red spot",
+        "belly: clean white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white, slightly round and plump",
+        "crown: sleek, light gray plumage atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers at front of head",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, rimmed in red skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish with webbed feet",
+        "wings: pale gray with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: feathered transition connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: short, white feathers tipped in gray-black",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers under the beak"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned kinglet": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light yellowish-olive",
+        "crown: bright yellow with central orange stripe (males), duller yellow (females",
+        "forehead: whitish with black borders",
+        "eyes: black, beady, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: short, olive-green, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "golden fronted woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with black bars",
+        "beak: stout, long, chisel-like",
+        "belly: pale yellow or cream",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: glossy black or deep red",
+        "forehead: bright golden-orange",
+        "eyes: piercing, black or dark brown",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: barred black and white",
+        "nape: black and white barring",
+        "tail: black with white accents",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "golden winged warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: black, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint yellow hue",
+        "breast: white with light yellow patches",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black border",
+        "forehead: brilliant yellow",
+        "eyes: black, with faint white eye rings",
+        "legs: blueish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: gold and black, with distinctive white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "grasshopper sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: whitish, unmarked",
+        "breast: buffy with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale buffy-yellow",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and pale",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown and gray",
+        "tail: short with a white outer edge",
+        "throat: pale buffy-yellow"
+    ],
+    "gray jay": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray plumage",
+        "eyes: round and black, alert expression",
+        "legs: strong black legs, compact feet",
+        "wings: medium-sized, lighter gray edges",
+        "nape: soft gray, blending into back",
+        "tail: long and gray, with darker edges",
+        "throat: white, slightly fluffy plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray cheeked thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and straight, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white, unmarked",
+        "breast: pale gray with faded spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with smooth texture",
+        "forehead: paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with contrasting flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly darker than the wings",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned rosy finch": [
+        "back: pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: rosy pink hue",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with silver streaks",
+        "forehead: pale silver-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish hue",
+        "wings: gray with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending into dark crown",
+        "tail: medium length, dark gray with pink tinge",
+        "throat: light, rosy pink with gray edges"
+    ],
+    "great blue heron": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: pale gray and white plumage",
+        "breast: barred with dark gray and white feathers",
+        "crown: black with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: white patch on brow",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: long, dark gray, partially feathered",
+        "wings: broad, slate-blue feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: white with streaks of gray-blue",
+        "tail: short, dark gray-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "great crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with soft feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: yellow with matte texture",
+        "breast: gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a raised crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyelids",
+        "legs: sturdy and slate gray",
+        "wings: black with white edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray texture with gentle gradation",
+        "tail: long and broad with reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "great egret": [
+        "back: long, slender, and white",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white, elongated fluffy plumes",
+        "crown: smooth white feathers, sometimes extending into wispy plumes",
+        "forehead: white and seamlessly blending into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: large, white, and broad with pointed tips",
+        "nape: elongated white feathers, often with wispy plumes",
+        "tail: white, short, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, with slightly puffed out feathers"
+    ],
+    "great horned owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter markings",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish with brown bars",
+        "breast: pale with dark brown, horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: tufts of feathers resembling horns",
+        "forehead: white patch surrounded by brown feathers",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow with wide, black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, white with brown bars",
+        "wings: wide, rounded brown with light bars and bands",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white patch with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "great tailed grackle": [
+        "back: glossy green-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, and dark",
+        "belly: pale brownish-grey",
+        "breast: dark, iridescent purple",
+        "crown: shiny black with bluish-purple tint",
+        "forehead: smoothly rounded, no feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow iris, alert gaze",
+        "legs: strong, long, and dark",
+        "wings: large, spread wide, shimmering colors",
+        "nape: shiny black feathers transitioning to deep purple sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, keel-shaped, vivid black",
+        "throat: iridescent violet-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "greater roadrunner": [
+        "back: brown and white streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white and pale with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff or white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: sleek, dark crest",
+        "forehead: white and dark streaked feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, strong, and dark-colored",
+        "wings: brown and white patterned feathers",
+        "nape: white and dark streaked feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark with white tips and edges",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater sage grouse": [
+        "back: brownish-gray plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with fine black bars and markings",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with distinct white bib and inflated air sacs during mating display",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray with short feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a distinctive white eye ring",
+        "legs: feathered grayish-brown legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with intricate white markings and rounded tips",
+        "nape: gray feathers with a hint of beige",
+        "tail: long, stiff, pointed feathers with black and white barring",
+        "throat: black feathers contrasting the white bib on the breast"
+    ],
+    "greater white fronted goose": [
+        "back: glossy brown feathers",
+        "beak: orange, medium-length, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: gray-brown with white barring",
+        "crown: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: white patch above beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: orange and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, brown with white tips",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "tail: short, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: gray-brown, rounded feathers"
+    ],
+    "greater yellowlegs": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with scattered darker spots",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown speckles",
+        "crown: gray-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with gray-brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: gray-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: light grayish-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "green tailed towhee": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale white with rufous undertones",
+        "breast: reddish-brown wash",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, with reddish-brown and darker streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: olive green with rufous and black markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into olive green",
+        "tail: long, dark green with reddish-brown undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white with black streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "groove billed ani": [
+        "back: blackish-grey, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, ridged groove pattern",
+        "belly: dark grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: charcoal grey, feathery texture",
+        "crown: sleek blackish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey-black transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, black pupils in white-grey eye rings",
+        "legs: slender, long, grey-black",
+        "wings: dark grey, raptor-like appearance",
+        "nape: black, feathers gently curve towards back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: dark grey, fine feathered texture"
+    ],
+    "gull billed tern": [
+        "back: sleek grey upper body",
+        "beak: thick, black and powerful",
+        "belly: clean white underbelly",
+        "breast: smooth white chest",
+        "crown: greyish-black cap",
+        "forehead: white plumage above beak",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark gaze",
+        "legs: slender orange-red limbs",
+        "wings: gracious grey and white flaps",
+        "nape: greyish-black stripe on neck",
+        "tail: slightly forked white streamers",
+        "throat: white, unblemished feathering"
+    ],
+    "hairy woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black",
+        "belly: white and unblemished",
+        "breast: white and unblemished",
+        "crown: bold, red patch (male) or black (female",
+        "forehead: white with black markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: black in color",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "hammond flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: black, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellowish tone",
+        "breast: pale gray to olive hue",
+        "crown: olive-gray with an indistinct crest",
+        "forehead: subdued gray-olive",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint white eye-rings",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with two distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray shading to greenish",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "harris hawk": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown with white tips",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with rust-colored streaks",
+        "breast: rich reddish-brown with white edges",
+        "crown: dark brown to black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow, with a dark brown iris",
+        "legs: long, yellow, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown, with white band on upper wing coverts",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, similar to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with several white bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with a dark brown malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "harris sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: light brownish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark black or brownish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: black or brownish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: brownish-gray feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "heermann gull": [
+        "back: pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: dark red to orange, sturdy and sharp",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with gray shading",
+        "crown: smooth white with light gray area",
+        "forehead: white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-red and medium-length",
+        "wings: pale gray with black tips and a white trailing edge",
+        "nape: white turning to pale gray",
+        "tail: white with black terminal band",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "henslow sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with reddish-brown and black",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with an olive stripe on the sides",
+        "forehead: dull olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: short and round, with reddish-brown and dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: short and square, with dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "hermit thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with spots",
+        "breast: pale, spotted with dark brown",
+        "crown: rust-tinged brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: beady black, expressive",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, faint bars",
+        "nape: dull, tawny olive",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, short",
+        "throat: white, spotted with brown"
+    ],
+    "herring gull": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: pale white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: white head with speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth white curve",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange in color",
+        "wings: gray with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: white with speckled gray",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "hoary redpoll": [
+        "back: lightly streaked with pale feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white with pinkish hue and light streaks",
+        "crown: red with narrow black border",
+        "forehead: reddish with pale feather tips",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: blackish with strong, sturdy claws",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "hooded oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-orange color",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "crown: deep orange with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-orange",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: intense orange-yellow",
+        "tail: long, black, with white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow with a hint of orange"
+    ],
+    "hooded warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint, darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, slightly paler than belly",
+        "crown: striking black hood extending to nape",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, contrasting with black hood",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bands",
+        "nape: black hood extends from the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, matching the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "horned grebe": [
+        "back: dark with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white or grey",
+        "breast: light grey with white spots",
+        "crown: black with reddish tufts",
+        "forehead: black or dark grey",
+        "eyes: bright red",
+        "legs: short, dark, and webbed",
+        "wings: relatively small, dark with white edging",
+        "nape: black or dark grey",
+        "tail: short and pointy",
+        "throat: white or light grey"
+    ],
+    "house wren": [
+        "back: brown, mottled feathers with subtle barring",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, brownish-black",
+        "belly: light buff or creamy-white with sparse spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black bars and pale spots",
+        "nape: brown, mottled with light speckles",
+        "tail: short, brown with faint black bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "hutton vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow chest",
+        "crown: olive-green head top",
+        "forehead: slight contrast with lighter green-yellow eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue thin legs",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with faint white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green neck area",
+        "tail: olive-green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white front neck"
+    ],
+    "iceland gull": [
+        "back: pale grey plumage",
+        "beak: yellowish with red spot",
+        "belly: white feathering",
+        "breast: lightly streaked white",
+        "crown: smooth white feathers",
+        "forehead: gently sloping, white",
+        "eyes: dark with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish or reddish-tinged",
+        "wings: pale grey with black tips",
+        "nape: white, connects to the back",
+        "tail: clean white feathers",
+        "throat: unmarked white"
+    ],
+    "inca dove": [
+        "back: delicate gray, gentle feather pattern",
+        "beak: sleek and curved, light gray",
+        "belly: light buff-gray, soft and smooth",
+        "breast: elongated feathers, gray-scaled pattern",
+        "crown: grayish brown, rounded, clearly visible",
+        "forehead: gray-toned, unmarked stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, outlined by white ring",
+        "legs: slender pinkish-gray, sharply clawed",
+        "wings: multicolored earth tones, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: soft gray-brown, scaled feather pattern",
+        "tail: long and tapered, gray-white tip and edges",
+        "throat: unmarked pale gray, visually seamless"
+    ],
+    "killdeer": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with white stripes",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy-white",
+        "breast: rich buff with black collar",
+        "crown: gray-brown head with white stripes",
+        "forehead: white with dark band above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, lean, and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white stripes and copper accents",
+        "nape: gray-brown with thin white neckband",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer feathers and copper accents",
+        "throat: white with dark brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "king rail": [
+        "back: rich brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: heavily barred with black and white",
+        "breast: cinnamon-colored with dark patch",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with sparse markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, strong, orange-yellow",
+        "wings: short, brown with lighter streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with light barring"
+    ],
+    "ladder backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: striped black-and-white pattern",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: red patch on male, plain on female",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white ladder-like pattern",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: white, occasionally with black markings"
+    ],
+    "lapland longspur": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: yellowish base with dark tip",
+        "belly: white and clean",
+        "breast: white with slight streaking",
+        "crown: rufous with black outline",
+        "forehead: black in males, brown in females",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pale",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: brown with black markings",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black in males, white in females"
+    ],
+    "lark sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with gray edges",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with chestnut and white patches",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with distinctive white edges",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "le conte sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with reddish-brown and gray",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with central gray stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with a gray stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "least bittern": [
+        "back: brownish-green feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp with a yellowish-green color",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slightly crest shape",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, yellow, and round",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green with webbed toes",
+        "wings: brownish-green with lighter edges",
+        "nape: brown with light white streaks",
+        "tail: short with brownish-green feathers and darker barring",
+        "throat: white with brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "least flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: light gray with slight olive tinge",
+        "crown: grayish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-green and flat",
+        "eyes: round, black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-gray, thin but sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "least grebe": [
+        "back: olive-gray with interspersed dark markings",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with subtle grayish tones",
+        "breast: grayish-white fading into belly",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray extending to nape",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: bright red with well-defined white eyering",
+        "legs: short, with greenish-yellow webbed feet",
+        "wings: olive-gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brownish-gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short, olive-gray with black central feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray transitioning into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "least sandpiper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with pale streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown markings",
+        "breast: white with brownish speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown fading into gray",
+        "forehead: pale gray streaked with brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "least tern": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender black beak",
+        "belly: white feathered area",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage",
+        "crown: black cap on head",
+        "forehead: white band above beak",
+        "eyes: black eyes on either side of head",
+        "legs: thin orange legs",
+        "wings: pointed wings with grey and white feathers",
+        "nape: where the black crown meets the grey back",
+        "tail: forked with white and grey feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "lesser nighthawk": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle white speckles",
+        "beak: short and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff-colored with light streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with faint white streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint whitish spots",
+        "forehead: light brown with sparse, pale markings",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: short and feathered, with well-camouflaged coloration",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brownish-grey with light barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with light markings",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands and notched tips",
+        "throat: light buff-colored with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser yellowlegs": [
+        "back: light grey with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: slightly upturned, black and slim",
+        "belly: clean white with soft marking",
+        "breast: white with fine grey streaks",
+        "crown: subdued grey with streak pattern",
+        "forehead: smooth white and grey blend",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, set in white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, bright yellow",
+        "wings: grey with neat white edging",
+        "nape: streaked grey, blends into back",
+        "tail: pale grey with white outer edges",
+        "throat: soft white with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "lewis woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: pale red, slightly fluffy appearance",
+        "breast: pale red, blending with belly color",
+        "crown: dark red, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: dark red, continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: white with black pupils, alert expression",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-black, broad with slightly pointed tips",
+        "nape: greenish-black, continuation of back color",
+        "tail: greenish-black, long with slight curve at the end",
+        "throat: dark, pale red fading to black, subtle transition to breast color"
+    ],
+    "lincoln sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rusty red with fine, dark gray stripes",
+        "forehead: chestnut-colored",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown and notched",
+        "throat: white with buff-colored markings"
+    ],
+    "long billed curlew": [
+        "back: light brown with delicate streak patterns",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: pale with very fine brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with dark lines",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into white",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: long, bluish-gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: mottled brown and beige with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks descending from the crown",
+        "tail: brown with white edges and barred tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "long billed dowitcher": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight",
+        "belly: white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with dark stripes",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow and long",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark streaks and patterning",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, barred, and relatively short",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "long billed thrasher": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, grey",
+        "belly: pale white with grey speckles",
+        "breast: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: piercing black",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with muted white bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "louisiana waterthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown, striped",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown, flat",
+        "eyes: dark with thin, pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, long",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short, with white spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "magnificent frigatebird": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and slender",
+        "belly: black and sleek",
+        "breast: broad and gently rounded",
+        "crown: black, glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: short and strong",
+        "wings: long, slender, and angular",
+        "nape: gracefully curved",
+        "tail: deeply forked and elongated",
+        "throat: red, inflated pouch in males"
+    ],
+    "magnolia warbler": [
+        "back: yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: black with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: black with yellow patches",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with bold white eyering",
+        "legs: long, dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: black with two bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: black with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: black with bold white patches",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "mallard": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: yellowish-green bill",
+        "belly: white to light gray feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark green, iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: orange to reddish-orange webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue speculum bordered by white stripes",
+        "nape: sleek black feathers",
+        "tail: black, curled upward central feathers",
+        "throat: white to light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "marbled godwit": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly upturned, pinkish at base, dark at the tip",
+        "belly: pale with sparse brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with darker brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff blending into the brownish-gray crown",
+        "eyes: black, small and surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dull greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edges, black wingtips",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint brown mottling"
+    ],
+    "marsh wren": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with a broad white stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and brown",
+        "wings: short with barred patterns",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white stripes",
+        "tail: short and upright, barred with black and white",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mew gull": [
+        "back: sleek, light gray plumage",
+        "beak: medium-sized, yellow with a red spot",
+        "belly: white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white, minimal streaking",
+        "crown: slightly rounded, light gray",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like with an intense gaze",
+        "legs: short, yellow-orange, webbed",
+        "wings: light gray with black wingtips and white spots",
+        "nape: light gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short and pointed, light gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white, seamlessly blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "mexican jay": [
+        "back: blue-gray with slightly darker shade",
+        "beak: black, strong and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: blue-gray with light gray blending",
+        "breast: light gray, smooth transition from belly",
+        "crown: blue-gray, crest-like shape",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, smoothly connecting to the crown",
+        "eyes: black beads surrounded by blue-gray feathers",
+        "legs: black, sturdy with scaly texture",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray, in continuity with the back",
+        "tail: blue and black feathers, long and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "mississippi kite": [
+        "back: slate gray with a slight shine",
+        "beak: dark, hooked, slender for catching prey",
+        "belly: light gray or white, sleek",
+        "breast: light gray, horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: light gray, feathered",
+        "eyes: deep red, small, piercing",
+        "legs: yellowish, strong, short",
+        "wings: long, pointed, black, white patches",
+        "nape: gray, smooth transition from back",
+        "tail: long, black, squared-off tips",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "monk parakeet": [
+        "back: green feathers, slightly darker than wings",
+        "beak: strong, pale orange-yellow",
+        "belly: whitish gray with pale blue undertone",
+        "breast: pale gray with a tinge of blue hue",
+        "crown: bright green crest on top",
+        "forehead: bright green, sometimes hint of blue",
+        "eyes: dark iris on a white background",
+        "legs: gray with darker claws",
+        "wings: vibrant green feathers with darker edges",
+        "nape: vibrant green transitioning to pale gray-blue on neck",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with hints of yellow",
+        "throat: pale gray-blue with bluish tones"
+    ],
+    "mottled duck": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with mottling",
+        "beak: dark grey with a slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with darker mottling",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with blue speculum feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: greyish-brown with distinct black and white banding",
+        "throat: light brown with faint mottling"
+    ],
+    "mountain bluebird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: soft, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue head plumage",
+        "forehead: striking blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: vivid blue with long feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: lightly grayish-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "mountain chickadee": [
+        "back: gray feathers with brownish tinges",
+        "beak: small, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with subtle gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown edges",
+        "crown: black with white edges",
+        "forehead: white stripe down the center",
+        "eyes: black stripe through eye, white crescent above",
+        "legs: dark gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: black stripe at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, gray with white tips",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown outline"
+    ],
+    "mountain plover": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle speckles",
+        "beak: short and pale with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: white with a brownish upper edge",
+        "crown: light brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: white with a faint brown streak",
+        "eyes: dark with white crescent below",
+        "legs: long and pale yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: pale brown with barred flight feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with dull streaks",
+        "tail: pale brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with a faint grey-brown border"
+    ],
+    "mourning warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: blackish, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow underside",
+        "breast: grayish-blue chest",
+        "crown: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "forehead: olive-green transition to face",
+        "eyes: white eye-rings, black pupils",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "muscovy duck": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent green and black feathers",
+        "beak: thick, reddish-orange with black tip",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers with occasional black spots",
+        "breast: large, white feathers transitioning to iridescent green and black",
+        "crown: slightly raised feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, light black feathers leading to beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown with black outline, and a red patch of skin",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, reddish-orange with black webbed feet",
+        "wings: patterned with iridescent green, black, and white feathers",
+        "nape: area behind the head with smooth black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with hints of iridescent green",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to black towards the chest"
+    ],
+    "mute swan": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated, and white",
+        "beak: orange with a black knob at the base",
+        "belly: rounded and white",
+        "breast: full, curved, and white",
+        "crown: smooth feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: wide and dome-shaped",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, powerful, and white",
+        "nape: gracefully curved with distinct s-shape",
+        "tail: short, pointed, and white feathers",
+        "throat: slender, white, and smooth"
+    ],
+    "nashville warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, grey-black",
+        "belly: white with pale yellow tint",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: blue-grey with distinct eyeline",
+        "forehead: grey-blue coloring",
+        "eyes: small, black, centered",
+        "legs: long, grey-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green shading to grey",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "nelson sparrow": [
+        "back: gray-brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: small and cone-shaped, pale brown",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale brown, slender",
+        "wings: gray-brown with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with reddish-brown tinge",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with forked appearance",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "neotropic cormorant": [
+        "back: dark greenish or brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and yellowish at the base",
+        "belly: dark greenish or brownish-black feathers",
+        "breast: dark greenish or brownish-black feathers with slight white markings",
+        "crown: dark greenish or brownish-black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark greenish or brownish-black feathers, sloping to the beak",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by patches of turquoise or blue skin",
+        "legs: short and black, with long, webbed toes",
+        "wings: dark greenish or brownish-black feathers with a purple sheen",
+        "nape: dark greenish or brownish-black feathers with occasional white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark greenish or brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: dark greenish or brownish-black feathers with a white patch at the base of the neck"
+    ],
+    "northern bobwhite": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and stout",
+        "belly: white with dark feathered barring",
+        "breast: chestnut colored with white markings",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: white buff stripe",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with spotted white tips",
+        "nape: dark feathered neck",
+        "tail: short, rounded, with chestnut and dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: white throat patch with bold black trim"
+    ],
+    "northern hawk owl": [
+        "back: slate gray with white speckling",
+        "beak: sharp and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with thick dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with white flecks",
+        "forehead: dark gray and white striped",
+        "eyes: striking yellow with dark outlines",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with white highlights and bands",
+        "nape: grayish-white with dark markings",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white bands",
+        "throat: white with a dark brown streak"
+    ],
+    "northern rough winged swallow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark, slender",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: round, black, inconspicuous",
+        "legs: short, dark, thin",
+        "wings: long, dark brown, pointed tips",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: forked, brownish-black, with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "northern saw whet owl": [
+        "back: brownish plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white and streaked with brown",
+        "crown: brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: streaked brown and white",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered and stout",
+        "wings: brown with white bands on the primary feathers",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white bands and squared-off end",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "northern shrike": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish hue",
+        "beak: strong, hooked shape",
+        "belly: clean, whitish color",
+        "breast: pale, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: gray with sharp contour",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray touch",
+        "eyes: sharp, bold black",
+        "legs: sturdy, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: gently gray gradient",
+        "tail: contrasting black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "northern waterthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with bold streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and slightly flat",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, faintly streaked",
+        "tail: olive-brown with subtle markings",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "nuttall woodpecker": [
+        "back: black with white bars and streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with sparse black markings",
+        "breast: white, occasionally with black spots",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by white feathering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy and strong",
+        "wings: black with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: white with black streaks, red patch in males",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with black markings"
+    ],
+    "oak titmouse": [
+        "back: small, light gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale gray covering",
+        "breast: subtle, light gray plumage",
+        "crown: prominent, bushy crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, rounded edges",
+        "nape: smooth, gray feather transition",
+        "tail: long, light gray, straight feathers",
+        "throat: soft, lighter gray patch"
+    ],
+    "olive sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale grayish",
+        "belly: pale buff to white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: olive with rufous streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: dark black, small, round",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, notched, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "olive sided flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark grayish olive, streaked pattern",
+        "beak: short, black, and strong",
+        "belly: light cream, buff-colored",
+        "breast: streaked, grayish olive, and white",
+        "crown: dark grayish olive, flattish",
+        "forehead: grayish olive, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, black, and twig-perching",
+        "wings: dark grayish olive, long, and pointed",
+        "nape: grayish olive, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark grayish olive, forked, and stiff",
+        "throat: white, streaked grayish olive"
+    ],
+    "orange crowned warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow to grayish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: hidden orange patch with olive surrounding",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: olive-green with two faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, transitioning to breast color"
+    ],
+    "orchard oriole": [
+        "back: bright greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharply pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white underside",
+        "breast: yellow-orange with grayish-black streaks",
+        "crown: black with greenish-yellow tinges",
+        "forehead: black extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with black outline",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: dark gray or black with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow blending into black",
+        "tail: dark gray or black, forked",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with black border"
+    ],
+    "pacific golden plover": [
+        "back: golden and speckled with black spots",
+        "beak: short and slender, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white or grayish-white",
+        "breast: golden with black speckling, transitioning to white near the belly",
+        "crown: golden and black speckled pattern",
+        "forehead: golden with black speckling, often more golden towards the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: relatively long, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with golden speckling, white wingbars",
+        "nape: golden and black speckled pattern, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: brownish-black with a white tip",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the golden breast"
+    ],
+    "pacific loon": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray with subtle white speckling",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and black",
+        "belly: smooth, snowy white",
+        "breast: white, transitioning into the gray of the back",
+        "crown: black or dark gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: dark gray, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing red, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: black, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: dark gray, long and narrow for powerful flight",
+        "nape: black or dark gray, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: short, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: clean, bright white, contrasting with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "pacific wren": [
+        "back: rich brown with subtle dark barring",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, dark upper and lower mandibles",
+        "belly: pale brownish-grey, with some darker spots or barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored, finely streaked with dark brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown, blending into it",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint whitish eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, thin and delicate",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with fine dark barring",
+        "nape: brown, similar in color to the back and crown, streaked with dark bars",
+        "tail: short and dark brown, with faint black barring",
+        "throat: pale greyish-brown, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pacific slope flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: small, pointed, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: olive-washed, yellowish hue",
+        "crown: olive-green with indistinct eye-ring",
+        "forehead: slightly brighter green",
+        "eyes: dark, well-defined, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark and delicate",
+        "wings: olive-green, long, with two whitish wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, long, often flicked upwards",
+        "throat: pale yellow, distinctive from chest and belly"
+    ],
+    "painted redstart": [
+        "back: black with a patch of white",
+        "beak: short and slender, black",
+        "belly: white with a hint of red",
+        "breast: black, extending to flanks",
+        "crown: black, sleek and glossy",
+        "forehead: black, part of the continuous black head",
+        "eyes: black with a conspicuous white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, black",
+        "wings: black with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black, continuing the crown's coloration",
+        "tail: black with white outer tips and red center feathers",
+        "throat: black, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "palm warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown back with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: orange-yellow with pale edges",
+        "forehead: yellowish with faint markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark, framed by eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and skinny, with blackish coloring",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "pectoral sandpiper": [
+        "back: dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: short, thin, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: white with sparse brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with fine brown markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and situated on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: yellowish-green and quite slender",
+        "wings: brown with white edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks, blending into the back",
+        "tail: brown with dark bars and a white outer edge",
+        "throat: pale with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "philadelphia vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellow tinge",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white",
+        "breast: soft yellow with olive tones",
+        "crown: olive-green fading into grayish-white forehead",
+        "forehead: grayish-white or off-white",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: thin and pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feather edging",
+        "nape: faint yellow-green hue",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with olive tinge"
+    ],
+    "pied billed grebe": [
+        "back: brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and striped",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: slightly sloped with dark feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red, beady",
+        "legs: short, greenish-gray, set far back",
+        "wings: small, brownish-gray",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: short and stubby, no apparent feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "pigeon guillemot": [
+        "back: blackish-grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: bright red-orange with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with occasional feathers",
+        "breast: white merging into grey-black near wings",
+        "crown: glossy black with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth black curve from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: red-orange, set back on body for swimming",
+        "wings: black with large white patches near tips",
+        "nape: black, connecting seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: black, short with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black beak and neck"
+    ],
+    "pileated woodpecker": [
+        "back: black feathers with white stripes",
+        "beak: long, strong, chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: black and white striped",
+        "crown: bright red crest",
+        "forehead: red with a black border",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: powerful with gray coloring",
+        "wings: black with white stripes and large white patches",
+        "nape: red topped with black feathers",
+        "tail: black with white accents",
+        "throat: white with black striping"
+    ],
+    "pine grosbeak": [
+        "back: light reddish-brown with soft, dense feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and light pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-gray with a hint of rose",
+        "breast: rosy-pink in males, yellowish-gray in females",
+        "crown: round, with a blend of reddish-brown and gray feathers",
+        "forehead: matching the crown, smooth feathers transitioning into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, short, and grayish-blue with scaled texture",
+        "wings: darker reddish-brown, long and broad, ending in a curved tip",
+        "nape: similar to back, reddish-brown feathers smoothly transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, straight-edged, and darker reddish-brown",
+        "throat: pale, blending from the breast color, transitioning into the belly"
+    ],
+    "pine siskin": [
+        "back: striped brown and white feather patterns",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: beige with thin, dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with small streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow or greenish-yellow patches",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with bright yellow patches",
+        "nape: streaked brown and white",
+        "tail: brown with notched, narrow tips",
+        "throat: pale with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "pine warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow to white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow, unmarked",
+        "forehead: slightly brighter yellow",
+        "eyes: black with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray-blue, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "tail: gray-blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "piping plover": [
+        "back: light sandy-brown, camouflaged for beach nesting",
+        "beak: short, thin, orange with a black tip",
+        "belly: white, sleek feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray, subtle markings for blending in",
+        "crown: sandy-brown, matches back feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe extending over the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, positioned on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: thin, orange, long for wading in shallow water",
+        "wings: sandy-brown with minor black patches and a white stripe",
+        "nape: sandy-brown, part of overall camouflaged appearance",
+        "tail: short, sandy-brown on top with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, connects to the white stripe on the forehead"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous vireo": [
+        "back: blue-gray coloring with inconspicuous streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale white with faint gray wash",
+        "breast: white with a hint of gray",
+        "crown: blue-gray with indistinct eyebrows",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray, consistent with the back",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the blue-gray head"
+    ],
+    "prairie falcon": [
+        "back: sleek and slender with brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and black; adapted for tearing prey",
+        "belly: creamy-white with thin, dark barring",
+        "breast: white with brownish-grey streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: white with a dark grey eye-line",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and sharply focused for excellent vision",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, and powerful with black talons for grasping prey",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and brownish-grey for swift, agile flight",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey, and banded with darker bars for stability in flight",
+        "throat: white with subtle grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "prairie warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish-green",
+        "forehead: yellow with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "prothonotary warbler": [
+        "back: bright yellow-green",
+        "beak: black, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: vivid yellow",
+        "crown: golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: striking yellow",
+        "eyes: black bead with white ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: yellow-greenish",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "purple sandpiper": [
+        "back: grayish-brown, subtly streaked",
+        "beak: slightly curved, short, black",
+        "belly: pale gray, lightly speckled",
+        "breast: pale gray, speckled with darker markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "wings: gray-brown with pale wingtips",
+        "nape: gray-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pygmy nuthatch": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grey with soft feathering",
+        "breast: whitish-grey, blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: lighter grey, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with strong claws",
+        "wings: slate-grey with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey, connects crown to back",
+        "tail: short, edged with black and white bars",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "red phalarope": [
+        "back: greyish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, blackish",
+        "belly: white or pale grey",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with white patches",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-white to white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark grey with white stripes and patches",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale grey"
+    ],
+    "red bellied woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and light grey",
+        "belly: pale, reddish hue",
+        "breast: white and slightly speckled",
+        "crown: bright red patch",
+        "forehead: white or pale gray",
+        "eyes: black with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black feathers with white bars",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "red breasted merganser": [
+        "back: dark-feathered and streamlined",
+        "beak: slender, serrated edges",
+        "belly: white, with dark spots",
+        "breast: rusty red, speckled",
+        "crown: greenish-black, sleek",
+        "forehead: merges seamlessly with crown",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown",
+        "legs: orange, powerful",
+        "wings: grayish-blue, white patch",
+        "nape: elongated, black feathers",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "red breasted nuthatch": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, robust, and angled upward",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint tinges of red",
+        "breast: warm cinnamon-red with undertones of grey",
+        "crown: bold black stripe bordered by white",
+        "forehead: white with a black eyestripe",
+        "eyes: intelligent, dark, and bead-like",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: slate-grey with white and black markings",
+        "nape: white with faint black stripes",
+        "tail: short and square, with dark-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of rufous"
+    ],
+    "red breasted sapsucker": [
+        "back: streaked dark and light bars",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: striking red patch",
+        "crown: red with black surrounding",
+        "forehead: red plumage",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: gray and thin",
+        "wings: patterned with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: barred black and white",
+        "tail: black with white barring, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: deep red extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "red cockaded woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white barred pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint black barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with red streaks (only in adult males",
+        "forehead: black, rectangular-shaped",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, with a white outline",
+        "legs: gray, slender, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black with horizontal white stripes",
+        "tail: black with white spots and red markings (only in adult males",
+        "throat: white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red eyed vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: whitish with faint greenish wash",
+        "crown: gray with narrow white eye stripe",
+        "forehead: gray with slight dark line",
+        "eyes: piercing red with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive coloration",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark tip",
+        "throat: clean white, sharply contrasted"
+    ],
+    "red naped sapsucker": [
+        "back: dark black with faint white striping",
+        "beak: strong chisel-like grayish-tan",
+        "belly: white with some dark smudges along the sides",
+        "breast: white speckled with black spots",
+        "crown: bright red patch on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: mixing of red and black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a fine white ring around them",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dull gray color",
+        "wings: black with bold white patches and red markings",
+        "nape: bright red patch at the back of the head",
+        "tail: black with white brushstrokes on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: black patch surrounded by a white collar-like pattern"
+    ],
+    "red necked phalarope": [
+        "back: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with subtle grey markings",
+        "breast: white with grey sides",
+        "crown: blackish-grey with white border",
+        "forehead: white stripe running above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: long, slender, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: dark grey with white edges",
+        "nape: red-rust coloration",
+        "tail: dark grey, wedge-shaped with white edges",
+        "throat: white with slight grey markings"
+    ],
+    "ring billed gull": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with a black ring",
+        "belly: white underneath",
+        "breast: white chest plumage",
+        "crown: white with a faint grey band",
+        "forehead: white with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: yellow-orange and thin",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white edges",
+        "nape: white with a faint grey marking",
+        "tail: white with a black band",
+        "throat: white with smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "rock pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale at the base",
+        "belly: light gray or white feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent, purple-green coloration",
+        "crown: smooth, gray head-top",
+        "forehead: gray-blue, uncrested",
+        "eyes: bright, orange-red with pale inner-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, scaly, with strong claws",
+        "wings: broad, strong, gray-blue with dark bar pattern",
+        "nape: shades of gray with thin, white collar",
+        "tail: dark gray with prominent white band",
+        "throat: iridescent, purple-green with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rock ptarmigan": [
+        "back: brownish and white patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy black beak",
+        "belly: white feathered underside",
+        "breast: white feathers with black speckles",
+        "crown: black and white feathered head",
+        "forehead: white feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: feathered, stout legs with powerful claws",
+        "wings: white with black edges and patterning",
+        "nape: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "tail: short, white with black bars",
+        "throat: white feathers with speckled black markings"
+    ],
+    "rock sandpiper": [
+        "back: speckled brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, slim, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown and streaked",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with brown and white feathers",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: off-white with subtle gray markings"
+    ],
+    "rock wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle spotting",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale white with light speckling",
+        "breast: greyish-white with darker spots",
+        "crown: brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey with faint markings",
+        "eyes: black, round, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, long, pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with finer streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "roseate tern": [
+        "back: pale grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and black-tipped",
+        "belly: soft white plumage with pale grey undertones",
+        "breast: white feathers with a subtle rosy tint",
+        "crown: smooth grey feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, ranging from orange to black",
+        "wings: narrow, pointed and grey, with clean white edges",
+        "nape: grey feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and forked, featuring white and grey feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "ross goose": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle barring",
+        "beak: short and stubby, pinkish-orange with black tip",
+        "belly: white, sometimes with pale gray markings",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle white speckles",
+        "crown: smooth and rounded, light gray",
+        "forehead: gently sloping, light gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: gray with black tips and edges",
+        "nape: light gray, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, white with black markings",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with pale gray markings"
+    ],
+    "royal tern": [
+        "back: sleek, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and bright orange",
+        "belly: white underside with a smooth texture",
+        "breast: slightly rounded with white feathers",
+        "crown: black cap-like feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: pale orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, sharp, light grey feathers with darker tips",
+        "nape: area where the black crown feathers meet the white feathers on the neck",
+        "tail: short, forked tail with light grey feathers",
+        "throat: bright white feathers extending from the beak down the neck"
+    ],
+    "ruddy turnstone": [
+        "back: black and brown patterning",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white patch",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: bright orange",
+        "wings: black, white, and brown with distinctive patterns",
+        "nape: black band across white",
+        "tail: short with black and brown feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ruffed grouse": [
+        "back: brown and gray mottled feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray with dark markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with irregular dark bands",
+        "crown: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: brown feathers with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown and gray mottled, with impressive ruffled feathers when displayed",
+        "nape: gray with subtle brown streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark brown with mottled light bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant bronze-green",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: soft white or light gray",
+        "breast: rich orange or reddish-brown",
+        "crown: glossy green",
+        "forehead: iridescent green or sometimes reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short with tiny feet",
+        "wings: narrow and pointed, rapidly moving",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: squared or slightly forked tail feathers, often with orange-brown tips",
+        "throat: bright orange-red, iridescent gorget"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with grayish streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown, subtle streaks",
+        "breast: soft buffy gray, faint streaking",
+        "crown: rufous with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, black, and medium-sized",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with blackish bars, hints of rufous",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, finely streaked",
+        "tail: long, pale brown, dark central feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rusty blackbird": [
+        "back: dark rust-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black and pointed",
+        "belly: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rusty brown with dusky streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of rust",
+        "forehead: dark rust-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black and shiny",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with rusty edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: black with rust-tinged feathers, medium length",
+        "throat: lighter rusty-brown, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "sage thrasher": [
+        "back: light brown with streaky patterns",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale with dark spotting",
+        "crown: greyish-brown color",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and greyish",
+        "wings: brown with white and black markings, pale edging",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "saltmarsh sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: dull white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with sparse gray streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut and gray streaked with a pale median stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray or white with thin dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark round eyes surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, relatively long, and dark",
+        "wings: gray-brown with darker flight feathers and white-edged tertials",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark, and slightly notched with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "sandwich tern": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp, black with yellow tip",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: white with a slight mottling of grey",
+        "crown: sleek black cap",
+        "forehead: white with a black border",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and orange",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white edges",
+        "nape: white with subtle black markings",
+        "tail: forked with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "scaled quail": [
+        "back: blueish-gray feathers with fine white markings",
+        "beak: short, curved, and pale gray",
+        "belly: buff-white with sparse black markings",
+        "breast: grayish-blue, lightly spotted with white",
+        "crown: tufted white crest with dark tip",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a brownish buff tint",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: blueish-gray with fine white speckles",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: elongated gray-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark-edged white scales"
+    ],
+    "scissor tailed flycatcher": [
+        "back: light gray, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: black, thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray, delicate feathers",
+        "crown: light gray, smooth contour",
+        "forehead: light gray, unmarked",
+        "eyes: black, small and round",
+        "legs: black, slender and strong",
+        "wings: black, long with white edges",
+        "nape: light gray, sleek transition",
+        "tail: black, exceptionally long forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, unblemished coloration"
+    ],
+    "scott oriole": [
+        "back: dark yellow-orange with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange",
+        "crown: black with some yellow patches",
+        "forehead: black extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, contrasting the surrounding yellow feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and strong",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: bright yellow-orange",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: bold yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "seaside sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: conical and sharp",
+        "belly: white with sparse streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: greyish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short and pointed",
+        "throat: white and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "sedge wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with faint streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: brown with broad black stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey and slender",
+        "wings: brown with dark bars and white tips",
+        "nape: streaked brown and black",
+        "tail: short, brown with dark bars, and often upturned",
+        "throat: off-white with sparse brown spots"
+    ],
+    "semipalmated plover": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with subtle patterning",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with no markings",
+        "breast: white with a prominent black band",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a faint white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with a bold black stripe",
+        "eyes: placed on the side with a small black pupil and yellowish-white eye ring",
+        "legs: slim and orange-toned with semi-webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white accents on the tips",
+        "nape: matching brown color to the rest of the head",
+        "tail: brownish-grey feathers with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by the black chest band"
+    ],
+    "semipalmated sandpiper": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale white or buff-colored",
+        "breast: lightly streaked brownish-gray",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and black with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed, with brown and white markings",
+        "nape: mottled brownish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "sharp tailed grouse": [
+        "back: light brown with pale markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, and grayish",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with v-shaped spots",
+        "crown: subtly crest-like, brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown without feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bead-like",
+        "legs: feathered, light gray with dark barring",
+        "wings: rounded, brown and white with dark markings",
+        "nape: light brown with a grayish tinge",
+        "tail: sharp, thin, and pointed with black bands",
+        "throat: whitish with small spots"
+    ],
+    "short eared owl": [
+        "back: brown and white dappled feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: cream or buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale with dark brown streaking",
+        "crown: rounded, brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: light brown with white markings",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "wings: long, brown with dark stripes and white patches",
+        "nape: white, thickly barred with brown",
+        "tail: short, brown with black bars and white tip",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "snail kite": [
+        "back: dark grey-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: white with faint grey barring",
+        "breast: pale grey",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey",
+        "forehead: pale grey",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange",
+        "legs: short and stout, yellow-green",
+        "wings: long, dark-grey, white stripe",
+        "nape: blue-grey",
+        "tail: dark grey, white subterminal band",
+        "throat: pale grey"
+    ],
+    "solitary sandpiper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish spots",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: dark olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spotting",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black speckles",
+        "tail: barred with black and white",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "song sparrow": [
+        "back: brown, streaked with dark, narrow lines",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: light, creamy white with some streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white, heavily streaked with dark brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with slight streaking",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown, with three forward-facing toes and one rear-facing toe",
+        "wings: brown, spotted with lighter, reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown, relatively short, with faint reddish-brown edges",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sooty grouse": [
+        "back: dark gray with lighter mottling",
+        "beak: short and curved, blackish-brown color",
+        "belly: dark gray, lightly speckled",
+        "breast: bluish-gray with subtle white markings",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, deep brown color",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark gray with subtle light barring",
+        "nape: slightly lighter gray transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, dark gray with indistinct white bands",
+        "throat: dark gray, occasionally with a purple-red inflatable neck sac (males only"
+    ],
+    "spotted towhee": [
+        "back: black and dark brown with white spots",
+        "beak: stout and cone-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale white or buffy, with black sides",
+        "breast: dark black, transitioning into belly",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by orange-red eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and long, grayish-black",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bold white edges",
+        "nape: black, merging with back pattern",
+        "tail: black and white with white edges and corners",
+        "throat: pure white, contrasting with black breast"
+    ],
+    "spruce grouse": [
+        "back: dark, dense plumage with irregular white spots",
+        "beak: short and robust for seed consumption",
+        "belly: grayish-brown feathers with white bars",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with horizontal white bars",
+        "crown: black feathers on the top of head",
+        "forehead: black with a red comb above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, black with white-rimmed eyelids",
+        "legs: feathered and sturdy, built for walking",
+        "wings: dark gray feathers, white-barred flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with prominent white spots",
+        "tail: long, rounded feathers with a dark-banding pattern",
+        "throat: black feathers, contrasting with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "steller jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft, lighter blue",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: sleek, crested blue",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark blue",
+        "eyes: black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: bold blue, black stripes",
+        "nape: rich blue hue",
+        "tail: long, blue, striped",
+        "throat: lighter blue shade"
+    ],
+    "stilt sandpiper": [
+        "back: streaked, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and needle-like",
+        "belly: white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: mottled brown and white",
+        "crown: brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown with white wingbars and dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: spotted brown and white pattern",
+        "tail: narrow and pointed, with dark and light brown bars",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "summer tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow hue",
+        "beak: thick, pale and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: bright yellow tone",
+        "breast: vivid orange-yellow color",
+        "crown: intense reddish-orange shade",
+        "forehead: fiery red hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: deep red with dark secondary feathers",
+        "nape: flush of red-orange blending into green",
+        "tail: elongated, tapering, crimson feathers",
+        "throat: radiant red chestnut shade"
+    ],
+    "surfbird": [
+        "back: streamlined, pale gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: lighter gray and white, sometimes with darker spots",
+        "breast: light gray with white streaks, spotted or barred pattern",
+        "crown: pale gray and white, sometimes with a faint streak",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: moderately long, yellow-green with black claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, pale gray with white bars and black tips",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: short, squared, with white outer feathers and dark central feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending with pale gray breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "swainson thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slender, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white, minimal markings",
+        "breast: light buff, spotted with dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown, uniform color",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than the crown, olive-brown hue",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked, with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "swallow tailed kite": [
+        "back: sleek black upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: crisp white underbelly",
+        "breast: clean white chest",
+        "crown: smooth black head",
+        "forehead: black with smooth feathering",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: long, graceful, with pointed tips",
+        "nape: black-feathered neck",
+        "tail: deeply forked, distinctive swallowtail",
+        "throat: white and feathered"
+    ],
+    "swamp sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: grayish-white with slight streaks",
+        "breast: white with fine, dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with dark stripes",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bars and white spots",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with dark stripes",
+        "tail: short and reddish-brown with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tennessee warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with a darker cap",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: dark with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow, similar to the breast"
+    ],
+    "thayer gull": [
+        "back: pale grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with a red spot near the tip",
+        "belly: pure white",
+        "breast: white with minimal streaking",
+        "crown: smooth, somewhat rounded, pale grey",
+        "forehead: sloping white with a smooth transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: pale grey with dark tips and black marks",
+        "nape: pale grey, blending seamlessly with the crown and back",
+        "tail: white with a black terminal band",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "townsend solitaire": [
+        "back: smooth, slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black bill",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray feathers",
+        "crown: muted gray cap",
+        "forehead: lightly streaked gray-white",
+        "eyes: black, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray",
+        "wings: broad, gray with slim white edges",
+        "nape: gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with thin white borders",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "tricolored heron": [
+        "back: slate-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: sky-blue feathers",
+        "crown: dark plume extending from head",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black irises",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellow-green",
+        "wings: slate-blue with white and rust-colored highlights",
+        "nape: white extending to back of neck",
+        "tail: short, slate-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage"
+    ],
+    "trumpeter swan": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: black, flat, and tapered",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, white plumes",
+        "forehead: flat, black skin patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and webbed",
+        "wings: large, white, and strong",
+        "nape: curved, graceful neck",
+        "tail: short, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smoothly transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "tufted titmouse": [
+        "back: gray with a slight blue hue",
+        "beak: small, black and pointy",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: soft gray with a touch of buff",
+        "crown: gray with a pointed crest",
+        "forehead: black patch between eyes",
+        "eyes: large, round and dark",
+        "legs: short, gray-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: soft gray with white edges",
+        "nape: gray with black spots",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a faint beige undertone"
+    ],
+    "tundra swan": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, black with yellow patch",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, white feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, white area above beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: black, relatively long and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, white with black edges",
+        "nape: gracefully curved white feathers",
+        "tail: short, white, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, slender plumage"
+    ],
+    "upland sandpiper": [
+        "back: brown, horizontally striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, lightly speckled",
+        "breast: pale brown, spotted with dark marks",
+        "crown: tan-brown, small crest",
+        "forehead: bold white, inverted 'v' stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white ring",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green",
+        "wings: long, slender, mottled brown",
+        "nape: brown, horizontally striped pattern",
+        "tail: short, outer feathers longer, dark barring",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "vermilion flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointy black beak",
+        "belly: bright vermilion hue",
+        "breast: fiery red-orange coloring",
+        "crown: intense red-orange plumage",
+        "forehead: bright vermilion feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp black beads",
+        "legs: thin dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: black with red-orange highlights",
+        "nape: striking vermilion feathers",
+        "tail: long black with red-orange edges",
+        "throat: vivid red-orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "vesper sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with brown and buff tones",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown flanks",
+        "breast: creamy white with fine streaks and spots",
+        "crown: brown with grayish-white central stripe",
+        "forehead: light buff color, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with brown and buff streaking",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short with white outer feathers and dark inner feathers",
+        "throat: clean white, bordered by streaked malar stripes"
+    ],
+    "virginia rail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with thin white stripes",
+        "beak: long, slender, and reddish-orange",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dusky bars",
+        "breast: warm, reddish-brown",
+        "crown: dark greyish-blue",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange with white markings",
+        "eyes: deep brown",
+        "legs: long and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint white barring",
+        "nape: dark grey-blue",
+        "tail: short and brownish-grey",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dusky sides"
+    ],
+    "wandering tattler": [
+        "back: mottled gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts with faint barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with slight pale eyebrow",
+        "eyes: black, well-defined with a subtle white eyering",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green color",
+        "wings: long and pointed with a gray-brown pattern",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine, darker streaks",
+        "tail: gray-brown with darker bars and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "warbling vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, and pale",
+        "belly: white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow fading to white",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive, smooth texture",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-gray in color",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, streaked texture",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "western bluebird": [
+        "back: bright blue upper body",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underside",
+        "breast: rusty orange to blue-gray gradient",
+        "crown: vibrant blue head",
+        "forehead: bright blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray-blue",
+        "wings: striking blue feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue plumage",
+        "tail: blue with white tips",
+        "throat: rusty orange to gray-blue gradient"
+    ],
+    "western grebe": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointy, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, feathered underside",
+        "breast: white and grey, blended feathers",
+        "crown: black, smoothly rounded contour",
+        "forehead: sharp transition to black feathers",
+        "eyes: striking red, slightly oval-shaped",
+        "legs: powerful, set far back, webbed feet",
+        "wings: greyish, long, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: black, narrow, elongates the neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, continuous with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "western gull": [
+        "back: grayish-white plumage",
+        "beak: strong, yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: pale gray feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, perceptive gaze",
+        "legs: pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray with white and black tips",
+        "nape: paler gray transition",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "western kingbird": [
+        "back: light grayish-green plumage",
+        "beak: black, thin and straight",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: pale gray with concealed orange-red patch",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black and expressive",
+        "legs: short and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-green with blackish tips",
+        "nape: light gray, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: black with white edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "western meadowlark": [
+        "back: yellowish-brown with black stripes",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and light gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with a central black v-shape",
+        "crown: streaked brown and tan",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-yellow with black stripes",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "western sandpiper": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with reddish tones",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender, dark color",
+        "belly: white and clean",
+        "breast: white with brownish speckles",
+        "crown: mottled gray-brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray with slight brownish markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish with relatively long feet",
+        "wings: gray to brown with intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "tail: white with dark bars and central feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "western screech owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark-brown barring",
+        "breast: pale with dark-brown streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: speckled gray and brown",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white and dark-brown markings",
+        "nape: mottled gray and brown feathers",
+        "tail: banded with dark-brown and grayish-white stripes",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown with streaks"
+    ],
+    "western scrub jay": [
+        "back: blue-gray upper feathers",
+        "beak: black, sturdy, slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white undersides",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue-purple crest",
+        "forehead: light blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, blue-gray with black claws",
+        "wings: blue and bright blue patches",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathery collar",
+        "tail: long, blue, graduated tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white bib"
+    ],
+    "western wood pewee": [
+        "back: olive-gray and plain",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale grayish",
+        "crown: olive-gray",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: dusky gray with indistinct wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray",
+        "tail: grayish with slight fork",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "white breasted nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white, unmarked feathers",
+        "breast: white with a slight rusty tinge",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey cap",
+        "forehead: light blue-grey hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-grey with white patches",
+        "nape: dark blue-grey stripe",
+        "tail: blue-grey with black bars and white edges",
+        "throat: white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "white crowned sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: light to medium gray",
+        "breast: plain gray, unmarked",
+        "crown: black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, round, framed by white stripe",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, thin",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium length",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white eyed vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish lower body",
+        "breast: yellowish-white, faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive, slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-gray, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: white eyering, striking appearance",
+        "legs: pale blue-gray, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-gray, matches crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, dark edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting"
+    ],
+    "white faced ibis": [
+        "back: iridescent bronze-green plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, dark-tipped bill",
+        "belly: white blending to greyish feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown body plumage",
+        "crown: glossy green cap-like feathers",
+        "forehead: white feather patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing red with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender grey-blue legs",
+        "wings: metallic green-purple feathers with dark edges",
+        "nape: bronze-green feathers extending from the head",
+        "tail: blackish-green, narrow, and elongated feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to a darker neck color"
+    ],
+    "white headed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white spotted feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointy, black chisel-like beak",
+        "belly: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white with black and white spotted sides",
+        "crown: white with possible red patch on males",
+        "forehead: white feathers with black border",
+        "eyes: small, round, black in a white background",
+        "legs: gray and scaly with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spots or bars",
+        "nape: black with white spotted feathers",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, used for support",
+        "throat: white feathers extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white rumped sandpiper": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: pale white with some spotting",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with a brownish tinge",
+        "eyes: dark, small, well-defined",
+        "legs: thin, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white rump and outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "white tailed hawk": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with a white undertone",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip and greyish base",
+        "belly: white feathers with small brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with sparse brown spots",
+        "crown: greyish feathers with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter grey feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: fierce, yellow with a dark circular pupil",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: wide, grey with light barring and white tail feathers",
+        "nape: grey with subtle brown streaks",
+        "tail: white with bands of grey and black",
+        "throat: white feathers, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white tailed kite": [
+        "back: sleek gray",
+        "beak: sharp, black",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white and soft",
+        "crown: light gray and fluffy",
+        "forehead: small, light gray",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, yellow",
+        "wings: broad, gray-white with black tips",
+        "nape: light gray and smooth",
+        "tail: white with gray banding",
+        "throat: delicate white"
+    ],
+    "white tailed ptarmigan": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: small, black and pointed",
+        "belly: soft white feathered underside",
+        "breast: light grey plumage blending into white",
+        "crown: round grey feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: light grey with a slight white outline",
+        "eyes: small, round, and well-defined in brown",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and pale",
+        "wings: white and grey patterned with rounded appearance",
+        "nape: grey feathers tapering toward the neck",
+        "tail: short with white and grey feather tips",
+        "throat: delicate white feathers on the upper chest"
+    ],
+    "white throated sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: off-white color",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: rufous stripes with a central white stripe",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark, round, framed by light eyestripe",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker brown and white markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with rufous streaks",
+        "tail: rounded, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated swift": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: small black and pointed",
+        "belly: cream-colored underparts",
+        "breast: dark upper chest feathers",
+        "crown: smooth dark head feathers",
+        "forehead: white streak above eyes",
+        "eyes: beady black and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: long and narrow, black",
+        "nape: dark neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked black tail feathers",
+        "throat: prominent white throat patch"
+    ],
+    "white winged dove": [
+        "back: smooth, grey feathers",
+        "beak: curved, black beak",
+        "belly: fluffy, light gray feathers",
+        "breast: white-grey feathers, plump",
+        "crown: flat top, dark grey",
+        "forehead: short light grey feathers",
+        "eyes: black, round with a thin blue eyering",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-red",
+        "wings: white-edged, grey primaries",
+        "nape: darker grey feathers with a striped pattern",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with white edges, black-grey feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "willet": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, dark-gray bill",
+        "belly: white with light-gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with sparse streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight rufous tinge",
+        "forehead: pale gray with white median stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, long, and slender",
+        "wings: silver-gray underwings with black tips and white patch",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with rufous tinge",
+        "tail: dark-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with subtle streaks of pale gray"
+    ],
+    "williamson sapsucker": [
+        "back: dark black with irregular white barring",
+        "beak: long, straight, and sharp with a slight curve",
+        "belly: blackish hue with vertical yellow stripes",
+        "breast: solid black with a distinct red patch",
+        "crown: black with red feathers on the males, white in females",
+        "forehead: black with smaller patches of white and red",
+        "eyes: medium size, dark brown with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and stout, dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white barring on the underside",
+        "nape: black with a patch of red in males, white in females",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers and some white bars",
+        "throat: black with a distinguishing white stripe"
+    ],
+    "willow flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown hue with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-yellow color",
+        "breast: pale olive with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown fading to pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown seamlessly blending with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey with no distinct markings"
+    ],
+    "wilson plover": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black with orange base",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: light brown with occasional white streaks",
+        "crown: sandy brown with a dark streak",
+        "forehead: white patch interrupted by the dark eye line",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and orange",
+        "wings: light brown with prominent white wing bars",
+        "nape: sandy brown with a pale collar",
+        "tail: short, rounded with brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with a dark patch on the lower side"
+    ],
+    "wilson snipe": [
+        "back: dark, heavily-patterned with bars and stripes",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: white with dark feather markings",
+        "breast: white and brown horizontal barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with central light stripe",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with central stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: greenish-gray, thin and long",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brown with bold white stripes",
+        "nape: brown with light feather edges",
+        "tail: short, dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "wilson warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green with light stripes",
+        "beak: sharp and slender, black in color",
+        "belly: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: yellow with thin dark streaks",
+        "crown: black on males, olive on females",
+        "forehead: intense yellow, distinct from the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale, with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker edges, two white wing bars",
+        "nape: yellow-green, connects with the crown",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-green with white patches",
+        "throat: yellow, blends seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "winter wren": [
+        "back: small and brown with fine barring",
+        "beak: tiny, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale and finely barred",
+        "breast: creamy white with minimal spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown and slightly tufted",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and pale pink",
+        "wings: short and rounded, gently barred feathers",
+        "nape: brown with thin, white streaks",
+        "tail: short and upturned, with dark barring",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "wood stork": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with blacker edges",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, dusky grey-black",
+        "belly: white feathers with grey accents",
+        "breast: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: black, bald head with scaly texture",
+        "forehead: flat and bare with smooth, black skin",
+        "eyes: dark and round, set in black skin",
+        "legs: long and dark grey, partially feathered",
+        "wings: broad, with black flight feathers and white primary coverts",
+        "nape: white feathering, blending into bald crown",
+        "tail: short and white with greyish tinge",
+        "throat: featherless, black skin, with sack-like pouch"
+    ],
+    "worm eating warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and slim for catching worms",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green color, with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-olive hue merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, with darker flight feathers and white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green color blending into the back",
+        "tail: relatively short, olive-green with dark tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, with streaks on either side"
+    ],
+    "yellow warbler": [
+        "back: bright yellow, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light yellow, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, unmarked",
+        "crown: golden-yellow, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, alert",
+        "legs: thin and delicate, black",
+        "wings: yellow with black stripes, agile",
+        "nape: vibrant yellow, unmarked",
+        "tail: yellow with black-edged feathers, lovely fan shape",
+        "throat: rich yellow, sleek feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green or yellowish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black with a slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: pale yellow or whitish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: greyish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: greyish-green to olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with thin white eye-rings",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey or black",
+        "wings: greyish-green with black feather tips and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green or greyish-green coloration",
+        "tail: greyish-green feathers with black tips and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied sapsucker": [
+        "back: striped black and white patterns",
+        "beak: short, robust, chisel-like",
+        "belly: bright yellow accent",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: red patch",
+        "forehead: white stripe bordering red crown",
+        "eyes: black-bordered white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white accents",
+        "nape: black and white stripes",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black lines"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed cuckoo": [
+        "back: brownish-gray and sleek",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, yellow bill",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: whitish, with faint gray-brown markings",
+        "crown: smooth, gray-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: flat and gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a yellow eyering",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray",
+        "wings: pointed, with white spots on blackish primary feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown, with a transition to the back",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with white-tipped blackish feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed magpie": [
+        "back: iridescent black and glossy blue-green",
+        "beak: bright yellow and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or pale grey with some blue and black feathers",
+        "breast: white or pale grey and plump",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers with a slight tuft",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by bare yellow skin",
+        "legs: black feathers slightly lighter at the end with black-feathered feet",
+        "wings: long, black, and blue-green with a white stripe",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: extensive, black, and blue-green with a distinctive, white wedge shape",
+        "throat: white or pale grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow eyed junco": [
+        "back: dark-gray feathers with a subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical shaped, pale pinkish-gray color",
+        "belly: light gray coloring with possible pale streaks",
+        "breast: soft grayish-white feathers, transitioning from the darker back",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers, rounded and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending into the crown area",
+        "eyes: striking pale yellow iris with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy pinkish-gray legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: dark gray with white-edged secondary feathers, folded by the sides",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers contrasting with a slightly lighter throat",
+        "tail: dark gray, long, with white outer feathers, and a prominent fork",
+        "throat: lighter gray, distinct from the darker nape and breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with slight yellow wash",
+        "breast: pale gray with yellow tint",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint gray streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish with slight olive tint",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with white eye ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with gray streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: white, clean appearance",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark streaks and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark with white patches on outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "zone tailed hawk": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light edging",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white with darker streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: dark brown, seamless with crown",
+        "eyes: striking yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with light, contrasting bars",
+        "nape: dark brown, merging with back",
+        "tail: black and white alternating bands, elongated",
+        "throat: grayish-white, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "black capped vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale-gray blending into white",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black that tapers into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, framed by white eyering",
+        "legs: gray-blue and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white markings",
+        "nape: black to olive-green transitioning",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, extending to the sides"
+    ],
+    "artic tern": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and slender, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: snowy white feathers, fluffy",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers, curved",
+        "crown: distinct black cap, covers head",
+        "forehead: white and connected to the black cap",
+        "eyes: beady, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, red-orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: pointed, long, greyish-white",
+        "nape: transition between black cap and light grey feathers",
+        "tail: forked, long, white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth, connects to the breast"
+    ],
+    "green kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant green with bluish tinge",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white or buff colored",
+        "breast: greenish-blue with white patches",
+        "crown: dark green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: round, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish-green",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with dark spots",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with white collar",
+        "tail: blue-green with black bands",
+        "throat: white with green feathers"
+    ],
+    "geococcyx": [
+        "back: elongated, earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, strong black beak",
+        "belly: sandy white, light feathering",
+        "breast: pale brown, soft feathers",
+        "crown: sleek dark blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, brown to blue-black transition",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: long, strong, light brown with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: lengthy, brown, barred with white",
+        "nape: light brown, narrow feathers",
+        "tail: long, banded with brown and white",
+        "throat: sandy white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "elegant tern": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp, bright orange-yellow",
+        "belly: soft, white plumes",
+        "breast: slightly curved, white and smooth",
+        "crown: contrasting black cap, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers blending into the black crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal colored, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, aerodynamic, grayish-white with black outline",
+        "nape: creamy, white feathers transitioning into the black crown",
+        "tail: forked, long, white with black streaks",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers with a tapered shape"
+    ],
+    "horned puffin": [
+        "back: blackish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: large, bright orange with a darker tip",
+        "belly: white feathered region",
+        "breast: white plumage, occasionally with black streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: black feathers with horn-like extensions above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a white ring around the iris",
+        "legs: short, orange, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: dark, pointed, adapted for both flying and swimming",
+        "nape: black feathers merging with the crown",
+        "tail: short, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "whip poor will": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, wide, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white with sparse gray markings",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: mottled gray-brown with a central crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and well-camouflaged",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and gray-brown with fine patterns",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks and mottling",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with narrow gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "shiny cowbird": [
+        "back: iridescent dark blue or black",
+        "beak: short and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: slightly lighter blue hue",
+        "breast: deep blue-black with a sheen",
+        "crown: black with a shining blue tone",
+        "forehead: glossy blue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by shimmering feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray or black",
+        "wings: dark blue, shiny, and long",
+        "nape: gleaming black-blue",
+        "tail: iridescent dark blue or black feathers",
+        "throat: glossy black-blue color"
+    ],
+    "great grey shrike": [
+        "back: slate-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: pale-grey underparts",
+        "breast: cream-colored with slight streaking",
+        "crown: monochromatic-gray head",
+        "forehead: blending seamlessly into crown",
+        "eyes: conspicuous black bandit mask",
+        "legs: black, slender legs",
+        "wings: long, black-tipped grey wings",
+        "nape: uniformly grey continued from crown",
+        "tail: long, black, white-bordered tail feathers",
+        "throat: clean, whitish-grey throat area"
+    ],
+    "red legged kittiwake": [
+        "back: sleek, white-grey feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow-tipped hook",
+        "belly: smooth, white plumage",
+        "breast: white, well-rounded",
+        "crown: grey, subtly streaked",
+        "forehead: flat, extended white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: vibrant red, slender",
+        "wings: long, black-tipped with white-grey feathers",
+        "nape: white, short plumage",
+        "tail: white, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "ringed kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp grey-black bill",
+        "belly: whitish grey with streaks of brown",
+        "breast: white or pale gray shading",
+        "crown: striking blue with a shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue merging into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and sharp",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and grey",
+        "wings: bright blue with black bands",
+        "nape: blue with chance of rufous band",
+        "tail: broad, blue feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: white with unique ring pattern"
+    ],
+    "savannah sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white, blending in with grassy surroundings",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale-colored for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: white with faint brown streaks, unassuming appearance",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks, slightly round",
+        "crown: rusty-colored with dark brown streaks, distinct streaking",
+        "forehead: pale brown, gradually blending into crown detail",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and watchful, surrounded by whitish eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, slender, and perfectly adapted for perching",
+        "wings: brown, rounded with white and cream-colored wingbars",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks, strong color for camouflage",
+        "tail: notched, brownish-black, with white outer feathers for maneuvering",
+        "throat: white, clean-looking, contrasting with streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "white breasted kingfisher": [
+        "back: striking blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, robust, and black",
+        "belly: delicate white plumage",
+        "breast: bright white feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant blue crest",
+        "forehead: intense blue plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark, and watchful",
+        "legs: sturdy, scarlet-red",
+        "wings: bold blue with white patches",
+        "nape: rich blue feathering",
+        "tail: streamlined blue with white tips",
+        "throat: crisp white feathers"
+    ],
+    "florida jay": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: light gray-blue",
+        "crown: blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: long, black, slender",
+        "wings: blue with white stripes",
+        "nape: blue-gray",
+        "tail: long, rounded, blue-gray",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "baird sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: small and conical, dark in color",
+        "belly: pale gray or buff",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray or buff",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: short and notched, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray or buff"
+    ],
+    "white pelican": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathered upper body",
+        "beak: long, hooked tip, orange-yellow color",
+        "belly: rounded, white plumage",
+        "breast: full, white-feathered chest",
+        "crown: slightly elevated, white feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, blends into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, thick, with webbed feet, grayish color",
+        "wings: wide, white feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: curved, white neck connecting head to body",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, expands to hold fish when feeding"
+    ],
+    "long tailed jaeger": [
+        "back: sleek feathers in shades of grey or brown",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light grey or white feathers",
+        "breast: light grey or white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark-colored feathers, sometimes with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey or brown feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long and thin, covered in scales",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with dark tips",
+        "nape: dark-colored feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, forming a forked appearance",
+        "throat: light-colored feathers with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "sayornis": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: lighter grey plumage",
+        "breast: soft, greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey or black head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grey feathered area above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, long, and dark grey or black",
+        "wings: elongated, tapered, with brownish-grey feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-black feathered area at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: thin, elongated with darker grey feathers tipped in white",
+        "throat: lighter grey or white, slightly fluffy plumage"
+    ],
+    "pied kingfisher": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with some black markings",
+        "breast: predominantly white with black speckles",
+        "crown: bold black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white with small black spots",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyebrow-like stripe",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bands",
+        "nape: black and white stripes",
+        "tail: black and white banded feathers",
+        "throat: white with a marked black necklace"
+    ],
+    "parakeet auklet": [
+        "back: colorful feathers with a gradient of oranges and reds",
+        "beak: red and short, curved inwards",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: mixture of grey and white feathers",
+        "crown: orange-feathered crest on the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and prominent",
+        "legs: strong, red-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: medium-sized with spotted black and white feathers",
+        "nape: grey and white plumage",
+        "tail: short, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with a greyish hue"
+    ],
+    "rhinoceros auklet": [
+        "back: dark, sturdy, streamlined",
+        "beak: large, horn-like, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light gray, feathered",
+        "breast: dark gray, thick plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, black-tinged feathers",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting streak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark, strong, pointed tips",
+        "nape: darker shading, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, black feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "swainson warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: relatively long and curved",
+        "belly: pale buff-white",
+        "breast: light, subtly-streaked olive-brown",
+        "crown: rusty reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter rusty reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, edged with rust color",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending into crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded with rust-colored edges",
+        "throat: whitish, sometimes with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, orange",
+        "belly: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: bright red chest feathers",
+        "crown: striking red crest",
+        "forehead: vivid red coloration",
+        "eyes: small, black, watchful",
+        "legs: slender, grey, clawed",
+        "wings: red, with black outlines",
+        "nape: reddish back of the head",
+        "tail: long, red, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: rich red plumage"
+    ],
+    "nelson sharp tailed sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish color",
+        "belly: whitish with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale, grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown:rusty brown with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray or buffy",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with buffy white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: pointed and long, dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: whitish or pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "least auklet": [
+        "back: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stubby, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round, black",
+        "legs: short and orangish-red",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short and blackish-brown",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "chuck will widow": [
+        "back: brownish-green with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: buffy brown with white spots",
+        "breast: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and brown",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: black with a white stripe",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "kentucky warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow coloring",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: black extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and encircled with black",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with gray edges",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive color with a dark center and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "laysan albatross": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, greyish-yellow",
+        "belly: white, with soft feathers",
+        "breast: slightly broader and rounded, white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, white feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers that blend into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a thin grey ring",
+        "legs: thick, pale pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, black-tipped",
+        "nape: white, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: wide, white, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, with fine feathers"
+    ],
+    "green violetear": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and curved",
+        "belly: lighter green with soft hue",
+        "breast: iridescent green plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green",
+        "forehead: shiny green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: swift green with violet streaks",
+        "nape: glistening green",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: glimmering violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "myrtle warbler": [
+        "back: yellow-tinged green, some dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint gray streaking",
+        "breast: bright yellow, can have thin gray streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish-green, blue-gray edges",
+        "forehead: bright yellow mixed with green",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale, long toes",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars and yellow edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, blue-gray edges",
+        "tail: dark, forked with white patches on outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "nighthawk": [
+        "back: dark brown with cryptic patterns",
+        "beak: short, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: dull grey-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: mottled deep brown with hints of grey",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with white markings",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, pointed with cryptic patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale feather edges",
+        "tail: long and dark with white markings near the tip",
+        "throat: light grey-brown with mottled patterns"
+    ],
+    "frigatebird": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-colored, aerodynamic",
+        "beak: long, hooked, pointed",
+        "belly: light, white, feathery",
+        "breast: puffed, red, large (in male during mating season",
+        "crown: smooth, dark-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, flat, dark-colored",
+        "eyes: large, round, black",
+        "legs: short, strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide, angular, impressive span",
+        "nape: slim, dark, connects head to body",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, feathered, distinct (in female"
+    ],
+    "black footed albatross": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter accents",
+        "beak: large, grayish-white, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white feathers with dark brown edges",
+        "breast: white plumage fading to brown at sides",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with smooth contour",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by dark feathering",
+        "legs: large, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark brown with white edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting to crown and back",
+        "tail: narrow, pointed, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with dark edges, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "bank swallow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white feathering",
+        "breast: light-colored, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark brown, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed edges",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, well-defined",
+        "tail: short, forked, with white edges",
+        "throat: white with a slight dark band"
+    ],
+    "mockingbird": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light, white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray chest feathers",
+        "crown: gray feathered head",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, piercing",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: broad, gray, powerful",
+        "nape: gray feathers, thick plumage",
+        "tail: long, gray, fan-like",
+        "throat: white-gray, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "sooty albatross": [
+        "back: dark grey, streamlined body",
+        "beak: long, slender, greyish-black",
+        "belly: lighter grey, smoothly curved",
+        "breast: pale grey, narrow contours",
+        "crown: dark grey, rounded head shape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey, gentle slope",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert expression",
+        "legs: short, webbed, grey-black",
+        "wings: long, narrow, grey-black with white edges",
+        "nape: soft, grey transition from head to body",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: smooth, light grey, narrow shape"
+    ],
+    "pelagic cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: dark feathers blending with breast",
+        "breast: black with greenish sheen",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, dark feathered",
+        "eyes: brilliant turquoise color",
+        "legs: strong, dark, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, narrow, black feathers",
+        "nape: slender neck with dark feathers",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: black, with a small patch of feathers on the chin"
+    ],
+    "slaty backed gull": [
+        "back: pale bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellow with a red dot",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: pale gray with mottled streaks",
+        "forehead: flat and pale gray",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-yellow",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black wingtips and white spots",
+        "nape: pale gray and slightly curved",
+        "tail: white with black banding",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "tree sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: pale grey with brownish tinge",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with white cheeks",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown, central streak",
+        "eyes: round and shiny-black",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender and strong",
+        "wings: brown-black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, clear and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "abbott starling": [
+        "back: glossy dark green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light peachy brown, streaked",
+        "breast: rosy pink fading into brown",
+        "crown: iridescent purple sheen",
+        "forehead: bright orange stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black and beady",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark blue-gray",
+        "wings: dark green with faint silver speckles",
+        "nape: metallic green hue, transitioning into purple",
+        "tail: long, wide, dark green, silver-blue sheen",
+        "throat: light pinkish-brown, streaked feathers"
+    ],
+    "abd al kuri sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale grey or buff",
+        "breast: light grey-brown with faint streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown streaked with black",
+        "forehead: pale grey to buff",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: brown with black markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey or buff"
+    ],
+    "abdim stork": [
+        "back: smooth, greyish-white feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and sharp for catching prey",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers for warmth and protection",
+        "breast: grey plumage, helping with camouflage",
+        "crown: sleek, black head feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark, and alert to spot prey",
+        "legs: long, slender, and strong for wading in water",
+        "wings: wide, powerful, and grey for flight and gliding",
+        "nape: black feathers, extending down from the crown",
+        "tail: grey, fan-like feathers, aiding with balance and flight",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "aberdare cisticola": [
+        "back: brown streaked with black",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with buff-colored flanks",
+        "breast: pale buff, streaked with dark brown",
+        "crown: rufous with thin, dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale buff feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender and long",
+        "wings: brown with light rufous fringes",
+        "nape: brown streaked with dark markings",
+        "tail: short, dark brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "aberrant bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical, sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with pale gray or buff undertones",
+        "breast: pale gray or olive with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle gray tinges",
+        "forehead: uniformly olive-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: moderately pointed with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, smoothly transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: dark olive-brown with paler edging on outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with pale gray or buff shading"
+    ],
+    "abert towhee": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with slight rusty tinge",
+        "beak: relatively long, slightly curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with sparse dark streaks",
+        "breast: gray with rufous-tinted sides and faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into reddish-brown crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edging on some feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into gray on lower neck",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown with black and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, extending to upper breast"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian catbird": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black with a hint of olive-green",
+        "beak: short, strong, and blackish",
+        "belly: light gray to bluish-gray",
+        "breast: orange-brown or rusty color",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black, slightly glossy",
+        "forehead: same dark brownish-black as the crown",
+        "eyes: large and amber-yellow",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy and medium length",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black with a green sheen, rounded shape",
+        "nape: continuation of crown color, dark brownish-black",
+        "tail: dark brownish-black, medium length with a slight fork",
+        "throat: light gray to bluish-gray, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian crimsonwing": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black conical shape",
+        "belly: pale reddish-orange hue",
+        "breast: rich crimson plumage",
+        "crown: emerald green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: striking green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and attentive",
+        "legs: slender, gray-blue",
+        "wings: bright green with patches of deep red",
+        "nape: emerald green feathers",
+        "tail: blend of red and bronze feathers",
+        "throat: pale reddish-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian ground thrush": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with blackish spots",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish with brownish-grey spots",
+        "breast: pale orange with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with greyish eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, and yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with blackish streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale orange with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian longclaw": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with distinct black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and yellow",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks and yellow patch",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with bold black stripes",
+        "forehead: yellow-tinted with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, with light eyebrows",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with an olive-yellow collar",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outermost feathers",
+        "throat: white with a dense black band"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian owl": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: powerful, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light brown with small, dark streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with black flecks",
+        "forehead: lush beige with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, vivid yellow with a black outline",
+        "legs: yellowish brown, feathered, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: wide, tawny-brown with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks and pale markings",
+        "tail: tawny-brown with black bars, white spots, and round tip",
+        "throat: light brown, paler than the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian roller": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light blue with grayish tones",
+        "breast: white with soft blue edges",
+        "crown: turquoise and glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, light blue gradient",
+        "eyes: small with brownish-black irises",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich turquoise-blue shade",
+        "tail: long and dark blue with squared-off ends",
+        "throat: sky blue with paler hues"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian scimitarbill": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, scimitar-shaped and black",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, black or dark grey",
+        "wings: blue-grey with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "tail: slim, elongated and blue-grey",
+        "throat: greyish-white with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian slaty flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with minimal streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with faint streaks",
+        "crown: slate-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth slate-gray",
+        "eyes: prominent, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: slate-gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth slate-gray transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, and forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with subtle olive tones",
+        "beak: blackish-brown, medium-length, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with olive tinge",
+        "forehead: dark brown and slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: black and shiny, surrounded by a buffy-white eyering",
+        "legs: long and blackish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter brown wingbars",
+        "nape: dark brown with olive shading",
+        "tail: dark brown with slightly paler brown outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian wheatear": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim and sharp, black",
+        "belly: bright buff color",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with defined white eye stripe",
+        "forehead: dark brown with white eye stripe",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with distinct white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brown, blending into the back color",
+        "tail: black, long, with white edges",
+        "throat: pale buff, transitioning into breast color"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian white eye": [
+        "back: light olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: bright yellow chest patch",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow feathers, white eye-ring",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: large, white encircled, dark brown eyes",
+        "legs: pale gray sturdy legs",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow feathers with black streaks",
+        "nape: light olive-green nape, blending with crown",
+        "tail: greenish-yellow feathers, white-tip edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "abyssinian woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker markings",
+        "beak: strong, straight, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: cream with brown streaks",
+        "crown: red for males, black for females",
+        "forehead: white with a red patch (males) or black (females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white surrounds",
+        "legs: grayish, strong legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black and white barred pattern",
+        "nape: white with black or dark brown markings",
+        "tail: black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white or light cream with black or dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "aceh bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale golden-yellow",
+        "breast: golden-yellow",
+        "crown: metallic olive-green with a distinctive dark crest",
+        "forehead: dark blackish-green with fine feather strands",
+        "eyes: medium size, black orb with a grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with small sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with darker feather tips",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, semi-curved feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "acre antshrike": [
+        "back: dark gray-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: gray-streaked white feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: black and narrow feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black with a white ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, and black",
+        "wings: dark gray-black with white accents",
+        "nape: gray-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white feathers with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "acre tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: rufous-orange",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: beady, deep black",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: long, forked, greenish-black",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "adamawa turtle dove": [
+        "back: smooth grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with light feathering",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-brown hue",
+        "crown: blue-grey feathers with a distinct marking",
+        "forehead: pale blue-grey coloring",
+        "eyes: round dark eyes with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short, red-pink scaly limbs",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with black and white accentuating stripes",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with a hint of brown",
+        "tail: long tail feathers with white tips and a black underside",
+        "throat: light pinkish-grey hue"
+    ],
+    "adelaide warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: slim and pointed, dark brown or black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: warm olive-gray with slight streaking",
+        "forehead: olive-gray, similar to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and grayish, fairly sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray, matching crown and forehead",
+        "tail: olive-green with faint dark bands",
+        "throat: bright yellow, clean and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "adelie penguin": [
+        "back: sleek, dark bluish-grey feathering",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, smooth plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, full white feathers",
+        "crown: black, triangular head shape",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathering",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pink-to-black-webbed feet",
+        "wings: small, black, stiff flippers",
+        "nape: dark-colored, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, black feathers",
+        "throat: white, merging with the belly plumage"
+    ],
+    "afep pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: light grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, purplish-pink hue",
+        "crown: smooth, bluish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, light grey plumage",
+        "eyes: bright orange-red, encircled with pale skin",
+        "legs: red, scaly, with small claws",
+        "wings: strong, bluish-grey with black stripes",
+        "nape: lighter grey, slender neck",
+        "tail: broad, black-banded feathers with white edging",
+        "throat: purplish-pink coloration, puffed appearance"
+    ],
+    "afghan babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle feather markings",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black with hints of grey",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored, dark streaks converging towards the center",
+        "crown: grey-brown, with streaky patterns",
+        "forehead: pale grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong pinkish-grey, adapted for ground foraging",
+        "wings: light brown with dark feather tips forming bars",
+        "nape: grey-brown, transitioning from crown and back",
+        "tail: relatively long, brown with darker bars and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint streaks, contrasting from breast"
+    ],
+    "african bare eyed thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brownish spots",
+        "breast: cream-colored with small brown speckles",
+        "crown: smooth, gray-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown coloration",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and surrounded by a bare eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with a subtle collar",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with small, brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "african barred owlet": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: short, hook-shaped, light grey",
+        "belly: white feathers with brown barring",
+        "breast: white feathers with brown barring",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, light grey",
+        "wings: brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: dark greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown feathers with white bars",
+        "throat: white feathers with brown barring"
+    ],
+    "african black duck": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with slight white markings",
+        "beak: dark grey with a slight greenish-yellow tint",
+        "belly: dark brown with light white speckles",
+        "breast: mottled dark brown and white pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: flat and dark brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: deep brown and well-defined",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown, with distinct white wing-bar markings",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning smoothly from the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown feathers with a subtle fan shape",
+        "throat: light brown with small white speckles"
+    ],
+    "african black headed oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: glossy black with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: yellow with black edges and patterns",
+        "nape: brilliant yellow with a hint of black",
+        "tail: long and black with yellow tips",
+        "throat: striking yellow, contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "african blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light blue to grayish-white",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: bright blue, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant blue, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with black tips",
+        "throat: vibrant blue, contrasting with the lighter belly"
+    ],
+    "african blue tit": [
+        "back: vibrant blue color with white streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak for picking seeds and insects",
+        "belly: soft yellow with grayish-white sides",
+        "breast: bright yellow merging into the belly color",
+        "crown: bright blue with a black band around the head",
+        "forehead: vivid blue merging into the crown color",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin bluish-gray legs with small feet for gripping branches",
+        "wings: blue with white and black patterning, strong and agile",
+        "nape: bright blue connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: blue with black edges and white outer feathers for maneuverability",
+        "throat: bright yellow matching the breast color"
+    ],
+    "african broadbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and black",
+        "belly: pale brown with thin white bands",
+        "breast: light olive-green with fine streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded, broad with white horizontal banding",
+        "nape: olive-brown with pale feather edges",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, white-tipped with a broad black subterminal band",
+        "throat: white with fine olive-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "african citril": [
+        "back: light greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, blackish",
+        "belly: yellow with greenish streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark greenish-grey, edged with yellow",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, blending into back",
+        "tail: dark greenish-grey, forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "african collared dove": [
+        "back: light greyish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint scalloping",
+        "breast: delicate pinkish hue",
+        "crown: smooth grey feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey, flat profile",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, red-pink with scaled texture",
+        "wings: grey with black striping and white edges",
+        "nape: black collar-like band, white crescent below",
+        "tail: long, grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft grey, smooth transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "african crake": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with fine white markings",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: light buff with black barring",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown and black stripes",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: rounded, brown with faint white markings",
+        "eyes: beady, reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks and a rufous patch",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a white-collar",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "african crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: whitish-grey coloration",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: prominent black crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long, greyish-black",
+        "wings: olive-grey with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive grey coloration",
+        "tail: long, narrow, olive grey",
+        "throat: light grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "african cuckoo hawk": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked beak",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers",
+        "breast: beige-brown speckling",
+        "crown: dark grey and brown",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow eyes",
+        "legs: strong, yellow legs",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark grey-brown",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: dark grey-brown with pale bands",
+        "throat: beige-brown speckling"
+    ],
+    "african darter": [
+        "back: dark brown with bronze sheen",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hook-like",
+        "belly: pale brown with high contrast markings",
+        "breast: light brown with black speckling",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black, and well-defined",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with piercing gaze",
+        "legs: dark grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed with dark feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with elongated feathers",
+        "tail: long, thin, and adorned with black feathers",
+        "throat: white and streaked with grey"
+    ],
+    "african desert warbler": [
+        "back: olive brown with fine mottling",
+        "beak: slender and curved, sandy brown",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff brown with fine, dark streaks",
+        "crown: mottled olive-brown with a paler median stripe",
+        "forehead: plain olive brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale buff eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark bars on primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: mottled olive-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with dark bars and white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, lightly streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "african dusky flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathering",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: grey with tinges of brown",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown",
+        "forehead: lighter grey-brown",
+        "eyes: beady, dark, small",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded",
+        "nape: greyish-brown",
+        "tail: short, brownish-grey, square-ended",
+        "throat: pale grey-white"
+    ],
+    "african dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: rich orange-red coloring",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid blue-green cap",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: short, dark grey",
+        "wings: vibrant blue-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue-green patch",
+        "tail: blue-green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with slightly rufous-tinted chin"
+    ],
+    "african finfoot": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and thin, sharp at the end",
+        "belly: creamy white with speckled pattern",
+        "breast: light brown with intricate markings",
+        "crown: smooth, pale grey feathers",
+        "forehead: light coloring, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, set on either side",
+        "legs: long, powerful, partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks, used for swimming",
+        "nape: pale grey, leading into back feathers",
+        "tail: short and horizontal, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "african fish eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a hint of white edges",
+        "beak: sharp, large, hooked, and yellow",
+        "belly: white feathers with brown trims",
+        "breast: white feathers with a brown tint",
+        "crown: white feathers merging into brown on the back of the head",
+        "forehead: white and smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a black center",
+        "legs: strong and thick, with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with pronounced white patches on the underside",
+        "nape: brown feathers with white blended in",
+        "tail: brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers extending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "african forest flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, strong, and wide black bill",
+        "belly: off-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale, grayish-white chest",
+        "crown: dark, glossy head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown coloration",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: relatively short, rounded, and olive-green",
+        "nape: olive-colored feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: short and dark, with subtle olive-green shades",
+        "throat: white or pale, contrasting with darker head and breast"
+    ],
+    "african golden oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers with contrasting black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: bright golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich yellow feathers blending into the belly",
+        "crown: yellow with a black, mask-like pattern around the eyes",
+        "forehead: brightly colored yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bead-like surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: slender and black with clawed feet",
+        "wings: black with yellow patches and white markings",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, leading into the back feathers",
+        "tail: black, forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant golden-yellow, in line with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "african golden weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: golden yellow hue",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow plumage",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: yellow with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: yellow, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: rich golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "african goshawk": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: white with fine gray barring",
+        "breast: creamy white with broad gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, yellow with powerful talons",
+        "wings: broad, short, and rounded for maneuverability",
+        "nape: gray with white spots, well-defined border",
+        "tail: long, barred gray and white with a square tip",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks, distinct from breast"
+    ],
+    "african grass owl": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with fine black markings",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: light buff color with sparse black markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with black speckles",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light buff color with a central dark stripe",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing with white eyebrows",
+        "legs: long and feathered, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded, tawny-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: light tawny-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: barred brown and black, medium length",
+        "throat: pale buff color, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "african gray flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage with feather markings",
+        "beak: black, short and hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with pale feather patterns",
+        "breast: smoky gray with subtle feather markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, transitioning from dark to light gray",
+        "eyes: beady and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender, and long",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars and intricate patterns",
+        "nape: gray with faint feather markings",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer tail feathers and slight fork",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine feather details"
+    ],
+    "african gray hornbill": [
+        "back: dark gray feathered body",
+        "beak: large, curved, cream-colored",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers",
+        "breast: white-based feathers with gray blend",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: dark gray extending to beak base",
+        "eyes: small, yellow encircled with black",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray toned",
+        "wings: long, dark gray spanning feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray connecting to back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "african gray woodpecker": [
+        "back: gray feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with blackish spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with fainter streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with black barring and white tips",
+        "nape: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: gray with black barring and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "african green bee eater": [
+        "back: bright green feathers covering the bird's upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, black curved beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: light green or yellowish-green feathers below the breast",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage on the bird's chest area",
+        "crown: bright green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant green feathers above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: large, expressive, dark eyes with surrounding white feathers",
+        "legs: black, slender legs with small, sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: long, bright green wings with black tips for agile flight",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathers at the back of the bird's neck",
+        "tail: long, slim tail feathers, often with a black or blue central pair that extends beyond the rest",
+        "throat: light green or yellowish-green feathers on the front of the bird's neck"
+    ],
+    "african green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, ash-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow with mauve-blue hue",
+        "crown: bluish-gray tinged green",
+        "forehead: light bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by yellow bare skin",
+        "legs: red or purplish-red",
+        "wings: bright green with blue outer edges",
+        "nape: blue-gray to olive-green",
+        "tail: green with yellow outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale purplish-blue"
+    ],
+    "african harrier hawk": [
+        "back: grey-brown feathers with a streaked pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black with a grey base",
+        "belly: white with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: white with fine dark barring, sometimes buff",
+        "crown: greyish brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: buff with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: yellow surrounded by a patch of bare, yellow skin",
+        "legs: long, yellow with feathered thighs",
+        "wings: broad, grey-brown with dark primaries",
+        "nape: greyish brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, grey-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: buff-tinged with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "african hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathered upper region",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black and yellow tip",
+        "belly: white with black feather streaks",
+        "breast: white plumage with fine brown barring",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: brown feathered transition to beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black outlines",
+        "legs: thick, yellow with strong talons",
+        "wings: wide, brown, and black banded feathers",
+        "nape: brown, short feathers behind the head",
+        "tail: dark brown with bold black stripes",
+        "throat: white merging with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "african hill babbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, feathers slightly raised",
+        "forehead: mix of gray and olive-green hues",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green and faintly barred",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "african hobby": [
+        "back: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light-grey, streaked plumage",
+        "breast: beige, finely barred pattern",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale streaks on dark background",
+        "eyes: piercing, bright yellow",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark grey",
+        "nape: brown with slight pale streaks",
+        "tail: square-shaped with black and white bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with light barring"
+    ],
+    "african jacana": [
+        "back: brownish-black plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with white stripes",
+        "crown: black with bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: yellow frontal shield covering",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white line",
+        "legs: long and slender with elongated toes",
+        "wings: bold, white wing-bars and chestnut-colored coverts",
+        "nape: glossy black plumage",
+        "tail: short and white-tipped",
+        "throat: creamy white with some light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "african marsh harrier": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and yellow",
+        "belly: white with brown spots and streaks",
+        "breast: pale rufous with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, and feathered",
+        "wings: long, broad, and brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, straight, and brown with grey bands",
+        "throat: whitish with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "african openbill": [
+        "back: charcoal gray plumage",
+        "beak: long, dark, horn-shaped",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray, slight curve",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: lightly feathered, dark shade",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: black, thin, long",
+        "wings: wide, gray, white-rimmed feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray, slightly curved",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, narrow"
+    ],
+    "african oystercatcher": [
+        "back: black plumage, sleek and smooth",
+        "beak: long, orange-red, and sharp",
+        "belly: black feathers, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: black plumage, blending with belly",
+        "crown: black and smooth, fading into forehead",
+        "forehead: black feathers, meeting with beak base",
+        "eyes: bright orange-red, with black pupil",
+        "legs: bright pink, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: black, wide, and rounded",
+        "nape: black, transitioning between head and back",
+        "tail: black, medium length, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: black, slightly lighter than breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "african palm swift": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: small, thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light greyish-white with flecks of brown",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a smooth, glossy appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short, thin, brownish-black with small feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, and sickle-shaped with dark brown plumage",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with a slightly paler shade than the crown",
+        "tail: short, forked, and brownish-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "african paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: elongated, colorful feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: light, cream-colored",
+        "breast: white with a hint of orange",
+        "crown: vibrant blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: sleek, blue-black",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: large, white-edged blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: blue-black with a distinctive crested appearance",
+        "tail: lengthy, streamer-like feathers with a white tip",
+        "throat: delicate, white, and smooth"
+    ],
+    "african penduline tit": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: beige and white mix",
+        "crown: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: grey and white feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow-rimmed",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, lined with white",
+        "nape: soft grey and white bands",
+        "tail: elongated, light brown",
+        "throat: white patch surrounded by beige"
+    ],
+    "african penguin": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with black spotting",
+        "breast: white and semi-rounded",
+        "crown: black and smoothly curved",
+        "forehead: black with white border",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by a white band",
+        "legs: short and pinkish in color",
+        "wings: flippers-like, black and elongated",
+        "nape: black and connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: short, black with a stiff structure",
+        "throat: white, sloping down from the face"
+    ],
+    "african piculet": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: white markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown hue",
+        "forehead: light-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: black bead-like",
+        "legs: slender gray legs",
+        "wings: patterned with brown and green",
+        "nape: brownish-red feathers",
+        "tail: short and stiff",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "african pied starling": [
+        "back: glossy green-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white and lightly speckled",
+        "breast: white with speckled edges",
+        "crown: iridescent green-black",
+        "forehead: shiny green-black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and purplish-red",
+        "wings: green-black with white markings",
+        "nape: metallic green-black sheen",
+        "tail: long, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with speckled feathers"
+    ],
+    "african pied wagtail": [
+        "back: black and white plumage with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: thin, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white with some black spots near the throat",
+        "crown: solid black color extending to the eye",
+        "forehead: white with a black stripe running between the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: black with white patches and white edging",
+        "nape: black with a white patch",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-edged, constantly wagging",
+        "throat: white with a narrow black border"
+    ],
+    "african pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale white or cream",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "african pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark colored",
+        "belly: golden yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright azure blue feathers",
+        "crown: rich blue-green hue with distinctive orange stripe",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: long and strong, pale pink color",
+        "wings: brilliant greenish-blue with reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: deep blue with a thin orange stripe",
+        "tail: long and dark with blue and green hues",
+        "throat: brilliant turquoise color"
+    ],
+    "african pygmy kingfisher": [
+        "back: bright blue with hints of purple",
+        "beak: sharp, black upper bill and orange lower bill",
+        "belly: white with some golden-orange feathers",
+        "breast: golden-orange with a white patch",
+        "crown: shimmering blue and purple hues",
+        "forehead: bright blue with a white border",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady with white rings",
+        "legs: short, orange, and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue and purple with black, transverse bands",
+        "nape: royal blue with metallic sheen",
+        "tail: blue and purple with black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by an orange chest band"
+    ],
+    "african rail": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved and reddish-brown",
+        "belly: mixed grayish and white plumage",
+        "breast: greenish-brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with green tinges and white streaks",
+        "forehead: white eyebrows merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyelids",
+        "legs: long and slender with reddish-brown colors",
+        "wings: green-brown feathers with occasional white markings",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with white streaks and speckles",
+        "tail: elongated feathers with dark brown and white bars",
+        "throat: white plumage with a hint of gray"
+    ],
+    "african river martin": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong with slightly downward curve",
+        "belly: dark blue-black plumage",
+        "breast: dark glossy-blue feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: steep sloping with blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, rich blue-black",
+        "nape: vibrant blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: slightly forked with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: dark blue-black plumage with a slight sheen"
+    ],
+    "african sacred ibis": [
+        "back: sleek gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved black bill",
+        "belly: white-feathered underside",
+        "breast: white plumage with slight iridescence",
+        "crown: white-feathered head with black fringe",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, black, and sturdy with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: black-tipped primary feathers with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to gray-brown",
+        "tail: elongated, black plumes with white edges",
+        "throat: white, smooth, and feathered"
+    ],
+    "african scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with fine black markings",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and greyish-white",
+        "belly: light gray, featuring narrow dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with darker vertical streaks",
+        "crown: grey with dark-edged white speckles",
+        "forehead: light grey with distinct black markings",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow-orange",
+        "legs: feathered and grayish-white",
+        "wings: mottled grey with faint white barring",
+        "nape: light grey, blending with the crown pattern",
+        "tail: greyish-brown, with thin, horizontal dark bands",
+        "throat: soft gray with darker lines and markings"
+    ],
+    "african shrike flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers cover its back",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: creamy white or light gray feathers adorn its underside",
+        "breast: pale gray or white, often with a light wash of yellow",
+        "crown: brownish black or dark olive-green feathers on the head's top",
+        "forehead: partial white or pale gray stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, with a distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender legs with adaptation for perching; dark gray or black",
+        "wings: olive-green or dark brown with white wing-bars and patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green or brownish black, fading to the back coloration",
+        "tail: long and notched, with dark brown or black feathers and white edges",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with a hint of yellow, visually contrasting with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "african silverbill": [
+        "back: light gray feathers, sleek texture",
+        "beak: short and conical, silvery-white color",
+        "belly: soft white feathers, rounded shape",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage, slight puffiness",
+        "crown: light gray feathers, smoothly contoured",
+        "forehead: light gray with a small white patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown, with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: gray and white feathers, curved edges for agile flight",
+        "nape: light gray feathers, blending seamlessly with crown and back",
+        "tail: gray feathers, short and slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: white plumage, smooth transitioning to breast area"
+    ],
+    "african skimmer": [
+        "back: smooth black feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, bright orange with black tip",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: solid black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, with a white streak above the eye",
+        "eyes: round, dark with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: long, red-orange in color",
+        "wings: long, black with white edges and underside",
+        "nape: black, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: forked, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, extending down to belly"
+    ],
+    "african snipe": [
+        "back: brown with bold stripes",
+        "beak: long and slender",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: brownish with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark with a pale stripe",
+        "forehead: brown and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy with long toes",
+        "wings: brown speckled with white",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short and pointed",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "african spoonbill": [
+        "back: long, white feathers extending from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, flat and spoon-shaped, perfect for scooping prey",
+        "belly: fluffy white feathers covering the lower part of the body",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers on the upper chest area",
+        "crown: white, with a hint of feathery crest",
+        "forehead: white and feathered, meeting the base of the spoon-like beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, positioned on either side of the head",
+        "legs: long, thin, pinkish-red legs with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: white, elongated feathers that enable strong flight",
+        "nape: white feathered area where head meets the back",
+        "tail: short, white feathers that fan out slightly",
+        "throat: soft white feathers covering the lower part of the neck"
+    ],
+    "african spotted creeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint spots",
+        "beak: slender and curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with bold black spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots on coverts",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, unspotted"
+    ],
+    "african stonechat": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, cone-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: white to greyish feathers",
+        "breast: striking chestnut orange patch",
+        "crown: black cap extending to the eyes",
+        "forehead: black feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, long, and dark grey",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: black to dark brown feathers, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white to greyish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "african swamphen": [
+        "back: vibrant purplish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: thick, conical-shaped, and red with yellow tip",
+        "belly: white and gray feathers",
+        "breast: rich indigo blue feathers",
+        "crown: blue-black feathers, striped with white",
+        "forehead: shield-like red start",
+        "eyes: small, round, and red-rimmed",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, pinkish-red hue",
+        "wings: purplish-blue with green tinge and white stripe",
+        "nape: bluish-black feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, made of dark-blue feathers, and white underside",
+        "throat: pale blue feathers, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "african swift": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed and black",
+        "belly: light white to pale grey plumage",
+        "breast: white to soft grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and dark-colored",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin and short, dark-toned",
+        "wings: long and narrow, dark feathers",
+        "nape: dark to light gradient, blending into neck feathers",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey to white plumage"
+    ],
+    "african tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a dark crest",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, forked, olive-green",
+        "throat: pale, off-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "african thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: pale yellow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with dark spots",
+        "breast: greyish-white with dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: dull orange or pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, distinct from crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, spotted markings"
+    ],
+    "african wood owl": [
+        "back: brown, fluffy feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: black, sharply curved shape",
+        "belly: grayish-white with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: medium brown with rounded appearance",
+        "forehead: light brown merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing with black pupils and yellow-white rims",
+        "legs: feathered, light gray-brown with sharp, dark talons",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white spots and stripes",
+        "nape: lighter brown with pale speckles",
+        "tail: medium brown with white bands and dark brown bars",
+        "throat: pale gray-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "african woolly necked stork": [
+        "back: black, slightly glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and dark in color",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "crown: black, small feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: partially white, transitioning to black towards the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a faint white ring around each",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark in color",
+        "wings: black plumage with a white underwing",
+        "nape: black feathers reaching down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight shimmer",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from the chin down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "african yellow warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly round",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edging",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: dark, olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "agami heron": [
+        "back: bluish-grey plumage with subtle, thin stripes",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white and generously feathered",
+        "breast: chestnut feathers with a hint of iridescence",
+        "crown: blackish-blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: blackish-blue, merging seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright and inquisitive, surrounded by bluish-grey feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with a mix of chestnut and iridescent feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "tail: short, with bluish-grey and chestnut feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to chestnut on the breast"
+    ],
+    "agile tit tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek, pale greenish-grey",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white, with little streaks",
+        "breast: white with faint grey markings",
+        "crown: grey, with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: light grey, slightly paler",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, blue-grey, agile",
+        "wings: barred, pale grey, with white edges",
+        "nape: smooth, greyish-green",
+        "tail: long, dark-grey, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: clean, white, narrow"
+    ],
+    "ahanta spurfowl": [
+        "back: dark, spotted feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: light-colored with black streaks",
+        "breast: buff with black spots",
+        "crown: chestnut with a black patch",
+        "forehead: white with black spots",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown, with spurs",
+        "wings: rounded, dark with white spots",
+        "nape: chestnut with black markings",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, black and white barred",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black spots"
+    ],
+    "akekee": [
+        "back: vibrant green and yellow patterns",
+        "beak: slender, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: light green shading to white",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange patch",
+        "crown: olive-green cap",
+        "forehead: yellow streaks on green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with yellow and white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: dark green with white edges",
+        "throat: white with pale yellow streaks"
+    ],
+    "akiapolaau": [
+        "back: light olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and multi-colored (yellow and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: yellow-orange with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-orange",
+        "eyes: small, black and beady",
+        "legs: short and gray-ish blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark streaks and white bars",
+        "nape: yellow-orange with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white tips and outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "akikiki": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light olive streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: olive-green with streaks",
+        "forehead: olive color with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker markings",
+        "nape: greenish-olive with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly shorter length",
+        "throat: light gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "akohekohe": [
+        "back: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers with white-tipped crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: black with white streaks and markings",
+        "nape: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white streaks",
+        "throat: white feathers with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "akun eagle owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: large, black, and powerful",
+        "belly: buff with brown barring",
+        "breast: pale chestnut with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: striking orange-yellow",
+        "legs: feathered with brown barring",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, dark brown with black markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "ala shan redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant grey-blue with rusty hints",
+        "beak: sleek black and pointed",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown flanks",
+        "breast: bright white merging into grey-blue",
+        "crown: rich grey-blue with a rusty cap",
+        "forehead: rusty red-orange above beak",
+        "eyes: deep black with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong and black",
+        "wings: grey-blue with white patch and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey-blue with a rusty red-orange collar",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright white transitioning into grey-blue"
+    ],
+    "alagoas antwren": [
+        "back: light gray and brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and black, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray to off-white coloration",
+        "breast: light gray with some faint brown markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a subtle crest-like shape",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray gradually blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert with a discernible eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and dark-colored with strong, agile toes",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint white markings, suitable for agile flight",
+        "nape: light gray, seamlessly continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: slender, grayish-brown with white tips on the feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, subtly contrasting the breast area"
+    ],
+    "alagoas foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, and pale",
+        "belly: light buff color with faint streaks",
+        "breast: tawny brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a concealed crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, bordered by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct barred pattern",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks to match the back",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with faint barring and a slightly rounded shape",
+        "throat: pale buff color with faint darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "alagoas tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive green with light streaks",
+        "beak: small and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-green with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow-white"
+    ],
+    "albert lyrebird": [
+        "back: long, layered feathers with reddish-brown hues",
+        "beak: short and slim, light gray in color",
+        "belly: soft, grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: intricate reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: crest of reddish-brown feathers extending backwards",
+        "forehead: lighter, feathery, and grayish-white in color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by lighter feathers",
+        "legs: long, gray, and sturdy legs for perching or scratching",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with elongated outer feathers",
+        "nape: where the crest meets the back, blending colors",
+        "tail: impressive fan-shaped, adorned with long, curved plumage",
+        "throat: grayish-white with soft, feathery texture"
+    ],
+    "albertine boubou": [
+        "back: dark gray to black with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright red to dark maroon",
+        "breast: reddish-maroon blending with belly",
+        "crown: glossy black with greenish reflections",
+        "forehead: black, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black outline",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white patches near tips",
+        "nape: glossy black like the crown",
+        "tail: black with a white band near the tip, long and forked",
+        "throat: dark gray blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "aldabra drongo": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-grey plumage",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: smooth, greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: dark-grey with a hint of iridescence",
+        "crown: glossy black with a pronounced crest",
+        "forehead: smoothly transitions into the crown with glossy black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, pale blue or white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy dark-grey legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, tapered black wings with slight iridescence",
+        "nape: dark-grey feathered area connecting the crown to back",
+        "tail: elongated, forked black tail with iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: a lighter grey transitioning to the greyish-white belly"
+    ],
+    "aldabra fody": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light reddish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: vibrant red patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with reddish-brown tinges",
+        "throat: light reddish-brown, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "aldabra white eye": [
+        "back: olive-brown and smooth",
+        "beak: short, gray, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: pearl gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with a white border",
+        "forehead: white and slightly curved",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and encircled in white",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white tips",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray, long, and narrow",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to gray on the breast"
+    ],
+    "aleutian tern": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: orange-black tip",
+        "belly: clean white plumage",
+        "breast: white with a slight grey tint",
+        "crown: blackish-grey cap",
+        "forehead: white stripe just above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and orange-red",
+        "wings: grey with white edges and dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: blackish-grey blending with crown",
+        "tail: white and deeply forked",
+        "throat: crisp white feathers"
+    ],
+    "alexander swift": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: white with subtle brown speckles",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-blue with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with delicate gray markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eyebrow markings",
+        "legs: slender, gray with dark claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grayish-blue with faint white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: short, gray with white tips",
+        "throat: clean, white with gray hints"
+    ],
+    "algerian nuthatch": [
+        "back: light blue-grey with soft streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: soft white with warm undertones",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: striking black stripe",
+        "forehead: white bordered by black bands",
+        "eyes: round, black, and bright",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and brownish",
+        "wings: slate-grey with a slight bluish tinge",
+        "nape: subtle black band",
+        "tail: straight and blue-grey",
+        "throat: clean white with a black lateral stripe"
+    ],
+    "allen gallinule": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: vibrant red, conical shape",
+        "belly: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "breast: deep blue or purple hue",
+        "crown: blue plumage with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: blue plumage, similar to crown",
+        "eyes: bright red, medium-sized",
+        "legs: long and slender, with long toes; bright yellow or orange color",
+        "wings: strong and broad, blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: blue plumage blending with the back",
+        "tail: short and upright, dark feathers with white streaks",
+        "throat: blue or purple feathers, slightly darker than breast"
+    ],
+    "allpahuayo antbird": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint black markings",
+        "breast: gray, blending into white on the belly",
+        "crown: black with gray scaling",
+        "forehead: black with gray feather tips",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: black with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with lighter gray scaling",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker feathers above"
+    ],
+    "alor boobook": [
+        "back: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked shape",
+        "belly: white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with subtle brown markings",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with small white speckles",
+        "forehead: dark brown with a few white markings",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow and round",
+        "legs: stout, brown, with strong talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots and bands",
+        "nape: dark brown with scattered white speckles",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with a slight hint of brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "alor myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-red feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: bright red-orange feathers",
+        "crown: fiery red-orange feathers",
+        "forehead: bold red-orange with slight curvature",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: moderate in size, orange-red and grayish mixed feathers",
+        "nape: rich orange-red feathers, slightly elongated",
+        "tail: medium-length, gray with feathery tips",
+        "throat: vivid red-orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "alpine accentor": [
+        "back: rufous-orange with grey streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: rufous-white with dark markings",
+        "breast: grey-white with reddish-brown patches",
+        "crown: grey with black streaks",
+        "forehead: white with faint black streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with pale white edging",
+        "nape: grey with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "alpine pipit": [
+        "back: brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cream color",
+        "breast: light brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with white markings, pointed tips",
+        "nape: brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown, forked shape",
+        "throat: white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "alpine swift": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: white to pale grey",
+        "breast: white to pale grey",
+        "crown: blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, black",
+        "wings: long and narrow, dark grey",
+        "nape: blackish-brown",
+        "tail: dark grey, forked",
+        "throat: white or pale grey"
+    ],
+    "alpine thrush": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with dark spots",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with white speckles",
+        "forehead: white streak above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale yellow",
+        "wings: gray-blue with white and black markings",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with white speckles",
+        "tail: long, gray-blue with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "alstr\u00f6m warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish with a pale base",
+        "belly: pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: bright yellow, slight olive wash",
+        "crown: olive-gray, black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-yellow, indistinct eye stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small and round",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, blackish streaks, pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-gray, faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark olive-brown, white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, merging into breast"
+    ],
+    "alta floresta antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown, streaked with black",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray, with darker gray markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint spotting",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray, delicately streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-brown hue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars, rounded shape",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaked with white",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: whitish, with subtle gray markings"
+    ],
+    "altai accentor": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grey with white base",
+        "breast: warm buff-grey with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brown with light grey streaks",
+        "forehead: light grey with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey-white with some streaks"
+    ],
+    "altai snowcock": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black speckles",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: light gray with dark barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with black bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black stripe",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: feathered, sturdy, and pale pink",
+        "wings: rounded and brown with black bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black stripe",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and brown with black bands",
+        "throat: white with a black patch below the beak"
+    ],
+    "amami thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: slim, medium-length and black",
+        "belly: off-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: colored dark brown",
+        "forehead: fading dark-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing bar patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown color",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tip",
+        "throat: off-white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "amami woodcock": [
+        "back: earthy brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, light brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-brown, short",
+        "wings: brown with light spots, rounded in shape",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black bands and white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "amani sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green upper body",
+        "beak: thin, curved, black",
+        "belly: dull blue-gray lower body",
+        "breast: vibrant metallic blue",
+        "crown: glossy green head",
+        "forehead: luminescent green area",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and agile",
+        "wings: iridescent green with blue shades",
+        "nape: shimmering green connection to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, slender, black",
+        "throat: vivid, metallic blue patch"
+    ],
+    "amazilia hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white or pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering green and bluish tones",
+        "crown: vibrant green, often with blue or purple tint",
+        "forehead: bright green or turquoise feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and delicate with tiny feet",
+        "wings: rapid movement, semi-transparent, and elongated",
+        "nape: glittering green feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: narrow and tapered with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: metallic and bright, often in hues of green, blue, or red"
+    ],
+    "amazon kingfisher": [
+        "back: bright green with a slight blue tint",
+        "beak: long, dark, and sharp",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow, elongated",
+        "breast: turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with a slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: green-blue contrasting stripe",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: bright green with hints of blue, powerful",
+        "nape: turquoise-blue, blended with crown",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow, rounded"
+    ],
+    "amazonian antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow coloration",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light yellowish-olive",
+        "eyes: large and black",
+        "legs: long and pinkish",
+        "wings: olive-green and rounded",
+        "nape: greenish-olive color",
+        "tail: short and olive-green",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "amazonian antshrike": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, straight, black",
+        "belly: white or buff underpart",
+        "breast: white or buff coloration",
+        "crown: black and gray feathers",
+        "forehead: black and gray plumage",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white or buff, often with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "amazonian barred woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brown with dark bars",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale ivory",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark barring",
+        "breast: brown with dark bars",
+        "crown: brown-rufous with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: brown-rufous with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: buff-white with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "amazonian black tyrant": [
+        "back: dark olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: grayish-olive tone",
+        "breast: grayish with pale streaks",
+        "crown: black with a hidden yellow patch",
+        "forehead: black and flat",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: a mix of black and olive-green with bold white markings",
+        "nape: black, transitioning into olive-green",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with delicate markings"
+    ],
+    "amazonian elaenia": [
+        "back: light olive green plumage",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale in color",
+        "belly: whitish or pale yellow",
+        "breast: subtle yellowish or whitish hue",
+        "crown: dull olive-green with a crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-green color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pale with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with rufous wing bars",
+        "nape: light olive-green coloration",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale and whitish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "amazonian grosbeak": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, cone-shaped, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plummage",
+        "breast: yellow feathers with faint streaks",
+        "crown: green feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: prominent green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green and blue mixed, medium length",
+        "nape: green feathers, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: wide, fan-shaped, green and blue",
+        "throat: bright yellow with smooth transition"
+    ],
+    "amazonian motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue with bold black lines",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black and beige",
+        "belly: bright turquoise with black stripes",
+        "breast: turquoise shading to green with black markings",
+        "crown: deep turquoise-blue with black center stripe",
+        "forehead: dark green-blue with black lines",
+        "eyes: round, dark, surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: large, green-blue with black and turquoise patterns",
+        "nape: striking touch of blue-violet",
+        "tail: long, racket-shaped with black and turquoise-blue bands",
+        "throat: light turquoise with black lines"
+    ],
+    "amazonian parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, grayish-brown hook",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellowish-green",
+        "crown: bluish-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: light blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray scaly legs and zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green outer feathers, blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green plumage",
+        "tail: short, green, and blue-tipped",
+        "throat: light green feathers"
+    ],
+    "amazonian pygmy owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: small and hooked, light yellow",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with dark outlines",
+        "legs: short, light yellow with dark talons",
+        "wings: short, rounded with grayish-brown and white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, horizontal with dark and light bands",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "amazonian scrub flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, long, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green with indistinct streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, smooth contour",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "tail: dark brownish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "amazonian streaked antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "amazonian trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow or reddish coloring",
+        "breast: light blue or violet band",
+        "crown: glossy blue or green crown",
+        "forehead: deep blue or green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: short, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: green with white barring, slightly fanned",
+        "nape: blue or green feathers, matching forehead",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped, black or dark navy tail feathers",
+        "throat: blue or violet, contrasting with vivid belly color"
+    ],
+    "amazonian tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with subtle markings",
+        "crown: olive-green plumage",
+        "forehead: lighter green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black in white feathered ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white bars",
+        "nape: continuation of olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: long with olive-green feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with almost no markings"
+    ],
+    "amazonian umbrellabird": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: large, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: thick black plumage",
+        "breast: dense dark feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "crown: prominent black crest resembling an umbrella",
+        "forehead: velvety black plumage",
+        "eyes: deep brown, surrounded by lightweight feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide and strong, with black iridescent feathers",
+        "nape: sleek black contour feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: long, inflatable wattle called a \"wattled umbrellabird"
+    ],
+    "amber mountain rock thrush": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and blackish",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: orange-amber color fading to white",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from crown",
+        "eyes: deep-set and black",
+        "legs: dark grey and thin",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with black and white margins",
+        "nape: continuation of dark olive-brown of the crown",
+        "tail: dark with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "ambon white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight yellow tint",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a green tinge",
+        "forehead: striking white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow feathers with black coverts",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "amboyna cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: brownish-red with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft pinkish buff hue",
+        "breast: warm salmon pinkish tone",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint metallic luster",
+        "forehead: soft brownish-red gradient",
+        "eyes: deep, dark, and penetrating",
+        "legs: stout and purplish-pink",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent reddish-brown",
+        "tail: elongated with a rounded tip, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: pale pinkish hue"
+    ],
+    "ameline swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin, built for catching insects",
+        "belly: light greyish-white, soft underbelly feathers",
+        "breast: subtly patterned chest with fine feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, greyish-brown head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler shade than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, and well-suited for clinging onto walls",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and designed for quick flights",
+        "nape: somewhat darker greyish-brown feathers than head",
+        "tail: short and square, providing agility",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, merging with belly color"
+    ],
+    "american pygmy kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: white with some rust-colored spots",
+        "breast: light brownish-orange",
+        "crown: bright green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue band",
+        "eyes: black with white outlines",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with some white spots",
+        "nape: bright green feathers",
+        "tail: short and blue-green",
+        "throat: whitish with rust-colored spots"
+    ],
+    "amethyst brown dove": [
+        "back: amethyst-tinted brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale hooked beak",
+        "belly: soft, brownish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: muted purple-hued brown feathers",
+        "crown: smooth amethyst-brown crest",
+        "forehead: light brown with a hint of purple",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-purple",
+        "wings: brown with amethyst shimmer",
+        "nape: purplish-brown blending to back",
+        "tail: elongated, amethyst-tipped brown feathers",
+        "throat: delicate brownish-gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "amethyst sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent purple-green",
+        "beak: slender, long, curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: shimmering amethyst purple-blue",
+        "crown: glossy metallic green",
+        "forehead: radiant green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue, pointed",
+        "nape: striking purple sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent purple and green",
+        "throat: dazzling amethyst hue"
+    ],
+    "amethyst throated mountain gem": [
+        "back: vibrant green shimmer",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: lavender hue with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: deep amethyst-purple",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter amethyst-purple",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: emerald green, gracefully arched",
+        "nape: transitional purple-green tone",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent amethyst-purple feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant amethyst-purple plume"
+    ],
+    "amethyst throated sunangel": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent lavender band",
+        "crown: shimmering green radiance",
+        "forehead: bright green plume",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert orbs",
+        "legs: delicate, charcoal-gray limbs",
+        "wings: rapid, iridescent green flutters",
+        "nape: violet sheen on green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, dark feathers",
+        "throat: radiant amethyst hue"
+    ],
+    "ampay tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with slight tinges of brown",
+        "beak: small and sturdy, black in color",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with brownish tinges",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from the dark crown to lighter facial feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown, surrounded by lighter gray feathers",
+        "legs: strong and featherless, dark gray",
+        "wings: short and rounded, dark gray with brown hints",
+        "nape: continuous with the dark gray crown feathers",
+        "tail: short, with dark gray feathers featuring brownish edges",
+        "throat: lighter gray feathers, contrast with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "amur falcon": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black plumage",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light peach-white contrasting color",
+        "breast: light buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-black with a slight gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze with a slight brow ridge",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, strong and agile",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark gray with black-white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-black, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: dark gray with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: light buff blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "amur paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: bright rufous with white markings",
+        "beak: small, black, and narrow",
+        "belly: pale white and elongated",
+        "breast: soft white with hints of rufous",
+        "crown: rich rufous with a well-defined crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and almond-shaped",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey, and perched",
+        "wings: long and rufous with white fringes",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, curved, and sleek",
+        "tail: long, white, and ribbon-like streamers",
+        "throat: clear white with soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "amur stonechat": [
+        "back: sleek dark-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black color",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: orange-reddish chest",
+        "crown: dark-brown or black head",
+        "forehead: black or dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: thin and scaled, pale to dark-pink color",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown or black, connecting head and back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white borders, medium length",
+        "throat: white or light-colored, blurring into the breast"
+    ],
+    "ancash tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with brownish tint",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: gray with lighter hues",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black",
+        "legs: slender and long, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with brown feather edges",
+        "nape: dark gray, seamless transition to crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, dark gray",
+        "throat: light grayish-white, slightly mottled"
+    ],
+    "anchieta barbet": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint yellow streaks",
+        "beak: thick, dark grey, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellow-green with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark red",
+        "forehead: red with thin, black border",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green and rounded",
+        "nape: red with black border",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium length",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "anchieta sunbird": [
+        "back: shimmering greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, down-curved black bill",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent purple coloration",
+        "crown: sparkling emerald green",
+        "forehead: glistening metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: brilliant green with a blue hue",
+        "tail: long, slender, and black with slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: gleaming green with hints of purple"
+    ],
+    "ancient antwren": [
+        "back: small and delicately feathered",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale and softly textured",
+        "breast: rounded and subtly colored",
+        "crown: capped with a tiny crest",
+        "forehead: flat and smooth",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and curious",
+        "legs: slender and agile",
+        "wings: compact with distinctive edge",
+        "nape: gracefully curved",
+        "tail: tapered and slightly fanned",
+        "throat: supple and unassuming"
+    ],
+    "ancient murrelet": [
+        "back: grayish-black feathers and pattern",
+        "beak: short and pointed, dark color",
+        "belly: white, without spots",
+        "breast: white, clean plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray plumage extending to nape",
+        "forehead: dark gray feathers, connecting to crown",
+        "eyes: small and round, black color",
+        "legs: short and blue-gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: narrow and pointed, gray with white patches",
+        "nape: dark gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, gray feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "andaman boobook": [
+        "back: brownish upperparts with white streaks",
+        "beak: small, curved, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white-gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: dark brown with small white markings",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow",
+        "legs: short, feathered, yellowish",
+        "wings: brownish upper feathers with barred underparts",
+        "nape: brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown, barred with white bands",
+        "throat: light gray with small brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "andaman bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the back",
+        "beak: short, strong, pale yellow beak",
+        "belly: white to pale yellowish-cream underside",
+        "breast: white to pale yellowish-cream, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: black crested head feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long, dark grey to black legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with a hint of yellow, flight feathers have darker edges",
+        "nape: black with a hint of white streaks like the forehead",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: white to pale yellowish-cream, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "andaman coucal": [
+        "back: dark, glossy blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: chestnut-brown lower body",
+        "breast: rich, chestnut-brown",
+        "crown: shiny, blackish-brown covering the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown, continuation of crown",
+        "eyes: deep, dark brown with a black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, black, scaly legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with a glossy sheen, flight feathers slightly lighter",
+        "nape: blackish-brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and blackish-brown, darker outer feathers, lighter inner feathers",
+        "throat: chestnut-brown, blending with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "andaman crake": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark, sooty-brown with faint white spots",
+        "forehead: pale, whitish with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: deep brown, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and strong, bright orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots on coverts",
+        "nape: sooty-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: short and square, dark brown with white corners",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark flecks"
+    ],
+    "andaman cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale creamy grey, fading to white near vent",
+        "breast: light pinkish-grey, blending into the belly color",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a light blue eyering",
+        "legs: short with greyish-blue scaly skin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a green sheen, lighter on the wingtips",
+        "nape: dark greyish-brown, similar to crown color",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-brown with a green sheen and white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, transitioning into breast color"
+    ],
+    "andaman cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: white with grayish-black markings",
+        "breast: white with grayish-black streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-black",
+        "forehead: narrow, grayish-black",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, black",
+        "wings: extended, grayish-black feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-black, supporting the head",
+        "tail: long, grayish-black, straight feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish-black streaks"
+    ],
+    "andaman drongo": [
+        "back: sleek, glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, sharp black bill",
+        "belly: smooth, black, and streamlined",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: dark, raised crest on the head",
+        "forehead: black, blending smoothly with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: long, dark-gray slender legs",
+        "wings: elongated and sharply-pointed black wings",
+        "nape: black and glossy feathers, sloping into back",
+        "tail: characteristic long, forked black tail",
+        "throat: glossy black, blending seamlessly with breast"
+    ],
+    "andaman flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green hue",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright red splash",
+        "crown: striking crimson color",
+        "forehead: red plumage at the front",
+        "eyes: beady black with white rings",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: crimson red meets the olive-green",
+        "tail: short and olive-green",
+        "throat: white with a red collar"
+    ],
+    "andaman green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper body",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: bluish-gray feathers blending to green",
+        "crown: bright green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: emerald green plumage above beak",
+        "eyes: orange-red ring around dark pupil",
+        "legs: short, strong, reddish-purple",
+        "wings: multicolored feathers with blues, yellows, and greens",
+        "nape: bright green plumage at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: light greenish-yellow feathers below beak"
+    ],
+    "andaman masked owl": [
+        "back: dark brown, speckled with black barring",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked, light grey or yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: brown with dark barring, slightly pale chin area",
+        "crown: dark brown with occasional black spots, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, more finely speckled with black",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow with surrounding black \"mask\" markings",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with dark barring, strong yellow talons",
+        "wings: dark brown, scattered black bars and speckles, medium length",
+        "nape: brown, speckled with black, connecting to crown and back",
+        "tail: brown with dark bands, slightly rounded in shape",
+        "throat: pale, lighter than breast, small black barred markings"
+    ],
+    "andaman nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and brownish-black",
+        "belly: mottled brown and buff",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with dark brown bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with blackish mottles",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with fine mottles",
+        "eyes: large and dark, adapted for night vision",
+        "legs: short and brownish-grey",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and mottled with brown and buff markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "andaman scops owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown and buff feathers forming a camouflaged pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, dark gray, and slightly hooked for catching prey",
+        "belly: light brown with faint black streaks and spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter speckling and blending into the facial disc",
+        "forehead: mottled brown blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow with black borders",
+        "legs: stout with feathered brown and buff patterns, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: mottled brown and buff with bars and a rounded shape for stealthy flight",
+        "nape: brown and buff mottling, resembling the back pattern",
+        "tail: medium length with horizontal brown and buff bars",
+        "throat: buff-colored with darker brown markings for camouflage"
+    ],
+    "andaman serpent eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: large, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with heavy brown streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: white with distinct dark streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, and feather-free",
+        "wings: dark brown, broad, with lighter bands on flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "tail: dark brown with light bands, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: white, blending into the streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "andaman shama": [
+        "back: vibrant green and black feathers",
+        "beak: slender, dark grey curve",
+        "belly: light orange-brown",
+        "breast: bright orange",
+        "crown: dark iridescent green",
+        "forehead: bluish-black",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grey-blue",
+        "wings: dark blue-green with lighter highlights",
+        "nape: bluish-black, iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: long and splayed, with white tips and graduated blues",
+        "throat: deep orange with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "andaman teal": [
+        "back: soft, pale plumage with soothing brown hues",
+        "beak: sleek, blackish bill with a hint of orange at the base",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathers with faint striping",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage with subtle brown markings",
+        "crown: smooth, pale brown feathers with a gentle gradient",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown plumage than crown, extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive, surrounded by pale brown feathers",
+        "legs: strong, orange-reddish legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: patterned with brown and pale gray feathers, subtle blue speculum patch",
+        "nape: soft brown feathers cascading down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: medium length, slightly darker brown feathers with white fringe",
+        "throat: light grayish-white feathers, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "andaman treepie": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight greenish hue",
+        "beak: curved, black, and strong",
+        "belly: light gray with soft white undertones",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint white streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-orange color with slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep chestnut-orange that fades as it approaches the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white banding",
+        "nape: chestnut-orange blending into the olive-brown back",
+        "tail: long and black, with distinctive white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine, subtle white streaks"
+    ],
+    "andaman wood pigeon": [
+        "back: dark violet-blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, pale yellow with hooked tip",
+        "belly: contrasting light gray feathers",
+        "breast: deep grayish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with textured feathers",
+        "forehead: pale bluish-gray color",
+        "eyes: vibrant red-orange with dark pupil",
+        "legs: sturdy, light pinkish-red",
+        "wings: dark blue feathers with striking white patches",
+        "nape: violet-blue feathers with light fringe",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: transition of blue-gray and light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "andaman woodpecker": [
+        "back: black with white spots",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white and spotted",
+        "crown: red feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: red feathers extending to the beak",
+        "eyes: rounded, dark brown, and prominent",
+        "legs: strong, short, and gray",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black feathers with a red streak",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-barred",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "andean avocet": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and upward-curved",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slim, and blueish-grey",
+        "wings: elongated and elegant, bluish-grey with black and white markings",
+        "nape: bluish-grey, seamlessly connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: short and wide, with bluish-grey and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to bluish-grey at the breast"
+    ],
+    "andean cock of the rock": [
+        "back: vibrant orange feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: orange-red feathers transitioning into grey",
+        "breast: bright orange, slightly puffed out",
+        "crown: fan-shaped crest of brilliant orange feathers",
+        "forehead: fused with the crown, covered in bright feathers",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark, and surrounded by fine black feathers",
+        "legs: black, sturdy legs with gripping claws",
+        "wings: rounded, orange-red feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: orange-tinted feathers extending from crown to back",
+        "tail: fan-like grey feathers with black bands",
+        "throat: feathers transition from orange-red to lighter grey"
+    ],
+    "andean condor": [
+        "back: large, dark and feathered",
+        "beak: strong, hooked and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: moderately dense feathers, white in males, greyish-brown in females",
+        "breast: broad feathers, dark with a white collar",
+        "crown: bald, red-orange in adult males, dull red in adult females",
+        "forehead: flat and featherless, reddish in adult males, brownish in adult females",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown iris with a pale-colored bare patch around them",
+        "legs: robust and featherless, with powerful, sharp talons",
+        "wings: massive, broad, and long, with finger-like tips for soaring",
+        "nape: dark feathers transitioning to white at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped with dark plumage",
+        "throat: pinkish-red bare skin in males, brownish in females, with a retractable neck pouch for inflation during display"
+    ],
+    "andean duck": [
+        "back: sleek, gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white, smooth plumage",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: gray, smoothly curved",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: webbed feet, dark gray",
+        "wings: long, strong, grayish-blue",
+        "nape: smooth, flowing gray feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, gray",
+        "throat: white, soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "andean emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with light green hues",
+        "breast: pale green with silver-like shine",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green with metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: small, thin, and dark grey",
+        "wings: shimmering blue-green with pronounced feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, forked, and glossy green-blue",
+        "throat: white or pale grey with hints of green"
+    ],
+    "andean flamingo": [
+        "back: pale pink feathers with a slight curve",
+        "beak: black and hooked with white base",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with pink undertones",
+        "breast: light pink plumage",
+        "crown: rounded with pale pink feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning to pink",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: pale pink with black edges when extended",
+        "nape: curved with pinkish-white feathers",
+        "tail: short with light pink feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with a soft pink hue"
+    ],
+    "andean flicker": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black bars",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow with black speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with black bars",
+        "forehead: light brown with a slight golden hue",
+        "eyes: dark black surrounded by a thin grayish-white ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black bars and white patches",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with black bars",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips and black bars",
+        "throat: creamy-yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "andean guan": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and hooked",
+        "belly: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: bluish-gray with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black",
+        "forehead: greenish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, dark grayish-brown",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "andean gull": [
+        "back: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, curved tip",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: white with gray markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streak",
+        "forehead: sleek, white feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, black orbs",
+        "legs: reddish-orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray and white patterned feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: pale white feathers"
+    ],
+    "andean hillstar": [
+        "back: dark green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with greenish tint",
+        "crown: dark metallic green",
+        "forehead: vibrant green iridescence",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: dark green with rounded shape",
+        "nape: greenish-gray hue",
+        "tail: forked with green and black feathers",
+        "throat: shiny violet-blue color"
+    ],
+    "andean ibis": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, black and yellowish tip",
+        "belly: light gray, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray, contrasting with the belly",
+        "crown: blackish cap, merging with the nape",
+        "forehead: blackish, transitioning to grayish-brown on cheeks",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-pink color",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, elongated primary feathers",
+        "nape: blackish, connecting the crown and mantle",
+        "tail: long, tapering, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with grey breast"
+    ],
+    "andean motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant and colorful plumage with green or blue shades",
+        "beak: long, serrated, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light-colored with soft, feathery texture",
+        "breast: rich, turquoise-blue hue with dense feathers",
+        "crown: metallic green with contrasting black borders",
+        "forehead: striking deep blue color, divided by black band",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert with noticeable eye rings",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, and grayish or brownish in color",
+        "wings: broad, elongated with bright blue-green feather patterns",
+        "nape: continuation of the colorful crown with black borders",
+        "tail: iconic racket-shaped tail with elongated, blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright turquoise-blue, ending in a v-shaped black band"
+    ],
+    "andean negrito": [
+        "back: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, light-colored, conical",
+        "belly: buffy-white to light brown",
+        "breast: lightly barred brown and buff",
+        "crown: blackish with rufous edges",
+        "forehead: white to pale buff, contrasting",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round",
+        "legs: slender, pale orange-yellow",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous edges, whitish spots on primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown with buffy edges",
+        "throat: whitish-buff with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "andean parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, light-colored, curved",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green with slight bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: light green with subtle bluish hue",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, slender, and long",
+        "wings: green with blue outer wing feathers",
+        "nape: rich green, slightly bluish",
+        "tail: long, tapering, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: light green, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "andean potoo": [
+        "back: mossy green with streaks of brown",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale cream",
+        "belly: light gray with brown speckles",
+        "breast: soft gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark, mottled brown and gray",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a hint of green",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-green with black pupil",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, green-brown with dark markings",
+        "nape: blending of brown, gray, and green",
+        "tail: elongated, green-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "andean pygmy owl": [
+        "back: compact and feathered in grey-brown hues",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-grey plumage with dark barring",
+        "breast: lightly spotted with dark brown markings on a greyish-white background",
+        "crown: round, with dark barring on grey-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: small, feathered in grey-brown shades",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow orbs",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and feathered",
+        "wings: rounded and relatively short, grey-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: grey-brown feathers with bars and spots",
+        "tail: short and square with dark bands on a grey-brown background",
+        "throat: pale grey with subtle darker markings"
+    ],
+    "andean slaty thrush": [
+        "back: slate gray, with a subtle bluish tint",
+        "beak: slim and pointed, darkish in color",
+        "belly: pale gray, lightly speckled",
+        "breast: grayish with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray, subtly darker than back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by faint eyering",
+        "legs: slender, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: slate gray, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish slate color, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with shading towards the center",
+        "throat: pale gray with a slightly whiter central region"
+    ],
+    "andean solitaire": [
+        "back: dark-colored iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: dark feathers with a lighter center stripe",
+        "forehead: lighter gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: extended gray legs with strong feet",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, dark-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark feathers with a lighter central stripe",
+        "tail: long, dark, graduated tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with a slight blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "andean swallow": [
+        "back: sleek blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: white, blending with belly",
+        "crown: deep blue-black cap",
+        "forehead: blend of blue-black and white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and round, with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender and featherless, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated blue-black feathers, with a white band",
+        "nape: striking blue-black, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: forked, with blue-black feathers and white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the overall dark plumage"
+    ],
+    "andean swift": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with minimal markings",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white to pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with a subtle blue sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth gray plumage blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly obscured by surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: short and thin, black with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: elongated and pointed, gray and black feathers",
+        "nape: gray plumage with blue hues, blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray feathers transitioning from the breast"
+    ],
+    "andean teal": [
+        "back: blue-green with subtle black and white markings",
+        "beak: dark grey with black ridge",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff brown with black and white markings",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to lighter brown on the forehead",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with slight blue sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with dark grey webbed feet",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green, black and white patterns",
+        "nape: darker brown transitioning to lighter brown on the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with black and blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored, bordered by a white stripe"
+    ],
+    "andean tinamou": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: grayish-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with black markings",
+        "crown: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "forehead: pale gray coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: short, rounded, green-brown with black stripes",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with black barring",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with black stripes",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "andean tit spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish-grey flanks",
+        "breast: whitish with light grey streaking",
+        "crown: streaked, reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint brown tinge",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaking",
+        "tail: long, brownish, with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin greyish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "angola batis": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white with subtle barring",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slightly crested appearance",
+        "forehead: slate grey with a white supercilium",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with noticeable white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with dark bands",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a dark malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "angola cave chat": [
+        "back: gray-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, sturdy, black beak",
+        "belly: white underside with grayish-brown flanks",
+        "breast: white plumage transitioning from gray-brown upper body",
+        "crown: gray-brown head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray-brown feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: black, beady eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs with well-defined toes",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white patches on the inner primaries",
+        "nape: gray-brown feathers blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: gray-brown feathers, slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: white feathers contrasting with the gray-brown head"
+    ],
+    "angola helmetshrike": [
+        "back: smooth gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a raised crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark red or brown",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: gray with patches of white",
+        "nape: dark gray with a downward-facing crest",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "angola lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: straight and pointed, dark color",
+        "belly: off-white to pale brown",
+        "breast: pale brown with speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with distinct streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by light-colored feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with darker streaks, rounded shape",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, slightly forked, with white edges",
+        "throat: off-white, transitioning into breast"
+    ],
+    "angola slaty flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray, slightly mottled",
+        "breast: medium gray, smooth",
+        "crown: dark slate gray, flat",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, unmarked",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white-eye ring",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: dark slate gray with black edges",
+        "nape: dark slate gray, unmarked",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, with black edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "angola swallow": [
+        "back: glossy bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, lightly feathered",
+        "breast: white, well-defined",
+        "crown: deep steel-blue, slightly iridescent",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter steel-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, quick and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, bluish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: steel-blue, blending with crown",
+        "tail: forked, long outer feathers, black and white",
+        "throat: pure white, contrasting with blue head"
+    ],
+    "angola waxbill": [
+        "back: dark blue striped feather pattern",
+        "beak: short, red, conical",
+        "belly: light blue-gray with fine, dark streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant crimson with fine, dark streaking",
+        "crown: bright red, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: bright red, blends into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by faint white ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-black with blue and red accents",
+        "nape: crimson with dark streaks, merging to back pattern",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black with red edging",
+        "throat: deep crimson with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "anjouan scops owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown feathers",
+        "beak: dark, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown bars",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint dark markings",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with dark speckles",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, surrounded by dark circles",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with dark streaks",
+        "wings: brown with faint darker markings, rounded",
+        "nape: brown with light speckles",
+        "tail: brown with dark bands, short and squared",
+        "throat: pale cream with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "anjouan sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light yellow",
+        "breast: bright orange",
+        "crown: shiny metallic blue",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-violet",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey",
+        "wings: vibrant green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: metallic green",
+        "tail: long, straight, and green",
+        "throat: vivid orange"
+    ],
+    "anjouan white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-yellow underside",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "crown: grayish head with subtle white rings around eyes",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: large and noticeably white",
+        "legs: strong, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: olive-green with slightly notched appearance",
+        "throat: white-gray feathers transitioning to pale breast color"
+    ],
+    "ankober serin": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: dull white with gray tinge",
+        "breast: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black tips",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black borders",
+        "throat: dull white with gray tinge"
+    ],
+    "annam limestone babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and robust, pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with fine striations",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, slender and strong",
+        "wings: brown with faint pale barring",
+        "nape: light brown with dark striations",
+        "tail: long and angled, with dark brown feathers and pale edges",
+        "throat: off-white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "annam prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray, blending with belly",
+        "crown: rufous with light streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting back to crown",
+        "tail: long, rufous-tipped, often cocked up",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "ansorge greenbul": [
+        "back: greenish olive feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and brownish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: warmer yellow with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: greenish olive with faint brown streaks",
+        "forehead: pale greenish olive",
+        "eyes: round with black pupil and brown iris",
+        "legs: slender and pale brown",
+        "wings: greenish olive with brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish olive with faint brown streaks",
+        "tail: long and greenish brown",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "antarctic petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked for catching fish",
+        "belly: lighter grey feathers adding contrast to the body",
+        "breast: grey and white mix of feathers, aiding with insulation",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from the beak to the crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, black, and slightly on the side for better vision",
+        "legs: black and webbed for swimming and walking",
+        "wings: barrel-shaped with dark grey feathers, allowing for effortless soaring",
+        "nape: grey feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: wedged-shaped with grey feathers for better balance and maneuverability",
+        "throat: blend of grey and white feathers under the beak"
+    ],
+    "antarctic prion": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale blue",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white patches",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and blue-gray",
+        "wings: narrow with pointed tips, blue-gray and white pattern",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: forked, blue-gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "antarctic shag": [
+        "back: dark glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale white to gray feathers",
+        "breast: dark plumage with hints of blue and green",
+        "crown: smooth and sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: flat and smooth transition to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, bright, circular, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and webbed with black scales",
+        "wings: wide, long, and powerful with dark shades",
+        "nape: sleek with olive-brown features",
+        "tail: broad, fan-shaped with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with distinct pouch"
+    ],
+    "antarctic tern": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, red-orange with black tip",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: slightly plump, white chest",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers covering head",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, red-orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-white primaries",
+        "nape: where black crown meets white neck feathers",
+        "tail: forked, white with gray outer feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, smooth, meeting the breast"
+    ],
+    "antillean crested hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: bright green shimmering feathers",
+        "crown: striking crest with violet-blue color",
+        "forehead: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, thin, with tiny feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, swift-moving",
+        "nape: green feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, emerald green with white tips",
+        "throat: dark, shimmering green patch"
+    ],
+    "antillean nighthawk": [
+        "back: pale brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short and hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large and round, black with a yellow ring",
+        "legs: short and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with mottled brown and white pattern",
+        "nape: light brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white banding",
+        "throat: pale white with brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "antillean palm swift": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown head",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short black legs",
+        "wings: long, curved, grayish-brown",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: forked, grayish-brown, and slightly pointed",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "antillean piculet": [
+        "back: muted olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-grey",
+        "breast: soft yellowish-grey",
+        "crown: males display golden-orange caps",
+        "forehead: vibrant gold in males, duller in females",
+        "eyes: small, inquisitive black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, grey legs with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: subtle olive-green and brown tones",
+        "tail: short, sharp, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with fluffy plumage"
+    ],
+    "antillean siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers cover the back",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: golden yellow feathers on the upper body",
+        "crown: black stripe covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: golden yellow feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark eyes surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown legs with slender toes",
+        "wings: dark, elongated feathers with distinct white wing-bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: forked with dark feathers and white tail spots",
+        "throat: golden yellow feathers extending down from the chin"
+    ],
+    "antioquia bristle tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grayish-olive",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with pale feather tips",
+        "throat: pale olive-yellow, matching the breast"
+    ],
+    "antioquia brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green, providing camouflage",
+        "beak: short, strong, blackish-grey for feeding on seeds",
+        "belly: yellowish-olive, blending with the environment",
+        "breast: bright yellow, distinctive coloration",
+        "crown: sleek black, contrasting with other colors",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey, continuing from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, well-adapted for vision in various light conditions",
+        "legs: strong, grey, built for perching and occasional ground walking",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers, enabling agile flight",
+        "nape: black streaks transitioning from the crown, providing continuity in color",
+        "tail: relatively short, olive-green with white-tipped feathers, aiding in balance and maneuverability",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, complementing the breast color"
+    ],
+    "antioquia wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and long, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: grayish-white, finely streaked",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown, slight barring",
+        "crown: warm brown color, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, tan-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "nape: warm brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: white, little to no streaks"
+    ],
+    "antipodes parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong red-orange beak",
+        "belly: soft yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green chest feathers",
+        "crown: green and blue mixed feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: vivid green and blue forehead feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "apical flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked",
+        "belly: whitish with yellow tinge",
+        "breast: yellow with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: grayish with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: broad with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long and forked",
+        "throat: whitish with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "aplomado falcon": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, dark-grey hooked shape",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with thin black horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: white behind the beak, leading to crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark outlines",
+        "legs: long and yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: lengthy, pointed bluish-gray feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: black stripe across the neck, connecting the crown",
+        "tail: long, banded with black and white stripes",
+        "throat: white with black streaks extending from the breast"
+    ],
+    "apo myna": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers with a greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: dark grey with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "breast: dark grey, slightly lighter than belly",
+        "crown: deep black feathers with a slight purple iridescence",
+        "forehead: deep black with a hint of blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long, scaly, pale yellow",
+        "wings: large, black with greenish metallic sheen and white patches",
+        "nape: black with a violet sheen, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with greenish-blue iridescence",
+        "throat: dark grey with a slight bluish sheen"
+    ],
+    "apo sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: shiny metallic green head",
+        "forehead: iridescent green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, grayish black limbs",
+        "wings: medium length, greenish black",
+        "nape: metallic green neck feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish black feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow or orange throat patch"
+    ],
+    "apolinar wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: subtle grey-brown hue",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale-colored",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with white spotted patterns",
+        "nape: faded brown streaks",
+        "tail: short, slightly rounded, with bands of brown and white",
+        "throat: pale white with faint grey markings"
+    ],
+    "appert tetraka": [
+        "back: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale, whitish with gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, contrasted with throat",
+        "crown: dark gray with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray, transitioning to darker crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: relatively short, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale bars",
+        "nape: dark gray, bordered by pale streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: white, sharply delineated from breast"
+    ],
+    "apricot breasted sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: striking apricot hue",
+        "breast: vibrant apricot coloration",
+        "crown: shimmering green top feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: elongated with green and blue shades",
+        "nape: narrow green feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked, and green-blue",
+        "throat: fiery orange-red patch"
+    ],
+    "apurimac brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish underparts",
+        "crown: dark gray with reddish streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-white",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with subtle reddish streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray, long, and forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "apurimac spinetail": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with a crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-orange with black barring",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "nape: rufous-orange with black barring",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "throat: white with dark gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "aquatic warbler": [
+        "back: brownish-yellow with subtle striped pattern",
+        "beak: thin, dark gray, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff to white with sparse streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: yellow-brown with thin, black stripes",
+        "forehead: pale beige, slightly darker near beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by beige feathers",
+        "legs: long, dark gray, with thin toes",
+        "wings: brownish with faint grayish pattern",
+        "nape: yellow-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, brownish with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale beige with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "arabian babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathered coat",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey shade",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-grey slender limbs",
+        "wings: brownish-grey feathers with faint white edges",
+        "nape: greyish-brown feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light greyish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "arabian bustard": [
+        "back: light brown with small white speckles",
+        "beak: thick, curved, and yellowish",
+        "belly: off-white, slightly streaked",
+        "breast: dull white with sparse black markings",
+        "crown: gray-brown with a well-defined dark cap",
+        "forehead: light brown, blends into the crown",
+        "eyes: smart, caramel-colored, and outlined with white",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: broad, light brown, patterned with darker markings",
+        "nape: pale brown, bordered by a thin band of darker feathers",
+        "tail: long, black and white, with horizontal barring",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the speckled breast"
+    ],
+    "arabian eagle owl": [
+        "back: brown feathers with black mottling",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp black beak",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown feathers with black markings",
+        "forehead: pale buff with fine black lines",
+        "eyes: large, striking orange-yellow eyes",
+        "legs: feathered and strong pale legs",
+        "wings: brown with bold black markings and buff-colored bands",
+        "nape: light brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with black and buff bars",
+        "throat: buff color with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "arabian golden sparrow": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers with soft streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale cream color with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: golden yellow, bright and eye-catching",
+        "crown: golden-yellow and vibrant",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow, complementing the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and dark",
+        "wings: golden-brown with black streaks and white barring",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, transitioning smoothly from crown",
+        "tail: long, pointed, with black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale yellow, a slightly lighter hue than the breast"
+    ],
+    "arabian green bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green with slight blue tinges",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light green with yellow undertones",
+        "breast: bright green fading to yellow near the belly",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: blue-green with white outlines around the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short with black claws",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue edges",
+        "nape: striking blue with contrasting black stripe",
+        "tail: elongated, central, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: golden yellow fading into green"
+    ],
+    "arabian grosbeak": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-buff",
+        "breast: rich cinnamon-orange",
+        "crown: black, white-lined feathers",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: cinnamon-orange with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black and cinnamon-orange, white-tipped",
+        "throat: bright orange-red"
+    ],
+    "arabian lark": [
+        "back: light sandy brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: sandy brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black or dark brown, surrounded by thin white ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale pink or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: sandy brown, continued from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers and white corners",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "arabian partridge": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: curved, light gray to dark brown",
+        "belly: off-white with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale, greyish-blue with black crescents",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown with a whitish streak",
+        "forehead: lighter chestnut-brown with some patterning",
+        "eyes: dark, shining with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish with scaly texture",
+        "wings: medium length, grey-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: warm chestnut, transitioning to back's brown",
+        "tail: short, square-ended with grey-brown and black banding",
+        "throat: white, with thin black-bordered bib"
+    ],
+    "arabian scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with small white markings",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish-black",
+        "belly: light grey with white streaks and dark spots",
+        "breast: greyish-white with vertical dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: spotted grey with pale feather tufts",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, greyish-brown with strong talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brown with white bar patterns",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white horizontal bands and spots",
+        "throat: streaked greyish-white with small dark markings"
+    ],
+    "arabian warbler": [
+        "back: light olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, black in color",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white",
+        "breast: light buff color with some streaks",
+        "crown: sandy grey with thin streaks",
+        "forehead: sandy grey color",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: light olive-brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: short and squarish, olive-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with some streaks"
+    ],
+    "arabian waxbill": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: reddish-orange and conical",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown and streaked",
+        "crown: red with a black border",
+        "forehead: red and slightly curved",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: brown with thin black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with darker tips and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "arabian wheatear": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black",
+        "belly: cream to pale-colored",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown patches",
+        "crown: gray-brown and smooth",
+        "forehead: grayish-white blending to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black wingtips",
+        "nape: light gray-brown",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin gray line separating breast"
+    ],
+    "arabian woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, greyish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown spots",
+        "breast: light-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-orange in males, greyish-brown in females",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: short and strong, grey in color",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with white bars",
+        "throat: whitish with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "arafura fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with slight markings",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with occasional light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: pointed and olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale grey with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "arafura shrikethrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: dark grey with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: greyish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: cream-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "araucaria tit spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with streaking",
+        "crown: rusty brown with spiky feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, rusty brown",
+        "eyes: dark, well-defined",
+        "legs: narrow and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: same color as the crown, rusty brown",
+        "tail: long and spiky, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: plain buff with no streaking"
+    ],
+    "archbold bowerbird": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: dense, dark brown feathers",
+        "crown: raised, dark brown crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: gray-brown, strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark brown highlights",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with light tips",
+        "throat: light gray, contrast to darker breast"
+    ],
+    "archbold newtonia": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, black",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: light gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, ringed with white",
+        "legs: pale, slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: soft gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "archbold nightjar": [
+        "back: dark brown with paler spots/stripes",
+        "beak: short and wide, black or dark brown",
+        "belly: mottled brown and beige",
+        "breast: buff and dark brown coloration, variable patterns",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale stripe down the center",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown compared to crown, speckled pattern",
+        "eyes: large and dark, ringed with pale feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong, feathered brown",
+        "wings: long, rounded, dark brown with lighter mottling/spots",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks and bars",
+        "tail: dark brown and pale bands, wedge-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored, lightly barred with brown"
+    ],
+    "archer robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and strong, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: bright orange with black stripes",
+        "crown: gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert and observant",
+        "legs: thin and long, dark brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-olive with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black mottling"
+    ],
+    "arctic loon": [
+        "back: sleek black and white pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pure white feathers",
+        "breast: checkered black and white",
+        "crown: dark black cap",
+        "forehead: continuation of black cap",
+        "eyes: bright red in color",
+        "legs: short, webbed, black",
+        "wings: elongated, slender, black and white patterned",
+        "nape: black with white striped pattern",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, black and white",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "arctic warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, slim, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with pale yellow tinge",
+        "breast: light yellow with olive wash",
+        "crown: olive-green, uniform with back",
+        "forehead: pale yellow, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, in line with crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "arfak astrapia": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: straight, black, and slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: soft black feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant green-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black and glossy head feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek, black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive, and beady",
+        "legs: slender black-gray legs with sharp, curved claws",
+        "wings: broad, black with blue-green sheen",
+        "nape: elongated glossy whisker-like plumes",
+        "tail: long, trailing black feathers ending in blue-green spatules",
+        "throat: shimmering black feathers"
+    ],
+    "arfak catbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with blackish tips",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: mottled gray and white",
+        "breast: gray with white scalloping",
+        "crown: black with greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: black, smoother texture",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slim and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black banding",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to gray",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with black banding",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "arfak honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: dark, slightly curved bill",
+        "belly: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: creamy-white feathers",
+        "crown: yellow-orange head crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive gaze",
+        "legs: grey, slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: yellow-orange plumage continuation",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with yellow hints"
+    ],
+    "aripuana antwren": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint gray markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark gray with some pale streaks",
+        "forehead: gray with a slight olive tint",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped, surrounded by thin white rings",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white bars and tips",
+        "nape: gray with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long and gray with white tips on feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "arizona woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white barring pattern",
+        "beak: black, long, and straight",
+        "belly: white or pale coloration",
+        "breast: white or pale coloration",
+        "crown: red color on male, black on female",
+        "forehead: red color on male, black on female",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish black",
+        "wings: black, white patches",
+        "nape: black and white barring pattern",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: white or pale coloration"
+    ],
+    "armenian gull": [
+        "back: white to pale gray plumage covering the top and sides",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white feathered underside",
+        "breast: pale gray and white plumage on chest area",
+        "crown: rounded white to light-gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: white to light-gray feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-red with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: white with black tips and dark gray primary feathers",
+        "nape: white feathered area at back of neck",
+        "tail: white feathers with dark gray bands near the tip",
+        "throat: white feathers below the beak and chin"
+    ],
+    "arnot chat": [
+        "back: olive-green with black spots",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: yellow-orange with black markings",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white patches",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: black with white patches and greenish-yellow edges",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long with white outer feathers and black central feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a black collar"
+    ],
+    "arrow marked babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with faint arrow-like marks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with subtle markings",
+        "breast: pale grey with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light grey-brown with narrow markings",
+        "eyes: dark in color, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and slender, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: brownish-black, with light brown tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with arrow-like streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with dark brown feathers and subtle markings",
+        "throat: pale grey with darker streaks along sides"
+    ],
+    "arrowhead piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: short and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: pale cream or buff-colored",
+        "breast: light olive green with subtle spotting",
+        "crown: olive-green with fine white speckles",
+        "forehead: distinct white dot pattern",
+        "eyes: dark beady with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and short",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint creamy bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with white speckles",
+        "tail: short and straight, olive-green blending into cream",
+        "throat: palest cream with fine spotting"
+    ],
+    "arrowhead warbler": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed and black",
+        "belly: off-white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow stripes",
+        "forehead: short and rounded",
+        "eyes: small and dark with thin light ring",
+        "legs: slim and pale with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive green with white barring",
+        "nape: light olive green",
+        "tail: long and dark with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "ascension frigatebird": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white, feathered chest",
+        "crown: dark feathers with lighter texture",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, charcoal-colored",
+        "wings: large, elongated \"s\"-shape",
+        "nape: dark feathers with light shine",
+        "tail: elongated, split fork",
+        "throat: white with black spot patterns"
+    ],
+    "ash breasted antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: black and stout",
+        "belly: white with grayish-yellow accents",
+        "breast: ash-gray to light brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter fringes",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown compared to crown",
+        "eyes: black with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with light feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with a lighter shade towards the neck",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter fringes on feathers",
+        "throat: ash-gray with a light brown hue"
+    ],
+    "ash breasted sierra finch": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathering",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish color",
+        "belly: light ash-gray plumage",
+        "breast: whitish shade with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray shading",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small-sized",
+        "legs: thin and elongated, blackish-grey color",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with noticeable barring",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, blackish-grey with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "ash breasted tit tyrant": [
+        "back: ash gray feathers with subtle white stripes",
+        "beak: small and sharp, blackish in color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint darker streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: uniform dark gray feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth gray plumage just above the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a delicate eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black, ending in sharp little claws",
+        "wings: gray with contrasting white bars and edges",
+        "nape: gray feathers extending from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and dark gray, with narrow white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark gray streaks, contrasting with the gray breast"
+    ],
+    "ash browed spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and pointy",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: ash-colored stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale rings",
+        "legs: orange-brown, thin",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "ash colored cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek ash-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slim, dark shaded beak",
+        "belly: soft, light gray undertones",
+        "breast: rounded, smoky gray plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, ashen cap",
+        "forehead: subtle gray gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, watchful orbs",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal-gray limbs",
+        "wings: outstretched, muted gray plumes",
+        "nape: dusky gray neckline",
+        "tail: elongated, smoky feathers",
+        "throat: pale, foggy-hued region"
+    ],
+    "ash colored tapaculo": [
+        "back: soft ash-gray feathers",
+        "beak: dark, short, and curved",
+        "belly: lighter ash-gray plumage",
+        "breast: subdued ash-gray feathers",
+        "crown: slightly darker ash-gray hue",
+        "forehead: smooth ash-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black, round, and small",
+        "legs: slender with dark gray scales",
+        "wings: ash-gray feathers with subtle barring",
+        "nape: ash-gray feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and ash-gray with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale ash-gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "ash throated antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: slim, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light brown spots",
+        "crown: orange-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale orange-brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale gray",
+        "wings: brownish with orange-brown edging",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "ash throated casiornis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, black upper and pale lower parts",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: gray with brownish tinges",
+        "crown: dull grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: whitish streaks on grayish-brown base",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white surround",
+        "legs: long, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, uniform color",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "ash throated crake": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black stripes",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: streaked, reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale orange",
+        "wings: short, rounded, brown with black stripes",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with pale edging",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "ash throated gnateater": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rusty-cinnamon, mix of brown and white",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: black, outlined with white feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blends with back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: buffy-white, continuous with belly"
+    ],
+    "ash winged antwren": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: light gray streaked with white",
+        "crown: ashy gray with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with subtle black edging",
+        "nape: smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: long and bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "throat: white and clean, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "ashambu laughingthrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with darker speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark speckles and streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with fine, dark streaks",
+        "eyes: bright, expressive, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with reddish-brown and white patches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with reddish-brown and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "ashy antwren": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: smoky gray with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: slate-gray with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: gray with fine barring, pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: smoky gray, continuous with back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy bulbul": [
+        "back: pale gray plumage with olive tinges",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white-gray with light yellow hues",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray fading to paler tones",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with black circle, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: plain gray, primary flight feathers edged in white",
+        "nape: pale gray with a hint of olive green",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray contrasting the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "ashy cisticola": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed black beak",
+        "belly: pale and buff-colored underparts",
+        "breast: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, round and small",
+        "legs: long and pale pink",
+        "wings: short and rounded with brown and buff feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-like with brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale and streaked, forming a collar"
+    ],
+    "ashy drongo": [
+        "back: grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: black, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale gray to white",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: long, grayish-black feathers",
+        "nape: gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: forked, grayish-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "ashy flowerpecker": [
+        "back: shades of gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray",
+        "crown: dark ashy-gray",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: dark, beady",
+        "legs: thin, gray-black",
+        "wings: short, gray",
+        "nape: gray",
+        "tail: short and square, gray",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "ashy flycatcher": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy minivet": [
+        "back: smooth gray feathering",
+        "beak: slender and sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: light gray with white blending",
+        "crown: black extending down to eye level",
+        "forehead: black with grayish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong with black claws",
+        "wings: black and white edged with greenish-yellow",
+        "nape: black transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: smooth grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "ashy myzomela": [
+        "back: grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: thin and curved, black",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: darker gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slight reddish-brown patch",
+        "eyes: small and black, beady",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: grayish-black, short and rounded",
+        "nape: plain gray feathers",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, grayish-black",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ashy prinia": [
+        "back: pale grayish-brown with a faint pattern",
+        "beak: short, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with grayish-brown undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with slight streaking",
+        "crown: dark gray and prominent",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the dark crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with a hint of white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown and smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "ashy robin": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with off-white undertones",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a slight tinge of brown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "nape: pale gray blending into darker feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, gray with lighter tips",
+        "throat: off-white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "ashy starling": [
+        "back: smooth, soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey, blending with the breast",
+        "breast: gentle grey, with a hint of iridescence",
+        "crown: sleek, slightly darker grey feathers",
+        "forehead: uncrested, merging seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, white-rimmed, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, black, with a strong grip",
+        "wings: smooth grey, with a hidden flash of white on flight feathers",
+        "nape: slightly curved, connecting head with back",
+        "tail: moderately long, narrow, and grey",
+        "throat: pale grey, similar to the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black",
+        "belly: light grey-white",
+        "breast: dull greyish-white",
+        "crown: ashy-grey with a reddish cap",
+        "forehead: ashy-grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: long slender, brown",
+        "wings: olive-grey with slight white bars",
+        "nape: ashy-grey",
+        "tail: long, narrow, olive-grey",
+        "throat: pale grey-white"
+    ],
+    "ashy tit": [
+        "back: pale gray with slight pattern",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with grayish hue",
+        "breast: pale gray, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, short with strong feet",
+        "wings: gray with white patches",
+        "nape: pale gray, matching back",
+        "tail: long and gray, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy wood pigeon": [
+        "back: pale grey with a brown tinge",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: light ashy grey, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: soft grey with a mauve sheen",
+        "crown: smooth grey, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: reddish brown, moderately long",
+        "wings: soft grey, rounded tips, distinct black markings",
+        "nape: slightly darker grey than the back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, grey with black band",
+        "throat: pale grey, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy woodpecker": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like, medium-length",
+        "belly: light gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with red patch (male) or plain (female",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, almond-shaped with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white barring",
+        "nape: bluish-gray to match crown",
+        "tail: stiff with black and white bars",
+        "throat: light gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "ashy woodswallow": [
+        "back: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light gray, slightly pale",
+        "breast: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, bluish-gray",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray, slightly round",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: short, black, strong",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, pointed, wide",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, curved",
+        "tail: long, squared-off, bluish-gray",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly pale"
+    ],
+    "ashy bellied white eye": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light ash-gray hue",
+        "breast: delicate grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: pale gray coverage",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring encircling a dark pupil",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: gray with visible white markings",
+        "nape: subtle gray feather transition",
+        "tail: grayish-white, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white patch contrasting gray body"
+    ],
+    "ashy breasted flycatcher": [
+        "back: ashy gray color, mottled with brown hues",
+        "beak: slender, slightly hooked, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray or white, with brown streaks",
+        "breast: ashy gray, with faint brown markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown, surrounded by faint eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray or beige, with strong feet",
+        "wings: ashy gray, with brown bars and white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, ashy gray, with white edges and dark brown bands",
+        "throat: light gray, with a faint brownish tinge"
+    ],
+    "ashy crowned sparrow lark": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: buff-white with faint markings",
+        "breast: buffy with dark streaks",
+        "crown: ashy-gray with a defined crest",
+        "forehead: ashy-gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: ashy-gray, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with contrasting outer feathers",
+        "throat: buff-white, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy faced owl": [
+        "back: light ash-gray feathers with slight brown undertones",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish streaks",
+        "breast: soft white with sparse gray-brown speckles",
+        "crown: ash-gray tinged with brown and textured feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray with white highlights",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, and piercing",
+        "legs: feathered, off-white with dark gray claws",
+        "wings: mottled brown and gray, with distinct white spots",
+        "nape: light gray with a hint of brown",
+        "tail: banded gray and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, smooth, and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "ashy fronted bulbul": [
+        "back: soft, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle brown undertones",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white, smoothly blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight brown hues",
+        "forehead: distinct ashy gray coloration, contrasting with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, and strong",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with pale edges on feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown, with faint white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy headed babbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light grey feathers",
+        "crown: ashy-grey colored with slight crest",
+        "forehead: ashy-grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: ashy-grey, merging with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with darker feathers towards the tip",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy headed goose": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with grayish-brown speckles",
+        "breast: light gray with dark feather edges",
+        "crown: charcoal gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: ashy gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange-red and strong",
+        "wings: gray primaries with white-edged secondaries",
+        "nape: ashy gray, blending into back",
+        "tail: gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, lighter than surrounding areas"
+    ],
+    "ashy headed green pigeon": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-green feathers",
+        "crown: ashy gray feathers",
+        "forehead: ashy gray merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with strong claws",
+        "wings: vibrant green feathers with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: ashy gray smoothly transitioning into back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with broad black band at the tip",
+        "throat: pale ashy-gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "ashy headed greenlet": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: yellow-green with ashy gray tones",
+        "crown: ashy gray with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: ashy gray fading to pale yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin, pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive green with ashy gray edges",
+        "tail: olive green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: ashy gray with a pale yellow center"
+    ],
+    "ashy headed laughingthrush": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white underparts",
+        "breast: lighter grey with faint brown spots",
+        "crown: ashy-grey head plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth ashy-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with hints of green and blue",
+        "nape: ashy-grey with slight transition to back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with subtle blue-green sheen",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "ashy headed tyrannulet": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white and streaked gray underparts",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: ash gray head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth ash gray",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, black legs",
+        "wings: gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: ashy gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: grayish, slightly forked, and edged with white",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "ashy throated chlorospingus": [
+        "back: olive-green hue",
+        "beak: short, dark cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light gray",
+        "breast: grayish undertones",
+        "crown: dark gray",
+        "forehead: lighter gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with gray edges",
+        "nape: grayish green",
+        "tail: relatively long, dark gray",
+        "throat: ashy-gray"
+    ],
+    "ashy throated parrotbill": [
+        "back: grayish brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray",
+        "breast: light gray with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: orange-brown with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray and slightly fluffy",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: stout and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: rounded with grayish-brown feathers and white flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray with brownish tinge",
+        "tail: short and rounded, with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: ashy gray fading to lighter gray"
+    ],
+    "ashy throated warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaking",
+        "beak: slender, dark grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale lemon-yellow to white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: slaty gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale buff eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dull olive-green with two yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark olive with pale tips and white outermost feathers",
+        "throat: ashy gray with diffuse streaking"
+    ],
+    "asian barred owlet": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with distinct white markings",
+        "beak: small, sharp and light gray",
+        "belly: white with narrow brown bars",
+        "breast: white with dark brown horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: whitish, barred with fine grayish-brown lines",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered legs ending in sharp, yellow talons",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white and dark brown bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: long with horizontal brown and white bands",
+        "throat: whitish with fine dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "asian brown flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black color",
+        "belly: off-white with a hint of brown",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: brownish-gray head",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grayish",
+        "wings: brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: square-shaped, brownish-black",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "asian desert warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale sandy beige",
+        "breast: slightly darker beige with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown streaked with black",
+        "forehead: blending from brown to light beige",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with narrow eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish beige",
+        "wings: sandy brown with black details and white edges",
+        "nape: brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brownish, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale beige with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "asian dowitcher": [
+        "back: long vertical feathers in grayish-brown color",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slightly curved needle-like bill",
+        "belly: light grayish-white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slightly darker central stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, with long primary feathers extending past the tail",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, transitioning to a paler shade towards the front",
+        "tail: short and rounded, grayish-brown with white feather tips",
+        "throat: white, blending with the pale gray breast"
+    ],
+    "asian emerald cuckoo": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: dull grayish-white",
+        "breast: shimmering green",
+        "crown: glossy deep green",
+        "forehead: bright green with iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green with dark wingtips",
+        "nape: rich emerald green",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with green central feathers and black-edged outer feathers",
+        "throat: glowing green with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "asian emerald dove": [
+        "back: iridescent green and bronze feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, light grey",
+        "belly: light mauve-grey with faint white streaks",
+        "breast: mix of green, copper, and purple shades",
+        "crown: radiant green extending to nape",
+        "forehead: shining green fading to grayish-white",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown surrounded by grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: glossy green feathers with slight blue tones",
+        "nape: lustrous green transitioning to mauve-grey",
+        "tail: long and tapered, central dark green feathers with outer white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with a slight green sheen"
+    ],
+    "asian fairy bluebird": [
+        "back: vivid blue, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong, black",
+        "belly: deep black, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue, distinct from belly",
+        "crown: radiant blue, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue, smooth coverage",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, sturdy and slender",
+        "wings: blue, wide and long",
+        "nape: dazzling blue, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: lengthy, dark blue central feathers, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: jet black, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "asian glossy starling": [
+        "back: iridescent dark blue-green",
+        "beak: sharp, bright yellow",
+        "belly: glossy dark blue-black",
+        "breast: shiny dark blue-green",
+        "crown: metallic blue-green, smooth",
+        "forehead: radiant blue-black fusion",
+        "eyes: striking, metallic-ringed white",
+        "legs: long, thin, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: glistening blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: rich, metallic blue-green shimmer",
+        "tail: streamlined, glossy blue-black",
+        "throat: lustrous dark blue-green"
+    ],
+    "asian golden weaver": [
+        "back: golden-yellow with streaked black markings",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical-shaped, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow or golden-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "crown: radiant golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: gleaming golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: tiny, round, surrounded by dark eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: golden-yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "nape: lustrous golden-yellow",
+        "tail: short with black and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "asian house martin": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-black plumage",
+        "beak: petite, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: clean, white colored",
+        "breast: white with slightly round shape",
+        "crown: dark, glossy-blue hue",
+        "forehead: smooth with bluish-black tint",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, black and thin",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and bluish-black",
+        "nape: glossy-blue with smooth feathers",
+        "tail: forked with distinctive white spots",
+        "throat: white, frames the black beak"
+    ],
+    "asian koel": [
+        "back: black feathers with metallic green sheen",
+        "beak: sharp and blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light grey with faint black stripes",
+        "breast: dark grey with faint white streaks",
+        "crown: black with a glossy green shine",
+        "forehead: metallic black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red or crimson-colored",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-black",
+        "wings: shiny black with a green-blue tinge",
+        "nape: black with a green sheen",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight blue tinge",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint black stripes"
+    ],
+    "asian palm swift": [
+        "back: sleek, glossy dark brown",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light, whitish-grey",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: narrow, dark brown",
+        "eyes: round, black, beady",
+        "legs: short, concealed by feathers",
+        "wings: long, slender, scythe-like",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked, dark brown",
+        "throat: greyish-white, distinct contrast"
+    ],
+    "asian rosy finch": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with a rosier hue",
+        "beak: conical and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "breast: soft pinkish hue",
+        "crown: pale gray with pinkish tones",
+        "forehead: light pinkish-gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "nape: pinkish-gray with a slightly darker shade",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale pinkish-grey"
+    ],
+    "asian short toed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: small and pointed, pale pink",
+        "belly: off-white, soft underparts",
+        "breast: buff-colored with light streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with thin dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buffy-brown",
+        "eyes: small black orbs",
+        "legs: pinkish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown, short, with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short and pointed, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "asian stubtail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin",
+        "belly: pale white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: creamy-white feathers",
+        "crown: rufous-colored and rounded",
+        "forehead: light brown plumes",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: short and pinkish",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff fringes",
+        "nape: olive-gray plumes",
+        "tail: short and stubby with two white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "asian woolly necked stork": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black upper body feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white lower body feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage covering chest area",
+        "crown: slightly raised, black feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers on upper face",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by black feathering",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and light pink",
+        "wings: large, black and white with a wide wingspan",
+        "nape: thick black feathers draping the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers tapering to a point",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from chin to breast"
+    ],
+    "asir magpie": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint grey stripes",
+        "breast: clean white and lightly padded",
+        "crown: iridescent blue black feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-black, flat, and shiny",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: strong, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-black with white patches",
+        "nape: shiny blue-black and well-feathered",
+        "tail: long, blue-black, and graduated",
+        "throat: white with a tinge of grey"
+    ],
+    "assam laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly streaked plumage",
+        "beak: black, medium-length, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: gray-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored, slightly elevated crest",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown with dark speckling",
+        "eyes: dark, small and well-defined",
+        "legs: pale orange, strong and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded with white tips on secondaries",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "atherton scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark",
+        "belly: white to pale buff",
+        "breast: off-white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale, buff-tinged",
+        "eyes: large, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, slightly rounded, olive-brown",
+        "throat: white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "atiu swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, narrow frame",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, slim body",
+        "breast: white, lightly feathered",
+        "crown: dark, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: petite, slightly convex",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, slender, gray",
+        "wings: long, aerodynamic, and pointed",
+        "nape: smooth, tapering neck",
+        "tail: square-ended, split in the center",
+        "throat: soft, light-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "atlantic petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, long and hooked",
+        "belly: white underfeathers",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight streaking",
+        "forehead: greyish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with black edging",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and slender, dark grey with white markings",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers with white markings",
+        "tail: long, grey, and triangular",
+        "throat: white with a hint of grey"
+    ],
+    "atlantic puffin": [
+        "back: black, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: large, colorful orange and grey",
+        "belly: white, rounded",
+        "breast: white, plump",
+        "crown: black, rounded head",
+        "forehead: black, protrudes slightly",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive orbs",
+        "legs: short, orange and webbed",
+        "wings: black, relatively small",
+        "nape: black, smooth curve to crown",
+        "tail: short, black feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth transition to belly"
+    ],
+    "atlas flycatcher": [
+        "back: smooth, slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed and black",
+        "belly: pure white with slight spotting",
+        "breast: white and well-rounded",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, black and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: elongated, gray with darker streaks",
+        "nape: gray, transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and gray",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "atlas wheatear": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, and sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: buff to white hue with dark markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with a gently sloping curve",
+        "crown: blue-grey coloration transitioning to a lighter shade",
+        "forehead: pale blue-grey with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: blue-grey feathers with white and black patterns",
+        "nape: blue-grey feathers transitioning to a lighter hue",
+        "tail: long, black with a white pattern at the base and white edges",
+        "throat: buff-colored with a darker collar separating it from the breast"
+    ],
+    "atoll fruit dove": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: olive-green with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: glossy green",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, stout, grayish",
+        "wings: green with hints of bronze",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze",
+        "tail: greenish-bronze tipped with white",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "atoll starling": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: light blue-gray plumage",
+        "breast: shiny, deep blue feathers",
+        "crown: rich, blue-black cap on head",
+        "forehead: glossy, dark blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, alert eyes surrounded by thin black outline",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent blue feathers with dark tips",
+        "nape: smooth transition from the crown to blue-gray back plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue-black feathers with a graceful, narrow shape",
+        "throat: vibrant, cobalt blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "auckland islands shag": [
+        "back: dark bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, pale blue-grey with hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with bluish-black undertail coverts",
+        "breast: white with a bluish-black cape",
+        "crown: black with glossy bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers, smooth and rounded",
+        "eyes: dark brown with bluish eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: bluish-black with white underwing coverts",
+        "nape: glossy black with bluish sheen",
+        "tail: short and square, bluish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white with a black strap connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "auckland islands teal": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short, dark grayish-blue",
+        "belly: brownish-black with light barring",
+        "breast: dusky brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark brown, matching back color",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown compared to crown",
+        "eyes: dark surrounded by pale brown feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-black with teal-blue patch (speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with black edges",
+        "throat: pale brown with small dark spots"
+    ],
+    "audouin gull": [
+        "back: light grey-feathered upper body",
+        "beak: bright red-orange, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: clean white underside",
+        "breast: white with light grey speckles",
+        "crown: smooth pale grey head",
+        "forehead: pale grey, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-red, medium length",
+        "wings: light grey topside with black tips",
+        "nape: white transitioning into grey",
+        "tail: white with a black outer edge",
+        "throat: soft white feathers, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "audubon shearwater": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, hooked and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with a blend of gray-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with a smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: dark with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: webbed with dark coloration",
+        "wings: elongated, dark grayish-brown and slightly pointed at the tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white speckled streaks",
+        "tail: long and tapered, dark grayish-brown with a slight fork",
+        "throat: white and smooth with some gray-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "augur buzzard": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with dark markings",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark markings",
+        "breast: pale rufous with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with paler edges",
+        "forehead: whitish feathers with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow color",
+        "legs: long and yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, white underwing with black trailing edge",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with paler edges",
+        "tail: long with broad dark bands and white base",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "austral blackbird": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp and black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black feathers",
+        "breast: dark iridescent plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: continuous black feathers from crown to beak",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grayish-black color",
+        "wings: sleek black feathers with powerful flight",
+        "nape: well-defined black feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with slight outward curve",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "austral negrito": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small and sharp, blackish grey",
+        "belly: greyish-olive with paler undertones",
+        "breast: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "crown: black, slightly ruffled",
+        "forehead: black, narrow band",
+        "eyes: alert, dark beady",
+        "legs: thin and flexible, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct black barring",
+        "nape: black, with slight olive-brown tint",
+        "tail: long and slim, dark olive-brown",
+        "throat: paler olive-grey, bordered by dark markings"
+    ],
+    "austral parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pinkish-white",
+        "belly: pale bluish-green",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: red forehead patch",
+        "forehead: green with red patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white featherless rings",
+        "legs: grey-blue scaly legs",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: deep green coloration",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: light green feathers"
+    ],
+    "austral pygmy owl": [
+        "back: light brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown markings",
+        "breast: white and barred with beige-brown",
+        "crown: light brown with white dots",
+        "forehead: light brown with small white spots",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: light brown with darker brown bars",
+        "nape: light brown with white spots",
+        "tail: brown with cream-tan bars",
+        "throat: white with a light brown patch"
+    ],
+    "austral rail": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, yellow-brown",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black bars",
+        "breast: off-white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, similar to back",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light-gray plumage",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-brown with long toes",
+        "wings: brown with grayish-white, banded feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: short, squared, olive-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: off-white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "austral thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "beak: short, straight, and yellowish with a slight curve",
+        "belly: light creamy-white with a touch of pale brown",
+        "breast: dark brown spotted pattern on a lighter brown background",
+        "crown: smooth brown feathers transitioning from the forehead",
+        "forehead: dark brown with slightly raised feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny with a hint of white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, medium-sized and strong with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: brown with a seamless merge from the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-grey with a slight fork and darker edges",
+        "throat: light pale brown with minimal pattern extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "australasian bittern": [
+        "back: greenish-brown camouflage pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, yellowish-green",
+        "belly: light brown, streaked plumage",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: pale cream with flecks of brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow, sturdy",
+        "wings: brown, streaked, and rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown and defined",
+        "tail: brown, short, and stubby",
+        "throat: whitish and lightly spotted"
+    ],
+    "australasian darter": [
+        "back: long, slender, olive-brown",
+        "beak: long, thin, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: white to pale cream",
+        "breast: chestnut, white-streaked",
+        "crown: dark brown, feathered",
+        "forehead: sloping, brown feathers",
+        "eyes: red, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: short, set far back, dark grey",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brown with white spots",
+        "nape: brown, long feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, brown",
+        "throat: white, slight ruff of feathers"
+    ],
+    "australasian gannet": [
+        "back: sleek and white with black-tipped wings",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pale blue",
+        "belly: smooth and white",
+        "breast: white and rounded",
+        "crown: white with golden tinge",
+        "forehead: white and slightly raised",
+        "eyes: piercing blue, surrounded by subtle blue eyering",
+        "legs: blue-gray and webbed",
+        "wings: narrow and white with black tips",
+        "nape: golden-yellow and elongated",
+        "tail: tapered, white with black edging",
+        "throat: smooth and white with hints of yellow"
+    ],
+    "australasian grass owl": [
+        "back: light brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: white with darker brown spots",
+        "crown: light brown with dark markings",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and distinctively ringed",
+        "legs: long, feathered, and light brown",
+        "wings: wide with blackish tips, patterned with white, light brown and gray tones",
+        "nape: light brown with dark markings",
+        "tail: long, rounded with distinct barring patterns",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "australasian grebe": [
+        "back: olive to dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, whitish-yellow",
+        "belly: white, contrasting with dark sides",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: black, extending to below eyes",
+        "forehead: black, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, bright red",
+        "legs: short, positioned far back, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: short, brownish-gray",
+        "nape: dark brown, contrasts with lighter throat",
+        "tail: small, stubby, brownish-black in color",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, extending to sides of face"
+    ],
+    "australasian shoveler": [
+        "back: dark brown with light feather edging",
+        "beak: long, wide, and spoon-shaped",
+        "belly: white with a slight grayish tint",
+        "breast: mottled chestnut and white",
+        "crown: dark brown, fading to lighter brown on forehead",
+        "forehead: lighter brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and slightly oval-shaped",
+        "legs: orange or yellowish, webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue-gray speculum bordered by white",
+        "nape: dark brown, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: short and pointed, dark brown with light feather tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with light mottling"
+    ],
+    "australasian swamphen": [
+        "back: blue-black feathers with green sheen",
+        "beak: red and robust, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale blue-grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark blue-violet feathers",
+        "crown: black with slight purplish gloss",
+        "forehead: red frontal shield, extending to bill",
+        "eyes: bright red with alert expression",
+        "legs: long, orange-red in color",
+        "wings: blue-black, short and rounded",
+        "nape: rich purple-blue feathers",
+        "tail: short and black, flicked upwards",
+        "throat: dark blue-violet plumage"
+    ],
+    "australian brushturkey": [
+        "back: dark-brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, curved beak",
+        "belly: dull black, tufted underfeathers",
+        "breast: dark brown, semi-fluffed plumage",
+        "crown: grey to black, slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark feathers extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright yellow to orange-yellow",
+        "legs: strong, dark colored with strong scales",
+        "wings: dark brown, broad-feathered, rounded tips",
+        "nape: brownish-black, long feathers, slightly arched",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black-brown, short and broad",
+        "throat: bright yellow to red wattle, pendulous"
+    ],
+    "australian bustard": [
+        "back: light brown with thin, darker stripes",
+        "beak: relatively large, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish, with sparse spots or streaks",
+        "breast: light brown and mottled",
+        "crown: grayish, feathery crest",
+        "forehead: subtly distinguished from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin gray area around them",
+        "legs: long, strong, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown and gray with speckled patterns",
+        "nape: lighter shade of brown than the back",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, with a wide, dark band at the tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, extending down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "australian crake": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slim, straight, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with black markings",
+        "breast: grey-brown with faint stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blends with crown",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: grey-brown, connects to crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale, off-white color"
+    ],
+    "australian fairy tern": [
+        "back: light grey feathers, sleek and smooth",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved, with a dark tip",
+        "belly: white, with soft plumage",
+        "breast: white and fluffy, gently curved",
+        "crown: pale grey, smoothly round-shaped",
+        "forehead: white, creating a distinct contrast against the feathers on the crown",
+        "eyes: black, round and bright, with a thin, black stripe extending from the eye to the nape",
+        "legs: slender, orange-red with webbed feet",
+        "wings: light grey, long, and pointed, with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: light grey, blending smoothly into the crown and back feathers",
+        "tail: forked, with white feathers and pale grey outer edges",
+        "throat: white, with soft, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "australian hobby": [
+        "back: grayish-brown upper body feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, hook-like tip",
+        "belly: off-white with rufous streaks",
+        "breast: light cream with fine horizontal banding",
+        "crown: dark, well-defined, thin crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown than back",
+        "eyes: intense, yellow-ringed, dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, powerful",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to back",
+        "tail: narrow, square-ended, barred",
+        "throat: creamy-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "australian ibis": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: white and cream feathers",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: black and featherless",
+        "forehead: smooth black, lacking feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: black feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: white, elongated feathers",
+        "tail: small, dark, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: thin, black feathers"
+    ],
+    "australian king parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, reddish-orange curve",
+        "belly: deep green plumage",
+        "breast: bright red coloring",
+        "crown: red feathers with a faint blue tint",
+        "forehead: red feathers transitioning to green",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: long, green feathers with blue markings",
+        "nape: green feathers meeting red on the head",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright red plumage"
+    ],
+    "australian logrunner": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale and heavily streaked",
+        "breast: warm brown with small dark spots",
+        "crown: dull reddish-brown with black feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by pale white",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, streaked with dark markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, with brown and white bars",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "australian magpie": [
+        "back: black and white plumage",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white feathering",
+        "breast: black and white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathered head",
+        "forehead: white patch above beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with white stripe",
+        "tail: black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: black feathers"
+    ],
+    "australian masked owl": [
+        "back: strong and muscular, light brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown spots and dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white with dark brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with light feathers creating a \"mask",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the facial mask",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, powerful, and feathered with buff-white color",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, light brown with dark mottling",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks blending into the back",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, and barred with dark brown and buff",
+        "throat: soft white transitioning to buff-white color on the breast"
+    ],
+    "australian owlet nightjar": [
+        "back: grayish-brown, finely mottled with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, wide, and beige colored",
+        "belly: cream-colored with pale brown markings",
+        "breast: light brown with white speckles and spots",
+        "crown: mottled gray-brown with faint white markings",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and deeply set",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and beige colored",
+        "wings: gray-brown, mottled with white speckles",
+        "nape: pale-mottled brown blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: tapered, gray-brown with faint white markings",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "australian painted snipe": [
+        "back: brown and black patterned feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, brownish",
+        "belly: creamy white with small brown spots",
+        "breast: beige with brown barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with a cream stripe",
+        "forehead: creamy white with some speckling",
+        "eyes: dark, outlined in white",
+        "legs: long and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown and black with patches of white",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "australian pelican": [
+        "back: light grey plumage, slightly darker on upperparts",
+        "beak: long, large, pale pink bill with a hook at the tip",
+        "belly: white feathers, slightly creamy in tone",
+        "breast: white plumage with a hint of pale grey",
+        "crown: white feathers blending to light grey on the back of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a subtle yellow ring around the iris",
+        "legs: short, thick, and greyish-pink with webbed feet",
+        "wings: light grey, tipped with black primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: gently sloping, continuous curve from head to back, with white to light grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, squared-off shape with light grey feathers",
+        "throat: expandable pouch, pale pink and grey, attached to the lower bill"
+    ],
+    "australian pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: off-white, faintly streaked",
+        "breast: buff or pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with dark streaks and bars",
+        "nape: pale brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, off-white, and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "australian pratincole": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale whitish-grey",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey blending towards crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin and pale grey",
+        "wings: elongated, brownish-grey with white wingbar",
+        "nape: dark brown, distinctly separate from lighter back",
+        "tail: long, tapering with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with clearly-defined boundaries"
+    ],
+    "australian raven": [
+        "back: dark glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: large, sharply curved, black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, dark black feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black feather transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, intense white irises",
+        "legs: strong, long, black, scaled",
+        "wings: broad, elongated, black feathers",
+        "nape: continuous glossy black plumage",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, long black feathers",
+        "throat: slightly puffed, dark black feathers"
+    ],
+    "australian reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff and white",
+        "breast: buff-colored with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff-white"
+    ],
+    "australian ringneck": [
+        "back: bright green feathers with blue edging",
+        "beak: strong and curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale green or yellow-green hues",
+        "breast: green-yellow plumage with light blue-gray band",
+        "crown: vibrant green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: green shades blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by green-blue feathers",
+        "legs: gray with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright green with blue and yellow accents",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long green-blue feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: yellow-green plumage with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "australian shelduck": [
+        "back: rich chestnut brown with fine barring",
+        "beak: dark grayish-black and thick",
+        "belly: tawny beige and unmarked",
+        "breast: bold black on neck and upper chest",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight green iridescence",
+        "forehead: paler brown with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white surrounding",
+        "legs: grayish-black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with striking white flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with dark tips",
+        "throat: creamy white patch at the base of the neck"
+    ],
+    "australian swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined, shades of gray-brown",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with a hint of white",
+        "crown: darker gray-brown, compact feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray-brown merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, black, strong for perching",
+        "wings: long, slender, powerful for swift flight",
+        "nape: gray-brown, smooth transitioning to back",
+        "tail: square-shaped, gray, with white tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "australian yellow white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: slender, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow and fluffy",
+        "breast: bright yellow and rounded",
+        "crown: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: yellow with white ring around the eyes",
+        "eyes: black and beady with white rings",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-green and slightly curved",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked, and long",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow and smooth"
+    ],
+    "ayacucho antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine white bars",
+        "crown: rufous-tinged with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine white markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: same as the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin white marks"
+    ],
+    "ayacucho thistletail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray and streaked",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray and fluffy",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with subtle patterns",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and brownish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with light barring",
+        "nape: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and pointed with brownish-gray feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray and smooth"
+    ],
+    "ayeyarwady bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: black with a narrow white band",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish edging",
+        "nape: olive-green with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with yellow-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "ayres hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with narrow white edges",
+        "beak: sharp, powerful black hook, yellow cere",
+        "belly: white with black longitudinal streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown vertical barring",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow orbs encircled by dark feathers",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown feathers with distinctive white bands",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white banding",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to breast markings"
+    ],
+    "azores bullfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with shades of gray",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: grayish with a touch of orange-yellow",
+        "crown: slate-gray, slightly darker than the wings",
+        "forehead: dark gray fading into lighter shades",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled with faint eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with short, sturdy toes",
+        "wings: dark slate-gray with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-gray, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "aztec rail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, yellowish",
+        "belly: light brown plumes",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: adorned with emerald feathers",
+        "forehead: marked with iridescent green",
+        "eyes: bright, probing, dark-colored",
+        "legs: strong, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: adorned with teal and olive patterns",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: fanned, chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter brown with scattered markings"
+    ],
+    "aztec thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: light yellowish, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brown with spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish with slight spots",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender greyish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light brown with small spots"
+    ],
+    "azure gallinule": [
+        "back: vibrant bluish-purple plumage",
+        "beak: bright red with yellow tip",
+        "belly: white with light blue markings",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: bright blue with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a blue eyering",
+        "legs: striking red-orange with elongated toes",
+        "wings: blue-green with contrasting white edge",
+        "nape: rich, glossy purplish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: iridescent blue with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: soft white to pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "azure kingfisher": [
+        "back: bright blue feathers with hints of turquoise",
+        "beak: long, thin, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: orange-rust color with white flanks",
+        "breast: vivid orange fading to white as it nears the belly",
+        "crown: azure blue extending from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: vibrant azure blue, continuing to crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert framed by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short, sturdy with translucent grey color",
+        "wings: iridescent azure blue with black feather tips",
+        "nape: striking azure blue merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long and blue, with broad black feather bars",
+        "throat: white contrasting with the vibrant orange breast"
+    ],
+    "azure roller": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, light blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright azure feathers",
+        "crown: radiant blue, sleek head",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, beady",
+        "legs: slender, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: silky azure feathers",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, blue feathers",
+        "throat: delicate, light blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "azure crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light gray-blue",
+        "crown: bright azure crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue with a slight tint of blue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with black eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and strong",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white accents",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, merging into crest",
+        "tail: gray-blue with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "azure crowned hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight black",
+        "belly: pale gray with a slight green tint",
+        "breast: shimmering green-blue transitioning to gray",
+        "crown: vibrant azure blue with iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green and blue hues blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, and black",
+        "wings: iridescent green and blue, fast-flying",
+        "nape: green-blue feathers transitioning to gray on the neck",
+        "tail: forked with shimmery green-blue outer feathers and gray inner feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling green-blue, glossy plumage"
+    ],
+    "azure hooded jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white with gray-blue streaks",
+        "breast: bright white and blue mixed feathers",
+        "crown: deep azure-blue with a hood-like appearance",
+        "forehead: striking azure-blue",
+        "eyes: black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: gradient of blues with dark blue as primary color",
+        "nape: deep blue hood-like feathers",
+        "tail: long, streamer-like feathers in a vibrant blue",
+        "throat: white with subtle blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "azure naped jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hook-shaped",
+        "belly: soft gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: sleek bluish-gray feathers",
+        "crown: bright azure-blue crest",
+        "forehead: vivid blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: striking azure-blue hue",
+        "tail: long, blue, and black-tipped",
+        "throat: smooth blue-gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "azure rumped parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and pale",
+        "belly: soft turquoise hue",
+        "breast: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue and green",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of green",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, scaly, and grayish",
+        "wings: long, green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: subtle deep blue hue",
+        "tail: wide green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale green feathers"
+    ],
+    "azure rumped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant azure blue",
+        "beak: short and slender black",
+        "belly: pale blue-gray",
+        "breast: light blue fading to gray",
+        "crown: dazzling blue crown",
+        "forehead: bright azure blue",
+        "eyes: small black bead-like",
+        "legs: strong dark grey",
+        "wings: deep blue with black edges",
+        "nape: brilliant blue",
+        "tail: long, tapered, blue-black",
+        "throat: soft gray-blue"
+    ],
+    "azure shouldered tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with greenish-yellow highlights",
+        "beak: sleek black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow with contrasting blue flanks",
+        "breast: rich yellow fading into blue on the sides",
+        "crown: deep azure blue with a glossy finish",
+        "forehead: bright blue smoothly transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: slim black with strong grip",
+        "wings: eye-catching mix of blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: smooth azure feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with yellow accents",
+        "throat: bright yellow, complementing the breast area"
+    ],
+    "azure winged magpie": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: soft grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey feathers",
+        "crown: sleek blue crest",
+        "forehead: blue plumes blending into black eye-stripe",
+        "eyes: small and alert, with black pupils",
+        "legs: slim, grey, and perching-ready",
+        "wings: striking blue with black edges",
+        "nape: blue-grey plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue and black-striped",
+        "throat: light grey with smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "babbling starling": [
+        "back: shimmering, iridescent green hues",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and yellow",
+        "belly: light buff color with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint speckles",
+        "crown: dark, glossy feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than the crown, with fine streaking",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with iridescent green and purple feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black with a metallic green-purple sheen",
+        "tail: short, square-tipped, with iridescent purplish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "bachman sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle darker streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: light brown with darker brown streaks and white wingbars",
+        "nape: pale grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and notched, with brown outer feathers and grayish-white central feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, uninterrupted by streaks"
+    ],
+    "baer pochard": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper region",
+        "beak: greyish-blue with a black tip",
+        "belly: pale whitish-grey",
+        "breast: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown head",
+        "forehead: rounded with dark feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye ring",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown blending into back",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown",
+        "throat: reddish-brown transitioning to belly"
+    ],
+    "baglafecht weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: black, conical shape",
+        "belly: yellowish-white, fluffy",
+        "breast: yellowish, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: yellow or red, depending on subspecies",
+        "forehead: bright yellow or red",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale ring",
+        "legs: grayish, slender",
+        "wings: black with yellow or greenish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark, with lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish, sometimes streaked"
+    ],
+    "bagobo robin": [
+        "back: dark brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, yellow color",
+        "belly: white/grayish underparts",
+        "breast: pale chestnut or orange-red feathers",
+        "crown: smooth brown top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, alert eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue legs and feet",
+        "wings: rich brown with lighter streaks on coverts",
+        "nape: deep brown back of the head and neck",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint orange tinge"
+    ],
+    "bahama mockingbird": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long and dark",
+        "belly: pale white with streaks",
+        "breast: subtly spotted",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white patches",
+        "throat: pale white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "bahama nuthatch": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, grayish-black",
+        "belly: off-white shade",
+        "breast: pale yellow underparts",
+        "crown: blue-gray with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with a hint of pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "bahama oriole": [
+        "back: black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a smooth appearance",
+        "forehead: shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: black with a hint of a blue sheen",
+        "nape: black with a seamless transition from the crown",
+        "tail: black, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "bahama swallow": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: white underbelly with light blue tinge",
+        "breast: light blue chest with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rich cobalt blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: deep blue-black bordering the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed wings with blue and black feathers",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black nape connecting to the back",
+        "tail: forked streamer-like tail feathers with a blue-black hue",
+        "throat: pale blue feathers extending to the upper breast"
+    ],
+    "bahama warbler": [
+        "back: yellowish-olive with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with narrow dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: bright yellow blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and blackish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with no markings"
+    ],
+    "bahama woodstar": [
+        "back: vibrant metallic bronze-green",
+        "beak: long, straight, black and slender",
+        "belly: pale gray with a white undertone",
+        "breast: pinkish-purple iridescent feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant iridescent green",
+        "forehead: bright magenta-pink band",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, light gray with curved claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with rapid fluttering motion",
+        "nape: metallic bronze-green with iridescent hues",
+        "tail: spread fan-like, with dark feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: bright, shimmering magenta-pink patch"
+    ],
+    "bahama yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint black markings",
+        "crown: bold black stripe with yellow patches",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow, contrasting crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with thin white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with broad white corners",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "bahia antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: relatively short and stout, blackish color",
+        "belly: light grayish with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: grayish-white blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale brownish gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark with white tips on outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "bahia spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly downcurved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: buff-tinged color",
+        "crown: rufous with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-red with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, rufous with black barring",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "bahia tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with a brownish tinge",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: lighter gray with white flecks",
+        "breast: gray with subtle brown spots",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: gray with a slight brownish hue",
+        "eyes: black and small, with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with brownish edges",
+        "nape: gray, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark gray, with a slight brownish hue",
+        "throat: pale gray with white flecks"
+    ],
+    "bahia tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two yellowish wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown with white feather tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "bahia wagtail tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small black hook-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-black cap",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray coloring",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white feathers"
+    ],
+    "bahian nighthawk": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked",
+        "belly: light, spotted pattern",
+        "breast: pale-grayish with streaks",
+        "crown: dark with white spots",
+        "forehead: dark and narrow",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, thin, and gray",
+        "wings: pointed, patterned with bars",
+        "nape: dark with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long with black and white bands",
+        "throat: light gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "baikal bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown flanks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown and slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium-length with slight notching",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "baillon crake": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: buff-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: warm buff color with sparse spotting",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, merging into crown",
+        "eyes: bright red to orange, small and round",
+        "legs: fairly long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with faint black barring",
+        "throat: buff-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "baird flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short and wide, adapted for catching insects",
+        "belly: light yellow underbelly with some streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with streaks, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: bright yellow or red patch on top of the head",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers, continuous with crown color",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue legs for perching on branches",
+        "wings: olive-green with two distinctive white wing-bar markings",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers continuous with back color",
+        "tail: olive-green with blackish-blue tips and outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, continuous with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "baird junco": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointy, pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark greyish-black",
+        "forehead: association with crown, dark grey",
+        "eyes: round, beady, black",
+        "legs: thin, dark, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: white edges with grey feather inside",
+        "nape: connection to back, light grey",
+        "tail: dark grey, long, outward-fanning",
+        "throat: light greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "baird trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with smooth texture",
+        "beak: stout, straight, and yellowish-orange in color",
+        "belly: reddish-orange feathers, slightly lighter than the breast",
+        "breast: vivid red feathers, transitioning to lighter orange on the sides",
+        "crown: metallic green, matching the color of the back",
+        "forehead: brilliant metallic green, making a striking contrast with the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short and grayish, ending in small sharp claws",
+        "wings: glossy green, with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and straight, with black and white banding",
+        "throat: relatively bare, showing off the breast's vibrant colors"
+    ],
+    "baka indigobird": [
+        "back: dark bluish-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, whitish-silver",
+        "belly: slightly iridescent navy-blue",
+        "breast: shimmering indigo-blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: dark blue with tinges of black",
+        "eyes: small, round, piercing black",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey with strong feet",
+        "wings: dark blue, slightly iridescent",
+        "nape: midnight blue, nearly black",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with distinct sheen",
+        "throat: gleaming blackish-blue"
+    ],
+    "baker imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: pale gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, robust, pale white",
+        "belly: light gray feathers",
+        "breast: lavender-gray tinges",
+        "crown: slightly raised, light gray",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with light gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, scarlet-red",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, gray plumage",
+        "nape: light gray, slightly ruffled feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, square-ended, gray",
+        "throat: paler gray feathering"
+    ],
+    "bald parrot": [
+        "back: smooth, featherless surface",
+        "beak: curved, sharp-edged beak",
+        "belly: rounded, bare abdomen",
+        "breast: exposed, protruding chest area",
+        "crown: bald, shiny head top",
+        "forehead: wide, feather-free front skull",
+        "eyes: large, round, and striking",
+        "legs: scaly, thin, elongated limbs",
+        "wings: partially feathered, functional appendages",
+        "nape: bare, curved rear skull",
+        "tail: short, sparse-feathered extremity",
+        "throat: exposed, elongated neck area"
+    ],
+    "balearic shearwater": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale white",
+        "breast: white with some brown mottling",
+        "crown: dark brown streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded, brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and focused",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, dark brown with white edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark brown",
+        "throat: white with some brown spots"
+    ],
+    "balearic warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown fading to olive",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown fading to olive",
+        "tail: dark brown with outer feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "bali myna": [
+        "back: white with blue tinge",
+        "beak: yellow with blue tip",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white, sleek plumage",
+        "crown: white, elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: blue streak above beak",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by blue facial markings",
+        "legs: blue-grey, strong",
+        "wings: white with black-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: elegant, white plumage",
+        "tail: white, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "balicassiao": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender",
+        "belly: slightly lighter plumage",
+        "breast: smooth dark feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black sheen",
+        "forehead: same dark hue as crown",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin and agile",
+        "wings: strong and slightly curved",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: sleek feathers lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "baliem whistler": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "breast: warm yellow with faint, dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black markings",
+        "forehead: olive-green transitioning to the yellow crown",
+        "eyes: beady, black and alert",
+        "legs: thin and gray with sturdy feet",
+        "wings: olive-green, long, and pointed with barred pattern",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: long with olive-green and black bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow with subtle black markings"
+    ],
+    "ballman malimbe": [
+        "back: vibrant black feathers with hints of iridescence",
+        "beak: sturdy, sharp, orange-yellow beak",
+        "belly: bright red feathers with contrasting black patterns",
+        "breast: bold red plumage with black markings",
+        "crown: black feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: small, sleek black feathered area",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert eyes",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and dark gray",
+        "wings: glossy black feathers with slight iridescent shine",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers transitioning from the head",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: red feathers with some black markings near the beak"
+    ],
+    "balsas screech owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark markings",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray with vertical streaks",
+        "crown: mottled brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, rounded, and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered with cream-colored toe tufts",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint buff barring",
+        "nape: mottled brownish-gray",
+        "tail: dark brown with buff-colored bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "bamboo antshrike": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with white streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white bars",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with white markings",
+        "nape: greenish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish with white tips",
+        "throat: cream-colored with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "bamboo warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-green",
+        "crown: bright green",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edging",
+        "nape: greenish-olive",
+        "tail: dark brown with greenish tinge",
+        "throat: olive-yellow"
+    ],
+    "bamboo woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved and sharp",
+        "belly: white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: white with horizontal greenish-brown stripes",
+        "crown: light green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black and focused",
+        "legs: gray and slender with strong toes",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with light barring",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: stiff and straight with greenish-brown coloration",
+        "throat: white with a slight green hue"
+    ],
+    "bamenda apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, blackish",
+        "belly: yellow to pale olive-green",
+        "breast: yellowish with white undertones",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with rufous streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint darker bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with rufous streaks",
+        "tail: square-ended and olive-green",
+        "throat: white with faint buff wash"
+    ],
+    "bananal antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy grey legs",
+        "wings: dark grey with white edges",
+        "nape: blackish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long dark grey tail feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "banasura laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark gray in color",
+        "belly: pale gray with white and chestnut streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-bordered white feathers, prominently streaked",
+        "crown: dark gray with a hint of olive-green",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-pink legs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter brown wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with a slight greenish hue and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with chestnut streaks and spots"
+    ],
+    "band backed wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with distinct dark bands",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with fine dark speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark bands and bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with dark barring",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "band bellied crake": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: white with blackish band",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown fading to grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with a hint of grey",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a white patch at the base",
+        "throat: whitish fading to greyish-brown"
+    ],
+    "band bellied owl": [
+        "back: pale brown with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with distinct brown bands",
+        "breast: creamy white with broad brown banding",
+        "crown: buffy-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with dark feather edges",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, stout, pale grey-brown",
+        "wings: broad, long, with dark brown and white bars",
+        "nape: buffy-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white with sparse brown markings"
+    ],
+    "band rumped storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark brown and sleek",
+        "beak: black, thin, and sharp",
+        "belly: whitish-grey",
+        "breast: pale grey with brown highlights",
+        "crown: dark brown, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: thin, dark, partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark brown with white bands",
+        "nape: brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: forked, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, delicate"
+    ],
+    "band rumped swift": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: light, often white or gray",
+        "breast: compact and slightly rounded",
+        "crown: smooth and uncrested",
+        "forehead: flat and inconspicuous",
+        "eyes: small and alert",
+        "legs: short, nearly hidden by feathers",
+        "wings: long and curved for swift flight",
+        "nape: narrow, often with light or dark band",
+        "tail: short and squared or slightly forked",
+        "throat: lighter color than breast, often blending into belly"
+    ],
+    "band tailed antbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the back",
+        "beak: short, curved, black bill",
+        "belly: light buff-colored underside",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: slightly raised, dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long, greyish-brown, with strong claws",
+        "wings: rounded and olive-green with lighter edges of feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey, marked with thin streaks",
+        "tail: long and blackish-brown with a distinctive pale band",
+        "throat: light greyish-white with fine streaking"
+    ],
+    "band tailed antshrike": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff or cream",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: black with a dull crest",
+        "forehead: black, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: strong and orangish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and banded, black and white",
+        "throat: white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "band tailed antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: gray with black streaks",
+        "crown: black and gray",
+        "forehead: gray with subtle black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: light brown with fine dark barring",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and banded black and white",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "band tailed barbthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with faint barring",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, and narrow",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: bright green with metallic shine",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers, similar to the crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with lighter feather tips",
+        "nape: green, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark green with light banding",
+        "throat: iridescent violet-blue shimmer"
+    ],
+    "band tailed cacique": [
+        "back: black with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: large, thick, and slightly curved; pale ivory",
+        "belly: deep yellow or golden hue",
+        "breast: bold black with dark greenish undertones",
+        "crown: black with slight greenish iridescence",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and black-rimmed",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-black",
+        "wings: long, black, and slightly rounded with a greenish sheen",
+        "nape: black with greenish iridescence",
+        "tail: elongated and band-shaped with a white tip",
+        "throat: deep yellow or golden hue"
+    ],
+    "band tailed earthcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: off-white to light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by faint white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark bars and pale edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with prominent white bands",
+        "throat: off-white to light gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "band tailed fruiteater": [
+        "back: greenish-gray with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: medium length, grayish-black and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint greenish tint",
+        "breast: dusky green with black scalloping",
+        "crown: greenish-black with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and medium length",
+        "wings: greenish-black with blue-black banding",
+        "nape: greenish-gray with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: greenish-black with a wide white band on the tip",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with a faint greenish tint"
+    ],
+    "band tailed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black",
+        "belly: white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: bright red-orange patch",
+        "crown: vivid green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: green, seamlessly merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by light feathers",
+        "legs: slim, grayish, clinging on branches",
+        "wings: short, green, with faint banding",
+        "nape: smooth green, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: lengthy, black with white band at tip",
+        "throat: pale white, leading to breast patch"
+    ],
+    "band tailed nighthawk": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathering",
+        "beak: short, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: light gray with a slight tuft",
+        "eyes: large and yellowish-white",
+        "legs: short with grayish-brown plumage",
+        "wings: long and pointed with grayish-brown coloration",
+        "nape: dark gray with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and broad with pale banding",
+        "throat: light grayish-white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "band tailed seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathered",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: white to pale buff",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: olive-gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: plain olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark-brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-gray with buff edges",
+        "nape: olive-gray and smooth",
+        "tail: broad with white band tip",
+        "throat: paler gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "band tailed sierra finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: whitish with gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: gray-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, thin, and medium-length",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: forked with olive-brown feathers and white edges",
+        "throat: whitish with gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "band winged nightjar": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks of gray",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light brown with black spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with speckles of gray",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, feathered, grayish",
+        "wings: brown with a prominent white band across the primary feathers",
+        "nape: mottled brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with a white band on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray-brown mottling"
+    ],
+    "banda myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant red with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint grey markings",
+        "breast: fiery red with black edges",
+        "crown: bright red with black border",
+        "forehead: bright red merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with red streaks and white edges",
+        "nape: black, blending into the red crown",
+        "tail: black with white edges and red streaks",
+        "throat: vivid red, brightening the face"
+    ],
+    "banda sea pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black",
+        "belly: bright tangerine hue",
+        "breast: deep red shade with black markings",
+        "crown: turquoise and emerald plumage",
+        "forehead: dark blue with a sharp contrast to the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-grey, long",
+        "wings: rich blue with bold black stripes",
+        "nape: blue-green, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with black bands",
+        "throat: dark, glossy black with a subtle sheen"
+    ],
+    "banded bay cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a faint greenish sheen",
+        "beak: slender and curved, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: white with black wavy crossbars",
+        "breast: pale rufous or buff with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slightly darker tone",
+        "forehead: pale rufous or buff with black streaks or spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray or blue-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long and graduated, olive-brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale rufous or buff with black streaks or spots"
+    ],
+    "banded cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale gray",
+        "belly: deep blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: glossy blue-violet",
+        "forehead: shimmering purplish-blue",
+        "eyes: black with pale blue eyering",
+        "legs: stout and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black edges",
+        "nape: purplish-blue gradient",
+        "tail: long and blue, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "banded ground cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark green plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and black in color",
+        "belly: creamy off-white or pale lemon-yellow",
+        "breast: beautifully patterned with gray-blue and black streaks",
+        "crown: dark green with iridescent sheen, like the back",
+        "forehead: stripe of white-bordered black feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: strong, gray-to-pale blue featherless legs",
+        "wings: dark green with iridescent sheen and distinct white band",
+        "nape: dark green plumage with iridescent sheen, continues onto the crown",
+        "tail: long, with white outer feathers and a black or dark green center",
+        "throat: off-white or pale lemon-yellow, like the belly"
+    ],
+    "banded kestrel": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: rusty-red with black spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown with prominent yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: brown with black barring and white edges",
+        "nape: light rusty-red with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "banded lapwing": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, yellow with dark tip",
+        "belly: white with brown edges",
+        "breast: white with black band",
+        "crown: black with distinct white patch",
+        "forehead: white with brown shading",
+        "eyes: dark with white outlines",
+        "legs: relatively long, bright yellow",
+        "wings: brown-gray with white tips",
+        "nape: white, extending to shoulders",
+        "tail: white with black border",
+        "throat: white with a black band"
+    ],
+    "banded martin": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish-gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark, brownish-gray cap",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady",
+        "legs: slender, dark legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brownish-gray with faint bands",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: forked, brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "banded parisoma": [
+        "back: soft, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale, minty green with subtle stripes",
+        "breast: light grayish-blue, fading to pale green",
+        "crown: dark blue with a black band",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slim and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with black and white bands",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with a dark band",
+        "tail: grayish-blue with black tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-green with subtle striping"
+    ],
+    "banded prinia": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown with long toes",
+        "wings: brown with darker bars and white-tipped edges",
+        "nape: pale brown, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "banded quail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with bold streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: cream-colored with fine black markings",
+        "breast: buff or rufous with dark feather tips",
+        "crown: dark stripes and white or buff patches",
+        "forehead: light-colored with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, surrounded by buff markings",
+        "legs: short, strong, feathered with brownish-gray color",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with distinct white wing-bars",
+        "nape: pale collar with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, rounded, with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: buff-colored or white with dark lines"
+    ],
+    "banded snake eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, pale grey",
+        "belly: white and feathered",
+        "breast: dappled white and brown",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: white and feathered",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong and scaly, light yellow",
+        "wings: broad with greyish-brown plumage",
+        "nape: brown feathers",
+        "tail: black banding, white tips",
+        "throat: white and feathered"
+    ],
+    "banded wattle eye": [
+        "back: vibrant plumage with patterns",
+        "beak: small, strong hooked beak",
+        "belly: white to light gray feathers",
+        "breast: intricate feather designs and blend of colors",
+        "crown: striking, darker feathers with a ridge",
+        "forehead: distinctive feather patterns",
+        "eyes: expressive, round with a light-colored ring",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and gripping",
+        "wings: patterned, with alternating colors",
+        "nape: colorful feathers with intricate detailing",
+        "tail: long, narrow feathers with eye-catching bands",
+        "throat: beautiful blend of light and dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "banded white eye": [
+        "back: sleek, light gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a subtle gray outline",
+        "crown: dark, grayish-blue band",
+        "forehead: white feathers with a touch of gray",
+        "eyes: prominent and black, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale gray, and agile",
+        "wings: light gray feathers with darker tips",
+        "nape: white with hints of gray",
+        "tail: short and light gray with darker edges",
+        "throat: white feathers with light gray detailing"
+    ],
+    "banded whiteface": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, grayish-black",
+        "belly: soft white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm beige with faint white banding",
+        "crown: prominent white with slight brown streaks",
+        "forehead: striking white hue",
+        "eyes: small black orbs with white rings",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: pale brown with white banding and grayish-blue edges",
+        "nape: light brown, blends with crown and back",
+        "tail: medium length with grayish-blue and white bands",
+        "throat: clean white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "banded woodpecker": [
+        "back: strikingly patterned with black and white bars",
+        "beak: sturdy, straight, and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: soft beige or cream color",
+        "breast: light beige, spotted with black markings",
+        "crown: bold, red cap with black bands",
+        "forehead: white with black horizontal stripes",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by a white or light-colored ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish, and strong",
+        "wings: black, adorned with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black and white bars, like the back",
+        "tail: dark, stiff feathers with white tips, for support while pecking",
+        "throat: pale beige, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "banggai crow": [
+        "back: black feathered, glossy shine",
+        "beak: strong, stout, ends in a point",
+        "belly: dark grey plumage",
+        "breast: shiny grey-black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: black, sleek plumage",
+        "eyes: deep brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: broad, black, strong for flight",
+        "nape: smooth, black feathers connecting head to back",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: greyish-black feathers, slightly ruffled"
+    ],
+    "banggai fruit dove": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: dull grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with a light pink tint",
+        "crown: dark blue-green plumage",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black with light gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with a bright blue patch",
+        "nape: deep bluish-green feathers",
+        "tail: long and maroon with white tips",
+        "throat: pale blue-gray"
+    ],
+    "banggai jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, short, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-buff",
+        "breast: olive-brown fading to pale yellowish-buff",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "banggai scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: light grey with dark, thin streaks",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: grey-brown with darker markings",
+        "forehead: light grey with small dark streaks",
+        "eyes: striking yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: feathered, pinkish-grey with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with dark and light barring",
+        "nape: grey-brown feathers with darker markings",
+        "tail: long, grey-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: light grey with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bangwa warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: black, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pink and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars",
+        "nape: light olive with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "bank cormorant": [
+        "back: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: white and feathery",
+        "breast: black with white streaks",
+        "crown: black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and watchful",
+        "legs: short, strong, webbed",
+        "wings: large, black, powerful",
+        "nape: black and smooth",
+        "tail: short, black paddle-like feathers",
+        "throat: white with a defined border"
+    ],
+    "bank myna": [
+        "back: sleek grey plumage",
+        "beak: slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: light grey with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: dark grey, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: bright, white-ringed, and piercing",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish",
+        "wings: wide-spread, grey with faint pattern",
+        "nape: continuation of grey crown and neck",
+        "tail: medium length, fan-like, grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale, off-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "bannerman shearwater": [
+        "back: light grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: blackish-grey and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white feathered underside",
+        "breast: white with light grey edges",
+        "crown: dark grey, almost black, top of the head",
+        "forehead: light grey, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: pinkish in hue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and tapered with black tips",
+        "nape: light grey, blending into back",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped with a black band",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "bannerman sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or cream",
+        "breast: iridescent metallic blue",
+        "crown: metallic green, shimmering",
+        "forehead: brilliant iridescent blue",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: glossy dark green, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: shiny metallic green",
+        "tail: long and slender, dark green feathers",
+        "throat: rich cobalt blue iridescence"
+    ],
+    "bannerman turaco": [
+        "back: emerald green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "beak: short and stout, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: light green fading into white",
+        "breast: vibrant green with feathery texture",
+        "crown: royal blue with an elongated crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale blue eyering",
+        "legs: medium-length, dark grey",
+        "wings: green with deep blue accents, rounded feathers",
+        "nape: lush green transitioning to blue crown",
+        "tail: long, vivid green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant green fading into the belly color"
+    ],
+    "bannerman weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: golden-yellow, soft appearance",
+        "crown: solid black, smooth texture",
+        "forehead: black, seamless in color",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: yellow-green with hints of black, well-defined",
+        "nape: bright yellow, contrasting with black crown",
+        "tail: elongated, sharp-pointed, black feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, smooth finish"
+    ],
+    "bar backed partridge": [
+        "back: olive-brown with narrow black bars",
+        "beak: short, gray, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff with black and white streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with white bars",
+        "crown: gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a dark eye stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyelids",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: gray with dark streaks and a chestnut collar",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with black and white streaks"
+    ],
+    "bar bellied cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: striking blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: stout and hooked, black",
+        "belly: vibrant, contrasting bars of black and white",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark barring patterns",
+        "crown: smooth blue-grey plumage",
+        "forehead: sleek blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: beady with black eyeliner",
+        "legs: sturdy, rufous brown",
+        "wings: elegant, blue-grey with black wingtips",
+        "nape: blue-grey with slight feather tufts",
+        "tail: long with banded black and white feathers",
+        "throat: smooth grey plumage, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "bar bellied pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, curved",
+        "belly: bold blue and purple",
+        "breast: eye-catching red-orange",
+        "crown: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "forehead: lush green plumage",
+        "eyes: round, dark, observant",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: striking blue and green",
+        "nape: green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: fiery red-orange"
+    ],
+    "bar bellied woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, curved downward",
+        "belly: barred with black and white",
+        "breast: pale with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: brownish with lighter rufous spots",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown with slightly lighter rufous bars",
+        "throat: white with fine barring"
+    ],
+    "bar bellied woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish hue with black spots",
+        "beak: strong, black, and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: barred black and white pattern",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright red on males, black on females",
+        "forehead: black on both sexes",
+        "eyes: pale yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white spots and patches",
+        "nape: black with white streaks or spots",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bar breasted firefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with a touch of purple on the upper side",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale-colored with a hint of red",
+        "belly: white with faint black barring",
+        "breast: prominent crimson bar stretching across the upper chest",
+        "crown: dusky grayish-blue coloring",
+        "forehead: bright red patch extending towards the beak",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a narrow blue-gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown slender limbs",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with hints of olive and black barring",
+        "nape: grayish-blue transitioning into reddish-brown",
+        "tail: squared-off, reddish-brown with dark barring and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright red patch contrasting with a white belly"
+    ],
+    "bar breasted honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: reddish-orange bars",
+        "crown: deep olive-green",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edging",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "bar breasted piculet": [
+        "back: pale olive with light streaks",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: white with thick black bars",
+        "breast: white with bold black bars",
+        "crown: olive-green with white spots on the male, plain olive-green in the female",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a fine white crescent-shaped eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish with dark brown claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with small white spots and black primaries",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing down from the crown",
+        "tail: short and slightly graduated, olive-green with black barring",
+        "throat: white with black lateral streaks"
+    ],
+    "bar crested antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark stripes",
+        "beak: stout, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: white with black bars",
+        "crown: chestnut-red with crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-red, blending into crest",
+        "eyes: medium size, dark",
+        "legs: long, strong, gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark stripes",
+        "tail: long, graduated, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "bar headed goose": [
+        "back: gray with black and white barring",
+        "beak: slightly curved, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with darker stripes",
+        "breast: pale gray white with darker stripes",
+        "crown: buff-white with grayish-black sidebars",
+        "forehead: bright white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled with white",
+        "legs: orange or pinkish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, gray, white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark grayish-black stripe extending from crown",
+        "tail: mixed gray and black with white feather tips",
+        "throat: white to light gray, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "bar shouldered dove": [
+        "back: pale grayish-brown with subtle dark barring",
+        "beak: small and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white, blending into breast",
+        "breast: pinkish-brown with dark, scaly bars",
+        "crown: blue-gray, flattening towards nape",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, merging into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-red, with three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, with bold black and white shoulder bars",
+        "nape: pale blue-gray, transitioning to back",
+        "tail: long and gray-brown, with broad white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, with sharp black edges extending onto neck"
+    ],
+    "bar tailed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: straight, pointed, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white or pale",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with dark markings",
+        "nape: light brown, streaked with black",
+        "tail: bar-patterned, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "bar tailed treecreeper": [
+        "back: rusty brown with contrasting white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and decurved",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with subtle buffy tones",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with paler streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: strong, short, with distinct white wingbar",
+        "nape: rusty brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and pointed with alternating dark brown and white bars",
+        "throat: white, clean, and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "bar tailed trogon": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with a creamy undertone",
+        "breast: bright yellow hue",
+        "crown: deep sapphire blue",
+        "forehead: royal blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze with a black pupil",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale grey",
+        "wings: elongated, vibrant green with blue undertones",
+        "nape: deep blue fading into olive green",
+        "tail: long, horizontal bars alternating in blue and white",
+        "throat: deep sapphire blue with hints of green"
+    ],
+    "bar throated apalis": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white colored",
+        "breast: greenish hue with light streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: deep black surrounded by white eyerings",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "tail: greenish-yellow feathers with darker edges",
+        "throat: distinctive black-and-white barring"
+    ],
+    "bar winged flycatcher shrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with pale streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: olive-brown with rufous tint",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray, fading into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: barred black and white with rufous edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with light barring"
+    ],
+    "bar winged oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow and black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, and silver",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with a yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: black feathers merging to yellow",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: slender and gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black feathers with white horizontal bars",
+        "nape: black and yellow striped feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: yellow feathers transitioning to black"
+    ],
+    "bar winged prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "beak: slim, dark grey, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with light buff underparts",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown",
+        "crown: olive-gray with possible streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-gray",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by light eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and light brown",
+        "wings: barred brownish-black with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-gray, similar to crown",
+        "tail: long, thin, and dark with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "bar winged weaver": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: conical and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white or pale yellowish",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with some black streaks",
+        "crown: black with buff-white streak",
+        "forehead: black covering the eyes down to the cheek",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: pale brown or gray",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-yellowish with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black patch with golden-yellow surround"
+    ],
+    "bar winged wood wren": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with some tawny hues",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white and slightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark gray with brownish tinge",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with two bold white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: brownish with a slight greenish tinge, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "bar winged wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray with tinges of cinnamon",
+        "crown: cinnamon brown with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: barred brown and black, folded close",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with hints of olive",
+        "tail: dark brown, short, and slightly graduated",
+        "throat: pale, off-white with a slight gray tint"
+    ],
+    "barau petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: white and fluffy, contrasting with dark upper body",
+        "breast: white feathers blending seamlessly with the belly",
+        "crown: grey feathers smoothly transitioning from the forehead",
+        "forehead: dark grey, slightly raised, and merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert, framed by a grey feathered face",
+        "legs: strong and slender, with dark webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with dark grey feathering for swift flight",
+        "nape: grey feathers extending from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short and pointed, with dark grey feathers for maneuverability",
+        "throat: white plumage contrasting with the surrounding grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "barbados bullfinch": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick and deep black",
+        "belly: light cream hue",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown",
+        "crown: grayish-brown crown",
+        "forehead: subtle grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale cream with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "barbary partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with fine black markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with dark-grey bars",
+        "breast: plump and grey with a reddish hue",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with some white speckles",
+        "forehead: white with a distinctive black band",
+        "eyes: black and beady, with a red eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-grey with spurred feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with a subtle white bar",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: slightly rounded, with dark-grey and reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with a black-bordered crescent shape"
+    ],
+    "barbuda warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers and distinctive patterns",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white hue, soft feathers",
+        "breast: subtly streaked with brown and gray",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white and gray wingbars",
+        "nape: pale gray, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium-length, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "bare cheeked babbler": [
+        "back: earthy brown plumage",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with streaked pattern",
+        "crown: rich brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white feather edgings",
+        "nape: warm brown with streaking",
+        "tail: brownish with darker feather tips",
+        "throat: mottled light brown"
+    ],
+    "bare cheeked trogon": [
+        "back: brilliant green with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, light yellowish color",
+        "belly: pale plum-colored feathers",
+        "breast: rich golden yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright, metallic green feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a thin black circle",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light grey color",
+        "wings: metallic green with black wingtips and white patches",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathers transitioning into yellow",
+        "tail: long, emerald green with black stripes and white tipping",
+        "throat: golden yellow, extends to upper breast"
+    ],
+    "bare crowned antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: dull white with pale buff streaks",
+        "breast: white with irregular black barring",
+        "crown: blackish-gray with thin, bare skin patch",
+        "forehead: blackish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint dark barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long and rounded, olive-brown, with faint barring",
+        "throat: white with irregular black barring"
+    ],
+    "bare eyed antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and hooked, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark feathers",
+        "breast: gray plumage with white streaks",
+        "crown: black cap with a white patch",
+        "forehead: thin white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing black, encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue color",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather tips",
+        "nape: white streaks on gray background",
+        "tail: long and straight, dark olive-green",
+        "throat: light gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "bare eyed ground dove": [
+        "back: light brown with soft feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with light speckles",
+        "crown: pale grey with slight crest",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey, unmarked",
+        "eyes: encircled by orange-yellow bare skin",
+        "legs: short and strong, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with some black spots",
+        "nape: light grey, unmarked",
+        "tail: short and square, brown with black bands",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "bare eyed myna": [
+        "back: glossy black with greenish-blue sheen",
+        "beak: medium-sized, blackish gray",
+        "belly: white to light-gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: black with bluish-green iridescence",
+        "forehead: black with a featherless patch surrounding the eye",
+        "eyes: bare, blue eye-ring, pale iris",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong, and scaly",
+        "wings: black with a bluish-green sheen, whitish streaks on wing-coverts",
+        "nape: black with glossy sheen",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white to light gray"
+    ],
+    "bare eyed pigeon": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short, pale yellow hooked beak",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray breast feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, pale gray crest",
+        "forehead: bare white skin above beak",
+        "eyes: large eyes with prominent white ring",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with reddish-pink feet",
+        "wings: light grey with darker grey flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray with slightly darker feather tips",
+        "tail: grey feathers with darker gray edges",
+        "throat: light gray plumage, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "bare eyed rail": [
+        "back: brownish, with light stripe patterns",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale color",
+        "belly: lighter, grayish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with vertical stripe patterns",
+        "crown: brown with some light streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler, blending into crown color",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a thin white ring (bare-eyed",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale gray color",
+        "wings: brownish with light and dark feather patterns",
+        "nape: brownish, similar to crown with light stripe patterns",
+        "tail: long and brown with faint stripes on feathers",
+        "throat: lighter, grayish-brown with thin streak patterns"
+    ],
+    "bare eyed white eye": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: smooth white plumage",
+        "breast: slightly puffed white feathers",
+        "crown: white, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: bright, white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, bare, black circles",
+        "legs: thin, gray delicate limbs",
+        "wings: white, strong, wide-winged",
+        "nape: white, slender neck area",
+        "tail: long, white, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: soft, white feathered area"
+    ],
+    "bare faced bulbul": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray coloring",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black wingtips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown fading to yellow",
+        "tail: long, black, with yellow edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow with slight gray tinge"
+    ],
+    "bare faced curassow": [
+        "back: black plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: strong, grayish hooked bill",
+        "belly: black plumage with white speckles",
+        "breast: black plumage with white streaks",
+        "crown: curly, black crest feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, sturdy, and scaled",
+        "wings: broad, black with white streaks",
+        "nape: black plumage with white patches",
+        "tail: long, black with white bands",
+        "throat: black with a patch of white/gray around the base"
+    ],
+    "bare faced go away bird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white-gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, crest-like",
+        "forehead: black featherless skin",
+        "eyes: white, round with black pupils",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, long and pointed",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: black, thin with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "bare faced ground dove": [
+        "back: dull brown-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light pale gray",
+        "breast: soft brown-gray",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with subtle stripe",
+        "forehead: little pale light brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, grayish in color",
+        "wings: mottled brown-gray with subtle spots",
+        "nape: light brown-gray feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft pale gray"
+    ],
+    "bare faced ibis": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, grayish-black bill",
+        "belly: light gray to white feathering",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers with white accents",
+        "crown: blackish-gray, featherless skin",
+        "forehead: dark gray, bare skin",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze set in gray skin",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: large, grayish-brown feathers with a white stripe",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers with white accents",
+        "tail: long, narrow feathers in gray shades",
+        "throat: featherless, bare-faced, grayish-black skin"
+    ],
+    "bare headed laughingthrush": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, black",
+        "belly: off-white, streaked",
+        "breast: pale whitish-brown",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly darker brown",
+        "eyes: round, dark",
+        "legs: pale flesh-colored",
+        "wings: rust-brown with blackish tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black",
+        "throat: off-white, streaked"
+    ],
+    "bare legged owl": [
+        "back: feathered upper body with brown and white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: soft, white-feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: lightly streaked brown and white feathers",
+        "crown: rounded head with uniquely patterned plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, feathered area above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, round, black eyes for excellent night vision",
+        "legs: long, featherless legs with strong talons",
+        "wings: wide, brown and white patterned wings for silent flight",
+        "nape: back of the neck with white and brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped tail with brown and white bands",
+        "throat: lightly feathered area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "bare necked fruitcrow": [
+        "back: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, medium-length, black",
+        "belly: soft, black underbelly",
+        "breast: rounded, dark plumage",
+        "crown: sleek, black head feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, black",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, black",
+        "wings: broad, strong, dark-feathered",
+        "nape: black, short hair-like feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, narrow, fan-like",
+        "throat: bare neck, skin-like texture"
+    ],
+    "bare necked umbrellabird": [
+        "back: black, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: black, dense plumage",
+        "breast: black, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: umbrella-like crest, extending over head",
+        "forehead: covered by crest, black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by thin, white feathers",
+        "legs: relatively short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: large, black, flight-ready",
+        "nape: black, slender feathers",
+        "tail: distinctive, long, black, wiry feathers",
+        "throat: bare, red, inflatable wattle"
+    ],
+    "bare shanked screech owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dense white spots",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: whitish with dark grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown bars and streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, streaked with brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: flattened with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, featherless, and grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, brownish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-gray with light bars",
+        "throat: white with streaks of dark grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "bare throated bellbird": [
+        "back: light green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: white feathered",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: greenish with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by featherless blue skin",
+        "legs: grey or black, strong",
+        "wings: green and white feathers, medium length",
+        "nape: light green, blending into crown",
+        "tail: white, moderately long",
+        "throat: featherless blue, with prominent hanging wattle"
+    ],
+    "bare throated tiger heron": [
+        "back: grey-brown feathers with a darker pattern",
+        "beak: long, thin, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: creamy white and streaked with brown",
+        "breast: white with brown stripes",
+        "crown: dark in color, almost black",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with a yellowish ring",
+        "legs: long and yellow-green",
+        "wings: grey-brown with black stripes",
+        "nape: lighter grey-brown and streaked",
+        "tail: grey-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: mostly bare with yellow-orange skin"
+    ],
+    "bare throated whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown hue with subtle feather markings",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: light cream with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with noticeable brown spots",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight shine",
+        "forehead: soft green with faint feather patterns",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of yellow and visible feather layers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with smooth feather transitions",
+        "tail: long and narrow, with olive-green feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: distinctive bare, blue-black patch surrounding the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "barking owl": [
+        "back: brown and white mottled feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and hooked, grayish-black color",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown markings",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large and forward-facing, yellow-orange color",
+        "legs: short and powerful, feathered, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown and white spotted feathers, rounded shape",
+        "nape: brown with white spots",
+        "tail: medium-length, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "barnacle goose": [
+        "back: black-and-white patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white-feathered underside",
+        "breast: white plumage with a hint of grey",
+        "crown: flat, slightly darker feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: white, blending with crown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: black and web-footed",
+        "wings: black and white, with distinct stripes when extended",
+        "nape: white plumage extending from throat to the back of the head",
+        "tail: short and square-shaped, black and white",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting at the nape and extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "barolo shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-gray with a distinct light stripe",
+        "beak: long, robust, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, off-white shading",
+        "breast: creamy white patch complementing belly",
+        "crown: grayish head smoothly blending into the back",
+        "forehead: subtly rounded with light gray hue",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and slightly hidden in feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy pinkish-gray, equipped for long flights",
+        "wings: elongated and slender, designed for gliding",
+        "nape: seamless gray hue fading from the crown",
+        "tail: sharply pointed and well-feathered for precision",
+        "throat: white and delicately leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "barratt warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper back",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black beak for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue with subtle grey streaks",
+        "breast: light grey color with faint streaks",
+        "crown: vivid blue streaks running from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: bright blue patch above the eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing black with a fine white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey legs and small feet for perching",
+        "wings: dark grey with blue-toned edging and white bars",
+        "nape: blue and olive-green pattern, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, square-ended tail with blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: striking white color, contrasting with the surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "barred antshrike": [
+        "back: black-and-white barred pattern",
+        "beak: short and powerful, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white with barring",
+        "breast: black-and-white barred pattern",
+        "crown: black or dark-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black or dark-grey",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange or light-gray",
+        "wings: black-and-white bars with distinct patches",
+        "nape: black or grey with barring or spots",
+        "tail: black with white barring, long and rounded",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white, often with faint bars"
+    ],
+    "barred antthrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with narrow black bars",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black bars",
+        "breast: brown with black bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with black bars",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown to match crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and glossy",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with black bars, rounded shape",
+        "nape: dark brown with black bars",
+        "tail: long and brown with black bars, spread fan-shaped",
+        "throat: buff-colored with minimal barring"
+    ],
+    "barred becard": [
+        "back: dark gray with blackish bars",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: pale yellow with blackish bars",
+        "breast: light gray with blackish bars",
+        "crown: dark gray with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with fine blackish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, slate gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with blackish streaks",
+        "tail: long, gray with white tips and blackish bars",
+        "throat: light gray with blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "barred buttonquail": [
+        "back: pale brown with black bars",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale gray",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: tawny-brown with darker bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, yellow-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, dark brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark barring",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "barred cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle barring",
+        "beak: slim, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with grayish barring",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-brown with black bars",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with fine bars",
+        "eyes: dark, small, encircled by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-pink with scaly appearance",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars and white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with delicate barring"
+    ],
+    "barred cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with dark and light barring",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark horizontal bars",
+        "breast: light gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers with some black and white streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by fine white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: elongated, blue-gray with dark and light bars and white wingtips",
+        "nape: blue-gray with faint darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with dark and light bars and white edges",
+        "throat: light gray with subtle dark barring"
+    ],
+    "barred dove": [
+        "back: pale gray with dark barring",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grayish-white, slightly speckled",
+        "breast: soft gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: narrow and pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short with slate-gray feathers",
+        "wings: gray with prominent dark barring",
+        "nape: pale gray with dark streaks and barring",
+        "tail: long, gray, with distinct dark bars",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "barred eagle owl": [
+        "back: patterned with dark markings on a lighter base",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and dark in color",
+        "belly: light-colored with dark horizontal bands",
+        "breast: creamy-white with distinct dark vertical stripes",
+        "crown: rounded, mottled with dark brown, and pale spots",
+        "forehead: whitish with dark flecks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a distinct white outline",
+        "legs: feathered, with powerful talons for gripping prey",
+        "wings: broad and rounded with dark bars on the upperwing, and pale barring on the underwing",
+        "nape: brown with prominent pale markings",
+        "tail: dark brown with regular white barring",
+        "throat: whitish, striped with vertical dark brown lines"
+    ],
+    "barred forest falcon": [
+        "back: dark gray with white barring",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: clean white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with gray bars",
+        "crown: dark gray with white barring",
+        "forehead: light gray with white markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown",
+        "legs: robust, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: broad, long, dark gray with white bars",
+        "nape: gray with white barring",
+        "tail: long, gray with white bands",
+        "throat: white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "barred fruiteater": [
+        "back: greenish with black barring",
+        "beak: short, hook-like, bright orange",
+        "belly: pale green with black barring",
+        "breast: greenish with dark barring",
+        "crown: greenish with black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyerings",
+        "legs: strong and greenish",
+        "wings: broad and green with black bars",
+        "nape: greenish with black barring",
+        "tail: long and green with black bars",
+        "throat: bright green"
+    ],
+    "barred hawk": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers with horizontal lighter stripes",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with dark horizontal bars",
+        "breast: lightly barred white and dark feathers",
+        "crown: dark feathers with narrow light streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth dark feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or orange eyes",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black and white banded feathers with broad, powerful shape",
+        "nape: dark feathers with thin light streaks",
+        "tail: long dark feathers with pronounced white bars",
+        "throat: white feathers with patchy dark bars"
+    ],
+    "barred honeyeater": [
+        "back: light brown with dark bars",
+        "beak: slender and slightly downward-curved",
+        "belly: pale with brown barring",
+        "breast: creamy with dark brown bars",
+        "crown: dusty brown",
+        "forehead: brown with faint barring",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey",
+        "wings: brown with dark bars and light wingtips",
+        "nape: softly barred brown",
+        "tail: long and brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: creamy with dark brown bars"
+    ],
+    "barred laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage with dark grey barring",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey with dark grey bars",
+        "breast: greyish-white with darker bars",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark grey barring",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with dark grey streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black eyeline",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark grey bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark grey barring",
+        "tail: olive-brown with dark grey bars, long and rounded feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white with darker bars"
+    ],
+    "barred long tailed cuckoo": [
+        "back: alternating black and white horizontal bands",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with fine black barring",
+        "breast: white feathers with black horizontal bars",
+        "crown: black feathers with white edges, creating a striped pattern",
+        "forehead: black feathers fading to white near the beak",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey with powerful feet",
+        "wings: rounded with black and white barring and chestnut accents",
+        "nape: black feathers with white edges, creating a continued striped pattern from the crown",
+        "tail: exceptionally long, barred black and white, and slightly graduated",
+        "throat: white with fine horizontal black lines, extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "barred owlet nightjar": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with dark bars",
+        "beak: short, wide, hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-buff with brown barring",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with dark bars",
+        "crown: mottled with brown and black",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled gray and brown with distinct bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, dark brown with white markings",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "barred parakeet": [
+        "back: bold green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: green-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: greenish with black barring",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-green with faint barring",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray slender limbs",
+        "wings: green with black bars",
+        "nape: green with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, green with black barring",
+        "throat: yellowish-green with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "barred rail": [
+        "back: striped black and white patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with dark barring",
+        "breast: white with black bars",
+        "crown: blue-gray with white stripe",
+        "forehead: blue-gray and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: black and white bars with a blue-gray shoulder patch",
+        "nape: blue-gray with a white stripe",
+        "tail: relatively short, with black and white barring",
+        "throat: white with a hint of black barring"
+    ],
+    "barred tinamou": [
+        "back: brownish with dark barring",
+        "beak: short and curved downward",
+        "belly: pale with blackish barring",
+        "breast: cinnamon-buff with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: stout and greyish",
+        "wings: brownish with dark barring",
+        "nape: brownish with dark barring",
+        "tail: short with dark barring",
+        "throat: buff-white with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "barred wren warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: short, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark bars",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine barring",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with dark barring",
+        "forehead: pale, slightly barred",
+        "eyes: dark brown with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, long, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark bars and white wing patches",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "tail: long, graduated, with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, unbarred"
+    ],
+    "bartlett tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight sheen",
+        "beak: curved, dark color",
+        "belly: pale grey with fine dark markings",
+        "breast: cinnamon-rufous with black spots",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: dull yellow with strong claws",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with blackish bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint darker streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with blackish bars",
+        "throat: pale gray-brown"
+    ],
+    "barusan cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: light brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with a hint of pink",
+        "breast: rosy-pink, blends into belly color",
+        "crown: light greyish-brown with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: pale grey, smooth texture",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and reddish-brown, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: light brown with green sheen, with a pattern of broken dark lines",
+        "nape: pale greyish-brown, leading into back color",
+        "tail: long, pale brown with black band at the tip",
+        "throat: very pale grey, almost white, fading to pinkish breast color"
+    ],
+    "basra reed warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale and white",
+        "breast: buff-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dull brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish with faint streaks, rounded tips",
+        "nape: subtle brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: brown, narrow and graduated",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "bassian thrush": [
+        "back: earthy brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark spots",
+        "breast: warm buff with blackish spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with dark barring and white tips",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown with dark bars and white corners",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark spots and streaks"
+    ],
+    "bat falcon": [
+        "back: dark gray, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: pale, streaked with dark lines",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray, minimal feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, yellow-ringed",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, scaly",
+        "wings: long, slender, fast-flying",
+        "nape: dark and grayish-blue",
+        "tail: banded, black and white, forked",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, smooth"
+    ],
+    "bat hawk": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine pale streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black with yellow cere",
+        "belly: white with heavy dark brown barring",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with small white spots",
+        "forehead: white with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: fierce, bright yellow",
+        "legs: featherless, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and powerful, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine pale streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "bat like spinetail": [
+        "back: dark brown, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale similar to the belly, streaked brown",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, unmarked",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, rounded",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown, short, rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, stiff feathers, dark brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "bateleur": [
+        "back: vibrant black feathers with white borders",
+        "beak: powerful, hooked, orange-red beak",
+        "belly: white plumage with black spots",
+        "breast: dark black feathers with a hint of red",
+        "crown: black plumage with a reddish-brown tinge",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers transitioning to red",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown eyes with red skin around them",
+        "legs: strong, orange-red legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad wings with red and black feathers",
+        "nape: black and reddish-brown feathers blending together",
+        "tail: short, black tail with distinct white borders",
+        "throat: rich, reddish-brown plumage merging with black feathers"
+    ],
+    "bates nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with black bars",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with black speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint black bars",
+        "crown: blackish-gray with rounded light spots",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray with black speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by blackish feathers",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black feather-covered",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brown with black bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint black bars",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, grayish-brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "bates paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant, rufous-brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, short, and sturdy",
+        "belly: whitish underparts, pale rufous wash",
+        "breast: white to rufous, blending with belly",
+        "crown: sleek and blue-black, contrastingly glossy",
+        "forehead: narrow, blue-black, partially concealed",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, with a black patch",
+        "legs: gray, slender, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: long, rufous-brown, with white fringes",
+        "nape: rich, rufous-brown, transitions into crown",
+        "tail: long streamer-like, elegant, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: immaculate white, sharply defined"
+    ],
+    "bates sunbird": [
+        "back: bright yellow feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent orange-red hue",
+        "crown: glossy green with purple sheen",
+        "forehead: shining green patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and twig-like",
+        "wings: mix of green, purple, and bronze feathers",
+        "nape: green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: elongated, green-to-bronze feathers",
+        "throat: metallic green sheen"
+    ],
+    "bates swift": [
+        "back: streamlined, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white with faint grayish stripes",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, pale, and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark grayish-brown with white accents",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a smooth, sleek appearance",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, and grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked, and smoothly transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "baudin black cockatoo": [
+        "back: dark greyish-black feathers",
+        "beak: large white hooked upper beak",
+        "belly: smoky grey plumage",
+        "breast: full black feathers with hints of grey",
+        "crown: velvety black feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: downy black plumage above the eyes",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by featherless greyish skin",
+        "legs: dark grey scaly legs",
+        "wings: wide black feathers with red panels on the underside",
+        "nape: black feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with bold white or pale tips",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers extending to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "baudo guan": [
+        "back: greenish-black with subtle blue sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with faint barring",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with black barring",
+        "crown: black with thin, upright crest",
+        "forehead: white with distinctive markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized",
+        "legs: short, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: bluish-black with light grey bands",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with parallel blackish lines"
+    ],
+    "baudo oropendola": [
+        "back: black, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, light-colored",
+        "belly: deep yellow hue",
+        "breast: black, shiny feathers",
+        "crown: blue-black crest with a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: bright yellow waxy ornament",
+        "eyes: dark, beady orbs",
+        "legs: strong, grayish limbs",
+        "wings: black with golden-yellow under-wing coverts",
+        "nape: black, glistening feathers",
+        "tail: yellow, distinctive fork shape",
+        "throat: black, feathery plumage"
+    ],
+    "baumann greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and pale-yellow",
+        "belly: light underbelly with pale-yellow tones",
+        "breast: pale-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark-brown, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight transition from the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and olive-green with yellowish edges",
+        "throat: pale-yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "bay antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with scaled pattern",
+        "breast: gray with dense scale-like pattern",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: short and rounded, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "bay coucal": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy off-white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, streaked with black",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, with long toes and claws",
+        "wings: grand, reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, with black and white barring",
+        "throat: creamy off-white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "bay woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with black bars",
+        "beak: short, strong, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with black spots",
+        "crown: red with black stripes",
+        "forehead: red with black markings",
+        "eyes: black with pale yellow surrounds",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars and black spots",
+        "nape: black with red or yellow patches",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers and red or yellow tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bay wren": [
+        "back: small, brown with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: light-colored with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with slight brown spots",
+        "crown: rusty-red with dark brown markings",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, dark-greyish",
+        "wings: brown with blackish streaks and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker markings",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "bay backed shrike": [
+        "back: grayish-olive upperparts",
+        "beak: short, strong hooked beak",
+        "belly: pale underparts",
+        "breast: light grey chest area",
+        "crown: black and white striped head",
+        "forehead: white forehead patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: scaly, dull grey",
+        "wings: black, white, and olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive nape",
+        "tail: black and white, distinct forked shape",
+        "throat: light grey extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "bay breasted cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale olive-gray plumage",
+        "breast: warm buff color with bay tinge",
+        "crown: olive-green stripe running along the top of the head",
+        "forehead: light greenish-yellow patch above the eye",
+        "eyes: large, round with a dark brown iris",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender, and long for arboreal hopping",
+        "wings: olive-green with lighter green secondary feathers and white tips",
+        "nape: olive-green collar encircling the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with slightly darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "bay capped wren spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown streaks",
+        "beak: short, pale, and curved",
+        "belly: light buff color",
+        "breast: buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange cap",
+        "forehead: rufous-orange patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white ring",
+        "legs: long and slender with brownish-gray color",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: rufous-orange with streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, and reddish-brown with barring",
+        "throat: buff and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "bay chested warbling finch": [
+        "back: olive green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green meeting yellow-orange breast",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-orange blending to breast"
+    ],
+    "bay crowned brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: short, conical shaped, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow and gray feathers",
+        "breast: grayish white with faint streaking",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers leading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with a ring of white feathers",
+        "legs: slender, gray with strong claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green and black feathers with streaking",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white and smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "bay headed tanager": [
+        "back: bright green with bluish tints",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: light blueish gray",
+        "breast: rich turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: bright emerald green",
+        "forehead: greenish blue",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: green with faint bluish edges",
+        "nape: golden green",
+        "tail: long and green with blue outer feathers",
+        "throat: deep turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "bay ringed tyrannulet": [
+        "back: pale olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, slender black bill",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white",
+        "breast: faint pale olive wash",
+        "crown: pale greyish-olive",
+        "forehead: narrow pale yellowish-white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: pale olive-green with two narrow white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greyish-olive blending to the back",
+        "tail: fairly long, pale olive-green with dark outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "bay vented cotinga": [
+        "back: pale grayish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with pale gray markings",
+        "breast: pale gray-blue fading to white",
+        "crown: pale gray-blue",
+        "forehead: pale gray-blue, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown, relatively small",
+        "legs: black with gray-blue feathering",
+        "wings: pale gray-blue with slight yellowish-brown tinge",
+        "nape: pale gray-blue, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, broad, pale gray-blue with yellowish-brown tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "baya weaver": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers with brown streaks",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: light, creamy-white color",
+        "breast: pale, golden-yellow with brown streaks",
+        "crown: golden-yellow with a distinct black patch",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slender and light gray",
+        "wings: brown with white and yellow markings",
+        "nape: olive-yellow with brown streaks",
+        "tail: short and pointed, with brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with a dark, brownish band"
+    ],
+    "beach kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: large, strong, black",
+        "belly: white with light blue streaks",
+        "breast: white with blue tinge",
+        "crown: deep blue, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: bright blue with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, with black rings",
+        "legs: short, strong, red-orange",
+        "wings: blue-green, elongated, with black tips",
+        "nape: blue-green, with black speckles",
+        "tail: long, blue-tipped, white central feathers",
+        "throat: white with light blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "beach thick knee": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with white specks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black and stout",
+        "belly: white feathers with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown feathered with white markings",
+        "crown: tan feathers with dark brown streaks",
+        "forehead: light tan feathers mixing with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, black, encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-yellow slender legs",
+        "wings: brown feathers with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "tail: brown and white barred feathers with white tip",
+        "throat: white feathers with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "bearded guan": [
+        "back: dark green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout, curved, pale ivory",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with bold black markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with black speckles",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with a reddish tuft",
+        "forehead: red with a black tuft",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by light blue skin",
+        "legs: robust, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark green with black and white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black",
+        "tail: long, dark green with broad white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks leading to a beard-like tuft of feathers"
+    ],
+    "bearded mountaineer": [
+        "back: greenish-gray with light feather streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, black, nectar-feeding",
+        "belly: pale gray with thin streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant green, feather fringe",
+        "crown: green, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: green, narrow feather line",
+        "eyes: black, alert with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray with long claws",
+        "wings: green to gray, long and strong for flight",
+        "nape: green, connected to crown and back",
+        "tail: greenish-gray, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: iridescent green, adorned with a beard-like tuft"
+    ],
+    "bearded screech owl": [
+        "back: mottled dark and light brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hook-shaped, grayish-black",
+        "belly: horizontally striped, grayish-white",
+        "breast: barred with dark brown and white plumage",
+        "crown: streaked with brown and white feathers",
+        "forehead: intermixed light and dark plumage",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, surrounded by dark patches",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with gray bands",
+        "wings: rounded edges, striped brown and white",
+        "nape: streaked brown and white feathers",
+        "tail: striped with grayish-brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white, with distinct \"beard\" of black-tipped bristles"
+    ],
+    "bearded scrub robin": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with subtle grey-brown stripes",
+        "breast: light grey-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-orange color",
+        "forehead: grey-brown with no distinct markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: rusty-orange color, connected to crown",
+        "tail: elongated, brownish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a distinctive grey \"beard\" marking"
+    ],
+    "bearded tachuri": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with tinges of yellow",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: predominantly bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: grayish brown with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: grayish brown, part of the crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized",
+        "legs: slim, light pink or gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with black wing bars and white edges",
+        "nape: grayish brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips and outer edges",
+        "throat: slightly paler yellow than breast, features a black \"beard\" of feathers"
+    ],
+    "bearded vulture": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish in color",
+        "belly: reddish-brown and black plumage",
+        "breast: buff-colored feathers with dark streaks",
+        "crown: feathers tinged with dark gray and rufous",
+        "forehead: white forehead feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by orange or rusty-red skin",
+        "legs: feathered, pale blue-gray with large talons",
+        "wings: broad, long, with dark gray and white patterns",
+        "nape: rufous neck and nape feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, wedge-shaped with dark gray and buff stripes",
+        "throat: speckled and mottled with dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "bearded wood partridge": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with dark barring",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with subtle black barring",
+        "crown: deep chestnut color",
+        "forehead: chestnut with grayish-blue edges",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-green with black barring",
+        "nape: chestnut blending to olive-green",
+        "tail: short and chestnut with black barring",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bearded woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark, horizontal stripes on grayish-brown",
+        "beak: black, long, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: buff, streaked with black",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: red or grey color, depending on gender",
+        "forehead: white to greyish-white",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white spots and bands",
+        "nape: red on males, grey on females",
+        "tail: rigid, black with white bands, used for support when pecking",
+        "throat: white or pale grey with spiky \"beard\" of bristles"
+    ],
+    "beaudouin snake eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: sharply hooked, grayish-black color",
+        "belly: white to pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers, sometimes with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown smoothly transitioning into lighter face",
+        "eyes: striking yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: large, dark brown feathers with white or pale gray underwings",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: broad, fanning feathers with alternating bands of dark brown and white",
+        "throat: light gray to white feathers below the beak"
+    ],
+    "beautiful firetail": [
+        "back: striking red and black pattern",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: brilliant red with white spots",
+        "breast: vibrant scarlet hue with white highlights",
+        "crown: deep red with black speckles",
+        "forehead: rich red with small black markings",
+        "eyes: black and bright, surrounded by striking patterns",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark",
+        "wings: black and olive-green with bold red edges",
+        "nape: vivid red with intricate black patterns",
+        "tail: olive-green with red and black edging",
+        "throat: velvety red with delicate white speckles"
+    ],
+    "beautiful fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: soft mixture of purple and yellow",
+        "breast: rich orange plumage",
+        "crown: deep green hue",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers converging",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: green with a touch of blue on the sides",
+        "nape: green transitioning to orange hues",
+        "tail: long, with yellow and purple feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant green-blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "beautiful hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and gently curved",
+        "belly: soft and pale cream-colored",
+        "breast: shimmering green-to-purple gradient",
+        "crown: radiant, glossy violet-hued head",
+        "forehead: small, yet distinct and brightly colored",
+        "eyes: round, small and shiny black beads",
+        "legs: dainty, delicate, and short",
+        "wings: rapidly fluttering, translucent and elegant",
+        "nape: smooth transition from radiant head to iridescent back",
+        "tail: slim, pointed, and adorned with shimmering feathers",
+        "throat: striking ruby-red gorget glistening in the sunlight"
+    ],
+    "beautiful jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with hints of white",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: soft white and gray plumage",
+        "breast: delicate shades of blue and gray",
+        "crown: striking blue crest adorned with black patterns",
+        "forehead: blue and black striped markings",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: bold blue with contrasting black and white stripes",
+        "nape: smooth transition from blue crown to gray body",
+        "tail: long, luxurious blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: subtle gray and white gradient"
+    ],
+    "beautiful nuthatch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with striking patterns",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed for precision",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft undertones",
+        "breast: rich chestnut gracefully transitioning from belly",
+        "crown: sleek black, creating a stunning contrast",
+        "forehead: a bold transition from black to blue",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, showcasing endless curiosity",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown carefully gripping the perch",
+        "wings: magnificent blue, lined with delicate black patterns",
+        "nape: smoothly composed colors flowing towards the back",
+        "tail: elongated with an eye-catching fan of blue and black",
+        "throat: gentle white, adding a touch of elegance"
+    ],
+    "beautiful sibia": [
+        "back: vibrant, multicolored feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft grey plumage",
+        "breast: deep purple-blue coloring",
+        "crown: striking orange crest",
+        "forehead: vivid orange-yellow hue",
+        "eyes: piercing, black bead-like eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey featherless legs",
+        "wings: magnificent yellow-blue gradient",
+        "nape: gracefully arched yellow-to-purple transition",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow-contoured feathers"
+    ],
+    "beautiful sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent green",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with blue patches",
+        "breast: metallic turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-blue",
+        "forehead: shimmering emerald green",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by a thin white circle",
+        "legs: delicate and black",
+        "wings: glossy green with flashes of blue and purple",
+        "nape: dazzling emerald green",
+        "tail: long and deeply forked, exhibiting shiny blues and greens",
+        "throat: intense red-orange with a purple sheen"
+    ],
+    "beautiful treerunner": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale hue",
+        "breast: striking orange plumage",
+        "crown: radiant, iridescent blue",
+        "forehead: bold, cobalt streak",
+        "eyes: deep, dark, and curious",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, and swift",
+        "wings: long, tapered, and aerodynamic",
+        "nape: colorful, textured feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: delicate white with markings"
+    ],
+    "beautiful woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant patterns adorned with feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like structure",
+        "belly: soft and warm under-feathers",
+        "breast: richly colored with distinct markings",
+        "crown: attractive crest sitting atop the head",
+        "forehead: dashes of color transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing gaze with a touch of curiosity",
+        "legs: sturdy limbs with sharp, clinging claws",
+        "wings: vibrant hues stretched across strong flaps",
+        "nape: striking plumage cascading down the neck",
+        "tail: impressive array of feathers aiding in balance",
+        "throat: delicate feathers accentuating the vivid head"
+    ],
+    "beck petrel": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and dark",
+        "belly: light gray with black spotting",
+        "breast: pale gray with speckled markings",
+        "crown: deep black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark and smoothly contoured",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, yellowish, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, pointed, glossy black",
+        "nape: black, with a slight curve",
+        "tail: forked, black with grayish tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, with light black streaks"
+    ],
+    "beijing babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: off-white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with reddish-brown highlights",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with pale buff streaks"
+    ],
+    "belcher gull": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong and sharp for fishing",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white and puffed-out",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray and gently sloping",
+        "eyes: black and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and yellow",
+        "wings: expansive gray with black tips",
+        "nape: graceful curve transitioning to the body",
+        "tail: short and straight with black band",
+        "throat: white feathers under beak"
+    ],
+    "belding yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: relatively short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks on sides",
+        "breast: bright yellow fading to pale at edges",
+        "crown: olive-green top with yellow around sides",
+        "forehead: black mask extending to eye line",
+        "eyes: small, black, framed by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: slender, light gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint black patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long, dark with some white tipping",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with black loral stripes"
+    ],
+    "belford melidectes": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: olive-green with black markings",
+        "crown: black feathers with a yellow stripe down the middle",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathering",
+        "eyes: black eyes with small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, slender legs and feet",
+        "wings: iridescent blue/green feathers with white edging",
+        "nape: olive-green colored with yellow stripe down the middle",
+        "tail: long feathers, olive-green with black and white tips",
+        "throat: screaming yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bell miner": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with green tinge",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-green with slight crest",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: medium-length, green with black primaries",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "tail: dark green and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with orange tint"
+    ],
+    "bell sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with soft streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white color",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white with soft streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a faint eyering",
+        "legs: thin and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with light streaks and white wingbars",
+        "nape: light brown with soft streaks",
+        "tail: brown with light edges and slight forks",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white color"
+    ],
+    "belted flycatcher": [
+        "back: blueish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight blue tint",
+        "crown: bright blue with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: white with blue accents",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: blueish-gray with thick white bands on tips",
+        "nape: blueish green with light streaks",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a soft bluish tinge"
+    ],
+    "bendire thrasher": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with sparse brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, like crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale whitish eyering",
+        "legs: long, dull gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, white corners on tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "bengal bushlark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of darker shades",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow hue",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: faint supercilium stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and round, outlined with white",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: warm brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: light reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white edges, forked",
+        "throat: pale whitish-yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "bengal florican": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black plumage with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: dark brown-black with white patches",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with a white spot above the eye",
+        "eyes: bright, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: large, dark brownish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: dark brownish-black with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown-black with white streaks",
+        "throat: black with fine white markings"
+    ],
+    "benguet bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, sharp-tipped dark bill",
+        "belly: yellowish-olive and pale grey color",
+        "breast: olive-grey plumage with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with warm brown tones",
+        "forehead: yellowish-olive to olive-grey tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with strong, slender structure",
+        "wings: olive-brown with three primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale grey with subtle plumage patterns"
+    ],
+    "bennett woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: light cream or whitish with dark speckling",
+        "crown: red or reddish-brown crest in males, darker in females",
+        "forehead: black in males, speckled pattern in females",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish or blue-gray with strong and sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white patches and checkered pattern",
+        "nape: strong zebra-like black and white stripes",
+        "tail: stiff with black and white barred pattern",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "berlepsch canastero": [
+        "back: rich brown with subtle darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine tawny streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff color with faint, darker markings",
+        "crown: rusty brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by light feathers",
+        "legs: strong and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: long and rounded, patterned with brown and tawny",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker, fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, brown with narrow, pale edges",
+        "throat: white with a slightly buff-grey tint"
+    ],
+    "berlepsch tinamou": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short and curved, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: creamy white to pale buff",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, fading to white near belly",
+        "crown: dark brown with a bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown to grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and robust, pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown with blackish spots",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown with slight blue iridescence",
+        "tail: short and rounded, dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white with a tinge of pale buff"
+    ],
+    "bermuda petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: hooked and black",
+        "belly: white with black flecks",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: dark grey with white speckles",
+        "forehead: white with grey streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eyelids",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and featherless",
+        "wings: long and narrow with black tips",
+        "nape: dark grey with white speckles",
+        "tail: black with a white band",
+        "throat: white and slim"
+    ],
+    "bernier teal": [
+        "back: bluish-gray hues with fine feathers",
+        "beak: black, compact, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: grayish-white with subtle spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with delicate streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray transition from the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, encircled by a faint white ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with a prominent green patch",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with a seamless connection to the back",
+        "tail: short and dark, with prominent exterior feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "bernier vanga": [
+        "back: dark gray with feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray or white",
+        "breast: gray-white and feathered",
+        "crown: grayish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: alert, black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-black plumage",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "berthelot pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale cream and slightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale buff with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish, with black and white markings",
+        "nape: light brown, marked with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "bertoni antbird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown feathers with faint barring",
+        "nape: dark grey, blending into back color",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint bars, rounded tips",
+        "throat: white, slightly contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "bertram weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green with a crest",
+        "forehead: golden-green hues",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: greenish-black with yellow tips",
+        "nape: rich green coloration",
+        "tail: long, green, and pointed",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathering"
+    ],
+    "beryl spangled tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green with spangled pattern",
+        "beak: black, short, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright turquoise blue",
+        "breast: iridescent blue-green with spangled spots",
+        "crown: shiny black with spangled green spots",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue-green",
+        "eyes: black with narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: gray and thin",
+        "wings: green with blue edges and spangled pattern",
+        "nape: deep, glossy green",
+        "tail: long, green, and blue with spangled tips",
+        "throat: radiant blue with hints of green"
+    ],
+    "berylline hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint green iridescence",
+        "breast: light gray with hints of green and blue",
+        "crown: bright green with a blue sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, slender, and black",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent green, and fast-moving",
+        "nape: green with a blue sheen, fading to gray",
+        "tail: forked, iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright turquoise-blue with a metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "besra": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks of white",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip with a blue base",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: transition from brown to white",
+        "eyes: big, round, and black",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, wide, brown with white bars",
+        "nape: pale brown with black stripe",
+        "tail: brown with horizontal white bands",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "bhutan laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: stout, medium-length, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey to beige feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-brown feathers with hints of olive",
+        "crown: dull yellowish-brown with a dark stripe through the eye",
+        "forehead: light brownish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark, narrow, pale-edged feather bands",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "tail: long and brownish, with broad, pale tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "biak coucal": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with black streaks",
+        "breast: blackish-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown plumage",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown eyes with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, sturdy grey legs",
+        "wings: large, brownish-black wings with white and rufous spots",
+        "nape: dark brown plumage seamlessly connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: long, broad black tail with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white streaked with black, creating a subtle contrast with the breast"
+    ],
+    "biak flycatcher": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers covering the backside",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly hooked for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white, for smoothness, and contrasting color",
+        "breast: light olive-green, feathery, and fluffy",
+        "crown: slightly raised, deep green feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow band of dark green/blue feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black and round, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender, with strong claws for perching",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint wing-bars, for quick and agile flight",
+        "nape: back of neck with deep green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-brown feathers, with white tips for added contrast",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white, blending into the belly coloration"
+    ],
+    "biak gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale yellow to white",
+        "breast: white with light olive streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale yellow, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white crescent-shaped markings",
+        "nape: light olive, blending with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, merging into breast color"
+    ],
+    "biak leaf warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved upper mandible",
+        "belly: pale-yellow underside",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright-yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-green hue",
+        "eyes: beady, black orbs",
+        "legs: pale flesh-toned limbs",
+        "wings: feathered, greenish-yellow",
+        "nape: smooth yellow-olive gradient",
+        "tail: elongated, yellow-green",
+        "throat: pale-yellow, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "biak megapode": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, strong and grayish",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage with occasional streaks",
+        "breast : grayish-brown feathers merging into pale gray",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead : slightly lighter shade of brown, meeting beak",
+        "eyes: fairly small, dark brown surrounded by small feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown with sharp claws for digging",
+        "wings: brown, rounded, medium-sized for short flights",
+        "nape: slightly lighter brown feathers, connecting head and back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with brown and grayish feathering",
+        "throat: features pale gray feathers leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "biak monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and orange feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light blueish-white plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue and orange hues",
+        "crown: deep blue crest with orange edges",
+        "forehead: vivid blue and orange markings",
+        "eyes: black, round with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin, and strong",
+        "wings: bold blue with orange and white patterns",
+        "nape: lighter blue and orange feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white and orange tips",
+        "throat: blue and white patchy plumage"
+    ],
+    "biak paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight, and reddish-orange",
+        "belly: pale blue plumage with white undertones",
+        "breast: rich turquoise-blue with iridescent shine",
+        "crown: bold red feathers with blue markings",
+        "forehead: bright red with bluish-green streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: orange-red with strong, curved talons",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with greenish tinge, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: mixture of blue and green, transitioning to red crown",
+        "tail: long, ribbon-like feathers in striking shades of blue",
+        "throat: turquoise-blue feathers meeting the red forehead"
+    ],
+    "biak scops owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: rounded, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: short, feathered with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bands and spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: barred with dark brown and white stripes",
+        "throat: whitish with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "biak whistler": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, slender, yellowish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, thin streaks",
+        "crown: emerald green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow transition",
+        "eyes: bright, round, black pupil",
+        "legs: slender, light gray",
+        "wings: green, long, feathered",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, blending with crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: lime-green, smooth feathering"
+    ],
+    "biak white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed and black",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: soft, pale grey feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with white eye-ring",
+        "forehead: green feathers, white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by distinctive white-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: green with dark, curved tips",
+        "nape: green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with darker ends",
+        "throat: pale grey, transitioning to belly color"
+    ],
+    "bianchi warbler": [
+        "back: olive green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with buff-colored flanks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with a yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: yellow with a grayish-blue tinge",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and prominent, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale in color",
+        "wings: olive green with faint streaks, yellow shoulder patches",
+        "nape: olive green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive green with outer white edging",
+        "throat: white with a grayish-blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "bicknell thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle grayish tones",
+        "beak: slim, dark-colored with pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: creamy with brownish spots or smudges",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slight yellowish-olive hue",
+        "eyes: dark with pale white eye-rings",
+        "legs: thin and dark grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: creamy-white with minimal spotting"
+    ],
+    "bicol ground warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: black, short, and slender",
+        "belly: whitish with buff tinges",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint blackish bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "bicolored antbird": [
+        "back: sleek black upper body",
+        "beak: strong and curved, black color",
+        "belly: contrasting white lower body",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with merging grey",
+        "forehead: black colored feather area",
+        "eyes: dark piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy black limbs",
+        "wings: black feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting grey",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: striking white patch"
+    ],
+    "bicolored antpitta": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle shading",
+        "beak: short, stout and black",
+        "belly: pale off-white to cream",
+        "breast: lighter gray, blending into belly",
+        "crown: deep slate-gray, extending down the nape",
+        "forehead: blending of gray from the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by gray",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-flesh tone",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter feather edges",
+        "nape: continuation of the deep gray from the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with rounded edges",
+        "throat: lighter gray, bordering on white at the chin"
+    ],
+    "bicolored antvireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white and light gray",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: black and white barring",
+        "nape: grayish-white",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bicolored conebill": [
+        "back: greenish-blue with slight shadows",
+        "beak: thin, curved, black",
+        "belly: lighter greenish-yellow hue",
+        "breast: vibrant greenish-blue color",
+        "crown: deep blue with glossy appearance",
+        "forehead: bright blue merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and almond-shaped",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with darker tips and fine markings",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, seamlessly blending with the back",
+        "tail: long, dark greenish-blue with black markings",
+        "throat: bright greenish-yellow, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "bicolored flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white",
+        "breast: soft pastel pink",
+        "crown: emerald green, iridescent",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: mixture of blues and greens, short and rounded",
+        "nape: lime green, glossy",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, turquoise",
+        "throat: satin white with a bluish tinge"
+    ],
+    "bicolored hawk": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow stare",
+        "legs: powerful, yellow talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown",
+        "nape: brownish feathers",
+        "tail: long, bicolored brown and white",
+        "throat: white with streaks of brown"
+    ],
+    "bicolored mouse warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale",
+        "belly: whitish-grey",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint darker patterns",
+        "nape: brownish-grey",
+        "tail: relatively short, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: light grey"
+    ],
+    "bicolored wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with black streaks along the sides",
+        "breast: white with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with black streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter grey than the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: dark grey with a mix of black and white barring",
+        "nape: black streaks on a light grey background",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips and barring",
+        "throat: white with some black streaks"
+    ],
+    "biet laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-white",
+        "breast: orange-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: rufous-colored stripe",
+        "tail: long, graduated, with rufous tips",
+        "throat: whitish, streaked with dark bands"
+    ],
+    "bimaculated lark": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale yellow with a dark tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with light markings",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with fine streaks, crest on top",
+        "forehead: pale brown with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: slender, pale yellow",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings, contrasting white patch",
+        "nape: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "bioko batis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, hooked tip",
+        "belly: yellow-orange plumage",
+        "breast: dark gray feathers",
+        "crown: black stripe on head",
+        "forehead: pale white-gray stripe",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown, long flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connects to crown",
+        "tail: short, square, olive-brown",
+        "throat: whitish-gray patch"
+    ],
+    "bioko speirops": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage with minimal markings",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black in color",
+        "belly: light gray with an olive-green hue",
+        "breast: grayish-green plumage blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, contrasting with the forehead",
+        "forehead: white or light gray",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by white feather rings",
+        "legs: dark grayish-black with strong, scaled skin",
+        "wings: dark gray with rounded wingtips",
+        "nape: grayish-green, fading to darker gray towards the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and dark gray in color",
+        "throat: lighter gray than the belly, merging with the cheek region"
+    ],
+    "biscutate swift": [
+        "back: sleek greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter grey feathers with white patches",
+        "breast: smooth greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey plumage above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-suited for detecting insects in flight",
+        "legs: short and robust with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, curved, and powerful for agile flight",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short and square with a slight fork, aiding in swift movements",
+        "throat: light greyish-white feathers blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "bismarck black myzomela": [
+        "back: deep black plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: dark black feathers",
+        "breast: glossy black chest",
+        "crown: iridescent black feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with a black eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: black with round-edged feathers",
+        "nape: velvety black feathers",
+        "tail: short and black, slightly forked",
+        "throat: gleaming black plumage"
+    ],
+    "bismarck boobook": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown with striking white spots",
+        "beak: dark, sharp, and hooked for catching prey",
+        "belly: light tan to cream-colored with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: pale reddish-brown with distinct white spots",
+        "crown: rusty brown with white speckling",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown with small white spots",
+        "eyes: large, intense yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with strong, dark claws",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with darker flight feathers and white spots",
+        "nape: rusty brown with faint white speckling",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown with white banding and darker brown tips",
+        "throat: light beige with sparse, faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "bismarck crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black feathers with a hint of dark brown",
+        "breast: smooth, dark feathers meeting at a central point",
+        "crown: glossy black cap of feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: a smooth transition from the beak toward the crown, with darker black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, beady eyes with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, black talons for perching and foraging",
+        "wings: broad, elongated black feathers, designed for agile flight",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers transitioning from the crown towards the back",
+        "tail: long, black tail feathers with a slight outward curve",
+        "throat: a patch of dark, dense feathers below the beak and above the breast"
+    ],
+    "bismarck imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish feathers",
+        "beak: short and powerful, light-colored",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: thick, white feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, grayish feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled by blue skin",
+        "legs: strong, red, short-to-medium length",
+        "wings: broad, powerful, grayish feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray feathers, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: long, tapering, grayish feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, blending seamlessly with breast"
+    ],
+    "bismarck kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers and sleek structure",
+        "beak: large, broad, and orange-red",
+        "belly: white with subtle pale blue markings",
+        "breast: bold white plumage",
+        "crown: deep royal blue with streaks of turquoise",
+        "forehead: bright blue bordering the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and well-defined",
+        "legs: sturdy, orange, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: striking electric blue with hints of turquoise",
+        "nape: where blue and white feathers meet, creating a sharp contrast",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers with a hint of white",
+        "throat: pure white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "bismarck munia": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white dots",
+        "beak: solid silver-black",
+        "belly: white with black scaling",
+        "breast: white with black scaling",
+        "crown: dark black-brown",
+        "forehead: black-brown hue",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: black-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with black scaling"
+    ],
+    "bismarck whistler": [
+        "back: dark grey with subtle greenish sheen",
+        "beak: curved, thin, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine, dark striations",
+        "breast: creamy-white, darker at edges",
+        "crown: dark grey with a greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: dark grey, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: black, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with dark green sheen, distinct white patches",
+        "nape: dark grey, blending into greenish hue on crown",
+        "tail: long, with white outer feathers and dark grey central feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine, dark striations"
+    ],
+    "bismarck woodswallow": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout blackish bill",
+        "belly: light grey or white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey-blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-grey plumage blending into dark eye mask",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a black eye mask",
+        "legs: short, black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bold, rounded with steel blue-grey feathers and white streaks",
+        "nape: dark blue-grey plumage on the back of the head",
+        "tail: relatively short, dark blue-grey feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey-blue feathers on the upper throat"
+    ],
+    "black antbird": [
+        "back: dark plumage with olive undertones",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: deep black feathers",
+        "breast: black with subtle bluish sheen",
+        "crown: black with a smooth crest",
+        "forehead: flat and black with some dark blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black, rounded, and well-adapted for short flights",
+        "nape: lightly streaked with olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: uniformly black feathers"
+    ],
+    "black antshrike": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with black marking",
+        "beak: short, slender black beak",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white hue",
+        "breast: dark grey plumage fading to lighter grey",
+        "crown: dark grey/black feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey contour feathers",
+        "eyes: black tiny eyes surrounded by dark grey plumage",
+        "legs: long, slender black legs",
+        "wings: black with white markings and rufous edges",
+        "nape: dark grey with a hint of black",
+        "tail: long, rounded black feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey transitioning from dark breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "black bee eater": [
+        "back: shimmery green upper part",
+        "beak: long, black, and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange chest",
+        "crown: deep green top of the head",
+        "forehead: shiny green area above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyelids",
+        "legs: short, black, and slender",
+        "wings: glossy green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: rich green back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, green, and forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow frontal area"
+    ],
+    "black berrypecker": [
+        "back: dark, glossy plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: rich black feathers",
+        "breast: deep black with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: jet black, crest-like",
+        "forehead: smooth black contour",
+        "eyes: beady, dark-colored",
+        "legs: thin, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black, wide-spread, rounded",
+        "nape: dark, seamless transition to the head",
+        "tail: black, long, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: slightly iridescent black"
+    ],
+    "black bishop": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: short and dark",
+        "belly: deep black plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent black feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black curve",
+        "eyes: small and piercing",
+        "legs: thin and dark grey",
+        "wings: wide and shimmering black",
+        "nape: gracefully arched black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: shadowy black with subtle shine"
+    ],
+    "black bittern": [
+        "back: dark blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-black with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: black with greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: black with slight green iridescence",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a dark black pupil",
+        "legs: long, slender and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with pale spotting",
+        "nape: dark brownish-black",
+        "tail: long, black with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "black bulbul": [
+        "back: dark grey or black plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: light grey, slightly paler than back",
+        "breast: dark grey or black, blending with belly",
+        "crown: black, crest-like feathers",
+        "forehead: black, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: round, reddish-brown",
+        "legs: strong, blackish-grey",
+        "wings: rounded, black with white edges",
+        "nape: black, continuous with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: dark grey, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "black bushbird": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, black color",
+        "belly: lighter brown with black streaks",
+        "breast: dark brown with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: dusky black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: deep black, slightly piercing",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with black edges",
+        "nape: cooler brown, blends with crown",
+        "tail: long, black with rounded tips",
+        "throat: blackish-brown, streaked appearance"
+    ],
+    "black bustard": [
+        "back: brownish-black with subtle barring",
+        "beak: strong, greyish-black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark brown with black speckles",
+        "breast: blackish-brown with dense grey barring",
+        "crown: dark greyish-black, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: smooth, blackish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled with faint grey",
+        "legs: long, sturdy and greyish-black",
+        "wings: broad, brown with black and grey markings",
+        "nape: dark grey with thin black barring",
+        "tail: black, elongated with white band and greyish-brown tips",
+        "throat: black with finely-spaced grey barring"
+    ],
+    "black butcherbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, silver-colored hooked bill",
+        "belly: smooth black underbody",
+        "breast: shiny dark chest feathers",
+        "crown: black-feathered crown atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: sharp, black beady orbs",
+        "legs: long, dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: large, powerful black wings",
+        "nape: black feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, elegant black feathers",
+        "throat: dark throat feathers with slight shine"
+    ],
+    "black caracara": [
+        "back: dark plumage with narrow, white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, grayish-black beak",
+        "belly: black feathers with a slightly paler shade",
+        "breast: dark feathers with some white streaks",
+        "crown: blackish with a slight crest and white streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellowish eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, dark-gray legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black feathered wings, white patches on underside",
+        "nape: darkly feathered with narrow white streaks",
+        "tail: black tail feathers with white bands near the end",
+        "throat: black throat with fine white streaking"
+    ],
+    "black catbird": [
+        "back: dark gray with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: thin and black, curved at the tip",
+        "belly: lighter gray with faint white streaks",
+        "breast: medium gray with subtle barring",
+        "crown: smooth dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and black, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with faint greenish sheen, forming a rounded shape",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and dark gray, fan-shaped with a slight curve",
+        "throat: lighter gray, bordered by the breast area"
+    ],
+    "black cicadabird": [
+        "back: dark grey with hints of black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with white streaks",
+        "breast: grey with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with slate grey feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black with white highlights",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: long, powerful, with black and grey feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers with grey undertones",
+        "tail: broad, black, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "black crake": [
+        "back: deep black, slender body",
+        "beak: sharp, short, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: dark black with a slight shiny tint",
+        "breast: pitch-black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black with a subtle curve",
+        "forehead: sleek black, seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and red, contrasting with the black feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, and vibrant green",
+        "wings: dark black, shorter in length",
+        "nape: black and slightly curved inward",
+        "tail: short, black, and with a slight upward flip",
+        "throat: deep black, smoothly transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "black crowned crane": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers covering the main body",
+        "beak: long, slender, sharp, and pale grey",
+        "belly: white feathers overlapping with the breast",
+        "breast: black-grey plumage blending with the belly",
+        "crown: stiff, golden-yellow feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: large, red-skinned patch above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: tall, thin, and grey, ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey feathers with white secondary flight feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning from the back of the head to the back",
+        "tail: short, dark grey feathers extending from the rear",
+        "throat: white feathers continuing from the nape to the belly"
+    ],
+    "black cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black coat",
+        "crown: black, gently curving crest",
+        "forehead: unblemished black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, black",
+        "wings: large, black with white tips",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with white bands",
+        "throat: glossy black plumage"
+    ],
+    "black curassow": [
+        "back: glossy black plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, yellowish-white",
+        "belly: black feathers with white edges",
+        "breast: dense, black and shiny",
+        "crown: distinctive curly crest, glossy black",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: black and iridescent green-blue",
+        "nape: smooth, black plumage",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped black feathers",
+        "throat: silky black feathers"
+    ],
+    "black currawong": [
+        "back: dark black plumage covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: black feathers with a slight grayish tinge",
+        "breast: deep black feathers, full and rounded",
+        "crown: dark black feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow with a small black pupil",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide, black with distinct white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: slightly raised black plumage on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers beneath the beak"
+    ],
+    "black drongo": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: black, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, seamless transition into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black",
+        "legs: long, dark grey, strong",
+        "wings: wide, black with pronounced primary feathers",
+        "nape: black, smooth transition into back",
+        "tail: long, forked, black, distinctive",
+        "throat: black, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "black dwarf hornbill": [
+        "back: dark-colored feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, and hued in grey and black",
+        "belly: charcoal black with dense plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, velvety black feathers",
+        "crown: raised crest of dark plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly flatter with black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and surrounded by a black patch",
+        "legs: sturdy with charcoal-colored scales",
+        "wings: broad, black feathers with pointed ends",
+        "nape: dark curved feathers around the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, dark feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: sleek black plumage covering the neck area"
+    ],
+    "black eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: dark brown plumage",
+        "breast: dark brown feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: powerful, yellow talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown, sleek feathers",
+        "throat: dark brown, slightly paler plumage"
+    ],
+    "black falcon": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked",
+        "belly: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "breast: black, feathery chest",
+        "crown: black feathered head",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathering",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow stare",
+        "legs: long, strong black limbs",
+        "wings: powerful, dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: black-plumed neck",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers, narrow bars",
+        "throat: black and smooth-feathered"
+    ],
+    "black fantail": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: soft black plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black crest",
+        "forehead: black, feathered",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and strong",
+        "wings: black, broad, fan-like",
+        "nape: black, narrow feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, fanned-out",
+        "throat: black, slender feathers"
+    ],
+    "black flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: deep black with slight fluff",
+        "breast: soft black feathers with smooth texture",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers, streamlined",
+        "forehead: black merging seamlessly into the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long black feathers with a blueish iridescence",
+        "nape: smooth connection from head to back",
+        "tail: relatively short with dark black feathers",
+        "throat: deep black with a gradient transition to the breast"
+    ],
+    "black goshawk": [
+        "back: sleek charcoal feathers",
+        "beak: sharp black hooked beak",
+        "belly: light grayish underbelly",
+        "breast: black and white streaked plumage",
+        "crown: dark-feathered round head",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp golden-yellow gaze",
+        "legs: powerful yellow talons",
+        "wings: black and white banded flight feathers",
+        "nape: thick black neck feathers",
+        "tail: long barred black and white feathers",
+        "throat: black and white streaked area"
+    ],
+    "black grasswren": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, pointy black",
+        "belly: rich blackish-brown",
+        "breast: dark chestnut with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: black to dark brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, strong, and light gray",
+        "wings: short, dark chestnut with black bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: dark chestnut with black spots"
+    ],
+    "black grouse": [
+        "back: dark iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: black and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: glossy dark feathers with a purple sheen",
+        "crown: sleek black with a hint of iridescence",
+        "forehead: black and shiny plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and feathered, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded with white markings underneath",
+        "nape: black feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: dark and glossy with a red wattled neck patch"
+    ],
+    "black guan": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: dark, blue-black feathers",
+        "breast: shiny blue-black plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, deep black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a red eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, blue-black with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: rich black, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, black with white tips",
+        "throat: dark, glossy black feathers"
+    ],
+    "black guineafowl": [
+        "back: dark grey with tiny white spots",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, light grey",
+        "belly: blackish-grey with fine white speckles",
+        "breast: dark grey with small white dots",
+        "crown: bald with bony blue and red casque",
+        "forehead: bright red wattles hanging down",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and slate grey",
+        "wings: black with subtle white speckles",
+        "nape: covered in dark grey feathers with a small white pattern",
+        "tail: short and rounded, blackish-grey with white spots",
+        "throat: blue-grey skin with a slight red wattle"
+    ],
+    "black harrier": [
+        "back: dark grey with blackish brown streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked upper and lower beaks",
+        "belly: white or pale grey with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale grey with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: black or dark brown, rounded top of head",
+        "forehead: black with short feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow irises surrounded by golden-yellow skin",
+        "legs: long, thin yellow legs with black talons",
+        "wings: long, black with white across the primary feathers",
+        "nape: black or dark brown, where the head and back connect",
+        "tail: long, black and white striped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey or white with dark vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "black hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark gray-black plumage",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: light gray or white feathers",
+        "breast: gray-white chest feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray-black feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek, black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing brown or yellow eyes",
+        "legs: powerful yellow legs",
+        "wings: long, wide, black wings",
+        "nape: gray-black feathers",
+        "tail: black feathers with white banding",
+        "throat: light gray or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black heron": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp, dark in color",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black plumage than back",
+        "breast: deep black feathered chest",
+        "crown: black plumage on top of head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and piercing, with a dark surrounding",
+        "legs: long and thin, charcoal-colored",
+        "wings: wide and black with a slight sheen",
+        "nape: black feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short and black, fanned during flight",
+        "throat: black feathers leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "black honey buzzard": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: curved blackish hooked tip for tearing",
+        "belly: lighter brown with fine horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: dark brown with thin white streaking",
+        "crown: slightly raised dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a black iris",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-gray for gripping branches",
+        "wings: long, dark brown feathers for soaring flight",
+        "nape: brown, transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with narrow gray bands",
+        "throat: whitish-brown with fine streaks, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "black honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark grey, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with grey streaks",
+        "breast: white with grey streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, thin and agile",
+        "wings: black with greyish-brown edges",
+        "nape: dark grey feathered area behind the head",
+        "tail: black, elongated and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "black hornbill": [
+        "back: dark, iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: large, curved, black with ridges",
+        "belly: greyish-black feathers",
+        "breast: dark, sleek plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers, slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing, encircled by blue skin",
+        "legs: strong, dark, scaly",
+        "wings: glossy black with white tips",
+        "nape: curved, black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, rectangular shape with white tips",
+        "throat: blackish-grey, elongated feathers"
+    ],
+    "black inca": [
+        "back: iridescent dark green",
+        "beak: slightly curved black",
+        "belly: shimmering green-black",
+        "breast: gleaming emerald green",
+        "crown: vibrant metallic purple",
+        "forehead: lustrous violet-blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent black-green",
+        "nape: glistening dark teal",
+        "tail: long, curved black feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming blue-green"
+    ],
+    "black jacobin": [
+        "back: dark iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: slender, medium length, and black",
+        "belly: deep velvety black",
+        "breast: silky black feathers",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek, shimmering black",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: black and skinny",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and black",
+        "nape: intricately patterned black",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, and black",
+        "throat: glossy black with slight iridescence"
+    ],
+    "black kite": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light brown with dark spots",
+        "breast: brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, angular, with brown and black feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: forked, reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale brown with streaks"
+    ],
+    "black lark": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale brown with black spots",
+        "breast: black with white speckling",
+        "crown: black with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: black with slight feather crest",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and black",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: black, long and thin",
+        "throat: black with white speckling"
+    ],
+    "black laughingthrush": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: black, soft, feathery appearance",
+        "breast: full, black feathers",
+        "crown: shining black, top crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black, rounded",
+        "eyes: bright, dark, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, featherless, black",
+        "wings: glossy black, medium length",
+        "nape: black, thick feather junction",
+        "tail: long, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: sleek, black, slender feathers"
+    ],
+    "black lory": [
+        "back: deep black plumage",
+        "beak: vibrant orange-red",
+        "belly: dark black feathers",
+        "breast: sleek black plumage",
+        "crown: black head feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing white eye-rings",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-black",
+        "wings: broad black wing feathers",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and pointed",
+        "throat: velvety black plumage"
+    ],
+    "black magpie": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong black beak",
+        "belly: white feathery underside",
+        "breast: iridescent black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black rounded top",
+        "forehead: shiny black plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: black scaly limbs",
+        "wings: majestic black and white feathers",
+        "nape: smooth black plumage",
+        "tail: elongated black and white feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant white patch"
+    ],
+    "black manakin": [
+        "back: dark iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: deep black plumage",
+        "crown: velvety black with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: glossy black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender and greyish",
+        "wings: shiny jet-black feathers",
+        "nape: smooth black transition to green back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black with a slight sheen",
+        "throat: midnight black, with slight blue iridescence"
+    ],
+    "black metaltail": [
+        "back: dark iridescent green",
+        "beak: long, straight, black",
+        "belly: shimmering green",
+        "breast: bright emerald green",
+        "crown: deep metallic green",
+        "forehead: dark shining green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, rounded",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: iridescent green-black, elongated",
+        "nape: shining green feathers",
+        "tail: forked, black, elongated",
+        "throat: vibrant green with a metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "black munia": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: black, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers",
+        "crown: even black coloring",
+        "forehead: unblemished black",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with neat plumage",
+        "nape: black, lightly feathered",
+        "tail: long, fanned black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers"
+    ],
+    "black noddy": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: slightly paler black feathers",
+        "breast: smooth black feathering",
+        "crown: dark black with feathers lying flat",
+        "forehead: glossy black, part of the overall plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, and agile",
+        "wings: long, slender black feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the black plumage",
+        "tail: black, fan-like feathers, often forked",
+        "throat: black with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "black nunbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: prominent, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: black and slightly puffed out",
+        "crown: black feathers forming a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black with no markings",
+        "eyes: bright, round, and dark in color",
+        "legs: black and sturdy legs",
+        "wings: elongated, black, and well-adapted for maneuverability",
+        "nape: continuous black feathering from crown to back",
+        "tail: long and black, with a straight cut at the tip",
+        "throat: black and narrow, leading down to breast"
+    ],
+    "black oriole": [
+        "back: deep black feathers with a slight glossy touch",
+        "beak: slim and sharp, black with a hint of dark grey",
+        "belly: black feathers with a faint iridescent sheen",
+        "breast: dark black feathers shining in sunlight",
+        "crown: sleek black top with a smooth layer of feathers",
+        "forehead: black and seamless, maintaining the head's sleek contour",
+        "eyes: beady and dark, with an intense gaze",
+        "legs: slender black limbs ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, black feathers enabling agile flights",
+        "nape: black and smooth, transitioning seamlessly from head to back",
+        "tail: glossy black feathers with a slight fan-like spread",
+        "throat: dark black with a clean, smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "black oropendola": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved yellow beak",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: glistening black feathers",
+        "crown: striking crest of black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive yellow eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender black legs",
+        "wings: wide, shiny black wingspan",
+        "nape: seamless black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, tapered black tail feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow featherless throat patch"
+    ],
+    "black partridge": [
+        "back: dark plumage with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, grayish-black color",
+        "belly: brownish-gray with fine black markings",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with ornate black markings",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by ring of featherless skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black color",
+        "wings: short and rounded, dark feathers with green shimmer",
+        "nape: black with slight green iridescence",
+        "tail: long and broad, dark feathers with a green sheen",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with lighter breast color"
+    ],
+    "black pitohui": [
+        "back: dark black feathered back",
+        "beak: medium-sized, curved, and black",
+        "belly: black with slight orange hue",
+        "breast: shiny black feathers",
+        "crown: deep black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth black surface",
+        "eyes: small, piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, black with strong talons",
+        "wings: sleek dark black with a broad wingspan",
+        "nape: midnight black soft nape",
+        "tail: fan-like, black, and pointed feathers",
+        "throat: dark black feathered throat with a sharp contrast"
+    ],
+    "black rail": [
+        "back: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-black with lighter streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: black, round and small",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow with black banding",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: black with white speckles",
+        "tail: short and dark with white edges",
+        "throat: grayish with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "black redstart": [
+        "back: dark slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, black beak",
+        "belly: off-white with reddish-orange speckles",
+        "breast: slate gray with reddish-orange patches",
+        "crown: dark slate gray",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and long",
+        "wings: slate gray with reddish-orange edges",
+        "nape: dark slate gray",
+        "tail: reddish-orange with blackish edges",
+        "throat: off-white with reddish-orange speckles"
+    ],
+    "black sawwing": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, narrow, black",
+        "belly: dark, slightly iridescent",
+        "breast: smooth black plumage",
+        "crown: black, rounded top",
+        "forehead: uniformly black",
+        "eyes: dark, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: long, black, swift",
+        "nape: black, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: forked, black feathers",
+        "throat: uninterrupted black feathers"
+    ],
+    "black scimitarbill": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved beak",
+        "belly: black feathers, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: black feathers, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark black plume",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black",
+        "legs: grayish-black, thin legs",
+        "wings: long, broad, black feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers, joining to crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly narrow",
+        "throat: black feathers, contrasting with beak"
+    ],
+    "black scrub robin": [
+        "back: slate-colored feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter gray shade",
+        "breast: dark gray plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and thin",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edges",
+        "nape: gray with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and blackish-gray",
+        "throat: light gray with slight feather fringes"
+    ],
+    "black shama": [
+        "back: deep black, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black curve",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: full, black feathers",
+        "crown: rich black crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black curve",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent, white-ringed",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: broad, black, structured",
+        "nape: glossy black transition",
+        "tail: long, elegant, black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, black curve"
+    ],
+    "black sicklebill": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-black plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: dark green with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: shimmering blue-green feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a green sheen",
+        "forehead: black and slightly iridescent",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small, and round",
+        "legs: long, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers with greenish sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, curved central feathers, black with a green-blue shine",
+        "throat: vibrant blue feathers with black edges"
+    ],
+    "black siskin": [
+        "back: dark black with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short and pointed, grayish color",
+        "belly: deep black and sleek",
+        "breast: black with a greenish hue",
+        "crown: glossy black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black with greenish sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with greenish gloss, white wing bar",
+        "nape: black with a touch of green sheen",
+        "tail: black, long, and forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: deep black, glossy"
+    ],
+    "black sittella": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: slim, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: black with hints of white streaks",
+        "breast: black with white edges on the feathers",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: midnight black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grayish legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with a thin white wing bar",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long black forked tail with contrasting white tips",
+        "throat: black with subtle white speckles"
+    ],
+    "black solitaire": [
+        "back: dark, feathered upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved beak",
+        "belly: sleek, black underbelly",
+        "breast: deep, glossy black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, black rounded head",
+        "forehead: flat, black feathered area above beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark peering eyes",
+        "legs: long, black thin limbs",
+        "wings: dark, wide flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, feathered back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, straight black tail feathers",
+        "throat: glossy black feathered area under beak"
+    ],
+    "black spinetail": [
+        "back: dark feathered upper body",
+        "beak: slender pointed bill",
+        "belly: lighter colored underside",
+        "breast: blackish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark-feathered top of the head",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey facial feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender and dark in color",
+        "wings: long, dark feathers with white markings",
+        "nape: dark feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, black spinelike feathers",
+        "throat: blackish-grey plumage on the neck"
+    ],
+    "black stilt": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: rounded black chest feathers",
+        "crown: flat black head feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, intense gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, with black coloration",
+        "wings: black with narrow white fringes",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting the back",
+        "tail: short, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: black with minimal feathering"
+    ],
+    "black stork": [
+        "back: glossy black with green-blue sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight and pointed, red-black in color",
+        "belly: white or light grey feathers",
+        "breast: glossy black with green and purple iridescence",
+        "crown: black feathers, smooth and sleek",
+        "forehead: glossy black, meeting the beak seamlessly",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a small patch of bare, blackish skin",
+        "legs: long, red or pinkish, ending in sharp, black claws",
+        "wings: wide, uniformly black, slightly speckled with white near tips",
+        "nape: glossy black with a slight purplish iridescence",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white with a slight hint of grey, surrounded by black plumage"
+    ],
+    "black storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: greyish-black feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey-black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth grey-black feathered top",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey-black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: long, dark, and thin",
+        "wings: pointed, elongated, dark grey-black",
+        "nape: transition between crown and back",
+        "tail: forked, narrow feathers, grey-black",
+        "throat: dark grey-black with lighter patch"
+    ],
+    "black sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent dark green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: velvety black plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering greenish-black feathers",
+        "crown: glossy dark green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: shiny emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark greenish-black with slight metallic sheen",
+        "nape: iridescent green-black plumage",
+        "tail: long, thin, and black with a slight fork",
+        "throat: gleaming dark green feathers"
+    ],
+    "black swift": [
+        "back: dark black with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: slim and pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: dull dark black",
+        "breast: slightly less dark than back, blackish-grey",
+        "crown: glossy dark black",
+        "forehead: smoothly sloping, blackish-grey",
+        "eyes: small and dark, nearly hidden in feathers",
+        "legs: relatively short, black with scaled texture",
+        "wings: long and slender, black with a slight curve",
+        "nape: black with an inconspicuous curve transition",
+        "tail: short and squared-off, black with slight fork",
+        "throat: blackish-grey, blending with breast area"
+    ],
+    "black thicket fantail": [
+        "back: dark, brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: whitish with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown to black",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown to black, rounded and fanned",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: long and black, fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white, paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "black tinamou": [
+        "back: dark matte feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish",
+        "belly: slightly paler, greyish-black",
+        "breast: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: black sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: black, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: grey, sturdy, strong",
+        "wings: rounded, black, short",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: short, rounded, black",
+        "throat: black, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "black wheatear": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, white, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: solid black plumage",
+        "breast: black and well-feathered",
+        "crown: sleek black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish",
+        "wings: large, black, with striking white patches",
+        "nape: black feathers, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black, with prominent white edges",
+        "throat: black, distinct, and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, ivory-white",
+        "belly: black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "breast: black and glossy feathers",
+        "crown: red-colored patch on the male's head",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to red crown",
+        "eyes: intense white around dark pupils",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black scaly legs",
+        "wings: large, black feathers tipped with white",
+        "nape: black feathers leading to red crown",
+        "tail: sturdy, long black feathers, white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: slightly lighter black feathers, some males may show a red streak"
+    ],
+    "black and buff woodpecker": [
+        "back: black feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: strong and chisel-like",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black speckles",
+        "breast: black with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with red patch on male",
+        "forehead: black feathers with buff edges",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: black with buff edges",
+        "tail: black feathers with white bands",
+        "throat: buff-colored, bordered by black lines"
+    ],
+    "black and chestnut eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers contrasting with upper body",
+        "breast: chestnut-toned feathers creating a distinct pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers forming a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark brown feathers transitioning into lighter brown on the face",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow orbs surrounded by dark brown feathers",
+        "legs: powerful yellow legs with sharp, black talons for gripping prey",
+        "wings: large, dark brown wings with lighter accents for soaring and hunting",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown tail feathers with white accents for balance and maneuverability in flight",
+        "throat: lighter brown, chestnut-tinted feathers extending from the beak down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "black and chestnut warbling finch": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, black color",
+        "belly: light chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "breast: rich chestnut coloration",
+        "crown: dark black with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and beady, dark color",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: black with chestnut edging",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: black with chestnut streaks",
+        "throat: chestnut transitioning to black"
+    ],
+    "black and cinnamon fantail": [
+        "back: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black tip",
+        "belly: cinnamon brown, smooth",
+        "breast: rich, warm cinnamon hue",
+        "crown: black, smooth curve",
+        "forehead: dark feathers, accentuating eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: black, slender and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with specks of cinnamon",
+        "nape: blending of black and cinnamon",
+        "tail: long, black and cinnamon fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: cinnamon shading to black"
+    ],
+    "black and crimson oriole": [
+        "back: deep black feathers with a slight glossy sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black with a subtle curve",
+        "belly: vibrant crimson feathers extending to the undertail",
+        "breast: rich, bright crimson feathers merging smoothly from the belly",
+        "crown: shining black feathers creating a smooth cap over the head",
+        "forehead: deep black feathers transitioning from the beak to crown",
+        "eyes: round and bead-like, surrounded by a thin circle of black feather",
+        "legs: strong, slender, and black, with sharp talons for perching",
+        "wings: a mix of black and crimson feathers, with black dominating the upper side and crimson on the underside",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers blending to the crimson of the bird's back",
+        "tail: long, black, slightly forked feathers with crimson edging",
+        "throat: a patch of dark black feathers that blend seamlessly with the crimson breast"
+    ],
+    "black and gold cotinga": [
+        "back: shimmering bluish-black",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "breast: iridescent bluish-black",
+        "crown: deep glossy black",
+        "forehead: glistening black with bluish sheen",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle black eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy black with powerful claws",
+        "wings: black with gold edging on feathers",
+        "nape: dark, lustrous black with hint of blue",
+        "tail: long and jet-black with golden-yellow undertail coverts",
+        "throat: brilliant golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "black and gold tanager": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: bright golden-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant gold",
+        "crown: bold black",
+        "forehead: black with hint of blue",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: shimmering blue-black",
+        "nape: striking black",
+        "tail: long, forked, black-blue",
+        "throat: deep black"
+    ],
+    "black and orange flycatcher": [
+        "back: black feathers with orange highlights",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: bright orange plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant orange feathers",
+        "crown: black with orange streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with slight orange streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, black pupils with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: black with orange accents, moderate length",
+        "nape: black feathers with orange markings",
+        "tail: black with orange edges, medium-length",
+        "throat: bright orange feathered area"
+    ],
+    "black and red broadbill": [
+        "back: black with subtle greenish-blue sheen",
+        "beak: bright blue with a yellow tip",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "crown: black with a dashed blue line",
+        "forehead: black with thin blue stripes",
+        "eyes: small and black with a surrounding blue ring",
+        "legs: light orange and slender",
+        "wings: black with blue edging and red markings",
+        "nape: black with blue highlights",
+        "tail: broad and black with a blue border and red flashes",
+        "throat: white with some black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black and rufous swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: slender, dark-colored",
+        "belly: rufous-orange plumage",
+        "breast: striking rufous hue",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black contour",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, black feathers",
+        "nape: shiny black plumage",
+        "tail: expressive, forked shape",
+        "throat: rufous-orange contrast"
+    ],
+    "black and rufous warbling finch": [
+        "back: streaked dark brown and rufous",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with rufous streaks",
+        "breast: warm rufous with dark streaks",
+        "crown: deep rufous with darker stripes",
+        "forehead: streaked black and rufous",
+        "eyes: dark with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous and white edging",
+        "nape: rufous with dark brown streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, rufous-edged with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-cream with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "black and tawny seedeater": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: tawny brown with streaks",
+        "breast: contrasting black and tawny hues",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: black with tawny edges",
+        "nape: black with a hint of tawny",
+        "tail: black with tawny outer feathers",
+        "throat: stark black patch"
+    ],
+    "black and white antbird": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white, with black streaks",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black and sleek",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and dark",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: black with white striping",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black stippling"
+    ],
+    "black and white becard": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, contrasting white",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white, round plumage",
+        "crown: black, smooth crest",
+        "forehead: black, curved outline",
+        "eyes: dark, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, charcoal grey",
+        "wings: bold black with white edges",
+        "nape: black, meets crown seamlessly",
+        "tail: long, black with white touches",
+        "throat: bright white, complements breast"
+    ],
+    "black and white bulbul": [
+        "back: black feathers with slight green iridescence",
+        "beak: short and sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: white plumage with neat black edges",
+        "breast: white feathers, leading into black sides",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black teardrop-shaped mark above eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white eyelids, bright gaze",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: black and white pattern, rounded shape",
+        "nape: black, smoothly blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: mostly black with white outer feathers, medium-length",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasted against black head"
+    ],
+    "black and white hawk eagle": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers, streamlined body",
+        "beak: powerful black hooked beak, yellow base",
+        "belly: white feathers, contrasting black streaks",
+        "breast: predominantly white, black flecks",
+        "crown: black feathers, prominent crest",
+        "forehead: white feathers, black markings",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, black outlines",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs, sharp talons",
+        "wings: massive black wings, white undersides",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers, white highlights",
+        "tail: long black feathers, white bands",
+        "throat: white feathers, subtle black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black and white mannikin": [
+        "back: black feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "beak: short, thick, and white",
+        "belly: white with a slight flare",
+        "breast: black and rounded",
+        "crown: black and smoothly curved",
+        "forehead: black with a slight indent",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slender and white",
+        "wings: dual-toned with white edges on black feathers",
+        "nape: black with a curved silhouette",
+        "tail: white-tipped black feathers, slightly fanned",
+        "throat: white and narrow"
+    ],
+    "black and white monarch": [
+        "back: black with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white with subtle black markings",
+        "breast: white with black patches",
+        "crown: black, bold stripe",
+        "forehead: white, small band",
+        "eyes: black, slightly hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white striping",
+        "nape: black, slight downward curve",
+        "tail: black and white, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: white with light black marks"
+    ],
+    "black and white monjita": [
+        "back: black-feathered upper body",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white, soft underbelly",
+        "breast: white, rounded chest",
+        "crown: black, slightly raised head feathers",
+        "forehead: black, appearing smooth",
+        "eyes: round, dark, on either side of the head",
+        "legs: slender, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black, white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, connecting seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: black, elongated, with white sides",
+        "throat: white, leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "black and white owl": [
+        "back: dark feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black beak",
+        "belly: predominantly white with black bands",
+        "breast: white with streaks of black",
+        "crown: rounded ebony plumage",
+        "forehead: white feathers with dispersed black markings",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy and feathered in dark hues",
+        "wings: expansive, black with white bars",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to dark",
+        "tail: lengthy, black with white bands",
+        "throat: white feathers with sparse markings"
+    ],
+    "black and white seedeater": [
+        "back: smooth black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, white, conical",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white bordered by black",
+        "crown: distinct black stripe",
+        "forehead: white, slightly fluffy",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: black feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black, long, and forked",
+        "throat: white contrasting with black breast"
+    ],
+    "black and white shrike flycatcher": [
+        "back: striking black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: clean white underparts",
+        "breast: white blending with black on wings",
+        "crown: prominent black cap",
+        "forehead: sleek black coloration",
+        "eyes: piercing black eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender black legs and feet",
+        "wings: long black feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: transition from black crown to white throat",
+        "tail: elongated black tail feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pristine white plumage"
+    ],
+    "black and white tanager": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, white beak",
+        "belly: white under-feathers",
+        "breast: contrasting white chest",
+        "crown: distinguished black cap",
+        "forehead: smooth black texture",
+        "eyes: sharp, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: slender white legs",
+        "wings: expansive black feathers",
+        "nape: smooth black neck",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: white, well-defined patch"
+    ],
+    "black and white tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with gray undertones",
+        "breast: white, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: black and glossy",
+        "forehead: black, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: black with small white markings",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray shading"
+    ],
+    "black and white triller": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white with a slight curve",
+        "crown: black with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a gentle slope",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long and slender, black",
+        "wings: black with contrasting white lines",
+        "nape: black and neatly feathered",
+        "tail: black with white edges, fanned",
+        "throat: white and smoothly feathered"
+    ],
+    "black and white casqued hornbill": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow-white casque",
+        "belly: snowy white plumage",
+        "breast: striking white feathers",
+        "crown: jet black with prominent casque",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting the casque",
+        "eyes: piercing dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: bold black with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: black with smooth transition to the wings",
+        "tail: elongated, white, and black central feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "black and yellow grosbeak": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: thick, conical yellow",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep black crest",
+        "forehead: bold black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, beady black",
+        "legs: sturdy grey",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: black plumage",
+        "tail: black with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black and yellow silky flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed yellow",
+        "belly: light yellow fluff",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black with a hint of gloss",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing dark with a distinct yellow ring",
+        "legs: slender, strong, and black",
+        "wings: black with a silky texture & yellow edges",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped black with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "black and yellow tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, strong, black",
+        "wings: black with yellow edging",
+        "nape: black with glossy sheen",
+        "tail: long, black, with yellow tips",
+        "throat: contrasting yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black backed antshrike": [
+        "back: black feathers with white streaking",
+        "beak: short, robust, pale grey or white",
+        "belly: light-grey or buff",
+        "breast: greyish-white or buff",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with small white fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by white eye ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale pink or grey",
+        "wings: black, edged with white tips",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white or light grey"
+    ],
+    "black backed barbet": [
+        "back: black-feathered with green sheen",
+        "beak: thick, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: vivid red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: vivid red",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: black with colorful patterns",
+        "nape: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: greenish-black with narrow banding",
+        "throat: yellow with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "black backed bittern": [
+        "back: dark grey with subtle spotting",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale with thin, dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with green sheen",
+        "forehead: white, merging into dark crown",
+        "eyes: round and yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellow-green",
+        "wings: mottled black and grey with broad white tips",
+        "nape: white, contrasting with dark crown",
+        "tail: long and dark with thin white bands",
+        "throat: white, connecting to belly"
+    ],
+    "black backed bush tanager": [
+        "back: yellowish-olive with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish",
+        "breast: yellow with faint black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black, narrow band separating crown and back",
+        "tail: black, elongated with a slight fork",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "black backed butcherbird": [
+        "back: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, silvery-grey",
+        "belly: off-white to light grey",
+        "breast: pale grey with darker streaks",
+        "crown: black with slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: thin, grey-black",
+        "wings: black with white spots near tips",
+        "nape: black, connects to back",
+        "tail: long, black with white band near tip",
+        "throat: light grey, contrasting with black head"
+    ],
+    "black backed cisticola": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, pale gray",
+        "belly: buff-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-buff, faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, streaked",
+        "forehead: dark brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, pale gray",
+        "wings: dark brown, short, rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, rounded, tipped white",
+        "throat: buff-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black backed dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright orange and fluffy",
+        "breast: rich, orange plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with black markings",
+        "forehead: striking blue with black patterns",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and piercing",
+        "legs: short and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black speckles",
+        "nape: deep blue with black accents",
+        "tail: blue with black bands, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vivid orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "black backed forktail": [
+        "back: black and white feathers pattern",
+        "beak: thin, straight, black",
+        "belly: clean white feathers",
+        "breast: white with distinct black central band",
+        "crown: solid black feathers",
+        "forehead: black with small white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, orange-brown",
+        "wings: black feathers with sleek white edging",
+        "nape: black feathers with white spots",
+        "tail: long, forked, black with white tip",
+        "throat: pure white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black backed fruit dove": [
+        "back: greenish-black with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short and dark gray",
+        "belly: light gray fading to white",
+        "breast: pinkish-purple hue",
+        "crown: dark greenish-black",
+        "forehead: small gray fluff of feathers",
+        "eyes: striking red-orange with a black pupil",
+        "legs: short and purple-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: metallic greenish-black tapering to a point",
+        "tail: greenish-black with white-bordered feathers",
+        "throat: pinkish-gray blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "black backed grosbeak": [
+        "back: black feathers with slight white flecks",
+        "beak: thick, conical, and pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: creamy white with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange fading to white",
+        "crown: black with a reddish-orange stripe",
+        "forehead: black, forming a mask around the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a black mask",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: black with white patches and orange edging",
+        "nape: black blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white transitioning to orange breast"
+    ],
+    "black backed oriole": [
+        "back: black plumage with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black with slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning into yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with black outline",
+        "legs: slender, black, and strong",
+        "wings: mostly black with splashes of white and yellow",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers",
+        "tail: black with white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black backed puffback": [
+        "back: black, fluffy feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, grayish",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: black, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: black, sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: small, bright, black",
+        "legs: short, gray, powerful",
+        "wings: black, distinct white markings",
+        "nape: black, connecting to back",
+        "tail: black, elongated, fan-like",
+        "throat: white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "black backed sibia": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp blackish-brown bill",
+        "belly: feathery white underside",
+        "breast: white plumage with black streaks",
+        "crown: smooth black crest",
+        "forehead: dark black feathers",
+        "eyes: inquisitive round black orbs",
+        "legs: strong gray legs and talons",
+        "wings: elongated black feathers with hints of blue",
+        "nape: black plumage with subtle blue markings",
+        "tail: long, sleek black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: contrasting white soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "black backed swamphen": [
+        "back: dark blue-violet plumage",
+        "beak: thick and red with yellow tip",
+        "belly: deep blue to purple feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue-violet plumage",
+        "crown: dark purplish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: red shield-like frontal",
+        "eyes: small and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, orange-red with large feet",
+        "wings: dark blue with white streaks",
+        "nape: purplish-blue feathering",
+        "tail: short, dark blue-violet feathers with white underside",
+        "throat: pale blue to lavender plumage"
+    ],
+    "black backed tanager": [
+        "back: black feathers with a greenish-blue sheen",
+        "beak: sharp and stout, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: bright red or orange",
+        "breast: vibrant red or orange feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: black feathers, seamlessly blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a thin black eye-line",
+        "legs: strong and slender, dark in color",
+        "wings: black with bright blue or green highlights",
+        "nape: black feathers continuing down from the crown",
+        "tail: long and black with a blue or green shimmer",
+        "throat: brilliant red or orange, matching the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "black backed thornbill": [
+        "back: dark iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "beak: long, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: bright metallic green",
+        "crown: gleaming green with bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: vibrant emerald green",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin black with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: deep metallic blue-green",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, black with contrasting white edges",
+        "throat: iridescent greenish-blue, fading to grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "black backed tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointy, black",
+        "belly: off-white with orange undertones",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black head feathers",
+        "forehead: black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark piercing",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: black primaries, white secondaries",
+        "nape: black, delicate neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black backed water tyrant": [
+        "back: black feathers, sleek appearance",
+        "beak: black, stout, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, well-defined plumage",
+        "crown: black, smooth cap",
+        "forehead: black, connected to crown",
+        "eyes: bright, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: black, wide, curved edges",
+        "nape: black, joins back and crown",
+        "tail: black, fan-like, sharp tips",
+        "throat: white, clean contrast with beak"
+    ],
+    "black banded barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant, green feather coverage",
+        "beak: thick, black and stout",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: bold, yellowish-green with black bands",
+        "crown: red to maroon coloring with black streaks",
+        "forehead: red to maroon shading",
+        "eyes: dark, deep-set with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant, green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with black streaks and markings",
+        "tail: long, green with black terminal band",
+        "throat: black-bordered, pale green-yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "black banded crake": [
+        "back: dark slate gray with black banding",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: grayish with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray to black",
+        "forehead: paler gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark gray with white streaks and black bars",
+        "nape: gray with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white edged feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black banded flycatcher": [
+        "back: solid black with streaks of green",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: clean white",
+        "crown: black with slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: black and white stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with black outline",
+        "legs: thin and greyish-black",
+        "wings: black with white and green bars",
+        "nape: black with subtle green shine",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white with light black markings"
+    ],
+    "black banded fruit dove": [
+        "back: dark green with black banding",
+        "beak: short, curved, and pale red",
+        "belly: grayish-green with black barring",
+        "breast: reddish-purple with black edges",
+        "crown: bright green and slightly iridescent",
+        "forehead: vibrant emerald green",
+        "eyes: dark with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and red-orange",
+        "wings: green with black and gray stripes",
+        "nape: deep green with fine black banding",
+        "tail: long, tapered, and dark green",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with minimal black markings"
+    ],
+    "black banded owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle black banding",
+        "beak: curved and sharp, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: off-white with black horizontal bands",
+        "breast: white with distinct black bands",
+        "crown: dark brown with black-bordered light streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "eyes: large and round, yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long and feathered, off-white with black bands",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint black bands, wide and rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with black bands",
+        "throat: white with denser black banding"
+    ],
+    "black banded woodcreeper": [
+        "back: rich brown with thin black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pale brownish-gray",
+        "belly: cream-colored with black bands",
+        "breast: white with bold black bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with black barring and white spots",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown, with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "black bellied antwren": [
+        "back: dark gray, feathered coat",
+        "beak: slim, straight, sharp point",
+        "belly: black, with white flecks",
+        "breast: black, with white streaks",
+        "crown: black, with gray accents",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray, with lighter edges",
+        "nape: dark gray, with thin white striping",
+        "tail: long, with dark gray, narrow feathers",
+        "throat: black, with white speckles"
+    ],
+    "black bellied bustard": [
+        "back: brownish-black plumage with fine white speckles",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: black with white and brown feather accents",
+        "breast: mixed pattern of black, white, and brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: sleek brown feathers with subtle white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive with a prominent brow ridge",
+        "legs: long and slender with a light grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: brown with a mix of white and black patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaking",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped with black and white barring",
+        "throat: whitish color with a black downward stripe on each side"
+    ],
+    "black bellied cicadabird": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with a hint of green",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: black with a subtle shine",
+        "breast: black, feathers slightly fluffed",
+        "crown: dark blue transitioning to black",
+        "forehead: deep blue with a darker outline",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: black, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: dark blue-green with black borders",
+        "nape: gradual transition from blue to black",
+        "tail: elongated, black with some dark blue-green",
+        "throat: black, blending into the belly color"
+    ],
+    "black bellied cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black upper, yellow lower",
+        "belly: black with white spots",
+        "breast: white, subtly streaked",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown, smooth",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round",
+        "legs: grey, strong",
+        "wings: grey-brown, long, pointed",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown, smooth",
+        "tail: long, dark, graduated",
+        "throat: white, streaked with grey"
+    ],
+    "black bellied firefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant red and black speckled pattern",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: rich black, extending to vent",
+        "breast: vivid scarlet hue, expanding to face",
+        "crown: fiery red with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant red, seamlessly blending with crown",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with red highlights, sleek feathers",
+        "nape: red, transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: black, medium length with slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: glowing red, connecting to breast and face"
+    ],
+    "black bellied gnateater": [
+        "back: dark olive-green color with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: deep black with smooth plumage",
+        "breast: black upper area transitioning into a white lower region",
+        "crown: vibrant rufous-red with sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: rufous-red color blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, pale pinkish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with blackish-brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich olive-green color blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting the black breast"
+    ],
+    "black bellied hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight",
+        "belly: shimmering black color",
+        "breast: iridescent dark blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with a slight shine",
+        "forehead: metallic green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown color",
+        "legs: short and thin, gray color",
+        "wings: rapid fluttering, elongated shape",
+        "nape: glossy green feathers",
+        "tail: narrow, forked shape with dark feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant purple with reflective sheen"
+    ],
+    "black bellied malkoha": [
+        "back: glossy olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, dark gray in color",
+        "belly: black with vibrant green markings",
+        "breast: black with greenish sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent dark green",
+        "forehead: dark green, seamlessly blending into crown",
+        "eyes: bright red, encircled by black rings",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with pale green bands",
+        "wings: large, rounded, iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "nape: dark green plumage continuing from crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with prominent green iridescence",
+        "throat: dark, glossy black with green undertones"
+    ],
+    "black bellied myzomela": [
+        "back: dark-grey plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: distinct black patch",
+        "breast: reddish-orange hue",
+        "crown: black-colored top",
+        "forehead: slightly darker feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black and bright",
+        "legs: short, black, and thin",
+        "wings: dark-grey with layered feathers",
+        "nape: black and reddish-orange blend",
+        "tail: medium-length with dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: mostly black with some reddish-orange"
+    ],
+    "black bellied sandgrouse": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: dark black with fine white spots",
+        "breast: buff colored with black spotting",
+        "crown: brownish-gray feathers, blending with back",
+        "forehead: buff with black specks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: short and grayish, with tiny scales",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brownish-gray with speckles",
+        "nape: brownish-gray feathers, consistent with back",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with faint barring, short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale buff with light speckling"
+    ],
+    "black bellied seedcracker": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale-colored",
+        "belly: black with reddish tones and white speckles",
+        "breast: reddish brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown with white flecks",
+        "eyes: blackish-brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale-colored",
+        "wings: dark brown with hints of reddish-brown and white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown and speckled white",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: reddish-brown with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black bellied seedeater": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: deep black with slight shine",
+        "breast: contrasting white and black",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: black, forming clear border with breast"
+    ],
+    "black bellied starling": [
+        "back: vibrant, iridescent blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: black, glossy feathers with purple sheen",
+        "breast: dark blend of blue, purple, and black feathers",
+        "crown: striking blue feathers with shine",
+        "forehead: bold blue feathers transitioning to black",
+        "eyes: round black eyes with alert expression",
+        "legs: long black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: blue and purple feathers transitioning to black",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with green-blue sheen",
+        "throat: deep black feathers with noticeable blue-purple tint"
+    ],
+    "black bellied storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark greyish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: black, slightly glossy",
+        "breast: dark greyish-black feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey, almost black",
+        "forehead: black, like a cap",
+        "eyes: small, black, hidden in feathers",
+        "legs: black, thin and long",
+        "wings: long, black, and pointed",
+        "nape: dark greyish-black, continuation of crown",
+        "tail: black, forked shape",
+        "throat: black, blending with belly"
+    ],
+    "black bellied sunbird": [
+        "back: glossy blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, down-curved",
+        "belly: deep black with a metallic shimmer",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: shining green",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: bright blue-green with metallic sheen",
+        "tail: long, black, and forked",
+        "throat: shimmering green-blue with red border"
+    ],
+    "black bellied tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: deep black with a slight shine",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers transitioning into black",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: strong, thin, and dark gray",
+        "wings: green feathers with black and blue markings",
+        "nape: green feathers blending into the crown",
+        "tail: black with blue-green edges",
+        "throat: black transitioning into the yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "black bellied tern": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, blackish-blue",
+        "belly: distinct black patch",
+        "breast: white and soft",
+        "crown: smooth greyish-black",
+        "forehead: light grey, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, red-orange",
+        "wings: long and narrow, grey and white",
+        "nape: grey, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: forked, sophisticated white feathers",
+        "throat: delicate white plumage"
+    ],
+    "black bellied thorntail": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: contrasting black color",
+        "breast: shimmering green plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant green feathers",
+        "forehead: shining green",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: short, slender, black",
+        "wings: elongated and tapered",
+        "nape: green feathered",
+        "tail: long, thin, filament-like extensions",
+        "throat: bright white patch"
+    ],
+    "black bellied whistling duck": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "beak: bright coral-orange color, long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep chestnut color, distinct from breast",
+        "breast: gray with slight pinkish-brown hue, contrasting with belly",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown, smooth and rounded",
+        "forehead: dark gray-brown, blending into crown and nape",
+        "eyes: large and dark with pale white eyering",
+        "legs: long, coral-orange, suited for walking and swimming",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown with slight green sheen, white wing stripe visible in flight",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown, continuous with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray-brown with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "black bellied wren": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved; blackish-brown in color",
+        "belly: deep black with a slight glossy shine",
+        "breast: dark brown, transitioning to black at the lower region",
+        "crown: dark brown with black streaks and spots",
+        "forehead: short blackish-brown feathers, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with black barring and white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, black with prominent white tips and edges",
+        "throat: black, transitioning to dark brown near the breast area"
+    ],
+    "black belted flowerpecker": [
+        "back: dark blueish-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale white to light grey",
+        "breast: orange-rust colored patch",
+        "crown: deep blueish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: dark blueish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: dark blueish-black with slight iridescence",
+        "nape: deep blueish-black feathers",
+        "tail: short blueish-black feathers",
+        "throat: light grey merging to orange-rust breast color"
+    ],
+    "black bibbed cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, medium-length, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with gray tinges",
+        "breast: light gray with a transverse black bib",
+        "crown: dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grayish-black",
+        "eyes: small, beady and black",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, slender, and dark grayish-black",
+        "nape: dark grayish-black with a slight collar",
+        "tail: narrow, elongated, dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with black bib merging from the breast"
+    ],
+    "black bibbed monarch": [
+        "back: dark, blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-white hue",
+        "breast: light gray with blue undertones",
+        "crown: striking black crest",
+        "forehead: bright white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, guarded by black eyeliners",
+        "legs: slender with gray-black coloring",
+        "wings: black and blue, white patch highlights",
+        "nape: rufous, brownish-orange shade",
+        "tail: black, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: distinctive black bib marking"
+    ],
+    "black bibbed tit": [
+        "back: sleek, charcoal-colored feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: snowy white with yellow undertones",
+        "breast: striking white with a black stripe down the middle",
+        "crown: black and glossy, extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: adorned with a sharp black marking",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: agile gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with contrasting white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: continuous black crown, sleek and elegant",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, and black with white edges",
+        "throat: white blending into the black bib"
+    ],
+    "black billed barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with red streaks",
+        "breast: red with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue with thin black border",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: light gray with sturdy feet",
+        "wings: green with blue tips and black markings",
+        "nape: yellow-green fading into the blue crown",
+        "tail: greenish-blue with black bars",
+        "throat: yellow-green with red streaks"
+    ],
+    "black billed capercaillie": [
+        "back: rusty brown with black barring",
+        "beak: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: grayish-white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: glossy, dark green-black",
+        "crown: black with greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: black with greenish-blue highlights",
+        "eyes: small and deep red",
+        "legs: feathered, gray with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: brown with thick black stripes",
+        "nape: black with glossy green sheen",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black-brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: iridescent green-black"
+    ],
+    "black billed cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: solid black, curved slightly downwards",
+        "belly: lighter gray-white hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white, blending in with belly",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly darker grayish-brown hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by lighter feathering",
+        "legs: slender, black, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown, broad, rounded tips",
+        "nape: light gray-white hue, with a slight curve",
+        "tail: long, dark gray-brown, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale, grayish-white, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "black billed flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark grayish-green feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-gray markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender black limbs",
+        "wings: blackish-green flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: dark, forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "black billed gull": [
+        "back: smooth grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: white with some grey spots",
+        "crown: grey feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black, with white rings around them",
+        "legs: thin, black, and long",
+        "wings: broad and grey, with black tips",
+        "nape: light grey plumage, transitioning to darker grey",
+        "tail: white with a black subterminal band",
+        "throat: soft white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black billed koel": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with some dark streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black with subtle green sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin black eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed with dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "nape: black with a slightly glossy green sheen",
+        "tail: long and dark with subtle green iridescence",
+        "throat: light gray with a hint of streaks"
+    ],
+    "black billed mountain toucan": [
+        "back: black, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, black and white edges",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: black, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: black, smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black, spread out like a fan",
+        "nape: black, soft-feathered",
+        "tail: long, black with yellow and blue tips",
+        "throat: black, narrow, and sleek"
+    ],
+    "black billed nightingale thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white underside",
+        "breast: slightly spotted pale brown",
+        "crown: smooth olive-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: plain olive-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, black, and medium-length",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: continuous olive-brown shading",
+        "tail: moderately long, brownish-black",
+        "throat: pale with faint brown spots"
+    ],
+    "black billed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved black upper and lower mandibles",
+        "belly: bright green and yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft green feathers blending into the belly",
+        "crown: emerald green with a slight curve",
+        "forehead: bright green fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a small white ring",
+        "legs: strong grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: strong green feathers with blue tinges",
+        "nape: rich green feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, green and blue-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: soft green feathers, lighter than rest of body"
+    ],
+    "black billed peppershrike": [
+        "back: dark olive-green hue",
+        "beak: black, sharp, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish tone",
+        "breast: light olive-green",
+        "crown: grayish, slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray",
+        "eyes: black, beady",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark green, faint markings",
+        "nape: grayish-green color",
+        "tail: long, black, subtle fork",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "black billed scythebill": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black curved like a scythe",
+        "belly: pale with brownish-black streaks",
+        "breast: light buff with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with a slight pale streak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-black with faint pale markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with slight pale streaks",
+        "throat: buff with brownish-black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black billed seed finch": [
+        "back: olive greenish brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical black bill",
+        "belly: pale buff to whitish underparts",
+        "breast: light brownish gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark brownish gray plumage",
+        "forehead: brownish gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes surrounded by off-white eye rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish brown",
+        "wings: olive brown feathers with buffy white edging",
+        "nape: brownish gray plumage",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with slight white edging",
+        "throat: light brownish gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "black billed shrike tyrant": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with greyish flanks",
+        "breast: white with dark grey streaks",
+        "crown: black with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: black, seamlessly merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and black",
+        "wings: grey with black edges and white patches",
+        "nape: dark grey, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "black billed sicklebill": [
+        "back: iridescent green and bronze",
+        "beak: long, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light brown with hint of green",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: long, green-bronze feathers",
+        "nape: bronzy-green sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, curved wire-like",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "black billed streamertail": [
+        "back: iridescent green",
+        "beak: long, black and curved",
+        "belly: white, with green accents",
+        "breast: shimmering green",
+        "crown: shining green, feathered",
+        "forehead: bright green, feathered",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green, long and narrow",
+        "nape: bright green, feathered",
+        "tail: two long black streamers",
+        "throat: shiny green with white edges"
+    ],
+    "black billed thrush": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong black bill",
+        "belly: pale white to buffy with brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with muted spotting",
+        "crown: smooth reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive black",
+        "legs: sturdy brown-black",
+        "wings: long, brown with buffy or white edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, connects with the crown",
+        "tail: fan-like, brown with buffy tips",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "black billed treehunter": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: dull yellowish-green underside",
+        "breast: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-gray fading to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: greenish-black with slight barring",
+        "nape: greenish-gray merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long, greenish-black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-green with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "black billed turaco": [
+        "back: deep green plumage",
+        "beak: black, strong, curved",
+        "belly: bright green feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: fiery red crest",
+        "forehead: green feathers, red border",
+        "eyes: dark-colored, medium-sized",
+        "legs: black, sturdy, scaled",
+        "wings: broad, long, green",
+        "nape: deep green with a hint of red",
+        "tail: long green feathers with red tips",
+        "throat: green, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "black billed weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white underparts",
+        "breast: lighter olive-green plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: small patch of black feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue legs and clawed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, olive-green with flight feathers outlined in black",
+        "nape: transition between yellow crown and olive-green back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark feathers with pointed tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-white coloration extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "black billed wood dove": [
+        "back: shades of brown and grey feathers with a green sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved black bill",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: pinkish-grey hue with black spots",
+        "crown: blackish-green iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a green gloss",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, reddish-pink limbs",
+        "wings: brown and grey with black markings and green iridescence",
+        "nape: green-tinged black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "black billed woodhoopoe": [
+        "back: deep metallic blue-green sheen",
+        "beak: long and dark black",
+        "belly: dusky blue-black",
+        "breast: dark blue with purple undertones",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: shiny metallic blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, nearly black",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: glossy blue-black, elongated",
+        "nape: blue-green sheen, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and iridescent, blue-black color",
+        "throat: dark blue, slightly lighter than the belly"
+    ],
+    "black bodied woodpecker": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: solid black plumage",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant red patch",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-colored",
+        "wings: black with white barring",
+        "nape: black, blending into red crown",
+        "tail: long, black, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: contrastingly white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black breasted barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, powerful, and red",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: distinct black band",
+        "crown: red and blue feathers",
+        "forehead: blue feathers with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and equipped with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with blue tips and red patches",
+        "nape: blue and green feathers blending",
+        "tail: green with blue ends and elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: red plumage with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "black breasted boatbill": [
+        "back: dark black plumage",
+        "beak: short and wide, hooked tip",
+        "belly: lighter shades of gray",
+        "breast: distinct black band",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: black with slight gray markings",
+        "eyes: small and bright, blackish-brown",
+        "legs: thin and long, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white patch",
+        "nape: black with subtle gray streaks",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, slightly puffed"
+    ],
+    "black breasted buttonquail": [
+        "back: black, brown, and white speckled feathers",
+        "beak: short and pale yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: white with black spots and bars",
+        "breast: black with white spots and bars",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white speckling on black background",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: light gray with long, slender toes",
+        "wings: mottled black, brown, and white feathers",
+        "nape: black and white streaked pattern",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped with bold black and white bars",
+        "throat: white with black spotting"
+    ],
+    "black breasted gnateater": [
+        "back: olive-grey with blackish markings",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: white or pale grey",
+        "breast: black with white bars",
+        "crown: slate-grey with blackish edges",
+        "forehead: dark grey with blackish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, with pale grey eyering",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-grey, with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-grey, merging into the crown",
+        "tail: olive-grey with black bars",
+        "throat: white; sharply contrasting with black breast"
+    ],
+    "black breasted hillstar": [
+        "back: iridescent green shimmer",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: black with bright violet patch",
+        "crown: shimmering green feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent green shine",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: elongated, dark, and pointed",
+        "nape: radiant green coloration",
+        "tail: forked, long, and black",
+        "throat: green with a violet sheen"
+    ],
+    "black breasted kite": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: white to pale gray",
+        "breast: black, contrast with the belly",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers blend into the crown",
+        "eyes: intense, yellow-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, and scaled",
+        "wings: broad, black with white spots",
+        "nape: black feathers continue from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white bands",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "black breasted munia": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: black feathers blending into the chest",
+        "breast: striking black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, dark brown feathered top",
+        "forehead: small and dark brown",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, gray-legged with tiny black claws",
+        "wings: brown and black feathers, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, pointy, and dark brown to black feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers merging into breast area"
+    ],
+    "black breasted myzomela": [
+        "back: dark grey with faint olive hue",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light grey with pale shading",
+        "breast: vibrant black with sharp contrast",
+        "crown: dark grey with sleek texture",
+        "forehead: prominent, greyish-black",
+        "eyes: small, black, bead-like",
+        "legs: thin, wiry, dark grey",
+        "wings: elongated, dark grey with light feather edging",
+        "nape: greyish-olive blending into back",
+        "tail: dark grey with visible light feather edging",
+        "throat: deep black with seamless transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "black breasted parrotbill": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short and thick, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white",
+        "breast: black patch with a white border",
+        "crown: chestnut with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with fine white streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with lighter markings",
+        "tail: long and dark brown",
+        "throat: white with pale black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black breasted puffleg": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: fluffy black plume",
+        "breast: black with metallic sheen",
+        "crown: shiny green cap",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: medium-sized, green and black",
+        "nape: green and black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, dark green and black feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green patch"
+    ],
+    "black breasted thrush": [
+        "back: dark slate grey, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: creamy white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: black, distinctly contrasting",
+        "crown: dark grey, gently sloping",
+        "forehead: grey, feathers converging",
+        "eyes: alert, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish hue",
+        "wings: grey, medium length, folded neatly",
+        "nape: grey, distinct feather contour",
+        "tail: grey, slightly forked, well-rounded",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "black breasted weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, silver-grey",
+        "belly: creamy yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking black band",
+        "crown: bright yellow crest",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, shiny",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow, blending into olive-green",
+        "tail: short, dark, fan-like",
+        "throat: bold black patch"
+    ],
+    "black breasted wood quail": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint black barring",
+        "breast: deep black feathers with subtle texture",
+        "crown: black plumes with a crest-like shape",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers extending from beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and slightly shiny",
+        "legs: skinny, grayish-black with strong toes",
+        "wings: short, rounded, displaying black feathers with lighter edges",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning into neck and back",
+        "tail: short and square-shaped with black feather tips",
+        "throat: black and narrow, connecting the head and breast"
+    ],
+    "black browed albatross": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, strong, light grey with a yellow-orange tip",
+        "belly: white, smooth plumage",
+        "breast: white, feathers blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray-black feathers, continuous with the back",
+        "forehead: white, extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with a distinctive black eyebrow-like line",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, black-grey with a white leading edge",
+        "nape: blackish-grey feathers, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: black, wedge-shaped short feathers",
+        "throat: white, finely feathered starting from lower beak"
+    ],
+    "black browed barbet": [
+        "back: green with yellow streaks",
+        "beak: thick, red and slightly curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow-green",
+        "breast: bright yellow with green patches",
+        "crown: blue with black-browed stripe",
+        "forehead: blue and black striped pattern",
+        "eyes: white with black pupil, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: dull grey with blue-green tinges",
+        "wings: green with yellow and blue patterns",
+        "nape: green with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: long, green with yellow and blue accents",
+        "throat: yellow with a hint of green"
+    ],
+    "black browed fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sturdy gray-black bill",
+        "belly: off-white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: black and well-defined",
+        "forehead: black stripe extending from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: black with distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, slender and powerful",
+        "wings: olive-brown feathers with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown with slight white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "black browed mountain greenbul": [
+        "back: sleek, dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green, soft plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant green, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: deep black with a prominent brow",
+        "forehead: contrasting black against green body",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: strong, dark olive-green feathers with lighter edges",
+        "nape: dark olive-green, gently sloping neckline",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers with narrow white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "black browed reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers, well-camouflaged",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, dark in color",
+        "belly: off-white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: beige with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with black stripe",
+        "forehead: black eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: brown with blackish streaks",
+        "tail: brownish, square-tipped, short",
+        "throat: whitish with some brown markings"
+    ],
+    "black browed tit": [
+        "back: dark, greyish-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, blackish color",
+        "belly: white with grey streaks",
+        "breast: white and greyish-black feathers",
+        "crown: black with thin white line",
+        "forehead: black with white streak",
+        "eyes: black, rounded, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-black",
+        "wings: greyish-black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, greyish-black, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "black browed triller": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with slight streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green to yellowish hue",
+        "crown: black with distinct white eyebrows",
+        "forehead: black and slightly glossy",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by expressive white eyerings",
+        "legs: medium-length, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark olive-green, edged with white",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips and outer edges",
+        "throat: yellowish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "black capped antwren": [
+        "back: greenish-black with slight sheen",
+        "beak: thin and curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: white to light grey, blending with belly",
+        "crown: black with a glossy cap",
+        "forehead: black, extending to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a subtle white ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, dark grey",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-black, connecting with the back",
+        "tail: long and slender, greenish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black forehead and crown"
+    ],
+    "black capped apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-green",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and sleek",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edging",
+        "nape: black, transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasted with black cap"
+    ],
+    "black capped babbler": [
+        "back: dark brown color with mild streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: deep black with a distinct cap",
+        "forehead: black, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: alert, dark surrounded by a light gray ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter edgings",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with subtle white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with indistinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "black capped becard": [
+        "back: dark grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: prominent black cap",
+        "forehead: black plumage blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender limbs",
+        "wings: long and rounded, grayish-green with black edging",
+        "nape: dark grayish-green plumage, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, grayish-green with black barring and whitish tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black capped bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: light beige with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with hint of grey",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight tuft",
+        "forehead: deep black merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with bold black flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition between black crown and olive-green back",
+        "tail: long, dark with olive-green tinges",
+        "throat: light greyish-yellow with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "black capped donacobius": [
+        "back: black and glossy feathers",
+        "beak: pointed and blackish-gray in color",
+        "belly: buff-yellow feathers with black streaking",
+        "breast: buff-yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with slight iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: glossy black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with small white patch at base of primaries",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: long and black, often fanned out slightly",
+        "throat: white with black lower edge"
+    ],
+    "black capped flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark grey and black-patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grey and white plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: distinct black cap on the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin and black with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: black and grey with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers behind the crown",
+        "tail: long and black with white edges on each feather",
+        "throat: white or pale grey with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black capped foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: light whitish-buff color",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black cap with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with narrow white supercilium",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and greyish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter covert feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long with square-ended brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale whitish-buff with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "black capped gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underside",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: black cap on head",
+        "forehead: black feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, black, and agile",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: gray feathers with black cap edge",
+        "tail: dark, long, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light gray feathering"
+    ],
+    "black capped hemispingus": [
+        "back: olive green with streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and conical, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: solid black cap",
+        "forehead: contrasting black against pale face",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: blackish with white bars",
+        "nape: olive green, connecting to black cap",
+        "tail: dark with noticeable white corners",
+        "throat: pale white-yellow with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black capped kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, bright red-orange",
+        "belly: white, slightly rounded",
+        "breast: white, meets blue-green wings",
+        "crown: black, well-defined cap",
+        "forehead: black, transitions to blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, outlined in black",
+        "legs: reddish-orange, short and strong",
+        "wings: blue-green, curved and pointed",
+        "nape: blue-green, connects crown to back",
+        "tail: blue-green, proportionate length",
+        "throat: white, contrasts with black cap"
+    ],
+    "black capped lory": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers with blue hints",
+        "beak: strong, orange curved bill",
+        "belly: deep red plumage with black edges",
+        "breast: red feathers with hints of black",
+        "crown: black feathers covering head top",
+        "forehead: black feathered area above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, round, and attentive",
+        "legs: strong, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: red upperparts with black-tipped edges",
+        "nape: red and black-bordered feathers",
+        "tail: elongated red and black feathers",
+        "throat: contrasting black feathers against red chest"
+    ],
+    "black capped paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, medium-length and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with fine rufous striping",
+        "breast: vibrant rufous red",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight blue-green sheen",
+        "forehead: shining black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and black with strong feet",
+        "wings: deep blue-green with black tips and white stripe",
+        "nape: glossy black transitioning to iridescent blue-green",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and white with blue-green central feathers",
+        "throat: bright, clean white"
+    ],
+    "black capped parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, and cream-colored",
+        "belly: pale green or light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: mix of green and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black cap covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: area under the black cap, bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green with blue or dark green edges",
+        "nape: transitioning from black cap to green body feathers",
+        "tail: long, green with blue or yellowish tips",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow feathers, sometimes with a lighter patch"
+    ],
+    "black capped petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, black, and slender",
+        "belly: white with light grey sides",
+        "breast: white with black flecks",
+        "crown: black covering the head",
+        "forehead: black, extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, with black surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: pale pink with black webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, black, and scythe-shaped",
+        "nape: black and greyish mix",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white band",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to black on the upper breast"
+    ],
+    "black capped piprites": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: light gray to white underside",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black cap on the head",
+        "forehead: black extending from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a thin, pale eyering",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two faint yellowish wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning from the back",
+        "tail: short, rounded, olive-green",
+        "throat: grayish-white under the beak"
+    ],
+    "black capped pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black cap with white edges",
+        "forehead: dark black patch",
+        "eyes: black dots on white background",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown appendages",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: short, pale olive with white tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black capped rufous warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green to rufous",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: white with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: rich rufous color",
+        "crown: black with creamy stripe",
+        "forehead: black with white borders",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: pale pink to reddish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green shading to rufous",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "black capped screech owl": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown feathering",
+        "beak: sharp, black, curved",
+        "belly: light grey with darker streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint barring",
+        "crown: mottled dark grey and light grey",
+        "forehead: light grey blending with crown",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, piercing",
+        "legs: feathered grey, strong",
+        "wings: dark greyish-brown with light grey barring",
+        "nape: mottled dark grey with light grey streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey with light grey horizontal bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "black capped siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: pale grayish-yellow hue",
+        "breast: soft and yellowish-olive",
+        "crown: black cap extending to nape",
+        "forehead: black, merging with cap",
+        "eyes: round black with white ring",
+        "legs: dainty, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: dark, streaked, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of black cap",
+        "tail: black feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale, olive-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "black capped social weaver": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with black",
+        "beak: relatively short, hooked, and blackish-grey",
+        "belly: greyish-white and faintly streaked",
+        "breast: pale grey with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a distinctive cap",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the cap",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and light brown",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white spots and grey edges",
+        "nape: brown, streaked, and blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "black capped sparrow": [
+        "back: contrasting gray and brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark, and conical",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathering",
+        "crown: black cap atop head",
+        "forehead: black continuation of crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown feathers",
+        "tail: brown and notched",
+        "throat: white with grayish sides"
+    ],
+    "black capped speirops": [
+        "back: dark grey with streaks of black and white",
+        "beak: short, stout black beak",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: distinct black cap",
+        "forehead: black leading into cap",
+        "eyes: expressive dark eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-grey, slender legs",
+        "wings: grey with dark grey and white accents",
+        "nape: dark grey with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with faint white edging",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, speckled"
+    ],
+    "black capped swallow": [
+        "back: iridescent bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black",
+        "belly: clean white underside",
+        "breast: white transitioning to bluish-black",
+        "crown: black cap extending to eye level",
+        "forehead: black merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark-grey limbs",
+        "wings: long, sleek, and bluish-black",
+        "nape: iridescent bluish-black feathers",
+        "tail: forked with elongated feathers, bluish-black",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "black capped tanager": [
+        "back: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and conical",
+        "belly: vibrant sky blue",
+        "breast: rich bright blue",
+        "crown: black with a tinge of blue",
+        "forehead: glossy black color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: turquoise-blue with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black central feathers with hues of blue",
+        "throat: deep black, contrasting with the blue breast"
+    ],
+    "black capped tinamou": [
+        "back: blackish-brown with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown",
+        "breast: dark gray with fine white barring",
+        "crown: black with greenish gloss",
+        "forehead: black, fading to gray on the sides",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: bluish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short and rounded, blackish-brown with greenish sheen",
+        "nape: black with greenish gloss",
+        "tail: short and blackish-brown with faint white barring",
+        "throat: white with dark gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "black capped tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white with olive tinge",
+        "crown: plain black cap",
+        "forehead: faint white eyestripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-green, darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight gray wash",
+        "tail: long, slender, dark olive-brown",
+        "throat: grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black capped warbling finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, and black",
+        "belly: whitish grey with sparse streaks",
+        "breast: dull grey with faint black streaks",
+        "crown: black cap extending from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: black, part of the black cap",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey, with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black feather edges",
+        "nape: black, connecting to the black cap",
+        "tail: black outer feathers, greyish-brown inner feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "black capped white eye": [
+        "back: olive green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint gray markings",
+        "breast: white with grayish undertones",
+        "crown: black with white markings",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blue-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: olive green with black streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-gray with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white with grayish shading"
+    ],
+    "black capped woodland warbler": [
+        "back: deep olive-green hue",
+        "beak: fine, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: creamy-white coloration",
+        "breast: yellowish-white tint",
+        "crown: distinct black cap",
+        "forehead: black merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, prominent, encircled with white",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with fine dark streaks",
+        "nape: greenish, continuous with back",
+        "tail: long, dark, olive-shaded feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "black casqued hornbill": [
+        "back: black feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: large, curved, ivory-colored casque",
+        "belly: dark grey feathers with creamy-yellow edging",
+        "breast: black feathers with a slight shine",
+        "crown: black, topped with a large ivory-colored casque",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers leading to the casque",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: short, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, black feathers with white stripes",
+        "nape: black feathers descending gracefully down the neck",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: dark grey feathers transitioning to the belly"
+    ],
+    "black cheeked ant tanager": [
+        "back: deep black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, silver-gray edges",
+        "belly: bright red patch",
+        "breast: black with red highlights",
+        "crown: black, sleek plumage",
+        "forehead: black with red undertones",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black feathers with white trim",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to red",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: intense red plumage"
+    ],
+    "black cheeked gnateater": [
+        "back: dark greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, dark gray color",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: black with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with a cheek patch",
+        "forehead: black with a slender white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black outline",
+        "legs: strong and featherless, grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: brown with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: dark greenish-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long with brown and white stripes",
+        "throat: black with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "black cheeked lovebird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, orange-red",
+        "belly: rich yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black with blue tint",
+        "forehead: striking black patch",
+        "eyes: round, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong and slender",
+        "wings: vivid green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: radiant green feathering",
+        "tail: emerald green with bright red tips",
+        "throat: deep black contrasting with chest"
+    ],
+    "black cheeked mountain tanager": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with turquoise sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, black in color",
+        "belly: bright turquoise with iridescent feathers",
+        "breast: deep blue with teal shading",
+        "crown: rich blue with a vibrant sheen",
+        "forehead: dark blue merging to the crown",
+        "eyes: deep brown with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black with powerful claws",
+        "wings: deep blue with turquoise edges",
+        "nape: dark blue blending to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with teal edging",
+        "throat: bright yellow contrasting with surrounding blue"
+    ],
+    "black cheeked warbler": [
+        "back: black streaks on olive-green",
+        "beak: sharp and thin, black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with black markings",
+        "crown: black and yellow stripes pattern",
+        "forehead: black with yellow markings",
+        "eyes: round, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark olive-green, with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "black cheeked waxbill": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle darker streaks",
+        "beak: black and conical",
+        "belly: whitish to pale gray",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black chevrons",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, bordered with black",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: gray-brown with black-streaked coverts",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: dark brown, edged with gray-brown",
+        "throat: black, extending to the cheeks"
+    ],
+    "black cheeked woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-shaped, relatively short",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: black and white striped pattern, bold",
+        "crown: bright red plumage, distinct",
+        "forehead: red and black feathers, striking",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like, with white circles",
+        "legs: grayish with long, sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spotting, strong",
+        "nape: black with white barring, short feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white spots",
+        "throat: creamy white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "black chested buzzard eagle": [
+        "back: dark gray, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: light gray, soft feathering",
+        "breast: black, distinctive chest patch",
+        "crown: dark gray, well-defined feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray, fading to darker feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: strong, featherless, yellow",
+        "wings: broad, black, and white-tipped",
+        "nape: light gray, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: black, long, with white bands",
+        "throat: light gray, smooth, narrow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black chested fruiteater": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and strong, yellow to orange color",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers with spots",
+        "breast: striking black feathers with patches of white",
+        "crown: black and smooth with slight gloss",
+        "forehead: slight curve with black glossy feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and rather small, with an alert expression",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray, slightly curved claws",
+        "wings: deep black feathers with white edging",
+        "nape: black and glossy, slightly elongated feathers",
+        "tail: long black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish color with black and white pattern"
+    ],
+    "black chested honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark greenish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: pale grey underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant black chest band",
+        "crown: dark greenish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: deep black, bright eyes",
+        "legs: slim, grey legs",
+        "wings: dark greenish-grey with slight iridescence",
+        "nape: greenish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: dark greenish-grey feathery tail",
+        "throat: soft white plumage"
+    ],
+    "black chested jay": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-blue feathers",
+        "breast: striking black chest band",
+        "crown: deep blue, semi-crested appearance",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue hues",
+        "tail: long and blue, with black tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "black chested mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with iridescent green highlights",
+        "beak: strong, medium-length, and black in color",
+        "belly: deep black feathers reaching down to the legs",
+        "breast: brightly colored with an eye-catching mix of red and orange hues",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: intense blue feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and beady with black pupils, surrounded by a thin ring of white",
+        "legs: stout and sturdy, covered in black scales",
+        "wings: long and powerful, showcasing an array of blue and green hues",
+        "nape: gracefully blending from the crown's blue-green to the back's deep blue shades",
+        "tail: dark blue feathers with a green iridescence, fanning out behind the bird",
+        "throat: deep black feathers smoothly transitioning to the bright breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "black chested prinia": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with a black band across",
+        "crown: grey-brown with an elongated crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: grey-brown and smooth",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black chested snake eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong black curved bill",
+        "belly: light cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: striking black feathers",
+        "crown: rounded dark brown head",
+        "forehead: smooth brown plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy yellow legs",
+        "wings: expansive dark brown wingspan",
+        "nape: sleek brown feathers",
+        "tail: long brown feathers with faint bands",
+        "throat: pale cream-colored plumage"
+    ],
+    "black chested sparrow": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, grayish color",
+        "belly: light cream with brown spots",
+        "breast: distinct black patch contrasting light underparts",
+        "crown: dark brown peak with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: light brown merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown, scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars at tips",
+        "nape: similar brown color as the back with streakings",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, with white edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black breast"
+    ],
+    "black chested tyrant": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: black chested patch",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small and bright",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: mid-length, dark gray",
+        "nape: smooth gray transition",
+        "tail: long and thin, gray",
+        "throat: light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "black chinned antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with greyish streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with dark markings",
+        "crown: black with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: dark grey feathers",
+        "eyes: black and piercing, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: dark grey with faint white markings",
+        "nape: charcoal grey with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: long and dark grey, with faint white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with a hint of iridescence"
+    ],
+    "black chinned babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, gray-black",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-gray",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and narrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, bright",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, smooth",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brown",
+        "throat: black distinct patch"
+    ],
+    "black chinned fruit dove": [
+        "back: olive green with hints of blue",
+        "beak: short and curved, grayish color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: vibrant purple and green gradient",
+        "crown: iridescent bluish-green",
+        "forehead: bright yellow merging into green",
+        "eyes: dark with gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, red with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive green tinged with blue shades",
+        "nape: shiny golden green",
+        "tail: elongated with olive green and blue hues",
+        "throat: vivid purple with plum-colored undertones"
+    ],
+    "black chinned honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark, streaked olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow tinted white",
+        "breast: greyish-white shading to yellow",
+        "crown: black patch with subtle purple iridescence",
+        "forehead: bright yellow band above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, attentive gaze surrounded by off-white markings",
+        "legs: skinny legs with sharp, gripping claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with a tint of yellow and fine white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers fading to black at the edges",
+        "tail: long, dark finely-barred tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow patch contrasting with the black chin"
+    ],
+    "black chinned monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: greyish-black, slender and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter sky-blue coloration",
+        "breast: rich royal blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep black with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black with a bluish tinge",
+        "eyes: dark, perceptive, and round",
+        "legs: greyish-black slender limbs",
+        "wings: striking blue with black edges",
+        "nape: brilliant blue contrasting with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with blue accents",
+        "throat: deep black transitioning into blue breast"
+    ],
+    "black chinned mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: small but strong, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: intense blue feathers fading into emerald green",
+        "breast: brilliant turquoise merging into yellow",
+        "crown: vivid blue with black outlines",
+        "forehead: radiant blue with subtle black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: striking mix of blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue with hints of black markings",
+        "tail: elongated, lustrous blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: golden yellow blending into turquoise"
+    ],
+    "black chinned robin": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: delicate orange-red hue",
+        "crown: deep black, glossy",
+        "forehead: black with a touch of iridescence",
+        "eyes: bright, black beady orbs",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark grey flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, matching crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: radiant black, shiny"
+    ],
+    "black chinned siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and gray in color",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green underside",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers on the chest",
+        "crown: dark gray cap on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smaller area above the beak; dark gray",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled with faint grayish-white rings",
+        "legs: slender and gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black-edged feathers and hints of yellow",
+        "nape: area between the crown and back, olive-green in color",
+        "tail: long, forked, and covered in dark gray feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, extending to the sides of the head"
+    ],
+    "black chinned weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: black, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black cap-like pattern",
+        "forehead: black streak running to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black markings",
+        "nape: olive-green, blend with back",
+        "tail: dark with olive green tinge",
+        "throat: black chin, yellowish-white throat"
+    ],
+    "black chinned whistler": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with pale yellow undertone",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint yellow hues",
+        "crown: olive-green with black stripe",
+        "forehead: black chin blending into greenish crown",
+        "eyes: black, small and alert",
+        "legs: pale pink, strong and slender",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with prominent yellow patches",
+        "nape: greenish olive, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-green with black accents",
+        "throat: striking black chin, grayish-white below"
+    ],
+    "black chinned yuhina": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black crest, extending to nape",
+        "forehead: bright yellow band",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black, connected to crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black chin"
+    ],
+    "black collared apalis": [
+        "back: dark grey feathered",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light gray patch",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: grey-black, medium-sized",
+        "nape: black with white collar",
+        "tail: long, grey-black feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "black collared barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant red with black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, greyish horn color",
+        "belly: bright red plumage",
+        "breast: scarlet red feathers",
+        "crown: black with slight feather crest",
+        "forehead: white band above beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: greyish-blue and strong",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: black collar connecting to wings",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white patch under beak"
+    ],
+    "black collared bulbul": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: blackish-grey blend",
+        "crown: slightly raised crest, black",
+        "forehead: smooth transition to crown, black",
+        "eyes: brown, encircled with black feathers",
+        "legs: short, dark grey",
+        "wings: black with prominent white tips",
+        "nape: smooth black curve towards wings",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white edges",
+        "throat: full black plumage"
+    ],
+    "black collared hawk": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: white with fine streaks",
+        "crown: black, rounded",
+        "forehead: white, contrast with crown",
+        "eyes: intense, yellow",
+        "legs: long, yellow",
+        "wings: broad, dark, with white patches",
+        "nape: black, collar-like",
+        "tail: black and white bands",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black collared jay": [
+        "back: dark blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: black crest with a small white patch",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, black and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark blue-grey with black primaries",
+        "nape: black feathers with distinct white collar",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey with black tips",
+        "throat: pale grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "black collared lovebird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp, beige color",
+        "belly: soft green hue",
+        "breast: bright orange plumage",
+        "crown: reddish-brown top feathers",
+        "forehead: orange-reddish feathers",
+        "eyes: beady black and alert",
+        "legs: thin and gray, ending in claws",
+        "wings: vivid green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: black collar-like marking",
+        "tail: long, green with black tips",
+        "throat: orangish-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "black collared starling": [
+        "back: glossy black with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "beak: sturdy and slightly curved, yellow-orange hue",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: white with subtle black stripes",
+        "crown: iridescent black and beautifully sleek",
+        "forehead: shiny black with an elegant shine",
+        "eyes: dark brown, bright and watchful",
+        "legs: slender, well-defined and pale orange",
+        "wings: glistening black with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "nape: black featuring an eye-catching white collar",
+        "tail: long and radiant black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling white with black streaks on either side"
+    ],
+    "black collared swallow": [
+        "back: sleek dark-feathered back",
+        "beak: sharp, black pointed beak",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-feathered chest",
+        "crown: dark-feathered head crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black forehead",
+        "eyes: small, round dark eyes",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: long, dark-feathered wings",
+        "nape: black-furred neck area",
+        "tail: elongated, forked black tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray throat region"
+    ],
+    "black cowled oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with slight black markings",
+        "crown: striking black",
+        "forehead: deep black",
+        "eyes: dark with a black outline",
+        "legs: slender black",
+        "wings: black with yellow edges",
+        "nape: contrasting black",
+        "tail: long, black, and straight",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "black cowled saltator": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: thick and conical in shape",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight shine",
+        "forehead: black connecting with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: black with white tips",
+        "nape: black, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: blackish-gray, connecting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "black crested antshrike": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: robust, pointed, pale grey",
+        "belly: white, slight yellow tint",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: prominent black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, alert",
+        "legs: strong, grey, long toes",
+        "wings: black, white markings, sturdy",
+        "nape: black, merging with crown",
+        "tail: long, black, white tips",
+        "throat: white, narrow black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black crested bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal region",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow with slight hints of green",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow transitioning from the throat area",
+        "crown: defined black crest, raised or lowered depending on mood",
+        "forehead: prominent black feathers extending from the beak to the crown crest",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, greyish brown with strong, flexible toes",
+        "wings: olive-green, with darker flight feathers for agile flying",
+        "nape: dark olive-green feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, with a lighter central patch and a graduated shape",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers starting at the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "black crested coquette": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white with green tinge",
+        "breast: bright green with feather tufts",
+        "crown: black feathers with purple sheen",
+        "forehead: black with vivid purple crest",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark green with elongated feathers",
+        "nape: green with a hint of purple iridescence",
+        "tail: dark green, long, and forked",
+        "throat: iridescent green with feather fluffs"
+    ],
+    "black crested finch": [
+        "back: black-feathered with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: contrasting white, meeting the black plumage",
+        "crown: prominent black crest feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: black with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of black crest feathers",
+        "tail: forked shape, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pure white, contrasting with black plumage"
+    ],
+    "black crested tit tyrant": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with mottled streaks",
+        "breast: soft, pale gray with fine barring",
+        "crown: striking black crest with pointed feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek, dark gray merging into the crest",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and slightly scaled",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter gray fringes on flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray feathers fading into the black crest",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, and slightly forked with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "black crested warbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: light yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: black, connecting to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with black and yellow markings",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the black crown",
+        "tail: blackish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the black face"
+    ],
+    "black crowned antpitta": [
+        "back: dark olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-green with black streaks",
+        "crown: distinctive black crown",
+        "forehead: prominent grayish-white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray, and strong",
+        "wings: dark olive green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark olive with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark olive green, and square-cut",
+        "throat: whitish with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black crowned antshrike": [
+        "back: black plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black markings",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with distinct white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with prominent white eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled with white ring",
+        "legs: long, dark gray",
+        "wings: black feathers with white bars",
+        "nape: black with white stripe continuation from crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white with subtle black markings"
+    ],
+    "black crowned babbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: distinct black cap",
+        "forehead: black extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright and expressive with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bands",
+        "nape: grayish-green fading to brown",
+        "tail: long and graduated with olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "black crowned barwing": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: lighter gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: gray with subtle white streaking",
+        "crown: distinctive black with glossy finish",
+        "forehead: black, connecting to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray or black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white bands and edging",
+        "nape: black, extending from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "black crowned fulvetta": [
+        "back: a blend of olive-green and grey hues",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: contrasting grey-white",
+        "crown: distinct black with slight metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: black connecting to black crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slim and light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "nape: continuation of black crown curving down",
+        "tail: medium length, dark gray with olive-green tinge",
+        "throat: soft white-grey"
+    ],
+    "black crowned monjita": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, sharp",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: light grey feathers",
+        "crown: distinct black crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey",
+        "wings: black and grey with white markings",
+        "nape: grey feathers transitioning from black crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "black crowned palm tanager": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thick and pointed, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-green tones",
+        "breast: olive-gray plumage",
+        "crown: black with raised crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: strong and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark olive-green with black striping or mottling",
+        "tail: long and dark green with white outer edges",
+        "throat: olive-gray plumage, similar to the breast"
+    ],
+    "black crowned pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with greenish tinge",
+        "beak: strong, short, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow and black striped",
+        "breast: striking yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: black with delicate turquoise streaks",
+        "forehead: rich turquoise blue, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: medium size with black iris, surrounded by blue feather patch",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, deep grey-black in color",
+        "wings: blue with black barring and a hint of turquoise",
+        "nape: transition between the back and crown colors",
+        "tail: bold, long with blue and black stripes, and a turquoise tint",
+        "throat: pale yellow and white, a contrast to the colorful body"
+    ],
+    "black crowned scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with chestnut streaks",
+        "breast: dark chestnut plumage",
+        "crown: black with grayish-white brows",
+        "forehead: black continuation of the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with broad white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending with back",
+        "tail: long, dark chestnut with white tips",
+        "throat: white with chestnut bordering"
+    ],
+    "black crowned sparrow lark": [
+        "back: subtle brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale grey",
+        "belly: white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: black patch on the head, males have larger patch",
+        "forehead: light brown with a faint white band above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, pale grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale edges, short, compact, and rounded",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks converging in a v shape"
+    ],
+    "black crowned tchagra": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light brown or beige",
+        "breast: rufous-brown fading to lighter shades",
+        "crown: black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: black merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and brown with black and white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff color, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "black crowned tityra": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: pale, thick, and slightly hook-shaped",
+        "belly: white with soft feathers",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: striking black crest",
+        "forehead: black with narrow feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp and dark",
+        "legs: pale grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black and well-defined",
+        "tail: long black feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of black at the edge"
+    ],
+    "black crowned waxbill": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: deep red color, pointed shape",
+        "belly: soft greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white blending with dark brown",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: black, merged with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, vibrant with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: reddish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connects the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, contrasts with dark upperparts"
+    ],
+    "black crowned white eye": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: petite and pointed",
+        "belly: clean white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers",
+        "crown: distinct black cap",
+        "forehead: black-to-white gradient",
+        "eyes: bright and alert",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: black-tipped white feathers",
+        "nape: white with black edges",
+        "tail: short with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black eared catbird": [
+        "back: dark gray feathered body",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft gray underbelly",
+        "breast: gray-feathered chest",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers at bird's head-top",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: striking, dark and round",
+        "legs: long, blackish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter gray edges",
+        "nape: gray transition from head to back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray fanned feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray feathers near beak"
+    ],
+    "black eared cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark gray with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: slim, curved, dark grayish",
+        "belly: white with faint gray markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a metallic shine",
+        "forehead: dark gray with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and sharp",
+        "legs: long, slender, charcoal gray",
+        "wings: broad, dark gray with white tips",
+        "nape: gleaming dark gray",
+        "tail: long, thin, dark gray with white markings",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black eared fairy": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: slender, dark gray",
+        "belly: silver-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent black crest",
+        "forehead: black with slight glimmer",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: black with elongated flight feathers",
+        "nape: shimmering black",
+        "tail: long, black streamer-like feathers",
+        "throat: feathered in soft white"
+    ],
+    "black eared hemispingus": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, grayish-black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with black edges",
+        "forehead: olive-green with black lining",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black eared miner": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: slim, curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white-pale grey with some streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with a faint black streak",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown fading to white",
+        "eyes: surrounded by thin black line extending behind the eye",
+        "legs: short, delicate, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with blackish edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short, blackish-grey with a white tip",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "black eared seedeater": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and light gray",
+        "belly: lighter gray with delicate white accents",
+        "breast: blended gray and white feathers",
+        "crown: deep black, well-defined crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black-to-gray gradient",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: bold black shoulders with gray and white edges",
+        "nape: black region bridging head and back",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with white outer tips",
+        "throat: prominent black patch with white-bordered edge"
+    ],
+    "black eared shrike babbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale and yellowish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-black with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: short black bristles",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark olive-green",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black eared sparrow lark": [
+        "back: dark brown, with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, with black spots on sides",
+        "breast: rich chestnut color, with black bib",
+        "crown: dark brown, with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown, with black border on crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown, with pale edges and black ear patch",
+        "nape: pale brown, with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, with white outer feathers, forked",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black bib"
+    ],
+    "black eared wood quail": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle black stripes",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: rich chestnut brown with faint black barring",
+        "breast: warm chestnut brown with black bars",
+        "crown: black with small white specks",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of white flecks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium length, strong, slate gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with fine black-and-white streaks",
+        "nape: black with white flecks, forming a collar-like pattern",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and rounded",
+        "throat: black with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "black faced antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: dull grey with lighter gray streaks",
+        "breast: charcoal grey with lighter gray streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: solid black with blue sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: dark grey with faint greenish highlights",
+        "nape: black feathers with blue sheen",
+        "tail: long and dark grey, with subtle greenish sheen",
+        "throat: black with a faint blue shine"
+    ],
+    "black faced antthrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: short and robust; dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with scalloped pattern",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: dark with slight rufous tinge",
+        "forehead: black with a slight hint of rufous",
+        "eyes: dark brown; well-defined pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and sturdy; greyish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous edges and faint pale markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with light rufous streaks",
+        "tail: long and broad; rufous-brown with faint dark barring",
+        "throat: grayish-white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black faced apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black and pointed",
+        "belly: white, grayish or cream",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black with white eyebrows",
+        "forehead: narrow black band",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker tips",
+        "nape: black, continuous from crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-green",
+        "throat: white or grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "black faced babbler": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white to light brown",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks of black",
+        "crown: black feathers with shiny highlights",
+        "forehead: smooth black with white markings",
+        "eyes: small, brown, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: strong, greyish",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to brown on the back",
+        "tail: medium length, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: black feathers leading to light brown breast"
+    ],
+    "black faced brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black in color",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white underside",
+        "breast: greyish-white blending into the belly",
+        "crown: black feathers with streaks of grey",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round with a black pupil and white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, long, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark brown accents",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with olive-green edges",
+        "throat: black feathers continuing from the forehead"
+    ],
+    "black faced bunting": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: small and conical, pale peach color",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light yellowish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: black with gray-brown streaks",
+        "forehead: black, extends to the eyes and nape",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by creamy-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with cream and light brown edges",
+        "nape: black, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium length, with faint cream edges",
+        "throat: creamy white, contrasts with black face"
+    ],
+    "black faced canary": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: radiant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black top with green streaks",
+        "forehead: deep black mask",
+        "eyes: small, intense with a white circle around",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: green with slight hints of blue",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow transitioning from black face",
+        "tail: long, pointy feathers in dark green and black hues",
+        "throat: yellow, blending with the rest of black-faced mask"
+    ],
+    "black faced cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark grey feathers",
+        "crown: solid black with slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black, smooth contour",
+        "eyes: piercing turquoise color",
+        "legs: short, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, powerful, dark feathers",
+        "nape: black with subtle grey highlights",
+        "tail: short, rigid, black feathers",
+        "throat: dark grey, slightly curved neck"
+    ],
+    "black faced cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant teal-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, black in color",
+        "belly: deep sky-blue plumage",
+        "breast: striking blue feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering black cap",
+        "forehead: glossy black feathers",
+        "eyes: beady and black, well-defined",
+        "legs: sleek and gray, sturdy yet delicate",
+        "wings: bold blue with teal undertones",
+        "nape: intense black, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, golden-yellow feathers with iridescent tips",
+        "throat: striking black, creating a distinct contrast with the vibrant breast"
+    ],
+    "black faced coucal": [
+        "back: greenish-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: grayish brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray head cap",
+        "forehead: black face mask",
+        "eyes: dark brown and sharp",
+        "legs: strong and black with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with slight iridescence",
+        "nape: dark gray to greenish-brown transition",
+        "tail: long and greenish-brown with black banding",
+        "throat: cream-colored with a grayish tint"
+    ],
+    "black faced cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: light gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark gray with black face markings",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending into black face",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: black, thin, and strong",
+        "wings: dark gray with black wing edges",
+        "nape: gray and feathered",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white to light gray with black markings"
+    ],
+    "black faced dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and conical",
+        "belly: light blue-gray plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep cobalt blue with a black face",
+        "forehead: intense dark blue with a black border",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by a black facial mask",
+        "legs: dark gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: bright blue with black edges",
+        "nape: striking blue with a touch of black",
+        "tail: sky blue with black tips",
+        "throat: dark blue fading into a lighter blue-gray"
+    ],
+    "black faced firefinch": [
+        "back: deep red with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, black in color",
+        "belly: bright red",
+        "breast: bold red with spotted pattern",
+        "crown: black with a distinct red crest",
+        "forehead: pitch black",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark red with black wingbars",
+        "nape: red with a tinge of black",
+        "tail: medium length, red with black markings",
+        "throat: striking red with few black markings"
+    ],
+    "black faced grassquit": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: light gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: short, rounded, darker olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers, distinctive on males"
+    ],
+    "black faced grosbeak": [
+        "back: dark black feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: large, stout, and conical shaped with a silver-gray color",
+        "belly: lighter shade of gray with subtle black streaks",
+        "breast: rich gray plumage blending into the belly",
+        "crown: black feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: black feathered area above the eyes and the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and glistening with a focused gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray, tipped with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: black outer feathers with white streaks and grayish under feathers",
+        "nape: black-feathered area at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight grayish-white undertone",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning into the gray belly area"
+    ],
+    "black faced hawk": [
+        "back: dark feathered, sleek body",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: lighter grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: dark grey, barred feathers",
+        "crown: black, well-defined feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black curve",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, rounded",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, yellow talons",
+        "wings: long, dark with lighter grey flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, uniform coverage",
+        "tail: strong, black with grey bands",
+        "throat: dark grey, barring connecting breast"
+    ],
+    "black faced ibis": [
+        "back: smooth slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: lighter gray compared to the back",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: narrow patch of black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright orange or yellow",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: slate-gray with a black edge and visible white band when in flight",
+        "nape: black, glossy feather draping",
+        "tail: medium length, gray feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage sharply contrasting with the black face"
+    ],
+    "black faced laughingthrush": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers covering",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and slightly curved, dark gray-to-black",
+        "belly: plain gray with a hint of brown undertones",
+        "breast: reddish-brown hue with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: solid black, extending down to the eye",
+        "forehead: distinct black marking on a gray background",
+        "eyes: piercing, shiny black orbs on each side",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray, and scaled",
+        "wings: elongated, rounded, and brownish-gray in color",
+        "nape: plain gray with a smooth texture transition",
+        "tail: lengthy, dark brown with a touch of rusty coloration",
+        "throat: bold black patch, surrounded by reddish hues"
+    ],
+    "black faced monarch": [
+        "back: deep olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange hue",
+        "crown: black with pale blue fringes",
+        "forehead: black extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white outlines",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: blue-black with white fringes",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning into black",
+        "tail: blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: black fading into yellow on breast"
+    ],
+    "black faced munia": [
+        "back: black feathered with slight gleam",
+        "beak: short, sharp, silver-grey",
+        "belly: dark grey with black spots",
+        "breast: charcoal grey with faint markings",
+        "crown: black with a smooth, sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: sooty black merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, bright, dark-brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-black",
+        "wings: black, slightly glossy with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: black with a velvety texture",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: inky black, slightly glossy"
+    ],
+    "black faced pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green with hints of blue",
+        "beak: strong, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with olive-green sides",
+        "breast: striking golden-yellow",
+        "crown: black with a greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: intense black, well-defined",
+        "eyes: large, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, salmon pink",
+        "wings: green and blue mix, short and rounded",
+        "nape: smooth black, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, bright blue with black tips",
+        "throat: yellow, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "black faced rufous warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with rufous tones",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale and buff-colored",
+        "breast: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with black face mask",
+        "forehead: black with white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring accent",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown, edged with rufous hue",
+        "nape: rufous-orange, blending with back",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a touch of pale rufous"
+    ],
+    "black faced sandgrouse": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with a mottled pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: dull white with grey-black markings",
+        "breast: sandy brown with black speckled spots",
+        "crown: dark grey with a semi-circular black face mask",
+        "forehead: light grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by black face mask",
+        "legs: short, pale, and feathered with strong toes",
+        "wings: elongated, brownish-grey with black and white speckled details",
+        "nape: sandy brown with grey and black markings",
+        "tail: medium-length, fan-shaped, and brown with black banding",
+        "throat: white with a contrasting black face mask"
+    ],
+    "black faced sheathbill": [
+        "back: white with black speckles",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black in color",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with some black markings",
+        "crown: black face extending over the head",
+        "forehead: black along with the face and crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: white with black spots, rounded",
+        "nape: white with black speckles",
+        "tail: short and white with black bar",
+        "throat: white, connecting to the black face"
+    ],
+    "black faced solitaire": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray to white",
+        "breast: white with faint gray speckles",
+        "crown: black with a gray border",
+        "forehead: black, merging into white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark gray, with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray, seamlessly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray, slightly fanned",
+        "throat: white with sparse gray markings"
+    ],
+    "black faced tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: lemon yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black cap",
+        "forehead: black with slight shine",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin and grey, strong",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue, short",
+        "nape: black transitioning to green",
+        "tail: dark blue-green, medium length",
+        "throat: black with a defined border"
+    ],
+    "black faced warbler": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: thin sharp black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark black cap",
+        "forehead: black and narrow",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark feathered, white bars",
+        "nape: grayish, smooth transition",
+        "tail: white-edged black feathers",
+        "throat: white bordered by black"
+    ],
+    "black faced waxbill": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: light greyish-brown, fading to white",
+        "breast: pale gray with hints of brown",
+        "crown: rich, chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: black with small white spots",
+        "eyes: small, dark, circular",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark streaks and hints of red",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown fading to olive-green",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a black face mask"
+    ],
+    "black faced woodswallow": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: smooth gray feathers",
+        "crown: black face and head",
+        "forehead: black and bold",
+        "eyes: bright, black, alert",
+        "legs: dark, thin, strong",
+        "wings: broad, gray, agile",
+        "nape: black blending into gray",
+        "tail: long, gray, forked",
+        "throat: black patch connecting face"
+    ],
+    "black fronted bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with soft green flanks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with greenish tinges",
+        "crown: black or dark grey with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with a smooth curve",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: strong and slender, grey or brownish",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, often with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, blending into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "black fronted bushshrike": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a reddish tinge",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange with black markings",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with a greenish sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white and green spots",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: marked black with grayish-white underfeathers"
+    ],
+    "black fronted dotterel": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with wing covert",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with slight pale pink hue",
+        "breast: thin black crescent band",
+        "crown: white with black edges along the crown",
+        "forehead: striking white patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, long, and blue-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black edges",
+        "nape: white that extends to the sides of the neck",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pure white and well-defined"
+    ],
+    "black fronted flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black with blue sheen",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black tips",
+        "nape: black with blue sheen",
+        "tail: olive-brown with notched tip",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black fronted ground tyrant": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white-gray plumage",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with streaks of gray",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: black with white tips, medium length",
+        "nape: grayish-black, blending into back",
+        "tail: black, slender, medium length",
+        "throat: white-bordered black patch"
+    ],
+    "black fronted nunbird": [
+        "back: deep black feathers with slight glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black with a sturdy structure",
+        "belly: black, fluffy feathers with subtle shimmer",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage, covering a muscular chest",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers with a hint of sheen",
+        "forehead: flat, covered in fine black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert and focused, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: strong and black, with sharp talons for perching",
+        "wings: black and elongated, built for fast flight",
+        "nape: black, slightly curved feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight fan-shape, for balance and maneuvering",
+        "throat: black, smooth feathers covering the vocal area"
+    ],
+    "black fronted piping guan": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish",
+        "belly: black with white under feathers",
+        "breast: black feathers with white markings",
+        "crown: black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: striking red patch above beak",
+        "eyes: brown with a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, bluish-gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: black with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: black feathers merging with crown",
+        "tail: long, black, rounded with white tips",
+        "throat: black with occasional white markings"
+    ],
+    "black fronted tern": [
+        "back: pale grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: white feathers",
+        "crown: black plumage",
+        "forehead: distinct black front",
+        "eyes: beady, black",
+        "legs: orange-red, slender",
+        "wings: pale grey with dark tips",
+        "nape: black-tinged plumage",
+        "tail: forked, white with grey edges",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black fronted tyrannulet": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grayish-olive",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with two white-wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "black fronted white eye": [
+        "back: small, smooth feathered",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white and rounded",
+        "crown: black with a white ring",
+        "forehead: black and prominent",
+        "eyes: large and white-ringed",
+        "legs: slim, gray tones",
+        "wings: black and rounded",
+        "nape: black, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short, black feathers",
+        "throat: white, distinct contrast with the black head"
+    ],
+    "black fronted wood quail": [
+        "back: deep olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white circles",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, black with greenish sheen",
+        "throat: black with white markings"
+    ],
+    "black girdled barbet": [
+        "back: dark green-blue feathering",
+        "beak: stout, black and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: white with black-banded feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant red with a yellow band",
+        "forehead: bright red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white ring surrounding",
+        "legs: short, gray and strong",
+        "wings: dark blue-green with white spots",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: blue-green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with thin black bands"
+    ],
+    "black goggled tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: rich yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange tone",
+        "crown: intense black hood",
+        "forehead: striking black feathers",
+        "eyes: glistening black circles",
+        "legs: sturdy dark grey limbs",
+        "wings: vivid green with black edges",
+        "nape: smooth black transitioning to green",
+        "tail: elongated vibrant green feathers",
+        "throat: prominent black extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "black headed antbird": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black cap",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: gray with black edges",
+        "nape: black and gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray with black tips",
+        "throat: black patch surrounded by gray"
+    ],
+    "black headed antthrush": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: black head feathers",
+        "forehead: black merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: brown with some white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown connecting to back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black",
+        "throat: pale gray coloration"
+    ],
+    "black headed apalis": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray with yellow tint",
+        "breast: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black with crisp edges",
+        "forehead: black, extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, circular, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy, and nimble",
+        "wings: dark green, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: black, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, long, and narrow",
+        "throat: bright yellow, fading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "black headed bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, curved",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: bright red patch",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: green with black tipped feathers",
+        "nape: bright green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black headed berryeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: straight, medium-sized, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with sporadic gray markings",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow blending into gray",
+        "crown: black cap extending to the back of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from black cap to yellow breast",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a reddish-brown iris",
+        "legs: slender, pale blue-gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with lighter gray edgings",
+        "nape: continuation of black cap with olive-green transition",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with lighter gray edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow meeting the chest and blending into the belly"
+    ],
+    "black headed brushfinch": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black cone-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: black with partially concealed tuft",
+        "forehead: black feathers merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark-centered, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark olive-green, connects crown with back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with a hint of black",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "black headed bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, robust, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green and slightly paler than back",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage",
+        "forehead: black, continuing from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, pointed, and olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "black headed bunting": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical-shaped, light-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange shade",
+        "crown: striking black color",
+        "forehead: black, like the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black crown and nape",
+        "legs: thin, long, and pale",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edges",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: brown feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange, like the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "black headed canary": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: distinct black coloration",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: thin, gray, strong",
+        "wings: yellow with black markings",
+        "nape: yellow with slight transition to black on crown",
+        "tail: long, slim, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black headed cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: slate gray with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: smooth gray blending into white",
+        "crown: solid black, extending down to nape",
+        "forehead: black, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with small, white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white patches on secondaries",
+        "nape: black, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black head"
+    ],
+    "black headed duck": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish underparts",
+        "breast: grey feathers",
+        "crown: black rounded head",
+        "forehead: smoothly meets beak",
+        "eyes: bright and alert",
+        "legs: short and webbed",
+        "wings: long with visible speculum",
+        "nape: smoothly curved neck",
+        "tail: short fan of feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey area"
+    ],
+    "black headed gonolek": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: red and white plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant red feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: striking black coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: bright red and black feathers",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bold black coloration"
+    ],
+    "black headed greenfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: pale, conical, and robust",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green",
+        "crown: glossy black",
+        "forehead: shiny black",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark with yellow bars",
+        "nape: greenish-black",
+        "tail: dark with yellow markings",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "black headed gull": [
+        "back: pale grey and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: dark orange, medium length",
+        "belly: white and well-groomed",
+        "breast: light grey, soft feathers",
+        "crown: velvety black cap",
+        "forehead: merging with black crown",
+        "eyes: dark, gleaming beads",
+        "legs: slender and orange",
+        "wings: light grey with black tips",
+        "nape: black and sleek transition",
+        "tail: narrow, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth transition"
+    ],
+    "black headed hemispingus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: buff-colored",
+        "breast: orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black head with a blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black with a tint of blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: partly olive-green and dark gray",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: short and dark",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "black headed heron": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp, yellowish",
+        "belly: white feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathered chest",
+        "crown: black feathered top of head",
+        "forehead: black feathers leading to beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow and black",
+        "legs: long, slender and yellowish",
+        "wings: long, gray feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: gray, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers below beak"
+    ],
+    "black headed honeyeater": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: yellow-orange, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black plumage, near eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, with short claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: black, curved at the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: light yellow, fine feathers"
+    ],
+    "black headed ibis": [
+        "back: sleek, pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, downward-curved",
+        "belly: light gray, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers with a hint of gloss",
+        "forehead: black, glossy feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and focused",
+        "legs: long, thin, greenish-gray",
+        "wings: broad, pale gray with black tips",
+        "nape: pale gray, elongated feathers",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with black and gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "black headed jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: black, powerful, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: light greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint blue tinges",
+        "crown: sleek black head feathers",
+        "forehead: black and glossy plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, intelligent gaze with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with sharp agile claws",
+        "wings: long blue feathers with black and white bands",
+        "nape: subtle transition from the black head to blue back feathers",
+        "tail: with broad blue feathers and black and white tips",
+        "throat: smooth greyish-white feather patch"
+    ],
+    "black headed lapwing": [
+        "back: sleek, slightly rounded, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, lightly feathered, unmarked",
+        "breast: vivid white, clear demarcation from neck",
+        "crown: jet black, smooth feathers, encompassing eyes and ear coverts",
+        "forehead: black, feathers seamlessly transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert, rimmed with black feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish-gray, unfeathered",
+        "wings: strong, broad, pale gray-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, smoothly connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: well-proportioned, pale gray-brown, neat feather edges",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting black crown"
+    ],
+    "black headed mountain finch": [
+        "back: olive green feathered back",
+        "beak: short, stout black beak",
+        "belly: white feathered underside",
+        "breast: slight yellowish tint on white feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: black feathered area above eyes",
+        "eyes: small black beads with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy dark grey legs",
+        "wings: olive green with black streaks",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short black and olive feathers",
+        "throat: white feathered base of the head"
+    ],
+    "black headed myzomela": [
+        "back: dark gray feathered",
+        "beak: slim and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: reddish-orange hue",
+        "crown: glossy black top",
+        "forehead: black and striking",
+        "eyes: dark, beady gaze",
+        "legs: long and black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edges",
+        "nape: black blending into gray",
+        "tail: short and dark gray",
+        "throat: vibrant red contrast"
+    ],
+    "black headed nightingale thrush": [
+        "back: olive brown with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, slightly darker at the sides",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, fading towards the belly",
+        "crown: deep black, contrasting with the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: also deep black, part of the distinctive black-headed appearance",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive brown, matching the back, with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive brown, transitioning from the black crown",
+        "tail: long and olive brown, with faint buff tips on the outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, blending seamlessly into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "black headed paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black",
+        "belly: clean white plumage",
+        "breast: white and smooth feathers",
+        "crown: striking black crest",
+        "forehead: jet black with white surrounding",
+        "eyes: alert, deep black orbs",
+        "legs: long, thin, black",
+        "wings: black primaries, white edges",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, ribbon-like",
+        "throat: fluffy white plumage"
+    ],
+    "black headed parrotbill": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow upper back",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: off-white with yellow undertones",
+        "breast: pale yellow",
+        "crown: black, rounded",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by thin white rings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black markings",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, meeting black crown",
+        "tail: long and pointed, greenish-yellow with black markings",
+        "throat: off-white with pale yellow shading"
+    ],
+    "black headed penduline tit": [
+        "back: brownish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: white feathers with gray flanks",
+        "breast: off-white to pale gray",
+        "crown: black with slight brownish tinge",
+        "forehead: black, extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by black feathers",
+        "legs: light gray to pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: black, transitioning to brownish-gray",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: black, sharply contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "black headed saltator": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight shine",
+        "beak: sturdy, grayish cone-shaped",
+        "belly: dirty off-white hue",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: black with slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a small pale ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong and agile",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green color, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green, long and tapering",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "black headed shrike babbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "crown: black head with white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a white brow line",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: white stripe across the back of the head",
+        "tail: long, greyish-blue with black band and white tip",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black headed sibia": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: pale yellow, sturdy",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: slightly darker grey feathers",
+        "crown: deep black, rounded",
+        "forehead: black transition to grey",
+        "eyes: bright, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, strong",
+        "wings: grey, white streak patterns",
+        "nape: black to grey gradient",
+        "tail: long, grey, white tips",
+        "throat: lighter grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "black headed siskin": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: light yellow underparts",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black head cover",
+        "forehead: black transitioning to yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with yellow edges",
+        "nape: black connecting to green-yellow",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow markings"
+    ],
+    "black headed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich golden-orange hue",
+        "crown: glossy black head",
+        "forehead: black forward feathering",
+        "eyes: small, black, keen gaze",
+        "legs: dark slender limbs",
+        "wings: deep cerulean blue with a greenish tinge",
+        "nape: black transitioning to blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, blueish-green feathers",
+        "throat: striking orange-yellow coloring"
+    ],
+    "black headed tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive green with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish with some light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with olive-green sides",
+        "crown: shiny black with tiny feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a few white spots",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: black, merging into olive-green",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "black headed trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow hue",
+        "beak: stout, sharp, black",
+        "belly: bright lemon-yellow",
+        "breast: deep blue band separation",
+        "crown: glossy black gleaming",
+        "forehead: black, mixed green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: short, teal blue-gray",
+        "wings: green shimmering, rounded",
+        "nape: glossy black continuation",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue hues",
+        "throat: rich, bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "black headed waxbill": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers with orange-brown hints",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and red",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: orange-brown coloration",
+        "crown: shiny black with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: black plumage meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale grey, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: short and rounded with black and white bars",
+        "nape: continuation of the black crown, blending into orange-brown",
+        "tail: straight black-feathered with white outer tips",
+        "throat: black and narrow, meeting the breast's orange-brown plumage"
+    ],
+    "black headed weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black and conical",
+        "belly: bright-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black, rounded",
+        "forehead: shiny black, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: grayish, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black markings",
+        "nape: black, blending into green",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellowish hues, smooth"
+    ],
+    "black headed whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: buff to olive-gray, blending into belly",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: glossy black, joining the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a slight fork",
+        "throat: crisp white, contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "black headed white eye": [
+        "back: dark gray upper body feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white underbody feathering",
+        "breast: white with slight gray feathering",
+        "crown: black patch on top of head",
+        "forehead: black from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: wide and white with an encircling black ring",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: gray scaling down from the crown",
+        "tail: gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "black headed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and sharp for drilling wood",
+        "belly: white with black spots or streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spots or streaks",
+        "crown: bright red patch on top of the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers covering front of the head",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and gray, with sharp claws for gripping branches",
+        "wings: black with white spots, strong and agile for flying",
+        "nape: black feathers below the red crown",
+        "tail: black with white spots, used for support while perching",
+        "throat: white with black spots or streaks"
+    ],
+    "black hooded antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black hood, extending to nape",
+        "forehead: black hood, continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: pale yellow, encircled by black hood",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: black hood, merging with crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, long and straight",
+        "throat: grayish-white, contrasting with black hood"
+    ],
+    "black hooded antwren": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: light grey feathers",
+        "crown: black hooded head",
+        "forehead: black hood extending",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey, medium size",
+        "nape: black hood continuation",
+        "tail: long, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: black hood ending"
+    ],
+    "black hooded coucal": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white or light-gray feathers",
+        "breast: white or light-gray feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathered front",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes",
+        "legs: lean, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: long, black, spreadable",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting the head",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly fanned",
+        "throat: white or light-gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "black hooded laughingthrush": [
+        "back: dull brown, densely feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black",
+        "belly: light brown, plump",
+        "breast: soft brown, rounded",
+        "crown: dark black cap",
+        "forehead: black, smooth arch",
+        "eyes: soft brown, alert gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, scaly, black",
+        "wings: brown, rounded, feathered",
+        "nape: lighter brown nape patch",
+        "tail: long, brown with a plume",
+        "throat: brown, lightly-feathered"
+    ],
+    "black hooded oriole": [
+        "back: bright yellow feathers with slight greenish shade",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: blending of yellow and greenish feathers",
+        "crown: shiny, black feathered crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers extending down to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with sharp gaze",
+        "legs: black, slender legs with strong claws",
+        "wings: yellow and black, elongated feathers with hints of green",
+        "nape: black feathers forming a hood-like shape",
+        "tail: elongated, yellow and black feathers with greenish tint",
+        "throat: smooth, yellow feathers transitioning to the black hood"
+    ],
+    "black hooded sierra finch": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical shape",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: dark gray feathers",
+        "crown: black hood covering the head",
+        "forehead: part of the black hood",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by black hood",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter gray edges",
+        "nape: black hood continuation from the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with lighter edges",
+        "throat: black hood extending to the throat area"
+    ],
+    "black hooded sunbeam": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: shimmering greenish-bronze",
+        "breast: bright golden-orange",
+        "crown: glossy black hood",
+        "forehead: black and shining",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: sparkling green, elongated",
+        "nape: black, continuation of the hood",
+        "tail: iridescent green-blue, forked",
+        "throat: radiant golden-orange"
+    ],
+    "black hooded thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: olive-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: black feathers with a crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white rings",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: black feathers",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: black feathers"
+    ],
+    "black legged dacnis": [
+        "back: deep blue plumage",
+        "beak: black, sharp, conical",
+        "belly: light grey or white feathers",
+        "breast: rich turquoise-blue coloration",
+        "crown: vibrant blue with a black stripe on males, duller on females",
+        "forehead: bright blue, transitioning to black near the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: deep blue with black outer feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: medium length, dark blue with black edges",
+        "throat: turquoise-blue on males, greyish-white on females"
+    ],
+    "black legged seriema": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: black hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with black speckles",
+        "crown: black elongated crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white plumage",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange surrounding",
+        "legs: strong long black legs",
+        "wings: gray dark-colored wingtips",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting to gray back plumage",
+        "tail: long gray tail with black stripes",
+        "throat: white feathers blending into light gray breast"
+    ],
+    "black lored babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, dark gray, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light, creamy white with sparse gray markings",
+        "breast: muted light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a black lore (eye-stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown with a subtle black eye-stripe",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, grayish, strong for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale edges on coverts",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: olive-brown and moderately long, with a broad white tip",
+        "throat: whitish, blending into the brown breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "black lored cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle striping",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale in color",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white tone",
+        "breast: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish tint",
+        "forehead: pale brown fading to off-white",
+        "eyes: small and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint streaks and rufous fringes",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rounded, brown with rufous edges",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "black lored parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and curved, light gray",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: dark green with a bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: deep bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black eye patches (\"lores",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: lively green with blue edges",
+        "nape: deep green transitioning to lighter green near the throat",
+        "tail: long and green with blue wingtips",
+        "throat: pale green feathers"
+    ],
+    "black lored yellowthroat": [
+        "back: vibrant green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark markings",
+        "crown: olive-green with a yellow tinge",
+        "forehead: black lore (stripe) extending above the eye",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by yellow markings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black or brown edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black borders",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black border"
+    ],
+    "black mantled goshawk": [
+        "back: sleek dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, powerful, black hooked bill",
+        "belly: lightly streaked white underparts",
+        "breast: partially barred with brown markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with hints of black",
+        "forehead: smooth brown plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing red or yellow orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, powerful, dark brown with black mantle",
+        "nape: brownish feathers, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "tail: long, banded dark brown and creamy white",
+        "throat: whitish with subtle barring and markings"
+    ],
+    "black masked finch": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, silvery-gray",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: off-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: jet-black cap",
+        "forehead: black, merging with mask",
+        "eyes: bright, dark beady orbs",
+        "legs: thin, delicately gray",
+        "wings: dark with sleek feathers",
+        "nape: smooth, black-masked edge",
+        "tail: long, pointed, dark feathers",
+        "throat: clear white contrasting mask"
+    ],
+    "black naped fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feather coverage",
+        "beak: curved, pale yellow with reddish tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: iridescent bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: black, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, strong; pinkish-gray in color",
+        "wings: deep green feathers with a purple sheen",
+        "nape: black stripe across rear of the neck",
+        "tail: long and central, green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: velvety yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black naped monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: pale blue or white hue",
+        "breast: blue or white depending on the gender",
+        "crown: deep blue with black nape",
+        "forehead: lighter blue with slight gradient",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: blue with black tips and white bars",
+        "nape: distinct black band",
+        "tail: long and blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: blue or white depending on the gender"
+    ],
+    "black naped oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: golden-yellow",
+        "crown: black, smooth",
+        "forehead: black, sleek",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slim, grayish",
+        "wings: black with yellow edges",
+        "nape: distinct black patch",
+        "tail: long, black, yellow-tipped",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "black naped tern": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender yellow beak",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white and smooth-feathered",
+        "crown: black cap on the head",
+        "forehead: white with a touch of black at the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: slender, yellow-orange legs",
+        "wings: tip-to-tip grey feathers with a black edge",
+        "nape: distinguished black band on the back of the head",
+        "tail: forked and elongated white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "black necked aracari": [
+        "back: vibrant green and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, and multicolored",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid orange hue",
+        "crown: deep black with greenish shimmer",
+        "forehead: black transitioning into vibrant colors",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: multicolored with black, green, and yellow",
+        "nape: black feathers extending into a collar",
+        "tail: long, black with white horizontal banding",
+        "throat: striking orange-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "black necked crane": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed and sharp",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white feathers with a hint of gray",
+        "crown: black with a red patch on top",
+        "forehead: smooth black and red",
+        "eyes: dark and round, with a focused gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: wide-spread black and white feathers",
+        "nape: elegant black curve",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with black feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black necked eremomela": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: pointed and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: light yellow feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-green plumage",
+        "forehead: greenish tint",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: pale gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: distinct black band",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: light yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "black necked red cotinga": [
+        "back: iridescent dark blue",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: deep red",
+        "breast: bright red",
+        "crown: shiny dark blue",
+        "forehead: reflective dark blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: deep blue with black feather tips",
+        "nape: black with a hint of red",
+        "tail: elongated dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant red"
+    ],
+    "black necked stork": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointy, and black with red tip",
+        "belly: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to black",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: large, with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting to back",
+        "tail: black and white feathers, slightly fanned out",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning into black"
+    ],
+    "black necked swan": [
+        "back: sleek, black plumage",
+        "beak: striking reddish-orange",
+        "belly: smooth, white feathers",
+        "breast: curved, white plumage",
+        "crown: black, gently sloping",
+        "forehead: defined, black feathering",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-black",
+        "wings: broad, black and white",
+        "nape: curved, elongated black neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, gracefully blending into neck"
+    ],
+    "black necked wattle eye": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: black, straight, pointed",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: dark blue, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-black",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark",
+        "legs: long, dark grey",
+        "wings: blue-black feathers, white secondary wing bars",
+        "nape: inky black",
+        "tail: blue-black feathers, medium length",
+        "throat: black, adorned with red wattles"
+    ],
+    "black necked weaver": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical black bill",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black, helmet-like head",
+        "forehead: black feathers contrasting with yellow face",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to olive green",
+        "tail: long, dark, forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "black necked woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark green feathers with lighter green streaks",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, light gray chisel-shaped beak",
+        "belly: dark gray with vertical light gray stripes",
+        "breast: dark gray with lighter gray streaks",
+        "crown: red or orange crest with dark green to black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: large, round, black eyes with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, sturdy legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark green feathers with black and white bars",
+        "nape: dark green with light green streaks, metallic sheen",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white bars, square-shaped end",
+        "throat: dark gray feathers, slightly lighter than the belly"
+    ],
+    "black necklaced scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, curved and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with black necklace",
+        "crown: dark brown with a rufous tinge",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and greyish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with covert feathers",
+        "nape: brown with slight rufous hue",
+        "tail: long, broad feathers in dark brown",
+        "throat: white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black nest swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: lighter grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: black, glossy cap",
+        "forehead: slightly curved, dark",
+        "eyes: beady, black",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: long, curved, black",
+        "nape: dark, narrow transition",
+        "tail: forked, black, streamlined",
+        "throat: pale grey, delicate"
+    ],
+    "black polled yellowthroat": [
+        "back: dark greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black cap",
+        "forehead: black band above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, connecting black crown to back",
+        "tail: short and dark, with yellow edges",
+        "throat: striking yellow, contrasting black mask"
+    ],
+    "black ringed white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light cream hue",
+        "breast: white with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white, bordered by black",
+        "eyes: distinctive white ring",
+        "legs: slender gray-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, fades into olive-green back",
+        "tail: broad and slightly forked, olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black rumped buttonquail": [
+        "back: mottled brown with buff streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black markings",
+        "breast: warm brown with distinct black bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, finely freckled",
+        "forehead: whitish, contrasting with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short and black with white edging",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black mottling"
+    ],
+    "black rumped flameback": [
+        "back: golden-yellow feathers with black borders",
+        "beak: long, curved, and pale ivory",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant red with black borders",
+        "forehead: fiery red patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black with strong claws",
+        "wings: golden-yellow feathers with black borders and white patches",
+        "nape: bright red with black borders",
+        "tail: black with white tips and curved feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black rumped magpie": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black hooked bill",
+        "belly: white, lightly streaked with gray",
+        "breast: white with smoky gray streaks",
+        "crown: metallic blue-green, vibrant sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like with black iris",
+        "legs: sturdy, black and scaly",
+        "wings: elongated, black-blue sheen with white patch",
+        "nape: shimmering green-blue hue",
+        "tail: long, black with sharp white v-shaped marking",
+        "throat: white with subtle gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "black rumped waxbill": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, greyish-black",
+        "belly: creamy off-white",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown",
+        "crown: warm reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: beige with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown fading to grey",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: off-white with light grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "black shouldered kite": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle markings",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: white and clean",
+        "crown: light gray with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, round, bright red or black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, and thin",
+        "wings: long and pointed, black wingtips",
+        "nape: light gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: white, forked, with black outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black sided flowerpecker": [
+        "back: deep black feather coverage",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointy",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with black sides",
+        "breast: pale gray with tinges of yellow",
+        "crown: dark black with a slight gloss",
+        "forehead: smooth black transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp and tiny with dark pupils",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white fringes and markings",
+        "nape: glossy black with smooth feather pattern",
+        "tail: short and dark with distinct white fringes",
+        "throat: light gray fading into the white belly"
+    ],
+    "black sided robin": [
+        "back: dark green with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, black in color",
+        "belly: black with light grey streaks",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: deep green/black with a slight shine",
+        "forehead: light green fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: dark green with black edges and light green highlights",
+        "nape: greenish-black with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long and black with green highlights",
+        "throat: light grey, contrasting with the bright breast"
+    ],
+    "black spectacled brushfinch": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with black speckles",
+        "breast: pale gray with black-speckled sides",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white spectacle-like markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, black, and strong",
+        "wings: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "nape: black, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "black spotted barbet": [
+        "back: green with black spots",
+        "beak: short, stout, and red",
+        "belly: olive-green with black spots",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with black spots",
+        "crown: red with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright red",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: green with black spots, rounded tips",
+        "nape: green with black spots",
+        "tail: green with black bands, short and broad",
+        "throat: yellowish-green with black spots"
+    ],
+    "black spotted bare eye": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with black spots",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: white with narrow black spots",
+        "eyes: large white rings, black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white and black spots",
+        "nape: black with white spots",
+        "tail: long with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white with small black spots"
+    ],
+    "black streaked puffbird": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaking",
+        "breast: white with thick black streaks",
+        "crown: black with scattered brown spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown merging into black crown",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive, and black",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, black",
+        "wings: dark brown with black streaks and white bands",
+        "nape: black with brown shading",
+        "tail: broad, dark brown with black bars",
+        "throat: white with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black streaked scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, dusky-gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut with a dark eyebrow",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black striped sparrow": [
+        "back: dark grey with faint black stripes",
+        "beak: small, pointed, pale grey",
+        "belly: light grey with faint darker stripes",
+        "breast: pale grey with black streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with grey streaks",
+        "forehead: white with black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: grey-brown with black stripes and white bars",
+        "nape: light grey with thin dark stripes",
+        "tail: long, greyish-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: white with faint grey stripes"
+    ],
+    "black striped woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-black with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with tinges of buff",
+        "breast: white with broad black stripes",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous with fine black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a faint white ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-black, with light buff tips on flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown, with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "black tailed antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black",
+        "belly: white-greyish plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, streamlined with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, bordered by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, grey",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white-greyish feathers"
+    ],
+    "black tailed crake": [
+        "back: dark brown with rusty-orange streaks",
+        "beak: pointed, yellowish upper, greenish-gray lower",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black bars",
+        "breast: rust-colored with black barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greenish-gray, long, and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown, short, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: black with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "black tailed flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: slender black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow",
+        "crown: black crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark rounded eyes",
+        "legs: black thin legs",
+        "wings: dark grey with black edges",
+        "nape: greenish-black",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "black tailed gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: gray-blue feathered surface",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with pale gray sides",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle blue hue",
+        "crown: black cap extending to nape",
+        "forehead: gray-blue hue blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: gray-blue with black accents and white edges",
+        "nape: continuation of black cap from crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray leading to white belly"
+    ],
+    "black tailed godwit": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: light, buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale, subtly barred with brown",
+        "crown: brownish with streaked patterns",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, centered on the head",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale grey",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, adorned with white barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with streaks, transitioning to back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers and a triangular shape",
+        "throat: pale and unmarked, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "black tailed gull": [
+        "back: grey-feathered with a hint of cream",
+        "beak: sharp, amber-colored with a red tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white",
+        "breast: soft white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth grey feathers",
+        "forehead: clear grey, slight lineament",
+        "eyes: quick, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: vibrant pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: silver-grey with a touch of black at the tips",
+        "nape: smooth, light grey",
+        "tail: core white with outer black band",
+        "throat: pale white with soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "black tailed leaftosser": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: prominent, olive-green",
+        "eyes: black with noticeable ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black edges",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: black, broad, slightly forked",
+        "throat: buff-yellow with streaks"
+    ],
+    "black tailed monarch": [
+        "back: dark gray with slight green sheen",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, black color",
+        "belly: creamy white, light gray fading",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow hue",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly greenish tint",
+        "forehead: dark gray with a green sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round, black pupils, and white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black, and scaled",
+        "wings: black with vibrant blue sheen, white patches on inner parts",
+        "nape: dark gray, subtle green shimmer",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: orange-yellow, bright and colorful"
+    ],
+    "black tailed nativehen": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "breast: deep chestnut with fine horizontal bars",
+        "crown: smooth, dark brown",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, beady, and brownish-red",
+        "legs: long, strong, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark brown with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark, glossy brown",
+        "tail: black with a slight upward curve",
+        "throat: chestnut-colored with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "black tailed oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant bright orange-yellow",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow",
+        "crown: orange-yellow with black stripe",
+        "forehead: sleek, black feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, intense black",
+        "legs: sturdy, slender, and black",
+        "wings: black with yellow and white margins",
+        "nape: rich golden-yellow hue",
+        "tail: prominent, black with yellow edges",
+        "throat: orange-yellow, unblemished"
+    ],
+    "black tailed tityra": [
+        "back: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: large, pale yellowish hooked beak",
+        "belly: off-white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black extending down to nape",
+        "forehead: black with a slight ridge",
+        "eyes: dark with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: blackish, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white tinged with light gray"
+    ],
+    "black tailed trainbearer": [
+        "back: vibrant green and shimmering",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent green plumage",
+        "crown: shining green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright emerald-green",
+        "eyes: small and jet-black",
+        "legs: thin, dark-gray",
+        "wings: elongated with striking green feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant green, shimmering",
+        "tail: long, black, and scissor-like",
+        "throat: iridescent green plumage"
+    ],
+    "black tailed treecreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with some faint streaks",
+        "breast: white and buff with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and clean, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "black tailed trogon": [
+        "back: glossy green upperparts",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow in males, pale yellow in females",
+        "breast: blue-black band across the chest in males, dark gray in females",
+        "crown: deep green with a subtle metallic shimmer",
+        "forehead: green, with a smooth transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a thin black eyering",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and orange-red",
+        "wings: green with white and black bands, and black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green, connecting with the crown and back",
+        "tail: black, with broad white-tipped feathers, and a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: bright yellow in males, pale yellow in females"
+    ],
+    "black tailed waxbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark speckles",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light chestnut-orange",
+        "crown: steel blue with white stripes",
+        "forehead: small white patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "nape: steel blue with white stripes",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light chestnut-orange"
+    ],
+    "black tailed whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint black markings",
+        "beak: sturdy and slightly curved, pale grayish",
+        "belly: whitish-cream with light streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: black with characteristic white edges",
+        "throat: pale cream with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "black thighed falconet": [
+        "back: sleek dark plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white contrast against dark crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: long, black, and pointed",
+        "nape: white, separating dark crown and back",
+        "tail: black with white banding",
+        "throat: clean white appearance"
+    ],
+    "black thighed grosbeak": [
+        "back: deep black plumage",
+        "beak: thick, conical, and pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow and black",
+        "crown: black and sleek",
+        "forehead: smooth black contour",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and attentive",
+        "legs: sturdy pink-gray limbs",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: rich black gradient",
+        "tail: long, black and white pattern",
+        "throat: intense black contrast"
+    ],
+    "black thighed puffleg": [
+        "back: shiny green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: green feathers with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green head",
+        "forehead: metallic green sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: dark gray with black thighs",
+        "wings: broad, green with black edges",
+        "nape: green feathers, subtle shimmer",
+        "tail: long, forked, black feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming deep green feathers"
+    ],
+    "black throated accentor": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with black streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: grey with black, streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown and slightly mottled",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with streaked pattern",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: striking black color"
+    ],
+    "black throated antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, sharp",
+        "belly: white with black scaling",
+        "breast: black with white streaking",
+        "crown: gray-blue with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-blue with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: gray-blue with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: deep black with white scaling"
+    ],
+    "black throated antshrike": [
+        "back: dark gray feathering",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and well-defined",
+        "legs: strong, pale pink or gray",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with white spots",
+        "nape: dark gray, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, black with white bands",
+        "throat: distinct black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated apalis": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a black central stripe",
+        "forehead: dark gray with a black central stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with light-gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: dark gray with a black central stripe",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: boldly black with sharp contrasting"
+    ],
+    "black throated babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint grey markings",
+        "breast: light grey, with darker streaks on sides",
+        "crown: slate grey, with minimal streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth slate grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, light grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: slate grey, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "throat: black patch, contrasting with grey breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of blues and greens",
+        "beak: sturdy and slightly curved for chiselling wood",
+        "belly: blend of red and yellow hues",
+        "breast: rich red or orange coloration",
+        "crown: distinctive green plumage with some blue patches",
+        "forehead: brilliant green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: beady black and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp-clawed feet for gripping tree trunks",
+        "wings: strikingly patterned with bands of blues, greens, and yellows",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers leading to the back",
+        "tail: greenish feathers with blue tips and yellow undersides",
+        "throat: deep black color, extending to the upper breast area"
+    ],
+    "black throated bobwhite": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, stout, and light grayish",
+        "belly: buffy tinges with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with bold, dark barring",
+        "crown: broad rusty-brown stripe",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with fine white speckles",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with black markings",
+        "tail: short, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: striking black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated brilliant": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale green with dark streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise and black",
+        "crown: shimmering purple-blue",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and black",
+        "wings: iridescent green and black",
+        "nape: striking purple-blue band",
+        "tail: long, forked, and black",
+        "throat: deep black with metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "black throated canary": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent yellow forehead",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender with scaly skin",
+        "wings: yellow-green with dark edges",
+        "nape: yellow-green plumage blending into back",
+        "tail: long, forked, and black-tipped",
+        "throat: striking black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated coucal": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved black beak",
+        "belly: deep black plumage",
+        "breast: black with greenish iridescence",
+        "crown: glossy green head feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent dark green feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange with black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, black, scaly",
+        "wings: dark green with black edges",
+        "nape: lustrous green-black plumage",
+        "tail: green-black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant black coloration"
+    ],
+    "black throated finch": [
+        "back: dark grey, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: conical-shaped, silver-grey color",
+        "belly: white with faint black speckles",
+        "breast: light grey with dark speckles",
+        "crown: black with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black, extending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with lighter edges, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: dark grey, transitioning from the black crown",
+        "tail: long and dark grey, with slightly rounded tip",
+        "throat: black, sharply contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: dark blue-gray with hints of green",
+        "beak: black, hooked, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: deep black, fading to gray on sides",
+        "breast: black, merging into grayish-blue flanks",
+        "crown: glossy black, bordered with blue-gray",
+        "forehead: shiny black, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue-gray, with black accents and covert feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: medium length, dark blue-gray with black central feathers",
+        "throat: striking black, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated grosbeak": [
+        "back: dark-hued feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: thick, conical-shaped, pale-color",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red coloration",
+        "crown: black stripe atop the head",
+        "forehead: prominent black stripe",
+        "eyes: tiny, round, jet-black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: black feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: black plumage towards the back of the head",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: distinct black region contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated hermit": [
+        "back: olive-green with light feather edges",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, transitioning from throat",
+        "crown: dark green, brighter at the front",
+        "forehead: bright green with iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, strong and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white tips",
+        "nape: dark green, borders the crown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, dark iridescent blue-black",
+        "throat: velvety black with a slight sheen"
+    ],
+    "black throated honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white, streaked",
+        "crown: olive-green, gray streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, prominent",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, black markings",
+        "nape: grayish streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, black tips",
+        "throat: striking black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated huet huet": [
+        "back: dark feathered, greenish-black",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: black, blending into greenish-black",
+        "breast: black, blending into greenish-black",
+        "crown: smooth, deep black",
+        "forehead: black, with dense feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, fiery red",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: short, rounded, greenish-black feathers",
+        "nape: black, with hint of greenish sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark, with greenish-black feathers",
+        "throat: black, with a distinctive metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "black throated jay": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey-blue hue",
+        "breast: greyish-blue feathers with faint barring",
+        "crown: deep blue head crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue plumage",
+        "eyes: black with expressive white rings",
+        "legs: slim black with strong grip",
+        "wings: dark blue with white markings",
+        "nape: bold black and blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: striking black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with hints of green",
+        "beak: sturdy, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: dark grayish-blue with black spots",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray with streaks",
+        "eyes: bright, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish edging",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, streaked",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: black with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "black throated magpie jay": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black curved beak",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: vibrant blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: black crown with crest",
+        "forehead: black forehead feathers",
+        "eyes: black, expressive eyes",
+        "legs: long, black thin legs",
+        "wings: large blue wings with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, streamer-like tail feathers",
+        "throat: distinct black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated malimbe": [
+        "back: black feathers with subtle hints of green iridescence",
+        "beak: short, thick and black",
+        "belly: black with minimal reddish streaks",
+        "breast: black feathers and prominent red throat patch",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers and slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: black with a slight green shine",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: dark gray and strong",
+        "wings: black feathers with green iridescence and rounded shape",
+        "nape: black with a touch of iridescent green",
+        "tail: black, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright red patch contrasting with black feathers"
+    ],
+    "black throated mango": [
+        "back: iridescent green or bronze upper body",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black markings",
+        "breast: bright golden green with black vertical stripes",
+        "crown: iridescent green head plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green with metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: small and black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: short, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark flight feathers, bright green coverts",
+        "nape: vibrant green iridescence",
+        "tail: long, forked, dark central feathers, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: striking black patch, edged in blue"
+    ],
+    "black throated munia": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: dark grey with white scaling",
+        "breast: black base with white speckles",
+        "crown: deep black, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: glossy black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-brown, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: short, round, dark brown with white tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaks, matching back",
+        "tail: medium-length, straight, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: solid black coloration, sharp contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with light barring",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow crest",
+        "forehead: pale yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, greyish",
+        "wings: olive green with black edging",
+        "nape: yellowish-green",
+        "tail: long and narrow, black with white tips",
+        "throat: bold black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed beak",
+        "belly: light-colored underside",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown",
+        "crown: indistinctive pale stripe",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, beady black",
+        "legs: long, slender, flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight barring",
+        "nape: grey-brown area behind head",
+        "tail: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "throat: distinct black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated robin": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: orange-red with bold black edges",
+        "crown: dark gray plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small black and attentive",
+        "legs: thin and long, light gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: dark gray plumage",
+        "tail: long black feathers",
+        "throat: distinct black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated saltator": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray than belly",
+        "crown: black with a blue sheen",
+        "forehead: blackish-blue",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blue-gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: combination of black and blue-gray",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: distinct black patch with white border"
+    ],
+    "black throated shrike tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking black throat patch",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green head",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers transitioning to black",
+        "eyes: beady black with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue edge markings",
+        "nape: bluish-green blended with yellow",
+        "tail: elongated forked green feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive black patch contrasting yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated shrikebill": [
+        "back: dark metallic green, iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: broad and stout, curved hook, blackish",
+        "belly: deep rufous, fading to yellowish",
+        "breast: narrow black band, separates deep rufous throat",
+        "crown: striking metallic green",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by black mask",
+        "legs: dark grey, medium length",
+        "wings: greenish-blue iridescence with black edges",
+        "nape: metallic green, contrasts with black band",
+        "tail: short, dark with iridescent greenish-blue tips",
+        "throat: deep rufous, black throat band"
+    ],
+    "black throated spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by pale gray",
+        "legs: thin, dark brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, streaked with reddish-brown",
+        "nape: dark brown with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown, with a black throat band",
+        "throat: black, contrasting against lighter breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated sunbird": [
+        "back: shiny greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: dark yellow to olive-green",
+        "breast: bright red with a black patch",
+        "crown: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: bright red strip",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: dark blue-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: vibrant green-blue hue",
+        "tail: long, needle-like, and dark green",
+        "throat: striking black with red edges"
+    ],
+    "black throated thistletail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with shades of gray",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: dull and pale gray",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-black",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender, gray and feathered",
+        "wings: olive-brown with subtle patterning",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown and short",
+        "throat: deep black with fine scalloping"
+    ],
+    "black throated thrush": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, yellowish",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: greyish-brown head",
+        "forehead: light grey feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, black with white eyelids",
+        "legs: long and dark",
+        "wings: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "nape: grey with a black patch",
+        "tail: long, grey with white edges",
+        "throat: prominent black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated tit": [
+        "back: small, gray with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: white, patchy black markings",
+        "crown: gray, black markings",
+        "forehead: black, slight white stripe",
+        "eyes: round, dark, intense gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: gray, black markings, white tips",
+        "nape: gray, black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, white edges",
+        "throat: black, contrasting white chest"
+    ],
+    "black throated tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black throat patch",
+        "crown: olive green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: olive green fading to yellow",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: bold, black contrast against yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "black throated trogon": [
+        "back: deep green with a shimmer",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow or white, depending on gender",
+        "breast: dark green or blue, separates throat from belly",
+        "crown: glossy, deep green-blue",
+        "forehead: deep green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by thin blue eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep green, part of back and head",
+        "tail: long, black with broad white band",
+        "throat: striking black, main identifier of the species"
+    ],
+    "black throated wattle eye": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: light gray underpart",
+        "breast: gray plumage",
+        "crown: black with slight shine",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by blue-black eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black edges",
+        "nape: black with blue sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark gray",
+        "throat: striking black patch"
+    ],
+    "black throated wren babbler": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: blackish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter markings",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and black",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and featherless",
+        "wings: dark brown with intricate markings",
+        "nape: black with a thin white stripe",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: black with white speckles"
+    ],
+    "black tipped cotinga": [
+        "back: dark blue with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, short, and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter blue fading to white",
+        "breast: vibrant sky blue",
+        "crown: deep blue-black with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: dark blue with a black tip",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: dark blue, wide and smooth-edged",
+        "nape: brilliant blue with subtle black markings",
+        "tail: elongated, with black tips on blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue fading to a lighter hue"
+    ],
+    "black tipped monarch": [
+        "back: dark blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black-tipped orange",
+        "belly: light gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark bluish-black head crest",
+        "forehead: blue-gray plumage merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white-ringed edges",
+        "legs: slim, charcoal-black",
+        "wings: blue-gray with striking black tips",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: lengthy, blue-gray with bold black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, transition to breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "black vented oriole": [
+        "back: deep black with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange",
+        "breast: vivid yellow-orange",
+        "crown: smooth black with a subtle gloss",
+        "forehead: shiny black, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy black, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white edging on the feathers",
+        "nape: sleek black connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: rich yellow-orange, contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "black whiskered vireo": [
+        "back: rich olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with pale yellow wash",
+        "breast: whitish with olive-green sides",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint gray streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering, prominent whisker-like black streak below",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, slightly darker than back, white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with crown and back color",
+        "tail: olive-green, darker than back, with whitish edges on feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, bordered by black whisker-like streaks"
+    ],
+    "black winged bishop": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: black plumage with gray undertones",
+        "breast: dark black feathers",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender black legs",
+        "wings: expansive black feathers with white trim",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting at the neck",
+        "tail: long, sweeping black feathers",
+        "throat: black plumage with hints of gray"
+    ],
+    "black winged cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: smooth gray, well-rounded",
+        "crown: dark gray, streamlined",
+        "forehead: gray, flatter, meeting beak",
+        "eyes: sharp gaze, dark-centered",
+        "legs: slim but sturdy, black",
+        "wings: long, black, with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish, slightly ruffled feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "black winged flycatcher shrike": [
+        "back: dark grey with faint stripes",
+        "beak: strong, stout, and black",
+        "belly: light grey-white",
+        "breast: pale grey",
+        "crown: dark grey with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: dark grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: black with white banding",
+        "nape: grey with faint striping",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: grey-white, separating breast from head"
+    ],
+    "black winged ground dove": [
+        "back: smooth blackish feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: muted gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark grayish-black plumage",
+        "forehead: black feathers with faint gray markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender black appendages",
+        "wings: black with bold white stripes",
+        "nape: dark gray-black feathers",
+        "tail: long black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "black winged kite": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with light grey hues",
+        "breast: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "crown: light grey with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white, smooth",
+        "eyes: striking red, large",
+        "legs: long, yellowish",
+        "wings: primarily black with white patches",
+        "nape: light grey, sleek",
+        "tail: long, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, softly feathered"
+    ],
+    "black winged lapwing": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: predominantly white",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: glossy black, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: white with black demarcation",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: vibrant black with white underside",
+        "nape: black, smoothly flowing feathers",
+        "tail: contrast of black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, unblemished plumage"
+    ],
+    "black winged lory": [
+        "back: bright red feathers",
+        "beak: curved orange beak",
+        "belly: orange and red feathers",
+        "breast: mixture of red, blue, and black feathers",
+        "crown: red feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: grayish legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black and blue feathers with unique patterns",
+        "nape: red and blue feathered",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: fiery red feathers"
+    ],
+    "black winged lovebird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, short, sharp, red upper, and black lower mandible",
+        "belly: light green feathered round lower body",
+        "breast: smooth green plumage on the front upper body",
+        "crown: emerald green head with a blue tinge",
+        "forehead: vivid red patch with a sharp contrast to the green head",
+        "eyes: round, black, with white outlined rings",
+        "legs: gray, strong, with curved claws for grasping",
+        "wings: black or navy blue flight feathers with green coverts",
+        "nape: soft green continuation of the head and upper neck",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale green feathered extension of the breast, leading up to the beak"
+    ],
+    "black winged monarch": [
+        "back: deep black color with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, contrastingly yellow and strong",
+        "belly: vibrant white with a characteristic black stripe",
+        "breast: mixture of black and white feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers extending over the head",
+        "forehead: intense black, leading to the eyes",
+        "eyes: sharp, observing with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: black and slender with small talons",
+        "wings: stunning black with blue iridescence",
+        "nape: blending from the crown into the back",
+        "tail: fan-like black feathers, extending from the body",
+        "throat: contrasting white with black plumage"
+    ],
+    "black winged myna": [
+        "back: shiny black feathers",
+        "beak: yellow and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: black with possible green sheen",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with iridescence",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of metallic shine",
+        "eyes: dark surrounded by yellow eye ring",
+        "legs: yellow and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with green-blue sheen",
+        "nape: black with iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: black and elongated",
+        "throat: black feathers with slight metallic glint"
+    ],
+    "black winged oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant golden yellow",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black",
+        "belly: rich golden yellow",
+        "breast: bright golden hue",
+        "crown: deep black with a glossy shine",
+        "forehead: shining black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, and round",
+        "legs: slender black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking black feathers with contrasting yellow edges",
+        "nape: glossy black plumage seamlessly connected to the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with distinct yellow tail feathers",
+        "throat: radiant golden yellow akin to the belly"
+    ],
+    "black winged parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: lighter green hue",
+        "breast: bright green with subtle hints of blue",
+        "crown: deep blue with green accents",
+        "forehead: dark blue feathers",
+        "eyes: intelligent, dark and round",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking black, green, and blue pattern",
+        "nape: dark blue meeting green transition",
+        "tail: long and broad, black edged feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green with blue hints"
+    ],
+    "black winged petrel": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved point",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white with black edges",
+        "crown: black, smooth plumage",
+        "forehead: black, small feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady gaze",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long, pointed black feathers",
+        "nape: subtle black transition to white",
+        "tail: black, slender forked feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "black winged pratincole": [
+        "back: dark gray feathered covering",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, black instrument",
+        "belly: light gray plumage underside",
+        "breast: muted gray front feathers",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray head crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray plumage transition",
+        "eyes: piercing, round, black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, black, long limbs",
+        "wings: expansive black-tipped flappers",
+        "nape: curved gray neck connection",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, gray feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray feathered area"
+    ],
+    "black winged saltator": [
+        "back: dark olive green feathers",
+        "beak: robust, silvery gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish white, streaked with black",
+        "crown: black with a silvery border",
+        "forehead: blackish gray",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grayish",
+        "wings: black with vibrant white markings",
+        "nape: black with a metallic sheen",
+        "tail: black, forked, with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish, streaked with black"
+    ],
+    "black winged snowfinch": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: black, short and conical",
+        "belly: white with gray markings",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: black and white speckles",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: black with white patches and bars",
+        "nape: gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: black and white, fork-shaped",
+        "throat: white with gray markings"
+    ],
+    "black winged stilt": [
+        "back: sleek black upper layer",
+        "beak: long, thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: clean white underbody",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: contrasting black pattern",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: exceptionally thin, lengthy, and reddish-pink",
+        "wings: long, striking black feathers",
+        "nape: black with a slight curve",
+        "tail: short, black feathers",
+        "throat: elegant white feathers"
+    ],
+    "blackcap babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: dull grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white, blending with belly",
+        "crown: distinctive black cap",
+        "forehead: black, part of cap",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by grayish-white feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting with cap",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with rounded edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white, distinct from black cap"
+    ],
+    "blackcap illadopsis": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a distinctive black cap",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the black cap",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, and round",
+        "legs: brownish-gray with strong, scaly texture",
+        "wings: brown with faint wing bars and rounded shape",
+        "nape: light brown blending into the dark crown",
+        "tail: brown with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: creamy-white with a soft, smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "blackish antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter grey, gradual fading from breast",
+        "breast: medium grey, horizontal striations",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with a white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: dark grey, intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: grey with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, slight contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "blackish chat tyrant": [
+        "back: dark gray upper body",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: dark gray feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-gray head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slim, black",
+        "wings: dark gray, rounded",
+        "nape: blackish-gray",
+        "tail: dark gray, medium length",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "blackish cinclodes": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: mottled blackish-brown and white",
+        "breast: dark brownish-black with white spots",
+        "crown: uniformly dark brownish-black",
+        "forehead: dark blackish-brown fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with dark brown iris",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray and slightly feathered",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with slight white barring",
+        "nape: dark brown-black feathers, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: mottled white and dark brown-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "blackish cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: dark gray with hints of green",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale gray, fading into white",
+        "breast: dark gray with subtle green sheen",
+        "crown: sleek blackish crown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth and dark gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, gray, and thin",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter gray edges",
+        "nape: matte black, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long and straight, blackish-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "blackish nightjar": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: black, short and wide",
+        "belly: slightly paler grayish-brown, minimal barring",
+        "breast: dark grayish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, black with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: black, short and slender",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown, long with subtle barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown, medium length with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: slightly paler grayish-brown with minimal barring"
+    ],
+    "blackish oystercatcher": [
+        "back: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, red-orange",
+        "belly: blackish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: dark, full feathers",
+        "crown: black with subtle gray streaks",
+        "forehead: black, merging with beak",
+        "eyes: alert, yellow with red ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-red",
+        "wings: broad, black with white trim",
+        "nape: gray-streaked black feathers",
+        "tail: short, black with white band",
+        "throat: black, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "blackish pewee": [
+        "back: dark olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slim and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter grey with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark olive-grey, well-defined",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey than crown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark olive-grey with distinct white bars",
+        "nape: dark olive-grey, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long and dark grey, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "blackish rail": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: slender and straight, dark grey",
+        "belly: dusky grey with white streaks",
+        "breast: dark grey with white speckles",
+        "crown: solid blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender with grey-green color",
+        "wings: short, dark brown with faint white stripes",
+        "nape: blackish-brown, consistent with crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, dark greyish-brown",
+        "throat: pale grey, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "blackish tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle brownish hue",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black color",
+        "belly: slightly lighter gray than back",
+        "breast: dark gray with faint brownish undertones",
+        "crown: deep gray, almost black",
+        "forehead: dark gray, less intense than crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, black or dark brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with brownish feather edges",
+        "nape: dark gray, consistent with back color",
+        "tail: long and wide, dark gray with possible brown tint",
+        "throat: slightly lighter gray than breast"
+    ],
+    "blackish blue seedeater": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers, smooth texture",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: lighter blue hue, soft feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue top feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek blue, hint of shimmer",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender black limbs, strong grip",
+        "wings: dark gradient blue feathers, spread wide",
+        "nape: blue feathers blending to darker hue",
+        "tail: long, blue-black feathers, fan-like shape",
+        "throat: lighter blue feathers, distinct shape"
+    ],
+    "blackish gray antshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, blackish-gray, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: lighter gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray, slightly plump",
+        "crown: blackish-gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by a faint gray ring",
+        "legs: strong, blackish-gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blackish-gray, with bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: dark gray, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-gray, with distinct white tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray, with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "blackish headed spinetail": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: blackish-grey, pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: small, dark-brown",
+        "legs: greyish, slender",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with short feathers",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown with thin white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "blacksmith lapwing": [
+        "back: black feathers with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "beak: short and sharp, primarily black with a yellow base",
+        "belly: clean white feathers",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers with green sheen",
+        "forehead: distinct white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, with red-orange rings",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellow",
+        "wings: black feathers with green iridescence, white patches",
+        "nape: black feathers with a green sheen",
+        "tail: short with black feathers and white outer edges",
+        "throat: striking white feather patch"
+    ],
+    "blacksmith thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown upper body",
+        "beak: straight, slim, and black",
+        "belly: pale white underpart",
+        "breast: white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown atop the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, encircled with pale skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-colored",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint, white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark brown, connects to back",
+        "tail: dark brown, long, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale white with brown spots"
+    ],
+    "blackstart": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: slim, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray towards the rear",
+        "forehead: paler gray, close to eyes",
+        "eyes: round and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white patch at base",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending into crown",
+        "tail: black with reddish-orange undertail coverts",
+        "throat: light gray, similar to breast"
+    ],
+    "blackthroat": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: black and white patterned feathers",
+        "crown: dark with bright white markings",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white outline",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: dark with noticeable white wingbars",
+        "nape: black with white markings",
+        "tail: elongated and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: intense black or dark, prominent patch"
+    ],
+    "blakiston fish owl": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white mottling",
+        "beak: large, deep, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter flecks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with pale markings",
+        "eyes: blackish-brown, surrounded by pale feather disk",
+        "legs: thick and feathered, pale grayish-white",
+        "wings: huge, long, with brown and white alternating patterns",
+        "nape: brown with white mottling and spots",
+        "tail: broad, brown with wavy white bands",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark upperparts"
+    ],
+    "blanford lark": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and pale",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark markings",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale and streaked",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: brown with white panels",
+        "nape: pale brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with markings"
+    ],
+    "blanford rosefinch": [
+        "back: light brown with slight streaking",
+        "beak: conical and pale pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: white with faint streaking",
+        "breast: rosy pink blending into white",
+        "crown: slate gray with a hint of pink",
+        "forehead: slate gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: slate gray fading into light brown",
+        "tail: brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: rosy pink"
+    ],
+    "blanford snowfinch": [
+        "back: pale brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "crown: pale sandy-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with minimal streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bead-like",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and dark gray",
+        "wings: sandy-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: pale brown with darker bands and white edges",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "blaze winged parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, orange-red",
+        "belly: olive green with a yellow tinge",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green",
+        "crown: deep blue with a striking pattern",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark blue with blazing red markings",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers",
+        "tail: dark blue with lighter blue edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "blond crested woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: white with yellow tint",
+        "breast: white with black horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: bright yellow crest",
+        "forehead: red patch between eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white outlining",
+        "legs: gray, sturdy, and short",
+        "wings: black with white spots and yellow tips",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers and sharp ends",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "blood breasted flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale white feathers",
+        "breast: deep red hue",
+        "crown: green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: green feathers blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, agile",
+        "wings: green with blue tinge, swift",
+        "nape: green, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short, green with blue streaks",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "blood colored woodpecker": [
+        "back: crimson feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, chiseled, and deep red",
+        "belly: rich blood-red hue with spotted texture",
+        "breast: vibrant red with subtle feather lines",
+        "crown: striking red with a slightly darker shade",
+        "forehead: smooth, sleek, and blood-red",
+        "eyes: piercing dark orbs with red accents",
+        "legs: strong, dark red with curved talons",
+        "wings: deep red with black spots and intricate patterns",
+        "nape: intense red with a gradient to the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, red feathers with black banding",
+        "throat: lustrous blood-red with fine feather detail"
+    ],
+    "blossom headed parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, red-orange",
+        "belly: light green, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright green or yellowish-green",
+        "crown: deep purple-blue or red",
+        "forehead: brilliant red or purple plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: strong, grey-brown",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: rich green hue",
+        "tail: long, semi-fanned, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: light green or yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "blue bird of paradise": [
+        "back: shimmering iridescent blue and black plumage",
+        "beak: black, short, and curved",
+        "belly: deep velvety black feathers",
+        "breast: rich cobalt blue with black accents",
+        "crown: glossy black with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: midnight blue with iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark with a bold white ring around them",
+        "legs: strong and slender, black in color",
+        "wings: black and iridescent blue, elongated with striking patterns",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into the blue of the crown",
+        "tail: long, ribbon-like, black and blue streamers",
+        "throat: vivid cobalt blue with a subtle iridescence"
+    ],
+    "blue bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, silver-grey",
+        "belly: soft, creamy white",
+        "breast: deep, royal blue",
+        "crown: brilliant blue cap",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small black beads, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grey, slender",
+        "wings: striking blue with black bars",
+        "nape: blue feathers with smooth transition",
+        "tail: blue and black, slightly forked",
+        "throat: rich blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue bustard": [
+        "back: sleek, blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: off-white underbelly with thin, blue streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant blue chest with dark speckles",
+        "crown: smooth, round crest with iridescent blue sheen",
+        "forehead: sleek, glossy blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, gray-blue legs and feet",
+        "wings: large, blue-black feathers with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to gray, shorter feathers",
+        "tail: horizontal, fan-like tail with varying lengths of blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale, smooth blue throat with subtle dark spots"
+    ],
+    "blue cotinga": [
+        "back: iridescent blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout black bill",
+        "belly: light blue hue",
+        "breast: bright turquoise plumage",
+        "crown: shiny blue top",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: striking black orbs",
+        "legs: short, black appendages",
+        "wings: wide, shimmering blue",
+        "nape: rich blue color",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers",
+        "throat: vivid blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue coua": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale blue-gray plumage",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with crest",
+        "forehead: royal blue plumage",
+        "eyes: bright red, surrounded by gray feathering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: striking blue, edged with black",
+        "nape: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "tail: long and blue, featuring white tips",
+        "throat: pale blue-gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue crane": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with smooth feather coverage",
+        "breast: light gray with a subtle white streak",
+        "crown: sleek dark gray with erectable plume feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded with fine gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round with a gentle gaze",
+        "legs: elongated, thin, and pale with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide, gray-blue with a dramatic wingtip sweep",
+        "nape: smooth gray connecting to a graceful arched neck",
+        "tail: elongated, wispy gray feathers with a dancing flutter",
+        "throat: soft and light gray with a smooth, curved contour"
+    ],
+    "blue cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale, bluish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: lightly streaked, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, deep blue-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue, slightly rounded head",
+        "eyes: dark, attentive, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: elongated, blue-gray with black edges",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, gently curved neck feathers",
+        "tail: slightly forked, blue-gray with black tips",
+        "throat: pale blue-gray, smooth-feathered"
+    ],
+    "blue duck": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: sturdy, greyish-blue with a slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: soft, lighter blue plumage for added warmth",
+        "breast: mix of bright and light blue feathers for optimal comfort",
+        "crown: sleek, dark blue feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter blue hue connecting crown to the beak",
+        "eyes: round, alert eyes with a hint of ocean blue",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue matching the beak for stability",
+        "wings: varying shades of blue feathers for swift flight",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back in deep blue",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers providing balance and support",
+        "throat: delicate, lighter blue plumage for unobstructed air flow"
+    ],
+    "blue eared pheasant": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with light iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep blue with slight lustrous sheen",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers with subtle metallic shimmer",
+        "crown: plush crest of velvety blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth deep blue feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grey-blue with sturdy feathered feet",
+        "wings: long, rounded with iridescent blue and black feathers",
+        "nape: thick, luxurious blue-black feathers cascading down the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, slightly curved with a mix of blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: soft, vibrant blue feathers with a hint of iridescence"
+    ],
+    "blue finch": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, heavy-duty beak",
+        "belly: white with some grayish-blue streaks",
+        "breast: bluish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright blue that extends to the eye line",
+        "eyes: black, small, and alert",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, thin, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue-gray with darker edges, outlined with white trim",
+        "nape: bluish-gray transitioning to bright blue at the crown",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by blue-gray and streaked with black"
+    ],
+    "blue ground dove": [
+        "back: blueish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: delicate pale blue-gray",
+        "breast: muted blue-gray plumage",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, slender limbs",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black spots",
+        "nape: subtle blue-gray shading",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: lighter blue-gray color"
+    ],
+    "blue jewel babbler": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short but sturdy black beak",
+        "belly: deep sapphire color fading to lighter blue",
+        "breast: shimmering royal blue feathers",
+        "crown: a sleek blue crest adorning its head",
+        "forehead: a slight iridescence at the front of the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, inquisitive black eyes",
+        "legs: slender but strong, with black claws",
+        "wings: a stunning mix of various blue shades in a delicate pattern",
+        "nape: the area where neck and head join with darker blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, cascading blue feathers with striping for impressive flights",
+        "throat: contrasting lighter blue from breast, hinting at opalescence"
+    ],
+    "blue lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved orange-yellow beak",
+        "belly: light blue feathers with white accents",
+        "breast: striking turquoise plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender gray-blue legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brilliant blue feathers with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition from bright blue on the head to turquoise on shoulders",
+        "tail: long, blue tail feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: light blue with a white patch"
+    ],
+    "blue mockingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak for catching insects and fruits",
+        "belly: soft white or pale gray feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: blue or light gray feathers across the chest",
+        "crown: striking blue or gray feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth blue or gray feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black eyes with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: long, sleek gray-black legs with three toes facing forward and one backward",
+        "wings: iridescent blue or gray feathers extending from the shoulders",
+        "nape: transition from the blue or gray head to the back feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray tail feathers with white tips that fan out during flight",
+        "throat: lighter blue or gray feathers below the beak and chin, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "blue mountain vireo": [
+        "back: vibrant green with bluish hue",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with greenish tinge",
+        "breast: light grey, merging with green",
+        "crown: rich blue with green shades",
+        "forehead: bluish-green, transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, grey-blue, and scaly",
+        "wings: blue-green with black feather tips",
+        "nape: bright green-blue, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long and tapered, with blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, bordered by green"
+    ],
+    "blue nuthatch": [
+        "back: sleek blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: petite, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle blue shades",
+        "breast: soft blue-gray plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant blue with black streaks",
+        "forehead: striking blue with black border",
+        "eyes: small and beady, surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: thin, agile, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: layered blue-gray feathers with elegant curve",
+        "nape: smooth transition from blue crown to gray back",
+        "tail: elongated blue-gray feathers with a slight upward curve",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "blue paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant cobalt blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: azure blue with subtle white highlights",
+        "breast: deep sky blue plumage",
+        "crown: gleaming sapphire crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue extending above beak",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, long, dark gray",
+        "wings: gradient of blue hues, wide feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant blue connecting head and back",
+        "tail: two long, ribbon-like feathers, blue and white",
+        "throat: light cerulean, contrasts with breast"
+    ],
+    "blue petrel": [
+        "back: pale blue-grey upper side",
+        "beak: short, dark, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: blue-grey head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler blue-grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, circled in white",
+        "legs: short, dark",
+        "wings: long, pointed, blue-grey",
+        "nape: blue-grey neck",
+        "tail: short, forked, blue-grey",
+        "throat: white contrasting with head"
+    ],
+    "blue pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright orange-red feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with black stripe",
+        "forehead: steel blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black, round, and watchful",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: striking blue feathers with spots",
+        "nape: navy blue with a hint of green",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers, slightly fanned",
+        "throat: orange red plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue quail": [
+        "back: blue and brown feathered patterns",
+        "beak: short, grey curved beak",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: greyish-blue plumage at the top of the head",
+        "forehead: grey-blue feathers with a few black markings",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes with thin white eye rings",
+        "legs: sturdy grey-blue legs with three toes",
+        "wings: blue and brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "nape: grey-blue feathers with faint brown markings",
+        "tail: square-shaped, grey-blue feathers with black and white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers bordered by black crescent lines"
+    ],
+    "blue rock thrush": [
+        "back: deep blue feathered body",
+        "beak: slim, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light blue-grey plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy blue covering head",
+        "forehead: intense blue hue",
+        "eyes: black, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, black, and thin",
+        "wings: striking blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: gleaming blue on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers with a black band",
+        "throat: brilliant blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue whistling thrush": [
+        "back: dark blue iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black curved beak",
+        "belly: deep blue with a slight sheen",
+        "breast: shimmering cobalt blue plumage",
+        "crown: glossy sapphire blue atop the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue with a smooth gradient",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: slender black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated dark blue feathers with tinges of turquoise",
+        "nape: glistening azure blue from neck to shoulders",
+        "tail: lengthy flowing feathers with a gradient of navy and royal blue",
+        "throat: bright blue with contrasting dark feather edges"
+    ],
+    "blue and black tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of blue",
+        "beak: black and pointed",
+        "belly: deep black feathers",
+        "breast: rich blue plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant blue top",
+        "forehead: intense blue shade",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: mix of blue and black feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue continuation",
+        "tail: elongated with black and blue feathers",
+        "throat: dark black contrasting with blue"
+    ],
+    "blue and gold tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: black, short and stout",
+        "belly: brilliant gold feathers",
+        "breast: bright gold plumes merge with blue",
+        "crown: deep blue colors",
+        "forehead: vivid azure hue",
+        "eyes: black tiny beads surrounded by blue",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: striking blue with gold accents",
+        "nape: radiant blue continues down the neck",
+        "tail: rich blue feathers with gold outlines",
+        "throat: shimmering golden hue"
+    ],
+    "blue and white flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, gently plumed",
+        "crown: bright blue with small crest",
+        "forehead: intense blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, alert beads",
+        "legs: thin, dark, sturdy",
+        "wings: striking blue, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: transitional gradient from blue to white",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, plumed feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue and white kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, elongated black",
+        "belly: predominantly white plumage",
+        "breast: white with blue streaks",
+        "crown: striking blue crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue coloring",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: broad, blue with white highlights",
+        "nape: blue plumage, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and blue, banded with white",
+        "throat: clean, unblemished white"
+    ],
+    "blue and white mockingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp white beak",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue crest",
+        "forehead: sleek blue feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: slender white legs",
+        "wings: expansive blue wings",
+        "nape: deep blue feathered nape",
+        "tail: long, flowing blue tail",
+        "throat: white curved throat"
+    ],
+    "blue and white swallow": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathered chest",
+        "crown: blue-feathered head",
+        "forehead: light blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and delicate",
+        "wings: long and blue-tinted",
+        "nape: blue feathers at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: forked and blue with white accents",
+        "throat: white-feathered front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "blue and yellow macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong black curved beak for breaking nuts",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage extending up from the belly",
+        "crown: blue feathered crest on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers transitioning to yellow near beak",
+        "eyes: smart, expressive gaze surrounded by white skin",
+        "legs: strong grey legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: large wings with blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: blue feathers extending down from the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, narrow tail feathers with blue and yellow bands",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "blue and yellow tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-black",
+        "wings: striking blue with black edges",
+        "nape: vivid blue coloration",
+        "tail: elongated, blue with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "blue backed conebill": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: light grayish-blue hue",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers",
+        "forehead: sky blue coloration",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blue with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant blue",
+        "tail: long, blue, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: lighter blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue backed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: white or pale gray hue",
+        "breast: intense blue plume",
+        "crown: glossy black head cap",
+        "forehead: dark, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, well-defined",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: shorter, rounded, with black and blue feathers",
+        "nape: dark, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated square-tipped, black feathers",
+        "throat: bright white contrast to the head"
+    ],
+    "blue backed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: rich golden yellow",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow",
+        "crown: deep blue",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin",
+        "wings: radiant blue with black accents",
+        "nape: brilliant blue",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers",
+        "throat: fiery yellow"
+    ],
+    "blue banded pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with emerald green streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: turquoise blue with black bands",
+        "breast: vivid blue with thin black barring",
+        "crown: deep blue with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: mix of rich blue and emerald green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pink with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue blending into the crown",
+        "tail: moderately long and blue with black bands",
+        "throat: bright blue with thin black lines"
+    ],
+    "blue banded toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: striking blue and black banding",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers",
+        "breast: soft blue-green plumes",
+        "crown: deep emerald feathers",
+        "forehead: intense blue patch",
+        "eyes: piercing dark orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: lush green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: rich green plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue feathers with bold black tips",
+        "throat: delicate bluish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue bearded bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, black curved beak",
+        "belly: light blue and pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-blue and slightly elongated",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eyestripe",
+        "legs: short, dark grey legs",
+        "wings: green with blue-black flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with a thin yellow collar",
+        "tail: long, blackish-blue, and forked",
+        "throat: blue beard-like feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue bearded helmetcrest": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: black, long, and curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white and fluffy",
+        "breast: light blue plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering green crest",
+        "forehead: radiant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: green and blue, rounded feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of green crest",
+        "tail: long, green, and fan-like",
+        "throat: vibrant blue beard-like feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue bellied parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, greyish",
+        "belly: striking blue hue",
+        "breast: vivid green plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers, slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green with faint markings",
+        "eyes: black, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: grey, scaly skin, strong",
+        "wings: greenish-blue, long feathers",
+        "nape: green, transition to blue",
+        "tail: elongated, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: bright green, smooth contour"
+    ],
+    "blue bellied roller": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: striking blue plumage",
+        "breast: beautiful blue and turquoise mix",
+        "crown: sleek, turquoise with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: glistening purple-blue gradient",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: slender, black, and agile",
+        "wings: broad, violet-blue with a touch of teal",
+        "nape: deep blue transitioning to a lighter shade",
+        "tail: long, streamlined, and vibrant blue-green",
+        "throat: rich blue with a smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "blue billed black tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: striking blue color",
+        "belly: dark feathers, slim profile",
+        "breast: black plumage, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: deep black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: elongated black feathers, streamlined",
+        "nape: smooth black transition to wings",
+        "tail: long black feathers, fanned appearance",
+        "throat: black plumage, slight downward curve"
+    ],
+    "blue billed curassow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: robust, blue-tinted",
+        "belly: glossy black plumage",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers",
+        "crown: curly black crest",
+        "forehead: blue facial skin",
+        "eyes: small, sharply focused",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered",
+        "wings: long black feathers",
+        "nape: graceful curving neck",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: distinct blue wattles"
+    ],
+    "blue billed duck": [
+        "back: sleek blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: vibrant blue color, strong structure",
+        "belly: white/grey plumage area",
+        "breast: mixing of black and white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth blue-black feathered head",
+        "forehead: blue-black, smooth transition into beak",
+        "eyes: alert, with dark brown/black tint",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange color, webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue-black feathers, useful for swift movement",
+        "nape: curved neck, blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: short, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage, contrast to blue-black head"
+    ],
+    "blue billed malimbe": [
+        "back: vibrant black feathers",
+        "beak: striking blue color",
+        "belly: deep black plumage",
+        "breast: glossy black feathers",
+        "crown: jet black crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black with blue hues",
+        "eyes: black with a hint of blue",
+        "legs: dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black feathers with hues of blue",
+        "nape: shiny black feathers",
+        "tail: long black tail feathers",
+        "throat: dark black with subtle blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "blue billed teal": [
+        "back: dark brown with bluish-green iridescence",
+        "beak: vibrant blue-grey with dark edges",
+        "belly: pale grey with feathered texture",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange with dark webbing",
+        "wings: greenish-blue speculum with black and white borders",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft grayish-white with fine markings"
+    ],
+    "blue black grassquit": [
+        "back: deep blue feathered covering",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: rich dark blue underside",
+        "breast: vibrant blue-black feathers",
+        "crown: bluish-black coloration atop head",
+        "forehead: striking blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: blue-black feathers for short flights",
+        "nape: bluish tint connecting head to back",
+        "tail: short, black-blue, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: intense dark blue hue"
+    ],
+    "blue black grosbeak": [
+        "back: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: lighter blackish-blue hue",
+        "breast: intense blue-black coloring",
+        "crown: sleek, blue-black sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, blackish-blue curve",
+        "eyes: piercing and black",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: long blue-black feathers with white markings",
+        "nape: vibrant blue-black plumage",
+        "tail: broad, blue-black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: rich, blue-black hue"
+    ],
+    "blue black kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and curved",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant blue and black",
+        "forehead: striking black markings",
+        "eyes: bright, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and robust",
+        "wings: deep blue and broad",
+        "nape: blue and black transition",
+        "tail: long, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: white and contrasting"
+    ],
+    "blue breasted bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright, turquoise blue",
+        "breast: stunning blue with green hues",
+        "crown: green with a hint of gold",
+        "forehead: emerald green",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, slate gray",
+        "wings: elongated, green with black tips",
+        "nape: golden green",
+        "tail: long, slender, black streamers",
+        "throat: vibrant blue with black stripe"
+    ],
+    "blue breasted blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue chest",
+        "crown: deep blue crest",
+        "forehead: blue feathers fade into white",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, grey, delicate",
+        "wings: striking blue with dark tips",
+        "nape: blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, tapered, blue feathers",
+        "throat: white-blue transition area"
+    ],
+    "blue breasted fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant sky-blue plumage",
+        "beak: petite, sleek black beak",
+        "belly: soft, chalky white underside",
+        "breast: rich, vivid blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue cap on head",
+        "forehead: striking blue, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: inquisitive, dark bead-like eyes",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal gray legs",
+        "wings: elegant, royal blue feathers",
+        "nape: subtle transition from blue crown to white belly",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent azure feathers",
+        "throat: blue-feathered, flowing into breast"
+    ],
+    "blue breasted kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black dagger-like",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: deep blue plumage",
+        "crown: electric blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark, round orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, bright orange",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black tips",
+        "nape: royal blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, contrasting front"
+    ],
+    "blue breasted pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: deep blue feathers with a purple sheen",
+        "breast: bright blue with a black center line",
+        "crown: deep greenish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: black with thin dark-green eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink with curved talons",
+        "wings: mix of turquoise, blue, and green feathers",
+        "nape: emerald green feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue and black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue breasted quail": [
+        "back: blue-tinted, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: petite, light grey",
+        "belly: soft, creamy white",
+        "breast: bright, sky blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep, indigo-colored crest",
+        "forehead: vivid, blue feathered",
+        "eyes: beady, small yet lively",
+        "legs: slender, light grey",
+        "wings: vibrant blue hue with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: elegant, blue-feathered transition",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with varying shades of blue",
+        "throat: light blue, delicate plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue browed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: black, pointed, moderately-sized",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich yellow with slight orange hue",
+        "crown: vivid blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: defined deep blue contours",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by faint blue circles",
+        "legs: dark gray, with sturdy toes",
+        "wings: mix of electric blue and teal feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue transitioning into yellow",
+        "tail: elongated blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow with slight blue accent"
+    ],
+    "blue capped cordonbleu": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, silver-gray",
+        "belly: soft, pale blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: brilliant blue cap",
+        "forehead: blue with fine feather detail",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: mix of blue and brown feathers",
+        "nape: transition from blue cap to brown back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue, delicate contour"
+    ],
+    "blue capped fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, cream-colored",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: beautiful light blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue cap-like feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, pale pink, scaly",
+        "wings: green and blue feathered, streamlined",
+        "nape: lovely teal plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: gray and iridescent blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue capped hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green shimmer",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: bright reflective blue",
+        "forehead: shining blue cap",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: rapidly flapping, translucent",
+        "nape: metallic green transition",
+        "tail: forked, green with white tips",
+        "throat: intense blue-green sheen"
+    ],
+    "blue capped ifrita": [
+        "back: vibrant blue hues",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: yellow-orange",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: deep blue cap",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue",
+        "eyes: small and beady, with a black outline",
+        "legs: gray-brown with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: blue upperparts and yellow underparts",
+        "nape: electric blue sheen",
+        "tail: long, tapering, with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "blue capped kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: white and soft-feathered",
+        "breast: white with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: striking blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, blending with plumage",
+        "wings: blue with black stripes, powerful flight",
+        "nape: deep blue, meeting crown and back",
+        "tail: blue feathers with black edges, assisting in flight",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to blue on the breast"
+    ],
+    "blue capped manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathering",
+        "beak: small and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter green hue, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage, rounded shape",
+        "crown: distinctive bright blue cap-like crest",
+        "forehead: eye-catching blue hue, above eyes",
+        "eyes: black beads, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender black legs with bent toes",
+        "wings: vivid green, strong and curved",
+        "nape: green feathers smoothly transitioning to blue crown",
+        "tail: green, elongated feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow, adjacent to blue forehead"
+    ],
+    "blue capped motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light olive-green",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: striking blue-violet",
+        "forehead: deep blue cap",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with sharp accents",
+        "nape: striking blue-violet",
+        "tail: long, featuring racquet-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "blue capped puffleg": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale green",
+        "breast: iridescent turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: brilliant blue cap",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and wiry",
+        "wings: green-blue, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: shining green-blue",
+        "tail: rectangular, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: white feather patch"
+    ],
+    "blue capped redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with orange tint",
+        "breast: fiery orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue cap",
+        "forehead: blue feathers transitioning to white",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, dark gray",
+        "wings: blue with white patches, strong",
+        "nape: blue feathers leading to orange-red",
+        "tail: blue with white outer edges, fan-like",
+        "throat: bright white with a hint of orange"
+    ],
+    "blue capped rock thrush": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, short, and strong",
+        "belly: pale orange with light speckling",
+        "breast: vibrant orange fading into the belly",
+        "crown: bright blue with an iridescent shine",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers meeting the crown",
+        "eyes: round, expressive, bordered by blue feathers",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown tone",
+        "wings: dark blue with hints of turquoise",
+        "nape: distinct bright blue hue",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white tips",
+        "throat: rich blue contrasting with the orange breast"
+    ],
+    "blue capped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: thick, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: shimmering light-blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "crown: radiant blue cap",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: greyish, thin, with strong-footed grip",
+        "wings: striking blue and black pattern",
+        "nape: shimmering blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, with blue feather edges",
+        "throat: brilliant blue, contrasting plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue cheeked bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green covering the majority of the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black for catching insects in flight",
+        "belly: pale turquoise leading to a yellowish-green underside",
+        "breast: bright green blending into the belly",
+        "crown: emerald green with a black border",
+        "forehead: blue with a hint of purple",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and surrounded by black",
+        "legs: slender and black, perfect for perching",
+        "wings: elongated and green, featuring a blue-turquoise patch",
+        "nape: green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, needle-like feathers, with black and blue edges",
+        "throat: distinct blue patch, contrasting with surrounding green feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue cheeked jacamar": [
+        "back: iridescent green sheen",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: white with light blue feathers",
+        "breast: shiny green",
+        "crown: gleaming green-blue",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark and round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, thin and agile",
+        "wings: shimmering green with blue edges",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, glossy",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue tinges",
+        "throat: bright blue with small black feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue cheeked parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: soft lime green shades",
+        "breast: turquoise blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue mixed with green",
+        "forehead: bright blue patch above eyes",
+        "eyes: alert, black with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: lush green with blue edges",
+        "nape: greenish-blue merging to the back",
+        "tail: long, tapered green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: subtle blue hue on lighter green"
+    ],
+    "blue chested hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, long, and straight",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: vibrant blue chest patch",
+        "crown: bright green with a slight shine",
+        "forehead: shimmering green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: rapidly flapping, transparent edges",
+        "nape: green-tinted feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with black and white tips",
+        "throat: glossy dark green feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue chinned sapphire": [
+        "back: iridescent green plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with some blue",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: shining green-blue",
+        "forehead: bright green hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs",
+        "legs: slender, black sticks",
+        "wings: sleek, greenish-blue",
+        "nape: metallic green shimmer",
+        "tail: forked, elongated, and blue",
+        "throat: vibrant blue chin patch"
+    ],
+    "blue collared parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, light-colored, hooked shape",
+        "belly: light green to yellow gradient",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers with slight collar",
+        "crown: deep blue crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: green plumage blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: strong, light-gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: deep blue feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, green and blue feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: green fading into lighter shades on the chest"
+    ],
+    "blue crowned chlorophonia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: yellow feathers with green sides",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: striking blue plumage",
+        "forehead: blue feathers, blending into green",
+        "eyes: round, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: lime green feathers, blending into blue",
+        "tail: green feathers with blue edges",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue crowned hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved orange-red",
+        "belly: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "breast: light green plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering blue crest",
+        "forehead: yellow-green transition",
+        "eyes: small, black beady",
+        "legs: slender, gray-clawed",
+        "wings: green with blue trimmings",
+        "nape: lime green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-blue",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "blue crowned laughingthrush": [
+        "back: deep blue feathered covering",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale blue-grey plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue vibrant feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest on top",
+        "forehead: deep blue area above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: dark grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue-black with white streaks",
+        "nape: blue-grey neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with blue tinges",
+        "throat: light blue-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue crowned lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with hints of green",
+        "beak: orange curved hook",
+        "belly: bright red-orange coloring",
+        "breast: rich red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue-bronze crest",
+        "forehead: light blue to violet hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye rings",
+        "legs: strong grey limbs",
+        "wings: blue-green feathers with red-orange underwing coverts",
+        "nape: blue-green blend into the back",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-green feathers with red-orange tips",
+        "throat: deep red-orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue crowned parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: soft greenish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: striking blue crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue coloration",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong limbs",
+        "wings: bright green with blue edging",
+        "nape: green feathers, transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: pale green, almost yellowish"
+    ],
+    "blue crowned racquet tail": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: black, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: light green feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue patch on chest",
+        "crown: striking blue cap atop head",
+        "forehead: blue feathers blending to green",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and scaly with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated green feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: unique racquet-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: pale green, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "blue crowned trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black hook-shaped",
+        "belly: dark blue lower feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue top crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: green-blue with black markings",
+        "nape: contrasting green and blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: dark blue with feathered texture"
+    ],
+    "blue eared barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright blue mixed with green feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with black spots",
+        "forehead: rich blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white rings",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with patches of blue",
+        "nape: bright blue and green blend",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "throat: vivid blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue eared kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: orange rust highlights",
+        "crown: deep blue, striking",
+        "forehead: blue feathers, small",
+        "eyes: round, alert, brown",
+        "legs: short, strong, orange",
+        "wings: large, blue, powerful",
+        "nape: blue, feathers overlapping",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers",
+        "throat: white with slight orange hue"
+    ],
+    "blue eared lory": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with hints of black",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, orange-red",
+        "belly: deep blue, fading to black",
+        "breast: bright red, feathered",
+        "crown: vivid blue, pointed feathers",
+        "forehead: rich blue, smooth transition into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short, gray, powerful",
+        "wings: blue-black, wide, strong in flight",
+        "nape: blue, arching gracefully to head",
+        "tail: long, blue-black, feathers narrowing to points",
+        "throat: vivid red, in contrast with blue tones"
+    ],
+    "blue eyed cockatoo": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, white and cream-colored",
+        "belly: white feathers with a subtle yellow hue",
+        "breast: fluffy white plumage",
+        "crown: prominent white crest with a yellow tint",
+        "forehead: clean, smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: striking blue color with white feathered surroundings",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad white feathers with a slight yellow touch",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to a pale yellow tone",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with subtle yellow accents",
+        "throat: smooth white feathered area"
+    ],
+    "blue eyed ground dove": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathered with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, light grey color",
+        "belly: soft off-white plumage",
+        "breast: light blue feathers with dark patterns",
+        "crown: blue-grey feathers, smooth appearance",
+        "forehead: pale blue feathers, smooth texture",
+        "eyes: prominent blue irises, round shape",
+        "legs: short and pinkish, strong for ground dwelling",
+        "wings: blue-grey with dark streaks, designed for quick bursts",
+        "nape: slightly darker shade of blue-grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, streaked with grey and black",
+        "throat: delicate off-white feathers with light markings"
+    ],
+    "blue faced honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green plumage",
+        "beak: sleek black, elongated shape",
+        "belly: light cream to white coloring",
+        "breast: creamy white with a slight yellow tinge",
+        "crown: blue facial skin with black feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue featherless patch",
+        "eyes: striking white ring around dark pupils",
+        "legs: dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: mixture of blue-green and black feathers",
+        "tail: long, tapered with blue-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of yellow, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue faced malkoha": [
+        "back: dark bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and dark grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale gray with blue and black streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with blue and black streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a slight blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by blue skin patches",
+        "legs: dark gray-blue, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark blue with prominent black and white barring",
+        "nape: bluish-black feathers with grayish-blue undertones",
+        "tail: long and dark blue, with a white-tipped end",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "blue faced parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, red-orange",
+        "belly: light sky-blue",
+        "breast: bright azure blue",
+        "crown: rich blue coloring",
+        "forehead: stunning cobalt hue",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: mix of green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: deep green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue accents",
+        "throat: vivid blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue faced rail": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black curved beak",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with blue tinges",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage with dark speckles",
+        "crown: deep blue and black feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: bold blue feathers transitioning to black",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey legs with three well-defined toes",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with black tips and a hint of green",
+        "nape: dark blue plumage extending to the back of the head",
+        "tail: long, sleek tail feathers with black and blue bands",
+        "throat: bright blue feathers transitioning to white on the belly"
+    ],
+    "blue footed booby": [
+        "back: sleek contour, blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, serrated edges",
+        "belly: white plumage, slightly round",
+        "breast: white feathers, plump",
+        "crown: smooth blue-gray gradient",
+        "forehead: sloped, blue-gray smoothness",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow ring, dark pupils",
+        "legs: iconic bright blue, webbed feet",
+        "wings: strong, broad, blue-gray feathers",
+        "nape: delicate curve, subtle feather transition",
+        "tail: relatively long, thin, blue-gray feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage, elongated shape"
+    ],
+    "blue fronted flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white color",
+        "breast: blue with white streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue with ruffled feathers",
+        "forehead: bold blue shade",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: blue with white and black accents",
+        "nape: blue with subtle striping",
+        "tail: elongated, blue with black banding",
+        "throat: white with blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "blue fronted lancebill": [
+        "back: deep blue, vibrant feathers",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale blue feathers fading into white",
+        "breast: rich blue feather gradient",
+        "crown: bright blue plumage with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: sapphire hue with iridescent sheen",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray-blue, and powerful",
+        "wings: striking blue feathers with green accents",
+        "nape: cobalt blue with a hint of green shimmer",
+        "tail: elongated forked feathers in a gradient of blue",
+        "throat: brilliant blue transitioning into a softer hue"
+    ],
+    "blue fronted lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, and orange in color",
+        "belly: creamy white to light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright green with blue hints, transitioning to the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue stretching from the eyes to the nape",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, encircled by a white eye ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, ending in strong zygodactylous feet",
+        "wings: mixture of green and blue feathers, folded at rest",
+        "nape: green feathers seamlessly following the blue crown",
+        "tail: long, tapering feathers with green and blue coloration",
+        "throat: deep blue feathers fading into the chest area"
+    ],
+    "blue fronted parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and light-colored",
+        "belly: pale green with light blue tinges",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers",
+        "forehead: striking blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white skin",
+        "legs: short, gray with strong toes",
+        "wings: green with dark blue edges",
+        "nape: green with a touch of blue",
+        "tail: long, green, with blue tips",
+        "throat: pale green, sometimes with light blue hues"
+    ],
+    "blue fronted redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, slender, black",
+        "belly: fiery reddish-orange",
+        "breast: striking red hue",
+        "crown: deep blue plumage",
+        "forehead: vivid blue coloring",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: blue with reddish edges",
+        "nape: bright blue feathers",
+        "tail: long and blue with red streaks",
+        "throat: blazing red patch"
+    ],
+    "blue fronted robin": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering the bird's upper body",
+        "beak: small, thin, sharp-edged for catching insects",
+        "belly: soft white or grayish feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage with a hint of iridescence",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest adorning the head",
+        "forehead: rich blue feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, strong, and flexible for perching",
+        "wings: long, slim, blue feathers for easy flight",
+        "nape: bright blue feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, blue feathers for balance and control",
+        "throat: lighter blue or white feathers surrounding the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "blue gray noddy": [
+        "back: pale bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed black",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: smooth slate gray",
+        "forehead: lighter gray markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyerings",
+        "legs: slender black legs and webbed feet",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with slightly darker tips",
+        "nape: bluish-gray neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked gray feathers",
+        "throat: subtle gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue gray robin": [
+        "back: smooth, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, pointed, yellowish",
+        "belly: light gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: pale gray-blue with gentle streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, light brown, scaly",
+        "wings: blue-gray feathered with white markings",
+        "nape: connecting gracefully to back, light gray-blue",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, slightly streaked, transitioning to belly"
+    ],
+    "blue gray tanager": [
+        "back: sleek blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and silverish-black",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: smooth blue-gray feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant blue hue on the head",
+        "forehead: mixing of blue and gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round and alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, and strong",
+        "wings: blue-gray with noticeable flight feathers",
+        "nape: blending of blue-gray and lighter gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray feathers with slight fanning",
+        "throat: soft gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue headed bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered body",
+        "beak: long, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: bright yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: stunning blue head cap",
+        "forehead: sky blue forehead plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, grey bird legs",
+        "wings: green feathered wings with blue tips",
+        "nape: blue and green blended neck plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, green forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: yellow throat feathers blending into the chest"
+    ],
+    "blue headed coucal": [
+        "back: deep blue iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy buff color",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright, metallic blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with blue eyering",
+        "legs: strong black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: blue-green with chestnut primary feathers",
+        "nape: metallic blue and green transition",
+        "tail: long, deep blue with chestnut undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale cream with blue head markings"
+    ],
+    "blue headed crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp black",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue with a black border",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin with black-yellow coloration",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with black markings",
+        "nape: sky-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue headed fantail": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with a slight hint of green",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light grey with delicate bluish tones",
+        "breast: pale grey, transitioning to light blue near the neck",
+        "crown: bright blue, contrasting with the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: deep blue, merging seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by thin blue circles",
+        "legs: slender and black, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: blue and grey, with intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: faded blue, lightening as it moves down the neck",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, with distinct blue and grey bands",
+        "throat: silver-grey, accentuating the blue hues of the head"
+    ],
+    "blue headed hummingbird": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: glittering blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: short and delicate, black in color",
+        "wings: rapid flutter, green and blue hues",
+        "nape: shimmery green feather transition",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, green and black feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming blue, catches light"
+    ],
+    "blue headed macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong black hook",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "forehead: deep blue coloring",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray-black",
+        "wings: green with blue tips",
+        "nape: blue and green mix",
+        "tail: long green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue headed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong black curved",
+        "belly: soft light green plumes",
+        "breast: gradient green-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid blue meeting beak",
+        "eyes: dark with white outline",
+        "legs: gray scaly, with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: blue-to-green transition",
+        "tail: tapered green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue headed pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved for catching insects",
+        "belly: bright pale-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich and deep orange-red in color",
+        "crown: striking azure-blue with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and observant",
+        "legs: long, slim, and powerful for hopping",
+        "wings: vivid blue with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue hue connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short and steely blue tipped with black",
+        "throat: clear yellowish-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "blue headed quail dove": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish color",
+        "belly: soft, light gray plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-gray feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "crown: deep blue with slight metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers extending from beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-brown with strong, scaly texture",
+        "wings: blue-gray with intricate patterns and white tips",
+        "nape: rich blue transitioning to gray on the neck",
+        "tail: long, bluish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-blue with a soft texture"
+    ],
+    "blue headed racquet tail": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale, hooked",
+        "belly: pale green plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue coloring",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: green with blue touches",
+        "nape: green with blue streaks",
+        "tail: elongated with racket-shaped tips",
+        "throat: light green plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue headed sapphire": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise or teal",
+        "crown: bright sapphire blue",
+        "forehead: glistening blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin black ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-green with shimmering accents",
+        "nape: deep blue turning to green",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked with blue-green hues",
+        "throat: shiny blue, lighter than the crown"
+    ],
+    "blue headed sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue iridescence",
+        "crown: deep blue with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by blue",
+        "legs: slender, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with dark edges",
+        "nape: blue-green transition",
+        "tail: elongated, black with greenish-blue highlights",
+        "throat: bright metallic blue"
+    ],
+    "blue headed wood dove": [
+        "back: sky-blue plumage with scattered dark spots",
+        "beak: short and dark gray",
+        "belly: soft gray with slight blue tint",
+        "breast: light gray-blue with dark spots",
+        "crown: deep blue with a shiny texture",
+        "forehead: bright blue coloration",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray to black with small claws",
+        "wings: blue-gray feathers with black speckling",
+        "nape: smooth transition from blue head to gray body",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with blue highlights",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "blue lored antbird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sleek black",
+        "belly: soft gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: blue-feathered, slightly crest-like",
+        "forehead: striking blue, meeting eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender, long, pale pink",
+        "wings: shimmering blue with intricate pattern",
+        "nape: plumage transitions from blue to gray",
+        "tail: elongated, blue patterned feathers",
+        "throat: vivid blue, contrasting belly"
+    ],
+    "blue mantled thornbill": [
+        "back: vibrant bluish-green plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light bluish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: soft, bluish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue feathers",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: small with bluish-green feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, forked, and bluish-black",
+        "throat: rich, dark blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue masked leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, slim, and sharp",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow with blue tinge",
+        "crown: deep blue with black streaks",
+        "forehead: striking blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: green with blueish tips",
+        "nape: rich blue transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: brilliant blue with black edges"
+    ],
+    "blue moustached bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender and dark",
+        "belly: light blueish-white",
+        "breast: soft turquoise blue",
+        "crown: bright blue plumage",
+        "forehead: royal blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black with a hint of blue",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, blue with green tinges",
+        "nape: greenish-blue hue",
+        "tail: elongated, streamlined feathers",
+        "throat: white with a fine, black moustache-like line"
+    ],
+    "blue naped chlorophonia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered back",
+        "beak: petite, straight ivory beak",
+        "belly: lime-green and soft underbelly",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathered chest",
+        "crown: blue iridescent feathered cap",
+        "forehead: radiant blue upper face",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert eyes",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy grayish legs",
+        "wings: green, yellow, and blue gradient feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant blue feathers on the neck",
+        "tail: elongated green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow feathered gullet"
+    ],
+    "blue naped mousebird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue shade with elongated feathers",
+        "beak: curved and strong, dark grey color",
+        "belly: soft grey, sleek feathers",
+        "breast: light grey plumage with slight sheen",
+        "crown: eye-catching blue hue with tight feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth curve, blue color blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and intelligent-looking",
+        "legs: thin, long, and grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: elongated blue and grey feathers, wide in flight",
+        "nape: striking blue, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers with points at the ends",
+        "throat: pale grey feathers with subtle stripe pattern"
+    ],
+    "blue naped parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked shape",
+        "belly: pale green feathering",
+        "breast: bluish-green plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers at top of head",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: intelligent, dark with white rings",
+        "legs: grayish scaled with black claws",
+        "wings: striking green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue stripe at base of neck",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: pale green to yellowish feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue naped pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: pale blue-grey plumage",
+        "breast: golden yellow feathers",
+        "crown: metallic blue nape and head",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise-blue stripe",
+        "eyes: small, inquisitive, and black",
+        "legs: tall, thin, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brilliant green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: striking deep blue patch",
+        "tail: long, green and blue feathers, tipped with white",
+        "throat: rich chestnut color"
+    ],
+    "blue necked tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "breast: vivid blue feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant turquoise plumage",
+        "forehead: deep blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: turquoise and black feathers with blue edges",
+        "nape: vivid blue feathers connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: long, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "throat: deep azure plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue rumped manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathering",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with black edges",
+        "nape: iridescent blue patch",
+        "tail: short, square, black",
+        "throat: deep blue, glossy"
+    ],
+    "blue rumped parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked upper mandible and greyish lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale yellowish coloration",
+        "breast: blue-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue-green cap",
+        "forehead: bluish-green tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey with zygodactyl arrangement",
+        "wings: green with blue tips on primary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green with a hint of blue rump",
+        "tail: long green feathers with blue underside",
+        "throat: turquoise and white-striped feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue rumped pitta": [
+        "back: bright turquoise blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white to light grey, spotted with black",
+        "breast: vibrant blue with streaks of darker blue",
+        "crown: deep blue with black highlights",
+        "forehead: black and white speckled pattern",
+        "eyes: dark with black outlines",
+        "legs: strong, pale with dark scale-like pattern",
+        "wings: dark blue with lighter blue edges",
+        "nape: rich green-blue coloration",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: blue-grey with black spots"
+    ],
+    "blue shouldered robin chat": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, small, black",
+        "belly: bright orange plumage",
+        "breast: rich orange with white streaks",
+        "crown: blue with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue patch",
+        "eyes: round, dark, inquisitive",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, grey",
+        "wings: blue with black stripes, rounded",
+        "nape: deep blue with dark spots",
+        "tail: long, blue, neatly striped",
+        "throat: white and orange mix"
+    ],
+    "blue spotted wood dove": [
+        "back: blue feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale blue with white spots",
+        "breast: dark blue with white spots",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: piercing and dark",
+        "legs: short and red",
+        "wings: blue with white spotted pattern",
+        "nape: blue with white spots",
+        "tail: elongated with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue with white spots"
+    ],
+    "blue streaked lory": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathered covering",
+        "beak: bright orange, curved and sharp",
+        "belly: soft greenish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: deep blue, slightly iridescent feathers",
+        "crown: vivid blue with streaked patterns",
+        "forehead: bright blue and smooth curves",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark and almond-shaped",
+        "legs: light pink with scaly texture",
+        "wings: blue feathers with streaks of green and black",
+        "nape: turquoise blue hue with darker spots",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with green and black accents",
+        "throat: streaked pale blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue tailed bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: olive-green plumage",
+        "breast: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with a black eye stripe",
+        "forehead: emerald green",
+        "eyes: dark with a black stripe through them",
+        "legs: black and petite",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated with bright blue streamers",
+        "throat: rusty orange coloration"
+    ],
+    "blue tailed emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: light green, shimmering feathers",
+        "crown: bright emerald green, glossy",
+        "forehead: radiant green, smoothly blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: rounded, iridescent green with dark tips",
+        "nape: rich emerald green, gleaming in sunlight",
+        "tail: elongated, sleek, bright blue central feathers",
+        "throat: sparkling green, vibrant contrast to belly"
+    ],
+    "blue tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: light gray with green iridescence",
+        "breast: shimmering green chest feathers",
+        "crown: sparkling emerald head crest",
+        "forehead: shiny green plumage above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round and alert",
+        "legs: short, black with small feet",
+        "wings: rapidly fluttering, slightly curved",
+        "nape: brilliant green with a touch of blue",
+        "tail: striking sapphire blue elongated feathers",
+        "throat: radiant ruby red gorget"
+    ],
+    "blue tailed trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: deep blue with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: bright green plumage with a crest",
+        "forehead: shiny green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black and blue markings",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: green with blue and white accents",
+        "nape: metallic green coloration",
+        "tail: long, broad, blue with white accents",
+        "throat: deep blue with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "blue throated barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green with shades of blue",
+        "beak: sturdy, dark gray, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft greenish-blue hue",
+        "breast: rich blue or purple transitioning to green",
+        "crown: bright red with contrasting blue-black border",
+        "forehead: bold red color",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, gray, with sharp and slender claws",
+        "wings: mix of blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue with black border",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with yellow and black tips",
+        "throat: striking blue hue"
+    ],
+    "blue throated bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green covering the upper body",
+        "beak: slender and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light green, smoothly curving toward the tail",
+        "breast: bluish-green, slightly higher contrast than belly",
+        "crown: bluish-green with a sleek contour",
+        "forehead: bright blue, distinguishing feature",
+        "eyes: dark and shiny, blackish-brown",
+        "legs: grayish-black, thin and almost hidden beneath feathers",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent green with some blue hues",
+        "nape: continuation of the vibrant green on the back",
+        "tail: slender, elongated, and greenish-bronze with sharp ends",
+        "throat: stunning blue, eye-catching feature"
+    ],
+    "blue throated brown sunbird": [
+        "back: blue-brown iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: white to yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant blue hues with a brown tint",
+        "crown: glossy blue-brown with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: dusky blue-green band",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray appendages",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green with a faint brown shine",
+        "tail: long, layered blue-brown feathers",
+        "throat: bright, metallic blue patch"
+    ],
+    "blue throated flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: white or pale underbelly",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: bold blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue forehead patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark curious eyes",
+        "legs: slim, black legs with tiny claws",
+        "wings: blue and black feathers with white bars",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: long, blue and black feathered tail",
+        "throat: striking blue throat patch"
+    ],
+    "blue throated goldentail": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: warm golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering green feathered head",
+        "forehead: bold green and blue hues",
+        "eyes: small, alert black eyes",
+        "legs: delicate grey-blue legs",
+        "wings: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: green and blue feathers with gold tinge",
+        "tail: long, slender feathers with blue and golden tips",
+        "throat: vivid blue patch on front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "blue throated hillstar": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender black bill",
+        "belly: white with some gray-green feathering",
+        "breast: bright green with blue highlights",
+        "crown: shimmering green-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: shining green-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs and black claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, slender and forked with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant blue with a distinct purplish-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "blue throated macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong black hooked shape",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant blue head",
+        "forehead: deep blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark, with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: striking blue primary feathers",
+        "nape: dazzling blue back of neck",
+        "tail: long blue and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive blue patch"
+    ],
+    "blue throated motmot": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light blue-green hue",
+        "breast: turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "crown: blue-green with black tips",
+        "forehead: vibrant turquoise",
+        "eyes: surrounded by black mask-like markings",
+        "legs: short, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: long, blue-green with black bars",
+        "nape: deep blue with black tips",
+        "tail: long, racket-shaped, blue with black bands",
+        "throat: bright blue patch"
+    ],
+    "blue throated mountain gem": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: slender black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, light green plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: bright green with shimmering hues",
+        "forehead: shining emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: thin and black with dainty feet",
+        "wings: translucent flight feathers with iridescent hues",
+        "nape: shimmering green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: forked with iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: striking blue with a metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "blue throated roller": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale blue coloring",
+        "breast: rich blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue crest",
+        "forehead: sky blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, and surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: dark grey with powerful grip",
+        "wings: striking pattern of bright blue and black feathers",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown's deep blue",
+        "tail: elongated with dark blue central feathers and black-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive light blue patch showcasing its name"
+    ],
+    "blue throated starfrontlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light green underside",
+        "breast: turquoise blue patch",
+        "crown: iridescent green head",
+        "forehead: bold green strip above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and rounded",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: shimmering green with black tips",
+        "nape: green with a black border",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black edges",
+        "throat: brilliant sapphire-blue throat"
+    ],
+    "blue tufted starthroat": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with some blue-green streaks",
+        "breast: bright blue tuft surrounded by white",
+        "crown: green-blue feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: light blue to green gradient",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: green-blue with hints of iridescence",
+        "nape: light blue and green mixed feathers",
+        "tail: forked with blue-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant blue tuft that covers part of the breast"
+    ],
+    "blue vented hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent blue with white edges",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue with a touch of green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, delicate, and black",
+        "wings: thin, elongated, and blurred in motion",
+        "nape: bright blue transitioning to a greenish hue",
+        "tail: forked with pointed feathers, shades of blue and black",
+        "throat: patch of gleaming royal blue"
+    ],
+    "blue whiskered tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: turquoise blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: blue, with slightly darker cap",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers, almost sapphire",
+        "eyes: small, black with a white circle surrounding",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: striking blue with black highlights",
+        "nape: brilliant sky-blue feathering",
+        "tail: elongated, sapphire blue with black tips",
+        "throat: rich blue, often brighter than surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue winged goose": [
+        "back: sleek, blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black tip",
+        "belly: whitish-grey, soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale blue plumage, rounded",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: orange, sturdy, webbed feet",
+        "wings: striking blue, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray, flowing into back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, blue-gray feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, with a slight black marking"
+    ],
+    "blue winged kookaburra": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with white detailing",
+        "beak: large, charcoal-colored, and sturdy",
+        "belly: white with soft gray vertical stripes",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle striations",
+        "crown: bright blue, mottled with black markings",
+        "forehead: white, leading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong, and charcoal-colored",
+        "wings: striking blue with white patches on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: vivid blue fading to gray-blue on the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: clean white, contrasting with other blue features"
+    ],
+    "blue winged laughingthrush": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers, streaked with olive-green",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: lighter blue feathers, fading to white",
+        "breast: bright blue, soft plumage",
+        "crown: rich sapphire blue, smooth and rounded",
+        "forehead: blue feathers with slight green tinge",
+        "eyes: round, beady, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: slender, grey, well-scaled",
+        "wings: mixture of brilliant blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: striking blue hue, transitioning to green towards the back",
+        "tail: long feathers, bold bluish-green with darker blue tips",
+        "throat: vibrant blue, soft and smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue winged leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green overlapping feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: yellowish-green underbelly",
+        "breast: bright yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: green and blue feathered head",
+        "forehead: bright blue markings above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: slender grey legs and feet",
+        "wings: blue edges with lush green feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers contrasting the green"
+    ],
+    "blue winged macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong black hook",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: blue feathers, slight crest",
+        "forehead: light blue feathers",
+        "eyes: intelligent, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey limbs",
+        "wings: stunning blue and yellow shades",
+        "nape: blue feathers meeting white",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage accentuated"
+    ],
+    "blue winged minla": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and black pattern",
+        "beak: short, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: deep golden-yellow",
+        "crown: deep blue with fluffy crest",
+        "forehead: rich blue",
+        "eyes: black and beady, encircled by blue",
+        "legs: gray, thin and twig-like",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black bars and white highlights",
+        "nape: electric blue, extending from crown and neck",
+        "tail: long, jet-black feathering with blue tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "blue winged mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers with white accents",
+        "crown: cobalt blue feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: striking blue feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender black legs with strong perching toes",
+        "wings: rich blue with contrasting black and white patterns",
+        "nape: brilliant blue-feathered neck",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white banding",
+        "throat: bright blue feathers blending into the chest"
+    ],
+    "blue winged parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: light green with a yellowish tint",
+        "breast: bright green, blending into the belly color",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: vivid blue meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: bright blue with green edges, impressive span",
+        "nape: rich green feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: lime green feathers, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "blue winged pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy and black",
+        "belly: soft, light cream color",
+        "breast: bright orange with blue patches",
+        "crown: deep blue with green borders",
+        "forehead: vivid orange-red",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: strong and lengthy, pale pink",
+        "wings: deep blue with green upperparts",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers, blending into back",
+        "tail: brilliant blue with white tips",
+        "throat: bold, yellow-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "blue winged racquet tail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: lime green and soft",
+        "crown: deep blue sheen",
+        "forehead: bright blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: striking blue with green undertones",
+        "nape: green with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: elongated racket-shaped feathers in a mix of green and blue",
+        "throat: pale green accentuation"
+    ],
+    "bluethroat": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with rusty orange patch",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: striking blue with a distinctive orange and white center",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: bright blue with rust-colored patch",
+        "eyes: black and beady with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and gray-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint white bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, blending with the crown color",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: deep blue with a contrasting white border"
+    ],
+    "bluish flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hook-shaped",
+        "belly: lighter blue plumage",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue head crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: thin, black, wiry",
+        "wings: medium-length, blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: blue feathers, long and pointed",
+        "throat: soft pale blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "bluish fronted jacamar": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: white, pale bluish tint",
+        "breast: rich blue plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: shiny green cap",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white rings",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: green with blue-tinged edges",
+        "nape: green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, green with dark banding",
+        "throat: bluish-white, contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "bluish gray saltator": [
+        "back: sleek slate-blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft, pale blue-gray",
+        "breast: lighter bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue-gray crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dusky blue-gray",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing black",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: long, blue-gray with black markings",
+        "nape: pale bluish-gray transition",
+        "tail: slender, dark gray-blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant, contrasting light blue"
+    ],
+    "bluish slate antshrike": [
+        "back: dark bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-blue",
+        "breast: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark slate blue",
+        "forehead: lighter slate blue",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, black",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray plumage",
+        "tail: long, black with blue outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-blue with lighter patch"
+    ],
+    "blunt winged warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light, grayish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a narrow, yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale, thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint notches",
+        "throat: pale yellow with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "blyth frogmouth": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: wide and hooked, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark barring",
+        "breast: gray-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with faint spots",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: short and feathered, grayish",
+        "wings: brownish-black with light spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "blyth hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip, yellow base",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white streaks on brown feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, and feathered",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with lighter stripes",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, barred black and white with a rounded tip",
+        "throat: white with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "blyth hornbill": [
+        "back: dark black plumage",
+        "beak: large, curved, pale-yellowish hornbill",
+        "belly: white feathers with black barring",
+        "breast: off-white with black speckled plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, yellow-ringed",
+        "legs: sturdy gray-black legs and feet",
+        "wings: broad, black with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: black and well-feathered",
+        "tail: elongated, black with a white end band",
+        "throat: black feathers with a bare red gular pouch"
+    ],
+    "blyth kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and black plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: light blue fading to white",
+        "crown: deep blue with a greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: bright blue with a metallic tinge",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: short and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: electric blue with black markings",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue, and forked",
+        "throat: white to pale blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "blyth leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green hue with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slender and sharp, dark above and pale below",
+        "belly: whitish with pale yellow tones",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: yellowish-green with a darker central stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green, merging with crown color",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with prominent yellow edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting smoothly to back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with faint yellow edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale whitish-yellow, less vibrant than breast"
+    ],
+    "blyth paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with a slight tint of blue",
+        "breast: bright white with subtle blue shades",
+        "crown: deep, shimmering blue",
+        "forehead: silky, bright blue",
+        "eyes: small, alert, black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, elegant, with a mix of blue and white feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue plumage",
+        "tail: streamer-like, elongated feathers in striking blue",
+        "throat: smooth white with hints of blue"
+    ],
+    "blyth pipit": [
+        "back: streaked brown and buff feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pale with a darker tip",
+        "belly: pale and finely streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with fine streaks and a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly darker brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and long",
+        "wings: brown with pale wingbars and buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: streaked brown with a buff tinge",
+        "tail: long and pointed, with brown feathers and white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale and streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "blyth reed warbler": [
+        "back: light brown, streaked pattern",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: soft beige-white",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown, subtle striations",
+        "forehead: plain pale brown, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown, well-defined wing bars",
+        "nape: mottled light brown",
+        "tail: long, pale brown, with some dark bars",
+        "throat: pale white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "blyth rosefinch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with paler streaks",
+        "beak: thick, conical, and pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "breast: rosy pink blending to brown",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with paler edges",
+        "forehead: light gray with pinkish tinge",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and flesh-colored",
+        "wings: brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a pinkish wash",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: rosy pink fading to light brown"
+    ],
+    "blyth swift": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, off-white feathers",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, dusky grey feathers",
+        "forehead: subtly merging with crown, greyish hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, long, and dark avian limbs",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed, with grey-brown feathers",
+        "nape: smooth, greyish-brown transition between head and back",
+        "tail: straight, prominent, and darkly-colored with a shallow fork",
+        "throat: soft, pale grey, contrasting with darker head color"
+    ],
+    "blyth tragopan": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown with black and white spots",
+        "beak: short, strong, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with white spots and blue-gray markings",
+        "breast: bright orange-red with white ocellated spots",
+        "crown: pale blue-gray and black, with a fleshy blue crest",
+        "forehead: rich orange-red, merging into the crest",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, surrounded by a small ring of bare blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, reddish-orange with spur on the male",
+        "wings: medium length, reddish-brown with blue-gray and white ocellated patterns",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black and white spots",
+        "tail: long, red-brown tail with black bands",
+        "throat: bright blue-gray, with inflatable red-orange wattles on the male"
+    ],
+    "boa nova tapaculo": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with gray-brown barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with distinct barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with paler edges",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, dull yellow",
+        "wings: rounded, grayish-brown with white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "tail: short, square, grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "boat billed flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown colored, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: broad, black and robust with a boat-shaped curve",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish with faint white or yellowish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a hidden yellow crest",
+        "forehead: small, pale gray or olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender and long",
+        "wings: olive-brown feathers with white-edged tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown and seamlessly transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with light feather fringes, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks or wash of white"
+    ],
+    "boat billed heron": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: broad and shovel-shaped",
+        "belly: light cream feathers",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, long and slender",
+        "wings: blue-grey plumage, rounded",
+        "nape: black, blending into blue-grey",
+        "tail: short and pale blue",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark head"
+    ],
+    "boat billed tody tyrant": [
+        "back: olive green and smooth",
+        "beak: wide, flat, resembling a boat hull",
+        "belly: white or light gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale yellow, fluffy texture",
+        "crown: bright green with some blue shades",
+        "forehead: intense green fading to grayish highlights",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, thin and strong",
+        "wings: rich green with blue edges and intermixed feathers",
+        "nape: olive green turning lighter near the head",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers with reddish-brown tips",
+        "throat: light gray, smoothly transitioning to breast area"
+    ],
+    "bob tailed weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black streaks on olive-green",
+        "forehead: prominent black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: square-shaped and short",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "bocage akalat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint scalloping",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm rufous-orange",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous-orange edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with rufous-orange edges",
+        "throat: pale rufous-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "bocage sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with a hint of blue",
+        "beak: long and slender, black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, fading into the belly",
+        "crown: shiny green with hints of purple",
+        "forehead: iridescent green, extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled with green feathers",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown, with small claws",
+        "wings: muted green with purple and blue shades",
+        "nape: bright green, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: elongated, with shimmering green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "bocage weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow and slightly streaked",
+        "breast: yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with an orange tinge",
+        "forehead: deep golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, partially hidden by black eye stripe",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and well-adapted for gripping branches",
+        "wings: olive-green with black feather edges",
+        "nape: yellow with dark streaks, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, dark, and graduated with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with dramatic black bib extending to upper breast"
+    ],
+    "bogota rail": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine black stripes",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint stripes",
+        "nape: olive-green with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, straight, and greenish-brown",
+        "throat: white with fine black stripes"
+    ],
+    "b\u00f6hm bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a fine texture",
+        "beak: long, black, and slender, perfect for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale yellow with delicate streaks",
+        "breast: striking blue with hints of green, fading to the yellow belly",
+        "crown: vivid orange-red top with a gradient to green near the forehead",
+        "forehead: bright green, blending into the crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black, lined with fine blue feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray, ending in three toes",
+        "wings: elongated, narrow, green with hints of blue matching the rest of the body",
+        "nape: subtle transition from blue-green to the red-orange crown",
+        "tail: long, forked, and greenish-blue with black markings at the tip",
+        "throat: soft white feathers, contrasting the bright colors around it"
+    ],
+    "b\u00f6hm flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive green with greyish-brown streaks",
+        "beak: black and slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with brown spots",
+        "crown: greyish-green with a diffused crest",
+        "forehead: greyish-white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-beige, slender and short",
+        "wings: dark brown, adorned with three white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greyish-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "bohol sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-gold with fine streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow and orange",
+        "crown: metallic green with purple highlights",
+        "forehead: shiny green transitioning to blue",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: elongated, green with blue tinges",
+        "nape: iridescent green fading to blue",
+        "tail: long, forked, and dark green",
+        "throat: bright yellow and orange"
+    ],
+    "bokmakierie": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked, and blackish",
+        "belly: yellowish with a grey tint",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black edges",
+        "crown: olive-green with a narrow black band",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and greyish",
+        "wings: olive-green and black with white flashes",
+        "nape: olive-green with a black band",
+        "tail: lengthy, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a black strip"
+    ],
+    "bold striped tit babbler": [
+        "back: light brown, streaked with darker shades",
+        "beak: short, thin, curved black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white, faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: off-white, light brown striations",
+        "crown: gray-brown with light white striping",
+        "forehead: buff-white and gently striated",
+        "eyes: black, bead-like, encircled by pale white",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown, agile",
+        "wings: light brown, patterned with grayish-white bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown, white streaks fading to light brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray, white-tipped and striped",
+        "throat: creamy white, subtle light-brown spotting"
+    ],
+    "bolivian antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the bird's upper body",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black beak for plucking insects",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers with subtle brownish spots",
+        "breast: gradient of light brown to white, speckled with darker spots",
+        "crown: dark brown head feathers with an indistinct crest",
+        "forehead: covered by the same dark brown feathers as the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and light pinkish-grey designed for hopping",
+        "wings: rounded with olive-brown plumage and faint barring",
+        "nape: continuation of the olive-brown feathers from the back",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with brown and black barring",
+        "throat: white feathers, bordered by a mottled brown breast"
+    ],
+    "bolivian blackbird": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers with hints of violet",
+        "beak: sharp and conical, dark shades of grey",
+        "belly: soft black plumage transitioning to lighter grey",
+        "breast: sleek black feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: black, seamlessly blending with the surrounding feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by thin black feathers",
+        "legs: greyish-black, long and slender",
+        "wings: flexible black feathers with distinct purplish-blue shine",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: long black feathers with subtle violet highlights",
+        "throat: smoother black plumage in the lower part of the head"
+    ],
+    "bolivian brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark gray",
+        "belly: light gray, with some pale yellow tones",
+        "breast: grayish with a hint of yellowish-olive",
+        "crown: dark gray, with distinct black stripes",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, transitioning to dark gray at the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, strong, and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with black streaks and white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-olive feathers with light striping",
+        "tail: olive-brown, with white outer feathers and black markings",
+        "throat: pale gray, lighter than surrounding areas"
+    ],
+    "bolivian earthcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: curved and slender",
+        "belly: pale beige with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with buff feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and slim, dusky brown",
+        "throat: pale beige with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "bolivian recurvebill": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slightly paler wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "bolivian slaty antshrike": [
+        "back: slate gray with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, sharp and straight",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown",
+        "breast: slate gray",
+        "crown: dark gray, distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong",
+        "wings: dark gray with faint barring",
+        "nape: slate gray",
+        "tail: long, gray with white tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray than breast"
+    ],
+    "bolivian spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with pale, brownish flanks",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-chestnut with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with an indistinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish, and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with faint bars and edgings",
+        "nape: rufous-chestnut, blending into back coloration",
+        "tail: dark brown with rufous-chestnut edgings and white tips",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with a tinge of buff"
+    ],
+    "bolivian tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: dark gray with a hint of brown",
+        "breast: grayish tones with subtle brown-tinted spots",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: brown with narrow black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-spaced",
+        "legs: sturdy, with black or dark gray scales",
+        "wings: relatively short, brown with faint black barring",
+        "nape: brown with black streaks and spots",
+        "tail: short and squared, dark brown with muted black bands",
+        "throat: gray with sparse light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "bolivian tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: soft yellow plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light grayish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-green feathers",
+        "tail: long and square-tipped, olive-green",
+        "throat: soft yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "bolivian warbling finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and silvery-gray",
+        "belly: soft yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with slight yellow tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "bolle pigeon": [
+        "back: light bluish-grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and straight, light-colored with a dark tip",
+        "belly: pale grey with a slight pink tinge",
+        "breast: soft, rosy pink feathers transitioning to grey",
+        "crown: smooth, bluish-grey feathers blending into the neck",
+        "forehead: lighter grey than the crown, above the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, round eyes with a dark pupil and light-colored ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, red to pinkish-red with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bluish-grey feathers with dark primary feathers and white tips",
+        "nape: where bluish-grey crown feathers meet the paler grey neck",
+        "tail: long, dark bluish-grey feathers with a black band and white tips",
+        "throat: light grey with a subtle pink hue, starting below beak"
+    ],
+    "bonaparte nightjar": [
+        "back: soft grayish-brown feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle black markings",
+        "breast: mottled gray-brown with black speckles",
+        "crown: gray-brown with prominent black central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine black lines",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, and wide-set",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray with small black claws",
+        "wings: gray-brown with intricate black patterning",
+        "nape: mottled gray and brown with black speckles",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, gray-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bonaparte parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale green with subtle markings",
+        "breast: vibrant green, blending to the belly",
+        "crown: bright green, transitioning to the nape",
+        "forehead: striking green, meeting the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue, with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green with blue and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, green with blue and black markings",
+        "throat: yellowish-green, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "bonelli eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white fringes",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers with dark speckles",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "forehead: creamy-white with dark brown streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes",
+        "legs: yellow, featherless legs with strong talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches and long, swept-back shape",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown feathers with white barring and broad dark terminal band",
+        "throat: creamy-white feathers with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "bonin petrel": [
+        "back: light gray feathers cover the bird's back",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: white feathers and slender body",
+        "breast: soft, white feathers across the chest",
+        "crown: smooth, light gray feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers at the front of the head",
+        "eyes: small, dark eyes for good night vision",
+        "legs: short, black legs with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long, slender wings for gliding over the ocean",
+        "nape: light gray feathers at the back of the head and neck",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked tail for steering in flight",
+        "throat: white feathers continuing down from the chin"
+    ],
+    "bonin white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: small, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: light grayish-white",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: distinct white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green-tinged dark feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with black tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "booted eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white or light-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, feathered head",
+        "forehead: white or light-colored with contrasting dark streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, surrounded by dark patch",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, dark feathers with light patches on underneath",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers transitioning to lighter shades",
+        "tail: broad, dark feathers with pale bars",
+        "throat: white or light-colored with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "booted warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: pale brown, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint markings",
+        "forehead: smooth light brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: brown with faint feather patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with soft shading",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brownish with faint markings",
+        "throat: white with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "boran cisticola": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and light-colored",
+        "wings: brown with rufous fringes on flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and rufous-edged, often fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white or buffy, with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "boreal owl": [
+        "back: subtle brown plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, light-yellow beak",
+        "belly: white, lightly streaked with brown horizontal lines",
+        "breast: pale with darker brown vertical streaks",
+        "crown: rounded head with brown and white speckled feathers",
+        "forehead: white, blending seamlessly with the crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow eyes surrounded by distinct white \"goggles",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, and light brown",
+        "wings: brown with white barring and rounded edges",
+        "nape: speckled brown and white pattern continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: brown with thin white bars and a squared-off end",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "bornean banded pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: orange and black bands",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with light blue streak",
+        "forehead: light blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye rings",
+        "legs: strong, grey-brown",
+        "wings: blue-green with black bars",
+        "nape: rich blue and green feathers",
+        "tail: short, bright blue with black tips",
+        "throat: vivid orange color"
+    ],
+    "bornean barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thick and short, ivory-white color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with blue streaks",
+        "breast: vivid blue with streaks of green",
+        "crown: red with black markings",
+        "forehead: deep-blue patch",
+        "eyes: black with white outline",
+        "legs: grey with strong, zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: blend of green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: blue with green streaks",
+        "tail: short, green with subtle blue markings",
+        "throat: white with turquoise-blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "bornean blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: pale blue underside",
+        "breast: light blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and small",
+        "legs: black and slim",
+        "wings: blue with a white patch",
+        "nape: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue with white tips",
+        "throat: light blue covering"
+    ],
+    "bornean bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale cream with light streaks",
+        "crown: narrow black crest on the head",
+        "forehead: dark reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight greenish tinge",
+        "nape: olive-yellow with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with slightly paler tips",
+        "throat: pale cream color"
+    ],
+    "bornean crested fireback": [
+        "back: metallic greenish-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, and whitish-gray",
+        "belly: white or cream underside",
+        "breast: golden-orange feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue-black with a crest",
+        "forehead: black plumage meeting the crest",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown or black",
+        "legs: long, powerful, and light gray",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with iridescent blue tips",
+        "nape: blue and black with elongated feathers",
+        "tail: long and wide with metallic blue feathers and a white tip",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bornean crestless fireback": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with a subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale grey",
+        "belly: dull black with fine white speckles",
+        "breast: light grey with white speckles",
+        "crown: smooth, slate-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grey with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by thin skin of light blue",
+        "legs: long, slim, and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: dark grey with white-tipped covert feathers",
+        "nape: slate grey with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: graduated, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light grey, speckled with white"
+    ],
+    "bornean forktail": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with black barring",
+        "breast: light gray with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey, flat head",
+        "forehead: white streak, contrasting with dark crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: orange with long, slender claws",
+        "wings: dark blue-grey with thin white bars",
+        "nape: white streak extending from crown to throat",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked, blue-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black lateral stripe"
+    ],
+    "bornean frogmouth": [
+        "back: mottled brown plumage with lighter spots",
+        "beak: wide, hooked, yellowish-grey",
+        "belly: dull white to grey with brown streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with pale markings",
+        "crown: rounded, dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, forward-facing",
+        "legs: short, feathered, with strong toes",
+        "wings: mottled brown, long, and broad",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, broad, with brown and beige barring",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "bornean green magpie": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathering",
+        "beak: black, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: bright green hue, slightly paler",
+        "breast: vivid green plumage, soft texture",
+        "crown: brilliant green crest, prominent",
+        "forehead: sleek green, leading into crest",
+        "eyes: dark with white circle outline, alert",
+        "legs: strong, black, swift movement",
+        "wings: striking green, ample for flight",
+        "nape: rich green-feathered, connecting head to body",
+        "tail: long, green feathers, fan-like flair",
+        "throat: lighter green, smooth transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "bornean ground cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark green and black feathered",
+        "beak: long and curved, pale blue-gray",
+        "belly: black and rufous striped plumage",
+        "breast: rich rusty-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: black with bright blue eye-ring",
+        "forehead: black feathered with green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown and round",
+        "legs: long and strong, pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: large and rounded, dark green with rufous barring",
+        "nape: black and green feathers",
+        "tail: long and broad, dark green with rufous barring",
+        "throat: rich rusty-brown with streaks"
+    ],
+    "bornean peacock pheasant": [
+        "back: dark green iridescent feathers with blackish edges",
+        "beak: grayish-black, short and sharp",
+        "belly: dark green with iridescent blue spots",
+        "breast: dark green and glossy with metallic blue crescent-shaped markings",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight green iridescence",
+        "forehead: dark blackish-green with shiny feathers",
+        "eyes: silvery-white with grayish-black outlines",
+        "legs: gray with spurs, strong and feathered",
+        "wings: dark green iridescent with blue and purple patches and elaborate elongated feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black with a slight metallic green sheen",
+        "tail: long and iridescent green-blue with eye-like markings",
+        "throat: dark metallic green with blue shimmer"
+    ],
+    "bornean shortwing": [
+        "back: deep blue feathered upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: light greyish-white underside",
+        "breast: pale grey feathered chest",
+        "crown: deep blue feathered head",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, grey-purple legs",
+        "wings: short, rounded deep blue feathers",
+        "nape: blue colored feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: short, square deep blue feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white feathered area below beak"
+    ],
+    "bornean spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with grayish tinges",
+        "beak: long and curved, blackish hue",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: gray-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with grayish tones",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, strong and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker tips",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and dark, with pale edges and white tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray-yellow, fading to gray"
+    ],
+    "bornean stubtail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly ruffled",
+        "forehead: olive-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and light pink",
+        "wings: rounded with barred pattern",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: short and stubby",
+        "throat: lighter shade of brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "bornean swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, flattened, dark-grey",
+        "belly: slightly paler brown",
+        "breast: dark chestnut-brown",
+        "crown: glossy dark-brown",
+        "forehead: light chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, dark grey",
+        "wings: long, slender, and tapered",
+        "nape: dark chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: short, square-cut, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: light chestnut-brown"
+    ],
+    "bornean treepie": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, black",
+        "belly: light grey with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: greyish-white",
+        "crown: black head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady with pale blue eye rings",
+        "legs: dark grey with strong, curved claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white patches and black edges",
+        "nape: black merging into brown outline on neck",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips and outer feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "bornean whistler": [
+        "back: greenish-olive colored",
+        "beak: short, curved, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow gradient",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with faint yellow banding",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: greenish-olive with some yellow tipping",
+        "throat: pale yellow contrasting the breast"
+    ],
+    "bornean whistling thrush": [
+        "back: deep blue with glossy feathers",
+        "beak: strong, straight, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: dark blue with subtle plumage",
+        "breast: rich cobalt blue, slightly lighter than the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue, smooth and sleek",
+        "forehead: glossy dark blue, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, framed by blue feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: deep blue with elongated flight feathers",
+        "nape: slightly lighter blue, smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: dark blue with broad feathers and slight fork",
+        "throat: vivid cobalt blue, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "bornean wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle grey streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: buff-colored with some brownish spots",
+        "breast: pale grey with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey to black with slight flecks of white",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint grey streaks",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short, rounded, with brown and greyish feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "botha lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored, speckled",
+        "crown: light brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: marked pale brown",
+        "eyes: tiny, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white margins",
+        "nape: pale brown, streaked",
+        "tail: brown, forked or edged with white",
+        "throat: cream-colored with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "botteri sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white, unstreaked",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous brown with a narrow, paler median stripe",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown merging into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, large and expressive",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with rufous edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with back",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, slightly notched, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with a buffy tinge, faintly streaked"
+    ],
+    "boucard wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: dull white with brown markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint markings",
+        "nape: streaked gray and white",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "bougainville crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: lighter grey undertone feathers",
+        "breast: shiny pitch black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth transition to beak",
+        "eyes: piercing, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, clawed black feet",
+        "wings: broad, strong, black",
+        "nape: dark, feathered neckline",
+        "tail: long, black elegant feathers",
+        "throat: slightly lighter grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "bougainville honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with distinct black markings",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow with prominent black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and yellow accents",
+        "nape: vibrant olive-green",
+        "tail: long, tapered, and olive-green with black banding",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "bougainville hooded whistler": [
+        "back: vibrant green with faint yellow streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: soft yellow with subtle green highlights",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: bright green with a swoop of blue",
+        "forehead: vivid green, bordering the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey, slightly feathered",
+        "wings: bright green with flashes of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: green with hints of yellow, transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: long, vibrant green feathers with thin yellow edges",
+        "throat: gold-yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "bougainville monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue upper feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, black beak",
+        "belly: light blue and white blend",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black head",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes",
+        "legs: thin, black legs",
+        "wings: blue to black gradient, elongated tips",
+        "nape: blue-black continuation of crown",
+        "tail: black, long and forked",
+        "throat: white to light blue-feathered"
+    ],
+    "boulder chat": [
+        "back: dark slate gray with a hint of brown",
+        "beak: strong, black, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: brownish gray, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eye-rings",
+        "legs: long, strong, and black",
+        "wings: dark brown with slight white wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-brown, similar to the belly"
+    ],
+    "boulder finch": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with feathered texture",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: light, creamy-white underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray plumage with feathered detail",
+        "forehead: grayish-black markings blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark feather markings",
+        "nape: pale gray with feathered texture",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-white with small streaks"
+    ],
+    "boulton batis": [
+        "back: olive-grey and patterned",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: buff-white with some streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey and slightly spotted",
+        "crown: males have black crown, females have grey",
+        "forehead: greyish-white in males, grey in females",
+        "eyes: large and deep-set, surrounded by a pale-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale orange",
+        "wings: long, blackish-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: grey, streaked with darker feathers",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with subtle grey markings"
+    ],
+    "bounty islands shag": [
+        "back: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-black, dense feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, black feathers",
+        "forehead: sharp, angular slope",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: wide, strong, black feathers",
+        "nape: smooth, dark plumage",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: white, narrow stripe"
+    ],
+    "bourke parrot": [
+        "back: shades of pink and brown with soft feathers",
+        "beak: small, beige hooked beak, perfect for seeds",
+        "belly: light pink feathers with a touch of blues and browns",
+        "breast: soft, pastel pink and salmon-colored feathers",
+        "crown: light pink feathers accented with pale blue",
+        "forehead: soft pink feathers transitioning to light blue",
+        "eyes: round, black bead-like, expressive eyes",
+        "legs: slender, beige legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: folded, brownish-pink feathers with hints of blue",
+        "nape: pale pink feathers merging with the shades on the back",
+        "tail: long, central tail feathers brown with blue tips",
+        "throat: delicate pink feathers contrasting with the surrounding colors"
+    ],
+    "bower shrikethrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, gray-black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: round and dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, gray-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "boyd shearwater": [
+        "back: grayish-blue, streamlined body",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, yellow-tinted",
+        "belly: pale, white underbelly",
+        "breast: white, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, distinct plumage",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: bright, black and prominent",
+        "legs: pinkish, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: elongated, dark gray, designed for gliding",
+        "nape: grayish-blue, connects with the crown",
+        "tail: forked, gray feathers for steering",
+        "throat: white, slender, elegant"
+    ],
+    "boyer cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight dark streaks",
+        "beak: black, hooked and stout",
+        "belly: pale grayish-cream",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with rufous patch, blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "bradfield hornbill": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black with a glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, yellow and red casque",
+        "belly: pale white-feathered underside",
+        "breast: snowy white feathers",
+        "crown: black with a purplish-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: red and yellow, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: deep, dark brown with a blue eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black, long, and broad with a white band",
+        "nape: purplish-blue sheen blending with back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers, tipped with white",
+        "throat: white, extending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "bradfield swift": [
+        "back: sleek dark-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: white with a hint of brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, contrasting with the face",
+        "forehead: white or pale brown band",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark-colored",
+        "legs: short, stout, feathered with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, slender, and distinctively curved",
+        "nape: dark brown, matching the back",
+        "tail: slim, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale brown, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "brahminy kite": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: sharp and curved, pale yellow with a black tip",
+        "belly: contrasting white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight golden hue",
+        "crown: deep reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter reddish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange with dark talons",
+        "wings: long and broad, reddish-brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, transitioning to white on the lower neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with a white base and a broad black band",
+        "throat: white feathers with a golden tinge"
+    ],
+    "brahminy starling": [
+        "back: pale grey, slightly brownish",
+        "beak: bright yellow, stout and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white, smooth texture",
+        "breast: light orange, faint streaks",
+        "crown: black, crested feathers",
+        "forehead: black, smooth curve",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round and alert",
+        "legs: yellow, strong and slender",
+        "wings: pale grey, black primary feathers",
+        "nape: pale grey, slight brownish tinge",
+        "tail: light grey, fan-shaped, black tips",
+        "throat: pale orange, soft and smooth"
+    ],
+    "brambling": [
+        "back: black and orange streaks",
+        "beak: small and stubby, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: orange-red with dark speckles",
+        "crown: black with white stripes",
+        "forehead: black, extending to eye areas",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: brownish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark with white and yellow edges",
+        "nape: black with white striping",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with breast color"
+    ],
+    "bran colored flycatcher": [
+        "back: reddish-brown, streaked plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale, creamy white",
+        "breast: light brown, slightly speckled",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: light brown, transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, slightly feathered",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, forked, with white edges",
+        "throat: pale, creamy white with light speckles"
+    ],
+    "brasilia tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray slate colored",
+        "beak: short, slender, black",
+        "belly: gray with a white tinge",
+        "breast: grayish-white transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: rounded dark gray",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by dark gray feathers",
+        "legs: strong, gray-brown",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark gray",
+        "nape: dark gray, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, dark gray",
+        "throat: pale gray, spotted with white"
+    ],
+    "brass friarbird": [
+        "back: golden-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: dull grayish-white",
+        "breast: streaked with brownish-gray",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with crest",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: brownish with gray edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with grayish streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale white with light-gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "brassy breasted tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: rich, deep chestnut hue",
+        "breast: brilliant brassy-orange",
+        "crown: shiny emerald-green",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: large dark orbs encircled by thin white rings",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: multi-colored with yellow-green and dark blue, bordered by black",
+        "nape: striking green and blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-black feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: dazzling emerald feathers"
+    ],
+    "braun bushshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white",
+        "breast: orange-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, streaked with dark markings",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with olive-brown edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "brazilian merganser": [
+        "back: dark, iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: predominantly white with black markings",
+        "crown: black, smooth, and narrow",
+        "forehead: white strip above beak extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: small, sharply-focused, with a red ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, dark green with white patches",
+        "nape: well-defined black strip from crown to shoulders",
+        "tail: broad, black-edged with white feathers",
+        "throat: white with black spots and lines"
+    ],
+    "brazilian ruby": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender black",
+        "belly: white with green streaks",
+        "breast: bright red and iridescent",
+        "crown: intense red with a shimmer",
+        "forehead: gleaming red plumes",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: brilliant green with blue tips",
+        "nape: greenish-blue hue",
+        "tail: elongated green with blue accents",
+        "throat: dazzling red throat patch"
+    ],
+    "brazilian tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant deep blue",
+        "beak: black, short and stout",
+        "belly: bright greenish-yellow",
+        "breast: intense red-orange",
+        "crown: radiant blue",
+        "forehead: deep blue, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: shimmering blue with hints of green",
+        "nape: rich blue, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: blue and elongated",
+        "throat: bright red-orange, mirroring the breast"
+    ],
+    "brazilian teal": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "beak: black and upturned",
+        "belly: off-white with small black spots",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: glossy green with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: greenish-black with a slight gloss",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-pink with webbed feet",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with an iridescent patch",
+        "nape: greenish-brown, merging into the crown",
+        "tail: dark brownish-black with elongated feathers",
+        "throat: white with chestnut brown extending from the breast"
+    ],
+    "brazilian tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint black bars",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint grey markings",
+        "breast: dull brown with fine black striping",
+        "crown: blackish brown with slight gloss",
+        "forehead: narrow, dark-greyish brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale grey ring",
+        "legs: short, robust, and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown, barred with black",
+        "nape: blackish brown, glossed with green",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with fine black bars",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with black mottling"
+    ],
+    "brazza martin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "breast: warm gray with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark gray with rusty streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: mottled gray, ruddy-brown, and black",
+        "nape: olive-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "brehm tiger parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, curved orange-red",
+        "belly: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow with orange streaks",
+        "crown: red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: green fading into red",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue, red underside",
+        "nape: orange-red and green",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright orange, feathered"
+    ],
+    "bridled honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint barring",
+        "breast: golden yellow with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark gray bordered by white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with thin, white bridle pattern",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slim and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish edges",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellowish fringes",
+        "throat: white with black streaks forming a bib"
+    ],
+    "bridled quail dove": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle white speckles",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish accents",
+        "breast: light rust-colored with a faint pattern",
+        "crown: slate gray with fine black speckles",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pink, hidden among plumage",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with intricate white patterns",
+        "nape: ashy gray transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by brownish cheeks and neck"
+    ],
+    "bridled sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, dark, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with faint dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: white with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark, fine 'bridle' markings"
+    ],
+    "bridled tern": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a sleek finish",
+        "beak: sharply pointed and black",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: slight grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black cap covering the head",
+        "forehead: narrow white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short, dark and webbed",
+        "wings: long, slender and dark gray",
+        "nape: white collar encircling the neck",
+        "tail: forked and white with dark edges",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "bridled white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with soft white streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish back markings",
+        "crown: distinctive black \"bridle\" markings",
+        "forehead: white fading to gray",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pale gray with thin, dainty toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: white blending into olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pure white with black \"bridle\" markings extending from eyes"
+    ],
+    "bright rumped attila": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle golden sheen",
+        "beak: large, strong, and hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-olive",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with slightly darker edges",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint golden highlights",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eyerings",
+        "legs: strong and robust, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with golden-yellow edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, similar to crown",
+        "tail: long and broad, olive-green with faint golden-yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow with slight olive-green tinge"
+    ],
+    "bright rumped yellow finch": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking orange-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: radiant yellow color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: vivid green with black streaks",
+        "nape: rich yellow-green gradient",
+        "tail: contrasting black and gold feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow under-feathers"
+    ],
+    "brimstone canary": [
+        "back: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: soft yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: gray, strong, slender",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow, edged with black",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "tail: forked, yellow with black markings",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "bristle crowned starling": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: silvery-gray feathers",
+        "crown: bristled feathers, yellow base",
+        "forehead: short, bristled yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: light-colored with thin black circles",
+        "legs: dark, thin and long",
+        "wings: iridescent dark blue-black",
+        "nape: yellow bristles extending down",
+        "tail: black, elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: white-tinged, glossy feathers"
+    ],
+    "bristle nosed barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and bristled",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant red feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest",
+        "forehead: blue band above the beak",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: deep green, flight feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "tail: short and squared with green and black feathers",
+        "throat: sharp red contrast against yellow belly"
+    ],
+    "bristle thighed curlew": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark and light speckles",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and brownish-orange",
+        "belly: light cream-colored with fine brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with small dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "forehead: light brown with some darker spots",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: long, pale, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white and dark markings",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with light and dark bands",
+        "throat: light cream-colored with fine brown spotting"
+    ],
+    "bristled grassbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: strong and conical, grayish-horn color",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown markings",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, dark brown with white tips and outer edges",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "broad billed flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight grayish tinge",
+        "beak: broad and flat; black upper, pale lower, with hooked tip",
+        "belly: light yellow with pale streaks",
+        "breast: lemon-yellow with greyish wash on sides",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight grayish tinge, not distinct",
+        "forehead: olive-green with slight gray tinge, blends with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale orange-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with two white wing-bars and olive-green edging",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight grayish tinge, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feather tips and olive-green edging",
+        "throat: lemon-yellow, distinctive"
+    ],
+    "broad billed motmot": [
+        "back: bright green feathers with a blue tint",
+        "beak: wide and curved, black in color",
+        "belly: pale green or yellowish-green",
+        "breast: turquoise blue with black markings",
+        "crown: deep blue-green with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: blue-green and black, creating a \"mask",
+        "eyes: large and dark with white rims",
+        "legs: grayish, strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vibrant green and turquoise feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green with a black band",
+        "tail: long and racquet-tipped, shows green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: turquoise blue with black markings"
+    ],
+    "broad billed prion": [
+        "back: bluish-gray with delicate white fringes",
+        "beak: broad, flat, with serrated edges",
+        "belly: bright white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with a subtle bluish-gray hue",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a hint of white streaks",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a black ring around them",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: long, slender, bluish-gray with black edges",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, transitioning to white towards the throat",
+        "tail: blue-gray, fan-shaped, with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the gray head"
+    ],
+    "broad billed roller": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: wide, dark and strong",
+        "belly: sky blue feathers",
+        "breast: turquoise and glossy",
+        "crown: bold blue and raised",
+        "forehead: electric blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, pronounced, and alert",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: beautifully intricate feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue tufted feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, colorful feathers",
+        "throat: subtle purple hue"
+    ],
+    "broad billed sandpiper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark feather centers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white with brown markings",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, long and slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and streaked brown",
+        "nape: white with brown streaks",
+        "tail: black and white with a slight v-shape",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "broad billed tody": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper feathers",
+        "beak: broad, flat, black bill",
+        "belly: soft gray feathers",
+        "breast: matching green to back with yellow highlights",
+        "crown: forest green top of the head",
+        "forehead: distinctive bright red patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blend of green with slight blue hue",
+        "nape: continuation of green from back, transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: short, slightly fanned, green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with a grayish tint"
+    ],
+    "broad billed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green color with faint streaks",
+        "beak: broad, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale buff or cream-colored",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: bright green with a flat crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green, fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, blue-grey, with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with conspicuous yellow outer-edging",
+        "nape: greenish, connecting the crown and the back",
+        "tail: square-ended, dark brown, with faint yellow tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, contrasting the breast"
+    ],
+    "broad tailed grassbird": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of darker brown",
+        "beak: dark, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with a tinge of olive-green",
+        "forehead: pale brown with darker brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker brown barring and a distinct white patch",
+        "nape: greyish-brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and broad, brown with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "broad tailed paradise whydah": [
+        "back: vibrant, brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black point",
+        "belly: white, soft, feathery underside",
+        "breast: white, narrow, feathery front",
+        "crown: sleek, black head feathers",
+        "forehead: sharp, black contouring",
+        "eyes: round, dark, beady gaze",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray limbs",
+        "wings: brownish-black, long, curved flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, feathery neck back",
+        "tail: long, ribbon-like, extravagant plumes",
+        "throat: white, delicate, feathery front"
+    ],
+    "broad tipped hermit": [
+        "back: vibrant green with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: pale white and fluffy",
+        "breast: patchwork of russet and buff",
+        "crown: vivid green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale yellow-orange",
+        "wings: green and brown striped pattern",
+        "nape: striped green and white",
+        "tail: broad, fan-shaped, brownish-orange",
+        "throat: white with hints of russet"
+    ],
+    "brolga": [
+        "back: slate-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pale grey",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth grey feathers",
+        "forehead: red prominent head patch",
+        "eyes: deep-set, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: tall, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: broad and slate-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: grey and soft feathered",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: pale grey feathering"
+    ],
+    "bronze ground dove": [
+        "back: earthy brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, light brown",
+        "belly: pale beige feathers",
+        "breast: soft cinnamon hue",
+        "crown: bronze tinted with green iridescence",
+        "forehead: bronze coloring with purple sheen",
+        "eyes: black with orange eye ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-bronze with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: green-tinged golden bronze",
+        "tail: elongated, brown with white tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light buff with reddish tinge"
+    ],
+    "bronze mannikin": [
+        "back: subtle greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: conical and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white hue",
+        "breast: gray-bronze tinted feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent purplish-black",
+        "forehead: shining bronze-green",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with bronzy sheen",
+        "nape: bronze-green shine",
+        "tail: dark brown with bronzy-green gloss",
+        "throat: striking purplish-black"
+    ],
+    "bronze parotia": [
+        "back: iridescent bronze-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black beak",
+        "belly: silvery-white plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering golden-green feathers",
+        "crown: round, black crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: golden, iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing amber eyes",
+        "legs: slender, black legs",
+        "wings: medium-sized, bronze-green feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, quill-like feathers with black wire-like tips",
+        "throat: dramatic, black, velvety throat feathers"
+    ],
+    "bronze sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: bright green-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: olive-green feathers with a hint of bronze shine",
+        "crown: green-bronze iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent green-bronze iridescence",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by green-bronze feathers",
+        "legs: slender, black, and well-adapted to perch on branches",
+        "wings: green-bronze, fairly short and rounded",
+        "nape: iridescent green-bronze feathers",
+        "tail: long, slim, green-bronze central tail feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant metallic green with purple edging"
+    ],
+    "bronze green euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep green feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-blue shade",
+        "wings: shimmering green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: smooth green feathers, transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: radiant green feathers with subtle blue shades",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers, contrasting with the green head"
+    ],
+    "bronze naped pigeon": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale-colored",
+        "belly: white to light gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with a purple sheen",
+        "crown: gray to greenish-bronze",
+        "forehead: grayish-white fading to bronze",
+        "eyes: orange with a gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-bronze with a purple sheen",
+        "nape: bronze or copper-colored feathers",
+        "tail: dark greenish-blue, short and broad",
+        "throat: light gray with a purplish hue"
+    ],
+    "bronze olive pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: light yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: pale olive",
+        "crown: bronze-olive ridged",
+        "forehead: subtly yellow-tinted",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slim and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-bronze with faint barring",
+        "nape: bronze-olive hue",
+        "tail: short and square-shaped",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "bronze tailed comet": [
+        "back: metallic green shine",
+        "beak: curved, slender black",
+        "belly: iridescent blue-green",
+        "breast: bright emerald green",
+        "crown: vivid violet-blue",
+        "forehead: greenish golden hue",
+        "eyes: round, dark inquisitive",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: shimmering bronze and green",
+        "nape: vibrant bluish-purple",
+        "tail: elongated bronze feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling greenish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "bronze tailed peacock pheasant": [
+        "back: vibrant feathers with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: golden hues with shining specks",
+        "breast: iridescent bronze with peacock-like markings",
+        "crown: raised metallic green crest",
+        "forehead: smooth regal blue tint",
+        "eyes: striking amber with keen gaze",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and feathered",
+        "wings: adorned with green and bronze patterns",
+        "nape: exquisite with metallic luster",
+        "tail: elegant bronze train with eye motifs",
+        "throat: scintillating plumage with rich tonality"
+    ],
+    "bronze tailed plumeleteer": [
+        "back: iridescent bluish-green",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-blue",
+        "breast: shimmering greenish-blue",
+        "crown: vibrant bluish-green",
+        "forehead: metallic green",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: elongated, fast-beating",
+        "nape: brilliant green-blue",
+        "tail: long, bronze-colored feathers",
+        "throat: sparkling green-blue"
+    ],
+    "bronze tailed starling": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: pale grey with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "breast: shiny, slightly purple-tinged feathers",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: sleek feathers transitioning from green to purple",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey, and featherless",
+        "wings: shimmering green and purple feathers with a bronzed edge",
+        "nape: metallic greenish-blue feathers cascading down",
+        "tail: long, bronzed, and gracefully tapering",
+        "throat: feathers fading from grey to a lighter, silvery shade"
+    ],
+    "bronze tailed thornbill": [
+        "back: olive-green with bronze sheen",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white with greenish-brown hues",
+        "breast: light greenish-brown with white center",
+        "crown: bright iridescent green",
+        "forehead: shimmering bronze to green gradient",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: medium-length, olive-green with hints of bronze",
+        "nape: iridescent green merging with the back",
+        "tail: slender and bronze-hued with notched feathers",
+        "throat: pale white transitioning to the breast color"
+    ],
+    "bronze winged courser": [
+        "back: bronze and grey feathers with a subtle shimmer",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale in color",
+        "belly: light buff-colored feathers with sparse black markings",
+        "breast: pale beige with faint black and white streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with metallic bronze-green highlights",
+        "forehead: marbled grey and white plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and alert",
+        "legs: yellowish-tan, long, and slender",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, displaying iridescent bronze hues",
+        "nape: marbled grey and light brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark grey-brown with white outer feathers and a distinctive black band",
+        "throat: pale grey with slight bronze undertones"
+    ],
+    "bronze winged jacana": [
+        "back: iridescent green-bronze feather pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with black ventral stripe",
+        "breast: black with white fringe",
+        "crown: black with white spotted line",
+        "forehead: red-yellow frontal shield",
+        "eyes: brown with black region surrounding",
+        "legs: thin, lengthy and yellow-green",
+        "wings: bronze colored with white marked tips",
+        "nape: green-bronze to black gradient",
+        "tail: short, black with white tips",
+        "throat: black with white fringe"
+    ],
+    "bronze winged parrot": [
+        "back: deep forest green with shimmering bronze highlights",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: iridescent turquoise and dark blue hues",
+        "breast: warm bronze merging into green and blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy emerald with subtle metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue leaning into green",
+        "eyes: piercing dark eyes with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking bronze feathers with touches of green and blue",
+        "nape: luminous green fading to iridescent turquoise",
+        "tail: elongated bronze feathers with hints of blue and green",
+        "throat: electric blue fading into soft green and bronze"
+    ],
+    "bronzed drongo": [
+        "back: iridescent dark bronze",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black",
+        "belly: dark bronze feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering bronze hue",
+        "crown: glossy bronze-black",
+        "forehead: sleek dark feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: long, bronzed feathers",
+        "nape: lustrous metallic bronze",
+        "tail: forked and rufous-tipped",
+        "throat: dark bronze plumage"
+    ],
+    "bronzy hermit": [
+        "back: golden-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light, pale greenish-yellow",
+        "breast: golden-bronze shine",
+        "crown: dark bronze coloration",
+        "forehead: golden-bronze hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slim with long toes",
+        "wings: elongated with iridescent greens",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze gloss",
+        "tail: long, forked with dark greenish-blue color",
+        "throat: slightly paler golden-bronze shade"
+    ],
+    "bronzy inca": [
+        "back: iridescent green and bronze",
+        "beak: short and straight, black",
+        "belly: pale silvery-green",
+        "breast: bright bronze-green",
+        "crown: shining green",
+        "forehead: gleaming green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyerings",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: iridescent green and bronze feathers",
+        "nape: shining green",
+        "tail: long, dark, and pointed",
+        "throat: shimmering greenish-bronze"
+    ],
+    "bronzy jacamar": [
+        "back: iridescent green-bronze plumage",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering green-bronze plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green-bronze feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green-bronze feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, black, and slender",
+        "wings: green-bronze and rounded",
+        "nape: vibrant green-bronze feathers",
+        "tail: long, straight, and dark",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green plumage"
+    ],
+    "brooks leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with pale streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish, sometimes with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellowish highlights",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with two bold yellow wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, matching the back",
+        "tail: brownish-green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "brown accentor": [
+        "back: earthy brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with brown speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long and brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown babbler": [
+        "back: light brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and dark",
+        "belly: dull cream or beige shades",
+        "breast: light brown with slight speckling",
+        "crown: reddish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark brown",
+        "wings: medium brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: light reddish-brown hue",
+        "tail: elongated brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale creamy-brown with streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown barbet": [
+        "back: earthy brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with a rounded crest",
+        "forehead: paler brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and bright, framed by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown, and featherless",
+        "wings: brown with faint, darker barring",
+        "nape: uniform brown, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: brownish, slightly forked with a blackish band near the tip",
+        "throat: pale brown, lightly streaked with white"
+    ],
+    "brown boobook": [
+        "back: earthy brown with faint white spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: off-white with reddish-brown barring",
+        "breast: pale with horizontal brown stripes",
+        "crown: brown with white speckles and pale facial discs",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with white markings",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow orbs",
+        "legs: feathered, grey, with curved talons",
+        "wings: brown spotted and striped with white and black bars",
+        "nape: brown with light, irregular white spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands and a reddish-brown tip",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brown bars"
+    ],
+    "brown booby": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, grayish-blue with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: white underside with a brown edge",
+        "breast: white feathers on chest area",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark brown feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: lengthy, dark blue-gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown, elongated and pointed",
+        "nape: rich brown, connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: short, dark brown rectangular feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning into brown"
+    ],
+    "brown bullfinch": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, thick, and sharp for seed-eating",
+        "belly: lighter brown or grayish feathers on lower body",
+        "breast: dark brown or reddish-brown feathers on chest",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: lighter brown or grayish-brown feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong with brownish-gray color",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers, medium length",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, brown, and slightly forked at the tip",
+        "throat: lighter brown or grayish-brown feathers directly below the beak"
+    ],
+    "brown bush warbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathered",
+        "beak: small, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: light, creamy-white",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with slight streaking",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey, paler than crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, brownish-grey with faint bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, paler than crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, brownish-grey with faint darker bars",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "brown cacholote": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown and slightly spotted",
+        "crown: slightly raised with dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: white line above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: streaked with dark brown",
+        "tail: long and brown with a distinctive upward curve",
+        "throat: light brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown crake": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white to pale buff coloring",
+        "breast: brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: long, greenish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with traces of white spots",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown, slightly barred",
+        "throat: white with narrow brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white",
+        "breast: rosy-brown hue",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: short, reddish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: darker brown-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long and tapering, brownish-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: pale brownish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown dipper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: whitish or light gray",
+        "breast: brown with a slight reddish hue",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with a slight gloss and moderately long",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and square-ended",
+        "throat: white or light gray with a slight tinge of brown"
+    ],
+    "brown eared pheasant": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, greyish-black",
+        "belly: dull brown with soft feathering",
+        "breast: dark brown with minimal patterns",
+        "crown: glossy, black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a distinctive reddish-brown eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, light grey with feathered thighs",
+        "wings: brownish, with strong white markings",
+        "nape: brown, turning black towards the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: soft brown, transitioning from the breast"
+    ],
+    "brown emutail": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: warm chestnut hue",
+        "crown: dark chocolate crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and twig-like",
+        "wings: broad, deep brown with lighter tips",
+        "nape: faintly striped in earthy tones",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped, emulating hues of the sunset",
+        "throat: soft beige with delicate markings"
+    ],
+    "brown falcon": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers with slight barring",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish-blue",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: streaked pale brown with a hint of chestnut",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, sharply focused",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brown with dark bands, slender and tapered",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown fantail": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with hints of russet",
+        "beak: petite, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white undertones",
+        "breast: warm chestnut hue with delicate white streaks",
+        "crown: soft cinnamon-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth mix of light brown and white",
+        "eyes: black, round, and noticeably alert",
+        "legs: slim, long, and dark grey",
+        "wings: beige and brown mix, with dark bars and white spots",
+        "nape: warm brown feathers with a visible contrast from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped with contrasting light and dark brown bands",
+        "throat: off-white base with subtle brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown firefinch": [
+        "back: brownish-red feathers",
+        "beak: black, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale cream or buff color",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with faint speckling",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: red or orange-red",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: short with brownish-red feathers and dark markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: brown with darker markings and rounded edges",
+        "throat: whitish with reddish speckles"
+    ],
+    "brown fish owl": [
+        "back: brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: large, grayish-black hooked beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown markings",
+        "breast: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with wavy dark bands",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with brown markings"
+    ],
+    "brown fulvetta": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff-brown",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with distinct streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, rusty-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long, brown with subtle black bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown gerygone": [
+        "back: light brown feathers and sleek texture",
+        "beak: petite and slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: soft cream or off-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale buff or cream-colored feathers",
+        "crown: warm brown with subtle streak patterns",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and twig-like, dark gray color",
+        "wings: light brown with faint markings and rounded shape",
+        "nape: light brown, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "tail: long and slim with faint barring, brownish hues",
+        "throat: off-white or cream plumage transitions into breast"
+    ],
+    "brown goshawk": [
+        "back: brown feathers with a subtly dark pattern",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and hooked, yellowish-grey color",
+        "belly: light cream, with thin rufous bars",
+        "breast: pale, with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: deep brown, accented with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, tinged with a hint of rufous",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and wide, with a mix of brown tones and dark tips",
+        "nape: light brown, with paler rufous streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, banded with lighter bars, and tapering to a rounded end",
+        "throat: creamy white, with soft feathery texture"
+    ],
+    "brown hornbill": [
+        "back: dark brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow and black",
+        "belly: light brown, small feathers",
+        "breast: medium brown, compact feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, feathery crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with yellow-ring",
+        "legs: strong, scaled, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: broad, brown with white tips",
+        "nape: dark brown, short feathers",
+        "tail: long, graduated, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: light brown, soft, thin feathers"
+    ],
+    "brown illadopsis": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: pale brown with streaks",
+        "breast: light brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: rounded with brown feathers",
+        "nape: brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown feathers",
+        "throat: light brown and streaked"
+    ],
+    "brown inca": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: soft, tawny-brown",
+        "breast: reddish-buff with dark spots",
+        "crown: deep chestnut with a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: shiny black, alert and forward-facing",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and dark gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with black wingtips",
+        "nape: rusty brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, chestnut, with black band at the tip",
+        "throat: buff with thin, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown jacamar": [
+        "back: glossy green-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white and scaled",
+        "breast: green-bronze iridescence",
+        "crown: dark green with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: metallic green hue",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: short, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rounded with green-bronze feathers",
+        "nape: green and shining bronze",
+        "tail: long, slender, and dark brown",
+        "throat: buffy-white with greenish scales"
+    ],
+    "brown jay": [
+        "back: rich brown plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light brown with paler streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with soft texture",
+        "crown: darker brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep brown with feathered transition",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, surrounded by light brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, brown with lighter streaks",
+        "nape: smooth brown with subtle shading",
+        "tail: wide, graduated, with brown and gray layers",
+        "throat: beige with light streaks and feathering"
+    ],
+    "brown lory": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: orange-yellow and curved",
+        "belly: lighter brown plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: darker brown with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: large and white-rimmed with a dark brown iris",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with blue accents on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, reddish-brown with blue tips on the feathers",
+        "throat: lighter shade of brown than breast"
+    ],
+    "brown mesite": [
+        "back: brown feathers with streaks of white",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale brown with subtle markings",
+        "breast: light brown with speckled white spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with an inconspicuous white line",
+        "eyes: dark brown, highlighted with white rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale brown with some white markings"
+    ],
+    "brown nightjar": [
+        "back: dark brown with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale brown with streaking and spotting",
+        "breast: mottled reddish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with elongated whitish streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and ringed in pale feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown, mottled with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: buffy-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer feathers and dark bands",
+        "throat: pale with brown speckles and blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown noddy": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: black and pointed",
+        "belly: lighter brown with some white",
+        "breast: medium brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight cap",
+        "forehead: medium brown coloration",
+        "eyes: black, small, and sharp",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: long, dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: medium brown, connects to crown",
+        "tail: brown with black striping",
+        "throat: lighter brown with some white"
+    ],
+    "brown nunlet": [
+        "back: light brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown plumage",
+        "forehead: tan feathers with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with white rings",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-black feathers with pale edges",
+        "nape: rich brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: rounded, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: creamy white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "brown oriole": [
+        "back: rusty brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown flanks",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: long with dark brown feathers, white tips",
+        "throat: light cream with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown parisoma": [
+        "back: smooth brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, beige-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: light creamy brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with lighter-edged feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown parrotbill": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved upper mandible",
+        "belly: light brown with fine darker streaks",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown, slightly paler than back",
+        "crown: brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with a faint black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a fine pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy pinkish-gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark brown featuring prominent white wingbars",
+        "nape: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with fine white tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "brown prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale and creamy-white",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with indistinct patterns",
+        "forehead: lighter brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, embedded in light brown feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, brown with faint markings, rounded edge",
+        "nape: slightly darker brown, smoothly transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: thin, long, wedge-shaped, brown with gentle bands",
+        "throat: pale, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "brown quail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with scaled pattern",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with black spotting",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown, somewhat crested",
+        "forehead: buff-white stripe above eye",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: dull yellow with strong feet",
+        "wings: brown with sandy-buff streaks",
+        "nape: hazel-brown with faint barring",
+        "tail: short, brown, rounded",
+        "throat: plain pale buff"
+    ],
+    "brown rock chat": [
+        "back: earthy brown with a slightly darker hue",
+        "beak: short and strong, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light brown with a hint of pale cream",
+        "breast: warm sandy brown, occasionally streaked",
+        "crown: smooth, rich brown",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a gentle gleam",
+        "legs: slender yet sturdy, slate grey",
+        "wings: shades of brown with distinct feather patterns",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale creamy-brown, with possible faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown scrub robin": [
+        "back: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale brown with lighter streaks",
+        "breast: soft brown with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to lighter shades",
+        "forehead: smooth, warm brown",
+        "eyes: beady black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, light brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff-white edges, rounded shape",
+        "nape: rich brown with hints of gray",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, chestnut brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale brown with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown shrike": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: faintly streaked pale brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: pale brown with black eye stripe",
+        "eyes: black with white eyebrow",
+        "legs: brownish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with pale edges",
+        "tail: brown with black band and white tip",
+        "throat: off-white with scaled appearance"
+    ],
+    "brown sicklebill": [
+        "back: a rich brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: long and curved, black in color",
+        "belly: light brown with soft, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: bronze-chestnut feathers, iridescent shine",
+        "crown: glossy dark green metallic plumage",
+        "forehead: vibrant green feathers, slight metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown legs with strong claws",
+        "wings: streaked dark brown, elongated in shape",
+        "nape: metallic green shine transitioning to bronze-chestnut",
+        "tail: long, sickle-shaped, iridescent brown feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant blue feathers with shimmering luster"
+    ],
+    "brown skua": [
+        "back: dark brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: lighter brown, soft feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown, dense plumage",
+        "crown: dark, brownish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: brownish-black with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thick, sturdy, pale-pinkish grey",
+        "wings: long, dark brown with a white patch",
+        "nape: brownish-black blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, wide, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light brown, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "brown snake eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers softening to a creamy hue",
+        "breast: feathered dark brown with hints of cream color",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers decorating the top of the head",
+        "forehead: flat area above the eyes with dark brown contours",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow orbs with a black, intense gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, scaly legs with black talons for gripping prey",
+        "wings: large, broad wings with varying shades of brown for soaring",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with lighter brown bands at the tips",
+        "throat: cream-colored feathers transitioning towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "brown songlark": [
+        "back: brown and streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, greyish-brown",
+        "belly: pale brown with darker markings",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey-brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers, edged in pale brown",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brown with darker central feathers, edged in pale brown",
+        "throat: whitish-brown with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown tanager": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and gray",
+        "belly: light brown hue",
+        "breast: warm chestnut color",
+        "crown: slightly darker brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: rich brown with hints of olive green",
+        "nape: lighter brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: soft brown, fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "brown teal": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark gray",
+        "belly: light brown speckling",
+        "breast: buff brown with faint spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with some olive hues",
+        "forehead: lighter brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, small, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rich brown with greenish-blue speculum",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark brown and slightly pointed",
+        "throat: buffy white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "brown thornbill": [
+        "back: brownish-grey streaked plumage",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and dark grey",
+        "belly: buff-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown, finely streaked",
+        "crown: pale brown with thin streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale grey",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: pale brown, streaked with grey",
+        "tail: dark brown with light outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "brown tinamou": [
+        "back: dark brown feathered",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light brown with darker spots",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown feathered",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: short, rounded, brown",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown, slightly upturned",
+        "throat: light brown with darker markings"
+    ],
+    "brown tit babbler": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: pale creamy-brown hue",
+        "breast: warm light brown plumage",
+        "crown: chocolate brown head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown shade",
+        "eyes: prominent, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, light brown",
+        "wings: moderately sized with brown-toned feathers",
+        "nape: gentle curve connecting head to back",
+        "tail: medium length, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: subtle beige coloration"
+    ],
+    "brown treecreeper": [
+        "back: streaked brown and buff feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: beige with brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fading streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: long, stiff, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown trembler": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light brown, soft plumage",
+        "breast: blended brown and light shades",
+        "crown: deep brown, defined feathers",
+        "forehead: mild brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: alert, dark beads",
+        "legs: thin, brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: rich brown, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: brown gradient, slightly ruffled",
+        "tail: fanned, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: light brown, delicate plumage"
+    ],
+    "brown twinspot": [
+        "back: earthy brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale brown with white spots",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with bold white marks",
+        "crown: warm brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with narrow streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, outlined with fine white ring",
+        "legs: strong and slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots, rounded shape",
+        "nape: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white spots, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale brown with small white markings"
+    ],
+    "brown violetear": [
+        "back: iridescent olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-green plumage",
+        "breast: gently-hued, olive-green feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant, iridescent blue-violet streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-violet feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark in color, surrounded by green plumage",
+        "legs: short, delicate, pale gray",
+        "wings: rich, olive-green with flashes of bronze",
+        "nape: predominantly green with a violet touch",
+        "tail: olive-green with blue-violet tinge on the edges",
+        "throat: brilliant blue-violet patch of iridescent feathers"
+    ],
+    "brown wood owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: light brown with darker brown streaks",
+        "breast: rich brown with white mottling",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark streaks and spots",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: feathered, strong, light brown",
+        "wings: wide, dark brown with white spots and light brown edges",
+        "nape: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white barring",
+        "throat: light brown with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown wood rail": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale buff coloration",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with possible white streaks",
+        "crown: slightly darker reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: light brown with a possible speckled pattern",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: greenish-gray, long and slender",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with partially white-streaked feathers",
+        "nape: similar tone as the crown, reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with visible, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: lighter brown, slightly paler than the belly"
+    ],
+    "brown woodland warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: round, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint feather edgings",
+        "nape: light brown, finely streaked",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, unmarked creamy"
+    ],
+    "brown and yellow marshbird": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: pointed and yellowish",
+        "belly: soft yellow hue",
+        "breast: warm brown with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: brown with a lighter streak",
+        "forehead: dark brown merging into yellow",
+        "eyes: beady black with a touch of yellow",
+        "legs: slender and brownish yellow",
+        "wings: brown with lighter yellow edges",
+        "nape: brown with a dash of yellow",
+        "tail: long and brown with yellow undertones",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "brown backed chat tyrant": [
+        "back: warm brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light cream with streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint markings",
+        "crown: mottled brown and beige",
+        "forehead: beige with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and twig-like",
+        "wings: brown with distinct barring",
+        "nape: brown with a subtle texture",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped, brown",
+        "throat: light beige with faint striations"
+    ],
+    "brown backed flowerpecker": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: warm brown",
+        "crown: brown with slight fading",
+        "forehead: rich earthy brown",
+        "eyes: small and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white fringes on feathers",
+        "nape: soft brown fading to yellowish-white",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy yellow with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown backed honeyeater": [
+        "back: shades of brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: cream or white feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown, blending with back",
+        "forehead: yellow streaks or patches",
+        "eyes: dark, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slim, gray or brown",
+        "wings: brown with white markings",
+        "nape: lighter brown, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips or bands",
+        "throat: creamy or white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown backed mockingbird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved blackish",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: lighter brown streaked markings",
+        "crown: smooth greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale brown, seamless transition from crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white bars",
+        "nape: grey-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: long, slim, dark-brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: cream-colored, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "brown backed needletail": [
+        "back: brown feathers with a streamlined shape",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark in color",
+        "belly: light, creamy color with a soft texture",
+        "breast: light brown, with hints of speckled grey",
+        "crown: brown feathers blending into the forehead",
+        "forehead: brown hues gradually darkening towards the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, and dark in color",
+        "wings: long, sharp, and brown with swift movements",
+        "nape: light brown, transitioning to darker brown on the back",
+        "tail: short, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light, creamy color, subtly striped"
+    ],
+    "brown backed parrotlet": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pale-hued upper beak and dark lower beak",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: brown with pale border",
+        "forehead: rich brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-green with blue-tinted edges",
+        "nape: brown with a pale border",
+        "tail: green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright green plumage"
+    ],
+    "brown backed scrub robin": [
+        "back: brown feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: small, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: delicate peach coloring with some spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light and slightly speckled",
+        "eyes: bright, black beady orbs",
+        "legs: long, thin, pale brown",
+        "wings: warm brown with faint patterns",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: pale peach with light brown spots"
+    ],
+    "brown backed solitaire": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray shading",
+        "crown: dark brown crest",
+        "forehead: light brown feathering",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray-white shading"
+    ],
+    "brown backed whistler": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, silver-grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with delicate brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a hint of intelligence",
+        "legs: slender, grey-brown, and strong",
+        "wings: brown with white edges, faint patterning",
+        "nape: soft brown, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, bordered by light brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "brown backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: brown and black striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: white with brown spots",
+        "crown: red for males, black for females",
+        "forehead: black-bordered white patch",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eyelids",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and scaled",
+        "wings: brown with white and black barring",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: dark brown with white spots and strong central feathers",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown banded antpitta": [
+        "back: brownish with dark bands",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale color",
+        "belly: pale gray with dense brown bars",
+        "breast: white with brown bands",
+        "crown: brown shade with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, faint streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown, barred patterns",
+        "nape: brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown bars",
+        "throat: white with sparse brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown banded puffbird": [
+        "back: mottled brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown bands",
+        "breast: pale white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous edges",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buffy-white spots",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black markings",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown bellied stipplethroat": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers with slight stippling",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: light brown with delicate stipples",
+        "breast: warm brown with faint stipple pattern",
+        "crown: mottled brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth light brown transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert eyes",
+        "legs: slender, brown-grey legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: medium length, brown with subtle stippling",
+        "nape: soft brown with light stipples",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown with faint stipples",
+        "throat: light brown, intricately stippled pattern"
+    ],
+    "brown bellied swallow": [
+        "back: light brown feathers, streamlined",
+        "beak: small, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: dark brown, subtly streaked",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown, sleek",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark, agile",
+        "wings: elongated, tapered, brown",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown, brown",
+        "tail: forked, brown, with white edges",
+        "throat: light brown, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "brown billed scythebill": [
+        "back: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and brownish-black",
+        "belly: white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: light brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by light brown",
+        "legs: slender and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter brown bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with light bars",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown breasted barbet": [
+        "back: dark green, slightly curved feathers",
+        "beak: stout, moderately curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: light brown, streaked feathers",
+        "breast: bright brown, spotted with white",
+        "crown: vibrant green with a small red spot",
+        "forehead: matching green with crown, thin white line",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray",
+        "wings: dark green with blue-violet tips",
+        "nape: green, blending into brown on the neck",
+        "tail: long, green with a hint of blue, squared end",
+        "throat: creamy white, bordered with brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "brown breasted bulbul": [
+        "back: light brown feathers covering the upper side",
+        "beak: short, slender, slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: creamy white with hints of brown",
+        "breast: brownish-grey feathers with a distinct bib-like patch",
+        "crown: light brown top of the head, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, scaly, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: light to medium brown with darker tips",
+        "nape: light brown feathers continuing from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy beige, transitioning to the brown breast"
+    ],
+    "brown breasted flycatcher": [
+        "back: brown plumage, sleek texture",
+        "beak: pointed, small, black color",
+        "belly: off-white with mild streaks",
+        "breast: rich brown, speckled pattern",
+        "crown: chocolate brown, smooth appearance",
+        "forehead: light brown, markings on head",
+        "eyes: round, dark, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black, strong",
+        "wings: elongated, brown feathers with faint patterning",
+        "nape: brownish, thin plumage, elegant lines",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, fanlike shape",
+        "throat: plain off-white, smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "brown breasted gerygone": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: warm brown with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer edges on feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "brown breasted kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green with black speckles",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and bright orange",
+        "belly: rich chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "breast: warm chestnut-brown with fine white spots",
+        "crown: bright blue with white streaks",
+        "forehead: deep blue merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and coral-colored",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with black and white bands on flight feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green with a white collar",
+        "tail: long, royal blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white with chestnut-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown breasted parakeet": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, beige and gray",
+        "belly: soft, light brown hue",
+        "breast: warm, brownish-red plumage",
+        "crown: yellow-green feathered head",
+        "forehead: subtle light green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, circular with a white outline",
+        "legs: strong, gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: vibrant green with blue edges",
+        "nape: green-to-yellow feather gradient",
+        "tail: long, green-blue with yellow tips",
+        "throat: pale, creamy yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "brown breasted pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, black-brown",
+        "legs: short and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown",
+        "throat: off-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown capped babbler": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light beige with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with gentle markings",
+        "crown: rich brown color, sometimes chestnut",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: black, bright, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: slightly darker brown than back",
+        "tail: long, brown, with faint white tips",
+        "throat: buff-white with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown capped fantail": [
+        "back: brown plumage with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale cream with faint dark markings",
+        "breast: buff colored with grey-tinted side feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown tinged with grey",
+        "eyes: dark and beady with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and long, blueish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with white-barred teardrop-shaped feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint grey markings"
+    ],
+    "brown capped laughingthrush": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, black",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white",
+        "breast: buff-brown, with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with subtle cap",
+        "forehead: paler brown blending into cap",
+        "eyes: beady and black, watching intently",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray, built for hopping",
+        "wings: brown with soft, rufous tones",
+        "nape: transitioning from the crown's brown hues",
+        "tail: long and brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown capped pygmy woodpecker": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint white spotting",
+        "forehead: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eyelid edges",
+        "legs: grayish-black with two forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white bar-like patterning",
+        "nape: brown with faint white spotting",
+        "tail: narrow and brown with white markings",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown capped redstart": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with some reddish-brown",
+        "breast: light reddish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown cap",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark brown transitioning to reddish-brown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "brown capped tit spinetail": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white underparts",
+        "breast: light brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown cap",
+        "forehead: white-streaked on brown",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: light brown, streaked",
+        "tail: slender, long with barring",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown capped tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow-brown",
+        "crown: rufous-brown cap",
+        "forehead: olive-brown shading",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown shading",
+        "tail: olive-brown with subtle lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "brown capped vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow or white",
+        "crown: rusty-brown cap",
+        "forehead: brownish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: slightly rufous with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with rusty brown streaks",
+        "tail: short, square, edged with white",
+        "throat: unmarked pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "brown capped weaver": [
+        "back: brown feathered with black streaks",
+        "beak: robust, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy yellow with black stripes",
+        "breast: pale yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown cap on head",
+        "forehead: bright brownish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: light gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with some white edges",
+        "nape: uniformly brown feathers",
+        "tail: lengthy, brown with black bands",
+        "throat: yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown cheeked bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow-tinged white",
+        "breast: buff-brown plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-gray tone",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, encircled by grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, elongated, with white-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light brown, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "brown cheeked fulvetta": [
+        "back: brown plumage with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with slight brown undertones",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray",
+        "crown: rich brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth light brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink to grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buffy-white edgings",
+        "nape: rich brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending into brown on sides"
+    ],
+    "brown cheeked hornbill": [
+        "back: brown and white striped feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, cream-colored bill",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers with black patterns",
+        "breast: white feathers with slight brown markings",
+        "crown: dark blackish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: black with some brown speckles",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by a blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray with curved talons",
+        "wings: brown and white with prominent blackand white-banded primaries",
+        "nape: brownish-black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "tail: long, brown and white with broad black bars",
+        "throat: white with small brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "brown cheeked rail": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: relatively long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale brown with lighter central area",
+        "breast: warm brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-camouflaged",
+        "legs: strong and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: short, brown with white bars",
+        "nape: warm brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: short and square-shaped with dark bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown chested alethe": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: light brown soft feathers",
+        "breast: brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathered head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: lengthy and thin",
+        "wings: medium-sized, brown with some white specks",
+        "nape: tawny brown",
+        "tail: medium-length, brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter brown with some white streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown chested barbet": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: deep brown, distinct patterns",
+        "crown: greenish to black, crest-like",
+        "forehead: greenish-black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: grayish, sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, short, round",
+        "nape: greenish-black, well-defined",
+        "tail: green, broad, graduated",
+        "throat: cream feathers, contrasting"
+    ],
+    "brown chested jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with white",
+        "beak: dark gray, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong and slender",
+        "wings: brown with lighter buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with streaks of white",
+        "tail: brown with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown chested lapwing": [
+        "back: brownish with white spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brown markings",
+        "breast: rich brown with a white patch",
+        "crown: brown with a white streak",
+        "forehead: white with a black patch",
+        "eyes: bright, black, and attentive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: brown and white patterned",
+        "tail: short with brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white with a brown border"
+    ],
+    "brown chested martin": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: dark, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: white to buff underside",
+        "breast: brown chest with a pale streak",
+        "crown: brown and smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark-gray",
+        "wings: brown with a noticeable white stripe",
+        "nape: matching brown feathers",
+        "tail: forked with dark-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white to buff, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "brown crowned scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: cinnamon-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale chestnut hue",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown, well-defined",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: cinnamon-brown with light streaks",
+        "nape: warm chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: long, curved, chestnut-brown",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown crowned tchagra": [
+        "back: brown with slight reddish tint",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: russet beige with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown, blending with belly",
+        "crown: chestnut brown, well-defined",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: shiny black, encircled with white",
+        "legs: strong, slate-grey in color",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: lengthy, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "brown eared bulbul": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed black beak",
+        "belly: off-white with slight grey streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with grey streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with no crest",
+        "forehead: light brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black pupils with white ring",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-brown legs",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white edges",
+        "nape: pale brown feathers transitioning to rich brown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: light brown with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown eared woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped black bill",
+        "belly: white with subtle brown spots",
+        "breast: white with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: paler brown with a white band",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white and black spots and bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, blending into crown",
+        "tail: brown with dark bars, stiff and functional for support",
+        "throat: white with light brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "brown flanked tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: soft yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: rich blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: turquoise-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady and alert",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, edged with blues",
+        "nape: vibrant blue, blending into olive-green",
+        "tail: long and tapered, mix of blues and olive-green",
+        "throat: bright turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "brown fronted woodpecker": [
+        "back: streaked brown with white bars",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, slate black",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark markings",
+        "breast: mottled brown and cream",
+        "crown: red for male, grayish-brown for female",
+        "forehead: whitish to light brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: barred brown and white",
+        "nape: brown with white spots",
+        "tail: stiff, brown with black bands",
+        "throat: pale brown with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown headed apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: off-white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with faded barring",
+        "crown: rich brown plumage",
+        "forehead: brown with slight olive tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with brown highlights",
+        "nape: brown, blending into olive-green",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "brown headed barbet": [
+        "back: greenish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: stout and curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with brownish-green spots",
+        "crown: brown head with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale yellow eye rings",
+        "legs: short and strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-green with pale yellow spots",
+        "tail: short and broad, greenish-brown",
+        "throat: pale yellow with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown headed crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers",
+        "breast: rich brown plumage",
+        "crown: brown feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: intelligent, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long black feathers with a wide wingspan",
+        "nape: brownish-black feathers on the back of neck",
+        "tail: long black feathers with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: lighter brown plumage near the beak"
+    ],
+    "brown headed greenlet": [
+        "back: shades of green with a narrow olive-brown stripe",
+        "beak: short, slender, and light gray",
+        "belly: soft yellow-green",
+        "breast: pale green-yellow",
+        "crown: rich brown with a faint olive tinge",
+        "forehead: deep chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vibrant green with faint brown edges",
+        "nape: brownish-green with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: green with blackish outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a hint of green"
+    ],
+    "brown headed gull": [
+        "back: light gray feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: reddish-orange with black tip",
+        "belly: pure white plumage on the underside",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning from gray back",
+        "crown: chocolate brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white area just above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: reddish-orange and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: gray with black wingtips and white trailing edges",
+        "nape: area between crown and back with grayish-white feathers",
+        "tail: white with black band at the end",
+        "throat: white feathers connecting to the belly"
+    ],
+    "brown headed honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle brown hue",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white with pale yellow tinges",
+        "breast: light yellow with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: brown blending into olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by off-white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with subtle brown markings"
+    ],
+    "brown headed paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: relatively long, black",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange feathers",
+        "crown: rich chocolate-brown coloring",
+        "forehead: distinctive brown head stripe",
+        "eyes: beady black, watchful gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong grip",
+        "wings: striking blue-green feathers, short and rounded",
+        "nape: brown connecting to stunning blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, vibrant blue-green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant white, contrasting dark head"
+    ],
+    "brown headed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and grayish-brown",
+        "belly: light green with hints of blue",
+        "breast: vibrant green, transitioning to blue towards the belly",
+        "crown: dark brown, covering the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, framed by a bare white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, with scaly texture and strong talons",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue, darker green primary feathers",
+        "nape: green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips, spreading out during flight",
+        "throat: green, lighter towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "brown headed thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: chocolate-brown color",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: medium brown hue",
+        "tail: brown, slightly forked with white tips",
+        "throat: pale, with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown hooded gull": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: white, smooth plumage",
+        "breast: brownish-white feathers",
+        "crown: chocolate brown feathers",
+        "forehead: brown, slightly crested",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark red",
+        "wings: brown and white, arching gracefully",
+        "nape: rich brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: white with black borders",
+        "throat: pale, brown-streaked feathers"
+    ],
+    "brown hooded kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, black, and strong",
+        "belly: white with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: bright orange-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown hood",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with conspicuous white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-green with black markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: blue-green with black barring",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "brown hooded parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, beige",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown hood",
+        "forehead: brown merging with green",
+        "eyes: black, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: grayish, strong scaly claws",
+        "wings: green with touches of blue",
+        "nape: brown hood continuation",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: yellowish, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "brown necked parrot": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with a subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: strong, dark gray with a slight hook",
+        "belly: light green with hints of blue feathers",
+        "breast: bright green feathers fading to blue near the belly",
+        "crown: deep green feathers with a slight curve",
+        "forehead: vibrant green feathers transitioning into brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, two-toed zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: mixture of green and brown feathers with blue accents",
+        "nape: rich brown feathers with a slight green iridescence",
+        "tail: long, blue-tipped green feathers, streaming outward",
+        "throat: light green feathers fading into the brown neck"
+    ],
+    "brown necked raven": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: large, sharp, black curved beak for tearing food",
+        "belly: dark brown feathers with slight gloss on lower body",
+        "breast: dark brown chest area with a hint of iridescence",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth dark brown feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing black or dark brown eyes with keen vision",
+        "legs: long, black, scaly legs with strong talons",
+        "wings: dark brown and black feathers with a wide wingspan",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers covering the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark brown and black-tipped feathers in a fan shape",
+        "throat: dark brown feathers on the lower part of the head"
+    ],
+    "brown rumped bunting": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale, sandy brown",
+        "breast: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with a slightly paler central stripe",
+        "eyes: black with a narrow, pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with contrasting rufous and buffy wingbars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, graduated, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown rumped foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale white or cream with light brown markings",
+        "breast: creamy brown with faint speckles",
+        "crown: medium brown with a slight rufous tinge",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown compared to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin light eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring and rufous edges",
+        "nape: light brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: brown with rufous outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish or cream-colored with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown rumped minivet": [
+        "back: brown feathered with a subtle rump patch",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow or off-white underside",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown head with buff-colored edges",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white and yellow bars, elongated in flight",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer feathers and bands",
+        "throat: bright orange-yellow feathers, contrasting with the belly"
+    ],
+    "brown rumped seedeater": [
+        "back: light brown and streaked",
+        "beak: conical and pointed",
+        "belly: cream-colored with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown to buff",
+        "crown: brown with fine streaking",
+        "forehead: pale markings above beak",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with white-capped edges",
+        "nape: brown and streaked",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with lighter edges",
+        "throat: lighter brown and streaked"
+    ],
+    "brown rumped tapaculo": [
+        "back: rich brown with a slight rump patch",
+        "beak: pointy with a grayish-black hue",
+        "belly: lighter, buffy-brown coloration",
+        "breast: subtly spotted dark brown",
+        "crown: deep brown with light streaking",
+        "forehead: smooth brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small with black iris surrounded by brown feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy with brown feathering and gray feet",
+        "wings: brown with subtle darker barring",
+        "nape: slightly darker brown transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: relatively short and brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: lighter brown with grayish tint"
+    ],
+    "brown streaked flycatcher": [
+        "back: streaked brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: slim and sharp, dark upper, light lower",
+        "belly: light, with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with streaks, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark brown",
+        "wings: brown, with light feather edges and bars",
+        "nape: light brown, streaked",
+        "tail: brown, with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white, streaked lightly with brown"
+    ],
+    "brown tailed chat": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle pattern",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft creamy white",
+        "breast: light chestnut brown, fades to belly",
+        "crown: dark brown with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, beige-gray",
+        "wings: brown with distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: moderate brown, blends with back",
+        "tail: dark brown, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale brown with hints of cream"
+    ],
+    "brown throated barbet": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick, pale yellow",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant crimson color",
+        "crown: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: lime green tint",
+        "eyes: dark, beady orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-blue hue",
+        "nape: soft green shade",
+        "tail: blue-green plumage",
+        "throat: rich brown color"
+    ],
+    "brown throated fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white or light yellowish",
+        "breast: warm brown, slightly paler than back",
+        "crown: dark brown with rust-colored stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: black, alert, and bright",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with barred pattern",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "brown throated parakeet": [
+        "back: green feathers with a subtle blue tint",
+        "beak: light reddish-orange, hooked shape",
+        "belly: green-to-yellow gradient",
+        "breast: bright green with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: green with a touch of blue",
+        "forehead: brown-orange blending into green",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: grayish, scaly with strong claws",
+        "wings: vibrant green, blue-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with a bluish tinge",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with a darker tip",
+        "throat: brownish-orange fading to green"
+    ],
+    "brown throated sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: white with faint yellow hues",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange plumage",
+        "crown: glossy purple-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, bright eyes",
+        "legs: thin, pale gray legs",
+        "wings: blue-green hue with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: glossy blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: long, slender, forked dark tail feathers",
+        "throat: rich, warm brown fur-like feathers"
+    ],
+    "brown throated wattle eye": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: rich chestnut brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: deep brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy with brown feathers and black claws",
+        "wings: dark brown, over speckled white covert feathers",
+        "nape: deep chestnut, blending into back",
+        "tail: black, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: rich chestnut, merging into breast"
+    ],
+    "brown winged kingfisher": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers, slightly glossy",
+        "beak: sturdy black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish, tinged with buff and brown",
+        "breast: pale orangish, mottled with brown",
+        "crown: deep brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: deep brown, extending into eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white outline",
+        "legs: bright red, sturdy",
+        "wings: brown, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: rich brown, meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long, barring of brown and white stripes",
+        "throat: whitish, with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown winged parrotbill": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: light buff-brown with darker streaks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: warm reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray or brown",
+        "wings: brown with a subtle pattern of darker bars and patches",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, dark brown",
+        "throat: pale buff-brown with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown winged schiffornis": [
+        "back: earthy brown plumage with subtle striping",
+        "beak: short and straight, dark brown",
+        "belly: lighter brown with smooth texture",
+        "breast: chestnut brown, fine feathering",
+        "crown: consistently brown, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: light brown hue, slight curve",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by brown feathers",
+        "legs: thin and long, dark brown",
+        "wings: rich brown, elongated feathers with light striping",
+        "nape: smooth transitional brown coloration",
+        "tail: fanned with light striping, mid-length feathers",
+        "throat: soft brown, delicate feathering"
+    ],
+    "brown winged starling": [
+        "back: brown feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light brown to beige with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks and darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, smooth transition to back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with subtle iridescence",
+        "throat: light brown, softly streaked"
+    ],
+    "brownish elaenia": [
+        "back: brownish-olive with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale with darker tip",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle striations",
+        "crown: brownish-olive crest blending with the forehead",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: slender and grayish, perfect for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent feather outlines",
+        "nape: brownish-olive, connecting the crown and the back",
+        "tail: brown with dark feather edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light cream with brownish speckles"
+    ],
+    "brownish twistwing": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark brown",
+        "belly: lighter brown, soft plumage",
+        "breast: warm chestnut hue, fluffy",
+        "crown: slightly darker brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, tawny brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, bark-colored",
+        "wings: twisty, brown with subtle streaking",
+        "nape: rich reddish-brown",
+        "tail: medium-length, brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: creamy, pale brown"
+    ],
+    "brownish flanked bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark beak",
+        "belly: light cream with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker spots",
+        "crown: greyish-brown and slightly striped",
+        "forehead: faint dark streaks on light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with pale eyebrows",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray-to-brown",
+        "wings: rich brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: striped greyish-brown",
+        "tail: brownish, rounded, with slight bars",
+        "throat: white, with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "brownish headed antbird": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light brown with white streaks",
+        "breast: rusty-brown color",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray hue",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light brown blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "brubru": [
+        "back: brownish-black upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black",
+        "belly: off-white, streaked with black",
+        "breast: white with black stripes",
+        "crown: black with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: white and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale, and clawed",
+        "wings: brownish-black, white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: black with streaks of brown",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "bruce green pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, dark emerald green",
+        "beak: sturdy, pale yellowish-tan",
+        "belly: light, pale gray with green undertones",
+        "breast: deep iridescent green",
+        "crown: smooth, metallic green",
+        "forehead: shining emerald green",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark black with gray rims",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: broad, spanning shades of green and yellow",
+        "nape: striking greenish-blue hue",
+        "tail: long, bright green with black tips",
+        "throat: vibrant green transitioning to pale gray"
+    ],
+    "brujo flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "brush bronzewing": [
+        "back: earthy brown with mottled feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, pale grey with a slight downward curve",
+        "belly: soft creamy brown with subtle speckling",
+        "breast: warm chestnut with delicate blush undertones",
+        "crown: rich chocolate brown with a faint blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale tan blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: inquisitive and dark, framed by a white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy pinkish-grey with sharp, curved claws",
+        "wings: multilayered and brown, featuring a striking white stripe",
+        "nape: sleek, golden brown flowing into the back",
+        "tail: elongated brown feathers with white banding at the tips",
+        "throat: light beige accentuated by distinct black bar markings"
+    ],
+    "brush cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale creamy-yellow",
+        "breast: off-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaking",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: long, olive-brown with faint pale spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale with faint vertical streaking"
+    ],
+    "brushland tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and straight, grayish hue",
+        "belly: creamy white with black stripes",
+        "breast: ash gray with black markings",
+        "crown: dark brown and speckled",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: strong and stout, grayish color",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and pointed, brownish-black with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "bryan shearwater": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey cap",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter grey tone",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, slender with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grey with white edges",
+        "nape: dark grey with lighter feather markings",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with white tip",
+        "throat: light grey transitioning to white belly"
+    ],
+    "bubbling cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with some faint markings",
+        "breast: light golden brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown with rufous streaks",
+        "forehead: pale golden brown, streaked",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a fine pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with rufous tinges, barred",
+        "nape: light golden brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with white tips, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "buckley forest falcon": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-colored feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharply hooked, blackish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale, creamy-white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, forward-facing",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, tapering, dark brown with barred patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers, lighter colored streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, barred, with white tip",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark brown markings"
+    ],
+    "budgerigar": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers covering the upper torso",
+        "beak: small, curved, yellowish-brown beak",
+        "belly: light yellow feathers covering the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: slightly puffed out, covered in blue or green feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head with colored feathers, often yellow",
+        "forehead: small, usually white to yellow feathered area above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white to pale yellow feathered area surrounding them",
+        "legs: slim, light gray with small, scaly texture",
+        "wings: green or blue, with black striped patterns on the wing tips",
+        "nape: back portion of the neck, light greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, slender, featuring blue, green, and black barred feathers",
+        "throat: area under beak, black spots on white or yellow base color"
+    ],
+    "buff banded bushbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with buff streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, short, and black",
+        "belly: soft white or pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white or pale buff with dark banding",
+        "crown: warm brown with thin, pale streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown fading to a lighter shade on the face",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong, and slim",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buff and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown color with buff streaks",
+        "tail: relatively long, rounded, and olive-brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: soft white or pale buff with subtle streaking"
+    ],
+    "buff banded rail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black and white bars",
+        "beak: strong, downward-curving, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: buff-colored with broad dark bars",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale gray to white",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow with long toes",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-brown with white stripes",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white, with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "buff banded tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with buff colored bands",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green hue",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a bold white eye-ring",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: dark brown with thin white fringes",
+        "throat: soft yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "buff barred warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with buff barring",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark",
+        "belly: pale with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with olive-brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: faint buff tinge with brownish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and round, white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pink and thin",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with buff bars",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with faint buff streaks",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white and clean"
+    ],
+    "buff bellied hermit": [
+        "back: green-bronze feathered",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: buff-orange colored",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: greenish iridescent",
+        "forehead: green-bronze feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: short, strong, dark",
+        "wings: green-bronzed, long, pointed",
+        "nape: iridescent green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "buff bellied hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent shine",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: warm buff-yellow color",
+        "breast: olive-green gently blending into belly",
+        "crown: sparkling emerald green",
+        "forehead: gleaming green with a touch of gold",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, featherless, and dark",
+        "wings: rounded, small, and fast-moving",
+        "nape: iridescent green leading to the back",
+        "tail: greenish-bronze with a notched tip",
+        "throat: glowing red-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "buff bellied monarch": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow, lightly feathered",
+        "breast: yellow with hints of orange",
+        "crown: dark gray with brownish tint",
+        "forehead: darker gray, thin white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: black, white ring around eyes",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, dark gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: dull olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with faint horizontal bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow, hints of orange"
+    ],
+    "buff bellied puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: buff-colored with white spots",
+        "breast: white with brown streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short, light grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white stripes and spots",
+        "nape: white with brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "buff bellied tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and dark",
+        "belly: light buff-yellow color",
+        "breast: rich orange-yellow hue",
+        "crown: bright emerald green",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, grayish, and strong",
+        "wings: green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: lush green plumage",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: distinct golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "buff bellied warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: light buff color",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green",
+        "eyes: small and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin with pale pinkish hues",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and square with olive-green and white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted babbler": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and pale",
+        "belly: buff-colored with soft plumage",
+        "breast: warm buff with subtle markings",
+        "crown: top of head, brownish with streaks",
+        "forehead: light and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: brown and rounded with buff edges",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, slightly fan-like, with buff and brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with a hint of streaking"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted earthcreeper": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: soft buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: buff feathers with subtle spotted pattern",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light golden-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light grey with strong toes",
+        "wings: brownish with buff wingbars, rounded shape",
+        "nape: golden-brown feathers with a hint of stripes",
+        "tail: medium-length, light brown with darker stripes",
+        "throat: buff coloration, soft feathered appearance"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-buff, unmarked",
+        "breast: soft buff, blending with belly",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray, leading into crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: brown with bold, white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with buff breast"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: warm buff-colored plumage",
+        "breast: rich buff blending with turquoise",
+        "crown: deep turquoise with iridescent accents",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "eyes: small with a black pupil and pale ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and scaled",
+        "wings: turquoise with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: turquoise transitioning to buff shades",
+        "tail: long with black and iridescent turquoise feathers",
+        "throat: buff-colored blend with surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: long, black, and slender",
+        "belly: rich creamy buff color",
+        "breast: striking buff-orange hue",
+        "crown: brilliant electric blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark and beady surrounded by black streaks",
+        "legs: slim, bright red-orange with strong black claws",
+        "wings: iridescent turquoise-blue with white streaks",
+        "nape: dazzling blue with white markings",
+        "tail: long, white, and elegant with blue-black central feathers",
+        "throat: soft white fading into the buff-orange breast"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted sabrewing": [
+        "back: metallic green shimmer",
+        "beak: long and straight, black",
+        "belly: buff-colored, soft and smooth",
+        "breast: same buff color, fluffy texture",
+        "crown: green iridescence, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: greenish sheen, smooth and flat",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized, attentive",
+        "legs: slender, gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, greenish, fast beating",
+        "nape: iridescent green, graceful curve",
+        "tail: lengthy, thin, and forked, green and white",
+        "throat: buff hue, small feathers, subtle"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted sandpiper": [
+        "back: light brown with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle buff tones",
+        "breast: buff-colored with light streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown with a slight buff tint",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, with a dark gray color",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with black streaks and a buff wash",
+        "tail: relatively short, with brown and black feathers and white outer edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with a faint buff wash"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted tody tyrant": [
+        "back: greenish feathers blending with the surroundings",
+        "beak: small, black, and sharp for picking insects",
+        "belly: creamy white with a tinge of yellow",
+        "breast: light brownish buff blending into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slightly darker tone",
+        "forehead: greenish-white, almost blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, elongated, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish, with barred yellow patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: short, with light olive-green and pale yellow feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the buff breast"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted wheatear": [
+        "back: light rusty-buff coloration",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark grey-orange",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: creamy buff with gentle streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert circles",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey-orange",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff edges",
+        "nape: rusty-buff with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white edges",
+        "throat: soft whitish-buff"
+    ],
+    "buff breasted wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff with light barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored with a faint spotted pattern",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: streaked reddish-brown, fading to olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with darker barring",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "buff bridled inca finch": [
+        "back: greenish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, black in color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: whitish gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: distinct buff-colored bridle markings",
+        "eyes: prominent, dark and round",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown feathers with white edging",
+        "nape: greenish-gray with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "buff browed chachalaca": [
+        "back: brown and streaky feather pattern",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale, cinnamon-brown hue",
+        "breast: warm chestnut hue with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown and smooth",
+        "forehead: blackish tone that gradually transitions to brown",
+        "eyes: bright, small, and surrounded by a whitish ring",
+        "legs: long and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with bold black bars and pale edging",
+        "nape: dark brown with a subtle grayish tinge",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light beige with a slightly darker center line"
+    ],
+    "buff browed foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved, pale color",
+        "belly: buff-white and lightly spotted",
+        "breast: buff-colored with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous brown with fine markings",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with some streaks",
+        "eyes: black with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with rufous-edged secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with slightly graduated feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "buff cheeked greenlet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale gray color",
+        "belly: light gray with soft yellow tones",
+        "breast: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with subtle gray streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray, fades into crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, greenish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint greenish tinge",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "buff cheeked tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: greenish-olive hue",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: light golden-olive",
+        "crown: olive-green with buffy cheeks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green",
+        "eyes: large, dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark grey",
+        "wings: green-olive with two wing bars",
+        "nape: green-olive, slightly darker than back",
+        "tail: short, dark green with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, similar to belly"
+    ],
+    "buff chested babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and yellow-ish",
+        "belly: off-white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with distinct chestnut patch",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown, slightly paler",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with subtle barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks, slightly paler than back",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: off-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "buff collared nightjar": [
+        "back: earthy brown, with dark brown speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black with a slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: pale buff, with greyish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: mottled brown and grey with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale buff spots and streaks",
+        "forehead: lightly streaked with pale buff and grey",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: elongated, greyish-brown, with strong claws",
+        "wings: camouflaged with brown, black, and buff markings",
+        "nape: pale buff and dark brown streaks and spots",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, with wide, brown and buff bands",
+        "throat: soft buff, mottled with brown shades"
+    ],
+    "buff crested bustard": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with cream streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, greyish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with black markings",
+        "crown: buff-colored crest with a dark center stripe",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white and black feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with dark flight feathers and white markings",
+        "nape: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white edged feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "buff faced pygmy parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue accents",
+        "beak: small and strong, beige color",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hues",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep forest green",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and beige-colored",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue edges",
+        "nape: greenish-blue tones",
+        "tail: short and blue-green",
+        "throat: light green feathers"
+    ],
+    "buff faced scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with soft streaks",
+        "breast: light buff-yellow",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a distinct buff stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks, rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown with buff-colored stripe",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending to buff-yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "buff fronted foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, slender, and pale",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light buff tinges",
+        "breast: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: dull brown with thin buff eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous primary feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, brownish with buff tips",
+        "throat: pale buff, unpatterned"
+    ],
+    "buff fronted owl": [
+        "back: dense, mottled brown and buff feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: light buff with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale, mottled brown and buff feathers",
+        "crown: tawny brown with lighter margins",
+        "forehead: dark, mottled brown with buff edge",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with white eyebrows",
+        "legs: feathered, buff-colored with dark brown bars",
+        "wings: mottled brown with buff and white spots",
+        "nape: brown with light buff edges",
+        "tail: brown with white and buff bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "buff fronted quail dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown with greyish hues",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with light spotting",
+        "breast: warm chestnut with faint black barring",
+        "crown: pale grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: buff to pale grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "tail: dark brown, square-ended with faint bands",
+        "throat: light buff color, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "buff headed coucal": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: rich rufous-brown plumage",
+        "crown: buff-colored feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, buff-hued with subtle brown markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, strong, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter brown edging on secondary feathers",
+        "nape: buff-colored, transitioning to olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, broad, and dark brown with lighter brown tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown striations"
+    ],
+    "buff necked ibis": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, and partially dark-grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a light brown tint",
+        "crown: black feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: white forehead merging into a black crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-green",
+        "wings: large with white and brown feathers, iridescent green in sunlight",
+        "nape: buff-colored feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, white and brown feathers with greenish gloss",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning into buff-colored nape"
+    ],
+    "buff necked woodpecker": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers with black bars",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like pointed bill",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: golden-buff with black markings",
+        "crown: red or black, depending on gender",
+        "forehead: red in males, black in females",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze surrounded by white",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vivid golden-yellow with narrow black bars",
+        "nape: buff colored, extending to neck",
+        "tail: long, black, and stiff with white barring",
+        "throat: whitish, transitioning to buff on chest"
+    ],
+    "buff rumped thornbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with buff streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow-brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: streaked brown and buff with a dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: buff to white, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with prominent buff wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with buff streaks",
+        "tail: brown with faint buff edging",
+        "throat: pale yellow-brown, paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "buff rumped warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with narrow black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellow, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff-colored wingbars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with buff edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "buff rumped woodpecker": [
+        "back: yellow-green with subtle black barring",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: red for males, black for females",
+        "forehead: red for males, black for females",
+        "eyes: black, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark green with white spots, black bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with black markings",
+        "tail: black with white bands, woodpecker-like",
+        "throat: white with a hint of yellow, black streaks"
+    ],
+    "buff shouldered widowbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: black, slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, buffy-white feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black with a crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers, smoothly transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round and shiny",
+        "legs: long, thin, and dark gray",
+        "wings: blackish with white and buff patches, long and pointed",
+        "nape: glossy black, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black with a white outer edge, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "buff sided robin": [
+        "back: warm brownish-red plumage",
+        "beak: small and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: buff-toned cream feathering",
+        "breast: bright pale-orange coloring",
+        "crown: warm brown with subtle olive tint",
+        "forehead: light brown extending to the eye area",
+        "eyes: small and circular, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: slim and greyish, fairly short",
+        "wings: warm brown with lighter buff-colored edges",
+        "nape: brown hue blending in with the crown",
+        "tail: brown with buffy edges, visibly fanning during flight",
+        "throat: pale buff-colored, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "buff spotted flameback": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow, spotted with black",
+        "beak: pale grey, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light, creamy-white",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: red or golden crest",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: round, black",
+        "legs: bluish-grey, strong",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black markings",
+        "nape: red or golden band",
+        "tail: long and black with white horizontal bands",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "buff spotted flufftail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with buff spots",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored with white spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with thick black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with faint black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buff spots and dark barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with thick black streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with buff spots and fine black bars",
+        "throat: buff-colored with fine, thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "buff spotted woodpecker": [
+        "back: mottled brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like shape",
+        "belly: creamy white with horizontal brownish bars",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint spots",
+        "crown: red patch on male, plain brown on female",
+        "forehead: white in males, brown in females",
+        "eyes: dark, bordered by white crescent markings",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with white oval spots forming rows",
+        "nape: white streaks on brown base",
+        "tail: brown with stiff, white-tipped central feathers",
+        "throat: white with brown markings"
+    ],
+    "buff streaked chat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black, short and conical",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: white streak above eye",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and fairly long",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with faint white patches",
+        "nape: light brownish-grey",
+        "tail: greyish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "buff tailed coronet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale green, fading into a creamy color near the vent",
+        "breast: green feathers with a slight golden sheen",
+        "crown: metallic green with a slightly darker shade than the back",
+        "forehead: glossy emerald-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin green feathering",
+        "legs: slender, black with scaled feet",
+        "wings: iridescent green, fairly long and narrow",
+        "nape: soft green appearance with subtle hints of gold",
+        "tail: broad, iridescent green feathers with tinges of orange on the underside",
+        "throat: glittering metallic green that varies in shade based on the angle of viewing"
+    ],
+    "buff tailed sicklebill": [
+        "back: elongated, slightly curved body",
+        "beak: long, arched sickle-shaped",
+        "belly: buff-colored feathering",
+        "breast: golden brown, horizontal striping",
+        "crown: iridescent green feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-green iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by featherless skin",
+        "legs: thin, strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: broad, rounded feathers, brownish-black",
+        "nape: iridescent green, transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: elongated, curved feathers, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: bright reddish-orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "buff thighed puffleg": [
+        "back: olive-green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: soft and buff-thighed",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow and dense",
+        "crown: vivid metallic green",
+        "forehead: metallic shining green",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: short with pale yellow feet",
+        "wings: shimmering green and purple",
+        "nape: metallic green, blending into back",
+        "tail: iridescent green with broad white tips",
+        "throat: dull green with white patch"
+    ],
+    "buff throated apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-white blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-olive",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-yellow, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "buff throated foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly decurved",
+        "belly: buff-colored, lighter than breast",
+        "breast: brownish-buff with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dull brown with rufous tinge",
+        "forehead: narrow pale buff stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with cream eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with cinnamon wing-bars",
+        "nape: dull brown, matching crown",
+        "tail: long, rufous with olive-brown outer edges",
+        "throat: pale buff, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "buff throated purpletuft": [
+        "back: olive-green with purplish hues",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: olive-toned buff color",
+        "breast: olive-brown with purplish-blue sheen",
+        "crown: olive-green with purplish tint",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with blue and purple highlights",
+        "nape: olive-brown with purplish-blue sheen",
+        "tail: gradation from olive-brown to deep purple-blue",
+        "throat: distinct buff coloration with olive-brown edges"
+    ],
+    "buff throated saltator": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish color, slight streaks",
+        "crown: olive-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive color",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray hue",
+        "tail: dark, olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: buff-colored, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "buff throated sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender and curved",
+        "belly: yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: bright orange plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: glittering green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: grey and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with elongated feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green-blue",
+        "tail: long, dark blue and forked",
+        "throat: striking buff-colored"
+    ],
+    "buff throated tody tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: buff-colored with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green hue",
+        "crown: vibrant green plumage",
+        "forehead: prominent white eyebrow-like stripes",
+        "eyes: bold, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, and green",
+        "throat: buff-colored with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "buff throated warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with a pale sheen",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow",
+        "breast: lighter buff-yellow, subtly streaked",
+        "crown: pale gray with olive-green tinge",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray transition to crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with yellowish undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright buff-yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "buff throated warbling finch": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed grayish-pink",
+        "belly: white feathers with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: plain gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with pale grayish-brown eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive green with dark gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, olive green tail feathers with dark gray tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored feathers, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "buff throated woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointy",
+        "belly: buff-colored with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light buff with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: brownish with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: elongated and strong",
+        "wings: broad, brown with patterned feathers",
+        "nape: brownish with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous-colored with darker bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with distinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "buff vented bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: light buff-orange",
+        "crown: dusky grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale pink-beige",
+        "wings: olive-green with light buff edging",
+        "nape: gray-brown fading into olive-green",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-buff"
+    ],
+    "buff winged cinclodes": [
+        "back: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: buff-edged with dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and square",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "buff winged starfrontlet": [
+        "back: radiant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender black bill",
+        "belly: soft white underparts",
+        "breast: glistening green plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green iridescence",
+        "forehead: gleaming violet streak",
+        "eyes: dark, round beady eyes",
+        "legs: tiny, black thin legs",
+        "wings: buff-colored wing panels",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked emerald feathers",
+        "throat: striking purplish-blue band"
+    ],
+    "buffy fish owl": [
+        "back: brownish-orange feathers with black stripes",
+        "beak: large, curved, sharp, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-orange with black stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with light brown streaks",
+        "forehead: mix of brown and gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow-orange",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: wide, brown with darker feathers and spots",
+        "nape: brown with faint gray streaks and speckles",
+        "tail: long, brown with black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: light brown with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "buffy helmetcrest": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with greenish tinge",
+        "breast: white with greenish sheen",
+        "crown: buff-yellow crest, elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant violet-blue band",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, black, stilt-like",
+        "wings: iridescent green, medium length",
+        "nape: greenish feathers fading to grey",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green, and forked",
+        "throat: white, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "buffy hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, buffy gray-white",
+        "breast: shimmery green transitioning to gray",
+        "crown: brilliant green cap",
+        "forehead: glittering green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: rapid-fanning, translucent",
+        "nape: vibrant green sheen",
+        "tail: short, squared, and feathered",
+        "throat: luminous, iridescent hues"
+    ],
+    "buffy laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight pattern",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff with black spotting",
+        "crown: rufous with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale rufous with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with rufous edges",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "buffy pipit": [
+        "back: buffy-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white",
+        "breast: buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: buffy-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buffy-white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with prominent white wingbars",
+        "nape: buffy-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "buffy tuftedcheek": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white",
+        "breast: light yellowish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: buffy forehead stripe",
+        "eyes: round, dark and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender and strong",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-brown with buff tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow-white and clear"
+    ],
+    "buffy crowned wood partridge": [
+        "back: dark brown with delicate white spots",
+        "beak: short and robust, pale gray color",
+        "belly: light cream with reddish-brown markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with white edges on feathers",
+        "crown: buffy-yellow with dark brown streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with a hint of red-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: smoky-brown with small, fine white speckles",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with rufous-brown undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale gray with a white center"
+    ],
+    "buffy fronted seedeater": [
+        "back: light brown with soft feathering",
+        "beak: short, conical, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-yellow fading into white",
+        "crown: grayish brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with a hint of yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with pale buff-white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, short, and square-ended",
+        "throat: buffy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "bugun liocichla": [
+        "back: olive-brown with some yellow streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: white with heavy black scaling",
+        "breast: pale orange-red with black scaling",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow-orange with black top",
+        "forehead: yellow-tinged with faint black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and surrounded by thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellow and red patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight yellow streaks",
+        "tail: long and greyish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale orange with heavy black scaling"
+    ],
+    "bukidnon woodcock": [
+        "back: brownish with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long and straight, dark brown",
+        "belly: white with brown barring",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark brown and buff stripes",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and long",
+        "wings: rounded and cryptically patterned",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark stripes",
+        "tail: short with greenish-brown bars",
+        "throat: pale with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "bull headed shrike": [
+        "back: bold striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, sharply hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale grey shading",
+        "crown: deep black with slight gloss",
+        "forehead: black, blending into gray",
+        "eyes: intense black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "buller albatross": [
+        "back: smooth grey feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with grey markings",
+        "breast: white with speckled grey",
+        "crown: greyish-white with a dark line",
+        "forehead: white with fine black speckles",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white plumage",
+        "legs: thick, pinkish-white with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, elongated, black-tipped",
+        "nape: greyish-white with a dark stripe",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, grey and white",
+        "throat: white, blending with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "buller shearwater": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with slightly paler tips",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with a thin line of dusky scales",
+        "breast: creamy-white with a slight tinge of grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: white with a smooth, clear-cut edge",
+        "eyes: dark, positioned high on head",
+        "legs: pinkish with dark gray or black webs on feet",
+        "wings: elongated, dark grayish-brown with a bold white \"m\" pattern",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, with a central band of white and dark outer edges",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "bulwer petrel": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers creating a streamlined shape",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and elongated black bill",
+        "belly: white underside with light gray transitions towards wings",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers merging with light gray edges",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers transitioning down to nape",
+        "forehead: slightly raised covered in dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round black eyes blending with the dark plumage",
+        "legs: thin, black legs with webbed feet for agile in-water movement",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark gray wings with lighter gray edges",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers forming a collar-like appearance",
+        "tail: tapered fan-like tail with dark gray and white patterns",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning into dark gray on neck sides"
+    ],
+    "bumblebee hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: vibrant red or pink",
+        "crown: shimmering green or purple",
+        "forehead: bright feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: swift, rapid beats",
+        "nape: greenish or purplish hue",
+        "tail: squared-off with white tips",
+        "throat: iridescent gorget"
+    ],
+    "bundok flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: light chestnut-orange patch",
+        "crown: rufous-toned head",
+        "forehead: smooth, feathered brow",
+        "eyes: dark, beady gaze",
+        "legs: slender gray-blue limbs",
+        "wings: dark grey, highlighted with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown transition to throat",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light-feathered cream throat"
+    ],
+    "burchell sandgrouse": [
+        "back: speckled gray and brown pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark barring",
+        "breast: horizontal black band",
+        "crown: gray-brown with fine speckles",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray with fine speckles",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and featherless with grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: pointed with brown, gray, and white patterns",
+        "nape: mottled gray-brown",
+        "tail: brownish with black band and white tip",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with fine speckles"
+    ],
+    "burchell starling": [
+        "back: a mix of iridescent green, blue, and purple feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: black, sharply pointed, and slightly curved for easy insect-catching",
+        "belly: light grey and white, with a slightly darker grey stripe running across",
+        "breast: a combination of iridescent green and purple feathers, highlighting the bird's chest",
+        "crown: iridescent green and blue, creating a shimmering effect on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: a smooth area of green and blue iridescent feathers fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and alert, encircled by a thin line of black feathers",
+        "legs: delicate, dark grey, with strong, well-suited claws for perching",
+        "wings: mixture of iridescent green, blue, and purple feathers in a semi-long, rounded shape",
+        "nape: green and blue iridescent feathers transitioning from the crown down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, fanned-out green and blue feathers with darker tips, often used in displays",
+        "throat: covered in white and light grey feathers, connecting the head to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "burmese bushlark": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: warm beige feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light rusty brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pink to greyish",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: warm brown with faint markings",
+        "tail: short with dark brown outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "burmese collared dove": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and greyish",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white with faint brownish spots",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-brown with light feather streaks",
+        "crown: grey-brown with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: pale whitish-grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with thin brown eyering",
+        "legs: short, greyish-pink with scaled texture",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with distinct dark feather markings",
+        "nape: pale grey with a thin black collar-like pattern",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, long with white tips and dark bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white, contrasting with the black collar"
+    ],
+    "burmese myna": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers with green iridescence",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and orange-yellow",
+        "belly: white and grey feathers",
+        "breast: white and grey feathers",
+        "crown: black with a green sheen",
+        "forehead: black with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with strong claws",
+        "wings: long, black with green iridescence and white patches",
+        "nape: black with green iridescence",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white and grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "burmese nuthatch": [
+        "back: striped blue-grey pattern",
+        "beak: sturdy, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white",
+        "breast: bluish-grey plumage, paler at the edges",
+        "crown: vivid blue-grey with central black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright blue-grey",
+        "eyes: round and black, set against a white patch",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-grey, black-striped feathers",
+        "nape: blue-grey with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, square-ended, dark blue-grey with white edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "burmese prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, with a dark upper mandible and yellow lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white coloration",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-yellow, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and bead-like",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded with brown feather edges and faint barring",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with brown feathers and white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "burmese shrike": [
+        "back: russet-brown with narrow black streaks",
+        "beak: stout, hook-tipped bill, blackish-gray hue",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint grayish-brown markings",
+        "breast: pale orange-rufous, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown with a hint of gray",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown fading to grayish-white",
+        "eyes: bold, beady black surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: stout and grayish-black, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: rusty brown with intricate black and white patterns",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with some gray and black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, and forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white transitioning to the breast's rufous color"
+    ],
+    "burmese yuhina": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with short black streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: solid white"
+    ],
+    "burnished buff tanager": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow-tinted buff",
+        "breast: slightly darker buff shade",
+        "crown: bronzy-green sheen",
+        "forehead: bright greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender grayish-black",
+        "wings: golden-brown with gray tips",
+        "nape: warm russet hue",
+        "tail: golden-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: vibrant buff shade"
+    ],
+    "burnt neck eremomela": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edgings",
+        "nape: olive-green with burned appearance",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "burrowing parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and beige",
+        "belly: pale olive-green hue",
+        "breast: soft greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark green feathered crest",
+        "forehead: bright green with a bluish tinge",
+        "eyes: black pupils surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and strong",
+        "wings: green with bluish primaries",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: long and tapering, with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "buru boobook": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine white spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with brown horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with brown vertical streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint white speckles",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and piercing",
+        "legs: long and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: brown, mottled with white speckles",
+        "tail: brown with white bars and a rounded tip",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "buru bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with distinct feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: olive-brown blending into belly",
+        "crown: olive, fading to grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with thin eye-rings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint dark stripes",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light greyish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "buru cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: olive-gray color, slightly darker than belly",
+        "beak: small, hook-tipped, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with olive-green tinge",
+        "breast: light gray with olive-green wash",
+        "crown: black streaked with gray, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: black with fine gray streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round and distinctive",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-gray, long, and pointed with black primary feathers and white markings",
+        "nape: black streaked with gray, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: olive-gray, long and slightly forked with black and white bars near the tip",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "buru dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, coral red",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: deep blue with a hint of turquoise",
+        "forehead: vivid blue with orange markings",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like",
+        "legs: bright red-orange",
+        "wings: striking blue with white spots",
+        "nape: turquoise with faint orange stripes",
+        "tail: electric blue with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with a reddish-orange collar"
+    ],
+    "buru flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: deep red hue",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: vivid green, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and sharp",
+        "legs: thin and black, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: green and red blend, suited for rapid flight",
+        "nape: rich green, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, with colorful feathers",
+        "throat: bright red, matching the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "buru friarbird": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: light cream feathering",
+        "breast: mottled brown and white",
+        "crown: dark grey with crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grey, strong",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, wide, pointy tips",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: thick, mottled grey and white"
+    ],
+    "buru golden bulbul": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow hue",
+        "crown: intense golden-yellow feathering",
+        "forehead: brilliant yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small black eyes, white eyering",
+        "legs: short dark grey",
+        "wings: golden-yellow with blackish accents",
+        "nape: striking golden-pigmented feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with yellow undertones",
+        "throat: vivid yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "buru green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light, creamy green",
+        "breast: slightly darker green than belly",
+        "crown: deep emerald hue",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pale yellow",
+        "wings: deep green with black tips",
+        "nape: rich, green gradient",
+        "tail: dark green, elongating feathers",
+        "throat: light green transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "buru honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: forest green with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth lime-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with fine darker markings",
+        "nape: transition from green to golden",
+        "tail: elongated with olive-green and black bands",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "buru jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: pale, buffy orange",
+        "crown: warm brown",
+        "forehead: olive-gray hue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: slightly darker brown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale beige, smooth"
+    ],
+    "buru mountain pigeon": [
+        "back: pale gray-blue with golden-green sheen",
+        "beak: relatively short, silver-grey",
+        "belly: white with slight greyish tint",
+        "breast: greyish-white with green iridescence",
+        "crown: dark blue with iridescent green hues",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green and purple-blue",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with black central feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering turquoise-green"
+    ],
+    "buru oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green hue",
+        "beak: long, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow coloration",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking yellow-green crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black with white outline",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: yellow-green with black tips",
+        "nape: yellow-green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: elongated with yellow-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "buru racquet tail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved and black",
+        "belly: light green with blue tint",
+        "breast: turquoise blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright green headcrest",
+        "forehead: emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: green with blue edging",
+        "nape: deep green connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long, racket-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: turquoise blue, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "buru thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, merging with crown",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-brown",
+        "throat: white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "buru white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: bright yellow",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow streak",
+        "eyes: characteristic white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: vibrant green",
+        "nape: olive-yellow",
+        "tail: greenish-blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "bush blackcap": [
+        "back: greenish-grey with a dark sheen",
+        "beak: short, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale white-greyish",
+        "breast: light grey to white-gradient",
+        "crown: dark grey to black",
+        "forehead: dark grey, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-grey with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-grey blending into the crown",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the dark head"
+    ],
+    "bush pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint bars and light edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, faintly streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, streak-free"
+    ],
+    "bush thick knee": [
+        "back: sandy brown and streaked plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark grey",
+        "belly: buff-white with brown flecks",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks and speckles",
+        "crown: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale creamy-brown",
+        "eyes: large and bright, with patch of white behind them",
+        "legs: long, slender, and golden brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with buff edges",
+        "nape: softly mottled brown",
+        "tail: short, barred light and dark brown",
+        "throat: white, bordered by brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "bushy crested hornbill": [
+        "back: dark plumage with hints of green iridescence",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow-orange with a dark casque",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: dark plumage, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "crown: raised black feathery crest with elongated quills",
+        "forehead: prominent casque extending from the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with yellow-orange eye ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with dark grey scaly skin",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, dark feathers with green shimmer",
+        "nape: black feathers merging into the bushy crest",
+        "tail: long, straight, and dark with two white central feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers leading to the pale greyish-white belly"
+    ],
+    "bushy crested jay": [
+        "back: deep blue plumage with hints of green iridescence",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter blue plumage with white undertones",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers transitioning to white",
+        "crown: pronounced, bushy crest of blue and white feathers",
+        "forehead: bright white plumage contrasting with blue crown",
+        "eyes: dark, large, and expressive with a black outline",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and suited for perching on branches",
+        "wings: mix of blue and black feathers with green iridescence",
+        "nape: continuation of deep blue plumage from back, meeting crest",
+        "tail: long, blue and black feathers with white tail tips",
+        "throat: white plumage blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "butterfly coquette": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp in black color",
+        "belly: contrasting pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking orange-red patch",
+        "crown: tuft of iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and delicate in dark gray color",
+        "wings: mix of green, blue, and black feathers with small white spots",
+        "nape: brilliant metallic green-blue coloration",
+        "tail: long with white-tipped feathers in various shades of green and rufous",
+        "throat: rich purple-blue color, shimmering in the light"
+    ],
+    "caatinga antwren": [
+        "back: light brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white to pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathering",
+        "crown: rufous to reddish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: rufous or reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with subtle lighter markings",
+        "nape: light brown feathers, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and straight, brownish-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray or white plumage"
+    ],
+    "caatinga black tyrant": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and robust",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white, slightly streaked",
+        "breast: dark grayish-black, blending into belly",
+        "crown: black with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: black, thin, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark grayish-black, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: black, blending into back",
+        "tail: black, long, and narrow",
+        "throat: dark grayish-black, continuing from breast"
+    ],
+    "cabanis bunting": [
+        "back: olive green with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale buff shade",
+        "breast: light chestnut",
+        "crown: deep chestnut",
+        "forehead: pale chestnut",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: brownish with buff wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive green and streaked",
+        "tail: brownish and forked",
+        "throat: pale buff"
+    ],
+    "cabanis greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with a yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green to yellowish",
+        "forehead: yellowish-olive feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with subtle yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellowish tones",
+        "tail: long, rounded, olive-green with yellowish fringes",
+        "throat: creamy white with a pale yellow tint"
+    ],
+    "cabanis ground sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: pale-grayish to white",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle brown hints",
+        "crown: rufous brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a lighter eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white or pale brown wing-bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length, and squared-off",
+        "throat: clean white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "cabanis spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale buff-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with buffy streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dull streaks",
+        "forehead: narrow whitish-buff eye stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and long",
+        "wings: brown with buffy wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated with rufous edges",
+        "throat: pale buff-white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cabanis wren": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, dark in color",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle brownish spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: light brownish-gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and agile",
+        "wings: brownish-gray streaked with black, medium-length",
+        "nape: light brownish-gray, blending into back",
+        "tail: brownish-black, barred with white, medium-length",
+        "throat: light grayish-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "cachar bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: dark, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "crown: grayish-black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark with faint eyering",
+        "legs: strong and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale edging",
+        "nape: grayish-black",
+        "tail: long with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cachar wedge billed babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle greyish streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: light beige with faint horizontal markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with slight brownish tinge",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with sleek texture",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: strong, slim, and blackish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light feather edging",
+        "nape: uniformly olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, straight, and olive-brown with faint grey tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "cactus canastero": [
+        "back: light brown with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: buffy brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with slight blackish streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff-colored bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: whitish buff with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "cactus parakeet": [
+        "back: green feathers with black edges",
+        "beak: small, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow with dark barring",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark green with blue tips",
+        "nape: green with black markings",
+        "tail: long and tapered, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "caica parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked",
+        "belly: light green feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: vivid blue feathering",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and scaly with curved talons",
+        "wings: green with blue accents, strong and broad",
+        "nape: yellow-green shading into blue",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-green plumage"
+    ],
+    "cajamarca antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and powerful",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown",
+        "nape: brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, with broad feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "calandra lark": [
+        "back: brownish with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long and pointed",
+        "belly: pale and streaked",
+        "breast: spotted and light brown",
+        "crown: dark-streaked with a crest",
+        "forehead: pale and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black markings",
+        "nape: streaked, blending into crown",
+        "tail: brown with a black edge",
+        "throat: pale and streaked"
+    ],
+    "calayan rail": [
+        "back: dark brown with feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: rusty brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown with feather tufts",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-green with scaled pattern",
+        "wings: dark brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with narrow white tip",
+        "throat: white with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "california gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: pale gray-blue with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with a faint bluish tinge",
+        "breast: light gray blending into the belly color",
+        "crown: gray-blue with a darker patch on the sides",
+        "forehead: pale gray-blue, almost white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark gray to black",
+        "wings: gray-blue with dark edges and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray-blue, transitioning to the crown color",
+        "tail: long and slender, dark blue-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending into breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "california scrub jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: black, sturdy, and medium-sized",
+        "belly: pale gray with a light bluish tint",
+        "breast: soft light gray plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest above the head",
+        "forehead: sleek blue feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: striking blue with black and white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: long, predominantly blue with black and white bands",
+        "throat: subtle gray feathers meeting the breast area"
+    ],
+    "cambodian laughingthrush": [
+        "back: earthy brown, slightly mottled",
+        "beak: short, strong, black",
+        "belly: pale cream, minimal markings",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey with faint spots",
+        "crown: deep chestnut, slightly ruffled",
+        "forehead: buffy-white, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium length, pale pink-grey",
+        "wings: brown, with soft buff edges on feathers",
+        "nape: light brown, greyish tones",
+        "tail: long, graduated, ochre-brown with black banding",
+        "throat: buffy-white, sparsely streaked"
+    ],
+    "cambodian tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white and slightly paler than breast",
+        "breast: light greyish to pale buff",
+        "crown: dark grey with a narrow rufous stripe",
+        "forehead: pale grey with faint marking",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with clear, thin, white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and dark olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with faint, darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "cameroon indigobird": [
+        "back: deep indigo blue with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: gradient of indigo to blueish-white",
+        "breast: bright indigo blue",
+        "crown: vibrant blue with black speckles",
+        "forehead: glossy blue-black",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray to black",
+        "wings: black with bluish iridescent highlights",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black",
+        "tail: black with subtle blue sheen",
+        "throat: rich indigo blue"
+    ],
+    "cameroon mountain greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow hue",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: grey and slender",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow, medium-sized",
+        "nape: green merging to light yellow towards the head",
+        "tail: green with streaks of black, medium length",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a subtle streak pattern"
+    ],
+    "cameroon olive greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with brownish edges",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale-colored with a hook tip",
+        "belly: whitish with a yellowish tinge and faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: green with a lighter shade towards the nape",
+        "forehead: bright olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint yellow eye-rings",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and pale gray",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with hints of brown and pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: lighter olive-green fading to brown",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with brownish central feathers",
+        "throat: pale, whitish-olive with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "cameroon pigeon": [
+        "back: slate grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: light grey with a soft texture",
+        "breast: pale purple-grey with subtle iridescence",
+        "crown: dark grey with a smooth, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey than crown, blending seamlessly",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-grey with well-defined scaly texture",
+        "wings: darker grey with black and white-striped covert feathers",
+        "nape: medium grey, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark grey, with white outer tail feathers and distinct blackish band",
+        "throat: light grey, slightly paler than breast color"
+    ],
+    "cameroon speirops": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout black bill",
+        "belly: light gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: lighter gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: small black feathers, slight curve",
+        "eyes: bright white eyering, dark brown irises",
+        "legs: slender black legs and feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with contrasting white wingbars",
+        "nape: rich gray plumage, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: blackish-gray, medium-length, square-ended",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "cameroon sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with blue hues",
+        "beak: slender, long, and curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with a hint of orange",
+        "breast: shimmering greenish-blue",
+        "crown: radiant green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: bright emerald with light streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and observant",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: rich green with a hint of blue, medium-sized",
+        "nape: dazzling green with a slight curve",
+        "tail: extended, forked, shimmering bluish-green",
+        "throat: bright green with a metallic glow"
+    ],
+    "camiguin boobook": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with paler markings",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and hooked, blackish-grey in color",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark brown spots and streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark brown streaks or bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "forehead: brown feathers with paler markings",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black or dark brown",
+        "legs: short and stout, feathered, with yellowish-grey scaly feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with paler buff fringes and spots",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with narrow pale bands",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dark brown spots"
+    ],
+    "camiguin hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, powerful, hooked orange",
+        "belly: light green with yellow hues",
+        "breast: bright green and slightly fluffy",
+        "crown: striking blue crown feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: light green blending into back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: muted yellow-green plumage"
+    ],
+    "campbell islands shag": [
+        "back: dark, iridescent greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: white with feathered underpants",
+        "breast: white, contrasting with dark back",
+        "crown: dark, greenish-blue feathers extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, reddish-orange with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: relatively short, pinkish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, expansive with prominent wingtips",
+        "nape: continuation of the dark crown feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark feathers for stability in flight",
+        "throat: white, meeting the breast seamlessly"
+    ],
+    "campbell islands teal": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, dark grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle brown markings",
+        "breast: soft gray-brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feather ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown with white tips and blue-green speculum",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks, like back",
+        "tail: short and pointed, brown with darker barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, like forehead"
+    ],
+    "campbell fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharply-pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale grey underside with white accents",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage with grey edges",
+        "crown: vivid blue with a defining black stripe",
+        "forehead: striking blue with thin black eye line",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: blue and black-feathered, with white bands",
+        "nape: rich blue with hints of black and grey",
+        "tail: elongated and black, with delicate white ends",
+        "throat: electric blue, contrasting with white neckband"
+    ],
+    "campina thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, olive-brown with buff tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "campo miner": [
+        "back: earthy brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: dull yellow or sandy color",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: mottled brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown with small spots",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, with cream-colored eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks, blending into the back",
+        "tail: forked, brownish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, creamy yellow with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "campo troupial": [
+        "back: vivid orange-chestnut color",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: bright orange hue",
+        "breast: rich orange feathers",
+        "crown: small, contrasting black patch",
+        "forehead: striking black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: grey and slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: black, with patches of white and blue feathers",
+        "nape: sleek black feathering",
+        "tail: long and black, occasionally showing undertail white spots",
+        "throat: mainly deep black hue"
+    ],
+    "canada jay": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers, slightly darker than wings",
+        "beak: jet-black, short and curved, strong",
+        "belly: white or light grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: bluish-gray, rounded head shape",
+        "forehead: pale bluish-gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: black, sturdy, medium length",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, rounded, strong for fast flight",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, continuous with back feathers",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with white tips, long and broad",
+        "throat: white or light grey, matching belly color"
+    ],
+    "canary islands chiffchaff": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish tinge",
+        "beak: thin, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish hues",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a brown tinge",
+        "forehead: smooth and slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, black, and fairly short",
+        "wings: olive-green with brown edges and distinct bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with a slight fork and white edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, sometimes with a grayish tint"
+    ],
+    "canebrake groundcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish and streaked",
+        "beak: long, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish with a paler central stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brown, with buff and black barring",
+        "nape: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "canebrake wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with darker streaks",
+        "beak: pointed and slightly curved, dark, slender",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown stripes",
+        "breast: beige with dark brown barring",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by faint light brown ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, light grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with bold black streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with thin grey stripes",
+        "throat: beige with fine dark brown barring"
+    ],
+    "canivet emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant emerald hues",
+        "crown: dark green crest",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, small",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: iridescent green, fast-beating",
+        "nape: rich green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, streamer-like feathers",
+        "throat: pale green, slightly translucent"
+    ],
+    "canyon canastero": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: whitish with gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rusty streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with rufous and buff streaks",
+        "nape: brown to gray-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with buff tips",
+        "throat: whitish with fine gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cape barren goose": [
+        "back: light gray with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, deep greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: soft gray and white",
+        "breast: pale gray with white speckles",
+        "crown: smooth, pale gray",
+        "forehead: light gray blend with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: stout, pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: speckled gray and white feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending with the back",
+        "tail: short and rounded, gray with white edges",
+        "throat: light gray,continuing from the breast"
+    ],
+    "cape batis": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy off-white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-blue side streaks with white center",
+        "crown: dark black extending to nape",
+        "forehead: distinctive white stripe",
+        "eyes: large and black, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: mostly black with white and brown markings",
+        "nape: continuation of black crown",
+        "tail: long dark feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "cape bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slim and dark-grey, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light greyish-white with soft streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a distinct, elongated crest",
+        "forehead: black, smoothly transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pronounced white eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-black with strong, perching toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey fading into the belly"
+    ],
+    "cape bunting": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-striped with a grayish-white center",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark streaks and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-striped with a grayish-white center",
+        "tail: short with olive-brown feathers and white outer edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "cape canary": [
+        "back: olive-yellow hue, feathered",
+        "beak: pointed, conical shape, pale pink",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow, smooth plumage",
+        "crown: yellowish-green, delicate feathers",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, striking",
+        "eyes: dark, round, beady gaze",
+        "legs: thin, grey-pink, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, elongated, flight-ready",
+        "nape: yellow-green, blending feathers",
+        "tail: long, pointy, olive-green hues",
+        "throat: bright yellow, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "cape clapper lark": [
+        "back: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, conical shape",
+        "belly: creamy white with sparse dark spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with paler edges",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, slender, greenish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges, darker primaries",
+        "nape: light brown streaked with darker brown",
+        "tail: brown with paler outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cape cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin and hooked",
+        "belly: contrasting white under feathers",
+        "breast: smooth black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black cap",
+        "forehead: subtly rounded profile",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: powerful yet agile",
+        "wings: lengthy and streamlined",
+        "nape: gracefully curved neck",
+        "tail: fan-like, black feathers",
+        "throat: black with a slight sheen"
+    ],
+    "cape crombec": [
+        "back: light brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: creamy white or buff color",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray, blending into belly",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray feathers with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, smoothly blending into crown and back",
+        "tail: short and rounded with brownish-gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly paler than breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "cape crow": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark plumage, lighter than back",
+        "breast: deep black feathers, shining in sunlight",
+        "crown: dark and smooth, blending with back feathers",
+        "forehead: black and glossy meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent, with dark pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with prominent talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark feathers, used for soaring",
+        "nape: smooth black transition to the back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped black feathers, used for balance",
+        "throat: dark feathers, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "cape eagle owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark barring",
+        "beak: blunt, hooked, and blackish-grey",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale rusty-brown with dark barring",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, deep orange",
+        "legs: feathered with dark barring",
+        "wings: broad and rounded with dark barring",
+        "nape: lighter greyish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: horizontally barred with dark grey and buff bands",
+        "throat: pale with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cape gannet": [
+        "back: sleek, white with black edges",
+        "beak: long, sharp, blue-gray",
+        "belly: smooth, white feathers",
+        "breast: soft, white plumage",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: white, short feathers",
+        "eyes: expressive, black with blue-gray outline",
+        "legs: webbed, blue-gray",
+        "wings: large, long, black-tipped",
+        "nape: white, transitioning to black feathers",
+        "tail: narrow, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, white with small feathers"
+    ],
+    "cape grassbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale with faint brownish streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with narrow streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: buff-colored, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "cape griffon": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers with a slight curve",
+        "beak: large, hooked, yellowish-white",
+        "belly: pale cream and feathery",
+        "breast: lighter golden-brown feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, golden-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly raised with dense feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-black talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, golden-brown feathers",
+        "nape: golden-brown with a transition to lighter feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, golden-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale cream-feathered with a slight curve"
+    ],
+    "cape lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with faint markings",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: sandy brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "cape parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: lighter green feathered underside",
+        "breast: bright green chest feathers",
+        "crown: green capped head",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue edges",
+        "nape: green neck feathers",
+        "tail: long green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: pale green feathered area"
+    ],
+    "cape petrel": [
+        "back: black feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: black with white speckles",
+        "forehead: black with white speckles",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-greys",
+        "wings: black and white-patterned",
+        "nape: black with white speckles",
+        "tail: square-shaped, black and white-patterned",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "cape robin chat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: thin, black, pointed",
+        "belly: pale white with grey tint",
+        "breast: orange-red hue",
+        "crown: grey-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: grey-brown with white patterns",
+        "nape: lighter grey-brown",
+        "tail: dark grey with white edges",
+        "throat: white and orange-red blend"
+    ],
+    "cape rockjumper": [
+        "back: dark gray with light streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown band",
+        "crown: dark gray and mottled",
+        "forehead: prominent white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and strong for hopping",
+        "wings: short, dark gray with white spots",
+        "nape: gray with light mottling",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, speckled with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "cape shoveler": [
+        "back: deep green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, black with a spoon-like shape",
+        "belly: brownish and finely streaked",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark green with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: dark green feathers fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark against green feathers",
+        "legs: reddish-orange and webbed",
+        "wings: greenish-blue speculum with white borders",
+        "nape: dark green feathers transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: black feathers with a slight upward curve",
+        "throat: solid white extending down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "cape siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharply pointed, grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black streaking",
+        "breast: rich yellow with black streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-black with yellow edging",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "cape sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks of black",
+        "beak: short, conical and dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white with light grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with soft feathering",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: lightly coloured with brown hues",
+        "eyes: small, dark and surrounded by a light grey eyering",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped coverts creating a wing bar",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cape spurfowl": [
+        "back: dark brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and powerful, light grey",
+        "belly: greyish-brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with lighter grey spots",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark feathers fading to lighter grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly hidden in feathers",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: brown with distinct white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown with a faint grey streak",
+        "tail: long, broad feathers, brown with white streaks",
+        "throat: light grey with faint white spots"
+    ],
+    "cape starling": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale blue-gray",
+        "breast: blue-gray with metallic sheen",
+        "crown: smooth dark feathers, bluish-black",
+        "forehead: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-black, long and pointed",
+        "nape: blue-black with subtle purple sheen",
+        "tail: blue-black, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy white with blue-gray sheen"
+    ],
+    "cape sugarbird": [
+        "back: earthy brown shades with light feather fringes",
+        "beak: long, curved, black and pointy",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with brown speckles",
+        "crown: subdue brown color, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: unobtrusive and consistent with the crown",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark, round, and beady",
+        "legs: slender, black, and long-clawed",
+        "wings: elongated, brown with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "nape: light brown, elegant feathers",
+        "tail: remarkably long, streaming and needle-like",
+        "throat: delicate, whitish-feathered area"
+    ],
+    "cape teal": [
+        "back: sleek, blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, spatula-shaped",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine black speckling",
+        "breast: light gray-brown with fine black markings",
+        "crown: smooth, pale gray-brown",
+        "forehead: narrow white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with patches of iridescent green",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, pointed, blue-gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with faint speckling"
+    ],
+    "cape verde shearwater": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: dark, hooked, slightly tubular",
+        "belly: pale white",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown speckles",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-white, slight slope to beak",
+        "eyes: dark and small",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with grayish-brown upper-side and white underside",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending to white on throat",
+        "tail: medium length, square-shaped, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with smooth transition to nape"
+    ],
+    "cape verde sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: conical and blackish",
+        "belly: off-white or pale grey",
+        "breast: light grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a black cap",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white wingbars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown blending into olive-brown on the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black markings on the sides of the neck"
+    ],
+    "cape verde storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter grey feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey-black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "forehead: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black eyes",
+        "legs: thin, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, long, pointed wings",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, forked, black feathers",
+        "throat: dark grey-black plumage"
+    ],
+    "cape verde swamp warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale white-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: whitish, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "cape wagtail": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, long and black",
+        "belly: off-white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint gray markings",
+        "crown: black with a white eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: black with white eyebrow stripe extending rearwards",
+        "eyes: round, black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: gray-brown, with black and white secondary feather patterns",
+        "nape: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with grayish coloration"
+    ],
+    "cape weaver": [
+        "back: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale yellow, soft feathers",
+        "crown: brightly yellow-orange feathers",
+        "forehead: blended with golden-yellow and white",
+        "eyes: black with white outer ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown thin limbs",
+        "wings: patterned with brown and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: golden-yellow feathers curving downward",
+        "tail: short, brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: soft white to pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "cape white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, curved and fine",
+        "belly: white and slightly puffed",
+        "breast: pale yellow hue",
+        "crown: olive-gray with white ring",
+        "forehead: olive-gray, blending to crown",
+        "eyes: large and white-ringed",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct barring",
+        "nape: olive-gray, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-green",
+        "throat: creamy white with subtle yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "capped conebill": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: slender, sharply-pointed in black color",
+        "belly: soft white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white with light gray streaks",
+        "crown: black cap-like marking",
+        "forehead: prominent black cap-like pattern",
+        "eyes: small with black pupils, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray in color",
+        "wings: bright greenish-blue with black accents",
+        "nape: greenish-blue plumage transitioning to the black cap",
+        "tail: medium length, vibrant greenish-blue with black tips",
+        "throat: white coloring, leading to streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "capped wheatear": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light, creamy-white",
+        "breast: beige with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey cap",
+        "forehead: grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: alert, dark, small",
+        "legs: slim, long, black",
+        "wings: black primary feathers, grey-blue coverts",
+        "nape: grey, connects cap to back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale cream, continuous with belly"
+    ],
+    "capuchin babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and strong",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: black cap with a small white patch",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white feather-tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: white to light gray"
+    ],
+    "caqueta seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and grey",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale buff-grey feathers",
+        "crown: blackish crown with a pale grey stripe",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey frontal feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: blackish-grey with a pale grey stripe",
+        "tail: squared, with olive-grey and darker feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "caracas brushfinch": [
+        "back: dark olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with darker streaks",
+        "crown: blackish edge with dark olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: black band across the front",
+        "eyes: small dark brown with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker stripes and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green matching back color",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "caracas tapaculo": [
+        "back: sleek brownish-black",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: rounded, dull brown",
+        "nape: blackish-brown",
+        "tail: short and square-cut",
+        "throat: light gray and white"
+    ],
+    "carbonated sierra finch": [
+        "back: grayish-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish, sometimes tinged with gray",
+        "breast: pale gray blending into white",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown cap",
+        "forehead: smooth gradient from crown to eyebrow",
+        "eyes: small, black with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-gray with sturdy feet",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with indistinct bars",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: medium length, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "cardinal lory": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers with potential blue hints",
+        "beak: strong, orange, hooked tip",
+        "belly: bright red and plump",
+        "breast: rich red with slightly curved feathers",
+        "crown: prominent red with some black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright red and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: red with black or blue edges, well-rounded",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to black streaks",
+        "tail: elongated red feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: vivid red, leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "cardinal myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter red fading to white",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant red with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: intense red feathers",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by red",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: red with black streaks and white-tipped edges",
+        "nape: scarlet feathers transitioning to back",
+        "tail: long, red feathers with black streaks",
+        "throat: bright red with a slight tuft"
+    ],
+    "cardinal quelea": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical-shaped, and red",
+        "belly: slightly lighter red hue",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: crimson feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid red, extends to crest",
+        "eyes: distinct black mask, encircling white eye",
+        "legs: red with black claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with red tinges",
+        "nape: rich red, slightly darker than forehead",
+        "tail: squared shape, red-brown",
+        "throat: extends from black mask in solid red color"
+    ],
+    "cardinal woodpecker": [
+        "back: striking black and white pattern",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like, and dark",
+        "belly: grayish-white with some streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-red",
+        "crown: red for male, black for female",
+        "forehead: red for male, black for female",
+        "eyes: small, beady black",
+        "legs: strong and gray",
+        "wings: black and white, ladder-like pattern",
+        "nape: red for male, black for female",
+        "tail: black and white, barred pattern",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "carib grackle": [
+        "back: iridescent black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: glossy black with blue-purple sheen",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, iridescent black feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: black, slender, and long",
+        "wings: deep black with shimmering blue highlights",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers with violet sheen",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, black with blue-purple highlights",
+        "throat: shiny black with slight purple tint"
+    ],
+    "caribbean dove": [
+        "back: smooth, light gray plumage",
+        "beak: slender, dark grayish-black",
+        "belly: soft, pinkish-buff feathers",
+        "breast: rosy-pink hue, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a hint of iridescence",
+        "forehead: slate-blue merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a surrounding white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: light gray with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue hue",
+        "tail: long and rounded with white tips",
+        "throat: pale bluish-gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "caribbean elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale-yellow underside",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green chest",
+        "crown: grayish-white crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green head",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with subtle notches",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "caribbean martin": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: light grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: gleaming blue-black coloration",
+        "crown: shiny, blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: radiant blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark, and strong",
+        "wings: broad, long, and blue-black",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: forked, blue-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, delicate plumage"
+    ],
+    "carmelite sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green hue",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white color",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: iridescent blue and green shades",
+        "forehead: metallic green with blue highlights",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-black, thin, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with black tips",
+        "nape: metallic green transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright orange-red with metallic green accents"
+    ],
+    "carmiol tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellow hue",
+        "beak: stout, medium-length, pale gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with olive tones",
+        "crown: orange-red",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-yellow",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellow undertail coverts",
+        "throat: yellowish with olive tinges"
+    ],
+    "carnaby black cockatoo": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: large, dark grey, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with slight barring",
+        "breast: light grey, white-edged feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with whitish edges",
+        "forehead: short, black, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong, and scaly",
+        "wings: long, black with white panels",
+        "nape: blackish feathers with white edging",
+        "tail: black feathers with bold white bands",
+        "throat: dark grey with thin white streaks"
+    ],
+    "carola parotia": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: velvety black feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering emerald green",
+        "crown: black and adorned with golden plumes",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and round, framed with blue feathers",
+        "legs: black and sturdy with strong claws",
+        "wings: black with hints of shiny teal",
+        "nape: decorated with elongated golden plumes",
+        "tail: black and fan-shaped with iridescent blue tips",
+        "throat: blue, surrounded by a six-wired plume display"
+    ],
+    "caroline islands ground dove": [
+        "back: reddish-maroon feathers with metallic green sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp and light grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: white to pale buff",
+        "breast: light pink to lavender with a thin white patch",
+        "crown: shimmering greenish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic greenish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short and reddish-pink",
+        "wings: reddish-maroon with iridescent metallic green shades",
+        "nape: metallic greenish-blue feathers blending into reddish-maroon",
+        "tail: reddish-maroon with black-band tips and a shimmering blue sheen",
+        "throat: light pinkish-lavender fading into white"
+    ],
+    "caroline islands swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent dark plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: grayish-black, delicate feathers",
+        "breast: glistening dark plumage",
+        "crown: shiny, dark feathers with gray tint",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and covered in dark feathers",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and angular",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "tail: short, straight, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray, soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "caroline islands white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow and distinctive",
+        "forehead: yellow-green plumage",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring, dark brown iris",
+        "legs: slender, gray-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with a hint of yellow",
+        "nape: yellowish-green color",
+        "tail: olive-green, moderately long",
+        "throat: pale yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "caroline reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: light grey",
+        "crown: greenish-grey",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green",
+        "eyes: small beady, black",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: uniform greenish-grey",
+        "tail: long, dark, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale off-white"
+    ],
+    "carp tit": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with a thin white stripe",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout for seed-cracking",
+        "belly: white with fine grey streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: blue-grey with a slight peak at the rear",
+        "forehead: pale blue-grey coloration",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a small white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and orange-brown in color",
+        "wings: blue-grey, black and white patterned, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with a white stripe on either side",
+        "tail: medium-length, blue-grey, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy white, similar to the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "carpentarian grasswren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rich cinnamon to dark brown",
+        "forehead: pale grey or brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, strong",
+        "wings: brown with black markings",
+        "nape: rich cinnamon-brown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale grey with a hint of rufous"
+    ],
+    "carrion crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: dark-feathered chest",
+        "crown: ebony feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: black, feathered brow",
+        "eyes: small, piercing, black",
+        "legs: dark, slender limbs",
+        "wings: broad, black, powerful",
+        "nape: feathery black neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped black feathers",
+        "throat: dark-flecked plumes"
+    ],
+    "carruthers cisticola": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white to pale buff",
+        "breast: slightly darker buff with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a dark streak",
+        "forehead: paler brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark edges",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with a dark streak",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale buff"
+    ],
+    "carunculated caracara": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip with yellow-orange base",
+        "belly: white with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with striking white patch",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with long, sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white tips and streaks on the undersides",
+        "nape: black with a white stripe",
+        "tail: long, narrow, black with broad white bands",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "carunculated fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale blue color",
+        "belly: light blue-green hue with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: brilliant orange coloration",
+        "crown: deep green with an iridescent shine",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark, alert expression",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, deep pink hue",
+        "wings: dazzling yellow-green with black edge markings",
+        "nape: iridescent green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: elongated feathers, yellow-green with a black band",
+        "throat: distinct caruncles, small and blue-grey"
+    ],
+    "caspian gull": [
+        "back: pale grey feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: long, slender yellow beak with a red spot near the end",
+        "belly: clean white feathers with a slight curve",
+        "breast: white plumage with a broad shape",
+        "crown: sleek grey feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, rounded white feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a black circular outline",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellowish-orange legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, pale grey wings with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: grey feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: broad white feathers with black banding at the end",
+        "throat: white feathers extending down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "caspian plover": [
+        "back: dusky grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight black bill",
+        "belly: clean white underbelly",
+        "breast: pale buff-grey chest",
+        "crown: dark brown cap with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: pale white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender with pale yellow color",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white edges in flight",
+        "nape: greyish-brown fading into lighter shades",
+        "tail: white outer feathers, dark central feathers",
+        "throat: buff-white smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "caspian snowcock": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine, dark bars",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white patch above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded with distinct black and white barring",
+        "nape: gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine, dark stripes"
+    ],
+    "caspian tit": [
+        "back: olive-gray with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: snowy white with subtle gray markings",
+        "crown: black with a thin white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a white central spot",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and blue-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edging and bars",
+        "nape: black with delicate white stripes",
+        "tail: long, gray, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with a white crescent shape"
+    ],
+    "casqued cacique": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: unique black casque on top",
+        "forehead: black feathers beneath the casque",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: strong and black with clawed feet",
+        "wings: black with a hint of metallic blue",
+        "nape: black feathers leading to the casque",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: contrasting yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "cassia crossbill": [
+        "back: rusty red or brick-colored feathers",
+        "beak: stout, crossed mandibles, designed to open pine cone scales",
+        "belly: lighter shade of red or orange, occasionally with white markings",
+        "breast: variably colored, ranging from red to orange or grayish hues",
+        "crown: red or orange-tinged head feathers",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, red or orange-tinged feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like, surrounded by a pale orbital ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish black, with strong toes and curved claws",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, with strongly barred wing coverts and secondaries",
+        "nape: same color as crown and back, showing red or orange-tinged feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, squared-off end, with reddish to dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: variable coloration, often a lighter shade of the breast color"
+    ],
+    "cassin auklet": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grey",
+        "breast: greyish with a hint of white",
+        "crown: dark gray with small white whisker-like feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, intense, black",
+        "legs: short, blue-grey with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: compact with darker wingtips",
+        "nape: downward-sloping neck with greyish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into grey breast area"
+    ],
+    "cassin flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: short, black, sharp beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: lightly streaked yellowish breast",
+        "crown: olive-green head with white eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: olive coloration blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, slender legs",
+        "wings: blackish wings with two faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green color transitioning from head to back",
+        "tail: short, dark tail with white outer web edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "cassin hawk eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white and finely barred",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: strong and yellow",
+        "wings: broad with dark bars",
+        "nape: black with a white stripe",
+        "tail: black with wide, white bands",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cassin honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: dull white with grayish-brown spots",
+        "breast: whitish with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, well-defined",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint pale bars",
+        "throat: dull white with grayish-brown spotting"
+    ],
+    "cassin spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: black and sharp",
+        "belly: buff-white color",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-chestnut with a crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-chestnut",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale fringes",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-colored with pointed feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff-white"
+    ],
+    "castelnau antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, black color",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark barring",
+        "breast: grayish color with white streaks",
+        "crown: dusky gray, darker in males",
+        "forehead: grayish color, paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dusky gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish color, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish, with white tips",
+        "throat: paler gray, sometimes whitish"
+    ],
+    "cattle tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: blackish, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with streaking",
+        "crown: gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, dark, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish markings",
+        "nape: streaked, olive-gray",
+        "tail: long with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "cauca guan": [
+        "back: earthy brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved light grey beak",
+        "belly: creamy white, lightly feathered",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: rounded, light grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black with a faint white ring",
+        "legs: slender, grey legs with scaly texture",
+        "wings: wide, brown wings with white accents",
+        "nape: smooth, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow tail feathers in earthy brown",
+        "throat: light cream feathers with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "caucasian grouse": [
+        "back: blue-gray plumage with white markings",
+        "beak: short and stubby, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "breast: light gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: rounded with blue-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: feathered, gray with strong talons",
+        "wings: broad, mottled blue-gray and white feathers",
+        "nape: long, dark blue-gray feathers",
+        "tail: short and pointy, blue-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from beak to chest"
+    ],
+    "caucasian snowcock": [
+        "back: earthy-brown plumage and white speckles",
+        "beak: short, stout, and light gray",
+        "belly: white feathers with black bands",
+        "breast: grayish-brown mottled with white",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray and slightly crested",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered, robust, with curved claws",
+        "wings: mottled brownish-gray with white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-white with darker streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with alternating black and white bands",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "caura antbird": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish color",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage with brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored feathers with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of rufous",
+        "forehead: plain light brown smoothly transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and brown with rufous-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff-colored with subtle brown markings"
+    ],
+    "cave swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, glossy plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed",
+        "belly: light, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: pale or white, soft",
+        "crown: dark, streamlined crest",
+        "forehead: angular, feathered",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, delicate",
+        "wings: long, curved for swift flight",
+        "nape: subtle, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: slender, often fanned",
+        "throat: soft, pale feathers"
+    ],
+    "cayenne jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers with slight gradient",
+        "crown: bright blue feathered crest",
+        "forehead: sleek blue feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: striking blue with intricate feather pattern",
+        "nape: smooth transition from head to back plumage",
+        "tail: long, vivid blue feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with the blue breast"
+    ],
+    "ceara gnateater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black hooked bill",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large and black with white rings",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark gray edging",
+        "nape: grayish-black, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "tail: long and dark gray, white-tipped",
+        "throat: white with a black malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "ceara woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-color, streaked pattern",
+        "beak: long, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff, slightly spotted",
+        "breast: warm brown, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, smooth",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: brown, banded with buff",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: long, stiff, brown with slight barring",
+        "throat: pale buff, spotted with brown"
+    ],
+    "cebu boobook": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: blackish, compact hooked bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish-black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: brown feathers with white spots",
+        "forehead: brown with white flecks",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and feathered",
+        "wings: dark brown with white barring and spots",
+        "nape: brown with white spots, forming a pattern",
+        "tail: long, brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white with some brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "celestial monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: golden yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich orange hues",
+        "crown: royal blue crest",
+        "forehead: stunning indigo markings",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: majestic blue and black",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green",
+        "tail: long, elegant, blue-black",
+        "throat: boldly contrasting yellow"
+    ],
+    "central american pygmy owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, yellowish-gray in color",
+        "belly: white or pale gray with brown bars",
+        "breast: white or pale gray with brown bars",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with white spots or streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with white streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellowish with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: rounded, brownish-gray with white spots or bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with white spots or streaks",
+        "tail: short, brownish-gray with white bars",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cerulean cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright orange with black spots",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green crest",
+        "forehead: blue-green with white tufts",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and twig-like",
+        "wings: green edges with colorful, coquette pattern",
+        "nape: turquoise feathers blending into green",
+        "tail: elongated, green with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with black bands"
+    ],
+    "cerulean flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with sleek feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white with blue edges",
+        "crown: deep blue and well-rounded",
+        "forehead: bright blue fading to white",
+        "eyes: black, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim and gray",
+        "wings: striking blue with black tips",
+        "nape: deep blue meeting the white breast",
+        "tail: long and blue with black edges",
+        "throat: white blending into the blue forehead"
+    ],
+    "cerulean capped manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sleek black",
+        "belly: white with a tint of blue",
+        "breast: bright cerulean blue",
+        "crown: striking cerulean blue cap",
+        "forehead: rich cerulean blue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady",
+        "legs: gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: green with black tips",
+        "nape: deep green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated black with white edges",
+        "throat: soft white with blue undertones"
+    ],
+    "cetti warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with some dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: buff-colored with very faint barring",
+        "breast: pale buff, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale, buff-colored"
+    ],
+    "chabert vanga": [
+        "back: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white pale feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black crest-like feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers merging into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: strong, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blackish-brown, long, broad",
+        "nape: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, forked",
+        "throat: white-grayish soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "chachapoyas antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with ochre tinges",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded with faint bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "chaco chachalaca": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathering",
+        "beak: dark, stout, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: lighter greyish-brown hue",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with wattles",
+        "legs: long, grey, with strong feet",
+        "wings: broad, olive-brown with dark edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, contrasting lighter edge",
+        "throat: pale greyish-brown; bare wattles"
+    ],
+    "chaco eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: white feathered underbody",
+        "breast: light brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on head",
+        "forehead: white markings above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs with black talons",
+        "wings: broad, long, dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: white collar around back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white banding",
+        "throat: white feathered front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "chaco earthcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with light barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slate gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: mottled brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: warm brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: square-shaped, long, brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light barring"
+    ],
+    "chaco owl": [
+        "back: pale gray with dark speckling",
+        "beak: short, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray",
+        "forehead: pale gray, rounded",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by thin white rims",
+        "legs: feathered, pale gray",
+        "wings: broad, pale gray with dark bars",
+        "nape: pale gray, sometimes lighter than back",
+        "tail: long, pale gray with dark bars",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "chaco sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: light grey with brownish tint",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grey-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light eyering",
+        "legs: thin and light greyish",
+        "wings: brown with dark streaks, subtle wingbars",
+        "nape: grey-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and brownish-grey, notched",
+        "throat: pale grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "chalk browed mockingbird": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers with subtle brushed streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black with a slight downward curve",
+        "belly: pale grey-white with faint horizontal markings",
+        "breast: light grey with slight darker streaks",
+        "crown: ashy grey with a distinct white eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: pale grey gently merging with the white eyebrow",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with black and white wing bars",
+        "nape: soft grey with a hint of brown, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers and black sub-terminal band",
+        "throat: light grey-white, blending smoothly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "chami antpitta": [
+        "back: soft feathers, subtle earthy hues",
+        "beak: short, curved, sharp",
+        "belly: rounded, pale plumage",
+        "breast: mottled tawny feathers",
+        "crown: brownish-gray coloring, smoothly contoured",
+        "forehead: unassuming, lighter shades",
+        "eyes: round, inquisitive, dark",
+        "legs: thin, strong, featherless",
+        "wings: medium-sized, barred patterns",
+        "nape: slightly darker hue, smooth transition",
+        "tail: short, broad, streaked feathers",
+        "throat: pale, finely speckled markings"
+    ],
+    "changeable hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with heavy black streaking",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with white edges",
+        "forehead: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow irises",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and broad with brown and white feather patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with white edging",
+        "tail: long with alternating brown and black bands",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "channel billed cuckoo": [
+        "back: long and sleek dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, pale, and strong",
+        "belly: pale grey with dark bars",
+        "breast: greyish-blue with fine barring",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark, round, small",
+        "legs: slim, sturdy, slate colored",
+        "wings: strong, wide, dark grey with slight barring",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers with a subtle stripe pattern",
+        "tail: long, broad, and dark grey with black bands",
+        "throat: soft grey with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "channel billed toucan": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, striking multicolor (orange, black and blue",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green-blue feathered area",
+        "forehead: deep blue hue",
+        "eyes: bright blue, encircled by bare blue skin",
+        "legs: strong, bluish-grey with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: short and rounded with green-blue and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: vivid green plumage",
+        "tail: long, red-tipped feathers with blue and green hues",
+        "throat: white plumage with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chapada flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light yellowish-olive and streaked",
+        "crown: grayish with an inconspicuous crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: brownish, relatively short",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: brownish and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white or pale with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "chapin apalis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow feathering",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaking",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, extending from crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, often with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "chapin flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish",
+        "breast: yellowish hue",
+        "crown: dark, olive-green",
+        "forehead: prominent white eyebrow line",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale ring",
+        "legs: slim and dark",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, meshing with crown",
+        "tail: dark with variable white patches",
+        "throat: light, continuing yellowish tint"
+    ],
+    "chaplin barbet": [
+        "back: green with hints of blue, covering majority of body",
+        "beak: thick, short, and ivory-hued, perfect for cracking nuts and seeds",
+        "belly: soft yellow with green streaks, a contrast against the green back",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, accented with streaks of green and blue",
+        "crown: bright blue with a slight crest at the back",
+        "forehead: bold red patch, contrasted against surrounding colors",
+        "eyes: dark, alert eyes surrounded by a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with grey zygodactyl feet for gripping branches",
+        "wings: primarily green, with splashes of blue and yellow on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: green and blue, connecting the bright crown to the back",
+        "tail: slightly elongated, with green and blue feathers for maneuverability",
+        "throat: light yellow, complementing the bird's breast and belly colors"
+    ],
+    "chapman antshrike": [
+        "back: dark grey with thin white streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with small white spots",
+        "forehead: black with faint white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: grey with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chapman bristle tyrant": [
+        "back: smooth, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly hooked, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: light, grayish-olive feathers",
+        "crown: darker greenish-brown",
+        "forehead: greenish-white with sparse bristles",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-brown, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, dark olive-green with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "chapman swift": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, delicate, black",
+        "belly: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, fading into belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, gray-blue",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, blending into crown",
+        "tail: short, square, dark feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "charlotte bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight sheen",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a hint of gray",
+        "breast: light olive-green, transitioning from belly",
+        "crown: black with purple-blue gloss",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to back and crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "charming hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender for nectar sipping",
+        "belly: soft white underbelly",
+        "breast: vibrant plumage of color",
+        "crown: emerald green cap",
+        "forehead: shimmering metallic shades",
+        "eyes: tiny, alert black beads",
+        "legs: delicate and thin, for perching",
+        "wings: rapid, near-invisible flutters",
+        "nape: smooth transition of colors",
+        "tail: short, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling ruby-colored gorget"
+    ],
+    "chat flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: soft gray-white hue",
+        "breast: light gray-blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-blue tones",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slim, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: medium length, gray-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: grayish-blue hue transitioning to back",
+        "tail: relatively long, dark grey-blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white coloring"
+    ],
+    "chatham albatross": [
+        "back: smooth grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp, hooked end, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white with some black feathering",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-white feathers",
+        "forehead: flat and broad, light gray-white",
+        "eyes: round and dark, alert expression",
+        "legs: strong and webbed, pale pink in color",
+        "wings: long, slender, black and white, powerful for gliding",
+        "nape: continuous gray-white plumage from the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, black and white feathering",
+        "throat: white feathers blending into gray breast area"
+    ],
+    "chatham island gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white and unmarked",
+        "breast: pale beige with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with distinguishing streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a subtle eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with bold white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with thin streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: creamy-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "chatham island pigeon": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze with purple sheen",
+        "beak: short and strong, grayish color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: iridescent green and purple mix",
+        "crown: dark green with a purple sheen",
+        "forehead: bluish-green, slightly iridescent",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a ring of fine white feathers",
+        "legs: powerful and pinkish-red",
+        "wings: broad, dark green feathers with a purplish-blue sheen",
+        "nape: bluish-green, iridescent",
+        "tail: long, dark green with purple gloss",
+        "throat: gradient from iridescent bluish-green to pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "chatham islands parakeet": [
+        "back: dark green with blue sheen",
+        "beak: stout and pale grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow-green",
+        "breast: vibrant green",
+        "crown: green-blues with purple sheen",
+        "forehead: emerald green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and strong",
+        "wings: deep green with blue edges",
+        "nape: turquoise-blue tint",
+        "tail: long and dark blue-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "chatham islands shag": [
+        "back: dark bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: white feathers with bluish-black on sides",
+        "crown: blackish with blue-green sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: bright blue with black outline",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and webbed feet",
+        "wings: bluish-black, thickset with short white patches",
+        "nape: black with blue-green tinge",
+        "tail: short, bluish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white with a black central stripe"
+    ],
+    "chatham islands snipe": [
+        "back: dark brown with olive-green accents",
+        "beak: long and slender, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized and dark brown",
+        "legs: short and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, dark brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: dark brown with subtle olive-green tinge",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: light brown blending into white toward belly"
+    ],
+    "chatham oystercatcher": [
+        "back: dark blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and bright orange-red",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white with a black border",
+        "crown: black feathers extending to the forehead",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red with a noticeable eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and long",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: black feathers extending from crown to back",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with black margin"
+    ],
+    "chatham petrel": [
+        "back: pale grey with narrow dark streaks",
+        "beak: medium-sized, dark grey",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint streaking",
+        "crown: dark grey to black",
+        "forehead: dark grey, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black edging",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey with bold black markings",
+        "nape: dark grey, joining to crown",
+        "tail: dark grey with a blackish tip",
+        "throat: slightly paler grey than the breast"
+    ],
+    "chatham robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with some brownish tint",
+        "crown: greyish-brown, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: smoothly merging with the crown color",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and blackish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with well-defined white wing bars",
+        "nape: same color as the crown, unremarkable",
+        "tail: short, brownish-grey with white outer edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white, blending with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "chattering cisticola": [
+        "back: golden-brown, streaked with black",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy yellow, sometimes with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with black streaks",
+        "forehead: short rufous crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown, with rufous-edged feathers",
+        "nape: golden-brown, streaked with black",
+        "tail: short, dark brown, with outer feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: pale buff, occasionally streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "chattering giant honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, curved black beak for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: light gray with delicate white streaks",
+        "breast: deep gray transitioning into marbled white towards the belly",
+        "crown: sleek charcoal crest fading to a lighter gray",
+        "forehead: smooth feathered gradient from black to gray",
+        "eyes: large, expressive, deep black with a thin white outline",
+        "legs: sturdy black limbs with sharp, pointed claws",
+        "wings: wide, powerful, deep gray with light gray streaks",
+        "nape: lighter gray plumage merging with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated dark gray feathers with a fan-like appearance",
+        "throat: marbled white with subtle gray undertones"
+    ],
+    "chattering gnatwren": [
+        "back: olive-gray with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: plain gray",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, black",
+        "wings: olive-gray with black spots",
+        "nape: gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light gray"
+    ],
+    "chattering kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: off-white and slightly scaled",
+        "breast: orange-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant blue with black spotting",
+        "forehead: bright blue with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: blue-green with black barring",
+        "nape: blue-green, partially covered by crown",
+        "tail: long, blue-green with black bands",
+        "throat: white with faint orange-brown hue"
+    ],
+    "checker throated stipplethroat": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: white and black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing",
+        "legs: short, featherless, grey",
+        "wings: olive-black feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown fading to olive",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: white with distinct black checks"
+    ],
+    "checker throated woodpecker": [
+        "back: striking black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped for pecking wood",
+        "belly: creamy white with streaks of black",
+        "breast: white with black speckling or streaks",
+        "crown: brilliant red or yellow patch",
+        "forehead: black or dark grey",
+        "eyes: dark, beady and alert",
+        "legs: powerful, grey or black",
+        "wings: bold black and white pattern",
+        "nape: black or white stripe, often with a splash of red or yellow",
+        "tail: stiff, black feathers with white spots",
+        "throat: checkerboard pattern in black and white"
+    ],
+    "checkered woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white checkered pattern",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with faint black bars",
+        "breast: white with black horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: black with a red patch on the nape",
+        "forehead: white extending into a stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: checkered black and white with a white patch",
+        "nape: red patch extending from the crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordering the black stripes on the breast"
+    ],
+    "cheer pheasant": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: whitish with chestnut brown bars",
+        "breast: dark chestnut brown with black scaling",
+        "crown: dark rufous with contrasting white crest",
+        "forehead: white with black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a red eyering",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: short and rounded, with rufous, black, and white patches",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown with black and white spots",
+        "tail: long, graduated, with chestnut, black, and white barring",
+        "throat: pure white feathering"
+    ],
+    "cherrie antwren": [
+        "back: black and white streaked pattern",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin and dark grey",
+        "wings: black with white striped pattern",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "cherry throated tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: soft white down",
+        "breast: striking red hue",
+        "crown: brilliant green plumes",
+        "forehead: intense red markings",
+        "eyes: alert, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: vivid green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth transition from green to red",
+        "tail: elongated, blackish-green feathers",
+        "throat: deep cherry-red patch"
+    ],
+    "chestnut antpitta": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: pale gray with black scalings",
+        "breast: orangish-brown with gray scaling",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, and pale pinkish",
+        "wings: rusty-brown with noticeable barring",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, rusty-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: grayish-white with black scaling"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bulbul": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream with dark markings",
+        "breast: beige with brown streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light beige, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bunting": [
+        "back: chestnut brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale white to light brown",
+        "breast: bright chestnut hue, fading to white",
+        "crown: rich chestnut with black border",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, contiguous with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, dark-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with chestnut and white markings",
+        "nape: chestnut brown, delineating the head from the back",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut forest rail": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-brown tinge",
+        "breast: orange-brown feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown streaks",
+        "forehead: light brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-yellow",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, chestnut-brown",
+        "throat: light brownish-grey"
+    ],
+    "chestnut munia": [
+        "back: warm chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, silver-blue",
+        "belly: soft, creamy-white",
+        "breast: pale chestnut-orange",
+        "crown: dark chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter chestnut shade",
+        "eyes: small, round, deep black",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with hints of black",
+        "nape: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: long, slim, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: lighter chestnut, gradually blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut piculet": [
+        "back: brownish-olive, crossed with fine black bars",
+        "beak: slender, grayish-black",
+        "belly: buffy-cream, black-barred pattern",
+        "breast: creamy white, with dark bars",
+        "crown: rusty-red, speckled with black",
+        "forehead: pale tawny-brown with black bars",
+        "eyes: dark brown, narrow pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, thin and short",
+        "wings: brownish-green, subtle barring",
+        "nape: buffy-cream, with black crossbars",
+        "tail: short and stiff, brown with black bars",
+        "throat: creamy white, with black bars"
+    ],
+    "chestnut quail thrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark plumage markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey with fine dark spots",
+        "breast: orange-chestnut with crescent-shaped black markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff-colored wingbars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "chestnut rail": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: stout and creamy gray",
+        "belly: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: dark olive-brown",
+        "eyes: deep red with black pupils",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: dark brown with chestnut and white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: square-shaped, black with chestnut streaks",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "chestnut seedeater": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short, grayish-blue, conical",
+        "belly: light buff-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: pale chestnut coloring",
+        "crown: black cap on top of the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: pale gray, long, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-olive, connecting to black crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: lighter chestnut, blending into the belly"
+    ],
+    "chestnut sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks of black",
+        "beak: small, gray, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light reddish-brown with black flecks",
+        "crown: deep chestnut color with a black patch",
+        "forehead: light gray with faint black markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: deep chestnut fading to lighter brown",
+        "tail: long, black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with a black patch"
+    ],
+    "chestnut teal": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown with subtle speckles",
+        "beak: dark grey with a slight curve",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine black bars",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown that blends with the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth, transitioning from dark brown to chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow, sturdy and webbed",
+        "wings: olive green with a prominent blue patch",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow with chestnut and dark brown stripes",
+        "throat: light brown, transitioning to the white belly"
+    ],
+    "chestnut thrush": [
+        "back: deep chestnut color with brownish-white spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream with brownish-white speckles",
+        "breast: vibrant chestnut color with faint spots",
+        "crown: rich chestnut shade with subtle markings",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, gradually darkening towards the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, medium-length, and brownish-grey",
+        "wings: chestnut with contrasting light and dark brown spots",
+        "nape: deep chestnut hue with faint markings",
+        "tail: chestnut with dark brown bars and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with subtle brownish spots"
+    ],
+    "chestnut wattle eye": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale cream with faint streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff color with soft streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with fine dark barring",
+        "forehead: pale chestnut with darker markings",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with white wing bar",
+        "nape: chestnut with darker streaks",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown with wide dark bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine dark markings"
+    ],
+    "chestnut weaver": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, light-colored, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored underparts",
+        "breast: light chestnut-orange plumage",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: golden-brown feathers, similar to the back",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: golden-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with golden-brown edges",
+        "throat: pale cream, like the belly"
+    ],
+    "chestnut wood quail": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, brownish-grey",
+        "belly: pale brown with darker brown speckles",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark feather edges",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light brown fading to greyish-blue",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: chestnut-colored with dark spots and white streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with a dark brown stripe down the center",
+        "tail: short and square, dark brown with thin white stripes",
+        "throat: light greyish-blue, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "chestnut woodpecker": [
+        "back: chestnut brown feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like black bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with black and white chestnut-colored specks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut color with black and white markings",
+        "crown: red cap with black and white-striped patterns",
+        "forehead: black and white stripes extending from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by contrasting white feather patches",
+        "legs: short and strong, pale gray",
+        "wings: chestnut brown with white spots and black bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored with black and white striped patterns",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and barred with black and white stripes",
+        "throat: creamy white with black and chestnut-colored speckles"
+    ],
+    "chestnut and black weaver": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong black, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant chestnut-red feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, alert, and black",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: black with hints of chestnut and white",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "tail: black and slightly forked",
+        "throat: contrasting bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed antbird": [
+        "back: dark chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: lighter chestnut brown color",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: uniform chestnut color",
+        "forehead: dusky black",
+        "eyes: round, black, small",
+        "legs: gray-blue, thin, and long",
+        "wings: chestnut brown with black edges",
+        "nape: rich chestnut brown",
+        "tail: long, chestnut brown with darker tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed antshrike": [
+        "back: chestnut brown hue",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white, streaked",
+        "crown: chestnut brown, sleek",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: beady, black",
+        "legs: gray, slender",
+        "wings: chestnut brown, barred with white",
+        "nape: chestnut brown, meeting the crown",
+        "tail: chestnut brown, long and square-tipped",
+        "throat: clean, grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed buttonquail": [
+        "back: chestnut brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and pale",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored",
+        "breast: pale chestnut with black markings",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly reddish",
+        "forehead: chestnut streaks on dark brown base",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by pale ring",
+        "legs: short, light-gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with fine darker bars",
+        "nape: rich chestnut with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: white, bordered by chestnut"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed jewel babbler": [
+        "back: chestnut brown with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: rich golden-orange hue",
+        "breast: deep chestnut fading to golden-orange",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with shimmering shine",
+        "forehead: dark chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue, and scaly",
+        "wings: chestnut brown with shimmering green-blue edges",
+        "nape: chestnut brown with iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: chestnut brown with broad green-blue tips",
+        "throat: golden-orange with dark chestnut border"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed laughingthrush": [
+        "back: deep chestnut color with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy buff to tawny white",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: rich chestnut with a prominent white eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by an off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and broad, with chestnut and black bands",
+        "throat: whitish with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed owlet": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with brown markings",
+        "breast: white with delicate chestnut streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short with strong, sharp talons",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint chestnut markings"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed sparrow lark": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown",
+        "crown: rich chestnut color",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by pale eyelids",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut with dark streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with brownish hints"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed sparrow weaver": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black chest band",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slim, blue-grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: chestnut and white, with black feather edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with white patches",
+        "tail: chestnut and white, long and forked",
+        "throat: white with a delicate black collar"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed tanager": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown color",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish shade",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange hue",
+        "crown: deep chestnut-red",
+        "forehead: bright chestnut-red",
+        "eyes: large, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong with greyish-purple tone",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with black feather edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long and dark, with chestnut-brown edges",
+        "throat: light golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed thornbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, with brownish speckles",
+        "breast: light chestnut, fading towards belly",
+        "crown: rusty red-brown, with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter chestnut than crown, with fine streaking",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown, with two pale wingbars",
+        "nape: streaked reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with a chestnut undertail",
+        "throat: pale with thin chestnut streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut backed thrush": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: orange-rust color with black spots",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown, broad and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut banded plover": [
+        "back: brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white and lightly speckled",
+        "breast: chestnut band across white feathers",
+        "crown: brown with white markings",
+        "forehead: white with black stripe",
+        "eyes: highlighted by white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white and chestnut streaks",
+        "nape: brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with chestnut band"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied chat tyrant": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: rich chestnut hue",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: round, brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied cotinga": [
+        "back: deep chestnut hue",
+        "beak: dark, short, and sturdy",
+        "belly: rich chestnut color",
+        "breast: vibrant chestnut-orange",
+        "crown: glossy bluish-black",
+        "forehead: sleek bluish-black",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: chestnut with bluish-black tips",
+        "nape: chestnut blending to black",
+        "tail: broad and bluish-black",
+        "throat: chestnut-orange to black gradient"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied cuckoo": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, black, and curved",
+        "belly: vibrant chestnut-brown color",
+        "breast: pale beige with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown, barred with black patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale beige with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied euphonia": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale blue-grey",
+        "belly: rich chestnut-orange",
+        "breast: yellow hue blending to chestnut",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with blue-black edges",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown with short, forked shape",
+        "throat: vibrant golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: chestnut-colored underparts",
+        "breast: white with black crescents",
+        "crown: blue-black with raised crest",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white circular eyering",
+        "legs: slim and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: blue-black, connecting crest to back",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: black with small white spots"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: rich olive-green hue",
+        "beak: striking black, sharply curved",
+        "belly: chestnut-colored with a touch of russet",
+        "breast: light gray, blending into chestnut belly",
+        "crown: deep grayish-blue with a slight gradient",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-blue, similar to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by grayish-blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender, slate gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-blue, complementing crown and forehead",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark banding",
+        "throat: light gray, transitioning into breast area"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied guan": [
+        "back: brownish upper part with paler edges",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and pale gray",
+        "belly: rich chestnut color",
+        "breast: grayish-brown transitioning to chestnut",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray plumage",
+        "eyes: black with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, orange-red",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: broad, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight",
+        "belly: reddish-brown chestnut color",
+        "breast: white-feathered with a greenish hue",
+        "crown: bright green, shimmering plumage",
+        "forehead: radiant green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and slender",
+        "wings: rapid, delicate flutters",
+        "nape: greenish iridescence",
+        "tail: slightly forked, green and brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with a subtle green tint"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark greenish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale grey hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: chestnut-brown plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-green feathers",
+        "crown: deep greenish-grey plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, red with black claws",
+        "wings: broad, greenish-grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-grey feathers blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark greenish-gray feathers with narrow white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-green feathers transitioning into breast color"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied malkoha": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with gray feather edges",
+        "beak: dark gray, slightly curved",
+        "belly: chestnut-brown with pale brown highlights",
+        "breast: dark gray with slight blueish tinge",
+        "crown: blueish-gray with soft, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: blueish-gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter gray bars and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: blueish-gray, similar to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white barred tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to darker breast color"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied monarch": [
+        "back: rusty chestnut hue",
+        "beak: slim, dark gray",
+        "belly: rich chestnut color",
+        "breast: soft chestnut gradient",
+        "crown: sleek black with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: glossy black",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut with blue-black accents",
+        "nape: black with subtle shine",
+        "tail: long, blue-black, fan-like",
+        "throat: glossy black"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied mountain tanager": [
+        "back: bright turquoise plumage",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant blue pattern",
+        "crown: rich turquoise crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue-green hue",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: vibrant mix of blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: deep turquoise patch",
+        "tail: dark blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied nuthatch": [
+        "back: light bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant chestnut color",
+        "breast: white with light gray streaks",
+        "crown: black, light contrast to bluish-gray back",
+        "forehead: black, merges with crown and eye stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by black stripe",
+        "legs: powerful, grayish-blue, long toes",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, thickset, barred with black and white",
+        "nape: black, continuous from crown and forehead",
+        "tail: bluish-gray, short, slightly notched",
+        "throat: white, merges with white breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied partridge": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, light grey to brownish",
+        "belly: rich chestnut-colored",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black stripe",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: stout and feathered, light grey or brownish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black bars; rounded shape",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint black lines",
+        "tail: short and rounded; reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "throat: white with subtle greyish-brown tint"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied rock thrush": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers with silver sheen",
+        "beak: straight, dark, and sharp",
+        "belly: rich chestnut hue",
+        "breast: bright orange patch transitioning to chestnut",
+        "crown: brillant blue top of the head",
+        "forehead: deep blue plumage meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black against blue",
+        "legs: strong, grey, and scaly",
+        "wings: gradient of blue to chestnut with white accents",
+        "nape: vibrant blue, forming a collar-like pattern",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-colored feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant blue extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied sandgrouse": [
+        "back: chestnut-colored with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale grey or yellowish",
+        "belly: reddish-chestnut with faint markings",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with wavy black bands",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with fine black markings",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale greyish-white ring",
+        "legs: short and feathered, pale grey or yellowish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black and white patches, rounded shape",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with a slight tinge of chestnut color",
+        "tail: medium length, greyish-brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with a slight yellowish tinge"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied seed finch": [
+        "back: brownish upper feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, conical shape",
+        "belly: chestnut-colored underside",
+        "breast: light chestnut-orange hue",
+        "crown: brown head crest",
+        "forehead: small brown feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark color",
+        "legs: slender, light-colored limbs",
+        "wings: brown with white markings",
+        "nape: brown feathers at neck",
+        "tail: long, brownish feathers",
+        "throat: light chestnut-orange patch"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped, pale gray",
+        "belly: rich chestnut color",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: black with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: black to dark brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-white and thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale fringes",
+        "nape: dark brown to black",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown",
+        "throat: blackish-gray"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied starling": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: rich chestnut hue",
+        "breast: blue-black glossy plumage",
+        "crown: blue-black shining feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-black, shimmering feathers",
+        "eyes: dark color, alert, and bright",
+        "legs: strong and gray",
+        "wings: striking blue-black plumage",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: blue-black, long and narrow",
+        "throat: shiny blue-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied thrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: pale yellowish and straight",
+        "belly: chestnut-colored with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light chestnut or beige",
+        "crown: light grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish or yellowish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, darker primaries",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale brownish-gray"
+    ],
+    "chestnut bellied tit": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: warm chestnut hue",
+        "breast: lighter chestnut blend",
+        "crown: soft grey crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey accent",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, black, and strong",
+        "wings: grey with chestnut edges",
+        "nape: smooth grey transition",
+        "tail: long, grey, with chestnut tips",
+        "throat: pale chestnut markings"
+    ],
+    "chestnut belted gnateater": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white underbelly",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored band across chest",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown forehead",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue legs",
+        "wings: dark brownish-grey feathers with hints of chestnut along edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey tail feathers with white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: creamy white feathers"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted chlorophonia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and stout",
+        "belly: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "breast: deep chestnut-colored plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant green crest",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark, and strong",
+        "wings: lush green with blue edges",
+        "nape: green, smoothly blended into back",
+        "tail: elongated, green, and blue-tipped",
+        "throat: contrasting bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted coronet": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: matte beige with chestnut streaks",
+        "breast: bright chestnut with shiny patches",
+        "crown: iridescent green feathering",
+        "forehead: greenish-gold with subtle shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: thin, grayish, and sturdy",
+        "wings: green and bronze with metallic hues",
+        "nape: yellow-green iridescent plumage",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale beige with soft streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted cuckoo": [
+        "back: chestnut brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark gray stripes",
+        "breast: rich chestnut with white streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut brown, blending into a dark gray nape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter chestnut brown",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a pale eyering, dark iris with a glint",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: chestnut brown with white-tipped feathers, slightly elongated",
+        "nape: dark gray, smoothly transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: folded, fan-shaped, dark gray with white band near tip",
+        "throat: pale cream with faint gray stripes"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted malkoha": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light chestnut color",
+        "breast: rich chestnut hue",
+        "crown: dark green cap",
+        "forehead: green tinted",
+        "eyes: deep black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: gray, slender, and long",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue",
+        "nape: dark green feathers at the neck",
+        "tail: long and graduated with white tips",
+        "throat: light chestnut color"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted mountain finch": [
+        "back: rich rusty-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale chestnut with streaks",
+        "breast: warm chestnut color, fading downwards",
+        "crown: dark gray with brownish tinge",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with chestnut and white markings",
+        "nape: rich rusty-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light gray, bordered by chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted munia": [
+        "back: brownish-black with chestnut highlights",
+        "beak: short and conical, silver-blue color",
+        "belly: light chestnut-brown",
+        "breast: rich chestnut with black spotting",
+        "crown: black with a hint of chestnut",
+        "forehead: black with chestnut tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, medium length",
+        "wings: black with chestnut-brown edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored with black markings",
+        "tail: black with chestnut-brown tips",
+        "throat: black with a hint of chestnut"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted nigrita": [
+        "back: deep olive-green with chestnut highlights",
+        "beak: short and black, seed-cracker shape",
+        "belly: soft cream with chestnut streaks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut with subtle dark speckles",
+        "crown: saturated olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into chestnut on the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-black, medium length",
+        "wings: olive-green with chestnut edging on coverts",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning down from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with a chestnut-dipped, fan-like shape",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine chestnut speckles"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-green plumage with fine black markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, and yellowish-hued",
+        "belly: rich chestnut with black and white bars",
+        "breast: warm chestnut outlined by white and black stripes",
+        "crown: mottled brown with black and white speckles",
+        "forehead: dark brown to black with white speckles",
+        "eyes: small and black surrounded by pale orange eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, with pale yellow-brown scaling",
+        "wings: brownish-green with fine black patterns",
+        "nape: mottled brown with black and white flecks",
+        "tail: short and squared with brown-black banding",
+        "throat: chestnut with white and black bars"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted quail thrush": [
+        "back: rich brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale grey color",
+        "belly: creamy white with black markings",
+        "breast: chestnut colored with faint patterns",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with distinct stripes",
+        "forehead: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: pale greyish-yellow, slender",
+        "wings: brown with speckled white patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with slight stripes",
+        "tail: long, brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted whiteface": [
+        "back: earthy-brown feathers covering the top section",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black beak for picking insects",
+        "belly: lighter chestnut shade, with a touch of white",
+        "breast: distinctive chestnut color with white facing",
+        "crown: reddish-brown top of the head with smooth plumage",
+        "forehead: lighter chestnut shade meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, centered, black orbs for keen vision",
+        "legs: twig-like, with strong, black, scaly legs",
+        "wings: brown with a mix of chestnut and white markings",
+        "nape: back of the neck, connecting head with earthy-brown back",
+        "tail: elongated, brown and chestnut feathers for balance",
+        "throat: soft white feathers meeting chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut breasted wren": [
+        "back: vibrant chestnut hue",
+        "beak: small, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: light chestnut with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut with distinct markings",
+        "crown: smooth earthy brown",
+        "forehead: light tan with hints of reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: chestnut-toned with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: earthy brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, chestnut, with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale cream with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped babbler": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and angular, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light cream hue",
+        "breast: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive chestnut cap",
+        "forehead: chestnut-colored continuation of crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, framed by subtle eyestripe",
+        "legs: slim, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: warm brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "nape: chestnut crown blending into brown back feathers",
+        "tail: long with brownish-grey feathers, slightly darker central feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey matching breast coloring"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped blackbird": [
+        "back: deep black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, silver-grey",
+        "belly: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "breast: black with chestnut highlights",
+        "crown: dark chestnut cap",
+        "forehead: chestnut-colored with black edges",
+        "eyes: bright, amber-yellow",
+        "legs: light grey, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with chestnut edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-toned transitioning to black",
+        "tail: long, dark with bronze-green iridescence",
+        "throat: black, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale gray",
+        "belly: off-white with slight buff-toned sides",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut with tapering forehead",
+        "forehead: chestnut, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feather edging",
+        "nape: olive-green, smoother than back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with blackish central feathers and white outer tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green hue",
+        "beak: short and flat, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow color",
+        "breast: light chestnut coloration",
+        "crown: brown with distinct chestnut cap",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of chestnut blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and deeply set",
+        "legs: gray and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black feather tips and edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing the color from the back",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, matching the belly"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: cinnamon-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: bright chestnut cap",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, continuous with back",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buff wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped laughingthrush": [
+        "back: chestnut brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white, with bold black streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with black markings",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown cap",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, extending to eyebrows",
+        "eyes: black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown, with reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: chestnut brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white, with black moustachial streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped piha": [
+        "back: olive-green to chestnut",
+        "beak: sturdy and black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white",
+        "crown: chestnut cap with olive-green",
+        "forehead: olive-green to chestnut",
+        "eyes: black with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with chestnut-edged coverts",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: long and olive-green",
+        "throat: greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped puffbird": [
+        "back: brownish upper portion with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, black-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white on lower area with light streaks",
+        "breast: white, interrupted black band",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored cap with black front edge",
+        "forehead: black-bordered chestnut cap",
+        "eyes: black, placed inside white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong, suited for perching",
+        "wings: brown with faint feather markings",
+        "nape: white with spotted streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black with lighter bands at tips",
+        "throat: white with narrow black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped thrush": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown",
+        "beak: stout and straight, yellow-black",
+        "belly: white with dark markings",
+        "breast: pale whitish-buff with dark spots",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown with a whitish streak",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with light edgings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with chestnut tones",
+        "tail: dark brown with chestnut edges",
+        "throat: whitish with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "chestnut capped warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: light yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: distinctive chestnut cap",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, white eyering",
+        "legs: blackish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "chestnut cheeked starling": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: black tapered shape",
+        "belly: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: warm chestnut hue with streaks",
+        "crown: darker gray-brown",
+        "forehead: similar shade to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown and forked",
+        "throat: pale chestnut with streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut collared swallow": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown with a slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with streaks of chestnut",
+        "breast: light chestnut fading into white",
+        "crown: glossy bluish-black with chestnut highlights",
+        "forehead: bluish-black with a chestnut border",
+        "eyes: small, black, and surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: small, dark gray, and strong for perching",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and chestnut with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored with a hint of blue iridescence",
+        "tail: forked, with dark chestnut outer feathers and lighter inner feathers",
+        "throat: white with a faint chestnut border"
+    ],
+    "chestnut collared swift": [
+        "back: dark chestnut-brown coloring",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light whitish-gray with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale chestnut color blending into gray",
+        "crown: dark chestnut-brown color",
+        "forehead: narrow white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, gray, and hidden in flight",
+        "wings: long, curved, and strong for aerial maneuvers",
+        "nape: medium chestnut-brown with a slight collar",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, and dark brown",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "chestnut colored woodpecker": [
+        "back: chestnut-bronze feathers, elongated and slightly curved",
+        "beak: robust black chisel-like shape, strong appearance",
+        "belly: creamy white, lightly speckled with light brown",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with darker streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant red crest, covering the head's top",
+        "forehead: whitish with faint streaks, blending into red crest",
+        "eyes: black, round, and alert, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs, ending in sharp-zig-zag claws",
+        "wings: deep chestnut feathers, black bars, white under-feathers",
+        "nape: red crest extending around the nape, merging with back",
+        "tail: dark brown central feathers, black and white barring on outer feathers",
+        "throat: light beige color, faint brown streaks, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crested antbird": [
+        "back: vibrant chestnut hue",
+        "beak: dark, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: warm chestnut shade",
+        "crown: prominent chestnut crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut feathering",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy gray limbs",
+        "wings: chestnut-toned with black streaks",
+        "nape: subtle chestnut coloring",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: delicate white plumage"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crested cotinga": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with faint white flecks",
+        "breast: grayish-white transitioning to chestnut",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with pronounced crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown blending into the crest",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-brown with broad feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crested yuhina": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale, white with slight brownish tones",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored, rustic red",
+        "crown: striking chestnut crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut feathers, blending into the crest",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: rich chestnut color, continuous with the crest",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale grayish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with minimal streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with chestnut band",
+        "crown: deep chestnut color with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown transitioning into the crown",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, and lightly streaked",
+        "throat: off-white with subtle grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish-grey markings",
+        "breast: light grey-brown",
+        "crown: deep chestnut patch",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with slight patterning",
+        "nape: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: white with light grey-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned becard": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark upper, lighter lower",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light yellowish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: distinct chestnut-colored crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-colored stripe",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with brown edging",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into chestnut crest",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: distinct chestnut-colored stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale buff-white with spotted patterns",
+        "breast: pale chestnut with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut with distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: white with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale white with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned gnateater": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, black hook-shaped",
+        "belly: off-white with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut with distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark barring",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, olive-green with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned laughingthrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: dark, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with tinges of chestnut",
+        "breast: light grey with chestnut streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with raised crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with darker tips and white markings",
+        "nape: chestnut merging into grey back",
+        "tail: long, broad, and greyish with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with distinguishing black bands"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned sparrow weaver": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and black",
+        "belly: white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale chestnut-brown with some light streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut with black border",
+        "forehead: white above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, gray in color",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, lined with black",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint white streaks",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "chestnut crowned warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with chestnut streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown with a black border",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white with thin black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and light-yellow markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark greenish-brown with light feather tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut eared aracari": [
+        "back: dark green feathers, slightly iridescent",
+        "beak: curved, yellow with red tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers, soft texture",
+        "breast: light orange downy feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black plumage",
+        "forehead: black feathers, smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: large, brown, encircled with blue skin",
+        "legs: strong, gray, scaly",
+        "wings: green and black feathers, elongated shape",
+        "nape: smooth greenish-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow black feathers with green iridescence",
+        "throat: vibrant chestnut patch, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "chestnut eared bunting": [
+        "back: dark brown streaks with pale edges",
+        "beak: small, conical, and yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: light or white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale lines",
+        "forehead: dark brown with pale lines",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: short, robust, and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown and black with chestnut patches on coverts",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale lines",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale orange with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut eared laughingthrush": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "beak: short, black and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: warm buff color",
+        "crown: chestnut with distinctive black markings",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown blending into crown color",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright chestnut blending into back color",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-brown with black central feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut faced babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white with chestnut spots",
+        "breast: white, with chestnut-colored sides",
+        "crown: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint chestnut edges",
+        "nape: olive greenish-brown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a slight chestnut hue"
+    ],
+    "chestnut flanked sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with a darker brown stripe",
+        "forehead: brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and powerful",
+        "wings: brown with white and chestnut-brown bars",
+        "nape: brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, barred with brown and white",
+        "throat: white with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut flanked white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, dark gray, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle white hues",
+        "breast: yellow with reddish-brown flanks",
+        "crown: olive-green and rounded",
+        "forehead: white and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale yellow fringes",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a slight white curve"
+    ],
+    "chestnut fronted helmetshrike": [
+        "back: dark gray with slight brownish tint",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white to pale gray",
+        "breast: chestnut-red expanding across the front",
+        "crown: black helmet-like plumage",
+        "forehead: black feathers merging into crown",
+        "eyes: pale yellow surrounded by black",
+        "legs: strong, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white or pale gray feather tips",
+        "nape: black, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: gray with black bands and white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-gray blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "chestnut fronted macaw": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathered area",
+        "beak: black, powerful, and hooked",
+        "belly: green feathers mixed with blue",
+        "breast: bright chestnut coloration",
+        "crown: green feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue tinge on green feathers",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring with dark brown iris",
+        "legs: gray, strong, and scaly",
+        "wings: green with blue and red underside",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathers",
+        "tail: green and blue with red underside",
+        "throat: chestnut color fading into green"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: yellow-green feathers",
+        "breast: orange-chestnut coloration",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: bright chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black eye-line",
+        "legs: dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with black trim",
+        "nape: green merging into chestnut",
+        "tail: elongated, with black and blue feathers",
+        "throat: light blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed chachalaca": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light chestnut brown",
+        "breast: bright chestnut color",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with chestnut accents",
+        "nape: chestnut colored feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with chestnut tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed crake": [
+        "back: dark chestnut-brown upper back",
+        "beak: slightly curved, pale greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: light chestnut-colored with dark barring",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a contrast to the lighter forehead",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: deep red to reddish-brown, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow with extended toes",
+        "wings: dark chestnut-brown with some spots and bars",
+        "nape: rich chestnut fading to pale gray on the lower sides",
+        "tail: short, dark chestnut-brown with conspicuous barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, transitioning to chestnut on the breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed nunlet": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown feathered coverage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: cream color with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with chestnut highlights",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: chestnut-colored, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, nestled in white circles",
+        "legs: short, pale, with strong feet",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown primary feathers with lighter coverts",
+        "nape: chestnut and cream, blending with the rest of the body",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown with slightly fanned appearance",
+        "throat: creamy white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed oropendola": [
+        "back: black feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: long, pale color with a slight curve",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: black feathers blending into yellow",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown transitioning to black",
+        "eyes: small, beady with dark coloration",
+        "legs: slender with a grayish hue",
+        "wings: black with a blue-green iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: chestnut brown slightly lighter than crown",
+        "tail: long, draping, black with a subtle iridescence",
+        "throat: deep chestnut brown extending to neck"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-black with reddish-brown bars and spots",
+        "beak: short, hooked and pale grayish-white",
+        "belly: white with blackish-brown spotting",
+        "breast: reddish-chestnut with white scaling",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a white eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: white with a chestnut border",
+        "eyes: round with dark pupils and brown iris",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown, with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: short, broad, and rounded with brown and chestnut feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a white collar",
+        "tail: short and brown, with reddish-brown crossbars",
+        "throat: white with blackish-brown triangular markings"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed sparrow lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale greyish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: light chestnut, streaked with pale brown",
+        "crown: chestnut with a dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale chestnut, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with lighter edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: buff, blending into the back",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, bordered with chestnut"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "crown: deep chestnut hue",
+        "forehead: rich chestnut color",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black feather edges",
+        "nape: light olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark feather tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "chestnut headed tesia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellow coloring",
+        "breast: yellowish-green hue",
+        "crown: reddish-chestnut cap",
+        "forehead: red-chestnut shade",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and light brown",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: short with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-green coloration"
+    ],
+    "chestnut hooded laughingthrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: curved, black beak",
+        "belly: grey-white with brownish tints",
+        "breast: reddish-brown chest feathers",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-colored brow",
+        "eyes: dark, round and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey legs",
+        "wings: brownish-grey wing feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored nape feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown and graduated",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut naped antpitta": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white and spotted",
+        "breast: rich rufous with blackish bars",
+        "crown: dark gray with a chestnut touch",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: long, featherless, pale",
+        "wings: short and rounded, brownish-grey",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored patch",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: white with heavy black speckling"
+    ],
+    "chestnut naped forktail": [
+        "back: chestnut nape with black and white pattern",
+        "beak: short, black, and straight",
+        "belly: white with black scalloped pattern",
+        "breast: white with black scalloped pattern",
+        "crown: black with chestnut naped stripe",
+        "forehead: black with white flecks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: chestnut colored patch",
+        "tail: long, black, forked with white tip",
+        "throat: white with black scalloped pattern"
+    ],
+    "chestnut naped spurfowl": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with feathery markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black bands and spots",
+        "breast: chestnut color with faint black speckles",
+        "crown: chestnut with a prominent patch",
+        "forehead: smooth reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong grey-brown with spur on male birds",
+        "wings: rounded, reddish-brown with black and white speckles",
+        "nape: chestnut and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: reddish-brown and medium length, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: whitish with blackish speckles"
+    ],
+    "chestnut necklaced partridge": [
+        "back: brown and black feathered, with touches of chestnut",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and light grayish",
+        "belly: blackish with chestnut streaks, white splashes of feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored, thin white necklaces separating parts",
+        "crown: dark brown with sparse light streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown hue covering the forward part of the head",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and facing slightly forward",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, feathered thighs, strong feet",
+        "wings: shorter, brownish with chestnut and black feathers, striped pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streak",
+        "tail: medium length, broad, brownish-black feathers with chestnut stripes",
+        "throat: white feathers blending into chestnut pattern on breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut quilled rock pigeon": [
+        "back: dark gray with a slight brownish tint",
+        "beak: medium-length, curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: grayish-white with chestnut tinge",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with quill-like patterns",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: light gray with subtle brown undertones",
+        "eyes: round, black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, with reddish-pink feet and black claws",
+        "wings: strong, long, gray with chestnut-colored quills and tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers transitioning into the back's color",
+        "tail: dark gray with broad black band near the tip",
+        "throat: grayish-white with a chestnut shade near the breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut rumped babbler": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short and straight, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale gray with a touch of chestnut coloration",
+        "breast: grayish-white, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray, gradually darkening towards the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin white ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, light gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-rumped with dark gray feathers and faint white wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark gray, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and chestnut-rumped, edged in gray",
+        "throat: white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "chestnut rumped heathwren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale chestnut-brown",
+        "breast: greyish-white with minimal spotting",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey lightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, inconspicuous, encircled by a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: brown with a chestnut wing-bar",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, subtly streaked",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown, slightly graduated",
+        "throat: pale grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "chestnut rumped thornbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light cream color with subtle brownish tint",
+        "breast: soft, pale cream hue",
+        "crown: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white rings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with ragged white markings",
+        "nape: chestnut-rumped with a streaked pattern",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips and fine streaks",
+        "throat: pale cream color with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut rumped woodcreeper": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown with contrasting streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: off-white with light chestnut-brown markings",
+        "breast: pale with fine streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with faint darker markings",
+        "forehead: creamy-white fading to brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with subtle wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and chestnut-brown, stiffened and curved",
+        "throat: off-white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "chestnut shouldered antwren": [
+        "back: chestnut-colored with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp and black",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: gray with chestnut markings",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black and chestnut mix",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: black and chestnut with white bars",
+        "nape: chestnut stripe surrounded by black",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "chestnut shouldered goshawk": [
+        "back: chestnut-colored feathers with black barring",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark-colored beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark barring",
+        "breast: horizontally barred with shades of dark and light brown",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored and slightly crest-like",
+        "forehead: chestnut-colored feathers meeting with a dark-colored beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: strong, scaled, yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with a lighter chestnut patch at the shoulder",
+        "nape: chestnut feathers moving to barred light brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale cream, slightly darker towards breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut sided shrike vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with a hint of gray",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: creamy white with a touch of yellow",
+        "breast: white with a subtle chestnut wash",
+        "crown: light gray with a slightly darker gray crest",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green, blackish-gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: dark, blackish-gray, edged with olive-green",
+        "throat: bright white with a slight yellow tint"
+    ],
+    "chestnut tailed antbird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: warm chestnut-toned",
+        "breast: light grey with faint barring",
+        "crown: slate grey with a hint of chestnut",
+        "forehead: smooth and slate grey",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: chestnut-edged with dark grey feathers",
+        "nape: slate grey, blending into the chestnut tail",
+        "tail: long and chestnut-colored with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine grey barring"
+    ],
+    "chestnut tailed jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight chestnut hue",
+        "beak: sturdy, short, and blackish",
+        "belly: off-white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-orange",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight chestnut hue",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with slight chestnut hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with chestnut edges to flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight chestnut hue",
+        "tail: distinct chestnut color with white outer tail tips",
+        "throat: off-white to pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "chestnut tailed minla": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: orange-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: orange-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright orange",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with white patches",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown with black tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut tailed starling": [
+        "back: chestnut-colored with streaks of darker feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light chestnut streaks",
+        "breast: white, blending into chestnut sides",
+        "crown: dark chestnut with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth chestnut transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: eyes black with a faint circular white ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, thin-legged with strong toes",
+        "wings: dark chestnut with white wingbars and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: glossy dark chestnut blending into the back",
+        "tail: long chestnut tail with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with chestnut streaks, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut throated apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: pale chestnut colored",
+        "crown: grayish head with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray and unmarked",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, with pinkish hue",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white fringes",
+        "nape: pale olive-green shading to gray",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "chestnut throated flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale chestnut patch",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by light eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, feathers blending into back",
+        "tail: dark, forked with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: distinct chestnut-colored patch"
+    ],
+    "chestnut throated huet huet": [
+        "back: deep chestnut hue",
+        "beak: sturdy, medium-length black",
+        "belly: chestnut-colored underside",
+        "breast: reddish-brown chest feathering",
+        "crown: black head crest",
+        "forehead: black-colored plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, vivid orbs",
+        "legs: strong grey limbs",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: black with faint chestnut hue",
+        "tail: long, rufous-chestnut feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive chestnut patch"
+    ],
+    "chestnut throated seedeater": [
+        "back: brown-feathered and rounded",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pointed",
+        "belly: light cream with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale chestnut color",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, grayish, and clawed",
+        "wings: brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown with hint of chestnut",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with slight fork",
+        "throat: chestnut-colored plumage"
+    ],
+    "chestnut throated spinetail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light brown with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: warm chestnut color with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with central streak",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eyering",
+        "legs: grayish thin legs",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright chestnut patch"
+    ],
+    "chestnut tipped toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, black with yellow tip",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: light green fading to yellow",
+        "crown: glossy dark green",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark with thin blue eyering",
+        "legs: strong, slate-blue",
+        "wings: emerald green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: rich green feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark green with chestnut tips",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "chestnut vented conebill": [
+        "back: dark chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: lighter brown, fading to white",
+        "breast: warm chestnut-brown coloring",
+        "crown: smooth chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, almost golden hue",
+        "eyes: small, round black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, black legs",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown feathers fading to lighter brown",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-brown tail feathers",
+        "throat: soft white feathers with chestnut-brown accents"
+    ],
+    "chestnut vented nuthatch": [
+        "back: chestnut brown feathers with subdued streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers with a hint of buff color",
+        "breast: pale, whitish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with a defined black stripe",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey meeting a contrasting black eyestripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a black eyestripe",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with a slight transition to chestnut brown",
+        "tail: short and square with bluish-grey and black feathers",
+        "throat: white with chestnut vent patch below"
+    ],
+    "chestnut vented warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with slight streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a dark eyestripe",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a distinctive white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to the chestnut crown",
+        "tail: dark, with greenish edges and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "chestnut winged babbler": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark greyish-black",
+        "belly: light grey with streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with darker spots",
+        "crown: dark chestnut, angular crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut fading to grey near eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black with white orbital rings",
+        "legs: dark greyish-black and slender",
+        "wings: chestnut with hints of black and white",
+        "nape: chestnut blending into back",
+        "tail: chestnut with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut winged chachalaca": [
+        "back: brownish olive hue with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: light chestnut blending into cream",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with soft feather markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine lines",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish in color",
+        "wings: chestnut with contrasting black primary feathers",
+        "nape: blend of brown and chestnut with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, olive-brown with lighter brown tips",
+        "throat: pale cream transitioning to chestnut on breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut winged cinclodes": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grey",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "chestnut winged foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale color",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown flanks",
+        "breast: buffy or pale brownish-gray",
+        "crown: dark chestnut with striped pattern",
+        "forehead: lighter chestnut color with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: round, black, circled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: rich chestnut with white-barred flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, chestnut, bordered by olive-brown tips",
+        "throat: buffy or pale brownish-gray"
+    ],
+    "chestnut winged hookbill": [
+        "back: dark brown, slightly glossy",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale, chestnut brown, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: chestnut brown, darker towards center",
+        "crown: dark, glossy brown",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown",
+        "legs: fairly long, dull orange",
+        "wings: chestnut brown, patterned with white and black",
+        "nape: chestnut brown, darker at the base",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, white-tipped",
+        "throat: pale, chestnut brown, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "chestnut winged starling": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown, glossy plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, off-white coloration",
+        "breast: mix of chestnut and white feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: same dark brown as crown, with a smooth transition",
+        "eyes: black eyes surrounded by patch of off-white feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong feet and claws",
+        "wings: rich chestnut coloration, long, and pointed",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown feathers, fading into white near the throat",
+        "tail: dark brown, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright off-white with a sharp transition from chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "chico tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with grayish-green tinge",
+        "crown: greyish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-gray with two pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green matching back",
+        "tail: long, slender, and greenish-gray",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "chiguanco thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, encircled with faint white rings",
+        "legs: long and thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "chihuahuan meadowlark": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellow with thin black markings",
+        "crown: rich red-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: red-brown merge with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and light gray",
+        "wings: red-brown with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: red-brown streaks fading into yellow",
+        "tail: long, striped black and white with hints of red-brown",
+        "throat: intense yellow, distinct from breast"
+    ],
+    "chilean flamingo": [
+        "back: light pink feathered upper body",
+        "beak: downward curved, black-tipped and pale pink base",
+        "belly: white to soft pink feathers",
+        "breast: pale pink plumage",
+        "crown: slightly darker pink head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale pink",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: long, skinny, pinkish-white with webbed feet",
+        "wings: pink to pale pink feathers with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: long neck with pink to white gradient",
+        "tail: short, fluffy pink feathers",
+        "throat: light pink to white soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "chilean flicker": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with black spots",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved, adapted for digging",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish bands",
+        "breast: pale chestnut-colored accentuated with black streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-blue plumage with white dots",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey feathers with white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: strong and grey, adapted for clinging onto tree trunks",
+        "wings: brown with distinct black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: bluish-grey color with white speckles",
+        "tail: relatively short with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white and grey with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chilean hawk": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad with dark brown and white markings",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long with alternating dark and light bands",
+        "throat: off-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "chilean mockingbird": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: light grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with darker tips",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "chilean pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: faint purple hue on gray plumage",
+        "crown: bluish-gray feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: gentle curve from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a white eyelid",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, scaly, and strong",
+        "wings: long and wide, with darker tips",
+        "nape: bluish-gray feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: fan-like, with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to the breast color"
+    ],
+    "chilean skua": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and hooked, dark in color",
+        "belly: creamy white or light gray with some brown speckling",
+        "breast: lighter brown transitioning to the lighter belly",
+        "crown: smooth, dark brown feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown, smoothly transitioning",
+        "eyes: sharp and piercing, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, dark gray or black",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark brown with lighter feather tips",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: relatively short, dark brown feathers with white tips at the base",
+        "throat: slightly lighter brown than the breast, smoothly transitioning to the belly"
+    ],
+    "chilean swallow": [
+        "back: sleek iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light, creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: white with bluish tinge",
+        "crown: dark blue-black in color",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, featherless, and black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, blue-black with white spots",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: forked with elongated outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white shading to bluish"
+    ],
+    "chilean tinamou": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black-and-white speckles",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: soft buff, pale cream color",
+        "breast: light brown with darker barring patterns",
+        "crown: pale grayish-brown with faint black stripes",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with pale gray eyering",
+        "legs: strong, bluish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with faint barring and white tips",
+        "nape: pale brown with slightly darker streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, brown with faint black bars",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "chilean woodstar": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, tan-colored plumage",
+        "breast: bright green, iridescent feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant golden-green with shining shades",
+        "forehead: lustrous green that transitions into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, black, with delicate legs and needle-like claws",
+        "wings: long and slender with iridescent green hues",
+        "nape: bright golden-green feathers that complement the crown",
+        "tail: forked, dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: rich, chestnut red with an intense shine"
+    ],
+    "chiloe wigeon": [
+        "back: shiny green plumage with black speckles",
+        "beak: bluish-grey with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with sporadic black feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with light markings",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: striking white patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly almond-shaped",
+        "legs: bluish-grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: marbled with green and white feathers, black edges",
+        "nape: dark green feathers transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: black feathers with white sides",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "chimango caracara": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: light greyish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: white streaked with brown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow-orange legs",
+        "wings: broad with dark brown and greyish-white markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: greyish-brown with white tip and dark bands",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "chiming wedgebill": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white to cream-colored underparts",
+        "breast: white or pale grey",
+        "crown: black with thin white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with a white crescent-shaped eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pink or greyish legs",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black feather tips",
+        "nape: black with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored"
+    ],
+    "chin hills wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light brown with faint streaking",
+        "breast: pale, buff-toned with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-brown with noticeable bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with fine bars and pale edges",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaking"
+    ],
+    "chinchipe spinetail": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy yellow with light barring",
+        "breast: tawny-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: off-white with black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-pink legs",
+        "wings: rufous-colored with black barring",
+        "nape: streaked olive-brown with white stripe",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown with narrow black bars",
+        "throat: tawny-white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "chinese babax": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with hints of olive",
+        "beak: thick, strong, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: same as belly, buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: same as crown, reddish-brown with faint black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by indistinct eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown, scaly",
+        "wings: brownish-red with black barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chinese beautiful rosefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant red and pink feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: soft pinkish-white plumage",
+        "breast: bright rose-red hue",
+        "crown: stunning red and black patterns",
+        "forehead: striking red feathering",
+        "eyes: small, round, black and piercing",
+        "legs: sleek, dark grey, thin but strong",
+        "wings: vivid red, sprinkled with black feathers",
+        "nape: stunning red feather patterns",
+        "tail: long, red and black feathers, fanned shape",
+        "throat: deep rose-red plumage"
+    ],
+    "chinese blackbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp yellow-orange point",
+        "belly: dark black plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black feather crest",
+        "forehead: shiny black curve",
+        "eyes: small and inquisitive",
+        "legs: long, thin and dark",
+        "wings: black and powerful",
+        "nape: black feathers extending from the head",
+        "tail: long, dark, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: glossy black with subtle iridescence"
+    ],
+    "chinese bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale buff-white",
+        "breast: creamy-white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and unobtrusive",
+        "legs: flesh-colored with dark claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: silky olive-brown, coordinating with back",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: white transitioning into breast"
+    ],
+    "chinese crested tern": [
+        "back: light grey feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, yellow with a black tip",
+        "belly: white feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "breast: white plumage extending from throat to belly",
+        "crown: sleek, grey feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: light grey plumage above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, circular with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: thin, yellow-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, light grey feathers with darker tips",
+        "nape: greyish-white feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: white, forked with grey outer feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "chinese egret": [
+        "back: smooth, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with slight curvature",
+        "crown: white feathered head with a hint of crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, and feathered",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: white feathers with long, pointed tips",
+        "nape: white and slender with a subtle curve",
+        "tail: elongated, white feathers with straight edges",
+        "throat: white, smooth, and slightly constricted"
+    ],
+    "chinese francolin": [
+        "back: brown and black with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grey",
+        "belly: cinnamon-colored with black and white bars",
+        "breast: rustic brown with small white spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with short bristles",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with a black stripe",
+        "eyes: amber with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy with dark grey scales",
+        "wings: brown with white-speckled feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a buff stripe",
+        "tail: long, brown with thin white bars",
+        "throat: white with a black border"
+    ],
+    "chinese grassbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale orange",
+        "belly: buffy-white, with pale streaking",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray, with dark streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with pale center stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with faint pale edgings",
+        "nape: warm brown, faintly streaked",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, with dark centers and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white, streaked with pale brown"
+    ],
+    "chinese gray shrike": [
+        "back: blueish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: blackish with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: deep black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: black, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: blueish-gray",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "chinese hwamei": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale yellow",
+        "belly: cream-colored plumage",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: black mask-like stripe",
+        "forehead: cream-white with black stripes",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by mask-like stripe",
+        "legs: strong and pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "nape: cream-white with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and brownish-grey with black bars",
+        "throat: cream-colored with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "chinese leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with pale streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale yellow-green with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish-green with a distinctive stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: large, black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with two clear wing-bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: dark, forked, edged with pale feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "chinese monal": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: black, short and strong",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: metallic blue plumage",
+        "crown: red-orange fan-shaped crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant turquoise and purple feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, feather-free, gray",
+        "wings: vivid green-blue with black edge",
+        "nape: metallic purple-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, curving, brown-black feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "chinese penduline tit": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with white flecks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: soft white with grayish-brown flanks",
+        "breast: white with a faint buff tinge",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: black, extending to eye line",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, slender and agile",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a faint white stripe",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white outer feathers and black sub-terminal band",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black facial markings"
+    ],
+    "chinese rubythroat": [
+        "back: olive-green body plumage",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: reddish-orange with streaks",
+        "breast: pale reddish-orange",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-brown coloring",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale, slender, and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: striking bright red color"
+    ],
+    "chinese sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: sleek greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked and yellowish-grey",
+        "belly: light whitish-yellow with fine grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale white with thin grey stripes",
+        "crown: smooth grey-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, intense yellow-orange",
+        "legs: bright yellow, slender",
+        "wings: long, grey-brown with dark tips",
+        "nape: light grey blending into the back",
+        "tail: banded black and grey feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow with fine grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "chinese thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: blackish, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with black spots",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy, and medium-sized",
+        "wings: brown with buff-colored wing bars",
+        "nape: streaked olive-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with buff-colored edges",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "chinese vivid niltava": [
+        "back: deep blue upper feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: bright orange feathers",
+        "breast: vivid orange plumage",
+        "crown: shining blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive gaze",
+        "legs: long and slender, black",
+        "wings: contrasting blue and orange feathers",
+        "nape: radiant blue with a slight gradient",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with orange undertones",
+        "throat: dazzling bright orange vivid patch"
+    ],
+    "chinese white browed rosefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-pink feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: light pinkish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant rose-pink feathers",
+        "crown: white-browed with a rich pinkish-purple hue",
+        "forehead: prominent white stripe bordered by black lines",
+        "eyes: dark, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: rose-pink feathers with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: white stripe along the neck, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long, pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: soft rose-pink with a well-defined white border"
+    ],
+    "chinspot batis": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: dark, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or light pale grey",
+        "breast: pale grey with a contrast to the white chin spot",
+        "crown: dark-grey to black with a prominent white eyebrow",
+        "forehead: olive-grey with a white eyebrow",
+        "eyes: black, with white eyelid edges",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender and short",
+        "wings: olive-grey to dark grey feathers with contrasting white patch",
+        "nape: olive-grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with contrasting white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, with a distinctive dark triangular chin spot"
+    ],
+    "chinstrap penguin": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black with white tips",
+        "belly: clean, white feathers",
+        "breast: broad, white chest",
+        "crown: smooth, black feathers",
+        "forehead: white, thin stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: short, powerful, pinkish",
+        "wings: strong, black flippers",
+        "nape: black, defined stripe",
+        "tail: short, black, stiff",
+        "throat: white, narrow chinstrap"
+    ],
+    "chiribiquete emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright emerald hue",
+        "crown: iridescent green",
+        "forehead: glistening green shade",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark-colored limbs",
+        "wings: large, green with vivid blue tips",
+        "nape: rich green, feathers overlapping",
+        "tail: long, streaming emerald feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, lighter green color"
+    ],
+    "chirinda apalis": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: slender black pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow hue",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green",
+        "crown: bright golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: bluish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with black markings",
+        "nape: greenish-olive blending with crown",
+        "tail: elongated with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "chiriqui foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light buff or pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, bright, and relatively large",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint rufous edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown and relatively short",
+        "throat: off-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "chiriqui quail dove": [
+        "back: smooth, earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black curve",
+        "belly: soft, buff-colored plumage",
+        "breast: pinkish-brown, paler towards the center",
+        "crown: subdued chestnut hue, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: small, beady, dark brown orbs",
+        "legs: slender, reddish-brown stalks",
+        "wings: earthy brown with subtle reddish-brown markings",
+        "nape: gently curving chestnut, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: elongated, earthy brown feathers, often fanned out",
+        "throat: paler than breast, hint of rose-buff hue"
+    ],
+    "chirping cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale white or cream-colored",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with delicate streaks",
+        "eyes: tiny, beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges and a distinctive white wing bar",
+        "nape: rufous, streaked with dark coloration",
+        "tail: brown with darker banding and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "chirruping wedgebill": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and stout",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers with subtle markings",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than the crown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish in appearance",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: light brown feathers converging from the crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow with brownish-gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "chivi vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green upper side",
+        "beak: short and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow underneath",
+        "breast: whitish with faint yellow wash",
+        "crown: grayish-blue head",
+        "forehead: blue-gray hue",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: blue-gray, slender",
+        "wings: short with white wingbars",
+        "nape: gray-blue, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: square-shaped with white edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting against breast"
+    ],
+    "choco elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: dark, hooked, and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: olive-gray with yellow tinge",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint crest",
+        "forehead: olive-gray fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown fading to gray",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by grayish-olive"
+    ],
+    "choco manakin": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: lighter brown with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: brown, blends with belly coloration",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: brown with black secondary feathers",
+        "nape: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: contrastingly white or light yellow"
+    ],
+    "choco poorwill": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle white spots",
+        "beak: short and straight, dusky gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with muted streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with faint white flecks",
+        "crown: dark brown, adorned with pale spots",
+        "forehead: slightly paler browns, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: large and round, encircled with gray-white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: earth-toned brown with discreet white markings",
+        "tail: wide and fan-shaped, dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: soft grayish-brown with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "choco screech owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with whitish spots",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by dark facial disc",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and reddish-brown markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with thin white bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "choco sirystes": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: cream-colored with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: light cinnamon colored with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with a greyish tinge",
+        "forehead: light greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into the olive-brown back",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "choco tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "breast: gray-brown with slight markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: somewhat paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, featherless, and dark gray",
+        "wings: short, brown feathers with hints of gray",
+        "nape: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with slightly darker tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "choco tinamou": [
+        "back: dark brown with deep reddish hue",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, greyish-black",
+        "belly: rich dark brown with lighter accents",
+        "breast: deep brown with subtle reddish tone",
+        "crown: dark brown, well-defined with reddish highlights",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by brown feathering",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue, feathered upper portion",
+        "wings: rounded, dark brown, slightly glossy",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a faint horizontal stripe",
+        "tail: short, dark brown, slightly rounded feathers",
+        "throat: light brown with a hint of reddish hue"
+    ],
+    "choco toucan": [
+        "back: dark brown to black plumage",
+        "beak: large, colorful, and curved",
+        "belly: white or cream feathering",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight gloss",
+        "forehead: vibrant green-blue coloration",
+        "eyes: bright blue with black pupils",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and short",
+        "wings: dark brown with blue or green highlights",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with blue undertones",
+        "throat: bright red or orange patch"
+    ],
+    "choco tyrannulet": [
+        "back: rich brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: soft cinnamon shades",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale edging",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with faint buffy markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: uniform brown blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "choco vireo": [
+        "back: moss-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with hints of green",
+        "breast: pale greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green with yellow tinges",
+        "forehead: smooth, moss-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: green with black feather tips",
+        "nape: continuation of the moss-green crown",
+        "tail: shades of green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "choco warbler": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender and sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: warm chestnut-brown hue",
+        "crown: rufous-brown crest",
+        "forehead: russet-colored with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and curious",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, dark brown with soft white stripes",
+        "nape: earthy brown, smooth transition to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light chestnut transitioning to pale white"
+    ],
+    "choco woodpecker": [
+        "back: deep chocolate-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, sturdy, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint spots",
+        "breast: white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: bright red crest on males",
+        "forehead: dark brown to black",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: grayish with strong claws",
+        "wings: chocolate-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: red streak for males, black for females",
+        "tail: rigid, dark-tipped feathers for balance",
+        "throat: white with faint brown spots"
+    ],
+    "chocolate boobook": [
+        "back: dark chocolate brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black hook",
+        "belly: creamy, light brown plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, milk chocolate feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, milk chocolate hue",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow circles",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown branches",
+        "wings: wide, dark chocolate spread with white spots",
+        "nape: milk chocolate base with white streaks",
+        "tail: elongated dark brown feathers with white bands",
+        "throat: mottled white and light brown plumage"
+    ],
+    "chocolate backed kingfisher": [
+        "back: striking deep chocolate-brown",
+        "beak: long, thick, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with beige markings",
+        "breast: brilliant azure blue",
+        "crown: vivid orange and blue",
+        "forehead: bright cobalt blue",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: short and slate grey",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black stripes",
+        "nape: vibrant orange blending into blue",
+        "tail: bold blue with black banding",
+        "throat: soft white with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "chocolate vented tyrant": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with a tinge of pale chocolate",
+        "breast: light chocolate brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black and piercing",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with noticeable chocolate-colored fringes",
+        "nape: uniform brown feathers",
+        "tail: long and brown, with a contrasting chocolate vent",
+        "throat: pale beige with a hint of brown"
+    ],
+    "cholo alethe": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish-blue streaks",
+        "crown: cream-colored with brown streaks",
+        "forehead: white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown and cream hued with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish-blue markings"
+    ],
+    "chopi blackbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: glossy black plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black chest feathers",
+        "crown: midnight black feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: widespread, black feathered",
+        "nape: black feathers seamlessly connecting head and back",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-like black feathers",
+        "throat: dark black plumage on lower head"
+    ],
+    "chorister robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown and slightly patterned",
+        "beak: slim and straight, with black upper and pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: white with a hint of pale orange",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red and streaked",
+        "crown: gray or black, with thin white eye stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish-black and elongated",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: gray or black, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: striking orange-red, extending to upper breast"
+    ],
+    "chotoy spinetail": [
+        "back: light brown streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, pale curved bill",
+        "belly: pale buff-colored underparts",
+        "breast: cinnamon-toned upper breast",
+        "crown: rufous with streaks, distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous color",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark colored",
+        "legs: slender, long, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: broad, brown, barring on wing feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, brown with buff tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaking"
+    ],
+    "chowchilla": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale tan with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with dark barred pattern",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with alternating pale and rusty bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with pale bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: cream-colored with minimal or subtle streaking"
+    ],
+    "christmas island boobook": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: dark greyish-brown, hooked-shaped",
+        "belly: lighter brown with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown feathers, white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, faint streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, white spots",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: yellowish, long and slender",
+        "wings: brown with intricate white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown, with bands of white spots",
+        "throat: pale brown, white streaks"
+    ],
+    "christmas island frigatebird": [
+        "back: dark and sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked",
+        "belly: greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: dark greyish-black feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers, slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slightly bent, black",
+        "wings: pointed, long, and angular",
+        "nape: dark black-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked",
+        "throat: inflatable red pouch on males"
+    ],
+    "christmas island imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth and grayish-white",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellowish-white",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-white",
+        "breast: creamy white, thicker feathers",
+        "crown: glossy, greenish-black",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, greenish-black",
+        "eyes: bright, golden-yellow",
+        "legs: sturdy, red-golden",
+        "wings: wide, white with black tips",
+        "nape: dark green with slight iridescence",
+        "tail: long, white, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: glossy, greenish-black, thick feathers"
+    ],
+    "christmas island swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: relatively short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft feathers",
+        "breast: light gray, somewhat puffed",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and thin, black with tiny claws",
+        "wings: long, brownish-gray, elegant in flight",
+        "nape: smooth, grayish-brown transition from head to back",
+        "tail: short, fan-like with rounded tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "christmas island white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: light yellow hue",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellowish tint",
+        "forehead: faint yellowish-green color",
+        "eyes: white eye-rings, dark brown iris",
+        "legs: pale gray slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green, rounded shape",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: soft yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "christmas shearwater": [
+        "back: deep grayish-brown with subtle, darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, blackish-gray fading to lighter gray",
+        "belly: clean white underside, extending up to the throat",
+        "breast: white with light gray-brown speckles blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown, almost black, covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray-brown transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circled by black feather markings",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and relatively long, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-brown with white under feathers, curved for gliding",
+        "nape: gray-brown blending into the darker crown and back",
+        "tail: thin, pointed, and dark gray-brown, used for steering in flight",
+        "throat: white with a slight speckling of gray-brown feathers near the breast"
+    ],
+    "chubb cisticola": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white",
+        "breast: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and light brown",
+        "wings: brown and rounded",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale white"
+    ],
+    "churring cisticola": [
+        "back: brown with streaks of black",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy off-white color",
+        "breast: tawny with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with brown streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with dark lines",
+        "eyes: small, brown, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with darker feather margins",
+        "nape: brownish with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, edged with dark bars",
+        "throat: light buff color"
+    ],
+    "chusquea tapaculo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with blackish bars",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: mottled white and black",
+        "breast: white with blackish-grey bars",
+        "crown: dark grey with black streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: blackish, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: grey with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark and short, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinderella waxbill": [
+        "back: pale blue-gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and bright red",
+        "belly: white with slight dark markings",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: bold pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: pale blue-gray with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short and square, blue-gray with dark tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "cinereous antshrike": [
+        "back: dark bluish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: strong, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with white stripes",
+        "breast: bluish-gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: blackish with a chestnut streak",
+        "forehead: black with a chestnut stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish, and strong",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, broad, and rounded",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with a chestnut patch",
+        "tail: long, bluish-gray, and graduated",
+        "throat: white and streaked with gray"
+    ],
+    "cinereous becard": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-white",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: darker gray shading",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyerings",
+        "legs: blackish-gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with dark feather tips",
+        "nape: gray blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "cinereous bulbul": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish color",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-brown underparts",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown chest feathers",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown head",
+        "forehead: smooth, transitioning to darker feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong with dark grayish-brown, scaly legs",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: consistent dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long with a slightly forked shape, dark grayish-brown color",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown, slightly lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "cinereous bunting": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale white with grayish tones",
+        "breast: sandy brown with slight streaking",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth sandy brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slim, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown with a buff collar",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "cinereous conebill": [
+        "back: slate-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers",
+        "breast: smoky gray plumage",
+        "crown: slate-gray with a narrow black stripe",
+        "forehead: slate-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: dark, slender",
+        "wings: smoky gray with black edges",
+        "nape: slate-gray",
+        "tail: dark gray with rounded feathers",
+        "throat: smoky gray with a white patch at the base"
+    ],
+    "cinereous finch": [
+        "back: blend of gray and brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: subtly streaked, pale gray",
+        "crown: medium gray with silvery tinge",
+        "forehead: smooth and slightly silvered",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: warm, brownish-gray",
+        "tail: long and narrow, grayer at base, darker at tip",
+        "throat: pale silver-gray with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinereous ground tyrant": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: soft, pale gray",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with soft feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cinereous harrier": [
+        "back: pale gray with slightly darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark in color",
+        "belly: white with fine gray barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray or black",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: yellow with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish in color",
+        "wings: long and pointed, grayish-brown with black tips",
+        "nape: light gray with a darker line",
+        "tail: long and narrow, gray with dark bands and a white tip",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a dark gray streak"
+    ],
+    "cinereous mourner": [
+        "back: smooth gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: gray feathers, rounded",
+        "forehead: pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish",
+        "wings: medium length, gray feathers",
+        "nape: smooth gray, hinted curve",
+        "tail: long, narrow gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "cinereous owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers with faint white markings",
+        "breast: rusty-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: densely covered with dark brown and white speckled feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown with lighter speckles above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered with dark brown and white-speckled plumage",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with white speckles and lighter underside",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with white spots, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white bars and markings",
+        "throat: rusty brown with white streaks, blending to the belly color"
+    ],
+    "cinereous tinamou": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with subtle highlights",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark grey",
+        "belly: light grey with faint patterning",
+        "breast: pale grey with minimal markings",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight sheen",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, and grey",
+        "wings: rounded, dusky blue-grey",
+        "nape: slightly lighter grey than crown",
+        "tail: short, black-tipped, and blue-grey",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "cinereous tit": [
+        "back: grayish-blue with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black central band",
+        "crown: gray-blue with a black cap",
+        "forehead: black and white fringe pattern",
+        "eyes: large, round, black with white outer ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with black stripe",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "cinereous tyrant": [
+        "back: light grayish with soft feathering",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly curved hook",
+        "belly: whitish-cream with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark-gray and smooth feathering",
+        "forehead: light gray with fine feathers",
+        "eyes: black with narrow, pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray, and long",
+        "wings: light gray with subtle darker barring",
+        "nape: lighter gray than the crown, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: dark gray and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with fine streaking"
+    ],
+    "cinereous vulture": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with slight brownish tinge",
+        "beak: powerful and hooked, black and grey",
+        "belly: dark grey feathers, paler than back",
+        "breast: dark grey feathers, well-rounded",
+        "crown: black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black and scaly, almost featherless",
+        "eyes: brown with dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, featherless, with grey-black scaly skin",
+        "wings: broad and long, dark grey with paler edges",
+        "nape: grey-black feathers with a mane-like appearance",
+        "tail: grey feathers, broad and slightly wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: featherless, with wrinkled grey-black skin"
+    ],
+    "cinereous warbling finch": [
+        "back: compact and grayish",
+        "beak: small and conical",
+        "belly: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: soft grey with delicate streaks",
+        "crown: pale ashy grey",
+        "forehead: smooth ashy grey",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: ashy grey with subtle markings",
+        "nape: uniform grey with slight streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, forked and grey",
+        "throat: clean white-grey"
+    ],
+    "cinereous breasted spinetail": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: cinereous with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: pale orange with long, thin toes",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark brown",
+        "throat: pale gray with small dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnabar boobook": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white markings",
+        "beak: dark gray and hooked shape",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: pale with reddish-brown markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: long, grayish-yellow, and slender",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with conspicuous white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: long, banded with reddish-brown and white",
+        "throat: white mixed with reddish-brown marks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon becard": [
+        "back: cinnamon-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black, slightly hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale white with light cinnamon-brown markings",
+        "breast: white with light cinnamon-brown touches",
+        "crown: dark cinnamon-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter cinnamon-brown above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a cinnamon-brown ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark-colored, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, broad, and cinnamon-brown, with lighter wingbars",
+        "nape: cinnamon-brown, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: fairly long, cinnamon-brown with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the darker head color"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon bittern": [
+        "back: cinnamon-brown shades with striations",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale with brown spots",
+        "breast: white, buff, and mottled",
+        "crown: dark brown or black with a central stripe",
+        "forehead: light buff with dark markings",
+        "eyes: bright, round, with yellowish iris",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, long and slender",
+        "wings: cinnamon-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: cinnamon with a streaked appearance",
+        "tail: dark brown with discrete barring",
+        "throat: white, buff, or cream with some dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon bracken warbler": [
+        "back: golden-brown with narrow, dark brown streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: light cream with faint, brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale chestnut-brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine, dark streaks",
+        "forehead: cinnamon-brown and unmarked",
+        "eyes: small, dark, vibrant, and surrounded by a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, greyish, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: warm brown with darker brown bars and white edges",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with slim, dark brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish, with subtle white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale cream-beige without markings"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon ground dove": [
+        "back: deep reddish-brown tones",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: creamy white, slightly speckled",
+        "breast: soft cinnamon-rust shade",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray highlights",
+        "forehead: muted gray hue",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink with dark claws",
+        "wings: warm cinnamon with dark streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with gray edges",
+        "tail: elongated, deep brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with white accents"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon hummingbird": [
+        "back: bronze-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon hue",
+        "breast: warm cinnamon-orange",
+        "crown: iridescent green",
+        "forehead: glistening green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and thin",
+        "wings: fast-moving, iridescent green",
+        "nape: green with bronze undertones",
+        "tail: slightly notched, iridescent green",
+        "throat: shimmering greenish gold"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon ibon": [
+        "back: light cinnamon-brown hue",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon-brown, fading towards vent",
+        "breast: rich cinnamon in color",
+        "crown: light cinnamon-brown with rounded crest",
+        "forehead: subtle contrast to crown, lighter cinnamon shade",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale cinnamon feathers",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: cinnamon-brown with paler fringes on flight feathers",
+        "nape: light cinnamon-brown, connecting the crown to back",
+        "tail: medium-length, cinnamon-brown with paler outer feathers",
+        "throat: lighter shade of cinnamon, distinctive from breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon manakin tyrant": [
+        "back: cinnamon-brown colored feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white plumage",
+        "breast: rich cinnamon-orange feathers",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: cinnamon-brown with faint black markings",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored transition from head to back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, cinnamon-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale white-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon quail thrush": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale color",
+        "belly: creamy white with rust-color spots",
+        "breast: buff-color with cinnamon speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with pale markings",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by cream-colored eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dull white tips on flight feathers",
+        "nape: lightly streaked with brown and buff",
+        "tail: long, cinnamon-brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon screech owl": [
+        "back: russet-colored feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, light-colored, hooked",
+        "belly: pale and streaked with reddish-brown",
+        "breast: light and dappled with black and brown markings",
+        "crown: cinnamon-colored top of head, spotted with white",
+        "forehead: pale with streaks of cinnamon-brown",
+        "eyes: round, yellow-orange in color",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish in color",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bands and white spots",
+        "nape: cinnamon-colored with white spots",
+        "tail: banded brown and white, tipped in gray",
+        "throat: pale with faint reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of orange, red, and brown",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: light blue with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: rich cinnamon-red",
+        "crown: bright red-orange",
+        "forehead: striking red-orange",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a white circle",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: deep blue with cinnamon red edges",
+        "nape: reddish-orange blending into brown",
+        "tail: long, blue with reddish-brown accents",
+        "throat: brilliant cinnamon-red"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon warbling finch": [
+        "back: warm brownish with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon color, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: light cinnamon with darker streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: rusty reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with cinnamon edges on feathers",
+        "nape: softly streaked brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale cinnamon with subtle streaking"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon weaver": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: cinnamon-colored feathers",
+        "crown: golden-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: golden-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and attentive",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brown with golden-olive edges",
+        "nape: black and golden-brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-brown"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon woodpecker": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brown spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright red feathers",
+        "forehead: red feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round with black outline",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: black and white barring",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon banded kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, deep red with black tip",
+        "belly: soft, creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: rich cinnamon and white bands",
+        "crown: striking turquoise-blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark brown surrounded by faint blue",
+        "legs: sturdy red-orange with sharp claws",
+        "wings: stunning blue-green, folded close",
+        "nape: vivid blue-green with some streaking",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: white merging into cinnamon breastbands"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon bellied flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish tinge",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: cinnamon-rust color with white streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with cinnamon-rust edges",
+        "crown: dull blue with faint violet sheen",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black and thin",
+        "wings: blue-gray with darker edges",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into blue-gray",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-gray with darker tips",
+        "throat: bluish-gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon bellied ground tyrant": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black curved bill",
+        "belly: cinnamon-colored with light streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-spaced",
+        "legs: slender, black, and long for ground foraging",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with darker streaks, great for short flights",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with lighter edges for contrast",
+        "throat: pale grey feathers with fine streaking"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon bellied imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale yellowish color",
+        "belly: cinnamon-russet or orange-brown hue",
+        "breast: lighter cinnamon color merging into belly",
+        "crown: dark grey head plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey compared to the crown",
+        "eyes: surrounded by bare red skin, dark black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-purple scaled",
+        "wings: broad and greyish-brown with rounded tips",
+        "nape: darker grey feathers transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: relatively short, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lavender-grey feathers, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon bellied saltator": [
+        "back: dark olive-green hue",
+        "beak: strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: cinnamon-colored feathers",
+        "breast: grayish with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant blue-black coloring",
+        "forehead: smooth dark contour",
+        "eyes: small, black beads",
+        "legs: sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight blue tint",
+        "nape: dark grayish-blue shade",
+        "tail: broad, dark-blue feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon breasted bunting": [
+        "back: rich brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: cinnamon-colored with dark speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown to match crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled with pale feathering",
+        "legs: slender and pale gray",
+        "wings: brown with prominent white and dark barring",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks, similar to crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and rounded with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon breasted tody tyrant": [
+        "back: rich cinnamon brown",
+        "beak: short, pointed and black",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon color",
+        "breast: vibrant cinnamon hue",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: cinnamon brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon browed melidectes": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, and sturdy",
+        "belly: lighter brown with a touch of cinnamon hue",
+        "breast: warm cinnamon shade with a smooth texture",
+        "crown: dark brown fading into a cinnamon shade",
+        "forehead: cinnamon-toned feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing black orbs surrounded by a cinnamon band",
+        "legs: black, sturdy limbs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rich brown with lighter cinnamon edges and intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers transitioning into lighter cinnamon shades",
+        "tail: long, broad brown feathers with cinnamon highlights",
+        "throat: smooth cinnamon feathering fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon chested bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: cinnamon-colored underside",
+        "breast: rich cinnamon hue",
+        "crown: bright green with a tinge of blue",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: green-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: green hue blending into the cinnamon breast",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and green with black tips",
+        "throat: cinnamon color transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon chested flycatcher": [
+        "back: earthy brown with spotted patterns",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light beige with speckled markings",
+        "breast: vibrant cinnamon shade, prominent feature",
+        "crown: mottled brown with slight crests",
+        "forehead: blending of beige and brown tones",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray with small claws",
+        "wings: brown with intricate light patterns",
+        "nape: smooth transition from brown crown to cinnamon breast",
+        "tail: long and tapered, aligned with the back's earthy color",
+        "throat: continuation of cinnamon breast, fading into beige belly"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon crested spadebill": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short, thick and black",
+        "belly: soft white with faint gray mottling",
+        "breast: pale cinnamon-orange color",
+        "crown: cinnamon-orange with a crest",
+        "forehead: bright cinnamon-orange",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: light brown with darker brown bars",
+        "nape: light brown with faint markings",
+        "tail: long, slender, and brown with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with mottled gray"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon faced tyrannulet": [
+        "back: pale brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale yellow with slight streaks",
+        "crown: cinnamon-brown color",
+        "forehead: pale cinnamon-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light gray",
+        "wings: brown with buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: cinnamon-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: brown with slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: pale yellow-white"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon headed green pigeon": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale yellow-gray",
+        "belly: light yellow-green feathers",
+        "breast: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: cinnamon-brown coloration",
+        "forehead: pale cinnamon-brown hue",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, encircled by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, purplish-gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark green with hints of blue and purple",
+        "nape: cinnamon-brown blending to green",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-green with blue-violet iridescence",
+        "throat: pale gray with a bluish tinge"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon rumped foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: warm brown with cinnamon tint",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with soft streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown flowing to nape",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with faint eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint bars, cinnamon edges",
+        "nape: cinnamon tint merging with crown",
+        "tail: long, brown with cinnamon undertones",
+        "throat: cream-colored with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon rumped seedeater": [
+        "back: cinnamon-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: pale grey or beige",
+        "breast: light cinnamon, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "crown: cinnamon-brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "forehead: dark with light streaks",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-pink or brownish",
+        "wings: cinnamon-brown with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: cinnamon-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter cinnamon edges",
+        "throat: pale gray or beige"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon rumped trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: deep cinnamon-colored patch",
+        "crown: striking green feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: bright green with subtly shimmering scales",
+        "eyes: large, round, black with a surrounding thin yellow ring",
+        "legs: short, yellow-orange with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green upperparts, deep red and white-barred underparts",
+        "nape: shimmering green, transitioning to the cinnamon rump",
+        "tail: long, square-tipped, dark green with white barring",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, contrasting with the cinnamon breast"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon tailed fantail": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown coloration",
+        "beak: short, slender black curve",
+        "belly: light, creamy white hue",
+        "breast: pale cinnamon shade",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: delicate rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert beads",
+        "legs: slim, sturdy black limbs",
+        "wings: elongated, chestnut-brown",
+        "nape: soft, rufous-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, cinnamon-fanned feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white expanse"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon tailed sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks of black",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with brown side streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with spotted dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-red color",
+        "forehead: lighter reddish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: cinnamon-brown with subtle dark bands",
+        "throat: whitish with a hint of pale brown"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon throated hermit": [
+        "back: cinnamon-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, slender",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon-grey",
+        "breast: cinnamon-grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: bronze-green with iridescence",
+        "forehead: bright cinnamon color",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and light grey",
+        "wings: bronze-green with iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: cinnamon and greenish-brown tones",
+        "tail: elongated, white-tipped central feathers",
+        "throat: bright cinnamon hue"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon throated woodcreeper": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon with fine streaks",
+        "breast: warm cinnamon color with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grey with curved claws",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with fine band patterns",
+        "nape: slightly paler than back with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and tapered, with reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale cinnamon with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon vented piha": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with cinnamon streaks",
+        "breast: pale cinnamon color",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown, with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale cinnamon color"
+    ],
+    "cipo canastero": [
+        "back: pale brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white, lightly striped",
+        "breast: buff or light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: beige with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: pale brown with darker tips and bars",
+        "nape: buff or light brown with thin stripes",
+        "tail: long, beige with brown bars",
+        "throat: white or light beige, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cirl bunting": [
+        "back: olive-green with brown streaks",
+        "beak: stout, conical, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: bright yellow with rusty-red band",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale fringes",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "citreoline trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green",
+        "beak: broad and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish coloration",
+        "breast: deep gray with subtle olive tones",
+        "crown: glossy olive-green",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with yellow eye-rings",
+        "legs: short, stout, and bluish-gray",
+        "wings: boldly barred, black and white",
+        "nape: striking olive-green",
+        "tail: long, squared with black and white bands",
+        "throat: grayish-white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "citril finch": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: strong, gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: forked, black and olive-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "citrine canary flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green shades",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, slightly-curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: soft yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bold olive-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: striking yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: vivid yellow with grayish-black edges",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, smoothly connected to back",
+        "tail: elongated, grayish-black with yellow highlights",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "citrine wagtail": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with gray",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with faint white ring",
+        "legs: long, dark-gray",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: gray with greenish tint",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: striking yellow"
+    ],
+    "citrine warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: deep yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow and unmarked",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with yellow-green edges",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with dark markings",
+        "tail: black with white spots and edges",
+        "throat: striking yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "citron bellied attila": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green color",
+        "beak: dark grey, strong and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellowish-citron hue",
+        "breast: pale olive-green shade",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green hue blending into yellow",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light grey, sturdy and slightly feathered",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with lighter citron highlights",
+        "tail: dark olive-green, fan-shaped and elongated",
+        "throat: pale citron-yellow, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "citron headed yellow finch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pinkish",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: citron-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: prominent citron-yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: greenish feathers with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: long, greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "clamorous reed warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of darker brown",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed; light orange",
+        "belly: pale white with light brown highlights",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks of darker brown",
+        "crown: medium brown with streaks of darker shades",
+        "forehead: pale brown merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: sturdy, orange-brown, and clawed",
+        "wings: mixture of light and dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: medium brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin feathers of varying brown shades",
+        "throat: pale brown with lighter highlights"
+    ],
+    "clapperton spurfowl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and light gray",
+        "belly: light brown with black markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown speckled with white spots",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with thin white lines",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: long and grayish-blue with spurs",
+        "wings: dark brown with white mottling",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "claret breasted fruit dove": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: short, curved, dull yellow",
+        "belly: deep claret red, fading into orange",
+        "breast: vibrant claret red, blending into belly",
+        "crown: purple-blue with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: bright purple-blue, fading into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale-blue eyering",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dull yellow",
+        "wings: olive-green, with purple-blue highlights on secondary feathers",
+        "nape: glossy olive-green, transitioning to purple-blue on crown",
+        "tail: squared-off, olive-green mixed with shades of pale yellow and gray",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into claret red breast"
+    ],
+    "clarion wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slim, and curved",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white with buff tones",
+        "breast: light rufous-orange with black spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous with a hint of black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and rufous with black barring",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "clarke weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft feathered underbody",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage on the chest area",
+        "crown: yellow feathers with streaks of black or gray on top of the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark in color",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars and patches",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning to yellow at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, rounded, and olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers extending from the lower beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "claudia leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green, slightly darker than wings",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, blackish with a lighter base",
+        "belly: white, with some mottled olive-gray markings",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white, with hints of olive-gray on the sides",
+        "crown: bright olive-green, well-defined against the forehead's pale stripe",
+        "forehead: white to pale yellow, forming a distinct supercilium",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a thin, broken white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender, with well-defined scaly texture",
+        "wings: olive-green, with distinct primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, same color as the back and crown",
+        "tail: dark olive-brown, with clean, pointed feathers and broad white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow-white, blending into the bird's breast color"
+    ],
+    "clay colored thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: straight and yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: plain buff-gray",
+        "crown: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: round and dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct feather edges",
+        "nape: uniform olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and slightly reddish-brown",
+        "throat: light buff-gray with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "clicking shrike babbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with faint streak patterns",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale beige, slightly striped",
+        "breast: light rusty-orange hue with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with buff streaking",
+        "forehead: olive-gray with a slight browner shade",
+        "eyes: small, rounded, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edges and slight barring",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaking",
+        "tail: olive-green, long with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: off-white or pale beige, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cliff flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with some light stripes",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange with fuzzy streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with a slight streak pattern",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round and beady",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-green with light wing bars",
+        "nape: rich olive-green with subtle stripes",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with a slight fork",
+        "throat: bright yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "cloud cisticola": [
+        "back: tawny brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale, tawny-white with soft streaks",
+        "breast: tawny, white, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: golden brown finely streaked with black",
+        "forehead: buff color with delicate streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with amber-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, long, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: tawny with dark brown bars and white edges",
+        "nape: tawny brown, finely streaked with black",
+        "tail: dark brown, white-tipped, with outer feathers edged in pale buff",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cloud forest pygmy owl": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-brown feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black for capturing prey",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white with brown stripes",
+        "breast: light brown with faint white barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers in shades of brown",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and expressive for night vision",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, with sharp talons for perching and hunting",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and capable of silent flight",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter brown spots",
+        "tail: short, with greenish-brown and white-banded feathers",
+        "throat: pale white with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "cloud forest screech owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: light, creamy feathers with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown horizontal markings",
+        "crown: round, rusty brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with black markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: feathered with powerful talons",
+        "wings: rounded with black and brown barring",
+        "nape: rusty brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, banded with dark and light shades",
+        "throat: white with brown markings"
+    ],
+    "cloud scraping cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with some brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: rounded with dark brown and buff feathers",
+        "nape: rufous with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, often pointed upwards",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cloven feathered dove": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers forming a smooth curve",
+        "beak: short yet strong, in a light cream color",
+        "belly: delicate white feathers covering the underside",
+        "breast: a blend of pinkish-gray feathers in a round shape",
+        "crown: slight crest of gray feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth area with white or light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: expressive black orbs with a gentle gaze",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-gray, ending in scaly feet with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dual layers of elegant gray feathers, cloven near the tips",
+        "nape: meeting point of head and back feathers, subtly transitioning in color",
+        "tail: elongated gray feathers with a slight v-shape at the end",
+        "throat: white or light gray feathers adorning the neck"
+    ],
+    "club winged manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: compact, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white to yellowish underside",
+        "breast: rich orange-red color",
+        "crown: bright green with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: greenish area above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: short and stout with black scales",
+        "wings: unique club-shaped feathers with structural coloration",
+        "nape: iridescent green feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, square, and green with tapering feathers",
+        "throat: orange-red patch below beak"
+    ],
+    "coal tit": [
+        "back: grayish-green with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with pale yellow tinge",
+        "breast: buff-white with black bib",
+        "crown: black with white streaks on sides",
+        "forehead: glossy black",
+        "eyes: round and black with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray with a lighter shade",
+        "tail: grayish-blue with a black tip",
+        "throat: white with a black bib"
+    ],
+    "coal crested finch": [
+        "back: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale grayish-blue, conical shape",
+        "belly: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: gray transitioning to white, fluffy plumage",
+        "crown: striking black feathers, erect crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers, blending with the crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown, lively gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray, long and sleek feathers",
+        "nape: black, merging with crest and back feathers",
+        "tail: gray to black, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white contrasting with black crest"
+    ],
+    "coastal boubou": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with black spots",
+        "crown: black or dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: black or dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-black, long, and slender",
+        "wings: dark brownish-grey with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, black or dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: black, with white crescent-like markings"
+    ],
+    "coastal cisticola": [
+        "back: brownish with streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale cream or buff",
+        "breast: brownish with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale-colored",
+        "wings: brownish with darker markings",
+        "nape: rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "tail: relatively short, dark with white tips",
+        "throat: pale cream or buff"
+    ],
+    "coastal miner": [
+        "back: dusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with light markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with soft streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown and crested",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, brownish-gray with white accents",
+        "nape: subtly streaked gray-brown",
+        "tail: long, tapering, dark-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "cobalt rumped parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, light pink hook-shaped beak",
+        "belly: light green to yellowish feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-green feathers, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: bright green feathered dome",
+        "forehead: rich green collection of feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grey with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: greenish-blue primary feathers, green secondaries",
+        "nape: slightly lighter green feathers",
+        "tail: cobalt blue and green feathers, medium length",
+        "throat: soft yellow-green feathered area"
+    ],
+    "cobalt winged parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light green with blue shades",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue and green blend",
+        "forehead: vivid cobalt-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender grey with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: striking cobalt-blue edged green",
+        "nape: rich green with blue hues",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: soft green turning light blue"
+    ],
+    "cobb wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with light streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint spots",
+        "breast: light brown with soft speckles",
+        "crown: warm brown with subtle striping",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and brown",
+        "wings: brown with light barring and white spots",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short, brown, and slightly curved",
+        "throat: white with light beige shading"
+    ],
+    "cocha antshrike": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey, with subtle feather streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black or greyish-black",
+        "belly: buffy-white, with faint markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, slight feather striations",
+        "crown: dusty brown, extended crest",
+        "forehead: dusky brown, with a tonal gradient towards the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by a pale, buff-colored eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, distinct pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: dusky brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with narrow white bars",
+        "throat: buffy-white, lightly mottled"
+    ],
+    "cochabamba mountain finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, silvery-gray",
+        "belly: grayish-white, fading to white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white, bordered by brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cock tailed tyrant": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: angular crest with elongated black feathers",
+        "forehead: white",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: delicate, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white fringes",
+        "nape: white and smooth",
+        "tail: long, black, split feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "cockatiel": [
+        "back: grey-feathered spine region",
+        "beak: curved, grayish-white beak",
+        "belly: light gray plumage underside",
+        "breast: pale orange circular patch",
+        "crown: tufted yellow crest",
+        "forehead: prominent yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: round, expressive eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, scaly limbs",
+        "wings: long, grey-feathered appendages",
+        "nape: gray plumage on neck",
+        "tail: elongated gray feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "cockerell fantail": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and strong curve",
+        "belly: fluffy and rounded",
+        "breast: full and vibrant plumage",
+        "crown: prominent crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: clear and smooth",
+        "eyes: alert and observant",
+        "legs: sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad and gracefully curved",
+        "nape: smooth transition to back feathers",
+        "tail: extravagant, fan-like spread",
+        "throat: sleek feathers with distinct markings"
+    ],
+    "cocoa thrush": [
+        "back: dark brownish-green plumage",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with rich brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brownish-green with dense feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth dark brownish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark brownish-green, rounded edged",
+        "nape: dark brownish-green with dense feathers",
+        "tail: dark brownish-green, medium length",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cocoa woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, decurved and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with buffy undertones",
+        "breast: shades of brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with some dull streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by lighter feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with darker bars and white streaks",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with dark barring and white tips",
+        "throat: pale with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cocoi heron": [
+        "back: bluish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellow",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: black cap on head",
+        "forehead: white with black border",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: long and yellow",
+        "wings: large with bluish-grey feathers",
+        "nape: gray with a white stripe",
+        "tail: short with bluish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with a black stripe"
+    ],
+    "coconut lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong orange-red beak",
+        "belly: light green and yellow gradient",
+        "breast: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green with a slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: green and blue with red underside",
+        "nape: rich green plumes",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: yellow and green hues"
+    ],
+    "cocos cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale grey, lightly speckled",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: lighter grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by thin grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-black",
+        "wings: greyish-brown, tapering to black tips",
+        "nape: darker grey, blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, tipped with white, black outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cocos finch": [
+        "back: smooth, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale, buffy-white feathers",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray to black rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-black feathers blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and shining",
+        "legs: strong, slender, and brown",
+        "wings: rounded feathers with brownish-gray coloration",
+        "nape: grayish-black feathers continuing from crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray feathers with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: lighter grayish-brown feathers transitioning from breast"
+    ],
+    "cocos tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathering",
+        "beak: short and sharply-pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle markings",
+        "breast: off-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray and crest-like",
+        "forehead: light gray with fine white lines",
+        "eyes: small and black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: moderately long and olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: plain off-white"
+    ],
+    "coiba spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown",
+        "breast: pale with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: whitish with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with indistinct bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale and streaked"
+    ],
+    "coleto": [
+        "back: glossy metallic green",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: deep blue with white patches",
+        "breast: vibrant blue-violet",
+        "crown: brilliant purple-blue",
+        "forehead: bright cobalt blue",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by blue-violet feather patches",
+        "legs: small black with strong grasp",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-black with hints of green",
+        "nape: radiant purple-blue",
+        "tail: black with small hints of metallic green",
+        "throat: shimmering blue-purple"
+    ],
+    "colima pygmy owl": [
+        "back: small and brown with light spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: rounded, brown with light markings",
+        "forehead: light-colored between dark eyebrows",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: short with strong, feathered talons",
+        "wings: brown, rounded, with light barring",
+        "nape: brown and lightly spotted",
+        "tail: short, brown with light barring",
+        "throat: white with brown markings"
+    ],
+    "colima warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: orange-yellow with contrasting gray",
+        "forehead: orange-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: grayish-olive with white and dark wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive",
+        "tail: grayish-olive with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "collared antshrike": [
+        "back: gray to brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white to pale-yellow",
+        "breast: dark gray or black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a rust-colored crest",
+        "forehead: black with a slight rust-colored edge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white circle around them",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: black with white streaks and bars",
+        "nape: black feathers with a rust-colored collar",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white to pale-yellow"
+    ],
+    "collared babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey",
+        "breast: greyish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright chestnut",
+        "forehead: whitish",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with chestnut-edged feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut with distinct white collar",
+        "tail: long with chestnut and olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "collared bush robin": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white underbelly with dark spots",
+        "breast: blue-grey with orange patch",
+        "crown: bright blue head",
+        "forehead: dark blue above beak",
+        "eyes: round, black, shining",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: blue-grey with white spots",
+        "nape: blue merging with head",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped, blue-grey",
+        "throat: orange collar dividing head and chest"
+    ],
+    "collared crow": [
+        "back: dark glossy feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: black smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: strong and black",
+        "wings: wide, dark, and glossy",
+        "nape: black with distinct white collar",
+        "tail: long and dark, fanned out",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "collared falconet": [
+        "back: slate black feathers, compact profile",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, black, distinctive curve",
+        "belly: white with black horizontal bars",
+        "breast: dark slate with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with a unique crest",
+        "forehead: white with black spots, steep slope",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, sharp black talons",
+        "wings: black, narrow, pointed at tips",
+        "nape: black with white stripe, thick collar",
+        "tail: black and white bands, long central feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks, distinct border"
+    ],
+    "collared finchbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: dark grey, thick and conical",
+        "belly: pale-yellow, diffused streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: pale buffy-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: dark olive-brown, white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-brown, faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "collared forest falcon": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-feathered",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light-grey feathered",
+        "breast: white and grey-plumage",
+        "crown: black, well-defined",
+        "forehead: black, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: long, yellow, powerful",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, dark feathers",
+        "nape: black and grey, distinctive",
+        "tail: long, banded grey-black",
+        "throat: pale white-greyish"
+    ],
+    "collared gnatwren": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin with curved upper mandible",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine black band",
+        "crown: dark gray with slightly paler streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slim, pale flesh-colored",
+        "wings: slate-gray with white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with pale edges",
+        "throat: white with fine black collar"
+    ],
+    "collared imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short and robust, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey with a hint of white",
+        "breast: soft grey with white undertones",
+        "crown: dark grey plumage, well-defined",
+        "forehead: smooth grey connected to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with light skin area around it",
+        "legs: short and stout, reddish color",
+        "wings: dark grey with wide feathers, some with pale edges",
+        "nape: curved, grey, and slightly iridescent",
+        "tail: medium length, dark grey feathers with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale grey gradually blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "collared inca": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: velvety black plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant white patch",
+        "crown: shimmering green",
+        "forehead: glossy, dark green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black edges",
+        "nape: shining green feathers",
+        "tail: long, broad, and black",
+        "throat: striking white patch"
+    ],
+    "collared lark": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small and sharp, pale grey",
+        "belly: mostly off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks and a pale border",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, beady with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with pale tips, crossed with a white panel",
+        "nape: light brown, transitioning to the back coloration",
+        "tail: short with dark central feathers and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "collared laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive brown, patterned feathery exterior",
+        "beak: slender, black upper mandible and pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: light orange and white feathery underside",
+        "breast: soft orange hue with thin, black stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown transition to crown",
+        "eyes: black beady eyes with fine white eye-rings",
+        "legs: sturdy legs with dark gray scales and sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-toned feathery exterior with subtle patterns",
+        "nape: distinct black crescent-shaped collar on olive-brown background",
+        "tail: lengthy, dark olive-brown with feathery ends",
+        "throat: smooth white, merging into the orange breast area"
+    ],
+    "collared lory": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, bright orange color",
+        "belly: deep red plumage with contrasting green borders",
+        "breast: brilliant red and orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright red plumage fading to green",
+        "forehead: striking red patches above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and short, blue-grey in color",
+        "wings: green primary feathers with hints of red",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathers with defined collar pattern",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with golden yellow tips",
+        "throat: deep red feathers with subtle green accents"
+    ],
+    "collared myna": [
+        "back: iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with hints of green",
+        "crown: shiny green-black feathers",
+        "forehead: black and glossy",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a slight frown",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent green-black, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: black with a green metallic sheen",
+        "tail: long, black, and green-glossy feathers",
+        "throat: black with hints of green and distinctive white collar"
+    ],
+    "collared owlet": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: white with grey streaks",
+        "crown: grey with dark brown spots",
+        "forehead: white, rounded markings",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: short with strong talons",
+        "wings: short with dark brown stripes",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with brown streaks",
+        "tail: grey and white with dark brown bands",
+        "throat: white with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "collared palm thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: strong, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light cream-white",
+        "breast: pale grey with a mauve wash",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with some pale edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown colors blending with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, fairly long and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale grey with a distinctive black collar"
+    ],
+    "collared petrel": [
+        "back: light grey, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: soft, grey-white plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, white-grey gradient",
+        "eyes: black, round, with a white ring",
+        "legs: pinkish, scaly, and strong",
+        "wings: wide, pointed, grey-black",
+        "nape: pale grey, curved transition",
+        "tail: long, black-tipped, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, slightly crested"
+    ],
+    "collared plover": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short and straight black beak",
+        "belly: white, blending into grayish-brown",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with possible white stripes",
+        "crown: light brown with white forehead stripe",
+        "forehead: white stripe extending towards eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: light brown with white and black feather patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with white collar around the neck",
+        "tail: short, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, merging with belly color"
+    ],
+    "collared pratincole": [
+        "back: light brown with soft feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with a black collar",
+        "crown: smooth, light brown feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe extending through eye line",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: reddish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, featuring light brown and black feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with a black collar",
+        "tail: short, with prominent black and white markings",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "collared redstart": [
+        "back: bright olive-green",
+        "beak: slender black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: black with orange-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: orange-yellow tufts",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-tipped black feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with black collar",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "collared scops owl": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale buff or white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff or white with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with dark streaks and distinctive \"ear\" tufts",
+        "forehead: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, dull yellow with well-developed talons",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with darker markings and white bands",
+        "nape: pale grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown, and heavily barred with white",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "collared sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: blue-gray, speckled with white",
+        "beak: short, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: pale white, striped with reddish-brown",
+        "breast: light buff, streaked with reddish-brown",
+        "crown: blue-gray, with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale white, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-gray, barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray, white-tipped, barred with dark bands",
+        "throat: whitish, with reddish-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "collared towhee": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: large, black, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey",
+        "wings: black with white tips",
+        "nape: black with a white stripe",
+        "tail: long and black with white edges",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "collared treepie": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter grey, soft-looking feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey, blending into belly",
+        "crown: glossy, black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from dark crown to eyes",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: strong, grey, and scaly",
+        "wings: broader, grey feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: dark grey collar around the neck",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "throat: pale grey connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "collared trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: striking red-orange plumage",
+        "breast: bright red band separating green and red areas",
+        "crown: radiant green with slight bluish tint",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark brown with light eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish, and scaly",
+        "wings: green with black and white barred patterns",
+        "nape: emerald green extending from the crown",
+        "tail: long, iridescent, green upper tail with black and white tips",
+        "throat: white in males, or pale gray in females, bordered by the red breast"
+    ],
+    "collared warbling finch": [
+        "back: delicate olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: sharp and conical-shaped, blackish",
+        "belly: pale grey color with light streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with faint brown spots",
+        "crown: greyish blue with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth and grey-blue",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a faint white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges and white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a faint dark collar",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer edges and a forked shape",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "colombian chachalaca": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle speckles",
+        "beak: short, pale gray, and curved",
+        "belly: light brown with white streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut hue with fine dark barring",
+        "crown: rufous-toned and slightly crested",
+        "forehead: pale gray and flatter",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with thin gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: pale gray transitioning to rufous",
+        "tail: long and brown with noticeable white tips",
+        "throat: pale, grayish-white with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "colombian crake": [
+        "back: brownish-grey striped feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: light reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff color, slightly striped",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by light eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow-green",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white and black barring",
+        "nape: light buff with dark stripes",
+        "tail: short, brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "colonist kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue upper body feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black with coral-colored lower mandible",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue with black streaks",
+        "forehead: striking blue with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and attentive",
+        "legs: short, red-orange, and sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent blue or greenish-blue feathers",
+        "nape: black streaks transitioning from blue crown",
+        "tail: long, vibrant blue feathers with black bars",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "colorful puffleg": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: shimmering golden-yellow",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-blue",
+        "crown: bright emerald crest",
+        "forehead: glistening turquoise-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short black with scaled feet",
+        "wings: shiny green with hints of red",
+        "nape: radiant bronze hue",
+        "tail: elongated, metallic green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: glistening amethyst patch"
+    ],
+    "comb duck": [
+        "back: smooth, slightly curved upper body",
+        "beak: wide, flat, and rounded tip",
+        "belly: white, soft, and slightly rounded",
+        "breast: pale grey, rounded, and feathered",
+        "crown: black, rounded, and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, smooth, and flat",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: orange, short, and webbed",
+        "wings: strong, short, and dark-tipped",
+        "nape: curved, black, and slender",
+        "tail: short, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "throat: white, curved, and feathered"
+    ],
+    "comb crested jacana": [
+        "back: long, slender, and brownish-black",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with some black markings",
+        "breast: light brown with a white patch",
+        "crown: adorned with a feathered comb crest",
+        "forehead: light brown with a slight green iridescence",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark brown in color",
+        "legs: very long and greenish-grey, with elongated toes",
+        "wings: broad, brownish-black with light brown markings",
+        "nape: smooth light brown transitioning to brownish-black towards the back",
+        "tail: short and rounded with brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "common babbler": [
+        "back: brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved and pale",
+        "belly: whitish with brownish spots",
+        "breast: light brown with speckles",
+        "crown: brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: long and slender with pale pinkish-gray coloring",
+        "wings: brownish with faint barring",
+        "nape: brown with a faint streak",
+        "tail: long and brown with light tips",
+        "throat: whitish with a slight brown tint"
+    ],
+    "common bronzewing": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle hues",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale gray or buff color",
+        "breast: pale pinkish shading",
+        "crown: gray-brown with a lighter edge",
+        "forehead: whitish gray",
+        "eyes: bright and alert",
+        "legs: reddish with strong toes",
+        "wings: brown with distinctive bronze patches",
+        "nape: dark gray with slight iridescence",
+        "tail: broad with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with soft texture"
+    ],
+    "common bulbul": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with soft plumage",
+        "breast: light brown with a white center",
+        "crown: distinct round crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: steep curve from beak to crest",
+        "eyes: round and black with alert expression",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white trim on tips",
+        "nape: brownish-grey plumage, connecting the crest to the back",
+        "tail: long, straight, with white tips and dark to light brown feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored with soft, fine feathers"
+    ],
+    "common buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: hooked, short, and yellowish with a dark tip",
+        "belly: light cream or white with brown bars",
+        "breast: white or buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: streaked brown with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: pale brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or orange",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, and featherless",
+        "wings: broad, brown with white patches and dark tips",
+        "nape: brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: alternating dark and light bands with a rounded tip",
+        "throat: white or cream, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "common cactus finch": [
+        "back: dusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, small, and round",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black feather markings",
+        "nape: dusty brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown, elongated, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale whitish-gray, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "common chaffinch": [
+        "back: brownish grey with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale gray-blue",
+        "belly: off-white with a light reddish hue",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-orange to reddish-brown",
+        "crown: blueish gray",
+        "forehead: light blueish gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint grey ring",
+        "legs: light brown and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brownish grey, matching back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white to pale pinkish-orange, depending on the individual bird"
+    ],
+    "common chiffchaff": [
+        "back: olive-green with some pale streaks",
+        "beak: small, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow or off-white",
+        "breast: creamy or yellowish with slight streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a pale stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-gray to dark brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white or pale-yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown with a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale yellow or off-white"
+    ],
+    "common chlorospingus": [
+        "back: olive-green, streaked with dark shades",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, merging into the belly",
+        "crown: bright yellow, contrasting with other head feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-green, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, similar to the back",
+        "tail: dark green, long and narrow, with a slight notch",
+        "throat: bright yellow, well-defined and contrasting"
+    ],
+    "common cicadabird": [
+        "back: sleek, dark blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: light gray or white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: dark blue-gray, elongated primaries",
+        "nape: dark blue-gray feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-gray central feathers with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light gray, sometimes streaked with darker shades"
+    ],
+    "common crane": [
+        "back: smooth gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray coloration",
+        "breast: slightly lighter gray than back",
+        "crown: narrow strip of black feathers",
+        "forehead: red patch of bare skin",
+        "eyes: round, piercing, and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: large with gray feathers, black tips",
+        "nape: black feathers extending to the neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, gray feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "common cuckoo": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "beak: slightly curved, pale in color",
+        "belly: white with dark horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: gray with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: long, pointed with grayish-brown bars",
+        "nape: gray with slight barring",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-like, with horizontal bars",
+        "throat: white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "common diving petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with sleek texture",
+        "beak: short, black, and stubby with hooked tip",
+        "belly: light greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grey feathers with lighter shades towards the center",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers extending from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: smooth dark grey feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with a white circle surrounding them",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey, pointed, and streamlined for efficient diving",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short, dark grey, and slightly rounded or squared-off",
+        "throat: greyish-white feathers transitioning into the belly"
+    ],
+    "common flameback": [
+        "back: olive-green with black bars",
+        "beak: pale ivory, tapered and pointed",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: crimson-red with black borders",
+        "forehead: red in males, black in females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark spots",
+        "nape: red with black markings",
+        "tail: black with white or buffy bars",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "common grasshopper warbler": [
+        "back: subtly striped, olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, short, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint markings",
+        "crown: rufous-tinged with streaks",
+        "forehead: narrow pale band above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale buff, slightly mottled"
+    ],
+    "common green magpie": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: bright green, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: brilliant green plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: green, blends with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyelid ring",
+        "legs: long and black, strong for perching",
+        "wings: bold green with blue wingtips",
+        "nape: green, seamlessly transitions to back",
+        "tail: lengthy with blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: green, merges with breast"
+    ],
+    "common greenshank": [
+        "back: greyish-green feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: long, slightly upturned, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-green with white streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-white blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey-green",
+        "wings: greyish-green with white markings, elongated tips",
+        "nape: greyish-green with white streaks, blending into back",
+        "tail: greyish-green with white and black bands",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "common gull": [
+        "back: light gray feathers, smooth texture",
+        "beak: yellow with red spot, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, rounded shape",
+        "crown: grayish-white, round top",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers, small black eyes",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: yellow-green, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: light gray with black wingtips, folded at rest",
+        "nape: light gray, connecting head to body",
+        "tail: white with black band, triangular shape",
+        "throat: white feathers, slender neck"
+    ],
+    "common hawk cuckoo": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black wavy bars",
+        "breast: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by yellow",
+        "legs: yellowish, short, and sturdy",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark bars with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "common hill myna": [
+        "back: glossy black with green tinge",
+        "beak: bright yellow with curved tip",
+        "belly: deep black with iridescent shine",
+        "breast: shimmering black feathers",
+        "crown: sleek and dark with slight crest",
+        "forehead: glossy black with smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust grey with powerful grip",
+        "wings: iridescent green and black with strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: shining black with slight crest",
+        "tail: long, black, and shimmering with green hues",
+        "throat: lustrous ebony with elongated feathers"
+    ],
+    "common jery": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow and feathery",
+        "breast: soft yellow with minimal markings",
+        "crown: greenish with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light green and unmarked",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender, with two forward-facing and two rear-facing toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with a touch of brown near the edges",
+        "nape: greenish, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark olive-green",
+        "throat: yellowish and fluffy"
+    ],
+    "common kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue or green with streaks",
+        "forehead: bright blue or green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black pupils",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with black or grayish-blue color",
+        "wings: vibrant blue-green, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: bright blue or green with streaks",
+        "tail: blue-green and moderately long",
+        "throat: brilliant orange or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "common miner": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint white streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with darker grey streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light grey with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: dark grey with strong, clawed feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: light grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint white streaks"
+    ],
+    "common myna": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, curved, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black",
+        "forehead: glossy black",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with bare yellow skin patch",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, and stout",
+        "wings: dark brown with a white patch",
+        "nape: glossy black",
+        "tail: blackish brown with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white, surrounded by black plumage"
+    ],
+    "common newtonia": [
+        "back: light brown and streaked",
+        "beak: small and needle-like",
+        "belly: pale with brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: plain brown with minimal streaking",
+        "forehead: narrow and light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: brown, short, with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brown, unmarked, and slightly darker",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale brown with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "common nightingale": [
+        "back: warm brown with some soft spotting",
+        "beak: straight, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: buffy-white with light speckling",
+        "breast: pale ochre, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, uniform color",
+        "forehead: russet brown, smooth feathering",
+        "eyes: small, dark, bordered by faint white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown, with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: plain brown with rounded feather tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, matching crown color",
+        "tail: rusty brown, unmarked, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: pale ochre, blending to white towards neck"
+    ],
+    "common ostrich": [
+        "back: long, flat, and feathered",
+        "beak: large, flat, and blunt",
+        "belly: round and feathered",
+        "breast: broad and muscular",
+        "crown: small, feathered crest",
+        "forehead: relatively flat and feathered",
+        "eyes: large, round and expressive",
+        "legs: long, thick, and powerful",
+        "wings: small, vestigial, and feathered",
+        "nape: elongated and curved neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: slender and feathered"
+    ],
+    "common paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green with dark barring",
+        "beak: long, black, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: white to pale gray",
+        "breast: white or light blue with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright turquoise blue",
+        "forehead: blue or blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a yellow or orange ring",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep blue with black and white markings",
+        "nape: turquoise blue with dark barring",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent blue with black bands",
+        "throat: white or light turquoise blue"
+    ],
+    "common pauraque": [
+        "back: brown, mottled with black and buff coloration",
+        "beak: short, wide, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with dark bars and spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark bars and buff streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with buff spots and a broad white stripe",
+        "forehead: dark brown with faint buff streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and somewhat forward-facing",
+        "legs: short, feathered, with black talons",
+        "wings: long, brown with black and buff markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with buff spotting and streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with black bars and buff tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with narrow brown bars"
+    ],
+    "common pochard": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-grey with black tip",
+        "belly: light grey to white plumage",
+        "breast: rich rust-colored feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: dark brown, slightly sloping",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by brown feathers",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with white stripe",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short, dark, slightly wedged-shaped",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark head"
+    ],
+    "common potoo": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with complex patterns",
+        "beak: wide, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: mottled grey-brown and black",
+        "breast: pale brown with black barring",
+        "crown: black and grey mottled with white spots",
+        "forehead: black and white mottled",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with black iris",
+        "legs: short and grey",
+        "wings: pointed, grey and brown patterned",
+        "nape: streaked with black and white",
+        "tail: long, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: light grey with white and black speckles"
+    ],
+    "common quail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with buff streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey with black and white markings",
+        "breast: sandy brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with black markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short, feathered and strong",
+        "wings: rounded, brownish-grey with black bars",
+        "nape: pale grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, with dark bars and buff tips",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with a dark border"
+    ],
+    "common redshank": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with white spots",
+        "beak: long, slender, and orange-tipped",
+        "belly: white with greyish markings",
+        "breast: soft greyish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with white spots",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: bright orange-red",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: white speckled with brown",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "common redstart": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with a hint of grey",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: bright orange fading to white",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red",
+        "crown: slate grey extending to nape",
+        "forehead: small, slate grey like the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, long, and black",
+        "wings: greyish-black with small white patches",
+        "nape: slate grey, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with bright orange edges",
+        "throat: vibrant orange-red matching the breast"
+    ],
+    "common reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cream-colored",
+        "breast: light buff with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: dull brown with a slightly darker stripe",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with long toes",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with pale feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, similar to the back",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with a square tip",
+        "throat: pale buff, fading to cream on the belly"
+    ],
+    "common ringed plover": [
+        "back: light brown with speckled pattern",
+        "beak: short, straight, and orange with black tip",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with a bold black band",
+        "crown: brown with a white stripe above the eye",
+        "forehead: white with a hint of orange",
+        "eyes: black with a distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright orange and thin",
+        "wings: light brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: brown with a white collar",
+        "tail: black and white alternating bands",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "common rosefinch": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-red hue",
+        "breast: vibrant rose-red color",
+        "crown: deep red feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: forked shape, brown and white tips",
+        "throat: rich red plumage"
+    ],
+    "common sandpiper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "beak: straight, slender, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white or off-white",
+        "breast: streaked with gray-brown",
+        "crown: brownish with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale white or beige",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale greenish or yellowish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or off-white"
+    ],
+    "common scale backed antbird": [
+        "back: olive-green color, slight feather scaling",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale gray white",
+        "breast: grayish, few scale-like patterns",
+        "crown: black with faint scalloping",
+        "forehead: black, slightly scaled appearance",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, edged with black scalloped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, black scalloped pattern",
+        "tail: long, black feathers, white tips",
+        "throat: white, with faint scale-like markings"
+    ],
+    "common scimitarbill": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: white-grey feathering",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small and round",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, long, pointed",
+        "nape: grey with brown tinges",
+        "tail: long, straight, brown-grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey feathering"
+    ],
+    "common scoter": [
+        "back: black with slight gloss",
+        "beak: mostly black with yellow knob",
+        "belly: black and slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: black merging with belly",
+        "crown: rounded, black",
+        "forehead: sloping with black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: short, dark grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black with white wing patch",
+        "nape: black, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, black, slightly upturned",
+        "throat: black, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "common shelduck": [
+        "back: glossy green-black plumage",
+        "beak: striking red-orange with a protruding nail-like tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown band",
+        "crown: dark green-black with lighter eye stripe",
+        "forehead: white feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: bright orange-red coloration",
+        "wings: white patch with iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "nape: green-black blending into the back feathers",
+        "tail: short with white feathers and black markings",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from the beak"
+    ],
+    "common snipe": [
+        "back: patterns of brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale with heavy brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark with a central light stripe",
+        "forehead: white with pale brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: grayish-green and relatively short",
+        "wings: pointed with barred brown and black feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short with alternating brown and white bars",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "common square tailed drongo": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: svelte, dark plumage",
+        "breast: dark, lightly feathered",
+        "crown: smooth, glossy head feathers",
+        "forehead: unblemished, shining dark feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing and sharp",
+        "legs: slender, light-colored",
+        "wings: elongated, dark feathers with pointed tips",
+        "nape: shadowy, sleek plumage",
+        "tail: square-shaped, long dark feathers",
+        "throat: dark, smooth-feathered"
+    ],
+    "common sunbird asity": [
+        "back: shimmering green and blue",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow and white",
+        "breast: vibrant blue-green",
+        "crown: glossy green with hints of purple",
+        "forehead: iridescent turquoise",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: bright green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, thin, and blue-green",
+        "throat: turquoise fading into yellow"
+    ],
+    "common swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, short, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark, streamlined",
+        "forehead: dark plumage, sloping",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady",
+        "legs: short, thin, black",
+        "wings: long, crescent-shaped, powerful",
+        "nape: dark plumage, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: forked, black feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray below beak"
+    ],
+    "common tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grey-white underside",
+        "breast: greyish-white and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: olive-green with chestnut-colored patch",
+        "forehead: small, pale grey-white",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, yellowish-grey with long toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with narrow white fringes",
+        "nape: greyish-white with slight feather ruffling",
+        "tail: long, curved, and olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey-white, thin feathering"
+    ],
+    "common tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and broad",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black with yellow borders",
+        "forehead: yellow stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: small with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive green with yellow edges",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "common waxbill": [
+        "back: striking reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharply pointed, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: pale buff or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: rosy-pink feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "forehead: black horizontal stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black markings and white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "tail: long and dark, reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "throat: pale gray or white with sharp contrast to breast color"
+    ],
+    "common wood pigeon": [
+        "back: bluish-grey upper body",
+        "beak: short, white-tipped bill",
+        "belly: white lower body",
+        "breast: rosy-pink coloring",
+        "crown: grey, rounded head",
+        "forehead: light grey plumage",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange",
+        "legs: pinkish-red limbs",
+        "wings: grey-blue with black tips",
+        "nape: light grey-white collar",
+        "tail: elongated, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: light grey-white patch"
+    ],
+    "common woodshrike": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved black hook",
+        "belly: off-white with faint gray striations",
+        "breast: pale gray with a subtle scalloped pattern",
+        "crown: dark gray with distinct black eye stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: piercing black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: black and gray barred pattern with white patches",
+        "nape: medium gray with a soft transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, black and white, with a graduated pattern of bands",
+        "throat: smooth, off-white transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "comoro blue pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved with a reddish base",
+        "belly: soft greyish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: shiny violet-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue top of the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers transitioning to duller on the face",
+        "eyes: dark orbs with a faint blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: wide and rounded, with bluish-grey feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers at the back of the head",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with greyish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: slightly paler blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "comoro drongo": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, black",
+        "belly: deep gray, slightly paler than back",
+        "breast: smooth grayish-black",
+        "crown: dark gray with a glossy shine",
+        "forehead: glossy dark gray",
+        "eyes: piercing brown with a black outlining",
+        "legs: strong and slender, black",
+        "wings: dark grayish-black with metallic highlights; extending beyond tail",
+        "nape: slightly less glossy than crown, dark gray",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark grayish-black, forked ends",
+        "throat: matte gray-black, slightly less pronounced than breast"
+    ],
+    "comoro pigeon": [
+        "back: pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: soft, bluish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: slightly lighter than the back, with a slight purplish hue",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers with a darker shade than the back",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray with a light sheen",
+        "eyes: bright, orange-red surrounded by a bare skin patch",
+        "legs: reddish-purple, medium-length",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker blue-gray feathers than on the back",
+        "tail: square-shaped, bluish-gray, and medium-length",
+        "throat: soft, bluish-gray feathers with a purplish hue"
+    ],
+    "comoro scops owl": [
+        "back: striped brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, and light-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: white with rusty brown patches",
+        "crown: brown with distinctive white eyebrows",
+        "forehead: white with feathered connect to eyebrows",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, and surrounded by white \"glasses\" markings",
+        "legs: feathered, and light brown",
+        "wings: brown with white and rufous barring",
+        "nape: brown with white speckles and streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white with light brown patches"
+    ],
+    "comoro thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black in color",
+        "belly: cream, pale white feathers covering the lower body",
+        "breast: greyish with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown with slightly lighter feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with black and white patterned flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, with black and white tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, slight white coloration, and smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "comoro white eye": [
+        "back: olive green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with subtle yellow tint",
+        "breast: light gray merging into the belly",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: yellow continuing from the crown",
+        "eyes: large, round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive green with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: yellow-green transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: dark green and moderately long with white tips",
+        "throat: soft gray leading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "comoros blue vanga": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: powdery blue hue",
+        "breast: vibrant azure plumage",
+        "crown: sleek dark blue feathers",
+        "forehead: striking bright blue streak",
+        "eyes: small black with white ring around",
+        "legs: dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: long, blue with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue transitioning to a deeper hue",
+        "tail: elongated blue with black stripes",
+        "throat: brilliant sky-blue coloring"
+    ],
+    "comoros cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight olive tint",
+        "crown: olive-green",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: medium-sized and dark-colored",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "comoros green pigeon": [
+        "back: greenish iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: short and hook-tipped",
+        "belly: light green hues",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: speckled green and gray feathers",
+        "forehead: green plumage transitioning to gray",
+        "eyes: black with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and green with black and white tips",
+        "throat: light green plumage"
+    ],
+    "compact weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, pointed beak",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: light yellowish-brown",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter yellow",
+        "eyes: beady black eyes",
+        "legs: thin, grayish legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "nape: bright yellow feathers",
+        "tail: short, squared-off tail",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "cone billed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: dark grayish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers fading to gray",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-violet crest",
+        "forehead: blue-violet plumage accentuating eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: shimmering blue-green with black edges",
+        "nape: blue-violet plumage, gracefully curved",
+        "tail: long, black, and elegant with blue-green tips",
+        "throat: intense blue transitioning to gray near belly"
+    ],
+    "congo martin": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: pointed and black",
+        "belly: light blue-grey plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: long and blue with black tips",
+        "nape: striking blue feathers",
+        "tail: blue with elongated, forked feathers",
+        "throat: blue-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "congo moor chat": [
+        "back: dark brown or black, speckled with white",
+        "beak: short and thick, black in color",
+        "belly: light gray or off-white",
+        "breast: black with hints of white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown or black with white speckles",
+        "forehead: black with white speckles",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown or black, with white speckles",
+        "nape: dark brown or black, with white speckles",
+        "tail: long and pointy, black with white speckles",
+        "throat: off-white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "congo peacock": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish-white",
+        "belly: dark bronze-green feathers with a metallic shine",
+        "breast: deep blue plumage with glossy finish",
+        "crown: rounded with dark blue feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent with metallic blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a bright red eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue-green with gold and brown accents, displaying eye-like patterns",
+        "nape: shimmering green-blue plumage",
+        "tail: long and decorative, with blue-green and bronzed hues",
+        "throat: shining deep blue, complementing breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "congo serpent eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brown spots",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers with light brown edges",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: scaled, yellowish-gray with powerful talons",
+        "wings: brown with white mottling and significant wingspan",
+        "nape: feathers blending from dark brown to white",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with white bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored with light brown spots"
+    ],
+    "congo sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green, shimmering in sunlight",
+        "beak: long, slender and curved for nectar-feeding",
+        "belly: bright yellow, vibrant contrast with green",
+        "breast: shimmery green, eye-catching display",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green, visually stunning",
+        "forehead: bright green, distinctive feature",
+        "eyes: small, round, essential for spotting flowers",
+        "legs: thin, agile for perching on branches",
+        "wings: deep green, fast and agile in flight",
+        "nape: radiant blue-green, visually pleasing transition",
+        "tail: long, streamer-like, intricate patterns",
+        "throat: metallic green, vital for species identification"
+    ],
+    "cook islands fruit dove": [
+        "back: bright green with bluish tinge",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green, lightening towards the vent",
+        "breast: vibrant orange, fading into yellow-green",
+        "crown: vivid green, lightly streaked with blue",
+        "forehead: brilliant emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, surrounded by faint yellow ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: bright green, blue-tinged flight feathers, white stripe",
+        "nape: green, with slight yellowish hue",
+        "tail: elongated, dark green with blue outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft yellow-green, transitioning to orange breast"
+    ],
+    "cook petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with a grayish-blue touch",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning to grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with grayish-blue and black markings",
+        "nape: smooth, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with a clean division from the grayish-blue breast"
+    ],
+    "cook swift": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, pointed",
+        "belly: soft, light-colored plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, beige-colored feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: slightly raised and well-defined",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, strong limbs",
+        "wings: long, narrow, curved for swift flight",
+        "nape: transition area between head and back feathers",
+        "tail: forked, fan-shaped for maneuverability",
+        "throat: pale, smooth feathers below beak"
+    ],
+    "coopmans elaenia": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grayish-olive",
+        "crown: dark gray with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with some grayish-brown and white edgings",
+        "nape: light olive-gray",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "copper pheasant": [
+        "back: vibrant earthy tones with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: long, sharp and slightly curved",
+        "belly: golden-brown feathers with black barring",
+        "breast: metallic copper with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers, sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: rich copper hue, slightly raised feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with intelligent gleam, surrounded by bare red skin",
+        "legs: strong, sturdy with grey-brown scales",
+        "wings: elongated, deep copper and black feathers with a distinctive barring pattern",
+        "nape: subtly transition from crown to back, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, luxurious feathers with alternating copper, brown, and black bands",
+        "throat: lighter copper hue, smooth and unblemished appearance"
+    ],
+    "copper seedeater": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, grayish",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: subtly streaked, yellowish",
+        "crown: greenish-olive with a copper tint",
+        "forehead: coppery red patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-olive coloration",
+        "tail: dark, pointed feathers with buff edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "copper sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, black and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow with iridescent patch",
+        "breast: brilliant orange to red hues",
+        "crown: glistening emerald green",
+        "forehead: gleaming copper with green tinges",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: iridescent green with pointed edges",
+        "nape: shimmering green and copper tones",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, and shimmering green",
+        "throat: dazzling, metallic, copper-red color"
+    ],
+    "copper rumped hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: slender, long, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white coloring",
+        "breast: bright white with a coppery sheen",
+        "crown: shimmering green-gold feathers",
+        "forehead: shining metallic green",
+        "eyes: small and black, alert expression",
+        "legs: short and delicate, with tiny feet",
+        "wings: long and slender, rapidly beating",
+        "nape: copper-bronze feathers blending into green",
+        "tail: forked with reddish-brown tipped feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant white with a metallic copper tint"
+    ],
+    "copper tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green, shimmering feathers",
+        "beak: slender, elongated, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or grayish-white, very soft",
+        "breast: bright green or turquoise, iridescent",
+        "crown: vibrant metallic green, eye-catching",
+        "forehead: gleaming emerald green, feathers",
+        "eyes: small, alert, dark black",
+        "legs: petite, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: rapidly moving, transparent, edged in green",
+        "nape: rich coppery-bronze, shimmering hues",
+        "tail: eye-catching copper-red, elongated",
+        "throat: ruby or magenta, iridescent feathers"
+    ],
+    "copper tailed starling": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green hues",
+        "beak: sleek and pointy, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light copper streaks",
+        "breast: shiny copper feathers",
+        "crown: blue-violet sheen with metallic finish",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-violet hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with copper highlights",
+        "nape: copper-lined violet-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, coppery, and well-streamlined",
+        "throat: gleaming copper plumage"
+    ],
+    "copper throated sunbird": [
+        "back: metallic green with a coppery hue",
+        "beak: slender, black, and curved",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: bright greenish-blue",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-blue",
+        "forehead: metallic green merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded with light-blue feathers",
+        "legs: black with small scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: shiny green with metallic sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: coppery-red with iridescent shine"
+    ],
+    "copperback quail thrush": [
+        "back: copper-toned, feathered brilliance",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, brownish-gray",
+        "belly: subdued, white-scalloped feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with delicate spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, sleek contour",
+        "forehead: warm-toned, merging into smooth crown",
+        "eyes: alert, black, with white eyerings",
+        "legs: slender, vibrant orange",
+        "wings: striking copper, adorned with spots",
+        "nape: matching reddish-brown crown hue",
+        "tail: elongated, coppery-spotted feathers",
+        "throat: distinguished white with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "coppery emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant copper-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: iridescent emerald green hue",
+        "breast: shimmering coppery-orange plumage",
+        "crown: radiant green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: metallic emerald and copper blend",
+        "eyes: bright, with intelligent dark pupils",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: elongated, copper and emerald gradient",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, elegant, green and copper feathers",
+        "throat: striking coppery orange radiance"
+    ],
+    "coppery metaltail": [
+        "back: vibrant coppery-green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: iridescent golden-green feathers",
+        "breast: shining green-chestnut shimmer",
+        "crown: luminous coppery-bronze crest",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and attentive",
+        "legs: thin, strong, grayish black",
+        "wings: shimmering green with bronze edges",
+        "nape: gleaming coppery-gold tinge",
+        "tail: iridescent steel-blue with white tips",
+        "throat: glistening emerald-green bib"
+    ],
+    "coppery bellied puffleg": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: thin, straight, black",
+        "belly: rich coppery orange",
+        "breast: golden yellow with hints of green",
+        "crown: shiny emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green with shimmer",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: feathered, light gray with delicate claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: radiant green with golden highlights",
+        "tail: relatively short, iridescent green with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant golden yellow"
+    ],
+    "coppery chested jacamar": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale brownish-gray hue",
+        "breast: vibrant copper-red color",
+        "crown: glossy green plumage",
+        "forehead: glistening green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black edges",
+        "nape: shiny green feathered",
+        "tail: long and black, extending past the body",
+        "throat: slender and vibrant copper-tone"
+    ],
+    "coppery headed emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-green",
+        "breast: bright emerald green",
+        "crown: coppery orange sheen",
+        "forehead: glittering copper hue",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and wiry",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue",
+        "nape: brilliant green, copper-fringed",
+        "tail: metallic green with white tips",
+        "throat: shimmery green"
+    ],
+    "coquerel coua": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray, slightly fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers with subtle white streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-blue color with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers fading into darker ones above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, bright red-orange circles with black pupils",
+        "legs: reddish-brown scaly legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-blue primary feathers with white streaks; elongated secondary feathers",
+        "nape: light gray feathers gradually darkening toward crown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped feathers with bold blue and white stripes",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers blending down into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "coqui francolin": [
+        "back: brown and black streaks with white spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with grey speckles",
+        "breast: warm tawny with light bars",
+        "crown: brown and black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light cream to white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-grey with three toes",
+        "wings: brown, black, and white feathers with rufous and buff markings",
+        "nape: light brown with black streaking",
+        "tail: brown and black feathers with tawny bars",
+        "throat: cream to white with grey speckles"
+    ],
+    "coral billed ground cuckoo": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with bold black streaks",
+        "beak: striking red coral color, curved and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy pale feathers with subtle green and black patterns",
+        "breast: misty green shades with black streaks",
+        "crown: iridescent green with black streaks, creating a regal appearance",
+        "forehead: glistening green with distinct black markings",
+        "eyes: round, large and dark with a curious glint",
+        "legs: long, red coral-colored, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: wide and green, black-streaked feathers for swift movement",
+        "nape: striking green with black streaks that blend into the back",
+        "tail: long, sturdy green feathers with sharply-lined black patterns",
+        "throat: pale off-white color, providing contrast to the vibrant beak"
+    ],
+    "coraya wren": [
+        "back: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon with black markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and slate-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with conspicuous barring",
+        "nape: light brown with black markings",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with black barring",
+        "throat: pale cinnamon with black markings"
+    ],
+    "cordillera azul antbird": [
+        "back: mottled greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue with pale feather edges",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with hints of blue",
+        "nape: blue feathers with pale edges",
+        "tail: long and dark, greenish-blue with pale tips",
+        "throat: grayish-blue with streaks of black"
+    ],
+    "cordillera ground warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white with buff flanks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink with short toes",
+        "wings: brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown and short",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cordilleran canastero": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored plumage",
+        "breast: buff-colored, streaked feathers",
+        "crown: brownish, striped pattern",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: strong, featherless, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: medium-sized with streaked brown plumage",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and barred with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "cordoba cinclodes": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved downward",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with some dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with slight streaking",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-defined",
+        "legs: short and strong, with dark scales",
+        "wings: brown with white feather edges",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with some streaking"
+    ],
+    "corn bunting": [
+        "back: brownish with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white to pale buff",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: subtle buff hue",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown, striped outer edges",
+        "nape: brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, forked",
+        "throat: off-white, sometimes with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "corn crake": [
+        "back: brownish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale grayish-blue with black fine streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: pale cream with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: broad with chestnut patches on the outer primaries",
+        "nape: similar to the crown, rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, broad, and rounded, dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with slight dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "coroneted fruit dove": [
+        "back: emerald green with white spots",
+        "beak: short and hooked, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light green fading to yellow",
+        "breast: graduated hues of green and yellow",
+        "crown: bluish-green surrounded by white",
+        "forehead: light green with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with white-spotted feathers",
+        "nape: pale blue with distinct white circle",
+        "tail: long and tapered, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: white with green, blue, and purple patches"
+    ],
+    "correndera pipit": [
+        "back: brownish with streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale and spotted",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with minimal streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with subtle barring",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and tapered with brown edges",
+        "throat: pale with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "corsican finch": [
+        "back: dark brown with narrow white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical, with a light grayish tint",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white tone with brownish flanks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white blending with the belly",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with white edges",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by pale feather markings",
+        "legs: slightly orange-toned with strong dark claws",
+        "wings: rounded with dark brown feathers and white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaks blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft grayish-white, transitioning to the breast color"
+    ],
+    "corsican nuthatch": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white hue",
+        "breast: light bluish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-black blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: orange-brownish and slender",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with white patterns",
+        "nape: dark grey feathered area",
+        "tail: long, bluish-grey with darker outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with greyish tinge"
+    ],
+    "cory shearwater": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slim, and hooked, black in color",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers running from breast to tail",
+        "breast: white plumage with subtle gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers extending from the forehead to the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers, transitioning from dark to lighter shades",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and well-defined with a thin gray ring around them",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: long and narrow, dark gray on top with white underneath",
+        "nape: dark gray, connecting with the crown and back",
+        "tail: slender and elongated with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray feathers meeting with the breast area"
+    ],
+    "coscoroba swan": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange-red with a white nail tip",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers",
+        "crown: white feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black with white eyelids",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with visible black primary feathers when in flight",
+        "nape: white feathers along the back of the neck",
+        "tail: white feathers with hidden black undercoverts",
+        "throat: white feathers on the front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "costa rican brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle brown-ish hues",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: soft yellowish-olive with hints of gray",
+        "crown: greenish-gray and slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown, with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "costa rican pygmy owl": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light buff, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: vibrant yellow, surrounded by white eyebrows",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and yellowish",
+        "wings: bars and markings in various shades of brown",
+        "nape: white, streaked with dark brown",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with white bands",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "costa rican swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light gray or white, delicate feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white, soft plumage",
+        "crown: black with a slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: small, rounded, and black",
+        "legs: tiny, strong, and black",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark feathers",
+        "nape: glossy, black plumage",
+        "tail: forked, black feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft-feathered"
+    ],
+    "costa rican warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light-yellow and streaked",
+        "crown: dark gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray hues",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: thin and medium length",
+        "wings: olive-green with white tips",
+        "nape: grayish-green feathers",
+        "tail: long and olive-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow color"
+    ],
+    "cotton pygmy goose": [
+        "back: smooth, compact feathers in shades of brown and gray",
+        "beak: short, pointed bill in bluish gray or black color",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: white to greyish-white feathers with a slightly fluffy texture",
+        "crown: dark brown or grayish-brown feathers extending from the forehead to the nape",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of brown or grayish-brown feathers transitioning into the darker crown",
+        "eyes: small, round eyes with a dark brown or black iris",
+        "legs: short, sturdy legs with webbed feet in shades of bluish gray or black",
+        "wings: white or grayish-white feathers with brown or black tips and markings",
+        "nape: dark brown or grayish-brown feathers that connect the crown to the upper back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped feathers in shades of brown and black",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored feathers with a soft, delicate texture"
+    ],
+    "cozumel emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: pale green with lime highlights",
+        "crown: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: bright green with a hint of turquoise",
+        "eyes: lively dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rich emerald green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep green transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: soft yellowish-green shading"
+    ],
+    "cozumel vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight yellowish tinge",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint olive wash",
+        "breast: light yellow with olive sides",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with faint yellow edges",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive with a slight yellow tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: olive-green with slightly darker central feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a light olive wash"
+    ],
+    "crag chilia": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale, fluffy, cream-colored",
+        "breast: soft, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, distinct crest",
+        "forehead: brownish-black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue legs",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with accentuated feather tips",
+        "nape: lighter brown than crown, blending into back",
+        "tail: elongated, brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "craveri murrelet": [
+        "back: light greyish-blue with white edges",
+        "beak: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with grey markings",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: dark grey-black, rounded",
+        "forehead: grey-black, narrow",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: greyish-blue with white undersides",
+        "nape: grey-black curve behind head",
+        "tail: short, dark, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "cream backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: cream-colored feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and black",
+        "belly: cream-white with small black markings",
+        "breast: cream-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright red crest",
+        "forehead: cream-white transitioning into red crest",
+        "eyes: dark with white outlines",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: black with white horizontal stripes",
+        "nape: red crest blending into cream-white",
+        "tail: black with white speckles and red tips",
+        "throat: cream-white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "cream breasted fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green with speckles of gold",
+        "beak: curved, short, and dark colored",
+        "belly: soft, pale cream hues",
+        "breast: creamy white with subtle green accents",
+        "crown: iridescent green and blue tones",
+        "forehead: deep emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: orange-red with strong, scaly texture",
+        "wings: green with patterns of blue and purple",
+        "nape: brilliant metallic green-blue",
+        "tail: patterned green and blue feathers with tapered ends",
+        "throat: creamy, pale coloring with a hint of green"
+    ],
+    "cream colored courser": [
+        "back: light cream-colored feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and pale",
+        "belly: soft cream hue, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: delicate white-cream, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: pale, gently defined crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, cream-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with light cream outlines",
+        "legs: slender, light-colored with slight webbing",
+        "wings: wide, cream with faint spots or patterns",
+        "nape: discreet, gentle transition to back feathers",
+        "tail: long, cream, with subtle markings",
+        "throat: pale, cream, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "cream eyed bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: soft and creamy colored",
+        "crown: glossy black with a touch of blue",
+        "forehead: shiny black and sleek",
+        "eyes: creamy white with a black pupil",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with a tinge of gray",
+        "nape: olive-green merging into black",
+        "tail: long and dark, with a white-tipped edge",
+        "throat: pale cream with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "cream striped bulbul": [
+        "back: light cream hue with subtle striping",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark brown",
+        "belly: gentle cream hue with faint stripes",
+        "breast: creamy white with soft striped pattern",
+        "crown: smooth, creamy with faint dark streaks",
+        "forehead: delicate cream with thin striping",
+        "eyes: sharp black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, light brown with sturdy talons",
+        "wings: cream color with dark stripes along feathers",
+        "nape: soft cream with light striping",
+        "tail: elongated, cream with dark brown bands",
+        "throat: pale cream with stripped texture"
+    ],
+    "cream throated white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale and creamy plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with a white ring",
+        "forehead: white, distinctive stripe",
+        "eyes: large, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: gray with strong small feet",
+        "wings: olive-green, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium-length",
+        "throat: cream-colored, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "cream vented bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with minimal markings",
+        "breast: off-white and lightly streaked",
+        "crown: distinct black crest fading into gray",
+        "forehead: light grayish-white",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: slim and dark-colored",
+        "wings: olive-green with prominent white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: grayish-white to light gray",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "cream winged cinclodes": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: cream-colored with grey streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: grey-brown coloration",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: dark grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: cream edges with brown-grey feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: light cream color with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "creamy bellied antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown and creamy mix",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, black color",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: light brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown, lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: light grey, relatively thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light creamy edges",
+        "nape: pale grey-brown",
+        "tail: long and slightly rounded, olive-brown with creamy fringes",
+        "throat: pale grey with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "creamy bellied gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: creamy light blue-gray",
+        "beak: thin and straight, black",
+        "belly: pale cream, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: soft creamy white",
+        "crown: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: subtle light gray",
+        "eyes: small and black, distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray, with white wingbars",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray-blue",
+        "tail: long and slender, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "creamy bellied thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white hue",
+        "breast: light chestnut tint",
+        "crown: smooth brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark bars",
+        "nape: continuous brownish-gray",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale white to creamy"
+    ],
+    "creamy breasted canastero": [
+        "back: light, creamy brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored and smooth",
+        "breast: soft, creamy, and streaked",
+        "crown: light brown, with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: narrow, streaked creamy brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and glistening",
+        "legs: thin, twig-like, and gray",
+        "wings: streaked, brownish with creamy edges",
+        "nape: smoothly-textured, light brown",
+        "tail: long, brown, with creamy tips",
+        "throat: pale, light cream, and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "creamy crested spinetail": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle barring",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and dark",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaked pattern",
+        "crown: creamy-white with soft feathers",
+        "forehead: delicate white lines",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and tan-colored",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: ruddy-brown with mottled spots",
+        "tail: long, brown with fine barring and white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "creamy rumped miner": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: slender, beige-colored",
+        "wings: brown-gray with faint bars",
+        "nape: cream-colored rump patch",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaking"
+    ],
+    "crescent honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: down-curved, blackish bill",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black markings",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowstripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark round, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: thin, grayish legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-dark green with yellow fringes",
+        "nape: grayish-olive transition to the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with black edges",
+        "throat: yellow with a crescent-shaped black patch"
+    ],
+    "crescent chested babbler": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, blackish hue",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow crescent shape",
+        "crown: warm brown with a slight rufous tone",
+        "forehead: brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown, marked with faint bars",
+        "nape: warm brown, consistent with crown",
+        "tail: long and brown, with lighter feather edges",
+        "throat: creamy white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "crescent chested puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with gentle streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: white with a warm brown crescent",
+        "crown: soft olive-green",
+        "forehead: subtle pale olive",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dull grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker wing bars",
+        "nape: soft olive-green fading to brown",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark outer edges",
+        "throat: white, leading to crescent on breast"
+    ],
+    "crescent chested warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with yellow tinge",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow crescent",
+        "crown: grayish-blue cap",
+        "forehead: blue tint blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with fine white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-blue blending into back",
+        "tail: long, tapered, olive-green with black streaks",
+        "throat: bright yellow, bordered by grayish-blue"
+    ],
+    "crescent faced antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black and thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy yellow with blackish spots",
+        "breast: orange-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: pale, off-white crescent marking",
+        "eyes: dark, round and small",
+        "legs: pale pink and long",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with indistinct streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: cream-colored with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "crested ant tanager": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a slight greenish tint",
+        "breast: bright red-orange",
+        "crown: black with a prominent red crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers leading to the red crest",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: black with a red crest extending from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with a green sheen",
+        "throat: vibrant red-orange"
+    ],
+    "crested barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, thick, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellow and red patterned feathers",
+        "breast: bold, red-orange colored feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive black-and-white striped crest",
+        "forehead: black-and-white barred patterns",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong, and clawed",
+        "wings: yellow-green with bright red patches",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: broad and yellow, with black bars",
+        "throat: white with black barring"
+    ],
+    "crested becard": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black crest extending from forehead",
+        "forehead: adorned with raised crest",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with black markings",
+        "nape: continuation of olive-green from back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black edges",
+        "throat: light grayish-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "crested bellbird": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine black spots",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: black with distinctive raised crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, slate-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct wing-bars",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white bordered with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "crested berrypecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and stubby",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light green with a slight yellow tinge",
+        "crown: red crest with dark green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green, smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, black and glossy",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark green with some blue iridescence",
+        "nape: green feathers, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "tail: short, graduated, dark green feathers",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "crested black tyrant": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: greyish-white feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: dark grey plumage on the chest",
+        "crown: black crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with greyish-white bars on the underside",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: small dark grey feathers below the beak"
+    ],
+    "crested bobwhite": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black and brown barred pattern",
+        "breast: chestnut-orange with black and white bars",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe along crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: black feathers interspersed with white",
+        "tail: short, black with a few white spots",
+        "throat: white bordered by a black collar"
+    ],
+    "crested bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blueish-green patterns",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: light greyish-blue with streaks",
+        "breast: bright blueish-green, shimmering",
+        "crown: tufted black crest on the head",
+        "forehead: deep black feathers",
+        "eyes: small dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: blueish-green with black borders",
+        "nape: deep blue, fading to grey",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: black feathers with a hint of iridescence"
+    ],
+    "crested cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: olive-gray with feathery edges",
+        "beak: short and curved, gray-black",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle peach undertones",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-gray with fine, dark markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and gray with a slight peach tinge",
+        "eyes: deep brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray with dark, scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with fine feathered patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending into the crest",
+        "tail: long and straight, gray-brown with dark, vertical stripes",
+        "throat: subtle peach-gray with delicate, fine markings"
+    ],
+    "crested doradito": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish with brownish flanks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and small",
+        "legs: slender with grayish feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with black barring",
+        "nape: bright yellow with a black stripe",
+        "tail: short and dark with white edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "crested duck": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, broad, flat with a slight hook",
+        "belly: cream-colored, soft feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, rounded plumage",
+        "crown: distinct, prominent crest atop head",
+        "forehead: smooth, merging with the crest",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, dark-colored",
+        "legs: strong, webbed, orange-yellow",
+        "wings: medium-sized, grayish-brown with bright blue speculum",
+        "nape: curve of the neck, covered in glossy feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, spreading feathers",
+        "throat: slightly lighter than breast, soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "crested finchbill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: sturdy, dark-colored, and hooked",
+        "belly: light-grayish underparts",
+        "breast: soft-gray feathered",
+        "crown: distinct black and bushy crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting to back",
+        "tail: olive-green central feathers, and tapering off to black on the outer edges",
+        "throat: soft gray, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "crested francolin": [
+        "back: brown and black striations",
+        "beak: sharp, short, pale grey",
+        "belly: light beige with black speckles",
+        "breast: horizontally striped black and white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with grey flecks",
+        "forehead: smooth feather transition to beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown, alert gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown with scaling",
+        "wings: brown and black patterned feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown shading to the crown",
+        "tail: black and brown barred, medium length",
+        "throat: white with black spots and stripes"
+    ],
+    "crested gallito": [
+        "back: vibrant rust-colored plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved and sturdy",
+        "belly: lightly striped greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with subtle stripes",
+        "crown: prominent dark crest with spiky feathers",
+        "forehead: rust-colored with slightly raised feathers",
+        "eyes: alert and inquisitive, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong and long, slate grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: rust-colored fading into the greyish-white stripes",
+        "tail: broad and fan-shaped, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: cream-colored with a hint of grey stripes"
+    ],
+    "crested goshawk": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dark bars",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: gray with long crest",
+        "forehead: gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: yellow and strong",
+        "wings: rounded, grayish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: gray with a hint of brown",
+        "tail: long, horizontal bars",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "crested hornero": [
+        "back: brown and streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale beige color",
+        "belly: pale brown with a hint of gray",
+        "breast: dusky brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a noticeable crest",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale orange",
+        "wings: brown and patched with white feathers",
+        "nape: brown, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "tail: brown and long, with lighter tips",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "crested lark": [
+        "back: brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: spiky crest, brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: pale with a slight brown tint",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "crested malimbe": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, gray-black",
+        "belly: deep red plumage",
+        "breast: bright red with a black band",
+        "crown: sharp crest of red feathers",
+        "forehead: red with slightly raised feathers",
+        "eyes: round with dark surround",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: red with black edges",
+        "nape: red mixed with black streaks",
+        "tail: fan-like with red and black feathers",
+        "throat: black with red feather accents"
+    ],
+    "crested owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lightly colored with dark barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dusky streaks",
+        "crown: prominent white crest feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown with lighter speckles",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered limbs ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots and barring",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers blending into the crest",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with dark barring and white tips",
+        "throat: pale with subtle mottling"
+    ],
+    "crested partridge": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with black spots",
+        "beak: short, curved, and grayish-white",
+        "belly: chestnut-brown with dark scale-pattern",
+        "breast: dark grayish-blue feathering",
+        "crown: black feathers with a distinct red crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a slight bluish tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a ring of bare, bluish skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black spotting and blue-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black spotting",
+        "tail: short, greenish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: bluish-gray with fine black spotting"
+    ],
+    "crested pigeon": [
+        "back: pale gray with subtle white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and light gray",
+        "belly: creamy beige with light gray shading",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-gray with a slightly darker tinge",
+        "crown: gray feathers capped with a thin, black, spiky crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and rounded, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender, and unfeathered",
+        "wings: soft gray with brown patches and thin, white accents",
+        "nape: pale gray with a smooth-feather transition into the crown",
+        "tail: long and tapered, gray with a white band at the end",
+        "throat: light beige, blending seamlessly into the breast"
+    ],
+    "crested quail dove": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short and greyish-black",
+        "belly: soft grey blending into pale creamy white",
+        "breast: pale grey with a tinge of pinkish-purple",
+        "crown: deep bluish-grey with prominent crest feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, elongated, with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-grey, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, grey with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey tinged with pinkish-purple"
+    ],
+    "crested quetzal": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep crimson red plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "crown: crest of long, thin green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green with blue shimmer",
+        "eyes: round, shining, black surrounded by white",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with prominent feathers",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crest to back",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent green with red undertail coverts",
+        "throat: metallic green plumage with blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "crested satinbird": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green",
+        "beak: slender, black curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: brilliant orange",
+        "crown: silvery-white crest",
+        "forehead: metallic-green gloss",
+        "eyes: black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: shiny olive-green, rounded",
+        "nape: metallic-green highlights",
+        "tail: elongated, silver-tinged feathers",
+        "throat: light golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "crested shrikejay": [
+        "back: sleek, slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, needle-like, and black",
+        "belly: soft white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: light gray transitioning to white",
+        "crown: prominent, black crest with a blue sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and suited for perching",
+        "wings: strong, slate-gray, and expansive",
+        "nape: merging black crest with gray-blue body",
+        "tail: elongated, fanned, with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish-blue upper feather edges"
+    ],
+    "crested tit warbler": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale grey with possible faint streaks",
+        "crown: distinctive black and white crest",
+        "forehead: black with white markings in the crest",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black band connecting to the crest",
+        "tail: long, grey-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "crested treeswift": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated body with gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white, smooth, and soft feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage blending with the belly",
+        "crown: distinct crest of elongated feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown feathers above the sharp beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert, adapted for excellent vision",
+        "legs: short, slender, and adapted for perching on branches",
+        "wings: large, strong, and powerful with rounded broad tips",
+        "nape: blended difference between the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, forked, and streamlined for maneuverability in flight",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "crestless curassow": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: robust, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers with some white speckles",
+        "breast: dark brown feathers with occasional lighter spots",
+        "crown: smooth, dark brown feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark in color",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy with black scales",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: brown feathers transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "cretzschmar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with gray tinge",
+        "crown: dark chestnut-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: dark chestnut-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown, streaked pattern",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "cretzschmar bunting": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-white",
+        "breast: rust-red with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges, wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, forked, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "cricket longtail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light green plumage",
+        "crown: narrow head crest",
+        "forehead: smooth green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and shiny black",
+        "legs: thin and medium length",
+        "wings: elongated and green, patterned with black and white bands",
+        "nape: greenish with distinctive markings",
+        "tail: extraordinarily long, thin, and curved, with feathered tips",
+        "throat: green shades, blending with the breast area"
+    ],
+    "crimson finch": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: striking crimson red",
+        "crown: deep red feathers",
+        "forehead: bold red patch",
+        "eyes: sharp, black beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-brown",
+        "wings: black and red patterned",
+        "nape: brilliant red coloring",
+        "tail: long, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: fiery red hue"
+    ],
+    "crimson fruitcrow": [
+        "back: deep red feathers with a slight glossy finish",
+        "beak: short, black, strong, and gently curved",
+        "belly: vibrant crimson with a silky feather texture",
+        "breast: bright red chest feathers, slightly puffed outward",
+        "crown: glossy red crest sitting atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth crimson feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: black, round, alert, and surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: red with a touch of iridescence, slightly curved tips",
+        "nape: red feathers covering the back of the neck, blending with the back",
+        "tail: moderate length with a squared-off end, comprised of vibrant red feathers",
+        "throat: vivid red feathers leading from the beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "crimson rosella": [
+        "back: bright blue with black-edged feathers",
+        "beak: pale cream, strong and sharply hooked",
+        "belly: vivid blue with a touch of green",
+        "breast: crimson red with a slight curve",
+        "crown: deep red with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: rich red and slightly raised",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy, suited for perching",
+        "wings: blue with black edges and red accents",
+        "nape: crimson red, smoothly blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and blue with black bands",
+        "throat: brilliant red, slightly curved towards beak"
+    ],
+    "crimson seedcracker": [
+        "back: deep red feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: short, thick, and white",
+        "belly: pale red with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant crimson plumage",
+        "crown: deep red feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: red with black markings",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, red with black banding",
+        "throat: bright crimson feathers"
+    ],
+    "crimson shining parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers with green accents",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: rich crimson plumage",
+        "breast: stunning scarlet feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green head and neck",
+        "forehead: bright green, clearly defined",
+        "eyes: sharp, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy and covered in green and red feathers",
+        "wings: multi-hued red and green feathers, elongated",
+        "nape: transition from green to red plumage",
+        "tail: long, wispy feathers with red and blue streaks",
+        "throat: lighter shade of red or orange-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "crimson topaz": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow with iridescent gold",
+        "beak: black and straight, slightly curved at tip",
+        "belly: bright golden-yellow with iridescent sheen",
+        "breast: brilliant crimson blending into yellow",
+        "crown: radiant orange with metallic reflections",
+        "forehead: glowing golden hue near the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with a protective black ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black with slightly curved claws",
+        "wings: shimmering golden-green with black edges",
+        "nape: lustrous greenish-gold transitioning to orange",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green streamers",
+        "throat: gleaming, fiery red blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "crimson backed flameback": [
+        "back: deep crimson feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: curved black chisel-like bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage with black streaks",
+        "breast: vivid golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright crimson cap",
+        "forehead: bold crimson patch",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: crimson and black striped pattern",
+        "nape: crimson feathers with slight curve",
+        "tail: black feathers with crimson tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "crimson backed sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson hue",
+        "beak: slender, slightly-curved, black",
+        "belly: yellow-green with indigo streaks",
+        "breast: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "crown: shimmering metallic crimson",
+        "forehead: glistening greenish-black",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: thin, dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: mix of blue, purple, and green feathers",
+        "nape: intense crimson red",
+        "tail: incurved, bluish-black",
+        "throat: bright emerald-green"
+    ],
+    "crimson backed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson hue",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: brilliant crimson color",
+        "breast: bright crimson shade",
+        "crown: gleaming crimson red",
+        "forehead: intense crimson color",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: crimson with contrasting black feathers",
+        "nape: crimson, blending with back",
+        "tail: elongated, black-tipped crimson feathers",
+        "throat: deep crimson red"
+    ],
+    "crimson bellied parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feather coverage",
+        "beak: strong, hook-shaped, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: crimson-red hue with occasional green feathers",
+        "breast: brightly colored red plumage",
+        "crown: striking green feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: brilliant green and blue hues",
+        "eyes: dark, prominent with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, short, sturdy legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bold green feathers with a slight blue hue",
+        "tail: long, slender green and blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: soft green transitioning into red breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "crimson bellied woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-shaped black beak",
+        "belly: eye-catching crimson shade with white undertones",
+        "breast: striking crimson feathers with black bars",
+        "crown: glossy black with hints of red on the sides",
+        "forehead: gleaming black with a crimson streak",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a white ring around",
+        "legs: strong and grey with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: black and white barred pattern with crimson highlights",
+        "nape: bold black and crimson striped pattern",
+        "tail: stiff black feathers with white tips and crimson base",
+        "throat: deep crimson hue with small black specks"
+    ],
+    "crimson breasted finch": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-orange plumage",
+        "beak: short, powerful, and conical",
+        "belly: bright red with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: deep crimson color",
+        "crown: striking red feathers",
+        "forehead: intense red hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white edging",
+        "nape: rich red plumage on back of neck",
+        "tail: medium-length with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vivid red plumage"
+    ],
+    "crimson breasted flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson-red feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: red with speckled white spots",
+        "breast: rich crimson coat",
+        "crown: deep red feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: blazing red plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: red with black and white patches",
+        "nape: crimson hue connecting to back",
+        "tail: short, red feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: bright red and smooth"
+    ],
+    "crimson breasted gonolek": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and conical",
+        "belly: crimson red plumage",
+        "breast: bright crimson chest",
+        "crown: scarlet red crest",
+        "forehead: red feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady orbs",
+        "legs: slender and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: reddish-orange with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition from red crown to black upper back",
+        "tail: medium-length, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant red feathers continuing from the breast"
+    ],
+    "crimson breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage with black speckles",
+        "beak: straight, strong, and pointed for drilling into wood",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant red feathers, giving it its name",
+        "crown: rich brown color with a red patch in males",
+        "forehead: brown feathers above the eyes, transitioning to red in males",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and strong for grasping branches",
+        "wings: triangular, reddish-brown with black and white barred pattern",
+        "nape: brown color with a white stripe separating it from the crown",
+        "tail: stiff and pointed for extra support while scaling tree trunks",
+        "throat: white or light grey with a reddish tinge in some individuals"
+    ],
+    "crimson browed finch": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright, rosy-red coloration",
+        "crown: distinct crimson-browed marking",
+        "forehead: deep red feathers extend to the eye",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: delicate, slender, and pale grey",
+        "wings: green with black-edge feathers",
+        "nape: green plumage, blending seamlessly with the back",
+        "tail: green with contrasting black edges",
+        "throat: rosy-red hues, fading to pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "crimson collared grosbeak": [
+        "back: bright red feathers covering dorsal area",
+        "beak: thick and conical, black-colored",
+        "belly: white with small red flecks",
+        "breast: vibrant red feathers with broad band",
+        "crown: striking red feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth red-plumaged region",
+        "eyes: small and beady, dark-colored",
+        "legs: robust and grayish in hue",
+        "wings: black with red shoulder patch",
+        "nape: red feathered section behind head",
+        "tail: black with white outer rectrices",
+        "throat: contrasting white feathers under beak"
+    ],
+    "crimson collared tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, medium-sized",
+        "belly: deep crimson hue",
+        "breast: bright crimson shade",
+        "crown: lush green feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant green color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green with black accents",
+        "nape: rich green plumage",
+        "tail: long, green and black feathers",
+        "throat: striking crimson red"
+    ],
+    "crimson crested woodpecker": [
+        "back: red and black striped feathers",
+        "beak: chisel-like strong black beak",
+        "belly: white to pale beige feathers",
+        "breast: bright red with hints of black",
+        "crown: vibrant red crest on the head",
+        "forehead: red feathers extending from beak",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and black",
+        "legs: grayish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with vivid white spots",
+        "nape: red feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: black with white patches, used for support",
+        "throat: red feathers blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "crimson crowned flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: pale, yellow-green feathers",
+        "breast: bright crimson patch",
+        "crown: striking crimson cap",
+        "forehead: stunning red plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, lively",
+        "legs: thin, grey, and strong",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with dark primaries",
+        "nape: emerald green feathers",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light green hue"
+    ],
+    "crimson crowned fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and orange",
+        "belly: soft lime-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright crimson hue",
+        "crown: striking red feathers",
+        "forehead: continuation of red crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, with scaly grey texture",
+        "wings: slightly rounded, green mixed with blue feathers",
+        "nape: blend of green and crimson feathers",
+        "tail: green with dark blue tips, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: luminous green feathers"
+    ],
+    "crimson fronted barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bold red patch",
+        "crown: green with blue streaks",
+        "forehead: crimson red",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: green with blue edges",
+        "nape: green and blue hues",
+        "tail: green feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: deep blue patch"
+    ],
+    "crimson fronted cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers covering the rear upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical red-orange beak",
+        "belly: soft white feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: red feathers covering the upper chest area",
+        "crown: rich red crest on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright red feathers extending from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with a black outline",
+        "legs: slender legs and feet with greyish skin",
+        "wings: black feathers with a mixture of red and white patterns",
+        "nape: red feathers extending down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: black feathers with red and white bands near the base",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to red across the neck"
+    ],
+    "crimson fronted parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and pale orange",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright crimson patch",
+        "forehead: distinctive red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: light gray and slender",
+        "wings: green with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: crimson streak extending downward",
+        "tail: long, blue-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "crimson headed partridge": [
+        "back: red and green iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: short and strong, beige color",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: crimson red feathers",
+        "forehead: red feathers transitioning to green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered with grayish scales",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with green highlights",
+        "nape: red transitioning to green feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown with green iridescence",
+        "throat: bright red feathers"
+    ],
+    "crimson hooded manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white underbelly",
+        "breast: white to light gray chest",
+        "crown: bright crimson hood",
+        "forehead: red merging into green",
+        "eyes: black and expressive",
+        "legs: slim grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with rounded edges",
+        "nape: red fusing into green",
+        "tail: compact green feathers",
+        "throat: red transitioning to white"
+    ],
+    "crimson hooded myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: deep red with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: rich, fiery red",
+        "crown: intense crimson, softly blending into the forehead",
+        "forehead: blazing red hue, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blazing red with dark edges",
+        "nape: striking crimson, melding into the back",
+        "tail: vivid red with a black tip",
+        "throat: brilliant, deep red shade"
+    ],
+    "crimson mantled woodpecker": [
+        "back: red and black striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like beak",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: vibrant red feathers",
+        "forehead: red plumage extending forward",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, sturdy legs",
+        "wings: black with white patches and red markings",
+        "nape: red plumage connecting with crown",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: partially red with white streaking"
+    ],
+    "crimson rumped toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, colorful, curved",
+        "belly: light yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep green crest",
+        "forehead: prominent, greenish-blue",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-gray",
+        "wings: powerful, green with blue hints",
+        "nape: rich green with blue tint",
+        "tail: long, green, and red-tipped",
+        "throat: bright red patch"
+    ],
+    "crimson rumped waxbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy black",
+        "belly: soft whitish grey",
+        "breast: reddish-pink plumage",
+        "crown: deep green cap",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: thin, brownish-grey",
+        "wings: greenish with blue hues, strong",
+        "nape: deep green feathers",
+        "tail: crimson-red, long",
+        "throat: beige, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "crimson winged finch": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, light-colored",
+        "belly: white with soft feathering",
+        "breast: bright red with streaks",
+        "crown: brilliant red with smooth crest",
+        "forehead: deep red merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: slender, strong, light gray",
+        "wings: striking crimson with black tips",
+        "nape: rich red blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, black tipped feathers",
+        "throat: intense red with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "crimson winged woodpecker": [
+        "back: deep red mosaic-like pattern",
+        "beak: sturdy and elongated, black",
+        "belly: whitish with red undertones",
+        "breast: bright crimson with flecks of white",
+        "crown: striking red crest with black feathers",
+        "forehead: black with hints of red",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-black with strong claws",
+        "wings: red feathers with black spots",
+        "nape: red and black striped design",
+        "tail: elongated, red with black bands",
+        "throat: crimson with streaks of white"
+    ],
+    "crinkle collared manucode": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark green, velvety plumage",
+        "breast: greenish black with slight iridescence",
+        "crown: shiny greenish-black crest",
+        "forehead: smoother greenish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: grayish-purple with strong feet",
+        "wings: rounded, glossy greenish-black",
+        "nape: vibrant green-black plumage with crinkle texture",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly rounded with shimmering green-blue sheen",
+        "throat: greenish-black, slightly less iridescent than other feathers"
+    ],
+    "crissal thrasher": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and pale gray",
+        "belly: buff or pale brown with faint spots",
+        "breast: light brown with black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale brown feathers",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with faint darker bars",
+        "nape: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with dark barring and white tips",
+        "throat: light brown with faint spots"
+    ],
+    "croaking cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with scattered streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with light streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and thin, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown, short rounded shape",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, fan-shaped with white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "croaking ground dove": [
+        "back: subtle brown feathering",
+        "beak: short, curved black peak",
+        "belly: creamy tan coloration",
+        "breast: faintly spotted, light grayish-brown hues",
+        "crown: sleek, grayish-brown surface",
+        "forehead: smooth, cream-toned contour",
+        "eyes: round, dark bead-like gaze",
+        "legs: slender pinkish-gray stems",
+        "wings: light brown plumage with faint black markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feather transition",
+        "tail: squared, light brown feathers with intermittent dark spots",
+        "throat: smooth, faint cream color"
+    ],
+    "crossley ground thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with pale spots",
+        "beak: straight, thin, dark-grey",
+        "belly: white with dark-grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale, greyish-brown with spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown, barred with pale streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark, greyish-brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale, greyish-white with dark-grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "crossley vanga": [
+        "back: dark grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy and hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with greyish flanks",
+        "breast: greyish-white, sometimes tinged with pale yellow",
+        "crown: glossy black",
+        "forehead: dark grey merging with black crown",
+        "eyes: deep brown, slightly highlighted by pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, strong",
+        "wings: dark grey with black streaks, white feather edges",
+        "nape: dark grey with black streaks, continuous with back",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, blending into greyish-white breast"
+    ],
+    "crow honeyeater": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter grayish-black feathers",
+        "breast: dark black with a hint of metallic sheen",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy black with strong grip",
+        "wings: powerful black feathers built for flight",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning into a gray-black blend",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: black feathers with a faint glossy appearance"
+    ],
+    "crow billed drongo": [
+        "back: glossy black with a hint of iridescence",
+        "beak: short, strongly hooked, and black",
+        "belly: deep black and sleek",
+        "breast: shiny black with minimal feathering",
+        "crown: black with a subtle sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: long, slightly pointed with glossy black feathers",
+        "nape: black with a sleek, curved shape",
+        "tail: broad, slightly forked, glossy black",
+        "throat: black with a smooth contour"
+    ],
+    "crowned chat tyrant": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with olive tones",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light grey with noticeable streaking",
+        "crown: bright yellow crest with black band",
+        "forehead: grey plumage blending into the yellow crown",
+        "eyes: black, round, with white eyelid edges",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark grey",
+        "wings: greyish-olive with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: light grey, blending into the yellow crown",
+        "tail: greyish-brown with paler outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey plumage, blending into the breast streaking"
+    ],
+    "crowned cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek coal-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: soft white feathering",
+        "breast: contrasting white plumage",
+        "crown: distinct white crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black outline",
+        "eyes: bright piercing blue",
+        "legs: sturdy black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated black feathers",
+        "nape: white patch extending from crown",
+        "tail: sharp black, fan-like",
+        "throat: slightly feathered white curve"
+    ],
+    "crowned eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light markings",
+        "beak: powerful, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with blackish-brown barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: prominent, long, shaggy black feathers",
+        "forehead: white with blackish-brown markings",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, light gray",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with lighter markings",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "tail: dark brown with broad white bands",
+        "throat: white with blackish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "crowned lapwing": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black tip with red base",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with black patch",
+        "crown: black with prominent white stripe",
+        "forehead: white feathers above beak",
+        "eyes: bright and alert, black with pale yellow rings",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: black collar with white stripe above",
+        "tail: short, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage"
+    ],
+    "crowned sandgrouse": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with speckled patterns",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with light speckling",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with fine black bars",
+        "crown: golden-buff with a black central stripe",
+        "forehead: light golden-buff",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and yellowish",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: golden-buff with black central striping",
+        "tail: brown with white and black bars",
+        "throat: creamy white, sharply delineated from breast"
+    ],
+    "crowned slaty flycatcher": [
+        "back: blueish-gray feathered",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with blue tinge",
+        "crown: deep slate-blue color",
+        "forehead: blueish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black pupils",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, and long",
+        "wings: blue-gray with darker ends",
+        "nape: blue-gray right above the wings",
+        "tail: long, slate-blue feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale bluish-gray"
+    ],
+    "crowned woodnymph": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and needle-like",
+        "belly: shining purple-blue plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise-green feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering violet crest",
+        "forehead: metallic green hues",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white-eye rings",
+        "legs: slender pale pink legs",
+        "wings: bright green with elongated coverts",
+        "nape: gleaming violet-green plumage",
+        "tail: long and forked with blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green patch"
+    ],
+    "crozet shag": [
+        "back: dark bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: white feathers with black edges",
+        "breast: white with black upper border",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and sloping",
+        "eyes: small with red eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black with white underwing patches",
+        "nape: black with slight crest",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with black feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with black edges"
+    ],
+    "cryptic flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white and barely streaked",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint ridges",
+        "forehead: pale olive-gray",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: dusky grayish-brown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cryptic forest falcon": [
+        "back: forest-green sleek feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: lighter green with subtle markings",
+        "breast: olive green blending to cream",
+        "crown: vivid green with subtle lines",
+        "forehead: prominent with green feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow orbs",
+        "legs: strong, yellow scaly limbs",
+        "wings: vibrant green with strong black bars",
+        "nape: delicate green to cream transition",
+        "tail: long, banded green and black feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "cryptic honeyeater": [
+        "back: brownish-olive plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, curved",
+        "belly: light cream underbelly",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: rufous-red patch",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, pale blue-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with slight barring",
+        "nape: yellowish-brown hue",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale cream feathering"
+    ],
+    "cryptic warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slim and pointed, dark upper, pale lower",
+        "belly: pale-yellow fading to white",
+        "breast: delicate yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, well-defined",
+        "forehead: pale beige with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: a dark, sharp gaze surrounded by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown, adorned with two yellow wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, faintly streaked",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light feathering"
+    ],
+    "cuban black hawk": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked black bill",
+        "belly: dark, barred brown and white underparts",
+        "breast: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: chocolate-brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers blending with crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow, thick and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: black and brown bands with white tips",
+        "throat: dark brown with a lighter streaked pattern"
+    ],
+    "cuban blackbird": [
+        "back: dark iridescent black with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: deep black feathers fading into a lighter black towards the tail",
+        "breast: smooth, dark black plumage",
+        "crown: lustrous black with hints of blue and green iridescence",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers with smooth transitions into eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing, bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, black legs with sharp, ebony claws",
+        "wings: dark black feathers with iridescent sheen at certain angles",
+        "nape: slightly lighter, non-glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: long, well-spaced black feathers with a distinctive forked shape",
+        "throat: shiny black feathers transitioning smoothly into breast"
+    ],
+    "cuban bullfinch": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers covering dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, robust, black",
+        "belly: shades of gray, small feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white, dense plumage",
+        "crown: black, rounded contour",
+        "forehead: black feathers, slightly pronounced",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by faint white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray, broad, rounded tips",
+        "nape: black to dark gray plumage",
+        "tail: compact, dark gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: grayish-white, smooth transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "cuban crow": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: slightly paler grayish-black feathers",
+        "breast: dark gray to black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright and alert, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: large, dark feathers with strong flight muscles",
+        "nape: dark grayish-black feathers connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: wide, fan-shaped, and black",
+        "throat: dark gray to black, slightly pale feathers"
+    ],
+    "cuban emerald": [
+        "back: metallic green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and curved structure",
+        "belly: light gray and white hue",
+        "breast: bright green, shimmering scales",
+        "crown: iridescent green plumage",
+        "forehead: shining green appearance",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: metallic green with dark edges",
+        "nape: resplendent green transition",
+        "tail: forked, elongated, dark feathers",
+        "throat: vivid turquoise-blue flash"
+    ],
+    "cuban gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: soft blue-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light blue-gray",
+        "crown: blue-gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with faint white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, black, and long",
+        "wings: blue-gray with faint bars",
+        "nape: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "cuban grassquit": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale grayish underparts",
+        "breast: yellowish, dark speckles",
+        "crown: black, distinctive marking",
+        "forehead: small, black patch above beak",
+        "eyes: bright, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, darker shade",
+        "nape: olive-green, blends with back",
+        "tail: short, dark, and sharply pointed",
+        "throat: yellow with black markings"
+    ],
+    "cuban green woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and chisel-like with a blackish color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark streaks or spots",
+        "breast: light yellow or yellow-green, spotted with black or brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green, occasionally with a red tint",
+        "eyes: white or pale yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: grayish or bluish-gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges and black or brown streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks or spots",
+        "tail: olive-green with black bars and lighter speckles",
+        "throat: pale yellow or yellowish-white with dark streaks or spots"
+    ],
+    "cuban martin": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed; black",
+        "belly: white or buffy-white feathers",
+        "breast: white or buffy-white plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy blue-black with unique plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: short and black or dark gray",
+        "wings: black-blue, sharply pointed",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers with iridescent shine",
+        "tail: forked, with glossy black-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white or buffy-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "cuban nightjar": [
+        "back: grayish-brown patterned plumage",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark brown color",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: mottled gray-brown coloration",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with paler streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown color",
+        "eyes: large, dark, forward-facing",
+        "legs: short, feathered, pale brown color",
+        "wings: relatively long, grayish-brown with pale markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with mottled brown markings"
+    ],
+    "cuban oriole": [
+        "back: sunny yellow upper side",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: bright yellow underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black plumage",
+        "forehead: deep black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: slender, bluish-gray legs",
+        "wings: dark, folded, striking white bars",
+        "nape: yellow merging into black",
+        "tail: black with yellow edges",
+        "throat: radiant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "cuban parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, light beige",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green plumage",
+        "breast: lighter green feathers",
+        "crown: striking blue coloring",
+        "forehead: rich blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, with two backward and two forward facing toes",
+        "wings: bright green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: greenish-blue transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, mix of green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: soft greenish-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "cuban parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers, sleek",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellowish-white",
+        "belly: soft green and blue mixed feathers",
+        "breast: vivid turquoise, slightly fluffy",
+        "crown: bright green, feathers slightly raised",
+        "forehead: green feathers smoothly transitioning to blue",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark, encircled with bare white skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish, scaly",
+        "wings: rich green, blue flight feathers visible",
+        "nape: green feathers merging into blue",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: sky-blue feathers, delicate"
+    ],
+    "cuban pewee": [
+        "back: olive-green shade",
+        "beak: straight and thin",
+        "belly: off-white hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-green crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-green",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: thin, strong limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: grayish-green transition",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark-tipped",
+        "throat: off-white color"
+    ],
+    "cuban pygmy owl": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, curved, and grayish",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: sandy-brown with some markings",
+        "crown: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint markings",
+        "eyes: bright yellow encircled by black",
+        "legs: feathered and short with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: spotted with white on olive-brown background",
+        "tail: short with brown and white bands",
+        "throat: pale white with sparse brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cuban solitaire": [
+        "back: olive-green with bluish sheen",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dull blue-gray",
+        "forehead: light bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with cobalt blue edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with bluish tinge",
+        "tail: long and forked, dark greenish-blue",
+        "throat: lighter grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "cuban vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration and feathered",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, pale-colored",
+        "belly: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white hue blending with throat color",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint gray streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering, expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with white edges on feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "cuckoo roller": [
+        "back: dark greenish-blue iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: grayish with bold white markings",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with white streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-blue with slightly glossy appearance",
+        "forehead: flat and greenish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by pale gray area",
+        "legs: short, strong, and pale gray",
+        "wings: long, narrow, with greenish-blue and black patterning",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with white streaks",
+        "tail: broad, slightly fan-shaped, greenish-blue with black barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint white markings"
+    ],
+    "cundinamarca antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: slate-gray with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: slightly paler slate-gray",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust, pinkish-gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: slate-gray with slightly lighter edges",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with narrow bars",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "curl crested aracari": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: large, black, and yellow-tipped with a slight curve",
+        "belly: bright red-orange",
+        "breast: deep red with a black patch",
+        "crown: glossy black with curly crest feathers",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with a black ring around them",
+        "legs: blueish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-black with a yellow edging",
+        "nape: yellow-green with black streaks, like the back",
+        "tail: long and black, with yellow crossband and red tip",
+        "throat: red coloration blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "curl crested jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong black and hooked",
+        "belly: light blue and fluffy",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: curly black crested feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into blue",
+        "eyes: sharp and dark with a blue eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs and claws",
+        "wings: striking blue with black edges",
+        "nape: rich blue blending into black crest",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: lighter blue with delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "curl crested manucode": [
+        "back: dark iridescent blue",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: shimmering black-blue",
+        "breast: glossy black",
+        "crown: curly feather crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-black",
+        "eyes: brown surrounded by black",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: iridescent blue and elongated",
+        "nape: black with a bluish sheen",
+        "tail: compact and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: shiny blue-black"
+    ],
+    "curlew sandpiper": [
+        "back: light brown and gray feathered",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light speckling",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: streaked brown and gray",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: rounded with a mix of gray and brown",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with thin streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, mixed browns",
+        "throat: pale with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "curve billed reedhaunter": [
+        "back: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and pale gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long and rounded, with dark barring",
+        "throat: buffy, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "curve billed scythebill": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved and sharp",
+        "belly: light-greyish shade",
+        "breast: pale, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: brownish-orange with a crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and feathered",
+        "eyes: small, black with a white outline",
+        "legs: strong and slender, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated with brown barring",
+        "nape: feathered with a rusty-brown shade",
+        "tail: long and narrow, banded with brown",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with streaks"
+    ],
+    "curve billed tinamou": [
+        "back: feathered with cryptic patterns",
+        "beak: slightly curved, sharp tip",
+        "belly: light, soft feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, buff-colored",
+        "crown: mottled brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, smooth texture",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slender, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: short, rounded, barred plumage",
+        "nape: mixed brown streamlines",
+        "tail: small, pointed, earthy hues",
+        "throat: paler, streaked feathers"
+    ],
+    "cut throat": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: yellowish orange",
+        "breast: bright red patch",
+        "crown: striking blue plumage",
+        "forehead: blue feathers transition",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: gray, thin, and long",
+        "wings: green and blue mixed feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers with blue hues",
+        "tail: elongated, narrow feathers, green and blue",
+        "throat: distinct red \"cut-throat\" marking"
+    ],
+    "cuzco brushfinch": [
+        "back: brownish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, conical",
+        "belly: cream-colored with streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by feathers",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black and white feather tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray, forked",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "cuzco warbler": [
+        "back: olive green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray or olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black with light eyering",
+        "legs: slim and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint dark streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked and dark brown",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "cyprus scops owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, light-colored",
+        "belly: light gray with dark streaking",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker markings",
+        "crown: rounded, grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: paler gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellowish-orange, forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, barred with dark and light patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short, wide, dark and light barred",
+        "throat: pale gray, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "cyprus warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy or off-white",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray or light brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with hints of gray",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: dusky olive-brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "cyprus wheatear": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey with a slight olive tinge",
+        "beak: strong, slender, and pointed black",
+        "belly: soft white with a pale buff hue",
+        "breast: off-white transitioning to light orange-brown",
+        "crown: pale grey-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: light greyish-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: sharp and dark with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and black, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: grey-brown with black flight feathers and white patches",
+        "nape: light grey-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: black with outer feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: clean and white, contrasting with breast colour"
+    ],
+    "d'arnaud barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: black with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black with partial blue sheen",
+        "eyes: small, black, and partially hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black tips",
+        "nape: black with blue sheen",
+        "tail: blackish-blue with white spots",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with black spots"
+    ],
+    "d'orbigny chat tyrant": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white and fluffy",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and dark, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gray and white with fine barring",
+        "nape: light gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "dalat bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with brownish tinge",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with spots or streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint brownish markings",
+        "forehead: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish, strong and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with olive-green edges on feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint spots or streaks"
+    ],
+    "damar flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of yellow undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with a slight bluish tinge",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: streamlined, dark gray with white markings on the edges",
+        "nape: blending smoothly with the back and the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, with white outer feathers and a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with the darker upper body"
+    ],
+    "damara red billed hornbill": [
+        "back: sleek, smooth feathers in earthy tones",
+        "beak: long, curved, red-orange bill",
+        "belly: light cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to soft gray",
+        "crown: black plumage with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a white patch",
+        "eyes: surrounded by contrasting white feathers, alert and dark",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy limbs with black scaly skin",
+        "wings: brownish-black feathers with white edges for flight",
+        "nape: black and white striped feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips for balance",
+        "throat: white feathers merging into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "damara tern": [
+        "back: sleek, light grey plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black and slender",
+        "belly: white and smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white, soft plumage",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white tip transitioning to black crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and alert",
+        "legs: reddish-orange and thin",
+        "wings: elongated and grey with dark tips",
+        "nape: light grey, blending with back",
+        "tail: forked, white with black edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "dapple throat": [
+        "back: dappled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white with scattered speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dappled markings",
+        "crown: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with speckled tips",
+        "nape: silvery-gray with a streaked pattern",
+        "tail: elongated, gray-brown with pale streaks",
+        "throat: pale gray with distinctive dapple markings"
+    ],
+    "dark batis": [
+        "back: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle markings",
+        "crown: black and well-defined",
+        "forehead: dark gray, fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark, elongated, with white tips",
+        "nape: deep gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped with white edges",
+        "throat: light gray with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "dark chanting goshawk": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with grey wavy bars",
+        "breast: white with grey wavy bars",
+        "crown: dark grey plumage",
+        "forehead: dark grey, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: deep red with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow legs with black talons",
+        "wings: dark grey with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: dark grey, lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: black and white banded",
+        "throat: pale white with grey wavy bars"
+    ],
+    "dark hawk cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle stripes",
+        "breast: lighter gray with thin streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray",
+        "eyes: intense black and round",
+        "legs: strong and black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and dark gray with barred pattern",
+        "nape: smooth dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: dark gray, long, and slender with distinct bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark newtonia": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, black",
+        "belly: light brown or grey",
+        "breast: slightly darker brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: slender, grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, dark brown",
+        "throat: light brown or grey"
+    ],
+    "dark pewee": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, slim, and black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers blending into belly color",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with slight markings",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown feathers similar to crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, and dark grayish-brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "dark backed imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark grey upper feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, light-colored",
+        "belly: dusky white underparts",
+        "breast: soft grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, light-colored transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by light skin",
+        "legs: short, strong, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: broad and dark grey",
+        "nape: grey feathers starting behind head",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, squared-off feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey transitioning to belly"
+    ],
+    "dark backed wood quail": [
+        "back: dark, patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: dark brown with narrow white bars",
+        "breast: chestnut with black-and-white streaks",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with a raised crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray with a blackish-blue eyebrow",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown, encircled by pale feathering",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, scale-covered",
+        "wings: dark brown, barred with white, short and rounded",
+        "nape: blackish-blue with a white-bordered blue collar",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white bars and a square-cut tip",
+        "throat: dark reddish-brown with a white-spotted bib"
+    ],
+    "dark bellied cinclodes": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: dark grey-brown",
+        "breast: grey-brown with streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: dark brown",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with barred pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: grey-brown with streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark billed cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight and dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint green iridescence",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender and grey",
+        "wings: brown with white outer edges and green sheen",
+        "nape: dark brown with green iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark breasted rosefinch": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-red",
+        "breast: deep rose pink, blending into dark brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish highlights",
+        "forehead: deep rose pink",
+        "eyes: black with thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with reddish and buff-toned feather edging",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: deep rose pink, transitioning into pale pinkish-red"
+    ],
+    "dark breasted spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: long, thin, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with lighter edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark brown honeyeater": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle hues",
+        "beak: curved, slender, and black",
+        "belly: warm beige with darker streaks",
+        "breast: golden-brown speckles blending into the belly",
+        "crown: chocolate brown feathers with a slight shine",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown, seamlessly blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright against the brown feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: rich brown with intricate black markings",
+        "nape: warm brown tones, flowing into the back",
+        "tail: elongated, fanned-out feathers with contrasting patterns",
+        "throat: soft, lighter brown feathers blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "dark crowned white eye": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-feathered",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: subtly gray-tinted white",
+        "crown: jet black with white framing",
+        "forehead: white with slight black streaks",
+        "eyes: striking white eye-rings",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edges",
+        "nape: deep black feathers",
+        "tail: dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: clear white feathers"
+    ],
+    "dark eared myza": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-black with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pale pink",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with grayish edges",
+        "nape: dark gray streaks over lighter gray",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "dark eyed white eye": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: tiny black straight tip",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with gray shades",
+        "crown: rounded grayish-white top",
+        "forehead: smooth white transition into crown",
+        "eyes: deep black with white circle around",
+        "legs: slender gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gray with white edges, slightly bent",
+        "nape: gray plumage connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: gray long feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white merging with breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "dark faced ground tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek dark-colored plumage",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish hue",
+        "belly: dull gray to brownish feathers",
+        "breast: lightly speckled grayish-brown",
+        "crown: boldly dark-colored, faintly streaked",
+        "forehead: dark blackish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round and bright, encircled by darker plumage",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale grayish hue",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter edging on feathers",
+        "nape: smooth dark-colored feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: lengthy and dark, faint barring on feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray with black speckles, contrasts with darker face"
+    ],
+    "dark fronted babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale grey with light streaks",
+        "breast: dark greyish-brown",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight brown hue",
+        "forehead: lighter grey, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, rounded shape",
+        "nape: dark grey blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey-brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "dark necked tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the bird's upper back",
+        "beak: slender, long, and sharp, with a black upper and grey lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white underparts and flanks",
+        "breast: greyish-olive hue blending with belly color",
+        "crown: bold olive-green with a distinctive narrow black stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-brown for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: olive-green with contrasting dark feathers and white tips",
+        "nape: dark grey coloration distinct from the back",
+        "tail: long, broad, and olive-green with dark banding and white-tip outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a dark grey patch, blending with the breast area"
+    ],
+    "dark rumped rosefinch": [
+        "back: dark rusty brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-red, fading to whitish underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant pinkish-red feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks of grey",
+        "forehead: black, contrasting with pinkish-red face",
+        "eyes: dark, nearly black, surrounded by pale feathering",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with reddish-pink feather edges",
+        "nape: grey above, blending to dark rusty brown towards the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with pale reddish-pink fringes",
+        "throat: vibrant pinkish-red feathers, similar to the breast"
+    ],
+    "dark rumped swift": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: thin pointed black beak",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white underpart",
+        "breast: smooth dark plumage",
+        "crown: dark-feathered head",
+        "forehead: narrow black band above eyes",
+        "eyes: small round dark eyes",
+        "legs: short black legs",
+        "wings: long, slender, sickle-shaped dark wings",
+        "nape: dusky grey neck feathers",
+        "tail: short dark forked tail",
+        "throat: pale gray or white patch"
+    ],
+    "dark sided flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown shading",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray and lightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark gray",
+        "forehead: lighter gray shading",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: long, dark gray with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, blends with breast"
+    ],
+    "dark sided thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: stout, blackish",
+        "belly: dull white with dark markings",
+        "breast: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, prominent",
+        "legs: strong, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown, rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: brownish-black, medium length",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark throated oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and downward-curving",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow and smooth",
+        "crown: shiny black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep black and sleek",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking black with yellow edges",
+        "nape: smooth transition from black to yellow",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bold black and well-defined"
+    ],
+    "dark throated seedeater": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-feathered",
+        "beak: narrow, pointy, black",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white blending to pale gray",
+        "crown: blackish cap covering head",
+        "forehead: slightly more grayish-black",
+        "eyes: beady, black, alert",
+        "legs: slim, long, dark",
+        "wings: dark shades with contrasting white bands",
+        "nape: continuous black from crown to back",
+        "tail: dark gray with white cornered tips, slightly forked",
+        "throat: deep black, distinguishing feature"
+    ],
+    "dark winged miner": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey with dark grey markings",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: dark grey with faint markings",
+        "eyes: round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: dark blackish-grey with white wing-bar",
+        "nape: dark grey with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with dark grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark winged trumpeter": [
+        "back: dark grey with slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: muted grey, slightly plump",
+        "breast: deep grey, dense feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, blackish-blue hues",
+        "forehead: dark grey, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and intelligent",
+        "legs: black, long, and sturdy",
+        "wings: wide, dark feathers with iridescence",
+        "nape: pale grey, curve of the neck",
+        "tail: long, broad, blackish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: soft grey, light feathering"
+    ],
+    "dartford warbler": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey with a tinge of olive",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale greyish-brown",
+        "breast: light grey to dark greyish-brown",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: dark slate-grey, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark brown, thin and long",
+        "wings: dark grey with reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: dark slate-grey, consistent with the back",
+        "tail: long and dark grey, with reddish-brown edges",
+        "throat: pale greyish-brown"
+    ],
+    "darwin nothura": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with light speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: light brown with faint black spots",
+        "breast: tawny color with irregular black stripes",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with fine black stripes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly concealed",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white speckles",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with lighter stripes",
+        "tail: short, rounded, with black and white bars",
+        "throat: white with thin black stripes"
+    ],
+    "daurian jackdaw": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: short black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray-black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive dark eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs",
+        "wings: charcoal gray with white banding",
+        "nape: black plumage fading to gray",
+        "tail: fan-shaped dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers with a slight purple sheen"
+    ],
+    "daurian partridge": [
+        "back: earthy brown with arrow-shaped markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: light buff with grayish-brown specks",
+        "breast: rust-colored and chestnut-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-chestnut with thin, pale streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown and alert",
+        "legs: stout, short, and feathered",
+        "wings: brown with white and chestnut markings",
+        "nape: grayish-white transitioning to chestnut",
+        "tail: brown with distinct white pattern",
+        "throat: pale white with thin, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "daurian starling": [
+        "back: iridescent dark green with blue-purple sheen",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: silvery grey with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: silvery-grey, finely streaked with white",
+        "crown: iridescent dark green with hints of blue-purple",
+        "forehead: dark green with blue-purple sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark, slightly iridescent with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: silvery-grey with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "david fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow color",
+        "breast: yellow-orange with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: dark, round and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, thin and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark central feathers with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, distinct from the breast"
+    ],
+    "davison leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellowish hue",
+        "beak: slender, blackish-gray upper mandible and lighter lower mandible",
+        "belly: predominantly yellow with faint olive wash",
+        "breast: bright yellow with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with indistinct central stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale, thin eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with two distinct yellow wingbars",
+        "nape: yellow-green, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker outer tail feathers and contrasting white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, contrasting with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "dayak blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed for catching insects",
+        "belly: light blue-grey hue blending to subtle white near tail",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers with a slight shimmer",
+        "crown: deep blue feathered crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: bright-blue plumage transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, black, and delicate for perching",
+        "wings: dark blue feathers with a hint of iridescence",
+        "nape: striking blue feathers smoothly connecting to back",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with white banding at the tips",
+        "throat: brilliant blue feathers leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "dead sea sparrow": [
+        "back: subtle shades of dusty brown",
+        "beak: petite and curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light creamy-buff, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: streaked grayish-brown, pale center stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray, almost white",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, scaly bluish-gray",
+        "wings: dusky brown, edged with white or buff",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with paler outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white with contrast to streaked adjacent areas"
+    ],
+    "deep blue flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: deep blue with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: black, hook-shaped",
+        "belly: pale grayish-blue",
+        "breast: rich blue",
+        "crown: dark blue, almost black",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: deep blue, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: deep blue, forked",
+        "throat: vibrant blue with possible grayish patch"
+    ],
+    "delegorgue pigeon": [
+        "back: bluish-grey plumage with a hint of purple",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark in color",
+        "belly: light grey with a slight glossy sheen",
+        "breast: lavender-grey feathers, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: dark bluish-grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with dark claws",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with prominent black primary feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker grey leading into the back plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark grey feathers with wide black bands",
+        "throat: pale grey transitioning from the breast"
+    ],
+    "delicate prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into brown crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: pale rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, with rufous-brown and black markings",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "delta amacuro softtail": [
+        "back: slate gray with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, tapered, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint white barring",
+        "breast: soft grayish-white with scalloped pattern",
+        "crown: light gray with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dull yellow",
+        "wings: gray with understated white markings",
+        "nape: gently sloping, gray with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with white tips and edges",
+        "throat: bright white with a hint of soft gray"
+    ],
+    "denham bustard": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth, creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey with black markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with black crest",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dull yellow",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, with barred gray and brown feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a hint of glossiness",
+        "tail: long, gray-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "derbyan parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, red, hooked shape",
+        "belly: light green with black markings",
+        "breast: bright green layer of feathers",
+        "crown: deep purple-blue extending to nape",
+        "forehead: purple-blue feathers fading into green",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown with white rings",
+        "legs: grayish blue with scaly texture",
+        "wings: long, green with blue and black details",
+        "nape: rich purple-blue meeting green back",
+        "tail: long, green-blue with black tips",
+        "throat: light green feathers with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "des murs wiretail": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and soft downy texture",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage with white streaks",
+        "crown: distinctive blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: blue-black plumage, fading to olive-green",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with blue-black covert feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, merging with crest color",
+        "tail: long and wire-like, tipped with white feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with white streaks, matching the breast"
+    ],
+    "desert cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale white with light streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with faint brown spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with speckles",
+        "forehead: small, narrow, and light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: streaked brown coloration",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "desert finch": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, grayish-pink",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: creamy beige with faint markings",
+        "crown: light brown with a slightly darker shade",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: light brown with darker markings and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short, forked, with dark brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "desert lark": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: pale sandy-buff, faint streaks",
+        "breast: light buff, minimal streaking",
+        "crown: pale sandy-brown, short crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, well-defined outline",
+        "legs: thin, long, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: sandy-brown, elongated, black tips",
+        "nape: light brown, short narrow streaks",
+        "tail: brown, fan-shaped, white outer edges",
+        "throat: whitish, unmarked, distinctive"
+    ],
+    "desert owl": [
+        "back: tawny brown with dark speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, creamy-colored",
+        "belly: pale with brown bars",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, tawny with dark flecks",
+        "forehead: pale with dark markings",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, tawny with dark bars",
+        "wings: long, brown with dark spots",
+        "nape: tawny with dark markings",
+        "tail: rounded, brown with pale bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "desert sparrow": [
+        "back: sandy brown feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale grey",
+        "belly: whitish with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: light, buff-colored with subtle markings",
+        "crown: warm grey with a streakily-patterned appearance",
+        "forehead: pale grey transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a light grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, long and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: sandy brown with white-edged, darker feathers",
+        "nape: streaked grey-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers and a forked shape",
+        "throat: pale buff, transitioning into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "desert wheatear": [
+        "back: light brown color with sandy hues",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with hints of pale yellow",
+        "breast: light beige, blending into white towards the belly",
+        "crown: cinnamon brown, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: light brown, like the back, with a touch of white",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, light pink legs with claws used for perching",
+        "wings: light brown with dark tips on feathers, distinctive small black patch",
+        "nape: light brown, continuing the color from the crown and back",
+        "tail: subtly darker shade of brown with white edges on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white, contrasting with the brown breast and head"
+    ],
+    "diabolical nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly hooked, blackish in color",
+        "belly: creamy, spotted with brown shades",
+        "breast: dark gray-brown with fine white specks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown, mixed with dark feathers",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark feather tips",
+        "eyes: deep black, alert and watchful",
+        "legs: slender, gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown, covered with white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine white speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown, edged with white markings",
+        "throat: pale grayish-buff, spotted with dark brown"
+    ],
+    "diademed sandpiper plover": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a slight olive tint",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black in color",
+        "belly: white feathers with hints of gray or light brown",
+        "breast: white feathers with black speckling and a broad black band across the chest",
+        "crown: white with a black and white striped pattern, resembling a \"diadem\" or crown",
+        "forehead: white feathers leading into the striped pattern on the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange with long black claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edges and conspicuous white patches on the upper-wing and flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-white feathers transitioning into the dark gray back",
+        "tail: dark gray feathers with distinct white bands",
+        "throat: white feathers extending up to the chin"
+    ],
+    "diademed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft turquoise hue",
+        "breast: deep blue plumage",
+        "crown: bold diadem-like stripes",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: long, blue-edged feathers",
+        "nape: blue with diadem stripes",
+        "tail: broad, long, and blue",
+        "throat: blue plumage with a hint of turquoise"
+    ],
+    "diademed tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with white spots",
+        "breast: slate gray with fine white streaking",
+        "crown: dark gray with bold white diagonal stripes",
+        "forehead: dark gray with subtle white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with white spotting"
+    ],
+    "diamantina sabrewing": [
+        "back: iridescent green upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-blue",
+        "breast: pale-blue hue",
+        "crown: glossy green head",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: long, iridescent green, and narrow",
+        "nape: vibrant green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: white patch with blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "diamantina tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle plumage markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white with light barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine blackish bars",
+        "crown: dark gray and slightly crested",
+        "forehead: gray with thin black markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, and partially hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: long, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark gray with faint barring, rounded shape",
+        "nape: dark gray with subtle, fine plumage markings",
+        "tail: short, dark gray, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin, blackish bars"
+    ],
+    "diamond dove": [
+        "back: soft gray feathered covering",
+        "beak: delicate, pointed light gray or blue",
+        "belly: creamy white or light gray feathers",
+        "breast: pinkish or earthy brown hue",
+        "crown: silvery-blue feathers with a shine",
+        "forehead: slight iridescent blue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with orange orbital ring",
+        "legs: slender and pink or red in color",
+        "wings: gray with white spotted pattern",
+        "nape: blue-gray with glossy finish",
+        "tail: long, gray with a black band at the end",
+        "throat: slightly lighter gray than body"
+    ],
+    "diamond firetail": [
+        "back: vibrant and attractive with light olive-green hues",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and whitish pink",
+        "belly: white and fluffy with black crescents",
+        "breast: white, accentuated with horizontal black bands",
+        "crown: crimson red with a touch of elegance",
+        "forehead: scarlet red, extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, dark beads with expressive intelligence",
+        "legs: long and slender, with striking pink hues",
+        "wings: ash-grey, adorned with white spots",
+        "nape: olive-green, gracefully blending with the crimson crown",
+        "tail: lengthy and expressive, with alternating black and white bands",
+        "throat: white, accenting the vibrant red features of the head"
+    ],
+    "diard trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: warm, red-orange hue",
+        "breast: bold red plumage",
+        "crown: rich green coloration",
+        "forehead: deep green feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and bluish-gray",
+        "wings: brilliant green with white bands",
+        "nape: continuation of green crown feathers",
+        "tail: long and straight with white and black banding",
+        "throat: red coloration matching the breast"
+    ],
+    "dickinson kestrel": [
+        "back: sleek and grayish-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale and lightly streaked",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a dark stripe",
+        "forehead: white and unmarked",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark surrounding patch",
+        "legs: strong and yellow",
+        "wings: broad with dark bands and white tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a dark stripe",
+        "tail: long and banded with a white tip",
+        "throat: pale and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "dideric cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-green color blending with tree leaves",
+        "beak: short, black, and strong for a firm grasp on insects",
+        "belly: pale, subtle brown with horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint white speckles",
+        "crown: vibrant creamy-orange crest on the head",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, with creamy-orange extending upwards",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with an intense gaze",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slender, and well-suited for tree perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with shades of grayish-brown and white tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white edging for agile flight",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with white speckles, seamlessly connecting with breast"
+    ],
+    "dimorphic dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green with small white markings",
+        "beak: short, dark, and stout",
+        "belly: white or pale orange",
+        "breast: bright orange with blue-green bands",
+        "crown: deep blue-green, sometimes with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green or turquoise",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and orange",
+        "wings: blue-green with white spotting, round shape",
+        "nape: deep blue-green or turquoise with thin white lines",
+        "tail: short and blue-green, often with a white tip",
+        "throat: white or pale orange, sometimes with fine green bands"
+    ],
+    "dimorphic fantail": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green or brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light beige or cream-colored soft feathers",
+        "breast: shades of gray or pale brown plumage",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray or olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow creamy-white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with black or brown coloring",
+        "wings: olive-green or brown feathers with bold white markings",
+        "nape: distinctive black-and-white striped pattern",
+        "tail: long and fanned, showcasing prominent white edges",
+        "throat: light beige or cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "dinelli doradito": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with fine streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a light brown stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with subtle feather patterns",
+        "nape: brownish-yellow",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped with white edges",
+        "throat: yellow with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "diuca finch": [
+        "back: light brown with visible feather structure",
+        "beak: conical and pointed for seed-eating",
+        "belly: faintly streaked white underparts",
+        "breast: white with occasional faint streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth bluish-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bead-like",
+        "legs: pale pink, strong and adapted for perching",
+        "wings: brownish with white wing bars",
+        "nape: bluish-gray and well-feathered",
+        "tail: short, often erect, with black and white markings",
+        "throat: white with occasional faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "dja river swamp warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale white with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with faint olive hues",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-olive",
+        "eyes: small, round with black pupils",
+        "legs: thin and wiry, light brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive color, and square-ended",
+        "throat: light gray, paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "djibouti spurfowl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint patterns",
+        "beak: short, strong, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale gray with blackish spots",
+        "breast: gray with subtle white speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray with sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a white ring",
+        "legs: long, gray, and sinewy",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint white striping",
+        "nape: dark gray, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-gray with faint bands",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "doherty bushshrike": [
+        "back: greenish-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish",
+        "belly: yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: reddish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: big, bright, and black",
+        "legs: long, slim, grayish",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with hints of blue",
+        "nape: grayish-blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue, with a black subterminal band",
+        "throat: red-orange with a white border"
+    ],
+    "dohrn thrush babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with noticeable barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: olive-brown, moderately long with faint bars",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dollarbird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green upper body",
+        "beak: stout and black",
+        "belly: pale blue-grey underside",
+        "breast: bright blue chest area",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green head",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-green transition to beak",
+        "eyes: black with notable eye ring",
+        "legs: short and grey",
+        "wings: royal blue with white patches",
+        "nape: rich blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: square and blue-green with white tips",
+        "throat: palest blue-grey connected to breast"
+    ],
+    "dolphin gull": [
+        "back: sleek, pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: subtly speckled white with streaks of gray",
+        "crown: smooth gray plumage",
+        "forehead: light gray with white highlights",
+        "eyes: dark and attentive",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and pinkish-red",
+        "wings: broad, gray and white with black tips",
+        "nape: gray shading to white at the neck",
+        "tail: square-ended, white with black banding",
+        "throat: white, blending into speckled breast"
+    ],
+    "donaldson smith nightjar": [
+        "back: cryptically patterned with blending browns and grays",
+        "beak: short, wide, and slightly hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale brown with fine streaks and mottling",
+        "breast: medium brown with intricate barring and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, with cream and buff spotting and streaks",
+        "forehead: light buff coloration with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by a white feather ring",
+        "legs: short and feathered with small claws",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed, with intricate brown patterns",
+        "nape: brown and gray with intricate markings for camouflage",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with bold white bars and a white terminal band",
+        "throat: white, featuring a distinct dark, crescent-shaped patch"
+    ],
+    "donaldson smith sparrow weaver": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and conical",
+        "belly: light cream with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with black spots",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey with fine black lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale grey feathers",
+        "legs: long, grey, and thin",
+        "wings: brown with white and black feather markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white outer feathers and black markings",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "doria goshawk": [
+        "back: dark brown with thin white bars",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: cream-colored with rust-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with thick brown bars/streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown and sleek",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: bright, yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars and rounded tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long with dark brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dorst cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointy, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: slightly striated light brown",
+        "crown: rufous with streaks of black",
+        "forehead: light brown blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, nestled in a stripe",
+        "legs: delicate and pale, slightly grayish",
+        "wings: light brown with dark streaks, rounded",
+        "nape: streaked brown, similar to the back",
+        "tail: musky brown with dark-edged feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "dot backed antbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with small black spots",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: off-white, faint spotted pattern",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: olive-green, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, blackish spots along feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, similar to back and crown",
+        "tail: black, long and broad, white bars near tip",
+        "throat: unspotted white"
+    ],
+    "dot eared coquette": [
+        "back: striking green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: vibrant green shimmer",
+        "crown: iridescent violet crest",
+        "foreground: feather tufts near the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short with delicate dark feet",
+        "wings: elongated with dark green edges",
+        "nape: mixture of green and violet, tufted",
+        "tail: forked, decorated with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: intricate pattern of white and black"
+    ],
+    "dot fronted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white barred pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: red patch on the male's head",
+        "forehead: white with black spots",
+        "eyes: black and round, with a white patch around them",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong, and short",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "dot winged antwren": [
+        "back: dark grey with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale white-grey",
+        "breast: light grey with darker flanks",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with white dots",
+        "nape: grey with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white tips",
+        "throat: pale white-grey"
+    ],
+    "dot winged crake": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and straight, pale yellow",
+        "belly: grayish-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: mottled gray-brown",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly elongated",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, slender",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown with white spotted dots",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-brown with white dots",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "dotted tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong and conical",
+        "belly: light turquoise hue",
+        "breast: bright teal plumage",
+        "crown: metallic cobalt crest",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: deep, dark pupils",
+        "legs: slender, gray appendages",
+        "wings: radiant aqua plumage",
+        "nape: bright blue coloring",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: soft azure tones"
+    ],
+    "double banded courser": [
+        "back: light sandy-brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale pinkish color",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint dark bands",
+        "breast: light sandy-brown, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: pale brown with a streak of black",
+        "forehead: narrow white band above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: sandy-brown with dark barring, outer wings have black tips",
+        "nape: pale brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: white with two bold black bands, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light sandy-brown, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "double banded graytail": [
+        "back: long, sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, white with a black tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint banding",
+        "breast: light gray with double dark bands",
+        "crown: darker gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth pale gray",
+        "eyes: beady, black, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, delicate, yellow",
+        "wings: gray and white, with dark bands on the edges",
+        "nape: grayish-white",
+        "tail: elongated, double-banded gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth"
+    ],
+    "double banded plover": [
+        "back: brownish-grey coat with short feathers",
+        "beak: short and dark, slightly pointed",
+        "belly: white underbelly with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: white, bordered by a dark brownish-black band",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, extending to the nape area",
+        "forehead: white with brown border",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: skinny, pinkish-orange with dark claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey without distinct markings, pointed tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into the back feathers",
+        "tail: short with dark brownish-black feathers, white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the upper dark breast band"
+    ],
+    "double banded pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grayish-green",
+        "crown: dark grayish-green",
+        "forehead: black, narrow band",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish-white edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, black bands",
+        "tail: short, square, and dark grayish",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "double banded sandgrouse": [
+        "back: tawny brown with elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short and robust, greyish in color",
+        "belly: whitish and streaked with brown",
+        "breast: cinnamon brown with horizontal darker bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with a tufted appearance",
+        "forehead: pale brown fading to white at the front",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered, short, with grayish scaly skin",
+        "wings: predominantly brown with black and white bars on secondaries",
+        "nape: dark brown with elongated feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown with black and white banding",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a distinct black band"
+    ],
+    "double collared seedeater": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray, subtle streaks",
+        "breast: deep green-black, sharp border",
+        "crown: olive-green, smooth texture",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with black border",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, alert",
+        "legs: pale gray, thin, agile",
+        "wings: dark brown, white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, crisp, black with white edges",
+        "throat: bright green-black, distinct collar"
+    ],
+    "double spurred spurfowl": [
+        "back: brownish-black with streaks of white",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with blackish bars",
+        "breast: beige with dark barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown and white markings",
+        "eyes: bright orange-red surrounded by light blue skin",
+        "legs: long, scaly, and grayish",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks and reddish-brown accents",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark bars"
+    ],
+    "double striped thick knee": [
+        "back: brown speckled feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved and black",
+        "belly: off-white with sparse black stripes",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: pale-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright orange ring surrounding black pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow-gray and slightly scaly",
+        "wings: brown with light and dark streaks",
+        "nape: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "tail: short and pointy, with dark brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white, bordered by two black stripes"
+    ],
+    "double toothed barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, red, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: red and yellow mix plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with a red stripe",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and attentive",
+        "legs: strong, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: green with red and yellow accents",
+        "nape: black feathers with a red collar",
+        "tail: short, wide, and green",
+        "throat: black feathers with a white stripe"
+    ],
+    "double toothed kite": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black",
+        "belly: white, lightly barred or streaked",
+        "breast: grayish-white or pale rufous, streaked with black stripes",
+        "crown: grayish or pale rufous, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: grayish-white, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, yellowish",
+        "wings: long, grayish-brown, black primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-white with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with narrow white bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "dovekie": [
+        "back: sleek, black-feathered",
+        "beak: short, stubby, black",
+        "belly: white and soft-looking",
+        "breast: white feathers with rounded shape",
+        "crown: black, smooth-feathered top",
+        "forehead: small, black-feathered",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: compact, black, and powerful",
+        "nape: black, smooth-feathered back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, black, and slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white-feathered, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "drab hemispingus": [
+        "back: dull olive-green color",
+        "beak: thick and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: subdued yellow with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dusky grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two buffy wing bars",
+        "nape: similar to the crown in color",
+        "tail: dark with outer feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "drab seedeater": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, greyish-white",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff-brown hue",
+        "crown: brownish-grey, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: inconspicuous, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: same color as crown, brownish-grey",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: pale buff, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "drab swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, plain gray-brown",
+        "beak: short, thin, black",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray",
+        "breast: pale gray, unmarked",
+        "crown: unadorned, gray-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, dark, slender",
+        "wings: long, tapered, swift",
+        "nape: nondescript, gray-brown",
+        "tail: short, square-ended, black",
+        "throat: pale gray, unembellished"
+    ],
+    "drab water tyrant": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: lightly streaked white and beige",
+        "crown: soft gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, long, and dark",
+        "wings: dark gray with light edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: medium-long, subdued gray",
+        "throat: pale white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "drab whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: off-white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown and unmarked",
+        "tail: long, thin, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "drab breasted pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: dull beige-grey with minimal streaks",
+        "crown: slightly darker olive-green",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: black with a dull white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grey, thin and spindly",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring and pale edging",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short and square, dark olive with pale edges",
+        "throat: light beige-grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "drakensberg prinia": [
+        "back: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with light grey wash",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey-brown with a hint of streaking",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and thin, greyish-brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: light grey-white"
+    ],
+    "drakensberg rockjumper": [
+        "back: dark slate grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: straight, black, and sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: black with white speckles",
+        "breast: striking orange-red",
+        "crown: dark slate grey",
+        "forehead: orange-red patch",
+        "eyes: yellow with black eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, reddish-pink, and strong",
+        "wings: black with white wing-bar",
+        "nape: dark slate grey",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: orange-red with white speckles"
+    ],
+    "drakensberg siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: grayish-black, conical in shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow with gray streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark streaks and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black streaks and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "drongo fantail": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated body",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, strong",
+        "belly: light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: smooth, ruffled chest",
+        "crown: slightly raised, crest-like",
+        "forehead: low, dark coloring",
+        "eyes: beady, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: slender, long limbs",
+        "wings: curved, pointed tips",
+        "nape: dark, stretching to back",
+        "tail: long, fanned-out shape",
+        "throat: feathered, contrasting color"
+    ],
+    "dubois seedeater": [
+        "back: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: light gray, thin, and delicate",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with subtle white wing bars",
+        "nape: blackish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: blackish-brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "duchess lorikeet": [
+        "back: vivid green feathers",
+        "beak: vibrant orange-red hues",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: rich greenish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue mixed with green",
+        "forehead: orange and yellow shades",
+        "eyes: petite, dark, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green-blue with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: blend of green and blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with orange accents"
+    ],
+    "ducorps cockatoo": [
+        "back: white, slightly curved feathers",
+        "beak: light grey, strong, curved",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white, covering rounded chest",
+        "crown: white crest, elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: white, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white surrounding",
+        "legs: grey, scaly with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white, long, powerful feathers",
+        "nape: white, short, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: white, broad, slightly tapered",
+        "throat: white, soft, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "duetting giant honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a hint of yellow",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale, creamy yellow with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow with distinctive black markings",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a striking black stripe",
+        "forehead: prominent black eyebrow meeting at the base of the bill",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive orbs encircled by a thin yellow ring",
+        "legs: slender and sturdy with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black primary feathers and yellow-edged secondaries",
+        "nape: nestled between the wings, a pale yellow coloration with fine streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, predominantly black feathers with yellow fringes",
+        "throat: adorned with a wide black band, contrasting the vivid yellow chin"
+    ],
+    "dugand antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the back",
+        "beak: small, blackish, sharp, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish in color",
+        "breast: greyish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray feathers, leading to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: light grey, slender with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: olive-grey with blackish edges and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark gray, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark grey, with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with greyish streaks"
+    ],
+    "duida woodcreeper": [
+        "back: rich brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cream with brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and piercing",
+        "legs: grayish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown with distinct bars on feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into back color",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dulit frogmouth": [
+        "back: dark brown with pale streaks and spots",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish-brown",
+        "belly: lighter brown with white specks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white bars",
+        "crown: brown with paler streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, large, and round",
+        "legs: short and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long and brown with spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: brown, long, and fan-shaped with barring",
+        "throat: pale brown with white speckles"
+    ],
+    "dull flycatcher": [
+        "back: earthy brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy beige with pale streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with delicate spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dull brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale beige with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "dull blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: pale grey-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light grey-blue",
+        "breast: soft blue-grey plumage",
+        "crown: subtle blue-grey crest",
+        "forehead: faint grey-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: muted blue with greyish-blue accents",
+        "nape: gently sloping, grey-blue hue",
+        "tail: sleek, tapering, pale blue feathers",
+        "throat: delicate blue-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "dull capped attila": [
+        "back: olive-grey coloration",
+        "beak: dark, heavy and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow-tinted",
+        "breast: lighter olive-grey hue",
+        "crown: dull greenish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-grey",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and piercing",
+        "legs: grey, sturdy and featherless",
+        "wings: olive-grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: same hue as crown, dull greenish-brown",
+        "tail: long and tapering, olive-grey shade",
+        "throat: lighter and paler yellow than belly"
+    ],
+    "dull colored grassquit": [
+        "back: muted olive-green",
+        "beak: dark gray, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dull gray-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender gray-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with brownish edges",
+        "throat: pale gray-brown, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "dull mantled antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black and straight",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with broad black bars",
+        "throat: white with grayish-white streaks"
+    ],
+    "dune lark": [
+        "back: sandy-brown feathers with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved blackish-gray beak",
+        "belly: light cream or whitish feathers, sparsely speckled",
+        "breast: soft sandy-brown plumage with faint streaking",
+        "crown: pale sandy-brown feathers, blending seamlessly with its back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter sandy-brown compared to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender grayish-pink legs",
+        "wings: mottled sandy-brown feathers with contrasting white wingbars",
+        "nape: pale sandy-brown color, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: rounded and sandy-brown with slight black markings on end",
+        "throat: whitish feathers with a sparse scattering of darker specks"
+    ],
+    "dunn lark": [
+        "back: streaked brown-and-white pattern",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and light-colored",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buffy brown with streaking",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth and light brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: streaked light brown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dunnock": [
+        "back: brownish grey feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: slim greyish-black bill",
+        "belly: light grey color, slightly paler",
+        "breast: greyish-brown hue, some streaks",
+        "crown: blueish-grey head, slight streaks",
+        "forehead: grey-blue color, unmarked",
+        "eyes: small with brown-black irises",
+        "legs: slender pinkish-reddish legs",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, hints of blue, streaked feathers",
+        "nape: blueish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: fairly long, dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "throat: light grey, almost white, slightly paler than belly"
+    ],
+    "dupont lark": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: dark gray, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brown with light streaks",
+        "breast: tawny brown with faint markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: light pink with strong, long toes",
+        "wings: brown with noticeable bars and white edges",
+        "nape: light brown, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white tips and dark bands",
+        "throat: off-white with pale brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved black bill",
+        "belly: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown with a thin crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a pale ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brown with a subtle grayish cast",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with a slight curve",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky babbler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with darker tips",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky broadbill": [
+        "back: dark gray with a thick black stripe",
+        "beak: wide, bluish-gray, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray with faint markings",
+        "crown: black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: black and well-defined",
+        "eyes: bright yellow surrounded by a black mask",
+        "legs: sturdy, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray with a distinct black collar",
+        "tail: blackish, broad, with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with the dark breast"
+    ],
+    "dusky chlorospingus": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown color",
+        "breast: grayish or pale brownish wash",
+        "crown: dark gray",
+        "forehead: lighter gray",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: grayish-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "dusky crag martin": [
+        "back: gray-brown coloration",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray hue",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown transition",
+        "eyes: small, black, and circular",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: long and pointed with gray-brown feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with a smooth blend into the back",
+        "tail: forked and squared with gray-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray shade than breast"
+    ],
+    "dusky crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark olive-green",
+        "beak: short and strong",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray",
+        "crown: slightly crested, dusky gray",
+        "forehead: dusky gray",
+        "eyes: dark, with pale eye ring",
+        "legs: short and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dusky gray",
+        "tail: brownish-black, forked",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "dusky crimsonwing": [
+        "back: deep crimson with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light crimson to orange blend",
+        "breast: rich red with some white markings",
+        "crown: dark crimson fading to brighter red",
+        "forehead: vivid red meeting the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: dusky red with black feather tips",
+        "nape: deep crimson leading to the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark red feathers with black edges",
+        "throat: lighter red with some white streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky eagle owl": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: large, sharp, and dark in color",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown barring",
+        "breast: light buff color with dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: rounded head with brown speckled plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: striking orange-yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, and yellowish",
+        "wings: extensive mottled brown patterns",
+        "nape: brownish feathers with darker markings",
+        "tail: dark broad bands of brown and buff feathers",
+        "throat: pale, whitish-buff with demarcated dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky fantail": [
+        "back: dark gray, slightly glossy",
+        "beak: small, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertail",
+        "breast: light gray, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth curve",
+        "forehead: light gray, thin white stripe",
+        "eyes: black, beady, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, long, black",
+        "wings: dark gray, rounded, white edges",
+        "nape: light gray, short feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark gray, white tips",
+        "throat: light gray, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "dusky fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: gray-white, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, often concealed crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, circled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: featherless, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: darker olive-brown than back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, short and squared",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with gray breast"
+    ],
+    "dusky gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with a yellow tint",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with grayish-white edges",
+        "nape: brownish-gray",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "dusky grasswren": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale cream with black markings",
+        "breast: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with grey tinges",
+        "forehead: grey-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with dark markings, short, rounded",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with dark bands, short, stiff",
+        "throat: pale grey with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky hummingbird": [
+        "back: dark green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: slender and straight black bill",
+        "belly: grayish-white lower region",
+        "breast: grayish-white upper region",
+        "crown: dark green iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: dark green and slightly shimmering",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: short and thin black legs",
+        "wings: iridescent dark green, fast-beating",
+        "nape: dark green iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: forked, dark green with white outer tips",
+        "throat: metallic violet straight patch"
+    ],
+    "dusky lark": [
+        "back: dark brown and streaked",
+        "beak: strong and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buffy brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: dark with noticeable streaks",
+        "forehead: dusky brown",
+        "eyes: sharp and brown",
+        "legs: strong and pale",
+        "wings: long with brown barring",
+        "nape: brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky long tailed cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: curved and slender black beak",
+        "belly: buffy-white with dark bars",
+        "breast: pale and streaked with dark brown",
+        "crown: sleek dark brown",
+        "forehead: dark brown and streaked",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with long toes",
+        "wings: long, dark brown with thin white bars",
+        "nape: contrasting darker brown",
+        "tail: elongated with prominent white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff and streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "dusky megapode": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, curved",
+        "belly: light grey with subtle barring",
+        "breast: dark grey with black streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-grey, rounded",
+        "forehead: dark grey, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown iris, round shape",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-grey, long claws",
+        "wings: dark brownish-grey, rounded tips",
+        "nape: blackish-grey, slightly raised feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown, well-rounded fan shape",
+        "throat: lighter grey, slight barring"
+    ],
+    "dusky moorhen": [
+        "back: dark grey with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: yellow tip, greenish base",
+        "belly: grayish-black",
+        "breast: grey with dark striations",
+        "crown: black with glossy appearance",
+        "forehead: red frontal shield above beak",
+        "eyes: small, red with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green with red upper-part",
+        "wings: dark grey with thin white streaks",
+        "nape: black, blending into grey back",
+        "tail: short, black with white patches at corners",
+        "throat: light grey with darker markings"
+    ],
+    "dusky munia": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with dusky streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown, slightly raised feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint black bars",
+        "nape: rich brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: short, black with brownish edges",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky myzomela": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black",
+        "belly: deep rufous-toned",
+        "breast: dark reddish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly darker",
+        "forehead: deep reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, beady",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark reddish-brown, short",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, dark reddish-brown",
+        "throat: slightly paler reddish-brown"
+    ],
+    "dusky nightjar": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: pale cream with brown spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: mottled gray and brown",
+        "forehead: plain grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short with brown scales, long claws",
+        "wings: long, lush, brown with white spotting",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: broad, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky parrot": [
+        "back: dark, grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter green gradient",
+        "breast: deep greenish-blue",
+        "crown: grayish-green coloring",
+        "forehead: brighter green spot",
+        "eyes: black beady orbs with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, scaly, and strong",
+        "wings: green and blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers",
+        "throat: pale green feathers"
+    ],
+    "dusky pigeon": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray feathers",
+        "breast: medium gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: orange ring around black pupil",
+        "legs: short, red or coral",
+        "wings: dark gray, broad, strong",
+        "nape: dark gray, thin band separating crown and back",
+        "tail: medium gray, short, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "dusky piha": [
+        "back: dark gray, slightly bronzed",
+        "beak: stout, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale gray, lightly striped",
+        "breast: smoky gray with faint markings",
+        "crown: dark gray, less bronzed than back",
+        "forehead: smooth, smoky gray",
+        "eyes: large, pale yellow",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark, bronzed gray",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray, moderately long",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "dusky purpletuft": [
+        "back: dark brown with iridescent purple shades",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint purple hues",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with hints of purple",
+        "crown: dark brown with a purplish sheen",
+        "forehead: deep brown with a violet gleam",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, outlined in white",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent, brownish-purple, spanning a moderate length",
+        "nape: velvety brown fading into a purplish tone",
+        "tail: elongated, dark violet-brown with a subtle purplish sheen",
+        "throat: light grey with soft purple undertones"
+    ],
+    "dusky spinetail": [
+        "back: dark brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: darker brownish-gray cap",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled with faint white rings",
+        "legs: slender and long, olive-brown",
+        "wings: dark brownish-gray and rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short and squared, with darker brown central feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray shading to white"
+    ],
+    "dusky starfrontlet": [
+        "back: iridescent green with a bronzy gleam",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: shining green with bluish tinge",
+        "breast: glittering violet-blue",
+        "crown: bright green with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue-violet",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by white feather patch",
+        "legs: short, black with strong claws",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed, covered in metallic green feathers",
+        "nape: gleaming green with hints of bronze",
+        "tail: short, square, blue-green with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "dusky sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: light grey, thin plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant orange with dark speckles",
+        "crown: iridescent blue or green with dark feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy black feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark, and forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: metallic blue or green, with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "dusky tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white underparts",
+        "crown: dark gray or black feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-black color",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, gray",
+        "wings: rounded, short, dark gray",
+        "nape: dark gray with slight white streaks",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, gray",
+        "throat: light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "dusky tetraka": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown, streaked with black and chestnut",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon-brown",
+        "breast: warm ochre, fading into belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown, faint streaks of chestnut",
+        "forehead: rusty brown with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with buffy-white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: greyish-white with faint streaks of brown"
+    ],
+    "dusky thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: orange-red with dark speckles",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale edging",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky tit": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: lighter greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: soft grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth dark greyish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: dark grey with strong, slender claws",
+        "wings: dark greyish-brown with light wingbars",
+        "nape: dark greyish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "tail: long, greyish-white with dark edges",
+        "throat: pale grey with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "dusky turtle dove": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with hints of brown",
+        "breast: rosy pink fading to pale grey",
+        "crown: pale blue-grey with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: light blue-grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and round, surrounded by soft grey feathers",
+        "legs: short, reddish-pink, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-grey featuring black barring and white edgings",
+        "nape: pale blue-grey with distinctive dark arrowhead markings",
+        "tail: long, olive-grey with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey bordered by a thin black line"
+    ],
+    "dusky twinspot": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black, short and conical",
+        "belly: pale white with grayish-brown spotting",
+        "breast: mottled gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown",
+        "eyes: black, beady, surrounded by light gray rings",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray-brown with noticeable spots and barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: cream-colored with light brown wash",
+        "breast: pale and creamy with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brownish hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin and dark; long, pronounced claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars and edges",
+        "nape: dark brownish with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark with rufous edges, and upturned",
+        "throat: whitish-cream with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky white eye": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: off-white cream color",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slight brown tinge",
+        "eyes: distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and grayish-black",
+        "wings: brown with faint feather patterns",
+        "nape: gray-brown coloration",
+        "tail: moderately long and brownish-gray",
+        "throat: pale gray with light markings"
+    ],
+    "dusky woodswallow": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with hints of blue",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue",
+        "forehead: smooth bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and blackish",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, slightly darker than forehead",
+        "tail: long and forked, dark gray-blue",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle blue tint"
+    ],
+    "dusky backed jacamar": [
+        "back: olive green with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: whitish to buff",
+        "breast: olive to yellowish-green",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-black",
+        "forehead: olive to dark green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with reddish eyering",
+        "legs: pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: olive green with metallic sheen",
+        "nape: glossy greenish-black",
+        "tail: long, greenish-black with white tips",
+        "throat: white to pale buff"
+    ],
+    "dusky billed parrotlet": [
+        "back: green feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "beak: small, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: light green underbelly with a yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: bright green feathers, slightly lighter than back",
+        "crown: dark green feathers with a bit of black",
+        "forehead: combination of green and black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, short, and strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers occasionally mixed with blue",
+        "tail: green on top and blue underneath, long and tapering",
+        "throat: bright green, sometimes yellow-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "dusky blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate-gray with a tinge of blue",
+        "beak: short, sharp and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-blue",
+        "breast: light grayish-blue",
+        "crown: dark grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: dusky-blue with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, dusky-blue with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-blue"
+    ],
+    "dusky capped flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: greyish with pale streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with concealed crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two whitish wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: dark and forked with pale feather edges",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky capped greenlet": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: yellow-green shades",
+        "crown: olive shades with dusky cap",
+        "forehead: olive green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with dusky edges",
+        "nape: greenish-olive",
+        "tail: olive green with faint white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "dusky capped woodcreeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pale brown",
+        "belly: buffy-yellow with light streaking",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaking",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and brown, with thin white barring",
+        "throat: pale buff-yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "dusky cheeked foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine streaks",
+        "breast: golden-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with bold dusky spots",
+        "nape: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with inconspicuous white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff streaked with dark brown"
+    ],
+    "dusky chested flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: muted dusky-orange chest patch",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark, deep-set against pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, dark, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: consistent olive-brown tone",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-brown with subtle black markings",
+        "throat: pale, contrasting with dusky-orange breast"
+    ],
+    "dusky faced tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: grayish-green hue",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: subtly darker green cap",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow tint",
+        "eyes: black with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint edging",
+        "nape: green transition to gray",
+        "tail: squared-off with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray fading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "dusky green oropendola": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a subtle iridescence",
+        "beak: strong, straight, black and curved",
+        "belly: yellow-gold with contrasting dark streaks",
+        "breast: deep green, fading to yellow on the sides",
+        "crown: dusky black, smooth and sleek",
+        "forehead: dark green, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: round, bright, black with white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, scaly, dark gray to black",
+        "wings: iridescent green, long and streamlined",
+        "nape: dark green, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: long, tapering, yellow-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, stretching to the upper breast"
+    ],
+    "dusky headed brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: soft grayish-olive hue",
+        "crown: warm brown streaked with black",
+        "forehead: dusky brown coloration",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and slender, light pink hue",
+        "wings: long, olive-green with dark brown covert feathers",
+        "nape: soft brownish-olive color",
+        "tail: long and slim, blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky headed parakeet": [
+        "back: green feathers with blue undertones",
+        "beak: pale orange-yellow and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter green with vibrant sheen",
+        "breast: bright green feathers with slight yellow tint",
+        "crown: dusky gray-blue color",
+        "forehead: dark gray fading into green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with clawed toes",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue tints on the edge",
+        "nape: gray-blue transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long green feathers with blue and yellowish tips",
+        "throat: greenish-gray color fading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "dusky legged guan": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: large and yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black bars",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with brown hues",
+        "forehead: pale gray with white pinfeathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong and dusky gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white tips and black bars",
+        "nape: pale gray with white pinfeathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with white pinfeathers"
+    ],
+    "dusky tailed antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: short, strong black hook-like shape",
+        "belly: pale grey with black markings",
+        "breast: greyish-white with darker spots",
+        "crown: bold blackish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: brown with faint feather patterns",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: sturdy, light grey, and slender",
+        "wings: brown with light-rimmed feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, finely streaked texture",
+        "tail: dusky brown with distinct tail-feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin black stripes"
+    ],
+    "dusky tailed canastero": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale cream with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored, streaked",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker barring",
+        "nape: gray-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, dusky, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: cream with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky tailed flatbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: broad, flat, and hooked",
+        "belly: light yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint dark barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dusky brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "dusky throated antshrike": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: stout, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish, transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: dusky gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "dusky throated hermit": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: long, curved, slender",
+        "belly: pale rufous-brown",
+        "breast: light brown with soft streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: olive-green with slight-blue shine",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green, elongated primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with blue iridescence",
+        "tail: rufous, white-tipped, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: dusky gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "dwarf bittern": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks and spots",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with a thin white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, with golden-yellow irises",
+        "legs: long, slender, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark markings",
+        "nape: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, with dark brown and greyish-white bands",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "dwarf cassowary": [
+        "back: dense, black feathered",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: thick, black plumage",
+        "breast: robust, black feathers",
+        "crown: blue skin with a prominent casque",
+        "forehead: blue to purplish, casque features",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing",
+        "legs: stout, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short, drab-colored feathers",
+        "nape: black, leading to casque",
+        "tail: stiff, elongated quill-like feathers",
+        "throat: blue, bare skin with wattles"
+    ],
+    "dwarf cuckoo": [
+        "back: light grey-brown, with plumage blending seamlessly into wings",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey-white feathers, subtle streaking",
+        "breast: soft grey-brown, blending with belly",
+        "crown: sleek, dark grey, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey, transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, tiny white eyebrow markings",
+        "legs: short, pale grey, with strong dark claws",
+        "wings: grey-brown, round-edged, with faint barring",
+        "nape: light grey, transitioning smoothly to back",
+        "tail: square-ended, greyish-brown, with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey-white, smooth appearance with hints of streaking"
+    ],
+    "dwarf fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale green, soft plumage",
+        "breast: lavender-grey, delicate",
+        "crown: stunning emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright lime tone",
+        "eyes: beady, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: short, stout, light grey",
+        "wings: green and yellow, swift",
+        "nape: emerald green transition",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue gradient",
+        "throat: pale cream hue, subtle"
+    ],
+    "dwarf honeyguide": [
+        "back: small, pale brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: white or creamy, spotted with brown",
+        "breast: pale brown, streaked with darker marks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, strong, grey",
+        "wings: brown with white spots, rounded",
+        "nape: pale brown, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: creamy, with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dwarf jay": [
+        "back: slate-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: pale blue-gray plumage",
+        "breast: light blue-gray feathers",
+        "crown: slaty blue with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slate-blue with thin white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, and featherless",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white highlights",
+        "nape: slate-blue coloration",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light blue-gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "dwarf koel": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white to greyish coloring",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown or black plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: relatively short, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, similar to the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: light grey, may transition to a paler color on belly"
+    ],
+    "dwarf tyrant manakin": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow and green hues",
+        "crown: dark, rounded, and iridescent",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, deep-set, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and unfeathered",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and greenish-yellow",
+        "nape: smooth and greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, and green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "dwarf vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers cover the dorsal side",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, greyish in color",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: light grey or olive hue with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: plain olive-grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-olive, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs with a faint whitish eyering",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-blue, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: continuation of the olive-grey feathers from the crown",
+        "tail: greyish-olive, slightly forked with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grey or whitish, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "dybowski twinspot": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short and thick, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown with white spots",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white feather edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with white spots",
+        "throat: white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "eared dove": [
+        "back: smooth and grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, blackish-gray color",
+        "belly: creamy-white to pale buff feathers",
+        "breast: rosy-pink to reddish-brown hue, with subtle spotting",
+        "crown: pale gray with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, with small and sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with dark spots and pale edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray feathers with a slight pinkish tint",
+        "tail: long and grayish-brown, with black band and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with a slight rosy hue"
+    ],
+    "eared pitta": [
+        "back: green and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, yellowish",
+        "belly: sky blue with black stripes",
+        "breast: bright blue",
+        "crown: green with yellow highlights",
+        "forehead: black, prominent eye stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, small, bright",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish",
+        "wings: green and black feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green, continuation of crown",
+        "tail: short, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "eared poorwill": [
+        "back: light gray-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, dark, hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with thin dark bars",
+        "breast: mottled grayish-brown with dark barring",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with dark speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and feathered with dark gray claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and grayish-brown with dark bands",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: short with dark bands and white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark mottling"
+    ],
+    "eared pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small and hooked, black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white plumage",
+        "breast: creamy-yellow with very fine streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with discrete crest",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: short with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: white with pale gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "eared quetzal": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: bright red feathers",
+        "breast: rich red plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: shimmering green feathering",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with covert feathers",
+        "nape: striking green with elongated feathers",
+        "tail: long, cascading green and white feathers",
+        "throat: red plumage transitioning from the breast"
+    ],
+    "east amazonian fire eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle blue hues",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: soft yellow with fine stripes",
+        "breast: orange-red with intricate feather patterns",
+        "crown: bright green with a hint of turquoise",
+        "forehead: fiery red to orange gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive with white rings",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue with scaly texture",
+        "wings: green with blue and yellow accents, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green seamlessly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, tapered feathers with green and blue stripes",
+        "throat: rich red with delicate, light feathering"
+    ],
+    "east andean antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: buffy-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray, slightly mottled",
+        "eyes: pale yellow-white, medium size",
+        "legs: short, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale edging",
+        "nape: dark gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "east brazilian chachalaca": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish-white in color",
+        "belly: soft feathers with pale gray shades",
+        "breast: mottled gray-brown plumage",
+        "crown: blackish or dark brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: beady and red or dark brown in color",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, grayish-white or pale gray in color",
+        "wings: olive-brown, broad, and rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, smooth feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long and tapering, olive-green with pale gray tips",
+        "throat: bare, reddish or grayish skin area with fine whitish feathers"
+    ],
+    "east coast akalat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, black",
+        "belly: white with creamy-brown sides",
+        "breast: white with indistinct brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink to light brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct white spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, slightly notched, brown",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "eastern bearded greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved and grayish",
+        "belly: yellowish-green and fluffy",
+        "breast: pale olive-green with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: green with subtle darker streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale gray with strong, scaled texture",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct light edging",
+        "nape: green with slightly darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with olive-green markings"
+    ],
+    "eastern black eared wheatear": [
+        "back: dark brown to black plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light gray to white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark black with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: mixture of dark and white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: blackish-brown transition to the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white or pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "eastern black headed batis": [
+        "back: dark grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: grey and white mixed",
+        "crown: black with a white line",
+        "forehead: black and thin",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: black and white spotted",
+        "nape: black with a white line",
+        "tail: black, short, and forked",
+        "throat: white with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "eastern bonelli warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle grey tones",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark-brown",
+        "belly: clean, white, with some pale grey sides",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white, unmarked",
+        "crown: subdued, greenish-grey",
+        "forehead: light grey, sometimes tinged with green",
+        "eyes: striking, large, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: greyish-green, with prominent pale wingbars",
+        "nape: pale olive-green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: greyish-green, with outer feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: plain, pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "eastern bristlebird": [
+        "back: light brown, streaked with darker feathering",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed; black or dark gray",
+        "belly: pale buff or cream, with faint streaks near the flanks",
+        "breast: light buff or cream with faint streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks; bristly feathers at base",
+        "forehead: brown, slightly paler than the crown; bristles present",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black; encircled by a narrow, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender; pinkish-gray or brown, with strong feet",
+        "wings: brown; barred with fine, pale streaks; rounded shape",
+        "nape: light brown and streaked, similar to back",
+        "tail: long and narrow; brown with faint pale barring; rounded tip",
+        "throat: pale buff or cream; faint streaking near the base of the neck"
+    ],
+    "eastern buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish-cream feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: dark, hooked upper mandible, lighter lower mandible",
+        "belly: white with brown spots and bands",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: uniform brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with light fringes, distinct barring",
+        "nape: creamy brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: brown with dark bars, white at the base",
+        "throat: white with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "eastern chanting goshawk": [
+        "back: pale gray with visible feather edging",
+        "beak: dark, hooked, strong",
+        "belly: white with fine dark bars",
+        "breast: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing",
+        "legs: long, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, pale gray with black tips on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending with the back",
+        "tail: pale gray with dark bars, squared off",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "eastern chat tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green hue",
+        "beak: slightly curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray shade",
+        "breast: grayish-white with a greenish tinge",
+        "crown: soft olive-green color",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with grayish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with grayish undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "eastern clapper lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, greyish-brown",
+        "belly: pale buff or greyish-brown",
+        "breast: buff to greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint white bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, streaked",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, with a distinct white outer edge",
+        "throat: pale buff or greyish-brown, with indistinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "eastern crested guineafowl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage with bold white spots",
+        "beak: short, stout and slightly curved, pale pink",
+        "belly: smooth, ash gray feathers with circular white spots",
+        "breast: round, covered in white speckled gray feathers",
+        "crown: prominent feathered crest, dark bluish gray",
+        "forehead: dusky blue with a slight gray tint",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange orbital skin, white iris",
+        "legs: strong, bluish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, gray with conspicuous white spots",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, gray with white spots",
+        "throat: bare bluish-gray skin with a small wattle"
+    ],
+    "eastern crowned warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish with pale yellow hues",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, blending with belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with bold yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: bright-yellow, contrasting with subtle eye stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering and dark eye stripe",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connected to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with a hint of yellow, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "eastern double collared sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, long, and curved for nectar-feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly with contrasting dark spots",
+        "breast: bright metallic blue plumage extending across the chest",
+        "crown: shiny emerald green feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: velvety black feathers transitioning into green crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, encircled by subtle grey feathers",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and agile for perching on branches",
+        "wings: glossy green feathers with subtle yellow accents",
+        "nape: shimmering green plumage blending into the back",
+        "tail: elongated and forked with dark-edged green feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling metallic blue patch, defining the double collar"
+    ],
+    "eastern long billed lark": [
+        "back: streaked brown with white markings",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with fine brown streaking",
+        "breast: pale buff with light streaking",
+        "crown: brown with a streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: smooth and light brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: buff-brown with a streaked pattern",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale buff with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "eastern marsh harrier": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: yellow, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale cream, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: rusty-orange, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: pale cream, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing",
+        "legs: yellow, slender with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, grey-brown with a hint of blue",
+        "nape: dark brown, sharply contrasting with the pale forehead",
+        "tail: grey with black bands, fanned out slightly",
+        "throat: pale cream, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "eastern miombo sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar-feeding",
+        "belly: grayish-white or pale-yellow under-feathering",
+        "breast: vibrant metallic green or bluish sheen",
+        "crown: bright green or blue with shining plumage",
+        "forehead: iridescent green or blue matching the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a curious gaze",
+        "legs: slender, dark, and adapted for perching",
+        "wings: olive or brown feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: green or blue iridescent feathers blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with forked or squared-off end for agile flight",
+        "throat: gleaming metallic green or blue in males, duller in females"
+    ],
+    "eastern mountain greenbul": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with pale eyerings",
+        "legs: short, light brown with strong feet",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: greenish-brown, rounded with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow, smooth and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "eastern nicator": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish tinge",
+        "beak: stout, slightly hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish-green flanks",
+        "breast: dull yellow, mottling with gray",
+        "crown: dark olive-green, slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-pink with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with crown color",
+        "tail: long, olive-green central feathers, white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow, fading into breast color"
+    ],
+    "eastern olivaceous warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish shades",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white",
+        "breast: grey-green with subtle pale streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green and smooth",
+        "forehead: light greyish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: greyish-green and slightly streaked",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow-white"
+    ],
+    "eastern orphean warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with a yellowish tint",
+        "breast: pale and slightly streaked",
+        "crown: uniformly grey",
+        "forehead: light grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: edged with pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: continuous grey with the crown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with a subtle fork",
+        "throat: white, contrast with breast"
+    ],
+    "eastern paradise whydah": [
+        "back: black with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "beak: long and black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white blending with chestnut brown",
+        "crown: black with blue-green shimmer",
+        "forehead: black fading to chestnut brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: black with white streaks",
+        "nape: black with blue-green iridescence",
+        "tail: elongated with black and white feather patterns",
+        "throat: white with streaks of chestnut brown"
+    ],
+    "eastern plantain eater": [
+        "back: light blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathering",
+        "breast: pale grey with white streaks",
+        "crown: black head crest",
+        "forehead: black contrasting line",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by bare blue skin",
+        "legs: strong and greyish",
+        "wings: blue-grey, white streaked flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-grey with contrasting black line",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey central feathers, white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, streaked with black and grey"
+    ],
+    "eastern rock nuthatch": [
+        "back: grayish-blue covers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray hue",
+        "breast: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: pale gray-blue with fine streak-like patterns",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray-blue",
+        "eyes: black bead-like with white outlines",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray-colored",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, pointed, with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray-blue with streaked patterns",
+        "tail: long, square-ended with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, with fine gray-blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "eastern shrike tit": [
+        "back: olive-green and black striped",
+        "beak: robust and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: creamy white with black band",
+        "crown: black with a small gray crest",
+        "forehead: black",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: gray",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "eastern spinebill": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint grey streaks",
+        "breast: cinnamon-brown fading to white",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe near the eye",
+        "forehead: black with paler streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white crescent underneath",
+        "legs: grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: black with paler streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey with white tips and black bar",
+        "throat: black and glossy with white stripe on sides"
+    ],
+    "eastern spot billed duck": [
+        "back: grey-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: black with yellow-orange patch",
+        "belly: light grey-white",
+        "breast: grey-brown, speckled pattern",
+        "crown: blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: dark grey to black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow",
+        "wings: grey-brown, white-bordered stripe",
+        "nape: grey-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: black, short and pointed",
+        "throat: light grey-white"
+    ],
+    "eastern striolated puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale cream with subtle barring",
+        "breast: light buff with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pale yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: short, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: square, olive-brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: whitish with sparse dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eastern subalpine warbler": [
+        "back: olive-grey with a tinge of brown",
+        "beak: thin, pointy and black",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: light rose-pink with some shading",
+        "crown: greyish-brown fading to nape",
+        "forehead: light grey with a rounded appearance",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-grey with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: dark brownish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "eastern violet backed sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent violet-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant violet-blue sheen",
+        "crown: shimmering violet-blue",
+        "forehead: iridescent violet-blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: dark with a violet-blue tinge",
+        "nape: vibrant violet-blue sheen",
+        "tail: dark, with violet-blue feather tips",
+        "throat: bright violet-blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "eastern wattled honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green fading to gray",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale yellow eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with off-white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with pale tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eastern whip poor will": [
+        "back: dark, mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, and dark in color",
+        "belly: light brown with grayish-white barring",
+        "breast: brownish-gray with darker vertical streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, blending with the back",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: long, rounded, with dark brown and gray mottling",
+        "nape: mottled brown and gray, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark brown, fan-shaped, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, with darker streaks near the neck"
+    ],
+    "eastern whipbird": [
+        "back: dark olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: olive-green with spotted feathers",
+        "crown: black with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: black and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with a long, curved shape",
+        "nape: dark olive-green blended into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark green with a slight curve",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eastern yellow wagtail": [
+        "back: bright olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small and narrow, black in color",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with a faint stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark, with contrasting white and yellow patches",
+        "nape: olive-green with a pale stripe",
+        "tail: dark, long, with white sides, constantly wagging",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "eastern yellow billed hornbill": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, striking yellow color",
+        "belly: creamy white undertones",
+        "breast: white feathers with hints of pale gray",
+        "crown: dark grayish-black plumage",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: broad, white-trimmed grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: hint of dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, white-tipped grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lightly feathered with white plumage"
+    ],
+    "eaton pintail": [
+        "back: sleek and narrow, with brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-grey, slightly elongated, with a black tip",
+        "belly: light buff color, finely barred with dark grey",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored and well-rounded",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: light buff, blending into the brownish-grey of the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a subtle black eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-grey, strong and robust",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with a greenish-black speculum bordered by white",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: black and pointed, with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the buff-colored belly"
+    ],
+    "echo parakeet": [
+        "back: green feathered upper body",
+        "beak: curved, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: lighter green plumage",
+        "breast: rich green with hints of blue",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin featherless skin",
+        "legs: short and grey",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: lush green plumage",
+        "tail: long, tapered with blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: greenish-grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "eclectus parrot": [
+        "back: bright green or red feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved upper bill in orange or black",
+        "belly: vibrant red, purple, or green plumage",
+        "breast: full colorful feathers varying from deep red to bright green",
+        "crown: patch of bright feathers covering top of head",
+        "forehead: vividly colored plumage extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: circular with dark, intelligent gaze, surrounded by thin eye rings",
+        "legs: sturdy legs with zygodactylous feet for gripping",
+        "wings: long, broad feathers for strong flight capabilities",
+        "nape: coat of vibrant feathers, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: lengthy, colorful feathers aiding in balance and flight",
+        "throat: brightly-colored feathers leading down to the chest"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian cacique": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with black streaking",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a light blue ring",
+        "legs: gray, strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with green edging and small yellow patches",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning to black towards the crown",
+        "tail: long black feathers with yellow band near the tip",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers, fading to green on sides"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian ground dove": [
+        "back: soft brown feathers with subtle patterning",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish tone",
+        "belly: light beige feathers with a hint of grey",
+        "breast: delicate light brown with subtle speckles",
+        "crown: slightly darker brown, smoothly transitioning into the nape",
+        "forehead: soft greyish-brown feathers, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey, with well-defined scaled texture",
+        "wings: earthy brown with faint black barring and tawny edges",
+        "nape: gradual transition from the crown, with faint spotting",
+        "tail: squarish, dark brown with black barring and white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft beige, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine black bars",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green with faint black bars",
+        "crown: brownish-black with white speckles",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light-greyish-blue with curved sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: short, black, and stiff with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with black bars"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian piedtail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with a touch of beige",
+        "breast: white with a hint of greenish shimmer",
+        "crown: bold green with a brilliant metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: green feathers transitioning to white near the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, delicate, and grayish with well-defined scales",
+        "wings: iridescent green with conspicuous white spots",
+        "nape: rich green feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: unique white-tipped feathers, resembling paddles",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with the vibrant head and breast"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray shading",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black with gray outline",
+        "legs: thin and dark",
+        "wings: short, rounded with gray feathers",
+        "nape: gray area at base of head",
+        "tail: short, stubby with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray or off-white feathers",
+        "breast: gray or light brown with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth with slightly lighter feathers than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a narrow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: medium length with dark brown flight feathers and lighter-edged coverts",
+        "nape: same reddish-brown color as the crown, transitioning to olive-brown on the back",
+        "tail: relatively long, with dark brown feathers and lighter edges",
+        "throat: off-white or pale gray, softly blending with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian trogon": [
+        "back: glossy green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, straight, and serrated",
+        "belly: white or pale blue lowerparts",
+        "breast: rich yellow or orange band",
+        "crown: iridescent green or blue-black",
+        "forehead: matching with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: patterned with black and white bars",
+        "nape: glossy green, connecting with the back",
+        "tail: long, squared-off, black and white banded",
+        "throat: colorful, ranging from blues to purples and reds"
+    ],
+    "ecuadorian tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green to golden-brown",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: light yellow-gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green to golden-brown like back",
+        "forehead: faint grayish-white median stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green to golden-brown, consistent with back",
+        "tail: square, olive-brown with subtle pale edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "edwards fig parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: deep green with blue undertones",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-green feathers",
+        "crown: intricate blue, green, and yellow pattern",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow and blue markings",
+        "eyes: surrounded by thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and gray, with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: lush green top, red and blue underside",
+        "nape: yellow and green striped feathers",
+        "tail: short and squared, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: green with yellow-tinged feathers"
+    ],
+    "egyptian nightjar": [
+        "back: sandy-brown plumage with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, wide and pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale, mottled with gray and buff",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: pale, finely streaked with dark brown",
+        "forehead: buff with dark speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: long, slender and grayish, with bristles",
+        "wings: long, pointed, pale with darker bars and spots",
+        "nape: sandy brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, mottled brown and buff, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "egyptian plover": [
+        "back: light brown with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white, sometimes tinged with pale pink",
+        "breast: white or pale grey",
+        "crown: black cap extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: white, framed by black cap and eye-line",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, surrounded by narrow black stripes",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale pink",
+        "wings: white, edged with light brown and black feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of black crown cap",
+        "tail: black and white with long central feathers",
+        "throat: white, connecting with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "egyptian vulture": [
+        "back: light to dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellowish-white",
+        "belly: white or whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: white to light gray plumage",
+        "crown: sparse white feathers, balding appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, and featherless",
+        "eyes: bright yellow to orange, surrounded by bare skin",
+        "legs: long, scaly, gray to black",
+        "wings: long, broad, with dark tips and light undersides",
+        "nape: white feathers, extending to the shoulders",
+        "tail: squared-off, white with dark outer edges",
+        "throat: slightly feathered, white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "el oro parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and ivory-colored",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue, gradient pattern",
+        "forehead: orange-yellow, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, zygodactyl",
+        "wings: green, with hints of blue on tips",
+        "nape: vivid green, transitions to blue crown",
+        "tail: long, tapering green feathers",
+        "throat: bright green, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "elegant crescentchest": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant orange crescent",
+        "crown: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of blue-gray",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black details",
+        "nape: grayish-blue like the crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, olive-green",
+        "throat: white feathering"
+    ],
+    "elegant crested tinamou": [
+        "back: sleek olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: soft whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale bluish-gray with delicate streaks",
+        "crown: pointed crest of elongated brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown transition",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, bluish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with short flight feathers",
+        "nape: blending of brown and gray feathers",
+        "tail: short, tapered with dark brown hues",
+        "throat: delicate grayish-white with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "elegant euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue coloration",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden yellow plumage",
+        "crown: radiant blue crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue shade",
+        "eyes: small, black, and lively",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: mix of rich blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: subtle transition from blue crown to yellow body",
+        "tail: medium length, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: eye-catching yellow fluff"
+    ],
+    "elegant honeyeater": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint gray markings",
+        "breast: striking yellow with fine gray striations",
+        "crown: radiant yellow with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark with a subtle, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers and white bar",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning smoothly from the back",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-gray feathers with faint white edging",
+        "throat: bright yellow with delicate gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "elegant imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: soft and creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with a slightly purplish sheen",
+        "crown: dark gray with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray with faint blue tinges",
+        "eyes: prominent and dark, encircled by a thin skin patch",
+        "legs: pinkish-red, short and strong with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark gray, broad, and rounded",
+        "nape: slightly lighter gray with a bluish-purple sheen",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with paler fringes",
+        "throat: creamy white with a slight blue iridescence"
+    ],
+    "elegant parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender curved tip",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft greenish-yellow hue",
+        "crown: deep green crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: rich emerald green with blue edges",
+        "nape: smooth, green transition to body",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine green streaks"
+    ],
+    "elegant pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green with shimmering blue highlights",
+        "beak: sleek and strong, black with a slight downward curve",
+        "belly: bright azure merging into shades of purple",
+        "breast: rich golden yellow with mottled designs",
+        "crown: deep blue-violet with contrasting black edges",
+        "forehead: bold, gleaming red-orange",
+        "eyes: black with an intense, watchful gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy and silver-grey, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: multicolored, marked by rich blues, greens, and yellows",
+        "nape: interwoven hues of greens, blues, and purple",
+        "tail: long and slender, vivid blue-green with dark barring",
+        "throat: brilliant scarlet red, giving way to golden breast"
+    ],
+    "elegant quail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved, with a creamy hue",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black speckling",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with delicate white markings",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown crest with a forward-curving plume",
+        "forehead: rich chestnut with a unique white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive, encircled with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered with grey-brown hues, ending in strong toes",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with fine white streaks and spots",
+        "nape: grey-brown with intricate white feather edges",
+        "tail: relatively short, brown with fine white markings",
+        "throat: white patch bordered by chestnut-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "elegant sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: golden yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent purple and blue feathers",
+        "crown: shining metallic green",
+        "forehead: bright green with a hint of blue",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and light gray",
+        "wings: mix of iridescent blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: radiant green feathers",
+        "tail: long, slender feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "throat: brilliant purple plumage"
+    ],
+    "elegant tit": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white color",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black central banding",
+        "crown: bluish-black glossy color",
+        "forehead: bluish-black and smooth",
+        "eyes: round and dark, encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: slim and blue-gray",
+        "wings: black with greenish-blue edgings",
+        "nape: dark blue-black",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "elegant woodcreeper": [
+        "back: smooth, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, merging with the back",
+        "forehead: rusty-brown and slightly paler",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, encircled by a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with a banded pattern",
+        "nape: buff streaks over reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: stiff, long and banded, with a slightly pointed end",
+        "throat: pale, with a hint of brown smudges"
+    ],
+    "eleonora falcon": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with small white speckles",
+        "beak: sharply curved, blackish-gray, hooked",
+        "belly: white, with dark streaks and spots",
+        "breast: white, with dark streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown, with a few white streaks and spots",
+        "forehead: dark gray-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a yellow-orange ring",
+        "legs: featherless, long, and yellow",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark grayish-brown feathers and white speckles",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown with a few white streaks and spots",
+        "tail: long, dark grayish-brown with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: white, with dark streaks and spots"
+    ],
+    "elfin myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant red to orange plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light gray to white feathers",
+        "breast: bright red or orange coloring",
+        "crown: vivid red feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: blazing red or orange plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and shiny with white eyering",
+        "legs: slim and gray with small, sharp claws",
+        "wings: blackish-brown feathers with orange tints",
+        "nape: red or orange feathers extending from crown to back",
+        "tail: blackish-brown feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: vibrant red or orange feathers matching the breast"
+    ],
+    "elfin woods warbler": [
+        "back: olive-colored with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark",
+        "belly: white and streak-free",
+        "breast: pale yellow and slightly streaked",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green and unmarked",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two bold, white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive without distinct markings",
+        "tail: dark, square-tipped with olive-green edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "elgon francolin": [
+        "back: brown feathers with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and light gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with black stripes",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: buff color merging with the brown crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: brown blending into the back feathers",
+        "tail: short, brown with black and white banding",
+        "throat: light gray with a hint of reddish-brown"
+    ],
+    "elliot laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with heavy black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: gray with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: prominent, black with pale ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white spots",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "elliot storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: fine, black, hook-tipped",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: soft grey, slender feathers",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grey transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, dark grey",
+        "nape: grey, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: forked, greyish-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly curved"
+    ],
+    "elliot woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like and black",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white with horizontal black stripes",
+        "crown: red patch on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white with black spots",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: checkered black and white pattern",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "emei leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with streaks of olive-green",
+        "crown: bright yellow with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight yellowish tint",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "emerald starling": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: shimmering green-blue hue",
+        "breast: iridescent emerald green",
+        "crown: glossy green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: radiant emerald feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: black, thin, and wiry",
+        "wings: gleaming green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: brilliant metallic green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue streamers",
+        "throat: dazzling green feathers"
+    ],
+    "emerald bellied puffleg": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: shimmering emerald green",
+        "breast: bright, metallic green",
+        "crown: glossy violet-blue",
+        "forehead: greenish-gold feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, black, with scaled feet",
+        "wings: rounded, with bronzed green feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, tapered feathers",
+        "tail: straight, short, dark green",
+        "throat: vibrant, glossy blue-green"
+    ],
+    "emerald chinned hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: iridescent white",
+        "breast: shimmering emerald green",
+        "crown: sparkling greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: gleaming emerald hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: rapid, translucent flutter",
+        "nape: glistening green shades",
+        "tail: rounded, iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling, emerald-chinned brilliance"
+    ],
+    "emerald spotted wood dove": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black with curved tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle purple shimmer",
+        "breast: rosy-pink fading to gray near abdomen",
+        "crown: bluish-gray atop head with green iridescence",
+        "forehead: light bluish-gray color, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: deep brown, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, short, with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: intricate pattern of emerald-green spots and black bars",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze feathers with slight iridescent shine",
+        "tail: long, gray, with black band and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, with thin white streaks running down"
+    ],
+    "emin shrike": [
+        "back: slate-colored with a hint of blue",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: off-white with delicate gray markings",
+        "breast: faint grayish-white, speckled",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender, black, powerful",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black markings",
+        "nape: pale gray, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: delicate off-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "emperor bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and sharply curved",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent azure-blue feathers",
+        "crown: gleaming golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: bright red and yellow markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: elongated and adorned with plumage",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: two elongated, ornate, wire-like feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant golden-yellow tufts"
+    ],
+    "emperor fairywren": [
+        "back: striking royal blue plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointy black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: distinct purple-blue cap",
+        "forehead: deep blue plumage continuation",
+        "eyes: tiny, round, black eyes",
+        "legs: slim black legs and feet",
+        "wings: rich blue with dark edges",
+        "nape: purple-blue hue transition",
+        "tail: elongated black central feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "emperor goose": [
+        "back: bluish-gray with faint barring",
+        "beak: short, stout, and orange",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black spotting",
+        "crown: white with a touch of gray",
+        "forehead: white with a hint of gray",
+        "eyes: dark and slightly beady",
+        "legs: strong, orange, and webbed",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white edging",
+        "nape: white with some gray mixed in",
+        "tail: short, white, and slightly squared",
+        "throat: white with grayish-black patch"
+    ],
+    "empress brilliant": [
+        "back: vibrant, iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, elegant curve",
+        "belly: soft, majestic feathers",
+        "breast: regal, vibrant colors",
+        "crown: ornate, jeweled crest",
+        "forehead: sleek, smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: strong, slender limbs",
+        "wings: expansive, awe-inspiring span",
+        "nape: gracefully arched, delicate",
+        "tail: long, sweeping, majestic plumes",
+        "throat: melodic, enchanting song"
+    ],
+    "enggano cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: muted brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light beige with a hint of lavender",
+        "breast: pale grayish-lilac with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: soft brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: light gray fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dull pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with hints of iridescent green",
+        "nape: earthy brown fading from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with greenish iridescence",
+        "throat: pale gray with a tint of lavender and fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "enggano imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: greyish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: robust, silver-white",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey with pinkish hue",
+        "crown: dark grey-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey coloration",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-red",
+        "wings: broad, dark blue feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker grey-blue than crown",
+        "tail: relatively long, dark grey-blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey merging into the breast"
+    ],
+    "enggano scops owl": [
+        "back: earthy brown with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, pale grayish-horn color",
+        "belly: whitish with dark brown bars and spots",
+        "breast: white with fine brown streaks and bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with small blackish spots and streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with faint black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, bright yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with dark bars",
+        "wings: dark brown with prominent black barring and white spots",
+        "nape: earthy brown with blackish streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with thin black bars and white spots",
+        "throat: whitish with fine dark brown streaks and bars"
+    ],
+    "enggano thrush": [
+        "back: sleek, dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: boldly streaked, light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter wing-bars",
+        "nape: uniformly dark brown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "epaulet oriole": [
+        "back: vivid yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, long, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with some black markings",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black edges",
+        "crown: black with yellow side streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow and black striping",
+        "eyes: small and black with white borders",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: black with yellow shoulder patches (epaulets",
+        "nape: yellow-black pattern of feathers",
+        "tail: black with yellow sides detailing",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "equatorial akalat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered",
+        "beak: short, stout and black",
+        "belly: white with grayish-olive flanks",
+        "breast: warm orange-brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and intense gaze",
+        "legs: long, strong, and slate-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with subtle white tips",
+        "throat: bright white contrasting breast"
+    ],
+    "equatorial antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: tawny, lightly spotted",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streak",
+        "forehead: slate gray, slightly crested",
+        "eyes: dark, large, round",
+        "legs: orange, long, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green, short, round",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark-striped, rounded",
+        "throat: cream-colored with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "equatorial graytail": [
+        "back: olive-gray plumage with greenish tint",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark olive-green tinted with gray",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-green tone",
+        "eyes: round, dark, small with white rings",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, strong",
+        "wings: greenish-gray, long, and tapered",
+        "nape: olive-gray with faint greenish hue",
+        "tail: dark gray, long and forked",
+        "throat: light gray fading to white towards the chest"
+    ],
+    "erckel spurfowl": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle black barring",
+        "beak: slightly curved, greyish-brown bill",
+        "belly: light brown and greyish-white shades",
+        "breast: warm chestnut with white speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine black stripes",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown with long curved spurs",
+        "wings: brown with white spotting on coverts, long and broad",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "tail: earthy brown with black barring, medium-length",
+        "throat: light greyish-white with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "erect crested penguin": [
+        "back: sleek, black and shiny-feathered",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: clean, white, and smooth-feathered",
+        "breast: curved, white, and puffy",
+        "crown: elongated, black feathers forming crest",
+        "forehead: white, with pronounced eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and slightly sad-looking",
+        "legs: short, thick, and pinkish in color",
+        "wings: black, stiff, and flipper-like",
+        "nape: black and blends into the crest",
+        "tail: short, broad, and predominantly black",
+        "throat: white and sharply demarcated from the black feathers"
+    ],
+    "esmeraldas antbird": [
+        "back: greenish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with gray markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black, contrasted plumes",
+        "forehead: short, black feathers",
+        "eyes: deep brown with gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and long",
+        "wings: greenish-gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-gray, plumage transition",
+        "tail: long, greenish-gray feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, clear demarcation"
+    ],
+    "esmeraldas woodstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with greenish flanks",
+        "breast: shining green with a white center",
+        "crown: dazzling green with iridescent tones",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and greenish-brown",
+        "nape: rich emerald green",
+        "tail: short, square, and tarnished green",
+        "throat: iridescent violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "espa\u00f1ola ground finch": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short, broad, and powerful",
+        "belly: off-white with soft dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with darker brown feathers",
+        "nape: brown with paler streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with pointed feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "espa\u00f1ola mockingbird": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white or creamy color",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with darker tips",
+        "nape: gray with faint darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, brownish-gray",
+        "throat: light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "ethiopian bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green with hints of blue",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light pinkish-white with soft feathering",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep green, transitioning to blue",
+        "forehead: striking yellow-orange band",
+        "eyes: black and round, with a white outline",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slim",
+        "wings: elongated, green and blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green fading into lighter shades",
+        "tail: long and streaming, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: fiery orange-red with a contrasting white border"
+    ],
+    "ethiopian black headed oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: yellow, blending into belly",
+        "crown: black, slicked-back plumage",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, framed by black mask",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: black, with yellow and white markings",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: black, long and graduated",
+        "throat: yellow, with slight dark mottling"
+    ],
+    "ethiopian boubou": [
+        "back: dark, reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, black",
+        "belly: white and feathery",
+        "breast: white with cinnamon-brown edges",
+        "crown: inconspicuous black cap",
+        "forehead: black, blending into dark brown plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly almond-shaped",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-beige",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brownish-black, meeting crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white side feathers",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with dark head"
+    ],
+    "ethiopian cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim, dark-colored, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, buffy-white with sparse streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buffy-white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: thin, light brown, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: russet-brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ethiopian siskin": [
+        "back: olive green with streaks of black",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive green with a black cap",
+        "forehead: olive green with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pink with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive green with black streaks and a yellow patch",
+        "nape: olive green with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green tinged with black bars",
+        "throat: bright yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "ethiopian swallow": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, dark and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with a slight bluish hue",
+        "breast: vibrant, dark-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright, blue-green shimmering feathers",
+        "forehead: small white crescent marking above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by soft white feathers",
+        "legs: strong and grey, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green, merging into the iridescent back",
+        "tail: forked, elongated with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: metallic blue with a narrow line of white feathers"
+    ],
+    "ethiopian thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint brown spotting",
+        "breast: pale rufous with blackish spotting",
+        "crown: olive-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "eyes: prominent white eye ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: olive-brown, straight and moderately long",
+        "throat: white with some brown spotting"
+    ],
+    "euler flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, wide and flat",
+        "belly: creamy yellow hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow with streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint crest",
+        "forehead: unmarked grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: two white wing bars and blackish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "tail: square-ended, blackish with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "eungella honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered covering",
+        "beak: thin, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: bright yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark cap with bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: bold, blue-tinged strip",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive orbs",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue appendages",
+        "wings: elongated, olive-green with a slight blue iridescence",
+        "nape: bluish-black gradient transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, blueish feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow plumage bordering facial features"
+    ],
+    "eurasian blackbird": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: light brown to grayish",
+        "breast: deep brown with soft gradient",
+        "crown: smooth dark brown",
+        "forehead: flat, dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a pale-yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers, smooth transition to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with slightly rounded tips",
+        "throat: light brown to grayish, softer than breast"
+    ],
+    "eurasian blackcap": [
+        "back: olive-grey with a slight brownish tint",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey-white with soft brown tinges",
+        "breast: grey-white with an occasional light brown hue",
+        "crown: distinctive black cap (in males) or chestnut-brown (in females",
+        "forehead: merges with the crown's black or chestnut coloring",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and blue-grey, with strong toes for perching",
+        "wings: olive-grey with faint brown edges and white tips on the secondaries",
+        "nape: olive-grey, connecting seamlessly with the bird's back",
+        "tail: olive-grey with a slightly darker shade in the center",
+        "throat: soft grey-white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "eurasian blue tit": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: yellow with thin black stripes",
+        "breast: bright yellow and plump",
+        "crown: bright blue with black outlines",
+        "forehead: bold blue coloration",
+        "eyes: dark with lighter blue-grey rings",
+        "legs: thin and blue-grey",
+        "wings: blue with white and black stripes",
+        "nape: blue with black borders",
+        "tail: short with blue and white feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with a slight black line"
+    ],
+    "eurasian coot": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, white, and conical",
+        "belly: grey feathers with a lighter shade than the back",
+        "breast: dark grey, well-rounded",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight hint of shine",
+        "forehead: white frontal shield above beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, greenish-grey with lobed toes",
+        "wings: broad with dark grey feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey with a subtle transition from the back",
+        "tail: short, dark grey, and slightly upturned",
+        "throat: grey feathers, lighter than the back, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "eurasian crag martin": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathering",
+        "beak: short and robust, dark color",
+        "belly: pale brown to greyish-white",
+        "breast: light-colored with brownish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: pointed and long, dark grey-brown",
+        "nape: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "tail: forked, dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "eurasian curlew": [
+        "back: streaked brown with varying shades",
+        "beak: long, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: pale and mottled brown",
+        "breast: buff-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark and streaked with rufous",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, positioned midway on the head",
+        "legs: long and bluish-grey",
+        "wings: long, broad, and dark brown with subtle patterning",
+        "nape: streaked with rufous and dark brown",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eurasian dotterel": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and sharp",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with dull brown wash",
+        "breast: chestnut band",
+        "crown: dark brown with a white border",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting with black lores",
+        "eyes: small, dark, slightly sunken",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, short, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: bordered by a white collar",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges and corners",
+        "throat: plain white"
+    ],
+    "eurasian eagle owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with dark markings",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: tawny-brown with bold vertical streaks",
+        "crown: slightly raised, brownish with black markings",
+        "forehead: broad, brownish-grey, streaked with black",
+        "eyes: large, vivid yellow-orange",
+        "legs: feathered, tawny-orange with thick claws",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, dark brown with pale spots",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, streaked with dark lines",
+        "tail: short, brown, barred with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale buff, streaked with dark lines"
+    ],
+    "eurasian green woodpecker": [
+        "back: green, streaked with black horizontal bars",
+        "beak: long, strong, and grayish black",
+        "belly: light grayish green with black markings, sometimes yellowish",
+        "breast: grayish-green, faintly mottled with dark spots",
+        "crown: reddish with black sides on males, grayish-green on females",
+        "forehead: greenish-black, transitioning into the red or gray-green crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong with a grayish-green hue, and zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green with black bars and yellowish flight feathers",
+        "nape: green, extending into the black and red crown",
+        "tail: green with black barring; strong, characteristically square shape for support during drilling",
+        "throat: pearly white to gray, sometimes with darker mottling"
+    ],
+    "eurasian griffon": [
+        "back: tawny brown feathers",
+        "beak: robust hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale whitish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: tawny brown feathers with hints of white",
+        "crown: white feathers with a tawny brown tone",
+        "forehead: bold white with tawny brown streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow circles surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: powerful pale-yellow, scaly",
+        "wings: wide, tawny brown with white streaks, splotches, and feather tips",
+        "nape: tawny brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: tawny brown and pale white feathers in a fan shape",
+        "throat: thick white feathers with a tawny brown undertone"
+    ],
+    "eurasian hobby": [
+        "back: slate-grey, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark-grey",
+        "belly: off-white, streaked with rust-brown",
+        "breast: pale buff, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: slate-grey, distinctively curved",
+        "forehead: white, narrow black eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, yellow-ringed",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful, short",
+        "wings: long, narrow, dark-grey, pointed tips",
+        "nape: slate-grey, dark feathers",
+        "tail: dark-grey, barred with white and black bands",
+        "throat: pale buff, finely-streaked"
+    ],
+    "eurasian hoopoe": [
+        "back: earthy brown with black and white bands",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light buff to beige hue",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: elongated, black-tipped crest feathers",
+        "forehead: buff-colored, blending into the crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a narrow black band",
+        "legs: short and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, with black and white bars",
+        "nape: pale orange-brown, merging with the crest",
+        "tail: long, black and white banded, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: buff-colored, transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "eurasian jackdaw": [
+        "back: dark grey covering the top portion of the body",
+        "beak: straight, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: slightly lighter grey than the back",
+        "breast: silvery grey and well-rounded",
+        "crown: darker grey or black, with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: strikingly pale, often appearing whitish or light blue",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with black feathers",
+        "wings: dark grey to black feathers with rounded tips",
+        "nape: lighter grey than crown, transitioning to silvery grey breast",
+        "tail: dark grey to black feathers, short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: slightly lighter grey than breast, fading to belly color"
+    ],
+    "eurasian jay": [
+        "back: blue and black barred pattern",
+        "beak: black, medium-sized and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish flanks",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "crown: streaked with brown and black",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with black and white bands",
+        "nape: streaked with brown and black",
+        "tail: black with a white terminal band",
+        "throat: whitish-grey"
+    ],
+    "eurasian kestrel": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale with dark spots",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white with dark vertical stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and surrounded by yellow skin",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: light brown with dark bands and white tips",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and slender, barred with dark bands and white tip",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "eurasian linnet": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: bright white to pale gray",
+        "breast: pinkish-red flush",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: gray fading to brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "tail: forked, dark with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray or white"
+    ],
+    "eurasian marsh harrier": [
+        "back: strong, brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: light cream with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown speckles",
+        "crown: flat, medium brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: intense, reddish-yellow with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: powerful, yellow with long, sharp talons",
+        "wings: wide, brown with a conspicuous white patch at the base",
+        "nape: medium brown, blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, barred brown and cream feathers",
+        "throat: light cream with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "eurasian moorhen": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "beak: short, red and yellow, with a red forehead shield",
+        "belly: greyish-white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: bluish-grey, subtly blending with the belly",
+        "crown: dark blackish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: red shield-like structure extending from the beak",
+        "eyes: small and round, with a reddish-brown iris",
+        "legs: yellow-green with long, sturdy toes for walking on vegetation",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white stripes visible during flight",
+        "nape: blackish-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: short, black, with white outer feathers visible when flicked up",
+        "throat: blue-grey, matching the color of the breast"
+    ],
+    "eurasian nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and wide, adapted for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with darker speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with light streaks and spots",
+        "crown: mottled grayish-brown, blending with back feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown, sometimes with a slight buff tinge",
+        "eyes: large and dark, for enhanced night vision",
+        "legs: short and thin, well-adapted for a ground-dwelling lifestyle",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with cryptic brown patterning",
+        "nape: mottled grayish-brown, similar to the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, with patterned feather barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with dark streaks and speckles"
+    ],
+    "eurasian nutcracker": [
+        "back: dark brown-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong and pointy, black",
+        "belly: off-white with gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, feathers slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark brown-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, gray-black talons",
+        "wings: dark brown-gray, rounded tips",
+        "nape: slightly lighter brown-gray feathers",
+        "tail: medium length, wedge-shaped, brown-gray",
+        "throat: whitish streaked with gray-brown"
+    ],
+    "eurasian nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with subtle striping",
+        "beak: sharp, strong, pointed, black",
+        "belly: buff-white with reddish shading",
+        "breast: pale, warm-toned plumage",
+        "crown: blue-grey with black eye stripe",
+        "forehead: white, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black with bold white eyestripe",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: slate-blue with black striping",
+        "nape: blue-grey, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: short, square, blue-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast and beak"
+    ],
+    "eurasian oystercatcher": [
+        "back: black upperpart with subtle white stripes",
+        "beak: long, straight, orange or red color",
+        "belly: solid white underside",
+        "breast: black feathers meeting the white belly",
+        "crown: black head top with sleek feathering",
+        "forehead: smooth, black transition to the beak",
+        "eyes: beady and red with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: pink or flesh-colored, moderately long",
+        "wings: black with white patches and dark tips",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: black with a bold white stripe",
+        "throat: black, blending with the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "eurasian penduline tit": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale, and featherless",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with light and dark bands",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "eurasian pygmy owl": [
+        "back: small, rounded, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish hooked beak",
+        "belly: light gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: light gray with reddish-brown markings",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark round pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, short, grayish-white",
+        "wings: short, broad, reddish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with white bars and rounded shape",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "eurasian scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, camouflaged feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale with dark spots",
+        "crown: rounded, well-feathered, with ear tufts",
+        "forehead: short, often concealed by feathers",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, light grey, sharp talons",
+        "wings: mottled brown and grey, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: feathered, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, barred with pale and dark bands",
+        "throat: pale, finely streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "eurasian siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: pale yellow and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black stripe on bright yellow",
+        "forehead: deep yellow with a small black spot",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale and thin with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with yellow and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green and lightly streaked with black",
+        "tail: black and forked with white outer edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with black markings"
+    ],
+    "eurasian skylark": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with light brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: long, thin, pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with dark markings, elongated",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale brownish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eurasian sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: slate-grey to brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: buff-white with rufous-brown bars",
+        "breast: creamy-white with rufous-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey to brown plumage",
+        "forehead: pale supercilium above dark eye stripe",
+        "eyes: bright yellow to orange-red",
+        "legs: yellow, long, and slender with sharp talons",
+        "wings: short and slightly pointed with dark barring",
+        "nape: grey or brown feathers, lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and dark with 3-4 light horizontal bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "eurasian spoonbill": [
+        "back: sleek, smooth feathers in white",
+        "beak: long, black, and spoon-shaped",
+        "belly: white with occasional grey streaks",
+        "breast: white, puffy plumage",
+        "crown: variable; black or white, occasionally with green or purple sheens",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers transitioning to bare skin",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and black or dark brown",
+        "legs: black or grey, tall and slender",
+        "wings: white feathers with black tips on primary feathers",
+        "nape: arched, with long, fine white plumes",
+        "tail: short, white and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with a slight curve towards the chest"
+    ],
+    "eurasian thick knee": [
+        "back: brown and streaked plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with buff stripes",
+        "forehead: mixed brown and white",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: long, gray, and slender",
+        "wings: broad with brown, buff, and white markings",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff",
+        "tail: short with brown and white bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "eurasian three toed woodpecker": [
+        "back: blackish or dark gray with thin white bars",
+        "beak: straight, sharp, and chisel-like, darkish grey",
+        "belly: white or light grey with sparse dark streaks",
+        "breast: white or light grey with small dark speckles",
+        "crown: black with a bright yellow cap on males, black on females",
+        "forehead: black or dark gray, feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray, adapted for climbing tree trunks",
+        "wings: blackish or dark gray with white barred secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black or dark gray, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: stiff, black, with sharp pointed central feathers",
+        "throat: white or light grey with dark streaks near the base of beak"
+    ],
+    "eurasian tree sparrow": [
+        "back: brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: small, black and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: light brown with black central spot",
+        "crown: chocolate brown with white cheek patches",
+        "forehead: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: black and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and black streaks",
+        "nape: chocolate brown with slight white markings",
+        "tail: brown, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "eurasian treecreeper": [
+        "back: brown, streaked with fine, pale markings",
+        "beak: slim, curved with a point",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: light greyish-white",
+        "crown: streaked, brown and beige",
+        "forehead: pale beige with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black and bright",
+        "legs: thin, brown and strong",
+        "wings: brown, streaked with white markings",
+        "nape: beige-brown, darker than the crown with streaks",
+        "tail: short, pale brown with barred patterns",
+        "throat: light, greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "eurasian woodcock": [
+        "back: intricately patterned with shades of brown",
+        "beak: long, flexible, and slender probing tool",
+        "belly: light brownish ochre with faint striping",
+        "breast: warm chestnut color with dark brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark chocolate with pale white stripes",
+        "forehead: white thin stripe alongside patterned head feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, glossy, and close to their crown",
+        "legs: short, robust, earthy, and scaled",
+        "wings: rounded in shape with brown plumage and streaking patterns",
+        "nape: subtle dark and light striping",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and finely barred",
+        "throat: light buff with a few dark stripes"
+    ],
+    "eurasian wren": [
+        "back: brown and lightly barred",
+        "beak: slender, downward-curving",
+        "belly: dull white or cream",
+        "breast: faintly spotted, light brown",
+        "crown: rufous brown",
+        "forehead: light brown and unmarked",
+        "eyes: black and bright",
+        "legs: thin, light brown",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with brown bars",
+        "nape: rufous brown, faintly streaked",
+        "tail: short, dark brown and upturned",
+        "throat: pale with fine brown spots"
+    ],
+    "eurasian wryneck": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with fine black and white barring",
+        "beak: slightly decurved, dark upper mandible, pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale cream with dark spots and barring",
+        "breast: beige with black spots and bars",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with dark streaks and spots",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by whitish eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with thin toes",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black-and-white barring and small white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks and dark bars",
+        "tail: brown with black and white bars, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks and spots"
+    ],
+    "european bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: slightly curved, slender black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: orange-yellow tinted feathers",
+        "crown: green and blue head plumage",
+        "forehead: lime green and turquoise",
+        "eyes: dark beady with an orange rim",
+        "legs: short, grey-blue legs",
+        "wings: multicolored, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: turquoise-blue striped",
+        "tail: narrow and elongated, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: rich golden-yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "european golden plover": [
+        "back: golden-brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with black markings",
+        "crown: golden-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a black border",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: dark gray",
+        "wings: golden-brown with black spots and white wingbars",
+        "nape: golden-brown with black speckles",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, framed by a black crescent shape"
+    ],
+    "european greenfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellowish tint",
+        "beak: strong, grayish-black, and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green with brown edges",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow tinge",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with a slight black marking",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint gray outline",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with strong clawed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with prominent yellow bars",
+        "nape: olive-green shading to gray",
+        "tail: dark gray with yellow edges",
+        "throat: yellow-green fading to white towards the chest"
+    ],
+    "european honey buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathered upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark grayish hook",
+        "belly: light greyish-brown with dark vertical streaks",
+        "breast: pale with dark horizontal bars",
+        "crown: brownish-grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brownish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, surrounded by bare yellow skin",
+        "legs: sturdy yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: wide brown with dark barring; finger-like feather tips",
+        "nape: light brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, dark brown with greyish bars",
+        "throat: pale with dark brown vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "european pied flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white, slightly speckled",
+        "crown: black, white streaks",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white stripe",
+        "legs: short, black",
+        "wings: blackish-grey with white patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown, like the back",
+        "tail: black, forked with white edges",
+        "throat: white, fading into breast"
+    ],
+    "european robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a hint of gray",
+        "beak: dark, small, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light, pastel orange fading into white",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-orange",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: beady black with a white outline",
+        "legs: thin, dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: square-ended, olive-brown with white outer corners",
+        "throat: bright reddish-orange, transitioning from breast"
+    ],
+    "european roller": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, light blue feathers",
+        "breast: deep indigo plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue with a green sheen",
+        "forehead: blue-green transition from crown to face",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by light blue feathers",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: striking dark blue with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: vivid blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue transitioning to the belly"
+    ],
+    "european serin": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical, sharp, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant, yellow-orange hue",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow tones",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, with a fine pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with thin, sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers and bold yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: forked, dark with white outer edges",
+        "throat: intense golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "european shag": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black plumage",
+        "beak: long, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: greenish-black, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "crown: defined, slightly raised, dark feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent, black and sloping",
+        "eyes: piercing green or yellow",
+        "legs: webbed feet, black in color",
+        "wings: dark greenish-black, wide and long",
+        "nape: greenish-black feathered, distinct from crown",
+        "tail: dark, short and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: dark greenish-black feathers, distinguished from breast"
+    ],
+    "european stonechat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, speckled with darker spots",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: white, fading to orange-brown",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-brown, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark brown, covering top of head",
+        "forehead: blending with crown color, slightly lighter",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey",
+        "wings: brown with patches of white, black and orange-brown",
+        "nape: darker brown, transitioning into back color",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, contrasting with vivid breast color"
+    ],
+    "european storm petrel": [
+        "back: sleek dark grey-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white underside",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathering",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown top of head",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-white merging into crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, black, with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grey-brown, with white accents",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown continuation from crown",
+        "tail: short, squared off, dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter greyish-white plumage meeting breast"
+    ],
+    "everett scops owl": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with dark markings",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with thick, fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-brown speckled with blackish-brown spots",
+        "crown: uniform brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown mottled with dark speckles",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange with dark outline",
+        "legs: feathered, brown with thin dark barring",
+        "wings: mottled brown with dark markings, rounded edges",
+        "nape: brown with dark striations",
+        "tail: brown with dark horizontal banding",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "everett thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: slender, straight, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: off-white, lightly spotted",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: subtly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: beady black, encircled in light feathers",
+        "legs: light brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "everett white eye": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed tip",
+        "belly: off-white with faint gray speckles",
+        "breast: soft, pale white feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, white with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, continuation of the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, white-ringed, black pupils",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black, and short",
+        "wings: grayish-white with black underwing tips",
+        "nape: light gray, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, white with black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting at the chest"
+    ],
+    "evergreen forest warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: light yellow fading to white",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, blue-gray, and agile",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow markings",
+        "nape: yellowish-white with green streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, narrow, and forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow and striking"
+    ],
+    "exclamatory paradise whydah": [
+        "back: vibrant bronze and gold hues",
+        "beak: sharp and dark, curved for seed-cracking",
+        "belly: off-white underside with light feathering",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with dramatic black streaks",
+        "crown: sleek black head feathers, shimmering in sunlight",
+        "forehead: subtly outlined by a lustrous golden crest",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and observant, framed by faint and short white stripe",
+        "legs: strong, black spindly legs with clawed feet",
+        "wings: striking black with golden-brown undertones",
+        "nape: stunning, long plumage of black and gold",
+        "tail: extraordinary elongated plumes with cross-shaped pattern",
+        "throat: intense contrast between black and bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "eye ringed flatbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin, dark color",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright green with spots",
+        "crown: iridescent violet-blue",
+        "forehead: small, shiny green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, pale gray",
+        "wings: green with small blue spots",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers",
+        "tail: long, thin feathers, green with white tips",
+        "throat: iridescent purple-blue"
+    ],
+    "eye ringed thistletail": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short, strong, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray or white",
+        "breast: gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with bold black stripes",
+        "forehead: gray with light streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: gray with rufous collar",
+        "tail: long and thistle-like, brownish-black",
+        "throat: gray with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "eye ringed tody tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathering",
+        "beak: black and short",
+        "belly: pale yellow undertone",
+        "breast: yellowish-green blending",
+        "crown: light olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: slight yellow touch",
+        "eyes: faint white eye ring",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: vibrant olive-green with fine barring",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow tinge",
+        "tail: short, dark with white edges",
+        "throat: soft, pale yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "eyebrowed jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: subtle yellow hue",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with eyebrows",
+        "forehead: light grey, slight stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with visible bars",
+        "nape: greyish brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown, with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "eyebrowed thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: dark, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with blackish spots",
+        "breast: buff-to-orange with distinct dark markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with indistinct eyebrow markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive with fine streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eyebrowed wren babbler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle dark bars",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: off-white or pale gray with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: similar to belly, off-white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a grayish hue",
+        "forehead: white supercilium forming an \"eyebrow\" above each eye",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a distinctive white eyebrow above",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy and black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white, black, and chestnut bands or spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: fairly long, with blackish and white bars",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, slightly lighter than the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "eyrean grasswren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with pale streaks",
+        "eyes: small and surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "fairy flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: white, sometimes with a light yellow hue",
+        "breast: pale grey with a slight yellow tint",
+        "crown: grey color, occasionally olive or brown",
+        "forehead: lighter grey, with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, long, and dark grey",
+        "wings: medium-length, grey with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: similar shade as the crown, with olive-grey overtones",
+        "tail: rounded, dark grey, with some white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale grey, contrasting against the darker breast"
+    ],
+    "fairy gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointy, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale, creamy yellowish-white",
+        "breast: creamy white with olive tints",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, relatively large with pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown, slightly rounded with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with fine streaks, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, relatively long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy white with slight olive tinges"
+    ],
+    "fairy lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, and bright orange",
+        "belly: light green transitioning to yellowish-green",
+        "breast: stunning orange feathers, occasionally with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: rich violet-blue plumage on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: intense red feathers above the beak and around the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light grey-blue in color",
+        "wings: mix of magnificent blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: bright green feathers transition from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, narrow feathers, varying shades of green with a blue tip",
+        "throat: brilliant red and orange feathers below the beak"
+    ],
+    "fairy martin": [
+        "back: sleek, tawny-brown",
+        "beak: short, pointed",
+        "belly: pale white-gray",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: tawny-brown",
+        "forehead: white-to-light gray",
+        "eyes: small, black",
+        "legs: short, dark",
+        "wings: long, pointed, tawny-brown",
+        "nape: tawny-brown",
+        "tail: forked, tawny-brown",
+        "throat: creamy-white"
+    ],
+    "fairy pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, black tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: light blue and orange hues",
+        "crown: deep blue-green shading",
+        "forehead: blended blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white outlines",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rich blue-green with dark markings",
+        "nape: subtle green-blue transition",
+        "tail: strong, blue-green with black banding",
+        "throat: pale, creamy white"
+    ],
+    "fairy prion": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with distinct black stripes",
+        "beak: small, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with soft, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white and plump",
+        "crown: blue-gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: white with hints of gray",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pale pink, thin and wiry",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray plumage with slight black streaks",
+        "tail: short, blue-gray with black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting gray plumage at chest"
+    ],
+    "falcated duck": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, medium-length with a slight curve",
+        "belly: off-white with faint gray markings",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle darker spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a green iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: creamy white stripe between eyes",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin white feathers",
+        "legs: orange-red, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, curved back feathers with iridescent green highlights",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning to the greenish crown",
+        "tail: short and pointed, coordinating with the back color",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to the light brown breast"
+    ],
+    "falcated wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: buff-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, in grayish-white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: falcated and olive-brown",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and curved, with olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "falkland steamer duck": [
+        "back: blueish-grey feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout and greyish-black",
+        "belly: whitish plumage on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: dusky grey feathered chest",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: steep sloping forehead",
+        "eyes: small, dark eyes on each side of the head",
+        "legs: short, thick, feather-covered legs",
+        "wings: small, rounded with blueish-grey feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, greyish-blue tail feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white feathers at the base of the neck"
+    ],
+    "familiar chat": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into blue-black",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with distinct markings"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed berrypecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short and hooks, black in color",
+        "belly: light grayish-green feathers for camouflage",
+        "breast: bright green and puffed out, effortlessly merging with belly",
+        "crown: luminous green with flecked highlights",
+        "forehead: striking plumage, dark green to match the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by thin green rings",
+        "legs: thin, wiry, and strong, supporting the agile bird",
+        "wings: mid-length, green with a flash of luminous white",
+        "nape: a faded olive-green hue for ease in blending with surroundings",
+        "tail: long, bristly, and fanned out, showcasing bright green and white feathers",
+        "throat: adorned with a vibrant lime-green plumage, adding to the bird's allure"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grey or white",
+        "breast: light gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: grayish-green plumage",
+        "forehead: olive-gray with a slightly darker line above eye",
+        "eyes: dark color with a white ring around",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-grey with white-tipped inner flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, broad, and fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: light grey or white with light bars"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed gerygone": [
+        "1. back: olive-green feathers covering the rear upper body",
+        "2. beak: thin, pointed, blackish beak for insect-catching",
+        "3. belly: creamy-white feathers with a slight yellow tint",
+        "4. breast: soft, white feathers with light grey streaks",
+        "5. crown: olive-green feathers atop the head, streaked with black",
+        "6. forehead: narrow black bands on a creamy-white backdrop",
+        "7. eyes: small, black eyes with white eye-rings",
+        "8. legs: short, strong, and black, with sharp claws",
+        "9. wings: greenish-brown with white wing-bars, ideal for swift flight",
+        "10. nape: olive-green feathers that continue along the back",
+        "11. tail: fan-like, long, and white-tipped, with dark bars and rufous edges",
+        "12. throat: clear, white feathers with a sharp contrast to the breast"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed grassbird": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: strong, thin and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a crest",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: beady black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with slightly darker stripes",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant black plumage",
+        "beak: small and hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with hints of pale yellow",
+        "breast: contrast of dark black and white",
+        "crown: striking black with a hint of blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: dark black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: alert and bright, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender and greyish, built for perching",
+        "wings: long and black with streaks of vibrant blue",
+        "nape: black with a blue sheen, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: extravagantly fanned, black and blue with white tips",
+        "throat: sharp white coloring, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed raven": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black",
+        "belly: smooth dark plumage",
+        "breast: black and glossy",
+        "crown: jet-black feathers",
+        "forehead: small, dark plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, black",
+        "wings: broad, black, fan-like",
+        "nape: dark feathers extending to neck",
+        "tail: long, black, distinctive fan shape",
+        "throat: sleek black feathers"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-toned with a faint stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-hued, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs surrounded by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a faint feather pattern",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow hue",
+        "tail: long, fanned, and boldly patterned",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed widowbird": [
+        "back: striking glossy black",
+        "beak: small, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white, prominent patch",
+        "breast: deep black plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering deep green",
+        "forehead: glossy black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark-colored",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: wide-spreading, black with rounded tips",
+        "nape: glossy black with green iridescence",
+        "tail: elongated, extravagant, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: velvety black plumage"
+    ],
+    "fanti drongo": [
+        "back: dark glossy plumage covering upper body",
+        "beak: slightly hooked and black in color",
+        "belly: smoother, paler feathers on lower body",
+        "breast: dark feathers transitioning to lighter belly",
+        "crown: glossy feathers covering top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth dark feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: alert and bright, surrounded by black plumage",
+        "legs: slender and black, with well-defined joints",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with iridescent black feathers",
+        "nape: dark feathers converging at base of the neck",
+        "tail: forked shape with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: dark-colored contour feathers meeting the breast"
+    ],
+    "fanti sawwing": [
+        "back: sleek feathered with shades of gray-blue",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, gray-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent with gray-blue hue",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, long, and dark gray",
+        "wings: elongated, gray-blue with white accents",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown, gray-blue",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly darker than breast"
+    ],
+    "far eastern curlew": [
+        "back: long and brownish-gray, with dark streaks",
+        "beak: extremely long, curved downwards, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with dark streaks, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light brownish-gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue, with large feet",
+        "wings: broad with brownish-gray color, dark stripes on the feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with dark streaks, smooth feather transition",
+        "tail: long, tapered with dark barring, brownish-gray color",
+        "throat: light brownish-white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "fasciated antshrike": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black bands",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale gray",
+        "wings: black with rufous edges and white spots",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "fasciated snake eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-black plumage with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with dark vertical stripes",
+        "breast: white with fine gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow orbs",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, featherless",
+        "wings: broad, brown, with white bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, barred with brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white with thin gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "fasciated tiger heron": [
+        "back: dark green, long and slender",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with black, thick stripes",
+        "breast: white with thin, black striping",
+        "crown: black with streaks of blue-green",
+        "forehead: white, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and prominent",
+        "legs: robust and yellow-orange",
+        "wings: dark green with white bars",
+        "nape: blue-green, long feathers extending",
+        "tail: black with broad, white bands",
+        "throat: white with narrow, black stripes"
+    ],
+    "fatuhiva monarch": [
+        "back: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint black speckles",
+        "breast: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: deep black with bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: dark blackish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round with black pupils",
+        "legs: thin, black, and slightly webbed",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter gray fringes",
+        "nape: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long and tapered, black and gray feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "fawn breasted bowerbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale orange-fawn color",
+        "breast: fawn-colored with a slight greenish iridescence",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: olive-green with a subtle metallic tint",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: relatively short, light gray to black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with greenish-blue highlights",
+        "nape: slightly lighter shade of olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with a greenish-blue sheen",
+        "throat: fawn-colored, transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "fawn breasted brilliant": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: soft, beige hues",
+        "breast: warm, fawn-colored",
+        "crown: shiny, emerald green",
+        "forehead: brilliant, metallic green",
+        "eyes: round, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: thin, black, sturdy",
+        "wings: green, shimmering",
+        "nape: green with a reddish tint",
+        "tail: long, green feathers",
+        "throat: fawn-colored, bordered with green"
+    ],
+    "fawn breasted tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and conical",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: pale fawn coloration",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black",
+        "forehead: glossy blue-black",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edging",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale fawn coloration"
+    ],
+    "fawn breasted thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-gray upper back",
+        "beak: relatively long, pale-greyish bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white lower belly",
+        "breast: warm, orange-rust-colored breast",
+        "crown: greyish-brown head with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: brown with faded white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and long, dark grey",
+        "wings: brown-gray with faint, white-wing bars",
+        "nape: grey-brown coloration",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white with softly speckled gray markings"
+    ],
+    "fawn breasted waxbill": [
+        "back: light brown, slightly streaked feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, silver-gray with a dark tip",
+        "belly: pale fawn with subtle hints of white",
+        "breast: soft fawn color blending into cream",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: dark reddish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, round with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: light brown, streaked with darker feathers",
+        "nape: fawn color with slight dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale cream-white, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "fawn breasted whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a hint of golden shimmer",
+        "beak: relatively short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light fawn color with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale fawn shading into white",
+        "crown: olive-brown with golden speckles",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and finely streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a touch of white around them",
+        "legs: relatively skinny and black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct golden-yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint golden speckles",
+        "tail: olive-brown with noticeable golden-yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright white and well defined"
+    ],
+    "fawn breasted wren": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, dark color",
+        "belly: pale fawn with faint markings",
+        "breast: soft fawn shade with slight speckles",
+        "crown: brown with fine darker streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, pale brown or pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light brown, fading into back",
+        "tail: elongated, brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: pale fawn, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "fawn colored lark": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and pale",
+        "belly: cream-colored",
+        "breast: off-white with brownish spots",
+        "crown: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with light brown markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: light brown with darker stripes",
+        "nape: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with white edges",
+        "throat: white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "fea petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey with sleek feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and curved slightly",
+        "belly: soft white with light grey streaks",
+        "breast: white and puffy",
+        "crown: slightly raised with dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into crown and beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed with grey and black feathers",
+        "nape: grey feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped with black and grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "fearful owl": [
+        "back: sleek, grey feathers interspersed with white patterns",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: pale, soft feathers with faint striped accents",
+        "breast: white and grey feathers forming a heart-shaped facial disc",
+        "crown: tufts of long feathers on the head, resembling \"horns",
+        "forehead: smooth, flat area with lighter shades of grey",
+        "eyes: intense, yellow, unblinking orbs for exceptional night vision",
+        "legs: strong, feathered limbs with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: broad, expansive, and silent for stealthy hunting",
+        "nape: mix of grey and white feathers meeting at the base of the skull",
+        "tail: long, fan-like feathers used for balance and maneuverability",
+        "throat: soft, white feathers tapering towards the belly"
+    ],
+    "feline owlet nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled dark brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: varied shades of brown, gray, and white with vertical streaks",
+        "breast: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray or brown feathers with patterned patches",
+        "forehead: grayish-white feathers with darker hints",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: short and covered in brownish-gray feathers",
+        "wings: mottled dark brown and gray with white specks",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown feathers with lighter striped pattern",
+        "tail: mottled gray and brown feathers with prominent white spots",
+        "throat: light gray or white, marked with brown bands"
+    ],
+    "fernandina flicker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "beak: long, slender and slightly bent",
+        "belly: whitish with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with black spots",
+        "crown: barred and crested with black and yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: yellowish with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: greyish with elongated toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: yellowish with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black barring, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light brown with black spots"
+    ],
+    "fernwren": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers creating a sleek appearance",
+        "beak: short, strong, black-colored beak curving slightly",
+        "belly: light cream underbelly with subtle brown spots",
+        "breast: soft, grayish-brown plumage with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown colored feathers with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: small, olive-hued feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender legs in a faded pink hue with sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-green wings with black and white-barred flight feathers",
+        "nape: gentle transition from the olive crown to the brown-streaked back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green tail feathers with white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: pale cream-colored feathers with spots of brown markings"
+    ],
+    "ferruginous antbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong, black",
+        "belly: pale reddish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rufous with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark rufous with white streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous with faint white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with pale markings",
+        "nape: rufous with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and rufous, with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale reddish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "ferruginous babbler": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with darker brown markings",
+        "crown: rich rufous-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: shades of brown with reddish tint",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with faded wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: off-white with vertical brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "ferruginous duck": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: dark grey with slight hook at the tip",
+        "belly: pale grey-brown with soft speckles",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-brown with a slight gradient towards the belly",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly flattened appearance",
+        "forehead: dark brown, merging seamlessly with the crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: bright white ring surrounding a dark brown iris",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown with paler feather edges for a textured look",
+        "throat: pale grey-brown, merging with the breast and belly coloration"
+    ],
+    "ferruginous flycatcher": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathered",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish",
+        "belly: pale creamy-yellow",
+        "breast: light orange-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: orange-rust hue",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, black, outlined with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender and greyish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with creamy-white edging",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with thin dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and brownish-grey with white markings",
+        "throat: light orange-rust color"
+    ],
+    "ferruginous partridge": [
+        "back: rusty-brown plumage with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale grey color",
+        "belly: light buff with black-and-white scaly pattern",
+        "breast: rich chestnut, blending into the belly pattern",
+        "crown: dark chestnut with a blackish center stripe",
+        "forehead: blackish with narrow whitish border",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, pale grey",
+        "wings: chestnut with black-and-white barring and black edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, like the back",
+        "tail: long and chestnut-colored, with black-and-white barring at the base and black bands on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, bordered by a black crescent-shaped band"
+    ],
+    "ferruginous backed antbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with slight reddish tint",
+        "breast: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rich rufous color, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: rusty-red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: brownish-red with black bars and white streaks",
+        "nape: rusty-red color with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "festive coquette": [
+        "back: shimmering green and golden hues",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant, golden-orange accents",
+        "crown: eye-catching, iridescent purple",
+        "forehead: bold, metallic purple hues",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and thin",
+        "wings: iridescent green with white fringes",
+        "nape: delicate green and golden feathers",
+        "tail: fan-like, with lively green and black patterns",
+        "throat: gleaming emerald green shades"
+    ],
+    "festive parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, ivory beak for cracking nuts",
+        "belly: soft, yellow feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers across the chest",
+        "crown: majestic purple plume atop the head",
+        "forehead: eye-catching blue feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive with a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray legs with sharp, zygodactyl talons",
+        "wings: long, multicolored feathers for impressive flight",
+        "nape: radiant red feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent feathers for balance and flair",
+        "throat: delicate pink feathers transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "fieldfare": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, yellowish base",
+        "belly: pale white or cream with brown speckles",
+        "breast: orange-buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, may blend with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: medium length, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: blackish-brown feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale white or cream with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "fiery topaz": [
+        "back: vibrant golden feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, pointed",
+        "belly: glowing orange hue",
+        "breast: radiant ruby red",
+        "crown: flaming yellow crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant orange blaze",
+        "eyes: piercing dark orbs",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: fiery ombre plumage",
+        "nape: sunburst yellow neck",
+        "tail: elongated, flickering flames",
+        "throat: iridescent red ember"
+    ],
+    "fiery billed aracari": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: fiery red-orange gradient",
+        "belly: contrasting yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers",
+        "forehead: bold red-orange band",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, navy-blue limbs",
+        "wings: green and yellow mix of feathers",
+        "nape: midnight-black feather blend",
+        "tail: elongated, green and red-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: striking red-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "fiery breasted bushshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: deep orange hue",
+        "breast: fiery shades of red and orange",
+        "crown: bright green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: green meets red plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray, adept at perching",
+        "wings: mix of green and orange feathers",
+        "nape: transitioning from green to fiery hues",
+        "tail: long, green and tipped with white",
+        "throat: begins the fiery red and orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "fiery browed myna": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white with iridescent green highlights",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: fiery reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: brilliant red-orange color",
+        "eyes: striking blue with black outlines",
+        "legs: sleek black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: iridescent green with white underwing",
+        "nape: bold, iridescent green fading into fiery crown",
+        "tail: iridescent green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: bright white merging into breast area"
+    ],
+    "fiery capped manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale white-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: fiery orange-red cap",
+        "forehead: blending of red crown and green face",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and agile",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers meeting red cap",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with rounded tips",
+        "throat: yellow-green plumage blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "fiery necked nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light brown with black streaks",
+        "breast: rust-colored with dark specks",
+        "crown: dark brown and black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with faint markings",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish brown",
+        "wings: broad with intricate white and brown patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown with black spots",
+        "tail: long with black and white bands",
+        "throat: striking rust hue with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "fiery shouldered parakeet": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: deep orange and yellow mix",
+        "crown: emerald green feathers",
+        "forehead: fiery red patch",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: fiery red and orange mix",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with touch of orange"
+    ],
+    "fiery tailed awlbill": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-red plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black awl-like",
+        "belly: creamy white with tinges of orange",
+        "breast: mixture of orange and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-orange with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with strong talons",
+        "wings: elongated, fiery orange-red with yellow highlights",
+        "nape: reddish-yellow blending into the crown",
+        "tail: striking, fan-like, orange-red with yellow edges",
+        "throat: soft yellow fading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "fiery throated fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp black and hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red color",
+        "crown: emerald green with a subtle sheen",
+        "forehead: striking red and orange hues",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and surrounded by a thin green ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray, and scaled",
+        "wings: iridescent green and blue",
+        "nape: brilliant yellow-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: fiery red-orange patch"
+    ],
+    "fiery throated hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue hues",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: white with a hint of green",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange",
+        "crown: shining metallic green",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: tiny and delicate, gray",
+        "wings: fast-beating, translucent, green-edged",
+        "nape: radiant golden-green",
+        "tail: forked, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: fiery, shimmering red-orange"
+    ],
+    "fiji bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green color with faint brownish streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black in color",
+        "belly: light yellowish-brown hue",
+        "breast: neutral gray with slight tinge of yellow",
+        "crown: golden-yellow with faded stripes or scales",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with fine grayish streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by a yellowish-white ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray or black",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish-brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with slight brownish tinge",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-brown in color",
+        "throat: pale gray with yellow-tinged sides"
+    ],
+    "fiji goshawk": [
+        "back: rich, warm brown with dense streaking and barring patterns",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black on the upper part, and grey-blue at the lower part",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dense horizontal brownish barring",
+        "breast: pale, buff with fine brown streaks and bars",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with a slightly lighter edging",
+        "forehead: brown with a hint of rufous feathers, lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow iris surrounded by a golden-yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, powerful, yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: rounded, medium-length, brown with faint barred pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown, densely streaked and barred, with buff or whitish markings",
+        "tail: relatively long, banded with dark brown and pale grey or rufous bands, ending with a white tip",
+        "throat: white or pale creamy, sometimes with a few brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "fiji parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered surface",
+        "beak: short, stout, and red",
+        "belly: light green fading to grey near the vent",
+        "breast: deep blue transitioning to green",
+        "crown: bright red with a well-defined border",
+        "forehead: red plumage extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grey with strong toes",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: red continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: short, green with a subtle blue tint",
+        "throat: blue, contrasting with red crown"
+    ],
+    "fiji petrel": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short and stout, black in color",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by grayish-brown feathers",
+        "legs: short with black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and slender, dark grayish-brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short and rounded, dark grayish-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with a slight brownish tint"
+    ],
+    "fiji shrikebill": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slightly darker shade",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, slim and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with a hint of gray",
+        "breast: faintly streaked with olive-green on the sides",
+        "crown: olive-green meeting the forehead",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-green tone than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, moderately sized",
+        "legs: strong, slate-gray color",
+        "wings: olive-green, matching the back with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: slightly darker olive-green, with a rounded shape",
+        "throat: white with a subtle gray tinge"
+    ],
+    "fiji whistler": [
+        "back: golden green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: warm yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with golden sheen",
+        "forehead: golden green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green with gold tinge",
+        "tail: olive-green, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "fiji woodswallow": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: light grey, soft feathers",
+        "breast: smooth, bluish-grey area",
+        "crown: bluish-grey top of the head",
+        "forehead: flat, bluish-grey front of the head",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert orbs",
+        "legs: black, slender stalks",
+        "wings: elongated, bluish-grey appendages",
+        "nape: back of the neck with bluish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and bluish-grey",
+        "throat: lighter grey, slender front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "finch billed myna": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: thick, finch-like bill",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark plumage",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, dark-grayish legs",
+        "wings: dark, iridescent feathers with green sheen",
+        "nape: curved, glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, elegant feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, softly contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "fine barred piculet": [
+        "back: striking barred pattern",
+        "beak: short, chisel-like",
+        "belly: whitish with fine bars",
+        "breast: pale with dark bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing",
+        "legs: delicate, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rounded, barred feathers",
+        "nape: warm chestnut color",
+        "tail: short, stiff, dark bars",
+        "throat: light with fine barring"
+    ],
+    "fine spotted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with fine black spots",
+        "breast: white with fine black spots",
+        "crown: red patch on the head",
+        "forehead: white with a hint of black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, strong, and grey",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: white with a subtle black streak"
+    ],
+    "finn weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: pointed, silver-black bill",
+        "belly: cream-white underparts",
+        "breast: light yellow-green chest",
+        "crown: vivid green head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white or yellow markings",
+        "nape: green blending into back color",
+        "tail: long, black, forked",
+        "throat: white with faint yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "finsch bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, bluish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellow with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "finsch euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bold yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue cap and forehead",
+        "forehead: deep blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small black eyes surrounded by blue facial feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender limbs",
+        "wings: vibrant blue-green feathers with some black markings",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: medium length, blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "finsch flycatcher thrush": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, dark and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green fading to yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by a faint yellow ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight yellow coloring",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "finsch francolin": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, with a hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: cream-colored with black bars or stripes",
+        "breast: light brown with darker brown markings and spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, sometimes with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: pale grey to off-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by bare red skin",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint black bars, rounded shape",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, with a black stripe separating it from the crown",
+        "tail: short and squared, with black and brown barring",
+        "throat: whitish or light grey, sometimes with fine black spotting"
+    ],
+    "finsch imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, whitish to greyish-blue",
+        "belly: pale grey with a slight pinkish shade",
+        "breast: light grey blending smoothly into the belly",
+        "crown: grey with a slight pinkish tinge",
+        "forehead: smooth grey with a pink hue",
+        "eyes: bright, deep-red, surrounded by grey-blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, purplish-red with strong claws",
+        "wings: broad, dark-tipped, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: soft grey with hint of pinkish tinge, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, fan-shaped, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: light grey blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "finsch pygmy parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich green feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: short and light pink",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: green plumage transitioning into blue",
+        "tail: short and blue, with green tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "finsch wheatear": [
+        "back: slate gray colored upper body",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream or white underside",
+        "breast: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: gray-blue headcap, rounded",
+        "forehead: slate gray feathered",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender, black",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: gray-blue feathers, well defined",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "fire bellied woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green with black barring",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: fiery yellow to orange with striking black patterns",
+        "breast: pale cream with brown speckling",
+        "crown: vivid red and glossy",
+        "forehead: deep red blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: green with black bars and white patches",
+        "nape: black with subtle green undertones",
+        "tail: dark greenish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white tinged with yellow"
+    ],
+    "fire breasted flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: fiery red-orange hue",
+        "breast: rich crimson feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant green feathers",
+        "forehead: radiant green",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and black",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: iridescent green with blue hints",
+        "nape: vivid green plumage",
+        "tail: short and gleaming green-blue",
+        "throat: striking red-orange"
+    ],
+    "fire capped tit": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and sharp",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-orange, fading to whitish-grey",
+        "crown: fiery red-orange cap",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange markings",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: pale grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: distinctive red-orange flame pattern",
+        "tail: long, grey with dark markings",
+        "throat: reddish-orange, contrasts with the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "fire crested alethe": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with fine white spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with bright rusty-orange underparts",
+        "breast: pale white with light orange undertones",
+        "crown: bright orange-red crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange with slight grey blending",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white speckles",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with a hint of orange",
+        "tail: short and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white and smooth, bordered by orange"
+    ],
+    "fire eyed diucon": [
+        "back: grayish, with slight brown hues",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with a slight blush",
+        "breast: pale gray, merging smoothly with the belly",
+        "crown: rufous, with a prominent blaze of fiery red",
+        "forehead: light gray, with streaks of white",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark, with a distinctive fiery red ring",
+        "legs: strong, black, with long and slender toes",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: long, black-tipped, grayish with a slight fan shape",
+        "throat: unmarked, pale gray, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "fire fronted bishop": [
+        "back: crimson red upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: soft white underside",
+        "breast: vibrant red chest",
+        "crown: fiery red head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red feather display",
+        "eyes: small, with black markings",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: red-tinted, with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: striking red plumage continuation",
+        "tail: short, black and squared-off",
+        "throat: brilliant red feathers on neck"
+    ],
+    "fire fronted serin": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: bright yellow with subtle undertones",
+        "breast: vivid yellow, smooth texture",
+        "crown: golden yellow, tinged with bright green",
+        "forehead: bold bright yellow, striking contrast",
+        "eyes: black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, slender and delicate",
+        "wings: deep green, edged with yellow",
+        "nape: lime green with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: dark greenish-brown, forked in shape",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, seamlessly blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "fire maned bowerbird": [
+        "back: vivid golden-orange plumage",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: lighter golden-orange feathers",
+        "breast: rich golden-orange fluff",
+        "crown: fire-red crest of elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing black with white ring",
+        "legs: strong grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: golden-orange feathers with black streaks",
+        "nape: vibrant red-orange plumage",
+        "tail: elongated orange and black patterned feathers",
+        "throat: intense fiery-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "fire tailed myzornis": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark",
+        "belly: light yellow-olive",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: vivid emerald green",
+        "forehead: striking red-orange",
+        "eyes: small and gleaming black",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: emerald green fading into red-orange",
+        "tail: fiery rufous-red, long and forked",
+        "throat: brilliant golden yellow"
+    ],
+    "fire tailed sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved for nectar extraction",
+        "belly: yellowish-white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright metallic green chest plate",
+        "crown: iridescent bluish-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: striking greenish-blue with slight sheen",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: brilliant metallic green to fiery orange",
+        "nape: bright green with a smooth finish",
+        "tail: long, shimmering reddish-orange feathers",
+        "throat: stunning metallic green plumage"
+    ],
+    "fire throated metaltail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated black bill",
+        "belly: soft gray feathering",
+        "breast: shimmering orange-red",
+        "crown: metallic emerald sheen",
+        "forehead: bright fiery red patch",
+        "eyes: jet black inquisitive eyes",
+        "legs: slender black appendages",
+        "wings: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant green shading",
+        "tail: short, greenish-blue plumes",
+        "throat: blazing orange-red throat"
+    ],
+    "fire tufted barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: robust, hooked black tip",
+        "belly: rich pale blue with a mixture of green",
+        "breast: streaked green and yellow plumage",
+        "crown: red tufted crest with green edges",
+        "forehead: vivid red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: bright green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green with fine darker streaks",
+        "tail: wide, green with blue and white tips",
+        "throat: yellow-green with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "firethroat": [
+        "back: vibrant and glossy feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and slender",
+        "belly: bright orange with dark streaks",
+        "breast: deep fiery red",
+        "crown: dark metallic blue",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and beady, black",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: dark blue with white tips",
+        "nape: glossy dark blue",
+        "tail: long and dark with white markings",
+        "throat: intense red and orange"
+    ],
+    "firewood gatherer": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with subtle highlights",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved and sharp tip",
+        "belly: light grey with thin white streaks",
+        "breast: off-white, speckled with grey spots",
+        "crown: vibrant red with orange hues",
+        "forehead: red and orange stripes blend seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: large and round, black with grey outlines",
+        "legs: black, sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black and grey, multi-layered with impressive span",
+        "nape: grey feathers gradually darken towards the back",
+        "tail: long, fanned grey feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: lighter grey, transitions from lower face and neck"
+    ],
+    "fiscal flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grey-white feathers",
+        "breast: soft grey coloring",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter grey",
+        "eyes: round, dark with thin eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: olive-grey, edged in white",
+        "nape: transitioning from dark to lighter grey",
+        "tail: elongated, dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "fischer lovebird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and red-orange",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white feathers",
+        "breast: green or blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright orange or red plumage",
+        "forehead: vivid orange or red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white ring",
+        "legs: grey and scaly with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright green with blue or dark hues",
+        "nape: continuation of crown's orange or red hue",
+        "tail: green-feathered with contrasting black tips",
+        "throat: white or pale feathering area below beak"
+    ],
+    "fischer sparrow lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of darker brown",
+        "beak: short, conical and pale in color",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: beige with subtle brown markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: small, black, and surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers and a streaked pattern",
+        "nape: light brown with darker markings",
+        "tail: short, brown with white outer feathers and dark bands",
+        "throat: pale with subtle brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "fischer starling": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-white feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-blue feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, glossy blue feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny blue feathers extending to brow",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, intense gaze",
+        "legs: slim, dark, strong for perching",
+        "wings: broad, green with black edges, for quick flight",
+        "nape: glossy blue feathers leading to back",
+        "tail: green, elongated, black-tipped feathers, for balance",
+        "throat: shimmering purple-blue feathers extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "fischer turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: soft, greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: blue-tinged green plume",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue crest",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye patches",
+        "legs: dark, scaly, and strong",
+        "wings: broad with iridescent green and blue tones",
+        "nape: green and blue feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers with a slightly blue hue",
+        "throat: greyish-white, transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "five colored barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: red and yellow stripe pattern",
+        "breast: red with a yellow border",
+        "crown: black with red and yellow details",
+        "forehead: vivid red patch",
+        "eyes: black and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with contrasting red markings",
+        "nape: green with yellow and red spots",
+        "tail: green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: dark blue with light blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "five colored munia": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy and orange-red in color",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown specks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-brown hue",
+        "crown: striking black with fine white spots",
+        "forehead: dark contrasting black",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: orange and slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white barring",
+        "nape: glossy black leading down to brown and green",
+        "tail: elongated, patterned black and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale chestnut-brown with hints of dark specks"
+    ],
+    "five striped sparrow": [
+        "back: gray-brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: small, cone-shaped, and pale gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: gray-white with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown and striped with black",
+        "forehead: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown-black with golden-brown stripes",
+        "nape: gray-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin dark stripes"
+    ],
+    "flame robin": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: petite, black, sharp",
+        "belly: bright orange hue",
+        "breast: lustrous reddish-orange",
+        "crown: sleek grayish-black",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray gradient",
+        "eyes: round, dark and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black and sturdy",
+        "wings: elegant, gray and white",
+        "nape: grayish-black transition",
+        "tail: gray-black feathers, white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant reddish-orange"
+    ],
+    "flame breasted fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved orange-yellow beak",
+        "belly: yellow and orange gradient feathers",
+        "breast: intense red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant emerald-green feathers",
+        "forehead: green feathers with a slight bluish tint",
+        "eyes: black, beady eyes with a yellow circling",
+        "legs: short, gray legs with powerful claws",
+        "wings: mix of green, blue, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: rich, royal blue feathers transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, blue and green iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers with orange undertones"
+    ],
+    "flame breasted sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved downward",
+        "belly: bright red-orange plumage",
+        "breast: blazing reddish-orange feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering metallic green",
+        "forehead: gleaming green iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray with small talons",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black edges",
+        "nape: glossy green feather transition",
+        "tail: elongated, dark with colorful tips",
+        "throat: striking flame-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "flame colored tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-red plumage",
+        "beak: pointed black and sharp",
+        "belly: bright orange-red feathers",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: radiant orange-red crest",
+        "forehead: bold orange-red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: striking orange-red with black tips",
+        "nape: brilliant orange-red feathers",
+        "tail: elongated orange-red feathers with black edges",
+        "throat: intense orange-red plumage"
+    ],
+    "flame crested tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short and sharp black",
+        "belly: vivid blue with a touch of teal green",
+        "breast: rich purple-blue transitioning into the belly color",
+        "crown: fiery orange-red crest resembling flames",
+        "forehead: brilliant orange blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and beady with a black pupil and white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: lush green with bluish streaks and dark tips",
+        "nape: bold orange smoothly transitioning into green",
+        "tail: streamlined yet angular with mixed blue and green hues",
+        "throat: intense cobalt blue with a striking contrast to the breast"
+    ],
+    "flame crowned flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green hue",
+        "beak: small and sharp, dark color",
+        "belly: bright orange-red underside",
+        "breast: radiant red feathering",
+        "crown: flaming orange-red feathers",
+        "forehead: slight red to orange tinge",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-green with red accents",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers with a reddish-orange streak",
+        "tail: short and blue-green with red edges",
+        "throat: intense red-orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "flame crowned manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid yellow feathers",
+        "crown: fiery orange-red crest",
+        "forehead: intense red patch",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: green and black feathers with dark rachides",
+        "nape: green plumage, smooth transition to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with green edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, connects to breast"
+    ],
+    "flame faced tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green hue",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright orange-red",
+        "breast: radiant orange-red",
+        "crown: brilliant golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: vivid orange-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: iridescent teal with black edges",
+        "nape: dazzling yellow-green",
+        "tail: elongated, dark with blue-green sheen",
+        "throat: fiery orange-red"
+    ],
+    "flame fronted barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright red or orange patch",
+        "crown: bright blue with reddish streaks",
+        "forehead: fiery red markings",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by blue feather patches",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: light blue feathers with some red streaks",
+        "tail: green and square-tipped",
+        "throat: white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "flame rumped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: vivid orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: orange-yellow feathered head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-orange feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: orange-yellow with black edges",
+        "nape: vibrant yellow-orange plumage",
+        "tail: long, black with yellow-orange tips",
+        "throat: bright orange-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "flame templed babbler": [
+        "back: vibrant orange plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale white feathers",
+        "breast: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "crown: fiery orange with striking black stripes",
+        "forehead: vivid orange feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: orange and black, patterned",
+        "nape: bright orange with darker stripes",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, black and orange feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "flame throated bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers with slight rufous tinges",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with some faint streaks",
+        "crown: black head with a small crest",
+        "forehead: distinct red-orange patch, 'flame throat' signature",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, gray-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with some rufous patches, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, connected to the black crown",
+        "tail: olive-yellow with rufous tinges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: intense red-orange, prominent against yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "flame throated warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with golden-orange edges",
+        "breast: bright flame-like orange throat",
+        "crown: olive-green with a blueish hue",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark streaks and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with blueish tint",
+        "tail: dark with white outer edges",
+        "throat: vibrant flame-orange color"
+    ],
+    "flamecrest": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow with greenish edges",
+        "breast: bright yellow highlighting",
+        "crown: fiery orange forehead crest",
+        "forehead: reddish to orange hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grey-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with dark edges",
+        "nape: smooth transition from green to yellow",
+        "tail: short and forked, green with dark edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a white border"
+    ],
+    "flaming sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, elongated",
+        "belly: deep yellow plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering metallic blue",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green plumage",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grey claws",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue edges",
+        "nape: gleaming blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, bright blue tips",
+        "throat: dazzling metallic blue"
+    ],
+    "flammulated flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown patterning",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and pointy",
+        "belly: light grayish-buff",
+        "breast: pale, off-white",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly darker gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: light brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: mottled olive-brown with narrow bands",
+        "nape: blending of gray-brown and olive",
+        "tail: slightly forked, gray-brown with alternating bands",
+        "throat: pale buff, almost white"
+    ],
+    "flammulated owl": [
+        "back: rusty brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: short and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with streaks of reddish-brown",
+        "breast: whitish with rusty brown spots",
+        "crown: mottled with gray and reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and mesmerizing",
+        "legs: feathered, light gray",
+        "wings: rusty brown with dark bars and white spots",
+        "nape: mottled gray and brown",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: light gray with streaks of reddish-brown"
+    ],
+    "flammulated pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: grayish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: medium length and olive-green",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "flammulated treehunter": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with darker gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish or chestnut with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-olive with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and pale-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous with black band and white tip",
+        "throat: buffy-white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "flappet lark": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and tapered",
+        "belly: pale cream or white",
+        "breast: buff-colored with some streaks",
+        "crown: brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with visible feather patterns",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: brown with a white outer edge",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "flat billed kingfisher": [
+        "back: vivid blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, sturdy, flat bill",
+        "belly: white with blue-green streaks",
+        "breast: white, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: blue-green, with slight white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white patches",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: blue-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant blue-green",
+        "tail: long, blue-green edged with black",
+        "throat: clean white"
+    ],
+    "flat billed vireo": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with subtle yellow undertones",
+        "beak: flat, short, and robust",
+        "belly: soft yellow-green with hints of white",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: light olive-green leading to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, encircled by an off-white ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green seamlessly connected to back",
+        "tail: long and greenish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "flavescent bulbul": [
+        "back: yellowish-olive hue, with tinges of green",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a golden tint",
+        "breast: bright yellow, transitioning to the belly",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with a contrast to the back",
+        "forehead: white, with a hint of yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: yellowish-olive with dark flight feather edges",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive, similar to back color",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-yellow color with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, standing out from the neck"
+    ],
+    "flavescent flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow and soft",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a hidden crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "flavescent warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green",
+        "beak: slender, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy yellow",
+        "breast: light yellowish",
+        "crown: olive-brown",
+        "forehead: light olive",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish pink",
+        "wings: olive with white markings",
+        "nape: olive-yellow",
+        "tail: olive, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "flesh footed shearwater": [
+        "back: light brown with scattered white feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with occasional brown speckles",
+        "breast: white, merging with belly",
+        "crown: darker brown, continuous with back",
+        "forehead: brown smoothing into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by brown feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-flesh toned with webbed feet",
+        "wings: light brown with darker tips, long and narrow",
+        "nape: slightly lighter brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: light brown, short and rounded",
+        "throat: white, contrasted against the beak"
+    ],
+    "flightless cormorant": [
+        "back: dark, short, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, sharp-edged",
+        "belly: white, round, padded",
+        "breast: puffed, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: flat, dark, tufted crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, steep curve",
+        "eyes: bright blue, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, webbed feet",
+        "wings: stubby, vestigial, nonfunctional",
+        "nape: curved neck, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, stiff, paddle-like",
+        "throat: white, bare, elongated"
+    ],
+    "flightless steamer duck": [
+        "back: strong, muscular, and tawny-colored",
+        "beak: robust, flat, and hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale, thickly feathered, and well-rounded",
+        "breast: plump with dense, light brown or white feathers",
+        "crown: dark feathers and slightly elevated crest",
+        "forehead: broad and flat, blending seamlessly into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, set on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short, strong, and tucked towards the rear",
+        "wings: small, paddle-like, with stripes or coloration along the sides",
+        "nape: smoothly curved with dark, wavy markings",
+        "tail: short, stubby, and held close to the body",
+        "throat: pale-colored, with soft, fine feathers"
+    ],
+    "flock bronzewing": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine black spots",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish color",
+        "belly: pale brown with subtle markings",
+        "breast: pale chestnut with dark spots",
+        "crown: grayish brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff-colored wingtips and bronze sheen",
+        "nape: grayish brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with pale band at the tip",
+        "throat: light gray with fine darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "floreana mockingbird": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: long, thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white to light brown feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brown feathers with a light border",
+        "forehead: brown feathers fading to lighter color towards beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark and centered on side of head",
+        "legs: thin, long and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: light brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light brown with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "flores crow": [
+        "back: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved shape",
+        "belly: deep black with slight sheen",
+        "breast: smooth, iridescent black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing, bright eyes surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, black scaly legs",
+        "wings: broad, black, iridescent feathers",
+        "nape: jet-black feathers, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark tail feathers with slight curve",
+        "throat: shiny, black feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "flores green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, white-tipped",
+        "belly: pale green, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers",
+        "crown: forest green, small crest",
+        "forehead: bright green, smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped, surrounded by pale blue",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: broad, green, with possible yellow or gray bar",
+        "nape: rich green, continuation of crown color",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, green with black band at tip",
+        "throat: pale green, gently curved contour"
+    ],
+    "flores hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark feathered upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark, prominent crest",
+        "forehead: black with small white spots",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, powerful",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark with white spots",
+        "nape: black and white feathers",
+        "tail: banded black and white",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "flores jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with lighter shade",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-olive",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey, and long",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: lighter olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with slight barring",
+        "throat: off-white with faded streaks"
+    ],
+    "flores minivet": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-orange hue",
+        "beak: thin and sharp, black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white tones",
+        "breast: striking yellow-orange shades",
+        "crown: bright yellow-orange head cap",
+        "forehead: intense yellow-orange tinge",
+        "eyes: deep black, centered in yellow-orange area",
+        "legs: slender black limbs",
+        "wings: black with yellow-orange edges",
+        "nape: golden yellow hued neck",
+        "tail: black feathers with yellow-orange tips",
+        "throat: light yellow-white shading"
+    ],
+    "flores monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: thin, long, and black",
+        "belly: light greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: rich yellow-orange feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue-green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: bright emerald-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: striking blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "tail: elongated with a mix of blue, green, and black feathers",
+        "throat: fiery golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "flores scops owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, short, and blackish",
+        "belly: lighter brown with feathery patterns",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: rounded with speckled feathers",
+        "forehead: mottled brown with dark flecks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, and captivating",
+        "legs: feathered with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: broad with distinct barring",
+        "nape: gray-brown with dark patterns",
+        "tail: short with horizontal bands",
+        "throat: pale brown with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "flores sea cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: sleek, light-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: soft, lavender-grey plumage",
+        "breast: subtle, dusky-pink hue",
+        "crown: faint, bluish tinge, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: pale grey, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, encircled by thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light-gray with scaled texture",
+        "wings: elongated, rounded tips, patterned with dark spots",
+        "nape: gentle gradient from crown to back coloration",
+        "tail: long, broad, dark-tipped, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: delicate, off-white, with a smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "flores shortwing": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: subtle brownish-gray shades",
+        "crown: darker olive-brown",
+        "forehead: indistinct eyebrow-like markings",
+        "eyes: piercing dark gaze",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with hints of blue",
+        "nape: brownish-gray blending with crown",
+        "tail: short and dark olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray-white contrast"
+    ],
+    "flores white eye": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-gray plumage",
+        "forehead: whiteish or off-white ring surrounding eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing black with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edgings",
+        "nape: greenish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "fluffy backed tit babbler": [
+        "back: fluffy, cream-colored feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale, grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: gray with rust-colored streaks",
+        "forehead: gray and slightly fluffy",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert orbs",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: rounded, with black-cream patterning",
+        "nape: gray, with a subtle rufous tinge",
+        "tail: long and black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and streaked with gray"
+    ],
+    "flutist wren": [
+        "back: sleek, brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: slightly buff-colored with darker spots",
+        "crown: russet-brown with prominent streaks",
+        "forehead: rich chestnut hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grey-blue with three forward toes and a single back toe",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white spots and reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with light streaking",
+        "tail: short and boxy, with black and white barred feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks and tinges of buff"
+    ],
+    "fluttering shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, dark hooked bill",
+        "belly: whitish underbelly plumage",
+        "breast: white with hints of gray",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown head top",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small black beads",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, dark upper-wing feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with smooth transition to back",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin gray bordering"
+    ],
+    "fly river grassbird": [
+        "back: brownish-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale cream with subtle markings",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and thin; pale flesh color",
+        "wings: brownish-green with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and tapered; brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with spots on the sides"
+    ],
+    "flying steamer duck": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white with greyish speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey, slight crest",
+        "eyes: small, piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: thick, orangish-red, webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, short, powerful",
+        "nape: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: blackish-grey, fan-shaped, short",
+        "throat: light grey, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "foothill elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with brown tinges",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed in black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: plain olive-brown with a well-defined crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: elongated, olive-brown with prominent wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dusky with pale yellow tips and edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "foothill schiffornis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: medium-sized, dark grey",
+        "belly: light olive-brown coloring",
+        "breast: paler olive-brown plumage",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light eyering",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: solid olive-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: light olive-brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "foothill screech owl": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: white with dark brown vertical streaks",
+        "breast: pale beige with brown barring",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with scattered dark markings",
+        "eyes: large and yellow with dark outlines",
+        "legs: feathered gray-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: mottled brown with darker brown barring",
+        "nape: light brown with faint black streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with dark brown bands",
+        "throat: white with sparse brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "foothill stipplethroat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: broad, slightly curved, dark gray color",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with blurry streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: medium-sized and expressive, dark brown color",
+        "legs: strong and flexible, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown color with soft barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and broad, olive-brown with grayish accents",
+        "throat: distinct grayish stippling, setting it apart from the breast"
+    ],
+    "forbes watson swift": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered upper back",
+        "beak: blackish, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-yellow with streaks",
+        "crown: olive color with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-green blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to back",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with square tip",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "forbes blackbird": [
+        "back: dark glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: powerful, sharp-edged, black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black or gray feathers",
+        "breast: puffed out, shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, flat, glossy black",
+        "eyes: round, bright, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey color, scaled",
+        "wings: relatively long, black, glossy",
+        "nape: black feathers, transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black, with slightly curved feathers",
+        "throat: black, with lighter gray edges"
+    ],
+    "forbes plover": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white speckles",
+        "beak: short and slender, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white, gently transitioning from breast",
+        "breast: sandy-buff tone, lighter on the sides",
+        "crown: light brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white to light brown gradient",
+        "eyes: small, beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: long and slender, dull yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: light brown with bold white bars",
+        "nape: light brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and dark cross-bands",
+        "throat: white, distinct from breast color"
+    ],
+    "forbes rail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buffy with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellow",
+        "wings: short, olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: pale buffy, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "forest bittern": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: off-white with brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown speckles",
+        "crown: black with green sheen",
+        "forehead: green-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark outline",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green with slight webbing",
+        "wings: green-brown with dark stripes and white spots",
+        "nape: buff-colored with greenish-brown streaking",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with wide, dark band",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "forest buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with a slightly lighter pattern",
+        "beak: powerful, curved, greyish-black hook",
+        "belly: white with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: pale with dark brown vertical streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine lighter spots",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with fine lighter spots",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a dark brown outline",
+        "legs: yellowish with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: brown with a noticeable white patch on the lower edge",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with fine lighter spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with narrow lighter bands",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "forest canary": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered coverage",
+        "beak: small and cone-shaped, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light yellow with slight greenish tinge",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with greenish streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow and slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: bright yellow merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, with scaled bluish-gray skin",
+        "wings: elongated, greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "nape: yellow-green feathers with a slight blue hue",
+        "tail: long, dark green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, appearing almost luminous"
+    ],
+    "forest double collared sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-blue band",
+        "crown: metallic green cap",
+        "forehead: bright emerald-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black limbs",
+        "wings: shiny green feathers with elongated tips",
+        "nape: rich green hue adjoining crown and back",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, black with greenish tint",
+        "throat: bright red-orange gorget with purple-blue borders"
+    ],
+    "forest elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white with grayish edges",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale, almost white, with slight grayish tinge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with two distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: uniform olive-green",
+        "tail: dusky grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "forest fody": [
+        "back: vibrant green covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with thin streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green blending to belly",
+        "crown: bright green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: luminous green fading into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bead-like",
+        "legs: slim, grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green fading to back",
+        "tail: medium length, fan-shaped, greenish-brown",
+        "throat: bright yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "forest honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green, with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with a yellow tinge",
+        "breast: pale yellow, subtly streaked",
+        "crown: black with greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: yellow with thin white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale yellow",
+        "legs: slender, black or dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, with distinct white tips",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: blackish-green, with rounded, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black chin"
+    ],
+    "forest kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, large, black",
+        "belly: white with slight blue tinge",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bold, bright blue",
+        "eyes: dark and round, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, and black",
+        "wings: long, blue with black stripes",
+        "nape: rich blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: bright white feathers"
+    ],
+    "forest owlet": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked, with a yellowish tint",
+        "belly: pale white and grey with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with contrasting dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint white spots",
+        "forehead: light grey with slight white speckling",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: stout and feathered, with strong, yellow talons",
+        "wings: rounded and broad, with greyish-brown coloration and white markings",
+        "nape: light grey with slight white speckling",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands and a rounded tip",
+        "throat: light grey with fine, dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "forest penduline tit": [
+        "back: patterned dark brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed for seed picking",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish sides",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: light grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively, with a pale thin eye ring",
+        "legs: light pink and slender, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: brown with a contrasting white wing bar",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, continuous with crown coloration",
+        "tail: brown with white outer tail feather tips, often fanned",
+        "throat: pale and unmarked, visually distinguishable from the breast"
+    ],
+    "forest raven": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: slightly raised black feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black crest",
+        "forehead: flat and black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: large, black, and powerful",
+        "nape: gleaming black feathers",
+        "tail: long black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: glossy black plumage"
+    ],
+    "forest rock thrush": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointy, black",
+        "belly: pale orange",
+        "breast: orangish-red",
+        "crown: slate-grey",
+        "forehead: greyish-white",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin, black",
+        "wings: olive-grey, black-edged",
+        "nape: slate-grey",
+        "tail: olive-grey with black bars",
+        "throat: greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "forest scimitarbill": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated dark feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved scimitar-shaped bill",
+        "belly: light grey or white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey or white feathers",
+        "crown: dark feathered head",
+        "forehead: black or grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender grey or dark legs",
+        "wings: dark feathers with white trim",
+        "nape: black or grey, thick plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with white or grey tips",
+        "throat: grey or white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "forest scrub robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with slight greyish hue",
+        "beak: slender, curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: off-white with reddish streaks",
+        "breast: pale reddish-brown with darker speckles",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, flesh-coloured",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buff edges on feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale off-white with greyish-brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "forest swallow": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: small and black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey blending into white on lower part",
+        "crown: shining blue-black plumage",
+        "forehead: glistening steel-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round and black, encircled by thin white ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark grey in color",
+        "wings: long and pointed, shimmering blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue feathers transitioning to green towards the back",
+        "tail: forked shape, composed of dark blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: white with a thin black band separating it from the breast"
+    ],
+    "forest thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale with speckled spots",
+        "breast: off-white with dark spots",
+        "crown: uniform olive-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: smooth olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: rich, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: white with soft spotting"
+    ],
+    "forest weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light cream or yellowish hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow or orange coloring",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: deep golden-yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray or black",
+        "wings: mix of green, yellow, and black feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers with streaks of deep gold",
+        "tail: elongated, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow or orange, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "forest white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with smooth texture",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark gray beak for eating insects and fruits",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-gray with soft plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-yellow covering upper body",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: small white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: prominent white eye rings surrounding dark eyes",
+        "legs: short, dark gray, clawed legs for perching on branches",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, squared, olive-green tail feathers for balance",
+        "throat: light yellowish-gray area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "fork tailed drongo cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: dark gray plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black head",
+        "forehead: smooth, jet black",
+        "eyes: piercing dark with white rings",
+        "legs: slim black and perching",
+        "wings: elongated, black, and pointed",
+        "nape: subtly glossed black feathers",
+        "tail: split, long, and black; forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white lower end"
+    ],
+    "fork tailed flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, soft-looking",
+        "breast: white, slightly fluffy",
+        "crown: black, with crest-like tuft",
+        "forehead: black, feathers smoothly transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, for perching",
+        "wings: long, slender, black with white edges",
+        "nape: black, distinct from white neck",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with black head"
+    ],
+    "fork tailed palm swift": [
+        "back: sleek dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, gray, and slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "nape: dark gray with a subtle downward curve",
+        "tail: long, black, and deeply forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feather patch"
+    ],
+    "fork tailed pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with hidden yellow patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: short and slender with black claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with white spots",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, and black",
+        "throat: pale yellow with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "fork tailed storm petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with white under-feathers",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers curving to the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth gray with a prominent eye line",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: narrow, pointed, and long gray feathers",
+        "nape: blending gray crown feathers into back",
+        "tail: deeply forked, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with subtle feather patterning"
+    ],
+    "fork tailed sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green back",
+        "beak: slender, curved bill",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow chest",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green cap",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark eyes",
+        "legs: thin, black legs",
+        "wings: blue-green feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green nape",
+        "tail: elongated, distinctive forked tail",
+        "throat: metallic blue-purple gloss"
+    ],
+    "fork tailed woodnymph": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and straight black bill",
+        "belly: white to pale gray hues",
+        "breast: shimmering violet plumage",
+        "crown: bright green, shining cap",
+        "forehead: glittering violet sheen",
+        "eyes: dark and round, black pupils",
+        "legs: tiny skinny twigs, dark gray",
+        "wings: long and elegant, green and blue hues",
+        "nape: bright green curve connecting head and back",
+        "tail: double-tiered design, two long central feathers",
+        "throat: luminous violet with blue nuances"
+    ],
+    "forty spotted pardalote": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with white spots",
+        "beak: short and pointed, brownish-orange",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with white spots",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with bold white spots",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with white spots",
+        "tail: greenish-yellow with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "four banded sandgrouse": [
+        "back: mottled brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: stout, short, and light gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark banding",
+        "breast: light sandy brown with dark bands",
+        "crown: sandy brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-white blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: short, feathered, with grayish-brown scales",
+        "wings: mottled brown and black with broad white stripe",
+        "nape: sandy brown, consistent with crown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: buff-colored with a hint of black markings"
+    ],
+    "four colored bushshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: strong, black hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: vibrant orange chest",
+        "crown: olive-green cap",
+        "forehead: dark olive-brown",
+        "eyes: piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black barring",
+        "nape: olive-green, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, long and square-tipped",
+        "throat: golden-yellow throat patch"
+    ],
+    "fox kestrel": [
+        "back: sleek reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: light cream with black streaks",
+        "breast: lightly-streaked white feathers",
+        "crown: greyish-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-white with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: powerful, yellow-skinned, sharp-taloned",
+        "wings: large, tapered, reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "nape: greyish-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "tail: long, banded black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "fox weaver": [
+        "back: brownish-orange feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with orange hints",
+        "breast: reddish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: dark-colored feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright orange stripe",
+        "eyes: dark black with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish, and scaled",
+        "wings: brown with white and orange markings",
+        "nape: orange-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long and pointed, with a mix of orange and brown feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white feathers with orange undertones"
+    ],
+    "foxy cisticola": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with black",
+        "beak: short and conical, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white or pale gray",
+        "breast: tan or light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff or grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: short and slender, gray or black",
+        "wings: brown and gray with white or buff streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and notched, brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: off-white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "frances sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage with dark stripes",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: off-white with orange-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale with fine, reddish-brown barring",
+        "crown: blue-gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark, circular pupils",
+        "legs: yellow and scaly with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed with black barring",
+        "nape: blue-gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long with dark horizontal bars and white tip",
+        "throat: off-white with faint reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "fraser eagle owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white flecks",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly tufted",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, deep orange",
+        "legs: thick, feathered, and yellowish-grey in color",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: barred, dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with sparse brown spots"
+    ],
+    "fraser sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: orange-red chest",
+        "crown: shining metallic green",
+        "forehead: iridescent green-blue",
+        "eyes: small black dots",
+        "legs: slender and brown-ish",
+        "wings: green with contrasting black edges",
+        "nape: shimmering green-blue",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: bright orange-red patch"
+    ],
+    "freckle breasted thornbird": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with freckles",
+        "breast: pale buff with dense freckles",
+        "crown: brownish-olive with streaks",
+        "forehead: streaked with whitish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with faint bars",
+        "nape: brownish-olive with streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-olive with dark bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white with sparse freckles"
+    ],
+    "freckle breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: intricately patterned with black and white stripes",
+        "beak: long, slender, and chisel-tipped for pecking",
+        "belly: creamy white with yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: adorned with reddish freckles, prominent on males",
+        "crown: vibrant red patch on the back of the head",
+        "forehead: black and white striped, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong and grayish, suited for gripping and climbing",
+        "wings: black and white barred, distinctive in flight",
+        "nape: striped pattern, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: black and white barring, stiff for support on tree trunks",
+        "throat: white with small black and white stripes on the sides"
+    ],
+    "freckled duck": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with light freckling",
+        "beak: pale bluish-gray with dark spots",
+        "belly: creamy white with sparse freckling",
+        "breast: light gray with dark freckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with light freckling",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with small dark freckles",
+        "eyes: red or orange with a dark center",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with dark webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark freckling and white tips",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with light freckling",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint freckles"
+    ],
+    "freckled nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, speckled pattern",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish-brown",
+        "belly: lighter grey with dark spots",
+        "breast: greyish-brown, mottled appearance",
+        "crown: dark grey, freckled feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grey, spotted pattern",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: long, brown, with white-tipped freckles",
+        "nape: grey-brown, spotted texture",
+        "tail: brown-grey with fine barring",
+        "throat: pale grey, with tiny spots"
+    ],
+    "friedmann lark": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale in color",
+        "belly: cream or white with sparse brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with greyish tinge",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and semi-hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: thin, long and pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with distinct white edges",
+        "nape: light brown, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale brown with sparse streaks"
+    ],
+    "friendly bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle grey streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, brownish-grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown specks",
+        "breast: beige-white with brownish-grey smudges",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with faint black stripes",
+        "forehead: light buff-yellow with delicate tan streaks",
+        "eyes: round, shiny black with white eyebrows",
+        "legs: thin, light grey with scaly patterns",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark brown feathers and white bars",
+        "nape: mottled greyish-brown with soft beige undertones",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with subtle white-grey edges",
+        "throat: soft white with touches of light brown spots"
+    ],
+    "friendly fantail": [
+        "back: smooth, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved and pointy",
+        "belly: light, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, slightly puffed out",
+        "crown: subtly raised, feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, rounded contours",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, and curious",
+        "legs: slender, delicate with small claws",
+        "wings: gracefully spread with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: soft, feathered curve transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped feathers, often in motion",
+        "throat: smooth, delicate feathers in a gentle curve"
+    ],
+    "frill necked monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: vivid orange-rust hue",
+        "breast: bright orange-rust plumage",
+        "crown: blue-black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers with bluish iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, blue-black feathers with hints of orange and white",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers transitioning to orange-rust near the throat",
+        "tail: long, wide, blue-black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: striking orange-rust coloration"
+    ],
+    "frilled coquette": [
+        "back: vibrant green with golden highlights",
+        "beak: slender, short, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white to pale gray feathers, soft and fluffy",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-brown color, prominent frills",
+        "crown: shiny green with golden reflections",
+        "forehead: vibrant bronze-green color, distinctive tuft",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: delicate and slender, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and greenish-bronze",
+        "nape: metallic green with a bronze sheen",
+        "tail: orange-rufous shade, narrow and slightly forked",
+        "throat: iridescent purple-blue plumage, visually striking"
+    ],
+    "frilled monarch": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers with slight brown shades",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers transitioning to white",
+        "crown: black and elongated feathers, forming a crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a greenish tinge",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by a patch of bare skin",
+        "legs: greyish with sharp talons for perching on branches",
+        "wings: greenish-brown feathers adorned with black and white markings",
+        "nape: black feathers extending to the upper back",
+        "tail: long, broad, and brown with white edges and green tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "fringe backed fire eye": [
+        "back: vivid, greenish-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: intense reddish-orange hue",
+        "breast: fiery red with black edges",
+        "crown: black, round, smooth",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: fierce dark brown, well-defined",
+        "legs: strong grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-black with subtle red band",
+        "nape: rich black hue, narrow feathers",
+        "tail: long black feathers with red highlights",
+        "throat: deep red fading to lighter orange"
+    ],
+    "fruit hunter": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathered covering",
+        "beak: orange, slightly curved",
+        "belly: sky-blue under feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue chest plumage",
+        "crown: orange crest on the head",
+        "forehead: deep blue forehead patch",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slim, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: green-to-blue gradient on feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue rear head",
+        "tail: elongated, sky-blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant blue chin feathers"
+    ],
+    "fuegian snipe": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white spots",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-yellow and spotted",
+        "crown: pale-toned with dark stripes",
+        "forehead: white with a small brown patch",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and bright orange",
+        "wings: darker brown with white and rust-colored markings",
+        "nape: pale with dark stripes",
+        "tail: barred with black and white",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "fuerteventura stonechat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: small, straight, black",
+        "belly: off-white to light grey",
+        "breast: dull orange to pale buff",
+        "crown: dark brown, faint streaks",
+        "forehead: small and light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium size, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, long, dark",
+        "wings: brownish-black with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, streaked",
+        "tail: short, dark with white edges",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "fujian niltava": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white with blue-black streaks",
+        "breast: rich blue fading to white",
+        "crown: deep electric blue",
+        "forehead: bright azure hue",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-black",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black edges",
+        "nape: brilliant blue, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-blue with white corners",
+        "throat: deep blue transitioning to white belly"
+    ],
+    "f\u00fclleborn boubou": [
+        "back: dark feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked black beak",
+        "belly: lighter gray or white feathers on lower body",
+        "breast: gray or white feathers on chest",
+        "crown: black or dark gray feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: black or dark gray feathers starting above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round with black pupil and yellow or white surrounding",
+        "legs: slender, dark legs with sharp talons for perching",
+        "wings: black or dark gray feathers, slightly rounded for quick flight",
+        "nape: dark feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers extending from the base of the back",
+        "throat: gray or white feathers below the beak, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "f\u00fclleborn longclaw": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage with streaking",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped and black",
+        "belly: white with light streaking",
+        "breast: white with a bright yellow patch",
+        "crown: grey with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, with black coloration",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: grey with olive-brown streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "fulmar prion": [
+        "back: pale grey feathers with a streamlined shape",
+        "beak: short and slightly hooked, bluish-gray color",
+        "belly: white with soft, downy feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with a plump, rounded shape",
+        "crown: pale grey feathers, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: white feathers blending into pale grey crown",
+        "eyes: black, round, and alert, surrounded by white and grey feathers",
+        "legs: blue-gray, short and sturdy with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed with pale grey feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers extending from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped with grey feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers covering a small, plump area"
+    ],
+    "fulvous antshrike": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: buff-colored with slight streaks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-orange with fine streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with a crest",
+        "forehead: buff-colored, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown, with four toes",
+        "wings: rusty-brown with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, rusty-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "fulvous chatterer": [
+        "back: tawny brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, yellowish",
+        "belly: pale chestnut-brown",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: rufous with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light eyerings",
+        "legs: short and strong, brownish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with pale feather edges",
+        "nape: tawny brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, moderately long",
+        "throat: pale whitish-brown, streaked"
+    ],
+    "fulvous owl": [
+        "back: dark brown and reddish plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark barring",
+        "breast: rusty-orange with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown and densely feathered",
+        "forehead: pale brown with creamy-white markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: feathered with strong yellow talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with lighter bands",
+        "throat: pale with dark brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "fulvous parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and pale",
+        "belly: pale buff color with fine streaks",
+        "breast: creamy buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: light brownish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: pale and slender",
+        "wings: rounded, olive brown with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: brownish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive brown",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "fulvous shrike tanager": [
+        "back: golden-olive hue",
+        "beak: dark, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow shade",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow coloring",
+        "crown: grayish-black pattern",
+        "forehead: black or grayish band",
+        "eyes: dark and prominently encircled",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: golden-green with darker tips",
+        "nape: continuous golden-olive tone",
+        "tail: long and olive-green",
+        "throat: striking yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "fulvous wren": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointy",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: pale with subtle brown striations",
+        "crown: dark chestnut with prominent streaks",
+        "forehead: light chestnut with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, barrier pattern of light and dark feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut with noticeable streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale, creamy white"
+    ],
+    "fulvous breasted flatbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: broad, short, pale yellow",
+        "belly: warm ochre color",
+        "breast: fulvous-orange with faint barring",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale fulvous-white, barred"
+    ],
+    "fulvous breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: shades of brown with streaks of white",
+        "beak: chisel-shaped, strong and grayish",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown specks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dull-red in males, plain brown in females",
+        "forehead: light to dark brown",
+        "eyes: sharp, round, and dark",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown and white, with patches of red",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a faint white stripe",
+        "tail: barred pattern with brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: light creamy-white, speckled with brown"
+    ],
+    "fulvous chested jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: deep olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale fulvous coloring",
+        "breast: vibrant fulvous-orange hue",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: pale fulvous coloring, merging into the breast"
+    ],
+    "fulvous chinned nunlet": [
+        "back: rusty brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown",
+        "crown: rich chestnut color",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, short, and blue-gray",
+        "wings: brownish with slight wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut with grayish streaks",
+        "tail: brown with slightly rounded edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with rusty brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "fulvous crested tanager": [
+        "back: rusty orange feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint orange streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange fading to white",
+        "crown: prominent deep orange crest",
+        "forehead: orange with black around the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: black feathers with orange edges",
+        "nape: orange and black striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with orange highlights",
+        "throat: lighter orange blending into white on the chest"
+    ],
+    "fulvous crowned scrub tyrant": [
+        "back: medium brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow with thin black stripes",
+        "breast: tawny-orange with light streaks",
+        "crown: bright fulvous with black stripes",
+        "forehead: pale fulvous blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white and buff wingbars",
+        "nape: brownish-black streaks on fulvous background",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: whitish with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "fulvous dotted treerunner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with rusty spots",
+        "breast: warm buff with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale creamy-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with spotted pattern",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "fulvous faced scrub tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black color",
+        "belly: light cream or buff feathers",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: rusty brown with bold streaks",
+        "forehead: faintly streaked, fulvous color",
+        "eyes: black with a noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-yellow, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: matching rusty brown crown color",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint barring, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "fulvous headed brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong and conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish-white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: grayish-olive blending into pale yellow",
+        "crown: bright fulvous-orange",
+        "forehead: bright fulvous-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin yellowish eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale yellow wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fulvous-orange blend",
+        "tail: olive-brown and forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "fulvous headed tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green, vermiculated with black",
+        "beak: short, thick, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant blue",
+        "crown: fulvous-orange, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter orange-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: dark blue-black, with blue-turquoise highlights",
+        "nape: golden-olive, transitioning into the crown color",
+        "tail: long, black-blue, with narrow blue edging",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the blue breast"
+    ],
+    "fulvous vented euphonia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, light-colored",
+        "belly: canary yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue shade",
+        "forehead: dark blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black with white feathered outlines",
+        "legs: grayish-blue slender legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: olive-yellow blend",
+        "tail: short and blue-tipped",
+        "throat: yellow feathers transitioning into belly color"
+    ],
+    "furtive flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale white feathers",
+        "breast: light greyish-white",
+        "crown: dark brow streaks",
+        "forehead: narrow eye-line stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark bead-like",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: smooth olive-toned",
+        "tail: tapered, dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with greyish tinge"
+    ],
+    "fuscous flycatcher": [
+        "back: fuscous-gray coloration and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: black and slender for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale with light streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: paler than crown and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: black with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender for perching",
+        "wings: fuscous with lighter brown wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending with crown",
+        "tail: fuscous with lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale and streaked, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "fuscous honeyeater": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light grey and streaked",
+        "breast: greyish-brown, streaked front",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black legs",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint darker markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with subtle darker bands",
+        "throat: greyish-white, streaked plumage"
+    ],
+    "fynbos buttonquail": [
+        "back: tawny brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with black spots",
+        "crown: dark rusty brown, slightly striped",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with black eye stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with black and white spots",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: buff with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "gabar goshawk": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black with a yellow cere",
+        "belly: white with fine rufous barring",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: short, broad, bluish-grey with dark streaks and light feather tips",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, barred grey-and-white feathers with a broad black band",
+        "throat: white with some fine rufous barring"
+    ],
+    "gabela akalat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with understated markings",
+        "beak: black, short, and stout",
+        "belly: pale white, contrasting",
+        "breast: orange and bright",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown, rounded",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with bold white eyering",
+        "legs: long, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: bright orange, defining feature"
+    ],
+    "gabela bushshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant green coloration",
+        "beak: strong, grayish-black hooked bill",
+        "belly: light yellow hues",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange shades",
+        "crown: rich emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green, mix of emerald and lime",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grayish-white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray claws",
+        "wings: green upperparts, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: green transitioning into orange-yellow",
+        "tail: long, green with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: intense orange-yellow vibrancy"
+    ],
+    "gabon boubou": [
+        "back: glossy black with some green or blue iridescence",
+        "beak: strong, straight, black, and slightly hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: white with faint barring on flanks",
+        "breast: white, transitioning to black towards the lower breast",
+        "crown: solid black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: uncrested, black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, black, with strong feet",
+        "wings: black, white-tipped, with a narrow white patch on the primaries",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: black, long, with a broad white band near the tip",
+        "throat: white, contrasting sharply with the black head"
+    ],
+    "gabon coucal": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, robust, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint dark bars",
+        "breast: rusty-brown feathers with darker bars",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: glossy black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong, and scaly",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous and blackish bands",
+        "nape: glossy black with a slight crest",
+        "tail: long, broad, and rufous with black bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine dark bars"
+    ],
+    "gabon woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, robust, and chisel-shaped, black in color",
+        "belly: cream-colored with black, horizontal barring",
+        "breast: white with black speckles or streaks",
+        "crown: red or orange-red in males, black and white in females",
+        "forehead: white with black lines",
+        "eyes: dark beady with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spots or patches",
+        "nape: black and white stripes or checkered pattern",
+        "tail: black with white patches or bars",
+        "throat: white or light cream-colored"
+    ],
+    "galah": [
+        "back: pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, bone-colored, curved",
+        "belly: rosy pink plumage",
+        "breast: pale pink feathers",
+        "crown: pinkish crest atop head",
+        "forehead: pink feathers blending into grey",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: grey with pink accents",
+        "nape: pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: grey feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale pink plumage"
+    ],
+    "galapagos dove": [
+        "back: grayish-brown toned feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale pink-beige coloration",
+        "breast: rosy-pink with speckles",
+        "crown: blue-purple with grayish-brown tones",
+        "forehead: light blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark pupil surrounded by bright orange eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with spotted pattern",
+        "nape: vibrant blue-purple sheen",
+        "tail: long, gray-brown with outer white-feathered markings",
+        "throat: light beige with speckled appearance"
+    ],
+    "galapagos flycatcher": [
+        "back: brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, narrow, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale with light streaks",
+        "crown: brown and slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "nape: pale brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with light feather tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "galapagos hawk": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white, blending into brown crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful, featherless",
+        "wings: dark brown, broad, and rounded",
+        "nape: white, transitioning to brown down the back",
+        "tail: long, horizontal, banded with dark brown and white",
+        "throat: white with some dark speckling"
+    ],
+    "galapagos martin": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark, bluish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, bright black eyes",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: dark blue, long, pointed wings",
+        "nape: bluish-black, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: moderately long, dark blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "galapagos mockingbird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and blackish",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with distinct white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaking",
+        "tail: long and dark with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "galapagos penguin": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, mostly black with orange base",
+        "belly: white, rounded underside",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers",
+        "crown: black, rounded head feathers",
+        "forehead: small, white markings above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white outlines",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, with dark scales",
+        "wings: streamlined, black flippers",
+        "nape: black, smooth, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: short, black, with distinct feathers",
+        "throat: white with occasional speckled black feathers"
+    ],
+    "galapagos petrel": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: light grayish-white in color, for insulation",
+        "breast: soft and fluffy white feathers, aiding in flotation",
+        "crown: blue-gray coloration with slight striping, for camouflage",
+        "forehead: blue-gray feathers blending into the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: dark and round, equipped for excellent vision",
+        "legs: strong and black, ending in webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long and slender, with blue-gray and white feathers for swift flight",
+        "nape: marked by a transition from blue-gray to lighter-colored feathers",
+        "tail: blue-gray feathers, forked and designed for agile movement",
+        "throat: light grayish-white feathers, complementing the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "galapagos rail": [
+        "back: dark brown, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff, with black bars",
+        "breast: light brown, spotted pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown, with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, slender, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: short, rounded, barred brown",
+        "nape: dark brown, streaked like back",
+        "tail: black, relatively short, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale buff, faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "galapagos shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: slender, hooked, black bill",
+        "belly: light whitish-gray underside",
+        "breast: soft, grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown fading to white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: relatively short, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long, narrow, dark gray with white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transitioning to lighter shades",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark gray, v-shaped",
+        "throat: white, blending to gray on the breast"
+    ],
+    "gambaga flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light yellow with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: pale yellow, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: gray, extending to eye line",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, with light wing bars",
+        "nape: gray, bordering dark crown",
+        "tail: black-brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "ganongga white eye": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: pale gray chest feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant white cap",
+        "forehead: bright white patch",
+        "eyes: large, dark, encircled by white",
+        "legs: thin, pale gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white markings",
+        "nape: smooth gray feathers",
+        "tail: elongated gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: soft white plumage"
+    ],
+    "gansu leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with blurry streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a yellow tint",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with an eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with a white tip",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "garden emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, black, and curved",
+        "belly: pale emerald green",
+        "breast: bright emerald green",
+        "crown: radiant green plumage",
+        "forehead: shimmering green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black tips",
+        "nape: brilliant green with slight turquoise",
+        "tail: elongated, narrow, emerald green feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming green with subtle yellow hues"
+    ],
+    "garden warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale buff with minimal markings",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey",
+        "crown: plain brown with a flat shape",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady with faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with no strong wing bars",
+        "nape: unmarked olive-brown",
+        "tail: short and square-ended, olive-brown",
+        "throat: light greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "garganey": [
+        "back: dark, scalloped feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blue-gray",
+        "belly: pale, streaked with gray",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with subtle spotting",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: white, tinged with green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye rings",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: iridescent green speculum with white trailing edge",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, slightly streaked with gray"
+    ],
+    "garnet pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with greenish tinge",
+        "beak: short, strong, black",
+        "belly: pale-blue hue",
+        "breast: reddish-orange",
+        "crown: bright blue with white streaks",
+        "forehead: deep-blue color",
+        "eyes: well-defined, black and white",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, pale pink",
+        "wings: rich blue, hints of green",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, white streaks",
+        "tail: short, vivid blue",
+        "throat: bright reddish-orange"
+    ],
+    "garnet robin": [
+        "back: bright reddish-orange plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant garnet red",
+        "crown: rich garnet-red color",
+        "forehead: bold red-garnet hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with reddish tinge",
+        "nape: deep red-garnet feathers",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with red undertones",
+        "throat: striking garnet-red plumage"
+    ],
+    "garnet throated hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: white or light gray plumage",
+        "breast: metallic red to garnet-colored feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant green sheen",
+        "forehead: gleaming green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and fast-moving",
+        "nape: shimmering green feathers",
+        "tail: forked with red and green tail feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant garnet hue with iridescence"
+    ],
+    "gartered trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale-yellow",
+        "belly: pale blue-gray with fine barring",
+        "breast: bold orange-red band",
+        "crown: dark glossy blue",
+        "forehead: abruptly lighter blue",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish",
+        "wings: green feathers with black border",
+        "nape: deep blue, iridescent",
+        "tail: black and white horizontal bands",
+        "throat: glossy dark blue"
+    ],
+    "geelvink fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, dull orange",
+        "belly: grayish blue, softly feathered",
+        "breast: deep pink, plush plumage",
+        "crown: bright green, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-green, smooth transition",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: strong, pale gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green and blue, with some purple accents",
+        "nape: green with a hint of iridescence",
+        "tail: short, blue-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: delicate, light blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "geelvink imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth feathers, pale bluish-gray",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale orange",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: rounded, pale bluish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: pale bluish-gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short, pale-scaled legs with strong black claws",
+        "wings: long, strong, pale bluish-gray feathers",
+        "nape: white, slightly curved feathers on the neck",
+        "tail: broad, white feathers with subtle bluish-gray tips",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers covering the throat area"
+    ],
+    "geelvink pygmy parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small and curved, grayish color",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant green feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green coverage",
+        "forehead: lime green hue",
+        "eyes: round and dark with white eye ring",
+        "legs: short with strong gray claws",
+        "wings: bold green with blue accents",
+        "nape: rich green feathers",
+        "tail: short and teal with distinct blue ends",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathering"
+    ],
+    "genovesa cactus finch": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, wide and hooked",
+        "belly: white to yellowish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale greenish-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: round, greenish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white edges on feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine streaks of gray-brown"
+    ],
+    "genovesa ground finch": [
+        "back: dull brownish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp black cone",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown hue",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown appearance",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, short black legs",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, with faint white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark gray-brown feathers, with a slight curve",
+        "throat: soft gray-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "gentoo penguin": [
+        "back: sleek grey-black feathers",
+        "beak: orange-red beak, slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: black head feathers extending to neck",
+        "forehead: black feathers reaching to eyes",
+        "eyes: expressive, orange eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, webbed orange feet",
+        "wings: short, flipper-like grey-black",
+        "nape: white band extending to ears",
+        "tail: short, stiff dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, curved from beak to chest"
+    ],
+    "geoffroy daggerbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker markings",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale-yellowish with dark spots",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with cream-colored eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark stripes and white tips",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white spots",
+        "throat: white with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "geomalia": [
+        "back: dark brown with gray streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: deep brown with reddish highlights",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with gray streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black barring and white patches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, rounded, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with streaks"
+    ],
+    "germain peacock pheasant": [
+        "back: beautiful iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white or gray feathers with black markings",
+        "breast: dotted purplish-blue plumage in a crescent shape",
+        "crown: striking crest with blue and green feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale plumage with black markings",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, and dark in color",
+        "legs: strong, long, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: edged with iridescent blue-green feathers and eye-catching spots",
+        "nape: colorful blue-green feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, feathery plumes with dotted markings and eye spots",
+        "throat: pale plumage contrasted with breast markings"
+    ],
+    "germain swiftlet": [
+        "back: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers with a tint of brown",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black dots on the head",
+        "legs: short and thin, with black curved claws",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: short, forked tail with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white to light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "ghana cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: dark grayish-green upperparts",
+        "beak: slim, slightly hooked black bill",
+        "belly: yellow hue with white underparts",
+        "breast: yellowish-green coloring",
+        "crown: blackish-green with dense feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-black feathering",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-black with yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: darker grayish-green shade",
+        "tail: long, blackish-green with white tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "giant antpitta": [
+        "back: mossy-green feathers",
+        "beak: long and thin, black",
+        "belly: cream-colored, streaked with brown",
+        "breast: whitish-gray, blending to brown on sides",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray, fading to brown",
+        "eyes: black, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, orange-yellow",
+        "wings: brown with black barring and white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked with lighter hues",
+        "tail: long and black with white barring on tips",
+        "throat: creamy white, speckled with gray"
+    ],
+    "giant antshrike": [
+        "back: soft, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: blackish feathers with crest",
+        "forehead: black and flat feathers",
+        "eyes: round, pale yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: black, short, dense feathers",
+        "tail: black, long, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with a black collar"
+    ],
+    "giant babax": [
+        "back: greenish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: robust, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, streaked pattern",
+        "crown: dark gray with crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray crest base",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive expression",
+        "legs: sturdy, well-feathered",
+        "wings: large, with slight rufous tinge",
+        "nape: greenish-brown hue, matching back",
+        "tail: lengthy and graduated, brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with distinct gray barring"
+    ],
+    "giant conebill": [
+        "back: deep slate-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle blue tint",
+        "breast: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant blue crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy black limbs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: slate-blue feathers with white-edged coverts",
+        "nape: continuous deep blue from head to back",
+        "tail: long, slate-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "giant coot": [
+        "back: dark grey, strong feathers",
+        "beak: thick, stubby, blackish-white",
+        "belly: light grey, soft feathers",
+        "breast: broad, dark grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey, rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: black shield-like marking",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, red or brown",
+        "legs: thick, dark green, lobed toes",
+        "wings: large, half-dark grey, half-white feathers",
+        "nape: slightly lighter grey, structured feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark grey, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers, bare skin at base"
+    ],
+    "giant coua": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: pure white plumage",
+        "breast: azure blue covering",
+        "crown: rich chestnut crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red, encircled by blue",
+        "legs: lengthy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: broad, blue with coppery reflections",
+        "nape: blue, transitioning to chestnut",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, complementing blue chest"
+    ],
+    "giant cowbird": [
+        "back: strong, glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved, dark bill",
+        "belly: slightly rounded, black feathers",
+        "breast: broad, black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, sharp gaze, framed by black plumage",
+        "legs: dark, robust with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, powerful shiny black feathers",
+        "nape: silky black feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, black, long feathers",
+        "throat: elongated black feathers"
+    ],
+    "giant hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with hints of bronze",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with subtle green tinge",
+        "breast: soft buff with pale green streaks",
+        "crown: shimmering violet-blue",
+        "forehead: bright green and slightly iridescent",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with strong claws",
+        "wings: large, pointed, and rapid in movement",
+        "nape: shiny green with a blue-violet sheen",
+        "tail: broad and forked, with grayish-green feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant gorget of iridescent purple-blue"
+    ],
+    "giant ibis": [
+        "back: large curved body",
+        "beak: long, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: rounded, light grey",
+        "breast: full, light grey-feathered",
+        "crown: flat with thin crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light grey color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: long, thin, greyish-black",
+        "wings: broad, dark tipped feathers",
+        "nape: short, light grey feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, tapered black feathers",
+        "throat: slender, light grey patch"
+    ],
+    "giant kingbird": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: silvery-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with a touch of yellow",
+        "crown: smooth, gray crest",
+        "forehead: flat with gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, black, and prepared for perching",
+        "wings: large, dark gray with bold white markings",
+        "nape: covered in smooth, gray feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray and sharply contrasted"
+    ],
+    "giant kingfisher": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: large, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: clean, white feathers",
+        "breast: white with a thick blue-black band",
+        "crown: blue-black with middle crest",
+        "forehead: royal blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and piercing",
+        "legs: stout and red-orange",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with dark spots",
+        "nape: metallic blue with light speckling",
+        "tail: elongated and blue-black with white spots",
+        "throat: white with a slight furrow"
+    ],
+    "giant laughingthrush": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black",
+        "belly: fluffy white-gray",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-gray crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: brown, patterned feathers",
+        "nape: spotted mingling colors",
+        "tail: long, tapering feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant white patch"
+    ],
+    "giant nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, blackish",
+        "belly: white and pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: bluish-grey, with a dark streak",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey with noticeable white streak",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey with a paler shade than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, dark-colored legs with small claws",
+        "wings: short, round, with dark primary and blue-grey secondary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-grey lightly blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, sturdy, bluish-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a hint of grey"
+    ],
+    "giant pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper body feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, blackish, slightly curved beak",
+        "belly: pale whitish-blue underbelly feathers",
+        "breast: golden-yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue-black head top",
+        "forehead: multi-hued patch between eye and beak",
+        "eyes: alert, black, bead-like orbs",
+        "legs: strong, medium-length gray-to-brown",
+        "wings: striking, boldly patterned with greenish-gray and black bars",
+        "nape: greenish-blue upper-back neck",
+        "tail: broad, blue-black with greenish hints, short",
+        "throat: light blue plumage with unmarked chest"
+    ],
+    "giant scops owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and curved, with a yellowish tint",
+        "belly: light brown with white streaks and spots",
+        "breast: small brown feathers with white spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with a more sparse arrangement of small white spots",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, and piercing with a black pupil",
+        "legs: feathered with light brown and white stripes, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with intricate black and white patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with white speckling",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with horizontal bands of white and black",
+        "throat: light brown with white streaks and spots"
+    ],
+    "giant shrike": [
+        "back: dark gray with slight white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine, black striations",
+        "breast: soft gray, slightly speckled",
+        "crown: bold black with a white patch",
+        "forehead: fine white streaks on black",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white bars and tips",
+        "nape: dark gray, smoothly blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers and tips",
+        "throat: white with faint gray shading"
+    ],
+    "giant snipe": [
+        "back: long, narrow, and covered in striped feathers",
+        "beak: robust, long, and straight with a slightly downward curve",
+        "belly: pale and mottled with brown, gray, and white plumage",
+        "breast: streaked with dark brown and white feathers, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: dark brown with a streaked pattern that extends towards the nape",
+        "forehead: white, sometimes with a few dark spots or streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and circular, placed more toward the side of the head",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-green in color",
+        "wings: broad and rounded with intricate brown, black, and white markings",
+        "nape: rich brown with white streaks, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with alternating patterns of brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark streaks, mainly on the sides"
+    ],
+    "giant weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: boldly patterned with black and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant orange-yellow crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers complementing the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-blue, with strong claws for perching",
+        "wings: broad and strong with black and yellow-green feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "tail: long and forked, with black and pale yellow feathers",
+        "throat: striking black plumage with a contrasting yellow border"
+    ],
+    "giant white eye": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, slender black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pure white fluff",
+        "breast: smooth and radiant white plumage",
+        "crown: rounded white cap",
+        "forehead: clean, flat white surface",
+        "eyes: large, blinking black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, long pale legs",
+        "wings: expansive white fans, reaching outwards",
+        "nape: smooth white neck arching gracefully",
+        "tail: elongated, elegant white feathers",
+        "throat: delicate white front, curving to meet the breast"
+    ],
+    "giant wood rail": [
+        "back: a dark brown plumage with a slightly greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, and dark reddish-brown",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white with faint brown speckling",
+        "breast: light brown with black and white barring",
+        "crown: dark brown featuring a prominent rear crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark brown with lighter brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, piercing, and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, strong, and orange-yellow",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, with dark brown feathers and thin white bars",
+        "nape: a mixture of dark brown and light brown feathers",
+        "tail: short and strong, with thick, black and white bars",
+        "throat: whitish with faint brown speckling"
+    ],
+    "giant wren": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers with dark spots",
+        "beak: long, thin, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream with faint markings",
+        "breast: richer cream color with dark speckles",
+        "crown: chestnut color with a hint of bronze",
+        "forehead: golden-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong with sharp, talon-like claws",
+        "wings: broad, golden-brown with distinctive barring",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored with short, narrow stripes",
+        "tail: long, wide, and golden-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: creamy in color with sparse speckles"
+    ],
+    "gibber chat": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: orange-buff tint",
+        "crown: dark grey-plumage",
+        "forehead: bright white streaks",
+        "eyes: shiny black, encircled with white",
+        "legs: long, brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, rounded edges",
+        "nape: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-green, white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white, flecked with grey"
+    ],
+    "gilbert honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: deep green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wing-bar",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gilbert whistler": [
+        "back: blue-green with darker spots",
+        "beak: elongated and slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with distinct streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with faint lines",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with a slight white line",
+        "eyes: small and black with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: blue-green with white bars and black tips",
+        "nape: blue-gray with darker lines",
+        "tail: long and narrow with white edges",
+        "throat: white with distinct gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "gilded barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, ivory yellow",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with feather detail",
+        "breast: bright yellow merging to green",
+        "crown: deep blue with shiny metallic texture",
+        "forehead: vivid red to yellow gradient",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by blue and green",
+        "legs: slender light gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking green with subtle blue and yellow accents",
+        "nape: blue-green transitioning to yellow-green",
+        "tail: long and tapered, emerald green feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with a hint of red"
+    ],
+    "gilded hummingbird": [
+        "back: shimmering golden-green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: pale cream with soft speckles",
+        "breast: iridescent golden-green hues",
+        "crown: radiant gold and green feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant green-gold plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: dainty and twig-like",
+        "wings: rapid flutter, glistening green-gold edges",
+        "nape: bright golden-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, tapered, with shining golden-green feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling ruby-red with iridescence"
+    ],
+    "gillett lark": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown, spotted",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, unmarked",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown, marked with dark streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, outer feathers white-tipped",
+        "throat: whitish, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "gilt edged tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green hue",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: luminous silver-blue",
+        "breast: radiant silver-blue",
+        "crown: striking yellow-green",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: yellow-green, blue edges",
+        "nape: rich yellow-green",
+        "tail: long, blue-edged",
+        "throat: glistening silver-blue"
+    ],
+    "glacier finch": [
+        "back: light grey plumage, streaked with black",
+        "beak: convex, strong black beak for crushing seeds",
+        "belly: cream-white feathers with grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-white with black crown patch",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy black legs",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars and edging",
+        "nape: grey, blending into back plumage",
+        "tail: black, forked, with white outer rectrices",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "glaucous tanager": [
+        "back: dark blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: turquoise blue",
+        "breast: bright glaucous-blue",
+        "crown: dark blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue-green",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray",
+        "wings: glaucous-blue with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green coloration",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright glaucous-blue"
+    ],
+    "glaucous blue grosbeak": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: stout and conical, black hue",
+        "belly: pale blue soft plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: striking blue crest on head",
+        "forehead: bold blue coloration",
+        "eyes: round and dark, alert expression",
+        "legs: sturdy grey-blue limbs",
+        "wings: vivid blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant blue, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, blue, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: lighter blue, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "glistening green tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald feathers",
+        "beak: sleek black, sharp",
+        "belly: shimmering lime hue",
+        "breast: iridescent green plumage",
+        "crown: gleaming verdant crest",
+        "forehead: dazzling green patch",
+        "eyes: piercing black gaze",
+        "legs: slate grey, slender",
+        "wings: radiant green, fluttering",
+        "nape: glossy green curve",
+        "tail: trailing green, elongated",
+        "throat: lustrous light-green"
+    ],
+    "glittering bellied emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: shimmering emerald green",
+        "breast: iridescent turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: gleaming green cap",
+        "forehead: bright green with a slight shine",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: vibrant green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: brilliant green continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, and iridescent green-blue",
+        "throat: glistening turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "glittering throated emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green hues",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: shining white plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers",
+        "crown: radiant emerald green",
+        "forehead: glittering green shimmer",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and twig-like",
+        "wings: rapid, blurred movement",
+        "nape: brilliant green shimmer",
+        "tail: forked and iridescent",
+        "throat: sparkling emerald brilliance"
+    ],
+    "glossy antshrike": [
+        "back: dark grey with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, short and stout",
+        "belly: pale grey with lighter streaks",
+        "breast: charcoal grey with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: ash grey with a subtle shine",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: black, sturdy and long",
+        "wings: grey-black with faint white bars",
+        "nape: similar to the back, dark grey with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: dark grey with lighter edges",
+        "throat: light grey with traces of white"
+    ],
+    "glossy black cockatoo": [
+        "back: sleek glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, prominent, dark gray",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black hue, feathered",
+        "breast: deep black, shielding robust chest",
+        "crown: glossy black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: deep black, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with brownish-black iris",
+        "legs: sturdy gray, scaling texture",
+        "wings: elongated, glossy black feathers",
+        "nape: rich black, flowing to upper back",
+        "tail: long black feathers, finishing touch",
+        "throat: pure black, contrasts with light beak"
+    ],
+    "glossy flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: light-gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: shining blue-black cap",
+        "forehead: bright blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, long, and black",
+        "wings: dark blue-black with lighter highlights",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with white outer tips",
+        "throat: light gray with white tuft"
+    ],
+    "glossy swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent bluish-black",
+        "beak: small, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with minimal markings",
+        "breast: glossy, grayish-white",
+        "crown: shiny, dark bluish-black",
+        "forehead: glossy dark blue with slight curve",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, and feathered",
+        "wings: long, slender, and strong for agile flight",
+        "nape: glossy bluish-black, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, blends into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "glossy backed becard": [
+        "back: shiny deep green with feathered texture",
+        "beak: hooked, black, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with smooth plumage",
+        "breast: rich yellow to golden hue, soft feathers",
+        "crown: glossy dark green, sleek contour",
+        "forehead: vivid green with a smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a sharp, alert gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray, with sharp, black claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green, elegantly curved",
+        "nape: shimmering green, seamlessly blending with the back",
+        "tail: elongated, glossy green with black barring",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, transitioning smoothly from the breast"
+    ],
+    "glossy backed drongo": [
+        "back: shiny black feathers with blue-green sheen",
+        "beak: stout, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: slightly paler black feathers with some glossy sheen",
+        "breast: dark black feathers with a glossy appearance",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers with reflective shine",
+        "forehead: sleek, shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with a black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, black and scaly",
+        "wings: long, pointed black with glossy feathers",
+        "nape: shiny black feathers transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, forked, and black with iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers with a subtle gloss"
+    ],
+    "glossy black thrush": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: sleek black plumage",
+        "breast: shining black chest feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, black head feathers",
+        "forehead: glistening black area above the eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark-colored",
+        "legs: strong, blackbird legs",
+        "wings: iridescent black, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: lustrous black feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black shimmering feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming black, with a slight curve"
+    ],
+    "glossy mantled manucode": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and wide",
+        "belly: glossy dark blue",
+        "breast: intense azure blue",
+        "crown: deep blue sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue-green shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender black limbs",
+        "wings: radiant blue-green hues",
+        "nape: vibrant blue shine",
+        "tail: elongated, opalescent blue-green",
+        "throat: gleaming deep blue"
+    ],
+    "glowing puffleg": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, straight, black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: gleaming green-gold cap",
+        "forehead: shimmering emerald green",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and attentive",
+        "legs: slender, delicate, gray",
+        "wings: radiant green with flashes of bronze",
+        "nape: shining golden-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, metallic green-blue",
+        "throat: glistening royal blue patch"
+    ],
+    "godlewski bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise hue with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout; black color",
+        "belly: white with distinct gray markings",
+        "breast: deep cobalt blue in males; gray-blue in females",
+        "crown: rich blue top of the head for males, gray-blue in females",
+        "forehead: bright blue in males, duller blue in females",
+        "eyes: beady and dark with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and black, with well-defined claws",
+        "wings: strong and pointed lined with black and white edging",
+        "nape: merging of blue and turquoise shades",
+        "tail: blue with black bands and white outer edges",
+        "throat: intense blue color in males, lighter blue in females"
+    ],
+    "goeldi antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with delicate black barring",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with dense feathering",
+        "eyes: dark with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish with white wingbars",
+        "nape: black with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips",
+        "throat: unmarked white"
+    ],
+    "gold fronted fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green, blending with the wings",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray-white, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: warm gray, mixing with the belly",
+        "crown: golden-yellow, distinctively bright",
+        "forehead: continuation of the golden-yellow crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, rounded, with faint pale edgings",
+        "nape: olive-gray, contrasting with the golden crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked, graduating in length",
+        "throat: off-white, blending with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "gold naped finch": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green tone",
+        "beak: short, pointed, light pinkish hue",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with brown streaks",
+        "crown: shiny golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: gold-tinted yellow, smooth contour",
+        "eyes: small, dark beads surrounded by faint white rings",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown, and well-adapted",
+        "wings: rich, olive-green with black feather tips",
+        "nape: gleaming golden-yellow stripe",
+        "tail: elongated, blackish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "gold ringed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: sparkling golden ring",
+        "crown: deep black with green hues",
+        "forehead: black with fine green streaks",
+        "eyes: deep black, framed by thin white circle",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: emerald green with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: rich green transitioning to black",
+        "tail: elongated black with green iridescence",
+        "throat: intense golden hue"
+    ],
+    "gold whiskered barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with streaks",
+        "breast: red patch surrounded by yellow-green",
+        "crown: blue head with streaks of red",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green",
+        "eyes: round, black, with a white ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong with gripping toes",
+        "wings: bright green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: green fading to blue on hindneck",
+        "tail: green and blue with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with red whisker-like markings"
+    ],
+    "goldcrest": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with slight yellow tint",
+        "beak: thin and pointy for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint greyish streaks",
+        "breast: light golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow crest with black border",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with a touch of grey",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and delicate with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: short and brown with narrow white edges",
+        "throat: ivory white with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "golden babbler": [
+        "back: golden-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown",
+        "crown: golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, small, beady",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: golden-yellow, round-edged",
+        "nape: yellowish-brown",
+        "tail: long, rufous-golden",
+        "throat: cream with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "golden bowerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers blending into olive-green",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of vibrant yellow",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to golden-yellow towards the head",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, vibrant contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "golden bush robin": [
+        "back: golden-yellow with slight olive tinge",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow fading to pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: golden-yellow with some olive-brown markings",
+        "forehead: bold golden-yellow with slight olive tinge",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with streaks of golden-yellow",
+        "nape: golden-yellow with slightly darker olive tone",
+        "tail: olive-brown with yellow edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: striking golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "golden cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight golden hue",
+        "beak: black, short, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: pale golden-yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a touch of gold, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow, smooth, fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender, with powerful feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with golden edges, long, and broad",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with black barring, fan-shaped, medium-length",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, prominent, with a clean line separating it from the breast"
+    ],
+    "golden dove": [
+        "back: glistening golden plumage",
+        "beak: petite, curved yellow tip",
+        "belly: warm, sunlit golden shades",
+        "breast: radiant gold feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering halo-like crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, metallic gold gradient",
+        "eyes: deep, dark, gleaming gems",
+        "legs: slender golden stems",
+        "wings: elegant drapes of gilded feathers",
+        "nape: polished gold neckline",
+        "tail: cascading golden fan",
+        "throat: glowing golden collar"
+    ],
+    "golden greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, yellowish color",
+        "belly: warm golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with greenish tinge",
+        "crown: deep green with slight metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: bright green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with yellowish edge on flight feathers",
+        "nape: green transitioning to golden-yellow",
+        "tail: long and green, with yellow edges on feathers",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden grosbeak": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green hue",
+        "beak: short, thick, and conical",
+        "belly: golden yellow with a tinge of orange",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange",
+        "crown: contrasting black or greenish-black",
+        "forehead: vivid deep yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with strong talons",
+        "wings: rich olive-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: yellow-green merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black central feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant golden yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden masked owl": [
+        "back: golden-brown plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: light cream with dark brown markings",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: golden-brown with light speckles",
+        "forehead: pale cream with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and striking",
+        "legs: feathered, beige with brown bands",
+        "wings: golden-brown with white spots on upperwing coverts",
+        "nape: golden-brown with light speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown with light bands",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "golden monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: sun-kissed yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, black, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: elongated, golden-yellow feathers with black accents",
+        "nape: rich golden-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: long, narrow, golden-yellow feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: soft, golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden myna": [
+        "back: vibrant golden hue",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: shimmering golden-yellow",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: lustrous golden crest",
+        "forehead: gold-colored plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: glistening gold, sleek",
+        "nape: rich golden-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: iridescent gold, elongated",
+        "throat: gleaming golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden nightjar": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers with dark patterning",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark in color",
+        "belly: pale with brown speckling or striping",
+        "breast: golden-brown with black or dark streaks",
+        "crown: golden-brown feathers with dark, elongated spots",
+        "forehead: typically a lighter, sandy color with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark, adapted for night vision",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale with small, dull claws",
+        "wings: speckled golden-brown with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: feathers transition from golden-brown to lighter tones near the neck",
+        "tail: long with golden-brown feathers and darker bands or spots",
+        "throat: pale feathers with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "golden palm weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped and black",
+        "belly: light yellow with streaks of olive-brown",
+        "breast: bright yellow with olive-brown streaks",
+        "crown: vivid yellow-green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, fading into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender, with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellow-green edges",
+        "nape: vibrant yellow-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown feathers with yellow-green tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with faint olive-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "golden parrotbill": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey with scaly texture",
+        "wings: gold-edged greenish-brown",
+        "nape: smooth golden-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: elongated with alternating gold and brown",
+        "throat: soft golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden swallow": [
+        "back: shimmering gold-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy pale-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "crown: glossy golden-green crest",
+        "forehead: bright glowing-yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark and beady with a black iris",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, black with claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed golden feathers with flashes of green",
+        "nape: gleaming golden-green with a slight metallic shine",
+        "tail: long and forked, with gold and green feathers",
+        "throat: bluish-green iridescent feathers with hints of gold"
+    ],
+    "golden tanager": [
+        "back: bright golden-yellow hue",
+        "beak: black and conical shape",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow color",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow with smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black and expressive",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: golden-yellow with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich golden-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: golden-yellow with long, flowing feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle yellow highlights",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy yellow and white blend",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: olive with touches of grey",
+        "forehead: olive-green, gradient fades into crown",
+        "eyes: beady black with thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: bluish-grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green, outlined with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, seamlessly merges with crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, white outer edges and notched tip",
+        "throat: bright, unblemished yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden whistler": [
+        "back: bright golden-yellow hue",
+        "beak: slender black bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white underbelly",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow chest",
+        "crown: rich black plumage",
+        "forehead: dark black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing white eye-rings",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: black with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: black feathered neck area",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: striking yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "golden white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with a fine pattern",
+        "forehead: yellow-green feathers",
+        "eyes: prominent, encircled by white feathers and black pupil",
+        "legs: slim and grayish",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: yellowish-green",
+        "tail: long and green, fanned out",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden backed bishop": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "beak: black and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black top of the head",
+        "forehead: black plumage, yellow highlights",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyerings",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: black with gold-yellow edges",
+        "nape: distinctive yellow band",
+        "tail: black with yellow streaks",
+        "throat: black individual feathers tapering to neck"
+    ],
+    "golden backed mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-gold feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and slender, charcoal-black",
+        "belly: deep blue with bright yellow highlights",
+        "breast: rich, cobalt blue feathers",
+        "crown: radiant golden-yellow plumage",
+        "forehead: gleaming golden-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: black with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, gray-black limbs",
+        "wings: deep blue with gold-fringed flight feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant golden-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers with golden tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a cobalt blue patch"
+    ],
+    "golden backed weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant golden yellow",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical shape",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: bright golden hue",
+        "crown: radiant gold coloring",
+        "forehead: vivid golden tone",
+        "eyes: round, dark and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: black with golden-yellow edging",
+        "nape: brilliant golden feathers",
+        "tail: short, black feathers",
+        "throat: soft golden color"
+    ],
+    "golden bellied euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright golden-yellow",
+        "breast: rich yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep cobalt blue",
+        "forehead: striking electric blue",
+        "eyes: tiny, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: bold blue with black edges",
+        "nape: light blue hue",
+        "tail: short, blue with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "golden bellied flycatcher": [
+        "back: golden-brown and olive-toned feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft yellow with hints of olive",
+        "crown: olive-green with golden tinges",
+        "forehead: golden to olive-green shades",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark in color",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter, golden edges",
+        "nape: golden-brown feather transition",
+        "tail: elongated with olive-brown coloring",
+        "throat: pale golden hue and soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "golden bellied flyrobin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight golden sheen",
+        "beak: slender, black, and curved downward",
+        "belly: bright golden-yellow",
+        "breast: golden-yellow transitioning to white",
+        "crown: olive-brown with golden edges",
+        "forehead: slight white line above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with golden edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown with golden highlights",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white corners",
+        "throat: white with golden-yellow sides"
+    ],
+    "golden bellied gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with pale edges",
+        "beak: petite and sharp, dark upper mandible",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with a dark streak",
+        "forehead: subtle olive-green hue transitioning into golden",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale-yellow edges and dark tips",
+        "nape: olive-green hue fading into golden-yellow",
+        "tail: long, slender, olive-green with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: light golden-yellow with olive-green hints"
+    ],
+    "golden bellied starfrontlet": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "breast: shimmering green plumage",
+        "crown: metallic green with purple accents",
+        "forehead: shining violet stripe",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: iridescent green with white tips",
+        "nape: shiny green with purple hues",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: radiant violet sheen"
+    ],
+    "golden billed saltator": [
+        "back: olive-green covering the upper body",
+        "beak: stout, golden-yellow with a slightly curved upper mandible",
+        "belly: creamy white blending into a rich olive-brown",
+        "breast: yellowish-green transitioning into the white belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: dark gray extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and sharp with a white ring",
+        "legs: robust, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: deep olive-green with dark brown primaries",
+        "nape: dark gray with subtle greenish hues",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: gray with a tinge of yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "golden breasted bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green and brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow, extending across the underparts",
+        "breast: brilliant golden-orange coloring",
+        "crown: olive-brown with thin streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: delicate, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with light outer edges",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "golden breasted fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green with blue-black cap",
+        "forehead: blue-black coloration",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a touch of blue",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: iridescent green with blue-black edge",
+        "nape: green area between the crown and the back",
+        "tail: green with blue-black tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathers transitioning to green"
+    ],
+    "golden breasted fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale golden-yellow",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with subtle stripes",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "golden breasted puffleg": [
+        "back: vibrant green with golden highlights",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight black",
+        "belly: iridescent golden-yellow",
+        "breast: shimmering golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: glossy green with hints of blue",
+        "forehead: lighter green fading into golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: delicate gray with black talons",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: rich green with golden-yellow edges",
+        "tail: dark green with blue iridescence, forked shape",
+        "throat: glistening golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden breasted starling": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: shimmering golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dazzling blue-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: skinny, dark gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: cobalt blue with metallic green hues",
+        "nape: brilliant blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, iridescent blue and green tail feathers",
+        "throat: contrasting black plumage"
+    ],
+    "golden browed chat tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: light creamy-yellow",
+        "breast: slightly brighter yellow than belly",
+        "crown: intense golden-yellow streak",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish-brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: golden-yellow with olive-green blending",
+        "tail: olive-green with blackish-brown tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, contrasting with vibrant breast"
+    ],
+    "golden browed chlorophonia": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: green feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: emerald green coloration",
+        "tail: elongated, green with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden browed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange with fine streaks",
+        "crown: bright golden-yellow with a bushy crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant golden-yellow, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, framed by thin white eye rings",
+        "legs: slim and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish edges and two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing the color from the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with blackish tips and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "golden capped parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, and light orange",
+        "belly: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking golden-yellow cap",
+        "forehead: vivid golden-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light gray with strong, zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green with blue-tinted flight feathers",
+        "nape: green transitioning to the golden crown",
+        "tail: long, green upper feathers with a touch of blue on the underside",
+        "throat: yellowish-green feathers fading to bright yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "golden cheeked woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped patterns",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: white with black horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black spotted with white barring",
+        "nape: golden-yellow patch, black and white striped",
+        "tail: stiff, black feathers with white bars",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "golden chested tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp black",
+        "belly: pale golden-yellow",
+        "breast: rich golden-orange",
+        "crown: bright green with hints of blue",
+        "forehead: emerald green contour",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue, and black edges",
+        "nape: green transitioning to golden-orange",
+        "tail: long, green and black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "golden chevroned tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green with golden streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: radiant golden-orange",
+        "crown: striking emerald green",
+        "forehead: shimmering turquoise",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: vivid green with golden chevron marks",
+        "nape: radiant green and golden blend",
+        "tail: elongated with green and golden patterns",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden collared honeycreeper": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, black and slender",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: radiant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent green-blue",
+        "forehead: shining green-blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: lustrous green-blue",
+        "tail: elongated, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden collared manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and stout",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: golden-yellow patch",
+        "crown: green feathers with slight sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny green with golden tones",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender with grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: vibrant green with full coverage",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with slight curve",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "golden collared tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper body",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: radiant yellow chest",
+        "crown: deep green head",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow front",
+        "eyes: small, black, and curious",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: bright green with black edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow neck",
+        "tail: long, green with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow front"
+    ],
+    "golden collared toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved golden-yellow",
+        "belly: rich emerald green",
+        "breast: shimmering turquoise blue",
+        "crown: metallic green sheen",
+        "forehead: bold golden-yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: deep black with light blue ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale greyish-blue",
+        "wings: green with a hint of gold",
+        "nape: glossy green encircled by gold",
+        "tail: long, green with gold-edged tips",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "golden collared woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of green and black",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow with black markings",
+        "breast: bold black-and-white stripes",
+        "crown: deep red with black tips",
+        "forehead: bright red with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: sturdy black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: green feathers with black and white bars",
+        "nape: white with black markings",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black, white, and red bands",
+        "throat: white with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "golden crested myna": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with a glossy shine",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and yellow",
+        "belly: black plumage with a slight iridescence",
+        "breast: gleaming black feathers",
+        "crown: bright golden crest adorning the head",
+        "forehead: black and seamlessly blending into the crest",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown or black",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with a shimmering green tint",
+        "nape: dark black feathers flowing to the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with hints of green iridescence",
+        "throat: deep black with a faintly glossy texture"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with hints of gold",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: beige with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: striking golden-yellow plumage",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter beige edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with paler beige tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white, bordered by light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: bright green iridescence",
+        "crown: striking golden-yellow tuft",
+        "forehead: vivid golden crest",
+        "eyes: beady black with thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: emerald green with black tips",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to golden crown",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green with black banding",
+        "throat: white with hints of green sheen"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: straight, slender, black",
+        "belly: off-white and pale yellow",
+        "breast: subtle yellowish-brown",
+        "crown: striking golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: distinct yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: long and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: light yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden crest on the head",
+        "forehead: vivid golden feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: green feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: green with light yellow accents",
+        "tail: green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned spadebill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, upturned black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: light olive-green plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: black band separating crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, medium-length, rounded",
+        "nape: olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: short, notched, dark gray",
+        "throat: white, slightly streaked with olive-green"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong black beak",
+        "belly: rich blue shade",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: striking golden crest",
+        "forehead: prominent gold patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black highlights",
+        "nape: blue feathers with gold streaks",
+        "tail: long blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: intense blue hue"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black border",
+        "forehead: prominent yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: black with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green and gray mix",
+        "tail: olive-green with faint white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark brown with black and white streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale white with beige undertones",
+        "breast: buff white with dark black spots",
+        "crown: vibrant golden-yellow patch",
+        "forehead: pale white with dark black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark round eyes with a black stripe through them",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, gray-colored",
+        "wings: brown with white and black bars",
+        "nape: golden crown extending to nape, dark black stripe",
+        "tail: brown with black and white bars, stiff feathers",
+        "throat: buff white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "golden eared tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, black",
+        "belly: rich yellow with hints of green",
+        "breast: bright yellow and green mix",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: striking golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green with unique yellow patterns",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, transitioning to green",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with yellow accents",
+        "throat: bright yellow with green undertones"
+    ],
+    "golden faced tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle gold sheen",
+        "beak: short, slender, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light gray flanks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with feathered fluffiness",
+        "crown: shimmering gold mixed with olive-green",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a narrow eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dappled yellow highlights",
+        "nape: golden-green with a subtle yellow tint",
+        "tail: olive-green with slightly forked appearance",
+        "throat: vibrant golden-yellow with soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden fronted greenlet": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, straight, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: soft yellow with greenish tints",
+        "crown: bright golden-orange patch",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray, and powerful",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: rich green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "golden fronted leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle turquoise hues",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black with a yellow outline",
+        "belly: light yellow transitioning to white",
+        "breast: bright yellow blending with the belly",
+        "crown: radiant teal-blue",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow strip above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, and black with a thin, white outline",
+        "legs: thin and gray, with strong grip",
+        "wings: vivacious green mixed with blue shades, tapered shape",
+        "nape: bright green fading into the back",
+        "tail: elongated, v-shaped, green with a hint of blue",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow extending towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "golden fronted redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hues",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: golden yellow patch on top",
+        "forehead: golden yellow coloration",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: black with yellow-orange edging",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with blending to orange-red",
+        "tail: blackish with bold yellow-orange tips",
+        "throat: fiery orange-red markings"
+    ],
+    "golden green woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointy, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: pale white with yellowish tint",
+        "breast: white with greenish-yellow sheen",
+        "crown: dazzling red crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, green feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, encircled by black",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and strong",
+        "wings: bright green with yellow and black barring",
+        "nape: green with hints of gold",
+        "tail: greenish-yellow with black bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with green tinges"
+    ],
+    "golden headed cisticola": [
+        "back: golden-brown, streaked plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white, with some brown streaking",
+        "breast: white, blending with golden head",
+        "crown: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow, matching crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: slender, pale, and long",
+        "wings: brown, with black and white markings",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, blending with crown",
+        "tail: rounded, with dark band and white tips",
+        "throat: pale, transitioning to the white breast"
+    ],
+    "golden headed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green coloration",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden head with a shiny finish",
+        "forehead: glowing gold hue",
+        "eyes: circular, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, slightly feathered",
+        "wings: green with black edges",
+        "nape: smooth transition from gold to green",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with slight curve",
+        "throat: golden yellow hidden by the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden headed quetzal": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: iridescent green scaling down",
+        "breast: shimmering golden-yellow",
+        "crown: gleaming golden crest",
+        "forehead: gold-green transition",
+        "eyes: large, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish, scaly",
+        "wings: elongated, green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: luminous green plumage",
+        "tail: lengthy, emerald green, streamer-like",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden hooded tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise hue",
+        "beak: short and sharply-pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vivid golden-yellow",
+        "crown: shimmering golden hood",
+        "forehead: glistening gold hue",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: blue-green with black edges",
+        "nape: rich yellow bordering the gold hood",
+        "tail: turquoise blue with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden mantled racquet tail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, small, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow with green tinges",
+        "crown: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent green and blue hues",
+        "eyes: dark and round, set in white circles",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green-blue with shades of gold and turquoise",
+        "nape: brilliant green and blue gradient",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue racquet-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: bright green fading into yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden naped barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: light green with faint streaks",
+        "breast: blend of yellow and green hues",
+        "crown: golden-yellow patch on head",
+        "forehead: bright green with slight curve",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: shades of green with blue tips",
+        "nape: brilliant golden-yellow band",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers tapering to a point",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "golden naped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: deep blue with green hues",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: golden-yellow patch",
+        "forehead: green fading into golden crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: green, slightly elongated",
+        "nape: golden-yellow band",
+        "tail: blue-green with darker tips",
+        "throat: rich blue coloration"
+    ],
+    "golden naped woodpecker": [
+        "back: black feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black",
+        "belly: warm cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: slightly pale, with cream and spotted black feathers",
+        "crown: bright crimson-red feathers",
+        "forehead: red patch extending onto the face",
+        "eyes: dark, wide with a vibrant white ring",
+        "legs: robust, grayish-blue, two toes forward and two toes backward",
+        "wings: black with white spotted pattern, golden-yellow nape",
+        "nape: distinct golden-yellow stripe",
+        "tail: black with white barring, stiff feathers for support",
+        "throat: cream-colored, smooth feathering"
+    ],
+    "golden olive woodpecker": [
+        "back: golden-olive streaked with dark lines",
+        "beak: long, straight, robust, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with olive-green shading",
+        "breast: hooded with dark green and black shades",
+        "crown: crimson red, blends with black nape",
+        "forehead: dusky black transitioning to the red crown",
+        "eyes: black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, strong, and agile",
+        "wings: olive-green with golden speckles",
+        "nape: black, connecting to the crimson crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark bands and white markings",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the dark-brown breast"
+    ],
+    "golden plumed parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and orange-red",
+        "belly: bright yellow-green",
+        "breast: emerald green with a golden hue",
+        "crown: bright green and prominent",
+        "forehead: vivid blue-green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue plumage",
+        "nape: radiant green blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: golden-green shimmering feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden rumped euphonia": [
+        "back: bright golden yellow",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: rich golden yellow",
+        "crown: vivid orange-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with blue edging",
+        "nape: golden yellow",
+        "tail: black with yellow sides",
+        "throat: deep golden yellow"
+    ],
+    "golden rumped flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: brighter yellow feathers",
+        "crown: striking golden-orange rump",
+        "forehead: blue-gray color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: slender and pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with short span",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathering",
+        "tail: short and greenish-blue",
+        "throat: lighter gray hue"
+    ],
+    "golden shouldered parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light blue and yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich turquoise and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: golden yellow and blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-purple",
+        "wings: striking blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: golden yellow blending into blue",
+        "tail: long, tapered, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow and blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden sided euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with yellow patch",
+        "beak: short and stout, gray-black",
+        "belly: rich yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow coloration",
+        "crown: deep blue tint",
+        "forehead: intense blue shade",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: mix of blue and black with yellow details",
+        "nape: brilliant blue shade",
+        "tail: blue-black with yellow sides",
+        "throat: bright yellow contrast"
+    ],
+    "golden spangled piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint barring",
+        "breast: yellowish with dark spots",
+        "crown: golden-yellow spangled with small, dark dots",
+        "forehead: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "nape: golden-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "golden spotted ground dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown with golden spots",
+        "beak: short and dark grey",
+        "belly: light greyish-brown",
+        "breast: pale pink with golden spots",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with golden spots",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with golden spots and black bars",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with golden spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with white-tip outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale pink"
+    ],
+    "golden tailed parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, pale peach",
+        "belly: lime-green plumage",
+        "breast: vivid turquoise green",
+        "crown: sky blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue patch",
+        "eyes: shining black orbs, white rings",
+        "legs: short, grayish, strong",
+        "wings: lush green, golden-yellow highlights",
+        "nape: deep green with blue hues",
+        "tail: elongated, golden-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: soft yellow-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden tailed sapphire": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and curved black bill",
+        "belly: vibrant light green hue",
+        "breast: bright turquoise plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green head",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers with a hint of gold",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: slender, gray, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: gold-tipped elongated feathers with shades of blue and green",
+        "nape: glossy blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, golden forked extensions",
+        "throat: radiant turquoise down to the chest"
+    ],
+    "golden tailed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white barred pattern",
+        "beak: long and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: white or lightly streaked",
+        "breast: white or lightly streaked",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: white or light-colored",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: black with a prominent golden-yellow streak",
+        "throat: white or light-colored"
+    ],
+    "golden throated barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and orange",
+        "belly: light yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green and blue striped pattern",
+        "forehead: striking blue markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled in blue",
+        "legs: short and stout, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green feathers, with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green and blue striped pattern",
+        "tail: green feathers, with blue tips",
+        "throat: vivid golden hue"
+    ],
+    "golden tufted grackle": [
+        "back: iridescent black-purple feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: shimmering dark blue-green",
+        "breast: glossy purple-blue tinge",
+        "crown: rich golden tufts on the head",
+        "forehead: narrow golden plumes",
+        "eyes: piercing, bright yellow",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and clawed",
+        "wings: shiny dark with hints of bronze",
+        "nape: radiant gold and velvety black",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped, dark shimmer",
+        "throat: gleaming deep blue-green"
+    ],
+    "golden winged cacique": [
+        "back: vibrant golden highlights on black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and slightly curved, charcoal black",
+        "belly: sleek black with a hint of iridescence",
+        "breast: contrasting bright gold, blending with black",
+        "crown: shimmering black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: deep black, accentuating gleaming eyes",
+        "eyes: round and piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy and slender, slate grey",
+        "wings: striking black, streaked with golden bars",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers meeting gold crown",
+        "tail: long, black cascading feathers with a golden trim",
+        "throat: rich golden hue, transitioning into black"
+    ],
+    "golden winged laughingthrush": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft yellow undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with golden-yellow patches on sides",
+        "crown: brilliant gold feathers",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender and black",
+        "wings: golden-yellow with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: golden-yellow hues blending into back color",
+        "tail: lengthy, predominantly dark with golden-yellow edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with soft yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "golden winged manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow and fluffy",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth shiny black",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: thin and gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: green with bold golden-yellow patches",
+        "nape: dark green with thin black lines",
+        "tail: long, black, with greenish shades",
+        "throat: white with fine golden markings"
+    ],
+    "golden winged parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black curved edges",
+        "belly: light green with streaks of yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: striking yellow with narrow black lines",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: bold green with a golden wing-bar",
+        "nape: vibrant green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, green with darker blue tips",
+        "throat: yellow, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "golden winged sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark gray",
+        "belly: soft white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: warm pale yellow with gentle streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black border",
+        "forehead: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: black, small, surrounded by yellowish-white",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with golden-yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle streaking",
+        "tail: short, dark grayish-blue with white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: clear white transitioning into the pale yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "golden winged sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a golden sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender curved bill for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: iridescent yellow-green underbelly",
+        "breast: striking orange-gold plumage",
+        "crown: bright golden-yellow feathers adorn the head",
+        "forehead: shiny green and gold feathered area above beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, delicate legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: shimmering golden and green feathers with dark tips",
+        "nape: green-gold plumed region between the back and head",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent green and gold feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling gold and green display of feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden winged tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow hue",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft yellow tones",
+        "breast: bright yellow with subtle white streaks",
+        "crown: striking iridescent green",
+        "forehead: shimmering green sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and black with curved claws",
+        "wings: vivid golden-yellow with bold green edges",
+        "nape: radiant, golden-green transition",
+        "tail: green feathers with contrasting yellow highlights",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with white accents"
+    ],
+    "goldenface": [
+        "back: vibrant golden feathers",
+        "beak: sharp black curve",
+        "belly: warm golden hue",
+        "breast: glistening gold",
+        "crown: radiant golden crest",
+        "forehead: smooth golden arc",
+        "eyes: black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, dark perches",
+        "wings: golden fans in flight",
+        "nape: subtle golden transition",
+        "tail: long, shimmering gold",
+        "throat: gleaming golden facade"
+    ],
+    "goldie bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich golden-orange",
+        "crown: glossy red crest",
+        "forehead: shiny emerald green",
+        "eyes: alert, dark and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy black with strong claws",
+        "wings: blue and purple with striking patterns",
+        "nape: gold and green iridescence",
+        "tail: elaborate, long, wire-like extensions",
+        "throat: brilliant golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "goldie lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, short, orange beak",
+        "belly: light yellow and green mix",
+        "breast: bright yellow and orange feathers",
+        "crown: vivid orange with bluish tint on sides",
+        "forehead: intense orange near beak, fading to green",
+        "eyes: piercing, black, surrounded by blue rings",
+        "legs: short, grayish, strong",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: bluish-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, transitioning to orange"
+    ],
+    "goliath coucal": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon-brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: deep chestnut-red with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with dense black streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter reddish-brown with some streaks",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange with black pupil",
+        "legs: long, dark, and sturdy with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark reddish-brown with bold black markings",
+        "nape: lighter cinnamon-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with broad black bands",
+        "throat: pale cinnamon-brown with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "goliath heron": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, dagger-like, and yellow",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: blue-grey, striped with rufous-buff",
+        "crown: dark slate-blue, elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: striped with pale markings",
+        "eyes: bright yellow and piercing",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, pale yellow-orange",
+        "wings: broad, spanning 7.5 ft, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: streaks of dark blue-grey and rufous-buff",
+        "tail: dark blue-grey with rufous-buff bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "gorgeted puffleg": [
+        "back: iridescent green",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light, golden green",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise blue",
+        "crown: shining golden-green",
+        "forehead: gleaming orangish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-white",
+        "wings: shimmering green with bronze",
+        "nape: iridescent bluish-green",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, bronzy-green",
+        "throat: fiery gorget with metallic red-orange spots"
+    ],
+    "gorgeted sunangel": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with subtle yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden-orange shimmering feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with a shine",
+        "forehead: gleaming emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: radiant green-gold feathers",
+        "tail: short, forked, with iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: fiery orange-red gorget (iridescent throat patch"
+    ],
+    "gorgeted wood quail": [
+        "back: vibrant russet-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: cinnamon-tawny hue",
+        "breast: light-colored bars on chestnut feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown tones",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rich chestnut with russet scales",
+        "nape: deep chestnut with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, black with chestnut band",
+        "throat: distinctive black and white gorget pattern"
+    ],
+    "gorgeted woodstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, long and black",
+        "belly: light green and white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with green highlights",
+        "crown: iridescent green",
+        "forehead: shiny metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: fast-moving with iridescent greens",
+        "nape: glittering green feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with black and white feathers",
+        "throat (gorget): radiant deep purple or violet patch"
+    ],
+    "gosling apalis": [
+        "back: light greenish-brown with delicate streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with soft fluff",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light olive with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint bars and tiny fringes",
+        "nape: olive green with a smooth transition to the back",
+        "tail: short, square, with greenish-brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with slight brown markings"
+    ],
+    "gosling bunting": [
+        "back: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaking",
+        "breast: soft yellow, transitioning to the belly",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with light edges",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with pale wingbars and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: short, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean, pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "gough island finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "gough moorhen": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, yellow-green",
+        "belly: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-brown color",
+        "forehead: creamy-white patch",
+        "eyes: small and bright red",
+        "legs: strong yellow-green",
+        "wings: dark brown with streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown neck feathers",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown",
+        "throat: lighter grey hue"
+    ],
+    "gould frogmouth": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short and wide with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale cream with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine white markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark and forward-facing",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with scaly skin",
+        "wings: rounded with brown and white patterning",
+        "nape: deep brown with white lines",
+        "tail: dark brown with distinctive white bars",
+        "throat: pale beige with subtle brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "gould inca": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, ivory white",
+        "belly: soft, yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: iridescent green and gold",
+        "forehead: green feathers with black markings",
+        "eyes: deep black, encircled by green feathers",
+        "legs: slim and gray",
+        "wings: green feathers with black edging",
+        "nape: golden feathers fading into green",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green and gold",
+        "throat: luminous yellow with black spots"
+    ],
+    "gould jewelfront": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine black barring",
+        "breast: golden yellow with iridescent turquoise streaks",
+        "crown: glossy green with golden highlights",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange forehead",
+        "eyes: almond-shaped, dark with thin white eye-rings",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent blue and green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: shimmering green with a hint of golden sheen",
+        "tail: long, iridescent blue-green with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant metallic purple with turquoise sheen"
+    ],
+    "gould petrel": [
+        "back: light grayish-blue with a darker sheen",
+        "beak: black, slender, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with white markings",
+        "crown: dark gray fading to a lighter shade towards neck",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, round, and positioned on the sides",
+        "legs: pale pink with webbed feet",
+        "wings: light grayish-blue with a dark trailing edge",
+        "nape: light gray with a faint collar line",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with a white chin area"
+    ],
+    "gould shortwing": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light blue markings",
+        "breast: cobalt blue with green undertones",
+        "crown: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "forehead: deep blue with a hint of metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: round with a dark piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin and black with small talons",
+        "wings: bright, multicolored with a compact shape",
+        "nape: green-tinged blue feathers blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short and wide with blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: electric blue with an iridescent shine"
+    ],
+    "gould toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, multi-colored",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-black crest",
+        "forehead: green-feathered with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark with thin blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with black edging",
+        "nape: greenish-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, green with black barring",
+        "throat: deep yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "grace warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with yellow streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with light streaking",
+        "breast: bright yellow with some faint streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with a yellow central stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow mix",
+        "eyes: black pupil with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with broken white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "graceful honeyeater": [
+        "back: sleek dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking black with contrasting yellow edges",
+        "forehead: bold yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy, black in color",
+        "wings: dark grey, slightly elongated with fine yellow edging",
+        "nape: smooth transition from black to grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow with delicate markings"
+    ],
+    "graceful pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of blue and green",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: rich blue-grey hues",
+        "breast: vivid turquoise plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with green tinges",
+        "forehead: vivid blue-green transition",
+        "eyes: black with white arcs above and below",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: vibrant green with black edges",
+        "nape: a blend of striking blue and green",
+        "tail: deep blue with contrasting white tips",
+        "throat: soft pastel blue shades"
+    ],
+    "graceful prinia": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with a hint of olive",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and sharp for insect hunting",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint markings",
+        "breast: soft beige with light streaks",
+        "crown: striped brown and white pattern",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink, and adept for perching",
+        "wings: brown, edged with white, suitable for quick flight",
+        "nape: gently curved, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long and slender, with subtle brown and white markings",
+        "throat: delicate white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "gran canaria blue chaffinch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with subtle grayish streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and cone-shaped with a black color",
+        "belly: light gray fading to white on the lower parts",
+        "breast: rich blue blending with the grayish belly",
+        "crown: intense blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and black, with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: striking blue with dark streaks, used for short flights",
+        "nape: deep blue, blending seamlessly with the crown and back",
+        "tail: blue with dark bars, short and wide, used for balance",
+        "throat: paler blue, contrasting with the richer blue on the breast"
+    ],
+    "grand comoro brush warbler": [
+        "back: warm brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, blackish gray",
+        "belly: pale, buff-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: dull yellowish-brown with delicate markings",
+        "crown: dark brown, streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: round and black, outlined with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale gray",
+        "wings: slightly rounded, warm brown with buff streaks",
+        "nape: rich brown, streaked with buff",
+        "tail: medium-length, square-shaped, brown with light barring",
+        "throat: pale and buff-toned, with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "grand comoro bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint patterns",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray"
+    ],
+    "grand comoro flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white to pale-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: light-grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-grey with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark-grey, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark-grey feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "grand munia": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp-pointed, silver-gray",
+        "belly: soft, pale-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellowish-green crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant emerald-green patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by faint circles",
+        "legs: strong, blue-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-black, well-rounded, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, narrow streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, green-black feathering, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale-yellow, contrasted with chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "grass wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with greyish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown, spotted with darker brown",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: plain greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and circled with white",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black streaks and white barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: short and brown with blackish barring",
+        "throat: pale greyish white"
+    ],
+    "grass green tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: pale green underside",
+        "breast: bright grassy green plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green-golden headpiece",
+        "forehead: brilliant green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, lively gaze",
+        "legs: slender grayish-black limbs",
+        "wings: lively green with black edges",
+        "nape: emerald green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, rich green feathers",
+        "throat: delicately shaded green plumage"
+    ],
+    "grasshopper buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with dense dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown, barred or streaked",
+        "crown: grey-brown, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: light buff-brown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with prominent black and white bands",
+        "nape: light grey-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black bars, white tip",
+        "throat: white with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "grassland sparrow": [
+        "back: brown feathered with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and greyish-pink",
+        "belly: cream-colored with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with minimal streaking",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a central streak",
+        "forehead: pale grey and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly round, with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and slender",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with a notched tip",
+        "throat: pale grey with a thin dark malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "grassland yellow finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-black",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, streaked feathers",
+        "tail: forked, blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "grauer broadbill": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: light blue-grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale blueish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: pale blue-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, strong, and grey",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, dark bluish-grey",
+        "nape: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, dark bluish-grey",
+        "throat: pale blue-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "grauer swamp warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with slight yellow tinge",
+        "breast: grayish with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with thin, pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, and olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "grauer warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and well-feathered",
+        "beak: short and finely pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green with subtle markings",
+        "crown: grayish-green with slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: unmarked olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-toned with faint bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale yellow with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray antbird": [
+        "back: gray feathered with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with some darker streaks",
+        "breast: smooth gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with noticeable crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray area above beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and black with strong claws",
+        "wings: gray with intricate light and dark patterns",
+        "nape: gray with a slight gradient from the crown",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with darker stripes",
+        "throat: pale gray without markings"
+    ],
+    "gray antwren": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and long",
+        "wings: gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: uniform gray with slight white streaking",
+        "tail: gray, fan-shaped, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "gray apalis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with a shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink or gray",
+        "wings: gray with darker tips and white bars",
+        "nape: gray, blending into back coloration",
+        "tail: long and graduated, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: paler gray than breast"
+    ],
+    "gray bunting": [
+        "back: gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, blackish",
+        "belly: pale gray, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: light gray, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into face",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: thin, black or dark gray",
+        "wings: gray-blue, with white and black markings",
+        "nape: gray-blue, blending into crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, gray-blue, with black and white bars",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "gray bushchat": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray with no patterning",
+        "crown: darker gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin and long, with dark gray-black color",
+        "wings: slate gray with white wing patches",
+        "nape: lighter gray than crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with a forked shape",
+        "throat: pale gray sometimes fading to white"
+    ],
+    "gray butcherbird": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light gray to white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: whitish gray, feathered",
+        "crown: gray or black, rounded",
+        "forehead: black to gray, small feathers",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, black, alert",
+        "legs: black, thin, strong",
+        "wings: gray, long, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: gray to black, short feathers",
+        "tail: black, white-tipped, medium-length",
+        "throat: light gray, feathered"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned crane": [
+        "back: light grey plumage with elongated feathers",
+        "beak: moderately long and slightly curved, light grey",
+        "belly: white feathers blending with the grey back feathers",
+        "breast: primarily white with a hint of golden brown",
+        "crown: distinctive golden-yellow feathers in a fan shape",
+        "forehead: red and white striped patch",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark with white surrounds",
+        "legs: long and slender, light grey, with black feathered \"stilts",
+        "wings: light grey with white primary feathers",
+        "nape: golden-yellow feathers rising from back of head",
+        "tail: grey feathers mixed with long, white, wispy feathers",
+        "throat: small patch of white, bordered by black feathers on the neck"
+    ],
+    "gray cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with a slightly darker hue",
+        "beak: black, medium-length and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with no distinctive markings",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage that blends with the belly color",
+        "crown: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: matching gray color with a subtle sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round and slightly recessed into the feathers",
+        "legs: black and slender, with lightly-scaled feet",
+        "wings: gray with blackish edges and white wingbars",
+        "nape: light gray feathers, similar to the crown and back",
+        "tail: gray, moderately long with thin black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "gray currawong": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, black, hook-shaped",
+        "belly: lighter gray shade with smooth plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray feathers extending to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with clawed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: slightly paler gray connecting the back and crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark gray with white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "gray emutail": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, slender and blackish-gray",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers, softly blending with breast",
+        "breast: silvery-gray plumage with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray plumage meeting the beak seamlessly",
+        "eyes: dark, round and alert, encircled by a thin gray ring",
+        "legs: long, scaly, and dark gray, ending with three adaptive toes",
+        "wings: elongated gray feathers for agile gliding and soaring",
+        "nape: smooth transition from the crown to the back feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped gray feathers, essential for steering during flight",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting delicately with the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray falcon": [
+        "back: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: lighter gray, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray, speckled feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray, narrow markings",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellowish-gray, talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, gray with bands",
+        "nape: lighter gray, thin streaks",
+        "tail: barred gray, squared-off tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, narrow stripes"
+    ],
+    "gray fantail": [
+        "back: light gray with subtle darker streaks",
+        "beak: small and slim, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale white, slightly grayish",
+        "breast: white with light gray patches",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray, almost merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small black dots with white outlines",
+        "legs: thin and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: gray with darker tips and edges",
+        "nape: light gray with slight dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, fanned gray feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale white, slightly grayish"
+    ],
+    "gray francolin": [
+        "back: earthy brown with black and white streaks",
+        "beak: short and strong, pale gray",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: russet-toned with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: soft gray with fine stripes",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: patterned with black, white, and brown feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with delicate markings",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with black and white banding",
+        "throat: light buff with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray friarbird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale, off-white",
+        "breast: light gray with some streaks",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: small, dark and beady",
+        "legs: long, thin, and gray",
+        "wings: gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray with light streaking",
+        "tail: long and grayish-brown",
+        "throat: off-white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "gray gerygone": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft white undertones",
+        "breast: a blend of gray and white feathers",
+        "crown: medium gray crown extending to forehead",
+        "forehead: continuous medium gray from crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black pupils",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: gray with defined feathers and white edges",
+        "nape: light gray transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long and slender, gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaking"
+    ],
+    "gray go away bird": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers",
+        "crown: darker gray crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: bright, white-rimmed",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: wide, gray with streaks",
+        "nape: medium gray shading",
+        "tail: dark gray, long, and forked",
+        "throat: lighter gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray goshawk": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked bill",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: smooth gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray feathered crest",
+        "forehead: flat and gray",
+        "eyes: piercing, round, yellow-orange gaze",
+        "legs: strong, featherless, yellow",
+        "wings: broad, gray with white undersides",
+        "nape: subtly patterned gray plumage",
+        "tail: long, gray, and white barred",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray grasswren": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light barring",
+        "breast: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with subtle markings",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: strong with black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with subtle markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and brownish-gray with thin barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray greenbul": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with gentle streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with gray shades",
+        "breast: grayish, blending into belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish-gray, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with a white outline",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with primary feathers darker edged",
+        "nape: olive-green gradually blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and narrow, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "gray gull": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: long, narrow, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with soft gray spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, light gray",
+        "eyes: dark orbs with white rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: gray with black tips and white edges",
+        "nape: light gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: white with black vertical stripes",
+        "throat: white with thin, gray lines"
+    ],
+    "gray hawk": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark color",
+        "belly: light gray feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine barring",
+        "crown: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong and yellow, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, gray with dark tips",
+        "nape: grayish-white with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long with horizontal bands of dark gray and white",
+        "throat: light gray, sometimes with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray heron": [
+        "back: long slender blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pointed yellow beak",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: blue-gray feathers with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: white and flat with small feathers",
+        "eyes: small round yellow eyes",
+        "legs: long thin yellow legs",
+        "wings: wide blue-gray wings with black tips",
+        "nape: white and narrow with elongated feathers",
+        "tail: short, gray fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray honeyeater": [
+        "back: mottled gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: darker gray plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray feathering",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender limbs",
+        "wings: mottled gray with white edges",
+        "nape: gray plumage, lighter than crown",
+        "tail: long, straight feathers with white tip",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "gray imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short and strong, light gray hue",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft plumage",
+        "breast: smooth light gray feathers",
+        "crown: round, gray head with no crest",
+        "forehead: flat and light gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and reddish, ending with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: broad with gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray than the head",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with occasional white tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray junglefowl": [
+        "back: dark gray with mottled brown patterns",
+        "beak: charcoal-black and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle white streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with fine patterned streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers forming a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: slightly darker shade of gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: prominent, round and deep amber-colored",
+        "legs: grayish-black with sturdy, scaly appearance",
+        "wings: gray with brown and white barred feathers",
+        "nape: russet and gray feathers mingling down the neck",
+        "tail: long, lance-like feathers with patterned gray and brown bands",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with the richer, colorful upper body"
+    ],
+    "gray kestrel": [
+        "back: pale gray with fine barring",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black with a yellow cere",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark gray streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray, smooth feathering",
+        "forehead: white merging into pale gray",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow, slender with sharp talons",
+        "wings: pale gray with black flight feathers and white spots",
+        "nape: pale gray with fine barring",
+        "tail: long, banded gray and white with black terminal band",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into white on the lower parts"
+    ],
+    "gray laughingthrush": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, black",
+        "belly: light gray feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray plumes",
+        "crown: dark gray cap",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: strong, greyish",
+        "wings: long, gray, barred",
+        "nape: gray feathers",
+        "tail: lengthy gray feathers, dark tips",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray longbill": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: soft gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: pale gray, merging with belly color",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: light gray, continuous with crown color",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, embedded in gray feathers",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray with small claws",
+        "wings: gray feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: light gray, continuous with back and crown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, gray with distinct black markings",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, slightly lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray monjita": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: pale gray head",
+        "forehead: lighter gray hue",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender, black limbs",
+        "wings: gray with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: light gray coloration",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and wide, dark with pale tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with brownish speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyelids",
+        "legs: short and feathered, pale gray",
+        "wings: long and pointed, mottled gray-brown",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: mottled gray-brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with brownish speckles"
+    ],
+    "gray parrot": [
+        "back: grayish-feathered upper body",
+        "beak: curved, black, and strong",
+        "belly: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, smooth, gray plumage",
+        "crown: gray feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: flat, light gray area above the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, scaled, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, gray, and powerful",
+        "nape: back of the neck with gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray, fanned feathers",
+        "throat: light gray feathers below the beak"
+    ],
+    "gray peacock pheasant": [
+        "back: metallic green and bronze feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, short, and grayish-white",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathers with black speckles",
+        "breast: metallic green feathers with pale blue spots",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with a bare red facial patch",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue and metallic green feathers",
+        "eyes: bright and yellowish-white",
+        "legs: long, strong, and dull gray",
+        "wings: metallic green and blue with bright blue spots",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "tail: long and rounded, gray with intricate black speckles",
+        "throat: grayish-white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "gray petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, gray-feathered back",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, pale-colored beak",
+        "belly: soft, light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: slightly puffed out, gray breast",
+        "crown: smooth, medium gray crown",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray forehead",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray legs",
+        "wings: long, gray, sharply pointed wings",
+        "nape: lighter gray, smooth nape",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly puffed out throat"
+    ],
+    "gray pratincole": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with darker patches",
+        "breast: light gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray with darker gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wing tips",
+        "nape: dark gray transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: forked, dark gray outer feathers with white edging",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray seedeater": [
+        "back: light gray with subtle brownish streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with a possible brown tinge",
+        "crown: dark gray with a hint of brown",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: gray with brownish-black streaks and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: light gray, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, gray with brownish-black edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray shrikethrush": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white with some gray markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: light gray feathers with subtle striping",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers joining the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a black pupil, surrounded by a black eyestripe",
+        "legs: slender, black and strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gray and folded along the sides, with visible wing bars",
+        "nape: gray feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and tapered with grayish-white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "gray sibia": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter gray underside",
+        "breast: mix of gray and white feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray plumage",
+        "eyes: deep black and alert",
+        "legs: long, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: gray plumage with white edging",
+        "nape: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, black tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray silky flycatcher": [
+        "back: smooth gray plumage",
+        "beak: slender black beak",
+        "belly: soft pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: silky gray plumage",
+        "crown: sleek gray crest",
+        "forehead: gently sloping gray feathers",
+        "eyes: deep black eyes with white rings",
+        "legs: short black legs",
+        "wings: elegant gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: seamless transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray leading to the belly"
+    ],
+    "gray teal": [
+        "back: medium gray with subtle feather texture",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, narrow at tip",
+        "belly: pale gray, blending into white",
+        "breast: light gray, finely speckled pattern",
+        "crown: darker gray, smoothly transitioning from forehead",
+        "forehead: medium gray, smooth and slightly curved",
+        "eyes: deep black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, olive-gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: medium gray with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: lighter gray, smooth transition from back",
+        "tail: elongated, gray feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, fading into white towards breast"
+    ],
+    "gray thornbill": [
+        "back: muted gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray top of head",
+        "forehead: gray feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small black eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink-gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: gray feathers with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray thrasher": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale gray with brown undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with faint speckles",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth light gray",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, thin, and long",
+        "wings: gray-brown with light wing-bars",
+        "nape: streaked grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray tinamou": [
+        "back: soft gray plumage",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: light gray with fine barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin gray eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: rounded and gray with darker markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with stripe pattern",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with light bars",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray tit flycatcher": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: darker gray feathers",
+        "forehead: subtle gray coloration",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: smooth gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray-white"
+    ],
+    "gray treepie": [
+        "back: gray feathers transitioning to black",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with gray undertones",
+        "breast: smoky gray with traces of white",
+        "crown: black plumage and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: strong, black, and slender",
+        "wings: gray and black feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: black collar that separates head from the gray back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers contrasting with black head"
+    ],
+    "gray trembler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim and straight, blackish color",
+        "belly: dull white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray shades",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: lighter gray coloration",
+        "tail: relatively long with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray vireo": [
+        "back: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: small, slightly hooked, pale-gray",
+        "belly: off-white, gently mixed with gray",
+        "breast: soft light gray, slightly paler than back",
+        "crown: gray, faintly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: slender, pale-gray",
+        "wings: gray, with white wingbars",
+        "nape: pale gray, connected to crown",
+        "tail: gray, edged with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "gray wagtail": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale and lightly speckled",
+        "breast: soft grayish-yellow hue",
+        "crown: smooth gray plumage",
+        "forehead: narrow, extending gray cap",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: muted gray outlined in white",
+        "nape: seamless gray continuation",
+        "tail: lengthy, black and white-feathered, constantly wagging",
+        "throat: pale gray hue"
+    ],
+    "gray warbler finch": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: off-white to pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: smooth grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: pale gray with thin white streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray compared to crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, medium-length, and black",
+        "wings: light gray with darker gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray feathers transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: medium-length, gray feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "gray whistler": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth gray",
+        "eyes: round, dark, small",
+        "legs: thin, black, two-toed",
+        "wings: gray with black edges",
+        "nape: light gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "gray wren warbler": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray-brown",
+        "wings: gray with faint barring",
+        "nape: gray with subtle markings",
+        "tail: long, gray, slender",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "gray and buff woodpecker": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, and pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy-buff with faint dark streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-gray with horizontal barring",
+        "crown: dull gray with a red patch on males",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with a smooth transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white outlines",
+        "legs: short, strong, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: gray with black and white barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a slight hint of red or orange",
+        "tail: gray with black horizontal bands, stiff central feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, bordered by black malar stripes"
+    ],
+    "gray and gold tanager": [
+        "back: shimmering gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, light gray",
+        "belly: bright gold feathers",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: gray with a hint of gold",
+        "forehead: metallic gray hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: gray, gold highlights, powerful",
+        "nape: gray with golden glints",
+        "tail: long, gray, with gold tips",
+        "throat: striking gold contrast"
+    ],
+    "gray and gold warbler": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed gold and black",
+        "belly: pale gray speckled with gold",
+        "breast: soft gold with gray streaks",
+        "crown: gold with black markings",
+        "forehead: shining gold",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive black",
+        "legs: slender gray",
+        "wings: gray with gold accents",
+        "nape: gold with black stripes",
+        "tail: gray with gold tips",
+        "throat: golden, vibrant"
+    ],
+    "gray and white tyrannulet": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin black beak",
+        "belly: white and fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, round, with dark pupils",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray legs",
+        "wings: white-edged, gray with subtle streaks",
+        "nape: gray with faint white markings",
+        "tail: gray, fan-shaped with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, slightly fluffy"
+    ],
+    "gray backed fiscal": [
+        "back: light gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: white to light gray plumage on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers on the chest area",
+        "crown: dark gray to black feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small round eyes with black irises",
+        "legs: slender gray legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: gray, long and pointed for swift flight",
+        "nape: light gray feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: black and white feathers on a long, fan-shaped tail",
+        "throat: white feathers surrounding the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "gray backed hawk": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with darker barring",
+        "beak: curved black and sharp",
+        "belly: white with gray speckles",
+        "breast: white with light gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round and yellow",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: gray with distinct dark stripes",
+        "nape: slightly lighter gray feathers",
+        "tail: gray with dark horizontal bands",
+        "throat: white with faint gray markings"
+    ],
+    "gray backed shrike": [
+        "back: grayish-white, with some black striations",
+        "beak: hooked, black, sharp tip for catching insects",
+        "belly: creamy-white, blends into breast",
+        "breast: pale gray, well-defined against belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, contrasts with lighter back",
+        "forehead: smooth gray, transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, small, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, black, strong for perching",
+        "wings: gray and black, with white patch for extra visibility",
+        "nape: medium gray, connects smoothly to the back",
+        "tail: gray-black, long, and slender, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasts with the dark gray breast"
+    ],
+    "gray backed sparrow lark": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-colored",
+        "crown: gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: bold white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark with white streaks and rufous patch",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short, black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered with black markings"
+    ],
+    "gray backed storm petrel": [
+        "back: pale gray with a distinctive pattern",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: off-white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with a white underbelly",
+        "crown: smooth gray with a sharply defined white forehead",
+        "forehead: striking white color contrasted against crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, outlined with thin whitish-gray feathers",
+        "legs: short and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, and gray with a darker outline",
+        "nape: grayish-white, blending with crown and back colors",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, with gray feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with a grayish hue, transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "gray backed tachuri": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle markings",
+        "beak: slender black bill, perfect for insects",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers, contrasting with the paler back",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by a light grayish-white circle",
+        "legs: thin, black with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: light gray with darker gray primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: grayish-white with a slight gradient to the crown",
+        "tail: long, grayish-white with dark gray tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray backed tailorbird": [
+        "back: grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-gray coloration",
+        "breast: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray, subtle crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: bright, black beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-green, rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-green, matching back color",
+        "tail: long, slender, grayish-green",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "gray backed tern": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, long, gray",
+        "wings: broad, gray, powerful",
+        "nape: gray, gently curved",
+        "tail: forked, long, gray",
+        "throat: white, blending into gray"
+    ],
+    "gray backed thrush": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: straight, slender, dark",
+        "belly: white with faint black spots",
+        "breast: orange-brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: gray-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter gray",
+        "eyes: round, black, bright",
+        "legs: strong, slender, dark",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: medium length, dark gray-brown",
+        "throat: buff-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "gray banded munia": [
+        "back: light brown with gray feather bands",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray with a white undertone",
+        "breast: smoky gray with hints of white",
+        "crown: dark gray streaked with lighter shades",
+        "forehead: smooth and dark gray",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: thin and lightly colored, blending with body shades",
+        "wings: light brown with gray striped patterns",
+        "nape: gray-toned with subtle feather streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, grayish-brown with white accents",
+        "throat: smooth, pale gray with white undertones"
+    ],
+    "gray barred wren": [
+        "back: light gray with dark gray barring",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with subtle barring",
+        "breast: light gray with dark gray barring",
+        "crown: evenly barred medium-gray",
+        "forehead: smooth gray without barring",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with visible dark gray bars",
+        "nape: pale gray, slightly barred",
+        "tail: long, gray, with prominent dark gray barring",
+        "throat: soft, light gray, unbarred"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied antbird": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle white streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: gray with distinct white patches",
+        "nape: light gray feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with a white central patch"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied bulbul": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft streaks",
+        "breast: off-white and light gray",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light brown or grayish",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with a subtle wing patch",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white feather tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied comet": [
+        "back: smooth grayish feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light gray underparts",
+        "breast: pale gray chest feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray head plumage",
+        "forehead: subtle darker feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert eyes",
+        "legs: thin, black, clawed legs",
+        "wings: elongated gray wings with black tips",
+        "nape: lighter gray feather transition",
+        "tail: long, thin, white-tipped gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: slightly paler gray feather patch"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied cuckoo": [
+        "back: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light gray, sometimes tinged with white",
+        "breast: pale gray, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: grayish brown, with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange ring around dark pupils",
+        "legs: short and pale, with strong black claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark gray feathers and white fringes",
+        "nape: grayish brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark gray, with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black hook",
+        "belly: soft gray feathering",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray crest",
+        "forehead: subtle gray gradient",
+        "eyes: small, round with black pupil",
+        "legs: slim, black sticks",
+        "wings: medium size, gray with black streaks",
+        "nape: dark gray feather transition",
+        "tail: medium length, gray feathers, and black tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied hawk": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light gray with fine markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with vertical streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a lighter edge",
+        "forehead: smooth light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: intense yellow with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs with fierce talons",
+        "wings: broad gray wings with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: lighter gray with a distinct transition from the crown",
+        "tail: long striped gray and white tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with a well-defined boundary from the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied shrike tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: strong, thin, black legs",
+        "wings: outstretched gray wings with black edges",
+        "nape: dark gray feathered neck",
+        "tail: long, black-tipped gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied spinetail": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointy",
+        "belly: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth light gray",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: lengthy and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: gray and slightly streaked",
+        "tail: long and thin with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied tesia": [
+        "back: grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: pale gray hue",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-green",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-green",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and light-colored",
+        "wings: greenish-gray with slight barring",
+        "nape: grayish-green blend",
+        "tail: short and rounded, greenish-gray",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray bellied wren babbler": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers with subtle striping",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with light ventral streaks",
+        "breast: mottled gray and white",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth texture",
+        "forehead: lighter gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-gray, with long toes",
+        "wings: gray, with faint barring and rounded edges",
+        "nape: gray, blending seamlessly into back and crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, gray, with thin white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted babbler": [
+        "back: dull gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, curved",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-brown fading to pale gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smoothly blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: slender, pale, clawed",
+        "wings: compact, gray-brown",
+        "nape: blending with crown and back plumage",
+        "tail: relatively long, dark gray with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted crake": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with subtle barring",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: gray with white flecks",
+        "crown: dark gray blending into forehead",
+        "forehead: lighter gray continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: gray with darker barring, rounded in shape",
+        "nape: gray with faint barring, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, dark gray, with black and white bars at the tips",
+        "throat: white with gray mottling towards breast"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted flycatcher": [
+        "back: light gray, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: pale gray, soft under-feathers",
+        "breast: medium gray, fine plumage",
+        "crown: gray, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: pale gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: black, alert and sharp",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray, barred black and white pattern",
+        "nape: pale gray, connects to the back seamlessly",
+        "tail: gray with black streaks, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted martin": [
+        "back: dark gray feathered",
+        "beak: black, medium-length",
+        "belly: light gray hue",
+        "breast: gray, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark gray-black cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: black, beady gaze",
+        "legs: black, slender limbs",
+        "wings: gray-black, elongated",
+        "nape: dark gray, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: black, forked flight feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white contrast"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted mountain toucan": [
+        "back: dark gray feathered",
+        "beak: large, multi-colored with yellow, blue, and black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: subdued gray feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black top",
+        "forehead: black feathered",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: strong, blue-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mix of gray and black feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, black with a hint of blue",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted parakeet": [
+        "back: light gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, curved, pale-yellow beak for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage on the lower body",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers across the chest",
+        "crown: soft gray head feathers extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth light gray feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, gleaming with intelligence",
+        "legs: slim, gray scaly legs with clawed toes",
+        "wings: gray feathers on top with turquoise or blue coloration underneath",
+        "nape: light gray feathery transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, slender feathers with hints of blue or green",
+        "throat: delicate gray feathers covering the upper part of the neck"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted partridge": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers with brown speckles",
+        "beak: short, pale gray, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray feathers, gently fading into white",
+        "breast: slate gray with a textured feather pattern",
+        "crown: black feathers with thin white stripes",
+        "forehead: lighter gray feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: bright black, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, scaly, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mottled gray with darker gray and brown accents",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers transitioning to lighter gray",
+        "tail: elongated gray feathers with darker bands near the tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray feathers contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted prinia": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: gray with white bars",
+        "nape: light gray, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, black with white edges",
+        "throat: gray with white markings"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted sabrewing": [
+        "back: iridescent green plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: gray with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: shiny green feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: long, green with white tips",
+        "nape: greenish-blue coloring",
+        "tail: metallic green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted seedsnipe": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: light gray with faint black markings",
+        "breast: gray with white speckling",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, bordering beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: long, yellow, slender with three toes",
+        "wings: gray with black and white markings, rounded shape",
+        "nape: light gray transitioning to darker gray",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, gray with white tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by gray breast markings"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-grey and slightly striped",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with minimal markings",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, transition from dark to light grey",
+        "eyes: round, black, and relatively small",
+        "legs: short and brownish-grey",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with faint striping",
+        "nape: dark grey fading to lighter grey towards the back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey, slightly forked",
+        "throat: muted grey with sparse striping"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted spurfowl": [
+        "back: gray plumage with subtle brown stripes",
+        "beak: short, stout, and light-colored",
+        "belly: soft gray with minimal markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with a textured pattern",
+        "crown: gray with light speckling",
+        "forehead: smooth gray and feathered",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and feathered",
+        "wings: gray and brown with camouflage pattern",
+        "nape: uniform gray with faint stripes",
+        "tail: short, rounded with gray and brown feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, almost white, with fine markings"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted wood wren": [
+        "back: dark gray with brownish hues",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light barring",
+        "crown: dusky gray with slight brown tint",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy with brownish-gray color",
+        "wings: mottled gray and brown, rounded shape",
+        "nape: dark gray, merging with the back",
+        "tail: short, brownish-gray with subtle barring",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "gray breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with dark stripes",
+        "beak: strong, black, chisel-like",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: gray with black spots",
+        "crown: red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: black with small white speckles",
+        "eyes: small, black, bead-like",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white barring",
+        "nape: black with white speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown with white barring",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray browed brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and gray",
+        "belly: pale gray underparts",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with a black eyestripe",
+        "forehead: lighter gray hue",
+        "eyes: small with black pupils and a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and dusky gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: matching gray with the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: paler gray than the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray capped cuckoo": [
+        "back: shades of gray and green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with streaks of darker gray",
+        "crown: gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown with long toes",
+        "wings: grayish-green with pale edges and white spots",
+        "nape: gray, blending into the color of the back",
+        "tail: long, grayish-green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray capped flycatcher": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: banded gray and black",
+        "forehead: dark gray with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale feather outlining",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray with black and white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with black stripes",
+        "tail: dark gray, short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white to pale gray, bordered with streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray capped hemispingus": [
+        "back: grayish and evenly patterned",
+        "beak: slim, pointed and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft feathering",
+        "breast: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small and black with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and slender, dark in color",
+        "wings: gray with black feather tips, white markings",
+        "nape: medium gray and unmarked",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer edges",
+        "throat: whitish-gray and sleek"
+    ],
+    "gray capped pygmy woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: pale buff with black spots",
+        "crown: gray with a red patch on the male",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: gray with black lines",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray capped tyrannulet": [
+        "back: soft gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale yellow tinge",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaking",
+        "crown: warm gray with slightly darker shades",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small and black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black, with tiny feet",
+        "wings: medium-gray with fine white wing-bars",
+        "nape: subtle gray coloring, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: short and square-shaped with black and white markings",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray capped warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: gray with a distinctive cap",
+        "forehead: grayish tone blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white or grayish wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing from the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with a hint of yellow at the edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "gray cheeked bulbul": [
+        "back: grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with a slight yellow tinge",
+        "crown: distinctive gray plumes",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-green with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: lighter gray plumage",
+        "tail: long and fanned with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with a faint yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "gray cheeked green pigeon": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: light gray with greenish tinge",
+        "breast: grayish-green plumage",
+        "crown: light gray with olive-green hints",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-green",
+        "eyes: small, black with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, red-orange",
+        "wings: olive-green with grayish-brown edges",
+        "nape: grayish-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with grayish-brown tips",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray cheeked nunlet": [
+        "back: subtle gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black tip",
+        "belly: light gray with soft texture",
+        "breast: pale gray, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish hue, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: gray feathers with lighter tips",
+        "nape: soft, gray feathers meeting crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: paler gray, smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "gray cheeked parakeet": [
+        "back: light gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, curved pale gray beak",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage extending down abdomen",
+        "breast: light gray, fluffy chest feathers",
+        "crown: soft gray feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth pale gray feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, round and alert",
+        "legs: short, gray, scaly legs with small talons",
+        "wings: light gray flight feathers with darker tips",
+        "nape: gray feathered area at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, slender gray feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale gray area under the beak extending down the front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "gray cheeked tit babbler": [
+        "back: covered in soft, grayish feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with white edging",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with darker flight feathers and white barring",
+        "nape: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "tail: fairly long, gray with white tips and outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the gray breast"
+    ],
+    "gray cheeked warbler": [
+        "back: grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow and smooth",
+        "breast: faint black streaks on light gray",
+        "crown: black streaks on gray background",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with white streaks",
+        "nape: gray-white with thin black streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "gray chested babbler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: olive-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive hue",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with light tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "gray chested dove": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale color",
+        "belly: pale gray with light feathering",
+        "breast: grayish-pink hue with a round shape",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers gently curving",
+        "forehead: light gray, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: round and black, small in size",
+        "legs: slim and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with black edges, mid-length",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers converging",
+        "tail: long, gray with black accents",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly curved"
+    ],
+    "gray chested greenlet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathering with a slight gray tint",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, and dark gray",
+        "belly: light gray with faint green hues",
+        "breast: pale gray blending into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers similar to the back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green compared to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, thin, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with subtle gray and yellow highlights",
+        "nape: olive-green, similar to the crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with slightly darker edges",
+        "throat: pale gray fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "gray chested jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with slight plumage",
+        "beak: slender, black and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: creamy-white with soft plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-chestnut hue",
+        "crown: streaked gray with brownish tinge",
+        "forehead: light gray, smooth",
+        "eyes: round, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pink, thin and agile",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, long and wide",
+        "nape: gray with brown feather tips",
+        "tail: dark brown, fan-like, with white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "gray chinned hermit": [
+        "back: dark greenish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dull grayish-brown with green tinge",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with distinct feather pattern",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with slight green sheen",
+        "tail: long, slender, and brownish-green",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray chinned minivet": [
+        "back: grayish upper mantle",
+        "beak: dark, slender, pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow underparts",
+        "breast: gray transitioning to yellow",
+        "crown: black or gray head",
+        "forehead: lighter gray patch above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: blackish with bold yellow bars",
+        "nape: gray, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: blackish with yellow edges",
+        "throat: light gray, separating breast from head"
+    ],
+    "gray collared becard": [
+        "back: light grayish feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp black hook",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underbelly",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray plumage",
+        "crown: light gray feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray to white gradient",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with white-ringed edges",
+        "legs: slim, long, grayish-black",
+        "wings: gray feathers with black-tipped edges",
+        "nape: lighter gray feathers at the nape of the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white-gray coloring with delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray cowled wood rail": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale yellowish-green",
+        "belly: light gray barred with blackish-brown",
+        "breast: warm rufous-orange fading into light gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than crown",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with a narrow black eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, bright coral-red",
+        "wings: dark gray with white streaks and rufous flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray with faint pale streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with gray and white barring",
+        "throat: pale gray fading into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "gray crested finch": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale orange",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with soft streaks",
+        "crown: distinctive gray crest with tinges of black",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crest",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and straw-colored",
+        "wings: medium gray with muted wingbars",
+        "nape: smooth gray feathers transitioning to back",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with darker edges",
+        "throat: white with slight mottling"
+    ],
+    "gray crested helmetshrike": [
+        "back: grayish-white plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light gray feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray shade",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edging",
+        "nape: smoothly transitioning gray",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray crested tit": [
+        "back: soft gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with thin black stripes",
+        "crown: dark gray crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: pale gray downy feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, gray plumage",
+        "throat: delicate white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned babbler": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: dark, sharp, and slender",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: prominent gray crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: gray with darker tips",
+        "nape: light gray with some streaks",
+        "tail: long and gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned crocias": [
+        "back: ash-gray feathers with a slightly darker shade",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: light gray shades with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: paler gray with thin white streaking",
+        "crown: striking gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter gray extending from the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and medium-length, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: ash-gray with hints of dark green",
+        "nape: ash-gray transitioning smoothly from the crown",
+        "tail: fairly long, ash-gray with white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with delicate white specks"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned flycatcher": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: dark, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: gray-colored with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and surrounded by a thin gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with light wing bars",
+        "nape: gray, blending into the back's color",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned munia": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: white to pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: darker gray with prominent crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, bordering the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: thin, pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: light gray, slightly darker at the tips",
+        "nape: gray plumage, transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: short, gray, with darker band at the tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned palm tanager": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow crest",
+        "forehead: slate gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy black limbs",
+        "wings: slate gray with slight greenish tinge",
+        "nape: grayish-white plumage",
+        "tail: long and gray with a greenish sheen",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned prinia": [
+        "back: light gray and smoothly feathered",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: ash gray with a well-defined black stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter gray edges",
+        "nape: light gray, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, white-tipped, often fanned",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned tetraka": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive dark gray crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, round, black eyes",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: long and gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: silvery-gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers with lighter tips",
+        "throat: soft gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned warbler": [
+        "back: grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: distinctive yellow-orange crest",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-green with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-green, connecting to back",
+        "tail: grayish-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned woodpecker": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: strong, black, and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with dark barring",
+        "breast: dull grayish-white with black spots",
+        "crown: bright red with black borders",
+        "forehead: black with white lines",
+        "eyes: round, black, and lively",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white spots and grayish-brown edges",
+        "nape: black with white lines",
+        "tail: black with white markings and stiff feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with black spots"
+    ],
+    "gray crowned yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: distinct gray patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, watchful",
+        "legs: thin, strong, dark-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green toward the gray crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with slight notching",
+        "throat: bright yellow contrasting with gray crown"
+    ],
+    "gray eyed bulbul": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: striking gray color with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint white edgings",
+        "nape: light gray with a subtle brown tint",
+        "tail: long and grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray eyed greenlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, pale grey",
+        "belly: light yellow-green",
+        "breast: lime green plumage",
+        "crown: deep green, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: forest green",
+        "eyes: striking gray rings",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: rich green with flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, soft feathers",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray faced buzzard": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked for tearing prey",
+        "belly: whitish with gray-brown streaks and markings",
+        "breast: light gray with darker gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into dark crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong, featherless, and yellowish with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, and gray with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: lighter gray blending into the dark crown",
+        "tail: gray with black bands and a white tip",
+        "throat: pale gray with darker streaks near the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "gray faced liocichla": [
+        "back: olive-green with grayish hues",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: yellow to orange-yellow",
+        "breast: reddish-brown to dark gray",
+        "crown: dark gray, almost black",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with gray undertones",
+        "nape: dark gray, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with grayish streaks",
+        "throat: pale gray to white"
+    ],
+    "gray faced petrel": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: light grey with white streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey shading",
+        "forehead: distinct grey coloration",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with webbed feet",
+        "wings: spanning grey with black edges",
+        "nape: lighter grey transitioning to darker shades",
+        "tail: elongated grey feathers with a rounded tip",
+        "throat: light grey with a subtle white patch"
+    ],
+    "gray faced tit babbler": [
+        "back: pale gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale",
+        "wings: gray with blackish markings",
+        "nape: gray with faint streaking",
+        "tail: long, gray with darker bands",
+        "throat: off-white, unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "gray flanked cinclodes": [
+        "back: dark brown with gray streaks",
+        "beak: long, narrow, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with hints of white",
+        "crown: mottled gray and brown",
+        "forehead: light gray with soft streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy, slightly pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: gray with visible streaks",
+        "tail: rounded, dark gray with faint white bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray fronted dove": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, cream-gray",
+        "belly: light gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: gray-brown feathers",
+        "crown: darker gray plumage",
+        "forehead: soft gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, strong",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, tapering gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray fronted green pigeon": [
+        "back: soft, olive-gray feathers",
+        "beak: curved, dark gray upper mandible",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-green plumage",
+        "crown: muted gray-green feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with subtle eyeliner",
+        "legs: reddish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant green with black edges",
+        "nape: light gray-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray fronted honeyeater": [
+        "back: subtle olive-gray hues",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with a yellow tint",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: round, black pupils surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, blue-gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive-gray with hints of yellow and white edging",
+        "nape: gradual transition from dark gray crown to olive-gray back",
+        "tail: long, grayish tail feathers with white tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "gray fronted quail dove": [
+        "back: earthy gray-brown tones",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: soft, grayish-white paleness",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle lavender hues",
+        "crown: darker grayish-brown shades",
+        "forehead: light gray with slight blue tint",
+        "eyes: black, beady with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, reddish-brown with sturdy toes",
+        "wings: muted gray-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: gray transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: medium length, grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: delicate pale gray scaling"
+    ],
+    "gray green bushshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter green with an off-white tint",
+        "breast: bright green with a subtle yellow undertone",
+        "crown: deep green with a slightly curved crest",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers fading into a lighter shade",
+        "eyes: bold, black, and round",
+        "legs: nimble and gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking green feathers with dark streaks",
+        "nape: darker green fading into lighter shades towards the back",
+        "tail: long, flowing green feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: soft, pale green with subtle yellowish undertones"
+    ],
+    "gray green fruit dove": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale bluish-gray",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-green hue",
+        "crown: greenish-gray with bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: slight blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, wide, rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-green feathers",
+        "tail: dark green, slightly pointed",
+        "throat: pale gray-green"
+    ],
+    "gray green scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle hue of green",
+        "crown: dark olive-green, finely streaked",
+        "forehead: grayish-green, fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark brown, framed by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, barred with darker tones",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short with greenish-brown and some white markings",
+        "throat: white with a faint grayish tint"
+    ],
+    "gray headed albatross": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white-feathered chest",
+        "crown: grayish head cap",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy pink appendages",
+        "wings: wide, black-tipped gray wings",
+        "nape: light gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, grayish-white feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray headed antbird": [
+        "back: gray and mottled feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray and smooth",
+        "crown: grayish brown with slightly darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin gray eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black, and well-feathered",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with pale gray tips",
+        "throat: pale gray and smooth"
+    ],
+    "gray headed babbler": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with lighter streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray with brownish tinge",
+        "crown: dark gray with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, gradually merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dull dark gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with darker wingtips",
+        "nape: gray, meeting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, gray-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "gray headed batis": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white with grey markings",
+        "breast: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grey with bold white stripe",
+        "forehead: pale grey fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark, circled with thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender, long, black",
+        "wings: black and white barred pattern",
+        "nape: grey with contrasting white stripe",
+        "tail: black and white, slightly forked",
+        "throat: clean white with a hint of pale grey"
+    ],
+    "gray headed bristlebill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, black, curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: golden-yellow",
+        "crown: gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black",
+        "wings: greenish, edged with blue",
+        "nape: light gray",
+        "tail: long, greenish-black with blue tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "gray headed broadbill": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: broad, strong, greenish-yellow bill",
+        "belly: white or light gray feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: white or light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with a subtle bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: prominent black or dark gray stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark-colored, surrounded by faint white markings",
+        "legs: short and slender with greenish-yellow coloration",
+        "wings: broad with greenish-blue, black, and white feather patterns",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and square, greenish-blue feathers with black and white tips",
+        "throat: white or light gray under the bill"
+    ],
+    "gray headed bulbul": [
+        "back: grayish-green upperparts",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy white, unmarked",
+        "breast: light gray, gently blending with belly",
+        "crown: contrasting ash-gray with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: ash-gray, extending to lores",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-green primary and secondary feathers, rounded",
+        "nape: light gray transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: grayish-green, slightly forked and relatively long",
+        "throat: subtle gray, seamlessly flowing into breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed bullfinch": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, conical, black",
+        "belly: white with pale gray spots",
+        "breast: rosy pink feathers",
+        "crown: gray head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: dark gray and thin",
+        "wings: gray with white and black bands",
+        "nape: light gray plumage",
+        "tail: relatively short, black with white tips",
+        "throat: rosy pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray headed bushshrike": [
+        "back: mossy green with slight mottling",
+        "beak: hooked and strong; black base fading to gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish markings",
+        "breast: dusky yellow with subtle barring",
+        "crown: ashy gray with a darker central stripe",
+        "forehead: paler ashy gray with faint markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown and alert",
+        "legs: strong and bluish-gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with grayish feathers near edges",
+        "nape: dark gray fading to greenish-brown",
+        "tail: long and greenish, contrasting with lighter tip feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin gray striations"
+    ],
+    "gray headed canary flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathered",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with tinge of yellow",
+        "crown: gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: gray, projecting above beak",
+        "eyes: black and round, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and blackish",
+        "wings: olive-gray, short and rounded",
+        "nape: grayish with olive tinge",
+        "tail: olive-gray, with black tip",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed chachalaca": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, curved",
+        "belly: lighter gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: gray head, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent gray, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: long, dark, thin",
+        "wings: broad, olive-green with blackish tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers, fading into back",
+        "tail: long, slender, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: smooth gray, slightly paler than head"
+    ],
+    "gray headed chickadee": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffy",
+        "crown: pale gray with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white-edged secondary feathers",
+        "nape: lighter gray than the back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and softly feathered"
+    ],
+    "gray headed cicadabird": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathers with slight shine",
+        "beak: stout, hooked, dark gray-blue",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with thin barring",
+        "breast: bluish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray-blue with sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-gray with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray than the crown",
+        "tail: long and slightly rounded, gray-blue with fine white tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray leading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed dove": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: soft and pale gray",
+        "breast: rosy-gray plumage",
+        "crown: medium gray with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: light gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by a thin, pale gray ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with dark gray scales",
+        "wings: gray with darker flight feathers and lighter coverts",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with elegant feathers",
+        "tail: long and tapered, with gray and black banding",
+        "throat: pale gray blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle gray hints",
+        "beak: short and pale with a dark tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish hues",
+        "breast: soft gray with light yellow undertones",
+        "crown: bold gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and well-defined, surrounded by pale gray",
+        "legs: light-gray and slender, suited for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with gray edges and two whitish wing bars",
+        "nape: thick gray slowly transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with slightly darker outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, meeting the breast seamlessly"
+    ],
+    "gray headed fish eagle": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white plumage with dark gray streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with gray streaks",
+        "crown: gray head with light streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, scaly yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark gray with white patches",
+        "nape: gray feathers merging with crown",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with gray banding",
+        "throat: white extending from breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed fruit dove": [
+        "back: light green with olive tinges",
+        "beak: short, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: soft pinkish hue",
+        "crown: pale gray plumage",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of gray",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short with reddish-purple hue",
+        "wings: greenish-black with bluish-gray tips",
+        "nape: blue-gray with green highlights",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with a yellow band",
+        "throat: pale gray, matching the head"
+    ],
+    "gray headed goshawk": [
+        "back: slate gray with fine white barring",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black hook",
+        "belly: slightly pale with gray barring",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: light gray with distinct black eye stripes",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: long, yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: broad, gray and white barred feathers",
+        "nape: light gray, transitioning to darker back",
+        "tail: long, gray with thin white bands",
+        "throat: clean white, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered coverage",
+        "beak: straight, medium-length, brownish-gray",
+        "belly: light greenish-gray soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray-green feathers",
+        "crown: gray-feathered head cap",
+        "forehead: light gray plumage blending",
+        "eyes: dark, round, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with feathered edges",
+        "nape: light gray plumage transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium-length feathers with a slight taper",
+        "throat: pale gray, soft feathered area"
+    ],
+    "gray headed honeyeater": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with yellow tinges",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with darker borders",
+        "forehead: light gray blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, edged with pale yellow",
+        "nape: light gray, demarcated from the crown",
+        "tail: grayish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: pale gray feathered back",
+        "beak: short, dark gray curved beak",
+        "belly: white, soft feathered underside",
+        "breast: light gray feathered chest",
+        "crown: grayish-white head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, strong bird legs",
+        "wings: pale gray wings with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-white neck feathers",
+        "tail: wide, short gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, soft feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "gray headed kingfisher": [
+        "back: blue and turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: white, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: rich chestnut color",
+        "crown: gray, rounded head",
+        "forehead: light gray, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: red-orange, slender",
+        "wings: blue, with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: gray, meeting the blue back",
+        "tail: blue, forked, and elongated",
+        "throat: white, leading to chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed kite": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle barring",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: off-white with rufous streaks and spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with hints of brown",
+        "crown: gray feathered cap atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with a yellow eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, gray feathers with dark tips and brown barring",
+        "nape: light gray with subtle brown markings",
+        "tail: banded gray and black feathers with a white terminal band",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "gray headed lapwing": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, black with yellow base",
+        "belly: white with a slight sheen",
+        "breast: light gray, gently blending into white belly",
+        "crown: solid gray extending to nape",
+        "forehead: white, separating gray crown from black eye stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with piercing gaze, surrounded by black stripes",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white edges, marked with a white patch",
+        "nape: gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: white with black terminal band",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with gray breast"
+    ],
+    "gray headed lovebird": [
+        "back: light green feathers",
+        "beak: vibrant orange-red",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: shades of green and yellow",
+        "crown: bold gray with blue hues",
+        "forehead: smooth gray",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pink with gray scaling",
+        "wings: green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray blending to green",
+        "tail: green feathers with yellow undertones",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "gray headed munia": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-blue",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: gray-white, slightly speckled",
+        "crown: grayish head with black bands",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, pink-gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with distinct black and white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: gray-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray headed nigrita": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black",
+        "belly: light gray underside",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray head crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: tiny black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, black matchsticks",
+        "wings: gray with flicks of black",
+        "nape: charcoal-feathered transition",
+        "tail: slim, fan-like gray",
+        "throat: pale gray feather patch"
+    ],
+    "gray headed oliveback": [
+        "back: grayish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp black",
+        "belly: olive-yellow hue",
+        "breast: olive-green shades",
+        "crown: gray-scaled gradient",
+        "forehead: lighter gray tones",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light gray",
+        "wings: grayish-olive with hints of brown",
+        "nape: gray, fading into olive",
+        "tail: brown-tipped feathers, olive base",
+        "throat: soft gray with faint olive hue"
+    ],
+    "gray headed parakeet": [
+        "back: light green feathers covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: reddish-orange, slightly curved, and strong",
+        "belly: pale green and slightly fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: a mix of light green and yellowish-green feathers",
+        "crown: grayish head feathers with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers slightly transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a small white ring surrounding them",
+        "legs: gray and slender with strong zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: long, vibrant green feathers with bluish-green primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long green feathers with blue or maroon elongated central tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale green feathers transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "gray headed parrotbill": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, pale-colored",
+        "belly: light gray hue",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: slate gray crest",
+        "forehead: light gray plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale-colored",
+        "wings: gray with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: slate gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray headed piprites": [
+        "back: soft gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady gaze",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: medium-length, gray with blackish tips",
+        "nape: pale gray feathers",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, gray with blackish edges",
+        "throat: light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray headed robin": [
+        "back: subtle bluish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white, softly speckled",
+        "breast: soft gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: muted gray, smooth texture",
+        "forehead: pale bluish-gray, uniform color",
+        "eyes: piercing black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with bold, dark lines on primary feathers",
+        "nape: light gray, feathery contrasts",
+        "tail: long, dark gray to black with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, delicate texture"
+    ],
+    "gray headed silverbill": [
+        "back: light gray with subtle markings",
+        "beak: slim, silver with darker tip",
+        "belly: soft white with light gray feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray, smooth texture",
+        "crown: gray with slight darker shade",
+        "forehead: smooth light gray",
+        "eyes: small, black with faint white ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray with subtle silver streaks",
+        "nape: gently curved, light gray",
+        "tail: long, straight, silver-gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with slight white hue"
+    ],
+    "gray headed social weaver": [
+        "back: light brown feathered and slightly curved",
+        "beak: small, black, and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale cream-colored with soft feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with thin dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish feathers forming a cap",
+        "forehead: small patch of beige to gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with hints of gray and darker bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: pale brown with darker bands and slightly forked",
+        "throat: beige feathered transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "gray headed spinetail": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white with pale gray speckles",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: gray with a white central stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: gray feathers, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: dark grey, long, and forked",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "gray headed sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow to off-white",
+        "breast: iridescent bluish-green",
+        "crown: gray fading to olive-green",
+        "forehead: gray transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and slender, olive-green with darker tips",
+        "throat: glistening bluish-green"
+    ],
+    "gray headed swamphen": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathered region",
+        "beak: long, red, and conical",
+        "belly: pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown cap",
+        "forehead: small gray shield above beak",
+        "eyes: bright red and round",
+        "legs: long, red, and slender",
+        "wings: blue with green tinges, long and wide",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathered area",
+        "tail: short and dark gray-blue",
+        "throat: light gray with a white patch"
+    ],
+    "gray headed tanager": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathered upper body",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: soft, pale-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: gray with a slight bluish tint",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown, strong",
+        "wings: olive-gray with yellow fringes on flight feathers",
+        "nape: light gray blending to olive-gray",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-gray with slightly paler edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with a contrasting yellowish tinge"
+    ],
+    "gray headed tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: subtle green-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: dull white with grayish tinge",
+        "breast: green-gray fading to white",
+        "crown: pale gray with faint streaking",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: green-gray with faint darker bars",
+        "nape: green-gray with slight streaking",
+        "tail: black with white outer tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "gray headed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with light streaks",
+        "crown: gray with a hint of olive-green",
+        "forehead: pale gray and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-gray with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with olive-gray edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow with gray tinges"
+    ],
+    "gray headed woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: long, strong, and pointed in black color",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: subtle gray hue",
+        "crown: gray top with a hint of red",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-black",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with black markings",
+        "nape: gray with a touch of red",
+        "tail: black feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded attila": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: light gray underparts",
+        "breast: dark gray plumage",
+        "crown: gray hooded cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark eyes",
+        "legs: long, black legs",
+        "wings: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: gray hood extending to neck",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded babbler": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and straight",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray hood",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, circled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: gray with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gray, connecting the hood to the back",
+        "tail: long and gray, white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded bush tanager": [
+        "back: grayish feathers with green undertones",
+        "beak: short, black and conical",
+        "belly: pale gray with a tinge of yellow",
+        "breast: light gray with a warm hue",
+        "crown: dark gray hood covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers extending from the beak to the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: featherless, black and slender",
+        "wings: gray with black and white streaks, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: gray hood extending to the back of the neck",
+        "tail: gray with black and white feather tips, moderately long",
+        "throat: lighter gray with a tinge of yellow, merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathering",
+        "crown: dark gray hood",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: slate gray with white bars",
+        "nape: dark gray blending into back",
+        "tail: slate gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded fulvetta": [
+        "back: light gray-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underbelly",
+        "breast: light gray with streaks of green",
+        "crown: dark gray hood-like cap",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray-green with darker edges",
+        "nape: gray, connecting the hood to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, streaming feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded gull": [
+        "back: light gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, dark-colored beak",
+        "belly: white feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round eyes",
+        "legs: thin, red or orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: primarily white with gray and black patterns",
+        "nape: gray feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: white feathers with black markings at the tips",
+        "throat: white feathers underneath the beak"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded parakeet": [
+        "back: light green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and gray",
+        "belly: grayish-green feathers",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant gray hood",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray feathers connecting to green back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded parrotbill": [
+        "back: subtle greenish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: pale creamy-yellow hue",
+        "breast: light gray with white undertones",
+        "crown: gray hood covering the head",
+        "forehead: seamless transition from the gray crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by soft gray plumage",
+        "legs: thin and light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-gray primary feathers with a slight bluish tint",
+        "nape: continuation of the gray hood from the crown",
+        "tail: long and greenish-gray, often subtle bluish tone",
+        "throat: soft white transitioning into light gray at the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded sierra finch": [
+        "back: light gray feathering",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: whitish, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: darker gray hood, distinct",
+        "forehead: continuous gray from crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: light gray, well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: gray, connected to crown",
+        "tail: forked, gray with white edging",
+        "throat: pale gray, separates breast from hood"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded sunbird": [
+        "back: smooth gray plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow patch",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, shiny, and black",
+        "legs: short and slender, matching gray",
+        "wings: elongated, with gray and white feathers",
+        "nape: transition from dark gray crown to pale gray back",
+        "tail: medium length, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-gray, with a slight orange tinge"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green dorsal feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: light yellow plumage",
+        "crown: gray hooded cap",
+        "forehead: gray feathers transitioning to olive-green",
+        "eyes: round, black with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, gray-blue legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray with a slight transition to olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a gray border"
+    ],
+    "gray hooded white eye": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with gray undertones",
+        "crown: gray with a hood-like appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, gray",
+        "wings: gray with white highlights",
+        "nape: subtle gray-to-white transition",
+        "tail: long, white-tinged gray feathers",
+        "throat: clean white plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray legged tinamou": [
+        "back: sleek gray plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and brownish",
+        "belly: soft gray feathers",
+        "breast: lighter gray plumage",
+        "crown: flat, darker gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, black orbs",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray limbs",
+        "wings: strong, broad, gray-colored",
+        "nape: curved, gray contour",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, gray feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray, thin plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray lined hawk": [
+        "back: light gray with fine, darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black with a pale base",
+        "belly: whitish with fine gray lines",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine darker streaks",
+        "crown: gray with a slightly darker shade than the back",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black, round pupil",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: light gray with darker tips and faint barring",
+        "nape: light gray, continuous with the back and crown",
+        "tail: light gray with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray mantled wren": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of brown",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with a grayish tinge",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint barring",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and slightly barred, dark brown",
+        "throat: light gray with a pale buff tinge"
+    ],
+    "gray naped antpitta": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: gray with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: lighter gray",
+        "eyes: black, beady",
+        "legs: long, skinny, pinkish",
+        "wings: gray with patterned coverts",
+        "nape: lighter gray, well-defined",
+        "tail: short, fan-like",
+        "throat: soft white, contrasting"
+    ],
+    "gray necked bunting": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: grayish-black, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertail",
+        "breast: buffy-orange with brown streaks",
+        "crown: gray with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: gray, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: brown with white and gray wingbars",
+        "nape: gray, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with black malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "gray necked rockfowl": [
+        "back: gray and black patterned feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: dark gray feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: black and white striped pattern",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grey with dark claws",
+        "wings: black with a white patch",
+        "nape: gray and black mixed feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with white bars",
+        "throat: dark gray with black markings"
+    ],
+    "gray olive greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers blend into the surroundings",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slender for efficient foraging",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey feathers for insulation",
+        "breast: light grey plumage, ideal for camouflage",
+        "crown: blended greenish-grey feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert eyes for keen observation",
+        "legs: slim, strong legs support agile movement",
+        "wings: olive-green wings for quick, graceful flight",
+        "nape: subtle gray-green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, greenish-gray feathers for balance and maneuverability",
+        "throat: light grey feathers transitioning into the belly area"
+    ],
+    "gray rumped swallow": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: off-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray coloring",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray contour",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: short, black, thin",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grayish-blue",
+        "nape: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: slightly forked, grayish-blue",
+        "throat: white to pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray rumped swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and pointed",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: lighter gray feathers",
+        "crown: darker gray atop the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and clawed",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and gray",
+        "nape: darker gray where neck meets head",
+        "tail: short, gray, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "gray rumped treeswift": [
+        "back: sleek, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and elongated",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft feathers",
+        "breast: light grey with subtle patterns",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: deep black, round and attentive",
+        "legs: short, thin with strong talons",
+        "wings: long, slender with a blend of gray and brown feathers",
+        "nape: well-defined, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, narrow with gray and white edges",
+        "throat: slightly paler gray with delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray sided bush warbler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle brown streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with faint brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray with slight greenish tint",
+        "forehead: light gray with few brown markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint bars and white spots",
+        "nape: gray with a subtle brownish-green hue",
+        "tail: gray-brown with fine white tips and subtle barring",
+        "throat: light gray with a hint of white"
+    ],
+    "gray sided flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with grayish flanks",
+        "breast: white with faint grayish streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-gray",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-gray with darker feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray blending into crown",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, olive-gray",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray sided laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray underside",
+        "breast: light gray with fine speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: black and white striped pattern",
+        "eyes: black with faint white ring",
+        "legs: slender dark gray legs",
+        "wings: olive-gray with darker markings",
+        "nape: gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with lighter tips",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "gray sided scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathering",
+        "beak: hooked, yellow-orange beak",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underfeathers",
+        "breast: slightly warm gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray-feathered top",
+        "forehead: lighter gray shading",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: long, pale yellow-gray",
+        "wings: warm gray-brown with subtle pattern",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, scimitar-shaped, curved",
+        "throat: pale gray-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray sided thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, slightly curved at the tip",
+        "belly: pale white with grayish-brown spots",
+        "breast: creamy-white with grayish-brown spots",
+        "crown: solid gray with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray, almost white",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, with yellow-brown color",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, relatively short",
+        "throat: creamy-white with minimal grayish-brown spots"
+    ],
+    "gray streaked flycatcher": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: round, dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray streaked honeyeater": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle gray streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white, streaked with gray",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with blackish edges",
+        "nape: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with blackish tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray striped spurfowl": [
+        "back: gray and brown striped feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: lighter gray with fine, dark stripes",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle striping",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray striping",
+        "forehead: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: long, strong, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: gray with brown stripes, rounded tips",
+        "nape: dark gray with red-brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, wide, gray with brownish stripes",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly striped"
+    ],
+    "gray tailed piha": [
+        "back: slate-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: slate-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: continuous gray coloring",
+        "eyes: dark brown, black ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: grayish-black with lighter edges",
+        "nape: slate-gray plumage",
+        "tail: elongated gray feathers, lighter tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray tailed tattler": [
+        "back: light gray speckled with darker gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with faint gray stripes",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with a darker gray center stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a pale gray ring",
+        "legs: pale yellowish-green with long, thin toes",
+        "wings: light gray with dark gray bars and white tips",
+        "nape: pale gray with a slightly darker gray stripe",
+        "tail: medium gray with distinct white edges",
+        "throat: white with thin gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray throated babbler": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy light gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: slate gray coloring",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, bright",
+        "legs: thin, black, sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with white accents",
+        "nape: transition from gray to brown",
+        "tail: long, brown-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light gray hue"
+    ],
+    "gray throated barbet": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with black spots",
+        "forehead: bright red patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with black bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with light black streaks"
+    ],
+    "gray throated bulbul": [
+        "back: light olive green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small and slim, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: prominent white streak above eyes",
+        "eyes: small with white eye-ring, black iris",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: rich gray with subtle streaking",
+        "tail: long and dark olive-brown, white-tipped",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "gray throated chat": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: pale gray undersides",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black stalks",
+        "wings: gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray, meeting crest at base",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: distinctive pale gray marking"
+    ],
+    "gray throated leaftosser": [
+        "back: grayish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: pale gray, soft texture",
+        "breast: grayish-white, light streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: black, small, and round",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, strong",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, moderately sized",
+        "nape: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: grayish-brown, short and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: gray, unmarked, and clean"
+    ],
+    "gray throated martin": [
+        "back: slate gray upperparts",
+        "beak: small, dark, and pointy",
+        "belly: white lower belly",
+        "breast: grayish-white chest",
+        "crown: dark gray head",
+        "forehead: light gray streak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: moderately long and dark",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with gray-black coloration",
+        "nape: dark gray",
+        "tail: forked and blackish-gray",
+        "throat: pale gray and narrow"
+    ],
+    "gray throated rail": [
+        "back: covered in soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: lighter gray with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth and pale gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with white streaks and black tips",
+        "nape: back of the neck, dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray and smooth"
+    ],
+    "gray throated sunbird": [
+        "back: grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent blue-green",
+        "crown: dark metallic green",
+        "forehead: bright violet streak",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, centered",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: grayish-green, long, pointed",
+        "nape: gray transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, dark-tipped, black",
+        "throat: silvery-gray, shimmering"
+    ],
+    "gray throated tit flycatcher": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: thin, short, black",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with gray patches",
+        "crown: dark gray with white spots",
+        "forehead: white-eyebrow streak",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: pale gray",
+        "tail: gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "gray throated warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with delicate streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray with black streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: thin and long, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers, long and narrow",
+        "throat: light gray with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "gray throated warbling finch": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white hue",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray cap",
+        "forehead: subtle gray-silver",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, charcoal-gray",
+        "wings: gray with fine barring",
+        "nape: smoky gray shading",
+        "tail: graduation of grays with dark tips",
+        "throat: delicate gray with hint of silver"
+    ],
+    "gray winged blackbird": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black beak for eating insects and seeds",
+        "belly: soft gray feathers extending to the underside",
+        "breast: dark gray plumage on the chest area",
+        "crown: black feathers on top of the head, creating a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: beady, dark brown eyes with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black legs with scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad gray wings with black accent feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: gray feathers transitioning to black at the top area"
+    ],
+    "gray winged cotinga": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers covering the upper back",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish hue",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage on lower abdomen",
+        "breast: medium gray feathers adorning the chest area",
+        "crown: darker gray feathered region on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, gray wings with darker accents on the edges",
+        "nape: gradual transition from the crown to the back with gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with a subtle forked shape",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "gray winged francolin": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle white speckles",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, light brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint white striping",
+        "breast: tawny-gray with fine white streaking",
+        "crown: rusty orange with fine black striping",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a slight orange tinge",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white feathered rings",
+        "legs: strong and featherless, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled gray with white-bordered covert feathers",
+        "nape: gray to rusty orange gradient with black striping",
+        "tail: gray with thin white stripes and black tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with light gray speckles"
+    ],
+    "gray winged inca finch": [
+        "back: smooth gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray with slight streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers with lighter shades",
+        "crown: dark gray crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: lighter gray plumage near eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender black legs with thin toes",
+        "wings: gray with white-tipped feathers, designed for short flights",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray towards the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "gray winged robin chat": [
+        "back: light gray plumage covering the upper back",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle mottled patterns",
+        "breast: rich orange-red blending into white",
+        "crown: grayish feathers with a slightly darker shade than the back",
+        "forehead: transition from gray crown to white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: black with a distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal-gray with slightly curved claws",
+        "wings: light gray feathers with darker flight feathers and patterns",
+        "nape: gray plumage transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with dark bands and white outer tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by the orange-red breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray winged trumpeter": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathering",
+        "breast: smooth gray feathers with a white undertone",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter gray feathering",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: broad, gray feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: smooth, blending gray feathering",
+        "tail: elongated, gray feathers, with white tips and a slight curve",
+        "throat: light gray, almost white feathering with a subtle texture"
+    ],
+    "gray grasshopper warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale brown",
+        "belly: white with a tinge of gray",
+        "breast: pale brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with narrow streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, medium length",
+        "wings: olive-gray with faint bars",
+        "nape: similar to the crown but slightly paler",
+        "tail: grayish-brown, short, square-tipped",
+        "throat: pale cream or white"
+    ],
+    "gray lark": [
+        "back: subtle gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp and black",
+        "belly: light gray-white underfeathers",
+        "breast: smooth gray plumage",
+        "crown: sleek gray crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: broad and gray, built for soaring",
+        "nape: delicate gray hair-like feathers",
+        "tail: fan-like, with gray feathers",
+        "throat: white-gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "grayish baywing": [
+        "back: earthy brown color",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "crown: brown with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with buffy edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with subtle pale tips",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, without streaks"
+    ],
+    "grayish eagle owl": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, sharp, black hook",
+        "belly: soft, light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: smoothly rounded, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray with darker markings",
+        "eyes: large, striking orange or yellow orbs",
+        "legs: feathered, gray, with powerful talons",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-brown with fine barring",
+        "nape: uniform grayish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with distinct bands",
+        "throat: pale gray, well-defined area"
+    ],
+    "grayish miner": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: light gray with white underparts",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: black, beady, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "nape: soft gray with faint stripes",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with white undertones"
+    ],
+    "grayish mourner": [
+        "back: soft-gray feathered",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with a slight hue of white",
+        "breast: light gray and smooth",
+        "crown: subtle darker gray",
+        "forehead: lighter gray shade",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by a gray ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark",
+        "wings: medium gray with a tinge of white",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: gray, elongated with white tips",
+        "throat: delicate light gray"
+    ],
+    "grayish piculet": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with subtle striping",
+        "beak: small, pointed, blackish upper beak and a grayish lower beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with soft streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: transitional pale gray-brown color",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black legs with slender toes",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown, blending into the back color",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown with a narrow band near the tip",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, softly streaked"
+    ],
+    "graylag goose": [
+        "back: pale gray and lightly speckled",
+        "beak: orange with a white tip",
+        "belly: white with light gray markings",
+        "breast: light gray and mildly spotted",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: orange and thick",
+        "wings: gray with bold white-striped edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, elongating towards the back",
+        "tail: grayish-white with black middle feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, bordering the breast"
+    ],
+    "great antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: grayish-white, feathers exhibit barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with lighter gray horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: dusky gray with streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by gray",
+        "legs: long, strong, pale grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded with faint streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: whitish with barred gray sides"
+    ],
+    "great antshrike": [
+        "back: slate-colored with slight feather pattern",
+        "beak: thick, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaking",
+        "breast: contrasting black and white stripes",
+        "crown: black with bushy crest feature",
+        "forehead: black blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a yellow-rim",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: black extending from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "great barbet": [
+        "back: olive-green covering the upper body",
+        "beak: thick and prominent, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with blue highlights",
+        "breast: bluish-grey fading to lighter grey",
+        "crown: bright blue with dark purple streaks",
+        "forehead: vivid blue with black borders",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black outline",
+        "legs: pale grey, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant blue collar with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with black banding",
+        "throat: bright blue with a black border"
+    ],
+    "great bittern": [
+        "back: streaked brown and beige feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale beige with brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with brown markings",
+        "eyes: small, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown with beige streaks and bars",
+        "nape: buff-colored with dark lines",
+        "tail: short, brown with buff bars",
+        "throat: pale beige with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "great black hawk": [
+        "back: dark chocolate feathers",
+        "beak: curved, black, fierce",
+        "belly: tawny brown softness",
+        "breast: smoky chestnut plumage",
+        "crown: majestic, jet-black crown",
+        "forehead: smooth, feathered brow",
+        "eyes: piercing amber gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow talons",
+        "wings: expansive, powerful span",
+        "nape: sleek, charcoal feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, banded feathers",
+        "throat: velvety, chocolate down"
+    ],
+    "great blue turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: large, slightly curved, reddish-yellow",
+        "belly: lighter blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant blue plumage with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey, scaly legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: long, deep blue feathers with hints of green",
+        "nape: striking, blue plumage connecting to the back",
+        "tail: extensive, blue-green feathers with a distinctive split",
+        "throat: bright blue plumage extending down from the beak"
+    ],
+    "great bowerbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: strong, grayish-hued and curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with white spots",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with white streaking",
+        "crown: olive-gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with buff-colored eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale edges on wing feathers",
+        "nape: pale olive-gray with light streaking",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with broad white bands and black tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "great bustard": [
+        "back: light brown with small, dark speckles",
+        "beak: ivory-colored, slightly curved, stout",
+        "belly: white with brown bars",
+        "breast: creamy white with subtle brown markings",
+        "crown: brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, beady, surrounded by brown feathers",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: broad, long, light brown with dark spots",
+        "nape: brown and white-striped, distinct",
+        "tail: short, white with black band, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: creamy white, with some gray flecks"
+    ],
+    "great crested grebe": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed, pale pinkish-white",
+        "belly: white, with tinges of grey",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with a small white patch",
+        "crown: black and glossy, with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: black, connecting to the crown and crest",
+        "eyes: red, bright, positioned on the side of the head",
+        "legs: greenish-grey, set far back, with lobed toes",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, with secondary feathers tipped white",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, extending to sides of the neck",
+        "tail: short, dark brown, with a slight upward curve",
+        "throat: white, bordered by reddish-brown on the neck"
+    ],
+    "great crested tern": [
+        "back: streamlined gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black crest",
+        "forehead: partially white, merging with black crest",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: elongated, gray with hints of white",
+        "nape: transitioning from black to gray plumage",
+        "tail: forked, white with gray edges",
+        "throat: white, with a hint of grayness"
+    ],
+    "great cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: soft rosy-pink hue",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, with subtle grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with thin eyelids",
+        "legs: stout, reddish, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad, elongated, grayish-brown with light markings",
+        "nape: smoothly transitioned grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, graduated, grayish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white with an elongated look"
+    ],
+    "great curassow": [
+        "back: glossy black plumage with a greenish sheen",
+        "beak: stout, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: darkly feathered and voluminous",
+        "breast: black, well-rounded with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: fan-like crest of curled feathers",
+        "forehead: covered with dense, fine feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a patch of bare blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, strong and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide and rounded, black with a slight blue tinge",
+        "nape: distinct silver-gray band around the neck",
+        "tail: long, curving downwards, mostly black with distinctive white or rufous undertail feathers",
+        "throat: dark, small feathers with a hint of iridescence"
+    ],
+    "great dusky swift": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: darker gray, well-defined feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by gray plumage",
+        "legs: short and black, strong for perching",
+        "wings: elongated and tapered, dark gray",
+        "nape: dark gray with a smooth texture",
+        "tail: gray, short and slightly square",
+        "throat: lighter gray, well defined feather pattern"
+    ],
+    "great eared nightjar": [
+        "back: dark, camouflaged plumage",
+        "beak: short, wide gape",
+        "belly: lighter cream and brown tones",
+        "breast: streaked with brown and cream",
+        "crown: dark, prominent crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and nocturnal",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, brown, and mottled",
+        "nape: brown, speckled with black spots",
+        "tail: long, broad, with white and brown bars",
+        "throat: whitish with brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "great elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: dark gray and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underside",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: plain grayish-olive",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-pink and slender",
+        "wings: olive-gray with two light wing bars",
+        "nape: uniform olive-gray",
+        "tail: slightly darker olive-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white and narrow"
+    ],
+    "great frigatebird": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked, grayish color",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: dark feathers with fluffy white patch",
+        "crown: black and glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round, yellow circumorbital ring",
+        "legs: short, dark grey or black",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed black feathers",
+        "nape: thick and glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked, dark feathers",
+        "throat: red, inflatable gular pouch in males"
+    ],
+    "great gray shrike": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle dark barring",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white, slightly mottled",
+        "breast: light gray with minimal streaking",
+        "crown: dark gray with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending to dark gray crown",
+        "eyes: piercing black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark gray with bold white patches",
+        "nape: light gray contrasting with darker crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, elongated and slightly forked",
+        "throat: smooth grayish-white, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "great grebe": [
+        "back: dark, glossy plumage",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with dark spots",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly sloping, black",
+        "eyes: bright red with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, greenish-gray, and partially webbed",
+        "wings: large, powerful, with dark and white feathers",
+        "nape: slender and black",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white with a tufted ruff"
+    ],
+    "great green macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: strong black hooked beak for cracking nuts",
+        "belly: light green feathers on lower abdomen",
+        "breast: bright green plumage on chest area",
+        "crown: green feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers on the head's front",
+        "eyes: black beady eyes with white rings around them",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: large green wings with blue and red undersides",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning into a blue on the neck",
+        "tail: long blue and red tail feathers with green base",
+        "throat: light green feathers around the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "great hornbill": [
+        "back: large, broad, and black with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and yellow with a red base",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: black with a white band",
+        "forehead: adorned with a large, yellow, helmet-like casque",
+        "eyes: small, round, and red-rimmed",
+        "legs: sturdy and charcoal gray",
+        "wings: extensive, black with white tips",
+        "nape: black with a white collar",
+        "tail: elongated with white-bordered, black feathers",
+        "throat: white and slightly wrinkled"
+    ],
+    "great inca finch": [
+        "back: olive-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thick and silver-gray with a curved tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: blackish with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: blackish with feathers protruding forward",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyerings",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-gray with blackish edges and white bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: blackish, long, and graduated with white edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "great indian bustard": [
+        "back: light brown with distinct black and white markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with fine horizontal black lines",
+        "breast: light brown with sparse black markings",
+        "crown: black cap extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: white band contrasting with the black crown",
+        "eyes: dark and positioned on the side of the head",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, pale yellow in color",
+        "wings: large and broad with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: black fading to light brown on the collar",
+        "tail: light brown and fan-shaped with horizontal black bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with a distinctive black collar"
+    ],
+    "great iora": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: yellow to greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark green to olive-green cap",
+        "forehead: smoothly transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish to brownish, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, flowing into back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "great kai white eye": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: soft, light gray plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant green-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, grayish-black",
+        "wings: grayish-green with white accents",
+        "nape: yellow-green with faint white markings",
+        "tail: long, sharp-edged feathers with white and gray shades",
+        "throat: pale gray with a white patch"
+    ],
+    "great knot": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly upturned, and black",
+        "belly: pale, with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by grayish feathers",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: long, brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked with black",
+        "tail: brown with white edges, shorter central feathers",
+        "throat: pale with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "great lizard cuckoo": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: soft grey feathers",
+        "crown: streaked dark grey",
+        "forehead: lighter grey-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long and thin, with dark scales",
+        "wings: broad and brownish-grey in color",
+        "nape: streaked dark grey-brown",
+        "tail: long and fan-like, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "great myna": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-grey, streaked",
+        "breast: greyish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with a hint of gloss",
+        "forehead: small white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a bare yellowish patch around them",
+        "legs: blackish-grey, stout and strong",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches in flight feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black, blending into back",
+        "tail: dark brown, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with sharp, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "great pampa finch": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: white with a pale gray tinge",
+        "breast: white with gray markings",
+        "crown: blackish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: round with black pupil and white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wingbar",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: medium length, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "great parrotbill": [
+        "back: vibrantly feathered with shades of greens, blues, and yellows",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and sharp for cracking nuts/seeds",
+        "belly: soft, off-white feathers with hints of green",
+        "breast: brightly colored, often yellow or orange",
+        "crown: beautiful feathers, usually red or orangish",
+        "forehead: expressive, with bright coloration and narrow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and attentive, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and grey, perfect for hopping/running",
+        "wings: broad and strong, displaying an array of vivid colors",
+        "nape: streaked or mottled with yellows and greens",
+        "tail: long and striking, with feathers fanning into vibrant colors",
+        "throat: delicate and off-white, set off against the bird's bold coloration"
+    ],
+    "great reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with brownish spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a creamy central stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: black and bead-like, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks, rounded shape",
+        "nape: olive-brown, similar to the back coloration",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, olive-brown with darker edges",
+        "throat: pale buff-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "great rosefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson red",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical-shaped, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pinkish-red with white undertones",
+        "breast: rich scarlet hue",
+        "crown: fiery red crown with black flecks",
+        "forehead: striking red with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black feathers with subtle white and red markings",
+        "nape: bold red with black streaks",
+        "tail: lengthy black tail feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: deep red with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "great rufous sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with a rufous tint",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale rufous with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: pale rufous with small dark spots",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy and featherless, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rufous with dark flight feathers and white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and rufous with darker central feathers and lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with a slight rufous tinge"
+    ],
+    "great rufous woodcreeper": [
+        "back: rufous-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: long, decurved, and cream-colored",
+        "belly: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: streaked with rufous-brown and buff",
+        "crown: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale streaked with brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored with lighter streaking",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and rufous-brown",
+        "throat: buffy-white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "great sapphirewing": [
+        "back: shimmering bluish-green feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, elongated black structure",
+        "belly: soft pale blue, feathered underside",
+        "breast: vibrant sapphire-colored plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: rich blue feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark orbs with a slight glint",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray structures with sharp talons",
+        "wings: expansive, sapphire and emerald feathered appendages",
+        "nape: region where the sapphire feathers meet the pale blue belly",
+        "tail: elongated, shimmering blue feathers in a slight fan shape",
+        "throat: light blue plumage that blends into the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "great shearwater": [
+        "back: dark brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, gray-black color",
+        "belly: white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown speckling",
+        "crown: dark brown with well-defined light area on the nape",
+        "forehead: whitish-brown blending to the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a dark ring around them",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, dark brownish-black with a white patch",
+        "nape: contrasting white surrounded by dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark brownish-black, wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white with some brownish markings"
+    ],
+    "great shortwing": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: chestnut brown, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly ruffled crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale brown",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: smooth, pale brown transition to back",
+        "tail: short, broad, brown-black with white tips",
+        "throat: white, lightly streaked, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "great shrike tyrant": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: robust, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with a soft hue",
+        "crown: ashy gray with a streaked texture",
+        "forehead: plain light gray smoothness",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze, encircled with white",
+        "legs: long, slender, black in color",
+        "wings: large, dark gray with white barring",
+        "nape: gray with hints of light brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, with white edges",
+        "throat: clean, pale gray shading"
+    ],
+    "great skua": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with subtle barring",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, light grayish-yellow tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with streaks of brown",
+        "breast: light brown with darker, mottled patterns",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smoothly sloping, with brown and grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, deeply set, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thick, yellow, powerful with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, wide, brownish-grey with white patches",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers with faint streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long, with white at the base, brownish-grey at the tip",
+        "throat: light brown with darker, mottled patterns"
+    ],
+    "great slaty woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark grey slate-like feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, chisel-like black",
+        "belly: faded dark grey feathers",
+        "breast: slightly lighter grey than belly",
+        "crown: red plume for males, dark grey for females",
+        "forehead: dark grey, merging into crown",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and black",
+        "legs: short and strong, light grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with lighter streaks, wide-spanned",
+        "nape: darker grey band below the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with contrasting white patches",
+        "throat: lighter grey, smooth contour"
+    ],
+    "great snipe": [
+        "back: dark brown with heavy black striping",
+        "beak: long, straight, and brownish-grey",
+        "belly: white with fine brown barring",
+        "breast: dark brown with distinct black markings",
+        "crown: black with broad, cream central stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: black, with bright white eyering",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow to yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown and white with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with bold black streaks",
+        "tail: short, white with dark bars and outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "great spinetail": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: robust, slightly curved, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: buffy-white with brownish flanks",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with thin dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a concealed crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black and inconspicuous",
+        "legs: long, strong, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: rounded, with brownish rufous bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, extending from the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "great spotted cuckoo": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: black, strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark gray bars",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark gray bars",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, long and strong",
+        "wings: dark with white spotted feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long with dark gray and white spotted feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark gray bars"
+    ],
+    "great spotted kiwi": [
+        "back: dark, shaggy plumage",
+        "beak: long and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-brown feathers",
+        "breast: speckled gray-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, light gray-brown stripe",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: small, rudimentary, and almost hidden",
+        "nape: shaggy gray-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short and brush-like",
+        "throat: lighter gray-brown plumage"
+    ],
+    "great spotted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black feathers with white bars",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with reddish undertone",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grey-blue with strong toes",
+        "wings: black with white patches, red on underside",
+        "nape: black with white stripe in males, white in females",
+        "tail: blackish, stiff, and graduated, with white edges",
+        "throat: black, bordered by white chin patch"
+    ],
+    "great swallow tailed swift": [
+        "back: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: slim, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray undertones",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: black and smooth",
+        "forehead: thin, pale stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short with strong claws",
+        "wings: elongated, dark, and powerful",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, slender, and deeply forked",
+        "throat: grayish-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "great thick knee": [
+        "back: sleek, gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light cream or white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with marked crease",
+        "forehead: light gray to white plume feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark with thick eyelids",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: gray-brown, streaked with white",
+        "nape: gray-brown feathers with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short, with dark bands and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray or white with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "great thrush": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: robust, slightly curved, yellowish bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale buff with round, black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: strong orange-yellow, with well-defined claws",
+        "wings: large, dark brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: textured brown, long, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: creamy-white with sporadic black spots"
+    ],
+    "great white pelican": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: large, yellow-orange with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white with a slight pink tint",
+        "crown: white feathers, sometimes tinged with yellow",
+        "forehead: white and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark surrounded by a thin, white ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white to pale grey, with black primary feathers visible in flight",
+        "nape: long white feathers extending to the back",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, white feathers",
+        "throat: white and extendable during feeding"
+    ],
+    "great woodswallow": [
+        "back: dark, metallic blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, black, and slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale gray, blending with breast coloring",
+        "breast: light gray with a subtle blue sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent dark blue, matching the back",
+        "forehead: same metallic blue as the crown and back",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong, and black, suited for perching",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark blue with lighter gray-blue tips",
+        "nape: iridescent blue, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: short and square, dark blue with undertail white/light gray",
+        "throat: light gray, seamlessly blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "great billed hermit": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze hue",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-brown",
+        "breast: dark grayish-brown",
+        "crown: greenish with a slight shine",
+        "forehead: bronzed green color",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: greenish-bronze with hints of brown",
+        "nape: iridescent green",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped feathers with a reddish-brown base",
+        "throat: dark grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "great billed heron": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, strong, and pointed, yellow dagger-like",
+        "belly: soft white feathering",
+        "breast: light blue-grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark slate-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: flat, narrow, dark blue-grey feathering",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green and partially feathered",
+        "wings: large, powerful, blue-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: slate-blue, long feathers extending past neck",
+        "tail: dark blue-grey feathers with black banding",
+        "throat: white and unfeathered"
+    ],
+    "great billed kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: large, powerful, and black",
+        "belly: pristine white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with blue streaks",
+        "crown: striking blue crest",
+        "forehead: vivid blue coloring",
+        "eyes: sharp, penetrating gaze",
+        "legs: short but sturdy, with strong feet",
+        "wings: long, blue, with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue with a distinct black collar",
+        "tail: broad, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "great billed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: large and robust, dark-colored upper beak",
+        "belly: light green feathers transitioning to yellow near the tail",
+        "breast: bright green plumage on the upper chest area",
+        "crown: green feathers on top of its head, sometimes with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: vibrant green feathers at the front of the head",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and gray, with zygodactyl feet for grasping branches",
+        "wings: vibrant green with a slightly darker hue covers the primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: green feathers that continue from the crown down to the back",
+        "tail: long, broad, green feathers with yellowish tips",
+        "throat: light green feathers leading to chest area, sometimes with a bluish tinge"
+    ],
+    "great billed seed finch": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, robust, silver-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: black, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown, in line with the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with rounded edges",
+        "throat: creamy white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "great winged petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, narrow, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, dark grey",
+        "forehead: sloping, dark grey",
+        "eyes: dark, well-defined circles",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish hue",
+        "wings: long, slender, pointed tips",
+        "nape: grey, transitioning to white",
+        "tail: forked, lighter grey",
+        "throat: white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "greater adjutant": [
+        "back: long, greyish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: large, yellowish, and hooked",
+        "belly: light grey with minimal feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: small crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: receding, with sparse feathers",
+        "eyes: small and bright yellow",
+        "legs: long, thick, and yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: broad with blue-grey feathers",
+        "nape: featherless, reddish-pink skin",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with grey feathers",
+        "throat: bare, pinkish, and pendulous"
+    ],
+    "greater ani": [
+        "back: glossy black with green and blue iridescence",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, distinct black color",
+        "belly: deep black with a hint of bluish shine",
+        "breast: dark black with a slight shimmer",
+        "crown: smooth black with subtle iridescence",
+        "forehead: glossy black merging seamlessly into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, giving a striking contrast against black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, black and perfectly adapted to perching",
+        "wings: iridescent black with a large wingspan for agile flight",
+        "nape: deep black, merging with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, black, with a slight curve at the tip",
+        "throat: black feathers, slightly puffed out for prominence"
+    ],
+    "greater antillean bullfinch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight grayish hue",
+        "beak: stout, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with a hint of olive",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray than the belly, with olive tinges",
+        "crown: glossy black with a smooth, rounded appearance",
+        "forehead: shiny black, blended into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a thin black circle",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black tips and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back coloration",
+        "tail: short with black feathers and white outer tips",
+        "throat: glossy black, similar to the crown and forehead"
+    ],
+    "greater antillean elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper body",
+        "beak: short, dark, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: light olive-grey front",
+        "crown: smooth olive-brown crest",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter olive hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent white marks",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending with back",
+        "tail: moderately long, olive-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: whitish-cream continuing from breast"
+    ],
+    "greater antillean grackle": [
+        "back: shiny black with bluish-green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark in color",
+        "belly: glossy black feathers with a slight shine",
+        "breast: deep black with a reflective sheen",
+        "crown: striking black with hints of shimmering green",
+        "forehead: dark, glossy feathers with a prominent brow",
+        "eyes: bright yellow orbs that stand out against dark feathering",
+        "legs: strong, long, and dark gray",
+        "wings: black iridescent feathers with prominent primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers with a greenish-blue gloss",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped black feathers with iridescent reflections",
+        "throat: black, sleek feathers extending down to the breast-area"
+    ],
+    "greater bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant green and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: fiery orange-red feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent emerald green",
+        "forehead: glossy black plumage",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: strong, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: shades of brown and black with yellow underwings",
+        "nape: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, thin, and wiry with ornate plumes",
+        "throat: deep and velvety black"
+    ],
+    "greater black coucal": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "breast: deep black with grey undertones",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers",
+        "forehead: shining black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin black circle",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: black with hints of green and purple",
+        "nape: black with fine feather texture",
+        "tail: long, black, graduated feathers",
+        "throat: dark black, slightly fluffy"
+    ],
+    "greater blue eared starling": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: dark, slender, slightly-curved beak",
+        "belly: glossy blue-to-purple feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering violet-blue plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek metallic blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: long, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with a hint of purple",
+        "nape: vibrant blue-green merging with the back",
+        "tail: long, iridescent blue-to-purple feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming violet-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "greater bluebonnet": [
+        "back: deep blue with slight black patterns",
+        "beak: strong, black, short, and conical",
+        "belly: white with light blue streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant blue mix with white",
+        "crown: blue-black surrounded by white circle",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, beady, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: transitional blue shades between crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black and blue with white corners",
+        "throat: white extending downwards from beak"
+    ],
+    "greater coucal": [
+        "back: deep black with subtle green and purple sheen",
+        "beak: strong, stout and curved, dark gray color",
+        "belly: striking chestnut brown",
+        "breast: dark black with a slight bluish-green hue",
+        "crown: glossy black with a greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a prominent circular white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray, well-adapted for walking",
+        "wings: large and broad, mostly black with a tint of green and brown edges",
+        "nape: glossy black, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: long with a broad white band and chestnut-brown tips",
+        "throat: black with a blue-toned sheen, neatly merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "greater double collared sunbird": [
+        "back: slender dark green body",
+        "beak: long, curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: iridescent purplish-red band",
+        "crown: shiny emerald green feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and sparkling",
+        "legs: thin and dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-black with blue-green sheen",
+        "nape: bright green with hints of blue",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: luminous orange-red patch"
+    ],
+    "greater flameback": [
+        "back: dark green feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, blackish bill",
+        "belly: white and finely barred with black",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: bright red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: red in males, black in females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong toes",
+        "wings: black primary feathers with white spots, greenish secondary feathers",
+        "nape: red in males, black in females",
+        "tail: black with white barring and a red undertail",
+        "throat: white with black lines"
+    ],
+    "greater flamingo": [
+        "back: curved, pinkish-white feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black-tipped",
+        "belly: fluffy, white feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant pink plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, pale pink feathers",
+        "forehead: flattish, pinkish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, surrounded by pink skin",
+        "legs: thin, long, coral pink with webbed feet",
+        "wings: wide, pink-edged with black primaries",
+        "nape: long, slender, pinkish-white feathers",
+        "tail: short, pinkish-white with black tips",
+        "throat: fluffy, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "greater flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: dark blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: bluish-gray, with lighter shades towards the vent",
+        "breast: deep blue-gray plumage",
+        "crown: black, with a short blue crest",
+        "forehead: black, with contrasting white eyebrow streak",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by thin blue eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: dark blue, medium pointed-edges",
+        "nape: black, transitioning to blue-gray",
+        "tail: medium length, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: white to light gray, framed by black plumage from forehead"
+    ],
+    "greater green leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue tinges",
+        "beak: slim, pointy and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green",
+        "breast: bright, yellow-green",
+        "crown: deep green with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: vivid blue-green",
+        "eyes: small, round with black pupils",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: green with prominent blue feathers",
+        "nape: bright yellow-green",
+        "tail: long, green with blue edges",
+        "throat: light green-yellow"
+    ],
+    "greater ground robin": [
+        "back: rich shades of olive-brown and gray",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale creamy white with rufous tones",
+        "breast: ruddy orange-red with streaks",
+        "crown: dark slate gray or blue-gray",
+        "forehead: mix of slate gray and olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray, adapted for ground foraging",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white spots and rufous edging",
+        "nape: slate gray or blue-gray, fading into olive-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with rufous outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white hues",
+        "crown: blackish brown",
+        "forehead: pale yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust and gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and buff markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown transitioning from head",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white feather tips",
+        "throat: white with grayish tints"
+    ],
+    "greater hoopoe lark": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale sandy color with minimal markings",
+        "breast: buff with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: pale buff blending to the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: subdued brown with white markings",
+        "nape: buff with slight streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale sandy with a slightly darker patch"
+    ],
+    "greater kestrel": [
+        "back: light brown with dark brown speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: pale brownish-grey with dark spots",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey with small dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and intimidating",
+        "legs: yellowish with curved talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with brown and grey markings",
+        "nape: pale grey with dark spots",
+        "tail: light brown with dark bars and a grey tip",
+        "throat: white with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "greater lophorina": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, striking black",
+        "belly: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "breast: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-black with subtle green sheen",
+        "eyes: intense, dark brown",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: long, curved with shimmering blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black",
+        "tail: long, curved, with magnificent blue-black plumage",
+        "throat: vibrant, rich blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "greater melampitta": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, black-colored",
+        "belly: black with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "breast: deep black with a slight green sheen",
+        "crown: black feathers with a green gloss",
+        "forehead: shimmers with a green iridescent sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black",
+        "legs: strong, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black glossy feathers with a green sheen",
+        "nape: black feathers with a slight green tint",
+        "tail: black, medium-length, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: black and glossy with very subtle green highlights"
+    ],
+    "greater necklaced laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with distinct black necklace-like markings",
+        "crown: grayish brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: grayish white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white markings",
+        "legs: robust, pale pinkish gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater painted snipe": [
+        "back: brownish-black with subtle green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, curved, and brownish-black",
+        "belly: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: brown with grayish-white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with buffy-white stripes",
+        "forehead: whitish-brown, extending to a white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a noticeable white eyering",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green with elongated toes",
+        "wings: long, brown with green iridescence and white wingbar",
+        "nape: dark brown with buffy striations",
+        "tail: short, brown with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with slight grayish streaking"
+    ],
+    "greater racket tailed drongo": [
+        "back: dark glossy black plumage",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, black beak",
+        "belly: deep black with silky texture",
+        "breast: shiny black with metallic sheen",
+        "crown: slightly raised black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark black contour",
+        "eyes: piercing red or dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, black, and slender",
+        "wings: large, black, and slightly rounded",
+        "nape: black, glossy neck feathers",
+        "tail: elongated outer tail feathers with unique racket-shaped tips",
+        "throat: black, glossy chin and throat area"
+    ],
+    "greater rhea": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathers with a slightly flattened appearance",
+        "beak: large, slightly hooked, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: light grey feathers with a slightly protruding shape",
+        "breast: robust, covered in greyish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: topped with small, dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter shade of grey feathers than the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: large and round with a pale ring around them",
+        "legs: long, strong, and featherless with large, clawed feet",
+        "wings: small, vestigial wings covered in long, shaggy feathers",
+        "nape: lighter grey feathers that run down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-like feathers that are brownish-grey",
+        "throat: relatively bare with light grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "greater sand plover": [
+        "back: pale brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: relatively long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown feather tips",
+        "crown: light grayish-brown with black flecks",
+        "forehead: white and small band of black",
+        "eyes: black with dull-gold eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and dull yellowish-green",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown with black flecks",
+        "tail: short and predominantly white with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with a thin, black band separating it from the breast"
+    ],
+    "greater scythebill": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved scythe-like",
+        "belly: whitish-cream, with light streaks",
+        "breast: gray-brown, thin streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red, unmarked",
+        "forehead: pale-gray, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, small, blends with plumage",
+        "legs: strong, brown, scaly",
+        "wings: olive-brown, medium-length",
+        "nape: rusty-red, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: olive-brown, barred with dark bands",
+        "throat: white, with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater short toed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pale in color",
+        "belly: creamy-white hue",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and long",
+        "wings: brown with lighter fringes",
+        "nape: brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater spotted eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown with white spots",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: buff-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: powerful yellow-orange",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater striped swallow": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, narrow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with faint stripes",
+        "crown: deep blue-black, glossy",
+        "forehead: bright white with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, and bold-striped",
+        "nape: shiny blue-black with a slight stripe",
+        "tail: long, forked, dark with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by chestnut streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater swamp warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, black color",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale brownish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater thornbird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage with white speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown crest feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, slender, and brownish-grey",
+        "wings: large, brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "nape: rufous brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater vasa parrot": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle greyish highlights",
+        "beak: robust, charcoal grey, and hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale grey with a slight hint of brown",
+        "breast: darker grey with a modest olive tinge",
+        "crown: muted olive-grey, smoothly blending into the forehead",
+        "forehead: soft grey with a subtle olive hue",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent yellow set in an off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grey, with sturdy zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: long, greyish-olive with faint blue edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: slightly lighter grey, smoothly blending into the back",
+        "tail: broad, greyish-olive, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale grey fading towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "greater wagtail tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, long, and thin",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light chestnut-brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a hidden crest",
+        "forehead: pale white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with hidden yellow patch",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by chestnut-brown"
+    ],
+    "greater whitethroat": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray-brown",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown color",
+        "eyes: dark, round, beady",
+        "legs: thin, long, dark gray",
+        "wings: rounded, grayish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: lighter gray-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white, sharply defined"
+    ],
+    "greater yellow finch": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green color",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow with hints of green",
+        "crown: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "forehead: lime-green shading to gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark slate with green-yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, dark gray with yellow",
+        "throat: bright yellow merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "greater yellow headed vulture": [
+        "back: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large and hooked, whitish-yellow",
+        "belly: blackish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: featherless, grayish-blue head",
+        "forehead: small patch of white skin",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing pupils",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue, scaly",
+        "wings: long, wide-span, blackish-brown",
+        "nape: featherless grayish-blue skin",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: bare, wrinkled grayish-blue skin"
+    ],
+    "greater yellownape": [
+        "back: olive green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow",
+        "crown: bright yellow with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow and slightly raised",
+        "eyes: medium-sized with dark brown color",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright yellow and striking",
+        "tail: olive green with some yellow",
+        "throat: pale green"
+    ],
+    "green aracari": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: large, yellow with black tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy green-black head",
+        "forehead: striking green-black color",
+        "eyes: large, dark and expressive",
+        "legs: short, gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-black with yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-black feathers surrounding the neck",
+        "tail: long, green and black banded feathers",
+        "throat: deep, rich yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "green avadavat": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pale-colored, conical shape",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: lighter green with scaled pattern",
+        "crown: rich green plumage",
+        "forehead: brilliant green extension of the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady orbs",
+        "legs: thin, greyish twigs with tiny toes",
+        "wings: bright green with hints of yellow and faint barring",
+        "nape: continuation of the green crown",
+        "tail: sleek, green-yellow feathers with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale, yellowish-green with delicate scaling"
+    ],
+    "green barbet": [
+        "back: emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, red-tipped beak",
+        "belly: pale green underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: bright green, bushy crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant lime-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, circular gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish",
+        "wings: striking green with black pattern",
+        "nape: rich green, curved neck",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: lighter green, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "green catbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the spine",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light greenish-grey with subdued streaks",
+        "breast: pale green with minimal streaking",
+        "crown: smoothly transitioned olive-green feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: same color as the crown with no distinguishing markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive against the lighter green face",
+        "legs: dark grayish-black with three forward-facing and one backward-facing toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with subtle patterning in flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuous olive-green feathers from the back of the head to the upper back",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with darker rectrices and a squared-off end",
+        "throat: pale greenish-grey in color, merges with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "green cochoa": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light turquoise-green",
+        "breast: bright green hues",
+        "crown: iridescent green",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: green with bold blue edges",
+        "nape: shining green plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: light green and smooth"
+    ],
+    "green crombec": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale creamy-yellow hue",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow",
+        "crown: green feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, green blending to the crown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with a slightly darker panel",
+        "nape: green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, green with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "green figbird": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: warm yellowish-green, smooth plumage",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-black cap",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant green connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black, with green and yellow edges",
+        "throat: rich golden-yellow, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "green hermit": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved shape",
+        "belly: lighter green hue",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: slight iridescent sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with elongated primary feathers",
+        "nape: green fading to blue hues",
+        "tail: long, split central feathers",
+        "throat: white feathered patch"
+    ],
+    "green heron": [
+        "back: dark green, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, dagger-like",
+        "belly: light-colored, grayish-green plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-green, white streaks",
+        "crown: dark blackish-green, sleek",
+        "forehead: greenish-black, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, focused gaze",
+        "legs: long, yellowish, and slender",
+        "wings: green, blue, black feathers intermingled",
+        "nape: greenish, sometimes with white spots",
+        "tail: short, dark green, square-shaped",
+        "throat: white to gray, sometimes streaked"
+    ],
+    "green honeycreeper": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long and black",
+        "belly: light green scaling down",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering green-blue",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-green gradient",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slim, black limbs",
+        "wings: green feathers with dark edges",
+        "nape: brilliant green-blue hue",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers",
+        "throat: deep blue patch"
+    ],
+    "green hylia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow-green plumage",
+        "breast: soft greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright green crest",
+        "forehead: sleek green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: green blending to yellow with white streaks",
+        "nape: slightly darker green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, green, and narrow with white tips",
+        "throat: yellow-green feathers with subtle detail"
+    ],
+    "green ibis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale green, soft plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green chest feathers",
+        "crown: glossy green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, bright green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, adaptable wading legs",
+        "wings: broad, wide-spanning, green flight feathers",
+        "nape: emerald green connecting head and back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, green feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "throat: light green, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "green imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth green plumage",
+        "beak: short and curved, grayish color",
+        "belly: pale green with a hint of grayish-blue",
+        "breast: vibrant green with blue sheen",
+        "crown: glossy green and smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage, fades into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and gray, scaled",
+        "wings: vibrant green with a hint of blue, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: pale green, smooth feather transition",
+        "tail: square-shaped, shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: light green with a silver sheen"
+    ],
+    "green inca": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: shimmering green hue",
+        "breast: iridescent green plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant green with crest-like feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming emerald feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: strong and slender, black with green tinge",
+        "wings: deep green with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: radiant green, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent green with fine black lines",
+        "throat: bright green with subtle scale-like pattern"
+    ],
+    "green indigobird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale green with slight streaks",
+        "breast: bright green, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: iridescent green crest",
+        "forehead: shiny green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue, streamlined",
+        "nape: green feathers fading to blue",
+        "tail: long, tapering, green-blue",
+        "throat: brilliant green, smooth"
+    ],
+    "green iora": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow-green underparts",
+        "breast: brighter yellow-green plumage",
+        "crown: dark green with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: bold emerald tinge",
+        "eyes: small, black, with light eye rings",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: green with black and yellow highlights",
+        "nape: rich green with smooth feathering",
+        "tail: green with black central feathers and yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow-green patch"
+    ],
+    "green jery": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale green with fine streaks",
+        "breast: bright green with subtle markings",
+        "crown: smooth dark green feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of green",
+        "eyes: round and black with a soft white ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with slender toes",
+        "wings: vivid green, broad, and rounded",
+        "nape: deep green feathers smoothly connected to the crown",
+        "tail: long, tapered, and green with darker tips",
+        "throat: faintly-striped green area leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "green junglefowl": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: bright red-orange",
+        "crown: lustrous emerald green",
+        "forehead: blue-green with small crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyelid",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: shiny greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-black with white accents",
+        "throat: light cream with fine feathering"
+    ],
+    "green longtail": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter green hue",
+        "breast: shimmering green feathers",
+        "crown: rich green, smooth texture",
+        "forehead: sleek, bright green",
+        "eyes: small, dark beads",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-green",
+        "wings: emerald-toned, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: golden-green, slight curve",
+        "tail: extended, thin, lime-green streamers",
+        "throat: soft green, smooth silhouette"
+    ],
+    "green malkoha": [
+        "back: vibrant green fading to blue",
+        "beak: slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: greenish-yellow with black bars",
+        "breast: pale green, barred",
+        "crown: iridescent green-blue",
+        "forehead: bright green, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark with white inner circle",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: green-blue, long with broad feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green, narrow",
+        "tail: long, graduated, green with black bands",
+        "throat: pale green with black bars"
+    ],
+    "green manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black beak for berry consumption",
+        "belly: light green underbelly for better blending",
+        "breast: bright green feathers for visual attraction",
+        "crown: green and slightly raised for a distinct appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth green feathers meeting at a point",
+        "eyes: rounded, dark eyes for sharp vision",
+        "legs: short and slender legs for perching on branches",
+        "wings: green primaries and secondaries for quick, agile flight",
+        "nape: light green feathers covering the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, green, fan-like feathers for balance in flight",
+        "throat: light green feathers, blending seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "green mango": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: lighter green shade with soft feathers",
+        "breast: emerald green plumage",
+        "crown: striking green crest on the head",
+        "forehead: smooth and bright green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: vivid green with extended feathers",
+        "nape: rich green feathers, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: long, tapering green feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale green merging into the breast"
+    ],
+    "green oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, silver",
+        "belly: light yellow-green hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep green crest",
+        "forehead: lime-green sheen",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: mix of green and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: rich emerald coloring",
+        "tail: lengthy, green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathering"
+    ],
+    "green parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the main body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, beige-colored beak",
+        "belly: lighter shade of green feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: bright green feathers on the upper chest area",
+        "crown: smooth, flat, emerald-green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: flattened area above the beak with vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black eyes with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: two slender, gray legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: long, green feathers for powerful flight capabilities",
+        "nape: area at the base of the neck with slightly darker green feathers",
+        "tail: extended, slim green feathers for balance and maneuverability",
+        "throat: soft, lime green feathers on the front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "green peafowl": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, pale grey",
+        "belly: metallic green-blue plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "crown: sleek bluish-green crest",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers, blue-green hue",
+        "eyes: deep brown, alert gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown, scaled",
+        "wings: sweeping, blue-green with eye-spots",
+        "nape: gleaming green and blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, elegant train, with iridescent eye-spots",
+        "throat: greenish-blue, shimmering feathers"
+    ],
+    "green pheasant": [
+        "back: verdant, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, sturdy, pale yellow",
+        "belly: greenish-yellow, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green chest feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald crest",
+        "forehead: bright green, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: rich green, wide-spread feathers",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, green plumes",
+        "tail: lengthy, green-barred feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant green, sleek plumage"
+    ],
+    "green pygmy goose": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with blackish edges",
+        "beak: short, light gray with black tip",
+        "belly: white with pale green sheen",
+        "breast: pale gray with greenish shine",
+        "crown: dark green with subtle iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth green transitioning to darker crown",
+        "eyes: brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark gray, and partially webbed",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black and white markings",
+        "nape: dark green with faint sheen",
+        "tail: black with white edges, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale gray with lighter feather highlights"
+    ],
+    "green racquet tail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: lighter green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: green with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: gray with sharp, curved claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green, large, and pointed",
+        "nape: green transitioning to a lighter shade",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with unique racket-like shape",
+        "throat: slightly paler green feathers"
+    ],
+    "green rosella": [
+        "back: rich green feathers covering the main body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked upper beak and lower mandible",
+        "belly: lighter green plumage with yellow undertones",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers with patches of red",
+        "crown: bright green feathers at the top of the head",
+        "forehead: brilliant green feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive eyes surrounded by a vivid green mask",
+        "legs: gray scaly legs with four zygodactylous toes",
+        "wings: deep green flight feathers with blue on outer edges",
+        "nape: rich green feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, green and blue feathers with a yellow tip",
+        "throat: light green plumage blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "green sandpiper": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark speckles",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white with light greenish hue",
+        "breast: pale grayish-green with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark green with a white eyestripe",
+        "forehead: greenish-gray with a dark central streak",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: bright yellow-green",
+        "wings: dark green with white edgings",
+        "nape: greenish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: dark green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of green"
+    ],
+    "green shrike babbler": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: lighter green shades",
+        "crown: green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: grayish blue",
+        "wings: green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: light green feathering",
+        "tail: long, green with black banding",
+        "throat: pale green-yellow"
+    ],
+    "green shrike vireo": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathering",
+        "beak: short and stout, sharp hook",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: light green, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: bright green, defined crest",
+        "forehead: rich green, small feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, black ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish, strong grip",
+        "wings: vivid green, patterned feathers",
+        "nape: pale green, slightly curved",
+        "tail: long and narrow, green hues",
+        "throat: soft yellow, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "green thorntail": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: slender, long, and black",
+        "belly: soft white with a hint of green",
+        "breast: brilliant green and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: sparkling green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green with a curved shape",
+        "eyes: round and black with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender, black, and perched",
+        "wings: long and green with swift beats",
+        "nape: lustrous green feathers meeting the wings",
+        "tail: elegant white plumes with a forked shape",
+        "throat: gleaming green transitioning into white"
+    ],
+    "green tinkerbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black in color",
+        "belly: light green with slight yellow tint",
+        "breast: underside with shades of green and yellow",
+        "crown: radiant green head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green with a smooth feather pattern",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black in color",
+        "legs: extended, strong, black in color and scaly",
+        "wings: green feathers with varying shades and dark edges",
+        "nape: blended green gradient at the base of the head",
+        "tail: long, pointy feathers with a mix of green hues",
+        "throat: light green, adjoining the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "green warbler finch": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green hue",
+        "breast: light green with soft streaks",
+        "crown: bright green with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: black, lively, encircled by pale gray",
+        "legs: slender, dark-gray",
+        "wings: rich green, short, rounded",
+        "nape: green, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, greenish-gray",
+        "throat: muted yellow with delicate markings"
+    ],
+    "green white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: light green with subtle white markings",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: rich green crest on the head",
+        "forehead: emerald green with a white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: large, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with white eye-ring extending around it",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale green with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "green woodhoopoe": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: soft green shade with a slight sheen",
+        "breast: shimmering green-turquoise plumage",
+        "crown: metallic green head feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy green forepart of the head",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated green feathers with metallic blue spots",
+        "nape: iridescent green plumage on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated green tail feathers with a white tip",
+        "throat: glossy green feathers with a hint of blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "green and black fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green, feathered",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light green, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: forest green, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: dark green, sleek",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: mixed green and black, long feathers",
+        "nape: rich green, curved plumage",
+        "tail: green and black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: lighter green, short feathers"
+    ],
+    "green and gold tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black",
+        "belly: shimmering golden hue",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: deep black with white surrounding",
+        "legs: grayish, slender limbs",
+        "wings: mix of green and gold feathers",
+        "nape: lush green feathers",
+        "tail: long and green with gold highlights",
+        "throat: radiant golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "green and rufous kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and sharp for catching prey",
+        "belly: light green and white mix, softly blending into the breast",
+        "breast: bright orange-rufous feathers fading into belly",
+        "crown: rich green feathers on the top part of the head",
+        "forehead: vivid green, just above the eyes and leading into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, focused, and alert, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slim, strong, and lightly feathered for perching on branches",
+        "wings: green plumage with blue-tipped secondaries for agile flight",
+        "nape: green transition from crown to back of the bird",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue stripes, aiding in swift movements",
+        "throat: elegant white feathers meeting the rufous breast"
+    ],
+    "green and white hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white with a hint of green",
+        "crown: iridescent green",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: dainty and dark grey",
+        "wings: rapid, glinting green",
+        "nape: rich green hue",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, green and white",
+        "throat: gleaming white patch"
+    ],
+    "green backed becard": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: white with light yellow highlights",
+        "crown: greenish-black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: transition from greenish-black to bright green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin, and sturdy",
+        "wings: bright green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: vivid green, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated feathers, dark green with black banding",
+        "throat: pristine white, contrasting with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "green backed camaroptera": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: muted yellow feathers",
+        "crown: sleek green crest",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: thin, grey, agile",
+        "wings: vibrant green, medium length",
+        "nape: light green, curved neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, green",
+        "throat: light yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "green backed eremomela": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and dark",
+        "belly: light yellow and soft",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green and smooth",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: green with visible flight feathers",
+        "nape: green and slightly raised",
+        "tail: green, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellow and feathered"
+    ],
+    "green backed firecrown": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slender black",
+        "belly: white with greenish hue",
+        "breast: white with iridescent bronze",
+        "crown: shiny green cap",
+        "forehead: iridescent green with black border",
+        "eyes: dark round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short dark-gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green-black with rapid movement",
+        "nape: metallic green patch",
+        "tail: glossy dark with forked center",
+        "throat: bright orange-red hues"
+    ],
+    "green backed flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white beneath green feathers",
+        "breast: green with white undertones",
+        "crown: bright green plumage",
+        "forehead: green with slight curve",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, round",
+        "legs: thin, grey, strong",
+        "wings: green on top, white on bottom",
+        "nape: green with feathered neckline",
+        "tail: long, green with white tips",
+        "throat: white patch below beak"
+    ],
+    "green backed gerygone": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: pale, cream color",
+        "breast: light yellowish hue",
+        "crown: green with streaks",
+        "forehead: green-colored plumage",
+        "eyes: tiny black dots",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: green with subtle barring",
+        "nape: green with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long and greenish-brown",
+        "throat: pale with yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "green backed hillstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft cream feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering green gradient",
+        "crown: iridescent emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated and pointed",
+        "nape: metallic green hue",
+        "tail: forked and dark-feathered",
+        "throat: dazzling golden-green"
+    ],
+    "green backed honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly-curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with green hues",
+        "breast: bright, yellow feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: bright green, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with light eyering",
+        "legs: thin, gray, with strong claws",
+        "wings: green, patterned, with yellow edges",
+        "nape: rich green plumage, slight crest",
+        "tail: long, green feathers, with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "green backed honeyguide": [
+        "back: bright green with slightly darker feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharply hooked, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with diffuse streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth greenish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with bold white edges",
+        "nape: greenish-gray, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: dark greenish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "green backed kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale blueish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light blue feathers transitioning into the paler belly",
+        "crown: bright green and slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: vivid green with a smooth texture",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: short, strong, and bright red-orange",
+        "wings: green with darker blueish-black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, green, and subtly forked with dark blue tips",
+        "throat: brilliant turquoise-blue with a hint of white"
+    ],
+    "green backed robin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with faint speckles",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: deep green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: forest green",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and slate-gray",
+        "wings: long, green with intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: green-blues blend seamlessly",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, green with white tips",
+        "throat: pale, subtle green"
+    ],
+    "green backed sparrow": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with greyish tinges",
+        "crown: olive green with well-defined central stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth, light green transition to crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, reddish-brown, strong",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white edging",
+        "nape: olive green with distinctive streaking",
+        "tail: long, brown with noticeable white corners",
+        "throat: pale white, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "green backed tailorbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointy, and dark",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: light green to yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: green with rufous-colored patch",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slim, light grey, with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark with a hint of green",
+        "throat: pale yellow, slightly rufous"
+    ],
+    "green backed tit": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with yellow tinge",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: green and spikey",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, agile",
+        "wings: multicolored, strong",
+        "nape: green, feathered",
+        "tail: long, green, fanned",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "green backed trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with light green undertones",
+        "breast: rich yellowish-green",
+        "crown: shimmering green head",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-blue",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black markings",
+        "nape: gradient from green to yellowish-green",
+        "tail: long, emerald green, white band at the tip",
+        "throat: pale yellow, green fading"
+    ],
+    "green backed twinspot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a spotted pattern",
+        "beak: short, sharp and silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with orange-red speckles",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red with white spots",
+        "crown: green with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish with a faint black stripe",
+        "eyes: black and beady, encircled by thin white rings",
+        "legs: slim and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black and white bars",
+        "nape: green with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: long and pointed, green with white tips",
+        "throat: bright orange-red with a white patch"
+    ],
+    "green backed whistler": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green with yellow highlights",
+        "forehead: green with thin yellow streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and agile",
+        "wings: green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: green with subtle yellow markings",
+        "tail: long, green, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light yellow with soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "green backed white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pointed for pecking insects",
+        "belly: pale white underside with a hint of green",
+        "breast: white plumage blending into the green back",
+        "crown: green feathers smoothly transitioning from the forehead",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage tapering to the eyes",
+        "eyes: striking white eye-ring surrounding dark, round pupils",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown limbs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: bold green feathers designed for agile flight",
+        "nape: green plumage seamlessly connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: green feathers that fan out for balance and maneuverability",
+        "throat: white feathers blending with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "green backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: green feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: strong, grey chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: off-white with black spots",
+        "breast: vibrant red patch",
+        "crown: bright red crest",
+        "forehead: red extends to the forehead",
+        "eyes: circular, dark brown with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with black-bordered white spots",
+        "nape: green with black speckles",
+        "tail: black and white barred feathers",
+        "throat: soft gray with faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "green barred woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark green with thin black bars",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like grayish beak",
+        "belly: pale with sparse green bars",
+        "breast: light green with faint black bars",
+        "crown: red or rusty-brown crest",
+        "forehead: light green bordering the beak",
+        "eyes: black with white eyelids",
+        "legs: grayish with three strong toes",
+        "wings: dark green with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: light green with black bars",
+        "tail: green and black barred with stiff central feathers",
+        "throat: light green with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "green bearded helmetcrest": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender black beak",
+        "belly: lighter green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: green feathers with metallic blue crest",
+        "forehead: metallic blue band above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: black, small, and agile",
+        "wings: green with strong, pointed flight feathers",
+        "nape: green plumage connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white beard-like tuft of feathers"
+    ],
+    "green bellied hummingbird": [
+        "back: shimmering emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter green with a white undertone",
+        "breast: iridescent greenish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright, radiant green",
+        "forehead: metallic green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, slender, with tiny claws",
+        "wings: rapid, blurred movement in shades of green",
+        "nape: deep green, transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: squared-off, green feathered tips",
+        "throat: vibrant green transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "green billed coucal": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: blackish-brown with green gloss",
+        "breast: dark green with slight iridescence",
+        "crown: blackish with green sheen",
+        "forehead: sleek, dark green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with a hint of green",
+        "legs: sturdy, greenish-gray",
+        "wings: green and black feathers with blue iridescence",
+        "nape: dark green, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, blackish-green feathers with iridescent highlights",
+        "throat: glossy dark green feathers"
+    ],
+    "green billed malkoha": [
+        "back: shades of green and dark brown, extended pattern",
+        "beak: vivid green, curved and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: soft pale green with brown spots",
+        "breast: grayish-green, narrow bars",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with a short crest",
+        "forehead: light green transitioning to brownish crest",
+        "eyes: surround by blue, small and sharp",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, slender and strong",
+        "wings: mix of greens and browns, overlapping feathers",
+        "nape: light green, blending into back pattern",
+        "tail: elongated greenish feathers, white tips",
+        "throat: light green, tinged with grey-brown"
+    ],
+    "green breasted bushshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright green with yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: striking green feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: rich green hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: deep green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: lighter green, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: elongated, vivid green with dark tips",
+        "throat: vivid green with soft feather texture"
+    ],
+    "green breasted mango": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: green with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: emerald green headcap",
+        "forehead: green fusing into yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: gray, slender",
+        "wings: shiny green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, feathers in shades of green",
+        "throat: green, smoothly connecting to belly"
+    ],
+    "green breasted mountain gem": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter green hue",
+        "breast: bright emerald green",
+        "crown: iridescent green head",
+        "forehead: shimmering green fringes",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: fast-beating green plumage",
+        "nape: rich green, meeting crown",
+        "tail: elongated, forked feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant green plumage"
+    ],
+    "green breasted pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved beak",
+        "belly: rich orange-yellow lower body feathers",
+        "breast: bold, blue-green plumage on the upper chest",
+        "crown: striking green feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: prominent blue stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, pale pink legs",
+        "wings: rich green primary feathers with blue edges",
+        "nape: blue and green plumage on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with black and white bands",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "green capped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: light green plumage",
+        "crown: striking emerald green",
+        "forehead: rich green coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and keen",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: bright green with darker tips",
+        "nape: brilliant green sheen",
+        "tail: long and green with black tips",
+        "throat: lime-green feathering"
+    ],
+    "green cheeked parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, beige, hooked",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers",
+        "breast: green with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: green feathers with darker accents",
+        "forehead: bright yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: round, black, expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, nimble",
+        "wings: green and blue mixed feathers",
+        "nape: green with a subtle blue tint",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green, almost yellowish"
+    ],
+    "green crowned brilliant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: lighter green with a white patch",
+        "breast: iridescent green plumage",
+        "crown: bright, metallic green",
+        "forehead: shimmering emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: green and quickly flapping",
+        "nape: green with subtle blue highlights",
+        "tail: long, green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a hint of green shimmer"
+    ],
+    "green crowned plovercrest": [
+        "back: vibrant green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale beige with soft green undertones",
+        "breast: iridescent golden-green plumage",
+        "crown: stunning green crest with spiky feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green with touches of radiant gold",
+        "eyes: deep black with alert expression",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mixed green and brown feathers with lighter fringes",
+        "nape: rich green coloration fading to lighter hues",
+        "tail: elongated, brownish-green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: shimmering light green with golden hues"
+    ],
+    "green crowned warbler": [
+        "back: olive green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright green with white streak",
+        "forehead: mix of green and yellow",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive green with white bars",
+        "nape: green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive green with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "green eared barbet": [
+        "back: green feathers with black and white markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: mixed green and dull yellow plumage",
+        "breast: green feathers with white streaks",
+        "crown: mostly green with red and yellow markings",
+        "forehead: bright green with a touch of blue",
+        "eyes: beady black eyes",
+        "legs: grayish, sturdy, and slightly feathered",
+        "wings: green with blackish-blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: green blending to blue on the lower part",
+        "tail: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: patchy white and green feathers"
+    ],
+    "green faced parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, red, curved tip",
+        "belly: bright blue plumage",
+        "breast: radiant blue feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green crest",
+        "forehead: lime-green hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: short, red, perched on branches",
+        "wings: green and blue, swift movement",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: rich blue coloring"
+    ],
+    "green fronted hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, coral-red",
+        "belly: lighter green plumage",
+        "breast: bright lime green",
+        "crown: emerald green accents",
+        "forehead: brilliant green patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, perceptive",
+        "legs: grey, thin, strong",
+        "wings: green, long, tapered",
+        "nape: rich forest green",
+        "tail: green feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: lime yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "green fronted hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green, tapering down",
+        "beak: long, slender, blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white, feathery",
+        "breast: brilliant green, shimmering",
+        "crown: bright green, almost iridescent",
+        "forehead: vivid green, striking",
+        "eyes: small, dark, side placement",
+        "legs: short, nearly invisible, black",
+        "wings: rapid beats, iridescent green edges",
+        "nape: green-hued, on lighter side",
+        "tail: short, forked, dark green",
+        "throat: fiery green, glistening"
+    ],
+    "green fronted lancebill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green hue",
+        "breast: iridescent green plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering green with a crested appearance",
+        "forehead: bright green and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and pale grey",
+        "wings: tapered, green with white accents",
+        "nape: green feathers connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long, streamer-like, and green",
+        "throat: brilliant green with smoother feathers"
+    ],
+    "green headed hillstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white with greenish tinge",
+        "breast: gleaming green with feathered texture",
+        "crown: bright green with metallic shine",
+        "forehead: shimmering green, leading into crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, encircled by green feathers",
+        "legs: slim and grayish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent green, fast in flight",
+        "nape: brilliant green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, slender, green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: metallic green, transitioning to white at the belly"
+    ],
+    "green headed oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: bold green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: rich green tint",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, outlined in green",
+        "legs: thin, charcoal gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: dazzling green with black edges",
+        "nape: bright green, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, flowing green and black feathers",
+        "throat: striking green merging into the breast"
+    ],
+    "green headed sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: olive-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green hue",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: shimmering green and violet",
+        "nape: radiant green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, dark, and forked",
+        "throat: dazzling metallic blue-green"
+    ],
+    "green headed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: black, pointed, and thin",
+        "belly: bright lime green",
+        "breast: rich emerald hues",
+        "crown: metallic green-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: glossy green shade",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: striking mix of teal and green feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: shiny greenish-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "green naped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, black and strong",
+        "belly: soft yellow and green mix",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: rich green with blue accents",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: green with blue edges",
+        "nape: yellowish-green gradient",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright green with slight yellow tint"
+    ],
+    "green rumped parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the spine area",
+        "beak: small, pale grey hooked beak for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: light green feathers, sometimes slightly yellowish",
+        "breast: bright green chest area with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: green feathers atop the head, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: lighter green to almost yellow feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and grey with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: bright green feathers with blue edges when extended",
+        "nape: green feathers covering the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, narrow feathers in green and blue shades, with darker tips",
+        "throat: lighter green or yellowish feathers under the beak"
+    ],
+    "green striped brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering bird's upper body",
+        "beak: short, strong, conical-shaped, black beak",
+        "belly: yellowish-white feathers with faint green streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with greenish stripes",
+        "crown: dark green patch on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers transitioning to darker green on the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by white eye rings",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray legs with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with black barring and white wing bars",
+        "nape: green feathers blending from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with hint of green, contrasts with breast"
+    ],
+    "green tailed bristlebill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp black curved design",
+        "belly: lighter green hue, soft feathers",
+        "breast: rich green, fluffy plumage",
+        "crown: dark green crest, feathers standing",
+        "forehead: smooth green transition to beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by green",
+        "legs: slender, light grey and strong",
+        "wings: green, with black streaks, aerodynamic",
+        "nape: sleek green transition to back",
+        "tail: long green feathers, streamlined",
+        "throat: pale green, smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "green tailed emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: pale, shimmering green",
+        "breast: iridescent emerald green",
+        "crown: brilliant green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round with black pupils",
+        "legs: delicate, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with black-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green coloration",
+        "tail: elongated, streamer-like green feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling metallic green"
+    ],
+    "green tailed goldenthroat": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, and sharp",
+        "belly: soft golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright emerald-green crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, glistening green",
+        "eyes: small, keen, and black",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: iridescent green with hidden gold accents",
+        "nape: emerald-green feathers merging into the crown",
+        "tail: long, shimmering green feathers with golden tips",
+        "throat: dazzling golden-yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "green tailed jacamar": [
+        "back: vibrant green, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: black, needle-like, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white, with hints of pale green",
+        "breast: iridescent green, metallic sheen",
+        "crown: deep green, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: shimmering green, smooth and sleek",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark, twig-like",
+        "wings: blend of greens, with hints of blue, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: emerald green, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: mix of bright greens, elongated and pointed feathers",
+        "throat: white to pale green, smooth transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "green tailed sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a shimmering effect",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak for sipping nectar",
+        "belly: soft, pale green underbelly with subtle yellow hues",
+        "breast: radiant green feathers transitioning into a bright yellow patch",
+        "crown: iridescent, emerald-green head feathers creating a crown-like appearance",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage continuing from the crown to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round black eyes with an alert and curious expression",
+        "legs: thin, charcoal gray legs with small, sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: elongated, green feathers with a slight blue sheen when in flight",
+        "nape: brilliant green plumage transitioning to the back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with hints of blue, gracefully fanning outward",
+        "throat: golden yellow patch surrounded by radiant green feathers"
+    ],
+    "green tailed trainbearer": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: subtle greenish-white underbelly",
+        "breast: bright green plumage with an iridescent glow",
+        "crown: shimmering green feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: smooth green feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green color, long, and pointed",
+        "nape: glittering green feathers, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, green tail feathers with structured, train-like appearance",
+        "throat: greenish-white, bordered by iridescent green breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "green tailed warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light green streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: yellow-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with black flight feathers and white accents",
+        "nape: green fading to yellow-green",
+        "tail: long, thin, and dark green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint green markings"
+    ],
+    "green throated carib": [
+        "back: vibrantly colored emerald green",
+        "beak: long, curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: light green iridescent plumage",
+        "crown: metallic bluish-green sheen",
+        "forehead: bright green transitioning to blue",
+        "eyes: alert, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: slim black featherless limbs",
+        "wings: elongated, shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: flash of green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked with white tips",
+        "throat: radiant bright green iridescence"
+    ],
+    "green throated euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, dark gray, conical",
+        "belly: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: rich green feather crest",
+        "forehead: contrasting blue patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish blue",
+        "wings: layered green feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark green feathers",
+        "throat: striking emerald hue"
+    ],
+    "green throated mango": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft green feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: elongated with green and brown feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: forked with brown and green feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green feathers"
+    ],
+    "green throated mountain gem": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: white with green markings",
+        "breast: iridescent emerald green",
+        "crown: vibrant green cap",
+        "forehead: sparkly green plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: metallic green with black tips",
+        "nape: glittering green neck",
+        "tail: forked with green and black feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant green with hints of blue"
+    ],
+    "green throated sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green shine",
+        "crown: bright green crest",
+        "forehead: dazzling green hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: thin, agile, gray",
+        "wings: greenish-blue feathers, swift",
+        "nape: radiant green, streaked",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant green radiance"
+    ],
+    "green throated tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black and curved",
+        "belly: light green with yellow undertones",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: emerald green feathers",
+        "forehead: forest green hues",
+        "eyes: dark, round with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with talons",
+        "wings: rich green with black edging",
+        "nape: green with subtle blue reflection",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: lime green with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "green winged pytilia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: olive green with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: orange-red markings",
+        "eyes: small, black beady",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with a hint of blue, sleek feathers",
+        "nape: green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, green-blue, with yellow tip",
+        "throat: scarlet red with green-blue border"
+    ],
+    "green winged saltator": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green plumage",
+        "breast: rich olive-green color",
+        "crown: deep green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: green with lighter edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green plumage blending into the crown",
+        "tail: green feathers with distinct markings and white edges",
+        "throat: light olive-green to yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "greencap eremomela": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green underparts",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green colored",
+        "forehead: subtle greenish-yellow hue",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled in white",
+        "legs: slender and pale gray",
+        "wings: bright green with slightly rounded tips",
+        "nape: green with olive tinge",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with gentle curve",
+        "throat: soft, pale green-yellow tone"
+    ],
+    "greenish elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and triangular",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with subtle spots",
+        "crown: olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: light olive with a slight yellow tint",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs with white eye rings",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, narrow, and slightly darker than back",
+        "tail: dark, greenish-brown with rounded edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "greenish puffleg": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering dorsal side",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale green with yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers",
+        "crown: glittering golden-green plumage",
+        "forehead: shiny green feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and slender with dark grayish-black hue",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and iridescent greenish-black",
+        "nape: golden-green feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: forked, greenish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright green fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "greenish schiffornis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light green with soft feathering",
+        "breast: brighter green with subtle markings",
+        "crown: deep green with uniform color",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from crown, same deep green",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish, and strong",
+        "wings: green, with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green plumage, flowing to back",
+        "tail: long, dark green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale green, a contrast to the breast"
+    ],
+    "greenish tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: soft grayish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive",
+        "tail: long, narrow, olive-green with darkened edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "greenish warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green, giving the bird its name",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, perfect for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale yellow, contrasts with green upperparts",
+        "breast: dull yellow, hint of green on the sides",
+        "crown: greenish-gray, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, stands out against crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, well-adapted for perching on branches",
+        "wings: greenish gray, with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing the color of the back",
+        "tail: greenish-gray, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, matching the forehead and belly"
+    ],
+    "greenish yellow finch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, silver-gray",
+        "belly: soft, pastel yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich green crest",
+        "forehead: light green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender gray limbs",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow feathers with black streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers, darker hue",
+        "tail: long, greenish-yellow with dark bands",
+        "throat: bold yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "grenada dove": [
+        "back: soft brown feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish color",
+        "belly: light beige feathers with some brown markings",
+        "breast: beige feathers with reddish-brown speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers fading to lighter brown",
+        "forehead: pale beige with a slight reddish tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with darker brown wingtips and lighter brown edges",
+        "nape: light brown feathers transitioning to reddish-brown on the crown",
+        "tail: elongated with brown feathers and lighter brown edges",
+        "throat: beige feathers with some reddish-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "grenada flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green hue",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: creamy-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: warm olive-green color",
+        "forehead: olive-green fading to gray",
+        "eyes: beady and black, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: greenish-gray blending with back",
+        "tail: relatively long, olive-green with dark tips",
+        "throat: soft cream hue with delicate markings"
+    ],
+    "grimwood longclaw": [
+        "back: dark-streaked brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, elongates",
+        "belly: pale with light streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white with dark markings",
+        "crown: rich brown with a streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: bright orange-yellow patch",
+        "eyes: deep black with a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, dull yellow",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, with faint barring",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "groove billed toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, black with grooves",
+        "belly: creamy white with tinges of green",
+        "breast: bright yellow with red undertones",
+        "crown: deep green with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: emerald green fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by blue eyering",
+        "legs: strong, gray with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: green primary feathers with blue trim",
+        "nape: green with a subtle blue shine",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: vivid yellow with red accents"
+    ],
+    "grosbeak weaver": [
+        "back: golden-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: robust, conical, silver-grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow",
+        "crown: yellow-orange with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: intense yellow-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light pink",
+        "wings: striking black with yellow patches",
+        "nape: golden-yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bold golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "ground cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: dark streaked pattern on grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: blackish and slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with dark streaks and white wingtips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaking",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown with white outer feathers and broad bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ground parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with black barring",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and beige",
+        "belly: pale green with dark streaks",
+        "breast: bright green with black stripes",
+        "crown: rich green with black markings",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: grey with scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad, green with black bars",
+        "nape: green feathers with black spots",
+        "tail: long, green, with narrow black bands",
+        "throat: light green, streaked with darker green"
+    ],
+    "ground tit": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly mottled",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: mottled gray, blending into back",
+        "tail: short and square, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "ground woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green with dappled black spots",
+        "beak: strong, black, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: soft beige with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with streaks of white",
+        "crown: rich red with a black forehead band",
+        "forehead: black band contrasting the red crown and yellow-green face",
+        "eyes: sharp, brown, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey, and zygodactyl in structure",
+        "wings: green with intricate black and white patterns",
+        "nape: olive green with dapples of black",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and green with white and black bars",
+        "throat: pale beige with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "groundscraper thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with subtle, darker wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-gray with faint barring",
+        "throat: off-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "growling riflebird": [
+        "back: dark iridescent blue-green",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: velvety black",
+        "breast: shiny black with hints of iridescence",
+        "crown: smooth, black, and iridescent",
+        "forehead: black with subtle shine",
+        "eyes: dark with piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: black with metallic blue sheen",
+        "nape: gleaming black",
+        "tail: elongated, black, and iridescent",
+        "throat: stunning iridescent blue-purple"
+    ],
+    "guadalcanal crow": [
+        "back: glossy iridescent black feathers",
+        "beak: thick, strong black bill",
+        "belly: dark, silky black plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black feathers with slight green sheen",
+        "crown: sleek iridescent black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown to black, embedded in black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with strong talons",
+        "wings: glossy black with elongated primary feathers",
+        "nape: silky black feathers connecting head to back",
+        "tail: long, black, slightly rounded feathers",
+        "throat: dark black feathers with a subtle sheen"
+    ],
+    "guadalcanal dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: bright red-orange, stout",
+        "belly: white, sometimes lightly speckled",
+        "breast: white with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: intense blue, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: electric blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round, beady",
+        "legs: strong, orange-red",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with white spots",
+        "nape: rich blue hue",
+        "tail: short, blue with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white under the beak"
+    ],
+    "guadalcanal honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: intense golden yellow",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green, with yellow edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with yellow fringes",
+        "throat: creamy white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "guadalcanal hooded whistler": [
+        "back: shades of olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: faded golden-yellow color",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black cap-like pattern",
+        "forehead: black shading meeting the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-green with black band at tip",
+        "throat: bright yellow, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "guadalcanal owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish color",
+        "belly: lighter brown with white speckles",
+        "breast: rusty-brown, densely patterned",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, merging into crown pattern",
+        "eyes: large, yellowish-brown in color",
+        "legs: feathered, strong with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter brown or white spots",
+        "nape: brown with a slight cape-like pattern",
+        "tail: dark brown, moderately long with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale brown with streaks and spots"
+    ],
+    "guadalupe junco": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: conical and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black and alert",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gray feathers tapering into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark gray",
+        "throat: light gray transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "guadalupe murrelet": [
+        "back: dark grey feathering",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white underside feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey head plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: short, red-webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey to black with white stripes",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers meeting the head",
+        "tail: short, black, tapered feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey feather transition to white belly"
+    ],
+    "guadeloupe woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant red and black striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with black and red streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant red crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: bold red with a touch of black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spots and red accents",
+        "nape: red and black striped pattern continuing from the back",
+        "tail: long and black with white vertical stripes",
+        "throat: white with specks of black and red"
+    ],
+    "guaiabero": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, curved edge",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: turquoise blue feathers",
+        "crown: blend of yellow-green and blue",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green plumes",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, greyish",
+        "wings: mix of green, yellow, and blue feathers",
+        "nape: yellow, transitioning to green",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: striking yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "guam rail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, grayish color",
+        "belly: buff-white with black barring",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray with black barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark-brown with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and short, grayish color",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black barring and white streaks",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: short and slightly rounded, brownish-gray with black barring",
+        "throat: buff-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "guanay cormorant": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black feathered",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and yellow-orange",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white with darker bordering feathers",
+        "crown: black and sleek with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white borders",
+        "legs: short, black, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, dark grayish-black, and tapered",
+        "nape: black with a slight arch",
+        "tail: medium length, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with feather texture"
+    ],
+    "guatemalan tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grayish-olive",
+        "crown: olive-gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, charcoal gray",
+        "wings: short, olive-green with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: relatively long, olive-green with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "guayaquil woodpecker": [
+        "back: black feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, dark gray",
+        "belly: striped black and white with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: mostly white with black streaks",
+        "crown: red with black stripes",
+        "forehead: black with thin white lines",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white spotting, yellow patches",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white banding, forked",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "guianan cock of the rock": [
+        "back: vibrant orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: bright orange plumage",
+        "breast: vivid orange feathers",
+        "crown: prominent orange crest",
+        "forehead: orange feathers with raised crest",
+        "eyes: small, black, on white background",
+        "legs: strong, dark legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, orange wings",
+        "nape: orange neck feathers",
+        "tail: rounded orange tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "guianan gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: slate-blue with darker streaks",
+        "beak: small, straight, black",
+        "belly: light gray with whitish hues",
+        "breast: pale grayish-blue",
+        "crown: slate-blue with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-blue",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black",
+        "wings: slate-blue with white edges",
+        "nape: slate-blue blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasted with breast color"
+    ],
+    "guianan puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: stout, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown bars",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint brown spots",
+        "crown: black with prominent white spots",
+        "forehead: black with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with narrow pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish, barred with buff and white",
+        "nape: black, streaked with white",
+        "tail: long, brown, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "guianan red cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant red plumage",
+        "beak: short, black and stout",
+        "belly: bright red feathers",
+        "breast: deep red with slight gradation",
+        "crown: scintillating red feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid red contour",
+        "eyes: small with black pupils and white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: subdued red with hints of blue",
+        "nape: glowing red plumage",
+        "tail: slender, black feathers with red base",
+        "throat: brilliant red feathers"
+    ],
+    "guianan streaked antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with darker streaks",
+        "crown: black with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: black with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slender with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "guianan toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered",
+        "beak: large, black and yellow curved",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-green hue",
+        "crown: dark green with a blueish tint",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: black with crimson-red eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: iridescent green layered feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue fading to black",
+        "tail: long, black and green with white tip",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "guianan trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, straight, and light gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with soft feathering",
+        "breast: bold yellow fading to white",
+        "crown: shimmering green extending to the neck",
+        "forehead: vibrant green transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a small pale ring around them",
+        "legs: short and grayish, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: iridescent green on top with white and black bands underneath",
+        "nape: bright green connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, squared-off with a green sheen and white stripe near the tip",
+        "throat: striking white fading into the breast's yellow"
+    ],
+    "guianan tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: yellowish with olive tinges",
+        "breast: pale yellow with olive sides",
+        "crown: dull grayish-green",
+        "forehead: greyish olive to dark",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye rings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale yellow fringes",
+        "nape: grayish olive-green",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "guianan warbling antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and black",
+        "belly: lighter olive-brown hues",
+        "breast: dull brownish-grey",
+        "crown: dark olive-gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dull orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with contrasting pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark olive-gray",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "guianan woodcreeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with small streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and olive-brown with slight banded pattern",
+        "throat: creamy white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "guira cuckoo": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish with black bars",
+        "breast: light brown streaked with dark lines",
+        "crown: rusty-orange crest feathers",
+        "forehead: pale with a hint of orange",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint eyestripe",
+        "legs: long, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: barred black and white, rounded",
+        "nape: light brown with dark markings",
+        "tail: long, graduated, heavily barred",
+        "throat: whitish with black bars"
+    ],
+    "guira tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, conical-shaped, black",
+        "belly: yellow, with hints of green",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-orange and black crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green, fading to yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by olive-green feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-black, with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green, with black and yellow markings",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, with hints of black",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, with black and yellow patterns",
+        "throat: bright yellow, with tinges of green"
+    ],
+    "gundlach hawk": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved hook",
+        "belly: lighter, soft plumage",
+        "breast: broad, dark-feathered chest",
+        "crown: dark, smooth head feathers",
+        "forehead: clearly defined-feather line",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow gaze",
+        "legs: strong, feathered limbs",
+        "wings: large, powerful span",
+        "nape: slightly tufted neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, barred fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: white, defined feather area"
+    ],
+    "gunnison sage grouse": [
+        "back: mottled gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and dusky-colored",
+        "belly: light gray with fine barring",
+        "breast: white with black feather tips, forming a v-shape",
+        "crown: black and feathered, with narrow crest",
+        "forehead: white or creamy-white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: feathered and gray-brown, ending in clawed feet",
+        "wings: mottled gray-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: black and white banded feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow air sacs in males, simple grayish-white in females"
+    ],
+    "gurney eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a slight glossy sheen",
+        "beak: large, powerful, and hooked, with a yellowish-grey color",
+        "belly: light cream-colored feathers with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with dark brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow with a dark brown ring around them",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-grey with sharp talons for gripping prey",
+        "wings: broad and long, with dark brown feathers and white patches at the base",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with a lighter brown stripe running down the middle",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with horizontal light brown bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored feathers with dark brown streaks, slightly fluffier than the breast"
+    ],
+    "gurney sugarbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine spots",
+        "breast: cream-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, smooth",
+        "forehead: buff, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown, medium-sized, rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown, narrow",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, brown",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "guttulate foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: elongated and slender",
+        "belly: pale, buff-yellow color",
+        "breast: creamy beige with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint markings",
+        "eyes: shiny, black, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and sturdy, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale, creamy with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "hadada ibis": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, and brown",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: olive-brown feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, black cap",
+        "forehead: white facial skin patch",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: dark gray with sturdy build",
+        "wings: large, glossy, and black",
+        "nape: transition from black cap to olive-brown neck",
+        "tail: squared off, black with green sheen",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with dark breast"
+    ],
+    "hainan blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale orange-white hue",
+        "breast: rich orange coloration",
+        "crown: bright blue",
+        "forehead: striking blue shade",
+        "eyes: dark, round with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: rich blue with black edges",
+        "nape: azure blue",
+        "tail: long and dark, with blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: bold orange hue"
+    ],
+    "hainan leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: bright yellow chest",
+        "crown: dull yellow-green top",
+        "forehead: slightly paler yellow-green",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and small",
+        "legs: long and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker edges",
+        "nape: olive-yellow transition",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "hainan partridge": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers and blue sheen",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and light gray",
+        "belly: dark brown with thin white streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with scalloped white markings",
+        "crown: glossy black with raised feather crest",
+        "forehead: black with white streak arching over eyes",
+        "eyes: bright golden and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong, sharp talons",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with intricate brown and white patterns",
+        "nape: black with a tinge of green shining through",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with slight green iridescence",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "hainan peacock pheasant": [
+        "back: dark blue-green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: underneath blue-green, black spotted feathers",
+        "breast: deep blue-green feathers with black spots",
+        "crown: blue-green, black-crested plumes",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray and slightly feathered",
+        "eyes: dark brown with gray-blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and gray-blue, white scaled",
+        "wings: blue-green iridescent, adorned with black spots",
+        "nape: dark blue-green with slightly elongated feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-green, brown-barred feathers, black spots",
+        "throat: bluish-gray, black spotted feathers"
+    ],
+    "hair crested drongo": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive crest of fine hair-like feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy black with hair-like feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: strong and black",
+        "wings: long and black with a slight shimmer",
+        "nape: black feathers with hair-like texture",
+        "tail: forked and black",
+        "throat: glossy black plumage"
+    ],
+    "hairy backed bulbul": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, grayish-black tip",
+        "belly: light-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round, encircled by gray feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with brownish-black feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark brown central feathers",
+        "throat: pale-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "hairy breasted barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green, slightly elongated feathers",
+        "beak: thick, short beige-yellow colored beak",
+        "belly: pale olive-green with fine feather texture",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with distinctive hairy appearance",
+        "crown: slightly tufted bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: rich red coloration blending into green",
+        "eyes: large, attentive, dark brown with feathered eyelids",
+        "legs: sturdy gray-brown with powerful grasping toes",
+        "wings: relatively short, rounded, green with blue-black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green feathers smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short, squared, comprised of bright green and blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: red feathers extending from the base of the beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "hairy crested antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: off-white feathers with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale white with slight brown markings",
+        "crown: dark brown crest of feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth brown feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black eyes with a subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin beige legs with four clawed toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown feathers with white streaks on the tips",
+        "nape: light brown feathers at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "half collared kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with black highlights",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: clean white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white, smoothly transition from the belly",
+        "crown: rich blue splitting into a white stripe",
+        "forehead: striking blue and white contrasting pattern",
+        "eyes: large, dark, expressive with subtle white outline",
+        "legs: short, strong, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: dazzling blue with black stripes and white tips",
+        "nape: blue, white-bordered stripe extending to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue with white edges",
+        "throat: pure white, seamlessly merging with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "half collared sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with greyish shades",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white with delicate brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with hints of brown",
+        "crown: striking blue-grey",
+        "forehead: blue-grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin, dark, with sharp clawed toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker margins",
+        "nape: subdued blue-grey",
+        "tail: short, squared-off with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white with a distinct black collar"
+    ],
+    "hall babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy",
+        "belly: pale white or light gray",
+        "breast: faint scaling or mottling",
+        "crown: slightly darker than back feathers",
+        "forehead: matching crown coloration",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: rounded with distinct bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, fading to a lighter tone",
+        "tail: square-shaped with a hint of white-tips",
+        "throat: pale with light mottling"
+    ],
+    "halmahera boobook": [
+        "back: brownish-black with lighter speckles",
+        "beak: short, strong, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with light tan streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale speckles",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than the crown with small white markings",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, gray, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and dark brown bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with white flecks",
+        "tail: brown with white bars and dark brown edges",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "halmahera cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: grayish-black upper body with a slight brown tinge",
+        "beak: straight, black, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: white lower body with grayish-black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white chest with blackish streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-black head with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: grayish-black with a smooth, feathered transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a vibrant yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, black legs with sharp, elongated claws",
+        "wings: grayish-black with white bands across primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-black feathers transitioning smoothly to the back",
+        "tail: long, grayish-black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white throat feathers with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "halmahera flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white to light gray plumage",
+        "breast: deep blue or purple feathers",
+        "crown: black and green with a distinct bright blue patch",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a touch of green shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: green and black, white-tipped feathers with blue highlights",
+        "nape: green and black with occasional blue streaks",
+        "tail: black and blue with white-tipped feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: black with iridescent green shine"
+    ],
+    "halmahera golden bulbul": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich golden hue",
+        "crown: warm golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark circular with white outlines",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: elongated, golden-yellow with black tips",
+        "nape: yellow feathers transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, curved black with yellow edges",
+        "throat: gleaming yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "halmahera oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow hue",
+        "beak: black, stout and pointed",
+        "belly: golden-yellow with hints of orange",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: black with a majestic crest",
+        "forehead: sharp black contrast to yellow body",
+        "eyes: black, round, small with a curious gaze",
+        "legs: black, sturdy and slim legs",
+        "wings: striking golden-yellow with black wingtips",
+        "nape: black smoothly transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long and yellow with black inner feathers",
+        "throat: rich golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "halmahera swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathered cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray-brown feathers meeting at beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short with tiny, sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and aerodynamic for fast flight",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray feathers at base of neck",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped with gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly fluffy feathering"
+    ],
+    "handsome flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange with dark spots",
+        "crown: striking blue with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: bright blue, like a small mask",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and charcoal-gray",
+        "wings: deep blue, with intricate white patterns",
+        "nape: smooth transition from the blue crown to olive-green back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and blue with white tips",
+        "throat: clean white with a touch of blue near the beak"
+    ],
+    "handsome fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green with black accents",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: rich blue with black markings",
+        "crown: sleek iridescent blue",
+        "forehead: smooth, deep blue gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp talons",
+        "wings: green and black with elongated feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, elegant, multicolored feathers",
+        "throat: bold blue with distinct black markings"
+    ],
+    "handsome spurfowl": [
+        "back: rich and earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved, and light grey",
+        "belly: light brown, speckled with white",
+        "breast: warm chestnut, with fine black barring",
+        "crown: dark feather crown with a hint of red",
+        "forehead: rich, rusty-red hue",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark eyes with a hint of white",
+        "legs: thick, grey, and strong",
+        "wings: long, earth-toned feathers with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: subtly transitioning from dark brown to reddish-amber",
+        "tail: broad and fan-like, with contrasting white and brown bands",
+        "throat: delicate white feathers, transitioning to rusty tones"
+    ],
+    "handsome sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant, iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white coloration",
+        "breast: striking metallic blue-green hue",
+        "crown: shiny, electric blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright, shimmering blue-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: blue-green feathers with darker edging",
+        "nape: brilliant metallic blue-green color",
+        "tail: long, slender, with iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: radiant blue feathers with a metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "hangnest tody tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with soft feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly downcurved",
+        "belly: off-white with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue with fine feathers",
+        "eyes: round and black, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: pale gray with strong, thin toes",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: gray with a smooth feather transition",
+        "tail: short and olive-green with black barring",
+        "throat: pale gray merging into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "happy wren": [
+        "back: vibrant, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: delicate, gently-curved tip",
+        "belly: softly-rounded, warm-hued plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, supple feathers",
+        "crown: distinct, expressive crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, petite contours",
+        "eyes: bright, sparkling orbs",
+        "legs: slender yet sturdy",
+        "wings: compact, perky, playfully folded",
+        "nape: subtle, elegant curve",
+        "tail: lively, fan-like, inquisitive motion",
+        "throat: smooth, tender plumage"
+    ],
+    "hardhead": [
+        "back: dark brown, rounded feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black bill",
+        "belly: white, slightly spotted",
+        "breast: dull white mixed with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle green sheen",
+        "forehead: rich chestnut-red",
+        "eyes: small, brown, alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: subtle chestnut-brown patch",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with slight brown spots"
+    ],
+    "harlequin antbird": [
+        "back: black with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked",
+        "belly: white with black markings",
+        "breast: orange-rufous",
+        "crown: iridescent blue and black",
+        "forehead: white bordered by black",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and gray",
+        "wings: black with white and blue edging",
+        "nape: white with black stripe",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "hartert camaroptera": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the back",
+        "beak: short and curved for insect-eating",
+        "belly: light yellowish underbelly",
+        "breast: slightly pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green plumage on the head",
+        "forehead: light olive-green feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown in color",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark brown edges",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: relatively short, brownish-gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "hartert leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellow and unmarked",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-green with an indistinct white eyebrow",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale yellow edges",
+        "nape: grayish-green, blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with rounded feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "hartlaub babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: slim, curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: cream-colored with rusty-brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with conspicuous spotting",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with pale feather edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, rounded, brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: whitish, fading into breast"
+    ],
+    "hartlaub bustard": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and curved for pecking",
+        "belly: white feathers transitioning to gray at the edges",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers with black speckles",
+        "crown: brown feathers with a flat appearance",
+        "forehead: white feathers fading into gray at the edges",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a sharp and alert gaze",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown color with three forward toes",
+        "wings: brown feathers with white speckles, rounded shape",
+        "nape: brown feathers transitioning to gray on the neck",
+        "tail: short, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white-feathered throat with sandy gray markings"
+    ],
+    "hartlaub duck": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: dark grey, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white, soft fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark green, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent green with slight tuft",
+        "eyes: bright, glossy black",
+        "legs: broad, sturdy, orange-yellow",
+        "wings: strong yet elegant, multi-colored",
+        "nape: transition from dark green to brown",
+        "tail: short, fan-like with green and brown layers",
+        "throat: pale brown, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "hartlaub gull": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: orange with black tip",
+        "belly: bright white",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: greyish-white",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: large, dark and round",
+        "legs: orange and webbed",
+        "wings: light grey with black tips",
+        "nape: greyish-white",
+        "tail: white with black bands",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "hartlaub spurfowl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dense speckles",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, greyish-black",
+        "belly: lighter greyish-brown with fine speckles",
+        "breast: warm brown with uniform barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: darker brown merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust, greyish-brown with spurs",
+        "wings: brown with fine speckles and white-edged coverts",
+        "nape: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with light streaks",
+        "throat: light greyish-brown with fine speckles"
+    ],
+    "hartlaub turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue edges on feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, reddish-brown",
+        "belly: grayish-blue to violet-blue feathers",
+        "breast: bright green fading to a blueish-green",
+        "crown: glossy green adorned with a distinctive feather plume",
+        "forehead: bright green and slightly raised feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with a prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue with strong feet",
+        "wings: vibrant green with purple-blue outer edges",
+        "nape: bright green fading to a blueish-green",
+        "tail: long, iridescent purple-blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright green with a slight curve towards the chest"
+    ],
+    "harwood spurfowl": [
+        "back: dark brown with black and white feather streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: pale brown with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with faint black mottling",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black feather tips",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown with light streaking",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray-yellow with sharp spurs",
+        "wings: brown, barred with white and black markings",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown with black feather tips",
+        "tail: dark brown with black and white streaks, fanned-shaped",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "hauxwell thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slim and straight, pale pinkish-yellow",
+        "belly: white with blackish-brown spots",
+        "breast: off-white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint lighter wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, consistent with back coloration",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium-length with slight fork",
+        "throat: off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "hawaii akepa": [
+        "back: olive-green with yellow tinges",
+        "beak: short, curved and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-tinged orange",
+        "crown: olive-green with a tinge of gray",
+        "forehead: olive-green grayish hue",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight yellowish tint",
+        "tail: olive-greenish with yellow feather tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange in color"
+    ],
+    "hawaii amakihi": [
+        "back: olive-green dorsal feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, slender black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight yellow tint",
+        "forehead: smooth transition to olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: thin, charcoal-colored limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with a slight yellow hue",
+        "nape: olive-yellow plumage converging at the neck",
+        "tail: olive-green outer feathers with central yellow undertail coverts",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow-orange merging with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "hawaii creeper": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with paler streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "crown: murky olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish-brown tapering to yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray with strong clawed feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint darker bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with outer feathers paler",
+        "throat: whitish with beige-green mottling"
+    ],
+    "hawaii elepaio": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: light gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-black head markings",
+        "forehead: light fawn-colored with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark-brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, sturdy black legs",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: fawn-colored with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "hawaiian coot": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: prominent, white, and slightly curved with a dark tip",
+        "belly: dark grayish-black with some lighter variations on the sides",
+        "breast: dusky gray and black-colored feathers",
+        "crown: dark grayish-black plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white, extending above the beak into a prominent frontal shield",
+        "eyes: small, red, and surrounded by a black eye patch",
+        "legs: long, slate-colored legs with lobed toes for swimming",
+        "wings: dark grayish-black with secondary feathers showing a thin white stripe",
+        "nape: dark grayish-black feathers continuing down from the crown",
+        "tail: short, stiff, and black with a white band near the tip",
+        "throat: dusky gray feathers transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "hawaiian crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: deep black feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black crest",
+        "forehead: shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy dark legs",
+        "wings: broad black wing feathers",
+        "nape: rich black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: dark black plumage"
+    ],
+    "hawaiian duck": [
+        "back: earthy brown plumage",
+        "beak: slender, dark greyish",
+        "belly: lighter brown with speckles",
+        "breast: mottled brown and white",
+        "crown: brownish with slight crest",
+        "forehead: brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with greenish speculum",
+        "nape: brown, smoothly blending with back",
+        "tail: short and brownish-grey",
+        "throat: lighter brown, occasionally white"
+    ],
+    "hawaiian hawk": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black for tearing prey",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles or streaks",
+        "breast: light-colored with brown speckles or streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: feathers transition from dark brown to light grey or white",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, scaly legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: large, dark brown feathers with lighter undersides for soaring and hunting",
+        "nape: grey or white feathers at the back of the neck, contrasting with the brown back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with light bands, often white-tipped",
+        "throat: light-colored, usually grey or white, with brown streaks or speckles"
+    ],
+    "hawaiian petrel": [
+        "back: dark gray feathered with hints of brown",
+        "beak: slightly curved black beak for capturing prey",
+        "belly: soft white underbelly with smooth feathers",
+        "breast: light grayish feathers transitioning from belly",
+        "crown: streaked dark gray to black plumage on top of head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray feathered area above beak",
+        "eyes: piercing dark eyes surrounded by gray feathered area",
+        "legs: long, thin, black with slightly webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: streamlined dark gray and white feathers for efficient flight",
+        "nape: grayish area where head connects to back",
+        "tail: elongated dark gray feathers aiding in flight stability",
+        "throat: lighter gray area connecting breast and beak"
+    ],
+    "hazel grouse": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white stripes",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, curved upper tip",
+        "belly: speckled brown and white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white bars",
+        "crown: dark and slightly crested",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown fading to grey",
+        "eyes: small and black, subtle white eyering",
+        "legs: feathered and stout, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded and short, brown with white bands",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with a slight crest",
+        "tail: squared-off with chestnut tip, black markings",
+        "throat: greyish-white with brown speckling"
+    ],
+    "hazel fronted pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short black and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown undertones",
+        "breast: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with hazel feathers",
+        "forehead: hazel-colored with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with hazel edges",
+        "tail: long and brown with blackish tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "heard island shag": [
+        "back: bluish-black feathers with silvery streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale grayish-blue with a slight yellow tint",
+        "breast: white with shades of blue",
+        "crown: black to dark gray with a slight glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, black to dark gray",
+        "eyes: bright red with dark eyelids",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black and glossy with carpal joints showing white patches",
+        "nape: black to dark gray with silvery streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: whitish with slight blue or yellow shades"
+    ],
+    "heart spotted woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark feathers with greyish-white spots",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with some light spots",
+        "breast: white with dark black spots on sides",
+        "crown: black with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "forehead: off-white with small black spots",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, grey, with strong claws",
+        "wings: black with large white heart-shaped spots",
+        "nape: red patch from the crown to the upper back",
+        "tail: black feathers with a hint of red near the base",
+        "throat: white with a few black spots near the jawline"
+    ],
+    "heinroth shearwater": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: long and black with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: light gray with fine, white streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray gently fading into the forehead",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: black and round, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: black and slender, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with defined feather edges, long and narrow",
+        "nape: light gray blending seamlessly into the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray and slightly forked, with distinct feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with a smooth transition to the breast"
+    ],
+    "hellmayr pipit": [
+        "back: olive brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: streaked grey-brown",
+        "forehead: distinct pale stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: brown with white edges",
+        "nape: grey-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: unmarked yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "helmeted curassow": [
+        "back: dark glossy greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black curved beak",
+        "belly: black and white striped feathers",
+        "breast: rich, chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with a prominent, blue-grey casque",
+        "forehead: black feathers, transitioning into the casque",
+        "eyes: bright, small, and dark eyes",
+        "legs: long, strong, yellow colored legs",
+        "wings: broad, black and glossy feathers with a white stripe",
+        "nape: black and glossy neck feathers",
+        "tail: black feathers with a white band at the end",
+        "throat: black and white striped feathers"
+    ],
+    "helmeted friarbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, silver-grey bill",
+        "belly: pale grey, thinly streaked feathers",
+        "breast: light grey, with subtle white streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with prominent silver-grey crest",
+        "forehead: smooth silver-grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grey, slightly scaled",
+        "wings: dark brown, with lighter brown edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with light brown edging on feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "helmeted guineafowl": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short, pale, muscular with mild curve",
+        "belly: rounded, blueish-gray with white spots",
+        "breast: blueish-gray, speckled with white",
+        "crown: bony, protruding helmet-like structure",
+        "forehead: short, covered in fine feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round, with bright red eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue, with spur on male guineafowl",
+        "wings: large, rounded, speckled with white spots",
+        "nape: covered with small, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: short, rounded, spotted tail feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, featherless, bright blue skin"
+    ],
+    "helmeted hornbill": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, ivory-color casque",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: black crest with ivory casque",
+        "forehead: red skin above yellowish-white beak",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by red, bare skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, feathered base of the casque",
+        "tail: long, white central feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: red, bare skin"
+    ],
+    "helmeted manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright iridescent blue",
+        "crown: black helmet-like crest",
+        "forehead: black continuation of the crest",
+        "eyes: dark and rounded",
+        "legs: slim with gray hues",
+        "wings: bright green, rounded edges",
+        "nape: covered in black helmet crest",
+        "tail: green, long, and tapered",
+        "throat: iridescent blue transitioning to belly color"
+    ],
+    "helmeted myna": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellow curved beak",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white color",
+        "breast: iridescent green-black plumage",
+        "crown: distinct helmet-like crest",
+        "forehead: prominent, protruding crest",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange legs",
+        "wings: shiny, green-black feathers",
+        "nape: glossy, greenish-black plumage",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale, yellowish-white tone"
+    ],
+    "helmeted pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the body",
+        "beak: short and black, upturned",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with pale streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers with hints of olive",
+        "crown: black and white patch with central crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black wingtips",
+        "nape: olive-green coloration, joining the back",
+        "tail: short and square, mostly olive-green with black borders",
+        "throat: white feathers, separated from breast by a gray band"
+    ],
+    "helmeted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: bright red with black markings",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: pure white"
+    ],
+    "hemprich hornbill": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with hints of green",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white feathers mixed with dark grey",
+        "breast: white, fluffy, sometimes tinged with light grey",
+        "crown: black feathers with a short crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a bright turquoise ring",
+        "legs: pale grey, sturdy with strong talons",
+        "wings: dark grey with vibrant green and white accents",
+        "nape: black neck feathers, smooth and sleek",
+        "tail: elongated, black and white feathers with green sheen",
+        "throat: white or light grey, fluffy with small feathers"
+    ],
+    "hen harrier": [
+        "back: sky-blue to gray feathers, slender build",
+        "beak: sharp, black, curved for prey",
+        "belly: white with gray-brown barring",
+        "breast: pale with gray to brown streaks",
+        "crown: gray-blue, flat",
+        "forehead: broad, white-bordered with gray",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: broad, gray-blue, black wingtips",
+        "nape: grayish-white, smooth transition",
+        "tail: long, gray-blue, black and white bands",
+        "throat: white, unmarked and clean"
+    ],
+    "henderson island crake": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish on top and pale below",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown, finely streaked",
+        "forehead: buffy-white, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown, relatively large",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: short and rounded, dark brown with buffy-white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "henderson island fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green with hints of yellow",
+        "beak: short and stout, light grey with a slight curve",
+        "belly: light green fading to a pale yellow",
+        "breast: mixture of bright green and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: forest-green feathers with hints of blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: prominent light blue band above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, slightly scaled with curved, sharp claws",
+        "wings: shades of green feathers with hints of yellow and blue",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers covering the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, tapered with a mix of green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant green feathers fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "henderson island reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a greenish tinge",
+        "beak: dark and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: soft light gray with yellowish shades",
+        "crown: olive-brown, similar to the back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: dark grayish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint feather edges",
+        "nape: matching olive-brown from the back",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-brown with a hint of green",
+        "throat: pale gray with a touch of yellow"
+    ],
+    "henderson petrel": [
+        "back: dark gray and smooth",
+        "beak: black, thin, and medium-length",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white with gray speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: dark gray, slightly sloping",
+        "eyes: black, small, shiny",
+        "legs: pale pink, skinny, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray, long and slender",
+        "nape: dark gray, smoothly curved",
+        "tail: dark gray, forked and streamline",
+        "throat: white, narrow"
+    ],
+    "henna hooded foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: mossy green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: light cream underside",
+        "breast: rusty orange with streaks of brown",
+        "crown: deep orange-red patch",
+        "forehead: brilliant green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: vibrant green with darker edges",
+        "nape: olive green with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: elongated with green and brown feathers",
+        "throat: white and speckled"
+    ],
+    "henst goshawk": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light grey feathers with fine horizontal white bars",
+        "breast: light grey with white horizontal bars",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: light grey streaks extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: wide, rounded wings with soft grey pattern",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, broad tail with dark grey and white bands",
+        "throat: light grey with a hint of white markings"
+    ],
+    "herald petrel": [
+        "back: slate gray with light feathering",
+        "beak: small black, hooked shape",
+        "belly: white with light gray shading",
+        "breast: white merging into gray on sides",
+        "crown: dark gray with small white patches",
+        "forehead: light gray leading into white",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish with black claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with black tips",
+        "nape: grayish-white, gradually darkening into the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: bright white transitioning into lighter gray"
+    ],
+    "herero chat": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: light cream with brown markings",
+        "breast: beige with dense brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange head crest",
+        "forehead: light-grey with brownish speckling",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and scaled",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "tail: brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "hermit warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: pointed, slender, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: yellow with possible black streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with black sides",
+        "forehead: yellow without markings",
+        "eyes: dark-colored, round, and prominent",
+        "legs: pale, slender, and relatively long",
+        "wings: dark with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: yellow with possible black streaks"
+    ],
+    "hermit wood wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with streaks of light brown",
+        "breast: light brown with darker brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with an unnoticeable crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown with no distinct markings",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint pale barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with no distinct markings",
+        "tail: dark brown with subtle pale bands",
+        "throat: slightly paler brown than breast"
+    ],
+    "heuglin bustard": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with dark markings",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: lighter brown with blotched patterns",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers blending into the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale feather rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellow or greyish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark tips and markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, brownish-grey with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale brown with a hint of white and minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "heuglin masked weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "beak: strong, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow with some black feathering",
+        "breast: solid golden-yellow color",
+        "crown: black patch covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers extending towards the short beak",
+        "eyes: large, dark eyes surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender yet sturdy",
+        "wings: primarily yellow with black tips and markings",
+        "nape: continued yellow coloration from the back",
+        "tail: long black feathers with a characteristic v-shape",
+        "throat: bordered black with bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "heuglin spurfowl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with pale edges",
+        "beak: strong, short, and curved, with a pale gray color",
+        "belly: white or buff coloration, more prominent on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with fine white streaks or spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks, forming a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright and alert, with a reddish-brown color",
+        "legs: robust and sturdy, with a reddish-brown or grayish color",
+        "wings: rounded and short, with dark brown coverts and pale flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, with pale streaks or spots",
+        "tail: moderately long and rounded, with dark brown feathers and pale edges",
+        "throat: reddish-brown with fine white streaks, transitioning into the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "heuglin wheatear": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with a darker upper breast",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: medium-sized and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edges on coverts",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with broad white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark grayish-brown sides"
+    ],
+    "heuglin white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointy for nectar extraction",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage for a soft underbelly",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers contrasting against the belly",
+        "crown: greenish-gray, rounded crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: small white spot just above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and sturdy for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of white streaks for agile flight",
+        "nape: greenish-gray blending into the back feathers",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with white tips for balance",
+        "throat: yellow feathers transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "highland elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: dark, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: light olive-gray, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: pale gray with a contrasting white crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy, and relatively short",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: light gray, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: broad, olive-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "highland guan": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: soft, cinnamon-brown",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight speckling",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray with iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze with pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, greenish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: iridescent dark blue sheen",
+        "tail: long, barred, dark greenish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "highland rush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey with some streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender; pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown and slightly streaked",
+        "tail: olive-brown; slightly darker than back",
+        "throat: pale buff-white and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "highland tinamou": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, cream to pale gray",
+        "belly: grayish with blackish stripes",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with fine black barring",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, with three toes",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown with black spots",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and slightly square, dark olive-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale grey, contrasts with breast"
+    ],
+    "hildebrandt spurfowl": [
+        "back: light brown with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with black and white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: long and grayish-brown with spur",
+        "wings: light brown with black and white speckles",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, light brown with black bars",
+        "throat: light-gray and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "hildebrandt starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: shiny green-blue with light feathering",
+        "breast: bright blue-violet feathers",
+        "crown: glossy blue with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-violet transition from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green-blue feathers with a purple sheen",
+        "nape: vibrant green-blue, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, blue-violet feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: shiny blue feathers fading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "hill blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white with blue undertones",
+        "breast: light blue with streaks of pale orange",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue streak",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and agile",
+        "wings: deep blue with greyish-blue covert feathers",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning into grey",
+        "tail: long, blue with white patches",
+        "throat: pale orange with white markings"
+    ],
+    "hill partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with black bars",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with narrow black bands",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale circular eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered and sturdy, featuring dull orange feet",
+        "wings: rounded, dark reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: buffy-grey with black lines",
+        "tail: short, rufous-brown with faint black bars",
+        "throat: buff-white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "hill pigeon": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, pale yellow with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage with soft texture",
+        "breast: pale grey feathers, sometimes with a pinkish hue",
+        "crown: smooth, grey feathers leading to the nape",
+        "forehead: light grey with a slight curve, extending to the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, orange, medium-sized with black pupils",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with scaly texture, ending in claws for gripping",
+        "wings: grey with white stripes and primary feathers extending slightly past the tail",
+        "nape: grey feathers blending into the back, sometimes with a green or purple iridescence",
+        "tail: grey feathers with a white stripe near the tip, often fanned out in flight",
+        "throat: light grey, with a slightly paler color than the breast"
+    ],
+    "hill prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with texture",
+        "beak: slender, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: warm-toned brown with minimal streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and beady",
+        "legs: thin and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bar patterns",
+        "nape: same warm-toned brown as crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale yellow, slight transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "hill swallow": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined, dark blue or greenish-black",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and strong for catching insects",
+        "belly: light grey or off-white, clean and flat",
+        "breast: rounded, pale blue or grey with a tinge of brown",
+        "crown: glossy, iridescent blue-black, smooth and flat",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded, dark blue or greenish-black",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a sharp, alert gaze",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, adapted for perching and gripping",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed, built for fast, agile flight",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black, smooth and continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: deeply forked, with long central feathers, designed for aerial acrobatics",
+        "throat: white or pale grey, unmarked and smoothly transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "himalayan beautiful rosefinch": [
+        "back: slate gray with subtle pink highlights",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: soft pink fading into white",
+        "breast: bright rosy pink",
+        "crown: vibrant pink",
+        "forehead: soft gray blending into rosy crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: gray with prominent pink edges",
+        "nape: gray-pink, blending into the slate gray back",
+        "tail: long and forked, with gray and pink feathers",
+        "throat: rosy pink blending into white on the belly"
+    ],
+    "himalayan black lored tit": [
+        "back: slate gray with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: white with black ventral streaks",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow with black edges",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white markings and yellow tinges",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black, fan-like, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with black bordering"
+    ],
+    "himalayan bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: off-white and feathery",
+        "breast: pale yellow and fluffy",
+        "crown: prominent black crest",
+        "forehead: black merging with crest",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and light brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight white edging",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "himalayan buzzard": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale with brownish barring",
+        "breast: similar to belly, pale with brownish barring",
+        "crown: white or off-white with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: off-white or light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown and piercing",
+        "legs: yellowish and powerful",
+        "wings: broad and brown with lighter underparts",
+        "nape: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with darker bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "himalayan cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: grayish with black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight dark streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-gray and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark markings",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with white tips and markings",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "himalayan cutia": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown with fine black barring",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with black scaling and yellow patches",
+        "breast: white with black bars and yellow on sides",
+        "crown: chestnut with black streaking",
+        "forehead: chestnut with fine black barring",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, powerful, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut with black and white bars, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: chestnut with black streaking",
+        "tail: chestnut with black and white barring, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with distinct black barring"
+    ],
+    "himalayan flameback": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with black stripes",
+        "beak: long, curved, pale ivory",
+        "belly: cream-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange with black stripes",
+        "crown: black with red crest",
+        "forehead: bold red patch",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white spots",
+        "nape: black with streaks of red",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light, cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "himalayan griffon": [
+        "back: broad and muscular for powerful flight",
+        "beak: large, powerful, and hooked for tearing flesh",
+        "belly: lightly feathered and slightly rounded",
+        "breast: prominent and covered in dense light-colored feathers",
+        "crown: covered in short, dark feathers creating a capped appearance",
+        "forehead: broad and flat with feathering extending past the brow",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and surrounded by a patch of bare skin",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and broad for soaring high altitudes",
+        "nape: feathered with a lighter color than the rest of the body",
+        "tail: long, wide and wedge-shaped for stability and maneuverability",
+        "throat: covered in shorter feathers, lighter in color and less dense than the breast"
+    ],
+    "himalayan owl": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathers with fine markings",
+        "beak: sharp, black, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks and barring",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with dark striations",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with fine dark markings",
+        "eyes: large and bright yellow",
+        "legs: feathered and strong, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded with dark bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with fine barring",
+        "tail: dark with horizontal light bands",
+        "throat: white with dark striations"
+    ],
+    "himalayan prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale white with a tinge of buff",
+        "breast: light brown, blending with belly",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a black streak",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: slender and pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint bars and white fringes",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "himalayan rubythroat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a tinge of green",
+        "beak: sharp, blackish, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with a rusty hue",
+        "breast: brilliant, ruby-red throat patch",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with a short crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with white corners",
+        "throat: ruby-red patch on males; white or buff on females"
+    ],
+    "himalayan shortwing": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and strong",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: smoky gray with dark barring",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: strong, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, dark-edged feathering",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and broad with dark bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white with darker markings"
+    ],
+    "himalayan snowcock": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: greyish-white with faint barring",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye ring",
+        "legs: feathered, pale grey",
+        "wings: brown-grey with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with dark barring",
+        "throat: white with black collar"
+    ],
+    "himalayan swiftlet": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: small black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter grey-white feathers",
+        "breast: grey-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short with blackish-grey scales",
+        "wings: long, pointed and streamlined",
+        "nape: dark grey with smooth feathers",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "himalayan thrush": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown, patterned feathers",
+        "beak: medium-sized, straight, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle barring",
+        "crown: deep slate gray with darker patterning",
+        "forehead: smooth slate gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black, encircled with white",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale, crescent-shaped markings",
+        "nape: patterned gray, blending into back plumage",
+        "tail: olive-brown with dark, horizontal barring",
+        "throat: plain grayish-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "himalayan white browed rosefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson hue",
+        "beak: short, robust, conical",
+        "belly: soft pinkish-white",
+        "breast: bright rose-pink",
+        "crown: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white brow stripe",
+        "eyes: shiny black, encircled with white",
+        "legs: sturdy, featherless, brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with pink edges",
+        "nape: pale brown, streaked",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, rosy brown",
+        "throat: pale pink with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "himalayan woodpecker": [
+        "back: barred pattern with black and white feathers",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like shape with a sharp tip",
+        "belly: white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks on the sides",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white frame",
+        "legs: strong, grayish, and scaled",
+        "wings: black with white spotting and barring",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: gray-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "hinde pied babbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers across the spine",
+        "beak: short and stout, greyish in color",
+        "belly: pale cream or beige plumage",
+        "breast: light grey or beige covering",
+        "crown: dark brown or black, mildly streaked",
+        "forehead: blending from crown into a paler face",
+        "eyes: bright and reflective, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender and greyish",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: brown-grey, merging with crown and back",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, slightly streaked",
+        "throat: beige or cream, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan crossbill": [
+        "back: olive-green and streaked",
+        "beak: curved and thick, suited for extracting seeds from cones",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: lighter olive-green",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: slightly paler greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with strong feet for gripping cones",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with a mix of dark and lighter green feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending seamlessly with the back",
+        "tail: forked, with dark green and black feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green, shimmering feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle green tinge",
+        "crown: bright iridescent green cap",
+        "forehead: sparkling green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black and wiry",
+        "wings: glossy green upperparts, darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: black with outer white feathers, forked shape",
+        "throat: blue-green, eye-catching patch"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan lizard cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: grayish-white with streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with hints of brown",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown shades",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: long, olive-brown with white bands",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting with the back",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-brown, white tips",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan mango": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: yellow-orange coloring",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green crest",
+        "forehead: shiny green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: shimmering green with black edges",
+        "nape: green and yellow feather blend",
+        "tail: elongated, dark green with orange tips",
+        "throat: bold yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan nightjar": [
+        "back: well-camouflaged brownish gray",
+        "beak: short, pointed dark beak",
+        "belly: light gray with brown speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with darker spots",
+        "crown: dark with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark, prominent",
+        "legs: short, thin, pale gray",
+        "wings: long, pointed with brownish-gray patterns",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark with light bands and white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with darker speckles"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan oriole": [
+        "back: black and sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black accents",
+        "crown: black with a yellow edge",
+        "forehead: striking yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: black with yellow highlights and white wing bars",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: vivid yellow with a black mask"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the back",
+        "beak: strong, ivory-colored, curved beak",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: bright green feathers across the chest",
+        "crown: sleek, green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright red feathers on the upper part of the face",
+        "eyes: black, round, expressive eyes surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: two sturdy, grey legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: long, green feathers with hints of blue on the undersides",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from red to green on the neck's backside",
+        "tail: long, green, slightly blue-tinted feathers extending from the base",
+        "throat: slightly lighter green feathers around the neck region"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, pale-colored",
+        "belly: light green with a touch of blue",
+        "breast: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright green head feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark brown, outlined by a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: rich green with blue and red accents",
+        "nape: green feathers fading into blue",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with red undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright green distinguished plumage"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan pewee": [
+        "back: olive-colored with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light cream or grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale grayish-olive, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: olive-toned with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and olive-colored",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray-brown, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-toned with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-colored, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark, slender, elongated, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan spindalis": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, black color",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-black with yellow edges",
+        "forehead: black and yellow striped",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with white eyerings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey color",
+        "wings: blue and black, with yellow shoulder patches",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and black, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, extending up to the chin"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black in color",
+        "belly: bold, bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: white band separating the green back from the yellow belly",
+        "crown: green feathers with a metallic sheen, similar to the back",
+        "forehead: sleek, green feathers fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: short and gray, with strong, curved toes for perching",
+        "wings: green with black and white banding on the primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the green feathers found on the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, square-shaped tail feathers featuring green on top with white and black bands underneath",
+        "throat: vibrant green feathers merging with the breast's white band"
+    ],
+    "hispaniolan woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-black, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, black",
+        "belly: light buff-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown with black barring",
+        "crown: bright red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to red or black crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with yellowish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, sturdy, and well-adapted for clinging to tree trunks",
+        "wings: greenish-black, barred with white streaks",
+        "nape: transitioning from the crown, with red or black feathers",
+        "tail: greenish-black feathers with white streaks, stiff and sharp for balance",
+        "throat: pale buff-yellow, blending into breast coloring"
+    ],
+    "hoary puffleg": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a shimmering effect",
+        "beak: straight, slender black beak",
+        "belly: silvery-white with a slight green sheen",
+        "breast: greenish-white feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "crown: bluish-violet iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: white plumage extending to the front of crown",
+        "eyes: small, round black eyes",
+        "legs: short, black and sturdy legs",
+        "wings: iridescent green with a bronze tint",
+        "nape: bluish-violet shiny feathers",
+        "tail: metallic green with a slight fork shape",
+        "throat: silvery-white feathers blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "hoary headed grebe": [
+        "back: grayish-black with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with a subtle gray tint",
+        "breast: soft, whitish-gray",
+        "crown: black with a distinctive white streak",
+        "forehead: black and slightly raised",
+        "eyes: bright red and expressive",
+        "legs: powerful and lobed, positioned far back on the body",
+        "wings: small, short, and grayish-black with white flecks",
+        "nape: black with white streaks extending to the back",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with grayish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white with striking black border"
+    ],
+    "hoary throated barwing": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black, short, and stout",
+        "belly: creamy-white with scaled patterns",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown and well-rounded",
+        "forehead: pale gray with slight feathering",
+        "eyes: black, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray with a hint of red",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked, and of medium length",
+        "throat: distinct hoary-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "hoary throated spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white, pale grayish hue",
+        "breast: smooth grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: subtly streaked, grayish-brown cap",
+        "forehead: faint gray, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a hint of white outline",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, edged with white tips",
+        "nape: slightly lighter gray, leading to a paler throat",
+        "tail: gray-brown, distinct barring, and soft white tips",
+        "throat: hoary (grayish-white), giving the bird its name"
+    ],
+    "hodgson frogmouth": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks and spots",
+        "beak: short, wide, and triangular",
+        "belly: whitish with brownish bars",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with fine barring",
+        "crown: brown with small white spots",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with mottled markings",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short and strong, with yellowish-brown feet",
+        "wings: brown with pale spots and patches",
+        "nape: brown with a subtle grey and white pattern",
+        "tail: dark brown with faint white bars",
+        "throat: greyish-white with fine horizontal stripes"
+    ],
+    "hodgson hawk cuckoo": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender with slight curve",
+        "belly: pale gray with white bars",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brownish stripes",
+        "crown: olive-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish gray",
+        "wings: olive-gray with white bands",
+        "nape: olive-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with white bars"
+    ],
+    "hodgson redstart": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint grey streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red",
+        "crown: slate-grey with white streak",
+        "forehead: slate-grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white stripe",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: slate-grey with white stripe",
+        "tail: black with prominent orange-red sides",
+        "throat: black with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "hodgson treecreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, and slender",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: silvery-grey with some streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: slender, strong, and light grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with white stripe",
+        "tail: long and sturdy with thin, pale bands",
+        "throat: pale, off-white color"
+    ],
+    "hoffmann woodpecker": [
+        "back: bold, streaked black and white pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white with some light spotting",
+        "breast: lightly spotted or plain white",
+        "crown: bright red crest in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: black and white barring",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, gray, and powerful",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black and white barred, stiff-feathered",
+        "throat: white with black borders"
+    ],
+    "hoffmanns woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-olive with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: pale buff or whitish",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish or pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish with faint pale bars",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale buff or whitish"
+    ],
+    "holub golden weaver": [
+        "back: golden-yellow feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: brightly colored yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: deep golden-yellow coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black, with sharp claws for gripping",
+        "wings: golden-yellow feathers with black markings and white edges",
+        "nape: blend of yellow and black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers, tipped with white",
+        "throat: contrasting white feathers"
+    ],
+    "honduran emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "beak: black, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle green undertones",
+        "breast: grayish-white with a hint of green",
+        "crown: rich emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green with a small white patch",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by black rings",
+        "legs: short and black with small, sharp claws",
+        "wings: shiny green and slightly pointed, with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant emerald green, with a gentle curve",
+        "tail: long, dark green central feathers flanked by black outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant white with a subtle green iridescence"
+    ],
+    "honeyguide greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: olive-yellow hue",
+        "crown: grayish-olive coloring",
+        "forehead: muted gray-olive tone",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "hooded antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black with hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: off-white, blending to pale orange undertones",
+        "breast: buff-colored feathers with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray hood extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: part of the dark gray hood covering the head",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellow with large scaled feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with occasional faint barring",
+        "nape: part of the dark gray hood extending from the crown",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown with inconspicuous barring",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the dark gray hood"
+    ],
+    "hooded berryeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellow with olive-brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with olive-green streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-black hood covering head",
+        "forehead: part of the black hooded area",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, rounded with blackish tips",
+        "nape: confluence of black hood and olive-green back",
+        "tail: olive-green with blackish central feathers",
+        "throat: part of the black hooded area"
+    ],
+    "hooded butcherbird": [
+        "back: dark grey upperpart with light feather edgings",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black bill",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underpart",
+        "breast: grayish-white colored chest",
+        "crown: black head with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: black coloration extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: relatively short, black in color",
+        "wings: dark grey with light-edged feathers and white patches",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white to light grey coloration"
+    ],
+    "hooded crane": [
+        "back: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, pointed, yellowish",
+        "belly: white feathered, plump",
+        "breast: white, extended feathers",
+        "crown: black, sleek covering head",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, light gray",
+        "wings: long, broad, feathered, gray and white",
+        "nape: black feathers, extending to the crown",
+        "tail: short, white, slightly spread out feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "hooded crow": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: black head feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown with keen gaze",
+        "legs: black, sturdy legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, black, and grey feathers",
+        "nape: grey feathers transitioning to black",
+        "tail: black, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey, sleek feathers"
+    ],
+    "hooded cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale, slightly striped",
+        "breast: light gray, smooth feathered",
+        "crown: dark gray with distinct hood",
+        "forehead: part of the darker hood",
+        "eyes: piercing, black with white rings",
+        "legs: slim, grayish",
+        "wings: grayish with subtle markings",
+        "nape: part of the dark hood, grayish",
+        "tail: long and narrow, grayish",
+        "throat: pale, merging into breast color"
+    ],
+    "hooded gnateater": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with hints of purple",
+        "crown: black with black crest",
+        "forehead: black, connected to the crest",
+        "eyes: dark, round, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with black crest",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long, and graduated",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with black markings"
+    ],
+    "hooded grebe": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark grey color",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white with a slight grayish tinge",
+        "crown: black or dark grey plumage, smooth",
+        "forehead: black or dark grey feathers, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: small, bright red or orange-red",
+        "legs: relatively short, yellow-grey with partial webbed feet",
+        "wings: black or dark grey with white spots, thin and elongated",
+        "nape: black or dark grey feathers, smooth texture",
+        "tail: short and rounded, black or dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with a soft and fluffy appearance"
+    ],
+    "hooded grosbeak": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: contrasting black cap",
+        "forehead: black adjoining crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with powerful flight",
+        "nape: black stripe extending from crown",
+        "tail: olive, medium-length, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow covering"
+    ],
+    "hooded monarch": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-blue back feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, elongated beak",
+        "belly: light, whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathered chest",
+        "crown: distinct, bright-orange hood",
+        "forehead: orange, at the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: striking, black, round eyes",
+        "legs: slender, strong, black legs",
+        "wings: large, iridescent blue wings",
+        "nape: orange-feathered nape, connecting to hood",
+        "tail: long, deep-blue, fan-shaped tail feathers",
+        "throat: orange feathers, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "hooded mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant royal blue",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: deep orange",
+        "breast: turquoise with black edges",
+        "crown: glossy black silhouette",
+        "forehead: black merging with crown",
+        "eyes: tiny, bead-like, encircled by black",
+        "legs: slim black",
+        "wings: blue with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: glossy black",
+        "tail: royal blue with white tips",
+        "throat: turquoise-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "hooded mountain toucan": [
+        "back: bright green with blue tint",
+        "beak: elongated and curved, yellow and red",
+        "belly: vibrant green",
+        "breast: deep blue with purple highlights",
+        "crown: glossy black to dark blue",
+        "forehead: vivid red or orange",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round surrounded by a mask-like black",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with a blue tinge and contrasting red flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue and purple",
+        "tail: long and vibrant green",
+        "throat: bright yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "hooded munia": [
+        "back: dark chocolate brown",
+        "beak: short, sharp, silvery-blue",
+        "belly: white with streaks of dark brown",
+        "breast: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: solid black",
+        "forehead: jet black",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black",
+        "legs: delicate, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with evident feathers",
+        "nape: black transitioning into brown",
+        "tail: long, slender, dark brown",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "hooded pitohui": [
+        "back: vibrant orange feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp black beak",
+        "belly: bright orange plumage",
+        "breast: deep orange and soft feathers",
+        "crown: contrasting black hood and crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: small round black eyes",
+        "legs: strong gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide-spanning orange and black wings",
+        "nape: striking black feathers connecting the crown",
+        "tail: long and tapered orange feathers",
+        "throat: defined black feathers meeting the orange breast"
+    ],
+    "hooded pitta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and stout",
+        "belly: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "breast: yellowish-green",
+        "crown: black with blue edges",
+        "forehead: black with bluish tinge",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with black bars",
+        "nape: black with blue edges",
+        "tail: blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: yellow"
+    ],
+    "hooded plover": [
+        "back: light grey upper body",
+        "beak: short and pale orange",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white with occasional black band",
+        "crown: black hood extending to eyes",
+        "forehead: black, part of the hood",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and pale orange",
+        "wings: light grey with black markings",
+        "nape: black, continuation of hood",
+        "tail: white with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, below the hood"
+    ],
+    "hooded robin": [
+        "back: muted dark gray feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, light grey",
+        "belly: white feathers with sparse grey streaks",
+        "breast: mostly white with patches of reddish-brown",
+        "crown: dark black hood extends to the nape",
+        "forehead: black hood with a distinct red-brown border",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by the black hood",
+        "legs: slim, long, pale grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with reddish-brown patches and highlights",
+        "nape: covered by the divide of the thick black hood",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with reddish-brown undertones",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark black hood"
+    ],
+    "hooded siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, grayish",
+        "belly: yellow with thinly streaked flanks",
+        "breast: bright yellow fading to white",
+        "crown: black extending to nape",
+        "forehead: black in males, greenish in females",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-pink with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: black in males, greenish in females",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black in males, pale yellow in females"
+    ],
+    "hooded tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, curved tip",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with a black crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown, slightly hooded appearance",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by pale feathering",
+        "legs: long and slender, light gray",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "nape: pale brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "throat: grayish-white with black barring"
+    ],
+    "hooded treepie": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey, soft feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey, seamless transition from the belly",
+        "crown: rich black, smooth, glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: black, connecting with the crown",
+        "eyes: striking yellow, framed by black feathers",
+        "legs: black, strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark grey, elongated, span wide for easy gliding",
+        "nape: dark grey, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, with white feather tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, connecting to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "hooded visorbearer": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight shimmer",
+        "beak: black, curved, and elongated",
+        "belly: pale yellow with golden highlights",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-blue hood",
+        "forehead: deep purple-blue continuing from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, framed by purple-blue feathers",
+        "legs: thin and black with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green and elongated, with hints of purple-blue",
+        "nape: iridescent purple-blue color continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with purple-blue outer feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "hooded vulture": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, white tip",
+        "belly: white, downy plumage",
+        "breast: light brown, mixed with white",
+        "crown: featherless, reddish-pink",
+        "forehead: wrinkled, naked, pink skin",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: tall, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: white-off, short feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, square-ended",
+        "throat: white, fluffy down"
+    ],
+    "hooded wheatear": [
+        "back: light brown and feathered",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, black",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: black and hood-like",
+        "forehead: black, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale",
+        "wings: brown with black tips and white patches",
+        "nape: black connecting to the hood",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white underside of the hood"
+    ],
+    "hooded yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: bright yellow with hints of olive",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow merging with belly",
+        "crown: distinct black hood covering head",
+        "forehead: black hood extending from crown",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by black hood",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: black hood extending from crown to the neck",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellow undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright yellow transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "hook billed bulbul": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: curved, dark grey hook-like bill",
+        "belly: light creamy-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white with olive tones",
+        "crown: rounded, greenish-olive crest",
+        "forehead: light grayish-white",
+        "eyes: expressive, black with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: slim, brownish-grey",
+        "wings: medium-sized, greenish-olive with distinct white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "hook billed hermit": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved hook shape",
+        "belly: pale cream plumage",
+        "breast: light buff with darker speckles",
+        "crown: greenish-blue iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green iridescent patch",
+        "tail: long, tapered feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "hook billed kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black hook",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: soft orange-brown hue",
+        "crown: bright blue-green shine",
+        "forehead: striking blue shades",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, blue-green flight feathers",
+        "nape: subtle blue-green tones",
+        "tail: wide, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: soft cream feathering"
+    ],
+    "hook billed kite": [
+        "back: sleek brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, curved hook for tearing prey",
+        "belly: light-colored with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: cream colored with brownish-gray markings",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with narrow dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing golden-yellow orbs",
+        "legs: powerful with sharp, curved talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, brownish-gray with distinctive stripes",
+        "nape: darkly streaked with brown and gray feathers",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with a set of darker bands",
+        "throat: pale with faint dark lines"
+    ],
+    "hook billed vanga": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light grey, fluffy plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, iridescent black",
+        "forehead: pronounced, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: striking, intense gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, elongated branches",
+        "wings: broad, powerful span",
+        "nape: elegant, dark feathered curve",
+        "tail: long, flowing feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, pale white hue"
+    ],
+    "horned coot": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp-pointed, white edges",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: black feathers with white center",
+        "crown: black with short, ornamental feather tufts",
+        "forehead: short white crescent-shaped markings",
+        "eyes: sharp, golden color",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, black scaly skin",
+        "wings: glossy black, with white markings",
+        "nape: black feathers that blend to back",
+        "tail: black, moderately long",
+        "throat: white patch, bordered by black"
+    ],
+    "horned curassow": [
+        "back: glossy black, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: stout, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: dense black plumage",
+        "breast: lustrous black, thick plumes",
+        "crown: large, curved, horn-like casque",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, yellow-orange rings",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: black, wide, rounded tips",
+        "nape: beautifully curled, black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: black, short, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "horned parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong curved, orange-red",
+        "belly: green fading to pale yellow",
+        "breast: lime green feathers",
+        "crown: set of orange-yellow horns",
+        "forehead: orange-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey legs and toes",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green feathers extending to the neck",
+        "tail: long, tapering green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: green-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "horned screamer": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with streaked white markings",
+        "beak: short, stubby, light gray with a small hook",
+        "belly: white feathered, slight black barring",
+        "breast: dark gray, white streaked feathers and black barring",
+        "crown: pointed, black feathers with horn-like projections",
+        "forehead: black feathers covering the base of the horn",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, surrounded by black and white feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, rounded, grayish-brown feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: black and white striped feathers",
+        "tail: short, made up of dark gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "throat: white, lightly marked with black barring"
+    ],
+    "horsfield babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: grey-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light grey-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "nape: grey-brown transition to crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale grey with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "horsfield bronze cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-green color with dark speckles",
+        "beak: slender, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: cream-colored with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale grey with light speckles",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: pale bronze-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with light eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-blue",
+        "wings: bronze-green with white-spotted feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and slender, with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "horsfield bushlark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaked pattern",
+        "crown: light brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white"
+    ],
+    "horus swift": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and curved",
+        "belly: light gray with faint feather markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark, rounded feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, narrow black stripe",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black with white outlines",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark with white patterns",
+        "nape: gray, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: forked, black, with white edges",
+        "throat: white, with fine feather details"
+    ],
+    "hose broadbill": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and black pattern",
+        "beak: short and stout with a pale yellow tinge",
+        "belly: vivid teal hue",
+        "breast: brilliant teal-blue coloring",
+        "crown: dark blue streaked with sky-blue touches",
+        "forehead: bright blue with thin black lines",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: stout and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: bold blue, black, and kelly green patterns",
+        "nape: deep blue with sky-blue streaks",
+        "tail: elongated with blue and black stripes",
+        "throat: striking teal-blue color"
+    ],
+    "houbara bustard": [
+        "back: densely feathered, buff-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, short, slightly curved, and pale in color",
+        "belly: white or light buff color with blackish spots",
+        "breast: pale buff with black bands and streaks",
+        "crown: black and white stripes with elongated crest feathers",
+        "forehead: white with black spots and streaks",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, dark brown in color",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and feathered, pale color with strong feet and clawed toes",
+        "wings: large, brown with dark patterns and slightly pointed tips",
+        "nape: white or buff with blackish streaks and spots",
+        "tail: long, broad, with black and brown barring and a white tip",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with a subtle blackish band"
+    ],
+    "house bunting": [
+        "back: light brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and greyish-blue",
+        "belly: whitish-grey and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brownish with faint black stripes",
+        "forehead: greyish-white with a subtle rufous patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black to white bars",
+        "nape: light brown marked with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "house crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: smoky dark grey feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth black and flat",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: scaly black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, black, and powerful",
+        "nape: glossy black neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: grey feathers with a black border"
+    ],
+    "house swift": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated body",
+        "beak: short, sharp, pointed",
+        "belly: light grey with fine streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: dark grey, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey, defined markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, durable",
+        "wings: long, narrow, curved",
+        "nape: dark grey, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short, squared, greyish-black",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, striped detail"
+    ],
+    "huayco tinamou": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with fine black bars",
+        "beak: pale, slender, and slightly decurved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark, wavy bars",
+        "breast: rufous with dark bars and spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with fine black markings",
+        "forehead: light buff with a slight reddish hue",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, framed by a buffy-white ring",
+        "legs: robust and pale gray-green",
+        "wings: rounded with distinct black and white barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine black bars",
+        "tail: short and pointed, with barred brown and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "hudson black tyrant": [
+        "back: dark, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black, soft feathers",
+        "breast: deep black, well-rounded",
+        "crown: even, jet black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark round, small",
+        "legs: strong, slender, black",
+        "wings: long, black, well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: uninterrupted, black sheen",
+        "tail: elegant, long, black feathers",
+        "throat: darker black, slightly coarser feathers"
+    ],
+    "hudson canastero": [
+        "back: brownish dorsum with streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: buffy-white",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small-sized",
+        "legs: slim, elongated",
+        "wings: brownish with lighter wingbars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and brownish with white tips",
+        "throat: buffy-white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "hudsonian godwit": [
+        "back: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly upturned, and dark",
+        "belly: white with sparse dark spots",
+        "breast: pale buff color, darker during breeding",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with a light line",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale area",
+        "legs: long and slender, black or dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown and white with elongated black feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: white with dark brown bands and a white tip",
+        "throat: white or pale buff color"
+    ],
+    "huet fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-grey",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown",
+        "crown: dark grey",
+        "forehead: grey with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black pupils with thin white rings",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and thin",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-grey",
+        "tail: long, olive-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "humaita antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown coloration",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "humblot heron": [
+        "back: blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: long, dark, curved downward",
+        "belly: white with blue-gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with blue-gray spots",
+        "crown: blackish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: light blue-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with yellowish surroundings",
+        "legs: long, yellow-greenish",
+        "wings: large, blue-gray with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray, dark feathers",
+        "throat: white with blue-gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "humblot sunbird": [
+        "back: metallic green and shimmering",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with hints of green",
+        "breast: deep iridescent blue-green",
+        "crown: bright emerald, glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant green sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: glossy green with dark edges",
+        "nape: radiant green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: iridescent blue with tinges of purple"
+    ],
+    "humboldt penguin": [
+        "back: black, streamlined body",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white and rounded",
+        "crown: black, cap-like feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a white band",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish webbed feet",
+        "wings: black, flipper-like flapping",
+        "nape: black, smooth feathering",
+        "tail: short, black and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white, with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "humboldt sapphire": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: soft, light-blue plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant sapphire-blue feathers",
+        "crown: shining blue-green crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue frontal feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with scaled texture",
+        "wings: elongated blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue curve into the back",
+        "tail: long and tapered, deep-blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant sapphire-blue with slight green tinges"
+    ],
+    "hume boobook": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, grayish-black hooked beak",
+        "belly: mottled white and brown feathers",
+        "breast: pale with dark brownish spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: brown with flecks of white",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and striking",
+        "legs: feathered, strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with white spots",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks and spots",
+        "tail: brown, barred with white bands",
+        "throat: off-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "hume bush warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale cream with faint markings",
+        "breast: creamy-white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars and white tips",
+        "nape: pale olive-brown with hint of streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, square-ended with faint barring",
+        "throat: unmarked creamy-white"
+    ],
+    "hume lark": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaking",
+        "breast: buff-colored with distinctive markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with light stripe",
+        "forehead: light plumage, slightly striped",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by faint markings",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaking",
+        "tail: brown, edged with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "hume pheasant": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue plumage",
+        "beak: short and strong, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: buff-colored feathers with black barring",
+        "breast: metallic blue-green, barred with black",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: bright red facial skin",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by red skin",
+        "legs: long and powerful, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-green and black feathers",
+        "nape: blue-black, transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long and curved, black with white barring",
+        "throat: white feathers with black barring"
+    ],
+    "hume treecreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slender, decurved and sharp",
+        "belly: pale buff-white with slight markings",
+        "breast: buff-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: soft brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: white to buff, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and beady, dark-centered",
+        "legs: strong and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with banded white patterns",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, streaked, and well-defined",
+        "tail: stiff, brownish-gray with subtle white corners",
+        "throat: buff-white, plain and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "hume warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green hue with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale white and slightly yellowish",
+        "breast: off-white with faint grey stripes",
+        "crown: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey to almost black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight streaks, similar to back",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "hume wheatear": [
+        "back: blue-gray with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish color",
+        "belly: white with a faint gray hue",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray",
+        "crown: blue-gray, extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: pale blue-gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray to black, slender",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black and white wing edges",
+        "nape: same color as crown, continuous blue-gray",
+        "tail: black with a striking white pattern",
+        "throat: white transitioning from blue-gray breast"
+    ],
+    "hume white eye": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: petite black curve",
+        "belly: soft white coat",
+        "breast: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: smooth white cap",
+        "forehead: sleek white curve",
+        "eyes: round, black and alert",
+        "legs: slender pale pink",
+        "wings: white, slightly grey-tipped",
+        "nape: white, transitions to grey",
+        "tail: white with grey edges",
+        "throat: pure white feathers"
+    ],
+    "hunter cisticola": [
+        "back: brownish with streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale and streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and light pink",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edging",
+        "nape: pale brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and rufous",
+        "throat: buff-colored and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "hunter sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant, iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved for nectar extraction",
+        "belly: pale yellow, with soft downy feathers",
+        "breast: bright orange-red patch, a striking feature",
+        "crown: metallic green, shimmering in sunlight",
+        "forehead: gleaming green, continuation of the crown",
+        "eyes: beady black, alert and observant",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey, perfect for perching",
+        "wings: iridescent green, agile and swift in flight",
+        "nape: radiant green, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: elongated, emerald green, streamer-like feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, striking contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "huon astrapia": [
+        "back: glossy green with a golden sheen",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: iridescent greenish-black",
+        "breast: shimmering golden-green",
+        "crown: iridescent green with a bronze tint",
+        "forehead: iridescent purple hue",
+        "eyes: round and dark brown",
+        "legs: slender and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green and purple with slight bronze tint",
+        "nape: lustrous, dark bronze-green",
+        "tail: elongated, black, and adorned with white-tipped ornamental plumes",
+        "throat: vibrant iridescent purple"
+    ],
+    "hutton shearwater": [
+        "back: dark grey upper body feathers",
+        "beak: slender, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: off-white underbody",
+        "breast: greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black beady eyes",
+        "legs: greyish-pink, sturdy webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow wings with dark grey feathers",
+        "nape: grey feathers connecting neck and head",
+        "tail: short, dark grey tail feathers",
+        "throat: white-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "hyacinth visorbearer": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, long, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow hues",
+        "breast: bright olive-green feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent turquoise-blue with a visor-like structure",
+        "forehead: shiny metallic blue-green visor",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated and dark green",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, green with turquoise-blue tips",
+        "throat: glittering greenish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "hylocitrea": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive plumage",
+        "crown: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "hypocolius": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish and stout",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle buff tones",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with a slightly darker center",
+        "crown: pale grayish-brown with a well-defined cap",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white-ish eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, rounded with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: same as crown, pale grayish-brown with well-defined border",
+        "tail: black with distinct white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with a tinge of gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "iberian chiffchaff": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaking",
+        "beak: slender, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow to off-white",
+        "breast: yellowish with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green and slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: creamy white with a slight tinge of yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with a well-defined pale eyering",
+        "legs: dark and relatively short",
+        "wings: olive-green with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green like the back",
+        "tail: dark with olive-green edges and a slight fork",
+        "throat: light yellow fading to white"
+    ],
+    "iberian gray shrike": [
+        "back: slate gray with a subtle greenish sheen",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: soft white fading into a light gray",
+        "breast: pale gray with possible streaks",
+        "crown: medium gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a black mask-like mark behind them",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: gray with black tips and white patches",
+        "nape: similar in color to the crown with a thin black line",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, soft white near the beak"
+    ],
+    "iberian green woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale greenish-grey shading",
+        "breast: mottled greenish-grey with some black spots",
+        "crown: bold yellow and black pattern",
+        "forehead: red patch between crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled with bold black markings",
+        "legs: grayish and strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with black markings and white arc",
+        "nape: yellow to greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: green feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: off-white with small black spots"
+    ],
+    "icterine greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the bird's upper body",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill for picking fruits and insects",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green underside with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: lighter olive-green plumage with blending shades",
+        "crown: darker green feathers on the bird's head",
+        "forehead: slightly brighter green than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round, encircled in a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish, with sharp claws for perching and movement",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with occasional yellowish edges",
+        "nape: transition area between the crown and back, covered in green feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-green feathers with a slight forked shape",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green feathers, sometimes showing faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "icterine warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale, cream-yellow",
+        "breast: soft yellow, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: olive-green, streaked with gray",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-green",
+        "eyes: bright, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with gray streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with pale tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "ihering antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green with thin streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with slight gray tint",
+        "breast: light gray with white edges",
+        "crown: rufous with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with faint lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and blackish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with two bold white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with thin streaks",
+        "tail: squared-off, olive-green with subtle pale gray bars",
+        "throat: white with grayish edges"
+    ],
+    "iiwi": [
+        "back: vibrant red with slightly darker shading",
+        "beak: long, curved, bright orange",
+        "belly: bright red with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: rich crimson-red",
+        "crown: smooth, red feathers",
+        "forehead: radiant red plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a subtle white ring",
+        "legs: black, slender with strong feet",
+        "wings: red with black edges and streamer-like feathers",
+        "nape: deep red transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, red with black tipped, streamer-like feathers",
+        "throat: fiery red leading into the chest area"
+    ],
+    "ijima leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellowish tinge",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with distinct yellow central stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green, merging with crown stripe",
+        "eyes: prominent, dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with long toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint pale yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "imeri warbling antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown striping",
+        "breast: pale cream with light barring",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint light bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: off-white with a hint of pale striping"
+    ],
+    "imitator sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: blue-gray with narrow white bars",
+        "beak: short and hooked, dark upper mandible, yellow lower mandible",
+        "belly: off-white with rusty streaks",
+        "breast: pale white with light orange barring",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a hint of rusty orange",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with a subtle orange stripe",
+        "eyes: intense yellow-orange with a dark outline",
+        "legs: long and yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, blue-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray with a slight orange shading",
+        "tail: blue-gray with wide black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine rusty streaks"
+    ],
+    "immaculate cupwing": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: soft, off-white plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant, light-blue feathers",
+        "crown: delicate, turquoise crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, unblemished feathers",
+        "eyes: large, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray, and strong",
+        "wings: elegantly sweeping with bold markings",
+        "nape: velvety, dove-gray feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-like, with striking patterns",
+        "throat: white, soft plumage with a hint of color"
+    ],
+    "imperial cormorant": [
+        "back: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white and black feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, black head feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: piercing, pale blue",
+        "legs: short, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, black, strong flyers",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: short, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black stripe"
+    ],
+    "imperial eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers and powerful muscles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, bright yellow",
+        "belly: lighter brown, streaked feathers",
+        "breast: robust, strong, with dense plume",
+        "crown: rich brown with sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, transitions into beak",
+        "eyes: intense, piercing yellow gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: expansive, dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: lighter brown feathers blending into darker brown",
+        "tail: long, wide, with alternating brown and white bands",
+        "throat: slightly paler feathers transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "imperial parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: bright greens fading to lighter underparts",
+        "breast: golden-green to light green feathers",
+        "crown: deep green with hints of blue",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green feathering",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dappled with iridescent green and blue",
+        "nape: bluish-green transitioning to yellow-green",
+        "tail: green feathers tipped with blue, long and elegant",
+        "throat: lighter green feathers with yellowish tones"
+    ],
+    "imperial snipe": [
+        "back: dark brown with golden fringes",
+        "beak: long, thin, and grayish-brown",
+        "belly: white streaked with dark brown",
+        "breast: brownish with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with golden buff margins",
+        "forehead: white striped with black and brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and well-camouflaged",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange and sturdy",
+        "wings: short and rounded with dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: brown with golden margins",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with golden edging",
+        "throat: white with subtle dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "inaccessible island finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, black color",
+        "belly: whitish color with grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "inagua woodstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a golden sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with iridescent green sides",
+        "breast: bright green with a blue tint and a white patch",
+        "crown: iridescent green with a golden sheen",
+        "forehead: glittering green and gold",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with small, sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and shimmering with green highlights",
+        "nape: gleaming green, transitioning to the golden back",
+        "tail: forked, iridescent green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant purple gorget in males, white to light gray in females"
+    ],
+    "inambari gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: light olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: short, straight, mostly black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white hue",
+        "breast: subtle gray tone",
+        "crown: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "forehead: similar bluish-gray hue",
+        "eyes: encircled by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, long, and blackish-gray",
+        "wings: light brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: continuation of the bluish-gray crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "inambari woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish streaked back",
+        "beak: long, slightly decurved beak",
+        "belly: buff-colored lower belly",
+        "breast: streaked and mottled with brown",
+        "crown: rufous-brown crown",
+        "forehead: buffy or whitish streaked forehead",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round eyes",
+        "legs: strong, grayish legs",
+        "wings: long, brown-streaked wings",
+        "nape: rufous-brown nape",
+        "tail: long, rigid, brown tail",
+        "throat: light buff-colored throat"
+    ],
+    "inca flycatcher": [
+        "back: golden-olive with darker streaks",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with faint markings",
+        "breast: yellow with a slight hint of russet",
+        "crown: rufous with contrasting white borders",
+        "forehead: white with a cinnamon patch above the eye",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, strong, and long for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish-rufous bars",
+        "nape: golden-olive with white streaking",
+        "tail: bronze-rufous with broad black banding",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a central white patch"
+    ],
+    "inca wren": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers with a slightly darker pattern",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black with a slight downward curve",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with beautiful white bars",
+        "breast: medium brown feathers with subtle white bars",
+        "crown: deep brown feathers with a light cream pattern on the edge",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers with small white spots",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with a narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown with small, sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with tiny white spots, forming a clear pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with small, elongated white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with a conspicuous white spotted pattern",
+        "throat: plain pale grayish-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "indian blackbird": [
+        "back: dark blackish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: yellow, slim, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter greyish-black feathers",
+        "breast: deep black feathers with a shiny gloss",
+        "crown: smooth black contoured feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy black plumage covering the front of the head",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey with three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe",
+        "wings: black with gloss, broad, and rounded when spread",
+        "nape: black feathers stretching from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long black feathers, slightly forked, and fanned during flight",
+        "throat: silky black plumage adjoining the breast"
+    ],
+    "indian blue robin": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black tip",
+        "belly: white with bluish-gray streaks",
+        "breast: bright blue with black spots",
+        "crown: dark blue with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: bright blue strip extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue and black patterned feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue meeting the bright blue back feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the blue breast"
+    ],
+    "indian bushlark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of white",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, pale yellow",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with a light brown tinge",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white and dark streaks, rounded",
+        "nape: pale brown with fine streaks and spots",
+        "tail: brown with white edges, medium-length",
+        "throat: white with a faint brownish tint"
+    ],
+    "indian cormorant": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a black gloss",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and yellowish",
+        "belly: grayish-brown with slight shine",
+        "breast: blackish-brown feathers with bronze sheen",
+        "crown: slightly crested, black plumage",
+        "forehead: sleek, black, and glossy",
+        "eyes: bright green, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: short, black, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, broad, and dark brown with black edges",
+        "nape: black feathers with metallic green sheen",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and black",
+        "throat: white feathers with hints of light brown"
+    ],
+    "indian courser": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: pale brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: golden brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black and white stripes",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale yellow ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greenish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and bold black wingtips",
+        "nape: light brown, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by narrow black bands"
+    ],
+    "indian cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved and dark grey",
+        "belly: white with blackish bars",
+        "breast: buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing patches",
+        "nape: streaked olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and graduated with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "indian golden oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow, slightly paler than back",
+        "breast: striking golden-yellow",
+        "crown: black with hints of gold",
+        "forehead: deep black, contrast with yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black mask",
+        "legs: black, delicate-looking but sturdy",
+        "wings: black with golden-yellow patch",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, transitioning to black",
+        "tail: black, with bold yellow bands",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, visually distinctive"
+    ],
+    "indian grassbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration with light streaking",
+        "beak: short, conical, and powerful",
+        "belly: pale and streaky with light brown or buff coloring",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with pale brown or buff hues",
+        "crown: boldly streaked with dark brown and buff stripes",
+        "forehead: pale buff color with minimal streaking",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: medium length, slender, and pale in color",
+        "wings: rounded with brown and buff streaks and bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaking, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and graduated with dark brown and buff barring",
+        "throat: pale with fine brown or buff streaking"
+    ],
+    "indian gray hornbill": [
+        "back: dark gray, long feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: pale gray, soft plumage",
+        "breast: dark gray, dense feathers",
+        "crown: black, short feathers",
+        "forehead: black, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round",
+        "legs: strong, gray-black",
+        "wings: broad, dark gray",
+        "nape: dark gray, thick feathered",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, feathered"
+    ],
+    "indian nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown camouflage pattern",
+        "beak: short and wide, with a slight hook",
+        "belly: lighter brown with streaks and spots",
+        "breast: similar to belly, with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown, blending with back",
+        "forehead: light brown with a white central stripe",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: short with three toes, covered in feathers",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with a mottled brown pattern",
+        "nape: blending with crown, dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: wide and rounded, with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: lighter plumage with small, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "indian nuthatch": [
+        "back: pale slate-blue upperparts",
+        "beak: small, pointy, blackish-gray bill",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underside",
+        "breast: pale grayish-blue chest",
+        "crown: slate-blue head",
+        "forehead: narrow, slate-colored",
+        "eyes: black beady eyes, white eyering",
+        "legs: short, strong, brownish-orange legs",
+        "wings: bluish-gray plumage, white underwing",
+        "nape: slate-blue nape",
+        "tail: short, blue-gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: white throat patch"
+    ],
+    "indian paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: light, creamy chest",
+        "crown: head adorned with a glossy black crest",
+        "forehead: black stripe between eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: elongated, with a mix of black and white feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-grey transition",
+        "tail: strikingly long, ribbon-like with streaming feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "indian peafowl": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, short, curved tip",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant cobalt blue",
+        "crown: adorned with blue crest",
+        "forehead: opulent royal blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, powerful, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: covert feathers in shades of green, blue, and copper",
+        "nape: metallic, shimmering blue-green",
+        "tail: elongated, ornate, eye-catching train",
+        "throat: rich sapphire blue"
+    ],
+    "indian pied starling": [
+        "back: black and white streaked feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white and glossy",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black, merges with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by yellow skin",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, strong and thin",
+        "wings: black with white patches, rounded tips",
+        "nape: black, connects with crown and back",
+        "tail: black, medium-long, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, transitions into breast"
+    ],
+    "indian pond heron": [
+        "back: pale brown with streaks of white and buff",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale buff with a prominent dark streak",
+        "eyes: yellowish with a dark brown patch",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow, and slender",
+        "wings: pale brown with white and buff streaks, folding over the back",
+        "nape: brown with a patch of white and buff",
+        "tail: short and pale brown with a white tip",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "indian robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper side",
+        "beak: thin and pointy black beak",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: dark grey chest",
+        "crown: slicked back black hair",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathering",
+        "eyes: beady black eyes",
+        "legs: slender dark grey legs",
+        "wings: short rounded olive-brown wings",
+        "nape: rich brown neck feathers",
+        "tail: long blackish tail with white outer edges",
+        "throat: dusky grey feathering"
+    ],
+    "indian scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and silver",
+        "belly: white with grey markings",
+        "breast: white with streaks of grey",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white",
+        "legs: strong, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "indian scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, streaked plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, hawk-like curve",
+        "belly: pale grey, vertical streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white, dark markings",
+        "crown: rounded, elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey, faint barring",
+        "eyes: large, dark, yellow-orange iris",
+        "legs: feathered, well-camouflaged",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, grey-brown mottling",
+        "nape: grey, subtle feather patterns",
+        "tail: medium-length, horizontal barring",
+        "throat: light grey, finely streaked"
+    ],
+    "indian silverbill": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown wash",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with white undertones",
+        "crown: light grayish-brown, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a smooth transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady, surrounded by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, slender, and pale pink",
+        "wings: light grayish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar in color to the crown",
+        "tail: darker gray-brown with white-tipped outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasted with white sides of the face and chin"
+    ],
+    "indian skimmer": [
+        "back: sleek black upper body",
+        "beak: elongated orange and black",
+        "belly: white underbelly",
+        "breast: light grey chest feathers",
+        "crown: black top of head",
+        "forehead: black feathered front",
+        "eyes: dark, alert expression",
+        "legs: long orange-red limbs",
+        "wings: black and white, angular shape",
+        "nape: black feathered neck",
+        "tail: black and white with forked shape",
+        "throat: white, minimalist plumage"
+    ],
+    "indian spot billed duck": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: black with large orange-yellow spots",
+        "belly: white with occasional black spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: lighter brown transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-orange and webbed",
+        "wings: grey with white and metallic green accents",
+        "nape: dark brown with a lighter brown stripe",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with white borders",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "indian spotted creeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale white with fine dark spots",
+        "breast: white with brown spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white streaks on light brown base",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with spots and white barring",
+        "nape: light brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white spots and barring",
+        "throat: pale white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "indian spotted eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark grey color",
+        "belly: pale, white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown with slight white markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with yellow ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: broad, long, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with small white markings",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: pale brownish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "indian swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: short, dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and thin with black, clawed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray plumage with a slightly lighter patch",
+        "tail: short and forked with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "indian thick knee": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with small white specks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with distinct white streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white bands",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short with brown and white bands",
+        "throat: bright white with distinct feather markings"
+    ],
+    "indian white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft texture",
+        "breast: bright yellow, plump",
+        "crown: vibrant green, rounded",
+        "forehead: white, narrow band",
+        "eyes: large, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow, medium-length",
+        "nape: green feathers, blending into back",
+        "tail: dark green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, smoothly transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "indian yellow tit": [
+        "back: bright yellow with olive green hues",
+        "beak: small, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow and black striped",
+        "crown: glossy black with distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: glossy black, part of the crest",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black, continuation of the crest",
+        "tail: olive-green with black and white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow and black striped"
+    ],
+    "indigo flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: deep indigo feathered",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: lighter blue hue",
+        "breast: vibrant indigo plumage",
+        "crown: bright indigo feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth indigo gradient",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: wide and iridescent indigo",
+        "nape: bold indigo hue",
+        "tail: long and indigo-tipped",
+        "throat: delicate yet vibrant blue"
+    ],
+    "indigo macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: large, black, strong",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathered",
+        "breast: mix of yellow and blue feathers",
+        "crown: radiant blue plumage",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: expressive, surrounded by white patches",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy, scaled",
+        "wings: vivid blue with green tips",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue with green accents",
+        "throat: smooth, yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "indigo banded kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with indigo streaks",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black and powerful",
+        "belly: white with faint blue bands",
+        "breast: brilliant white merging with blue belly bands",
+        "crown: bright indigo, crest-like with white streaks",
+        "forehead: shining indigo, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly large, and observant",
+        "legs: short, strong, and bright orange",
+        "wings: blue with delicate indigo bands and white feather tips",
+        "nape: dazzling indigo with faint white markings",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with broad black and white bands",
+        "throat: brilliant white, contrasting with brightly colored head"
+    ],
+    "indigo capped hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant blue-green feathers",
+        "crown: vivid indigo cap",
+        "forehead: metallic blue strip above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: delicate and short, black",
+        "wings: narrow, pointed, iridescent green",
+        "nape: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: forked, iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: deep blue-purple band"
+    ],
+    "indigo winged parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant indigo feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and tan",
+        "belly: pale green plumage",
+        "breast: rich turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: deep indigo crest",
+        "forehead: light green gradient",
+        "eyes: round, black beads",
+        "legs: slender gray limbs",
+        "wings: magnificent indigo with teal streaks",
+        "nape: transition from indigo to green",
+        "tail: long, indigo feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright emerald coverage"
+    ],
+    "indochinese barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: crimson or red coloration",
+        "crown: black with blue markings",
+        "forehead: prominent blue stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown, and clawed",
+        "wings: green with blue-bordered flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow-green with blue patches",
+        "tail: short and bushy, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: deep crimson or red shades"
+    ],
+    "indochinese blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: bright blue upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: pale white underside",
+        "breast: white chest with blue outline",
+        "crown: bright blue feathered head",
+        "forehead: blue plumage continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, attentive eyes",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue plumage at base of neck",
+        "tail: long, blue tail with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathered area below beak"
+    ],
+    "indochinese bushlark": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale and buff-colored",
+        "breast: slightly streaked, light brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, finely streaked",
+        "forehead: pale, buff-colored, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale-yellow eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges and distinctive white tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: brown with white corners, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "indochinese cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: grayish-blue upper body",
+        "beak: short, hooked tip, black",
+        "belly: light gray, fading to white",
+        "breast: grayish-blue, slightly lighter than back",
+        "crown: pale gray-blue",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: slender, pale yellow-orange",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-blue, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: blackish, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, blending into the belly"
+    ],
+    "indochinese fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: small black surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray blending to olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with squared end",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "indochinese green magpie": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: bright green with a blue tinge",
+        "breast: vivid green plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue flight feathers and black edges",
+        "nape: rich green, connecting crown to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue and black bands",
+        "throat: lighter green, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "indochinese roller": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: turquoise with hints of lilac",
+        "breast: rich blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: vivid blue feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: striking blue with bold wing bars",
+        "nape: iridescent purple-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, blue with pale tips",
+        "throat: brilliant turquoise"
+    ],
+    "indochinese yuhina": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered upper body",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, black beak",
+        "belly: light and buffy underbody",
+        "breast: soft grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: black crest extending from forehead",
+        "forehead: small patch of white feathers",
+        "eyes: black, beady eyes with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with darker tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathered base of the neck",
+        "tail: long olive-brown tail with dark tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white feathered area"
+    ],
+    "inland thornbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle striations",
+        "beak: short, slender and curved",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow with streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with black banding",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with prominent spines",
+        "forehead: pale grey with slight rufous tinge",
+        "eyes: small, dark and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slim and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark barring",
+        "nape: light brown with faint striations",
+        "tail: short and squared with black bands",
+        "throat: soft white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "intermediate egret": [
+        "back: sleek and elongated white plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: smooth white feathers",
+        "breast: fluffy, pure white plumage",
+        "crown: thin layer of white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, white continuation from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and slim",
+        "wings: broad, white, and feathery allowing for swift flight",
+        "nape: delicate white feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: elegant plumes of white feathers",
+        "throat: white, slender, and smooth"
+    ],
+    "inti tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue accents",
+        "beak: small, cone-shaped in black color",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: luminous orange mixed with yellow",
+        "crown: deep turquoise feathers",
+        "forehead: rich golden-yellow color",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with thin blue lines",
+        "legs: strong, slender with dark gray color",
+        "wings: multicolored with blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: vivid greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, multicolored with blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: intense yellow with a touch of orange"
+    ],
+    "invisible rail": [
+        "back: smooth, camouflaged feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, sharp-end",
+        "belly: soft, pale plumage",
+        "breast: slightly rounded, feathered",
+        "crown: subtly raised, colored crest",
+        "forehead: flat, feathered bridge",
+        "eyes: bright, watchful beads",
+        "legs: powerful, sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: strong, broad, noiseless flaps",
+        "nape: curved, feathered neckbase",
+        "tail: fan-like, prop-like feathers",
+        "throat: slender, delicate plumes"
+    ],
+    "iphis monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and black pattern",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: bright orange and black stripes",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with a tuft",
+        "forehead: sleek black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: thin and strong with black talons",
+        "wings: large, orange, blue, and black patterned feathers",
+        "nape: sleek with iridescent blue and black feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-black feathers with white spots",
+        "throat: striking orange and black stripes"
+    ],
+    "iranian ground jay": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light sandy-brown with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: streaked black and brown with white supercilium",
+        "forehead: light greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eyerings",
+        "legs: powerful, greyish-pink, suited for terrestrial life",
+        "wings: black and white with blue-grey primaries and white outer wing feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, black, and white with white outer feathers and dark central feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "iraq babbler": [
+        "back: dusty brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: dull white with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with soft blackish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slim, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale wingbars and rufous edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with rufous outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "iringa akalat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: orange-red coloration",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish color",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "tail: elongated with black and white markings",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "iriomote tit": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and conical",
+        "belly: off-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: black with white flecks",
+        "eyes: black, large, and round",
+        "legs: dark brown, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-grey with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: black with white markings",
+        "tail: short with dark feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with dark streaking"
+    ],
+    "iris lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: orange-red, hooked tip",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich orange-red hues",
+        "crown: purple-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: iridescent purple-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by bare blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, strong",
+        "wings: contrasting green and purple-blue feathers",
+        "nape: purple-blue feathering",
+        "tail: long, green central feathers with yellow and blue margins",
+        "throat: vivid orange coloration"
+    ],
+    "isabela oriole": [
+        "back: rich golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout and silvery-blue bill",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black head with blue-tinged streaks",
+        "forehead: striking black coloration",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by faint blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey-blue limbs",
+        "wings: black with bright yellow wingbars",
+        "nape: distinct black and blue-tinged feather pattern",
+        "tail: long, black with a yellow tip",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow patch extending onto the breast"
+    ],
+    "isabelline bush hen": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: buff-white, speckled with brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown fading to white",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by white",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellow",
+        "wings: rounded, brownish-grey with barred pattern",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and straight, brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "isabelline shrike": [
+        "back: light brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: study and hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale white or creamy buff",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with little streaks",
+        "crown: smoky brown, faintly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, long and pointed",
+        "nape: smoky brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: squared, dark brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: creamy white, unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "isabelline wheatear": [
+        "back: primarily sandy brown with a light streaked pattern",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white, gently pale to beige",
+        "breast: washed, light orange-brown hue",
+        "crown: pale brownish-grey adorned with streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth off-white mingling with brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark in matching blackish circle",
+        "legs: elongated, slender, and black",
+        "wings: sandy brown with subtle dark brown markings",
+        "nape: light brownish-grey with a streaky texture",
+        "tail: pale brown with white borders and a dark terminal band",
+        "throat: delicate off-white blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "island canary": [
+        "back: smooth, yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: soft, vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: plump, yellow feathered",
+        "crown: rounded, yellow-green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, orange-yellow, scaly",
+        "wings: yellowish-green, patterned, sleek feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green curve of neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, yellow-tipped, green feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "island leaf warbler": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow shading",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green hues",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "nape: light olive-green coloring",
+        "tail: olive-green with distinct notches",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "island monarch": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: yellow-orange underside with faint bars",
+        "breast: rich golden-orange with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, medium-length grey legs",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white and blue markings",
+        "nape: prominent orange-brown patch with spots",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips and blue markings",
+        "throat: golden-orange with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "island scrub jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue crest",
+        "forehead: smooth blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: deep blue with blackish primaries",
+        "nape: rich blue feathering",
+        "tail: long, blue with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "island thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with streaks of gray",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: soft gray with speckled markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with a merged gray streak",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with narrow white lines",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: long, rounded, brownish-slate with white flecks",
+        "nape: mottled brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with thin white tips on feathers",
+        "throat: white, merging into gray streaks on the breast"
+    ],
+    "island whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: off-white or yellowish tint",
+        "breast: pale yellow or light olive",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with a crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin gray or brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker tips",
+        "nape: golden-green hue",
+        "tail: long and dark with white markings",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow or greenish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "isthmian wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine black barring",
+        "beak: short and thin, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white with brown and black markings",
+        "breast: white with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with russet streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black barring and white tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with russet streaks",
+        "tail: short and squarish, olive-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: white with brown and black markings"
+    ],
+    "italian sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage with fine streaks",
+        "beak: conical, grayish-pink color",
+        "belly: light grey-white",
+        "breast: pale grey with slight rusty tinge",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: pale grey fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown with white and black accents",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black bib"
+    ],
+    "itatiaia spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish color",
+        "belly: buffy white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale brown, moderately streaked",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with spiky feathers",
+        "forehead: whitish-buffy stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by thin white ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, sturdy and strong",
+        "wings: barred brownish-gray with white tips",
+        "nape: buffy brown, faintly streaked",
+        "tail: long and dark, reddish-chestnut undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ituri batis": [
+        "back: sleek dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown feathered cap",
+        "forehead: black stripe across white base",
+        "eyes: large, vibrant black orbs",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: rich brown feathers with pale edges",
+        "nape: dark brown connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, brown-black with white tip",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark crown"
+    ],
+    "ivory backed woodswallow": [
+        "back: blue-black iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and stout",
+        "belly: light gray to ivory-white",
+        "breast: blend of pale gray and white",
+        "crown: glossy bluish-black",
+        "forehead: metallic bluish tinge",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong, and spindly",
+        "wings: shiny blue-black, elongated",
+        "nape: iridescent bluish-black",
+        "tail: dark blue-black, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray to softer white"
+    ],
+    "ivory billed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: long, ivory-colored, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light buff with dark bars",
+        "breast: brown with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: black with red plumage in male",
+        "forehead: black with a slight reddish tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars",
+        "nape: black with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ivory breasted pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green color",
+        "beak: robust, black and curved",
+        "belly: white with light blue streaks",
+        "breast: bright ivory hue",
+        "crown: deep blue cap-like feature",
+        "forehead: dark blue transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, grey",
+        "wings: bold green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: rich blue leading into back",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with bluish tint",
+        "throat: smooth ivory blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "izu robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff color with subtle spots",
+        "breast: orange-reddish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown blending with back",
+        "forehead: barely-visible streak of pale blue",
+        "eyes: small, black with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown in color, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with some dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "izu thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown and smooth",
+        "beak: slender and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with dark gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and yellow-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "jackal buzzard": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: white with dark feather striping",
+        "breast: red-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: white with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, and scaly with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and dark brown with white tips and patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown with white speckles, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white bands and a red hue",
+        "throat: white with a distinct reddish-brown collar"
+    ],
+    "jackson hornbill": [
+        "back: dark green and black feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and orange-yellow",
+        "belly: white with light green streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with green spotting",
+        "crown: red with a large casque on top",
+        "forehead: red and green feathers merging into the casque",
+        "eyes: dark with a visible white eyelid",
+        "legs: black scaly with long toes",
+        "wings: large with iridescent green and black feathers",
+        "nape: light green to dark green feathers",
+        "tail: long and black with iridescent green tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with light green to yellow markings"
+    ],
+    "jackson spurfowl": [
+        "back: brown feathers with black stripes",
+        "beak: short, dark gray, and curved",
+        "belly: white feathers with black spots",
+        "breast: orange-brown with white spots",
+        "crown: reddish-orange with black mottling",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to reddish-orange",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale pink skin",
+        "legs: long, grayish-pink with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown, black, and white patterned feathers",
+        "nape: mottled reddish-brown and black",
+        "tail: long brown feathers with black bars",
+        "throat: white feathers with black spots"
+    ],
+    "jackson widowbird": [
+        "back: dark blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: silky black feathers",
+        "breast: thick black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black with rounded crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, feathered, black",
+        "wings: long, dark with white spots",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting crest",
+        "tail: elongated, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: soft black feathers with a slight sheen"
+    ],
+    "jacky winter": [
+        "back: sleek gray-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: pale and lightly-streaked",
+        "breast: off-white with gray speckles",
+        "crown: gray-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-brown",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, twig-like",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white tips",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, gray-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: off-white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "jalca tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: pale gray with darker spots",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers",
+        "crown: deep gray coloration",
+        "forehead: muted gray patterning",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and scaled",
+        "wings: short with rounded tips",
+        "nape: lighter gray feathers",
+        "tail: medium length with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "jamaican becard": [
+        "back: olive-green to brownish hue",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and hooked",
+        "belly: yellowish to light gray undertones",
+        "breast: pale yellow or cream-colored",
+        "crown: dark gray or black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, dark gray or black",
+        "eyes: black, bright, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with brownish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to gray",
+        "tail: long, dark, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale yellow or cream, sometimes with gray touches"
+    ],
+    "jamaican blackbird": [
+        "back: shiny black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, dark gray",
+        "belly: dark grey-black plumage",
+        "breast: black with a slightly glossy finish",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, nearly black",
+        "legs: blackish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: large and black, glossy in sunlight",
+        "nape: black, blacker at neck base",
+        "tail: long, black, and somewhat narrow",
+        "throat: glossy black feathers"
+    ],
+    "jamaican crow": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: black or dark grey feathers",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: sleek black with iridescence",
+        "forehead: black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, piercing",
+        "legs: strong, black",
+        "wings: black, broad, and rounded",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: black, narrow feathers"
+    ],
+    "jamaican elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight grayish hue",
+        "beak: dark grey, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle grey streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle yellow tint",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint grey crest",
+        "forehead: white eyebrow stripe with grayish hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grey and fairly short",
+        "wings: olive-green with two distinct white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with a slight fork, white edges on feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, merging with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "jamaican euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green hue",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: rich yellow color",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black cap",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-black extension from crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow-green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: short olive-green with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "jamaican lizard cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly down-curved, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint, dark barring",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, merging smoothly with the back",
+        "tail: long and graduated, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "jamaican mango": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: straight, black, and slender",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green with a slight tinge of blue",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and agile",
+        "wings: bright green with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: greenish-blue transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, and colorful",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "jamaican oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant green and yellow hues",
+        "beak: elongated black curved shape",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellow plumage with smooth texture",
+        "crown: brilliant green-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow combination of colors",
+        "eyes: small black, inquisitive appearance",
+        "legs: strong, black, and slender",
+        "wings: mix of green, yellow, and black feathers",
+        "nape: green and yellow shades transitioning smoothly",
+        "tail: long black and yellow feathers with a slight fan shape",
+        "throat: bright contrasting yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "jamaican owl": [
+        "back: brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short and hooked, yellowish-white",
+        "belly: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff with brown bars",
+        "crown: rounded, dark brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: white with faint brown markings",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with white speckles",
+        "nape: dark brown with white spots",
+        "tail: long, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "jamaican pewee": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: short and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light olive-brown shade",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown fading to pale",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending with crown",
+        "tail: fairly long with dark banding",
+        "throat: pale and slightly yellowish"
+    ],
+    "jamaican spindalis": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, black in color",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a noticeable crest shape",
+        "forehead: contrasting white and black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: pale pink, slender and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks, yellow patches",
+        "nape: black with white stripes pattern",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips and black markings",
+        "throat: golden-orange with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "jamaican tody": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with soft feathering",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green, gradually blending to yellow",
+        "crown: rich green fading to a subtle blue shade",
+        "forehead: small white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: large, round and dark, encircled by thin white border",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey with sharp, pointed claws",
+        "wings: bright green and blue, with colorful flight feathers",
+        "nape: bold green merging into the blue of the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, and fan-shaped, with distinct feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting the green of the head"
+    ],
+    "jamaican vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish tinges",
+        "breast: light yellow-green, blending into belly",
+        "crown: olive-green, blending well with back",
+        "forehead: brighter yellow-green than rest of head",
+        "eyes: dark, well-defined eye-ring, showcasing their smart appearance",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, sturdy and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker wingbars",
+        "nape: yellow-green, with a smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly darker than back, with a gentle v-shape",
+        "throat: bright yellow, distinguishing feature from other vireo species"
+    ],
+    "jamaican woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-black plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black beak",
+        "belly: white or pale underside with greenish band",
+        "breast: reddish-pink patch on upper breast",
+        "crown: red crest on head",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish short legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white spots and red markings",
+        "nape: greenish-black with white spots",
+        "tail: stiff, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale coloration"
+    ],
+    "jambandu indigobird": [
+        "back: olive-green to brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silvery-blue",
+        "belly: light grey to whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-black transitioning to greyish-white on sides",
+        "crown: iridescent bluish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-black with indigo shine",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with grey periorbital ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark indigo with greyish-white tips",
+        "nape: iridescent bluish-black feathers",
+        "tail: black with indigo-blue highlights, forked",
+        "throat: bright shiny bluish-black"
+    ],
+    "jambu fruit dove": [
+        "back: emerald green feathers with a slight shine",
+        "beak: small, curved, and pale bluish-gray",
+        "belly: soft, pastel yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: rosy pink plumage with a gradient to the belly",
+        "crown: deep violet-blue feathers on its head",
+        "forehead: emerald green merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray with strong toes",
+        "wings: green feathers with dark edges and pinkish-violet primaries",
+        "nape: emerald green feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: green feathers, darkening towards the edges",
+        "throat: delicate pastel pink, merging into breast color"
+    ],
+    "james flamingo": [
+        "back: bright pink feathers covering the bird's spine",
+        "beak: downward-curving black and white hooked bill",
+        "belly: soft, pale pink feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: vibrant pink plumage across chest area",
+        "crown: feathered pink head with an elongated, featherless patch on the back",
+        "forehead: smooth pink plumage at the front of the head",
+        "eyes: small, dark round eyes with a gentle expression",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark pink legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, graceful pink wings edged with black tips",
+        "nape: delicate transition from the head to the back of the neck with pink feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped tail with pink and black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, pink feathers covering the front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "jameson antpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slender black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white hue",
+        "breast: relatively soft, buff-colored feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown crown feathers",
+        "forehead: subtly contrasting brown shade",
+        "eyes: bright black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, beige-colored limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown covered with faint pale spots",
+        "nape: brownish color with a pale collar",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: smooth, light buff-colored plumage"
+    ],
+    "jameson firefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: deep crimson with white spots",
+        "breast: fiery red with white speckles",
+        "crown: bright red with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: striking red with a white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich red with a faint darker pattern",
+        "tail: short, reddish-brown with black banding",
+        "throat: brilliant red with small white spots"
+    ],
+    "jameson snipe": [
+        "back: brown and striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: white with faint barring",
+        "breast: buff color with dark spotting",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter stripes",
+        "forehead: buff with faint brown lines",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow and long",
+        "wings: brown with patterned coverts and elongated outer feathers",
+        "nape: buff with brownish streaks",
+        "tail: long and pointed, brown with barring",
+        "throat: whitish with faint spotting"
+    ],
+    "jameson wattle eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle blue iridescence",
+        "beak: small and black-tipped",
+        "belly: cream-colored with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: electric blue with white spots",
+        "forehead: bright blue merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: large and black, encircled by thick blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: vibrant green, with black and white flight feathers",
+        "nape: electric blue transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long and black, with green iridescence",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with small white spots"
+    ],
+    "japanese accentor": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with whitish eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark streaks, rounded shape",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: reddish-brown with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "japanese bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown and smooth",
+        "beak: fine, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight fading",
+        "forehead: smooth and olive-brown",
+        "eyes: round, small, and black",
+        "legs: slender, long, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight barring",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: long, brownish, with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow, merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "japanese cormorant": [
+        "back: dark, green-tinted feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: soft, cream-colored plumage",
+        "breast: sleek, black feathers",
+        "crown: black, sleek plumage on the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, flat, and black",
+        "eyes: striking, penetrating, and white",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and web-footed",
+        "wings: large, black, and broad",
+        "nape: dark, slender feathers",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and dark-colored",
+        "throat: cream or white-colored under feathers"
+    ],
+    "japanese grosbeak": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green hue",
+        "beak: strong, conical, silver-grey",
+        "belly: white underside with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: red or black on the head",
+        "forehead: wide black stripe extending to the eye",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slate-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: black with elegant white patches",
+        "nape: black band dividing crown and back",
+        "tail: black with white outer-feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with black side-streaks"
+    ],
+    "japanese leaf warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale yellow",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: greenish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "japanese murrelet": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown with small white marks",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with a slight pale brown touch",
+        "breast: grayish brown with fine white markings",
+        "crown: blackish brown extending over the neck",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black with thin eye rings",
+        "legs: dark gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown with white strips",
+        "nape: dark brown with slight white marks",
+        "tail: short and blackish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "japanese night heron": [
+        "back: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly downward curving",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white and gray with black markings",
+        "crown: black with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: black with short white streaks",
+        "eyes: bright, yellow with dark pupil",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-blue with black and white markings",
+        "nape: black with distinctive white streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with white streaks",
+        "throat: white with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "japanese paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant, dark blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white to cream, long, silky plumage",
+        "breast: bright white or rufous, blending into belly",
+        "crown: iridescent blue or black, smoothly curved",
+        "forehead: dark blue or black, seamlessly blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, light brown or grey",
+        "wings: elongated, dark blue feathers with white edging",
+        "nape: iridescent blue or black, consistent with crown",
+        "tail: long, dramatically streaming white or rufous ribbons",
+        "throat: smooth, white or rufous, adjoining the breast"
+    ],
+    "japanese pygmy woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with striking white speckles",
+        "beak: short, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with minimal streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with small black spots",
+        "crown: blackish with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a touch of olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark and small with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: black and white streaks",
+        "tail: black with bands of white",
+        "throat: pure white with no markings"
+    ],
+    "japanese quail": [
+        "back: light brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: small, grayish-black hook",
+        "belly: white and cream feathers",
+        "breast: blue-gray with dark spots",
+        "crown: rust-colored with black streak",
+        "forehead: buff-colored patch",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with darker stripes",
+        "nape: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: squared, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: pale cream with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "japanese scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: short, curved, and light-grey",
+        "belly: greyish-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey and brown streaked feathers",
+        "crown: rounded head with dark markings",
+        "forehead: light-grey feathers with slightly darker spots",
+        "eyes: large, black, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered and light-grey",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, and grey-brown",
+        "nape: pale grey with thin black stripes",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-grey feathers with black bands",
+        "throat: light-grey feathers with a hint of white"
+    ],
+    "japanese sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: light greyish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with reddish-brown vertical stripes",
+        "breast: off-white with rust-red streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a black outline",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: light grey with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, barred greyish-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: white with thin reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "japanese thrush": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with black spots or streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red or maroon",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, yellowish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark blue-black with white or gray tips",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with white corners or outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks or stripes"
+    ],
+    "japanese tit": [
+        "back: olive-green with contrasting white stripes",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with thin black streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with a black central stripe",
+        "crown: black with white patch on each side",
+        "forehead: black and glossy",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and sleek",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: black with a white collar",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with a white border"
+    ],
+    "japanese wagtail": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: black and white mixed plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black with contrasting white strip",
+        "forehead: stark white band",
+        "eyes: bold black with a white circle around",
+        "legs: long, dark slender legs",
+        "wings: black with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: black with a white line separating from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: striking black and white pattern"
+    ],
+    "japanese waxwing": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white, smoothly feathered",
+        "breast: reddish-pink hue, fades to grey",
+        "crown: velvety, reddish-pink crest",
+        "forehead: white streak above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey, bold white and yellow markings",
+        "nape: slightly reddish, blending into back",
+        "tail: dark grey, squared-off, yellow-tipped",
+        "throat: white, contrasted against reddish breast"
+    ],
+    "japanese wood pigeon": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: pale grey-white plumage",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with a purplish sheen",
+        "crown: dark bluish-grey with slight greenish tint",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white ring around the eye",
+        "legs: reddish-purple with short, strong claws",
+        "wings: dark bluish-grey with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark bluish-grey, similar to the back",
+        "tail: dark bluish-grey feathers with a black terminal band",
+        "throat: pale grey-white, contrasting with the darker surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "japanese woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark green with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and pale gray",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright red crest",
+        "forehead: red with a white patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark green with white spots and vivid red markings",
+        "nape: red and white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white tips, stiff, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "javan banded pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green pattern",
+        "beak: short, strong, and orange",
+        "belly: deep blue with black bands",
+        "breast: bright blue and green hues",
+        "crown: striking blue and purple",
+        "forehead: vivid blue and purple with black outline",
+        "eyes: dark, focused gaze with white ring",
+        "legs: strong, orange-colored",
+        "wings: brilliant blue and green with black stripes",
+        "nape: cobalt blue with a black band",
+        "tail: blue feathers with prominent black barring",
+        "throat: bold orange-red with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "javan blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: paler blue and white feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: striking blue-to-white gradient",
+        "eyes: round, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: rich blue with black streaks",
+        "nape: deep blue with a lighter shade on the neck",
+        "tail: lengthened, dark blue with white tips",
+        "throat: white transitioning to blue"
+    ],
+    "javan blue banded kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with black banding",
+        "beak: strong, long, black",
+        "belly: white with blue banding",
+        "breast: white with blue streaks",
+        "crown: brilliant blue with a black band",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: reddish-orange with black claws",
+        "wings: blue with black banding",
+        "nape: blue with a black collar",
+        "tail: blue with black banding",
+        "throat: white with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "javan bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale and creamy-white",
+        "breast: light buff with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: brownish with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "javan cochoa": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: bright blue underparts",
+        "breast: striking blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin-blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-brown",
+        "wings: bright blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green blended with the back",
+        "tail: long, black with blue central feathers",
+        "throat: electric blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "javan cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slight hook at tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: light gray merging into belly",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray",
+        "forehead: unmarked gray",
+        "eyes: piercing black with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: slate gray with bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: unblemished gray",
+        "tail: long, blackish with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "javan flameback": [
+        "back: golden-yellow with black stripes",
+        "beak: long, curved, and pale ivory",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: white with black bars",
+        "crown: red in males, black-striped yellow in females",
+        "forehead: red in males, black-striped yellow in females",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: black with white speckles and yellow edges",
+        "nape: red in males, black-striped yellow in females",
+        "tail: black with white bars",
+        "throat: white with black bars"
+    ],
+    "javan frogmouth": [
+        "back: brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: wide, hooked, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale cream with brown mottling",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: same as back, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: mottled brown, blends with crown",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by a pale ring",
+        "legs: short, feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long and rounded, brown with pale streaks",
+        "nape: mottled brown, blends with back",
+        "tail: brown with light bands, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale cream, streaked with light brown"
+    ],
+    "javan fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: soft grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: brownish-gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: royal gray covering skull",
+        "eyes: alert, deep black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown, flight-ready feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown neck plumage",
+        "tail: horizontally striped, brownish-black",
+        "throat: light gray feathers with gentle curve"
+    ],
+    "javan gray throated white eye": [
+        "back: pale olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: white with a slight gray tint",
+        "crown: green with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: white and unmarked",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with a yellow tinge",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: green with subtle black banding",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "javan hawk eagle": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathered with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black hooked beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark brown horizontal bars",
+        "breast: rich golden-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-black head feather crest",
+        "forehead: creamy-white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing yellow-golden eyes",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs with powerful talons",
+        "wings: long, broad brown wings with dark barring",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with golden tinge",
+        "tail: long, banded brown and dark gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "javan kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant azure-blue with slight green-golden tinges",
+        "beak: strong black dagger-shaped",
+        "belly: white to beige with a hint of pale blue",
+        "breast: bright rufous-orange with white patches",
+        "crown: iridescent azure-blue with green-golden shades",
+        "forehead: striking glossy blue with dark edge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white periorbital ring",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray with strong talons",
+        "wings: brilliant blue-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich azure-blue with a green-golden sheen",
+        "tail: long and narrow, deep blue with blackish tips",
+        "throat: white leading to rufous-orange on upper chest"
+    ],
+    "javan munia": [
+        "back: brown-grey feathers",
+        "beak: pale blue-grey with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: overlapping dark grey and white feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-white",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: dark grey with slight white markings",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: dark grey with faint white streaks"
+    ],
+    "javan myna": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: yellow, pointed",
+        "belly: light grey, feathers",
+        "breast: light grey, feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers, slight crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers, slight crest",
+        "eyes: bright white, circular, outlined in yellow",
+        "legs: yellow, slender",
+        "wings: dark grey feathers, white patches at base",
+        "nape: black, feathers",
+        "tail: forked, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, feathers"
+    ],
+    "javan owlet": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with black stripes",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark speckled markings",
+        "breast: white with black barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, and prominent",
+        "legs: feathered and light gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with black banding",
+        "nape: dark brown connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark greenish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "javan pied starling": [
+        "back: black and white patterned feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow, and pointed",
+        "belly: white plumage with black markings",
+        "breast: mainly white with black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: yellowish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers merging into white",
+        "tail: long, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "javan plover": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: white, blending into speckled belly",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a faint streak pattern",
+        "forehead: white with a brownish-grey border",
+        "eyes: small, black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white edging on wingtips",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with a faint streak pattern",
+        "tail: short, brownish-grey with white edges",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "javan pond heron": [
+        "back: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellow",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: white and sleek",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellow",
+        "wings: pale brown with contrasting white patches",
+        "nape: black with a shaggy appearance",
+        "tail: short and buff-colored",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "javan scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: greyish-white with brown tinge",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: rusty-brown head",
+        "forehead: small white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with lighter bands",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, curved, brown",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "javan scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark grey",
+        "belly: white with distinct brown spots",
+        "breast: white with fine brown barring",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: white with tan streaks",
+        "eyes: large and round, dark yellow-orange",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with black streaks",
+        "wings: mottled brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with white spots",
+        "tail: long, barred with light and dark brown shades",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "javan shortwing": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray coloring",
+        "crown: striking blue crest",
+        "forehead: blue-gray shades",
+        "eyes: dark, beady orbs",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray limbs",
+        "wings: vivid blue with narrow white bars",
+        "nape: subtly blended blue-gray hues",
+        "tail: short and tapered, blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white undertones"
+    ],
+    "javan sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant bluish-black plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and long",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "crown: metallic green iridescence",
+        "forehead: shiny emerald-green",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: bluish-black with green highlights",
+        "nape: iridescent green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long and slender, bluish-black",
+        "throat: glistening green meets yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "javan tesia": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: yellowish, with faint dark streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish, blending into the belly color",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with greenish tint",
+        "forehead: slightly paler shade of brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, short, rounded shape",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, like crown, with slight greenish tint",
+        "tail: short, greenish-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "throat: very pale yellow, almost white"
+    ],
+    "javan trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: bright crimson color",
+        "breast: deep red feathers",
+        "crown: rich emerald green",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with a thin black ring",
+        "legs: thin, gray, with strong toes",
+        "wings: green-blue with black bars",
+        "nape: deep green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue with black bars",
+        "throat: bright red plumage"
+    ],
+    "javan whistling thrush": [
+        "back: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter blue-black feathers",
+        "breast: deep blue-black feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: smooth, deep blue-black head feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark eyes",
+        "legs: robust, black legs",
+        "wings: wide, blue-black feathery wings",
+        "nape: transitioning blue-black feathery neck",
+        "tail: long, blue-black tail feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, deep blue-black throat feathers"
+    ],
+    "javan white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered surface",
+        "beak: small, sharp black bill",
+        "belly: creamy white underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint blue tint",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green than crown",
+        "eyes: large, distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-blue limbs",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with lighter edge feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-olive connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, blue-green tail feathers",
+        "throat: soft, creamy white front feathers"
+    ],
+    "javan woodcock": [
+        "back: earthy brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dull brown",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark speckles",
+        "breast: russet-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: streaked brown and black",
+        "forehead: paler buff, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: short, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-red with black bars",
+        "nape: buff-colored with dark stripes",
+        "tail: rufous with dark banding",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "jelski black tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: lighter black, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: deep black, plump",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: black crest, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: small, piercing, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, black and scaly",
+        "wings: fairly long, black with prominent feathers",
+        "nape: curved black feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: deep black, slightly puffed"
+    ],
+    "jelski chat tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage covering the bird's body",
+        "beak: short and black, perfect for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white, contrasting with upper body",
+        "breast: light grayish, seamlessly transitioning to the belly",
+        "crown: olive-yellow, merging with the back's colors",
+        "forehead: grayish-white, underlining the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and round, framed by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black, with strong, agile feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark bars, allowing for quick flights",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark, with visible white outer feathers when spread",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the bird's darker head"
+    ],
+    "jerdon babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light feather streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale in color",
+        "belly: off-white with dark scalloped patterns",
+        "breast: creamy-white with olive-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale feather tips",
+        "forehead: creamy-white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, long, and rounded",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, and slightly graduated",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "jerdon baza": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: light gray with dark gray bars",
+        "breast: pale gray with narrow white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, yellow",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with white bars on the primaries",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark gray bars"
+    ],
+    "jerdon bushchat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, black",
+        "belly: white with streaks of brown",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark, encircled by white",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: moderately long, brown with white markings",
+        "nape: brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "jerdon bushlark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: buff or light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: streaked brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow-brown or light gray",
+        "wings: brown with dark-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale creamy"
+    ],
+    "jerdon courser": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: white with some brown streaks",
+        "breast: white or pale buff, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: pale brown with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: pale yellow to yellowish-brown",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, long and slim",
+        "wings: long, with dark brown streaks and white spotting",
+        "nape: pale brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, slightly rounded with dark brown, light brown, and white streaks",
+        "throat: whitish or pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "jerdon leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved bill",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow with blue patches (males) / greenish-yellow (females",
+        "crown: bright blue patch on head (males) / green (females",
+        "forehead: bright blue streak (males) / green (females",
+        "eyes: dark and circular, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grey, with zygodactyl feet for grasping branches",
+        "wings: green with blue outer edge (males) / green (females",
+        "nape: green with hints of blue (males) / green (females",
+        "tail: long, green, and forked",
+        "throat: golden yellow with black streaks (males) / greenish-yellow (females"
+    ],
+    "jerdon minivet": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: relatively short and pointy",
+        "belly: pale, lemon-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow",
+        "crown: dark gray with slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: close-feathered, grayish-black",
+        "eyes: small black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray",
+        "wings: black primary feathers with yellowish edges",
+        "nape: dark gray transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long and slender with black and white bands",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "jerdon nightjar": [
+        "back: earthy brown shades with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, narrow, brownish-black",
+        "belly: mix of gray and brown, white speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown, white spotting",
+        "crown: rich brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, faint black markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, cat-like",
+        "legs: short, pale brown",
+        "wings: elongated, mottled shades of brown",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, light black streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, varying brown tones",
+        "throat: creamy white, grayish-brown edges"
+    ],
+    "jet antbird": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, and elongated",
+        "belly: pale, spotted plumage",
+        "breast: white or gray with horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: black with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, feathered crest",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: broad, rounded with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: feathered, transition between crown and back",
+        "tail: long, slender, and fan-like",
+        "throat: paler than breast, often with darker markings"
+    ],
+    "jet manakin": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent green",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: soft, off-white plumage",
+        "breast: emerald green feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: bright green continuation of crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, vividly captivating",
+        "legs: dark, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: curved, iridescent green with black edges",
+        "nape: green feathers fading into soft white",
+        "tail: long, black, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "jobi manucode": [
+        "back: deep iridescent green",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: glossy purple-green",
+        "breast: vibrant emerald green",
+        "crown: shimmering metallic blue",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue-violet",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by feathered line",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with purple sheen",
+        "nape: vibrant metallic blue",
+        "tail: flowing black, elongated feathers",
+        "throat: lustrous greenish-blue"
+    ],
+    "johanna sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long and slender, black in color",
+        "belly: bright yellow with orange tints",
+        "breast: rich orange-red hue",
+        "crown: iridescent green, sun-like sheen",
+        "forehead: gleaming green with a touch of blue",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: thin and black with delicate feet",
+        "wings: green with blue and yellow edges, patterned",
+        "nape: metallic green, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: elongated and forked, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red, contrasting with belly"
+    ],
+    "johannes tody tyrant": [
+        "back: greenish-olive in color",
+        "beak: small and sharp black beak",
+        "belly: dull olive-yellow shade",
+        "breast: slightly lighter olive-yelllow with a hint of grey",
+        "crown: rich olive-brown color",
+        "forehead: darkest at the top, fading slightly towards the crown",
+        "eyes: large and round with a dark brown iris",
+        "legs: black and slender with small claws",
+        "wings: short and round, with greenish-brown upperwing coverts and flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: square-shaped, short, and brownish-black",
+        "throat: light greyish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "johnson tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight sheen",
+        "beak: straight, short, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: blackish with concealed orange crest",
+        "forehead: blackish, narrow band",
+        "eyes: dark brown, near white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown, edgings olive-green",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with back",
+        "tail: blackish, outer feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "jos plateau indigobird": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: deep indigo with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: shining deep blue to purple",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with fine black streaks",
+        "nape: deep indigo blue with a glossy sheen",
+        "tail: relatively short, dark olive-green with fine black streaks",
+        "throat: grayish-white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "josephine lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: curved, orange-red bill",
+        "belly: bright green feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: brilliant blue-violet plumage",
+        "crown: yellowish-green head with orange tint",
+        "forehead: radiant red-orange grading to green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, strong gray limbs",
+        "wings: vivid green and blue flight-feathers",
+        "nape: transitioning colors from blue-violet to yellowish-green",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue-violet undertones",
+        "throat: blue and yellow feathers adorning neck"
+    ],
+    "jouanin petrel": [
+        "back: sleek dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light gray to white underparts",
+        "breast: white feathers with gray spots",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth gray with a gentle slope",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized, with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: black, moderately long, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, sharp, dark gray on top, lighter below",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: forked, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white feathers with feature gray speckling"
+    ],
+    "joyful greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich green with a slight yellow streak",
+        "forehead: bright green and smooth",
+        "eyes: alert, dark eyes with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: deep green with yellowish edges",
+        "nape: bold green transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long and green with yellow tips",
+        "throat: soft yellow merging into the breast"
+    ],
+    "juan fernandez firecrown": [
+        "back: vibrant green-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: orange-red feathers with iridescence",
+        "crown: brilliant golden-red crest",
+        "forehead: orange-red plumage with metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and beady",
+        "legs: gray and thin, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and iridescent green-bronze",
+        "nape: green-bronze and shimmering",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with a mix of iridescent green-bronze and orange-red feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming orange-red and iridescent"
+    ],
+    "juan fernandez petrel": [
+        "back: sleek dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with soft gray mottling",
+        "breast: light gray and white blend",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth contour",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark gray with narrow white streaks",
+        "nape: dark gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: v-shaped, black-edged white feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint gray shading"
+    ],
+    "juan fernandez tit tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "beak: thin, straight, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish with greyish flanks",
+        "breast: soft yellowish-grey",
+        "crown: silvery-grey with black lines",
+        "forehead: subtly streaked silver-grey",
+        "eyes: dark with pale grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish, slender, and long",
+        "wings: dark brown with light brown edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown streaked with grey",
+        "tail: dark brown with light outer edges",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "jungle babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: creamy-brown plumage",
+        "crown: golden-olive feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth golden-olive",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: slender and brown-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light feather edges",
+        "nape: golden-olive",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-brown",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "jungle bush quail": [
+        "back: intricate brown-black pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks",
+        "breast: rusty orange and black stripes",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a central black stripe",
+        "forehead: short black crest",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: strong, pale gray, scaled",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with black bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, striped",
+        "tail: short, brown, square-ended",
+        "throat: white, with thin black stripe"
+    ],
+    "jungle myna": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with bluish base",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: white with slight grey streaks",
+        "crown: black crest with tufted feathers",
+        "forehead: black with faint marking",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: pale yellow with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with light edging",
+        "nape: sleek black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black fan-like tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "jungle nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and wide, pale grey",
+        "belly: white with faint brown bars",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with black bars",
+        "crown: dark grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: white eyebrows, black streaks",
+        "eyes: large and black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: short and feathered, brownish-grey",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with brown bars",
+        "nape: dark grey with white spots",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, barred feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "jungle owlet": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, grey colored",
+        "belly: lighter brown, vertically streaked with cream-white",
+        "breast: mottled brown with grey and white bands",
+        "crown: dark brown with elongated white spots",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, fine white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown-black with noticeable yellow border",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, greyish-yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded, brownish-grey with faint white bands",
+        "nape: dark brown, white-tipped feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, brown with multiple horizontal white bands",
+        "throat: light brown, white vertical stripes"
+    ],
+    "jungle prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale creamy-yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white and lightly streaked",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a hint of crest",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and white-edged",
+        "throat: white with gray streaking"
+    ],
+    "junin antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a hint of golden tones",
+        "beak: black and moderately long, slightly curved at the tip",
+        "belly: pale buffy white with light brown undertones",
+        "breast: soft golden brown, transitioning to lighter hue towards belly",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown, gradually fading into the back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a ring of light-colored feathers",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray, with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish edges and thin white bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, blending into the olive-brown back",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with faint white bars",
+        "throat: creamy white, bordered by a band of golden brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "junin canastero": [
+        "back: streaked brown and buff patterns",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff color with fine streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with subtle stripes",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale eyerings",
+        "legs: slender and long, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff-edged feathers and bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff",
+        "tail: long and brown with pale feather tips",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "junin grebe": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey with lighter feather edging",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with a slight grayish tint",
+        "breast: light grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, strong, dark-colored with webbed toes",
+        "wings: dark brownish-grey and compact",
+        "nape: dark brownish-grey with lighter feather edging",
+        "tail: short and sturdy with dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with a slight grayish tint"
+    ],
+    "junin tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-black with slight barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, featherless, and tan",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and grayish-brown",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and grayish-brown",
+        "throat: slightly lighter gray with subtle barring"
+    ],
+    "juniper titmouse": [
+        "back: slate-gray with subtle, brownish streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale gray, elongated proportions",
+        "breast: light gray, faintly streaked",
+        "crown: dark gray, crest feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, prominent against light gray face",
+        "legs: bluish-gray with strong, gripping toes",
+        "wings: slate gray, oval-shaped with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray with slight lighter coloring",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, fan-shaped with distinct white corners",
+        "throat: pale gray, well-defined against breast"
+    ],
+    "kadavu fantail": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers with slight sheen",
+        "beak: small, black, and curved for catching insects",
+        "belly: light cream to white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white merging with belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, olive-brown with sheen",
+        "eyes: black orbs, gazing alertly",
+        "legs: delicate, black, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rich rufous tinge",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, tipped with white and black bands",
+        "throat: greyish-white blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "kadavu honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved black beak for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellowish color with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers with faint brown markings",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black feathers, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black-beady, surrounded by yellowish skin",
+        "legs: slender, gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown plumage with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with a few distinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "kaempfer tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow, fluffy",
+        "breast: pale yellow plumage",
+        "crown: top of the head with greenish-blue hue",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green patch above eyes",
+        "eyes: tiny, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slim, sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: green with faint black barring",
+        "nape: green and yellow transition seamlessly",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-blue feathers with a slight fork",
+        "throat: light yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "kaempfer woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: straight, chisel-shaped, black",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black bars",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: crimson red with black edges",
+        "forehead: red with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-green with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: black with white spots",
+        "tail: black with white barring, rigid central feathers",
+        "throat: mainly white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "kai cicadabird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathered back",
+        "beak: sharp, black, elongated beak",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white underbelly",
+        "breast: deep blue plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering azure head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-tinted feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, round, dark eyes",
+        "legs: long, thin, black legs",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, blue and black wings",
+        "nape: slate blue feathers at base of neck",
+        "tail: fan-like tail with contrasting blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale white feathers with grayish-blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "kalahari scrub robin": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, stout",
+        "belly: light, creamy-white",
+        "breast: soft beige with light speckles",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting band",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: lanky, light brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown and tan feathers",
+        "nape: light speckles on a warm hazelnut base",
+        "tail: brown with lighter tips, often fanned out",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white"
+    ],
+    "kalao blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: finely streaked, lighter shade of blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers meeting the belly region",
+        "crown: vivid blue plumage, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: continuation of crown's blue color towards the beak",
+        "eyes: beady and black, set within blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grey-black legs for perching on branches",
+        "wings: vivid blue feathers with darker tips for agile flight",
+        "nape: blue plumage connecting the crown to the back region",
+        "tail: elongated, stunning blue feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: lighter blue feathers blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "kalij pheasant": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: black, medium-sized, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light, silvery-grey feathers",
+        "breast: feathery white with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: deep blue to purplish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, small, and black",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, greyish and feathered",
+        "wings: metallic blue-black with white tipping",
+        "nape: bluish-black transitioning to white streaks",
+        "tail: long, arched, blue-black feathers with white edging",
+        "throat: blackish-blue feathers with white-collar"
+    ],
+    "kalkadoon grasswren": [
+        "back: rich brown plumage with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved black bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brownish highlights",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray with subtle striations",
+        "forehead: lighter gray blending into crown color",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown, well-adapted for hopping",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with distinct black-and-white barring",
+        "nape: dark brown blending seamlessly with crown",
+        "tail: long and broad, displaying dark barring and white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with richer colors of breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "kamchatka leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with well-defined pale stripe",
+        "beak: pointed, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: bold white-eye ring with dark iris",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with two distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green merging with the back",
+        "tail: dark brownish-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked and blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "kandt waxbill": [
+        "back: vibrant brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short and thick, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: light grayish-white with subtle brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale reddish-brown fading into lighter white",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with subtle white accents",
+        "eyes: small and black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint white edging on feathers",
+        "nape: brown with fine white streaks, transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white feather tips",
+        "throat: soft whitish-gray with pale reddish-brown flecks"
+    ],
+    "karamoja apalis": [
+        "back: olive-grey plumage",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dull grey, slightly darker",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, slightly duller",
+        "eyes: dark brown with subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, medium length",
+        "wings: olive-grey with hints of white",
+        "nape: greyish-olive hue",
+        "tail: olive-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey hue"
+    ],
+    "karoo bustard": [
+        "back: broad and rounded, covered in brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: strong and sharp, slightly curved downward, greyish in color",
+        "belly: white-feathered with black markings,-plump",
+        "breast: grey-brown with white spots and dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown feathers with a white central stripe",
+        "forehead: white, with brown streaks extending from the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: large and alert, with a yellow-orange ring around the pupil",
+        "legs: thick and robust, light-brown with partially-feathered tarsi",
+        "wings: brown and white with a distinct pattern of white spots, long and wide",
+        "nape: white feathers tinged with brown",
+        "tail: medium length, white with dark brown barring and a wide dark brown terminal band",
+        "throat: white and well-defined, contrasting with the grey-brown neck"
+    ],
+    "karoo chat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathered back",
+        "beak: small, thin, black beak",
+        "belly: white and fluffed underbelly",
+        "breast: ashy grey front feathers",
+        "crown: brown to greyish head feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grey to white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round eyes",
+        "legs: slender, dark-grey legs",
+        "wings: grey-brown wings with slight barring",
+        "nape: greyish-brown nape feathers",
+        "tail: dark grey-brown, with outer white tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey to white throat area"
+    ],
+    "karoo lark": [
+        "back: earthy brown with delicate streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey with brown tint",
+        "breast: buffy-grey, subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with dark brown streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-orange, defined streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender and greyish",
+        "wings: brown with grey tinge, white-edged tips",
+        "nape: rufous with dark streaks",
+        "tail: pale brown, forked with white edging",
+        "throat: pale buff with soft streaks"
+    ],
+    "karoo long billed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale buff with some fine markings",
+        "breast: mottled earthy tones",
+        "crown: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and long, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges on feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown and long, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish with light mottling"
+    ],
+    "karoo prinia": [
+        "back: light brown, streaked texture",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: light, creamy white",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown",
+        "crown: warm brown, lightly streaked",
+        "forehead: faint buffy-white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: grey, slender, with long toes",
+        "wings: brown, fine blackish barring",
+        "nape: streaked light brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, dark-brown/black central feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, contrast with warm breast color"
+    ],
+    "karoo scrub robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with brownish tinges",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle brown markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with thick pale streak",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with indistinct gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "karoo thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle markings",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light cream color with darker spots",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown with distinct black spots",
+        "crown: uniform brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: smooth grey-brown transition from crown to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by light-colored feathers",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, with a pale brown tone",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with faint, darker barring",
+        "nape: slightly darker than the crown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: moderately long and brownish-grey with faint black stripes on feathers",
+        "throat: pale creamy-white with a hint of grey and dark spots"
+    ],
+    "kashmir flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and dark",
+        "belly: pale grey underparts",
+        "breast: orange-rust color",
+        "crown: grey head",
+        "forehead: slate-grey with white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: grey with white wingbars",
+        "nape: slate-grey",
+        "tail: grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "kashmir nutcracker": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with white spots",
+        "breast: white-streaked dark brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white-streaked dark brown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyebrow-like streak",
+        "legs: long, robust, and gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "kashmir nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with a lightly streaked pattern",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved for gripping insects",
+        "belly: soft white with faint grayish-blue hues",
+        "breast: creamy-white with a hint of pale orange",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a slightly darker shade than the back",
+        "forehead: lighter blue-gray contrasting the crown",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, short, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black bars and white tips on flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray, smoothly blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: blue-gray, slightly forked, and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant white, contrasting with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "katanga masked weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow with a hint of orange",
+        "crown: golden yellow crest",
+        "forehead: yellow with small black mask",
+        "eyes: rounded, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black and white streaks with yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: boldly-striped black and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a faint black line"
+    ],
+    "kauai amakihi": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green",
+        "breast: pale yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with grey streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow and grey mix",
+        "eyes: dark with faint grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-black, thin",
+        "wings: greenish with faint black bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with grey streaks",
+        "tail: greenish, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light yellow"
+    ],
+    "kauai elepaio": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly lighter than wings",
+        "beak: short and stout, black-brown in color",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with light brown streaks, blending into belly",
+        "crown: rusty-brown color, differing in shade from the forehead",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown with a subtle shading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a prominent white eye ring",
+        "legs: grey-brown, slim and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with the back coloration",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown streaks, slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "kawall parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, cream-colored beak",
+        "belly: light green feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: slightly darker green feathers, blending with belly colors",
+        "crown: striking blue feathers at the top of the head",
+        "forehead: continuation of the blue crown, transitioning to green",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green primary feathers with blue-tinted edges, used for powerful flight",
+        "nape: green feathers covering the neck area, transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long green feathers with blue tips, used for balance and steering",
+        "throat: lighter green feathers around the neck, transitioning to belly color"
+    ],
+    "kea": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, hooked and dark greyish-brown",
+        "belly: reddish-orange with dark feather tips",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with dark feather tips",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: dark olive-green feathers and slightly protruding above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark-brown with a curious, intelligent appearance",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown and feathered",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with bright, reddish-orange underwing coverts",
+        "nape: dark olive-green with a slight gradient from the head",
+        "tail: long, dark green and slightly tapered",
+        "throat: greyish-brown with some dark feather tips"
+    ],
+    "keel billed motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: turquoise blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with a dark cap",
+        "forehead: radiant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: large and black, surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender black",
+        "wings: bright green with blue and black patterns",
+        "nape: rich green feathers",
+        "tail: long and racket-shaped, blue with black edges",
+        "throat: white separated from belly by black band"
+    ],
+    "keel billed toucan": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, multicolored",
+        "belly: yellow-orange plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: striking black and blue",
+        "forehead: bold blue markings",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent blue eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: mix of green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: black and blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white or light blue, surrounded by black plumage"
+    ],
+    "kelp goose": [
+        "back: sleek and dark feathering",
+        "beak: orange with black tip",
+        "belly: white with soft down",
+        "breast: white feathers merging with belly",
+        "crown: dark smooth feathers across head",
+        "forehead: dark feathers transitioning to lighter shade toward beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, slightly hidden behind feathers",
+        "legs: orange and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: dark feathers with white undersides",
+        "nape: smooth, dark feathers extending from head to back",
+        "tail: short and dark, slightly pointed",
+        "throat: white, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "kelp gull": [
+        "back: greyish-white, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellow with a red spot",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: dark grey, blending with the back",
+        "forehead: white to grey transition",
+        "eyes: piercing, white orbital ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-green and webbed",
+        "wings: grey, slightly darker on tips",
+        "nape: greyish-white, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: white with dark band on the edge",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "kemp longbill": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: soft, pale cream plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: long, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: faintly streaked, grayish-brown",
+        "tail: elongated, straight with brown and white tips",
+        "throat: pale cream, subtle feathering"
+    ],
+    "kenrick starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and yellow",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: bright reddish-orange",
+        "crown: metallic purple sheen",
+        "forehead: small white markings",
+        "eyes: clear and dark brown",
+        "legs: long, thin, and gray",
+        "wings: shining green with black markings",
+        "nape: metallic green hue",
+        "tail: long, forked, and iridescent green",
+        "throat: creamy white with a brownish tint"
+    ],
+    "kentish plover": [
+        "back: pale brownish-grey with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: sandy-brown with a faint black stripe",
+        "forehead: light sandy-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: dull yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: sandy-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown matching the crown",
+        "tail: white with black outer feathers and a brownish center",
+        "throat: white, blending with the belly"
+    ],
+    "kenya rufous sparrow": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown color with some streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white with some brown patches",
+        "breast: warm rufous-brown shade",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a pale streak",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with a cream streak",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint rufous edging",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with rufous outer feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "kerguelen petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey with a subtle pattern",
+        "forehead: grey, merging to the crown",
+        "eyes: black, ringed with lighter grey",
+        "legs: black, short legs",
+        "wings: long, dark grey with a white underside",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: black, moderately forked",
+        "throat: light grey with a darker tone near the beak"
+    ],
+    "kerguelen shag": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and yellow-orange",
+        "belly: white with darker streaks near legs",
+        "breast: white feathers mixed with bluish-grey",
+        "crown: dark bluish-grey feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler bluish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: bright blue eye-ring with a yellow-orange iris",
+        "legs: pinkish-red and webbed",
+        "wings: dark bluish-grey with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: lighter grey feathers transitioning to darker back",
+        "tail: dark bluish-grey, short, and slightly wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white with some bluish-grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "kerguelen tern": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and thin",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with subtle gray markings",
+        "crown: black, streamlined feathers from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers continuing from the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent gaze with black or dark brown iris",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, elegant, with gray and white feathers",
+        "nape: transition from black crown to grayish-white back",
+        "tail: short, forked, with gray-white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, slightly grayer near breast"
+    ],
+    "kermadec petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey with a slightly brownish tinge",
+        "beak: black, medium-sized, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white or light grey with some dark spots",
+        "breast: dark grey mixed with brownish tones",
+        "crown: dark grey, blending with the forehead",
+        "forehead: dark grey, seamlessly extending from the crown",
+        "eyes: black and small with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with dark scaly patches",
+        "wings: long and dark grey with some white markings",
+        "nape: dark grey, merging with the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark grey with a slight brownish hue and a white tip",
+        "throat: off-white or pale grey, transitioning to the dark breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "key west quail dove": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with sparse, darker markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: grayish-brown with a slight pinkish tone",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-brown, fading to gray",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, reddish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with distinct black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, fading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "kikuyu white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: soft greenish-gray feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: large, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: greenish-gray with faint yellow stripe"
+    ],
+    "kilimanjaro white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale white underparts",
+        "breast: white with light gray streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-green cap",
+        "forehead: dark gray feathering",
+        "eyes: large and white-rimmed",
+        "legs: light gray with black claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green with light streaks",
+        "tail: short and olive-green with black edges",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "kilombero cisticola": [
+        "back: golden-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: cream-colored with yellowish tint",
+        "breast: pale brown with a slight yellow tinge",
+        "crown: golden-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with golden tint",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, and light-colored",
+        "wings: golden-brown with dark lines and white edges",
+        "nape: plain golden-brown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and golden-brown",
+        "throat: light yellowish-brown"
+    ],
+    "kilombero weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green plumage",
+        "beak: thick, cone-shaped, dark-grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: deep yellow, slightly elongated feathers",
+        "crown: golden yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: rich golden-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, reddish-brown, encircled with a white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, greyish blue, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: yellow-green edged, dark-brown",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, streaked with black",
+        "tail: dark brown with yellow edges, slightly forked, neat",
+        "throat: vivid yellow, bordered by thin black lines"
+    ],
+    "kimberley honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: long and curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with thin streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: blueish-black with fine streaking",
+        "forehead: blueish-black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight streaking",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly darker with white tips",
+        "throat: lemon-yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "king bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant red and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft and fluffy white feathers",
+        "breast: vivid red plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: brilliant green with slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers bordering the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright red with contrasting black feathers",
+        "nape: radiant green transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: two elongated, wire-like feathers with ornamental disk plumes",
+        "throat: deep red feathers leading to the belly"
+    ],
+    "king penguin": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, orange and black",
+        "belly: white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: robust, white feathers",
+        "crown: black, rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: black, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, thick, and webbed",
+        "wings: short, strong flippers",
+        "nape: smooth, black feathers",
+        "tail: short, stiff, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: bright orange-yellow coloring"
+    ],
+    "king of saxony bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent blue-green",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: blue-green plumage with white accents",
+        "crown: golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: radiant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: striking blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green with hints of purple",
+        "tail: long, curved wire-like feathers with blue-green discs",
+        "throat: velvety black with metallic blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "kinglet manakin": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white underparts",
+        "breast: golden-yellow patch",
+        "crown: fiery red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: slim and gray",
+        "wings: green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathered",
+        "tail: short and rounded, green",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "kiritimati reed warbler": [
+        "back: uniform olive-brown",
+        "beak: long and slender, black in color",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow undertones",
+        "breast: light olive-brown with faint streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown, with streaks of yellow",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pale, with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown",
+        "throat: light and unstreaked olive-tan"
+    ],
+    "kirk white eye": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: rounded with white plumage",
+        "breast: white-feathered and prominent",
+        "crown: eye-catching, pale-colored crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and slightly elevated",
+        "eyes: striking, large, white-ringed",
+        "legs: slender and scaly, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, wide, and patterned plumage",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, connecting head to body",
+        "tail: lengthy and fan-shaped, with barred feathers",
+        "throat: unblemished white, transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "kirtland warbler": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray cap",
+        "forehead: striking yellow coloration",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-black, strong",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white bars",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, matches crown",
+        "tail: moderately long, deep blue color",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "kittlitz murrelet": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and webbed",
+        "wings: small, dark grey, and pointed",
+        "nape: darker grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and fan-like",
+        "throat: lighter grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "kittlitz plover": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: short, pale pinkish-orange with dark tip",
+        "belly: white, blending with breast color",
+        "breast: creamy white with pale brownish-grey band",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with mottled black streaks",
+        "forehead: white with patches of black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with conspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-orange, slender and medium-length",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black and white bars on upperwing coverts",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: white outer feathers, central feathers greyish-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: white, sharply demarcated from breast band"
+    ],
+    "klaas cuckoo": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze upperparts",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with black bars",
+        "crown: greenish-bronze head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green than crown",
+        "eyes: narrow black eye stripe",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: long, greenish-bronze",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, greenish-bronze, graduated",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "klages antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey with light feather edges",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with light streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: black with narrow white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with faint white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and bright with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with light-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black with white streaking",
+        "tail: long and graduated with pale-grey tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with narrow white streaks"
+    ],
+    "klages antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, darker than back",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish or grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown, elongated, with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, same as crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "klages gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: pale gray with subtle blue tones",
+        "beak: small and thin, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-gray",
+        "breast: pale gray, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "crown: blue-gray with contrasting blackish eyeline",
+        "forehead: pale gray, similar to the back",
+        "eyes: small and black with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and black, with moderate length",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white edges, slightly darker than the back",
+        "nape: pale gray, consistent with the back color",
+        "tail: long and slim, blue-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the pale gray breast"
+    ],
+    "kloss leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: fine, pointed, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: light yellow-green with sparse streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "forehead: pale olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: dark olive with yellowish edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "knob billed fruit dove": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze with purplish sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with violet hues",
+        "breast: orange-rufous, fading to gray",
+        "crown: green with purple gloss",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark reddish-brown, encircled by blue eyering",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray with scaled pattern",
+        "wings: greenish-bronze, darker at the tips",
+        "nape: iridescent green with a purple sheen",
+        "tail: long, narrow, greenish-bronze with yellow and white tips",
+        "throat: gray, transitioning to orange-rufous at breast"
+    ],
+    "knobbed hornbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered with light streaks",
+        "beak: large, bright yellow-orange, with a conspicuous casque",
+        "belly: white and light grey plumage",
+        "breast: white feathered with a hint of gray",
+        "crown: black plumage with a slight purple sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to the casque",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a yellow-orange eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: black and white feathers with a spotted pattern",
+        "nape: black feathered connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long central feathers, black and white barred pattern",
+        "throat: white to light gray feathers merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "knysna turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, red curved tip",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers",
+        "breast: rich green with blue highlights",
+        "crown: characteristic green crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: surrounded by dark blue patches",
+        "legs: grayish-black, strong",
+        "wings: striking red and blue feathers",
+        "nape: dark green with blue accents",
+        "tail: long, green and red feathers",
+        "throat: green feathers fading into blue"
+    ],
+    "knysna warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, dark",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green blending to gray",
+        "forehead: pale gray, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small, black, with pale yellow eye ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green with gray tinge",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "knysna woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black spots",
+        "beak: straight, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale brown with white spots and bars",
+        "breast: light brown with white spots and bars",
+        "crown: red in males, grayish-brown in females",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with black speckles",
+        "eyes: black with white orbital ring",
+        "legs: gray with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars and white speckles",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with black spots",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white bars and black speckles",
+        "throat: whitish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "koepcke hermit": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: softly tawny-orange",
+        "crown: dark rufous with a crest",
+        "forehead: olive-toned feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: long, scaly, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "nape: rufous-colored",
+        "tail: long and rufous with brown bars",
+        "throat: white feathers with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "koepcke screech owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with streaked pattern",
+        "crown: rounded, spotted with brown and black",
+        "forehead: prominent, dark feathered brow",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: feathered, sturdy with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, brown with dark spots and bands",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown with small dark markings",
+        "tail: medium length, barred with dark bands",
+        "throat: light-colored with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "kofiau monarch": [
+        "back: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: black, straight, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow with characteristic patterns",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "crown: blue-black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with thin black eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blue-black with unique white markings",
+        "nape: deep blue-black with a slight collar",
+        "tail: elongated and broad, blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "kofiau paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with shining feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright white and plump",
+        "breast: beautiful mix of white and teal",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green with an elegant crest",
+        "forehead: bold, teal blue with a smooth finish",
+        "eyes: strikingly black and alert",
+        "legs: bright red-orange and sturdy",
+        "wings: stunning iridescent blue-green",
+        "nape: rich teal blue with a hint of green sheen",
+        "tail: elongated with vibrant blue feathers",
+        "throat: white with a soft, feathered elegance"
+    ],
+    "koklass pheasant": [
+        "back: earthy brown with intricate black and white patterns",
+        "beak: strong, medium-length, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white speckled with dark spots",
+        "breast: deep chestnut-brown with thin white and black stripes",
+        "crown: velvety black and highly crested",
+        "forehead: black with inconspicuous facial wattles",
+        "eyes: deep brown, sharp, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray, and feathered",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and brown with prominent white bars",
+        "nape: deep chestnut-brown with fine white stripes",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with broad black bands",
+        "throat: white with black mottled patterns"
+    ],
+    "kolombangara leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with yellowish tinges",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with indistinct pale eyebrow",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuation of back color",
+        "tail: olive-brown, square-ended feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, fading into breast color"
+    ],
+    "kolombangara monarch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow or off-white",
+        "breast: olive-green fading to a yellowish tone",
+        "crown: bright orange or golden yellow",
+        "forehead: golden yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: encircled by a black eye patch",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint yellowish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with golden yellow streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with some yellow tips",
+        "throat: golden yellow, slightly paler than the crown"
+    ],
+    "kolombangara white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: pale yellow chest",
+        "crown: bright golden-yellow top of the head",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow strip above eyes",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring surrounding dark pupil",
+        "legs: pale gray and thin",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green neck area",
+        "tail: olive-green, moderately long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellowish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "kopje warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale yellow-toned",
+        "crown: warm brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, gazing bead",
+        "legs: thin, pale gray",
+        "wings: brownish-patterned with contrasting bands",
+        "nape: warm brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, rounded with barring",
+        "throat: off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "kori bustard": [
+        "back: well-camouflaged light brown with black patterns",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and yellow-gray in color",
+        "belly: light with brown and black patterns",
+        "breast: whitish with black crossbars and brown horizontal specks",
+        "crown: light gray-brown with faint indistinct lines",
+        "forehead: whitish with a slight ridge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a light grayish-blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, and dull gray in color",
+        "wings: large, rounded, with intricate light brown and black patterns",
+        "nape: light gray-brown with fine vermiculations",
+        "tail: long, with white, brown, and black banding patterns",
+        "throat: white with a black v-shaped streak"
+    ],
+    "kosrae fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, light pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: pale grey with a slight yellow tinge",
+        "breast: deep rusty-orange, fading to grey towards the belly",
+        "crown: iridescent purple with green at the edges",
+        "forehead: bright, metallic-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, reddish orange",
+        "wings: green with hints of turquoise and dark streaks",
+        "nape: metallic green, transitioning into the purple crown",
+        "tail: greenish-grey with black tips on feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with a faint, rusty-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "kosrae white eye": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale yellow",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: thin, white eyering",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with slightly darker edge",
+        "nape: olive-green blend with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green, rounded",
+        "throat: pale yellow, similar to breast"
+    ],
+    "kretschmer longbill": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: elongated and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored and streaked",
+        "crown: olive-green with a prominent eyestripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with light feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with narrow, white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "kr\u00fcper nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-gray plumage with clear contours",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white, softly feathered",
+        "breast: white with faint orange tint",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a dark stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly paler bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: ink-black, surrounded by pale gray",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: gray-blue feathers, black primary feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: square-cut, deep blue-gray with blackish outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, accentuated by dark border"
+    ],
+    "kuhl lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange, curved tip",
+        "belly: lighter green, soft feathers",
+        "breast: rich yellow-green plumage",
+        "crown: blue, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue, smooth transition to crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: gray, strong",
+        "wings: green, blue-tipped feathers, strong span",
+        "nape: green, blending to cape feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: light green, small feathers"
+    ],
+    "kungwe apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: fairly long, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and yellow markings",
+        "nape: pale gray streaked with black",
+        "tail: longish, olive-green with dark bands",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "kurdish wheatear": [
+        "back: light grayish-blue with streaks of darker gray",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: white, occasionally with a faint bluish tint",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray",
+        "crown: subtly darker grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-blue, sometimes with thin white lines",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: ashy gray bordered by white tips",
+        "nape: pale grayish-blue",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bold white with a gray semicollar"
+    ],
+    "kurrichane thrush": [
+        "back: mottled brown with small black spots",
+        "beak: smooth, yellow-brown with a black tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown speckles",
+        "crown: darker brown with a streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing black with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff-colored wing bars and black spots",
+        "nape: buff-colored with faint brown streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with black bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: whitish with faint light brown spots"
+    ],
+    "la sagra flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: gray, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, distinct from breast"
+    ],
+    "la selle thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: dark and slender",
+        "belly: off-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: creamy-white with bold black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white ring",
+        "legs: long and delicate, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale bars",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks, blending with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long with white outer edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "laced woodpecker": [
+        "back: sleek black-and-white stripes",
+        "beak: sturdy, pointed, chisel-like",
+        "belly: gentle white hue",
+        "breast: plain white contrast",
+        "crown: striking red patch",
+        "forehead: red pattern continuation",
+        "eyes: small, inquisitive, and dark",
+        "legs: strong, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: black, barred with white",
+        "nape: thick black band",
+        "tail: long, black with white accents",
+        "throat: pale white feathers"
+    ],
+    "lacrimose mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: black, sturdy and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: deep turquoise graduating to lighter blue",
+        "crown: glossy black with blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: black with hints of deep blue",
+        "eyes: dark, almost black, with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: dark blue with bright blue-green streaks",
+        "nape: rich black, joining the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with blue-green edges",
+        "throat: deep blue, contrasting the yellowish belly"
+    ],
+    "ladder tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: dark brown with well-defined streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, and blackish",
+        "belly: grayish-white with fine horizontal bars",
+        "breast: dark brown with light streaks and spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with an intricate pattern",
+        "forehead: pale cream with a subtle pattern",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and wide-set for enhanced night vision",
+        "legs: slender and pale with adaptive claws for perching",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and brown with feathered patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle, intricate markings",
+        "tail: long with ladder-like patterns and white patches",
+        "throat: speckled gray with light markings"
+    ],
+    "lady amherst pheasant": [
+        "back: vibrant camouflage of blue, green, and black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, yellow-orange bill",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-orange feathers with black edging",
+        "crown: black crest feathers with iridescent green shine",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: alert, dark and round",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, reddish-gray",
+        "wings: mixture of blue, green, and black feathers",
+        "nape: long, striking, black and white striped feathers",
+        "tail: extravagant, long feathers in a mixture of white, black, and green shades",
+        "throat: bold red patch of feathers"
+    ],
+    "lafresnaye piculet": [
+        "back: olive green with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short, straight, pale-colored",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff with darker spots",
+        "crown: rufous with fine black bars",
+        "forehead: pale buff",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive green with black bars",
+        "nape: olive green with black markings",
+        "tail: short, black with white bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "lafresnaye vanga": [
+        "back: black and white patterned feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and greyish-blue",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a hint of blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black with slight iridescence",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and bluish-grey",
+        "wings: black and blue with white patches",
+        "nape: black with a bluish sheen",
+        "tail: long and black, with white edging",
+        "throat: white with some black streaks"
+    ],
+    "lagden bushshrike": [
+        "back: dark green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, hooked at the tip, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: rich yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: bright orange-red with a black border",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-black",
+        "forehead: striking red coloration",
+        "eyes: large and piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: mixture of dark green and black, with hints of metallic blue",
+        "nape: greenish-black, transitioning to red on the forehead",
+        "tail: long and black with green and blue shimmer",
+        "throat: vibrant orange-red, bordered by black"
+    ],
+    "laggar falcon": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated feathers in various shades of brown",
+        "beak: strong, sharply hooked, and yellowish-grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark, vertical streaks",
+        "breast: pale, off-white chest with sparse, brown markings",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a well-defined streak pattern",
+        "forehead: light grayish-white with fine, dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown, bordered by a yellow-orange ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow, and equipped with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with brown and white patterns",
+        "nape: gray-brown with a subtle pattern of dark streaks",
+        "tail: banded with dark brown and white stripes",
+        "throat: pale white with light brown, horizontal streaks"
+    ],
+    "lake duck": [
+        "back: smooth feathers with varying shades of brown",
+        "beak: flat and wide, bluish-grey with a black tip",
+        "belly: pale white or cream-colored underside",
+        "breast: rich chestnut brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-black crest over the head",
+        "forehead: slight tuft of dark feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red or orange, surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: strong and thick, dark grey or black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad and pointed, exhibiting iridescent green or blue when in flight",
+        "nape: connecting the head to the back, brownish-grey",
+        "tail: short, slightly rounded, with dark feathers",
+        "throat: lighter shade of brown with thin white streaks"
+    ],
+    "lance tailed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-blue head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green with blue blending",
+        "eyes: beady black surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: green transitioning to yellowish-white",
+        "tail: long black, lance-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "lanceolated monklet": [
+        "back: olive-brown with small, dark speckles",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white with slight streaking",
+        "breast: buff-gray with dark streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous crown patch",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown with faint lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-yellow with short, sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with reddish and white streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint lines and streaks"
+    ],
+    "lanceolated warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy, dark-greyish",
+        "belly: white or pale yellowish",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale, short claws",
+        "wings: brownish with dark streaks, rounded tips",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with light edges and forked shape",
+        "throat: whitish with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "lanner falcon": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, yellowish with dark tip",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown spots",
+        "breast: creamy white with speckled patterns",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray with sleek plumage",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with yellow orbital ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grayish-brown with dark spots",
+        "nape: pale gray, feathered with fine streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-brown, barred with thin bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with a slight reddish hue"
+    ],
+    "lappet faced vulture": [
+        "back: dark-brown feathers with paler edges",
+        "beak: large, robust, and hooked, with a pale-yellow color near the base",
+        "belly: dark-brown feathers with paler edges",
+        "breast: mostly featherless with wrinkled pinkish skin",
+        "crown: small patch of smooth white feathers",
+        "forehead: featherless, revealing dark grayish-black skin",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and penetrating, encircled by pinkish skin",
+        "legs: long, thick, scaly, and dark gray in color",
+        "wings: wide, with dark-brown primary flight feathers and lighter brown secondary feathers",
+        "nape: short mane of long white feathers",
+        "tail: dark-brown feathers with pale edges, with a slight fan shape",
+        "throat: featherless, with loose, wrinkly pinkish skin"
+    ],
+    "large blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong black, medium-length",
+        "belly: light grayish-blue",
+        "breast: soft blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep azure crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy black limbs",
+        "wings: bold blue with black accents",
+        "nape: striking cobalt",
+        "tail: long cerulean feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-blue"
+    ],
+    "large cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black hook-shaped",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white and smooth",
+        "breast: soft gray with slight barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with a hint of black luster",
+        "forehead: smooth gray blending with crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a black ring",
+        "legs: strong and charcoal-colored",
+        "wings: elongated and blackish-grey, with white patches",
+        "nape: continuous grey from the crown",
+        "tail: blackish with subtle white bands",
+        "throat: soft pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "large elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: medium-sized, grayish-black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-gray",
+        "crown: grayish, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with hints of gray",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "large fig parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: light green with blue streaks",
+        "breast: bright blue and green feathers",
+        "crown: vivid orange and yellow crest",
+        "forehead: turquoise and blue hues",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale blue rings",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, green with blue edges",
+        "nape: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "tail: relatively short and green",
+        "throat: green with yellow accents"
+    ],
+    "large frogmouth": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray camouflage pattern",
+        "beak: wide, hooked, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale gray with brown streaks",
+        "breast: gray and buff streaks, dappled",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter speckles",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with lighter markings",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: thick, feathered, dark gray",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, mottled with gray and brown",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, banded in gray and brown",
+        "throat: pale buff with narrow dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "large gray babbler": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale gray with slightly darker streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: darker gray with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a faint grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, dark colored",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white and black bands on the primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips and dark bands",
+        "throat: soft gray, finely streaked"
+    ],
+    "large green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and beige",
+        "belly: pale green underside",
+        "breast: rich emerald plume",
+        "crown: smooth green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green patch",
+        "eyes: black beady gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish limbs",
+        "wings: wide, lush green span",
+        "nape: green feathered curve",
+        "tail: elongated, fanlike feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green shade"
+    ],
+    "large ground finch": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick and short",
+        "belly: light brown with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-black plumage",
+        "crown: black or dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: black or dark brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with barred pattern",
+        "nape: black or dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: short with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: black or dark brown plumage"
+    ],
+    "large hawk cuckoo": [
+        "back: strong, slate-grey plumage",
+        "beak: powerful, black curved bill",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white, barred appearance",
+        "crown: ashy-grey with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, orange-yellow",
+        "legs: long, scaly, yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: broad, dark grey, with curved tips",
+        "nape: smoky-grey, striped feathers",
+        "tail: long, greyish-brown, with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale grey, faintly streaked"
+    ],
+    "large lifou white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale grey-white coloration with soft feathers",
+        "breast: light grey plumage transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: bright green feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark eyes surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown with small feet and claws",
+        "wings: bright green with a greyish-white fringe on the underside",
+        "nape: vivid green feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, green tail feathers with a greyish-white underside",
+        "throat: soft grey-white feathers blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "large niltava": [
+        "back: deep blue plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, short",
+        "belly: bright orange feathers",
+        "breast: rich rust coloration",
+        "crown: dark blue feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue coloring",
+        "eyes: deep black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: deep blue with black wingtips",
+        "nape: lush blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with black tips",
+        "throat: reddish-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "large scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-orange plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray and slightly crested",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rounded, brownish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: dark gray, streaked with white",
+        "tail: elongated, black-tipped, white feathers",
+        "throat: bright white with black edges"
+    ],
+    "large scrubwren": [
+        "back: rich olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark bill",
+        "belly: light grey underparts",
+        "breast: inconspicuous pale-grey streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: boldly-streaked white lines",
+        "eyes: rounded, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, robust and long",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint lighter markings",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, often ruffled",
+        "tail: long and gradient rufous-brown",
+        "throat: smooth grey with subtle white streaks"
+    ],
+    "large tree finch": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick and broad, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: dense, grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round, black",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: greenish-brown feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark-greenish brown feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "large woodshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: streaked with gray-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellowish-white",
+        "legs: long, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, like the back",
+        "tail: elongated, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: streaked grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "large wren babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white to light grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey feathers with some spotting",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and medium length with scaly texture",
+        "wings: rounded with brown and white barring",
+        "nape: darker brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white-to-grey feathers with delicate spots"
+    ],
+    "large billed antwren": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white and fluffy",
+        "crown: black with coppery highlights",
+        "forehead: black patches, feathered",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grayish blue",
+        "wings: elongated, gray and brown",
+        "nape: warm brown, feathered",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with upper body"
+    ],
+    "large billed crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: prominent, large, and sturdy",
+        "belly: slightly rounded, black plumage",
+        "breast: full and glossy black",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers with a slight peak",
+        "forehead: flat and covered with short black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and intelligent",
+        "legs: strong, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: wide, black, and powerful",
+        "nape: black, smooth feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long black feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: glossy black with a streamlined curve"
+    ],
+    "large billed gerygone": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white color",
+        "breast: light-cream feathered",
+        "crown: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: faintly lined olive-brown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: thin, light-orange",
+        "wings: short, olive-green with off-white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, white-throated",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "large billed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, heavy, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale off-white or yellowish",
+        "breast: light brown with streaked or spotted pattern",
+        "crown: streaked with light brown and black feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with slight streaking",
+        "eyes: small, black, and observant",
+        "legs: strong and slender, pale pink or brown hue",
+        "wings: brown with darker streaks and light edges",
+        "nape: light brown with streaked feathers",
+        "tail: notched, with brown central feathers and lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale off-white or yellowish with brown streaks or spots"
+    ],
+    "large billed leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight yellowish tinge",
+        "beak: long, robust, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with a light olive wash",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green, distinct yellow stripe over eyes",
+        "forehead: olive-green, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, strong and well-suited for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with striking yellow edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and slender, olive-green with yellowish edges",
+        "throat: yellowish-white with a hint of pale streaking"
+    ],
+    "large billed reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with pale brown undertones",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaking",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with distinct feather patterns",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: whitish with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "large billed scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: prominent and elongated",
+        "belly: pale cream-white",
+        "breast: streaked shades of brown",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with soft streaks",
+        "forehead: pale and plain",
+        "eyes: beady black with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: short and rounded",
+        "nape: greyish-brown",
+        "tail: fairly long and straight-edged",
+        "throat: cream-white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "large billed seed finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: thick, wide, and sharp edged",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow streaks blending into belly",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight shine",
+        "forehead: small black feathers lined above beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by thin, white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, light grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers, black tips, and streaks",
+        "nape: black stripe starting from crown to the back",
+        "tail: medium length, straight, olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers with a tinge of olive-green"
+    ],
+    "large billed tern": [
+        "back: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp and black",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white, rounded feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-black, textured feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek, white plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: broad, gray-white with black tips",
+        "nape: gray, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, white-gray",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "large footed finch": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white, slightly speckled",
+        "breast: subtly streaked, outlined with dark brown",
+        "crown: smooth, dark plumage",
+        "forehead: vibrant browny-yellow",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, and grey",
+        "wings: broad, brown, with white streaks",
+        "nape: soft, dark-feathered transition",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown with white accents",
+        "throat: pale, streaked with darker lines"
+    ],
+    "large footed tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray, densely feathered",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white, fluffed feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray, rounded",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: large, strong, pale pink",
+        "wings: short, rounded, gray",
+        "nape: dense, dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, gray",
+        "throat: light gray, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "large headed flatbill": [
+        "back: smooth, curved surface",
+        "beak: broad, slightly curved",
+        "belly: rounded, soft texture",
+        "breast: full, rounded shape",
+        "crown: large, flat, prominent",
+        "forehead: wide, flat area",
+        "eyes: round, alert, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, strong limbs",
+        "wings: broad, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: long, flat, well-defined",
+        "tail: wide, flat, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: slender, slightly curved"
+    ],
+    "large tailed antshrike": [
+        "back: slate-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: thick and hooked, black in color",
+        "belly: creamy off-white, fading to pale yellow",
+        "breast: greyish-white with pale black barring",
+        "crown: black with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: black and slightly feathered",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by pale skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, slate-grey with white tips",
+        "nape: black with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: long and black, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of grey"
+    ],
+    "large tailed dove": [
+        "back: smooth, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, pale grey",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: buff-gray, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray, scaled",
+        "wings: long, gray-brown, with black accents",
+        "nape: light gray, well-defined feathers",
+        "tail: prominent, fan-shaped, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: faint brown with pale gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "large tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray camouflage pattern",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray color",
+        "belly: light brown with dark streaks and spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker brown marbling",
+        "crown: mottled gray and brown with a tinge of rufous",
+        "forehead: mottled gray-brown with whitish streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: short and feathered, with pale cream and brown bands",
+        "wings: mottled brown and gray with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: mottled gray and brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long with broad feathers, dark brown and gray bands, and white corners",
+        "throat: creamy-white washed with brown and gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "lark like brushrunner": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, sharp",
+        "belly: light beige plumage",
+        "breast: speckled brown and white",
+        "crown: slightly raised, streaked",
+        "forehead: light, unmarked feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, long, powerful",
+        "wings: lengthy, strong, brown",
+        "nape: smoothly blended with crown",
+        "tail: rounded, pointed feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, pale contrast"
+    ],
+    "lark like bunting": [
+        "back: brownish streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical shape",
+        "belly: white with slight markings",
+        "breast: white, faintly streaked",
+        "crown: brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with brown markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, slender",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, marked",
+        "tail: brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "latakoo lark": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, narrow, and curved",
+        "belly: soft and off-white plumage",
+        "breast: striking orange or red patch",
+        "crown: flat with blackish feathers",
+        "forehead: mix of black and white feathers",
+        "eyes: alert and round, dark color",
+        "legs: strong and thin with grey color",
+        "wings: long, pointed with dark markings",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back feathers",
+        "tail: short with dark-rimmed, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with a hint of grayish-blue"
+    ],
+    "latham francolin": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale bluish-gray",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black bars",
+        "breast: pale gray with white speckles",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with narrow black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a light gray ring",
+        "legs: robust and feathered, red-orange",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with distinctive white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-white with black stripes",
+        "tail: short, black with white bars",
+        "throat: buffy-white, bordered by black lines"
+    ],
+    "latham snipe": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long and straight, brownish-gray",
+        "belly: white mixed with brownish hues",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with light stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown with white strip in center",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: pale yellow or brownish-gray, long and slender",
+        "wings: brown with dark feathers, gold and white edge",
+        "nape: brown with faint markings",
+        "tail: barred brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with distinct blackish-brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "lattice tailed trogon": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grey",
+        "breast: cherry red, fading into gray",
+        "crown: deep iridescent green",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent green to blue",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, and square-tipped",
+        "throat: cherry red"
+    ],
+    "laughing dove": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey with dark feather edges",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: beige with a rosy tint and subtle spotting",
+        "breast: warm pink or buff with dark spots",
+        "crown: light brown with a subtle blue-grey sheen",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey with slightly darker feather edges",
+        "eyes: dark brown eyes with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pink to red, with scaled texture",
+        "wings: soft brown with bold black spots and blue-grey accents",
+        "nape: light brown with dark feather edges transitioning to grey",
+        "tail: long and tapered with black and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked and smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "laughing falcon": [
+        "back: yellowish white with faint dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, short, and dark hooked beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with light barring",
+        "breast: buff with distinctive dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish white and smooth",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white extending to cheeks",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, surrounded by dark mask",
+        "legs: strong, short, yellow scaled, and sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, and beautifully barred",
+        "nape: yellowish white and smooth",
+        "tail: light with dark bands, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "laughing kookaburra": [
+        "back: brownish with black bars",
+        "beak: robust, large, dark color",
+        "belly: pale, whitish hue with brown spots",
+        "breast: white with slight brown spots",
+        "crown: dark, with small white spots",
+        "forehead: brownish-black striping",
+        "eyes: bright, dark with white eyebrows",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black striping",
+        "nape: brownish-white, well-defined",
+        "tail: long, prominent blue markings",
+        "throat: white, subtly streaked with black"
+    ],
+    "laura woodland warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black stripes",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wingbars and black secondary feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with a black stripe",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with white outer feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "laurel pigeon": [
+        "back: dark grey with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: strong black hooked beak",
+        "belly: white with grey shading",
+        "breast: dark grey-green",
+        "crown: dark grey with bluish tint",
+        "forehead: greyish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eyering",
+        "legs: bright red with strong, scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad with dark grey-green color and a white patch",
+        "nape: dark grey with greenish-gloss",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with a white band near the tip",
+        "throat: greyish-white with a small dark patch"
+    ],
+    "lava gull": [
+        "back: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: grayish-white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: dark gray, dense feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray, sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: large, expressive, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray, short feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, fine feathers"
+    ],
+    "lavender waxbill": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers with lavender hues",
+        "beak: petite, silver-grey, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft lavender-grey feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant lavender plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant lavender with hints of grey",
+        "forehead: smooth lavender with light grey streaks",
+        "eyes: round, black with a subtle white circle",
+        "legs: dainty, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: grey with hints of lavender, black-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: bluish-grey meeting lavender crown",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: gentle lavender with a smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "lawes parotia": [
+        "back: black and glossy feathers",
+        "beak: short, delicate, grayish",
+        "belly: shades of brown feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: long curved black feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers with fine barring",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: short and rounded, black with hints of teal",
+        "nape: curved black tufts of feathers",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers, iridescent teal edges",
+        "throat: puffy and black with iridescent blue markings"
+    ],
+    "lawrence goldfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, conical, sharp, pale pink",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: black with some greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: black",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, bead-like",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: black with white patches and yellow bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: black with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "lawrence thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with light markings",
+        "breast: pale grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with streaks, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dull olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buff wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, streaked with fine lines",
+        "tail: olive-brown, often slightly flicked upwards",
+        "throat: whitish with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "layard parakeet": [
+        "back: green and blue feathered",
+        "beak: orange-red with dark tip",
+        "belly: light green and yellow tint",
+        "breast: bluish-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue top of the head",
+        "forehead: green with blue markings",
+        "eyes: orange-red eye ring surrounding brown pupil",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue hints and a red patch under",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers curving around the neck",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: yellow-green with a slight blue hue"
+    ],
+    "layard warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a hint of green",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaking",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish with a slight yellow tinge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "layard white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, grey-white area",
+        "forehead: pale grey feathers",
+        "eyes: large, distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grey, slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: transition between grey-white crown and olive-green back",
+        "tail: short, olive-green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: lemon-yellow, continuing into yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "laysan duck": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers and streamlined shape",
+        "beak: short, rounded, with black coloration",
+        "belly: light brown with small white flecks",
+        "breast: whitish with darker brown spotting",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: darker brown feathers fading to light brown towards the beak",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, orange-webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: brown with white edges and flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short and squared, with brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter brown with some white flecks"
+    ],
+    "laysan finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white hue",
+        "breast: lightly-streaked brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown coloring",
+        "forehead: brownish plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with subtle markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: fairly short with slight fork",
+        "throat: light streaks on greyish-white background"
+    ],
+    "lazuli kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with streaks of white",
+        "beak: large, black, and dagger-like",
+        "belly: white with rufous-orange markings",
+        "breast: deep rufous-orange color",
+        "crown: brilliant blue with white streaks",
+        "forehead: striking white patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and gray-black",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with black and white bands",
+        "nape: azure blue with white speckles",
+        "tail: elongated, blue with bold black and white markings",
+        "throat: white with a slight rufous-orange tinge"
+    ],
+    "lazuline sabrewing": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, black",
+        "belly: metallic green-blue shading",
+        "breast: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "crown: shining deep blue hue",
+        "forehead: gleaming azure flash",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black",
+        "wings: shimmering turquoise, elongated",
+        "nape: bright blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: forked, black, and teal",
+        "throat: luminous green-blue glow"
+    ],
+    "leach storm petrel": [
+        "back: blackish-brown color with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: thin, black, curved, sharp for catching prey",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside, narrow black stripe along center",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white with a dark patch on each side",
+        "crown: blackish-brown, rounded shape, covers the top of the head",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown, smooth slope leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, positioned on either side of the head",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long, pointed, blackish-brown feature for flying",
+        "nape: blackish-brown, connects the crown and back of the bird",
+        "tail: forked, blackish-brown, helps with steering and balance",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, meets with the pale underside of the bird"
+    ],
+    "leaden antwren": [
+        "back: light grey coloring, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale grey-white hue, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light grey coloring, feathery texture",
+        "crown: slightly darker grey, small crest feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey hue, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: black and round, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black, long claws",
+        "wings: light grey, medium length, pointed tips",
+        "nape: light grey coloring, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long and grey, slightly darker tips",
+        "throat: pale grey-white, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "leaden flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate-gray, smoothly feathered",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: dingy grey",
+        "crown: dark slate-blue",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: slate blue, rounded",
+        "nape: matching slate-gray",
+        "tail: dark blue-gray, medium length",
+        "throat: light grey-white"
+    ],
+    "leaf lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: orange-red, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lime green feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: emerald green, crest-like",
+        "forehead: green merging with blue",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: green, with blue and yellow highlights",
+        "nape: green with slight blue highlights",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: yellow-green, with hints of blue"
+    ],
+    "leaf love": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, orange-red tip",
+        "belly: soft, light green plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellowish-green feathers",
+        "crown: deep green, merging with the nape",
+        "forehead: radiant green, distinctively edged",
+        "eyes: dark, inquisitive, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish, with strong toes",
+        "wings: vibrant green, slightly pointed edges",
+        "nape: transition from green to deep blue",
+        "tail: elongated, broad, blue-violet feathers",
+        "throat: pale green, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "least boobook": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dense white spots",
+        "beak: dark, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale with rufous-brown markings",
+        "crown: dark-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow on a dark facial disk",
+        "legs: feathered, with strong talons",
+        "wings: rounded, with brown and white bars",
+        "nape: similar in appearance to the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, with narrow white barring",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "least honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout with a slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: whitish with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale with dark brown speckles",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with olive-brown edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with olive-brown outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "least nighthawk": [
+        "back: plain brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short and wide, dark grey",
+        "belly: light brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine dark markings",
+        "eyes: large and dark, adapted for night vision",
+        "legs: short and slender, dark brown",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark brown with light streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bars, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light beige with fine dark markings"
+    ],
+    "least pauraque": [
+        "back: brownish-gray mottled plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff mixed with gray markings",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, streaked with white",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with an amber hue",
+        "legs: short, reddish-brown, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: long, brownish-gray with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black and white barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "least pygmy owl": [
+        "back: petite, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, yellowish, sharp",
+        "belly: light gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, dense plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-brown, round head",
+        "forehead: tiny, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, intimidating",
+        "legs: short, yellow, strong",
+        "wings: rounded, greenish-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: neck area with greenish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, greenish-brown with white bars",
+        "throat: small, light gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "least seedsnipe": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with mottled pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: light gray-brown with fine barring",
+        "crown: brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish or pale gray, slender",
+        "wings: short and rounded, with brown and white markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: short and squared, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: buffy-white with light gray barring"
+    ],
+    "least storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, and slender",
+        "belly: light grey or whitish hue",
+        "breast: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark, grey-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with a slightly darker tint",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-camouflaged",
+        "legs: long, black, and thin",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with a white bar in the middle",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with a subtle dark line",
+        "tail: grey-brown, deeply forked",
+        "throat: pale grey or white with light grey-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "leconte sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with reddish-brown and gray, blending with surrounding habitat",
+        "beak: small, cone-shaped, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks or spots, providing camouflage",
+        "breast: buffy brown with dark streaks, enhancing its ground-dwelling appearance",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a central gray stripe, adding contrast",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine white lines, helping identify the species",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint eye-ring, for better vision in dim habitats",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray, supporting a ground-dwelling lifestyle",
+        "wings: short and rounded with distinct reddish-brown markings, providing agility",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a central gray stripe, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: short and notched with dark barring, aiding in quick maneuvers",
+        "throat: off-white with dark streaks, continuing down from the breast"
+    ],
+    "leconte thrasher": [
+        "back: pale grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and light gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle spots",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with slight streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: pale grayish-brown with bold, dark markings",
+        "nape: smooth and grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "legge hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown dense feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish gray",
+        "belly: lighter brown with fine, black streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, mottled with white tips",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with black streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing, golden-yellow",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, yellow talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with broad bars",
+        "nape: dark brown, dense feathers",
+        "tail: long, banded, dark brown and white",
+        "throat: lighter brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "lemon dove": [
+        "back: pale brown, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, light pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: pale buff, soft plumage",
+        "breast: creamy-buff with light pink blush",
+        "crown: soft grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-tinged gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish, thin and delicate",
+        "wings: pale brown with light grayish markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked with white",
+        "tail: pale brown, slightly pointed feathers",
+        "throat: light buff with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "lemon bellied crombec": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright lemon-yellow hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: plain greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, long, grey",
+        "wings: short, rounded, brown",
+        "nape: grey-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "lemon bellied flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive green with slight greyish hues",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: vibrant lemon yellow",
+        "breast: light yellow with faded streaks",
+        "crown: bright olive green",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with slight green tinge",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, grey-black and delicate",
+        "wings: olive green with faint yellow patches",
+        "nape: olive green with greyish undertones",
+        "tail: long, greyish-green with white tips",
+        "throat: yellow with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "lemon bellied white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: vibrant lemon-yellow hue",
+        "breast: white blending into lemon-yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight yellow tinge",
+        "forehead: white feathers blending into green",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grey and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with minimal white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: greenish hue with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white merging into yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "lemon breasted seedeater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: lemon-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: charcoal black feathers",
+        "eyes: beady black, surrounded by faint white rings",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: olive-green with subtle yellow streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "lemon browed flycatcher": [
+        "back: bright olive-green with tinges of yellow",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with some white mix",
+        "breast: bold yellow with subtle olive tones",
+        "crown: intense lemon-yellow stripe bordered by black",
+        "forehead: striking patch of lemon-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: medium length, olive-green with black accents",
+        "nape: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with black edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "lemon chested greenlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black",
+        "belly: soft lemon yellow",
+        "breast: bright lemon shade",
+        "crown: rich green plumage",
+        "forehead: green with slight yellow tint",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy with dark gray claws",
+        "wings: green with lighter underside, well-defined",
+        "nape: smooth green transitioning to lemon",
+        "tail: green with elongated yellow-edged feathers",
+        "throat: light lemon-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "lemon rumped warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight yellowish tinge",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, black-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green with a bluish tint",
+        "forehead: vibrant orange-yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale flesh-toned with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark greenish-gray with yellowish edging",
+        "nape: brilliant yellow with contrasting dark eyestripe",
+        "tail: dark greenish-black with white outer tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a slight orange hue"
+    ],
+    "lemon spectacled tanager": [
+        "back: bright yellow with greenish tinge",
+        "beak: short and stout, black in color",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich yellow with a slight orange tone",
+        "crown: deep black with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: striking lemon-yellow",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by yellow spectacles",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: black, blending into the yellow back",
+        "tail: long and black, with greenish-blue outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright lemon-yellow, contrasting with black breast"
+    ],
+    "lemon throated barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: stout, ivory bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow underparts",
+        "crown: red-capped head",
+        "forehead: bold crimson hue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy grey limbs",
+        "wings: green, strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: green, with a tinge of red",
+        "tail: short, green, squared-off",
+        "throat: lemon-yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "lemon throated leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: white with light yellow hues",
+        "crown: olive-green top with a yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with a hint of olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: pale and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green to blend with its environment",
+        "nape: olive-green with lighter feathers",
+        "tail: long and pointed, greenish-brown",
+        "throat: vibrant lemon-yellow, distinctive"
+    ],
+    "lesser antillean bullfinch": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, black",
+        "belly: light grey coloration",
+        "breast: grey plumage",
+        "crown: blackish cap",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like",
+        "legs: thin, black",
+        "wings: grey, short and rounded",
+        "nape: grey with darker feather tips",
+        "tail: dark, forked structure",
+        "throat: slightly lighter grey than breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser antillean flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: small, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light yellow fading into white",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a subtle dark stripe",
+        "tail: dark and moderately long with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white leading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser antillean pewee": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight greenish tinge",
+        "beak: thin, angled, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with light streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint grayish patches",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dull grayish-brown with thin toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-brown with faint white edges",
+        "throat: light yellow with very faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser antillean saltator": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, conical, blackish",
+        "belly: yellow to olive-yellow underbody",
+        "breast: olive-gray upper breast, unmarked",
+        "crown: bluish-gray head, slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, short, rounded",
+        "nape: olive-gray, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-green, moderately long, dark banding",
+        "throat: white, clearly demarcated"
+    ],
+    "lesser antillean swift": [
+        "back: dark brown to black feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white coloration",
+        "breast: grayish-brown shade, lighter than back",
+        "crown: dark brown with slightly glossier feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow grayish-white band",
+        "eyes: small and dark-colored",
+        "legs: short, featherless with dark claws",
+        "wings: long, slender with dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown flowing into the crown",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, merging with the belly color"
+    ],
+    "lesser antillean tanager": [
+        "back: rich green with a hint of blue",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish color",
+        "belly: vibrant orange-yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with greenish flanks",
+        "crown: brilliant green-blue",
+        "forehead: vivid blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, fairly short",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with bold yellow edging",
+        "nape: bright green-blue, like the crown",
+        "tail: shiny green-blue with yellow tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "lesser bird of paradise": [
+        "back: colorful, shimmering feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp-edged, hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green, vibrant plumage",
+        "crown: black, velvety feathers",
+        "forehead: red-orange plumes, iridescent",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: long, dark, curved feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant, greenish-blue sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, wire-like, adorned with black feathers",
+        "throat: white, slightly tufted feathers"
+    ],
+    "lesser black coucal": [
+        "back: dark brown with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: deep black feathers",
+        "breast: black with hint of glossy purple",
+        "crown: rich dark brown with iridescent highlights",
+        "forehead: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with purple sheen, wide shape",
+        "nape: dark brown, iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with a purple shimmer",
+        "throat: black, slightly lighter than belly"
+    ],
+    "lesser black backed gull": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers",
+        "eyes: pale yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey with black tips",
+        "nape: slightly darker grey feathers",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white, sleek plumage"
+    ],
+    "lesser blue eared starling": [
+        "back: glossy dark blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black curve",
+        "belly: vibrant blue shade",
+        "breast: shimmering blue hue",
+        "crown: deep blue crested feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue metallic plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, black piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, dark sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: radiant blue with elongate feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue neck",
+        "tail: long, majestic blue feathers",
+        "throat: shiny blue underfeathers"
+    ],
+    "lesser bristlebill": [
+        "back: olive-green, slightly darker upper",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: buff-white, unmarked underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellow, well-defined border",
+        "crown: dark olive-green, inconspicuous crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white, thin bristles",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by grayish-white feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: broad, olive-green with blue-black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, blue-black central feathers, olive-green edges",
+        "throat: buff-white, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser coucal": [
+        "back: dark, glossy blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-brown, thickly streaked plumage",
+        "crown: blackish feathers with coppery sheen",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: deep brown with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: long, bluish-grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, dark brown edged with rufous",
+        "nape: dark, with metallic greenish-black feathers",
+        "tail: long and graduated, blackish-brown with rufous tips",
+        "throat: buffy-white streaking on blackish background"
+    ],
+    "lesser crested tern": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, long, and orange",
+        "belly: clean white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers",
+        "crown: black with a crest",
+        "forehead: striking black cap",
+        "eyes: intense, dark gaze",
+        "legs: slender, orange-red limbs",
+        "wings: strong, long, and gray",
+        "nape: black crest continuation",
+        "tail: forked and stretching out",
+        "throat: soft white feathering"
+    ],
+    "lesser cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: white with fine grayish streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray or grayish-white",
+        "crown: ash-gray with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: narrow bluish-gray band",
+        "eyes: deep chestnut-brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue or bluish-gray",
+        "tail: long, squared-off, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale-white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: olive-toned with a pale-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white and slightly angled",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender with blackish-gray color",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: dark and forked with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with a sleek look"
+    ],
+    "lesser fish eagle": [
+        "back: dense brown feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellow-tipped black beak",
+        "belly: lightly streaked pale-brownish and white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers, near seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow irises with dark pupils",
+        "legs: thick yellow scaly legs with formidable black talons",
+        "wings: wide, brown wings with white patches at the base",
+        "nape: rich brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white bands near the tips",
+        "throat: white-streaked brown feathers leading from the lower beak towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser flamingo": [
+        "back: light pink feathers with a smooth curve",
+        "beak: downward-curved, black tip with pink base",
+        "belly: pale pink to white, soft and round",
+        "breast: vibrant pink, full and rounded",
+        "crown: slightly darker pink, rounded top",
+        "forehead: lighter pink, slightly raised above the eyes",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark with a thin white outline",
+        "legs: long, thin, pink to red with webbed feet",
+        "wings: pink with black edges, long and tapered",
+        "nape: pale pink to white, slightly curved",
+        "tail: short, pink with crisp black tips",
+        "throat: lighter pink, slender leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser florican": [
+        "back: earthy brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: black with white spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: narrow white crest",
+        "eyes: small with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white spotting",
+        "nape: black with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long and slender, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white with black feathers"
+    ],
+    "lesser frigatebird": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-feathered surface",
+        "beak: long, hooked, grayish shade",
+        "belly: slim, white feathers",
+        "breast: white, smooth-feathered contour",
+        "crown: glossy black, even surface",
+        "forehead: black, narrow-sloping area",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, expressive orbs",
+        "legs: lean, powerful, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, gracefully tapered",
+        "nape: slender black neck region",
+        "tail: lengthy, sharp, and forked",
+        "throat: puffed red, inflatable gular sac"
+    ],
+    "lesser grass finch": [
+        "back: brown feathers with streaky patterns",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray edges",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark and rounded, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown fading to gray",
+        "tail: brown with white outer edges, long and tapered",
+        "throat: buff-white with some streaking"
+    ],
+    "lesser gray shrike": [
+        "back: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black, short, and hook-tipped",
+        "belly: pale white with faint grayish markings",
+        "breast: clean white with subtle gray undertones",
+        "crown: ash gray with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: black and beady, with a white eyebrow-like curve",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gray and black feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: light gray, seamlessly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, with white outer feathers and squared tip",
+        "throat: pure white, contrasting with the gray head"
+    ],
+    "lesser green leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with slight golden tinge",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with hints of black",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green",
+        "crown: vivid green with blue and black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright golden and green mix",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: green with blue-black feather tips",
+        "nape: green with yellow blending",
+        "tail: long, green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow with blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser greenlet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark banding",
+        "throat: yellowish-white shading"
+    ],
+    "lesser ground cuckoo": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with subtle barring",
+        "beak: long, slim, and slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: light cream with faint black barring",
+        "breast: greyish-brown feathers with horizontal barring",
+        "crown: dark grey with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-white with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, framed by black feather markings",
+        "legs: long, greyish-blue with strong talons",
+        "wings: rounded, dark brown with white edges on some feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, and white feathers with alternating bands",
+        "throat: greyish-white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser ground robin": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light grey with small streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-orange hue",
+        "crown: shaded dark grey to black",
+        "forehead: contrasting light grey",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, long, and dark brown",
+        "wings: grey with darker brown edges",
+        "nape: subtle grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and rectangular with grey and brown tones",
+        "throat: light grey, blending with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "lesser honeyguide": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark in color",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with fine dark spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with small dark markings",
+        "crown: dull gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, dull gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and well-defined",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark-colored",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint bars and markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: squared and dark, with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser hoopoe lark": [
+        "back: light brown with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: slender and down-curved, black",
+        "belly: whitish or pale buff with sparse dark spotting",
+        "breast: pale buff with darker streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with fine blackish streaks, small crest",
+        "forehead: light brown and streaked, like crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, dull pink or grayish",
+        "wings: brownish with black and white markings, pointed",
+        "nape: light brown with fine blackish streaks, like crown",
+        "tail: brownish with white outer feathers, elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: whitish or pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "lesser horned owl": [
+        "back: brown with white speckles and streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark brown vertical barring",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark brown horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, brown with white streaks and small ear tufts",
+        "forehead: pale buff with small brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, buff-colored with brown barring",
+        "wings: brown with white bars, large broad feather tips",
+        "nape: brownish with pale edges on feathers",
+        "tail: brown with several narrow white bars",
+        "throat: buff with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser hornero": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and straight, pale in color",
+        "belly: buff-colored",
+        "breast: brownish-white",
+        "crown: dark brown streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with darker streaks",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown",
+        "throat: pale, creamy white"
+    ],
+    "lesser jacana": [
+        "back: brownish-black plumage with light streaks",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white or pale gray with light barring",
+        "breast: orangish-brown with barring pattern",
+        "crown: dark with light streaks, slight crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting at a point",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, with greenish-yellow color",
+        "wings: black with white spots and a deep orange patch",
+        "nape: brownish-black feathers with light streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark with white bands",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with light barring"
+    ],
+    "lesser kestrel": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black color",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: gray-blue with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with yellow eyering",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with black spotted upper wings",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, gray-blue with black terminal band",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser kiskadee": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black with a concealed yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: white to pale yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyestripe",
+        "legs: long, black or grey",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown, lighter than back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "lesser masked owl": [
+        "back: streaked brownish feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: creamy white with fine brown barring",
+        "crown: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: streaked brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by off-white mask",
+        "legs: feathered with light gray barring",
+        "wings: pale brown with darker brown bars and bands",
+        "nape: streaked brown with lighter, buff-colored edges",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, barred with varying shades of brown",
+        "throat: creamy white, with light streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "lesser masked weaver": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: black, conical shape",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: intense black feathers",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by golden yellow",
+        "legs: dull pink color, strong",
+        "wings: black with yellow highlights",
+        "nape: olive-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: black and yellow intermixed feathers",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "lesser melampitta": [
+        "back: dark, bluish-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep black",
+        "breast: dark, bluish-black feathers",
+        "crown: deep black with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, deep black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: dark gray/black, slender, and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep black with bluish-black sheen, relatively broad",
+        "nape: deep black, connects crown to back",
+        "tail: straight, short, and black",
+        "throat: deep black, sometimes with slightly paler feathers"
+    ],
+    "lesser moorhen": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: greenish-yellow and stout",
+        "belly: dark slate grey with faint barring",
+        "breast: slate grey fading to white flanks",
+        "crown: deep, dark black coloration",
+        "forehead: black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright red with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow with long toes",
+        "wings: dark, greenish-black with faint white edges",
+        "nape: black merging with the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark, and flicked upwards",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the dark breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser necklaced laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint black markings",
+        "breast: white with black necklace-like band",
+        "crown: gray with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: gray with black speckles",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with black wingtips",
+        "nape: grayish-white",
+        "tail: long and brown with black markings",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser noddy": [
+        "back: dark grey to black feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale grey, light feathers",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: grey shading to black",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and beady",
+        "legs: short, dark grey",
+        "wings: long, blackish-grey, pointed",
+        "nape: pale grey feather pattern",
+        "tail: black, forked, elongated",
+        "throat: light grey shading to black"
+    ],
+    "lesser nothura": [
+        "back: brownish with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, light grayish",
+        "belly: light beige with black speckles",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by beige",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black and white barred pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown with beige markings",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown with black bars",
+        "throat: buff-colored, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser prairie chicken": [
+        "back: brown and tan feathers with striped pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with brownish barring",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown barring",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with central white stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with white markings",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with tan, white, and black markings",
+        "nape: buff with dark barring",
+        "tail: elongated, central two feathers barred and others plain",
+        "throat: white with brown border, males have distinctive orange air sacs"
+    ],
+    "lesser racket tailed drongo": [
+        "back: dark iridescent black feathers",
+        "beak: strong and hooked, black color",
+        "belly: slightly paler black feathers",
+        "breast: dark black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, circled with black feathers",
+        "legs: strong, black, and slender",
+        "wings: long, dark, and pointed with black feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, black, with racket-shaped feathers at tips",
+        "throat: black feathers blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser redpoll": [
+        "back: streaked brown with hints of red",
+        "beak: small, pointed, pale-yellowish",
+        "belly: white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: rosy red with streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant red feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red patch",
+        "eyes: small and dark-colored",
+        "legs: slender light brown",
+        "wings: dusky brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown with red tinges",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish with streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser rhea": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and grey",
+        "belly: soft and pale grey",
+        "breast: white with brownish tint",
+        "crown: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: stubby and rounded, with flightless appearance",
+        "nape: delicately feathered and light brown",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, with white and brown alternating feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, pale, and slender"
+    ],
+    "lesser roadrunner": [
+        "back: brownish and streaked with white markings",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray with black streaking",
+        "breast: light gray with faint spotting",
+        "crown: brown with a crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with a white eye-stripe",
+        "eyes: large and dark, encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches on the underside",
+        "nape: brown with a prominent white stripe",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser sand plover": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with fine, dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: clean and white",
+        "breast: white with a hint of buff-colored feathers",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with some dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a faint, dark eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale yellow",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, white, and slightly forked, with dark outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, extending down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser seedcracker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: black, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: white with brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut, bordered by thin black band",
+        "forehead: chestnut, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, medium length",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black streaks, rounded tips",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with dark streaks, moderately long",
+        "throat: pale throat with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser shortwing": [
+        "back: blue-grayish feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: pale gray",
+        "breast: gray-blue",
+        "crown: dark blue fading to gray",
+        "forehead: light navy blue",
+        "eyes: black beads",
+        "legs: thin stump-like",
+        "wings: rounded, slate blue",
+        "nape: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "tail: dark, short blue fan",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "lesser shrike tyrant": [
+        "back: streaked grayish-brown feathering",
+        "beak: robust, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale white or yellowish hue",
+        "breast: soft white with gray-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bold black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser spotted eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale white with brown spots",
+        "breast: cream with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light brown merging to dark",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, featherless",
+        "wings: brown with white spots, broad",
+        "nape: brown with a slightly lighter shade",
+        "tail: brown, barred with dark bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored with brownish tint"
+    ],
+    "lesser spotted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, chisel-like",
+        "belly: white, unmarked",
+        "breast: white, without streaks",
+        "crown: red for males, white for females",
+        "forehead: whitish, with black central stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, in white surrounding",
+        "legs: short, strong, gray",
+        "wings: black, with white oval-shaped spots",
+        "nape: white and black striped",
+        "tail: strongly barred, black and white, rigid for supporting while perching",
+        "throat: white, with black \"zigzag\" pattern"
+    ],
+    "lesser striped swallow": [
+        "back: light grey-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender and pointed black",
+        "belly: pale grey-white underfeathers",
+        "breast: light orange-reddish hue",
+        "crown: slightly crested, grey-blue",
+        "forehead: grey-blue merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, black, and slender",
+        "wings: long, pointy, grey-blue feathers",
+        "nape: grey-blue feathers meeting the back",
+        "tail: elongated outer feathers, forked shape",
+        "throat: light orange-reddish hue"
+    ],
+    "lesser swallow tailed swift": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, flat, sharp-edged, and dark",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: smooth grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: blackish with a slightly glossy appearance",
+        "forehead: flat, dark feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert-looking",
+        "legs: slender and dark, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, and powerful for swift flight",
+        "nape: dark feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: forked and long for agile maneuvering",
+        "throat: lighter gray, contrasting with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "lesser swamp warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with a narrow pale stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale brown-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, short, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser vasa parrot": [
+        "back: dark grey feathered body",
+        "beak: charcoal grey, curved hook shape",
+        "belly: slightly lighter grey, soft feathers",
+        "breast: smooth grey feathers, sometimes with faint white patches",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly raised feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey limbs with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: rounded, dark grey feathers with lighter edges",
+        "nape: grey feathers meeting at the back of the head",
+        "tail: long, dark grey feathers with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale grey feathers, sometimes with a faint white patch"
+    ],
+    "lesser violetear": [
+        "back: metallic green upperparts",
+        "beak: small, black, and slender",
+        "belly: grayish-green with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: vibrant greenish-blue with a violet hue",
+        "crown: shining greenish-blue with a violet tint",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a black outline",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "wings: metallic green-blue, long, and pointed",
+        "nape: bold green hue with violet shades",
+        "tail: dark iridescent blue-green with a darker shade",
+        "throat: striking violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "lesser wagtail tyrant": [
+        "back: light olive-green",
+        "beak: thin and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: light yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: whitish streak",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: dark gray with brownish edging",
+        "nape: grayish-olive",
+        "tail: long and blackish",
+        "throat: pale yellowish white"
+    ],
+    "lesser whistling duck": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark gray with a pale tip",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bead-like",
+        "legs: orange or yellow-toned, short",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: transitions from dark brown to chestnut",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "throat: lighter chestnut, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser white fronted goose": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with white feather edges",
+        "beak: stout, pinkish-orange with dark nail",
+        "belly: white with gray-brown undertones",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, narrow white stripe",
+        "forehead: white extending to eye patches",
+        "eyes: dark with pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: stubby, bright orange",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with curved white edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with white stripes",
+        "tail: short, brown with white upper tail coverts",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesser whitethroat": [
+        "back: pale brown with a hint of gray",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with pale gray undertones",
+        "breast: light-grayish brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a very narrow, darker stripe",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale brown",
+        "wings: pale brown with contrasting darker brown feather edges",
+        "nape: pale brown, transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, with light gray flanks"
+    ],
+    "lesser woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brown and streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale buff to white color",
+        "breast: brownish with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with fine barring and spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long and straight with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "lesser yellow headed vulture": [
+        "back: dark gray-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: lighter gray-black feathers",
+        "breast: gray-black plumes",
+        "crown: black, feathery tufts",
+        "forehead: bare, pale yellow skin",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, yellow-gray, scaly",
+        "wings: large, gray-black, fingered tips",
+        "nape: black, feathery tufts",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: bare, pale yellow skin"
+    ],
+    "lesser yellownape": [
+        "back: yellowish-olive with black streaks",
+        "beak: dark grey and stout",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with faint yellow tones",
+        "breast: light yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: golden-yellow with a black crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light grey eyerings",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: black with yellowish bars",
+        "nape: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with yellowish outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "lesson motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: light blue or turquoise feathers",
+        "breast: turquoise and green feathers with black markings",
+        "crown: blue or green with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: turquoise or green, sometimes with a black line or patch",
+        "eyes: dark with a white or yellow ring",
+        "legs: short and gray or black",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, multicolored with green, blue, and black feathers",
+        "nape: turquoise or green with black striping or markings",
+        "tail: long and racket-shaped, blue and black with a distinctive bare-shafted feather on each side",
+        "throat: light blue or green with black markings"
+    ],
+    "lesson seedeater": [
+        "back: sleek, brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale, off-white plumage",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut color",
+        "forehead: smooth, brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown transition",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "letter winged kite": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray to white",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, intense gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange, strong",
+        "wings: long, pointed, black with white patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: square, black with bold white bands",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "lettered aracari": [
+        "back: vibrant green",
+        "beak: long, yellow-orange with black tip",
+        "belly: light yellow",
+        "breast: golden yellow",
+        "crown: black with greenish shine",
+        "forehead: greenish-black",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: blueish-gray",
+        "wings: green with black markings",
+        "nape: black, green-hued",
+        "tail: green with black bands",
+        "throat: yellow with subtle red stripe"
+    ],
+    "levaillant cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: light yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle markings",
+        "crown: streaked brown and rusty color",
+        "forehead: short, pale eyebrows",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: rusty brown with light edges",
+        "nape: warm brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and notched",
+        "throat: pale cream color"
+    ],
+    "levaillant cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: curved, yellowish upper bill with dark tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark barring",
+        "breast: olive-green with white and black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with paler streaks",
+        "eyes: deep red with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white spots",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and broad, greenish with dark bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "levaillant woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with darker markings",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-shaped black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: light grayish-green with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright red with black borders",
+        "forehead: red feathers fading to black",
+        "eyes: dark, beady and alert",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green feathers with black bars",
+        "nape: green fading to black",
+        "tail: dark green with black and white bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with black spots"
+    ],
+    "levant sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked upper jaw with a yellow base",
+        "belly: bluish-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: bluish-white with dark brown barring",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: bluish-white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: yellow and slender with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with brown bars on the upper side and white on the underside",
+        "nape: tawny-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown banded with 5-6 broader, white bands, and a squared-off tip",
+        "throat: bluish-white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "lewin honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: yellow stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slim, gray-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow highlights",
+        "nape: dark green with yellow accents",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellow-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with distinct markings"
+    ],
+    "lewin rail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale buff with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white flecks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "leymebamba antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with olive tinge",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: large, black, and prominent",
+        "legs: strong, long, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale yellowish, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "leyte plumed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow to off-white",
+        "breast: creamy yellow with olive tinges",
+        "crown: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive to yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "throat: creamy yellow to warm white"
+    ],
+    "liben lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and pale yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: light and creamy with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with small brown spots",
+        "crown: sandy brown with faint streaks or stripes",
+        "forehead: light buff with thin dark lines",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: relatively long, thin, and pale yellow-brown",
+        "wings: long and pointed, marked with dark brown and creamy white",
+        "nape: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and dark central feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with some fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "lichtenstein sandgrouse": [
+        "back: sandy brown with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, with a curved tip",
+        "belly: white or pale buff with black bands",
+        "breast: brownish grey with horizontal dark bands",
+        "crown: sandy brown with slight black markings",
+        "forehead: pale grey transitioning to sandy brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin, white eye ring",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark primaries and white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: sandy brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and pointed, brownish-grey with black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with thin, black necklace-like band"
+    ],
+    "lidth jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle blue tint",
+        "breast: vibrant blue mixed with gray hues",
+        "crown: bright blue crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: dark blue with a slight gradient",
+        "eyes: round, black, with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: vivid blue with intricate white and black patterns",
+        "nape: rich blue with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with contrasting white tips",
+        "throat: soft grayish blue, blending with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "light crowned spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: light rust-orange with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale rust-colored",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: light rust-orange continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "light mantled albatross": [
+        "back: light gray with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, pale pinkish-yellow",
+        "belly: white and slightly rounded",
+        "breast: white feathers with a soft texture",
+        "crown: light gray, rounded contour feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray with a gentle slope",
+        "eyes: black, round, located on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: short, with webbed feet, and pale pink color",
+        "wings: long, slender, light gray on top, and white below",
+        "nape: light gray, connecting crown and back feathers",
+        "tail: narrow, elongated, light gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, with a smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "light vented bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark and round, outlined by white rings",
+        "legs: gray, thin, and short",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown shading",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "lilac breasted roller": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft lavender feathers",
+        "breast: beautifully striped with various shades of blue",
+        "crown: deep royal-blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: dark turquoise coloration",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: featherless, and dark grey scaling",
+        "wings: distinct mix of turquoise and cobalt blue",
+        "nape: brilliant azure feather blending",
+        "tail: elongated, streaming, and violet-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white base with blue band accent"
+    ],
+    "lilac crowned parrot": [
+        "back: green-feathered with a slight bluish tint",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and light grey",
+        "belly: vibrant green with a slight yellow touch",
+        "breast: bright green with lighter hues",
+        "crown: lilac-pink coloration on top of the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant green, transitioning into the lilac crown",
+        "eyes: round with a white eye-ring and dark brown iris",
+        "legs: greyish-black with strong, gripping claws",
+        "wings: mainly green with blue and red highlights on the underside",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning into the lilac crown",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with red and blue undersides",
+        "throat: bright green with a slight yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "lilac tailed parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, orange",
+        "belly: light blueish-green feathers",
+        "breast: soft blue plumage",
+        "crown: emerald green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light grey, strong and slender",
+        "wings: green with touches of purple-blue at tips",
+        "nape: green with hints of lilac bluish color",
+        "tail: long, lilac-blue feathers",
+        "throat: soft green fading to blueish-white"
+    ],
+    "lilian lovebird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, hooked, and red-orange in color",
+        "belly: light green feathers with occasional yellow touches",
+        "breast: bright green plumage transitioning to a yellow hue near the belly",
+        "crown: violet-blue feathers atop the head, creating a \"cap",
+        "forehead: white to light green feathers just above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white eye-ring, alert and expressive",
+        "legs: short, scaly, grayish legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: bright green outer feathers with black flight feathers underneath",
+        "nape: violet-blue feathers on the back of the head leading down to the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: light green feathers, becoming yellowish closer to the breast"
+    ],
+    "limestone leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow, subtly streaked",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: bright yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow undertones",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellowish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "lina sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with occasional green feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow merging into green-blue",
+        "crown: iridescent green-blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: shining green-blue feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by green-blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green-blue with a transition to the back",
+        "tail: elongated and pointed, with iridescent green-blue feathers and black edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with green-blue iridescence at the sides"
+    ],
+    "line cheeked spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, slender and dark-gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous streaks",
+        "forehead: rusty-brown coloration",
+        "eyes: small and black, ringed with pale gray-brown",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edging",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous with dark spines and white tips",
+        "throat: pale with gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "line fronted canastero": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buffy to pale brown",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine barring",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a distinct stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with a dark line above the eye",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with a pale buff tip",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "lineated barbet": [
+        "back: green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: yellow with irregular dark markings",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: turquoise-blue with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: red with blue borders",
+        "eyes: dark with pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown with strong feet",
+        "wings: green with patterned feather tips",
+        "nape: green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: greenish-blue with dark bands",
+        "throat: green with a bluish tinge"
+    ],
+    "lineated foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, pale bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-chestnut, fading into belly",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown, extending to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish",
+        "wings: brownish with light wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: brown, slightly forked and long",
+        "throat: pale, streaked with brownish feathers"
+    ],
+    "lineated woodpecker": [
+        "back: striped black and white pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped grayish bill",
+        "belly: pale brown with dark spots",
+        "breast: whitish with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright red for males, black for females",
+        "forehead: red in males, black in females",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: short, sturdy grayish legs",
+        "wings: black with white streaks or spots",
+        "nape: black with white markings",
+        "tail: black with white outermost feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "lined antshrike": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white feathers with thin black stripes",
+        "breast: white feathers with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: dense black feathers with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a yellow eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: predominantly black with white markings",
+        "nape: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white tips and edges",
+        "throat: white feathers with thin black stripes"
+    ],
+    "lined forest falcon": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown stripes",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-brown crown",
+        "forehead: light gray shading",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange legs",
+        "wings: broad wings with gray and brown bands",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, banded tail with white tip",
+        "throat: pale gray with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "lined quail dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers, slightly darker than wings",
+        "beak: short, curved, black upper bill and pinkish lower bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white fading to light brown at sides",
+        "breast: pale reddish-brown with bold black bars and white edging",
+        "crown: light rusty-brown with grayish edges",
+        "forehead: pale beige fading into rusty-brown crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: short, dark pink legs with stout feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with lighter grayish-brown edges",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with darker brown central feathers, white tip",
+        "throat: creamy-white, meeting pale rusty-brown breast"
+    ],
+    "lined seedeater": [
+        "1. back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "2. beak: short, cone-shaped, greyish-black",
+        "3. belly: light yellow-white feathers",
+        "4. breast: larger light yellow-white area",
+        "5. crown: dark grey or black head stripe",
+        "6. forehead: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "7. eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "8. legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "9. wings: greenish-yellow, dark-streaked feathers",
+        "10. nape: greyish-brown, greenish-yellow edges",
+        "11. tail: dark brown, greenish-yellow edges",
+        "12. throat: white or light yellow-white patch"
+    ],
+    "lita woodpecker": [
+        "back: patterned black and white feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, chisel-like",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spotted sides",
+        "crown: bold red stripe or patch",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, clawed",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: stiff, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale cream color"
+    ],
+    "little barbet": [
+        "back: green, olive-tinted feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, curved upper beak",
+        "belly: light green, faintly streaked",
+        "breast: green-yellow, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: red forehead patch, black and white streaks",
+        "forehead: bright red strip",
+        "eyes: dark, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy with a bluish-gray tinge",
+        "wings: green with blue and yellow patches",
+        "nape: white streaks, black collar",
+        "tail: broad, square-tipped with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "little bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper feathers",
+        "beak: slender black elongated",
+        "belly: golden-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: pale blue coloration",
+        "crown: bright green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: green with blue highlights",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black stripe",
+        "legs: small, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: striking green with black tips",
+        "nape: green with slight blue tint",
+        "tail: long central feathers, dark blue with black edges",
+        "throat: bright red-orange patch"
+    ],
+    "little bittern": [
+        "back: striped light and dark brown pattern",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and light yellow",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: darker brown with visible white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown transitioning to the nape",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, round, and well-defined black orbs",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, brown with light feather markings",
+        "nape: continuation of dark brown crown with lighter markings",
+        "tail: short and pointed with brown and white streaks",
+        "throat: lighter in color, creamy white with subtle brown linear markings"
+    ],
+    "little black cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: dark, shiny feathers",
+        "crown: evenly black coloration",
+        "forehead: flat and black",
+        "eyes: greenish-blue and intense",
+        "legs: short and webbed",
+        "wings: broad and black",
+        "nape: black, with narrow feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers",
+        "throat: black, sleek plumage"
+    ],
+    "little bronze cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-bronze feathers with subtle sheen",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale cream-white hue",
+        "breast: lightly scaled with bronze and gray barring",
+        "crown: bronze-tinged green feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-bronze fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, pale gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-bronze with fine white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: slim, long with bronze-green feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: white, faintly streaked with gray"
+    ],
+    "little brown bustard": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, light brown",
+        "belly: light brown, blending into surrounding feathers",
+        "breast: dense, pale brown feathers with dark spots",
+        "crown: speckled brown feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown, transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: slender, light gray-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mottled brown feathers with white, black, and beige markings",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, brown with thin white bands",
+        "throat: light brown with a slightly darker brown stripe"
+    ],
+    "little bunting": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked feathers",
+        "beak: conical and pale-colored",
+        "belly: whitish and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: buff-yellow and streaked",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: orange-yellow",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pale pink",
+        "wings: brown and black with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "little bustard": [
+        "back: earthy-brown feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: short, straight, and pointed in a grayish hue",
+        "belly: light cream-colored feathers with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown plumage with darker markings",
+        "crown: well-defined, brownish-black stripe pattern",
+        "forehead: lighter brown contrasting with darker crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, surrounded by a lighter area",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-brown for easy camouflage",
+        "wings: pale brown and patterned with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: lighter brown with darker streaks, blending with crown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown feathers with black and white banding",
+        "throat: cream-colored with an inconspicuous pattern"
+    ],
+    "little buttonquail": [
+        "back: light brown with dark speckles",
+        "beak: small, short, and pale",
+        "belly: light creamy hue",
+        "breast: soft, tawny brown",
+        "crown: subtle reddish-brown stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short, thin, and brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with fine patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-like, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: delicate, pale cream color"
+    ],
+    "little corella": [
+        "back: light grey feathered back",
+        "beak: short, white, sharp-edged beak",
+        "belly: white, slightly round belly",
+        "breast: pale grey feathered breast",
+        "crown: white crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, rounded forehead",
+        "eyes: dark and bright with pink eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, scaled grey legs",
+        "wings: long, grey-white feathers with yellow underside",
+        "nape: white feathers with subtle grey streaks",
+        "tail: short, rounded tail feathers with white and yellow accents",
+        "throat: white, short-feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "little cormorant": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: charcoal grey underparts",
+        "breast: matte black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy navy-black head",
+        "forehead: slopes smoothly above the beak",
+        "eyes: sharp gaze with emerald green irises",
+        "legs: short and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, sturdy, with a hint of metallic sheen",
+        "nape: smoothly transitions from head to back",
+        "tail: straight, black, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: sleek black region with a slim profile"
+    ],
+    "little crake": [
+        "back: pale grayish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "beak: short and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with light grayish-brown feather edges",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown, fading to white near throat",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter brown edges",
+        "forehead: pale with a slight brownish tint",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark brown with paler feather edges",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with a slight hint of green",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with thin black and white barring",
+        "throat: white, clean and not patterned"
+    ],
+    "little crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft, dark plumage",
+        "breast: black and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: flat and black-feathered",
+        "eyes: shiny, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: intricate black feathers",
+        "nape: black, curved neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: black and smooth-feathered"
+    ],
+    "little cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: soft grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: pale white-grey feathers with a hint of pink-brown hue",
+        "breast: delicate silver-grey feathers with a touch of pink",
+        "crown: rounded, grey feathers that slightly darken towards the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth, silver-grey, narrow forehead",
+        "eyes: bright black eyes with thin white eyerings",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-grey legs with short claws",
+        "wings: medium-length wings with light grey and brown markings",
+        "nape: silver-grey feathers with a subtle sheen as they merge with the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow tail feathers with white-edged tips and brown-grey coloration",
+        "throat: soft, white-grey feathers with a slight pink hue"
+    ],
+    "little curlew": [
+        "back: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into white",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a white patch",
+        "legs: thin and pale gray-brown",
+        "wings: speckled brown and white with subtle patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short with brown and white barring",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "little eagle": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: light, speckled plumage",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter brown",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow-rimmed",
+        "legs: strong, yellow talons",
+        "wings: broad, long, brown",
+        "nape: brown, feathered neck",
+        "tail: short, brown, barred feathers",
+        "throat: light, feathered, streaked"
+    ],
+    "little egret": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white, soft feathers",
+        "crown: white plumes, occasionally extended",
+        "forehead: white and sleek",
+        "eyes: small and yellow",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: white, broad, and rounded",
+        "nape: white, short feathers",
+        "tail: white, medium length, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, bare skin"
+    ],
+    "little flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: tiny and sharp for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: streaked with light gray",
+        "crown: faint grayish crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: short and well-rounded, with bold white wing-bars",
+        "nape: pale olive-green",
+        "tail: moderately long with white outer tips",
+        "throat: clean pale gray"
+    ],
+    "little forktail": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: black, short, and straight",
+        "belly: white with grey speckles",
+        "breast: grey and white patchwork pattern",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with a white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: light pink with scaled texture",
+        "wings: black with white bands and spots",
+        "nape: grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, and forked with white spots",
+        "throat: white with grey speckles"
+    ],
+    "little friarbird": [
+        "back: pale brown with light feather markings",
+        "beak: long, curved, greyish-black",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown, softly streaked",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with slight crest",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-black",
+        "wings: pale brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, rounded, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "little grassbird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin",
+        "belly: cream-colored with light markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dull brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: grey-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: slender and long",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "little gray woodpecker": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like",
+        "belly: pale gray with white specks",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: red or black stripe, depending on gender",
+        "forehead: white or light gray",
+        "eyes: round, black beads",
+        "legs: strong, clawed feet",
+        "wings: grayish speckles with white bars",
+        "nape: dark gray or black",
+        "tail: stiff, barred feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white coloring"
+    ],
+    "little grebe": [
+        "back: brownish-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with slight brown speckles",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown extending to nape",
+        "forehead: sloping smoothly into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: short and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: small, rounded with white wing bars",
+        "nape: continuous dark brown from crown",
+        "tail: short, stubby, and brown",
+        "throat: white with a hint of beige"
+    ],
+    "little green sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow and soft",
+        "breast: iridescent green and shiny",
+        "crown: glistening emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black and piercing",
+        "legs: thin, delicate and gray",
+        "wings: green feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: radiant green and smooth",
+        "tail: long, needle-like and green",
+        "throat: shimmering purple-blue"
+    ],
+    "little green woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like ivory",
+        "belly: pale cream speckled with green",
+        "breast: light grayish-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright red stripes",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, inquisitive black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy gray limbs",
+        "wings: shimmering green with golden spangling",
+        "nape: striking red with forest green",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with black bars",
+        "throat: cool gray with green undertones"
+    ],
+    "little green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, and pale",
+        "belly: lighter green with soft plumage",
+        "breast: muted green with a slight yellowish tinge",
+        "crown: iridescent green with a smooth curve",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, framed by delicate feathers",
+        "legs: thin and grayish, with petite talons",
+        "wings: sleek green feathers with a tinge of blue, tapering at tips",
+        "nape: smooth transition from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: lighter green with a hint of yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "little greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light green with pale streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle striping",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: thin, gray, with strong grip",
+        "wings: medium-sized, green with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: rich green with a slight crest",
+        "tail: long, green, and fanned",
+        "throat: pale green with soft streaks"
+    ],
+    "little ground tyrant": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with a black eyestripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray fading into crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending in with back",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "little gull": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish upper body",
+        "beak: small, thin, and red-tipped",
+        "belly: clean white underside",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: dark-colored, rounded head",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: short, red, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: sleek, grayish, with black-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: light-to-dark gradient of the neck feathering",
+        "tail: white with black outer edges and a forked shape",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "little hermit": [
+        "back: smooth, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with light feathering",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with hints of green",
+        "crown: dark green with iridescent shine",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green compared to crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, wiry, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and greenish-brown",
+        "nape: olive-green with subtle pattern",
+        "tail: long, with white tip and outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "little inca finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow, subtly striped",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, gently rounded",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray with a slight tuft",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: dark, elongated central feathers surrounded by olive-green outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "little kai white eye": [
+        "back: petite greenish-white feathers",
+        "beak: slim curved black bill",
+        "belly: soft light cream fluff",
+        "breast: delicate white plumage",
+        "crown: small white patch on head",
+        "forehead: tiny off-white feathers",
+        "eyes: round beady black orbs",
+        "legs: slender grayish-pink stems",
+        "wings: greenish-white flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale greenish-white plumage",
+        "tail: short, square-ended feathers",
+        "throat: white, fluffy down"
+    ],
+    "little kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: pale white color",
+        "breast: soft white plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue patch",
+        "eyes: round and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue with white markings",
+        "nape: blue feathers meeting the white throat",
+        "tail: short and rounded",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "little lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved orange-red",
+        "belly: light yellow-green plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with bluish hue",
+        "forehead: rich green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with blue-tinged tips",
+        "nape: bluish-green feather transition",
+        "tail: long, green with yellow undertail",
+        "throat: pale green with faint yellow specks"
+    ],
+    "little nightjar": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light brown with soft white mottling",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine, dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown with pale spots",
+        "forehead: camouflaged with pale and dark feather markings",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark eyes",
+        "legs: short, pale grey legs with fine scaling",
+        "wings: brown and black mottled feathers with white patches on the primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale feather speckles",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown tail with black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale greyish-brown with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "little owl": [
+        "back: small, rounded, and heavily feathered",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, and yellowish-white",
+        "belly: pale, spotted with thin horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: light brown, streaked with darker brown lines",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, marked with white spots",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with faint horizontal marks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, strong, and feathered down to the talons",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, and barred with varying shades of brown",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, patterned with white and dark brown spots",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, and barred with alternating shades of brown",
+        "throat: light beige with delicate mottled markings"
+    ],
+    "little paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white with a hint of blue iridescence",
+        "crown: bright turquoise-blue with a glossy shine",
+        "forehead: deep blue blending into the turquoise crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: striking blue and black with patterned markings",
+        "nape: rich, deep blue fading into the back",
+        "tail: elongated, with iridescent blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: white, with slight shimmer from iridescent feathers"
+    ],
+    "little penguin": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white, curved",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: distinct white patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: short with pink webbed feet",
+        "wings: short, flippers-like for swimming",
+        "nape: dark-colored feathers",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "little pied cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white underbelly",
+        "breast: contrasting white feathers",
+        "crown: dark, gently sloping head",
+        "forehead: black, smooth curve",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: short, scaly, webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, black, elongated",
+        "nape: dark, feathered, continuous with back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "little pied flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white merging with the belly",
+        "crown: black with a white patch",
+        "forehead: small white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with distinct white patch",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, white-edged outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "little raven": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers covering the bird's dorsal area",
+        "beak: slightly curved, strong, and dark grey in color",
+        "belly: shiny black lower body fluffed with feathers",
+        "breast: smooth iridescent black plumage across the chest",
+        "crown: sleek jet-black feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: glossy black feathers smoothly transitioning into the beak",
+        "eyes: round and dark, with a curious and intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: slender, sturdy and in a dark grey shade",
+        "wings: robust and covered in pitch-black flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth ebony feathers adorning the back of the bird's neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, featuring elongated, gleaming black feathers",
+        "throat: a delicate area of shiny black feathers leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "little ringed plover": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white markings",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with no markings",
+        "breast: white with a partial black band",
+        "crown: grey-brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with black border",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange and thin",
+        "wings: grey-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grey-brown with white collar",
+        "tail: grey-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "little rock thrush": [
+        "back: slate-gray, mottled feathers",
+        "beak: slim, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white to light gray plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: darker gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a sleek appearance",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: thin, twig-like, and black",
+        "wings: strong, slate-gray, with black markings",
+        "nape: lighter gray, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, fanned, with black and gray feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "little rush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with delicate streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, rounded",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: rich brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, broad, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "little shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with a soft, fluffy texture",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a smooth appearance",
+        "forehead: slightly darker grayish-brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a keen expression",
+        "legs: short, dark gray with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long, slender, and grayish-brown with black-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: lighter grayish-brown than the back, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with a fan-like appearance when spread",
+        "throat: pale gray, meeting the white belly area at a diffuse boundary"
+    ],
+    "little slaty flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate gray feathered upper body",
+        "beak: small, dark, pointed insect catcher",
+        "belly: pale gray underside with soft, thin feathers",
+        "breast: subtle gray tone blending to the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray smooth feathers tapering to forehead",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: black and shiny, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: slender, black, and clawed for perching",
+        "wings: slate gray, folded when at rest",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long and slim, slate gray feathers with slight white tips",
+        "throat: soft gray, continuous tone with belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "little sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine white barring",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: creamy white with longitudinal brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight white barring",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine white stripes",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark, round pupils",
+        "legs: yellow, slim with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: long, rounded, with dark brown and white striped pattern",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint white barring",
+        "tail: medium length with dark gray and white horizontal bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with narrow brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "little spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow, fading to olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark greenish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "little spotted kiwi": [
+        "back: small, pale brown with greyish-white spots",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved downward",
+        "belly: greyish-white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with greyish-white spots",
+        "crown: pale brown with faint small spots",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown, near eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with faint white ring",
+        "legs: short, stout, feathered",
+        "wings: small, brown, rounded, flightless",
+        "nape: pale brown with greyish-white spots",
+        "tail: short, brown, with faint white spots",
+        "throat: grayish-white, merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "little stint": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, straight, black",
+        "belly: white with soft spotting",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brownish with a white central stripe",
+        "forehead: white, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by an eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: brown and streaked with white edges",
+        "nape: tawny brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, connecting to breast feathering"
+    ],
+    "little sunangel": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, elongated black bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering green and copper",
+        "crown: iridescent green shimmer",
+        "forehead: bright, metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown orbs",
+        "legs: thin, black twig-like appendages",
+        "wings: rapid, agile, green-flecked flight",
+        "nape: lustrous green and copper tones",
+        "tail: short, fan-like with a green hue",
+        "throat: fiery, orange-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "little swift": [
+        "back: streamlined, dark feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed for insect-catching",
+        "belly: white or light grey plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, small, black and alert",
+        "legs: short, delicate with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, slender, and arc-shaped; black to dark brown color",
+        "nape: dark feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short, forked, with dark feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with a slight curve from the beak"
+    ],
+    "little tern": [
+        "back: sleek, light gray coat",
+        "beak: sharp, black with a yellow base",
+        "belly: soft, white feathering",
+        "breast: white, gently blending with the wings",
+        "crown: black cap-like marking",
+        "forehead: white, slightly contrasting the black crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and alert",
+        "legs: slender, orangish-yellow",
+        "wings: light gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: white, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: forked, with white edges and a gray center",
+        "throat: white, seamlessly merging with the belly"
+    ],
+    "little thornbird": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale cream with thin streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with faint spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and gray",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and light edging",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: soft white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "little tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine black barring",
+        "beak: slightly curved, grayish",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark bars",
+        "breast: buff-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: slate-gray with slight dark bars",
+        "forehead: pale gray bordering crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by lighter plumage",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with strong, narrow toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown, marked with fine black bars",
+        "nape: slate-gray, transitioning into back shades",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, dark barring pattern",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "little wattlebird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: dull grey with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with faint dark barring",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey fading to brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark black, surrounded by a thin greyish-white ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grey-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey with indistinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "little weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: light cream-colored underbelly",
+        "breast: golden brown chest feathers",
+        "crown: narrow olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: distinctive yellowish-orange brow",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, black legs with flexible toes",
+        "wings: brightly colored yellow and green feathers",
+        "nape: pale olive-green nape feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow tail feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: light, creamy white throat patch"
+    ],
+    "little wood rail": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and yellowish",
+        "belly: buff-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: beige color with black-speckled pattern",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with a thin white stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish-white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small dark orbs surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slender, long, and bright yellow",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white spots",
+        "nape: chestnut brown with a white stripe",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black and white bars",
+        "throat: plain white, free from markings"
+    ],
+    "little woodpecker": [
+        "back: sleek, striped feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like shape",
+        "belly: soft, light-colored feathering",
+        "breast: spotted or barred pattern",
+        "crown: vibrant, distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded, colorful",
+        "eyes: sharp, alert gaze",
+        "legs: short, slender with strong toes",
+        "wings: elongated, black and white pattern",
+        "nape: marked with dark banding",
+        "tail: stiff, supportive base for pecking",
+        "throat: modest, plain feathering"
+    ],
+    "little woodstar": [
+        "back: green-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light-gray and fluffy",
+        "breast: pale with light streaks",
+        "crown: iridescent green",
+        "forehead: bright emerald feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rapid, nearly invisible movement",
+        "nape: green-bronze with subtle iridescence",
+        "tail: fan-like, dark-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering violet or purple (male) or white (female"
+    ],
+    "little woodswallow": [
+        "back: sleek dark gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of dark gray-blue blending",
+        "breast: soft gray-blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue color, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray compared to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, black, and delicately scaled",
+        "wings: dark gray-blue with strong feathers and curved tips",
+        "nape: smooth continuation of dark gray-blue crown feathers",
+        "tail: semi-fan-shaped, dark gray-blue feathers with a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers, contrasting with darker upper parts"
+    ],
+    "littoral rock thrush": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey with a brownish tinge",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale orange with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: bright orange fading into the white belly",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey with a slight brownish tinge",
+        "forehead: dark slate-grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark grey with black edging and white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark slate-grey, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright orange, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "livingstone flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark green with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: black, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with gray tinge",
+        "crown: dark green with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: black, contrasting with green crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-gray and slim, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-black with lighter green edges",
+        "nape: dark green with subtle iridescence",
+        "tail: long, dark green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "livingstone turaco": [
+        "back: smooth green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: curved, bright orange",
+        "belly: turquoise feathered",
+        "breast: green-blue plumage",
+        "crown: distinctive bright red crest",
+        "forehead: green-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: big, round, framed with blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender, long, gray",
+        "wings: long, broad with green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue with red tips",
+        "throat: vibrant blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "lizard buzzard": [
+        "back: sleek, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish upper bill",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with brown barring",
+        "breast: pale grey with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with blackish-brown streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, slender, and powerful",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, greyish-brown with black edges",
+        "nape: dark grey with subtle brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, greyish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "loango weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "beak: strong, conical, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black or chestnut-colored",
+        "forehead: black, extending to eye line",
+        "eyes: beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark",
+        "wings: black with greenish-yellow highlights",
+        "nape: black or chestnut-colored",
+        "tail: black with yellow outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "locustfinch": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with fine streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, unmarked, and light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and slightly feathered",
+        "wings: elongated with brown and greenish hues",
+        "nape: smooth and olive-colored",
+        "tail: short, forked with a mix of brown and black",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "loetoe monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue and orange speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with intricate orange patterns",
+        "breast: striking blue and orange feathers",
+        "crown: bold orange crest with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: deep blue with a hint of green shimmer",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black with a white ring",
+        "legs: strong and charcoal gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: magnificent blue and orange patterns, elongated shape",
+        "nape: lime green with soft white streaks",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green and blue feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with fine, orange vertical lines"
+    ],
+    "loggerhead kingbird": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: black and stout",
+        "belly: grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: blackish cap, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: blackish, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: short, black",
+        "wings: dark, with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting back and crown",
+        "tail: black, with white feather edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "loja tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: slightly lighter gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: short and rounded, dark gray",
+        "nape: same color as the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, gray feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray than the breast"
+    ],
+    "lompobattang flycatcher": [
+        "back: soft, greenish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: white with slight tinges of yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: pale greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, shiny, round",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: greenish-grey and angled",
+        "nape: slightly darker greenish-grey",
+        "tail: long, black with light streaks",
+        "throat: bright white contrast"
+    ],
+    "lompobattang leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: pale yellow breast feathers",
+        "crown: unmarked olive-green head",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark olive with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: unmarked olive-green neck",
+        "tail: long, dark olive, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "long billed bernieria": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: light gray transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: bright olive-green feathered top of the head",
+        "forehead: continuation of the olive-green crown to above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and twig-like with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of brown and white edges",
+        "nape: subtle gradient from the crown to the back feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow feathers with dark and olive-green hues",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "long billed bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: light olive-brown",
+        "crown: same color as back",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by faint stripe",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, matching back",
+        "tail: long, dark-tipped, narrow feathers",
+        "throat: pale, whitish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "long billed corella": [
+        "back: pale white feathers with a subtle grey pattern",
+        "beak: long, white, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, covered with soft feathers",
+        "breast: white and rounded, slight yellowish tinge",
+        "crown: white feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: white, merging into the beak seamlessly",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: grey and fairly short, ending in sharp-taloned feet",
+        "wings: white feathers with subtle grey patches, strong and sturdy",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning into a yellowish hue at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long feathers, white with pale grey tips",
+        "throat: white, blending seamlessly with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "long billed crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved bill",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: black-feathered chest",
+        "crown: black, rounded head",
+        "forehead: black with sloping contour",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, black",
+        "legs: strong, black, scaly",
+        "wings: long, black, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transition to neck",
+        "tail: lengthy, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: slim, black, streamlined"
+    ],
+    "long billed cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated body with speckled brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharply curved for insect-catching",
+        "belly: soft, lightly mottled feathery underbelly",
+        "breast: buff-colored and subtly striped with brown bands",
+        "crown: patchwork of mixed greyish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, very slightly crested for streamlined flight",
+        "eyes: large, expressive with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: long, slender legs with scaly appearance and sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide, rounded wings with feathered fingertips",
+        "nape: subtle variation of greyish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: lengthy, slim with alternating bands of light and dark feathers",
+        "throat: pale, buff-colored feathers with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "long billed gnatwren": [
+        "back: small, compact, rich-brown feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: subtly speckled, light gray plumage",
+        "crown: black, sleek, pronounced feathers",
+        "forehead: marked, black with slight feather definition",
+        "eyes: large, dark, expressive with pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: short, rounded, warm brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: velvety, smooth, dark-brown feathers",
+        "tail: lengthy, fine, graduated feathers with dark barring",
+        "throat: soft, light grey, contrasted with darker markings"
+    ],
+    "long billed hermit": [
+        "back: elongated green-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale-toned patterned feathers",
+        "breast: pale cream soft plumage",
+        "crown: greenish iridescent hue",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: deep-black with white outline",
+        "legs: short, powerful stilt-like",
+        "wings: large, fast, and agile",
+        "nape: bronze-green colored",
+        "tail: extended central feathers, white-tipped",
+        "throat: whitish, with subdued streaks"
+    ],
+    "long billed honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellow streaks",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow, thinly striped",
+        "breast: bright yellow, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: olive-green, fading to yellow",
+        "eyes: round, dark, white outer ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: olive-green, smoothly blended",
+        "tail: dark brown, narrow, slightly forked",
+        "throat: vivid yellow, merging into breast"
+    ],
+    "long billed murrelet": [
+        "back: dark, grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, pointed, black color",
+        "belly: white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: white, blending to gray",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown with a white eye-stripe",
+        "forehead: grey-brown, slightly paler",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, bright blackish or pale blue",
+        "wings: rounded, dark with white scapulars",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, dark, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "long billed partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with dark stripes",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark barring",
+        "breast: pale brown with black spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: strong, greyish with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: short, rounded brown with black bands",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, long and pointed feathers",
+        "throat: white with black and brown mottling"
+    ],
+    "long billed pipit": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: elongated and slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with faint markings",
+        "crown: streaked brown and buff",
+        "forehead: pale buff with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and circular, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with pale edges, noticeable wingbars",
+        "nape: buff-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers, medium-length",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "long billed plover": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with soft streaks",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown",
+        "crown: brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white or buff stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, outlined by white markings",
+        "legs: yellow or greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black primaries",
+        "nape: white or buff stripe extending from eye",
+        "tail: short, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light buff"
+    ],
+    "long billed rhabdornis": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, powerful bill",
+        "belly: light, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: buffy-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-white, narrow stripe",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: slim, grayish legs",
+        "wings: brown with white bands",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff",
+        "tail: long, narrow feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "long billed spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-green with thin black streaks",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow with brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint yellowish tinge",
+        "forehead: light olive-green with black spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish with long toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with thin black streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow, sometimes with black speckling"
+    ],
+    "long billed starthroat": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent green head cap",
+        "forehead: shiny green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: white-tipped, greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze plumage",
+        "tail: long, forked, and dark-feathered",
+        "throat: brilliant violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "long billed tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green colored feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: whitish hue with light streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green coloration",
+        "crown: olive-green with a rusty orange patch",
+        "forehead: pale rufous strip above eye",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light grayish feathering",
+        "legs: slim and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with rusty orange streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish hue, sometimes with a rufous tint"
+    ],
+    "long billed thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: elongated, curved downward",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale buff-orange with dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: streaked olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "long billed white eye": [
+        "back: smooth, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: soft, white underbelly",
+        "breast: white feathers with some faint yellow tinge",
+        "crown: white with some pale-yellow highlights",
+        "forehead: sleek white feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: white with a slightly yellow tint",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to pale yellow",
+        "tail: long, white, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: delicate white feathers"
+    ],
+    "long billed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: streaked brown and dark patterns",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: pale with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale spotting",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, straight, brown with pale bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "long billed wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and thin",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with possible hint of buff",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: faintly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: relatively short, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, brown with subtle bars",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "long crested eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with pale spots",
+        "beak: sharp, black, curved beak",
+        "belly: white-grey with dark brown stripes",
+        "breast: white-grey with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: long black crest with a white streak",
+        "forehead: dark, brown-black with a white streak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: yellow-colored, strong, and featherless",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale bands and white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown with a white streak",
+        "tail: banded with black and white stripes",
+        "throat: white-grey with faint dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "long crested myna": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: dark feathered underside",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: extended, narrow crest",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers transition into crest",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark orbs",
+        "legs: strong and dark, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with slight iridescence",
+        "nape: converging feathers at back of neck",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly fanned",
+        "throat: smooth, black, and feathered"
+    ],
+    "long crested pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: short and dark",
+        "belly: off-white and scaly",
+        "breast: pale yellow with scaly pattern",
+        "crown: long, sleek crest feathers",
+        "forehead: short plumes above eyes",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-green",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: short and rounded",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "long legged buzzard": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with subtle markings",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, yellowish-orange hooked beak",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks and bands",
+        "breast: white with dense brown streaks",
+        "crown: light brown feathers with a paler fringe",
+        "forehead: pale brown with a lighter streak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a stern gaze",
+        "legs: long, powerful, feathered, yellow-orange legs",
+        "wings: broad, light brown with dark edges and white lining",
+        "nape: pale brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: barred brown and white feathers with a wide dark terminal band",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "long legged pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender",
+        "belly: pale cream color",
+        "breast: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale cream with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round shaped",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with bold streaks",
+        "nape: pale cream with brown streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale cream with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "long tailed broadbill": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of blue and green",
+        "beak: short, robust, black",
+        "belly: light yellow-feathered",
+        "breast: pale blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with black edges",
+        "forehead: bright azure feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, lively",
+        "legs: gray, sturdy, short",
+        "wings: blue and green outer feathers",
+        "nape: bold black stripe",
+        "tail: elongated, vibrant blue and green",
+        "throat: pale blue to match breast"
+    ],
+    "long tailed bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint dark bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and tapered, dark with pale feather tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "long tailed cinclodes": [
+        "back: dark brown, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brownish-gray with darker streaks",
+        "breast: light brown, streaked with darker brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth brown, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: medium-sized, brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: lighter brown, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with narrow bands",
+        "throat: pale brownish-gray with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "long tailed cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: lightly feathered, white to grayish",
+        "breast: dark and glossy plumage",
+        "crown: black, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black progression from the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, emerald green",
+        "legs: strong, black, and webbed",
+        "wings: large, dark, and powerful for diving",
+        "nape: long, slender neck with dark feathers",
+        "tail: elongated and slender, mostly black",
+        "throat: black with lighter colored feathering near the base"
+    ],
+    "long tailed fantail": [
+        "back: smooth, shining feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, curved",
+        "belly: lightly colored plumpness",
+        "breast: soft, puffed plumage",
+        "crown: sleek, delicate crest",
+        "forehead: fine, pale feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, alert gaze",
+        "legs: thin, agile limbs",
+        "wings: broad, graceful span",
+        "nape: slender, arched neckline",
+        "tail: elegant, elongated feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, swooping contours"
+    ],
+    "long tailed finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: red bicolored, strong and conical shape",
+        "belly: pale white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: faint pale gray-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: black or dark gray with white spots",
+        "forehead: contrasting red or bright yellow band",
+        "eyes: black, large, and round with white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, thin, and lengthy",
+        "wings: black with white spots and mustard-yellow trailing edge",
+        "nape: light gray blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and black with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white patch extending to cheeks and ear coverts"
+    ],
+    "long tailed fiscal": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white under-feathers",
+        "breast: black chest plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, strong limbs",
+        "wings: elongated, black feathers",
+        "nape: black feathered neckline",
+        "tail: long, elegant streamers",
+        "throat: white plumage contrast"
+    ],
+    "long tailed glossy starling": [
+        "back: iridescent purple-blue sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: shiny purple-blue",
+        "breast: glossy violet-blue feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green tones",
+        "forehead: smooth, vibrant blue",
+        "eyes: striking, dark, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: gleaming purple-blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: radiant green-blue hue",
+        "tail: long, tapered, and deep blue",
+        "throat: lustrous violet-blue shading"
+    ],
+    "long tailed ground dove": [
+        "back: sleek, well-rounded contour",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, lighter-colored feathers",
+        "breast: plump with bright, even coloring",
+        "crown: eye-catching crest of feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth plumage, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: alert and expressive, with a thin ring of color",
+        "legs: slender and strong, with scaled texture",
+        "wings: broad and powerful, with intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: gracefully curving neck with closely packed feathers",
+        "tail: long, elegant streamers that flow behind the bird",
+        "throat: delicate, lighter-colored plumage below the beak"
+    ],
+    "long tailed ground roller": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, light blue feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue and warm brown feathers",
+        "crown: stunning blue plumage",
+        "forehead: blue feathers fading to white",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, dull-yellow legs",
+        "wings: multi-hued blue and brown feathers",
+        "nape: striking blue feathers meeting the back",
+        "tail: extraordinarily long, streamer-like blue tail feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to blue on the breast"
+    ],
+    "long tailed hawk": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellow",
+        "belly: light cream with brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown plumage",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, golden gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: broad, brown, and banded",
+        "nape: rich brown with buff edges",
+        "tail: long and barred, with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "long tailed hermit": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with soft barring",
+        "crown: greenish with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bronze-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: short with strong feet",
+        "wings: elongated, brownish-black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze with a slight collar",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped, and graduated",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with a grayish tinge"
+    ],
+    "long tailed honey buzzard": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: pale whitish-buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a paler border",
+        "forehead: lighter brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bold, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with black tips and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white streaks, like the back",
+        "tail: long, brown with wide white bands",
+        "throat: pale whitish-buff, like the breast"
+    ],
+    "long tailed koel": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white and black speckles",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny black with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: bright red and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy gray-black",
+        "wings: strong, black, and elongated",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning into speckled pattern",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and black with white tips",
+        "throat: black with subtle sheen"
+    ],
+    "long tailed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black, ideal for eating insects",
+        "belly: soft yellow to white plumage on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: bright red to orange patch surrounded by green feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant green feathers covering the head's top",
+        "forehead: green feathers blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey, with strong toes for perching",
+        "wings: vivid green with black edges for long flights",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from the crown to the upper back",
+        "tail: long, black, and iridescent, extending well beyond the body",
+        "throat: green feathers extending downwards from the beak"
+    ],
+    "long tailed meadowlark": [
+        "back: rich brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: straight, sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale and streaked",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange with black markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: bright red patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, grey",
+        "wings: brown with black bars, white edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-orange with black markings"
+    ],
+    "long tailed minivet": [
+        "back: striped shades of green and black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light green feathers with a yellow tinge",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow or orange feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers",
+        "forehead: bold black and white striped pattern",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long with green, black, and white stripes",
+        "nape: layered black and green feathers",
+        "tail: long and slender with alternating black and green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow or orange, transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "long tailed mockingbird": [
+        "back: light brown and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slender, long, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft fluff",
+        "breast: grayish-white, faintly streaked",
+        "crown: brown feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: flat, light brown leading to eyes",
+        "eyes: black, round and alert",
+        "legs: pale, slender and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, long with white bars",
+        "nape: light brown feathers connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long with distinctive white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "long tailed myna": [
+        "back: shiny black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellow-orange color",
+        "belly: black with hint of iridescence",
+        "breast: dark feathers with a purplish sheen",
+        "crown: glossy black crest",
+        "forehead: black and sleek",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey color",
+        "wings: black with hints of green iridescence",
+        "nape: shiny black, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, contrasting white and black feathers",
+        "throat: black with a slight purple sheen"
+    ],
+    "long tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, wide, and light gray",
+        "belly: mottled with pale brown and gray",
+        "breast: speckled with cream and brown",
+        "crown: patterned with brown and gray plumage",
+        "forehead: adorned with subtle pale markings",
+        "eyes: large, black, and round for night vision",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and patterned in earth tones",
+        "nape: blends with crown, lined with brown and gray feathers",
+        "tail: elongated and pointed, featuring distinct barring",
+        "throat: white patch framed by speckled brown"
+    ],
+    "long tailed paradigalla": [
+        "back: dark iridescent-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black curved tip",
+        "belly: velvety black plumage",
+        "breast: yellow-orange feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: black with short green tinge feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with greenish sheen",
+        "nape: small, black and iridescent",
+        "tail: long, trailing black feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "long tailed parakeet": [
+        "back: green feathered upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked orange beak",
+        "belly: light green, soft belly feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant, green plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue feathers atop head",
+        "forehead: bright green, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, scaly grey legs",
+        "wings: green, blue, and black wing feathers",
+        "nape: rich green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, narrow, blue and green tail feathers",
+        "throat: green, smooth feathers transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "long tailed potoo": [
+        "back: light brown feathered with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, lightly spotted",
+        "crown: dark brown, mottled with lighter shades",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark with a slightly red tint",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, patterned feathers with brown and white",
+        "nape: light brown, spotted with pale feather tips",
+        "tail: extended, with wide, alternating dark, and light bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "long tailed reed finch": [
+        "back: sleek, light brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: soft, off-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, ash-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, black and durable",
+        "wings: long, brown with black streaks",
+        "nape: subtly darker brown feathers",
+        "tail: remarkably elongated, narrow, black tail feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-white feathering"
+    ],
+    "long tailed rosefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: soft pinkish-white feathers",
+        "breast: rosy pink feathers with hints of white",
+        "crown: prominent red streaks",
+        "forehead: fiery red plumage, fading to pink",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: delicate, long, and pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-green with contrasting white streaks",
+        "nape: striking red that softens to pink",
+        "tail: elegant, elongated, and forked with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant red blending into rose-colored breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "long tailed shrike": [
+        "back: grayish-brown upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: white underbelly with dark rufous flanks",
+        "breast: pale gray or white chest",
+        "crown: black head with distinct crest",
+        "forehead: black band across the brow",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: black primary feathers with white patch",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers at the back of head",
+        "tail: long, elegant black tail feathers",
+        "throat: pearl white with a black stripe"
+    ],
+    "long tailed sibia": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint grey streaks",
+        "breast: black plumage",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white, horizontal band",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey",
+        "wings: black with white edging",
+        "nape: prominent white stripe",
+        "tail: elongated, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: black with subtle grey markings"
+    ],
+    "long tailed silky flycatcher": [
+        "back: smooth, silky plumage",
+        "beak: slim, pointed bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: light gray, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: sleek, dark crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and focused",
+        "legs: slender, dark and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, elegant, and dark",
+        "nape: silky dark plumage continuation",
+        "tail: remarkably long and dark streamers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, unassuming"
+    ],
+    "long tailed starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, black",
+        "belly: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "breast: shiny, purple-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bold, metallic green",
+        "forehead: vibrant green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: shimmering green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: bright green, gradient to darker shades",
+        "tail: elongated, tapering, glossy green-blue",
+        "throat: iridescent purple-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "long tailed sylph": [
+        "back: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: iridescent turquoise hue",
+        "breast: vibrant, bluish-green plumage",
+        "crown: metallic green with a delicate crest",
+        "forehead: shiny green-blue sheen",
+        "eyes: round, small, and black",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, and colorful",
+        "nape: gleaming green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, flowing, ribbon-like feathers",
+        "throat: luminous turquoise shade"
+    ],
+    "long tailed tapaculo": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short and wide",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark and rounded",
+        "forehead: olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black and small",
+        "legs: sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short and rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and spiny",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "long tailed thrush": [
+        "back: sleek, earth-toned feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: off-white and speckled",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: soft brown fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: brown with a hint of olive",
+        "tail: long and pointed with white streaks",
+        "throat: lightly speckled white"
+    ],
+    "long tailed tit": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with rose-colored tints",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: small white patch",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-black with streaks of white",
+        "nape: white and fluffy",
+        "tail: long, prominent, and black",
+        "throat: white with a hint of pink"
+    ],
+    "long tailed triller": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black markings",
+        "nape: smooth, olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, short feathers"
+    ],
+    "long tailed tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathered area",
+        "crown: slightly raised, black feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-black, leading to crown",
+        "eyes: alert, piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: thin, grey, strong limbs",
+        "wings: elongated, black with greenish tint",
+        "nape: smoothly curved, greenish-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked black appendage",
+        "throat: white feathers, contrasting with darker plumage"
+    ],
+    "long tailed widowbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: black and elongated",
+        "breast: black with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: black feathers with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: black and aerodynamically shaped",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to the long tail",
+        "tail: extremely long and elegant black plumes",
+        "throat: black feathers with slight iridescence"
+    ],
+    "long tailed wood partridge": [
+        "back: dark-brown feathers with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: light-gray feathers with black bands",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with fine black markings",
+        "crown: red and gray feathers with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: light gray with bold black stripe",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: able to rapidly open, barred patterns of black, brown, and white feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers blending into back",
+        "tail: elongated, slender, and multi-colored with barred patterns",
+        "throat: white with a black border that merges into chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "long tailed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, sharp",
+        "belly: cream-colored and striped",
+        "breast: striped brown and black",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown and black with barred pattern",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, striped",
+        "tail: elongated, stiff with barred pattern",
+        "throat: light cream-colored with streaks"
+    ],
+    "long tailed woodnymph": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with green tint",
+        "breast: shimmering emerald green",
+        "crown: vibrant green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by green",
+        "legs: thin, slate-gray with tiny talons",
+        "wings: elongated, dark green with purple sheen",
+        "nape: iridescent green transitioning to turquoise",
+        "tail: long, thin, purple-blue feathers with a white tip",
+        "throat: gleaming green plumage"
+    ],
+    "long toed lapwing": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks on sides",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with black markings on sides",
+        "eyes: large, black, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellow",
+        "wings: black and white feathers with a green sheen",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "long toed stint": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light brown speckling",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: mottled with dark brown and light brown",
+        "tail: rounded, barred with dark and light brown",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckling"
+    ],
+    "long trained nightjar": [
+        "back: camouflaged feather patterns",
+        "beak: small, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale feathers with dark streaks",
+        "breast: mottled brown and gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark plumage with subtle patterns",
+        "forehead: slightly raised with fine feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round for nocturnal vision",
+        "legs: short and thin with small feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and well-suited for silent flight",
+        "nape: dark, blending into back and crown plumage",
+        "tail: elongated and ornate with prominent train feathers",
+        "throat: lightly speckled with subtle feather markings"
+    ],
+    "long tufted screech owl": [
+        "back: dark brown and gray plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: streaked with white and reddish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with white and reddish-brown spots",
+        "forehead: tufted, long, with dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, encircled by a black \"mask",
+        "legs: feathered, pale gray",
+        "wings: barred pattern, dark gray and brown",
+        "nape: dark gray with reddish-brown spots",
+        "tail: long, rounded, barred with gray and brown",
+        "throat: white with fine reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "long wattled umbrellabird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, sharp",
+        "belly: black, soft plumage",
+        "breast: prominent, dark feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: black, covered by crest",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: strong, black, scaly",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, black",
+        "nape: covered in dark, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, narrow",
+        "throat: long wattle hanging down"
+    ],
+    "long whiskered owlet": [
+        "back: small and brownish-gray",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white and small",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and feathered",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white spots",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray and short",
+        "throat: whitish with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "long winged antwren": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: hooked and slender",
+        "belly: off-white and light grey",
+        "breast: light grey with black streaks",
+        "crown: black or dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: black or dark grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: elongated with dark plumage",
+        "nape: black or dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: long and tapered",
+        "throat: off-white or light grey"
+    ],
+    "long winged harrier": [
+        "back: sleek and feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light, barred plumage",
+        "breast: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly prominent",
+        "eyes: intense, yellow gaze",
+        "legs: thin, agile, yellow legs",
+        "wings: lengthy, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: well-defined, dark feathers",
+        "tail: long, banded, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: buff-colored, bare skin"
+    ],
+    "longuemare sunangel": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering purple-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright green, crest-like",
+        "forehead: brilliant emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: dark gray and skinny",
+        "wings: short and rounded, greenish blue",
+        "nape: metallic green feathered",
+        "tail: short and forked, dark blue-green",
+        "throat: dazzling and bluish-purple"
+    ],
+    "lord howe rail": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: brownish-grey with lighter feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with black lines",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with small black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and black",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: short and rounded, dark brown with black streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow with dark brown and black feathers",
+        "throat: reddish-brown with white flecks"
+    ],
+    "lorentz whistler": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light greyish-white underbelly",
+        "breast: muted greyish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, sleek bluish-grey",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and strong with black tint",
+        "wings: long, blue-grey feathers with subtle striping",
+        "nape: bluish-grey transition from the crown",
+        "tail: sturdy, slightly forked blue-grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey throat with delicate white markings"
+    ],
+    "loria satinbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue",
+        "beak: small, black and pointed",
+        "belly: shiny, deep blue",
+        "breast: vibrant, royal blue",
+        "crown: glossy, turquoise blue",
+        "forehead: bright, metallic blue",
+        "eyes: large, dark, round",
+        "legs: short, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: shimmering, multicolored blue-green",
+        "nape: lustrous, greenish-blue",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "throat: electric, bright blue"
+    ],
+    "loten sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with hints of blue",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow with orange tinges",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "crown: shimmering metallic purple-blue",
+        "forehead: shining metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender grayish-black",
+        "wings: shimmering green-blue with dark, branched feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green transitioning to metallic purple-blue",
+        "tail: elongated, with central feathers extending beyond others",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with an orange hue"
+    ],
+    "louisiade white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, black and slender for eating insects",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white with faint yellow undertones",
+        "breast: light grey with subtle yellow tinges",
+        "crown: vibrant greenish-yellow feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers on the upper portion",
+        "eyes: large, distinctive white eye-ring surrounding a dark eye",
+        "legs: slender, grey legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers and white tips",
+        "nape: yellow-green feathers transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-green feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, merging with the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "lovely cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: light blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant blue head",
+        "forehead: rich blue hue",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender black limbs",
+        "wings: vivid blue with rounded tips",
+        "nape: blue feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long, blue, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: lighter blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "lovely fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with hints of purple",
+        "beak: petite black bill perfect for catching insects",
+        "belly: soft-grey underside for balance and camouflage",
+        "breast: eye-catching striking blue plumage",
+        "crown: sky blue crest that stands tall on its head",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers transition from the crown",
+        "eyes: tiny black beads filled with curiosity",
+        "legs: slender, almost inconspicuous black legs",
+        "wings: mixture of azure and darker blue shades for powerful flight",
+        "nape: transition zone connecting the crown to the body",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-like blue feathers for zipping through the air",
+        "throat: stunning blue that contrasts with a smaller area of black feathers"
+    ],
+    "lovely sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with metallic sheen",
+        "breast: shimmering turquoise and purple",
+        "crown: gleaming emerald green",
+        "forehead: radiant yellow to orange gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, and round",
+        "legs: slim, dainty, and black",
+        "wings: short and rounded, with green and blue hues",
+        "nape: metallic golden-green",
+        "tail: elongated, inky black with a slight curve",
+        "throat: brilliant orange and red with a golden shimmer"
+    ],
+    "loveridge sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent blue-green",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald crest",
+        "forehead: radiant green stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: iridescent green with flashes of blue",
+        "nape: brilliant green merging into yellow",
+        "tail: long and forked, with green and blue shimmer",
+        "throat: gleaming metallic blue"
+    ],
+    "lowland akalat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: reddish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown",
+        "eyes: round, black",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, medium-length",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "lowland peltops": [
+        "back: black with iridescent blue sheen",
+        "beak: strong, wide, and black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: black and glossy",
+        "crown: black with small crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, large, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: black and sleek",
+        "tail: long, black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white and soft"
+    ],
+    "lowland sooty boubou": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: black, straight, and strong",
+        "belly: smokey-grey underparts",
+        "breast: slate grey feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-brown cap",
+        "forehead: dusky grey shade",
+        "eyes: dark brown iris",
+        "legs: black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark grey with white tips",
+        "nape: grey with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: charcoal-grey color"
+    ],
+    "lowland white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: large, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, slender",
+        "wings: greenish with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: greenish-yellow, slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellowish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "luapula cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale buff with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with streaks",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish with faint barring",
+        "nape: rufous with pale streaks",
+        "tail: russet, short, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "lucy warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green, spotted with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, designed for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, becoming whiter towards the centre",
+        "crown: olive-green streaked with black",
+        "forehead: pale olive with a central stripe",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or grey, thin and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ludwig bustard": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: off-white with black spots and stripes",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with fine white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly raised with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light sandy brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a light brown patch",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale yellow, with long black talons",
+        "wings: large and long, with a mix of dark and light brown, and white speckles",
+        "nape: noticeable white collar separating the neck from the back of the head",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, with brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with delicate black stripes and spots"
+    ],
+    "l\u00fchder bushshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green with scattered black spots",
+        "beak: powerful, hooked, black",
+        "belly: light yellow with a hint of green",
+        "breast: bright yellow blending to greenish-yellow",
+        "crown: vibrant orange-red",
+        "forehead: orange-red, fading into olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by a small patch of white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black primary feathers and white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: olive-green with a touch of orange near the crown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, olive-green with black and white markings",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, bordered by a thin black band"
+    ],
+    "lunulated antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with thin streaks",
+        "breast: white with black crescents",
+        "crown: black with a crescent-shaped white pattern",
+        "forehead: dark with white crescent markings",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint crescent patterns",
+        "nape: black with crescent-shaped markings",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with pale tips",
+        "throat: white with crescent-shaped dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "luzon bleeding heart": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with subtle iridescence",
+        "beak: short and sharp, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with red streaks",
+        "breast: intense red patch resembling blood",
+        "crown: brownish with faint blue sheen",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: long, slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with greenish-blue sheen and white spots",
+        "nape: brown with a slight bluish tinge",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white fading into pale gray"
+    ],
+    "luzon boobook": [
+        "back: brownish-feathered and streaked",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish with dark spots",
+        "breast: whitish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dusky brown with pale spots",
+        "forehead: feathered, brownish-white",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: robust, grayish",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with light markings",
+        "nape: brownish-gray and streaked",
+        "tail: dark-brown with lighter bands",
+        "throat: whitish with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "luzon flameback": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers with streaks of black",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light cream with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: fiery red on the male, duller reddish-brown on the female",
+        "forehead: red or reddish-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey and slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black streaks and white patches",
+        "nape: bright green with the same streaks as the back",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips and a yellow central patch",
+        "throat: white or light cream, often with some yellow wash"
+    ],
+    "luzon hornbill": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, ivory-white",
+        "belly: pale grey to off-white",
+        "breast: deep black with slight sheen",
+        "crown: glossy black with short crest",
+        "forehead: wide, ivory-white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, deep-set, dark brown",
+        "legs: dark grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark greenish-black, broad, rounded",
+        "nape: glossy black merging with crest",
+        "tail: wide, black, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: black fading to pale grey"
+    ],
+    "luzon racquet tail": [
+        "back: vivid green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and light-colored",
+        "belly: light green hue",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant green with a slight blue tinge",
+        "forehead: rich green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with striking blue edges",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-blue, racquet-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-green patch"
+    ],
+    "luzon rail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and straight, pale grayish",
+        "belly: white with blackish barring",
+        "breast: white blended with gray",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: short and rounded, brownish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and black, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "luzon redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white underside with orange tinge",
+        "breast: bright red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: bold red-orange feathers",
+        "forehead: red-orange patch above the bill",
+        "eyes: small, round, black eyes",
+        "legs: slender and black in color",
+        "wings: black with red-orange patches",
+        "nape: red-orange plumage at the back of the head",
+        "tail: black and long with red-orange accents",
+        "throat: brilliant white with orange shading"
+    ],
+    "luzon scops owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: white with brown bars",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: feathered, rounded, grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with black speckles",
+        "eyes: large, piercing, orange-yellow",
+        "legs: pale gray with faint brown barring",
+        "wings: mottled grayish-brown with black markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, barred gray and black",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "luzon striped babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, striped",
+        "forehead: pale beige with dark stripes",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "lyre tailed honeyguide": [
+        "back: sleek, brown feathered",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, creamy hue",
+        "breast: white, spotted with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, indistinct crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, brown feathered",
+        "eyes: small, black, slightly beady",
+        "legs: slender, dull orange",
+        "wings: long, brown with white spots",
+        "nape: brown, blends with crown",
+        "tail: elongated, lyre-shaped, adorned with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasts with surrounding feathers"
+    ],
+    "lyre tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish plumage with streaks and spots",
+        "beak: short, wide, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light brown with dark markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored feathers, barred pattern",
+        "crown: black and buff streaks, flattened crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, rounded, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, feathered, strong toes and claws",
+        "wings: long, rounded, marbled brown and black pattern",
+        "nape: light brown with black streaks and spots",
+        "tail: elongated, lyre-shaped, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dusky bars, elongated feathers"
+    ],
+    "macaroni penguin": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black-orange hooked beak",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: black feathers with a yellow crest",
+        "forehead: black with yellow lines above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, and round",
+        "legs: short, pink, and strong",
+        "wings: black and flipper-like",
+        "nape: black feathers, slim neck",
+        "tail: short, black, and stiff",
+        "throat: white with a black-bordered patch"
+    ],
+    "maccoa duck": [
+        "back: silky dark-brown plumage",
+        "beak: bluish-grey, metallic sheen",
+        "belly: white with black markings",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "crown: round black head",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: strikingly white with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark-brown primary feathers with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black extending down the neck",
+        "tail: short, and composed of black feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "macgillivray prion": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale blue with a black tip",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: pale blue with a white patch",
+        "crown: greyish-blue with a characteristic peak",
+        "forehead: white markings above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by a thin white line",
+        "legs: bluish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long with dark grey primary feathers and bluish-grey secondary feathers",
+        "nape: grey with subtle white streaks",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, bluish-grey in color",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "macgillivray warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with faint dark streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a blue tint",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with grayish-blue edges",
+        "eyes: black with a prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "macgregor bowerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a brown hue",
+        "beak: sturdy, straight, pale greyish-brown",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "breast: creamy-white with fine black barring",
+        "crown: sleek, olive-green feathers with a brown hue",
+        "forehead: light olive-green transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with intricate brown patterns",
+        "nape: lighter olive-green, smoothly connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with fine brown patterns, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: creamy-white with distinct black barring"
+    ],
+    "macgregor honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved downward",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, patch of black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow, slight feathering",
+        "eyes: dark, round, framed by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, elongated, lined with white",
+        "nape: olive-green, slightly darker than back",
+        "tail: long, dark olive, thin white tips",
+        "throat: light yellow, faint streaks of green"
+    ],
+    "mackinlay cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: pale grayish-brown with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light creamy white with grayish-brown edges",
+        "breast: pale ros\u00e9 pink with fine black-barred pattern",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-black with purple iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: gray-brown with black edges and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-black with purplish iridescence, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, tapered, grayish-brown with black edges and white tips",
+        "throat: pale white with finely barred grayish-brown pattern"
+    ],
+    "mackinnon shrike": [
+        "back: grayish-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray and smooth",
+        "forehead: dusky gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: piercing dark black",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: grayish-green merging into back",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "macleay honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers extending down its spine",
+        "beak: long, curved black beak for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: creamy yellow underbelly with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: olive-green feathers fading to creamy yellow",
+        "crown: bright yellow patch on top of the head",
+        "forehead: olive-green meeting bright yellow crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting head to back",
+        "tail: long, dark, graduated tail feathers",
+        "throat: creamy yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "macquarie shag": [
+        "back: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, narrow, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale grey with a slight brown tinge",
+        "breast: white with dark grey streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: steep slope with a black-green feather crest",
+        "eyes: bright blue with a red orbital ring",
+        "legs: black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, blending into the dark grey of the back",
+        "tail: medium length, charcoal grey with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: white with fine grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "macqueen bustard": [
+        "back: golden brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: greyish-yellow, strong and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored with black markings",
+        "crown: pale sandy color with black stripes",
+        "forehead: pale whitish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with white eyebrows",
+        "legs: dull yellow, long and sturdy",
+        "wings: wide and rounded, with dark and light brown barring",
+        "nape: pale sandy brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and broad, with alternating white and brown bands",
+        "throat: white, with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender and black",
+        "belly: pale blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright green and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue hue fading into green",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a hint of blue",
+        "legs: slim, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, blue and green with a black edge",
+        "nape: green and blue meeting in a smooth gradient",
+        "tail: long, slender, blue with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the blue belly"
+    ],
+    "madagascar blue vanga": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black curved shape",
+        "belly: bright white underside",
+        "breast: white feathers merging with blue",
+        "crown: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue feathers",
+        "eyes: keen, black and surrounded by blue",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking blue with white edges",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers fading towards white",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers seamlessly blending with blue"
+    ],
+    "madagascar blue pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, light gray color",
+        "belly: slightly lighter blue hue",
+        "breast: rich blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue crest on the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark, encircled with white ring",
+        "legs: reddish-gray with scaled texture",
+        "wings: vivid blue feathers with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: blue feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: bright blue plumage, slightly puffed"
+    ],
+    "madagascar buttonquail": [
+        "back: brown and white speckled feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and pale brown",
+        "belly: light brown with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with black markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint black streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with white markings",
+        "throat: light brown with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar buzzard": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked yellowish beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with brownish spots",
+        "breast: whitish feathers with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with small white streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, yellow scaled legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown feathers with white edges and streaks",
+        "nape: rich brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: brown feathers with white bands",
+        "throat: off-white feathers with a slight brown tinge"
+    ],
+    "madagascar cisticola": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, slightly streaked plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, pointy, black",
+        "belly: off-white, light grey, wispy",
+        "breast: light buff, greyish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, streaked or spotted",
+        "forehead: pale grey, small crest",
+        "eyes: round, small, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey or black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, pointed, some barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaks or spots",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: light grey, buff wash"
+    ],
+    "madagascar cuckoo hawk": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light speckles",
+        "beak: black, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale gray and white streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with fine barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "forehead: grayish-white blending into crown",
+        "eyes: yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white barred patterns",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown with fine barring",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray feathering",
+        "beak: short, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: off-white fading to grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark grayish-black with slight feather crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale-gray eye ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, long and slender",
+        "wings: long, dark gray with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: slate-gray plumage with black border",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: off-white to light gray feathering"
+    ],
+    "madagascar fish eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: white with dark edges",
+        "breast: white feathers, spotted pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: white plumage, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, strong and scaled",
+        "wings: large, brown and white, powerful flight",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, white feathers, dark tips",
+        "throat: white plumage, smooth transition to chest"
+    ],
+    "madagascar flufftail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: light cream to white",
+        "breast: buffy-orange with black barring",
+        "crown: rufous-red with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-red with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark-rimmed and large",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: olive-brown with barring",
+        "nape: rufous with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown, and fluffy",
+        "throat: white streaked with black"
+    ],
+    "madagascar grebe": [
+        "back: light brown with faint stripes",
+        "beak: short and dark with a pale base",
+        "belly: white to pale grey",
+        "breast: warm chestnut color",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black to dark grey",
+        "eyes: bright red",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow with lobed toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: black with light brown streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: white to pale grey"
+    ],
+    "madagascar green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: lighter green hue",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue shades",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light blue ring",
+        "legs: red-orange with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with black and yellow markings",
+        "nape: greenish-blue transition",
+        "tail: long, green with black and white tips",
+        "throat: bright green and smooth"
+    ],
+    "madagascar harrier hawk": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: black, hooked shape for grasping prey",
+        "belly: white and speckled with gray",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a slight white marking",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, large and round",
+        "legs: feathered yellow, strong and agile",
+        "wings: long, gray with white and dark gray bars",
+        "nape: grayish-white feathers with dark speckles",
+        "tail: gray feathers with white and dark gray bars",
+        "throat: white with gray speckles"
+    ],
+    "madagascar hoopoe": [
+        "back: striking black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: warm orange-brown hue",
+        "breast: deep buff color, contrasting with belly",
+        "crown: prominent black and white crest, fan-like",
+        "forehead: lighter buff, leading into crest",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: relatively short, gray-blue in color",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, with black and white stripped pattern",
+        "nape: base of crest, continuation of back pattern",
+        "tail: long, black, featuring a bold white band",
+        "throat: buff-colored, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "madagascar ibis": [
+        "back: dark-greenish brown with grayish tips",
+        "beak: long, slender, and downward-curving",
+        "belly: off-white and light gray",
+        "breast: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: white with a hint of gray",
+        "forehead: white and slightly feathered",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark greenish-brown with grayish tips",
+        "nape: white, blending into gray on the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark greenish-brown with grayish edges",
+        "throat: white and slightly feathered"
+    ],
+    "madagascar jacana": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, pointed, pale blueish-grey",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers, red frontal shield",
+        "forehead: red frontal shield above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, watchful gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown, white stripes, visible in flight",
+        "nape: black, green iridescence",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white feathering"
+    ],
+    "madagascar lark": [
+        "back: brownish with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cream or whitish",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish",
+        "wings: brown with fine streaks",
+        "nape: browner with streaks",
+        "tail: square-ended, brownish with darker bands",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar magpie robin": [
+        "back: black, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: black-toned plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, black feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny, black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, beady, dark",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and long",
+        "wings: black with white patches, strong",
+        "nape: black, glossy textures",
+        "tail: lengthy, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "madagascar munia": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: silver-grey, pointed and conical",
+        "belly: light grey with subtle smoky undertones",
+        "breast: pale grey with hints of brown",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown with smooth texture",
+        "forehead: darker brown fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, shiny black with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale greyish-pink with slender digits",
+        "wings: warm brown with delicate white barring",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: brown with faint white streaks, slightly forked",
+        "throat: soft grey, smoothly transitioned from breast"
+    ],
+    "madagascar nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, wide, and black",
+        "belly: pale brown with black streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with dark bars",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with darker stripes",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine lines",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, and wide-set",
+        "legs: pale brown and slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and brown with white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, light brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale rufous with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "madagascar owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with fine white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark grey",
+        "belly: light grey-white with dark vertical streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark barring and streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey, inconspicuously streaked",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: large and dark, encircled by a white facial disc",
+        "legs: feathered, medium length, pale yellow",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, brownish-grey with faint banding",
+        "nape: grey-brown with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: medium, broad, barred grey-brown and white",
+        "throat: lighter grey with weak dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar partridge": [
+        "back: brown and black stripes",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale pinkish-white",
+        "belly: white with black or brown barring",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "forehead: pale brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: stout and greyish",
+        "wings: rounded with brown and black patterning",
+        "nape: brown with dark stripes",
+        "tail: short and brown with fine black barring",
+        "throat: white with black speckling"
+    ],
+    "madagascar plover": [
+        "back: golden-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and thick, pale pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: white and sleek",
+        "breast: white with black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: golden-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: golden-brown with black and white splotches, pointed tips",
+        "nape: golden-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and slender, black and white patterned",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar pochard": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with black tip",
+        "belly: white mixed with brown speckles",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight reddish tint",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: short, sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, blending into crown and back",
+        "tail: short, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with some brown speckling"
+    ],
+    "madagascar pratincole": [
+        "back: pale gray-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with soft gray-brown tones",
+        "breast: light gray blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: smooth gray-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray fading into the white throat",
+        "eyes: dark and lively, surrounded by a white stripe",
+        "legs: slender, reddish-brown with black claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and gray-brown with white accents",
+        "nape: gray-brown with a delicate white collar",
+        "tail: gray-brown, forked with white edges",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with the gray-brown head"
+    ],
+    "madagascar pygmy kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: pristine white with light blue streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with faint blue spots",
+        "crown: azure blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers transitioning to lighter tones",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and pale orange",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black striping",
+        "nape: blue feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: short, blue, and black-banded",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "madagascar rail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle dark speckles",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved, yellowish-green",
+        "belly: bold white and grayish barred pattern",
+        "breast: neatly streaked with brown and white",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark spots",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, often slightly lighter",
+        "eyes: piercing red with black outline",
+        "legs: sturdy and bright orange-red",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark bars and white spots",
+        "nape: rich brown blending into back, with dark speckles",
+        "tail: moderately long with dark bars and white tip",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar sandgrouse": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with speckled markings",
+        "breast: sandy-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with black spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, unfeathered",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black and white patterning",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine black streaking",
+        "tail: long and pointed, brownish-gray with black bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "madagascar scops owl": [
+        "back: light brown with mottled black and white streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish with brown and gray streaks",
+        "breast: mottled white and brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: light brown with a feathered \"eyebrow\" ridge",
+        "eyes: large, round, and bright yellow",
+        "legs: short and feathered with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white speckled patterns, rounded tips",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks and white speckles",
+        "tail: brown with white bands and visible barring",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar serpent eagle": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with brown spots",
+        "breast: brownish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a crest",
+        "forehead: light brown feathers",
+        "eyes: intense yellow-orange",
+        "legs: yellow and featherless, sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: lighter brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with alternating white bands",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar snipe": [
+        "back: brownish pattern with white stripes",
+        "beak: long and straight for probing",
+        "belly: buffy-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with white stripes",
+        "forehead: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and beady, dark color",
+        "legs: slender, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brown and patterned with buffy-white stripes",
+        "nape: brown with white stripes",
+        "tail: short, with black and white barred pattern",
+        "throat: creamy-white color"
+    ],
+    "madagascar sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: slate grey feathers on the upper side",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark grey in color",
+        "belly: off-white to pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: light grey chest feathers with some subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grey with a slightly darker tone than the back",
+        "forehead: pale grey meeting the darker grey on the crown",
+        "eyes: large, light yellow-orange with a dark, round pupil",
+        "legs: short, strong yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: slate grey, long, and broad with blackish tips",
+        "nape: slate grey, same shade as the back",
+        "tail: dark greyish-brown feathers with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: pale grey feathers bordered by streaked breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "madagascar spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with narrow streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with fine streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "crown: dark grey with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: long and pointed with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated with central rufous coloring",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar starling": [
+        "back: metallic green-blue sheen",
+        "beak: black, sharp and slightly curved",
+        "belly: glossy greenish-blue",
+        "breast: shimmering green-blue",
+        "crown: bright green-blue, slight crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent green-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, strong and thin",
+        "wings: green-blue with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: glossy metallic green",
+        "tail: fairly long, green-blue, forked",
+        "throat: greenish-blue with faint feather streaks"
+    ],
+    "madagascar swamp warbler": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with ginger markings",
+        "breast: creamy-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-olive with a slight notch",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "madagascar wagtail": [
+        "back: creamy-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grey with possible yellow tinge",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey and moderately long",
+        "wings: dark grey with white markings",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and black with white edges",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "madagascar wood rail": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: dusty brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: smooth brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, brown feathers with creamy-white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "madanga": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white coloration",
+        "breast: bright yellow and prominent",
+        "crown: vivid green with contrasting black edges",
+        "forehead: green and marked with black",
+        "eyes: dark and sharp",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: green with black feather tips",
+        "nape: green and well-defined",
+        "tail: green with darker tail feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-white hue"
+    ],
+    "madarasz tiger parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue tint",
+        "beak: short and hooked, orange-red color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint green stripes",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green with dark green stripes",
+        "crown: deep blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: bright green blending into the blue crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey, with strong zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: vivid green with black flight feathers tipped in blue",
+        "nape: rich green with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and tapered, blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow merging into the striped breast"
+    ],
+    "madeira firecrest": [
+        "back: olive-green and compact body",
+        "beak: short, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with grey blending",
+        "crown: distinctive bright orange or yellow crest",
+        "forehead: bold black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and prominent",
+        "legs: thin and wiry with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded and short with olive-brown feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to the crown color",
+        "tail: short and square with dark feather edges",
+        "throat: off-white with a slight yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "magdalena antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: light gray with streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with dense flocking",
+        "crown: dark gray with a crest",
+        "forehead: light gray with a subtle crest",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: gray with a smooth transition to the back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black with light banding",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "magdalena tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers blending with black",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: light gray, slightly mottled with white",
+        "breast: deep gray, fading to lighter gray on the flanks",
+        "crown: solid black cap on top of the head",
+        "forehead: black, seamless transition from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-hidden by surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and leaden gray",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with dark gray, almost black feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the black on the crown, down to back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black, with inconspicuous white tips",
+        "throat: dark gray, merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "magellanic cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark and elongated",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hook-tipped",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: black and glossy",
+        "crown: flat, black and rounded",
+        "forehead: sloping, dark-feathered",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and intense",
+        "legs: short, black, and webbed",
+        "wings: large, black, and powerful",
+        "nape: dark, merging with crown",
+        "tail: short, black, and fan-like",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black neck"
+    ],
+    "magellanic diving petrel": [
+        "back: blackish-grey with dense feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish-grey, soft feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-grey, smoothly curved",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey, feathered",
+        "eyes: small and dark, well-spaced",
+        "legs: short and strong, blue-grey",
+        "wings: dark grey, elongated and pointed",
+        "nape: blackish-grey, sturdy neck",
+        "tail: short and squared, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "magellanic oystercatcher": [
+        "back: dark blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and orange-red",
+        "belly: white underside with black markings",
+        "breast: black with slight white patch",
+        "crown: solid black head feathers",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the beak",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white stripes",
+        "nape: black, transitioning to brown on the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: black, extending down from the chin"
+    ],
+    "magellanic penguin": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: black and seamless",
+        "forehead: black with white border",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and pinkish-yellow",
+        "wings: semi-flipper-like, black",
+        "nape: black with an elongated shape",
+        "tail: short and pointed",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "magellanic plover": [
+        "back: soft grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white with grey speckles",
+        "crown: smooth grey feathers",
+        "forehead: grey plumage",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pink and slender",
+        "wings: grey with white stripes",
+        "nape: grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and grey",
+        "throat: pale white feathers"
+    ],
+    "magellanic snipe": [
+        "back: brown and white mottled feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: streaked brown and white",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: slender and yellowish",
+        "wings: brown and white patterned feathers",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown, white-tipped, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "magellanic tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray, slightly mottled",
+        "breast: dark gray with sparse markings",
+        "crown: smooth, solid dark gray",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-camouflaged",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, and dark-colored",
+        "wings: dark gray, rounded, and short",
+        "nape: solid dark gray, consistent with crown",
+        "tail: short, dark gray, rounded edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to darker breast color"
+    ],
+    "magellanic woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark black with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: long, robust, chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with black horizontal bands",
+        "breast: bright red with black side panels",
+        "crown: bright crimson red",
+        "forehead: dark black with a hint of red",
+        "eyes: small, bright, black, and round",
+        "legs: dark gray with sturdy, clawed feet",
+        "wings: black with large white patches and streaks",
+        "nape: red with black edges",
+        "tail: black, stiff, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black horizontal bands"
+    ],
+    "magenta petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, stout, and short",
+        "belly: plain, pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark-colored head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, relatively flat profile",
+        "eyes: bright black, with a focused gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, pink-grey legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and powerful (blackish-brown in color",
+        "nape: shadowy band of grayish feathers",
+        "tail: broad blackish-brown feathers with a rounded shape",
+        "throat: lighter gray, blending into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "magenta throated woodstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white extending to sides",
+        "crown: iridescent green",
+        "forehead: glittering magenta color",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: rounded with purple-brown edges",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to magenta",
+        "tail: forked with dark outer edges",
+        "throat: striking magenta patch"
+    ],
+    "maghreb magpie": [
+        "back: blue-green plumage with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers tinged with grey",
+        "breast: light grey, softly blending into the belly",
+        "crown: deep black feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vibrant blue-green, with white and black accents",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, black, with white outer feathers and a distinct fan shape",
+        "throat: greyish-white, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "maghreb owl": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: blackish-gray and hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: tawny with dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-white with faint dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, and surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: feathered and pale buff in color",
+        "wings: tawny with dark brown barring",
+        "nape: tawny-brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: tawny with dark brown bands",
+        "throat: white with some dark speckling"
+    ],
+    "magnificent bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender black beak",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: striking yellow and blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with emerald shimmer",
+        "forehead: sleek, shining greenish-black",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: wide, iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: glossy dark feathers with a hint of green",
+        "tail: elongated, velvety black plumes",
+        "throat: bright blue, throat fan for display"
+    ],
+    "magnificent riflebird": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: velvet black with a slight shine",
+        "breast: metallic blue-green shimmer",
+        "crown: smooth, dark feathers with gloss",
+        "forehead: black with green-blue highlights",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, framed by black",
+        "legs: sturdy and black, with strong claws",
+        "wings: black with a subtle green-blue tint",
+        "nape: sleek, shiny black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated and black with a hint of gloss",
+        "throat: eye-catching, bright metallic blue"
+    ],
+    "magnificent sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white to yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: shimmering violet-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright metallic green head",
+        "forehead: shining green with a purple sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, black, and agile",
+        "wings: shimmering blue and green, medium-sized",
+        "nape: vibrant green fading into blue",
+        "tail: dark, long, and forked",
+        "throat: radiant purple-blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "magpie mannikin": [
+        "back: blue-black feathers with iridescent hints",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: off-white to creamy gray plumage",
+        "breast: soft, off-white hue with gray undertones",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black feathers with metallic shine",
+        "forehead: bold, blue-black shine with iridescent sheen",
+        "eyes: small, black, and circular with alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender and gray, adept for perching",
+        "wings: blue-black with white patches, suited for short flights",
+        "nape: shimmering blue-black feathers transitioning to gray-white",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with white outer-feathers, fan-like spread",
+        "throat: off-white to grayish, smooth feather transition"
+    ],
+    "magpie shrike": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white and lightly feathered",
+        "breast: black with white underparts",
+        "crown: black and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, accented by black feathers",
+        "legs: black and thin, with scaly feet",
+        "wings: long, black with white patches",
+        "nape: black, connecting to back",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white, small feathers"
+    ],
+    "magpie starling": [
+        "back: glossy iridescent black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathery underside",
+        "breast: predominantly white, contrasting plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering metallic blue-green hues",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and surrounded by blue-black plumage",
+        "legs: featherless black, powerful grips",
+        "wings: long and black with white patches",
+        "nape: glistening blue-green tinge on black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and white patterned feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage, merging with breast area"
+    ],
+    "magpie tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: vivid purple-blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: striking red feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with white markings",
+        "nape: brilliant blue band",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "magpie lark": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: clean white plumage",
+        "breast: crisp white breast feathers",
+        "crown: black cap with white streaks",
+        "forehead: stark black patch",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, black legs",
+        "wings: long, black and white wings",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: elongated, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white plumage"
+    ],
+    "maguari stork": [
+        "back: pale grey plumage",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, red at the base and black at the tip",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: featherless with deep red skin",
+        "forehead: red, exposed skin; may have white downy feathers",
+        "eyes: small and deep-set, surrounded by red skin",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: wide and long with contrasting colors, upper wings grey and underwings white",
+        "nape: feathered, transitions from pale grey to a white throat",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with a slight v-shape",
+        "throat: white plumage, contrasting with the red crown and forehead"
+    ],
+    "makatea fruit dove": [
+        "back: bright green plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale brown plumage",
+        "breast: olive green with pinkish hue",
+        "crown: deep green feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: green upper-wing coverts, purple primary feathers",
+        "nape: green feathered",
+        "tail: long, purple outer feathers, olive upper tail coverts",
+        "throat: grayish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "makira cicadabird": [
+        "back: dark green plumage",
+        "beak: black, short and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: gray with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark greenish-brown",
+        "forehead: dark greenish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: dark green, long with lighter-edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark greenish-brown",
+        "tail: dark green, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray"
+    ],
+    "makira dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, orange-red",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with orange tinge",
+        "crown: deep green-blue",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a white ring",
+        "legs: short, red-orange",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with white spots",
+        "nape: green-blue with yellow markings",
+        "tail: vibrant green with black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale yellow with orange hints"
+    ],
+    "makira honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved yellow beak",
+        "belly: pale grey with fine streaks",
+        "breast: dusky grey plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: round with a pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grey legs and feet",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with white tips",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers with faint pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: grey plumage with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "makira leaf warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow",
+        "crown: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with yellow edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and greenish-brown with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "makira starling": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: short, thick, silver-gray",
+        "belly: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: sunburst gold on head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by yellow feathering",
+        "legs: strong, silver-gray bird limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with golden highlights",
+        "nape: yellowish-green neck feathering",
+        "tail: elongated olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "makira thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with rufous tinges",
+        "beak: straight, sharp, and blackish-brown",
+        "belly: cream-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight reddish tint",
+        "forehead: smooth feathering with brown hues",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, light gray in color",
+        "wings: long and broad with brownish-olive feathers",
+        "nape: brown with a hint of rufous shade",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-olive with dark brown bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "malabar barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light green with yellow undertones",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: blue and purple patch of feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light gray",
+        "wings: green with blue edges and intricate pattern",
+        "nape: green with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: long and green, with blue and black bands",
+        "throat: bright red patch under the beak"
+    ],
+    "malabar gray hornbill": [
+        "back: silvery-gray feathers with black edges",
+        "beak: curved yellowish-orange casqued bill",
+        "belly: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray than the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with a smooth gradient to the crown",
+        "eyes: small and brown, surrounded by a patch of bare bluish-black skin",
+        "legs: dark gray-black with zygodactyl feet (two forward, two backward facing toes",
+        "wings: black feathers with silvery-gray primary and secondary coverts",
+        "nape: dark gray with silky feathers forming a partial collar",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips and a band of silvery-gray",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "malabar imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark, metallic green to purple sheen",
+        "beak: sturdy, short, hooked pale pink",
+        "belly: light ashy gray",
+        "breast: silvery gray",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-blue dark shade",
+        "forehead: glossy greenish-blue dark shade",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong red-pink legs and feet",
+        "wings: dark, metallic green with purple gloss",
+        "nape: silvery gray",
+        "tail: long, dark, broad feathers with a shimmering sheen",
+        "throat: lighter silvery gray"
+    ],
+    "malabar lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of white",
+        "beak: straight and narrow, pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with a faint streak pattern",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by faint markings",
+        "legs: thin and long, pale yellow",
+        "wings: rich brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light reddish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long and forked, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "malabar parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: striking red-orange hue",
+        "belly: lighter green shade",
+        "breast: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue hued head",
+        "forehead: rich blue-green color",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light gray and scaly",
+        "wings: green with blue accents",
+        "nape: stunning blue-green gradient",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: sky blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "malabar pied hornbill": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with white tips",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow and black casque",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: predominantly white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with a protruding casque",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-black",
+        "wings: black and white, broad, and rounded",
+        "nape: black, feathers merging with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black and white, central feathers elongated",
+        "throat: white with black streaks, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "malabar starling": [
+        "back: iridescent dark blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white with a delicate grayish-blue tint",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: thick dark blue feathers",
+        "eyes: alert and bright, orange-ringed",
+        "legs: thin, light grey, and scaled",
+        "wings: deep, iridescent blue, angular tips",
+        "nape: dark blue, gleaming feathers",
+        "tail: long, straight, iridescent blue",
+        "throat: soft white, narrow feathers"
+    ],
+    "malabar trogon": [
+        "back: deep purplish-blue with a velvety texture",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: crimson-red in males; yellowish in females",
+        "breast: white with a black outline separating it from the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue with darker shade through the eyes to the nape",
+        "forehead: deep blue with a smooth glossy finish",
+        "eyes: dark with yellowish eyering surrounded by deep blue feathers",
+        "legs: dark grey and sturdy, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded blue wings with dark grey or black primary feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-black, gradually shifting to the dark back feathers",
+        "tail: long with vivid blue feathers and black banding",
+        "throat: bright crimson in males; dull white in females"
+    ],
+    "malabar whistling thrush": [
+        "back: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: black and curved",
+        "belly: deep blue-black",
+        "breast: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: shining blue-black, smooth",
+        "eyes: round, black, expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-blue",
+        "wings: long, blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black, thick-necked",
+        "tail: elongated blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "malabar woodshrike": [
+        "back: dark grey uppercoat",
+        "beak: short, black and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter grey underside",
+        "breast: grey-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: greyish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: dark grey with visible white patch",
+        "nape: slate-grey, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long and dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white-grey, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "malachite sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: dark, metallic green",
+        "breast: bright emerald green",
+        "crown: shimmering green plumage",
+        "forehead: glossy green with some blue sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black, and strong",
+        "wings: iridescent green and sharply pointed",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: elongated, black with blue-green sheen",
+        "throat: iridescent green with a hint of purple"
+    ],
+    "malagasy brush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black beak for insect-catching",
+        "belly: creamy-white, with gentle brown streaks",
+        "breast: light buff color, marbled with brown markings",
+        "crown: unmarked olive-brown, with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gradient of brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark-brown, surrounded by buff-colored eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale gray for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with faint buff-colored wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting the crown and back seamlessly",
+        "tail: short, dark-brown with buff outer edges, often flicked up",
+        "throat: creamy-white, with faint brown streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "malagasy bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown with hints of green",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale cream to light gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white transitioning from olive-brown",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown fading into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint white tips",
+        "throat: pale white to light gray"
+    ],
+    "malagasy coucal": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black bars",
+        "breast: light brown with black stripes",
+        "crown: black with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: black and glossy",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a black ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with black bands and white spots",
+        "nape: black with faint glossiness",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with black markings"
+    ],
+    "malagasy harrier": [
+        "back: dark brown, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, streaked with pale gray",
+        "forehead: paler brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long and yellow, feathered tarsi",
+        "wings: broad with a wingspan of 95-105 cm, dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with narrow pale streaks",
+        "tail: long with dark brown, gray, and white bands",
+        "throat: palest gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "malagasy kestrel": [
+        "back: light brown with dark brown speckles",
+        "beak: short and sharp, greyish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: pale reddish-brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: mottled reddish-brown and white",
+        "forehead: pale red-brown with a few dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with a bold black stripe behind each eye",
+        "legs: greyish-yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: pale reddish-brown with dark brown bars and white patches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with dark brown bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: pale cream with some light brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "malagasy kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue upper back feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, red-orange bill",
+        "belly: white lower abdomen plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray-blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: broad, pale blue strip above beak",
+        "eyes: round, black and beady with white surroundings",
+        "legs: short, reddish-orange thin legs",
+        "wings: bold electric blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue to azure transition between head and back",
+        "tail: elongated, deep blue tail feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white and gray patch below the beak"
+    ],
+    "malagasy palm swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: slim, short, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey-white plumage",
+        "breast: slightly darker grey than belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, slender, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed for swift flight",
+        "nape: dark gray, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: short, forked, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, transitioning to the breast color"
+    ],
+    "malagasy paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: thin and elongated black",
+        "belly: soft white underbelly feathers",
+        "breast: eye-catching rusty-red plumage",
+        "crown: topped with elongated, wispy feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, transitioning blue-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: inquisitive dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, agile, and black",
+        "wings: expansive blue-gray and red pattern",
+        "nape: elegantly merging blue-gray and red hues",
+        "tail: impressively long and fluttering",
+        "throat: shaded rusty-red plumage"
+    ],
+    "malagasy pond heron": [
+        "back: white-grayish feathers with black spots",
+        "beak: long, thin, and sharp, yellow at base and black at tip",
+        "belly: white with some grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: black with a greenish sheen and white streaks",
+        "forehead: white, connecting with the eyes",
+        "eyes: yellow with a blackish outer ring, slightly almond-shaped",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green, with black claws",
+        "wings: white with black tips and spots on flight feathers",
+        "nape: black with greenish iridescence and white streaks",
+        "tail: short, white with black streaks and spots",
+        "throat: white with some gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "malagasy sacred ibis": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: white plumage with dark edges",
+        "breast: white with hints of brown",
+        "crown: featherless and black",
+        "forehead: dark and smooth",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown and round",
+        "legs: long and black",
+        "wings: long and dark with white edges",
+        "nape: partially white with dark edges",
+        "tail: elongated with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white with minor brown markings"
+    ],
+    "malagasy sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered covering",
+        "beak: slender, long, and curved for nectar extraction",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft feathered underside",
+        "breast: bright orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green head feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming green plumage extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black for keen vision",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: elongated with green and blue shimmery feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers with blue-green iridescence",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red feathers covering the neck"
+    ],
+    "malagasy swift": [
+        "back: sleek gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream-white color",
+        "breast: white with some gray spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light-gray and sleek",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: short and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "nape: light gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: forked and edged with white",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "malagasy turtle dove": [
+        "back: soft grey with subtle silver sheen",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light grey with delicate mottling",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-grey with black spots",
+        "crown: glossy blue-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grey with a touch of light blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, dark pink, with thin toes",
+        "wings: grey with white and black feather markings",
+        "nape: light grey with faint grey lines",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with a hint of pink undertone"
+    ],
+    "malaita white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hues",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow with a white band",
+        "eyes: large, with noticeable white rings",
+        "legs: petite, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: short, green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: green with some yellow tones",
+        "tail: dark, olive-green with yellow edging",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "malawi batis": [
+        "back: olive to gray-brown hue",
+        "beak: black and short",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, faint black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray, prominent black stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray to white",
+        "eyes: large and black",
+        "legs: dark, slender, sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-black, white patch",
+        "nape: gray-brown, black stripe",
+        "tail: black with white markings",
+        "throat: white, clean appearance"
+    ],
+    "malayan banded pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and yellow",
+        "belly: bright blue with faint black bands",
+        "breast: rich blue with black bands",
+        "crown: deep blue with a red stripe",
+        "forehead: red and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark and encircled by bare orbital rings",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: bright blue with a hint of green",
+        "tail: short, with blue and black bands",
+        "throat: deep red with black borders"
+    ],
+    "malayan crested fireback": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with black patterns",
+        "beak: short, pale bluish-gray, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: deep grayish-blue with black line details",
+        "breast: dark brown to blend with back feathers",
+        "crown: orange crest with black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: grey and white band extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white thin eyelids",
+        "legs: long, slender greyish-brown legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-black with spots of white",
+        "nape: covered with orange striped feathers",
+        "tail: black central feathers, surrounded by cinnamon-red outer feathers",
+        "throat: bare blue skin with some sparse feathers"
+    ],
+    "malayan crestless fireback": [
+        "back: buff-brown with glossy black bars",
+        "beak: yellowish, stout and curved",
+        "belly: dark grey with dense white speckling",
+        "breast: bluish-black, contrasting with belly",
+        "crown: bluish-black with featherless red patch",
+        "forehead: bluish-black, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish, thick and strong",
+        "wings: buff-brown with black barring, rounded",
+        "nape: bluish-black, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, rounded, black with buff bars",
+        "throat: bluish-black, continuous with the breast"
+    ],
+    "malayan laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle feather streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark grey",
+        "belly: light grey with reddish-brown flanks",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grey-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint feather patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "malayan night heron": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, greenish-yellow tip",
+        "belly: white with broad black stripes",
+        "breast: rufous-orange with black stripes",
+        "crown: dark gray with rufous-brown highlights",
+        "forehead: dark gray with faint rufous streaks",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange",
+        "legs: short and yellow-green",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown, rounded with rufous-edged feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark gray-brown",
+        "throat: white with black-streaked sides"
+    ],
+    "malayan partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: reddish-brown fading to white",
+        "breast: dark chestnut with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: white with fine black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and featherless, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, brownish-black with reddish-brown fringe",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brownish-black with reddish-brown tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "malayan peacock pheasant": [
+        "back: dark iridescent green with black barring",
+        "beak: short, pale ivory with a curved shape",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black spots and streaks",
+        "breast: metallic green-blue with black and white edging",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: metallic green-blue with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown with sharp spurs",
+        "wings: dark green-blue with multi-colored spots",
+        "nape: iridescent green with bold black barring",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, with green, blue, and black barring",
+        "throat: grayish-white with black spots and streaks"
+    ],
+    "malayan whistling thrush": [
+        "back: dark velvety blue hue",
+        "beak: sleek black, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: smooth, blue-black",
+        "breast: dark bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: brightly colored, deep blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue sheen",
+        "eyes: sharp, inquisitive, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grey-blue, scaled",
+        "wings: elongated, dark blue-black with minor white spotting",
+        "nape: deep blue, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, blackish-blue, fanned when flying",
+        "throat: pale, blue-grey, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "malaysian blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed for catching insects",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers with a tinge of blue",
+        "breast: white feathers meeting the blue back feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: vivid blue feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: alert, black eyes observing surroundings",
+        "legs: thin, black legs ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: blue feathers with contrasting black wingtips",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning from the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black accents for balance",
+        "throat: white feathers contrasting with the blue crown"
+    ],
+    "malaysian blue banded kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with blue banding",
+        "breast: white fading into blue bands",
+        "crown: bright blue with a black mask-like pattern",
+        "forehead: intense blue merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by black mask pattern",
+        "legs: short and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: blue with black and white detailing",
+        "nape: blue continuation from the crown",
+        "tail: striking blue with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white transitioning into blue bands"
+    ],
+    "malaysian eared nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with brownish speckles",
+        "breast: pale gray with blackish streaks and barring",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and slightly protruding",
+        "legs: short and feathered, with blackish feet",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with a cryptic pattern of browns, grays, and whites",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with blackish bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "malaysian hawk cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek, grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: grey-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: pale eyebrow-like stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: long, grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, grey-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: grey-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, and barred, with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "malaysian honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and robust, black",
+        "belly: whitish, tinged with pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, finely streaked",
+        "forehead: short, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish, flight feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: dull reddish-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown, subterminal white band",
+        "throat: pale yellow-white"
+    ],
+    "malaysian pied fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with a hint of pale grey",
+        "breast: white, blending into the grey neck",
+        "crown: black, contrasting with the white forehead",
+        "forehead: white, extending to the eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a small white ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grey, connecting the black crown with the paler back",
+        "tail: long, black and white, fanned shape",
+        "throat: white with smooth grey transition to the breast"
+    ],
+    "malaysian plover": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, straight, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with light greyish-brown border",
+        "crown: light brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with light brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly oval-shaped with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: light brownish-grey with white wing bars",
+        "nape: light brownish-grey with white markings",
+        "tail: short, white-tipped with greyish-brown central feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "malaysian rail babbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with an orange-red hue",
+        "breast: rusty orange with subtle black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray fading into olive-green at the nape",
+        "forehead: black with a small white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, with strong pale pink claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dull blue patches",
+        "nape: slightly darker olive-green than the back",
+        "tail: long and tapered, with a mix of blue-gray and olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: white with a grayish tint, bordered by black lines"
+    ],
+    "malherbe parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and pale yellowish",
+        "belly: light turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright green with subtle blue hues",
+        "crown: brilliant lime-green feathers",
+        "forehead: green feathers with bluish-white spots",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mix of bright green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: lime-green transitioning to turquoise",
+        "tail: long, narrow, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: light-green feathers with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "mali firefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-orange feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: lighter reddish-orange hue",
+        "breast: bright and fiery red-orange",
+        "crown: striking red color with a slight orange tint",
+        "forehead: brilliantly colored red-orange feathers",
+        "eyes: small with a dark, round pupil surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light gray to blending silver hue",
+        "wings: predominantly red-orange with dark streaks and black feathers",
+        "nape: red-orange hue, transitioning seamlessly from the crown",
+        "tail: reddish-orange feathers with black tips and subtle streaks",
+        "throat: fiery red transitioning seamlessly to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "malindi pipit": [
+        "back: warm brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: buff-white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with fine, dark streaks",
+        "forehead: off-white with soft streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a pale eye ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white and buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with soft, dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and dark barring",
+        "throat: unmarked, pale buff-white"
+    ],
+    "mallee emuwren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointy, black",
+        "belly: pale buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: rufous brown plumage",
+        "crown: grey-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grey",
+        "wings: brown with streaks, short",
+        "nape: grey-brown feathered",
+        "tail: long, slender, and filamentous",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "malleefowl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved for digging in soil",
+        "belly: paler grey feathers with lighter markings",
+        "breast: predominantly grey-brown with some paler streaks",
+        "crown: sandy brown feathers with darker speckles",
+        "forehead: rounded with pale, speckled brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and set on the side of the head",
+        "legs: strong, featherless with sharp claws for burrowing",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with brown and tan feather patterns",
+        "nape: pale brown feathers with fine, dark speckling",
+        "tail: short, fanned, with intricately patterned feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey with slight barring or patterning"
+    ],
+    "manchurian bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with some streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, circled by pale ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded, with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rounded, olive-brown, with thin bars",
+        "throat: light cream-colored with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "manchurian reed warbler": [
+        "back: mottled brown and beige plumage",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-toned with brown streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with paler central stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale beige bars",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with a slight fork",
+        "throat: off-white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "mandarin duck": [
+        "back: beautifully patterned feathers with a range of colors",
+        "beak: short reddish-orange with serrated edges",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers with black spots",
+        "breast: bold orange feathers with black and white streaks",
+        "crown: glossy green with a purple sheen",
+        "forehead: dark green with a slight tuft",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: orange-yellow and webbed",
+        "wings: multicolored with striking blue wingtips",
+        "nape: long, elegant and dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with brown and cream stripes",
+        "throat: white with two black stripes framing it"
+    ],
+    "maned duck": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-black plumage",
+        "beak: large, wedge-shaped, multicolored",
+        "belly: white, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: deep rust-orange plumage",
+        "crown: black, with distinct, elongated mane-like feathers",
+        "forehead: black, smoothly blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black and white, with iridescent green-blue secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black, with elongated mane feathers extending to back",
+        "tail: black, short and stiff",
+        "throat: white, connecting to the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "maned owl": [
+        "back: dark-brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: light, dense, white-plumaged",
+        "breast: grey-brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "crown: round head with short, dark tufted mane",
+        "forehead: white feathers with grey-brown speckles",
+        "eyes: large, round, deep-orange",
+        "legs: white feathered with powerful, yellow talons",
+        "wings: grey-brown with white barring and spots",
+        "nape: grey-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, grey-brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "mangrove blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: bright blue feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with hints of pale blue",
+        "breast: rich blue coloration with white accents",
+        "crown: vibrant blue feathers meeting at the forehead",
+        "forehead: intense blue with a smooth gradient towards the crown",
+        "eyes: beady, black with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black with knobby joints",
+        "wings: striking blue with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the brilliant blue crown",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers with lighter tips",
+        "throat: white with a gentle transition to the blue of the breast"
+    ],
+    "mangrove fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown and elongated feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and narrow",
+        "belly: light gray with some white",
+        "breast: grayish with a hint of olive",
+        "crown: olive-brown and sleek",
+        "forehead: grayish-white blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light feather tips",
+        "nape: lighter olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and black edged with white",
+        "throat: lighter gray with subtle feather markings"
+    ],
+    "mangrove finch": [
+        "back: dark brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly hooked black beak",
+        "belly: light cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: strong, black talons",
+        "wings: slightly reddish-brown wingbars",
+        "nape: gray-brown feathered neck",
+        "tail: dark, brownish-gray and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: soft cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "mangrove gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle striping",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, off-white",
+        "breast: creamy white with yellow tinge",
+        "crown: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-colored",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: pale, slender, and long",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive and slightly streaked",
+        "tail: long, edged with white",
+        "throat: clean white"
+    ],
+    "mangrove honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green upper surface",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale-yellow underside",
+        "breast: light yellowish-brown front",
+        "crown: olive-green top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green",
+        "eyes: round, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grey, and twig-like",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight curve",
+        "nape: olive-green transition from the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with a slight upward curve",
+        "throat: lighter yellow-green front of the neck"
+    ],
+    "mangrove hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered, slim and streamlined",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar extraction",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of green on the sides",
+        "breast: iridescent green, shimmering in the sunlight",
+        "crown: bright green, almost metallic in appearance",
+        "forehead: sparkling green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark, with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: thin and wiry, with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: swift and agile, ending in needle-like tips",
+        "nape: rich green, seamlessly connecting to the back",
+        "tail: forked, grayish feathers for precision in flight",
+        "throat: shiny green, contrasting with the lighter belly"
+    ],
+    "mangrove kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, red, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with faint grey streaks",
+        "breast: clean white and fluffy",
+        "crown: bright blue with black outlines",
+        "forehead: blue and slightly raised",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: red-orange with scaly texture",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black barring",
+        "nape: striking blue with black contours",
+        "tail: blue with black bands, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pristine white with sleek feathers"
+    ],
+    "mangrove pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black curved bill",
+        "belly: bright orange patch",
+        "breast: rich orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue-green cap",
+        "forehead: vivid blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, pale pink",
+        "wings: blue-green with black accents",
+        "nape: bright green-blue hue",
+        "tail: short, blue-green with red underside",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "mangrove rail": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathered body",
+        "beak: strong, straight, greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: light grey feathered underside",
+        "breast: grey feathered chest area",
+        "crown: dark grey feathered head",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown feathered brow",
+        "eyes: dark, bold, round",
+        "legs: relatively long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: short, rounded; greyish-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: slightly lighter grey than crown",
+        "tail: short and broad, greyish-brown, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey feathered area under the beak"
+    ],
+    "mangrove robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: white with subtle grayish streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown, blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint white markings",
+        "forehead: dark gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and dark gray, ending in strong, curved claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown, white at the tips, often fanned out",
+        "throat: light grayish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "mangrove swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent blue-green",
+        "beak: black, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: white, with a faint gray band",
+        "breast: bright, white plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant, blue-green metallic",
+        "forehead: shining, iridescent blue",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin black eye-line",
+        "legs: black, with long, thin toes",
+        "wings: long, pointed, blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant, metallic blue-green",
+        "tail: forked, with blue-green and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, with a subtle gray band"
+    ],
+    "mangrove vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly hooked, pale gray or brown",
+        "belly: creamy white underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white",
+        "crown: olive-green or gray head; yellow stripe above the eye",
+        "forehead: grayish to olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray or pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers; white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green; connected to crown",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers; white edges on outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "mangrove whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dense streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with a tinge of gray",
+        "breast: pale-buff blending to grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown streaked with light markings",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "manicore warbling antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with subtle markings",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: light gray with streaks of white plumage",
+        "breast: soft grayish-brown feathers, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale white markings, contrasting darker crown",
+        "eyes: bright, alert black eyes framed by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender grayish-blue legs for perching on branches",
+        "wings: brownish-black feathers with white bars for agile flight",
+        "nape: dark gray with faint streaks, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers for balance",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into the breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "mantanani scops owl": [
+        "back: tawny brown, lightly barred with black",
+        "beak: short, grayish-white, hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy white, streaked with dark brown",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown barring, rounded patterns",
+        "crown: tawny brown, blackish spotting",
+        "forehead: light brown, dense dark brown speckling",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow-orange, encircled by black",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-white, strong talons",
+        "wings: tawny brown, black and white barring, rounded tips",
+        "nape: tawny brown, blackish streaking",
+        "tail: brown, narrow white bars, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: creamy white, fine dark brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "mantled hawk": [
+        "back: sleek, light brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: whitish feathers with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with brown barring",
+        "crown: light brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown transition to beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange with black talons",
+        "wings: broad, light brown with darker edges",
+        "nape: light brown feathers, continuous with back",
+        "tail: long, narrow with brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white and lightly streaked feathers"
+    ],
+    "manu antbird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: grey and heavily streaked",
+        "crown: dark rust color",
+        "forehead: rusty-red hue",
+        "eyes: dark, with an off-white eyering",
+        "legs: light pink, robust",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with light edging",
+        "nape: rusty color fading to brown",
+        "tail: long and brown, with white tips",
+        "throat: white, with a black malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "manus boobook": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, yellowish-grey",
+        "belly: light beige with horizontal brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with white markings",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with distinct white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, nocturnally adapted",
+        "legs: yellowish-grey, feathered, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and a wide wingspan",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with faint white spots",
+        "tail: brown with distinct white barring",
+        "throat: buff-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "manus cicadabird": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, dark in color",
+        "belly: light grey with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey, merging with the belly",
+        "crown: bluish-black, smoothly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than the crown, deep blue hue",
+        "eyes: alert black orbs, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, strong and black",
+        "wings: dark blue-black, long and slightly rounded",
+        "nape: bluish-black, converging with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and slightly graduated, with dark blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "manus cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: dark gray",
+        "forehead: grayish",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray, long",
+        "nape: gray-blue",
+        "tail: long, graduated, blue-gray",
+        "throat: lighter gray"
+    ],
+    "manus fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with hints of green iridescence",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with some light gray",
+        "breast: light yellowish-buff color",
+        "crown: brown-olive with some greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: slightly darker olive-brown, with greenish sheen",
+        "tail: long, graduated with a striking black and white pattern",
+        "throat: light yellowish-buff color"
+    ],
+    "manus monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage with contrasting black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, slightly curved beak in dark tone",
+        "belly: soft yellowish-green feathers with fine black markings",
+        "breast: bright green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: glossy green with thin black accents",
+        "forehead: green area with a slight blue tinge",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with an almost invisible white eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium length, sturdy, and dark grey in color",
+        "wings: green hues blending to blue, with contrasting black feathers and white tips",
+        "nape: dark, greenish-blue glossy region transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green with black feathers and white edges",
+        "throat: rich green feathers with fine black striping"
+    ],
+    "manx shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, black, hooked shape",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: white, rounded plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey, smooth contour",
+        "forehead: sloping from crown to beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, set near beak",
+        "legs: short, pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grey on top",
+        "nape: graceful, dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark grey, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, soft transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "many banded aracari": [
+        "back: vibrant green with black markings",
+        "beak: large, yellow, and black banded",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with dark bands",
+        "breast: rich red with narrow black bands",
+        "crown: deep green with faint black stripes",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp talons",
+        "wings: green with black and pale yellow banding",
+        "nape: green with black markings",
+        "tail: elongated, black and green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: red-orange with black edges"
+    ],
+    "many colored bushshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: deep yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich orange hue",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: striking yellow shades",
+        "eyes: deep black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: multicolored with green, yellow, and orange",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow transition",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, green with black streaks",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with orange tinge"
+    ],
+    "many colored chaco finch": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small yet sturdy, light orange",
+        "belly: soft yellow undertones",
+        "breast: rich, chestnut brown",
+        "crown: deep gray-blue crest",
+        "forehead: eye-catching emerald green",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: multicolored, blending shades of blue, green, and brown",
+        "nape: pale green, transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, layered feathers in hues of brown and green",
+        "throat: radiant beige with hints of orange"
+    ],
+    "many colored fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved orange",
+        "belly: pale grey with hints of purple",
+        "breast: bright purple plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: shiny emerald green",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: green and purple mix, fading to yellow at tips",
+        "nape: softly curved, green-hued neck",
+        "tail: long, elegant feathers with green, yellow, and purple tones",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow markings"
+    ],
+    "many colored rush tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green hues",
+        "beak: small, slim, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow softness",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich olive-green glow",
+        "forehead: streaks of black and white",
+        "eyes: deep, piercing black",
+        "legs: slender, matching grey",
+        "wings: mix of green and yellow, visible during flight",
+        "nape: greenish tint blending with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green and black feathers",
+        "throat: striking yellow display"
+    ],
+    "many spotted hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with blue tints",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish with light speckles",
+        "breast: white with many vibrant spots",
+        "crown: bright emerald shimmering feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic green merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and featherless, with dark small claws",
+        "wings: elongated, narrow, and bronze-green",
+        "nape: shimmering blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: forked with dark and light banding",
+        "throat: brilliant red with iridescent purple edges"
+    ],
+    "many striped canastero": [
+        "back: light brown with thin dark stripes",
+        "beak: slightly curved, thin and black",
+        "belly: whitish hue with black streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, outlined in white",
+        "legs: slender, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with dark bars and white edges",
+        "nape: light brown with thin dark stripes",
+        "tail: long, brownish, barred with thin stripes",
+        "throat: white with small black streaks"
+    ],
+    "maquis canastero": [
+        "back: brown and streaked",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, sometimes with a crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown with buff streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and pale",
+        "wings: brown with buff wingbars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored and streaked"
+    ],
+    "maracaibo tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointy black beak",
+        "belly: light yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: bright greenish-yellow crown",
+        "forehead: shining green feathers",
+        "eyes: large, black and round",
+        "legs: thin gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: greenish, with yellow edges",
+        "nape: bright green feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "marail guan": [
+        "back: deep chestnut-brown, long feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white, occasionally with black barring",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut, bordered with pale feathers",
+        "crown: black, with glossy blue-green shades",
+        "forehead: black feathers, bluish-green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly reddish hue",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown, banded with white",
+        "nape: chestnut, blending into a dark blue-green shade",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-brown, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with black markings"
+    ],
+    "mara\u00f1on crescentchest": [
+        "back: olive-brown hue",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellow-orange with dark crescents",
+        "crown: dull brown color",
+        "forehead: brownish hue",
+        "eyes: dark with an encircling pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: brown with a subtle reddish tint",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown",
+        "throat: bright yellow with distinctive crescent markings"
+    ],
+    "mara\u00f1on spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: creamy with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with a spiny crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and dark brown",
+        "throat: creamy-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mara\u00f1on thrush": [
+        "back: yellow-olive plumage",
+        "beak: straight, slender, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white tinge",
+        "breast: yellow-orange hue",
+        "crown: olive-toned with streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: yellow-olive with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: streaked olive-brown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long and slender",
+        "throat: yellow-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "mara\u00f1on tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, slender, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: pale grayish-white with an inconspicuous crest",
+        "forehead: faint whitish-gray coloration",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feather tips",
+        "nape: pale grayish-white, blending into the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-green with darker edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "marble faced bristle tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish feathers",
+        "beak: petite, sharp and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with soft texture",
+        "crown: smooth, marble-like pattern",
+        "forehead: pale, stone-like appearance",
+        "eyes: small, deep black, and piercing",
+        "legs: thin, lanky with dark gray hue",
+        "wings: medium-length, gray with barred pattern",
+        "nape: short, subtle feathers transitioning to crown",
+        "tail: lengthy, gray with light banding",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "marbled frogmouth": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers pattern",
+        "beak: wide, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: brown speckled with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with fine dark bars",
+        "eyes: large, forward-facing with yellowish rings",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, feathered down to its toes",
+        "wings: rounded, marbled brown with gray and rufous patterns",
+        "nape: gray-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and brownish-gray with white bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "marbled honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle marbling",
+        "beak: curved black with a sharp point",
+        "belly: cream with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale cream with hints of brown",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white ring",
+        "legs: strong and grey, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint marbled pattern",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to lighter shade",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with black bars",
+        "throat: soft cream with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "marbled murrelet": [
+        "back: greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with marbled underparts",
+        "breast: white with dark mottling",
+        "crown: dark head with brownish mottling",
+        "forehead: dark with subtle white feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: short with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark with white barring",
+        "nape: dark and mottled, blending into crown",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: dark with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "marbled teal": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with a marbled texture",
+        "beak: short, bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff-colored, mixed with pale streaking",
+        "crown: subtle reddish-brown with fine, darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale, blending into the brown crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with iridescent green speculum",
+        "nape: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-gray with marbled patterns",
+        "throat: off-white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "marbled wood quail": [
+        "back: mottled brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale brown with black bars and white speckles",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black barring and white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a reddish tint",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with faint black speckles",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white speckles and black barring, rounded shape",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a faint white stripe down the middle",
+        "tail: short, brown with black and white barring pattern",
+        "throat: pale gray with a light brown tinge"
+    ],
+    "marbled wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark spotting",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with brownish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish or light brown, fairly long",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-brown with black markings",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: white with brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "marcapata spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish and streaked with black lines",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white hue",
+        "breast: tawny and streaked with black lines",
+        "crown: rufous with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: brownish, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dull pinkish color, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish with blackish barring",
+        "nape: brownish, continuously streaked from back",
+        "tail: long and brown with narrow black bars",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "mariana crow": [
+        "back: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black and hooked",
+        "belly: deep black with slight green sheen",
+        "breast: black with a green-tinted gloss",
+        "crown: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown and alert",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: shiny, black with a greenish shimmer",
+        "nape: glossy, black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a green sheen",
+        "throat: black and slightly iridescent"
+    ],
+    "mariana fruit dove": [
+        "back: green feathers with olive-bronze iridescence",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with orange tinges",
+        "crown: dark green, slightly iridescent",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange to purple iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue-gray, bare eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: medium length, green with blue covert feathers",
+        "nape: green with a slight golden sheen",
+        "tail: relatively short, green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, slightly paler than belly"
+    ],
+    "mariana kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with streaks of green",
+        "beak: long, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with fain blue tinges",
+        "breast: vivid turquoise fading into white",
+        "crown: deep azure with shimmering iridescence",
+        "forehead: electric blue with glossy shine",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking blue with hints of green",
+        "nape: bright cerulean with subtle green hues",
+        "tail: elongated, vibrant blue feathers",
+        "throat: silky white leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "mariana swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined gray shading",
+        "beak: small yet sharp, black color",
+        "belly: soft white to gray plumage",
+        "breast: white patch with gray outline",
+        "crown: distinct dark gray cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly lighter gray",
+        "eyes: tiny, beady, black",
+        "legs: short, hidden by feathers, dark gray",
+        "wings: narrow, long-pointed shape, gray",
+        "nape: smooth transition to gray crown",
+        "tail: square, short, gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly curved feathers"
+    ],
+    "marigold lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, orange-red tip",
+        "belly: deep yellow with green edges",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with blue hues",
+        "forehead: iridescent green-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow and blue",
+        "nape: green gradient to blue",
+        "tail: emerald green with blue undertones",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with green streaks"
+    ],
+    "mariqua flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green, streaked with black",
+        "beak: short, thin, black",
+        "belly: lemon-yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-olive, faint streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with orange-brown highlights",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, black, slightly elongated",
+        "wings: olive-brown, marked with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale lemon-yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mariqua sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, black or dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright metallic blue or purple",
+        "crown: glossy green or purple sheen",
+        "forehead: iridescent green or purple",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with inconspicuous white ring",
+        "legs: grey or dark brown, thin and strong",
+        "wings: dark grey with green and blue shimmer",
+        "nape: iridescent green, smoothly transition from the crown",
+        "tail: forked with dark grey feathers, white patches on the outer edges",
+        "throat: bright blue or purple with metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "markham storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with black-tipped feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, black beak",
+        "belly: pale grey, lightly speckled with black",
+        "breast: light grey with flecks of white and black",
+        "crown: glossy black, extending to nape",
+        "forehead: black to dark grey, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-grey with black webbed feet",
+        "wings: sleek, pointed, black with white underwing patches",
+        "nape: glossy black, connecting with crown and back",
+        "tail: forked, dark grey with black and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, mottled with white and black"
+    ],
+    "marmora warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed shape",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with hints of green",
+        "crown: pale gray with olive-green streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender and long, pale pinkish color",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white bar",
+        "nape: olive-green with pale gray streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-green with dark tips",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "maroon oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant maroon feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright maroon plumage",
+        "breast: rich maroon-red feathering",
+        "crown: dark crimson crest",
+        "forehead: smooth maroon-red",
+        "eyes: round with black iris",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown",
+        "wings: maroon with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep maroon plumage",
+        "tail: long, maroon with black accents",
+        "throat: bright maroon feathering"
+    ],
+    "maroon pigeon": [
+        "back: rich maroon feathered back",
+        "beak: short, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light maroon-underbelly",
+        "breast: deep maroon chest plumage",
+        "crown: subtly raised maroon crest",
+        "forehead: smooth maroon forehead",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-red legs",
+        "wings: wide maroon wings with black tips",
+        "nape: maroon, feathered nape",
+        "tail: long, maroon tail feathers with black accents",
+        "throat: lighter-shaded maroon throat area"
+    ],
+    "maroon woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark maroon feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, light gray",
+        "belly: pale cream with black markings",
+        "breast: rich maroon feathers",
+        "crown: glossy maroon plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth maroon feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, circular, black",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: maroon with black barring",
+        "nape: maroon with a black collar",
+        "tail: long, stiff, maroon, and black barred",
+        "throat: white or pale cream with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "maroon backed accentor": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, buffy-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, light-grey legs",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with dark stripes",
+        "throat: cream-colored with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "maroon backed whistler": [
+        "back: vibrant maroon plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: white with faint maroon streaks",
+        "breast: striking white color",
+        "crown: deep maroon hue",
+        "forehead: smooth maroon plumage",
+        "eyes: bright, beady, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, and dark colored",
+        "wings: maroon feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich maroon shading",
+        "tail: long and fan-like with maroon and dark feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting against maroon"
+    ],
+    "maroon bellied parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, beige hooked beak",
+        "belly: bright maroon coloration",
+        "breast: light green feathers",
+        "crown: mixture of emerald green and blue feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black bead-like",
+        "legs: grey scaly legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green primary feathers, blue-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers meeting maroon belly",
+        "tail: long, tapered green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale green, fading into maroon belly"
+    ],
+    "maroon belted chat tyrant": [
+        "back: rich rusty-brown color",
+        "beak: thin, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale off-white hue",
+        "breast: creamy white with thin maroon band",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: faint reddish-orange",
+        "eyes: dark beady with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender grayish-black",
+        "wings: warm brown with faint rufous edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright clean white"
+    ],
+    "maroon breasted philentoma": [
+        "back: dark brown with hints of maroon",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light maroon fading to white",
+        "breast: rich maroon color",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black pupils and white rings",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with maroon edges and subtle patterning",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning into the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with maroon undertones",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the maroon breast"
+    ],
+    "maroon chested ground dove": [
+        "back: subtle brownish hues with a glossy finish",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark gray color",
+        "belly: soft beige with a hint of reddish-brown",
+        "breast: vibrant maroon with feathered layers",
+        "crown: smooth light brown blending into the neck",
+        "forehead: light brown with a sleek appearance",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish, ending in delicate bird's feet",
+        "wings: earthy-toned, with subtle stripes and markings",
+        "nape: warm light brown with a gentle curve",
+        "tail: rounded, brownish feathers with a slight gradient",
+        "throat: beige undertone with maroon overtones"
+    ],
+    "maroon chinned fruit dove": [
+        "back: rich green, covered in feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, pale orange",
+        "belly: pale purple-gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: dark maroon, thick feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-blue, iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning to green",
+        "eyes: black, round, with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, orange-red, strong",
+        "wings: greenish-blue, tapered, flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green, dense feathers",
+        "tail: long, green, narrow feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "throat: vibrant maroon, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "maroon faced parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish-white",
+        "belly: light green, soft feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant blue plumage",
+        "crown: maroon-brown coloration",
+        "forehead: maroon hue blending into green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: slim, greyish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green and blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition from maroon to green",
+        "tail: long, green-blue, tapering feathers",
+        "throat: pale green, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "maroon fronted parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, beige color",
+        "belly: light green with tinges of blue",
+        "breast: rich maroon-red plumage",
+        "crown: deep green with slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: bright maroon-red patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown, zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: vivid green, folded against body",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue feathers, squared-off tips",
+        "throat: pale green feathers, slightly lighter than belly"
+    ],
+    "maroon naped sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with maroon streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow and maroon patch",
+        "crown: glossy blue-violet feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic green sheen",
+        "eyes: round, small, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: deep blue and purple with metallic shine",
+        "nape: maroon color, transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with a forked shape",
+        "throat: vibrant shiny green"
+    ],
+    "maroon tailed parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: robust, light-colored",
+        "belly: light green with blue tint",
+        "breast: green with tinges of blue",
+        "crown: bright green with red touch",
+        "forehead: deep blue markings",
+        "eyes: black with white rings",
+        "legs: gray scales with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: vivid green upper, blue-green lower",
+        "nape: green with blue shadows",
+        "tail: maroon-red shade, elongated features",
+        "throat: green and pale blue blend"
+    ],
+    "marquesan swiftlet": [
+        "back: dark brown with small white spots",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dull white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: creamy white with light brown flecks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a narrow white band",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-camouflaged",
+        "legs: short and black with strong claws",
+        "wings: long and narrow, dark brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: medium brown with white spots",
+        "tail: short and square, dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale white with sparse brown spotting"
+    ],
+    "marquesas ground dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale grayish-pink",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray blending into belly",
+        "crown: distinct grayish-blue shade",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-blue transition into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with slight white ring around",
+        "legs: long and slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish spots and bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue, continuing from crown and forehead",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length with subtle stripes",
+        "throat: pale gray, softly blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "marquesas imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: grayish-white feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: short and hooked, with a pale grayish-yellow color",
+        "belly: light gray plumage with a soft appearance",
+        "breast: pale gray-blue feathers, slightly puffed out",
+        "crown: slightly raised feathers with a darker gray hue",
+        "forehead: lighter gray plumage blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and round, set in a white patch of feathers",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with yellow-to-orange scaly skin",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, with gray-blue and white feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray plumage than the back and back of the head",
+        "tail: medium-length with a squared-off tip, gray-blue and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white feathers, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "marquesas kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant-blue feathers covering the main body",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly curved for catching prey",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers providing a gentle contrast to the blue back",
+        "breast: slightly bluish-white, complementing the blue back",
+        "crown: intense blue feathers, giving the head a regal appearance",
+        "forehead: a slight transition from blue to white feathers, merging with the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with a soulful gaze, encircled by soft white feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, short, and black, perfect for perching in trees",
+        "wings: bold blue feathers with a slight gradient to darker shades on the edges",
+        "nape: continuation of the stunning blue from the crown, flowing down the back",
+        "tail: blue feathers with a narrow, slightly forked formation for agility in flight",
+        "throat: white feathers subtly transitioning from the bluish-white breast"
+    ],
+    "marquesas monarch": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: white with light gray speckles",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: elongated and black with white accents",
+        "nape: black feathers with a slight tuft",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "marsh antwren": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: thin, long, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with soft white spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white streaks on dark gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray plumage with lighter highlights",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, long, and black",
+        "wings: dark gray with faint white bars and edges",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with thin white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine white striations"
+    ],
+    "marsh babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender and curved",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: paler brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender and light brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker markings",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "throat: light buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "marsh grassbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish with pale edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish, and graduated with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "marsh owl": [
+        "back: light brown with dark speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with sparse brown spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker streaks",
+        "crown: mottled brown and buff",
+        "forehead: pale cream with light brown marks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long and feathered, pale yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: brown with pale bands and dark tips",
+        "nape: mottled brown with cream-colored highlights",
+        "tail: long, brown with pale bands and dark bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "marsh sandpiper": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with pale feather edges",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight with dark grey color",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: white with faint grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown and streaked",
+        "forehead: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and bright yellow-green",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown and streaked",
+        "tail: white and slightly forked with grayish-brown outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "marsh seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: dull gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wingbars and dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with olive-brown outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "marsh tapaculo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: buffy-white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with blurry streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown with blackish bands",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and bright",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray with long toes",
+        "wings: brownish with rufous edging",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "tail: rufous with dark bars, fairly long",
+        "throat: pale, cinnamon-colored with irregular markings"
+    ],
+    "marsh tchagra": [
+        "back: brownish-red plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with some dark streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with a noticeable crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: rich brown with black feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, in line with the crown coloring",
+        "tail: long, brown, and broad with distinct black barring",
+        "throat: creamy white, transitioning into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "marsh tit": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey underparts",
+        "breast: light grey with a subtle buff tint",
+        "crown: dark blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: matte black patch",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white edges",
+        "nape: blackish-grey with dark stripes",
+        "tail: medium-length, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: black extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "marsh warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with distinct streaks",
+        "forehead: pale, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, notched at the tip",
+        "throat: pale buff, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "marsh widowbird": [
+        "back: glossy black with elongated feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, dark grey in color",
+        "belly: black with a hint of dark iridescent blue",
+        "breast: black with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: black feathers with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black with a slight peak",
+        "eyes: dark in color, encircled by inconspicuous grey feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark grey to black in color",
+        "wings: black with large white patches near the tips",
+        "nape: black transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and dramatic, black with distinctive white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with a slight shine"
+    ],
+    "martens warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: gray with black markings",
+        "forehead: light gray with few flecks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: olive and black with white markings",
+        "nape: gray and smooth",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "martial eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with light streaks",
+        "beak: large, powerful, hooked and light grey",
+        "belly: white and fluffy with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: white feathers with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: dark brown plumage merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils, intense gaze",
+        "legs: feathered, powerful, light grey talons",
+        "wings: majestic, broad, dark brown with white patches beneath",
+        "nape: dark brown plumage connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: long, barred with horizontal light and dark grey bands",
+        "throat: white, feathers merging with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "martinique oriole": [
+        "back: black feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow blending with black on the sides",
+        "crown: solid black with a greenish luster",
+        "forehead: black, seamlessly connecting with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin black eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with a hint of green, white bars on secondaries",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: black and elongated with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "marvelous spatuletail": [
+        "back: shimmering green iridescence",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and black",
+        "belly: snowy white plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise hue",
+        "crown: glossy green feathers",
+        "forehead: shining emerald metallic hues",
+        "eyes: piercing dark orbs",
+        "legs: short, strong, and black",
+        "wings: swift, sapphire-blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: gleaming green feathers",
+        "tail: resplendent lavender-blue spatule-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: smooth iridescent green"
+    ],
+    "masafuera rayadito": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, dark beak",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker streaking",
+        "forehead: buff to brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, relatively large",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle stripes",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white to buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "masatierra petrel": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with streamlined shape",
+        "beak: slender, dark hooked tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: off-white underside with soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers, rounded shape",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised for a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, wide-set in a gentle gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black with strong webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, dark gray with curved edges for gliding",
+        "nape: curved dark gray area connecting head and back",
+        "tail: forked, dark gray feathers for added maneuverability",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, smoothly merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "mascarene martin": [
+        "back: dark blue sheen with bronze-green iridescence",
+        "beak: short, black, sharp",
+        "belly: off-white, slightly greyish",
+        "breast: pale grey, diffused streaks",
+        "crown: deep blue-black, glossy",
+        "forehead: black with subtle blue sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: blackish, slender, fairly short",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark blue-black",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: dark blue-black, slightly forked, elongated",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "mascarene paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated black bill",
+        "belly: creamy white underbelly",
+        "breast: light chestnut-orange plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: round, alert eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, grey legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent turquoise feathers with extended black flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep black collar contrasting with colorful feathers",
+        "tail: striking black streamers extending beyond body length",
+        "throat: delicate white patch of feathers"
+    ],
+    "mascarene petrel": [
+        "back: dark gray with white flecks",
+        "beak: long, slender hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: white and gray mix",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white fading to darker gray",
+        "eyes: deep black with white ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, dark gray with white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-white, slightly darker than forehead",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with central white band",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "mascarene swiftlet": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey with small white markings",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: light grey with soft white feather patches",
+        "breast: greyish-brown, with subtle white markings",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: muted dark grey merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by a narrow, white ring",
+        "legs: short and slender, with dark scales and black claws",
+        "wings: long and narrow, dark brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "nape: greyish-brown blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: square-shaped with dark grey feathers, and white tips",
+        "throat: soft light grey, with faint white feathering"
+    ],
+    "masked antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin, long, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with some lighter streaks",
+        "nape: similar to the back, olive-brown",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-brown",
+        "throat: buff-white with a black \"mask"
+    ],
+    "masked apalis": [
+        "back: olive green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, straight, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black and yellow stripes",
+        "forehead: distinct black mask",
+        "eyes: dark with thin yellow eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey",
+        "wings: olive green with bold yellow bars",
+        "nape: olive green with yellow markings",
+        "tail: elongated, graduated, olive feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "masked bowerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with tinges of brown",
+        "beak: long, black, and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: glossy black with feathers raised in a crest",
+        "forehead: black with short, tight feathers",
+        "eyes: bright blue with a black mask",
+        "legs: dark gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edging on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "masked bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark gray",
+        "belly: whitish with streaks of brown",
+        "breast: pale blue with darker streaking",
+        "crown: deep blue with black mask",
+        "forehead: bright blue with black outline",
+        "eyes: small, black with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blue with black and white highlights",
+        "nape: brilliant blue blending down to green",
+        "tail: dark blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: sky blue with black border"
+    ],
+    "masked cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant red upper feathers",
+        "beak: thick, light-colored cone-shaped",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white under-feathers",
+        "breast: deep red plumage",
+        "crown: bold black mask-like stripe",
+        "forehead: red feathers meeting black mask",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: slender, gray and scaly",
+        "wings: mix of red and gray feathers",
+        "nape: intense red neckline feathers",
+        "tail: red and gray elongated feathers",
+        "throat: red feathers transitioning into gray"
+    ],
+    "masked crimson tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson hue",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright red-orange tone",
+        "breast: rich crimson color",
+        "crown: brilliant red plumage",
+        "forehead: fiery red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: slender, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: crimson with black edging",
+        "nape: intense red plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, red with black tips",
+        "throat: blazing red feathers"
+    ],
+    "masked duck": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint markings",
+        "breast: cinnamon brown with thin black bars",
+        "crown: dark brown fading into black",
+        "forehead: narrow black stripe from the beak to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and set on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: strong yet short, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with iridescent edges",
+        "nape: grey and blending into the brown of the back",
+        "tail: short and pointed, with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: light buff color with black speckling"
+    ],
+    "masked finfoot": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with some white streaks",
+        "beak: long, grayish-blue, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint black barring",
+        "breast: white with faint black barring",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray, crest-like",
+        "forehead: dark slate-gray, smooth",
+        "eyes: large, brown, expressive",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow, partially webbed",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white these streaks, rounded",
+        "nape: dark slate-gray, blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with some faint black barring"
+    ],
+    "masked flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: dark blue with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: black, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: pale gray-blue color",
+        "crown: deep matte black",
+        "forehead: black transitioning to blue toward the eyes",
+        "eyes: small with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: blue-gray with sharp, strong claws",
+        "wings: dark blue with apparent feathers",
+        "nape: midnight blue with a glossy shine",
+        "tail: long, slim, and blue-black",
+        "throat: black, fading to gray-blue on the sides"
+    ],
+    "masked fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: lighter green gradient",
+        "crown: dark green top, distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: rich green, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: strong, orange-yellow, scaly",
+        "wings: bright green, medium length, rounded tips",
+        "nape: greenish, hint of yellow",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green, slight forking",
+        "throat: green plumage, lighter than body"
+    ],
+    "masked gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: light grey-blue plumage",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: delicate white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey-blue shading",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: slight white streaks",
+        "eyes: large and black, surrounded by light grey-blue",
+        "legs: thin and dark grey",
+        "wings: light grey-blue with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: soft grey-blue hue",
+        "tail: long and dark grey with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey-blue with faint white stripes"
+    ],
+    "masked lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: whitish, slightly spotted",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: sandy-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with black bars",
+        "throat: whitish, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "masked laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: buff-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black bars",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: bold white and black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: black with white flecks",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "masked mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: orange-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: vivid blue feathers with black mask",
+        "forehead: striking black mask extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and strong",
+        "wings: mix of blue, green, and black feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue feathers transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long and blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow-orange color"
+    ],
+    "masked saltator": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, black",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathering",
+        "forehead: black with a thin white edge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and agile",
+        "wings: olive-green with white or yellowish bars",
+        "nape: olive-green merging with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black mask extending from beak"
+    ],
+    "masked shining parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a subtle shine",
+        "beak: short and hooked, bright orange-red",
+        "belly: rich lime green plumage transitioning into blue",
+        "breast: brilliant azure blue feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green with a slight mask-like pattern around the eyes",
+        "forehead: mixture of green and blue hues blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: intelligent, dark with an encircling, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-green with sharp, curved claws",
+        "wings: radiant green with striking blue highlights at the tips",
+        "nape: softly shiny green feathers connecting to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, vibrant green with lighter, yellow-green edging near the tips",
+        "throat: bold blue feathers with a purple-ish hue"
+    ],
+    "masked shrike": [
+        "back: shades of pale gray with black and white stripes",
+        "beak: black, hooked and sharp",
+        "belly: white with gray undertones",
+        "breast: white, blending into gray on sides",
+        "crown: black, extending down to nape",
+        "forehead: black with white stripe near eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black",
+        "wings: black with white patches and narrow bars",
+        "nape: black, continuous from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black mask"
+    ],
+    "masked tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a tinge of green",
+        "breast: bright yellow blending into green",
+        "crown: green feathers with a black mask",
+        "forehead: black mask extending over eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and protruding",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and powerful",
+        "wings: green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: green transitioning to a yellow collar",
+        "tail: long, green, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with black mask"
+    ],
+    "masked tityra": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-black plumage",
+        "beak: small, pale yellow with a hook",
+        "belly: white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: white, slightly puffed out",
+        "crown: black with a rounded crest",
+        "forehead: black, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-green in color",
+        "wings: grayish-black, broad feathers",
+        "nape: black, smoothly transition from the crown",
+        "tail: long, grayish-black with a slight taper",
+        "throat: white, slightly elongated feathers"
+    ],
+    "masked trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright red (male) or yellow (female",
+        "breast: separated from the belly by a white band (male) or grayish-brown (female",
+        "crown: glossy green, with a smooth transition into the forehead",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green, fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a vivid yellow eyering",
+        "legs: thin and strong, light orange or pink",
+        "wings: medium-sized and green, with black and white bars on the primary feathers",
+        "nape: green, seamlessly connecting with the back",
+        "tail: long and iridescent green, with black and white tips",
+        "throat: black (male) or grayish-brown (female"
+    ],
+    "masked water tyrant": [
+        "back: light greyish feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with some grey",
+        "breast: white blending with grey",
+        "crown: slightly puffy, black",
+        "forehead: black mask-like marking",
+        "eyes: small, black, and sharp",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: greyish-white with black edges",
+        "nape: light grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and narrow, grey with black markings",
+        "throat: white extending to belly"
+    ],
+    "masked woodswallow": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white, blending into gray",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with black mask",
+        "forehead: black mask extending tightly above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, small, black pupils",
+        "legs: short, dark gray, thin",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, elongated, pointed tips",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, smoothly rounded",
+        "tail: long, black, white tips, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, separating mask and breast"
+    ],
+    "masked yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and dark",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with a hint of olive-green",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black mask border",
+        "forehead: part of the black mask between eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and light brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to bright yellow",
+        "tail: relatively short, with olive-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, part of the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "matinan flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, black and hooked",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow to grayish-white",
+        "crown: vibrant blue with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright blue with black border",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "nape: blue with black markings",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a subtle blue tint",
+        "throat: light gray with darker gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "mato grosso antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small and pointy, black in color",
+        "belly: pale brown with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers, with a black cap in some species",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown, merging into the face",
+        "eyes: dark black, medium-sized, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale grey with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: dark brown, medium-length, and rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and straight, dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: light brown, sometimes with a hint of reddish hue"
+    ],
+    "matsudaira storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark, blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and thin",
+        "belly: white patch with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-black and white mixed feathers",
+        "crown: dark, blue-grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey with a white dividing line",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-grayish, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, elongated with white bar",
+        "nape: blue-grey with white streaking",
+        "tail: white-tipped, dark forked feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting on the breast"
+    ],
+    "maui alauahio": [
+        "back: olive green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: straight, slightly curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with some streaking",
+        "breast: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive green with slight streaking",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green fading to olive",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive green with white bars",
+        "nape: olive green with light streaks",
+        "tail: olive green with white tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "maui parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: yellowish-white undertones",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with white eye rings",
+        "legs: pale grey and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with lighter feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and olive-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "mauritius bulbul": [
+        "back: grayish-brown hue with light feather streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender and curved",
+        "belly: pale white with a tinge of yellow",
+        "breast: off-white in color with subtle gray patches",
+        "crown: blackish with slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: blackish in color",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with a white-tipped primary feather",
+        "nape: grayish hue with feather streaks",
+        "tail: long, layered feathers with a white-tipped outer edge",
+        "throat: pale white-colored with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "mauritius cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: slate gray and smooth",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: light gray and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, slate gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: slate gray with white markings",
+        "nape: smooth, dark gray",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with streaks"
+    ],
+    "mauritius fody": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, grayish-black tip",
+        "belly: light gray to white",
+        "breast: bright red on males, pale gray on females",
+        "crown: bright red on males, olive-green on females",
+        "forehead: bright red on males, olive-green on females",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: olive-green with black tips",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers on males, pale gray on females",
+        "tail: long, black with olive-green edges",
+        "throat: bright red on males, pale gray on females"
+    ],
+    "mauritius gray white eye": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly decurved",
+        "belly: pale gray with white under-tail coverts",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers transitioning to pale gray",
+        "crown: darker gray with slight feather crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: prominent white eye-ring around dark eyes",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown feathers with faint white edging",
+        "nape: gray feathers continuing from crown and back",
+        "tail: short and rounded, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "mauritius kestrel": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black beak",
+        "belly: pale cream with brown spots",
+        "breast: light orange-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with small, black markings",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with yellow-orange eye ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow-orange legs with powerful talons",
+        "wings: brown with black barring, pointed shape",
+        "nape: rusty brown with small, black streaks",
+        "tail: brown, barred with black bands, rounded shape",
+        "throat: white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "mauritius white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white underside",
+        "breast: light grey feathers tapering to white",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white markings above the eyes",
+        "eyes: distinctive white eye-ring surrounding the eye",
+        "legs: slim grey legs with black claws",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with lighter highlights",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked olive-green tail",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "maxwell black weaver": [
+        "back: black iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: deep black feathers",
+        "breast: black and glossy plumage",
+        "crown: jet black with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slim and dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent black, medium-sized",
+        "nape: black feathers, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, sleek black feathers",
+        "throat: glistening black plumage"
+    ],
+    "mayan antthrush": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with slight rufous tint",
+        "beak: delicate, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: cinnamon-colored feathering",
+        "breast: pale rusty orange plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathering with little crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender pinkish-grey legs",
+        "wings: dark brownish-grey with fine barring",
+        "nape: rich rufous coloration with narrow grey lines",
+        "tail: long, horizontal low profile; brownish-grey with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale rusty orange with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "mayotte drongo": [
+        "back: dark, glossy feathers with a slight bluish sheen",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: light gray with a bluish tinge",
+        "crown: slightly raised but smooth, dark feathers",
+        "forehead: a continuation of the dark crown feathers, blending into the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed with a reflective, iridescent blue-black color",
+        "nape: dark, smooth feathers connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: long and forked, with a distinctive black-and-blue iridescence",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into the light breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "mayotte scops owl": [
+        "back: light brown with dark brown and white markings",
+        "beak: pale yellowish with a sharp hooked tip",
+        "belly: yellowish-brown spotted with dark brown",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: orange-brown with dark brown and white speckles",
+        "forehead: light orange-brown with fine dark brown markings",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered and light brown, with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: light brown with darker brown markings and white spots",
+        "nape: orange-brown with dark brown and white speckles",
+        "tail: brown with white and dark brown barring",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "mayotte sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slender, long, curved and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white with yellowish hue",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with a hint of orange",
+        "crown: metallic green, shimmering",
+        "forehead: glistening green-blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of metallic green",
+        "nape: smooth metallic green transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: dark and elongated with two central feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green-blue, shimmering in sunlight"
+    ],
+    "mayotte white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green colored feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with white undertones",
+        "breast: light greyish-green hue",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: white stripe separating crown and beak",
+        "eyes: encircled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender yet sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive green with a faded yellowish tint",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers fading into grey",
+        "tail: greenish-grey with slightly forked end",
+        "throat: faint grey feathers with white undertones"
+    ],
+    "mayr swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-colored feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: grayish-white to pale cream feathers",
+        "breast: light, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, smooth cap-like feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown, small feathers",
+        "eyes: tiny, dark, and round",
+        "legs: dark, short, with tiny claws",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and dark-feathered",
+        "nape: pale brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, dark-feathered",
+        "throat: grayish-white, slightly darker than the belly"
+    ],
+    "mbulu white eye": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow chest",
+        "crown: olive green crest",
+        "forehead: distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: dark round eyes",
+        "legs: slender gray legs",
+        "wings: olive green with pale-yellow edges",
+        "nape: green with a tinge of yellow",
+        "tail: olive green central feathers, outer ones edged in white",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "mcconnell flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and triangular",
+        "belly: pale yellow with some light streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-yellow with thin, darker streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with a darker center stripe",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brownish-gray with bold, white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a bluish-gray tint",
+        "tail: dark gray with outer feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "mcconnell spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white with faint barring",
+        "crown: rufous with a black crest",
+        "forehead: narrow black band above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with rufous tinge",
+        "tail: long, slender, and dark brown with a white tip",
+        "throat: faintly barred greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "mcgregor cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers with a slightly darker shade",
+        "beak: short and strong, blackish in color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with a clean appearance",
+        "breast: light gray, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing dark eyes with a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark gray, and slender",
+        "wings: slate gray with a small band of white on the primaries",
+        "nape: slightly lighter gray than the back and crown, creating a subtle contrast",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light gray, transitioning smoothly to the breast"
+    ],
+    "meadow bunting": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black",
+        "beak: short, conical, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-red with black markings",
+        "crown: chestnut-red with black edges",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and reddish-brown sections",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "meadow pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slender, dark brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white, with subtle streaking",
+        "breast: buff, streaked with darker brown",
+        "crown: brownish with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: pale buff, unpatterned",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown, with white-edged primaries",
+        "nape: olive-brown, with fine streaking",
+        "tail: brown, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff, unpatterned"
+    ],
+    "mealy parrot": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers with a mealy texture",
+        "beak: grey-black, strong and hooked",
+        "belly: pale green with scattered blue feathers",
+        "breast: soft green with mealy patterns",
+        "crown: green-blue, subtly darker than back",
+        "forehead: green, lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: small with white eye-ring, dark brown irises",
+        "legs: grey and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vibrant green-blue with tinges of yellow and red",
+        "nape: green, slightly paler than back",
+        "tail: long and tapered, turquoise and dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow with mealy, faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "mediterranean gull": [
+        "back: sleek light gray plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy red-orange colored",
+        "belly: pristine white feathers",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with a velvety texture",
+        "forehead: white with a subtle transition to the black crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: vibrant red-orange and medium length",
+        "wings: light gray with white tips and black accents at the tip of primaries",
+        "nape: seamless transition from black crown to light gray back",
+        "tail: white with a thin black band at the edge",
+        "throat: white and flat"
+    ],
+    "mediterranean short toed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of white",
+        "beak: small, cone-shaped and pale brown",
+        "belly: creamy white fading to pale brown",
+        "breast: delicately streaked pale brown",
+        "crown: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale whitish-yellow with narrow streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a thin white eyebrow-like stripe",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with a white-edged panel",
+        "nape: pale brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped with dark brown outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft white merging into the cream-colored belly"
+    ],
+    "medium ground finch": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: light cream or white feathers",
+        "breast: light cream or white feathers with brown speckles",
+        "crown: black or dark brown plumage",
+        "forehead: black or dark brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, scaly, with strong claws",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with black markings",
+        "nape: brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark feathers",
+        "throat: light cream or white feathers with slight brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "medium tree finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, blunt, and black",
+        "belly: pale, off-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-olive plumage",
+        "forehead: narrow white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with some white bars",
+        "nape: brownish-olive plumage",
+        "tail: olive-brown feathers with a tapered shape",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with a touch of brown"
+    ],
+    "meek lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp orange tip",
+        "belly: soft, pale blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent purple sheen",
+        "forehead: rich violet hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round and curious",
+        "legs: slim, sturdy, and grey",
+        "wings: vivid green with a blue edge",
+        "nape: striking purple-blue gradient",
+        "tail: long, green, and pointed feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling yellow, merging into blue"
+    ],
+    "meek pygmy parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light green plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with darker shades",
+        "forehead: subtle green tint",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short grayish-brown with scaled texture",
+        "wings: compact, green with tinges of blue",
+        "nape: delicate green gradient",
+        "tail: short, green with yellow tips",
+        "throat: soft yellow-green coloration"
+    ],
+    "mees nightjar": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and well-camouflaged",
+        "legs: short with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "wings: mottled gray and brown, long and narrow",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white outer feathers and dark bands",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "mekong wagtail": [
+        "back: bluish-grey with gentle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short and slender, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white and clean",
+        "breast: light grey with white undertones",
+        "crown: dark grey with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: dark grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, brown with white eyerings",
+        "legs: orange-yellow, slim, and agile",
+        "wings: bluish-grey, with white edges and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuous grey from the crown",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light grey, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "melancholy woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark and mottled feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray or cream",
+        "breast: spotted and streaked black-and-white",
+        "crown: rich red or deep crimson",
+        "forehead: white with black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark beady gaze",
+        "legs: short and strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black and white checkered pattern",
+        "nape: white, extending from the neck to the crown",
+        "tail: black, sturdy, woodpecker-like",
+        "throat: soft white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "melanesian flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark blue plumage",
+        "beak: short and sturdy black bill",
+        "belly: lighter blue feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue with a hint of iridescence",
+        "forehead: bright blue with occasional black markings",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slim black legs with delicate claws",
+        "wings: long, tapered, vivid blue with black trim",
+        "nape: dark blue, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped, blue with black-edged feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant blue with smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "melanesian kingfisher": [
+        "back: bright blue feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: large, reddish-orange, and robust",
+        "belly: white and smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white with bluish tinge",
+        "crown: bright blue plumage, may extend to forehead",
+        "forehead: sometimes bright blue as crown, otherwise white",
+        "eyes: dark with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short and stocky, reddish-orange color",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with black markings, broad and strong",
+        "nape: bright blue, occasionally mixed with black markings",
+        "tail: bluish-black in color, medium length and broad",
+        "throat: white, meeting the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "melanesian megapode": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale color",
+        "belly: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: dark gray plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small and dark, whitish eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and stout, pale gray",
+        "wings: brown, rounded, with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-black feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and rounded",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "meller duck": [
+        "back: smooth feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: wide, flat and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: beige-brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light brown feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, orange, and webbed",
+        "wings: brown and beige feathers with iridescent patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to beige-brown"
+    ],
+    "melodious blackbird": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, ebony",
+        "belly: deep black plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, black crest",
+        "forehead: flat and smooth black",
+        "eyes: alert, dark orbs",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: wide-spread, iridescent black",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, black neckline",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth black, melodious singer"
+    ],
+    "melodious warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, light pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: light creamy-yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-cream with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with conspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with paler edges",
+        "throat: pale creamy-yellow"
+    ],
+    "menetries warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slim, and sharp, grayish-black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint dark streaks",
+        "breast: light orange-yellow with some dark markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with a thin white outline",
+        "forehead: light gray with a black border",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue hue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edges and dark streaks",
+        "nape: light gray with a faint dark outline",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white edges and dark streaks",
+        "throat: bright white with a black border"
+    ],
+    "mentawai scops owl": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish-black streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with black spots",
+        "forehead: pale grey-brown with black markings",
+        "eyes: intense yellow with dark outlines",
+        "legs: feathered with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and buff spots",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with horizontal cream-colored bands",
+        "throat: pale grey-brown with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "meratus blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with contrasting black edges",
+        "beak: small, black, and sharp for catching insects",
+        "belly: white to pale blue feather transitions",
+        "breast: white with light blue tint, offering camouflage",
+        "crown: bright blue top with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: deep blue extends from the beak to the crown",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by blue plumage",
+        "legs: thin and dark, with sharp talons for perching",
+        "wings: blue feathers with black outline for powerful flight",
+        "nape: blue feathers that blend into the back's coloration",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with sleek black bands for stability",
+        "throat: white to light blue, allowing for easier adaptation"
+    ],
+    "meratus white eye": [
+        "back: sleek feathers with greenish tinge",
+        "beak: small, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: light greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green with slight blue hue",
+        "forehead: bright lime-green cap",
+        "eyes: large, white-ringed, dark brown color",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-blue, slightly pointed tips",
+        "nape: transition from green-blue crown to lighter back",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: off-white to pale grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "merida flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, black with hooked tip",
+        "belly: yellowish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: solid black, sleek in appearance",
+        "forehead: black extending into a mask around the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish, slender, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, with dark primaries",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive, blending with back",
+        "tail: olive-green, forked and relatively short",
+        "throat: white with a black crescent-shaped patch"
+    ],
+    "merida starfrontlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: moss green feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent emerald green",
+        "crown: radiant violet-blue crest",
+        "forehead: metallic green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: thin and black, with powerful feet",
+        "wings: mixture of green and blue, magnificent in flight",
+        "nape: shiny bluish-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering violet-blue color"
+    ],
+    "merida sunangel": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: shimmering iridescent orange",
+        "crown: bright green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round black eyes",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey",
+        "wings: long, greenish-blue feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: metallic green feathers",
+        "tail: deep blue with white spots and black borders",
+        "throat: brilliant iridescent flame-colored patch"
+    ],
+    "merida tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout bill",
+        "belly: paler grey hue",
+        "breast: deep grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey, rounded",
+        "forehead: lighter grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black gaze",
+        "legs: strong, feathered",
+        "wings: dark grey, rounded",
+        "nape: slightly paler grey",
+        "tail: short, squared-off",
+        "throat: grey, lightly feathered"
+    ],
+    "merida wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: golden-orange hue, stippled with brown",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with fine dark lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, brownish-pink",
+        "wings: warm brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with subtle markings",
+        "tail: long and brown, with distinct barring",
+        "throat: white with light brown mottling"
+    ],
+    "metallic pigeon": [
+        "back: shimmering steel feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, silver tip",
+        "belly: gleaming aluminum underside",
+        "breast: radiant metallic chest",
+        "crown: polished chrome crest",
+        "forehead: glossy titanium slope",
+        "eyes: bright, reflective orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy iron limbs",
+        "wings: magnificent, metal-plumed span",
+        "nape: sparkling nickel neck",
+        "tail: radiant metallic fan",
+        "throat: lustrous metallic curve"
+    ],
+    "metallic starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue sheen",
+        "beak: pointed, silver-black",
+        "belly: glistening blue-black",
+        "breast: shimmering steel-blue",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue",
+        "forehead: reflective, blue-green sheen",
+        "eyes: orange-red, piercing",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: sleek, metallic feathers",
+        "nape: smooth, glossy blue-black",
+        "tail: long, shining blue",
+        "throat: dark, glimmering blue"
+    ],
+    "metallic green tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green coloration",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black",
+        "belly: iridescent green hue",
+        "breast: shimmering green feathers",
+        "crown: bright metallic green",
+        "forehead: lustrous green shade",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: eye-catching green with glint",
+        "nape: shining green curve",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming green plumage"
+    ],
+    "metallic winged sunbird": [
+        "back: shimmering green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: iridescent yellow and green feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant, metallic green plumage",
+        "crown: gleaming emerald green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant metallic green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, twig-like, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: rounded and metallic with shades of green and blue",
+        "nape: radiant green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated and forked, with iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright, metallic green and golden-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "meves starling": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and slender",
+        "belly: glossy purple-blue hue",
+        "breast: bright metallic blue-green",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: shining metallic blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black",
+        "legs: dark gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: deep blue with green sheen, pointed tips",
+        "nape: radiant blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with a slight fork",
+        "throat: vibrant purple-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "mexican chickadee": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray hue",
+        "crown: black and rounded",
+        "forehead: black patch",
+        "eyes: dark, small, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: dark gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, edged in white",
+        "nape: black stripe extending from crown",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with blackish sides"
+    ],
+    "mexican duck": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with visible barring",
+        "beak: dark gray with slightly downward curve",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-brown coloration",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle speckling",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers fading into gray",
+        "forehead: lighter brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: orange-toned webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with blue-green speculum",
+        "nape: slightly darker brown than crown",
+        "tail: grayish-brown feathers with black markings",
+        "throat: pale brown with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "mexican hermit": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, long and curved",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, and forked",
+        "throat: light gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "mexican parrotlet": [
+        "1. back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "2. beak: small, sharp, and hooked",
+        "3. belly: light green with a hint of blue",
+        "4. breast: bright green and smooth feathers",
+        "5. crown: brilliant green crest",
+        "6. forehead: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "7. eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "8. legs: short and gray with strong toes",
+        "9. wings: green-blue with darker edges",
+        "10. nape: vivid green blending into a blue hue",
+        "11. tail: long and tapered with blue-green feathers",
+        "12. throat: light green with a touch of yellow"
+    ],
+    "mexican sheartail": [
+        "back: iridescent green with a bronze tint",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender black",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of green",
+        "breast: grayish-white with green feather edges",
+        "crown: bright green with a coppery sheen",
+        "forehead: emerald green, glittery appearance",
+        "eyes: dark black with grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy black",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black with a pointed shape",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark black with white outer feathers (in males",
+        "throat: iridescent violet-blue in males, grayish-white in females"
+    ],
+    "mexican violetear": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-green plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: shiny green with a violet tint",
+        "forehead: bright violet-blue marking",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with a hint of violet",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers",
+        "tail: greenish-blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: sparkling violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "mexican whip poor will": [
+        "back: dark brown, mottled",
+        "beak: thin, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff, streaked with brown",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, spotted with white",
+        "crown: dark brown with buff-colored pattern",
+        "forehead: light buff, speckled with brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short, feathered, light brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown, barred with white",
+        "nape: dark brown with buff-colored markings",
+        "tail: long, brown, barred with white and buff",
+        "throat: pale buff, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "mexican woodnymph": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-green feathers",
+        "breast: bright green with a touch of blue",
+        "crown: shiny green with a blue tint",
+        "forehead: iridescent green",
+        "eyes: small and dark-colored",
+        "legs: grayish-pink and short",
+        "wings: bright green on inner feathers, darker green on outer feathers",
+        "nape: rich iridescent green merging into the crown",
+        "tail: central feathers green, outer feathers white with green tips",
+        "throat: brilliant violet-blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "meyer friarbird": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks of lighter brown",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with faded brown streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with thin brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight tuft",
+        "forehead: dark brown, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round, surrounded by a thin white line",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-brown, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: layered brown feathers with hints of white",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "meyer goshawk": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: whitish with fine gray barring",
+        "breast: light gray, sometimes with flecks of white",
+        "crown: dark gray with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than the crown, blending into the eye area",
+        "eyes: deep red-orange with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish with long, slender talons",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, gray-brown with dark tips",
+        "nape: light gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, gray with dark bands and a white tip",
+        "throat: whitish, leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "meyer parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale green with blueish tinge",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: deep green with touches of blue",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow patches",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue and yellow accents, stunning in flight",
+        "nape: emerald green, smooth and sleek",
+        "tail: long and blue-green, showing yellow when fanned",
+        "throat: light green, merging seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "micronesian imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: metallic green sheen",
+        "beak: short and powerful, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: creamy white feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-white, slightly elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth white plumage",
+        "eyes: deep red to orange, encircled by a thin black line",
+        "legs: red, sturdy with strong claws",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, metallic green feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-white, subtly blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and white, slight green iridescence",
+        "throat: white plumage with a soft texture"
+    ],
+    "micronesian megapode": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: stout, short, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: muted gray-brown feathers",
+        "crown: black with dark brown streaks",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark brown with barred pattern",
+        "throat: grayish-brown feathers with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "micronesian myzomela": [
+        "back: olive-green to dark-brown",
+        "beak: thin and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light-grey or off-white",
+        "breast: crimson red in males, light grey or off-white in females",
+        "crown: dark-grey or olive-green",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange in males, dark-grey or olive-green in females",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark-grey to black",
+        "wings: dark-brown to olive-green",
+        "nape: olive-green to dark-brown",
+        "tail: dark-brown to olive-green",
+        "throat: reddish-orange in males, light grey or off-white in females"
+    ],
+    "micronesian starling": [
+        "back: shades of iridescent blue-green",
+        "beak: straight, black, and slightly curved at tip",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle bluish tinge",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray than belly",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green, similar to back",
+        "forehead: same iridescent color as crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of crown's iridescent color",
+        "tail: long, iridescent blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: lighter gray than breast, bordering on white"
+    ],
+    "mid mountain berrypecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, and curved black beak",
+        "belly: light pastel green feathers",
+        "breast: pale green chest plumage",
+        "crown: bright green, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers meeting beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown legs",
+        "wings: rich green with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant green connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: neatly-pointed, green-tipped tail feathers",
+        "throat: soft green with subtle yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "middendorff grasshopper warbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey striped pattern",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown continuing from crown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "middle american leaftosser": [
+        "back: olive-brown color, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with subtle barring",
+        "breast: warm buffy brown",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown, hint of greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker primaries",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to brown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint rufous edging",
+        "throat: pale buffy brown with indistinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "middle american screech owl": [
+        "back: brown or gray with streaks and speckles",
+        "beak: hooked and small, yellowish or gray",
+        "belly: light with brown markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: rounded with uneven light and dark feather patterns",
+        "forehead: light and streaked with dark brown",
+        "eyes: large and yellow with thick feathered circles",
+        "legs: feathered with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: mottled with brown, gray, and white bars",
+        "nape: speckled with light and dark feathers",
+        "tail: banded with light and dark stripes",
+        "throat: light gray with thin, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "middle spotted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: short, chisel-like, grayish",
+        "belly: creamy white with red hues",
+        "breast: light gray with dark spots",
+        "crown: black and white spotted, red crest",
+        "forehead: white with black marks",
+        "eyes: surrounded by black streaks",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: black, white speckles, patches of brown",
+        "nape: black with white speckles",
+        "tail: black, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "midget flowerpecker": [
+        "back: petite, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with streaks of green",
+        "breast: yellowish with greenish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green, round shape",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: tiny, dark grey, and slender",
+        "wings: rounded, with olive-green feathers and prominent white markings",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with a small crest",
+        "tail: short and slightly spatulate, with green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with green streaks"
+    ],
+    "mikado pheasant": [
+        "back: vibrant deep blue with green iridescence",
+        "beak: short, strong, and grayish",
+        "belly: rich chestnut color with scaled patterns",
+        "breast: deep purple-blue with green shimmer",
+        "crown: blue-green iridescent with bushy crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant red facial wattles",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, and surrounded by red wattles",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish, and feathered",
+        "wings: bold white and black stripes with blue-green iridescence",
+        "nape: blue-green sheen with cascading crest feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with vibrant white stripes and curved feathers",
+        "throat: chestnut color with delicate scaled patterns"
+    ],
+    "milky stork": [
+        "back: white plumage with slight gray streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: mostly white feathers with occasional grayish speckling",
+        "breast: clean white plumage with a smooth texture",
+        "crown: flat, wide, with black feathers and a small backward-facing crest",
+        "forehead: white and smooth, seamlessly blending into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark, surrounded by black feathered patches",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and black, ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, white, and oval-shaped with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: white with a gradual transition to black crown feathers",
+        "tail: short, slightly fanned, featuring white feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, and smoothly connecting to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "millerbird": [
+        "back: light brown, streaked with white markings",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: deep brown, contrasts with the forehead",
+        "forehead: buffy white, sharply demarcated from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown, well adapted for perching",
+        "wings: brown with white and black bands, well-suited for short flights",
+        "nape: light brown, white streaks continuing from the back",
+        "tail: brown with white outer tips, slightly forked",
+        "throat: buffy white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "mimic honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: light gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray to black",
+        "eyes: black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: dark gray feathers, white-tipped",
+        "nape: gray-black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, white-tipped",
+        "throat: light gray-white, black streaks"
+    ],
+    "minahasa masked owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and yellowish-black",
+        "belly: light brown with vertical dark streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with contrasting light brown feathers",
+        "forehead: speckled light brown with dark markings",
+        "eyes: large, bright, and yellow-orange",
+        "legs: feathered with light brown and dark barring",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter markings and rufous-brown edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with light-edged feathers",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with blackish-brown bands",
+        "throat: light brown with vertical dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "minas gerais tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with paler streaks",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with streaks of gray",
+        "breast: olive-green with speckled gray",
+        "crown: dull gray with black eyestripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray with short feathery crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint gray streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-green with darker edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to yellow on belly"
+    ],
+    "mindanao bleeding heart": [
+        "back: vibrant green with orange hues",
+        "beak: short, curved, cream-colored",
+        "belly: light grey with dark grey streaks",
+        "breast: rich rusty red with white spots",
+        "crown: glossy olive-green",
+        "forehead: same as crown, glossy olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round and beady",
+        "legs: moderately long, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: mottled brown and black feathers",
+        "nape: glossy olive-green with rusty red tones",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white bands",
+        "throat: light grey blending into rusty red breast"
+    ],
+    "mindanao blue fantail": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: petite and black, suited for insect-catching",
+        "belly: light, creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: striking blue feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: bright blue plumage with a notable crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue with a touch of black creating a brow-like feature",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by soft blue feathers",
+        "legs: slim and dark gray, blending into their natural habitat",
+        "wings: stunning blue with black streaks, great for quick movements",
+        "nape: rich blue with subtle black markings",
+        "tail: elongated and fan-like, featuring bold blue feathers and black bands",
+        "throat: smooth, light blue that contrasts with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "mindanao boobook": [
+        "back: brown plumage with a streaked pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark in color",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brown bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white barring",
+        "throat: off-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "mindanao brown dove": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, light gray color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: warm chestnut-brown, smooth texture",
+        "crown: dark brown with hints of iridescence",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown, small feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: mottled brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich brown with fine feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown, slightly lighter than belly"
+    ],
+    "mindanao hornbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white and cream plumage",
+        "breast: black and white banding",
+        "crown: black with subtle green sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers with green iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green and black feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: black feathers with green sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with black banding"
+    ],
+    "mindanao jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: rust-colored feathers",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with rust-colored streaks"
+    ],
+    "mindanao lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light green with yellowish tones",
+        "breast: brilliant green feathers",
+        "crown: red with violet-blue streaks",
+        "forehead: bright red plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye rings",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: green with red streaks",
+        "tail: long, green with blue undertones",
+        "throat: green with yellowish tinge"
+    ],
+    "mindanao plumed warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and curved",
+        "belly: light-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: pale-yellow, streaked plumage",
+        "crown: beige feathers with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale-yellow with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish-brown tips",
+        "nape: greenish-olive with streaks running downward",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale-yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mindanao pygmy babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: short and slender, blackish hue",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white with minimal markings",
+        "crown: ruddy-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: subtly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, encircled by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, olive-brown hues",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mindanao racquet tail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, short, white beak",
+        "belly: pale green underbelly",
+        "breast: yellowish-green breast feathers",
+        "crown: slight crest of green feathers",
+        "forehead: green feathers meeting beak smoothly",
+        "eyes: small black eyes with white eyelids",
+        "legs: gray, short, strong legs",
+        "wings: bright green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: rich green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long tail with unique racquet-shaped end feathers",
+        "throat: green feathers with slight yellow tint"
+    ],
+    "mindanao scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: mottled brown and buffy white",
+        "breast: buff to brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with distinct white spots",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: mottled brown and gray with black barring",
+        "nape: brown, streaked with white and black markings",
+        "tail: long, brown, and barred with white streaks",
+        "throat: whitish with brown mottling and streaks"
+    ],
+    "mindanao white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale wheat-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: creamy white feathers",
+        "crown: slate-grey coloring",
+        "forehead: off-white marking",
+        "eyes: distinctive white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long, slender grey limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey-feathered neck",
+        "tail: slightly forked with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: white-patched plumage"
+    ],
+    "mindoro bleeding heart": [
+        "back: deep olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, light grey color",
+        "belly: vibrant orange to scarlet hue",
+        "breast: rich crimson blending into white",
+        "crown: blueish-grey with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: blueish-grey and greenish feathers",
+        "eyes: ringed with a subtle purple shade",
+        "legs: long, strong, and purplish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of blue and maroon",
+        "nape: blend of greenish and blueish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: blue-green feathers with lighter tips",
+        "throat: white with a slight bluish tinge"
+    ],
+    "mindoro boobook": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown barring",
+        "breast: white with dense brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with buff streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with faint white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with buff streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white bars and rounded tips",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "mindoro bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: creamy-white hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white color",
+        "crown: dark-crested, blackish",
+        "forehead: black, leading into crest",
+        "eyes: small, red-encircled, dark",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: broad, olive-green, primary feathers dark-tipped",
+        "nape: olive-green, black crest",
+        "tail: slightly curved, dark-tipped",
+        "throat: light gray, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "mindoro hornbill": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow",
+        "belly: light-colored plumage",
+        "breast: white to pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: black crest on head",
+        "forehead: greenish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark in color",
+        "legs: grayish-black, sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, dark green with white edging",
+        "nape: greenish-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "mindoro imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: grayish-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and white-tipped",
+        "belly: creamy-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray head crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a bluish-gray eyering",
+        "legs: short and reddish in color",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, and gray-toned",
+        "nape: slate gray with a brownish wash",
+        "tail: medium-length, gray with slightly darker tips",
+        "throat: faintly streaked gray and white"
+    ],
+    "mindoro racquet tail": [
+        "back: vibrant green coloration",
+        "beak: small and dark",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow hue",
+        "breast: soft lime green",
+        "crown: emerald green tone",
+        "forehead: bright green shades",
+        "eyes: black and round",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: vivid green with some blue tinge",
+        "nape: shining green with blue highlights",
+        "tail: elongated shafts ending in racket-like formations",
+        "throat: light green touch"
+    ],
+    "mindoro scops owl": [
+        "back: dark brown, finely streaked",
+        "beak: short, sharply hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: off-white, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, feathered",
+        "forehead: light brown, small feathers",
+        "eyes: large, distinct, bright yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown",
+        "wings: broad, barred with brown and white",
+        "nape: dark brown, light streaks",
+        "tail: relatively short, rounded, brown, with faint barring",
+        "throat: whitish, subtle brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "minute hermit": [
+        "back: olive green, slender body",
+        "beak: long, thin, curved",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white, feathered chest",
+        "crown: dark green, small head feathers",
+        "forehead: white markings, sometimes faint",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: dainty, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with pale spots",
+        "nape: green, smooth feather coverage",
+        "tail: white-tipped, narrow feathers",
+        "throat: white, fluffy plumage"
+    ],
+    "miombo barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, black curved beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: deep red-orange and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green and red striped pattern",
+        "forehead: red-orange patch at the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: green feathers with white and black streaks",
+        "nape: green feathers with red markings",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "miombo rock thrush": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with faint darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: pale gray",
+        "breast: gray with a blue tinge",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black wing-bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long and dark gray",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "miombo scrub robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, black, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with blackish-grey spots",
+        "breast: light, reddish-brown with slight speckles",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint pattern",
+        "forehead: rich chestnut-tinged brown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and thin, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with hints of rufous, black spots on feathers",
+        "nape: uniformly olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, brown with black bands",
+        "throat: pale grey-white with some spotting"
+    ],
+    "miombo tit": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale gray tinges",
+        "breast: cream-colored, blending to whitish-gray",
+        "crown: grayish-black with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: black, bordered by small white markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, bead-like with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, long, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: black with white patches near the tips",
+        "nape: light olive-green with subtle black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with pale gray shading"
+    ],
+    "miombo wren warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed and black",
+        "belly: pale cream with brown markings",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: darker brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, brownish, with thin barring",
+        "throat: light cream, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "mishana tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle grayish marking",
+        "breast: pale olive-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish with prominent black eye-line",
+        "forehead: grayish, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyerings",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mishmi wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with gray and brown undertones",
+        "breast: white with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown and slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: buff with distinct dark markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: short, rounded with olive-brown and darker shades",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with noticeable barring",
+        "throat: white with buff-colored shading"
+    ],
+    "mistle thrush": [
+        "back: pale, grayish-brown feathers with subtle striping",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved; brownish-black color",
+        "belly: creamy white with irregular dark spots and lines",
+        "breast: off-white with distinct dark brown spots",
+        "crown: light grayish-brown with streaks of darker brown",
+        "forehead: similar to crown; light grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: round, black pupil encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender and relatively long; dull pinkish-brown in color",
+        "wings: light, grayish-brown with dark barring and a white wingbar",
+        "nape: pale grayish-brown with darker streaks and mottling",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped; feathers have dark brown bars and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with light spotting or streaking of brown"
+    ],
+    "mistletoe tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale grayish color",
+        "belly: light, pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: whitish with soft olive markings",
+        "crown: olive-green with pale eye-ring",
+        "forehead: light grayish-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring surrounding",
+        "legs: medium-length, pale gray-blue color",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white-wing bars",
+        "nape: matching olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasting with breast markings"
+    ],
+    "mistletoebird": [
+        "back: dark blue with a slight shimmer",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: striking bright red",
+        "breast: intense red coloration",
+        "crown: dark, glossy blue",
+        "forehead: deep blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and grey",
+        "wings: dark, iridescent blue",
+        "nape: velvety blue-black hue",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark blue",
+        "throat: rich red plumage"
+    ],
+    "mitred parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, bright orange",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow hue",
+        "breast: vivid green feathers",
+        "crown: deep red and green mix",
+        "forehead: red-orange patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish with scaly texture",
+        "wings: green with bluish tinge",
+        "nape: green blending into red",
+        "tail: long, tapering, blue-green",
+        "throat: green, sometimes with hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "mocking cliff chat": [
+        "back: dark ash-gray coat",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: pale off-white underbelly",
+        "breast: light grayish-white breast",
+        "crown: blackish-feathered crest",
+        "forehead: dusky, dark gray feathering",
+        "eyes: piercing, beady black eyes",
+        "legs: short, strong black legs",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, black-tipped gray tail",
+        "throat: light gray throat feathers"
+    ],
+    "modest tiger parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, hooked, and light-colored",
+        "belly: light green with faint yellow tinges",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "crown: emerald green with spots of blue",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: black, bright, and bead-like",
+        "legs: slim, grey, and scaly with strong talons",
+        "wings: long, bright green with blue streaks and yellow tips",
+        "nape: distinct change from green crown to orange neck feathers",
+        "tail: lengthy, green with yellow-blue edges, fanning outwards",
+        "throat: soft yellow merging with the breast region"
+    ],
+    "moheli brush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff color with fine markings",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark-colored with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and delicate",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown and moderately long",
+        "throat: pale buff with soft streaks"
+    ],
+    "moheli bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight shimmer",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow, blending into belly",
+        "crown: black with greenish-blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: small, black feathers meet the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: black with slight iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: long, greenish-black, broad inner feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "moheli scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with black streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark gray with white speckles",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than the crown, with white speckles",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange with dark eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered, yellow, and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with prominent black barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: medium length with dark banding",
+        "throat: off-white with light black barring"
+    ],
+    "moheli white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy light white",
+        "breast: white blending with green",
+        "crown: olive green with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "eyes: striking white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, light grey legs",
+        "wings: green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow transitioning to back",
+        "tail: green feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: soft white feathers"
+    ],
+    "moltoni warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale and buff-toned",
+        "breast: light gray with streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish",
+        "wings: dark brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray-toned with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with distinct white outer edges",
+        "throat: white and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "moluccan cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly darker from the wings",
+        "beak: stout, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, matching the back",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a blackish edge",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with slight black banding",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine, darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "moluccan drongo cuckoo": [
+        "back: deep grey feathers with slight metallic sheen",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy white fading to pale grey",
+        "breast: grey blending to white towards the bottom",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: striking red with black pupils",
+        "legs: black and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: sleek grey feathers with white edging",
+        "nape: continuous grey color from the crown to back",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "moluccan dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: bright reddish-orange feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-orange plumage",
+        "breast: vivid orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue and purple feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and yellowish",
+        "wings: blue and purple feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: vibrant blue and purple plumage",
+        "tail: short, blue, and fan-shaped with black bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow-orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "moluccan flycatcher": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown color; smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black; hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale whitish hue; soft, delicate feathers",
+        "breast: rusty orange; fluffy, dense feathers",
+        "crown: deep red color; crest of sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: bright white patch; short, blunt feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black; surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: slender gray-blue; strong, unfeathered",
+        "wings: reddish-brown; long, slightly pointed; white band",
+        "nape: dark chestnut; lies between crown and back",
+        "tail: reddish-brown; long, distinct forked shape",
+        "throat: creamy white; delicate feathered neck"
+    ],
+    "moluccan goshawk": [
+        "back: slate gray with thin white bars",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked tip",
+        "belly: light gray with faint white bars",
+        "breast: pale gray with horizontal white barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: intense yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long, pale yellow with strong talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark gray with white bars on the underside",
+        "nape: slate gray with thin white striping",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint white barring"
+    ],
+    "moluccan hanging parrot": [
+        "back: bright green feathers covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, curved, grey colored beak",
+        "belly: light green plumage on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: green feathers on the upper chest area",
+        "crown: orange-red feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant red feathers extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round eyes surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: short, grey legs with gripping claws for perching",
+        "wings: bright green feathers with hints of red and blue",
+        "nape: green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short tail with red and blue tipped feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-green feathers leading down from the beak"
+    ],
+    "moluccan king parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large orange-red curved beak",
+        "belly: light greenish-blue coloration",
+        "breast: vivid red plumage",
+        "crown: red feathers extending to neck",
+        "forehead: bright red with slight green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with strong feet and sharp claws",
+        "wings: mixture of green, blue, and red feathers",
+        "nape: red with transition to green along the back",
+        "tail: long, green with blue feather tips",
+        "throat: red with green feathers on sides"
+    ],
+    "moluccan megapode": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with a pattern",
+        "beak: robust, short, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brown feathers with black barring",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, fading to lighter shades downwards",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers blending into the nape",
+        "forehead: lighter brown feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and slightly recessed",
+        "legs: long, grey, powerful limbs with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown with black and white speckles, rounded shape",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, wide, fan-shaped with dark brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: paler than the breast, light brown with black barring"
+    ],
+    "moluccan owlet nightjar": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with blackish markings",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: buffy with brownish bars",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "crown: mottled brown and buffy",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, framed by white patches",
+        "legs: feathered, pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with blackish markings and white patches",
+        "nape: mottled brown and buffy-gray",
+        "tail: long, brownish with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with indistinct blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "moluccan scops owl": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: buff-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale, buff-white with darker markings",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with small black markings",
+        "forehead: lighter tawny-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, off-white with black spots",
+        "wings: mottled brown and buff with faint barring",
+        "nape: tawny-brown with black streaks and feather tufts",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale with thin, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "moluccan starling": [
+        "back: sleek, light brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, dark in color, slightly curved",
+        "belly: fluffy, light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: soft, mix of white and light brown feathers",
+        "crown: smooth feathers, slightly darker shade of brown",
+        "forehead: light brown, feathers blend with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, keen gaze",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: long and narrow, brownish color with white tips",
+        "nape: lighter shade of brown, contrasts with back",
+        "tail: long, slender, dark-tipped brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter, off-white feathers, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "moluccan woodcock": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender in a grayish-brown color",
+        "belly: light brown with some dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale reddish-brown with darker speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown with darker speckles",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with shades of pink and gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black speckles and white tips on some feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, reddish-brown with black speckles",
+        "throat: pale reddish-brown with small darker speckles"
+    ],
+    "mombasa woodpecker": [
+        "back: striking black and white bars",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: vivid red feathers",
+        "forehead: white plumage with fine black bars",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: black with white patches and spots",
+        "nape: barred black and white feathers",
+        "tail: stiff, black feathers with white bars",
+        "throat: white feathers with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "mongolian accentor": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and dark",
+        "belly: pale-streaked grayish-brown",
+        "breast: pale gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown fading to pale",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transitioning to rusty-brown",
+        "tail: long and brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mongolian finch": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and conical, pale pink",
+        "belly: creamy white underbelly",
+        "breast: light beige feathers",
+        "crown: distinct brown and white streaks",
+        "forehead: white feathers with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks, tapering tips",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: soft white feathers"
+    ],
+    "mongolian ground jay": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray with black streaks",
+        "eyes: black and round, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, sturdy and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white tips",
+        "nape: gray with a black streak",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with white tip",
+        "throat: white and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "mongolian lark": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff with light striations"
+    ],
+    "mongolian short toed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with darker streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-grey, smooth",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with dark streaks, rounded tips",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks, connects to crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale brownish-grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "monotonous lark": [
+        "back: soft, subtle brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, pale in color",
+        "belly: light beige with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff colored, understated hues",
+        "crown: subdued brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, twig-like, pale brown",
+        "wings: elongated, brown with hints of white",
+        "nape: smooth, brown, flowing to back",
+        "tail: brown, slightly forked with white edges",
+        "throat: faintly streaked, pale, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "montagu harrier": [
+        "back: pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with grey patches",
+        "crown: pale grey with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: yellow with dark pupil",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow",
+        "wings: long, pointed, pale grey with dark tips",
+        "nape: pale grey, merging into back",
+        "tail: grey with black bands and white tip",
+        "throat: white with light grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "montane blue swallow": [
+        "back: deep blue upper body with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: small, black, and slender for catching insects",
+        "belly: light blue shading to white near the vent",
+        "breast: bright blue, gently blends into the belly",
+        "crown: glossy blue head feathers, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown with deep blue iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by blue facial plumage",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with gray-black scaly texture",
+        "wings: iridescent deep blue with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue with a metallic sheen, continues from the crown",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, vivid blue with contrasting white tips",
+        "throat: light blue, merging softly into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "montane double collared sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: slender and elongated curved bill",
+        "belly: white to pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant metallic-blue or purple color",
+        "crown: glistening green with violet reflection",
+        "forehead: bright metallic-blue or purple patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: blackish, short, and strong",
+        "wings: dark and rounded, covered in iridescent feathers",
+        "nape: shining green, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, edged with purple or blue",
+        "throat: brilliant metallic-blue or purple band across neck"
+    ],
+    "montane foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers blending into the forest",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and curved for foraging",
+        "belly: pale grey for subtle camouflage",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks for chest support",
+        "crown: uncrested, covered in russet-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, transition from crown to eyes",
+        "eyes: alert and curious, black beads",
+        "legs: long, strong, and scaled for gripping branches",
+        "wings: broad and olive-brown for quick glides",
+        "nape: rich rufous for attractive plumage",
+        "tail: slim, olive-brown, ending in rounded, dark tips",
+        "throat: light grey-brown, complementing the belly"
+    ],
+    "montane forest screech owl": [
+        "back: camouflaged brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: pale with dark markings",
+        "breast: streaked with brown and white",
+        "crown: rounded with dark spots",
+        "forehead: light colored with brown markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: short and feathered",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white spots",
+        "nape: brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: striped with dark bands",
+        "throat: light with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "montane nightjar": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with brown spots",
+        "breast: warm brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: short and feathered, gray-brown",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brown with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: finely barred brown and white, with broad white spots",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "montane woodcreeper": [
+        "back: rich brown with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine lines",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with bold barring",
+        "nape: lighter brown with delicate streaks",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and brownish-black with narrow bands",
+        "throat: pale off-white with very light streaks"
+    ],
+    "monte yellow finch": [
+        "back: golden-olive hue",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow shade",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: orange-yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-greenish tint",
+        "tail: black with white patches",
+        "throat: golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "monteiro bushshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight brownish tinge",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: bold black streaks on white background",
+        "crown: light gray, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers and white wing bars",
+        "nape: light gray, continuation of crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "monteiro hornbill": [
+        "back: dark plumage with glossy shades",
+        "beak: long, curved yellow with black accents",
+        "belly: white or light gray feathers",
+        "breast: white or light gray plumage",
+        "crown: solid black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with reddish facial skin",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by red orbital skin",
+        "legs: dark gray to black, scaly",
+        "wings: long, strong with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: black with subtle green iridescence",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: red facial skin accented with white or light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "monteiro storm petrel": [
+        "back: slate gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, needle-like, black in color",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with gray edges",
+        "crown: black to dark gray",
+        "forehead: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and dark, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and slender, black with white markings",
+        "nape: gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked, black feathers",
+        "throat: white and clean"
+    ],
+    "montezuma oropendola": [
+        "back: golden-brown to chestnut hue",
+        "beak: long, pointed, yellow-orange tip",
+        "belly: bright yellow and rich brown feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, contrasts with darker feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: bare, bright blue, waxy skin patch",
+        "eyes: dark, small, intent gaze",
+        "legs: solid, grey-black, strong",
+        "wings: golden-brown and chestnut with distinctive flight feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black and glossy",
+        "tail: long, pendulous, dark feathers with a hanging curl",
+        "throat: bright yellow, expansive and vivid"
+    ],
+    "montezuma quail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with intricate white markings",
+        "beak: short, dark, and stout",
+        "belly: rufous with bold white spots",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with broad white bars",
+        "crown: rufous with black and white speckles",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: feathered with long, strong toes",
+        "wings: rounded, with alternating brown, black, and white bands",
+        "nape: chestnut with thick white streaks",
+        "tail: short, with dark brown and white bars",
+        "throat: white and black, forming a striped pattern"
+    ],
+    "montserrat oriole": [
+        "back: black feathers with olive tinge",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: white to yellowish-white",
+        "breast: white with black side streaks",
+        "crown: black, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, black eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, strong",
+        "wings: black feathers, olive-green secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black, olive-green tinge",
+        "tail: long, black, greenish undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white, black-bordered"
+    ],
+    "moorland chat": [
+        "back: brownish-black with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, and curved downwards",
+        "belly: soft light grey or cream tone",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, strong, and dark grey to black",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: brown to match the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brownish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "moorland francolin": [
+        "back: spotted brown and black pattern",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish color",
+        "belly: white with black spotted patterns",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyelid edges",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, reddish-brown color",
+        "wings: brown and black streaks with white spots",
+        "nape: mottled brown and black, blending with back",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with black barring and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "moreau sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: white to light yellow soft feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering orange to purple plumage",
+        "crown: bright glossy-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent metallic blue shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with black edges",
+        "nape: transitioning green-blue gradient",
+        "tail: elongated, dark forked central feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red with purplish tinge"
+    ],
+    "morelet seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: olive-yellow chest",
+        "crown: plain olive-green head",
+        "forehead: unmarked, olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dull pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green, no markings",
+        "tail: short, rounded, olive-green",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "morepork": [
+        "back: dark brown with prominent white spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with a distinct pattern",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: strikingly large, yellow, and glowing",
+        "legs: feathered, long, and strong",
+        "wings: broad and rounded with dark brown patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown with contrasting white spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: light brown with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "morningbird": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy for capturing insects",
+        "belly: soft, light underside",
+        "breast: rounded, puffed chest area",
+        "crown: slight crest on top of head",
+        "forehead: smooth, usually lighter in color",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, and intelligent",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and adapted for perching",
+        "wings: elongated, swift for rapid flight",
+        "nape: where neck and head meet, often different coloration",
+        "tail: long and thin, for steering and balance",
+        "throat: often features distinguishing markings or colors"
+    ],
+    "morotai friarbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: long and hooked, dark grey color",
+        "belly: pale grey with soft streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with a faint olive tint",
+        "crown: dark grey with a raised crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by light grey feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and relatively long, dark grey color",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker tips on the feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey blending into the back's color",
+        "tail: long and broad, olive-brown with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "morrison fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, dark gray color",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown underparts",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with faint crest",
+        "forehead: light gray to white coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, slender legs",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, matches the back",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "moseley rockhopper penguin": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, orange",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: plump, white plumage",
+        "crown: striking, yellow crest",
+        "forehead: dark blue feathers, meeting crest",
+        "eyes: round, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: short, strong, orange",
+        "wings: elongated flippers, dark-blue",
+        "nape: dark-blue feathers, continuing from back",
+        "tail: short, stiff, dark-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, blending to breast"
+    ],
+    "mosque swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white color",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green",
+        "forehead: smooth, light-colored",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, agile",
+        "wings: long, pointed, swift",
+        "nape: shiny, iridescent blue-green",
+        "tail: forked, elongated, streamer-like",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "moss backed sparrow": [
+        "back: mossy green feathered exterior",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and brownish",
+        "belly: cream-colored with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light beige with spotted patterns",
+        "crown: greenish-brown fading to grey",
+        "forehead: smooth grey transition",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim and brown, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mossy green with streaks of brown",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with a collar-like appearance",
+        "tail: long and narrow with green and brown feathers",
+        "throat: soft beige, curving towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "moss backed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green moss-like feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp black cone",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: deep-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: forest green fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender greyish-blue with strong grip",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: intense green fading into the back",
+        "tail: elongated and forked, shining blue-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the green neck"
+    ],
+    "mossy nest swiftlet": [
+        "back: mossy green feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointy",
+        "belly: light cream coloring",
+        "breast: slightly puffed, off-white",
+        "crown: forest green with subtle patterns",
+        "forehead: gradual blend of green and cream",
+        "eyes: black beady eyes",
+        "legs: thin and light grey",
+        "wings: elongated green feathers with sharp edges",
+        "nape: subtle transition from green to cream",
+        "tail: short, mossy-tinged fan",
+        "throat: off-white blending into the belly"
+    ],
+    "mottle backed elaenia": [
+        "back: mottled olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-green with subtle mottling",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint crest",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: mottled olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint tinge",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "mottle cheeked tyrannulet": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, streaked with black",
+        "beak: small, slender, dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white, slightly streaked",
+        "breast: buff-yellow, faintly streaked",
+        "crown: olive-grey with small crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey, minimal markings",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark",
+        "legs: short, strong, greyish",
+        "wings: dark, decorated with two whitish wing bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: longish, dark, with off-white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, with mottled dark markings"
+    ],
+    "mottled berryhunter": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, dark grey curved beak",
+        "belly: soft white with faint grey barring",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark grey mottling",
+        "crown: olive-green, subtly streaked",
+        "forehead: light grey with olive tinged",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark grey legs and feet",
+        "wings: greenish-grey with faint dark barring",
+        "nape: olive-green, streaked with fine lines",
+        "tail: olive-grey, faintly barred and tapered",
+        "throat: light grey with subtle dark barring"
+    ],
+    "mottled flowerpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale and slightly speckled",
+        "breast: slightly darker and more speckled than belly",
+        "crown: brownish-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light greenish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with slight barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: similar to crown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and squared, with greenish-brown feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: pale with a hint of speckling"
+    ],
+    "mottled honeyeater": [
+        "back: patterned gray and brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with a faint pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: blended mix of brown and gray",
+        "eyes: sharp and inquisitive",
+        "legs: strong and thin, pale brown",
+        "wings: gray-brown with subtle mottled pattern",
+        "nape: light brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, gray-brown feathers",
+        "throat: soft cream with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "mottled munia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-blue",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with small brown spots",
+        "breast: cream-colored with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to lighter shades",
+        "forehead: dark brown with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches and fine streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black-tinged feathers",
+        "tail: short, black with subtle white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with light speckling"
+    ],
+    "mottled owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, grayish-black hooked beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white with streaks of brown",
+        "breast: predominantly rusty-brown with white bars",
+        "crown: dark-streaked and spotted feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine mottling",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, with dark, sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white and black spots, rounded tips",
+        "nape: mottled brown with hints of white",
+        "tail: long, brown, banded with lighter streaks",
+        "throat: white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "mottled petrel": [
+        "back: mottled grey-brown with white markings",
+        "beak: pointed, dark-grey, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with scattered dark mottled spots",
+        "breast: white with grey-brown speckles and streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown with a white eyestripe",
+        "forehead: mottled grey-brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: black with a prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: short, dark grey-brown, and feathered",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and grey-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: mottled grey-brown with a white collar",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, grey-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with light grey-brown mottling"
+    ],
+    "mottled piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine white speckles",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow with brownish spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-yellow with brown flecks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, encircled with white rings",
+        "legs: short and pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks and spots",
+        "nape: olive green with lighter speckling",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown with white spots",
+        "throat: soft white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "mottled spinetail": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: light gray with speckled markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with mottled feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: light brown with mottled pattern",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: short, gray, scaly",
+        "wings: brown with light mottling and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: brown with white mottled markings",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped, with mottled brown feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "mottled swift": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with faint spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown with a mottled pattern",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: short and thin with black talons",
+        "wings: long and slender with mottled gray-brown feathers",
+        "nape: gray feathers, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, and gray-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "mottled wood owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with white speckling",
+        "beak: sharp, black curved hook",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark gray spots",
+        "breast: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: speckled white and gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with orange-tinged rims",
+        "legs: feathered, strong, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: broad, brownish-gray with fine white mottling",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, speckled with white stripes",
+        "tail: brown with faint white bands and bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white with grayish-brown mottling"
+    ],
+    "mount kupe bushshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: striking golden-yellow",
+        "crown: deep green and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: green and unmarked",
+        "eyes: large and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and gray",
+        "wings: vivid green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green with black markings",
+        "tail: long and tipped with white",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mount victoria babax": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: rufous coloration",
+        "crown: grayish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown",
+        "eyes: black, beady",
+        "legs: long, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, streaked",
+        "nape: yellowish-brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray",
+        "throat: rufous-brown, streaked"
+    ],
+    "mountain avocetbill": [
+        "back: sleek and brownish-black",
+        "beak: long, slender, and upturned",
+        "belly: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray and smooth",
+        "crown: black with gray edges",
+        "forehead: white with fine black markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and light gray",
+        "wings: black with white patch in the middle",
+        "nape: gray with slight black streaking",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "mountain bamboo partridge": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black and white feather markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish",
+        "belly: gray with orange-rust streaks and white bars",
+        "breast: pale gray with black and white feather tips",
+        "crown: bluish-gray feathers with a rusty nape line",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray and slightly feathered",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered, gray in color, with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with reddish-brown and white feather patterns",
+        "nape: rusty color with white streaks and black feather markings",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with reddish-brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white with black bordered feathers"
+    ],
+    "mountain barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: yellow and stout",
+        "belly: mixture of green and yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light green, blending with yellow",
+        "crown: reddish-orange patch",
+        "forehead: slightly smaller reddish-orange patch",
+        "eyes: black with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: blue-gray and strong",
+        "wings: green with flight feathers tipped in blue",
+        "nape: green with slight yellow undertones",
+        "tail: green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow to contrast green plumage"
+    ],
+    "mountain black eye": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light grey with black streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black ring",
+        "legs: grey and sturdy, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark olive-green and elongated",
+        "nape: black transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: long and dark with white fringes",
+        "throat: greyish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "mountain bulbul": [
+        "back: greenish-olive with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and powerful, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with black streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale greyish eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-olive, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and pointed, olive-green with blackish tips",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "mountain buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with light streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, greyish-black",
+        "belly: white with dark brownish-grey spots",
+        "breast: cream-colored with dark brownish-grey streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish, strong, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, brownish-grey with white underparts",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with dark bands across feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "mountain cacique": [
+        "back: shiny black feathers with iridescent green and blue sheen",
+        "beak: straight, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: smooth dark feathers with slight green sheen",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage with hints of iridescence",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, black eyes with a white ocular ring",
+        "legs: strong, black legs with well-defined talons",
+        "wings: long, glossy black with blue and green iridescence",
+        "nape: smooth and black, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, jet black feathers with iridescent green highlights",
+        "throat: black and glossy, leading to breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "mountain caracara": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: black, powerful hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with brownish-black bands",
+        "breast: white with brown spots",
+        "crown: black with a white band at the back",
+        "forehead: black with a white streak near the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, and scaled",
+        "wings: black with white patches and streaks",
+        "nape: black with a white band at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: long and black with white barring",
+        "throat: white with sparse brown spots"
+    ],
+    "mountain chiffchaff": [
+        "back: olive-green, narrow streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white, slightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale yellow, indistinct streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, smooth",
+        "forehead: olive-green, narrow streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish or yellowish, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, edged with pale buff, prominent wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, narrow streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, edged with pale buff, slightly forked",
+        "throat: off-white, mottled slightly with olive-green"
+    ],
+    "mountain elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light olive-green coloring",
+        "crown: grayish crown with a white central stripe",
+        "forehead: white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green covering",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "mountain firetail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: vibrant scarlet patch",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white spots",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black with white markings",
+        "tail: long, dark, white-tipped",
+        "throat: black with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "mountain fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and greyish-blue",
+        "belly: dull white plumage with pale grey undertones",
+        "breast: light grey feathers transitioning from the throat",
+        "crown: dark grey with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark in color",
+        "legs: slender, featherless, and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars in the flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuing from the back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers with a slight notch at the tip",
+        "throat: pale grey, fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "mountain grackle": [
+        "back: glossy green-black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black, conical shape",
+        "belly: iridescent purple-black hue",
+        "breast: deep violet-black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black with green sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black-green transitioning",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black bird legs",
+        "wings: black feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: striking black-green gradient",
+        "tail: long, forked black feathers",
+        "throat: dark black-purple hue"
+    ],
+    "mountain gray woodpecker": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with distinct vertical streaks",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, and dark in color",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: cream-colored with vertical black lines",
+        "crown: red with a black border",
+        "forehead: white and black markings",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by white",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with noticeable white spots",
+        "nape: white with black markings",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "mountain hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: large, dark, and sharply hooked",
+        "belly: white with variable black streaks",
+        "breast: white to pale brown, streaked with black",
+        "crown: dark brown, distinct crest",
+        "forehead: flattened, pale brown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or yellow-orange",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, and rounded, brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black barring, white patches near the tips",
+        "throat: white or pale brown, streaked with black"
+    ],
+    "mountain honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green hue",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: contrasting gray-white color",
+        "breast: pale white with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with a grey stripe",
+        "forehead: rich orange-yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and black",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green base with a distinct yellow stripe",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with green edges",
+        "throat: white with subtle yellow markings"
+    ],
+    "mountain illadopsis": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: pale buff",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with bold white spots",
+        "nape: brownish-grey",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly pointed",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "mountain imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey feathers with streaks of silvery highlights",
+        "beak: short, stout, and whitish-grey",
+        "belly: pale bluish-grey with a slight sheen",
+        "breast: pale mauve-grey with a hint of pink",
+        "crown: dark bluish-grey feathers, blending to silvery on the forehead",
+        "forehead: smooth, silvery-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded eyes with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, with blue-grey plumage",
+        "nape: dark bluish-grey feathers, blending to a lighter silver-grey",
+        "tail: relatively long and blue-grey, with darker tips and central feathers",
+        "throat: pale, pearly-grey with a sheen"
+    ],
+    "mountain kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: deep blue with green shimmer",
+        "eyes: black and piercing",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: striking blue with white markings",
+        "nape: blue-green iridescent plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: fiery orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "mountain leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with short feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale yellow for camouflage",
+        "breast: light-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green and smooth",
+        "forehead: brighter green for visibility",
+        "eyes: round and black for clear vision",
+        "legs: slender and beige for tree-perching",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white bars for agile flight",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with white tips for maneuverability",
+        "throat: pale yellow for a contrasting pattern"
+    ],
+    "mountain mouse warbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, small feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: cream-colored, fluffy",
+        "breast: light brown, speckled",
+        "crown: streaked brown, prominent",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, thin feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown, barred with white",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, blending with back",
+        "tail: long, brown, slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly lighter than belly"
+    ],
+    "mountain owlet nightjar": [
+        "back: feathered with mottled brown and gray patterns",
+        "beak: small, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: soft, buff-colored with gray and brown markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker gray streaks and spots",
+        "crown: blended brown-gray with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a wide-open appearance",
+        "legs: short, feathered to the toes, pale brownish-gray",
+        "wings: long, rounded with brown and gray patterns",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown with lighter gray streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown-gray with pale bars and a slightly rounded tip",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "mountain parakeet": [
+        "back: vivid green and elongated feathers",
+        "beak: curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale green with lighter feather tips",
+        "breast: bright green with a yellowish tinge",
+        "crown: turquoise blue with slight feather crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with smooth scales",
+        "wings: green with light blue tips on flight feathers",
+        "nape: turquoise transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, slender and green with blue tips",
+        "throat: pale green with blue tint"
+    ],
+    "mountain peacock pheasant": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue iridescence",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: metallic green and blue feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering blue-green plumage",
+        "crown: spiky dark crest feathers",
+        "forehead: red facial skin, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with red rings",
+        "legs: strong, gray scaly",
+        "wings: mottled green, blue, and black feathers with eye detailing",
+        "nape: metallic blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, barred black and white feathers, curved tips",
+        "throat: dark black feathers, red bare skin"
+    ],
+    "mountain peltops": [
+        "back: dark gray with streaks of white",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white",
+        "breast: gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending into the black crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: slim, black, with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: long and dark gray, white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray with narrow white streaks",
+        "tail: black, slightly fan-shaped, with white edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "mountain pipit": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white",
+        "breast: lightly streaked, buff-colored",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light grey-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with lighter edging on feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-grey, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white"
+    ],
+    "mountain robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black or grey",
+        "belly: creamy white or orange-feathered",
+        "breast: prominent orange-red patch",
+        "crown: brownish-grey or olive-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: crisp white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, slate grey or black",
+        "wings: olive-brown feathers with white edging",
+        "nape: greyish-brown or olive-brown coloring",
+        "tail: long, graduated, olive-brown and white-tipped",
+        "throat: pale grey or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "mountain sawwing": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and black, adept for catching insects",
+        "belly: light grey with soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: darker gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: thin and strong with dark grey, clawed feet",
+        "wings: long and pointed with well-defined feathers, dark grey",
+        "nape: delicately streaked with darker grey markings",
+        "tail: narrow and forked, dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "mountain scops owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: light gray, short, and sharply hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with dark speckles",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with dense barring",
+        "forehead: light gray with lighter mark in the center",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, light gray with dark speckles",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white-edged dark bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with darker bars",
+        "throat: light gray with light dark barring"
+    ],
+    "mountain serin": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle gray markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow fading to pale yellow",
+        "crown: yellow-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong and slender",
+        "wings: yellow-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark gray with a forked end",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow contrasting with the pale breast"
+    ],
+    "mountain serpent eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with horizontal dark bands",
+        "breast: white with vertical dark stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks of white",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow, thick-scaled, powerful",
+        "wings: large, expansive, brown with lighter-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, wide, brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with vertical dark striping"
+    ],
+    "mountain shrike": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked shape",
+        "belly: white, sometimes with light grey streaks",
+        "breast: white, with light grey streaks",
+        "crown: black with a distinctive white patch on the sides",
+        "forehead: black, fading to grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a black mask",
+        "legs: black, slender and delicate",
+        "wings: dark grey with white streaks and patches",
+        "nape: dark grey with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey with black tips and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "mountain sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: bright orange or yellow with a metallic sheen",
+        "breast: shiny metallic green or blue",
+        "crown: glossy, iridescent emerald or violet",
+        "forehead: brightly colored, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: thin, grayish, and suited for perching",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and greenish-purple",
+        "nape: smooth, radiant metallic hue",
+        "tail: elongated, with tapering feathers",
+        "throat: colorful and glossy, often violet or blue"
+    ],
+    "mountain swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek dark-colored feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black or grey",
+        "belly: light grey or white plumage",
+        "breast: soft grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathered head",
+        "forehead: small and narrow, dark",
+        "eyes: round and black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, black or grey",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, swift in flight",
+        "nape: dark, smooth feathered neck",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, dark",
+        "throat: greyish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "mountain tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with a bright orange central stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-colored, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a fine olive-green streaks"
+    ],
+    "mountain thornbill": [
+        "back: deep green with delicate streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale beige with horizontal stripes",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange with fine lines",
+        "crown: dark green with subtle white markings",
+        "forehead: mixture of bright blue and teal",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: layered, deep green feathers with bluish-black tips",
+        "nape: light green transitioning to deep green",
+        "tail: elongated with dark blue feathers and green markings",
+        "throat: pale yellow with thin black lines"
+    ],
+    "mountain thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: straight, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale white or cream with brownish speckles",
+        "breast: creamy white with black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with fine brown lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eyerings",
+        "legs: light grayish-brown with thin, sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter brown wingbars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with distinct white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips and edges",
+        "throat: crisp white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "mountain trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black color",
+        "belly: crimson red plumage",
+        "breast: bold yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep green cap-like plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green with thin white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, gray color",
+        "wings: green with black and white banding",
+        "nape: brilliant green down the neck",
+        "tail: iridescent green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with white stripe"
+    ],
+    "mountain velvetbreast": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: contrasting pale plumage",
+        "breast: deep emerald green",
+        "crown: iridescent green covering",
+        "forehead: brilliant green shine",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, charcoal-colored",
+        "wings: green with subtle hints of blue",
+        "nape: bright green plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, splayed feathers",
+        "throat: rich, velvety green"
+    ],
+    "mountain wagtail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, straight, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: off-white with spots and streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, black, expressive",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark feather tips",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, with outer tail feathers white-edged",
+        "throat: white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "mountain wheatear": [
+        "back: pale gray with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: clean white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with gray patches",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers",
+        "forehead: soft pale gray",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, black",
+        "wings: black with bold white pattern",
+        "nape: light gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: black feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with gray markings"
+    ],
+    "mountain wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with a few brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown, well-graded with back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly darker than wings, long and narrow",
+        "throat: white with gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "mountain yellow warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with slightly darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with thin, dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, blending with back",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by faint yellow eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers and white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with slight yellow edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "mourning collared dove": [
+        "back: soft, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black or grey, hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: light pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: bluish-grey smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth pale grey feathers",
+        "eyes: striking red or orange with dark pupils",
+        "legs: short, red-orange with strong claws",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: dark black half-collar",
+        "tail: long, tapering grey with white outer tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "mourning sierra finch": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: subtle pinkish tint",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: transition from grayish-brown to pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black limbs",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with lighter fringes on feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with distinctive tan edging",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: pale gray with a pinkish hue"
+    ],
+    "mourning wheatear": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage with black and white streaks",
+        "beak: straight, sharp, black, slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage with faint streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-brown feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray with a hint of white",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: black with white patches, medium-sized",
+        "nape: dark gray with black and white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray transitioning to white"
+    ],
+    "mouse brown sunbird": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy light brown",
+        "breast: warm, tawny-brown plumage",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with delicate streaks",
+        "forehead: golden-tinged light brown",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white accents",
+        "nape: smooth caramel-brown",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: golden/light brown with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "mouse colored antshrike": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale gray with lighter underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brownish tint",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray, smoothly merged with crown",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with bold white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuous with back",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "mouse colored penduline tit": [
+        "back: small and rounded, mouse-brown hue",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, blackish gray",
+        "belly: soft and pale buff, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: mouse-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: plain, mouse-brown with no markings",
+        "eyes: black, tiny, and bright",
+        "legs: slender and delicate, grayish brown",
+        "wings: brownish with pale buff edges",
+        "nape: plain, mouse-brown with no markings",
+        "tail: short and slightly rounded, brown with buff edges",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "mouse colored sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, downward-curved, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with gray edges",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-green",
+        "eyes: small and black with white rings",
+        "legs: short, thin, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with iridescent tips",
+        "nape: olive-green with iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, and forked",
+        "throat: vibrant orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "mouse colored tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark gray, lightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-yellow",
+        "wings: short and rounded, brownish-gray",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark, with pale barring",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "mouse colored thistletail": [
+        "back: mottled gray and brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: light gray with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, wispy, thistle-like, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "mouse gray flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale gray, soft",
+        "breast: light gray, smooth",
+        "crown: subtle gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: uniform gray, uncrested",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: compact, gray, agile",
+        "nape: gray, slender-necked",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, gray, barred",
+        "throat: pale gray, unblemished"
+    ],
+    "moussier redstart": [
+        "back: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sleek and black, pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey, nearly white",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-orange",
+        "crown: jet black with a white patch",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange, striking",
+        "eyes: black, round, alert",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black, partially tipped with white",
+        "throat: deep reddish-orange"
+    ],
+    "moustached antpitta": [
+        "back: dark grey with faint brown streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: light grey",
+        "breast: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: black, prominent, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-brown with black markings",
+        "nape: grey with slight brown tint",
+        "tail: short, rounded, olive-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: white with black moustache-like streaks"
+    ],
+    "moustached antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaking",
+        "breast: whitish with black streaking",
+        "crown: grayish-black with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white to black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white with black moustache-like markings"
+    ],
+    "moustached babbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: cream-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy beige with mottled brown markings",
+        "crown: black with rusty-brown streaks",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pale grey with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint streaking",
+        "nape: brownish-olive with streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with distinct black moustache-like markings"
+    ],
+    "moustached barbet": [
+        "back: green-feathered with a hint of blue",
+        "beak: slightly curved, ivory-yellow",
+        "belly: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: red patch on upper breast",
+        "crown: green and red feathers",
+        "forehead: short red stripe on green",
+        "eyes: dark with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: primarily green with blue edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with red streaks",
+        "tail: greenish-blue with black tips",
+        "throat: light green with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "moustached brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: relatively long, dark and conical",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with black moustache-like streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with bluish highlights",
+        "forehead: white crescent-shaped patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, strong, and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and square, dark olive-green with white sides",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "moustached flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: dark blue or black feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, black, curved tip",
+        "belly: light gray feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with small feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue streak",
+        "forehead: dark blue or black plumage",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: dark blue or black, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue or black plumage",
+        "tail: short, dark blue or black feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, may fade to white"
+    ],
+    "moustached grass warbler": [
+        "back: light olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pale with a dark tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive with subtle mustache-like markings",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with long, strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer feathers and rounded tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "moustached hawk cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: white with dark vertical streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with light barring",
+        "crown: smoky-gray with a fan-shaped crest",
+        "forehead: sleek gray with a slight bushy mustache",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and piercing, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: long, slender pale gray legs",
+        "wings: broad dark gray with white barring",
+        "nape: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray with white tipped feathers and black subterminal bands",
+        "throat: off-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "moustached laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish in color",
+        "belly: light greyish-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: dark grey, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: bright chestnut-colored atop the head",
+        "forehead: same chestnut-hue as the crown, continuing down to eye level",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like eyes surrounded by white streaks",
+        "legs: sturdy legs with dull pinkish-gray hues",
+        "wings: olive-brown with hints of chestnut, showing coverts and greater secondary coverts",
+        "nape: transition between chestnut crown and olive-brown back",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown, similar in color to the wings and back",
+        "throat: greyish-white with distinct black moustache-like whiskers extending from the beak"
+    ],
+    "moustached puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and blackish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark bars",
+        "breast: whitish with black stripes",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a striped pattern",
+        "forehead: whitish with a black border",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eye rings",
+        "legs: strong, grayish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a black malar stripe",
+        "tail: broad, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a black moustache stripe"
+    ],
+    "moustached tinkerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight golden sheen",
+        "beak: robust and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dull yellow with black and white spots and streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black central stripe",
+        "forehead: yellow with black feathers forming 'moustache",
+        "eyes: dark with pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, sturdy and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with golden-yellow highlights",
+        "nape: olive-green with a golden sheen",
+        "tail: olive-green with pale yellow tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "moustached treeswift": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light cream-colored plumage",
+        "breast: creamy white with a slight blush-pink hue",
+        "crown: gray-blue plumage with a thin white stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round, black eyes with white rings",
+        "legs: short, strong, feathered legs",
+        "wings: long, elongated, sharply pointed tips",
+        "nape: gray-blue feathers with a hint of white",
+        "tail: long, slender, forked with gray-blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage with a black moustache-like stripe"
+    ],
+    "moustached turca": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with noticeable streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with a white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and light brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with a black and white stripe pattern",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black moustache-like markings"
+    ],
+    "moustached warbler": [
+        "back: olive green with greyish hue",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: off-white with pale grey streaks",
+        "breast: light greyish-buff with streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint bars and buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: warm brown, blending into crown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white outer edges",
+        "throat: off-white, bordering the breast and moustache strip"
+    ],
+    "moustached woodcreeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with ochre streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff-colored with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint streak",
+        "forehead: buffy-white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, gray-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous bars",
+        "nape: buff-tinged olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, rigid, olive-brown with rufous bars",
+        "throat: buff with dark, brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "moustached wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with brownish-grey streaks",
+        "breast: white and streaked with brownish-grey",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: black, alert, with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, strong, greyish brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint streaks and dark tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with a hint of grey",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with some light bands",
+        "throat: white with brownish-grey spots"
+    ],
+    "mrs. gould sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, downward-curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow with iridescent sheen",
+        "breast: rich, metallic purple-blue",
+        "crown: brilliant blue-green with shimmering highlights",
+        "forehead: vivid red-orange tuft",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: thin, grayish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green, elongated",
+        "nape: radiant blue-green shimmer",
+        "tail: long, colorful, with iridescent blue feathers",
+        "throat: shining purple-blue with metallic luster"
+    ],
+    "mrs. moreau warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and predominantly black",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow with slight streaking",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks on sides",
+        "crown: bold black patch on top of head",
+        "forehead: brilliant yellow blending into black crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: mix of black and yellow feathers with white wing bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-green fading into black crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "mugimaki flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright orange-red patch",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, matching back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "muisca antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, yellow-blackish",
+        "belly: yellowish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded, and notched",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, and rounded",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "mulga parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and grey",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with rich blue patches",
+        "breast: light green blending to yellow",
+        "crown: emerald green with a blue hue",
+        "forehead: bright green with hints of blue",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle white ring",
+        "legs: grey and sturdy, with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: green with a blue undertone",
+        "tail: long and colorful, with blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow with blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "multicolored tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of blue and green",
+        "beak: small and sharp, dark color",
+        "belly: bright yellow with hints of orange",
+        "breast: rich orange, merging into the yellow belly",
+        "crown: iridescent turquoise and purple",
+        "forehead: emerald and sapphire hues",
+        "eyes: bold black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black colored",
+        "wings: mix of blue, green, and black feathers",
+        "nape: dazzling royal blue",
+        "tail: long and black with blue and green highlights",
+        "throat: shimmering green, leading to the orange breast"
+    ],
+    "munchique wood wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with small dark spots",
+        "breast: greyish-white with sparse brown streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: faded brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: medium-sized and black",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with faint white bands",
+        "nape: brown muted stripes",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with subtle dark spots"
+    ],
+    "murphy petrel": [
+        "back: gray-blue upper body",
+        "beak: small and narrow black beak",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white chest area",
+        "crown: gray-blue top of head",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey front of head",
+        "eyes: black eyes with gray rings",
+        "legs: pale-colored legs",
+        "wings: long, slim gray-blue wings",
+        "nape: gray-blue back of neck",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped gray-blue tail",
+        "throat: white front of neck"
+    ],
+    "musician wren": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: rich rufous color with darker spots",
+        "crown: brown with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish with a reddish tinge",
+        "eyes: large, black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and greyish",
+        "wings: brownish with darker patterned feathers",
+        "nape: brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with some spots"
+    ],
+    "musk duck": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: broad, flattened bill",
+        "belly: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: robust, grayish-brown coloring",
+        "crown: high, raised feathers on head",
+        "forehead: prominent, dark feathered region",
+        "eyes: dark, sharply focused gaze",
+        "legs: strong, webbed feet",
+        "wings: relatively short, dark, sturdy flaps",
+        "nape: thick, white-striped feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, black plumage",
+        "throat: notable, inflatable lobe or sac (particularly for males"
+    ],
+    "musk lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, orange-red and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with green streaks",
+        "breast: bright green and soft",
+        "crown: vivid green with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: striking red in color",
+        "eyes: dark, alert and expressive",
+        "legs: short and gray, strong for perching",
+        "wings: green with yellow and blue patterns, built for agile flight",
+        "nape: greenish-blue and iridescent",
+        "tail: slender, greenish-yellow with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright green feathers, transitions into yellow belly"
+    ],
+    "nacunda nighthawk": [
+        "back: pale gray with mottled black and brown patterns",
+        "beak: short and wide, dark grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint markings",
+        "breast: gray with white and black speckles",
+        "crown: gray-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white, lightly flecked with black",
+        "eyes: large and dark, adapted for night vision",
+        "legs: short and stout, pale grayish-white",
+        "wings: long and pointed, barred pattern with gray, white, and black",
+        "nape: gray-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: gray with distinct black and white bands",
+        "throat: white with faint gray mottling"
+    ],
+    "naga wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown fading to gray",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars and rounded shape",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: short and rounded, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: light grayish-white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "nahan partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark barring",
+        "beak: strong, short, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black-and-white markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black spotting",
+        "crown: chestnut with a grayish nape stripe",
+        "forehead: chestnut with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: feathered, sturdy, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish, rounded, and barred with white",
+        "nape: gray with a chestnut stripe",
+        "tail: long, barred with chestnut and brown",
+        "throat: whitish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "naked faced barbet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: stout and hooked, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black with some white stripes",
+        "forehead: white feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: tiny and black, encircled by white skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers meeting black crown",
+        "tail: short and olive-green with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with white patch"
+    ],
+    "naked faced spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with thin brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with some brown streaks",
+        "crown: dull olive-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with minimal feathering",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by naked skin",
+        "legs: grayish-brown with strong, thin claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with some yellow under-feathering",
+        "tail: long, brownish, with yellow tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with subtle brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "namaqua dove": [
+        "back: slate gray plumage",
+        "beak: black upper, yellow lower",
+        "belly: pale gray, slight sheen",
+        "breast: rose-pink tinted feathers",
+        "crown: black and glossy",
+        "forehead: petite, pale gray",
+        "eyes: black, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-purple, slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: gray bordered by black",
+        "tail: elongated, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "namaqua sandgrouse": [
+        "back: earthy brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, light greyish-brown",
+        "belly: sandy-buff color with dark spotted patterns",
+        "breast: light beige with delicate dark speckles",
+        "crown: orange-brown hue with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-buff tone",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-camouflaged",
+        "legs: slender, featherless, and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with dark markings and white border",
+        "nape: orange-brown tone with a black stripe",
+        "tail: barred black and sandy-buff feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with surrounding hues"
+    ],
+    "namaqua warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish with pale buff wash",
+        "breast: pale buff to beige with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a hint of gray",
+        "forehead: subtle olive-gray with a buffy tinge",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: short, brown to olive with distinct roundish tail feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a light grayish wash",
+        "tail: medium length, rounded, olive-brown with whitish tips",
+        "throat: pale beige with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "namuli apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white underparts",
+        "breast: faint yellow wash",
+        "crown: greyish-olive with white eye-ring",
+        "forehead: greenish-olive, continuing towards the crown",
+        "eyes: black with distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale buff wing-bars",
+        "nape: greenish-olive, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "nanday parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked, strong",
+        "belly: soft greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-green feathers",
+        "crown: black, sleek plumage",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of blue",
+        "eyes: dark, large, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, scaled",
+        "wings: green with bluish flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with blackish edges",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: black, feathers mixed with green"
+    ],
+    "nankeen kestrel": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: grayish-black, short and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown, streaked with darker brown",
+        "forehead: creamy-white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black, piercing, surrounded by an off-white ring",
+        "legs: yellowish, strong, feathered tarsi",
+        "wings: rusty-brown upperparts with dark bars, pale buff underwing coverts",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, with black and white banding and a white tip",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "nankeen night heron": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thick, black, and powerful for catching prey",
+        "belly: creamy-white with sparse brown spots",
+        "breast: rosy-buff color with spotted pattern",
+        "crown: black with striking white plumes",
+        "forehead: narrow white line stretching to the eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing red orbs with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green, and sturdy for wading",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with distinct white tips",
+        "nape: black, extending to the back and blending with body color",
+        "tail: short, brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker head and breast"
+    ],
+    "napo sabrewing": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: iridescent olive-green",
+        "breast: shiny green plumage",
+        "crown: striking metallic green",
+        "forehead: smooth, iridescent green",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: broad and curved, with green and blue tinges",
+        "nape: bright green, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long and forked, with a dark blue band",
+        "throat: brilliant green with a lighter border"
+    ],
+    "narcissus flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright lemon-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow",
+        "crown: black with white edges",
+        "forehead: bold black stripe",
+        "eyes: black and beady, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue slender legs",
+        "wings: dark brown with white highlights",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: rich orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "narcondam hornbill": [
+        "back: dark green-blue iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: large, curved, bright yellow with black tip and casque",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: white to pale yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-black with a slight curl at the tip",
+        "forehead: greenish-black feathers extending onto the bill's casque",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange with dark eyelashes",
+        "legs: short, pale gray, powerful",
+        "wings: broad, dark green-blue with brown-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-black, slightly elongated feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark green-blue with broad white tips",
+        "throat: white to pale yellow with some fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "naretha bluebonnet": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, gray with black tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white color, slightly mottled",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with white scaling",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin grayish-blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-blue, long and pointed",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: grayish-blue, medium length and square-tipped",
+        "throat: white with grayish-blue scaling"
+    ],
+    "narina trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: rich red in color",
+        "breast: red plumage blending into green",
+        "crown: iridescent green feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant green with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: short and stout, gray in color",
+        "wings: mix of green and red feathers, mottled pattern",
+        "nape: continuous green plumage from the crown",
+        "tail: long and square, with blue and black barring",
+        "throat: white, contrasting against the colorful body"
+    ],
+    "nari\u00f1o tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: smoky gray with minimal markings",
+        "breast: grayish-black with a few white spots",
+        "crown: blackish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: same as crown, blackish-gray",
+        "eyes: small and black, partially covered by feathers",
+        "legs: robust and dark gray",
+        "wings: rounded and dark gray, short flight feathers",
+        "nape: blackish-gray, blending seamlessly with back and crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, dark gray with minimal markings",
+        "throat: slightly lighter gray, fewer markings than breast"
+    ],
+    "narrow billed antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointy and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round with a black pupil",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, thin with dark gray and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "narrow billed tody": [
+        "back: vibrant green hue",
+        "beak: elongated, thin, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light reddish-pink",
+        "crown: bright emerald green",
+        "forehead: brilliant green",
+        "eyes: black with thin gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: vivid green shading",
+        "tail: short and squared, mix of green and blue",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "narrow billed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly decurved",
+        "belly: pale and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: beige with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: plain dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, and stiff",
+        "throat: creamy beige with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "narrow tailed emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale green to white underparts",
+        "breast: iridescent emerald green plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering green head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green, smoothly sloping",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: thin black legs with small feet",
+        "wings: rounded, emerald green with black tips",
+        "nape: brilliant green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and deeply forked",
+        "throat: gleaming greenish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "narrow tailed starling": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-shaded feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light grey, spotted markings",
+        "crown: glossy black with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: smoothly sloping, black hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, blackish-grey",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark-feathered",
+        "nape: shining black, contrast to breast",
+        "tail: noticeably narrow, black with slight fork",
+        "throat: greyish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "natal spurfowl": [
+        "back: light brown with small white spots",
+        "beak: short and sharp, yellow-gray color",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown stripes",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: light grayish-brown with a neat crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and light brown with sharp spurs",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with light white speckles",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle white spots",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, brown with white spots",
+        "throat: white with dark brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "natewa silktail": [
+        "back: deep blue feathered dorsum",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale blue-grey underparts",
+        "breast: deep blue vibrant plumage",
+        "crown: rich blue crest",
+        "forehead: smooth blue gradient to crown",
+        "eyes: small, black outlined with blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender, black limbs",
+        "wings: deep blue covert feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: radiant blue transition into back",
+        "tail: long and silky, deep blue tail feathers",
+        "throat: light blue-grey with subtle contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "natterer slaty antshrike": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey plumage",
+        "beak: stout, hooked black bill",
+        "belly: slightly paler grey",
+        "breast: smoky grey feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-grey; slight crest on both sexes",
+        "forehead: narrow zone of pale grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: long, greyish-black",
+        "wings: dark grey with lighter fringes on feathers",
+        "nape: blackish-grey; white interspersed in females",
+        "tail: long, graduated dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "naumann thrush": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with narrow dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brown with faint dark spots",
+        "breast: warm buff with thick blackish-brown spots",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: stout and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with two distinctive white wing bars",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with narrow dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with paler outer edges",
+        "throat: buff-colored with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "nava wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved and dark",
+        "belly: pale buff-white with light markings",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: white eyebrow stripe, blending into facial mask",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering, set in black mask",
+        "legs: slender, long, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and dark-reddish with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, barred, and sharply graduated in length",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "nazca booby": [
+        "back: smooth, gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: white feathers, slightly rounded",
+        "breast: white, puffed-out feathers",
+        "crown: gray-blue feathers leading to the nape",
+        "forehead: blue-grey coloring, flat slope",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, gray-blue with white underparts",
+        "nape: blue-grey feathers connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: medium length, gray-blue with a white base",
+        "throat: white feathers leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "neblina metaltail": [
+        "back: iridescent green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: black, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with green iridescent speckles",
+        "breast: bright white with a touch of green",
+        "crown: vibrant shining green",
+        "forehead: metallic green with a blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, nearly black",
+        "legs: sleek black with small pointy claws",
+        "wings: glossy green with bluish tinge",
+        "nape: green transitioning to iridescent blue",
+        "tail: long and forked, shimmering green-blue",
+        "throat: dazzling green with shining blue speckles"
+    ],
+    "neblina tapaculo": [
+        "back: charcoal gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: rounded, charcoal gray",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, gray",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "necklaced barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, black, and sharply hooked",
+        "belly: golden-yellow with turquoise-blue streaks",
+        "breast: brilliant red patch",
+        "crown: bluish-green with a yellow forehead",
+        "forehead: yellow fading to bluish-green",
+        "eyes: prominent, surrounded by blue rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray and scaly",
+        "wings: green with blue and red accents",
+        "nape: green interspersed with thin yellow lines",
+        "tail: green with yellow and blue markings",
+        "throat: aqua-blue with necklace-like black streaks"
+    ],
+    "necklaced spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and straight",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with streaky pattern",
+        "crown: rufous with thin black lines",
+        "forehead: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: short and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown with narrow streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated with rufous edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with necklace-like streaks"
+    ],
+    "needle billed hermit": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: lighter greenish-grey",
+        "breast: greenish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark green head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: short, slender, grey",
+        "wings: elongated, olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: rich green coloration",
+        "tail: long, tapered, white-tipped",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "neergaard sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green, shimmering plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: bright, iridescent yellow-orange",
+        "breast: vibrant metallic-green feathers",
+        "crown: shining green and blue-colored head",
+        "forehead: lustrous metallic blue",
+        "eyes: small, round, black eyes",
+        "legs: black, slim, delicate feet",
+        "wings: dark greenish-blue with iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: glossy, olive green blending with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue-green tail feathers",
+        "throat: radiant metallic turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "negros bleeding heart": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, curved",
+        "belly: deep red \"blood-like\" spot",
+        "breast: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue sheen",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and attentive",
+        "legs: grayish-black with strong claws",
+        "wings: blue-grey with white wing bars",
+        "nape: shiny blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: white feathers fading to grey"
+    ],
+    "negros jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale white with a hint of buff",
+        "breast: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, like the back",
+        "eyes: round, black, and prominent",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with feathery edges",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: off-white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "negros leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive",
+        "tail: olive-green, with yellow outer feathers",
+        "throat: light yellow"
+    ],
+    "negros scops owl": [
+        "back: tawny brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale white with dark streaks and spots",
+        "breast: tawny with black streaks",
+        "crown: tawny brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white with thin black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, orange-yellow, and piercing",
+        "legs: feathered and light brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: tawny brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: tawny brown with faint black streaks",
+        "tail: tawny brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "negros striped babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: yellowish white",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "nelicourvi weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: black, thick, and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage with black stripes",
+        "crown: olive-green and glossy in appearance",
+        "forehead: olive-green and smoothly blends with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular, surrounded by a narrow yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and strong for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with black streaks, yellow edges",
+        "nape: glossy olive-green, black streaks, and continuous with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with dark central pair and yellow side feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "nepal fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale buff underparts",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with brownish-gray",
+        "crown: grayish head with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish legs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "nape: continuous gray from crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish tinge"
+    ],
+    "nepal house martin": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: small, black and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey with a clean, sleek appearance",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black cap",
+        "forehead: dark grey merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: short and black with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark grey with white patches, streamlined for swift flight",
+        "nape: dark grey blending with the back",
+        "tail: forked and black, with white outer feathers for contrast",
+        "throat: white, complementing the breast area"
+    ],
+    "neumann starling": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: slender and sharp, black tip",
+        "belly: soft, iridescent green",
+        "breast: deep blue with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: bright orange crest, pointed",
+        "forehead: metallic purple plumage",
+        "eyes: large, black with white ring",
+        "legs: thin and strong, subtle yellow",
+        "wings: long and elegant, multicolored",
+        "nape: curved, smooth transition to wings",
+        "tail: fan-like, vivid, contrasting colors",
+        "throat: radiant gold, shimmering"
+    ],
+    "neumann warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with darker streaks",
+        "crown: gray with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black stripes and white spots",
+        "nape: greenish-gray, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: olive-green with a black, white-edged tip",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "new britain boobook": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white spots",
+        "beak: black, sturdy and curved for hunting",
+        "belly: golden-brown, lightly streaked with white",
+        "breast: buff colored with dark brown markings",
+        "crown: dark brown, with small white spots",
+        "forehead: mottled brown and white",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown, patterned with white bars",
+        "nape: brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, white-barred feathers",
+        "throat: light buff, streaked with small brown markings"
+    ],
+    "new britain dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, orange, sharp",
+        "belly: bright blue feathers fading to lighter blue",
+        "breast: rich blue and white plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue and purple hues",
+        "forehead: vivid blue coloring",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short and orange",
+        "wings: bright blue, medium-sized",
+        "nape: deep blue coloration",
+        "tail: short, blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white and blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "new britain friarbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black with a hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with thin, darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark, dull blue-grey with a shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a patch of bare, bluish skin",
+        "legs: strong, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: olive-brown with paler-edged feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-grey blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with darker banding and a broad, pale tip",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with a patch of bare, bluish skin"
+    ],
+    "new britain kingfisher": [
+        "back: striking golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, stout, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright blue-colored with a white vent",
+        "breast: vibrant blue hue with a brownish tint",
+        "crown: bright blue with a golden-yellow sheen",
+        "forehead: deep blue with a golden shimmer",
+        "eyes: bold black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, black, and strong",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with hints of green",
+        "nape: gleaming golden-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with a greenish tint",
+        "throat: intense blue with some golden reflections"
+    ],
+    "new britain rail": [
+        "back: brownish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: grayish-white speckled with dark spots",
+        "crown: slightly raised, dark brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown to gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: long and slender with slightly webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-green with yellow highlights",
+        "nape: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, brownish, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin dark stripes"
+    ],
+    "new caledonia goshawk": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black hook-shaped",
+        "belly: light greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey feathers",
+        "eyes: intense yellow-orange gaze",
+        "legs: long, yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, grey with white markings",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers",
+        "tail: dark grey with distinct white bands",
+        "throat: light grey feathered plumage"
+    ],
+    "new caledonian crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: medium-sized, black plumage",
+        "breast: black, well-rounded",
+        "crown: black, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large black wings for agile flight",
+        "nape: smooth black feathers connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: black, slim with a seamless transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "new caledonian cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: greenish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, straight, hook-tipped",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray with slight streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly darker gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, gray-blue",
+        "wings: dark gray with light white edging",
+        "nape: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "new caledonian friarbird": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, decurved, and hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale off-white and streaked",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-brown, transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a narrow ring of bare skin",
+        "legs: short and strong, light gray to black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker primary feathers and light edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with a slight curve and light tips",
+        "throat: pale off-white, streaked with darker gray-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "new caledonian grassbird": [
+        "back: earthy brown color with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light beige with soft streaks",
+        "breast: warm beige with pale brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy greyish-brown, well-adapted for ground foraging",
+        "wings: mottled brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: earthy brown, continues from the crown",
+        "tail: brown with faint bars and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale beige, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "new caledonian imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant white feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, grayish-black color",
+        "belly: white feathers with a subtle gray undertone",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: sleek white head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and dark-colored, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad and white, with a slight gray-blue tint",
+        "nape: sleek white neck feathers extend downward",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with a slight gray-blue shade",
+        "throat: white plumage, seamlessly blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "new caledonian myzomela": [
+        "back: olive-green colored feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow and grayish-white",
+        "breast: bright red or orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: solid black or dark brown",
+        "forehead: bright red or orange-red patch",
+        "eyes: round, dark-brown, and expressive",
+        "legs: relatively short and black",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium length, slightly notched",
+        "throat: bright red or orange-red plumage"
+    ],
+    "new caledonian parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: deep green with blue undertones",
+        "forehead: striking azure blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brilliant emerald green",
+        "nape: rich green merging with crown",
+        "tail: lengthy, emerald green feathers",
+        "throat: soft lime green color"
+    ],
+    "new caledonian whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green hue",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light creamy yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow with grayish tinge",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blends with crown",
+        "eyes: rounded, dark brown, prominent",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-green, relatively long, feathers with black edges",
+        "throat: light creamy yellow, matches belly"
+    ],
+    "new georgia dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with a slight greenish tint",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed for catching prey",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers with subtle orange streaks",
+        "breast: bright orange plumage transitioning to white belly",
+        "crown: striking blue feathers with hints of green on the head",
+        "forehead: vivid blue-green feathers above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with a piercing gaze for spotting prey",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with black scaly skin and sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green feathers for agile and swift flight",
+        "nape: blue and green feathers continuing from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: bright blue feathers with green edges and a squared-off shape",
+        "throat: soft white feathers transitioning into the orange breast"
+    ],
+    "new guinea bronzewing": [
+        "back: turquoise iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and cream-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray with delicate brown spotting",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with a metallic sheen",
+        "crown: dark gray with a bluish-purple iridescence",
+        "forehead: white stripe that extends above the eye",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with a bronze-green sheen and white spots",
+        "nape: purple-blue iridescent plumage",
+        "tail: long and dark with a broad white band",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "new guinea eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: black, sharp hook for tearing prey",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: predominantly white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with golden crest feathers",
+        "forehead: golden-brown feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze with yellow ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, scaled legs for grip",
+        "wings: large, brown with white streaks for agile flight",
+        "nape: brown feathers transitioning to golden crest",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white bands",
+        "throat: white and fluffy extending to breast area"
+    ],
+    "new guinea flightless rail": [
+        "back: brown and black streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale with dark brown markings",
+        "breast: buff with black bars",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, faintly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale buff, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish, adapted for running",
+        "wings: short and rounded, patterned brown",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: short and stubby, brown and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "new guinea megapode": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-brown feathering",
+        "breast: slate gray plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers forming slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, mid-sized, concentrated gaze",
+        "legs: robust, partially feathered, strong claws",
+        "wings: broad, short, rounded edges",
+        "nape: grayish-black neck feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark feathers",
+        "throat: slightly paler gray feathering"
+    ],
+    "new guinea white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underbody",
+        "breast: white center with yellowish sides",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green than the crown",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slim and light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with slightly darker feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: greenish, short, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a yellowish tinge"
+    ],
+    "new guinea woodcock": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: elongated and straight, dark brown",
+        "belly: whitish with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: warm chestnut color with dark barring",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: tawny buff with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale buff eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark with rufous-brown edges and mottled pattern",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with bold black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with buff bars and white tip",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "new holland honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-grey with yellow streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with thin white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with a white band",
+        "eyes: dark and lively with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: grey-black with olive-yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked with olive-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "new ireland munia": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white markings",
+        "beak: stubby, silvery-blue",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown barring",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with faint spotting",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: jet black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: brown with white fringed feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "new ireland myzomela": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-orange fading to lighter undersides",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: striking red patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slim and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: bright red contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "new zealand bellbird": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow tint",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow and sleek",
+        "forehead: prominent greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slim, grayish, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with a blue sheen",
+        "nape: vibrant, yellow-green blend",
+        "tail: long and splayed feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish hue and delicate"
+    ],
+    "new zealand falcon": [
+        "back: light brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: curved, sharp and dark grey",
+        "belly: light cream with brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing with yellow eyering",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with black tips, long and pointed",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "new zealand fantail": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow, subtly patterned",
+        "breast: light orange-to-yellow gradient",
+        "crown: gray-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe framing eyes",
+        "eyes: expressive black beads",
+        "legs: thin, charcoal-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded tips",
+        "nape: gray-brown, slight curve",
+        "tail: broad, fan-shaped, bold black band",
+        "throat: light, cream-colored"
+    ],
+    "new zealand fernbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish streaks",
+        "forehead: beige with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by faint pale ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, earthy brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with reddish streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: beige with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "new zealand grebe": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown with a sleek appearance",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black in color",
+        "belly: white to light grey, fluffy and soft-looking feathers",
+        "breast: dark reddish-brown, merging with the belly color",
+        "crown: blackish-brown, smoothly rounded atop the head",
+        "forehead: same blackish-brown tone as crown, blending seamlessly",
+        "eyes: bright red, piercing and striking in appearance",
+        "legs: strong and slender, webbed feet, dark in color",
+        "wings: dark greyish-brown, short and rounded, designed for diving",
+        "nape: blackish-brown, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: short, dark greyish-brown, and often held slightly upward",
+        "throat: white to light grey, gradually fading into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "new zealand kaka": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a hint of orange",
+        "beak: strong, curved, charcoal-grey",
+        "belly: orange-yellow plumage, dense texture",
+        "breast: golden-brown and orange feathers",
+        "crown: mottled reddish-brown, plumage blends with forehead",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with a hint of orange",
+        "eyes: encircled with yellow-orange patches",
+        "legs: short, dark-grey, powerful",
+        "wings: olive green and orange with blue-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: orange-brown, blended with crown",
+        "tail: long, shades of olive green and orange",
+        "throat: yellow-orange, slightly brighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "new zealand king shag": [
+        "back: dark blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: long and hooked, grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: white with slight shine",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: dark blue-black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-black with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue-black with slight collar",
+        "tail: wide and blue-black with white edges",
+        "throat: white with subtle feathering"
+    ],
+    "new zealand pigeon": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, deep red",
+        "belly: white with blueish-purple feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant iridescent purple-blue",
+        "crown: dark greyish-purple",
+        "forehead: greyish-white fading to purple",
+        "eyes: red with dark surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: deep red, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-bronze with curved edges",
+        "nape: greyish-purple feathers",
+        "tail: long and tapered, greenish-bronze",
+        "throat: iridescent green feathers"
+    ],
+    "new zealand pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: buff with brown markings",
+        "crown: brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white markings",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "new zealand scaup": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, grayish-blue with a black tip",
+        "belly: dull grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown with a slight purple sheen",
+        "crown: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, blackish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: distinct yellow iris",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: dark brownish-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "new zealand storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, small black bill",
+        "belly: white with dark grey side markings",
+        "breast: white with smoky-grey band",
+        "crown: dark greyish-black with white speckles",
+        "forehead: smoky-grey with white speckles",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender red-brown legs",
+        "wings: dark greyish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark greyish-black with white speckles",
+        "tail: black with white bands at tip",
+        "throat: white with smoky-grey markings"
+    ],
+    "newell shearwater": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, blackish tip",
+        "belly: white lower body",
+        "breast: white upper chest",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: white with grey-brown tinge",
+        "eyes: black with fine white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grey-brown",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown hindneck",
+        "tail: short, dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "newton fiscal": [
+        "back: sleek feathers forming gentle curve",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed tip for precision pecking",
+        "belly: soft, light under-feathers for warmth",
+        "breast: smooth and patterned, eye-catching design",
+        "crown: vibrant crest, highlights head",
+        "forehead: gracefully transitioning to beak",
+        "eyes: piercing and alert, keen observer",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, adept percher",
+        "wings: wide and powerful, optimal flight",
+        "nape: sinuous lines, smooth neck design",
+        "tail: long, elegant feathers for balance",
+        "throat: intricate markings, vocal prowess"
+    ],
+    "newton sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange with colorful spots",
+        "crown: iridescent purplish-blue with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming greenish-blue with a hint of purple",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vivid blue with green highlights and elongated feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: long, v-shaped, and vibrant blue with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange with a slight iridescence"
+    ],
+    "nicaraguan grackle": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp",
+        "belly: black or dark brown feathers",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage",
+        "crown: dark iridescent head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black or dark brown",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow or pale",
+        "legs: strong, black or dark gray",
+        "wings: broad and dark, with iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: back of neck with dark iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: long and tapered, black or dark brown",
+        "throat: black or dark brown feathers, smoother texture"
+    ],
+    "nicaraguan seed finch": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thick, pointed, silver-gray",
+        "belly: whitish with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black and red, with red extending behind eyes",
+        "forehead: black, merging into red crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "niceforo wren": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish-grey markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with black stripes",
+        "nape: light brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and thin, light brown with black stripes",
+        "throat: white with greyish-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "nicholson pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: whitish with brown speckles",
+        "breast: dull buff with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers, distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown, streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown, outer feathers white-edged",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "nicobar bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle black markings",
+        "crown: deep blue-violet with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue-violet, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish edges and blue-violet flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-violet, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with blue-violet tips, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray, continuing down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "nicobar imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, deep bluish-gray",
+        "belly: slight gradient to soft gray",
+        "breast: creamy white, fluffy appearance",
+        "crown: grayish-white and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, black iris",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, pale gray",
+        "nape: white feathers blending to gray",
+        "tail: long, graceful, white-tipped, gray feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "nicobar jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, hook-like",
+        "belly: whitish-cream underside",
+        "breast: pale rufous color",
+        "crown: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: blending of gray-blue and olive-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-black, strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight blue tinge",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with olive-brown blend",
+        "tail: long, rounded, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale rufous, matching breast color"
+    ],
+    "nicobar megapode": [
+        "back: dark brown with dense rufous feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and stout",
+        "belly: blackish-brown with rufous markings",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with black bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown with distinct feather pattern",
+        "eyes: alert and surrounded by bare skin",
+        "legs: sturdy and feathered with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with rounded edges",
+        "nape: dark brown transitioning to rufous",
+        "tail: long, broad, and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale brown with scattered dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "nicobar parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, orange-red",
+        "belly: light green with pale blue streaks",
+        "breast: bright green with yellowish tints",
+        "crown: striking blue plumage",
+        "forehead: deep blue with greenish tinge",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by bare, white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, green with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with yellow edges",
+        "tail: long and slender, green with blue and yellow tips",
+        "throat: emerald green merging into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "nicobar scops owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and light grey",
+        "belly: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark markings",
+        "crown: rusty brown with faint spots",
+        "forehead: white sprinkled with brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with pale eyebrows",
+        "legs: feathered and light brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with light barring",
+        "nape: rusty brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "nicobar serpent eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellow-black gradient",
+        "belly: light gray feathers with dark barring",
+        "breast: light gray plumage with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a lighter gray discoloring",
+        "forehead: pale gray with faint darker streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow, sturdy, scaly, with powerful talons",
+        "wings: large, dark brown with gray edges and lighter barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers with some streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with light barring and gray tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "nicobar sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with reddish-brown bars",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, dark brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or orange",
+        "legs: strong and yellow",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, dark brown with white barring",
+        "nape: dark brown with a hint of red",
+        "tail: long, squared-off, dark brown with distinct white barring",
+        "throat: white, merging with breast streaks"
+    ],
+    "night parrot": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow speckled feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and beige",
+        "belly: pale green with black markings",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow with heavier markings",
+        "crown: vibrant green with black spots",
+        "forehead: green-speckled with a clear line",
+        "eyes: cryptic, dark brown ringed with green",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown with scaled feet",
+        "wings: mottled green, black, and yellow",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: long, rounded, green and black barred",
+        "throat: pale, yellowish-green with light markings"
+    ],
+    "nightingale island finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pointed, dark in color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: rosy-pink, fading to paler yellow on belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and gray, with scaled feet and sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter streaks and short, rounded tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and pointed, with dark-brown and olive feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a thin band of darker feathers"
+    ],
+    "nightingale wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light rusty brown",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: brownish with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "nihoa finch": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale white to cream",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown",
+        "forehead: dark olive-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and yellow",
+        "wings: short and rounded; brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "nile valley sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long, thin and slightly curved for probing flowers",
+        "belly: bright yellow with hints of green",
+        "breast: striking red with grading to orange",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: shimmering metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, round and dark",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: glossy blue-green with a violet sheen",
+        "nape: gleaming green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue with red outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent purple-blue, contrasting with breast color"
+    ],
+    "nilgiri flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green hue and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a streak of orange",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow with small streaks",
+        "crown: dark blueish-black with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: bright blueish-black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and gray, with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker edges, ideal for swift flight",
+        "nape: rich olive-colored, connecting to the back and crown",
+        "tail: short and square, a mix of green and black feathers",
+        "throat: bright orange-yellow, extending down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "nilgiri flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: light blue with streaks of white",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue feathers with a contrasting white patch",
+        "forehead: vivid deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small black eyes",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: dark blue with white bars",
+        "nape: deep blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: intensely blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "nilgiri laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with darker feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, sometimes with mottled spots",
+        "crown: dark brown or blackish, forming a distinctive cap",
+        "forehead: covered with the same dark cap as the crown",
+        "eyes: dark color, typically black or deep brown",
+        "legs: sturdy and medium-length, with grayish-brown coloring",
+        "wings: olive-brown with varying shades of darker brown",
+        "nape: olive-brown color, transitioning to the darker cap on the crown",
+        "tail: long, with olive-brown shading gradually to dark brown at the tips",
+        "throat: off-white or pale gray, sometimes with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "nilgiri pipit": [
+        "back: brownish-yellow streaked with dark brown",
+        "beak: short, slender, pale brownish-gray",
+        "belly: cream-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium size",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, two toes forward, one backward",
+        "wings: brownish-yellow with dark brown bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter brown edges",
+        "throat: cream-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "nilgiri sholakili": [
+        "back: greenish-blue plumage with slight gloss",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slender",
+        "belly: pale grey with subtle blue tinge",
+        "breast: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue, seamlessly blending with forehead",
+        "forehead: deep blue with slight violet hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and well-defined",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: dark blue with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-grey, connecting crown to back smoothly",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers with a slightly fan-like structure",
+        "throat: soft, bluish-grey transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "nilgiri thrush": [
+        "back: bluish-grey with dark spots",
+        "beak: short, stout, and blackish",
+        "belly: white with blackish brown spots",
+        "breast: white with prominent black streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with dark spots",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey spotting",
+        "eyes: large, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with dark bars",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with dark spots",
+        "tail: dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "nilgiri wood pigeon": [
+        "back: dark grey-blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey-blue with purplish sheen",
+        "crown: blackish-grey with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey-white feathers",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with bare yellow skin patch",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark grey-blue with white patches",
+        "nape: pale grayish-white stripe",
+        "tail: long, dark grey-blue with white tip",
+        "throat: greyish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "nimba flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green back feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp black bill",
+        "belly: pale whitish-grey underside",
+        "breast: light greyish-white chest feathers",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown head crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: round black eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim black legs and sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint dark wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: lighter grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "nkulengu rail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: dark grey-brown with lighter markings",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to grey",
+        "forehead: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by light grey",
+        "legs: long, slender, and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: broad, brownish-grey with black and white accents",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with thin white bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "noble snipe": [
+        "back: dark brown with reddish-brown stripes",
+        "beak: long, straight, and brownish-orange",
+        "belly: white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: cinnamon color with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a reddish-brown central stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine black lines",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow with dark barring on the thighs",
+        "wings: brown with white tips and dark primaries",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: black with dark brown bars and white edges",
+        "throat: white with faint black barring"
+    ],
+    "nocturnal curassow": [
+        "back: dark greenish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: large, hooked, beige-colored",
+        "belly: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "breast: ginger-tinted chest plumage",
+        "crown: dense, crest-like crown, with dark and white-tipped feathers",
+        "forehead: blackforehead feathers with a contrasting white band",
+        "eyes: round, wide, dark eyes for night vision",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: wide, rounded, dark greenish-brown feathers with lighter flecks",
+        "nape: dark blackish-green feathers, tapering onto the neck",
+        "tail: long, broad, iridescent green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: dark greenish-brown feathers with faint horizontal barring"
+    ],
+    "noisy miner": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, dark-grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with some white areas",
+        "breast: light grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey top with lighter grey sides",
+        "forehead: dark grey strip above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white-eye patch",
+        "legs: greyish-brown",
+        "wings: light grey with darker grey flight feathers",
+        "nape: lighter grey behind the crown",
+        "tail: long grey tapering feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, bordered by a white patch"
+    ],
+    "noisy pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue shades",
+        "beak: sturdy, dark-colored, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream or off-white",
+        "breast: yellow to orange, sometimes with greenish tinge",
+        "crown: black with a dark blue stripe",
+        "forehead: bright blue with black borders",
+        "eyes: striking white rings around dark pupils",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-green with striking black and white patterns",
+        "nape: blue with a black border",
+        "tail: short and blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow or cream"
+    ],
+    "noisy scrub bird": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with thin dark bars",
+        "breast: buff color with dark markings",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye ring",
+        "legs: strong and dull pink",
+        "wings: short, rounded and olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, square, and olive-brown with fine bars",
+        "throat: buff color with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "nonggang babbler": [
+        "back: rusty brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish",
+        "belly: white with pale brown hatching",
+        "breast: grey-brown with distinct hatching",
+        "crown: grey-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by pale orbital ring",
+        "legs: long and strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: rusty brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: grey-brown, slightly paler than the back",
+        "tail: long and broad, rusty brown",
+        "throat: white with pale grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "nordmann greenshank": [
+        "back: olive green with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, slightly upcurved, and pale gray",
+        "belly: white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: white with light gray markings",
+        "crown: dark gray streaked with white",
+        "forehead: white with thin gray streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pale grayish-green",
+        "wings: olive green with blackish-brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: white with blackish-brown bars and central feathers",
+        "throat: white with delicate gray markings"
+    ],
+    "norfolk island gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with yellowish hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow with greyish streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, with conspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with thin white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-brown, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale, blending into yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "norfolk island parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green with bluish tinge",
+        "beak: strong, coral-red hooked beak",
+        "belly: pale turquoise-green color",
+        "breast: bright grass-green with a faint blue tint",
+        "crown: rich, deep blue-violet hue",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish pink with strong feet and claws",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with a hint of yellow on the underside",
+        "nape: deep blue coloring down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, green-blue with red patch on the underside",
+        "throat: lime green feathers with a lighter shade"
+    ],
+    "norfolk robin": [
+        "back: sleek and light grey",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and yellow",
+        "belly: light grey fading to white",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: slate blue-grey",
+        "forehead: smooth grey",
+        "eyes: round, large, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, brown, and clawed",
+        "wings: soft grey with distinct light markings",
+        "nape: smooth blue-grey transition from crown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, grey with hints of white",
+        "throat: white with a touch of orange-red"
+    ],
+    "noronha elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale olive-yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with feathered edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "noronha vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green to grayish-brown",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved, pale and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grayish-green to yellowish-white",
+        "crown: olive-brown headcap",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green to grayish-brown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, relatively short",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "north island brown kiwi": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown, bristly feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and slender",
+        "belly: lighter reddish-brown, soft feathers",
+        "breast: dark reddish-brown, dense feathers",
+        "crown: flat with bristly dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: dark reddish-brown and slightly furry",
+        "eyes: small, black, and hidden among feathers",
+        "legs: thick, short, and strong with scaly skin",
+        "wings: very small, nearly invisible, and non-functional",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown, bristly feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter reddish-brown, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "north island kokako": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathered body",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: soft grey plumage",
+        "breast: lighter grey feathers",
+        "crown: blue-grey with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, surrounded by blue-grey plumage",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, grey-blue",
+        "wings: rounded, slate-grey feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: sleek grey-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, rectangular, grey-blue with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "north island robin": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointy",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: charcoal-grey shade",
+        "eyes: big and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and slender",
+        "wings: short and rounded, brownish-grey",
+        "nape: dark grey, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey-white, matching the belly"
+    ],
+    "north island saddleback": [
+        "back: dark brown with slight green sheen",
+        "beak: stout, pale grayish, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: dark chocolate-brown",
+        "breast: rusty reddish-brown",
+        "crown: glossy black with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: black and shiny",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish gray, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black with traces of green",
+        "nape: deep chestnut brown",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "throat: rich chestnut brown"
+    ],
+    "north melanesian cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: black and white streaked",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with slender white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, brown-black with a white partial eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: black with slender white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers and bars",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "north moluccan pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with black stripes",
+        "beak: short and stout, black in color",
+        "belly: bright red with light feather patterns",
+        "breast: deep red merging into the belly",
+        "crown: greenish-blue with distinct black markings",
+        "forehead: rich blue with a soft transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: round, with a white eye-ring and black pupils",
+        "legs: strong and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: blue and black with intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: bright blue with green tinges and thin black stripes",
+        "tail: short, blue and black with contrasting white spots",
+        "throat: vivid red with light, feathery patterns"
+    ],
+    "north solomons dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and orange feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with thin orange stripes",
+        "breast: bright orange",
+        "crown: deep blue with white spots",
+        "forehead: vivid blue with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, alert",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, coral-red",
+        "wings: shimmering blue with white and orange accents",
+        "nape: rich blue with white patches",
+        "tail: elongated, blue and orange, fan-like",
+        "throat: pale white with subtle orange markings"
+    ],
+    "northern anteater chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale cream to white",
+        "breast: light creamy-brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slim, grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white wingbar",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, forked, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale cream to white"
+    ],
+    "northern bald ibis": [
+        "back: dark glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, red-orange",
+        "belly: blackish plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent dark feathers",
+        "crown: bare, red, wrinkled skin",
+        "forehead: bordered by a tuft of black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: medium length, greyish",
+        "wings: long, curved, glossy black",
+        "nape: elongated feathers creating a ruff",
+        "tail: slim feathers, medium length",
+        "throat: dark, feathers blend with breast"
+    ],
+    "northern barred woodcreeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker bars",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pale",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, barred brown and buff",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern bentbill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: olive-green transitioning to yellowish-white",
+        "crown: olive-green with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with darker edges",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-green with darker secondaries",
+        "nape: olive-green with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with greenish-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "northern black flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: dark grayish-black",
+        "breast: smooth black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black head",
+        "forehead: dark and prominent",
+        "eyes: round and small, black",
+        "legs: long, skinny, and black",
+        "wings: black with slight sheen",
+        "nape: smooth with black feathers",
+        "tail: long and black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: dark with slight gray undertones"
+    ],
+    "northern boobook": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine white spots",
+        "beak: grayish-black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown bars",
+        "breast: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: dark brown, sloping",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: yellowish, feathered",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white with subtle brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern brown throated weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-buff",
+        "breast: brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark, reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown and streaked",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: brownish-yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern brownbul": [
+        "back: brownish olive-green",
+        "beak: dark and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dull brown with slightly darker streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint whitish eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: brown with a hint of olive-green",
+        "tail: long and brown with a darker central tertial",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern carmine bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant carmine-red feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light red with hints of blue",
+        "breast: bright red transitioning to blueish-green",
+        "crown: bright red feathers, slightly elongated",
+        "forehead: deep carmine-red",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: mixture of red, green, and blue feathers",
+        "nape: red feathers merging with blueish-green",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-green feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: iridescent blueish-green"
+    ],
+    "northern cassowary": [
+        "back: dark, dense plumage",
+        "beak: large, powerful, slightly curved",
+        "belly: thick, black feathers",
+        "breast: substantial, rounded, dark feathers",
+        "crown: tough, helmet-like casque",
+        "forehead: covered by casque",
+        "eyes: striking, reddish-brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, featherless, grey-blue",
+        "wings: small, vestigial, with prominent quills",
+        "nape: long, bristling black feathers",
+        "tail: short, nearly hidden by plumage",
+        "throat: dark blue, wrinkled wattles"
+    ],
+    "northern crombec": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored",
+        "breast: light buff or pinkish-brown",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with buff edges",
+        "forehead: buff to reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with buff-tinted feather edges",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with pale edges",
+        "tail: short and stubby, brownish-black",
+        "throat: cream-colored with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern double collared sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white under feathers",
+        "breast: bright red-orange throat band",
+        "crown: shining metallic green cap",
+        "forehead: deep green to black gradient",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: colorful green-blue feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers with greenish-blue sheen",
+        "throat: bright blue iridescent upper throat band"
+    ],
+    "northern emerald toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, brightly colored, and serrated",
+        "belly: whitish with soft yellow tint",
+        "breast: light blue-green with black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy green-black plumage",
+        "forehead: dusky greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: large with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, gray-blue in color",
+        "wings: green-blue with hints of red and yellow",
+        "nape: lustrous green with bronze highlights",
+        "tail: long, edged with red and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: pale bluish-white with dark specks"
+    ],
+    "northern fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with slight streaks",
+        "beak: small and slightly curved, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with grayish flanks",
+        "breast: light gray with some brownish marks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, flat appearance",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large and dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, medium-length, and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with slight pattern, can be fanned out",
+        "nape: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips, fans out prominently",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, seamless transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "northern fiscal": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: off-white coloration",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: black top feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathered area",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with slight markings",
+        "nape: black and grey feathered",
+        "tail: long, black, and forked",
+        "throat: off-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "northern giant petrel": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: thick, dense plumage, greyish-white",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight brown tint",
+        "forehead: greyish-white, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and sharp",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish, webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, long, grey-brown feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, thick plumage",
+        "tail: short, square, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "northern gray headed sparrow": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: off-white to light gray coloring",
+        "crown: bold gray head cap",
+        "forehead: pale gray with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by faint markings",
+        "legs: long and slender, deep pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with traces of white bars",
+        "nape: pale gray coloration",
+        "tail: medium-length, brownish-gray with a slight fork",
+        "throat: white to off-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "northern grosbeak canary": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: stout and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black stripes",
+        "forehead: radiant yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white and yellow markings",
+        "nape: yellow-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "northern hawk cuckoo": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streak pattern",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with black markings",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by light grey feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: light greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white tips and black bars",
+        "throat: pale grey with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern lapwing": [
+        "back: greenish-black with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white with black markings",
+        "breast: white and black, with a black chest band",
+        "crown: black and crest-like",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: rounded, greenish-black with a white trailing edge",
+        "nape: black with a crest",
+        "tail: short, black and white with a long central projection",
+        "throat: white with a black border"
+    ],
+    "northern marquesan reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: yellowish-buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-gray with thin, dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: olive-gray with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern masked weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: curved, black and pointy",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: black mask-like patch",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into mask",
+        "eyes: small, deep-set, dark-colored",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: yellow with dark, textured edges",
+        "nape: yellow, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: yellow with dark tip, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: black mask extending downwards"
+    ],
+    "northern mouse colored tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow",
+        "breast: soft grayish-white",
+        "crown: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-brown with buff edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "northern pied babbler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: pale gray with white blends",
+        "crown: grayish-brown top feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray-white front head",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: stout, black, well-proportioned legs",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with slight white edges",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "northern potoo": [
+        "back: brown and mottled with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with black spots",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large and yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: short and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with bold black markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with black spots",
+        "tail: long and brown with black bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern puffback": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, grayish-black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white, soft, and fluffy",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffed out",
+        "crown: rounded, pale gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white patches",
+        "legs: gray and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "nape: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, white-tipped, with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: white and fluffy"
+    ],
+    "northern pygmy owl": [
+        "back: brown plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked",
+        "belly: white with brown markings",
+        "breast: white with brown bars",
+        "crown: brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: brown with white spots",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, powerful",
+        "wings: brown with white bars",
+        "nape: brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: long, brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white with brown markings"
+    ],
+    "northern red billed hornbill": [
+        "back: slate grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, red curved bill",
+        "belly: light cream-colored plumage",
+        "breast: slightly darker cream with spotted patterns",
+        "crown: black crest with white tips",
+        "forehead: black feathered, blending into red bill",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grey with scaly texture",
+        "wings: slate grey with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black and white striped plumage",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into light cream-colored breast"
+    ],
+    "northern rosella": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow and black pattern, with splotches and stripes",
+        "beak: light grey-blue curved beak for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: deep blue feathers with fine details",
+        "breast: pale blue transitioning into white",
+        "crown: vivid blue helmet-like structure on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: red-orange stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with contrasting white outline",
+        "legs: grey-blue legs with strong grip",
+        "wings: wide, black with bold yellow streaks",
+        "nape: mixture of black and yellow, forming intricate patterns",
+        "tail: long, narrow feathers, primarily black with slight yellow marking",
+        "throat: iridescent blue with subtle white details"
+    ],
+    "northern schiffornis": [
+        "back: olive-green coloring",
+        "beak: hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-olive",
+        "breast: lighter olive-green",
+        "crown: olive-green, blending with back",
+        "forehead: slight yellowish tinge",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly concealed",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong build",
+        "wings: olive-green, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: uniform olive-green",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-green, square-shaped",
+        "throat: pale olive-yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "northern screamer": [
+        "back: dark grey with dense feathering",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and cream-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey with soft, downy feathers",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with smooth feathering",
+        "crown: black with a crest of elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and dark grey",
+        "eyes: small with a white iris and black pupil",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: large and rounded, with dark grey flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine feathering"
+    ],
+    "northern scrub flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive green with streaks",
+        "beak: short, narrow, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-green",
+        "crown: dark olive-gray with a hidden yellow patch",
+        "forehead: narrow pale eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-green with rufous patches, primary feathers dark with pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, forked with rufous edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "northern scrub robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter rufous-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint buff wingbars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long and rufous-brown, with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: white with some light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern shrike tit": [
+        "back: light grey with slight streaks",
+        "beak: black, hooked, and robust",
+        "belly: soft white or light grey",
+        "breast: light grey or white, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: black, well-defined",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: slender, black with strong claws",
+        "wings: grey or dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: light grey, sometimes streaked",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft white with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "northern silvery kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with silvery sheen",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: white to light grayish-blue",
+        "breast: white, sometimes with bluish tinge",
+        "crown: deep blue with silvery highlights",
+        "forehead: bold blue merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short, bluish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with blue head"
+    ],
+    "northern slaty antshrike": [
+        "back: slate-grey with fine black markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: slate-grey with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: slate-grey blending into belly color",
+        "crown: black with faint grey lines",
+        "forehead: black, gradually blending into crown color",
+        "eyes: small and dark with surrounding pale eye-rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale grey-brown",
+        "wings: slate-grey with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: slate-grey, transitioning from crown color",
+        "tail: slate-grey with broad, blackish terminal band",
+        "throat: pale grey with darker grey collar separating it from the breast"
+    ],
+    "northern sooty woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with occasional faint barring",
+        "breast: blackish-gray with a slight gloss",
+        "crown: black with a red patch on males",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white, crescent-shaped eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray, short, and strong",
+        "wings: black with white spots on primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: solid black, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: black with white barring on outer feathers",
+        "throat: blackish-brown blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "northern tropical pewee": [
+        "back: olive-green to grayish-brown",
+        "beak: straight, dark-colored, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellowish",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark gray",
+        "forehead: gray to olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray or black",
+        "wings: brownish-black with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: gray to olive-brown",
+        "tail: dark with slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "northern variable pitohui": [
+        "back: rusty orange feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow-orange plumage",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: rusty brown coloring",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black pupils",
+        "legs: grayish-black with scaly texture",
+        "wings: mottled black and orange feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathered",
+        "tail: vivid orange and black feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "northern wattled honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow and streaked",
+        "crown: black with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: black with small wattles",
+        "eyes: dark brown with slight white ring",
+        "legs: blackish-grey and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow and streaked"
+    ],
+    "northern wheatear": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle mottling",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale whitish with some buff tones",
+        "breast: buffy-orange fading to white",
+        "crown: gray-brown with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark, slender, sturdy",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white flashes",
+        "nape: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: black with prominent white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray-brown streaks on sides"
+    ],
+    "northern white faced owl": [
+        "back: white with dark speckles",
+        "beak: short and hooked, light grey",
+        "belly: white and feathery",
+        "breast: white with dark grey streaks",
+        "crown: white with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white and feathery, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large and orange-yellow, encircled by dark feathery facial disks",
+        "legs: feathered and white",
+        "wings: long with white and dark mottled patterns",
+        "nape: white with dark speckles, like the back",
+        "tail: white with dark barred pattern",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "northern yellow white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow hue",
+        "eyes: large, black, white-eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: yellowish-green, black primary feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow hue",
+        "tail: black feathers, yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "nubian bustard": [
+        "back: brown and white patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: white with fine black bars",
+        "breast: buff-colored with black specks",
+        "crown: black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: black stripe extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: long and grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown and white, with ornate pattern",
+        "nape: black and white striped feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown with white bars and black tip",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "nubian nightjar": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown plumage with streaked pattern",
+        "beak: short, black, wide gaping mouth",
+        "belly: buff-brown with blackish spots and bars",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with black streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with buff speckling and streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with fine buff markings",
+        "eyes: large, reflective, set close to forehead",
+        "legs: short, greyish, semi-feathered",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark brown with buff markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with buff and black bars",
+        "tail: dark brown with buff and black barring, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-buff with black and brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "nubian woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: creamy white with black bars",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: red cap on the head",
+        "forehead: black forehead with white speckles",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: grayish with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white bands, stiff, and long",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "nullarbor quail thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with brownish-grey flanks",
+        "breast: white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a darker stripe",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with a dark stripe",
+        "tail: long and brownish-grey with dark banding",
+        "throat: white with faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "numfor leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow underside",
+        "breast: pale yellow chest",
+        "crown: pale yellow head with green tint",
+        "forehead: slightly brighter yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white wingbars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow transition from crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "numfor paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with black patterns",
+        "beak: long, slim, and pointed, orange in color",
+        "belly: bright white feathers with a slight blue shimmer",
+        "breast: rich white feathers blending into the blue belly",
+        "crown: brilliant turquoise-blue with black spots",
+        "forehead: striking blue feathers with a subtle turquoise sheen",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert, framed by black markings",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, deep red in color",
+        "wings: expansive, bright blue with intricate black patterns",
+        "nape: adorned with bold turquoise feathers and black spots",
+        "tail: lengthy, red shafts with blue and black feather tips",
+        "throat: pristine white feathers that complement the breast"
+    ],
+    "nuthatch vanga": [
+        "back: blue-gray upperparts",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with pale gray wash",
+        "breast: white, blending into gray sides",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray, well-defined",
+        "forehead: smooth slate-gray transition from crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by gray-white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: slate-gray, blending into blue-gray back",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white outer feathers and slight fork",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "nutting flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks of grey",
+        "beak: straight, thin, and dark",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale yellow with grey streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with rufous patch",
+        "forehead: pale grey with faint markings",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark, and slender",
+        "wings: dark with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: greyish-olive, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark, long, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: buffy-white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "nyanza swift": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter gray coloring",
+        "breast: compact gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth dark feathers",
+        "eyes: round and shiny black",
+        "legs: thin and agile",
+        "wings: long and narrow, built for speed",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: short and lightly forked",
+        "throat: gray plumage blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "oahu amakihi": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, and slender",
+        "belly: yellowish-green, fading to paler yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by an olive-green area",
+        "legs: grayish-black, with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers at the base of the skull",
+        "tail: olive-green and black feathers, relatively short",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, contrasting with the olive-green upper body"
+    ],
+    "oahu elepaio": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brownish-gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with noticeable white stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint white markings",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks and black barring",
+        "nape: light brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black bars and white edging",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "oasis hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy, and compact",
+        "breast: vibrant purple-blue plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green with a streamlined shape",
+        "forehead: bright, metallic green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and short",
+        "wings: long, slender, and rapid in motion",
+        "nape: shining green, curved down to neckline",
+        "tail: short, forked, and dark in color",
+        "throat: brilliant magenta hue, shimmering in light"
+    ],
+    "oaxaca sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with subtle stripes",
+        "forehead: pale gray leading to dark crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with some streaking",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "obi golden bulbul": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp and pointed",
+        "belly: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, yellow-golden head feathers",
+        "forehead: radiant yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady orbs",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy gray limbs",
+        "wings: yellow, streaked with brown shades",
+        "nape: golden-yellow feathers outlining the neck",
+        "tail: elongated yellow feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: radiant golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "obscure berrypecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed, perfect for berry-picking",
+        "belly: lighter greenish-yellow hues",
+        "breast: mix of green and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: striking ultramarine crest",
+        "forehead: hint of blue coloring",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by green and blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender and gray, built for tree perching",
+        "wings: mix of iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: deep green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: patch of vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "obscure honeyeater": [
+        "back: subtle greenish-brown feathered",
+        "beak: long, slender curved bill",
+        "belly: light cream-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: faded olive-yellow tinge",
+        "eyes: small, dark and piercing",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown transitioning to grey",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, dark brown",
+        "throat: off-white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "oceanic flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with slight olive tint",
+        "crown: dark gray or blackish",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending to lighter shades",
+        "eyes: round with black pupil, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: blackish-gray, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-olive",
+        "tail: relatively long, blackish with whitish tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, sometimes with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "ocellated antbird": [
+        "back: dark gray with ocellated feather pattern",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: light gray with black ocellated spots",
+        "crown: rufous or red-brown with black ocellations",
+        "forehead: red-brown, faded to lighter rufous",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, with grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale pink or grayish",
+        "wings: grayish with black ocellated pattern and rufous edges",
+        "nape: dark gray with light ocellated markings",
+        "tail: long, grayish, with black barring and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish or light gray with faint gray markings"
+    ],
+    "ocellated crake": [
+        "back: distinct dark-brown feather pattern",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale-hued",
+        "belly: light cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: beige, lightly striped feathers",
+        "crown: brownish with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: paler shade of brown, smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: pale brownish-grey, modestly sized",
+        "nape: brown darker than the crown",
+        "tail: short, black, and white barred pattern",
+        "throat: pale beige with a smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "ocellated piculet": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with black barring",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: yellow with black markings",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: black with white markings, may have a reddish patch",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: small, round with black pupils and a white ring",
+        "legs: short, gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black barring and white spots",
+        "nape: black with white spotting, or possibly reddish in males",
+        "tail: short, black with white tips and bars",
+        "throat: white with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "ocellated poorwill": [
+        "back: patterned with gray and brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, triangular and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint brown patches",
+        "crown: mottled gray and brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with speckled markings",
+        "eyes: dark and round, with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray with dark barring",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with gray and brown barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with mottled markings",
+        "tail: long, with dark gray and brown bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint brown stippling"
+    ],
+    "ocellated quail": [
+        "back: bronze-green feathers with black and olive speckles",
+        "beak: short, strong, grayish curved beak",
+        "belly: grayish-brown with brown markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with black and white speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black and white streaks",
+        "forehead: black and white bands extending to dark eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: brownish-gray, strong and scaled",
+        "wings: rounded with grayish-brown, greenish-bronze and black spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black and white stripes",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white and black transverse bars",
+        "throat: white with fine black speckles"
+    ],
+    "ocellated tapaculo": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with gray specks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint spots",
+        "crown: dark blue with iridescent green spots",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: black and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks and blue spots",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: short and olive-green with black streaks",
+        "throat: light gray with slight spotted pattern"
+    ],
+    "ocellated thrasher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: whitish with dark streaks and spots",
+        "breast: grayish-yellow, streaked with black",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown, circled by a faint eyering",
+        "legs: long and strong, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and brownish-gray, with dark barring",
+        "throat: whitish, streaked with dark gray"
+    ],
+    "ocellated woodcreeper": [
+        "back: streaked brown feathers",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with light brown spots",
+        "breast: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to crown with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark color surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: strong and grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter feather tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and ladder-patterned",
+        "throat: cream-colored with brown spotting"
+    ],
+    "ochraceous attila": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: sharp and stout, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-ochre",
+        "breast: ochre-yellow with olive-green tinges",
+        "crown: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "forehead: subtle greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale grey or pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with slight yellowish edges",
+        "throat: bright ochre-yellow"
+    ],
+    "ochraceous bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-orange",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with a flattened crest",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyerings",
+        "legs: long, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: long, greenish-yellow with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "ochraceous pewee": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointy, and dark",
+        "belly: pale cream with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light ochre-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: smooth olive-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent wing bars",
+        "nape: matching olive-brown with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale cream, contrasted with breast"
+    ],
+    "ochraceous piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine barring",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: pale ochraceous with black streaks",
+        "crown: grey with black spots",
+        "forehead: pale ochraceous with black speckles",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white spots on primary feathers",
+        "nape: greyish with fine black spots",
+        "tail: blackish with white bars and a narrow white tip",
+        "throat: creamy white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "ochraceous wren": [
+        "back: brownish-orange plumage",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white with buff streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: orange-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-orange with light fringes",
+        "nape: orange-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white barring",
+        "throat: light brown with white speckles"
+    ],
+    "ochraceous breasted flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointy",
+        "belly: pale ochraceous-yellow",
+        "breast: light ochraceous-orange",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: olive-brown, moderately forked",
+        "throat: pale ochraceous-yellow"
+    ],
+    "ochre backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark brown with ochre streaks",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light cream with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: pale ochre with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with ochre patches",
+        "forehead: pale cream with brown spots",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by pale ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with ochre rectangular markings and white bars",
+        "nape: ochre with dark brown spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with white-tipped, sturdy feathers",
+        "throat: cream with bold, dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "ochre bellied boobook": [
+        "back: rich brown with dense white speckles",
+        "beak: dark grey and curved",
+        "belly: light ochre color with white streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: light brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: light grey with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: reddish brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: brown with white barring and curved shape",
+        "throat: light ochre with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "ochre bellied dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle color variations",
+        "beak: short and stout, greyish-black",
+        "belly: warm ochre hue, speckled",
+        "breast: pale grey with a pinkish tinge",
+        "crown: blue-grey with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: blue-grey, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black wingtips, discreet white spots",
+        "nape: blue-grey, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black band near the tip",
+        "throat: muted white with a tinge of ochre"
+    ],
+    "ochre bellied flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: bright ochre-yellow",
+        "breast: dull olive-green",
+        "crown: same as back, olive-green",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: similar to back, olive-green",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-olive, fading into belly color"
+    ],
+    "ochre breasted antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale ochre-yellow",
+        "breast: rich ochre-orange",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, surrounded by a light ochre ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: short, olive-brown with narrow white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: short, dark olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white, partially concealed by ochre breast"
+    ],
+    "ochre breasted brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow, fading to white",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange, with a streaked pattern",
+        "crown: olive-green, with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-fronted, with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by light eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green, with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: short, dark, and square-shaped",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow, with some faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "ochre breasted catbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale ochre-yellow coloration",
+        "breast: ochre-yellow with some streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers transitioning to yellowish-brown near the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong grayish-black legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers with a smooth transition to the back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: light ochre-yellow with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "ochre breasted foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy ochre hue",
+        "breast: rich ochre coloring",
+        "crown: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: round, black, small",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with slight notch",
+        "throat: off-white with ochre tinge"
+    ],
+    "ochre breasted pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slender and dark",
+        "belly: pale ochre-yellow",
+        "breast: pale ochre with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale markings",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale ochre-yellow"
+    ],
+    "ochre breasted tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: golden ochre hue",
+        "breast: rich ochre-orange color",
+        "crown: grassy green feathers",
+        "forehead: light green to yellow gradient",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: lively green with black fringes",
+        "nape: green transitioning to ochre",
+        "tail: elongated, green with darker tips",
+        "throat: bright ochre-yellow accent"
+    ],
+    "ochre browed thistletail": [
+        "back: brownish hue with streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and pointy",
+        "belly: cream-colored with soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: goldish-orange with a prominent ridge",
+        "forehead: light brown fading to a light gold",
+        "eyes: dark, attentive, and encircled by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, long, and pale gray",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with strong bar patterns",
+        "nape: light brown fading to ochre-brown",
+        "tail: long, needle-like, with rust-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "ochre cheeked spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, pale-colored",
+        "belly: buffy-cream with dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: pale ochre-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: brownish, barred with rufous",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, brownish with rufous edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "ochre collared monarch": [
+        "back: golden-olive feathers",
+        "beak: slim, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with a bright blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black and glossy blue",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slender",
+        "wings: dark blue-black with golden-olive edging",
+        "nape: bright ochre-toned collar",
+        "tail: long and black with blue sheen",
+        "throat: vivid orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "ochre collared piculet": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: red in males, black in females",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with white spots",
+        "nape: yellow ochre collar",
+        "tail: short and black with white tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "ochre faced tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white and faintly streaked",
+        "breast: pale yellowish",
+        "crown: ochre-colored with a concealed crest",
+        "forehead: ochre-orange with faint eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark brown and beady",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: greenish-olive with ochre collar",
+        "tail: dark greenish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ochre flanked tapaculo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale, ochre-tinted hue",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of gray",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark color",
+        "legs: sturdy and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded and olive-brown with buff feather edges",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, dark brown with buffy tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine barring"
+    ],
+    "ochre fronted antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: dull yellowish-orange",
+        "breast: ochre-orange with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright ochre-orange",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown",
+        "throat: yellowish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ochre headed flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: light ochre-yellow",
+        "crown: orange-brown plume",
+        "forehead: vibrant ochre-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, attentive",
+        "legs: grayish, slender legs",
+        "wings: olive-brown, medium-sized",
+        "nape: orange-brown hue",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium-length feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "ochre lored flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with a hint of green",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: ochre-yellow, standing out from the rest",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, black ringed with a white outline",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with two light wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, meeting the breast seamlessly"
+    ],
+    "ochre marked parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved orange",
+        "belly: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue feathered crest",
+        "forehead: ochre-orange markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong limbs",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: green with slight blue tint",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "ochre naped ground tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-gray with a slight brown tint",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: pale gray with beige streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with an ochre patch",
+        "forehead: slate gray and subtly pale",
+        "eyes: beady and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with bold white wing-bars",
+        "nape: ochre-yellow patch on the back of the head",
+        "tail: moderate length, olive-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "ochre rumped antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: ochre-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: creamy-buff shading",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous hues",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark brown transitioning to ochre rump",
+        "tail: longish, ochre-edged feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "ochre rumped bunting": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, dark upper, and paler lower portion",
+        "belly: pale yellow with some streaking",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue legs designed for perching",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff-colored wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, continuing down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "ochre striped antpitta": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, black in color",
+        "belly: ochre with faint horizontal stripes",
+        "breast: warm ochre with black stripes",
+        "crown: brown with prominent eye-ring",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, encircled with white",
+        "legs: stout, long, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint black streaks",
+        "nape: brown with black stripes",
+        "tail: short and brown, with black bars",
+        "throat: pale with streaks of ochre and black"
+    ],
+    "odedi": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellowish-orange curve",
+        "belly: soft, light gray plumage",
+        "breast: royal blue feathers with white streaks",
+        "crown: brilliant red crest",
+        "forehead: small tuft of white feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing black",
+        "legs: spindly, light brown appendages",
+        "wings: multi-colored feathers with a wingspan of varied hues",
+        "nape: iridescent purple feathers",
+        "tail: long, yellow-tipped feathers with a fan-like display",
+        "throat: delicate, pale pink plumage"
+    ],
+    "ogea monarch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: relatively short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue with a touch of orange",
+        "breast: bright yellow with sporadic orange streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with black streaks",
+        "forehead: attractive olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, and round",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black with prominent claws",
+        "wings: blue-black with white and yellow patterning, slightly elongated",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers with black striping",
+        "tail: white-tipped blue-black feathers with yellow patches, slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellow feathers with occasional orange streaks"
+    ],
+    "okarito brown kiwi": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown with streaks of lighter shades",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved, pale-colored",
+        "belly: soft, light greyish-brown with dense feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, lighter-toned compared to the back",
+        "crown: covered with dark, dense, bristle-like feathers",
+        "forehead: subtly protruding forward with small dark feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and hidden within feathered face",
+        "legs: thick, strong, and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: short, hardly visible, with vestigial remnants",
+        "nape: finely feathered, blending with dark hues of the back",
+        "tail: inconspicuous, hidden beneath body feathers",
+        "throat: lighter in color, gradually merging with the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "okinawa robin": [
+        "back: dark gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender black beak",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with faint blue sheen",
+        "crown: deep blue-gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: dark blue-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert eyes",
+        "legs: slim, strong, gray-black legs",
+        "wings: dark gray-blue with white wing-bar",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathering",
+        "tail: long, dark gray-blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with light blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "okinawa woodpecker": [
+        "back: black plumage with green sheen",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with white streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong, and agile",
+        "wings: black with green sheen and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: black with green sheen and white spots",
+        "throat: grayish-blue with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "oleaginous hemispingus": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: dark, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow and streak-free",
+        "breast: bright and yellowish-orange",
+        "crown: eye-catching deep blue",
+        "forehead: small patches of gleaming blue",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and perching, with dark claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue transitioning into green",
+        "tail: long, contrasting with dark outer feathers and lighter inner feathers",
+        "throat: bright orange with blue accents"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: light olive-brown",
+        "crown: prominent crest with white center",
+        "forehead: olive-brown color",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender pale gray color",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green shade",
+        "tail: moderate length, olive-brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: off-white, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous flatbill": [
+        "back: olive-green covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, wide, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow, unmarked underside",
+        "breast: light olive hue, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green plumage atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending with crown and face",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering, set on a flat face",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with a slight brownish tinge, elliptical shape",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and broad, olive-green with faint brown markings",
+        "throat: pale yellow, transitioning to the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow",
+        "crown: muted olive-green",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with subtle black banding",
+        "throat: muted yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous greenlet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and stout",
+        "belly: creamy yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light olive-green shading",
+        "crown: vibrant olive-green color",
+        "forehead: smooth, greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark-colored",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale yellow edging",
+        "nape: subtly contrasting green hue",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green plumage"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: light olive-green chest",
+        "crown: streaked brown and cream",
+        "forehead: dull olive-brown",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale bars",
+        "nape: olive-green coloration",
+        "tail: short, woodpecker-like",
+        "throat: buff-white shade"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous piha": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish",
+        "belly: light greyish-green",
+        "breast: pale olive-green",
+        "crown: olive-green plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage, seamless transition from crown",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-green with subtle yellowish tips",
+        "throat: pale greyish-green"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous schiffornis": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, wide, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale olive-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: lighter olive-brown feathers",
+        "crown: slightly darker olive-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and small, encircled by cream-colored eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint yellowish edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint yellowish edging",
+        "throat: lighter olive-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark gray structure",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green plumage on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: yellow feathers with slight green tinge on chest",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: same color as crown, a slight yellowish tinge",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, tree-perching limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green and black feathers with yellow edging",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: olive-green and black feathers with yellow edging, forked shape",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green feathers, transitioning to breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous thornbill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers, slight feather texture",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white, with hints of green",
+        "breast: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: bright olive-green, small size",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white streaks, medium length",
+        "nape: olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green, forked, long",
+        "throat: pale grey with green tints"
+    ],
+    "olivaceous woodcreeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with faint brown spotting",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: light buff with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "olive bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark-colored, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: pale, yellow-green feathers",
+        "crown: dark, olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: lighter green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, round eyes",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-blue legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with a thin, darker stripe",
+        "tail: long, dark, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale, greenish-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "olive bushshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green hue with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-olive shade",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive green",
+        "crown: olive-green fading to grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: dark greenish-gray",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown, surrounded with white eyering",
+        "legs: slaty-grey, robust with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vibrant olive with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning into grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long and rounded, olive-green with blackish-brown tips",
+        "throat: lighter olive-green transitioning to a yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "olive finch": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: yellowish-green underside",
+        "breast: pale yellow, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with slightly darker shade",
+        "forehead: pale greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-olive, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker, forked feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "olive flyrobin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle brown streaks",
+        "breast: faded orangish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green dome-shaped head",
+        "forehead: smooth, slight gradient of olive tones",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by pale feather rings",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-gray, unfeathered",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker-gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition between olive crown and pale-yellow throat",
+        "tail: long, tapered, olive and gray hues",
+        "throat: soft, pale-yellow, unblemished"
+    ],
+    "olive honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: slender, curved, dark grey beak",
+        "belly: light olive-grey underside",
+        "breast: pale olive-yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: greyish olive-green head cap",
+        "forehead: light grey front of the head",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellowish feather edges",
+        "nape: slightly darker olive-green neck",
+        "tail: long and slender with olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "olive ibis": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, olive-green",
+        "belly: pale olive-green feathers",
+        "breast: dark olive-brown plumage",
+        "crown: glossy olive-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, pale with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, slender, olive-green",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: darker olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: short, stiff feathers, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale olive-green, slightly lighter than belly"
+    ],
+    "olive long tailed cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, sharp edges",
+        "belly: pale white with fine rusty-brown streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with faded brown markings",
+        "crown: greyish-olive with slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, greenish-grey blend",
+        "eyes: piercing black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: elongated, olive-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: olive hues fading into grey tones",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark olive with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "olive manakin": [
+        "back: moss green feathers",
+        "beak: small black cone-shaped",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: smooth greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small beady black",
+        "legs: gray slender legs",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black edges",
+        "nape: olive-toned feathers",
+        "tail: tapered black tail feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "olive oropendola": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light yellow, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: black and glossy",
+        "eyes: bright brown surrounded by grayish-blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and scaled",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish tips",
+        "nape: lush green and glossy",
+        "tail: elongated, yellow-tipped, black feathers",
+        "throat: golden yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "olive spinetail": [
+        "back: olive green with brownish hues",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy white with olive-brown bands",
+        "breast: pale olive with brownish tinges",
+        "crown: dark olive green and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: medium length, rufous-brown with thin bands",
+        "throat: lighter olive, fading to creamy white"
+    ],
+    "olive straightbill": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow",
+        "crown: slightly darker olive-green",
+        "forehead: pale olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender with grey-brown color",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with faint barring",
+        "nape: greenish-olive, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short and square-edged, greenish-olive",
+        "throat: pale olive-yellow, sometimes with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "olive sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slim body",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale olive-yellow with smooth transitions",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with silky plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-violet with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: fine black streaks on a yellow base",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, and agile for gripping branches",
+        "wings: elongated, olive-colored with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich olive-green, merging into the back feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, and forked with white outer tips",
+        "throat: brilliant metallic violet-blue in males, duller in females"
+    ],
+    "olive thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: straight, dark, medium-length",
+        "belly: dull white with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: warm orange with dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown, rounded top of head",
+        "forehead: brownish, blends into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dull pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connects crown to back",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "olive warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellow with olive tones",
+        "crown: orange-reddish cap",
+        "forehead: orange-reddish merging into cap",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with thin white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "olive whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale olive with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: paler olive-green",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinctive white spots",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: long and brownish-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: cream-colored with streaks"
+    ],
+    "olive backed euphonia": [
+        "back: greenish-olive plumage",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive blue-black patch",
+        "forehead: blue-black coloring",
+        "eyes: small with dark iris",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: greenish-olive hue",
+        "tail: short and olive-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "olive backed flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish hue",
+        "breast: whitish with olive wash",
+        "crown: olive-green with a brownish tinge",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: smooth olive-green",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow with olive tinge"
+    ],
+    "olive backed foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale and buff-colored",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with streaks",
+        "eyes: small and brown",
+        "legs: sturdy and brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with buff wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with light streaking",
+        "tail: long and olive-green",
+        "throat: pale and streaked"
+    ],
+    "olive backed oriole": [
+        "back: olive-green upper plumage",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow underside",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange hue",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black tips",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with black and white markings",
+        "throat: yellowish hue with slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "olive backed pipit": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale and streaked",
+        "breast: whitish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: plain olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark and well-defined",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "olive backed quail dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, slightly curved upper mandible",
+        "belly: pale gray with occasional darker markings",
+        "breast: delicate pinkish-brown hue, fading to gray",
+        "crown: softly textured olive-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: pale olive-gray coloration",
+        "eyes: round and dark, framed by pale gray feathering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink, with scaled texture",
+        "wings: muted olive-brown, with lighter streaks and spots",
+        "nape: smooth olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: moderately long, graduated, with dark brown and white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "olive backed sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a hint of olive",
+        "breast: bright yellow with an orange patch",
+        "crown: metallic blue, iridescent in sunlight",
+        "forehead: continuation of the metallic blue crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bead-like",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, and tapering with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: metallic blue, matching the crown and forehead"
+    ],
+    "olive backed tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale, olive-yellow tinge",
+        "crown: dull green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, round with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with rufous fringes",
+        "nape: greenish with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated with rufous edges",
+        "throat: white with olive-yellow borders"
+    ],
+    "olive backed tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and light-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: yellow-toned feathers near the upper body",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of olive-green near the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round, surrounded by olive-green feathers",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown with small, clawed feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with primary and secondary feathers for flight",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers that taper at the tip",
+        "throat: pale, yellow-toned feathers near the beak"
+    ],
+    "olive backed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pale brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light olive streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with olive-brown streaking",
+        "crown: plain olive-green",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back coloration",
+        "tail: long, straight, olive-brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint olive-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "olive backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-olive hue with woodpecker pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: light cream with brown spots",
+        "breast: warm beige with brown speckles",
+        "crown: deep red plumage, male-specific",
+        "forehead: tan colored with slight speckling",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-toned with white and black bars",
+        "nape: greenish-olive, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: barred black and white, stiff and strong",
+        "throat: pale cream with slight spotting"
+    ],
+    "olive bellied sunbird": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze upper plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved beak for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale olive underparts",
+        "breast: iridescent blue-violet chest patch",
+        "crown: metallic green head cap",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert eyes",
+        "legs: slim, grey-brown, adapted for gripping branches",
+        "wings: dark-edged greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze with metallic shine",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark-edged tail feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "olive capped flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: light grayish-white lower abdomen",
+        "breast: grayish-white to pale olive, merging with belly coloration",
+        "crown: olive-green covering the top of head",
+        "forehead: bright olive cap extending up to eye level",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, slender, and gray with sharp, zygodactyl claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short and forked, with olive-green upper feathers and grayish-white underside",
+        "throat: grayish-white to pale olive, contrasting with the vibrant cap"
+    ],
+    "olive capped warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright olive-green",
+        "forehead: olive-green, similar to the crown",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, slender with dark claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "olive chested flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upper back and wings",
+        "beak: short and dark, somewhat pointed",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow underside",
+        "breast: olive-green mixed with yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-green",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with slight fork shape",
+        "throat: bright yellow with an olive tinge"
+    ],
+    "olive crowned crescentchest": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light warm-brown with crescent-shaped markings",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: olive-green and rounded",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with crescent-shaped markings"
+    ],
+    "olive crowned flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green, slightly glossy feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with slight greenish tinge",
+        "breast: olive-green blending to pale yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green, distinct from forehead",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-green, contrasting with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender, fairly short",
+        "wings: olive-green, broad, rounded tips",
+        "nape: olive-green, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, short, with rounded feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, fading to belly color"
+    ],
+    "olive crowned yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green with small streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish flanks",
+        "breast: bright yellow merging into the belly",
+        "crown: bright olive-green with a distinct pattern",
+        "forehead: yellow with olive-green accents",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey, and long-toed",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark grey flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark grey with olive-green edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, distinct from the breast"
+    ],
+    "olive faced flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white with very light olive tint",
+        "breast: pale yellow-olive with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: light olive-green, almost blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, dull gray or black",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, with olive-green edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "olive flanked robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black slender beak",
+        "belly: creamy white underparts",
+        "breast: bright orange-red breast",
+        "crown: olive-green head",
+        "forehead: black streaks on white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-blue legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "olive gray saltator": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: medium-sized, black and conical",
+        "belly: grayish-white coloration",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feather crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray shading",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: strong, grey-blue hue",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth gray transition from crown",
+        "tail: dark, sleek, and long feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "olive green camaroptera": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light under-feathers with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale olive-green with subtle dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright olive hue and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from crown to beak",
+        "eyes: dark, petite, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of bright olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: slightly darker olive with straight-cut edges",
+        "throat: paler hue blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "olive green tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant olive green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: light olive green with yellow undertones",
+        "breast: bright olive green feathers, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: rich olive green, smooth plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the olive green crown, seamlessly blending",
+        "tail: long, olive green with dark feather tips",
+        "throat: slightly paler olive green, transitioning into the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "olive green tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: light olive green",
+        "crown: olive green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly paler green",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive green with distinct barring",
+        "nape: uniform olive green",
+        "tail: long, broad, and green with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "olive headed lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, curved, orange-red beak",
+        "belly: light green with a slight yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: bright green feathers merging into the belly",
+        "crown: deep olive-green covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: continuation of the olive-green crown, slightly lighter in shade",
+        "eyes: round, dark, expressive eyes surrounded by pale-green feathered eyering",
+        "legs: short, light-gray legs with four sharp, clawed toes on each foot",
+        "wings: bright green primary feathers with blue-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, green feathers with blue tips and yellow underside",
+        "throat: slightly paler green feathers transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "olive headed weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow with streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange with fine streaks",
+        "crown: deep olive-green covering head",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark coverts",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: square-ended, olive-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: creamy-yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "olive naped weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, pointed black beak for weaving nests",
+        "belly: pale beige or cream underbelly feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange feathers on the chest area",
+        "crown: olive-green crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, greenish-yellow feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, circular eyes with a black iris",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black, pointed tail feathers for balance and flight",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers leading from beak to chest"
+    ],
+    "olive rumped serin": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: soft yellow-white",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with slight streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: unmarked olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellowish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "tail: brown with olive-yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "olive shouldered parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, beige-colored",
+        "belly: olive-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid, yellow-orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with slight blue tinge",
+        "forehead: bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, scaly, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: green with striking blue on the edges",
+        "nape: blue-green feather transition",
+        "tail: long, green with yellowish tips",
+        "throat: yellow-orange feather patch"
+    ],
+    "olive spotted hummingbird": [
+        "back: green-bronze iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light cream with faint olive spots",
+        "breast: creamy-white with olive-green spots",
+        "crown: glistening green-bronze cap",
+        "forehead: shimmering olive-green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round and alert",
+        "legs: short and slender with tiny feet",
+        "wings: iridescent green-bronze, rapid movement",
+        "nape: subtle gradation of green-bronze hues",
+        "tail: forked with green-bronze and white banding",
+        "throat: luminous white or pale cream"
+    ],
+    "olive streaked flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: off-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white fringes on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with pale fringes",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "olive striped flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale-gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with fine dark stripes",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white with minimal streaking",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: grayish-olive with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-olive with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint olive streaks"
+    ],
+    "olive throated parakeet": [
+        "back: green and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale green feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: dark green cap",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: gray, scaly, and strong",
+        "wings: multicolored feathers with blue-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: deep green with a hint of olive",
+        "tail: long and tapered with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: light green and smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "olive tree warbler": [
+        "back: light olive-green color with brownish streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with slight greenish hue",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a touch of olive",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bordered with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with gray and white edges",
+        "nape: light grayish-olive",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "olive winged bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight brown shade",
+        "beak: short, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white",
+        "breast: yellowish-green tint",
+        "crown: dark olive-green merging with the nape",
+        "forehead: bright olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker olive-green than the crown",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "olive yellow robin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers smoothly transitioning into the tail",
+        "beak: small, thin, and sharp with a grayish-black hue",
+        "belly: golden-yellow feathers with a vibrant and warm tone",
+        "breast: bright and bold yellow feathers, lightly streaked with olive-green tints",
+        "crown: olive-green head with a slight touch of yellow",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow with a greenish tint",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and beady with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slender, and flexible",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with faint lighter edges",
+        "nape: junction of the olive-green crown and back feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with a moderately long, slightly forked form",
+        "throat: bold yellow merging seamlessly with the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "olrog cinclodes": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter gray with black markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint barring",
+        "nape: gray-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark and moderately long",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "olrog gull": [
+        "back: pale gray with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, black tip",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with gentle gray blending",
+        "crown: smooth, light gray",
+        "forehead: narrow, white line above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pink",
+        "wings: broad, pale gray with white tips",
+        "nape: light gray with white edges",
+        "tail: white with black band near the edge",
+        "throat: clean, white plumage"
+    ],
+    "omani owl": [
+        "back: earthy brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, black hook-shaped",
+        "belly: light beige with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: mottled brown and white",
+        "forehead: light brown with white markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and soulful",
+        "legs: feathered with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white and beige patterns",
+        "nape: soft beige with dark brown speckles",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with beige bands",
+        "throat: lighter, tawny brown"
+    ],
+    "omao": [
+        "back: greenish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: straight, blackish bill",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-brown hue",
+        "crown: olive dark green",
+        "forehead: rounded, olive grey",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, medium length",
+        "nape: olive-colored feathers",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale whitish-grey"
+    ],
+    "one colored becard": [
+        "back: deep emerald green",
+        "beak: sharp, black curve",
+        "belly: soft beige feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant sunny yellow",
+        "crown: rich, royal blue",
+        "forehead: white with a hint of gray",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, bark-brown branches",
+        "wings: gradient of green and blue hues",
+        "nape: eye-catching azure",
+        "tail: tangerine with black accents",
+        "throat: pale, calming lavender"
+    ],
+    "opal crowned manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: soft, yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green and slightly glossy",
+        "crown: stunning opal-colored crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-green with opal hue",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: green with small, rounded feathers",
+        "nape: green, blending with back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with black shafts",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow, complementing belly colors"
+    ],
+    "opal crowned tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: shimmering sky blue hue",
+        "breast: deep opalescent turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: bright opal-colored crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming white plumage",
+        "eyes: round, clear, and black",
+        "legs: slender with dark-grey scales",
+        "wings: iridescent green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: gradient from white to green-blue",
+        "tail: elongated and blue-green iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: vivid white feathers transitioning to blue"
+    ],
+    "opal rumped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with hints of green",
+        "crown: opalescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: shimmering turquoise",
+        "eyes: dark, round, piercing",
+        "legs: slim, black, strong",
+        "wings: green-blue, iridescent, sleek",
+        "nape: radiant opal hue",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, smooth"
+    ],
+    "opalton grasswren": [
+        "back: earthy brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: light brown fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: earthy brown with darker markings",
+        "nape: light brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale white with delicate brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "orange bullfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant orange feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and cone-shaped in a dark shade",
+        "belly: soft and pale orange or white feathers",
+        "breast: rich orange plumage, giving it a bold appearance",
+        "crown: bright orange feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: intense orange shade, flowing smoothly into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert, surrounded by a hint of white",
+        "legs: slender and dark, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: orange feathers with black and white markings, allowing for agile flight",
+        "nape: the back of the neck complemented by warm orange feathers",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked with a black and white pattern",
+        "throat: a lighter shade of orange feathers, contrasting with the brighter breast"
+    ],
+    "orange chat": [
+        "back: vibrant orange plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: deep orange feathers",
+        "breast: bright orange chest",
+        "crown: slightly raised orange feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth orange curve",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown, agile",
+        "wings: orange with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: orange neck feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant orange with fine feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange dove": [
+        "back: vibrant orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale color",
+        "belly: soft orange plumage",
+        "breast: bright, rich orange feathers",
+        "crown: orange feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth orange feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: short, pale, and strong",
+        "wings: elegant, orange-hued feathers with dark accents",
+        "nape: slightly darker orange feathers",
+        "tail: long, tapered tail feathers in varying shades of orange",
+        "throat: brilliant orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "orange ground thrush": [
+        "back: orange-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, black color",
+        "belly: cream with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale orange with dark spots",
+        "crown: rich orange-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler orange-brown",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: long and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: orange-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: vibrant orange-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, orange-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brown spotting"
+    ],
+    "orange minivet": [
+        "back: vibrant orange and black plumage",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bright orange hue",
+        "breast: vivid orange plumage",
+        "crown: black with orange streaks",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of orange",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, black, and strong",
+        "wings: striking black and orange pattern",
+        "nape: orange and black gradient",
+        "tail: long and black with orange edges",
+        "throat: brilliant orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange oriole": [
+        "back: bright orange feathers with contrasting black",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: orangish-yellow hue speckled with black spots",
+        "breast: vibrant orange plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers with surrounding black stripes",
+        "forehead: bright yellow fading into orange",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, black with strong grip",
+        "wings: burnt orange and black feathers with white bars",
+        "nape: golden-yellow edged in a thin black stripe",
+        "tail: black feathers with bold white patches",
+        "throat: striking orange with a black delineation"
+    ],
+    "orange river francolin": [
+        "back: brown and black plumage with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pale-orange",
+        "belly: light brown with small black markings",
+        "breast: rusty-red with black bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: strong, orange-brown with three toes",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with brown and black feathers, white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, pointed, brown and black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "orange river white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: orange streaked head",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange hues",
+        "eyes: crisp white rings around dark eyes",
+        "legs: slender gray legs",
+        "wings: green-tinted edges with black tips",
+        "nape: orange-tinged aura",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with rounded edges",
+        "throat: vivid yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "orange weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant orange feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: orange-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright orange plumage",
+        "forehead: fiery orange feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, dark, and strong",
+        "wings: orange and black feathers",
+        "nape: orange feathers, blending to black",
+        "tail: long, black, streamer-like",
+        "throat: bright orange with noticeable black markings"
+    ],
+    "orange backed troupial": [
+        "back: vibrant orange plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black",
+        "belly: bold orange-yellow color",
+        "breast: bright orange, fading to yellow",
+        "crown: deep black with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: striking black color",
+        "eyes: round, alert, black with white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with orange and white highlights",
+        "nape: black, contrasting the orange back",
+        "tail: long, black with orange tips",
+        "throat: marked yellow, connects to breast"
+    ],
+    "orange backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: bright orange feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, elongated, and sharp",
+        "belly: soft white and orange feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-orange crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black and white striped pattern",
+        "nape: orange feathers transitioning to red",
+        "tail: stiff, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "orange banded flycatcher": [
+        "back: smooth, pale brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, short, orange and black",
+        "belly: white with light orange flanks",
+        "breast: clean white with faint orange band",
+        "crown: streaked gray-brown head",
+        "forehead: lightly mottled gray-brown",
+        "eyes: beady, black with thin white circle",
+        "legs: sturdy, brown-orange with sharp claws",
+        "wings: pale brown with darker markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, brown with subtle banding",
+        "throat: vibrant white with a hint of orange"
+    ],
+    "orange banded thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and straight, black",
+        "belly: lighter orange hues",
+        "breast: bright orange bands",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint orange stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: round with black pupil, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: long and dark, with subtle orange markings",
+        "throat: vivid orange, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "orange bellied antwren": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green with brownish tint",
+        "beak: short, straight, black, pointed",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow with slight feather markings",
+        "breast: vivid orange hue, transitions from belly",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown, seamless merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, shiny, dark, centered in white feathered rings",
+        "legs: slender, gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and narrow, olive-green mixed with brown feathering",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with slight feather fringes",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-green, with dark-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale orange, lightly feathered, gradually blends with breast"
+    ],
+    "orange bellied euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark gray point",
+        "belly: brilliant orange hue",
+        "breast: vivid orange undercoat",
+        "crown: deep blue coloration",
+        "forehead: bright blue plumage",
+        "eyes: beady, dark orbs",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: shimmering blue feathers",
+        "nape: midnight blue patch",
+        "tail: sleek, tapered blue plumes",
+        "throat: radiant orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange bellied flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: striking orange hue",
+        "breast: deep orange coloration",
+        "crown: bright green plumage",
+        "forehead: radiant green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender black limbs",
+        "wings: vivid green wingtips",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers",
+        "tail: short and green",
+        "throat: intense orange shade"
+    ],
+    "orange bellied fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: striking orange hue",
+        "breast: bright orange mixed with yellow",
+        "crown: light green, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: gradient of yellow to green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: mix of green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: subtle light green, connects to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: transition from orange to green"
+    ],
+    "orange bellied leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow hue",
+        "breast: brilliant orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: vivid green with slight bluish tint",
+        "forehead: bright green-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent green with blue tips",
+        "nape: rich green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green, with black central feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "orange bellied manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp black beak",
+        "belly: bright orange hue",
+        "breast: radiant orange feathers",
+        "crown: glossy green plumage",
+        "forehead: brilliant green forehead",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grayish brown",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black tips",
+        "nape: green feathers blending into orange",
+        "tail: black, fan-shaped, and edged with green",
+        "throat: vivid orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "orange bellied parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright orange patch",
+        "breast: yellow-green plumage",
+        "crown: green with blue tint",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slender",
+        "wings: green with blue edges",
+        "nape: slightly darker green",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-green with slight blue hue"
+    ],
+    "orange billed babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale buff with brownish tinge",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight fading",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with other head feathers",
+        "tail: fairly long, olive-brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff, subtly contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "orange billed lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: vivid orange curved beak",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright green and yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green feathers with blue hues",
+        "forehead: green with an orange tint",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white feathered rings",
+        "legs: small greyish scaly legs",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue and yellow accents",
+        "nape: green and blue tufted feathers",
+        "tail: long green feathers ending in yellow tips",
+        "throat: green feathers transitioning to yellow on the chest"
+    ],
+    "orange billed nightingale thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange, slim",
+        "belly: white with pale gray sides",
+        "breast: white with large black dots",
+        "crown: olive-brown, rounded",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with slight white highlights",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint gray streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, short and square",
+        "throat: white with black dots"
+    ],
+    "orange billed sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: vibrant orange, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light grey or white",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown streaks on top of the head",
+        "forehead: light grey or white",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender orange-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light grey or white with slight markings"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, light gray",
+        "belly: light orange feathers",
+        "breast: bright orange plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: striking blue plume",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with blue surrounding",
+        "legs: slim, gray",
+        "wings: blue with black and white markings",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers",
+        "tail: blue with black stripes",
+        "throat: bright orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted falcon": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked",
+        "belly: light grey with thin streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey",
+        "eyes: large, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark grey with lighter edges",
+        "nape: dark grey, transitioning to orange",
+        "tail: straight, dark grey with noticeable banding",
+        "throat: rich orange, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted fig parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green tint",
+        "breast: bright orange plumage",
+        "crown: deep green with a blue-purple sheen",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slightly feathered, gray",
+        "wings: multicolored with green, blue, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green hue",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, and blue-green",
+        "throat: dusky green feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted forest robin": [
+        "back: vibrant orange feathers with subtle brown accents",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black beak",
+        "belly: off-white feathers with faint streaks of orange",
+        "breast: striking orange plumage with a slight gradient",
+        "crown: subtle reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dull orange feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark eyes with keen gaze",
+        "legs: slender, gray legs with claws for perching",
+        "wings: warm brown feathers with hints of orange at the edges",
+        "nape: soft, reddish-brown feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with orange highlights near the base",
+        "throat: delicate, off-white feathers transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: orange-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers",
+        "crown: green feathered crest",
+        "forehead: green plumage blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: green feathers with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers tapering to the back",
+        "tail: long, green with black tips",
+        "throat: green merging into the orange breast"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: bright orange hue",
+        "breast: rich orange plumage",
+        "crown: green crown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: lighter green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown, small",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: iridescent green feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: green, same shade as crown",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: soft orange, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted laughingthrush": [
+        "back: vibrant orange with black markings",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: rich orange with distinctive black markings",
+        "breast: warm orange hue with black stripes",
+        "crown: brilliant orange with a black crest",
+        "forehead: dark black region meeting the orange crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: dark black and orange mix with hints of white",
+        "nape: orange with fine black markings",
+        "tail: long, black with orange accents and white trim",
+        "throat: striking orange with prominent black stripes"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant orange hue",
+        "beak: small and thin",
+        "belly: rich orange plumage",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers",
+        "crown: dark-colored head",
+        "forehead: contrasting black area",
+        "eyes: small and beady",
+        "legs: slender and delicate",
+        "wings: dark-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: black neck region",
+        "tail: short, dark, and sharp-edged",
+        "throat: bright orange coloring"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "beak: slim and slightly curved; black",
+        "belly: light orange blending into yellow",
+        "breast: brilliant orange with a metallic sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent green-blue",
+        "forehead: shimmering emerald green",
+        "eyes: small and beady; black",
+        "legs: thin and delicate; black",
+        "wings: mix of bright green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: glossy green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers with green-blue and orange tips",
+        "throat: shiny metallic green transitioning into orange"
+    ],
+    "orange breasted thornbird": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle markings",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light orange feathering",
+        "breast: bright orange plumage",
+        "crown: streaked brown and white",
+        "forehead: white markings with a brown tint",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a thin white ring around",
+        "legs: thin and gray, with sharp clawed feet",
+        "wings: brown and elongated, with white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, transitioning into the orange breast color",
+        "tail: thin and long, with black-tipped brown feathers",
+        "throat: paler orange, with light streaks of brown"
+    ],
+    "orange browed hemispingus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow shading",
+        "breast: yellow-orange plumage",
+        "crown: black-streaked olive",
+        "forehead: bright orange stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: olive, black, and white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark with olive edges",
+        "throat: white, accented by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "orange cheeked honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers, slightly iridescent",
+        "beak: long, black, and slender",
+        "belly: light gray, with white streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray, streaked with white",
+        "crown: black, with hints of blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant orange-yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and wiry",
+        "wings: olive-green, medium length",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers, blending into the back",
+        "tail: grayish-black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: unmarked white feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange cheeked parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, beige-colored",
+        "belly: orange-yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright green with blue tinge",
+        "crown: dark green plumage",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with clawed feet",
+        "wings: green with cobalt blue edges",
+        "nape: rich emerald green tones",
+        "tail: green with red and blue accents",
+        "throat: orange cheek patches"
+    ],
+    "orange cheeked waxbill": [
+        "back: tender grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp conical silver beak",
+        "belly: golden tan fluffiness",
+        "breast: soft orangish-brown hue",
+        "crown: pale grey cap-like shape",
+        "forehead: light charcoal fusion",
+        "eyes: alert tiny black beads",
+        "legs: delicate long pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: elegant silver-grey flight covers",
+        "nape: faded grey curve",
+        "tail: slick narrow charcoal feathers",
+        "throat: bluish-grey smoothness"
+    ],
+    "orange chinned parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, orange-colored upper mandible",
+        "belly: light green feathers with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: bright green plumage, fading to yellowish-green",
+        "crown: vivid green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green feathers that merge into green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, gray legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: dominant green coloration with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tinges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive orange chin patch, bordered by yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "orange collared manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant moss-green",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow with subtle orange hue",
+        "breast: bright orange patch like a collar",
+        "crown: deep green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: vivid emerald-green",
+        "eyes: dark, small, beady with a gentle gaze",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue, unfeathered",
+        "wings: iridescent green with a rounded edge",
+        "nape: rich olive-green transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: short, slightly fan-shaped, greenish-black",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the belly"
+    ],
+    "orange crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: faintly streaked, light yellow",
+        "crown: bright orange crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly paler orange",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and focused",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with prominent white bars",
+        "nape: pale grayish-green",
+        "tail: long, dark, with white edges",
+        "throat: white, blending with yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "orange crowned euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue or green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout and conical",
+        "belly: lemon-yellow or orange-toned",
+        "breast: bright yellow or orange hue",
+        "crown: brilliant orange-colored",
+        "forehead: bluish or greenish feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray or black",
+        "wings: iridescent blue or green",
+        "nape: blue or green feathers",
+        "tail: short and rounded, blue or green feathers",
+        "throat: striking yellow or orange color"
+    ],
+    "orange crowned fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and slender",
+        "belly: pale grey-white plumage",
+        "breast: bright orange crown patch",
+        "crown: vivid blue with hints of orange",
+        "forehead: striking blue plumage",
+        "eyes: black, beady, expressive",
+        "legs: thin, long, dark grey",
+        "wings: short and rounded, blue with a white patch",
+        "nape: blend of soft blue and grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and blue",
+        "throat: light grey-white feathering"
+    ],
+    "orange crowned manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: lighter green hue",
+        "breast: bright orange patch",
+        "crown: brilliant orange display",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth green transition",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, green feathers",
+        "throat: subtle green feathering"
+    ],
+    "orange crowned oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-orange feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light yellow with subtle undertones",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant orange-yellow hue",
+        "forehead: yellow with a tinge of orange",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grey-black color",
+        "wings: blackish with orange-yellow feather markings",
+        "nape: yellowish feathered area",
+        "tail: blackish-grey with yellow-orange feather tips",
+        "throat: soft yellow-orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange eared tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow with hints of green",
+        "breast: stunning orange and yellow blend",
+        "crown: deep green with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: greenish with a touch of orange",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black with grey claws",
+        "wings: green with touches of blue and black",
+        "nape: iridescent green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long, green, with black tips",
+        "throat: fiery orange gradually fading to yellow"
+    ],
+    "orange eyed flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, black",
+        "belly: pale cream-white",
+        "breast: light yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint black stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: bright orange",
+        "legs: dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark brown markings",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with light edging",
+        "throat: light yellow"
+    ],
+    "orange eyed thornbird": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of grey",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with dark feather edges",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with texture",
+        "forehead: slightly darker grey than crown",
+        "eyes: vivid orange with sharp gaze",
+        "legs: greyish-brown with strong feet",
+        "wings: mottled grey, light brown, and white",
+        "nape: silvery grey with hint of brown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, grey with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine markings"
+    ],
+    "orange footed megapode": [
+        "back: brownish black feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish",
+        "belly: dense, dark plumage",
+        "breast: dark brown with a slight gloss",
+        "crown: blackish feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: feathered black with weak crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale yellow orbital ring",
+        "legs: striking orange-yellow feet and scaled black legs",
+        "wings: dark, rounded with strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: black-feathered, blending into back plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "throat: black feathers, bordered by brown plumage"
+    ],
+    "orange fronted barbet": [
+        "back: green feathers with slight yellow tinge",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright red and yellow patchwork",
+        "crown: blue and green mixed feathers",
+        "forehead: striking orange feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and slightly large",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with strong talons",
+        "wings: green feathers with yellow and blue details",
+        "nape: blue and green feathers, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: yellow plumage blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "orange fronted fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale-yellow",
+        "belly: orange-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: gradient of yellow to green feathers",
+        "crown: green head feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant orange feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grey with strong toes",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to orange",
+        "tail: green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: soft orange-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange fronted parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered back",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale orange beak",
+        "belly: lighter green feathered belly",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow feathered breast",
+        "crown: bright green feathered crown",
+        "forehead: striking orange feathered forehead",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, gray legs with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: green feathered wings with blue-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green feathered nape",
+        "tail: long, tapered green tail feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "orange fronted plushcrown": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: lush orange plush-like feathers",
+        "forehead: deep orange continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by green feathering",
+        "legs: thin, grayish, and nimble",
+        "wings: layered green feathers with a touch of blue iridescence",
+        "nape: blending from orange to green, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue accents",
+        "throat: faintly yellow-tinged white feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange fronted yellow finch": [
+        "back: vibrant green hue with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, pale orange color",
+        "belly: bright yellow gradient, fading towards the back",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow with slight green tinges",
+        "crown: orange-tinted front, blending into yellow-green",
+        "forehead: distinct orange patch with fine feather detail",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender and grey, equipped with strong claws",
+        "wings: green and black feather pattern, extended for flight",
+        "nape: gradual transition from crown to upper back",
+        "tail: notched feathers with alternating green and black bands",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, complementing the breast"
+    ],
+    "orange headed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: striking orange with soft gradient",
+        "crown: rich orange, prominent on the head",
+        "forehead: bold orange coloring, eye-catching",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black, built for perching",
+        "wings: green with tinges of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: orange and green, where colors blend",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: deep orange, continuation of breast"
+    ],
+    "orange headed thrush": [
+        "back: earthy brown with a muted pattern",
+        "beak: straight and sharp, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with speckles",
+        "breast: striking orange hue, fading into the belly",
+        "crown: gentle orange, blending with the forehead",
+        "forehead: slightly paler orange than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint orange ring",
+        "legs: slender and gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with black and white feather patterns",
+        "nape: blend of orange and brown, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: sleek brown with darker feather tips",
+        "throat: bright orange, fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "orange necked partridge": [
+        "back: light brown and black patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: scaled buff and black feathers",
+        "breast: orange-brown, mottled with black spots",
+        "crown: dark gray with brownish border",
+        "forehead: pale gray with orange tinge",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: stout, reddish-orange with strong claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with black and brown bars",
+        "nape: orange-brown with dark stripes",
+        "tail: dark brown, long and slightly pointed",
+        "throat: pale gray, bordered by an orange-brown necklace"
+    ],
+    "orange spotted bulbul": [
+        "back: brownish-green with faint orange streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, greyish-blue",
+        "belly: pale cream with small orange spots",
+        "breast: creamy white with bright orange spots",
+        "crown: brownish-green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green gradually fading to white near eyes",
+        "eyes: round, small, black with white surrounding",
+        "legs: strong and slim, light grey",
+        "wings: brownish-green with faint orange patches and white tips",
+        "nape: light olive-green with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-green with white edges and orange spots",
+        "throat: pure white with no spots"
+    ],
+    "orange throated longclaw": [
+        "back: goldish-brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow",
+        "breast: vivid orange throat patch",
+        "crown: golden-brown with black stripe",
+        "forehead: golden-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and dark gray",
+        "wings: brown with black streaks or spots",
+        "nape: golden-brown with black stripe",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant orange patch"
+    ],
+    "orange throated sunangel": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant orange throat patch",
+        "crown: iridescent green cap",
+        "forehead: shining green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey limbs",
+        "wings: delicate, shimmering green plumes",
+        "nape: rich green feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and green",
+        "throat: eye-catching bright orange throat patch"
+    ],
+    "orange throated tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow hue",
+        "breast: vivid orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: yellow-green feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: striking yellow-green color",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and gray, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: yellow-green with black spots and flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow-green surrounding the base of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked feathers",
+        "throat: intense orange hue, setting it apart from the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "orange tufted spiderhunter": [
+        "back: vibrant green and elongated",
+        "beak: long, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow-orange",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow",
+        "crown: green with slight blue tinge",
+        "forehead: green blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slim and grayish",
+        "wings: green with blue and black patterns",
+        "nape: bluish-green and smooth",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and green",
+        "throat: orange-yellow with tufted feathers"
+    ],
+    "orange tufted sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved downward, black",
+        "belly: bright orange feathers",
+        "breast: dazzling orange plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green plumes",
+        "forehead: orange tuft with golden highlights",
+        "eyes: small, black, and lively",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: green-blue with hints of orange",
+        "nape: green-blue sheen with a hint of gold",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and green-blue with orange streaks",
+        "throat: vibrant orange with golden shimmer"
+    ],
+    "orange winged parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers providing smooth coverage",
+        "beak: strong, curved, grayish-black beak for gripping food",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow feathers with a soft texture",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers transitioning from green tones",
+        "crown: green feathered crest with a slight curve towards the back",
+        "forehead: brilliant green feathers blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes encircled by a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with zygodactyl toes for gripping branches",
+        "wings: iridescent blue and orange streaks amidst green feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers merging from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, green and blue flight feathers with a squared-off end",
+        "throat: yellow-green feathers transitioning to the orange breast"
+    ],
+    "orange winged pytilia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, grayish-blue color",
+        "belly: orange and white feathered",
+        "breast: bright orange with white patches",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellowish highlights",
+        "forehead: olive-green merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: orange wing bar with green base",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long and green with orange edges",
+        "throat: white area with faint orange hue"
+    ],
+    "orangequit": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: olive-yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden orange plumage",
+        "crown: dark greenish-black",
+        "forehead: striking orange blaze",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: delicate grey",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white accents",
+        "nape: brilliant green",
+        "tail: green and black feathers",
+        "throat: bold orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "oriental cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle dark barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with indistinct markings",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, merging with back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with subtle barring, slightly graduated",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "oriental darter": [
+        "back: elongated, dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellowish hooked tip",
+        "belly: light brown with streaks of white",
+        "breast: whitish with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers blending into the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: short, webbed with greenish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown, long and slender with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with a forked shape",
+        "throat: white feathers with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "oriental greenfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow-green feathers",
+        "crown: dark green with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: black and bead-like, surrounded by thin bright yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark green with yellow linings",
+        "nape: green feathers with yellow tinge",
+        "tail: forked with dark green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "oriental hobby": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved hook, black",
+        "belly: light grey, streaked with white",
+        "breast: rusty-red, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: slate-grey, well-defined",
+        "forehead: dark grey fading into white",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, strong, sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grey, with white bands",
+        "nape: grey with faint red-brown tinges",
+        "tail: dark grey, prominently barred with white edges",
+        "throat: white, sharply distinct from breast color"
+    ],
+    "oriental honey buzzard": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with lighter edges",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and yellowish-grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown horizontal stripe pattern",
+        "breast: beige with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slightly paler forehead",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with a hint of a crest",
+        "eyes: yellow-orange with a black, striking stare",
+        "legs: yellowish-grey with strong talons",
+        "wings: broad, long, and brown with contrasting white bands",
+        "nape: light brown blending into the dark brown of the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: white or pale beige with some darker streaking"
+    ],
+    "oriental magpie robin": [
+        "back: dark and streaked feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white to greyish-white",
+        "breast: white, blending with belly",
+        "crown: bold black stripe",
+        "forehead: black with distinct white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with a small white stripe",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-edged",
+        "throat: white with a black band"
+    ],
+    "oriental pied hornbill": [
+        "back: black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: large, yellow and black casqued",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with occasional black streaks",
+        "crown: covered in black feathers",
+        "forehead: adorned with black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and encircled with a pale blue ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: broad and patterned with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting the white of the belly",
+        "tail: long and black, extending past the body",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning into black plumage"
+    ],
+    "oriental plover": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: white, unmarked",
+        "breast: buff colored, smooth",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, lined pattern",
+        "forehead: white, prominent",
+        "eyes: black, round",
+        "legs: long, dark gray",
+        "wings: light brown, white-tipped",
+        "nape: browny-gray, subtle streaks",
+        "tail: pale brown, narrow bars",
+        "throat: white, chin unmarked"
+    ],
+    "oriental pratincole": [
+        "back: light sandy brown with smooth feathering",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish in color",
+        "belly: creamy white, blending into the breast",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown with a buffy tinge",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale with a contrasting darker border",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellowish-green",
+        "wings: pointed, sandy brown with dark tips and edges",
+        "nape: warm brown, similar in color to crown",
+        "tail: elongated and forked, with dark brown feathers and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with a black crescent-shaped marking"
+    ],
+    "oriental reed warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: whitish or pale buff color",
+        "breast: pale brownish with thin dark streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with faded streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish or flesh-colored, long and slender",
+        "wings: brownish with faint darker bars",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: brownish, long and graduated with pale outer edges",
+        "throat: pale buff or whitish, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "oriental scops owl": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, blackish-brown, and curved",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with prominent white spots",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow",
+        "legs: feathered and brownish-grey",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with white markings",
+        "tail: dark brown barred with thin white bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "oriental skylark": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and straight, pale color",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: warm buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, long and slender",
+        "wings: brown with black markings, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: light brown, similar to crown",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "oriental stork": [
+        "back: black and white plumage, covering from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, sharp, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers, located beneath the breast",
+        "breast: white plumage, extending from throat to stomach area",
+        "crown: black feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers between eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, thin, and reddish in color",
+        "wings: large, primarily white with black tips",
+        "nape: black feathers, connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: elongated white feathers with black accents",
+        "throat: white plumage, seamlessly connected to breast area"
+    ],
+    "oriental turtle dove": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathered",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray with a white undertone",
+        "breast: pale gray with a slight pink hue",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a black mark",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with thin black eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-red with dark claws",
+        "wings: multicolored feathers gray, brown, black",
+        "nape: dark gray with brownish tinge",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, well defined"
+    ],
+    "oriente warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: thin, pointed bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: orange-brown cap",
+        "forehead: stripe of vibrant yellow",
+        "eyes: dark beady with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive with feathered tips",
+        "nape: subtle yellow-green",
+        "tail: elongated, sleek feathers",
+        "throat: off-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "orinocan saltator": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: yellowish-cream with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-olive with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: black with a slight blue sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint black markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "orinoco goose": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black with a hint of orange",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: dark chestnut color with black markings",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "forehead: same as the crown, brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "eyes: brownish-orange with a black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, orange with black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark chestnut and white with black markings; white wing bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark chestnut color with black stripes",
+        "throat: white, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "orinoco piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, gently curved, and black",
+        "belly: whitish hue with a subtle buff tone",
+        "breast: pale gray with some white streaks",
+        "crown: blackish with small white spots",
+        "forehead: black with tiny white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown with sturdy toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish feather edging",
+        "nape: black with small white dots",
+        "tail: short, sharply pointed blackish feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine black and gray streaking"
+    ],
+    "orinoco softtail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle patterning",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white intersected with brown streaks",
+        "crown: round-headed with uniform brownish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and flat, similar in color to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small and positioned midway up the side of the head",
+        "legs: slender and medium-length with pale brown coloration",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white feather edging, moderately sized",
+        "nape: continuation of crown pattern, with brownish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and slightly rounded with brownish-gray feathers",
+        "throat: white with light streaks of brown, gradually transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "oriole blackbird": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-orange to yellow and black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, silvery-blue or black",
+        "belly: predominantly golden-yellow or orange",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow or orange with black markings",
+        "crown: black or bluish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: black, sometimes with blue or yellow tinges",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inconspicuous",
+        "legs: thin, black, with strong feet and claws",
+        "wings: black, sometimes with white or yellow wingbars",
+        "nape: black or yellow, depending on the species",
+        "tail: long, black, with straight or slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: golden-yellow or orange with black-bordered feathers"
+    ],
+    "oriole cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant bluish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: sleek, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle stripes",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a stunning crest",
+        "forehead: bright bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and black, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, blue-gray with black and white markings",
+        "nape: smooth, blue-gray transition to the crown",
+        "tail: elongated blue-gray feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, merging into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "oriole finch": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-orange feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: light yellow with streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow or orange hue",
+        "crown: black or dark blue coloring",
+        "forehead: deep black stripe",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a black pupil",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: contrasting black or blue with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: yellow-orange or black, depending on the sub-species",
+        "tail: long, black or blue feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: vivid yellow or orange with black markings"
+    ],
+    "oriole warbler": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: green with slightly darker streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: vibrant green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: light green transitioning to darker hues",
+        "tail: green on top, greyish-blue underneath, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "oriole whistler": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white or pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich golden-yellow feathers with a hint of orange",
+        "forehead: prominent golden-yellow coloration",
+        "eyes: striking dark and rounded with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong dark-gray to black, slightly feathered",
+        "wings: black with white or yellow bars and patches",
+        "nape: golden-yellow shade fading into the rest of the body",
+        "tail: straight, black, and white-tipped with a fan-like appearance",
+        "throat: vivid orange-yellow hue contrasted with the white of the belly"
+    ],
+    "ornate flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: orange-yellow feathers with streaks",
+        "crown: black-and-white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: bright orange-yellow tuft",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and mostly black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "ornate fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with yellow highlights",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: pale yellow with green tones",
+        "breast: pinkish-red coloration",
+        "crown: bright emerald green",
+        "forehead: vivid orange hue",
+        "eyes: black with white rings around",
+        "legs: short, sturdy with pinkish-grey color",
+        "wings: green with yellow accents and blue tips",
+        "nape: bright emerald green with white streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, green with yellow bands and blue tips",
+        "throat: radiant yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "ornate lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a hint of blue",
+        "beak: curved and orange-red",
+        "belly: bright yellow with a slight green tint",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow",
+        "crown: emerald green with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: iridescent lime green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye rings",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: green-blue with red and yellow markings",
+        "nape: deep green with a bluish sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, green with yellow and red tips",
+        "throat: luminous green-yellow"
+    ],
+    "ornate melidectes": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale-brownish hue",
+        "breast: dark-brown feathers with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: bright yellow plumes",
+        "eyes: striking, black orbs",
+        "legs: strong, slate gray",
+        "wings: golden-brown, tipped in black",
+        "nape: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: long, black, slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellow, fading to pale-brown"
+    ],
+    "ornate pitta": [
+        "back: bold, greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage with black markings",
+        "breast: rich yellow with intricate black patterns",
+        "crown: bright blue with a defined black eyestripe",
+        "forehead: striking blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and surrounded by black eyestripe",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: multicolored with blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: vivid green blending into the blue crown",
+        "tail: mixture of blue and green feathers with black bars",
+        "throat: deep yellow with fine black pattern"
+    ],
+    "ornate stipplethroat": [
+        "back: intricately patterned with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender with a prominent hook",
+        "belly: cream-colored with delicate speckles",
+        "breast: vibrant orange hue with black markings",
+        "crown: adorned with blue and green iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers in a deep red shade",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing gaze surrounded by yellow rings",
+        "legs: robust and sturdy with curved talons",
+        "wings: luminescent and elaborate, banded with multiple colors",
+        "nape: subtly striped, transitioning to a vivid plumage",
+        "tail: elongated and majestic, ending in a stunning fan",
+        "throat: adorned with striking black and white stipples"
+    ],
+    "ornate tinamou": [
+        "back: richly patterned brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: lightly speckled cream and brown",
+        "breast: mottled brown and cream feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with a grayish tinge",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown and black barred feathers",
+        "nape: patterned brown with a slight crest",
+        "tail: short, brown and black barred",
+        "throat: pale cream with light speckles"
+    ],
+    "ortolan bunting": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale greyish-yellow",
+        "breast: subtle yellow blush",
+        "crown: distinct brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white and buff wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, buff-yellow"
+    ],
+    "oustalet sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered covering",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for sipping nectar",
+        "belly: soft, white-gray underbelly plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering blue-green feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent green-blue head crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue-green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, brown, and scaly with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright green with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: brilliant green and blue coloration",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: rich golden-yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "oustalet tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointy for insect catching",
+        "belly: creamy-white underbody with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white with faint olive wash",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grayish-olive than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and blackish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, transition between crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "outcrop sabrewing": [
+        "back: iridescent green with subtle bronze sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint green tint",
+        "breast: vibrant green, slightly darker than the back",
+        "crown: shimmering violet-blue with green highlights",
+        "forehead: vibrant violet-blue, matching the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, circular with a narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: large and rounded with iridescent green feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant green, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "tail: long, forked, and iridescent green with white tips",
+        "throat: luminous violet-blue, extending to the sides of the neck"
+    ],
+    "ouvea parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and grayish-blue",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyerings",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with blue edges",
+        "nape: green with a bluish tint",
+        "tail: long and green with blue tips",
+        "throat: greenish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "ovambo sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: slender brown feathers with faint white edges",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown horizontal streaks across the chest",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: deep yellow with a black iris",
+        "legs: long, yellow-orange legs with powerful talons",
+        "wings: brown feathers with white barring, rounded when folded",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers with a hint of white",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with a broad white band near the tip",
+        "throat: pale white feathers with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "owston tit": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with yellow undertones",
+        "breast: white with light olive-green streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-green with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and round with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green fading into white streaks",
+        "tail: long and slender with olive-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: white with olive-green streaks"
+    ],
+    "oxapampa antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and strong with a slight curve",
+        "belly: yellowish hue with some brown marks",
+        "breast: buff color with contrasting streaks",
+        "crown: rufous brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: small size, encircled by light eyering",
+        "legs: strong and long, greyish in tone",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint feather markings",
+        "nape: brownish with thin streaks",
+        "tail: short and square-cut, olive-brown tone",
+        "throat: pale yellow with some brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "pacific antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green with black stripes",
+        "beak: short, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black barring",
+        "crown: black with greenish tinge",
+        "forehead: black with greenish sheen",
+        "eyes: black, bead-like",
+        "legs: thin, grayish blue",
+        "wings: dark green with black and white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with black stripes",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pacific baza": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle barring",
+        "beak: hooked shape, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with dark-grey speckles",
+        "breast: pale grey with fine dark barring",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange with a distinct dark stripe",
+        "legs: yellow-grey with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, barred with alternating shades of grey",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with subtle barring",
+        "tail: dark-grey with white bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pacific black duck": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle dark barring",
+        "beak: dark greyish-blue with a black tip",
+        "belly: light buff or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown feathers with a distinctive iridescent green speculum",
+        "nape: brown feathers with a narrow light stripe or collar",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: lighter brown or buff-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "pacific elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-gray with some streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: dark olive-brown with faint pale edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "pacific emerald dove": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of green sheen",
+        "breast: vibrant emerald green",
+        "crown: glossy emerald green",
+        "forehead: slightly brighter green than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black with a pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, red to purple, with dark gray toes",
+        "wings: shimmering green with dark gray edges",
+        "nape: iridescent green merging with the crown",
+        "tail: slender, elongated, dark gray with green sheen",
+        "throat: paler gray transitioning to the emerald breast"
+    ],
+    "pacific flatbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, flat, and wide with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: washed with pale olive or yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: faint eyebrow line and pale olive color",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray or black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale yellow wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with slightly darker streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pacific gull": [
+        "back: silver-grey feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: strong, yellow with a red tip",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white with smooth feathers",
+        "crown: silver-grey with sleek feathering",
+        "forehead: white and smoothly curved",
+        "eyes: dark brown, sharp and alert",
+        "legs: thick, yellow-orange, webbed",
+        "wings: long, silver-grey with black-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: silver-grey feathering",
+        "tail: white feathers with a black band",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers"
+    ],
+    "pacific heron": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellow pointed beak",
+        "belly: white, soft, feathery underbelly",
+        "breast: white, rounded chest with smooth feathers",
+        "crown: black or dark gray feathered cap on the head",
+        "forehead: white plumage above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, piercing yellow eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow or orange legs",
+        "wings: large, grayish-blue, outstretched wingspan",
+        "nape: distinctive black or dark gray stripe down the back of neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-like tail with grayish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white, feathery neck extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "pacific imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with gentle curve",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, pale blue-grey",
+        "belly: soft and white, slight puffs",
+        "breast: white feathers with full coverage",
+        "crown: rounded greyish-white top",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-white transition to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: wide, grey, powerful for swift flight",
+        "nape: white feathers meeting the grey crown",
+        "tail: broad, white, with visible dark central shafts",
+        "throat: white and smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "pacific kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale, creamy white",
+        "breast: white with turquoise hints",
+        "crown: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "forehead: intense blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slim and black",
+        "wings: striking blue-green with black bars",
+        "nape: vivid blue with green hues",
+        "tail: long and blue-green with black bars",
+        "throat: clean white feathers"
+    ],
+    "pacific koel": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a light yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grayish-yellow, strong",
+        "wings: long, dark brown with lighter brown edges",
+        "nape: brownish-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with a white-tipped fan shape",
+        "throat: white feathers with a slight brownish hint"
+    ],
+    "pacific parakeet": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: orange, hooked shape",
+        "belly: pale green plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant green feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green with a slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: lime green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, scaly",
+        "wings: rich green with turquoise and ultramarine feathers in flight feathers",
+        "nape: intense green with a slight yellowish tint",
+        "tail: long, tapering green feathers with deep blue tips",
+        "throat: light green plumage"
+    ],
+    "pacific parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of green",
+        "beak: short, stout, grayish-white",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: soft green plumage",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: emerald green patch",
+        "eyes: black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: green with shades of blue",
+        "nape: blend of green and golden feathers",
+        "tail: bright blue with greenish undertones",
+        "throat: delicate lime-green hue"
+    ],
+    "pacific reef heron": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey or white plumage",
+        "breast: light-grey feathers",
+        "crown: bluish-gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow and black",
+        "wings: broad, bluish-gray feathers with a white or light-grey underside",
+        "nape: grey feathers connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: short, light-grey, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale grey or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "pacific robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to black",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: long and thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "pacific screech owl": [
+        "back: mottled gray and brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, light yellow",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with brown barring",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with thin dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered and grayish-brown, taloned feet",
+        "wings: gray-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: streaked gray with brown spots",
+        "tail: short and square, gray-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pacific swallow": [
+        "back: sleek blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white with slight greyish tint",
+        "crown: blue-black with glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: dark blue-black coloration",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and dark",
+        "wings: pointed blue-black feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: blue-black with glossy sheen",
+        "tail: moderately forked with white edges",
+        "throat: white with light grey tint"
+    ],
+    "pacific swift": [
+        "back: dark glossy blue-black",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: soft white underparts",
+        "breast: faint bluish tinge",
+        "crown: uniform blue-black",
+        "forehead: sleek, black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: small, feathered, black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with a dark blue-black shade",
+        "nape: dark blue-black feathers smoothly transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: narrow, spiky, and dark blue-black",
+        "throat: pale throat with slight white tinge"
+    ],
+    "pacific tuftedcheek": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight greenish tint",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish in color, a bit brighter than the belly",
+        "crown: greyish brown with a tuft of feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter greyish brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by pale eye rings",
+        "legs: thin and greyish olive green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint darker bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, fades into the back color",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a slight greenish tint, similar to the back",
+        "throat: pale yellow with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "paddyfield pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with white markings",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "paddyfield warbler": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cream with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brown with a dark stripe",
+        "forehead: pale with a faint stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pale pink",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown with contrasting tips",
+        "throat: pale with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "paint billed crake": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black barring",
+        "breast: pale gray with black barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small and round",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow with long, thin toes",
+        "wings: brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale gray with black barring"
+    ],
+    "painted bush quail": [
+        "back: earthy brown with dark feather streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale chestnut with faint black markings",
+        "breast: rich chestnut with white spots and black bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: white, speckled with black",
+        "eyes: bright and bead-like, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue with well-defined toes",
+        "wings: brown, mottled with pale and dark markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark feather streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered with black and chestnut patches"
+    ],
+    "painted buttonquail": [
+        "back: earthy brown coloring with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and grayish-white",
+        "belly: sandy-brown with fine black spots",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray with fine black specks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut hue with a scaled pattern",
+        "forehead: off-white, extending into a dark stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright within a white circular ring",
+        "legs: slim, featherless, and gray-blue in color",
+        "wings: barred pattern of pale and dark browns, fairly short",
+        "nape: fine chestnut color with a scaly appearance",
+        "tail: short and squared, with various shades of brown bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "painted firetail": [
+        "back: bright olive-green with fine dark spots",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with thin black stripes",
+        "breast: white with bold black spots",
+        "crown: vibrant red with fine dark spots",
+        "forehead: vivid red with slight dark speckles",
+        "eyes: large and dark, encircled by red eyering",
+        "legs: dark brown, slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with fine dark spots",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "painted francolin": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with intricate black patterns",
+        "beak: strong, short, and blackish",
+        "belly: whitish with small black spots",
+        "breast: russet-colored with a black and white scalloped pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown with a narrow white stripe above the eyes",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with fine black speckles",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with reddish-brown and black barring",
+        "nape: dark brown with a faint white stripe down the center",
+        "tail: long and brownish with black bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: whitish with fine black speckles"
+    ],
+    "painted honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with slight yellow tint",
+        "breast: white with black spotting",
+        "crown: black with a yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: black, smoothly transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, edged with yellow",
+        "nape: black, connects crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellow edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, separates black forehead from breast"
+    ],
+    "painted manakin": [
+        "back: greenish upper body",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright red-orange",
+        "crown: deep green, rounded head",
+        "forehead: vibrant green with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: black and beady, encircled by green feathers",
+        "legs: grayish, slender, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: short, rounded, green with slight hints of orange",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to red-orange on breast",
+        "tail: square-shaped, green with slight orange tint on edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, bordered by red-orange on the breast"
+    ],
+    "painted parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, orange-red",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue, feathers sweeping back",
+        "forehead: brilliant yellow and red markings",
+        "eyes: black with thin white outline",
+        "legs: slim, gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: multicolored feathers, dominant green and blue",
+        "nape: rich purplish-blue hue",
+        "tail: long, tapering, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: striking red and orange patches"
+    ],
+    "painted quail thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: grey with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with grey streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black and round",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: slate-grey with white spots",
+        "nape: brown fading into grey",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "painted sandgrouse": [
+        "back: sandy brown with subtle dark markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale buff with light horizontal striping",
+        "breast: rust-colored with bold black bars",
+        "crown: sandy brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale buff forehead with prominent dark eye stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white crescent-shaped markings below",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish feathered legs with three toes",
+        "wings: long, pointed with intricate dark patterning on coverts",
+        "nape: sandy brown blending into rust breast coloration",
+        "tail: brown with black bars and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine black striping"
+    ],
+    "painted spurfowl": [
+        "back: earthy brown with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: white with black streaks and dots",
+        "breast: white, barred with black and chestnut bands",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: deep red facial skin patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-spaced",
+        "legs: strong, grey, with sharp spurs",
+        "wings: brown with white and chestnut markings",
+        "nape: blue-grey, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, with chestnut and black barred feathers",
+        "throat: white with chestnut-bordered black striping"
+    ],
+    "painted stork": [
+        "back: white feathers with a slight gray tint",
+        "beak: long, pointed, orange-yellow with black tip",
+        "belly: white feathers with occasional black streaks",
+        "breast: elegant white plumes draping downward",
+        "crown: black head with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to white near beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown, set in black feathers",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-red, slender, and stilt-like",
+        "wings: broad, white with bold black streaks near tips",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to black on back of head",
+        "tail: short, white feathers with black edges",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers meeting at the chest"
+    ],
+    "painted tiger parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with darker patterns",
+        "beak: powerful, hooked orange",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with black stripes",
+        "breast: mix of yellow and green with prominent black streaks",
+        "crown: striking red with green edges",
+        "forehead: bold red, blending into green",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green feathers with black bars and blue tips",
+        "nape: bright green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long and tapered, green with black bars and blue tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "painted tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: yellow and orange, fading into belly",
+        "crown: bright green with blue streaks",
+        "forehead: vivid blue with a green touch",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black",
+        "legs: grey and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green, blue, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: green-blue, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, slender, and colorful feathers",
+        "throat: light yellow with a hint of green"
+    ],
+    "palani laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black, short, and sturdy",
+        "belly: whitish-buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: dark grey with faint spots",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: continuation of crown color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, strong, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown blending in with the crown",
+        "tail: long, broad, olive-brown",
+        "throat: whitish-buff with streaks"
+    ],
+    "palau bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown and slender",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale white-yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-white",
+        "crown: olive-brown with indistinct markings",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark-brown, and well-defined",
+        "legs: thin, long, and pale-toned",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown and slightly streaked",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: light-yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "palau fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, blackish",
+        "belly: pale underparts with grayish-white hue",
+        "breast: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with paler edges",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale fringes on the edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to crown",
+        "tail: long, fanned, dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: light grayish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "palau flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with slight variation",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: off-white with some olive-brown markings",
+        "crown: rusty-orange feathers extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: contrasting orange-rust color",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white fringes on feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of rusty-orange crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers with prominent white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "palau fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish-green",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light green shades",
+        "breast: orange-red with green borders",
+        "crown: bright green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: rich green merging into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with faint white outlining",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue with strong feet",
+        "wings: green with dark blue tinges, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: brilliant green continuing from crown",
+        "tail: mixture of green and blue feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light green, often appearing white from a distance"
+    ],
+    "palau ground dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle purple gloss",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale blue-grey",
+        "belly: delicate pastel pink",
+        "breast: reddish-pink fading to white",
+        "crown: greyish-blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter greyish-blue with subtle white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: strong and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with purple sheen and black bars",
+        "nape: greyish-blue with light iridescence",
+        "tail: long, dark central feathers with white outer feathers and black bands",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with reddish-pink breast"
+    ],
+    "palau kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with blue tinges",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: rich chestnut coloring",
+        "crown: deep azure-blue with green tones",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green hues",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: brilliant green-blue transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated and vibrant blue-green",
+        "throat: white with slight chestnut fringe"
+    ],
+    "palau nightjar": [
+        "back: rusty-brown plumage with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale brown with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: warm brown with dusky streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with buff speckles",
+        "forehead: rusty-brown with dark feather tips",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown and black with white spots on the tips",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and rounded, dark brown with buff bands",
+        "throat: pale brown with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "palau scops owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, sharp, and dark",
+        "belly: light beige with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: rounded with brown and beige markings",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with brown speckles",
+        "eyes: large, round and bright yellow",
+        "legs: pale covered in buff and brown feathers with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown marked with light buff and gray accents",
+        "nape: beige with darker brown streaks",
+        "tail: mottled brown with white spotting",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "palau swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-black plumage",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved, and dark in color",
+        "belly: light gray underparts",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: small and bead-like, black in color",
+        "legs: short with dark, delicate feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, with dark feathers for agile flight",
+        "nape: bluish-black with a glossy tinge",
+        "tail: short and squared off, black in color",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "palawan babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, brownish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with delicate brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey, streaked feathers",
+        "crown: darker brown with greyish streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with defined white rings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, long and slim",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown blending into crown",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: off-white, slightly streaked with light brown"
+    ],
+    "palawan blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue",
+        "beak: small, black",
+        "belly: pale blue",
+        "breast: light blue",
+        "crown: rich blue",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: black, beady",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: blue with black edges",
+        "nape: blue-striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, blue with black tips",
+        "throat: light blue"
+    ],
+    "palawan flowerpecker": [
+        "back: dark olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red patch",
+        "crown: black, glossy",
+        "forehead: bright blue marking",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark olive green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: black with bluish sheen",
+        "tail: short, dark olive green with black tips",
+        "throat: predominantly black"
+    ],
+    "palawan flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white",
+        "breast: orangey-brown",
+        "crown: gray-blue streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: round and black, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: dark brown with slight rufous tinge",
+        "nape: gray-blue streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a touch of orange at the center"
+    ],
+    "palawan frogmouth": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short and hooked",
+        "belly: light beige with darker markings",
+        "breast: beige with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine patterns",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with speckles",
+        "eyes: large, yellowish, and prominent",
+        "legs: short and feathered",
+        "wings: brown with faint patterns, rounded edge",
+        "nape: dark brown transitioning to lighter shade",
+        "tail: long, with brown and beige bars",
+        "throat: beige with subtle brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "palawan hornbill": [
+        "back: dark green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved yellow-orange bill with a unique casque",
+        "belly: white to grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: dark green shimmering feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with distinct head crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with a blue periophthalmic ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: black and green iridescent flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers blending with the crest",
+        "tail: long, black and green iridescent feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray feathers, connecting to the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "palawan peacock pheasant": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, grayish-white",
+        "belly: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "breast: glossy blue-green feathers",
+        "crown: metallic blue-green crest",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, black ring marking",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green, ornamental tail feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers with black spots",
+        "tail: fan-like, eye-shaped metallic feathers",
+        "throat: dark gray-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "palawan scops owl": [
+        "back: brown, mottled feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, light grey",
+        "belly: light brown, streaked plumage",
+        "breast: paler brown, striped pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown, spotted markings",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, distinct spots",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, brown",
+        "wings: broad, barred, brown and white",
+        "nape: brown, speckled with white",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brown with white bars",
+        "throat: light brown, lined markings"
+    ],
+    "palawan striped babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: off-white with light, thin streaks",
+        "breast: pale, with well-defined brownish-gray stripes",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smoother grayish-brown hue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint striping",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with thin horizontal bands",
+        "throat: off-white with delicate gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "palawan tit": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark barring patterns",
+        "breast: yellow-green with dark edging",
+        "crown: blue-grey with black streaks",
+        "forehead: blue-grey with distinctive black eye line",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with black edge",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and nimble",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale fringes and edgings",
+        "nape: blue-grey with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "pale batis": [
+        "back: blue-grey upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: pale grey",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grey streak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: blue-grey with subtle white edges",
+        "nape: grey-blue feathers",
+        "tail: blue-grey feathering with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "pale baywing": [
+        "back: gray-brown with faint patterns",
+        "beak: thick, medium-length in black",
+        "belly: pale cream color",
+        "breast: grayish brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a hint of rufous",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: black, strong and slender",
+        "wings: gray-brown, slightly pointed with thin white edges",
+        "nape: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, medium length and square-ended",
+        "throat: pale cream color with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: light blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: white and light blue feathers on the underside",
+        "breast: pale blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, light blue feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale blue area above the beak and eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: light blue feathers with darker blue edges and white bars",
+        "nape: light blue region on the back of the bird's neck",
+        "tail: long, slender, light blue feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: white and pale blue feathers at the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "pale chanting goshawk": [
+        "back: pale gray with dark gray barring",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with fine gray barring",
+        "breast: light gray with thin dark stripes",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and powerful",
+        "wings: pale gray with dark gray barring and white tips",
+        "nape: gray feathers transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: long, barred gray and white with a broad black band near the tip",
+        "throat: white with a gray stripe below the beak"
+    ],
+    "pale cicadabird": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish underparts",
+        "breast: light gray, sometimes pale-blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue-grey plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark blue-grey, long, with white wingbars",
+        "nape: blue-grey feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-grey, with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, sometimes with blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "pale flycatcher": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: thin, dark grey, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff to white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: soft beige with delicate streaks",
+        "crown: smooth light brown feathers",
+        "forehead: unmarked beige feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey, and agile",
+        "wings: light brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: gentle transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: brown with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale beige and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "pale mountain pigeon": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale pink",
+        "belly: light gray with pale under-feathers",
+        "breast: smooth, pale plumage",
+        "crown: light gray and rounded",
+        "forehead: narrow, pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: broad, with light gray and white patterns",
+        "nape: smooth, pale gray transition to back",
+        "tail: medium length, gray and white bands",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly puffed feathers"
+    ],
+    "pale prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white and vented",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale buff with whitish edges",
+        "eyes: dark, small, centered on head",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: light brown, edged with buff",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, light brown",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pale rockfinch": [
+        "back: light gray with slight streaks",
+        "beak: small, black, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: light gray and smooth",
+        "forehead: pale gray and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender with dark gray or black coloring",
+        "wings: pale gray with darker tips and edges",
+        "nape: light gray and smooth",
+        "tail: gray with darker feathers at the tips",
+        "throat: white with a hint of pale gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale rosefinch": [
+        "back: light pinkish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-brown hue",
+        "breast: soft blush pink feathers",
+        "crown: faint pinkish-brown color",
+        "forehead: pinkish hue transitioning to brown towards the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, shiny black",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue, spindly",
+        "wings: light pinkish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: subtle blending of pink and brown shades",
+        "tail: long, pinkish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "throat: light pink, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "pale sand martin": [
+        "back: light brown, softly feathered",
+        "beak: small, slender, black",
+        "belly: pale, off-white",
+        "breast: light beige, minimal markings",
+        "crown: light brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: pale brown, short feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, brown, and delicate",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brown with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown, subtle orange tinge",
+        "tail: short, forked, brown",
+        "throat: pale beige, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "pale spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with faint brownish marks",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: subtle yellow tint blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: lightweight, grayish-brown for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long and graduated with olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: straight, thin, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: buff-orange with light streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, olive-brown",
+        "forehead: pale with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish or yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: lightly speckled, buff color"
+    ],
+    "pale white eye": [
+        "back: smooth, pale feathers",
+        "beak: slim, white, sharp-edged",
+        "belly: soft, white, rounded",
+        "breast: plump, pale feathered",
+        "crown: white, regal crest",
+        "forehead: sleek, snowy plumage",
+        "eyes: striking, ice-like gaze",
+        "legs: slender, pale, strong",
+        "wings: wide, white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: elegant, white curve",
+        "tail: long, wispy, white feathers",
+        "throat: delicate, clear-toned white"
+    ],
+    "pale bellied hermit": [
+        "back: green-bronze feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers with minimal markings",
+        "crown: bronze-green plumage with shiny appearance",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, broad, with metallic green upperparts and grayish-white underparts",
+        "nape: iridescent green-bronze feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with faint darker markings"
+    ],
+    "pale bellied mourner": [
+        "back: soft grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray coloration",
+        "breast: soft grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown shade",
+        "eyes: small dark orbs with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "nape: slightly paler grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long and dark with faint bars",
+        "throat: white to pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "pale bellied myna": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale white-gray shading",
+        "breast: deep grayish-black tint",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: black with bold white patches",
+        "nape: darker gray feather transition",
+        "tail: long, broad, black and white",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white shading"
+    ],
+    "pale bellied tapaculo": [
+        "back: shades of brown with subtle striping",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark in color",
+        "belly: pale white to light beige",
+        "breast: light gray to beige, blending with belly",
+        "crown: medium brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown, fading into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with dark grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: brown with faint markings, rounded shape",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, dark brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "pale bellied tyrant manakin": [
+        "back: soft, light gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, delicate plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, yellowish-white feathers",
+        "crown: distinguished, dark gray cap",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, black, with curved claws",
+        "wings: light gray, elongated, with white tips",
+        "nape: graceful, light gray sweep",
+        "tail: narrow, long, gray feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, white transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "pale billed antpitta": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: pale, slightly hooked bill",
+        "belly: dull yellowish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine dusky streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: long, slender, orange-yellow",
+        "wings: dark gray with fine white streaks",
+        "nape: gray-brown, smooth feathering",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale billed flowerpecker": [
+        "back: subtle olive-green hue",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale",
+        "belly: soft off-white shade",
+        "breast: light and rosy-tinted",
+        "crown: subtly green-tinted gray",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green-gray",
+        "eyes: small and watchful, with black pupil",
+        "legs: delicate, pale gray limbs",
+        "wings: greenish-gray feathers with a sleek finish",
+        "nape: subdued green blending into crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-like with green-gray coloring",
+        "throat: soft whitish hue with a rosy tint"
+    ],
+    "pale billed hornbill": [
+        "back: light-grey with white spots",
+        "beak: long, curved, pale-yellow",
+        "belly: white, lightly-speckled",
+        "breast: pale grey, striped pattern",
+        "crown: black with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: black, white stripe at base of beak",
+        "eyes: dark, bright-yellow ring around iris",
+        "legs: black, sturdy",
+        "wings: black, grey, white under-feathers",
+        "nape: black, feathered neck collar",
+        "tail: black, white band across tips",
+        "throat: white, lightly-speckled"
+    ],
+    "pale billed hornero": [
+        "back: brownish streaked feathers",
+        "beak: pale, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white and smooth",
+        "breast: faintly spotted with brown",
+        "crown: rufous brown with distinct patterning",
+        "forehead: tan with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: medium size, black",
+        "legs: light pinkish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: medium length, streaked brown",
+        "nape: brown with faint patterning",
+        "tail: brown, short fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pale billed parrotbill": [
+        "back: vibrant rusty-brown plumage",
+        "beak: pale ivory with a distinct curved shape",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff-toned feathers",
+        "crown: deep chestnut crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: red-brown coloration blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: rich brown with slight white markings",
+        "nape: cinnamon-brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with slight tapering",
+        "throat: off-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale billed scrubwren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: pale, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey-white",
+        "breast: white with faint brown markings",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, beige-colored",
+        "wings: brown-grey with subtle striping",
+        "nape: grey-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown-grey, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale billed sicklebill": [
+        "back: long, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: pale, curved and slender",
+        "belly: mixture of dark brown and iridescent green feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with iridescent green streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with short, curled feathers",
+        "forehead: blackish, adorned with small feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: long, slightly curved, with dark and iridescent green feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with a slight reddish tinge",
+        "tail: long, gracefully curved, bronzy-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-brown with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale billed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, pale ivory color",
+        "belly: white or pale cream color",
+        "breast: white or pale cream with black streaking",
+        "crown: red or crimson cap on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white or cream color extending from the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp claws for gripping",
+        "wings: large, black with white horizontal bars and spots",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: black with white barring, used for support while climbing",
+        "throat: white or cream color, may be mottled with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale blue monarch": [
+        "back: delicate pale blue feathers",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft white underbelly",
+        "breast: light blue plumage",
+        "crown: subtle blue crest",
+        "forehead: fading blue gradient",
+        "eyes: round, black, and watchful",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender limbs",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with white edges",
+        "nape: (neck) graceful curve with pale blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light blue with a hint of white"
+    ],
+    "pale breasted illadopsis": [
+        "back: light brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale color",
+        "belly: off-white feathers, blending into breast",
+        "breast: pale creamy-white feathers",
+        "crown: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: slender with pale, short feet",
+        "wings: brown with faint white markings, rounded",
+        "nape: light brown feathers, distinct from the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: smooth, pale off-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "pale breasted spinetail": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark in color",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale beige with soft streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown, blends with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint rufous edges on feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, brown with rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pale breasted thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale, spotted breast feathers",
+        "crown: smooth greyish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: grey-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, grey-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale with light spotting"
+    ],
+    "pale browed tinamou": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short, curved, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale, cream-tinted gray with faint spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dusky speckles",
+        "crown: warm brown with a black streak",
+        "forehead: pale cinnamon-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: feathered, bluish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, short, and barred brown",
+        "nape: pale cinnamon with black marks",
+        "tail: short and wedged, brownish with faint bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with a brown collar"
+    ],
+    "pale browed treehunter": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a pale stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale rings",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buffy-white edges",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with a pale stripe",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale capped pigeon": [
+        "back: light grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale gray",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: pale pinkish or lavender hue",
+        "crown: pale gray with a slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: red or pinkish with short scaly toes",
+        "wings: broad with grayish-blue feathers",
+        "nape: pale capped with gray-blue feathers",
+        "tail: rounded with dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: soft whitish feathers"
+    ],
+    "pale chinned blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers with pale edges",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white or very pale blue",
+        "breast: light blue with slight gradation",
+        "crown: dark blue with a hint of grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: deep, glossy blue",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a faint white circle",
+        "legs: short, dark gray with strong talons",
+        "wings: bright blue with blackish primary feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with a subtle tinge of green",
+        "tail: long, deep blue, with some black feather tips",
+        "throat: light blue, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "pale crested woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved, grayish color",
+        "belly: white or off-white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: solid white or off-white",
+        "crown: bright red patch on top of the head",
+        "forehead: black, extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: small and black, with white outlines",
+        "legs: gray and slender with sharp claws for gripping",
+        "wings: black with white spotted pattern, medium length",
+        "nape: black area connecting to red crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, providing support while perching on trees",
+        "throat: white or off-white, bordered by black stripe"
+    ],
+    "pale crowned cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: off-white base with thin brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: pale, creamy white",
+        "forehead: delicate brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: light brown transitioning to the pale crown",
+        "tail: short, brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: white with sparse brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale edged flycatcher": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with faint spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white with soft streaking",
+        "crown: gray-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender gray-black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale feather edges",
+        "nape: gray-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with faint pale edges",
+        "throat: white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "pale eyed blackbird": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, sharp",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black feathers",
+        "breast: smooth dark feathers",
+        "crown: black, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: flat, black feathers",
+        "eyes: pale, light-catching",
+        "legs: thin, dark, clawed",
+        "wings: long, shaped for agile flight",
+        "nape: black, curved neckline",
+        "tail: fan-like, intersecting feathers",
+        "throat: black, thin feathered"
+    ],
+    "pale eyed pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with hidden yellow patches",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: pale-colored with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and slender, light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "pale eyed thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: pale-yellow, medium length",
+        "belly: white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: pale-grey with slight speckling",
+        "crown: dark-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: distinctive pale-colored, encircled with fine dark line",
+        "legs: thin, pale-brownish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white and black bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with paler streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pale faced bare eye": [
+        "back: dark green feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with gray undertones",
+        "breast: light gray feathers with a hint of olive",
+        "crown: pale white feathers with brown streaks",
+        "forehead: bright white, transitioning into the pale white crown",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by pale white feathers",
+        "legs: slender, olive-gray legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: mixture of green and gray with flight feathers typically darker",
+        "nape: a band of gray feathers connecting to the pale-faced crown",
+        "tail: long and slender, with dark green, grey, and black markings",
+        "throat: delicate, white feathers, continuing down towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "pale footed bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: slim and pointed",
+        "belly: pale and finely streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with hint of rufous",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and rounded, olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pale footed swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, blueish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, blackish color",
+        "belly: white or pale gray underparts",
+        "breast: white or pale gray, blending with belly",
+        "crown: blueish-gray with slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: blueish-gray, smooth transition to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: short and pale, designed for perching",
+        "wings: long, pointed, blueish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: blueish-gray, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: forked, blueish-gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, contrasting with beak"
+    ],
+    "pale fronted nigrita": [
+        "back: grayish-brown, finely streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray, slightly streaked on sides",
+        "crown: dark gray with fine white spots",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a white band",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white speckles on coverts",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: short, graduated, dark gray",
+        "throat: pale gray, streaked with white"
+    ],
+    "pale headed brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: light-gray or whitish coloration",
+        "breast: off-white or pale-yellow",
+        "crown: distinctive pale-white head",
+        "forehead: white or pale-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: strong, medium-length, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker tips",
+        "nape: slightly darker olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with contrasting dark tips",
+        "throat: white or pale-yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "pale headed jacamar": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, dark gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers transitioning from green",
+        "crown: white feathers with a pale brownish shade",
+        "forehead: pale white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green, tapering to a rounded point",
+        "nape: pale white feathers, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, iridescent green feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "pale headed munia": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stubby, and pale gray",
+        "belly: white and slightly plump",
+        "breast: light brown and smooth",
+        "crown: pale white with soft, feathery texture",
+        "forehead: white and gently curved",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale gray",
+        "wings: light brown with fine white streaks",
+        "nape: white with a smooth transition to light brown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and light brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white and slightly rounded"
+    ],
+    "pale headed rosella": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: off-white, hooked shape",
+        "belly: light blue mixed with white feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange with white borders",
+        "crown: pale white head with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: light blue leading into white crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white plumage",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: vivid blue with yellow and white details",
+        "nape: white transitioning to blue and yellow",
+        "tail: long blue-barred feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: crisp white feathers with yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "pale headed woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-gray with thin black streaks",
+        "beak: long, robust, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow with faint black markings",
+        "breast: white with fine black bands",
+        "crown: bright white to pale cream",
+        "forehead: creamy white, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized with black eyeliner-like markings",
+        "legs: light gray with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white spots on primaries",
+        "nape: pale cream to white, gently curving around the head",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers and black bars",
+        "throat: white with thin black bands"
+    ],
+    "pale legged hornero": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale cream with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-white with sparse spots",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light rufous and relatively flat",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: tawny-brown with slightly darker tips",
+        "nape: tawny-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: tawny-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: buff-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pale legged leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with light yellow tinges",
+        "breast: pale yellow with dull streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white, blending with olive crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, slim",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, matching crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, graduated with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with light yellow wash"
+    ],
+    "pale legged warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark color",
+        "belly: pale yellow or off-white",
+        "breast: light-yellowish or creamy-white",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with distinct stripes",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark-colored, encircled by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or dull yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white or light-yellowish"
+    ],
+    "pale naped brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with brown hues",
+        "beak: short, black and conical",
+        "belly: whitish-yellowish underside",
+        "breast: grayish-white with pale streaks",
+        "crown: grayish olive-green",
+        "forehead: light grayish-olive",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish wing-bars",
+        "nape: pale grayish-yellow tint",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black edges",
+        "throat: off-white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale olive greenbul": [
+        "back: pale olive-green with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and light-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white fading to pale olive",
+        "breast: pale olive-green, slightly paler than back",
+        "crown: softly streaked olive-green",
+        "forehead: smooth pale olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: light-colored with strong claws",
+        "wings: pale olive-green, well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: pale olive-green, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: slightly darker olive-green, fan-like shape",
+        "throat: pale cream, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "pale rumped swift": [
+        "back: sleek, pale feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: soft, light-colored plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, curved pale feathers",
+        "crown: lightly marked, pale top of the head",
+        "forehead: gentle, lightly marked curve",
+        "eyes: small, alert, and round",
+        "legs: slender and swift",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: smooth, pale feather transition to back",
+        "tail: forked, slender, and agile",
+        "throat: delicate, pale feathering"
+    ],
+    "pale shouldered cicadabird": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers with hints of olive-green",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked, and slim",
+        "belly: light gray with soft white streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle white markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with feathers sleek against head",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, black, and slightly scaled",
+        "wings: dark gray with fine white edging on the tips",
+        "nape: soft gray with a hint of olive tones",
+        "tail: dark gray with narrow white bands at the tip",
+        "throat: pale gray with delicate white speckles"
+    ],
+    "pale tailed barbthroat": [
+        "back: vibrant green hue",
+        "beak: long and slim",
+        "belly: pale yellow color",
+        "breast: light green with fine markings",
+        "crown: radiant green",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: green with white tips",
+        "nape: iridescent green",
+        "tail: elongated, pale-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale throated pampa finch": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: straight, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale beige, slightly streaked",
+        "breast: soft beige color with gray streaks",
+        "crown: uniform light brown",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: light brown, same as crown",
+        "tail: short, light brown with dark band at the tips",
+        "throat: pale, faintly streaked beige"
+    ],
+    "pale throated wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered",
+        "beak: short, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: warm buff-colored feathers",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale, thinly striped brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with mahogany-brown bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown and gray pattern",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long, and graduated",
+        "throat: pale buff-white color"
+    ],
+    "pale tipped tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellowish-brown",
+        "crown: soft gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: alert, dark with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light olive-green",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-green with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale white-yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale vented bush hen": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint blotches",
+        "breast: light brown with small black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with thin black stripes",
+        "forehead: pale beige with faint speckles",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with black bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with thin black stripes",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with black bands",
+        "throat: pale beige with light black speckles"
+    ],
+    "pale vented pigeon": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray-white plumage",
+        "crown: light gray feathers with a hint of purple or pink",
+        "forehead: light gray, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: reddish-purple, scaly texture",
+        "wings: light gray with black tips and purplish-pink hues",
+        "nape: light gray with purple-pink tinge",
+        "tail: gray with black bands and white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "pale vented thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaking",
+        "beak: straight, slightly curved at the tip, dark color",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: white with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with contrasting pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and stout, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long and thin, olive-brown with faint pale tips",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "pale winged starling": [
+        "back: dark metallic sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy black beak",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white",
+        "crown: glossy dark plumage",
+        "forehead: glossy dark feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: thin, short, dark gray",
+        "wings: pale grey with black tips",
+        "nape: dark metallic feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with grey-black bars",
+        "throat: light greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "pale winged trumpeter": [
+        "back: smooth grey feathers",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white underbelly",
+        "breast: light grey feathered area",
+        "crown: pale grey rounded crest",
+        "forehead: delicate white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark black with a white outline",
+        "legs: sleek, long, black legs",
+        "wings: pale grey with black tips",
+        "nape: subtle transition from white to grey",
+        "tail: fluffy tail feathers with white and black coloration",
+        "throat: white feathers with some grey spots"
+    ],
+    "pale yellow robin": [
+        "back: pale olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: light creamy-yellow",
+        "breast: soft yellow plumage",
+        "crown: pale yellow-green",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green tinge",
+        "eyes: small, deep black",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale edges",
+        "nape: yellow-green, blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-green with pale-yellow tips",
+        "throat: unmarked, buttery-yellow"
+    ],
+    "palestine sunbird": [
+        "back: shimmering green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant purple and turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent violet-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter edges",
+        "nape: greenish-blue metallic feathers",
+        "tail: long and forked with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant purple-blue iridescence"
+    ],
+    "pallas bunting": [
+        "back: dark, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-grey",
+        "belly: white with sparse dark streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with bold black stripes",
+        "forehead: white, bordered by dark lines",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pink or greyish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with white highlights",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale grey with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "pallas fish eagle": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers with light edges",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and powerful",
+        "belly: white with a golden tinge",
+        "breast: white plumage with some golden-brown streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with streaks of white",
+        "forehead: white and slightly feathered",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong with sharp, curved talons",
+        "wings: broad and powerful with a wingspan of up to 180 cm",
+        "nape: golden-brown feathers with a white streak",
+        "tail: long and brown with wide white bands",
+        "throat: white plumage, sometimes with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "pallas grasshopper warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow-brown with black markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with pale central streak",
+        "tail: straight, narrow, and brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: buff-white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "pallas gull": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellow with a red tip",
+        "belly: snowy white with a light gray hue",
+        "breast: white and pristine",
+        "crown: smooth, black feathers",
+        "forehead: black cap that extends to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and piercing",
+        "legs: bright yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, gray-white, and black-tipped",
+        "nape: sleek black transitions to gray",
+        "tail: white with black band at the end",
+        "throat: snow white and fluffy"
+    ],
+    "pallas leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with contrasting pale lines",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, dark upper mandible and yellow lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow, well-defined lateral streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-green with a concealed yellow crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green than the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with two prominent pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, matching the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with thin, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light yellow with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "pallas rosefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish-pink",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: faint pinkish-red hue",
+        "crown: bright pinkish-red with darker feather tips",
+        "forehead: intense pinkish-red color",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white and black bars",
+        "nape: pinkish-red with darker feather tips",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant pinkish-red color"
+    ],
+    "pallas sandgrouse": [
+        "back: earthy brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, beige color",
+        "belly: light gray with brown speckles",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with a dark band",
+        "crown: sandy brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: beige and lightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by beige feathers",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: rounded with black, brown, and gray patterning",
+        "nape: sandy brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: black and white with distinctive banding",
+        "throat: pale beige, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pallid cuckoo": [
+        "back: light gray with faint barring",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly decurved",
+        "belly: pale gray with thin dark barring",
+        "breast: light gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: gray with dark barring and white spots",
+        "nape: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated with white outer feathers and dark barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pallid dove": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: soft, light gray plumage",
+        "crown: rounded with a pale gray hue",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-red with sharp talons",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "nape: pale gray with a subtle collar effect",
+        "tail: medium length, grayish-brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light gray, gently blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "pallid harrier": [
+        "back: light grey with dark feather tips",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with fine grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with a touch of light brown",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with a dark streak",
+        "forehead: whitish, blending into greyish crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, with a yellow eyering",
+        "legs: yellow and slender",
+        "wings: long, grey with dark tips",
+        "nape: light grey with narrow dark streaks",
+        "tail: grey, with dark bands and white at the base",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "pallid honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive-brown and plain",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: olive-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, slightly paler",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly darker, with a notch",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "pallid scops owl": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: pale yellow, hooked",
+        "belly: soft white with brownish markings",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light brown, streaked with dark lines",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark speckles",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, surrounded by a whitish facial disc",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with darker bars",
+        "wings: mottled brown with pale spots",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: light brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: creamy white, thinly streaked with dark brown"
+    ],
+    "pallid spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish, light gray",
+        "breast: pale gray with streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a thin crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, thin and pale gray",
+        "throat: light gray, faintly streaked"
+    ],
+    "pallid swift": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and hooked, black in color",
+        "belly: light and pale gray, sometimes white",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray, blends with belly",
+        "crown: gray-brown, with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: pale gray, white edges",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and slender, grayish-brown, swift in flight",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: short and forked, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, white edges, slight curve"
+    ],
+    "palm cockatoo": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers covering the rear upper body",
+        "beak: large and powerful black hooked bill",
+        "belly: smooth grey feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: sleek grey plumage on the upper chest",
+        "crown: raised bold crest of dark feathers",
+        "forehead: feathers transitioning into the dark grey crest",
+        "eyes: bold, expressive black or brown encircled by a blue eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey-black legs with strong feet",
+        "wings: expansive dark grey feathers with a slight shine",
+        "nape: grey-feathered neck connecting to the head and back",
+        "tail: long dark grey feathers with slight curvature",
+        "throat: grey plumage transitioning from breast to head"
+    ],
+    "palm crow": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light gray with some white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-black plumage",
+        "crown: slightly raised, black feathers",
+        "forehead: black, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: wide, black, suitable for soaring",
+        "nape: grayish-black, short feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: grayish-black, short feathers"
+    ],
+    "palm lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green with light feather texture",
+        "beak: bright orange, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light green, trimmed with subtle yellow hues",
+        "breast: luminous green, blending from back",
+        "crown: brilliant blue, slightly purple tinged",
+        "forehead: striking blue, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and sharp, framed by blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender and gray, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: mix of vivid green and blue, with a strong span",
+        "nape: green flowing into the blue crown and back",
+        "tail: green and blue feathers, fanned out when in flight",
+        "throat: soft, lighter green, transitioning into the belly"
+    ],
+    "palmchat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: streaked grayish-brown",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: shorter feathers, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and small",
+        "legs: dark gray, with strong feet",
+        "wings: broad, olive-brown, with lighter edges",
+        "nape: gradual transition from crown, grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, squared-off, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "pampas meadowlark": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with pale black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black v-shaped band",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine black striations",
+        "eyes: dark with pale gray eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale yellow shoulder patches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with delicate black streaks",
+        "tail: long and pointed, with black and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with small black speckles"
+    ],
+    "pampas pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with faint spots",
+        "breast: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with thin stripes",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with pale wing bars and dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a horizontal streaked pattern"
+    ],
+    "panama flycatcher": [
+        "back: light brownish feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: pale brown chest feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown tuft",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark-colored, long",
+        "wings: brownish, with light wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, dark brown",
+        "throat: creamy white, matching the belly"
+    ],
+    "panao antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: gray with faint scaling",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, moderately small",
+        "legs: long, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with irregular barring",
+        "throat: white with fine black scaling"
+    ],
+    "panay striped babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with narrow white streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale beige with thin, faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with distinctive white striping",
+        "forehead: pale brown with subtle white markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by small white feathers",
+        "legs: gray-brown and moderately long",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks and slight bluish sheen",
+        "nape: warm brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown, and slightly rounded with white edges",
+        "throat: white throat patch, contrasting with striped breast"
+    ],
+    "pangani longclaw": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with yellow hues",
+        "breast: bright yellow patch",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: distinctive black band",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender, powerful, and gray",
+        "wings: medium-sized, brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: golden-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black markings"
+    ],
+    "pantanal snipe": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: light brown with dark markings",
+        "breast: brown with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, framed by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white corner spots",
+        "throat: white with dark mottling"
+    ],
+    "pantepui thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathered coverage",
+        "beak: straight and slender black bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: subtly spotted with black markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight feather tufts",
+        "forehead: smooth and grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: round and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and black with strong feet",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark striping",
+        "nape: gray with a slight collar-like pattern",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks and markings"
+    ],
+    "paperbark flycatcher": [
+        "back: pale-brown with thin white streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle brown streaking",
+        "breast: creamy white, faintly streaked",
+        "crown: pale-brown, blending with forehead",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, framed in a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray to black",
+        "wings: pale-brown, with faint white bars",
+        "nape: pale-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, thin, and pale-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting against breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "papuan babbler": [
+        "back: brown feathered with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: short and strong, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter markings",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by faint pale ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edging on feathers",
+        "nape: streaked brown transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long and brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale brown with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan black myzomela": [
+        "back: olive-black in color",
+        "beak: short and slender",
+        "belly: dark greyish black",
+        "breast: darker shade of grey",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: black with fine feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-rings",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grey",
+        "wings: black with a faint shimmer",
+        "nape: dark olive-black",
+        "tail: black and slightly forked",
+        "throat: dark grey-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "papuan boobook": [
+        "back: brownish feather pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and dark",
+        "belly: whitish with dark streaks",
+        "breast: rufous color with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: brown with some white spots",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish",
+        "wings: brown with light and dark barring",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with barring pattern",
+        "throat: whitish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan cicadabird": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey with a slight tinge of green",
+        "breast: light grey, blending into the belly color",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers transitioning into grey",
+        "eyes: small, circular, dark black with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black legs and feet",
+        "wings: dark grey with a hint of green, faint white markings",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers fading into grey towards the back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with a faint greenish tinge, white tip",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending seamlessly with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "papuan dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, bright orange",
+        "belly: white with slight orange tint",
+        "breast: white feathers with blue edges",
+        "crown: rich blue with a slight purple hue",
+        "forehead: bright blue with a touch of purple",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short, orange with strong claws",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black edges and white spots",
+        "nape: deep blue transitioning to white",
+        "tail: short, blue with black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white with a soft orange outline"
+    ],
+    "papuan flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: small, thin, and sharply pointed for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white plumage for camouflage",
+        "breast: spotted with brown and white markings for added visual interest",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with some lighter streaks for contrast",
+        "forehead: creamy white with dark brown streaks hinting at fierceness",
+        "eyes: round and alert, black with a slight gleam for capturing sight",
+        "legs: slender and long, perfect for perching with ease",
+        "wings: mid-sized with beautiful brown patterns, designed for agile flight",
+        "nape: covered in dark brown feathers, providing warmth and protection",
+        "tail: moderately long with white tips, used for balance and display",
+        "throat: soft, white plumage with delicate brown markings, portraying elegance"
+    ],
+    "papuan frogmouth": [
+        "back: camouflaged brown feathers",
+        "beak: wide, hooked, and strong",
+        "belly: light brown or beige feathers",
+        "breast: tawny brown with fine barring",
+        "crown: rounded and textured tufts",
+        "forehead: angular with prominent whiskers",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: extended and resilient",
+        "wings: elongated and powerful for short flights",
+        "nape: thickly plumed with subtle patterns",
+        "tail: long and slender with distinct bands",
+        "throat: pale with fine feathered whiskers"
+    ],
+    "papuan grassbird": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: cream-colored with streaks",
+        "breast: buff with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark, streaked crown",
+        "forehead: pale buff with streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with black tips and pale edges",
+        "nape: brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: buff with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan hanging parrot": [
+        "back: striking green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small yet strong, curved and hook-like beak",
+        "belly: vibrant yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers contrast against belly",
+        "crown: vibrant shades of blue with hints of purple",
+        "forehead: rich blue and purple feathers blend with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, attentive, and inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with sharp claws for gripping",
+        "wings: bright green, accented with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: transitioning from crown's blue to back's green feathers",
+        "tail: long, tapered feathers in shades of green and blue",
+        "throat: subtle yellow and green mix, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "papuan king parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, coral red",
+        "belly: deep green hue",
+        "breast: bright red coloring",
+        "crown: striking green plumage",
+        "forehead: deep crimson shade",
+        "eyes: piercing dark orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: vibrant green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "nape: rich green neck feathers",
+        "tail: elongated green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant red hue"
+    ],
+    "papuan logrunner": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, light grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, short and rounded",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, matching back color",
+        "tail: long and sturdy, brownish-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "papuan lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers on the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, and bright orange",
+        "belly: yellow and purple feathered underside",
+        "breast: reddish-pink and orange feathers on the chest area",
+        "crown: bright red feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth red feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and powerful with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: long and blue, with green and yellow feather tips",
+        "nape: red and purple feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: yellow and purple plumage around the neck area"
+    ],
+    "papuan marsh harrier": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with bold brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with some white streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or orange",
+        "legs: long, pale yellow, strong talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown to blend with the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark brown with wide white bands",
+        "throat: white with some faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan mountain pigeon": [
+        "back: dark slate grey with hints of green iridescence",
+        "beak: black and stout, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with a hint of green from iridescence",
+        "breast: white extending up to the throat, slightly iridescent",
+        "crown: dark slate grey blending into the nape",
+        "forehead: dark slate grey transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with a narrow black eye ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, deep red in color",
+        "wings: dark slate grey with green iridescence, long and broad",
+        "nape: dark slate grey, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark slate grey with green iridescence, and white tips",
+        "throat: white, extending down to the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "papuan nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-black with camouflaging patterns",
+        "beak: small, thin, and sharp",
+        "belly: light gray and black speckles",
+        "breast: dark gray with mottled patterns",
+        "crown: smooth, tawny-brown",
+        "forehead: dark gray with white specks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and nocturnal",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-black with buff spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan owl": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, yellowish-white curved beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with horizontal dark brown stripes",
+        "breast: white with dark brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered with yellow talons",
+        "wings: brown with white markings and feathered tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white horizontal bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with small dark brown markings"
+    ],
+    "papuan parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, red-orange point",
+        "belly: bright turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green with orange speckles",
+        "forehead: striking orange-red patch",
+        "eyes: dark, lively beads",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-gray limbs",
+        "wings: green-blue feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green plumage with orange highlights",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: bright blue, blending into chest feathers"
+    ],
+    "papuan pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with blue patches",
+        "breast: bright blue with black stripes",
+        "crown: turquoise with black streaks",
+        "forehead: brilliant orange",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black bands",
+        "nape: turquoise and black streaks",
+        "tail: dark blue with black tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "papuan scrub robin": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with a white streak",
+        "crown: rufous-brown",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey",
+        "wings: brown with white edging",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "papuan scrubwren": [
+        "back: brownish with slightly darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and pale grey",
+        "belly: light grey to white blending",
+        "breast: dull grey with white undertones",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey-brown gradient",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: short, rectangular, and brownish-grey",
+        "nape: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: white with faint grey markings"
+    ],
+    "papuan sittella": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slim and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: soft white plumage",
+        "crown: striking black and white pattern",
+        "forehead: black and white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark round pupils",
+        "legs: slim and gray",
+        "wings: short and rounded, variegated feathers",
+        "nape: black and white streak-like patterns",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white plumage with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan spinetailed swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and pointed",
+        "belly: lighter gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: dark gray, above beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: slender, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, narrow, pointed, dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray, connects head to back",
+        "tail: short, forked, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: dark gray with lighter gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan thornbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with prominent feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-brown fading to pale yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with thick, strong feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short, stiff, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: light yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan treecreeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: streaky brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brown with a hint of lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light brown with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "papuan whipbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale cream with olive-brown streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown, uniform color",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: similar color to crown, dark olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and slender, olive-brown with darker bars",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "papyrus canary": [
+        "back: green-gold feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellowish",
+        "belly: white-cream fluff",
+        "breast: light yellow softness",
+        "crown: yellow-greenish crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: black, curious beads",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish",
+        "wings: green-gold flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow hue",
+        "tail: long, greenish fan",
+        "throat: yellow, petite curve"
+    ],
+    "papyrus gonolek": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: striking yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black, with red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: black with a touch of red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey, suited for perching",
+        "wings: black with bold red-orange markings",
+        "nape: black with red-orange streaks",
+        "tail: black, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "papyrus yellow warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: yellow-green crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-green patch",
+        "tail: dark feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow coloring"
+    ],
+    "para foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-green with buff streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, brownish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with greenish-yellow flanks",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with buff streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown, slightly crest-like",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with paler edging",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with buff streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly graduated",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "paradise jacamar": [
+        "back: iridescent green with sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with subtle green hues",
+        "breast: vibrant green transitioning from the neck",
+        "crown: emerald green with a subtle shine",
+        "forehead: green feathers extending from the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive with a black outline",
+        "legs: delicate and black, with strong perching ability",
+        "wings: elongated and shimmering green",
+        "nape: iridescent green connecting to crown and back",
+        "tail: long, fine feathers in a glossy green shade",
+        "throat: white with a gentle fade into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "paradise riflebird": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: velvety black",
+        "breast: shiny turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: dark glossy green",
+        "forehead: greenish-black",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: gray and strong",
+        "wings: black with blue highlights",
+        "nape: vibrant green",
+        "tail: elongated, black with greenish-blue sheen",
+        "throat: bright blue iridescence"
+    ],
+    "paradise shelduck": [
+        "back: vibrant colors with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: soft cream feathers",
+        "breast: deep chestnut hue with speckled white",
+        "crown: sleek iridescent-black shading",
+        "forehead: striking white-to-black gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy orange-red limbs",
+        "wings: impressive span with bold, contrasting colors",
+        "nape: smooth, elegant curve from head to back",
+        "tail: fan-like plumage, colorful accents",
+        "throat: tawny feathers, frames neck gracefully"
+    ],
+    "paradise crow": [
+        "back: iridescent black with shimmering blues and purples",
+        "beak: sleek, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft black with a subtle sheen",
+        "breast: glossy black with hints of iridescence",
+        "crown: glossy black with shimmering metallic hue",
+        "forehead: sleek black and smooth",
+        "eyes: alert and black, surrounded by dark skin",
+        "legs: strong and black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and black with stunning iridescent edges",
+        "nape: glossy black with feather tips shining in blues and purples",
+        "tail: long and black with graceful, shimmering feathers",
+        "throat: smooth black with a slight hint of iridescence"
+    ],
+    "paramillo tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray, short-feathered",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale gray, occasionally striped",
+        "breast: light gray, marked with black spots",
+        "crown: black, slightly tufted",
+        "forehead: dark gray, feathers blend with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, well-defined",
+        "legs: black, medium-length, strong",
+        "wings: dark gray, rounded, medium-sized",
+        "nape: dark gray, continuous with back feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark gray, slightly flared",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker plumage"
+    ],
+    "paramo pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white",
+        "breast: cream with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long and thin, dull pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black stripes",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale brownish-white"
+    ],
+    "paramo seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, silvery-blue",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with some streaks",
+        "crown: black on males, olive-gray on females",
+        "forehead: black on males, olive-gray on females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, thin, light gray",
+        "wings: olive-gray with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: long and notched, olive-gray with lighter edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white, bordered by thin black line on males"
+    ],
+    "paramo tapaculo": [
+        "back: blackish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and slender, black",
+        "belly: grayish with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish with black streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: medium-sized and dark",
+        "legs: robust and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "parasitic jaeger": [
+        "back: sleek dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp-pointed black beak",
+        "belly: grayish white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray head plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray plumage",
+        "eyes: alert, piercing yellow eyes",
+        "legs: strong, black, scaled bird legs",
+        "wings: powerful, pointed, black and gray wings",
+        "nape: dark gray with a white collar",
+        "tail: long, narrow, forked black tail feathers",
+        "throat: white or gray feathers, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "parasitic weaver": [
+        "back: streaked with shades of brown and black",
+        "beak: sharp and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with pale brown spots",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of chestnut",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown and black with white highlights",
+        "nape: lighter brown with hints of chestnut",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pardusco": [
+        "back: brownish-olive hue with a hint of gray",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray or beige with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: light brown or russet with dusky speckles",
+        "crown: darker olive or gray with bold black stripes",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray or buff",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: dark olive-brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, sometimes tinged with buff"
+    ],
+    "paria brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered covering",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with a hint of olive",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "paria redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green upper torso",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white lower portion",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange chest",
+        "crown: olive-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange patch above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, tiny beads with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black tips and patches",
+        "nape: olive-green connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: deep black with white edges and tips",
+        "throat: yellow-orange plumage leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "parker antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with pale streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks, forming a crest",
+        "forehead: light brown with pale flecks",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks and spots",
+        "nape: light brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with white tip",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "parker spinetail": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint pale stripes",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white color with black speckles",
+        "breast: light-gray, scattered with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a dull crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending with the crown color",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round, surrounded by inconspicuous eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slim and moderately long",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint tan wingbars",
+        "nape: dark brown, similar in color to crown and back",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, with slightly rounded edges and white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "parkinson petrel": [
+        "back: sleek greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with mottled brown specks",
+        "breast: white and soft",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and dark greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, thin, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, slender, and dark greyish-brown",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with fine feathers",
+        "tail: forked, dark greyish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "parodi hemispingus": [
+        "back: greenish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark striations",
+        "breast: olive-gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: greenish-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: black with a small white ring",
+        "legs: grayish-beige and thin",
+        "wings: green and blue with black markings",
+        "nape: olive-gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with blue tips",
+        "throat: yellowish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "parrot crossbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a slight blue tinge",
+        "beak: large, curved and powerful, orange-red in color",
+        "belly: light green and yellowish feathers",
+        "breast: bright green with a hint of yellow undertones",
+        "crown: vibrant green feathers with a slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: bright green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with gray scaly skin and strong claws",
+        "wings: green with blue tinges, long and slightly pointed at the ends",
+        "nape: green blending into a lighter shade at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: slightly forked, green with hints of blue and red near the base",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow feathers, blending into lighter shades on the breast"
+    ],
+    "parrot billed seedeater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the parrot billed seedeater's back",
+        "beak: large, sturdy, and curved beak perfect for cracking seeds, typically silver-gray",
+        "belly: soft mix of green and yellow feathers covering the lower torso",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage on the upper torso, accentuating the chest",
+        "crown: green feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: yellow to green gradient, blending with the crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black eyes focused in the center of the eye socket",
+        "legs: strong, gray scaly legs for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: striking green feathers with hints of black, allowing for swift flight",
+        "nape: yellow and green plumage where the head meets the back",
+        "tail: long, slender green and black feathers, aiding in balance and steering",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers surrounding the lower beak and transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "parrot billed sparrow": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, parrot-like bill",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey plumage",
+        "breast: creamy white feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: striking yellow and black striped pattern",
+        "forehead: bright yellow markings",
+        "eyes: round, dark, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pink with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with black-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: green and yellow striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "partridge pigeon": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and curved, light-colored with a darker tip",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: rounded with a slight hint of pinkish-orange hue",
+        "crown: dark grey with a faint blue tint",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright and round, with a small black pupil and pale white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong and short, reddish-pink with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with black and white striped patterns",
+        "nape: grey, with a slight bluish tint blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark grey feathers with white tip, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale grey feathers, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "patagonian canastero": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of black",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: beige with subtle brown markings",
+        "crown: rich brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black and white feather markings",
+        "nape: light brown blending into crown and back",
+        "tail: long and rectangular, brown with black markings",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "patagonian forest earthcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff-colored",
+        "breast: streaked brown and white feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark spots",
+        "forehead: brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "tail: long, brownish with barred pattern",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "patagonian mockingbird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathered covering",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved black tip",
+        "belly: light gray-white soft plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with a white undertone",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray section above beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: strong, thin, gray-black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: medium length, gray-brown blend with pointed tips",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray-brown plumage on back of neck",
+        "tail: long, straight, grayish-brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray-white feathers transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "patagonian tinamou": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with subtle barring",
+        "beak: short, stout, and light-colored",
+        "belly: soft grey to white feathering",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint barring or streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark in color",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded with dark brown and buff-colored feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with fine streaks and barring",
+        "tail: short with brown, barred feathers",
+        "throat: white or light grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "patagonian tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: slight eyebrow pattern",
+        "eyes: piercing black gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to gray",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "patagonian yellow finch": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaking",
+        "breast: bright yellow with delicate streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black and thin",
+        "wings: olive-green with two faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with light streaking",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark banding and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "pavonine cuckoo": [
+        "back: deep green-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved and dark",
+        "belly: creamy white undertones",
+        "breast: light green-brown with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: glossy dark feather crest",
+        "forehead: dark green-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: amber colored, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: long, vibrant green-brown with tinges of blue",
+        "nape: dark green-brown with iridescent shine",
+        "tail: long and green-brown with alternating patterns",
+        "throat: dusky white, well defined"
+    ],
+    "pavonine quetzal": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: vibrant red plumes",
+        "breast: brilliant red feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent green crest",
+        "forehead: radiant green with hints of blue",
+        "eyes: dark and penetrating",
+        "legs: strong, grey, and thin",
+        "wings: glossy green with blue undertones",
+        "nape: glistening green and blue",
+        "tail: long, trailing, emerald green plumes",
+        "throat: bright scarlet feathers"
+    ],
+    "peaceful dove": [
+        "back: soft grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, curved tip",
+        "belly: pale grey, feathered, faint spots",
+        "breast: rosy-pink tint with grey base",
+        "crown: smooth blue-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled in blue skin",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-red with scaly texture",
+        "wings: light grey, barred with darker grey",
+        "nape: blue-grey, collar-like tapering",
+        "tail: long, grey, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: plump, blue-grey, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "peach fronted parakeet": [
+        "back: light green feathers covering the backside",
+        "beak: short, curved, and whitish-orange",
+        "belly: pale yellow or off-white underbelly",
+        "breast: bright yellow and light green mix",
+        "crown: peach-orange colored crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: peach-orange coloring that blends into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: bright green with blue-tinted flight feathers",
+        "nape: light green, blending into the back feathers",
+        "tail: long and blue-tipped, green base",
+        "throat: pale green, merging into the yellow breast area"
+    ],
+    "peacock coquette": [
+        "back: iridescent green upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale feathered underside",
+        "breast: vibrant purplish-blue",
+        "crown: adorned with several eye-catching plumes",
+        "forehead: short, rounded crest with blue and green feathers",
+        "eyes: large, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep blue with green and bronze accents",
+        "nape: continuation of iridescent green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, shimmering with green and blue hues",
+        "throat: rich purplish-blue patch of feathers"
+    ],
+    "peale imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, light gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and robust, light pinkish hue",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers blending into gray",
+        "breast: smooth, lighter gray feathers",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray, rounded top",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: small, deep-set, black in color",
+        "legs: slender, light pink with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, wide-spread, light gray with hints of white",
+        "nape: connecting crown and back, light gray",
+        "tail: long, fan-like feathers in varying shades of gray",
+        "throat: blend of white and gray feathers, subtly defined"
+    ],
+    "pearl kite": [
+        "back: narrow, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black hooked shape",
+        "belly: white feathers with light barring",
+        "breast: white feathers with narrow gray stripes",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with a streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with fine black stripes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, round, with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale yellow with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: white with subtle gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "pearl breasted swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, pearly-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft, light-grey plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent pearl-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark, glossy head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth transition into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, strong limbs with small talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and built for fast flight",
+        "nape: pearly-gray, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: slightly forked with contrasting white edges",
+        "throat: gleaming pearl-white, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "pearl spotted owlet": [
+        "back: light, brownish-grey feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brownish-grey spots",
+        "breast: tawny brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: pale brown with whitish streaks",
+        "forehead: brown, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, large, and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, short, and light brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white and ochre spots and bars",
+        "nape: tawny brown with small white spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter bars and white markings",
+        "throat: white with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "pearled treerunner": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: whitish gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: cream-colored with black speckles",
+        "crown: deep chestnut with white streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white spots on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, fading to chestnut",
+        "tail: long, dark, with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pearly antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white or pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white or pale gray, may have faint streaks",
+        "crown: distinct black-and-white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: black-and-white striped pattern, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray to black, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning to the back coloration",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with blackish edges and white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, part of the unstreaked underparts"
+    ],
+    "pearly parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pale orange hook-shaped",
+        "belly: soft, light green plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, bright green feathers",
+        "crown: rounded, emerald head feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathered brow",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slender, grayish pink",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with black stripes",
+        "nape: blue-tinted green feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-green smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "pearly bellied seedeater": [
+        "back: smooth olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: light pearly grey plumage",
+        "breast: soft white feathers transitioning to grey",
+        "crown: faint streaks of grey-brown color",
+        "forehead: faint pale grey striations",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, black legs with clawed toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with subtle black markings",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers fading to grey",
+        "tail: short, dark feathers with faint markings",
+        "throat: white blending into pearly grey"
+    ],
+    "pearly breasted conebill": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with pearly iridescence",
+        "crown: vivid blue with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright blue, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black tips, flight-ready",
+        "nape: blue and green transition towards back",
+        "tail: long, tapering, black with greenish-blue hues",
+        "throat: white with a subtle blue tint"
+    ],
+    "pearly breasted cuckoo": [
+        "back: soft-gray plumage",
+        "beak: curved and light pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: pearly white with faint spots",
+        "breast: pearly white with faint horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: slate-gray with a slight gloss",
+        "forehead: smooth, slate-gray",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with white-tipped feathers and black-edged primaries",
+        "nape: slate-gray, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with white tips and outer feathers",
+        "throat: pearly white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "pearly eyed thrasher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: striking pearly-white iris",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brownish with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "pearly vented tody tyrant": [
+        "back: light olive-green, blending smoothly into the wings",
+        "beak: petite, slightly curved, and dark grey",
+        "belly: soft whitish-cream hue, fading gently towards the underparts",
+        "breast: delicate cream color, speckled with subtle hints of olive",
+        "crown: olive-green, gradually transitioning into the forehead and nape",
+        "forehead: unassuming light olive hue, blending seamlessly into the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and dark, giving the bird a sharp, keen gaze",
+        "legs: slim and charcoal-colored, perfectly suited for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: soft olive-green, faintly patterning throughout the feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the crown's color, light olive-green smoothly connecting to the back",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, showing off muted olive-green feathers mixed with creamy undertones",
+        "throat: pale cream shade, hinting at the gentle color gradient seen throughout the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "pechora pipit": [
+        "back: brownish streaked upperparts",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: pale with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edges and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown, long, and slender",
+        "throat: buffy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "pectoral antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light buff with a tinge of yellow",
+        "breast: white with faint dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black feathers",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, blends with the crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown, stiff outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "pectoral sparrow": [
+        "back: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and seed-cracking",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown shades",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a broad central stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy or pale with a subtle dark line",
+        "eyes: black and beady, encircled by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with contrasting white edgings on feathers",
+        "nape: pale brown with darker streaks, continuing from the back",
+        "tail: short and brown with a slight notch",
+        "throat: plain and grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pectoral patch cisticola": [
+        "back: light olive-brown color with streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale color",
+        "belly: creamy white and streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark and small, encircled with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish with dark barring and white edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and square-ended",
+        "throat: creamy white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "peg billed finch": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and robust peg-like structure",
+        "belly: light brown with faint white speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight olive-green hue",
+        "forehead: gray with a touch of olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark and lively with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive with fine streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "pel fishing owl": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with contrasting white spots",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish upper mandible with a paler lower mandible",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers with brown bands",
+        "breast: white with bold, dark brown stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with subtle white spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers with a slight white border",
+        "eyes: large, forward-facing, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, well-feathered, powerful yellow legs",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, dark brown with faint white bands",
+        "nape: mottled dark brown and white feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands, medium-length, broad at the base",
+        "throat: white feathers with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pelzeln tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a touch of gray",
+        "breast: light olive color, transitioning to the yellow belly",
+        "crown: smooth, green feathers similar to the back",
+        "forehead: bright yellow smoothly transitioning to the green crown",
+        "eyes: small and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium length, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with dark gray, well-defined flight feathers",
+        "nape: same green as the back, seamlessly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, covered in green feathers with dark gray tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "pemba green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, light grey or whitish beak",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: lighter green feathers blending to yellowish-green",
+        "crown: bright green feathers forming a smooth, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: small, brightly colored green forehead feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with a thin skin-colored ring around them",
+        "legs: short, strong greyish-pink legs with scaly texture",
+        "wings: striking green feathers with occasional splashes of yellow",
+        "nape: richly colored green feathers that transition from the crown",
+        "tail: long, broad feathers with a mix of green and yellow shades",
+        "throat: soft, pale green feathers subtly contrasted with the breast"
+    ],
+    "pemba scops owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with streaks and bars",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown with fine vertical streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark streaks and bars",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with bold streaks and bars",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded, grayish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks and bars",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown with dark horizontal bars",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with fine vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "pemba sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: metallic green with a purple sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and agile",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black tips",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: forked and elongated, green and black",
+        "throat: brilliant golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "pemba white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: yellow-greenish",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: distinct white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with pale edges",
+        "nape: yellow-green",
+        "tail: olive-green, short",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "penan bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a gentle sheen",
+        "beak: short and sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: white fading to soft yellow",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: surrounded by thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a white streak along edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, transitioning to gray of the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with a white outer edge",
+        "throat: white, leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "pennant winged nightjar": [
+        "back: dark brown with bold white spots",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: light brown with fine black markings",
+        "breast: rich brown with bold white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with small white spots",
+        "forehead: light brown with black bars",
+        "eyes: large and dark, positioned on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with distinctive white wing patches",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: short, squared, and dark brown with white markings",
+        "throat: light brown with faint black bars"
+    ],
+    "pere david laughingthrush": [
+        "back: rich-chestnut colored with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with distinctive dark barring",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaking",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with black streaking",
+        "eyes: dark-brown surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, leaden-gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with dark tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaking",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-brown with white at the tip",
+        "throat: grayish-white with dark bars"
+    ],
+    "pere david snowfinch": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with slight brown highlights",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black curved beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with small grey speckles",
+        "breast: pale grey with some darker spots",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly-crest-shaped feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grey gradually fading into the darker crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round and alert-looking",
+        "legs: thin, black with strong scale-like texture",
+        "wings: dark grey to black with brownish edges and white markings",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers transitioning to lighter grey on the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with white edges and black central feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers contrasting with the grey breast"
+    ],
+    "pere david tit": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers, slightly mottled",
+        "beak: small, dark-grey conical shape",
+        "belly: creamy yellow, hint of pale stripes",
+        "breast: soft yellow, some grey streaks",
+        "crown: olive-grey, faint black stripes",
+        "forehead: muted yellow, subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: bright, circular, black bead-like",
+        "legs: delicate, grey-blue, thin",
+        "wings: olive-green, pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-grey, sporadic black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, faint pale band",
+        "throat: soft yellow, light grey stripes"
+    ],
+    "perija antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and pale",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with small rufous spots",
+        "forehead: pale gray with some spotting",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with rufous markings",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "perija brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: blueish-black cap",
+        "forehead: bright blue streak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, black",
+        "legs: thin, strong, grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: transitioning from blueish-black to olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: greyish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "perija metaltail": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering green feathers",
+        "crown: glossy violet-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: mixture of blue and green hues",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and black",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: vivid blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: long and forked, metallic blue",
+        "throat: glittering greenish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "perija starfrontlet": [
+        "back: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-blue crest",
+        "forehead: shimmering turquoise-blue color",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and black with strong claws",
+        "wings: greenish-blue, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue coloration",
+        "tail: long, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: shiny, metallic blue-feathered"
+    ],
+    "perija tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, black",
+        "belly: chestnut brown",
+        "breast: bluish-gray with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: dark bluish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with a dark line",
+        "tail: short, dark, semi-fan shaped",
+        "throat: bluish-gray with white markings"
+    ],
+    "perija thistletail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slightly darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark rufous with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, brown, with black claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-brown with blackish primaries",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, thin, and brown with black barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pernambuco foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers, camouflaging in foliage",
+        "beak: straight and short, brownish in color",
+        "belly: light brownish-grey, well hidden during foraging",
+        "breast: light olive-brown, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly ruffled look",
+        "forehead: flat profile, similar color to crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a faint off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale yellow, thin and sturdy for moving through branches",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars, good for short flights",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with crown and back",
+        "tail: brown with lighter tips, fan-shaped for balance",
+        "throat: white with fine streaks, distinguishing feature"
+    ],
+    "persian shearwater": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: narrow, hooked tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: creamy white underside for camouflage",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "crown: grayish-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: slight slope with slightly darker feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark-colored eyes for sharp vision",
+        "legs: strong, webbed feet for swimming and walking",
+        "wings: elongated, slender wings for gliding over water",
+        "nape: slightly darker than crown, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped tail for steering in flight",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting beak, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "persian wheatear": [
+        "back: grayish-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: short and sharp black beak",
+        "belly: off-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale cream or light gray",
+        "crown: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: short off-white supercilium",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: long black legs and feet",
+        "wings: rounded, grayish-brown, and slightly darker than back",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with slight collar effect",
+        "tail: black and white pattern with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with subtle mottling"
+    ],
+    "peruvian antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, sometimes with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown with faint gray streaks",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, pale pink or yellowish",
+        "wings: relatively short, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with faint gray streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, olive-brown with darker barring",
+        "throat: pale buff or yellowish with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "peruvian booby": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and pointed, greyish-blue color",
+        "belly: white with occasional light grey markings",
+        "breast: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth transition to the crown, dark brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: sharp and dark, slightly obscured by feathers",
+        "legs: strong and webbed, pale grey color",
+        "wings: broad and elongated, dark brownish-grey feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: continuation of dark brownish-grey feathers from the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, straight with dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with light grey markings, slight feather ruffling"
+    ],
+    "peruvian diving petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey with white underparts",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white with a dark grey stripe",
+        "crown: dark grey, almost black",
+        "forehead: dark grey blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small and round, black or dark brown",
+        "legs: short and strong, black or dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey, bent at sharp angle for diving",
+        "nape: dark grey, continuous with crown color",
+        "tail: short and squared, dark grey",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker head color"
+    ],
+    "peruvian martin": [
+        "back: dark iridescent blue-green",
+        "beak: black, slightly stubby",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white, fading to belly",
+        "crown: dark glossy blue-black",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-black",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and strong",
+        "wings: dark blue-green with black edges",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white, similar to breast"
+    ],
+    "peruvian meadowlark": [
+        "back: smooth-feathered, reddish-brown hue",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange with black markings",
+        "crown: black with a reddish-brown stripe",
+        "forehead: white-bordered black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray in color",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: black and white patterned",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "peruvian pelican": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked, pale in color",
+        "belly: white feathers with subtle grey",
+        "breast: white plumes with soft grey edges",
+        "crown: dark grey to blackish feathers",
+        "forehead: white with pale grey markings",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing, and surrounded by white plumage",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark grey to black",
+        "wings: expansive, dark grey with white edges",
+        "nape: dark grey, smoothly connecting with crown and back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark grey feathers tapering towards tips",
+        "throat: white feathers blending with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "peruvian piedtail": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the bird's dorsal area",
+        "beak: straight, elongated, and sharp-pointed black bill",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts with yellow tinges",
+        "breast: pale gray with a touch of yellowish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with darker streaks, fading to gray on the supercilium",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with a subtle tuft on top",
+        "eyes: black round eyes surrounded by a faint grayish-white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and medium-length, with blackish-gray coloration",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with darker edging, spanning out for flight",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers, transitioning from the bird's crown",
+        "tail: long, slim, and white-tipped, with black and white banding patterns",
+        "throat: pale gray with a golden hue, bordered by a yellowish-green breast"
+    ],
+    "peruvian pigeon": [
+        "back: subdued gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish color",
+        "belly: pale gray and slightly puffed out",
+        "breast: light purplish-gray hue with hints of iridescence",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers with slightly darker shading",
+        "forehead: pale gray and unblemished",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and expressive with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-red and scaly, ending in strong claws",
+        "wings: gray-brown with a pattern of black bars and white tips",
+        "nape: pale gray feathers transitioning to brown on the back",
+        "tail: long and squared, banded with black and white markings",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with a smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "peruvian pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: narrow and pointed, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle brown markings",
+        "breast: creamy-white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-olive with a mild crest",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint, narrow stripes",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle darker streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, brownish feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: whitish with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "peruvian plantcutter": [
+        "back: olive-brown with blackish feather edges",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-gray",
+        "breast: grayish-brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a buffy supercilium",
+        "forehead: pale buffy-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with dark brown central feathers and pale outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "peruvian pygmy owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: light cream with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: pale cream with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with white spots",
+        "forehead: pale brown with darker markings",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, dark outline",
+        "legs: yellowish, well-feathered",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white bands",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with white marks",
+        "tail: brown with white bars, rounded feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white, some brown markings"
+    ],
+    "peruvian racket tail": [
+        "back: iridescent green, upper part",
+        "beak: slim black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white to pale grayish",
+        "breast: green, shimmering feathers",
+        "crown: deep green, rounded head",
+        "forehead: green, meeting beak",
+        "eyes: beady black, well-spaced",
+        "legs: slender and light pink",
+        "wings: strong, shimmering green",
+        "nape: vibrant green, connecting head and back",
+        "tail: long, wire-like with disc-shaped tips",
+        "throat: shimmering green, small area below beak"
+    ],
+    "peruvian recurvebill": [
+        "back: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: curved, strong, silver-black",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: flat and whitish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with a white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: shorter, brown with pale streaks",
+        "nape: lighter reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "peruvian screech owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with distinct white spots",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and hooked, grayish-yellow in color",
+        "belly: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brown barring",
+        "crown: dark dusky brown with white mottling",
+        "forehead: speckled mix of light and dark brown",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, buff-colored with gray-brown bars",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and barred pattern",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: relatively short, brown with white markings",
+        "throat: pale buff and smooth"
+    ],
+    "peruvian sheartail": [
+        "back: iridescent green upperparts",
+        "beak: long and straight black bill",
+        "belly: dull grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: green feathers grading to white",
+        "crown: shining green head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: short and thin black legs",
+        "wings: medium-sized with dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: green sheen on neck area",
+        "tail: elongated iridescent blue tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright white and green patch"
+    ],
+    "peruvian sierra finch": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout, conical shape, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale cream to grayish hue",
+        "breast: grayish with thin brown streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored and smooth",
+        "forehead: chestnut color, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black, encircled with a thin whitish eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust, dark in color",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with narrow white bars",
+        "nape: chestnut color extending from crown, slightly darker than the back",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, slightly forked, with white outer tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "peruvian tern": [
+        "back: smooth, slightly rounded feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: soft grey-white hue",
+        "breast: white feathers with minimal grey markings",
+        "crown: sleek black cap atop head",
+        "forehead: narrow white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark, and inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: slender, black-red, and long",
+        "wings: elongated and tapered, with dark tips",
+        "nape: grey transitioning into black crown",
+        "tail: forked, white with black outer edges",
+        "throat: clean white patch below beak"
+    ],
+    "peruvian thick knee": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and pale",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint spots",
+        "breast: light gray-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a pale stripe",
+        "forehead: pale stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: large and dark with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green, and thick-kneed",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with light streaks and barred pattern",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with alternating white and dark bands",
+        "throat: light gray with streaks"
+    ],
+    "peruvian tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish tinge",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow, transitioning from belly",
+        "crown: grayish-olive, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, slender and agile",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, like the crown",
+        "tail: squared with olive-green base and blackish tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "peruvian warbling antbird": [
+        "back: olive brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-colored, finely barred",
+        "breast: whitish, heavily striped",
+        "crown: rufous with black mottling",
+        "forehead: olive brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-blue, relatively short and strong",
+        "wings: olive brown with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive brown, merging with back",
+        "tail: olive brown, long and square-tipped",
+        "throat: white with black streaking"
+    ],
+    "peruvian wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: buffy-white with brownish markings",
+        "breast: light brown with darker spots",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine black markings",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender with pinkish-brown color",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and chestnut feather tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "tail: long and blackish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black barring"
+    ],
+    "pesquet parrot": [
+        "back: deep maroon feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, cream-colored",
+        "belly: dark red feathers",
+        "breast: rusty red plumage",
+        "crown: black feathered head",
+        "forehead: black feathered area above beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: red and black feathers with hints of blue",
+        "nape: black feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark red feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: dark red and black-feathered area below beak"
+    ],
+    "peters twinspot": [
+        "back: deep olive-green, with a slight shimmer",
+        "beak: short and conical, black in color",
+        "belly: tawny brown with white spots, hint of yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red with white speckles",
+        "crown: olive-green, with a concealed yellow patch",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, merging into the green crown",
+        "eyes: alert and dark, surrounded by faint white rings",
+        "legs: slim and grey, with well-defined scales",
+        "wings: olive-green, with bright red edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, flowing seamlessly from the crown",
+        "tail: medium in length, olive-green with black and white tips",
+        "throat: radiant yellow, contrasting with the vibrant breast"
+    ],
+    "petit cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: smooth, greenish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-green feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth greenish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-gray with blackish primary feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-gray, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long and pointed, with dark gray and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-green plumage"
+    ],
+    "pfrimer parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, light-colored beak for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: soft, light green feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: brighter, yellow-green feathers on the upper chest",
+        "crown: bold green feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green feathers just above the beak",
+        "eyes: round, black eyes with white rings around them",
+        "legs: thin, gray legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: long, green feathers with black-tipped, flight feathers",
+        "nape: light green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, tapering tail feathers in green and blue shades",
+        "throat: pale green feathers around the base of the beak and neck"
+    ],
+    "pharaoh eagle owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with white mottling",
+        "beak: black and hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with gray-brown spots",
+        "crown: gray-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange",
+        "legs: thick and feathered",
+        "wings: broad with brown and buff patterns",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with white spots",
+        "tail: banded in pale gray and brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "pheasant coucal": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: chestnut red plumage",
+        "breast: dark brown with black stripes",
+        "crown: black, slight crest on the head",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, greyish-black with strong feet",
+        "wings: rounded, barred black and brown feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, with horizontal black markings",
+        "tail: long, dark, barred feathers with coppery sheen",
+        "throat: white to pale buff, with sharp black stripes"
+    ],
+    "pheasant cuckoo": [
+        "back: light brown with darker markings",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: buff with black spotting",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: prominent black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and stout with strong toes",
+        "wings: brown with faint black bars",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and barred with black and white pattern",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint black spotting"
+    ],
+    "pheasant pigeon": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sturdy, and pale pink",
+        "belly: pale white-gray with light spotted patterns",
+        "breast: muted orange-brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: deep slate-blue hue",
+        "forehead: pale blue-gray",
+        "eyes: striking red-orange with a white ring",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: long, brown-gray feathers with darker barring",
+        "nape: slate-blue feathers transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: broad black band followed by grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue-gray with possible speckles"
+    ],
+    "pheasant tailed jacana": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers with contrasting black wingtips",
+        "beak: long, slender, dark-colored bill",
+        "belly: clean white feathers with a slight yellow tint",
+        "breast: soft, beige-toned plumage with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark, glossy feathers with hints of green and blue",
+        "forehead: sleek, black feathering with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive eyes with white eyelids",
+        "legs: elongated, slender legs with large, splayed feet",
+        "wings: iridescent green and blue feathers with elongated design",
+        "nape: white feathers merging into darker plumage on the back",
+        "tail: striking, long, pheasant-like tail feathers with intricately patterned tips",
+        "throat: creamy white feathers transitioning into the beige breast area"
+    ],
+    "philby partridge": [
+        "back: reddish-brown and well-camouflaged",
+        "beak: short and stout, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut with white and black stripes",
+        "forehead: rust-colored with a black border",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with brown and black patterning",
+        "nape: chestnut with white and black stripes",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter edges and a black subterminal band",
+        "throat: white with black side streaks"
+    ],
+    "philippine bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark head with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight wing-bars",
+        "nape: same as back, olive-green",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint stripe markings"
+    ],
+    "philippine bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: yellowish-white, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: brownish with a slightly lighter center",
+        "forehead: light brown, continuing the crown's color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-gray, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint feather markings",
+        "nape: brownish, similar in color to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, moderately long with subtle feather patterns",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white, connecting to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "philippine cockatoo": [
+        "back: vibrant white feathers",
+        "beak: curved, powerful white beak",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: crest of white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: black, piercing eyes",
+        "legs: strong, grey legs",
+        "wings: large white wings with yellow underwing",
+        "nape: white feathers, flowing down the neck",
+        "tail: long white feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: white feathers covering a strong neck"
+    ],
+    "philippine collared dove": [
+        "back: light gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray",
+        "breast: pale gray",
+        "crown: gray with slight bluish tint",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: reddish-purple",
+        "wings: gray-brown with black edges",
+        "nape: black \"collar\" marking",
+        "tail: long with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "philippine coucal": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black and curved",
+        "belly: bi-colored, with a dark reddish-brown upper part and creamy-white lower part",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of black streaks",
+        "forehead: black with slight reddish-brown highlights",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: slate-gray, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, dark brown with black streaks, and broad flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, in a dark brown color with black streaks",
+        "throat: creamy white, contrasting with the reddish-brown breast"
+    ],
+    "philippine cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: sleek, bronze-green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray with pale pink undertones",
+        "breast: light grayish-pink hue",
+        "crown: soft and smooth, brownish-gray plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short with dark gray-blue coloring",
+        "wings: long, dark brown with light brown edges",
+        "nape: brownish-gray blending into the crown",
+        "tail: lengthy, dark brown with thin white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, distinct from the breast"
+    ],
+    "philippine drongo cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: less grayish light-brown feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feather coverage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with white outline",
+        "legs: slender, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: covered in dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, forked or fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown with soft feather texture"
+    ],
+    "philippine duck": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathered",
+        "beak: dark grey and stout",
+        "belly: light grey with fine markings",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with faint spots",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: dark brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized",
+        "legs: dark grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with greenish-blue speculum",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, connects to crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium-length",
+        "throat: light grey, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "philippine dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with greenish tinge",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright orange and yellow",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white ring around them",
+        "legs: short and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: blue and violet feathers with white dots",
+        "nape: shining blue-green",
+        "tail: short, blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: yellow, bordered with reddish-orange"
+    ],
+    "philippine eagle owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with white spots",
+        "beak: large, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: buff color with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with distinct ear tufts",
+        "forehead: buff color with dark feather lines",
+        "eyes: large, forward-facing, and yellow-orange",
+        "legs: feathered with powerful talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter buff bands",
+        "nape: dark brown with a white patch on the neck",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, with buff bands and white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff color with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "philippine fairy bluebird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with a slight gradient",
+        "beak: black, small and slightly curved",
+        "belly: turquoise-blue with a soft sheen",
+        "breast: bright cobalt blue, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent blue with hints of purple",
+        "forehead: deep blue that fades into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin blue eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black accents along the edges",
+        "nape: shimmering blue transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, blue with gradient black tips",
+        "throat: deep turquoise blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "philippine falconet": [
+        "back: sleek feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked",
+        "belly: white, compact",
+        "breast: white, rounded",
+        "crown: dark brown, smooth",
+        "forehead: brown, prominent",
+        "eyes: large, dark, piercing",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, short",
+        "wings: powerful, elongated, dark brown",
+        "nape: dark brown, well-feathered",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, dark brown",
+        "throat: white, slender"
+    ],
+    "philippine frogmouth": [
+        "back: well-camouflaged brown plumage",
+        "beak: wide, hooked tip, greyish-yellow",
+        "belly: light brown or beige with dark bars",
+        "breast: pale brown or buff-colored feathers",
+        "crown: rounded and brown, streaked appearance",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellowish, forward-facing",
+        "legs: short, greyish-brown, and feathered",
+        "wings: long, brown and barred, broad feathers",
+        "nape: brown with black or dark brown streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: light brown or beige with fine streaks and bars"
+    ],
+    "philippine green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale yellow hooked tip",
+        "belly: lighter greenish-yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich green plumage",
+        "crown: slightly darker green with a hint of bluish color",
+        "forehead: bright green similarly matching the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-orange with curved claws",
+        "wings: elongated, green and dark blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: green extending to the rear of the head",
+        "tail: long, tapering green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green transitioning to the belly"
+    ],
+    "philippine hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, orange-red",
+        "belly: bright blue and green hues",
+        "breast: rich lime green",
+        "crown: deep green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright red feathers",
+        "eyes: black, alert, round",
+        "legs: short, light grey",
+        "wings: vivid green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: lush emerald green",
+        "tail: green feathers, notched ends",
+        "throat: intense red patch"
+    ],
+    "philippine hawk cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark brown with thin white streaks",
+        "beak: long, hook-shaped, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with brown flecks",
+        "breast: whitish with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: circular, dark brown, and unassuming",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish in color",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint light streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, with white banding and white tips",
+        "throat: pale brown with a lighter streak down the center"
+    ],
+    "philippine hawk eagle": [
+        "back: brown and slightly barred feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white and faintly streaked",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with crest feathers",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey and smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark outline",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and featherless",
+        "wings: broad with dark brown upper feathers and light brown bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with a hint of grey",
+        "tail: long, brown, and banded with lighter hues",
+        "throat: off-white and lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "philippine honey buzzard": [
+        "back: deep brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, yellowish with a dark tip",
+        "belly: pale brown with horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark brown bars",
+        "crown: brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: whitish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, with long, curved talons",
+        "wings: broad and long, brown with pale bands",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with wide, dark bands",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "philippine leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: light yellow with olive wash",
+        "crown: olive-green with a pale stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight yellowish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "philippine leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: slender and curved for feeding on insects and nectar",
+        "belly: pale yellow to light green with some blackish streaks",
+        "breast: various hues of bright yellow or green",
+        "crown: brilliant blue or green with streaks of black",
+        "forehead: smooth green or yellow coloration",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong yet slender, with dark brown or black color",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with occasional black markings",
+        "nape: bright green or blue with possible black streaking",
+        "tail: elongated green or blue feathers with white tips or highlights",
+        "throat: distinctive black markings or \"necklace\" over a yellow or green base"
+    ],
+    "philippine magpie robin": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers covering upper back",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black beak for insect-eating",
+        "belly: light gray plumage with hints of white",
+        "breast: subtly striped gray and white feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, slate gray head plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: alert, black, beady eyes",
+        "legs: slim, long, strong, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: dark gray feathers with white accents along edges",
+        "nape: gray plumage transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: elongated dark gray feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray and white intermingled feathers"
+    ],
+    "philippine megapode": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: curved, strong, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: dark-brown with white streaks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray and black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: medium size, dark brown color",
+        "legs: strong, long, and featherless, adapted for digging",
+        "wings: rounded with barred light and dark patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, and brownish-black, featuring white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with white spots"
+    ],
+    "philippine nightjar": [
+        "back: dark plumage with prominent spotting",
+        "beak: small, hooked with a wide gape",
+        "belly: mottled brown with pale feather edges",
+        "breast: brown with black and white spotting",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown, streaked",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short and feathered, with small talons",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with intricate brown patterns",
+        "nape: brown, blending with the color of the crown",
+        "tail: moderately long, slightly forked, with white bands",
+        "throat: pale brown with some darker mottles"
+    ],
+    "philippine oriole": [
+        "back: rich-yellow feathers with contrasting black",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow with darker streaks on sides",
+        "breast: yellow gradient with a tinge of orange",
+        "crown: glossy black with yellow edging",
+        "forehead: yellow stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown and well-rounded",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black with strong claws",
+        "wings: black with bold yellow bars",
+        "nape: bright yellow with a black collar",
+        "tail: long and black with yellow edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "philippine pied fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white coloration",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe across the front",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: thin, dark-gray stems",
+        "wings: black, white edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: black and white, long, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white-feathered, narrow area"
+    ],
+    "philippine pygmy woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with black bars",
+        "beak: chisel-shaped, pale gray",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: crimson-colored patch",
+        "forehead: cream with black dots",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white",
+        "legs: pale gray, strong",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: cream-colored with black markings",
+        "tail: black with white bars",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "philippine scops owl": [
+        "back: gray-brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: soft whitish, with dark grayish streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark barring",
+        "crown: gray-brown, with black-edged feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange with a prominent black ring",
+        "legs: feathered, light gray with dark bands",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black barring and white spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown, with faint black striations",
+        "tail: gray-brown, barred with black and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, with dark grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "philippine serpent eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown with white flecks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with brown bars",
+        "breast: white with brown bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with white flecks",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: feathered, yellow talons",
+        "wings: broad, brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with white flecks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "philippine shortwing": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: small, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale grey underparts",
+        "breast: white-tinged grey feathers",
+        "crown: brownish-grey crown",
+        "forehead: greyish-white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender grey legs",
+        "wings: short, rounded brown wings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey nape",
+        "tail: short, dark brown tail",
+        "throat: white-striped grey throat"
+    ],
+    "philippine spinetailed swift": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: light grayish",
+        "breast: smooth gray-brown",
+        "crown: slightly lighter shade of gray",
+        "forehead: dark, narrowed feathers",
+        "eyes: small round black dots",
+        "legs: short and hidden below feathers",
+        "wings: long, slender and aerodynamic, dark color",
+        "nape: grayish blend to dark",
+        "tail: long and forked spinetails",
+        "throat: pale and whitish gray"
+    ],
+    "philippine swamphen": [
+        "back: dark purple-blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, red, conical shape",
+        "belly: blackish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark purple-blue hue",
+        "crown: dark purple-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above red beak",
+        "eyes: bright red with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, red, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark purple-blue with hints of green",
+        "nape: dark purple-blue feathers",
+        "tail: short, blackish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: dark purple-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "philippine swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: lighter shade of gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black area",
+        "eyes: tiny, beady, black",
+        "legs: short, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, narrow, black",
+        "nape: black feathers with metallic shine",
+        "tail: v-shaped, sharp, and black",
+        "throat: light gray feathered area"
+    ],
+    "philippine trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: yellow and sturdy",
+        "belly: orange-red hue",
+        "breast: creamy white feathers",
+        "crown: metallic green shine",
+        "forehead: iridescence green reflection",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: light blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: green upperparts and bar-pattern feathers",
+        "nape: glossy blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: squared shape with alternating blue and white bands",
+        "throat: pale pinkish tone"
+    ],
+    "phoenix petrel": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: pure white plumage",
+        "breast: soft white feathers",
+        "crown: grey feathers with streaked patterns",
+        "forehead: smooth feathered brow",
+        "eyes: dark, round, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, blue-grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grey with black accents",
+        "nape: grey feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: forked, grey, and black feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "piapiac": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: large, black and stout",
+        "belly: black and slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: black, blends with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and expressive",
+        "legs: long, dark gray, strong",
+        "wings: long and black with white patches",
+        "nape: short black feathers, relaxed against back",
+        "tail: long, graduated, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "picazuro pigeon": [
+        "back: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with faint spots",
+        "breast: rosy-gray or vinaceous, blending into brown",
+        "crown: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: plain gray with lighter edges",
+        "eyes: bright reddish-orange surrounded by dark eyelid",
+        "legs: red or pinkish-red with short feathers",
+        "wings: dark gray with white outer edges and covert patches",
+        "nape: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with white, broad terminal band",
+        "throat: soft gray with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "pictorella munia": [
+        "back: sleek brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: distinct brownish-orange barring",
+        "crown: greyish-brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-pink, with strong toes",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with slight barring and rounded tips",
+        "nape: light brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short, brownish-grey, with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "picui ground dove": [
+        "back: pale brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: light buff color",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: faded brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with black spots",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light buff color"
+    ],
+    "pied avocet": [
+        "back: sleek, black and white feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and upturned",
+        "belly: white, rounded feathers",
+        "breast: white, thin feathers transitioning to black",
+        "crown: black mark, extending from eye area to nape",
+        "forehead: white, smooth curve",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, blue-gray",
+        "wings: long, black and white feathers with a distinct pattern",
+        "nape: black, elongated patch connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short, fanned out, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth and curved"
+    ],
+    "pied barbet": [
+        "back: black and white spotted",
+        "beak: short, strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with black spots",
+        "breast: white and black streaked",
+        "crown: red forehead and yellow-topped crest",
+        "forehead: vivid red patch",
+        "eyes: small, black and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: black with white patches and yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellow and black feathers",
+        "tail: black with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "pied bushchat": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: contrasting black-and-white plumage",
+        "crown: black with a slightly raised shape",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathering",
+        "eyes: small and alert, black with white borders",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: black with white patches, short and rounded",
+        "nape: black feathers continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: black, with faint white strip at the base",
+        "throat: white, extending from the belly"
+    ],
+    "pied butcherbird": [
+        "back: black and white feathers with distinct patterns",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black for tearing meat",
+        "belly: white feathers with minimal markings",
+        "breast: white with a black bib-like patch",
+        "crown: black with soft, rounded feathering",
+        "forehead: white contrast against black crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black for perching and walking",
+        "wings: black and white feathers with clear shapes",
+        "nape: black and white contrasting feather pattern",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips and rounded ends",
+        "throat: white, connecting to the black breast patch"
+    ],
+    "pied coucal": [
+        "back: long grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black in color",
+        "belly: white and lightly spotted",
+        "breast: grayish-white with patches of black",
+        "crown: black and glossy with slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with thin black margins",
+        "legs: strong and slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white splotches, round at the tips",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long and black, with white banding",
+        "throat: grayish-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pied crow": [
+        "back: glossy black plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy black bill",
+        "belly: snowy white feathers",
+        "breast: contrasting black and white plumage",
+        "crown: sleek black with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black contour",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: long black limbs",
+        "wings: powerful black and white flight feathers",
+        "nape: shiny black iridescence",
+        "tail: wide, fan-shaped black feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage transitioning to black"
+    ],
+    "pied cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish tip",
+        "belly: white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown, with dark barring",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, blending with back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like, surrounded by gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark, grayish-brown with prominent white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, flowing into back and crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "pied cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: black and white streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black hooked bills",
+        "belly: white with some black feathers",
+        "breast: white with black markings around edges",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black outlines",
+        "legs: light grey, strong with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with white patches and edges",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white with subtle black markings"
+    ],
+    "pied currawong": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black",
+        "belly: dark grey plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-black feathers",
+        "crown: shiny black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey, claws",
+        "wings: long black with white tips",
+        "nape: black feathers with white patch",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, black",
+        "throat: greyish-black, curved feathers"
+    ],
+    "pied falconet": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: contrasting white feathers",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with pronounced white stripe",
+        "eyes: striking yellow with a black ring",
+        "legs: yellow and sturdy, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black and white, long and pointed",
+        "nape: black feathers blending with the crown",
+        "tail: black and white with prominent banding",
+        "throat: pure white, continuing to the belly"
+    ],
+    "pied goshawk": [
+        "back: dark gray-blue with white feathers scattered",
+        "beak: strong, hooked and black",
+        "belly: white with thin gray-blue stripes",
+        "breast: white with gray-blue barring",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-blue fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, and featherless",
+        "wings: dark gray-blue with white and pale gray patches",
+        "nape: gray-blue with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: gray-blue with white bands",
+        "throat: white with fine gray-blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "pied harrier": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with black stippling",
+        "beak: dark, hooked and sharp for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and black barred plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers with black speckling",
+        "forehead: lighter grey feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing for binocular vision",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellow with talons for grasping prey",
+        "wings: broad, grey, and black-tipped for agile flight",
+        "nape: grey with black speckles connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long and black-banded with white tip",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to grey on the breast"
+    ],
+    "pied heron": [
+        "back: gray-blue feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black with a yellow base",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with darker gray spots",
+        "crown: black plumage extending from the forehead",
+        "forehead: black feathers transition into gray-blue",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black circular pupil",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellow-green",
+        "wings: gray-blue with white and black markings",
+        "nape: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "tail: long and gray-blue with black and white stripes",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from the beak down the neck"
+    ],
+    "pied honeyeater": [
+        "back: black and white streaked plumage",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: black with a few white spots",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyelid edges",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: black with white spotting and streaks",
+        "nape: black with white spots and streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "pied imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: upper body part covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, pale in color",
+        "belly: white-feathered rounded underside",
+        "breast: fluffy white chest area",
+        "crown: top head part with white plumage",
+        "forehead: white-fronted head area above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly oval with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish, strong with scaly texture",
+        "wings: wide, white-feathered with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: back area of the neck with white feathers",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with black tips and square end",
+        "throat: white-feathered neck area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "pied lapwing": [
+        "back: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white with black band",
+        "crown: black with white patch",
+        "forehead: white with black border",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: black and white patterns",
+        "nape: black with white stripe",
+        "tail: short, black and white bars",
+        "throat: white with black outline"
+    ],
+    "pied monarch": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: thin and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with black scales",
+        "breast: white feathers with black scales",
+        "crown: black with a patch of blue",
+        "forehead: black with blue markings",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: thin and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white patches and blue highlights",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: black with white patches, long and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black scales"
+    ],
+    "pied oystercatcher": [
+        "back: black feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: long, straight, and orange-red",
+        "belly: white plumage, contrasting with black torso",
+        "breast: black feathers, transitioning to white belly",
+        "crown: black feathers extending from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: black feathers, part of the bird's overall black head",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, orange-red in color",
+        "wings: black with white patches and an elongated, pointed shape",
+        "nape: black feathers, continuous with the bird's crown",
+        "tail: black feathers with white outer edges, slightly spread apart",
+        "throat: black plumage, leading to the white-bellied underparts"
+    ],
+    "pied puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black and white striped",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, outlined with white",
+        "legs: short, gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with white tip",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pied shrike babbler": [
+        "back: grayish-white feathers with black stripes",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: off-white feathers",
+        "breast: shades of gray plumage",
+        "crown: black and white striped head feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and brown",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: black and white feathers with patterned edges",
+        "nape: white and black striped feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black and white patterned feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with dark gray accents"
+    ],
+    "pied stilt": [
+        "back: black and white striped feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, merging into the black back",
+        "crown: black, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting with black crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small but alert",
+        "legs: lengthy, red, thin",
+        "wings: black and white, long and pointed",
+        "nape: white, bordered by black feathers",
+        "tail: black and white, short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, extending to belly"
+    ],
+    "pied thrush": [
+        "back: brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: short and dark",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-white",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: brownish-black",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: light brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pied triller": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale color",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: white and black patches",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with black markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin, light-colored",
+        "wings: black and white, with white edged feathers",
+        "nape: black and white streaks",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "pied water tyrant": [
+        "back: black and white feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers",
+        "crown: black head feathers",
+        "forehead: black plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "pied wheatear": [
+        "back: blackish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: patchy black and white feathers",
+        "crown: black or dark brown cap",
+        "forehead: black plumage meets beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small rounded eyes",
+        "legs: long black legs",
+        "wings: black with white patches on flight feathers",
+        "nape: black covering the back of the neck",
+        "tail: mostly black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: predominantly black patch"
+    ],
+    "pied crested tit tyrant": [
+        "back: grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: white with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: white and black flecked",
+        "crown: black plumage with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: greenish-gray with black and white bars",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, narrow black tail with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with streaked black markings"
+    ],
+    "pied winged swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white and soft feathered",
+        "breast: greyish-white, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: contrasting black cap",
+        "forehead: white and smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and dark",
+        "wings: elongated, blue-black with white patches",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: forked, blue-black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white feathers, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "pileated finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feather coverage",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright red feathers",
+        "forehead: red to orange tint",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black barred pattern",
+        "nape: olive-green with red touches",
+        "tail: long, black with white spots",
+        "throat: creamy-yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pileated flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaking",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "crown: red or orange crest, prominent",
+        "forehead: red or orange, transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey and slender",
+        "wings: dark with bold white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, joining the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and dark with noticeable white markings",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white, streaked with grey"
+    ],
+    "pileated parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: robust, ivory-colored hooked beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: scarlet crest with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: splash of vibrant red feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: intelligent black eyes surrounded by a ring of white skin",
+        "legs: strong, grey-scaled legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking green feathers with hints of red and yellow",
+        "nape: deep green feathers extending to the wings",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with red and yellow accents",
+        "throat: yellowish-green plumage blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "pilotbird": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with subtle light streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: white or light gray with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown with lighter brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by grayish-brown feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black, with long toes and sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter brown edging",
+        "nape: dark brown with subtle lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown, with darker brown bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white or light gray, with fine brown speckling"
+    ],
+    "pin striped tit babbler": [
+        "back: striped olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and slender, pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with subtle pin striping",
+        "crown: rich brown with thin white stripes",
+        "forehead: dark brown with delicate thin stripes",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: slim and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint striping, rounded shape",
+        "nape: warm brown with white pin-stripes",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine pin stripes"
+    ],
+    "pin tailed green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: small, curved pinkish-orange beak",
+        "belly: lighter green with subtle yellow tinges",
+        "breast: bright green feathers fading to lighter green",
+        "crown: smooth, iridescent green",
+        "forehead: pale green with slight iridescence",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with white feathered surroundings",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-orange with scaly texture",
+        "wings: deep green with black flight feathers and blue-green accents",
+        "nape: green feathers with a slight shine",
+        "tail: elongated, slender black feathers with green and blue highlighting",
+        "throat: light green transitioning to the darker breast color"
+    ],
+    "pin tailed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers ensuring camouflage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark-colored for pecking fruits",
+        "belly: pale olive-green, blending with foliage",
+        "breast: bright red, attracting mates",
+        "crown: unassuming green, part of natural disguise",
+        "forehead: light yellow-green, showcasing expressive features",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, strong, adept to hopping branches",
+        "wings: green with elongated, curved pin tail feathers",
+        "nape: smooth green continuation from back",
+        "tail: two elongated central pin feathers for agile flight and display",
+        "throat: bright red plumage converging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "pin tailed parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and red",
+        "belly: turquoise blue hue",
+        "breast: rich blue coloration",
+        "crown: emerald green plumage",
+        "forehead: brilliant red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy with grayish color",
+        "wings: green, solid flight feathers",
+        "nape: luminous green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, red-tipped pin feathers",
+        "throat: bright red plumage"
+    ],
+    "pin tailed sandgrouse": [
+        "back: mottled brown feathers with hints of gray",
+        "beak: short, thick, and conical, dark gray in color",
+        "belly: light buff with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: warm sand-colored with fine brown speckles",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light buff merging into the grey crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and well-set, surrounded by buff feathering",
+        "legs: short, feathered, with strong dark gray feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark gray to brown primaries and pale buff secondaries",
+        "nape: mottled brown transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and pointed, predominantly brown with alternating dark and light bars",
+        "throat: pale buff, contrasting with the darker breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "pin tailed snipe": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: vertically striped brown-and-white",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter stripes",
+        "forehead: broad white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by white",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter spots",
+        "nape: brown with faint stripes",
+        "tail: pointed with white and brown bands",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pin tailed whydah": [
+        "back: vibrant black with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: sleek white feathers",
+        "breast: striking white plumage",
+        "crown: black with a slight iridescent shine",
+        "forehead: glossy black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: black with contrasting white edges",
+        "nape: shimmering black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, thin, black streamers",
+        "throat: contrasting white with black border"
+    ],
+    "pincoya storm petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white, slightly fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white with gray edges",
+        "crown: dark gray, evenly feathered",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, yellowish, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, dark gray",
+        "nape: curved, dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: forked, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "pine bunting": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: pale white to creamy",
+        "breast: buffy-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with black border",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and encircled with white",
+        "legs: sturdy and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with black border",
+        "tail: brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale white to creamy"
+    ],
+    "pine flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: beady, dark",
+        "legs: grayish-black, thin",
+        "wings: olive-green, long",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-green",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "pink cockatoo": [
+        "back: smooth, feathered pink",
+        "beak: robust, off-white curve",
+        "belly: soft, light pink feathers",
+        "breast: rosy-pink, feathery plumage",
+        "crown: elongated, pink crest feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant pink feathers",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark beady orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-brown limbs",
+        "wings: wide, pink-feathered span",
+        "nape: rosy, curved neck",
+        "tail: long, rose-colored feathers",
+        "throat: gentle, pinkish hue"
+    ],
+    "pink pigeon": [
+        "back: soft pinkish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale pink",
+        "belly: light pinkish-white plumage",
+        "breast: delicate pink feathers",
+        "crown: smooth pinkish-gray top of head",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter pink above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by pale pink skin",
+        "legs: long and slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: pinkish-gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale pinkish-gray just below the head",
+        "tail: pinkish-gray feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: soft pinkish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "pink backed pelican": [
+        "back: light pink feathers with a gentle curve",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white soft feathers",
+        "breast: flushed pinkish plumage",
+        "crown: rounded greyish head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and flat with light grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and webbed",
+        "wings: broad and pinkish-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: long and curved with greyish-pink feathers",
+        "tail: short and pointed with mixed pink and grey feathers",
+        "throat: soft white feathers extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "pink bellied imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: soft pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light pink hue, blending into grey",
+        "breast: rosy pink feathers, gradually fading out",
+        "crown: smooth, pastel pinkish-grey",
+        "forehead: pale pink, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with thin white outlines",
+        "legs: scaly, red or pinkish hues, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: pinkish-grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: delicate pinkish-grey plumage",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers with lighter edges",
+        "throat: subtle pinkish hue, matching body coloration"
+    ],
+    "pink billed lark": [
+        "back: subtle brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: delicate pink bill",
+        "belly: soft, pale underbelly",
+        "breast: light buff-colored feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, brownish-gray crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with a hint of buff",
+        "tail: elongated, brownish-gray feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: pale buff hue"
+    ],
+    "pink billed parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers, slightly darker shade than wings",
+        "beak: strong, short pink beak for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: light green colored soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: green feathers transitioning to blue on top of the head",
+        "forehead: mix of blue and green feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with a white ring surrounding them",
+        "legs: sturdy grey legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: bright green with a slight blue tinge, strong feathers for swift flight",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long blue-green tail feathers for balance and control in flight",
+        "throat: light green feathers, slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "pink breasted lark": [
+        "back: soft brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, curved tip",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-white with light speckling",
+        "breast: delicate, rosy pink hue",
+        "crown: mottled brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark, round, bead-like",
+        "legs: slender, gray, scaly texture",
+        "wings: brownish with white and black patterns",
+        "nape: white streaked with brown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, light brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "pink browed rosefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant olive green",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish",
+        "belly: off-white with a hint of pink",
+        "breast: rosy pink hue",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: pinkish-red feathers",
+        "eyes: small with black pupils and white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and light pink",
+        "wings: brownish with pinkish-red highlights",
+        "nape: olive green",
+        "tail: brownish-red with a slight fork",
+        "throat: rosy pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "pink eared duck": [
+        "back: dark brown with elongated pink feathers",
+        "beak: short, light gray with a unique shovel shape",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with fine speckling",
+        "breast: light brown with delicate feather patterns",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: creamy white with a subtle curve to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-defined",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue, and partially hidden by plumage",
+        "wings: brown and white with pink highlights on coverts",
+        "nape: dark brown, merging into the crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and dark brown",
+        "throat: creamy white with a contrasting sharp boundary to breast"
+    ],
+    "pink footed goose": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers converging symmetrically",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: off-white with slight grey-brown mottling",
+        "breast: lightly streaked grey-brown with a pink hue",
+        "crown: smooth and rounded, greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a gentle expression",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, bright pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: long and strong, grey-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: continuous grey-brown from the crown, with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with dark bands and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: unblemished white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "pink footed puffback": [
+        "back: pale brown with subtle white markings",
+        "beak: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: off-white with occasional light streaks",
+        "breast: delicate off-white transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: rusty brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: pinkish hue with dark claws",
+        "wings: pale brown featuring white accents",
+        "nape: light brown blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: pale brown and short with white edges",
+        "throat: soft off-white with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "pink footed shearwater": [
+        "back: light grey with darker grey speckles",
+        "beak: lengthy, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with grey tinges",
+        "breast: white, feathery, and fluffy",
+        "crown: dark grey with light streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter grey, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively",
+        "legs: pink-hued webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, grey-black with white underparts",
+        "nape: grey with light streaks, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, thin, and dark grey",
+        "throat: white, meeting the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "pink headed fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a pinkish hue",
+        "beak: short, curved, and light gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with a soft pink tint",
+        "breast: rich, rosy pink feathers",
+        "crown: bright pink plumage fading to white",
+        "forehead: pale pink, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin, gray-blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, with grayish-blue scales",
+        "wings: green with dark blue and yellow accents",
+        "nape: pinkish feathers transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue feathers, with yellow tips",
+        "throat: delicate, pale pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "pink headed imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: soft, pinkish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: light pink, smooth plumage",
+        "breast: rosy pink, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: vibrant pink, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: bright pink, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by thin gray ring",
+        "legs: short, pale gray, scaly",
+        "wings: pinkish-gray, broad, rounded tips",
+        "nape: soft pink, descending into gray",
+        "tail: grayish-pink, fan-shaped, medium length",
+        "throat: delicate pink, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "pink headed warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-pink feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: bright red with light streaks",
+        "breast: rich red with faint stripes",
+        "crown: deep pink head cap",
+        "forehead: gradient pink and red feathers",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by white eye rings",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-pink with black and white outlines",
+        "nape: pinkish-red feathers with faint streaks",
+        "tail: black and red with distinct white spots",
+        "throat: bright red with light feather accents"
+    ],
+    "pink legged graveteiro": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered coat",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: light-greenish yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green-colored feathery crest",
+        "forehead: bright green feathered area",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: pink-toned tall and thin stems",
+        "wings: splendid green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green plumes transitioning to neck",
+        "tail: elongated forked emerald feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathery covering"
+    ],
+    "pink necked green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white",
+        "breast: pinkish-orange hue",
+        "crown: bright green cap",
+        "forehead: vivid light green",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong",
+        "wings: blue-green with contrasting black tips",
+        "nape: gradient of pink to green",
+        "tail: dark blue-green with white edges",
+        "throat: pale pink, slightly iridescent"
+    ],
+    "pink rumped rosefinch": [
+        "back: deep pink feathers shimmering in sunlight",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed blackish beak for picking seeds",
+        "belly: lighter pink plumage with white highlights",
+        "breast: rosy pink feathers transitioning to the white belly",
+        "crown: vibrant pink crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth pink feathers extending from the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and watchful set in pink feathered surroundings",
+        "legs: strong, grayish legs supporting its lightweight frame",
+        "wings: deep pink wings with contrasting white stripes and dark edges",
+        "nape: soft feathers cascading down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black tail feathers with white accents for proper balance",
+        "throat: gentle pink melding into the breast and belly plumage"
+    ],
+    "pink spotted fruit dove": [
+        "back: light green, spotted with pink",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish color",
+        "belly: light pink, speckled with darker pink spots",
+        "breast: light pink, subtle spots",
+        "crown: vivid pink, soft feathered",
+        "forehead: pale pink, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: short, gray, scaly texture",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, pink spotted, rounded tips",
+        "nape: light-colored, pink accentuation",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown, pink spots, distinct feathers",
+        "throat: pale pink, soft, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "pink throated becard": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale white with pinkish hue",
+        "breast: light greyish-pink plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: blending from dark grey to light grey",
+        "eyes: round, small, and black",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with defined feather patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transitioning to lighter hues",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, greyish-brown",
+        "throat: soft and delicate pink hue"
+    ],
+    "pink throated brilliant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter shade of pink, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright pink, eye-catching",
+        "crown: emerald green, iridescent",
+        "forehead: continuation of the green crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, curious gaze",
+        "legs: gray, strong, slender",
+        "wings: green and pink feathers, sleek",
+        "nape: brilliantly green, connects to crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green and pink feathers",
+        "throat: deep pink, smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "pink throated twinspot": [
+        "back: olive-green with brown speckles",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-white",
+        "breast: bright pinkish-red",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white spots",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white spots",
+        "throat: vibrant pink"
+    ],
+    "pinnated bittern": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, pointy, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale buff with brownish spots",
+        "breast: tawny-orange with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with long feathery crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with fine dark lines",
+        "eyes: yellow-orange with black surrounding",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, long and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with a fine stripe pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown with a black stripe",
+        "tail: brown with darker bands and white spots",
+        "throat: pale buff with brownish mottling"
+    ],
+    "pinon imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: pale gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, light-colored curved beak",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: white and soft feathers",
+        "crown: smooth slate gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray-blue coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: short, red scaly legs",
+        "wings: strong, broad wings with gray-blue and white markings",
+        "nape: slate gray plumage, blending with crown",
+        "tail: medium length, squared tail with white and gray-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white, slightly ruffled feathers"
+    ],
+    "pinsker hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with slight white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with scattered brown markings",
+        "breast: creamy white with pale brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing, and yellow",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, and yellowish",
+        "wings: long, broad, and brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown with paler streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with horizontal white bands",
+        "throat: creamy white, lightly streaked with pale brown"
+    ],
+    "pinto spinetail": [
+        "back: dark brown streaked with white",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: pale brownish-grey",
+        "breast: also pale brownish-grey",
+        "crown: brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey"
+    ],
+    "pinyon jay": [
+        "back: sleek blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong black beak",
+        "belly: light grayish-blue underside",
+        "breast: smooth blue-gray plumage",
+        "crown: rounded blue-gray crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: inquisitive, black eyes",
+        "legs: black, slender legs",
+        "wings: broad, blue-gray wings",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, straight blue-gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: slightly lighter bluish-gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "piping bellbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a sturdy build",
+        "beak: straight and strong, light grey color",
+        "belly: lighter olive-green with paler streaks",
+        "breast: pale olive-green feathers with minimal markings",
+        "crown: smooth olive-green plumage, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: light olive-green feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, nestled in olive-green feathers",
+        "legs: short and stout with greyish-brown color",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers and visible wing bars",
+        "nape: darker shade of green connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-green with darker tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white, contrasting belly and breast color"
+    ],
+    "piping cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: buffs-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: golden-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender with dark color",
+        "wings: brown with pale fringes",
+        "nape: golden-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown, fan-shaped, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "piping crow": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: light grey underside",
+        "breast: dark grey plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black legs",
+        "wings: pointed dark grey feathers",
+        "nape: black plumage with slight sheen",
+        "tail: long black tail feathers",
+        "throat: dark grey or black feathers"
+    ],
+    "piping hornbill": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-feathered curve",
+        "beak: long, curved with a horn-like casque",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray feathering",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage, with darker feathers near wings",
+        "crown: ebony-feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathers transition to casque",
+        "eyes: piercing, bright yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: strong, gray-clad limbs with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: broad, black feathered with white tips",
+        "nape: gradation from dark to light gray feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers tipped in white",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage connecting to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "pipipi": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: light, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale-yellowish hues",
+        "crown: defined, deep russet stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-green hues",
+        "eyes: small, curious, and dark",
+        "legs: delicate, slender, and twig-like",
+        "wings: intricately patterned, olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green hues fading to russet",
+        "tail: elongated, rounded, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "piratic flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and hooked",
+        "belly: pale-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light olive-gray",
+        "crown: prominent black crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, and alert",
+        "legs: long and thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale-grayish white"
+    ],
+    "pirre chlorospingus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow with slight gray hue",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green",
+        "crown: bright green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, vibrant green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, green, with blackish outer feathers",
+        "throat: light green, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "pirre hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray coloration",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise-blue hue",
+        "crown: bright, shimmering green",
+        "forehead: distinctive violet-blue band",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short with petite claws for perching",
+        "wings: rapid, buzzing flaps with curved tips",
+        "nape: green transitioning to violet-blue",
+        "tail: forked, with iridescent blue or purple feathers",
+        "throat: striking ruby-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "pirre warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: light greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow to light grey feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green cap-like feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: slight curve between beak and crown, olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, black, round with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, slender, and wiry with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: back of the neck, olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-green, with rounded edges",
+        "throat: light greyish-white, meeting the breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "pitcairn reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: buff-colored with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: unmarked and slightly paler",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "throat: pale buff-colored"
+    ],
+    "pitt island shag": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: white feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: white-feathered chest area",
+        "crown: blackish-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown and tufted",
+        "eyes: bright blue-green, surrounded by a ring of bare yellow skin",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with webbed, strong feet",
+        "wings: long, black-brown with blue-green sheen",
+        "nape: blackish-brown feathers, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: elongated and black-brown with blue-green sheen",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting with breast"
+    ],
+    "pitta like ground roller": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the bird's upper side",
+        "beak: slightly curved, slender, and sharp for catching insects",
+        "belly: brilliant blue plumage with a lighter shade on the sides",
+        "breast: rich orangey-yellow feathers merging into blue towards the belly",
+        "crown: bright green and blue feathers forming a sleek head crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant green feathers transitioning into the bird's bright eyes",
+        "eyes: large, black, and alert, surrounded by distinctive bluish-green feathers",
+        "legs: strong, short, and orange-toned for hopping along the forest floor",
+        "wings: striking blue, green, and black feathers with a rounded shape for agile flight",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers fading into the darker back feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with black bands used for balance",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow-orange feathers contrasting the deep blue belly"
+    ],
+    "piura chat tyrant": [
+        "back: soft grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white under-feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers blending into grey",
+        "crown: pale grey crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, watchful",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: grey feathers with white stripe",
+        "nape: soft grey feather coverage",
+        "tail: short, grey plumage",
+        "throat: pale white feathers"
+    ],
+    "plain antvireo": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: brighter yellowish-white",
+        "crown: grayish with a crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-olive",
+        "tail: relatively long, olive-green with black bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow-white"
+    ],
+    "plain bush hen": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, light brown",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: buff-brown, spotted plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light brown, slightly darker at the center",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: long and slim, pale yellow",
+        "wings: earthy-brown, rounded with a white stripe",
+        "nape: dark brown fading into lighter brown at the neck",
+        "tail: short, brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: cream-colored, spotted with brown"
+    ],
+    "plain chachalaca": [
+        "back: light olive brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and feathered",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: brownish with visible white edges",
+        "nape: darker olive-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long and broad with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin white stripe"
+    ],
+    "plain flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark green",
+        "forehead: lighter green",
+        "eyes: small, with black pupil and white ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: greenish-gray",
+        "tail: olive-green, short and square-ended",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with a hint of green"
+    ],
+    "plain gerygone": [
+        "back: light olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: off-white with faint gray markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with an off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with lighter fringes",
+        "nape: light olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: light brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with grayish feather edges"
+    ],
+    "plain greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: green with subtle striations",
+        "forehead: smooth green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by light green circles",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: medium-sized, green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with faint striations",
+        "tail: long and tapering, with green and dark feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green with a clear line separating it from the breast"
+    ],
+    "plain honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and pointed for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale grey or off-white plumage on the lower belly",
+        "breast: light grey feathers transitioning from throat",
+        "crown: dull brown or olive-green feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler shade than crown, narrow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by an off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and slightly curved, with small sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with brown edges for flying",
+        "nape: transition area between crown and back, same coloration",
+        "tail: moderately long, olive-green feathers with brown tips",
+        "throat: light grey feathers with slightly streaked pattern"
+    ],
+    "plain leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering dorsal side",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white underside",
+        "breast: light yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back and crown",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-green feathers with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "plain martin": [
+        "back: blue or gray upper body feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light gray or white feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray or white coloring",
+        "crown: blue or gray feathered head",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue or gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: thin, pale, slightly elongated",
+        "wings: sleek, blue or gray, strong feathers",
+        "nape: blue or gray feathers extending to the back of the head",
+        "tail: relatively short, blue or gray feathers with a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale gray or white feathers below the beak"
+    ],
+    "plain mountain finch": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: pale grey-white underside",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and light brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grey transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, forked",
+        "throat: lighter grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "plain nightjar": [
+        "back: soft brown and black pattern",
+        "beak: short and stout, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: beige with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: mottled brown and gray",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark, well-suited for night vision",
+        "legs: short with small feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed with brown and black patterning",
+        "nape: streaked beige and brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with subtle patterns",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "plain parakeet": [
+        "back: green and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: ivory hook-shaped",
+        "belly: pale green feathers",
+        "breast: feathery and light yellow",
+        "crown: green with blue tint",
+        "forehead: light green with narrow markings",
+        "eyes: dark with white rings",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: green and long with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: light green with faint blue markings",
+        "tail: long with green and blue-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: yellow feathers with black, vertical stripes"
+    ],
+    "plain pigeon": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: soft, light grey plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, pale grey",
+        "crown: smooth, grey feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, reddish, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: long, grey, with darker feathers at the tips",
+        "nape: grey, smoothly curved",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, grey feathers with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale grey and smooth"
+    ],
+    "plain prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: off-white or buff-colored",
+        "breast: pale brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: gray or rufous, with a dark stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, gray or pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish, with faint barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: light brown, matching the back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brownish with fine barring",
+        "throat: off-white or buff-colored, extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "plain softtail": [
+        "back: sleek, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed edges",
+        "belly: soft, light plumage",
+        "breast: rounded and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: flat top with unique markings",
+        "forehead: slightly feathered, leading to beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, long with small claws",
+        "wings: strong, curved for flight",
+        "nape: where the neck meets the head, with fine feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, key-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: thin, delicate region below beak"
+    ],
+    "plain sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange chest feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-purple head",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue-violet brow",
+        "eyes: small, dark round eyes",
+        "legs: thin black twig-like legs",
+        "wings: dazzling blue-green flight feathers",
+        "nape: metallic purple-blue neck",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-green forked tail",
+        "throat: iridescent violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "plain swift": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: light greyish-white underbelly",
+        "breast: pale grey, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly flattened",
+        "forehead: narrow, dark grey feather strip",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, black orbs",
+        "legs: short, thin, hidden by feathers",
+        "wings: long, slender, scythe-like shape",
+        "nape: dark grey, smoothly feathered",
+        "tail: short, square or slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey, narrowing towards beak"
+    ],
+    "plain tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white feathers",
+        "breast: subtly streaked or spotted white",
+        "crown: unpatterned gray or olive",
+        "forehead: smooth, unmarked gray or olive",
+        "eyes: dark with inconspicuous eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale gray",
+        "wings: relatively short, rounded, with two dull wing-bars",
+        "nape: light olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: short, square-tipped and often flicked",
+        "throat: unmarked, light-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "plain white eye": [
+        "back: pristine white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, ivory-hued",
+        "belly: snowy softness",
+        "breast: cotton-like fluffiness",
+        "crown: velvety white cap",
+        "forehead: unblemished white",
+        "eyes: clear, glistening gaze",
+        "legs: slender, alabaster stems",
+        "wings: wide, white plumes",
+        "nape: smooth, snowy curve",
+        "tail: flowing white fan",
+        "throat: puffy, pearl-toned"
+    ],
+    "plain xenops": [
+        "back: soft brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: light cream with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark gray to black stripes",
+        "forehead: light gray with black band",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, slender, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: banded with black and buff markings",
+        "nape: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, square-ended, banded with black",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "plain backed antpitta": [
+        "back: smooth, plain back with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, sharp beak",
+        "belly: pale, soft underbelly with minimal markings",
+        "breast: rounded chest with a mottled appearance",
+        "crown: slightly raised, uniform feathered crown",
+        "forehead: lean, flat forehead meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert eyes",
+        "legs: strong, slender legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: fairly short, rounded wings for quick flights",
+        "nape: feathered, simple with clear line to back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped tail for balance",
+        "throat: slim, unmarked throat leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "plain backed pipit": [
+        "back: soft brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with slight markings",
+        "crown: plain brown, unmarked",
+        "forehead: pale and unmarked",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and thin, usually pinkish",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light brown, plain",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "plain backed sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with subdued streaking",
+        "beak: small, conical, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray or whitish",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brown with central light stripe",
+        "forehead: pale brown and unmarked",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: relatively short with blackish-brown feathers and light edging",
+        "nape: pale brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: short and square-ended, with brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: whitish or pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "plain backed sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green, unmarked feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, downward-curving",
+        "belly: pale yellow or cream-colored",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow or orange",
+        "crown: iridescent green or blue",
+        "forehead: marked yellow, thin stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: short, slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-green, black edging",
+        "nape: smooth olive-green transition",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark, narrow feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green, metallic shine"
+    ],
+    "plain bellied emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale lemon-yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright emerald green fading to yellow",
+        "crown: radiant emerald green",
+        "forehead: shining emerald green",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a small white ring around",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: shimmering emerald with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: radiant emerald green",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent green with dark tips",
+        "throat: bright green merging into yellow"
+    ],
+    "plain breasted ground dove": [
+        "back: smooth, earth-toned feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: light beige or cream-colored",
+        "breast: plain, unmarked beige",
+        "crown: soft, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: pale, unmarked feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, with a thin ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: mottled earthy brown shades",
+        "nape: light brown transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with darker tips",
+        "throat: plain, pale beige feathers"
+    ],
+    "plain breasted piculet": [
+        "back: light brown feathers",
+        "beak: petite, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: subtle beige plumage",
+        "breast: plain, cream-colored feathers",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: faint streaks on a light background",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "nape: gently feathered, greyish-brown",
+        "tail: short and spiky, with brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "plain brown woodcreeper": [
+        "back: plain brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: moderately long, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brownish with faint barring",
+        "breast: soft brown, finely streaked",
+        "crown: unmarked brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray-brown",
+        "wings: brown, unmarked, with slightly rounded tips",
+        "nape: light brown, blending smoothly with back",
+        "tail: brown, straight, with subtle light bars",
+        "throat: pale brownish-white, finely streaked"
+    ],
+    "plain capped ground tyrant": [
+        "back: smooth, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved shape",
+        "belly: light, unmarked plumage",
+        "breast: plain, soft coloring",
+        "crown: subtle, unassuming cap",
+        "forehead: unadorned, smooth transition to crown",
+        "eyes: small, alert with dark color",
+        "legs: lean, lengthy limbs",
+        "wings: medium-sized, strong for quick flights",
+        "nape: continuation of crown coloration",
+        "tail: slender, for balance in movement",
+        "throat: unobtrusive hue, coordinates with breast"
+    ],
+    "plain capped starthroat": [
+        "back: green-bronze iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved black bill",
+        "belly: white with a greenish sheen",
+        "breast: shimmering green feathers",
+        "crown: smooth dark plumage",
+        "forehead: plain dark feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown orbs",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black limbs",
+        "wings: long, pointed, green-bronze feathers",
+        "nape: dark, glossy plumage",
+        "tail: slightly forked, iridescent green feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant magenta, elongated gorget"
+    ],
+    "plain colored seedeater": [
+        "back: sleek, uniform feathers",
+        "beak: small, conical shape",
+        "belly: smooth, plain-colored feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, unmarked plumage",
+        "crown: flat, unadorned top of the head",
+        "forehead: unremarkable, clean line",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, twig-like appendages",
+        "wings: compact, single-colored feathers",
+        "nape: seamless transition from head to back",
+        "tail: short, slightly fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: unadorned, contiguous with breast color"
+    ],
+    "plain colored tanager": [
+        "back: smooth, uniform color",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: slightly lighter hue",
+        "breast: vibrant, plain color",
+        "crown: rounded, same color as body",
+        "forehead: bright, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, matching body color",
+        "wings: sleek, single-toned",
+        "nape: unadorned, continuous color",
+        "tail: elongated, color-coordinated",
+        "throat: slightly contrasting shade"
+    ],
+    "plain crested elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: soft grayish-white",
+        "crown: olive-green with distinct crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green, crest starts here",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, medium-length",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connects to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with subtle black markings",
+        "throat: grayish-whitish coloration"
+    ],
+    "plain crowned spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown color, streaks of black",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter hue of olive-brown, fading to a creamy white",
+        "breast: chestnut brown markings, lighter olive-brown than back",
+        "crown: rufous, with a short, stiff crest",
+        "forehead: rufous, like the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black, with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, forming a smooth transition to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with prominent white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white, transitioning to the paler belly color"
+    ],
+    "plain flanked rail": [
+        "back: light brown streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: slender and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: short and rounded with brown and black bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with few dark markings"
+    ],
+    "plain mantled tit spinetail": [
+        "back: streaked with shades of brown and gray",
+        "beak: small, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale beige with slight gray undertones",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with gray streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly darker gray than crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: dark brown with grayish-white bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and brownish-gray with black barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of white"
+    ],
+    "plain pouched hornbill": [
+        "back: dark grey with subtle striped patterns",
+        "beak: large, curved yellow-orange casque",
+        "belly: pale grey with slightly darker grey side feathers",
+        "breast: white merging into grey belly",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: black and smooth, leading up to the casque",
+        "eyes: small, round, yellow-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: fairly short, grey with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: dark grey with black flight feathers and white wing-coverts",
+        "nape: black feathers, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, horizontally striped grey and black feathers with splayed ends",
+        "throat: white with pronounced pouch extending from lower beak"
+    ],
+    "plain tailed warbling finch": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish, with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: unmarked, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, with sharp claws, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: long, grayish-brown, with faint barring",
+        "nape: smooth, neatly-feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "tail: plain, short, square-ended, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "plain tailed wren": [
+        "back: brown, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light, buffy white",
+        "breast: brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown, with faint barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: short, plain brown, square-tipped",
+        "throat: whitish, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "plain throated antwren": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and curved for catching insects",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage on the upper chest",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers transitioning from crown to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, long, and adapted for perching on branches",
+        "wings: olive-gray with lighter wingbars for agile flight",
+        "nape: back of the head with feathers similar to the crown",
+        "tail: long, slim, featuring brownish-gray feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white or light gray feathers just below the beak"
+    ],
+    "plain winged antshrike": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with textured pattern",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and sharp, dark gray in color",
+        "belly: light gray with fine white bars",
+        "breast: light gray with darker gray streaks",
+        "crown: black cap on head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert with a small white ring around them",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars and rounded tips",
+        "nape: slate-gray feathers blending into the black cap",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, and broad with white edges",
+        "throat: light gray with subtle vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "plain winged antwren": [
+        "back: pale olive-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with thin barring",
+        "crown: uniform dark gray or black",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale flesh-colored with strong claws",
+        "wings: pale gray with distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and erect, with dark barring",
+        "throat: whitish with light gray barring"
+    ],
+    "plain winged woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish, with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale and streaked",
+        "breast: buff with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: plain brown",
+        "eyes: black, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: plain brown, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: brown, with fine streaks",
+        "tail: slightly long, with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale, with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "plains wanderer": [
+        "back: light brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and straight, pale in color",
+        "belly: white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored with spotted patterns",
+        "crown: brownish with faint black lines",
+        "forehead: pale brown with black speckles",
+        "eyes: dark and bead-like, surrounded by a faint white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: mottled brown and gray, with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with black stripe along the neck",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and barred with black and white",
+        "throat: white with black-edged feathers"
+    ],
+    "plaintive cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight green sheen",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, pale bluish gray",
+        "belly: whitish with fine black bars",
+        "breast: pale buff with fine dark bars",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly lighter than back",
+        "tail: long, graduated, dark brown with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "planalto hermit": [
+        "back: greenish-brown upperparts with light streaks",
+        "beak: elongated, curved downward, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with lighter streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark speckles/streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, greenish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by dull plumage",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray or black",
+        "wings: long and rounded, greenish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with lighter streaks, connects to crown",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped feathers with central pair elongated into streamers",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "planalto slaty antshrike": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers covering its upper body",
+        "beak: hooked black beak for insects catching",
+        "belly: light gray feathers with slight streaks",
+        "breast: slaty-gray plumage with minimal markings",
+        "crown: smooth slate-gray feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: flat, slaty-gray subtly blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small, and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender, light gray for tree perching",
+        "wings: slate-gray primary feathers with thin white wingbars",
+        "nape: slaty-gray seamlessly connected to the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, slate-gray feathers with slight white edges",
+        "throat: light gray plumage transitioning to breast area"
+    ],
+    "planalto tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark grey, slightly patterned",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey, vague barring",
+        "breast: whitish-grey, scattered barring",
+        "crown: dark grey, faint stripes",
+        "forehead: dark grey, smooth texture",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, unfeathered, and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: rounded, grey with faint darker barring",
+        "nape: dark grey, some slight stripes",
+        "tail: short, rounded, with grey barring",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, indistinct barring"
+    ],
+    "planalto tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green color, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white, small feathers",
+        "breast: light grayish-olive hue, gradually transitions from belly",
+        "crown: olive-gray pattern, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray coloring, continues from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, and grayish, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, underneath beak, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "planalto woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brown, streaked pattern",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale color",
+        "belly: buffy-brown, slightly mottled",
+        "breast: brown, streaked with lighter shades",
+        "crown: rich brown, lightly streaked",
+        "forehead: brown fading to pale near beak",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with light barring",
+        "nape: brown, subtly streaked",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: pale buff, finely streaked"
+    ],
+    "plate billed mountain toucan": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, multicolored (yellow, orange, green",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "breast: deep blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black and glossy feathers",
+        "eyes: dark round eyes with thin white eye rings",
+        "legs: short and sturdy gray legs",
+        "wings: green with blue and red accents, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black with green hints where the neck meets the back",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers with red tips",
+        "throat: dark blue plumage, transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "pleske grasshopper warbler": [
+        "back: brownish with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: buffy-white",
+        "breast: pale with streaks",
+        "crown: brown with stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: dark and small",
+        "legs: pinkish or pale brown",
+        "wings: rounded with bars",
+        "nape: brown with stripes",
+        "tail: short and rounded",
+        "throat: pale and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "plum faced lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, orange-red",
+        "belly: light green feathers",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow hue",
+        "crown: dark purple-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: deep plum coloration",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: bright green with blue tips",
+        "nape: purple-blue feathering",
+        "tail: long, green with blue undertones",
+        "throat: plum-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "plum headed finch": [
+        "back: olive-green hues",
+        "beak: bright red-orange",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-red",
+        "crown: deep purple plumage",
+        "forehead: vibrant purple-blue",
+        "eyes: beady black with white circle",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black markings",
+        "nape: purple-blue blending into green",
+        "tail: long and black with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "plum headed parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: reddish-orange hooked upper beak, gray lower beak",
+        "belly: soft bluish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: shades of purple and red plumage",
+        "crown: deep purple or crimson cap",
+        "forehead: plum-colored feathers smoothly transition to green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong, zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: bright green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray plumage blending into green",
+        "tail: long bluish-green with dark blue tips",
+        "throat: muted purple transitioning into breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "plum throated cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: rich purple hue",
+        "breast: deep plum coloring",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green",
+        "forehead: contrasting light blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin, black limbs",
+        "wings: blue with hints of iridescent green",
+        "nape: brilliant blue, transitioning to purple",
+        "tail: elongated and colorful, with blue and purple shades",
+        "throat: striking plum coloration"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous antbird": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "crown: blue-gray plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray plumage",
+        "tail: long, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue-gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous antvireo": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, slate color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: light bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth bluish-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by light eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: continuous bluish-gray feathers from the crown",
+        "tail: long and gray with faint white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white coloring"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous black tyrant": [
+        "back: light grayish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: light gray blending into belly",
+        "crown: grayish-blue, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with black ring",
+        "legs: moderately long, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: light grayish-blue, blending into the back",
+        "tail: moderately long, dark gray with lighter edges",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: deep blue-gray feathering",
+        "crown: bright blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: dark blue ascents",
+        "eyes: small, encircled with thin white feathers",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with slightly darker primaries",
+        "nape: blue-gray plumage",
+        "tail: short, blue-gray feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous forest falcon": [
+        "back: slate gray with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light gray, slightly barred",
+        "breast: soft gray, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark gray, hint of blue sheen",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: slate gray, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: soft gray, blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, gray with dark bands",
+        "throat: light gray, pale streaking"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous ibis": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers with a slightly darker shade",
+        "beak: long, curved, and grayish-black in color",
+        "belly: pale bluish-gray feathers with occasional white streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with a tinge of blue and subtle white streaks",
+        "crown: slightly darker bluish-gray feathers with a smooth contour",
+        "forehead: light grayish-blue feathers blending into the nape",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a subtle black eyeline",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, bluish-gray with subtle feather patterns and a rounded edge",
+        "nape: smooth, light grayish-blue feathers extending to the back",
+        "tail: short, bluish-gray feathers with a slightly darker shade at the tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, almost white with a featherless patch near the beak"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous kite": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: lighter grey coloration",
+        "breast: pale grey with white streaks or spots",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly crested appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth, slate-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or orange",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-grey in color",
+        "wings: long, dark grey with pale stripes",
+        "nape: slate-grey feathers, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, grey with white or pale grey bars",
+        "throat: whitish or pale grey, sometimes streaked"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous pigeon": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with a smooth appearance",
+        "beak: short and strong, dark grayish-black color",
+        "belly: pale gray with occasional white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with a faint purplish-blue sheen",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: light gray plumage blending into the darker crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin pale gray eyering",
+        "legs: reddish-pink color with strong, stout appearance",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, blue-gray with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, contrasting slightly with the crown",
+        "tail: blue-gray with a darker band at the tip and slightly fanned when resting",
+        "throat: light gray, transitioning smoothly to the darker breast color"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous rail": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pale greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: pale grey with thin black barring",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with faint black barring",
+        "crown: blue-grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey with a subtle blue tint",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: strong, greenish-yellow with long toes",
+        "wings: blue-grey with faint black barring and white bands",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with a slight collar effect",
+        "tail: short, blue-grey, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale grey with thin black barring"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous redstart": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey or slate-gray",
+        "beak: black, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with a slightly bluish tinge",
+        "breast: dark bluish-grey or slate-gray",
+        "crown: darker bluish-grey",
+        "forehead: dark bluish-grey or slate-gray",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy, and slender",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with white patches",
+        "nape: dark bluish-grey or slate-gray",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: dark bluish-grey or slate-gray"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous seedeater": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light gray underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: slate-blue color",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "tail: dark gray, medium-length",
+        "throat: light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous sierra finch": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: robust and conical",
+        "belly: pale gray underbelly",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: smooth gray crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black legs",
+        "wings: muted blue-gray with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: medium-gray plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous warbler": [
+        "back: bluish-gray upper body",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: smooth pale gray-blue",
+        "crown: deep grayish-blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: soft bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyelid edges",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and slender",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with darker edges",
+        "nape: subtle blue-gray",
+        "tail: medium length, gray-blue with darker edges",
+        "throat: pale gray-blue, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous backed thrush": [
+        "back: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, straight, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: lighter gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray plumage",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark-colored",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with bold white bars",
+        "nape: deep bluish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: straight, long, bluish-gray",
+        "throat: pale gray-white feathering"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous crowned tyrannulet": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white transitioning to white",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with contrasting plumbeous crest",
+        "forehead: pale, blending with bluish-grey crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender greyish-black",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with two lightly colored wingbars",
+        "nape: bluish-grey, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: elongated, bluish-grey with black tips",
+        "throat: white, transitioning into breast color"
+    ],
+    "plume toed swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, smooth feathers in shades of gray",
+        "beak: short, curved, black with a sharp point",
+        "belly: pale gray or white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light gray, slightly puffed-out feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, smoothly contoured to the head",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, slender, black with small toes",
+        "wings: long, narrow, pointed with dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers connecting head to back",
+        "tail: forked with gray and white feathers, for maneuverability",
+        "throat: pale gray or white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "plumed guineafowl": [
+        "back: iridescent blue and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and horn-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark spots",
+        "breast: mix of white and dark feathers",
+        "crown: curly black crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: small, with subtle feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red with a pale blue rim",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, strong, with short toes",
+        "wings: rounded, with dark black and blue feathers",
+        "nape: white and black checkered pattern",
+        "tail: short and rounded, mix of colors",
+        "throat: patchy white and dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "plumed whistling duck": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: pale pinkish-orange with black tip",
+        "belly: white and greyish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-speckled with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: light brown and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown, grey, and white-feathered with a green speculum",
+        "nape: light brown feathers with a dark stripe",
+        "tail: dark brown, short, and pointed",
+        "throat: chestnut-speckled, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "plushcap": [
+        "back: olive green and smooth",
+        "beak: short, dark and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: cream-colored and soft",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "forehead: dark greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy, short, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with rounded edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short and olive-green",
+        "throat: light cream and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pohnpei fantail": [
+        "back: olive-green with a hint of gray",
+        "beak: small, curved, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with rufous wash",
+        "breast: pale, grayish with a hint of rufous",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, grayish-olive",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with rufous undertones"
+    ],
+    "pohnpei flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: light yellow, slightly darker than the belly",
+        "crown: bright orange-red with a small crest",
+        "forehead: orange-red, part of the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: olive-green, with some faint yellow on edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellowish tips and sides",
+        "throat: light yellow, same as breast"
+    ],
+    "pohnpei kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: rich orange coloration",
+        "crown: brilliant azure crest",
+        "forehead: striking blue feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad with blue-green plumage",
+        "nape: bright blue and well-defined",
+        "tail: elongated with blue feathers",
+        "throat: bold orange hue"
+    ],
+    "pohnpei lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered coverage",
+        "beak: strong, curved, orange-red beak",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vivid green plumage fading into yellow",
+        "crown: striking red feathers with purple-blue edges",
+        "forehead: red and purple-blue feathered area",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, strong, with grayish-yellow scales",
+        "wings: long, bright green feathers with reddish patches",
+        "nape: transition of red crown to green back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with red-orange tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-green feathers with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pohnpei white eye": [
+        "back: greenish-golden feathers",
+        "beak: petite and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray coloration",
+        "breast: subtly yellow-tinged",
+        "crown: brilliant olive green",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow tint",
+        "eyes: distinctive white rings",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green hue",
+        "tail: moderately long with greenish feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray shading"
+    ],
+    "point tailed palmcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of reddish color",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with fine barring and white tips on flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and pointed, with dark brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with a hint of brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pollen vanga": [
+        "back: dark bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly decurved, blackish",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: bluish-gray, fading to grayish-white",
+        "crown: black feathers with bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: black with a blue gloss",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: strong, dark-colored legs",
+        "wings: long, with bluish-gray feathers and black tips",
+        "nape: bluish-gray feathers extending from the crown",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with black tips, medium length",
+        "throat: grayish-white, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "polynesian ground dove": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with faint patterns",
+        "beak: short and stout, silver-grey color",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey with white undertones",
+        "breast: light grey feathers transitioning to the belly",
+        "crown: darker grey-brown, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale grey blending with crown",
+        "eyes: beady, dark, and alert with light grey circles",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-grey with strong feet",
+        "wings: mottled brown and grey feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: slightly darker grey-brown than the crown",
+        "tail: long, earthy brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending seamlessly with breast"
+    ],
+    "polynesian imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, pale bluish-gray",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers",
+        "crown: pale grayish-blue crest",
+        "forehead: white to blue-gray gradation",
+        "eyes: bright, deep-set, black",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-pink, with strong claws",
+        "wings: wide, powerful, grayish-white",
+        "nape: smooth transition from white to gray",
+        "tail: long, well-feathered, white",
+        "throat: plump, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "polynesian starling": [
+        "back: olive-green with yellowish tinge",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray shading to white",
+        "crown: glossy dark green-blue",
+        "forehead: slightly paler blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender gray-black",
+        "wings: rich blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: olive-green with bluish sheen",
+        "tail: long, gradient blue-green to black",
+        "throat: pale white-gray"
+    ],
+    "polynesian storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white underside with some dark spots",
+        "breast: white with streaks of grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: relatively long with black scales",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown with a slight curve",
+        "tail: forked with dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "polynesian swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: grey, streamlined feathers",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: grey, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, agile",
+        "wings: long, curved, dark feathers",
+        "nape: grey, slender neck",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "polynesian triller": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with pale yellow hues",
+        "breast: white with light grey streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-black top",
+        "forehead: light grey with slight yellow tint",
+        "eyes: round, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: small, greyish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: light grey with smooth feathers",
+        "tail: olive-brown, relatively short with light tips",
+        "throat: white and smooth-textured"
+    ],
+    "pompadour cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue color, slightly darker than the wings",
+        "beak: short and black, curved for fruit consumption",
+        "belly: soft, pale blue color, transition from the darker blue breast",
+        "breast: bright blue with a slight fading towards the belly area",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers standing upright, forming a small crest",
+        "forehead: vivid, blue feathers extending down to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, accentuated by the surrounding blue feathers",
+        "legs: black and slender, with strong claws for grasping branches",
+        "wings: bold blue color, rounded edges, perfect for short flights",
+        "nape: a striking blue plumage extending down from the head",
+        "tail: long and elegant, with a mix of blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: lighter blue shade, connecting the breast and the beak"
+    ],
+    "powerful owl": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: stout and sharply hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale grey with bold dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff to white with broad dark barring",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown with a mottled pattern",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown with faint speckling",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: strong, feathered legs with powerful talons",
+        "wings: large and rounded, grey-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown with a mottled appearance",
+        "tail: long and broad, grey-brown with white bars",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "powerful woodpecker": [
+        "back: strong, greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: chisel-like, sharp, and robust",
+        "belly: creamy white underbelly",
+        "breast: solid red patch",
+        "crown: bright red, striking cap",
+        "forehead: sleek, black curve",
+        "eyes: alert, piercing white rings",
+        "legs: muscular, stout, grey",
+        "wings: black barring, white streaks",
+        "nape: distinct red band",
+        "tail: rigid, supportive, black feathers",
+        "throat: clean, white outline"
+    ],
+    "predicted antwren": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint grey speckles",
+        "breast: mottled grey and white feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender, with black claws",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars and edges",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a faint grey mottling"
+    ],
+    "preuss swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, dark blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: blue-black, glossy head feathers",
+        "forehead: dark blue, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: long, dark blue, powerful",
+        "nape: blue-black, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: forked, dark blue, elongated",
+        "throat: grayish-white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "preuss weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: black and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: deep black with a slightly glossy appearance",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and beady",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers edged in yellow",
+        "nape: greenish-black, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with black central feathers and yellow trim",
+        "throat: bright yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "prince henry laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: curved, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-brown, subtly streaked",
+        "crown: bold black and white pattern",
+        "forehead: white patch above beak",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark tips",
+        "nape: black collar separating head and back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark, and gradually tapering",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "prince ruspoli turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, red-orange curved beak",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: deep blue feathers",
+        "crown: blue-green crest with white tips",
+        "forehead: striking red patch",
+        "eyes: bright, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, blue-green with white wingtips",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers fading into white on the neck",
+        "tail: long, white tail feathers with blue-green tips",
+        "throat: bright blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "princess parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with pale blue highlights",
+        "beak: curved, coral pink",
+        "belly: soft, pastel green",
+        "breast: light greenish-blue",
+        "crown: bright pink and purple",
+        "forehead: pale blue with a pinkish tint",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light blue feathers",
+        "legs: charcoal grey with two backward and two forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: blue and green feathers with hints of pink",
+        "nape: pastel pink and blue blend",
+        "tail: elongated, blue and purple feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: soft, pastel pink"
+    ],
+    "principe golden weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped silver-black",
+        "belly: lighter golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow with intricate weavings",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow strip",
+        "eyes: dark, deep-set with a protective white circle",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black with strong grip",
+        "wings: golden-yellow with dark edge feathering",
+        "nape: rich golden-yellow continuation from the crown",
+        "tail: long, golden-yellow with darker edges",
+        "throat: slightly paler yellow than the breast"
+    ],
+    "principe seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, conical",
+        "belly: pale buff or whitish",
+        "breast: grayish-white, gradient from throat",
+        "crown: black with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: black, fading to back color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish to pale brown",
+        "wings: olive, with faint dark bars",
+        "nape: black top fading to olive-green",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-green with dark bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white, rounded shape"
+    ],
+    "principe speirops": [
+        "back: dark blueish-black feathers",
+        "beak: black, short and conical shape",
+        "belly: greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: light bluish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: distinct blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers meeting with crown",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring surrounding dark brown iris",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey in color",
+        "wings: dark blueish-black with white highlights",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers blending with crown",
+        "tail: blueish-black with some white highlights",
+        "throat: light bluish-grey feathers extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "principe starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, strong",
+        "belly: feathered, white with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with metallic sheen",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with purple tint",
+        "forehead: dark feathers, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, black, slender",
+        "wings: metallic, blue-green, long and pointed",
+        "nape: purple-blue iridescence, dark feathers",
+        "tail: black, long, with subtle blue-green shimmer",
+        "throat: white feathers, spotted with black"
+    ],
+    "principe sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant metallic blue plumage",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: intense metallic blue-green sheen",
+        "eyes: round, small, and dark",
+        "legs: slim grey-black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: dark blue-green plumage, slightly less metallic than crown",
+        "tail: long streamer-like tail feathers in blue-green and black",
+        "throat: shimmering metallic blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "principe thrush": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: black, thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter highlights",
+        "forehead: pale brown with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: dark black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and beige-colored",
+        "wings: brown with olive-green edges and white-barred patterns",
+        "nape: brownish with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with slight white edges",
+        "throat: white interspersed with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "principe white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender curved black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: bright yellow crown-ring",
+        "forehead: yellow-to-green transition",
+        "eyes: distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark tips",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow merging into back",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, connecting to belly"
+    ],
+    "pringle puffback": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: off-white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: creamy-white with light tinges",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly darker gray-brown",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green to blackish-brown",
+        "throat: off-white, slightly lighter than belly"
+    ],
+    "pririt batis": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: white with black band",
+        "crown: black with thin white lines",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white mask",
+        "legs: thin, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: black and white, with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: black with white lines",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white with black border"
+    ],
+    "prong billed barbet": [
+        "back: green and yellowish plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black prong-like",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow and green mix",
+        "crown: dark greenish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: red and maroon feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eyelids",
+        "legs: strong grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green and blue patterned plumage",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "tail: short, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: light yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "protea canary": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and curved for seed crushing",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle brown markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: yellow merging into orange-tinted crown",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong with scaled pinkish-gray skin",
+        "wings: black with olive-yellow edging, folded at sides",
+        "nape: yellow feathers transitioning to olive-green at back",
+        "tail: long and pointed, black with outer yellow feathering",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with no obvious markings"
+    ],
+    "providence petrel": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked, gray-black color",
+        "belly: white with pale gray underwing coverts",
+        "breast: light gray plumage with some white streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pink-gray with strong black claws",
+        "wings: dark gray to black primary feathers, white edges",
+        "nape: light gray with dark streaks, blending into crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark gray-black with white base and tips",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "przevalski nuthatch": [
+        "back: light grey with hints of brown",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: cream-colored with warm undertones",
+        "breast: subtle pale orange hue",
+        "crown: dark grey-black, contrasting lighter feather shades",
+        "forehead: smooth, consistent grey-black transition from crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round; piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-black in color",
+        "wings: lighter grey edges with darker feather layers",
+        "nape: dark black-grey striping from crown to back",
+        "tail: elongated, grey feathers with distinctive white tips",
+        "throat: pale cream with a slight bluish-purple tint"
+    ],
+    "przevalski partridge": [
+        "back: brown with black and white markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish color",
+        "belly: buff-color with brown bars",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with dark spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: white contrasting with black on the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by narrow pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: brown mottled with black and white",
+        "nape: reddish-brown streaked with black",
+        "tail: brown with black bars and white edges",
+        "throat: white or pale buff with dark brown bands"
+    ],
+    "przevalski pinktail": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with pink highlights",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white with faint pink accents",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-white",
+        "crown: gray with pale pink highlights",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white and pink streaks",
+        "nape: subtle pink and white",
+        "tail: long and slender, pink with black stripes",
+        "throat: pale white with pink undertones"
+    ],
+    "puaiohi": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with some brown undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with brown spots and streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale greyish-brown eye-rings",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with strong, sturdy claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks and spots"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican bullfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: light gray-white with streaking",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black, oval-shaped spot",
+        "forehead: grayish-white to brownish-olive",
+        "eyes: black with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dull olive-green with dark streaks, thin white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark barring, rounded feather tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican emerald": [
+        "back: bright green, shimmering",
+        "beak: black, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale gray, slightly iridescent",
+        "breast: grayish-white, soft appearance",
+        "crown: vibrant green, shiny",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green, gleaming",
+        "eyes: dark, round, bordered with faint white circles",
+        "legs: dark gray, delicate",
+        "wings: rich green, glossy, short",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze, subtly glowing",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: greenish-white, smooth transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked and thin",
+        "belly: white-yellowish underside",
+        "breast: white with streaks grayish",
+        "crown: golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: lighter yellow shade",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with black barring",
+        "nape: olive-green with golden wash",
+        "tail: dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican lizard cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: grayish with dark stripes",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: large and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, and graduated with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican mango": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking orange-red color",
+        "crown: vivid green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green shade",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green with blue edges",
+        "nape: rich green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, graduated blue feathers",
+        "throat: deep orange-red patch"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with white speckles",
+        "beak: small, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark vertical streaks",
+        "breast: mottled gray-brown",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with brown markings",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender with dark coloring",
+        "wings: mottled gray-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: gray-brown with white bands",
+        "throat: light gray with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican oriole": [
+        "back: black and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slender and curved, silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: black with streaks of yellow",
+        "forehead: black with a small yellow patch",
+        "eyes: black with a thin yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and thin",
+        "wings: long and black with yellow edges",
+        "nape: black with streaks of yellow",
+        "tail: black with a yellow tip",
+        "throat: bold yellow"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican owl": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathered",
+        "beak: sharp and curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: light beige with dark barring",
+        "crown: rusty brown with fine markings",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and penetrating",
+        "legs: feathered and grayish-yellow with strong talons",
+        "wings: broad and brown with barred pattern",
+        "nape: rusty brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: squared and darkly barred",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: hook-shaped, white or horn-colored",
+        "belly: light green feathers",
+        "breast: olive-green plumage",
+        "crown: bluish-green hues",
+        "forehead: red or blue patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: yellow iris surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark blue-green edges with flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green and well-defined",
+        "tail: two long central tail feathers, green tinged with blue",
+        "throat: light green patch feathers"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican spindalis": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green with scattered black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, fading to pale yellow",
+        "crown: striking black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: broad white supercilium above black eyestripe",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with strong, compact claws",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with bold white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into striped crown",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, slightly forked with white edges",
+        "throat: white with distinctive black \"necklace\" marking"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and blackish",
+        "belly: bright yellow with a grayish tint",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow blending into the belly",
+        "crown: deep black with bluish iridescence",
+        "forehead: shining black seamlessly joining the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and blackish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with blue-violet highlights",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with blue-violet edges",
+        "throat: intense yellow, demarcating the head from the belly"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican tody": [
+        "back: bright green upper back",
+        "beak: short, wide, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: bright yellow chest",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow top of head",
+        "forehead: green color with white lores",
+        "eyes: large and dark with pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black tips",
+        "nape: bright green behind the head",
+        "tail: short, greenish-yellow with black edges",
+        "throat: white with yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, dark upper mandible, pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white hues",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green to blend with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, matching the back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with slight yellow edges",
+        "throat: white to yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "puerto rican woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like and black",
+        "belly: white with black horizontal bands",
+        "breast: white with black horizontal bands",
+        "crown: crimson red feathers, more prominent in males",
+        "forehead: red feathers blending to white",
+        "eyes: black with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: gray with sharp claws for gripping trees",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white spots and yellow edges",
+        "nape: black with a hint of red, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: stiff, greenish-black feathers with a red base, used for support while climbing trees",
+        "throat: white with black horizontal bands"
+    ],
+    "puff backed bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with puffed feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, ivory color",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: light olive-green, blending with belly",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, similar to crown",
+        "eyes: brown with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white, matching belly"
+    ],
+    "puff backed honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: slender, decurved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish, blending into belly",
+        "crown: greenish-black, rounded",
+        "forehead: greenish-black, slightly glossy",
+        "eyes: dark brown, well-defined",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish-green edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight gloss",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: yellowish with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "puff throated babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: white with spotted patterns",
+        "breast: white with brownish spots",
+        "crown: pale gray-brown",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and yellowish",
+        "wings: brownish with white tips",
+        "nape: gray-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white and puffed"
+    ],
+    "puff throated bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish",
+        "belly: pale yellow, streaked",
+        "breast: off-white, spotted",
+        "crown: beige, gently sloping",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round",
+        "legs: greyish, strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "tail: dark brown, edged in white",
+        "throat: puffy, white, distinctive"
+    ],
+    "pulitzer longbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long and curved, black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue with fine streaks",
+        "breast: soft white plumage",
+        "crown: rich red crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: large and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green and black with red accents",
+        "nape: yellow-green with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with red tips",
+        "throat: white plumage with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "puna canastero": [
+        "back: brownish-gray, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale brown with dark markings",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by light eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, gray, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: moderately long, brown with light barring",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, graduated, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white, streaked with light brown"
+    ],
+    "puna ground tyrant": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, short and sturdy",
+        "belly: white with soft gray markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight brownish hue",
+        "crown: darker gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray transitioning from crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale orange with long toes",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown consistent with back color",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, square-ended with white edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with gray breast"
+    ],
+    "puna ibis": [
+        "back: dark gray-feathered with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with hints of pale orange",
+        "breast: white, fading into pale orange",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight iridescent shimmer",
+        "forehead: dark gray with a white patch",
+        "eyes: round with a dark iris and thin eyelid",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: broad with dark gray feathers and white patches",
+        "nape: dark gray with a metallic sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white with hints of pale orange"
+    ],
+    "puna miner": [
+        "back: dusty brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: robust, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, faintly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale gray with faint brownish streaks",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, dull pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, white wingbars, elliptical shape",
+        "nape: gray-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: moderate length, gray-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "puna pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, adapted for seeds",
+        "belly: pale white or cream-colored",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with a faint central stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by a faint pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: light brown with blackish streaks and patches",
+        "nape: brown with a soft blend into back color",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "puna plover": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with hints of brown",
+        "crown: brown feathers with black speckles",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round",
+        "legs: thin, light pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown-gray feathers, white stripe",
+        "nape: brown feathers with black speckles",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown-gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "puna snipe": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: white with faint barring",
+        "breast: buff color with dark barring",
+        "crown: brown with a central beige stripe",
+        "forehead: beige with brown speckles",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellow-green",
+        "wings: brown with intricate markings",
+        "nape: brown with a beige stripe",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, dark barred pattern",
+        "throat: pale buff with speckled markings"
+    ],
+    "puna tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with slight barring",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale gray with black spots",
+        "breast: gray with small black markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint barring",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: round, black, relatively large",
+        "legs: strong, short, dark gray",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark gray with hints of brown",
+        "nape: dark gray with minimal barring",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark flecks"
+    ],
+    "puna thistletail": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: red-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: strong, orange-brown",
+        "wings: brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: light gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "puna tinamou": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and curved, grayish color",
+        "belly: grayish-white with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: bluish-gray, subtly barred",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: whitish with fine dark markings",
+        "eyes: dark color with pale eyering",
+        "legs: short and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, greenish-brown",
+        "nape: dark brown with light borders on feathers",
+        "tail: short and rounded, greenish-brown",
+        "throat: whitish with light barring"
+    ],
+    "puna yellow finch": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with a slight fade",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking yellow crest",
+        "forehead: bold yellow patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black edging",
+        "nape: rich yellow fading to green",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bold yellow feathers with a smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "puno antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: russet-orange color",
+        "forehead: olive-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled in pale white",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint banding",
+        "nape: olive-brown with orange-russet patch",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, olive-brown",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "purple cochoa": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and purple feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender black beak",
+        "belly: light grayish-blue underbelly",
+        "breast: rich violet-blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek blue-violet feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert eyes",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: bright blue and purple-striped wings",
+        "nape: darker blue-violet feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-purple tail feathers",
+        "throat: soft grayish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "purple grenadier": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-violet feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, light pinkish",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant blue-violet head top",
+        "forehead: iridescent violet-blue shade",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: striking blue-violet and black pattern",
+        "nape: deep blue-violet feathers",
+        "tail: long, with blue-violet and black stripes",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathered area"
+    ],
+    "purple heron": [
+        "back: long, dark grey feathers with purplish highlights",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "breast: dark grey with purple sheen",
+        "crown: black with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: round, yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: long, yellowish, with slender toes",
+        "wings: broad, dark grey with purple iridescence",
+        "nape: white stripe extending from neck to crown",
+        "tail: short, black and dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "purple honeycreeper": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-purple feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: iridescent purple-blue hue",
+        "breast: shiny purple-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue-purple crest",
+        "forehead: rich purple-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark round with white circle",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: striking blue-purple with black edges",
+        "nape: deep-purple feathered neck",
+        "tail: long and slender with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: flashy purple-blue coloration"
+    ],
+    "purple indigobird": [
+        "back: vibrant purple feathers with shimmering iridescence",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black in color",
+        "belly: pale purple hue with occasional white undertones",
+        "breast: bright purplish-blue with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: deep purple with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: rich purple shading towards the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent purple with hints of blue and black",
+        "nape: gleaming purple hue blending into the back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated with purple and black feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: deep bluish-purple with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "purple needletail": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent purple",
+        "beak: slender, black, needle-like",
+        "belly: light grey with faint purple hue",
+        "breast: smooth, glossy purplish-blue",
+        "crown: vibrant purple with slight crest",
+        "forehead: narrow, shimmering dark blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, positioned on each side of the head",
+        "legs: short, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, rounded, deep purplish-blue",
+        "nape: glossy purple down to the back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark purple feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant purplish-blue, thinner feather density"
+    ],
+    "purple quail dove": [
+        "back: purple and blue iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: short, gray, and curved",
+        "belly: light gray with purple sheen",
+        "breast: lavender purple with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue-purple with faint white stripes",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of lavender purple",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-orange with scaly texture",
+        "wings: purple and blue feathers, rounded",
+        "nape: bluish-violet with thin white stripes",
+        "tail: long, purple fading to gray, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of purple"
+    ],
+    "purple starling": [
+        "back: iridescent purple feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: soft lavender plumage",
+        "breast: deep purple feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering violet crest",
+        "forehead: glimmering purple sheen",
+        "eyes: round, black and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: glossy indigo with fine barring",
+        "nape: radiant purple hue",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, dark purple",
+        "throat: bright violet feathers"
+    ],
+    "purple sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent bluish-purple feathers",
+        "beak: slender curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant purplish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: shiny purple-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming purple-blue color",
+        "eyes: small black rounded eyes",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: glossy blue-violet feathers with a darker edge",
+        "nape: purplish-blue with iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: black undertail with short, slightly square-shape",
+        "throat: bright blue-purple shimmering feathers"
+    ],
+    "purple backed fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant purple-blue plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: pale grey-white feathers",
+        "breast: bright purple-blue fluff",
+        "crown: glossy royal blue crest",
+        "forehead: dark blue plumage",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and pale orange",
+        "wings: purple-blue feathers with a black accent",
+        "nape: brilliant blue-purple hues",
+        "tail: long, expressive, blue-violet feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue-purple plumage"
+    ],
+    "purple backed sunbeam": [
+        "back: shimmering purple feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-green chest",
+        "crown: shining copper-colored top",
+        "forehead: golden-bronze sheen",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, long legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright purple with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: purple hue merging into golden copper",
+        "tail: long and forked, purple with white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant golden-green shimmer"
+    ],
+    "purple backed thornbill": [
+        "back: vibrant purple feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: white and soft plumage",
+        "breast: purple hue blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: iridescent purple crown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: purple and smooth feathering",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert, and round",
+        "legs: delicate and light gray",
+        "wings: elongated, purple with hints of iridescence",
+        "nape: purple transitioning to the purple back",
+        "tail: long, purple, slightly forked",
+        "throat: purple shading into the white belly"
+    ],
+    "purple banded sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant purple and green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharply curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright purple band with metallic shine",
+        "crown: glossy emerald green with hints of purple",
+        "forehead: brilliant shimmering green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown with strong grip",
+        "wings: iridescent purple with green edges, mid-length",
+        "nape: luminous green with a smooth transition to purple",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, with radiant purple feathers",
+        "throat: radiant green, transitioning to the purple breast band"
+    ],
+    "purple bearded bee eater": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, orange-tipped",
+        "belly: pale bluish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: shiny green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: rich purple, short bristly feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, shining, surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, vibrant green, curved at tips",
+        "nape: smooth, green-glossed feathers",
+        "tail: long, elegant, forked, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: radiant purple, distinctive beard-like appearance"
+    ],
+    "purple bellied lory": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: striking orange color",
+        "belly: bright purple plumage",
+        "breast: deep blue feathers",
+        "crown: rich blue and green hues",
+        "forehead: striking blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with red highlights",
+        "nape: green and blue intermingling",
+        "tail: green, blue, and red feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant blue shading"
+    ],
+    "purple bibbed whitetip": [
+        "back: vibrant purple feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with purple tint",
+        "breast: bright purple bib",
+        "crown: smooth purple crest",
+        "forehead: purple feathered",
+        "eyes: dark, round and curious",
+        "legs: slender, gray and strong",
+        "wings: purple-tipped, white feathers",
+        "nape: purple and white striped",
+        "tail: long, white with purple tips",
+        "throat: white with a hint of purple"
+    ],
+    "purple breasted cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: rich purple hue",
+        "breast: bright purple with a tinge of blue",
+        "crown: deep blue feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert with a brown to black color",
+        "legs: thin and black with strong claws",
+        "wings: stunning blue and purple feathers, medium size",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to purple",
+        "tail: blue and purple, medium length, and fanned",
+        "throat: vivid purple feathers"
+    ],
+    "purple breasted sunbird": [
+        "back: shimmering green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: purple iridescence fading to lighter shades",
+        "breast: bright metallic purple with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: deep emerald green with glossy shine",
+        "forehead: shining green feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a keen, curious gaze",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: mix of vibrant blues, greens, and purples with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: glittering green feathers, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: elongated, narrow feathers in gradients of blue and green",
+        "throat: continuation of the metallic purple breast, with a slight fade-out"
+    ],
+    "purple capped fruit dove": [
+        "back: light green with hints of purple",
+        "beak: short, curved, and light gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-purple",
+        "breast: reddish-purple plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant purple cap",
+        "forehead: bright purple feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and round",
+        "legs: slim, light pink",
+        "wings: green and purple with white trimming",
+        "nape: green and purple gradient",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with a gentle purple hue"
+    ],
+    "purple chested hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white with a hint of violet",
+        "breast: vibrant purple iridescence",
+        "crown: shimmering green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright emerald feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, and short",
+        "wings: rapid flutter with iridescent green streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-gold transition from crown",
+        "tail: vibrant green with violet-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant purple with dazzling shine"
+    ],
+    "purple collared woodstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, elongated black bill",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: deep purple collar with white tufts",
+        "crown: iridescent green with purplish reflections",
+        "forehead: bright green shimmering feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: short, with strong black claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and iridescent green",
+        "nape: greenish feathers blending into purple collar",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, with greenish feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant purple plumage with contrasting white tufts"
+    ],
+    "purple crested turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: red and yellow hooked tip",
+        "belly: white and greenish-blue feathers",
+        "breast: deep purple plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent purple crest",
+        "forehead: red band of feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grey and strong",
+        "wings: large with green and red feathers",
+        "nape: white and greenish-blue feathered neck",
+        "tail: green and red feathers, long and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: deep purple, white-bordered feathers"
+    ],
+    "purple crowned fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant purple-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and dark",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: purple-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright violet crown patch",
+        "forehead: deep rusty-red",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim, brown-grey",
+        "wings: iridescent purple-blue",
+        "nape: rusty-red and purple-blue",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "throat: white with a purple-blue tint"
+    ],
+    "purple crowned lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, orange-red tip",
+        "belly: light green with blue undertones",
+        "breast: bright yellowish-green",
+        "crown: brilliant purple plumage",
+        "forehead: deep violet-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish with scaly texture",
+        "wings: green with blue-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: vivid green coloration",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: light green, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "purple crowned plovercrest": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, black curved bill",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light green blending into belly",
+        "crown: stunning purple crest, iridescent",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue hue, metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slender pinkish-grey, strong",
+        "wings: deep green, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: bright green",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: soft grey, slightly paler than belly"
+    ],
+    "purple gaped honeyeater": [
+        "back: deep olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with darker streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: rich olive-green plumage",
+        "forehead: olive-green with hints of yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: olive-green with subtle yellow streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with blue edging",
+        "throat: bright yellow with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "purple headed starling": [
+        "back: vibrant purplish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey with white streaks",
+        "breast: purple-blue with touches of green sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent purple plumage",
+        "forehead: deep purple merging into blue",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by bare blue skin",
+        "legs: sleek black with strong grip",
+        "wings: glossy blue-purple with hints of green",
+        "nape: bluish-purple transitioning to grey",
+        "tail: long, blue-purple feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: gleaming purple-blue with green sheen"
+    ],
+    "purple naped lory": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: bright orange-red",
+        "belly: deep purple hue",
+        "breast: rich violet",
+        "crown: indigo and purple",
+        "forehead: bright blue edges",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and gray",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: striking purple patch",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: violet with a touch of blue"
+    ],
+    "purple naped spiderhunter": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, and blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: warm yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a purplish gloss",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with subtle striping",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and greyish-black in color",
+        "wings: olive-green, elongated with white tips",
+        "nape: purplish-blue iridescence",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "purple rumped sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant purple patch",
+        "crown: glossy purple-blue cap",
+        "forehead: metallic green shine",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and dark grey",
+        "wings: short, pointed, with greenish-blue feathers",
+        "nape: shiny green with hints of purple",
+        "tail: forked and dark blue-green",
+        "throat: glistening purple hue"
+    ],
+    "purple tailed imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: purple-grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark purplish-grey crest",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by cobalt-blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and reddish",
+        "wings: broad, purple-grey feathers with tinges of blue",
+        "nape: purplish-grey, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: dark purple feathers, elongated and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: lighter grey with a purplish sheen"
+    ],
+    "purple throated carib": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, downward-curving black bill",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray with a hint of green",
+        "crown: iridescent green sheen",
+        "forehead: brilliant turquoise blue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a small white ring",
+        "legs: thin, black and twig-like",
+        "wings: glossy green with a slight curve",
+        "nape: distinctive purple patch on the throat",
+        "tail: long, forked, iridescent green feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant purple splash surrounded by green"
+    ],
+    "purple throated cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with purple sheen",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: soft blue with a gradient effect",
+        "breast: brilliant purple",
+        "crown: deep blue with iridescent texture",
+        "forehead: shimmering dark blue",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by blue",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: blue with hints of purple, elongated",
+        "nape: rich purple transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with purple undertones",
+        "throat: striking purple with shiny appearance"
+    ],
+    "purple throated cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: slate gray, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light gray with a white undertone",
+        "breast: soft, slightly curved, pale lavender hue",
+        "crown: slate gray, smooth contour",
+        "forehead: subtle transition to a lighter gray",
+        "eyes: sharp, black with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender, long, dark gray",
+        "wings: broad, elongated, gray with faint purple tint",
+        "nape: grayish-purple hue, well-defined feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, gray with a purplish tinge",
+        "throat: vibrant purple, stands out against lighter body color"
+    ],
+    "purple throated euphonia": [
+        "back: deep blue plumage",
+        "beak: compact, black",
+        "belly: vivid yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: rich blue-black",
+        "forehead: iridescent purple patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and watchful",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-black with white trim",
+        "nape: blue-black transition to purple",
+        "tail: elongated, deep blue feathers",
+        "throat: striking purple vibration"
+    ],
+    "purple throated fruitcrow": [
+        "back: glossy purple-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: iridescent purple",
+        "breast: shimmering purple",
+        "crown: slightly raised, glossy dark feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, violet-hued feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with bright, alert expression",
+        "legs: thin, yet powerful, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: long, curved, with iridescent plumage",
+        "nape: purple-tinted, glossy dark feather",
+        "tail: medium-length, tapered, with lustrous feathers",
+        "throat: vivid purple sheen"
+    ],
+    "purple throated mountain gem": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: iridescent blue-green sheen",
+        "breast: shimmering metallic green",
+        "crown: deep green feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant purple shine",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: bright green with white edges",
+        "nape: rich, purple hue",
+        "tail: forked, iridescent green feathers",
+        "throat: bright purple patch"
+    ],
+    "purple throated sunangel": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: shimmering purple-blue",
+        "crown: iridescent green",
+        "forehead: glistening violet-purple",
+        "eyes: small, black beads",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-purple",
+        "wings: fast-beating, yellow-green",
+        "nape: rich turquoise-green",
+        "tail: rounded, greenish-blue",
+        "throat: brilliant purple radiance"
+    ],
+    "purple throated sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent shades of blue",
+        "crown: shiny metallic purple",
+        "forehead: dark purple sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black limbs",
+        "wings: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: dark purple glimmer",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: striking deep purple hue"
+    ],
+    "purple throated woodstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slender black",
+        "belly: pale white with hints of green",
+        "breast: bright iridescent purple",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green",
+        "forehead: glittering lilac band",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: swift, curved, and translucent edges",
+        "nape: metallic green with purple iridescence",
+        "tail: forked, elongated, and black-tipped",
+        "throat: radiant deep purple"
+    ],
+    "purple winged roller": [
+        "back: iridescent purple feathers with hints of blue",
+        "beak: stout, slightly hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: soft white plumage with a lavender tint",
+        "breast: vibrant purple plumage fading to lavender",
+        "crown: iridescent purple crest with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: bright white patch in front of the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, light grey",
+        "wings: striking purple feathers with hints of blue and teal",
+        "nape: rich purple plumage with blue undertones",
+        "tail: elongated feathers with a mix of deep purple and blue hues",
+        "throat: white plumage with a delicate lavender tint"
+    ],
+    "purplish jacamar": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: light chestnut-brown hue",
+        "breast: vibrant chestnut coloring",
+        "crown: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming greenish-blue transition",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "wings: rounded, green-blue with purplish edges",
+        "nape: bright green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue with chestnut undertones",
+        "throat: rich chestnut-colored patch"
+    ],
+    "purplish jay": [
+        "back: vibrant violet feathers",
+        "beak: sleek black curve",
+        "belly: soft lavender fluff",
+        "breast: iridescent purple plume",
+        "crown: royal violet crest",
+        "forehead: smooth mauve gradient",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: elegant slate-blue limbs",
+        "wings: majestic purple fan",
+        "nape: shaded lilac neck",
+        "tail: elongated violet streaming",
+        "throat: subtle lavender under-feathers"
+    ],
+    "purplish backed jay": [
+        "back: shimmering purplish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pastel lavender hue",
+        "breast: light purplish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-blue crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue-violet feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black with small white ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: striking purplish-blue with black primaries",
+        "nape: transitioning from deep purple to blue",
+        "tail: long and vibrant purplish-blue",
+        "throat: pale lavender with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "purplish backed quail dove": [
+        "back: vibrant purplish-blue hues",
+        "beak: short and pointy, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: soft lavender undertones",
+        "breast: deep purple gradient",
+        "crown: striking iridescent purple",
+        "forehead: light purple tinged",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by faint purple ring",
+        "legs: short and slender, pale pinkish hue",
+        "wings: mottled purplish-blue with hints of green",
+        "nape: vibrant purple fading into lavender",
+        "tail: elongated, layered feathers with purple tips",
+        "throat: pale lavender with subtle purple streaks"
+    ],
+    "purplish mantled tanager": [
+        "back: deep blue-violet feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black",
+        "belly: vibrant turquoise-blue",
+        "breast: bright purple-blue shades",
+        "crown: iridescent purple crest",
+        "forehead: dark blue-violet plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, black and strong",
+        "wings: blue-violet with lighter edges",
+        "nape: shiny purple-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long and blue-violet, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bold, blue-violet coloration"
+    ],
+    "purus jacamar": [
+        "back: glossy greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: reddish or chestnut hue",
+        "crown: iridescent green or blue",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter greenish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: metallic greenish-blue, narrow, and long",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, black with blue or green sheen",
+        "throat: light reddish brown, transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "puvel illadopsis": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, tan-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with subtle markings",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown fading to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with indistinct brown bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: brilliant white contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "pycroft petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish upper-side",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white feathered underside",
+        "breast: smooth, light-colored plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, grayish headcap",
+        "forehead: slightly sloping, grayish, above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, yellowish, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, slender, grayish-black feathers",
+        "nape: grayish curved neck region",
+        "tail: forked, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white or light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "pygmy antwren": [
+        "back: vibrant brown and subtly striped",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: light cream-colored with fine markings",
+        "breast: pale yellow with intricate stripes",
+        "crown: rich chestnut hue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bead-like",
+        "legs: thin, long, and blue-grey",
+        "wings: mottled brown with feathery edges",
+        "nape: warm brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and brown",
+        "throat: white with delicate gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "pygmy batis": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with thin dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with brownish tint",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter edges, rounded",
+        "nape: dark gray blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, with white outer feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "pygmy cormorant": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: dark grey with a lighter center",
+        "breast: black with some brownish tones",
+        "crown: black and slightly crested",
+        "forehead: gently sloping towards beak",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a thin white circle",
+        "legs: short and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, black, and broad with a white patch",
+        "nape: black with a thick, elongated feather tuft",
+        "tail: short, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: dark grey with a small white patch"
+    ],
+    "pygmy cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved for insects",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage for warmth",
+        "crown: slate-gray colored, rounded",
+        "forehead: flat, blending into the crown color",
+        "eyes: alert, dark with white surrounds",
+        "legs: slender,-grayish, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: slate gray, short, and rounded for maneuvering",
+        "nape: grayish, neck connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short, gray, with white tips for balance",
+        "throat: light gray, leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "pygmy cupwing": [
+        "back: small, rounded, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, straight, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light cream with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with wispy feathers",
+        "eyes: black and bead-like",
+        "legs: short, slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: short, rounded, greenish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: soft brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: short, square, brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "pygmy eagle": [
+        "back: compact and sturdy torso frame",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: light and streamlined",
+        "breast: sleek, feathered, and robust",
+        "crown: smooth with brown feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow and slightly curved",
+        "eyes: round, sharp, and focused",
+        "legs: short, strong, and feathered",
+        "wings: broad, versatile, and well-structured",
+        "nape: slender and covered in feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and flexible",
+        "throat: unadorned but functional"
+    ],
+    "pygmy falcon": [
+        "back: small, sleek body with gray or white feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, designed for grabbing prey",
+        "belly: light-colored, has fine, dark barring",
+        "breast: white or pale gray with fine, dark streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, gray feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: short and rounded, wears a light gray plumage",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark, sharply peering out",
+        "legs: short, with sharp, curved talons for gripping",
+        "wings: compact and rounded, adapted for agile flying",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in gray or white feathers",
+        "tail: narrow and elongated, featuring dark bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: light-colored, blending with the breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "pygmy flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers provide camouflaging in foliage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, designed for flower feeding",
+        "belly: whitish color with lighter streaks",
+        "breast: olive-grey feathers with streaks of brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with marked feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-grey feathers with slight markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, express curiosity",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, good for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with curved tips for swift flying",
+        "nape: olive-brown with marked feathers",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked for agile flight",
+        "throat: light grey, unmarked, appears delicate"
+    ],
+    "pygmy flycatcher": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle markings",
+        "breast: soft yellow or greyish hue",
+        "crown: greyish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with two faint wingbars",
+        "nape: greyish-olive with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-green with blackish markings",
+        "throat: pale grey with indistinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "pygmy hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, curved upper mandible",
+        "belly: yellowish-green underbelly",
+        "breast: bright green plumage, hints of blue",
+        "crown: light blueish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: red to light pink coloration",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown talons",
+        "wings: stunning green with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue and green feathers mixed",
+        "tail: short, bright green with a hint of red",
+        "throat: yellowish-green with a subtle blue tint"
+    ],
+    "pygmy longbill": [
+        "back: short, streamlined olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, downward-curving bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow-tinged underparts",
+        "breast: light olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown compared to crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark brown with lighter brown tips",
+        "throat: pale olive-yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pygmy lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, orange beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathering",
+        "breast: rich orange-red chest",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow head feathers",
+        "forehead: green plumage blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, gray, with strong toes",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue tail feathers",
+        "throat: orange-red plumage fading to yellow"
+    ],
+    "pygmy nightjar": [
+        "back: pale grayish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light grayish-white with fine black spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with black streaks and spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short and dark-colored with strong claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, grayish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: long and rounded, grayish-brown with white tip and fine black streaks",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pygmy palm swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale brown plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, light brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brownish feather transition to face",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and dark, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, slender, and dark brown",
+        "nape: brown with subtle neck contour",
+        "tail: short and deeply forked",
+        "throat: pale brown with lighter feather edging"
+    ],
+    "pygmy sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant, green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow with hints of olive-green",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow, fading into pale yellow",
+        "crown: rich metallic purple",
+        "forehead: striking purple shimmer",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey legs, and tiny feet",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green, web-like patterns",
+        "nape: lustrous purple, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: two elongated central tail feathers, blue-green sheen",
+        "throat: saturated yellow, contrasting with head and belly"
+    ],
+    "pygmy swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray coloring",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, narrow, with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with well-defined feathers",
+        "tail: short, square-ended with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "pygmy tit": [
+        "back: small, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, needle-like, blackish",
+        "belly: light cream with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: fluffy, white with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: gray with subtle olive hue",
+        "forehead: small, pale gray",
+        "eyes: large, black, lively",
+        "legs: slender with dark gray color",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-green",
+        "nape: gray with greenish shades",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, dark gray",
+        "throat: white with grayish tinge"
+    ],
+    "pygmy white eye": [
+        "back: small and rounded with light green feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-yellow and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow with light green tinges",
+        "crown: light green with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "forehead: light green feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, beady, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and gray with sharp, black claws",
+        "wings: light green with faint darker markings",
+        "nape: light green, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: short and slightly rounded, light green feathers",
+        "throat: pale, whitish-yellow blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "quail plover": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine black markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale gray",
+        "belly: light buff with dark spotting",
+        "breast: tawny with black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: pale buff with black lines",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by thin eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-yellow with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, brown and black with buff and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short and square, brownish-black with faint white bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "quailfinch": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, light-colored",
+        "belly: cream or buff feathers, speckled markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: light buff with a dark stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a faint eyering",
+        "legs: thin, pale, with long toes",
+        "wings: mottled brown, rounded",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, lightly patterned",
+        "tail: short, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, buff with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "quebracho crested tinamou": [
+        "back: subtle greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, and greyish-brown",
+        "belly: pale buff color with streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle barring",
+        "crown: elongated, black feathers with tuft-like crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, framed by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light grey with three forward-pointing toes",
+        "wings: greyish-brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: warm brown, blending into the back feathers",
+        "tail: short, brown-barred feathers",
+        "throat: lightly streaked, pale feathers"
+    ],
+    "rachel malimbe": [
+        "back: dark blue with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with blue speckles",
+        "breast: bright blue with darker streaks",
+        "crown: glossy blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: shiny blue with a hint of purple",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white feathered outlines",
+        "legs: short, black with strong feet",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with dark edges",
+        "nape: deep blue transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white tips",
+        "throat: bright blue with distinctive black markings"
+    ],
+    "racket tailed roller": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black hook",
+        "belly: understated pale blue-gray plumage",
+        "breast: rich lilac coloring with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: unmistakable violet crest on top",
+        "forehead: subdued purple-blue hue, gradually blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: gleaming black beads surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black, and well-proportioned",
+        "wings: impressive sky-blue hue enveloped by violet streaks",
+        "nape: bluish-purple plumage transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: magnificent elongated twin streamers with racket-shaped tips",
+        "throat: subtle lavender-blue feathers with a touch of gray"
+    ],
+    "racket tailed treepie": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with blueish tinge",
+        "crown: black with a slight bushy crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers gradually fading to gray",
+        "eyes: deep brown with a black ring",
+        "legs: long, gray, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with deep blue undertones",
+        "nape: black with a blueish-gray tinge",
+        "tail: long, black, graduated, with two wide rackets at the ends",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers with a tinge of blue"
+    ],
+    "racket tipped thorntail": [
+        "back: vibrantly colored feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale green with feather streaks",
+        "breast: bright green with an iridescent shine",
+        "crown: emerald green with a blue gradient",
+        "forehead: light green fading to iridescent blue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, black, and wiry",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with shimmering green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green feathers, curved gracefully",
+        "tail: long, racket-tipped with two distinctive elongated tail feathers",
+        "throat: subtly iridescent, lighter green"
+    ],
+    "radde accentor": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical shaped",
+        "belly: pale gray with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: thin and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with light feather edgings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "radde warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and blackish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish sides",
+        "breast: pale buff with streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: large and dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "radjah shelduck": [
+        "back: brownish plumage with dark streaks",
+        "beak: black with a white tip",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: cream-colored feathers blending into the belly",
+        "crown: rounded head with dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orangish-red with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white flight feathers with light brown edges",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers leading to the back",
+        "tail: short with a mix of white and brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale brown, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "raffles malkoha": [
+        "back: greenish-blue with blackish-white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks and greenish-blue tinges",
+        "breast: blackish-white with greenish-blue streaks",
+        "crown: black with white speckles and blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: blackish with white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint yellow ring",
+        "legs: greyish-black with sturdy feet",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with blackish-white streaks and a slight blue sheen",
+        "nape: black with white speckles and greenish-blue tinge",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with greenish-blue feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: blackish-white streaks and a slight greenish-blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "raggiana bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant green and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich red-orange plumes",
+        "crown: red-orange fan-like crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: mixture of green, blue, and red feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant green and yellow feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, fine black feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent blue patch"
+    ],
+    "raiatea fruit dove": [
+        "back: olive-green with purple tinges",
+        "beak: short and hooked, pale grayish-brown",
+        "belly: yellowish-green fading to pale gray near the vent",
+        "breast: rich golden-orange merging into olive-green",
+        "crown: pale greenish-gray with a brownish hue",
+        "forehead: bright pale yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by fine white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with purple sheen and blackened flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale greenish-gray transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: long and tapering, olive-green with purple-blue iridescence",
+        "throat: creamy-white transitioning into golden-orange"
+    ],
+    "raimondi yellow finch": [
+        "back: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, silver-black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with mixed shades of brown",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a hint of orange",
+        "forehead: yellow with a subtle black patch",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: slender, strong, gray-black",
+        "wings: black with yellow and white edge markings",
+        "nape: yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with yellow and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "rain quail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, curved downward",
+        "belly: creamy white with black striped markings",
+        "breast: rusty-orange with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with black bordered crest",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and strong, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with a white wingbar and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a darker collar",
+        "tail: short, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "rainbow bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: golden-orange chest",
+        "crown: blue-green head",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise patch",
+        "eyes: striking black with white eyestripe",
+        "legs: small, dark brown",
+        "wings: green-blue feathers with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green, meeting the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, delicate streamers with a black bar",
+        "throat: velvety black stripe"
+    ],
+    "rainbow pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale blue with black patches",
+        "breast: rich turquoise blue",
+        "crown: deep green with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: bold orange-red stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mixture of green and dark blue feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue with lighter blue highlights",
+        "tail: long and vivid blue with black pattern",
+        "throat: bright white with slender black lines"
+    ],
+    "rainbow starfrontlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with iridescent shine",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black for sipping nectar",
+        "belly: soft, emerald green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green with interspersed colorful feathers",
+        "crown: radiant, multicolored cap of feathers",
+        "forehead: fiery orange to red gradient",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, fine, and black for delicate perching",
+        "wings: iridescent, shining green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: blend of blue, green, and purple feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, streamer-like feathers with shimmering colors",
+        "throat: gleaming purple and blue, catches light beautifully"
+    ],
+    "rainbow bearded thornbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent shine",
+        "beak: slender black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with a touch of pink",
+        "breast: brilliant red plumage",
+        "crown: bold purple and blue hues blending seamlessly",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue splash",
+        "eyes: small, round, and alert with a black pupil",
+        "legs: thin black limbs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dazzling shades of green, blue, and violet in a striking pattern",
+        "nape: iridescent purple-blue transition to green",
+        "tail: elongated plumes in gradient purples, blues, and greens",
+        "throat: fiery orange and yellow feathers with a signature \"beard"
+    ],
+    "raja ampat pitohui": [
+        "1. back: vibrant yellow-orange feathers",
+        "2. beak: slender and black",
+        "3. belly: bright yellow with black speckles",
+        "4. breast: rich orange with black pattern",
+        "5. crown: intense yellow-orange hue",
+        "6. forehead: yellow with a slight tint of orange",
+        "7. eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "8. legs: slim and featherless, dark grey",
+        "9. wings: black with yellow-orange patterns",
+        "10. nape: deep yellow-orange coloration",
+        "11. tail: long black plumes with yellow-orange accents",
+        "12. throat: yellow-orange with black patches"
+    ],
+    "rajah scops owl": [
+        "back: dark-colored with reddish-brown mottlings",
+        "beak: short, curved, sharp, and grayish",
+        "belly: white to pale buff and finely barred",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with prominent white spots",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: blackish, separated from the brown crown by a thin white line",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown, with sharp yellowish talons",
+        "wings: rounded and brownish with white spots and fine dark bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: brownish with white streaks and dark bands",
+        "throat: white to pale buff with fine brown bars"
+    ],
+    "rameron pigeon": [
+        "back: bluish-gray with a sleek sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: soft and light gray",
+        "breast: purplish-pink fading to gray",
+        "crown: darker blue-gray with a green sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: bright orange with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: short and reddish-pink",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "tail: long, bluish-gray feathers with a dark band near the tip",
+        "throat: pale gray closer to the beak, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "rand warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and streaked feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint stripes",
+        "crown: golden-yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow and unmarked",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, light pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: golden-yellow with streaks extending to back",
+        "tail: dark with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rapa shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked for catching fish",
+        "belly: light gray with patches of white",
+        "breast: white with pale gray streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, subtly darker than back",
+        "forehead: white transitioning into grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with dark webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, lined with white and grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: narrow and long, white underneath with grayish-brown upper feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by pale gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "rarotonga monarch": [
+        "back: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: lighter blue plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: encircled in white plumes",
+        "legs: short, grey with strong feet",
+        "wings: elongated, blue-black with violet sheen",
+        "nape: rich blue colored feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with hints of violet",
+        "throat: intense blue, lighter than breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "rarotonga starling": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with subtle green sheen",
+        "crown: glossy dark green",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and grey",
+        "wings: iridescent greenish-black",
+        "nape: vibrant green and black blended",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-black feathers",
+        "throat: bright, snow-white patches"
+    ],
+    "ratchet tailed treepie": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle grayish hue",
+        "beak: black, strong and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lustrous off-white with pale gray undertones",
+        "breast: light olive with pale gray streaks",
+        "crown: sleek black with a slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: faint gray feather markings above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark-gray with sharp claws for gripping",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black primaries and white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: blackish-gray feathers connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: impressive, long, and graduated with a unique ratchet-like pattern",
+        "throat: creamy white extending from lower beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "rattling cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff, blending with belly",
+        "crown: rich brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by light markings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: short, rounded, dark brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale buff, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "razo skylark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: small and dark",
+        "belly: off-white and pale",
+        "breast: brownish with light streaks",
+        "crown: light brown and streaky",
+        "forehead: pale and feathered",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: brown with light tips",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown",
+        "throat: off-white and streaky"
+    ],
+    "razor billed curassow": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: black with white undertones",
+        "breast: deep black, dense feathers",
+        "crown: black with erect crest",
+        "forehead: dark black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, red with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark iridescent green, broad",
+        "nape: black with long feather plumes",
+        "tail: long, black, white-tipped",
+        "throat: black with hints of gray"
+    ],
+    "recurve billed bushbird": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: long and curved upward",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: slightly paler green",
+        "crown: olive-green with a crest",
+        "forehead: lighter shades of green",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: green, with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant olive-green",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale, yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "red avadavat": [
+        "back: deep crimson with fine white spots",
+        "beak: pale, silvery-gray, conical shape",
+        "belly: deep red blending into black vent",
+        "breast: vibrant red with white spots",
+        "crown: rich red with hints of dark brown",
+        "forehead: bright scarlet feathers with white spots",
+        "eyes: dark, small, encircled by thin, faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark brown with red edging and white spots",
+        "nape: red with thin white-spotted feathers",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright red with fine white speckles"
+    ],
+    "red collared dove": [
+        "back: light brown with grayish shades",
+        "beak: short, slim, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "breast: rosy pink, fading to grayish-white",
+        "crown: pale pinkish-gray, slightly lighter than back",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small, surrounded by reddish eye ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with black wingtips",
+        "nape: pale pinkish-gray, uniform with crown and back",
+        "tail: elongated, light brown with black outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending into rosy pink breast"
+    ],
+    "red junglefowl": [
+        "back: brownish-red feathers with a glossy finish",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: light gray feathers with faint black barring",
+        "breast: golden-orange with distinct black stripes",
+        "crown: prominent red comb and dark greenish-black feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: red comb and fine white bristly feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, and surrounded by red facial skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown with scales and three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: medium-length with brown and black patterned feathers",
+        "nape: long, iridescent greenish-black neck feathers",
+        "tail: curved, greenish-black feathers with orange and brown base colors",
+        "throat: white bristly feathers and red wattles below the beak"
+    ],
+    "red shining parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant red plumage, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: fiery red feathers, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: rich crimson, fluffier plumage",
+        "crown: radiant red crest feathers, slightly elongated",
+        "forehead: smooth, scarlet feathers transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: brilliant red with hints of blue and green, wide-spread for flight",
+        "nape: crimson feathers, tapering to the back",
+        "tail: elongated red feathers, blue-tipped, sleek and aerodynamic",
+        "throat: bright red, with softer, smaller feathers"
+    ],
+    "red shoveler": [
+        "back: deep rusty-orange feathers",
+        "beak: black spatula-shaped bill",
+        "belly: white feathered underparts",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brownish-red cap",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a hint of white around",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with blue speculum and white edge",
+        "nape: rich rufous-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and pointed",
+        "throat: lighter reddish-brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "red siskin": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: lighter red-orange shade",
+        "breast: bright red, feathered",
+        "crown: deep red plumage",
+        "forehead: striking red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: red and black intermixed feathers",
+        "nape: lighter red fading into the back",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: deep red blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "red wattlebird": [
+        "back: dark grey with brownish tints",
+        "beak: long and slightly down-curved",
+        "belly: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: slightly raised with dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow and orange patterned with black",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with faint white markings",
+        "nape: orange-red wattle-shaped patch",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with distinct dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "red and black grosbeak": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish hue with black streaks",
+        "beak: large, powerful, pale-colored",
+        "belly: mix of deep red and black feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant red plumage",
+        "crown: deep red with black wings extension",
+        "forehead: bright red with a hint of black",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and intelligent",
+        "legs: strong, sturdy, black",
+        "wings: black with white patches and red accents",
+        "nape: continuation of red and black coloration",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: red feathers transitioning into black"
+    ],
+    "red and black thrush": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin black beak",
+        "belly: deep red feathers fading to black",
+        "breast: bright red with black speckles",
+        "crown: red feathers with black edges",
+        "forehead: smooth red feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black eyes with white accents",
+        "legs: slender black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: red and black feathers in a striking pattern",
+        "nape: red feathers with black outlining",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with red highlights",
+        "throat: rich red feathers with sparse black spots"
+    ],
+    "red and blue lory": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, orange beak for gripping and cracking seeds",
+        "belly: deep blue feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: bright red feathers on the upper chest area",
+        "crown: stunning red plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: vivid blue feathers above the beak and eyes",
+        "eyes: striking, dark eyes with a curious gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-gray legs with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: beautiful mix of red and blue feathers for agile flight",
+        "nape: brilliant red feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, red and blue tail feathers for balance and steering",
+        "throat: rich blue feathers extending from beak to chest area"
+    ],
+    "red and green macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light green to yellow hues",
+        "breast: bright red and orange feathers",
+        "crown: blue-green plumage at the top of the head",
+        "forehead: red feathers transition to green",
+        "eyes: yellow ring surrounds dark, round eyes",
+        "legs: dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mix of blue, red, and green feathers",
+        "nape: red and blue overlapping feathers",
+        "tail: long, red-blue feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: red and orange plumage, meeting the belly"
+    ],
+    "red and white antpitta": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, and white with a black tip",
+        "belly: white feathers mixed with faint red streaks",
+        "breast: bright red feathers transitioning to white",
+        "crown: rounded and red, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers meeting the red crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright; surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and white for hopping through undergrowth",
+        "wings: red with white streaks, used for quick bursts of flight",
+        "nape: red feathers connected to the crown, merging into the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with red and white feathers to aid in balance",
+        "throat: predominantly white with a few reddish streaks near the breast"
+    ],
+    "red and white crake": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, whitish-yellow",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: bright red feathers with white streaks",
+        "crown: red feathers contrasting with white forehead",
+        "forehead: striking white coloration",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale with sharp talons",
+        "wings: red feathers with white edging",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to white on the neck",
+        "tail: short, white with red streaks",
+        "throat: delicate white plumage"
+    ],
+    "red and white spinetail": [
+        "back: red and white streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with soft rufous touches",
+        "breast: rich russet-red",
+        "crown: vibrant red with white streaks",
+        "forehead: bright red patches",
+        "eyes: dark with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: red with white and black markings",
+        "nape: contrasting white and red feathers",
+        "tail: long and russet-red, tipped with white",
+        "throat: pale white with hints of red"
+    ],
+    "red and yellow barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy yellow and black bill",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid red feathers",
+        "crown: red head with black spots",
+        "forehead: yellow and black striped pattern",
+        "eyes: dark beady gaze",
+        "legs: strong black limbs",
+        "wings: red and yellow feathers with black spots",
+        "nape: red and black spotted region",
+        "tail: red and black banded feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "red backed buttonquail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with black specks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with faint black stripes",
+        "forehead: whitish-buff with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: rufous-toned with black striations",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with prominent white corner patches",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint black markings"
+    ],
+    "red backed fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: gray and white feathers",
+        "crown: dark, blue-black plumage",
+        "forehead: blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and wiry",
+        "wings: blue-black with red patches",
+        "nape: blue-black plumage",
+        "tail: long, thin, and black",
+        "throat: white and gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "red backed flameback": [
+        "back: radiant red feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like bill",
+        "belly: off-white plumage",
+        "breast: light cream color",
+        "crown: bright red crest",
+        "forehead: striking red plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: golden brown with dark striations",
+        "nape: red transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: long, golden brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale beige plumage"
+    ],
+    "red backed kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant, reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, black dagger-like",
+        "belly: bright white, delicate feathers",
+        "breast: pale orange tint, transitioning into white",
+        "crown: deep blue, iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: striking azure-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: beady, dark and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue with scaly texture",
+        "wings: bright blue with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, azure feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: vivid white, soft-looking feathers"
+    ],
+    "red backed mousebird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: grayish head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray coloration",
+        "eyes: small with dark brown color",
+        "legs: long, dark gray legs with strong feet",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with grayish-white tips",
+        "nape: grayish plumage transitioning to red",
+        "tail: long, thin, dark gray with a slight curve",
+        "throat: light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "red backed scrub robin": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with pale gray-brown sides",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, long, and notched",
+        "throat: white with gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "red backed shrike": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: light pinkish-red",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: black and round, with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender black legs and claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: light reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long and black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black 'masked' markings"
+    ],
+    "red backed sierra finch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, conical shape",
+        "belly: light gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-brown hue",
+        "crown: red feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: red plumage, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: skinny and dark gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "nape: red feathers meeting back plumage",
+        "tail: short, reddish-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: light gray-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "red banded flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: distinctive red band",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green feathers with a bluish sheen",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: short, green with black tips",
+        "throat: white, with reddish-orange spots"
+    ],
+    "red banded fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green and slightly rounded",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: rich yellow with red bands",
+        "breast: bright yellow with red streaks",
+        "crown: deep green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant green",
+        "eyes: dark with a wise gaze",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: green with bold red and black markings",
+        "nape: green with subtle yellow highlights",
+        "tail: long and red with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with red markings"
+    ],
+    "red bellied fruit dove": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers with subtle golden sheen",
+        "beak: short and curved, with a grayish color",
+        "belly: bright red-orange hue with specks of green",
+        "breast: vibrant red fading into orange-yellow",
+        "crown: olive green with tinges of blue",
+        "forehead: blended green-blue with gold shimmer",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by bare red-orange skin",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with reddish-gray color",
+        "wings: green-blue with hints of yellow, blending into bright red-orange",
+        "nape: smooth transition from olive crown to bluish-green with gold shimmer",
+        "tail: greenish-blue central feathers, flanked by red-orange outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright red-orange fading into yellow near breast"
+    ],
+    "red bellied grackle": [
+        "back: glossy black with iridescent blue-green sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "belly: reddish hue with dark streaks",
+        "breast: dark and glossy with occasional red streaks",
+        "crown: iridescent black with blue-green tinges",
+        "forehead: shiny black with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: bright pale yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray and featherless",
+        "wings: lustrous black with bluish-green highlights",
+        "nape: gleaming black with iridescent tones",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with a metallic luster",
+        "throat: shiny black with streaks of red near the base"
+    ],
+    "red bellied macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak for cracking nuts",
+        "belly: eye-catching orange to reddish abdomen feathers",
+        "breast: rich green feathered chest area",
+        "crown: forest-green feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: deep green feathers slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing light yellow eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: dark strong scaled legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: elongated and broad, green feathers with blue edges",
+        "nape: continuation of green crown feathers down the neck",
+        "tail: long, sweeping green and blue feathers for balance",
+        "throat: slightly lighter green feathers transitioning to the orange belly"
+    ],
+    "red bellied malimbe": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and conical",
+        "belly: bright red patch",
+        "breast: brilliant red plumage",
+        "crown: shining green with a hint of red",
+        "forehead: smooth and green-touched",
+        "eyes: deep black, alert-looking",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal grey",
+        "wings: lush green with red highlights",
+        "nape: silky green with red accents",
+        "tail: elongated, green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: striking red feathers"
+    ],
+    "red bellied myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant red with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: bright red-orange hue",
+        "breast: deep red fading into orange",
+        "crown: brilliant red patch on the head",
+        "forehead: red blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with reddish-orange edges",
+        "nape: fiery red, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, black with reddish-orange tips",
+        "throat: brilliant red, extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "red bellied parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, grayish beak",
+        "belly: reddish-orange hue",
+        "breast: light green with a touch of red",
+        "crown: bright green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: green with a distinctive red border",
+        "eyes: dark, alert eyes surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: vivid green with hints of turquoise and blue",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue and black and tips",
+        "throat: soft green and yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "red billed blue magpie": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with darker shades",
+        "beak: striking red with a slight curve",
+        "belly: soft white and grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey to white, fading into belly",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers, forming a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue matching the crown color",
+        "eyes: dark black, encircled by faint blue-grey feathers",
+        "legs: strong, red with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long blue feathers with white and black patterns",
+        "nape: glossy blue, with a smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers with bold white bars and a black tip",
+        "throat: subtle grey-white, creating a contrast with the vibrant beak"
+    ],
+    "red billed brushturkey": [
+        "back: dark, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: red, hooked curve",
+        "belly: dusky brownish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "crown: black, featherless with small red wattle",
+        "forehead: red, bare skin with small wattles",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, grey",
+        "wings: dark, broad, fairly short",
+        "nape: dark feathers, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, erect, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: exposed red wattles, dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "red billed buffalo weaver": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: bright red, robust, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or pale cream with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: white, with streaks or spots of black",
+        "crown: bold black feathers with a thick crest",
+        "forehead: red feathers blending into the black crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert with a white or pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, orange or ochre colored, and scaly",
+        "wings: blackish feathers with vivid red or orange patches",
+        "nape: matching reddish-brown and black-streaked feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a hint of red and a white tip",
+        "throat: white or pale cream with a patch of black or brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "red billed chough": [
+        "back: black, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: vibrant red, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark black, soft plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black feathers",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: bright red, fairly long",
+        "wings: black, rounded shape",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: square-shaped, black with a hint of green gloss",
+        "throat: black, dense feathers"
+    ],
+    "red billed curassow": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: striking red, hooked shape",
+        "belly: light brown feathers",
+        "breast: lighter brown with pale streaks",
+        "crown: thin crest of black feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers, smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray, partially feathered",
+        "wings: long, dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "nape: black plumage blending into brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with slightly pointed end",
+        "throat: black feathers, meeting the breast"
+    ],
+    "red billed duck": [
+        "back: sleek, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bright red, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with soft, downy texture",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with wavy patterns",
+        "crown: smooth, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: rounded, reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white and black stripes",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, transitioning to white on the lower neck",
+        "tail: short and pointed, with black and white markings",
+        "throat: white, with a soft, feathered appearance"
+    ],
+    "red billed dwarf hornbill": [
+        "back: vibrant black plumage with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: striking red color with a curved shape",
+        "belly: black and white feather pattern with a soft curve",
+        "breast: speckled white and black feathers forming a cylindrical shape",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers with a slightly puffed appearance",
+        "forehead: sleek black plumage transitioning into the red beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark outlines and prominent gaze",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey with powerful grasping talons",
+        "wings: black feathers with elongated shape for swift flight",
+        "nape: continuation of sleek black plumage with a gentle curve",
+        "tail: long black feathers with a slightly fanned appearance",
+        "throat: black and white patterned feathers meeting the breast area"
+    ],
+    "red billed emerald": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: vibrant red, straight and pointed",
+        "belly: soft white with hints of green",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: green, merging into reddish beak",
+        "eyes: shining black, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dazzling green with feathers tapering to a point",
+        "nape: brilliant green, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with a forked tip",
+        "throat: intense green, contrasting with red beak"
+    ],
+    "red billed firefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bright red, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: deep red and slightly rounded",
+        "crown: intense red, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: bold red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: fervent red merging into brown",
+        "tail: dusky brown with contrasting white tips",
+        "throat: striking red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red billed helmetshrike": [
+        "back: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: bright red, sharp, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle patterning",
+        "breast: black with white feather tips",
+        "crown: solid black, crest-like",
+        "forehead: black, continuing crown coloring",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, medium-length, strong",
+        "wings: black, white-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: black, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: black, white-tipped, forked",
+        "throat: black, fading to gray on belly"
+    ],
+    "red billed leiothrix": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with slight greenish tinge",
+        "beak: bright red-orange, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white, mixed with yellow",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow hue",
+        "crown: distinct black head markings",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-pink legs",
+        "wings: mix of green, yellow, and black feathers",
+        "nape: olive green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and graduated, black with yellow sides",
+        "throat: white blending into the golden breast"
+    ],
+    "red billed malkoha": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight green sheen",
+        "beak: striking red-orange color",
+        "belly: off-white or pale gray",
+        "breast: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: blackish head crest",
+        "forehead: short, black feathers with slight hints of green",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black with inconspicuous ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with thin black feathers creating a slight neck fringe",
+        "tail: long, graduated tail feathers with black and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red billed oxpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: curved, red bill",
+        "belly: light cream-colored underparts",
+        "breast: pale, cream-colored feathers",
+        "crown: olive-brown feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, strong and agile",
+        "wings: olive-brown with hints of white and dark brown",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white and dark brown tips",
+        "throat: pale, cream-colored plumage"
+    ],
+    "red billed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: striking red color",
+        "belly: pale green or light blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright green or bluish feathers",
+        "crown: bold green with slight patchy variations",
+        "forehead: rich green, sometimes tinged with blue",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey limbs",
+        "wings: green primary feathers, blue edges on secondary",
+        "nape: dark green plumage, sometimes tinged with blue",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: paler green hue, sometimes light blue or grey"
+    ],
+    "red billed partridge": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: vibrant red and slightly curved shape",
+        "belly: light brown and white feathers",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright red wattles above eye",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive with white ring",
+        "legs: strong and scaly with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown and slightly ruffled",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with black and white markings",
+        "throat: white with thin, black stripes"
+    ],
+    "red billed pied tanager": [
+        "back: greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: red, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, some black streaks",
+        "breast: black, with greenish sheen",
+        "crown: black, can appear glossy",
+        "forehead: greenish-black, shiny",
+        "eyes: dark, with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, long and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-black, prominent white patches",
+        "nape: black, with greenish hue",
+        "tail: long, black, forked",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "red billed pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish feathers",
+        "beak: striking, red-orange bill",
+        "belly: light gray, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale purple-gray hue",
+        "crown: smooth, darker gray feathers",
+        "forehead: gradual transition from crown to lighter gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-pink limbs",
+        "wings: gray, elongated, with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: seamless blend with the crown's gray hue",
+        "tail: darker gray, fanned shape, with a band of white at the tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "red billed pytilia": [
+        "back: olive-green patterned feathers",
+        "beak: bright red and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with dark scale-like markings",
+        "breast: yellowish with fine dark speckles",
+        "crown: slate gray with a hint of red",
+        "forehead: slate gray merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: slate gray with subtle olive-green wash",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: intense red accentuating the beak"
+    ],
+    "red billed quelea": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bright red color, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: pinkish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: masked black head",
+        "forehead: striking black plumage",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: masked black plumage",
+        "tail: short and squared, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale white, contrasting with black mask"
+    ],
+    "red billed scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "beak: bright red, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with light rusty-brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm chestnut-brown",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "forehead: black with slight rusty-brown tinge",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with long, slender claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "tail: long, graduated, with rusty-brown feathers edged in black",
+        "throat: white with a faint tinge of rusty-brown"
+    ],
+    "red billed scythebill": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, down-curved red bill",
+        "belly: whitish with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with pale, thin eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy pale pink legs",
+        "wings: barred chestnut-brown and cream",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, streaked feathers",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: lighter brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "red billed spurfowl": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: bright red, sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: cream-colored with dark speckles",
+        "breast: buff with faint dark barring",
+        "crown: rufous with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with reddish eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: streaked dark brown and rufous",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tip",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "red billed starling": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: striking red-orange bill",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: cool gray feathering",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue-green head",
+        "forehead: smoothened feather transition",
+        "eyes: contrasting black pupils, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: lean, light gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green, angular tips",
+        "nape: slightly paler shading than crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark feathers, forked shape",
+        "throat: smooth gray plummage transition"
+    ],
+    "red billed streamertail": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, vibrant red",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering green feathers",
+        "crown: striking green crest",
+        "forehead: smooth green plumage",
+        "eyes: shiny round black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: vibrant green with layered feathers",
+        "nape: radiant green plumage",
+        "tail: two elongated black feathers (streamers",
+        "throat: deep green glossy feathers"
+    ],
+    "red billed tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: bright red, slim, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with soft streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faded eyestripe",
+        "forehead: soft olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender, and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark tips, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "red billed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, bright red",
+        "belly: pale and off-white, faint streaks",
+        "breast: spotted with brown and grey colors",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: dark brown",
+        "eyes: black bead-like surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-barred pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown, finely streaked",
+        "tail: long and stiff, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "red breasted chat": [
+        "back: olive-green upper area",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: orange-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright red feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green top of the head",
+        "forehead: olive-green, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: gray and slender with scaly texture",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: red like the breast, transitioning into the belly"
+    ],
+    "red breasted coua": [
+        "back: deep green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: reddish-orange to chestnut brown",
+        "breast: rich reddish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: deep green with shimmering blue accents",
+        "forehead: vibrant green feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with white and black patterns",
+        "nape: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-blue with white tips",
+        "throat: reddish-orange, transitioning from breast color"
+    ],
+    "red breasted dotterel": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: black, short, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: clean white feathers",
+        "breast: bright reddish-orange",
+        "crown: dark brown with a white band",
+        "forehead: white with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and expressive",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with short, sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown, white, and black, with noticeable white wingbars",
+        "nape: brown with a white stripe",
+        "tail: short and black with white edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark markings"
+    ],
+    "red breasted flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight gray tinge",
+        "beak: black and slim, with a slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with pale orange undertones",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with a semi-concealed crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuing the color from the back",
+        "tail: fairly long, dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, transitioning into the red-orange breast"
+    ],
+    "red breasted goose": [
+        "back: sleek, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black tapering to white tip",
+        "belly: black with white-barred sides",
+        "breast: vibrant chestnut-red with white patterning",
+        "crown: black with white patch around the eye",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, orange-yellow webbed feet",
+        "wings: contrasting mix of black, white, and chestnut-red feathers",
+        "nape: red-brown transitioning to black on the lower neck",
+        "tail: black with greyish-green undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white extending from the chin area"
+    ],
+    "red breasted meadowlark": [
+        "back: brownish with black streaks",
+        "beak: straight, sharp, and conical",
+        "belly: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange",
+        "crown: brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: brownish black with white edges",
+        "nape: brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: red-orange, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "red breasted paradise kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: bright red feathers",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek blue-green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: iridescent blue and green",
+        "nape: striking blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to red"
+    ],
+    "red breasted parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and orange-red in color",
+        "belly: light shade of green, with a creamy tint",
+        "breast: brilliant red and orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright green feathers blending into the rest of the head",
+        "forehead: green with a subtle bluish sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round with dark pupils, and white-gray eye rings",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-white with sharp claws",
+        "wings: prominent green with blue and yellow accents, visible during flight",
+        "nape: rich green feathers transitioning from head to back",
+        "tail: long and green with a blue tinge at the tips",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow feathers on the underside of the head"
+    ],
+    "red breasted partridge": [
+        "back: earthy-brown feathers with subtle black barring",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish in color",
+        "belly: white feathers with black and reddish-brown speckles",
+        "breast: vibrant rusty-red plumage with grayish-white streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers with a high, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: off-white feathers transitioning into brown towards the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, short and grayish-pink in color",
+        "wings: earthy-brown, lightly patterned with black stripes and speckles",
+        "nape: grayish-brown plumage with subtle black barring",
+        "tail: short, broad, and earthy-brown with thin black barring",
+        "throat: whitish-gray feathers, bordered by a black and red half-collar"
+    ],
+    "red breasted pygmy parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, gray",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: bright red patch",
+        "crown: vivid green cap",
+        "forehead: green and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, round, attentive",
+        "legs: short, gray, multi-toed",
+        "wings: green with blue tinges",
+        "nape: green, transitioning to red",
+        "tail: short, green feathers",
+        "throat: pale green area"
+    ],
+    "red breasted toucan": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, multicolored",
+        "belly: white or yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright red feathers",
+        "crown: black or deep green",
+        "forehead: deep green or black plumage",
+        "eyes: surrounded by blue skin, black pupils",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: green with blue or black tips",
+        "nape: deep green or black feathers",
+        "tail: long, colorful, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: white or yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "red browed firetail": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, conical shape",
+        "belly: off-white with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: bright red stripe",
+        "forehead: red over the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct black patches",
+        "nape: olive-green with red stripe extension",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with black barring",
+        "throat: off-white, unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "red browed pardalote": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: bright red stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white edges",
+        "nape: black with white spots",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "red browed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the main body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, light-colored hooked beak",
+        "belly: bright green feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: brilliant green plumage on the chest area",
+        "crown: red stripe across the forehead and crown",
+        "forehead: red brow-line extending over the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, scaly limbs with strong, zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: long, vivid green feathers with blue highlights",
+        "nape: green plumage at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, bright green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: lime green feathers with a lighter shade than the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "red browed treecreeper": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale rufous with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slim, and light brown",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with light bars",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "red capped cardinal": [
+        "back: blue-black feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: pale white with a tinge of gray",
+        "breast: vibrant red plumage",
+        "crown: bright red cap extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: red crest merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, piercing, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray, and strong",
+        "wings: blue-black with a greenish iridescence",
+        "nape: continuation of the red crown",
+        "tail: long, blue-black feathers with a slight taper",
+        "throat: pale white transitioning into red breast"
+    ],
+    "red capped coua": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue plumage",
+        "beak: curved, strong, black",
+        "belly: white with dense gray-blue barring",
+        "breast: light gray-blue with white streaks",
+        "crown: distinctive bright red cap",
+        "forehead: red cap extending to brows",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with subtle eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-blue",
+        "wings: green-blue, rounded with prominent white stripes",
+        "nape: green-blue, flowing into red cap",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers with white barring",
+        "throat: white, merging into gray-blue breast"
+    ],
+    "red capped crombec": [
+        "back: subtle greyish-brown",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: off-white, faintly streaked",
+        "breast: whitish with light streaks",
+        "crown: bright chestnut-red",
+        "forehead: red cap continuation",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with soft grey outline",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-red cap meets greyish-brown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, greyish-brown",
+        "throat: whitish and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "red capped flowerpecker": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and thick, black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: bright red patch",
+        "crown: deep red feathers",
+        "forehead: red cap extending",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-brown",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with slight blue iridescence",
+        "nape: dark olive-green, connecting to red crown",
+        "tail: short and dark olive-green",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "red capped lark": [
+        "back: brown-striped and elongated",
+        "beak: slim and pointy, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with subtle brown markings",
+        "breast: white with brownish speckles",
+        "crown: distinctive reddish-brown cap",
+        "forehead: red-brown fading into white",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bead-like",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white and dark streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with faint speckling"
+    ],
+    "red capped manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: vivid red patch",
+        "crown: brilliant red cap",
+        "forehead: striking red hue",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with hidden iridescent blues",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning into red cap",
+        "tail: long, green, and tapered",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting the red breast"
+    ],
+    "red capped parrot": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, curved",
+        "belly: pale green shading",
+        "breast: turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant red cap",
+        "forehead: red feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by small white feathers",
+        "legs: grayish, scaly, sturdy",
+        "wings: green with blue edges",
+        "nape: red, blending into green feathers",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: light green, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "red capped plover": [
+        "back: light sandy brown plumage",
+        "beak: short black pointed beak",
+        "belly: white underbelly",
+        "breast: white with black band",
+        "crown: red cap across the head",
+        "forehead: white with black patch above beak",
+        "eyes: round black eyes with small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long pale pinkish-gray legs",
+        "wings: sandy brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: light sandy brown with red cap continuity",
+        "tail: light brown with black and white striped edges",
+        "throat: white with black band, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "red capped robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight reddish hue",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with subtle black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: striking red with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: rich red mixed with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, deep brown, surrounded by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with intricate black and white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-olive, blends into the red crown",
+        "tail: medium length, dark olive with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint black markings"
+    ],
+    "red cheeked cordonbleu": [
+        "back: sky blue feathered body",
+        "beak: short, light-colored, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: light blue and white feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue crest on head",
+        "forehead: blue with red cheek patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: blue feathers with streaks of brown",
+        "nape: smooth blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue, delicately pointed",
+        "throat: soft white and blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "red cheeked parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers fading to yellow",
+        "crown: deep blue with red cheeks",
+        "forehead: rich blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey, and scaly",
+        "wings: long and green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated, green, and narrow",
+        "throat: lime green with yellowish tinge"
+    ],
+    "red cheeked wattle eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: gray with a hint of lavender",
+        "crown: iridescent blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue band above the eye",
+        "eyes: large, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and green, tipped with white",
+        "nape: green-blue feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped, with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright red cheek patches on either side"
+    ],
+    "red chested buttonquail": [
+        "back: brown and white streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short and cream-colored",
+        "belly: buff beige with faint black lines",
+        "breast: vibrant red hue with black streaks",
+        "crown: grey-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: buff with fine black lines",
+        "eyes: large, dark and round",
+        "legs: cream-colored and slender",
+        "wings: brown and patterned with feathers",
+        "nape: grey-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: pale beige and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "red chested cuckoo": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, slim, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: red-chestnut plumage",
+        "crown: dark greenish-brown",
+        "forehead: greenish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light blue-grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with black and white bands",
+        "nape: greenish-brown coloration",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown with white spots",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "red chested flowerpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, curved",
+        "belly: white underside plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant red patch",
+        "crown: greenish-blue feathered top",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: greenish-blue, short, rounded",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, connecting head and back",
+        "tail: short, greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white feathered front"
+    ],
+    "red chested flufftail": [
+        "back: brownish-red with black markings",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with dark barring",
+        "breast: reddish-orange crossed with thin white bands",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: white with a thin black band",
+        "eyes: black and round, surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, strong and suited for its wetland habitat",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: short and squared, with brownish-red feathers and black barring",
+        "throat: white with a reddish-orange patch"
+    ],
+    "red chested owlet": [
+        "back: small, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with faint brown stripes",
+        "breast: bright reddish-orange",
+        "crown: brownish-red with pale white marks",
+        "forehead: pale white with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-black and feathered",
+        "wings: brownish-red with lighter markings",
+        "nape: brownish-red with pale white lines",
+        "tail: short and reddish-brown with subtle light bands",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "red chested sunbird": [
+        "back: green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white with some green feathers",
+        "breast: bright red shimmering plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green feathers with some purple sheen",
+        "forehead: shining green with traces of dark purple",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: iridescent green with hints of purple towards the tips",
+        "nape: green-purple shimmering feathers",
+        "tail: long, green iridescent feathers with some purple sheen",
+        "throat: red plumage blending into the green feathers of the neck"
+    ],
+    "red chested swallow": [
+        "back: sleek blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: white or pale under-feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant red chest patch",
+        "crown: smooth blue-black cap",
+        "forehead: blue-black with slight curve",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: long and pointed, blue-black",
+        "nape: blue-black with slight curve",
+        "tail: forked with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale feathered surround"
+    ],
+    "red chinned lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, orange-red beak",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers transitioning into yellow",
+        "breast: bright green feathers graduating to yellow near the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: blue feathers meeting the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by bright blue feathers",
+        "legs: short, gray, two-toed feet with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green feathers with hints of blue and red",
+        "nape: blue feathers blending into the green of the back",
+        "tail: long, tapering green feathers with some red accents",
+        "throat: distinctive red patch below the beak, surrounded by yellow-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "red collared lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feather coverage",
+        "beak: short, curved, orange-red",
+        "belly: light green with blue tint",
+        "breast: rich orange fading to yellow",
+        "crown: deep blue with violet shades",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by narrow, blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong, and scaled",
+        "wings: green with blue and red accents",
+        "nape: green blending with blue crown",
+        "tail: greenish-blue, elongated",
+        "throat: bright orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "red collared mountain babbler": [
+        "back: red-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: greyish-white, thin streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, faint speckles",
+        "crown: striking red collar, well-defined",
+        "forehead: smooth, light greyish",
+        "eyes: round, dark, observant",
+        "legs: slender, strong, black",
+        "wings: darker brown, flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, spotted pattern",
+        "tail: medium length, red-brown, fanned",
+        "throat: light grey, vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "red collared myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow hue",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with slight orange tinge",
+        "breast: bright orangish-red feathers",
+        "crown: fiery red plumage",
+        "forehead: brilliant red coloration",
+        "eyes: shiny black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark greenish-brown with pale fringes",
+        "nape: reddish-orange transition to green",
+        "tail: short, dark greenish-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: radiant orange-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "red collared widowbird": [
+        "back: black plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, narrow, and black",
+        "belly: black with subtle iridescent shine",
+        "breast: glossy black feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black with a bright red collar",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, and gray",
+        "wings: black and elongated, with white patches when spread",
+        "nape: crimson-red collar encircling the neck",
+        "tail: long, streaming feathers in jet black",
+        "throat: velvety black feathers"
+    ],
+    "red collared woodpecker": [
+        "back: deep red with black markings",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: vibrant red patch",
+        "crown: glossy black",
+        "forehead: black with red borders",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: dark gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: red collar surrounding neck",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "red cowled cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers create a striking contrast",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black in color for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: lighter greyish-white feathers for blending in",
+        "breast: vivid red plumage, an iconic feature",
+        "crown: intense red crest feathers for communication",
+        "forehead: red feathers smoothly transition from crown",
+        "eyes: black in color, sharp and perceptive gaze",
+        "legs: slender and black for perching on tree branches",
+        "wings: mix of red, black, and grey feathers for agile flight",
+        "nape: red feathers elegantly curve from the crown",
+        "tail: long, with black and grey feathers for balance",
+        "throat: greyish-white plumage softening into the belly"
+    ],
+    "red cowled widowbird": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft, pale-red feathers",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: striking red crest",
+        "forehead: bold red feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark in color",
+        "legs: thin and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, red feathers with darker tips",
+        "nape: rich red plumage at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, dark-red feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: vivid red feathers with contrasting black border"
+    ],
+    "red crested bustard": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: slender, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with black markings",
+        "breast: rich tangerine hue with fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: red-crested plumage prominently displayed",
+        "forehead: vibrant red feathers transitioning to white",
+        "eyes: dark, round, bordered with light feathers",
+        "legs: slim and grayish-brown with bird claws",
+        "wings: mottled brown and beige with black bars",
+        "nape: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, earth-toned feathers with horizontal bands",
+        "throat: bright white feathers contrasted against breast"
+    ],
+    "red crested cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, and red-orange",
+        "belly: white feathers with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: fiery red feathers with crest",
+        "forehead: red-orange feathers extending from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and clawed",
+        "wings: gray feathers with a hint of red",
+        "nape: transition of red to gray plumage",
+        "tail: elongated gray feathers with red undertones",
+        "throat: brilliant red feathers meeting the breast"
+    ],
+    "red crested cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: bright red hue",
+        "breast: rich red plumage",
+        "crown: fiery red crest",
+        "forehead: red feathers with blue edges",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and watchful",
+        "legs: sturdy gray limbs",
+        "wings: striking blue feathers with red accents",
+        "nape: deep blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with red tips",
+        "throat: radiant red region"
+    ],
+    "red crested finch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, silver-grey",
+        "belly: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light red with streaks",
+        "crown: vivid red crest",
+        "forehead: bright red patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light red with streaks"
+    ],
+    "red crested malkoha": [
+        "back: dark green with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "crown: striking red crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark green",
+        "eyes: piercing, white or pale gray",
+        "legs: long and powerful, dark gray",
+        "wings: large, greenish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: dark green with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, green with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red crested pochard": [
+        "back: red-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: black and wide at the base, tapering to a point",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: dark rufous color with a faint pattern",
+        "crown: rounded with a distinctive red crest",
+        "forehead: red crest extending to the base of the bill",
+        "eyes: dark and well-rounded, surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: bright orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: red-brown feathers with a noticeable white speculum",
+        "nape: covered with smooth red-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short and grayish-brown, often held slightly raised",
+        "throat: pale gray blending into the red breast"
+    ],
+    "red crested turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, red-orange and curved",
+        "belly: pale green and white plumage",
+        "breast: rich green feathers",
+        "crown: prominent red crest",
+        "forehead: red crest extending down",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by blue skin",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with red underlining",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning into red",
+        "tail: long, green with red tips",
+        "throat: light green plumage"
+    ],
+    "red crowned ant tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers with black edges",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with hints of red",
+        "breast: bright red plumage fading to white",
+        "crown: bold red crest with black speckles",
+        "forehead: intense red contrasting with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, black, and slender",
+        "wings: red with black and white bands",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to black towards the back",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: brilliant red adjacent to white breast"
+    ],
+    "red crowned barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong, curved",
+        "belly: warm yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: striking red patch",
+        "forehead: bold red hue",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy green-gray limbs",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue and yellow markings",
+        "nape: bright green feathers",
+        "tail: wide and short, green with blue highlights",
+        "throat: vivid yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "red crowned crane": [
+        "back: smooth, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, ivory white",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: white, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: scarlet red and feathered",
+        "forehead: bare, white skin",
+        "eyes: small, dark, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: tall, slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: large, elegant, gently curved",
+        "nape: elongated, greyish-white feathers",
+        "tail: long, flowing, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, slender, curved lines"
+    ],
+    "red crowned malimbe": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers with contrasting black markings",
+        "beak: curved, black, and robust for extracting insects",
+        "belly: bright red hue, soft feathers",
+        "breast: fiery-red plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant red crest, distinctive and eye-catching",
+        "forehead: prominent red feathers, extending to the face",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: strong, black, designed for perching and climbing",
+        "wings: black with red accents, meant for agile flight",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: black with red undertail coverts, aiding in balance",
+        "throat: red feathers, adding to the overall vibrant coloration"
+    ],
+    "red crowned parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved orange beak",
+        "belly: attractive greenish-blue hue",
+        "breast: bright green feathers blending to blue",
+        "crown: striking red cap",
+        "forehead: continuation of the red cap, meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and dexterous",
+        "wings: radiant green with blue tinges",
+        "nape: vivid green, connecting red crown to back",
+        "tail: elongated, tapered blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "red crowned parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, beige curved shape",
+        "belly: light green with yellowish tint",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: striking red patch",
+        "forehead: vivid red hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, curious gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers, elongated",
+        "nape: rich green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers, slight curve",
+        "throat: lighter green, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "red crowned woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant black and white stripes",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-shaped, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with black speckles",
+        "crown: distinctive red patch on head",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: inquisitive, black, and circular",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black and white checkered pattern",
+        "nape: black and white striped plumage",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "red eared firetail": [
+        "back: vibrant red streaks on brown",
+        "beak: small, pointed, beige",
+        "belly: pale, creamy white",
+        "breast: bold bright red",
+        "crown: streaked red-brown",
+        "forehead: warm red-orange",
+        "eyes: black with white borders",
+        "legs: slender, beige",
+        "wings: brown with red markings",
+        "nape: crimson-red patch",
+        "tail: long, brown with red highlights",
+        "throat: white with red streaks"
+    ],
+    "red eared fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale-colored",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: muted pinkish-gray feathers",
+        "crown: deep green with red-tipped feather tufts",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and yellowish-brown, ending in strong claws",
+        "wings: colorful green and blue layered feathers",
+        "nape: vivid green feathers with a red patch on each side",
+        "tail: long, broad feathers tapering to a point, displaying shades of green, yellow, and blue",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the rest of the bird's colorful plumage"
+    ],
+    "red eared parakeet": [
+        "back: green feathers along the spine",
+        "beak: small, curved, ivory beak",
+        "belly: pale green with faint yellow tinge",
+        "breast: light green with bluish shades",
+        "crown: vibrant green with red ear patch",
+        "forehead: bright green fading to pale green near eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with noticeable scaly texture",
+        "wings: green with dark blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green with distinct red ear markings",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers with green base",
+        "throat: light green blending with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "red eared parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: small black and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: deep red feathers",
+        "breast: bright red coloring",
+        "crown: striking bright blue",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by green",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: rich green feathers",
+        "nape: bright green plumage",
+        "tail: pointed dark green feathers",
+        "throat: vivid red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red eyed bulbul": [
+        "back: sleek, smooth feathers in shades of brown",
+        "beak: thin and curved, with a sharp point",
+        "belly: creamy pale color with soft feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown plumage, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark, blackish color with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: distinctive bright red color, encircled by a black ring",
+        "legs: thin and scaly, light grey or brownish hue",
+        "wings: brown feathers with white tips, strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the crown and back feathers",
+        "tail: long and rounded, with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: hints of white or cream, precedes the chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "red eyed dove": [
+        "back: sleek grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, pale grey",
+        "belly: light greyish-brown",
+        "breast: rosy-pink tint",
+        "crown: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey, smooth",
+        "eyes: red iris, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, strong",
+        "wings: grey with black streaks",
+        "nape: rusty red-brown",
+        "tail: square-ended, grey with black band",
+        "throat: pale grey, soft"
+    ],
+    "red eyed puffback": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathering",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: distinct red ring",
+        "legs: slender, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: long, gray with white highlights",
+        "nape: gray plumage, seamless transition",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black and white striped",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "red faced barbet": [
+        "back: vibrantly colored feathers (green, yellow, and blue",
+        "beak: robust, conical black beak",
+        "belly: vivid yellow feathers",
+        "breast: deep red feathers",
+        "crown: bright red plumage",
+        "forehead: intense red feathers",
+        "eyes: alert and bright, encircled with red feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mix of green, yellow, and blue feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning into blue",
+        "tail: green and blue feathers with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: rich red feathers with a distinct contrast to the belly"
+    ],
+    "red faced cisticola": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: relatively short, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale and finely streaked",
+        "breast: light with faint streaking",
+        "crown: rusty red with streaks",
+        "forehead: red-rust color blending to crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark-colored",
+        "legs: medium length, pale pinkish or yellowish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white tips on feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "throat: white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "red faced crimsonwing": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: light chestnut-colored underside",
+        "breast: rich crimson hue with feathered texture",
+        "crown: deep red plumage covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright red facial coloration",
+        "eyes: small and beady, encircled by aptly red feathers",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black scaled appendages",
+        "wings: reddish-brown feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition of the crown's deep red to the back's reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, tapered feathers in a matching reddish-brown shade",
+        "throat: continuation of the crimson breast, meeting the beak"
+    ],
+    "red faced crombec": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly decurved",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white undertones",
+        "breast: greyish-white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: prominent red patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint feather markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, rounded, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "red faced guan": [
+        "back: deep green feathers with red-tinted edges",
+        "beak: strong, ivory-colored, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white-grey with fine black barring",
+        "breast: rich chestnut with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: deep red feathers fading into dark green",
+        "forehead: bright red with a few scattered green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and surrounded by bare red skin",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown with robust scaled feet",
+        "wings: green with red-tinted edges and white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: reddish-green feathers transitioning to deep green",
+        "tail: long, green with red-tinted edges and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: red face fading into white-grey feathering"
+    ],
+    "red faced liocichla": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep red forehead, extending to the eyes",
+        "forehead: red feathers meeting the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black and beady",
+        "legs: light pinkish-gray, sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: mixture of yellow, green, and blue feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning into red face",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: yellow feathers blending into the red face"
+    ],
+    "red faced malkoha": [
+        "back: vibrant green with hints of blue",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray chest feathers",
+        "crown: bright red facial area and crown",
+        "forehead: red, extending from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue, built for gripping branches",
+        "wings: green and blue with a slight iridescence",
+        "nape: rich green with subtle blue tones",
+        "tail: long, sweeping green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "red faced mousebird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, curved with grayish-black color",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: slightly paler gray feathering",
+        "crown: vibrant red feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: continuation of red feathering from the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, dark, and round, surrounded by red facial feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray, with strong, grasping feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a greenish sheen and pale feather edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers blending into the red crown",
+        "tail: long, thin, and gray, with a white tip",
+        "throat: whitish-gray feathers, contrasting with the red face"
+    ],
+    "red faced parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: bright blue plumage",
+        "breast: vivid red feathers",
+        "crown: red feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: red feathered face",
+        "eyes: round, black with a white outline",
+        "legs: gray scaly legs with black claws",
+        "wings: green and blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: golden yellow plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: soft red feathers"
+    ],
+    "red faced pytilia": [
+        "back: vibrant green and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, short, black",
+        "belly: rich orange plumage",
+        "breast: orange with red patch",
+        "crown: red feathers extending from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: features prominent red face",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: thin, grey, and delicate",
+        "wings: green and yellow feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: red plumage extending down the neck",
+        "tail: long, green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: clean white feathers contrasting with red face"
+    ],
+    "red faced spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark",
+        "belly: off-white coloring",
+        "breast: pale and streaked",
+        "crown: rusty red patch",
+        "forehead: red feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, with thin white tips",
+        "throat: pale with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "red faced woodland warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers blending with the environment",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue for camouflage",
+        "breast: light-yellow feathering for a subtle contrast",
+        "crown: rusty-red shade to distinguish the species",
+        "forehead: bright red hue for a striking appearance",
+        "eyes: black and beady for keen vision",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey to grip branches and cling to bark",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with strong feathers for agile flight",
+        "nape: rust-colored plumage for added visual flair",
+        "tail: olive-brown and short for better maneuverability",
+        "throat: light yellow merging with the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "red fan parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered surface",
+        "beak: strong, curved black hook",
+        "belly: rich red-orange feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant red fan-like plumage",
+        "crown: emerald green feathered crest",
+        "forehead: green feathers transitioning to red",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: expansive green with blue and red accents",
+        "nape: smooth green flowing to red-orange",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with red tips",
+        "throat: bright red to red-orange gradient"
+    ],
+    "red flanked bluetail": [
+        "back: deep blue plumage",
+        "beak: petite, black, pointy",
+        "belly: white feathering",
+        "breast: rusty orange tinge",
+        "crown: dark blue shading",
+        "forehead: vivid azure blue",
+        "eyes: round, petite, black",
+        "legs: slim, dark brown",
+        "wings: striking blue feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue coloring",
+        "tail: vibrant blue, fanned",
+        "throat: reddish-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "red flanked lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved orange",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: orange-red feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue-green tinge",
+        "forehead: blue-green with slight yellow hint",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown",
+        "legs: grey, slender",
+        "wings: green-blue with red flanks",
+        "nape: blue-green with yellow touch",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with blue-green border"
+    ],
+    "red footed booby": [
+        "back: smooth, brown feathers",
+        "beak: robust, pale yellow and hooked",
+        "belly: off-white to light brown plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown or black capping",
+        "forehead: rounded with brownish-black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: bright red and webbed",
+        "wings: elongated, dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: brown feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: sleek, dark brown, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "red footed falcon": [
+        "back: slate gray feathered back",
+        "beak: sharp black curved beak",
+        "belly: light gray feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: white to light gray plumage",
+        "crown: immature birds: brownish-gray, mature males: blue-gray, mature females: brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: immature birds: brown, mature males: blue-gray, mature females: brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: round and piercing, with yellow-orange eyerings",
+        "legs: vibrant red-orange legs",
+        "wings: slate gray primaries with lighter gray coverts, barred in females and juveniles",
+        "nape: same color as the crown",
+        "tail: gray squared tail, with white underparts and black tips",
+        "throat: white to light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "red fronted antpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: white with rust-colored streaks",
+        "breast: white with prominent reddish splotch",
+        "crown: olive-green with rust-red forehead",
+        "forehead: vibrant red patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by white",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting to back",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "red fronted barbet": [
+        "back: green and black feather pattern",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: greenish-yellow with black banding",
+        "breast: orange to red, varying intensity",
+        "crown: bluish-black",
+        "forehead: bright red patch, prominent",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by yellowish skin",
+        "legs: grayish, sturdy",
+        "wings: green, black and yellow patterns",
+        "nape: green with bluish-black streaks",
+        "tail: green and black bands, medium length",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow, continuous with belly color"
+    ],
+    "red fronted coot": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: white with red frontal shield",
+        "belly: sooty black with faint white streaks",
+        "breast: dark blackish-green feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: adorned with red frontal shield",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: black with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: glossy black",
+        "tail: short and black",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers"
+    ],
+    "red fronted coua": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue with streaks of white",
+        "beak: curved, short, and black",
+        "belly: bluish-brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "breast: earthy brown with subtle lighter markings",
+        "crown: bright red crest with hints of green and blue",
+        "forehead: radiant red with short feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white, slender eye-rings",
+        "legs: long and greyish in color",
+        "wings: iridescent green and blue feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: green and blue feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green with blue tips and white patterns",
+        "throat: muted brown with lighter streaks and markings"
+    ],
+    "red fronted lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved orange-red beak",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage on lower stomach",
+        "breast: bright red feathers on upper chest",
+        "crown: red-orange plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: red feathers above the beak, between the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: short, strong grey legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: red-orange feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: red-orange plumage under the beak and along the neck"
+    ],
+    "red fronted macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light green with blue feathers",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: green with a hint of red",
+        "forehead: vivid red patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown, outlined with white feathered rings",
+        "legs: greyish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with red streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with red accents"
+    ],
+    "red fronted parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and beige",
+        "belly: light green with subtle markings",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: vivid red feathers",
+        "forehead: deep red, contrasting with eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant green with deep blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: soft green with slight blue tint",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue edges",
+        "throat: light green, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "red fronted prinia": [
+        "back: light brown and slender",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: white with rusty hues",
+        "breast: white and softly streaked",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin",
+        "wings: light brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long with white edges",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "red fronted rosefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, robust, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright reddish-pink plumage",
+        "crown: deep red feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant red plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with dark bands at the tip",
+        "throat: bright red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red fronted tinkerbird": [
+        "back: greenish upperpart with subtle golden gloss",
+        "beak: short, stout, and blackish",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown shading, white spots",
+        "crown: dull greenish-gold, sometimes with red forehead",
+        "forehead: bright red patch, distinguishing feature",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, short and strong",
+        "wings: greenish with dark tips, rounded in shape",
+        "nape: greenish-gold, continuous with back color",
+        "tail: dark green, moderately long and square-ended",
+        "throat: creamy white, leading into brown streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "red gartered coot": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, white, slender",
+        "belly: dark grey with subtle stripes",
+        "breast: deep black, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: glossy black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: distinctive red marking",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: black, broad, and powerful",
+        "nape: black, thinly feathered",
+        "tail: short, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: charcoal grey, subtle curve"
+    ],
+    "red headed barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, pale-colored",
+        "belly: vivid blue with black speckles",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: rich red feathers with black borders",
+        "forehead: scarlet red feathers",
+        "eyes: circular, dark, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green and blue with black accents",
+        "nape: mixture of red and black feathers",
+        "tail: broad, blue with black barring",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "red headed bluebill": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, red conical shape",
+        "belly: light blue with subtle white striping",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: bright red covering the head",
+        "forehead: red feathers blending into blue",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue with hints of brighter red and white",
+        "nape: transition of red to blue feathering",
+        "tail: strong blue feathers with white trim",
+        "throat: bright red feathers contrasting with blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "red headed bullfinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rusty-red plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant red feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong feet",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown merging with crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: red feathers merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "red headed bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant rusty orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: soft pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright orange with a golden undertone",
+        "crown: brilliant, deep red plumage",
+        "forehead: striking red feathers extending to the eye area",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, wiry, and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: mix of warm rusty-orange and brownish-black feathers",
+        "nape: orange transitioning to red at the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brownish-black feathers with orange accents",
+        "throat: bold, deep red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red headed cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and sharp",
+        "belly: soft white or cream",
+        "breast: buff-colored with black markings",
+        "crown: bright red or chestnut",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown hues",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender, beige color",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edging",
+        "nape: streaked brownish-red",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "red headed finch": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, pale-colored, conical shape",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: deep red feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red patch",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish hue",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: dark, forked with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white leading to chest"
+    ],
+    "red headed flameback": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sturdy, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: light cream with fine streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow feathers with darker streaks",
+        "crown: vivid crimson red plumage",
+        "forehead: brilliant red coloration",
+        "eyes: beady black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: golden-yellow with black barring",
+        "nape: intense red plumage",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with streaked markings"
+    ],
+    "red headed fody": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow feathers extending to the lower body",
+        "breast: brilliant red feathers extending from the throat",
+        "crown: bright red feathers covering the head's top",
+        "forehead: vivid red feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive with a narrow white ring around them",
+        "legs: slender gray legs with well-adapted claws",
+        "wings: green and black feathers, medium-length with a gentle curve",
+        "nape: transition of red from the head to green and black of the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, green and black feathers with a slight v-shape",
+        "throat: intense red feathers connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "red headed lovebird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, short, and ivory-colored",
+        "belly: light green with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant red feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue and black",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: fiery red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red headed malimbe": [
+        "back: hues of dark-red and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black",
+        "belly: predominantly black with red markings",
+        "breast: dark-red feathers with black accents",
+        "crown: bright red plumage extending down the neck",
+        "forehead: vibrant red feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small with dark beady pupils",
+        "legs: long and black with strong perching claws",
+        "wings: black with red-tinted feathers along the edges",
+        "nape: the transition area from the red crown to the dark back",
+        "tail: long black feathers with hints of red",
+        "throat: continuation of the red plumage from the head and neck"
+    ],
+    "red headed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: olive green with soft feathering",
+        "breast: bright emerald green plumage",
+        "crown: fiery red feathers",
+        "forehead: intense red patch",
+        "eyes: dark and round, intense gaze",
+        "legs: thin, gray-blue with gripping toes",
+        "wings: green with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to red",
+        "tail: olive green with rounded, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: striking emerald green coloration"
+    ],
+    "red headed myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers blending into black",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: black with a red tint",
+        "breast: bright red feathers",
+        "crown: fiery red plumage",
+        "forehead: deep red, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: thin, twig-like black",
+        "wings: black feathers with a red edge",
+        "nape: striking red hue",
+        "tail: black, slightly elongated feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red headed quelea": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, pale beige",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: light brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: bright red-orange",
+        "forehead: red-orange, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by red-orange",
+        "legs: thin, beige-tan",
+        "wings: brown with hints of reddish-black and white tips",
+        "nape: dark brown, fine white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light beige-brown"
+    ],
+    "red headed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hues",
+        "breast: rich red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: bold, fiery red",
+        "forehead: crimson feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with contrasting black edges",
+        "nape: vivid red-orange feathers",
+        "tail: green with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant red-orange fluff"
+    ],
+    "red headed trogon": [
+        "back: bright green upper body",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish upper mandible, pale yellow lower mandible",
+        "belly: white lower abdomen",
+        "breast: bright red chest",
+        "crown: deep red head and crown",
+        "forehead: intense red coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, relatively large, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and pale yellow",
+        "wings: green upper wings, barred with black",
+        "nape: transitioning from red to green",
+        "tail: long, dark green with white tail tips",
+        "throat: deep red down to breast"
+    ],
+    "red headed vulture": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, silver-tipped",
+        "belly: blackish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: black, with silver-white streaks",
+        "crown: bright red, bald head",
+        "forehead: wrinkled red skin",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by red skin",
+        "legs: powerful, grayish-black",
+        "wings: broad, black feathers with silver-white linings",
+        "nape: black, with white feathered collar-like pattern",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with subtle white linings",
+        "throat: red-skinned, with black feathers near the base"
+    ],
+    "red headed weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, cone-shaped, silver-black",
+        "belly: light cream and yellowish hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant red feathers",
+        "forehead: striking red coloration",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green and yellow with black tips",
+        "nape: red feathers blending with green upperparts",
+        "tail: long, greenish-yellow with black barring",
+        "throat: yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "red hooded tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant red with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, black",
+        "belly: pale red, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: bright red, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: deep red, almost maroon, feathers raised",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter red, leading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and black, strong and agile",
+        "wings: black with red highlights, impressive span",
+        "nape: bright red, contrasting with darker crown",
+        "tail: long and black with red under-feathers",
+        "throat: rich red, matching the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "red keeled flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with reddish tinges",
+        "breast: dark gray with crimson streaks",
+        "crown: shiny green with a rounded crest",
+        "forehead: bright green, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: green and black with blue edges",
+        "nape: rich green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short and black with blue-green iridescence",
+        "throat: light gray with a hint of red"
+    ],
+    "red kneed dotterel": [
+        "back: patterned with brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black towards the tip and yellow at the base",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks along the sides",
+        "breast: light brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a thin white stripe",
+        "forehead: white patch extending above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: long and red with distinct 'knees",
+        "wings: downy brown feathers with thin white stripes",
+        "nape: dark brown with a white collar",
+        "tail: short, with alternating brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, often with some dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "red knobbed coot": [
+        "back: black with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: white with a reddish or rusty knob at the base",
+        "belly: black feathers",
+        "breast: black plumage with slight green sheen",
+        "crown: black with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: adorned with a red knob",
+        "eyes: small and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: greenish-grey with large lobed feet",
+        "wings: black with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black with smooth feathers",
+        "tail: short and black",
+        "throat: black with slight green sheen"
+    ],
+    "red knobbed imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short and powerful, light grey color",
+        "belly: pale grey, blending with breast color",
+        "breast: light grey with a slight pinkish hue",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers, hint of purple iridescence",
+        "forehead: dark grey, merging with crown color",
+        "eyes: circular and black, surrounded by thin grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and stout, reddish-brown with grey scales",
+        "wings: dark grey with green shine, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: dark grey, continuous with crown color",
+        "tail: long and dark grey, slightly lighter towards the tip",
+        "throat: light grey, same shade as belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "red legged brushturkey": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, dark-colored and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brown feathers with black patterns",
+        "breast: rufous-colored with dark feather edges",
+        "crown: featherless, deep red and slightly shiny",
+        "forehead: small, with red skin and sparse feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, with a bold yellow ring",
+        "legs: long, thick, and bright red in color",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter brown patterns and white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with black streaks, almost matching back",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, with alternating dark and pale brown feathers",
+        "throat: bright red or pink in color, with a fleshy wattle"
+    ],
+    "red legged cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: pale white-gray underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale, yellow skin patch",
+        "eyes: stunning turquoise blue",
+        "legs: vivid red-orange",
+        "wings: long, gray-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: thick, dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, stiff, and gray-brown",
+        "throat: yellow-white pouch"
+    ],
+    "red legged crake": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: warm cinnamon-brown",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with faint markings",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: brown, fading to gray towards beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark and circular",
+        "legs: long, bright red",
+        "wings: brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: short, brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale gray-brown, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "red legged partridge": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: strong, short, and pale",
+        "belly: light grey with brown patches",
+        "breast: grey with orange-brown streaks",
+        "crown: grey and chestnut-colored",
+        "forehead: buff-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a red eye-ring",
+        "legs: vibrant red",
+        "wings: rounded with brown and grey patterns",
+        "nape: pale grey",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, brown with black band",
+        "throat: whitish with black border"
+    ],
+    "red legged seriema": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and greyish",
+        "belly: beige with black striping",
+        "breast: pale buff with black spots",
+        "crown: feathery crest, greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown, transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: striking, long red legs",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, links with the crown",
+        "tail: long, broad, and banded in black and white",
+        "throat: pale buff, with fine black spots"
+    ],
+    "red legged thrush": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with dark shading",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: white or light gray with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: deep slate-blue with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue with contrasting lighter shade",
+        "forehead: smooth and flat, transition from dark to light blue",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring for contrast",
+        "legs: bright red, strong and slender",
+        "wings: dark blue feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: blue feathers leading into a lighter shade at the back",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers with black tips and white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, sometimes tinged with light gray"
+    ],
+    "red legged tinamou": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "beak: short and curved, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale buff with blackish markings",
+        "breast: cinnamon-rufous with dark bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish tinge",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown/black with a small white ring",
+        "legs: bright red-orange",
+        "wings: brown with a reddish hue and black barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with reddish shade",
+        "tail: short and rounded, reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "red lored parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light green, slightly yellowish feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant green plumage",
+        "crown: bright red feathers with hints of blue",
+        "forehead: vivid red extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown scaly legs",
+        "wings: rich green with blue-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers with blue-speckled edges",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers with red base",
+        "throat: yellow-green feathered area"
+    ],
+    "red lored whistler": [
+        "back: rusty-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale white",
+        "breast: reddish-orange",
+        "crown: grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: bright red",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: short, brown patterned",
+        "nape: gray-blue transition to brown",
+        "tail: brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with reddish patch"
+    ],
+    "red mantled rosefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-pink feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and conical",
+        "belly: light gray blending into the pinkish mantel",
+        "breast: bright reddish-pink plumage",
+        "crown: striking red feathers",
+        "forehead: continuation of reddish-pink crown",
+        "eyes: small, alert, and black",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dull brownish-gray with streaks of pink",
+        "nape: reddish-pink fading into gray plumage",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with a hint of red",
+        "throat: vibrant reddish-pink, similar to breast"
+    ],
+    "red masked parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, beige curved shape",
+        "belly: pale green with tinges of yellow",
+        "breast: rich green mixed with yellow",
+        "crown: striking red plumage",
+        "forehead: vivid red feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with scaly texture",
+        "wings: bright green with blue tips",
+        "nape: reddish-orange transition to green",
+        "tail: long, green with blue edges",
+        "throat: soft green blending to yellow"
+    ],
+    "red naped bushshrike": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, strong black beak",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: bright red-orange patch",
+        "crown: bright green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert with a narrow white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish legs",
+        "wings: green with black and white tips",
+        "nape: striking red patch",
+        "tail: long, green with black and white markings",
+        "throat: creamy-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "red naped fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, grayish-blue color",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft yellow undertones",
+        "breast: orange-yellow with fine green iridescence",
+        "crown: olive-green fading to a lavender-gray",
+        "forehead: deep red patch above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a narrow gray eyering",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, reddish-brown hue",
+        "wings: shimmering green with pale yellow edges",
+        "nape: bright red bordered by iridescent green",
+        "tail: green central feathers, yellow-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray contrasting with bold breast color"
+    ],
+    "red naped ibis": [
+        "back: dark iridescent black with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, dusky gray",
+        "belly: deep black blending with dark brown",
+        "breast: dark brown with faint black border",
+        "crown: black and shiny with reddish nape patch",
+        "forehead: dark and glossy black",
+        "eyes: deep black with light gray surrounds",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: glossy black with hints of greenish and purple sheen",
+        "nape: distinct red patch amidst glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with slight greenish gloss",
+        "throat: dark grayish-brown with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red necked aracari": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, and multicolored",
+        "belly: yellow-orange with black markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green fading into red",
+        "forehead: red band above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, grey, with strong claws",
+        "wings: striking emerald green",
+        "nape: red, extending to the neck",
+        "tail: elongated and colorful feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red necked avocet": [
+        "back: sleek, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, upward-curved, black tip",
+        "belly: snowy white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to greyish-brown",
+        "crown: smooth greyish-brown cap",
+        "forehead: white with greyish-brown line",
+        "eyes: small black beads with white surrounding",
+        "legs: slender blue-grey, elongated limbs",
+        "wings: broad and pointed, greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: elegant curve from the back of the head to the neck",
+        "tail: short and pointy with greyish-brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: crisp white plumage extending to the chin"
+    ],
+    "red necked buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish-red feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: white and grayish plumage",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: white with speckled brown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brownish-red with dark tips",
+        "nape: rich red, transitioning to brown on back",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "red necked crake": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark barring",
+        "breast: rufous-orange hue",
+        "crown: dull chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: rich brown with a buff stripe",
+        "eyes: bold, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "red necked falcon": [
+        "back: slate-grey with light feather edges",
+        "beak: short, strong, curved, and dark grey",
+        "belly: white with pale grey streaks",
+        "breast: white with greyish streaks",
+        "crown: slate-grey with a slightly paler forehead",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, slate-grey, and dark-tipped",
+        "nape: white, bordered by a red neck band",
+        "tail: grey with white tip and black subterminal band",
+        "throat: white with fine grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "red necked nightjar": [
+        "back: earthy brown with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, and dark",
+        "belly: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "breast: mixed brown with light spotting",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with fine markings",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown with a faint streak",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and suited for night vision",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and well-camouflaged",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and beautifully patterned",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with distinct barring",
+        "tail: moderately long and dark, with subtle banding",
+        "throat: light buff with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "red necked parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and beige",
+        "belly: pale green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "breast: bright green fading to yellow-green",
+        "crown: brilliant blue plumage",
+        "forehead: striking red-orange feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with blue and yellow accents",
+        "nape: distinctive red neck band",
+        "tail: long, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-green feathers blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "red necked spurfowl": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with intricate black patterns",
+        "beak: short, strong, and light grey",
+        "belly: buff white with black markings",
+        "breast: rich chestnut color with black speckling",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: distinctive red patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, scaled, greyish-brown with long spurs",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, lighter than the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with prominent white bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red necked stint": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: white with light gray spots",
+        "breast: light gray and slightly speckled",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with reddish hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white or light gray feathers",
+        "legs: yellowish-green to dark olive",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown with black markings",
+        "throat: white with light gray speckles"
+    ],
+    "red necked tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: brilliant turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: emerald green top",
+        "forehead: rich green plumage",
+        "eyes: striking black eyedrops",
+        "legs: strong, dark-colored",
+        "wings: multicolored blue and green",
+        "nape: deep red patch on the neck",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant turquoise-blue color"
+    ],
+    "red necked woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant red hue with black stripes",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: soft white with black spots",
+        "breast: mostly white with black streaks",
+        "crown: fiery red with black border",
+        "forehead: sleek white with black markings",
+        "eyes: beady with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: stout and gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white patches and streaks",
+        "nape: red-concentrated area at back of neck",
+        "tail: black and sturdy with inlaid red and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with intricate black stripes"
+    ],
+    "red pate cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointy, pale in color",
+        "belly: white with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: ashy-greyish brown",
+        "crown: deep red to chestnut color",
+        "forehead: red blended with a lighter brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale gray",
+        "wings: rounded, with brown and black patterns",
+        "nape: brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and brown with dark markings",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "red ruffed fruitcrow": [
+        "back: smooth, deep red feathers",
+        "beak: large, sharply curved, black",
+        "belly: red plumage, soft and fluffy",
+        "breast: vibrant red, dense feathers",
+        "crown: striking red crest, pronounced",
+        "forehead: smooth red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black, scaly",
+        "wings: wide-spanning, red with darker tips",
+        "nape: red, sloping down to back",
+        "tail: long, red, and broad",
+        "throat: red feathers, slightly lighter than surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "red rumped bush tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with touches of red",
+        "forehead: prominent, olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, black, intense gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with red highlights",
+        "nape: streaks of red over an olive-green shade",
+        "tail: elongated, red-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: soft grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "red rumped cacique": [
+        "back: striking black plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy and slightly curved",
+        "belly: rich yellow underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark-colored",
+        "wings: broad, black, and powerful",
+        "nape: black feathered with a slight gloss",
+        "tail: long and black with a red rump patch",
+        "throat: yellow and prominent"
+    ],
+    "red rumped parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: light green or yellow",
+        "breast: shades of yellow or green",
+        "crown: deep green or blue",
+        "forehead: bright green or blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: deep green, blending into red rump",
+        "tail: long, green with red or yellow undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale green or yellow"
+    ],
+    "red rumped swallow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: small, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light cream to beige colored feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage, pronounced in males",
+        "crown: dark gray with brownish tint",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: short and black, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, connecting to the rump",
+        "tail: long and forked, with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrast with reddish-brown breast"
+    ],
+    "red rumped tinkerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and sharply pointed, black or dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white or pale yellow with occasional speckles",
+        "breast: brighter yellow with sparse spotting, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: deep olive-green, well-defined feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow, distinguishes the red-rumped tinkerbird from other tinkerbird species",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by a narrow, pale eye ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender but strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, short, and rounded, with distinctive barring on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright red patch, giving the bird its name",
+        "tail: olive green with subtle black barring, slightly forked for maneuverability in flight",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the breast and belly coloration"
+    ],
+    "red rumped wheatear": [
+        "back: reddish-brown, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale white, speckled",
+        "breast: whitish, faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grey-black",
+        "wings: long, reddish-brown, black tips",
+        "nape: dark brown, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, dark with white edges",
+        "throat: white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "red rumped woodpecker": [
+        "back: patterned with black and white stripes",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and sturdy",
+        "belly: creamy-white, lightly streaked with black",
+        "breast: bright red or pale red depending on the gender",
+        "crown: black with a bright red patch (male) or duller red (female",
+        "forehead: white with subtle black markings",
+        "eyes: large and alert, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong and short, adapted for climbing trees",
+        "wings: black with white spots or barring",
+        "nape: black or blackish-brown, sometimes with a red streak",
+        "tail: stiff and wedge-shaped, used for support while perching",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with light black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered blackbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: glossy black with reddish patch",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey, scaly",
+        "wings: black with red shoulders, outstretched",
+        "nape: midnight black, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: dark, glossy black"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green with distinctive patterns",
+        "beak: hooked, black and sharp",
+        "belly: pale grey with a slightly creamy hue",
+        "breast: light grey with occasional barring",
+        "crown: slate-grey and well-defined",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: alert, dark with a prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with bold, contrasting black markings",
+        "nape: fine grey, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft, light grey extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered back",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light greenish yellow feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: predominantly green with hints of blue and red feathers",
+        "crown: bright green feathers with a slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: vivid blue feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with sharp, black claws",
+        "wings: blue and green with red shoulder patches and yellow accents",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning into blue on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long blue and green feathers with yellow and red highlights",
+        "throat: green-to-yellow gradient in the feather coloration"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with reddish streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy white with mottled brown",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with a reddish patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with red shoulder patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a reddish tinge",
+        "tail: long and narrow with reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright red-orange patch",
+        "crown: deep green with streaks",
+        "forehead: sleek, green-black gradient",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: bold green with black edges",
+        "nape: rich, forest green",
+        "tail: green-black, fanlike shape",
+        "throat: golden yellow tone"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered vanga": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange plumage",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: bright red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: sleek, black feathers",
+        "forehead: black and white streaks",
+        "eyes: beady, black, alert",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, grey",
+        "wings: black with red-orange accents",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with red-orange tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red spectacled parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green, covering the bird's body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, deep coral hue",
+        "belly: vivid green with slight yellow tinges",
+        "breast: bright green, fading to grayish-white",
+        "crown: deep red, spreading to forehead",
+        "forehead: bright red merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: lush green, red wingtips, prominent in flight",
+        "nape: green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, green, with hints of blue and red",
+        "throat: grayish-white, fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "red stained woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: brilliant red crest",
+        "forehead: red feathers fading into black",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white spots and red accents",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to black",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-barred with red-tipped central feathers",
+        "throat: white with black lines and red undertones"
+    ],
+    "red tailed ant thrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale beige with black spots",
+        "breast: orange-red with black streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by dull white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: pale beige with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red tailed black cockatoo": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: large and curved, deep grey color",
+        "belly: solid black plumage with a smooth texture",
+        "breast: jet black feathers with a hint of gloss",
+        "crown: velvety black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dense black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: dark brown, bordered by a subtle grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: expansive black feathers with bright red patches on lower tail coverts",
+        "nape: glossy black with smooth feathering",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers lined with red underneath",
+        "throat: deep black with a sleek appearance"
+    ],
+    "red tailed bristlebill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black bill",
+        "belly: olive green with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: bright green blending to yellowish",
+        "crown: deep blue headcap",
+        "forehead: blue feathers continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slate gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with blue accents",
+        "nape: green base, blue upper",
+        "tail: red bristle-like feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "red tailed comet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: iridescent green shading",
+        "breast: shimmering green plumage",
+        "crown: glossy green head feathers",
+        "forehead: emerald green with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and piercing",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-purple limbs",
+        "wings: green and elongated with white bars",
+        "nape: iridescent green, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: strikingly long, red, and streamer-like",
+        "throat: glimmering green and smoothly contoured"
+    ],
+    "red tailed greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green with slight yellow undertones",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale beige color",
+        "belly: light green with subtle yellow streaks",
+        "breast: rich green with yellowish hues",
+        "crown: deep green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: bright green, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slender and grayish brown",
+        "wings: green with brown edges, long and broad",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: red with elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: light green with faint yellow markings"
+    ],
+    "red tailed laughingthrush": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale off-white underbelly",
+        "breast: reddish-brown chest feathers",
+        "crown: dark rusty-brown head coloring",
+        "forehead: matching rusty-brown color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy, and feather-free",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker edges",
+        "nape: deep brown feathering",
+        "tail: long, red graduated tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale throat patch"
+    ],
+    "red tailed minla": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathering",
+        "crown: striking red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: vivid red-orange markings",
+        "eyes: round, dark black eyes",
+        "legs: strong, gray-brown legs",
+        "wings: bold, contrasting colors of green, red, and black",
+        "nape: reddish-orange patch near the neck",
+        "tail: elongated reddish-brown feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a hint of red-orange coloration"
+    ],
+    "red tailed newtonia": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with delicate streaks",
+        "breast: light russet with fine markings",
+        "crown: rusty red plumage with streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous with subtle striping",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and delicate, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: rustic tinges and faint streaks",
+        "tail: striking red plumes with black banding",
+        "throat: pale whitish-cream with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "red tailed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, light-colored beak for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: bright green feathers on the lower abdomen area",
+        "breast: rich green plumage covering the chest area",
+        "crown: brilliantly hued green feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green feathers on the front of the head",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: multicolored feathers of green, red, and blue on the upper layer",
+        "nape: deep green feathers connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, red tail feathers with a splash of blue at the tip",
+        "throat: lighter green feathers transitioning from the breast to the head"
+    ],
+    "red tailed shrike": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white with subtle gray markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight hint of brown",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white and black bars",
+        "nape: pale gray with a slight brown tinge",
+        "tail: vibrant reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "throat: clean white, lightly speckled with gray"
+    ],
+    "red tailed tropicbird": [
+        "back: white and sleek with scattered black markings",
+        "beak: bright red-orange, strong and pointed",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with a rounded shape",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffed out",
+        "crown: smooth white feathers, uninterrupted color",
+        "forehead: clean white, gently sloping towards the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short, yellow-orange with slender dark claws",
+        "wings: white with elongated black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: solid white, blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: two long, thin, red tail streamers extending gracefully",
+        "throat: white with delicate plumage meeting the breast"
+    ],
+    "red tailed vanga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black beak",
+        "belly: pale white with light blue undertones",
+        "breast: sky blue with darker feathery accents",
+        "crown: deep blue crest, prominent and pointed",
+        "forehead: bright blue, smoothly transitions into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, black, and almond-shaped",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, blue and black feathers with hints of white",
+        "nape: dark blue shading, connects to the crown",
+        "tail: long, red streamer-like feathers with a black streak",
+        "throat: light blue with white accents, stands out against the breast"
+    ],
+    "red thighed sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with reddish-orange streaks",
+        "breast: white with reddish-orange streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: vibrant red thighs, yellow talons",
+        "wings: long, rounded, reddish-brown",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "red throated alethe": [
+        "back: brownish upperparts, providing camouflage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black for capturing insects",
+        "belly: white with light brown undertone",
+        "breast: light brown with a subtle reddish hue",
+        "crown: smooth brown feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: black and round, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: brown with visible flight feathers",
+        "nape: brown, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: brown, square-ended and fairly long for balance",
+        "throat: distinctive bright red patch, mainly in males"
+    ],
+    "red throated ant tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-orange plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: soft white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright red-orange feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant red patch",
+        "forehead: mixture of red and orange hues",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and well-protected",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: reddish with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: red to orange gradient",
+        "tail: long, fanned, black and red feathers",
+        "throat: vivid red plumage"
+    ],
+    "red throated barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale ivory",
+        "belly: moss green fading to yellow",
+        "breast: turquoise-blue with black markings",
+        "crown: deep blue with black highlights",
+        "forehead: bright red patch",
+        "eyes: black and bead-like, encircled with pale blue",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black patterns",
+        "nape: blue with green and black streaks",
+        "tail: dark blue-green with a broad black band and white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant red and bare (no feathers"
+    ],
+    "red throated bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, curved black beak",
+        "belly: mixture of yellow and green feathers",
+        "breast: soft green-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white outline",
+        "legs: grayish-blue slender legs",
+        "wings: green-blue with black tips",
+        "nape: golden yellow feathers",
+        "tail: black pointed feathers edged in blue",
+        "throat: bright red throat patch"
+    ],
+    "red throated caracara": [
+        "back: black feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with grayish-golden bars",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks or spots",
+        "crown: blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: red bare skin patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown with red eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, blue-gray",
+        "wings: broad, black with white bars",
+        "nape: blackish-brown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown with white band",
+        "throat: red bare skin patch"
+    ],
+    "red throated parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, orange-red",
+        "belly: light green, fading to white",
+        "breast: brilliant red",
+        "crown: bright green, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: intense red plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray-blue",
+        "wings: rich green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: green with slight red tint",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: striking red patch"
+    ],
+    "red throated piping guan": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, pale ivory",
+        "belly: sleek black feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: sturdy black plumage with bluish tint",
+        "crown: smooth dark crest with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: deep red throat patch extending upwards",
+        "eyes: large, bright, and alert, surrounded by red facial skin",
+        "legs: long and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: strong black feathers with dark blue-green iridescence",
+        "nape: black feathered neck with slight curve",
+        "tail: long and rounded with banded black and white feathers",
+        "throat: striking red patch accentuating the neck"
+    ],
+    "red throated pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: beige with streaks",
+        "crown: brown with streaks and a reddish patch",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown striped",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: brown with dark streaks and white feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright red patch"
+    ],
+    "red throated sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, black-tipped",
+        "belly: light yellow, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: radiant orange plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green cap",
+        "forehead: metallic blue sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and dark-colored",
+        "wings: green with blue tinges, medium size",
+        "nape: shimmering green and blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, dark, with two central feathers",
+        "throat: striking red patch"
+    ],
+    "red throated swallow": [
+        "back: sleek dark plumage",
+        "beak: small sharp and dark",
+        "belly: white soft feathering",
+        "breast: white with slight gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black plumage, smooth",
+        "eyes: clear black eye with white ring",
+        "legs: long and slender with dark scales",
+        "wings: dark and glossy with pointed feathers",
+        "nape: dark feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: forked with white patches",
+        "throat: vibrant red patch"
+    ],
+    "red throated thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: slender and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dark spotting",
+        "breast: pale buff-orange",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale markings",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark-colored",
+        "wings: dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant red patch"
+    ],
+    "red throated tit": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: gray with reddish patch",
+        "crown: black with white stripes",
+        "forehead: black and white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: long, dark gray edged with white",
+        "throat: vibrant red patch"
+    ],
+    "red tufted sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight shine",
+        "beak: slender and elongated, black in color",
+        "belly: bright yellow with hints of orange",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow with orange streaks",
+        "crown: fiery red tufts on the head",
+        "forehead: radiant red feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slim and dark gray, built for perching",
+        "wings: iridescent green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: lush green feathers covering the neck",
+        "tail: elongated green-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: intense yellow with a touch of orange"
+    ],
+    "red vented barbet": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: thick and slightly curved, with hues of black and grey",
+        "belly: predominantly yellow with subtle green accents",
+        "breast: pale-yellow with black streaks, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow, often blending with the rest of the head",
+        "forehead: characterized by red and dark blue stripe, just above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and almost hidden among the colorful head",
+        "legs: short and robust, greyish in color",
+        "wings: vibrant green with black streaks near the tips",
+        "nape: pale greenish-yellow, transitioning into the colorful head pattern",
+        "tail: green with black barring, forming a fan shape when spread",
+        "throat: bright turquoise-blue, connecting the breast and head patterns"
+    ],
+    "red vented bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: slim, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with red undertail coverts",
+        "breast: pale brown with blackish streaks",
+        "crown: black with crest-like protrusion",
+        "forehead: black, extending to crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-black, medium length",
+        "nape: gray-brown, extending to back",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, fading to breast"
+    ],
+    "red vented malimbe": [
+        "back: black feathers with slight green sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical, grayish color",
+        "belly: bright red patch on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: deep black with subtle green shimmer",
+        "crown: glossy black, rounded head",
+        "forehead: black with small red patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy, and long",
+        "wings: black feathers tinged with green and red at the tips",
+        "nape: black, seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with slight green iridescence",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning into the red belly patch"
+    ],
+    "red wattled lapwing": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, curved",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-blue",
+        "crown: golden crest with wispy plumes",
+        "forehead: bright orange streak",
+        "eyes: dark and lively with white rings",
+        "legs: slender, gray, well-camouflaged",
+        "wings: patterned green and black, fast-moving",
+        "nape: striking golden-yellow collar",
+        "tail: thin, elongated, two-tone feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant blue, contrasting"
+    ],
+    "red whiskered bulbul": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-gray with slight reddish tint",
+        "crown: black with red spot behind the eyes",
+        "forehead: black and short crest",
+        "eyes: black, bright and alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown and black feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: brownish black with slight red tint",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "red winged fairywren": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant red patch",
+        "crown: dark blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathered brow",
+        "eyes: small, black, round eyes",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey legs",
+        "wings: dark blue with red accents",
+        "nape: blue-black neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue plumes",
+        "throat: blue-grey feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "red winged francolin": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with distinctive black barring",
+        "beak: short, curved, and light-colored",
+        "belly: pale with fine black markings",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with striking red panels and black bars",
+        "nape: darker reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with a touch of red and thin white streaks",
+        "throat: pale, blending into the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "red winged gray warbler": [
+        "back: light gray and white streaks",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with red patch",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray feathering",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with red and white stripes",
+        "nape: light gray with a soft transition",
+        "tail: pale gray with red markings",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "red winged lark": [
+        "back: golden-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and grayish",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: golden-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with bold red patches",
+        "nape: golden-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with streaks"
+    ],
+    "red winged laughingthrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: buff-colored underside",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish head",
+        "forehead: smooth black to dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, expressive",
+        "legs: strong, featherless, gray to black",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with bright red patches",
+        "nape: dark brownish neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown tipped with black",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "red winged parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feather coverage",
+        "beak: strong, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: lime green with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: bright red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: rich teal-blue",
+        "forehead: vivid teal-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark and surrounded by green",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue, scaly",
+        "wings: green with striking red highlights",
+        "nape: green transitioning to teal-blue",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright green with yellow hues"
+    ],
+    "red winged prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: soft, pale-yellow with minimal markings",
+        "breast: warm, light-brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with possible reddish hues",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, medium-length, and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinctive red patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown, consistent with back and crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, olive-brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: plain, light-yellow without streaks"
+    ],
+    "red winged pytilia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, white with black tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow and green hues",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with black spotting",
+        "crown: bright red with subtle green streaks",
+        "forehead: emerald green and shiny",
+        "eyes: round, dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-brown, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: red with black and green edges",
+        "nape: red and green gradient with black spots",
+        "tail: mostly red with green and black patterns",
+        "throat: bright yellow with delicate black markings"
+    ],
+    "red winged starling": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed yellow-orange",
+        "belly: glossy black plumage",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers",
+        "crown: deep black with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black and glossy",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a keen glance",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with striking red patches",
+        "nape: glossy black with a slight curve",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: shiny black feathers"
+    ],
+    "red winged tinamou": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: beige with blackish spots",
+        "breast: rufous with vertical white barring",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale bluish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish blue with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white spots, prominent red patches on shoulders",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown",
+        "tail: short, blackish-green with white spots",
+        "throat: light beige with pale black streaks"
+    ],
+    "red winged wood rail": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-black",
+        "beak: sharp and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: rufous-orange with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with reddish streaks",
+        "forehead: red and black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: black with vibrant red patches",
+        "nape: black with greenish sheen",
+        "tail: black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "reddish hermit": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved shape",
+        "belly: pale, buff color",
+        "breast: light reddish-orange tone",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: blend of brown and reddish hues",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white tips on flight feathers",
+        "nape: warm, reddish-brown coloring",
+        "tail: elongated, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "reddish scops owl": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale brown with dark spotting",
+        "breast: rufous-toned with dark lines",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, pale brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: rufous-colored with dark markings",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown, dark bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "reddish winged bare eye": [
+        "back: warm reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: light creamy-white with slight rufous tint",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with streaks of brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with a slight reddish tint",
+        "eyes: prominent, surrounded by bare skin, deep red color",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker primary feathers and lighter secondary feathers",
+        "nape: light tawny-orange with darker stripes",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with dark feather tips",
+        "throat: whitish with a hint of rufous color"
+    ],
+    "redthroat": [
+        "back: sleek, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light spotting",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange patch",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: pale gray plumage with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: brown with faint black bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a slight reddish tint",
+        "tail: long and forked, with brown feathers",
+        "throat: intense red coloration, eye-catching"
+    ],
+    "redwing": [
+        "back: dark brown with slight reddish tinge",
+        "beak: thin and pointy, dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white with dark flecks",
+        "breast: creamy white with rusty reddish stripes",
+        "crown: warm dark brown",
+        "forehead: cream and dark brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and lively",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with distinctive red patch",
+        "nape: brown with slightly lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: cream-colored with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "reed bunting": [
+        "back: brownish-black with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: conical and dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white with some brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff or dull white, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: black or dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: black in males, brown in females",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and long, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with dark streaks and white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: brownish and streaked, contrasts with crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges, moderately long",
+        "throat: black in males, pale in females"
+    ],
+    "reed parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff or whitish",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rusty red or chestnut",
+        "forehead: gray with a hint of red",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: light gray with thin streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish or pale grey"
+    ],
+    "reeves pheasant": [
+        "back: golden-brown with streaks of black and white",
+        "beak: strong, grayish-black, curved tip",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with black bars",
+        "breast: rust-orange with iridescent hues, fine black barring",
+        "crown: glossy black, crest-like",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green shade",
+        "eyes: dark brown, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: long, reddish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: multi-colored, patterns of brown, black, white, and gold",
+        "nape: long, golden-yellow feathers forming cape-like collar",
+        "tail: extremely long, brown with black bars and cream speckles",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blends with breast coloring"
+    ],
+    "regal sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: vivid orange-yellow",
+        "crown: shimmering metallic-green",
+        "forehead: shining green-blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with colorful edges",
+        "nape: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, slender, with swallow-like tips",
+        "throat: glowing orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "regent honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark grey with yellow markings",
+        "beak: black, curved shape",
+        "belly: white with dark grey and yellow streaks",
+        "breast: grey with flecks of yellow",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: dark grey with yellow spots",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: dark grey, sturdy",
+        "wings: long and pointed, grey-black with yellow patches",
+        "nape: dark grey with yellow highlights",
+        "tail: long and tapered, grey-black with yellow tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "regent parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: pale yellow, curved tip",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-green feathers",
+        "crown: teal feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright orange patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: bright green with blue edges",
+        "nape: greenish-blue transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: pale green, blends to breast"
+    ],
+    "regent whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellow with black crescent",
+        "crown: olive-green fading to black",
+        "forehead: black with small white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green with black markings",
+        "tail: long with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and black"
+    ],
+    "reichard seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: stout and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow undertone",
+        "breast: olive-green, transitioning to yellow",
+        "crown: black with blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: black, extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: black, flowing into olive-green",
+        "tail: black, forked with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "reichenbach sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with blue and purple shades",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow with streaks of green",
+        "breast: bright orange or red with shimmering highlights",
+        "crown: glossy metallic green, sometimes with a touch of blue",
+        "forehead: shining green transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a focused gaze",
+        "legs: thin, gray or brown, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: short and rounded, vibrant green or blue with darker tips",
+        "nape: vivid green, blending with the iridescent back",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, green or blue with flashes of purple",
+        "throat: brilliant metallic green to match the breast"
+    ],
+    "reichenow firefinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with minimal streaks",
+        "beak: bright coral-red, short, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow with tinges of pink",
+        "breast: rosy pink blending into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: bright red patch above beak",
+        "eyes: brownish-black with thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, slender, medium length",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, streaked with pale feather edges",
+        "tail: dark brown central feathers, white outer feathers with red tips",
+        "throat: vibrant rosy-pink blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "reichenow seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: white to pale buff",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with dark markings",
+        "forehead: olive-green and slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink to grayish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with olive-green edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green and slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with subtle olive-green undertones",
+        "throat: pale yellow-brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "reichenow woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: white with fine black spots",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: red for males, black for females",
+        "forehead: black with white spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: grey, sturdy, and well-scaling",
+        "wings: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "nape: black with white bars",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "reischek parakeet": [
+        "back: bright green with subtle bluish tone",
+        "beak: strong, silver-grey curved beak",
+        "belly: vibrant green",
+        "breast: pale blue mixed with green",
+        "crown: bold crimson red",
+        "forehead: vivid orange-red",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyerings",
+        "legs: light grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brilliant green, blue at the bend",
+        "nape: orange-red transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long and green with blue edges",
+        "throat: light green fading to blue"
+    ],
+    "reiser tyrannulet": [
+        "back: small, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: white with light olive streaks",
+        "crown: grayish, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: black, encircled with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with light brown bars",
+        "nape: grayish-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: black, narrowly tipped with white",
+        "throat: white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "relict gull": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and black with red tip",
+        "belly: crisp white plumage for smooth flight",
+        "breast: white and faintly speckled feathers",
+        "crown: distinguished dark grey with a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers transitioning to black around the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright white rings surrounding dark, alert pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy and slender, with black coloration and webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey and white feathers with black-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: smooth grey feathers, seamlessly connected to the back",
+        "tail: white feathers with prominent black edges",
+        "throat: clean white feathers connecting to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "rennell fantail": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish touch",
+        "beak: small, thin, blackish",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with gray tones",
+        "breast: grayish-white, with faint horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, slightly paler at the sides",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown, fading to a lighter shade",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, merging with back",
+        "tail: long, blackish, with white edges and tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, finely streaked"
+    ],
+    "rennell gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: light cream-colored",
+        "breast: off-white with a yellow hue",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: small and slightly buff-colored",
+        "eyes: beady, black, with buff-white eye rings",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown and rounded, with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown color continuing from the back",
+        "tail: short, with olive-brown feathers and white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: light cream, contrasting with the breast's yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "rennell shrikebill": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers covering the upper back",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: white to pale gray plumage on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: white to pale gray feathers on the upper chest",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers on the head's top",
+        "forehead: blue-gray plumage at the front of the head",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark eyes outlined with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue-gray feathers with black bars on primary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long blue-gray feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white to pale gray plumage near the beak"
+    ],
+    "rennell starling": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: relatively short and blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: slightly raised with greenish-glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: dark green, transitioning from crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blue-gray with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and dark olive-green with white markings",
+        "nape: green iridescence, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with slight blue sheen, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "rennell whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: pale-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: pale-gray with slight yellow tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eyerings",
+        "legs: strong, gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: pale-gray feathers meeting the olive-brown back",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown, white tips on external feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "rennell white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered area",
+        "beak: petite and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale with faint gray markings",
+        "breast: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: soft greenish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-green",
+        "eyes: white, encircled by pale ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, slender, and medium-length",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint brownish tinge",
+        "nape: greenish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: olive color with slight brown edges",
+        "throat: light gray with white feather detailing"
+    ],
+    "resplendent quetzal": [
+        "back: radiant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, medium-sized, sharp",
+        "belly: bright red plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant crimson feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering green cap",
+        "forehead: iridescent emerald green",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and observant",
+        "legs: fairly short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: striking green, long and broad",
+        "nape: reflective green, elongating to tail",
+        "tail: extended green feathers, flowing streamers",
+        "throat: plumage transitioning from green to red"
+    ],
+    "restinga antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle brown tinges",
+        "breast: light greyish-yellow with sparse brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey and uniform",
+        "forehead: lighter grey than the crown, slightly blending with the eye-ring",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-grey, thin and moderately long",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "nape: grey with fine, dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long and rounded",
+        "throat: light grey, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "restinga tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-olive head with distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray with light feather markings",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white barring",
+        "nape: grayish-olive feathers blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, pale-edged feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint gray markings"
+    ],
+    "restless flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: dark gray with slight streaking",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: alert, dark, and circular with a white ring outline",
+        "legs: slender, black, and strong",
+        "wings: long, gray feathered, with white bars",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: dark gray feathers with white lateral edges",
+        "throat: white feathers contrasting with gray breast"
+    ],
+    "retz helmetshrike": [
+        "back: light grayish color with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: sharp and slender with a slight hook at the tip",
+        "belly: creamy white, accented by grayish feather undertones",
+        "breast: light gray blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and light gray, blending into the dark crown",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black with a white encircling eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: gray with contrasting bold white wing bars",
+        "nape: light gray smoothly transitioning to darker gray feathers",
+        "tail: elongated dark gray feathers with black, narrow tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasted by the light gray breast and dark beak"
+    ],
+    "reunion bulbul": [
+        "back: olive green with a faint sheen",
+        "beak: thin, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white with hints of buff",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: black with slight gloss",
+        "eyes: dark with pale surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: strong brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive green with blackish edges",
+        "nape: olive green, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and rounded, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "reunion cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: grayish upper plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: smooth grayish head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark with slight eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: matching grayish tone",
+        "tail: long, blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "reunion gray white eye": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and slender, blackish hue",
+        "belly: soft white and gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers, smooth texture",
+        "crown: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray and white, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: distinctive gray-white ring surrounding a dark eye",
+        "legs: slim black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: light gray with faint black markings, well-defined shape",
+        "nape: delicate gray-to-white gradient, extending to back",
+        "tail: elongated, gray feathers with slight white edges",
+        "throat: white feathers blending into the gray breast"
+    ],
+    "reunion stonechat": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with darker spots",
+        "crown: black with white speckles",
+        "forehead: black with slight white speckling",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint white outlines",
+        "legs: thin, black, and long",
+        "wings: dark with white patches on the upper part",
+        "nape: black and white speckled",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: reddish-orange with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "reunion white eye": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-green feathers",
+        "beak: petite, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with faint yellow tint",
+        "crown: olive-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-green transition to face",
+        "eyes: distinct white eye-ring, dark pupils",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-gray, long, strong-fliers",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuation from crown",
+        "tail: narrow, streamer-like, greenish-gray feathers",
+        "throat: subtle yellow hue, grayish-white blend"
+    ],
+    "rhinoceros hornbill": [
+        "back: striking black feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved yellow-orange bill with a prominent casque",
+        "belly: contrasting white feathers",
+        "breast: thick white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathered head with small casque",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a striking casque",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange with a dark eyelid",
+        "legs: strong, gray scaled legs",
+        "wings: massive black wings with white edges",
+        "nape: black feathered neck blending into the casque",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with black banding",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers with a blue-colored gular pouch"
+    ],
+    "ribbon tailed astrapia": [
+        "back: iridescent green with hints of blue",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: velvety black merging into plumage",
+        "breast: glistening turquoise-green feathers",
+        "crown: shiny greenish-blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender and black",
+        "wings: deep blue-green with elongated inner feathers",
+        "nape: shimmering green with a blue sheen",
+        "tail: extended white ribbon-like plumes flowing down",
+        "throat: dark, velvety black plumage"
+    ],
+    "ribbon tailed drongo": [
+        "back: sleek black with iridescent blue sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: glossy deep black",
+        "breast: shiny black with hints of blue",
+        "crown: black and smooth, shimmering",
+        "forehead: glossy black with blue tinges",
+        "eyes: dark, penetrating gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, black with blue hues",
+        "nape: smooth black, shiny feathers",
+        "tail: long, black ribbons streaming behind",
+        "throat: gleaming black with slight shimmer"
+    ],
+    "richard pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with a central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ridgetop swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek and aerodynamic",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: light-colored and slightly round",
+        "breast: smooth and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: narrow and darker colored",
+        "forehead: small and slightly curved",
+        "eyes: round and alert",
+        "legs: thin and strong",
+        "wings: long and tapered",
+        "nape: medium length and curved",
+        "tail: forked and agile",
+        "throat: delicate and narrow"
+    ],
+    "ridgway hawk": [
+        "back: dark brown, dense feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, curved, formidable",
+        "belly: pale white, subtle brown stripes",
+        "breast: light brown, slight speckling",
+        "crown: dark brown, raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, white and brown blending",
+        "eyes: yellow-orange, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, short, powerful",
+        "wings: dark brown, long, broad, white barring",
+        "nape: rich brown, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, straight, horizontal, dark brown, light bands",
+        "throat: light brown, some speckling"
+    ],
+    "ridgway rail": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with thin white streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight and slender with a dusky color",
+        "belly: light gray-brown with dusky barring",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with gray flanks",
+        "crown: dark brown blended with ash gray",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: relatively long and orangish",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and patterned with stripes",
+        "nape: dark, olive-brown with a slight reddish tint",
+        "tail: short, slightly upturned, with a dark gray-black color",
+        "throat: white with faint gray spotting"
+    ],
+    "rifleman": [
+        "back: sleek greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle green tint",
+        "breast: light grayish-white plume",
+        "crown: vibrant blue-green iridescence",
+        "forehead: tiny gray feathers meeting beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: delicate, black, and long",
+        "wings: blue-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: shining green-blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-green feathers with black markings",
+        "throat: grayish-white with green tinges"
+    ],
+    "rimitara reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with narrow streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-green with dark brown tips",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ring ouzel": [
+        "back: dark plumage with subtle scaling",
+        "beak: short and pointed, dark color",
+        "belly: white with dark scaly plumage",
+        "breast: white crescent-shaped band",
+        "crown: blackish-scaly feathers",
+        "forehead: dark feathered with slight scaling",
+        "eyes: small with dark irises and thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, dark color",
+        "wings: blackish with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark with scaly feathering",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with slight scaling"
+    ],
+    "ring necked dove": [
+        "back: light greyish-brown feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: short, slender, and slightly curved, pale gray in color",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-greyish feathers with a slight shine",
+        "breast: soft, pinkish-grey feathers blending with the belly",
+        "crown: a subtle purplish-pink hue atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light pinkish-gray in color",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with black flight feathers, folded neatly at rest",
+        "nape: distinctive black collar-like mark, bordered with white on a pale, grayish-brown background",
+        "tail: long, greyish-brown feathers with black tips and a square shape",
+        "throat: soft, light grey feathers, paler than the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "ring necked francolin": [
+        "back: brown and black feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, gray color, and hook-shaped tip",
+        "belly: white feathers with black and brown stripes",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with brownish tint",
+        "forehead: white stripe separating the crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: black bead-like eyes with orange orbital skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: broad, brown, and black feathers with a white edge",
+        "nape: gray-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: short, brown feathers with black stripes",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ring tailed pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, beige-colored",
+        "belly: light grey, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: pale gray, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: round, grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grey, accentuated curve",
+        "eyes: round, black-eyed, encircled in white",
+        "legs: scaly, reddish-pink",
+        "wings: fanned, dark-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey, necklace-like markings",
+        "tail: long, distinctive white-bordered black feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey, seamlessly blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "ringed antpipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle black barring",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with light yellow undertones",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark black, surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint black barring",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaking",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with black barring and white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "ringed storm petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with grey streaks",
+        "breast: light grey, blending into belly",
+        "crown: smooth, dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: relatively long, dark, and slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark grey feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey, connects smoothly with crown",
+        "tail: forked, with dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with light grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "ringed teal": [
+        "back: patchwork of brown and cream feathers",
+        "beak: blue-gray with dark tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark spots",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with black and white speckles",
+        "crown: dark with iridescent green",
+        "forehead: white patch extending from beak",
+        "eyes: dark, outlined with white",
+        "legs: orange-yellow, webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue and green iridescence with white stripes",
+        "nape: iridescent green fading to brown",
+        "tail: brown feathers with white markings",
+        "throat: chestnut brown with white fine lines"
+    ],
+    "ringed warbling finch": [
+        "back: olive-green and streaked",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale and lightly speckled",
+        "breast: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with defined lines",
+        "forehead: bright and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white edges and bands",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with streaks",
+        "tail: black, forked with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ringed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white barred pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like",
+        "belly: pale, off-white shade",
+        "breast: white with a touch of red",
+        "crown: vibrant red crest",
+        "forehead: red or black depending on sex",
+        "eyes: small, black beads",
+        "legs: strong, grayish spindles",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: black with white striped accents",
+        "tail: black and white with sharp central feathers",
+        "throat: white, may show red streaks"
+    ],
+    "rinjani scops owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light beige with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker brown markings",
+        "crown: evenly-spotted brown with paler feather edges",
+        "forehead: white streaks on brown base",
+        "eyes: large, vibrant yellow discs",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with dark streaks",
+        "wings: elongated, mottled brown with white spots",
+        "nape: inconspicuous brown feathers",
+        "tail: medium-sized, brown with faint white bands",
+        "throat: buffy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rio branco antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with buff sides",
+        "breast: whitish with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with some streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish with lighter wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rio de janeiro antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: brown with black barring and white edgings",
+        "nape: dark gray with thin, white streaks",
+        "tail: long, russet brown with black barring and white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with faint, white streaks"
+    ],
+    "rio madeira stipplethroat": [
+        "back: beige with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle speckles",
+        "breast: pale with thin, dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, spiky plumage",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-yellow",
+        "wings: beige with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: beige with distinct dark banding",
+        "throat: off-white, heavily stippled with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "rio orinoco spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, streaked plumage",
+        "beak: slender, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaking",
+        "crown: rufous with black streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous, narrow band",
+        "eyes: dark brown, beady",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with rufous edges",
+        "nape: rufous with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous, and slightly graduated",
+        "throat: light gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "rio suno antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark feather edges",
+        "beak: slender, dark gray, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark sides and flanks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: black with a sky-blue crest",
+        "forehead: sky-blue patch above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-brown with strong, slender feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with black-barred feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant sky-blue with a black border",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white feather tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "riparian antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering bird's upper body",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, curved black beak for insect-catching",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers for smooth underside",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored plumage accenting its chest",
+        "crown: darker olive-brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: blending of olive-brown and chestnut feathers",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, round, and black, alert for insects",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray legs to perch and hop on branches",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown wings for short flights",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers transitioning from head to back",
+        "tail: lengthy tail with olive-brown feathers for balance",
+        "throat: distinctive white throat patch for species recognition"
+    ],
+    "riparian parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, light beige",
+        "belly: pale green under-feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: blue-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: light blue feathers above beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with yellow-tinted tips",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long green and blue feathers with yellow accents",
+        "throat: bright green feathers with a subtle yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "river lapwing": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: light grey plumage with a thin black band",
+        "crown: black with a white forehead patch",
+        "forehead: white, narrow band extending from beak base",
+        "eyes: bright red with dark eye rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: dark grey with a striking white patch",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to grey on back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark head"
+    ],
+    "river prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored",
+        "breast: buffy with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, faintly streaked",
+        "forehead: light and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and black with white edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "river tern": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish body",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, yellow-orange tip",
+        "belly: white, smooth plumage",
+        "breast: light-gray feathers, streamlined",
+        "crown: black cap, contrasting with white plumage",
+        "forehead: white feathers, meeting black cap",
+        "eyes: round, black, inquisitive expression",
+        "legs: slender, orange-red, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, powerful flight",
+        "nape: grayish-white, blending into white throat",
+        "tail: forked, grayish-white, aiding in agile movement",
+        "throat: white, smooth, continued from belly"
+    ],
+    "river tyrannulet": [
+        "back: pale olive-green color",
+        "beak: short, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: white with a tinge of yellow",
+        "breast: light grayish-yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-olive, slightly peaked",
+        "forehead: narrow white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: dark gray, edged in olive-green",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, like the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray, long and forked",
+        "throat: white, blending into grayish-yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "river warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointy, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish-brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with back",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-green with blackish-brown tips",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "riverbank warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and streaked",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-olive",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive",
+        "tail: short with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "riverside tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek, charcoal-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black hook",
+        "belly: creamy-white, smooth plumage",
+        "breast: muted, earthy-toned feathers",
+        "crown: tufted crest, dark grey hue",
+        "forehead: narrow, sloping profile",
+        "eyes: piercing, amber orbs",
+        "legs: slender, sturdy branches",
+        "wings: compact, powerful flappers",
+        "nape: subtly curved, transitioning plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: pale, unassuming underside"
+    ],
+    "riverside wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and elongated bill",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with light brown spots",
+        "breast: creamy-tan with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous or chestnut color with small greyish spots",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white meeting rufous crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: long and slender with sharp, light-colored claws",
+        "wings: short with olive-brown and dark-brown markings",
+        "nape: rufous color blending into olive-brown back",
+        "tail: narrow, dark brown with white and buffy edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light-grey flecks"
+    ],
+    "rivoli hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: iridescent green-blue",
+        "crown: metallic purple with a red crest",
+        "forehead: shining violet-blue",
+        "eyes: round, black, and beady",
+        "legs: short and thin with small feet",
+        "wings: elongated and curved, green-blue hue",
+        "nape: shimmering green-blue",
+        "tail: forked with iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: bright turquoise sapphire throat patch"
+    ],
+    "roadside hawk": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: curved and sharp, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light grey with fine dark bars",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with dense black mottling",
+        "forehead: light grey with faint dark markings",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or orange",
+        "legs: sturdy yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, with dark tips and brown-grey plumage",
+        "nape: grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey with light and dark bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "roberts warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, black",
+        "belly: yellowish white plumage",
+        "breast: golden yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "forehead: golden yellow patch",
+        "eyes: black, round, small",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, black bars, white patches",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey, white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: golden yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "robin accentor": [
+        "back: warm rusty-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with rich reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: blue-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: blue-grey",
+        "eyes: black with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: orange-pink, medium length",
+        "wings: warm, rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "nape: blue-grey with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with visible white outer corners",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "robust woodpecker": [
+        "back: heavily streaked, dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: mottled white and light brown",
+        "breast: buff-colored, without markings",
+        "crown: red or scarlet crest",
+        "forehead: red patch separated by black bands",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: checkered black and white pattern",
+        "nape: black with a white patch on each side",
+        "tail: black and white barred, stiff feathers for support",
+        "throat: mottled gray and white, with a dark stripe on each side"
+    ],
+    "rock bunting": [
+        "back: patterned with dark streaks on olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, stout, and conical with grayish-black color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with some streaking",
+        "breast: light brown or reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-black or dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue or blackish",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark, with white bars on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "rock bush quail": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: small and stout, light greyish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with black speckles",
+        "breast: grayish with slight brown hue",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter rufous shade, meeting the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with discreet surrounding plumage",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-brown scaly legs ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black barring and white spots",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with dark streaks, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: earthy brown shades with black and white barring",
+        "throat: pale with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "rock eagle owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with horizontal barring",
+        "beak: strong, black, and sharply curved",
+        "belly: dark vertical stripes on pale background",
+        "breast: white with bold brown streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with dark brown streaks",
+        "eyes: expressive, large, and bright orange",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, and well-hidden",
+        "wings: wide, long, with dark brown barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with horizontal barring",
+        "throat: white with brown horizontal streaks"
+    ],
+    "rock earthcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with thin streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale-gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a defined crest",
+        "forehead: pale-gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and well-rounded",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, and olive-brown",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with a prominent white patch",
+        "nape: dark-brown with light streaking",
+        "tail: long and narrow with alternating brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white with a subtle pattern of streaks"
+    ],
+    "rock firefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant red plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight red tinge",
+        "forehead: bright red patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark streaks and white patches",
+        "nape: grey with a hint of red",
+        "tail: long and reddish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: bright red plumage fading to grey at the sides"
+    ],
+    "rock kestrel": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: whitish with vertical black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: yellowish with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and grayish-brown with black spotting",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: light cream with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "rock martin": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underside",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: long, pointed, gray-brown",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, square-ended, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "rock parrot": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and chunky, light grey",
+        "belly: pale turquoise coloring",
+        "breast: soft yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright green gradient",
+        "forehead: striking emerald hue",
+        "eyes: shiny black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, slender limbs with short claws",
+        "wings: predominantly green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: subtle green tint",
+        "tail: long and slender, black with teal edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "rock partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short and strong, light-colored",
+        "belly: white to light gray with dark barring",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with black and white bands",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with speckled patterns",
+        "forehead: lighter reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: bright, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and featherless, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black and white speckles",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with dark bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: white with black border"
+    ],
+    "rock pipit": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender and narrow, brownish-black",
+        "belly: off-white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale beige with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark black with noticeable pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish with long, thin toes",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with darker feather edges",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with dark streaks, similar to crown",
+        "tail: dark brownish-grey with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with distinct dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rock pratincole": [
+        "back: slate gray with contrasting white streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black in color",
+        "belly: light gray or beige, sometimes with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker gray streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "forehead: white, blending to gray on the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white feathering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellow or pinkish",
+        "wings: pointed, gray-brown with white patches and tips",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending into back's coloration",
+        "tail: forked and long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast and belly colors"
+    ],
+    "rock sparrow": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical-shaped, dark",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker markings",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: long, skinny, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: squared-off, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with a black bib"
+    ],
+    "rock tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: sturdy and slightly curved, blackish color",
+        "belly: slate grey with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: greyish with subtle dark barring",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight pattern",
+        "forehead: lighter grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small with a blackish color",
+        "legs: strong, feathered with grey color",
+        "wings: short, dark grey with faint patterns",
+        "nape: dark grey with slight blending towards the back",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with indistinct patterns",
+        "throat: lighter grey, contrast to the breast"
+    ],
+    "rock loving cisticola": [
+        "back: earthy brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed in pale color",
+        "belly: light cream or buff hue",
+        "breast: subtly mottled with shades of brown",
+        "crown: streaked pattern of dark brown and beige",
+        "forehead: buffy-brown with delicate markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a lively glint",
+        "legs: slim, long, and light-colored",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring and a slight rufous tint",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: brown, short, and fan-shaped with thin bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with a clean appearance"
+    ],
+    "rockrunner": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with white speckling",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with buff or pale grey tones",
+        "breast: streaked with dark grey and white markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white highlights",
+        "forehead: white and black striping",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey and relatively long",
+        "wings: dark grey with white spots and brownish edging",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: elongated with dark grey and white barring",
+        "throat: pale with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "rockwarbler": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathered back",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and dark-colored bill",
+        "belly: light gray underparts",
+        "breast: soft gray with minimal streaks",
+        "crown: darker gray with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth and light gray",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like eyes",
+        "legs: strong, dark-colored legs",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with white patches",
+        "nape: medium gray with a slight curve",
+        "tail: dark gray with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean and light gray"
+    ],
+    "rodrigues fody": [
+        "back: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow chest",
+        "crown: richly colored yellowish-green head",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slim, strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black trim feathers",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark feathers with a yellowish tint",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "rodrigues warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with faint markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slim and black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint brown spots"
+    ],
+    "roll partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark bands",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with wavy lines",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-pink with strong feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with bold white bars",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-brown with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "romblon boobook": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: light beige with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with white markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with white tips",
+        "eyes: large, round, yellowish-orange",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with white broken bars",
+        "tail: long, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: pale beige with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rondonia bushbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with streak patterns",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray or white",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with patterns of tawny and buff",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "rondonia warbling antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small and pointed, black",
+        "belly: light gray feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown streaked",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-brown",
+        "throat: grayish-white, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "roraiman antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown shades",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: large, brown, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale feathery bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-brown with light feather tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with pale brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "roraiman antwren": [
+        "back: olive brown color with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with faint gray barring",
+        "breast: grayish white with faint bars",
+        "crown: dark gray with a black cap",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray fading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "roraiman barbtail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: light buff color, spotted with black",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive hue",
+        "eyes: black, large, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, sturdy, short",
+        "wings: olive-brown, black-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long, barred with grey and black",
+        "throat: pale buff, spotted with black"
+    ],
+    "roraiman flycatcher": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish color",
+        "breast: light gray merging with yellow",
+        "crown: gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: gray, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: gray coloration",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "roraiman nightjar": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff with black barring",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with fine, dark barring",
+        "crown: mottled reddish-brown with pale spots",
+        "forehead: buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and pale in color",
+        "wings: long, reddish-brown with dark barring and white spots",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with fine, dark barring",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with white outer feathers and dark barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rose robin": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, pale-gray",
+        "belly: off-white to faint yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant pinkish-red",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slightly paler shade",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with a slight tinge of pink",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuing color from crown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: pinkish-red, matching the breast color"
+    ],
+    "rose bellied bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: rosy pink hue",
+        "breast: deep pink with green edges",
+        "crown: shimmering green",
+        "forehead: iridescent green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray",
+        "wings: green with contrasting black and white",
+        "nape: rich green feathers",
+        "tail: green with black tips",
+        "throat: intense pink color"
+    ],
+    "rose breasted chat": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: petite, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with delicate pinkish hues",
+        "breast: vibrant rose-red splash",
+        "crown: smooth greyish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: sharp contrast between grey and rose",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and curious",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: grey with intricate white markings",
+        "nape: continuous greyish-blue from crown",
+        "tail: greyish-blue feathers, with white tips",
+        "throat: demarcated rose-red from chest"
+    ],
+    "rose collared piha": [
+        "back: light greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: lavender-gray",
+        "crown: tinged with greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: pale bluish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye ring",
+        "legs: black and strong",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black tips",
+        "nape: pale greenish-blue",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue with black tips",
+        "throat: lavender-gray with a rosy blush"
+    ],
+    "rose crowned fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green with pale yellow highlights",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: light blue with yellow streaks",
+        "breast: deep purple-blue with yellow accents",
+        "crown: striking pinkish-red circular patch",
+        "forehead: deep purple-blue merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow and blue feathers",
+        "nape: green with a transition to purple-blue on the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: green, gradually blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "rose faced parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light green with a yellow gradient",
+        "breast: rosy-pink feathers",
+        "crown: bright green plumage",
+        "forehead: rosy-pink patch",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, with feet adapted for gripping",
+        "wings: green and blue, with black accents",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to pink",
+        "tail: long and tapered, with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: rosy-pink plumage"
+    ],
+    "rose fronted parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and pale-orange",
+        "belly: light-green plumage",
+        "breast: blushing rose-colored feathers",
+        "crown: radiant green crest",
+        "forehead: rose-pink patch above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim and grayish",
+        "wings: green transitioning to blue at tips",
+        "nape: green feathers fading to blue",
+        "tail: long, slender, and blue-tipped",
+        "throat: green with hints of rose color"
+    ],
+    "rose headed parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, pinkish-red hue",
+        "belly: soft, pale green feathers",
+        "breast: deep rose-colored plumage",
+        "crown: striking rose-pink feathers",
+        "forehead: pinkish feathers meeting green hues",
+        "eyes: round and dark, lined with pale feathers",
+        "legs: slender, light gray limbs",
+        "wings: bright green, long, and powerful",
+        "nape: greenish feathers blending into the rose color",
+        "tail: long, tapering green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "throat: pale green feathers transitioning to rose-colored chest"
+    ],
+    "rose ringed parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: red, hooked shape",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black ring covering the base",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white rings",
+        "legs: greyish, two-toed on each foot",
+        "wings: green, folded on sides",
+        "nape: black and pink rings around the neck",
+        "tail: long, slender, green feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, narrow feathers"
+    ],
+    "rose throated becard": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, tapered",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright rose-colored patch",
+        "crown: gray or olive head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: olive green, long, pointed",
+        "nape: olive green with grayish tones",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, olive green",
+        "throat: rose-colored on male, gray on female"
+    ],
+    "rose throated tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: rosy pink chest feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green plumage",
+        "forehead: small, defined green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with thin, white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: green with black secondary feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, black and green feathers",
+        "throat: distinct rose-colored patch"
+    ],
+    "ross gull": [
+        "back: greyish-white plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: rosy-pink hue",
+        "crown: pale grey head cap",
+        "forehead: light grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: red and short",
+        "wings: black-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: white-feathered neck",
+        "tail: notched, triangular tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending to pink breast"
+    ],
+    "ross turaco": [
+        "back: iridescent, green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: red curved bill with yellow tip",
+        "belly: white with light feathering",
+        "breast: glossy violet hue",
+        "crown: red, elongated, feathery crest",
+        "forehead: green coloration blending to blue",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark brown orbs",
+        "legs: strong, gray with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: long, green-blue with prominent red flight feathers",
+        "nape: red and blue-green feathers transition",
+        "tail: green-blue feathers with tipped red edges",
+        "throat: blue-green with lighter shading towards the beak"
+    ],
+    "rosy bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: rich yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright pinkish hue",
+        "crown: iridescent green cap",
+        "forehead: emerald green plumage",
+        "eyes: jet-black with a circular white outline",
+        "legs: delicate, black, and slender",
+        "wings: green and pink, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: deep green with a hint of pink",
+        "tail: long, forked, with green and pink feathers",
+        "throat: soft pink with a subtle yellow undertone"
+    ],
+    "rosy minivet": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow",
+        "beak: thin and sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: deep black",
+        "forehead: striking black",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin black eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: intense black",
+        "tail: long and black, with white edges",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red"
+    ],
+    "rosy pipit": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed and sharp",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-white plumage",
+        "breast: rosy-pink feathering",
+        "crown: streaked brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale pink",
+        "wings: medium length, brown with white and buff edges",
+        "nape: light gray-brown with streaking",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale white with a hint of rosy-pink"
+    ],
+    "rosy starling": [
+        "back: iridescent purplish-black feathers",
+        "beak: yellow, sharp and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light pinkish feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant rose-colored plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers with elongated crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, alert and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, bluish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent purplish-black with broad pale stripe",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers that contrast with the pink breast",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: smooth pinkish-black transition from the breast"
+    ],
+    "rosy thrush tanager": [
+        "back: olive green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, grayish-black",
+        "belly: bright red-orange coloration",
+        "breast: vibrant rosy-red plumage",
+        "crown: olive green feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish line above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive green with red highlights",
+        "nape: olive green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black tips",
+        "throat: striking bright red feathers"
+    ],
+    "rosy billed pochard": [
+        "back: dark grey to black feathers, often with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: striking rosy red with a small white band near the tip",
+        "belly: creamy white to pale grey feathers, well-rounded",
+        "breast: rich reddish-brown, smooth contour with slightly darker edging",
+        "crown: dark grey to black, rounded shape, extends to the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from crown to beak, dark grey to black",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almond-shaped, with a bright white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong grey-orange, slightly webbed feet for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: dark grey to black primaries, white secondaries, folded at rest",
+        "nape: continuation of dark grey to black crown, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark grey to black, slightly rounded and fanned out",
+        "throat: transition from reddish-brown breast to creamy white belly"
+    ],
+    "rosy patched bushshrike": [
+        "back: olive green with a reddish patch",
+        "beak: curved, black and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellow-orange with prominent patches",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with a greenish-black mask",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive green with slight reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rosy throated longclaw": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale white with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: yellow, fading into the white belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a reddish patch",
+        "forehead: predominantly olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright rosy-pink coloration"
+    ],
+    "rota white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey-white plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: green with a silvery sheen",
+        "forehead: vibrant green patch",
+        "eyes: prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth green transition to back",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with gray tinges"
+    ],
+    "rote boobook": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: powerful, dark grey, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light rufous, barred with white",
+        "breast: same as belly, light rufous barred with white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, white streaks",
+        "forehead: feathery, white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-yellow",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, barred white, rounded",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaked with white",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown, white bands",
+        "throat: light rufous, barred with white"
+    ],
+    "rote leaf warbler": [
+        "back: light greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale white-yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: soft yellow with indistinct streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of yellow-green",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with dark markings",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, similar to back",
+        "tail: olive-green with white-yellow outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rote myzomela": [
+        "back: bright red upper body",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-orange underside",
+        "breast: vibrant red",
+        "crown: deep red, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: brilliant red",
+        "eyes: round, black, beady",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender",
+        "wings: small, black with streaks of red",
+        "nape: red, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: short, black with streaks of red",
+        "throat: stunning red, like breast"
+    ],
+    "rothschild swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light cream plumage",
+        "breast: ruffled, creamy feathers",
+        "crown: deep charcoal crown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, agile limbs",
+        "wings: long, dark, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: dark-gray, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: tapered, dark-gray feathers",
+        "throat: soft, creamy-white feathering"
+    ],
+    "rouget rail": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: warm buff with faint barring",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: deep brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, bead-like, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: rich brown with fine streaking",
+        "tail: short, deep brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "rough legged tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: olive-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale, with subtle eye-ring",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, slender, and long",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with faint grayish markings"
+    ],
+    "round tailed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underside",
+        "breast: bright red patch",
+        "crown: green with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with strong, curved feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers meeting the red breast",
+        "tail: rounded, short, with green and white feathers",
+        "throat: bright red extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "roviana rail": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and orange-tinted",
+        "belly: lighter brown with streaks",
+        "breast: tawny with fine dark stripes",
+        "crown: rich brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, and dark-colored",
+        "wings: brown with flowing feathers",
+        "nape: smooth interplay of brown hues",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale beige with delicate markings"
+    ],
+    "royal albatross": [
+        "back: smooth, elongated curve",
+        "beak: long, hook-tipped",
+        "belly: white, rounded",
+        "breast: broad, white-feathered",
+        "crown: white, gently sloping",
+        "forehead: white, slightly domed",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with black",
+        "legs: strong, flexible limbs",
+        "wings: expansive, slender, tapering",
+        "nape: white, smooth curve",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, subtly defined"
+    ],
+    "royal cinclodes": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with pale streaks",
+        "beak: strong, medium-sized, black",
+        "belly: whitish-brown with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: rufous brown, mixed with white and pale streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown, slightly paler at top",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish legs",
+        "wings: dark brown, pointed with noticeable white bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with some pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, mixed with rufous-brown and fine dark barring"
+    ],
+    "royal parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, orange-colored",
+        "belly: bright blue plumage",
+        "breast: vivid red feathers",
+        "crown: striking turquoise crest",
+        "forehead: bold red coloration",
+        "eyes: small, round with a dark iris",
+        "legs: slender, grayish legs",
+        "wings: rich green feathers with darker edges",
+        "nape: transition between turquoise and green feathers",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue with a black tip",
+        "throat: brilliant red feathers"
+    ],
+    "royal penguin": [
+        "back: black and sleek with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, pointy, and orange-yellow",
+        "belly: white and streamlined",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight curve",
+        "crown: black with slight tuft on the head",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: strong and featherless with orange-yellow webbed feet",
+        "wings: black, short and narrow, adapted for swimming",
+        "nape: black with a distinct demarcation from the white throat",
+        "tail: black, short, and slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: sharply defined white feathers"
+    ],
+    "royal spoonbill": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, flat, spatulate-shaped",
+        "belly: white, soft and rounded feathers",
+        "breast: white and puffy plumage",
+        "crown: white feathers with contrasting black crest in breeding season",
+        "forehead: white, smooth feathered area above bill",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender with black coloring",
+        "wings: large, white and curved with black tips",
+        "nape: white feathers connecting back of head to back",
+        "tail: short and rounded with white feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "royal sunangel": [
+        "back: vibrant violet-blue feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich violet-blue covering",
+        "crown: deep blue-metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: iridescent violet-blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, delicate gray legs",
+        "wings: elongated, violet-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: striking metallic blue coloration",
+        "tail: long, forked, and iridescent blue-black",
+        "throat: vivid gold-yellow with blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "rubeho akalat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white, streaked",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish, medium length",
+        "wings: olive-brown, black tips and edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: whitish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ruby cheeked sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green and shimmering",
+        "beak: long and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow with ruby cheeks",
+        "crown: iridescent green with blue highlights",
+        "forehead: gleaming metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: glossy green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green with iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: emerald green and forked",
+        "throat: radiant golden-yellow with ruby patch"
+    ],
+    "ruby crowned tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking red patch",
+        "forehead: green feathers transitioning to red towards crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by green feathers",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: green with black edges and subtle yellow highlights",
+        "nape: green feathers blending into red crown",
+        "tail: long and green with black tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "ruby throated bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green to brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow to white",
+        "breast: reddish-orange to bright crimson",
+        "crown: black or dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black or dark brown with a defined boundary",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green to brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green to brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green to brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale yellowish with a red patch"
+    ],
+    "ruby throated myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin black beak",
+        "belly: pale, light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: deep red with black tips",
+        "forehead: intense red feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark-brown color",
+        "legs: short and delicate, dark-colored",
+        "wings: dark, blackish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: rich red with black-tipped feathers",
+        "tail: tapered and elongated, blackish-brown",
+        "throat: bright red coloration"
+    ],
+    "ruby topaz hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green and golden plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with light green shimmer",
+        "breast: vibrant fiery orange-red feathers",
+        "crown: bright ruby red with a metallic shine",
+        "forehead: gleaming gold and green hues",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate with tiny claws",
+        "wings: rapid, blur of iridescent green",
+        "nape: golden green with a glossy sheen",
+        "tail: forked with dark bronze-green feathers",
+        "throat: glistening golden orange-red patch"
+    ],
+    "rudd apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers providing camouflage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slender for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside for blending in surroundings",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage attracting mates",
+        "crown: distinct rufous cap, a signature feature",
+        "forehead: rufous stripe contrasted against white eyeline",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive for spotting prey",
+        "legs: slender and long for perching on branches",
+        "wings: dark brownish edges with olive-green base for agile flight",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning to rufous crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feather edges for improved aerial maneuverability",
+        "throat: pale yellow, complementing the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "rudd lark": [
+        "back: soft brown feathering with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light buff or cream color with faint streaking",
+        "breast: warm brown hue with small, dark spots",
+        "crown: rich chestnut streaked with black lines",
+        "forehead: pale buff color blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, small, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, medium length, pale orange or pinkish",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter feather edges, white primary tips",
+        "nape: buff with blackish-brown streaks, flowing into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feather edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale, soft buff color, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ruddy crake": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale yellow",
+        "belly: greyish-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: rufous with greyish-white barring",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: brownish-red",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: rusty brown with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: whitish with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "ruddy cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with light pink hues",
+        "breast: rosy-pinkish gray",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers transitioning to brown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathered eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and light gray with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: long, brownish-gray with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, becoming pinkish-gray towards the front",
+        "tail: long and tapered, brownish-gray with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to rosy-pink on breast"
+    ],
+    "ruddy foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine barring",
+        "breast: warm buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, rufous with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and prominent",
+        "legs: strong, grayish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, primary feathers with dark bars",
+        "nape: rufous with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous with black barring",
+        "throat: whitish-buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ruddy ground dove": [
+        "back: ruddy brown and uniformly colored",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale grayish color",
+        "belly: pale buff with some grayish tones",
+        "breast: pinkish-red, blending into gray on the sides",
+        "crown: pinkish-brown and smooth",
+        "forehead: pale gray, gradually blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and relatively small",
+        "legs: reddish pink, thin and long",
+        "wings: ruddy brown with black spots on coverts",
+        "nape: pinkish-brown, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: ruddy brown with black and gray outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "ruddy kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant rusty-red plumage",
+        "beak: long, stout, and red",
+        "belly: rich ruddy-orange hue",
+        "breast: deep chestnut-red feathers",
+        "crown: bold orangish-red crest",
+        "forehead: striking red-orange coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, coral-red",
+        "wings: vibrant ruddy hue, slightly brownish flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright, reddish-orange",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with slight green sheen",
+        "throat: slightly paler red with a gentle gradation"
+    ],
+    "ruddy pigeon": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks of dark grey",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with a pale pink hue",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish hints",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-pink",
+        "eyes: black and round, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, robust, and red",
+        "wings: long, broad, with dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, slightly iridescent",
+        "tail: dark brown and fan-shaped, with lighter edges",
+        "throat: soft, gradient grey with a pinkish hue"
+    ],
+    "ruddy quail dove": [
+        "back: rusty brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with a hint of peach",
+        "breast: rusty reddish-brown fading to white",
+        "crown: compact, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale, creamy brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with blackish spots and buff edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine, black streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "ruddy spinetail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rusty brown, mottled texture",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, sparse streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with slight reddish hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert expression",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark-colored",
+        "wings: brownish, darker tips, rounded shape",
+        "nape: reddish tone, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: short, stubby, dark brown with rufous edges",
+        "throat: light brown, some streaking, contrasts with breast"
+    ],
+    "ruddy tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: short and black, upward curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: light lemon-yellow chest",
+        "crown: rufous-red head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: black, slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edgings",
+        "nape: russet-toned neck plumage",
+        "tail: dark brown with white accents",
+        "throat: subtle yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "ruddy treerunner": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray",
+        "breast: warm tawny-brown",
+        "crown: ruddy-brown with black flecks",
+        "forehead: smooth ruddy-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: ruddy-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long and rufous-colored",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "ruddy woodcreeper": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint streaking",
+        "breast: light cinnamon color with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rich rufous with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with barring and white tips",
+        "nape: cinnamon-rufous with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous with thin dark bands",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ruddy breasted crake": [
+        "back: brownish-black with faint barring",
+        "beak: greenish-gray with dark tip",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: ruddy chestnut color",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greenish-gray with long toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown, streaked with pale markings",
+        "tail: dark brown, short, and slightly barred",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "ruddy breasted seedeater": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: ruddy-reddish hue",
+        "breast: ruddy-reddish hue merging into white",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: light pink to grayish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale edges on feathers",
+        "nape: brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with pale edges",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "ruddy capped nightingale thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and straight, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white hue",
+        "crown: deep ruddy-red coloring",
+        "forehead: slight ruddy-red tint",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with visible bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with ruddy-red highlights",
+        "tail: olive-brown with reddish tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "ruddy headed goose": [
+        "back: reddish-brown and black feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, stubby, and light orange",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: pale grayish-buff tones",
+        "crown: rusty red with a white eye patch",
+        "forehead: rich ruddy-reddish hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: short, robust, and orange",
+        "wings: brown with dark bars and white tips",
+        "nape: ruddy red blending into grayish-white",
+        "tail: black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale, slightly grayish-white color"
+    ],
+    "ruddy tailed flycatcher": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rusty red with black stripes",
+        "forehead: smooth and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark with conspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: ruddy red with black band near the tip",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "rufescent antshrike": [
+        "back: brownish-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: short, sharp and hooked",
+        "belly: pale grey or white",
+        "breast: reddish-brown",
+        "crown: streaked greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: black beady eyes",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: barred with brown and white",
+        "nape: light greyish-brown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: pale grey or white with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufescent flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slightly darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark grayish",
+        "belly: pale and creamy with light rufous wash",
+        "breast: delicate rufous to cinnamon hue",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive with subtle feathering",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with pale edges and a forked appearance",
+        "throat: pale and creamy, contrasting the breast"
+    ],
+    "rufescent imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, grayish-black robust bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: rich rufous-brown plumage",
+        "crown: smooth chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy yellow-orange legs and feet",
+        "wings: dark chestnut-brown with thin gray-white wing-bar",
+        "nape: rich chestnut-brown merging with crown",
+        "tail: broad, dark chestnut-brown with gray-white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, transitioning to breast color"
+    ],
+    "rufescent prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with rufous or reddish tinge",
+        "breast: warm buff or light rufous",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with distinct pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: rufescent-brown with a pale central streak",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and rufescent-brown",
+        "throat: whitish or pale buff"
+    ],
+    "rufescent screech owl": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with faint black markings",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, and greyish",
+        "belly: light, reddish-brown with horizontal dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with black and reddish markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: tawny with black speckles",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered with pale brown and dark bars",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black barring and white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: broad, reddish-brown with blackish bands",
+        "throat: pale with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufescent tiger heron": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: whitish with rufous-colored barring",
+        "breast: white with wide rufous-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray contrasted with pale rufous",
+        "forehead: pale rufous coloration",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: rufous with black streaks, and white upper-wing patches",
+        "nape: pale rufous color",
+        "tail: boldly barred with black and rufous",
+        "throat: white with rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufescent white eye": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: light reddish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white ring",
+        "forehead: bright white patch",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring, black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, light brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-orange feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: buffy-cream and pale orange plumage",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rich rufous-orange color",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with faint eyestripe",
+        "legs: long, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: warm brown with rufous-edged feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with rufous tips",
+        "throat: pale, buffy-cream with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous bristlebird": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale brown with subtle markings",
+        "breast: light rufous color with dark streaks",
+        "crown: slightly darker brown than back",
+        "forehead: paler brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and moderately large",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with darker edges",
+        "nape: same color as back, brownish-olive",
+        "tail: long with broad, brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale rufous with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous cacholote": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: pale tawny color",
+        "breast: cinnamon-colored plumage",
+        "crown: distinctive rufous crest",
+        "forehead: rusty-orange feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with slight barring",
+        "nape: warm rufous hue",
+        "tail: long and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale tawny with streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous casiornis": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: pale brownish-grey",
+        "breast: light rufous color",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint patterns",
+        "nape: rufous brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous chatterer": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers covering dorsal side",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: off-white to pale-gray with slight brown speckling",
+        "breast: orange-brown with soft feather texture",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish with strong, scaly texture",
+        "wings: reddish-brown feathers with blackish tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, reddish-brown feathers with blackish banding",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with fine brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous cisticola": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white to pale buff",
+        "breast: light brown or beige with spotting",
+        "crown: rufous-orange and streaked",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, contrast against plumage",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink hue",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short, broad, with reddish-brown tips",
+        "throat: pale buff or white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous coucal": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: buffy-white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous edges",
+        "forehead: pale brown, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled with pale feathering",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish",
+        "wings: rufous brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous brown with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: buffy-white, faintly streaked"
+    ],
+    "rufous crab hawk": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: light buff with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, long, powerful",
+        "wings: long, reddish-brown with black and white bands",
+        "nape: pale buff with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: broad, white with dark bands",
+        "throat: white, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "rufous fantail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cream, graduating to a rusty color",
+        "breast: orange-rufous plumage",
+        "crown: rich rufous, almost cinnamon color",
+        "forehead: marked with distinct white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, bluish-gray, and slightly elongated",
+        "wings: dark brown with broad rufous edges",
+        "nape: strong rufous, blending with the back",
+        "tail: broad, long, and fan-shaped with black and white tips",
+        "throat: pale white with a hint of rufous"
+    ],
+    "rufous fieldwren": [
+        "back: streaked brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: warm brown and rufous hue",
+        "breast: rufous-colored with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous and streaked with black",
+        "eyes: round and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edging",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with rufous outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous fishing owl": [
+        "back: warm brown with black bars",
+        "beak: dark gray and strong",
+        "belly: off-white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: light rufous with black bars",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: powerful and feathered",
+        "wings: broad with rounded tips, brown and barred",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black bars",
+        "tail: brown with black bands and rufous tip",
+        "throat: whitish with fine rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous flycatcher thrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers covering the upper part",
+        "beak: short, curved, and strong for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white, blending smoothly with breast coloration",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-orange, setting it apart from surroundings",
+        "crown: dark brown streaks, giving a slightly plumed appearance",
+        "forehead: warm reddish-brown, matching the back color",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by lighter rings of feathers",
+        "legs: thin and delicate, yet strong for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white wing bars, allowing agile flight",
+        "nape: continuation of the reddish-brown back feathers",
+        "tail: relatively long with white outer tail feathers and reddish-brown central feathers",
+        "throat: light buffy-white, creating contrast with the bold breast color"
+    ],
+    "rufous gnateater": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: cinnamon-rufous with dark spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, encircled by a pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rufous brown with dark streaks and conspicuous white wingbar",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, rufous with dark barring on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous grasswren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with fine streaking",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous hornbill": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, and yellowish-white",
+        "belly: dark colored with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: black and white banding",
+        "crown: black feathers with a hint of green sheen",
+        "forehead: adorned with a large, yellow casque",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by bare, blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with a white stripe and reddish-brown coverts",
+        "nape: transitioning from black to reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: black feathers with blue skin at base"
+    ],
+    "rufous hornero": [
+        "back: reddish-brown upper back feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and pale colored",
+        "belly: light brownish-grey underparts",
+        "breast: warm brownish-grey chest feathers",
+        "crown: rufous-colored head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with faint white circles",
+        "legs: long, delicate, and greyish in color",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "nape: brown feathers transitioning to reddish-brown",
+        "tail: square, reddish-brown with darker banding",
+        "throat: lighter greyish-brown throat feathers"
+    ],
+    "rufous limestone babbler": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: warm rufous coloration",
+        "crown: dark rufous with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale rufous with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rufous with black flight feathers and light barring",
+        "nape: dark rufous, finely streaked",
+        "tail: long and slim, rufous-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous motmot": [
+        "back: olive green and brown shades",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: rufous orange fading to yellow",
+        "breast: bright blue with dark green streaks",
+        "crown: turquoise with black cap",
+        "forehead: deep green fading to turquoise",
+        "eyes: dark with a white ring around",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: green and blue with black bars",
+        "nape: olive-green merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long with rufous, blue, and turquoise tipped feathers; racket-shaped",
+        "throat: bright blue with dark green streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous mourner": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: dark, medium-sized, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored with faint markings",
+        "breast: light rufous with streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dull reddish-brown with lightly streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with inconspicuous eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, slender, and fairly short",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with faint barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown with indistinct bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous nightjar": [
+        "back: rusty brown with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale with brown bars",
+        "breast: rusty brown fading to white, mottled appearance",
+        "crown: slightly-raised, brown with fine patterns",
+        "forehead: pale brown with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: large, black, and round",
+        "legs: long, grayish with well-defined joints",
+        "wings: elongated and pointed, brown with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: brown with fine patterns, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown with white and black bands",
+        "throat: white with faint brownish spots"
+    ],
+    "rufous owl": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with black edges",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale cream with brown spotting",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: deep chestnut with black streaking",
+        "forehead: reddish with black markings",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: brownish-red with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: light cream with small brown spots"
+    ],
+    "rufous paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: rich rufous color with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black color",
+        "belly: creamy white with light rufous streaks",
+        "breast: white blending into rufous towards the back",
+        "crown: rufous with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white transitioning into rufous color",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert and bright",
+        "legs: thin and dark with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: rufous with intricate black patterns",
+        "nape: rufous with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, rufous with white tips and black banding",
+        "throat: white with fine rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous piculet": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with fine streaks",
+        "beak: small, stout, and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with white mottling",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: short with grayish-blue hue",
+        "wings: rufous and brown, barred with white spots",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous piha": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light cinnamon-colored",
+        "breast: rich reddish-brown",
+        "crown: slightly darker reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, pale yellow",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with some lighter markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: lighter cinnamon-colored"
+    ],
+    "rufous potoo": [
+        "back: light brown with black spots",
+        "beak: black, short, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale beige with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with black spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale beige with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: gray-brown with long toes",
+        "wings: mottled brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale beige with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous sabrewing": [
+        "back: rich green, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, downward curved",
+        "belly: light golden brown",
+        "breast: vibrant rufous hue",
+        "crown: shiny green, medium shape",
+        "forehead: brilliant metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert expression",
+        "legs: short, powerful, dark grey",
+        "wings: elongated, curved, narrow feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green accent",
+        "tail: long, broad, rufous-colored feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrast with rufous breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous scrub bird": [
+        "back: brownish-red with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, with a slightly curved upper beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white, fading to a paler color towards the vent",
+        "breast: solid rufous color with fine, dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark rufous-brown with fine, black streaks",
+        "forehead: dark rufous-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, with pale-colored scales",
+        "wings: brownish-red with darker edges, blending into the back",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, transitioning smoothly into the crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow, with a dark brown central feather and rufous outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, blending into the creamy-white of the belly"
+    ],
+    "rufous shrikethrush": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with dense rufous flecks",
+        "breast: rufous-orange with defined scalloping",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark beady, surrounded by a faint white-ring",
+        "legs: strong, medium-length, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with distinct white bars",
+        "nape: warm reddish-brown, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown with subtle white edging",
+        "throat: creamy white with light rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous sibia": [
+        "back: rusty-brown and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: stout, decurved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with grey sides",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a white forehead band",
+        "forehead: bold white stripe",
+        "eyes: round with dark brown iris",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, pale pink",
+        "wings: dark, rufous with white markings",
+        "nape: rusty red with white stripe",
+        "tail: long, rounded, rufous with black subterminal band",
+        "throat: white with rufous-tinted sides"
+    ],
+    "rufous songlark": [
+        "back: light brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: light buff-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown tinged with rufous",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges on feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with rufous streaks",
+        "tail: brown with paler outer edges and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous spinetail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale brown or cream",
+        "breast: rufous, with dusky streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown or blacks with rufous edgings",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with dark notches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and rufous",
+        "throat: gray or buff, with streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous treecreeper": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, slight curve, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with grey-brown streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: creamy white, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with distinct white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous treepie": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: light greyish-white",
+        "crown: silky black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin black eyeline",
+        "legs: long and black",
+        "wings: rufous brown with black tips",
+        "nape: black with slight hood-like appearance",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and rufous brown with black stripes",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous twistwing": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and hooked",
+        "belly: pale, with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-colored, blending into gray",
+        "crown: rufous with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous, slightly raised feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, contrasting with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, slender",
+        "wings: short, rufous with twisted feather",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: square-ended, rufous",
+        "throat: pale gray, with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous vanga": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout and hooked, black",
+        "belly: white",
+        "breast: bright rufous feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring, dark iris",
+        "legs: blue-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long and black-tipped",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "rufous whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and grey",
+        "belly: off-white with scaled appearance",
+        "breast: rich rufous-colored feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: grey-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with some streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white, sometimes with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: stout and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: dark spotted and streaked",
+        "crown: rufous-red with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: olive-grey with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark bars with rufous patches",
+        "nape: olive-grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: banded, rufous and black",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light barring",
+        "breast: cinnamon-buff with darker spotting",
+        "crown: rich rufous with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: rufous blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rufous with dark bars and white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown like the back",
+        "tail: long and rufous with dark bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rufous and white wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: slim and slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: white with light speckling",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with traces of black",
+        "forehead: pale shade of reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender legs and feet, dark-colored",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, barred with black",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with black bars, medium-length",
+        "throat: white, transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed antvireo": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark",
+        "belly: light gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and rounded",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and grayish",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with distinct bands",
+        "throat: light gray, almost white"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed bunting": [
+        "back: rich rufous color, streaked with black",
+        "beak: short and conical, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with a distinct pale stripe",
+        "forehead: rufous, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: rufous with black and white markings",
+        "nape: rufous, unmarked",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant rufous-brown coloration",
+        "beak: long, dark, and narrow",
+        "belly: soft cream-colored",
+        "breast: white with faint speckles",
+        "crown: rufous with slight orange tint",
+        "forehead: bright orange hue",
+        "eyes: dark and circular with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: short, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with blue spots",
+        "nape: brilliant blue band",
+        "tail: short, rufous with blue edging",
+        "throat: white with a faint blue tint"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed fantail": [
+        "back: rich rufous coloring with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale and white, with brownish flanks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: rufous brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: black with a white band above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: predominantly rufous with black and white markings",
+        "nape: rufous brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, with rufous, black, and white patterns",
+        "throat: white with black streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed honeyeater": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: grayish-white, streaked"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed inca finch": [
+        "back: rich, reddish-brown feathering",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: pale cinnamon to whitish hue",
+        "breast: warm, rufous-orange shading",
+        "crown: deep, reddish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly paler, rufous-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: warm brown, with rufous edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, with rufous-brown central feathers and black outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed redstart": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with a slight shine",
+        "beak: black, slim, and sharp",
+        "belly: white to pale orange",
+        "breast: bright orange fading to white",
+        "crown: black with a touch of blue",
+        "forehead: red-brown hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker markings",
+        "nape: striking red-orange color",
+        "tail: long with black and white banding",
+        "throat: white with a hint of orange"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed robin": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, curved, black",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: orange-red colored",
+        "crown: dark gray with reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: gray shading to brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown shading to gray",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed sibia": [
+        "back: rich chestnut brown",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: white with grey streaks",
+        "breast: deep grey fading to white",
+        "crown: chestnut brown merging into black",
+        "forehead: black extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: deep brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: chestnut with white and black patterns",
+        "nape: chestnut brown",
+        "tail: long, ebony with white feathers on edges",
+        "throat: white, intersected by a black band"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed stipplethroat": [
+        "back: reddish-brown streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: twig-like, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: rufous-colored with dark bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-red with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, black-tipped rufous feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark stippling"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed treehunter": [
+        "back: rufous-brown to chestnut hue",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, sharp",
+        "belly: whitish with brownish or buff streaks",
+        "breast: pale, streaked with rusty-brown color",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a scaled appearance",
+        "forehead: off-white to buff, sometimes streaked with brown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, with a pale to buffy-white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown or pale pinkish color",
+        "wings: brown to rufous, with some barring or streaks",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, sometimes streaked or marked with white",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown with darker bars or patterns",
+        "throat: whitish with fine brown or rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous banded honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint golden streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with brownish-red streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown band with golden streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-green with golden highlights",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with gold-tinted flight feathers",
+        "nape: golden-green feathers blending into the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with golden streaks at tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with brownish-red highlights"
+    ],
+    "rufous banded miner": [
+        "back: rusty brown with narrow white streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale brown with blurred white markings",
+        "breast: light brown mixed with rufous undertones",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: streaked with white and brown bands",
+        "eyes: dark, beady and surrounded by a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, reddish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-black with distinctive white bands",
+        "nape: rusty brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white banding on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with a hint of rufous coloring"
+    ],
+    "rufous banded owl": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored with dark bars",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks and bars",
+        "crown: dark speckled with reddish-brown spots",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: feathered and buff-colored with dark barring",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bars and broad white band",
+        "nape: dark with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: long with reddish-brown and dark bands",
+        "throat: pale, buff-colored with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied antwren": [
+        "back: dark brown and streaked",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: reddish-orange hue",
+        "breast: grayish with some streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long, brown, and barred",
+        "throat: pale gray with streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied bush tyrant": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: bright orange-red hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: slate gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray appearance",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with barring",
+        "nape: slate gray streaked highlights",
+        "tail: long and dark-brown",
+        "throat: light gray with a hint of rufous"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied chachalaca": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: stout and curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than crown, with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a reddish-orange eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and strong, grayish in color",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous-edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, with rufous tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: rufous-orange feathers",
+        "breast: streaked grey and white",
+        "crown: dark brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow-orange gaze",
+        "legs: feathered, yellow talons",
+        "wings: broad, powerful wingspan",
+        "nape: darker brown feathers",
+        "tail: broad, banded brown tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale, streaked feathers"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied euphonia": [
+        "back: olive-green with tinges of blue",
+        "beak: strong and conical, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: deep rufous or reddish-orange",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, blending into the rufous belly",
+        "crown: bright blue or turquoise, extending to the upper back",
+        "forehead: yellow, merging with the blue crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a narrow black eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, gray or black",
+        "wings: olive-green, with hints of blue and yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning to blue at the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with blue sheen, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, complementing the forehead"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied helmetshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: warm, rufous-colored plumage",
+        "breast: rich, grayish-chestnut feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slaty-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with dark gray primary feathers",
+        "nape: continuous with the crown, gray crest",
+        "tail: long, blackish with rufous outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied heron": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with brownish tinge",
+        "beak: long and sharp with a bright yellow hue",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "breast: white plumage with sparse reddish-brown spots",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: white feathers fading into the dark crown",
+        "eyes: prominent with a yellow ring and dark pupil",
+        "legs: long and yellow-green with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey-brown with white patches and black tips",
+        "nape: black feathers curving down towards the back",
+        "tail: short and grey with white striping",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied kookaburra": [
+        "back: dark brown with rusty-red highlights",
+        "beak: large, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright rufous-orange hue",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark-brown with rufous speckles",
+        "forehead: rufous color fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like, set in white-oval shaped patch",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, gray-blue color",
+        "wings: strong, brown with some rufous markings",
+        "nape: dark brown",
+        "tail: long, brown, with rufous edges",
+        "throat: white, blending into rufous breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied mountain tanager": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, dark gray, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: rich rufous-orange color",
+        "breast: bright yellowish-green feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark blue with greenish-yellow edges",
+        "nape: vibrant blue-violet plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers with greenish-yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellowish-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied nighthawk": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark speckling",
+        "crown: dark brown with a rufous patch",
+        "forehead: light brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and feathered, with black talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with bars and spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, with white band and rufous tip",
+        "throat: light brown with speckling"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied niltava": [
+        "back: rich blue feathers",
+        "beak: short black beak",
+        "belly: bright rufous-orange color",
+        "breast: vibrant blue shades",
+        "crown: deep bluish-purple hue",
+        "forehead: intense blue feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing dark eyes",
+        "legs: dark, slender limbs",
+        "wings: blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: striking blue-glossed plumage",
+        "tail: blue with black feather tips",
+        "throat: deep blue markings"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied seedsnipe": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: short, straight, and gray",
+        "belly: rufous hue with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff blending to brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and almond-shaped",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and gray",
+        "wings: rounded, mostly brown with speckles",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: buff-colored with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied swallow": [
+        "back: rusty brown with iridescent greenish-blue sheen",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black in color",
+        "belly: bright rufous-orange hue",
+        "breast: pale blueish-gray, transitioning from belly color",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-blue with hints of brown",
+        "forehead: glossy greenish-blue, same as the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, blending with surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: short and thin, with dark gray or black coloration",
+        "wings: lengthy, with a mixture of greenish-blue and brown feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue hue, transitioning into the brownish back color",
+        "tail: dark blueish-green with elongated, slightly forked feathers",
+        "throat: pale blueish-gray, matching the breast color"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied thrush": [
+        "back: rusty reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: curved, medium length, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: deep rufous-orange",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with whitish-gray",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: slightly darker brown with reddish edges",
+        "nape: transitional grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied tit": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: vibrant reddish-orange",
+        "breast: reddish-orange, fading into white",
+        "crown: head adorned with silverygrey feathers",
+        "forehead: greyish-silver feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: lean, brownish-grey",
+        "wings: lined with brown, white, and red-orange feathers",
+        "nape: pale grey feathers",
+        "tail: long with white edges, striped with grey and brown",
+        "throat: white, blending into reddish-orange breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied triller": [
+        "back: olive-green with some grayish tones",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: reddish-orange or rufous",
+        "breast: whitish with rufous wash",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray to olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale with light gray wash"
+    ],
+    "rufous bellied woodpecker": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant rufous shade",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright crimson for males, dark gray for females",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with black spots",
+        "eyes: black with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy for gripping tree trunks",
+        "wings: black with white speckles",
+        "nape: black with white spots",
+        "tail: black with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: white with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "rufous booted racket tail": [
+        "back: rusty brown with iridescent green patches",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with rufous flanks",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-bronze with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent green feathers",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-bronze with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "tail: elongated racket-like feathers with black and white markings",
+        "throat: greenish-bronze feathers"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted accentor": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks and rufous patches",
+        "breast: rufous-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white streaked with black",
+        "eyes: black, sharp, and bright",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black crescent-shaped markings"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted antthrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy",
+        "belly: rich rufous color",
+        "breast: bold rufous with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted bush robin": [
+        "back: warm brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black",
+        "belly: rich rufous hue",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-brown",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: soft brown, well-blended",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white patch"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted chat tyrant": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with rufous flanks",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish gray and slender",
+        "wings: black with white streaks and rufous edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and clean"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted flycatcher": [
+        "back: rusty-brown coloration",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: warm rufous tones",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, beady",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a pale rufous band"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted hermit": [
+        "back: olive-brown colored feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-colored with narrow white bands",
+        "crown: dark greenish-brown",
+        "forehead: greenish-bronze tone",
+        "eyes: small and dark in color",
+        "legs: pale brown and delicate",
+        "wings: long, dark brown with green iridescence",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a faint green sheen",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, brown and white tips",
+        "throat: white streaks on dark background"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted leaftosser": [
+        "back: brownish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: warm reddish-brown hue",
+        "breast: rich rufous coloring",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown, and slightly graduated",
+        "throat: pale buff with darker streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with bold rufous streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-orange, blending into belly pattern",
+        "crown: pale gray or olive-gray, sometimes slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale orange or rufous",
+        "eyes: large, dark, expressive with faint eyering",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and rufous spots or bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and dark brown with narrow white or buff tips",
+        "throat: white with faint dusky markings"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted sabrewing": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: white and fluffy with russet streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant rufous coloration",
+        "crown: shimmering green with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: metallic green with a faint dark line",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent green with white markings",
+        "nape: vibrant green with a coppery sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent green with rufous tips",
+        "throat: brilliant green with a narrow white band"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, dark hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with rufous streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: long, yellow, feathered",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and banded with reddish-brown and black",
+        "throat: white with rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted spinetail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: pale buff color",
+        "breast: rufous-orange with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with buff stripes",
+        "forehead: pale buff color",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with buff edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with buff stripes",
+        "tail: long and graduated",
+        "throat: creamy white"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted warbling finch": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black in color",
+        "belly: white with heavy rufous streaking",
+        "breast: bright rufous-orange with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slightly darker center",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a hint of brown",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with rufous and cream-colored edgings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks of rufous",
+        "tail: long, brown with rufous outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with light rufous feather markings"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted wood quail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale ivory color",
+        "belly: rich rufous with white spots",
+        "breast: rufous with bold black bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by light-colored ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous and white bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with thin white bars",
+        "tail: short and squared, reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rufous breasted wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and dark in color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-cream shade",
+        "breast: rufous color with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with heavy dark barring",
+        "nape: slightly lighter brown than the crown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with dark barring and white spots on the outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: buffy-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous browed chat tyrant": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked black bill",
+        "belly: dull white underparts",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown chest",
+        "crown: rufous-colored crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous area",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with rufous edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white color"
+    ],
+    "rufous browed conebill": [
+        "back: reddish-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with brownish tint",
+        "crown: bright reddish-orange",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black wingtips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long and graduated, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray with rufous undertones"
+    ],
+    "rufous browed flycatcher": [
+        "back: rich olive-brown coloring",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white, accented with brown streaks",
+        "breast: orange-brown with gray spots",
+        "crown: rusty-red with bold white stripe",
+        "forehead: deep rufous hue",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buff wing bars",
+        "nape: brignt rufous-brown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous browed hemispingus": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rusty red-brown",
+        "forehead: bright rufous color",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with slight streaking",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous browed peppershrike": [
+        "back: olive green and streaked",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white, some streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish brown, streaked",
+        "crown: bold reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown color, clear",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish",
+        "wings: olive green, black wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive green, finely streaked",
+        "tail: olive green, elongated",
+        "throat: white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "rufous browed tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue thin legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with rufous tinge",
+        "tail: short, olive-green edged with pale tips",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous browed wren": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: warm, ochre buff",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown patch",
+        "forehead: rufous-colored stripe",
+        "eyes: black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown, with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous brown solitaire": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle patterning",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown",
+        "breast: light rufous-brown, softly streaked",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, like the back",
+        "forehead: faintly rufous with slight gray hues",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized, blackish eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: rufous-brown, long, and broad",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, moderately long, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown, subtly streaked"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped antshrike": [
+        "back: reddish-brown back feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked black beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white underparts",
+        "breast: light rufous with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light rufous with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray legs",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black wing bars",
+        "nape: rufous color with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown, and slightly graduated",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped antthrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale-yellow",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: cinnamon-brown plumage",
+        "crown: rufous-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: rounded, reddish-brown",
+        "nape: rufous-feathered",
+        "tail: short, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: rufous-colored feathers",
+        "crown: bright rufous cap",
+        "forehead: continuation of rufous cap",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight rufous tint",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with rufous tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly darker than belly"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: sturdy, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: rufous with a straight, black line",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: pale orange, slim",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker edges",
+        "nape: olive-colored with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped lark": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and grayish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rich rufous with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous with a prominent eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, light gray",
+        "wings: brown with reddish edges and white markings",
+        "nape: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale creamy-white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped motmot": [
+        "back: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, black, curved",
+        "belly: dull beige with some blue feathers",
+        "breast: blue-green with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright rufous with black border",
+        "forehead: rufous and black with white spot near beak",
+        "eyes: black, round, with light blue eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-green",
+        "wings: brownish-green with lighter blue-green edges",
+        "nape: rufous with thin black stripe",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers with racket tips",
+        "throat: white with light rufous streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped nunlet": [
+        "back: rich chestnut brown",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white to pale buff",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a black cap",
+        "forehead: rufous with black tips",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: grayish-pink",
+        "wings: chestnut with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: chestnut with black tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped spinetail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: light buffy color",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey",
+        "crown: rufous cap with streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with rufous edges",
+        "nape: rufous with streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish, with rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped thornbill": [
+        "back: olive green with rufous tinges",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with dusky streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, positioned on each side of the head",
+        "legs: pale flesh-colored, slender",
+        "wings: olive green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive green, transitioning to rufous cap",
+        "tail: short and dark, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous capped warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender, dark gray curved beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white underbelly",
+        "breast: yellowish breast with gray stripes on sides",
+        "crown: rufous-capped head",
+        "forehead: white stripe over eye",
+        "eyes: round, black eyes",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray thin legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark bars on flight feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored nape",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark bars and white outer tips",
+        "throat: creamy white throat"
+    ],
+    "rufous cheeked laughingthrush": [
+        "back: rich, reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with rusty-orange accents",
+        "breast: warm orange-brown with faint streaking",
+        "crown: bright rufous-orange",
+        "forehead: rusty-orange with subtle black markings",
+        "eyes: lively dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-red with contrasting black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rufous shade similar to the crown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown feathers with slightly darker tips",
+        "throat: pale off-white with streaks of rufous and black"
+    ],
+    "rufous cheeked nightjar": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and wide, dark in color",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine streaks",
+        "breast: grayish brown with black markings",
+        "crown: mossy green and brown, mottled pattern",
+        "forehead: creamy white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large and rounded, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, with light and dark brown spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with rufous markings",
+        "tail: rounded with alternating light and dark bands",
+        "throat: buffy-white color with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous cheeked tanager": [
+        "back: rich olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-olive to dull yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with streaks of orange and black",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with streaks of black",
+        "forehead: bright chestnut-red",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with a black outline",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and blue streaks",
+        "nape: golden olive-green",
+        "tail: long, black with blue iridescence",
+        "throat: vivid yellow"
+    ],
+    "rufous chested dotterel": [
+        "back: light brown with speckled pattern",
+        "beak: short and slender, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale, whitish color",
+        "breast: rufous chest band",
+        "crown: brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with a v-shaped pattern",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: yellowish, medium length",
+        "wings: brownish with white markings",
+        "nape: whitish with subtle brown markings",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: white with a rufous sideband"
+    ],
+    "rufous chested flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant rufous-orange hue",
+        "crown: dark, sleek feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: thin white eyebrows above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, smoothly blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white patch with delicate streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous chested swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark, pointed shape",
+        "belly: light gray with rufous tinges",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-orange chest",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-gray with a hint of rufous",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady orbs",
+        "legs: slender, dark-colored limbs",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brownish-gray feathers with white edging",
+        "nape: brownish-gray feathers blending into the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, brownish-gray feathers with white accents",
+        "throat: white feathers fading into the reddish-orange breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous chested tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, conical and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: bright orange-red chest patch",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green, extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, joining the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, merging with the belly"
+    ],
+    "rufous chinned laughingthrush": [
+        "back: light reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with darker centers on feathers",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze surrounded by lighter plumage",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue legs",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: warm reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, broad, and reddish-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: white with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous collared kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant green with bluish tinge",
+        "beak: long, red, and sharp",
+        "belly: chestnut red with black spotting",
+        "breast: rufous red merging with spotting from belly",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green with black outline",
+        "eyes: deep black and piercing",
+        "legs: short, red/orange",
+        "wings: blue-green with dark feather tips",
+        "nape: deep blue-green merging with the crown",
+        "tail: greenish-blue, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a hint of rufous red"
+    ],
+    "rufous collared robin": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with rusty central stripe",
+        "crown: grayish-brown patches",
+        "forehead: rufous-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, with dark gray color",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown with rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white with black border"
+    ],
+    "rufous collared sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: brown with some white patches",
+        "nape: streaked reddish-brown",
+        "tail: short and brown",
+        "throat: white with black malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "rufous crested coquette": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and black",
+        "belly: soft green fading to white",
+        "breast: bright emerald green",
+        "crown: brilliant rufous crest with spiky feathers",
+        "forehead: radiant green meeting the rufous crest",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: iridescent green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: metallic green transitioning to rufous crest",
+        "tail: elongated, bronze-green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: dazzling green collar on males, plain white on females"
+    ],
+    "rufous crested tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: yellow to metallic green hue",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red coloration",
+        "crown: red, crested, and prominent",
+        "forehead: red feathers blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, clearly visible",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong, and perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with black markings",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to back and crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with black band",
+        "throat: bright orange-red, contrasting breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned antpitta": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, black in color",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with black stripes",
+        "breast: rich, reddish-brown hue",
+        "crown: bright rufous-orange color",
+        "forehead: pale rufous color",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by light eyering",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: short and rounded, brown with black scaling",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and blunt, reddish-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned babbler": [
+        "back: earthy-brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish cream or pale gray",
+        "breast: gray-brown with slight streaking",
+        "crown: distinct reddish-brown hue",
+        "forehead: rufous colored, slight crest",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark in color",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, short with rounded tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, slightly separated from the crown",
+        "tail: moderately long, dark brown with edged feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, blends into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: yellowish-green, fading to white on lower belly",
+        "breast: bright orange-chestnut color, fading to green on the sides",
+        "crown: bold rufous-red cap with a black stripe down the middle",
+        "forehead: deep-red patch extending to the top of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with a thin black eye-ring",
+        "legs: short black legs with strong zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green with black or dark blue flight feathers and tinges of blue edges",
+        "nape: green, transitioning from the rufous crown to the green back",
+        "tail: long, slender, green feathers; sometimes with elongated tail streamers",
+        "throat: pale green color, sometimes with a yellowish tint"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly rufous",
+        "beak: short and slender, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with soft, greyish streaks",
+        "breast: olive-grey, lighter than back",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with conspicuous crest",
+        "forehead: olive with a slight greyish hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale, thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grey, medium length and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with back color",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked, and edged with pale feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, bordered by a faint, pale malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned emuwren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, long, and pointy",
+        "belly: white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright rufous-orange color",
+        "crown: distinctive rufous-red patch",
+        "forehead: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, long, and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with light streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned eremomela": [
+        "back: olive-green",
+        "beak: thin and sharp",
+        "belly: yellowish-green",
+        "breast: yellowish-green",
+        "crown: bright rufous",
+        "forehead: rufous-orange",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edges",
+        "nape: rufous-brown",
+        "tail: olive-green with whitish tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned greenlet": [
+        "back: olive-green with rufous tinge",
+        "beak: short and sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: olive-yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with two yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned laughingthrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale rufous, white streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-gray, black streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, raised crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale, bare eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish, rufous edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, medium length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, black streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with slight tinge of yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red with darker brown streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: light brown with darker brown barring",
+        "nape: light brown streaked with darker brown",
+        "tail: long and graduated, light brown with darker brown edges",
+        "throat: clean white, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned roller": [
+        "back: long, horizontal, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, strong, black hook",
+        "belly: pale beige with darker streaks",
+        "breast: bright rufous-chestnut with darker barring",
+        "crown: vibrant rufous-orange crest",
+        "forehead: small, flat, reddish orange",
+        "eyes: round, large, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, scaled",
+        "wings: long, dark blue with rufous edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue with rufous tips, square-ended",
+        "throat: pale, whitish gray with streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous crowned tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: brownish-green with rufous tinge",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-green",
+        "crown: bright rufous-orange",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous-orange",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with yellowish-white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-green with rufous-orange streaking",
+        "tail: relatively short, greenish-brown with yellowish-white edges",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous eared brushfinch": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale buff coloration",
+        "breast: light chestnut hue",
+        "crown: streaked black and olive",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, shiny, encircled with white ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: tawny brown with black streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous eared warbler": [
+        "back: light brownish with subtle markings",
+        "beak: thin, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow or creamy white",
+        "breast: light orange-brown with some streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by a faint eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with blackish bars",
+        "nape: light grey with darker streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, medium-length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy white with slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous faced antbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light greyish-white with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored feathers and a dark stripe",
+        "forehead: rufous with a thin dark band",
+        "eyes: large and black, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark feather markings",
+        "nape: rufous with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and rufous, with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous faced antpitta": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with brownish tint",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-orange blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish with faint barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous faced crake": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: warm buff color, paler than breast",
+        "breast: rufous-orange with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small and beady",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, relatively long for size",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, streaked with darker brown",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, similar to the crown color",
+        "tail: short and square, reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale buff color, unmarked and slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous faced warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with rufous tinges",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: light cream with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with a dark streak",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange with distinct black stripe",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into rufous crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked with white outer edges",
+        "throat: clean, pale yellowish-cream"
+    ],
+    "rufous fronted antthrush": [
+        "back: rusty-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm chestnut-brown with white spots",
+        "crown: rufous color with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: rich rufous shade",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: medium-length with rufous and brown feathers",
+        "nape: streaked rufous-brown",
+        "tail: medium length, rufous-brown feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine brown spots"
+    ],
+    "rufous fronted babbler": [
+        "back: rusty-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and curved",
+        "belly: light, grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale, grayish-white",
+        "crown: rufous-red patch",
+        "forehead: rufous-red, extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brownish with light feather edging",
+        "nape: blending rufous-red and brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish with rufous tip",
+        "throat: pale, grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous fronted laughingthrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, black streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: bright rufous-red",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, white-tipped",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, white-streaked",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white, black-streaked"
+    ],
+    "rufous fronted parakeet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: strong, orange-red hooked beak",
+        "belly: yellowish-green underside",
+        "breast: vibrant green chest feathers",
+        "crown: rufous-colored head",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown frontal feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, short legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green wings with blue primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green nape with slight rufous tint",
+        "tail: long, green-blue tail feathers",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow throat area"
+    ],
+    "rufous fronted prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, light-colored",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale whitish-brown with subtle markings",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown with a rufous tinge",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: slender and light brown or grayish",
+        "wings: brownish gray with faint bars and a slight rufous tinge",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and slim, brownish gray with faint barring",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rufous fronted tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black bill",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-orange coloration",
+        "crown: rufous-orange patch",
+        "forehead: rufous-orange strip",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish, slender for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: olive-green with rufous tinge",
+        "tail: dark olive-green, long, graduated",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous fronted thornbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy pale, with some brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored, streaked with reddish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a patch of rufous feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, accented by rufous feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black and white feather markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale, creamy white, contrasting the breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous fronted wood quail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black barring",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with black spots",
+        "crown: rufous with black streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous color, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by rufous feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue, adapted for ground-dwelling",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and chestnut bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with rufous streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown, with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous gaped hillstar": [
+        "back: warm olive-green",
+        "beak: long and slender black",
+        "belly: dark green fading to gray",
+        "breast: shimmering green",
+        "crown: brilliant violet-blue",
+        "forehead: vivid copper-red",
+        "eyes: piercing black",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: long and rounded, dark brown",
+        "nape: violet-blue with olive-green hue",
+        "tail: iridescent blue-black, forked",
+        "throat: gleaming orange-red"
+    ],
+    "rufous gorgeted flycatcher": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale cream and orange base",
+        "breast: light orange with grayish-white streak",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish tint",
+        "forehead: broad reddish-orange band",
+        "eyes: beady black",
+        "legs: thin and dark",
+        "wings: brown with reddish edges",
+        "nape: warm brown with some orange tinge",
+        "tail: long brown with red and white tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright orange-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "rufous headed chachalaca": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-chestnut feathers",
+        "crown: rufous crest, thick and bushy",
+        "forehead: white facial skin, bright red lores",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong and slender",
+        "wings: rufous and brownish, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, long feathers",
+        "tail: long, chestnut-rufous with black bands",
+        "throat: white, bare skin"
+    ],
+    "rufous headed ground roller": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with rufous highlights",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black upper and lower bill",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown with streaked pattern",
+        "crown: rufous with black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink legs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with rufous tinge",
+        "tail: dark brown with rufous and white barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous headed parrotbill": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, curved",
+        "belly: light buffy-orange",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rufous-colored crest",
+        "forehead: bright rufous feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with blackish markings",
+        "nape: rufous transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish with black barring",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "rufous headed pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow or white with light streaks",
+        "crown: bright rufous with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright rufous blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and agile",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: short, reddish-brown, with slightly rounded edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous headed robin": [
+        "back: rusty reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white with pale reddish-brown speckles",
+        "breast: orangey-red plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant rufous-red with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-red feathering",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark and slender with prominent claws",
+        "wings: brownish with rufous-red edges and white wingbars",
+        "nape: rusty reddish-brown feathering",
+        "tail: long and reddish-brown with a white tip",
+        "throat: off-white with pale reddish-brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "rufous headed tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with rufous tinge",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish with buffy wash",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: rich rufous-brown",
+        "forehead: bright rufous color",
+        "eyes: dark with conspicuous white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish or grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with rufous edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight rufous shade",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with prominent white tips",
+        "throat: whitish with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous headed tanager": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: light yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: rufous-colored cap",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown area",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: dark-grey and slender",
+        "wings: rufous and black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown nape area",
+        "tail: medium length, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "rufous headed woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, and black",
+        "belly: white with rufous streaks",
+        "breast: white with rufous spots",
+        "crown: bright rufous-orange",
+        "forehead: pale rufous coloring",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black and white bars",
+        "nape: rufous-orange with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous legged owl": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with dark barring",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, pale grayish-white",
+        "belly: light, stripped with reddish-brown and white",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale white streaks amidst reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: large, expressive, and yellow",
+        "legs: long, feathered, and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, with reddish-brown and dark barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark barring",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with faint reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous lored kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, black and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright orange chest with white markings",
+        "crown: vivid blue and green with rufous highlights",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue-green with a touch of rufous",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with a black stripe running across them",
+        "legs: short, black legs with strong toes and claws",
+        "wings: vibrant blue-green with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown merging into the blue-green of the crown",
+        "tail: long, iridescent blue-green with black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white with a subtle rufous tint"
+    ],
+    "rufous lored tyrannulet": [
+        "back: brownish-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with hint of olive",
+        "breast: olive-yellow, feathers slightly matted",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, distinctive central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale olive with faint yellow markings",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, thin and agile",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: elongated, dusky green with blackish edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, transitioning into breast color"
+    ],
+    "rufous margined antwren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint rufous markings",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut color",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: white with a hint of rust color",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown and well-feathered",
+        "tail: long and rufous with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with rufous chestnut color edge"
+    ],
+    "rufous naped bellbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: light brown, slightly speckled",
+        "crown: rufous or reddish-brown tuft",
+        "forehead: cream to light brown hue",
+        "eyes: deep black with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: mid-length, reddish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: distinctive rufous or reddish-brown patch",
+        "tail: short, brown, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous naped greenlet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: lighter green plumage",
+        "crown: reddish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow tint",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: rufous or reddish-brown patch",
+        "tail: green with darker outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "rufous naped ground tyrant": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and stout",
+        "belly: cream-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with light streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with light streaks",
+        "nape: rufous-colored, distinct from crown",
+        "tail: short and square, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: light grey with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous naped lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: off-white and lightly spotted",
+        "breast: light beige-brown with few streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks and slight crest",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly elongated",
+        "legs: pale yellow, thin and elongated",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white markings",
+        "nape: rufous red/brown, distinctive coloration",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white outer edges",
+        "throat: off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rufous naped tit": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: light orange-brown",
+        "crown: rufous-red with slight crest",
+        "forehead: white with black stripes",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender greyish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: rufous with black stripes",
+        "tail: long with black and white patterns",
+        "throat: white with black border"
+    ],
+    "rufous naped wren": [
+        "back: subdued reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint barring",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark-centered with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale brown, strong and slender",
+        "wings: brown with blackish barring",
+        "nape: rich rufous color with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: creamy-white with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous necked foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale with light streaks",
+        "breast: orange-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: rufous and brownish-olive",
+        "forehead: brownish-olive with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with faint barring",
+        "nape: rufous, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: brownish-olive, long and square-tipped",
+        "throat: pale with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous necked hornbill": [
+        "back: rusty brown with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow upper beak with a reddish base and black lower mandible",
+        "belly: white or pale buff with black streaks",
+        "breast: black with a white or pale buff patch on the upper part",
+        "crown: black with a short crest",
+        "forehead: small feathers leading into the dark crest",
+        "eyes: dark with a vivid blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue legs and feet",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, black with white bars on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant rufous-orange band on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: black with white bars and a broad white tip",
+        "throat: black with a contrasting white or pale buff patch"
+    ],
+    "rufous necked laughingthrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: bright chestnut-colored",
+        "crown: sleek brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: brown and black with white streaks",
+        "nape: rufous red coloration",
+        "tail: long, brown, with black and white markings",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown spots"
+    ],
+    "rufous necked puffbird": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white speckles",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with brown spots",
+        "breast: light brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a black patch",
+        "forehead: light brown and slightly fluffy",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by a black stripe",
+        "legs: strong, gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with a rufous patch"
+    ],
+    "rufous necked snowfinch": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with white wingbars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown band",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white edges",
+        "throat: light grey with slight brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous necked sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with rufous-brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with darker barring",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: long, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, reddish-brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: rufous-colored with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with rufous-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous necked wood rail": [
+        "back: sunset brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and olive-yellow",
+        "belly: creamy white to russet",
+        "breast: pale cinnamon-orange",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: rusty-red",
+        "eyes: bright, pale yellow",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-green",
+        "wings: rufous and olive with white streaks",
+        "nape: rufous-brown",
+        "tail: short, fan-like with black and white bands",
+        "throat: whitish, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "rufous necked wryneck": [
+        "back: brown with dark vertical streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly decurved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: dark with light streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish with dark markings",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff patterned feathers",
+        "nape: rusty-red and streaky",
+        "tail: short, brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "rufous rumped antwren": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black patterns",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black in color",
+        "belly: white with light rufous tones",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than crown, small white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish in color",
+        "wings: brownish-black with rufous-rimmed feathers",
+        "nape: brown transitioning to rufous towards rump",
+        "tail: rufous color, long and narrow with white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous rumped foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale and streaked with brown",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by faint brown rings",
+        "legs: long, thin, pale brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with barring and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: rufous, blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: long, rufous with dark central feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: light brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous rumped lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grey",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: pale buff, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: brown with grey streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pale grey",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brown with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: rufous-rumped with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, mostly clear of markings"
+    ],
+    "rufous rumped seedeater": [
+        "back: brownish with rufous highlights",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish color",
+        "belly: pale, buffy-white underside",
+        "breast: buffy with faint streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: buffy-white, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and relatively inconspicuous",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: brownish with small white wingbars",
+        "nape: chestnut brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: relatively short, rufous-brown",
+        "throat: white with streaks, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous shafted woodstar": [
+        "back: glossy-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, straight black bill",
+        "belly: grayish-white with reddish sides",
+        "breast: iridescent green fading to gray",
+        "crown: shining green head",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: rounded edges, dark with rufous edges",
+        "nape: green feathers with a reddish tint",
+        "tail: forked, rufous-shafted with dark tips",
+        "throat: males brilliant pink-violet; females grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous sided broadbill": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light creamy-yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant blue patch",
+        "crown: black with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black and blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a yellowish ring",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, gray",
+        "wings: red-brown with black and blue tips",
+        "nape: black and blue blend",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "rufous sided crake": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale grey",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: deep rufous with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark spots",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: yellowish-green with long toes",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: pale-streaked brown",
+        "tail: dark brown, short, and thick",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark spotting"
+    ],
+    "rufous sided gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: elongated with white tips",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous sided honeyeater": [
+        "back: brownish-green with distinct streaks",
+        "beak: long and curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown markings",
+        "breast: pale yellow with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and robust, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous sided scrub tyrant": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-red with a pronounced crest",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a faint eyering",
+        "legs: slender and blackish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with hints of black and white",
+        "nape: grayish blend from the crown to back",
+        "tail: long and rufous, with blackish outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous sided warbling finch": [
+        "back: brownish-red upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: creamy-white lower feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown top of head",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown area above the bill",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-red with dark streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown neck feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with dark bars",
+        "throat: buffy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed antbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, black",
+        "belly: greyish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white, with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: pale brown with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, with faint bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous, with dark bars",
+        "throat: white, with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed antthrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale brown and lightly spotted",
+        "breast: faintly streaked with lighter shades of brown",
+        "crown: warm reddish-brown hue",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong with dark greyish hue",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with darker tips",
+        "nape: rich rufous coloration",
+        "tail: reddish-brown and slightly tapered",
+        "throat: off-white with small, dark spots"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed attila": [
+        "back: olive-brown with rufous tones",
+        "beak: thick, slightly hooked, gray-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with olive tinge",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive fading to pale yellow",
+        "crown: olive-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, gray-black",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with darker primaries",
+        "nape: olive brown with rufous highlights",
+        "tail: bright rufous, long and graduated",
+        "throat: pale yellow-olive"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed babbler": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy with dark claws",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with blackish edging",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rufous with a dark terminal band",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed fantail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: small and curved",
+        "belly: pale cream color",
+        "breast: white with rusty shades",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a crest",
+        "forehead: narrow white line",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: light brown and slender",
+        "wings: elongated with reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: rusty reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed flatbill": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: broad and flat, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, slender, and long",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edging on feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed flycatcher": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers",
+        "beak: narrow and straight, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with partial crest",
+        "forehead: pale off-white",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: rust-colored with pale streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with prominent dark bars",
+        "throat: off-white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale brownish-gray",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pale pink",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with wing bars",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: long and rufous, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed hawk": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: hooked and sharp, dark gray color",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with horizontal reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight reddish tinge",
+        "forehead: white with few brown streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark black outline",
+        "legs: strong and yellow, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: rufous with dark bands, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with light reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: shimmering green",
+        "crown: shining green",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: short, thin, gray",
+        "wings: narrow, fast-flapping, greenish-bronze",
+        "nape: vibrant green",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, forked",
+        "throat: white, streaked with green"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed jacamar": [
+        "back: iridescent green",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: rufous-orange",
+        "breast: white and rufous",
+        "crown: shiny green",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: black, beady",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: shimmering green",
+        "nape: glistening green",
+        "tail: reddish-brown",
+        "throat: white, tinged with orange"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thick and conical, cream-colored",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white",
+        "breast: brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale whitish-buff",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and thin, light-brown",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges, white wingbar",
+        "nape: rufous brown with streaks",
+        "tail: rufous with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed palm thrush": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a faint pale ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark brown",
+        "wings: rusty-brown with darker brown markings",
+        "nape: dark brown, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with a slightly darker tip",
+        "throat: pale white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed plantcutter": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with pale rufous streaks",
+        "breast: pale rufous with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-red with faint markings",
+        "forehead: rufous to grayish-red",
+        "eyes: dark, framed by pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: rufous with distinct black markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: bright rufous, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with rufous tinge"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed robin": [
+        "back: rusty-orange coloration with darker streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and dark gray",
+        "belly: whitish with faint gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with thin markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and light brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: pale gray with thin streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-orange with a slight fork",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed rock thrush": [
+        "back: dark grey-blue to black feathers",
+        "beak: black, medium-length and thin",
+        "belly: white to light grey feathers",
+        "breast: orange-crimson feathers fading to the belly",
+        "crown: dark grey to black feathers",
+        "forehead: dark grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey-black",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey to black feathers",
+        "tail: rusty-orange with grey base and black band at the tip",
+        "throat: light grey-blue to white"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed scrub robin": [
+        "back: reddish-brown, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: white with pale orange wash",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: rufous-brown, long with white edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: rufous, edged with black and white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed shama": [
+        "back: rusty reddish-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, black curved",
+        "belly: white with light rufous",
+        "breast: orange-rufous",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: black chinstrap line",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown mixed with black",
+        "nape: dark brown with slight reddish tinge",
+        "tail: long, rufous with white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed stipplethroat": [
+        "back: rich rufous coloring with fine stippling",
+        "beak: compact, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with rufous streaks and spots",
+        "breast: white with dense stippling",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with fine markings",
+        "forehead: boldly patterned with rufous and buff hues",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark, rufous-toned with white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with fine streaking",
+        "tail: long and rufous, with dark barring",
+        "throat: whitish with dense stippled patterns"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: light olive-brown",
+        "breast: whitish and streaked",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with a dark center stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with rufous edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with a rufous tint",
+        "tail: long and rufous-colored",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed tyrant": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: beige with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange and streaked",
+        "crown: rufous with streaks",
+        "forehead: light beige, fading to rufous",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: rufous brown with white to beige wing bars",
+        "nape: rufous brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: rufous with a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale beige and streaked"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed weaver": [
+        "back: brown streaks on a caramel base",
+        "beak: strong, silver-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: white with a dusty rufous tinge and slight streaks",
+        "crown: russet-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: black with small white spots",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, thin, olive-gray",
+        "wings: brown with rufous and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: rufous with black and white tips",
+        "throat: white with narrow brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous tailed xenops": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: pale with brownish spots",
+        "breast: buff-white with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: black with white ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: rufous with stiffened shafts",
+        "throat: pale buff-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous thighed kite": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathering with black streaking",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow, barred with fine rufous lines",
+        "breast: white, streaked with brownish-red",
+        "crown: rufous-orange, with a dark line extending behind the eye",
+        "forehead: whitish, with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow-skinned with black, curved talons",
+        "wings: long and narrow, black with rufous and white patches",
+        "nape: rufous-orange, transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: black with white and rusty-red barring",
+        "throat: white, with a subtle rufous tinge"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated antbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: narrow, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: tan with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: short, reddish-brown with rufous-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: rufous, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright rufous patch, distinct from the surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated bronze cuckoo": [
+        "back: copper-bronze plumage",
+        "beak: slender, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: copper-bronze hue",
+        "crown: metallic golden brown",
+        "forehead: paler bronze tone",
+        "eyes: dark, beady",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, with white tips",
+        "nape: metallic golden brown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, dark-barred",
+        "throat: rufous-toned, distinctive"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated dipper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: white feathered region",
+        "breast: rufous-tinged plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathered head",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: strong, dark, and short",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathered area",
+        "tail: short, dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant rufous patch"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated flycatcher": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy, black",
+        "belly: white or light grey",
+        "breast: reddish-brown patch",
+        "crown: dark grey or black",
+        "forehead: lighter grey strip",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: short, rounded, brownish",
+        "nape: grey or black feathers",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: reddish or rusty color"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated fulvetta": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: light grey with slight rufous tinge",
+        "breast: greyish-white with rufous undertones",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight rufous hue",
+        "forehead: dark grey with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: pale pink and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with subtle rufous markings",
+        "nape: dark grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, brownish-grey with rufous edges",
+        "throat: bold rufous patch"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated honeyeater": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown head",
+        "forehead: light brown with white markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, and sparkling",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: rusty red coloring",
+        "tail: long, brown, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vibrant rufous patch"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated partridge": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish",
+        "belly: buff, white and black barred",
+        "breast: rich chestnut with black barring",
+        "crown: rufous with black border",
+        "forehead: white and black striped",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by bold white band",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark chestnut, black and buff barred",
+        "nape: rufous-color, bordered by black band",
+        "tail: long, chestnut with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white with prominent black stripes"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated sapphire": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green",
+        "beak: slim, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light greenish-grey",
+        "breast: shimmering turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: brilliant metallic blue",
+        "forehead: gleaming emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: slender, black and scaled",
+        "wings: rounded and dark green",
+        "nape: radiant deep blue",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, and iridescent",
+        "throat: distinctive rufous-orange color"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated solitaire": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: white with pale rufous hue",
+        "breast: lighter olive-brown transitioning to white",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: pale rufous stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into back color",
+        "tail: long and pointed, olive-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pronounced rufous tint"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered coverage",
+        "beak: short, thick, cone-shaped and black",
+        "belly: light yellow with slight streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red coloration",
+        "crown: deep olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright olive-green hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey, sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish tinge with dark accents",
+        "nape: vibrant olive tone",
+        "tail: olive-green, elongated feathers",
+        "throat: striking rufous coloration"
+    ],
+    "rufous throated wren babbler": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with brown spots",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown",
+        "tail: long and slightly graduated, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: white with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented chachalaca": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, grayish",
+        "belly: rufous-toned feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: narrow pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, well-defined",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, olive-brown primary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, rufous-vented, slightly graduated",
+        "throat: light gray with darker markings"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented grass babbler": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy-white with rufous vent",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-grey with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, pointed, and reddish-brown",
+        "throat: buffy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented ground cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, black color",
+        "belly: rufous with black and white streaks",
+        "breast: lightly barred with brown and white",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, blue-gray color",
+        "wings: large with dark brown and rufous feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with slight white streaking",
+        "tail: long and graduated, rufous and black barred",
+        "throat: pale with brown and white streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented laughingthrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale rusty-orange with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-black",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long with reddish-brown and dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented niltava": [
+        "back: rich blue with rufous feather tips",
+        "beak: dark, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: vibrant rufous-orange",
+        "breast: rich blue, transitioning to rufous",
+        "crown: deep blue with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: vivid blue, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: striking blue with rufous edges",
+        "nape: deep blue with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue with rufous vent and outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue, similar to forehead"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers with short, darker stripes",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with touches of rufous",
+        "breast: rusty-brown with a white streak down the middle",
+        "crown: glossy black with elongated tail feathers",
+        "forehead: black with slight iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: black and relatively short",
+        "wings: rich chestnut with contrasting white bands",
+        "nape: glossy black, blending seamlessly into the crown",
+        "tail: long and ribbon-like, with rufous and white streamers",
+        "throat: white, transitioning into the rusty breast color"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented tapaculo": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: rufous-orange coloration",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: strong, short, and dark grey",
+        "wings: short and rounded, with brownish-grey feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: short and rufous-colored",
+        "throat: whitish-grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented tit": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: off-white with reddish patches",
+        "breast: slight reddish-brown hue",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown feathers with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, rusty-red with black bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented whitetip": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: white with slight rufous streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: long, skinny pale legs",
+        "wings: brown and white with rufous tips",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, white-tipped with rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "rufous vented yuhina": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with pale rufous flanks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: velvety brown with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown and slightly flat",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish with robust claws",
+        "wings: brownish with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "rufous webbed brilliant": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, elongated, blackish",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green with golden highlights",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by orange feathers",
+        "legs: thin, gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: rufous with webbed feather tips",
+        "nape: golden-green transitioning to reddish-brown",
+        "tail: elongated, rufous with white outer margins",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red with iridescence"
+    ],
+    "rufous webbed bush tyrant": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with mottled pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm brownish-gray",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: medium brown with subtle streaking",
+        "eyes: large and black, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: brown with rusty-red edges and light bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with slight streaking",
+        "tail: short and square-tipped, rusty-red with blackish bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged antshrike": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish sides",
+        "crown: black with reddish-brown tinge",
+        "forehead: black with partial reddish-brown tinge",
+        "eyes: dark with a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: rufous-colored with dark barring",
+        "nape: dark with reddish-brown tinge",
+        "tail: long, rufous with dark barring",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish with rufous streaks",
+        "beak: black, hook-shaped for tearing prey",
+        "belly: white with brown barring",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a rufous tinge",
+        "forehead: whitish, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a black outline",
+        "legs: yellow, strong and featherless",
+        "wings: rufous in color with dark brown bars",
+        "nape: brown with rufous shades",
+        "tail: dark brown with rufous bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged cisticola": [
+        "back: reddish-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with hints of rufous",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: rufous with black markings",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-black",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with clear white tips",
+        "nape: rufous, streaked with black",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, elongated, and forked",
+        "throat: buff white, unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged fulvetta": [
+        "back: dark olive-green",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: dusky gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded",
+        "legs: stout and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white tips",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark brown with thin white edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged ground cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved, dark grayish-brown",
+        "belly: buffy-white with brown horizontal barring",
+        "breast: dark brown with lighter brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous tinged feathers",
+        "forehead: rufous-orange with a subtle crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale buff eyering",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray with long toes and sharp claws",
+        "wings: rufous-orange with distinct white banding and barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long, graduated, dark brown with alternating white and rufous bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged illadopsis": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown colored feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pale grayish",
+        "belly: creamy white, slightly buff undertones",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown, blending with back",
+        "forehead: smooth, chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly beady, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale gray, slender yet strong",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with distinct tawny wing panel",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, matching crown and back",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, slightly squared-off shape",
+        "throat: buffy-white, hint of streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged philentoma": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and straight black beak",
+        "belly: white, fading to pale yellow",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous, with brownish streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly grayish rufous",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled with white",
+        "legs: long, skinny grey legs",
+        "wings: rufous with dark brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and straight brownish tail",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: off-white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with gray markings",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rufous with white and black markings",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, dusky, and edged with rufous",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged sunbird": [
+        "back: rusty-orange feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slim, and curved for nectar extraction",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage with thin, dark streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, blending into belly",
+        "crown: shiny, iridescent green feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent green feathers transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and adaptable for perching",
+        "wings: rufous with greenish edging and flashes of iridescent blue",
+        "nape: green iridescent feathers continuing from crown",
+        "tail: elongated, rufous central feathers with green edges",
+        "throat: iridescent green, contrasting with yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged tanager": [
+        "back: olive-green with hints of rufous",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with hints of green",
+        "crown: olive-green, contrasts with forehead",
+        "forehead: striking orange-red coloration",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rufous color with black edging",
+        "nape: olive-green, blends with back",
+        "tail: rufous with black tips, forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, seamless with the breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with rufous streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: olive-gray hue",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with rufous highlights",
+        "forehead: subtle rufous-olive tint",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: rufous-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with touches of rufous",
+        "tail: short, dark, and rufous-tipped",
+        "throat: whitish under a grayish wash"
+    ],
+    "rufous winged woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark brown with rufous streaks",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with black patterning",
+        "forehead: tan with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark and medium-sized, surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous patches and white spots",
+        "nape: black with white barring",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light brown with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "running coua": [
+        "back: bright blue upper body feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light blue-gray feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "crown: royal blue crest on the head",
+        "forehead: blue feathers with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes",
+        "legs: strong gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright blue feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: smooth blue feathers curve down from the crest",
+        "tail: long, wide blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant blue feathers with a lighter-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "r\u00fcppell bustard": [
+        "back: light brownish-gray with black speckles",
+        "beak: sturdy, short, and sharp; light gray color",
+        "belly: creamy white with black bands",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with black speckles",
+        "crown: pale grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: rounded and black, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, and cream-colored",
+        "wings: elongated with black, gray, and white patterns",
+        "nape: pale gray-tan with scattered black streaks",
+        "tail: black and white bands with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: cream-colored with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "r\u00fcppell chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey-white with light markings",
+        "breast: grey-brown with some barring",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and blackish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a black tip",
+        "throat: pale grey-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "r\u00fcppell griffon": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage mixed with brown",
+        "crown: whitish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: well-defined white patch",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: powerful, whitish legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, long wingspan with dark-brown feathers",
+        "nape: lightly feathered with pale brown",
+        "tail: dark-brown, short tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "r\u00fcppell parrot": [
+        "back: green with hints of blue",
+        "beak: dark gray to black, strong and hooked",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with blue-green hues",
+        "breast: vibrant green, slightly paler than the back",
+        "crown: deep blue with a green tinge",
+        "forehead: deep blue, bordering on turquoise",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong and scaly",
+        "wings: green with blue wingtips and yellow speckles",
+        "nape: green blending into the blue crown",
+        "tail: green and blue-green, long and tapering",
+        "throat: pale green, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "r\u00fcppell robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: slender, short, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers with gray-brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm orange to chestnut hue",
+        "crown: olive-brown with gray edges",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown feathers with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark with pale eyebrows",
+        "legs: long and thin with a grayish hue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with bold white patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "r\u00fcppell starling": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: dull white or grayish underparts",
+        "breast: dark bluish-green, glossy plumage",
+        "crown: shiny deep blue or greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: slightly glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale blue eye ring",
+        "legs: relatively long, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: long with blue-green sheen",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers with metallic shine",
+        "tail: blackish-blue with greenish shimmer",
+        "throat: deep blue or greenish-blue, glossy feathers"
+    ],
+    "r\u00fcppell warbler": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with lighter whitish underparts",
+        "breast: pale gray, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with a well-defined crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray compared to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale gray eyering",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with faint white marks on secondaries",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with a white outer tail feather",
+        "throat: pale gray with a contrasting dark malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "r\u00fcppell weaver": [
+        "back: striking yellow-green, streaked with black",
+        "beak: conical and sturdy, silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, black forehead band",
+        "forehead: yellow-green, black band",
+        "eyes: dark brown, outlined in white",
+        "legs: grayish-black, strong",
+        "wings: yellow-edged flight feathers, black and green pattern",
+        "nape: yellow-green, streaked with black",
+        "tail: long and black, white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, edged with black"
+    ],
+    "russet antshrike": [
+        "back: rusty-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: strong, hook-tipped bill",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white, blending with belly",
+        "crown: rusty-orange, sleek feathering",
+        "forehead: smooth, rusty-orange plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: brownish, with prominent white bars",
+        "nape: slightly paler rusty-brown than the back",
+        "tail: long, brown, with a slight reddish tinge",
+        "throat: grayish-white, transitioning into breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "russet bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: beige with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint stripe",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and greyish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and brown with faint diagonal markings",
+        "throat: pale creamy-yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "russet nightingale thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper body",
+        "beak: thin, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with russet spots",
+        "breast: creamy white with brownish spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown head",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: beady dark surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long brownish feathered with light bars",
+        "nape: russet-brown",
+        "tail: square tipped, olive-brown",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "russet sparrow": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short conical with a pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale, creamy white with brown flanks",
+        "breast: white with chestnut streaks",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown with pale fringe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown fading to grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with hints of chestnut and white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips and outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "russet backed oropendola": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown color",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter chestnut shade with black streaks",
+        "breast: deep chestnut with contrasting black streaks",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of green",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: grayish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep brown with hints of metallic green",
+        "nape: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and dark brown",
+        "throat: striking black with greenish sheen"
+    ],
+    "russet bellied spinetail": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: warm russet tone",
+        "breast: light rusty-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: darker reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and graduated",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "russet capped tesia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with yellow tint",
+        "breast: white with soft yellow streaks",
+        "crown: rich russet-brown crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: delicate and light grey",
+        "wings: green with thin white bars",
+        "nape: russet-brown fading to green",
+        "tail: short, green and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "russet crowned crake": [
+        "back: varying shades of brown to blend with environment",
+        "beak: short and slender, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale beige and understated markings",
+        "breast: creamy buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: russet colored, distinctive feature",
+        "forehead: light brown and slightly sloping",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, alert expression",
+        "legs: long and slim, pale yellowish",
+        "wings: brown with light mottling, rounded shape",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter in color, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "russet crowned motmot": [
+        "back: rich, deep green hue",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale green with rufous undertones",
+        "breast: bright turquoise with a black central stripe",
+        "crown: warm russet with a pronounced crest",
+        "forehead: light green blending into the russet crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and grayish in color",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with elongated tips",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with hints of russet",
+        "tail: long and broad with a unique \"racquet\" shape at the tip",
+        "throat: earthy green with a central black stripe"
+    ],
+    "russet crowned quail dove": [
+        "back: deep russet-brown, gently blending with the wings",
+        "beak: short, stout, light-grayish hue",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of russet undertones",
+        "breast: soft gray with warm russet hints",
+        "crown: rich russet-hued crest",
+        "forehead: subtle russet-orange transition into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, circled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink tone",
+        "wings: soft russet and brown feathers with slight gradient",
+        "nape: smooth russet-brown transition from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, tonal brown and russet feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with a slight flush of russet"
+    ],
+    "russet crowned warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale brown",
+        "belly: creamy yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellow-tinged with brown streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant russet with a central crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown, gradually darkening",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering, slightly tilted",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "russet mantled foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: russet-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown markings",
+        "breast: softly barred with russet and white",
+        "crown: russet colored with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale russet-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-russet with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: russet-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with lightly barred feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with russet streaking"
+    ],
+    "russet mantled softtail": [
+        "back: rich brown plumage",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light russet with faint streaks",
+        "breast: warm russet color",
+        "crown: deep russet with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: light russet blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edging on feathers",
+        "nape: russet color, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated with rufous-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter russet with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "russet naped wood rail": [
+        "back: rich brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, greyish-colored",
+        "belly: pale brown with soft, dark markings",
+        "breast: orange-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a subtle reddish tint",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black, set in a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish-green color",
+        "wings: brown with black barring and white streaks",
+        "nape: russet-red, giving the bird its name",
+        "tail: dark brown, moderately long and slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "russet tailed thrush": [
+        "back: rich brown with minimal markings",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and yellowish",
+        "belly: cream with light russet spotting",
+        "breast: creamy white with russet-brown streaks",
+        "crown: warm russet-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth russet-brown with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: warm russet-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: russet with darker bars and a squared tip",
+        "throat: creamy white with light russet markings"
+    ],
+    "russet throated puffbird": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: white with broad black streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-chestnut with black speckles",
+        "forehead: rufous-chestnut with fine black lines",
+        "eyes: large, black, and encircled with white",
+        "legs: strong, slate-gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rufous-chestnut with black spots and white tips",
+        "nape: rufous-chestnut with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale russet color with slight black streaking"
+    ],
+    "russet winged schiffornis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: medium-sized, slightly curved, grayish-black color",
+        "belly: cream-colored with reddish-brown undertones",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown with fine reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown feathers with slight reddish hue",
+        "forehead: smooth, brown feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined, surrounded by lighter feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black color with sharp claws",
+        "wings: warm russet color with black and brown patterns on coverts",
+        "nape: brownish-olive feathers extending from crown to back",
+        "tail: fairly long, dark brown with a reddish-brown tint and white tips",
+        "throat: light cream color with faint reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "russet winged spadebill": [
+        "back: olive-green with russet markings",
+        "beak: short, black hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white",
+        "breast: faded russet-orange",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with russet tinge",
+        "forehead: olive-gray with no distinct markings",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with russet wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive blending into back",
+        "tail: russet-edged with olive-green central feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with a hint of russet"
+    ],
+    "rust and yellow tanager": [
+        "back: rusty orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich yellow feathers",
+        "crown: rusty orange crest",
+        "forehead: rusty orange patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black",
+        "wings: rusty orange with black markings",
+        "nape: rusty orange hue",
+        "tail: long, black with orange tips",
+        "throat: bold yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "rustic bunting": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: cream or off-white",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark striations",
+        "forehead: mix of reddish-brown and black",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown and black with white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "rusty flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: rusty brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: yellowish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with rusty edges",
+        "forehead: rusty brown, slightly paler",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous wing-bars",
+        "nape: rusty brown, lighter than crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with rusty edges",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty laughingthrush": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers covering the upper part of the body",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, with dark coloration",
+        "belly: pale cream with light rusty streaks",
+        "breast: deep rusty-orange with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rich red-brown with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rusty-brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong, and sturdy",
+        "wings: rusty-brown with darker feather tips and edges",
+        "nape: rusty-red feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with rusty edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark streaks along the sides"
+    ],
+    "rusty mouse warbler": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light buff-white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff-white with rusty streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-orange hues",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: rusty brown with light feather edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, rusty brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty pitohui": [
+        "back: rusty orange and black barring",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black in color",
+        "belly: orange-yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: bright orange with black spots",
+        "crown: black with a slight orange tinge",
+        "forehead: deep rusty orange",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by orange feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray, long and slender",
+        "wings: black with orange-yellow accents and banding",
+        "nape: rusty orange with black barring",
+        "tail: long and black, with orange-yellow banding",
+        "throat: bright orange with black spots"
+    ],
+    "rusty sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-white",
+        "breast: light rusty-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black and shiny",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker wingtips and white patch",
+        "nape: light rusty-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty tinamou": [
+        "back: dark brown with reddish tint",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale brown with blackish bars",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with a reddish-brown hue",
+        "forehead: lighter grey-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and rounded",
+        "legs: strong and slender, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark stripes and spots",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with hazy reddish hues",
+        "tail: short and blackish-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "rusty whistler": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with rusty brown spots",
+        "breast: pale orange with brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey legs with three toes",
+        "wings: rusty brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow with rusty brown feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white, bordered with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty backed antwren": [
+        "back: rusty reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, and sharp for insects",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray coloration",
+        "eyes: round, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and long",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks or spots",
+        "nape: rusty-colored with darker spots",
+        "tail: long and slender, rusty brown with black band",
+        "throat: white or pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "rusty backed monjita": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: white with rusty-brown edges",
+        "crown: rusty brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting with the brown crown",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: pale, medium-length, and slender",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: rusty brown, consistent with back color",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with a slight gradient to darker tips",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "rusty backed spinetail": [
+        "back: rusty brown coloration with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with thin black stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown with faint patterned markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine black lines",
+        "tail: elongated, rusty brown with black barring",
+        "throat: soft white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty backed thrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark greyish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale rusty-brown spots",
+        "breast: off-white with dark brown speckles",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with faint darker markings",
+        "forehead: pale, slightly contrasting with crown",
+        "eyes: small, bright, black, surrounded by inconspicuous eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey, adapted for ground foraging",
+        "wings: brown with faint reddish tinge, medium length",
+        "nape: similar to crown, rusty-brown with faint markings",
+        "tail: elongated rusty-brown with slightly darker tips",
+        "throat: off-white, transitioning smoothly to breast markings"
+    ],
+    "rusty barred owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: light grey-brown with dark vertical streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with dense white speckles",
+        "forehead: light, white-buff with small dark spots",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, encircled by dark facial disc",
+        "legs: feathered, cream-colored with dark streaks",
+        "wings: broad, brownish-grey with dark bars and white spots",
+        "nape: grey-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with darker bands",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty bellied brushfinch": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with gray undertones",
+        "breast: pale gray with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: mostly unmarked, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: black, small, centered in white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, dark brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with paler feather edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, smooth transitions to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, forked",
+        "throat: pale gray shading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "rusty bellied shortwing": [
+        "back: rusty brown with faint barring",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: deep rusty orange hue",
+        "breast: rusty brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly mottled",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: thin and strong, pale gray",
+        "wings: medium length, barred rusty brown",
+        "nape: rich brown, faintly marked",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with light barring",
+        "throat: pale brown transitioning into breast"
+    ],
+    "rusty belted tapaculo": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with fine, dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: rufous-brown with paler ventral area",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, merging with flank's barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with brownish edges",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and pale pinkish gray",
+        "wings: short and rounded, with dark gray to brownish feathers",
+        "nape: brownish with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark, with rusty tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with white mottling"
+    ],
+    "rusty breasted antpitta": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: rust-colored with black streaks",
+        "breast: rusty-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light grey with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and thin with greyish-pink hue",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and brownish-grey",
+        "throat: off-white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty breasted nunlet": [
+        "back: rusty brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "breast: rusty brown with a whitish center",
+        "crown: brownish-gray head cap",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish gray with rufous edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: light gray-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long, dark brown with reddish-brown edges",
+        "throat: white with a hint of grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty breasted wheatear": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light cream with soft rust-colored markings",
+        "breast: distinct rusty-orange hue fading into the belly",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-brown transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint bars and white edging",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, blending with the color of the crown",
+        "tail: dark grey with prominent white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, contrasting with the rusty breast"
+    ],
+    "rusty breasted whistler": [
+        "back: rusty brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale gray",
+        "belly: soft buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: rich rusty-orange with faint markings",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, with an off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty breasted wren babbler": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale rusty-orange hue",
+        "breast: rusty-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown and subtly patterned",
+        "forehead: pale, faint streaks on brownish base",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, light brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, patterned with darker barring",
+        "nape: brownish, distinctively marked",
+        "tail: medium length, rusty tone with darker bands",
+        "throat: pale brown with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty browed warbling finch": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale cream with light streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale rusty-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale pink",
+        "wings: dark gray with bold white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with contrasting white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty capped fulvetta": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-orange cap",
+        "forehead: rusty-orange patch",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and slim",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with pale fringes",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "rusty cheeked hornbill": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow-orange with a black base",
+        "belly: pale cream or white with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: pale cream or white with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: black, covered by a unique casque (projection) on top of the beak",
+        "forehead: black, featuring a slight curve before beginning the casque",
+        "eyes: pale blue or grayish-white with a black pupil",
+        "legs: short, dark gray or black with strong, curved talons",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white-tipped primary flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray or black transitioning to lighter shades on the throat",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray or white, contrasting the black nape"
+    ],
+    "rusty cheeked scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, and silver-tipped",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale russet-orange color",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: rich rusty-red patch",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: short, rounded with olive-brown feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: light grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "rusty collared seedeater": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown",
+        "crown: rusty brown color",
+        "forehead: lighter brown shade",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: rusty brown color",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "rusty crowned babbler": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale, off-white, and streaked",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-orange, prominent crest",
+        "forehead: rusty-orange, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: darker brown, with some gray and white feathers",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white, streaked, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "rusty crowned ground sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and conical",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red with a distinct pattern",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: slightly rounded with dark bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light grey, becoming paler towards the belly"
+    ],
+    "rusty crowned tit spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaking",
+        "crown: rusty-red plumage",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: gray with reddish-brown highlights",
+        "tail: long, narrow, gray-brown with fine barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty faced parrot": [
+        "back: green feathers with a rusty hue",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft green with a hint of rust-colored feathers",
+        "breast: bright green mixed with rusty red feathers",
+        "crown: green feathers with a rusty tinge near the forehead",
+        "forehead: rich rusty red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a black pupil, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: gray and scaly with sharp talons",
+        "wings: vibrant green with blue-tinted tips",
+        "nape: green feathers with a touch of rust color",
+        "tail: long and green with blue-tinted edges",
+        "throat: light green with a hint of rust-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "rusty flanked crake": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: white with blackish spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with paler streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker stripes",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark stripes",
+        "tail: short and reddish-brown",
+        "throat: white with faint gray markings"
+    ],
+    "rusty flanked jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and slender, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter margins",
+        "forehead: light brown, slightly streaky",
+        "eyes: dark, with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with light brown edgings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaky",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tip",
+        "throat: pale with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty flanked treecreeper": [
+        "back: streaked brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, curved, pointed",
+        "belly: light cream-colored",
+        "breast: faintly streaked cream",
+        "crown: russet-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: pale, thin, nimble",
+        "wings: brown with light white markings",
+        "nape: russet-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, stiff, brownish with white spots",
+        "throat: creamy white, streaked"
+    ],
+    "rusty fronted barwing": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish legs",
+        "wings: long, greyish-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: whitish streaks on a brown background",
+        "tail: long, greyish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: chestnut-colored with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty fronted canastero": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff or whitish hue",
+        "breast: tawny-brown or rusty with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, slightly notched, with reddish-brown and dark bars",
+        "throat: buffy-white or pale with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty fronted tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow with a rusty hue",
+        "breast: soft yellow with a tinge of rust",
+        "crown: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "forehead: light yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, similar to back",
+        "tail: short, black with white edges",
+        "throat: soft yellow blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "rusty headed spinetail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks of gray",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: pale, creamy white",
+        "crown: rusty-orange with short crest",
+        "forehead: pale rusty-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: pale brown, slim and long",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "nape: warm brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with dark-brown bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown spots"
+    ],
+    "rusty margined flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with rufous edges",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium-short, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with rusty margins",
+        "tail: olive-brown with rufous outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty margined guan": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: light gray with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with light barring",
+        "crown: black with brown highlights",
+        "forehead: white-bordered black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by bare, red skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with yellow feet",
+        "wings: rufous feathers with dark bars",
+        "nape: white-bordered black stripe connecting to forehead",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-brown, lightly speckled"
+    ],
+    "rusty naped pitta": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers with subtle blue sheen",
+        "beak: slightly curved and short, black or grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-buff or dull white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: blue-gray with lighter central band",
+        "crown: rusty-red color with bluish streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green or yellowish-gray",
+        "eyes: relatively large, dark brown or black with white rings",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, flesh-colored or pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black and white accents on flight feathers",
+        "nape: rusty-red or orange-brown",
+        "tail: long and blue-green, tipped with white and black bands",
+        "throat: pale gray or white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty necked piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a speckled pattern",
+        "forehead: pale, streaked, with a patch of red in males",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of yellow, short and pointed",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-green, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale and streaked, blending into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "rusty tailed flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with light rusty wash",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with indistinct pale lines",
+        "forehead: light gray with faint markings",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rusty-orange with dark edges",
+        "throat: whitish with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty throated parrotbill": [
+        "back: rusty-colored upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with raised crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rusty-brown with blackish tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, and reddish-brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty tinged antpitta": [
+        "back: rusty brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale ochre with light streaks",
+        "breast: soft reddish-brown with darker barring",
+        "crown: rich rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, situated on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rusty brown with dark feather tips",
+        "nape: rufous-brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short and rufous-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale ochre with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rusty winged antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray to white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: thin, grayish",
+        "wings: rusty-orange with black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a hint of red",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: white to pale gray"
+    ],
+    "rusty winged barbtail": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved for picking insects",
+        "belly: pale with a hint of cinnamon or buff color",
+        "breast: light buff or grayish-brown with vague streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler and less reddish than the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-brown for tree perching",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with subtle, darker wingbars",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, square-shaped, and reddish-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale with a hint of cinnamon or buff color, similar to the belly"
+    ],
+    "rusty winged starling": [
+        "back: rusty-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp black beak for insects",
+        "belly: lighter rusty-brown, fading to whitish",
+        "breast: pale rusty-brown, streaked with darker shades",
+        "crown: finely streaked, cinnamon-brown hue",
+        "forehead: pale, smooth rusty-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown, built for perching",
+        "wings: dark brown, tinged with rust color, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: continuing rusty-brown, streaked pattern from crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark brown with rusty edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: soft white blending into rusty-brown breast"
+    ],
+    "ruvu weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green to yellowish-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, black in color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "crown: golden-yellow with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, surrounded by faint, pale ring",
+        "legs: blackish-brown, strong, and adapted for perching",
+        "wings: black, with yellowish-green to olive edges on feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: black with olive-green to yellowish outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, distinct from breast color"
+    ],
+    "rwenzori apalis": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, narrow, and black",
+        "belly: pale white feathers with light grey markings",
+        "breast: white with subtle grey streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue-grey plumage",
+        "forehead: blue-grey feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and slate-grey",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black striping and white edging",
+        "nape: blue-grey plumage with stripes",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey, and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with light grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "rwenzori batis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: short, sturdy black beak",
+        "belly: white with grayish-yellow tinge",
+        "breast: gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with a bold white stripe",
+        "forehead: black feathers above beak",
+        "eyes: small dark eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender grayish-yellow legs",
+        "wings: rounded with barred white and black pattern",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white feathered, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "rwenzori hill babbler": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: pale cream color",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown plumes",
+        "forehead: subtle grayish hue",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: medium length, brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brownish-black",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rwenzori turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent blue hues",
+        "beak: reddish-orange, stout and curved",
+        "belly: rich emerald green feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent blue blending into green",
+        "crown: green head crest with purple tips",
+        "forehead: deep green with touches of blue",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark in color",
+        "wings: iridescent blue and green with red flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green blending into the back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark green with blue sheen",
+        "throat: deep green with iridescent blue highlights"
+    ],
+    "ryukyu flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved structure for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale, off-white feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "breast: light orange or peach-colored plumage that may vary in intensity",
+        "crown: a patch of blue-gray feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: the area above the beak; olive-green in color, like the back",
+        "eyes: small and round, with a black, bead-like appearance",
+        "legs: slender and gray, with sharp claws for perching on branches",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with olive-green, black, and blue-gray feathers",
+        "nape: the back of the neck; olive-green feathers similar to the back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with a mix of olive-green and blue-gray feathers",
+        "throat: off-white plumage that extends from the lower beak down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "ryukyu minivet": [
+        "back: bright olive-green",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: black with a scarlet patch",
+        "forehead: black extending to eye line",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: striking black and white pattern",
+        "nape: black",
+        "tail: long black with white edges",
+        "throat: yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "ryukyu robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, narrow, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: reddish-orange fading to white",
+        "crown: slate-gray with slight bluish tint",
+        "forehead: dark blue-gray with line of white",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: slate-gray with a bluish tint",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish-blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "ryukyu scops owl": [
+        "back: distinct brown and white feather patterns",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and light grey",
+        "belly: light brown with white streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with streaks and spots",
+        "crown: rufous or grey-brown with distinctive markings",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with a whitish border",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, and surrounded by small feathers",
+        "legs: feathered, short, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white spots and bands",
+        "nape: light grey with narrow brown streaks",
+        "tail: brown with light horizontal bands",
+        "throat: white with brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "sabah partridge": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut colored",
+        "crown: rich chestnut with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: white eyebrow-like stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with chestnut patches",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, dark brown",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sabine gull": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy black beak with red tip",
+        "belly: pure white feathers with a smooth appearance",
+        "breast: white and grey slightly marbled feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest toward the nape",
+        "forehead: light grey feathers transitioning to the dark crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, slender, orange legs and black webbed feet",
+        "wings: pale grey with black and white wingtips outlined by white edges",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: white feathers with a distinct black band",
+        "throat: white feathers extending onto the lower neck"
+    ],
+    "sabine puffback": [
+        "back: olive-green upper region",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with faint gray markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white, sometimes with a faint pinkish hue",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight greenish tint",
+        "forehead: dark gray, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, medium-length with rounded edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "sabine spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with paler streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: light buff-color with brownish undertones",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks of white",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with paler streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender with dark grayish-black claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white and black bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown with white outer feathers and tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint brownish markings"
+    ],
+    "sabota lark": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brownish with dark streaks, slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown fading to buff",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, encircled by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers, white edges",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark brown, outer feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sacred kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black",
+        "belly: cream-white gradient",
+        "breast: pale yellow-orange plumage",
+        "crown: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "forehead: striking blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: vivid blue-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue-green hue",
+        "tail: iridescent blue-green, long",
+        "throat: creamy white with a slight yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "sad flycatcher": [
+        "back: dull grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, downturned",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: faded grey plumage",
+        "crown: flattened, dark grey",
+        "forehead: narrow, furrowed",
+        "eyes: glassy, sunken",
+        "legs: thin, weak-looking",
+        "wings: drooping, frayed edges",
+        "nape: ruffled, unkempt feathers",
+        "tail: short, bedraggled",
+        "throat: pale, exposed"
+    ],
+    "saddle billed stork": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, thick red and yellow bill",
+        "belly: pure white plumage",
+        "breast: mostly white feathers",
+        "crown: small black crest",
+        "forehead: thin strip of black feathers",
+        "eyes: striking yellow-orange color",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: large, with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black feathered transition from head to back",
+        "tail: elongated white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with a hint of reddish undertone"
+    ],
+    "saffron finch": [
+        "back: bright yellow with streaks",
+        "beak: conical and sharp, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow shades",
+        "crown: beautiful yellowish-orange tone",
+        "forehead: warm, bright yellow-plumed",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and slender with grayish-blue hue",
+        "wings: rich yellow with fine black markings",
+        "nape: orange-yellowish tone with sleek feathers",
+        "tail: long and dark with black and yellow streaks",
+        "throat: bright yellow with soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "saffron siskin": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathered surface",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped with grey-black color",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow feather hue",
+        "breast: yellowish green plumage with streaks",
+        "crown: yellow-golden feathers with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow capped brilliance",
+        "eyes: small, round-shaped with black pupil",
+        "legs: slender grey-black legs with clawed feet",
+        "wings: vibrant green with yellow-hued edges",
+        "nape: yellow-green feathered transition between head and back",
+        "tail: long and slender with green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: delicate yellow feathers fading to the belly"
+    ],
+    "saffron toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: pale yellow with green hues",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich green feathers",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green fade",
+        "eyes: circular with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, grey-blue",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: lush green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with green tinges"
+    ],
+    "saffron billed sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: saffron-yellow and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-white with a hint of orange",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale flesh-colored with strong claws",
+        "wings: light brown with darker brown markings",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown with delicate white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "saffron cowled blackbird": [
+        "back: dark black with greenish iridescence",
+        "beak: sharp, orange-yellow with dark tip",
+        "belly: bold saffron-yellow",
+        "breast: deep black with vibrant yellow band",
+        "crown: glossy black with a hint of green shine",
+        "forehead: shimmering black with greenish glow",
+        "eyes: striking deep brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: jet black with a small saffron patch",
+        "nape: glossy black with subtle green hints",
+        "tail: long and black with yellow borders",
+        "throat: rich black with a saffron-yellow stripe"
+    ],
+    "saffron crested tyrant manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: bright yellow and fluffy",
+        "breast: deep golden yellow feathers",
+        "crown: intense saffron crest",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers fading to green",
+        "eyes: black, expressive, round",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: striking green with yellow accents",
+        "nape: green feathers with yellow highlights",
+        "tail: long, tapered, green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: golden yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "saffron crowned tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly:\u00a0bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: deep orange hue",
+        "crown:\u00a0saffron yellow head crest",
+        "forehead:\u00a0saffron yellow feathers",
+        "eyes:\u00a0dark, round with thin white ring",
+        "legs:\u00a0slender gray legs",
+        "wings:\u00a0green with black accents",
+        "nape:\u00a0greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail:\u00a0long, green, slightly forked",
+        "throat:\u00a0bright orange-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "saffron headed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: soft, yellow-feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: brilliant saffron-orange plumage on upper chest",
+        "crown: bright saffron-colored crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: yellow-to-orange gradient above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent eyes with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-scaled legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, green wings with blue and yellow accents",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning into saffron at the neck",
+        "tail: long, green tail feathers with blue and yellow tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers blending into the chest area"
+    ],
+    "sagebrush sparrow": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a darker central stripe",
+        "forehead: gray",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with contrasting white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a faint, incomplete collar",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "sahel bush sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical shape, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white color",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with black streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: pale pink or grey, strong and slender",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: light chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown and forked",
+        "throat: creamy-white, bordered by dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sahel paradise whydah": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: golden-yellow coloration",
+        "breast: striking golden-yellow hue",
+        "crown: black with subtle iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and black",
+        "legs: sturdy black appendages",
+        "wings: elongated, black with white tips on secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black, connecting to a long, luxurious tail",
+        "tail: thin, elongated, and black with white tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "saipan reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: light yellow with subtle markings",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter buff wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown, with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sakalava rail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark color",
+        "belly: pale with light brown markings",
+        "breast: greyish-white with sparse streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light grey with minimal markings",
+        "eyes: dark, small and rounded",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, dark brown",
+        "throat: greyish-white with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "sakalava weaver": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: curved and pointed, beige",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: yellowish-orange head crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-black feathers with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow color"
+    ],
+    "saker falcon": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: lighter, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale, spotted with dark brown markings",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light, creamy hue with dark speckling",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, with a yellow orbital ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, powerful, sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, darker on top with lighter underwing coverts",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with streaks of lighter feathers",
+        "tail: greyish-brown, well-barred, with a white tip",
+        "throat: white with dark mottling"
+    ],
+    "sakhalin grasshopper warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, dark brownish-gray",
+        "belly: off-white with brown wash",
+        "breast: pale buff with some streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with central dark stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with dark claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, rounded with dark barring",
+        "throat: off-white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "sakhalin leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a light central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight streaking",
+        "tail: olive-green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "salim ali swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray and streamlined",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, strong, and ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and angled for speed",
+        "nape: lightly streaked with gray feathers",
+        "tail: forked and deeply notched",
+        "throat: pale gray, sharply contrasting with black head"
+    ],
+    "salinas monjita": [
+        "back: light greyish brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark grey or black",
+        "belly: white or pale grayish",
+        "breast: pale gray, with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: light rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: light rufous, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: bright, dark brown with subtle eye rings",
+        "legs: thin, greyish or blackish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greyish brown with white feather edgings",
+        "nape: greyish brown, with light streaks",
+        "tail: grey-brown, with white outer feathers and tips",
+        "throat: pale grey or white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "salmon crested cockatoo": [
+        "back: white, feathered, and smooth",
+        "beak: large, light-colored, and strong",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white, plump, and feathered",
+        "crown: salmon-colored crest, raised or lowered",
+        "forehead: white feathers, blending into crest",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: short, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: wide, white, feathered, strong in flight",
+        "nape: white feathers, connecting to the head",
+        "tail: long, white feathers, fan-like in shape",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "salvadori antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: light buff-colored underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored crown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark gray tail feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "salvadori eremomela": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim and pointed",
+        "belly: pale white with greenish hue",
+        "breast: yellowish-green gradient",
+        "crown: olive-green with a bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: lighter green towards the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: light grey and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: blue-green coloring",
+        "tail: elongated with a slight fork",
+        "throat: creamy white"
+    ],
+    "salvadori fig parrot": [
+        "back: green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: short, strong, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: dark blue-green plumage",
+        "crown: emerald green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright scarlet-red patch",
+        "eyes: black iris with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: green with slight blue tinge, hint of yellow at tips",
+        "nape: deep green feathered area at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short and green, slightly squared at the end",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage with blue-green overlay"
+    ],
+    "salvadori nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, short, and black",
+        "belly: soft, buffy-white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light speckling",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown with fine markings",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black",
+        "legs: pale brown with slight feathering",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark brown with a banded pattern",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine feather markings",
+        "tail: pale brown with darker brown bands",
+        "throat: straight, lined with speckled white"
+    ],
+    "salvadori pheasant": [
+        "back: elegant, golden-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and strong, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light golden-brown feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent, greenish-black",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with crest-like feathers",
+        "forehead: coppery-red sheen",
+        "eyes: bright and alert, amber-colored",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated and striking, golden-brown",
+        "nape: rich copper-red plumage",
+        "tail: long and luxurious, golden-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: iridescent greenish-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "salvadori serin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage with streaked flanks",
+        "breast: pale yellow coloration, blending into belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown feathers continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, situated on sides of the head",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish in color",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackened edges, rounded shape",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "salvadori teal": [
+        "back: rich chestnut brown with fine, dark spots",
+        "beak: short, grayish-blue with black tip",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white with faint spots",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with darker spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale feather edges",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing amber",
+        "legs: legs and feet bluish-gray with black webbing",
+        "wings: green-blue speculum and white-bordered dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: similar to the crown, with a slightly lighter brown hue",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter fringes on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "salvadori weaver": [
+        "back: dark, olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: conical, black, and strong",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich golden yellow",
+        "crown: deep black, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark black, contrasting with face",
+        "eyes: beady black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black and olive-yellow, with long flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, subtly transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: black, long, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: bright golden yellow, vividly colored"
+    ],
+    "salvin albatross": [
+        "back: sleek, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked, light grey with a dark tip",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: broad, white plumage",
+        "crown: pale grey feathers, smooth and streamlined",
+        "forehead: gently sloping, pale grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by fine white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, black webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, with dark grey tips and white undersides",
+        "nape: light grey feathers, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short and sharp, with alternating grey and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers, transitioning to breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "salvin curassow": [
+        "back: dark brownish-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved, dusky gray",
+        "belly: blackish feathers with lighter edging",
+        "breast: dark brown feathers with fine white bars",
+        "crown: black crest, glossy dark green-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black and glossy, with a bluish tinge",
+        "eyes: deep red, surrounded by bare bluish skin",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish blue",
+        "wings: dark brown, with some lighter edging on feathers",
+        "nape: black, shiny dark green-blue sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: black, some fine white bars on feathers"
+    ],
+    "salvin prion": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, bluish-white",
+        "belly: pale grey plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: pale grey feathers, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: light grey plumage, blends with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: pale grey, with darker grey-black tips on primary feathers",
+        "nape: light grey, continuous color with crown and back",
+        "tail: pale grey with white outer feathers and black subterminal band",
+        "throat: greyish-white plumage, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "samar hornbill": [
+        "back: black feathers with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: large, curved, and yellowish-white",
+        "belly: black feathers with slight green iridescence",
+        "breast: dark black feathers with a greenish glint",
+        "crown: black plumage with a crest of elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers merging with the beak and crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a reddish-brown iris",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long black feathers with hints of metallic green",
+        "nape: black feathers with a glossy green sheen",
+        "tail: elongated central black feathers with green iridescence",
+        "throat: black, short feathers with subtle green highlights"
+    ],
+    "samoan fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, thin, and hooked",
+        "belly: soft gray with very light barring",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown accents",
+        "crown: dark brown with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: white streak extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: round and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, with grayish-blue scales",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars and black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, with dark brown feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: white, blending into the gray breast area"
+    ],
+    "samoan flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: off-white to pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: white or light grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous or reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slight rufous tinge contrasting with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white to pale grey eyerings",
+        "legs: slim and pale greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, sometimes with a rufous tinge",
+        "tail: olive-brown and relatively long in proportion to body",
+        "throat: white or pale grey, often with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "samoan myzomela": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: yellowish-orange to red hue",
+        "breast: bright red or orange",
+        "crown: deep red or orange",
+        "forehead: red or orange head",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by red or orange feathers",
+        "legs: dark, slender",
+        "wings: dark, short, rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown coloration",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: deep red or orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "samoan starling": [
+        "back: shiny, metallic-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharply-pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: dark black with a tinge of blue feathers",
+        "breast: glossy, dark-blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue-black with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: rich blue-black with iridescent shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, surrounded by metallic blue feathers",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, blue-black with hints of green iridescence",
+        "nape: vibrant metallic blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-black, with glossy texture",
+        "throat: shimmering dark blue, slightly paler than breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "samoan triller": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts and pale streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharply pointed, black color",
+        "belly: white feathering with light gray undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle pale streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray, almost white coloring",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black-edged wing coverts",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to lighter gray",
+        "tail: olive-green with black central feathers and white outer tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, almost white"
+    ],
+    "samoan whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: dark and slender",
+        "belly: off-white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: light olive-green",
+        "crown: olive-brown with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with vague streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellowish edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown and rounded",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "san andres vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle gray streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, light pinkish hue",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale yellow wash",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint olive tones",
+        "crown: light gray with faint olive tinge",
+        "forehead: soft gray with slight yellow undertones",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-gray with distinctive white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish olive with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "san blas jay": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light blue to greyish-blue feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: deep blue, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: black and piercing with a bluish-grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and black with blue edges",
+        "throat: light blue, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "san cristobal mockingbird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter grey-white feathers",
+        "breast: grey-white feathering",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark, penetrating gaze with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and relatively long, blackish",
+        "wings: broad, brownish-grey with modest dark markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with distinct streaks",
+        "tail: long, rounded, and brownish-grey",
+        "throat: pale grey-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "sand lark": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale, sandy color",
+        "breast: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "crown: sandy brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: pale brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sand partridge": [
+        "back: sandy brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, light brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with slight markings",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by a pale ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored with thin black stripes",
+        "tail: short and square, brown with black and white edges",
+        "throat: pale with speckled markings"
+    ],
+    "sand colored nighthawk": [
+        "back: sandy-brown feathers with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short, hooked, sand-colored",
+        "belly: pale cream with dappled markings",
+        "breast: soft beige with subtle dark streaks",
+        "crown: tawny crown with feathered crest",
+        "forehead: speckled light brown blending to crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and well-camouflaged",
+        "legs: sturdy, sand-colored, short",
+        "wings: long, narrow, cryptically patterned",
+        "nape: intricately barred in sandy hues",
+        "tail: long, rounded, sand-colored with faint banding",
+        "throat: pale cream with delicate striping"
+    ],
+    "sandstone shrikethrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown upper body feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle scalloping",
+        "crown: gray-brown smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray with fine markings",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: short, reddish-brown with fine patterns",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with black banding",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sandy gallito": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale brown with dark spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown fading to gray",
+        "forehead: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: long and slim, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown with broad, dark bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sandy scops owl": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with small black speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light beige with dark brown vertical streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown vertical streaks",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: tawny-brown with lightly speckled black spots",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, beige with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: rounded, tawny-brown with black barred pattern",
+        "nape: tawny-brown, darker towards rear, with small black spots",
+        "tail: tawny-brown with dark brown horizontal bars",
+        "throat: light beige with sparse dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sanford sea eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellow",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: brownish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown, white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: white base, dark brown tips",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "sanford white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved bill",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white underparts",
+        "breast: light olive-green plumage",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-colored crest",
+        "forehead: bright white band above the beak",
+        "eyes: conspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray slender legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white tip",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "sangihe golden bulbul": [
+        "back: golden-yellow feathers with a slight olive tinge",
+        "beak: short and curved, light orange color",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers with hints of green",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow, slightly raised feather crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers transitioning to golden-yellow towards the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light orange, slender and elongated",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish edging on feathers",
+        "nape: golden-yellow transitioning to olive-green towards the back",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with yellow tips, medium length",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "sangihe hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and orange-red",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: red patch with blue borders",
+        "forehead: bluish-green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, with two toes facing forward and two backward",
+        "wings: green with blue-tinted edges",
+        "nape: bluish-green transition to the back",
+        "tail: short, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: green fading into the yellow-orange lower part"
+    ],
+    "sangihe lilac kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black and pointed",
+        "belly: pale orange hue",
+        "breast: bright lilac plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-violet",
+        "forehead: deep violet-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with a white ring",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: blue and lilac with hints of orange",
+        "nape: blue fading to lilac",
+        "tail: blue and lilac with white tips",
+        "throat: light orange coloration"
+    ],
+    "sangihe pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with dark stripes",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale blue patches",
+        "breast: overlapping blue and black scales",
+        "crown: bright blue with black edge",
+        "forehead: electric blue with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: blue and black, broad, rounded",
+        "nape: deep blue with a hint of turquoise",
+        "tail: long, blue, and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with subtle blue markings"
+    ],
+    "sangihe scops owl": [
+        "back: dark-brown with blackish markings",
+        "beak: light-grey, short and hooked",
+        "belly: pale-grey with thin black streaks",
+        "breast: pale-grey with blackish-grey streaks",
+        "crown: dark-brown with blackish spots",
+        "forehead: pale-grey with blackish spots",
+        "eyes: yellow-orange with dark eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered light-grey with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark-brown with blackish markings and pale-grey fringes",
+        "nape: dark-brown with blackish spots",
+        "tail: dark-brown, moderately-long with alternate pale-grey bands",
+        "throat: pale-grey with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "sangihe whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow-brown with slight streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars and white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaking",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips and subtle barring",
+        "throat: creamy-white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "sangkar white eye": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: slim, pointy, dark gray",
+        "belly: light grey with a hint of green",
+        "breast: pale greyish-green feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-blue head crest",
+        "forehead: subtle bluish-green gradient",
+        "eyes: prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short, green-blue with dark feathers",
+        "nape: green tint with smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-green central feathers",
+        "throat: pale, greenish-grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "santa cruz white eye": [
+        "back: pale greenish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: light gray-white underbelly",
+        "breast: pale gray with thin, white streaks",
+        "crown: light gray-white, rounded top",
+        "forehead: white to pale gray gradient",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by pale white rings",
+        "legs: thin, gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: pale greenish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: light gray-white, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, pale gray with white tips",
+        "throat: gray-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "santa marta antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint brownish flecks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with darker gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with a bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown with a slight bluish reflection",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with pale feather tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white with faint brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "santa marta antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white",
+        "breast: slate-gray with white spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown edges"
+    ],
+    "santa marta blossomcrown": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-red tuft",
+        "forehead: shining green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: bright green with subtle hints of blue",
+        "nape: smooth green feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: short, slightly rounded, green feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "santa marta brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: white with grayish sides",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white streaks over black",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with olive-green edges",
+        "throat: white-bordered, black center"
+    ],
+    "santa marta bush tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, black and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive, streaked with gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with an orange-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: black, beady with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with hint of olive",
+        "throat: grayish-white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "santa marta foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly striated feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish upper bill and pale lower bill",
+        "belly: dull white with brownish-gray streaks",
+        "breast: olive-gray plumage with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown feathers with a faint streak",
+        "forehead: olive-gray with faint streaking",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long, brownish with black barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "santa marta parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, beige",
+        "belly: light green, feathery",
+        "breast: soft green plumage",
+        "crown: intense blue, striking",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark with white ring",
+        "legs: light gray, strong",
+        "wings: green with blue tips",
+        "nape: subtle blue-green transition",
+        "tail: long, green with blue edges",
+        "throat: pale green, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "santa marta screech owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: light gray, hooked shape",
+        "belly: grayish-white with fine brown barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine brown barring",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and circular",
+        "legs: feathered, light gray, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with dark streaks and spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: grayish-white with fine brown barring"
+    ],
+    "santa marta tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark plumage with gray undertones",
+        "beak: short, stout and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish with a white center",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with faint speckles",
+        "forehead: dark gray with faint markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark gray with slight brown tones",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with faint spots",
+        "tail: short, rounded, with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "santa marta warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with minimal markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle gray tinges",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish, sturdy and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edging",
+        "nape: olive-green fading into the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with slight black barring",
+        "throat: bright yellow, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "santa marta woodstar": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathering",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage with a hint of green",
+        "crown: emerald green cap feathers",
+        "forehead: glittering green and bronze hues",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by feathers",
+        "legs: slender, short black legs",
+        "wings: delicate, iridescent green with black tips",
+        "nape: bright green with bronze sheen",
+        "tail: graduated tail with black and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant pinkish-purple gorget (males) or pale gray (females"
+    ],
+    "santa marta wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: light cream with brownish spots",
+        "breast: creamy white with faint spots",
+        "crown: rufous with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light markings",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with thin dark bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint spots"
+    ],
+    "santarem parakeet": [
+        "back: green feathers with slight blue tinge",
+        "beak: beige-colored, hooked shape",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellow-green feathers with orange markings",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: green feathers with subtle blue sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, scaly texture with talons",
+        "wings: green feathers with darker blue edges",
+        "nape: green feathers, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "santo thicketbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, greyish-black",
+        "belly: pale cream with pale brown spots",
+        "breast: warm buff colored with faint smudges",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, surrounded by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellowish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: smooth olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, olive-brown with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale cream with traces of buff"
+    ],
+    "sao francisco sparrow": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: light gray, subtly streaked",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with white markings, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, continuous from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers, moderately long",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "sao paulo tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: thin, small, and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with greenish tinges",
+        "crown: olive-green with white eyering",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: olive-green and elongated",
+        "throat: pale gray to off-white"
+    ],
+    "sao tome green pigeon": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: short, pale yellowish beak",
+        "belly: yellowish-green underside with dark scale-like patterns",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with hints of gray",
+        "crown: greenish-gray with a slight bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: smooth greenish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: short, red-orange with strong feet",
+        "wings: dark green with black and yellowish tips",
+        "nape: olive-green with a possible blue sheen",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark green with yellowish outlines",
+        "throat: light greenish-gray"
+    ],
+    "sao tome grosbeak": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, thick, and black",
+        "belly: dull grayish-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: lighter grayish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown streaks and olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: black and olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-yellow and lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "sao tome ibis": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, and curved downward",
+        "belly: contrastingly white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers, merging with brown on sides",
+        "crown: featherless, bluish-black skin",
+        "forehead: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by bluish-black skin",
+        "legs: long and slender, with reddish-brown coloration",
+        "wings: dark brownish-grey plumage, wide and robust",
+        "nape: feathered, dark-brownish with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, with pointed brownish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: bare, bluish-black skin, partially covered by white feathers"
+    ],
+    "sao tome oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: golden yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with yellow highlights and accents",
+        "nape: black plumage blending into yellow back",
+        "tail: long, black, with yellow edges",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "sao tome paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark blue glossy plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white to pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: bright chestnut-orange color",
+        "crown: elongated blue-black feathers form a crest",
+        "forehead: sleek blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: dark blue, with lighter blue highlights",
+        "nape: deep blue feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with a chestnut-orange underside",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "sao tome pigeon": [
+        "back: dark brown, short feathers",
+        "beak: straight, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: light gray with white hints",
+        "breast: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray, short feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with grayish ring",
+        "legs: reddish-orange, strong",
+        "wings: dark brown, broad with white bands",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, slightly longer feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium-length feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with white undertones"
+    ],
+    "sao tome prinia": [
+        "back: olive-green upper feathering",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: light yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark brown",
+        "throat: pale yellow, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "sao tome scops owl": [
+        "back: dark-mottled reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with reddish-brown speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "forehead: light-colored with fine dark speckles",
+        "eyes: large, black, and surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: feathered with reddish-brown and dark gray markings",
+        "wings: brown and grayish-white with distinct barred patterns",
+        "nape: mottled reddish-brown and gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sao tome short tail": [
+        "back: greenish or reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, sturdy, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with soft speckling",
+        "breast: grayish to white with light barring or streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown or black, sometimes with red highlights",
+        "forehead: brown or reddish-brown, in line with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish or dull olive, small and slender",
+        "wings: short and rounded, with dark brown feathers and light edges",
+        "nape: continuation of crown color, connecting to back",
+        "tail: short and square-shaped, dark brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: clear to light gray, leading into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "sao tome spinetail": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale with thin dark stripes",
+        "breast: buff-brown with some streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with slight streaking",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown, like the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark-colored",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous edges on feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, thin, brown with rufous edges",
+        "throat: pale buff with streaks"
+    ],
+    "sao tome sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long and slender curved bill, adapted for feeding on nectar",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue, blending into the breast color",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers, transitioning to the belly and throat",
+        "crown: glossy metallic green or purple feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent green with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert with good vision",
+        "legs: thin yet sturdy, grayish-black with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: relatively short and rounded for quick, agile flight",
+        "nape: metallic green shine, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, slender central feathers, with shorter outer feathers",
+        "throat: intense yellow feathering, blending seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "sao tome thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white; lightly spotted",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown; well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, lighter than crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium-length, squared",
+        "throat: paler gray; lightly spotted"
+    ],
+    "sao tome weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark stripes",
+        "beak: black, robust, and pointy",
+        "belly: yellowish-green",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "crown: glossy black",
+        "forehead: shiny greenish-black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinctive yellow edges",
+        "nape: glossy black",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint stripes",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with black border"
+    ],
+    "sao tome white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: curved, silvery-gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with white center",
+        "crown: bright green with yellow tinge",
+        "forehead: curved, greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: large, whitish eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "sapayoa": [
+        "back: olive-green with a faint yellow tint",
+        "beak: short, flattened, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle olive-green wash",
+        "breast: dull, pale yellow",
+        "crown: inconspicuous greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow and uniform",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eye with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium length, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with a subtle shift in shade from the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a seamless transition from the breast"
+    ],
+    "sapphire flycatcher": [
+        "back: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white hue",
+        "breast: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "crown: shiny sapphire top feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue markings",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey stems",
+        "wings: bold blue with dark edges",
+        "nape: dazzling blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue, with dark bands",
+        "throat: light grayish-blue tint"
+    ],
+    "sapphire quail dove": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with subtle green iridescence",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish-gray beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with delicate speckles",
+        "breast: light bluish-gray with soft pale streaks",
+        "crown: deep sapphire blue with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering blue with bright, reflective sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown legs with scaly texture",
+        "wings: blue-violet with intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: glossy sapphire color fading into soft gray",
+        "tail: long, blue and black, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle blue tinge and faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "sapphire bellied hummingbird": [
+        "back: metallic blue-green hue",
+        "beak: long, slender black curve",
+        "belly: iridescent sapphire blue",
+        "breast: shimmering white with light blue accents",
+        "crown: iridescent emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green-gold shimmer",
+        "eyes: small dark orbs",
+        "legs: short, delicate black limbs",
+        "wings: fast-beating, aerodynamic feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green with blue undertone",
+        "tail: tapered, iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant green-gold hue"
+    ],
+    "sapphire rumped parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: soft green and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: rich green with slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: bright sapphire-blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, and stout",
+        "wings: green with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep green merging into sapphire-blue",
+        "tail: green and blue, long, and tapered",
+        "throat: pale green, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "sapphire spangled emerald": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and black-tipped",
+        "belly: vibrant turquoise plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering sapphire-blue feathers",
+        "crown: sparkling emerald head",
+        "forehead: smooth gradient from blue to green",
+        "eyes: piercing dark orbs",
+        "legs: thin, dark appendages",
+        "wings: expansive cobalt-blue vanes",
+        "nape: delicate transition of blues and greens",
+        "tail: elongated, jewel-toned feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant azure gorget"
+    ],
+    "sapphire throated hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white coloration",
+        "breast: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright sapphire blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant sapphire blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, delicate, and lightweight",
+        "wings: fast-beating, translucent, and narrow",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: short, dark, and forked",
+        "throat: shiny sapphire blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "sapphire vented puffleg": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: lengthy, thin, black, and curved",
+        "belly: white with green-blue speckles",
+        "breast: bright white with feather fluffs",
+        "crown: shiny, metallic green-blue hue",
+        "forehead: vibrant turquoise-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, short, and gray",
+        "wings: multicolored, green-blue feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: metallic green-blue feather patterns",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green-blue feathers that fan out",
+        "throat: contrasting white with round shapes"
+    ],
+    "sardinian warbler": [
+        "back: olive-grey with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and needle-like",
+        "belly: pale grey with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: light grey with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: black with a crimson eye-ring (male) or greyish-brown (female",
+        "forehead: black in males, greyish-brown in females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a bright red eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-grey with faint barring on secondaries",
+        "nape: olive-grey, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark, long, and rounded with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "sarus crane": [
+        "back: grey-feathered and smooth",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft grey plumage",
+        "breast: grey feathers with a slight curve",
+        "crown: red, fleshy patch atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth and unfeathered",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: tall, strong, and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: broad, long, and grey with white tips",
+        "nape: slim, with grey feathers flowing down",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, medium length, grey feathers",
+        "throat: white-feathered, elongated patch"
+    ],
+    "satin berrypecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow shade",
+        "breast: rich chestnut brown",
+        "crown: dark green, glossy plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by green",
+        "legs: thin, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: iridescent green feathers",
+        "nape: dark green transitioning to chestnut",
+        "tail: short and greenish-brown",
+        "throat: golden-yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "satin bowerbird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: medium blue to olive-green plumage",
+        "breast: deep satin-blue feathers or greenish, depending on the sex",
+        "crown: radiant blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright blue with a black outline",
+        "legs: strong greyish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-black with lighter blue highlights",
+        "nape: lustrous blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with a slightly rounded tip",
+        "throat: smooth satin-blue or greenish, depending on the sex"
+    ],
+    "satin flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark blue-black with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: white with scalloped gray markings",
+        "breast: white with gray-blue streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by narrow black eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark blue-black with white wingbar",
+        "nape: blue-black, connects crown to back",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark head"
+    ],
+    "satin swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray underparts",
+        "breast: soft, gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathering",
+        "forehead: light, faint streaks",
+        "eyes: black, attentive beads",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long, curved edges",
+        "nape: smooth, gray feather transition",
+        "tail: forked, black feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, delicate plumage"
+    ],
+    "saturnine antshrike": [
+        "back: dark gray with thin white streaks",
+        "beak: short and hook-tipped, black",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with faint white stripes",
+        "crown: blackish-gray with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: blackish-gray and slightly crested",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: blackish-gray with white stripe continuation from crown",
+        "tail: long and dark gray, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with fine black stripes"
+    ],
+    "saunders gull": [
+        "back: light grey feathered upper body",
+        "beak: short, red-tipped yellow bill",
+        "belly: delicate white underbelly",
+        "breast: white plumage on chest",
+        "crown: smooth grey head feathers",
+        "forehead: slight frown on grey face",
+        "eyes: dark, round with pensive gaze",
+        "legs: short, bright orange-red limbs",
+        "wings: grey with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grey feathers transition to white",
+        "tail: short, white feathers with black band",
+        "throat: soft white plumage on neck"
+    ],
+    "saunders tern": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers with a streamlined body shape",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black with a yellow tip",
+        "belly: pale underparts with a white tint",
+        "breast: soft white plumage",
+        "crown: black cap from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: alert, dark, and bead-like",
+        "legs: slender orange-red with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and grey for agile flying",
+        "nape: black band connecting the crown to the back feathers",
+        "tail: forked white feathers for navigation in flight",
+        "throat: white feathers leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "savanna hawk": [
+        "back: brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharply hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with rufous bars",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with rufous bars",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, brown with light bands",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with rufous and white bands",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "savanna nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown with gray and black markings",
+        "beak: short, straight, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with brown marbling",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: pale gray-brown with streaked black markings",
+        "forehead: dark gray-brown with fine, black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, soulful in appearance",
+        "legs: short, feathered, camouflaged brown",
+        "wings: long, mottled brown with dark bands and white spots on coverts",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown with black streaking",
+        "tail: brown with dark bars and a white outer tail feather",
+        "throat: pale buffy-brown with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "savi warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: light buff-brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaking",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: light olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short, square, dark-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: pale buff, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "savile bustard": [
+        "back: light brown with scattered black markings",
+        "beak: strong, yellowish-brown with a slight curve",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown spotted with black",
+        "crown: black mixed with brown feathers",
+        "forehead: white strip dividing the brown head",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white and black stripes",
+        "nape: dark brown with a white stripe on each side",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish mixed with brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "saw billed hermit": [
+        "back: iridescent green-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black-colored",
+        "belly: beige-feathered with a touch of green",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: glossy green-bronze feathers",
+        "forehead: bronze-green with slight curve",
+        "eyes: small, round, black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, medium-length, grayish",
+        "wings: broad, tapered edges, green-bronze",
+        "nape: shining green-bronze feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: reddish-brown with a white stripe"
+    ],
+    "saxaul sparrow": [
+        "back: dark-streaked and sandy brown",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish in males, paler in females",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark streaks on sides",
+        "breast: pale buff with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff to white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: sandy brown with dark streaks and pale wing bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, ragged, with dark center and white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff to white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "sayaca tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light greenish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue with greenish hues",
+        "crown: vivid blue feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: radiant blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with a black pupil and thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: blue feathers with black outlining",
+        "nape: striking blue continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: pale greenish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "scale breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with faint scaling patterns",
+        "beak: straight, long, and pointed for drilling into wood",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brown horizontal scales-like markings",
+        "breast: light-colored with scaled brown patterns",
+        "crown: smooth red feathers for males, brown for females",
+        "forehead: greenish-brown with a few red feathers for males, mainly brown for females",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert to spot insects and larvae",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp claws for gripping bark",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white bars and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with faint vertical striping",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with white bars, stiffened for balance and support",
+        "throat: cream-colored with a few brown scales-like markings"
+    ],
+    "scale crested pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle blackish stripes",
+        "beak: small, black, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint grayish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, adorned with erectable crest feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into crest",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, slender, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown, edged with blackish and yellowish markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into back and crown",
+        "tail: short, dark, with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white, subtly streaked with gray"
+    ],
+    "scale feathered malkoha": [
+        "back: brownish-green, iridescent scales",
+        "beak: curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white",
+        "breast: light greenish-grey with scales",
+        "crown: blackish-green with a slight hint of purple",
+        "forehead: dark green with faint scales",
+        "eyes: whitish-yellow, surrounded by black marking",
+        "legs: dark grey with scaly pattern",
+        "wings: greenish-black with iridescent sheen",
+        "nape: light green scales",
+        "tail: long, graduated tail feathers with green and blue iridescence",
+        "throat: white with light grey scales"
+    ],
+    "scale throated earthcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with intricate scaling",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with delicate scaling",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by light feathering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown and gray with scaly pattern",
+        "nape: light brown, transitioning into darker crown",
+        "tail: long, earthy brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale with subtle brown scaling"
+    ],
+    "scale throated hermit": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light gray coloration",
+        "breast: pale gray with some green hues",
+        "crown: greenish feathers with a slight bronze sheen",
+        "forehead: white plumes with a scaled appearance",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: bronze-green feathers connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, white-tipped, and rufous in color",
+        "throat: white feathers with dark scaling pattern"
+    ],
+    "scaled antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with faint greyish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with brownish tinges",
+        "crown: dark grey with a rufous crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale greyish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a slight rufous tinge",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with buff tips",
+        "throat: white with fine greyish-black streaks"
+    ],
+    "scaled antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown speckles",
+        "breast: lighter olive-brown with subtle markings",
+        "crown: same olive-brown as back, rounded",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter color than crown, well-defined",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of crown color and texture",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow with no markings"
+    ],
+    "scaled chachalaca": [
+        "back: smooth plumage, earthy brown",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: light tan, soft feathers",
+        "breast: buffy-brown, overlapping plumage",
+        "crown: chestnut color, slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown, smooth transition to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, small in proportion",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish, scaly",
+        "wings: brown, wide, rounded, white-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: chestnut striping, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers, white tips, slight fan shape",
+        "throat: pale, subtle feathering, short neck"
+    ],
+    "scaled dove": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle scaling",
+        "beak: short, stout, and cream-colored",
+        "belly: pale buff to whitish with delicate scaling",
+        "breast: pinkish-brown with fine scaling",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a bright eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-red with scaly texture",
+        "wings: mottled gray-brown with black spots on coverts",
+        "nape: blue-gray with fine, dark-edged feather tips",
+        "tail: gray-brown, long and tapered with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white with the slightest scaling accents"
+    ],
+    "scaled flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: striking mixed shades of blue and green",
+        "beak: elongated, sharply-curved black hook",
+        "belly: pale gray with darker gray streaks",
+        "breast: soft lavender-blue fading to gray",
+        "crown: deep blue fading to paler blue",
+        "forehead: bright blue with white markings",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: black and slender with sharp talons",
+        "wings: blue-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green with subtle feather patterns",
+        "tail: short and dark, edged with blue",
+        "throat: bright white with fine gray streaking"
+    ],
+    "scaled fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, yellow",
+        "belly: mossy green plumage",
+        "breast: subtle green speckled with light yellow",
+        "crown: iridescent emerald hue",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green transition",
+        "eyes: small, circular, dark",
+        "legs: greyish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: green with blue-black flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale green that merges with crown",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: softly transition from yellow-green to pale green"
+    ],
+    "scaled ground cuckoo": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with iridescent highlights",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, grayish hue",
+        "belly: cream-colored with grayish-white bands",
+        "breast: light brown with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark chestnut brown",
+        "forehead: lighter brown, transitioning to the crown color",
+        "eyes: sharp and dark brown, with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and yellow with long toes",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, with greenish-brown upper feathers and white-barred lower feathers",
+        "nape: dark chestnut brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with broad alternating white and greenish-brown bars",
+        "throat: lighter brown, transitioning to the breast color"
+    ],
+    "scaled metaltail": [
+        "back: shimmering emerald feathers",
+        "beak: sleek black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: iridescent bronze tones",
+        "breast: radiant metallic green",
+        "crown: gleaming golden highlights",
+        "forehead: bright coppery hue",
+        "eyes: alert, deep black orbs",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray, with delicate talons",
+        "wings: expansive, adorned with fine green scales",
+        "nape: polished metallic accents",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green feathers with intricate patterns",
+        "throat: fiery specks of red on dark green base"
+    ],
+    "scaled piculet": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with delicate scaling",
+        "beak: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine scaling",
+        "crown: reddish-brown marked with white spots",
+        "forehead: brownish with densely packed white speckles",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-green with white-tipped feathers forming bars",
+        "nape: brown with faint white scaling",
+        "tail: short, brownish-gray with slightly pointed feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-brown with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "scaled pigeon": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathered curve",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, bluish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: sleek, gray-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: flattened gray-blue contour",
+        "eyes: small, bright orange rings",
+        "legs: short, strong, red-pinkish",
+        "wings: broad, blue-gray feathered flaps",
+        "nape: smooth, gray-blue feather transition",
+        "tail: wide, dark, gray-blue fan",
+        "throat: lighter bluish-gray, feathery slope"
+    ],
+    "scaled spinetail": [
+        "back: brown with narrow buffy streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff with darker streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-gray with paler streaking",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown fading into a pale eye stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark and beady",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale gray",
+        "wings: mottled brown with faint buff bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with a subtle buffy collar",
+        "tail: long, rufous, and slightly graduated",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "scaled woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: white to buff",
+        "breast: brown with curved dark markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish",
+        "wings: brown with fine barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long, brown with narrow dark bars",
+        "throat: white to buff"
+    ],
+    "scallop breasted antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff with evener scalloping",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark scalloping",
+        "crown: dusty brown fading towards nape",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: black, round and bright",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with faint barring",
+        "nape: pale brown blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, brown with thin barring",
+        "throat: light buff, distinct from breast"
+    ],
+    "scalloped antbird": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with pale scalloped pattern",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint scalloped markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with scalloped brownish feather edges",
+        "crown: dark gray with subtle brownish scalloping",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray with fine brownish scallops",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and long, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with scalloped feather edges",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with distinct scalloped feather pattern",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with scalloped edges and white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "scalloped woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish with dark streaks and scalloping pattern",
+        "beak: long, slightly decurved, and pale yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale buff, finely streaked with brown",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks and scalloping, transitioning to a paler belly",
+        "crown: warm brown with small, dark brown streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and conspicuous",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish with scalloping and fine streaks on feathers",
+        "nape: warm brown with dark streaks and scalloping pattern",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and brownish with faint scalloping on feather tips",
+        "throat: slightly paler than breast, finely streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "scaly babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint scalloping",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale white with fine gray scaling",
+        "breast: gray with darker scale-like patterns",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: soft gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, brownish-gray for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint scalloping, short and rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with scalloped pattern",
+        "tail: olive-brown with darker feather tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, similar to belly but with denser scaling"
+    ],
+    "scaly chatterer": [
+        "back: olive-green and scaly-patterned",
+        "beak: stout and curved, pale-tipped",
+        "belly: creamy white with scaly markings",
+        "breast: pale and scaly-patterned",
+        "crown: dusky gray, with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark-bead-like",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green, scaly-patterned",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, olive-green and rounded",
+        "throat: paler-gray and scaly"
+    ],
+    "scaly ground roller": [
+        "back: blue-green scaling pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: ochre-colored with black spots",
+        "breast: pale bluish-green with dark scaling",
+        "crown: deep blue-green with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: vibrant green-blue scales",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grey, and featherless",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-green with scaly patterns",
+        "nape: bluish-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, and blue-green with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale grey with black spotting"
+    ],
+    "scaly laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black scaling",
+        "beak: slightly curved, greyish-black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with black specks",
+        "breast: light-grey with dark-grey scaling",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: narrow blackish-white bars",
+        "eyes: dark brown with lighter eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive brown with black scaling, white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive, black-scaled feathers, white tips",
+        "throat: white with indistinct grey scaling"
+    ],
+    "scaly spurfowl": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint white barring",
+        "beak: short, stout and pale grayish",
+        "belly: buff feathers with small white streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-buff feathers with fine black barrings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown iris surrounded by a red eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown with spur on each leg",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white barring and chestnut patch",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black spots and faint white barring",
+        "tail: long, rounded, olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "throat: buff with fine black barrings"
+    ],
+    "scaly thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: straight, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "scaly weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow scales",
+        "breast: yellow plumage with brown speckles",
+        "crown: red-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow streak",
+        "eyes: small, black and rounded",
+        "legs: sturdy and light grey",
+        "wings: short with green to brown feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown scales",
+        "tail: olive-brown with variable length",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine brown markings"
+    ],
+    "scaly bellied woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-brown, scaled appearance",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow, scaly pattern",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow, streaked with darker feathers",
+        "crown: crimson red cap, extending to nape",
+        "forehead: crimson red, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white outline",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown, sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, barred with white",
+        "nape: crimson red, part of crown continuation",
+        "tail: greenish-black, white-tipped feathers, stiffened for support",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle scaling",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark scaly patterns",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brown scalloping",
+        "crown: grayish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight green edging",
+        "nape: grayish-green with a muted scaly pattern",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: slightly paler than breast with light scaling"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted cupwing": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with subtle scales",
+        "beak: short, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, with fine scaly markings",
+        "breast: creamy white with brownish scales",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by faint eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with prominent pale bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: plain white with a streaked collar"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers with green scaling",
+        "breast: white feathers with green scaling",
+        "crown: shimmering green feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and delicate with small talons",
+        "wings: elongated, swift-moving, and translucent",
+        "nape: bright green feathers transitioning to scaling",
+        "tail: short, forked, and greenish-bronze",
+        "throat: white feathers with green scaling"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted illadopsis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint scaling",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale grayish",
+        "belly: white with dark brown scaling",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown scaling",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight pale streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish with faint barring",
+        "throat: buffy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black bill",
+        "belly: white with yellow tinge",
+        "breast: white with greenish-blue scale-like markings",
+        "crown: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: short with strong, dark grey claws",
+        "wings: deep blue with greenish-blue tips",
+        "nape: turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-green with white spots",
+        "throat: white with faint blue-green scales"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: orange-reddish, curved shape",
+        "belly: light green scales",
+        "breast: yellow-green with scaly pattern",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong and short",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue and red",
+        "nape: yellow-green transition to back",
+        "tail: green and blue with red underside",
+        "throat: pale green with scaly markings"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted munia": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle scaling",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and conical-shaped in pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with delicate dark scale-like markings",
+        "breast: white feathers with fine black scaling pattern",
+        "crown: smooth reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with well-defined edges",
+        "eyes: striking black with a slim white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale gray with strong clasping toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white streaks in flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown melding neatly into back feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown, long, and tapering to a sharp tip",
+        "throat: white with faint black scaling, leading to breast pattern"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted partridge": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle scale-like patterns",
+        "beak: short, curved, and grayish-brown",
+        "belly: white and scaly with dark edges",
+        "breast: white and scaly with dark edges, merging with belly",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale-colored with a transition to dark brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust, gray with sharp claws for ground foraging",
+        "wings: medium-sized with olive-green feathers and brown marking",
+        "nape: olive-green with a transition from the crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with brown and olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: light-colored merging with scaly breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted thrasher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow with dark scaling",
+        "breast: overlapping brown scales",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaking",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown hue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with slight wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: may carry scaling or be plain cream color"
+    ],
+    "scaly breasted wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint scaling",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with brown scaly patterns",
+        "breast: white with dark brown scalloping",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with faint streaking",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with fine barring",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: white, extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "scaly crowned babbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine scaling",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint scaling",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark scalloped markings",
+        "crown: brown scaled with dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grey with fine scaling",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with prominent feather patterns",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with scaly appearance",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint scalloped markings",
+        "throat: buffy-white with greyish scaling"
+    ],
+    "scaly headed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, and strong; upper beak dark grey while lower beak light grey",
+        "belly: light green feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: green feathers with a slight blue hue",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: small patch of red and blue feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive; surrounded by white eye patches",
+        "legs: strong, grey legs with sharp, dark claws",
+        "wings: rich green primary feathers with blue tips; red wing coverts",
+        "nape: green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, tapering tail feathers; blue, green, and red in color",
+        "throat: green feathers transitioning to a lighter color on the neck"
+    ],
+    "scaly naped parrot": [
+        "back: green, feathered with scale-like pattern",
+        "beak: hooked, strong, greyish-black",
+        "belly: light green with fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: bright green, smoothly feathered",
+        "crown: deep green, small feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: green, blends seamlessly with crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, scaly texture with strong talons",
+        "wings: green, broad with hints of blue near tips",
+        "nape: scaly texture, transitioning from green to blue",
+        "tail: green and blue feathers, long and tapered",
+        "throat: vibrant green, softly feathered"
+    ],
+    "scaly naped pigeon": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers",
+        "crown: scaled-pattern bluish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with strong, scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: scaled blue-gray feather pattern",
+        "tail: dark gray to black, elongated feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "scaly sided merganser": [
+        "back: sleek, dark green-brown plumage",
+        "beak: narrow, serrated, orange-red",
+        "belly: white with gray flecks",
+        "breast: white, elongated black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy green, high tuft",
+        "forehead: greenish-black, rounded",
+        "eyes: bright, reddish-orange",
+        "legs: orange-red, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, elongated white patches",
+        "nape: black, neckband-like pattern",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, dark",
+        "throat: white, narrow feathering"
+    ],
+    "scaly throated foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint scaling",
+        "beak: strong, curved, pale colored",
+        "belly: light buff with faint scaling",
+        "breast: brownish-gray with scaly pattern",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blends with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by lighter feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale-colored",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint scaling, rounded shape",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, long, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: light buff with faint scaling"
+    ],
+    "scaly throated honeyguide": [
+        "back: light-brown with faint scales",
+        "beak: short and stout, dusky color",
+        "belly: off-white with pale scaling",
+        "breast: pale brownish-gray with scaly appearance",
+        "crown: dark brown with brighter shaft streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than crown, with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and well-placed",
+        "legs: robust, dull grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown, long, and rounded at tips",
+        "nape: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white-tip corners",
+        "throat: white with bold, brown-tipped scaling"
+    ],
+    "scaly throated leaftosser": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, strong, dark gray",
+        "belly: light, buff-colored plumage",
+        "breast: olive-brown, merging with belly",
+        "crown: dark brown striping",
+        "forehead: unmarked, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by light ring",
+        "legs: light gray, short, strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown, barred with black",
+        "nape: buff-colored, striped",
+        "tail: olive-brown, short, with black markings",
+        "throat: lightly scaled, buff-colored"
+    ],
+    "scarce swift": [
+        "back: pale gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and narrow, dark in color",
+        "belly: off-white to pale brown plumage",
+        "breast: lighter gray-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark feathered crest on top of head",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: short and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, tawny brown with black tips",
+        "nape: gray-brown plumage at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short and forked with gray-brown feathers",
+        "throat: light gray-toned feathers"
+    ],
+    "scarlet finch": [
+        "back: vibrant red with streaks of black",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright reddish-orange",
+        "breast: rich scarlet red",
+        "crown: ruby-red with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: scarlet hue blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: scarlet with black markings",
+        "nape: bright red, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: red plumes with black stripes at the tips",
+        "throat: soft, fiery red feathers"
+    ],
+    "scarlet minivet": [
+        "back: vibrant orange shades with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: striking orange-red color",
+        "crown: iridescent black extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: sleek black transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black and delicate",
+        "wings: black with orange-yellow fringes",
+        "nape: glossy black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black and fan-shaped with orange-yellow edges",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "scarlet myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant red with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved and black",
+        "belly: deep scarlet or reddish-orange hue",
+        "breast: rich scarlet, fading to paler red on sides",
+        "crown: brilliant red with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: brightly colored red or orange-red",
+        "eyes: beady and dark, surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: thin and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown or black with red edges",
+        "nape: deep red continuing from crown to back",
+        "tail: black with red or orange-red undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright red, contrasting with black chin"
+    ],
+    "scarlet robin": [
+        "back: rich olive-green texture",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, yellow hue",
+        "belly: soft red-orange feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant scarlet red plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of chestnut",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark brown, slightly elongated",
+        "nape: subtle chestnut, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, with lighter edges",
+        "throat: bright red, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "scarlet and white tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant scarlet feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pale, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: striking scarlet feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant scarlet crest",
+        "forehead: bright scarlet plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and attentive",
+        "legs: slender and white",
+        "wings: scarlet feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: scarlet feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, scarlet and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to scarlet"
+    ],
+    "scarlet backed flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light gray-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with red hue",
+        "crown: red-orange with black contours",
+        "forehead: red-orange with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: gray slender legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with a touch of white or light gray edging",
+        "nape: red-orange with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with red tinge"
+    ],
+    "scarlet backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: striking crimson feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed bill",
+        "belly: soft, whitish plummage",
+        "breast: pale cream feathers",
+        "crown: bright red cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, white patch",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy and featherless",
+        "wings: bold black and white patterns",
+        "nape: vibrant red stripe",
+        "tail: black with white bars",
+        "throat: pale, cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "scarlet banded barbet": [
+        "back: red with black banding",
+        "beak: stout, yellowish-white",
+        "belly: vibrant red",
+        "breast: bright red, fading to lighter hues",
+        "crown: vivid scarlet, slightly feathered",
+        "forehead: bold red, meeting the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a thin blue ring",
+        "legs: light grayish, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with rows of white spots",
+        "nape: red, merging into back pattern",
+        "tail: black, tipped with red highlights",
+        "throat: bright red, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "scarlet bellied mountain tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: fiery scarlet color",
+        "breast: bright red-orange chest",
+        "crown: deep blue head",
+        "forehead: blue feathers with slight black markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and stilt-like",
+        "wings: blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: red-orange, contrasting with the belly"
+    ],
+    "scarlet breasted dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy black beak",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: striking scarlet patch",
+        "crown: brilliant blue plumage",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: thin, grayish legs",
+        "wings: bold blue feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: bold blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to scarlet breast"
+    ],
+    "scarlet breasted flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale white with soft plumage",
+        "breast: bright scarlet patch with fine feathers",
+        "crown: sleek green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: green, gradually transitioning to scarlet on the breast",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: delicate and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with black edges and white spots",
+        "nape: green plumage, transitioning to pale white on the belly",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, with green and black feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth, and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "scarlet breasted fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark gray",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: stunning scarlet hue with fine green speckles",
+        "crown: rich emerald green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright yellow merging into green",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: short, strong, and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: emerald intensity fading to yellow-green",
+        "tail: green feathers with black bars, elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant scarlet transitioning into belly color"
+    ],
+    "scarlet breasted fruiteater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, ivory",
+        "belly: brilliant red-orange plumage",
+        "breast: fiery scarlet feathers",
+        "crown: striking emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green with slight yellow hue",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: stout, gray, well-suited for perching",
+        "wings: luscious green with grayish-black primaries",
+        "nape: deep forest green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green with black banding",
+        "throat: rich, scarlet plumage"
+    ],
+    "scarlet browed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, short, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich red feathers",
+        "crown: scarlet red brow",
+        "forehead: scarlet red stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green with black edging",
+        "nape: green and smooth",
+        "tail: long, green with black streaks",
+        "throat: yellow, fading into the red breast"
+    ],
+    "scarlet chested parrot": [
+        "back: bright green plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: turquoise blue feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant scarlet patch",
+        "crown: deep blue feathering",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: blue to green gradient",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: blue-violet plumage"
+    ],
+    "scarlet chested sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: soft greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: striking scarlet or red coloration",
+        "crown: bright metallic green with iridescence",
+        "forehead: shimmering green with slight blue tint",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark-colored",
+        "legs: thin and black, with three sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black-tipped covert feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark blueish-green, elongated, and forked",
+        "throat: bright turquoise with iridescent shine"
+    ],
+    "scarlet collared flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: bright red collar",
+        "crown: green feathered crest",
+        "forehead: green feathers fading to white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: green with touches of blue",
+        "nape: green feathers above red collar",
+        "tail: short, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: white, blending into red collar"
+    ],
+    "scarlet crowned barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: mix of red and orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright red with small yellow spots",
+        "forehead: red feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with yellow accents",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: orange-red feathers fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "scarlet fronted parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and strong, light peach color",
+        "belly: soft yellow-green feathers",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: radiant red feathers",
+        "forehead: striking scarlet tone",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pink claws",
+        "wings: brilliant green with blue undertones",
+        "nape: bright green, transitioning to red",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green feathering"
+    ],
+    "scarlet headed blackbird": [
+        "back: deep black feathers covering the bird's back",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped with a sharp point",
+        "belly: intense red coloration with a smooth texture",
+        "breast: striking scarlet hue contrasting with black",
+        "crown: vibrant red feathers atop the bird's head",
+        "forehead: brilliant red plumage at the front of the head",
+        "eyes: shiny, dark-colored eyes with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: slim, black legs with curved talons for perching",
+        "wings: long, black feathers with a red shoulder patch",
+        "nape: continuation of the red crown down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped black feathers with a slight curve at the tip",
+        "throat: red feathers transitioning to black on the chest"
+    ],
+    "scarlet headed flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feather coverage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: gleaming scarlet head feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid red plumage",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and black",
+        "legs: slender with light pink hue",
+        "wings: green with fine black edges",
+        "nape: scarlet blending with green on neck",
+        "tail: short and graduated, mostly green",
+        "throat: red leading into breast area"
+    ],
+    "scarlet hooded barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant scarlet feathers with streaks of black",
+        "beak: thick, grayish-white hooked bill",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage with orange tints",
+        "breast: yellow-golden feathers with some red patches",
+        "crown: fiery red and orange, slightly tufted",
+        "forehead: glowing scarlet, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: primary feathers black, secondary feathers patterned with red and yellow",
+        "nape: scarlet and orange hues merging with the back",
+        "tail: blackish-brown, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathers, contrasting with the red head"
+    ],
+    "scarlet horned manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small but sturdy, black",
+        "belly: deep scarlet hue",
+        "breast: bright crimson red",
+        "crown: adorned with red feathered horns",
+        "forehead: green feathers transitioning to red",
+        "eyes: alert and black, circled by green",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: vivid green with elongated feathers",
+        "nape: green, continuing the back's hue",
+        "tail: long and green with red accents",
+        "throat: bold red coloration"
+    ],
+    "scarlet naped myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light gray with faint red flares",
+        "breast: crimson red, contrasting",
+        "crown: deep scarlet, eye-catching",
+        "forehead: bright red plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with red edges",
+        "nape: fiery scarlet coloration",
+        "tail: grayish, fan-shaped, elongated",
+        "throat: rich red hue, striking"
+    ],
+    "scarlet rumped cacique": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with contrasting black markings",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with light feather texture",
+        "breast: vivid yellow merging into the belly",
+        "crown: glossy black, smoothly contoured",
+        "forehead: sleek black transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: beady and dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender, strong, and black",
+        "wings: black with bold yellow edges",
+        "nape: distinctive scarlet patch connecting to back",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: smooth black, complementing breast color"
+    ],
+    "scarlet rumped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a red patch",
+        "beak: small and sharp, black in color",
+        "belly: bright scarlet red",
+        "breast: rich orange-red hue",
+        "crown: shimmering green feathers",
+        "forehead: intense blue contrasting with green",
+        "eyes: small, black and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey-colored",
+        "wings: vivid green with black edges",
+        "nape: brilliant blue-green blending to green",
+        "tail: long and green, red rump visible",
+        "throat: bold blue merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "scarlet rumped trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper body",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light grey undersides",
+        "breast: rich red band across chest",
+        "crown: dark green head top",
+        "forehead: bright green forehead",
+        "eyes: large, black, expressive",
+        "legs: short, strong, white claws",
+        "wings: green, black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: distinct greenish yellow hue",
+        "tail: black, white-tipped, long",
+        "throat: deep blue front neck area"
+    ],
+    "scarlet shouldered parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light green with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue and green hues",
+        "forehead: intense scarlet patch",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: striking green with blue coverts",
+        "nape: rich blue-green transition",
+        "tail: long, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: iridescent turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "scarlet thighed dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue and soft",
+        "crown: intense blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: large and black, with a thin blue ring",
+        "legs: thin and light gray",
+        "wings: vivid blue, with black edges",
+        "nape: bright blue and smooth",
+        "tail: black, with hints of blue",
+        "throat: rich sky-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "scarlet throated tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: deep scarlet hue",
+        "crown: green with a red streak",
+        "forehead: scarlet patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish and slender",
+        "wings: green with black edges",
+        "nape: green with red patch",
+        "tail: green with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant scarlet color"
+    ],
+    "schalow turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: reddish-orange, short, and curved",
+        "belly: soft green fading to white",
+        "breast: dusky green, slightly lighter than back",
+        "crown: green with a pronounced white-tipped crest",
+        "forehead: green with a slight blue tinge",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and almond-shaped",
+        "legs: dark and slender, ending in three sharp claws",
+        "wings: emerald green with iridescent violet-blue primaries",
+        "nape: green, transitioning smoothly to the crest",
+        "tail: long and deep green, tipped with white",
+        "throat: light green, gradually blending with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "schlegel asity": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: yellow-orange with black borders",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-violet",
+        "forehead: bold black band",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green, with blue edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue and green with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: relatively short, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: blue iridescent patch, bordered by black"
+    ],
+    "schlegel francolin": [
+        "back: rich brown, finely mottled with black spots",
+        "beak: short, strong, and grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow with blackish barring",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with fine black speckles",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a subtle grayish-brown eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-gray with scaled patterns",
+        "wings: rich brown with black and chestnut markings",
+        "nape: paler reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with chestnut and black barring",
+        "throat: creamy-white, bordered by thin black line"
+    ],
+    "schneider pitta": [
+        "back: deep blue and violet feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black",
+        "belly: vibrant red-orange with black stripes",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: black with a blue sheen",
+        "forehead: red-orange and blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: deep blue and violet feathers",
+        "nape: dark blue with a black stripe",
+        "tail: short and wide, deep blue",
+        "throat: bright blue with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "schrenck bittern": [
+        "back: earthy brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, conical and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown spots",
+        "crown: black with greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: pale yellow-brown",
+        "eyes: positioned high on head, dark brown",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, long and slender",
+        "wings: brown, rounded with striking patterns",
+        "nape: greenish-black with streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with barred markings",
+        "throat: pale and somewhat unmarked"
+    ],
+    "schwartz antthrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale brown with white speckles",
+        "breast: rust-colored with white spots",
+        "crown: deep brown with black pattern",
+        "forehead: dark brown with thin black stripes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and slightly oval",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-yellow with clawed toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: elongated with brown and black bands",
+        "throat: white with tiny brown spots"
+    ],
+    "scimitar billed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved scimitar-like",
+        "belly: buff-colored with narrow dark bars",
+        "breast: pale cinnamon with delicate streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish, with muted rufous bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish with faint rufous bars",
+        "throat: pale buff, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "scimitar winged piha": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: short and hooked, black in color",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers with thin and dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers with minimal streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown feathers, slanting view shapes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, bead-like in appearance",
+        "legs: strong grayish-black with sharp talons for gripping branches",
+        "wings: curved, elongated flight feathers resembling a scimitar",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, grayish-brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with grayish streaks along the sides"
+    ],
+    "scintillant hummingbird": [
+        "back: shimmering green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, muted gray with feathered texture",
+        "breast: iridescent green-gold transitioning to gray",
+        "crown: bright emerald green, reflective",
+        "forehead: gleaming violet-blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and delicate, with small talons",
+        "wings: partially translucent, glinting green and blue in flight",
+        "nape: metallic green, transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: forked, with iridescent green and coppery-red feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant, iridescent magenta and purple"
+    ],
+    "scissor tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: metallic green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray, sometimes with hints of light green",
+        "breast: white, extending into a collar",
+        "crown: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue just above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, nestled in green feathers",
+        "legs: short and black with small feet",
+        "wings: iridescent green, long and pointed",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, and black-tipped",
+        "throat: iridescent rose-red patch"
+    ],
+    "scissor tailed kite": [
+        "back: sleek gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with black markings",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue",
+        "forehead: light gray-blue",
+        "eyes: black and piercing",
+        "legs: strong yellow-orange",
+        "wings: long and elegant, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth gray-blue plumage",
+        "tail: distinctive long, forked, black-and-white feathering",
+        "throat: white with light gray-blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "scissor tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: sleek, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: light grey with faint barring",
+        "breast: subtle greyish-white spotted markings",
+        "crown: smooth, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: darker grey transition to crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with a hint of white ring",
+        "legs: slim and long, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, greyish-brown with distinct white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers with a smoother blend to the back",
+        "tail: exceptionally long, white with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white with barred pattern"
+    ],
+    "sclater antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "sclater crowned pigeon": [
+        "back: dark blue plumage with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short, pale-colored hooked beak",
+        "belly: deep blue feathers with slight gloss",
+        "breast: vibrant blue with purplish tint and iridescent shine",
+        "crown: elegant, spiky white crest resembling a crown",
+        "forehead: deep blue feathers above beak with iridescent shimmer",
+        "eyes: black with prominent blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy dark purple-grey legs",
+        "wings: dark blue with a metallic sheen and black primary feathers",
+        "nape: light blue feathers transitioning to darker shades towards the back",
+        "tail: long, broad, dark blue feathers with black bars",
+        "throat: smooth purplish-blue plumage with iridescent shine"
+    ],
+    "sclater lark": [
+        "back: streaked brown with white edges",
+        "beak: slim and pointed, brownish-gray",
+        "belly: light cream with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks, raised crest",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: thin and elongated, pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped feathers, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks, pale edges",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale creamy-buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sclater monal": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: shining green and blue feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant blue-green plumage",
+        "crown: metallic green and blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue-violet feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: strong and feathered with powerful claws",
+        "wings: rounded with blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue and green plumage",
+        "tail: long and dark with hints of blue-green",
+        "throat: gleaming green-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "sclater myzomela": [
+        "back: olive-green with greyish tinge",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: bright red with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: red with a metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and thin",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into red crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: bright red, contrasting with yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "sclater tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: light olive-gray",
+        "crown: dusky olive with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: dusky olive-gray",
+        "eyes: bold white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-gray with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray",
+        "tail: long and dark with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale whitish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "sclater whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slim, straight, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish or gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with blackish band and white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white, occasionally streaked"
+    ],
+    "scottish crossbill": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thick, curved cross-shaped bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white to yellowish hue",
+        "breast: reddish brown with streaks",
+        "crown: red-tinged plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly flat and red-tinged",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue color",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darkened primary feathers",
+        "nape: red-tinged neck feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, sharp, dark-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: whitish underside, subtly streaked"
+    ],
+    "screaming cowbird": [
+        "back: black feathered upper body",
+        "beak: short, dark, and conical",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underparts",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: sleek black head",
+        "forehead: black with smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: thin and dark-colored",
+        "wings: black and rounded",
+        "nape: black feathered neck",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: black and sleek-feathered"
+    ],
+    "screaming piha": [
+        "back: dull grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, broad, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale gray, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: grayish-white, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: black, with off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, with lighter gray edges",
+        "nape: dark gray, like the crown",
+        "tail: long, straight, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: light gray, similar to belly color"
+    ],
+    "scribble tailed canastero": [
+        "back: brownish streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: streaked and brownish",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with black and white barring",
+        "nape: buff and brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, and scribble-like markings",
+        "throat: buff-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "scripps murrelet": [
+        "back: dark grey and streaked",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with slight grey undertones",
+        "crown: dark grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: dark grey, sleek",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and webbed",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grey-black",
+        "nape: greyish-white, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: blackish-grey, short, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "scrub blackbird": [
+        "back: dark black feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed and black in color",
+        "belly: sleek, black feathers extending to the tail",
+        "breast: black-colored plumage on the chest area",
+        "crown: smooth, dark feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, black and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and black, with strong and sharp claws",
+        "wings: sturdy black feathers with elongated flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning from the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers extending horizontally from the body",
+        "throat: black plumes covering the front of the neck area"
+    ],
+    "scrub euphonia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: small black mask-like feature",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: blue-black with green edging",
+        "nape: olive-green colored",
+        "tail: short and square, blue-black in color",
+        "throat: striking yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "scrub greenlet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers cover the top",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and grayish",
+        "belly: light yellow tinged with green",
+        "breast: pale olive-green, fading to yellow on the sides",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint dark stripe down the center",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green matching the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: dark, tiny, and surrounded by pale olive-green feathers",
+        "legs: slender and gray, ending in toes with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint darker feather edges and streaking",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transition smoothly from crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green, short, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale yellow, in contrast to the olive-green breast"
+    ],
+    "scrub honeyeater": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow, faintly streaked",
+        "crown: olive-toned with faded streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, muted greenish-brown",
+        "eyes: rounded, dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: elongated, greenish-brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: subtle greenish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, greenish-brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: white, blending with pale breast"
+    ],
+    "scrub nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale grey with fine streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with faint spots",
+        "crown: dark grey with bold markings",
+        "forehead: lighter grey blending to crown",
+        "eyes: large, black, and reflective",
+        "legs: short and feathered",
+        "wings: long, greyish-brown with mottling",
+        "nape: dusky grey with a hint of spots",
+        "tail: greyish-brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: pale grey with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "scrub tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green covering the majority of its body",
+        "beak: black, short, and stout",
+        "belly: yellowish-green",
+        "breast: grayish-green or yellowish-green",
+        "crown: vibrant blue or green",
+        "forehead: vivid, iridescent green-blue",
+        "eyes: black with a light-colored ring surrounding",
+        "legs: grayish-black and strong",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: bright green",
+        "tail: black or deep green with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: grayish-green or yellow-green"
+    ],
+    "scrub warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and dark",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: light grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dull brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, long, and pale",
+        "wings: brown with visible barring",
+        "nape: olive-grey with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and brown",
+        "throat: pale grey-white"
+    ],
+    "scrubtit": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly darker than wings",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black or dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey or off-white, blending into breast",
+        "breast: slightly darker grey, uniform across chest",
+        "crown: olive-brown, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: same color as crown, sloping smoothly into it",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized, surrounded by thin whitish eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-grey or pale pinkish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown, faintly streaked with darker brown",
+        "nape: same color as crown, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: relatively short, olive-brown with faint darker barring",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly lighter than belly, with scattered fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "seaside cinclodes": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: creamy with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale feathering",
+        "legs: long, yellowish, strong",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter streaks, short and rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, wings and tail with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "secretarybird": [
+        "back: long, sleek, feathered body",
+        "beak: long, sharp, downward-curved",
+        "belly: slim, white with lightly speckled feathers",
+        "breast: white, lightly speckled, rounded",
+        "crown: black crest of feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: white, unfeathered flat part with visible eyebrows",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing yellow with black edges",
+        "legs: long, slender, powerful, featherless",
+        "wings: wide, expansive, black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: thick, feathered neck connecting head and body",
+        "tail: long, dramatic, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: slender, white, lightly speckled feathers"
+    ],
+    "sedge warbler": [
+        "back: distinct streaks on a brown background",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored with minimal markings",
+        "breast: buff-toned with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale with a slight stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and round with pale, thin eyering",
+        "legs: pale pink and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers and wing bars",
+        "nape: brown with streaks and mottling",
+        "tail: brown with faint barring, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "see see partridge": [
+        "back: brown with black markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, light brown",
+        "belly: cream with black markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: creamy white",
+        "eyes: bold, black surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown",
+        "wings: short, brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "tail: long, brown with black and white stripes",
+        "throat: creamy white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "selva cacique": [
+        "back: vibrant green-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow feathers with slight green tinge",
+        "crown: smooth, glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathered with a hint of green",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy black limbs",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: glossy black with a greenish sheen",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: vivid yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "semicollared flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate gray with white linings",
+        "beak: small, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: off-white, slightly speckled",
+        "breast: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: black, slightly shiny",
+        "forehead: white patch above beak",
+        "eyes: large, reflective, dark brown",
+        "legs: slim, gray-black",
+        "wings: medium-sized, black with white markings",
+        "nape: black with a white semicircular collar",
+        "tail: black, short, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "semicollared hawk": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black horizontal stripes",
+        "breast: white and marked with dark, vertical streaks",
+        "crown: slate-grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white, blending into the grey crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow surrounded by a black stripe",
+        "legs: long, yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: slate-grey upper feathers with white under feathers",
+        "nape: grey with a partial white collar",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white horizontal bands",
+        "throat: white, blending into the striped breast"
+    ],
+    "semicollared puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with spotted pattern",
+        "beak: black, short, and strong",
+        "belly: light beige with irregular streaks",
+        "breast: soft beige with scattered dark markings",
+        "crown: olive-brown with paler streaks",
+        "forehead: white semicollar marking",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown hue with faint bars",
+        "nape: white semicollar band",
+        "tail: olive-brown feathers with thin barring",
+        "throat: soft beige with streaked pattern"
+    ],
+    "semiplumbeous hawk": [
+        "back: sleek slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: light gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark gray headcrest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy yellow legs and talons",
+        "wings: broad slate-gray with black edges",
+        "nape: grayish-white transitioning to darker gray",
+        "tail: long banded gray and black feathers",
+        "throat: white with subtle gray streaking"
+    ],
+    "senegal batis": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale cream-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black barring",
+        "crown: dark black with a thin white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a thin white stripe",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black and white patterned with blue edgings",
+        "nape: black with a thin white stripe",
+        "tail: black with white spots, long, and forked",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "senegal coucal": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: black, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft grey feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with black markings",
+        "crown: black with a hint of metallic green sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-grey with strong scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark brown with reddish-brown wing coverts",
+        "nape: brown with black streaks connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long and graduated with a greenish-black hue",
+        "throat: creamy white with light grey undertones"
+    ],
+    "senegal eremomela": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: petite, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy white underparts",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey with greenish-yellow edges",
+        "forehead: greyish green",
+        "eyes: black, bead-like, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow-fringed edging",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellowish tinges",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with yellowish outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow to greenish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "senegal lapwing": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: white underside with blackish markings",
+        "breast: golden-brown with black band separating it from the white belly",
+        "crown: dark plumage with white stripe",
+        "forehead: white extending into a v shape towards eyes",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: dark brown with white markings, rounded tips",
+        "nape: golden-brown, lighter than back",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white band across",
+        "throat: white, meeting white forehead markings"
+    ],
+    "senegal parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage covering the upper back",
+        "beak: short, curved, light-colored upper mandible and dark lower mandible",
+        "belly: soft green, blending with the breast",
+        "breast: vibrant orange and yellow feathers leading to belly",
+        "crown: greyish head with relatively flat shape",
+        "forehead: grey, matching the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish feet with two forward-facing and two backward-facing toes",
+        "wings: bright green with blue-tinted primary feathers",
+        "nape: gradual transition from grey crown to green back",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white blending with the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "senegal thick knee": [
+        "back: light brown with speckled markings",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with subtle speckles",
+        "breast: sandy brown with feathered spots",
+        "crown: light brown blending into darker brown near the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown, merging into crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with bold black stripe",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey-green",
+        "wings: mottled brown, folded neatly by their sides",
+        "nape: darker brown feathering, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short and light brown, with white and black bands",
+        "throat: pale white, blending into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "sennar penduline tit": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with a hint of brown",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale creamy white with fine grey streaks",
+        "breast: soft, white plumage with grey tinge",
+        "crown: blue-grey with prominent pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, blue-grey, and featherless",
+        "wings: blue-grey feathers with white-edged tips",
+        "nape: blue-grey with a thin white line",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey feathers with a white-tip border",
+        "throat: white with delicate grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "sentinel rock thrush": [
+        "back: slate grey, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp and slender",
+        "belly: pale grey with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: mottled grey-blue, white streaks",
+        "crown: grey-blue, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grey, slightly flushed",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: black, long and slender",
+        "wings: grey-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: subtle gradient from grey to blue",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "sepia capped flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathering",
+        "breast: light greyish-white, speckled pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown cap-like top",
+        "forehead: lighter brown shade blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black, equipped with small claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous shade from back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, smooth transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "sepik ramu shrikethrush": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-white with gray-brown spots and streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with narrow black streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-gray with faint dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: strong, medium-length, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark barring and white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with thin black streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "seram boobook": [
+        "back: rich brown with horizontal dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, medium-sized, and black",
+        "belly: white with brown spots and streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: brown with faint white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and prominent",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with intricate white barring patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown with delicate white speckles",
+        "tail: long and brown, with distinct white bands",
+        "throat: light beige with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "seram bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown hues with intricate feather patterns",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and pointed for picking insects",
+        "belly: creamy-white color with a soft appearance",
+        "breast: light brown transitioning to white near the belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler shade of olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a bold black bar and white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with delicate feather structures",
+        "tail: long and graduated with white tips and undertail coverts",
+        "throat: off-white, blending into the breast's light brown color"
+    ],
+    "seram friarbird": [
+        "back: shades of grey-brown feathering",
+        "beak: long, slender, downward-curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with white undertones",
+        "breast: light grey, gently blending with belly",
+        "crown: dusky black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from crown to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with a thin grey eye ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: medium length, grey-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey-brown, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, contrast with darker head and breast"
+    ],
+    "seram golden bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with lighter edges",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish horn color",
+        "belly: pale yellow-olive",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow",
+        "crown: darker olive-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-olive",
+        "eyes: dark, round, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with broad yellow bar",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, slightly darker than back",
+        "tail: olive-yellow with yellow edges",
+        "throat: vibrant golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "seram honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with olive green highlights",
+        "beak: slender, slightly-hooked bill in black color",
+        "belly: white with faint vertical streaks",
+        "breast: horizontally-striped with brown and white markings",
+        "crown: dark brown transitioning to lighter brown towards the forehead",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark orbs with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with olive green edges, medium in size",
+        "nape: brown with faint olive hue",
+        "tail: long, straight, dark brown feathers with olive green edges",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks extending from the breast"
+    ],
+    "seram imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: slate-grey, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, white-tipped",
+        "belly: pale grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-grey, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: dark grey, contrasting crest",
+        "forehead: light grey, smooth transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, orange-red irises",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish color",
+        "wings: rounded, greyish-blue, white trailing edges",
+        "nape: dark grey, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped, fan-like",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "seram masked owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with paler streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, light-gray beak",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white feathers with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown feathers with a black face mask",
+        "forehead: black facial disc, paler at the top",
+        "eyes: large, piercing yellow eyes",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: variegated brown and white, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown feathers with hint of lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with faint white bars",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "seram mountain pigeon": [
+        "back: grey-brown feathers with subtle hues of blue",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved, light grey in color",
+        "belly: light grey feathers transitioning into white near the tail",
+        "breast: soft, pale grey color with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers giving a slight crest effect",
+        "forehead: grey-blue feathers extending up towards the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert, surrounded by a patch of light grey feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong with yellow-to-orange scales and sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, grey-blue feathers with dark edges",
+        "nape: grey feathers with a slight sheen of blue",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark grey-blue feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: silvery grey plumage with a clear line towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "seram myzomela": [
+        "back: dark crimson-colored feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright red with a slight orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant red feathers",
+        "crown: deep red with a slightly darker shade",
+        "forehead: rich red feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown with strong talons",
+        "wings: dark red with lighter tips and a wide wingspan",
+        "nape: crimson-red continued from the crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, red with black tips",
+        "throat: intense red feathers fading into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "seram oriole": [
+        "back: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with faint black markings",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: solid black with yellow edges",
+        "forehead: striking black",
+        "eyes: small, round, and beady black",
+        "legs: sturdy, black legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with hints of yellow on the edges",
+        "nape: yellow with thin black lines",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "seram swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek and dark-colored upper body",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved bill",
+        "belly: pale and smooth underbelly",
+        "breast: soft grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark-colored head",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded, dark plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and sharp",
+        "legs: short, sturdy limbs with small claws",
+        "wings: long, slender, and pointed for swift flight",
+        "nape: dark-colored neck feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage on the neck front"
+    ],
+    "seram thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with feather patterns",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brown spots",
+        "breast: cream-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with lighter fringes and spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with mottled feather patterns",
+        "tail: brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "seram white eye": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white feathered underside",
+        "breast: white plumage, puffed",
+        "crown: gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, bright white rings",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: gray with white speckles",
+        "nape: gray connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long and gray, fanned",
+        "throat: white and soft"
+    ],
+    "serendib scops owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark brown markings",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark streaks and white spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with dark streaks, camouflaged",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown with few streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, surrounded by dark patches",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded, grayish-brown, spotted, and barred with dark colors",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks, blending into back plumage",
+        "tail: short, square, grayish-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "serra antwren": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: gray and white mix with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a reddish-brown patch",
+        "forehead: white, meeting the dark gray crown",
+        "eyes: shiny, black, surrounded by white eyestripe",
+        "legs: slender and black, built for perching",
+        "wings: dark gray with fine streaks, rounded edges",
+        "nape: dark gray with subtle reddish shading",
+        "tail: long and dark gray, with noticeable white tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "serra do mar tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish or white",
+        "breast: light gray to olive-gray",
+        "crown: olive-green, darker than back",
+        "forehead: whitish or pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with two yellowish wing bars",
+        "nape: slightly lighter olive-green",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with thin white edges",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "serra do mar tyrant manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: lighter green or yellowish hue",
+        "breast: rich green coloration",
+        "crown: bright red feathers in male birds",
+        "forehead: intense red plumage in males",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: green with a darker outline",
+        "nape: continuation of the green back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green with a dark tip",
+        "throat: green with a slight yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "seven colored tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: short and strong, black",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow with blue accents",
+        "breast: rich turquoise blue",
+        "crown: deep metallic blue",
+        "forehead: vivid sky blue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: thin and grey",
+        "wings: mix of blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: radiant blue blending into green",
+        "tail: multicolored layers of blue, green, and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: striking deep blue with a hint of turquoise"
+    ],
+    "severtzov grouse": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with darker bars",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white-grey feathers with black barring",
+        "breast: dark chestnut feathers with white spots",
+        "crown: mottled brown and grey feathers",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white with black speckles",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: feathered and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded with white and brown barring",
+        "nape: grey and brown mottled feathers",
+        "tail: rounded, with dark bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: light grey feathers with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "seychelles blue pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale silver-gray color",
+        "belly: bright turquoise-blue with soft, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: striking blue crested head, elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth blue feathers, transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin blue-gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and scaly, light gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bold blue feathers with black primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: bright blue feathers connecting to the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, slightly fan-shaped, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "throat: soft blue feathers, lighter shade than breast"
+    ],
+    "seychelles bulbul": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with shades of gray",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: light yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: deep brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender and strong",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with shades of gray and slight white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown extending from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-brown with slight white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, smooth without streaks"
+    ],
+    "seychelles fody": [
+        "back: bright olive-green",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "crown: brilliant orange-red",
+        "forehead: striking red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: orange-red with olive-green tint",
+        "tail: long and olive-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "seychelles kestrel": [
+        "back: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: rusty brown with black barring",
+        "nape: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: rusty brown with black barring, square-shaped end",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "seychelles magpie robin": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown coloring",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, seamless transition from crown",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: dark brown with secondary feathers lighter shade",
+        "nape: dark brown, connects to crown",
+        "tail: long, conspicuous, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white, distinct from breast"
+    ],
+    "seychelles paradise flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark blue-black, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: small, slender, black",
+        "belly: light turquoise blue, fluffy",
+        "breast: deep turquoise blue, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: long, flowing, black streamers",
+        "forehead: turquoise blue, feathers meeting beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, delicate",
+        "wings: blue-black, broad, rounded",
+        "nape: where blue-black crown and turquoise blue neck feathers meet",
+        "tail: long, slender, black with streamers",
+        "throat: turquoise blue, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "seychelles parrot": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong, dark gray",
+        "belly: light green feathers with a bluish sheen",
+        "breast: greenish-blue feathers, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow band of red feathers",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring, giving a wide-eyed appearance",
+        "legs: gray and scaly, with strong, zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: dark green with some blue feathers and a prominent red patch",
+        "nape: green feathers, sometimes with a bluish hue",
+        "tail: long and rectangular, with green and blue feathers and red tips",
+        "throat: greenish-blue feathers, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "seychelles scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with streaks of white",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked, pale yellow-grey color",
+        "belly: pale grey with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: light grey-brown with white streaks and markings",
+        "crown: mottled brown and grey feathers with subtle white spots",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, rounded, and yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: feathered, light grey-brown with strong, sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, greyish-brown with white speckling and barring",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with white streaks and spots",
+        "tail: relatively short, grey-brown with white bands and markings",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint white streaks"
+    ],
+    "seychelles sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green to dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black, specialized for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: grayish-white to pale yellow, soft and rounded",
+        "breast: vibrant orange or yellow, sometimes with iridescent feathers",
+        "crown: glossy green or blue, with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: small and rounded, similar in color to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round, set on either side of the head",
+        "legs: slender gray or black, with three forward-facing toes and a backward-facing toe",
+        "wings: olive-green or brown, with a short, rounded shape for agile flight",
+        "nape: olive-green to dark brown, transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and slender, with darker central feathers and lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white to pale yellow, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "seychelles swiftlet": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: short black beak",
+        "belly: greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: somewhat light grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey crowned head",
+        "forehead: lighter grey frontal feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, glistening eyes",
+        "legs: short black legs",
+        "wings: long, dark grey wings",
+        "nape: slightly lighter grey nape",
+        "tail: dark grey forked tail",
+        "throat: pale grey feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "seychelles warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow",
+        "crown: yellowish-olive with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: beady with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: olive-yellow",
+        "tail: long and slender, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale olive-yellow"
+    ],
+    "seychelles white eye": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white plumage",
+        "breast: light olive-green shading",
+        "crown: dark grayish-green color",
+        "forehead: small white feathers patch",
+        "eyes: distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with white fringes",
+        "nape: greyish-green feathered region",
+        "tail: short and olive-green",
+        "throat: white feathers blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "shade warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and patterned",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white",
+        "breast: lightly streaked, yellowish",
+        "crown: slightly crested, olive",
+        "forehead: inconspicuous, greenish tones",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark brown, strong",
+        "wings: primary feathers dark, secondary feathers with pale edges",
+        "nape: greenish gray, blending with back",
+        "tail: dark, forked, white outer tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, defining feature"
+    ],
+    "shaft tailed whydah": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: white with a hint of gray",
+        "breast: white, blending into the grayish belly",
+        "crown: glossy black with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: continuation of the black crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and centered in the white face",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, needle-like shafts with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black crown"
+    ],
+    "sharp beaked ground finch": [
+        "back: smooth, brown-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed and black",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: soft, light brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown, rounded top",
+        "forehead: feathers blend into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark, and scaly",
+        "wings: sleek, brown-gray with distinct streaks",
+        "nape: transitioning from the dark brown crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and dark-brown",
+        "throat: paler brown feathers, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "sharp billed canastero": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: buff-colored with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: pale, sturdy, and featherless",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint barring",
+        "nape: streaked pale brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored with narrow streaks"
+    ],
+    "sharp billed treehunter": [
+        "back: olive-green streaked with brown",
+        "beak: long, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with thin streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a concealed crest",
+        "forehead: rust-colored with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips and a ladder pattern",
+        "throat: off-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sharp tailed ibis": [
+        "back: sleek and brown, with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: long, decurved, dark color with pale base",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white, blending into wings",
+        "breast: dark brown, barred with white streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, featuring a white-striped crest",
+        "forehead: prominent white patch",
+        "eyes: pale, surrounded by a brownish-grey facial skin",
+        "legs: long, reddish in color",
+        "wings: broad with brown, grey, and cream patterns",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: sharp, black, elongated and feathered",
+        "throat: delicately adorned with brown and white"
+    ],
+    "sharp tailed sandpiper": [
+        "back: streaked, brownish-gray pattern",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white with light buff streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale whitish-brown",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with faint buff streaks"
+    ],
+    "sharp tailed starling": [
+        "back: glossy-green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: light chestnut-orange with fine streaks",
+        "crown: iridescent green with frontal crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with blackish-green primaries",
+        "nape: curved stripe of white feathers",
+        "tail: sharply-pointed, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "sharp tailed streamcreeper": [
+        "back: dark brown and streaked",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with gray-brown flanks",
+        "breast: white with spots and streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black and round",
+        "legs: long and thin, yellowish",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous edgings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and sharply pointed, brown and barred",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sharp tailed tyrant": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale with subtle darker streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray, semi-flat",
+        "forehead: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "nape: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: pointed tips, dark bars or spots",
+        "throat: light gray with fine darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "sharpbill": [
+        "back: smooth, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and curve-tipped",
+        "belly: slightly rounded and light-colored",
+        "breast: soft, full plumage",
+        "crown: rounded top with vibrant feathers",
+        "forehead: small and smoothly feathered",
+        "eyes: sharp, alert gaze with dark markings",
+        "legs: slender, strong and clawed",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and strong for agile flight",
+        "nape: gracefully curved with delicate feather tufts",
+        "tail: elongated and fan-shaped for balance",
+        "throat: smooth feathers and subtly darker hue"
+    ],
+    "sharpe akalat": [
+        "back: dark chestnut-brown",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright rust-orange",
+        "breast: rusty-brownish-orange",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a grayish tinge",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: pale grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long and dark chestnut with a white tip",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "sharpe apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hook-shaped for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: distinctive golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, golden-yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey with strong feet for grasping branches",
+        "wings: olive-green with brownish-black primary feathers",
+        "nape: gold-colored with olive-green blending",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a hint of brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sharpe drongo": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray coat",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: lighter gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: smooth gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark slate gray and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray, and gently sloping",
+        "eyes: black, piercing, and round",
+        "legs: long, black, and slim",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "nape: pale gray with light feather pattern",
+        "tail: forked, long, and black with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sharpe longclaw": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: off-white lower body",
+        "breast: cream with black streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown cap",
+        "forehead: white brow line",
+        "eyes: dark, distinct white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, olive-brown with faint banding",
+        "nape: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark brown",
+        "throat: buff-colored with black streaking"
+    ],
+    "sharpe rosefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and thick, light gray color",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "breast: bright rosy-red",
+        "crown: deep rose color",
+        "forehead: vibrant rose hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: strong, gray-colored",
+        "wings: brownish-red with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: rose-colored blending into brown",
+        "tail: forked, dark brown",
+        "throat: bright rosy-red"
+    ],
+    "sharpe starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "beak: relatively short, pointed yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: shiny green-black feathers with lighter edges",
+        "breast: speckled with greyish-white spots",
+        "crown: iridescent green-black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: same color as crown, slightly flatter",
+        "eyes: dark, medium size, alert and lively",
+        "legs: relatively long, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green-black, long and pointed",
+        "nape: green-black feathers blending into back color",
+        "tail: narrow and long, same color as wings",
+        "throat: purple-tinted feathers with lighter speckles"
+    ],
+    "sharpe wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light barring",
+        "breast: rich buff-colored with dark markings",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a pale streak",
+        "forehead: warm reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: short and rounded with brown barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and broad, dark with pale edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "shear tailed gray tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: soft gray feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, black, long legs",
+        "wings: gray, elongated, aerodynamic",
+        "nape: subtle gray feathers transition",
+        "tail: distinctive forked shape, gray feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "shelley eagle owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, and sharply curved",
+        "belly: whitish with dark brown streaks and bars",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: large, black, soul-piercing orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy and feathered, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and powerful, brown and white-mottled feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with white streaks transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: long and brown, with white feather tips forming horizontal bars",
+        "throat: light brown feathers with fine white stippling"
+    ],
+    "shelley francolin": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: short and strong, greyish-brown",
+        "belly: white with black and brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with distinct black barring",
+        "crown: russet-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: russet-brown with short white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white ring",
+        "legs: robust and greyish-brown with spurs",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white streaks and black spots",
+        "nape: russet-brown with a slight crest",
+        "tail: short and square, reddish-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "shelley greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle grey shade",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy white with light olive tinge",
+        "breast: pale olive-green, slightly paler than back",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint yellowish streak",
+        "forehead: gently sloping olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: brownish-grey with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-green and greyish-brown feather edges",
+        "nape: uniform olive-green continuation from crown",
+        "tail: pointed, olive-green with dark brown central feathers",
+        "throat: brighter white, contrasting with pale breast"
+    ],
+    "shelley oliveback": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black for seed eating",
+        "belly: cream-colored with light olive tinges",
+        "breast: pale olive and cream-colored feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight bronze shades",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers meet the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a black pupil and pale ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with secondary feathers edged in white",
+        "nape: olive-green continuing down from the crown",
+        "tail: medium length, olive feathers with a dark band and light tip",
+        "throat: cream-colored blending into the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "shelley rufous sparrow": [
+        "back: earthy brown feather pattern",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: light gray-brown, some darker streaks",
+        "breast: warm chestnut, subtle markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, gray feather borders",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown, narrow feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown, white ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-brown, strong",
+        "wings: brown, patterned, whitish tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, gray edges",
+        "tail: brown, slightly forked, white corners",
+        "throat: pale gray, darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "shelley starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and yellow",
+        "belly: pale, light-gray feathers",
+        "breast: soft, silver-gray plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, metallic green-blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, reddish-pink with strong claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue, angular shape",
+        "nape: metallic green-blue transition to gray",
+        "tail: straight, dark, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: silver-gray with slight iridescence"
+    ],
+    "shelley sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant, iridescent green",
+        "beak: slim, curved, black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering golden-orange plumage",
+        "crown: radiant emerald-green tuft",
+        "forehead: glistening green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, jet-black",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: patterned green and yellow",
+        "nape: luminous green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: bright golden-orange chest"
+    ],
+    "shikra": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: white with rufous bars",
+        "breast: pale grey or white",
+        "crown: dark grey, rounded",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: piercing, orange or yellow",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow",
+        "wings: short, rounded, mottled grey",
+        "nape: light grey",
+        "tail: dark grey, narrow white bands",
+        "throat: light grey or white"
+    ],
+    "shining bronze cuckoo": [
+        "back: iridescent bronze-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale with black scaling",
+        "breast: bronzed dark-green hue",
+        "crown: gleaming bronze-colored",
+        "forehead: metallic bronze-green",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: iridescent green with prominent white tips",
+        "nape: shining bronze-green coloration",
+        "tail: long, bronze-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black scalloped markings"
+    ],
+    "shining drongo": [
+        "back: iridescent black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter black, sometimes with pale flecks",
+        "breast: dark and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and shimmering black",
+        "eyes: bright red or orange",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: long and angular, black with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: glossy black, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, forked and slightly fanned",
+        "throat: deep black with a faint shimmer"
+    ],
+    "shining flycatcher": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: shining metallic blue-black",
+        "crown: iridescent bluish-black",
+        "forehead: deep metallic blue-black",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: black with bluish sheen",
+        "nape: gleaming black-blue plumage",
+        "tail: long and tapered, black-blue",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "shining honeycreeper": [
+        "back: iridescent black-blue feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, gently curving, black",
+        "belly: bright turquoise",
+        "breast: shimmering blue transitioning to turquoise",
+        "crown: glossy black-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, black-bead surrounded by blue",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: deep black-blue contrasting with turquoise lower down",
+        "tail: shimmering blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: brilliant turquoise with slim black-blue border"
+    ],
+    "shining sunbeam": [
+        "back: iridescent green-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: duller, orange-hued feathers",
+        "breast: bright coppery-orange plumage",
+        "crown: subtly shimmering green crest",
+        "forehead: glimmering green-gold feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark in color",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-bronze with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: shining, green-bronze feathers",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, with iridescent burnished bronze feathers",
+        "throat: bright, coppery-orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "shining sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: bright metallic purple",
+        "crown: shining metallic green",
+        "forehead: iridescent green-blue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with green-blue edges",
+        "nape: glossy green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long and forked, dark gray",
+        "throat: bright metallic purple"
+    ],
+    "shining blue kingfisher": [
+        "back: striking iridescent blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black dagger-like",
+        "belly: bright white with blue tinges",
+        "breast: white merging into vivid blue",
+        "crown: bright metallic blue head",
+        "forehead: rich sapphire blue hue",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark, beady orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, short, red-orange limbs",
+        "wings: brilliant azure with black tips",
+        "nape: metallic glistening blue transition",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: pure white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "shining green hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald feathers",
+        "beak: sleek and elongated black bill",
+        "belly: soft pastel green plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers",
+        "crown: radiant green crest",
+        "forehead: glistening lime feathers",
+        "eyes: small and alert deep black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, delicate limbs",
+        "wings: fast fluttering and iridescent green",
+        "nape: luminous green connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with green accents",
+        "throat: dazzling green throat patch"
+    ],
+    "shiny whistling thrush": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: deep blue with a hint of iridescence",
+        "breast: rich blue-black plumage",
+        "crown: sleek, bright blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and watchful",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark, and powerful",
+        "wings: glossy, broad, blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: sleek, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, streaming, blue-black plumes",
+        "throat: vibrant, bright blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "shore plover": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: stout, pale orange with a dark tip",
+        "belly: white and clean-looking",
+        "breast: off-white mixed with rusty hues",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: relatively short, orange-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: blending of white and brownish-grey",
+        "tail: brown with white band",
+        "throat: white with pale rusty shades"
+    ],
+    "short bearded melidectes": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: golden-yellow with a tinge of brown",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: golden-yellow, fading to olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: short, white beard-like feathers"
+    ],
+    "short billed canastero": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: brownish-grey, sometimes with rufous tones",
+        "forehead: slightly darker than the crown, with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: similar to the crown, brownish-grey",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with darker, banded feathers",
+        "throat: buffy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "short billed chlorospingus": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, grayish-black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: yellowish-white, fading into the sides",
+        "breast: grayish-white, streaks of olive green",
+        "crown: dark greenish-gray with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, outlined by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feather edges",
+        "nape: green-gray, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium length, squared end",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "short billed crombec": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: light grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dull yellowish-brown",
+        "forehead: gently sloping brow",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: short and square-tipped",
+        "throat: white with soft streaks"
+    ],
+    "short billed gull": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: compact, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers",
+        "crown: light gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: flat, pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray, distinct black tips",
+        "nape: pale gray, slim neck",
+        "tail: white, forked shape",
+        "throat: feathered white, unblemished"
+    ],
+    "short billed honeycreeper": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight black bill",
+        "belly: pale gray-white underparts",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-blue head",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue-violet hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: brilliant blue-green with black edges",
+        "nape: stunning purple-blue transitioning to blue-green",
+        "tail: sharply pointed, blue-green tail feathers",
+        "throat: rich blue-violet throat patch"
+    ],
+    "short billed leaftosser": [
+        "back: rich olive-brown color",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: buff-white hue",
+        "breast: pale olive-brown",
+        "crown: darker olive-brown",
+        "forehead: tinge of rusty-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with some white spots",
+        "nape: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "tail: short and sharp, olive-brown",
+        "throat: buff-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "short billed miner": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: light cream-colored",
+        "breast: pale gray with brown speckles",
+        "crown: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "short billed minivet": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and black, designed for catching insects",
+        "belly: vivid orange-yellow with a slight gradient",
+        "breast: mix of orange and yellow merging into the belly",
+        "crown: black with a sleek, streamlined look",
+        "forehead: smooth black contouring to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin and black, perching with ease",
+        "wings: striking black with bold, colorful patches",
+        "nape: black, transitioning to the bird's colorful back",
+        "tail: long and black with bursts of bright color",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange, blending with the belly"
+    ],
+    "short billed pigeon": [
+        "back: slate grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with light feathering",
+        "breast: soft, greyish-cerulean plumage",
+        "crown: darker grey feathers than back",
+        "forehead: flat, small grey feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, with grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, reddish-pink",
+        "wings: grey with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: well-feathered with slight curve to the neck",
+        "tail: medium-length, square, grey with darker grey tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "short billed pipit": [
+        "back: light brown, streaked with darker markings",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale, creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored, lightly streaked with brown",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaks, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: buff to light brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown with thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: brown with darker feather edges and white wing-bar",
+        "nape: light brown, continuous with crown and back coloration",
+        "tail: brownish, short, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, blending with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "short clawed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale buff or white",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: sandy brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth and light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short with scaled claws, pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark markings",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, dark brown",
+        "throat: pale buff or white"
+    ],
+    "short crested coquette": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: iridescent green",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: short, spiky rufous crest",
+        "forehead: glittering green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: black and delicate",
+        "wings: iridescent green and rounded",
+        "nape: green feathers with rufous edging",
+        "tail: rounded, black with white tips",
+        "throat: green plumage with white patch"
+    ],
+    "short crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, wide, and dark",
+        "belly: yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: grayish feathers with a short crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: dark, slender legs",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long and dark with white edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "short crested monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with streaks of black",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with blue edges",
+        "breast: white with a touch of blue",
+        "crown: royal blue with a short crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue with black outlines",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, black in color",
+        "wings: bold blue with black patterns",
+        "nape: brilliant blue with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, tapered, blue with black barring",
+        "throat: bright white with faint blue edges"
+    ],
+    "short legged ground roller": [
+        "back: vibrant and intricately patterned",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: pale with dark spots",
+        "breast: richly colored with unique markings",
+        "crown: distinct feathers and patterns",
+        "forehead: smooth and brightly colored",
+        "eyes: piercing with a bold outline",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad and powerful with striking patterns",
+        "nape: well-defined with an eye-catching color",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with brilliant markings",
+        "throat: delicately textured with subtle hues"
+    ],
+    "short tailed akalat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle markings",
+        "crown: light brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with faint streaks, moderate size",
+        "nape: olive-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "short tailed albatross": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: large and pale pinkish-yellow",
+        "belly: white and soft feathered",
+        "breast: white plumage with some light black speckles",
+        "crown: white feathers meeting at the center",
+        "forehead: white and flat",
+        "eyes: dark and round, giving a gentle appearance",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-yellow",
+        "wings: white plumage with black tips, long and narrow",
+        "nape: smooth white feathers meeting at the neck",
+        "tail: short and white with black edges",
+        "throat: white, unblemished feathers"
+    ],
+    "short tailed antthrush": [
+        "back: brownish plumage with streaks",
+        "beak: relatively short, curved, and stout",
+        "belly: buff-colored with faint bars",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with light barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with slightly rufous hue",
+        "forehead: smooth brown, contiguous with crown",
+        "eyes: medium in size, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with lighter feather edges, rounded shape",
+        "nape: brown blending into the crown, slightly lighter shade",
+        "tail: short with brown feathers, inconspicuous barring",
+        "throat: buff-white, blending into the chest"
+    ],
+    "short tailed babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow",
+        "breast: slightly darker buff-yellow",
+        "crown: dark brown, plumage prominent",
+        "forehead: whitish, short streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: short, olive-brown with some rufous feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, rounded, rufous brown",
+        "throat: pale buff-yellow, unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "short tailed batis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint markings",
+        "beak: short, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: white or pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black cap or crest",
+        "forehead: white or pale gray stripe",
+        "eyes: surrounded by dark feathering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: black and white with bold markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short, square, and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "short tailed emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, needle-like",
+        "belly: off-white, fading into green",
+        "breast: iridescent green",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright, metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, bead-like",
+        "legs: delicate, grayish-black",
+        "wings: fast-moving, translucent edges",
+        "nape: brilliant green fading to white",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, bright green",
+        "throat: gleaming emerald hue"
+    ],
+    "short tailed field tyrant": [
+        "back: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed black",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: grayish-white with slight streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-black",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and thin black",
+        "wings: gray with slight barring",
+        "nape: light gray",
+        "tail: short and black",
+        "throat: pale white"
+    ],
+    "short tailed grasswren": [
+        "back: small, brown, and streaked with darker bars",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and shaped for eating insects",
+        "belly: delicate, pale brown with faint markings",
+        "breast: warm brown, with subtle barring",
+        "crown: light brown with streaks of black and white",
+        "forehead: brown, fading to a paler shade towards the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, long, and built for hopping in grass",
+        "wings: brown with black and white streaks, adapted for short bursts of flight",
+        "nape: brown and streaked with darker markings",
+        "tail: short, brown with black bars, and often held cocked upward",
+        "throat: soft, pale brown with little to no markings"
+    ],
+    "short tailed hawk": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked curve",
+        "belly: light, softly-patterned plumage",
+        "breast: pale to ruddy feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth transition to beak",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong and slender",
+        "wings: broad, rounded tips",
+        "nape: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: shorter, banded feathers",
+        "throat: light, delicate plumage"
+    ],
+    "short tailed lark": [
+        "back: brownish, streaked plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown markings",
+        "breast: light brown, streaked feathers",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: pale brown with thin markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-brown, with small claws",
+        "wings: brown with white edges, rounded shape",
+        "nape: brownish with pale streaks, connects to crown",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: whitish and unmarked, transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "short tailed nighthawk": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, wide-gaped, and dark",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray with small white spots",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and slightly bulging",
+        "legs: short, gray, and feathered",
+        "wings: dark gray with elongated and pointed tips",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark, and rounded with white bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "short tailed paradigalla": [
+        "back: vibrant matte black feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow-orange curved structure",
+        "belly: dark black feathered region",
+        "breast: bold black feathers with a slight shine",
+        "crown: black feathers with iridescent blue tips",
+        "forehead: matte black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a black outline",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded black feathers with blue iridescence",
+        "nape: black, smoothly transitioning to the outstanding crown",
+        "tail: short, black, rounded feathers with iridescent tips",
+        "throat: deep black, glossy feathers with a smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "short tailed parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small and conical, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: pale white-greyish",
+        "breast: buffy-white with brownish flanks",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: black beads surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with some darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: light olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark with white tips",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "short tailed pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale buff or light brown",
+        "breast: light brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: streaked brown and pale buff",
+        "forehead: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with pale buff wing bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown and pale buff",
+        "tail: short and brown with pale outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "short tailed pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle markings",
+        "beak: small and sharp, black with a lighter base",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-green",
+        "crown: grayish green with a concealed yellow patch",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint black barring",
+        "nape: grayish green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short and stubby, olive-green with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale, grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "short tailed scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: buff-white with brown markings",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut color",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight rufous shading",
+        "nape: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown, with a slight upward curve",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "short tailed shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked tip",
+        "belly: lighter gray hue",
+        "breast: smoky gray coloring",
+        "crown: dark, rounded top",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly sloping",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet",
+        "wings: slender, dark, elongated",
+        "nape: dark, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: lighter gray shading"
+    ],
+    "short tailed starling": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, pointed",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: speckled grey and white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, black feathers",
+        "forehead: small, darker head plumage",
+        "eyes: round, black, expressive",
+        "legs: slim, dark, and strong",
+        "wings: short, pointed, dark-feathered",
+        "nape: dark, smoother plumage",
+        "tail: short, square-ended, dark feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "short tailed swift": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: light, soft feathers",
+        "breast: smooth, curved shape",
+        "crown: uncrested, rounded head",
+        "forehead: flat and inconspicuous",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and adapted for aerial life",
+        "wings: long, slender, and curved",
+        "nape: well-feathered and connected to wings",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked appearance",
+        "throat: pale, narrow-feathered region"
+    ],
+    "short tailed woodstar": [
+        "back: shimmering green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: thin, elongated curved bill",
+        "belly: soft light gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: bright green feathers blending into back",
+        "forehead: vibrant emerald green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: slender pinkish-grey legs",
+        "wings: rapid and agile, dark-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: shining green, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, gray undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white, intersected by black band"
+    ],
+    "short toed coucal": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, black hook-like",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with short, dense feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, white-ringed",
+        "legs: long, grayish-black, strong",
+        "wings: rounded, black, broad",
+        "nape: black with slight rufous tinge",
+        "tail: long, broad, banded with black and white",
+        "throat: whitish with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "short toed rock thrush": [
+        "back: blue-gray with black speckles",
+        "beak: sharp and thin, black",
+        "belly: pale orange",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with slight orange tint",
+        "crown: blue-gray color",
+        "forehead: light blue contrasts with the darker crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black streaks",
+        "nape: blue-grey, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: blue-grey with dark bands",
+        "throat: vibrant orange, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "short toed snake eagle": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, streaked with lighter brown",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: intense, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: feathered yellow, robust",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, light brown with dark spots",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, banded with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "short toed treecreeper": [
+        "back: brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray-white",
+        "crown: brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and flexible",
+        "wings: brown with white spots",
+        "nape: medium brown, mottled",
+        "tail: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "shovel billed kookaburra": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with slight sheen",
+        "beak: large, wide, and shovel-shaped",
+        "belly: off-white and pale-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers and slightly mottled",
+        "forehead: pale buff-brown with fine, dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white spots on coverts",
+        "nape: pale buff-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: barred with brown and pale bands, rectangular shape",
+        "throat: off-white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "shrike like cotinga": [
+        "back: grayish upper parts",
+        "beak: stout and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white underparts",
+        "breast: whitish with faint grayish markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark beady orbs",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: grayish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: pale gray with a small crest",
+        "tail: long and square-shaped, banded black and white",
+        "throat: white with faint gray lines"
+    ],
+    "shy ground dove": [
+        "back: delicate shades of brown with pinkish hue",
+        "beak: slim, dark grey, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with soft streaks",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with pinkish undertones",
+        "crown: rich purple-brown with blue-grey edge",
+        "forehead: light bluish-grey with a smooth slope",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and shiny, surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: short and strong, light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with black spots, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: purple-brown with a hint of blue-grey",
+        "tail: long & dark-tipped, bluish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with a softer texture"
+    ],
+    "shy heathwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale and reddish-brown striped",
+        "breast: warm brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: boldly striped with reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: light brown and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: round, dark, delicate white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: warm brown with black and reddish-brown bars",
+        "nape: light and reddish-brown striped",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown, barred with darker bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with sparse brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "siamese fireback": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with subtle blue-green iridescence",
+        "beak: short and strong, light horn-colored",
+        "belly: greyish-white with darker grey streaks",
+        "breast: orange-red feathers bordered with fine black lines",
+        "crown: bright blue crest with long, curved feathers",
+        "forehead: white colored with black face markings",
+        "eyes: bright yellow iris surrounded by black line",
+        "legs: long and slender, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: dark grey with white and blue streaks",
+        "nape: white and blue feathers covering the back of the head",
+        "tail: long with curved and elongated grey feathers",
+        "throat: grey with fine white streaks and dark grey markings"
+    ],
+    "siamese pied starling": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth white transition from belly",
+        "crown: glossy black with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and intelligent",
+        "legs: strong, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: black with a flash of white at the sides",
+        "nape: iridescent black extending to the back",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly fanned",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning from the breast"
+    ],
+    "siau pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: bright blue with dark flecks",
+        "breast: rich azure gradient",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue merging with crown",
+        "eyes: black with a surrounding white patch",
+        "legs: dark grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: striking green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green-blue feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers with wide ends",
+        "throat: bold, deep blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "siberian accentor": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark in color",
+        "belly: light, warm buff with grayish flanks",
+        "breast: orange-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with a noticeable crest",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, rusty-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: thin, with a grayish hue",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "nape: grayish with brownish streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with bold dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "siberian blue robin": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with dark speckles",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: rich blue gradient blending into the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue coloration with a hint of azure",
+        "forehead: bright blue and smoothly transitions to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: thin and dark grey, hidden by the plumage",
+        "wings: long, blue feathers with visible darker markings",
+        "nape: striking blue hue, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: short, fanned blue feathers with darker streaks",
+        "throat: vivid blue feathers fading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "siberian crane": [
+        "back: pale gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointed with a dark reddish-pink color",
+        "belly: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers merging with the belly",
+        "crown: smooth, white feathers with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: prominent and white with a red patch at the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a black border, expressive gaze",
+        "legs: long, dark pinkish-red color, slender and sturdy",
+        "wings: wide, white feathers with elongated wingtips for migration",
+        "nape: white feathers with a slender and arched neck",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with white feathers, slightly pointed tips",
+        "throat: white feathers connecting to the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "siberian grouse": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with pale edging",
+        "beak: stout, medium-length, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with faint white markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with white flecks and streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "eyes: round and large, with a dark brown iris",
+        "legs: feathered, dark gray, and strong",
+        "wings: large, rounded, dark gray with lighter edging",
+        "nape: medium gray with faint white markings",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark gray with pale banding",
+        "throat: pale gray with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "siberian jay": [
+        "back: soft grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, blackish",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown head",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and intelligent",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, grayish-brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "siberian rubythroat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: straight, thin, dark colored",
+        "belly: white to creamy white",
+        "breast: vibrant red patch on male, pale on female",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with faint pale ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with slight wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, consistent with crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly darker with shallow fork",
+        "throat: bright red in male, pale in female, bordered by white moustache stripe"
+    ],
+    "siberian stonechat": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white to pale gray",
+        "breast: vibrant orange chest patch",
+        "crown: brown with slight streaking",
+        "forehead: brown with a lighter stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white to pale gray"
+    ],
+    "siberian thrush": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: white with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: deep gray or slate-colored",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with light wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to back",
+        "tail: slate-gray, with distinct white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked or with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sibilant sirystes": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: long, slim, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: buff or pale brown, streaked feathering",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown, narrow white supercilium",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust, pale greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown, distinct pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, streaked pattern",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale white, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "sichuan bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: buffy-white with slight brownish hue",
+        "breast: pale rufous with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: warm brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: warm brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sichuan jay": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, curved",
+        "belly: white with grey-blue edges",
+        "breast: white with blue-grey sides",
+        "crown: blue-grey crest feathers",
+        "forehead: pale blue-grey",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: dark grey, powerful",
+        "wings: deep blue-grey with white markings",
+        "nape: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white, sharply defined"
+    ],
+    "sichuan leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint pale stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-white and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint, pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with a strong, yellow wing-bar",
+        "nape: olive-green, similar to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark, and squared with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sichuan partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with reddish-brown markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, and pale greyish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with bold reddish-brown bars",
+        "breast: buff and brown with dark crescent markings",
+        "crown: warm brown with a black-and-white stripe near the eyes",
+        "forehead: warm brown with tiny white specks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a partial eye ring",
+        "legs: orange-red with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with rust-colored and black markings",
+        "nape: warm brown with streaks of black and white",
+        "tail: long and brown with dark bars and reddish-brown tips",
+        "throat: white with crescent-shaped brown markings"
+    ],
+    "sichuan thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with olive tinge",
+        "beak: thin, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey-white with slight speckling",
+        "breast: greyish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly ruffled",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, small, with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, relatively short",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning to back",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sichuan tit": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with brownish flanks",
+        "breast: white with distinct black central band",
+        "crown: black extending to nape, forming a \"v\" shape",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow patch",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: rich blue and black pattern",
+        "nape: black connected to crown, encircling yellow patch",
+        "tail: long, bicolored with blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: white blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "sichuan treecreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light gray sides",
+        "breast: pale white to light gray",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small size",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, short and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with light bars and streaks",
+        "nape: similar to the crown, brownish-gray",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, short and stiff",
+        "throat: white to pale gray"
+    ],
+    "sick swift": [
+        "back: hunched and weak",
+        "beak: brittle and chipped",
+        "belly: bloated and tender",
+        "breast: shallow breathing",
+        "crown: ruffled feathers",
+        "forehead: feverish to touch",
+        "eyes: watery and dull",
+        "legs: swollen and limp",
+        "wings: drooping and tired",
+        "nape: thin and strained",
+        "tail: ragged and dirty",
+        "throat: raspy and labored"
+    ],
+    "sickle billed vanga": [
+        "back: beautiful slate-grey color",
+        "beak: distinctive long, curved, narrow sickle shape",
+        "belly: light greyish-white hue",
+        "breast: rich grey plumage",
+        "crown: darker grey shading on the head",
+        "forehead: slate grey with short feathers",
+        "eyes: striking circular, orange-yellow rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-grey limbs",
+        "wings: broad, slate-grey feathers with slight barring",
+        "nape: continuous grey hue on the neck's area",
+        "tail: elongated, slate-grey feathers with subtle barring",
+        "throat: light greyish-white, blending with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "sickle winged chat": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-feathered upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp-pointed, black-colored",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint stripes",
+        "crown: black with visible white patch",
+        "forehead: dark feathers meeting at a v-shape",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark-centered with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown, strong",
+        "wings: elongated, curved shape with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: smoothly blending black and gray feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, black feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "sickle winged guan": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, curved, dark-grey",
+        "belly: creamy, light-grey feathers",
+        "breast: dark-greyish brown plumage",
+        "crown: glossy dark-blue cap",
+        "forehead: small white patch above beak",
+        "eyes: bright red, round iris",
+        "legs: strong, greyish with white scales",
+        "wings: long, curved, brownish-black feathers",
+        "nape: dark-grey, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: long, broad, dark-grey feathers",
+        "throat: spotted white and dark-grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "sickle winged nightjar": [
+        "back: subtly patterned with brown and gray hues",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black in color",
+        "belly: pale gray with black spots",
+        "breast: mottled grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: camouflaged with mottled gray-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: light gray with fine speckling",
+        "eyes: large, dark with a hint of metallic sheen",
+        "legs: thin, feathered, and pale brown",
+        "wings: long, sickle-shaped, and patterned with intricate gray and brown markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, rounded edges, with fine gray-brown and black barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "sierra de lema flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: light olive tinge",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown merging with olive-green back",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium-length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "sierra leone prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown and slightly crested",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sierra madre ground warbler": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, black",
+        "belly: cream-colored underside",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: pale and short eyebrows",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white outline",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with light markings",
+        "nape: brownish tint",
+        "tail: short, dark brown",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sierra madre sparrow": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks, bordered by a buff-white stripe",
+        "forehead: dark brown with thin white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white markings, long and pointed",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and rounded",
+        "throat: whitish, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sierra nevada antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved bill",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with olive-brown feathers",
+        "nape: light olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sierra nevada brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical, black bill",
+        "belly: yellowish-gray lower body",
+        "breast: yellowish-gray fading to lighter shades",
+        "crown: dark gray with an orange or reddish crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray with streaks of orange",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or fleshy-gray long legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with fine gray streaks",
+        "tail: black with olive-green edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sierran elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: relatively short, thin, and pale",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-gray with slight streaks",
+        "crown: olive-gray with pale feather edges",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender with pale grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "siffling cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale cream with light streaking",
+        "breast: beige with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish with streaks, paler in the center",
+        "forehead: pale buff with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges, dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: brown with fine streaks, slightly rufous",
+        "tail: short, dark with buff outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: pale cream, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "sikkim treecreeper": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white",
+        "beak: slender curved bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: mottled brown and white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white feather edges",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: brown, short, and rigid with paler tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "sikkim wedge billed babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers coating",
+        "beak: strong, dark grey hue",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown coloration",
+        "crown: deep brownish-black cap",
+        "forehead: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with subtle black bars",
+        "nape: shadowy olive-brown shading",
+        "tail: enlarged chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "silky tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: smooth feathery texture",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft and fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: creamy white speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale and spotted",
+        "eyes: prominent, wide-open gaze",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: elongated, dark feathers",
+        "nape: striped, pale markings",
+        "tail: fan-like, silky feathers",
+        "throat: light, intricately patterned"
+    ],
+    "sillem rosefinch": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pinkish undertones on white feathers",
+        "breast: rose-pink chest feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pinkish-red hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark brown with light pink edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with pinkish undertones",
+        "throat: rose-pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "silver gull": [
+        "back: sleek, gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, orange-red with black tip",
+        "belly: pure white plumage",
+        "breast: white, soft feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, gray-white",
+        "forehead: delicate white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with red ring",
+        "legs: strong, pink-orange",
+        "wings: elongated, gray with black tips",
+        "nape: white, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, white with black band",
+        "throat: silky white feathers"
+    ],
+    "silver oriole": [
+        "back: sleek, silver-toned feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: light silver under-feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent silver plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, silver-feathered crest",
+        "forehead: glistening silver feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and intelligent",
+        "legs: slender, black, and long",
+        "wings: wide, silver-striped feathers",
+        "nape: shimmering, silver-mantled couverture",
+        "tail: elongated, silver-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: delicate, silver-scaled feathers"
+    ],
+    "silver pheasant": [
+        "back: black and white streaked feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, small, and light grey",
+        "belly: white with subtle black streaks",
+        "breast: pure white and fluffy",
+        "crown: a metallic silver crest",
+        "forehead: silver feathers meeting black",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white, black, and blue barring",
+        "nape: elongated silver feathers",
+        "tail: long, striped black and white feathers",
+        "throat: soft, white feathered"
+    ],
+    "silver teal": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown feathers with fine white speckles",
+        "beak: black and blue-grey with a white patch at the base",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light grey-white speckles",
+        "breast: silvery-grey with fine black speckles",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: white with black speckles near the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: silvery-blue with black and white striped markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, transitioning into silver-grey on the upper neck",
+        "tail: dark greyish-brown with thin, white horizontal stripes",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a black and white speckled band"
+    ],
+    "silver backed butcherbird": [
+        "back: silvery-grey plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: smooth silver-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek silver-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: alert, dark orbs",
+        "legs: strong, grey limbs",
+        "wings: broad, silvery-grey wingspan",
+        "nape: silver-grey feathered region",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, slender area"
+    ],
+    "silver backed needletail": [
+        "back: sleek silver feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: silvery-gray chest",
+        "crown: smooth silver crest",
+        "forehead: glistening silver",
+        "eyes: small, dark beads",
+        "legs: slender black stalks",
+        "wings: elongated silver-gray feathers",
+        "nape: silver feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: short, forked with gleaming silver highlights",
+        "throat: soft gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "silver beaked tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant bluish-black shades",
+        "beak: slightly curved, silver-grey",
+        "belly: brilliant red-orange hue",
+        "breast: rich crimson coloration",
+        "crown: black smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black area",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-black limbs",
+        "wings: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: black curved neckline",
+        "tail: elongated, bluish-black feathers",
+        "throat: contrasting crimson shade"
+    ],
+    "silver breasted broadbill": [
+        "back: sleek, silver-gray feathers",
+        "beak: stubby, black, and sharply-pointed",
+        "belly: pristine white with silver sheen",
+        "breast: glimmering silver plumage",
+        "crown: silver-gray, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: smooth silver-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: silver-gray with hints of blue",
+        "nape: silver-gray, transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "throat: silvery-white, complementing breast"
+    ],
+    "silver capped fruit dove": [
+        "back: glowing emerald green",
+        "beak: petite, curved orange",
+        "belly: delicate white feathers",
+        "breast: luminous light green",
+        "crown: gleaming silvery-blue",
+        "forehead: iridescent silver",
+        "eyes: piercing dark orbs",
+        "legs: slender, coral pink",
+        "wings: vibrant green with streaks of blue",
+        "nape: glistening deep blue feathers",
+        "tail: shimmering green and blue",
+        "throat: soft, whitish-grey"
+    ],
+    "silver crowned friarbird": [
+        "back: light-grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, curved, black beak for feeding on nectar",
+        "belly: pale-grey feathers on lower abdomen",
+        "breast: white to light-grey feathers on chest area",
+        "crown: striking silver plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey feathers on the front of the head",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy for perching on branches",
+        "wings: grey with black flight feathers for agile movement",
+        "nape: grey feathers connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: a mix of white and grey feathers forming a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: light-grey to white feathers, sometimes with a faint mottled pattern"
+    ],
+    "silver eared honeyeater": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: light silver feathers",
+        "breast: silver-gilded plumage",
+        "crown: radiant silver stripe",
+        "forehead: dark gray markings",
+        "eyes: round, focused, black",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark branches",
+        "wings: elegant, metallic sheen",
+        "nape: smooth gray transition",
+        "tail: elongated, forked silver",
+        "throat: shimmering silver patch"
+    ],
+    "silver eared laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, black beak for foraging insects",
+        "belly: soft light-gray feathers across the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray feathers than the belly, creating a contrast",
+        "crown: silver-white feathers on the head, resembling ears",
+        "forehead: silver-white feathers, blending smoothly into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, shiny black eyes with an alert expression",
+        "legs: thin, strong, dark gray legs supporting the bird's body",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with hints of silver, suited for brief flight",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers cascading down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, olive-green and splayed, providing balance during movement",
+        "throat: light gray feathers, similar to the belly color, merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "silver eared mesia": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant orange chest",
+        "crown: striking silver-white stripe",
+        "forehead: black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green to silver transition",
+        "tail: black, short, slightly forked",
+        "throat: dark black contrasting with yellow"
+    ],
+    "silver rumped needletail": [
+        "back: sleek and dark gray",
+        "beak: short and pointy, black",
+        "belly: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black",
+        "legs: short, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, curved, dark grey, built for swift flight",
+        "nape: dark gray, well-defined plumage",
+        "tail: short, silver-rumped, sharp-pointed",
+        "throat: dark gray, slightly lighter than the crown"
+    ],
+    "silver throated tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: short, black and conical",
+        "belly: pale silver-gray",
+        "breast: iridescent turquoise",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green",
+        "forehead: vivid green",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slate-gray and slender",
+        "wings: rich green with black edges",
+        "nape: bright green",
+        "tail: contrasting black with green feathers",
+        "throat: silvery-white and delicate"
+    ],
+    "silver throated tit": [
+        "back: slate grey and white striped feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with light grey streaks",
+        "breast: silver-white with black markings",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender grey-blue",
+        "wings: black with white spots and grey-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black with white markings",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: silver-white with delicate black markings"
+    ],
+    "silver tipped imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: light gray feathered",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, white-tipped",
+        "belly: pale gray with a white patch",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray than belly",
+        "crown: smooth, silver-gray crest",
+        "forehead: light silver-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with strong claws",
+        "wings: broad, gray-blue with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: silver-gray feathers, lighter than back",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, white-tipped",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "silverbird": [
+        "back: sleek, shiny silver feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, metallic gray",
+        "belly: soft, silver-white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, silvery-white feathers",
+        "crown: shimmery silver head crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming, silver-gray",
+        "eyes: bright, intense black",
+        "legs: slim, long, steel-gray",
+        "wings: expansive, silver-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: shimmering silver-gray plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, silver-plumed feathers",
+        "throat: lustrous, silver-white fur"
+    ],
+    "silvered antbird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with silvered sheen",
+        "beak: short and straight, black in color",
+        "belly: soft off-white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with delicate silvered markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with silvered tints",
+        "forehead: smooth slate gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: beady and dark, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: black with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with silvered fringe and intricate patterns",
+        "nape: silvered gray, fading to lighter colors near throat",
+        "tail: elongated, grayish-brown with silvered accents on feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into off-white on the belly"
+    ],
+    "silvereye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: white crescent shape above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright white eye-ring, dark pupil",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: olivaceous-gray with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: greenish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: dark gray with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "throat: whitish to pale gray"
+    ],
+    "silvery grebe": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly upturned, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with a tinge of pinkish-brown",
+        "crown: blackish with a hint of green sheen",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: short and set far back, with lobed, gray feet",
+        "wings: silvery-gray with darker tips and white patches",
+        "nape: dark grayish-green blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "silvery tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: silvery-blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering turquoise-blue crest",
+        "forehead: glistening blue-green hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender with black-gray claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue covering",
+        "nape: radiant greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, tapered, with blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant silver-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "silvery wood pigeon": [
+        "back: silvery-gray feathers, slightly iridescent",
+        "beak: short and strong, curved tip, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray, soft and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: lilac to silvery-gray, subtle pinkish hue",
+        "crown: smooth gray, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: flat, pale silvery-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, black outline, gentle gaze",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, silvery-gray, dark tips, short flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, smooth feathers, slight curve",
+        "tail: dark gray, fan-shaped, long central feathers",
+        "throat: soft, silvery-white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "silvery cheeked antshrike": [
+        "back: silver-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black and sharp, medium length",
+        "belly: white with grey wash",
+        "breast: light grey with white flecks",
+        "crown: slate grey with a blackish stripe",
+        "forehead: pale grey transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a distinct white eyering",
+        "legs: strong and black, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: silver-grey with black bars and white edges",
+        "nape: light silver-grey blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, grey with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white, bright contrast to the breast"
+    ],
+    "silvery cheeked hornbill": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, and cream-colored, with casque on top",
+        "belly: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: dark brown with delicate silver-white bands",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black with silvery-white feathers at the base of the bill",
+        "forehead: predominantly dark with silvery-white streaks along the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: encircled by bare blue or yellow skin, with white feathered-eyebrows",
+        "legs: strong, dark grayish, with sharp, black claws",
+        "wings: primarily dark brownish-black, with some white stripes visible on folded wings",
+        "nape: dark brown with silver-white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brownish-black with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: dark brown with silver-white bands forming a 'necklace' pattern"
+    ],
+    "silvery fronted tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with silver flecks",
+        "beak: short and dark",
+        "belly: lighter gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with black spots",
+        "crown: dark gray with silver highlights",
+        "forehead: smooth gray with white lines",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with silver bars",
+        "nape: slate gray with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: silver-gray with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "silvery throated jay": [
+        "back: sleek blue feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp black tip",
+        "belly: smooth white underbelly",
+        "breast: striking blue feathers",
+        "crown: blue plumage with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light blue hues",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: thin, gray-colored limbs",
+        "wings: flexible blue and white feathers",
+        "nape: subtle blue neck feathers",
+        "tail: long blue-white gradient tailfeathers",
+        "throat: delicate silvery strands"
+    ],
+    "silvery throated spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender and dark",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with narrow streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy or beige, narrow band",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: long and dull brown with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: silvery-grayish and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "simeulue scops owl": [
+        "back: well-camouflaged, brown-buff plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark gray hooked bill",
+        "belly: light, buff-colored, spotted and striped",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: mottled brown, buff and dark grey spots",
+        "forehead: feathered, merging with prominent facial disk",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, with expressive quality",
+        "legs: strong, gray-brown feathered legs",
+        "wings: rounded, brown, mottled with black and buff spots",
+        "nape: brown with light buff streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown, with pale bands across feathers",
+        "throat: pale, off-white, with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "simple greenbul": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: light greenish hues",
+        "crown: olive-brown feathers, rounded head",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, pale, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: medium-length, greenish-brown",
+        "nape: gently sloping, olive-toned",
+        "tail: long, straight, greenish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale, lightly streaked with green"
+    ],
+    "sinai rosefinch": [
+        "back: dusty brown with slight pinkish hue",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: soft grayish-pink feathers",
+        "breast: pale pink with grayish tinges",
+        "crown: bright crimson with faded edges",
+        "forehead: deep pink merging into crimson crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by faint pink circle",
+        "legs: strong and slender, pale gray-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale pink edges on some feathers",
+        "nape: rosy pink fading into brown on the back",
+        "tail: grayish with small hints of pink and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vivid pink merging into the pale pink breast"
+    ],
+    "sinaloa crow": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved black beak",
+        "belly: black feathers with slight sheen",
+        "breast: smooth black plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers transitioning into beak",
+        "eyes: piercing dark brown or black",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: broad, black, and strong",
+        "nape: black feathers with subtle sheen",
+        "tail: elongated black fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: glossy black feathers under beak"
+    ],
+    "sinaloa martin": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, black, and strong",
+        "belly: pale gray, fading to white",
+        "breast: shades of gray",
+        "crown: bright blue-black with sheen",
+        "forehead: prominent with iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, blue-black, with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: shimmery blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: forked with dark-blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray merging to white"
+    ],
+    "sinaloa wren": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with light spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending to dark brown on the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grey",
+        "wings: brown with light bars and white spots",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white corners on feathers",
+        "throat: light beige, blending to white on the belly"
+    ],
+    "sincora antwren": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with paler streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light beige or white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: gray with faint dark streaks",
+        "crown: black or dark gray with brownish edges",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and encircled with white feathers",
+        "legs: thin, light gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark gray with brownish or tan edging",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, seamlessly merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "sind sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-gray with light streaking",
+        "crown: brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: streaked gray-brown",
+        "tail: short, brown, and forked",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "sind woodpecker": [
+        "back: striped black and white pattern",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like shape",
+        "belly: buff-white color",
+        "breast: light brown with black spots",
+        "crown: red patch on the head",
+        "forehead: white with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white barring",
+        "nape: red with black markings",
+        "tail: black with white bands",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "singing cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed and black",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish with bold, darker streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with streaked pattern",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale off-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "singing honeyeater": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow-cream",
+        "breast: greyish-brown streaked",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellow edges",
+        "nape: light olive-green",
+        "tail: long, brownish with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "singing parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, strong, orange",
+        "belly: light, lime green plumage",
+        "breast: mix of yellow, orange, and red feathers",
+        "crown: rich blue crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers transitioning to green",
+        "eyes: intelligent, round, black eyes",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: large, multicolored feathers in green, blue, and yellow",
+        "nape: green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, bright red, with blue and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: mix of green and light blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "singing quail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with black markings",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: short black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with patterned feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and pointed with black and brown bars",
+        "throat: white with dark markings and distinct throat patches"
+    ],
+    "singing starling": [
+        "back: sleek, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, slender structure",
+        "belly: round, slightly puffed area",
+        "breast: broad, mottled chest",
+        "crown: top of head, shades of green and purple",
+        "forehead: subtly iridescent plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark orbs",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-grey appendages",
+        "wings: medium-length, patterned feathers",
+        "nape: back of neck, iridescent plumage",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: delicately flecked, gleaming feathers"
+    ],
+    "sira tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper body",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: eye-catching yellow chest",
+        "crown: blue-violet iridescent head",
+        "forehead: continuing blue-violet coloration",
+        "eyes: small, black beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, black bird legs",
+        "wings: mix of green and blue-violet feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue-violet head",
+        "tail: long, green central tail feathers",
+        "throat: striking yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "sirkeer malkoha": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine black accents",
+        "beak: short, light gray, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown with fine dark stripes",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with sparse black markings",
+        "forehead: olive-green to olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a blue outline",
+        "legs: grayish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with hints of green and black",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle black markings",
+        "tail: long olive-brown tail with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "sj\u00f6stedt greenbul": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light green tinge",
+        "breast: greenish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: olive green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: paler green",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive green with greyish-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, greenish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly darker than breast"
+    ],
+    "sj\u00f6stedt owlet": [
+        "back: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale grayish",
+        "belly: light brown with white speckles",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with white flecks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with slight white speckles",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with dark bands",
+        "wings: brown with white speckles and pale bands",
+        "nape: dark brown with white flecks",
+        "tail: short and brown, with white spots and indistinct bands",
+        "throat: light brown with white speckles"
+    ],
+    "sladen barbet": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with dense white spots",
+        "beak: short, orange, and robust",
+        "belly: bright yellow with scattered white markings",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow blending into green",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with dense white spots",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with dense white spots",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, grayish in color",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with white spots and blue tinge on borders",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with dense white spots",
+        "tail: short, greenish-yellow with white spots",
+        "throat: bright yellow with sporadic white markings"
+    ],
+    "slate colored antbird": [
+        "back: deep gray with subtle olive tinge",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: grayish white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: pale slate gray with darker undertones",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint olive tint",
+        "forehead: smooth gray with slight olive-green shade",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: slate gray with brown edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: soft gray blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white feather tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, almost white, with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "slate colored boubou": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: ash-grey underparts",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey head",
+        "forehead: smooth, slate-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: slate-grey with white patch",
+        "nape: dark-grey feathered transition",
+        "tail: long, dark-grey, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "slate colored coot": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: white, elongated, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter grey feathers on the underside",
+        "breast: grey plumage, smooth-textured",
+        "crown: slate-grey feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: white frontal shield extending from beak",
+        "eyes: bright red surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, long and thin with large, lobed feet",
+        "wings: grey feathered with a slight blue tint, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: slate-grey feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short and stiff, grey-black feathers",
+        "throat: light grey feathers, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "slate colored grosbeak": [
+        "back: steel-blue feathers with hints of slate gray",
+        "beak: thick, short and silver-gray",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with blurry streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray feathers with a smooth finish",
+        "forehead: flat, slate gray area above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and outlined in silver-gray",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: steel-blue with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: slate gray feathers with a soft curve",
+        "tail: dark gray with a narrow white band at the tip",
+        "throat: clear gray without streaks"
+    ],
+    "slate colored hawk": [
+        "back: slate gray with dark striations",
+        "beak: piercing black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light gray, finely barred",
+        "breast: mottled slate and white",
+        "crown: dark slate gray, sleek",
+        "forehead: light gray, smooth",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish, strong with talons",
+        "wings: slate gray, broad, and powerful",
+        "nape: dark gray, feathered line",
+        "tail: long, gray, banded striping",
+        "throat: light gray, clear"
+    ],
+    "slate colored seedeater": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: slate gray with white trimming",
+        "nape: dark gray plumage",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "slate colored solitaire": [
+        "back: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: slate-gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded head",
+        "forehead: slate-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and watchful",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: gray with white accents",
+        "nape: darker gray feathers, merging with crown",
+        "tail: medium length, fan-shaped, gray",
+        "throat: lighter gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "slate crowned antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-grey with streaked patterns",
+        "beak: short and stout, light brown",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white with subtle scaling",
+        "breast: olive-grey, slightly spotted",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey, distinct",
+        "forehead: lighter slate-grey, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: long, powerful, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: olive-grey with light brown accents",
+        "nape: olive-grey, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, olive-grey",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, blending with belly"
+    ],
+    "slate headed tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate-colored feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with some spotting",
+        "crown: slate gray with slightly darker shades",
+        "forehead: lighter slate gray, transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and black, with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: slate-colored feathers with hints of green and yellow edging",
+        "nape: continuation of slate gray from the crown, slightly lighter",
+        "tail: long and dark slate with yellow edges, often fanned when perched",
+        "throat: bright yellow with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "slate throated gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: slate-gray upper body",
+        "beak: thin, straight, black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underside",
+        "breast: light gray chest",
+        "crown: dark gray head",
+        "forehead: slate gray hue",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: slate-gray with black edges",
+        "nape: slate-gray nape area",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray coloration"
+    ],
+    "slate throated redstart": [
+        "back: olive-green hue",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red",
+        "crown: black with slate-blue coloring",
+        "forehead: black with slate-blue tinge",
+        "eyes: beady, black, expressive",
+        "legs: gray, slender, tough",
+        "wings: black, wide, impressive",
+        "nape: black, blends into olive-green back",
+        "tail: black with white, striking patterns",
+        "throat: slate-blue, captivating"
+    ],
+    "slaty antwren": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: lighter gray underbelly",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray chest area",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: slate-gray feathers on front of head",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white-eye ring",
+        "legs: thin, black legs",
+        "wings: slate-gray feathers with black wing bars",
+        "nape: slightly paler gray feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with a white tip",
+        "throat: lighter gray feathers with faint black markings"
+    ],
+    "slaty becard": [
+        "back: slate gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: paler gray feathering",
+        "breast: medium gray feathers",
+        "crown: darker gray plumage",
+        "forehead: slate gray feathering",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: slate gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: medium gray plumage",
+        "tail: long, gray, with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "slaty bristlefront": [
+        "back: dark slate gray feathered coverage",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: slate gray shading to paler gray",
+        "crown: slate gray with brush-like bristles",
+        "forehead: slightly ruffled gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: slate gray, mid-length, rounded",
+        "nape: smooth gray transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: dark gray, short, and square-tipped",
+        "throat: paler gray, strewn with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "slaty brushfinch": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, conical beak",
+        "belly: lighter grey plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey crest",
+        "forehead: lighter grey feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black eyes",
+        "legs: slim, dark legs",
+        "wings: slate-grey with hints of white",
+        "nape: greyish slate-colored nape",
+        "tail: long and narrow, slate-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "slaty bunting": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-white, smooth",
+        "breast: slate-gray with soft, pale streaks",
+        "crown: deep slate-gray, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray with small feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: thin, black, wiry",
+        "wings: slate-gray with thin, black streaks",
+        "nape: slate-gray, blending into crown and back",
+        "tail: slightly darker gray with blackish tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, smooth"
+    ],
+    "slaty cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved beak in a dark grey shade",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white underside with a soft texture",
+        "breast: subtly barred with buff-colored feathers, gently blending into the belly",
+        "crown: smoothly rounded greyish-blue head with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: flat, unmarked slate-grey setting up the distinction from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown beads surrounded by an unobtrusive, thin eyering",
+        "legs: strong, scaled grayish-purple legs with clawed feet for gripping branches",
+        "wings: medium length, slate-grey with subtle reddish-brown accents on the secondary feathers",
+        "nape: slightly darker shade of slate-grey transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with darker grey at the base and silvery-white tips",
+        "throat: paler, barred patch just under the beak, harmonizing with the breast's pattern"
+    ],
+    "slaty cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: dark, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: lighter grey plumage",
+        "breast: soft grey feathers",
+        "crown: darker grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grey plumage",
+        "eyes: black, piercing",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: slate-grey with flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey with contrasting plumage",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: soft grey, slightly paler"
+    ],
+    "slaty egret": [
+        "back: slate-grey plumage",
+        "beak: thick, yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: white with grey shading",
+        "breast: smooth, slate-grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: pale yellow with dark outlines",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green",
+        "wings: slate-grey with white stripes",
+        "nape: dark grey, feathers overlapping",
+        "tail: short, slate-grey, white edges",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "slaty elaenia": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: grayish-black with a crest",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: slate-gray with two wing-bars",
+        "nape: slate-gray",
+        "tail: grayish-black with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "slaty finch": [
+        "back: slate grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: lighter grey feathers with subtle white markings",
+        "breast: bluish-grey feathers blending into the belly",
+        "crown: smooth slate grey feathers extending from the forehead to the nape",
+        "forehead: slate grey feathers blending seamlessly into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert, surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: slender and black, ending in three forward-facing and one backward-facing toes",
+        "wings: rounded and slate grey, with faint white markings and short covert feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the crown, with slate grey feathers covering the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long and tapered, featuring darker grey feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: bluish-grey feathers extending from the lower beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "slaty flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: slate-colored feathers",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, black, needle-like tip",
+        "belly: bluish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: dark slate-blue crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, black with white rings",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: slate-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short, dark blue-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with hints of blue"
+    ],
+    "slaty gnateater": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray, almost white",
+        "breast: gray with slight silver tint",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: same gray as the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: ash-gray with white streaks",
+        "nape: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray, layered feathers",
+        "throat: soft, pale gray"
+    ],
+    "slaty monarch": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathered back",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale grey plumage",
+        "breast: smoky grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth slate-grey",
+        "eyes: dark, alert eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: slate-grey with lighter edges",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray plumage",
+        "tail: long and gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with thin white streaks"
+    ],
+    "slaty spinetail": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: pale gray underparts",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray area above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark in color",
+        "legs: thin, long, and light gray",
+        "wings: slate-gray with rounded shape",
+        "nape: gray feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray plumage with slight contrast to the breast"
+    ],
+    "slaty tanager": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: slate-blue coloration",
+        "crown: darker blue crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with darker tips",
+        "nape: subtle, darker blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blackish-blue with rounded end",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "slaty vireo": [
+        "back: slate gray upper body",
+        "beak: small, strong, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale white with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: grayish with whitish streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with well-defined borders",
+        "forehead: narrow whitish to grayish line",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, light-colored",
+        "wings: gray with white or light gray wing bars",
+        "nape: slate gray, compact feathers",
+        "tail: dark gray, slender, and long",
+        "throat: grayish-white with clear cut border"
+    ],
+    "slaty backed flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathered cover",
+        "beak: small and sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-white coloration",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray cap on the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray shade",
+        "eyes: black beady appearance",
+        "legs: thin and dark colored",
+        "wings: charcoal gray with white bars",
+        "nape: transition from dark crown to lighter gray back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white-gray underside"
+    ],
+    "slaty backed forest falcon": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with subtle barring patterns",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black with a yellow cere",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks and darker gray spots",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a prominent yellow orbital ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: slate-gray with darker barring, rounded tips",
+        "nape: dark gray with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, slate-gray with broad, dark bands",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "slaty backed forktail": [
+        "back: slate-gray with pale streaks",
+        "beak: straight and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: slate-gray with white speckling",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: sleek slate-gray",
+        "eyes: dark and rounded, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: slate-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: pale gray and streaked",
+        "tail: long and forked, with white tips",
+        "throat: white with gray speckles"
+    ],
+    "slaty backed hemispingus": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathered upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical black bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-white chest plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: slate-gray feathered front head",
+        "eyes: small, circular black eyes",
+        "legs: short, dark grey legs",
+        "wings: slate-gray feathered wings with white bars",
+        "nape: slate-gray feathered neck area",
+        "tail: dark gray, fan-shaped tail feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathered throat area"
+    ],
+    "slaty backed nightingale thrush": [
+        "back: dark slate gray with subtle olive tones",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buffy or gray-white with soft spotting",
+        "breast: light gray with faint spotted pattern",
+        "crown: smooth dark slate gray",
+        "forehead: dark slate gray continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with slightly contrasting flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark slate gray blending into back",
+        "tail: dark gray with faint barring, extending slightly beyond wings",
+        "throat: pale gray with minimal spotting"
+    ],
+    "slaty backed thornbill": [
+        "back: slate-gray, slightly rounded",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray, delicate feathering",
+        "crown: slate-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, well-spaced",
+        "legs: slender, black, powerful",
+        "wings: slate-gray, broad, rounded tip",
+        "nape: grayish, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark gray",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth feathering"
+    ],
+    "slaty backed thrush": [
+        "back: slate gray with subtle dark scaling",
+        "beak: pale yellow with darker upper mandible",
+        "belly: whitish or pale buff with gray sides",
+        "breast: lightly spotted gray with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with faint dark scaling",
+        "forehead: slate gray with minimal markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright yellow-orange",
+        "wings: slate gray with dark tips and whitish edging",
+        "nape: slate gray with faint dark scaling",
+        "tail: slate gray with dark tips and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with lighter central stripe"
+    ],
+    "slaty bellied tesia": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathered back",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark beak",
+        "belly: light grayish-green belly",
+        "breast: olive-brown breast plumage",
+        "crown: dark, rounded head crown",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-olive forehead",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, piercing eyes",
+        "legs: slender, pale legs with strong claws",
+        "wings: short, round, olive-brown wings",
+        "nape: grayish-olive nape with fine feathering",
+        "tail: short, slightly fanned, olive-brown tail",
+        "throat: light grayish throat with fine feathers"
+    ],
+    "slaty blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: slate blue feathered with a slight purple sheen",
+        "beak: slim, dark and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray, soft plumage",
+        "breast: gray-blue, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue, continuous with the back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler blue than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: slate gray with a dark blue edging",
+        "nape: glossy blue-gray, connecting the back and crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark blue-gray",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "slaty breasted rail": [
+        "back: slate-gray with streaks of olive-brown",
+        "beak: short and stout, olive-green",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: slaty gray with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray transitioning to brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with barred patterns",
+        "nape: olive-brown streaked with gray",
+        "tail: dark brown with blackish bars",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "slaty breasted tinamou": [
+        "back: slate-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white with fine barring",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with dark barring",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly protruding",
+        "legs: feathered, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: short and rounded, slate-grey with dark barring",
+        "nape: slightly lighter grey, well-blended with the back",
+        "tail: short and squared-off, dark grey with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale grey with light barring"
+    ],
+    "slaty breasted wood rail": [
+        "back: dark slate-blue feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, yellowish-green color",
+        "belly: pale gray with white and black bars",
+        "breast: slate-gray with white streaks and black speckles",
+        "crown: deep slate-blue with a pale blue stripe",
+        "forehead: dark slate-blue merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright reddish-orange with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: short and rounded, slate-blue with white streaks",
+        "nape: slate-blue feathers with a pale blue stripe",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with dark gray and white barred feathers",
+        "throat: white with black speckles, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "slaty capped flycatcher": [
+        "back: slaty-gray upperpart",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow and grayish",
+        "breast: light gray with slight yellow blend",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slate-colored cap",
+        "forehead: dark gray to match the crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white bars",
+        "nape: slaty gray with yellow tinge",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-yellow with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "slaty capped shrike vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white undertones",
+        "breast: light olive-green",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray cap",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with back",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly darker edges",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "slaty chinned longbill": [
+        "back: slate-colored feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy, light-colored feathers with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: slate grey-feathered plumage with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "crown: bluish-grey plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: same bluish-grey color as the crown",
+        "eyes: medium size with black pupil surrounded by a light brown ring",
+        "legs: medium length, thin, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: slate-colored feathers with faint stripes on edge of primaries",
+        "nape: slate grey, blending into crown and back",
+        "tail: long, narrow tail feathers with dark grey barring and white tips",
+        "throat: slightly paler grey than the breast, blending to creamy white towards the belly"
+    ],
+    "slaty headed parakeet": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: striking red-orange color",
+        "belly: light green fading to yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: slate-gray with a slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray bordering the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish feet with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright green with blue-tinted edges",
+        "nape: slate-gray blending into green",
+        "tail: long, tapered, deep blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: bright green, sometimes showing yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "slaty legged crake": [
+        "back: slate gray with faint barring",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: dark gray with white barring",
+        "breast: gray with faint white spotting",
+        "crown: dark gray with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: slate gray",
+        "eyes: deep brown-black",
+        "legs: slate gray with greenish tinge",
+        "wings: dark gray with fine white barring",
+        "nape: slate gray with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with white barring"
+    ],
+    "slaty tailed trogon": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: rich crimson red",
+        "breast: light grey with a thin dark grey stripe",
+        "crown: black and glossy with a light green-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black with a light blue-green iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a small black pupil",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, covered in greyish-white scales",
+        "wings: dark slate-grey with thin white feather tips",
+        "nape: greenish-black leading into the crown",
+        "tail: long and broad, with slate-grey feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: light grey with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "slaty winged foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: slate-grey, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, sharp",
+        "belly: whitish with greyish markings",
+        "breast: greyish-olive feathers",
+        "crown: mottled grey and brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey",
+        "eyes: dark, beady and alert",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: slate-colored, barred pattern",
+        "nape: grey with olive-green tint",
+        "tail: long, slate-grey, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly ruffled"
+    ],
+    "slender antbird": [
+        "back: sleek feathers in varying shades of brown",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale white or cream with delicate streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with faint striping",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: light brown, smoothly transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long and thin, gray or pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint black bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, straight, and brown with fine black bars",
+        "throat: whitish or pale cream, fading into the belly color"
+    ],
+    "slender sheartail": [
+        "back: elongated and slender",
+        "beak: long and needle-like",
+        "belly: soft and light-colored",
+        "breast: sleek and smooth",
+        "crown: slightly raised, with short feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow and finely feathered",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: pointed and agile",
+        "nape: subtly curved, connecting head and back",
+        "tail: forked and slender",
+        "throat: smooth and pale"
+    ],
+    "slender billed babbler": [
+        "back: smooth, elongated feathers in earthy tones",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved and pointed bill",
+        "belly: delicate, pale-colored feathers",
+        "breast: soft, light brownish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: muted brownish-grey feathers, slight crest",
+        "forehead: subdued, pale grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and twig-like, clawed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, narrow, featuring brownish-grey feathers",
+        "nape: soft, pale, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: slender, slightly forked with muted grey undertones",
+        "throat: delicate, pale, grey-brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "slender billed crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender black bill",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-black feathers",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly raised with black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong black limbs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad black feathers with a moderate wingspan",
+        "nape: curved transition from head to back with black feathers",
+        "tail: long and narrow black feathers with a slightly forked end",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers covering the vocal area"
+    ],
+    "slender billed curlew": [
+        "back: pale brown with faint stripes",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved downward",
+        "belly: light buff color with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long and pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: pale brown with dark brown barring",
+        "nape: pale brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with a white edge and several narrow bands",
+        "throat: light buff color, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "slender billed finch": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: elongated slender bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: light brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with pale edges",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy white"
+    ],
+    "slender billed flufftail": [
+        "back: brown with light feather markings",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white with russet speckles",
+        "breast: pale russet with light feather lines",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with black central stripe",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-yellow with slight barring",
+        "wings: brown with white and rust-colored markings",
+        "nape: brown with slight feather streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with faint horizontal barring",
+        "throat: pale russet with thin brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "slender billed greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: faint streaks on olive-green base",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: bluish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with light wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "slender billed gull": [
+        "back: light grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, black-tipped",
+        "belly: white feathering",
+        "breast: soft-white coloration",
+        "crown: unmarked greyish-white",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark round eyes with thin black ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink and medium-length",
+        "wings: pale grey with dark black tips",
+        "nape: white with subtle transitioning to grey",
+        "tail: white feathers with black terminal band",
+        "throat: clean white plumage"
+    ],
+    "slender billed kite": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, hooked",
+        "belly: light, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale whitish-gray",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, grayish-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: slightly paler grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "slender billed miner": [
+        "back: light brown with faint markings",
+        "beak: long and slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: light brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with thin, white streaks",
+        "tail: long and forked, grayish-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "slender billed oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved black beak",
+        "belly: bright golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: vivid golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: sleek glossy black cap",
+        "forehead: shining black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze surrounded by black",
+        "legs: thin, strong, dark-colored limbs",
+        "wings: black with golden-yellow highlights",
+        "nape: black transitioning to golden-yellow",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: striking golden-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "slender billed parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, slender, pale orange",
+        "belly: bright green plumage",
+        "breast: lighter green feathers",
+        "crown: green with subtle blue tint",
+        "forehead: bluish-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, gray with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: long, green with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: green-blue with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, green-blue with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "slender billed prion": [
+        "back: light blue-grey with a streamlined shape",
+        "beak: thin, long, and hooked, black in color",
+        "belly: soft white with a slight hint of blue",
+        "breast: light grey with a delicate white blend",
+        "crown: bluish-grey, smooth, and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright, surrounded by a thin white circle",
+        "legs: short, pale pinkish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and blue-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: blue-grey, transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, blue-grey with black edges",
+        "throat: white with a hint of pale blue towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "slender billed scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and pale grey",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: warm brownish-grey",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, streaked with olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and rufous-brown",
+        "throat: whitish, bordered by dark crescent"
+    ],
+    "slender billed starling": [
+        "back: sleek black-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, yellow-tipped bill",
+        "belly: pale, silvery-white plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent black-blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy, dark head plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth black-blue sheen",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark-grey limbs",
+        "wings: black-blue, elongated flight feathers",
+        "nape: shimmering black-blue transition",
+        "tail: long, elegant, black-blue feathers",
+        "throat: silvery-white, contrasting plumage"
+    ],
+    "slender billed thornbill": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and long; curved sharp point",
+        "belly: pale white with light streaks",
+        "breast: soft grey with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to lighter shades",
+        "forehead: light brown with small streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale with strong toes",
+        "wings: light brown; streaked with darker edges",
+        "nape: light brown with minute streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark with light tips",
+        "throat: pale white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "slender billed tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green upper layer",
+        "beak: thin, pointy black bill",
+        "belly: whitish lower side",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green",
+        "crown: muted olive-green",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green",
+        "eyes: dark eyes, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, faint bars",
+        "nape: consistent olive-green",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "slender billed vulture": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked",
+        "belly: pale whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: light grey, sparse feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by bare skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale yellow, featherless",
+        "wings: broad, long, greyish-brown",
+        "nape: lighter brown-tinted feathers",
+        "tail: short, square, brown feathers",
+        "throat: bare, wrinkled, pale bluish-grey skin"
+    ],
+    "slender billed weaver": [
+        "back: golden olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: orange-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: black masked area",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: fairly long, dark gray",
+        "wings: golden olive with black feathers on the tips",
+        "nape: orange-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark gray-black",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "slender billed white eye": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and curved",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: soft, light gray plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-green feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than the crown, pale gray",
+        "eyes: large, striking white ring around dark, round eye",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, greenish-gray with distinct white bars",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: elongated, narrow, greenish-gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "slender billed xenops": [
+        "back: olive grey feathering",
+        "beak: elongated, thin, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: light beige, soft feathers",
+        "breast: paler greyish brown plumage",
+        "crown: streaked with brown and white",
+        "forehead: whitish, with a dark creamy hue",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye rings",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and sandy grey",
+        "wings: olive grey with brownish bars",
+        "nape: streaked, with a mixture of brown and whitish feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale, creamy white coloration"
+    ],
+    "slender footed tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: off-white with pale yellow tint",
+        "breast: pale yellow-green plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: subtle yellowish-olive tone",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, dull pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with light wing bars",
+        "nape: pale olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long, pointy, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: soft whitish-yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "slender tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: soft feathered with earthy-brown mottling",
+        "beak: short, dark-colored, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light beige with sparse dark streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-grey, finely speckled with dark marks",
+        "crown: dull brown, finely speckled with lighter shades",
+        "forehead: slightly paler, small black speckles",
+        "eyes: large, dark, for good night vision",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey, with dark clawed feet",
+        "wings: long, patterned with various shades of brown",
+        "nape: brown, thin whitish streak behind eye",
+        "tail: elongated, slender, and patterned like wings",
+        "throat: lighter brown with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "slender tailed woodstar": [
+        "back: iridescent green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and black",
+        "belly: light gray and fluffy",
+        "breast: vibrant lavender hue",
+        "crown: shining green with hints of purple",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, agile, with dark gray claws",
+        "wings: elongated, curved, and narrow",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "tail: long, slender, and forked",
+        "throat: brilliant magenta with feather tufts"
+    ],
+    "small blue kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: long, narrow, dark grey",
+        "belly: white, feathery underside",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers",
+        "crown: rich blue feathers, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: bold blue plumage",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, grey, with strong feet",
+        "wings: shimmering blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant metallic blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, deep blue, graduated feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft feathery texture"
+    ],
+    "small buttonquail": [
+        "back: brownish plumage with streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: pale cream with subtle black markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "crown: rufous or brown, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with black stripe",
+        "eyes: small dark bead-like orbs",
+        "legs: short with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with white spots",
+        "nape: brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale cream or white with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "small ground finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: light chestnut-brown",
+        "breast: pale with slight streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small",
+        "legs: short and strong, black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark feather tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: short and square, brown",
+        "throat: pale chestnut-brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "small lifou white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: delicate whitish-yellow",
+        "crown: bright olive-green",
+        "forehead: lighter green patch",
+        "eyes: large, dark, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: thin, pale grey",
+        "wings: green with yellowish edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with smooth feathering",
+        "tail: short, olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: soft white with faint yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "small minivet": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with contrasting black streaks",
+        "beak: slim, dark gray or black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lemon-yellow hue with some grayish markings",
+        "breast: warm yellow, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: contrasting black cap on the head",
+        "forehead: a blend of black crown and yellow face",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright yellow and black pattern, with distinct white edges",
+        "nape: yellow, blending into the black crown and back",
+        "tail: elongated with black and white markings on feathers",
+        "throat: lemon-yellow, seamlessly blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "small niltava": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white and blue gradient",
+        "breast: striking blue hue",
+        "crown: deep blue plumage",
+        "forehead: electric blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round and black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: bright blue with shades of cobalt",
+        "nape: mix of blue and grey feathers",
+        "tail: long and blue with white tips",
+        "throat: intense blue, fading to white"
+    ],
+    "small pratincole": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with pale feather edges",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with some grey tint",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish, blending into brown crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by pale feathering",
+        "legs: slender and yellowish",
+        "wings: pointed with dark brown and grey feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with pale feather edges",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark brown and white-edged",
+        "throat: white with a fine black border"
+    ],
+    "small sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers with thin, white edges",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellow-orange with a black tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white with thin, reddish-brown bars",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with faint, darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, bright yellow-orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, gray-blue with dark barring",
+        "nape: gray-blue with thin, white edges on feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray-blue with dark bands and white tip",
+        "throat: white with fine, reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "small tree finch": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream-colored",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown",
+        "crown: darker olive-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, mottled feathers",
+        "eyes: black, alert orbs",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: brown, triangular, and symmetrical",
+        "nape: brown, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: short, rounded, olive-brown",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "small billed elaenia": [
+        "back: light olive-green",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: softly streaked, grayish-white",
+        "crown: dusky olive, hidden crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray, feathered with pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back",
+        "tail: dusky gray, forked with white tail tips",
+        "throat: unstreaked, pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "small billed tinamou": [
+        "back: sleek, light brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: soft, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale brown, speckled with darker spots",
+        "crown: rounded with brownish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with barred pattern",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown, and slightly curved",
+        "throat: smooth, cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "small headed elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: off-white/light gray",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: dusky gray",
+        "forehead: pale, light gray",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, tapering",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "smew": [
+        "back: sleek white and gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark color",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: predominantly white with gray markings",
+        "crown: black with a white crest",
+        "forehead: white blending into the black crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, set in white face",
+        "legs: orange-red with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with black patches, streamlined",
+        "nape: black, extending into crown",
+        "tail: short, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, continues from belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "smoke colored pewee": [
+        "back: grayish smoky hue",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: smoky gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray and crested",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, blending into darker crown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by blackish eyeline",
+        "legs: thin and blackish",
+        "wings: smoky gray with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "smoky bush tyrant": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with a smoky hue",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked, with a dark color",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-brown feathers with a pale tint",
+        "breast: subtle smoky-color feathers transitioning to the belly",
+        "crown: slightly darker grayish-brown feathers than the back",
+        "forehead: a touch of dull chestnut color when viewed at certain angles",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy and featherless, with a dark color",
+        "wings: long, grayish-brown feathers with a smoky tint",
+        "nape: lighter grayish-brown than the crown, blending in with the back",
+        "tail: medium-length with smoky-gray feathers, slightly darker edges",
+        "throat: modest light grayish-brown, paler than the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "smoky honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with slight green sheen",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: dull gray with a lighter hue",
+        "breast: smoky gray with subtle green gloss",
+        "crown: deep gray with a hint of metallic green",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: black, robust, and scaly",
+        "wings: long and dark grayish-green",
+        "nape: smoky gray with a slight green sheen",
+        "tail: long, tapered, and deep gray with green undertones",
+        "throat: lighter gray with a bit of iridescence"
+    ],
+    "smoky robin": [
+        "back: smoky gray with subtle brown hues",
+        "beak: sleek, thin and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light smoky gray with a hint of rust",
+        "crown: smoky gray with a slight brown tint",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with a smooth curve",
+        "eyes: dark, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: smoky gray with distinct white wing-bars",
+        "nape: smoky gray seamlessly merging with the crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, smoky gray with a touch of brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "smoky warbler": [
+        "back: smoky gray with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light smoky gray with pale streaks",
+        "breast: smoky gray with faint darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, with delicate talons",
+        "wings: smoky gray with faint black bars",
+        "nape: smoky gray with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: long, smoky gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light smoky gray with indistinct darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "smoky brown woodpecker": [
+        "back: smoky brown plumage with faint barring",
+        "beak: sturdy, straight and dark in color",
+        "belly: light smoky brown with a subtle hue",
+        "breast: slightly paler brown with a smooth texture",
+        "crown: rich smoky brown with a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine dense feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: smoky brown with distinct light barring",
+        "nape: soft brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, smoky brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale brown with delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "smoky fronted tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: smoky-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pastel yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle yellow undertones",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smoky gray, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: gray with black flight feathers and white edging",
+        "nape: smoky-gray, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer tail feather tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, softly contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "smooth billed ani": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, smooth black bill",
+        "belly: soft, black underbelly",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black contour",
+        "eyes: piercing white-rimmed, black-round eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender black legs",
+        "wings: broad, well-feathered black wings",
+        "nape: shiny black neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-like black tail feathers",
+        "throat: slender black throat plumage"
+    ],
+    "snares island snipe": [
+        "back: brown and striped with dense cover of feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: white with faint brown bars",
+        "breast: white with dark horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: brown with a central, paler stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: brown with white and dark brown stripes, rounded shape",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks on either side",
+        "tail: short and squared off, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with streaks of brown"
+    ],
+    "snares penguin": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers forming a streamlined dorsal surface",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and sharp for catching fish",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers for underbelly insulation",
+        "breast: white, rounded, and puffed out for added warmth",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers above the eyes merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: comparatively large, round, and dark for enhanced underwater vision",
+        "legs: short, strong, and paddle-like for swimming and waddling",
+        "wings: sturdy, paddle-like flippers for underwater propulsion",
+        "nape: black feathers at the back of the neck between the crown and the back",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped feathers for steering in the water",
+        "throat: feathered, white, and slightly tucked in for protection"
+    ],
+    "snethlage antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with paler streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: grayish-white with faint brown speckling",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle barring",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a reddish tinge",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pink",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with subtle olive-brown bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with reddish tinge, like the crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with pale brown bars",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "snethlage tody tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, short and stout",
+        "belly: off-white to pale yellow, fluffy",
+        "breast: light olive-green, soft feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with slightly darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, bold expression",
+        "legs: pale pink to grey, slender and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark brown feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with darker streaks, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green, short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale grey, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "snoring rail": [
+        "back: vibrant, striped plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, pale, speckled feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, covered in light plumage",
+        "crown: dark iridescent feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and strong for wading",
+        "wings: wide, rounded for short flights",
+        "nape: distinct color markings around the neck",
+        "tail: long, slim, with elongated feathers",
+        "throat: delicate, lighter-colored plumage"
+    ],
+    "snow mountain munia": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light spiraling pattern",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with slight brownish tint",
+        "breast: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with a light streak pattern",
+        "eyes: black, round, set within white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, black legs with grey scaling",
+        "wings: dark brown with white feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with small white stripes",
+        "tail: long and tapering, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light grey with pale brown edges"
+    ],
+    "snow mountain quail": [
+        "back: sleek, camouflaged feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, conical",
+        "belly: light, speckled plumage",
+        "breast: soft, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark, distinct crest",
+        "forehead: lighter feathers, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: feathered, well-adapted for cold habitats",
+        "wings: strong, sturdy, rounded",
+        "nape: smooth, transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, patterned",
+        "throat: unmarked, lighter-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "snow mountain robin": [
+        "back: soft, greyish-white feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, with light grey speckles",
+        "breast: lightly speckled grey",
+        "crown: blueish-grey feathered crest",
+        "forehead: blue-grey, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, elongated",
+        "wings: blue-grey, with white patches",
+        "nape: smooth, blue-grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, blue-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, with light grey speckles"
+    ],
+    "snow petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, white plumage",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white, feathered",
+        "breast: snowy white fluff",
+        "crown: smooth, white feathers",
+        "forehead: white, gently sloping",
+        "eyes: black, beady gaze",
+        "legs: black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, white, angular",
+        "nape: white, slender neck",
+        "tail: short, white, fan-like",
+        "throat: white, softly feathered"
+    ],
+    "snow pigeon": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with smooth texture",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with a white undertone",
+        "breast: soft gray with a faint white hue",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: pale gray and smooth feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray with black talons",
+        "wings: light gray with darker flight feathers and a white bar",
+        "nape: pale gray feathers transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: gray with a black band and white end tips",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from beak to upper breast"
+    ],
+    "snow capped manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: snowy white crest",
+        "forehead: white plumage blending into green",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: dark gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: green with flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with hints of white",
+        "tail: green and well-rounded",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "snowcap": [
+        "back: greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and slender, black",
+        "belly: white, with a few black streaks",
+        "breast: snow-white plumage",
+        "crown: bright red cap",
+        "forehead: red feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: round and black, with a white ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green-black with lighter edges",
+        "nape: greenish-black feathers, lighter than the back",
+        "tail: long and forked, green-black feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "snowy cotinga": [
+        "back: soft pale blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and black, finch-like",
+        "belly: white to pale blue soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale blue with a subtle gradient to white",
+        "crown: splendid sky-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant sky-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a slight white ring",
+        "legs: slender black legs and feet",
+        "wings: pale blue-gray with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: soft blue transitioning to sky-blue",
+        "tail: long and white, with a slight blue hue",
+        "throat: white with a pale blue gradient"
+    ],
+    "snowy bellied hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and black",
+        "belly: snowy white shade",
+        "breast: bright white hue",
+        "crown: shimmering green tones",
+        "forehead: luminous green appearance",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: delicate, dark grey limbs",
+        "wings: rapid, agile, and iridescent",
+        "nape: glistening green patch",
+        "tail: blackish-green, forked feathers",
+        "throat: glinting green, subtle coloration"
+    ],
+    "snowy browed flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: thin and pointy black beak",
+        "belly: white lower belly",
+        "breast: pale orange upper breast",
+        "crown: bluish-gray head",
+        "forehead: snowy white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin gray legs",
+        "wings: dark gray with pale feather edgings",
+        "nape: bluish-gray nape",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white throat"
+    ],
+    "snowy browed nuthatch": [
+        "back: slate blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy and pointy",
+        "belly: white with chestnut markings",
+        "breast: white, slightly barred",
+        "crown: snowy white with thick black line",
+        "forehead: snowy white",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong",
+        "wings: blue-grey with white-barred flight feathers",
+        "nape: black line extending from the crown",
+        "tail: slate blue-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "snowy cheeked laughingthrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint blackish markings",
+        "beak: strong, black curved bill",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with distinctive black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, slightly fluffy appearance",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and black edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "snowy crowned robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: white and golden-yellow",
+        "breast: bright, orange-red",
+        "crown: snow-white feathers",
+        "forehead: white bordered with black",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black markings",
+        "nape: black and white stripes",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white transitioning to orange-red breast"
+    ],
+    "snowy crowned tern": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pristine white and soft",
+        "breast: white, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: snowy white plume",
+        "forehead: white feathers with a hint of black",
+        "eyes: dark, sharp, inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, long, black",
+        "wings: white with a wingspan perfect for gliding",
+        "nape: white with fine feather texture",
+        "tail: white, central tail feathers elongated",
+        "throat: pure white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "snowy throated babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: relatively small, black and curved",
+        "belly: white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: distinct grayish-blue color",
+        "forehead: faint grayish-blue color",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender, medium length, pale-colored",
+        "wings: light brown with faint patterning",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with light feather texture",
+        "tail: elongated, light brown with faint markings",
+        "throat: striking white color, giving the bird its name"
+    ],
+    "snowy throated kingbird": [
+        "back: grayish-green plumage",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white with a faint grayish hue",
+        "crown: deep gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, small, and black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: grayish-green with white-edged secondary feathers",
+        "nape: light gray transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive snowy white patch"
+    ],
+    "sociable lapwing": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: white with black border",
+        "crown: black and white pattern",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, brown with white patches",
+        "nape: white, separating black cap from back",
+        "tail: black and white, with prominent banding",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sociable weaver": [
+        "back: light brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, gray",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: cream-colored plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: brown with black barring",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short, square, dark brown",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "social flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered upper body",
+        "beak: short, thick, black and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow lower body",
+        "breast: creamy white chest area",
+        "crown: grayish head with slight crest",
+        "forehead: yellow patch above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark-colored limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green, short and rounded",
+        "nape: grayish transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "society kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent azure blue",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and dagger-like",
+        "belly: orange-yellow hue",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red color",
+        "crown: bright blue with an eye-catching crest",
+        "forehead: metallic blue band",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vivid blue with dark black tips",
+        "nape: bright azure blue, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, banded blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: deep orange hue with white borders"
+    ],
+    "socorro dove": [
+        "back: smooth, light brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with a hint of pinkish-orange",
+        "breast: creamy, pale pinkish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: warm reddish-brown, darker than back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter reddish-brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, sturdy with short toes",
+        "wings: light brown with darker brown covert feathers",
+        "nape: slightly lighter reddish-brown than crown",
+        "tail: light brown with dark brown tips and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: soft, pale buff coloration"
+    ],
+    "socorro mockingbird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with a slight olive tint",
+        "beak: long, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with olive tint",
+        "forehead: paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with long, thin legs",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, accentuating the bird's dark beak"
+    ],
+    "socorro parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, light grey",
+        "belly: pale green transitioning to yellow",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: deep green feathers with blue tinge",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green with faint blue markings",
+        "eyes: black with small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey and slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with sky blue and teal coloration",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with blue wash",
+        "tail: long and tapered, blue-green with yellowish tips",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "socorro wren": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers and markings",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale buff underside",
+        "breast: light gray-brown with small streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black or gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with rufous bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale gray-brown with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "socotra bunting": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with prominent streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: light buff with faint streaks",
+        "breast: warm brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with clear streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped coverts forming two wing-bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with sparse streaks"
+    ],
+    "socotra buzzard": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: dark, hooked tip with a yellow base",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow with orange tinges, strong talons",
+        "wings: broad, light brown with dark spots and streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with dark bands, square-shaped",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "socotra cisticola": [
+        "back: golden-brown with faint streaking",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black upper, pale lower",
+        "belly: pale buff, light ventral region",
+        "breast: golden-brown with streaked detail",
+        "crown: rufous, heavily streaked brown-black",
+        "forehead: pale buff blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: golden-brown with darker brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: golden-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, slightly forked with dark banding",
+        "throat: lightly streaked, pale buff color"
+    ],
+    "socotra cormorant": [
+        "back: dark glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: blackish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: smooth dark feathers",
+        "crown: black with minimal crest",
+        "forehead: glossy black and uncrested",
+        "eyes: emerald-green and bright",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: lengthy and dark-colored",
+        "nape: black with slight curve",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: black and slender"
+    ],
+    "socotra grosbeak": [
+        "back: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thick, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: silvery-gray",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: rusty brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: rusty brown",
+        "tail: rusty brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale white"
+    ],
+    "socotra scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: hooked and dark grey",
+        "belly: buff with bold black streaks",
+        "breast: pale beige with dark streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown and streaked",
+        "forehead: pale grey and streaked",
+        "eyes: large, vibrant yellow",
+        "legs: feathered and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff spots",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with black markings",
+        "tail: long and barred with brown and buff",
+        "throat: pale buff with streaks"
+    ],
+    "socotra sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut with a thin black stripe",
+        "forehead: chestnut colored",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut brown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with blackish outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "socotra starling": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: strong, dark legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: grayish-white, matching breast"
+    ],
+    "socotra sunbird": [
+        "back: deep olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, and blackish",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow fading to white",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red",
+        "crown: glossy dark green",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and bead-like",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with a bluish sheen",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, forked with outer feathers tipped white",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "socotra warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black and pointy for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored underside",
+        "breast: light, brownish cream plumage",
+        "crown: reddish-brown cap on head",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray, good climbers",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks, rounded tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with dark barring, slightly forked",
+        "throat: cream-colored, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "socotra white eye": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-gray",
+        "crown: grayish olive-green",
+        "forehead: brighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: large and white-rimmed, dark brown iris",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with paler edges",
+        "nape: grayish olive-green",
+        "tail: long and slim, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "soft plumaged petrel": [
+        "back: grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: dark, hooked tip",
+        "belly: soft, white underparts",
+        "breast: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: white-to-gray gradient",
+        "eyes: black, round, and alert",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and blackish-gray",
+        "nape: white-to-gray transition",
+        "tail: dark, forked feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "sokoke pipit": [
+        "back: brownish, streaked plumage",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored with minimal streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: brown with distinct streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: brown, streaked with coverts",
+        "nape: brown, matching crown color",
+        "tail: moderately long, notched, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, buff with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "sokoke scops owl": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with darker markings",
+        "beak: small, curved, and light gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-buff with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with lighter speckles",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark outlines",
+        "legs: feather-covered with strong talons",
+        "wings: mottled gray and brown with distinct barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with lighter markings",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and dark brown with light bands",
+        "throat: light gray with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "solitary black cacique": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth dark plumage",
+        "breast: full black chest feathers",
+        "crown: glossy dark head feathers",
+        "forehead: black plumage fading to the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing and dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: elegant dark feathers",
+        "nape: perfectly adorned black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated dark plumes",
+        "throat: black feathers connecting breast and face"
+    ],
+    "solitary eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with slight shimmer",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers, slightly mottled",
+        "breast: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "crown: smooth, dark brown plumage",
+        "forehead: sleek dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown wings with fingered tips",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "tail: wide, fan-shaped, dark brown with light banding",
+        "throat: dark brown with slight white speckling"
+    ],
+    "solitary snipe": [
+        "back: dark brown with white stripes and bars",
+        "beak: long, straight and dark-tipped",
+        "belly: pale white with fine speckles",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with white and dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark and small",
+        "legs: yellowish-green and long",
+        "wings: dark brown with white and buff markings",
+        "nape: brown with finely streaked whitish markings",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: pale buff-white"
+    ],
+    "solitary tinamou": [
+        "back: earthy brown, slightly curved",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale yellow",
+        "belly: soft under feathers, creamy color",
+        "breast: light brown, rounded shape",
+        "crown: subtle crest, dark brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, round",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue, 3-toed",
+        "wings: short, rounded, brown with speckles",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, gently sloping",
+        "tail: short, pointed, dark brown",
+        "throat: lighter brown, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "solomons cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black irises",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with slightly rounded tip",
+        "throat: pale gray, faded streaks"
+    ],
+    "solomons frogmouth": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: soft, pale greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff or grey-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey, finely speckled",
+        "forehead: pale creamy-brown with black speckles",
+        "eyes: large, forward-facing, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: short, feathered with strong feet",
+        "wings: rounded, camouflaged with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: finely mottled with pale highlights",
+        "tail: broad, medium-length, barred with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale greyish-brown with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "solomons nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, wide, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff with brown pattern",
+        "breast: light brown with dark markings",
+        "crown: flat, grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and prominent",
+        "legs: short, feather-covered with strong feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and mottled with brown and gray",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: long, pointed, and patterned with brown and buff",
+        "throat: light buff with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "solomons white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft white feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: white with olive-green edging",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with bold black markings",
+        "nape: olive green with yellow tinge",
+        "tail: short and sprightly, green and black banding",
+        "throat: delicate white feathers"
+    ],
+    "somali bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: curved, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bluish-green feathers transitioning from breast",
+        "breast: yellow-orange feathers with greenish tinge near wings",
+        "crown: bright blue-green with dark border",
+        "forehead: striking bright blue",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled with light blue feathers",
+        "legs: short and black, with small sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue edges and hints of brown",
+        "nape: blue-green, merging with the colors of the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, thin feathers; dark green at the base and light blue at the tips",
+        "throat: yellow, blending into the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "somali bunting": [
+        "back: olive brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, conical, bluish-grey",
+        "belly: white with slight grey tint",
+        "breast: ashy grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut with black streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: black, small, rounded",
+        "legs: pinkish brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive brown, black streaks, white tips",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive brown, black bands, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with grey breast"
+    ],
+    "somali courser": [
+        "back: sandy brown color with a streamlined shape",
+        "beak: short, curved and powerful, greyish hue",
+        "belly: light cream colored with minimal patterning",
+        "breast: pale, sandy brown blending seamlessly with the belly",
+        "crown: soft brown with a smooth transition to the nape",
+        "forehead: slight intensity of brown hue, prominent eyes",
+        "eyes: large, striking, and black, surmounted by a slight eyebrow",
+        "legs: extended and thin, light grey color adapted for running",
+        "wings: long and pointed with brown and cream feathers, sleek in flight",
+        "nape: subtle transition from the brownish crown to a creamier hue",
+        "tail: elegant, slightly elongated, blending from a brown hue to white tips",
+        "throat: smooth, pale cream, creating a contrast with the sandy brown breast"
+    ],
+    "somali crombec": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: soft white or greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey with a hint of brown",
+        "crown: olive-grey feathers with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey compared to crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: delicate, greyish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with greyish-white tips",
+        "nape: light olive-grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and pale greyish-brown",
+        "throat: white or pale grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "somali crow": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark grey feathers",
+        "crown: black with shaggy appearance",
+        "forehead: black, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: black, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: blackish-grey with elongated feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-black with shaggy feather texture",
+        "tail: black, long, and fan-like",
+        "throat: dark grey with slightly lighter feathers"
+    ],
+    "somali fiscal": [
+        "back: bluish-grey upper body plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black curve",
+        "belly: vibrant white underside",
+        "breast: soft white feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue-black crown",
+        "forehead: sleek black prominence",
+        "eyes: round, black, bold gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grey",
+        "wings: elegant flight feathers, bluish-grey in color",
+        "nape: bluish-grey neck plumage",
+        "tail: long, grayish-blue streamers",
+        "throat: bright white foreground"
+    ],
+    "somali long billed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of white",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale cream with subtle striping",
+        "breast: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: light grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small black with white eyelids",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with white edges and dark markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with a hint of white streaks",
+        "tail: short and brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "somali ostrich": [
+        "back: long, strong feathers in a mix of grey and white shades",
+        "beak: large, sturdy and flat, with a dull grayish-pink hue",
+        "belly: round and strong, covered in grey and white feathers",
+        "breast: broad and rounded, with thick, soft feather covering",
+        "crown: adorned with an array of dense, short feathers in a fan shape",
+        "forehead: spacious and crested with small, sturdy greyish feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with thick, long lashes, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: long, robust, brownish-grey, with powerful claws and scaly skin",
+        "wings: relatively small, containing strong, flightless feathers",
+        "nape: sloping line of feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short and fan-like, formed by stiff, dark-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: partially exposed, smooth and light-colored skin, with limited feather coverage"
+    ],
+    "somali pigeon": [
+        "back: light blue-gray with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: short, dark gray, curved at the tip",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with a slight pink tinge",
+        "breast: rosy pink fading into gray-blue",
+        "crown: smooth, shiny, and blue-gray colored",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter shade of blue-gray",
+        "eyes: bright orange-red with a narrow black ring",
+        "legs: strong and scaly, reddish-pink in color",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black bars and white edges",
+        "nape: darker blue-gray feathers, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers and a black band near the tip",
+        "throat: light gray with a pinkish hue, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "somali short toed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale",
+        "belly: whitish with faint markings",
+        "breast: buff-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: brown with subtle feather pattern",
+        "forehead: pale, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small with a dark ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and light gray",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: light brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "somali sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "beak: conical and silver-gray",
+        "belly: off-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with black streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray-white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black streaks and white wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with dark gray-black and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "somali starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: thick, slightly curved, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: light blue-gray feathers",
+        "crown: glossy bluish-green plumage",
+        "forehead: metallic green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white feathered eyering",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange, sturdy",
+        "wings: bluish-green feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: blue-green with a lighter collar",
+        "tail: shimmering blue-green color",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathering"
+    ],
+    "somali thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and blackish",
+        "belly: creamy-white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint spots",
+        "crown: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: brown with a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light fringing",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "somali tit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: off-white with faint dark brown streaking",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with distinct dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray, like the crown",
+        "eyes: pale brown, small and circular",
+        "legs: fairly long, slender, blueish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with a small distinct white wing patch",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, like the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with a slight fork",
+        "throat: off-white, with blackish streaks along each side"
+    ],
+    "somali wheatear": [
+        "back: rusty brown, lightly spotted",
+        "beak: dark, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white, with pale buff hints",
+        "breast: buffer orange-tan, fading to white belly",
+        "crown: light brown and well-defined",
+        "forehead: pale sandy brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: sandy brown, featuring black tips and white patches",
+        "nape: orange-buff, blending with back",
+        "tail: black and white, with distinct white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with buff breast"
+    ],
+    "sombre greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale gray-blue",
+        "belly: lighter greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant lime-green feathers",
+        "crown: dark green, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, green hue",
+        "eyes: small and dark, contrast with green face",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown with noticeable scales",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green, connecting crown to back feathers",
+        "tail: long and wide, green and subtly fanned",
+        "throat: yellowish-green, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "sombre hummingbird": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white with iridescent green patches",
+        "breast: grayish-white fading to green",
+        "crown: dark green plumage",
+        "forehead: iridescent green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: short and black with tiny feet",
+        "wings: rapid motion with metallic blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: dark green feathers curving to join the crown",
+        "tail: forked with iridescent green and dark feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with a hint of iridescent green"
+    ],
+    "sombre kingfisher": [
+        "back: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, heavy, and black",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers, tinged with blue",
+        "breast: bright orange hue",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue shine",
+        "eyes: black, bead-like",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, orange",
+        "wings: blue-black with thin white stripes",
+        "nape: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: bright orange coloration"
+    ],
+    "sombre nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-colored, covered in small feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, for catching insects",
+        "belly: light brown with white speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, elongated feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: dark brown with slight white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, black, adapted for nocturnal vision",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: long, broad, with dark brown and white speckles",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks and markings",
+        "tail: dark brown, fan-shaped with white bands and spots",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with white speckles"
+    ],
+    "sombre pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with faint, dark markings",
+        "breast: subtle grayish-purple tone",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a hint of iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: orange or reddish-orange with a black pupil",
+        "legs: short, reddish-pink with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark gray feathers with black bands",
+        "nape: continuing grayish-brown of the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray feathers with broad, black band at the end",
+        "throat: light gray, gently blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "sombre rock chat": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and pointed",
+        "belly: slightly lighter grey",
+        "breast: dark grey plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: dark grey shading to black",
+        "eyes: round, dark in color",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: broad dark grey, sometimes with lighter edges",
+        "nape: blackish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long and dark grey with possible lighter tips",
+        "throat: dark grey, sometimes with a black bib"
+    ],
+    "sombre tit": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, triangular shape",
+        "belly: off-white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown",
+        "crown: dark gray, almost black",
+        "forehead: gentle slope, gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: light grey, thin",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: darker grey, narrow band",
+        "tail: long, blackish, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "song thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle spots",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, cream-colored with dark spots",
+        "breast: buff with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, olive-brown",
+        "forehead: uniform, brownish color",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, squared-off",
+        "throat: lightly speckled, pale buff"
+    ],
+    "song wren": [
+        "back: light brown with fine barring",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint markings",
+        "breast: warm brown with darker speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender with medium length, pale brown",
+        "wings: short, barred with dark brown and buff",
+        "nape: rich brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with dark brown and buff barring",
+        "throat: cream-colored with subtle dark markings"
+    ],
+    "sooretama slaty antshrike": [
+        "back: dark grey slate-colored feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, blackish in color",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with slight barring",
+        "breast: dark grey with faint feather edges",
+        "crown: dark gray slate-colored head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black outline",
+        "legs: pale greyish, sturdy legs",
+        "wings: dark grey with white fringes",
+        "nape: dark grey, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with broad white tip",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "sooty ant tanager": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: charcoal gray with lighter under-feathering",
+        "breast: smoky gray, less intense than belly",
+        "crown: deep, slate gray with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray transitioning to face",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady with a little white ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad and tapered with dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: sooty gray, merging with the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, subtly fan-shaped, dark gray",
+        "throat: slightly lighter shade of gray than breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "sooty antbird": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathering",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with minimal streaking",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: blackish with slight rufous tint",
+        "forehead: smooth dark grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, set against grey face",
+        "legs: sturdy light pink or greyish legs",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with faint rufous edging",
+        "nape: subtly rufous-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark grey-brown with faint rufous tips",
+        "throat: light grey, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "sooty babbler": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and curved, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray than belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, nearly black",
+        "forehead: same coloration as crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, gray-black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: blending of gray to dark gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and dark gray",
+        "throat: lighter gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "sooty barbet": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: olive-green plumage",
+        "breast: dark green with yellow streaks",
+        "crown: blue-green cap",
+        "forehead: bright blue patch",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: vibrant green with blue edges",
+        "nape: green-yellow banding",
+        "tail: shorter, green with blue tips",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow underbelly"
+    ],
+    "sooty barbthroat": [
+        "back: dark, sooty grayish-brown with a slight green tinge",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved with a dark color",
+        "belly: lighter shade of grayish-brown, almost smoky-gray",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with a faint green sheen",
+        "crown: sooty-gray with a slight metallic-green gloss",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: darker grayish-brown, long and pointed",
+        "nape: sooty-gray, blending into the back with a green sheen",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with subtle greenish-brown iridescence, slightly forked",
+        "throat: darker grayish-brown with hints of metallic green"
+    ],
+    "sooty chat": [
+        "back: dark sooty-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, black",
+        "belly: slightly paler grey hue",
+        "breast: deep charcoal tone",
+        "crown: blackish cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey",
+        "eyes: beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, blackish-grey",
+        "wings: dark grey, rounded edges",
+        "nape: darker grey transition to back",
+        "tail: long, blackish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: dark grey, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "sooty falcon": [
+        "back: slate gray feathering",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers, rounded",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: large, dark, intense gaze",
+        "legs: thin, yellow, powerful",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark gray",
+        "nape: dark gray, short feathered",
+        "tail: slender, gray with darker bands",
+        "throat: pale gray, soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "sooty flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black color",
+        "belly: light gray plumage, slightly paler than back",
+        "breast: gray feathers with a very light speckling",
+        "crown: dark gray, almost black plumage with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown or black, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, dark gray to black",
+        "wings: dark gray with noticeable white wingbars",
+        "nape: dark gray, continuous color from the crown",
+        "tail: long with dark gray feathers, white edges on outermost feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, matching the belly and breast color"
+    ],
+    "sooty grassquit": [
+        "back: olive gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, conical",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: dark grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dull blackish-brown",
+        "forehead: sooty black",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, gray-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown",
+        "throat: dark gray"
+    ],
+    "sooty gull": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black with a red spot on lower mandible",
+        "belly: white with grey streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey with a black streak behind the eye",
+        "forehead: black streak from beak to eye",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, medium length",
+        "wings: blackish-grey primary feathers, white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey, blending into the back",
+        "tail: white with a black band near the tip",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "sooty melidectes": [
+        "back: dark brown to black plumage",
+        "beak: curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale brownish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown with subtle greyish streaks",
+        "crown: sooty black head",
+        "forehead: coal-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy greyish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with a hint of gloss",
+        "nape: deep brown to black plumage",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown with few white tips",
+        "throat: rich dark brown with a greyish tinge"
+    ],
+    "sooty myzomela": [
+        "back: dark, sooty black plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved shape",
+        "belly: deep black, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: intense, sooty black hue",
+        "crown: black, velvety texture",
+        "forehead: small, pitch-black area",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown color",
+        "legs: thin, gray-black limbs",
+        "wings: dark, slightly glossy black feathers",
+        "nape: inky black, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: sturdy, jet-black feathers",
+        "throat: rich, sooty black region"
+    ],
+    "sooty owl": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers, slightly mottled",
+        "beak: sharp, black with a subtle hook",
+        "belly: lighter grey, fading to almost white",
+        "breast: medium-dark grey, densely spotted",
+        "crown: dark grey with subtle markings",
+        "forehead: dark grey, smoother than crown",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and piercing",
+        "legs: feathered grey, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, dark grey with lighter barring",
+        "nape: grey feathers, blending with other head feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark grey and barred",
+        "throat: white to light grey feathers, sooty markings"
+    ],
+    "sooty oystercatcher": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, bright orange",
+        "belly: dark black underbelly",
+        "breast: smooth black plumage",
+        "crown: black, rounded head",
+        "forehead: smooth black and sleek",
+        "eyes: beady, black, piercing",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: wide, black, powerful",
+        "nape: black feathers, sleek",
+        "tail: black, short, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: smooth black, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "sooty shearwater": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked at tip",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: smoky grey-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown to black hue",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: pinkish, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: smooth grey-brown transition",
+        "tail: slim, wedge-shaped, dark feathers",
+        "throat: light grey-white shading"
+    ],
+    "sooty swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: grayish-black with slight iridescence",
+        "breast: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, black with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending seamlessly into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, black, with strong feet for clinging",
+        "wings: long, slender, with dark gray primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: smooth, dark gray feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, with dark gray feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: dark gray, blending into the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "sooty tern": [
+        "back: sleek, black upper feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white, soft-feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: white feathers with a black edge",
+        "crown: dark black cap on head",
+        "forehead: smooth, black curve above eyes",
+        "eyes: round, small, and black",
+        "legs: thin, red-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and black with a white stripe",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into the crown",
+        "tail: forked, black, and slender",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting the black beak"
+    ],
+    "sooty thicket fantail": [
+        "back: dark-brown feathers with subtle sheen",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: light, brownish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: mottled brown-gray",
+        "crown: deep brown, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: round, beady, black or dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown, long-toed",
+        "wings: fan-shaped, edged in white",
+        "nape: pale brownish-gray blending into darker back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: faintly spotted brown-gray"
+    ],
+    "sooty thrush": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with a slight brownish hue",
+        "beak: black, medium-length, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark grey with lighter grey streaks",
+        "breast: smoky grey with faint brownish tint",
+        "crown: dark grey with sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth grey transition from the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark grey feathers lined with a lighter grey edge",
+        "nape: grey with a smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey feathers with lighter grey tips",
+        "throat: slightly lighter grey than the breast, subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "sooty tit": [
+        "back: dark gray, uniform color",
+        "beak: thin, straight, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish, with gray streaks",
+        "breast: light gray, slight streaking",
+        "crown: dark gray, contrast with forehead",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, distinctive marking",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish, short",
+        "wings: dark gray, primary feathers frosted",
+        "nape: dark gray, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-gray, outer feathers tipped in white",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sooty tyrannulet": [
+        "back: grayish-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale white underparts",
+        "breast: light grayish-white",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, black or dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, consistent with the back and crown",
+        "tail: quite long, grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "sooty capped babbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-green hue",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale and grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with olive tones",
+        "crown: blackish with a distinct sooty cap",
+        "forehead: sooty-black coloration",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark olive-green, blending with back",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green with lighter tips",
+        "throat: off-white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "sooty capped chlorospingus": [
+        "back: dark olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "breast: gray, fading into yellow",
+        "crown: sooty gray-black cap",
+        "forehead: dark gray, slightly less intense than the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive green, barred with black",
+        "nape: dark olive green, matching the back",
+        "tail: long and olive green, with black bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "sooty capped hermit": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: lighter olive-green feathers",
+        "crown: sooty black cap",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown shading",
+        "eyes: beady, black orbs",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: elongated, olive-green with white tips",
+        "nape: dark olive with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish with slight grayish shading"
+    ],
+    "sooty capped puffbird": [
+        "back: deep olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: soft, pale buff coloring",
+        "crown: dark sooty cap",
+        "forehead: blend of sooty and olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by pale rings",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition between sooty cap and olive-green back",
+        "tail: moderately long, olive-green with subtle dark banding",
+        "throat: pale creamy-buff, contrasting with sooty cap"
+    ],
+    "sooty crowned flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark, sooty gray",
+        "beak: black and slender",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: smoky gray",
+        "crown: black and defined",
+        "forehead: distinctive black stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black and shiny",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: smoky gray with black edges",
+        "nape: dark gray",
+        "tail: black, elongated with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "sooty faced finch": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical black beak",
+        "belly: grayish underparts",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: matching dark brown color",
+        "eyes: small black eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender gray legs",
+        "wings: dark brown with slight white markings",
+        "nape: smooth dark brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: gray with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "sooty fronted spinetail": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: light buff or gray",
+        "breast: grayish-brown",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: dusky gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round",
+        "legs: long, pale gray or yellowish",
+        "wings: dark brown, rounded, with rufous edges",
+        "nape: streaked grayish brown",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray or buff"
+    ],
+    "sooty headed bulbul": [
+        "back: dark brown with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey",
+        "crown: black with slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: sooty-grey to black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with contrasting white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: smoky grey",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey"
+    ],
+    "sooty headed tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle grayish tones",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with hints of gray",
+        "breast: light olive-gray with visible soft streaks",
+        "crown: sooty brown with a notable crest",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a subtle grayish cast",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with fine white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "sooty headed wren": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: sooty gray with distinct white eyebrow",
+        "forehead: sooty gray, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with fine streaks and white wing bars",
+        "nape: sooty gray, continuing the crown coloring",
+        "tail: brown with faint bars, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale buff, contrasting with darker breast"
+    ],
+    "souimanga sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with hints of orange",
+        "breast: bright, fiery orange-red",
+        "crown: glossy metallic blue-green",
+        "forehead: shining teal-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, watchful beads",
+        "legs: thin, wiry, and black",
+        "wings: iridescent green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: glistening turquoise-blue",
+        "tail: elongated, dark feathers with green-blue shimmer",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red with metallic glint"
+    ],
+    "south african shelduck": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: dark grey, stout and strong",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft pattern",
+        "breast: deep chestnut, extending up to neck",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown, smooth",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey with green iridescence, white patch",
+        "nape: subtly lighter shade of grey-brown",
+        "tail: short, dark greyish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale chestnut, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "south african swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light cream undercoat",
+        "breast: iridescent blue-purple plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and small",
+        "legs: slender, dark legs with small feet",
+        "wings: pointed, blue-black feathers with a white stripe",
+        "nape: steel-blue feathers merging with iridescence",
+        "tail: long, forked streamers with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: striking violet-ruby throat patch contrasting with white ear feathers"
+    ],
+    "south american leaftosser": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light brownish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey with subtle markings",
+        "crown: slightly darker olive-brown than back",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, gradually fading to lighter shade",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dull orange or brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: uniform color with the back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, short, and typically uplifted",
+        "throat: light grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "south american painted snipe": [
+        "back: wide and prominently patterned with shades of brown and black",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: light cream color with brownish spots",
+        "breast: chestnut colored with dark bands",
+        "crown: dark brown with a streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: creamy white blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black and moderately sized",
+        "legs: olive-gray and slender",
+        "wings: patterned with intricate brown, cream, and black markings",
+        "nape: dark brown and streaked",
+        "tail: short and rounded with dark brown and white stripes",
+        "throat: creamy white with a subtle stripe pattern"
+    ],
+    "south american tern": [
+        "back: streamlined, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: white, soft feathering",
+        "breast: white, merging with belly",
+        "crown: smooth, grey feathers",
+        "forehead: white, distinctive feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: red-orange, thin, powerful",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grey-white",
+        "nape: grey and white transitioning",
+        "tail: forked, grey-white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "south georgia diving petrel": [
+        "back: blueish-grey feathers and streamlined",
+        "beak: short, wide, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white and short-feathered",
+        "breast: white with bluish-grey streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-blue with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: steeper and white fading to blue-grey",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by blue-grey feathers",
+        "legs: short, dark, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and blueish-grey",
+        "nape: blue-grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and blue-grey",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast and chin"
+    ],
+    "south georgia pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff-yellow",
+        "breast: light brown, streaked",
+        "crown: brown streaked with black",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: slender, brown-orange",
+        "wings: brown, mottled upperparts",
+        "nape: light brown streaks",
+        "tail: graduated, light brown",
+        "throat: pale with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "south georgia shag": [
+        "back: dark brown with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with greyish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and dark brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with pink webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and narrow, dark brown with a white patch on the upper wing",
+        "nape: dark brown with a pale collar",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, dark brown",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "south island oystercatcher": [
+        "back: sleek, black plumage",
+        "beak: long, straight, and bright orange",
+        "belly: solid black or black and white, depending on the subspecies",
+        "breast: black or white with sharp contrast to the belly",
+        "crown: shiny black, well-defined on the head",
+        "forehead: smoothly transitioning into black or white plumage",
+        "eyes: bright, with a yellow or orange ring around them",
+        "legs: long, strong, and pinkish-red",
+        "wings: black with a white trailing edge, providing sharp contrast during flight",
+        "nape: smooth, black, and connecting to the back",
+        "tail: short, black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black or white, contrasts sharply with the breast"
+    ],
+    "south island robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey",
+        "breast: light grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: beady and dark",
+        "legs: long, thin, black",
+        "wings: compact, olive-brown",
+        "nape: grey-brown, blends with crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, olive-brown",
+        "throat: light grey, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "south island saddleback": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: strong, thick, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark charcoal grey, lighter than back",
+        "breast: dark grey, fading slightly near belly",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black, iridescent",
+        "forehead: rich chestnut brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by grey feather",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey with strong feet",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black with glossy sheen",
+        "nape: chestnut brown, fading to dark towards the back",
+        "tail: dark brownish-black, long and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: charcoal grey, lighter than the rest of the head"
+    ],
+    "south island takahe": [
+        "back: strong, greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and crimson red",
+        "belly: rounded, light blue feathering",
+        "breast: lush, greenish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue to deep blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-orange legs",
+        "wings: short, rounded, greenish-blue with dark marking",
+        "nape: bright blue to deep blue feathers",
+        "tail: short, with broad blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: lighter blue feathered area"
+    ],
+    "south island wren": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointy",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale hue",
+        "breast: light chestnut color",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight greenish tinge",
+        "forehead: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender and brownish-grey",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark brown with lighter highlights",
+        "nape: dark brown with hints of green",
+        "tail: short and stubby, dark brown",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "south melanesian cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: dark, medium-length, hooked tip",
+        "belly: whitish-cream color",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint gray streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with slight white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with grayish-white edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint gray streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark with grayish-white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "south moluccan pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: bright red-orange feathers",
+        "breast: rich blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue-black with a touch of green",
+        "forehead: bright red area above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: vibrant green-blue with hints of red-orange",
+        "nape: bluish-green feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and fan-like with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: bright red-orange contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "south pare white eye": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: petite, pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellow with greyish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with subtle silver-white streaks",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with a bright white eye-ring",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, expressive surrounded by a distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender greyish-blue with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with lighter edges, excellent for swift flight",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers continuing from crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, olive-green with a slight blue-grey hue",
+        "throat: soft white with faint greyish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "south polar skua": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale and streaked with gray-brown",
+        "breast: mottled gray and white",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, webbed, blackish",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, seamless with back",
+        "tail: short, pointed, dark gray",
+        "throat: lighter gray, slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "southern anteater chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: off-white and streaked",
+        "breast: creamy-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, well-defined",
+        "forehead: thin white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, black ring",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, long, and forked",
+        "throat: creamy-white, contrasting"
+    ],
+    "southern antpipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buff wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with narrow streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: buffy white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "southern bald ibis": [
+        "back: dark metallic green feathering",
+        "beak: long, curved, and red",
+        "belly: glossy greenish-black plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-black feathers",
+        "crown: bald, red with a purple-blue wattle",
+        "forehead: hairless with a red patch and black crest",
+        "eyes: encircled by a ring of bare skin",
+        "legs: lengthy, dark red to grayish-black",
+        "wings: glossy black plumage with iridescent green tones",
+        "nape: a small patch of long, sleek black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated and strong black feathers",
+        "throat: featherless with deep red skin"
+    ],
+    "southern beardless tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish-white hue",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with central stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green tint",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-green with pale tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "southern bentbill": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slightly darker hue",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint olive-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale olive-brown merging into white",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with hints of reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-brown with faint darker bars",
+        "throat: white with a faint grayish tinge"
+    ],
+    "southern black flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark, glossy black plumage",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black feathers",
+        "breast: deep black with faint gloss",
+        "crown: glossy black with a smooth look",
+        "forehead: deep black with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender, black",
+        "wings: black with slight glossy sheen, well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: black and glossy, connects head to back",
+        "tail: long, black with a slight gloss, fanned when in flight",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "southern black tit": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: dusky grey feathers",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black and sleek",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, black",
+        "wings: black and white, streaked pattern",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black and smooth"
+    ],
+    "southern boobook": [
+        "back: brown with white spots",
+        "beak: small and hooked",
+        "belly: cream with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale with brown spots",
+        "crown: brown with white markings",
+        "forehead: brown and slightly speckled",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: off-white and feathered",
+        "wings: brown with white speckles",
+        "nape: brown with white spots",
+        "tail: brown with white bands",
+        "throat: cream with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "southern boubou": [
+        "back: dark brown with slight olive sheen",
+        "beak: short and hooked, blackish",
+        "belly: off-white to pale gray",
+        "breast: rufous to grayish-red",
+        "crown: black or dark brown, blending with back",
+        "forehead: blackish, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and blackish",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with rufous edges",
+        "throat: off-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "southern bristle tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellow with greenish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, with strong grasping toes",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting with the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with greenish-blue edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "southern brown kiwi": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown with short, bristly feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved, pale grayish-brown color",
+        "belly: slightly lighter reddish-brown compared to the back, with thinner, softer feathers",
+        "breast: similar color and texture to the belly, distinct cloaca",
+        "crown: rounded with closely-packed, dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: merging with the crown, same dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady, set on either side of the base of the beak",
+        "legs: short, stout, and featherless with dark gray color and scaly texture",
+        "wings: vestigial, almost hidden under body feathers, dark reddish-brown and small",
+        "nape: slightly lighter in color than the crown, still reddish-brown",
+        "tail: very short and hidden beneath the body feathers, dark reddish-brown",
+        "throat: similar in color to the belly, but with a slightly paler hue and sparse feathers"
+    ],
+    "southern brown throated weaver": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: conical-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "crown: bright golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellowish edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with yellowish edges",
+        "throat: warm yellow-brown"
+    ],
+    "southern carmine bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant carmine-pink feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft pinkish-white underbelly",
+        "breast: bright carmine-pink plumage",
+        "crown: carmine-pink with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: vivid pink-feathered slope",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing eyes with thin black eye-line",
+        "legs: short and grayish-black",
+        "wings: brilliant carmine-pink feathers with elongated flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich pink with smooth feathering",
+        "tail: streamlined forked tail with greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white patch surrounded by radiant pink plumage"
+    ],
+    "southern cassowary": [
+        "back: dark blue, feathered body",
+        "beak: large, straight, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: dark blue feathers, rounded",
+        "breast: thick, dark blue feathers",
+        "crown: prominent, helmet-like casque",
+        "forehead: blue, featherless skin",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, muscular, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: small, vestigial, dark blue",
+        "nape: blue, featherless, with some red accents",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, dark blue feathers",
+        "throat: red, wattled, featherless skin"
+    ],
+    "southern citril": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: yellowish hue with faint stripes",
+        "breast: rich yellow color",
+        "crown: bright-yellow with defined lines",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow shade",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, dark in color, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale yellow bars",
+        "nape: well-defined yellowish-green",
+        "tail: medium-length, greenish-yellow",
+        "throat: bright yellow, smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "southern cordonbleu": [
+        "back: delicate blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: small and cone-shaped, silver-gray",
+        "belly: white with light blue-gray flecks",
+        "breast: soft blue-gray coloration",
+        "crown: light blue-gray plumage",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with subtle white",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: light blue-gray, connects to back",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, leading into breast area"
+    ],
+    "southern crested guineafowl": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: strong, curved, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: light gray with fine dark speckles",
+        "breast: pale gray speckled with dark spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown crest feathers",
+        "forehead: bare blue skin with red wattle",
+        "eyes: bright, round eyes surrounded by bare skin",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, blue-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: wide, dark gray with white spots",
+        "tail: long and dark with contrasting white spots",
+        "throat: smooth, bare blue skin with red wattle"
+    ],
+    "southern double collared sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green and iridescent",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white feathering",
+        "breast: bright red band across the chest",
+        "crown: glossy green or blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic green or violet sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: iridescent green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: emerald green or golden sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, dark green or blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant metallic blue hue"
+    ],
+    "southern emerald toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, brightly-colored, curved beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark green, glossy feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: large, black with white surrounding",
+        "legs: short, stout legs with grey claws",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: deep green, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: long, green plumes with blue markings",
+        "throat: distinct blue-black band"
+    ],
+    "southern emuwren": [
+        "back: pale blue-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: rich rufous-orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant blue transitioning to rufous-orange",
+        "crown: deep lustrous blue on the male, gray-blue on the female",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue on the male, grayish on the female",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a blue-gray circle",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: blue-gray with faint streaking",
+        "nape: rufous-orange extending to the back",
+        "tail: long, wispy, and black with a white base",
+        "throat: bright blue on the male, grayish on the female"
+    ],
+    "southern fiscal": [
+        "back: dark bluish-gray, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: gray-white, slightly fluffy",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black, sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, round, yellow-rimmed",
+        "legs: strong, grey, scaled",
+        "wings: black, sizeable with a hint of blue",
+        "nape: dark gray, connected to crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white, slightly fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "southern fulmar": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with a subtle white streak",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellow-orange tip",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "crown: smooth grey feathers with white lines",
+        "forehead: light grey with a white streak",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale grey feathers",
+        "legs: scaly, blue-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, grey with white edges",
+        "nape: pale grey feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, grey and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft-feathered plumage"
+    ],
+    "southern giant petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown, mottled feathers",
+        "beak: pale yellowish-green, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with grey-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white, lightly speckled with grey-brown",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown, mottled feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, black circular outline",
+        "legs: robust, pale pinkish-grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, grey-brown with contrasting white leading edges",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown, mottled feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, short, grey-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale white with some grey-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "southern gray headed sparrow": [
+        "back: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, blackish",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: gray with a white center",
+        "crown: dark gray to black",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: brown with white on the outer part",
+        "nape: light gray",
+        "tail: brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "southern grosbeak canary": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, silver-gray",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: bright yellow and rounded",
+        "crown: vivid yellowish-green head crest",
+        "forehead: slightly raised with greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, expressive black eyes",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue legs with strong grip",
+        "wings: brilliant green feathers with black streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, connecting head and back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, yellow-green tail feathers with dark markings",
+        "throat: yellow, merges seamlessly with breast"
+    ],
+    "southern ground hornbill": [
+        "back: black plumage with slight metallic sheen",
+        "beak: large, elongated, curved, and reddish-orange",
+        "belly: black feathers with faint hints of white",
+        "breast: black plumage with slight iridescence",
+        "crown: black feathers with an elongated, crest-like appearance",
+        "forehead: red, orange, or yellow-skinned patch, no feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing yellow or light brown",
+        "legs: long, powerful, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: black with broad, powerful flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: fleshy, wattle-like skin, red or yellow hues"
+    ],
+    "southern hill myna": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black with distinct metallic sheen",
+        "beak: bright orange-yellow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep black, glossy feathers",
+        "breast: shiny greenish-black plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-black with metallic gleam",
+        "forehead: glossy, greenish-black feathers extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by bright orange-yellow skin",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish, suited for perching",
+        "wings: dark greenish-black, capable of agile flight",
+        "nape: iridescent green-black plumage",
+        "tail: long, greenish-black with shining appearance",
+        "throat: bright greenish-black, with metallic gloss and yellow wattles"
+    ],
+    "southern hyliota": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish with hints of white",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray or white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into gray",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light yellow or white"
+    ],
+    "southern lapwing": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white feathers with a grayish tinge",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers with a subtle band",
+        "crown: black feathers forming a crest",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: bright red with a distinctive eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: broad with black and white feathers, and a prominent flick at the wrist",
+        "nape: white stripe extending from the eye to the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting the breast area"
+    ],
+    "southern marquesan reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with brown streaks",
+        "breast: golden-buff and streaked",
+        "crown: olive-brown, fading to creamy",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with a slight yellow tint",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker edges and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a slight yellowish tinge",
+        "tail: long with dark brown feathers and white edges",
+        "throat: light cream with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "southern martin": [
+        "back: sleek dark blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: crisp white underparts",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black coloring",
+        "forehead: dark blue-gray shading",
+        "eyes: small, beady black eyes",
+        "legs: relatively long legs with dark pink tinge",
+        "wings: long, dark blue-gray, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue-gray with slight iridescence",
+        "tail: forked, blackish-blue tail feathers",
+        "throat: clean white, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "southern masked weaver": [
+        "back: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed black",
+        "belly: yellow-orange plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black, mask-like pattern",
+        "forehead: black, mask-like pattern",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: black, slender, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: golden-yellow with black edges",
+        "nape: yellow feathers blending into black at the crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "southern mouse colored tyrannulet": [
+        "back: pale olive-brown",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: dull white",
+        "breast: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: slender with dark claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with thin wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "southern penduline tit": [
+        "back: light, brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown, soft texture",
+        "crown: pale grey with streaks, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: slightly darker grey, slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright expression",
+        "legs: slender, bluish-grey, strong for perching",
+        "wings: light brownish-grey, bold white wingbar",
+        "nape: pale grey, merging into back coloration",
+        "tail: fairly short, squared-off, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: soft, creamy-white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "southern pied babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: white with grayish sides",
+        "breast: white, feathers sometimes fluffed",
+        "crown: dark grey, finely streaked",
+        "forehead: smooth grey blending to crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey, sleek texture",
+        "tail: long, black-tipped, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with head"
+    ],
+    "southern pochard": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-grey with black tip",
+        "belly: light creamy white",
+        "breast: chestnut-red with darker feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight reddish tones",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending to crown",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: light brown fading to white on lower throat"
+    ],
+    "southern red bishop": [
+        "back: rich red-orange with black patterns",
+        "beak: small, pointed black cone",
+        "belly: bright red-orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange color",
+        "crown: intense red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant red-orange patch",
+        "eyes: black, small, alert orbs",
+        "legs: thin, dark-gray spindles",
+        "wings: black with red feather tips",
+        "nape: radiant red-orange plumage",
+        "tail: short, black, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: fiery red-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "southern red billed hornbill": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, vibrant red",
+        "belly: off-white feathering",
+        "breast: off-white feathers, blending with belly",
+        "crown: mottled grey-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish, slightly mottled",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, encircled in light blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey-brown",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown feathers, elongated primary feathers",
+        "nape: mottled grey-brown feathering",
+        "tail: dark grey-brown, elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: off-white feathers blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "southern rockhopper penguin": [
+        "back: black, dense feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: short, thick, and orange-red with a dark tip",
+        "belly: white underbelly with smooth feathers",
+        "breast: rounded and covered with white feathers",
+        "crown: black, feathery cap extending to the eyes",
+        "forehead: black and white feathers meeting above the beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes accentuated by bold white markings",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: small, black, elongated flippers used for swimming",
+        "nape: transition from black to white at the back of the head",
+        "tail: short, black feathers forming a stiff, streamlined shape",
+        "throat: white, meeting the black chest feathers in a v-shape"
+    ],
+    "southern rough winged swallow": [
+        "back: pale brown with some dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: light beige or cream",
+        "breast: beige with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, centrally placed",
+        "legs: short and slim, dark color",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark brown with some beige feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: forked, dark brown with beige outer feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "southern screamer": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale greyish-white",
+        "belly: light grey with thin feathering",
+        "breast: thick, grey-white feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with small tuft",
+        "forehead: white feathered blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, piercing, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, grey, scaly, strong",
+        "wings: wide, long, grey-white, dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: thick grey-white feathers, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, grey-white feathers",
+        "throat: fluffy white-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "southern scrub flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, straight",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grey with slight yellow tint",
+        "crown: dusky grey, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: smooth, greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint white edges",
+        "nape: grey-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: dark greyish-brown with narrow white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with a slight yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "southern scrub robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: black, beady with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, gray-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint barring, slightly forked",
+        "throat: off-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "southern shrikebill": [
+        "back: gray-brown with irregular streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray with a lighter center",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, with white eyering",
+        "legs: medium length, yellow-gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "southern silvery kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and streaked",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white with a hint of blue tint",
+        "crown: bright blue with silver highlights",
+        "forehead: blue with silver streaks",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and bright orange",
+        "wings: blue and silver with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue with silver flecking",
+        "tail: long, blue, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a touch of blue"
+    ],
+    "southern sooty woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark charcoal gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black",
+        "belly: lighter gray, almost smoky",
+        "breast: dark gray, blending with belly",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray than back",
+        "forehead: smooth, charcoal gray",
+        "eyes: dark, with black markings",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray, nearly black with white spots",
+        "nape: charcoal gray, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "tail: dark gray, almost black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "southern tchagra": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale russet flanks",
+        "breast: orange-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a small crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with strong, slender toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark flight feathers and pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with prominent white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "southern tropical pewee": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight yellowish hue",
+        "beak: slender, dark grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaking",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow with faint streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, sturdy, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: dark grayish-black with a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "southern variable pitohui": [
+        "back: orange-brown plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: salmon-orange hue",
+        "breast: bold rusty-orange",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: deep russet colored",
+        "eyes: beady, black, piercing",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: orange-brown, dark-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: lighter rusty-orange",
+        "tail: long, rectangular, orange-brown",
+        "throat: bright orange with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "southern white faced owl": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black curved beak",
+        "belly: pale grey with white barring",
+        "breast: whitish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rounded grey head with white facial disk",
+        "forehead: grey with white streaks above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark brown eyes",
+        "legs: feathered grey with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: light grey with darker barring and white spots",
+        "nape: light grey with white speckles",
+        "tail: grey with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white and lightly streaked with grey"
+    ],
+    "southern whiteface": [
+        "back: light brown with white markings",
+        "beak: short and greyish",
+        "belly: white with some grey streaks",
+        "breast: white with light brown patches",
+        "crown: light grey with some white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: surrounded by white feathers, dark eye",
+        "legs: dull grey with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: light brown with white tips and markings",
+        "nape: light grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, light brown with white markings",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "southern yellow white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow chest",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow strip above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow at the back of the head",
+        "tail: olive green, long, and pointed",
+        "throat: soft yellow merging into breast"
+    ],
+    "southern yellow billed hornbill": [
+        "back: feathered in dark shades ranging from grey to black",
+        "beak: large, curvy, and yellow with a prominent casque",
+        "belly: white or pale-colored feathering",
+        "breast: light grey or white plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey to black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from dark grey to the yellow beak",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing eyes with a dark iris",
+        "legs: long, thin legs with greyish-colored scales",
+        "wings: broad and rounded with dark-grey to black feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey feathering connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: dark grey or black long, rectangular feathers",
+        "throat: light grey or white feathers meeting the lower edge of the beak"
+    ],
+    "southern yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slightly darker shade towards the wings",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow and slightly lighter than breast",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow extending across the throat",
+        "crown: black mask with a narrow white border",
+        "forehead: blending with the black mask and white border on the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by white border of crown",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, appearing darker than the back",
+        "nape: lighter olive-green than the back",
+        "tail: slightly darker shade of olive-green with thin white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "souza shrike": [
+        "back: sleek and tawny brown",
+        "beak: short and sharp, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale cream with some light streaks",
+        "breast: cream-colored with faint banding",
+        "crown: rusty brown with a hint of gray",
+        "forehead: narrow and tawny",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: tawny-brown with black bars and white patches",
+        "nape: tawny brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and graduated with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale cream, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "spangle cheeked tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: deep royal blue",
+        "breast: bright turquoise blue",
+        "crown: radiant gold and green",
+        "forehead: shimmering golden forehead",
+        "eyes: small black eyes surrounded by vibrant feathers",
+        "legs: slim gray legs and clawed feet",
+        "wings: bold green and blue hues, patterned feather tips",
+        "nape: green and gold feather transition",
+        "tail: long, tapered tail with bright blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "spangled coquette": [
+        "back: green iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white ruffled feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant green with spangled spots",
+        "crown: bright green feathers with purple sheen",
+        "forehead: dotted with spangled coloration",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyelid outline",
+        "legs: thin and delicate grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white-tipped spangled feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green with spangled details",
+        "tail: curved and elongated, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright orange-red ruff with green spotting"
+    ],
+    "spangled drongo": [
+        "back: dark glossy-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: black with iridescent sheen",
+        "breast: dark black, glossy plumage",
+        "crown: flattened black feathers, shimmering",
+        "forehead: black with glossy feathers",
+        "eyes: deeply dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: black with hints of iridescence, elongated",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers with slight curve",
+        "tail: forked, long, black with white spots",
+        "throat: sleek black, sheened"
+    ],
+    "spangled honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive green with spangled white spots",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-grey",
+        "breast: grey with white speckles",
+        "crown: bright yellow with spangled black markings",
+        "forehead: yellow with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and small, with white markings around them",
+        "legs: slender light pink legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive green with white-tipped feathers, creating a spangled pattern",
+        "nape: olive green with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, with spangled white markings",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a grey speckled pattern"
+    ],
+    "spangled kookaburra": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white spots",
+        "beak: large, robust, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with some horizontal black bars",
+        "breast: pale brown and covered in light blue speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-green with blue spangles",
+        "forehead: greenish tint with blue spots or speckles",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by light blue markings",
+        "legs: short, strong, dark gray in color",
+        "wings: brown with blue speckles and white spots on the tips",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with blue speckling",
+        "tail: long, brown with bright blue patches and white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black lines or striations"
+    ],
+    "spanish eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the top portion",
+        "beak: powerful, curved yellowish-gray beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: creamy white with scattered dark spots",
+        "breast: brownish-white feathers with subtle horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: distinct golden-brown crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: golden-brown feathers transitioning to white on face",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing yellow eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, yellow legs with scaly texture and sharp talons for gripping",
+        "wings: long, broad wings with dark brown feathers and lighter tips for soaring and hunting",
+        "nape: golden-brown feathers covering the back of the neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped brown tail feathers with horizontal dark stripes for stability in flight",
+        "throat: white feathers blending into the brown plumage on the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "spanish sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical and stout, black in males and yellowish in females",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with a white supercilium (eyebrow",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown with a black patch in males",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks and rufous stripe",
+        "nape: grey-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish with fine grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "sparkling violetear": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: black, long, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light green with iridescent glimmers",
+        "breast: striking blue-violet with a shimmering effect",
+        "crown: deep purple-blue with a sparkly glow",
+        "forehead: glistening violet-blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: iridescent green with slightly curved tips",
+        "nape: shiny green with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: radiant green with a touch of blue hues",
+        "throat: dazzling violet with a glittery shine"
+    ],
+    "sparkling tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with shimmering hues",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with a soft sheen",
+        "breast: vibrant green, transitioning from the throat",
+        "crown: luminous green, tapering to the nape",
+        "forehead: bright green, complementing the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: delicate and short, with tiny feet",
+        "wings: swift, translucent, and shimmering in flight",
+        "nape: smooth transition from the crown, with lighter green",
+        "tail: elongated, dazzling with a gradient of blues and greens",
+        "throat: radiant green, shifting with movement"
+    ],
+    "speckle breasted antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark grey",
+        "belly: white with a touch of buff",
+        "breast: speckled with black and rusty spots",
+        "crown: olive-grey with little sheen",
+        "forehead: pale grey with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: dark and round against a feathered olive face",
+        "legs: long, thin, and light pinkish grey",
+        "wings: rounded olive-brown with paler feather edges",
+        "nape: smooth olive-grey transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped in a muted olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale ochre blending into white belly"
+    ],
+    "speckle breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: chisel-like and black",
+        "belly: pale beige with brown speckles",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: vibrant red or dull brown, depending on sex",
+        "forehead: beige with brown speckles",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by beige areas",
+        "legs: gray-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and black bars",
+        "nape: beige with brown speckles",
+        "tail: stiff and black with white spots",
+        "throat: white with some speckling"
+    ],
+    "speckle breasted wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle speckling",
+        "beak: small, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: light beige with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with prominent speckles",
+        "crown: grey-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: light grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and twig-like, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with speckled patterns",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, in line with back color",
+        "tail: greyish-brown, long and narrow with slight fan shape",
+        "throat: white, leading down to the speckled breast"
+    ],
+    "speckle chested piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: white with fine speckles",
+        "breast: white with dense speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white flecks",
+        "forehead: bright red in males, brownish in females",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white spots",
+        "nape: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and rigid with olive-green and white bars",
+        "throat: white with sparse speckles"
+    ],
+    "speckle faced parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, strong, beige",
+        "belly: creamy white with speckles",
+        "breast: light green with speckles",
+        "crown: bright green plumage",
+        "forehead: green with red speckles",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue tips",
+        "nape: green with subtle speckles",
+        "tail: long, green with blue streaks",
+        "throat: pale green, speckled"
+    ],
+    "speckle fronted weaver": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: cone-shaped, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white color",
+        "breast: yellowish with black speckles",
+        "crown: golden-yellow, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: pale pink, with long, slender toes",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with black streaks and spots",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: long, black, and narrow, with white markings",
+        "throat: creamy-yellow, with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "speckled boobook": [
+        "back: light brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: pale with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with small white spots",
+        "forehead: light brown with small white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and piercing",
+        "legs: feathered with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white speckles and faint barring",
+        "nape: light brown with white spots",
+        "tail: brown with faint white bands",
+        "throat: pale with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "speckled chachalaca": [
+        "back: brown feathers with subtle speckling",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: light gray with distinct speckling",
+        "breast: pale gray with intermingled white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown center transitioning into lighter tan",
+        "forehead: tan colored with slight speckling",
+        "eyes: black with subtle white outline",
+        "legs: gray legs with scaled texture and sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with a mix of mottled and speckled patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transitioning into crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray feathers with white speckling",
+        "throat: light gray, blends into breast"
+    ],
+    "speckled hummingbird": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with speckles",
+        "breast: iridescent green and gray",
+        "crown: shiny green with a purple hue",
+        "forehead: bright, metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: rapid, shimmering, and curved",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze with speckles",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and feathered",
+        "throat: iridescent green with spotted gray"
+    ],
+    "speckled mourner": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle speckles",
+        "beak: short and hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with irregular brown spots",
+        "breast: subdued buff-yellow with fine speckles",
+        "crown: olive-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: smoothly blending into crown coloration",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and blue-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wingbar",
+        "nape: smoothly transitioned from crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown, faintly barred",
+        "throat: unmarked pale-yellow"
+    ],
+    "speckled mousebird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint speckles",
+        "beak: black, elongated, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with light speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-white with speckled pattern",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray with light speckles",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with scaly appearance",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white speckles and dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with speckled pattern",
+        "tail: long, thin, and grayish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "speckled nightingale thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with distinct speckles",
+        "beak: slender and straight, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with bold black speckles",
+        "breast: white with heavy dark speckling",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: speckled olive-brown",
+        "tail: brownish with narrow white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "speckled piculet": [
+        "back: light brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with faint speckles",
+        "crown: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish with sturdy feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "speckled pigeon": [
+        "back: gray-brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale pinkish color",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint white markings",
+        "breast: light-purple hue with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray with white speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth gray with faint white markings",
+        "eyes: bright orange-red with dark pupil",
+        "legs: red, sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white speckles and black bars",
+        "nape: gray with white speckles blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark gray with white-tipped feathers and black bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint white markings"
+    ],
+    "speckled rail": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black patterns",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: light beige with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brown and black speckles",
+        "crown: rusty red with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brown and black speckled plumage, rounded shape",
+        "nape: rusty red with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "speckled spinetail": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: spotted chesnut and white feathers",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "crown: streaked brown and beige",
+        "forehead: narrow chesnut forehead band",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: scaly, brown, and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with light speckles",
+        "nape: beige with brown streaking",
+        "tail: long and brownish with white tips",
+        "throat: white with delicate brown markings"
+    ],
+    "speckled tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green with speckled black markings",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with speckled pattern",
+        "breast: yellowish-green and speckled",
+        "crown: green with subtle speckling",
+        "forehead: green and smoothly merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a green mask-like marking",
+        "legs: short, grey, and powerful",
+        "wings: green with black spots and white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: green with minimal speckling",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black bands",
+        "throat: bright yellow, continuing onto the belly"
+    ],
+    "speckled tinkerbird": [
+        "back: mottled brown and cream feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: beige with fine brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine speckles",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with cream speckles and black stripes",
+        "nape: light brown with black and white markings",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white speckles and black bands",
+        "throat: pale creamy-yellow with faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "speckled warbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with white speckles",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale greyish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: beige with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: grey-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey-brown with fine white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black and white markings",
+        "nape: grey-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: long and brownish-grey, pale tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "speckled wood pigeon": [
+        "back: mottled brown and greenish feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with light speckling",
+        "breast: pale grey with darker speckles",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey with faint white spots",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright orange with a thin grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with short, curved talons",
+        "wings: mottled brown, green and grey feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: slate-grey with faint white spots",
+        "tail: mixture of greenish-brown and grey feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: off-white with subtle speckling"
+    ],
+    "spectacled barwing": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark bars",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: whitish with pale gray and light brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with a white line above the eye",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with bold white spectacles",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, dull pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with greenish-blue edges",
+        "nape: slate gray continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with greenish-blue edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "spectacled bristle tyrant": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and pale",
+        "belly: dull, grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown",
+        "forehead: moderately-sized white spectacles",
+        "eyes: black with white rings",
+        "legs: pale and thin",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with two light wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: greenish-brown and moderately long",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "spectacled duck": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with faint white speckles",
+        "beak: short, black and rounded",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: black with white striations",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers transitioning to black",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white spectacles outline",
+        "eyes: small, dark, framed by distinctive white spectacles",
+        "legs: short, orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown-black with vibrant blue-green speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with white spectacles continuing",
+        "tail: brown-black feathers with slight upward curve",
+        "throat: black feathers fading into white on the breast"
+    ],
+    "spectacled eider": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with soft texture",
+        "beak: stout, sloping black bill with creamy white spots",
+        "belly: golden-yellow feathers with white side patches",
+        "breast: black and white barred feathers",
+        "crown: dark green feathers with lighter green highlights",
+        "forehead: pale green and white feathers above beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow irises surrounded by striking white \"spectacles\" markings",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with thick black webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: black and white striped feathers leading to the dark green crown",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, dropping down from beak"
+    ],
+    "spectacled finch": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: conical and dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft gray markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with paler streaks",
+        "crown: light gray with black border",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with black framed rim",
+        "eyes: black with distinctive white eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey to black, slender and strong",
+        "wings: mixture of brown and gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "nape: light gray with black edge",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light gray merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "spectacled fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with slight yellow tinge",
+        "breast: gray-white with yellow tinges",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring (spectacles",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with subtle white markings",
+        "nape: gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray"
+    ],
+    "spectacled guillemot": [
+        "back: dark charcoal grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp-edged, black",
+        "belly: white with soft grey spots",
+        "breast: white blending into grey",
+        "crown: blackish-grey plumage",
+        "forehead: charcoal grey with white spectacles",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: webbed, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with white edges",
+        "nape: charcoal grey blending into white",
+        "tail: short and pointed, dark grey",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "spectacled imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: dark gray, slightly glossy feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray with yellow tip",
+        "belly: greyish-white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: light grey, blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: white, prominent eye-ring",
+        "eyes: bright, red-orange iris",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray, wide and rounded",
+        "nape: white collar, contrast with gray head",
+        "tail: dark gray, long and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: greyish-white, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "spectacled longbill": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale and feathered",
+        "breast: greenish-brown with slight barring",
+        "crown: black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white band above eyes",
+        "eyes: encircled with thin white rings ('spectacles",
+        "legs: short and strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: striped black and white",
+        "tail: long and curved, greenish-brown",
+        "throat: white feathers with dark barring"
+    ],
+    "spectacled monarch": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow marking",
+        "crown: dark grey-blue with yellow edges",
+        "forehead: prominent yellow eyebrow line",
+        "eyes: alert, dark with yellow eyering",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: blue-grey feathers with yellow patches on coverts",
+        "nape: blue-grey transitioning to yellow on upper back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey-blue feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow extending down to breast"
+    ],
+    "spectacled owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown bars",
+        "breast: white with brown cross-like markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: dark brown with faint speckles",
+        "eyes: striking yellow surrounded by bold white outlines",
+        "legs: feathered with rich brown plumage",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars and speckles",
+        "nape: white with dark brown barring",
+        "tail: dark brown with broad white bands",
+        "throat: pure white area around the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "spectacled parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: stout, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: cream-colored",
+        "breast: light gray with black streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red with a silver-white band",
+        "forehead: silver-white band above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white spectacles-like ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black secondary feathers",
+        "nape: silver-white band connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "spectacled parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, hooked, light-colored with a dark tip",
+        "belly: pale lime green feathers with a smooth appearance",
+        "breast: bright green feathers blending into the belly area",
+        "crown: bluish-green feathers with a slight sheen at the top of the head",
+        "forehead: striking blue feathers above the beak and between the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring resembling spectacles",
+        "legs: short, gray, scaly, with zygodactyl feet for grasping branches",
+        "wings: green feathers tinged with a hint of blue at the edges",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: relatively short, blue-green feathers with a squared-off appearance",
+        "throat: pale green feathers, lighter than the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "spectacled petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with a black tinge",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish with light grey or blue base",
+        "belly: white with grey edges on flanks",
+        "breast: white with occasional light grey shading",
+        "crown: dark grey with black tinge, extending to sides of head",
+        "forehead: similar color to crown, merging with eye region",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by distinctive white 'spectacle' markings",
+        "legs: flesh-colored with webbed feet and black claws",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and blackish-grey with a white trailing edge",
+        "nape: continuation of crown, with dark grey plumage",
+        "tail: dark grey, long, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white, blending seamlessly with the breast area"
+    ],
+    "spectacled prickletail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with narrow shaft streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: buffy-white with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut with brown bars",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with buffy streaks",
+        "forehead: pale whitish-buff eyering",
+        "eyes: dark brown with yellow eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: rounded with brown and rufous pattern",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with pale buff streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous-chestnut with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "spectacled redstart": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow contrasting with the breast",
+        "breast: reddish-orange in color",
+        "crown: dark gray with a white patch",
+        "forehead: white spectacles feature on its dark gray face",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: grayish-black with white edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray with a faint white border",
+        "tail: long and grayish-black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright red bordering the breast and lower face"
+    ],
+    "spectacled spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: yellowish, curved, and slender",
+        "belly: light ochre hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: pale gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish edges",
+        "nape: olive-yellow feathered",
+        "tail: long, yellowish-green with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy yellow"
+    ],
+    "spectacled tetraka": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with greyish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with a distinct white band",
+        "crown: dark grey, bordered by a white stripe",
+        "forehead: silvery-grey leading into the crown",
+        "eyes: large and white-rimmed, giving a \"spectacled\" appearance",
+        "legs: slim and pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with indistinct brownish markings",
+        "nape: dark grey, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-green with grey-brown striping",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "spectacled thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: yellow-orange with dark tip",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with black crescent-shaped markings",
+        "crown: olive-brown with speckled edges",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with thin white stripe",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint light-colored bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with black crescent-shaped markings"
+    ],
+    "spectacled tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: white with light gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white spectacles-like marking",
+        "eyes: small, black, lively",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: short, olive-green with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-white with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black and white lines",
+        "throat: clean white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "spectacled tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellowish hues",
+        "beak: black, thin, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak, creating \"spectacles\" appearance",
+        "eyes: dark brown with distinctive white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive blending with the back",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer tail feathers, moderately forked",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "spectacled weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: dark, sturdy, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: lemon-yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green with black eyestripe",
+        "forehead: green, blending into eyestripe",
+        "eyes: white spectacles-like markings",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: green with black streaks",
+        "nape: deep green coloration",
+        "tail: green, long and pointed",
+        "throat: contrasting yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "speke weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: cone-shaped and black",
+        "belly: light underbelly, cream-colored",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive hue",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with dark center",
+        "forehead: dark olive color fading into yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and round, black pupils",
+        "legs: grayish-black, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with darker feather tips",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuation of the crown",
+        "tail: long and pointed, olive-brown color",
+        "throat: light, yellowish-cream color"
+    ],
+    "spice imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: light bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: bluish-gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled with light skin",
+        "legs: short, strong, reddish-pink",
+        "wings: broad with grayish-blue feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: moderately long, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, slightly fluffy plumage"
+    ],
+    "spike heeled lark": [
+        "back: streaked brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, straight, and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rich buff-brown with dark spotting",
+        "crown: dark brown with buff edges",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: deep-set, black and shiny",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, dark brown with white speckles",
+        "nape: brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "tail: short and sturdy, dark brown with white spots",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "spillmann tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark grey with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark grey with some black scaling",
+        "breast: sooty grey with blackish spots",
+        "crown: dark grey with subtle black patterns",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey than crown",
+        "eyes: small black beads with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: experienced and powerful, blackish-grey",
+        "wings: covertly grey, flanking black streaks",
+        "nape: smooth dark grey",
+        "tail: short and stubby, patterned dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey slightly spotted with black"
+    ],
+    "spinifex pigeon": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark brown spots",
+        "beak: short and greyish-brown",
+        "belly: light grey with dark brown markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: elongated reddish-brown crest feathers",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark spots and white tips",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with dark brown spots",
+        "tail: short and barred with white tips",
+        "throat: white patch surrounded by dark markings"
+    ],
+    "spinifexbird": [
+        "back: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slender and curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: buff-colored with some dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dense streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with prominent crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with blackish flight feathers and pale edges",
+        "nape: warm brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale brown with sparse streaks"
+    ],
+    "spiny babbler": [
+        "back: covered in brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray or white feathers with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white or pale gray feathers with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with faint gray streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown, adapted for hopping and perching",
+        "wings: brown with dark bars, rounded for short flights",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown with dark bars, used for balance and display",
+        "throat: white or pale gray feathers with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "spiny cheeked honeyeater": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light yellow with fine striations",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale cream with thin brown stripes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale cream eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale cream with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "spiny faced antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: gray-white plumage",
+        "crown: gray crest, small spines",
+        "forehead: lightly speckled gray",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, edged white",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transition",
+        "tail: slender, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "spix guan": [
+        "back: dark blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: lighter gray-blue feathers",
+        "breast: bluish-gray feathered chest",
+        "crown: dark blue-gray crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, red-orange",
+        "wings: dark blue-gray, rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathered neck",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "spix spinetail": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers and streaked texture",
+        "beak: dark, straight, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale gray with thin stripes",
+        "breast: white with black barring",
+        "crown: tawny-orange with a fine crest",
+        "forehead: tawny-orange like the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: relatively long and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with streaks like the back",
+        "tail: long and dark with outer white feathers",
+        "throat: unmarked and pale gray"
+    ],
+    "spix warbling antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: deep black with a blue sheen",
+        "forehead: blackish-blue fading into grey",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: dark grey with light feather edges",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with slight streaking",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, with a faint blue sheen",
+        "throat: pale grey with vague streaks"
+    ],
+    "spix woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slim, and curved",
+        "belly: light buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with soft striping",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, light gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with subtle barring",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, with brown and black bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "splendid astrapia": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue plumage",
+        "beak: slender, black curved bill",
+        "belly: velvety black feathers",
+        "breast: bright green iridescent plumage",
+        "crown: glossy violet-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: reflective green-blue sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rich green-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: bronze-green iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: long, ribbon-like black feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering deep blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "splendid fairywren": [
+        "back: bright blue plumage on the male, dull brown on the female",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: whitish to pale grey feathers on both sexes",
+        "breast: vibrant blue on males, dull brownish-grey on females",
+        "crown: iridescent blue feathers on the male, dull brown on the female",
+        "forehead: electric blue tuft above eyes on males, brown on females",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark eyes with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark grey legs for hopping and perching",
+        "wings: rich blue on males with contrasting black flight feathers, dull brown on females",
+        "nape: brilliant blue connecting from the crown to the back on males, brown on females",
+        "tail: long, black tail with blue feathers at the base, held upright",
+        "throat: vivid blue patch in males, plain brown in females"
+    ],
+    "splendid starling": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and yellow",
+        "belly: metallic purple hue",
+        "breast: shimmering green and blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy turquoise patch",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and yellowish",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: shimmering green-blue transition",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: dazzling purple and blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "splendid sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar extraction",
+        "belly: dull, dark grey feathers",
+        "breast: bright metallic blue with a purple sheen",
+        "crown: glossy violet with a peaked crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant emerald green",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by feathered eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and dark grey, with slender claws for perching",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green, with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: brilliant turquoise transitioning to green",
+        "tail: elongated, with vivid blue and green feathers, and white tips",
+        "throat: intense fiery red feathers, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "splendid white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: soft light-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bluish-purple head stripe",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: striking white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: green with blue-black edging",
+        "nape: green with yellow tinge",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-black",
+        "throat: yellow with green tinge"
+    ],
+    "spoon billed sandpiper": [
+        "back: pale brown with dark feather edges",
+        "beak: long, spoon-shaped tip",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light brown, spotted",
+        "crown: brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: pale brown, heavily streaked",
+        "nape: brown, streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown, rounded",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "spot backed antbird": [
+        "back: black and white spots pattern",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: solid black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, smooth finish",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, gray and strong",
+        "wings: black with white spots, medium length",
+        "nape: black with a white pattern",
+        "tail: black with white tips, medium length",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "spot backed antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: black with fine, white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly enlarged",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: black with bold white spots",
+        "nape: black with white spots, transitioning into olive-green",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "spot backed antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green with small white spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: lightly-streaked, pale yellow",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: black with white bands",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot backed puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with black banding",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: olive-brown with black spots",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with white streak",
+        "eyes: dark with a white orbital ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "spot bellied eagle owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with pale spots",
+        "beak: strong, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: dark brown with pale markings",
+        "eyes: large, forward-facing, orange-yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, dark brown with streaks",
+        "wings: broad, brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "tail: wide, dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot billed ground tyrant": [
+        "back: light greyish-brown with a subtle pattern",
+        "beak: blackish, medium-length, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy white, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with tiny white flecks",
+        "crown: dull grey-brown, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: pale grey, blending with crown coloration",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, grey or dark brown",
+        "wings: grey-brown with lighter edges, inconspicuous barring",
+        "nape: grey-brown, blending with crown and back coloration",
+        "tail: grey-brown, slightly darker than the wings, fairly short",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "spot billed pelican": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with spotted pattern",
+        "beak: long, hooked tip, yellow with a black spot",
+        "belly: white feathers with subtle grey spots",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-white feathers",
+        "crown: light grey plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark and expressive",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-grey webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, grey with a black and white pattern on feather tips",
+        "nape: pale grey with elongated plumes",
+        "tail: short, greyish-white feathers with a fan-like appearance",
+        "throat: white and slightly puffy with a gular pouch"
+    ],
+    "spot billed toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: large, hooked, black and yellow spotted",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant green feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "crown: deep emerald green tuft above the head",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers framing the face",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive with a blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, short, and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide, green feathers with blue and red accents",
+        "nape: rich green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, green, and blue tipped feathers with red underside",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers transitioning to green"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted antvireo": [
+        "back: olive-brown and plain",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: pale gray",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with white rings",
+        "legs: light gray, strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown, large",
+        "nape: light gray",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long",
+        "throat: white, unpatterned"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown hues with slight variations",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed for insect-catching",
+        "belly: off-white with small spots or streaks",
+        "breast: white with contrasting brownish spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown, rounded, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with faint eye-rings, appearing alert",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown, strong for perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter wing bars, designed for short, fluttery flights",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, often fanned out and expressive",
+        "throat: white or off-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted ibis": [
+        "back: dark, glossy green hue",
+        "beak: long, downward curving and yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white scales with black spots intermingled",
+        "breast: cream-colored with dense black spots",
+        "crown: dark green, smooth crest",
+        "forehead: light blue-grey color, slightly domed",
+        "eyes: deep brown encircled by thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender and dull greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark green, wide and rounded, scaly texture",
+        "nape: greenish-black, tinged with bronze",
+        "tail: dark green with a slight glossy sheen, moderately long",
+        "throat: cream-toned with a few black spots on the sides"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted lapwing": [
+        "back: light brown with black spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and robust",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with distinct black spots",
+        "crown: black with white sides",
+        "forehead: white, separating crown from black eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white outlines",
+        "legs: long, thin, and yellow",
+        "wings: brown with black spots, white patches",
+        "nape: black, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: black, white-tipped with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black spots"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: light grayish-white with dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted oriole": [
+        "back: olive-green hue, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: black, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: black, continuous from crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green, black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into black",
+        "tail: long, black with slight white edges",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive-green with brown shades",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with distinct brown spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white tips on wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: creamy white"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, light gray",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted thornbird": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: curved, sharp and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with bold black spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender gray",
+        "wings: light brown with black streaks and white bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black-and-white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with bold black spots",
+        "crown: red with black borders",
+        "forehead: white with black markings",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: black-and-white striped pattern",
+        "tail: black with white bars and rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot breasted wren": [
+        "back: brown with faint spots",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with large spots",
+        "breast: cream-colored with black spots",
+        "crown: uniform brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, thin, gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: light brown",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: creamy white"
+    ],
+    "spot crowned antvireo": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: pale grayish-yellow, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: lighter grayish color",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: distinct black and white spots",
+        "forehead: black and white spots continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers blending into spots on crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: white with grayish-white breast blending into belly"
+    ],
+    "spot crowned barbet": [
+        "back: emerald green with small black spots",
+        "beak: sharp, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black barring",
+        "crown: bright red with distinct black spots",
+        "forehead: vibrant red with fine black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale blue rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with bold black bars",
+        "nape: green with dark black spots",
+        "tail: black with greenish-blue tinge and white tips",
+        "throat: white with a hint of yellow and black streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot crowned euphonia": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and thick, pale color",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow, slightly paler than belly",
+        "crown: deep black with contrasting white spots",
+        "forehead: black with white spotted patterns",
+        "eyes: small, round, and shiny black",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, tinged with blue",
+        "nape: black merging into olive-green",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with bluish tones",
+        "throat: gleaming yellow, intensifying towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "spot crowned woodcreeper": [
+        "back: vertical brownish-black streaks",
+        "beak: long, decurved, and stout",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: creamy-white with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with prominent white spots",
+        "forehead: white spots against a dark background",
+        "eyes: dark-brown surrounded by thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: bright rufous with slightly curved tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with white spots",
+        "tail: long, rufous, and prominently barred",
+        "throat: white with dark brown chevron markings"
+    ],
+    "spot flanked barbet": [
+        "back: olive-green with yellow streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark spots",
+        "breast: yellow with bold black spots",
+        "crown: red head with black band",
+        "forehead: red and black striped pattern",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale yellow ring",
+        "legs: short, grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark green with yellow markings",
+        "throat: pale yellow with black spots"
+    ],
+    "spot flanked gallinule": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: pale blue with reddish tip",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-blue",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: pale blue with a red shield",
+        "eyes: bright red",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "nape: dark brown",
+        "tail: black with white stripes",
+        "throat: pale blue-gray"
+    ],
+    "spot fronted swift": [
+        "back: sleek and shiny feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: light colored with minimal markings",
+        "breast: soft gray and white mix",
+        "crown: dark slate gray",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and thin",
+        "wings: long and slender",
+        "nape: gray with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: forked with white edging",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot necked babbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale-brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light spotting",
+        "breast: grayish-white, mottled",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: spotted with brown and gray shades",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: white with distinct black spots"
+    ],
+    "spot necked bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with pale streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow, slightly feathered",
+        "breast: yellowish with grayish-white spots",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, encircled with white",
+        "legs: short, strong, light brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with primary feathers tipped in white",
+        "nape: light brown with a characteristic spot-neck pattern",
+        "tail: long, tapered, dark green with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with grayish-white streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot tailed antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine blackish streaks",
+        "beak: slim and pointed, black in color",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine blackish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyerings",
+        "legs: pale flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish spots on coverts",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with distinct white spots",
+        "throat: pale gray with blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot tailed goshawk": [
+        "back: sleek, brown-feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: white with russet streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing, amber-orange",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-taloned",
+        "wings: broad, striped with dark brown and white patches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped with prominent dark bars",
+        "throat: white with subtle brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "spot tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks and spots",
+        "forehead: light gray with dark lines",
+        "eyes: large and dark, adapted for night vision",
+        "legs: short, feathered, and cryptically colored",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with brown and black patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white spots and barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot throated babbler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with light gray accents",
+        "breast: pale gray blending to the white belly",
+        "crown: grayish-brown adorned with white streaks",
+        "forehead: creamy-white coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by a light ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white spot surrounded by grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "spot throated flameback": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, ivory-yellow",
+        "belly: white with thin black bars",
+        "breast: white with dark stripes",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: reddish in males, black in females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: yellowish-orange with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow spot on chin and throat"
+    ],
+    "spot throated hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: soft yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: glossy green head feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent green patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: rapid fluttering, iridescent green",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "tail: rounded, green and white feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive spotted pattern"
+    ],
+    "spot throated woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with an orange tint",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white markings",
+        "nape: brown with orangish hue",
+        "tail: long, rigid, and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale with dark spotting"
+    ],
+    "spot winged antbird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: small, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with fine grey streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint brown spots",
+        "crown: dark grey with black speckles",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: short, pale pink-gray with strong black claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white spots on wing coverts",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with a slight rufous tinge",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with broad white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot winged antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: off-white with dark bars",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, streaked with black",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: pale eyebrow blending into cheeks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, matching back",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with dark bars"
+    ],
+    "spot winged falconet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp for hunting",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: slightly ruffled, blending in with the belly",
+        "crown: dark-colored feathers with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: prominent white stripe between eye and beak",
+        "eyes: large, piercing, and deep brown in color",
+        "legs: slim and long with sharp, curved talons",
+        "wings: dark with white spotting, well-suited for agile flight",
+        "nape: white band separating the crown from the back",
+        "tail: short with horizontal barring and white tips",
+        "throat: pale with light streaking, transitioning to the belly"
+    ],
+    "spot winged grosbeak": [
+        "back: olive-green with pale spots",
+        "beak: strong, conical, ivory-white",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: buff-orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green and black patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green highlighted",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: olive-green with black patch",
+        "tail: black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: black with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot winged monarch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: orange-rust with black barring",
+        "crown: glossy black with hidden blue spots",
+        "forehead: black with visible blue spots",
+        "eyes: bright, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slim, and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with bold white spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: yellow-orange, matching the breast"
+    ],
+    "spot winged parrotlet": [
+        "back: olive green with subtle barring",
+        "beak: short, curved, light gray",
+        "belly: pale green, slightly yellowish",
+        "breast: light green with barely visible spotting",
+        "crown: blue-green with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale blue with some black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short, gray, strong",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with darker blue spots on secondaries",
+        "nape: olive green with blue tint",
+        "tail: long, bluish-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: blue-green, fading into lighter green on breast"
+    ],
+    "spot winged pigeon": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with subtle iridescence",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: rosy-pinkish hue with gray undertones",
+        "crown: pale gray with a slight iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive with a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-purple, strong and scaly with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with distinct black spots on white wing coverts",
+        "nape: smooth gray feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers with a wide black band at the tip",
+        "throat: light gray feathers transitioning to the rosy breast area"
+    ],
+    "spot winged rosefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grey with a pinkish hue",
+        "breast: rosy pink with streaks",
+        "crown: deep pinkish-red with streaks",
+        "forehead: bright pinkish-red",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with distinct white spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white corners",
+        "throat: rosy pink with streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot winged starling": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, yellowish",
+        "belly: slightly paler feathers",
+        "breast: dark, spotted feathers",
+        "crown: glossy, iridescent black",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white ring",
+        "legs: light gray, slender",
+        "wings: black with prominent white spots",
+        "nape: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark with white tip",
+        "throat: dark, iridescent plumage"
+    ],
+    "spot winged thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: thin and curved with blackish color",
+        "belly: cream-colored with black streaks",
+        "breast: orange-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with a buff tone",
+        "eyes: round and black surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: pale pink with strong, slender claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with large white spots",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with a hint of green",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips and spots",
+        "throat: pale cream with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "spot winged wood quail": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle spots",
+        "beak: short and grayish",
+        "belly: white with black markings",
+        "breast: soft brown with faint spots",
+        "crown: dark and slightly reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: gray fading to brown",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown, gray, and white spots",
+        "nape: pale gray feather marks",
+        "tail: short with white-tipped dark feathers",
+        "throat: white with scattered black markings"
+    ],
+    "spotless crake": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slim and black",
+        "belly: off-white or pale gray",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: pale yellow-green",
+        "wings: short, brown with some white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: off-white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "spotless starling": [
+        "back: glossy greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: black, medium-length, and pointed",
+        "belly: shiny, dark iridescent plumage",
+        "breast: gleaming, dark green sheen",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy black with slight iridescent shine",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: black, thin, and strong",
+        "wings: dazzling, dark greenish-black, pointed tips",
+        "nape: radiant, blue-green tinged feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, slightly forked feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent black with a hint of purple"
+    ],
+    "spotted antbird": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hook-tipped",
+        "belly: cream with brown spots",
+        "breast: greyish white with light spots",
+        "crown: black with white dots",
+        "forehead: black with white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark and rounded",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black with white flecks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: cream-colored with faint spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle spots",
+        "beak: short, black, curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with black spots",
+        "breast: yellowish with black spots",
+        "crown: ruddy brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, spotted",
+        "eyes: black with off-white eyering",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted bamboowren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark spots",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: whitish with black spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white, spotted",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: medium olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: brown with light edging, dotted",
+        "nape: olive-brown, dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with light tips, spotted",
+        "throat: grayish-white, scattered spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted barbtail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine, pale spots",
+        "beak: short and straight, dark color",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white with dark, crescent-shaped spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with pale spots",
+        "forehead: rufous with paler streaks",
+        "eyes: dark eyes with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped covert feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with pale spots",
+        "tail: long, barred with alternating rufous and black bands",
+        "throat: buffy-white with streaks and crescent-shaped spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted berrypecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint spots",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark olive-green adorned with spots",
+        "forehead: deep olive-green with scattered black spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black spots",
+        "nape: slightly lighter olive-green with minimal spots",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with distinctive black spots",
+        "throat: yellowish-green with prominent dark spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted bowerbird": [
+        "back: light brown with white spots",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream with faint spotting",
+        "breast: light brown with dense white spots",
+        "crown: light brown with fine white spots",
+        "forehead: light brown with sparse white spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and strong",
+        "wings: light brown with white spots and dark brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with fine white spots",
+        "tail: long and brown with white spots and a dark brown band near the tip",
+        "throat: pale cream with light brown speckling"
+    ],
+    "spotted bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: light white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: off-white with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by a light eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black streaks, short and rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint barring, short and rounded",
+        "throat: off-white with brownish spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted buttonquail": [
+        "back: brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: buff with fine streaks",
+        "breast: cream-colored with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with white flecks",
+        "forehead: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong, gray-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with white markings",
+        "tail: short and barred, brownish-black",
+        "throat: pale with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted crake": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, yellowish-green",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: beige with smaller dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, less streaky",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, thin, long",
+        "wings: short, dark spotted, brownish-grey",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, slightly fan-shaped, dark barred",
+        "throat: pale, off-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted crocias": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with faint spots",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint spots",
+        "forehead: white streak above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and round, with a black iris",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint spots",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted dove": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: light gray, slightly curved, and slim",
+        "belly: pale buff-gray with subtle spots",
+        "breast: rosy-brown with white spotting",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers with spiky appearance",
+        "forehead: pale gray transitioning to blue-gray crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, slender with grasping toes",
+        "wings: brown feathers with white spots and black primary tips",
+        "nape: black feathers with white half-collared band",
+        "tail: long, gray-brown feathers with white tipping",
+        "throat: clean pale gray with slight spotting"
+    ],
+    "spotted eagle owl": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with brown spots and streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark brown bars and spots",
+        "crown: brownish with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with dark brown markings",
+        "eyes: large, round, piercing yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, long and strong",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "tail: medium length, barred with dark brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white, slightly speckled with brown"
+    ],
+    "spotted elachura": [
+        "back: brownish with subtle dark spots",
+        "beak: short, fine, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-black with pale bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with black streaks, like crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with light outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending with belly"
+    ],
+    "spotted fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with spots",
+        "beak: short, durable, and curved",
+        "belly: white with subtle spot pattern",
+        "breast: white with faint gray spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with fine spots",
+        "forehead: light gray with white streaks",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: thin and gray, with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: light gray with faint spotting",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and spotted with white tips",
+        "throat: white with small gray spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, dark greyish",
+        "belly: pale off-white, minimally spotted",
+        "breast: whitish-grey with faint streaking",
+        "crown: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and greyish",
+        "wings: brown with light and dark streaks, long and pointed",
+        "nape: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "tail: brown and moderately long, squared or notched at the end",
+        "throat: off-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted forktail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with blackish spots",
+        "beak: slender, straight, black",
+        "belly: white with dark bars",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black and white speckled",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, orange-brown",
+        "wings: black with white spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown with blackish spots",
+        "tail: long, black with white bands",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle spots",
+        "beak: pale grayish-brown, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green with faint spotting",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green with darker spots",
+        "crown: yellow-green with small dark spots",
+        "forehead: smooth yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with tiny white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slender with scaly texture",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint spots and barring",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with scattered spots",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint spots and broad white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow-green with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted ground thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with bold black spots",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: warm buff tone with black spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale plumage",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, spotted with black",
+        "nape: similar to crown, olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint black barring",
+        "throat: creamy white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted harrier": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white, barred with brown",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-ringed, piercing",
+        "legs: long, yellow, featherless",
+        "wings: long, brown and gray with white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a white band",
+        "tail: long, barred with dark and light brown",
+        "throat: pale, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "spotted honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive green with white spots",
+        "beak: dark, short, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with black spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: olive green",
+        "forehead: lighter green with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: grayish pink",
+        "wings: olive green spotted with white",
+        "nape: spots transitioning from crown to nape",
+        "tail: olive green with white barring",
+        "throat: light gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: light gray with dark spots",
+        "beak: short and strong, pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-gray and slightly spotted",
+        "breast: pale gray with a mixture of white and spotting",
+        "crown: dark gray with light spots",
+        "forehead: pale gray and slightly spotted",
+        "eyes: dark with bright, reddish-orange eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-red with strong, curved claws",
+        "wings: light gray with dark spots and white tips",
+        "nape: dark gray with light spots, blending to the back",
+        "tail: long, light gray with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, spotted, and blending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "spotted jewel babbler": [
+        "back: black and white mottled pattern",
+        "beak: short, dark grey, slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright white with some dark speckles",
+        "breast: dense speckling of black and white",
+        "crown: dark with light speckles, continuing down the nape",
+        "forehead: black and white speckles, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark gaze with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grey legs with sharp, black claws",
+        "wings: spotted white feathers mixed with black",
+        "nape: continued speckled pattern from crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white spots",
+        "throat: white with some black speckling"
+    ],
+    "spotted kestrel": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark spots",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with fine, dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and slender, with dark bands and white tail tips",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "spotted kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with rufous spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue, black-streaked",
+        "forehead: blue with small black spots",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze",
+        "legs: short, strong, red-orange",
+        "wings: blue-black with white spots",
+        "nape: blue with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue-green, black-banded",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: stout, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: rufous-red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-red with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: rufous-red with black streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted morning thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint spots",
+        "beak: yellowish-brown with a black tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint spots",
+        "forehead: rich rufous color",
+        "eyes: large with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: grey-brown with black spots and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with sparse spots",
+        "tail: dark grey with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white with small dark spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted nothura": [
+        "back: brown with blackish spots",
+        "beak: short, strong, and pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish with blackish spots",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with blackish bars",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyelids",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: short; brown with buffy-white spots",
+        "nape: brown with paler streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "spotted piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with white speckles",
+        "beak: thin, black, pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown, lightly spotted",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, thick stripes",
+        "forehead: olive-green, speckled",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: grayish, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, white-spotted feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, lightly spotted pattern",
+        "tail: short, curved, dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white, spotted brown"
+    ],
+    "spotted puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with scattered white spots",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with distinct dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a small crest and white spots",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with smaller white spots",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots and broad black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with bold white spots",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black bands and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "spotted quail thrush": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale cream with bold black spots",
+        "breast: warm buff with distinct black spotting",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with small white spots",
+        "forehead: pale gray with faint spotting",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: slender, long, and olive-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots and buff edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint white spotting",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips and outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted rail": [
+        "back: brownish-black with spots and streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and yellowish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black spots",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a grayish-white ring",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, long, and thin",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and brownish-black with white spots",
+        "nape: brownish-red with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, black, and spotted with a white band at the tip",
+        "throat: grayish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted redshank": [
+        "back: dark grey with light spots",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with grey streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: black with small white spots",
+        "forehead: black with white markings",
+        "eyes: bright and black",
+        "legs: long and vibrant red",
+        "wings: dark with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: grey with white speckles",
+        "tail: black and white with distinct barring",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted sandgrouse": [
+        "back: sandy brown feathers with dark spotting",
+        "beak: short, conical, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale beige with small dark spots",
+        "breast: light brown with distinct black spots",
+        "crown: sandy brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale beige with some dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small black with narrow pale eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-yellow with long toes",
+        "wings: mottled brown, buff, and black feathers",
+        "nape: sandy brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish, barred black and white",
+        "throat: light buff with darker spots at sides"
+    ],
+    "spotted scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pale, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint white spotting",
+        "breast: soft grey with white markings",
+        "crown: dull brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey with indistinct streaks",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and encircled with a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots and dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with sparse white streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white spots, and rounded feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with fine white markings"
+    ],
+    "spotted shag": [
+        "back: greenish-black with a glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey with spots",
+        "breast: grey with white spots",
+        "crown: dark greenish-black, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: medium greenish-black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a thin blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: medium length, greenish-black with a sheen",
+        "nape: greenish-black, blending in with the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, greenish-black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: grey with white spots"
+    ],
+    "spotted tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green with scattered black spots",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with dark speckles",
+        "breast: yellow with scattered black spots",
+        "crown: deep blue with black speckles",
+        "forehead: bright blue with subtle spotting",
+        "eyes: small and black, encircled by blue",
+        "legs: slim, grayish, and strong",
+        "wings: mixture of green and blue with black spots",
+        "nape: rich blue with scattered black marks",
+        "tail: long and blue, with black accents and spots",
+        "throat: yellow with dark speckles and stripes"
+    ],
+    "spotted thick knee": [
+        "back: brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: mottled brown and white",
+        "crown: brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eye",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and brown, semi-concealed under the wings",
+        "throat: white with a thin brown collar"
+    ],
+    "spotted tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: brown with faint white spots",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with small white spots",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with white spots, rounded edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white tip, often fanned out",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "spotted wood owl": [
+        "back: brownish feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rich brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown and white streaked",
+        "forehead: paler brown with white spots",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and framed by white feathers",
+        "legs: feathered, brown, and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with white spotting",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted wood quail": [
+        "back: brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light stripes",
+        "forehead: pale with dark striped pattern",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with intricate white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with light striations",
+        "tail: short, brown with white spotting",
+        "throat: buff-colored with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "spotted woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish streaks on olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: off-white with brown spots and streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: soft olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with light brown barring",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, rigid, brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "spotted wren": [
+        "back: brown with black spots",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and greyish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with some black speckling",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker bars and white spots",
+        "nape: brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "sprague pipit": [
+        "back: streaked buffy-brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: pale with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pinkish",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "spur winged goose": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, dark grey hooked beak",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: lightly speckled grey feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, near beak",
+        "legs: strong dark grey, webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, black feathers with distinctive white wing spurs",
+        "nape: glossy black, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: short, black fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "spur winged lapwing": [
+        "back: brown, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers, undersides",
+        "breast: gray-brown, soft feathers",
+        "crown: black, contrasting feathers",
+        "forehead: white, striking stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-red",
+        "wings: brown, visible spur",
+        "nape: black, defined feathers",
+        "tail: white and black, contrastingly short",
+        "throat: white feathers, distinct shape"
+    ],
+    "squamate antbird": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: black, short, and stout",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light grey spots",
+        "breast: white with greyish-brown spots",
+        "crown: dark grey with a lighter grey stripe",
+        "forehead: light grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, set in a white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white and grey spots",
+        "nape: light grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, greyish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey speckles"
+    ],
+    "square tailed bulbul": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, greyish-black",
+        "belly: pale white with scaling effect",
+        "breast: greyish-white, slightly mottled",
+        "crown: black with raised crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler black than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with thin white ring",
+        "legs: medium-length, greyish-black",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: black, contrasting with back color",
+        "tail: square-shaped, black with white tips",
+        "throat: light grey blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "square tailed drongo cuckoo": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved dark gray beak",
+        "belly: lighter gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish with soft streaking",
+        "crown: smooth black head",
+        "forehead: black with slight gray gradient",
+        "eyes: piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: strong black legs and claws",
+        "wings: long, black, and streamlined",
+        "nape: black with some gray shading",
+        "tail: squared-off black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "square tailed kite": [
+        "back: sleek gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: soft, greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: dusky grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray feathering",
+        "eyes: piercing dark brown eyes",
+        "legs: long, yellow talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark gray with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-white feathered base of the neck",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "square tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown, white, and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, wide, and black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with brown speckles and markings",
+        "breast: buff and gray streaked plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown and buff-speckled feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: large with dark brown iris, encircled with white",
+        "legs: short and grayish-brown, partially feathered",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white and gray patches, long and pointed",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, buff-speckled feathers",
+        "tail: square-shaped, brown with white bands and spots",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "square tailed sawwing": [
+        "back: dark plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, black in color",
+        "belly: light grey to white underside",
+        "breast: greyish-white, merging with belly",
+        "crown: black with metallic green gloss",
+        "forehead: black with slight green shine",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, black or dark grey",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed with dark feathers",
+        "nape: black with greenish-blue gloss",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark with slight metallic sheen",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "squatter pigeon": [
+        "back: pale grey with brown speckles",
+        "beak: short, light grey, a sturdy, downward curve",
+        "belly: soft grey with faint speckles",
+        "breast: creamy beige with a light scattering of speckles",
+        "crown: mottled grey and brown blending into the forehead",
+        "forehead: smooth continuation of the crown's grey-brown pattern",
+        "eyes: large, dark, round eyes surrounded by thin beige rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, short, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with distinct, darker brown markings",
+        "nape: a gentle merging of mottled grey from crown to back",
+        "tail: tapered grey-brown feathers with darker bands",
+        "throat: warm beige that seamlessly joins the breast's hue"
+    ],
+    "squirrel cuckoo": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slim, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint dark markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown and grayish-white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, reddish-brown with black and white tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, reddish-brown with black and white markings",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka bay owl": [
+        "back: complex pattern of rust, brown, and cream with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: curved and sharp, dusky yellowish",
+        "belly: buff to creamy white with dark brown markings",
+        "breast: brownish buff with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: soft brown with speckled pattern",
+        "forehead: creamy white with dark brown spots",
+        "eyes: large and dark, encircled by distinct white facial disk",
+        "legs: feathered, pale yellow with strong talons",
+        "wings: mottled brown, cream, and buff with dark barring",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with fine cream speckling",
+        "tail: alternating bands of dark and light brown with buff speckles",
+        "throat: creamy white with sparse brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: light brown with some faint streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown color, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, with olive-brown feathers and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: buff-white with some faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka drongo": [
+        "back: sleek, metallic blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: curved, strong and black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter blue-black",
+        "breast: iridescent, metallic blue-black",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with a crest",
+        "forehead: prominent, blue-black, short feathers",
+        "eyes: black, large, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: black, slender, and long",
+        "wings: iridescent, blue-black with a swish-like arc",
+        "nape: smooth, shiny blue-black plumage",
+        "tail: deeply forked, shimmering blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent, metallic blue-black plumes"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka frogmouth": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: hooked, broad, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: grayish-brown, paler than the back",
+        "breast: brown spattered with white spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, outlined in light gray, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: short, hidden by feathers, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, barred with dark and light brown",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, brown with lighter mottled patterns",
+        "throat: pale gray with white speckling"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka gray hornbill": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: large, curved, and yellowish-white",
+        "belly: pale grey with white undertail feathers",
+        "breast: light grey, slightly darker than the belly",
+        "crown: dark grey with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: dark grey, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a patch of white bare skin",
+        "legs: short, dark brown or black",
+        "wings: dark grey with white streaks on flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale bluish-gray",
+        "belly: light green with a yellow tinge",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: green with a slight blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: brilliant green coloration",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: short and strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rich green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with a bluish iridescence",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with a yellowish tip",
+        "throat: bright green, blending smoothly with breast"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue hues",
+        "beak: short, curved, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: light green fading into yellow",
+        "breast: bright green, slightly paler than back",
+        "crown: orange-red feathers with bluish streaks",
+        "forehead: blue or purplish-blue patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish with strong claws",
+        "wings: rich green with blue-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green, seamlessly connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: greenish-blue with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: bluish patch, extending down from the lower beak"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka junglefowl": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown feathers with golden highlights",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, grayish-blue beak",
+        "belly: ivory white or cream white underparts",
+        "breast: vivid golden-orange feathers with spiky edges",
+        "crown: red-orange crest with a wavy appearance",
+        "forehead: red-orange feathers extending to the head",
+        "eyes: bright, alert eyes with a white ring around",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: wide and rounded, with brown and black patterns",
+        "nape: brown feathers transitioning from the back to the head",
+        "tail: long, arching feathers in shades of brown and black with alternating barring",
+        "throat: white or pale ruff separating the breast from the head"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka myna": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: bright yellow, curved and sharp",
+        "belly: whitish-cream with brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellow-orange with dark brown speckles",
+        "crown: shining blue-black with a crest",
+        "forehead: yellow patch above beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: strong yellow with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a blue-purple sheen",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a slight gloss",
+        "tail: long, blue-black feathers with a white tip",
+        "throat: whitish-cream with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: de-curved, yellowish hue",
+        "belly: white, streaked with brown",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut color",
+        "crown: russet-orange plumes",
+        "forehead: white supercilium",
+        "eyes: dark, medium size",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: white streaks on brown base",
+        "tail: long, brown and white tips",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka spurfowl": [
+        "back: dark brown with thin white streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale gray",
+        "belly: light brownish-red with faint white marks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut with fine white spots",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black with red patch",
+        "forehead: rufous brown transitioning to black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, light gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: long and broad, dusky brown with white tips",
+        "throat: dark brown with sparse white spots"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka swallow": [
+        "back: dark blue-green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light rust-colored with fine, dark streaks",
+        "breast: bright rust-orange, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: dark blue-black, part of the continuous crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin black eyeline",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and iridescent blue-green",
+        "nape: blending from blue-black crown to rust-orange breast",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark blue-green with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant rust-orange, contrasting with the blue-black head"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka thrush": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: pale orange-yellow hue, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey-white blended with faint buff shades",
+        "breast: rusty orange-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers smoothly merging into olive-brown back",
+        "forehead: dusky brown, matching the crown color",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze encircled by a faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown layered feathers with distinct white spotting",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown, continuing the coloration from the crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-olive with prominent white streaks",
+        "throat: pale grey-white with delicate dark markings"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka whistling thrush": [
+        "back: dark blue with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: strong, straight, black",
+        "belly: deep blue with hints of purple",
+        "breast: vibrant blue merging into belly",
+        "crown: dark blue with greenish highlights",
+        "forehead: bright blue fading to dark blue on the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: iridescent blue, slightly elongated",
+        "nape: dark blue with greenish tinge",
+        "tail: long, deep blue with slight purplish touch",
+        "throat: rich blue, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka white eye": [
+        "back: light olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: soft yellow-green feathers",
+        "crown: white ring around the eyes",
+        "forehead: green transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with short rounded wings",
+        "nape: pale green, smooth",
+        "tail: short, olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, demarcating from breast"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka wood pigeon": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, pale grayish-white",
+        "belly: pale gray with some subtle white markings",
+        "breast: rosy-pink tinged feathers",
+        "crown: dark purple-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: same dark purple-blue as the crown",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring encircling a dark brown eye",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and reddish-pink",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white and black bands",
+        "nape: purple-blue, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: medium length with dark banded feathers",
+        "throat: slightly paler gray than the belly"
+    ],
+    "sri lanka woodshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown with rufous highlights",
+        "beak: short, straight, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: soft buff-gray",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff-brown",
+        "eyes: large and dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars and pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "st. helena plover": [
+        "back: light brown speckled feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: white with light brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with defined white stripe",
+        "forehead: white stripe from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender and black",
+        "wings: light brown with dark brown stripes",
+        "nape: light brown with white stripe across the head",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "st. lucia black finch": [
+        "back: dark black plumage",
+        "beak: short and strong, black",
+        "belly: black feathers slightly fading towards the vent",
+        "breast: black with a rich gloss",
+        "crown: sleek black and shining",
+        "forehead: smooth and black",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by unfeathered black skin",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray, scaled appearance",
+        "wings: black and rounded, with a hint of dark brown",
+        "nape: black, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short and black, square-shaped",
+        "throat: deep black, well-defined against the breast"
+    ],
+    "st. lucia oriole": [
+        "back: black with greenish-yellow highlights",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow and unmarked",
+        "crown: black with streaks",
+        "forehead: black",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with greenish-yellow edges",
+        "nape: black",
+        "tail: black, medium length",
+        "throat: yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "st. lucia parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, robust, and hooked",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow with green edging",
+        "breast: orange-yellow with scaling pattern",
+        "crown: deep blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: surrounded by white, unfeathered skin",
+        "legs: strong, scaled, grayish-black",
+        "wings: brilliant green with red and blue feathers",
+        "nape: deep violet-blue with a metallic luster",
+        "tail: long, broad, with red and blue feathers",
+        "throat: turquoise-green with feathered scales"
+    ],
+    "st. lucia warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green hue with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and curved for insects",
+        "belly: light yellow with minimal markings",
+        "breast: pale yellow fading into white",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with pale stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, slender, and flexible for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning to crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, bordered by yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "st. vincent parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, black hooked shape",
+        "belly: soft yellow-green feathers",
+        "breast: multicolored shades of blue, yellow, and green",
+        "crown: blue-violet feathers with a dash of yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers meeting the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and round, carrying a curious gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black, scaly limbs",
+        "wings: mixture of green and blue feathers with a red edge",
+        "nape: transitioning from yellow to blue-violet feathers",
+        "tail: long, elegant red feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: yellow feathers shifting to green towards the belly"
+    ],
+    "standard winged nightjar": [
+        "back: sleek, dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, wide, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, speckled plumage",
+        "breast: gray-brown, densely mottled feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with intricate patterning",
+        "forehead: subtle gray-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: large, dark orbs with reflective shine",
+        "legs: thin and twig-like",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, extending just beyond the tail",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with subtle banding",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, and variably patterned",
+        "throat: buffy, lightly mottled plumage"
+    ],
+    "standardwing bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow plumes",
+        "breast: iridescent emerald green",
+        "crown: smooth, velvety black",
+        "forehead: bright blue markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: short and rounded, black with blue accents",
+        "nape: black feathers with blue shine",
+        "tail: long, wire-like extensions adorned with black disk-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: deep metallic blue color"
+    ],
+    "star finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: coral red with slight downward curve",
+        "belly: yellow-tinged underbelly with slight speckling",
+        "breast: yellow feathers, black-dot pattern covering",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green with black speckling",
+        "forehead: red face with distinct bright yellow border",
+        "eyes: black bead-like orbs, white eye-ring contrast",
+        "legs: slender, dull gray scales with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green-yellow feathers, black streaked pattern",
+        "nape: continuing yellow-green hue, black flecks present",
+        "tail: long, cinnamon-colored feathers, tip accents",
+        "throat: red patch, yellow-bordered and black flicks"
+    ],
+    "star spotted nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and black, resembling tree bark",
+        "beak: short and wide, adapted for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale cream with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: mottled with brown, black, and white, providing camouflage",
+        "crown: dark brown with scattered white spots",
+        "forehead: creamy white with small dark brown markings",
+        "eyes: large and dark, adapted for night vision",
+        "legs: slender, feathered, and grayish-brown in color",
+        "wings: long and slim, mottled with brown and black for camouflage",
+        "nape: dark brown with white spots, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: mottled brown, black, and white, with distinct white corners for easy identification",
+        "throat: cream-colored with fine brown markings, creating a softly patterned look"
+    ],
+    "star throated antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish with faint stripes",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight tuft",
+        "forehead: narrow black stripe",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: thin, gray, strong for perching",
+        "wings: short olive-green with black barring",
+        "nape: grayish motif, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, black, with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, star-shaped patch"
+    ],
+    "stark lark": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-red with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, yellowish, and strong",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "starred wood quail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with distinctive pattern",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint black bars",
+        "breast: chestnut or rufous color with fine black bars",
+        "crown: blackish with gray-speckled pattern",
+        "forehead: pale gray or whitish stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with narrow pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with scaled pattern",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black spots and cinnamon-brown edging",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with subtle streaks and barring",
+        "tail: dark brownish-gray with broad black bars",
+        "throat: white or buffy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "starry owlet nightjar": [
+        "back: black and white speckled plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: grey and white feathered pattern",
+        "crown: dark with pale spots and streaks",
+        "forehead: dark and speckled, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with a notable stare",
+        "legs: short and feathered, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, tapering, with bold black and white patterning",
+        "nape: darker and spotted, connecting to the wings",
+        "tail: long and narrow, with distinct black and white bands",
+        "throat: pale with dark streaks and speckles"
+    ],
+    "steel blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: deep steel blue feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, pointed",
+        "belly: soft grayish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: lighter steel blue feathers",
+        "crown: smooth blue cap",
+        "forehead: pale blue gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender black limbs",
+        "wings: steel blue with black wingtips",
+        "nape: deep blue transition",
+        "tail: long, sharp, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue-gray area"
+    ],
+    "steel blue whydah": [
+        "back: metallic steel-blue feathers",
+        "beak: dark pointed beak",
+        "belly: light whitish-grey underside",
+        "breast: shiny blueish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: contrasting black cap",
+        "forehead: black feathered extension",
+        "eyes: small with black pupil and white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender dark legs and claws",
+        "wings: bluish-steel with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: smooth gradient to steel-blue",
+        "tail: elongated, dramatically crossed tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with black detailing"
+    ],
+    "steely vented hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: shimmering green and blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright green shining head",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue with a touch of purple",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short with tiny feet",
+        "wings: fast-flapping and shimmering",
+        "nape: green and purple sheen",
+        "tail: dark blue, forked, and fanned",
+        "throat: bright shining blue"
+    ],
+    "steere liocichla": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved and black",
+        "belly: light-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange feathers",
+        "crown: deep red-orange patch",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow with dark stripes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong grip",
+        "wings: yellow-green with black markings",
+        "nape: slanted yellow-green hue",
+        "tail: long and yellow with black patterns",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange undertone"
+    ],
+    "steinbach canastero": [
+        "back: brownish with streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: brown, streaked with buff",
+        "nape: streaked with buff",
+        "tail: long, brown with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale, unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "stejneger petrel": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter grey with white undertones",
+        "breast: dark grey, blends into belly",
+        "crown: blackish-brown, rounded",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-defined",
+        "legs: black, strong, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark grey with thin white patterns",
+        "nape: continuous dark grey from crown",
+        "tail: dark grey, long, and forked",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker grey breast"
+    ],
+    "stejneger scoter": [
+        "back: dark feathered, subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: long, hooked, black with orange patch",
+        "belly: deep black, blending into legs",
+        "breast: dark black, slight green iridescence",
+        "crown: smoothly curved, deep black",
+        "forehead: black, transitioning into orange bill",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing",
+        "legs: black, strong, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, elongated, prominent white patches",
+        "nape: dark black, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, black, slightly spread",
+        "throat: deep black, contrasts with orange bill"
+    ],
+    "steller eider": [
+        "back: dark green-feathered with white patches",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with white barring",
+        "crown: rounded, dark green with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: dark green, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp and dark",
+        "legs: orangish-yellow, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with bold white patterns",
+        "nape: dark green, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: short, white-tipped and fan-like",
+        "throat: white with a black border"
+    ],
+    "steller sea eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: large, hooked, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: white and light gray feathers",
+        "breast: white with streaks of gray",
+        "crown: brown and sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: flat-feathered, brown",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful, feathered",
+        "wings: broad, brown, white-tipped",
+        "nape: brown and dense feathers",
+        "tail: wide, white with dark stripe",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to gray"
+    ],
+    "stephan dove": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white to pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with pinkish-brown hue",
+        "crown: rounded grayish-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: pale gray fading to white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black pupils, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, featherless, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black flight feathers, rounded shape",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, lighter than crown",
+        "tail: medium length, grayish-brown with black band near the end",
+        "throat: white to pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "stephanie astrapia": [
+        "back: long, black iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: deep blue iridescent feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise plumage",
+        "crown: velvet black with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown merging into black crown",
+        "eyes: dark with light eye-rings",
+        "legs: dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent black and blue feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent black with hints of blue",
+        "tail: elongated, ribbon-like central feathers with hues of blue and green",
+        "throat: dark iridescent blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "stephen lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the bird's spine area",
+        "beak: curved, orange-red beak for grasping fruits and seeds",
+        "belly: light green and yellow feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: bright green feathers on the upper chest region",
+        "crown: vivid blue feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: green and sometimes blue feathers, just above the beak and eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, circular eyes with a discerning gaze",
+        "legs: short, gray scaly legs ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: green feathers with red and blue accents, enabling strong, agile flight",
+        "nape: green feathers extending down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, tapered green feathers with hints of blue and red",
+        "throat: soft green feathers transitioning to yellow in the lower part"
+    ],
+    "steppe eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering dorsal area",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and hooked with a yellow base",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers covering the lower body",
+        "breast: thick feathers with variable shades of brown and white",
+        "crown: darker feathers on top of head, extending down the neck",
+        "forehead: lighter feathered area above beak and between eyes",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing yellow or brown eyes surrounded by a pale yellow ring",
+        "legs: strong, feathered legs ending in sharp, curved talons",
+        "wings: large, broad wings with dark flight feathers and lighter, brownish coverts",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in dark feathers",
+        "tail: dark, brown feathers in a broad, horizontal fan shape",
+        "throat: lightly feathered area below the beak, often paler than the rest of the head"
+    ],
+    "stewart island shag": [
+        "back: dark turquoise feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and hooked, with a pale hue",
+        "belly: light gray coloring with soft, downy feathers",
+        "breast: slate-gray plumage with a thick, cushiony feel",
+        "crown: sleek, shiny feathers in a deep turquoise shade",
+        "forehead: narrow, smooth, and adorned with iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: rounded, alert, and encircled by a ring of light-colored feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, and webbed, with scales and a dark gray hue",
+        "wings: wide and sturdy, with a mix of iridescent and matte feathers",
+        "nape: elegant slope transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped and razor-sharp, with dark gray to black feathers",
+        "throat: featherless, smooth skin in a pale hue, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "stierling woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-black with white spots",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with black bars",
+        "breast: crimson-red patch",
+        "crown: black with white stripes",
+        "forehead: red stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: black with white bars",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "stierling wren warbler": [
+        "back: streaked with shades of brown",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or pale shade",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown and rounded",
+        "forehead: lighter, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slim, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with hints of white",
+        "nape: patterned with brown tones",
+        "tail: long and narrow, with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "stiles tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: small and curved, blackish",
+        "belly: grayish-brown, paler than back",
+        "breast: darker gray than belly, some streaking",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth",
+        "forehead: grayish-black, short feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, dark-colored",
+        "wings: dark gray, short and rounded",
+        "nape: gray, matching crown",
+        "tail: dark gray, long and narrow",
+        "throat: paler gray, clear feathering"
+    ],
+    "stitchbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: curved, sharp black bill for snagging insects",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage for contrast",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black striping for striking appearance",
+        "crown: forest green and black fading for seamless coverage",
+        "forehead: black strip extending from beak to crown for continuity",
+        "eyes: dark inquisitive glints for keen observation",
+        "legs: strong and black for perching and hopping",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white highlights for agile flight",
+        "nape: forest green with lush black gradients for consistency",
+        "tail: long black feathers with white tips for swift navigation",
+        "throat: radiant yellow with black patterns for a vivid display"
+    ],
+    "stock dove": [
+        "back: slate grey with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and light pinkish",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint white markings",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-grey with a lavender tint",
+        "crown: smooth bluish-grey with slight gradients",
+        "forehead: smooth bluish-grey, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin black outline",
+        "legs: pale pink, slender, with scaled texture",
+        "wings: grey with darker grey and black-tipped feathers, pale edging",
+        "nape: bluish-grey, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark grey with a black terminal band and white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grey with a clean-cut dividing line from the breast"
+    ],
+    "stolid flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green and sleek",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: pale grayish-yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: uncrested, grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, watchful orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, black",
+        "wings: long, dark gray, with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: forked, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white, well-defined contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "stone partridge": [
+        "back: light brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: short and stout, light grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with black patterns",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaking",
+        "forehead: pale grey to white",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and short, dull orange",
+        "wings: light brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a pale stripe",
+        "tail: short and square, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: creamy white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "storm stork": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth, white plumage",
+        "breast: soft, white feathers with a hint of gray",
+        "crown: dark gray to black crest of head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from crown to beak",
+        "eyes: intense, piercing gaze with dark brown or amber color",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: wide, strong, with gray-blue and black tips",
+        "nape: continuation of dark crown feathers down the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, straight, with gray and black feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth-feathered transition from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "stout cisticola": [
+        "back: brownish with streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: light and buffy",
+        "breast: pale with some streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with streaks",
+        "forehead: light brownish",
+        "eyes: dark, small and beady",
+        "legs: thin and greyish",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: brownish with some streaks",
+        "tail: fairly short and rounded",
+        "throat: pale and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "stout billed cinclodes": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale with dark brown barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, dark brown with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray with strong toes and claws",
+        "wings: brown with paler edges on feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale gray-brown with sparse streaks"
+    ],
+    "stout billed cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: short, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with gray patches",
+        "breast: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white surrounding",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-blue with white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "straight billed earthcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish streaked pattern",
+        "beak: long and straight, slightly pointed",
+        "belly: pale whitish shade",
+        "breast: buffy and brown, streaked appearance",
+        "crown: rufous-brown color, slightly flattened",
+        "forehead: brown and well-rounded",
+        "eyes: small, black and bright",
+        "legs: strong with elongated toes, brownish-gray color",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with earthy tones",
+        "nape: brownish with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, with brown and buffy stripes",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "straight billed hermit": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: greenish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: light brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: curved, long, and greenish-brown",
+        "nape: slightly lighter olive-green",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped, and bronze-green",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "straight billed reedhaunter": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: long, straight, dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white and faintly striped",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, flattened top",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown",
+        "eyes: black, small, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish, suited for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, fusing with crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, dark brown",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, contrasts with breast"
+    ],
+    "straight billed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: buffy or light brown",
+        "breast: brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight rufous tint",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with thin white bars",
+        "nape: brown, continuum from crown and back",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and slightly curved",
+        "throat: pale with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "straneck tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green upper feathering",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale white-yellowish hue",
+        "breast: light grey with yellowish tones",
+        "crown: olive-brownish coloration",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and well-defined",
+        "legs: dark grey, thin, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown hues blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, with slightly forked feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white coloring"
+    ],
+    "strange weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: elongated, sharp, pale yellow",
+        "belly: feathered yellow-orange",
+        "breast: lime green with speckled markings",
+        "crown: spiked crest of blue feathers",
+        "forehead: contrastingly striking turquoise",
+        "eyes: beady, black, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: slender, gray, strong talons",
+        "wings: vivid purple, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: mix of iridescent green and blue",
+        "tail: long, forked, multi-colored feathers",
+        "throat: distinct red markings and patterns"
+    ],
+    "strange tailed tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: light yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: soft lemony-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: yellowish crest with black edge",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: greenish with black edges",
+        "nape: soft yellow with a tinge of green",
+        "tail: elongated, black, and twisted, resembling two long streamers",
+        "throat: bold yellow with black throat patch"
+    ],
+    "straw headed bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight feather streaks",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with vague streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, blending with belly",
+        "crown: pale straw color, distinguishing feature",
+        "forehead: straw-colored, joining the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: bluish-gray, strong and perching",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: straw-colored, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with prominent white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "straw necked ibis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, dark curved bill",
+        "belly: white with slight gray tinge",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, unfeathered and black",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with straw-colored plumes",
+        "nape: straw-colored wispy feathers",
+        "tail: long, black iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: white, covered in thin feathers"
+    ],
+    "straw tailed whydah": [
+        "back: glossy black with a bluish sheen",
+        "beak: dark, slender, and conical-shaped",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: contrasting white against black plumage",
+        "crown: sleek black with iridescent shine",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and somewhat hidden by surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, and dark gray",
+        "wings: glossy black with a sheen and strong feathers for flight",
+        "nape: deep black, blending seamlessly with surrounding feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, straw-like plumes that cascade in a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: black, smooth feathers leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "streak backed antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: stout and hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish pink, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish bars and white tips",
+        "nape: olive-gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with cream-colored edges and white tips",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak backed canastero": [
+        "back: rusty-brown, streaked upperparts",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown, faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: whitish, with streaks near the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish, with paler feather edges",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, streaked with black",
+        "tail: long, slender, with black and brownish feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak backed oriole": [
+        "back: striking olive-green color",
+        "beak: long, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange shade",
+        "crown: rich orange with a black mask",
+        "forehead: bright orange extending to black mask",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with black mask",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edgings",
+        "nape: bold orange transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: intense yellow-orange extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "streak breasted bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaking",
+        "crown: brown with concealed crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and brownish",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak breasted fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with distinct brownish streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish, with white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: brownish-red with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, and fan-shaped with light tips",
+        "throat: pale, off-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak breasted honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with fine striations",
+        "forehead: transitioning from crown to pale eyebrow streak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyebrow streak",
+        "legs: bluish-grey, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: similar coloration to the crown",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with indistinct bars",
+        "throat: off-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak breasted scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive brown with thin streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: rufous with streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak breasted treehunter": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, pale-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white with bold streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with narrow streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, faintly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale-grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: buff-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: brownish, narrow, and graduated",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks",
+        "breast: white streaks on a black background",
+        "crown: red or orange patch on top of the head",
+        "forehead: black with a hint of red",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, grayish, and clawed",
+        "wings: checkered black and white pattern",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white spots and bristles",
+        "throat: white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak capped antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white with streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "streak capped spinetail": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white, lightly streaked with brown",
+        "breast: pale beige, marked with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, adorned with a distinctive streaked cap",
+        "forehead: pale, with light brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, encircled by pale eyerings",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint black streaks, rufous-edged feathers",
+        "nape: streaked brown and black, merging with crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark brown with subtle black barring",
+        "throat: whitish, with soft brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "streak capped treehunter": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with streaks",
+        "forehead: buff with streaks",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buff wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown, and graduated",
+        "throat: pale buff with streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak chested antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: straight, thin, and pale",
+        "belly: creamy-white with streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: long and pinkish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown",
+        "throat: buff-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak crowned antvireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish flanks",
+        "breast: pale gray with a yellow tinge",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: smoky gray with pale streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, large, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak eared bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale white with streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with light streaking",
+        "eyes: black with small white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak fronted thornbird": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with white",
+        "beak: slightly curved, elongated, and sharp",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks and edgings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown and streaked",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a hint of brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak headed antbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale greyish with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: pale rufous with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale grayish eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with tawny-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark olive-brown",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak headed honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale eyebrow-like markings",
+        "eyes: round, dark, beady",
+        "legs: light grey, thin",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-green",
+        "nape: streaked olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green, slender, forked",
+        "throat: white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak headed munia": [
+        "back: brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, gray-blue",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown or chestnut-colored",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and gray-blue",
+        "wings: brown with a wide white band",
+        "nape: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown",
+        "throat: gray-white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak headed white eye": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow striped feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow with some streaks",
+        "eyes: large, white eye-ring encircling dark eyes",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black",
+        "wings: dark gray with yellow-green edging",
+        "nape: yellow-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak headed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brown, tree bark pattern",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, brownish",
+        "belly: creamy white, streaked with brown",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: fawn-colored with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: black, beady surrounded by pale ring",
+        "legs: slim, strong, grayish",
+        "wings: brown with prominent black barring",
+        "nape:  brown, streaked with black",
+        "tail: sturdy, banded with brown and black",
+        "throat: white, slightly streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "streak necked flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: large, black, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "streak throated barwing": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: dull white and streaked",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white rings",
+        "legs: yellowish-gray, strong",
+        "wings: brown with rufous and white patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with rufous edges",
+        "throat: pale white with heavy dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak throated bush tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with brownish hues",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black with hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: creamy yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: dark brown with slight rufous edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with light brown outer feathers",
+        "throat: white streaked with dark lines"
+    ],
+    "streak throated canastero": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: warm buff-colored",
+        "breast: buff with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dull streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark with subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with a streaked pattern",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak throated fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, grayish",
+        "belly: pale, buffy-white",
+        "breast: off-white with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak throated hermit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: pale olive-gray with streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-gray with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a grayish tinge",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white band",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: delicate, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: grayish olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: dark, long with white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with distinct dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak throated swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with some pale gray streaks",
+        "breast: white, lightly streaked with gray",
+        "crown: glossy blue-green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, dark, thin",
+        "wings: long, pointed, blue-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: blue-green plumage transitioning to gray streaks",
+        "tail: forked, blue-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "streak throated woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: pale buff with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: black in males, olive-brown in females",
+        "tail: stiff olive-brown feathers with white spots",
+        "throat: streaky white and brown"
+    ],
+    "streaked barwing": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong and conical",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with distinct dark streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pale yellowish",
+        "wings: long, brown, streaked feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, rounded with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked berrypecker": [
+        "back: olive-green, streaked with black",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark olive-green",
+        "forehead: olive-green, black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, streaked with black",
+        "nape: olive-green, black streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, olive-green, black streaks",
+        "throat: white, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "streaked bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow with streaks",
+        "breast: light buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff-colored"
+    ],
+    "streaked fantail": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointy",
+        "belly: light pale-yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a prominent crest",
+        "forehead: soft grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and beady",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked laughingthrush": [
+        "back: brown streaked pattern",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: pale with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: subtle brown streaking",
+        "eyes: dark with white outer ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with dark barring",
+        "nape: pale brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long with dark barring",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale buff or whitish, with light streaks",
+        "breast: light buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with blackish edges and white tips",
+        "throat: light buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "streaked rosefinch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish",
+        "belly: off-white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-pink with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and surrounded by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with whitish wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint white tips",
+        "throat: reddish-pink with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked saltator": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: stout, conical, and grayish",
+        "belly: whitish with gray streaks",
+        "breast: gray with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green",
+        "forehead: grayish",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with two wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, notched",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked shearwater": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with streak pattern",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked, dark gray color",
+        "belly: white plumage with light streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with brown streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: encircled by thin white ring, black pupils",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, darker on top with lighter underside",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with individual feathers visible",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-green and streaked",
+        "beak: long, dark, curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with blurry streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow-orange",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange with blue ring around eyes",
+        "eyes: black with blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "nape: yellow-orange",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker tips and streaks",
+        "throat: yellow-orange with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked tit spinetail": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with fine gray streaks",
+        "nape: gray-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brownish-gray with dark banding",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with subtle streaking"
+    ],
+    "streaked tuftedcheek": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and conical shaped",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with prominent tuft",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white tips and streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked weaver": [
+        "back: olive-brown, streaked with dark feathers",
+        "beak: long, cone-shaped, and silver",
+        "belly: light creamy-yellow with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown, streaked with black",
+        "crown: chestnut-red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: gold-orange with black lines",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bead-like",
+        "legs: slender and pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and yellowish-brown bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored, striped with dark brown",
+        "tail: short and dark, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light yellow with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked wren babbler": [
+        "back: brownish with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: buffy-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale with distinct streaks",
+        "crown: brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: dusky with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and rounded, brown with barring",
+        "throat: whitish with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaked xenops": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: buff-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brown with narrow white streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: streaked brown and white",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaky seedeater": [
+        "back: streaked olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, narrow, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff to whitish color",
+        "breast: olive-green fading into the belly, with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green with streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: streaked olive-green",
+        "tail: dark with pale edges, forked shape",
+        "throat: white with streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "streaky breasted flufftail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: white with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, brown with streaks",
+        "throat: pale grey with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaky breasted spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-olive with dark streaks",
+        "breast: streaked yellow with darker markings",
+        "crown: olive-green with light streaking",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark edges",
+        "nape: greenish-olive with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with dark banding",
+        "throat: yellow with bold streaks"
+    ],
+    "streaky headed seedeater": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: creamy white with streaks",
+        "breast: beige with streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: soft grey",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender with dusky pink",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown and narrow",
+        "throat: white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "streamer tailed tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white, prominent, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing, dark",
+        "legs: thin, dark, strong",
+        "wings: black, elongated, powerful",
+        "nape: black, blending with crown",
+        "tail: extremely long, black streamers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with black head"
+    ],
+    "stresemann bristlefront": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: gray with streaks, fading to buff-yellow",
+        "crown: black with long, bristled feathers",
+        "forehead: black with short bristles",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by indistinct eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, slender, and long",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: streaked olive-brown",
+        "tail: blackish, long, and graduated",
+        "throat: grayish-white with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "stresemann bush crow": [
+        "back: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: stout, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-blue, lighter than back",
+        "breast: grayish-blue, blends with belly",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathers extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: intense white eyering with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, black, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark blue-gray with pale feather edging",
+        "nape: black, blends with crown and back",
+        "tail: dark blue-gray, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-blue, fading into breast"
+    ],
+    "striated antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: beige with light grey striations",
+        "breast: whitish-grey with thin grey striations",
+        "crown: dark grey with thin white streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small and round, surrounded by faint white rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with white striations, rounded in shape",
+        "nape: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, grey with white streaks and black band at the tip",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with soft grey striations"
+    ],
+    "striated antthrush": [
+        "back: brown with blackish striations",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: buffy-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with fine striations",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a short crest",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown and smoothly curved",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with faint blackish barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with blackish striations",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "striated babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, pale-colored with a slight curve",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: gently sloping, greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, greyish-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with some streaks"
+    ],
+    "striated bulbul": [
+        "back: sleek, striped feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with faint striations",
+        "breast: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: solid brownish-black",
+        "forehead: whitish, narrow eyebrows",
+        "eyes: beady and alert, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: brown and slightly striped",
+        "nape: light cream with subtle striations",
+        "tail: brownish-black with thin white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white and unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "striated earthcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with thin dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buffy-white with faint dark striations",
+        "breast: pale gray with distinct dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark striations",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with dark barring and white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with dark barring and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle dark striations"
+    ],
+    "striated fieldwren": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin and sharp with dark gray color",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown striations",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small and deep black",
+        "legs: strong and gray with fine scales",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black bands and white markings",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with distinct black and white bars",
+        "throat: creamy white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "striated grassbird": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff with black streaks",
+        "crown: rufous/brown with pale stripe",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: rufous with dark marks",
+        "tail: long, brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "striated grasswren": [
+        "back: striped pattern of brown and beige feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed, dark in color",
+        "belly: light beige with some subtle striations",
+        "breast: buff-colored with darker striations",
+        "crown: light brown, featuring stripe-like patterns",
+        "forehead: beige with fine brown stripes",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by beige feathers",
+        "legs: slender and pale, often hidden by feathers",
+        "wings: short and rounded, brown and beige striations",
+        "nape: light brown with darker brown stripes",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, striated brown and beige",
+        "throat: pale buff-colored, lightly marked with thin stripes"
+    ],
+    "striated heron": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: faint grayish-white with thin dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with striated markings",
+        "crown: black with a blue-green sheen",
+        "forehead: white to pale gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bold yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: yellowish-green and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks on the shoulder",
+        "nape: black with blue-green gloss",
+        "tail: short, dark olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "striated laughingthrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored, streaked with dark brown lines",
+        "crown: brown with black dashed streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown fading into buff towards eye line",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: long, brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey with a hint of barring",
+        "throat: white fading to buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "striated pardalote": [
+        "back: olive-green with black stripes",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black markings",
+        "breast: whitish with faint black stripes",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: yellow with black lines",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black with white spots",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "striated softtail": [
+        "back: light brown with thin dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine dark striations",
+        "breast: soft gray with subtle striations",
+        "crown: solid brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with dark streaks and white edges",
+        "nape: light brown with thin dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle striations"
+    ],
+    "striated starling": [
+        "back: dark glossy green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and strong",
+        "belly: light grey with black streaks",
+        "breast: grey-green with black striations",
+        "crown: metallic blue feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny blue with sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and circular",
+        "legs: thin, light grey, and long",
+        "wings: dark green with white streaks",
+        "nape: greyish-green with fine stripes",
+        "tail: long, black, and narrow",
+        "throat: pale grey with black markings"
+    ],
+    "striated swallow": [
+        "back: turquoise-green with black striations",
+        "beak: sleek, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey-white and lightly striped",
+        "breast: grey-blue with subtle striations",
+        "crown: iridescent black with a slight purple sheen",
+        "forehead: glossy black and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and black",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: elongated with dark stripes and a green-blue hue",
+        "nape: iridescent black with a flash of purple",
+        "tail: forked and striped, hues of blue and green",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint striations"
+    ],
+    "striated thornbill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and slender, curved",
+        "belly: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by light buff eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pale brown",
+        "wings: brown, edged with pale buff",
+        "nape: olive-brown, streaked with buff",
+        "tail: long and slender, brown with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "striated wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: dark-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and surrounded by faint white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark streaks and faint white patch",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, broad, and olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "throat: plain white with slight grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "striated yuhina": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with heavy streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with black streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous and pronounced",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish, slender, and robust",
+        "wings: short with dark brown feathers and faint streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with sparse streaks"
+    ],
+    "strickland woodpecker": [
+        "back: striped black and white pattern",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, and gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with black stripes on sides",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: white with black lines",
+        "eyes: dark and prominent with a white ring",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white spots and patches",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white barring",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "striolated bunting": [
+        "back: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale brown with soft streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark striations",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff-white edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "striolated manakin": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight striations",
+        "beak: small, sharp-edged, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with understated stripes",
+        "breast: bright yellow with thin gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark greenish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: paler greenish-gray",
+        "eyes: prominent, dark brown with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, medium-sized with a white wing-bar",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight striations",
+        "tail: short, blackish with olive-green tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with sparse striations"
+    ],
+    "striolated tit spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: creamy buff with fine dark streaking",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brown with thin black stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown with a faint streak",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with buff wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with buff edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "stripe backed antbird": [
+        "back: brownish with gray stripes",
+        "beak: long and slender, black in color",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: solid dark gray",
+        "forehead: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: black with grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, gray in color",
+        "wings: brownish with gray stripes and slim white edgings",
+        "nape: dark gray with light streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with gray strips, light-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "stripe backed bittern": [
+        "back: brownish with dark stripes",
+        "beak: long and slender, black tip",
+        "belly: off-white with streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with vertical stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly tufted",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: round, dark with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, elongated",
+        "wings: brown with bold white stripes",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white transverse striping",
+        "throat: off-white, faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "stripe backed wren": [
+        "back: brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: off-white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: beige with darker brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with white and black bars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "stripe breasted rhabdornis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with thick black stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, contrasting with striped breast"
+    ],
+    "stripe breasted spinetail": [
+        "back: brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender",
+        "belly: whitish with dense stripes",
+        "breast: heavily striped",
+        "crown: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with streaking",
+        "eyes: dark with subtle eyelid ring",
+        "legs: strong and slender",
+        "wings: brownish with faint barring",
+        "nape: striped and contrasting",
+        "tail: long spinetail, dark with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "stripe breasted starthroat": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bold white stripes on green",
+        "crown: iridescent green shimmer",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white outline",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green and black pattern",
+        "nape: gorget of iridescent purple",
+        "tail: elongated, black, and white tips",
+        "throat: gleaming violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "stripe breasted tit": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale cream with dark brown stripes",
+        "breast: cream-colored feathers with distinct brown stripes",
+        "crown: greyish-brown head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: soft greyish-brown with white markings",
+        "tail: medium-length, brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light cream with faint brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "stripe breasted woodpecker": [
+        "back: alternating black and white stripes",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: broad horizontal stripes in shades of brown and beige",
+        "crown: bright red patch with surrounding black feathers",
+        "forehead: black with small white spots",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white bars and streaks",
+        "nape: black with a distinct white patch",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers and prominent barring",
+        "throat: white with thin horizontal stripes"
+    ],
+    "stripe breasted wren": [
+        "back: brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: white with bold black stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: small with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown",
+        "throat: white with dark stripes"
+    ],
+    "stripe cheeked greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and slightly hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with some streaking",
+        "crown: greenish with faint lateral streaks",
+        "forehead: pale green merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown supporting strong perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with some darker feathering",
+        "nape: greenish with slight streaking",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium-length, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale yellow with delicate streaking"
+    ],
+    "stripe cheeked woodpecker": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like",
+        "belly: white speckled with brown",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: red with black base",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with black eyeline",
+        "legs: short and strong",
+        "wings: checkered black and white",
+        "nape: red with black base",
+        "tail: sharp and pointed, black and white",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "stripe chested antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle striations",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with distinctive black stripes",
+        "crown: grayish with white lines",
+        "forehead: gray with a hint of olive",
+        "eyes: black with an inconspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with darkened edges",
+        "nape: gray with fine white lines",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a faint gray wash"
+    ],
+    "stripe crowned spinetail": [
+        "back: brown striped feathers",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale stripes",
+        "forehead: pale brown with slight streaking",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff wing-bars",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaking",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "stripe faced wood quail": [
+        "back: brownish-black with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and curved",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: rich chestnut brown",
+        "crown: deep black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white and black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, light gray",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: black with white striping",
+        "tail: short, dark, and rounded",
+        "throat: whitish with delicate dark markings"
+    ],
+    "stripe headed antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: white with black stripes",
+        "crown: olive-brown with bold black stripes",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with black stripes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with bold black stripes",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown with faint black stripes",
+        "throat: white with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "stripe headed sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey or beige",
+        "breast: creamy-white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, chestnut-brown with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, set against a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish or flesh-colored with strong, clawed toes",
+        "wings: brown with white or beige wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: brown, white-tipped, and forked",
+        "throat: creamy-white or pale grey"
+    ],
+    "stripe necked tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green hues",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellow-olive tint",
+        "crown: dark green with grayish tips",
+        "forehead: yellow-green streaks",
+        "eyes: black with faint white circle",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: striped with black and white",
+        "tail: dark green with yellow markings",
+        "throat: white with fine black stripes"
+    ],
+    "stripe sided rhabdornis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers blending into wings",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, sharp tip",
+        "belly: yellowish-white underside with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey plumage, darker streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-blue feathers fading to olive-green",
+        "forehead: bluish-dark feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, bluish-grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with prominent white wing bars",
+        "nape: blackish-blue blending to olive-green",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with distinct white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "stripe tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with golden sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender black bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: shimmering green fading into white",
+        "crown: shiny green with a small red patch",
+        "forehead: glittering green with a touch of blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark gray in color",
+        "wings: elongated, narrow, and dark with white patches",
+        "nape: striking iridescent green color",
+        "tail: coppery-bronze with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant fiery-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "stripe tailed yellow finch": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: short and pointed, light gray",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with thin stripes",
+        "crown: bright yellow transitioning to olive-green",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow",
+        "eyes: black beady with white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and yellow patches",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to yellow",
+        "tail: black with white and yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "stripe throated bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with brownish tint",
+        "beak: short, dark and hooked",
+        "belly: pale cream with light streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with faint brown striping",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light olive, fading to pale on throat",
+        "eyes: dark surrounded by light eyestripe",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slender and agile",
+        "wings: mottled brown and olive patterns",
+        "nape: pale-greyish above, brownish below",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with distinct brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "stripe throated hermit": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: soft pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray blending into belly",
+        "crown: green feathers similar to the back",
+        "forehead: slightly browner shade than crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark-colored",
+        "legs: slender, pale, and short, with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: green with a mix of bronze tones, rounded in shape",
+        "nape: rich green feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, slender, and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive striped patterning in a mix of pale yellow and dark brown"
+    ],
+    "stripe throated jery": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with bold black stripes",
+        "breast: light yellow with thin black stripes",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint black barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly lighter than back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint black bands, forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow with bold black stripes"
+    ],
+    "stripe throated wren": [
+        "back: brown with subtle striping",
+        "beak: small and slender",
+        "belly: creamy white with light striping",
+        "breast: buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with striped pattern",
+        "forehead: brown with light streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with distinct striping",
+        "nape: brown with faint striping",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint striping",
+        "throat: white with distinct stripes"
+    ],
+    "stripe throated yuhina": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, blackish color",
+        "belly: soft off-white with faint brownish stripes",
+        "breast: pale brown with feathery texture",
+        "crown: rich brown with a crest-like appearance",
+        "forehead: light brown, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark, framed by light grey rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, bluish-grey in color",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: light brown, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, brown with black and white markings",
+        "throat: white with distinct blackish-grey stripes"
+    ],
+    "striped crake": [
+        "back: dark brown with thin white stripes",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with faint black speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with faint black streaks",
+        "crown: black with narrow white stripes",
+        "forehead: white with dark brown vertical stripes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale yellow-green",
+        "wings: dark brown with thin white stripes and slight curve",
+        "nape: black with narrow white stripes",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white stripes and outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with sparse brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "striped cuckoo": [
+        "back: light and dark-striped pattern",
+        "beak: medium-length, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: white with dark, thin stripes",
+        "breast: heavily striped with brown and white bars",
+        "crown: dark with lighter stripes, prominent crest",
+        "forehead: lighter coloration, striped with fine lines",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, surrounded by lighter feathers",
+        "legs: strong, slate-grey, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: long, slightly rounded, striped with contrasting patterns",
+        "nape: lighter color, striped with darker lines",
+        "tail: broad, long, dark, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark stripes"
+    ],
+    "striped flufftail": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with white stripes",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark in color",
+        "belly: white fluff contrasting with chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut coloring with thick, white stripes",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers with thin white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with darker brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly hidden among feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong, and grayish in color",
+        "wings: brown and short, barred with white stripes",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with thin white stripes",
+        "tail: chestnut-colored with white bars near the base",
+        "throat: white feathers with thin, dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "striped honeyeater": [
+        "back: striped, olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, curved",
+        "belly: white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: white with distinct black stripes",
+        "crown: black with a white median stripe",
+        "forehead: black with thin white stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: striped black and white",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "striped kingfisher": [
+        "back: vivid blue feathers with black stripes",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: white with thin blackish streaks",
+        "breast: white with faint, blackish streaks",
+        "crown: vivid blue with fine black stripes",
+        "forehead: bright blue with thin black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: stout, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: striking blue with black stripes and white spots",
+        "nape: sapphire blue with black stripes",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black bands",
+        "throat: clean white with slight black streaks"
+    ],
+    "striped laughingthrush": [
+        "back: brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: stout and black",
+        "belly: buff-white with black striping",
+        "breast: brownish-gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black stripes",
+        "forehead: rufous with black streaks",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: strong and orange-tinged",
+        "wings: brown with black barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with black bands",
+        "throat: buff-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "striped pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown with fine stripes",
+        "crown: pale buff-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff-brown, streaked",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with dark stripes, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers, dark bars",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "striped prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale buff or whitish, thin dark stripes",
+        "breast: light buff or whitish with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, thin dark stripes",
+        "forehead: plain light brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, encircled by white-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: light brown with dark stripes, white or buff wingbars",
+        "nape: light brown, faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, graduated, blackish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, thin dark stripes"
+    ],
+    "striped treehunter": [
+        "back: brown with dark stripes",
+        "beak: short, strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark stripes",
+        "crown: brown with distinct dark stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, slightly hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: strong, pale yellow-colored",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring and white edging",
+        "nape: brown with dark stripes",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "striped woodhaunter": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and pale",
+        "belly: whitish-cream with fine brown stripes",
+        "breast: cream-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark stripes",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark, and surrounded by pale eyerings",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: brown with buffy wingbars and dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: cream-colored with streaked sides"
+    ],
+    "striped woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped bill",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spotting",
+        "crown: red and black striped pattern",
+        "forehead: black with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-black, strong and agile",
+        "wings: black with white horizontal bars",
+        "nape: red and black striped pattern",
+        "tail: black and white barred feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "striped wren babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine, dark striping",
+        "beak: short, curved, and blackish",
+        "belly: creamy white with gray-brown stripes",
+        "breast: white with fine, dark striping",
+        "crown: rich brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: warm brown with fine, dark striations",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint barring",
+        "nape: warm brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and brownish-gray with subtle striping",
+        "throat: creamy white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "strong billed honeyeater": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: robust and curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale olive-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: light olive-green feathering",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with a yellow streak",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: piercing dark brown pupils",
+        "legs: grayish-black with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight blue tinge",
+        "nape: dark olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with darker tips",
+        "throat: light yellowish-green coloration"
+    ],
+    "strong billed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: sturdy brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, robust, and curved",
+        "belly: pale striped pattern",
+        "breast: cinnamon-hued with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown shades",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and piercing",
+        "legs: strong grey limbs",
+        "wings: prominent brown feathers with streaks",
+        "nape: striped brown and beige",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and rufous-tipped",
+        "throat: pale brown with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "stub tailed antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: light brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, with dark brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "stub tailed spadebill": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: short, wide, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: olive-colored with faint scaling",
+        "forehead: olive-green, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: olive-green to match the back",
+        "tail: short, broad, and spade-like with a square end",
+        "throat: pale yellow, in contrast with the breast"
+    ],
+    "stubble quail": [
+        "back: brown plumage with mottled black markings",
+        "beak: short and stubby, pale yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: buff-colored with light brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with paler spots",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than the crown, slightly speckled",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, scaly, and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black and white spotting, short and rounded",
+        "nape: similar color and pattern to the crown",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, and brown with black markings",
+        "throat: buff-colored with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "stuhlmann starling": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathering",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: iridescent blue-black plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering dark blue feathers",
+        "crown: shining blue-black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue-black, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin, long, dark grey",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-black, rounded shape",
+        "nape: shiny deep blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: dark blue-black, short, and squared",
+        "throat: metallic blue-black plumage"
+    ],
+    "stuhlmann sunbird": [
+        "back: greenish-blue iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, black bill",
+        "belly: yellow underside with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: metallic green head with purple sheen",
+        "forehead: greenish-purple iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady eyes",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: blue-green iridescent feathers",
+        "nape: bright metallic green blending into purple",
+        "tail: two elongated green-blue iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with black patch"
+    ],
+    "styan bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight shading",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: whitish with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark and well-defined",
+        "forehead: unmarked and slate-gray",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark tips",
+        "nape: grayish with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, well-defined, and olive-green",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "stygian owl": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: prominent, sharp hooked tip",
+        "belly: lighter, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: dense, darker feathering",
+        "crown: subtly streaked feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly paler color",
+        "eyes: large, striking yellow",
+        "legs: strong, feathered limbs",
+        "wings: impressive span, dark barring pattern",
+        "nape: mostly plain, dark coloration",
+        "tail: moderately long, dark bands",
+        "throat: lighter grey, delicately feathered"
+    ],
+    "subalpine robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: orangish-red patch",
+        "crown: dark gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: round, black, outlined in white",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length",
+        "throat: white mottled with gray"
+    ],
+    "subantarctic shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white, soft under-feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown, streamlined",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by white ring",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark gray above and lighter gray below",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown, distinct from crown",
+        "tail: squared-off, gray-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white, smoothly blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "subantarctic snipe": [
+        "back: brown, mottled feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and thin",
+        "belly: pale whitish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-brown, finely streaked",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: brown, mottled, with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white fringes",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine, brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "subdesert brush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with some grayish hues",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: warm buff or pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellowish and grayish",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: slight pale stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale-colored eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with some grayish hues",
+        "tail: long and rounded, olive-brown color",
+        "throat: pale yellowish and grayish"
+    ],
+    "subdesert mesite": [
+        "back: sandy brown with subtle grey streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale sandy brown with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: warm sandy brown with blackish streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light grey blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-pink",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and sandy brown with dark pattern",
+        "nape: greyish-brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and darker brown with black band",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with fine, dark speckling"
+    ],
+    "subtropical doradito": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: black, short, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: yellowish-cream hue",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a black center",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a yellow ring",
+        "legs: blueish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with brownish-black edges",
+        "nape: yellow with a black central streak",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark brown tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "subtropical pygmy owl": [
+        "back: tawny brown with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale cream with black streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-orange with black barring",
+        "crown: tawny brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: tawny brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and expressive",
+        "legs: feathered, stout, and gray",
+        "wings: tawny brown with white bands",
+        "nape: tawny brown with white spots",
+        "tail: tawny brown with white bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "such antthrush": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved with a sharp tip",
+        "belly: light cream color with small dark spots",
+        "breast: rich chestnut shade with white streaks",
+        "crown: slate-gray feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and strong for ground movement",
+        "wings: rounded shape with green-brown coloration",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: short and rounded, featuring dark bands",
+        "throat: paler gray than breast, with faint white markings"
+    ],
+    "sucre antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle gray streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with light brown barring",
+        "breast: subtly spotted with gray and white",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with faint gray streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint gray barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light gray mottling",
+        "tail: short and round, olive-brown with faint gray barring",
+        "throat: white with thin gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "sudan golden sparrow": [
+        "back: golden-yellow with beautiful patterns",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: shimmering yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "crown: glistening gold",
+        "forehead: gleaming and yellowish",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: adorned with black and white markings",
+        "nape: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: soft, golden-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "suiriri flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with faint streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two yellow wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, similar to back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with slight fork",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "sula cicadabird": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: light cream-colored underbelly",
+        "breast: pale white feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: dark green-blue plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth dark-blue feathers leading into the eyes",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, piercing eyes",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray legs",
+        "wings: elongated and elegant dark green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: area where the neck meets the head, covered in dark blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated and narrow, dark green-blue feathers extending beyond the body",
+        "throat: subtle light blue feathers transitioning into the pale breast area"
+    ],
+    "sula cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage with subtle tinges of green",
+        "beak: short, stout, and blackish in color",
+        "belly: creamy-white to pale gray, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle pinkish hue",
+        "crown: soft gray with a hint of iridescence",
+        "forehead: smooth and pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, reddish-pink with small claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with a slight green sheen, moderately long",
+        "nape: gray with faint green iridescence",
+        "tail: medium length, grayish-brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending seamlessly into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "sula dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue, with spotted white markings",
+        "beak: short and stout, vibrant orange",
+        "belly: white, slightly fluffy appearance",
+        "breast: bright orange, fading into white on the lower section",
+        "crown: deep blue with a touch of green, white-spotted pattern",
+        "forehead: deep blue with green tinge, white spots interspersed",
+        "eyes: slightly rounded, dark brown, and alert",
+        "legs: short and strong, bright orange",
+        "wings: blue-green with white spots, vibrant and wide when extended",
+        "nape: deep blue with traces of green, white spots scattered",
+        "tail: fairly short, blueish-green and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white, transitioning into bright orange on the breast"
+    ],
+    "sula fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green and violet feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and yellow",
+        "belly: soft yellow with hints of green",
+        "breast: orange-red with heart-shaped markings",
+        "crown: bright green and violet plumage",
+        "forehead: iridescent purple",
+        "eyes: dark and rounded, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: short, robust, and red-orange",
+        "wings: vibrant green with violet edges",
+        "nape: iridescent purple transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long, emerald green feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with green tinges"
+    ],
+    "sula golden bulbul": [
+        "back: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: soft yellow feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant golden crest",
+        "forehead: smooth golden-yellow peak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: slender, black, strong",
+        "wings: golden-yellow, broad, elongated",
+        "nape: warm yellow, sleek transition",
+        "tail: long, split, yellow with black tips",
+        "throat: light yellow, gentle gradation"
+    ],
+    "sula hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, and powerful beak, beige in color, suitable for a parrot",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers covering the lower abdomen area",
+        "breast: bright green and slightly puffed, blending into the belly color",
+        "crown: vivid green to turquoise, feathers surrounding the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow to green feathers transitioning from the beak to the eyes",
+        "eyes: circular, dark, and expressive; surrounded by a thin, unfeathered, white eyering",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray, ending in zygodactyl toes for gripping branches",
+        "wings: broad and strong, composed of vibrant green feathers with occasional hints of blue",
+        "nape: rich green feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and slightly pointed tailfeathers, primarily green with blue tips",
+        "throat: light green feathers, slightly paler than the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "sula megapode": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: greyish-brown with lighter feathers",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown feathers blending into grey-brown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, black pupil with yellowish-white ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with lighter wingtips",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, blending into reddish-brown on crown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-brown with occasional white feathers"
+    ],
+    "sula pitta": [
+        "back: black with white accents",
+        "beak: long and sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white spots",
+        "eyes: bright, black iris with pale yellow ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: black with white spots and markings",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and black, white tips",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "sula scops owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, black, curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with fine brown bars",
+        "crown: brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with white spots",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: feathered, pale gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with warm undertones",
+        "beak: dark gray, short and stubby",
+        "belly: pale cream with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with brownish edges",
+        "crown: olive-brown, rounded",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small beads",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint patterns",
+        "nape: warm olive-brown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, short but broad",
+        "throat: white tinged with cream"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: bright cerulean blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: pale blueish-white",
+        "breast: light blue fading to white",
+        "crown: deep blue plumage",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: blue with black edges",
+        "nape: blue and white speckles",
+        "tail: long and blue with white tips",
+        "throat: white patch surrounded by blue"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi brown flycatcher": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish with brownish-gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-gray feathers with some white speckles",
+        "forehead: lighter brownish-gray area above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white speckles",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with lighter wing bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with a slight lighter streak",
+        "tail: brownish-gray and fan-shaped, with white edges on tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: grayish-white blending with the belly",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: tiny, black and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, slender, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, short, rounded",
+        "throat: lighter grayish-white, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi cicadabird": [
+        "back: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, black",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: blue-gray feathers",
+        "crown: blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, black",
+        "wings: blue-black with white tips",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi cuckoo": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: light gray or white markings",
+        "crown: dark gray to black feathered cap",
+        "forehead: black or dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large and black, encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: long and broad, brownish-gray feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: dark gray or black feathers",
+        "tail: long with dark gray/black feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi drongo": [
+        "back: dark bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: deep black feathers",
+        "breast: glossy bluish-black",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, black",
+        "wings: long, black with bluish sheen",
+        "nape: black plumage blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked, black",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi dwarf kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with black streaks",
+        "beak: bright orange, sharp and straight",
+        "belly: lighter turquoise-blue and white",
+        "breast: deep blue with black spots",
+        "crown: vivid blue with a slightly crest-like shape",
+        "forehead: bright blue, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: large and round, with dark black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy and orange, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: blue, with black spots and white highlights",
+        "nape: vivid blue with black streaks, blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: rufous-red, medium-length and slightly curved",
+        "throat: white with blue feathers surrounding it"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light gray underparts",
+        "breast: soft grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown crown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, inquisitive black eyes",
+        "legs: thin, medium-length black legs",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers that merge with the back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white throat contrasting the gray breast"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi goshawk": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: white with grey barring",
+        "breast: white with grey streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue-grey",
+        "eyes: fierce, yellow piercing eyes",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange legs",
+        "wings: long, blue-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: blue-grey with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, horizontally barred with white and black",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi ground dove": [
+        "back: dusty brown hue with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale orange color",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage with a slightly darker tone than the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers, slightly raised appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray feathers, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive, and dark in color",
+        "legs: strong, slightly elongated, with yellowish-gray scales",
+        "wings: muted brown with dark, distinct feather markings",
+        "nape: feathers transition from the dark crown to lighter brownish-gray on the back",
+        "tail: medium length with mocha-brown feathers and clear striped pattern",
+        "throat: light gray, similar in color to the breast, with a smooth feather texture"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, hooked, light-colored beak",
+        "belly: lighter green underside with some yellow markings",
+        "breast: bright green feathers with a hint of yellow near the belly",
+        "crown: bold, blue semi-circle extending across the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers transitioning into the blue crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and centered on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and equipped with strong gripping claws",
+        "wings: lush green with hints of dark blue along the edges",
+        "nape: vivid green feathers stretching from the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, green central feathers surrounded by blue-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: light green area blending into the surrounding breast and belly colors"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi hawk eagle": [
+        "back: deep brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown vertical stripes",
+        "breast: white with brownish feathers and less dense streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: small white feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong yellow legs with curved talons",
+        "wings: brown feathers with white edges on upper side and white underside with dark spots",
+        "nape: brown feathers connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long brown feathers with white bands near the tips",
+        "throat: white with faint brown vertical stripes"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi honey buzzard": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, dark grey beak for tearing prey",
+        "belly: light cream-colored plumage on the ventral side",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: lighter brown feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing dark brown eyes for excellent vision",
+        "legs: long, featherless, yellowish-brown legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad wings with dark brown and cream patterns for soaring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers connecting the back and head",
+        "tail: long, dark brown tail feathers with cream bands for maneuvering",
+        "throat: light cream-colored plumage with dark streaks below the beak"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi hornbill": [
+        "back: shiny black feathered covering",
+        "beak: large, curved yellow bill with a unique casque",
+        "belly: black to dark grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark grey to black feathers with a white band",
+        "crown: black plumes smoothly blending into the casque",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers integrating into the beak line",
+        "eyes: alert dark gaze surrounded by a blue ring",
+        "legs: strong, tree-clasping grey limbs",
+        "wings: long black feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: thick black plumage flowing down the neck",
+        "tail: elongated black central feathers with thick white banding",
+        "throat: dark grey feathers transitioning into white band on breast"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: olive with faint yellowish-white bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi lilac kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: rich orange plumage",
+        "breast: bright orange feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: blue and lilac feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled with blue feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: stunning blue with lilac patterns",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to orange",
+        "tail: long, blue iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: delicate orange hue"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi masked owl": [
+        "back: dark brown with black spots and white speckling",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, light grayish-blue",
+        "belly: buff-colored with faint horizontal stripes",
+        "breast: whitish-buff with black spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with black spots and white speckling",
+        "forehead: dark brown with black spots and white speckling",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, encircled by black and white feathers",
+        "legs: feathered with buff-colored plumage, powerful dark gray talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with white speckling on the upper surface, buff-colored with black bars on the under surface",
+        "nape: dark brown with black spots and white speckling",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white speckling and black bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with a distinct dark brown-black collar-like band"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi myna": [
+        "back: dark blue with a purplish tint",
+        "beak: short and yellowish",
+        "belly: faded dark blue",
+        "breast: dark purplish-blue",
+        "crown: glossy azure",
+        "forehead: bright azure-blue",
+        "eyes: sharp, with a yellow ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: metallic blue with purplish sheen",
+        "nape: slightly lighter blue",
+        "tail: long, blue with purple undertones",
+        "throat: deep purplish-blue"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi myzomela": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale orange-yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: striking red-orange",
+        "forehead: vivid reddish-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, round, outlined",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: orange-red transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: deep red-orange"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi nightjar": [
+        "back: streaked brown and buff feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: mottled pale brown and beige",
+        "breast: mix of grayish-brown, buff, and tawny feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter buff streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with grayish tinges",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and protruding",
+        "legs: short and feathered, with black claws",
+        "wings: long, brown, and mottled, with white markings",
+        "nape: brown with dark and buff streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: beige with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green color with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved, black in color",
+        "belly: rich, dark blue hue",
+        "breast: bright scarlet red with a slight gradient",
+        "crown: bold royal blue with darker edges",
+        "forehead: striking swatch of black and azure blue",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: sturdy, featherless, and gray",
+        "wings: patterned moss and emerald green feathers",
+        "nape: greenish blue hue, transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: splayed feathers in deep blue-green shades",
+        "throat: brilliant, deep blue hue"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi pygmy woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black and white with red patch in males",
+        "forehead: black and white stripes",
+        "eyes: surrounded by white, with black eye-stripe",
+        "legs: short, dark gray with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black and white with red patch in males",
+        "tail: stiff, greenish-brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi scops owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: light grey with dark markings",
+        "breast: lighter shade of grey with spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with faint lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered and greyish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, barred, and spotted",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: barred brown and grey feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi serpent eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: sharp, powerful hooked beak with dark grey to black color",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown crest with lighter brown edges",
+        "forehead: white speckles on brownish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow eyes with a dark brown line extending through them",
+        "legs: strong, yellow scaly legs with long, sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad wings, brownish-black with white spots and stripes",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with contrasting white spots and streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands on the feathers",
+        "throat: white with small, dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, agile and black",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gradient",
+        "eyes: small and dark, observant gaze",
+        "legs: short, featherless with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, slender and swift in flight",
+        "nape: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark feathers with subtle square shape",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with slight feather streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray in color",
+        "belly: light brown fading to white towards the breast",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks of darker brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks of lighter brown",
+        "forehead: smooth dark brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown encircled by pale feathered ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray to black",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter streaks, rounded shape",
+        "nape: darker brown fading to lighter brown towards the back",
+        "tail: dark brownish-black with hints of lighter brown, medium length",
+        "throat: pale brown blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "sulawesi white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: small, white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, slender legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with white edges",
+        "nape: yellowish-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: light yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "sulphur bearded reedhaunter": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish, with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "sulphur bellied bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish tip",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: olive-grey, yellow tint",
+        "crown: dark grey, slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter grey patch",
+        "eyes: black, encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: dark grey, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "sulphur bellied flycatcher": [
+        "back: greenish olive feathers",
+        "beak: broad, flattened, dark",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: streaked pale olive-yellow",
+        "crown: greenish olive",
+        "forehead: yellow, greenish hue blends into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium size with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with two conspicuous white wingbars",
+        "nape: greenish olive, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: brownish olive, moderately forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulphur bellied tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellow tinge",
+        "beak: thin, short and curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish flanks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle yellow highlights",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint gray streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with olive-green tint",
+        "eyes: small, dark with inconspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with pale feather tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "sulphur bellied tyrant manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: bold yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: lush emerald green",
+        "forehead: green plumage blending to yellow",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: graceful, long, green feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant green transition to yellow",
+        "tail: short, green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "sulphur bellied warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with dark markings",
+        "crown: olive-green with vague streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green with a slight tinge of grey",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with olive-green edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulphur bellied whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: short, sharp, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: yellowish-orange hue",
+        "breast: yellow, fading to orange",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: green, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, elongated shape",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long, dusky green",
+        "throat: yellow-orange, lightly feathered"
+    ],
+    "sulphur billed nuthatch": [
+        "back: olive-green covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with bold streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow blending into belly",
+        "crown: black with blue-grey streaks",
+        "forehead: black merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with dark grey claws",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with conspicuous white spots",
+        "nape: black, connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: bluish-grey with white-tipped tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with lower neck"
+    ],
+    "sulphur breasted bushshrike": [
+        "back: olive-green and black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, blending with belly",
+        "crown: olive-green, fading to grey near forehead",
+        "forehead: subtle gray, meeting crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with black accents",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting with back",
+        "tail: long, black, with greenish central feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "sulphur breasted parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green shades",
+        "beak: hooked, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: deep yellow with orange hues",
+        "crown: blue-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: turquoise-blue features",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: green with blue wingtips",
+        "nape: bluish-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with faint orange tinge"
+    ],
+    "sulphur breasted warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: striking sulphur-yellow hue",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edging",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark with yellow-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "sulphur crested cockatoo": [
+        "back: white feathers with a slightly curved posture",
+        "beak: large, strong, and light gray",
+        "belly: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white and slightly rounded feathers",
+        "crown: striking yellow crest feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning into the yellow crest",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye patch and slight frowning expression",
+        "legs: short, gray, and scaled with strong toes",
+        "wings: white and broad, outlined with yellow when extended",
+        "nape: white feathers with a seamless connection to the back",
+        "tail: long white feathers with a hint of yellow on the tips",
+        "throat: white and smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "sulphur rumped flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "beak: small, dark gray, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: soft yellow transitioning from belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with a yellowish tinge",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: black with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with sulfur-yellow tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, matching the belly"
+    ],
+    "sulphur rumped tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green or yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow with greenish undertones",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with hints of green",
+        "crown: shining golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray or black",
+        "wings: green, edged with blue or yellow",
+        "nape: distinct golden-yellow or greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: long, green, with yellow edges or tips",
+        "throat: radiant yellow with slight greenish tints"
+    ],
+    "sulphur throated finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, yellowish",
+        "belly: pale yellow fur",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-green hues",
+        "forehead: grayish-green tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green shade",
+        "tail: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant sulphur-yellow color"
+    ],
+    "sulphur winged parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: white-ish upper beak, black lower beak, hooked shape",
+        "belly: yellow-green feathers with slight blue tinge",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green head feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-green with black feather bases",
+        "eyes: dark brown, expressive, surrounded by white eyerings",
+        "legs: gray, strong, scaly",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with hint of blue, elongated",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers with yellow sides",
+        "throat: pale green, transitioning to yellowish breast"
+    ],
+    "sulphury flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upper side",
+        "beak: short, wide, dark-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with a crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish tint, slightly darker",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage, consistent with back",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "sultan tit": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with delicate black markings",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black stripes",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black accents",
+        "crown: deep blue with black stripe from beak to nape",
+        "forehead: intense blue blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: striking blue with intricate black patterns",
+        "nape: bold blue with black stripes connecting to crown",
+        "tail: elongated, blue with black banding pattern",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow softening into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "sultan cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: smooth, elongated feathers, soft grey-brown",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, pale silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with a hint of pinkish-brown",
+        "breast: light pinkish-brown, fading to white towards the throat",
+        "crown: glossy iridescent purple hue",
+        "forehead: iridescent greenish-blue tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, bright coral-red with crescent-shaped claws",
+        "wings: rounded with a greyish-brown and slightly green sheen",
+        "nape: iridescent green with purplish-blue highlights",
+        "tail: long, broad, and graduated, with a greenish tinge",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to pinkish-brown on the breast"
+    ],
+    "sulu boobook": [
+        "back: mottled brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: cream-colored with brown banding",
+        "breast: rich, buff with darker spotting",
+        "crown: brown with white speckling",
+        "forehead: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: large, piercing, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: yellowish-gray with strong talons",
+        "wings: brown with white spots, barred flight feathers",
+        "nape: brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: brown with white barring and narrow, dark bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "sulu hornbill": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, and bright yellow",
+        "belly: black with a purple iridescence",
+        "breast: deep black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: black feathers forming a small crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black, and gleaming",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by bare, blue skin",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: long, black, and strong for agile flight",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers merging with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: black with a hint of purple, bordered by bright yellow skin"
+    ],
+    "sulu pygmy woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: pale, with streaks of brown or reddish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: white with small olive-brown spots",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars and speckles",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white edges and bars",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brown spots"
+    ],
+    "sumatran babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous highlights",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown",
+        "throat: whitish with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sumatran cochoa": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green upper feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout with sharp curve",
+        "belly: pale ashy gray plumage",
+        "breast: rich blue on upper and pale ashy gray on lower",
+        "crown: deep bluish-purple crest",
+        "forehead: intense dark blue feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent blue and green feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-purple plumage",
+        "tail: broad and bright blue edged with white",
+        "throat: bright white with blue boundary"
+    ],
+    "sumatran drongo": [
+        "back: dark ash-grey, slightly glossy",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: grayish-black, slightly paler than back",
+        "breast: dark grey, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: black with iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: dark grey, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black",
+        "legs: dark grey, black claws",
+        "wings: long, black with slight shimmer",
+        "nape: smooth black, shiny",
+        "tail: long, black, deeply forked",
+        "throat: dark grey, narrow black streaks"
+    ],
+    "sumatran frogmouth": [
+        "back: dark brown and white speckled plumage",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown and with small white markings",
+        "forehead: dark brown with pale white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: short and feathered",
+        "wings: dark brown and wide, with white spots",
+        "nape: mostly dark brown with some small white marks",
+        "tail: long, barred with white and brown bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sumatran green pigeon": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with bluish sheen",
+        "beak: short and robust, hooked upper mandible, grayish color",
+        "belly: pale bluish-green or yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright glossy green with light blue streaks",
+        "forehead: dark bluish or greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown with sturdy, curved talons",
+        "wings: dark green with a bluish sheen and lighter-colored tips",
+        "nape: glossy bluish-green with yellowish or lighter green streaks",
+        "tail: short, in fan-shaped formation with dark bluish-green feathers",
+        "throat: light yellowish-green or bright green feathers"
+    ],
+    "sumatran ground cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the back",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers with black bars",
+        "breast: orange-buff feathers with black bars",
+        "crown: black crown with blue facial skin",
+        "forehead: black feathers leading into the blue facial skin",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, grey legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black bars and white spots",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long with green and black barred feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white feathers with black bars"
+    ],
+    "sumatran laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black stripe pattern",
+        "breast: white with fine black barring",
+        "crown: dark blue-gray coloring",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning into blue-gray",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grayish-black, strong-looking",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight hints of blue",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark-blue feathers with wide white tips",
+        "throat: white and well-defined from the breast"
+    ],
+    "sumatran leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green and sleek",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green",
+        "breast: bright yellow with blue patches",
+        "crown: green with bright blue streaks",
+        "forehead: vivid blue and green blend",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin, black, and agile",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: green with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: long, green, with blue accents",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow and blue mix"
+    ],
+    "sumatran shortwing": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black tip",
+        "belly: light grey underparts",
+        "breast: bright orange patch",
+        "crown: dark blue top",
+        "forehead: bright orange streak",
+        "eyes: round and beady, black with white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey legs",
+        "wings: short and bright blue with green edges",
+        "nape: dark blue, merging with green on the back",
+        "tail: short and fanned, with blue and white feathers",
+        "throat: light grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "sumatran treepie": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: light grey with darker grey feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-white with a light orange hue",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and slightly raised",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a touch of grey",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, and olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: light grey blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "sumatran trogon": [
+        "back: shimmering deep green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy and slightly curved, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: bold crimson red color",
+        "breast: vivid red eye-catching shade",
+        "crown: deep green feathers with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: lush green covering, meeting eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, contrast against bright colors",
+        "legs: yellow-orange matching the beak",
+        "wings: green-blue iridescence with white bars",
+        "nape: glittering green feathers, blue tint",
+        "tail: long, broad white-tipped black feathers",
+        "throat: bright red, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "sumatran whistling thrush": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: deep blue, slightly paler than back",
+        "breast: vibrant blue, slightly lighter than belly",
+        "crown: dark blue, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: deep blue, similar to crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin and dark, slightly curved claws",
+        "wings: long, dark blue feathers, streaked black",
+        "nape: deep blue, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: straight, dark blue with black streaks",
+        "throat: bright blue, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "sumatran wren babbler": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: mottled gray with white patches",
+        "crown: dark brown with dull streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint striping",
+        "nape: brownish-gray matching the back",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale with mottled gray markings"
+    ],
+    "sumba boobook": [
+        "back: chestnut-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: rusty-brown with dark barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown fading to paler brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, piercing",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, feathered, yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white spots, barred pattern",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, streaked with dark brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, barred with white bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with darker brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sumba brown flycatcher": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin and black",
+        "belly: pale whitish-brown",
+        "breast: light brown with soft streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and blackish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, dark brown",
+        "throat: light beige with gentle streaks"
+    ],
+    "sumba buttonquail": [
+        "back: light brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale grayish color",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a reddish tinge",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small and round",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown with pale and dark markings",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short and multi-colored, barred with dark brown and light bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "sumba flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered",
+        "beak: black and elongated",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: ruddy brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown fading to gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with narrow streaks",
+        "tail: ruddy brown with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "sumba green pigeon": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, cream-colored",
+        "belly: pale green, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers",
+        "crown: dark green feathers with slight gloss",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green compared to crown",
+        "eyes: bright, small, and dark",
+        "legs: short and strong, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: broad, dark green with blue edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from darker to lighter",
+        "tail: medium-length, darker green with a blue-black band",
+        "throat: light green with a slight sheen"
+    ],
+    "sumba hornbill": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow-orange with black markings",
+        "belly: light grey or white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with black edges",
+        "crown: black feathered crest with pale blue skin",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey with a slight blue hue",
+        "eyes: penetrating dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with black talons",
+        "wings: long, black feathers with blue-green sheen",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into the crest",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with white bands",
+        "throat: smooth pale blue skin, distinctive 'pouch"
+    ],
+    "sumba jungle flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: soft white with speckled markings",
+        "breast: creamy beige with slight streaks",
+        "crown: rich rufous-brown color",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter shade of brown",
+        "eyes: bright, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with prominent white feathers",
+        "nape: warm reddish-brown hue",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with white tips",
+        "throat: pale cream color with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "sumba myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-red feathers",
+        "beak: slim, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: pale colors, yellowish-orange",
+        "breast: rich orange-toned plumage",
+        "crown: bright red and prominent",
+        "forehead: red and slightly curved",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: slender, black, and short",
+        "wings: relatively short, orange-red with black edges",
+        "nape: red feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: short, black-tipped, and red-orange",
+        "throat: bright fiery orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "sumichrast wren": [
+        "back: brownish upperparts with faint barring",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with light barring",
+        "breast: buffy-white with hazy streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown streaked with black",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, slightly lighter",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish with faint barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, buffy near chin"
+    ],
+    "sun lark": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange",
+        "crown: dark brown, streaked",
+        "forehead: brown with yellow tinge",
+        "eyes: black, round, with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: brown and black, with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, black, with outer white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow-orange"
+    ],
+    "sun parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, pale orange",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers with orange hues",
+        "breast: gleaming gold feathers",
+        "crown: vivid yellow feathers with green edges",
+        "forehead: sunny, yellow feathered",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, encircled by thin white rings",
+        "legs: slender and grayish, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: shades of green and blue on the edge, golden-yellow base",
+        "nape: golden yellow with green tinges",
+        "tail: greenish-blue feathers with a yellow base",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "sunda blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: slim and black",
+        "belly: pale blue underbelly",
+        "breast: faded blue plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: vivid blue with darker tips",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers",
+        "tail: iridescent blue with darker streaks",
+        "throat: light sky-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "sunda bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish or white underside",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: greyish-black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, greyish-black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: grey or blue-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellow-greenish edges",
+        "nape: greyish-black, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, moderately long with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "sunda collared dove": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with black feather edges",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: pinkish-gray",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a subtle sheen",
+        "forehead: light blue-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, red eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and purple-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black spots and white edges",
+        "nape: dark gray with a white collar",
+        "tail: long, tapered, and gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "sunda coucal": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black curve",
+        "belly: black with brownish tinge",
+        "breast: glossy dark blue-black",
+        "crown: glossy deep blue-black",
+        "forehead: glossy dark blue-black",
+        "eyes: deep red surrounded by black",
+        "legs: long, black talons",
+        "wings: dark metallic green with white tips",
+        "nape: glossy dark blue-black",
+        "tail: long, shimmering blue feathers",
+        "throat: black with slight brownish hue"
+    ],
+    "sunda cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: bluish-gray, thinly-streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, blackish",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: slate-gray with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: smooth, bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with bold white bars",
+        "nape: slate-gray, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, bluish-gray",
+        "throat: white with indistinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "sunda forktail": [
+        "back: blue-black with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with light barring",
+        "breast: white with blue-black streaks",
+        "crown: blue-black with slight white streaks",
+        "forehead: blue-black",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pale pink",
+        "wings: blue-black with bold white streaks",
+        "nape: blue-black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, forked, and blue-black",
+        "throat: white with thin blue-black streaks"
+    ],
+    "sunda frogmouth": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle speckles",
+        "beak: wide, hooked, yellow-grey",
+        "belly: light brown with intricate patterns",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with narrow white lines",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with small white spots",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, with dark brown rings",
+        "legs: short, brown, feathered",
+        "wings: elongated, mottled brown and white",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white bands and tips",
+        "throat: pale brown with loose white spots"
+    ],
+    "sunda honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light streaks and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "sunda laughingthrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey upper body",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grey underside",
+        "breast: grayish-white chest",
+        "crown: black with a greyish tinge",
+        "forehead: black extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: strong and greyish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with a black collar",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "sunda minivet": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a faint streak",
+        "breast: bright yellow or orange, depending on gender",
+        "crown: striking black with a glossy finish",
+        "forehead: smooth black, fading to green on the back",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green, with bold yellow or orange stripe",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with a greenish gloss, forked",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow or orange, depending on gender"
+    ],
+    "sunda owlet": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale color",
+        "belly: off-white with fine, brown barring",
+        "breast: whitish with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with fine, brown streaks",
+        "eyes: round and large, yellowish-brown",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, pale color",
+        "wings: short and rounded, spotted brown",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, barred with brown",
+        "throat: whitish with fine, brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sunda pygmy woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped black color",
+        "belly: light brown with white barring",
+        "breast: light brownish-white with slight barring",
+        "crown: dark brown in males, olive-brown in females",
+        "forehead: light brownish-white with slight barring",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white or cream-colored ring",
+        "legs: stout, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: short, squared, dark brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light brownish-white with slight barring"
+    ],
+    "sunda robin": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: distinguishing orange-rust coloring",
+        "crown: deep olive-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from olive to orange-rust",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slight gradient",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers, continuous with back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, blends with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "sunda scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp-pointed beak",
+        "belly: pale buff undersides",
+        "breast: heavily-streaked chest with dark brown feathers",
+        "crown: rufous-brown head, darker than back",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown extending over the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark-black with pale eyebrow-like marking",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-grey legs",
+        "wings: broad and short, olive-brown with pale wing bar",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: long, graduated tail with dark rufous and olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale throat with streaked feathers"
+    ],
+    "sunda scops owl": [
+        "back: light brown with feathery streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and light grey",
+        "belly: light cream with thin brown stripes",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with small white speckles",
+        "forehead: white with soft buff markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered with strong talons",
+        "wings: mottled brown and cream with a barred pattern",
+        "nape: light brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: brown and well-defined with darker bands",
+        "throat: pale cream with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sunda teal": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle dark scaling",
+        "beak: dark gray with pale bluish patterning",
+        "belly: light beige with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: beige with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with discreet lighter edging",
+        "forehead: muted brown with pale streaks",
+        "eyes: expressive, small dark brown",
+        "legs: earthy orange with dark webbing",
+        "wings: olive-brown with iridescent greenish-blue speculum",
+        "nape: rich brown with thin pale striations",
+        "tail: dark brown, moderately long, and slightly pointed",
+        "throat: pale beige with faint dark spots"
+    ],
+    "sunda thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with lighter edges",
+        "nape: dark brownish-gray",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sunda warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with indistinct streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, gradually darker towards the nape",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint darker bars",
+        "nape: darker olive-brown with subtle streaking",
+        "tail: olive-brown, moderately long and slightly graduated",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "sungrebe": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine black bars",
+        "breast: buff-colored with black barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with finely barred black feathers",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with small black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale yellow rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, partially-webbed, and pale yellow",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-brown with white shoulder patches",
+        "nape: buff with finely barred feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white with fine black barring"
+    ],
+    "sunset lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and orange",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid orange feathers",
+        "crown: radiant blue-green top",
+        "forehead: stunning blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and gleaming",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: multicolored with shades of green, blue, and yellow",
+        "nape: striking green and blue hues",
+        "tail: long, tapering with green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "superb fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: grey-white feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, long",
+        "wings: blue and black feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: deep blue feathered area",
+        "tail: long, blue, and slightly upturned",
+        "throat: brilliant blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "superb fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: small, black, and stout",
+        "belly: striking orange-yellow",
+        "breast: dark purple-blue",
+        "crown: bright green",
+        "forehead: deep blue",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, gray, and bare",
+        "wings: vivid green with black borders",
+        "nape: deep blue merging with the green crown",
+        "tail: long, cerulean blue with a white tip",
+        "throat: pale rose-pink"
+    ],
+    "superb lyrebird": [
+        "back: long, brown feathers",
+        "beak: curved, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: pale and feathered",
+        "breast: lighter brown plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, paddle-like feet",
+        "wings: long, brown, and rounded",
+        "nape: smooth transition to back feathers",
+        "tail: spectacular, lyre-shaped, and intricately patterned",
+        "throat: pale with fine feather detail"
+    ],
+    "superb parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: orange-green with blue side patches",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green",
+        "crown: green with slight blue tinge",
+        "forehead: red horizontal band above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by narrow blue eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with strong talons",
+        "wings: long, green with shimmering blue edges",
+        "nape: yellow-green with red collar at base",
+        "tail: lengthy, green-blue feathers, narrowing to a point",
+        "throat: green, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "superb pitta": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep ultramarine blue",
+        "breast: rich turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black head feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant azure-blue stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey limbs",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue pattern",
+        "nape: striking blue-black plumage",
+        "tail: long, broad feathers with azure-blue tips",
+        "throat: elegant turquoise-blue color"
+    ],
+    "superb sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, and black",
+        "belly: dark metallic-blue coloring",
+        "breast: shimmering blue-green hue",
+        "crown: bright, glossy purplish-blue",
+        "forehead: striking metallic blue-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bead-like",
+        "legs: short with black claws",
+        "wings: black with vibrant blue-green sheen",
+        "nape: iridescent blue transitioning to green",
+        "tail: two elongated central feathers, deep blue-black",
+        "throat: vibrant red-orange to golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "superciliaried hemispingus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "forehead: blackish-gray with a small patch of white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark-brown, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark-gray with sharp, curved claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges and white markings",
+        "nape: gray-green with a white supercilium (eyebrow) stripe",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with fine darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "superciliated wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown hue",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: subtly streaked brown",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy-white marking",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: barred brown and white",
+        "nape: rufous hued with narrow streaks",
+        "tail: long and barred with dark brown and white",
+        "throat: creamy white coloring"
+    ],
+    "surf cinclodes": [
+        "back: brownish-gray plumage blending into the wings",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark brown blending into the nape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown, contrast with cheek",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, olive-gray legs with strong claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with lighter base, held up at times",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "surucua trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked yellow beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich red chest feathers",
+        "crown: smooth green cap",
+        "forehead: green feathered brow",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with narrow rings",
+        "legs: short, gray-blue limbs",
+        "wings: green and white patterned feathers",
+        "nape: green, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long, green and white banded tail feathers",
+        "throat: contrasting red and yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "swahili sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, off-white",
+        "belly: whitish-buff",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grey-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light grey"
+    ],
+    "swainson flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: broad, black with hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: olive-yellowish midsection",
+        "crown: brownish-gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-white plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by pale ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with buffy wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with darker shading",
+        "tail: blackish, slightly forked, and dark-edged",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white coloring"
+    ],
+    "swainson sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: soft cream-white plumage",
+        "breast: light brown with darker brown streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with contrasting wing bars",
+        "nape: light rusty bown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, average length, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: cream-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "swainson spurfowl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, short, and greyish-white",
+        "belly: light grey-brown with fine black markings",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with black bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of red",
+        "forehead: light grey-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow or pale brown with a red eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, reddish-orange with sharp spurs",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with a mix of black and white feather edges",
+        "nape: light grey-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with black barring and white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "swallow tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: dark green with a tinge of blue",
+        "forehead: slightly bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: dark and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vibrant green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: deep green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long, forked, and iridescent blue-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow with subtle green hues"
+    ],
+    "swallow tailed bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light blue gradient",
+        "breast: yellow-orange hue",
+        "crown: iridescent green plumage",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round, with a subtle ring",
+        "legs: short and dark",
+        "wings: elongated, with a mix of blues and greens",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers",
+        "tail: forked swallow-like shape, streamers of black and blue",
+        "throat: bright orange-red patch"
+    ],
+    "swallow tailed cotinga": [
+        "back: smooth, blue-violet plumage",
+        "beak: petite, sleek black",
+        "belly: pristine white feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant white plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-violet crest",
+        "forehead: sharply contrasting white wisps",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady",
+        "legs: slender, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: elongated, blue-violet hue",
+        "nape: shimmering blue-violet feathers",
+        "tail: forked, black, and long",
+        "throat: white plumage transitioning to blue-violet"
+    ],
+    "swallow tailed gull": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pure white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a grey transition",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: white to grey gradient",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and prominent",
+        "legs: striking red-orange color",
+        "wings: long, sharp-edged with black and white pattern",
+        "nape: black, connecting smoothly to the crown",
+        "tail: deeply forked black feathers",
+        "throat: white, distinctive transition to the dark grey head"
+    ],
+    "swallow tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright sapphire blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: long, transparent, with rapid movement",
+        "nape: iridescent green-blue hues",
+        "tail: striking forked tail feathers",
+        "throat: deep amethyst purple"
+    ],
+    "swallow tailed manakin": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: small and black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white with thin black stripes",
+        "breast: bright blue patch, surrounded by black plumage",
+        "crown: shiny green feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathered area with an ornamental red crest",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by blue and black feathers",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray, with semi-zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: long and black with distinctive white and blue markings",
+        "nape: vibrant green neck feathers",
+        "tail: two elongated and curved black feathers forming a swallow-like shape",
+        "throat: black feathers with a hint of dark blue"
+    ],
+    "swallow tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with cream speckles",
+        "beak: short, dark, and hooked",
+        "belly: lightly mottled with gray and brown",
+        "breast: dull grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: brown and cream with elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with speckles",
+        "eyes: large, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, light, and feathered",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and mottled with brown and cream",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with speckles and streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, and deeply forked",
+        "throat: silver-white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "swallow winged puffbird": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed",
+        "belly: plump with soft plumage",
+        "breast: rounded and protruding",
+        "crown: adorned with short feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, covered in tiny feathers",
+        "eyes: small and bright, with keen gaze",
+        "legs: thin, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: elongated and tapered, perfect for agile flight",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, connecting head to body",
+        "tail: fan-shaped and composed of fairly long feathers",
+        "throat: delicate feathers, lighter shade than back and breast"
+    ],
+    "swamp flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy off-white, mixed with soft browns",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: small, light tan patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, black",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "nape: smooth, olive-brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light brownish-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "swamp francolin": [
+        "back: dark brown with light, fine barring",
+        "beak: sturdy, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: chestnut-brown and finely barred",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with white speckles",
+        "crown: rufous brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light buff forehead stripe",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, long, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brown with chestnut and light barring",
+        "nape: rufous brown with fine light barring",
+        "tail: brown, moderately long, with chestnut and light barring",
+        "throat: light buff with some black markings"
+    ],
+    "swamp grass babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with slight streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark grey streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with narrow bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "swamp greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: medium-length, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft green tinted with yellow",
+        "crown: brightly colored green feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from green to yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy, light brown limbs",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow feathers with well-defined flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition between crown and back, medium-green hue",
+        "tail: broad, slightly-fanned green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with subtle green undertones"
+    ],
+    "swamp harrier": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: long, strong, yellow",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown, long with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with black bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "swamp nightjar": [
+        "back: earthy brown with thin, dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and flattened, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale with light streaks, blending into surroundings",
+        "breast: slightly lighter brown than back, with subtle patterning",
+        "crown: dark brown, dotted with small cream-colored spots",
+        "forehead: grayish-white, meeting crown in a v-shape",
+        "eyes: large and black, surrounded by a thin pale ring",
+        "legs: short, strong and feathered, slate-grey",
+        "wings: long and brown, with intricate patterns for camouflage",
+        "nape: brown, transitioning from the crown with small speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown with black bars, well-adapted for balance and flight",
+        "throat: cream-colored with a hint of brown, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "swan goose": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated body",
+        "beak: strong, elongated orange beak",
+        "belly: feathered, light greyish-white",
+        "breast: prominent, white and fluffy",
+        "crown: smooth, cream-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly protruding, white",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark with orange outline",
+        "legs: sturdy, medium-length grey",
+        "wings: powerful, white and grey feathers",
+        "nape: curved, cream-colored feathers",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "swee waxbill": [
+        "back: subtle brown-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: pale buff-white color",
+        "breast: light gray, fading to white towards the belly",
+        "crown: pinkish-brown, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: plum-red patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady orbs",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown-gray with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: pinkish-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: browner tone, slightly darker and longer, central feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff-white, seamlessly blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "swierstra spurfowl": [
+        "back: patterned feathers in shades of brown and black",
+        "beak: short, strong, and grayish-white",
+        "belly: light brown with blackish spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker brown speckles and stripes",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with irregular gray markings",
+        "forehead: buff to grayish-white with a hint of red",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, and dark brown",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, with grayish-white scales",
+        "wings: patterned with brown bars and blackish spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with pale gray streaks",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, with dark brown and black stripes",
+        "throat: pale gray with a reddish tinge"
+    ],
+    "swift parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue tinges",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, dark grey to black",
+        "belly: light, pale blue to white",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green tinged with blue",
+        "crown: bright green, streamlined curve",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, green-blue",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black encircled by white",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: green-blue, long, and pointed",
+        "nape: brilliant green, blends into crown",
+        "tail: green-blue, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white to pale yellow, meets breast"
+    ],
+    "swinhoe rail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: dull yellowish-green",
+        "belly: off-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: light brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: buff-colored",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: yellowish-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: short, dark olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint barring"
+    ],
+    "swinhoe snipe": [
+        "back: light brown and black streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved downward",
+        "belly: white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with distinct dark streaks",
+        "crown: black and brown patterned stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light brown feathers",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, slender and slightly long",
+        "wings: mottled brown with distinct white stripes",
+        "nape: light brown with black streaks and stripes",
+        "tail: barred with brown and black, fan-shaped when opened",
+        "throat: light brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "swinhoe storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark gray with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short and black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: soft gray-white, blending to dark gray",
+        "breast: darker gray with a faint blue tint",
+        "crown: iridescent dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, meets eye line",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: black with knee-high white feathery boots",
+        "wings: slender and pointed, midnight black",
+        "nape: lighter gray than back, with a blue sheen",
+        "tail: forked, dark gray with a black tip",
+        "throat: light gray, blending towards white"
+    ],
+    "swinhoe white eye": [
+        "back: light green feathered back",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: ochre-yellow underside",
+        "breast: light yellow plumage",
+        "crown: silvery-grey curved crown",
+        "forehead: white crescent-shaped markings",
+        "eyes: distinctive white eye-rings",
+        "legs: thin, pale blue-grey legs",
+        "wings: olive-green feathered wings",
+        "nape: faint white streaking on the nape",
+        "tail: greenish-white tipped tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers on the throat"
+    ],
+    "sword billed hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, sword-like bill",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: gleaming green feathers",
+        "crown: shiny greenish-bronze head",
+        "forehead: vibrant green plume",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: fast, iridescent green, and blurred in motion",
+        "nape: gleaming green plumage",
+        "tail: pointed, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright white or vibrant red patch"
+    ],
+    "swynnerton robin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slender, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: white to pale-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: orange-red patch with a contrasting grayish-white border",
+        "crown: slate-gray feathers in adults, olive-green in juveniles",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: brownish-pink and long",
+        "wings: olive-green, with white feather edging on wing coverts",
+        "nape: olive-green, consistent with the back feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feather edging",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers, contrasting with the bright breast"
+    ],
+    "sykes nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light brown with black speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with white ring around them",
+        "legs: short, slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brown with darker spots",
+        "nape: brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sykes warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale white and buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: buff orange-brown plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: unmarked, greyish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin with black, sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white and buff markings on the primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: brown elongated feathers with a slight notch",
+        "throat: whitish-buff plumage"
+    ],
+    "syrian serin": [
+        "back: yellow-green feathers with a subtle striations",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped ivory beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage with light streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers with faint streaks",
+        "crown: yellow-green feathers with thin stripes",
+        "forehead: bright yellow strip in front of the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round with a black pupil and white ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray slender legs with clawed feet",
+        "wings: yellow-green with blackish markings and streaks",
+        "nape: yellow-green plumage with faint streaks",
+        "tail: forked, black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with thin streaks from the lower beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "syrian woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with black barring",
+        "beak: long, straight, chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with black vertical streaks",
+        "breast: pale pinkish hue",
+        "crown: bright red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: red in males, black in females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish color",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, bordered by black streaks"
+    ],
+    "szechenyi partridge": [
+        "back: light brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, and light-colored",
+        "belly: buffy-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: chestnut or reddish-brown with fine bars",
+        "crown: dark chestnut with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: light buff with a fine black line",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow red eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, feathered, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with bold white bars",
+        "nape: chestnut color with a distinct white collar",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white bars and a black subterminal band",
+        "throat: bright white with a black v-shaped mark"
+    ],
+    "tabar pitta": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with narrow black streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: white, with pale orange hues",
+        "breast: orange-chestnut with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, with paler streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, transition from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black with olive-yellow edges",
+        "throat: white, blending into the belly"
+    ],
+    "tablas drongo": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, black slender",
+        "belly: sleek dark gray plumage",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers",
+        "crown: shiny black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: flat with black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender black legs",
+        "wings: long, angular black feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray-black feathers",
+        "tail: deeply forked, long black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth black plumage"
+    ],
+    "tablas fantail": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: white belly with striped black and white flanks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: fan-shaped crest of long feathers, often black and white",
+        "forehead: white, contrasted with a dark head",
+        "eyes: round, large, dark",
+        "legs: medium-length, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: elongated with black and white striped pattern",
+        "nape: white or grayish, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: broad, colorful, and fan-shaped, with alternating black and white bands",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "tabora cisticola": [
+        "back: earthy brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, black and conical",
+        "belly: light cream or buff",
+        "breast: golden-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rich rufous color",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter rufous",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: similar to crown's color, rich rufous",
+        "tail: short, edged with white",
+        "throat: paler, creamy-buff color"
+    ],
+    "tacarcuna chlorospingus": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish-olive wash",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with grayish-olive wash"
+    ],
+    "tacarcuna tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with brownish tone",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray with mottled pattern",
+        "crown: dark gray with hints of brown",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: slender and pale pink",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: dark gray, merging with crown and back",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "tacarcuna warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green color with streaks",
+        "beak: blackish-grey, slender and pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: slate gray with streaks",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-rings",
+        "legs: pale gray and thin",
+        "wings: blackish with white tinge and yellow highlights",
+        "nape: olive-green with streaks",
+        "tail: black with white tips and yellow details",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "tacarcuna wood quail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish",
+        "belly: grayish brown with white markings",
+        "breast: mottled brown with grayish undertones",
+        "crown: rufous or reddish-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray fading into crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust, grayish-brown, built for running",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with faint patterns",
+        "nape: rufous or reddish-brown striped with black",
+        "tail: short, broad, olive-brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale gray, spotted with darker markings"
+    ],
+    "tacazze sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, slender, and down-curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow with metallic blue flanks",
+        "breast: shimmering metallic blue-green",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-purple",
+        "forehead: glittering metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: glossy greenish-black with violet edges",
+        "nape: rich violet-blue iridescence",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers with metallic purple-blue sheen",
+        "throat: dazzling blue with purple hues"
+    ],
+    "taczanowski ground tyrant": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with light brown markings",
+        "crown: pale cinnamon-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter cinnamon-brown, fading to whites",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long and slender with dark scales",
+        "wings: light brown with darker bands and white edges",
+        "nape: pale cinnamon-brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, light brown with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: soft white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "taczanowski tinamou": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle dark markings",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, beige color",
+        "belly: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "breast: pale beige with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with subtle white spots",
+        "eyes: small, dark, circled by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: brown with fine black barring",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with pale streaks",
+        "tail: small, rounded, banded with brown and black colors",
+        "throat: light beige with faint brown mottling"
+    ],
+    "tahiti monarch": [
+        "back: deep rusty-orange plumage",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: light golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: warm golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark rusty-orange cap",
+        "forehead: deep rusty-orange plumage",
+        "eyes: striking black eyes with white outline",
+        "legs: slender black legs and feet",
+        "wings: dark rusty-orange with black tips",
+        "nape: deep rusty-orange plumage",
+        "tail: long and black with white edges",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "tahiti petrel": [
+        "back: dark gray with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: long and hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: light gray with occasional dark markings",
+        "breast: pale gray, often blending with the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, blending with the back",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark, with a black eye-ring",
+        "legs: fairly long, grayish-black",
+        "wings: long and slender, dark gray with slightly darker tips",
+        "nape: dark gray, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: broad, dark gray with a pale gray band near the end",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "tahiti reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish with light streaks",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green merging with the belly",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with a faint streak pattern",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending with the crown and eyebrows",
+        "eyes: small, black, and surrounded by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark thin feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow or whitish, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "taiga bean goose": [
+        "back: glossy brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: dark grey, pointed with orange stripe",
+        "belly: light greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: steep curve to the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long, orange and webbed",
+        "wings: long, broad with dark tips",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: black with a white stripe",
+        "throat: white with brown spots"
+    ],
+    "taiga flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-grey with patches of brown",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white or pale grey",
+        "breast: pale rusty-orange",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: round with black pupils surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white or pale grey"
+    ],
+    "taita apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: narrow white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: small black orbs",
+        "legs: long and thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with light wing-bars",
+        "nape: faint olive coloring",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-green",
+        "throat: white-gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "taita falcon": [
+        "back: sleek, slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with black horizontal markings",
+        "breast: white with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slate grey with a black \"mask\" around the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a yellow-orange ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, strong and featherless",
+        "wings: long, grey, pointed tips with black barring",
+        "nape: grey with slight black streaks",
+        "tail: grey with black bands, squared-off ends",
+        "throat: white with sparse, fine, black streaks"
+    ],
+    "taita fiscal": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: stark white with black speckles",
+        "breast: black plumage with white accents",
+        "crown: smooth black feathered crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and focused",
+        "legs: slim and grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black with a barely visible collar",
+        "tail: elongated with black and white banding",
+        "throat: stark white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "taita thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: solid olive-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown, consistent with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, fairly long",
+        "throat: off-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "taita white eye": [
+        "back: light olive-green hue",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow undertone",
+        "breast: soft yellowish-green color",
+        "crown: distinct bright yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green blending with crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green shading with darker edges",
+        "nape: light greenish-yellow hue",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white tone"
+    ],
+    "taiwan bamboo partridge": [
+        "back: dark brown with intricate markings",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, light gray",
+        "belly: mottled brown and white pattern",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut color",
+        "forehead: light gray with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and feathered, light gray",
+        "wings: brown with intricate patterning and white markings",
+        "nape: chestnut color fading to gray",
+        "tail: short with contrasting black and white feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "taiwan barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, pale and hooked",
+        "belly: undertail golden-yellow",
+        "breast: reddish orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: brilliant blue with yellow border",
+        "forehead: deep blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs and talons",
+        "wings: green with black and yellow markings",
+        "nape: purple-blue band",
+        "tail: short, dark green with black tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with black border"
+    ],
+    "taiwan barwing": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white hue",
+        "breast: olive-green with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grey and stout",
+        "wings: olive-green with chestnut markings",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to grey",
+        "tail: olive-green with chestnut tips",
+        "throat: white with streaks"
+    ],
+    "taiwan blue magpie": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong and black",
+        "belly: light gray-blue hue",
+        "breast: blue and white striped",
+        "crown: bright blue plumage",
+        "forehead: deep blue shade",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: long and azure",
+        "nape: rich blue with black stripe",
+        "tail: blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "taiwan bullfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green with darker feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pale gray",
+        "belly: white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: rich reddish-brown with hints of gray",
+        "crown: bright green with distinct crest",
+        "forehead: green with slight reddish tint",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-black with distinctive white bars",
+        "nape: vibrant green with darker feather edges",
+        "tail: grayish-black with prominent white outer tips",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "taiwan bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green covering with light feather patterns",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white or pale yellowish with fine streaks",
+        "breast: buffy hue with light, blurry streaking",
+        "crown: subdued brown with tiny feather details",
+        "forehead: unobtrusive brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale-pinkish tone and slender in structure",
+        "wings: dull olive-brown, with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: subtle olive-brown hue with fine feathering",
+        "tail: short and brownish-olive, with rounded outer feathers",
+        "throat: lighter tone, blending into breast and belly colors"
+    ],
+    "taiwan cupwing": [
+        "back: blue-grey smooth feathers",
+        "beak: black, short, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with subtle grey barred pattern",
+        "breast: light grey blending into white",
+        "crown: blue-grey fading to lighter hues",
+        "forehead: very light grey, almost white",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey with small talons",
+        "wings: blue-grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: medium grey transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: white, merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "taiwan fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green hue and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: off-white and soft-feathered",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown, blending with belly",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight tinge of green",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown, edged with pale tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: off-white, paler than the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "taiwan hwamei": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with distinct brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaking",
+        "forehead: grayish-white and streak-free",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and dark",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaking",
+        "nape: gray-brown with some streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "taiwan partridge": [
+        "back: brown with black barring",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish",
+        "belly: white, with dark barring on sides",
+        "breast: rust-colored, with grayish edges",
+        "crown: brown, with rusty-red patch",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown, with black and rust-colored patterning",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: white, with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "taiwan rosefinch": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-pink hue",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: soft off-white color",
+        "breast: eye-catching rosy pink",
+        "crown: red-pink feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-pink plumage",
+        "eyes: expressive and round",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: red-pink with white markings",
+        "nape: warm reddish-pink",
+        "tail: short and reddish-pink",
+        "throat: rich rosy pink tones"
+    ],
+    "taiwan scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: creamy-white stripe",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, curved, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "taiwan shortwing": [
+        "back: sleek blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: slender and sharp",
+        "belly: soft orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant orange patch",
+        "crown: deep blue-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth blue-gray area",
+        "eyes: piercing and dark",
+        "legs: strong yet slender",
+        "wings: short and rounded",
+        "nape: pleasing blue-gray shade",
+        "tail: compact with subtle banding",
+        "throat: bright orange accent"
+    ],
+    "taiwan thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: straight, slender and black",
+        "belly: off-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale-cream hue with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with dark markings",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown camouflage",
+        "tail: long and dark olive-brown",
+        "throat: creamy-colored with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "taiwan vivid niltava": [
+        "back: rich blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black",
+        "belly: vibrant orange",
+        "breast: deep blue",
+        "crown: blue with a purplish hue",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gradient blue with white patches",
+        "nape: royal blue",
+        "tail: elongated, vibrant blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue with hints of purple"
+    ],
+    "taiwan whistling thrush": [
+        "back: dark blue-green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: black, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: deep blue to blue-black",
+        "breast: shining deep blue",
+        "crown: dark blue-green with a metallic gloss",
+        "forehead: shining blue-black",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep blue with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-green with a metallic sheen",
+        "tail: long and dark blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "throat: shimmering blue-black"
+    ],
+    "taiwan yellow tit": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid yellow feathers",
+        "crown: blue-black cap with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white-bordered black band",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, blue-grey",
+        "wings: black with white and blue markings",
+        "nape: black and white streaked pattern",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with white edges",
+        "throat: intense yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "taiwan yuhina": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: prominent, dark-colored",
+        "legs: robust and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "talamanca hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green and blue",
+        "crown: shiny green gradient",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise shimmer",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, slightly curved",
+        "wings: rapid, blurred movement",
+        "nape: green sheen, blends with crown",
+        "tail: short, black, forked",
+        "throat: deep blue-purple iridescence"
+    ],
+    "talaud kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, orange bill",
+        "belly: bright white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: bold, orange-colored feathers",
+        "crown: striking blue, erectile crest",
+        "forehead: orange and blue, distinct plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing black, surrounded by orange feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-colored with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, blue with black markings",
+        "nape: rich orange, extends to the sides of the neck",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black bar patterns",
+        "throat: white, bordered by orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "talaud rail": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, deep greenish-blue",
+        "belly: light grey, streaked with black",
+        "breast: dark grey with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: deep reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin white ring around",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellow-green",
+        "wings: dark brown, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, similar to crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale grey with a hint of brown"
+    ],
+    "taliabu bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with light brown wash",
+        "breast: pale grey with streaked patterns",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and lightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale grey"
+    ],
+    "taliabu masked owl": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with fine white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, black curved beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark brown markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine white spots",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine white spots",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown surrounded by a black mask",
+        "legs: feathered, pale brown with dark brown bars",
+        "wings: dark brown with white speckles and faint barring",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white spots",
+        "tail: brown with white bands and dark brown bars",
+        "throat: pale brown with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "tamarugo conebill": [
+        "back: olive-gray with a hint of brown",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: pale lemon-yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with a white line above the eyes",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with two white-edged wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-gray blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feather edges",
+        "throat: yellowish-white, streaked with dark brown"
+    ],
+    "tamaulipas crow": [
+        "back: dark bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: slightly lighter bluish-black plumage",
+        "breast: dark bluish-black with smooth feathers",
+        "crown: dark bluish-black with short crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-black and smooth contour",
+        "eyes: small, round, with dark brown iris",
+        "legs: dark greyish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark bluish-black with wide feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-black, well-defined back of the neck",
+        "tail: black, long and slightly fanned",
+        "throat: dark bluish-black with a hint of iridescence"
+    ],
+    "tamaulipas pygmy owl": [
+        "back: small, brown, and lightly spotted",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and lightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored with faint brown barring",
+        "breast: pale buff with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with scattered white spots",
+        "forehead: lightly marked with fine white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, luminous yellow orbs",
+        "legs: short, feathered appendages with sharp talons",
+        "wings: compact, brown, with faint white barring",
+        "nape: brown, with slight white spots and markings",
+        "tail: short and square-shaped, with thin white bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with a subtle, buff tint"
+    ],
+    "tambourine dove": [
+        "back: soft, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale pink",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: pale gray with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: white to light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a blue-gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown with black lines",
+        "nape: slightly pinkish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with alternating dark and light bands",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "tan capped catbird": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, sleek black",
+        "belly: pale gray with some white undertones",
+        "breast: slightly paler gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: light tan, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending with the tan crown",
+        "eyes: bright, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown, rounded tips",
+        "nape: continuation of tan color from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with thin white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly whiter than breast"
+    ],
+    "tanager finch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: rich golden yellow",
+        "breast: fiery reddish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-violet",
+        "forehead: radiant blue hues",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by feather patterns",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: bright green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: long and green, with darker blue accents near the tip",
+        "throat: brilliant blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar boobook": [
+        "back: brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: black and hooked shape",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: whitish feathers with dark brown bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with small white spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown with fine white spots",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered with dark brown and white",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots and light wavy bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with white spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bars and tips",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: light cream underparts",
+        "breast: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaking",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: warm brown, same as crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long, and narrow",
+        "throat: light cream, faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar corella": [
+        "back: light grey feathers covering its dorsal side",
+        "beak: short, white, strong curve-shaped",
+        "belly: white, soft, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: smoothly blending with belly, white features",
+        "crown: white feathers on the top of its head",
+        "forehead: white, smooth area above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled with thin blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, short, two-toes facing forward and backward",
+        "wings: large, white, underside light blue and grey",
+        "nape: white, meeting point between head and back",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with hints of blue/grey",
+        "throat: white feathers just below the beak"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with hints of plum, fading to white",
+        "breast: purple-pinkish hue with grayish sides",
+        "crown: olive-brown, blending with the back",
+        "forehead: pale gray transitioning to olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray with sturdy toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long and brown, with broad white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, seamlessly blending with the belly"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark charcoal feathers",
+        "beak: small, narrow, black hook",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: deep orange plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black line",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow gaze",
+        "legs: slender gray limbs",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: smooth grayish feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped dark feathers",
+        "throat: bright orange-pink hue"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar friarbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: thick, elongated, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with fine, gray lines",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a black feather crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with a black eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent yellow tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with yellowish edges",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks, resembling the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar megapode": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: strong, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: gray-brown with paler streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray with pale streaks",
+        "crown: glossy dark brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: pale yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark and pale markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter markings",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers with slight orange hue",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers, fading to white",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: yellowish-orange feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange feathers gradually blending with crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, pale legs with strong claws",
+        "wings: bold yellow and black feather pattern",
+        "nape: yellow feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow, almost white feathers"
+    ],
+    "tanimbar starling": [
+        "back: glossy bluish-black plumage",
+        "beak: strong, yellow-orange hue",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: slightly iridescent bluish-black feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent bluish-black smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: shining bluish-black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange colored",
+        "wings: iridescent bluish-black feathers with contrasting white patch",
+        "nape: glossy bluish-black feathers, slightly curved",
+        "tail: elongated, bluish-black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: iridescent bluish-black feathers with distinct white contrast"
+    ],
+    "tanna fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green and smooth",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale orange",
+        "belly: pale gray with a hint of green",
+        "breast: soft yellow-green hue",
+        "crown: striking purple cap",
+        "forehead: deep purple, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with small scales",
+        "wings: rich green with subtle blue highlights",
+        "nape: bright green, fading into the back",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-purple, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "tanzania seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: yellowish-white, thin streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright olive-green",
+        "forehead: bright olive-green, white eyering",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: pale flesh-colored, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, inconspicuous streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, dark central feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-white, faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "tanzanian red billed hornbill": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with white tips",
+        "beak: long, curved, bright red bill",
+        "belly: white or light grey feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey with white markings",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded eyes with white eye ring",
+        "legs: short, black legs with strong feet",
+        "wings: dark grey with white striped pattern",
+        "nape: black, joining the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers, contrasting the dark breast"
+    ],
+    "tapajos antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale ochre with fine barring",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with orange tint",
+        "crown: brownish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown, medium length",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-olive, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with pale feather tips",
+        "throat: whitish with pale grayish markings"
+    ],
+    "tapajos fire eye": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright orange-red patch",
+        "crown: deep reddish-brown with black border",
+        "forehead: black with white dots",
+        "eyes: large and dark surrounded with red ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: elongated with black and brownish pattern",
+        "throat: white with black feathery streaks"
+    ],
+    "tapajos hermit": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: slightly curved, long, slender black bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers with light bronze streaks",
+        "breast: cinnamon-buff to orange-rufous feathers with bronze spots",
+        "crown: orange-rufous top with a narrow white band",
+        "forehead: buffy-white feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and light gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous edges and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers blending into back",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown central feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: buffy-white feathers with light bronze spots"
+    ],
+    "tarim babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathered back",
+        "beak: short, stout dark grey beak",
+        "belly: pale grey underparts",
+        "breast: slightly darker grey feathers",
+        "crown: warm brownish-grey head",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender dark grey legs",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, greyish-brown tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "tasmanian boobook": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: dark grey and hooked",
+        "belly: pale with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a white streak",
+        "forehead: light brown with a white streak",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered and light brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: light brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with white bands",
+        "throat: light brown with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "tasmanian nativehen": [
+        "back: olive-green, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and yellowish",
+        "belly: dull greenish-grey, slight undertones",
+        "breast: greenish-black, glossy finish",
+        "crown: dark brown, well-defined crest",
+        "forehead: short, greenish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, chestnut brown",
+        "legs: strong, reddish legs with yellow feet",
+        "wings: dark brown, short, rounded edges",
+        "nape: dark green to black, smooth transition",
+        "tail: short, stubby, blackish-green",
+        "throat: dark brown to light grey, feathered"
+    ],
+    "tasmanian scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey-white hue",
+        "breast: light greyish tone",
+        "crown: dark brown hue",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: black, thin, and agile",
+        "wings: brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: similar color to the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, slightly fanned",
+        "throat: white with light grey tinges"
+    ],
+    "tasmanian thornbill": [
+        "back: olive green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: small, curved, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale grey with light streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: grey-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: small white eyebrow line",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark brown",
+        "wings: olive green with dark brown streaks",
+        "nape: pale grey-brown with soft streaks",
+        "tail: olive green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "tatama tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with blackish element",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-black, subtly patterned",
+        "breast: charcoal gray, narrowly streaked",
+        "crown: blackish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: pale gray, merging into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small and hidden",
+        "legs: short, pale pink with black claws",
+        "wings: short, gray-black, rounded",
+        "nape: uniformly dark gray, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: black, fan-shaped, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "tataupa tinamou": [
+        "back: pale brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter brown, faintly barred",
+        "breast: pale warm brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: darker brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, darker brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: slender, pale yellowish in color",
+        "wings: barred with white and dark brown",
+        "nape: lighter brown with faint barring",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: white with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "taveta golden weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: conical, black",
+        "belly: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green coloration",
+        "tail: dark green with black markings",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "taveuni silktail": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish hues",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: smooth and white",
+        "breast: greyish-white with a slight olive tint",
+        "crown: glossy deep-blue",
+        "forehead: deep-blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: olive-green with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to deep-blue at the crown",
+        "tail: long, silky, and deep-blue",
+        "throat: greyish-white with a hint of green"
+    ],
+    "tawitawi brown dove": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short and robust, light grayish color",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers with faint brown bars",
+        "breast: light brown with slight golden hue, delicate pattern of spots",
+        "crown: medium brown feathers, blending with forehead",
+        "forehead: slightly darker brown, smooth transition to crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink, with well-defined toes",
+        "wings: brown, slightly darker than back, with intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: medium brown, consistent with crown and forehead colors",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with black banding, white tips",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white feathers, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "tawny antpitta": [
+        "back: streaked and dark brown",
+        "beak: straight, long, and sharp",
+        "belly: faded cream color with streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: rusty brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: short and slightly puffed",
+        "eyes: round and dark",
+        "legs: slender and pale pink",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with black bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: cream-colored with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny eagle": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: powerful, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: dark brownish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale tawny-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: tawny-brown feathered head",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow",
+        "legs: yellow, strong and scaled",
+        "wings: broad, long, tawny-brown with dark tips",
+        "nape: tawny-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black with silver band",
+        "throat: pale brownish-grey with streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny fish owl": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: dark gray, hooked shape",
+        "belly: creamy white with tawny streaks",
+        "breast: tawny with dark streaks and spots",
+        "crown: round, tawny-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: tawny-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with golden-yellow outlines",
+        "legs: feathered tawny-brown, strong talons",
+        "wings: tawny-brown with dark barring, long, rounded shape",
+        "nape: tawny-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: tawny-brown with dark bands, broad, rounded shape",
+        "throat: creamy white with tawny streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny grassbird": [
+        "back: brownish-orange with streaks",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: warm brown with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: brownish-yellow with dark markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with dark stripes",
+        "throat: lighter yellowish-brown with streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny lark": [
+        "back: tawny brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown specks",
+        "breast: warm buff with black spots",
+        "crown: tawny and streaked with black lines",
+        "forehead: slightly paler tawny with black marks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a pale eyestripe",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown and black, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: tawny with subdued black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: unmarked pale buff"
+    ],
+    "tawny owl": [
+        "back: rusty brown with darker splotches",
+        "beak: sharp and curved, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: pale cream with dark streaks",
+        "breast: soft golden brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with round, dark spots",
+        "forehead: creamy-colored with small streaks",
+        "eyes: large, black, and surrounded by a facial disk",
+        "legs: feathered and yellowish-gray talons",
+        "wings: tawny brown with darker bands and white spots",
+        "nape: golden-brown with a grayish cast",
+        "tail: brown with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with thin vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny pipit": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "crown: brown with streaks and a pale stripe",
+        "forehead: pale with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white markings",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny straightbill": [
+        "back: warm brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and thin",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown",
+        "breast: tawny with darker brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale brown",
+        "wings: brownish-tawny with darker primaries",
+        "nape: warm brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: long, brownish-tawny, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale creamy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny tit spinetail": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: buff-colored with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark streaking",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: brownish with rufous edges and dark bars",
+        "nape: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and pointed with rufous and black barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny backed fantail": [
+        "back: rich tawny-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, dark gray, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light creamy-white",
+        "breast: pale brownish-orange with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: tawny-brown with faint darker markings",
+        "forehead: streaked brown and white",
+        "eyes: dark with thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: tawny with distinct white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with streaked pattern",
+        "tail: long, broad, fan-shaped with dark banding",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny bellied babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved",
+        "belly: tawny-orange coloration",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown and slightly ruffled",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: small with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with some barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long with rusty-brown coloring",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white"
+    ],
+    "tawny bellied hermit": [
+        "back: tawny-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: long, curved, slender",
+        "belly: pale tawny-orange area",
+        "breast: light tawny-brown color",
+        "crown: dark olive-green hue",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, medium-length, and gray",
+        "wings: long, tawny-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into brown",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped, rufous plumes",
+        "throat: pale buff-yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "tawny bellied screech owl": [
+        "back: tawny brown feathered",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish",
+        "belly: tawny color with dark streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: tawny with dark mottling",
+        "forehead: tawny with dark mottling",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, piercing",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: tawny with dark barring",
+        "nape: tawny with dark mottling",
+        "tail: barred tawny and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny bellied seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: pale, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: tawny-orange underside",
+        "breast: tawny-orange with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown on top of the head",
+        "forehead: unmarked olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized and surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: olive-brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "tawny breasted flycatcher": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, black-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with tawny breast patch",
+        "breast: bold tawny-orange hue",
+        "crown: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, blackish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish with distinct white wing-bars",
+        "nape: gradation of brown to grey",
+        "tail: dark brown with conspicuous white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny breasted honeyeater": [
+        "back: earthy brown, streaked with black",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale tawny hue with dark spots",
+        "breast: rich tawny brown",
+        "crown: deep brown streaks",
+        "forehead: fading yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive black",
+        "legs: slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown and black, well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-black with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, black and brown feathers",
+        "throat: tawny brown, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "tawny breasted parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green coloration",
+        "beak: small, curved, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: soft, tawny brown hue",
+        "breast: rich tawny shade with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue with a slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, shining black orbs",
+        "legs: thin, delicate, slate-grey",
+        "wings: green with flashes of azure blue",
+        "nape: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with a tinge of blue",
+        "throat: pale tawny with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny breasted tinamou": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with fine black markings",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish-brown color",
+        "belly: pale buff color, slightly darker on sides",
+        "breast: tawny-orange with blackish-brown barring",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with fine black lines",
+        "forehead: pale buff color, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a gray to white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown, feathered down to the toes",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with fine black markings, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with fine black lines, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: short and stiff, reddish-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: pale buff color, lighter than the belly"
+    ],
+    "tawny breasted wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale tawny-buff color",
+        "breast: tawny-buff with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks and visible white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with back color",
+        "tail: brown with thin white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny browed owl": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark brown markings",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale underparts with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: tawny with white spots",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, surrounded by white and tawny rings",
+        "legs: feathered, tawny-brown with strong talons",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark brown bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark lines and markings",
+        "tail: brown with dark bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny capped euphonia": [
+        "back: rich golden-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, thick, silver-gray",
+        "belly: vibrant lemon-yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with olive-green tinges",
+        "crown: warm tawny-orange with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: deep tawny-orange, fading into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with striking yellow bars",
+        "nape: golden-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright lemon-yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "tawny chested flycatcher": [
+        "back: tawny-brown with olive tones",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale-yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich tawny-orange color",
+        "crown: olive-brown with tawny tones",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: darker brown with tawny feather edges",
+        "nape: tawny-brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: brown with faint tawny markings",
+        "throat: pale tawny-orange, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "tawny collared nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and black, camouflage pattern",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, black with a yellow base",
+        "belly: cinnamon-brown with black speckles",
+        "breast: mottled grey-brown with white streaks, pale central patch",
+        "crown: dark brown with narrow white scaling",
+        "forehead: warm brown with black spots and white markings",
+        "eyes: large, striking, black and white with a prominent dark ring",
+        "legs: short, feathered, grey-brown with black bands",
+        "wings: long, rounded, mottled brown and black with white speckling",
+        "nape: buff-brown with white-edged black feathers",
+        "tail: broad, long, brown with dark banding and white outer tips",
+        "throat: warm grey-brown with white speckling and a dark central streak"
+    ],
+    "tawny crested tanager": [
+        "back: olive green with faint tawny streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright tawny-orange with subtle olive hue",
+        "crown: vibrant tawny crest",
+        "forehead: olive green, transitioning to tawny crest",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by olive green feathers",
+        "legs: slim and grayish",
+        "wings: olive green with tawny edging on wingtips",
+        "nape: olive green with tawny highlights",
+        "tail: olive green with tawny edges on feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny crowned greenlet": [
+        "back: olive-green, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, curved, and gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, blending with belly",
+        "crown: tawny-orange, contrasting with head",
+        "forehead: olive-green, extending to crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by faint eyering",
+        "legs: grayish, long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting with back",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "tawny crowned honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight gray streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellow fading to off-white",
+        "crown: tawny-orange with black streaks",
+        "forehead: tawny-orange patch extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with fine white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: gray-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black banding",
+        "throat: off-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny faced gnatwren": [
+        "back: rusty brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: light grayish with subtle brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: slight pale stripe",
+        "eyes: black rounded beads with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish with dark bars",
+        "nape: rusty brown with dark spots",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with brown accents"
+    ],
+    "tawny faced quail": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with darker feather markings",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light brown with black streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with black streaks and spotting",
+        "crown: pale brown with a slightly darker center stripe",
+        "forehead: light buff with a pale medial stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, relatively small, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale, with sharp claws for scratching",
+        "wings: brown with prominent black and white markings",
+        "nape: pale brown with a reddish tinge",
+        "tail: short, broad, dark brown with lighter brown bands",
+        "throat: light buff with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny flanked prinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish with a tawny hue",
+        "breast: pale tawny, white shading",
+        "crown: earthy-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: olive-grey, slightly paler",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with darker edges",
+        "nape: pale olive-brown, prominent markings",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brownish with white edges",
+        "throat: white with a tinge of tawny"
+    ],
+    "tawny headed swallow": [
+        "back: light brown with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: small and sharp, dark grayish",
+        "belly: soft beige with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale tawny color, with a mildly darker upper part",
+        "crown: warm tawny brown",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of tawny brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: tawny to dark brown with faint patterning",
+        "nape: tawny brown, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark brown with pale fringes",
+        "throat: creamy beige with a slight mottled effect"
+    ],
+    "tawny rumped tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint markings",
+        "breast: soft olive-yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with an inconspicuous crest",
+        "forehead: light gray merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish",
+        "wings: pale-edged brownish with two faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, smoothly blending with the back",
+        "tail: tawny-rumped with darker edges and slight fork",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "tawny shouldered blackbird": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: dark, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: tawny-yellow to orange coloration",
+        "breast: tawny-yellow with some black markings",
+        "crown: dark brown to black feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers smoothly blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, dark-colored with strong grip",
+        "wings: brownish-black feathers with tawny-yellow shoulder patch",
+        "nape: dark brown to black feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with dark brown to black feathers",
+        "throat: tawny-yellow, transitioning smoothly into the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "tawny throated dotterel": [
+        "back: tawny brown with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: short and straight, black tip with orange base",
+        "belly: pale buff or off-white color",
+        "breast: light brown with speckled markings",
+        "crown: tawny brown, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: pale buff or off-white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: relatively long, orange or yellowish",
+        "wings: tawny brown with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: light brown, streaked with black",
+        "tail: tawny brown with black bars and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with a faint black collar"
+    ],
+    "tawny tufted toucanet": [
+        "back: rich green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, black and yellow",
+        "belly: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant green feathers",
+        "crown: deep green with tawny tufts",
+        "forehead: green with tawny accents",
+        "eyes: charcoal-ringed with striking gaze",
+        "legs: strong, blue-gray limbs",
+        "wings: lush green and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: green with tawnychestnut patch",
+        "tail: long, green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, vibrant"
+    ],
+    "tawny winged woodcreeper": [
+        "back: reddish-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale and lightly-streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored and streaked",
+        "crown: rufous with a streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: rufous with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and strong",
+        "wings: tawny with distinct dark bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine streaking",
+        "tail: long and brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale, buff-colored with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "tboli sunbird": [
+        "back: radiant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender curved bill",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright orange coloration",
+        "crown: iridescent blue crest",
+        "forehead: shimmering purple tones",
+        "eyes: round, dark orbs",
+        "legs: thin, delicate limbs",
+        "wings: short, rounded, green-blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: luminous green plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, forked feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant deep orange patch"
+    ],
+    "temminck babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy with a slight hook",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a lightly streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a slight dark streak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with strong, flexible toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks and white tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaking",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with thin white tips",
+        "throat: unmarked creamy-white"
+    ],
+    "temminck courser": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white or cream",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with a white center stripe",
+        "forehead: white, extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black markings",
+        "nape: light brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white tip and central feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-pale cream"
+    ],
+    "temminck lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: streaked greyish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: whitish, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, slender and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, long with slight markings",
+        "nape: streaked greyish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers, moderately forked",
+        "throat: whitish with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "temminck seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, grayish horn color with a conical shape",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: dull green-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers with glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: black glossy feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue limbs and toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with olive-green edges and white bars",
+        "nape: green-yellow with a dark streaked pattern",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown feathers with rounded tips",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "temminck stint": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale white or off-white",
+        "breast: buff or light brown with some dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks, slightly rufous",
+        "forehead: light brown or buff, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark in color with a whitish eyering",
+        "legs: yellowish or greenish-yellow, medium length",
+        "wings: brownish with dark feather edges and pale tips",
+        "nape: brown or light brown with darker streaks or spots",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and dark edges",
+        "throat: whitish or buff, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "temminck sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue-violet with metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-violet feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: black, slender with small claws",
+        "wings: blue-green feathers with yellow edges",
+        "nape: metallic blue-green plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers with hints of orange"
+    ],
+    "temminck tragopan": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright red-orange with white dots",
+        "breast: red-orange with white spotting",
+        "crown: crimson with blue crescent-shaped markings",
+        "forehead: crimson, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: moderately long, greyish-brown with scales",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black and white markings",
+        "nape: crimson, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, brown with black bars and chestnut tips",
+        "throat: vibrant blue with inflatable throat sacs during displays"
+    ],
+    "temotu whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white with yellowish tint",
+        "breast: white, merging with yellowish-brown flanks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown, with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively long, featherless, and grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, matching crown color",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark brown central feathers",
+        "throat: clean white, contrasting with surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "tenerife blue chaffinch": [
+        "back: slate-blue feathers covering its upper body",
+        "beak: short and stout, tinted with a pale blue color",
+        "belly: light grayish-blue plumage with subtle shading",
+        "breast: vivid blue feathers giving way to a lighter hue",
+        "crown: deep blue plumage on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a hint of white feathers around",
+        "legs: slender gray-blue legs with strong talons",
+        "wings: rich blue feathers with darker edging and contrasting white bar",
+        "nape: blue plumage transitioning from the crown towards the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, fan-like with alternating blue and darker feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue plumage, lighter than the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "tenggara hill myna": [
+        "back: shiny greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved yellow beak",
+        "belly: iridescent dark green feathers",
+        "breast: glossy greenish-black plumage",
+        "crown: matching black feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers with a green sheen",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing white eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange legs",
+        "wings: iridescent green-black feathers with a wide wingspan",
+        "nape: lustrous black feathers merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long, glossy green-black tail feathers",
+        "throat: shiny black feathers with a slight greenish tint"
+    ],
+    "tenggara swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray or white",
+        "breast: light gray or white",
+        "crown: dark feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black dots",
+        "legs: short, dark, with small feet",
+        "wings: long, curved, dark feathers",
+        "nape: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: forked, dark feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray or white"
+    ],
+    "tepui antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brownish speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with blackish markings",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with indistinct dark streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint dark bars",
+        "nape: rufous-orange, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: white gradually merging with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "tepui brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and conical",
+        "belly: off-white to pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers with slight streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with whitish streaks",
+        "forehead: pale white to light gray color",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and contrasted by white eyering",
+        "legs: robust, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with black bars and white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark and long with white outer edges",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "tepui elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and thin, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: faint crested head, pale gray",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending with back",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "tepui goldenthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved for nectar-feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers with a slight greenish tint",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers transitioning to the pale yellow belly",
+        "crown: olive-green matching the back, sometimes with a yellow tinge",
+        "forehead: vibrant golden-yellow patch above the eyes",
+        "eyes: beady and dark, surrounded by unmarked feathers",
+        "legs: short and slender with grayish-brown coloration",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, covered in olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: medium-length with square or slightly forked tips, olive-green colored",
+        "throat: bright gold coloration, distinct against the yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "tepui parrotlet": [
+        "back: green feathers with subtle blue tint",
+        "beak: small, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers with green edges",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers blending into green",
+        "crown: bright green feathers with a slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers with a lighter border",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light gray with scaled texture",
+        "wings: green feathers with dark primary and secondary flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue near the crown",
+        "tail: short, green feathers with darker tips and pale blue undertail coverts",
+        "throat: mix of yellow and green feathers, lighter toward center"
+    ],
+    "tepui redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant red upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, short, black",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: bright red feathers",
+        "crown: deep red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: striking red color",
+        "eyes: small and alert, dark",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: red with black edges",
+        "nape: red with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with red fringes",
+        "throat: intense red plumage"
+    ],
+    "tepui spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: buffy-white",
+        "breast: pale olive-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous and streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous bars",
+        "nape: rufous with streaks",
+        "tail: elongated and rufous with black barring",
+        "throat: white with dusky streaks"
+    ],
+    "tepui swift": [
+        "back: smooth and sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly-curved black beak",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, gently-rounded crest",
+        "forehead: smooth brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, covered in dark gray feathers",
+        "wings: elongated, brown feathers with subtle white markings",
+        "nape: brown feathers with a narrow white band",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, forked, and brown",
+        "throat: grayish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "tepui tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, grayish",
+        "belly: dark buff with blackish bars",
+        "breast: dark brown with fine blackish bars",
+        "crown: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and slightly paler",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong with light gray scales",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short and inconspicuous, barred olive-brown",
+        "throat: buff with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "tepui toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, bicolored (yellow and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumes",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent bluish-green plumes",
+        "forehead: striking green feathers",
+        "eyes: black with beige eye rings",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with tinges of blue and yellow",
+        "nape: rich green colored plumes",
+        "tail: long, green-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: vivid yellow feathering"
+    ],
+    "tepui vireo": [
+        "back: olive green with light feather streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with light streaking",
+        "crown: olive green with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light-greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive green with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive green with light streaking",
+        "tail: olive green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "tepui wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown cap",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: grayish-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "terek sandpiper": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly upturned and dark",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a faint brownish line",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: bright yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white outer feathers and dark barring",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "terrestrial brownbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale with brownish spots",
+        "crown: rich brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light feather edges",
+        "nape: slightly darker brown than the back",
+        "tail: long, brown with off-white tips",
+        "throat: light cream color"
+    ],
+    "tessmann flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: short and dark",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: black with a hidden crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and well-defined",
+        "legs: dark, slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, in line with the back feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: off-white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "thamnornis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, black in color",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and strong, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with prominent white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and tapered, brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "thekla lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark tip",
+        "belly: soft cream or pale yellow, some streaking",
+        "breast: light brown with distinct streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown, unmarked",
+        "eyes: black, round, well-spaced",
+        "legs: long, thin, pale yellow or pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with darker streaks, rounded tips",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, streaked appearance",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, square-cut, slightly notched",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "thick billed cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-green color with dark streaks",
+        "beak: robust, thick, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: buffy-white with dark bars",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of olive",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with dark rings",
+        "legs: strong, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with distinct white tips",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark-feathered with white markings",
+        "throat: pale white with dark bars"
+    ],
+    "thick billed euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow and black stripes",
+        "beak: stout, conical, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black undertones",
+        "crown: deep black with a glossy finish",
+        "forehead: sleek black with a streamlined shape",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: robust, jet-black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with yellow patches or linings",
+        "nape: glossy black that meets with the crown",
+        "tail: short, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: striking yellow that contrasts with black chest"
+    ],
+    "thick billed flowerpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick, short, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with a brown tinge",
+        "crown: dark brown-green",
+        "forehead: lighter greenish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and light gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: brownish-green with a slight neckband",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: grayish-white with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "thick billed grasswren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: sharply pointed, sturdy black bill",
+        "belly: off-white, slightly mottled",
+        "breast: dull white with fine grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pale pink",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short, russet-brown with fine bars",
+        "throat: off-white, lightly mottled"
+    ],
+    "thick billed green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: light greenish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: green head with a bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark, with greyish eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, reddish-purple",
+        "wings: green with yellow and blue markings",
+        "nape: greenish-blue coloration",
+        "tail: green and yellow, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale grey-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "thick billed ground pigeon": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with a gentle arc",
+        "beak: thick and stout, light gray color",
+        "belly: subdued pale-gray blending into white",
+        "breast: light chestnut-brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray with fine white speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth gradient from crown's color to grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by soft gray skin",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, grayish-pink color",
+        "wings: rounded and dark brown with lighter brown patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark, with contrasting pale-gray band",
+        "throat: slightly paler gray than the belly, clean and smooth"
+    ],
+    "thick billed kingbird": [
+        "back: olive-gray upperparts",
+        "beak: stout, black, medium-length",
+        "belly: pale yellowish underparts",
+        "breast: light grayish-yellow",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: same color as crown, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, framed by pale eyering",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: long, dark gray with white edges",
+        "nape: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "tail: dark, squared-off, edged in white",
+        "throat: grayish-white, continuing from breast"
+    ],
+    "thick billed lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: robust, thick, and conical",
+        "belly: pale, with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored and streaked",
+        "crown: brown with a dark streak",
+        "forehead: brown with faint markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, with pale yellowish color",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with subtle markings",
+        "nape: brown with a dark streak",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, with dark bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "thick billed longspur": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: thick and conical-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with black spotting",
+        "crown: dark brown with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: white with black border",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium-length, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white edging and patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "thick billed miner": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light grey-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with faint white streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by faint white speckles",
+        "legs: greyish-brown with strong toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with a strong central band and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with faint white speckles"
+    ],
+    "thick billed murre": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: thick, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "crown: smooth black head",
+        "forehead: dark feathers, rounded",
+        "eyes: round, black, well-defined",
+        "legs: strong, webbed, black",
+        "wings: narrow, long, black and white",
+        "nape: black, seamless connection to crown",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, black",
+        "throat: white, extending from the belly"
+    ],
+    "thick billed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green with red patches",
+        "crown: green with a red forehead patch",
+        "forehead: red feathers fade into green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye rings",
+        "legs: short, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: green with a hint of blue and red bend",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to red",
+        "tail: long, green with red-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: green fading to lighter green on the belly"
+    ],
+    "thick billed raven": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: large, bulky, and slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: dense black plumes",
+        "breast: rich black feathering",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: sleek black plumage above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, piercing, and black",
+        "legs: sturdy black limbs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: expansive black feathers for strong flight",
+        "nape: thick black feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers that form a fan shape",
+        "throat: smooth black plumage beneath the beak"
+    ],
+    "thick billed saltator": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thick, conical, and grayish",
+        "belly: whitish to pale gray",
+        "breast: olive-gray with sparse streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: prominent, round, with white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: greenish-brown shading to gray-blue on the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "thick billed seed finch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thick, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight purplish sheen",
+        "forehead: same as crown, black with purplish sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown with narrow, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish-black with olive-green-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, darker than the back",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with olive-yellow edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "thick billed seedeater": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, conical, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white, with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, bordered by pale eyebrow",
+        "forehead: shallow, similar color as crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, grayish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, short feathers",
+        "tail: short, notched, with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "thick billed siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: thick, short, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow with bold dark streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: small, with a narrow yellow band",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark and pointed, with small yellow patches",
+        "nape: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with yellow borders on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with dark patches"
+    ],
+    "thick billed spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-green and well-camouflaged",
+        "beak: long, thick, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rich yellow with distinct black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight black streaking",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with black barring",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "thick billed vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grey blending into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with a hint of blue, white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "thick billed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: thick, dark-gray or blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow or off-white",
+        "breast: yellowish, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, plain",
+        "eyes: black, small, and bright",
+        "legs: medium length, pale pinkish or grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow or off-white"
+    ],
+    "thicket antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: buff-colored with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with brown spots",
+        "crown: rusty-orange with streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: dark and round with pale gray eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: rusty-orange with streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: white with faint buff-colored streaks"
+    ],
+    "thicket tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle barring",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, grayish",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: rounded with olive-brown and black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded with dark bars",
+        "throat: whitish with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "thorn tailed rayadito": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white to pale buff",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white specks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wingbar",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, thorny, black with white markings",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "three banded courser": [
+        "back: sandy brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, pale yellow",
+        "belly: off-white, sparse brown speckles",
+        "breast: creamy white, thin dark bands",
+        "crown: prominent brown crest, faded white lines",
+        "forehead: whitish, blending into sandy brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale skin patches",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellow",
+        "wings: sandy brown, bold black wing-bars",
+        "nape: warm brown, subtle striped pattern",
+        "tail: short, narrow, alternating brown and white bands",
+        "throat: creamy white, thin dark bands"
+    ],
+    "three banded plover": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white, clean-feathered",
+        "breast: white with a reddish-brown band",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, curved downward",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright orange, long, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, with three white bands",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, extending from crown",
+        "tail: short, dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, adjoining breast band"
+    ],
+    "three banded rosefinch": [
+        "back: bright reddish-pink feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish with pink tinge",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-pink plumage",
+        "crown: reddish-pink, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: fiery pinkish-red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by light gray",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark brown with pinkish-red edges",
+        "nape: reddish-pink, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: forked, dark brown with pinkish-red trim",
+        "throat: bright reddish-pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "three banded warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint stripes",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow with subtle gray bands",
+        "breast: pale yellow with blackish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint central stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with fine black lines",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark bars and white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow with delicate black markings"
+    ],
+    "three streaked tchagra": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: black and strong",
+        "belly: white with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with rufous tinge",
+        "nape: streaked gray",
+        "tail: long, dark with rufous edges",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "three striped flycatcher": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks of black and white",
+        "beak: long, slender, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with thin black stripes",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint blackish-grey stripes",
+        "crown: dark grey with slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: greyish-white blending into darker crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with unobtrusive white eye ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark grey with two distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown with faint darker streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey, slightly forked with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "three striped hemispingus": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle striping",
+        "beak: short, conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with thin dark stripes",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with yellowish edges",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with pale yellow eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with thin dark stripes",
+        "nape: olive-green, slightly striped",
+        "tail: dark, greenish-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: light gray with thin dark stripes"
+    ],
+    "three striped warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint striping",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: soft yellow or cream",
+        "breast: pale yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a light central stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: black with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint white edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "three toed jacamar": [
+        "back: glossy greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light russet-brown",
+        "crown: shiny greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: metallic green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark gray",
+        "wings: metallic green-blue with blackish tips",
+        "nape: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "tail: long, dark green-blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "three toed parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive-green, delicately striped",
+        "beak: stout, curved, triangular shape",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored",
+        "breast: golden-yellow, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: orange-brown, scaled appearance",
+        "forehead: creamy-white, with black border",
+        "eyes: black, framed by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, three-toed",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, rounded, faintly striped",
+        "nape: orange-brown, scaled texture",
+        "tail: short, square-ended, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale, buffy-white, faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "three wattled bellbird": [
+        "back: olive brown with slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright white with faint barring",
+        "crown: olive-greenish with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with inconspicuous eyering",
+        "legs: short, strong, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a greenish sheen",
+        "nape: olive-greenish with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: white with stark contrast, three long, thin wattles"
+    ],
+    "thrush nightingale": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, dark pointed",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with brown spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown spots",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: smooth with a slightly lighter color",
+        "eyes: dark, small with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint pale bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: squared, brown with slight barring",
+        "throat: unmarked pale cream"
+    ],
+    "thrush like antpitta": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow or greyish-white",
+        "breast: dull brown with subtle streaks or spots",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly crested",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with no significant markings",
+        "tail: short, brown with subtle banding",
+        "throat: light brown or greyish, sometimes with speckles"
+    ],
+    "thrush like wren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint, darker brown streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, pale brown",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brownish spots",
+        "breast: warmer brown tint, spotted with darker brown",
+        "crown: distinct chestnut-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with fine brown markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark and slightly rounded, encircled by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker brown bars and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: streaked olive-brown transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: short and slightly rounded, olive-brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with a few light brown spots"
+    ],
+    "tibetan babax": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: stout, sharp, and yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-yellow and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: white with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tibetan blackbird": [
+        "back: dark glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: yellow and slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep black in color",
+        "breast: dark black feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a slight sparkle",
+        "legs: strong, yellow legs and feet",
+        "wings: black with slight iridescence",
+        "nape: backyard black plumage",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: velvety black feathers"
+    ],
+    "tibetan bunting": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: cone-shaped and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut-orange color",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white streak",
+        "forehead: pale gray shading",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white strip",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "tibetan eared pheasant": [
+        "back: dark blue with feathery patterns",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with black markings",
+        "breast: white and grey gradient",
+        "crown: vibrant red with tufted ears",
+        "forehead: red and blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: feathered, grey with curved claws",
+        "wings: blue with white and black stripes",
+        "nape: red and blue gradient with tuft",
+        "tail: long, graduated with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "tibetan lark": [
+        "back: tawny brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: tawny brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with pale markings",
+        "forehead: prominent dark patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and feathered, equipped with strong claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, brown and black feathers",
+        "nape: tawny brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: tawny brown with black band and white edges",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tibetan partridge": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with darker markings",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, greyish-black color",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with black and brown bars",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with bold black crescent markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, striped with black and white",
+        "forehead: white, bordered by black eye lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with a white crescent below",
+        "legs: robust, feathered, greyish-brown color",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, with black and white bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with black and white stripes",
+        "tail: greyish-brown, with black and white barring",
+        "throat: white with thick black bordering stripe"
+    ],
+    "tibetan rosefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, blackish",
+        "belly: pale pinkish hue with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: rose-pink with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: bright red with minor feather spikes",
+        "forehead: reddish hue blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with a white ring",
+        "legs: moderately long, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: rose-red fading into the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant rose-pink color"
+    ],
+    "tibetan sandgrouse": [
+        "back: light brown with scaly patterns",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: sandy-brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with spotted dark markings",
+        "crown: gray-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with darker tiny spots",
+        "eyes: dark, relatively small, encircled by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered, short and gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black and white wing coverts",
+        "nape: darker brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped with white outer feathers and dark central ones",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tibetan serin": [
+        "back: light olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: bright yellow with streaks",
+        "forehead: brilliant yellow",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with white and yellow markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "tibetan snowcock": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved for pecking",
+        "belly: white feathered underparts",
+        "breast: mottled grey-brown plumage",
+        "crown: speckled grey and white feathers",
+        "forehead: pronounced red eye-comb",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark gaze",
+        "legs: feathered and powerful for navigating terrain",
+        "wings: rounded, dark-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey-ish brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, fanned tail feathers",
+        "throat: white speckled with grey"
+    ],
+    "tibetan snowfinch": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathered upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical-shaped, black bill",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white chest feathers",
+        "crown: pale gray head with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth pale gray marking",
+        "eyes: small black with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: dark and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: pale gray with distinct brown streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray merging with breast area"
+    ],
+    "tickell blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: bright blue feathers with greenish tinge",
+        "beak: small, thin, black and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale white with bluish-gray flanks",
+        "breast: light grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: vivid blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and medium-sized with a white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright blue with black flight feathers and white bars",
+        "nape: blue feathers blend into greenish tinge",
+        "tail: long, bright blue with black central feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: light grayish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "tickell leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green and finely streaked",
+        "beak: thin, pointed blackish upper mandible",
+        "belly: white with grayish-yellow side patches",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: plain yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, finely streaked",
+        "tail: greenish-brown with slight yellow edging",
+        "throat: pale creamy white"
+    ],
+    "tickell thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white with dark freckles",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark spots",
+        "crown: slate grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: grey, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: grey with olive-brown streaks",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, dark brown",
+        "throat: white with light grey wash"
+    ],
+    "ticking doradito": [
+        "back: olive-green shades",
+        "beak: thin with a black upper part",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: yellowish green",
+        "crown: faint crest with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-yellowish tinge",
+        "eyes: small, black with faint eyebrows",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-colored with contrasting white edges",
+        "nape: yellowish-green fading to paler shade",
+        "tail: olive-brown, short and rounded",
+        "throat: bright yellow, pronounced"
+    ],
+    "tiger shrike": [
+        "back: striking grey and black bands",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light barring",
+        "breast: white with dark tiger-like streaks",
+        "crown: black with white patches",
+        "forehead: distinct white eyebrow line",
+        "eyes: fierce, black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: black and grey with white patch",
+        "nape: grey with black bands",
+        "tail: black and grey with broad white edges",
+        "throat: white with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "timberline wren": [
+        "back: rich brown and finely streaked",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with brown barring",
+        "breast: buffy color with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slight pale streak above the eye",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, encircled by a faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: short and rounded, rufous in color with darker bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown and rufous-blend",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with faint bars, slightly upturned",
+        "throat: buffy-white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "timor blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue upper body",
+        "beak: slender black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: light blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue rounded head",
+        "forehead: slight blue gradient above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round black eyes",
+        "legs: slim pale legs with tiny grasping claws",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers from head to back",
+        "tail: long blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: delicate grayish-blue throat feathers"
+    ],
+    "timor boobook": [
+        "back: earthy brown with barring and streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, medium-dark grey",
+        "belly: light beige with subtle, fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with dense barring",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint, buffy spots",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with prominent black pupils",
+        "legs: robust, greyish-yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with barred pattern, white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: rich brown with dark barring",
+        "tail: brown with narrow, dark bands and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light brown fading to beige"
+    ],
+    "timor bushchat": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale and grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with hint of olive",
+        "crown: deep brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-brown bordering the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray with a slight wash of olive"
+    ],
+    "timor cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: light brown with gentle shading",
+        "beak: short and slender, pale-curved bill",
+        "belly: soft pale grayish-blue",
+        "breast: warm pinkish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a subtle sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded, light brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a discreet black eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, reddish-pink",
+        "wings: elongated with banded brown patterns",
+        "nape: subtly darker brown than the back",
+        "tail: tapered with broad, pale edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "timor friarbird": [
+        "back: olive-gray plumage with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange crest resembling a monk's hood",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into rufous-orange",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark gray, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-gray with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray, continuous from the back",
+        "tail: long, dark grayish-olive with lighter tips",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "timor green pigeon": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, yellow-orange with hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale bluish-green underside",
+        "breast: vibrant greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: muted green with a slight blue tinge",
+        "forehead: pale lime-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by light green ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with scaly texture",
+        "wings: blue-green primary feathers, greenish-yellow coverts",
+        "nape: warm olive-green hue",
+        "tail: long, bluish-green central feathers, yellowish-green outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright greenish-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "timor imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth, glossy feathers in grayish-white color",
+        "beak: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray with a slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: soft, lighter gray plumage",
+        "breast: rich gray feathers with a subtle purple sheen",
+        "crown: silvery gray crest with slightly elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: silver-grey with a gentle slope blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, alert with a thin white eyering and dark pupils",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, strong and featherless",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, with gray and white feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-white feathering, connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped grayish-white feathers with slightly darker tips",
+        "throat: light gray, softly feathered leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "timor leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers providing camouflage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pointed for picking insects",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white for blending in surroundings",
+        "breast: subtle streaks on a yellowish-white base",
+        "crown: greenish-brown, diffusing into surroundings",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow hue, extending to crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert for spotting prey",
+        "legs: slender, pale, and strong for perching",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-green, aiding quick flight",
+        "nape: subtly striped in brown for added camouflage",
+        "tail: short and brownish-green for maneuverability",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white, completing subtle patterning"
+    ],
+    "timor oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown coloration",
+        "breast: warm yellowish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: bright olive-green with black marking",
+        "forehead: black streak above eyes",
+        "eyes: sharp, curious with black iris",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs and claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and yellowish-white patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to yellowish-brown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black and white accents",
+        "throat: light yellowish-brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "timor sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and dark-grey",
+        "belly: white with greyish-brown flanks",
+        "breast: pale grey blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, slender and medium length",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black flight feathers and white wingbars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, continuous with the crown coloration",
+        "tail: long and blackish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, contrasting with the darker breast and head"
+    ],
+    "timor stubtail": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: off-white, light brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint streaking",
+        "forehead: light brownish-grey, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, contrast with surrounding plumage",
+        "legs: light pinkish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short, rounded",
+        "nape: brown, streaked like the crown",
+        "tail: short, square-ended, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "timor white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow and grayish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: bright yellow band",
+        "eyes: white-eye ring surrounding black pupil",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white highlights",
+        "nape: olive-green and yellow blend",
+        "tail: olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathering"
+    ],
+    "tinian monarch": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or pale grey",
+        "breast: white or pale grey",
+        "crown: bright orange or rufous",
+        "forehead: exposed black skin",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark primaries",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale grey"
+    ],
+    "tinkling cisticola": [
+        "back: golden-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: tawny-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: golden-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: golden-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-tinged",
+        "eyes: small, dark-colored",
+        "legs: relatively long, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: golden-brown, barred pattern",
+        "nape: golden-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edging",
+        "throat: tawny-white, distinctively unmarked"
+    ],
+    "tiny cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale and streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored feathers",
+        "crown: rufous or brown, well-marked",
+        "forehead: streaked light and dark brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: short and rounded, brown with streaks",
+        "nape: brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, often held erect",
+        "throat: white or pale buff"
+    ],
+    "tiny greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: light green with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: green with a hint of yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, round, inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, green, streaked with yellow",
+        "nape: yellow-green feathers",
+        "tail: green, slightly rounded, short",
+        "throat: soft yellow, with faint lines"
+    ],
+    "tiny hawk": [
+        "back: sleek, slate-gray sheen",
+        "beak: strong, hooked and sharp",
+        "belly: soft, light-gray feathers",
+        "breast: speckled with light brown accents",
+        "crown: smooth, gray plumage",
+        "forehead: bright, piercing eyes",
+        "eyes: intense, yellow-orange gaze",
+        "legs: slender and powerful with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, curved feathers for agile flight",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: elongated, banded feathers for maneuverability",
+        "throat: lighter gray plumage, contrasts with breast"
+    ],
+    "tiny sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and elongated",
+        "belly: soft, pale feathered underside",
+        "breast: puffed, brightly colored plumage",
+        "crown: radiant, shining head feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent, gleaming area above eyes",
+        "eyes: alert, beady, and curious",
+        "legs: thin, wiry limbs ending in tiny claws",
+        "wings: petite, agile, and bustling",
+        "nape: slender, graceful curve of the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, slender, and fluttering",
+        "throat: boldly colored and elegant"
+    ],
+    "tiny tyrant manakin": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: shiny gold crest",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: green with white edges",
+        "nape: golden-crowned feathers",
+        "tail: short with white band",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "tit berrypecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, orange",
+        "belly: white with pale green undertones",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green with a yellow center stripe",
+        "forehead: yellow-to-green gradient",
+        "eyes: black, alert orbs",
+        "legs: slim, gray, three-toed",
+        "wings: green with yellow detailing",
+        "nape: green with faint white spots",
+        "tail: rectangular, green with black markings",
+        "throat: white, bordered with yellow"
+    ],
+    "tit hylia": [
+        "back: small and slightly rounded",
+        "beak: thin and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light, subtle-patterned plumage",
+        "breast: soft, delicate feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, pale ringed",
+        "forehead: smooth, light-colored plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, circular with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and lightly colored",
+        "wings: petite, color-matching feathers",
+        "nape: gently curved and pale-bordered",
+        "tail: short, with narrow, banded feathers",
+        "throat: finely streaked, pale hues"
+    ],
+    "tit like dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: deep blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue cap",
+        "forehead: sapphire blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: slim, black with small claws",
+        "wings: lush blue with black edges",
+        "nape: gradient from blue to yellow",
+        "tail: long, black with pointed ends",
+        "throat: sunshine yellow color"
+    ],
+    "titicaca grebe": [
+        "back: dark brown to black plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown to chestnut coloring",
+        "crown: black with slight tuft",
+        "forehead: black with a white eye stripe",
+        "eyes: yellow with slight red tinge",
+        "legs: thick, greenish-yellow, and webbed",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black with white tips",
+        "nape: black, extending to the neck",
+        "tail: short, dark brown to black",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "toco toucan": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: large, vibrant orange and black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers, black border",
+        "crown: black with a hint of blue sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright blue encircled by yellow skin",
+        "legs: short, stout, and blue-gray",
+        "wings: black with vibrant blue tips",
+        "nape: black, with subtle blue iridescence",
+        "tail: long with black feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black plumage"
+    ],
+    "tocuyo sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: whitish-gray, sometimes tinted with beige",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with brown markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by grayish feathers",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black and white markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: relatively long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "todd antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper body",
+        "beak: slim, pointed bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: lightly streaked grayish-white",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored cap",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, tiny with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint feather bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow with white outer edges",
+        "throat: smooth, grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "todd sirystes": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and curved",
+        "belly: whitish with faint brown barring",
+        "breast: buff with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish with a concealed orange-brown crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wingbars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tody motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight iridescence",
+        "beak: relatively short and straight, black in color",
+        "belly: light blue with a hint of green",
+        "breast: bright turquoise hue",
+        "crown: deep turquoise-blue with a small crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue with dark eye-line extending through the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a white semi-circular line below",
+        "legs: short and slender, black in color",
+        "wings: green with black flight feathers and a hint of blue",
+        "nape: rich turquoise-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: elongated with a unique racket-like shape, blue and black in color",
+        "throat: pale turquoise-blue with a slight fading towards the belly"
+    ],
+    "togian boobook": [
+        "back: dark brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, strong, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: dark brown and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: large, piercing, yellow",
+        "legs: gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown, white spots, and well-rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "togian golden bulbul": [
+        "back: bright olive-green",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with a tinge of green",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green color, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: bright golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a faint yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and stout, dark in color",
+        "wings: olive-green with a mix of yellow, rounded feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, matching the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and slightly forked, olive-green with golden edges",
+        "throat: vibrant golden-yellow, complementing the forehead"
+    ],
+    "togian white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green hue that blends with foliage",
+        "beak: short and black, well-suited for insect-catching",
+        "belly: white and fluffy, adding cuteness to its appearance",
+        "breast: pale white, complementing the belly",
+        "crown: bright yellow, easily catching attention",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow, standing out in the forest",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by white eye-rings",
+        "legs: short and gray, perfect for perching on branches",
+        "wings: dark green, with yellow accents for subtle flair",
+        "nape: olive-green, consistent with back coloring",
+        "tail: elongated and dark green, with white tips for added contrast",
+        "throat: white and unassuming, completing the soft appearance"
+    ],
+    "togo paradise whydah": [
+        "back: elongated black feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant orange-yellow hue",
+        "breast: transitioning white to orange-yellow",
+        "crown: sleek black with slight sheen",
+        "forehead: black plumage with a smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: beady, black surrounded by white",
+        "legs: slender, grey and agile",
+        "wings: primarily black with white streaks",
+        "nape: midnight black feathers",
+        "tail: dramatically long, ribbon-like feathers",
+        "throat: white blending into golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "tolima blossomcrown": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft olive-green with yellow tinge",
+        "crown: radiant reddish-pink iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with hidden pink patch",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to pinkish crown",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow, blending with belly"
+    ],
+    "tolima dove": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, black and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray plumage",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: gray with slight white edging",
+        "nape: light gray feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "tomtit": [
+        "back: small, sleek feathers with varied shades of gray",
+        "beak: short, sharp, pointed, suited for picking insects",
+        "belly: pale gray or cream-colored, soft feathers",
+        "breast: subtle gray and beige coloration with fine plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray or black helmet-like appearance",
+        "forehead: small, dark gray and often slightly stubbier than crown",
+        "eyes: black, round, bead-like, surrounded by lighter feathers",
+        "legs: short, slender, black or grey with small foot",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with black, gray, and white feathers",
+        "nape: lighter shade of gray or cream-colored feathers at back of neck",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with black-and-white banded feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray or cream-colored feathers separate from breast"
+    ],
+    "tongan megapode": [
+        "back: brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brown with a hint of gray",
+        "breast: reddish-brown feathers with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers merging with the nape",
+        "forehead: lighter brown feathers fading towards the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: robust, yellowish-brown with strong feet",
+        "wings: brown feathers with dark tips and lighter edges",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers flowing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, straight, brown feathers with dark bands",
+        "throat: light brown to grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "tongan whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: hooked-shaped and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark olive-green head",
+        "forehead: continuous olive-green coloring",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bold lemon-yellow coloring"
+    ],
+    "tooth billed bowerbird": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale grayish-horn color",
+        "belly: light olive-green plumage",
+        "breast: olive-green with spotted dark feathers",
+        "crown: blackish, glossy iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-green plumage",
+        "eyes: black with narrow whitish eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark olive-green, slightly shiny",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage, slightly darker than belly",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green with faint banding",
+        "throat: light olive-green with faint, darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "tooth billed hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale white with hints of green",
+        "breast: light green iridescence",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green",
+        "forehead: bright green shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: rapidly flapping, iridescent green",
+        "nape: glistening green with metallic hues",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark with green sheen",
+        "throat: iridescent green with golden highlights"
+    ],
+    "tooth billed wren": [
+        "back: sleek brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white underbelly",
+        "breast: mixed brown and white plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown crest",
+        "forehead: shades of light brown",
+        "eyes: small black dots with white outline",
+        "legs: thin and strong, dark gray",
+        "wings: brown and white patterned feathers",
+        "nape: light brown hues",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish with brown specks"
+    ],
+    "topknot pigeon": [
+        "back: grayish-blue, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale-colored, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-blue, prominent plumage",
+        "crown: elongated, spiky feathers standing upward",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers transitioning from beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish, short, with strong claws",
+        "wings: broad, blue-gray feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers with white edges",
+        "tail: long, grayish-blue feathers with broad white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with adjacent plumage"
+    ],
+    "toro olive greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow",
+        "breast: slightly mottled olive-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark round eyes with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light gray",
+        "wings: broad with dark edge and olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: distinctively olive-green",
+        "tail: long, slightly rounded with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-yellow"
+    ],
+    "torrent duck": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black tip",
+        "belly: pale white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: bright white or creamy plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown or black feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter, cream-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, webbed, orange feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale white or cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "torrent flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: light cream-colored underbelly",
+        "breast: subtly streaked, buff-toned breast feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-brown crest with thin white border",
+        "forehead: short white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: round, black, and bright with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark, and strong",
+        "wings: pointed, grayish-brown, with white wingbars",
+        "nape: mottled gray-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, forked, with dark brown rectrices",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, and clean-looking"
+    ],
+    "torrent tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with soft plumage",
+        "breast: light yellow merging into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: unmarked olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker wing bars",
+        "nape: smooth olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "torrent lark": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: light brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: lighter brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, centered in white rings",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown, thin and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white and black markings",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle grey streaks",
+        "tail: straight, brownish-grey feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white, with light brown streaks at the sides"
+    ],
+    "torresian crow": [
+        "back: jet black, glossy plumage",
+        "beak: straight, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: slightly rounded, black feathers",
+        "breast: sleek black feathers, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: flat, black feathers, atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers, above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, black legs with scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad, black feathers, used for strong flight",
+        "nape: black feathers, located right above the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black, slightly rounded feathers",
+        "throat: black, sleek feathers, found under the head and chin"
+    ],
+    "torresian imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, pale yellow",
+        "belly: slightly paler grey than back",
+        "breast: white, blending into grey belly",
+        "crown: smooth, pearl-white feathers",
+        "forehead: white, continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: small, with bright orange iris",
+        "legs: short, dark red with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, powerful, light grey",
+        "nape: pearl-white, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, grey, tapering tips",
+        "throat: white, meeting the breast area"
+    ],
+    "torresian kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: white with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: bright blue with a streak of white",
+        "forehead: white stripe below the blue crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white patch around them",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black tips",
+        "nape: white with blue streaks",
+        "tail: long blue feathers with black bands",
+        "throat: pure white feathers"
+    ],
+    "toucan barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant shades of green",
+        "beak: substantial, multi-colored",
+        "belly: fiery reddish-orange",
+        "breast: rich emerald green",
+        "crown: deep blue-violet",
+        "forehead: striking blue hue",
+        "eyes: round and dark, encircled by blue",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with noticeable red shoulder patch",
+        "nape: deep green seamlessly blending into the back",
+        "tail: greenish-blue with subtle red undertones",
+        "throat: stunning bright red"
+    ],
+    "tourmaline sunangel": [
+        "back: iridescent green and radiant",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with hints of green",
+        "breast: vibrant metallic green",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green",
+        "forehead: shining green with a touch of gold",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: hovering-capable with sparkling green feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant green with metallic sheen",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, green and black",
+        "throat: dazzling ruby-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "townsend shearwater": [
+        "back: dark brown with soft feathers",
+        "beak: medium length, sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white and soft",
+        "breast: white with slight dark brown smudges",
+        "crown: dark brown rounding the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown towards the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: small and black with a surrounding white patch",
+        "legs: pinkish grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown, long and slender",
+        "nape: dark brown below the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, slender, wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white with soft dark brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "townsend storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with speckled pattern",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: somewhat lighter grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark and rounded",
+        "legs: short and slender, black in color",
+        "wings: long, dark grayish-brown with black edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, slightly lighter than back feathers",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown, forked with white markings on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning into speckled grayish pattern"
+    ],
+    "tractrac chat": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and medium-sized",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow black band above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive black orbs",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark gray or black",
+        "wings: gray-brown feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: smoothly transition from black crown to brown back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: whitish, with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "transvolcanic jay": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray or white with faint barring",
+        "breast: blue-gray coloration, fading to white towards the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue or black feathers, forming a crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers, contrasting with the darker crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, black, and long for grasping branches",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with black tips and white wing bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathered, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long with blue feathers, white tips, and black subterminal band",
+        "throat: light gray to white, mirroring the belly coloration"
+    ],
+    "tree martin": [
+        "back: dark, glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: shiny blue-black color",
+        "forehead: sleek, blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, black, and strong",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and blue-black",
+        "nape: smooth, glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: forked, with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "tree pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cream with streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with spots",
+        "crown: brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender with brownish-grey color",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brown with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint spots"
+    ],
+    "tres marias hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long and straight, black color",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent green, shimmering",
+        "crown: shining green, slightly blue hue",
+        "forehead: bright green, reflecting sunlight",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: delicate and thin, black color",
+        "wings: rapid movement, iridescent green",
+        "nape: green with a hint of blue, smooth transition",
+        "tail: forked, dark green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: glistening red, eye-catching"
+    ],
+    "tricolored brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: gray with a yellowish hue",
+        "crown: dark gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray coloring",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: stout, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: black with olive-green edges",
+        "nape: dark gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black streaks"
+    ],
+    "tricolored munia": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale silver-grey",
+        "belly: off-white plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-brown hues",
+        "crown: black cap-like feature",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker edges",
+        "nape: black coloration",
+        "tail: elongated dark feathers",
+        "throat: black with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "tricolored parrotfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: reddish-orange and strong",
+        "belly: bright red plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant red feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue or turquoise color",
+        "forehead: blue or turquoise feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mix of green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: turquoise or blue coloration",
+        "tail: long and greenish-blue",
+        "throat: bright red feathers"
+    ],
+    "trilling cisticola": [
+        "back: brownish-olive with streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with some brown tinge",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown with streaking",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown fading to rufous-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with black tips and white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, sometimes streaked"
+    ],
+    "trilling shrike babbler": [
+        "back: distinct scaly pattern, gray-brown color",
+        "beak: short, hooked, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with light gray-brown sides",
+        "breast: pale gray-white, feathers with a subtle pattern",
+        "crown: gray-brown with black streaking",
+        "forehead: grayish, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, barred with black and gray",
+        "nape: gray-brown, continuous with crown pattern",
+        "tail: long, graduated, dark brown with lighter brown tips",
+        "throat: creamy white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "trilling tapaculo": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with indistinct barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint markings",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, slate-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: brownish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: short and rounded, slate-gray",
+        "nape: slate-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, slate-gray",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "trindade petrel": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown coloration",
+        "beak: black, hooked and powerful",
+        "belly: white or light gray underparts",
+        "breast: white or light gray with minimal streaking",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized, and slightly forward-facing",
+        "legs: strong, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark grayish-brown on the upper side, lighter on the underside",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown, continuous from the crown",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown, relatively short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray with faint dark streaking"
+    ],
+    "trinidad euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green color",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark-grey",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: vivid yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue-black plumage",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathered region",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark-grey, and slender",
+        "wings: yellow-green with dark edges",
+        "nape: blue-black colored area connecting the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "trinidad motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent blue streaks",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy beige blending into the warm chestnut breast",
+        "breast: warm chestnut color with a soft texture",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green, bordered by a black band",
+        "forehead: vivid pale blue with hints of light green",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with a bold surrounding black eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: multicolored with blue-green, black, and chestnut bands",
+        "nape: iridescent blue streaks fading into the green back",
+        "tail: long, twin black feathers ending in racket-shaped tips",
+        "throat: bright turquoise-blue bordered by slim black lines"
+    ],
+    "trinidad piping guan": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black plumage",
+        "beak: short and light-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey with white flecks",
+        "breast: dusky-grey with light feather fringes",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers with blue skin patch",
+        "forehead: brightly colored blue skin",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue facial skin",
+        "legs: long and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: iridescent green feathers with white bands",
+        "nape: black with small blue skin patch",
+        "tail: long with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers with a slight tuft"
+    ],
+    "tristan thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: curved, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with lighter highlights",
+        "forehead: pale orange-brown with fine brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, outlined with light feather ring",
+        "legs: long and slender with dark coloration",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter highlights",
+        "tail: brown with white edges and a forked shape",
+        "throat: off-white with faint brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "tristram bunting": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pale pink-gray",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and pink-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with black and white wingbars",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "tristram starling": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: light gray to white feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: glossy, dark green-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright, metallic green shading",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: elongated with glossy blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green-blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, slender, and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending with breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "tristram storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "beak: black, long, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white with dark grey speckles",
+        "breast: dark grey-black plumage",
+        "crown: grey-black with a prominent white patch",
+        "forehead: dark grey with slightly lighter edges",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, dark grey-black with white patches",
+        "nape: dark grey-black with white streaks",
+        "tail: forked, dark grey-black with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey to off-white, slightly speckled"
+    ],
+    "tristram warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brownish-yellow",
+        "breast: creamy-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "trocaz pigeon": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale pinkish-gray color",
+        "belly: light gray feathers transitioning to pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers with greenish-purple iridescence",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with slight purple sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by light gray skin",
+        "legs: dark red with short visible feathers, strong scaled feet",
+        "wings: dark gray primaries with green sheen, lighter secondaries",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers, purple iridescence fading towards back",
+        "tail: dark gray feathers with a wide black band near the tip",
+        "throat: light gray feathers leading to grayish-white on upper throat"
+    ],
+    "tropeiro seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: light gray or buffy-white feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers transitioning from the throat",
+        "crown: dark gray or black feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: slight contrast with the crown, lighter gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a black pupil surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown with three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers, outer edges with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: black feathers with white outer edges, moderately long and forked",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers, forming a distinct border with the breast"
+    ],
+    "tropical boubou": [
+        "back: vibrant, dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, light-colored underbelly",
+        "breast: prominent, deep chest",
+        "crown: distinctive, patterned head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, sleek plumage",
+        "eyes: alert, round and piercing",
+        "legs: long, slender and strong",
+        "wings: elaborate, colorful patterns",
+        "nape: beautiful, contrasting neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, elegant and expressive feathers",
+        "throat: delicate, unique feather pattern"
+    ],
+    "tropical gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, thin and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft tinge",
+        "breast: light gray and smooth",
+        "crown: black with white or blue edges",
+        "forehead: sleek, blue-gray shading",
+        "eyes: tiny, dark and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray with a subtle transition",
+        "tail: long with white edges, black in males, gray in females",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "tropical mockingbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: streaked gray and white plumage",
+        "crown: grayish head feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: pale gray plumage",
+        "tail: gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "tropical parula": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green hue",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-orange tint",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bluish-gray coloration",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue streak",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: blue-green with white bars",
+        "nape: bluish-gray transition from the crown",
+        "tail: short, blue-green with white edges",
+        "throat: vivid yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "tropical screech owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray plumage with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: pale white with bold brown stripes",
+        "breast: creamy white with thick, vertical brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with black mottling and fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: rounded, covered with brown and white speckles",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, strong, and yellowish-gray in color",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint white bars and rounded tips",
+        "nape: streaked with black, brown, and white feathers",
+        "tail: brown with faint white bars and rounded shape",
+        "throat: pale white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "tropical scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "belly: light, cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: contrasting pale eyebrow",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and dark-edged feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "tropical shearwater": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale, soft feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant, colorful plumage",
+        "crown: dark, defined head crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, tapering curve",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, and striking",
+        "legs: slender, powerful, and webbed",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, and strong",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: tapered, forked, and flexible",
+        "throat: delicate, light-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "truk monarch": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bold yellow with white streaks",
+        "breast: light gray coloring",
+        "crown: striking black and white pattern",
+        "forehead: black feathers extended from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a contrasting white outline",
+        "legs: short, black, and strong",
+        "wings: black feathers with white and blue accents",
+        "nape: white feathers mixed with olive-gray",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers with apricot crest"
+    ],
+    "truk white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale green, soft plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight green tinge",
+        "forehead: black, contrasting stripes",
+        "eyes: large, white eyerings, bright pinpoint pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-gray",
+        "wings: forest green, well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark green feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-green, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "trumpet manucode": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and curved",
+        "belly: shiny black feathers",
+        "breast: glistening bluish-purple",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage",
+        "forehead: deep shiny indigo",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange",
+        "legs: black, short and stout",
+        "wings: iridescent dark blue-black",
+        "nape: metallic blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped black feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering blue-purple"
+    ],
+    "trumpeter finch": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and ivory-colored",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-brown",
+        "crown: light brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange in adult males, light brown in females and juveniles",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blackish with white markings and reddish-brown shoulder patches",
+        "nape: light brown with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "trumpeter hornbill": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: large curved reddish-brown horn",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth black feathering",
+        "crown: black with a broad white band",
+        "forehead: flat black crest",
+        "eyes: bright with dark brown irises",
+        "legs: long, dark and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad black feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: black plumage with a white collar",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathered with a black border"
+    ],
+    "tsavo sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: deep red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: metallic green-blue hue",
+        "forehead: brilliant green-blue sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: glossy greenish-blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich greenish-blue coloration",
+        "tail: short, forked, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant red-orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "tschudi nightjar": [
+        "back: greyish-brown with blackish mottling",
+        "beak: thin, short, slightly hooked dark bill",
+        "belly: greyish-brown with faint dark barring",
+        "breast: pale with brownish speckling and thin vertical dark bars",
+        "crown: dark brown with paler mottling",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown with dark bars",
+        "eyes: large, dark, bordered by pale eyering",
+        "legs: short, pale brown with short dark bars",
+        "wings: long and brownish with dark mottling and a broad white wingbar",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with faint dark markings",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale bands and white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale greyish-brown with thin dark bars"
+    ],
+    "tschudi tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a subtle brownish tint",
+        "beak: short, stout, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray or white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: gray with faint brownish markings",
+        "crown: dark gray, sometimes slightly crested",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with fine, darker streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and inconspicuous",
+        "legs: long, thin, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with faint, fine barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, sometimes streaked",
+        "tail: short, rounded, dark gray with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale gray or white, occasionally streaked"
+    ],
+    "tsingy wood rail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout, hooked, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: white with dark barring",
+        "breast: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: dark with red stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray to white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, strong, orange-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white bars",
+        "nape: red stripe extending from crown",
+        "tail: short, dark feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "tuamotu kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: thick, black, and stout",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: white to pale-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: blue-green feathers with lighter margin",
+        "forehead: bluish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black outline",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: blue-green feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers with lighter margin",
+        "tail: blue-green with black bars and white markings",
+        "throat: white to pale-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "tuamotu reed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with light streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks, rounded shape",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-brown with slight white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "tuamotu sandpiper": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with fine dark speckles",
+        "crown: deep brown fading to lighter brown",
+        "forehead: light brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange, thin",
+        "wings: light brown with dark brown feathers, barred pattern",
+        "nape: pale brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "tucuman mountain finch": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: robust, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale gray underneath",
+        "breast: light gray-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with dusky streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green, streaked with black",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to gray",
+        "tail: dark brown with olive-green outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "tucuman parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers and strong muscles",
+        "beak: robust and hooked, light beige color",
+        "belly: soft green feathers, lighter shade than the back",
+        "breast: bright green with occasional blue feathers",
+        "crown: emerald green with a slight curve",
+        "forehead: green feathers transitioning to blue near the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: large and green, with outer feathers tipped in blue",
+        "nape: green feathers with a slight curve towards the back",
+        "tail: long and green with a blue tip, good for balance",
+        "throat: light green feathers, slightly paler than the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "tufted antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-gray with a crest-like tuft",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown fading to olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "tufted coquette": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, needle-like and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with greenish tinge",
+        "breast: golden-green with beige patches",
+        "crown: bright orange crest with iridescent purple tufts",
+        "forehead: shining green with golden edges",
+        "eyes: round, black and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-green",
+        "wings: iridescent green and bronze flight feathers",
+        "nape: shining golden-green",
+        "tail: long, green-black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: glittering green plumage"
+    ],
+    "tufted duck": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: black with a blue-grey stripe along the middle",
+        "belly: pure white",
+        "breast: glossy black",
+        "crown: gently sloping black crest",
+        "forehead: merger with the crown, black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright golden-yellow",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark blue with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dropped black feathers on the back of the head",
+        "tail: short, black feathers",
+        "throat: shiny black plumage"
+    ],
+    "tufted flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-olive with tufted crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, bordered by faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "tufted jay": [
+        "back: bright blue plumage with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: white plumage transitioning to blue",
+        "crown: tufted crest of blue and black feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers meeting the blue crest",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a black outline",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with black and white accents",
+        "nape: white plumage merging into blue",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black and white bands",
+        "throat: soft white feathers contrasting with blue breast"
+    ],
+    "tufted puffin": [
+        "back: dark-colored feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: vibrant, orange-yellow, large and laterally compressed",
+        "belly: white feathers with a creamy hue",
+        "breast: dark, dense feathers with lighter edges",
+        "crown: black feathers that extend into a shaggy tuft",
+        "forehead: black feathers merging into the beak seamlessly",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white ring surrounding them",
+        "legs: bright orange with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: short and pointy, black with a notable white patch",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into the tufted crown",
+        "tail: narrow, black feathers of medium length",
+        "throat: white feathers with a slight curvature, darker near the beak"
+    ],
+    "tufted tit spinetail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: lighter grey with brownish tinges",
+        "breast: greyish-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: grey with a conspicuous crest",
+        "forehead: grey, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "nape: grey with a bit of streaking",
+        "tail: long, brown, and graduated",
+        "throat: pale grey with a short, thin collar"
+    ],
+    "tufted tit tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with sleek feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with gray undertones",
+        "breast: light gray, soft feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive crest, grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light gray, smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, nimble",
+        "wings: olive-green, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: lighter gray with subtle markings",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brownish-gray",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "tui parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: turquoise and yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bluish-green feathers with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green band",
+        "eyes: dark with pale yellow eye rings",
+        "legs: slender, grey-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rich green with bluish tinges",
+        "nape: glossy, dark turquoise",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with a black stripe"
+    ],
+    "tullberg woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, blackish",
+        "belly: pale, with thin dark striping",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: red on males, black on females",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark with white surrounding",
+        "legs: short, grayish",
+        "wings: black with white spots and patches",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black striping"
+    ],
+    "tumbes chat tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: blackish, short and broad",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: paler yellow with slight grayish markings",
+        "crown: dark gray with light edging",
+        "forehead: blackish-gray with white eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: blackish-gray, medium-length",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with light edging",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: white with grayish shading"
+    ],
+    "tumbes hummingbird": [
+        "back: shiny green with a bronzed hue",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: iridescent green with hints of blue",
+        "crown: vibrant green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: bright green shimmering in the light",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and black with tiny claws",
+        "wings: elongated, narrow, and iridescent green",
+        "nape: golden-green with a glossy finish",
+        "tail: forked with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: radiant green with hints of purple"
+    ],
+    "tumbes pewee": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloring",
+        "beak: short, dark, and hooked",
+        "belly: light yellowish hue",
+        "breast: pale with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brown fading to a lighter color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, short, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown and slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, and forked",
+        "throat: pale with brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "tumbes sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint streaks",
+        "breast: lightly streaked brownish-grey",
+        "crown: rusty brown with dark lines",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with rufous edges and blackish markings",
+        "nape: streaked brownish-gray",
+        "tail: long, rounded, and brownish-grey with dark lines",
+        "throat: creamy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "tumbes swallow": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short and black, suited for catching insects",
+        "belly: white with light gray flanks",
+        "breast: white, blending into gray on the sides",
+        "crown: dark gray with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: dark gray, fading into a white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and thin, dark gray in color",
+        "wings: long and pointed, slate-gray with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: slate-gray with a slight sheen, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long and forked, with a mix of gray and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, providing a sharp contrast to the gray head"
+    ],
+    "tumbes tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green with paler streaks",
+        "beak: thin, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with yellow undertones",
+        "crown: lightly streaked olive-gray",
+        "forehead: paler gray separating crown from eye line",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long, squared, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray fading to yellowish-white on belly"
+    ],
+    "tundra bean goose": [
+        "back: dark brown feathered with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: elongated orange and black with a slight downward curve",
+        "belly: lighter brown with faint darker streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut brown feathers with slight feathered markings",
+        "crown: smooth dark brown feathers blending into the back",
+        "forehead: lighter brown feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy orange legs with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: dark brown with intricate white and grey patterns",
+        "nape: thick neck with blended brown feathers",
+        "tail: short and pointed, with dark brown feathers and white edges",
+        "throat: lighter brown feathers contrasting with the darker surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "turati boubou": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black upperparts",
+        "beak: sturdy black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: off-white to pale gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with slight gloss",
+        "forehead: black and glossy",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: dark grayish-black with white wing patches",
+        "nape: black with slight gloss",
+        "tail: dark grayish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "turkestan ground jay": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with black markings",
+        "crown: bluish-grey crested",
+        "forehead: white with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, grey, and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black and white accents",
+        "nape: blue-grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "turkestan short toed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, yellowish with dark tip",
+        "belly: pale cream or whitish",
+        "breast: light buff with dark speckles",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: pale and slender",
+        "wings: brown, short and rounded, with pale fringes",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and brownish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish or light buff"
+    ],
+    "turner eremomela": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and sharp, light gray color",
+        "belly: light yellow undertones",
+        "breast: pale yellow-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright yellowish-orange patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, consistent with back coloration",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers, slightly darker than the body",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "turquoise cotinga": [
+        "back: iridescent turquoise-blue",
+        "beak: black and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "breast: radiant turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: eye-catching iridescent blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short and black with strong claws",
+        "wings: broad, bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "nape: shiny turquoise-blue with smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, iridescent blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: dazzling turquoise-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "turquoise dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish color",
+        "belly: light blue with a hint of green",
+        "breast: turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue, almost black cap",
+        "forehead: bright blue with subtle green hues",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black wing bars",
+        "nape: turquoise-blue contrasting with the dark crown",
+        "tail: long and blue, with black and white tips",
+        "throat: bright turquoise with a slight green tinge"
+    ],
+    "turquoise flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers that cover the dorsal side",
+        "beak: short, slim, black and curve-tipped",
+        "belly: pale white feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "breast: sky-blue feathers merging with the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue head feathers displaying a slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: gradient of rich blue to lighter blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert, encircled with blue plumage",
+        "legs: slim, delicate, and grayish-blue in color",
+        "wings: mix of vivid blue and black feathers, built for agile flying",
+        "nape: continuation of striking blue crown feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue and black feathers that fan out for balance",
+        "throat: white to pale blue feathers transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "turquoise jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong black hook",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: teal feathered chest",
+        "crown: lush blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: shiny black beads",
+        "legs: sturdy gray appendages",
+        "wings: wide turquoise feathers",
+        "nape: azure feathered neck",
+        "tail: long, blue-bordered feathers",
+        "throat: delicate white plumage"
+    ],
+    "turquoise parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved grayish-white beak",
+        "belly: light sky-blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: green and blue gradient",
+        "forehead: green and yellow mix",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim, gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: shades of green with blue edges",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: long green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: yellow with turquoise highlights"
+    ],
+    "turquoise tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, black in color",
+        "belly: turquoise blue with faint black markings",
+        "breast: bright turquoise blue feathers",
+        "crown: slightly darker blue compared to the back",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise blue shading to greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: turquoise blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue transitioning to greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: elongated, blackish-blue with white edges",
+        "throat: eye-catching yellow-greenish color"
+    ],
+    "turquoise browed motmot": [
+        "back: vivid green with a hint of blue",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "breast: greenish-blue with some lighter streaks",
+        "crown: deep blue with a black edge",
+        "forehead: black band separating the crown and face",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a black eye mask",
+        "legs: grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with turquoise-blue tips",
+        "nape: green with a slight blue tint",
+        "tail: long and racket-shaped with turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow with black markings"
+    ],
+    "turquoise crowned hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with green-blue streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise mixed with emerald green feathers",
+        "crown: striking bright turquoise with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering green-blue with a hint of purple",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown eyes",
+        "legs: short and thin, black in color",
+        "wings: long, slender with iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green-blue feathers smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: forked with gleaming green-blue feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: bright green with a tinge of turquoise, appears iridescent"
+    ],
+    "turquoise fronted parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharply curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light green with bluish tinge",
+        "breast: turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent turquoise-blue",
+        "forehead: striking turquoise feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent gaze, surrounded by ivory eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue edges",
+        "nape: rich green fading to turquoise-blue",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: bright, turquoise-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "turquoise throated barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pale-yellowish",
+        "belly: bright blue patch",
+        "breast: green with turquoise streaks",
+        "crown: red with purple-blue streaks",
+        "forehead: red and purple-blue",
+        "eyes: small, black and shiny",
+        "legs: short, grayish-green",
+        "wings: green with turquoise-blue tips",
+        "nape: green and blue streaks",
+        "tail: square-shaped, green with blue edges",
+        "throat: bright turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "turquoise winged parrotlet": [
+        "back: bright green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, light gray",
+        "belly: lighter green with some blue hues",
+        "breast: green feathers with a touch of turquoise",
+        "crown: greenish-blue plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue streak above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, rounded",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: turquoise blue on the outer edges, green inner feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to the blue crown",
+        "tail: green and blue feathers, elongated and pointed",
+        "throat: slightly lighter green feathers"
+    ],
+    "tuxtla quail dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint grayish scaling",
+        "beak: short and stout, light grayish",
+        "belly: pale buff with reddish-brown spots",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with brownish-red spots",
+        "crown: dull brownish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-brown with faint reddish tinge",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown with a pale gray eyering",
+        "legs: short and robust, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish-brown bars and buffy-white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint grayish scaling",
+        "tail: relatively long, brownish-black with buffy-white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with a slight reddish tinge"
+    ],
+    "twelve wired bird of paradise": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep velvety black with plush feathers",
+        "breast: satiny black with subtle iridescence",
+        "crown: lustrous golden-yellow plumage",
+        "forehead: sleek, black feathers blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with powerful feet for gripping branches",
+        "wings: deep black with flashes of green and blue",
+        "nape: yellow-green feathers transitioning to black",
+        "tail: long, black ribbon-like tail feathers with 12 unique wire-like filaments",
+        "throat: velvety black with striking iridescence"
+    ],
+    "twite": [
+        "back: brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: small, yellowish at base, horn-colored",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: pale buff or whitish",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: pinkish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown with pale buff wing-bars",
+        "nape: warm brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff or off-white"
+    ],
+    "two banded plover": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: short, thick, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white feathers with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with a black band",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with faint spots",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, outlined in white",
+        "legs: thin, yellowish-brown, slightly webbed",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white and black markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with light spots",
+        "tail: elongated feathers, brownish-grey with black band and white tips",
+        "throat: bright white feathers with tan hints on sides"
+    ],
+    "two banded puffbird": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, short, and black",
+        "belly: white with brown banding",
+        "breast: white with bold brown banding",
+        "crown: brown with a dense white streak",
+        "forehead: light brown with a white streak above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, grayish, and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with white-spotted coverts",
+        "nape: light brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown-feathered with white tips",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "two banded warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint stripes",
+        "breast: soft yellow with light banding",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with a black stripe",
+        "eyes: black, beady, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grey-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two distinctive white bands",
+        "nape: olive-green merging into crown color",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "two barred warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint barring",
+        "breast: cream-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark with fine pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: gray with darker streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-brown with darker bars",
+        "throat: white with gray streaking"
+    ],
+    "tylas vanga": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with subtle white markings",
+        "crown: deep blue with greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: bright blue with a touch of green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark blue with lighter blue feather edges",
+        "nape: deep blue, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long and blue, with slightly lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine, darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "tyrannine woodcreeper": [
+        "back: streaked, dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaked markings",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, grey, and scaly",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: streaked brown with lighter bordering",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, and rigid",
+        "throat: paler brown, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "tyrian metaltail": [
+        "back: iridescent green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: long and thin, black color",
+        "belly: grayish-white with greenish tinges",
+        "breast: bright emerald green, shimmering",
+        "crown: vibrant purple, slightly iridescent",
+        "forehead: brilliant green with a slight metallic shine",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and strong",
+        "wings: metallic green with blackish edges, medium-sized",
+        "nape: bright violet, transitioning to green",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent purple with green edges",
+        "throat: gleaming golden-green"
+    ],
+    "tytler leaf warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, blackish above, paler below",
+        "belly: pale yellow, faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green, streaked",
+        "crown: yellowish-green, faint central stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, delicate",
+        "wings: olive-green, blackish edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, slightly paler than back",
+        "tail: olive-green, blackish tips, forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "udzungwa partridge": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish",
+        "belly: off-white with black markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown interspersed with white",
+        "crown: chestnut brown",
+        "forehead: buff to grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint black eye-ring",
+        "legs : strong and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with streaks and reddish-brown patches",
+        "nape: chestnut brown with a hint of gray",
+        "tail: medium length, dark brown with a white-tipped outer edge",
+        "throat: buff-white with subtle dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "uganda woodland warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow upperparts and darker olive upperwings",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white and unmarked",
+        "breast: pale yellow with possible faint streaking",
+        "crown: grayish with subtle rufous streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-yellow blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish or brownish-gray",
+        "wings: dark olive with yellow edges and two faint wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, continuous with back",
+        "tail: dark olive, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ultramarine flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointy, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale white with delicate streaks",
+        "breast: rich blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: strong, slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: striking blue with black edges",
+        "nape: vibrant blue, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: vivid blue, transitioning to paler belly"
+    ],
+    "ultramarine grosbeak": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: large, strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: lighter blue plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant blue feathers",
+        "crown: intense blue feathers",
+        "forehead: striking blue color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, inquisitive",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray in color",
+        "wings: bright blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: attractive blue hue",
+        "tail: long, blue with black tips",
+        "throat: iridescent blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "ultramarine kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, dark, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: white with blue streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant royal blue",
+        "crown: striking blue with a shimmer",
+        "forehead: bright blue with a subtle sheen",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: short and dark, with strong toes",
+        "wings: dazzling blue feathers featuring white patches",
+        "nape: turquoise-blue streaked with black",
+        "tail: elongated with dominant blue feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: white with a hint of blue shading"
+    ],
+    "ultramarine lorikeet": [
+        "back: stunning deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: vibrant orange-red",
+        "belly: bright blue plumage",
+        "breast: ultramarine coloring",
+        "crown: striking blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: royal blue accent",
+        "eyes: intelligent dark gaze",
+        "legs: thin, grey-blue scaly",
+        "wings: elegant ultramarine flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich blue neck plumage",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers",
+        "throat: vivid blue front feathers"
+    ],
+    "uluguru bushshrike": [
+        "back: olive green with streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: greenish-blue with black markings",
+        "forehead: same color as the crown, greenish-blue",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, dark brown",
+        "legs: greyish-black, slender",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: olive green",
+        "tail: short, olive green with black markings",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "uluguru mountain greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: soft green feathers with streaks",
+        "crown: dark green feathered top",
+        "forehead: tiny feathers slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green and well-rounded for swift flight",
+        "nape: transition between dark green crown and lighter back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with bright green feathers",
+        "throat: delicate green with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "uluguru violet backed sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale-grey feathers",
+        "breast: vivid violet-blue plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant violet-blue crest",
+        "forehead: shiny violet-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, feathered neck",
+        "tail: long and slender with blue-violet feathers",
+        "throat: rich, violet-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "unadorned flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle spotting",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray plumage",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and long for perching",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: soft gray feathers transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: straight, dark gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with a clean, unmarked appearance"
+    ],
+    "undulated antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown with dark markings",
+        "breast: rich buff with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with thin, dark brown streaks",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, olive-brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct dark brown bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks, like the crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, olive-brown with dark brown barring",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "undulated antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black undulating pattern",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: short, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black and white scaling with long, slightly curved shape",
+        "nape: smooth gray transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped with a graduated shape",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "undulated tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with wavy black barring",
+        "beak: curved and pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark bars",
+        "breast: creamy white with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with olive streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff stripe above eye",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: slate gray or bluish-gray",
+        "wings: short, rounded with barred markings",
+        "nape: hints of purple sheen",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with light speckles"
+    ],
+    "unicolored antwren": [
+        "back: sleek, unicolored feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, unicolored",
+        "belly: smooth, unicolored plumage",
+        "breast: soft, unicolored feathers",
+        "crown: rounded, uniform head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, unicolored contour",
+        "eyes: small, round, unicolored-framed",
+        "legs: slender, unicolored limbs",
+        "wings: unicolored, streamlined feathers",
+        "nape: unicolored, elegant neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, unicolored, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, unicolored, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "unicolored blackbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: glossy black feathers",
+        "crown: jet black crest",
+        "forehead: shiny black sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, beady gaze",
+        "legs: slender black limbs",
+        "wings: onyx-black, outstretched",
+        "nape: shining black neckline",
+        "tail: inky black feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming black underbelly"
+    ],
+    "unicolored jay": [
+        "back: smooth unicolored feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed unicolored beak",
+        "belly: slightly rounded unicolored underbelly",
+        "breast: full chest of unicolored plumage",
+        "crown: sleek unicolored crest",
+        "forehead: flat unicolored brow",
+        "eyes: small, sharp unicolored eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy unicolored legs",
+        "wings: wide, unicolored flight feathers",
+        "nape: delicate unicolored neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped unicolored tail",
+        "throat: smooth unicolored throat plumage"
+    ],
+    "unicolored tapaculo": [
+        "back: solid, uniform color",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: unicolored, matching body",
+        "breast: smooth, consistent color",
+        "crown: single-toned, unremarkable",
+        "forehead: smoothly colored, unadorned",
+        "eyes: small, inconspicuous",
+        "legs: slender, matching body color",
+        "wings: seamless, unicolored feathers",
+        "nape: uninterrupted, consistent color",
+        "tail: short, uniformly colored",
+        "throat: simple, evenly toned"
+    ],
+    "unicolored thrush": [
+        "back: smooth, unicolored feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, unicolored",
+        "belly: curved, unicolored plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, unicolored feathers",
+        "crown: top of head, unicolored",
+        "forehead: flat, unicolored area",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: slender, unicolored, with scaled texture",
+        "wings: medium length, unicolored, with flight feathers",
+        "nape: back of neck, unicolored, with feathers",
+        "tail: long, unicolored, with fanned feathers",
+        "throat: frontal neck, unicolored, with soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "uniform antshrike": [
+        "back: black and white streaked pattern",
+        "beak: short, strong, hooked final",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: bold black feathers",
+        "forehead: white streaked with gray",
+        "eyes: black rounded with white edges",
+        "legs: long, strong, and pale",
+        "wings: black feathers with white markings",
+        "nape: black with some gray streaking",
+        "tail: long black and white bars",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "uniform crake": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale whitish grey",
+        "breast: light brown with faint darker stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight grey streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish grey",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: slender and yellowish brown",
+        "wings: rounded, dark brown with some white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown with grey streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with a faint brownish hue"
+    ],
+    "uniform finch": [
+        "back: smooth, patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, seed-crushing",
+        "belly: pale, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: lightly-streaked, chestnut",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, even-toned",
+        "forehead: rounded, subtly distinct",
+        "eyes: alert, black, beady",
+        "legs: slender, scaled, strong",
+        "wings: barred, compact, agile",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, notched, swift",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, contrasting"
+    ],
+    "uniform swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: small, narrow, and sharp",
+        "belly: light, gently curved",
+        "breast: rounded, pale plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "forehead: subtle gradient to eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, and black",
+        "legs: short, slender, and hidden",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: dark, blending into crown",
+        "tail: forked, tapered, and flexible",
+        "throat: pale, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "uniform treehunter": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish tinges",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: brownish-olive, slightly forked",
+        "throat: buff-gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "uniform woodcreeper": [
+        "back: streaked brown with fine markings",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and brownish-gray",
+        "belly: buff-colored with subtle barring",
+        "breast: pale brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with fine white bars",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with slight rufous hue",
+        "throat: buff-colored with inconspicuous markings"
+    ],
+    "unspotted saw whet owl": [
+        "back: rich brown with dense white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with dense white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: light brown with dense white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, luminous, yellow orbs",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with distinctive white spots",
+        "nape: light brown with dense white streaking",
+        "tail: brown with white bands and fine spots",
+        "throat: creamy white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "unstreaked tit tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: ash gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with gray edges",
+        "nape: grayish coloration",
+        "tail: relatively long, dark gray",
+        "throat: light gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "upcher warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish underparts with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-grey with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with a short primary projection",
+        "nape: olive-grey with dark streaking",
+        "tail: square-ended with a white tip on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "upland antshrike": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale buff to white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: rufous or reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale-yellow eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, long, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: matching color to crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: contrasting white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "upland buzzard": [
+        "back: brown and white mottled feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, light grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: white with dark vertical stripes",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: featherless, dull yellow",
+        "wings: long and wide, brown with white markings",
+        "nape: mottled brown and white",
+        "tail: alternating brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "upland goose": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with subtle white markings",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: long white feathers with a hint of pale gray",
+        "breast: white and densely feathered",
+        "crown: light brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: strong and pinkish-yellow, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and powerful, with a mix of brown and white feathers",
+        "nape: light brown and well-defined, connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, with brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers that lead down into the breast"
+    ],
+    "upland pipit": [
+        "back: streaked brown and buff",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with buff stripes",
+        "forehead: streaked, buffy-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: buff and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ural owl": [
+        "back: mottled gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, hooked, and pale gray",
+        "belly: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: rounded, mottled gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and slightly forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, gray, with strong talons",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, and mottled gray-brown",
+        "nape: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and squared-off with dark gray bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine horizontal streaks"
+    ],
+    "urich tyrannulet": [
+        "back: greenish-olive hue",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: light greyish-green",
+        "crown: dark grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish-grey",
+        "eyes: black, beady",
+        "legs: slender, light pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with black tips",
+        "nape: greenish-grey",
+        "tail: long with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey"
+    ],
+    "urrao antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale gray with white sides",
+        "breast: warm rust-colored",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending to rufous on crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray with long toes",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with subtle barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: white with thin black mottling"
+    ],
+    "ursula sunbird": [
+        "back: radiant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slender, downward-curving black bill",
+        "belly: white with pale-yellow tinges",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue crest",
+        "forehead: sleek metallic green",
+        "eyes: alert, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, dark-grey limbs",
+        "wings: striking lustrous blue with orange edges",
+        "nape: shimmering greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, forked with lustrous blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant orange with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "urubamba antpitta": [
+        "back: dark brown with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black spots",
+        "forehead: pale brown with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish, with black claws",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black bars and white edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, rufous-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with black and white streaks"
+    ],
+    "usambara akalat": [
+        "back: olive-brown hue with faint white spots",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint olive tinges",
+        "breast: white with distinct black markings",
+        "crown: rich chestnut with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: light rufous with a narrow black band",
+        "eyes: dark brown and round",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey with four toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown, moderately long and square-ended",
+        "throat: white with visible black markings"
+    ],
+    "usambara double collared sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with an iridescent shine",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black bill for sipping nectar",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage, fading towards the tail",
+        "breast: deep metallic blue band separating the belly from the throat",
+        "crown: glossy green head feathers with a slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green meeting the beak base",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert, surrounded by greenish plumage",
+        "legs: slim, dark and almost hidden in fluffy yellow feathers",
+        "wings: iridescent green feathers with darker, black edges",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: black, elongated central feathers with contrasting white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant metallic blue upper throat, with a vibrant red collar below"
+    ],
+    "usambara greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint yellow hue",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow bars",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with faint yellow bars",
+        "throat: pale yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "usambara hyliota": [
+        "back: olive green with subtle yellow streaks",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: lemon yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine olive streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green blends into the forehead",
+        "forehead: olive green with muted streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive green with yellowish edges and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive green with inconspicuous streaks",
+        "tail: olive green with yellowish edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow with fine olive streaks"
+    ],
+    "usambara thrush": [
+        "back: earthy brown with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, straight, charcoal black",
+        "belly: off-white fading to creamy buff",
+        "breast: pale cream with distinct black spots",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: blends seamlessly with the crown's chestnut hue",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a small ring of white feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, muddy grey-brown",
+        "wings: brown with contrasting white wing bars",
+        "nape: rich chestnut blending with the back's earthy brown",
+        "tail: chocolate brown with a white tip",
+        "throat: softly dotted with black, blending into the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "usambara weaver": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: yellow with faint white streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: bright yellow feathers",
+        "tail: greenish, long, and pointed",
+        "throat: yellow, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "ussher flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: short and thick",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: pale yellow with greyish streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with a crest",
+        "forehead: grey and slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and small",
+        "legs: long and black",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grey extending from the crown",
+        "tail: long and forked, dark grey",
+        "throat: whitish-grey and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "utcubamba tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray with brownish hues",
+        "beak: short and stout, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with fine brown spots",
+        "forehead: smooth gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellow-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with brownish edges and bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark gray with brown bars, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "van dam vanga": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage with a bluish tint",
+        "beak: thick, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with some light gray streaks",
+        "breast: white and slightly speckled",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with bluish sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a narrow ring of pale feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray and strong",
+        "wings: dark gray, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: dark gray with a bluish tint, like the back and crown",
+        "tail: dark gray, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white and slightly speckled"
+    ],
+    "van hasselt sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant metallic green",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: iridescent green-blue",
+        "crown: shining deep blue",
+        "forehead: gleaming metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: thin, black and twig-like",
+        "wings: deep blue tail feathers with greenish hues",
+        "nape: metallic green and blue iridescence",
+        "tail: elongated, narrow, forked with blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering deep blue"
+    ],
+    "vanikoro flycatcher": [
+        "back: greenish-brown mantle, streaks of olive",
+        "beak: small, sturdy, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow, softly feathered",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow, distinct contrast",
+        "crown: pale blue-gray, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-gray hue",
+        "eyes: dark, pronounced black ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: short, slightly curved, dark brown",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, subtly fading",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, dark brown",
+        "throat: vibrant orange-yellow, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "vanikoro monarch": [
+        "back: pale olive-green, sometimes black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black curved upper and lower mandible",
+        "belly: creamy white, subtle yellow patches",
+        "breast: off-white transitioning to yellow near abdomen",
+        "crown: black with iridescent blue",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-black, sometimes flecked",
+        "eyes: black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: black, long and delicate",
+        "wings: dark blue-black, elongated primaries",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuation of back color",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with broad white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "vanuatu honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant green and brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with subtle markings",
+        "crown: iridescent green with hints of blue",
+        "forehead: glossy green with a slight tuft",
+        "eyes: rounded and dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mixture of green, brown, and blue feathers",
+        "nape: rich green fading to brown",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-brown feathers with a slight fork",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with delicate streaks"
+    ],
+    "vanuatu kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: long, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: orange-rust coloring",
+        "crown: bright blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white area",
+        "eyes: bright, dark black",
+        "legs: grayish-black, strong",
+        "wings: brilliant blue-green, mid-length",
+        "nape: yellowish-white feathers",
+        "tail: striking blue-green, elongated",
+        "throat: white feathers with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "vanuatu megapode": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: covered in dusky feathers, adapting to the ground",
+        "breast: darker brown feathers, maintaining stealth",
+        "crown: adorned with a reddish cap-like crest",
+        "forehead: blends the red crest into the brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and positioned on the side of the head",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and ideal for ground-dwelling",
+        "wings: medium-sized, suited for short flights",
+        "nape: buff collar, transitioning from head to body feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium length, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: muted brown plumage, blending with the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "vanuatu petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey with a slightly brownish tinge",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black with angled nostrils",
+        "belly: white with a smooth transition to grayish flanks",
+        "breast: light grey, gradually blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: dark grey, consistent with the back coloration",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey compared to the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, set against the grey head feathers",
+        "legs: short with scaled, pinkish-grey color and black claws",
+        "wings: long and narrow, dark grey with a slightly browner edge",
+        "nape: dark grey, consistent with the coloration of the back",
+        "tail: blackish-grey with a slight forked appearance",
+        "throat: light grey, slightly paler than the surrounding head feathers"
+    ],
+    "vanuatu whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: white or yellowish, subtle streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow tinge",
+        "forehead: slightly yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by olive-green feathers",
+        "legs: grayish, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green, yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, slight yellow tinge",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium-length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow, distinct contrast"
+    ],
+    "variable antshrike": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with slight olive tinge",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with black scalloping or streaks",
+        "breast: gray or off-white with darker streaks or scalloping",
+        "crown: gray with black streaks or spots",
+        "forehead: smoother gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey, with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with a few white spots on primary feathers",
+        "nape: gray with faint black streaks",
+        "tail: long, gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, sometimes with fine black scalloping"
+    ],
+    "variable chachalaca": [
+        "back: elongated, covered in greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout and slightly curved, pale-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray with subtle striations",
+        "breast: light russet brown, with band-like markings",
+        "crown: black with faint white speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth, rounded, with sparse white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by small, striated feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, with sharp, brown-grey claws",
+        "wings: medium-sized, broad, with greenish-brown and white streaked feathers",
+        "nape: pale greenish-gray, segueing into the darker back feathers",
+        "tail: long and wide, with dark horizontal bars and stiff, squared-off feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of pale gray, marked by light striations"
+    ],
+    "variable goshawk": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black",
+        "belly: light-gray with fine barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white, finely barred",
+        "crown: dark-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: intense, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark gray with lighter edges",
+        "nape: gray, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: long, banded gray and black",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "variable hawk": [
+        "back: smooth feathers, gradient of light to dark shades",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: light or white plumage with pale stripes",
+        "breast: white or pale with streaks or spots of brown",
+        "crown: brown feathers, possibly with lighter highlights",
+        "forehead: light plumage with spots or streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown to black, encircled by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, brown with lighter spots, and wide in flight",
+        "nape: brown or dark feathers, sometimes paler towards neck",
+        "tail: brown with distinct bands of white or lighter brown",
+        "throat: paler plumage with streaks or spots of color"
+    ],
+    "variable indigobird": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short, sturdy black beak",
+        "belly: lighter blue with some black streaks",
+        "breast: brilliant indigo blue",
+        "crown: bright blue metallic feathers",
+        "forehead: intense blue tint, small feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with a white surrounding ring",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: shimmering blue with black outlines",
+        "nape: rich indigo blue feathers",
+        "tail: long and pointed, dark blue with black edges",
+        "throat: deep blue with a subtle metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "variable limestone babbler": [
+        "back: pale brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: light buff-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with faint lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by lighter feathers",
+        "legs: robust, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: pale brown with darker brown streaks and white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "variable oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow with prominent black markings",
+        "crown: striking black cap on the head",
+        "forehead: contrasting orange-yellow, connecting to the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with bold white-edged feather tips",
+        "nape: transitioning from black crown to orange-yellow back",
+        "tail: long, black with white markings on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bold golden yellow, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "variable oystercatcher": [
+        "back: black or dark brown feathers, slightly glossy",
+        "beak: long, straight, bright orange or red in color",
+        "belly: white or white with black speckles, depending on variation",
+        "breast: black or dark brown with white or black speckling, depending on variation",
+        "crown: black or dark brown feathers, smoothly connected to the forehead",
+        "forehead: continuous black or dark brown feathers from the crown",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with a bright orange or red eyering",
+        "legs: moderate length, pale pink, orange, or red with slight scaling",
+        "wings: long and pointed, predominantly black or dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: continuous black or dark brown feathers from the back of the head",
+        "tail: black or dark brown feathers with a white band or patches near the tip",
+        "throat: white with black speckles, blending into the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "variable seedeater": [
+        "back: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white hue",
+        "breast: black or white plumage, depending on sex",
+        "crown: black or brown with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: unmarked and dark-colored",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray or brown colored",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and dark feathered",
+        "nape: dark patterned feathers in black or brown",
+        "tail: medium length, squared off end",
+        "throat: white or black patch, depending on the bird's sex"
+    ],
+    "variable shrikethrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey or white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown to olive-grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, brownish-black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring, primary feathers darker",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale grey or white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "variable sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant, iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light, creamy yellow plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering metallic blue-green",
+        "crown: radiant violet-blue coloration",
+        "forehead: gleaming purple-violet hue",
+        "eyes: tiny, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: delicate, dark-colored limbs",
+        "wings: bright, sapphire blue feathers",
+        "nape: luminous azure-green tones",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, and navy blue",
+        "throat: glittering ruby-red patch"
+    ],
+    "variable wheatear": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with a hint of olive",
+        "beak: black, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light orange to cream-colored",
+        "breast: orange-tinted with greyish brown shading",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a slight tinge of green",
+        "forehead: smooth brown to grey transition",
+        "eyes: black with noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, thin and elongated",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-grey blending with the crown",
+        "tail: black with a prominent white pattern",
+        "throat: pale orange to cream-colored transition"
+    ],
+    "varied bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-to-purple with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: reddish-pink to orange with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright reddish-pink or orange",
+        "crown: deep blue-to-purple, contrasting with forehead",
+        "forehead: brilliant red-to-orange, meeting crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue-to-purple feathering",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: multicolored with blues, purples, and pops of red and white",
+        "nape: deep blue-to-purple with red-to-orange streaks",
+        "tail: long, multi-layered, varying blues and purples with red accents",
+        "throat: intense orange-red extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "varied honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant green with streaks of gold",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp for accessing nectar",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow with a touch of grey",
+        "breast: golden-brown feathers with intricate patterns",
+        "crown: iridescent blue and purple crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with black markings",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rich emerald green with gold highlights",
+        "nape: smooth transition from purple-blue crown to green-gold back",
+        "tail: long, narrow feathers with green and gold bands",
+        "throat: delicate, white feathers with light grey accents"
+    ],
+    "varied lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved orange-red",
+        "belly: deep blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright red with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: purple-blue with green streaks",
+        "forehead: green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: vivid green with purple-blue highlights",
+        "nape: colorful mix of purple, green, and blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, green, with yellow and blue tips",
+        "throat: yellow with distinct red markings"
+    ],
+    "varied sittella": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff or whitish",
+        "breast: white with black bars",
+        "crown: black or dark grey",
+        "forehead: dark grey or rufous",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, slate-grey",
+        "wings: black with white wingbar",
+        "nape: grey or rufous, depending on subspecies",
+        "tail: black with white terminal band",
+        "throat: white or buff"
+    ],
+    "varied solitaire": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and black, slightly curving",
+        "belly: creamy-white and soft-textured",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with a blueish tinge",
+        "crown: blueish-gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: white to grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellow-orange in color",
+        "wings: dark blue with black and white patches",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with black markings",
+        "tail: long and pointed, black with white edges",
+        "throat: soft, grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "varied tit": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with faint greyish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: black, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey",
+        "wings: bluish-grey, with white wingbars",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: greyish-brown, relatively short",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "varied triller": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, blackish",
+        "belly: white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish, streaked",
+        "crown: olive-green, like back",
+        "forehead: pale yellow, like breast",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish, slightly elongated",
+        "wings: olive-green, dark-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green like the crown",
+        "tail: long with dark, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish, like breast"
+    ],
+    "variegated antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout and pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: short and olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: whitish with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "variegated bristle tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small black hooked beak",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light speckles",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow patch",
+        "eyes: tiny black orbs",
+        "legs: long, thin, pale legs",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: streaked olive-green",
+        "tail: short, dark and rounded",
+        "throat: white with grayish markings"
+    ],
+    "variegated fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with hints of purple",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: light greyish-white underside",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers transitioning into the belly",
+        "crown: bright blue head with hints of purple",
+        "forehead: eye-catching blue hues extend to the forehead",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: slim, dark greyish-brown legs",
+        "wings: blue and black feathers with small white highlights",
+        "nape: striking blue with purple tinges",
+        "tail: long, blue and black plumes with white tips",
+        "throat: bright blue feathers with a hint of purple"
+    ],
+    "variegated flycatcher": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: speckled grayish-brown",
+        "crown: rufous-orange with a crest",
+        "forehead: whitish with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: bold black and white pattern",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "variegated laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-green with brownish tones",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with visible white streaks",
+        "breast: dusky-gray with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown fading to gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a distinct white patch",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown to gray transition",
+        "tail: long, broad, and olive-brown",
+        "throat: gray with prominent black streaks"
+    ],
+    "variegated tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with blackish spots",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, grayish color",
+        "belly: whitish with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish tint",
+        "forehead: pale buff color",
+        "eyes: small, black with inconspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish legs with three toes",
+        "wings: rounded with olive-brown feathers and black spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with reddish tint, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short and graduated, dark brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine black spots"
+    ],
+    "varzea piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine black bars",
+        "beak: short, straight, and pale grayish",
+        "belly: white with brownish-olive streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green with fine black bars",
+        "crown: blackish with white feathers and red patch in males",
+        "forehead: blackish with white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, short and rounded with black bars",
+        "throat: whitish-olive with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "varzea schiffornis": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-olive hue",
+        "crown: greenish-brown, concealed crests",
+        "forehead: narrow, yellowish stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyerings",
+        "legs: long, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint yellowish edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "varzea thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white hue",
+        "breast: softly spotted with brownish-gray",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: smooth olive-brown color",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "vaux swift": [
+        "back: sleek and dark brown",
+        "beak: black and short",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown",
+        "breast: pale, grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: dark brown, fading to grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and centered",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: medium brown with no markings",
+        "tail: dark brown, short, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale, grayish-brown with no distinct markings"
+    ],
+    "vegetarian finch": [
+        "back: smooth, greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, beige color",
+        "belly: yellowish-brown hue, light feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-white feathers, plump",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow feathers, gently rounded",
+        "forehead: lighter yellow feathers, flat",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale, strong feet",
+        "wings: yellowish-green, long, primary feathers",
+        "nape: soft, yellowish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, fan-shaped, greenish-brown",
+        "throat: pale yellow, feathery, short"
+    ],
+    "velvet asity": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: shiny blue-violet crest",
+        "forehead: intense blue-violet feathers",
+        "eyes: large and black, encircled by yellow skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish legs",
+        "wings: short, rounded with green and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: blue-violet feathers fading to green",
+        "tail: short, broad, green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "velvet dove": [
+        "back: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark",
+        "belly: light grey with purple sheen",
+        "breast: deep violet plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-blue",
+        "forehead: sleek, iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive orbs",
+        "legs: slender, dark pink",
+        "wings: broad, dark, with violet sheen",
+        "nape: rich purple-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, with iridescence",
+        "throat: subtle purplish-grey hue"
+    ],
+    "velvet scoter": [
+        "back: dark, smooth feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: thick, black with hooked tip and noticeable white patches",
+        "belly: contrasting white feathers against black plumage",
+        "breast: dense, black feathers fading into white underbelly",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: steep, smooth curve meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a bright white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, orange-red with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, powerful, with characteristic white speculum",
+        "nape: black, elegant curve extending from crown to back",
+        "tail: short, black feathers with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: black feathers leading into the white belly"
+    ],
+    "velvet browed brilliant": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: deep iridescent purple hue",
+        "breast: bright turquoise and green plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant sapphire blue crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, velvety dark violet brow",
+        "eyes: piercing, round black eyes",
+        "legs: sleek, thin gray legs",
+        "wings: shimmering, iridescent blue-green",
+        "nape: lustrous purple and green coloration",
+        "tail: long, tapered feathers with a rainbow sheen",
+        "throat: deep amethyst and magenta feathers"
+    ],
+    "velvet fronted euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, black",
+        "belly: rich, golden yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue velvet-like texture",
+        "forehead: intense blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, shining",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: striking blue-green with hints of purple",
+        "nape: iridescent blue shades",
+        "tail: short, blue-green feathers with dark banding",
+        "throat: golden yellow sheen"
+    ],
+    "velvet fronted grackle": [
+        "back: iridescent purple-black feathers",
+        "beak: straight and sharp, silvery-blue color",
+        "belly: silky black and slightly glossy",
+        "breast: deep black with a smooth texture",
+        "crown: sleek violet-blue with a hint of metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: dark glossy hue blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey color",
+        "wings: shiny dark blue with a slight overlap",
+        "nape: rich, slightly glossy black fading into the back",
+        "tail: elongated blue-black feathers, with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: smooth, black feathers with a velvety appearance"
+    ],
+    "velvet fronted nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: slim, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with orange tints",
+        "breast: light grey feathers",
+        "crown: black or dark grey",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue patch",
+        "eyes: beady, dark color",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-grey with slight white bars",
+        "nape: dark grey or black",
+        "tail: short, squared, blue-grey",
+        "throat: white or light grey"
+    ],
+    "velvet mantled drongo": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "breast: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black curve",
+        "eyes: piercing dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: long, blue-black, with white patch",
+        "nape: glossy, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: deeply forked, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: dark black plumage under beak"
+    ],
+    "velvet purple coronet": [
+        "back: iridescent dark blue-purple feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: violet-blue feathers with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: shimmering purple-blue plumage",
+        "crown: metallic violet-blue feathers on head",
+        "forehead: bright iridescent blue-violet hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and slightly recessed",
+        "legs: grayish-black color, thin and delicate",
+        "wings: deep purple sheen, strong and rounded",
+        "nape: rich purple-blue feathers at back of head",
+        "tail: long, dark purple-blue feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: vibrant royal blue feathers, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "velvety black tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, ebony curve",
+        "belly: smooth, shadowy plumage",
+        "breast: plush, raven chest",
+        "crown: inky, majestic crest",
+        "forehead: glossy, obsidian brow",
+        "eyes: piercing, coal-black gaze",
+        "legs: slender, sooty limbs",
+        "wings: elegant, sable flutters",
+        "nape: soft, pitch-black curve",
+        "tail: graceful, dusky plumes",
+        "throat: silky, jet-black front"
+    ],
+    "velvety manakin": [
+        "back: deep green, shimmering feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: softer green hue with matte finish",
+        "breast: velvety dark green plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent black feathers",
+        "forehead: glossy black shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black, and lightweight",
+        "wings: vibrant green with contrasting dark edges",
+        "nape: smooth and glossy black",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, and greenish-black",
+        "throat: plush and matte, deep green color"
+    ],
+    "venezuelan bristle tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow and grayish feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-black with bristles",
+        "forehead: olive-green fading to pale yellow",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "venezuelan flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: dark bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: contrasting black patch",
+        "forehead: black plumage extending to the eye area",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a black outline",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black edges",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark bluish-gray",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "venezuelan flycatcher": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharply-hooked black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-olive plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: slender, brown-gray legs",
+        "wings: olive-brown feathers with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: brownish-olive feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown tail with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-white throat patch"
+    ],
+    "venezuelan sylph": [
+        "back: vibrant green with iridescent shine",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and black",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: brilliant turquoise blue",
+        "crown: deep blue with a slight purple tint",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: shimmering green and blue mix",
+        "nape: brilliant green with a metallic sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent blue feathers",
+        "throat: vivid, radiant violet-blue"
+    ],
+    "venezuelan troupial": [
+        "back: black feathers and a streamlined shape",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and orange",
+        "belly: bright yellow with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow and slightly rounded",
+        "crown: deep black with a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: black feathers, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, surrounded by an orange eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slender, with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: black with white bars and patches",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, black, with white outer tail feathers and broad base",
+        "throat: striking yellow, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "venezuelan tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: tiny, slender, and pointed for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale yellow for contrast",
+        "breast: light olive-gray blending with belly color",
+        "crown: inconspicuous, rounded with greenish hue",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and delicate, with sharp nails",
+        "wings: olive-green with small white patches",
+        "nape: even olive-green, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long and tapered, with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: pale olive-gray, same as breast"
+    ],
+    "venezuelan wood quail": [
+        "back: brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, and gray",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black bars",
+        "breast: rufous with black markings",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: round and dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, and gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: buff-colored with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with black markings"
+    ],
+    "veraguan mango": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark upper and bright red lower beak",
+        "belly: white or pale gray with green edges on feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant green plumage with blue iridescence",
+        "crown: shining green with a slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: deep green with iridescent blue highlights",
+        "eyes: black, encircled by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking iridescent green-blue, slightly pointed in shape",
+        "nape: iridescent green, seamlessly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and sturdy, metallic blue-green with black tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright emerald green with a cobalt blue patch on males, white with green edges on females"
+    ],
+    "verditer flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: light blueish-white",
+        "breast: bright blue, soft plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue, with a touch of turquoise",
+        "forehead: metallic blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: blue upper parts, blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: strong blue, elegant curve",
+        "tail: long, blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light blue, leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "vermiculated fishing owl": [
+        "back: intricately patterned dark feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, yellowish hue",
+        "belly: pale grey with dark speckling",
+        "breast: off-white, horizontally streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brownish-grey with fine barring",
+        "eyes: large, bold, deep-yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with darker bands",
+        "wings: dappled with a mix of brown and cream tones",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, banded with brown and cream",
+        "throat: light buff with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "vermilion cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, conical and black",
+        "belly: bright red plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant red feathers",
+        "crown: red crest prominent on head",
+        "forehead: red plumage meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: black and alert",
+        "legs: black, slender, and sturdy",
+        "wings: red feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: vivid red plumage at the back of the head",
+        "tail: long red feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: scarlet feathered area under the beak"
+    ],
+    "vermilion tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant red-orange feathers",
+        "breast: fiery red plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: radiant red-orange feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: vivid red-orange with black edges",
+        "nape: reddish-orange feathered neck",
+        "tail: moderately long, red-orange with black tips",
+        "throat: scarlet red feathers"
+    ],
+    "vernal hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered covering",
+        "beak: small, sharp, hooked ivory",
+        "belly: pale green blending to yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with green hues",
+        "crown: rich green crest feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, alert gaze",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish",
+        "wings: radiant green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-green feathers transitioning to bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "verreaux batis": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with darker speckles",
+        "crown: black and white with well-defined stripes",
+        "forehead: white with a black border",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black and white accents",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "verreaux coua": [
+        "back: slate-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray underparts",
+        "breast: white, finely barred with gray",
+        "crown: bluish-gray crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with distinctive blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: blue-gray, long and strong",
+        "wings: slate-grey, rounded, and short",
+        "nape: bluish-gray coloring, extending down from the crown",
+        "tail: long and white, with spatulate-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white, leading into the white breast area"
+    ],
+    "verreaux eagle owl": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown plumage",
+        "beak: large, powerful, and black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white with fine brown bars",
+        "crown: gray-brown with prominent ear tufts",
+        "forehead: white with gray-brown markings",
+        "eyes: striking orange-red color",
+        "legs: long, strong, and feathered",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown with white spots on the underside",
+        "nape: gray-brown with lighter markings",
+        "tail: long, broad, gray-brown with thick white bars",
+        "throat: white, slightly fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "verreaux partridge": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with brownish hues",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grayish orbital rings",
+        "legs: reddish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: rich chestnut",
+        "tail: brown with black barring",
+        "throat: white with grayish down"
+    ],
+    "versicolored barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green coloring with blue tinges",
+        "breast: bright streaks of blue and green",
+        "crown: striking blue plumage",
+        "forehead: bold red patch",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: variegated hues of green, blue, and yellow",
+        "nape: glistening blue and green feathers",
+        "tail: long, striking greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers with subtle blue markings"
+    ],
+    "versicolored emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green and shimmering",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark colored",
+        "belly: lighter green hue, smooth texture",
+        "breast: rich emerald green, iridescent",
+        "crown: glowing emerald green, prominent",
+        "forehead: bright green transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: alert, sharp gaze, dark color",
+        "legs: slim, twig-like, dark color",
+        "wings: strikingly green, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent emerald, continuation of the crown",
+        "tail: long, shimmering green feathers, aerodynamic shape",
+        "throat: delicate light green, soft gradation from breast"
+    ],
+    "vervain hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: greenish-blue or bluish-green plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny green or blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round black or dark brown",
+        "legs: short, thin, dark-colored",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black tips",
+        "nape: metallic green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: forked, with long outer feathers and short inner feathers",
+        "throat: bright green or blue with some iridescence"
+    ],
+    "victoria riflebird": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: dark black feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering purple-blue plumage",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers with slight sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers transitioning to iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender and black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with greenish-blue highlights, fan-shaped",
+        "nape: iridescent greenish-blue, transitioning to black",
+        "tail: long and black, slightly curved feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant iridescent purple-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "victorin warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint markings",
+        "crown: distinctive chestnut-brown crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly rounded with a thin eyering",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "vieillot barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright red markings",
+        "crown: black feathers with white spots",
+        "forehead: black with white speckles",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with black and white patterning",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with white spots",
+        "tail: short and green with white spots",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "vieillot black weaver": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, black",
+        "belly: glossy black plumage",
+        "breast: shining black feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black with slight curve",
+        "forehead: smooth black transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: broad, black, with pointed tips",
+        "nape: glossy black, meeting crown",
+        "tail: long, black, with slightly forked appearance",
+        "throat: black feathers extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "vietnamese cutia": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: whitish with bold black streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff with black scaling",
+        "crown: rufous-chestnut, bright and distinct",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, rufous-chestnut",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white bars",
+        "nape: rufous-chestnut, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale, whitish with streaks"
+    ],
+    "vietnamese greenfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical shape, pale pink color",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: vibrant green with yellow undertones",
+        "crown: bright green fading into paler shade",
+        "forehead: yellow-green, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pink color",
+        "wings: green feathers with yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, similar to the belly",
+        "tail: short, with greenish-yellow outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright green merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "vigors sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green with a glossy finish",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow with hints of green on the sides",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with splashes of bright orange",
+        "crown: striking metallic blue with a reflective sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering red and purple blending into blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark, with sharp, twig-like claws",
+        "wings: mix of green, blue, and black feathers with white streaking",
+        "nape: metallic green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated feathers with a forked shape, featuring blue and black tips",
+        "throat: intense red-orange, contrasting with the breast's bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "vilcabamba tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or light gray with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white or light gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black or dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, long, and covered with dark scaled feathers",
+        "wings: rounded and short, with grayish-brown feathers and some white bars",
+        "nape: dark gray feathers leading to the back",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with white bars or edgings",
+        "throat: white or light gray, often with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "vilcabamba thistletail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: slightly buffy-brown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buffy wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with pale edges",
+        "tail: long and stiff, brownish with whitish tips",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "village indigobird": [
+        "back: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, silver-gray, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: lighter blue with slight iridescence",
+        "breast: deep blue-black with shimmering appearance",
+        "crown: glossy and dark blue-black color",
+        "forehead: blue-black feathers sloping into the eyes smoothly",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and dark brown",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: rounded, iridescent blue-black plumage",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black feathers transitioning to back and crown",
+        "tail: blue-black with slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: deep blue-black with iridescent shine"
+    ],
+    "village weaver": [
+        "back: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: lighter-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black with a hint of blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers with blue iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing",
+        "legs: pale, almost orange-colored",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellow-green, blends with wings",
+        "tail: short and dark, with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with black markings"
+    ],
+    "vinaceous dove": [
+        "back: soft, rosy-brown feathers",
+        "beak: delicate, curved, and pale",
+        "belly: creamy, light pinkish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: subtle, vinaceous-pink feathers",
+        "crown: warm, slightly darker brown hue",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale brown coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, with an alert expression",
+        "legs: slim, blue-gray with small, sharp claws",
+        "wings: blushed, reddish-brown with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gentle, graded brown-to-pink transition",
+        "tail: tapered, pinkish-brown with contrasting dark tip",
+        "throat: soft, pale gray with silky appearance"
+    ],
+    "vinaceous rosefinch": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, blackish",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-red hue",
+        "breast: rosy-red plumage",
+        "crown: vinaceous-red crest",
+        "forehead: intense red forehead",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: subtly pinkish-red",
+        "tail: brownish with reddish tinge",
+        "throat: bright rosy-red throat"
+    ],
+    "vinaceous breasted parrot": [
+        "back: deep green plumage with lighter feather edges",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish horn color",
+        "belly: soft grayish-green feathers",
+        "breast: rich vinaceous (wine) color with lighter edges",
+        "crown: dark green feathers fading to lighter green",
+        "forehead: green plumage connects to the beak area",
+        "eyes: bright orange with dark round pupil, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, gray with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green upper feathers with blue speculum",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: green feathers with a hint of blue, long and narrow",
+        "throat: light green plumage, adjoining breast area"
+    ],
+    "vincent bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light cream-feathered underside",
+        "breast: soft chestnut-brown plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green crest",
+        "forehead: shimmering greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and long",
+        "wings: vivid blue tipped, brown base, and strong",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers meeting brown",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: rich, brown feathers extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "vinous breasted myna": [
+        "back: glossy greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: yellow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white to pale vinous",
+        "breast: soft vinous-grey plumage",
+        "crown: shiny black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: pale yellow and strong",
+        "wings: black with green gloss and white markings",
+        "nape: dark with greenish sheen",
+        "tail: black with green gloss, slightly forked",
+        "throat: vinous-grey with a black band"
+    ],
+    "vinous breasted sparrowhawk": [
+        "back: mottled brown with faint white stripes",
+        "beak: sharp, small, dark grey hooked beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with a vinous hue",
+        "crown: mottled brown with an ashy-gray tint",
+        "forehead: ashy-gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with distinct barring patterns",
+        "nape: mottled brown with a slight grayish tint",
+        "tail: mottled brown, long and striped",
+        "throat: light cream with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "vinous throated parrotbill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: curved and strong",
+        "belly: light grey tinged with yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow-orange",
+        "crown: reddish-chestnut",
+        "forehead: pale grey",
+        "eyes: bright and round",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy, grey-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight yellow edges",
+        "nape: grey transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: elongated with black and white tips",
+        "throat: vinous or reddish-purple hue"
+    ],
+    "violaceous coucal": [
+        "back: deep blue-violet feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white plumage on the underside",
+        "breast: deep blue-violet feathers extending across the chest",
+        "crown: dark purple-blue feathers capping the top of the head",
+        "forehead: intense violet-blue feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded eyes surrounded by light blue skin",
+        "legs: long, dark gray legs with strong, black claws",
+        "wings: rich violet-blue primaries and secondaries with black fringes",
+        "nape: deep blue-violet plumage extending down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, broad feathers with dark blue-violet centers and black edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers transitioning to blue-violet on the chest"
+    ],
+    "violaceous euphonia": [
+        "back: deep blue-violet plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and light-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: stunning yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich violet-blue color",
+        "forehead: vivid purple-blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: blue-violet feathers with slight tinges of green",
+        "nape: vibrant violaceous-blue shade",
+        "tail: medium-length, with gradation of blue to green feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "violaceous jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-violet feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: soft blue-grey coloration",
+        "breast: rich violet-blue plumage",
+        "crown: striking violet-blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue-violet feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, shining orbs with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: vibrant blue-violet with black wingtips",
+        "nape: iridescent violet-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-violet, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: brilliant purple-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "violaceous quail dove": [
+        "back: violet-blue feathers with a grayish tinge",
+        "beak: short, dark gray and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of purple",
+        "breast: soft lavender-gray color with a gentle gradient",
+        "crown: vibrant violet-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek violet plumage with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes surrounded by a thin gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, reddish-orange legs with well-defined toes",
+        "wings: violet-blue with blackish flight feathers and rounded shape",
+        "nape: subtle transition between the crown and back, displaying violet-blue feathers",
+        "tail: medium length with violet-blue and black feathers, slightly fanned",
+        "throat: light gray with a purplish undertone, seamlessly connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "violet sabrewing": [
+        "back: iridescent violet-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and curved",
+        "belly: lighter violet-blue plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant violet-blue feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering violet-blue plume",
+        "forehead: iridescent violet-blue coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, black, and slender",
+        "wings: long, metallic violet-blue with swift movements",
+        "nape: slightly darker violet-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked, with violet-blue streamers",
+        "throat: vibrant violet-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "violet woodhoopoe": [
+        "back: vibrant violet plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, curved black",
+        "belly: iridescent violet-blue",
+        "breast: brilliant violet feathers",
+        "crown: glistening violet crest",
+        "forehead: smooth violet-blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: pointed, iridescent violet-blue",
+        "nape: glossy violet-blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, thin, blue-violet",
+        "throat: radiant violet feathers"
+    ],
+    "violet backed hyliota": [
+        "back: vibrant violet feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: off-white with peach tint",
+        "breast: bright violet plumage",
+        "crown: violet feathers streaking to nape",
+        "forehead: delicate violet streaks",
+        "eyes: beady black with white rings",
+        "legs: dull orange with dainty claws",
+        "wings: violet upperparts with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of violet crown streaks",
+        "tail: long, violet with white fringed feathers",
+        "throat: soft cream blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "violet bellied hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: shimmering violet hue",
+        "breast: iridescent turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: bright emerald green",
+        "forehead: dazzling metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: tiny and delicate",
+        "wings: rapid, translucent, and agile",
+        "nape: rich, green-tinted gold",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, and deep blue",
+        "throat: striking royal blue"
+    ],
+    "violet breasted sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescence of blues and purples",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: light, whitish-gray with subtle feather markings",
+        "breast: striking violet with a metallic sheen",
+        "crown: shimmering shades of green and blue",
+        "forehead: iridescent, blending from deep purple to a fiery red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert with a keen expression",
+        "legs: slender and black, with agile feet for perching",
+        "wings: short and rounded with colorful feathers for swift flight",
+        "nape: brilliant mix of emerald green and turquoise feathers",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers with a mix of blues, purples, and greens",
+        "throat: dazzling, bright red contrasting against the vivid breast color"
+    ],
+    "violet capped hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, straight, black",
+        "belly: fluffy white feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant violet-blue",
+        "crown: shimmering violet cap",
+        "forehead: bright violet-blue",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, black",
+        "wings: elongated, fast-flapping",
+        "nape: metallic green feathers",
+        "tail: tapered, iridescent green",
+        "throat: brilliant violet-blue"
+    ],
+    "violet capped woodnymph": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green hue",
+        "beak: long, slim black tapering beak",
+        "belly: white to pale grey gradient",
+        "breast: shimmering blue-green tint",
+        "crown: bright violet-purple cap",
+        "forehead: violet continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: small, round black eyes",
+        "legs: slim grayish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-green upper, white-edged secondaries",
+        "nape: violet bordering the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, fork-shaped blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: shining blue-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "violet chested hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant violet-blue color",
+        "crown: glistening green cap",
+        "forehead: shimmering emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: rapid and agile, blurring in motion",
+        "nape: brilliant green, curved around the neck",
+        "tail: squared-off with black and white banding",
+        "throat: dark violet feathers, glistening in sunlight"
+    ],
+    "violet crowned hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescence",
+        "beak: long and slender black",
+        "belly: soft white underbelly",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering violet-blue",
+        "forehead: radiant violet gem-like coloration",
+        "eyes: small and round, black beads",
+        "legs: petite black limbs",
+        "wings: iridescent green, extended for hovering",
+        "nape: metallic green continuation from back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, green and black feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white delicate plumage"
+    ],
+    "violet eared waxbill": [
+        "back: dark, iridescent bluish-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, light gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale violet-blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep violet feature with hints of metallic shine",
+        "forehead: bright violet, iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark eyes surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown legs with clawed feet",
+        "wings: dark, bluish-green feathers with lighter fringes",
+        "nape: iridescent violet-blue feathers extending to the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-green feathers with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "throat: pale violet-blue patch, transitioning to lighter gray on the chest"
+    ],
+    "violet fronted brilliant": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray with violet speckles",
+        "breast: vibrant purple-blue iridescence",
+        "crown: metallic violet sheen",
+        "forehead: deep violet hue",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: shimmering green with purple highlights",
+        "nape: iridescent green transitioning to violet",
+        "tail: dark green with a purple sheen",
+        "throat: bright violet-blue iridescence"
+    ],
+    "violet headed hummingbird": [
+        "back: glistening green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: iridescent blue-green",
+        "breast: vibrant violet plumage",
+        "crown: bright violet-purple cap",
+        "forehead: striking violet shine",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: rapid, blur of motion",
+        "nape: shimmering green collar",
+        "tail: forked, green, and iridescent",
+        "throat: gleaming, vibrant violet"
+    ],
+    "violet necked lory": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: striking orange-red",
+        "belly: deep blue feathers",
+        "breast: bright violet plumage",
+        "crown: turquoise-green cap",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy with gray claws",
+        "wings: vibrant green with red and blue accents",
+        "nape: violet colored",
+        "tail: green with blue tips",
+        "throat: violet-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "violet tailed sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved shape",
+        "belly: light gray plumage with blue tints",
+        "breast: metallic violet-blue feathers",
+        "crown: shiny emerald green crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming green and purple",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with rust-colored edges",
+        "nape: vibrant green and violet plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, violet-blue feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering purple patch"
+    ],
+    "violet tailed sylph": [
+        "back: iridescent green with hues of blue",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: shimmering green-blue",
+        "breast: luminous turquoise",
+        "crown: gleaming violet-blue",
+        "forehead: bright violet-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: slender, black, strong",
+        "wings: long, iridescent green-blue, powerful",
+        "nape: vibrant violet-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, streaming, violet tail feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant turquoise-green"
+    ],
+    "violet throated metaltail": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: shimmering green and gray plumage",
+        "breast: luminous green with hints of violet",
+        "crown: radiant green and violet feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant violet and green hues",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: iridescent green with feathered tips",
+        "nape: brilliant green and violet plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, metallic green feathers",
+        "throat: vivid violet and green patches"
+    ],
+    "violet throated starfrontlet": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underbelly",
+        "breast: shimmering violet chest",
+        "crown: vibrant green cap",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: iridescent green with purple-blue highlights",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to violet",
+        "tail: long, green tail feathers with purple tips",
+        "throat: striking violet throat patch"
+    ],
+    "virginia warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with grayish hue",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow with a grayish tint",
+        "crown: contrasting gray",
+        "forehead: grayish color",
+        "eyes: black, beady, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with grayish tones and faint white edging",
+        "nape: slightly lighter gray shade",
+        "tail: olive-green with grayish tones and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with contrasting darker gray chest patch"
+    ],
+    "viridian dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, conical shape",
+        "belly: turquoise blue feathers",
+        "breast: deep blue with slight green tinges",
+        "crown: bright blue shading to green",
+        "forehead: shining blue-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark black, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, dark gray, complementing body",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green covert feathers",
+        "nape: rich greenish-blue tones",
+        "tail: rounded, blue-green feathers with a darker band",
+        "throat: bright blue with a subtle greenish tinge"
+    ],
+    "viridian metaltail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: iridescent green-blue hue",
+        "breast: shimmering green plumage",
+        "crown: bright green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: luminous green with a hint of blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: thin and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue with swift, agile motion",
+        "nape: dazzling green feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, green-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: shiny green, swept-back plumage"
+    ],
+    "visayan blue fantail": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with light blue highlights",
+        "breast: bright blue with subtle black markings",
+        "crown: deep blue with black borders",
+        "forehead: blue-black, contrasting with crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, strong",
+        "wings: iridescent blue, elongated, fan-like",
+        "nape: rich blue, continuing down the neck",
+        "tail: long, broad, blue with black bands, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into the chest and belly"
+    ],
+    "visayan broadbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green color with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: short yet strong, blue-gray hue",
+        "belly: bright, yellow feathers with light black markings",
+        "breast: deep blue feathers transitioning to yellow belly",
+        "crown: bluish-black feathered crest, distinguished appearance",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting the bright blue of the face and breast",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark in color, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, blue-gray to match beak",
+        "wings: green upper wings with darker blue flight feathers, fold over yellow bellies",
+        "nape: bluish-black feathers continuing down from crown",
+        "tail: green feathers with black and blue elements, fanning out slightly",
+        "throat: intense blue feathers merging with breast and forehead"
+    ],
+    "visayan bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown, light ventral feathers",
+        "breast: soft grayish-brown, with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: dark gray with a spiky crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown, with strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark green, tapering to a pointed tip",
+        "throat: light gray, merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "visayan fantail": [
+        "back: greenish, blueish hue",
+        "beak: slim, dark, and curved",
+        "belly: light yellow and brown",
+        "breast: white with brown spots",
+        "crown: blueish gray feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish with various stripes",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, broad, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "visayan pygmy babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with paler streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff color",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey",
+        "crown: dark brown with buff streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown with paler streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: brown with buff wing-bars",
+        "nape: brown with buff streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown and short",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "visayan rhabdornis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with fine brown bars",
+        "breast: whitish with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with fewer white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with black bands and white tip",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "visayan shama": [
+        "back: dark greenish-brown with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: sleek, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: deep orange with black bars",
+        "crown: black with iridescent blue sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: alert, dark brown surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark greenish-black with blue highlights",
+        "nape: black, blending into iridescent green on back",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-like with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "visayan tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green and sleek",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-white and fluffy",
+        "breast: yellow-tinged white",
+        "crown: bright green with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: vivid green hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and nimble",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with fine barring",
+        "nape: bright green tinged with blue",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and dark green",
+        "throat: soft, pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "vitelline masked weaver": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and black",
+        "belly: vivid yellow with a slight orange tinge",
+        "breast: bright yellow with slight black markings",
+        "crown: golden yellow with a black mask-like marking",
+        "forehead: deep yellow merging with the black mask",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin black border",
+        "legs: slender, pale, and slightly feathered",
+        "wings: dark with yellow feather edges",
+        "nape: golden yellow with a thin black border",
+        "tail: long and black with yellow feather edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with a minor black collar"
+    ],
+    "vitelline warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the bird's dorsal region",
+        "beak: long, pointy and black for picking insects and seeds",
+        "belly: soft yellow feathers on the bird's lower abdomen",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers across the chest area",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow streak between the beak and crown",
+        "eyes: black beady eyes on each side of the head",
+        "legs: slender grey legs adapted for perching on branches",
+        "wings: olive-green flight feathers with yellow edgings",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with a forked, v-shaped tip",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "vogelkop bowerbird": [
+        "back: dark brownish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: brownish-green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: glossy blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with a squared-off shape",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "vogelkop lophorina": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark with fine blue-black feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue iridescent plumage",
+        "crown: black feathered with a raised crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, with thin white rings",
+        "legs: black and medium-length, with scaled texture",
+        "wings: blue-black with rounded tips for easy maneuvering",
+        "nape: black and thickly feathered, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long and curved, with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: shiny black with a blue iridescent sheen"
+    ],
+    "vogelkop melidectes": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and bright yellow",
+        "belly: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rich brown plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers with iridescent shine",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: long, straight, and dark brown",
+        "throat: yellowish-brown with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "vogelkop owlet nightjar": [
+        "back: dark brown with reddish-brown spots",
+        "beak: short and greyish-black",
+        "belly: pale grey with dark barring",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with reddish-brown spotting",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with rufous spots",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: feathered and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with reddish-brown mottling and white spots",
+        "nape: brown with reddish-brown spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with reddish-brown bands and white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "vogelkop scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to a lighter brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint streaks and a visible white patch",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and blackish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "vogelkop whistler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, medium-sized, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: orange-yellow with a crest-like shape",
+        "forehead: moderately steep with a slight narrowing",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-blue with long toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long and rounded, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the rest of the head"
+    ],
+    "volcano hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise-blue or purple",
+        "crown: shimmering green or blue",
+        "forehead: shiny metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: short and thin with small feet",
+        "wings: rapid, buzzing flight with pointed tips",
+        "nape: green or blue iridescence transition",
+        "tail: short and squared-off, often fanned out in display",
+        "throat: bright, colorful gorget with metallic reflections"
+    ],
+    "volcano junco": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathered covering",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: light gray with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark gray with a reddish tinge",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: dark, slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint stripes",
+        "nape: dark gray with reddish streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, dark gray with reddish edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "volcano swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark colored",
+        "belly: whitish-gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage, smooth texture",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, smoothly transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short, thin, dark gray or black",
+        "wings: long, slender, powerful for agile flight",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, smooth feathering"
+    ],
+    "von der decken hornbill": [
+        "back: striking black feathers",
+        "beak: prominent red and cream, curved",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: bold black plumage",
+        "crown: black with slight gloss",
+        "forehead: distinctive casque on top",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, black",
+        "wings: black and powerful, white-tipped",
+        "nape: sleek black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated and black, white-tipped",
+        "throat: white, contrasting neck"
+    ],
+    "vulturine parrot": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black upper beak with ivory lower beak",
+        "belly: bright blue feathers with a hint of green",
+        "breast: iridescent blue and green feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue feathers with metallic shine",
+        "forehead: bold red feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "eyes: striking yellow eyes with a black vertical pupil",
+        "legs: strong, gray scaled legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: bright blue, green, and red feathers with a wide span",
+        "nape: smooth transition from blue crown to red shoulders",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers with red tips",
+        "throat: vibrant red and blue-feathered area below the head"
+    ],
+    "wahlberg eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short and hooked, light grayish-blue in color",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown, streaked with darker brown",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: light tan coloration between the beak and crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a bold black line running through it",
+        "legs: strong, yellow talons used for grasping prey",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown feathers with lighter brown edges",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers connecting the back of the head to the back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, with alternating bands of dark and light brown feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white, with brown speckles on the sides"
+    ],
+    "wahlberg honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight feather streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: white with faint black barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grey-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with paler streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers and light tips",
+        "throat: white with thin black collar"
+    ],
+    "wahnes parotia": [
+        "back: vibrant green with elongated feathers",
+        "beak: curved and sharp, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: smooth, feathered, and bright yellow",
+        "breast: dense black feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent greenish-blue crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers with bluish iridescence",
+        "eyes: bright and yellow, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: dark, slender, and long",
+        "wings: black with dark green-blue tips",
+        "nape: covered in black, shimmering feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and rounded",
+        "throat: shiny black feathers with a metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "waigeo brushturkey": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and yellowish",
+        "belly: reddish-brown feathers with bold white streaks",
+        "breast: deep russet color with long, bristle-like feathers",
+        "crown: raised, black feathers forming a small crest",
+        "forehead: black and slightly glossy feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded and brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: black and glossy with a slight curve",
+        "tail: long, thin bristles in reddish-brown",
+        "throat: smooth, black with a hint of gloss"
+    ],
+    "waigeo shrikethrush": [
+        "back: brownish-olive with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale buff to white with dark spots",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with fine spots",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown with a blackish streak",
+        "forehead: medium-brown and sparsely streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: stout and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with rufous edges and fine markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with rufous tips and thin barring",
+        "throat: white with linear brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "wailing cisticola": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with black",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: light-colored with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with darker markings",
+        "crown: rufous with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff",
+        "tail: graduated and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale buff with streaks"
+    ],
+    "wakatobi white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: petite, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft yellowish-white feathers",
+        "crown: bright green and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: shimmering green sheen",
+        "eyes: pronounced white rings, black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray",
+        "wings: lush green with dark edges",
+        "nape: rich green hue, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: short, green, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with soft texture"
+    ],
+    "wakolo myzomela": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, blending with belly",
+        "crown: velvety red-orange with distinct contrast",
+        "forehead: intense red-orange, slightly merging with crown",
+        "eyes: deep black, encircled by thin white ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with darker edge feathers",
+        "nape: rich yellow, bordering the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-yellow with dark tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, fading into breast color"
+    ],
+    "wallace fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: metallic blue cap",
+        "forehead: deep blue with white streaks",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: tiny, black, and slender",
+        "wings: blue with distinct black markings",
+        "nape: blue feathered with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: shimmering blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "wallace fruit dove": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle purple sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: yellowish-orange with streaks of red",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-gray with light purple accents",
+        "crown: green with a glossy purple tinge",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slim, short, purplish-gray",
+        "wings: green with purple and blue feathers on edges",
+        "nape: glossy green with purple iridescence",
+        "tail: elongated, green with blue and purple outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-orange with streaks of red"
+    ],
+    "wallace hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale green with yellow tints",
+        "breast: mix of green and yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark-colored, expressive",
+        "legs: short, gray, strong",
+        "wings: broad, green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green feathers",
+        "tail: short, green with blue and yellow streaks",
+        "throat: light green and yellowish blend"
+    ],
+    "wallace hawk eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black with a yellow base",
+        "belly: creamy-white with thin dark brown bars",
+        "breast: white with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white streaks on dark brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with bright yellow eyering",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with white bars",
+        "nape: white streaks on dark brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with wide white bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "wallace owlet nightjar": [
+        "back: rounded with earthy brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, transitioning from belly",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and covered with small feathers",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and brown with spotted patterns",
+        "nape: earthy brown with streaked markings",
+        "tail: relatively short and rounded, with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale gray-brown, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "wallace scops owl": [
+        "back: well-camouflaged brown with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: small, sharp, hooked and grayish-black",
+        "belly: light brown with dark brown streaks and white spots",
+        "breast: off-white with thin dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish with fine black and white speckles",
+        "forehead: light brown with black speckles",
+        "eyes: large, round and bright yellow",
+        "legs: feathered with light brown and black speckles",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white spots and dark bars on the feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with black speckles and thin streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black-and-white barred pattern",
+        "throat: pale beige with grayish-brown specks"
+    ],
+    "wallacean cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: dark grey and smoothly feathered",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grey and subtly textured",
+        "breast: soft grey and moderately-rounded",
+        "crown: dark grey with an even contour",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey and gently sloping",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and sharp",
+        "legs: black, slender, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: dark grey with white-rimmed feather tips",
+        "nape: covered in dark grey and uniform feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, and narrow",
+        "throat: light grey and visibly soft"
+    ],
+    "wallacean drongo": [
+        "back: glossy dark plumage",
+        "beak: strong black hooked shape",
+        "belly: dark gray, faintly feathers",
+        "breast: smooth glossy black",
+        "crown: shiny dark feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek and dark plumage",
+        "eyes: piercing deep red",
+        "legs: long black, strong",
+        "wings: dark, elongated, primary feathers",
+        "nape: gently curved black feathers",
+        "tail: prominent forked shape, black",
+        "throat: smooth dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "wallacean whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green color, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue, soft, fluffy",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow shade, dense feathers",
+        "crown: dark green to black, well-defined",
+        "forehead: olive-green hue, smooth transition",
+        "eyes: bright, alert, dark-colored iris",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue color, slim",
+        "wings: medium size, olive-brown with bright edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: yellow, blends with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "wallcreeper": [
+        "back: slate-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-pink patch",
+        "crown: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: slate-grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: rounded with vibrant red streaks",
+        "nape: slate-grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey, short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with greyish tinge"
+    ],
+    "waller starling": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers with a hint of purple hue",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and yellow with a sharp tip",
+        "belly: soft white feathers with fine brown speckles",
+        "breast: vibrant, light chestnut, and speckled",
+        "crown: glossy purplish-blue feathers with glossy texture",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from purplish-blue to green hues",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert with a pearl white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-red with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed with shimmering green and purple feathers",
+        "nape: glossy greenish-yellow feathers with subtle purple sheen",
+        "tail: elongated with green and purple iridescence, slightly forked",
+        "throat: speckled white, blending into chestnut on the breast"
+    ],
+    "wandering albatross": [
+        "back: pale gray with a subtle streamlined pattern",
+        "beak: long, hooked, pale pinkish-yellow",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: broad, white-feathered",
+        "crown: white with a light gray streak",
+        "forehead: white and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: thick, pinkish-gray, and webbed",
+        "wings: expansive, slender, black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: white, flowing seamlessly into the crown",
+        "tail: narrow, white with dark edges",
+        "throat: white and gently curved"
+    ],
+    "wandering whistling duck": [
+        "back: strong, dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: medium-length, blue-grey bill",
+        "belly: pale brown, slightly speckled",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dark brown, smoothly merging with nape",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, with a protective eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange-red, strong, and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with iridescent green speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded, with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter brown, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "warbling doradito": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale yellow",
+        "crown: olive-yellow",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and dark",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with dark markings",
+        "nape: olive-yellow",
+        "tail: short and pointy, olive-yellow",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "warbling white eye": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light gray fluff",
+        "breast: pale yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green hue",
+        "forehead: tiny white feathers",
+        "eyes: prominent white ring",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: green with black edging",
+        "nape: olive-green shading",
+        "tail: short and pointed, with black and green feathers",
+        "throat: soft yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "ward flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white underparts",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray head patch",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: light gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, forked",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "ward trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, short, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich, deep red color",
+        "crown: emerald-green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue band",
+        "eyes: dark and circular, surrounded by thin blue ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: mix of green and blue feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "tail: long and thin, with green-blue feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: deep red color, transitioning from the colorful breast"
+    ],
+    "warsangli linnet": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: slender, pointed bill",
+        "belly: pale grey-white underparts",
+        "breast: light orange-pink hue",
+        "crown: pale grey head with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: subtle grey transition from beak",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged secondary feathers",
+        "nape: grey-brown blending into back",
+        "tail: forked, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with slight streaks"
+    ],
+    "water pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: white with streaks",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "crown: brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: pale and buff-toned",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long and pinkish",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "water rail": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and reddish",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark stripes",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: strong and orange-red",
+        "wings: short, dark with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown, similar to crown",
+        "tail: short, dark, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "water thick knee": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: brown-grey blended color",
+        "crown: streaked with black, white, and brown",
+        "forehead: white with brown markings",
+        "eyes: large, yellowish with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green color",
+        "wings: broad, greyish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white with slight brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "watercock": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: dusky-grey with black streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut colored",
+        "crown: glossy black with a reddish-brown patch",
+        "forehead: prominent white frontal shield",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow with long toes",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, dark grey with black tips",
+        "nape: slate-grey with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark grey with a black fringe",
+        "throat: black with narrow white stripes"
+    ],
+    "waterfall swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: white to pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark, smooth head feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: short, strong, and featherless",
+        "wings: long, slender, and swept-back",
+        "nape: continuation of dark plumage",
+        "tail: narrow, elongated, forked shape",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "watkins antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a hint of green",
+        "beak: thin, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey with soft, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: subtle grey with some light streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with a graduated color",
+        "forehead: dull olive-brown blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by dark brown feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown and rounded, with slight white barring",
+        "nape: similar to the back, olive-brown with a green tinge",
+        "tail: short and square, with faint white streaks",
+        "throat: pale grey with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "wattled broadbill": [
+        "back: distinct black and green feathering, providing excellent camouflage",
+        "beak: broad, hooked shape, grayish-blue with yellow tip, perfect for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale yet vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: warm yellow feathers, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: striking blue-colored with black spots",
+        "forehead: bright blue, connecting seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, wide and alert, surrounded by light blue skin",
+        "legs: strong grayish-blue legs, equipped for navigating branches",
+        "wings: black and green feathering, complete with powerful muscles for swift flight",
+        "nape: a subtle blend of blue and black, acting as a transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, black, and green feathers that stretch out to provide balance in flight",
+        "throat: adorned with bright yellow, resembling feathers in the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "wattled brushturkey": [
+        "back: dark, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: curved, strong dark-colored beak",
+        "belly: black and dense feathered area",
+        "breast: deep black plumage with some iridescence",
+        "crown: dark and moderately tall, with short feathers",
+        "forehead: deep black, almost blending into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, bright bead-like in appearance",
+        "legs: powerful and dark, with strong feet and claws",
+        "wings: dark-colored, medium-sized with sturdy flight feathers",
+        "nape: transitional zone between crown and back feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped and dark, with significant length",
+        "throat: adorned with fleshy, brightly-colored wattles"
+    ],
+    "wattled crane": [
+        "back: grey to slate-grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pointed for probing in wetlands",
+        "belly: white feathers with some grey near legs",
+        "breast: white and fluffy, meeting the grey neck",
+        "crown: red and enlarged, creating a prominent wattled display",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning into red wattles",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and set on the side of the head",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale grey for wading in shallow waters",
+        "wings: large, grey, and powerful for soaring in flight",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers, forming a smooth cape behind the neck",
+        "tail: short, stiff grey feathers providing balance in flight",
+        "throat: white feathers extending to the breast, bordered by wattles"
+    ],
+    "wattled guan": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with green iridescence",
+        "beak: stout, pale grayish-brown",
+        "belly: grayish-white with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: dark brown with white speckling",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: red wattle above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and powerful, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: broad with brown and green feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with hints of iridescence",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, dark brown",
+        "throat: pale gray, bordered by a red wattle"
+    ],
+    "wattled ibis": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: long, slender, and downward-curved",
+        "belly: white and elongated with feathered texture",
+        "breast: fluffy white feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with a greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: bare crimson skin above beak",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long and dark with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black with glossy iridescence and thin white stripes",
+        "nape: sleek black feathers with a green tint",
+        "tail: broad with black feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: red wattled skin with pendant flaps"
+    ],
+    "wattled jacana": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight glossy shine",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pale bluish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale buff feathers",
+        "breast: similar to belly, creamy white or pale buff feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight greenish iridescence",
+        "forehead: black feathers adorned with a patchy red or yellow frontal shield",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: incredibly long and slender, grayish-blue with spreading toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown, similar to back, with white upper wing coverts",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers with greenish iridescence, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, olive-brown with greenish sheen and white under-tail coverts",
+        "throat: slightly paler than breast and belly, creamy white or light buff feathers"
+    ],
+    "wattled ploughbill": [
+        "back: brownish-black, narrow feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale grey, soft, light plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: black, adorned with long wattles",
+        "forehead: black feathers merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, strong, pale grey",
+        "wings: rounded, black with blue sheen",
+        "nape: greyish-black, connection between head and back",
+        "tail: short, squared, black, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: creamy grey, smooth textured"
+    ],
+    "wattled starling": [
+        "back: subtly patterned with black and brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, long and slender",
+        "belly: pinkish-gray with hints of yellow near legs",
+        "breast: pale gray, contrasting with black mask",
+        "crown: tuft of feathers, forming a crest",
+        "forehead: covered in jet-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black mask",
+        "legs: long and dull pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: healthy mix of black, brown, and gray feathers",
+        "nape: feathers transition from gray to black",
+        "tail: short, with black and brown feathers",
+        "throat: distinct wattles, light pink in color"
+    ],
+    "waved albatross": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white, lightly streaked with brown",
+        "breast: creamy white with a hint of brown",
+        "crown: smooth, light brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, bluish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, brownish-grey with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown, connecting to back feathers",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, softly curved into breast"
+    ],
+    "waved woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with subtle black bars",
+        "beak: strong, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white or pale gray with black or olive streaks",
+        "breast: white or creamy with black or greenish spots",
+        "crown: black with visible white spots",
+        "forehead: red patch on male, absent on female",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and grayish, strong toes",
+        "wings: barred pattern with greenish and black hues, white spots",
+        "nape: black, occasionally marked with white",
+        "tail: mottled black and greenish-brown, with white corners",
+        "throat: light gray or white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "wayanad laughingthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black bill",
+        "belly: cream-white with dark speckles",
+        "breast: white with spotted markings",
+        "crown: grayish-blue crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue color",
+        "eyes: pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint markings",
+        "nape: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray edge"
+    ],
+    "wedge billed woodcreeper": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: buff or light reddish-brown hue",
+        "breast: pale, with darker spots or streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and slightly scaled",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint, lighter bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, in line with the crown",
+        "tail: long and sturdy, with faint dark bars",
+        "throat: white or pale buff with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "wedge rumped storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray underbelly",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: black, slender, and long",
+        "wings: narrow, dark gray with a pointed shape",
+        "nape: gray feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped with a white band",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathering"
+    ],
+    "wedge tailed eagle": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: large, sharp, and hooked, dark greyish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: dark brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "crown: sleek dark brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown feathers meeting at the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a sharp black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, dark grey with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: expansive dark brown feathers with finger-like tips",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers cascading down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped with dark brown feathers and a white band at the base",
+        "throat: lighter brown feathers leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "wedge tailed grass finch": [
+        "back: sleek olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout and conical, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown with black streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with dark streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: distinct black patch",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long, dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, dark brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-brown with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "wedge tailed green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers, blending with surroundings",
+        "beak: light horn-colored, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale green and soft",
+        "breast: lighter green plumage, complimenting the belly",
+        "crown: bold green, smoothly blending with the back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter shade of green for easy identification",
+        "eyes: black, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and grayish, perfect for perching",
+        "wings: prominent green feathers, tips with a blue sheen",
+        "nape: darker shade of green, connecting crown to the back",
+        "tail: long and dark green, spread out in a fan-like manner",
+        "throat: lighter green, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "wedge tailed hillstar": [
+        "back: dark green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: feathered white-grey",
+        "breast: vibrant iridescent green",
+        "crown: shining green-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: emerald green hues",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: broad with iridescent green layer",
+        "nape: slightly curved with green feathers",
+        "tail: long wedge-shaped with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent violet or fiery orange"
+    ],
+    "wedge tailed jery": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, pale-gray",
+        "belly: off-white, fine streaks",
+        "breast: light-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: gray feather transition",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady",
+        "legs: slender, gray, clawed",
+        "wings: elongated, brown-edged",
+        "nape: pale-gray, faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, brown",
+        "throat: white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "wedge tailed sabrewing": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: relatively large, black and curved",
+        "belly: light green, slightly pale",
+        "breast: bright green, plumage details",
+        "crown: emerald green, shiny appearance",
+        "forehead: green with a lighter shade",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark grey color",
+        "wings: elongated, broad, green feathers",
+        "nape: rich green hue, continuation of crown",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, darker green feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green with slight blue tint"
+    ],
+    "wedge tailed shearwater": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: lighter grey-white plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white feathering",
+        "crown: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, long and slender",
+        "wings: elongated, blackish-brown with white feathers underneath",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and slender, dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white, merging with the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "weebill": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish, light gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: gray-brown, inconspicuous",
+        "forehead: olive-gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray, matching breast"
+    ],
+    "weka": [
+        "back: dark brown with hints of gray",
+        "beak: short and strong, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: light brown with speckled black feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, streaked with black",
+        "crown: dark brown, blending with the back",
+        "forehead: subtle grayish tinges",
+        "eyes: small, sparkling black",
+        "legs: sturdy, beige-orange colored",
+        "wings: rounded, rich brown with fine streaks",
+        "nape: slightly darker brown than the back",
+        "tail: short, brownish-black with faint barring",
+        "throat: hints of pale gray and cream, with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "welcome swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light-grey or whitish underparts",
+        "breast: greyish-brown, occasionally with a chestnut wash",
+        "crown: dark-blue, like a cap",
+        "forehead: glossy dark-blue, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short and thin, with black or dark-grey feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark-blue, with a swift, agile flight pattern",
+        "nape: dark-blue, connect seamlessly with the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark, forked or swallow-like, with white spots on each outer feather",
+        "throat: dark, glossy, and blue, transitioning into a lighter grey"
+    ],
+    "west african batis": [
+        "back: olive-green with black stripes",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: light-grey to white",
+        "breast: greyish-white with darker markings",
+        "crown: black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with white patches",
+        "nape: white collar-like stripe",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with greyish hue"
+    ],
+    "west african crested tern": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, yellow with a black tip",
+        "belly: white feathers on the lower torso",
+        "breast: white plumage blending with the belly",
+        "crown: black feathers around the top of the head, creating a crest",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning to black at the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: short, black legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray feathers with white accents and black edges",
+        "nape: black feathers extending around the back of the neck",
+        "tail: fork-shaped, grayish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers below the beak and around the lower neck"
+    ],
+    "west african seedeater": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, black color",
+        "belly: soft white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with white specks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of reddish hue",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: small and round, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin and sturdily-built, greyish-black",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish to light brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "west african wattle eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with blue sheen",
+        "beak: black, short, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: bright yellow with small black streaks",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers with black speckles",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bold black and white markings",
+        "eyes: large white wattles (skin flaps) surrounding red eyes",
+        "legs: black, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: blackish-blue with white spots on upper part",
+        "nape: purple-blue sheen transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant blue plumage fading into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "west himalayan bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown",
+        "forehead: tawny brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with tawny streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark brown with slight notching",
+        "throat: pale, yellowish-white, and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "west indian whistling duck": [
+        "back: rich chocolate-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark gray with a slight hook",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with fine black markings",
+        "crown: dark brown smoothly connecting to the nape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown blending to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a black outline, surrounded by a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, dark brown with a distinctive white patch",
+        "nape: dark brown flowing into the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown, short with a pointed shape",
+        "throat: cream-colored fading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "west indian woodpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, elongated, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: creamy white with black stripes",
+        "breast: rich scarlet red",
+        "crown: streaked red and black pattern",
+        "forehead: pale or creamy white",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: strong greyish-blue",
+        "wings: green with small white spots",
+        "nape: black with red streaks",
+        "tail: stiff, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "west mexican chachalaca": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: dull grayish-brown",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, small crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange bare skin",
+        "eyes: bright, alert gaze",
+        "legs: long, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded",
+        "nape: dark brown, slender neck",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "west mexican euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise feathers",
+        "beak: small, conical yellow-orange bill",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black-and-blue feathered crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: turquoise-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: blue-black feathering",
+        "tail: short with black and blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "west peruvian dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, stout, black or grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray or whitish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown color with potential chestnut tones",
+        "crown: tawny-brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: light gray or light brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by thin white eye-rings",
+        "legs: pinkish or grayish-brown with scaled appearance",
+        "wings: tawny brown feathers with pale edging",
+        "nape: lighter olive-brown feathers compared to the back",
+        "tail: long and tapered, black or brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray or whitish-gray, sometimes with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "west solomons owl": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with faint barring",
+        "beak: short, hooked, light-colored bill",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: brown with barred pattern",
+        "forehead: light-colored with streaks of brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, encircled by facial disc",
+        "legs: feathered, greyish-yellow with powerful talons",
+        "wings: dark brown, mottled with lighter spots",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks and spots",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with light-colored bars",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "western bearded greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: lighter olive-green",
+        "breast: subtle yellow-green hue",
+        "crown: slightly raised, dark green",
+        "forehead: small, pale green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "nape: medium olive-green",
+        "tail: moderately long, green with some dark feather tips",
+        "throat: muted green"
+    ],
+    "western black eared wheatear": [
+        "back: olive-brown or grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slender, grayish-black with a slight hook",
+        "belly: creamy-white or pale gray",
+        "breast: light gray with faint brownish tinge",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, darker towards the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown transition from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, brownish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black tips and white patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuing the crown coloration",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, connected to the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "western black headed oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: slim and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: black, covering head and neck",
+        "forehead: black, part of the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with yellow and white patches",
+        "nape: part of the black crown",
+        "tail: long, black",
+        "throat: yellow with black border"
+    ],
+    "western bluebill": [
+        "back: deep blue upper region",
+        "beak: strong black cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: vivid blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue rounded crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark beady gaze",
+        "legs: greyish-black, sturdy",
+        "wings: dark blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: light blue transition",
+        "tail: short blue cleft",
+        "throat: vibrant blue coloring"
+    ],
+    "western bonelli warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white hue",
+        "breast: light greyish-green tone",
+        "crown: greyish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and greyish-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-toned with contrasting white-bordered black wing bars",
+        "nape: greyish-green, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: short and grey-brown with light feather edges",
+        "throat: whitish-grey and clean-looking"
+    ],
+    "western boubou": [
+        "back: black or dark brown with a slight glossy sheen",
+        "beak: short, strong, and hooked, in a shade of black",
+        "belly: rich chestnut-red color, blending with the breast",
+        "breast: deep chestnut-red, slightly lighter than the belly",
+        "crown: glossy black, distinct and well-defined",
+        "forehead: flat and glossy black, similar to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown bordered with a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: strong and featherless, in a shade of dark gray",
+        "wings: black and rounded with a white stripe along the edge",
+        "nape: dark black or brown, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: relatively short, black with a white outer edge",
+        "throat: black, blending seamlessly with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "western bowerbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with mottled patterns",
+        "beak: curved, dark grey or black",
+        "belly: light brown, sometimes with hints of olive",
+        "breast: olive-brown, mottled with creamy white",
+        "crown: olive-brown, flat or slightly raised",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow or pale blue, with a black pupil",
+        "legs: short and strong, dark grey or black",
+        "wings: olive-brown, with lighter, mottled flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuation of the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, broad feathers with mottled patterns",
+        "throat: palest area, pale grey or ivory, with a slight tuft"
+    ],
+    "western bristlebird": [
+        "back: dark brown with distinct bristles",
+        "beak: short, straight, and conical",
+        "belly: warm brownish-orange",
+        "breast: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long and slender with brownish-grey color",
+        "wings: brown with rounded shape and strong bristles",
+        "nape: dark brown with feather pattern",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped with a reddish-brown edge",
+        "throat: white streaks with dark brown undertones"
+    ],
+    "western capercaillie": [
+        "back: glossy, dark greenish-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, curved upper bill",
+        "belly: dark brown feathers with light barring",
+        "breast: glossy blue-black with distinctive white spots",
+        "crown: dark, iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly raised black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, gray-blue",
+        "wings: large, broad with dark feathers and white spots along the edge",
+        "nape: curved green-black transition",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, dark with brown bands and light tips",
+        "throat: black feathers leading down to glossy breast"
+    ],
+    "western chat tanager": [
+        "back: bright olive green",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish",
+        "belly: light yellowish",
+        "breast: olive-yellow",
+        "crown: dark olive green",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive green",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, with olive-green edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "western citril": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: yellowish-green to pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "wings: olive-green with black feathers at tips and edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with a light yellow and black border",
+        "throat: bright yellow, similar to the breast"
+    ],
+    "western corella": [
+        "back: light grey-white plumage",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and white",
+        "belly: white with sporadic grey feathers",
+        "breast: white with grey undertones",
+        "crown: rounded with white feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by a pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grey with scaly texture",
+        "wings: white with grey-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to grey at the back",
+        "tail: elongated, white with grey underside",
+        "throat: white with occasional grey feather accents"
+    ],
+    "western crested guineafowl": [
+        "back: rounded, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray, spotted feathers",
+        "breast: dark gray, with spots and streaks",
+        "crown: black, with crest or plume",
+        "forehead: red to blue bare skin",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and surrounded by bare skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, with banded patterns",
+        "nape: pale gray, with spotted markings",
+        "tail: short to medium length, with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: adorned with slight wattles or fleshy protuberances"
+    ],
+    "western crowned warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: distinct yellow stripe with black border",
+        "forehead: pale yellow or olive-green",
+        "eyes: black with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slim, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint pale fringes",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with back",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow or whitish, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "western crowned pigeon": [
+        "back: deep blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, curved",
+        "belly: soft blue-grey feathers",
+        "breast: dark blue, crest-like collar",
+        "crown: with a large, ornate, fan-like crest",
+        "forehead: blue-grey with white tips on crest",
+        "eyes: dark with black eye-ring",
+        "legs: red, long, strong",
+        "wings: deep blue-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: slate-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey plumage",
+        "throat: pale blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "western emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green hue",
+        "breast: bright iridescent green",
+        "crown: shining emerald green",
+        "forehead: brilliant greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: round, black, and lively",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: lustrous green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: rich green with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-blue feathers with forked shape",
+        "throat: striking yellow-green color"
+    ],
+    "western fieldwren": [
+        "back: brown with streaks of black",
+        "beak: slim and pointy, dark brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: slender, light brown",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with faint, darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and square-ended, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with small brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "western fire eye": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, ebony beak",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: rich chestnut-red plumage",
+        "crown: bright scarlet feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid red-orange hues",
+        "eyes: bold, black eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong grayish-black legs and feet",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: warm reddish-brown coloring",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: white feathers bordered by red-orange"
+    ],
+    "western gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with a yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: smooth olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, blue-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with contrasting white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "western grasswren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale brown",
+        "belly: pale buff color with sparse markings",
+        "breast: beige with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale beige fading into russet brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, pale brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, olive-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale beige, fading to white on lower throat"
+    ],
+    "western miombo sunbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with a golden sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: dull white with yellow tinge",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathering",
+        "crown: metallic green or blue",
+        "forehead: bright, glossy green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white-eye ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black with green edges",
+        "nape: shimmering green and golden hues",
+        "tail: dark brown, elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent blue or purple"
+    ],
+    "western mountain greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: slender and blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale yellow with olive streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-green",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "western nicator": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: short, thick, black",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: subdued olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark-colored surrounded by off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, bluish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with brown edges",
+        "nape: olive-green smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with brownish edges",
+        "throat: light yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "western olivaceous warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, pale color",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellowish-brown or buff-colored",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green than crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, encircled by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, uniform with the crown",
+        "tail: greenish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white"
+    ],
+    "western orphean warbler": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: slender, dark-grey and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: light grey blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown, slightly round",
+        "forehead: narrow, light greyish-white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey, strong and slender",
+        "wings: dark olive-brown with light feather edges",
+        "nape: dark olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: greyish-white, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "western parotia": [
+        "back: black and elongated feathers",
+        "beak: small and dark grey",
+        "belly: black with velvet-like texture",
+        "breast: iridescent greenish-yellow",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and sleek",
+        "eyes: dark brown and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: black with hints of iridescence",
+        "nape: black and glossy",
+        "tail: long and wiry with ornamental plumes",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow ruff with metallic sheen"
+    ],
+    "western plantain eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, hooked yellow bill",
+        "belly: pale greenish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright turquoise feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue head crest",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-violet patch",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong grey limbs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, rounded green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: rich green plumage with a gradient effect",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped emerald feathers",
+        "throat: striking violet-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "western quail thrush": [
+        "back: dark brown with streaks of black",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light cream, spotted with dark markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown streaks and markings",
+        "crown: pale gray-brown, fading to lighter color at forehead",
+        "forehead: light grey with faint black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a faint lighter circle",
+        "legs: faint yellow with dark brown scales",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped feathers and faint buff-colored bars",
+        "nape: light grey-brown fading to dark brown at the back",
+        "tail: long and narrow with dark brown feathers and white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: pale cream with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "western red billed hornbill": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, pale red with black markings",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage with brown speckles",
+        "breast: lightly speckled gray-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth dark brown feathers fading to paler brown",
+        "forehead: pale red-brown patch above beak",
+        "eyes: deep black with light gray eyelid",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue with small black claws",
+        "wings: elongated dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: faintly streaked brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with narrow white bars",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with sparse brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "western reef heron": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers cover the back, blending with the wings",
+        "beak: long, pointed beak perfect for catching fish in shallow water",
+        "belly: light grey coloration with soft, downy feathers",
+        "breast: bluish-grey plumage, often blending with the belly",
+        "crown: sleek, grey feathers forming a crest on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth transition of grey plumage from crown to the beak",
+        "eyes: yellow, piercing gaze surrounded by a thin grey feather outline",
+        "legs: long, slim legs equipped with webbed feet for wading in water",
+        "wings: bluish-grey feathers with a white pattern underneath, ideal for gliding over water",
+        "nape: transition of grey feathers from crown to the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, featuring shades of light and dark grey",
+        "throat: light grey feathers transitioning from the beak towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "western rock nuthatch": [
+        "back: slate-grey with gentle curves",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white hue",
+        "breast: pale grey, blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark grey, distinct from forehead",
+        "forehead: light grey, contrasts with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy with long, sharp claws",
+        "wings: slate-grey with white spots",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, with white edges",
+        "throat: light grey, in harmony with breast"
+    ],
+    "western rosella": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with blue tinge",
+        "beak: small, curved, and pale grey",
+        "belly: soft yellow with greenish tinge",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow with dense red markings",
+        "crown: rich red feathers with a blue hue",
+        "forehead: vivid red feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and powerful",
+        "wings: mix of green, blue, and black feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green hue transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright red fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "western shrike tit": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint black markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: golden yellow with slight black barring",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a distinct white eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white outer edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with black markings",
+        "tail: black with white tip and outer feathers",
+        "throat: golden yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "western spindalis": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange",
+        "crown: striking black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, fairly long",
+        "wings: blackish with white wingbars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: blackish, short and forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "western spinebill": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light cream with some brownish hue",
+        "breast: reddish-orange fading to a white belly",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a reddish patch",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: bright black, relatively small",
+        "legs: brown and quite thin",
+        "wings: brown with white patches, elongated design",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with reddish markings",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with a small orange patch"
+    ],
+    "western square tailed drongo": [
+        "back: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray, lightly feathered",
+        "breast: dark gray, short feathers",
+        "crown: black, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray, smooth",
+        "eyes: deep brown, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: black, thin and strong",
+        "wings: dark gray, long and pointed",
+        "nape: dark gray, slightly feathered",
+        "tail: black, deeply forked and squared",
+        "throat: pale gray, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "western striolated puffbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dusky streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff with dense barring",
+        "crown: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-white",
+        "eyes: dark with surrounding white patches",
+        "legs: short, pale yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped feathery patterns",
+        "nape: pale gray with dense black barring",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "western subalpine warbler": [
+        "back: olive-grey plumage blending to brown",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark brown",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light pinkish-grey, blending into white",
+        "crown: greyish-blue with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: slim and long, light brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-grey, blending into back",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "western swamphen": [
+        "back: dark purple-blue feathers",
+        "beak: red shield and long, slightly curved",
+        "belly: greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: dark purple-blue feathers",
+        "crown: dark purple-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: red forehead shield",
+        "eyes: small and bright red in color",
+        "legs: long, red, with long toes",
+        "wings: short, dark purple-blue feathers",
+        "nape: dark purple-blue plumage",
+        "tail: short, greenish-black feathers with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: dark purple-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "western thornbill": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey, modest markings",
+        "breast: light greyish-white, streaked feathers",
+        "crown: black with a white line over the eye",
+        "forehead: dark feathers with white markings",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: grey-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, streaked feathers",
+        "tail: dark feathers tipped with white",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "western tinkerbird": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow hue, light streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, streaked pattern",
+        "crown: black, small white spots",
+        "forehead: yellow-green, faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark green, pale spots",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, streaked",
+        "tail: short, greenish, faint barring",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow, light streaks"
+    ],
+    "western tragopan": [
+        "back: brilliant reddish-brown with dense white markings",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and light-colored",
+        "belly: rusty red with white spots and dark barring",
+        "breast: bright crimson with round white spots",
+        "crown: glossy black with bluish highlights",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue skin with bright red wattles",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encased in yellow orbital skin",
+        "legs: short with strong, curved claws",
+        "wings: brown with dark bars and scattered white spots",
+        "nape: bluish-black extending to the upper back",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with narrow white bars",
+        "throat: deep blue with red wattles and white spots"
+    ],
+    "western violet backed sunbird": [
+        "back: shimmering violet-blue feathers",
+        "beak: thin, elongated black or dark grey",
+        "belly: soft yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent violet-blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright violet-blue coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by violet feathers",
+        "legs: slender, black or dark grey",
+        "wings: violet-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: violet-blue feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: split, elongated dark feathers with violet-blue base",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow merging into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "western wattlebird": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with small wattles",
+        "forehead: brown with a hint of red",
+        "eyes: small, dark and alert",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and featherless",
+        "wings: brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "nape: light brown with streaked markings",
+        "tail: long and slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "western wattled honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: curved, black and slender",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-grey",
+        "breast: streaked with black and yellow",
+        "crown: black with distinctive wattles",
+        "forehead: black, red wattle above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, slightly long",
+        "wings: olive-green, with yellow-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: black-bordered wattles",
+        "tail: slender, olive-green with yellow tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "western whipbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with some streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-green, almost black",
+        "forehead: dark olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round",
+        "legs: strong, olive-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bar pattern",
+        "nape: dark olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with some streaks"
+    ],
+    "western whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green colored feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy pale underparts",
+        "breast: faintly yellow-olive gradient",
+        "crown: bright yellow top",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers transitioning into olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark and round with faint white eyering",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-gray and slim",
+        "wings: olive-green with black feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "western yellow robin": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: light yellow to cream",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: greyish olive-green",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grey-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with some grey",
+        "nape: greyish olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "western yellow wagtail": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow shade",
+        "breast: light yellow with minimal streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-olive with thin dark lines",
+        "forehead: bright yellow fading to olive",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by faint yellow eyebrow",
+        "legs: long, pinkish, and slender",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with green edging",
+        "nape: olive-green with a touch of yellow",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "westland petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown body feathers",
+        "beak: long, thick, and black",
+        "belly: white to pale grey underside",
+        "breast: dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "crown: smoky-grey coloration",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, broad, and dark grey-brown",
+        "nape: smoky grey, matches crown",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, and dark grey",
+        "throat: pale grey, connecting to underside"
+    ],
+    "wetar figbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with faint streak patterns",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green transitioning to gray",
+        "eyes: penetrating, dark with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green merging with the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with blackish edge",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "wetar ground dove": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: light gray with brown accents",
+        "breast: pale gray with a lavender hue",
+        "crown: darker gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark-colored appendages",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black markings",
+        "nape: gray with a brown tinge",
+        "tail: gray-brown with black band and white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with slight lavender hue"
+    ],
+    "wetar scops owl": [
+        "back: light brown, with dense black and white markings",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray, with vertical dark streaks",
+        "breast: light gray, with black streaks and white spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, with dark streaks and white markings",
+        "forehead: light gray, with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, with a black outline",
+        "legs: fully feathered, with dark gray and white markings",
+        "wings: gray-brown, with dark and white bands on the feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, with dark streaks and white dots",
+        "tail: short, with dark and light gray bands",
+        "throat: pale gray, with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "weyns weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green hue, lightly streaked",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: soft white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: olive-green, lighter shade than back",
+        "forehead: yellow, prominent stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: light grey, thin and agile",
+        "wings: olive-green, distinct streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green, lighter shade, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, black-tipped",
+        "throat: pale yellow, subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "whinchat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin black cone",
+        "belly: pale cream-white with light spots",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: grey-brown with a hint of black",
+        "forehead: pale grey with streak pattern",
+        "eyes: black, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with dark bars, patch of white at the base",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: cream-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "whiskered auklet": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, curved, gray beak",
+        "belly: white, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white, soft feathers",
+        "crown: pale gray with a tuft",
+        "forehead: white, surrounded by fine whiskers",
+        "eyes: black, round, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white tips",
+        "nape: pale gray, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: short, pointed, grayish-blue",
+        "throat: white, covered in fine whiskers"
+    ],
+    "whiskered flowerpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: greenish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: greenish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: short, slender gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white fringes",
+        "nape: greenish-brown",
+        "tail: short, greenish-brown with white tip",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "whiskered flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with slight white markings",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black bill",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with loose feathers",
+        "breast: pale yellow or white, sometimes with brown streaks",
+        "crown: gray or brownish with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: gray or brownish, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray or black legs",
+        "wings: dark brown with white or pale wing bars",
+        "nape: gray or brownish, blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white or pale edges on feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white, sometimes with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "whiskered pitta": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: short dark grey hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: orange-red feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest",
+        "forehead: azure blue feathering",
+        "eyes: piercing black, yellow ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale legs",
+        "wings: vibrant blue, round-shaped",
+        "nape: bold blue feathers",
+        "tail: lengthy, graduated blue",
+        "throat: dusky grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "whiskered screech owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray plumage with dark markings",
+        "beak: sharp, dark gray hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale gray, striped with dark brown",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: rounded, brownish-gray feathers with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with dark markings",
+        "eyes: large, round, yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, brownish-gray with darker stripes",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with dark streaks and spots",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-gray, banded with dark stripes",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, finely streaked with dark brown"
+    ],
+    "whiskered tern": [
+        "back: light grey plumage with black-tipped feathers",
+        "beak: sharply pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white coloration with a hint of grey",
+        "breast: white and greyish smooth plumage",
+        "crown: black cap extended to forehead",
+        "forehead: same black coloring as the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: short, dark reddish-orange",
+        "wings: grey mantle with white tips and dark edges",
+        "nape: black feathers merging into the crown",
+        "tail: forked, black and white in color",
+        "throat: white plumage, bordering the black crown"
+    ],
+    "whiskered treeswift": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: white whisker-like feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with white outline",
+        "legs: long and thin",
+        "wings: elongated with black and gray feathers",
+        "nape: gray with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and forked, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "whiskered wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black in color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slender, flesh-colored with dark claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with faint bars and white tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, long and narrow with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "whiskered yuhina": [
+        "back: olive-brown with distinct streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved dark bill",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with grayish undertones",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: pale-gray with slight streaking",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, dark grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown and streaked",
+        "tail: dark, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black whisker-like markings"
+    ],
+    "whistler warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with faint dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with indistinct stripes",
+        "forehead: light olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark black bars on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with very faint streaking",
+        "tail: relatively short, dark olive-green with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "whistling cisticola": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: light beige with faint markings",
+        "breast: beige with black streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with crest",
+        "forehead: pale brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin, pale grey",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with dark markings",
+        "throat: beige with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "whistling green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, cream-colored",
+        "belly: light green with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: bright green",
+        "crown: vivid green, slight crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent green",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small, surrounded by bare orange skin",
+        "legs: strong and gray",
+        "wings: mix of green and blue feathers with black edge",
+        "nape: green, leading into the crown",
+        "tail: long, green and black feathers, with tapering tips",
+        "throat: pale green, blends into breast"
+    ],
+    "whistling heron": [
+        "back: light grayish blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellow",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with fine gray barring",
+        "crown: pale blue-gray with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white, stretching above the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow with long, thin toes",
+        "wings: predominantly gray with white edges and dark tips",
+        "nape: blue-gray with a thin white stripe",
+        "tail: long, blunt, gray with narrow white bars",
+        "throat: smooth white with a slight gray tinge"
+    ],
+    "whistling kite": [
+        "back: light brown with distinctive plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: smooth, off-white feathers",
+        "breast: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: brown plumage with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, featherless",
+        "wings: broad, angled, multi-toned brown",
+        "nape: pale brown, blending into crown",
+        "tail: long, square, brown with black banding",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "whistling warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with subtle brown streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light cream with faint yellow tones",
+        "breast: pale yellow with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker edges and two faint white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, olive-brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: buff-white with faint yellow wash"
+    ],
+    "white bellbird": [
+        "back: snowy white with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: broad and black, sharply hooked",
+        "belly: clean, crisp white feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant white and slightly puffed out",
+        "crown: white crest with rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: radiant white and unblemished",
+        "eyes: beady, black and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark grey in color",
+        "wings: gleaming white with wide span",
+        "nape: white with a downward curving of feathers",
+        "tail: long, white, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white and adorned with expanding wattles"
+    ],
+    "white cockatoo": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: large, light gray curved hook",
+        "belly: fluffy, white plumage",
+        "breast: full, smooth white feathers",
+        "crown: defined, expressive white crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow tinted feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray scaly legs",
+        "wings: broad, white feathers with slight curvature",
+        "nape: smooth white feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, white narrow feathers with fanned appearance",
+        "throat: softly feathered, white contour"
+    ],
+    "white eared pheasant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved tip",
+        "belly: fluffy white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: dark crest with a hint of iridescence",
+        "forehead: dark feathers blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, with robust toes",
+        "wings: broad, white, speckled with black tips",
+        "nape: smooth transition from dark crown to white body",
+        "tail: long, elegant, dark with white streaks",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from the breast"
+    ],
+    "white helmetshrike": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black and hooked",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: bright white feathers",
+        "crown: white helmet-like crest",
+        "forehead: white and smooth",
+        "eyes: alert dark orbs",
+        "legs: long and black",
+        "wings: boldly white with black tips",
+        "nape: thick white feathering",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black-edged plumes",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white stork": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: white plumage with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: thick white feathers covering the upper body",
+        "crown: white feathers with a slight curve on top",
+        "forehead: small white patch above the eyes",
+        "eyes: rounded, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long and slender with reddish-orange color",
+        "wings: broad and white with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: white plumage connecting head to back",
+        "tail: long, white, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: feathers transitioning from white to light gray"
+    ],
+    "white tern": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, black tip",
+        "belly: white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white, puffed plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, white feathers",
+        "forehead: clear white, tapering towards beak",
+        "eyes: round, black, encircled by white",
+        "legs: short, slender, dark",
+        "wings: long, white, pointed tips",
+        "nape: white, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: forked, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "white wagtail": [
+        "back: smooth grey plumage",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: white with occasional black patch",
+        "crown: black and sleek",
+        "forehead: black extending to eye line",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, black",
+        "wings: grey with white outer edges and dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, black, and frequently wagging with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and well-defined"
+    ],
+    "white woodpecker": [
+        "back: white feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: long, pointed and light greyish color",
+        "belly: white and fluffy with occasional specks of grey",
+        "breast: wide, white plumage with a slight curve",
+        "crown: bright crimson patch on the head",
+        "forehead: white with short, fine feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: lanky and grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: mostly white with bold black stripes and spots",
+        "nape: white with a hint of red on the neck's base",
+        "tail: elongated, white feathers with black bars",
+        "throat: white with linear feather pattern"
+    ],
+    "white backed black tit": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: black dome-shaped",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: black and smooth",
+        "tail: black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white and slightly fluffy"
+    ],
+    "white backed duck": [
+        "back: white feathers with black patterns",
+        "beak: short and stubby, gray color",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with occasional black spots",
+        "crown: smooth white feathers",
+        "forehead: white and flat",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with black edged feathers",
+        "nape: white, connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: short and white, slightly pointed",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white backed mousebird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with white feather streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft feathering",
+        "breast: grayish-white and smooth",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white feather edges",
+        "nape: gray with some white feather tips",
+        "tail: elongated, grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray transitioning to lighter gray on the belly"
+    ],
+    "white backed night heron": [
+        "back: white-feathered with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black tipped yellow",
+        "belly: soft whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: rounded and covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: black plumed crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: flat area above the beak with white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow, bordered by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, skinny, and yellow-green",
+        "wings: white feathers with black streaks at the tips",
+        "nape: white-feathered neck leading to the crown",
+        "tail: medium length with white feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers covering the area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "white backed swallow": [
+        "back: sleek white plumage",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: dark gray or black",
+        "forehead: white stripe",
+        "eyes: alert, black orbs",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: long, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: white with black border",
+        "tail: forked, with white and black feathers",
+        "throat: white, curved plumage"
+    ],
+    "white backed thrush": [
+        "back: smooth, white feathers",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: soft, white and round",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: slightly raised, white feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent, flat, and white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: wide, white, with subtle beige markings",
+        "nape: short white feathers curving around the neck",
+        "tail: long, white, with horizontal beige stripes",
+        "throat: pure white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "white backed vulture": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, ivory",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white and dense feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey and ruffled",
+        "forehead: bare and wrinkled skin",
+        "eyes: piercing and dark",
+        "legs: covered in greyish scales",
+        "wings: broad and strong, grayish-white",
+        "nape: dark grey feathered",
+        "tail: long and grey with white edges",
+        "throat: bare and wrinkled skin"
+    ],
+    "white backed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: red in males, black and white in females",
+        "forehead: white with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spots and markings",
+        "nape: black and white with red streak in males",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "white banded mockingbird": [
+        "back: white streaks on gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light gray with soft white undertones",
+        "breast: grayish-white overlapping feathers",
+        "crown: gray and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: light gray, gradually blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: gray with distinct white bands and black tips",
+        "nape: gray, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, black and white banded with rounded tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with gray breast"
+    ],
+    "white banded swallow": [
+        "back: sleek white banding on dark feathers",
+        "beak: slender and sharp-pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray coloring with white accents",
+        "crown: dark glossy feathers with a gentle slope",
+        "forehead: smoothly transition from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by feathers",
+        "legs: slender and twig-like, pale in color",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with dark feathers and white banding",
+        "nape: continuing dark glossy feather pattern from crown",
+        "tail: forked and elongated, with a distinctive white band",
+        "throat: white, blending seamlessly into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "white banded tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with hints of green",
+        "breast: bright white with contrasting green upper part",
+        "crown: rich olive-green with a smooth transition to the forehead",
+        "forehead: glossy olive-green shading",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: vivid green with white band separating them from the body",
+        "nape: smooth green feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and forked, green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pristine white with a subtle transition to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white banded tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light olive-brown coloration",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bold white stripe",
+        "forehead: white and narrow band",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and grayish",
+        "wings: brownish with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending into crown",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white barred piculet": [
+        "back: green-streaked white feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: off-white with black bars",
+        "breast: white with thin black bars",
+        "crown: bright red patch",
+        "forehead: greenish, mixed with red",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: greenish with red crown",
+        "tail: short, barred black and white",
+        "throat: white with faint black bars"
+    ],
+    "white bearded antshrike": [
+        "back: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pure white and soft",
+        "breast: snowy white with fine black barring",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: bold black with a bright white ring",
+        "legs: long, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: black and white patterned with white wingbars",
+        "nape: black with a white beard-like tuft",
+        "tail: banded black and white, medium length",
+        "throat: bright white with a distinctive beard marking"
+    ],
+    "white bearded flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft, white and fluffy",
+        "breast: bright, white plumage",
+        "crown: distinguished white crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, keen gaze",
+        "legs: delicate, black, clawed",
+        "wings: white, medium-length, agile",
+        "nape: white, arched gracefully",
+        "tail: white, slender, with a slight fan shape",
+        "throat: clean white, unobstructed"
+    ],
+    "white bearded greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light green, soft plumage",
+        "breast: slightly darker green, feathered texture",
+        "crown: bright green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and light grey",
+        "wings: green with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: bright green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white bearded plumage, contrasting with surrounding green"
+    ],
+    "white bearded helmetcrest": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slender",
+        "belly: mix of white and greenish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: snowy white with hints of grey",
+        "crown: white feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white, adorned with a greenish-black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and well-defined",
+        "legs: skinny and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green and black feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: white feathers meeting the green back",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white edges",
+        "throat: covered in distinct white beard-like feathers"
+    ],
+    "white bearded hermit": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long and curved, black color",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white with a streak of brown",
+        "crown: iridescent green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green with slight iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and piercing",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, long, and rounded",
+        "nape: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long and white with black bands",
+        "throat: white beard-like feathers"
+    ],
+    "white bearded manakin": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pristine white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with beard-like tufts",
+        "crown: unblemished white feathers",
+        "forehead: white and smooth",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: white, with rounded edges",
+        "nape: white and continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short and white, with squared-off tips",
+        "throat: white with distinctive beard-like tufts"
+    ],
+    "white bellied antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: bright white with grayish sides",
+        "breast: grayish-white underparts",
+        "crown: rufous with grayish temples",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous",
+        "eyes: large, dark",
+        "legs: long, strong, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: rufous, transitioning to olive-brown",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-brown with rufous tips",
+        "throat: white with grayish-white sides"
+    ],
+    "white bellied antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved bill",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rounded tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short, rounded olive-brown",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown plumage"
+    ],
+    "white bellied blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright white underside",
+        "breast: deep blue-hued chest feathers",
+        "crown: vivid blue feathered top",
+        "forehead: striking blue plumage",
+        "eyes: deep, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and perched",
+        "wings: extended blue feathers with hints of white",
+        "nape: connecting blue crown to back feathers",
+        "tail: long, contrasting blue and white feathers",
+        "throat: transition from blue breast to white belly"
+    ],
+    "white bellied bustard": [
+        "back: sleek, white plumage",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: white feathered curve",
+        "breast: light gray, rounded",
+        "crown: pale gray, slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers blending in with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, bright and beady",
+        "legs: long and slender",
+        "wings: broad, short, and gray-tinged",
+        "nape: white, sloping into the back",
+        "tail: medium length, narrow feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white transition into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied canary": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers with light yellow tint",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and light orange",
+        "belly: bright white feathers with a soft texture",
+        "breast: delicate yellow feathers blending into white",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark beads with a gentle expression",
+        "legs: slender, light pink legs with clawed toes",
+        "wings: white and yellow feathers with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: white feathers merging into the yellow crown",
+        "tail: long white feathers with hints of yellow at the base",
+        "throat: soft white feathers with subtle yellow tinges"
+    ],
+    "white bellied chachalaca": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and grayish-black",
+        "belly: white and lightly feathered",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with crest-like feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: long, gray, and lightly scaled",
+        "wings: mottled brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: pale brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with light banding",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white and lightly feathered"
+    ],
+    "white bellied cinclodes": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with darker spots",
+        "breast: white streaked with brown",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with narrow white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white bellied crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: creamy white feathers with grayish tinge",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: striking white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: slim, dark, and strong",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edges",
+        "nape: soft gray contrasting crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish",
+        "beak: stout, black",
+        "belly: bright white",
+        "breast: white, with defined border",
+        "crown: pale gray",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: thin, black",
+        "wings: gray, long, pointed",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending with crown",
+        "tail: gray, slender, forked",
+        "throat: white, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: black, conical shape",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: vivid blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black, round and alert",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender",
+        "wings: striking blue with black edges",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers",
+        "tail: black with blue tips, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "white bellied drongo": [
+        "back: dark metallic blue; sleek feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked; elongated",
+        "belly: contrasting white with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: dark metallic blue; feathery and smooth",
+        "crown: smooth dark metallic blue; slightly raised",
+        "forehead: even dark metallic blue; gently sloping",
+        "eyes: small, beady, black; piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slim, dark legs; three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: dark metallic blue; long and pointed",
+        "nape: dark metallic blue; gently curved",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked; dark metallic blue",
+        "throat: dark metallic blue; smooth and closely feathered"
+    ],
+    "white bellied emerald": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to green",
+        "crown: iridescent green with a darker shade",
+        "forehead: smooth, gleaming green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slim, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant green with darker tips",
+        "nape: shining green with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: elongated, green with white edges",
+        "throat: brilliant white with a touch of green"
+    ],
+    "white bellied erpornis": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and gray",
+        "belly: unblemished white plumage",
+        "breast: white with a slight yellow tint",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow-green patch",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with subtle dark barring",
+        "nape: green-yellow with a hint of olive",
+        "tail: relatively long, olive-green with dark barring",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "white bellied fantail": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: round, white, fluffy",
+        "breast: white, plump, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: white, with fan-shaped crest",
+        "forehead: white, smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: white, long, fan-like",
+        "nape: white, feathery, connects to crown",
+        "tail: wide, white, fanned-out",
+        "throat: white, with soft, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "white bellied flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: bright white underbelly",
+        "breast: white breast with green transition",
+        "crown: green plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: radiant green-feathered brow",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slim, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue tinges",
+        "nape: green neckline with subtle shades",
+        "tail: short, green, with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with green edges"
+    ],
+    "white bellied go away bird": [
+        "back: light grey feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: long, curved black beak for feeding",
+        "belly: bright white feathers on lower abdomen",
+        "breast: white feathers blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: lighter grey feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: long, grey feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: grey feathers connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: lime green, slightly iridescent",
+        "crown: dark green, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green, sleek",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, thin, strong",
+        "wings: lush green with blue accents",
+        "nape: dark green, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green with black band",
+        "throat: white, gently contrasting breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied heron": [
+        "back: sleek dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: smooth white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with gentle contour",
+        "crown: dark gray with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray shade",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, skinny, and dark gray",
+        "wings: wide, gray with white underparts",
+        "nape: dark gray, smooth transition",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-like, gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: shiny greenish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering green feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming metallic green",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and delicate, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: narrow, curved, and bronze-green",
+        "nape: glittering green plumage",
+        "tail: forked, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant green patch"
+    ],
+    "white bellied imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pristine white plumage",
+        "breast: full, white, fluffy",
+        "crown: white feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: flat, white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled by light blue",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, red",
+        "wings: broad, white, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: white, slender neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, white feathers",
+        "throat: soft, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white bellied kingfisher": [
+        "back: deep blue with a slight shine",
+        "beak: red-orange, sharp, and prominent",
+        "belly: bright white and soft",
+        "breast: vibrant white merging with the belly",
+        "crown: deep blue and glossy",
+        "forehead: deep blue, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black, alert",
+        "legs: red-orange, slender, and agile",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with white patches",
+        "nape: deep blue, continuation of crown color",
+        "tail: blue with white tips, long and elegant",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with deep blue head"
+    ],
+    "white bellied minivet": [
+        "back: vibrant orange hue with black feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: bright white underside",
+        "breast: fiery orange with white markings",
+        "crown: striking black with orange edges",
+        "forehead: black with distinct orange eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender black limbs",
+        "wings: bold black with prominent orange markings",
+        "nape: intense black with orange coloring",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: contrasting white and orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "white bellied mountain gem": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and black",
+        "belly: striking white color",
+        "breast: rich emerald green hue",
+        "crown: iridescent green shine",
+        "forehead: gleaming green plumage",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, black color",
+        "wings: green feathers with a swift curve",
+        "nape: glimmering green shades",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting the breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied munia": [
+        "back: dark brown feathered back",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: pristine white underbelly",
+        "breast: light brown feathered chest",
+        "crown: dark brown rounded top head",
+        "forehead: light brown feathered front head area",
+        "eyes: round black eyes on side of head",
+        "legs: slim brown legs and claws",
+        "wings: dark brown wings with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown feathered back of neck",
+        "tail: long dark brown tail feathers",
+        "throat: light brown feathered throat section"
+    ],
+    "white bellied nothura": [
+        "back: white feathered with black speckles",
+        "beak: short and sharp, light grey",
+        "belly: pure white and plump",
+        "breast: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with black spotting",
+        "forehead: light brown, small feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, grey scaly",
+        "wings: short with a mix of brown, white, and black feathers",
+        "nape: brown feathers with slight black spotting",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown and white feathered",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "white bellied parrot": [
+        "back: bright emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved black beak",
+        "belly: white, slightly off-white feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green feathers with a slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: light green plumage with bluish hue",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray, scaly legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with a red underwing patch",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers flowing into yellow on the breast",
+        "tail: green feathers tipped with blue and yellow",
+        "throat: smooth, bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "white bellied piculet": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, straight, and grayish",
+        "belly: white feathers with narrow streaks",
+        "breast: white with a hint of yellowish-green",
+        "crown: grayish color with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish color with a white streak above the eye",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin and gray with small claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with white speckles",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with white speckles",
+        "tail: short, greenish-yellow with a series of white spots",
+        "throat: white with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "white bellied pitohui": [
+        "back: sleek, white-feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, black, pointed",
+        "belly: pristine white plumage",
+        "breast: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: striking black cap",
+        "forehead: black-finished head",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, strong gray legs",
+        "wings: white and black, long, and powerful",
+        "nape: black, feathery neckline",
+        "tail: contrastingly long black feathers",
+        "throat: snowy white, feathered"
+    ],
+    "white bellied pygmy tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright white and plump",
+        "breast: white with a slight yellowish tint",
+        "crown: brownish-gray patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green shades",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a subtle eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white bellied redstart": [
+        "back: sleek upper plumage in shades of gray-blue",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright white feathering",
+        "breast: vibrant, reddish-orange patch",
+        "crown: gray-blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and sharp",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray appendages",
+        "wings: long, gray-blue with white accents",
+        "nape: continuation of gray-blue plumage",
+        "tail: forked and vividly reddish-orange",
+        "throat: white feathers blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, pointy, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pristine white plumage",
+        "breast: white with a hint of orange feathers",
+        "crown: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown with darker edges",
+        "eyes: bright, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and dark-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark, and broad with white tips",
+        "throat: solid white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white bellied sea eagle": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: large, sturdy, hooked yellow beak",
+        "belly: white plumage with smooth texture",
+        "breast: bright white feathers, broad chest",
+        "crown: white feathered, prominent",
+        "forehead: flat, merging into beak smoothly",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, scaly, sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, white, long, black-tipped",
+        "nape: white, smooth transition to back",
+        "tail: wide, short, white, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied seedeater": [
+        "back: smooth, white-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white, soft plumage",
+        "crown: black, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: black stripe adorning the front",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and watchful",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and strong",
+        "wings: greyish-white with black edges",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to grey",
+        "tail: short, grey-white with dark accents",
+        "throat: white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "white bellied seedsnipe": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white markings",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish color",
+        "belly: bright white with faint specks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with white specks",
+        "crown: light brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown, slightly darker at the sides",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: slender and yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: light brown with white and darker brown patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with white and black barred pattern",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown specks"
+    ],
+    "white bellied sholakili": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: white with delicate plumage",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers",
+        "crown: light-colored with subtle markings",
+        "forehead: white and unblemished",
+        "eyes: dark and inquisitive",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: white with fine feather details",
+        "nape: gracefully curved white neck",
+        "tail: long and white with elegant feathers",
+        "throat: pristine white plumage"
+    ],
+    "white bellied spinetail": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: red-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "eyes: black and circular, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: light pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brown with white edges and tail spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with small white streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white bellied storm petrel": [
+        "back: light grey plumage with a subtle darker streak",
+        "beak: black, short, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white feathers clearly contrasting the back",
+        "crown: light grey plumage with a faint dark streak",
+        "forehead: white fading into the grey crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, almost hidden among surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: dark grey with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long and slender, dark grey with white fringes",
+        "nape: white with a hint of grey near the crown",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked, grey with white edges",
+        "throat: bright white feathers leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white bellied thicket fantail": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: white, rounded feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, white crest",
+        "forehead: feathered, white",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: thin, long, dark",
+        "wings: white, fanned feathers",
+        "nape: white, delicate feathers",
+        "tail: long, white, fanned out",
+        "throat: white, soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "white bellied tit": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathered",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white, rounded",
+        "breast: pale, soft feathers",
+        "crown: grayish, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, gray tint",
+        "eyes: round, black, attentive",
+        "legs: thin, strong, black",
+        "wings: white-edged, gray feathers",
+        "nape: gray, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, gray-white",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white bellied tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: white feathers blending to green",
+        "crown: bright green head plumage",
+        "forehead: striking green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with white outlines",
+        "legs: slender gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: green feathers with hints of white",
+        "nape: green neck plumage",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathered throat area"
+    ],
+    "white bellied treepie": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white with black edges",
+        "crown: black with greyish hues",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: wide black feathers",
+        "nape: black with slight grey",
+        "tail: long, graduated, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black border"
+    ],
+    "white bellied whistler": [
+        "back: vibrant brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pristine white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathered with orange streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with subtle feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, brown, and long",
+        "wings: elongated with brown and white patterns",
+        "nape: pale brown with fine feathering",
+        "tail: medium-length with white and brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of orange streaks"
+    ],
+    "white bellied woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, chisel-like",
+        "belly: white or pale coloration",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: red or reddish-orange, prominent crest",
+        "forehead: red or reddish-orange markings",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong, and sturdy",
+        "wings: black and white patterns, strong feathers",
+        "nape: black and white-striped",
+        "tail: rigid, black and white barred feathers",
+        "throat: white, slightly speckled with black"
+    ],
+    "white bellied woodstar": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: greenish outer feathers, white center",
+        "crown: shimmering violet-blue",
+        "forehead: violet-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, gray",
+        "wings: green with white edges, rapid movement",
+        "nape: green, glossy hue",
+        "tail: green on top with white-tipped feathers, forked",
+        "throat: white, round shape"
+    ],
+    "white bellied wren": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly down-curved",
+        "belly: white with pale gray shades",
+        "breast: white, sometimes tinged with gray",
+        "crown: rusty-brown or chestnut-colored",
+        "forehead: russet-brown fading to gray",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, thin and spindly",
+        "wings: short and rounded, with olive green and brown feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored fading to gray",
+        "tail: long, curved, and brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with soft gray undertones"
+    ],
+    "white bibbed antbird": [
+        "back: smooth white and black feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black beak",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white bib-like marking",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, gray legs",
+        "wings: black and white patterned feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, black and white tipped feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers surrounding white bib"
+    ],
+    "white bibbed babbler": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathered back",
+        "beak: short, stout light-colored beak",
+        "belly: pale gray underside",
+        "breast: predominantly white with a striking black bib",
+        "crown: grayish-brown cap-like feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek grayish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small black eyes with white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, slender gray legs",
+        "wings: grayish-brown feathered wings with light streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathered nape",
+        "tail: long grayish-brown tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathered, above the black bib"
+    ],
+    "white bibbed manakin": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: white with black bib markings",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: white feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, clear",
+        "legs: slender, grey, strong",
+        "wings: white with black edges, agile",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: long, black, semi-fanned",
+        "throat: white feathers with diminishing black bib marks"
+    ],
+    "white billed buffalo weaver": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: heavy, straight, and white",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: white plumage, raised crest",
+        "forehead: white feathers, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white edges and markings",
+        "nape: white plumage, blending into brown on the back",
+        "tail: short and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers, extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white billed starling": [
+        "back: sleek feathers, light grey hue",
+        "beak: bright white, pointed, robust",
+        "belly: soft white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: white, covered in delicate feathers",
+        "crown: grey, small feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, white-feathered",
+        "eyes: dark, round, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: slender, white, strong",
+        "wings: wide, white, black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grey, feather-transition to white",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, grey-white gradient",
+        "throat: white, smooth, feathered section"
+    ],
+    "white booted racket tail": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent green",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering green",
+        "crown: green-emerald feathers",
+        "forehead: bright white band",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent green",
+        "nape: smooth, green-emerald plumage",
+        "tail: distinctive white-tipped rackets",
+        "throat: vibrant white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white breasted antbird": [
+        "back: sleek grey plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp black",
+        "belly: delicate white feathers",
+        "breast: broad white chest",
+        "crown: smooth grey crest",
+        "forehead: light grey coloration",
+        "eyes: dark, round orbs",
+        "legs: slender, twig-like appendages",
+        "wings: short, rounded grey flaps",
+        "nape: smooth grey transition to back",
+        "tail: fan-like, grey with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, white-bordered trachea"
+    ],
+    "white breasted babbler": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, black",
+        "belly: clean white plumage",
+        "breast: prominent white coloring",
+        "crown: warm brown feathers",
+        "forehead: small gray-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: subtle brown feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, gray-brown",
+        "throat: clean white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white breasted cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: distinct white patch",
+        "crown: smooth gray with defined feathers",
+        "forehead: grayish hue, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, intense gaze",
+        "legs: slim, black and sturdy",
+        "wings: grayish, marked with white edges",
+        "nape: seamlessly transitions from the head to back",
+        "tail: long, dark and fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: white, feathered and full"
+    ],
+    "white breasted fruit dove": [
+        "back: smooth feathered coverage in greenish hues",
+        "beak: short, stout, slightly hooked, with a yellowish tinge",
+        "belly: white plumage overlaying the lower body",
+        "breast: contrasting white feathers against a greenish background",
+        "crown: greenish-blue feathers adorning the head's top",
+        "forehead: lighter green, transitioning to the crown shades",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with thin eye rings",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray perching limbs",
+        "wings: wide, green-feathered, with black and yellow markings",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, joining the crown to the back",
+        "tail: graduated, green feathers, with subtle yellow striations",
+        "throat: white plumage, contrasting with the adjacent areas"
+    ],
+    "white breasted guineafowl": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with small white speckles",
+        "beak: strong, hooked grayish-brown beak",
+        "belly: white-feathered with spotted patterns",
+        "breast: bright white with rounded speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers with a hint of white speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round with white rings",
+        "legs: grayish-brown with long, sturdy claws",
+        "wings: light gray with white spots and rounded edges",
+        "nape: grayish feathers transitioning to white speckles",
+        "tail: short, rounded light gray with white spots",
+        "throat: white-feathered with speckled patterns"
+    ],
+    "white breasted mesite": [
+        "back: light brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: predominantly white, some light brown",
+        "breast: white, puffy feathers",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: transition from brown to white",
+        "eyes: small, dark and keen",
+        "legs: long, gray, slender",
+        "wings: brown with white stripes",
+        "nape: brown, well-groomed feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown-gray, straight",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "white breasted monarch": [
+        "back: sleek white and black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black beak",
+        "belly: predominantly white feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant white with a black patch",
+        "crown: striking black head with white markings",
+        "forehead: black with contrasting white stripe",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white with bold black feathers creating patterns",
+        "nape: black with a contrasting white patch",
+        "tail: long and tapered, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint black lines"
+    ],
+    "white breasted nigrita": [
+        "back: black with greenish-blue iridescence",
+        "beak: short, thick, and black",
+        "belly: white and feathered",
+        "breast: white and puffy",
+        "crown: smooth black with green-blue gloss",
+        "forehead: black with slightly glossy sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and small",
+        "legs: gray and thin",
+        "wings: black with hints of iridescence",
+        "nape: black with green-blue gloss",
+        "tail: black and medium-length",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white breasted parrotbill": [
+        "back: light brown, patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with slight yellow tinge",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with a soft texture"
+    ],
+    "white breasted robin": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slim, dark, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: light cream or white patch",
+        "breast: prominent white coloring",
+        "crown: rounded, grayish-blue top",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a watchful gaze",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and agile",
+        "wings: grayish-blue, with a span suited for rapid flight",
+        "nape: grayish-blue transition to lighter shades",
+        "tail: moderately long, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "white breasted sunbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: off-white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright white center with a turquoise-tipped collar",
+        "crown: glossy metallic green head",
+        "forehead: shiny emerald feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and perceptive",
+        "legs: slim, grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black edging",
+        "nape: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, streamer-like feathers",
+        "throat: radiant blue with a purplish sheen"
+    ],
+    "white breasted tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: white feathered",
+        "crown: gray plumage",
+        "forehead: grayish feathers",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark gray",
+        "nape: gray feathers, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: short and square-ended",
+        "throat: white plumage"
+    ],
+    "white breasted thrasher": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: slightly curved, strong",
+        "belly: white, unmarked",
+        "breast: white with grayish flanks",
+        "crown: dark brown, contrasting",
+        "forehead: dark brown, distinct",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, penetrating",
+        "legs: light pinkish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-black, rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown, partially streaked",
+        "tail: long, dark brown",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white breasted whistler": [
+        "back: light brown with a hint of olive",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: clean white with light brown feathers",
+        "breast: bright white with speckled edges",
+        "crown: brownish-olive color",
+        "forehead: light brown fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a small white ring",
+        "legs: sleek and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "nape: light brown-olive with slight speckles",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, slightly fluffy"
+    ],
+    "white breasted wood wren": [
+        "back: light brown with darker stripes",
+        "beak: small, narrow, black",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: white with subtle gray markings",
+        "crown: brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: brown with darker streaks, similar to crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "white breasted woodswallow": [
+        "back: sleek, charcoal gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pristine, white plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant, white-feathered chest",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: gray-feathered connection to beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: strong, gray feathers with white trim",
+        "nape: area between crown and back, grayish hue",
+        "tail: elongated, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: delicate, white feather transition"
+    ],
+    "white bridled finch": [
+        "back: white with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, light-colored",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white with minimal black markings",
+        "crown: contrasting black and white pattern",
+        "forehead: bold black and white stripes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: light brown, slender with strong toes",
+        "wings: white with black-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: striking black and white patterns",
+        "tail: long, forked with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: clean white, sometimes with faint black markings"
+    ],
+    "white browed antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim and grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish tinges",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with white stripe",
+        "forehead: white brow extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white brow above",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: light olive-brown tone",
+        "tail: long and rufous with blackish tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white browed antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: clean white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale white-gray transitioning to speckled flanks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white browline transitioning into rusty-brown head",
+        "eyes: round, black, with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, barred with lighter shades",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with lighter tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the speckled breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: light grey, some white streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white, slightly striped",
+        "crown: slim white, brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: white brow-like markings",
+        "eyes: dark, edged with faint white",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grey-brown, hint of white",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, elongated feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, clean appearance"
+    ],
+    "white browed brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, strong, cone-shaped black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underpart",
+        "breast: whitish with faded olive-brown streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-reddish stripe atop the head",
+        "forehead: white plumage above the eyes extending to the brow",
+        "eyes: small, round, black with white eyerings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with a hint of chestnut-red",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white plumage, contrasting with breast markings"
+    ],
+    "white browed bulbul": [
+        "back: light olive green with white streaks",
+        "beak: slim, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: whitish with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint white strip",
+        "forehead: bright white brow above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive green with pale edges, white tips",
+        "nape: brownish-gray blending into back plumage",
+        "tail: long, olive green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white browed bush robin": [
+        "back: rich blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp",
+        "belly: white-grey plumage",
+        "breast: white-grey with bluish tinge",
+        "crown: striking blue head",
+        "forehead: bright white brow",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: thin and grey",
+        "wings: blue and slightly pointed",
+        "nape: deep blue coloring",
+        "tail: vibrant blue with fanned feathers",
+        "throat: soft white-grey shading"
+    ],
+    "white browed bushchat": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with slight brown hues",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with white spots",
+        "crown: light brown with a white brow",
+        "forehead: white stripe across",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, black",
+        "wings: brown with white patches and streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with mild white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed chat tyrant": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and tapered",
+        "belly: off-white color, faint streaks",
+        "breast: soft grayish-white hue",
+        "crown: white-bordered black stripe",
+        "forehead: white plumage with black border",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: light gray with white highlights",
+        "nape: gray with a hint of white",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with subtle gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "white browed conebill": [
+        "back: light bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, subtly-curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray underparts",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: distinctive white stripe",
+        "forehead: white brow above black eye line",
+        "eyes: small, round black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, black legs and feet",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: light bluish-gray plumage",
+        "tail: long, forked tail with gray feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "white browed coucal": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: robust, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white feathers with brown edges",
+        "breast: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: white feathers covering brow and top of head",
+        "forehead: white feathers meeting beak base",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white speckles on coverts",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "white browed crombec": [
+        "back: pale olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white with a hint of buff",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with white eyebrows",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "white browed fantail": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a distinct \"v\" marking",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, light brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with a white wingbar",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, grey with white edges",
+        "throat: plain grey"
+    ],
+    "white browed foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with grayish markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: brown with light barring",
+        "nape: rufous-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and slender, brown with light tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white browed forest flycatcher": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow to white",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: white, distinct brow line",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, similar to back",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown, medium length",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "white browed fulvetta": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, pale gray",
+        "belly: delicate whitish-gray",
+        "breast: pale gray-white",
+        "crown: distinctive rusty-brown",
+        "forehead: white supercilium (eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rich brown, slight white edging",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: soft white with faint gray markings"
+    ],
+    "white browed gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale white plumage",
+        "breast: soft white coloration",
+        "crown: white eyebrow streak",
+        "forehead: white with gray markings",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: gray-blue with faint white bars",
+        "nape: gray plumage",
+        "tail: long and fine, edged with white",
+        "throat: pure white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white browed ground tyrant": [
+        "back: light gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, black and slightly pointed",
+        "belly: soft white feathers extending to the vent area",
+        "breast: white with subtle gray markings",
+        "crown: white streaks on a gray background",
+        "forehead: prominent white feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, and adapted for ground foraging",
+        "wings: gray with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: light gray feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short, gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white feathers leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "white browed guan": [
+        "back: light-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: pale yellow, sturdy and medium-sized",
+        "belly: soft white with thin brown markings",
+        "breast: white with brownish hues and light streaks",
+        "crown: medium-gray with white feathers near forehead",
+        "forehead: white with thin black feather border",
+        "eyes: small, dark-brown with white circle surrounding",
+        "legs: yellowish-gray with strong scaly texture",
+        "wings: light-brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: grayish-white with subtle scattered brown spots",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with black and white markings",
+        "throat: white with light-gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "white browed hawk": [
+        "back: sleek, feathered, white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: white, streaked, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, slightly speckled, fluffy",
+        "crown: distinctive, gray-brown, feathered",
+        "forehead: white, extending to brows, narrow feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellowish, well-defined",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish, scaled",
+        "wings: broad, powerful, gray-brown",
+        "nape: gray-brown, smooth, feathered transition",
+        "tail: long, banded, gray and white",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "white browed hermit": [
+        "back: bluish-gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with dark gray markings",
+        "breast: light gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: white eyebrows with dark gray cap",
+        "forehead: dark gray",
+        "eyes: dark with white outer rings",
+        "legs: long, dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray with light gray streaks",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray markings"
+    ],
+    "white browed laughingthrush": [
+        "back: light brown, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: dark gray, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: light gray, delicate feathers",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, defined feathers",
+        "forehead: distinctive white brow",
+        "eyes: dark, round with protective eyelids",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with white streaks, rounded shape",
+        "nape: gray-brown, with fine feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-white, soft plumage"
+    ],
+    "white browed meadowlark": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and grayish",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown spots",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyebrow",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white and black bands",
+        "nape: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white browed nuthatch": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, black",
+        "belly: lightly speckled white",
+        "breast: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "crown: bold white-browed stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: deep black, small, alert",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, black",
+        "wings: gray, broad, strong",
+        "nape: gray, smooth transition to back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, slightly notched",
+        "throat: smooth white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed owl": [
+        "back: creamy brown with darker flecks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with fine, brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown markings",
+        "crown: white and brown with a distinctive brow",
+        "forehead: white with soft, feathery tufts",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and framed by white brow",
+        "legs: feathered with strong, sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: white and brown with soft, feathery texture",
+        "tail: brown with white bars, long and rounded",
+        "throat: white and unmarked, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed piculet": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow with buff streaks",
+        "crown: rufous with white flecks",
+        "forehead: prominent white streak above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyebrow",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown, slightly bended at alula",
+        "nape: olive-green with rufous flecks",
+        "tail: short and sharp, olive-brown",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "white browed purpletuft": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathering",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: light gray with tinges of purple",
+        "breast: pale purple merging into gray",
+        "crown: white-browed with black cap",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: beady black with white surrounding",
+        "legs: slender, black, and wiry",
+        "wings: green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green transitioning to purple",
+        "tail: long, black, and poise",
+        "throat: subtle grayish-purple coloration"
+    ],
+    "white browed robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: orange-tawny plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white brow line above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white eyelid",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-black with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "white browed scimitar babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white stripes",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, black",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white",
+        "breast: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a distinct white brow",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, merging into the white brow",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathered ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, warm brown",
+        "wings: light brown with faint white markings and distinctive scimitar shape",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long, light brown with white stripes",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the reddish-brown head"
+    ],
+    "white browed scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with light brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a distinct white brow",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown merging into white brow",
+        "eyes: bright, round, and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy with grayish-brown scales and sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light streaks and rounded edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks extending down the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips, often held upright",
+        "throat: white, becoming gray towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed shama": [
+        "back: rich brown, gently curved",
+        "beak: dark and pointed",
+        "belly: pale creamy white",
+        "breast: white mixed with rufous-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, sleek",
+        "forehead: distinct white brow",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive",
+        "legs: light pink-brown",
+        "wings: rich rufous, elongated",
+        "nape: dark brown, smooth transition",
+        "tail: long, graduated, rufous",
+        "throat: white, contrasting"
+    ],
+    "white browed shrike babbler": [
+        "back: pale olive-brown hue",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: ivory grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: deep chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: prominent white brow",
+        "eyes: small, beady black",
+        "legs: slender with yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: rich chestnut with white patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown shade",
+        "tail: chestnut-brown with fine barring",
+        "throat: white with subtle grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "white browed sparrow weaver": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: black and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white and rounded",
+        "breast: white, lightly speckled with brown",
+        "crown: black, bordered by white stripe",
+        "forehead: white, slightly browed above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with white ring around",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: light brown with white stripes",
+        "nape: white, continuing from forehead",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed spinetail": [
+        "back: small brownish body",
+        "beak: tiny and slender",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathered",
+        "breast: light brown speckled texture",
+        "crown: brown and streaked",
+        "forehead: distinctive white brow",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: short thin legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: light brown feathered area",
+        "tail: long, thin, and dark brown",
+        "throat: cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "white browed tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green upperpart",
+        "beak: slim, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: light, creamy-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: white with faint streaking",
+        "crown: warm reddish-brown patch",
+        "forehead: white to pale yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark round with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "nape: pale grey-green transitioning into the olive back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: bright white with distinct contrast from breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed tapaculo": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: light gray with blackish speckles",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker gray barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: gray with a prominent white brow",
+        "eyes: black and round, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, and covered in grayish-brown feathers",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray with subtle white streaks",
+        "tail: short, rounded, and brownish-gray with white edging",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark gray speckling"
+    ],
+    "white browed tit spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark-gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light brown-gray",
+        "crown: streaked black and white",
+        "forehead: white",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with barred pattern",
+        "nape: gray with brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark-edged, brown-gray feathers",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "white browed tit warbler": [
+        "back: blueish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: small, slender, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: soft bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant blue crest",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with light barring",
+        "nape: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white edges",
+        "throat: pale white with soft blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "white browed treecreeper": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly decurved, and dark",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with a white eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: strong and slate-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white spotting on the primary feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with a white border",
+        "tail: long, brown with white spots on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white browed triller": [
+        "back: grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint markings",
+        "crown: white brow with hint of gray",
+        "forehead: white with black streak outlining eye",
+        "eyes: small, dark, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with lighter gray tips",
+        "nape: gray blending into white brow",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "white browed wagtail": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: slender and dark",
+        "belly: clean white plumage",
+        "breast: striking black and white pattern",
+        "crown: bold black stripe",
+        "forehead: contrasting white patch",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: long and slate gray",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: distinct black collar",
+        "tail: black and white, fanned shape, wags side-to-side",
+        "throat: bright white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white browed warbler": [
+        "back: olive green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-white",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive green with bars",
+        "nape: grayish-white",
+        "tail: olive green with white tips",
+        "throat: light yellow"
+    ],
+    "white browed white eye": [
+        "back: sleek, light gray feathers",
+        "beak: petite, slender, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with gray accents",
+        "breast: brilliant white chest feathers",
+        "crown: prominent white brow with gray cap",
+        "forehead: clean white stripe centered between eyes",
+        "eyes: large and round with black pupils",
+        "legs: thin and twig-like with black coloring",
+        "wings: light gray with white edges, designed for agility",
+        "nape: delicate gray feathers with white highlights",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, light gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pure white feathers contrasting with a gray breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with fine black speckles",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: red or crimson patch on top of head",
+        "forehead: white with a broad, black band",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white spots and markings",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white bars and a forked shape",
+        "throat: white with a black band separating it from the breast"
+    ],
+    "white browed woodswallow": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, medium-sized and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-grey in color, fading towards the back",
+        "breast: silvery-white with a hint of blue",
+        "crown: dark grey-blue with a distinct white eyebrow",
+        "forehead: smooth grey-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black and bead-like, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short, grey-black with strong claws",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black edges and white tips",
+        "nape: darker grey-blue, meeting the white eyebrow at the sides",
+        "tail: long, forked, blue-grey feathers with black edges",
+        "throat: silvery-white, transitioning smoothly from the breast"
+    ],
+    "white capped albatross": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, grayish-yellow hooked beak",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-gray underbelly",
+        "breast: white, elegant puffy chest feathers",
+        "crown: beautiful white domed head",
+        "forehead: smooth, white contour",
+        "eyes: dark, sharp, round bird eyes",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-pink scaly legs",
+        "wings: wide, black-edged white wingspan",
+        "nape: narrow, soft, white neck",
+        "tail: sharp, white and dark feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: smooth, light-gray throat area"
+    ],
+    "white capped bunting": [
+        "back: light blue with streaks of white",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray with hints of blue",
+        "breast: grayish-white, fading to lighter gray",
+        "crown: bright white, contrasting with blue",
+        "forehead: white, leading into crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-black",
+        "wings: blue with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light blue, blending into back",
+        "tail: blue with distinct white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "white capped dipper": [
+        "back: sleek slate-gray color",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: white, extending to sides",
+        "breast: white, transitioning to gray",
+        "crown: white cap, contrasting with surrounding feathers",
+        "forehead: dark feathers leading to white cap",
+        "eyes: small, dark, well-defined",
+        "legs: strong and adapted for perching, pale orange",
+        "wings: dark gray, elongated, suitable for agile flight",
+        "nape: gray with slight white details",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "white capped fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered covering",
+        "beak: short, curved, cream-colored",
+        "belly: muted grayish base with subtle purple hues",
+        "breast: gray blending into vivid orange hue",
+        "crown: pure white plumage capping the head",
+        "forehead: continuation of the white crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, off-white, and feathery",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow, gracefully curved",
+        "nape: transition area between white crown and green back",
+        "tail: long and tapered, displaying shades of green and yellow",
+        "throat: white, seamlessly connecting the crown and breast"
+    ],
+    "white capped monarch": [
+        "back: rich black with contrasting patches",
+        "beak: thin and sharp, light gray",
+        "belly: white and feathery",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: white cap bordered with black",
+        "forehead: short white feathers transitioning to black",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: predominantly black with white accent feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with pointed ends",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers on a prominently visible area"
+    ],
+    "white capped munia": [
+        "back: light brown feathered",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-grey",
+        "belly: off-white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: delicate beige hue",
+        "crown: striking white cap",
+        "forehead: smooth white extension",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: slender, blue-grey",
+        "wings: pale brown, semi-rufous",
+        "nape: slight white curve",
+        "tail: pointed, tinges of brown",
+        "throat: creamy patch, faint"
+    ],
+    "white capped redstart": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: orange to white gradient",
+        "breast: bright orange",
+        "crown: white cap on top",
+        "forehead: white, extending to eye",
+        "eyes: black with white eyelid",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: blue with white patches",
+        "nape: blue, connecting to back",
+        "tail: blue with white tip",
+        "throat: bright orange, blending to belly"
+    ],
+    "white capped tanager": [
+        "back: deep blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: medium-sized, black and conical",
+        "belly: navy blue feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: striking white cap",
+        "forehead: white feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: black, strong, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: blue-black, with hints of green iridescence",
+        "nape: deep blue, connecting to the white crown",
+        "tail: long and blue-black, with a slight fork",
+        "throat: vibrant turquoise-blue, contrasting with the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: black, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint white streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: gray, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint grayish-white wing-bars",
+        "nape: gray, fading into the olive-brown back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with light grayish-white feather tips",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks on the sides"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: stout and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale green with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: bright green with dark streaks",
+        "crown: green with a dark blue cap",
+        "forehead: adorned with white cheek patches",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by thin white eyerings",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-yellow",
+        "wings: bright green with dark blue feathers interspersed",
+        "nape: green with faint blue streaks",
+        "tail: short and curve-ended with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: light green with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked bullfinch": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, thick, black cone-shaped beak",
+        "belly: soft white feathers covering lower abdomen",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage on upper chest area",
+        "crown: striking red or pink feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: blending from the red/pink crown into gray head feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark beads surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: thin, strong dull gray legs for gripping branches",
+        "wings: long, dark gray feathers providing flight capability",
+        "nape: gray plumage transitioning from the crown down the neck",
+        "tail: dark gray feathers with white outer edges for navigation",
+        "throat: light gray to white feathers just beneath the beak"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, black in color",
+        "belly: bright blue feathers",
+        "breast: turquoise blue with a white patch",
+        "crown: deep blue tones with white edges",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers with white markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short and dark gray, strong for perching",
+        "wings: striking blue with darker edges, adapted for quick flights",
+        "nape: vivid blue with white cheek patches",
+        "tail: long and tapered, blue with darker ends",
+        "throat: white feathers contrasting with bright blue around it"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green, subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: underparts buff-white",
+        "breast: cream-colored, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: black, with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black, meeting crown",
+        "eyes: black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray, faintly edged white",
+        "nape: black, well-defined band",
+        "tail: dark gray, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, clear contrast to breast"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked laughingthrush": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: white to grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: brownish crest with white tips",
+        "forehead: white streaks on dark brown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with faint white rings",
+        "legs: strong, light gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray feathers with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint white edges",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-gray with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: sharp, slim, and dark",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: pale gray-white",
+        "crown: black with white margins",
+        "forehead: black and narrow",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: black separated by white cheek",
+        "tail: short, blue-gray, and squared",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked partridge": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, grayish-brown curved beak",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with white markings",
+        "crown: rich brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white ring around them",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown legs with scaling",
+        "wings: brown and white-patterned feathers, rounded shape",
+        "nape: pale brown with distinctive white band",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black bars"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked pintail": [
+        "back: sleek light brown feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with black markings",
+        "belly: clean white underbelly",
+        "breast: white speckled with light brown",
+        "crown: light brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth brown curve",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and webbed",
+        "wings: brown with striking green speculum",
+        "nape: light brown feathers transitioning from the neck",
+        "tail: brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, leading into the white cheek area"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked starling": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellowish-brown tapered tip",
+        "belly: whitish-grey underside",
+        "breast: lightly speckled grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: contrasting white patch",
+        "eyes: small, black and round",
+        "legs: strong, pale pink limbs",
+        "wings: pointed, dark gray with white accents",
+        "nape: grayish-black plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers with white edging",
+        "throat: white with faint gray speckles"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked tern": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slender",
+        "belly: white, feathered underside",
+        "breast: white, smooth texture",
+        "crown: black cap covering head",
+        "forehead: small white mark above beak",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, tapered grey feathers",
+        "nape: black band where neck meets back",
+        "tail: forked, elongated gray and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, connecting lower head and breast"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked tit": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with pale gray streaks",
+        "breast: white and fluffy",
+        "crown: black with white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white plumage",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: blue-green with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: black, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, transitioning into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white cheeked tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft",
+        "breast: bright yellow, fluffy",
+        "crown: bright green, sleek",
+        "forehead: white cheeks, contrasting",
+        "eyes: black and beady, watchful",
+        "legs: thin and wiry, black",
+        "wings: green with black feathers, agile",
+        "nape: green, smoothly feathered",
+        "tail: short and square, black",
+        "throat: grayish-white, smooth"
+    ],
+    "white chested alethe": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white chest feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown head",
+        "forehead: lighter brown markings",
+        "eyes: large, black, round",
+        "legs: strong, gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown, medium-length",
+        "nape: brown feathers, smooth",
+        "tail: long, brown, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white feathers, slender"
+    ],
+    "white chested babbler": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray underparts",
+        "breast: bright white chest",
+        "crown: slate-colored head",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: thin, long, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, dark gray with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, connects head and back",
+        "tail: long and slender, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white chested emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: emerald green feathers",
+        "forehead: radiant green sheen",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, attentive",
+        "legs: delicate, slender, gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green with flashes of blue",
+        "nape: lustrous emerald neck feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, shimmering green",
+        "throat: brilliant white with a subtle green tinge"
+    ],
+    "white chested puffbird": [
+        "back: sleek white to pale brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white with tinges of pale brown",
+        "breast: prominent white chest with a soft appearance",
+        "crown: pale brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with a slight gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pale to dark gray",
+        "wings: medium-sized, pale brown with white accents",
+        "nape: lighter brown feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, pale brown with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant white, contrasting the brown feathers above"
+    ],
+    "white chested swift": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: smooth white feathers",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: black and smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathered brow",
+        "eyes: small, round, black eyes",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: long, black, strong wings",
+        "nape: black feathered neckline",
+        "tail: forked black tail feathers",
+        "throat: white-chested swift throat"
+    ],
+    "white chinned jacamar": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white to cream coloring",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent green feathers",
+        "forehead: green feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and grayish-black",
+        "wings: iridescent green feathers with elongated flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers with blue iridescence",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with a dark band at tip",
+        "throat: distinctive white chin patch"
+    ],
+    "white chinned myzomela": [
+        "back: olive-green colored feathers",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with a yellow tinge",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with red shades",
+        "forehead: red patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with a hint of red",
+        "nape: olive-green blending to red",
+        "tail: short and olive-green",
+        "throat: bright red feathers"
+    ],
+    "white chinned petrel": [
+        "back: dark greyish-black, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long, hook-tipped, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white with a hint of grey",
+        "breast: greyish-white, soft plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "forehead: gently sloping, smoky grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: strong, blackish, webbed feet",
+        "wings: powerful, curved, dark-grey feathers",
+        "nape: grey-black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: tapered, dark grey, wedge-like",
+        "throat: white with wispy, grey markings"
+    ],
+    "white chinned prinia": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: whitish, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale buff with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: light brown with darker feather edges",
+        "nape: pale brown, blending into crown",
+        "tail: long and slender, light brown",
+        "throat: whitish, merging with belly color"
+    ],
+    "white chinned sapphire": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathering",
+        "beak: slender and sharp black bill",
+        "belly: white feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: vibrant blue mixed with white plumage",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald green crest",
+        "forehead: metallic green sheen",
+        "eyes: deep black with a small ring of white feathers",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mix of bright blue and iridescent green feathers",
+        "nape: emerald green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-tipped feathers with white and black bands",
+        "throat: distinct white patch on the chin area"
+    ],
+    "white chinned swift": [
+        "back: dark sleek feathers",
+        "beak: thin, curved, black",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white and grey feathers",
+        "crown: greyish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: grey hues, feathered",
+        "eyes: small, black, circular",
+        "legs: short, slender, dark",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grey-black",
+        "nape: grey-black, feathered",
+        "tail: narrow, forked, dark shades",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "white chinned thistletail": [
+        "back: light brown with thin white streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pointed",
+        "belly: ivory white with pale brown undertones",
+        "breast: creamy white with light brown speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with faint white stripes",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown with subtle white marks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and brown with sharp, curved claws",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers and a slight curve",
+        "nape: light brown fading into the crown's grayish hue",
+        "tail: long, thin, and brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, off-white with a hint of brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "white chinned thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: dark grey, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with soft brown streaks",
+        "breast: muted cream with brown speckles",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter reddish-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, sturdy and medium length",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, smoothly transitioning to back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a faint white tip",
+        "throat: white with delicate brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "white chinned woodcreeper": [
+        "back: light chestnut-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: whitish with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with fine bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown with a white streak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and chestnut-brown with light tips",
+        "throat: white and slightly speckled"
+    ],
+    "white collared blackbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white coloring, soft feathers",
+        "breast: striking white band",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers, rounded",
+        "forehead: black and shiny, lined with feathers",
+        "eyes: round, beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: black, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: black, broad, and fanned",
+        "nape: black, smooth feather transition",
+        "tail: long, black, and pointed feathers",
+        "throat: white collar, distinct contrast"
+    ],
+    "white collared foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with narrow white collar",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: light brown with white collar",
+        "tail: long, rufous-brown with black barring",
+        "throat: off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white collared jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong black, curved tip",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white with blue edges",
+        "crown: bold blue crest",
+        "forehead: white feathers extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: intelligent black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, black legs and feet",
+        "wings: striking blue with bold patterns",
+        "nape: white collar contrasting blue back",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: clean white, continuous with belly"
+    ],
+    "white collared kite": [
+        "back: white with thin black stripes",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellowish with black talons",
+        "wings: black with white panels",
+        "nape: white with thin black stripes",
+        "tail: long, black with white banding",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "white collared manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: white collar contrast",
+        "crown: deep green shimmer",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: vivid green with hidden red edges",
+        "nape: brilliant green",
+        "tail: shorter green feathers",
+        "throat: white collar detail"
+    ],
+    "white collared monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with white collar",
+        "beak: strong and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright white underbelly",
+        "breast: lovely blue plumage, fading to white",
+        "crown: rich blue feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brilliantly blue, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: large, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with powerful grip",
+        "wings: stunning blue with white edges, built for agile flight",
+        "nape: encircled by an elegant white collar",
+        "tail: long blue feathers with white tips, fanning gracefully",
+        "throat: white and blue gradient, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "white collared oliveback": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the bird's upper body",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: lighter olive-green feathers underneath the bird's body",
+        "breast: olive-green plumage blending into the belly area",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers extending across the top of the bird's head",
+        "forehead: olive-green plumage between the beak and crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown eyes surrounded by olive-green feathers",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey legs with three toes pointing forward and one toe pointing backward",
+        "wings: olive-green flight feathers slightly longer and larger than the surrounding feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers covering the neck area, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short, olive-green feathers extending horizontally beyond the bird's body",
+        "throat: white collar across the base of the neck, separating the bird's head from its breast area"
+    ],
+    "white collared pigeon": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with subtle white edges",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey in color",
+        "belly: soft white feathers gently fading to light grey",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers with barely noticeable grey hues",
+        "crown: grey feathers with a slightly darker shade than the back",
+        "forehead: elegant transition from a white collar to light grey head feathers",
+        "eyes: bright orange with a well-defined black pupil",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark grey with a hint of blue, ending with sharp claws",
+        "wings: light grey with white-tipped primary feathers, folded neatly against the body",
+        "nape: distinct white collar marking the base of the neck, separating head and back feathers",
+        "tail: long, white and grey feathers with a dark grey margin near the tip",
+        "throat: pristine white, providing a striking contrast with the grey head feathers"
+    ],
+    "white collared starling": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage extending from throat",
+        "crown: dark, glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black transition to crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark expressive eyes surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: elegant grayish-white with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting distinct white collar",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, extending to breast and collar"
+    ],
+    "white collared swift": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black cap",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: short, strong, featherless",
+        "wings: long, curved, black",
+        "nape: distinctive white collar",
+        "tail: squared-off, black feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting plumage"
+    ],
+    "white collared yuhina": [
+        "back: light brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with brown spotted pattern",
+        "breast: white with light brown patch",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: black and alert",
+        "legs: slim, grayish, and scaly",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown with a white collar",
+        "tail: long, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white and fluffy"
+    ],
+    "white crested bittern": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks and spots",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: pale cream with streaks and spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: white with a black crest",
+        "forehead: white with a black stripe",
+        "eyes: bright yellow surrounded by a black eye line",
+        "legs: long and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: white with a black stripe down the center",
+        "tail: long and brown with dark bands and white spots",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white crested coquette": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white and puffy feathers",
+        "crown: striking white crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant green shine",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: delicate and gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green with white edges",
+        "nape: shimmering green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright green and glossy"
+    ],
+    "white crested elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow",
+        "breast: light yellowish-white plumage",
+        "crown: bold white crest",
+        "forehead: prominent white patches",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: forked with white streaks",
+        "throat: pale whitish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "white crested guan": [
+        "back: light brown with white mottling",
+        "beak: medium-sized, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale cream or white",
+        "breast: light brown, contrasting with belly",
+        "crown: white crest feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek feathers transitioning into the crest",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped with thin eye ring",
+        "legs: long, gray, scaled",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with white markings",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale cream or white"
+    ],
+    "white crested laughingthrush": [
+        "back: light brown with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: dark gray, curved",
+        "belly: white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: white, distinct crest",
+        "forehead: white with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: light brown with white streaks and greyish-brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: white with a slight crest",
+        "tail: long, white with a brownish undertone",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white crested spadebill": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, broad, black spade-like bill",
+        "belly: white with faint gray markings",
+        "breast: pale gray-white, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: distinctive white crest extending from the forehead",
+        "forehead: smooth, white with crest beginning",
+        "eyes: round, dark, inquisitive gaze",
+        "legs: slender, paired with small black feet",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, rounded with white edging",
+        "nape: smooth transition from back to crown",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "white crested turaco": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, red and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: deep green merging with gray",
+        "crown: distinctive white crest",
+        "forehead: green feathers leading to white crest",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by blue skin",
+        "legs: long, bluish-gray with curved claws",
+        "wings: green with a flash of red in flight",
+        "nape: rich green feathers",
+        "tail: long, green and tipped with white",
+        "throat: lighter green transitioning to gray"
+    ],
+    "white crested tyrannulet": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers, slightly curved",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black color",
+        "belly: fluffy white feathers, slightly rounded shape",
+        "breast: white plumage, soft texture",
+        "crown: prominent white crest, fan-like display",
+        "forehead: white feathers, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, slightly hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: thin and long, pale gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white with thin dark stripes, rounded tips",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning from the back",
+        "tail: elongated white feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: unblemished white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "white crowned forktail": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white upperchest",
+        "crown: black and white striping",
+        "forehead: bold white stripe",
+        "eyes: bright, dark orbs",
+        "legs: strong, thin black",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with white border",
+        "tail: long, split black fork",
+        "throat: white plumage"
+    ],
+    "white crowned hornbill": [
+        "back: grayish-white feathers with brownish tinge",
+        "beak: long, curved, pale yellow hornbill",
+        "belly: soft, off-white plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-white breast feathers",
+        "crown: prominent white crest with a tinge of yellow",
+        "forehead: gray feathering extending to base of beak",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark orbs surrounded by pale skin",
+        "legs: strong, grayish legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: large, gray and white feathers providing powerful flight",
+        "nape: grayish-white feathers with subtle brown hues",
+        "tail: long, broad feathers in shades of gray and white",
+        "throat: soft, off-white feathering meeting the breast"
+    ],
+    "white crowned koel": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: velvety dark gray",
+        "breast: deep gray plumage",
+        "crown: striking white crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long, black with green sheen",
+        "nape: dark gray neck feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, glossy black",
+        "throat: charcoal gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "white crowned manakin": [
+        "back: smooth green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: striking white cap",
+        "forehead: white, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: green with a slight iridescence",
+        "nape: green, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: green, short, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: light yellow, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "white crowned parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, pale yellow",
+        "belly: light green with soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant white with a regal crest",
+        "forehead: striking white feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: strong, gray, scaly",
+        "wings: green with blue-tinted flight feathers",
+        "nape: white and green feathers meeting at the back of the head",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: soothing green-colored plumage"
+    ],
+    "white crowned penduline tit": [
+        "back: white and gray feathers with black stripes",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: streaked white and pale gray",
+        "breast: white with subtle gray streaks",
+        "crown: bold black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white with thin black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black eyeline",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white edges and black markings",
+        "nape: white with black stripes",
+        "tail: relatively long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white"
+    ],
+    "white crowned pigeon": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark gray",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive white crest",
+        "forehead: white feathers below the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, orange-red color",
+        "legs: reddish-purple, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue-gray with darker wingtips",
+        "nape: white crest extending to the back",
+        "tail: blue-gray with darker band at the end",
+        "throat: light gray plumage, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "white crowned robin chat": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white underbelly",
+        "breast: subtly mottled orange-brown coat",
+        "crown: distinguished black and white striped crest",
+        "forehead: white stripe across the brow",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs with white outline",
+        "legs: delicate, greyish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: orange-brown with contrasting black primary feathers",
+        "nape: rich orange-brown hue",
+        "tail: long, striking black tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: mottled white and orange-brown patchwork"
+    ],
+    "white crowned shama": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender black beak",
+        "belly: white belly with black streaks",
+        "breast: delicate white feathers",
+        "crown: distinguished white crown",
+        "forehead: white forehead blending into crown",
+        "eyes: alert amber-colored eyes",
+        "legs: sleek bluish-gray legs",
+        "wings: bold blue with black edges",
+        "nape: delicate white feathers",
+        "tail: long, flowing black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white throat"
+    ],
+    "white crowned shrike": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed black tip",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive white and black stripes",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black outline",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: black and gray feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: gray feathers extending from the crown",
+        "tail: black feathers with a sharp, forked shape",
+        "throat: white plumage, contrasting with the black nape"
+    ],
+    "white crowned starling": [
+        "back: sleek, silver-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grey with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: smooth, silvery-grey plumage",
+        "crown: striking white stripe atop head",
+        "forehead: narrow white band extending from crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: silver-grey with hints of iridescent blue-green",
+        "nape: grey feathers transitioning to white crown",
+        "tail: long, grey, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "white crowned tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey soft feathers",
+        "breast: slightly darker grey plumage",
+        "crown: distinctive white stripe",
+        "forehead: thin white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin, grey, and strong",
+        "wings: grey, rounded feathers",
+        "nape: darker grey plumage connecting with crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded grey feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, slightly puffed"
+    ],
+    "white crowned wheatear": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey with small white stripes",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale, off-white color",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown",
+        "crown: bold, white stripe",
+        "forehead: white strip running above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, circular with a subtle white ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, with white patches",
+        "nape: light brown with white stripe continuation",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers and tip",
+        "throat: light greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "white eared barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked structure",
+        "belly: pale, mint green plumage",
+        "breast: bright red feathers",
+        "crown: bold black coloration",
+        "forehead: adorned with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: round black, watchful orbs",
+        "legs: strong, brownish-gray limbs",
+        "wings: vivid green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of black crown",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: striking white plumage covering the neck area"
+    ],
+    "white eared bronze cuckoo": [
+        "back: iridescent bronze-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with faint dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray, streaked with dark lines",
+        "crown: shiny bronze-green, sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: relatively short, grayish-blue in color",
+        "wings: bronze-green, with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: glossy bronze-green shading, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, tipped with white on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks along the sides"
+    ],
+    "white eared brown dove": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray blending to brown",
+        "breast: soft, creamy brown with white undertones",
+        "crown: rich brown with faint white markings",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with white bordering near eyes",
+        "eyes: circular, dark with white ear patch around",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white markings, folded on sides",
+        "nape: uniform brown with slight hints of white",
+        "tail: elongated brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with a white patch"
+    ],
+    "white eared bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale white with a brownish tint",
+        "crown: contrasting black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: sandy brown with black tips",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white with a distinctive black patch"
+    ],
+    "white eared catbird": [
+        "back: leafy green feathers",
+        "beak: black slender curve",
+        "belly: pale gray fluff",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: greenish crest",
+        "forehead: white ear-like tufts",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: strong gray",
+        "wings: vibrant green",
+        "nape: smooth gray-green transition",
+        "tail: long, leaf-like feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white plumes"
+    ],
+    "white eared conebill": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, conical shape",
+        "belly: white with pale gray wash",
+        "breast: whitish with grayish-blue tint",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray cap",
+        "forehead: white extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and spindly",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: bluish-gray, long and forked",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "white eared ground sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with light brown sides",
+        "breast: white with minimal streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: white with thin black border",
+        "eyes: black with prominent white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: light brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: white with partial black collar"
+    ],
+    "white eared honeyeater": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with yellow tinges",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with olive-brown markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with hints of green",
+        "forehead: bright white with black outline",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with yellow edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "white eared jacamar": [
+        "back: shiny green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: glossy green",
+        "forehead: iridescent green",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: thin, brown",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: vibrant green hues",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers",
+        "throat: pure white patch"
+    ],
+    "white eared monarch": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and narrow",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a faint gray tint",
+        "crown: black with a small white patch",
+        "forehead: striking white plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edging",
+        "nape: subtle gray feathering",
+        "tail: long gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathered area transitioning to gray"
+    ],
+    "white eared myza": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: green head with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white streaks above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small black eyes with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with faint white markings",
+        "nape: green with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow with slight green tinge"
+    ],
+    "white eared night heron": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black",
+        "belly: light grey, crossed with thin stripes",
+        "breast: pale grey, slightly speckled",
+        "crown: black with white streaks, slightly elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, surrounded by thin white lines",
+        "legs: long, black, yellowish feet",
+        "wings: dark grey, broad, rounded tips",
+        "nape: white, elongated feathers forming a short crest",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with lighter grey undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pure white, slightly puffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "white eared puffbird": [
+        "back: white feathers with black speckling",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bold black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black eyestripe",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: rounded, black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white with black vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "white eared sibia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, short and curved",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a white patch",
+        "forehead: black with the white ear tuft",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish",
+        "wings: olive-green with black tips",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, blueish-grey with black barring",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "white eared solitaire": [
+        "back: sleek, dark greenish-gray",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: white with light gray markings",
+        "breast: white with fine gray markings",
+        "crown: glossy bluish-black",
+        "forehead: smooth, white-bordered black band",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: dark greenish-gray with white streaks",
+        "nape: bluish-black with white borders",
+        "tail: long, dark greenish-gray, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pure white with narrow gray feather edges"
+    ],
+    "white eared tailorbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly curved for insect catching",
+        "belly: pale white underparts with faint yellowish tone",
+        "breast: soft white and yellow mixture of plumage",
+        "crown: rufous-colored crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white and rufous streaks above the beak",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and surrounded by white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown, suitable for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with greyish edges, short and rounded",
+        "nape: white and rufous streaked, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, rufous, and fan-shaped, used for agility",
+        "throat: crisp white allowing for clear vocalization"
+    ],
+    "white edged oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and black",
+        "belly: rich golden-yellow hue",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with slight hints of orange",
+        "crown: deep golden-yellow with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant gold-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by a thin black eye-line",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with bold white edges on the feather tips",
+        "nape: bright golden-yellow merging into the back",
+        "tail: black with prominent white edges on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: intense golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "white eyed buzzard": [
+        "back: brown feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown horizontal bars",
+        "crown: brown with slightly darker streaks",
+        "forehead: white with brownish edges",
+        "eyes: piercing white iris with a black pupil",
+        "legs: yellowish with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: brown with a white patch on the upper part",
+        "nape: brown with a faint pale collar",
+        "tail: brown with thick dark bands and a white tip",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white eyed foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with pale beige undertones",
+        "breast: creamy beige with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with a distinct white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: black with bold white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale and slender with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale brownish edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a faint trace of streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-green with a hint of brown",
+        "throat: pale beige with very subtle streaking"
+    ],
+    "white eyed gull": [
+        "back: pale grey plumage",
+        "beak: slim, black-tipped",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white with light grey markings",
+        "crown: white with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers",
+        "eyes: striking white iris",
+        "legs: black and webbed",
+        "wings: grey with black tips",
+        "nape: white, blending into back",
+        "tail: forked, white with black band",
+        "throat: unblemished white"
+    ],
+    "white eyed parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale orange",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: light green, slightly yellowish",
+        "crown: bright green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: white eye ring surrounding a dark eye",
+        "eyes: dark with a distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, strong, and agile",
+        "wings: green with bluish feathers on the tips",
+        "nape: rich green, slightly paler than the back",
+        "tail: green and elongating, with bluish undertones",
+        "throat: light green transitioning to yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "white eyed robin": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathered covering",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black beak",
+        "belly: light white to grayish underside",
+        "breast: pale orange or yellowish hue",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathered top",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring surrounding a black pupil",
+        "legs: slender, brown legs",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathered region",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale orange or yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "white eyed slaty flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white underbelly",
+        "breast: smokey gray feathers",
+        "crown: deep slate gray top",
+        "forehead: light gray eyebrow streak",
+        "eyes: striking white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: dark gray, short, rounded",
+        "nape: slate gray, smooth",
+        "tail: dark gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray, subtle"
+    ],
+    "white eyed starling": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light, grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: subtle gray-white feathers",
+        "crown: deep black, glistening feathers",
+        "forehead: black-to-gray transition",
+        "eyes: striking white eye patches",
+        "legs: thin, strong, and black",
+        "wings: iridescent black, fan-shaped",
+        "nape: smooth black down feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, shimmering black feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white, modest feathers"
+    ],
+    "white eyed stipplethroat": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: curved, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: white and light brown feathers",
+        "breast: white, speckled with brown",
+        "crown: greenish-black crown with white flecks",
+        "forehead: bright white patch",
+        "eyes: striking white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with lighter wing-bars",
+        "nape: white stippling on greenish-brown",
+        "tail: long, greenish-brown with light tips",
+        "throat: white, speckled with dark brown"
+    ],
+    "white eyed thrush": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: slightly pale yellow shade",
+        "crown: bright olive-green hue",
+        "forehead: pale white eyelids",
+        "eyes: distinct white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green shade",
+        "tail: square-shaped, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "white eyed tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a yellow tint",
+        "crown: bright green coloration",
+        "forehead: green feathers with white speckles",
+        "eyes: striking white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: green with darker edging",
+        "nape: green feathers with a white patch",
+        "tail: long and green with black tips",
+        "throat: white plumage with yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "white faced cuckoo dove": [
+        "back: smooth, light gray feathers",
+        "beak: slim, curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft, pale-gray plumage",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray feathers",
+        "crown: rounded, light gray head",
+        "forehead: gentle slope, subtle white face markings",
+        "eyes: small, black eyes with light gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, deep purple legs",
+        "wings: long, light gray feathers with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: continuation of light gray crown, transitioning to back",
+        "tail: elongated, horizontal gray feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "white faced ground sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown with white markings",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with thin darker streaks",
+        "crown: brown with white stripe",
+        "forehead: white, extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: brown with a faint white stripe",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: plain white"
+    ],
+    "white faced heron": [
+        "back: sleek, greyish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale grey feathers, soft texture",
+        "breast: light grey, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: dark grey-blue feathers, smooth appearance",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning into grey-blue",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: greyish-blue, broad, and powerful",
+        "nape: white and greyish-blue feathers, blending in with crown",
+        "tail: long, thin, same greyish-blue as body",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker feathers"
+    ],
+    "white faced nunbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: dark black plumage",
+        "breast: glossy black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers, white face patch",
+        "forehead: black with white facial markings",
+        "eyes: beady and black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender black legs, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: black, rounded, built for agility in flight",
+        "nape: black feathers, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, v-shaped black tail feathers",
+        "throat: white patch surrounded by black feathers"
+    ],
+    "white faced plover": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: petite black cone",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white extending from throat",
+        "crown: gray with white surrounds",
+        "forehead: bright white accent",
+        "eyes: sharp black markings",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: gray feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: gray matched with crown",
+        "tail: short with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white continuation from breast"
+    ],
+    "white faced quail dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: soft gray feathering",
+        "crown: slate gray with a white border",
+        "forehead: white feathers extending down to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, bordered by pale gray skin",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black spots",
+        "nape: slate gray, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown, slightly graduated",
+        "throat: white feathers leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white faced robin": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: soft, pale reddish-orange",
+        "breast: bright reddish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: black with a striking white face",
+        "forehead: sleek, black and white contrast",
+        "eyes: deep black, alert and curious",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green, gracefully curved",
+        "nape: black, seamlessly blending with the head",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: reddish-orange, complementing the breast"
+    ],
+    "white faced starling": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, yellow",
+        "belly: shiny black plumage",
+        "breast: lustrous black feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black with white face patch",
+        "forehead: white patch extending to cheeks",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange, clawed",
+        "wings: black, glossy flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: shining black plumage"
+    ],
+    "white faced storm petrel": [
+        "back: small, rounded, and light gray",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: light gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white, blending into gray crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark gray with yellow webbed feet",
+        "wings: narrow and pointed, light gray with dark tips",
+        "nape: light gray, connecting to the back and crown",
+        "tail: short, forked, and light gray",
+        "throat: white with faint gray lines"
+    ],
+    "white faced whistling duck": [
+        "back: smooth, light brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark gray with a white tip",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-cream plumage",
+        "breast: blending of light brown and whitish-cream feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers smoothly transitioning to white face",
+        "forehead: white, blending into dark brown crown",
+        "eyes: bright, dark color surrounded by distinct white face",
+        "legs: long, reddish-pink with webbed feet",
+        "wings: light brown with characteristic white stripe",
+        "nape: blending of dark brown and light brown feathers",
+        "tail: slightly elongated, light brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, extends to meet the white face"
+    ],
+    "white flanked antwren": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed black",
+        "belly: white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black in males, rufous in females",
+        "forehead: black in males, rufous in females",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender gray",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: long and black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "white flanked sunbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange patch",
+        "crown: glossy metallic green",
+        "forehead: bright metallic blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slender with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: elongated, green-tinted primaries and rounded secondaries",
+        "nape: shining green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long and forked, with iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "white fringed antwren": [
+        "back: light gray with white fringes",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with soft gray markings",
+        "breast: white with light gray streaks",
+        "crown: black with small white spots",
+        "forehead: white streak running along each side of the head",
+        "eyes: small, dark, bordered by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with white fringes and small black spots",
+        "nape: light gray transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: plain white"
+    ],
+    "white fronted bee eater": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: slender black bill",
+        "belly: lemon-yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich chestnut color",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers",
+        "forehead: white bordered with blue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with black eyeliner",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and spindly",
+        "wings: green feathers with elongated flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated central tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with hints of yellow"
+    ],
+    "white fronted black chat": [
+        "back: smooth, black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, black pointed beak",
+        "belly: white feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: white, prominent breast area",
+        "crown: sleek, black feathered crown",
+        "forehead: black, feathered brow",
+        "eyes: small, beady black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, gray legs",
+        "wings: black wings with white patches",
+        "nape: black, smooth nape area",
+        "tail: long, black feathered tail",
+        "throat: white, feathered throat area"
+    ],
+    "white fronted chat": [
+        "back: light grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: partially white, black band",
+        "crown: grey with some white streaks",
+        "forehead: white contrast with black face",
+        "eyes: small, dark, lively",
+        "legs: relatively long, thin, dark",
+        "wings: light grey with white edges",
+        "nape: pale grey with smooth texture",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, black and white",
+        "throat: white, extends to chin"
+    ],
+    "white fronted falconet": [
+        "back: sleek, dark upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale, white feathered",
+        "breast: light, white plumage",
+        "crown: black, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathered, narrow brow",
+        "eyes: round, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, black, with strong talons",
+        "wings: long, black, soaring flight",
+        "nape: black, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, black, fan-like",
+        "throat: white, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "white fronted ground tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth white plumage",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: fluffy light grey feathers",
+        "breast: bright white feathered chest",
+        "crown: smooth and rounded white crown",
+        "forehead: unblemished white plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark, and observant",
+        "legs: slim, long, black legs",
+        "wings: white and streamlined with grey tips",
+        "nape: unremarkable white neck feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, grey tail feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, white throat plumage"
+    ],
+    "white fronted honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow with small grey streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine grey streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with fine, black streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with white markings",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white with grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "white fronted manakin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered covering",
+        "beak: black, short, and thick",
+        "belly: light yellowish hue",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black cap",
+        "forehead: vibrant red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white rings",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight white fringing",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green, short, and squared",
+        "throat: bright white plumage"
+    ],
+    "white fronted nunbird": [
+        "back: vivid black feathers",
+        "beak: white and robust",
+        "belly: sleek black underside",
+        "breast: dark black plumage",
+        "crown: striking white crest",
+        "forehead: bright white plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and keen",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, deep black",
+        "wings: black with subtle dark blue highlights",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: long, black, and subtly iridescent",
+        "throat: white streak descending from beak"
+    ],
+    "white fronted parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, white and black",
+        "belly: bright green plumage",
+        "breast: lime green with slight blue hue",
+        "crown: light green crest",
+        "forehead: white-feathered front",
+        "eyes: round, black, attentive",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: lighter green feathers",
+        "tail: long, green, and blue-tipped",
+        "throat: green with orange-red markings"
+    ],
+    "white fronted plover": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black accents",
+        "crown: light gray with white markings",
+        "forehead: white, distinct",
+        "eyes: round, small, black",
+        "legs: slim, long, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-white, blends into the back",
+        "tail: short, fanned, gray and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "white fronted quail dove": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with fading pink hue",
+        "breast: light pinkish-gray",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a white edge",
+        "forehead: white bordered by black eye-line",
+        "eyes: deep brown surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with brown scales",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black and white accents",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with a white collar around the neck",
+        "tail: brown with black and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pure white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white fronted redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant blue upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: fiery orange underbelly",
+        "breast: bright orange-red chest",
+        "crown: glossy blue head",
+        "forehead: blue with a contrast of white streak",
+        "eyes: beady black orbs",
+        "legs: thin, spindly black legs",
+        "wings: mix of blue and black feathers",
+        "nape: blue neck plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white edges",
+        "throat: intense orange under the beak"
+    ],
+    "white fronted scops owl": [
+        "back: pale gray-brown with fine markings",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white and spotted with brown",
+        "crown: gray or brown, finely streaked",
+        "forehead: pale-gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellowish-orange",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-white",
+        "wings: mottled brown, gray, and white with faint barring",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: banded in gray-brown and white",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-white with fine gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white fronted swift": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white to light gray plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers blending into gray",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: white band above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, powerful, black claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting the breast"
+    ],
+    "white fronted tern": [
+        "back: sleek, light grey plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black with yellow-orange tip",
+        "belly: pristine white feathers",
+        "breast: slightly darker white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, black cap-like crest",
+        "forehead: blending of black and white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: thin, reddish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: agile, grey-white with black tips",
+        "nape: where black crown transitions to grey",
+        "tail: forked white feathers with subtle grey accents",
+        "throat: soft white, blends into breast area"
+    ],
+    "white fronted tit": [
+        "back: sleek, light gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: white with black horizontal stripes",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: white feathers with a black mask-like pattern",
+        "eyes: black, beady, attentive gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: gray with white feather tips",
+        "nape: light gray, seamlessly blending with back feathers",
+        "tail: long, gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright white feathers, contrasting with black mask on the face"
+    ],
+    "white fronted tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white feathers",
+        "breast: white with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: light grey with darker streak",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray face",
+        "eyes: narrow black eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and scaled",
+        "wings: olive-green with light wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: short and dark olive-green",
+        "throat: white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "white fronted wattle eye": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: white, with some black streaks",
+        "forehead: white, small black streaks",
+        "eyes: bold, black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: thin, black, and long",
+        "wings: black with white edges",
+        "nape: black with white markings",
+        "tail: elongated, black, with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white fronted woodpecker": [
+        "back: white with black speckles",
+        "beak: sharp and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: brilliant red patch",
+        "crown: black with red stripes",
+        "forehead: black",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: gray and strong",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with red stripes",
+        "tail: stiff and black",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "white gaped honeyeater": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light yellow, gently fading to white",
+        "breast: pale yellow, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint yellow line",
+        "forehead: olive-green, transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: robust, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker edges and flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, matching the back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white gap contrasting with yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "white gorgeted flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight sheen",
+        "beak: slim and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with pale yellow tones",
+        "breast: clean white with slight grayish streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray and well-defined",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong, slender feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish-brown feathers and white-edged coverts",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers and subtle fork",
+        "throat: white, contrasting sharply with the breast"
+    ],
+    "white headed barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale ivory",
+        "belly: striking yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich red hue",
+        "crown: bright white cap",
+        "forehead: brilliant white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy pale gray limbs",
+        "wings: striking green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: verdant green feathers",
+        "tail: vivid green, square-shaped",
+        "throat: lustrous red plumage"
+    ],
+    "white headed brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green covering upper body",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, blending with breast",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, broad",
+        "crown: pure white with light streaks",
+        "forehead: bright white, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, framed by white",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, edged with white",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing from back",
+        "tail: dark, long with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "white headed buffalo weaver": [
+        "back: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright white feathers",
+        "forehead: short white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: white, black, and red feathers with a rounded shape",
+        "nape: white feathers seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: white feathers blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "white headed bulbul": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "beak: stout and slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-green gradient",
+        "crown: white or pale silver",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, expressive",
+        "legs: slender and light brown",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow, with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: white, blending into greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: medium length, green-yellow with black tips",
+        "throat: white, leading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "white headed duck": [
+        "back: soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: wide, flat, bluish-gray",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: rust-colored feathers",
+        "crown: sleek, white feathers",
+        "forehead: white, extending to eye level",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark color",
+        "legs: short, strong, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white patches",
+        "nape: rust-colored to white gradient",
+        "tail: short, black, upturned",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white headed fruit dove": [
+        "back: smooth light green feathers",
+        "beak: small and hooked, light grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish green feathers",
+        "breast: creamy white plumage",
+        "crown: bright white feathers",
+        "forehead: vibrant white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light grey with slender toes",
+        "wings: green blended with golden feathers",
+        "nape: light green feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: long and narrow, green with white tips",
+        "throat: delicate white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white headed lapwing": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, pointed, black tip",
+        "belly: white feathers with gray undertone",
+        "breast: white plumage merging into gray",
+        "crown: stunning white crest",
+        "forehead: smooth white transition to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale yellow",
+        "wings: grayish-blue, wide-spanning",
+        "nape: gray feathers connecting to white crown",
+        "tail: short, gray, fan-like spread",
+        "throat: white, leading to breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "white headed marsh tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: smooth grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: striking white crest",
+        "forehead: narrow white patch",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: dark gray with white accents",
+        "nape: white plumes extending to back",
+        "tail: slender and black with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "white headed mousebird": [
+        "back: light brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: long, needle-like, black",
+        "belly: pale gray, soft downy feathers",
+        "breast: faded grayish hue, curved seam",
+        "crown: distinct white head plumage",
+        "forehead: white feathers, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, round beads",
+        "legs: thin, gray, scaly texture",
+        "wings: light brown, medium length feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers tapering to gray",
+        "tail: long, thin, wispy feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, gray-white feather transition"
+    ],
+    "white headed munia": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, silverish-gray",
+        "belly: soft, creamy-white hue",
+        "breast: pale chestnut-brown base",
+        "crown: distinct, crisp white patch",
+        "forehead: striking white extension",
+        "eyes: shiny, black beads",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue limbs",
+        "wings: mottled brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown which merges into the white crown",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white, blending seamlessly into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white headed petrel": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: fluffy white feathers",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: pristine white cap",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded white feathering",
+        "eyes: intense, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: strong pinkish-gray limbs",
+        "wings: broad, long and grey with a white underwing",
+        "nape: white transition between head and back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped grey feathers",
+        "throat: soft white feathered area"
+    ],
+    "white headed pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth, light-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale-yellow",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with grey edges",
+        "crown: bright white cap on the head",
+        "forehead: snowy-white feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, encircled by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with strong claws",
+        "wings: light-grey with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: white collar extending from the crown",
+        "tail: greyish, long, rounded feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning into breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "white headed robin chat": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed orange beak",
+        "belly: light beige with brown streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange fading to beige",
+        "crown: pure white feathers",
+        "forehead: white plumage blending to brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, scaled grey legs",
+        "wings: brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: white meets olive-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: bright orange coloration"
+    ],
+    "white headed sawwing": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: brilliant white",
+        "forehead: white feathers with a hint of black",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: black with white patterns",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: elongated and black with white tips",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white headed starling": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light gray fluff",
+        "breast: smooth gray plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant white cap",
+        "forehead: striking white contrast",
+        "eyes: small, gazing black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, strong, gray-hued",
+        "wings: black with gray edging",
+        "nape: elegant white arc",
+        "tail: long black feathers with gray tips",
+        "throat: soft gray ventral markings"
+    ],
+    "white headed steamer duck": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: robust, orange-tipped structure",
+        "belly: smooth, lighter-toned underside",
+        "breast: plump, light gray area",
+        "crown: bright white, rounded cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, white transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, thick, orange limbs",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-brown layers",
+        "nape: white, tapering to gray-brown",
+        "tail: short, stiff, grayish-brown plumage",
+        "throat: white, blending to breast area"
+    ],
+    "white headed vanga": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: sturdy, curved black beak for insects and fruits",
+        "belly: off-white plumage on the lower body",
+        "breast: light gray feathers transitioning from the neck",
+        "crown: contrasting white head feathers",
+        "forehead: white plumage seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing dark eyes surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black legs for perching on branches",
+        "wings: striking blue-gray feathers, with hints of white",
+        "nape: continuation of blue-gray feathers from the back",
+        "tail: elongated blue-gray tail, aiding in flight",
+        "throat: off-white feathers blending with the belly"
+    ],
+    "white headed vulture": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked shape for tearing flesh",
+        "belly: lighter brown or white feathers, sometimes speckled",
+        "breast: white or light brown feathers, fluffy appearance",
+        "crown: white feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: sharp, keen gaze with dark iris and black or yellowish circles",
+        "legs: strong, featherless with powerful talons",
+        "wings: long, dark brown feathers with white patches or edges",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning into brown",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with white tips or banding",
+        "throat: white or light brown, sometimes with a ruff of feathers"
+    ],
+    "white headed woodhoopoe": [
+        "back: sleek iridescent black",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: iridescent black, slim",
+        "breast: shiny black, streamlined",
+        "crown: striking white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, white plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: thin, strong, black",
+        "wings: iridescent black, elongated",
+        "nape: glossy white, feathered",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: iridescent black, slender"
+    ],
+    "white headed wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp, light-colored",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with light grey accents",
+        "crown: bright white plumage",
+        "forehead: white with slight grey border",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: short and rounded, grey-brown feathers",
+        "nape: grey-white feather transition",
+        "tail: dark grey, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, unblemished feathers"
+    ],
+    "white hooded babbler": [
+        "back: sleek, off-white plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and grayish",
+        "belly: light, creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: white, soft-textured plumage",
+        "crown: distinctive white hood, covers entire head",
+        "forehead: part of the white hood, clean and bright",
+        "eyes: dark, lively and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, slender and powerful",
+        "wings: off-white with light gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: merges with white hood, seamless transition",
+        "tail: off-white, long, and gracefully fanned",
+        "throat: white, smooth and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "white lined antbird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers lining the upper body",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with thin black streaks",
+        "breast: white with dense black lines",
+        "crown: black feathers with a hint of white streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and light gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white streaks and black spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers starting from the back of the head",
+        "tail: long and grayish-brown with white band near the tip",
+        "throat: white with light, sparse black lines"
+    ],
+    "white lined honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with white streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow and streaked",
+        "crown: olive-green, blending with back",
+        "forehead: olive-green fading to yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "white lined tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant black plumage",
+        "beak: cone-shaped and silver-gray",
+        "belly: snowy white feathers",
+        "breast: striking white contrast",
+        "crown: sleek black cap",
+        "forehead: smooth black contour",
+        "eyes: dark and alert gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy gray limbs",
+        "wings: ebony feathers with occasional white edges",
+        "nape: black and glossy transition",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-like",
+        "throat: brilliant white highlight"
+    ],
+    "white lored antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint brownish hue",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: grayish-white with light horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, transitioning from the throat",
+        "crown: solid dark gray",
+        "forehead: deep gray with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: black with a white lore (area between eye and beak",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint brown tinges",
+        "nape: dark gray, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with two thin, light bands",
+        "throat: grayish-white, merging with the breast"
+    ],
+    "white lored gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light cream or white hue",
+        "breast: shades of pale grey",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with black accents",
+        "forehead: white-cream with black edge",
+        "eyes: round, dark and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and pale grey",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with white edging",
+        "nape: bluish-grey, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored"
+    ],
+    "white lored oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant golden-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: yellow-orange hue, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow, soft feathers",
+        "crown: bold black stripe, contrast to golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: striking black-bordered white patch",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white lore",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: deep black, golden-yellow edges",
+        "nape: golden-yellow plumage, continuation of back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, clear contrast to darker back"
+    ],
+    "white lored spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-buff",
+        "breast: light olive-buff",
+        "crown: rufous-brown",
+        "forehead: white lores (eyebrow area",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-olive with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: rufous-brown",
+        "tail: long, brownish-olive with dark central feathers and white outer tips",
+        "throat: pale buff-white"
+    ],
+    "white lored tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale white, tinged yellow",
+        "breast: white with faint streaking",
+        "crown: dull olive-yellow, with white lore",
+        "forehead: light whitish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink-tinged",
+        "wings: olive green, with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive green, slender with subtle markings",
+        "throat: delicate white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white lored warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green, streamlined",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: white, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: gray with white lore stripe",
+        "forehead: gray, small",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by white lore",
+        "legs: slender, light brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, short, rounded",
+        "nape: gray, smooth",
+        "tail: olive-green, long, narrow",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white mantled barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: stout yellowish bill",
+        "belly: rich yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright red feathers",
+        "crown: turquoise-blue patch",
+        "forehead: striking green-blue blend",
+        "eyes: tiny, dark, and sharp",
+        "legs: robust dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: lush green with bold black markings",
+        "nape: green feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: wide, lime-green feathers",
+        "throat: intense red plumage"
+    ],
+    "white masked antbird": [
+        "back: light brown plumage with white streaks",
+        "beak: curved, sharp and black",
+        "belly: white feathers with hints of cream",
+        "breast: predominantly white with some light brown spots",
+        "crown: black feathers with a white mask-like pattern",
+        "forehead: black and slightly curved with white outline",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks, moderately sized",
+        "nape: white transitioning to brown towards the back",
+        "tail: elongated, brown with white streaks",
+        "throat: white feathers with light brown spots"
+    ],
+    "white naped brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: strong, conical black beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white underparts",
+        "breast: olive-yellowish breast feathering",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown crown",
+        "forehead: bright white forehead stripe",
+        "eyes: black eyes with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy pinkish-gray legs",
+        "wings: olive-green wings with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: distinctive white nape patch",
+        "tail: long, olive-green tail feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-tinged white throat"
+    ],
+    "white naped crane": [
+        "back: sleek, gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, pointed",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, slightly fluffy",
+        "crown: red, with a white nape stripe",
+        "forehead: red area, small feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: wide, elongated, grayish-white",
+        "nape: white, with contrasting red crown",
+        "tail: short, grayish-white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathering"
+    ],
+    "white naped friarbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, stout, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grey and streaked",
+        "breast: greyish-white with fine streaks",
+        "crown: black with hair-like feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a white patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown and surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with lighter edges",
+        "nape: distinct white patch",
+        "tail: long and dark with a faint blue sheen",
+        "throat: dark grey with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "white naped honeyeater": [
+        "back: greenish-olive plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white nape band",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: strong, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with white markings",
+        "nape: distinct white band",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "white naped jay": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: strong, black, medium-length curve",
+        "belly: pale gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white, slightly lighter than the belly",
+        "crown: black crest, distinguishing this species",
+        "forehead: black with a white strip at the nape",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze, encircled by light blue skin",
+        "legs: long, black, and sturdy for hopping and perching",
+        "wings: deep blue with white-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: white patch, giving the bird its name",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white tips for agile flight",
+        "throat: speckled black and white, completing the bird's appearance"
+    ],
+    "white naped monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: light-colored underside",
+        "breast: blue-grey feathered chest",
+        "crown: white semicircular nape",
+        "forehead: bright blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, small, observant eyes",
+        "legs: slim, strong black legs",
+        "wings: sky blue with black edges",
+        "nape: distinguishing white crescent",
+        "tail: elongated blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "white naped pigeon": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with green iridescence",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: lightly speckled gray feathers",
+        "crown: bright white patch",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short red-orange legs",
+        "wings: gray and white feathers with green iridescence",
+        "nape: prominent white band wrapping around the neck",
+        "tail: gray feathers with distinct white edges",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white naped seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: grayish head with white markings",
+        "forehead: bold white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, tiny, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: pale, slender, well-adapted to perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "nape: distinctive white patch",
+        "tail: olive-green with white edging",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white naped swift": [
+        "back: dark grayish-colored feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: dark grayish chest feathers",
+        "crown: white patch on top of head",
+        "forehead: dark grayish area above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark eyes surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: short, black legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: elongated, dark grayish wings with white edges",
+        "nape: white band on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: forked, dark grayish tail feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white patch below the beak"
+    ],
+    "white naped tit": [
+        "back: black plumage with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "breast: black feathers with white spots",
+        "crown: black with white nape patch",
+        "forehead: black plumage with subtle pale streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white bars and edgings",
+        "nape: distinct white band",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with white spots"
+    ],
+    "white naped woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: white with black horizontal bands",
+        "breast: white and black spotted",
+        "crown: red-colored on the top",
+        "forehead: white and black patterned",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, light grey",
+        "wings: black with white spots and patches",
+        "nape: distinct white nape patch",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "white naped xenopsaris": [
+        "back: smooth, slate-grey plumage",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved, dark",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: creamy-white with a thin black border",
+        "forehead: white feathers extending to eye area",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray with subtle white markings",
+        "nape: distinct white stripe, contrasts with grey",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered with a thin black line"
+    ],
+    "white naped yuhina": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft, light gray plumage",
+        "breast: gray-white feathers, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: black with a white nape stripe",
+        "forehead: black feathers, fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, slightly concealed by surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green, fairly short and rounded",
+        "nape: distinct white patch, contrasting with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, medium length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, blending into the gray breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "white necked babbler": [
+        "back: light brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly tufted",
+        "forehead: pale brown and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: light brown with black speckle patterns",
+        "nape: bright white, contrasting with the back",
+        "tail: moderately long, brown, with black barring",
+        "throat: white, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white necked crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: robust, dark gray",
+        "belly: lighter black feathers",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: distinguished black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black contour",
+        "eyes: intelligent, dark gaze",
+        "legs: long, sturdy black",
+        "wings: wide-spanned, glossy black",
+        "nape: distinct white band",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth black area"
+    ],
+    "white necked hawk": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers with dark speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, black curved hook",
+        "belly: clean, white underbelly",
+        "breast: white feathers slightly speckled",
+        "crown: black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter stripes on a white base",
+        "eyes: bold yellow with piercing stare",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: primarily white with dark trailing edge",
+        "nape: black and white stripes continuation from crown",
+        "tail: alternating black and white wide stripes",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white necked jacobin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with pale blue sides",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green cap",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: green upperparts with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: striking white band on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, rounded, black central feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: glossy blue-green plumage"
+    ],
+    "white necked laughingthrush": [
+        "back: light brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: slender and curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: off-white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale beige, faintly patterned",
+        "crown: rich brown, smooth texture",
+        "forehead: light brown, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light feathering",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-black",
+        "wings: brown, white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: white, striking contrast to crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "white necked myna": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: glossy black plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: deep black, flat feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing hazel",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black, white-tipped",
+        "nape: distinct white band",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: dark black, slightly puffed"
+    ],
+    "white necked parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, beige-colored",
+        "belly: pale lime green feathers",
+        "breast: bright green feathers merging with belly",
+        "crown: striking red patch on head",
+        "forehead: green feathers fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: penetrating, dark with faint white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: vivid green primary feathers, with hints of blue",
+        "nape: distinctive white neck patch",
+        "tail: long, tapered green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: light green, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "white necked petrel": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and white",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight gray tint",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers",
+        "forehead: white with a hint of gray",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pink",
+        "wings: long and powerful, gray and white",
+        "nape: distinct white neck band",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a slight grayish tone"
+    ],
+    "white necked puffbird": [
+        "back: white and brown patterned plumage",
+        "beak: large, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: white with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: white with fine black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, ringed with white",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: brown with white spots",
+        "nape: white with a black collar",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: pure white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white necked rockfowl": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth, white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers blending into grey",
+        "crown: prominent white-tipped crest",
+        "forehead: flat with short grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by featherless skin",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange, and scaly",
+        "wings: broad grey feathers for short flights",
+        "nape: white feathers tapering into grey",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, grey, with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: featherless, wrinkled yellow-orange skin"
+    ],
+    "white necked thrush": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and slim, dark-gray color",
+        "belly: off-white with subtle yellowish tones",
+        "breast: rich beige hue with a slight brownish touch",
+        "crown: olive-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: white streaks blending into the olive crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, outlined with white feathering",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green, fading into lighter shades towards the edges",
+        "nape: white collar-like strip, surrounding the neck",
+        "tail: mix of bright rust and olive-green feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white feathers, contrasting with the beige breast"
+    ],
+    "white necklaced partridge": [
+        "back: earthy brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and strong, slate gray",
+        "belly: cream with bold black markings",
+        "breast: crisp white, adorned with a black necklace pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle white spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: beady and black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown and black with hints of white",
+        "nape: brown with faint white spots, joining the crown",
+        "tail: short and fan-like, earthy brown with black striping",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with the black breast necklace"
+    ],
+    "white nest swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek, smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft, white, and fluffy",
+        "breast: full, white plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, with delicate white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers transitioning to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, black, and agile",
+        "wings: long, white, pointed feathers for swift flight",
+        "nape: white and gracefully curved",
+        "tail: slender, white feathers extending from the body",
+        "throat: white-feathered leading to the beak"
+    ],
+    "white plumed antbird": [
+        "back: light grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: a short, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white plumage enveloping the lower body",
+        "breast: white plumes adorning the chest area",
+        "crown: silvery-grey feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale grey plumage on the front of the head",
+        "eyes: sharp, black eyes surrounded by thin white rings",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey legs ending in small claws",
+        "wings: light grey feathers with white edging for agile flight",
+        "nape: soft, grey feathers connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers with white tips for balance and control",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from the beak to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "white plumed honeyeater": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue, blending to white",
+        "breast: light-yellow, to white on throat",
+        "crown: striking black with an extended crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black, with distinctive white plume",
+        "eyes: round, bold, and dark-colored",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue, with strong claws",
+        "wings: green-gray with subtle white markings",
+        "nape: greenish-gray, connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and pointed, with dark gray-green feathers",
+        "throat: clean, white, and contrasting with the adjacent yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "white quilled bustard": [
+        "back: sleek white plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and dark colored",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: puffed and pure white",
+        "crown: subtle crest of white plumes",
+        "forehead: smooth, unblemished white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: wide white feathers with delicate quills",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, with white feathers",
+        "tail: elongated and flowing white feathers",
+        "throat: white with a slight bulging appearance"
+    ],
+    "white quilled rock pigeon": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, light pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage with white undertones",
+        "crown: smooth light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: paler gray color transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: orange ring around dark black pupil",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, scaly texture, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white quills, gray feathers, and black wingtips",
+        "nape: light gray feathers, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: gray feathers with a distinct white band near the tips",
+        "throat: pale gray feathers, slightly darker than breast"
+    ],
+    "white rimmed brushfinch": [
+        "back: sleek white and gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: grayish-white and fluffy",
+        "crown: white with a black marking",
+        "forehead: white and smooth",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin with dark gray scales",
+        "wings: white and gray with distinct feather patterns",
+        "nape: white with hints of gray",
+        "tail: long and white with dark gray edges",
+        "throat: white and soft-feathered"
+    ],
+    "white ringed flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy white underbelly",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray with white ring",
+        "forehead: white band across brow",
+        "eyes: round, black and attentive",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: gray with white markings",
+        "nape: gray with white ringed collar",
+        "tail: long, gray and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white with grayish sides"
+    ],
+    "white ruffed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: bright white plumes",
+        "breast: snowy white ruffles",
+        "crown: glossy black cap",
+        "forehead: shining black feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing dark orbs",
+        "legs: slender light pink limbs",
+        "wings: green with slight blue iridescence",
+        "nape: rich black and green gradient",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white contrast"
+    ],
+    "white rumped babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, curved, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white underparts",
+        "breast: warm buff color with streaks",
+        "crown: earthy brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with light eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks and rump",
+        "nape: light brown with soft streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "white rumped cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: soft bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender black hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale gray, fading to white near the vent",
+        "breast: light gray, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender black legs with strong talons",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long and black, with a prominent white rump patch",
+        "throat: light gray, matching the breast color"
+    ],
+    "white rumped falcon": [
+        "back: white and gray feathers, elongating towards wings",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white feathers with black speckles",
+        "breast: white and gray feathers, symmetrical pattern",
+        "crown: gray feathers, smooth texture",
+        "forehead: gray feathers transitioning to lighter white near the eyes",
+        "eyes: sharp, intense gaze, golden-yellow hue",
+        "legs: strong, yellow talons, featherless",
+        "wings: black and white pattern, pointed tips, powerful span",
+        "nape: grayish feathers, blends seamlessly into back",
+        "tail: white feathers with black band, moderate length",
+        "throat: white feathers, continuous with belly coloration"
+    ],
+    "white rumped hawk": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-brown feathering",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white and lightly barred",
+        "crown: dark gray plumage",
+        "forehead: gray with even feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark reddish-brown",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, scaly",
+        "wings: long, gray-black with white patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: banded black and white with distinctive white rump",
+        "throat: pale white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "white rumped kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue hues",
+        "beak: long, robust, orange-red",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: deep blue with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: blue merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, focused",
+        "legs: bright orange, medium length",
+        "wings: striking blue with white patches",
+        "nape: brilliant blue-purple",
+        "tail: elongated, blue with white rump",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "white rumped monjita": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with a slight white streak",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white and pristine",
+        "breast: white with faint grayish markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown and slightly round",
+        "forehead: white, fading into gray at the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white outer edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a hint of white",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white rumped munia": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-grey",
+        "breast: beige with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, round",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: earthy-brown primary feathers, white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: finely streaked dark brown",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: pale buff with streaks"
+    ],
+    "white rumped needletail": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-black body",
+        "beak: thin, pointy black beak",
+        "belly: off-white underside",
+        "breast: light grayish-white front feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-gray head plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: short, slender black legs",
+        "wings: long, pointed gray-black wings",
+        "nape: subtly gray-tinged neck area",
+        "tail: dark feathers with hint of white rump",
+        "throat: light, grayish-white feather patch"
+    ],
+    "white rumped robin": [
+        "back: smooth, greyish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: thin, dark, pointy",
+        "belly: fluffy, lighter grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale, creamy-grey feathers",
+        "crown: sky-blue hue, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: blending with blue crown",
+        "eyes: round, beady, dark pupils",
+        "legs: thin, dark, clawed",
+        "wings: short, greyish-blue, light feather tips",
+        "nape: neat, gently curving plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, white-rump feathers",
+        "throat: slightly paler, greyish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white rumped seedeater": [
+        "back: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: light cream, mottled texture",
+        "breast: pale brown, speckled with white",
+        "crown: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light cream, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: thin, grey, scaly",
+        "wings: pale brown, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: pale brown, white streaks blending into white rump",
+        "tail: long, pale brown, white edges on feathers",
+        "throat: light cream, smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "white rumped shama": [
+        "back: deep brown with paler streaks",
+        "beak: curved and pointed, blackish color",
+        "belly: light gray or off-white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: rich chestnut color, distinct from belly",
+        "crown: glossy black, sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: black, smooth and shiny",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy greyish-blue, strong grip",
+        "wings: brownish-black feathers, prominent white patches on rump",
+        "nape: black with iridescent sheen, transitioning into brown",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and black with white tips",
+        "throat: pitch-black, contrasting with lighter underside"
+    ],
+    "white rumped shrike": [
+        "back: light grey with a hint of brown",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: soft, off-white color",
+        "breast: light greyish-white",
+        "crown: dark grey with a hint of brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, light grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: light grey with darker streaks",
+        "nape: white with a distinct rump area",
+        "tail: long and grey with black tips",
+        "throat: light greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "white rumped sirystes": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint darker markings",
+        "crown: light grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "white rumped snowfinch": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white blending into gray",
+        "crown: soft gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: gray with white edges",
+        "nape: gray plumage",
+        "tail: white-rumped and forked",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white rumped swallow": [
+        "back: sleek slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short black and pointed",
+        "belly: light grey and smooth",
+        "breast: greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: blending from grey to white",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slim with brownish-grey claws",
+        "wings: long with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: slate-grey with faint stripes",
+        "tail: long, forked, and black tipped",
+        "throat: pale white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white rumped swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with a soft texture",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage with subtle white markings",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: short with tiny, sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and angular, dark gray to black",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: square-shaped, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "white rumped tanager": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: pale colored underside",
+        "breast: white and lightly speckled",
+        "crown: black top of the head",
+        "forehead: black striping detail",
+        "eyes: small, dark surrounded by black patches",
+        "legs: slim, gray bird legs",
+        "wings: various shades of gray with black edges",
+        "nape: black stripe on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasted against black head"
+    ],
+    "white rumped triller": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with soft white patch",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint blue sheen",
+        "crown: deep blue with slight purple hue",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue-black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin black eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and blackish-gray",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with black edging",
+        "nape: intense blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long and blue, with white rump patch",
+        "throat: bluish-gray with a white chin accent"
+    ],
+    "white rumped vulture": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, sharp-edged",
+        "belly: lighter brownish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: feathered with dark brown and grey mix",
+        "crown: brown feathers with slightly raised appearance",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, intense gaze",
+        "legs: long and powerful, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and strong, with a prominent white rump",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, brown feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: feathered with lighter brown, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered antbird": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small and sharp black bill",
+        "belly: white feathers with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small black surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish legs",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: long brown tail with white tips",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered antshrike": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with gray-brown striping",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white stripe above dark beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and lively",
+        "legs: gray and slim",
+        "wings: dark gray, white-tipped feathers, and rufous highlights",
+        "nape: slate-gray with a white stripe",
+        "tail: dark gray with white tips and rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright white with gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered black tit": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and conical",
+        "belly: white with slight gray markings",
+        "breast: white with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a touch of white",
+        "forehead: glossy black feathers",
+        "eyes: alert and dark",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: black with white shoulder patches",
+        "nape: white-bordered black collar",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered fairywren": [
+        "back: smooth blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: petite black bill",
+        "belly: light gray underside",
+        "breast: vibrant blueish-purple plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue contrasting crest",
+        "forehead: striking blue accent",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: slim black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gracefully elongated, blue-gray",
+        "nape: bright blue elegant neckline",
+        "tail: long, delicate black with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant blueish-purple feathers"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered fire eye": [
+        "back: deep chestnut color",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: black and glossy",
+        "forehead: black and glossy",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: slender, slate-gray",
+        "wings: chestnut with white shoulder patches",
+        "nape: black, glossy",
+        "tail: chestnut with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black spots"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered ibis": [
+        "back: dark grey feathered upper body",
+        "beak: long, curved, and greyish",
+        "belly: pale grey with white undertones",
+        "breast: dark grey with a mix of white feathers",
+        "crown: black with a hint of iridescence",
+        "forehead: dark grey and relatively smooth",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark in color",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grey",
+        "wings: wide, dark grey feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: slightly iridescent black feathers",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers with a fan-like arrangement",
+        "throat: white patch of feathers contrasting with dark grey"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered starling": [
+        "back: dark iridescent blue",
+        "beak: dark grey, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with flecks of black",
+        "breast: predominantly white with some black feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black",
+        "forehead: striking iridescent blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong grey legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark blue with white edges",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark blue with white highlights",
+        "throat: white with some black feathering"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered tanager": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: short, stubby, black",
+        "belly: vibrant scarlet hue",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight curve",
+        "forehead: shining black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: strong with black talons",
+        "wings: black with white shoulders",
+        "nape: gleaming black feather transitions",
+        "tail: long, black, fan-like",
+        "throat: rich red coloration"
+    ],
+    "white shouldered triller": [
+        "back: white shoulder stripe with dark upperparts",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: blackish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark with prominent white shoulder patches",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "white sided flowerpiercer": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender, hook-tipped black",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: soft grey plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: striking cobalt hue",
+        "eyes: small, shining black beads",
+        "legs: slim, dark grey limbs",
+        "wings: blues and blacks mixed",
+        "nape: brilliant blue transition",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers",
+        "throat: delicate grey-white area"
+    ],
+    "white sided hillstar": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender black beak",
+        "belly: whitish-grey underbelly",
+        "breast: greenish-blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: bright green head with a blue-violet band",
+        "forehead: shining green with a smooth curve to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, circular eyes",
+        "legs: thin, short, dark legs",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown wing feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant blue and green, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: forked tail with bluish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers gracefully descending along the neck"
+    ],
+    "white spectacled bulbul": [
+        "back: light olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: slightly curved black pointed beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white with a grey tinge",
+        "breast: soft white merging into light grey",
+        "crown: dark black with a slight gloss",
+        "forehead: prominent white patch above eyes",
+        "eyes: striking white rings around dark brown eyes",
+        "legs: slender and light grey with dark claws",
+        "wings: black with light olive-green edges",
+        "nape: light greyish-olive color",
+        "tail: black with a white terminal band",
+        "throat: pale white with hints of grey"
+    ],
+    "white spectacled warbler": [
+        "back: olive green with faint brownish tint",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: creamy white with light olive streaks",
+        "crown: olive green with subtle spectacled pattern",
+        "forehead: light olive with a hint of gray",
+        "eyes: surrounded by distinctive white spectacles",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive green with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: olive green with a slight brownish cast",
+        "tail: dark olive with pale outer edges",
+        "throat: bright creamy white"
+    ],
+    "white spotted flufftail": [
+        "back: brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown bars",
+        "breast: warm brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint spots",
+        "forehead: light brown with white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white speckles",
+        "legs: slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: brown with white spots, rounded",
+        "nape: warm brown with white spots",
+        "tail: brown, long, with white spots and bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "white spotted munia": [
+        "back: light brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: white with subtle brown markings",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: deep brown with a contrasting white forehead",
+        "forehead: striking white patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and light pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: light brown with speckles",
+        "tail: long brown feathers with white spots",
+        "throat: white with hints of brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white spotted wattle eye": [
+        "back: dark plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: curved, black, and short",
+        "belly: white feathers with black markings",
+        "breast: patterned black and white",
+        "crown: greyish-black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-black with white spots",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, detailed with eyelid wattle",
+        "legs: small and grey-blue",
+        "wings: black feathers with white spots, rounded shape",
+        "nape: greyish-black with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, black with white spots",
+        "throat: white feathers with black markings"
+    ],
+    "white spotted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black plumage with white, horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like beak for drilling",
+        "belly: soft white plumage with some black spots",
+        "breast: white feathers merging into black spotted pattern",
+        "crown: bright red in color, extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: white feathers with subtle black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with sharp-clawed toes",
+        "wings: black with bold white spots and patches",
+        "nape: continuation of red crown color, descending down",
+        "tail: black with white spots, supporting bird while on tree trunks",
+        "throat: white feathers leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "white starred robin": [
+        "back: vibrant slate-blue feathers",
+        "beak: petite, curved black beak",
+        "belly: soft greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: subtle tint of bluish-grey fur",
+        "crown: bright white star-like patch",
+        "forehead: dark grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, shiny black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, strong black limbs",
+        "wings: blue-grey feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: smooth slate-blue transition to back",
+        "tail: long blue-grey feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light grey descending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white streaked antvireo": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark gray",
+        "belly: whitish with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: white with fine gray streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with hints of white",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "white streaked friarbird": [
+        "back: white streaked grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale white with light streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with white streaks and crest",
+        "forehead: white streaks on brown plumage",
+        "eyes: black with light gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, slender legs with black claws",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks on outer edges",
+        "nape: white streaks on brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with white streaks on brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale white with light grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "white streaked honeyeater": [
+        "back: light brown with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: whitish with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown, streaked with white",
+        "crown: brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, streaked with white",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: brown with white markings",
+        "nape: light brown, streaked with white",
+        "tail: elongated, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white striped forest rail": [
+        "back: greenish-brown, striped feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, short, powerful",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white stripes",
+        "crown: dark green with light streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white stripes",
+        "nape: dark green with light streaks",
+        "tail: short, greenish-brown with white stripes",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "white striped warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with subtle white lines",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white",
+        "breast: subtle white stripes on a light olive background",
+        "crown: dark gray or black with prominent white stripes",
+        "forehead: grayish-white mixed with olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars and dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive-green with white stripes",
+        "tail: dark feathers with white edges and distinct white corners",
+        "throat: bright white or pale yellow, depending on the subspecies"
+    ],
+    "white striped woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish streaked feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with brownish stripes",
+        "crown: brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark and circular, surrounded by white lines",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brown with a slight white stripe",
+        "tail: long, brown, and stiff with white bars",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white tailed alethe": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and round",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: rich brown",
+        "tail: white feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale whitish-grey"
+    ],
+    "white tailed ant thrush": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale gray and lightly spotted",
+        "crown: dark gray with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown slightly merging to crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with slight white edging",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long and white underneath with dark brown upper feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with light spots"
+    ],
+    "white tailed blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers, sleek appearance",
+        "beak: small, dark, slightly curved for catching insects",
+        "belly: white to pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: brilliant blue plumage",
+        "crown: blue, slightly raised with streaks of white",
+        "forehead: blue, with a hint of lighter feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by blue and white feathers",
+        "legs: thin, dark, strong for perching on branches",
+        "wings: blue with white secondary feathers for agile flight",
+        "nape: rich blue, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: white-tipped, long and blue with a forked shape",
+        "throat: white, contrasting sharply with blue breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "white tailed cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale and buff-colored",
+        "breast: slightly streaked, light brown",
+        "crown: rufous brown with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff or light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: rufous brown, streaked",
+        "tail: white, outer feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: clean and pale buff color"
+    ],
+    "white tailed cotinga": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white with light blue hue",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers",
+        "forehead: striking blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black encircled with blue feathers",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: blue with white edges",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: elongated white feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white tailed crested flycatcher": [
+        "back: light blue-gray feathered dorsal area",
+        "beak: short, strong, slightly hooked black beak",
+        "belly: light creamy-white soft underside",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray feathery chest",
+        "crown: prominent royal blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathered region",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, sturdy, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, blue-gray with black and white markings",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, white-edged black tail feathers",
+        "throat: lighter blue-gray plumage near the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "white tailed eagle": [
+        "back: strong and muscular, earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, bright yellow",
+        "belly: smooth, creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: broad and powerful, white-tinted feathers",
+        "crown: brown plumage, regal appearance",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing yellow, encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow with large talons",
+        "wings: extensive, spotted brown and white feathers",
+        "nape: arching brown feathers, faint white streaks",
+        "tail: broad, white, wedge-shaped with dark bands",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "white tailed emerald": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: pale grayish-green hue",
+        "breast: light green plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with iridescence",
+        "forehead: shiny green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: shiny green with a curved shape",
+        "nape: rich green plumage",
+        "tail: white-tipped, green, forked feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green patch"
+    ],
+    "white tailed flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek and feathered",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: light colored and soft",
+        "breast: white or gray feathers",
+        "crown: smooth plumage",
+        "forehead: fine feathers above beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and wiry",
+        "wings: medium-sized with white edges",
+        "nape: feathers with a slight crest",
+        "tail: white and prominently forked",
+        "throat: smooth with white or gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "white tailed goldenthroat": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft feathers",
+        "breast: golden yellow plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green with golden shine",
+        "forehead: glistening green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, alert beads",
+        "legs: thin, delicate black limbs",
+        "wings: shimmering green with white edges",
+        "nape: golden green feathers meeting the back",
+        "tail: white-bordered, slightly forked feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant golden patch"
+    ],
+    "white tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering green blending into white",
+        "crown: bright green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: glittering green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate with tiny, grasping feet",
+        "wings: narrow, tapered, and rapidly beating",
+        "nape: vibrant green plumage with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: white with elongated, pointed central feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant green with a white border"
+    ],
+    "white tailed iora": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: reddish-brown, slim and delicate",
+        "wings: olive-green with a slight sheen, white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: black with prominent white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "white tailed jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers with a blue tint",
+        "crown: deep blue with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: black stripe above the beak connecting to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: black and slender with long toes",
+        "wings: striking blue with black accents",
+        "nape: bright blue blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, white with blue edges and black bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "white tailed lapwing": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, black-tipped beak",
+        "belly: white feathering with subtle brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff to pale brown with whitish streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a faint white patch",
+        "forehead: white with a distinct v-shaped gradient",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green legs",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: pale brown with a white collar",
+        "tail: white with a black subterminal band",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white tailed lark": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: grayish-black, strong and pointed",
+        "belly: soft, whitish plumage",
+        "breast: delicate buff color with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: light brown, smoothly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, long and slender",
+        "wings: mottled brown and white with noticeable white tail feathers",
+        "nape: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and white-tipped, dark brown barring",
+        "throat: soft, pale buff with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "white tailed monarch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with shades of blue and gray",
+        "beak: curved, black, and sharp for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale-yellow, soft, and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: striking black with blue iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, dark, and surrounded by black feather rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and perfect for perching or hopping",
+        "wings: long, blue-gray with white tail markings for a unique pattern",
+        "nape: black feathers with a faint blue iridescence",
+        "tail: long, white edges, and wide for stability during flight",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathers with thin gray stripes"
+    ],
+    "white tailed nightjar": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with black speckles",
+        "beak: short, broad, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with dark barring",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with black spots",
+        "crown: dark-edged tawny feathers",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large and black with brownish-orange eyering",
+        "legs: short and feathered, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark and white markings",
+        "nape: tawny with dark mottling",
+        "tail: white outer feathers, dark central feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "white tailed nuthatch": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: mottled white and gray",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: light gray-blue",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-blue",
+        "tail: short, white-edged, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white tailed robin": [
+        "back: vibrant blue upper body",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: snow-white plumage",
+        "crown: blue-feathered head",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue coloring",
+        "eyes: round, black orbs",
+        "legs: slim, grey limbs",
+        "wings: blue feathered with white patches",
+        "nape: blue-hued feathers",
+        "tail: contrasting white feathers",
+        "throat: white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "white tailed sabrewing": [
+        "back: iridescent green, shimmering feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with soft feathering",
+        "breast: greenish-blue, transitioning from the throat",
+        "crown: glossy green, smooth feathered crest",
+        "forehead: bright green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by thin blue eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender with scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, violet-blue with white band",
+        "nape: brilliant green, flowing into the back feathers",
+        "tail: long and forked, white outer feathers with green central feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent turquoise to blue, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "white tailed shrike tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black cap-like crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, contrasting with white face",
+        "legs: thin, long, grayish-black",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: gray-white feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, black with conspicuous white trim",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "white tailed starfrontlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green with a purple tinge",
+        "crown: shiny violet-blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright green with a touch of blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark, framed by white feathers",
+        "legs: short, black, and scaly",
+        "wings: elongated and green, with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: shiny metallic green",
+        "tail: long and white, with slight forked shape",
+        "throat: white, bordered by sparkling green feathers"
+    ],
+    "white tailed stonechat": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with brownish tinge",
+        "crown: gray-brown, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with dark streaks and white wing-bar",
+        "nape: pale, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: white outer edges, black central feathers",
+        "throat: white, meeting breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "white tailed swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white, puffy feathers",
+        "crown: glossy, blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: thin, dark, with small claws",
+        "wings: long, curved, blue-black",
+        "nape: iridescent, blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: white, long, forked",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "white tailed trogon": [
+        "back: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: iridescent green-blue",
+        "crown: glossy dark green",
+        "forehead: shining green-blue",
+        "eyes: piercing dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy gray",
+        "wings: gleaming green-blue with white banding",
+        "nape: radiant green-blue",
+        "tail: long, white outer feathers with black inner feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "white tailed tropicbird": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: smooth, white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: white with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: flat, white, with a few feather tufts",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a thin black ring",
+        "legs: reddish, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, white, with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers, meeting the crown",
+        "tail: elongated white streamers",
+        "throat: white, slightly fluffed plumage"
+    ],
+    "white tailed tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: whitish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with white edges",
+        "forehead: lightly-colored olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green shading",
+        "tail: white-edged outer rectrices",
+        "throat: lightly-colored grayish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "white tailed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: finely pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale-yellow underside",
+        "breast: yellow-tinged with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: pale-gray with olive tint",
+        "forehead: light-gray, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: large, black, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: white outer feathers, contrasting with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: unmarked pale-yellow"
+    ],
+    "white thighed hornbill": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: large, black and curved",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: black with a raised casque",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting casque",
+        "eyes: piercing red orbs",
+        "legs: strong, black limbs",
+        "wings: wide-spanning black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: slightly black curved feathers"
+    ],
+    "white thighed swallow": [
+        "back: sleek, light gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, smooth plumage",
+        "crown: glossy, deep blue-black",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, black, alert",
+        "legs: slim, black, delicate",
+        "wings: broad, strong, blue-black",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: white, sleek plumage"
+    ],
+    "white throated antbird": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white feathers with buff sides",
+        "breast: greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black or grey with possible white feather streaks",
+        "forehead: white plumage stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert orbs",
+        "legs: long, pale grey stems",
+        "wings: short, greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: black or grey with white bands",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: vivid white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white throated antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: greyish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: olive-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey shading",
+        "eyes: black, round and small",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rounded edges",
+        "nape: olive-grey shading",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: distinctive white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with narrow white line",
+        "forehead: white with a distinct narrow band",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, strong and slender",
+        "wings: brownish with faint white bars",
+        "nape: light brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, clearly defined"
+    ],
+    "white throated barbtail": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "beak: short, stout, and curved",
+        "belly: white with subtle gray markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light barring",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a thin black band",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous fringes",
+        "nape: olive-brown with pale streaking",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and heavily barred",
+        "throat: clean white with dark lateral throat stripe"
+    ],
+    "white throated blue swallow": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: light, creamy hue",
+        "breast: white, contrasting blue",
+        "crown: cobalt blue feathers",
+        "forehead: blue, slightly darker",
+        "eyes: small and alert",
+        "legs: delicate, dark gray",
+        "wings: blue, with defined feathers",
+        "nape: blue, slightly lighter",
+        "tail: elongated, blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright white area"
+    ],
+    "white throated bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight sheen",
+        "beak: dark gray, thick, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: light bluish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white-bordered black band",
+        "eyes: dark with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish primaries",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, ending in white tips",
+        "throat: pure white with unique pattern"
+    ],
+    "white throated bushchat": [
+        "back: brownish-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: short, stout, dark in color",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: creamy pale yellow",
+        "crown: dark gray with white lateral streaks",
+        "forehead: white central stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by grayish feathers",
+        "legs: slender, light brown",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white visibility when folded",
+        "nape: gray, streaked with white",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated cacholote": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout and slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with light barring",
+        "breast: off-white, with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: off-white, bordered by reddish-brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, dusky grey",
+        "wings: light brown with faint dark barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long and broad, with brown and white bands",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with surrounding plumage"
+    ],
+    "white throated canary": [
+        "back: light greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: white to pale gray",
+        "crown: yellow-orange with black stripe",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, light pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: grayish-green with black stripes",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with light streaking",
+        "tail: long and narrow, greenish-gray with black stripes",
+        "throat: striking white with a black border"
+    ],
+    "white throated caracara": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, dark and hooked",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with small white markings",
+        "forehead: white and smooth",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong and yellowish",
+        "wings: long, black with white patches",
+        "nape: white with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white banding",
+        "throat: bright white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white throated crake": [
+        "back: brownish with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, yellowish-tan",
+        "belly: white with light barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with a buffy stripe",
+        "forehead: pale brown, transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow, with thin, agile toes",
+        "wings: medium length, brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: buffy brown with a white stripe",
+        "tail: short and square, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "white throated daggerbill": [
+        "back: sleek slate-gray",
+        "beak: black dagger-like",
+        "belly: bright white",
+        "breast: white and gray",
+        "crown: gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white accents",
+        "legs: thin gray",
+        "wings: gray with sharp lines",
+        "nape: dark gray",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and gray",
+        "throat: bold white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated dipper": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, black",
+        "belly: white, round, fluffy",
+        "breast: white, plump, soft",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth, rounded",
+        "forehead: gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: beady, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, orange",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, powerful, broad",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuation of back",
+        "tail: short, dark gray, square-cut",
+        "throat: white, contrasting, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "white throated earthcreeper": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: curved, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: white with sparse markings",
+        "breast: dull white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: streaked brown and gray",
+        "forehead: white with narrow earthy stripes",
+        "eyes: round and dark with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale",
+        "wings: brown with bold streaks and bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with distinct streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: clean white with contrasting dark lateral stripes"
+    ],
+    "white throated fantail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: light grey or white underparts",
+        "breast: greyish-white with slight streaks",
+        "crown: black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: black band above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slim and dark-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: bright white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: black, short, and curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: bright white patch",
+        "crown: forest green cap",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with blue tinges",
+        "nape: green with a slight blue shimmer",
+        "tail: short, greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated flycatcher": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: black, strong, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow and distinct",
+        "crown: olive-gray with subtle striping",
+        "forehead: whitish line above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with silver eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with buffy wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with white edges",
+        "throat: bold white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated foliage gleaner": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, and silver-colored",
+        "belly: white feathers extending to the undertail coverts",
+        "breast: grayish white with a faint, broad, white horizontal stripe",
+        "crown: earthy brown color with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular, surrounded by a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale gray, with strong toe claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with off-white wing bars and darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers blending with the back and crown",
+        "tail: medium-length, brown with off-white outer feathers and white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright white extending from the lower jaw to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white throated francolin": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, grayish color",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: light brown with black markings",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with white border",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown surrounded by white rings",
+        "legs: grayish, strong legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white-brown, with black stripe patterns",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown",
+        "tail: short, rounded with dark brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: bright white with black stripe"
+    ],
+    "white throated gerygone": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint stripe",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: bright white, prominent in contrast to body"
+    ],
+    "white throated grasswren": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed, pale grayish-brown",
+        "belly: predominantly white with hints of buff",
+        "breast: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: sandy-brown with slight reddish tint",
+        "forehead: pale brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by a thin faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and strong, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: sandy brown with darker brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: light brown, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, light brown with dark brown barring",
+        "throat: white, leading up to the breast"
+    ],
+    "white throated greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, yellow-tinted",
+        "belly: cream-white with green shading",
+        "breast: pale yellow-green",
+        "crown: grayish-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-green",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: medium length, olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-gray",
+        "tail: long and tapered, olive-green with darker central feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "white throated ground dove": [
+        "back: smooth, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale cream color",
+        "belly: fluffy, white feathers",
+        "breast: blending white to grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers fading to lighter brown",
+        "forehead: small patch of white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with pale pink color",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with black and white barring",
+        "nape: brownish-gray feathers fading to lighter shades",
+        "tail: brown feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: distinctive white patch in contrast with gray breast"
+    ],
+    "white throated hawk": [
+        "back: sleek, light brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with greyish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: mostly white with faint brown flecks",
+        "crown: dark brown with contrasting white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a slight brown tinge",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark, round pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy and featherless, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: broad, light brown with white and dark brown markings",
+        "nape: white, with brown streaks extending from the crown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, light brown with dark brown bands",
+        "throat: vibrant white, delicately feathered"
+    ],
+    "white throated honeyeater": [
+        "back: radiant-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: olive-green with white patch",
+        "crown: bold, black stripes",
+        "forehead: bright-yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: green with yellow tinge",
+        "nape: black and olive-green blending",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark-green feathers",
+        "throat: striking, white stripe"
+    ],
+    "white throated hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white with a touch of green",
+        "crown: bright green with shimmer",
+        "forehead: iridescent green",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and thin",
+        "wings: fast-moving, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: green with a white stripe",
+        "tail: forked and dark",
+        "throat: vibrant white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated jacamar": [
+        "back: sleek, metallic green",
+        "beak: long, slender, sharp",
+        "belly: off-white, elongated",
+        "breast: matte white, compact",
+        "crown: iridescent green, shiny",
+        "forehead: bright green, shiny",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: rounded, green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: brilliant green, glossy",
+        "tail: elongated, glossy green feathers",
+        "throat: pristine white, vivid"
+    ],
+    "white throated jay": [
+        "back: sleek blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy black with a sharp tip",
+        "belly: white with black streaks on the sides",
+        "breast: white with blue-black edges",
+        "crown: striking blue-black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: bold black eyebrows above white patch",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong and gray",
+        "wings: blue-black with white patches and green highlights",
+        "nape: blue-black with a thin white stripe separation",
+        "tail: long and blue-black, tipped with white",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black beak"
+    ],
+    "white throated kingbird": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with a yellow tinge",
+        "breast: grayish white",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white band under the black crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, slim, and strong",
+        "wings: dark gray with white patch",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright white"
+    ],
+    "white throated kingfisher": [
+        "back: iridescent turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: robust, red-orange, and sharp",
+        "belly: bright white and plumage-covered",
+        "breast: white with thin orange feathers at the base",
+        "crown: distinct blue streak with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: small, bright white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-orange, and long",
+        "wings: vibrant blue-green feathers with folded appearance",
+        "nape: white feathers meeting the turquoise-blue of the back",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-green central feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: prominently white, with slight blue streaks at the sides"
+    ],
+    "white throated laughingthrush": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with a hint of green",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with faint white striping",
+        "forehead: white with contrast to brown crown",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, blue-gray",
+        "wings: primarily brown with white edging",
+        "nape: brown with faint white striping, like the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright white patch surrounded by brown and white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white throated magpie jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: white with blue sides",
+        "crown: magnificent blue crest",
+        "forehead: blue feathers with a sleek shape",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze surrounded with black feathers",
+        "legs: strong, black and slender",
+        "wings: long, blue with black and white markings",
+        "nape: light blue feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, blue streamers",
+        "throat: pure white with a gentle curve"
+    ],
+    "white throated manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green upperparts",
+        "beak: small, pointy, black",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: white feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue helmet-like crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin wiry, gray-blue",
+        "wings: short and green",
+        "nape: green blending into blue crown",
+        "tail: green, short, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black stripe"
+    ],
+    "white throated mountain babbler": [
+        "back: patterned brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: stout, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: light grey-white color",
+        "breast: whitish-grey with slight streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with thin white streaks",
+        "forehead: white bordering the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady",
+        "legs: strong, beige-colored",
+        "wings: medium-sized, brownish-grey with white bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: long and slightly rounded, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: bright white contrast"
+    ],
+    "white throated mountain gem": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue shades",
+        "beak: long and thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with white undertail",
+        "breast: bluish-purple hue",
+        "crown: bright turquoise and green",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue and green mix",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: short and rounded, shimmering green",
+        "nape: brilliant blue-green color",
+        "tail: elongated and iridescent, with white tips",
+        "throat: gleaming white with purple highlights"
+    ],
+    "white throated needletail": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and dark",
+        "belly: white underbelly with contrast",
+        "breast: light gray, slim chest",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth curve",
+        "forehead: smooth gray slope, streamlined",
+        "eyes: small, black, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: tiny, charcoal, well-hidden",
+        "wings: long, pointed, powerful flight",
+        "nape: gray-shaded transition to crown",
+        "tail: forked, elongated, control in flight",
+        "throat: white, prominent, signature marking"
+    ],
+    "white throated nightjar": [
+        "back: smooth, greyish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with brown markings",
+        "breast: creamy-white, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: grey-brown, with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey-brown, with an off-white band",
+        "eyes: large, dark and prominent",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, greyish-brown with white spots",
+        "nape: grey-brown, with a faint white collar",
+        "tail: long, grey-brown, with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: distinct white patch, contrasting with brown chest markings"
+    ],
+    "white throated oxylabes": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp black",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray feathers",
+        "crown: black and white-striped pattern",
+        "forehead: white plumage patch",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, brownish with white outer tips",
+        "throat: bright white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white throated pewee": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black hook",
+        "belly: off-white hue",
+        "breast: mottled gray",
+        "crown: dark-gray cap",
+        "forehead: white stripe",
+        "eyes: black, outlined in white",
+        "legs: thin and dark",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with pale bars",
+        "nape: grayish-green tint",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: striking white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated piping guan": [
+        "back: black and white plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish color",
+        "belly: white with black markings",
+        "breast: white with black striations",
+        "crown: black with a blue crest",
+        "forehead: black with blue wattles",
+        "eyes: dark-colored with a white ring",
+        "legs: black and strong, hooked feet",
+        "wings: black and white patterned feathers",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the face"
+    ],
+    "white throated quail dove": [
+        "back: light brown, gently sloping",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: soft white, fading",
+        "breast: creamy, finely speckled",
+        "crown: soft gray, smoothly curved",
+        "forehead: delicate white, defined",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, strong",
+        "wings: muted brown, dappled pattern",
+        "nape: white-throated, leading to crown",
+        "tail: tapered, light brown with darker edges",
+        "throat: bright white, standing out against breast"
+    ],
+    "white throated rail": [
+        "back: striped brown and olive pattern",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, light grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale with darker brown streaks",
+        "crown: plain, slate-grey color",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black with dark eye line",
+        "legs: long, slender, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown with white tips and fringes",
+        "nape: grey with a hint of brown",
+        "tail: short, square-ended, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: white with sharp black border"
+    ],
+    "white throated redstart": [
+        "back: smooth gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: contrasting red-orange patch",
+        "crown: gray-blue feathers with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-blue feathered area above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert orbs",
+        "legs: thin, strong, black appendages",
+        "wings: gray-blue feathers with white streaks",
+        "nape: gray-blue feathers, darker hue than back",
+        "tail: black with red-orange base and white edges",
+        "throat: clean, white feathers, accentuating head"
+    ],
+    "white throated robin chat": [
+        "back: brownish with olive or greenish hues",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with a hint of cream",
+        "breast: deep orange or red",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a streaked appearance",
+        "forehead: white or light cream",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, greyish or pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish, patterned with black and white bars",
+        "nape: brownish-olive, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark brown, white-tipped with a rounded end",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "white throated rock thrush": [
+        "back: blue-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: short and dark",
+        "belly: white or pale cream",
+        "breast: orange-rust color",
+        "crown: blue-grey with highlights",
+        "forehead: blue-grey extending to eye-area",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: dark, slender",
+        "wings: blue-grey with darker streaks",
+        "nape: blue-grey, continuous with rest of head",
+        "tail: dark with contrasting white edges",
+        "throat: striking white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated screech owl": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks and barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with tawny stripe on top",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, surrounded by white facial disc",
+        "legs: feathered with earthen-toned bristles",
+        "wings: rounded, brownish-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with tawny stripes",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, with white and gray bars",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black and tawny markings"
+    ],
+    "white throated seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow, merging with belly",
+        "crown: black or dark gray, depending on gender",
+        "forehead: black or grayish-white, depending on gender",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark streaks and white markings",
+        "nape: gray or dark olive-green, depending on gender",
+        "tail: dark grayish-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright white with well-defined edges"
+    ],
+    "white throated shrike tanager": [
+        "back: olive green with sleek feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black cap with an elongated crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive green, bordered with black and yellow",
+        "nape: olive green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: striking white with a black collar"
+    ],
+    "white throated sierra finch": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light gray, blending into white",
+        "breast: soft white with light gray shading",
+        "crown: light gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly darker gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: thin and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white and gray markings",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown with subtle streaking",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and black banding",
+        "throat: distinctive bright white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated spadebill": [
+        "back: dark gray with olive-green tinges",
+        "beak: short, wide, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with white center",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with olive-green tinges",
+        "tail: dark gray, short, and square-shaped",
+        "throat: bright white"
+    ],
+    "white throated swallow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: snowy white feathers",
+        "breast: contrasting white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black head",
+        "forehead: defined black curve",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, black legs",
+        "wings: elongated blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: black, meeting white throat",
+        "tail: forked with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: prominent white patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated tapaculo": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, powerful, black",
+        "belly: light grey with white feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey and white",
+        "crown: black with a white line",
+        "forehead: black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, orange",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark grey",
+        "nape: black with white markings",
+        "tail: short, dark grey, round",
+        "throat: white bordered by dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "white throated thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black tip",
+        "belly: off-white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: greyish-white with distinct dark spots",
+        "crown: contrasting black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: narrow white line",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: black stripe bordered by white",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright white with black border"
+    ],
+    "white throated tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown, slightly darker tone",
+        "beak: short, curved, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white, slightly tinged",
+        "breast: light brown, small white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown, striped appearance",
+        "forehead: relatively flat, pale streak",
+        "eyes: small, dark on either side of the head",
+        "legs: sturdy, dull yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: compact, rounded, olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "nape: brownish-olive, slight crest",
+        "tail: short, brownish-olive with faint white bars",
+        "throat: bright white, conspicuous against dark plumage"
+    ],
+    "white throated tit": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with thin white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white panels",
+        "nape: black with a white band",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with a black border"
+    ],
+    "white throated toucan": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: imposing, colorfully-patterned",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vivid red patch on chest",
+        "crown: glossy black head",
+        "forehead: contrasting white band",
+        "eyes: striking, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, slender limbs",
+        "wings: broad, black with a touch of blue-green",
+        "nape: white plumage curving around neck",
+        "tail: long, black, and gently curving",
+        "throat: brilliant white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white throated towhee": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, light grey",
+        "belly: dull white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: white with black spots or streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a white stripe in the center",
+        "forehead: white with black border",
+        "eyes: large, black, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: long, thin, grey",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers, small white bars",
+        "nape: brown with a slight white patch",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright white, bordered by dark lines"
+    ],
+    "white throated treecreeper": [
+        "back: brown and patterned",
+        "beak: slender, curved",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white with fine streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, striped",
+        "forehead: white and black stripes",
+        "eyes: black, beady",
+        "legs: grey, slender",
+        "wings: brown and patterned, rounded",
+        "nape: black and white stripes",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey",
+        "throat: white, distinct"
+    ],
+    "white throated treerunner": [
+        "back: olive-brown, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: creamy-white belly feathers",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white underparts",
+        "crown: brown crown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: contrasting white forehead",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, observant eyes",
+        "legs: long, strong brown-grey legs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: smooth brown nape feathers",
+        "tail: long, stiff brown tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright white throat patch"
+    ],
+    "white throated tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light greenish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: white stripe",
+        "eyes: round, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, long, with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: pale gray",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown, with white tips",
+        "throat: bright white"
+    ],
+    "white throated woodcreeper": [
+        "back: streaked dark brownish gray",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale",
+        "belly: mostly white with greyish flanks",
+        "breast: white with dusky grey streaks",
+        "crown: rusty or reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: white or pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark, ringed with pale feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, strong",
+        "wings: tinged with brown, dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: rust-colored or tawny",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly graduated",
+        "throat: bright white stripe"
+    ],
+    "white throated woodpecker": [
+        "back: sleek, greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: red with black borders",
+        "forehead: bright white contrasting with the black head",
+        "eyes: alert, black, beady",
+        "legs: strong, gray, with scaly texture",
+        "wings: black with white lines and greenish tint",
+        "nape: black with contrasting white",
+        "tail: long, strong, with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with distinct black stripes"
+    ],
+    "white throated wren babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale grayish",
+        "belly: white and distinctly scaled",
+        "breast: white with dark spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray ridges",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by pale markings",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish with white-tips on secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown like back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "white tipped dove": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and light-colored",
+        "belly: soft, whitish-gray hues",
+        "breast: pale, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "crown: subtle, light gray coloration",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and well-defined",
+        "legs: short and reddish with scaly texture",
+        "wings: grayish-brown feathers with white-tipped edges",
+        "nape: light gray transitioning to the back's color",
+        "tail: long, squared-off feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "white tipped monarch": [
+        "back: olive-green with white tips",
+        "beak: narrow, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: pale white with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: light yellowish-white",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with white streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and slightly feathered",
+        "wings: olive-green with distinct white tips",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with pronounced white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "white tipped plantcutter": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and sharp",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: light olive-brown plumage",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: flat and pale-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "white tipped quetzal": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black beak",
+        "belly: white and green plumage",
+        "breast: soft white feathers",
+        "crown: shiny green crest",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: alert, round black eyes",
+        "legs: strong, grey legs with black claws",
+        "wings: large, iridescent green wings",
+        "nape: blend of green and white feathers",
+        "tail: long, streamer-like tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathered area under the beak"
+    ],
+    "white tipped sicklebill": [
+        "back: slender body with iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long and curved, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: pale in color, often with subtle green streaks",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers with some white markings",
+        "crown: glossy green plumage, flat and smooth",
+        "forehead: white-tipped, green feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: relatively short and powerful, dark gray",
+        "wings: green with iridescent highlights, slightly curved",
+        "nape: iridescent green feathers, meeting with back and crown",
+        "tail: long and sickle-like, green with a white tip",
+        "throat: striking white plumage, contrasting with green breast"
+    ],
+    "white tipped swift": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined",
+        "beak: thin, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish-grey",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: dark grey feathering",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: small, black",
+        "legs: short, strong",
+        "wings: elongated, swift in flight",
+        "nape: dark grey, slight contrast with the crown",
+        "tail: white-tipped, forked",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "white tufted grebe": [
+        "back: smooth white plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: fluffy white feathers",
+        "breast: soft, white plumage",
+        "crown: tufted white crest",
+        "forehead: sleek white feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: slender, webbed, dark-colored",
+        "wings: medium-sized, white, feathered",
+        "nape: curved, white feathers",
+        "tail: short, white, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: delicate, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white tufted honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: white with a faint yellowish tint",
+        "crown: white tufted crest",
+        "forehead: unmarked and whitish",
+        "eyes: deep black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale-gray and powerful",
+        "wings: olive-green with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale olive-green",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with a blackish band near the end",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "white tufted sunbeam": [
+        "back: sleek feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white and fluffy with light yellow tint",
+        "breast: golden-toned with a tuft of white feathers",
+        "crown: glistening silver feathers with a tufted crest",
+        "forehead: radiant white merging with crown feathers",
+        "eyes: black, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slender with subtle gray hue",
+        "wings: elongated, shimmering with various tones",
+        "nape: smooth feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: a fan of narrow, shimmering feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant white with a soft collar-like appearance"
+    ],
+    "white vented euphonia": [
+        "back: bright green and smooth",
+        "beak: black, short, and conical",
+        "belly: golden-yellow and fluffy",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with soft feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue-violet sheen",
+        "forehead: brilliant blue sheen",
+        "eyes: black, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: vibrant green with black edges",
+        "nape: blue-violet sheen transition",
+        "tail: short, green with black tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "white vented plumeleteer": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, black",
+        "belly: white ventral plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green",
+        "crown: metallic green sheen",
+        "forehead: bright green hue",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round",
+        "legs: blackish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: broad, strong, greenish-blue",
+        "nape: brilliant green tones",
+        "tail: short, emerald green",
+        "throat: vibrant green-chestnut mix"
+    ],
+    "white vented shama": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish plumage with white vent",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: black smooth plumage",
+        "eyes: dark brown with prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slim, and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white feather accents",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, and broad feathers",
+        "throat: dark gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "white vented violetear": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent green",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white",
+        "breast: gleaming greenish-blue",
+        "crown: bright violet-blue crown",
+        "forehead: shimmering bluish-green",
+        "eyes: small and dark in color",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black legs",
+        "wings: metallic green with splashes of purple",
+        "nape: vivid green transitioning into violet-blue",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: striking violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "white vented whistler": [
+        "back: soft white feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: white with light gray shading",
+        "breast: fluffy white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth white feathers",
+        "forehead: bright white markings",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender with light gray scales",
+        "wings: white with dark gray accents",
+        "nape: white with a slight curve",
+        "tail: wide white feathers with visible gray tips",
+        "throat: clean white plumage"
+    ],
+    "white wedged piculet": [
+        "back: smooth, white feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, light-colored",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: white, slightly fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: pale, white crest",
+        "forehead: unblemished white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, expressive",
+        "legs: thin, light gray, strong",
+        "wings: white with black markings, short and rounded",
+        "nape: white, seamless transition from crown",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped with dark tips",
+        "throat: clean, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white whiskered hermit": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze upperparts",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale gray",
+        "breast: greenish, white streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-bronze",
+        "forehead: greenish-bronze",
+        "eyes: small, black",
+        "legs: medium length, gray",
+        "wings: long, brownish, white tips",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze, darker than back",
+        "tail: long, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white whiskers, greenish underside"
+    ],
+    "white whiskered laughingthrush": [
+        "back: light brown feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: white feathers with a subtle tinge of brown",
+        "crown: brown with thin white streaks on top of the head",
+        "forehead: light brown with white whiskers from the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert surrounded by a white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, greyish-black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: light brown with gently curving feathers for flight",
+        "nape: tan brown feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped tail with brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathered throat with a hint of greyish-brown"
+    ],
+    "white whiskered puffbird": [
+        "back: white feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with black markings",
+        "breast: white with black whisker-like stripes",
+        "crown: black and white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with black lines",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black and white streaked pattern",
+        "tail: short, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black whisker-like marks"
+    ],
+    "white whiskered spinetail": [
+        "back: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft white or light gray",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown, slightly brighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white whisker-like feathers",
+        "legs: thin and grayish, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: brown with buffy edges and faint streaks",
+        "nape: rufous-brown and streaked, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, with a tinge of rufous and white tips",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "white winged apalis": [
+        "back: sleek, white-streaked feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underparts",
+        "breast: soft, grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: white stripe above black eye-line",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: striking white wing bars",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white, elegantly contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "white winged becard": [
+        "back: light gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, dark upper mandible, pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: off-white to light gray",
+        "breast: pale gray with hints of white",
+        "crown: dark gray with sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: subtle gray fading to white",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: short with dark gray talons",
+        "wings: white-edged gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: light gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white winged black tit": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: contrasting white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathered chest",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black and white cap",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black limbs",
+        "wings: bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: black and white patterning",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: white-feathered throat"
+    ],
+    "white winged black tyrant": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, short, and black",
+        "belly: smooth white underbelly",
+        "breast: white and puffed",
+        "crown: black with a subtle gloss",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: piercing dark gaze",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy black legs",
+        "wings: elegant black with a striking white patch",
+        "nape: continuation of the black crown",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "white winged brushfinch": [
+        "back: light, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: pale whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: soft white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: distinctive white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: white-edged feathers with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, sharply contrasting breast"
+    ],
+    "white winged chough": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: black with hints of white",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black with slight sheen",
+        "forehead: flat and black",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark, and slender",
+        "wings: black with prominent white panel",
+        "nape: black with well-defined feathers",
+        "tail: long and black with a slight curve",
+        "throat: black with a smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "white winged cinclodes": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with white specks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, strong, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: white-edged feathers, dark brown and white pattern",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with some dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "white winged cliff chat": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: light gray with white accents",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-black",
+        "forehead: slate gray with a hint of white",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a black pupil",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: striking white patch on a gray background",
+        "nape: grayish-black feathers",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "white winged collared dove": [
+        "back: light grey with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey",
+        "breast: light grey with subtle lavender sheen",
+        "crown: smooth, grey feathers",
+        "forehead: soft grey blending into white",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-red with short slender toes",
+        "wings: broad, white-edged grey feathers",
+        "nape: white collar with black edges",
+        "tail: long, grey and tapered with white tips",
+        "throat: delicate grey-white gradient"
+    ],
+    "white winged coot": [
+        "back: sleek, light grey feathers",
+        "beak: white, slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey plumage",
+        "breast: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, black head feathers",
+        "forehead: small white frontal shield",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange ring",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, long and slender",
+        "wings: white wing patch, grey primaries",
+        "nape: black feather transition to grey",
+        "tail: short, grey, with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale grey, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "white winged cotinga": [
+        "back: smooth, white with hints of pale blue",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: bright white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: snowy white, slightly elongated feathers",
+        "crown: pristine white with minimal blue shading",
+        "forehead: glistening white feathers with thin blue streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a slight yellow ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey, medium length",
+        "wings: elegant, snowy white with splashes of ice blue",
+        "nape: glistening white with subtle ice blue shading",
+        "tail: elongated, white and frosty blue feathers",
+        "throat: unblemished white, short feathers"
+    ],
+    "white winged cuckooshrike": [
+        "back: sleek, soft gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray and white underside",
+        "breast: light gray plumage tapering to white",
+        "crown: smooth gray plumage",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, beady black eyes",
+        "legs: slender, black, scaly legs",
+        "wings: elongated white feathered edges",
+        "nape: continuous gray from crown",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped gray feathers",
+        "throat: clean white plumage transitioning to gray"
+    ],
+    "white winged duck": [
+        "back: sleek, white-streaked feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: soft, white underbelly",
+        "breast: slightly puffed, white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark head feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, white line",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: powerful, webbed, orange",
+        "wings: broad, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark feathers and a white collar",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, white-tipped",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "white winged fairywren": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: bright blue coloration",
+        "crown: striking blue hue",
+        "forehead: vivid blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: white patches on blue feathers",
+        "nape: deep blue feathers",
+        "tail: long and blue, fan-like",
+        "throat: light grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "white winged flufftail": [
+        "back: white and black spotted feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, dark colored beak",
+        "belly: pale brown with faint black striping",
+        "breast: white and black barred pattern",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with fine black spotting",
+        "forehead: chestnut-red with black markings",
+        "eyes: round, dark colored, surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: slim, orange-brown colored",
+        "wings: white and black striped pattern with round spots",
+        "nape: dark chestnut with black spotting",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, black and white markings",
+        "throat: white with fine black striping"
+    ],
+    "white winged grosbeak": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: stout, conical, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: white feathers with grey sides",
+        "breast: reddish-orange accents",
+        "crown: bright red plumage",
+        "forehead: vibrant red patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: strong and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: white feathers with black bars",
+        "nape: red plumage, blending to white",
+        "tail: medium length, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with light grey accents"
+    ],
+    "white winged guan": [
+        "back: light brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, short, black",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white, soft feathers",
+        "crown: feathered crest, dark brown",
+        "forehead: lighter brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: long, strong, grayish",
+        "wings: white-edged feathers, mixed brown shades",
+        "nape: dark brown, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: lighter brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "white winged lark": [
+        "back: pale brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, pale gray",
+        "belly: off-white, unmarked",
+        "breast: pale buff, light streaks",
+        "crown: light grayish-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: pale buff, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: white-edged flight feathers, contrasting with brown upperparts",
+        "nape: pale grayish-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: short, brownish, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white winged magpie": [
+        "back: glossy black with a bluish sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black ventral streaking",
+        "breast: bright white, occasionally with black streaks",
+        "crown: black and sleek, contrasting white face",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, transitioning to black crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, grey, with scaled texture",
+        "wings: predominantly white, with black primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: black, connecting smoothly with the crown",
+        "tail: long, iridescent blue-black, white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "white winged nightjar": [
+        "back: sleek, white-streaked gray",
+        "beak: short, thin, black",
+        "belly: white, faintly streaked",
+        "breast: white, lightly barred gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with white stripes",
+        "forehead: gray with white spots",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, light brown",
+        "wings: white-edged, black speckles, dark gray primaries",
+        "nape: gray with white markings",
+        "tail: white-tipped, dark gray, long, forked",
+        "throat: white, smooth"
+    ],
+    "white winged parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, pale orange",
+        "belly: light green plumage",
+        "breast: soft green feathers",
+        "crown: deep green crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: white wing-bars, green feathers",
+        "nape: deep green feathers",
+        "tail: tapered, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green plumage"
+    ],
+    "white winged potoo": [
+        "back: light brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and black",
+        "belly: soft white with sparse brown speckles",
+        "breast: whitish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: pale grayish-brown with mottled patterns",
+        "forehead: smooth, light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slender, pale gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white-edged feathers with dark bars, folded along sides",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with white edges and dark barring",
+        "throat: pale white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "white winged redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: white to pale grey plumage",
+        "breast: bright red, merging into white",
+        "crown: dark grey with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: dark grey, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark in color",
+        "legs: thin and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white-edged contrasting with dark grey",
+        "nape: dark grey, aligning with crown",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright red, mirroring the breast"
+    ],
+    "white winged robin": [
+        "back: sleek white-feathered",
+        "beak: small, thin, and sharp",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: lightly speckled white",
+        "crown: grayish-white with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers",
+        "eyes: alert, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin and pale",
+        "wings: white-edged with dark gray",
+        "nape: light gray feathered",
+        "tail: elongated, gray, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: snowy white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "white winged shrike tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feather coverage",
+        "beak: sharp and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow with green tinges",
+        "crown: iridescent turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: turquoise-blue, transitioning into green",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark, sturdy",
+        "wings: striking white patch on upper part, otherwise green",
+        "nape: continuing green hue from crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with pointed tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "white winged snowfinch": [
+        "back: snowy white with hints of gray",
+        "beak: small, black, conical in shape",
+        "belly: bright white and fluffy",
+        "breast: pure white feathers with gray undertones",
+        "crown: smooth white crest above eyes",
+        "forehead: brilliant white with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: black, round and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white-tipped, long, and black underneath",
+        "nape: light gray seamlessly blending into the white crown",
+        "tail: medium length, white with variable black patterns",
+        "throat: white feathers fading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "white winged swallow": [
+        "back: sleek blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: small, narrow, and black",
+        "belly: clean white underparts",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black hue",
+        "forehead: striking blue-black color",
+        "eyes: beady black, observant gaze",
+        "legs: tiny, black, strong limbs",
+        "wings: long, white-edged, and graceful",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: forked shape, bold white edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth, contrasting with the head"
+    ],
+    "white winged swamp warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy, dark gray color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white, faint streaks",
+        "breast: slightly darker grayish-white, subtle streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with white streaks, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: white-edged, olive-green feathers with distinctive white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint white streaking",
+        "tail: long and narrow, olive-green with pale edges",
+        "throat: plain grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "white winged tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, grayish color",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: yellow with greenish tinge, shades of blue",
+        "crown: green-blue with a hint of violet",
+        "forehead: green-blue shade, feathered",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light-colored feathers",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: white-edged, bold turquoise feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: long and colorful, with green and blue hues",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "white winged tern": [
+        "back: sleek, light gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, black",
+        "belly: soft, white, fluffy",
+        "breast: smooth, white plumage",
+        "crown: black, glossy head feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek, black frown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, red",
+        "wings: white, elongated, flight-ready",
+        "nape: black, glossy curved neck feathers",
+        "tail: forked, white, fan-like",
+        "throat: white, feathered, smooth"
+    ],
+    "white winged triller": [
+        "back: grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint white markings",
+        "crown: light grayish-white",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-white",
+        "eyes: crisp black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: white accents on charcoal gray",
+        "nape: pale gray bordering wings",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "white winged warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-olive color with white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, sharply pointed and blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: white with light streaks on sides",
+        "crown: distinctly yellow-green",
+        "forehead: yellow-green, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: large and dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender and blue-gray",
+        "wings: white-edged with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer feathers and tips",
+        "throat: clean white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "white winged widowbird": [
+        "back: glossy black with hints of iridescence",
+        "beak: short and sharp, conical black beak",
+        "belly: silky black, sleek feathers",
+        "breast: black feathers merging smoothly with the belly",
+        "crown: shiny black with smooth, slick feathers",
+        "forehead: seamless continuation of the black crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black, peering out from dark feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: elongated white patches contrasting the black plumage",
+        "nape: continuation of the glossy black feathers from the back",
+        "tail: long, curved black feathers with graceful, flowing movements",
+        "throat: silky black feathers, merging seamlessly with breast"
+    ],
+    "white winged woodpecker": [
+        "back: sleek feathers with white and black patterns",
+        "beak: strong, pointed black bill",
+        "belly: predominantly white with occasional gray markings",
+        "breast: white feathers with subtle gray streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant red crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers leading to red crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, deep black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent white with black-bordered flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to red crown",
+        "tail: black and white barred feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "white thrush": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white, rounded feathers",
+        "crown: smooth white crest",
+        "forehead: unblemished white",
+        "eyes: dark, alert orbs",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: white, extended gracefully",
+        "nape: white, gently curving",
+        "tail: long white feathers, fanned",
+        "throat: delicate white plumage"
+    ],
+    "whitehead broadbill": [
+        "back: greenish-blue with slender black streaks",
+        "beak: wide, light bluish-grey, hooked tip",
+        "belly: bright blue with black markings",
+        "breast: vibrant blue with narrow black bands",
+        "crown: black with long white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with long white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-grey with strong claws",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black streaks",
+        "nape: black with long white streaks",
+        "tail: broad, black with white tips",
+        "throat: intense blue with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "whitehead spiderhunter": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender and curved",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow underside",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: white in color"
+    ],
+    "whitehead swiftlet": [
+        "back: sleek and smooth feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: glossy and smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: faint white markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and delicate",
+        "wings: elongated and narrow",
+        "nape: smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white and glossy feathers"
+    ],
+    "whitehead trogon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, greyish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white, with hints of pale yellow",
+        "breast: pastel greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red crescent-shaped patch",
+        "eyes: large, deep brown, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, pale grey",
+        "wings: deep green with hints of blue, squared shape",
+        "nape: bright turquoise feathers, transitioning to green",
+        "tail: long and slender, green to blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: bright red crescent patch, contrasted against vibrant green"
+    ],
+    "whooper swan": [
+        "back: long and sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: large, orange-yellow with black tip",
+        "belly: white and slightly rounded",
+        "breast: full and white-feathered",
+        "crown: smoothly curved with white feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, white",
+        "eyes: black and round",
+        "legs: strong, gray-black",
+        "wings: large and powerful, white",
+        "nape: gracefully bent, white",
+        "tail: short, white feathers, slightly pointed",
+        "throat: elongated, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "whooping crane": [
+        "back: light grey feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: white feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: white feathers on the upper chest",
+        "crown: red patch on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grey",
+        "wings: long, broad, and white with black tips",
+        "nape: white feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: white feathers with fan-shaped arrangement",
+        "throat: white feathers and elongated appearance"
+    ],
+    "whooping motmot": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent green-blue",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy whitish-buff",
+        "breast: turquoise-green, fading into yellow",
+        "crown: rufous with black banding",
+        "forehead: black, accented by a blue-green mask",
+        "eyes: encircled with black, beady and alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blue-green with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: rufous-buff, complementing the crown",
+        "tail: long and racket-shaped, blue-green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "whyte barbet": [
+        "back: greenish hue with slight yellow accents",
+        "beak: strong and curved, light grey color",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green with small black spots",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark green with a white eye stripe",
+        "forehead: bright crimson patch",
+        "eyes: critical and curious, blackish-brown",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with elongated toes",
+        "wings: greenish tone with a hint of blue",
+        "nape: dark green transitioning to a lighter hue",
+        "tail: long, broad, and bright green",
+        "throat: lighter green with blackish spots"
+    ],
+    "wied tyrant manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: radiant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: stunning purple crest",
+        "forehead: green feathers blending into the purple crest",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, grey, and agile",
+        "wings: medium-sized, green with splayed black feathers",
+        "nape: purple-to-green ombre transition",
+        "tail: green with elongated, pointed feathers",
+        "throat: lively yellow extension of breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "wilkins finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with black markings",
+        "beak: short, triangular, and pale orange",
+        "belly: light grey with faint streaking",
+        "breast: greyish-white, blending into belly",
+        "crown: solid black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round and dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, pale grey, with strong feet",
+        "wings: black with striking olive-green edging",
+        "nape: olive-green, in continuation with the back",
+        "tail: black, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white, the same color as the breast"
+    ],
+    "willard sooty boubou": [
+        "back: dark sooty-black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hook-shaped",
+        "belly: pale white-grey with light streaks",
+        "breast: slightly dark grey feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth black and shiny",
+        "eyes: bright, small, and yellow-ringed",
+        "legs: long and black",
+        "wings: rounded, sooty-black with white patches",
+        "nape: black with some grey undertones",
+        "tail: long, straight, and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "willcocks honeyguide": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, strong, and pointed; black in color",
+        "belly: pale white to cream-colored, with some dark streaks",
+        "breast: beige with horizontal darker-colored bars",
+        "crown: dark grey transitioning to a lighter shade at the forehead",
+        "forehead: light grey, blending into the grey of the crown",
+        "eyes: deep, black eyes surrounded by lighter eye ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and light brown in color",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white-tipped or barred feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey, with slightly lighter feather tips",
+        "throat: creamy white or light beige, sometimes streaked with dark lines"
+    ],
+    "williams lark": [
+        "back: soft brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with delicate brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff-colored with light brown spots",
+        "crown: grey-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with white and black markings, slightly rounded",
+        "nape: warm brown with thin white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "willie wagtail": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white and soft plumage",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: black, contrasting with white brow",
+        "forehead: white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: black, elongated, and fan-like",
+        "nape: black, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, and black with white edges",
+        "throat: white, separating black head and breast"
+    ],
+    "willis antbird": [
+        "back: olive green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint lines",
+        "breast: grayish-white with thin lines",
+        "crown: dark gray with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive green with buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with lighter gray streaks",
+        "tail: relatively long with olive-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with indistinct lines"
+    ],
+    "willow tit": [
+        "back: olive-brown and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray",
+        "crown: black with a slight tuft",
+        "forehead: black, fading around eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a pale gray patch",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edging",
+        "nape: black with white streaks on sides",
+        "tail: dark brown, short, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: white with a gray hue"
+    ],
+    "willow warbler": [
+        "back: pale brown with a greenish tint",
+        "beak: thin, pointed and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow to white",
+        "breast: light yellow",
+        "crown: evenly brownish-green",
+        "forehead: slightly tinged with yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish to flesh-colored",
+        "wings: brownish-green with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-green, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: brown, slightly forked with pale outer edges",
+        "throat: yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "wilson indigobird": [
+        "back: sleek, black plumage",
+        "beak: short, vibrant red",
+        "belly: metallic dark blue sheen",
+        "breast: shiny, black feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue iridescence",
+        "forehead: glossy black plumage",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and small",
+        "legs: thin, red-orange color",
+        "wings: dark blue-black, medium length",
+        "nape: shimmering blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black with blue tint",
+        "throat: deep indigo, glossy finish"
+    ],
+    "wilson storm petrel": [
+        "back: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "beak: small and black, slightly hooked shape",
+        "belly: white with greyish-black sides",
+        "breast: primarily grey-black feathers, lighter towards the belly",
+        "crown: dark, grey-black coloration",
+        "forehead: dark grey-black feathers, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: short, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, and dark, with a white patch on upper wings",
+        "nape: dark grey-black coloration, seamlessly blending with crown",
+        "tail: short and square, grey-black feathers",
+        "throat: greyish black, lighter towards the belly"
+    ],
+    "winding cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff or white",
+        "breast: buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dense streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff or white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long, dull pinkish",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark with white tips",
+        "throat: pale white or buff"
+    ],
+    "wine throated hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescence",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: ruby red shimmer",
+        "crown: metallic emerald green",
+        "forehead: flashy lime green",
+        "eyes: small, black and shiny",
+        "legs: tiny, delicate black",
+        "wings: translucent, swift-flapping",
+        "nape: glossy forest green",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: deep wine red sheen"
+    ],
+    "wing banded antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray plumage",
+        "crown: black and gray feathers",
+        "forehead: dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: pale with dark ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, broad, olive-brown",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "wing banded hornero": [
+        "back: warm brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or grayish in color",
+        "breast: light brown with white streaking",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light brown and flat",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: sturdy and light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with blackish streaks and white tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: brown with blackish streaks and white edges",
+        "throat: whitish or pale, contrasts with breast"
+    ],
+    "wing banded wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with tinges of green",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and brownish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish, banded with light and dark streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and brownish, with black bars",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "wing barred piprites": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle patterning",
+        "beak: short, hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with occasional streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, fading into the belly",
+        "crown: dark olive-green, contrast with rest of head",
+        "forehead: faint yellowish-white line above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two distinctive white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, seamless transition from crown",
+        "tail: dark olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "wing barred seedeater": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with black barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped feathers and white wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark lateral streaks"
+    ],
+    "wing snapping cisticola": [
+        "back: light brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, slim, blackish",
+        "belly: pale with light barring",
+        "breast: off-white to buff",
+        "crown: ruddy brown, streaked",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: pale pinkish or grayish",
+        "wings: brown, short, rounded",
+        "nape: light brown, subtle streaks",
+        "tail: brownish, short, broad",
+        "throat: pale, off-white"
+    ],
+    "wire crested thorntail": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight and black",
+        "belly: pale green hue with soft feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant green plumage",
+        "crown: metallic green with wire-like crest",
+        "forehead: shiny green, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slender, dark and unassuming",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent green and swift",
+        "nape: green, with subtle bluish accents",
+        "tail: long, thin feathers with unique disc-shaped tips",
+        "throat: green, blending seamlessly into breast"
+    ],
+    "wire tailed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: petite, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: bright red feathers",
+        "crown: green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: green and smooth",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short with black sturdy claws",
+        "wings: green with elongated black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: green and slightly feathered",
+        "tail: elongated black wires extending from the feathers",
+        "throat: radiant red plumage"
+    ],
+    "wire tailed swallow": [
+        "back: dark iridescent blue-green",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: white with a slight sheen",
+        "breast: white and silky",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black",
+        "forehead: blue-black with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: short with dark, strong claws",
+        "wings: long, dark, and tapered",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: elongated and wire-like, with two long outer streamers",
+        "throat: pearly white, contrasting with the beak"
+    ],
+    "wompoo fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green with violet hues",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark colored",
+        "belly: soft yellow gradient",
+        "breast: striking purple-blue color",
+        "crown: deep green merging into a purple forehead",
+        "forehead: vibrant purple ridge",
+        "eyes: round, black with a slight white ring",
+        "legs: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "wings: green and purple blend, broad and rounded",
+        "nape: iridescent green mixed with purple",
+        "tail: long and tapered, green with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright and pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "wonga pigeon": [
+        "back: slate-grey with white spots",
+        "beak: short and stout, cream-colored",
+        "belly: whitish with dark, wavy bars",
+        "breast: pale grey, speckled with white",
+        "crown: slate-grey, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: light-grey with faint white markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: strong and red, with thick scales",
+        "wings: bluish-grey, rounded edges, white spots",
+        "nape: light-grey, sometimes with faint white markings",
+        "tail: relatively long, grey-blue with white bands",
+        "throat: white, blending into grey breast area"
+    ],
+    "wood lark": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown, streaked with darker brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges and white markings",
+        "nape: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown with outer feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "wood sandpiper": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slightly tapered",
+        "belly: white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale buff with darker brown streaking",
+        "crown: brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with brown markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown and white pattern with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: brown with faint white barring",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "wood snipe": [
+        "back: patterned with dark and light brown shades",
+        "beak: long and straight, perfect for probing",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-toned with fine brown stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale center stripe",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with faint stripes",
+        "eyes: bright, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, slender and strong",
+        "wings: rounded with intricate brown patterns",
+        "nape: brown and buff stripes meeting at the back",
+        "tail: short and pointed, with dark bars",
+        "throat: white and unmarked, contrasting with head markings"
+    ],
+    "wood warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with blackish streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with a hint of green",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green with black edge",
+        "eyes: black, relatively large with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey with sturdy grip",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white and black bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with blackish markings"
+    ],
+    "woodchat shrike": [
+        "back: light brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: creamy white, often faintly barred",
+        "breast: soft salmon-pink, merging into white",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: white, extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with a white half-moon patch below",
+        "legs: slender, blackish-grey",
+        "wings: black with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, bordering the pink breast"
+    ],
+    "woodford rail": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale cream with faint streaks",
+        "breast: warm brown with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: cream-colored with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a bold white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaked with black",
+        "tail: long and tapering with dark bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "woodhouse antpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers providing camouflage",
+        "beak: thin, curved shape for pecking insects",
+        "belly: pale white, soft feathered area",
+        "breast: light-gray region, bordered by olive-green",
+        "crown: rounded top, olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-colored transition to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, sharp gaze to spot prey",
+        "legs: slim, long, and gray for perching agility",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker tips for swift flight",
+        "nape: rear part of the head, olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: slender, dark olive-green with subtle white tips, adept for maneuvering",
+        "throat: white area, soft and delicate"
+    ],
+    "woodhouse scrub jay": [
+        "back: blue-gray with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant blue crest",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: black and alert, encircled with pale blue",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue-gray with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray, joining the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with darker banding",
+        "throat: pale gray-white, contrasting with blue breast"
+    ],
+    "woodland pipit": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: plain and pale",
+        "eyes: dark with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "woodpecker finch": [
+        "back: covered in brown-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale cream-colored with light streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with small dark markings",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight brownish tint",
+        "forehead: smooth and uniformly colored",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and well-adapted for gripping branches",
+        "wings: compact, brown-grey with white spots",
+        "nape: grey with a slight brownish tint",
+        "tail: short, stiff, and squared-off",
+        "throat: creamy white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "woodwards' batis": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: distinctive black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: bold, contrasting white eyestripe",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark slate-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: black band across the neck",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "worthen sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, light-colored",
+        "belly: whitish-grey underside",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored striped pattern",
+        "forehead: light brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, bead-like",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white bar",
+        "nape: light brown striped pattern",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white edges",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "wreathed hornbill": [
+        "back: dark-feathered, elongated body",
+        "beak: large, curved yellow and black casque",
+        "belly: white feathers with hints of black",
+        "breast: broad, white with light-striping",
+        "crown: black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, deep-black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, round and inquisitive",
+        "legs: short, sturdy with sharp talons",
+        "wings: expansive, black feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: short, black-feathered tapering to body",
+        "tail: elongated, black-feathered with white bands",
+        "throat: featherless with dark-blue or black skin"
+    ],
+    "wren like rushbird": [
+        "back: short, brownish feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, thin-pointed",
+        "belly: light, grayish-brown",
+        "breast: warm, light brown",
+        "crown: streaked, dark brown",
+        "forehead: small, plain",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: thin, brown, agile",
+        "wings: short, rounded, brown-streaked",
+        "nape: striped, earthy tones",
+        "tail: upright, stubby, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: pale, cream-colored"
+    ],
+    "wrenthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow or cream color",
+        "breast: modest reddish shade, fading to yellowish",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: unpatterned reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and medium-length",
+        "wings: olive-brown with bold white wing-bars",
+        "nape: slightly darker reddish-brown",
+        "tail: short and square-tipped, olive-brown",
+        "throat: pale yellow or cream color"
+    ],
+    "wrinkled hornbill": [
+        "back: black feathers with a white stripe at the base",
+        "beak: long, curved, and yellow-orange with a raised, wrinkled horn-like casque",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: black feathers with a white border",
+        "crown: black plumage with a touch of white at the base",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into the casque",
+        "eyes: pale blue with a black pupil, surrounded by a thin strip of bare skin",
+        "legs: short and strong with black, scaly skin",
+        "wings: black primaries and secondaries, white scapulars and coverts",
+        "nape: black plumage with a white stripe at the base",
+        "tail: long, black feathers, sleek white tips",
+        "throat: black feathers, white border"
+    ],
+    "writhe billed hornbill": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow and red stripes",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: black feathers with white edges",
+        "crown: prominent black crest",
+        "forehead: black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright, yellow-orange",
+        "legs: strong, black",
+        "wings: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: black, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, white and black feathers",
+        "throat: black and white plumage"
+    ],
+    "writhed hornbill": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, yellow and black curve",
+        "belly: white contrasting underbelly",
+        "breast: dark plumage with white patch",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and black, blending into beak",
+        "eyes: intense, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy and charcoal-colored",
+        "wings: powerful with dark feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers running down the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, dark feathers with white banding",
+        "throat: black with a hint of white accents"
+    ],
+    "wrybill": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with soft texture",
+        "beak: curved sideways to the right, thin and black",
+        "belly: white and smooth feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey with slight streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-white, relatively flat",
+        "forehead: light grey with a smooth transition from beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, slightly inset",
+        "legs: long, thin, black with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: light grey, extended tip, agile for quick flight",
+        "nape: gently sloping, grey to white gradient",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, light grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, somewhat narrow, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "xantus hummingbird": [
+        "back: green-bronze iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white with green-bronze sides",
+        "crown: shimmering green-bronze",
+        "forehead: bright green-bronze",
+        "eyes: dark, small, round",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: iridescent green with swift movement",
+        "nape: green-bronze with a pale collar",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark with white tips",
+        "throat: iridescent green-bronze"
+    ],
+    "xavier greenbul": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: small, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: off-white with light green streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with green smudging",
+        "crown: deep olive-green with a bit of brightness",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-yellow with long claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with some black barring",
+        "nape: olive-green, smoothly transitions to back",
+        "tail: olive-green, elongated with black barring",
+        "throat: pale off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "xingu scale backed antbird": [
+        "back: dark brown with small white spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: buffy-gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with a blue shine",
+        "forehead: black with a blue tinge",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with small white spots and light buffy edges",
+        "nape: black and scaly with white-tipped feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white markings",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "xinjiang ground jay": [
+        "back: sandy brown feathers with grayish hues",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: sandy brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale sandy brown and smoothly contoured",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong, and black with sharp small talons",
+        "wings: sandy brown with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: sandy brown, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with subtle grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "yap monarch": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: creamy white with light yellow tinge",
+        "breast: golden yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black stripes",
+        "forehead: striking yellow with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy black and slender",
+        "wings: black with yellow markings and white patches",
+        "nape: yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with elongated feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with subtle black markings"
+    ],
+    "yap white eye": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light grey-white",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white",
+        "crown: bright greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring surrounding dark pupil",
+        "legs: slim, pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "yapacana antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white, finely streaked",
+        "crown: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: black streaks on gray base",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown, edged with olive",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: white, streaked with gray"
+    ],
+    "yelkouan shearwater": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown with white flecks",
+        "beak: black, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with grey-brown edges",
+        "breast: white with grey-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown with white speckles",
+        "forehead: white, blending into dark grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and almond-shaped with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and dark grey-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: short and dark grey-brown",
+        "throat: white transitioning into grey-brown"
+    ],
+    "yellow bishop": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: yellow with darker streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black cap with yellow patches",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: vibrant yellow with black edging",
+        "nape: yellow with slight black streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, black and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow bittern": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, pointed, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green, adapted for wading",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with pale yellow edges",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, greenish-brown with thin barring",
+        "throat: off-white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with streaks of green",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: light yellow fading to white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with greenish tinges",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: striking yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black edges",
+        "nape: vivid yellow fading to greenish",
+        "tail: dark with yellow outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow canary": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, grayish",
+        "belly: soft, muted yellow fluff",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: dainty yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert",
+        "legs: petite, gray, strong",
+        "wings: yellow feathers with hints of soft white",
+        "nape: velvety yellow feathers",
+        "tail: elongated yellow feathers, slight fan shape",
+        "throat: slight yellow fluff, stunning accent"
+    ],
+    "yellow cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, short, and conical, light orange in color",
+        "belly: soft yellow feathers blending into white towards the vent",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers extending through the chest area",
+        "crown: vivid yellow feathers forming a flashy crest on the head",
+        "forehead: sunny yellow patch merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and lively, encircled by dark markings",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue, and firm for perching on branches",
+        "wings: yellow feathers with slight black markings, built for short, swift flights",
+        "nape: radiant yellow feathers connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: elongated, yellow feathers with black edges, used for balance and steering during flight",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "yellow chat": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: soft yellow feathers",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow cap",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathering",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: slender, grey",
+        "wings: yellow-green with faint streaks",
+        "nape: yellow-green transition from crown",
+        "tail: yellow-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow extending from beak"
+    ],
+    "yellow flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green",
+        "eyes: dark, alert with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with bold, white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: olive-green, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with streaks of olive-green",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved black",
+        "belly: pale yellow and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow with modest white markings",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow, fading into the forehead",
+        "forehead: bright yellow blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, nestled within yellow feathers",
+        "legs: thin, medium-length, and blackish-grey",
+        "wings: yellow with contrasting black patterns and edges",
+        "nape: yellow, transitioning from the crown and back",
+        "tail: mid-length, yellow with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: light yellow, complementing the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow longbill": [
+        "back: smooth feathers in shades of yellow",
+        "beak: elongated, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with white undertones",
+        "breast: brighter yellow for maximum contrast",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow with streaks of orange",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow feathers accentuating the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and lively",
+        "legs: thin legs with black claws for perching",
+        "wings: striking yellow with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: golden yellow transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, thin feathers with black tips for balance",
+        "throat: soft pale-yellow, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black",
+        "belly: soft yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow crest",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow patch",
+        "eyes: curious, black beady",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: sunny yellow plumage",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow penduline tit": [
+        "back: bright yellow with grayish streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: soft yellow with pale undertones",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, lightly speckled",
+        "crown: yellow fading to grayish-brown towards the nape",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with a fine black mask around the eye",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a quick, alert expression",
+        "legs: slender, grey-blue with sharp little claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown primary feathers with yellow edging",
+        "nape: yellow with a subtle grayish-brown gradient",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown with yellow outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, bold contrast against darker markings"
+    ],
+    "yellow rail": [
+        "back: streaked brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish with dark bars",
+        "breast: light buff with dark spots",
+        "crown: black with thin white lines",
+        "forehead: pale yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: black and small",
+        "legs: dark with long toes",
+        "wings: brown with bold black barring",
+        "nape: brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: buff-yellow with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow thornbill": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-yellow hue",
+        "beak: short, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth yellow-gradient",
+        "eyes: small black orbs with white rings",
+        "legs: slender yet sturdy, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with darker markings",
+        "nape: consistent yellow hue",
+        "tail: fanned out, yellow-olive tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, black pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: light olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with yellowish tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow wattlebird": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellow-orange plumage with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with small yellow wattles",
+        "forehead: brownish with faint yellow wattles",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long, strong, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: earthy brown with yellow tinge",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers with yellow wattles",
+        "tail: long, brownish with yellow edges",
+        "throat: yellow with a hint of black streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow backed oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with distinct black markings",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow, unpatterned",
+        "crown: yellow head, black lores",
+        "forehead: striking yellow, black stripes near the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: black with yellow and white bars, curved in flight",
+        "nape: yellow merging to black, defining contrast",
+        "tail: black with white edges, prominently flaring",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, unblemished"
+    ],
+    "yellow backed tanager": [
+        "back: radiant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, black",
+        "belly: lighter yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow hue",
+        "crown: vivid yellow crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and curious",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant yellow with black edges",
+        "nape: yellow feathers meeting the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, black with yellow tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow bearded greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: soft pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, leafy green",
+        "forehead: light green with slight yellow tinge",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: lush, green and rounded",
+        "nape: rich green blending to yellow",
+        "tail: greenish with yellowish edges",
+        "throat: golden yellow with beard-like tufts"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied bulbul": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: creamy-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white surround",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: grayish-brown feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: gray-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied chat tyrant": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointed black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: yellowish-green breast feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow feathered crown",
+        "forehead: smooth, greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark eyes",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: greenish wings with darker edges",
+        "nape: green-yellow feathers on the nape",
+        "tail: long, greenish tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers on throat"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied dacnis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, conical shape",
+        "belly: bright yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: vivid blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue feathered crest",
+        "forehead: intense blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: eye-catching blue with black edging",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, blue with black accents",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointy, pale-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: light olive-green, merging with yellow",
+        "crown: distinctive bushy crest, grayish shade",
+        "forehead: grayish-white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, encircled by white ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green, with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: whitish, blending into yellow belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied eremomela": [
+        "back: olive-green, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow, soft and rounded",
+        "breast: pale yellow, blending into belly",
+        "crown: olive-green, smooth crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown, strong grip",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back",
+        "tail: dark gray, slender, with slight fork",
+        "throat: light yellow, connecting to breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied fairy fantail": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow with slight gradient",
+        "breast: soft yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with slight crest",
+        "forehead: green feathers fading into yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black edges",
+        "nape: green-yellow feathers with a slight pattern",
+        "tail: long, black-tipped, and fan-like",
+        "throat: muted yellow transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied gerygone": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow",
+        "crown: olive-brown with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: brownish with white patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: long and rounded, darker brown with buff tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: relatively short, pale colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: a mix of yellow and green feathers",
+        "crown: rich green color, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: more yellowish-green hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with an olive-yellow tint",
+        "nape: smooth transition from green crown to paler yellow-green",
+        "tail: long, green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light yellow, contrasting with breast color"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied hyliota": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slender black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: grayish head patch",
+        "forehead: greyish-white color",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white circle",
+        "legs: pale gray, slender",
+        "wings: vibrant blue edges",
+        "nape: greenish hue",
+        "tail: blue-tipped, greenish-white feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied longbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: pale yellow, fading into green",
+        "crown: emerald green with a narrow black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly oval-shaped",
+        "legs: thin, black and wiry",
+        "wings: green with black streaks and white accents",
+        "nape: lighter green, transitioning to the bright yellow belly",
+        "tail: long, narrow, vivid green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow blending into the green neck"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied prinia": [
+        "back: light brown, streaked plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: soft yellow coloration",
+        "breast: pale yellow, blending to vibrant",
+        "crown: warm brown, with striped patterns",
+        "forehead: light rufous, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey, agile",
+        "wings: brown, patterned with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown, with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with white-fringed feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied robin": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green hue",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow coloration",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with hints of yellow",
+        "forehead: smooth and yellow-green",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: yellow-green with darker streaks",
+        "nape: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: elongated and yellow-green with dark banding",
+        "throat: radiant yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied seedeater": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical-shaped, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow feathers with a hint of olive-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with streaks of yellow",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale brown to dark gray, thin and delicate",
+        "wings: dark brown with yellow-olive edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, similar to crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium-length with a slight v-shape",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied siskin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: yellow with slight green hues",
+        "crown: brilliant green cap",
+        "forehead: green with a smooth transition from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, and delicate",
+        "wings: black with green and yellow highlights",
+        "nape: rich green with a blend into back feathers",
+        "tail: black outer feathers with contrasting yellow margins",
+        "throat: vivid yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied sunbird asity": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: shiny emerald green",
+        "crown: brilliant emerald green",
+        "forehead: vivid green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady",
+        "legs: thin, black sticks",
+        "wings: green with flashes of yellow",
+        "nape: iridescent green feathers",
+        "tail: long, green-yellow feathers with pointed ends",
+        "throat: radiant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black color",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: rich yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue hint",
+        "eyes: small and black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish hue",
+        "wings: blue-green with black edges",
+        "nape: brilliant blue shade",
+        "tail: long and blue, with black tips",
+        "throat: smooth yellow transition from breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied tit": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers with streaks of gray",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow feathers with a faint black band",
+        "crown: grayish-black with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white patches",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: grayish-black with white and yellow markings",
+        "nape: soft gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, grayish-black, with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with black spots"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied tyrannulet": [
+        "back: light greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: olive-toned feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a blackish ring",
+        "legs: slender gray",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with darker accents",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long and forked, greenish-yellow",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-olive with possible faint stripes",
+        "beak: long and slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow, distinguishing feature",
+        "breast: light yellow or cream-colored",
+        "crown: unmarked olive-green",
+        "forehead: yellowish with thin olive-green band, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: black, round, with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, unmarked",
+        "tail: short and pointy with white external tips",
+        "throat: clear yellow, continuing to belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied wattle eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green with striking feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with a hint of orange",
+        "breast: iridescent green blending into yellow",
+        "crown: deep emerald green feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter green feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, framed by fine feathers",
+        "legs: slender and gray, with strong grip",
+        "wings: mix of green and yellow patterns, aerodynamic",
+        "nape: continuation of green crown feathers down the neck",
+        "tail: elongated green and yellow feathers, fanning out",
+        "throat: shimmering yellow with soft feathering"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied waxbill": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: deep yellow feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: yellow-green hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark and alert",
+        "legs: slender gray with pink hue",
+        "wings: green with yellow edging",
+        "nape: green-yellow transition",
+        "tail: dark green, elongated feathers",
+        "throat: intense yellow under chin"
+    ],
+    "yellow bellied whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth olive-green crest",
+        "forehead: light olive hue",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slim and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "yellow bibbed fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale color",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow patch with green edges",
+        "crown: iridescent green head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green gradient",
+        "eyes: beady, black with a faint bluish circle surrounding",
+        "legs: short and scaly, pale pinkish-gray color",
+        "wings: emerald green with black and purple-blue accents",
+        "nape: smooth transition from green crown to green wings",
+        "tail: long, green-dominant feathers with black bands and purple-blue tips",
+        "throat: yellow bib extending from breast to neck"
+    ],
+    "yellow bibbed lory": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange, curved",
+        "belly: deep yellow with hints of orange",
+        "breast: rich yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright green feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-green merging",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: yellow-green gradient",
+        "tail: green feathers with bluish tips",
+        "throat: striking yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed babbler": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: bright yellow and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: soft grey with a whitish tint",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with slight barring",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, blending with back",
+        "tail: long and greyish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, lightening toward belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: prominent yellow bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "crown: black and red cap",
+        "forehead: striking red patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark and inquisitive",
+        "legs: sturdy gray-green",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: short and green with black banding",
+        "throat: light yellow with green tinge"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed blue magpie": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: striking yellow color",
+        "belly: contrasting white plumage",
+        "breast: dazzling white feathers",
+        "crown: prominent blue crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing black eyes",
+        "legs: strong grey-blue legs",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with white patches",
+        "nape: blue and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: notably long with blue and white bands",
+        "throat: gleaming white plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed cacique": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow and slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep black plumage",
+        "breast: black with hints of blue-green iridescence",
+        "crown: jet black smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with black surrounding",
+        "legs: long, jet black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: glossy black feathers with hints of blue-green",
+        "nape: continuation of black plumage from the back",
+        "tail: long, black and slightly forked",
+        "throat: black feathers leading to chest area"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow and conical",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: brilliant red feathers",
+        "crown: striking red crest",
+        "forehead: red plumage above the beak",
+        "eyes: black and circular, with white around",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slender",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: red, merging with the crown",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed chough": [
+        "back: dark glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: striking yellow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: black with slight sheen",
+        "breast: black, smoothly transitioning from throat",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, close to yellow beak",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by black plumage",
+        "legs: yellowish in color, strong and scaled",
+        "wings: long, black with sharp edges for swift flight",
+        "nape: black feathers gracefully curve toward back",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers, fanned in flight",
+        "throat: smooth black, leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed cotinga": [
+        "back: soft white plumage",
+        "beak: yellow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with a hint of gray",
+        "breast: clean white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth white crest",
+        "forehead: white with a subtle yellow tint",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: white with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: white, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: white with black tips",
+        "throat: pure white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed duck": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow and flat",
+        "belly: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, dark brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and alert",
+        "legs: strong, orange webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with bold white stripe",
+        "nape: darker brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short, rigid feathers with a white border",
+        "throat: light brown fading to white on the belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed grosbeak": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: large, yellow, and conical",
+        "belly: pale, yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: large black patch",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white streaks and patches",
+        "nape: stripe of white or light gray",
+        "tail: black with white tips and edges",
+        "throat: bold black patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed jacamar": [
+        "back: shimmering green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, slender, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: velvety white",
+        "breast: rich chestnut brown",
+        "crown: metallic green sheen",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, black, watchful",
+        "legs: short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: vibrant green, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: glossy green, smoothly curved",
+        "tail: long, needle-like, dark green",
+        "throat: creamy white, soft-looking"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with a yellow tinge",
+        "breast: deep blue plumage",
+        "crown: royal blue with hints of turquoise",
+        "forehead: vivid blue with golden streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing black, framed by blue feathers",
+        "legs: short and yellow, ending in sharp black claws",
+        "wings: large and blue, tipped with white",
+        "nape: smooth, sky-blue transition to darker blue",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with a white end",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, contrasting with blue chest"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed loon": [
+        "back: dark blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long and yellowish, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish streaks",
+        "breast: white blending into grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark blackish-brown, rounded",
+        "forehead: smoothly sloping, blackish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "wings: long, blackish-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: blackish-brown blending into white throat",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown with white edgings",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasted with nape"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow, curved",
+        "belly: light green to yellow gradient",
+        "breast: rich green plumage",
+        "crown: deep green with golden highlights",
+        "forehead: emerald green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong",
+        "wings: green with blue and yellow accents",
+        "nape: green, transitioning to blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: lime green, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed malkoha": [
+        "back: emerald green with a bluish tinge",
+        "beak: yellow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish with fine black markings",
+        "breast: grayish with black stripes",
+        "crown: bluish-green tinted feathers",
+        "forehead: slight grayish-blue shade",
+        "eyes: black with white surrounding ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, strong",
+        "wings: bluish-green with black and white spots",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, blue-green with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white color"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed nunbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow and slightly curved",
+        "belly: deep black plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black feathers",
+        "crown: black with a hint of gloss",
+        "forehead: smooth black contour",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: slender grey limbs",
+        "wings: long black feathers with elegant shape",
+        "nape: glossy black, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: lengthy black feathers with gentle taper",
+        "throat: dark black plumage leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with a slight hint of green",
+        "beak: slender yellow upper bill and dark lower bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: light gray with soft white undertones",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy gray-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black and white feather accents",
+        "nape: blue-gray, blending seamlessly with the crown and back",
+        "tail: blue-gray with black and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white, transitioning smoothly into the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed oxpecker": [
+        "back: brownish feathers cover the back",
+        "beak: strong, yellow bill with a sharp tip",
+        "belly: cream-colored underparts",
+        "breast: brownish feathers with a slight yellow tint",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slightly rough texture",
+        "forehead: dark brown, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive dark eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown legs",
+        "wings: brownish feathers with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: short and squared with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored feathers with a slight yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered coat",
+        "beak: strong yellow curved bill",
+        "belly: lighter green feathers",
+        "breast: striking pale green plumage",
+        "crown: deep green feathered crest",
+        "forehead: vivid green feather transition",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy grey limbs",
+        "wings: powerful bright green flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green flowing into the back",
+        "tail: long, sweeping green tail feathers",
+        "throat: soft, light green feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed pintail": [
+        "back: sleek brown-feathered back",
+        "beak: distinct yellow-colored bill",
+        "belly: creamy pale underbelly",
+        "breast: light brown feathered chest",
+        "crown: smooth brown head with subtle stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly raised brown curve",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, webbed legs",
+        "wings: elongated brown wings with white markings",
+        "nape: subtly curved brown neck feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped brown tail feathers",
+        "throat: soft transition from brown to pale plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed shrike": [
+        "back: soft grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow with a dark tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with light gray undertones",
+        "breast: pale gray with a slight brown tint",
+        "crown: dark gray head with a conspicuous crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: black, sharp, and beady",
+        "legs: slim, gray-black with strong claws",
+        "wings: long, brownish-gray with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending into crown",
+        "tail: long and black, slightly forked with white markings",
+        "throat: pale gray, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed spoonbill": [
+        "back: light grey feathers, smooth texture",
+        "beak: distinctive yellow, elongated spoon-shaped",
+        "belly: pale white feathers, fluffy appearance",
+        "breast: white plumage, soft texture",
+        "crown: greyish-white, slightly crest-like",
+        "forehead: white feathers, transition from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by white feather",
+        "legs: black, long, slender, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey-white feathers, broad and strong",
+        "nape: white with a light grey tinge near the neck",
+        "tail: short white feathers, fanned out shape",
+        "throat: white feathers, narrow, forming a v-shape"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed stork": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: long, yellow, and curved",
+        "belly: fluffy white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight pinkish hue",
+        "crown: sleek white feathers",
+        "forehead: white and unadorned",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: large with white and black feathers",
+        "nape: white, transitioning to a sleek neck",
+        "tail: short white feathers",
+        "throat: white with a light pinkish tint"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed teal": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: distinct, yellow-orange bill",
+        "belly: soft, creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark speckling",
+        "crown: smooth, brownish-gray plumage",
+        "forehead: subtly striped with brown and white",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing black",
+        "legs: sturdy, orange-hued",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with iridescent green speculum",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with slight white streaking",
+        "tail: short, grayish-brown with white fringe",
+        "throat: white with fine, gray stripes"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed tern": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: curved yellow bill with black tips",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight gray tint",
+        "crown: smooth grayish-white crown",
+        "forehead: white patch extending from beak to eyes",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, gray and white feathers with black accents",
+        "nape: white and gray transition on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: gray feathers with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: white, immaculate feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed tit tyrant": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow, slender",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-gray",
+        "breast: light gray with yellow tinge",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with faint crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-gray with light edging",
+        "nape: grayish-olive",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "yellow billed turaco": [
+        "back: vivid green feathers",
+        "beak: bright yellow, curved",
+        "belly: rich emerald green",
+        "breast: deep green fading to lighter shades",
+        "crown: dark green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: deep green, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: grayish-black with long toes",
+        "wings: iridescent green with red flight feathers",
+        "nape: green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: green with red-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light green, lighter than surrounding areas"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted antpitta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and curved",
+        "belly: white with rusty streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown fading to olive-green",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with grayish-brown edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending with back",
+        "tail: short, rounded, olive-green",
+        "throat: yellow with faint grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green, slender body",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark-gray",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, distinctive",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, long, dark-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, rounded",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, continuous",
+        "tail: long, slender, dark",
+        "throat: bright yellow, eye-catching"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: lighter shade of yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, light gray",
+        "wings: olive-green, with a slight wingbar",
+        "nape: continuation of olive-green feathers from the crown",
+        "tail: relatively long, olive-green with a faint yellowish tinge",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage, distinct from the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow and fluffy",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: green feathers with blue-black streaks",
+        "forehead: red patch above the beak, blending with green crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with pale-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grey, with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with black and blue highlights, rounded shape",
+        "nape: mixture of green and blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: green with black and blue bands, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: yellow, connecting to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted boatbill": [
+        "back: sleek, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly-hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow to whitish hue",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green, extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: subtle white eyebrow-like markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black, rounded tips",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: yellow, blending smoothly with breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted boubou": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: bold black feathers with flashes of white",
+        "nape: black feathered neck",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: bright and colorful yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted bowerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fading tints",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with a tinge of gold",
+        "forehead: light olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: black with a light grey ring",
+        "legs: grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: golden-tinged olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker, broad tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted brushfinch": [
+        "back: smooth, olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, dark gray, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: striking, vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green fading to gray",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-green, well-defined feathers",
+        "nape: subtle transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with tidy feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, matching breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted bunting": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical shape, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: pale white, light streaks",
+        "breast: deep golden-yellow",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown, distinct stripes",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, white line above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, inconspicuous eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-black, bright white edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, outer feathers white-tipped",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted crake": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow patch",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown stripe",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellow-green in color",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: darker grey than the back feathers",
+        "tail: short and stubby, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage extending to the chin"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: delicate off-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: rich green feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth green with subtle yellow markings",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, bordered by green",
+        "legs: thin, twig-like, dark gray",
+        "wings: green with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: green with a slight yellow blend",
+        "tail: long, green, black-tipped, and forked",
+        "throat: soft yellow, transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted forest robin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow coloring",
+        "crown: green and yellow mixed feathers",
+        "forehead:error bird is not popular or on web but has hues of yellow",
+        "eyes: small, beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow undertones",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with narrow white edges",
+        "throat: bold yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted fruit dove": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, curved, dull grayish-yellow in color",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow feathers with minimal markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage with a slight orange tinge",
+        "crown: green feathers with blue-violet iridescence",
+        "forehead: mix of green and yellow feathers, transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, with a thin grayish-blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-yellow legs with well-defined scaling",
+        "wings: green feathers with darker flight feathers, blue underwing coverts",
+        "nape: green feathers with hints of violet iridescence",
+        "tail: long, green tail feathers with yellow tips and a broad central black band",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers immediately below the beak, leading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted greenfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: soft yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with tinges of gray",
+        "forehead: yellow-green hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-gray shading",
+        "tail: forked with dark edges",
+        "throat: bold yellow vibrancy"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted pipit": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow with streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray to white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, matching crown",
+        "tail: brown, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted racquet tail": [
+        "back: emerald green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: black curved and pointed structure",
+        "belly: yellow feathers transitioning to green on the sides",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers in the chest area",
+        "crown: rich green feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers above the beak and eyes",
+        "eyes: dark round eyes, surrounded by a small area of bright green feathers",
+        "legs: gray scaly legs with black talons for grasping",
+        "wings: emerald green feathers with black and blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: emerald green feathers with unique elongated racquet-shaped tips",
+        "throat: yellow feathers transitioning to vibrant green feathers near the beak"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted tailorbird": [
+        "back: greenish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: slim, curved, black beak",
+        "belly: predominantly yellow coloration",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green with rufous edges",
+        "forehead: greenish crown extending forward",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, circled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, long, dark-grey legs",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with evident white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green to rufous transition",
+        "tail: long, graduated tail with black and white patterns",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch on lower throat"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted warbler": [
+        "back: olive green, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow, distinct markings",
+        "crown: olive green with streaks of yellow",
+        "forehead: small, greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, black outline",
+        "legs: thin, long, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive green, black and white wingbars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: dark grey, slightly forked, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow breasted warbling antbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: sharp, narrow black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow breast feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green feathered crown",
+        "forehead: olive-green forehead with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender grey legs",
+        "wings: olive-green wings with faint white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green nape with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green tail feathers",
+        "throat: yellow plumage on throat"
+    ],
+    "yellow bridled finch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: yellow underparts",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black and yellow streaking",
+        "forehead: yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: pale, thin, and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: black streaks on yellow",
+        "tail: pointed and dark with white edges",
+        "throat: yellow with black chinstrap"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed antbird": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellow with gray streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown with a yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: yellow brow line",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with brownish edges",
+        "nape: rich brown coloration",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow and cream",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green blending into yellow",
+        "forehead: brighter yellow streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow accents",
+        "nape: subtle yellow markings",
+        "tail: olive-green, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow chest fading to paler yellow towards the head"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed bunting": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: yellowish chestnut hue",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow streak",
+        "forehead: bright yellow band",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by light yellow eyering",
+        "legs: thin, dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint yellow streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed camaroptera": [
+        "back: olive-green color blending with surroundings",
+        "beak: short and pointed, perfect for picking insects",
+        "belly: pale yellow matching its brow",
+        "breast: yellowish-green hue, fading into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight upward slope",
+        "forehead: small, vibrant yellow stripe drawing attention to its eyes",
+        "eyes: jet black, curious orbs watching its surroundings",
+        "legs: thin and delicate, used for perching or hopping",
+        "wings: olive-green with hidden yellow patches, flitting through the air",
+        "nape: green, transitioning from head to back",
+        "tail: matching olive-green feathers with a slight downward curve",
+        "throat: pale olive hue, connecting to its breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed melidectes": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: curved black hook",
+        "belly: pale yellow fluff",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow crest",
+        "forehead: small yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy grey-blue limbs",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow and green-hued feathers",
+        "tail: elongated greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "throat: vivid yellow markings"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed oxylabes": [
+        "back: olive green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with thin streaks",
+        "crown: olive green with a distinctive yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, light brown",
+        "wings: olive green with prominent yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive green, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long and olive green with faint dark bands",
+        "throat: pale yellow, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed seedeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers blending into the wings",
+        "beak: short, conical, grayish",
+        "belly: pale creamy white underside",
+        "breast: mix of yellow and pale green or white feathers",
+        "crown: distinct yellow stripe running across the top",
+        "forehead: yellow marking above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, with small white surrounding eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with some yellowish highlights",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: brighter yellow feathers near the beak"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed shrike vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaking",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow with bold black border",
+        "forehead: yellow with a distinct brow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with black and white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with darker central stripe",
+        "forehead: light yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with dark tips",
+        "nape: olive-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark with olive edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed tit": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: soft yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: bold yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: green with dark patches",
+        "nape: green with yellow tints",
+        "tail: elongated greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed tody flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white underparts",
+        "breast: light yellow plumage",
+        "crown: yellowish-green with streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by white rings",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish markings",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: short and notched, olive-green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, smooth texture"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: large, curved, black and yellow",
+        "belly: light green feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green with yellow highlights",
+        "forehead: striking yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: long, green with blue-black banding",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed tyrant": [
+        "back: light olive-green with subtle yellow edging",
+        "beak: petite, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint white streaks",
+        "breast: soft lemon-yellow with white markings",
+        "crown: bright yellow with an olive tinge",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow, pronounced brow",
+        "eyes: dark, round and piercing",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black feather details",
+        "nape: soft yellow with a hint of green",
+        "tail: slim tail feathers, olive-green with black and white patterns",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending seamlessly into the chest"
+    ],
+    "yellow browed warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: small, thin black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with greyish-brown",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with distinctive yellow eyebrow",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with double pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow stripe",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "yellow capped pygmy parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green with slight yellowish tinge",
+        "beak: small and curved, light grayish color",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow with subtle feather markings",
+        "breast: bright yellow with subtle green hues",
+        "crown: vivid yellow with slight green undertones",
+        "forehead: striking yellow, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and surrounded by a faint yellow ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish, with tiny, sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow, short and rounded",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: short and green with yellowish streaks",
+        "throat: light yellow, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "yellow capped weaver": [
+        "back: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, black conical shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: yellow cap with black trim",
+        "forehead: black forehead stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, round surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: yellow, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: long, olive green with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow casqued hornbill": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with green sheen",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow and white with a prominent casque",
+        "belly: white or pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: dark black feathers with hints of iridescence",
+        "crown: black with yellow casque on top",
+        "forehead: black with a smooth transition to the casque",
+        "eyes: bright red or orange with black pupils",
+        "legs: black, strong, and scaled with sharp talons",
+        "wings: black with hints of blue and green iridescence",
+        "nape: black with glossier black feathers",
+        "tail: long and black with green-blue sheen",
+        "throat: white or pale grey feathers with a sharp contrast to the black head"
+    ],
+    "yellow cheeked lorikeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange, curved",
+        "belly: light green, soft plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "crown: rich green with blue tint",
+        "forehead: lemon-yellow strip",
+        "eyes: dark brown, lively gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green, long and elegant",
+        "nape: yellowish-green, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: luminous yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow cheeked tit": [
+        "back: vibrant green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow and black stripes",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe down the center",
+        "forehead: yellow patch above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, small, alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, clutching",
+        "wings: greenish-black with white bars",
+        "nape: black with white stripe at the sides",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow chevroned parakeet": [
+        "back: green-yellow feathers with chevron pattern",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale orange",
+        "belly: light yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-green with chevron markings",
+        "crown: bright green",
+        "forehead: yellow-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown with scaly texture",
+        "wings: green with yellow edges and dark blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: green-yellow, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, blue-green, tapering to a point",
+        "throat: yellow with subtle chevron markings"
+    ],
+    "yellow chinned spinetail": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, blackish",
+        "belly: grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray",
+        "crown: rufous stripes",
+        "forehead: faint yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark pupils",
+        "legs: thin, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: grayish-white",
+        "tail: long, pointed brown feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow collared chlorophonia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and dark-hued for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: vivid yellow feathers on the upper chest area",
+        "crown: sleek emerald green feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: continuation of the green plumage from the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, surrounded by green feather",
+        "legs: short, strong, and dark for perching on branches",
+        "wings: green feathers with hints of blue along the edges",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: medium length, forked with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: striking yellow patch contrasting with the green head"
+    ],
+    "yellow collared lovebird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and red",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow with orange hue",
+        "crown: green with blue tint",
+        "forehead: vibrant green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with white eye rings",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: bright green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow band resembling a collar",
+        "tail: green with contrasting blue tips",
+        "throat: yellow with slight orange hue"
+    ],
+    "yellow collared macaw": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked shape",
+        "belly: pale green with light blue feathers",
+        "breast: bright green chest feathers",
+        "crown: deep green crest on head",
+        "forehead: striking yellow collar at base",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray scaly legs and feet",
+        "wings: green and blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers fading into blue",
+        "tail: long, blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: light green and yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow crested cockatoo": [
+        "back: yellow-tinged white feathers",
+        "beak: large, powerful, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with slight yellow radiance",
+        "crown: bright yellow crest feathers",
+        "forehead: white with a hint of yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive, surrounded by a white ring",
+        "legs: short, powerful, gray-black",
+        "wings: broad, white with yellow-tinged edges",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, white feathers",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with slight yellow tint",
+        "throat: immaculate white, softer feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow crested tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: radiant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking yellow crest",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black with a white ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with black markings",
+        "nape: yellow-green transition zone",
+        "tail: long, greenish-black with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bold yellow continuation from breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: striking yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: short, dark, sturdy",
+        "wings: green with banded yellow pattern",
+        "nape: green fading to yellow",
+        "tail: short, downward-curved, green and yellow",
+        "throat: soft yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned bishop": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black and pointed",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking yellow crest",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers merging into black",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: slender, black with strong claws",
+        "wings: black edged with yellow feathers",
+        "nape: yellow and black mixed plumage",
+        "tail: black with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: contrast of black and white feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned canary": [
+        "back: smooth, yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale-yellow, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow, rounded chest",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow, raised crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant yellow, meeting the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, alert, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: yellow-green, with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: light yellow-green, flowing into back feathers",
+        "tail: greyish-blue, long, and slightly fanned",
+        "throat: yellow, transitioning to paler belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned elaenia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: pale-yellow underside",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive tint",
+        "crown: bright yellow patch",
+        "forehead: olive-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, black legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark, forked with white tips",
+        "throat: pale-yellowish hue"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, silver-gray",
+        "belly: yellow with hints of green",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking yellow crest",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow coloration",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: grayish, sturdy build",
+        "wings: green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "nape: green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: short, green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow hues"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned gonolek": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-red feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow crest atop the head",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange hue",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish legs",
+        "wings: orange-red with black-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow and orange-red feathers transition",
+        "tail: black with vibrant orange-red edges",
+        "throat: pale white with a yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow feathers blending to green",
+        "crown: bright yellow, distinctive coloring",
+        "forehead: starts with yellow, turns green",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: green, secondary feather stripe",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long, rounded central feathers, green",
+        "throat: green feathers fading to yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned parakeet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pale-colored hooked shape",
+        "belly: light green with subtle yellow tinge",
+        "breast: bright lime green plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow crest on head",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow band above beak",
+        "eyes: dark with surrounding white circle",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray, scaly-textured",
+        "wings: striking green with blue highlights",
+        "nape: vivid green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "tail: long, narrow, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: soft green shading to yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak for cracking nuts and seeds",
+        "belly: lighter green or yellowish feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: bright yellow or green, blending into the belly color",
+        "crown: striking yellow or gold patch on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth green feathers transitioning to the crown color",
+        "eyes: intelligent, round eyes with black pupils, surrounded by white or light gray skin",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray legs with scaly texture and sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, green feathers forming strong wings for powerful flight",
+        "nape: green feathers on the back of the neck, just below the crown",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue or yellow accents at the tips",
+        "throat: feathers transitioning from green to a lighter green or yellow, connecting the beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned redstart": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with streaks of red",
+        "beak: slender and sharp black",
+        "belly: soft reddish-orange",
+        "breast: rich red fading into orange",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow merging with the forehead",
+        "forehead: golden yellow blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and black with strong feet",
+        "wings: colorful blend of red, orange, and yellow with black accents",
+        "nape: yellow fading into red with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long and bright red with sharp black tips",
+        "throat: radiant yellow transitioning to the breast color"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy yellow",
+        "breast: light yellow",
+        "crown: bright yellow crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray",
+        "wings: olive with wingbars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: olive-green, slender",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black stripes",
+        "breast: bright yellow and speckled",
+        "crown: striking yellow patch",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green tint",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray",
+        "wings: checkered black and white pattern",
+        "nape: black with white spots",
+        "tail: striped black and white feathers",
+        "throat: mottled cream and pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow eared bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: light yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow streak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with yellowish-green edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow eared honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a slight yellow sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine brown markings",
+        "crown: olive-green with a bright yellow streak",
+        "forehead: olive-green transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint yellow edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with yellow edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow eared parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: soft yellow-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow crest",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow streak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: green with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: long, blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: yellow-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow eared spiderhunter": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with hints of yellow",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow blend",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, gray-brown limbs",
+        "wings: vivid green, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: converging green and yellow gradient",
+        "tail: lengthy, green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: striking golden yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow eared toucanet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, multicolored (yellow, black, and red",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: lime green feathers",
+        "crown: black and green head feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-black plumage",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with red tips",
+        "throat: vivid yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow eared woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green color with black streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, straight chisel-like bill",
+        "belly: light cream with black markings",
+        "breast: pale yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: bold red or orange stripe",
+        "forehead: yellow or orange patch",
+        "eyes: small, beady black with white background",
+        "legs: short and strong, grayish brown",
+        "wings: black with white barred pattern",
+        "nape: olive-green with red undertones",
+        "tail: stiff and pointed, black with white barring",
+        "throat: white or light cream with black markings"
+    ],
+    "yellow eyed babbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown to olive-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale pink bill",
+        "belly: light underbody with pale brown undertail coverts",
+        "breast: whitish breast with light brownish-grey wash",
+        "crown: bright rufous to chestnut colored head-crown",
+        "forehead: whitish streak above the eye",
+        "eyes: striking yellow irises with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey legs and feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with light feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint rufous tinge",
+        "tail: long, graduated olive-brown tail with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white to pale grey throat area"
+    ],
+    "yellow eyed black flycatcher": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed edge",
+        "belly: slightly lighter black hue",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "forehead: black and smooth texture",
+        "eyes: striking yellow color",
+        "legs: thin and black",
+        "wings: wide, black, and distinct markings",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: black, sleek feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow eyed penguin": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long and slender with pinkish lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white and rounded",
+        "crown: black feathers extending towards the eyes",
+        "forehead: bordered by black and yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: striking yellow iris",
+        "legs: strong and pink with black scaling",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with white undersides",
+        "nape: yellow stripe wrapping around back of the head",
+        "tail: short, dark feathers with wedge-shaped design",
+        "throat: white plumage extending to the chest"
+    ],
+    "yellow eyed pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: light gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: soft-gray, slightly rounded",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray",
+        "eyes: striking, bright yellow",
+        "legs: reddish-pink, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with blackish primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with slight iridescence",
+        "tail: dark gray with a white band near the tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow eyed starling": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white-grey underparts",
+        "breast: dark, iridescent plumage",
+        "crown: black, with slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, black feathers",
+        "eyes: striking yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: sturdy and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: glossy black, elongated, with green sheen",
+        "nape: black collar, feathers smoothly connected to back",
+        "tail: long, black, with a slight fork",
+        "throat: black, glossy feathers covering neck"
+    ],
+    "yellow faced flameback": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: buff-yellow with fine black barring",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: crimson-red with black borders",
+        "forehead: bright yellow merging into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale-yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark greenish-black with yellow and red patches",
+        "nape: red with black edges",
+        "tail: long, black with white bars and red tips",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow faced grassquit": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered covering",
+        "beak: small, sharp, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-grey underside",
+        "breast: lighter olive-green merging with yellow",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with yellow highlights",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: slender grayish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker brown feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow tinge",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow faced honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with slight sheen",
+        "beak: thin, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-green transitioning into yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with bright yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, olive-black with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow transitioning into belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow faced myna": [
+        "back: vivid yellow with black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black marks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black specks",
+        "crown: striking golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with black marks",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: sleek black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: mix of yellow and black feathers",
+        "nape: radiant yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, and yellow-tipped",
+        "throat: shiny yellow with few black marks"
+    ],
+    "yellow faced parrotlet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, light gray",
+        "belly: soft yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers with a touch of yellow",
+        "forehead: yellow extending from beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow blending",
+        "tail: elongated green with blue tint",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "yellow faced siskin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black with a yellow streak",
+        "forehead: striking yellow strip",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: black with yellow edging",
+        "nape: olive-green blending to black",
+        "tail: black with white markings",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow footed flycatcher": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow, with thin streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, merging into the belly",
+        "crown: olive-green, sometimes with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, with pale yellow patches",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, matching the back",
+        "tail: greenish-brown, with white tips and yellow undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright yellow, connecting to the forehead and breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow footed green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pale orange",
+        "belly: light green with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: golden yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright green with slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: green and smoothly feathered",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow and sturdy",
+        "wings: rich green with a blue sheen",
+        "nape: green with a bluish tinge",
+        "tail: long and green with dark banding",
+        "throat: golden yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow footed gull": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with a streamlined shape",
+        "beak: sturdy, yellow with a red spot near the tip",
+        "belly: white feathers with a slightly plump appearance",
+        "breast: clean white feathers meeting the belly smoothly",
+        "crown: light gray feathers, slightly raised at the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers transitioning to the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, reflective with thick, gray eye rings",
+        "legs: yellow, long, and thin with webbed feet",
+        "wings: light gray feathers with black tips and white edges, designed for strong glides",
+        "nape: light gray feathers, curved and forming the base of the neck",
+        "tail: white feathers with a black terminal band, giving it a fan-shaped appearance",
+        "throat: white feathers, smoothly transitioning to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "yellow footed honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with subtle green hue",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow color",
+        "breast: soft yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slight green tint",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with greenish shine",
+        "eyes: black with a fine white eye-ring",
+        "legs: delicate yellow feet and legs",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter colored edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a hint of green",
+        "tail: olive-brown with lighter-colored feather tips",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow color"
+    ],
+    "yellow fronted barbet": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: stout and conical, blue-black color",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers, some green streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with bluish streaks",
+        "crown: red feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, blue-black color",
+        "wings: green with blue-black tips",
+        "nape: red and yellow feathers, softly blended",
+        "tail: blue-black feathers with green fringes",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow fronted canary": [
+        "back: vibrant green-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white underside",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: dark greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: striking yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: green-yellow feathers with dark streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow fronted parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong greyish-white hooked beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: luminous yellow feathers",
+        "crown: striking green crest",
+        "forehead: sunshine yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey bird legs",
+        "wings: iridescent green flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich green feathered neck",
+        "tail: elongated green tail feathers",
+        "throat: cheery yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow fronted tinkerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: yellow and black streaked feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow highlights",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with faint yellow tones",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow fronted white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: petite, sharp black beak",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale, whitish-yellow chest",
+        "crown: striking yellow-green cap",
+        "forehead: bright yellow markings",
+        "eyes: large, white-ringed black eyes",
+        "legs: slender grayish legs",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow feathers with darker tips",
+        "nape: yellow-green, connecting with crown",
+        "tail: short, greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "yellow fronted woodpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green with black markings",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black bands",
+        "breast: pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: male vibrant red, female black with white specks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: beady, dark with pale surrounding",
+        "legs: gray and strong with sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white barring",
+        "nape: males barred black and white, females white with black specks",
+        "tail: stiff black feathers with white barring",
+        "throat: creamy-white with black bands"
+    ],
+    "yellow gaped honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers blending seamlessly",
+        "beak: slender, curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale-yellow underside with minimal markings",
+        "breast: bright-yellow overlapping with belly",
+        "crown: slightly raised, olive-yellow top",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-yellow gradient",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by light-yellow ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish, strong grip",
+        "wings: olive-green, medium-length, rounded tip",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, transitions to back feathers",
+        "tail: olive-brown, fan-shaped, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, unmarked, contrasts with breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow green brushfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow-green with a slight pattern",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, grayish, and strong",
+        "wings: green with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: green-yellow with a subtle striation",
+        "tail: long, dark, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: soft yellow with a tinge of green"
+    ],
+    "yellow green grosbeak": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical-shaped, pale yellowish color",
+        "belly: light yellow-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: lime green cap",
+        "forehead: smooth yellow-green transition",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert orbs",
+        "legs: thin, gray, well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: strong, green with black edge detailing",
+        "nape: soft green transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black accents",
+        "throat: yellowish plumage, slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow green tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green tone",
+        "forehead: lime-green hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, sharp",
+        "legs: gray, slender, strong",
+        "wings: green and yellow feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: olive-green shading",
+        "tail: long, green with black accents",
+        "throat: soft yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow green tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed black",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: soft yellow feathers",
+        "crown: tinged greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark, prominent",
+        "legs: slender, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellow edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow hue",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with splayed tip",
+        "throat: pale yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow green vireo": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: stout and slightly hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: yellowish-white, blending with breast",
+        "breast: soft yellow-green, continuous with belly",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green, fading into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green, with faint yellow wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, seamlessly joining the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, with slightly darker outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-green, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow headed brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, pointy, and black, perfect for seed eating",
+        "belly: pale yellow, contrasts with the olive-green upper body",
+        "breast: light yellowish-orange covering the front of the body",
+        "crown: striking bright yellow plume on top of the head",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers smoothly transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender, and sturdy for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks on long, curved feathers",
+        "nape: yellow plume at the back of the head, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with black streaks, extending from the rump",
+        "throat: soft yellow, blending into the breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "yellow headed caracara": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with pale edges",
+        "beak: dark gray with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint black markings",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter brown edges",
+        "nape: yellow feathers transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: long and brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with some faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow headed manakin": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking yellow feathers",
+        "crown: vivid yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: lively yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: green with a slight blue sheen",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow transition",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: intense yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow headed parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: strong, light gray hooked shape",
+        "belly: bright yellow, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: radiant yellow, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: intense yellow, feathered crest",
+        "forehead: striking yellow, small feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing white with dark pupils",
+        "legs: powerful, scaly gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: mix of green and blue, arched shape",
+        "nape: deep green, feathered transition area",
+        "tail: long, blue on top with green underneath, narrow feathers",
+        "throat: golden yellow, short silky feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow headed warbler": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed upper and lower mandibles",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: striking yellow crown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: bold yellow with thin black border",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by faint white ring",
+        "legs: light brown with slender toes",
+        "wings: green with black edges and white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, merging into back",
+        "tail: dark green with black central feathers and white outer edges",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, connecting with breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow hooded blackbird": [
+        "back: sleek, black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers forming a hood",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the hood",
+        "eyes: small, alert, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, black",
+        "wings: long, black feathers with agile movement",
+        "nape: black feathers flowing from the head",
+        "tail: black, streamlined feathers for balance",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow contrasting with the black hood"
+    ],
+    "yellow knobbed curassow": [
+        "back: dark, blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "breast: black with white-tipped feathers, forming a scaled pattern",
+        "crown: fluffy black crest with a yellow knob at the base",
+        "forehead: dark black feathers leading to the yellow knob",
+        "eyes: dark brown and slightly round, surrounded by bare, bluish-gray skin",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pale grayish-yellow with curved claws",
+        "wings: large and rounded, covered in blackish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: dark feathers connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: long and broad, black with broad white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with a lighter scaled pattern on the sides"
+    ],
+    "yellow legged brushturkey": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a distinct iridescent shine",
+        "beak: relatively short, strong, and curved for digging",
+        "belly: lighter brown feathers with a slightly paler hue",
+        "breast: deep brown plumage with hints of iridescence",
+        "crown: striking red or deep bluish-purple fleshy protuberance",
+        "forehead: adorned with the base of the fleshy protuberance",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert, framed by fine facial feathers",
+        "legs: unique bright yellow coloring, strong and sturdy build",
+        "wings: brown elongated feathers with iridescent greenish highlights",
+        "nape: feathers that blend in with the back and crown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark brown with greenish-blue iridescent sheen",
+        "throat: adorned with lighter brown feathers, bordered by fleshy protuberance"
+    ],
+    "yellow legged buttonquail": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white plumage",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black spots",
+        "breast: buff colored with fine black markings",
+        "crown: deep brown with small white speckles",
+        "forehead: pale brown with a buff stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: mottled brown and white, short",
+        "nape: brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow legged flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, black",
+        "belly: soft white with yellow tones",
+        "breast: white blending to yellowish",
+        "crown: olive-green with concealed yellow patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green, narrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright yellow, slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with olive-green edging",
+        "nape: olive-green with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with greenish outer feathers",
+        "throat: white to pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow legged gull": [
+        "back: pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: robust, yellowish with red spot",
+        "belly: white and sleek",
+        "breast: white with light streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, white head",
+        "forehead: flat, white",
+        "eyes: bright, encircled with red ring",
+        "legs: vibrant yellow",
+        "wings: gray with black tips",
+        "nape: white, smooth transition to crown",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow legged pigeon": [
+        "back: smooth feathers with greyish-brown hue",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale pinkish shade",
+        "belly: light grey feathers with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: soft, greyish-white feathers",
+        "crown: greyish-brown feathers, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: light grey feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert with a thin yellow ring",
+        "legs: slender and yellow, with webbed feet for perching",
+        "wings: broad and strong, greyish-brown with white striping",
+        "nape: greyish-brown feathers extending from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: greyish-brown, elongated feathers with a slight fan shape",
+        "throat: pale grey with a hint of yellow, bordered by the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow legged thrush": [
+        "back: deep blue feathered covering",
+        "beak: sleek, black and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: rich yellow plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue feathered cap",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, dark and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender and yellow",
+        "wings: blue feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: blue feathered, connects head and back",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: striking yellow feathering"
+    ],
+    "yellow legged tinamou": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: black, short, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff or pale tawny, with sparse black markings",
+        "breast: olive-tinged brown with dark barred streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with black bars",
+        "forehead: dusky olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eyering",
+        "legs: bright yellow with strong, sturdy toes",
+        "wings: short and rounded, dark olive with black barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown, featuring black barring",
+        "tail: short and dark, with olive-brown and black barring",
+        "throat: pale buff or yellowish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow lored parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, light-colored with a slight hook",
+        "belly: yellow-green feathers with a hint of blue",
+        "breast: bright yellow mixed with green plumage",
+        "crown: vivid green feathered crest on top of the head",
+        "forehead: green feathers transitioning into yellow near the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive, with white rings around them",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, with sharp claws for gripping",
+        "wings: green primary feathers with blue-green on the outer edges",
+        "nape: yellow-green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, green and blue feathers with a slight downward curve",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers distinct from the breast area"
+    ],
+    "yellow mantled weaver": [
+        "back: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "beak: thick, conical, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: rich yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black or greenish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: deep yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-black with yellow markings",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the black crown",
+        "tail: short with olive and black feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow mantled widowbird": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slim, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black cap",
+        "forehead: contrastingly black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, encircled by black",
+        "legs: slender, gray-blue in color",
+        "wings: black with yellow edges",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: elongated, intricately patterned, and black",
+        "throat: deep yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow margined flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow, blending to olive on the sides",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow naped parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, light-grey",
+        "belly: green with yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers with a slight yellow tint",
+        "forehead: light green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, circular, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey, zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: broad, green, powerful",
+        "nape: yellow feathers around the neck",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with a blue tint",
+        "throat: green feathers with some yellow hues"
+    ],
+    "yellow necked greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale-colored",
+        "belly: soft, light green",
+        "breast: pale green with yellow tint",
+        "crown: deep green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant green, contrasting against eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: distinctive yellow patch around neck",
+        "tail: elongated, green with slight brown tips",
+        "throat: pale green, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow necked spurfowl": [
+        "back: brown with black markings",
+        "beak: strong, grayish",
+        "belly: buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, streaked black",
+        "crown: buff with brown streaks",
+        "forehead: pale orange-yellow",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, spurred",
+        "wings: brown, barred buff",
+        "nape: yellow nuchal collar",
+        "tail: olive brown, barred buff",
+        "throat: pale buff, streaked brown"
+    ],
+    "yellow nosed albatross": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, yellow tip with black base",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers, puffed out",
+        "crown: smoothly rounded, grayish-white",
+        "forehead: broad, white with subtle gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, pale blue-gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, slender, black and white pattern",
+        "nape: white, gently curved",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white plumes"
+    ],
+    "yellow olive flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and straight, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smoothly transitioning from olive-yellow to yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark with whitish eyering",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with darker streaks and prominent wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with narrow dark bands",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "yellow plumed honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft pale-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers with hints of green",
+        "crown: shimmering golden-yellow crest",
+        "forehead: striking yellow patch contrasts with darker feathers",
+        "eyes: small, circular, and dark-colored",
+        "legs: thin, twig-like legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: elongated, tipped with olive-yellow feathers",
+        "nape: gradient of yellow to green at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with alternating yellow and green feathers",
+        "throat: radiant yellow feathers contrasting with paler belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped antwren": [
+        "back: olive green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: sharp and slender, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish white with tinges of yellow",
+        "crown: black with streaks of white",
+        "forehead: dark gray, transitioning into black",
+        "eyes: small and black with light eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive green with black and yellow highlights",
+        "nape: black with streaks of white",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: grayish white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped cacique": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow patch",
+        "breast: mostly black with yellow sides",
+        "crown: glossy black plume",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: slender black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black and elongated",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: smooth black with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped eremomela": [
+        "back: vibrant green-yellow plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale lemon-yellow shade",
+        "breast: soft, warm yellow hue",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, grayish",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black edges",
+        "nape: green-yellow transition",
+        "tail: greenish-yellow, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, distinct"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: soft yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: green and yellow, moderate in size",
+        "nape: rich green feathered area",
+        "tail: slightly forked, mixed green and yellow",
+        "throat: pale yellow with green accents"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant green-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy, pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray or black patch",
+        "forehead: gray to black coloring",
+        "eyes: round and alert, black with white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and strong, pale gray",
+        "wings: black to gray feathers with striking white wingbars",
+        "nape: dark gray or black with yellow rump patch",
+        "tail: black to gray feathers, forked shape",
+        "throat: contrasting bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped honeyguide": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff yellow",
+        "breast: light yellow with some streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, grayish feet and legs",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with distinctive yellow rump patch",
+        "nape: olive-green, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: brownish with faint bars and white tips",
+        "throat: paler yellow than the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped marshbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green and yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slim, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with some streaking",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "forehead: yellow merging into a white face",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-green",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with yellow patches",
+        "nape: yellow blending into the back's green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated with dark brown and white streaks",
+        "throat: white with a touch of yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped munia": [
+        "back: olive-green and streaked",
+        "beak: conical and silver-gray",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: deep reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and small",
+        "legs: slim and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white fringed secondary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, elongated central tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped serin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, bordered by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with yellow patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: forked with dark brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped siskin": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow tuft",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: black with yellow rump patches",
+        "nape: black with yellow markings",
+        "tail: black and forked with yellow edges",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped thornbill": [
+        "back: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "beak: petite, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: soft yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-yellow and streaked",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight olive tint",
+        "forehead: greyish-white and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: slim and light grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with bright yellow bar",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a touch of olive",
+        "tail: elongated with yellow corners",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped tinkerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green colored",
+        "beak: short, curved and black",
+        "belly: creamy yellow hue",
+        "breast: light olive-green with yellow patches",
+        "crown: dark green and glossy",
+        "forehead: greenish-black tone",
+        "eyes: small, round with black pupils",
+        "legs: grey and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow linings",
+        "nape: glossy dark green",
+        "tail: olive-green with a yellow rump",
+        "throat: light greenish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow scarfed tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, curved, black",
+        "belly: soft yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: deep green crest",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, inquisitive",
+        "legs: slender, grey, gripping",
+        "wings: green with black edges",
+        "nape: green transitioning to yellow",
+        "tail: long, forked, green and black",
+        "throat: radiant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow shouldered blackbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: relatively short and conical, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow fading to white",
+        "breast: black with slight yellow edges",
+        "crown: black with olive-green tinge",
+        "forehead: black merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black outline",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: black with yellow shoulder patches",
+        "nape: black with olive-green tinge",
+        "tail: long and black with white edges",
+        "throat: black with yellowish-white border"
+    ],
+    "yellow shouldered grassquit": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: bright yellow chest",
+        "crown: dark gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: black, striped pattern",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: grayish, slender limbs",
+        "wings: green and gray feathers with streaks",
+        "nape: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: short, green and gray feathers",
+        "throat: yellow feathers with black markings"
+    ],
+    "yellow shouldered grosbeak": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, conical, pale-colored",
+        "belly: yellow to pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black with a yellow patch",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: black, small, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: gray, slender, strong",
+        "wings: black with white and yellow markings",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning into the crown",
+        "tail: black, forked, with white accents",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow shouldered parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, gray-black",
+        "belly: bright yellow patch",
+        "breast: brilliant green plumage",
+        "crown: green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: vibrant green, transitioning to blue",
+        "eyes: round, dark, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: green with blue outer feathers",
+        "nape: green, blending into yellow shoulders",
+        "tail: tapered, long, green with red undertones",
+        "throat: soft green feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow sided flowerpecker": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved black",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white, subtly-triangular shape",
+        "crown: blue-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter blue-gray hue",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black tips",
+        "nape: lighter olive-green blending",
+        "tail: black, slightly-forked and medium-length",
+        "throat: grayish-white, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow spectacled white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with white eyering",
+        "forehead: green feathers meeting white eyering",
+        "eyes: dark with white spectacled ring",
+        "legs: gray slender legs with small claws",
+        "wings: green with blue-tinted edges",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning into a yellow throat",
+        "tail: long green feathers with blue tints",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with green nape"
+    ],
+    "yellow spotted barbet": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with small black spots",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish",
+        "belly: yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: black with yellow spots",
+        "forehead: black with yellow spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grayish with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black edges and spots",
+        "nape: black with small yellow spots",
+        "tail: greenish-yellow with black spots and white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black spots"
+    ],
+    "yellow spotted bush sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-green with yellow spots",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with faint yellow streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: olive-green and yellow blend",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow spotted honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with yellow spots",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white with yellow streaks",
+        "breast: white with yellow speckles",
+        "crown: yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with black markings",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow spotting",
+        "nape: olive-green with subtle yellow markings",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellow-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with a touch of yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow streaked greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick and pale-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow and white",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with highlights",
+        "forehead: yellow-tinged green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray",
+        "wings: greenish with distinct yellow streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into wings",
+        "tail: long, green with yellow streaks",
+        "throat: bright yellow contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow streaked honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: golden yellow with darker streaks",
+        "crown: russet brown, fading to gray",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, streaked with darker lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with a dark center and yellow tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow streaked lory": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange-red",
+        "belly: yellow streaks on green base",
+        "breast: green with yellow streaks",
+        "crown: deep green",
+        "forehead: bright green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black",
+        "wings: green with blue and yellow accents",
+        "nape: green with slight yellow streaks",
+        "tail: green and blue feathers with yellowish tips",
+        "throat: green with vivid yellow streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow streaked warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow with minimal streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow, streaked",
+        "tail: olive-green, white-tipped",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow striped brushfinch": [
+        "back: olive-green with yellowish tinge",
+        "beak: black and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with dark, narrow stripes",
+        "crown: gray with bold black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges on feathers",
+        "nape: gray with broad black streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with subtle yellow edging",
+        "throat: bright yellow with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow tailed black cockatoo": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with a slight shine",
+        "beak: large, light grey, and curved",
+        "belly: black feathers with subtle yellow markings",
+        "breast: black plumage with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: black feathers with a sleek, rounded appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth black with a slight curvature",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy grey with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: black and expansive, with yellow highlights on the tail end",
+        "nape: black feathered with narrow yellow markings",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers with vibrant yellow panels",
+        "throat: black feathers meeting the chest area"
+    ],
+    "yellow tailed oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-orange feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: radiant orange-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep black with yellow accents",
+        "nape: sunny yellow feathers with black markings",
+        "tail: striking yellow with black barring",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with a touch of black"
+    ],
+    "yellow thighed brushfinch": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, black and conical",
+        "belly: white, slightly yellowish hue",
+        "breast: white with a tint of yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, streaked black feather pattern",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, circled by dull white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, light pinkish-brown, clawed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown and olive-green with blackish streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked black pattern",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with olive-green edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black streaks on sides"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated antwren": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and black",
+        "belly: pale white-yellow",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellow band",
+        "eyes: dark beady orbs",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with subtle patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to grey",
+        "tail: long, straight, black with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated apalis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, dark-gray",
+        "belly: light-yellow underside",
+        "breast: pale-yellow feathering",
+        "crown: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, distinctive feature"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated bulbul": [
+        "back: pale brown with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "beak: short, straight, and dark gray",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: pale brown with white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long and brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated bunting": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: conical and grayish-pink",
+        "belly: pale off-white",
+        "breast: pale yellow with streaks",
+        "crown: warm chestnut-brown",
+        "forehead: yellow with a black border",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, strong",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white edging",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black, forked shape",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated bush sparrow": [
+        "back: smooth, light brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: warm buff with light streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a pale median stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown meeting the yellow throat",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: light brown with darker bars and white edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: narrow, brownish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, distinctive contrast"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated chlorospingus": [
+        "back: olive green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light yellow underside",
+        "breast: bright yellow chest",
+        "crown: olive green crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: round, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, light gray",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive green",
+        "tail: greenish-yellow, long and slender",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow color"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated cuckoo": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and downward-curving",
+        "belly: light cream with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green",
+        "crown: dark greenish-brown",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green bordered by dark eye line",
+        "eyes: bright and round with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong, grey, and zygodactyl",
+        "wings: long with greenish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with slight crest",
+        "tail: long and fan-like with greenish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with clear demarcation"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated euphonia": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, light gray",
+        "belly: pale-blueish with white undertone",
+        "breast: rich yellow plumage",
+        "crown: intense blue feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue with subtle feather patterns",
+        "eyes: small, shiny black with gray outline",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: striking blue feathers with slight gradient",
+        "nape: deep blue plumage transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long blue feathers with a delicate curve",
+        "throat: radiant and distinct yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper back",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black beak for catching insects",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow underside for camouflage",
+        "breast: subtle yellow-orange patch across upper chest",
+        "crown: unremarkable olive-green feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: small, yellow 'eyebrows' above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, black eyes with narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers for swift flying",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: dark-tipped, olive-green feathers aiding in agile flight",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch for attracting mates and signaling"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: short, sturdy black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: pale yellow chest region",
+        "crown: grayish-brown head plumage",
+        "forehead: light gray feathered front",
+        "eyes: small, black, round eyes",
+        "legs: long, slender, gray legs",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with dark streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown plumage on back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, olive-green and black striped tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow throat patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: light green with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: yellowish-green cap",
+        "forehead: bright yellow streak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, twig-like, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rich green with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellowish-green transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: green feathers with a dark outer border",
+        "throat: striking yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated hanging parrot": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering bird's spine area",
+        "beak: short, curved, glossy light orangish-yellow beak",
+        "belly: soft greenish-yellow feathers on underside",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow patch on upper chest area",
+        "crown: bright green feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: emerald green feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vivid green feathers with blue outer edge",
+        "nape: light green feathers at back of neck",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue color on outer tips",
+        "throat: striking yellow feathers making a collar-like appearance"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated honeyeater": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: light yellow, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: yellow, merging with belly",
+        "crown: dark olive-green, smooth",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: large, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: yellow, blending with olive-green",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, distinctive"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated laughingthrush": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, sturdy",
+        "belly: lighter grey feathers",
+        "breast: grey plumage",
+        "crown: grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grey, slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark, beady",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with white accents",
+        "nape: grey plumage",
+        "tail: long, blackish-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated leafbird": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: narrow, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: golden-yellow extending to nape",
+        "forehead: green merging into yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, attentive",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: green with blue-black tips",
+        "nape: golden-yellow continuation from crown",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-black with green base",
+        "throat: striking yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated longclaw": [
+        "back: golden-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: golden-yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: golden-yellow with black streaks and white bars",
+        "nape: light yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white side patches",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated miner": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp-pointed black bill",
+        "belly: soft creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: creamy-white with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white edges on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: white stripe extending from the back of the neck to the crown",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch, extending to chin and cheeks"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated mountain greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, dark brown",
+        "belly: light green with subtle yellow hues",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers, prominent patch",
+        "crown: mixture of green and yellow plumage",
+        "forehead: yellow feathers fading into the crown's green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive with white surrounding",
+        "legs: sturdy, brown, and twig-like",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow, feathers in flight",
+        "nape: continuation of green and yellow hues from crown",
+        "tail: long and green, with yellow undertones",
+        "throat: bright, attention-catching yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated nicator": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bold yellow throat patch",
+        "crown: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green feathers",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight yellow edges",
+        "nape: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, faintly yellow-tipped",
+        "throat: bright yellow with distinct contrast"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated nightingale thrush": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and slender, black",
+        "belly: creamy-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellow markings",
+        "crown: olive-brown head, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, fading to yellowish",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink hue",
+        "wings: olive-green with noticeable white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: relatively short, olive-green",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated sandgrouse": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and curved, pale grayish-brown",
+        "belly: light brown with fine black markings",
+        "breast: sandy brown with faint darker stripes",
+        "crown: grayish-brown color with subtle tones of yellow",
+        "forehead: lighter sandy-gray transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white ring around them",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, feathered, darker brown",
+        "wings: mottled brown and beige, rounded with white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: brown feathers with black bars and white outer edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow patch, contrasting with the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated scrubwren": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with beige flanks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, finely streaked",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light gray eyering",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with light wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated serin": [
+        "back: pale olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and light orange",
+        "belly: light creamy white",
+        "breast: off-white, blending to faint yellow",
+        "crown: pale olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin and light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: pale grey with darker markings",
+        "nape: pale olive-green, fading to softer yellow",
+        "tail: short and grey with darker tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated spadebill": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, broad triangular shape",
+        "belly: light yellow undertones",
+        "breast: pale yellow, plump",
+        "crown: olive-brown hue",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, pale grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connects to back",
+        "tail: olive-green with black barring",
+        "throat: bright yellow patch"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: off-white underside",
+        "breast: yellow throat spreading to chest",
+        "crown: light brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light brown blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: light brown, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: yellow, blending with the breast",
+        "breast: bright yellow, extending down",
+        "crown: greenish with blue tints",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: green with blue overtones, yellow edging",
+        "nape: green with blue streaks transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long and tapered, green with hints of blue",
+        "throat: striking yellow, standing out against green breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated tinkerbird": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered covering",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with yellow streaks",
+        "breast: light yellow plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark-colored",
+        "legs: grey and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated toucan": [
+        "back: vibrant green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: large and distinctly curved, featuring bold yellow and black stripes",
+        "belly: bright yellow with a slight curve",
+        "breast: vivid yellow merging with the belly",
+        "crown: black feathers transitioning to vibrant green",
+        "forehead: striking yellow with a black border",
+        "eyes: deep brown encircled with striking blue skin",
+        "legs: sturdy and bluish-gray",
+        "wings: green with a touch of blue and black edges",
+        "nape: deep green feathers connecting to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, with green and black feathers in a striped pattern",
+        "throat: prominent rich yellow, bordered by black"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated whistler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: dark, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: subtly merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey and clawed",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint barring",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, connecting to the back",
+        "tail: olive-green, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, distinctive feature"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated white eye": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow-green hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: green with a touch of yellow",
+        "forehead: bold yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: large and white-ringed",
+        "legs: slender and grayish",
+        "wings: green with white streaks",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: greenish-white with dark tips",
+        "throat: striking yellow color"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated woodland warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slim, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellow patch",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow head",
+        "forehead: light yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: black, round with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow throated woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow upper body",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: greenish with light yellow feathers",
+        "crown: red patch on the head",
+        "forehead: red markings covering the front",
+        "eyes: small, black, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and strong",
+        "wings: greenish with black barring",
+        "nape: red patch extending from the crown",
+        "tail: black with white patches, rigid",
+        "throat: bright yellow coloration"
+    ],
+    "yellow tinted honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bold yellow with subtle markings",
+        "crown: radiant yellow and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: yellow with darker edges and delicate patterns",
+        "nape: yellow, meeting the back and crown",
+        "tail: elongated, with yellow and black feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, contrasting with a lighter belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow tufted honeyeater": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with tuft of elongated plumes",
+        "crown: golden-yellow, accentuated with small crest",
+        "forehead: yellow merging into olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: transitioning from yellow to olive-green",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with yellow undertail-coverts",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, complementing breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow tufted pipit": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: slender, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow tufts",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white and yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow and streaked"
+    ],
+    "yellow tufted woodpecker": [
+        "back: black feathers with white striping",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black barring",
+        "breast: golden yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: red crest with yellow tufts",
+        "forehead: bright red plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and beady",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with bold white bands",
+        "nape: black with white markings",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: golden yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow vented bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white shading",
+        "crown: dark brown crest",
+        "forehead: lighter brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and shining",
+        "legs: thin, grayish tone",
+        "wings: brown with white edges",
+        "nape: gray-brown shade",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray color"
+    ],
+    "yellow vented eremomela": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light yellow, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: pale yellow with soft plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: slender, brownish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers, connects to the crown",
+        "tail: fan-like, olive-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow feathers, leading towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow vented flowerpecker": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with yellow vent",
+        "breast: white feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: verdant green patch",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive dots",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: bright green with blue tinges",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: short, green-blue with white tips",
+        "throat: white with yellow vent"
+    ],
+    "yellow vented green pigeon": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharply curved",
+        "belly: slightly lighter green shade",
+        "breast: bright green chest",
+        "crown: emerald green top of the head",
+        "forehead: lime green coloring",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, scaly texture",
+        "wings: lush green with streaks of yellow",
+        "nape: deep green hue, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: pale green to yellow gradient"
+    ],
+    "yellow vented myzomela": [
+        "back: dark orange-red hue",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: yellow-orange underside",
+        "breast: bright red-orange",
+        "crown: vibrant red-orange top",
+        "forehead: red-orange feather patch",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: dark with red-orange edging",
+        "nape: deep orange-red shade",
+        "tail: short and dark with orange accents",
+        "throat: vivid red-orange coloring"
+    ],
+    "yellow vented warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow coloring",
+        "breast: yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-green, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dull pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker edges, some white patches",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: forked, olive-green with dark bands",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, contrasting with the belly"
+    ],
+    "yellow vented woodpecker": [
+        "back: greenish-olive feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped black beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow vent area",
+        "breast: lightly speckled with dark spots",
+        "crown: red, cream, and black striped pattern",
+        "forehead: creamy-white patch",
+        "eyes: black and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with black and white barring",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: dark greenish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "yellow wattled bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: lighter yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow feathers merging with belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black lore and eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyerings",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-yellow feathers transitioning to crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with olive-yellow margins",
+        "throat: yellow feathers, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "yellow wattled lapwing": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short black bill",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: white with black edges",
+        "crown: black with white stripe",
+        "forehead: black and white markings",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long yellow legs",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white collar",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white with black border"
+    ],
+    "yellow whiskered greenbul": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: olive-green with yellow hues",
+        "crown: green feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: bright green and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: green with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow with distinct whisker-like markings"
+    ],
+    "yellow winged blackbird": [
+        "back: glossy black with subtle green iridescence",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue",
+        "breast: striking yellow markings",
+        "crown: shimmering black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, and charcoal gray",
+        "wings: black with eye-catching yellow edges",
+        "nape: glossy black with a slight green sheen",
+        "tail: long, black, and fanned-out",
+        "throat: deep black feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow winged cacique": [
+        "back: vibrant black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: bold yellow under-feathers",
+        "breast: black plumage with a yellow hint",
+        "crown: sleek black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: dark black feathers, sharp eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and focused",
+        "legs: long, dark, and slender",
+        "wings: black and yellow, striking patterns",
+        "nape: glossy black connecting to wings",
+        "tail: long, black, and sharply pointed",
+        "throat: contrasting bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow winged flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, slender",
+        "wings: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "nape: grayish-yellow",
+        "tail: dark with yellow edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "yellow winged tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "crown: rich green-blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender with dark gray scales",
+        "wings: brilliant yellow tones with dark details",
+        "nape: greenish-blue feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, blue-black feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: striking yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yellow winged vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: curved, strong, grayish-black upper mandible and lighter lower mandible",
+        "belly: soft white underparts with pale yellow wash",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-white with faint streaks near the sides",
+        "crown: grayish-olive head with feint streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-olive blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bold white spectacles surrounding dark round pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-blue legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with bright yellow patches and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive with slight streaking, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: darker olive-green with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, contrasting with the yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "yellowhammer": [
+        "back: streaked brown and yellow",
+        "beak: short, stubby, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with yellow streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown and yellow with white bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown and yellow",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "yellowhead": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: silvery-gray, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow, fading to whitish",
+        "breast: bright yellow, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: rich yellow, with black streaks",
+        "forehead: luminous yellow, fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale-yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong, thin claws",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with black markings, yellow patches",
+        "nape: yellow, merging into olive-green back",
+        "tail: olive-green with black barring, yellow edges",
+        "throat: bold yellow, complementing vibrant breast"
+    ],
+    "yellowish bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curve downward",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellow, fading towards belly",
+        "crown: olive-green with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, strong and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellowish edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting with the crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellowish undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "yellowish flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, and hook-tipped",
+        "belly: pale yellow and unmarked",
+        "breast: light yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, olive-green",
+        "forehead: faintly yellow-tinged",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: forked and dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellowish imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: sleek, yellowish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, yellowish-white",
+        "belly: creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: yellowish-white head top",
+        "forehead: light yellowish-gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by grayish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, yellowish with strong feet",
+        "wings: broad, yellowish-brown with black primaries",
+        "nape: smooth, light grayish-yellow",
+        "tail: long, yellowish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale, creamy-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellowish pipit": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with fine streaks",
+        "beak: small and slender, pale brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow with brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-olive, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff-yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, finely streaked",
+        "tail: brownish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yellowish white eye": [
+        "back: light yellow-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white underbelly",
+        "breast: soft yellowish-white chest feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green head crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellowish-white ring surrounding a dark pupil",
+        "legs: thin gray legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: yellow-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with yellowish-white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellowish bellied bush warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, dark-colored",
+        "belly: yellowish hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light olive-green",
+        "eyes: prominent, dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: smooth, olive-green",
+        "tail: dark olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "yemen linnet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the backside",
+        "beak: pointed, silvery-gray for cracking seeds",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-brown, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert, beady",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink for perching",
+        "wings: dark, elongated brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown transitioning to olive-green back",
+        "tail: long, forked, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and gray, merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "yemen serin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellow with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: bright yellow fading to white",
+        "crown: golden yellow with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: brilliant yellow and slightly pronounced",
+        "eyes: black with thin pale eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: uniform olive-green",
+        "tail: black outer feathers with white edges, central feathers olive-green",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow contrasting with white breast"
+    ],
+    "yemen thrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with distinct streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish with dark spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white and spotted",
+        "crown: brownish with a blue sheen",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: darker brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked with white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "yemen warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint markings",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: distinct yellow crest",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with black stripes",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale",
+        "wings: olive-green with black borders",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with black bars",
+        "throat: bright yellow with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "yucatan flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black and slender, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow",
+        "crown: yellow-orange with a crest",
+        "forehead: yellowish, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eyering",
+        "legs: black with clawed toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with two white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting back and crown",
+        "tail: dark brown and forked, edged with white tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yucatan gnatcatcher": [
+        "back: slate-blue with darker streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and dark",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: light gray-blue",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with some streaking",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray-blue",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: slate-blue with dark gray edging",
+        "nape: gray-blue with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "yucatan jay": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers with a glossy sheen",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage for adults, blue for juveniles",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers blending into lighter belly",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers transitioning into forehead",
+        "forehead: dark blue feathers sitting above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive with a pale blue eyering",
+        "legs: long, black, and strong, with zygodactyl feet for gripping",
+        "wings: deep blue feathers with black edges, enabling agile flight",
+        "nape: smooth blue plumage connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black tips, assisting in balance",
+        "throat: slightly paler blue plumage, fading into belly area"
+    ],
+    "yucatan nightjar": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and wide, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: light brown with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "forehead: mottled light and dark brown",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium-length, fleshy pink",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, mottled with light flecks",
+        "nape: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "tail: long and feathered, with black and white bands",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "yucatan poorwill": [
+        "back: dull grayish-brown with dark markings",
+        "beak: short, straight, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint dark speckles",
+        "breast: mottled grayish-brown with blackish spots",
+        "crown: dark gray with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray interrupted with narrow blackish bars",
+        "eyes: dark brown, large, and round",
+        "legs: feathered, olive-buff with black bars",
+        "wings: long, rounded, grayish-brown with blackish patterns",
+        "nape: mottled grayish-brown with faint dark markings",
+        "tail: rectangular, grayish-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: whitish with fine grayish-brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "yucatan vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: black, short, and stout",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish hue",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: grayish-olive, bordered by white eyering",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive, merging into crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering around it",
+        "legs: pale pink or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, merging into back",
+        "tail: dark olive-green with pale edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "yucatan woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with black spotting",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: red in males, black in females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and agile",
+        "wings: black with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "yucatan wren": [
+        "back: brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: curved, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black barring and white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with black bars",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "yungas guan": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: stout and pale yellowish",
+        "belly: tawny hue with lighter streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage",
+        "forehead: black with short feathered crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy and dull yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: earthy brown with slight greens",
+        "nape: blackish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark, with barred feathers",
+        "throat: light brown with faint steaks"
+    ],
+    "yungas manakin": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharply curved black beak",
+        "belly: yellowish white plumage",
+        "breast: white and contrasting with olive-green upperparts",
+        "crown: shiny blue patches on the head",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: thin black legs with clawed feet",
+        "wings: dark olive-green with white feather edges",
+        "nape: greenish-blue coloration",
+        "tail: short olive-green feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white and contrast with rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "yungas pygmy owl": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle barring",
+        "beak: sharp, light gray, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: ochre-yellow with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: ochre-yellow with dark brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint white spots",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with white streak above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with black pupils, surrounded by white eyebrows",
+        "legs: sturdy, feathered, yellow feet with sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring, short and rounded",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint white spots",
+        "tail: olive-brown with narrow white bands and rounded tip",
+        "throat: ochre-yellow with dark brown streaks and spots"
+    ],
+    "yungas sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and blackish",
+        "belly: lightly barred, off-white coloration",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with subtle darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-streaked with a grayish-brown tint",
+        "forehead: faint grayish-brown coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and encircled by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish feathers and white streaks",
+        "nape: rufous-streaked, merging with the color of the back",
+        "tail: dark brown, with slightly pointed and narrow feathers",
+        "throat: plain, off-white, and unbarred"
+    ],
+    "yungas tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: dingy, yellow plumage",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a dark streak",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with prominent streaks",
+        "eyes: tiny, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, pale gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: small, olive-green with distinctive patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short, square-ended, and olive-green",
+        "throat: pale yellow with a hint of grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "yungas tyrannulet": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: pale-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: olive-brown coloring",
+        "forehead: faint yellowish stripe",
+        "eyes: dark beady eyes with white eye rings",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with lighter edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown shade",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with lighter tips",
+        "throat: pale-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "yungas warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and sharp",
+        "belly: light yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: yellow with thin blackish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with light grayish sides",
+        "forehead: bright olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with fine light eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with two bright wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: dark olive with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "yunnan fulvetta": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: petite, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: soft and gray",
+        "crown: gray with darker stripes",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: strong, delicate, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker edges",
+        "nape: smooth gray with subtle dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green and long",
+        "throat: light gray"
+    ],
+    "yunnan nuthatch": [
+        "back: blue-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grey to white",
+        "breast: pale grey with a slight bluish tint",
+        "crown: deep blue-grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, blue-grey",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-grey with distinctive white panel",
+        "nape: blue-grey, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: fairly short, blue-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: light grey, paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "zamboanga bulbul": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved beak",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white underparts",
+        "breast: light olive-green blending into the belly",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, prominent with white or pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown legs with strong claws for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers creating contrasts when folded",
+        "nape: slightly paler olive-green feathers connecting to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark olive-green central tail feathers with outer feathers having white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with subtle streaks or spots near the breast"
+    ],
+    "zanzibar boubou": [
+        "back: dark-grey colored with a sleek texture",
+        "beak: thick, strong, and black with a slight curve",
+        "belly: soft white and smoothly rounded",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to dark grey",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: distinct black color, complementing the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a subtle white eyelid border",
+        "legs: long, slender, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: dark grey and black, contrasted by white inner feather patches",
+        "nape: dark grey, merging with the black crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and fan-shaped with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: stark white, contrasting with the beak and dark grey breast"
+    ],
+    "zanzibar red bishop": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-red feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, silver-gray",
+        "belly: orange-red hue with hints of black",
+        "breast: bright orange-red plumage",
+        "crown: vivid orange-red with feathered crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant orange-red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slim, charcoal grey, strong",
+        "wings: black, t-shaped, white markings",
+        "nape: feathery orange transitioning to black",
+        "tail: short, black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: rich red-orange coloring, distinct"
+    ],
+    "zapata sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with rufous patch",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and surrounded by a pale-gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, thin, and long",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with rufous edges and light wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: relatively short, brownish-gray with rufous edges",
+        "throat: pale gray and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "zapata wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long and slender, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: buff-white with brownish-grey sides",
+        "breast: buff-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with bold streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish grey, strong",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with barred pattern",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with bold streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brownish-grey with barring",
+        "throat: buff-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "zappey flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine markings",
+        "beak: sharp and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, consistent with crown",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slim and black, with strong gripping claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers and white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting with back coloration",
+        "tail: dark, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "zarudny sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and grey",
+        "belly: light brownish-grey",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with grey streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, bright",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grey",
+        "wings: brown with white and black markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with a thin black or dark brown band"
+    ],
+    "zebra finch": [
+        "back: striped black and white feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed orange beak",
+        "belly: white or light gray feathers",
+        "breast: creamy white or pale orange feathers",
+        "crown: black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: vibrant red or orange patch",
+        "eyes: small, black and round",
+        "legs: thin, gray or dark brown",
+        "wings: marked with black and white bars",
+        "nape: continuation of striped crown pattern",
+        "tail: black and white feathers with white tip",
+        "throat: black and white striped pattern"
+    ],
+    "zebra waxbill": [
+        "back: vibrant blue striping on dark brown",
+        "beak: short, red-orange, and conical",
+        "belly: pale cream color with a soft texture",
+        "breast: orangey-red hue, fading into the belly",
+        "crown: brown and black striped pattern",
+        "forehead: contrasting white and blue patterns",
+        "eyes: small, round, with dark black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, black-grey with small legs scales",
+        "wings: striking blue stripes on dark brown background",
+        "nape: brown-black striped transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, with blue accents on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright orangey-red, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "zeledon antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown and mottled with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharply pointed, and black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown shading",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-brown",
+        "eyes: round, small and black",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale gray",
+        "wings: long, olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long and slender, olive-brown with dark barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "zenaida dove": [
+        "back: smooth grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout with a black tip",
+        "belly: light grayish-white with a touch of pink",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-gray with soft feathering",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a subtle purple sheen",
+        "forehead: light gray with a gentle curve",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink feet and slender legs",
+        "wings: gray-brown feathers with black edges and white markings",
+        "nape: gray with a hint of iridescent purple",
+        "tail: dark gray with a wide white band at the tip",
+        "throat: soft gray with a pinkish-white undertone"
+    ],
+    "zenker honeyguide": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: off-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: dull yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark brown with greenish highlights",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black with a white tip",
+        "throat: pale, almost white, with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "zigzag heron": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, blackish",
+        "belly: white with pale grey streaks",
+        "breast: grey-blue with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with a greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: pale streaked with blue-grey",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black line",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with black zigzag patterns",
+        "nape: blackish with green gloss",
+        "tail: short, grey and black barred",
+        "throat: white with thin grey lines"
+    ],
+    "zimmer antbird": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint blackish streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black in color",
+        "belly: pale buff or yellowish-brown",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with some dark spots",
+        "crown: rufous, occasionally with black streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, pale, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with buffy wingbars and fringes",
+        "nape: olive-brown, sometimes streaked with black",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale buff or rufous tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white, occasionally with a buffy tinge"
+    ],
+    "zimmer tapaculo": [
+        "back: darker grayish brown, slightly streaked with ochre",
+        "beak: short, straight, black",
+        "belly: buffy gray with brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish brown, paler in the center",
+        "crown: dark gray, slightly streaked",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish brown",
+        "eyes: black, small and round",
+        "legs: pinkish brown, slender",
+        "wings: dark brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: grayish brown, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, brown with darker bars",
+        "throat: light gray with some brown specks"
+    ],
+    "zimmer tody tyrant": [
+        "back: vibrant green plumage",
+        "beak: small, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow undersides",
+        "breast: light olive-green feathers",
+        "crown: bright emerald green",
+        "forehead: lime green transitions",
+        "eyes: black, round, beady",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and wiry",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with dark edging",
+        "nape: green blending into blue",
+        "tail: long, sharp, and bluish-green",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "zimmer woodcreeper": [
+        "back: brownish streaks with olive tinge",
+        "beak: long, slender, decurved",
+        "belly: buffy-white with brown spots",
+        "breast: white to buff, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: rusty brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown fading to gray",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong, pale gray",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with darker bars",
+        "nape: rufous to grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, stiff, and rufous with black barring",
+        "throat: white to buff, sometimes streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "zino petrel": [
+        "back: gray-blue feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked bill in a black color",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage on the lower body",
+        "breast: light gray feathers across upper chest",
+        "crown: dark gray coloring on top of the head",
+        "forehead: subtle blend of gray and white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a focused gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-gray with well-defined scales",
+        "wings: long, slender, with gray-blue feathers and black edges",
+        "nape: gray-colored feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: forked shape with gray-blue feathers and black tips",
+        "throat: white and gray feathered area under the beak and above the breast"
+    ],
+    "zitting cisticola": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: small and pointy, blackish color",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: olive and pale brown with a slight streaking",
+        "crown: brown with pale streak patterns",
+        "forehead: similar color to crown, slightly brighter",
+        "eyes: dark with a touch of white ring around it",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brownish with lighter patches and short, rounded tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks, connecting to back and crown",
+        "tail: brown with white-tipped feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white or pale yellowish color, visually clear from breast"
+    ],
+    "zoe imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and hooked, light gray",
+        "belly: white plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray with white undertones",
+        "crown: light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black pupils surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and short, reddish-pink",
+        "wings: pale gray with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: light gray feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "great grey owl": [
+        "back: greyish-brown with dense white barring",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: thick white plumage with fine grey streaks",
+        "breast: whitish-grey with darker streaks and spots",
+        "crown: rounded and greyish-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: relatively flat and greyish-white",
+        "eyes: large, yellow and surrounded by a facial disk",
+        "legs: feathered with grey plumage, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, long, and grey with white barring and dark markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, matching the back and crown",
+        "tail: banded with white and grey stripes",
+        "throat: white with fine greyish streaks"
+    ],
+    "european gallinule": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "beak: bright red with yellow tip, sturdy and slightly pointed",
+        "belly: white to light grey plumage with some darker markings",
+        "breast: greyish-blue feathers, soft and fluffy appearance",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black feathers, extending to the neck",
+        "forehead: red shield-like plate, unique feature for the species",
+        "eyes: small, round, and bright with a deep red-orange color",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green legs with large, lobed toes for wading",
+        "wings: olive-green to dark brown feathers, white streaks when folded",
+        "nape: smooth transition from blue-black crown to olive-brown back",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown feathers, often flicked upwards when active",
+        "throat: greyish-blue plumage, continuation of the breast color"
+    ],
+    "african grey": [
+        "back: blueish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: large, black and hooked",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: light grey and rounded",
+        "crown: grey with a slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: blueish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round and pale yellow",
+        "legs: robust, black and scaly",
+        "wings: dark grey with a hint of red",
+        "nape: blueish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with bright red underside",
+        "throat: light grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "american egret": [
+        "back: long, sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellow",
+        "belly: smooth white plumage",
+        "breast: soft white feathers",
+        "crown: elegant white plume",
+        "forehead: smooth, white, and uncreased",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, dark, and thin",
+        "wings: large, white, and gracefully curved",
+        "nape: extended white plumes",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped white feathers",
+        "throat: unblemished white and slender"
+    ],
+    "water ouzel": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: thin, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray or white",
+        "breast: white, slightly spotted",
+        "crown: rounded, black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, alert",
+        "legs: short, strong, black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, waterproof",
+        "nape: dark feathers, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: short, square, dark",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with gray markings"
+    ],
+    "red backed sandpiper": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish tinges",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: long, thin, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "indian peacock": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and light grey",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering blue-green plumage",
+        "crown: fan-shaped crest with vibrant blue feathers",
+        "forehead: adorned with brilliant blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small and deep black",
+        "legs: strong, grey, and scaly",
+        "wings: long, speckled with brown and white trailing feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: magnificent long train of iridescent, eye-like plumage",
+        "throat: flaunting a mix of blue and green feathers"
+    ],
+    "indian grey hornbill": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, prominent yellow casque",
+        "belly: light grey to white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dusky grey coloration",
+        "eyes: piercing, reddish-brown in color",
+        "legs: medium length, dark grey",
+        "wings: broad with white-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark, slate-grey neck feathers",
+        "tail: long and well-spread, featuring white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "eared grebe (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: off-white to pale grayish",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly puffy",
+        "forehead: smooth transition into beak, dark brown",
+        "eyes: small and bright red",
+        "legs: fairly short, lobed toes, blackish-green",
+        "wings: relatively small, darker brown with slight pattern",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: small and stubby, dark brown",
+        "throat: off-white, merging into breast color"
+    ],
+    "yellow headed blackbird (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and grayish-pink",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: olive-brown blending with yellow on sides",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert and perceptive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink, strong",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint pale streaks on coverts",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, fan-shaped with pointed ends",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "ruddy duck (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: light brown with darker markings",
+        "beak: medium grey, slightly upturned",
+        "belly: off-white with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker spots",
+        "crown: slightly darker brown than back",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium grey, positioned towards the rear",
+        "wings: light brown with darker brown feathers and white patches",
+        "nape: light brown, transitioning into the crown",
+        "tail: short, stiff, held upwards, brown with black barring",
+        "throat: pale brown, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "black crowned night heron (immature)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: off-white with broad streaks of brown",
+        "breast: pale with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dull greenish-black",
+        "forehead: greenish-black with pale streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark outline",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green with black scales",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spotting",
+        "nape: mixed olive-brown and white",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "throat: off-white with brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "painted bunting (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: pale greenish-yellow",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: light yellowish-green",
+        "breast: faded yellow-green",
+        "crown: greenish-olive",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with light wing bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive",
+        "tail: olive-green with notched feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "great cormorant (adult)": [
+        "back: dark gray-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked tip, grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: dark gray-black plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: flat, black feathers transitioning to beak",
+        "eyes: greenish-blue, small, and piercing",
+        "legs: webbed, black, strong",
+        "wings: dark grey feathers, long span",
+        "nape: black feathers, elongating towards neck",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: black plumage, smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "house finch (female/immature)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish with streaks",
+        "breast: dull orange with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by a whitish ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale gray",
+        "wings: brown with pale white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: brown with notched tip, pale edges",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "reddish egret (dark morph)": [
+        "back: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: dark plumage with rust-colored highlights",
+        "breast: slate gray mixed with rusty red feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue with a shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: yellow with a surrounding blue-gray patch",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray-blue with a reddish-brown fringe",
+        "nape: dark gray-blue with red tinge",
+        "tail: dark gray-blue, long, and fluffy",
+        "throat: dark slate gray mixed with rusty-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "golden eagle (immature)": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: large black hooked beak",
+        "belly: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown feather tips",
+        "crown: dark brown with flecks of white",
+        "forehead: light speckled feather pattern",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange with dark pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, powerful and golden in color",
+        "wings: large with dark brown feathers, windows of white on underside",
+        "nape: golden-brown feathers with a silken sheen",
+        "tail: dark brown with broad white band near tips",
+        "throat: pale brown with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "white crowned sparrow (adult)": [
+        "back: brown and gray striped feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: grayish-white or light beige",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight brownish tint",
+        "crown: bold black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: brown and gray feathers with white wingbars",
+        "nape: continuous black and white striped pattern from crown",
+        "tail: brown and gray feathers, fairly long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: clean white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "red tailed hawk (light morph immature)": [
+        "back: brown feathers with light white speckles",
+        "beak: dark grey hooked bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with brownish speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slightly paler forehead",
+        "forehead: light brown with finer speckles",
+        "eyes: yellowish with a focused, intense gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish with black talons",
+        "wings: brown with lighter undersides and pale outer wing bars",
+        "nape: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "tail: brown with faint bands and reddish tint, incomplete bars",
+        "throat: pale white with sparse brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "american robin (adult)": [
+        "back: olive-gray with a brownish hue",
+        "beak: thin, yellow-orange bill",
+        "belly: white to pale gray",
+        "breast: reddish-orange",
+        "crown: grayish-black",
+        "forehead: grayish-black",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark eyes",
+        "legs: long, yellowish legs",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-black",
+        "tail: dark, square-tipped",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "gambel quail (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with light edging",
+        "beak: short, curved, brownish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with a scaly pattern",
+        "crown: pale brown without a plume",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: relatively large with a pale brown eyering",
+        "legs: slender, featherless, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blue-gray with fine white markings",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers with light edging",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with a faint black patch"
+    ],
+    "canvasback (breeding male)": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black with grayish stripes",
+        "beak: black, long, and sloping",
+        "belly: white with subtle gray feathering",
+        "breast: reddish chestnut color",
+        "crown: black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, sloping into the beak",
+        "eyes: bright red, small",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with black webbed feet",
+        "wings: white and black, with a speculum of blue-violet",
+        "nape: black, blending into the back feathers",
+        "tail: black, narrowly pointed",
+        "throat: white, extending to the cheek area"
+    ],
+    "redhead (breeding male)": [
+        "back: light gray with thin white streaks",
+        "beak: pale blue with a black tip",
+        "belly: bright white",
+        "breast: rich rufous-red",
+        "crown: rounded, rufous-red",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous-red",
+        "eyes: dark black, surrounded by rufous-red",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: rufous-red, merging into gray",
+        "tail: grayish-blue with a central white stripe",
+        "throat: paler rufous-red, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "hooded merganser (breeding male)": [
+        "back: black with fine white striping",
+        "beak: slender, serrated, dark",
+        "belly: white, slightly streaked",
+        "breast: white, crescent-shaped markings",
+        "crown: large, fan-shaped, black-bordered",
+        "forehead: white, with central black stripe",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: iridescent blue, white patches",
+        "nape: elongated, fan-shaped crest",
+        "tail: black, short, and narrow",
+        "throat: white, bordered with black"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned sparrow (adult)": [
+        "back: brownish gray with streaks",
+        "beak: conical and grayish",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray",
+        "crown: bright golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with black and white feather edges",
+        "nape: gray with golden-yellow streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with contrasting black lateral stripes"
+    ],
+    "costa hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: iridescent green with a bronze tint",
+        "beak: slender, long, and straight",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of green",
+        "breast: iridescent purple",
+        "crown: bright metallic violet",
+        "forehead: iridescent green merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, and round",
+        "legs: short with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, green to bronze-green",
+        "nape: vibrant metallic violet with green hues",
+        "tail: forked, iridescent green with outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant iridescent purple gorget"
+    ],
+    "cassin finch (adult male)": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, silvery-gray",
+        "belly: white with streaks",
+        "breast: pinkish-red, fading to white",
+        "crown: red or rosy crown, brighter than breast",
+        "forehead: red or rosy",
+        "eyes: dark brown, prominent eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown, white wing-bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, notched",
+        "throat: pinkish-red, similar to breast"
+    ],
+    "red crossbill (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: decurved, crossed, medium-length",
+        "belly: olive-yellowish undertones",
+        "breast: light olive with yellow hues",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow shading",
+        "eyes: dark with thin, light eyering",
+        "legs: dark-gray, slender",
+        "wings: dark, with two whitish wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: medium-length, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale olive-yellow"
+    ],
+    "pine grosbeak (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with reddish streaks",
+        "beak: thick, silver-gray",
+        "belly: soft yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light reddish-orange",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "snow bunting (nonbreeding)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "beak: small and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white and slightly mottled",
+        "breast: white with brownish-gray spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a grayish tinge"
+    ],
+    "red tailed hawk (light morph adult)": [
+        "back: brown feathered upper side",
+        "beak: dark, sharp, curved",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dark brown cap",
+        "forehead: creamy white transitioning to brown",
+        "eyes: piercing light brown",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brown with light undersides and red tail feathers",
+        "nape: creamy white, bordered with brown",
+        "tail: barred reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale, creamy white"
+    ],
+    "golden eagle (adult)": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers, strong and sturdy",
+        "beak: large, hooked, yellow with a sharp black tip",
+        "belly: light golden-brown feathers with darker streaks",
+        "breast: golden-brown plumage with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with a golden sheen",
+        "forehead: light golden crown feathers and yellow eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: feathered, strong with yellow taloned feet",
+        "wings: long, broad with dark brown feathers and white patches",
+        "nape: golden-brown plumage with a lighter collar",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with white band at the tip",
+        "throat: golden feathers transitioning to light brown towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "american wigeon (breeding male)": [
+        "back: gray with fine, white speckles",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with black tip",
+        "belly: white or light gray",
+        "breast: pinkish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright green, iridescent",
+        "forehead: cream or white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: gray-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray with white patches, black secondary feathers",
+        "nape: green and iridescent, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: gray or black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "chestnut sided warbler (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive green with occasional streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish",
+        "breast: yellowish with faint streaks",
+        "crown: pale olive with dark eyestripe",
+        "forehead: pale olive or grayish",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: pale pinkish or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: blue-gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive green or grayish",
+        "tail: blue-gray and forked",
+        "throat: pale yellow or whitish"
+    ],
+    "peregrine falcon (adult)": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray with yellow cere",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored with blackish spots and streaks",
+        "breast: white to pale buff with dark mottling",
+        "crown: slate-gray with black hood extending to nape",
+        "forehead: white and unmarked, contrast with dark hood",
+        "eyes: dark, large, round with yellow to gold surrounding",
+        "legs: robust, featherless, yellow with powerful talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, powerful with dark gray-blue plumage",
+        "nape: continuation of dark crown and hood, thin white collar",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with narrow black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark hood and mottled breast"
+    ],
+    "northern cardinal (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-brown",
+        "beak: orange",
+        "belly: soft whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: pale warm brown",
+        "crown: matte brown",
+        "forehead: brown",
+        "eyes: black",
+        "legs: reddish brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale orange edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown",
+        "tail: brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: light tan"
+    ],
+    "purple finch (adult male)": [
+        "back: streaked reddish-brown",
+        "beak: short and stout, seed-crushing",
+        "belly: white with streaked flanks",
+        "breast: rosy-red blending with white",
+        "crown: raspberry-red with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright red fading into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by red plumage",
+        "legs: strong yet slender, pale pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish, faintly streaked, red edges",
+        "nape: reddish color continues from crown",
+        "tail: brownish-red with notched tip, squared-off end",
+        "throat: vibrant red meeting white breast"
+    ],
+    "red throated loon (breeding)": [
+        "back: dark gray with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: white",
+        "breast: mostly white with grayish speckling",
+        "crown: blackish",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly sloping",
+        "eyes: bright red",
+        "legs: dark gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with white spots",
+        "nape: black, transitioning to white at throat",
+        "tail: short, dark gray",
+        "throat: vibrant red patch"
+    ],
+    "california quail (male)": [
+        "1. back: blue-grey feathers with scaly pattern",
+        "2. beak: curved, black and stout",
+        "3. belly: creamy white with black markings",
+        "4. breast: bluish-grey with white and black bars",
+        "5. crown: black crest with curly off-white plume",
+        "6. forehead: black coloring near the beak",
+        "7. eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "8. legs: dull grey with sharp claws",
+        "9. wings: rounded and short with scaled appearance",
+        "10. nape: pale orange-brown",
+        "11. tail: grey-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "12. throat: black patch surrounded by white-bordered black bars"
+    ],
+    "blackpoll warbler (breeding male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: pointy, black",
+        "belly: white",
+        "breast: white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black",
+        "forehead: black",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish",
+        "wings: black with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "american robin (juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered texture",
+        "beak: yellowish, narrow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white with subtle spots",
+        "breast: subdued orange-red with spotted patterns",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with light streaking",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black and shines in sunlight",
+        "legs: thin, long, and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: mixed gray-brown feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint bands, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white feathers with subtle speckling"
+    ],
+    "european starling (juvenile)": [
+        "back: brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: dark, straight, pointed",
+        "belly: brown, flecked with white",
+        "breast: brown with light speckles",
+        "crown: plain brown, rounded",
+        "forehead: light brown, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, round, small",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, thin, strong",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale spots",
+        "nape: light brown, unmarked",
+        "tail: short, square, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light brown, speckled with white"
+    ],
+    "common yellowthroat (adult male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow, fading to white",
+        "crown: solid black",
+        "forehead: black, meeting at the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark olive-green, short and rounded",
+        "throat: bright yellow, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "orchard oriole (immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow, sometimes faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with faint dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly darker",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: black, with unmarked white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, like crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly darker than back, with square-shaped end",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "sanderling (breeding)": [
+        "back: light gray with white edges",
+        "beak: thin, straight and black",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: mottled gray and brown",
+        "forehead: white with gray streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and relatively short",
+        "wings: gray with white wingbars and black tips",
+        "nape: gray with streaks of brown",
+        "tail: short, white with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and clean"
+    ],
+    "summer tanager (female)": [
+        "back: olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: pale, slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: light yellow-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with slight yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with crown",
+        "tail: pointed, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: light yellowish-green color"
+    ],
+    "hooded oriole (adult male)": [
+        "back: bright yellow-orange with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange",
+        "crown: yellow-orange with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange",
+        "eyes: black and beady, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slender",
+        "wings: black with white bars and yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellow-orange",
+        "tail: black with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "pigeon guillemot (breeding)": [
+        "back: blackish with white wing patches",
+        "beak: bright orange-red",
+        "belly: blackish with white underparts",
+        "breast: blackish with white streaks",
+        "crown: blackish with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish and flat",
+        "eyes: circular and dark",
+        "legs: bright red-orange",
+        "wings: blackish with large white patch on upper surface",
+        "nape: blackish, flat, and continuous with the back and crown",
+        "tail: blackish, short and slightly wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: blackish with white underparts"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped warbler (breeding myrtle)": [
+        "back: olive-green with a lighter streaking",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white or light-grey, sometimes with faint yellow streaks",
+        "breast: white, sometimes with faint streaks of black",
+        "crown: dark-grey or black, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: yellow stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grey, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: dark-grey with two white wing bars and small yellow shoulder patches",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to the darker back",
+        "tail: dark-grey with white patches on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light-grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "red necked grebe (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark grey with soft white streaks",
+        "beak: long, pale yellowish with black tip",
+        "belly: whitish-grey",
+        "breast: greyish-white with slight barring",
+        "crown: dark grey, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: sloping with dark grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: blackish-grey, positioned far back on the body",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "nape: dark grey with subtle white speckling",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with pale edges",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "western gull (adult)": [
+        "back: light gray with white edges",
+        "beak: bright yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: pure white",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: pale gray and smooth",
+        "forehead: white and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: gray with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: light gray",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: clean white"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned night heron (immature)": [
+        "back: greenish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray with faint striping",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: greenish-gray with white spots",
+        "nape: pale gray with light feathers",
+        "tail: greenish-gray, short and square-tipped",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "blue winged teal (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with some fine markings",
+        "beak: dark gray with lighter lower edge",
+        "belly: pale buff color with dark speckling",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: brownish gray with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with grayish tinge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with black claws",
+        "wings: blue patch with green speculum, white edge",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter edging",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "dunlin (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: light brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: white with light brown spots and streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, long, and dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark streaks and white tips",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark outer feathers, white inner feathers, and forked shape",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "blackpoll warbler (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, buffy-white",
+        "breast: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: yellow-green with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-colored with bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green and black, slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "summer tanager (adult male)": [
+        "back: bright red plumage",
+        "beak: pale, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: vibrant red feathers",
+        "breast: rich red coloration",
+        "crown: intense red plumage",
+        "forehead: bold red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: grayish and slender",
+        "wings: red with black edges",
+        "nape: brilliant red feathers",
+        "tail: long and red with black tips",
+        "throat: vivid red plumage"
+    ],
+    "mallard (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: brown and black feather pattern",
+        "beak: dark gray-black color, with light blue patch on sides",
+        "belly: cream to light brown with spotted feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with darker brown feather markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, with thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: orange or yellow-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with blue-violet speculum bordered by white",
+        "nape: light brown, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown with black and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light brown, sometimes with a slight white patch"
+    ],
+    "black chinned hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: metallic green plumage",
+        "beak: long, straight, black",
+        "belly: dull grayish-white",
+        "breast: iridescent purple",
+        "crown: metallic green",
+        "forehead: metallic green",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: short, slender, black",
+        "wings: elongated, dark, pointed tips",
+        "nape: metallic green",
+        "tail: dark, forked shape",
+        "throat: iridescent purple-black band"
+    ],
+    "red headed woodpecker (immature)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: light brown, chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale gray",
+        "breast: white, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: dull brownish-red",
+        "forehead: brownish-red, slightly paler",
+        "eyes: black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: light gray, strong",
+        "wings: black with white patches and bars",
+        "nape: dull brownish-red",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light brown or buff"
+    ],
+    "northern shoveler (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: brownish with feather pattern",
+        "beak: elongated, black and wide-tipped",
+        "belly: white, often with brown streaks",
+        "breast: brownish with speckled feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, extending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: orange or pinkish, strong and webbed",
+        "wings: brown, gray, and white, with the distinctive blue speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: brown with black coverts and white edges",
+        "throat: white or pale, sometimes with a few dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "long tailed duck (summer male)": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: pointed and dark grey",
+        "belly: white patch contrasting dark sides",
+        "breast: white and round",
+        "crown: black with greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: expressive black orbs",
+        "legs: short and grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with white tracing",
+        "nape: long, flowing black tail feathers",
+        "tail: long and narrow",
+        "throat: white with a sharp point"
+    ],
+    "bufflehead (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: black with green iridescence and white spotting",
+        "beak: small and greyish-blue with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with slight brownish hue",
+        "breast: white with a subtle brown streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown with a hint of purple iridescence",
+        "forehead: steep and rounded, brownish-black",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black with white patches and iridescent green speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown with a slight purple sheen",
+        "tail: short and rounded, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a brownish tinge"
+    ],
+    "american redstart (adult male)": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red patches",
+        "crown: black head with a scattered yellow and orange pattern",
+        "forehead: deep black color",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: black with orange-red patches and white edging",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into black head",
+        "tail: dark with orange-red and black patterns, white edging",
+        "throat: striking black contrasted against bright orange-red"
+    ],
+    "northern pintail (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: dark-gray, thin and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown and mottled",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, grayish-brown with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: dark brown and slightly raised",
+        "tail: long, pointed central feathers, dark brown with white streaks",
+        "throat: light beige with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "western tanager (breeding male)": [
+        "back: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: vivid yellow",
+        "crown: striking red-orange",
+        "forehead: bold red-orange",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: grayish-black",
+        "wings: black with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: yellow, blending into red crown",
+        "tail: black, slightly forked",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "gadwall (breeding male)": [
+        "back: brown and black speckled with pale-edged feathers",
+        "beak: dark gray or slate with orange or yellow at the edges",
+        "belly: white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: grayish with black speckles and white vertical stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown or black with subtle reddish-brown highlights",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, sometimes with a thin white or pale yellow ring",
+        "legs: yellow, orange, or gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray with black and white patterns, well-defined black and white speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending smoothly into the back",
+        "tail: black with a white outer margin, and a fan-like structure",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "bald eagle (adult, subadult)": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: large, yellow, hooked shape for tearing prey",
+        "belly: light brown to dark brown feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers on adults, brown on subadults",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: brown feathers blending into yellow beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with sharp focus",
+        "legs: yellow with black talons for gripping prey",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers at back of the neck",
+        "tail: white feathers on adults, brown on subadults with horizontal bands",
+        "throat: white feathers on adults, brown on subadults"
+    ],
+    "white ibis (adult)": [
+        "back: curved, white feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: long, thin, and decurved with a pale color",
+        "belly: soft, smooth white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with minimal feather texture",
+        "crown: white feathers smoothly transitioning to the neck",
+        "forehead: clean, white feathers blending into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender with a pinkish-red hue",
+        "wings: white and large with black-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: elongated, white feathers smoothly transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: short, white, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: uninterrupted white feathers connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "phainopepla (male)": [
+        "back: glossy black plumage",
+        "beak: short and slender, dark-colored",
+        "belly: smooth black feathers",
+        "breast: shiny black, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: sleek with a raised crest",
+        "forehead: shiny black, crested",
+        "eyes: deep red, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slim and dark, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: glossy black with rounded tips",
+        "nape: shiny black, continuous with the crest",
+        "tail: long and black, forked shape",
+        "throat: glossy black, elegant curve"
+    ],
+    "spotted sandpiper (breeding)": [
+        "back: brownish-grey color with a streaked appearance",
+        "beak: relatively short, slender and straight, dark upper mandible and yellowish lower mandible",
+        "belly: white with some faint spots and streaks",
+        "breast: white with bold dark spots",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a subtle streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey and relatively unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, encircled by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale greenish-yellow with moderately long feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark barring on the feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with a lightly streaked pattern",
+        "tail: relatively short, dark grey with a white outer fringe on feathers",
+        "throat: white with some faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "northern harrier (female, immature)": [
+        "back: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: brown with faint pale streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, intense stare",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange, slender, strong",
+        "wings: broad, pale brown with dark markings",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: long, pale brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "broad billed hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: greenish-blue iridescent feathering",
+        "beak: long, straight, and broad, black in color",
+        "belly: white to pale gray",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise to blue-green",
+        "crown: purple iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: short, slender, dark",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green, elongated",
+        "nape: purplish-blue iridescent feathering",
+        "tail: dark blue to black, forked",
+        "throat: bright violet-blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "bald eagle (immature, juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: large, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: mottled white and brown",
+        "breast: mottled white and brown",
+        "crown: dark brown and white mix",
+        "forehead: dark brown and white mix",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark pupil",
+        "legs: strong, yellow",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown plumage",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: mottled white and brown"
+    ],
+    "purple finch (female/immature)": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white",
+        "beak: pale grayish-yellow, conical shape",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light buff or whitish, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: dull brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a light eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: light brown with paler streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "indigo bunting (adult male)": [
+        "back: bright indigo plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: lighter indigo blue",
+        "breast: vivid indigo blue",
+        "crown: deep blue with indigo tones",
+        "forehead: intense indigo hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant indigo with dark edges",
+        "nape: rich indigo color",
+        "tail: indigo blue with wide, slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: bright indigo feathers"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon teal (male)": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown with subtle black mottling",
+        "beak: black with a blue-gray base",
+        "belly: warm cinnamon-red",
+        "breast: deep cinnamon-orange",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: rusty-red with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: metallic blue-green upper side, black and white lower side",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with black stripe down the middle",
+        "tail: black with a whitish border",
+        "throat: pale cinnamon color"
+    ],
+    "double crested cormorant (immature)": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: light brown with white patches",
+        "breast: light brown, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: dark brown plumage with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending seamlessly into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright blue, slightly protruding",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter brown edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, with double crest barely visible",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, dark brown",
+        "throat: whitish with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "anna hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long and straight, black in color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint green speckles",
+        "crown: green iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green head patch",
+        "eyes: small, black, placed on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: short, slim and grayish in color",
+        "wings: iridescent green primary feathers, lighter secondary feathers",
+        "nape: green iridescent feathers blending into grayish-white",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, mix of green and white feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers with some green specks"
+    ],
+    "sharp shinned hawk (adult )": [
+        "back: slate blue-gray with dark barring",
+        "beak: black, hooked, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown barring",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: slate blue-gray with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: slate blue-gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow, long, and thin with sharp talons",
+        "wings: slate blue-gray with black-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: slate blue-gray with a smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow with dark bands and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "common eider (adult male)": [
+        "back: spotted with intermixed black and white feathers",
+        "beak: wedge-shaped, slate gray",
+        "belly: white with a slight cream tint",
+        "breast: dark black, fading into white near the belly",
+        "crown: dark greenish-black",
+        "forehead: white, meeting with a black v-shaped mark",
+        "eyes: small, black surrounded by white plumage",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: broad, black and white pattern with a greenish tinge",
+        "nape: cream-colored elongated feathers",
+        "tail: short, black and white feathers with a distinct pattern",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black feathers"
+    ],
+    "orchard oriole (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive, faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, blending with back",
+        "forehead: yellowish, meeting with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, encircled with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green, short, slightly rounded",
+        "throat: yellowish, transitioning to breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "ring billed gull (adult)": [
+        "back: light gray with white edges",
+        "beak: long, slender, yellow with black ring",
+        "belly: pure white",
+        "breast: white with occasional gray shading",
+        "crown: smooth white",
+        "forehead: bright white",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange in color",
+        "wings: pale gray with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: clean white",
+        "tail: white with distinct black band",
+        "throat: unblemished white"
+    ],
+    "double crested cormorant (adult)": [
+        "back: dark plumage with a greenish iridescence",
+        "beak: long, hooked tip, orange-yellow color",
+        "belly: black with hint of green iridescence",
+        "breast: black plumage with slight green sheen",
+        "crown: black feathers, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black, continuous with crown",
+        "eyes: bright blue, piercing, slightly recessed",
+        "legs: short, black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, black with visible feather structure",
+        "nape: black with narrow feathers, partly raised crest",
+        "tail: long, black, fanned shape",
+        "throat: black, elongated patch, bare below beak"
+    ],
+    "little blue heron (adult)": [
+        "back: dark blue, slightly greenish",
+        "beak: long, pointed, dark grayish-blue",
+        "belly: pale gray-blue",
+        "breast: light blue-gray, mildly streaked",
+        "crown: dark purplish-blue",
+        "forehead: lighter blue with faint stripe",
+        "eyes: yellow, surrounded by blue",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green with dark blue joints",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with darker tips",
+        "nape: purplish-blue, elongated plumes",
+        "tail: bluish-gray, medium length",
+        "throat: pale gray-blue, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "vermilion flycatcher (adult male)": [
+        "back: bright red-orange plumage",
+        "beak: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: red-orange feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant red coloration",
+        "crown: fiery red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: red-orange plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, long, and dark",
+        "wings: dark with white bars, contrasting with red-orange body",
+        "nape: red-orange feathers, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark with white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: deep red plumage"
+    ],
+    "swainson hawk (light morph )": [
+        "back: light brown with some darker brown streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, medium-length, blackish",
+        "belly: cream-colored with faint brown barring",
+        "breast: buffy or pale with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with streaks of darker brown",
+        "forehead: pale buffy or white with a few faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: featherless, yellowish with sharp talons",
+        "wings: light brown with a slightly darker trailing edge",
+        "nape: same color as crown, light brown with some darker streaks",
+        "tail: white with a broad grayish-brown terminal band",
+        "throat: white or pale buffy, with a faint cinnamon wash"
+    ],
+    "northern shoveler (breeding male)": [
+        "back: greenish-black with fine white barring",
+        "beak: large, black and shovel-shaped",
+        "belly: clean white",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with fine black spots",
+        "crown: dark green iridescent",
+        "forehead: greenish-black blend",
+        "eyes: yellow with black outline",
+        "legs: orange-colored with webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue patch with white borders, green speculum",
+        "nape: green iridescent blend",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white leading to chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "magnolia warbler (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with thin black streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin, blackish or dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white, unmarked",
+        "breast: yellow with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish-green with gray",
+        "forehead: yellow with short streaks",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish or dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: yellow-green, streaked with gray",
+        "tail: dark gray, white spots at the base",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "wood duck (breeding male)": [
+        "back: dark green to purple iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: dark gray with white tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with yellowish tint",
+        "breast: reddish-chestnut with black and white markings",
+        "crown: dark green with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: glossy green with white lines bordering",
+        "eyes: bright red and round",
+        "legs: strong and yellow-orange",
+        "wings: blue and gray speculum with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: greenish-black with white streaks",
+        "tail: black with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: white, extending up to cheeks"
+    ],
+    "chipping sparrow (breeding)": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: light grey or white",
+        "breast: pale grey with no streaking",
+        "crown: bright rusty-red with central dark stripe",
+        "forehead: warm reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grey-pink",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with two wing bars",
+        "nape: grey-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, medium-length",
+        "throat: clean white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark eyed junco (slate colored)": [
+        "back: slate grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, pinkish-white",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: light grey with white edges",
+        "crown: dark grey, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: slate grey plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, bead-like",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: dark grey, white-tipped edges",
+        "nape: slate grey, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: blackish-grey, white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white, v-shaped marking"
+    ],
+    "common loon (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark gray-black with fine white speckling",
+        "beak: long, fairly thick, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: dark-gray blending into white belly",
+        "crown: dark gray to black with soft feathering",
+        "forehead: slopes gradually upwards, dark gray to black",
+        "eyes: red with a small black pupil",
+        "legs: short, strong, set back on body, black-webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray-black with white spots near the edge",
+        "nape: dark gray to black, slight demarcation with breast",
+        "tail: short, dark gray with lighter gray tips",
+        "throat: white, contrast with darker head and breast"
+    ],
+    "rufous hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: bronze-green hue",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: white and compact",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red",
+        "crown: bright metallic green",
+        "forehead: fiery iridescent red-orange",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and slender",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and grayish-brown",
+        "nape: iridescent green",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark with rufous edges",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "common gallinule (adult)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: red with a yellow tip",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: slate-gray",
+        "crown: black",
+        "forehead: red frontal shield",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a white patch",
+        "nape: black",
+        "tail: short, dark, and downward-pointing",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "ruddy duck (winter male)": [
+        "back: dark grey with a hint of brownish tone",
+        "beak: bold blue with a white outline",
+        "belly: fluffy white",
+        "breast: reddish-brown hue",
+        "crown: black and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black and sloping",
+        "eyes: bright, small, and black",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with long, strong feet",
+        "wings: grey with white patches",
+        "nape: black and smooth",
+        "tail: stiff, upturned, and black",
+        "throat: white with a hint of grey"
+    ],
+    "red throated loon (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: grayish feathered with white speckles",
+        "beak: straight, pointed, and blackish",
+        "belly: primarily white with some gray spots",
+        "breast: white with some gray speckling",
+        "crown: grayish with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: blackish, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: grayish-brown feathers with white spots",
+        "nape: gray with faint streaking",
+        "tail: short, grayish feathers",
+        "throat: white with reddish tinge (less vibrant in nonbreeding/juveniles"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned sparrow (immature)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: conical-shaped and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaking",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with sparse streaking or spotting",
+        "crown: pale golden-yellow with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish with two dark lateral stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish to flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with buffy wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: olive-brown with lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "rufous hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: green-bronze plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, off-white hue",
+        "breast: muted and speckled grayish-white tones",
+        "crown: green-bronze coloring",
+        "forehead: light green iridescence",
+        "eyes: tiny and dark",
+        "legs: short and slender",
+        "wings: bronze-green with a metallic sheen",
+        "nape: iridescent green-bronze",
+        "tail: rounded with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with scattered flecks"
+    ],
+    "american kestrel (adult male)": [
+        "back: rusty-orange with black barring",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and gray",
+        "belly: ivory with black spots",
+        "breast: pale, salmon-toned with black spots",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a rusty-orange patch",
+        "forehead: white with black lines above eyes",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark",
+        "legs: pale yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black bars and white edges",
+        "nape: rusty-orange with blue-gray sides",
+        "tail: long, rusty-orange with black bands and white edges",
+        "throat: ivory with minimal barring"
+    ],
+    "fox sparrow (red)": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thick, conical, grayish",
+        "belly: off-white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with heavy reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with grayish stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with gray stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, strong",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: off-white with reddish-brown streaks on the side"
+    ],
+    "red winged blackbird (male)": [
+        "back: black feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: tapered and pointed, dark grey color",
+        "belly: coal black, slightly glossy",
+        "breast: deep black, with a polished look",
+        "crown: black feathers with a sleek, flat appearance",
+        "forehead: onyx black with smooth contours",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with distinctive scarlet and yellow patches",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers curving down from head",
+        "tail: long, black, with a subtle iridescent shine",
+        "throat: sleek, shiny black feathers"
+    ],
+    "rose breasted grosbeak (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "beak: ivory-colored, conical shape",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: pale brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "horned grebe (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: white or light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: sloping, slightly raised, dark crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly reddish-brown",
+        "legs: dark, relatively short, set far back on body",
+        "wings: short, rounded grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, stubby, and dark-colored",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "black guillemot (nonbreeding, juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark mottled gray-brown",
+        "beak: dark, stubby bill",
+        "belly: white with gray spots",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark head with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: red-orange",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: dark gray with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark gray",
+        "throat: white with gray smudges"
+    ],
+    "calliope hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathered",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with greenish flanks",
+        "crown: green-bronze, iridescent",
+        "forehead: green-bronze, iridescent",
+        "eyes: small, rounded, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, short, black",
+        "wings: iridescent green, long, narrow",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze, iridescent",
+        "tail: dark, straight, slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale, grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "great cormorant (immature)": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light feather edging",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and mostly dark with a hint of yellow at the base",
+        "belly: lighter brown, almost grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: mixed dark brown and white-feathered",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with some white speckling",
+        "forehead: smoothly sloping down to the beak, dark brown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, with a white or cream-colored patch behind",
+        "legs: short and dark-colored, ending in webbed black feet",
+        "wings: brownish-black feathers with white speckling at the tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with a faint white collar-like marking",
+        "tail: dark brown, fairly short and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored feathers with brown speckling"
+    ],
+    "european starling (breeding adult)": [
+        "back: glossy green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow with a straight shape",
+        "belly: pale with black speckles",
+        "breast: purplish-black with speckles",
+        "crown: glossy green and purple feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent green and purple plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a contrasting white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark, iridescent green with a pointed shape",
+        "nape: glossy purplish-black feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark with square-shaped tips",
+        "throat: purplish-black with an iridescent sheen"
+    ],
+    "rough legged hawk (light morph)": [
+        "back: brownish-white with dark mottling",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, and dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale with dark horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: pale brown with dark speckles",
+        "forehead: white with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: well-feathered, pale with dark bands",
+        "wings: white and brown with dark mottling and patches",
+        "nape: pale brown with dark speckles",
+        "tail: banded with alternating white and brown stripes",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "cooper hawk (adult)": [
+        "back: slate-blue feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: black, hooked, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown, vertical streaks",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown barring",
+        "crown: slate-blue, rounded with raised feathers",
+        "forehead: slate-blue with short feathers",
+        "eyes: yellow with sharp, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow with strong, black talons",
+        "wings: slate-blue with black and white bars",
+        "nape: white, transitioning to blue-gray",
+        "tail: long, square-tipped with alternating blue-gray and black bands",
+        "throat: white with a hint of reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "greater scaup (breeding male)": [
+        "back: blackish-blue feathers with a green sheen",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black nail",
+        "belly: bright white with light barring on the sides",
+        "breast: black, appearing purplish in certain light",
+        "crown: rounded, glossy green-black",
+        "forehead: slightly peaked, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, contrasting with dark head",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white, with a black trailing edge and speculum",
+        "nape: blackish-green feathers, blending into the back",
+        "tail: black with a white underside",
+        "throat: black, continuous with the head and breast"
+    ],
+    "spotted sandpiper (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint spots",
+        "beak: thin, straight and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white or pale",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orangish-yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white tips and dark bars",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers and dark bars",
+        "throat: white or pale"
+    ],
+    "baltimore oriole (adult male)": [
+        "back: black and sleek",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, silver-black",
+        "belly: rich orange-yellow hue",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-gold",
+        "crown: glossy black",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: black, slightly oval-shaped",
+        "legs: blue-grey, slender",
+        "wings: black with white-edged feathers, slight orange hue",
+        "nape: black, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: black, fan-shaped with orange-yellow edges",
+        "throat: bold, orange shade"
+    ],
+    "black legged kittiwake (immature)": [
+        "back: light gray with scattered darker feathers",
+        "beak: blackish with a lighter, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with occasional gray speckling",
+        "breast: mostly white with sparse gray spots",
+        "crown: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into white at the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, slender, and webbed",
+        "wings: gray with white-tipped feathers and black outer edges",
+        "nape: pale gray, transitioning to white towards the throat",
+        "tail: gray with black outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "lark bunting (female/nonbreeding male)": [
+        "back: grayish brown with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: white with streaks on sides",
+        "breast: grayish brown with streaks",
+        "crown: grayish brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with streaks, white patch on edge",
+        "nape: grayish brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "lesser goldfinch (adult male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight barring",
+        "beak: short, conical, grayish-pink",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black",
+        "forehead: shiny black",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-green",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "little blue heron (immature)": [
+        "back: slate-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white with a touch of blue",
+        "breast: white with subtle blue streaks",
+        "crown: light blue with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale blue with white edges",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long and yellow-green",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: light blue with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and blue-gray",
+        "throat: white with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "swainson hawk (immature)": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: dark gray and curved",
+        "belly: pale with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light brownish gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brown with pale edges",
+        "nape: brown with grayish tones",
+        "tail: brownish-black with narrow dark bands",
+        "throat: pale with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cooper hawk (immature)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: dark gray hooked upper mandible, pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: off-white with thin brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale with reddish-brown barring",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown compared to crown",
+        "eyes: striking yellow",
+        "legs: yellow with strong, curved talons",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown with pale spots on primaries",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long, striped with alternating dark and light bands",
+        "throat: pale, with possible faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "herring gull (adult)": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white",
+        "breast: white",
+        "crown: white with black streaks",
+        "forehead: white",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with red ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: light grey with black tips",
+        "nape: white",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "black chinned hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze color",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: grayish-white color",
+        "breast: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: greenish color, sometimes dull",
+        "forehead: greenish-bronze",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and slender with tiny feet",
+        "wings: iridescent green, long, and narrow",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze",
+        "tail: white-tipped with dusky gray feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "lazuli bunting (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: soft, light brown with bluish hints",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale off-white color",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: light brown or grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: unmarked, light brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, centered",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with faint blue edges",
+        "nape: brown with a slight bluish tinge",
+        "tail: brown, medium length, slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "purple martin (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: grayish-purple with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: light gray with soft, circular markings",
+        "breast: pale gray, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark brownish-purple, smooth texture",
+        "forehead: brownish color, transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round, surrounded by soft brown feathers",
+        "legs: long, slim, and dark in color",
+        "wings: grayish-purple, with a mix of brown feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-purple, soft feathered texture",
+        "tail: grayish-purple, slightly forked with white trimming",
+        "throat: soft gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "white throated sparrow (white striped)": [
+        "back: striped light and dark plumage",
+        "beak: small, pointed, grayish-pink",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: muted earthy brown",
+        "crown: striped black and white",
+        "forehead: bright white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with clawed feet",
+        "wings: brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: streaked gray-brown",
+        "tail: long, brown with faint white edges",
+        "throat: bright white patch"
+    ],
+    "brewer blackbird (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: slender and dark",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown",
+        "breast: light, cool-toned brown",
+        "crown: dull brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint edgings",
+        "nape: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: brown, of medium length",
+        "throat: pale brown with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "red crossbill (adult male)": [
+        "back: dark rusty red",
+        "beak: strong, curved and crossed tip",
+        "belly: pale red-orange",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-orange",
+        "crown: deep rusty red",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and dark",
+        "wings: dark brown with red-orange edges",
+        "nape: rich red hue",
+        "tail: black with reddish tinge",
+        "throat: bright reddish-orange"
+    ],
+    "scarlet tanager (female/nonbreeding male)": [
+        "back: olive-green or dark gray",
+        "beak: pale, thick, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: light yellow or whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-green or light gray",
+        "crown: olive-green or dark gray",
+        "forehead: olive-green or dark gray",
+        "eyes: black, small, encircled by pale feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray or black, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green or dark gray with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green or dark gray",
+        "tail: olive-green or dark gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light yellow or whitish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "common eider (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: brownish and subtly streaked",
+        "beak: relatively short, dull yellowish",
+        "belly: pale brownish-white",
+        "breast: light brown with darker flecks",
+        "crown: smooth, brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, relatively small",
+        "legs: pale grayish-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with paler edges, white wing patch",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short and rounded, brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: pale brownish-white, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "anna hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: iridescent green plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathering",
+        "breast: iridescent rose-red gorget",
+        "crown: bright, iridescent purplish-red",
+        "forehead: glittering magenta feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: metallic green, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: shimmering green feathers",
+        "tail: dark, forked with white tips",
+        "throat: glowing ruby-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "ring necked pheasant (male)": [
+        "back: colorful patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, powerful, curved",
+        "belly: pale feathered, mottled exterior",
+        "breast: vibrant iridescent plumage",
+        "crown: long, striped crest",
+        "forehead: white bordered, black band",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy with diagonal red bars",
+        "wings: checkered blue and brown feathers",
+        "nape: glossy green on the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, distinctive, barred feathers",
+        "throat: bright white patch"
+    ],
+    "american kestrel (female, immature)": [
+        "back: rusty brown with black bars",
+        "beak: dark grey and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy with brown streaks",
+        "breast: cream-colored with brown spots",
+        "crown: rusty brown with black spots",
+        "forehead: creamy with brown speckles",
+        "eyes: dark brown, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish with dark talons",
+        "wings: grey-blue with black barring",
+        "nape: rusty brown with black spots",
+        "tail: grey-blue with dark bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored with slight brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "great black backed gull (immature)": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: dark grayish-brown, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: whitish with brown striations",
+        "crown: brown and white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with white spots, black wingtips",
+        "nape: light brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips and bars",
+        "throat: white with brown striations"
+    ],
+    "blue grosbeak (adult male)": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers with a hint of purple",
+        "beak: large, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: vibrant blue fading to a grayish-white",
+        "breast: rich, bright blue",
+        "crown: deep blue with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: dark blue with feathered brow",
+        "eyes: black and rounded, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray-blue, with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark blue with blackish edges and bold white wing bars",
+        "nape: deep blue, smoothly feathered",
+        "tail: long and slender, with inky blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming blue with a lighter gradient down"
+    ],
+    "scarlet tanager (breeding male)": [
+        "back: bright red with subtle body-feather fringes",
+        "beak: short and thick, dark gray/black",
+        "belly: intense red, vivid and smooth",
+        "breast: striking red, blending with belly",
+        "crown: red, slightly darker than forehead",
+        "forehead: vibrant red, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark black, beady and contrasting",
+        "legs: grayish-black, medium length and slender",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars, sharply contrasting with body",
+        "nape: rich red, continuous with crown and head",
+        "tail: black, slightly rounded and of moderate length",
+        "throat: bold red, unified with red head and body"
+    ],
+    "white ibis (immature)": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: white with a tinge of brown",
+        "breast: white with hints of brown",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: white feathers with a tinge of grey",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, with a mix of dark grey and pinkish colors",
+        "wings: white with brownish-grey edges",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: short, white feathers with brownish-grey edges",
+        "throat: white with a hint of brown, bordered by brown chest feathers"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped warbler (winter/juvenile myrtle)": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: white with light streaking",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown or black",
+        "forehead: dull yellow or pale",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: thin, dark-colored",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: gray or brown with streaking",
+        "tail: black with white corners",
+        "throat: white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "common goldeneye (breeding male)": [
+        "back: black with green iridescence",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "belly: pure white",
+        "breast: pure white",
+        "crown: glossy green-black",
+        "forehead: slightly puffed with green-black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow",
+        "legs: orange-yellow",
+        "wings: white with black and green speculum",
+        "nape: green-black with white oval patch",
+        "tail: black, short and pointed",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "white crowned sparrow (immature)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "beak: pale pinkish-yellow with dark tip",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brown and beige striped pattern",
+        "forehead: pale beige with central brown stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with beige stripes",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feather edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with indistinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "phainopepla (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark gray with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: short, black, and slender",
+        "belly: grayish-brown with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with lighter patterns",
+        "crown: gray with less prominent crest than adult male",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with no distinct pattern",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, smooth transition to back",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-brown, no distinct pattern"
+    ],
+    "american goldfinch (female/nonbreeding male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: conical and pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: light white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow with light streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green fading to grey",
+        "forehead: olive-green or grayish hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: grayish-pink with black claws",
+        "wings: black with white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive or greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "ruddy duck (breeding male)": [
+        "back: dark brown-black plumage",
+        "beak: vibrant blue with white tip",
+        "belly: white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: white, contrasting with darker colors above",
+        "crown: black or dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: round, with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: gray-blue, short and strong",
+        "wings: brown with white stripes near edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, with neck feathers extending to the back",
+        "tail: black with sharp, upward-curving feathers",
+        "throat: white, with demarcation from breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "bullock oriole (adult male)": [
+        "back: black with orange patches",
+        "beak: long, slender, and silver",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow",
+        "breast: vivid yellow-orange",
+        "crown: black with small crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: gray-blue with black talons",
+        "wings: black with white and orange markings",
+        "nape: sleek black",
+        "tail: black with orange-yellow edges",
+        "throat: brilliant orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "allen hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: green-bronze feathers with iridescence",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: white with some brownish speckles",
+        "crown: green-bronze iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: green-bronze iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and thin with small claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-bronze with white-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: green-bronze with a subtle iridescence",
+        "tail: short, squared with white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a few brownish speckles"
+    ],
+    "rose breasted grosbeak (adult male)": [
+        "back: black with white streaks",
+        "beak: stout and conical, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: vibrant rose-red patch (hence \"rose-breasted",
+        "crown: black with contrasting white eyebrow",
+        "forehead: black with white streak above eye",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by black feathering",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with large white patches",
+        "nape: black, blending into white of the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black, fading into the rose-red breast color"
+    ],
+    "common gallinule (immature)": [
+        "back: brownish gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: pale grayish white with dusky tip",
+        "belly: pale grayish brown",
+        "breast: slightly darker grayish brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter speckles",
+        "forehead: pale whitish with light brown marks",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow with a hint of orange",
+        "wings: brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "nape: brownish gray with white speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter edging",
+        "throat: pale brown with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "yellow headed blackbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vivid yellow",
+        "crown: jet black",
+        "forehead: black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: long, dark legs",
+        "wings: glossy black",
+        "nape: black feathers",
+        "tail: black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "snow goose (blue morph)": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with dark undertones",
+        "breast: light grey, merging with the belly",
+        "crown: round, smooth, dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: dark grey, transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thick, orange, and webbed",
+        "wings: broad and bluish-grey with white edges",
+        "nape: dark grey with blending to the wings",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with dark grey and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with dark grey head"
+    ],
+    "evening grosbeak (adult male)": [
+        "back: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, conical, light-colored",
+        "belly: light grayish-yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: black, set against yellow forehead",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: light gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: black, with white wing patches",
+        "nape: black and smooth",
+        "tail: short, black with white terminal band",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "mallard (breeding male)": [
+        "back: dark green to brown feathers",
+        "beak: yellowish-green, strong",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: rich, reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green head",
+        "forehead: sleek green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing",
+        "legs: strong, orange-red",
+        "wings: blue speculum with white borders",
+        "nape: green blending to brownish",
+        "tail: long, curved, and dark",
+        "throat: white collar separating head and breast"
+    ],
+    "wilson phalarope (breeding)": [
+        "back: dark grey with striped patterns",
+        "beak: long, slender, and needle-like",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with potential rust-colored tinges",
+        "crown: grey and striped, with reddish or tan highlights",
+        "forehead: white with subtle grey markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: dark greyish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: striped grey or tan with reddish or tan highlights",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast color"
+    ],
+    "common merganser (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: reddish-brown with dark tip",
+        "belly: clean white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: white with greyish-brown edges",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown, sloping to the forehead",
+        "forehead: dark reddish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright red in females, brown in immature males",
+        "legs: bright orange-red",
+        "wings: white inner feathers with black-edged outer feathers",
+        "nape: dark reddish-brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark greyish-brown with white feather tips",
+        "throat: white with a distinct separation from the head"
+    ],
+    "dark eyed junco (oregon)": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-brown",
+        "breast: blend of gray and brown feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-black plumage",
+        "forehead: slight grayish-white patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady",
+        "legs: long, pale, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark gray, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "northern flicker (yellow shafted)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: long, straight, and gray",
+        "belly: pale with black spots",
+        "breast: light brown with red crescent marking",
+        "crown: gray to light brown with faint red stripe",
+        "forehead: beige or gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: brown with black spots and yellow underwing linings",
+        "nape: beige and red, striped",
+        "tail: brown with black & white markings, yellow undertail feathers",
+        "throat: beige with black spots"
+    ],
+    "northern pintail (breeding male)": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with fine white speckles",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with subtle gray-brown stripes",
+        "breast: white bordered by a rich chocolate-brown swath",
+        "crown: brown, extending to the back of the neck",
+        "forehead: white, contrasted with the brown crown",
+        "eyes: dark, embedded within the brown feathers of the head",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray with elongated black and white feathers (scapulars",
+        "nape: brown, forming a smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: pointed, black central feathers that are elongated",
+        "throat: white, matching the front of the face and extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "hooded oriole (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: yellowish-green",
+        "breast: pale yellow to greenish-yellow",
+        "crown: yellowish-green with hints of orange",
+        "forehead: pale yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: black with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark with orange-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "bay breasted warbler (breeding male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, short, and dark",
+        "belly: soft yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright reddish-bay",
+        "crown: olive-green with black sides",
+        "forehead: black and olive",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: black with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with black markings",
+        "tail: dark with white spots on the edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "glaucous winged gull (immature)": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with some white mottling",
+        "beak: dark, medium length, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with some scattered brown markings",
+        "crown: sleek grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-white with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and well-defined, with pale white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: pale gray with darker gray primaries and secondaries",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-white with darker gray bars and black terminal band",
+        "throat: soft white with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "common goldeneye (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine white speckling",
+        "beak: dusky gray with pale tip",
+        "belly: clean white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with subtle brown wash",
+        "crown: dark brown",
+        "forehead: smoothly rounded",
+        "eyes: bright yellow",
+        "legs: orange-yellow",
+        "wings: gray with white wing patch",
+        "nape: brown transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "laughing gull (breeding)": [
+        "back: mottled gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, black-tipped red",
+        "belly: white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white, slightly tinted gray",
+        "crown: deep black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white feathers",
+        "legs: reddish-orange, thin",
+        "wings: gray with black tips, white-bordered",
+        "nape: white blending into gray",
+        "tail: white, outer feathers black-tipped",
+        "throat: crisp white feathers"
+    ],
+    "hooded merganser (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale white with greyish-brown markings",
+        "breast: white with greyish-brown spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a subtle crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patch and thin black stripes",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown and slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with greyish-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "orchard oriole (adult male)": [
+        "back: black with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, dark, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: yellow to pale orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant orange to yellow color",
+        "crown: solid black with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: black merging into orange",
+        "eyes: small, expressive, and black",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: black with a greenish sheen",
+        "tail: black with hints of greenish sheen",
+        "throat: bright orange to deep yellow"
+    ],
+    "dunlin (breeding)": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with minor spotting",
+        "breast: heavily spotted with black markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown blending into white",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with dark tips and white edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with dark bars",
+        "throat: white, blending into the spotted breast"
+    ],
+    "baltimore oriole (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-green to brownish-gray",
+        "beak: slightly curved and sharp, silver-gray",
+        "belly: dull yellow to pale orange",
+        "breast: yellowish with blurry streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: black, medium size, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and slender",
+        "wings: black with white wing-bars and orange-olive edging",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: yellowish, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "common yellowthroat (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow, sometimes with faint streaking",
+        "breast: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, lacking bold black mask (found in adult males",
+        "forehead: pale olive-green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin, white eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and dark",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly shorter than adult male's",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "house sparrow (male)": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a grayish tinge",
+        "forehead: black patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with black streaks and white wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored",
+        "tail: brown with black streaks and white edges",
+        "throat: black bib"
+    ],
+    "bay breasted warbler (female, nonbreeding male, immature)": [
+        "back: olive-green with narrow streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white",
+        "breast: light yellow or white, faint streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-yellow, plain",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray, two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark gray, white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow or white"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped warbler (breeding audubon)": [
+        "back: olive-green shaded feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light yellow hue, fading to white",
+        "breast: white with streaks of black",
+        "crown: yellow patch surrounded by dark grey",
+        "forehead: dark grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized with thin white rings",
+        "legs: thin, dark-colored, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark with a white patch and two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive green transitioning into grey",
+        "tail: dark grey with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black edges"
+    ],
+    "peregrine falcon (immature)": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with white feather edges",
+        "beak: black, hooked, and strong",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown, nearly black",
+        "forehead: light brown with white edges",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: bright yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and narrow, dark brown with white tips",
+        "nape: light brown with white feather edges",
+        "tail: short, barred with dark brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "long tailed duck (winter male)": [
+        "back: dark brown with white patches",
+        "beak: black with white tip",
+        "belly: white, slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: round, black with a green sheen",
+        "forehead: steep, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feather patches",
+        "legs: dark gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with black trailing edge",
+        "nape: elongated black feathers, forming a long tail",
+        "tail: long, pointy, black feathers",
+        "throat: white, extending to the chest"
+    ],
+    "heermann gull (immature)": [
+        "back: light brown-gray feathers",
+        "beak: medium-length, slender, dark in color",
+        "belly: light brown-gray feathers with sparse speckling",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with light speckling",
+        "crown: smooth, light gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: alert, medium-sized, dark",
+        "legs: relatively short, black or dark gray",
+        "wings: brown-gray, long and slender with darker trailing edges",
+        "nape: lighter shade of gray-brown feathers",
+        "tail: relatively short, pale gray-brown with dark outer edge",
+        "throat: pale gray with soft, wispy feathers"
+    ],
+    "harlequin duck (male)": [
+        "back: dark slate-blue with distinct white markings",
+        "beak: small, dark grey with hints of light blue",
+        "belly: dark slate-blue with white spots and lines",
+        "breast: deep chestnut with white crescent-shaped marks",
+        "crown: dark slate-blue with large white patches on the sides",
+        "forehead: dark blue with a small white stripe",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by thin white crescent",
+        "legs: blue-grey with black webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark slate-blue with white spots and bold white lines",
+        "nape: dark slate-blue with a thin white line",
+        "tail: dark slate-blue with white edges",
+        "throat: dark slate-blue with white crescent-shaped markings"
+    ],
+    "chestnut sided warbler (breeding male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: white, unmarked",
+        "breast: white with streaks of black",
+        "crown: yellow with a black cap",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark with white edges",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "horned grebe (breeding)": [
+        "back: black with brownish tinge and white stripes",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale with dark tip",
+        "belly: white",
+        "breast: rufous-red",
+        "crown: black with golden-yellow \"horns",
+        "forehead: black",
+        "eyes: brilliant red",
+        "legs: dark, positioning behind the body",
+        "wings: dark with white patches",
+        "nape: black",
+        "tail: short and stubby, dark grey",
+        "throat: white with slight rufous look"
+    ],
+    "pigeon guillemot (nonbreeding, juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thin, dark grey",
+        "belly: white, light grey flecks",
+        "breast: white, light grey flecks",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown",
+        "forehead: dark grey-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, shiny",
+        "legs: bright red, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown, stubby",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown",
+        "tail: short, dark grey-brown",
+        "throat: white, light grey flecks"
+    ],
+    "red winged blackbird (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with scattered pale streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: dull white with heavy brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale cream or buff, streaked with brown",
+        "crown: dull brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with blurry streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark with contrasting reddish-orange shoulder patches",
+        "nape: light brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "tail: dark, long, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: pale cream, thinly streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "northern harrier (adult male)": [
+        "back: bluish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: yellow hooked beak with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with thin, dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with sparse dark spots",
+        "crown: dark gray with a flat profile",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black outline",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and powerful",
+        "wings: broad, gray with dark tips and trailing edge",
+        "nape: white with a rufous patch on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, pale gray with thin dark bands",
+        "throat: white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "california gull (immature)": [
+        "back: light gray with streaked feathers",
+        "beak: dark gray with black tip",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with occasional spots",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaked feathers",
+        "tail: gray with white outer feathers and black band",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "purple martin (adult male)": [
+        "back: shimmering dark blue-purple",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: dark blue-purple",
+        "breast: deep iridescent purple",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue-purple",
+        "forehead: blue-purple sheen",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short with black feathering",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark blue-purple",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-purple hue",
+        "tail: forked, dark blue-purple feathers",
+        "throat: deep purple gleaming"
+    ],
+    "bufflehead (breeding male)": [
+        "back: dark, glossy green-black",
+        "beak: short, light blue-grey",
+        "belly: clean white",
+        "breast: crisp white with black sides",
+        "crown: iridescent green-purple",
+        "forehead: white, wedge-shaped patch",
+        "eyes: dark, beady",
+        "legs: short, orange",
+        "wings: black and white with iridescent green",
+        "nape: continuous with crown, iridescent purple-green",
+        "tail: black, rounded",
+        "throat: clean white"
+    ],
+    "green winged teal (male)": [
+        "back: olive-brown speckled feathers",
+        "beak: dark grey with slight curve",
+        "belly: white to cream, lightly patterned",
+        "breast: rusty red-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: cream with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, often hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: iridescent green speculum bordered by white",
+        "nape: pale, contrasting with darker crown",
+        "tail: pointed, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white patch on the sides of the neck"
+    ],
+    "sharp shinned hawk (immature)": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with vertical white streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with thin reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown barring",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown with light streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a dark brown iris",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, narrow, gray-brown with light barring",
+        "nape: gray-brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: long, square-tipped, banded with gray-brown and white",
+        "throat: white with thin reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "common loon (breeding)": [
+        "back: black and white checkered pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, black",
+        "belly: predominantly white",
+        "breast: black with white necklace-like markings",
+        "crown: smooth, black with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: sloping, black and glossy",
+        "eyes: fiery red, distinct",
+        "legs: short, set far back, webbed, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: black and white checkered pattern, lengthy",
+        "nape: black with greenish sheen, white stripes",
+        "tail: short, black, with a subtle fan shape",
+        "throat: black, sometimes with a few white markings"
+    ],
+    "evening grosbeak (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-green to grayish hue",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale in color",
+        "belly: pale and tinged with yellowish tones",
+        "breast: light grayish-yellow or buffy color",
+        "crown: brownish or grayish brown",
+        "forehead: dull brownish yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: blue-gray or dark gray, sturdy legs",
+        "wings: dark with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: gray or brownish-gray tone",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray or buffy gray"
+    ],
+    "red tailed hawk (dark morph)": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black hook",
+        "belly: dark brown with subtle barring",
+        "breast: dark brown with light flecks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown with light flecks",
+        "eyes: piercing, golden-yellow",
+        "legs: strong, yellow",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with black bands",
+        "throat: dark brown with flecks"
+    ],
+    "broad winged hawk (immature)": [
+        "back: brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: broad, white with dark brown bands",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: squared-off, white with dark brown bands",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "wood duck (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: brown with subtle white markings",
+        "beak: dark grey with a slight upward curve",
+        "belly: pale brown with light speckles",
+        "breast: cream-colored with brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with iridescent blue-green speculum feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: brown with lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with a light brown streak down the center"
+    ],
+    "american wigeon (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: warm brown color with light feather edging",
+        "beak: bluish-grey with black tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with sparse brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with speckling and dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: creamy white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with white-bordered green speculum",
+        "nape: brown with slight green iridescence",
+        "tail: dark brown with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: light brown with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "black headed grosbeak (adult male)": [
+        "back: black and white streaks",
+        "beak: large, conical, pale greenish",
+        "belly: reddish-orange hue",
+        "breast: bright, reddish-orange",
+        "crown: black coloration",
+        "forehead: black coloration",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by black",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black coloration",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black coloration"
+    ],
+    "northern gannet (adult, subadult)": [
+        "back: white with black-tipped wings",
+        "beak: long, sharp, gray or blue",
+        "belly: white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: white and rounded",
+        "crown: yellow-tinged with a sleek neck",
+        "forehead: white, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: dark gray or black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: black-tipped, long and pointed",
+        "nape: white, flowing into the crown",
+        "tail: white, long and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "summer tanager (immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slightly darker shade",
+        "beak: pale yellowish-gray, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: dull yellow or pale-yellowish",
+        "breast: pale, washed-out orange-yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green, similar to the back",
+        "forehead: slightly brighter green than the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and relatively small",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and thin",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint darker wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale, washed-out orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered hawk (adult )": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with reddish bars",
+        "breast: white with reddish barring",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, reddish-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: brown with streaks of lighter color",
+        "tail: long, banded with black and white stripes",
+        "throat: white with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "red headed woodpecker (adult)": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black",
+        "belly: bright white",
+        "breast: white, blending with belly",
+        "crown: vibrant red, fully covering head",
+        "forehead: continuous with the red crown",
+        "eyes: black, with a white border",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: black with white spots and patches",
+        "nape: part of the red crown, vivid red",
+        "tail: black, outer feathers with white patches",
+        "throat: white, contrasting red crown"
+    ],
+    "harris sparrow (adult)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thick, grayish pink",
+        "belly: cream-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: gray with reddish-brown wash",
+        "crown: dark gray to black",
+        "forehead: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by grayish feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with pale bars",
+        "nape: gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with the darker chest"
+    ],
+    "black throated blue warbler (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-green to gray with bluish tones",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white and pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green to gray coloration",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish and slender",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white patch",
+        "nape: olive-green to grayish hue",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with black-and-white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "harris sparrow (immature)": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown and streaked",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: black with light-colored eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with darker tips and white edging",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "northern cardinal (adult male)": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical, and bright orange",
+        "belly: pale reddish hue",
+        "breast: vibrant red feathers",
+        "crown: red crest atop head",
+        "forehead: bright red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and red-orange",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "nape: red feathers along neck",
+        "tail: long, red, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright red feathers"
+    ],
+    "sanderling (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: light grayish-brown with feather edges",
+        "beak: straight, slender, black",
+        "belly: soft white",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light grayish",
+        "eyes: black with small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium length, blackish",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with broad white wing bar",
+        "nape: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "purple gallinule (adult)": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: reddish-orange with yellow tip",
+        "belly: bluish-black with white undertail",
+        "breast: bluish-black plumage",
+        "crown: light blue with slight turquoise hue",
+        "forehead: light blue frontal shield",
+        "eyes: red with bright yellow ring",
+        "legs: long yellow legs with long toes",
+        "wings: iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green glossy neck feathers",
+        "tail: short, white-tipped black tail",
+        "throat: bluish-black with faint white markings"
+    ],
+    "indigo bunting (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-green to brownish",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale white to buff",
+        "breast: pale cinnamon to light brown",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: short, notched, bluish-gray",
+        "throat: lighter gray-brown"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned night heron (adult)": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: stout and black",
+        "belly: light, grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant yellow crest",
+        "forehead: black with narrow white stripe",
+        "eyes: red iris with black pupil",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "nape: black with yellow crown extension",
+        "tail: short, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white to pale gray"
+    ],
+    "pacific loon (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: straight, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with light gray patches",
+        "breast: white and gray, fading into belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray, sloping to beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: short, strong, and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white speckles, slightly tapered",
+        "nape: dark gray with lighter streaks, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: short, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "white winged crossbill (adult male)": [
+        "back: vibrant pinkish-red feathers",
+        "beak: crossed, thick, dark gray with curved tips",
+        "belly: soft pinkish-red tint",
+        "breast: bright, pinkish-red plumage",
+        "crown: deep, rosy-red hue",
+        "forehead: salmon-colored with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black and alert",
+        "legs: short, dark gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: black, white-winged with wing bars",
+        "nape: vivid, reddish-pink feathers",
+        "tail: black, forked with red undertail coverts",
+        "throat: lighter red-pink than the breast"
+    ],
+    "swainson hawk (dark morph )": [
+        "back: dark brown to black upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: dark brown to black with light feather edges",
+        "breast: dark brown to black with light feather edges",
+        "crown: dark brown to black top of head",
+        "forehead: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: powerful, yellow with dark brown feathers",
+        "wings: long, dark brown to black with pale flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown to black at the back of neck",
+        "tail: dark brown to black with thin white bands",
+        "throat: dark brown with lighter feather fringes"
+    ],
+    "ring necked duck (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with white band",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: brownish-gray",
+        "crown: dark, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smoothened dark",
+        "eyes: clear, bright yellow",
+        "legs: slightly webbed, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with white speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown with slight collar",
+        "tail: dark brown with a slight curve",
+        "throat: light brownish-gray"
+    ],
+    "california gull (adult)": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with darker wingtips",
+        "beak: orange-yellow with black band near the tip",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: sleek, light gray plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, light gray cap",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin black eye ring",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow extending into webbed feet",
+        "wings: light gray with black-tipped feathers and white spots",
+        "nape: slightly darker gray than crown and back",
+        "tail: white with black outer feathers and subtle banding",
+        "throat: creamy-white plumage blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "red breasted merganser (breeding male)": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: thin, serrated red-orange bill",
+        "belly: white with faint black lines",
+        "breast: rusty red with fine black speckles",
+        "crown: dark greenish-black, short crest",
+        "forehead: merging with the green-black of the crown",
+        "eyes: bright reddish-orange",
+        "legs: orange-red with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black and white pattern with gray secondary feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the green-black crown, extending down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: black with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: white, separating the red breast from the green-black head"
+    ],
+    "barrow goldeneye (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: dark brown, speckled with lighter feathers",
+        "beak: blackish-grey, shorter and rounded",
+        "belly: light brownish-grey, some white",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey, blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: dark brown, extending from beak",
+        "eyes: white crescent-shaped patches, dark pupils",
+        "legs: greyish, short and thin",
+        "wings: black with small white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown, connects head to back",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and tapered",
+        "throat: light brownish-grey, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "black legged kittiwake (adult)": [
+        "back: light grey plumage",
+        "beak: yellow-tipped, slender",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: soft white plumage",
+        "crown: pale grey head",
+        "forehead: rounded, grey",
+        "eyes: dark, edged by a red eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: grey with black tips",
+        "nape: pale grey, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: white with black edging",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "great black backed gull (adult)": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: large, yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white chest feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey top of head",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: yellow with red ring",
+        "legs: pinkish feet and legs",
+        "wings: dark grey with white spots",
+        "nape: white with black streaks",
+        "tail: white with black band",
+        "throat: white feathered area"
+    ],
+    "glaucous winged gull (adult)": [
+        "back: pale grey feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with a red spot",
+        "belly: white",
+        "breast: white",
+        "crown: pale grey",
+        "forehead: pale grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown with red eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish",
+        "wings: pale grey with white tips",
+        "nape: pale grey",
+        "tail: white with black markings",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped warbler (winter/juvenile audubon)": [
+        "back: olive-gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: white with streaks of gray",
+        "crown: grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with yellow patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: dark with white edges",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "eared grebe (breeding)": [
+        "back: dark, blackish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, mostly black with a white tip",
+        "belly: fluffy, pale creamy-white feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown colored",
+        "crown: black feathered crest",
+        "forehead: red-yellow patch, bright and distinct",
+        "eyes: bright red, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, dark grey, set far back on body",
+        "wings: small, blackish-brown feathers, often folded",
+        "nape: dark blackish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "tail: short, stubby, blackish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: fluffy, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "northwestern crow": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, black",
+        "belly: soft black plumage",
+        "breast: smooth black feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black, rounded",
+        "forehead: dark feathers, flat",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: black and strong",
+        "wings: broad and black",
+        "nape: thick black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: subtle black feathers"
+    ],
+    "ruby throated hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: metallic green, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: white or light gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white with green sides",
+        "crown: iridescent green with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: metallic green, iridescent",
+        "eyes: small, dark-colored, and round",
+        "legs: short and slender with small feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: green, iridescent feathers",
+        "tail: forked, with dark-colored central feathers and white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright iridescent red, ruby-colored patch"
+    ],
+    "common merganser (breeding male)": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black",
+        "beak: bright red-orange",
+        "belly: clean white",
+        "breast: clean white",
+        "crown: glossy green-black",
+        "forehead: glossy green-black",
+        "eyes: deep red",
+        "legs: orange-red",
+        "wings: white with black patches",
+        "nape: glossy green-black",
+        "tail: dark grayish-black",
+        "throat: clean white"
+    ],
+    "red breasted merganser (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray and finely speckled",
+        "beak: slender, serrated, reddish-orange with dark tip",
+        "belly: white with subtle pale streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: bold, round, reddish-orange",
+        "legs: reddish-orange and webbed",
+        "wings: gray with white patches and black-bordered green speculum",
+        "nape: rich brown, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "tail: dark, central feathers slightly elongated",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with the brown head"
+    ],
+    "chipping sparrow (immature/nonbreeding adult)": [
+        "back: light brown with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale, off-white or buffy",
+        "breast: unstreaked, light buffy or off-white",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, lighter than back",
+        "forehead: pale gray, sometimes with a central stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, thin and delicate",
+        "wings: brown with white or buffy wingbars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, lighter than back",
+        "tail: brown and unmarked, square-ended",
+        "throat: unmarked pale gray or off-white"
+    ],
+    "surf scoter (male)": [
+        "back: black with white patches",
+        "beak: multi-colored, red-orange with a white stripe and a black tip",
+        "belly: black",
+        "breast: black",
+        "crown: black, rounded",
+        "forehead: black, sloped",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: orange-red",
+        "wings: dark with white patches",
+        "nape: black",
+        "tail: black, short",
+        "throat: black"
+    ],
+    "fox sparrow (sooty)": [
+        "back: dark sooty-brown plumage",
+        "beak: robust and conical, grey-black color",
+        "belly: creamy-white with distinct streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-brown with bold streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with a subtle central stripe",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown and slightly peaked",
+        "eyes: black with a thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, pinkish-grey color",
+        "wings: dark sooty-brown with two pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with streaks of rufous",
+        "tail: dark brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy-white with subtle brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "black scoter (male)": [
+        "back: dark black with a subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: dark and robust with a knob-like shape at the base",
+        "belly: deep black with a slight sheen",
+        "breast: glossy black and curved",
+        "crown: shining black and rounded",
+        "forehead: smooth and black with green highlights",
+        "eyes: small and brown, slightly hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: blackish-gray and strong",
+        "wings: black with visible white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black and well-feathered",
+        "tail: dark black and short",
+        "throat: velvety black with sleek feathers"
+    ],
+    "surf scoter (female/immature)": [
+        "back: dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: black with pale stripe on top",
+        "belly: dull grey-brown",
+        "breast: dark brown, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark brown with light buff highlights",
+        "forehead: dark brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly sunken into feathering",
+        "legs: dusky grey with pale pinkish feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing patch",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale feather edges",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter feather tips",
+        "throat: buffy, blending into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "american goldfinch (breeding male)": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and bright orange",
+        "belly: light yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow chest",
+        "crown: black cap on top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: pale pink or orange with thin toes",
+        "wings: black with white bars and yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive green transitioning to black",
+        "tail: black with white notches on edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "blue grosbeak (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: pale brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: robust, conical, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: buffy to light grayish-brown",
+        "breast: soft, light brown",
+        "crown: dull pale brown",
+        "forehead: slightly darker than the crown",
+        "eyes: black and small",
+        "legs: pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with blue or rusty edges on some feathers",
+        "nape: soft brown like the crown",
+        "tail: brown, square-shaped with some hints of blue",
+        "throat: pale brown, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "northern gannet (immature/juvenile)": [
+        "back: white with dark speckles",
+        "beak: long, pointed, pale gray",
+        "belly: white, fuzzy down feathers",
+        "breast: white with mottled brownish-gray spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray, sloping towards the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by thin white lines",
+        "legs: short, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, transitioning to white at the back",
+        "tail: dark brown, wedge-shaped, white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "american redstart (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-green color",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellow shade",
+        "breast: light yellow-green",
+        "crown: olive-brown hue",
+        "forehead: same olive-brown shade",
+        "eyes: round, black, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with yellow patches",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with yellow edges",
+        "throat: light yellow tone"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered hawk (immature)": [
+        "back: light brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: dark grayish curved hook",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: pale with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow with dark gray claws",
+        "wings: brown with white crescents on feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: brown barred with white bands",
+        "throat: pale with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "redhead (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: dark grey with paler base",
+        "belly: light grey with warm tinges",
+        "breast: soft brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with pale coverts",
+        "nape: dark grey blending into brown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with faint barring",
+        "throat: pale grey, streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "california quail (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with light scaling",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark grey",
+        "belly: beige with light brown streaking",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with some scaling",
+        "crown: brownish, without protruding crest",
+        "forehead: greyish, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a feather-free greyish-blue ring",
+        "legs: dark grey with short, strong claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with light feather tips, providing a scaled appearance",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: short and square, brown with buffy undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale, often with indistinct-scalloping or streaking"
+    ],
+    "wilson phalarope (nonbreeding, juvenile)": [
+        "back: light brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, needle-like and dark",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray atop head",
+        "forehead: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: long, slender, blue-gray color",
+        "wings: soft brown with gray and white edging",
+        "nape: pale grayish-brown",
+        "tail: pointed, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown headed cowbird (male)": [
+        "back: iridescent bluish-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and thick, dark gray",
+        "belly: glossy black feathers",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: brownish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: brownish-black and smooth",
+        "eyes: piercing and dark",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent bluish-green with black edges",
+        "nape: brownish-black feathers",
+        "tail: glossy black, wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: smooth black plumage"
+    ],
+    "black throated blue warbler (adult male)": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: striking blue upper chest",
+        "crown: deep blue coloring",
+        "forehead: prominent blue shade",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: deep blue with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark blue",
+        "tail: blue with white feather edges",
+        "throat: bold black patch"
+    ],
+    "costa hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: iridescent green with streaks of white",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with white speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-white with greenish streaks",
+        "crown: dull greenish-bronze",
+        "forehead: pale greenish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish brown",
+        "wings: iridescent green, long and pointed",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze with white markings",
+        "tail: short and slightly forked with grayish-white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with greenish or bronzy speckles"
+    ],
+    "ring billed gull (immature)": [
+        "back: pale grayish-brown with dark spots",
+        "beak: grayish-black with pale tip",
+        "belly: whitish with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with light brown spots",
+        "crown: streaked brown and white",
+        "forehead: light brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: mottled brown and gray with white spots",
+        "nape: brown streaks on a white background",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark eyed junco (red backed/gray headed)": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: off-white to pale gray",
+        "breast: whitish to pale gray",
+        "crown: gray with a touch of reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, slightly tapering",
+        "eyes: dark, almost black",
+        "legs: robust, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with a reddish edge",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "common eider (immature/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with some darker streaks",
+        "beak: dark greyish-black, stout and short",
+        "belly: pale grey-white with fine barring",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: darker brown with some pale feather edges",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-grey with minimal streaks",
+        "eyes: black, small and round, encircled by a thin eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey, relatively short and thick",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with white wing bar and dark patches",
+        "nape: lighter brown transitioning from the darker crown",
+        "tail: short, dark grey-brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "herring gull (immature)": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with brown spots",
+        "beak: medium-length, pale yellow with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with scattered brown markings",
+        "breast: light gray with brown spots and streaks",
+        "crown: speckled brown and gray feathers",
+        "forehead: pale gray with brown speckles",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray and brown mottled plumage with pale tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown band with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "black headed grosbeak (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "beak: large, conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: off-white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale and streaky, buffy-yellow hue",
+        "crown: yellowish-olive with faint stripes",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, small, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white bars and wing patches",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, streaked",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with white outer feather edges",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "brown headed cowbird (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and gray",
+        "belly: dusky white or pale gray",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: muted brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, long, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with faint white edges",
+        "nape: taupe-brown with subtle feather markings",
+        "tail: dark gray-brown with a short, rounded shape",
+        "throat: light gray or off-white with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "lazuli bunting (adult male)": [
+        "back: bright blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: white, with light streaks on sides",
+        "breast: vibrant blue",
+        "crown: bright blue and round",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by blue",
+        "legs: short, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: blue with white streaks and dark edging",
+        "nape: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "tail: blue with dark streaks and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: deep blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "painted bunting (adult male)": [
+        "back: bright blue feathers",
+        "beak: conical and silver-gray",
+        "belly: vibrant red coloration",
+        "breast: fiery red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: deep violet-blue hue",
+        "forehead: purplish-blue sheen",
+        "eyes: black with subtle white rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with short claws",
+        "wings: blue edges with dark streaks",
+        "nape: striking blue-violet feathers",
+        "tail: dark blue with white accents",
+        "throat: bold red-orange color"
+    ],
+    "northern flicker (red shafted)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with black spotting",
+        "breast: pale with reddish spotting",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with red shafts",
+        "forehead: distinct red patch",
+        "eyes: pitch black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with red shafts and white spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown with red shafts",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with red shafts and white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "dark eyed junco (pink sided)": [
+        "back: slate-gray to medium-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, pinkish-orange cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale gray to white plumage",
+        "breast: rosy pinkish-gray hue",
+        "crown: darker gray or slate coloring",
+        "forehead: subtle, slightly lighter gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black, round with a dark eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or flesh-colored, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "nape: medium gray transitioning to pinkish-gray",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale gray underfeathers"
+    ],
+    "european starling (nonbreeding adult)": [
+        "back: iridescent green and purple feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed yellow beak",
+        "belly: dull white with scaly black markings",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark speckles and patches",
+        "crown: glossy dark green and purple",
+        "forehead: shiny dark feathers with purple sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, small and round",
+        "legs: reddish-brown with strong, slender toes",
+        "wings: iridescent green and purple with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: glossy dark green and purple feathers",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped with purple and green iridescence",
+        "throat: pale grey with dark speckles"
+    ],
+    "bullock oriole (female/immature male)": [
+        "back: yellowish-olive, streaked with black",
+        "beak: long, curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow or beige",
+        "breast: yellowish with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish, with black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black",
+        "legs: gray or black",
+        "wings: black, with white bars/patches",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive, streaked with black",
+        "tail: black, with white edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow or buffy-yellow"
+    ],
+    "laughing gull (nonbreeding/immature)": [
+        "back: light gray with a hint of brown",
+        "beak: blackish with a pale base",
+        "belly: white, clean appearance",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: streaked brown and beige",
+        "forehead: blend of beige and white",
+        "eyes: dark with a black surrounding",
+        "legs: black or dark gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white tips",
+        "nape: beige with light brown streaks",
+        "tail: white with black outer edges",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "black crowned night heron (adult)": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, thick, and pointed",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white-feathered with a bluish-grey tinge",
+        "crown: black with elongated white plumes",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to bluish-grey",
+        "eyes: red or yellow, large and round",
+        "legs: yellow-green, long and slender",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with black tips",
+        "nape: black with elongated white plumes",
+        "tail: bluish-grey short feathers",
+        "throat: white and smoothly feathered"
+    ],
+    "white winged crossbill (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: unique crossed mandibles, upper beak curves right, lower beak curves left",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: olive-yellow with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green",
+        "forehead: olive-colored with unique crisscrossing bill",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-black",
+        "wings: black with large white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with streaks",
+        "tail: dark, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "heermann gull (adult)": [
+        "back: light grey upperparts",
+        "beak: dark red with black tip",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white front",
+        "crown: dark grey head",
+        "forehead: light grey meeting dark grey at eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark pink legs and webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey with black tips",
+        "nape: dark grey blending to light grey",
+        "tail: white with grey streaks",
+        "throat: white throat area"
+    ],
+    "western gull (immature)": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with mottled pattern",
+        "beak: greyish-black, slightly hooked, strong",
+        "belly: dirty white feathers, lighter than back",
+        "breast: light brown, spotted with darker brown",
+        "crown: brown and white feathers, blending with forehead",
+        "forehead: mix of light brown and white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, scaly with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown feathers, edged with white, black wingtip",
+        "nape: brown feathers blending into crown and back",
+        "tail: brown feathers with white edges, lightly barred",
+        "throat: lighter brown, blending with belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "magnolia warbler (breeding male)": [
+        "back: black streaks on yellow-green",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light yellow",
+        "breast: black-striped yellow",
+        "crown: blue-gray with yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: black and white stripes",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: gray",
+        "wings: gray-blue with white wingbars",
+        "nape: yellow-green with blue-gray edges",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "calliope hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: metallic green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: grayish color with light green iridescence",
+        "breast: vibrant reddish-pink gorget, white patches on sides",
+        "crown: bright metallic green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bead-like",
+        "legs: short, thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark, iridescent green, long and pointed",
+        "nape: metallic green, transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vivid reddish-pink, iridescent gorget"
+    ],
+    "vermilion flycatcher (female, immature)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaking",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: pale olive-brown",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown with a hint of yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two faint wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark with pale edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "black bellied plover (nonbreeding/juvenile)": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, and pale grayish",
+        "belly: white with minimal dark markings",
+        "breast: white with lightly streaked brown spots",
+        "crown: mottled brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with whitish streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-defined",
+        "legs: pale grayish-green and long",
+        "wings: brown with white feather edges",
+        "nape: mottled brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: mottled brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with sparse brown markings"
+    ],
+    "gadwall (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle patterning",
+        "beak: short, dark grey or black",
+        "belly: pale whitish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with darker brown speckling",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint markings",
+        "forehead: light brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: orange-yellow or grey, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white-bordered black speculum",
+        "nape: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown and grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: buff-white with light brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "white winged scoter (male)": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: black with orange patch",
+        "belly: black feathers",
+        "breast: dark chest with white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black contour",
+        "forehead: subtly sloping profile",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: strong black with distinctive white patch",
+        "nape: elegant curve into the back",
+        "tail: short black feathers",
+        "throat: black with a slight curve"
+    ],
+    "white winged scoter (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "beak: black with white nail-like tip",
+        "belly: dull grayish-brown",
+        "breast: darker brown with pale edges on feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown, mottled with lighter spots",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter brown than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint white oval around",
+        "legs: dark grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with conspicuous white wing patches",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, lighter than crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, rounded and short",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with faint pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "snow goose (white morph)": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: short and pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: white, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: flat, white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: white with distinctive black tips",
+        "nape: white, gently curving",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped white feathers",
+        "throat: white and slightly elongated"
+    ],
+    "black bellied plover (breeding)": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: short, straight, with pale orange base",
+        "belly: deep black with white contrast",
+        "breast: black, blending into belly",
+        "crown: dark gray with small white streaks",
+        "forehead: white, distinct from crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathering",
+        "legs: dark gray with yellowish hue",
+        "wings: upperparts with black and white pattern, lowerparts plain white",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, same as back",
+        "tail: black and white barred pattern",
+        "throat: white, sharply defined against black breast"
+    ],
+    "lesser scaup (breeding male)": [
+        "back: black with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: greyish-blue with black tip",
+        "belly: white",
+        "breast: chestnut brown",
+        "crown: dark green sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly peaked green sheen",
+        "eyes: bright yellow",
+        "legs: greyish-blue",
+        "wings: grey with white marks near tips",
+        "nape: dark green sheen",
+        "tail: black and pointed",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "blue winged teal (male)": [
+        "back: blue-green shimmering feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: dark grey with pale edges",
+        "belly: white with subtle black spotting",
+        "breast: beige with dark crescent-shaped markings",
+        "crown: sleek teal feathers with light streaks",
+        "forehead: bold white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: black with thin white crescent below",
+        "legs: short orange-yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: striking bronze-blue with green sheen",
+        "nape: bluish-black with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey with black and white edging",
+        "throat: light beige with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "broad tailed hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white or buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-purple iridescent plumage",
+        "crown: bright green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: iridescent green or emerald coloring",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, thin, and black",
+        "wings: long, slender, and glossy green or bronze",
+        "nape: metallic green feathering",
+        "tail: broad, blackish with white outer tips",
+        "throat: vivid magenta or red gorget"
+    ],
+    "broad billed hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: green-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: straight, long, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey color",
+        "breast: iridescent green fading to grey",
+        "crown: dull green-bronze hue",
+        "forehead: bronze-green tone",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: tiny, black with needle-like claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green, shorter with rapid movement",
+        "nape: green-bronze colored feathering",
+        "tail: dark with white edges, forked shape",
+        "throat: greyish-white, subtly iridescent"
+    ],
+    "bobolink (breeding male)": [
+        "back: black with a white patch",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: black on the upper part, white on the lower part",
+        "breast: black with a pale buff-colored band",
+        "crown: black and flat",
+        "forehead: black, narrow, and pointed",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round, and beady",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: short and square, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black, extending to the upper breast"
+    ],
+    "ruby throated hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: grayish-white, soft down",
+        "breast: pale gray-white, with faint streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: distinct whitish scaling",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: short, black, strong",
+        "wings: dark brown-black, slightly curved",
+        "nape: finely streaked, light-gray hue",
+        "tail: square, green-bronze color, white-tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, often with darker markings"
+    ],
+    "black scoter (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark brown to black feathers",
+        "beak: black with pale or yellow tip",
+        "belly: black feathers fading to grayish-brown",
+        "breast: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight peak",
+        "forehead: flat, brown feathers meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: deep brown, surrounded by brown plumage",
+        "legs: black or gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white secondaries",
+        "nape: dark brown fading to throat",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and narrow feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with a lighter patch at the base of the neck"
+    ],
+    "lesser scaup (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "belly: white and slightly speckled",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with fine markings",
+        "crown: rounded and brownish-black",
+        "forehead: sloping gently back from the beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark gray with white speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown",
+        "tail: dark gray with a slight upturn",
+        "throat: light gray with fine markings"
+    ],
+    "fox sparrow (thick billed/slate colored)": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thick, greyish-black in color",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-blue with dark spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-blue and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: beady, black, surrounded by light grey feathers",
+        "legs: strong, pink with dark claws",
+        "wings: dark grey with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with reddish-brown edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white with grey shades"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon teal (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: mottled brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: grayish-black with slight downward curve",
+        "belly: pale buff with indistinct dark spots",
+        "breast: soft brown with dark speckling",
+        "crown: dark reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly paler reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with light eyering",
+        "legs: dull orange with dark markings",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with pale blue shoulder patch",
+        "nape: uniform reddish-brown",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "long tailed duck (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: dark grey with a slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with speckled pattern",
+        "crown: rounded and brownish-grey",
+        "forehead: blending from brownish-grey to white",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: dark grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white edging",
+        "nape: brownish with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, pointed grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "white throated sparrow (tan striped/immature)": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark colored",
+        "belly: whitish-tan with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with no distinctive markings",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: light tan with dark lateral stripes",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a prominent tan stripe"
+    ],
+    "allen hummingbird (adult male)": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: pale whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red hue",
+        "crown: shimmering metallic green",
+        "forehead: bright iridescent red",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, slender, black",
+        "wings: elongated, narrow, pointed tips",
+        "nape: greenish-gold iridescence",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark with white tips",
+        "throat: fiery red-orange gorget"
+    ],
+    "house sparrow (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: brown feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, stubby, light brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light streaked, buff to grayish",
+        "crown: dull brown with pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: plain, grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, slightly oval",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bar and black streaks",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: short and square, brown with black bars",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pacific loon (breeding)": [
+        "back: dark, blackish-grey feathers with a hint of white speckles",
+        "beak: dark, sharp, and slightly curved at the tip",
+        "belly: silvery-white with a smooth texture",
+        "breast: deep black, fading to silvery-white near the belly",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathers with a slight slope",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and bright red",
+        "legs: short, strong, and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: blackish-grey on top with white tips and white undersides",
+        "nape: dark feathers blending from the crown and neck",
+        "tail: short and mostly black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: silvery-white, sharply defined against the black breast"
+    ],
+    "gambel quail (male)": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathered, small white streaks",
+        "beak: short, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black patches",
+        "breast: grayish-blue, black central patch",
+        "crown: red-brown crest, forward-curving plume",
+        "forehead: dark face mask, white stripes above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, prominent with white circles",
+        "legs: featherless, sturdy, gray-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-gray, white wing bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray, well-feathered",
+        "tail: rounded, gray-brown with black and white markings",
+        "throat: black, thick collar separating breast and neck"
+    ],
+    "house finch (adult male)": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rosy-red to orange",
+        "crown: bright red or orange",
+        "forehead: red or orange",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: brownish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: rosy-red or orange"
+    ],
+    "black guillemot (breeding)": [
+        "back: black plumage with white patches",
+        "beak: black, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: black with a white patch",
+        "breast: solid black",
+        "crown: black feathers, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: black with a streamlined appearance",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and prominent",
+        "legs: bright red or orange, webbed",
+        "wings: black with white markings, elongated shape",
+        "nape: black, smooth feather transition from head to back",
+        "tail: black, medium-length with a squared-off end",
+        "throat: black, leading up to the beak"
+    ],
+    "canvasback (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: reddish-brown to gray feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "beak: black, sloping shape with slight downward curve",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers with occasional darker speckles",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey with subtle darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers tapering towards the nape",
+        "forehead: low, slightly sloping with brownish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark black with a slightly reflective appearance",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with slim, webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with darker secondary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark grey with a slightly pointed, fan-like shape",
+        "throat: pale grey feathers with lighter streaks"
+    ],
+    "broad tailed hummingbird (female, immature)": [
+        "back: olive-green with a subtle shimmer",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: light gray with small white spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white merging with olive-green",
+        "crown: dull olive-green with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: olive-green merging into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and black with tiny feet",
+        "wings: iridescent green with dark-tipped primaries",
+        "nape: olive-green with hints of bronze",
+        "tail: dark gray with outer feathers tipped in white",
+        "throat: pale gray and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "lark bunting (breeding male)": [
+        "back: black with pale streaks",
+        "beak: pale blue-gray",
+        "belly: black with white patches on sides",
+        "breast: solid black",
+        "crown: black",
+        "forehead: black with pale streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with large white patches",
+        "nape: black",
+        "tail: black, forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: solid black"
+    ],
+    "western tanager (female/nonbreeding male)": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: yellow-tinged with muted stripes",
+        "crown: olive-green shade",
+        "forehead: same olive-green color as crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by unmarked feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green, with two bold wing bars in white",
+        "nape: continuous olive-green coloration from crown",
+        "tail: dusky-green with a slight fork shape",
+        "throat: muted yellow blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "pine grosbeak (adult male)": [
+        "back: dark reddish-pink plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and light-gray",
+        "belly: light pinkish-red feathers",
+        "breast: rosy-pink plumage",
+        "crown: dark pinkish head feathers",
+        "forehead: dusky red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and centered",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs and feet",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish nape feathers",
+        "tail: short, black with white edges",
+        "throat: pinkish-red feathers"
+    ],
+    "brewer blackbird (male)": [
+        "back: iridescent black with green and blue sheen",
+        "beak: black, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: dark, glossy black",
+        "breast: shiny black with slight purple sheen",
+        "crown: iridescent black with deep purple highlights",
+        "forehead: glossy black with a smooth appearance",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: shiny black with green and blue shimmer",
+        "nape: iridescent black with hints of purple",
+        "tail: black and fan-shaped, with blue-green gloss",
+        "throat: dark black with a slight glossy sheen"
+    ],
+    "bobolink (female/juvenile/nonbreeding male)": [
+        "back: streaked with brown, beige, and white",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale color",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale yellowish",
+        "breast: pale buff, may have light streaks",
+        "crown: brownish, often with buffy edges",
+        "forehead: beige or buff, contrasting with the darker crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and small",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: predominantly brown with beige or buff edges",
+        "nape: beige or buff base with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown, short with lightly notched feathers",
+        "throat: creamy or buff, may have light streaking"
+    ],
+    "reddish egret (white morph)": [
+        "back: white feathers with occasional subtle grayish streaks",
+        "beak: long and dark with a slight downward curve",
+        "belly: pure white and fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage with hints of delicate gray streaks",
+        "crown: white feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: golden yellow with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, black and slender with yellow-green feet",
+        "wings: white feathers with prominent black wingtips",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: white feathers with black tips and a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: pristine white and smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "cassin finch (female/immature)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thick and conical, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale white with light streaks",
+        "breast: dull pinkish-brown or gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish or pale brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with short double wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with shallow fork",
+        "throat: pale gray or whitish with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "ring necked pheasant (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: brown and gray feathers in a scaled pattern",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale",
+        "belly: buff-colored with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with alternating darker bars",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a short crest",
+        "forehead: pale with a white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: dark brown with surrounding white ring",
+        "legs: dull yellow to brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown and black feathers, rounded in shape",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and barred with brown and black",
+        "throat: light-colored with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "rough legged hawk (dark morph)": [
+        "back: dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: black, hooked, and sharp",
+        "belly: streaked brown and creamy white",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown blending into the nape",
+        "forehead: light brown with a slight darker line above the eyes",
+        "eyes: golden yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with dark streaks",
+        "wings: dark brown with light feather edges, white \"window\" on underwing",
+        "nape: dark brown blending from the crown",
+        "tail: banded white and dark brown, with a wide dark subterminal band",
+        "throat: light creamy, with a darker brown streak line towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "ring necked duck (breeding male)": [
+        "back: black-and-white striped pattern",
+        "beak: blue-gray with a white border",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: black and well-rounded",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and slightly sloping",
+        "eyes: intense bright yellow",
+        "legs: dark gray and strong",
+        "wings: gray with white stripe-like markings",
+        "nape: black with a purplish sheen",
+        "tail: black and short, slightly upturned",
+        "throat: black and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "broad winged hawk (adult)": [
+        "back: dark brown with horizontal barring",
+        "beak: sharply hooked, black on top, yellow base",
+        "belly: white with horizontal reddish-brown barring",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown vertical streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, continuous with nape color",
+        "forehead: light brown to reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow with dark brown talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with white barring on underwings",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuous with crown color",
+        "tail: dark brown with several white bands",
+        "throat: white, bordered by reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "red necked grebe (breeding)": [
+        "back: dark gray with a slight brownish tint",
+        "beak: long, straight, and yellowish with a black tip",
+        "belly: white and slightly plump",
+        "breast: grayish-white transitioning into the darker gray back",
+        "crown: black, extending from the nape to the forehead",
+        "forehead: black, merging with the crown and eye region",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: short and reddish with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with white stripes on the edges",
+        "nape: red, contrasting with the black crown",
+        "tail: short and brownish-gray, blending with the back",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the vibrant red nape"
+    ],
+    "lesser goldfinch (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: pale olive-green",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-yellow",
+        "crown: dull grayish-olive",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with two pale yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray",
+        "tail: relatively short, darker gray with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grayish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "green winged teal (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle darker markings",
+        "beak: dark grayish-blue, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with subtle speckling",
+        "breast: mottled brown and beige, intermingled feathers",
+        "crown: muted reddish-brown cap",
+        "forehead: gradual blend of beige and light brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bright",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: green and blue iridescent patch, gray and white edges",
+        "nape: light brown with a slight reddish tint",
+        "tail: brownish with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: soft beige, slightly paler than the surrounding areas"
+    ],
+    "greater scaup (female/eclipse male)": [
+        "back: dark brown with pale feather edges",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with black nail",
+        "belly: white to light gray",
+        "breast: brownish-gray with pale feather edges",
+        "crown: rounded, dark brown",
+        "forehead: sloping gently into the beak",
+        "eyes: yellow",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with black webs",
+        "wings: dark brown with white secondaries",
+        "nape: dark brown",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: pale brownish-gray"
+    ],
+    "barrow goldeneye (breeding male)": [
+        "back: dark iridescent green",
+        "beak: black with yellow tip",
+        "belly: white",
+        "breast: white",
+        "crown: glossy green head",
+        "forehead: steep, rounded",
+        "eyes: large, conspicuous white crescent through eyes",
+        "legs: bright orange",
+        "wings: black with white patch",
+        "nape: shining green",
+        "tail: short, black",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "purple gallinule (immature)": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a tint of purple",
+        "beak: reddish-orange tipped with yellow",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown",
+        "breast: a mix of pale purple and brown",
+        "crown: purple-blue with streaks of white",
+        "forehead: pale blue with a faint purple hue",
+        "eyes: bright red surrounded by pale blue",
+        "legs: long, bright yellow with elongated toes",
+        "wings: dark purple-blue with green and blue iridescence",
+        "nape: purple-blue fading into brown",
+        "tail: short, dark purple-blue with black undertail",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "snow bunting (breeding adult)": [
+        "back: dark with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, and conical",
+        "belly: pure white",
+        "breast: white with black border",
+        "crown: black with partially visible white stripes",
+        "forehead: white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: black with contrasting white wing bars",
+        "nape: black",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black"
+    ],
+    "dark eyed junco (white winged)": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: small, conical, pinkish",
+        "belly: white to pale gray",
+        "breast: light gray to slate colored",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray",
+        "forehead: slate-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, well-defined",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: slate-gray",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray to white"
+    ],
+    "harlequin duck (female/juvenile)": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: greyish-blue with a hint of pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with greyish-brown mottling",
+        "breast: mixture of white, pale brown, and grey",
+        "crown: dark brown with a white patch behind the eye",
+        "forehead: dark brown with a lighter brown eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown framed by distinct white patches",
+        "legs: bluish-grey and webbed",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots and blue feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with a hint of lighter brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with a few white marks on the outermost feathers",
+        "throat: white and grey with subtle brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sicalis luteola": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow merging into white",
+        "crown: olive-green with a grayish hue",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: relatively short and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with grayish tones",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with white undertones"
+    ],
+    "pelecanus erythrorhynchos": [
+        "back: long, flat, and covered in gray feathers",
+        "beak: large and orange, with a hooked tip and expandable pouch",
+        "belly: white and feathered, with ample size for catching fish",
+        "breast: wide and white, connecting the wings and belly",
+        "crown: rounded and topped with gray feathers",
+        "forehead: flat and gray, transitioning into the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a white ring around them for contrast",
+        "legs: strong and short, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long and broad, with gray and black feathers for soaring",
+        "nape: thick, with a line of gray feathers extending from the crown",
+        "tail: short and wide, with black and gray feathers for steering",
+        "throat: white and slim, leading down to the expandable pouch"
+    ],
+    "rallus crepitans": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks of black",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with dark markings",
+        "breast: light gray with faint dark barring",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with lighter shading",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: long and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "tail: olive-brown with noticeable barring",
+        "throat: light gray with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "setophaga petechia": [
+        "back: olive-green, well-defined feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, faint yellow streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, unmarked",
+        "crown: yellow-green, distinct",
+        "forehead: slightly paler, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: black, outlined white eye ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black, two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: dark, forked, white-edged",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "grallina cyanoleuca": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, straight, medium-length",
+        "belly: light grey-white plumage",
+        "breast: white with grey-blue markings",
+        "crown: smooth, dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grey-blue coloration",
+        "eyes: bright, black, and round",
+        "legs: long, thin, and charcoal grey",
+        "wings: long with dark grey-blue feathers",
+        "nape: rich grey-blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated, black-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white to pale grey coloration"
+    ],
+    "strix nebulosa": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and curved",
+        "belly: whitish with brownish gray barring",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, grayish-brown with white flecks",
+        "forehead: pale with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, gray-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark-gray with white barring",
+        "nape: pale gray with soft dark streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, grayish-brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "streptopelia chinensis": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark-colored, curved",
+        "belly: lighter, greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey with orange-brown wash",
+        "crown: grey with gentle dark striations",
+        "forehead: pale grey with faint striations",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled with white feathers",
+        "legs: reddish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black barring",
+        "nape: grey with black-striped collar pattern",
+        "tail: grey with black edges and white tips",
+        "throat: white, tending towards grey"
+    ],
+    "icterus pustulatus": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and sharply-pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black",
+        "forehead: deep yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray",
+        "wings: black with yellow edges and white tips",
+        "nape: olive-yellow",
+        "tail: long, black with yellow patches",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "urocissa erythroryncha": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: bright red and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light blue feathers transitioning to white",
+        "breast: white to pale blue plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest with fanned feathers",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue and white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: strong, red, with scaly feet and sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue feathers with bold white streaks and black tips",
+        "nape: blue and white feathers creating a smooth transition from head to back",
+        "tail: lengthy blue feathers with striking white patterns",
+        "throat: soft white to pale blue feathers covering the neck area"
+    ],
+    "saxicola rubicola": [
+        "back: earthy brown, subtly streaked plumage",
+        "beak: short and conical, jet black in color",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white shade",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red patch",
+        "crown: dark slate grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: matching dark slate grey color",
+        "eyes: dark beady with subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and slender, light pinkish-grey hue",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing patches",
+        "nape: light grey with delicate white streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, black with a white base",
+        "throat: vivid orange-red, complementing the breast"
+    ],
+    "basileuterus rufifrons": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellowish with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with black borders",
+        "forehead: pale yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with white underwing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "cygnus buccinator": [
+        "back: sleek dark feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, curved",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: wide, white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark colored",
+        "forehead: flat, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, round",
+        "legs: strong, black, webbed",
+        "wings: large, white, powerful",
+        "nape: long, curved neck",
+        "tail: short, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, slender"
+    ],
+    "cacomantis flabelliformis": [
+        "back: olive-gray with light streaks",
+        "beak: dark, slightly curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown markings",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown fading into white",
+        "eyes: bright and surrounded by white",
+        "legs: long and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, banded with brown and white",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "cyanistes caeruleus": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed black",
+        "belly: off-white and light blue",
+        "breast: pale blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue crest",
+        "forehead: blue-grey color",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: dark blue-grey",
+        "wings: blue with black feathers",
+        "nape: blue-grey",
+        "tail: short with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue-grey"
+    ],
+    "buteo swainsoni": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter borders",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: light creamy-white feathers with brown barring",
+        "breast: white to pale buff breast with variable brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "forehead: light buff patch above beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes",
+        "legs: yellow legs with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale wing patches on the upper side",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with pale edges",
+        "tail: dark brown with grayish-white bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white feathers with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "terathopius ecaudatus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black/dark gray",
+        "belly: off-white or pale feathers",
+        "breast: light brown, merging with belly",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers fading to lighter brown",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers, smooth texture",
+        "eyes: large, round, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, scaly, dark gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark brown with white linings",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short, almost non-existent, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: slightly lighter brown, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "strix aluco": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with fine streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: mottled cream and brown",
+        "breast: pale brown with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: rich brown, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: smoother brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with white barring",
+        "nape: earthy brown, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: long, brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: paler brown, leading into breast"
+    ],
+    "zosterops lateralis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: pale to whitish-grey",
+        "breast: light grey with hints of olive",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight yellow tint",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "eyes: distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and greyish",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with subtle yellow hues"
+    ],
+    "ixobrychus minutus": [
+        "back: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint markings",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: black with green iridescence",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark brown with light streaks and spots",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with light markings",
+        "throat: creamy white with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "todiramphus macleayii": [
+        "back: dark green-bronze upperparts",
+        "beak: black, long, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow, lightly striped",
+        "breast: yellowish-green",
+        "crown: vibrant green-blue, with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: green-blue, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: black, thin, and relatively short",
+        "wings: green-bronze, elongated with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, merging with back and crown",
+        "tail: long, green-bronze feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: yellowish, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "tringa stagnatilis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: white with dark barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with an off-white stripe",
+        "forehead: whitish to buff with dark markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with a white wing bar",
+        "nape: dark brown or gray with off-white stripes",
+        "tail: dark-bordered, pale-centered feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark, dense streaking"
+    ],
+    "anas undulata": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark speckles",
+        "beak: dark gray with black tip",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale tawny-orange with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light buff with thin dark stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray to black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with green speculum and white trailing edge",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with dark spots"
+    ],
+    "turdus merula": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: dark brown with faint speckles",
+        "crown: black feathers with a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a protective ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and brown",
+        "wings: rounded, black with brownish tinge",
+        "nape: black feathers extending down the neck",
+        "tail: relatively long, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: black feathers with a slight sheen"
+    ],
+    "setophaga graciae": [
+        "back: olive-green with grayish streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a crescent-shaped white marking",
+        "forehead: dark gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feather edges",
+        "throat: pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "leptotila verreauxi": [
+        "back: soft, olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light lavender-gray feathers",
+        "crown:smooth, slate-gray feathering",
+        "forehead: delicate lavender-gray",
+        "eyes: large, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and short",
+        "wings: olive-brown with subtle bluish sheen",
+        "nape: slate-gray plumage",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white-tip",
+        "throat: off-white, almost cream-colored"
+    ],
+    "rhipidura leucophrys": [
+        "back: light olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray shading",
+        "crown: boldly striped, black and white",
+        "forehead: white in color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white circle",
+        "legs: long, skinny, and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with black and white pattern",
+        "throat: white with grayish tinge"
+    ],
+    "setophaga townsendi": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with distinct black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with yellow central stripe",
+        "forehead: bold black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow patch",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "lophoceros alboterminatus": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with smooth texture",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, and sharp-ended",
+        "belly: creamy white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light grey with fine, darker streaks",
+        "crown: black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: black and white striped pattern, less pronounced than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: black, long, and slender",
+        "wings: dark grey with lighter white edging",
+        "nape: adorned with striking, long bristles",
+        "tail: dark grey, extending and tapering at the end",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "contopus sordidulus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin, straight, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with faint olive-brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black pupils with white edging",
+        "legs: long, grayish color",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "melanitta americana": [
+        "back: black and sleek plumage",
+        "beak: dark gray, stout, and hooked",
+        "belly: shades of white and gray with subtle spotting",
+        "breast: black with thin white markings",
+        "crown: dark, rounded crest for head",
+        "forehead: flat and black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark and intense",
+        "legs: webbed feet and gray in color",
+        "wings: strong, black, wide-spread feathers",
+        "nape: raised ridges with distinct markings",
+        "tail: black, short and fan-like structure",
+        "throat: dark plumage with a slight curve"
+    ],
+    "circus approximans": [
+        "back: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey with slight markings",
+        "breast: light grey, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth and slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pink",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: forked, with dark grey outer feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "fulica cristata": [
+        "back: dark grey, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: thick, white, triangular shape",
+        "belly: lighter grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: darker grey, dense feathering",
+        "crown: black, adorned with a crest",
+        "forehead: white, angular shield structure",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown, perched on sides",
+        "legs: greenish-grey, long and sturdy",
+        "wings: predominantly dark grey, strong",
+        "nape: grey, connecting head to back",
+        "tail: square-cut, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey, smooth transition"
+    ],
+    "baeolophus inornatus": [
+        "back: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-gray, unmarked",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: soft gray, uncrested",
+        "forehead: smooth gray, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: gray-blue with faint bars",
+        "nape: light gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: gray-blue, moderately long and squared",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax": [
+        "back: dark black plumage with a metallic blue sheen",
+        "beak: bright yellow, curved and pointed",
+        "belly: black feathers with a slight blue iridescence",
+        "breast: glossy black with hints of blue and green",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers with a shine",
+        "forehead: smooth, black and iridescent",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: vibrant red-orange with strong, black claws",
+        "wings: black with metallic blue-green sheen, long and pointed",
+        "nape: black and glossy with a hint of iridescence",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers with iridescent blue-green shine",
+        "throat: black feathers with a slight blue-green iridescence"
+    ],
+    "haematopus palliatus": [
+        "back: dark-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, straight, and reddish-orange",
+        "belly: white with some black spots",
+        "breast: dark-brown feathers",
+        "crown: black with a white streak",
+        "forehead: white patch above the eyes",
+        "eyes: yellow with a red orbital ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish, and slender",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: dark-brown",
+        "tail: short and dark-brown",
+        "throat: white with a partial black collar"
+    ],
+    "larus livens": [
+        "back: light grey plumage",
+        "beak: yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: flat top with grey feathers",
+        "forehead: white, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black outline",
+        "legs: light pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey with black tips, white spots",
+        "nape: white connecting to grey back",
+        "tail: white with black band at the end",
+        "throat: white feathers, sleek appearance"
+    ],
+    "geopelia placida": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "beak: short and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale creamy-gray with light speckles",
+        "breast: pinkish-gray with fine black bars",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with subtle stripes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by narrow white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black bars and white fringes",
+        "nape: pale gray with faint black streaks",
+        "tail: long with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: light gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "columba guinea": [
+        "back: dark bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale bluish-gray",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers blending to white",
+        "breast: iridescent purple or green feathers",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark bluish-gray feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and yellow-orange, surrounded by bare red skin",
+        "legs: short and pale gray, with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark bluish-gray feathers with black wingtips",
+        "nape: iridescent green and purple feather patch",
+        "tail: long, dark bluish-gray feathers with black bands and tips",
+        "throat: white or light gray feathers contrasting with head and breast"
+    ],
+    "myiarchus tuberculifer": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body feathers",
+        "beak: broad and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow underbelly plumage",
+        "breast: slightly duller yellow chest feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey to black ridged crest",
+        "forehead: lighter grey feathers transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by grey plumage",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey to black",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers meeting with crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with a slight notch",
+        "throat: mottled light grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "cepphus grylle": [
+        "back: black with white patches",
+        "beak: short, strong, and dark",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: white with black accents",
+        "crown: dark with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange surrounded by black",
+        "legs: red-orange and webbed",
+        "wings: black with white patches and rounded tips",
+        "nape: black with a slight crest",
+        "tail: short, black and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "crotophaga major": [
+        "back: smooth, black feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, blackish",
+        "belly: black, grayish plumage",
+        "breast: sooty-black feathers",
+        "crown: small, black crest",
+        "forehead: black, flat, with slight feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by blue eyering",
+        "legs: strong, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: black, broad, with white tips",
+        "nape: black, curved, meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, with a mix of black and white feathers",
+        "throat: black, short feathered, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "chloroceryle amazona": [
+        "back: vibrant green with black spots",
+        "beak: long and black with sharp edges",
+        "belly: creamy white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with bold black spots",
+        "crown: bright green with black flecks",
+        "forehead: vivid green, marking upwards from the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a ring of green feathers",
+        "legs: short and beige, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with black spots, blending into the back pattern",
+        "nape: green with sparse black spots",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with black bands",
+        "throat: white with subtle gray markings"
+    ],
+    "toxostoma rufum": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers and patterning",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and grayish in color",
+        "belly: pale cream or off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light reddish-brown mottled with white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: beady black encircled by pale feathering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint barring and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with noticeable white tips and dark barring",
+        "throat: pale cream, streaked with brownish markings"
+    ],
+    "anas superciliosa": [
+        "back: striated brown and black pattern",
+        "beak: long, slender, and gray",
+        "belly: off-white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: beige with brown striations",
+        "crown: dark brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: steep forehead transition into beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and orange-colored",
+        "wings: brown with white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: white stripe on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long and pointed, with white and black feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, merging with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "limosa limosa": [
+        "back: brownish-black with light feather edges",
+        "beak: long, slightly upturned, and dark",
+        "belly: white with some black streaks",
+        "breast: pale reddish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale whitish-brown and slightly striped",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark, and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white trailing edge",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with some dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "pycnonotus leucotis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, small, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: white coloration with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white feathers, blending into black on the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks, white fringes",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into olive-green on the back",
+        "tail: black, long with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "herpetotheres cachinnans": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked structure",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: light, speckled pattern",
+        "crown: dark, streaked feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark plumage",
+        "eyes: round, dark beads",
+        "legs: strong, scaled limbs",
+        "wings: broad, powerful feathers",
+        "nape: streaked, olive-brown region",
+        "tail: long, distinguishing feathers",
+        "throat: speckled, light plumage"
+    ],
+    "oriolus xanthornus": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, black",
+        "belly: yellow to golden-yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange, paler than belly",
+        "crown: black, well-defined",
+        "forehead: black, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: bright, reddish-brown",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: black, with yellow and white patches",
+        "nape: black or olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: black, with yellow outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "cardinalis cardinalis": [
+        "back: bright red feathers",
+        "beak: strong, cone-shaped, orange",
+        "belly: reddish hue with lighter undertones",
+        "breast: vibrant red feathers",
+        "crown: sharp red crest on top of head",
+        "forehead: red feathers transitioning to the beak",
+        "eyes: black, alert, surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy, with claws for perching",
+        "wings: red with black wingbars and edgings",
+        "nape: red feathers descending from crown",
+        "tail: red, fan-shaped with black tips",
+        "throat: bright red, soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "dacelo novaeguineae": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: large and powerful black bill",
+        "belly: light grey to white feathering",
+        "breast: white with blue streaks on sides",
+        "crown: cobalt blue feathered crest",
+        "forehead: black with small white spots",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and grey",
+        "wings: rich blue with black spots",
+        "nape: blue, stretching to upper back",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers, some with white bands",
+        "throat: white with wide, dark blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "empidonax occidentalis": [
+        "back: greenish-gray with some darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin, dark above and pale below",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-green, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green, similar to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grayish-pink",
+        "wings: darker olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-gray, similar to the back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with darker edges",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "sialia mexicana": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sleek black",
+        "belly: pale blue or white",
+        "breast: light blue to deep azure",
+        "crown: royal blue plumage",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, brown, alert",
+        "legs: spindly black",
+        "wings: striking blue with black accents",
+        "nape: rich blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, blue, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light blue or white"
+    ],
+    "anas diazi": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, flat, bluish-gray with black edges",
+        "belly: creamy white with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with darker gray spots",
+        "crown: darker gray with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a small, pale eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: lighter gray with dark gray streaks",
+        "tail: tapered, dark gray with pale fringes",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "sula nebouxii": [
+        "back: dark blue-black iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, pale gray color",
+        "belly: bright white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers blending into a blue-black hue",
+        "crown: dark blue-black feathered head",
+        "forehead: seamless extension of the crown's blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze surrounded by blue-black plumage",
+        "legs: long and slender with powerful webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad with dark blue-black feathers and white accents",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers stretching from head to back",
+        "tail: long, blue-black feathers with white borders near the base",
+        "throat: white feathers extending to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "corvus ossifragus": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter, grayish-black feathers",
+        "breast: smooth black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: thin, black, strong",
+        "wings: broad and black, built for soaring",
+        "nape: lightly curved with reflective feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers, leading to chest"
+    ],
+    "hedydipna collaris": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper body",
+        "beak: thin, elongated, and curved",
+        "belly: white with light chestnut streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut patch on the upper breast",
+        "crown: chestnut stripe with a streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: dark olive-green",
+        "eyes: medium-sized and black",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with chestnut edges",
+        "nape: streaked olive-green",
+        "tail: long and graduated with chestnut outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with chestnut streaks"
+    ],
+    "troglodytes hiemalis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers providing camouflage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed for insect-catching",
+        "belly: pale grey-white for blending in surroundings",
+        "breast: subtle barring on light brown feathers",
+        "crown: rounded with brownish-grey coloration",
+        "forehead: light brown, gradually blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with keen sight",
+        "legs: slim, long with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: short, rounded with brown barred pattern",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: squared-off with brown barred feathers for balance",
+        "throat: pale grey-white with light brown markings"
+    ],
+    "pericrocotus speciosus": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-red with black streaks",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: whitish with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red",
+        "crown: bright red with black streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange",
+        "eyes: small, dark and piercing",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: red, black, and white patterns",
+        "nape: orange-red with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and black with white tips",
+        "throat: fiery orange-red"
+    ],
+    "antigone rubicunda": [
+        "back: reddish-brown hue with faint streaks",
+        "beak: strong and slightly curved upper bill",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with some streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brighter rust-red with streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: rounded with a black iris",
+        "legs: long slender grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with white edges and a broad white stripe",
+        "nape: rust-red with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "elaenia flavogaster": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, pale gray",
+        "belly: light yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, flatter than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two prominent wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, slightly darker than the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with brown undertones",
+        "throat: pale yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "accipiter striatus": [
+        "back: slate-blue or brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, hooked",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown barring",
+        "breast: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue or gray, tops of head",
+        "forehead: same color as crown, extends above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, thin, yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: short, rounded, dark blue or brown",
+        "nape: same color as crown, back of head",
+        "tail: long, barred, square-tipped with white tip",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, underneath beak"
+    ],
+    "charadrius leschenaultii": [
+        "back: brownish-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: off-white with brown spots",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, short",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "larus marinus": [
+        "back: light gray color with streaks of white",
+        "beak: strong, hooked beak with a yellow spot",
+        "belly: white feathers with a sleek appearance",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: light gray extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: flat, light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: pale yellow or hazel with dark rings",
+        "legs: pale pink or yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: light gray connecting with the crown",
+        "tail: white feathers with black tips on the outer edges",
+        "throat: white plumage starting from the beak"
+    ],
+    "cassiculus melanicterus": [
+        "back: dark green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with a lighter shade",
+        "breast: vivid yellow merging with the belly",
+        "crown: glossy black, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark green with a bluish tinge",
+        "nape: metallic green transitioning to black",
+        "tail: blackish with a green sheen, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: deep yellow contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "psittacara holochlorus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, curved, pale yellow beak",
+        "belly: light green feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: bright green plumage covering the chest area",
+        "crown: smooth green feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: green feathers on the front of the head, above the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: fairly short, strong, yellow legs with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: green feathers with iridescent blue markings on primary flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers on the back of the neck, may have a slight blue tinge",
+        "tail: long, green tail feathers with hints of blue, depending on the light",
+        "throat: green feathers, slightly paler than breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "pinicola enucleator": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown or pinkish-red",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint feather circle",
+        "legs: grayish-black, sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brownish streaks"
+    ],
+    "myophonus caeruleus": [
+        "back: dark blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved",
+        "belly: blue-black feathers",
+        "breast: blue-black with faint markings",
+        "crown: glossy, blue-black crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue-black",
+        "eyes: dark with light eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, blue-black with faint barring",
+        "nape: iridescent, blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-black central tail feathers",
+        "throat: glossy blue-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "bucephala albeola": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers with green iridescence",
+        "beak: short, gray, and pointed",
+        "belly: white feathers with a fluffy texture",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers, transitioning to black on sides",
+        "crown: glossy black plumage with green iridescence",
+        "forehead: black feathers with green iridescence, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, golden-yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: orange-yellow webbed feet, slender legs",
+        "wings: black feathers, white trailing edge and speculum with iridescent purple-blue, narrow white wing stripe",
+        "nape: black and glossy, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short, black, slightly forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: smooth white feathers, transitioning to black on the sides"
+    ],
+    "turdus rufopalliatus": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: pale orange-buff colored",
+        "breast: bright rufous-toned with black spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with contrasting rufous-edged feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with reddish outer edges",
+        "throat: off-white with scattered black spots"
+    ],
+    "poecile carolinensis": [
+        "back: blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: black, short and sturdy",
+        "belly: white feathers with rusty sides",
+        "breast: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: black cap extending to the eyes",
+        "forehead: black merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: blue-gray complementing the back",
+        "tail: blue-gray, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black cap"
+    ],
+    "melanitta perspicillata": [
+        "back: dark blackish-brown feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: stout, short, and black, with a small hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with black-bordered feathers",
+        "breast: white portion encroaching the black, creating a v-shape",
+        "crown: black or dark brown, rounded top of the head",
+        "forehead: low and sloping, with dense dark feathers",
+        "eyes: bright white crescents above and below the eye",
+        "legs: bright orange, webbed feet with dark claws",
+        "wings: dark blackish-brown with white wing patches",
+        "nape: dark feathers transitioning into white on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, dark with white tips and folded under the wings",
+        "throat: white with a few black feathers sneaking in"
+    ],
+    "chalcomitra amethystina": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, strong, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: dull purplish-blue with green shine on the lower body",
+        "breast: bright shiny amethyst-purple feathers on the upper chest",
+        "crown: metallic green cap with a slight purple-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: gleaming green-blue area above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, rounded eyes with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray, sturdy legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green-blue feathers with purple edges",
+        "nape: shimmering green back of the neck blending into the crown",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green-blue feathers with a slight purple sheen",
+        "throat: brilliant amethyst-purple feathers leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "rynchops niger": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: long and slim, uniquely angled lower part",
+        "belly: pale gray or white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white, slightly paler compared to back",
+        "crown: smooth black or dark plumage",
+        "forehead: dark, extending into eye stripes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly elongated",
+        "legs: slim and red with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and pointy, with dark tops and pale undersides",
+        "nape: dark coloration, connecting to crown and back",
+        "tail: short and dark, squared-off in appearance",
+        "throat: pale gray, becoming lighter towards the chin"
+    ],
+    "artemisiospiza belli": [
+        "back: light gray-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: curved gray, seed-eating design",
+        "belly: creamy pale gray and streak-free",
+        "breast: soft gray with faint darker streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown, with a slightly streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: pale gray, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white-edged coverts",
+        "nape: light gray, fading to brown towards the crown",
+        "tail: gray-brown with dark central feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: off-white, contrasting with darker breast"
+    ],
+    "spheniscus demersus": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: long, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: black feathers smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: black and continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, surrounded by small white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, webbed, black",
+        "wings: black, flipper-like, short",
+        "nape: black, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short and black, wedged shape",
+        "throat: smooth white with black markings"
+    ],
+    "zenaida auriculata": [
+        "back: blue-gray with dark speckles",
+        "beak: short and pointed, light gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown",
+        "breast: light rusty-brown with faint spots",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light gray with a slight hint of blue",
+        "eyes: black with white rings around them",
+        "legs: short, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with some brownish spots",
+        "nape: bluish-gray",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "anas crecca": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with fine, dark markings",
+        "beak: short, dark gray with black tip",
+        "belly: light, creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: beige-gray with dark speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with a green patch on the side",
+        "forehead: pale beige blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange, short and slender",
+        "wings: iridescent green speculum bordered by white stripes",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short, pointed with dark and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale beige contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "prinia inornata": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle markings",
+        "beak: slender and pointy, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with light speckling",
+        "breast: pale grey with light streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with pale wingbars and subtle markings",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks, blending into back",
+        "tail: elongated, brown with pale outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "milvus milvus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark outline",
+        "legs: bright yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, reddish-brown with darker tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown streaked feathers",
+        "tail: forked, reddish-brown with darker bands",
+        "throat: pale reddish-brown with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "spizella pusilla": [
+        "back: sleek and brownish-gray",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: light gray-white",
+        "breast: pale gray, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a lighter stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray with an even lighter stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with a distinctive white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, long, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with paler wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, brown-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "egretta caerulea": [
+        "back: sleek and elongated, gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: light, white-grey feathers",
+        "breast: smooth, gray-blue plumage",
+        "crown: black, feathery head cap",
+        "forehead: flat, darker gray-blue",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, black, thin, and wading",
+        "wings: wide, gray-blue, with dark tips",
+        "nape: dark gray-blue, slender neck",
+        "tail: short, tapered, gray-blue feathers",
+        "throat: light, white-grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "falcipennis canadensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: stout, slightly hooked, and dark in color",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks and bands",
+        "breast: light grey-brown with white specks",
+        "crown: black cap with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with a fine white line",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered, dark grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bars and tips",
+        "nape: black with white flecks, forming a collar",
+        "tail: long and dark with white bands and edges",
+        "throat: white with dark feather pattern"
+    ],
+    "amazilia rutila": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, black, slender",
+        "belly: creamy white or beige",
+        "breast: iridescent green",
+        "crown: bright green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: green, slightly iridescent",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short, gray-black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green, fast-moving, slightly curved",
+        "nape: shiny green feathers",
+        "tail: forked, with iridescent green and rufous feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant rufous color, with a slight iridescence"
+    ],
+    "florisuga mellivora": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or soft gray plumage",
+        "breast: shimmering iridescent green",
+        "crown: brilliant green, glistening plumage",
+        "forehead: shimmering green crown fades into forehead",
+        "eyes: small, black and beady",
+        "legs: short and thin, grayish brown",
+        "wings: long, narrow green feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: bright green continues down neck",
+        "tail: two elongated central feathers with faint white tips",
+        "throat: iridescent violet-blue gorget"
+    ],
+    "irediparra gallinacea": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, straight, and blackish in color",
+        "belly: whitish-cream feathers with brown spots",
+        "breast: buff-yellow feathers with brown bars",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers extending from the forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: olive-green and slightly raised",
+        "eyes: black, round, and alert",
+        "legs: orange with strong unwebbed toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with white spots on upperwing coverts",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short and rounded with olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-cream with small brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "emberiza cirlus": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black and yellow stripes",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a yellow eyestripe",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white and yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax capensis": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, hooked, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "breast: dark brownish-black plumage with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark brownish-black",
+        "eyes: greenish or brownish, encircled by a blue ring",
+        "legs: short, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brownish-black with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brownish-black feathers with a greenish sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark brownish-black feathers, wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white or whitish, with a sharp demarcation from the breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "aythya ferina": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-grey and black-tipped",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: slightly raised, dark brown",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark brown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white bar",
+        "nape: dark brown, curved down",
+        "tail: short and pointed, dark brown",
+        "throat: lighter reddish-brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "clanga clanga": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage with faint streaking",
+        "beak: black, short, hooked upper tip",
+        "belly: white or pale undertones",
+        "breast: white with slight streaking",
+        "crown: olive-brown with streaking",
+        "forehead: narrow yellow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange, with long toes and strong claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with broad white tips and bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaking",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with narrow streaks"
+    ],
+    "hylocichla mustelina": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper body",
+        "beak: dark, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white underside",
+        "breast: bright white with dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown top of head",
+        "forehead: olive shading into grayish",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: unmarked white"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus tyrannus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: olive-gray feathering",
+        "crown: grayish head with concealed orange crest",
+        "forehead: gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, black pupils with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, slender legs and sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edging",
+        "nape: olive-gray transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: long, blackish forked tail with white corners",
+        "throat: white, bordered with grayish feathers"
+    ],
+    "gymnogyps californianus": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick, hooked, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: mottled gray-brown feathers",
+        "breast: lighter gray-brown with sparse feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers with slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: slightly feathered with dark grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: deep-set, dark brown with pink eyelids",
+        "legs: pale, featherless, with powerful talons",
+        "wings: long, wide feathers with finger-like tips",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown feathers with faintly lighter edges",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, gray-brown with slightly darker central feathers",
+        "throat: bare, wrinkled pink skin with scattered gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "zenaida aurita": [
+        "back: bluish-gray with slight bronze iridescence",
+        "beak: short, hooked at tip, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: pinkish-gray with dark gray scaling",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray",
+        "forehead: light bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with small, sharp claws",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with prominent black spotting",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with fine black markings",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with black terminal band and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "quiscalus major": [
+        "back: glossy iridescent purple-black",
+        "beak: thick, elongated, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark purple-black feathers",
+        "breast: shiny black-purple plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent purple-black with a crest",
+        "forehead: smooth feathers with dark purple shine",
+        "eyes: small, round, yellow",
+        "legs: long, thin, black",
+        "wings: iridescent black with purple hues, pointed tips",
+        "nape: glossy purple-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, v-shaped, black with purple shine",
+        "throat: sleek, purple-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "fluvicola nengeta": [
+        "back: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers blending to black",
+        "crown: sleek black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning to black crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: black feathers with white accents",
+        "nape: black feathers with a white stripe",
+        "tail: black feathers with a hint of white",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting the breast"
+    ],
+    "pernis ptilorhynchus": [
+        "back: dark brown with rufous undertones",
+        "beak: sharp, black hooked tip",
+        "belly: rufous-orange with fine barring",
+        "breast: rufous-orange, finely barred",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: matching the crown color with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: round, black, and sharply-focused",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown and spotted; long, broad, and rounded in profile",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with black and white bands, long and graduated",
+        "throat: rufous-orange, finely barred"
+    ],
+    "phainopepla nitens": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray-tinged underparts",
+        "breast: black or gray, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: distinct, glossy crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, elegant curve",
+        "eyes: bright red, piercing",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark feathers",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, dark plumage",
+        "tail: long, slender, black or gray feathers",
+        "throat: dark or pale, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "numenius madagascariensis": [
+        "back: elongated, streaked brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, faded orange-black",
+        "belly: off-white plumage with light barring",
+        "breast: light brown, spotted with dark barring",
+        "crown: mottled brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth buff-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: lengthy, pointed, and striped brown",
+        "nape: tawny with buff-brown stripes",
+        "tail: narrowly pointed, brown barred feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, subtly speckled"
+    ],
+    "leucosticte tephrocotis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streaking",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: smoky gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with subtle streaking",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark, and feathered",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with pale fringes on feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with thin streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "nyctibius griseus": [
+        "back: light grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with brown markings",
+        "breast: light gray with brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark grey with thin streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey with streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with black pupils surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish with large feet",
+        "wings: broad, greyish-brown with darker barring",
+        "nape: light grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and broad, greyish-brown with faint markings",
+        "throat: pale grey with faded brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "acanthis cabaret": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: pinkish-red blush",
+        "crown: black with a red patch",
+        "forehead: red with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and relatively long",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown and smooth",
+        "tail: forked with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eugenes fulgens": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: shimmering blue-green",
+        "breast: brilliant red-orange",
+        "crown: narrow, iridescent golden-green",
+        "forehead: bright golden-green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent green with flashes of blue",
+        "nape: iridescent green blending to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, streamer-like, iridescent green",
+        "throat: velvety black with green sheen"
+    ],
+    "dicrurus macrocercus": [
+        "back: dark, glossy long feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: sleek gray underbelly",
+        "breast: smooth grayish-black chest",
+        "crown: shiny black, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers, slightly curved",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: slender and black with strong grip",
+        "wings: long and curved, glossy black feathers",
+        "nape: shiny black with slight curve",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked, and black",
+        "throat: smooth grayish-black, continuous with breast"
+    ],
+    "piranga flava": [
+        "back: olive-yellow hue",
+        "beak: stout and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: yellow with slight grey undertone",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: vibrant red-orange",
+        "forehead: red-orange, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: bold and black",
+        "legs: slender and grey",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with blackish feather tips",
+        "nape: yellowish-green gradient",
+        "tail: olive-yellow with darkened edges",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "cyanistes cyanus": [
+        "back: blue-grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, sharp",
+        "belly: white or pale blue-grey",
+        "breast: light blue-grey",
+        "crown: bright blue with white edging",
+        "forehead: vivid blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark blue-grey",
+        "wings: vibrant blue, black, and white",
+        "nape: blue-grey with white patches",
+        "tail: blue and black feathers, forked",
+        "throat: bright blue, white-bordered"
+    ],
+    "morus bassanus": [
+        "back: white, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: yellowish, sharp and pointed",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, thick feathers",
+        "crown: white, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: white, flat feathers",
+        "eyes: blue or gray, surrounded by bare, blueish skin",
+        "legs: blueish-gray, powerful and webbed",
+        "wings: white, long and pointed with black tips",
+        "nape: white, slender and elongated",
+        "tail: white, fan-shaped with a black edge",
+        "throat: white, fluffy feathers"
+    ],
+    "cygnus columbianus": [
+        "back: sleek and elongated",
+        "beak: straight and pointed",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: rounded and protruding",
+        "crown: slightly raised with white feathers",
+        "forehead: slight slope with white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and round",
+        "legs: long, black, and thin",
+        "wings: large, curved, and powerful",
+        "nape: curved when swimming, white feathers",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: smooth, white, and slightly concave"
+    ],
+    "alectoris chukar": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with thin, dark stripes",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-colored with dark, broad bands",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with bold, dark bars",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a sharp contrast to the forehead",
+        "forehead: white, bordered by a thick, black stripe",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, featherless, with reddish or grayish-yellow scales",
+        "wings: rounded with barred, dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending into the bird's back",
+        "tail: medium-length with distinctly barred, dark gray and chestnut feathers",
+        "throat: white, highlighted by a black band below the chin"
+    ],
+    "emberiza rustica": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical-shaped, light pinkish-grey with dark tip",
+        "belly: white, lightly streaked with brown",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red with dark center stripe",
+        "forehead: orange-brown",
+        "eyes: black with pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey or dark grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with warm brown and white streaks",
+        "nape: rusty-red with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a thin dark moustache stripe"
+    ],
+    "bubo virginianus": [
+        "back: dark streaked plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked and downward-curving",
+        "belly: light and barred with dark streaks",
+        "breast: speckled and greyish-brown",
+        "crown: rounded with subtle dark markings",
+        "forehead: lighter feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: feathered and relatively long",
+        "wings: wide and rounded with dark barring",
+        "nape: prominent feathered tufts",
+        "tail: long with horizontal barred pattern",
+        "throat: light-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "spatula discors": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, flat, and greyish",
+        "belly: white with faint greyish streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey-blue with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark blue-grey with paler edges",
+        "forehead: pale blue-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small with a dark brown iris",
+        "legs: thin, greyish, and webbed",
+        "wings: blue-grey with white and black markings",
+        "nape: pale blue-grey with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and pointed with blue-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with a faint greyish tinge"
+    ],
+    "strepera graculina": [
+        "back: dark grey feathered with soft texture",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and fairly long for a curved shape",
+        "belly: cool grey feathers with light barring",
+        "breast: light grey feathers mixed with faint darker streaks",
+        "crown: sleek, dark grey feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: smooth continuity of darker grey feathers",
+        "eyes: intense, striking pale-yellow",
+        "legs: strong and slightly curved, ending with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and angular, with a mix of grey shades and light barring",
+        "nape: solid grey transition between crown and back",
+        "tail: long and fan-like with dark grey feathers and faint barring",
+        "throat: lighter grey with thin streaks leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "spinus spinus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with fine streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with darker streaks",
+        "crown: black striped with bright yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black and white with yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green with streaks",
+        "tail: black with white spots and yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sphecotheres vieilloti": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: thick and strong, grey-black color",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with a faint bluish wash",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with a prominent black streak",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-blue, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with black band at the tip",
+        "throat: creamy white, distinct from the brighter breast"
+    ],
+    "lanius senator": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: hooked, strong, and blackish",
+        "belly: light greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark markings",
+        "crown: black crest with white stripe",
+        "forehead: blackish with a white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long and black, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white patches and rufous bases",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers with white edges",
+        "tail: black with white edges and rufous central feathers",
+        "throat: light greyish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "galbula ruficauda": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green",
+        "beak: slender, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: deep orange-yellow",
+        "crown: glossy green with a slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: bright greenish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, round and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: emerald green with a blue iridescence",
+        "nape: greenish-blue transition towards the back",
+        "tail: long, russet-red tail feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "trachyphonus vaillantii": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white feather edges",
+        "beak: thick, conical, pale yellow",
+        "belly: boldly black and white barred",
+        "breast: grayish-yellow and white",
+        "crown: yellow with orange crest",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: pale grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white tipped feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white feather edges",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips and broad black band",
+        "throat: white with dark streaking"
+    ],
+    "emberiza elegans": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: conical-shaped, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: yellowish-brown with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: warm brown with contrasting white and black stripes",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feather edges",
+        "throat: pale buff-yellow"
+    ],
+    "anastomus oscitans": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slate-grey and curved",
+        "belly: off-white underparts",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: greyish-green feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, grey-green region",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by grey-green feathers",
+        "legs: dark grey, long and slender",
+        "wings: olive-grey with a slight sheen",
+        "nape: greyish-green transition to back",
+        "tail: dark-feathered with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "myiozetetes similis": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: black, medium-length, and pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-black with a hidden yellow patch",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, sometimes slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: dark with a narrow eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray and fairly long",
+        "wings: olive-green with two bright yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark central feathers and yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "lanius collaris": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish back feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked black beak",
+        "belly: pale white or cream underside",
+        "breast: light grey or whitish chest",
+        "crown: dark grey or black head cap",
+        "forehead: smooth, slate-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: intense black eyes with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and slender, black or dark gray",
+        "wings: striking black wing feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: greyish transition between head and back",
+        "tail: long, black tail feathers with white outer tips",
+        "throat: creamy white or light grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "passerina leclancherii": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: blackish upper mandible, grayish-blue lower mandible",
+        "belly: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with dark streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray without markings",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: blue-gray with blackish edges",
+        "nape: blue-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-blue, long and forked",
+        "throat: slate gray without markings"
+    ],
+    "streptopelia orientalis": [
+        "back: light, pale brown with a gently curved spine",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, light-colored with a slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: delicate, rosy hue with fine horizontal barring",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with a smooth, rounded appearance",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-brown contrasting with the darker crown",
+        "eyes: striking orange-red, encircled by a thin, bare blue orbital ring",
+        "legs: short and reddish, ending in scaled feet with sharp claws",
+        "wings: pale brown with black spotting; edges tinged with a rusty color",
+        "nape: fine black and white bars create a unique, scaly pattern",
+        "tail: long and graduated, marked with black and white stripes on the outer edges",
+        "throat: white with a pronounced dark patch, framed by white crescent-shaped markings"
+    ],
+    "buphagus erythrorynchus": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter speckles",
+        "beak: long, red with black tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with some brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light brown merging to red near beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a light brown ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "columbina picui": [
+        "back: light gray with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short and conical, grayish color",
+        "belly: soft white or cream tint",
+        "breast: pale gray with subtle scaling pattern",
+        "crown: grayish with feather lines",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender and long",
+        "wings: gray with dark feather edges and white tips",
+        "nape: pale gray with fine feather lines",
+        "tail: long and gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "haemorhous purpureus": [
+        "back: deep purple with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: vibrant orange-red hue",
+        "breast: rich crimson fading to orange-red",
+        "crown: vivid purple with metallic shine",
+        "forehead: bright purple blending into darker hues",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by purple-black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: dark purple fading to brown with hints of red",
+        "nape: dark, shimmering purple-black",
+        "tail: long, rich purple with red-brown edges",
+        "throat: radiant orange-red blend with purple accents"
+    ],
+    "regulus satrapa": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointy",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with minimal streaks",
+        "crown: black and yellow stripes",
+        "forehead: yellow stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: thin, gray-blue, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark grayish-blue with hints of green and white",
+        "nape: yellow band on black background",
+        "tail: dark grayish-blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "oenanthe oenanthe": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with streaks of black",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark",
+        "belly: white with light-gray sides",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with a streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: light gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black and well-defined",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray to black",
+        "wings: black with white patches and tips",
+        "nape: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with a white rump and tail sides",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with gray breast"
+    ],
+    "colibri cyanotus": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: shimmering turquoise blue",
+        "crown: glossy violet-blue top",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short, delicate, with tiny claws",
+        "wings: incredibly fast, iridescent feathers",
+        "nape: vibrant green transition to blue",
+        "tail: forked, with blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: luminous bluish-purple shade"
+    ],
+    "turdus ignobilis": [
+        "back: olive-grey plumage",
+        "beak: straight, yellow bill",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white underside",
+        "breast: light grey with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-grey coloration",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with flight feather bars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown hue",
+        "tail: olive-brown, medium length",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "ictinia mississippiensis": [
+        "back: slate grey with blackish stripes",
+        "beak: hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: whitish grey with slight brownish tinge",
+        "breast: pale grey with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey, almost black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark grey-to-black",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark pupil",
+        "legs: bright orange-yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: large, blackish-grey with white windows near tips",
+        "nape: slate-grey with slight stripes",
+        "tail: long, blackish-grey with white banding",
+        "throat: pale grey with some black streaking"
+    ],
+    "hirundo rustica": [
+        "back: dark metallic blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, streamlined, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey to white plumage",
+        "breast: white or lightly speckled greyish-brown",
+        "crown: shiny steel-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek and blue-black in color",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, strong, black or brown",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark in color",
+        "nape: shiny blue-black plumage",
+        "tail: deeply forked with dark feathers",
+        "throat: rusty-red or chestnut color"
+    ],
+    "ardea goliath": [
+        "back: long and sleek with bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: lengthy, dagger-like and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale grey with fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: smooth bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: black cap with a short crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers transitioning to grey",
+        "eyes: bright golden-yellow and alert",
+        "legs: long and sturdy with blackish-grey scales",
+        "wings: broad and powerful with grey-blue feathers",
+        "nape: distinguished black plume extending from the crown",
+        "tail: short, stiff, and grey-blue in color",
+        "throat: white feathers merging into the belly area"
+    ],
+    "certhia familiaris": [
+        "back: brown, camouflaged pattern",
+        "beak: curved, slender, insect-picking",
+        "belly: pale grey, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light brown, horizontal bars",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: off-white, slight pattern",
+        "eyes: black, alert, small",
+        "legs: sturdy, brown, bark-clinging",
+        "wings: brown, barred, rounded",
+        "nape: short, pale, streaked",
+        "tail: long, stiff, pointed",
+        "throat: whitish, smooth, unpatterned"
+    ],
+    "pluvialis fulva": [
+        "back: sleek grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with black speckled dots",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with dusky streaks",
+        "crown: dark-capped head with light eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eye",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with gray-brown plumage and black streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a slight golden sheen",
+        "tail: short and rounded, with black and white horizontal bands",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "picoides arcticus": [
+        "back: black and white barring",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: clean white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with thin black bands",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short, strong, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white barring and spots",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "colluricincla harmonica": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, and strong",
+        "belly: pale grey with fine stripes",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with fine stripes",
+        "crown: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with light stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyerings",
+        "legs: long and slender, gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white with fine stripes"
+    ],
+    "myioborus pictus": [
+        "back: olive green with black streaks",
+        "beak: dark, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black banding",
+        "crown: dark charcoal grey with a red patch",
+        "forehead: white with thin black streaks",
+        "eyes: black with a pale eyebrow-like ridge",
+        "legs: slender, long, pale grey",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: greyish-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with prominent white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with light black streaks"
+    ],
+    "platalea minor": [
+        "back: dark grayish-blue feathers and white plumage",
+        "beak: long, flattened, and spatula-shaped black bill",
+        "belly: white ivory plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight pink tinge",
+        "crown: black feathers with a white streak",
+        "forehead: glistening white plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, broad, and dark gray with white edges",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning into white lower down",
+        "tail: short, white with black streaks, and slightly uplifted",
+        "throat: white and elongated, leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "amazilia beryllina": [
+        "back: vibrant emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: shimmering pale green hue",
+        "breast: iridescent turquoise blue plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant green metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: glistening emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, beady orbs",
+        "legs: short, thin, dark-colored",
+        "wings: strong, elongated, green-blue feathers",
+        "nape: radiant green transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: forked or notched, bluish-green feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering golden-green gorget"
+    ],
+    "poecile rufescens": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, black",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish streaks",
+        "breast: white blending into light gray",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with striations",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown, part of the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: blue-gray, thin and strong",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint white edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with striations, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light gray sides"
+    ],
+    "empidonax flaviventris": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: small, straight, dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: light yellow, fading to white",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint eye-ring",
+        "forehead: slightly sloping, olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by incomplete white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light gray, relatively short",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green, and darker than back",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "chlorophanes spiza": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: bright blue coloring",
+        "breast: rich blue and green plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers with slight blue highlights",
+        "forehead: intense green and blue hues",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white ring around them",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green and blue blend with black accents",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to blue",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue and green mix"
+    ],
+    "circus pygargus": [
+        "back: light brown feathered back",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked yellow beak",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white chest",
+        "crown: brown feathered crown",
+        "forehead: sleek brown feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow-ringed eyes",
+        "legs: strong, yellow legs",
+        "wings: long, brown and white wings",
+        "nape: light brown, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: long, thin, brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes lewis": [
+        "back: greenish-black with barred pattern",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: grayish-white with black barring",
+        "breast: dark with narrow streaks",
+        "crown: red-topped, crest-like plumage",
+        "forehead: red, extending to the nape",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: grayish, with sharp talons for gripping",
+        "wings: black with white patches and red highlights",
+        "nape: barred, with red feathers extending from the forehead",
+        "tail: black, stiff, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a black necklace-like pattern"
+    ],
+    "thraupis abbas": [
+        "back: olive green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with grayish-white streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with yellow highlights",
+        "forehead: indistinct, grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark blue edges",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: dark blue with a greenish tint",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "estrilda astrild": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine wavy streaks",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped with silvery-grey color",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-brown with white spots",
+        "breast: buff-brown and barred with fine white spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a subtle reddish hue",
+        "forehead: striking red patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink with strong feet and sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "tail: black with white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: light brown with faint white bars"
+    ],
+    "lonchura atricapilla": [
+        "back: dark brown, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: silver-gray, stout and conical",
+        "belly: pale brownish-gray with fine dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: black, contrasting with brown body",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black crown",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, slender and strong",
+        "wings: rich brown with fine feather lines",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting black crown and brown back",
+        "tail: dark brown, short and square-tipped",
+        "throat: light brown, slightly speckled with dark brown"
+    ],
+    "setophaga castanea": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright chestnut",
+        "crown: black with orange streaks",
+        "forehead: black with thin orange patch",
+        "eyes: black, slightly rounded",
+        "legs: pale gray slender legs",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending with the back",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "spatula rhynchotis": [
+        "back: pale grey with distinct feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, flattened, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with some grey streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with subtle horizontal patterning",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the dark crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, slate-grey color",
+        "wings: elongated, pale grey with darker wingtips",
+        "nape: pale grey, blends into the back coloration",
+        "tail: long and thin with dark grey central feathers and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "ramphocelus carbo": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers with a bluish sheen",
+        "beak: robust, silver-white, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: velvety crimson red plumage",
+        "breast: deep red feathers fading to black",
+        "crown: iridescent black with a blue shimmer",
+        "forehead: sleek black with a subtle bluish tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with a bluish iridescence, short and rounded",
+        "nape: black feathers with hints of dark blue",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked at the tip",
+        "throat: intensely red, fading to black towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "haematopus ostralegus": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: striking, red-orange pointed beak",
+        "belly: white with subtle markings",
+        "breast: smooth, light grey plumage",
+        "crown: dark, distinct feathers atop head",
+        "forehead: distinguishing white stripe",
+        "eyes: bright, yellow ringed eyes",
+        "legs: vivid, pinkish-red strong legs",
+        "wings: broad, dark feathers with white markings",
+        "nape: dark plumage transitioning from head to back",
+        "tail: short and dark with white band at end",
+        "throat: white with faint streak patterns"
+    ],
+    "tigrisoma lineatum": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloring with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointed with black and yellow hues",
+        "belly: light cream with faint, brown speckles",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a lighter, creamy stripe",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: elongated and greenish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with pale-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a creamy stripe down the center",
+        "tail: long and brown with thin, light bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with barely visible brown mottling"
+    ],
+    "selasphorus sasin": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with greenish tinges",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange gorget",
+        "crown: bright green-bronze plumage",
+        "forehead: shining golden-green hue",
+        "eyes: small and black, set in white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with black claws",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, and brownish-black",
+        "nape: glossy green-bronze coloring",
+        "tail: mix of black, orange, and green feathers, often fanned out",
+        "throat: brilliant red-orange feathers, shimmering in sunlight"
+    ],
+    "muscicapa dauurica": [
+        "back: olive-brown with distinct streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by grayish-white feathers",
+        "legs: long, pale pink",
+        "wings: dark gray with two distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "platalea ajaja": [
+        "back: vibrant pink feathers with a hint of white",
+        "beak: long, flattened, spoon-shaped and grayish-black",
+        "belly: soft white feathers transitioning to pink",
+        "breast: delicate pink feathers meeting white plumage",
+        "crown: feathers with a mix of pink and white hues",
+        "forehead: smooth with fine pink and white feathers",
+        "eyes: black and beady with a touch of determination",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-black with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, pink feathers with hints of white near the tips",
+        "nape:feathers with white and pink merging gracefully",
+        "tail: elongated, pink feathers fanning out in a dazzling display",
+        "throat: tuft of white feathers blending into pink plumage"
+    ],
+    "motacilla flava": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, dark grey, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white",
+        "breast: bright yellow fading to white",
+        "crown: greyish or dark green",
+        "forehead: yellow or white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: dark grey with white edges",
+        "nape: greenish-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: yellow, sometimes with a black patch"
+    ],
+    "vultur gryphus": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and bone-colored",
+        "belly: white downy feathers with black streaks",
+        "breast: white downy feathers slightly tinged with gray",
+        "crown: black feathers with slightly ruffled appearance",
+        "forehead: featherless, exposing wrinkled reddish-pink skin",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a fierce, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: robust and featherless, with wrinkled pinkish skin and strong talons",
+        "wings: expansive, dark grayish-black feathers ideal for soaring and gliding",
+        "nape: black feathers with a slight ruffling detail",
+        "tail: wide, grayish-black feathers with slight banding",
+        "throat: white downy feathers with traces of black and a featherless, wrinkled patch of reddish-pink skin"
+    ],
+    "polioptila caerulea": [
+        "back: pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin black beak",
+        "belly: white underbelly",
+        "breast: bluish-gray chest",
+        "crown: blue-gray head cap",
+        "forehead: light blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin legs",
+        "wings: blue-gray with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: blue-gray, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white throat patch"
+    ],
+    "pelecanus occidentalis": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown with a slight shine",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and yellowish",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: white to pale yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, whitish-yellow skin",
+        "eyes: yellowish-white with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, dark gray-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: dark gray-brown with a hint of red",
+        "tail: square, dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "throat: expandable, large, and pouch-like in beige color"
+    ],
+    "emberiza cia": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: robust and conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and strong",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "calypte anna": [
+        "back: iridescent emerald green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin and pointy black bill",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertones",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange gorget",
+        "crown: iridescent bronze-green cap",
+        "forehead: deep red feathers with metallic sheen",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with dark-colored claws",
+        "wings: elongated and narrow, dark-colored feathers",
+        "nape: emerald green with a metallic luster",
+        "tail: slightly forked with green and black feathers",
+        "throat: rich orange-red gorget with radiant plumage"
+    ],
+    "parabuteo unicinctus": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, sharp hooked tip",
+        "belly: cream-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white-barred with reddish-brown",
+        "crown: smooth, chocolate-brown",
+        "forehead: light buff color",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow-ringed",
+        "legs: long, yellow, featherless",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown, rounded tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, white-striped",
+        "tail: banded, alternating rust and white",
+        "throat: off-white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "haemorhous cassinii": [
+        "back: greenish-olive upperparts",
+        "beak: thick, conical, and silvery gray",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with streaks of greenish-black",
+        "breast: greenish-black streaks on whitish-grey background",
+        "crown: purplish-gray with greenish accents",
+        "forehead: purplish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black with small white circles",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with darker covert feathers",
+        "nape: purplish-gray with greenish streaks",
+        "tail: long, greenish-olive with dusky tips",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with streaks of greenish-black"
+    ],
+    "podiceps grisegena": [
+        "back: sleek, grey-feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy, pale",
+        "belly: white, soft-looking",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored, full",
+        "crown: black, subtle crest",
+        "forehead: white, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, bright, red-eyed",
+        "legs: strong, webbed feet, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: gray, long, slim",
+        "nape: chestnut, long, continuous",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, gray",
+        "throat: white, smooth"
+    ],
+    "colinus virginianus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark gray",
+        "belly: buff-colored with black-and-white feather streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff with bold arrowhead-shaped markings",
+        "crown: rufous with a grayish-blue face patch",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark, bordered by white eyeliner-like markings",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-brown with small spurs",
+        "wings: rich brown with black and white mottling",
+        "nape: buffy gray blending into the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with alternating black and white bands",
+        "throat: creamy white with white chin patch"
+    ],
+    "pharomachrus mocinno": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, dark-colored",
+        "belly: deep turquoise and blue feathers",
+        "breast: rich emerald green with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: brilliant blue-green crest",
+        "forehead: glowing fluorescent green feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, grayish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, rounded with metallic blue-green feathers",
+        "nape: exquisite iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: iconic long, elegant streamer-like feathers",
+        "throat: vivid iridescent green with a hint of blue"
+    ],
+    "psilorhinus morio": [
+        "back: dark brown, slightly bronzed feathers",
+        "beak: broad, curved, and ivory-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: mix of gray and dark brown, with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight rufous tint",
+        "forehead: smooth, transitioning from dark brown to pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, bright, circled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, blue-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark brown and gray, finely barred with white tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with a reddish-bronze sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with pale gray tips and a white band",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint dark streaking"
+    ],
+    "brotogeris chiriri": [
+        "back: bright green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and white",
+        "belly: yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: yellow-green coloration",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: yellow-green merging into darker green",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue undertones",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "callipepla californica": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: beige and grey",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with dark markings",
+        "crown: black with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: black with white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, round",
+        "legs: blueish-grey with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark grey-blue with white streaks",
+        "nape: green-grey with white spots",
+        "tail: long, blueish-grey with black and white bars",
+        "throat: black with white stripes"
+    ],
+    "sporophila nigricollis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale gray color",
+        "belly: pale whitish or beige with light gray streaks",
+        "breast: mottled light gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight brownish tinge",
+        "forehead: dark gray merging into brown on the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, often with a pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-gray, slender and delicate",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black flight feathers and fine buff wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, lighter than the crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, slightly darker than the back and wings, with a shallow fork",
+        "throat: pale beige, blending into the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "thalasseus elegans": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: black crest on head",
+        "forehead: white with black border",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled with black",
+        "legs: orange, thin, and featherless",
+        "wings: sharp-edged, grayscale feathers",
+        "nape: black strip from crown to back",
+        "tail: forked, white and gray feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "vermivora chrysoptera": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, dark",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: blue-gray",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark and sturdy",
+        "wings: blue-gray with yellow patches",
+        "nape: blue-gray with a black stripe",
+        "tail: blue-gray, short and notched",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "emberiza citrinella": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black pattern",
+        "beak: short, thick, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: rich chestnut stripe",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish, slender",
+        "wings: brown, black, and white with distinct bars",
+        "nape: chestnut with streaks",
+        "tail: forked, black, and white with bold outer feathers",
+        "throat: golden yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "sayornis phoebe": [
+        "back: olive-brown with hints of olive-gray",
+        "beak: black, slender and straight",
+        "belly: dirty white to pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale olive-gray with white undertones",
+        "crown: olive-brown with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: black, round, and centered on the head",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and slightly feathered",
+        "wings: dark olive-gray, long and pointed",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a distinctive contrast to the crown",
+        "tail: dark olive-gray, long, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a vague malar stripe on each side"
+    ],
+    "aythya affinis": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: blue-gray with a black tip and white band near the base",
+        "belly: clean white underbelly with slight feather texture",
+        "breast: chocolate brown with fine white speckles",
+        "crown: slightly raised, dark brown feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: bright golden-yellow with a round, black pupil",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: dark brown primaries and secondaries with broad white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: short, dark brown tail feathers with a slight upward curve",
+        "throat: brown feathers with a white border, separating it from the breast"
+    ],
+    "coragyps atratus": [
+        "back: black feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: black feathers flowing into the vent area",
+        "breast: black plumage with a slight iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: black feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: small feathers transitioning into the facial skin",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly reflective with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong, featherless with a black appearance and sharp talons",
+        "wings: long black feathers with a slight greenish-purple sheen",
+        "nape: black short feathers connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: black elongated feathers with a shallow fork",
+        "throat: black feathers with loose contour feathers near the base of the beak"
+    ],
+    "icterus nigrogularis": [
+        "back: dark olive green",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: dark olive green",
+        "forehead: dark olive green",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish blue",
+        "wings: dark olive green with black edges",
+        "nape: dark olive green",
+        "tail: black with yellow tips",
+        "throat: black triangular patch"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax brasilianus": [
+        "back: black and glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white or grey-white underparts",
+        "breast: black or dark brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a noticeable bright border",
+        "legs: strong and black, with well-developed webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad and black, with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black, sleek feathers transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white or light-colored patch, contrasting with the dark upperparts"
+    ],
+    "bombycilla cedrorum": [
+        "back: olive-gray plumage",
+        "beak: thin, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray to white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with a splash of yellow",
+        "crown: square-shaped, light purplish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: purplish-blue with a crimson streak",
+        "eyes: dark-colored, white eyering",
+        "legs: short, dark grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wingtips and raspberry-red edging",
+        "nape: olive-gray blending with the crown",
+        "tail: gray with white outer tail feathers and red tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white, well-defined from breast"
+    ],
+    "rostrhamus sociabilis": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a slightly glossy appearance",
+        "beak: long, thin, and hook-tipped, black with a blue-gray base",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks or banding, blending into the breast",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks radiating downward from the throat",
+        "crown: dark gray to black feathers with a slightly rounded appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth and flat, transitioning from the black beak to the dark gray crown",
+        "eyes: large and circular, dark brown with a thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, greenish-yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, with a mix of black, gray, and white feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the darker gray crown, with lighter gray feathers near the back",
+        "tail: long and graduated, with dark gray feathers and narrow bands of black and white",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark streaks, blending into the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "cisticola juncidis": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white or buff fringed feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: graduated and fan-shaped, with dark barring",
+        "throat: whitish with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "spizella passerina": [
+        "back: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical-shaped, and pale",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: chestnut brown to reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, tiny, and round",
+        "legs: pale, slender with clawed toes",
+        "wings: brownish-black with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: rusty brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with a forked end",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "bonasa umbellus": [
+        "back: brownish-black and white patterned feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish with black bars and spots",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white marks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "forehead: pale buff with black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white",
+        "legs: feathered and brownish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-black primary feathers,-patterned brown and white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with black and white markings",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with pale bands",
+        "throat: white with distinct black-bordered collar"
+    ],
+    "anthochaera chrysoptera": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: greyish-white to pale yellow with hints of green",
+        "crown: streaked gray with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: dark gray with a lighter feather edge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a light-colored ring around them",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with golden-yellow wing patches",
+        "nape: grayish-white to pale yellow",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with golden-yellow tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white to pale yellow with a slight green tint"
+    ],
+    "elanus leucurus": [
+        "back: smooth, pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharply hooked black",
+        "belly: clean, white plumage",
+        "breast: white with minimal markings",
+        "crown: pale gray, blending with back",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter gray feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing, dark with a black stripe",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: broad, pale gray with black tips, and white patches",
+        "nape: pale gray, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: long, white with narrow black bands",
+        "throat: white, matching breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes chrysogenys": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight golden hue",
+        "beak: long, slender, and light gray",
+        "belly: yellowish-white with black markings",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with dark spots",
+        "crown: red with glossy finish",
+        "forehead: bright red and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyelids",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with golden tinges and black markings",
+        "nape: red with glossy sheen",
+        "tail: olive-green with black barring",
+        "throat: golden-yellow with scattered black markings"
+    ],
+    "charadrius hiaticula": [
+        "back: light brown with speckled pattern",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish with a yellow base",
+        "belly: clean white underbelly",
+        "breast: white with a black collar",
+        "crown: brownish with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with a dark eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: brown with white stripes and black tips",
+        "nape: light brown with white markings",
+        "tail: brown and white bars with a black terminal band",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "threskiornis melanocephalus": [
+        "back: dark bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin and gently curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: light grey feathers",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: dark feathers extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: bright red or orange",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish-green",
+        "wings: dark grey with green iridescence",
+        "nape: pale grey, slightly ruffled",
+        "tail: short, dark grey feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage with dark border"
+    ],
+    "philemon corniculatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: curved, sturdy and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light-grey with fine dark patterns",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: blackish, with small crest",
+        "forehead: blackish, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by narrow pale ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter edges, rounded shape",
+        "nape: blackish, blending with crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white, bordered by dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tadorna tadorna": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers with white borders",
+        "beak: reddish-pink, slender and pointed",
+        "belly: white feathers with a black band at the top",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with black and white plumage",
+        "crown: greenish-black with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: white with a greenish-black band",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white patch around them",
+        "legs: pinkish to orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white and dark green markings",
+        "nape: greenish-black with iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: short, dark feathers with a white border",
+        "throat: chestnut-colored feathers fading to white near the belly"
+    ],
+    "apus apus": [
+        "back: dark gray and compact",
+        "beak: short and pointy",
+        "belly: light gray with streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with uniform barring",
+        "crown: sleek, dark gray",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: round, black bead",
+        "legs: short, feathered, with concealed toes",
+        "wings: long, narrow, sharp-pointed",
+        "nape: blended gray, short feathers",
+        "tail: forked, blackish, and short",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "trogon collaris": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and gray",
+        "belly: striking yellow plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent green-to-blue gradient",
+        "crown: glossy dark green or blue",
+        "forehead: same as crown, glossy dark green or blue",
+        "eyes: round, small, black with thin gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, and sturdy",
+        "wings: green upper-parts with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: green with a slight bluish sheen",
+        "tail: elongated, squared-off, with black and white alternating bands",
+        "throat: bright red, collar-like ring"
+    ],
+    "setophaga coronata": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black with yellow border",
+        "forehead: yellow patch",
+        "eyes: black with a yellow arc",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white patches and streaks",
+        "nape: black with a bright yellow band",
+        "tail: black with white edges and spots",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "megascops choliba": [
+        "back: dark streaks on light gray",
+        "beak: small hooked light beak",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with faint barring",
+        "crown: rounded with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: light feathers and prominent \"eyebrows",
+        "eyes: large and yellow, surrounded by facial disk",
+        "legs: short and feathered, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded, barred gray and brown",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: barred gray and brown with a slight downward curve",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tachyphonus rufus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, thick, black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: rufous-orange hue",
+        "crown: dark brown, sometimes streaked",
+        "forehead: medium brown coloring",
+        "eyes: black and round, with white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and fairly short",
+        "wings: rich rufous with blackish-brown edges",
+        "nape: brownish-red feathers",
+        "tail: rufous-brown, short and square",
+        "throat: lighter grayish-white patch"
+    ],
+    "calidris mauri": [
+        "back: light brownish-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: black, small, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with black streaks and white spots",
+        "forehead: buff-white with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: grey-brown with black feathers and white edges",
+        "nape: light brown with black streaks and white spots",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "nyctanassa violacea": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or pale grey",
+        "breast: white with dark spots or patches",
+        "crown: bluish-black with a lighter border",
+        "forehead: white to pale gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and outlined with white",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green and unfeathered",
+        "wings: greyish-blue with white streaks and black tips",
+        "nape: blackish-grey with a white streak",
+        "tail: blue-grey with white tips and outer edges",
+        "throat: white with black streaks or markings"
+    ],
+    "mimus saturninus": [
+        "back: shades of brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved, with a blackish color",
+        "belly: creamy white and faint black stripes",
+        "breast: pale grey with some darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with streaks of black",
+        "forehead: lighter grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a creamy white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and pale, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with black and white bars",
+        "nape: grey with black streaks, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: long, with black and white barring patterns, and a rounded end",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly darker than the belly"
+    ],
+    "chordeiles acutipennis": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine markings",
+        "beak: small and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale with dark vertical streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown, densely patterned",
+        "forehead: lighter brown than the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: large and dark, for nighttime vision",
+        "legs: short, pale, and strong",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark brown with white accents",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: long and streamlined, with white notches near the tips",
+        "throat: light with dark vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "calidris pusilla": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: light beige with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: white with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "ptyonoprogne rupestris": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with a faint sheen",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grayish-buff color",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: slightly darker grayish-brown than the back",
+        "forehead: pale gray blending into the crown color",
+        "eyes: small, brown, surrounded by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: short, pale pinkish-grey with dark claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, featuring grayish-brown feathers with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: continuous color from the crown, grayish-brown",
+        "tail: squared-off shape, grayish-brown with a white terminal band",
+        "throat: pale gray, fading to lighter gray on the belly"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus vociferans": [
+        "back: grayish-olive green",
+        "beak: black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: dark gray, with a hidden crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: black, with faint white ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: dark gray, with distinctive white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-olive green",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered with gray"
+    ],
+    "numenius arquata": [
+        "back: brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: brown with dark speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with light stripes",
+        "forehead: buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and inconspicuous",
+        "legs: long, thin, and bluish-gray",
+        "wings: long and pointed with dark bars",
+        "nape: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, and barred",
+        "throat: buff with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "motacilla aguimp": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, long, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: creamy white with black streaks",
+        "crown: greenish-black with a crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-black transitioning to yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: dark grey with white and greenish-yellow bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "charadrius semipalmatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a yellow cast",
+        "beak: short, black, and straight",
+        "belly: white with black speckles",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: striking black with a white eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: beige to white in color",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with semi-webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with white edges",
+        "nape: black streak extending to the shoulders",
+        "tail: black and white, with a distinct v shape",
+        "throat: white with a black collar"
+    ],
+    "zosterops palpebrosus": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration with a slight yellowish sheen",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black or dark gray color",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue with a soft, fluffy texture",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage extending from throat to belly",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: small and relatively flat, olive-green color",
+        "eyes: prominent white rings surrounding dark, round pupils",
+        "legs: short and robust, gray or blackish in color",
+        "wings: olive-green color with flight feathers showing a darker tone",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers extending from crown to back",
+        "tail: relatively short and slightly rounded, dark greenish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow coloration, merging with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "chaetura pelagica": [
+        "back: dark gray with a sleek profile",
+        "beak: small, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray, slightly plump",
+        "crown: dark gray, rounded top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, black, and hidden under feathers",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark gray",
+        "nape: gray with a smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: slender, forked, and gray",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "riparia riparia": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathered",
+        "beak: small, thin, black",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: pale chestnut color",
+        "crown: light brown, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale grey, slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark brown",
+        "nape: light brown, connects to the crown",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, blackish-brown",
+        "throat: white, contrasts with the darker upperparts"
+    ],
+    "progne tapera": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: short, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white, slightly mottled",
+        "breast: light gray with a hint of cinnamon",
+        "crown: pale grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: subtle lighter gray area",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin, long, and dark",
+        "wings: rounded shape, darker edges with visible feather detail",
+        "nape: pale grayish-brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, slightly forked, with dark bands",
+        "throat: off-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "zonotrichia capensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray or white",
+        "breast: grayish with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous or chestnut-colored with central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale-gray or whitish",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white and dark markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with dark malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "ichthyaetus ichthyaetus": [
+        "back: dark gray or brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly hooked, yellowish with a dark tip",
+        "belly: white or light gray plumage",
+        "breast: white or light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray or black cap-like feathers",
+        "forehead: white, blending into the dark crown",
+        "eyes: dark or black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: yellow or orange, strong and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-brown upperwing with white underwing",
+        "nape: gray or brownish-gray, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, gray-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the darker head feathers"
+    ],
+    "acrocephalus australis": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale, off-white coloration",
+        "breast: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight rufous tint",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with rufous edges on feathers",
+        "nape: brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, sometimes streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "toxostoma curvirostre": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and stout",
+        "belly: pale gray-white",
+        "breast: buffy brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: large, black, and bright",
+        "legs: flesh-colored with strong feet",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with rufous edging",
+        "nape: gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, rufous, and graduated",
+        "throat: buffy with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ardea herodias": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellow",
+        "belly: white-grey feathers",
+        "breast: pale blue-grey plumage",
+        "crown: black cap, plume",
+        "forehead: blue-grey, narrow white line",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: long, grey, slender",
+        "wings: blue-grey, wide span",
+        "nape: black, long, plumed",
+        "tail: grey-blue, dark tips",
+        "throat: white streak, sharp curve"
+    ],
+    "buteo rufofuscus": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers with slight white markings",
+        "beak: hooked, dark grey tip with lighter base",
+        "belly: cream-colored with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff hue with dark brown vertical streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-colored blending into the dark crown",
+        "eyes: intense, deep yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: yellowish with dark grey talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with white markings and tan underwing coverts",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-black with a white base and thin white bands",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "anthus cervinus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small and pointed, pale yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with a tinge of pale pink",
+        "breast: creamy-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light buff with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown with long, slender toes",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark bars, rounded tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and rounded, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "melanotis caerulescens": [
+        "back: slate blue with black streaks",
+        "beak: black, straight and pointy",
+        "belly: white with grayish-blue sides",
+        "breast: pale grayish-blue",
+        "crown: deep blue with black streaks",
+        "forehead: bright blue with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: dark blue with black spots",
+        "nape: slate blue with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, straight, in deep blue with black markings",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "turdus philomelos": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin and yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: lighter whitish coloring",
+        "breast: speckled with dark spots",
+        "crown: uniform olive-brown",
+        "forehead: same olive-brown as crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown with white corners",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "microcarbo africanus": [
+        "back: dark, glossy plumage",
+        "beak: slender, curved, sharp",
+        "belly: grayish white feathers",
+        "breast: gray-white with dark markings",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: narrow, sloping toward beak",
+        "eyes: round, pale blue",
+        "legs: long, webbed feet",
+        "wings: wide, black, speckled with white",
+        "nape: black plumage, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: long, dark, narrow feathers",
+        "throat: grayish white, extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "promerops cafer": [
+        "back: dark iridescent blue-green",
+        "beak: long, curved, and black",
+        "belly: orange-rust colored",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: metallic blackish-blue",
+        "forehead: dark metallic blue",
+        "eyes: dark walnut-brown",
+        "legs: long and slender, black in color",
+        "wings: deep shimmering green-blue",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black",
+        "tail: long, narrowed, and blue-black",
+        "throat: bright, rich orange"
+    ],
+    "ciconia ciconia": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointy",
+        "belly: smooth white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with slight curvature",
+        "crown: white feathers with extended feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: white plumage meeting at the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-red",
+        "wings: wide, prominent, mainly white with black tips",
+        "nape: white feathers continuing down the back",
+        "tail: squared-off with white and black feathers",
+        "throat: sleek white with elongated feathers"
+    ],
+    "corvus monedula": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, strong, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray or light brownish-gray feathers",
+        "breast: dark blue-black plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent, pale gray or blue-gray",
+        "legs: stout, dark gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: blue-black feathers, ends with square-tailed feathers",
+        "nape: rich, blue-black plumage",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth black feathers transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "sitta pusilla": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with delicate streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with fine streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white, slightly buff",
+        "crown: greyish-blue, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: pale grey, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with prominent white bars",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, blending into crown",
+        "tail: short, straight-edged, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "cyanocorax chrysops": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: light grey, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: dark blue crest on the head",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady and inquisitive",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: bright blue feathers with white marks",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: long blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers meeting the grey breast"
+    ],
+    "aythya nyroca": [
+        "back: brownish-black with fine white speckles",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "belly: chestnut brown with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: deep chestnut color with occasional white flecks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright reddish-orange",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white speculum and trailing edges",
+        "nape: dark brown, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: short and pointed, brownish-black",
+        "throat: chestnut brown, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "penelope obscura": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: whitish with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: buffy with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-yellow with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: light grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "butorides virescens": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, narrow, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark green cap, crest-like",
+        "forehead: dark green with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with a yellow ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellow-orange in color",
+        "wings: olive-brown, short and broad",
+        "nape: streaked white and brown",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sylvia atricapilla": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed",
+        "belly: buff-white, paler underside",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown",
+        "crown: black (male) or dark brown (female",
+        "forehead: same color as crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, short and rounded",
+        "nape: similar color as back",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, forked",
+        "throat: pale with hint of grey"
+    ],
+    "plegadis falcinellus": [
+        "back: dark iridescent green sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: greenish-bronze hue",
+        "breast: dark purple-glossed",
+        "crown: greenish-black",
+        "forehead: dark and smooth",
+        "eyes: small and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, orange-red",
+        "wings: glossy dark feathers, purple-tipped",
+        "nape: green-bronze shimmer",
+        "tail: dark, short, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: glossy purple sheen"
+    ],
+    "tringa incana": [
+        "back: slate gray with pale feather edges",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight with a black color",
+        "belly: white with fine gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: slate gray with a pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray transitioning to slate gray",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, long and slender",
+        "wings: slate gray with pale edges and white wingbars",
+        "nape: slate gray with a pale collar",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers and fine barring",
+        "throat: white with fine gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "cerorhinca monocerata": [
+        "back: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: orange, curved and pointy",
+        "belly: light gray plumage",
+        "breast: white-feathered",
+        "crown: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: sloping contour, grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: bold black with white area around",
+        "legs: orange, strong yet slender",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with darker blue tips",
+        "nape: smooth, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, feathered"
+    ],
+    "anser indicus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: pale orange with black tip",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: white with dark brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: white with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: orange-grey with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown, elongated with white tips",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, pointed with white and brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, transitioning into breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "poecile gambeli": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: white with beige flanks",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaking",
+        "crown: black cap with white line at base",
+        "forehead: black, extending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or grayish",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: gray with slight streaking",
+        "tail: relatively short, grayish-brown",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a black chinstrap"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes uropygialis": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick, chisel-like, slate gray",
+        "belly: pale cream with black spots",
+        "breast: light cinnamon buff color",
+        "crown: glossy black with white stripes",
+        "forehead: white, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white crescent patch",
+        "legs: slate gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: blackish brown, white stripes",
+        "nape: striped white and black",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black feathers"
+    ],
+    "crithagra mozambica": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: pale silver-gray, conical shape",
+        "belly: soft, pale yellow",
+        "breast: light-yellow feathers, slightly darker than belly",
+        "crown: dull greenish-yellow, blending with back",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish-gray, slim",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edge detail",
+        "nape: yellowish-olive, in line with crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright, lemon-yellow"
+    ],
+    "cisticola exilis": [
+        "back: brown and streaked pattern",
+        "beak: short and sharp",
+        "belly: pale gray-white hues",
+        "breast: grayish with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous or brownish",
+        "forehead: light brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with faint streaks",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded",
+        "throat: off-white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "egretta novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: slender, elongated body with distinctive white plumage",
+        "beak: long, narrow and sharp, yellowish color",
+        "belly: smooth, soft white feathers",
+        "breast: white and full, gently curving into the belly",
+        "crown: distinctive wispy plumes, thin and delicate",
+        "forehead: flat and unremarkable, seamlessly blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and piercing with a yellowish hue and dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, thin, black, and slightly bent at the joint",
+        "wings: wide and graceful, with a span of nearly a meter",
+        "nape: thin, elongated neck connecting back to head with wispy plumes",
+        "tail: fan-like, with long and drooping white feathers",
+        "throat: white, slender and elongated, continuing the line from the breast"
+    ],
+    "ardenna grisea": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with contrasting white streaks",
+        "beak: medium-sized, pale yellowish-gray with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: primarily white with faint grey horizontal bars",
+        "breast: light gray, blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: darker grey, smooth curve to the back of the head",
+        "forehead: gradually lightens from the dark grey crown into the lighter face",
+        "eyes: small, black orbs surrounded by a white-to-light-grey eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-orange, sturdy and medium in length",
+        "wings: dark grey with irregular white markings, capable of gliding",
+        "nape: dark grey, meeting the crown and blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and forked, alternating grey and white bands on the feathers",
+        "throat: light grey, connecting the breast and the head"
+    ],
+    "gyps fulvus": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with darker markings",
+        "beak: large, strong, hooked, yellow",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: light brown feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light brown with faint markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing",
+        "legs: powerful, feathered, yellowish",
+        "wings: large, strong, brown with darker tips",
+        "nape: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brown, wide, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: lighter brown, faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pheucticus chrysopeplus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short and stout, grayish-black color",
+        "belly: creamy yellow, with brown streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, sometimes with reddish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, often with a golden sheen",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown color, surrounded by a small white circle",
+        "legs: grayish-black, thin and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges and yellow markings",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing on from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with darker banding",
+        "throat: bright yellow, extending from the chin to the upper breast"
+    ],
+    "setophaga caerulescens": [
+        "back: bluish-gray with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with black streaks on the sides",
+        "crown: bold black with bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: black with slight bluish sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white or light-colored eyering",
+        "legs: dark, slender with strong feet",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, black-edged with two prominent white wingbars",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with black streaking",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with blackish stripes and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pelecanus conspicillatus": [
+        "back: light grey elongated body",
+        "beak: large, hooked point with a lower pouch",
+        "belly: white, downy underside",
+        "breast: full, rounded chest with white feathers",
+        "crown: black, flat-topped head",
+        "forehead: sloping forehead with white and black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: black, webbed feet with long scaly limbs",
+        "wings: broad, pale grey with black tips",
+        "nape: black curved feathers connecting head to body",
+        "tail: short, wide grey feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with elongated lower beak pouch"
+    ],
+    "platycercus eximius": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and robust, beige color",
+        "belly: pale yellow under-feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow mixed with lime green",
+        "crown: vivid blue feathering",
+        "forehead: striking red and black stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with white circular outline",
+        "legs: grayish-brown scaly limbs",
+        "wings: shades of blue, green and yellow hued feathers",
+        "nape: intersection of red and blue feather patterns",
+        "tail: elongated and layered, rainbow hues of blue, green, and yellow",
+        "throat: deep red and black striated feathers"
+    ],
+    "onychognathus morio": [
+        "back: blue-black plumage with iridescent shine",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, and medium-length",
+        "belly: off-white to grayish color with feather patterns",
+        "breast: off-white feathers with black streaks or patterns",
+        "crown: dark blue-black rounded crest, sometimes spiked",
+        "forehead: bluish-black feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, medium-length, and with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark blue-black with long, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-black feathers meeting at a sharp point",
+        "tail: long and blue-black with narrow, slightly spread feathers",
+        "throat: light gray to off-white feathers with variable patterns"
+    ],
+    "agelaius tricolor": [
+        "back: glossy black with iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed and black",
+        "belly: dark reddish-brown to black",
+        "breast: dark reddish-brown to black, blending into belly",
+        "crown: glossy deep black, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: glossy black, connecting to crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: black and iridescent, with some reddish-brown feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent black, like the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight curve at the end",
+        "throat: black and glossy, continuous with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "colibri coruscans": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "crown: metallic green shimmer",
+        "forehead: bright green shine",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: fast-flapping and tapered",
+        "nape: glittering green hue",
+        "tail: forked with black and white bands",
+        "throat: glistening blue-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "ocyphaps lophotes": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short, strong, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale cream with fine dark spots",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: gray with a tall, black crest",
+        "forehead: gray plumage blending with crest",
+        "eyes: sharp, black with grayish-white eyering",
+        "legs: red, strong, and scaly",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: gray, transitioning into back feathers",
+        "tail: long, white-tipped feathers with black bands",
+        "throat: white with fine streaks of grayish-brown"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus forficatus": [
+        "back: dark gray, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: black, long, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray, fading to white",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray than belly",
+        "crown: dark gray, almost black",
+        "forehead: whitish-gray, prominent",
+        "eyes: black, striking, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with bold black and white accents",
+        "nape: conspicuous white collar",
+        "tail: long, deeply forked, black central feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "circaetus cinereus": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: lighter gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: lighter, fading gray",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish, strong legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-brown with darker tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, same as back and crown",
+        "tail: long, banded with dark gray bars",
+        "throat: slightly lighter gray, smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "hydroprogne caspia": [
+        "back: light grey plumage",
+        "beak: large, thick, and red-orange",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with greyish upper sides",
+        "crown: black cap extending to nape",
+        "forehead: black with prominent crest",
+        "eyes: dark and small surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: dark, long, and slender",
+        "wings: long and grey with black tips",
+        "nape: black feathers merging with the crown",
+        "tail: short, grey with slight white edges",
+        "throat: white with smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "geothlypis formosa": [
+        "back: greenish-olive hue",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grey",
+        "belly: yellow-orange tinge",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow coloring",
+        "crown: grey-green plumage",
+        "forehead: pale grey feathering",
+        "eyes: bright and black",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey tone",
+        "wings: greenish-brown, white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage",
+        "tail: rounded, greenish-brown",
+        "throat: golden-yellow shade"
+    ],
+    "parkesia noveboracensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and dark",
+        "belly: whitish with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: gray-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with subtle central stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a notched tip",
+        "throat: light gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "columbina talpacoti": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle shading",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: reddish-brown",
+        "crown: slate-gray with some blue shades",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark with pale gray eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with rufous edging",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "spinus lawrencei": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale in color",
+        "belly: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow or off-white",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black cap",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow merging with black cap",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with faint yellow eyering",
+        "legs: slender and pale, with strong toes",
+        "wings: black with yellow and white markings",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with black streaks, connecting to black cap",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with pale breast"
+    ],
+    "vanellus chilensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with black band",
+        "breast: white with black patch",
+        "crown: black extending to hindneck",
+        "forehead: white with a narrow black band",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by red ring",
+        "legs: long, slim, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: broad, with white and brown feathers",
+        "nape: black, blending into brown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: buff, blending into white breast"
+    ],
+    "anthus hodgsoni": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: buff-colored with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-gray with indistinct streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers and distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: brown, forked, and edged with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with subtle streaking"
+    ],
+    "lichmera indistincta": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray feathering",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light brown with indistinct streaking",
+        "crown: dull brown with a faint yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a faint eyering",
+        "legs: thin, black, and spindly",
+        "wings: brown with faint bars, primary feathers edged in white",
+        "nape: mottled brown and gray like the back",
+        "tail: long and slim, blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: light brown, blending into the pale belly coloration"
+    ],
+    "jabiru mycteria": [
+        "back: sturdy, black-feathered",
+        "beak: long, thick, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: large, white",
+        "crown: black, featherless area, red skin",
+        "forehead: black featherless",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by black featherless skin",
+        "legs: long, grayish-black",
+        "wings: large, white-feathered, black edges",
+        "nape: black-feathered, smoothly curved",
+        "tail: long, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, long neck"
+    ],
+    "platalea flavipes": [
+        "back: dark greenish feathers",
+        "beak: long, flat, yellowish",
+        "belly: white or light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: white or light-colored feathers",
+        "crown: dark greenish feathers",
+        "forehead: dark greenish feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: thin and long, yellow",
+        "wings: long, greenish, broad feathers",
+        "nape: dark greenish feathers",
+        "tail: short, greenish feathers",
+        "throat: white or light-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "callipepla gambelii": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white stripes",
+        "beak: short, stout, and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white and lightly speckled",
+        "breast: rufous with distinctive black markings",
+        "crown: tawny with black forward-facing crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray adjacent to black crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with long, narrow toes",
+        "wings: brown with intricate white and black patterns",
+        "nape: light brown with indistinct white stripes",
+        "tail: chestnut with white feather tips",
+        "throat: black patch surrounded by white, forming a unique bib-like pattern"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus couchii": [
+        "back: olive-green to grayish color",
+        "beak: black, wide and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with soft streaks",
+        "breast: grayish with some streaking",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smoky-gray color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a noticeable ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edging",
+        "nape: smoky-gray blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer tips",
+        "throat: white with subtle grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "lophonetta specularioides": [
+        "back: short, rounded, covered in dense feathers",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, sharp-edged bill",
+        "belly: soft, fluffy underside with light feathers",
+        "breast: plump, rounded chest with speckled feathers",
+        "crown: slightly crested, dark-feathered top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth area above eyes with lighter feathering",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes with a white ring",
+        "legs: orange, strong, and scaly with webbed feet",
+        "wings: relatively long, pointed, and barred wings",
+        "nape: back of the neck with short feathers",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, boasting iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: sleek, narrow area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "lanius ludovicianus": [
+        "back: slate gray to black upper body",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp and black",
+        "belly: white, elongated underside",
+        "breast: white to pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray or black cap on head",
+        "forehead: white or pale gray coloring",
+        "eyes: encircled with a black \"bandit\" mask",
+        "legs: thin and black, yellow or amber colored",
+        "wings: long, black with white bars and patches",
+        "nape: gray, white, or black feathers beneath the crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges and tips",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes aurifrons": [
+        "back: vibrant golden and black striping",
+        "beak: robust, grayish-black color",
+        "belly: clean white, contrasting body",
+        "breast: white with blackish feather tips",
+        "crown: bright red mixed with golden stripes",
+        "forehead: striking golden-yellow hue",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: bold, black and white striped pattern",
+        "nape: brilliant golden-yellow and black stripes",
+        "tail: black with white barring, strong and stiff",
+        "throat: clean white, distinguishing feature"
+    ],
+    "calidris alpina": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with paler margins",
+        "forehead: white with fine dark lines",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, greenish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bar",
+        "nape: streaked with dark brown and rusty tones",
+        "tail: white and black feathers, short and square",
+        "throat: pale white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "vireo gilvus": [
+        "back: olive-green hue, slightly feathered",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, pale and thin",
+        "belly: white to pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: white with pale olive wash",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint crested appearance",
+        "forehead: olive-yellowish, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-grey and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "quiscalus mexicanus": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: large, tapered black beak",
+        "belly: sleek black underbelly",
+        "breast: shiny blue-black chest feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange eyes",
+        "legs: long, dark legs",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-black wing feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, v-shaped tail feathers",
+        "throat: shiny black throat area"
+    ],
+    "vireo huttoni": [
+        "back: olive-green shading",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: soft yellowish-white",
+        "crown: sleek, grayish-green",
+        "forehead: pale yellowish-white",
+        "eyes: small, black, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: slightly notched, olive-green",
+        "throat: unmarked, light buff color"
+    ],
+    "anthus cinnamomeus": [
+        "back: cinnamon-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: pale cream-white",
+        "breast: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, streaked with black",
+        "forehead: cinnamon-brown, finely streaked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish-black with pale edges and white wing bars",
+        "nape: cinnamon-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: buff-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "haematopus moquini": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, red-orange, slightly-curved",
+        "belly: white with some dark feathering on sides",
+        "breast: white with dark brownish-black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow surrounded by dark feathering",
+        "legs: long, thick, pinkish-orange to red",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white with light streaks of dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "thalasseus sandvicensis": [
+        "back: light grey plumage with sharp contrast",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black with a yellow tip",
+        "belly: white and smooth, often reflecting sunlight",
+        "breast: white, connecting to the white belly seamlessly",
+        "crown: black cap with clean delineation from the forehead",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting sharply with the black crown",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: orange to black, depending on the individual, and relatively short",
+        "wings: long and angular, with grey upperparts and dark tips",
+        "nape: thin white border separating the black crown from the grey back",
+        "tail: short and white, edged with black on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, extending around the sides of the neck"
+    ],
+    "momotus lessonii": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long and curved black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: turquoise blue shimmering",
+        "crown: bold iridescent blue",
+        "forehead: emerald green gleam",
+        "eyes: piercing brown-black",
+        "legs: strong two-clawed, gray",
+        "wings: long, green-blue and turquoise",
+        "nape: striking iridescent blue",
+        "tail: elongated, racquet-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming metallic green-blue"
+    ],
+    "chrysomus icterocephalus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black feathered head",
+        "forehead: black feathers meeting yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with visible darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting to back",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers with white edging",
+        "throat: brilliant golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "hylocharis leucotis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, elongated, and black",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: subtle gray feathers blending into the belly",
+        "crown: brilliant emerald green crest",
+        "forehead: continuation of the emerald green crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray to black",
+        "wings: iridescent green with black edging",
+        "nape: bright green transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long and narrow, black with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers contrasted against the breast"
+    ],
+    "melospiza georgiana": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with a reddish-brown stripe",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "merops philippinus": [
+        "back: vibrant green hues",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: pale blue and white",
+        "breast: yellow-green with chestnut stripe",
+        "crown: green with a bluish tint",
+        "forehead: deep blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white eyelid",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, short",
+        "wings: green-blue feathers, elongated",
+        "nape: royal blue with a purple sheen",
+        "tail: elongated central feathers, blue with green fringe",
+        "throat: bright chestnut patch"
+    ],
+    "psittacara leucophthalmus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and beige",
+        "belly: green plumage with light blue undertones",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: green with a hint of blue",
+        "forehead: green, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: white eye-rings, dark pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with blue and red accents",
+        "nape: green with a slight blue sheen",
+        "tail: long, green with red under-feathers",
+        "throat: lighter green compared to body"
+    ],
+    "luscinia megarhynchos": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered",
+        "beak: slender, curved shape",
+        "belly: whitish-grey underside",
+        "breast: pale orange-brown hue",
+        "crown: streaked dark brown",
+        "forehead: dark brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish-black flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown streaked with dark brown",
+        "tail: broad with dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with orange-brown sides"
+    ],
+    "branta bernicla": [
+        "back: dark brown upper body feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout black beak",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: dark brown with white specks",
+        "crown: solid black head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black transitioning to neck",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and orange-red",
+        "wings: dark brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: strong, black, and narrow",
+        "tail: short, rounded, black with white parts",
+        "throat: contrasting white feathers against the head"
+    ],
+    "spermestes cucullata": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal region",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical, and silver-gray in color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage on the lower ventral region",
+        "breast: bluish-gray feathers on the upper ventral region",
+        "crown: black hood-like feature covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: black continuation of the hood extending downwards over the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by the black hood feathers",
+        "legs: short, grayish-black with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark, well-defined feather shafts",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage connecting the hood to the back feathers",
+        "tail: olive-green with blackish central feathers and white outer tips",
+        "throat: black hood feathers extending downwards over the throat region"
+    ],
+    "chloropicus fuscescens": [
+        "back: olive-green with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: robust, sharp-pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellow-olive color",
+        "breast: greenish with yellowish tints",
+        "crown: dark green with glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: dark-green with yellow speckles",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with yellow edging",
+        "nape: dark green with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: elongated, greenish-brown with yellow edges",
+        "throat: light green with yellowish tinge"
+    ],
+    "nestor notabilis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: strong, curved, light grey upper bill, and dark grey lower bill",
+        "belly: orange-ish underparts with some dark streaks",
+        "breast: light olive-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown cap fading to grey on the forehead",
+        "forehead: smooth grey feathers, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with crisp white eye-rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, light grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green-edged primary feathers with brown secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, splayed, dark grey feathers with greenish tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, lightly streaked with darker grey"
+    ],
+    "phoenicurus ochruros": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: thin and short, black",
+        "belly: off-white and grey blend",
+        "breast: light grey with rusty red patch",
+        "crown: slate grey",
+        "forehead: smooth grey",
+        "eyes: small and black, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark, strong",
+        "wings: dark grey with white patches",
+        "nape: grey shaded feathers",
+        "tail: black with distinctive red-orange flash",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "petroica boodang": [
+        "back: olive-green hue with mottled pattern",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, dark-grey color",
+        "belly: pale with red blush, faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright red-orange patch",
+        "crown: dark-grey, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of grey",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized, alert",
+        "legs: strong, thin, dark-grey",
+        "wings: short, rounded, olive-green with white tips",
+        "nape: greyish-green, connecting to back",
+        "tail: short, dark-greenish, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "psittacula krameri": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, red upper and black lower mandibles",
+        "belly: pale bluish-grey with green edges",
+        "breast: vivid green feathers",
+        "crown: deep green head feathers",
+        "forehead: black stripe running from beak to eyes",
+        "eyes: golden yellow iris with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-grey with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: green with long, pointed flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with thin black band across the neck",
+        "tail: long and tapering with blue-green feathers and yellow tips",
+        "throat: green with rosy pink collar"
+    ],
+    "setophaga chrysoparia": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: light yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black stripe down the center",
+        "forehead: yellow with black side borders",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with black stripe",
+        "tail: olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "meleagris gallopavo": [
+        "back: broad, strong, covered in brown feathers",
+        "beak: robust, sharp, curved tip",
+        "belly: full, round, feathered in brown and white",
+        "breast: wide, large, dark-bronze feathers",
+        "crown: slightly indented, covered with small feathers",
+        "forehead: pale blue or white, fleshy protuberance",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, long, equipped with sharp spurs",
+        "wings: rounded, bronze-brown feathers with white markings",
+        "nape: long feathers, necklace-like, iridescent green",
+        "tail: fan-like, broad, featuring dark bands and a lighter tip",
+        "throat: red and fleshy, wattle-like appendage, called a \"dewlap"
+    ],
+    "sayornis saya": [
+        "back: olive-brown with grayish hue",
+        "beak: long, black, and thin",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with soft streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and flat",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: olive-brown and smooth",
+        "tail: long, black, and forked",
+        "throat: white with a slight brown wash"
+    ],
+    "vireo bellii": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white with some streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with faint gray stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-green to grayish color",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blue-gray with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: olive-green with lighter tips",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "cepphus columba": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with lighter tips",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: white with mottled gray patches",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black speckling",
+        "crown: dark gray with a pale stripe",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown, and slightly watery",
+        "legs: short and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: dark gray with white tips",
+        "nape: gray with a thin white collar",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, dark with light bands",
+        "throat: white with gray speckles"
+    ],
+    "thraupis palmarum": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: yellowish-green hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: vibrant blue patch",
+        "forehead: dull blue-green shade",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-black and sturdy",
+        "wings: bluish-green with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into the blue crown",
+        "tail: dark, bluish-green with subtle yellow edging",
+        "throat: bright yellow under the beak"
+    ],
+    "phaetusa simplex": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curving downward",
+        "belly: light-colored, soft plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, slightly puffed-out",
+        "crown: lightly crested with feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth with overlapping feathers",
+        "eyes: round, alert, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, thin, and sturdy",
+        "wings: strong, slightly pointed tips",
+        "nape: subtle transition from head to back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with distinct feathers",
+        "throat: thin and tapered, protected by feathers"
+    ],
+    "turdoides striata": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slim, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint stripes",
+        "breast: light brownish-grey with slight streaking",
+        "crown: brownish-grey, similar to back",
+        "forehead: thin white streaks on light grey",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, surrounded by white streaks",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with light streaks",
+        "nape: pale grey, leading to crown",
+        "tail: long, faintly striped, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: light grey with some white streaks"
+    ],
+    "falco novaeseelandiae": [
+        "back: dark slate gray with linear patterns",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, pale blue-gray",
+        "belly: light cream with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale creamy-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark slate gray with thin white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with bold black patches",
+        "legs: strong and yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, dark slate gray with slightly lighter undersides",
+        "nape: dark gray with fine white streaking",
+        "tail: short, wide, dark gray with white tip",
+        "throat: white with thin gray barring"
+    ],
+    "ixobrychus exilis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, dark grayish-brown",
+        "belly: buff-white with faint streaking",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: greenish-black merging into crown",
+        "eyes: yellow with a dark grayish-brown ring",
+        "legs: long, greenish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct white spots",
+        "nape: black blending into back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint white barring",
+        "throat: pale buff becoming white toward chin"
+    ],
+    "eurystomus orientalis": [
+        "back: smooth, dark blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: wide, bright reddish-orange, flat",
+        "belly: light blue and white feathers",
+        "breast: rich blue-green plumage",
+        "crown: dark iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, outlined with blue feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-yellow and short",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, dark blue-green",
+        "nape: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark blue-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: soft, white and blue mixed feathers"
+    ],
+    "psarocolius decumanus": [
+        "back: olive-green and glossy",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish with black stripes",
+        "breast: bright yellow-orange",
+        "crown: glossy black with a crest",
+        "forehead: deep blue or purple",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale gray with black claws",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black and yellow patches",
+        "nape: glossy green and blue",
+        "tail: long and black with a white tip",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black markings"
+    ],
+    "baeolophus ridgwayi": [
+        "back: olive-green to grayish upperparts",
+        "beak: short, stout, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white underparts with faint grayish streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: combination of grayish and pale blue crest",
+        "forehead: pale blue to grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark with white crescent-shaped markings",
+        "legs: grayish-black limbs and claws",
+        "wings: pale blue with dark grayish-black primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive to grayish-green",
+        "tail: elongated, dark grayish-black feathers with pale blue accents",
+        "throat: mostly white with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "haliaeetus leucogaster": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and pale yellow with sharp edges",
+        "belly: white feathered with a distinct boundary",
+        "breast: white feathers, well-rounded and fluffy",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, smoothly transitioning to eye region",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow color with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, and yellow-gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and long, brown feathers with white panels",
+        "nape: brown feathers, slightly raised on neck curvature",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, white feathers with a gently curving tip",
+        "throat: white feathers, uniform blend with the breast"
+    ],
+    "dryobates borealis": [
+        "back: strong, striped black and white patterns",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, straight, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale, modestly spotted with black",
+        "breast: white, lightly streaked with grayish-brown",
+        "crown: red-colored patch on the head of males",
+        "forehead: smooth white or grayish-white",
+        "eyes: relatively large, circular, with a black iris",
+        "legs: slender, dull gray, with four strong toes",
+        "wings: medium-sized, black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: white, featuring a black stripe along the neck",
+        "tail: stiff, sharply-pointed feathers with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white or light gray with subtle streaking"
+    ],
+    "ardea intermedia": [
+        "back: grey-blue feathers covering bird's spine area",
+        "beak: long and sharp yellow bill, curving slightly downward",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers with a faint streaked pattern",
+        "breast: greyish-blue plumage with black streaks",
+        "crown: white or greyish-white feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white or greyish-white extending from the beak to the crown",
+        "eyes: small and round, bright yellow-orange in color",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish in color",
+        "wings: grey-blue with black-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: grey-blue feathers converging at the base of the neck",
+        "tail: long, grey-blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white or greyish-white plumage under the beak"
+    ],
+    "tringa brevipes": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: straight, long, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with minimal markings",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright yellowish-green",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "paroaria capitata": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered body",
+        "beak: short, thick cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: bright red patch",
+        "crown: vivid red cap",
+        "forehead: scarlet red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady surrounded by red feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: red or olive-brown, similar to back",
+        "tail: short, square, olive-brown",
+        "throat: white or light grey"
+    ],
+    "vireo griseus": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle grayish tones",
+        "beak: short, thick, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish markings",
+        "breast: white with faint grayish streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-olive, slightly darker than back",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive blend with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: grayish-olive with white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: grayish-olive with a slightly notched tip",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "hypsipetes leucocephalus": [
+        "back: dark grey with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: off-white to light grey",
+        "breast: pale grey to off-white",
+        "crown: pristine white",
+        "forehead: white with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: sharp, intense, dark-brown",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: dark grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: transitional mix of grey and white",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white, bare neck"
+    ],
+    "gavia arctica": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: strong, long, and sharp",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: light gray with striations",
+        "crown: black with white speckles",
+        "forehead: protruding with white markings",
+        "eyes: alert and bright red",
+        "legs: short and powerful with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointy, and black with white spots",
+        "nape: slender neck with black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: short with black and white banding",
+        "throat: white and soft"
+    ],
+    "zonotrichia querula": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "beak: conical-shaped and pale pinkish",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: light-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white central stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: gray with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown, forked",
+        "throat: white with some gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "coccothraustes vespertinus": [
+        "back: bluish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: thick, robust, silver-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black patterns",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: grayish-black",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: short, silver-gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with darkened tips",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with yellow highlights",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black patterns"
+    ],
+    "geococcyx californianus": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, stout, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or light gray with black markings",
+        "breast: white or light gray with black markings",
+        "crown: blue-gray with spiky feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with spiky feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, strong, and lean, greenish-gray",
+        "wings: streaked with black, blue, and white",
+        "nape: blue-gray with spiky feathers",
+        "tail: long, broad, and dark blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: white or light gray with black markings"
+    ],
+    "charadrius tricollaris": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white with some brown spots",
+        "breast: white with three bold black bands",
+        "crown: black with white stripes",
+        "forehead: white",
+        "eyes: bright and round, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: yellowish-green",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: black, bordered by narrow white band",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white"
+    ],
+    "calidris melanotos": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: straight, medium-length, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a dark central stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "ploceus velatus": [
+        "back: golden-yellow feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, conical-shaped, black in color",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow, subtly blending with belly",
+        "crown: sleek, black feathers with a central crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers, slightly curved inwards",
+        "eyes: small, round, black and bright",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown with strong toes",
+        "wings: bold patterns of black, yellow, and golden feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers merging into golden-yellow at the back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, black feathers with golden and yellow edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes carolinus": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle black barring",
+        "beak: long, pointed, chisel-like",
+        "belly: creamy-white with sparse black markings",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: reddish with black streaks",
+        "forehead: red with black markings",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: bluish-gray with strong, sturdy claws",
+        "wings: black with white patches and red markings",
+        "nape: red with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, black bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with black marking"
+    ],
+    "contopus virens": [
+        "back: olive green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, dark, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale greenish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dusky greenish-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-green fading to grayish-green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, thin and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with notched tip",
+        "throat: pale greenish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "merops pusillus": [
+        "back: pale brown with soft greenish-blue streaks",
+        "beak: slender and long, blackish-brown color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light brown dappling",
+        "breast: pale yellow with fine greenish-blue streaks",
+        "crown: vibrant greenish-blue with a hint of metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: pale greenish-blue with a slight metallic shine",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a faint white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish-brown color",
+        "wings: bold greenish-blue, with black primary feathers and pale blue tips",
+        "nape: soft greenish-blue blending into the crown",
+        "tail: elongated black central feathers with greenish-blue edging",
+        "throat: bright yellow with slight dappling of greenish-blue"
+    ],
+    "emberiza schoeniclus": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: pale pinkish, conical shape",
+        "belly: whitish with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: beige with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: rufous and black, striped",
+        "nape: rufous-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown, forked",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax varius": [
+        "back: dark plumage extending from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long and slender, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: lighter grey coloration beneath the breast",
+        "breast: deep black with slight bluish sheen",
+        "crown: dark feathers with a small crest at the rear",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: piercing blue surrounded by a yellow patch",
+        "legs: strong, dark legs with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: large and broad with black feathers",
+        "nape: thick, continuous black feathering from head to back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, consisting of dark feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grey coloration, complementing the belly"
+    ],
+    "empidonax hammondii": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale white with grayish wash",
+        "breast: light gray with olive sides",
+        "crown: olive-green fading into gray",
+        "forehead: slightly yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dusky gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with gray transition",
+        "tail: dark gray with slight fork",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "ichthyaetus melanocephalus": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp, yellowish tip",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light grey feathers mixed with brown",
+        "crown: black feathers forming a distinct cap",
+        "forehead: black merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale yellow ring",
+        "legs: pale yellow, medium length",
+        "wings: dark brownish-grey, wide and strong",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light grey with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sturnus unicolor": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, dark greyish",
+        "belly: sleek black underbelly",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black head feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming black forehead",
+        "eyes: small, round and dark",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-brown legs",
+        "wings: black, wide-spread feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black neck plumage",
+        "tail: medium-length, black feathers",
+        "throat: soft black throat feathers"
+    ],
+    "sagittarius serpentarius": [
+        "back: elongated, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: powerful, curved, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white, feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: creamy white, dense plumage",
+        "crown: dark, elongated head crest",
+        "forehead: white, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: long, strong, yellowish legs",
+        "wings: wide, black-tipped, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "nape: sleek, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brownish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth-feathered area"
+    ],
+    "somateria mollissima": [
+        "back: sleek black with subtle white speckling",
+        "beak: bright orange with a hint of black",
+        "belly: mostly white with soft hints of gray",
+        "breast: white with sporadic black speckles",
+        "crown: smoothly contoured black",
+        "forehead: black rising to a dark peak",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, orange-tinted with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black and white with intricate feather patterns",
+        "nape: arched sleek black extending to the back",
+        "tail: short and pointed with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: strikingly white with a sharp transition to black"
+    ],
+    "anser brachyrhynchus": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers with white edging",
+        "beak: short, pinkish-orange with black nail tip",
+        "belly: plain white feathering",
+        "breast: white feathers with light grayish-brown markings",
+        "crown: round, bluish-gray plumage",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray feathers meeting beak base",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white orbital ring",
+        "legs: bright orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: bluish-gray and white feathers with prominent black and white wing bars",
+        "nape: bluish-gray plumage extending to the back",
+        "tail: short, bluish-gray feathers with white edging",
+        "throat: white feathers with a smooth transition to breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "peucedramus taeniatus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering dorsal side",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: pale-yellow feathered surface",
+        "breast: yellowish plumage blending into belly",
+        "crown: olive-green cap with a dark stripe",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green hue than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with a subtle white eyering",
+        "legs: strong and slender, yellow-grayish color",
+        "wings: olive-green featuring dark streaks and white tips",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: relatively long, olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "calidris maritima": [
+        "back: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow and slender",
+        "wings: gray with dark streaks, white wingbars",
+        "nape: gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "myiodynastes luteiventris": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: black, sturdy, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with some streaking",
+        "breast: white with blackish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a concealed yellow crown patch",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two distinct wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, transitioning into the streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "megascops asio": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: whitish or pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown to reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: mottled brown and grey with beige patches",
+        "forehead: pale beige with faint darker markings",
+        "eyes: bright yellow surrounded by dark feathering",
+        "legs: feathered, light beige or grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown mottled with white or greyish-white spots",
+        "nape: mottled brown and beige with occasional white markings",
+        "tail: mottled brown with white or beige bands",
+        "throat: light beige or white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "icterus gularis": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow upper feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: vivid yellow feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, yellow patch on head",
+        "forehead: striking yellow with a black mask",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white accents",
+        "nape: yellow with a hint of orange",
+        "tail: long, black with white edges",
+        "throat: rich, golden yellow"
+    ],
+    "anthus campestris": [
+        "back: brownish gray with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: black with noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with black flight feathers and white edges",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: buff with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "buteo plagiatus": [
+        "back: dark brown and slightly mottled",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with variable dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: solid dark brown",
+        "forehead: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: long and yellowish",
+        "wings: broad, long, and dark with white undersides",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint lighter streaks",
+        "tail: broad and gray with black banding",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "setophaga discolor": [
+        "back: olive-green upper surface",
+        "beak: slim and pointed, dark grayish-black",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with defined black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending to grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering and arcing line",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: darker olive-green transitioning to grayish-blue",
+        "tail: grayish-blue with undertail white patches",
+        "throat: clear yellow with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "anthreptes malacensis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellow-orange feathers",
+        "crown: bright blue with hints of green",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with hints of yellow",
+        "nape: greenish-blue, continuation of crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, tapered feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "sylvia curruca": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: light grey or off-white",
+        "breast: pale grey, uniform color",
+        "crown: grey, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: grey, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-grey with prominent primary feathers",
+        "nape: grey, matching crown and back",
+        "tail: dark grey, narrow and long feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "tadorna ferruginea": [
+        "back: rusty reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: pinkish-white, hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy white and spotted",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with white patches",
+        "crown: dark chestnut cap",
+        "forehead: white with dark chestnut line",
+        "eyes: dark brown, yellowish-orange ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-red webbed feet",
+        "wings: white, grey and green speculum, black primary feathers",
+        "nape: rusty reddish-brown, distinct white collar",
+        "tail: dark brown, lighter tips",
+        "throat: creamy white, spotted"
+    ],
+    "tringa solitaria": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with a hint of olive-brown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright yellow-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white and dark markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers and fine dark bars",
+        "throat: white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "anser fabalis": [
+        "back: earthy brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: light grey with fine lines",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: medium brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: sloping down, blending into beak",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: sturdy, vibrant orange",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brown with white bars",
+        "nape: brown with a white collar",
+        "tail: brown with white bars, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: creamy white, bordered by brown"
+    ],
+    "coracias caudatus": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: robust black/dark grey",
+        "belly: light blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright white-blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy blue with purple tint",
+        "forehead: radiant blue and purple shades",
+        "eyes: dark with yellowish outlines",
+        "legs: sturdy dark grey/black",
+        "wings: deep blue with hints of purple",
+        "nape: sleek cobalt blue",
+        "tail: lengthy with iridescent blue-purple streamers",
+        "throat: pale blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "aythya marila": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with varying gray shades",
+        "breast: grayish-black fading to white near belly",
+        "crown: glossy black with a sloping shape",
+        "forehead: smoothly rounded black continuing from the crown",
+        "eyes: deep red surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with white secondary feathers creating a wing bar",
+        "nape: black with purplish-green sheen",
+        "tail: black with a subtle u-shape",
+        "throat: black extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "anthropoides virgo": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white mixed with light brown plumage",
+        "breast: white and well-rounded",
+        "crown: pale brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blending seamlessly into the crown, pale brown",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and dark in color",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale pink",
+        "wings: light brown with white streaks, medium length",
+        "nape: pale brown; connects to the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, slender, brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "panurus biarmicus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, blackish bill",
+        "belly: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "breast: buff-orange underparts",
+        "crown: blue-grey with elongated crest",
+        "forehead: blue-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: black with a white surround",
+        "legs: bluish-grey and long",
+        "wings: dark brown with white stripe",
+        "nape: blue-grey with a small crest",
+        "tail: long and dark, with thin outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with a faint blue-grey wash"
+    ],
+    "tachybaptus novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: black-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: grey to white plumage",
+        "crown: dark with streaks",
+        "forehead: small, slightly white-streaked",
+        "eyes: round, reddish-brown",
+        "legs: short, strong, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark, grey-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with white spots",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "copsychus fulicatus": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: dark black plumage",
+        "breast: glossy black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: seamlessly transitioning to black crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, black, and long",
+        "wings: extended black feathers with folded tips",
+        "nape: junction of black head and back feathers",
+        "tail: long and narrow, with black feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "euphonia laniirostris": [
+        "back: dark bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, and conical",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: deep yellow plumage",
+        "crown: metallic blue-black in color",
+        "forehead: shiny, blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: round, small with dark eyelids",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and short",
+        "wings: blackish-blue with white spots",
+        "nape: metallic blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: short and bluish-black with a squared end",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "campylorhynchus gularis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black and white streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: pale buff color with black streaks on the sides",
+        "breast: white with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: light-gray with darker gray streaks",
+        "forehead: light-gray, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white streaks, white wing bars",
+        "nape: light-gray, matching the crown and forehead",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black streaks, white terminal band",
+        "throat: clean white, contrasting with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "cinnyris chalybeus": [
+        "back: vibrant green with sheen",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: iridescent greenish-blue",
+        "breast: bright metallic blue",
+        "crown: shining deep blue",
+        "forehead: striking steel-blue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: thin and dark",
+        "wings: short and rounded, deep blue",
+        "nape: iridescent green-blue",
+        "tail: two long slender central feathers",
+        "throat: glossy ultramarine"
+    ],
+    "empidonax traillii": [
+        "back: olive-green, smooth texture",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light olive-gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: flat, olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, gray-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, straight, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "nucifraga columbiana": [
+        "back: dark, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black and sharp",
+        "belly: white with grayish-blue spots",
+        "breast: light gray with white and black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-blue with white streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: short and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, grayish-blue with white patches",
+        "nape: black, blending into grayish-blue",
+        "tail: broad with white-tipped, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: lighter gray with white and black streaks"
+    ],
+    "uria aalge": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white and puffed",
+        "crown: dark with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and black",
+        "eyes: round and black, slightly wide-set",
+        "legs: short and webbed",
+        "wings: narrow and black, with white stripes",
+        "nape: black with a hint of a curve",
+        "tail: short and fan-like, black and white underside",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasted with the black head"
+    ],
+    "catharus guttatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: orange-tinged with dark spots",
+        "crown: olive-brown, matching back",
+        "forehead: same color as crown, blends seamlessly",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: squared, brown with faint barring",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "eumyias thalassinus": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray with delicate streaks",
+        "breast: soft gray-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright blue-green with streaks",
+        "forehead: shining blue-green color",
+        "eyes: black, almond-shaped with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and reddish-brown",
+        "wings: turquoise-blue with dark borders",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with dark tips",
+        "throat: pale gray-blue, softly streaked"
+    ],
+    "mycteria americana": [
+        "back: flattened, with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long and curved downwards",
+        "belly: light-colored, slight puff",
+        "breast: white feathered, rounded",
+        "crown: flat, greyish feathers",
+        "forehead: white plumage, lower crest",
+        "eyes: small, dark beads",
+        "legs: long and slender, grayish-black color",
+        "wings: expansive, white with dark edges",
+        "nape: long, descending feathered neck",
+        "tail: modest length, straight and symmetrical",
+        "throat: smooth white plumage, elongated"
+    ],
+    "dicaeum hirundinaceum": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish color",
+        "breast: rich bright blue hue",
+        "crown: deep, iridescent blue",
+        "forehead: vivid blue coloration",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: blue with black accents, pointed shape",
+        "nape: shimmering blue feathers",
+        "tail: short and forked, blue-black color",
+        "throat: brilliant blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "thryomanes bewickii": [
+        "back: gray-brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: elongated and pointed black beak",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers with faint dark markings",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown shading",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-black",
+        "wings: short, rounded, grayish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with distinct white streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, and grayish-brown, white outer feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: off-white with distinct dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "neophron percnopterus": [
+        "back: light-colored feathers with a slightly darker shade running along the spine",
+        "beak: long, curved, and yellowish-orange with a black tip",
+        "belly: pale white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with some dark grey streaks",
+        "crown: white feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: whitish face with a long beak and large eyes",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil and angular eyebrow ridge",
+        "legs: long and pinkish with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, and mostly white with some black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: white plumage extending down from the back of the head to the upper back",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped and white with black tips on the longer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale-colored feathers, blending with the rest of the underparts"
+    ],
+    "anthus rufulus": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with pale streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine spots",
+        "crown: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: buff-colored with light streaks",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: light brown with dark markings",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine spots"
+    ],
+    "merops orientalis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: light blue patch",
+        "breast: bright blue feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: yellowish stripes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: green-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: green with hints of blue",
+        "tail: elongated, black, and forked",
+        "throat: yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "motacilla alba": [
+        "back: light gray, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: thin, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray-white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white with slight gray shades",
+        "crown: dark gray or black with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray, slight plumage",
+        "eyes: black, beady, alert gaze",
+        "legs: dark, slender, long",
+        "wings: black with white edges, elongated",
+        "nape: light gray, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers, often wagged",
+        "throat: white, delicate plumage"
+    ],
+    "mareca americana": [
+        "back: greenish-brown patchy feathers",
+        "beak: blue-grey pointed bill",
+        "belly: white and grey plumage",
+        "breast: speckled brown and cream pattern",
+        "crown: green iridescent patch",
+        "forehead: buff-white with greenish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, centered on head",
+        "legs: greyish-blue, webbed feet",
+        "wings: white and metallic green speculum",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "motacilla cinerea": [
+        "back: bluish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: slender and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey with some white under-feathers",
+        "breast: smoky grey with a slightly whiter center",
+        "crown: bluish-grey with a prominent dark stripe",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white hue",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by a faint white-eye ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with elongated toes and claws",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with blackish-brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: greyish-blue tone, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale grey, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "charadrius marginatus": [
+        "back: pale greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: relatively short and straight, black in color",
+        "belly: whitish with faint grey-brown streaks",
+        "breast: light grey-brown with diffused streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with faint streak pattern",
+        "forehead: narrow white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with faint white feather edging",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with faint streaking",
+        "tail: short, wide, and grey-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light grey-white with streaks on lower edge"
+    ],
+    "psephotus haematonotus": [
+        "back: olive-green with black markings",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, greyish-blue",
+        "belly: golden-yellow with black barring",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange",
+        "crown: black with fine grey streaks",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale grey feathers",
+        "legs: grey-blue, slender",
+        "wings: green-blue with black barring, yellow on the underside",
+        "nape: black with grey streaking",
+        "tail: long, blue-green with black bars, splayed when in flight",
+        "throat: white with grey-black streaks"
+    ],
+    "zapornia flavirostra": [
+        "back: smooth, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brownish spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a faint line",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white and black markings",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cygnus atratus": [
+        "back: sleek, black plumage",
+        "beak: vibrant red color with a white stripe",
+        "belly: soft, black feathers",
+        "breast: black, curved elegantly",
+        "crown: smooth, black feathers adorned with a few white spots",
+        "forehead: black, with a slight upward slope",
+        "eyes: dark, curious gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, black with partially-webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, black and slightly arched",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, connecting head to body",
+        "tail: short, black feathers with a slight upwards lift",
+        "throat: black feathers curving into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "columba livia": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, hardened, and slightly curved structure",
+        "belly: soft, lighter gray feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: round, plump area with a salmon-pink hue on the chest",
+        "crown: crested area on top of the head with darker gray feathers",
+        "forehead: flat area between the eyes with lighter gray feathers",
+        "eyes: bright orange-red orbs with circular black pupils",
+        "legs: short, scaly, and reddish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: strong, broad, and bluish-gray with black-striped tips",
+        "nape: the back of the neck with gray-colored feathers",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped formation of dark gray and black feathers",
+        "throat: area under beak with lighter gray and white feathers"
+    ],
+    "ploceus philippinus": [
+        "back: brownish-olive feathered",
+        "beak: strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale yellow with streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: blackish with streaks",
+        "forehead: short feathers, dark shading",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish",
+        "wings: brownish-olive, streaks of yellow",
+        "nape: blackish-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: short, brownish-olive feathers",
+        "throat: yellow, slightly paler than breast"
+    ],
+    "calocitta formosa": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong black beak",
+        "belly: white with black banding",
+        "breast: iridescent blue-green",
+        "crown: bright blue plume",
+        "forehead: black and white speckles",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs",
+        "wings: blue and black feathers",
+        "nape: black and white stripes",
+        "tail: long, blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "pheucticus melanocephalus": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, thick, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow with occasional dark streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black markings on the sides",
+        "crown: black with small crest",
+        "forehead: black, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brown with bright yellow edging and white bars",
+        "nape: black with greenish tinges",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and black subterminal band",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with the bright breast"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus philadelphia": [
+        "back: light grey with feather structure",
+        "beak: short, black with a red-orange base",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white, smooth appearance",
+        "crown: dark greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: white transitioning to greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, orange-red",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white edges",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, connects to the crown",
+        "tail: white base with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth appearance"
+    ],
+    "setophaga tigrina": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale white with black spots",
+        "breast: bright orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with orange patch",
+        "forehead: black with slight orange tint",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black or gray",
+        "wings: black with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "tail: black with white spots on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright orange with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "menura novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: dark brown with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: long and slender, with a slight curve",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: deep brown fading to white towards the belly",
+        "crown: glossy black with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white ring around",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and strong",
+        "wings: brown with white outlines on the feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green feathers, elongated as a cape",
+        "tail: long, elegant, and fern-like, with intricate patterns",
+        "throat: greyish-white with modest brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "uraeginthus angolensis": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green with a bronze tinge",
+        "beak: deep red-orange, conical shape",
+        "belly: vibrant blue, shading into a lighter hue",
+        "breast: vibrant blue, fading towards the belly",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green",
+        "forehead: metallic blue, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint blue feathering",
+        "legs: pale pink, with dark scaled pattern",
+        "wings: cobalt blue feathers with white streaks on the edge",
+        "nape: glossy blue-green, matching the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, cobalt blue feathers with white speckles",
+        "throat: bright blue, shifting to sky blue near the breast"
+    ],
+    "terpsiphone viridis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light yellow-green hue",
+        "breast: pale green, merging with the belly color",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-violet crest",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light green feathers",
+        "legs: dark grey, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue and purple accents",
+        "nape: emerald green, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with a darker blue ending",
+        "throat: pale green, almost white towards the beak"
+    ],
+    "hirundo tahitica": [
+        "back: sleek, metallic blue-black upperparts",
+        "beak: short, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white or pale gray underside",
+        "breast: distinct rust-orange band",
+        "crown: dark blue-black, glossy",
+        "forehead: blue-black, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: short, dark with strong claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark blue-black",
+        "nape: metallic blue-black, glossy",
+        "tail: deeply forked, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "branta canadensis": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: black, stout and slightly curved in shape",
+        "belly: cream to white feathers with some grayish-brown details",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage with a lighter central region",
+        "crown: black feathers extending from the beak to the nape",
+        "forehead: smooth transition between the beak and black crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly inset from the black crown",
+        "legs: black, sturdy legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-black outer feathers with lighter gray underneath",
+        "nape: continuation of the black crown, blending into brown feathers",
+        "tail: brownish-black feathers with a subtle white u-shaped band at the tip",
+        "throat: white patch of feathers under the chin extending to the cheeks"
+    ],
+    "cacatua galerita": [
+        "back: white, slightly curved plumage",
+        "beak: pale, large, and powerful",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: smooth white plumage",
+        "crown: long, white, expressive crest",
+        "forehead: white feathers meeting crest and beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: gray, strong, scaly",
+        "wings: white, wide, powerful in flight",
+        "nape: white, meeting crest and back of head",
+        "tail: long, white, and feathered",
+        "throat: white, leading to breast area"
+    ],
+    "charadrius alexandrinus": [
+        "back: light grey-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, black-tipped",
+        "belly: clean white feathers",
+        "breast: white with grey-brown fading pattern",
+        "crown: grey-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, blackish",
+        "wings: light grey-brown with black and white pattern",
+        "nape: grey-brown with white collar",
+        "tail: short with white and grey-brown bands",
+        "throat: white with slight streaking"
+    ],
+    "gallinula galeata": [
+        "back: deep olive-green plumage",
+        "beak: vibrant red with yellow tip",
+        "belly: white to grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: black stripe down the center",
+        "forehead: striking red shield",
+        "eyes: large, black and round",
+        "legs: long greenish-yellow with a red garter",
+        "wings: olive-green with white stripes",
+        "nape: black with slight iridescence",
+        "tail: short and dark, often flicked upwards",
+        "throat: white to grayish-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "burhinus capensis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown, streaked with white",
+        "beak: long, curved, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with dark stripes",
+        "breast: pale buff with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with prominent white markings",
+        "forehead: pale buff with a hint of stripes",
+        "eyes: large, pale, and ringed with yellow",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green and slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with bold white patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, streaked with white",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with a white band near the tip",
+        "throat: whitish with faint dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ortalis vetula": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black and white speckles",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light buff color with black markings",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with subtle black bars",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: small and dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue with three toes in front and one in back",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: light grayish-blue blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light grayish-blue with a buff-colored collar"
+    ],
+    "acridotheres cristatellus": [
+        "back: pale gray with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, pale yellowish",
+        "belly: light gray, slightly paler than the breast",
+        "breast: soft gray with light feathers",
+        "crown: black, with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray, blending around eyes",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, black with a white patch",
+        "legs: sturdy, light pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white edging on feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray, similar to the back",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of darker feathers"
+    ],
+    "calidris fuscicollis": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with brown spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with thin white streaks",
+        "forehead: white and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: greenish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white edges and bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white with minimal streaks"
+    ],
+    "acrocephalus dumetorum": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with a faint stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint bars",
+        "throat: pale buff with a touch of gray"
+    ],
+    "podiceps nigricollis": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: sharp, elongated, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light gray or white, slightly rounded",
+        "breast: dark gray, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: black or dark gray, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark-colored, blending with the crown and eyes",
+        "eyes: round, red-eyed, with prominent white borders",
+        "legs: strong, with lobed toes to aid in swimming",
+        "wings: dark gray, long and slender for agile diving",
+        "nape: black, with strong, graceful neck muscles",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with dark-gray feathers",
+        "throat: white or light gray, blending with the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "sporophila caerulescens": [
+        "back: blue-gray with subtle stripes",
+        "beak: conical and pointed, grayish",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-gray",
+        "breast: bluish-gray, transition from belly",
+        "crown: bluish-gray, matching back",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray, continuing from crown",
+        "eyes: dark and small, with black-gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and slender, gray color",
+        "wings: gray-blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: black, medium-length with squared end",
+        "throat: pale gray, distinct from breast color"
+    ],
+    "dicrurus adsimilis": [
+        "back: dark iridescent metallic plumage",
+        "beak: black, curved and hooked tip",
+        "belly: dark greyish charcoal",
+        "breast: deep charcoal feathers",
+        "crown: black with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: black and shiny",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, black and sturdy",
+        "wings: long and pointed, black iridescence",
+        "nape: glossy black, abrupt transition to grey",
+        "tail: elongated, forked and streamer-like",
+        "throat: dark grey with lighter undertones"
+    ],
+    "aphelocoma woodhouseii": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with possible faint streaks",
+        "crown: blue crest with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: blue feathers with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant blue barring on grayish-blue feathers",
+        "nape: blue with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and blue with black bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with possible faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "acanthis flammea": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale, greyish-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pinkish-red with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright red with black markings",
+        "forehead: small and reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round and black",
+        "legs: slender and pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white markings and black streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and forked, with dark brown and white markings",
+        "throat: greyish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "prinia maculosa": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: creamy-white with some light markings",
+        "breast: light grey with a hint of brown",
+        "crown: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth pale grey",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with some white spotting and light feather edges",
+        "nape: pale grey, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and narrow, greyish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean, creamy-white"
+    ],
+    "trichoglossus moluccanus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the bird's dorsal side",
+        "beak: bright orange-red, curved and sharp for feeding on fruits",
+        "belly: light golden-yellow with green and blue feather markings",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage with hints of blue and green",
+        "crown: deep violet-blue feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue merging into the crown and green back feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with yellowish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong, zygodactyl feet for perching",
+        "wings: multi-colored with blue, green, and yellow, allowing swift, agile flight",
+        "nape: green transitioning into blue as it meets the crown",
+        "tail: teal-green with dark blue tips, aiding in balance and flight",
+        "throat: short, light blue feathers mixing with the golden-yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "corvus albus": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: lighter grey plumage with a faded undertone",
+        "breast: dark grey feathers with a smooth appearance",
+        "crown: smooth feathers, charcoal hue, tapering to the head",
+        "forehead: dark grey feathers blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: inquisitive, dark brown, almost black",
+        "legs: strong, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: large, dark grey feathers with subdued iridescence",
+        "nape: dark leaden grey, blending into the back area",
+        "tail: long, wide feathers, deep charcoal hue, fanned shape",
+        "throat: light grey evolved into darker layers towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "vanellus indicus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with slight feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: horizontal black and white stripes",
+        "crown: black with a small red patch",
+        "forehead: white, bordered by black bands",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: thin, yellowish with black claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black with a hint of red",
+        "tail: short, white-edged black feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "calidris himantopus": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and needle-like",
+        "belly: white with light streaking",
+        "breast: lightly speckled gray-brown",
+        "crown: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slender, and reddish-black",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short, gray-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white, contrasting upperparts"
+    ],
+    "aegithina tiphia": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper back",
+        "beak: short, slim, dark-colored beak",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-green feathers on upper breast, transitioning to pale yellow lower down",
+        "crown: black feathers from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: black feathers extending from the beak to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round, surrounded by black feathering",
+        "legs: thin, pale gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green feathers with black and yellow edging",
+        "nape: continuation of the black crown feathers down the back of the head",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with greenish-yellow tips",
+        "throat: pale yellow with faint streaks, connecting to the belly"
+    ],
+    "corvus caurinus": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant blue-black plumage",
+        "crown: sleek blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, glossy black feathering",
+        "eyes: small and beady, dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy grey legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: dark glossy feathers, slight blue tint",
+        "tail: wide, fan-shaped, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "limosa lapponica": [
+        "back: dark brown and chestnut mottled pattern",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly upward-curved",
+        "belly: white with blackish stripes",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a light stripe down the center",
+        "forehead: white with faint dark stripes",
+        "eyes: small, beady, and black",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown, elongated with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, and white-edged",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "falco berigora": [
+        "back: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: white with a bold black stripe",
+        "eyes: large, dark and piercing",
+        "legs: yellow with curved, sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with bold markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale streaking",
+        "tail: dark brown with broad, pale bands",
+        "throat: white with narrow dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "quiscalus lugubris": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: shades of iridescent blue and purple",
+        "breast: shiny blue-black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, shimmering black feathers",
+        "forehead: shiny black with a small crest",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a narrow black pupil",
+        "legs: strong, dark, and scaly",
+        "wings: long, black, and iridescent with slight purple-blue hues",
+        "nape: dark glossy feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: black, long, with a rounded or forked shape",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "tersina viridis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, blackish color",
+        "belly: turquoise blue hue",
+        "breast: bright turquoise coloration",
+        "crown: iridescent blue shades",
+        "forehead: sky-blue tones",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin white rings",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: turquoise and green, with black edges",
+        "nape: brilliant blue-green",
+        "tail: forked, shimmering turquoise and green",
+        "throat: bright turquoise blue"
+    ],
+    "dryocopus pileatus": [
+        "back: black plumage with white stripes",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: black and white striped plumage",
+        "crown: red crest on both sexes",
+        "forehead: black with white lines",
+        "eyes: white surrounding, dark pupil",
+        "legs: gray-colored, sturdy",
+        "wings: black with a large white patch",
+        "nape: red patch in males, black in females",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with hints of white"
+    ],
+    "himantopus mexicanus": [
+        "back: long and slender, dark grey or black",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight; black or dark grey",
+        "belly: white with possible black streaks",
+        "breast: dark grey or black, sometimes with a white patch",
+        "crown: black or dark grey, extending to the eyes",
+        "forehead: black or dark grey, part of the crown",
+        "eyes: bright red, with a black or grey ring around them",
+        "legs: extremely long, pink or reddish",
+        "wings: long and slender, black or grey with white patches",
+        "nape: black or dark grey, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, thin, and pointed; black or dark grey",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with a dark patch"
+    ],
+    "sylvia melanocephala": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with some black mottling",
+        "breast: greyish-white, sometimes with faint streaking",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, tapering into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a black pupil and white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-edged primary feathers",
+        "nape: black or dark grey, transitioning to olive-brown",
+        "tail: medium length, dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: black, separated from the breast by a thin white band"
+    ],
+    "leistes loyca": [
+        "back: streaked black and brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black with white crescent patch",
+        "forehead: black, fading into grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and yellowish gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: black with a patch of white",
+        "tail: long and black, tipped with white",
+        "throat: grayish-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "salpinctes obsoletus": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle mottling",
+        "beak: short and slender, black with a pale bluish-gray base",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with indistinct brownish streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with fine dark streaks and pale central stripe",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, long and slender",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale bars and buff-colored edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and notched, gray-brown with black bars and white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "corvus corone": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: dark feathered undersides",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, black feathered head",
+        "forehead: defined black feathers meeting beak",
+        "eyes: intelligent, dark orbs",
+        "legs: long, black, scaly stalks",
+        "wings: wide, iridescent black feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting back",
+        "tail: long, black, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: dark, smoothly feathered chest"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus dominicensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: black, strong, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: yellow or off-white",
+        "breast: grayish, faint wing bars",
+        "crown: gray with a hidden red patch",
+        "forehead: grayish or whiter near the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye ring",
+        "legs: black and relatively short",
+        "wings: dark with white patch at base",
+        "nape: gray, blending with back",
+        "tail: black, squared, and long",
+        "throat: lighter gray or white"
+    ],
+    "pooecetes gramineus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: whitish with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "brotogeris jugularis": [
+        "back: bright green plumage",
+        "beak: yellowish-white hooked shape",
+        "belly: light green feathers",
+        "breast: slightly paler green feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant green with a yellow tinge",
+        "forehead: light green merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: green with bluish and yellow trimming",
+        "nape: rich green with yellow highlights",
+        "tail: green with blue outer feathers",
+        "throat: light green with golden hues"
+    ],
+    "calidris temminckii": [
+        "back: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slim, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light feathering",
+        "breast: whitish with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale feather edges",
+        "forehead: buffy-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: yellowish-green and slender",
+        "wings: medium length with dark feather tips",
+        "nape: brown with pale feather edges",
+        "tail: short and brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "geopelia humeralis": [
+        "back: light brown with dark speckles",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved, pale with dark tip",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with light streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white",
+        "eyes: piercing black with thin blue-grey eye ring",
+        "legs: reddish-pink and slender",
+        "wings: feathered with alternating light and dark brown bands",
+        "nape: pale grey with faint dark markings",
+        "tail: long and tapered with dark brown bars",
+        "throat: cream-colored with light grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "corvus frugilegus": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "breast: glossy black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: flat, unmarked black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, black, slender legs",
+        "wings: large, black, slightly arched",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: black with a slight gloss"
+    ],
+    "muscicapa striata": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, spotted pale",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with some pale spotting",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a broken white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with faint barring, white edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "myiopsitta monachus": [
+        "back: light green feather covering",
+        "beak: light orange, hooked shape",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: light green, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light green plumage",
+        "eyes: surrounded by white, circular eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong, and zygodactyl",
+        "wings: long, green, with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: light green feather transitioning to grayish-white",
+        "tail: long, green with blue streaks, tapering to a point",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white feathers"
+    ],
+    "empidonax virescens": [
+        "back: greenish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale upper mandible and dark lower mandible",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle markings",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-pink",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with two distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: pale with greenish-olive streaks",
+        "tail: medium length, greenish-olive with slight notches",
+        "throat: pale yellow with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "athene cunicularia": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with white spots",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and light gray",
+        "belly: white with faint brown barring",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white markings",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with slight white streaking",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: long, featherless, and gray",
+        "wings: rounded, barred gray-brown with white edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, squared, gray-brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks of gray-brown"
+    ],
+    "piranga bidentata": [
+        "back: vibrant olive green",
+        "beak: short, sharp, blackish",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: rich orange-red",
+        "forehead: deep orange-red",
+        "eyes: dark with narrow eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-black, slender",
+        "wings: olive green with dark black tips",
+        "nape: orange-red tapering to green",
+        "tail: olive green with blackish central feathers",
+        "throat: vivid orange-red"
+    ],
+    "eolophus roseicapilla": [
+        "back: pale grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale pink",
+        "belly: light grey plumage",
+        "breast: pinkish grey tones",
+        "crown: pale pink crest",
+        "forehead: soft pink feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender",
+        "wings: grey with lighter tips",
+        "nape: pale grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, grey with white tips",
+        "throat: soft pink-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "plocepasser mahali": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, black",
+        "belly: off-white color",
+        "breast: speckled brown and white",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: black with white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, powerful, dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey feathers, white streaks",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, brownish-grey, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "pipilo maculatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark spots",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale grey or white",
+        "breast: grey with dark spots or streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey or black",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "basileuterus culicivorus": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: short and sharp, blackish",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow, faint streaks",
+        "breast: yellow-green hue with streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, narrow black band",
+        "forehead: conspicuous pale eyebrows",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: pinkish, thin, strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, dark tips",
+        "nape: olive-green, narrow black band",
+        "tail: dark with whitish edges",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow with streaks"
+    ],
+    "baeolophus atricristatus": [
+        "back: dark gray with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: black, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: white with faint gray lines",
+        "breast: white, often with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: prominent black crest",
+        "forehead: black with a touch of blue-gray",
+        "eyes: black, small, and round",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and sturdy",
+        "wings: gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with a black stripe",
+        "tail: dark gray and moderately long",
+        "throat: white with minimal gray marks"
+    ],
+    "gavia pacifica": [
+        "back: dark gray with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: bright white",
+        "breast: white with subtle gray streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black curve",
+        "eyes: dark and circular, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with a white bar pattern",
+        "nape: black with subtle white streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark gray, and slightly pointed",
+        "throat: white with a smooth transition to black"
+    ],
+    "falco vespertinus": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale orange-pink with black spots",
+        "crown: blue-grey with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grey-blue",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown with yellow eyering",
+        "legs: yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: long, narrow, blue-grey with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: blue-grey with black streaks",
+        "tail: blue-grey with black bands and white tip",
+        "throat: white with no visible markings"
+    ],
+    "calothorax lucifer": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent green",
+        "beak: sharply curved, dark colored",
+        "belly: light olive shade with streaks",
+        "breast: shiny emerald hue",
+        "crown: bright red with luminous feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow reflection",
+        "eyes: piercing black orbs",
+        "legs: slender, charcoal gray",
+        "wings: long, shimmering turquoise-blue",
+        "nape: smooth transition from green to red",
+        "tail: elongated, radiant green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: reddish-chestnut coloration"
+    ],
+    "cyanocorax yucatanicus": [
+        "back: deep blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: pale blue-gray feathers",
+        "breast: slightly lighter blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright turquoise-blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: black with contrasting white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: deep blue with a hint of turquoise shimmer",
+        "nape: deep blue fading into the throat color",
+        "tail: elongated, deep blue feathers with light blue tips",
+        "throat: grayish-blue plumage creating a smooth transition from head to chest"
+    ],
+    "ammospiza nelsoni": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaking",
+        "beak: sharp and conical, dull greyish pink",
+        "belly: white or pale buff",
+        "breast: buff to grey with blurry streaks",
+        "crown: dark greyish blue with whitish median stripe",
+        "forehead: bright rufous patch",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by off-white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark flight feathers, two narrow white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaking",
+        "tail: dark gray-brown with white outer tail feather edges",
+        "throat: white or pale buff, well-defined"
+    ],
+    "aramides albiventris": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white to creamy-white underside",
+        "breast: pale gray and black-striped feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: sleek grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and orange-red",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint stripes",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint bands and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "peucaea carpalis": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, light gray",
+        "belly: light gray with dark streaking",
+        "breast: grayish-tan with darker streaking",
+        "crown: sharply capped, reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: small, black, bright",
+        "legs: strong, gray, clawed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with reddish-brown highlights",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, slightly rounded",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with reddish-brown edges",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "himantopus himantopus": [
+        "back: elongated, sleek and black",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white and slightly rounded",
+        "crown: black, smooth, feathers above head",
+        "forehead: black, feathers connecting crown and beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pink",
+        "wings: black, large, and pointy",
+        "nape: black, feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and black",
+        "throat: slender, white, connecting beak and breast"
+    ],
+    "haliaeetus albicilla": [
+        "back: broad and strong, dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, curved, yellow hook for tearing prey",
+        "belly: smooth, white feathers on lower body",
+        "breast: dark brown feathers transitioning to white",
+        "crown: dark brown, prominent feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: smaller, dark brown feathers slightly covering the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, intense, yellow with sharp vision",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow with sharp talons for catching prey",
+        "wings: large, strong, dark brown feathers for powerful flight",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers, thick and strong at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: broad, fan-shaped with alternating dark and light brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers leading towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "elanoides forficatus": [
+        "back: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: curved black hook",
+        "belly: white with narrow gray barring",
+        "breast: white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: white with central black stripe",
+        "eyes: deep red with black outline",
+        "legs: yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: long, angular with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: gray with a white collar",
+        "tail: forked, white with a black terminal band",
+        "throat: white with black central stripe"
+    ],
+    "acrocephalus schoenobaenus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white and unmarked",
+        "breast: light buff with slight streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: low, olive-brown blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with back color",
+        "tail: olive-brown, narrow, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked, and contrasting with neck"
+    ],
+    "piaya cayana": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: soft yellow-orange plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green with hints of purple",
+        "forehead: same as the crown, blue-green with purple sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black",
+        "legs: thin, gray and slightly feathered",
+        "wings: bright blue with black tips",
+        "nape: rich blue-green, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: long tail feathers, changing from blue to black",
+        "throat: striking yellow, matching breast"
+    ],
+    "setophaga virens": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-yellow",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: solid black",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, black",
+        "wings: black with white wingbars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "chenonetta jubata": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, grey-blue with black tip",
+        "belly: pale buff color with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: dark brown with lighter scalloped edges",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter stripes",
+        "forehead: pale buff stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: grey-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white stripes and iridescent green patch",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter stripes",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white triangular tips",
+        "throat: pale buff color with dark brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "setophaga nigrescens": [
+        "back: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-gray",
+        "breast: pale gray with black spots",
+        "crown: black with yellowish sides",
+        "forehead: black with white eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, black",
+        "wings: dark gray, white wing bars",
+        "nape: gradient from black to gray",
+        "tail: dark gray, slightly forked, white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-gray"
+    ],
+    "vanellus armatus": [
+        "back: dark brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved downwards",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: black with a white stripe separating it from the belly",
+        "crown: black with a brownish tint",
+        "forehead: black, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, reddish, and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with a white and black stripe on the flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brownish-black, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: short, black with a white band at the tip",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black breast"
+    ],
+    "platycercus elegans": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sturdy, grayish-white",
+        "belly: pale yellow to bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: striking red and blue feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue or blackish top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter blue feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: vivid blue and green primary feathers",
+        "nape: varying shades of green on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, blue, green, and yellow patterned feathers",
+        "throat: white to yellowish feathers below the beak"
+    ],
+    "dryobates nuttallii": [
+        "back: brownish-black barring with white speckles",
+        "beak: dark grey and chisel-like",
+        "belly: creamish-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with prominent white patches",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white patches",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: black with white barring",
+        "nape: black with horizontal white stripe",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers smoothly transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "cinnyricinclus leucogaster": [
+        "back: iridescent violet-blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bright white feathers",
+        "breast: lustrous violet-blue sheen",
+        "crown: brilliant violet-blue hue",
+        "forehead: shimmering violet-blue coloration",
+        "eyes: small, round, with black pupils",
+        "legs: slender, grey, and scaled",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-violet with rounded tips",
+        "nape: rich violet-blue plumage",
+        "tail: long, sleek, with blue-violet feathers",
+        "throat: glossy white with violet-blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "tyto alba": [
+        "back: light grey with small, white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, light-colored hooked bill",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: smooth, white with spotted grey markings",
+        "crown: light grey with a rounded skull",
+        "forehead: light grey with fine, pale feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: long, strong, and featherless",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, light grey with darker grey markings",
+        "nape: light grey with subtle white speckles",
+        "tail: long, white with greyish-black bars",
+        "throat: white with subtle grey spots"
+    ],
+    "myadestes townsendi": [
+        "back: olive-grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: straight, slender, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: soft gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by a faint white eyering",
+        "legs: long, strong, dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-grey, lined with buffy-white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-grey, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey, may have a slight buffy tinge"
+    ],
+    "piranga olivacea": [
+        "back: bright olive-green",
+        "beak: short, thick, and pale",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red",
+        "crown: red-orange",
+        "forehead: red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: red-orange",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: orange-red"
+    ],
+    "athene brama": [
+        "back: dark brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short and hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with small, dark brown spots",
+        "crown: greyish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grey-brown transition",
+        "eyes: small and round, yellow to orange",
+        "legs: strong and featherless, yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white spots and bard patterns",
+        "nape: greyish-brown feathers, lighter than the back",
+        "tail: long and narrow with white-tipped, dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white, merging with breast markings"
+    ],
+    "rallus limicola": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with subtle striping",
+        "beak: long, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: buff-white with dark barring",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale center stripe",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark bars and reddish-brown edges",
+        "nape: brown with a pale central stripe",
+        "tail: short and dark, with thin bars and a white underside",
+        "throat: buff-white, with a band of dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "colaptes melanochloros": [
+        "back: black feathers with white bars",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with black spots",
+        "breast: pale grey with black streaks",
+        "crown: red and black stripes",
+        "forehead: red patch",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white bars and yellow patches",
+        "nape: red stripe",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "larus michahellis": [
+        "back: light grey plumage",
+        "beak: yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: mostly white",
+        "breast: white feathers",
+        "crown: white with streaks of grey",
+        "forehead: white and smooth",
+        "eyes: pale yellow with black ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: light grey with black tips",
+        "nape: white with grey streaks",
+        "tail: white with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white"
+    ],
+    "momotus mexicanus": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: olive-green shade",
+        "breast: bright blue hue",
+        "crown: golden-yellow feathers with a blue patch",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow stripes",
+        "eyes: small dark eyes with a black stripe",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: rich iridescent green-blue",
+        "nape: distinct red-violet band",
+        "tail: two elongated, racket-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: bluish-purple plumage"
+    ],
+    "pardalotus punctatus": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with black spots",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark color",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: black with small white spots",
+        "forehead: bright red or yellow patch",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded shape, black with yellow markings",
+        "nape: yellow with black spots",
+        "tail: short and rounded, black with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "ninox novaeseelandiae": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: hooked, blackish-brown upper mandible and grey lower mandible",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: off-white with brown barring",
+        "crown: dark brown and streaked with light brown",
+        "forehead: brownish black with light streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: robust, greyish-green with sharp talons",
+        "wings: wide, dark brown with light mottled edges",
+        "nape: brown streaked with pale bands",
+        "tail: broad, barred brown and white",
+        "throat: off-white with slight brown markings"
+    ],
+    "spheniscus magellanicus": [
+        "back: black and smooth with streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with contrasting black side stripes",
+        "breast: white and soft",
+        "crown: black with feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: black, flat, and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, strong, webbed, and pinkish",
+        "wings: black, flippers-like, and adapted for swimming",
+        "nape: black with short, close-set feathers",
+        "tail: black, short, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "petroica australis": [
+        "back: dark grey, slightly mottled feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey or white, fine plumage",
+        "breast: males have a vivid red patch, females greyish",
+        "crown: dark grey with slightly paler forehead",
+        "forehead: lighter grey merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, framed by dark feathers",
+        "legs: slender and black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark grey, edged with black and white bars",
+        "nape: grey, smooth feathers connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with black, grey, and white feathers",
+        "throat: males have a bright red throat patch, females grey"
+    ],
+    "eupetomena macroura": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated body",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: soft, light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: rich, muted plumage",
+        "crown: striking, feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: round and bead-like, observant",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy, well-adapted",
+        "wings: broad, powerful, and well-defined",
+        "nape: smooth, blending with back feathers",
+        "tail: long, expressive, and fan-like",
+        "throat: delicate and feather-textured"
+    ],
+    "podiceps auritus": [
+        "back: brownish-black plumage with gray streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: white with occasional gray speckles",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers with a hint of brown",
+        "crown: dark, glossy feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smoothly sloped with black to gray feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red with a yellow ring",
+        "legs: flexible, strong and set back for swimming, black to dark gray in color",
+        "wings: long and slim, with speckled gray and white feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-black with slight crested feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped with dark gray feathers",
+        "throat: white to pale gray with defined border separating from breast"
+    ],
+    "sternula antillarum": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with soft grey streaks",
+        "crown: pale grey, with a well-defined black cap",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting with the black cap",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin, dark, and webbed",
+        "wings: slender, grey, with light primary feather edges",
+        "nape: grey, blending into the back",
+        "tail: greyish black, forked, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "seiurus aurocapilla": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale white or cream color",
+        "breast: streaked with black and buff",
+        "crown: orange or yellow patch, bordered by black",
+        "forehead: olive-green with yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish or tan, thin and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, yellow or orange stripe",
+        "tail: long with dark barring",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "thalassarche melanophris": [
+        "back: dark grey to almost black plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, yellow with a black tip",
+        "belly: white or light-colored with greyish streaks",
+        "breast: white, sometimes with a greyish hue",
+        "crown: dark grey to black, extends down the neck",
+        "forehead: white or light grey, contrasts with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by a black patch",
+        "legs: strong and muscular, webbed feet, bluish-grey color",
+        "wings: broad and black with a white leading edge, built for soaring",
+        "nape: dark grey to black, continuing the color of the crown",
+        "tail: dark grey to black, with white banding on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light grey, with a distinct black band under the chin"
+    ],
+    "garrulax perspicillatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black bars",
+        "beak: stout and black",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red with ragged crest",
+        "forehead: rusty-red",
+        "eyes: bright, reddish-brown",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: rusty-red with black bars",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "dryocopus martius": [
+        "back: deep black feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and pale",
+        "belly: black with subtle white markings",
+        "breast: solid black with a hint of shine",
+        "crown: black with red streak on the male",
+        "forehead: black, transitioning into a red cap for males",
+        "eyes: bold, white orbital ring surrounding a dark center",
+        "legs: short and strong, with grayish talons",
+        "wings: black with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: black feathers with a red patch in males",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: black, blending with the breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "thalurania colombica": [
+        "back: iridescent green upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: deep blue underparts",
+        "breast: shining blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright violet-blue head",
+        "forehead: iridescent violet",
+        "eyes: small, dark round",
+        "legs: short, dark grey",
+        "wings: rufous upper, green tips",
+        "nape: iridescent green-blue",
+        "tail: long, violet-blue central feathers, green-blue outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "corvus coronoides": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers, sleek appearance",
+        "beak: black, robust, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark grey, sometimes with a bluish tint",
+        "breast: dark grey, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: black feathers, sometimes with a glossy sheen",
+        "forehead: black feathers, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, often with an intense gaze",
+        "legs: black, strong and scaly",
+        "wings: dark grey with a noticeable wingspan",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long black, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: dark grey, sometimes with a slightly lighter hue"
+    ],
+    "leucophaeus atricilla": [
+        "back: light grey feathers that seamlessly blend with wings",
+        "beak: slender black beak with a sharp tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: soft white feathers that extend to the undertail coverts",
+        "breast: white, forming a sharp contrast with the grey back",
+        "crown: dark grey to black feathers, extending from the forehead",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from white to grey feathers",
+        "eyes: bright golden or yellow, framed by dark eye patches",
+        "legs: long and dark, suitable for wading in shallow waters",
+        "wings: grey feathers with striking black tips, extending from back",
+        "nape: connecting head and back with grey feathers, often darker than back",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers with white edges, visible in flight",
+        "throat: pure white feathers that meet the grey breast with a clear boundary"
+    ],
+    "spinus magellanicus": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: black with a yellow band",
+        "forehead: black, blending into yellow",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by dark eyestripe",
+        "legs: slender, gray",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, fading to yellow",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black, bordered by yellow"
+    ],
+    "saltator coerulescens": [
+        "back: blue-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical-shaped, pale gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: blue-gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black feather edges",
+        "nape: blue-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white with fine blue-gray streaking"
+    ],
+    "falco tinnunculus": [
+        "back: rusty brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: strong, grayish-blue hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with fine black spots",
+        "breast: creamy-white, dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous, dark streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-white, few streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, piercing",
+        "legs: yellow, long, powerful",
+        "wings: long, pointed, gray with black bars",
+        "nape: pale grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, narrow, gray with black bars",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, streak-free"
+    ],
+    "copsychus malabaricus": [
+        "back: glossy black plumage with iridescence",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and dark",
+        "belly: light grey coloration with black streaks",
+        "breast: white or off-white hue, occasionally with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with iridescent green-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: glossy black with slight iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: glossy black with iridescent blue-green patch on coverts",
+        "nape: iridescent black, merging from the back and crown",
+        "tail: long, black, and graduated with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or off-white, sometimes with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sporophila corvina": [
+        "back: dark gray upper body feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: light gray or buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: gray or slightly lighter than the back",
+        "crown: dark gray or black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth gray plumage",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slim and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark gray with white tips",
+        "nape: gray feathers, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long and black with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray or white feathers"
+    ],
+    "machetornis rixosa": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish-white plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white streak above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown central feathers, outer feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a central black band"
+    ],
+    "psittacara erythrogenys": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked upper mandible and a lower one",
+        "belly: bright green and yellow feathers",
+        "breast: golden yellow and green mixed plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers with a slight blue tint",
+        "forehead: red patch on upper part",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: robust, greyish with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: green feathers with blue edges on primaries",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning to the red forehead",
+        "tail: green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: pale green and yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "histrionicus histrionicus": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black color",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: white with black bars, colorful plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: bright red patch of feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: striking blue-green with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers connecting to back",
+        "tail: short and rigid, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: white with black bars and colorful plumage"
+    ],
+    "petrochelidon pyrrhonota": [
+        "back: grey-blue colored feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly pointed",
+        "belly: clean white feathers",
+        "breast: white with a hint of rusty shade",
+        "crown: blue-black with a glossy touch",
+        "forehead: vibrant rufous patch",
+        "eyes: small, black and shiny",
+        "legs: relatively short, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: grey-blue with black edges",
+        "nape: blue-black, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a dash of rufous color"
+    ],
+    "boissonneaua flavescens": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: iridescent green headpiece",
+        "forehead: bright green patch",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white accents",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: vibrant green with rounded edges",
+        "nape: iridescent green connecting to the head",
+        "tail: elongated, bronze-green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow-gold plumage"
+    ],
+    "anhinga anhinga": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: white-streaked feathers",
+        "breast: black neck with white streaks",
+        "crown: black feathered head",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, dark, webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, black, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: slender black neck",
+        "tail: long, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: thin, black-feathered area"
+    ],
+    "ictinia plumbea": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, narrow, black hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with soft gray streaks or spots",
+        "breast: light grayish, blending with belly color",
+        "crown: smooth, slate-gray plumage, flattened shape",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter gray than crown, seamlessly blending",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, encircled with yellow skin",
+        "legs: long, yellow-orange, thin legs ending in black talons",
+        "wings: long, gray feathers with darker tips and white patches",
+        "nape: slate-gray feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: forked, elongated gray feathers with darker tips",
+        "throat: white, lighter in color than breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "fulica armillata": [
+        "back: greenish-black, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: bright white shield, red tip",
+        "belly: dark grey feathers, slight green sheen",
+        "breast: slate-grey, soft texture",
+        "crown: black feathers, green iridescence",
+        "forehead: white shield, contrasting with dark feathers",
+        "eyes: small, red with white ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: greenish-black, relatively short",
+        "nape: covered in glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: short, black with pointed feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white, bare patch of skin"
+    ],
+    "plectrophenax nivalis": [
+        "back: white with black streaks, blending with wings",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: clean white, contrast against upper body",
+        "breast: snowy white, often spotted with sooty-black markings",
+        "crown: solid black or brown, depending on gender",
+        "forehead: black, creating a distinctive mask",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and framed by black facial markings",
+        "legs: black, slender, and long for ground foraging",
+        "wings: solid black or brown with white tips, boldly patterned",
+        "nape: black or brown, contoured with rest of head",
+        "tail: white outer feathers, black central feathers, forked for agility",
+        "throat: pure white, contrasting with facial mask"
+    ],
+    "troglodytes aedon": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: creamy white, slightly barred",
+        "breast: pale brown, speckled",
+        "crown: warm brown, streaked",
+        "forehead: light brown, slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: black, alert expression",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brown, faint bars, rounded",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, slightly streaked",
+        "tail: brown, square-tipped, relatively short",
+        "throat: pale cream, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "anas fulvigula": [
+        "back: orangish-brown feathers with darker markings",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with black tip",
+        "belly: cream-colored with black spots",
+        "breast: pale, tawny with dark streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "forehead: buffy-orange with small dark marks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orangish-yellow with dark webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown and black feathers with white patches",
+        "nape: rusty-red with thin black markings",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with small white markings",
+        "throat: whitish with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "limnodromus griseus": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight and pale orange",
+        "belly: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks on sides",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black and expressive",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, long and slender",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white edging on feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks of white",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "pluvialis apricaria": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: thin, straight, dark grayish-brown",
+        "belly: white feathered with black streaks",
+        "breast: black feathers with sparse white streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale borders",
+        "forehead: white feathers with black spots",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: black with white wingbars and thin golden specs",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale margins",
+        "tail: black feathers with white lateral edges",
+        "throat: white with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "cinnyris asiaticus": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: thin, curved black bill",
+        "belly: light undersides with grayish-white markings",
+        "breast: vibrant purple-to-copper transition",
+        "crown: glossy metallic violet cap",
+        "forehead: shiny purple-violet",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-brown spindly limbs",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning to glossy violet",
+        "tail: dark, forked grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant metallic purple patch"
+    ],
+    "fregata magnificens": [
+        "back: sleek, black, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: black, feathery, with a white patch",
+        "breast: broad, black, and well-defined",
+        "crown: black feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: black, slightly raised plumage",
+        "eyes: large, fierce, golden-brown",
+        "legs: gray-blue, long, and slender",
+        "wings: enormous, black, and majestic, spanning over 7 feet",
+        "nape: black, feathery collar",
+        "tail: forked, black, and powerful",
+        "throat: males with red, large, inflatable throat pouch; females with white throat"
+    ],
+    "vanellus senegallus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: black, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers with soft texture",
+        "breast: caramel brown with smooth transition from belly",
+        "crown: rich chestnut, prominent crest",
+        "forehead: white patch contrasting with dark eye stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown and relatively large",
+        "legs: long blackish-grey with thin structure",
+        "wings: dark brown, elongated with white markings",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored, blending into the back",
+        "tail: black and white pattern, short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with small feathers, clearly defined"
+    ],
+    "diglossa baritula": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with a glossy shine",
+        "beak: short, black, conical shape",
+        "belly: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant cobalt blue with white highlights",
+        "crown: iridescent blue with black markings",
+        "forehead: metallic blue with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark blue with black edges and white bars",
+        "nape: metallic blue transitioning to a lighter gray",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with blue highlights and white tips",
+        "throat: bright blue fading into the gray belly area"
+    ],
+    "aphelocoma coerulescens": [
+        "back: blue-gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: pale blue-gray shading",
+        "crown: dark blue crest",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, slightly brighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, surrounded by a thin black stripe",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray-black",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with barred pattern",
+        "nape: blue-gray plumage, connects with crown",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish, bordered with blue-gray chest feathers"
+    ],
+    "pteroglossus castanotis": [
+        "back: dark green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: large, curved, and colorful with shades of yellow, orange, and black",
+        "belly: light chestnut brown with white barring patterns",
+        "breast: deep chestnut brown with white spots",
+        "crown: deep green with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: bright white band, separating the crown from the beak",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown with faint eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: dark green feathers with iridescent and some chestnut brown areas",
+        "nape: deep green, transitioning into the back's color",
+        "tail: long, dark green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "throat: white with chestnut brown striping"
+    ],
+    "lampornis clemenciae": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green iridescence",
+        "beak: long and straight, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: deep royal blue",
+        "crown: iridescent green-blue",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green",
+        "eyes: dark with yellow eyering",
+        "legs: short with dark claws",
+        "wings: broad with blue-green overlay",
+        "nape: iridescent green-blue",
+        "tail: wide and slightly forked, blue-green",
+        "throat: bright violet-blue"
+    ],
+    "ardea cocoi": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellow",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: pale grey with streaks",
+        "crown: black with elongated plumes",
+        "forehead: white and narrow",
+        "eyes: small, yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish-green",
+        "wings: large, slate-grey with white edges",
+        "nape: black with elongated plumes",
+        "tail: short, grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "numenius americanus": [
+        "back: curved, dark brown feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved downward, light brown with a darker tip",
+        "belly: beige with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown streaked with lighter shades, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: sloping, light brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by beige plumage",
+        "legs: long, bluish-grey with three forward-facing toes and one hind toe",
+        "wings: dark brown with white stripes and light brown edges",
+        "nape: beige with darker brown streaks and markings",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown feathers with white tips and fine barring",
+        "throat: relatively unmarked, beige with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "tityra semifasciata": [
+        "back: olive-green with short white streaks",
+        "beak: thick, light gray with a slight hook",
+        "belly: creamy white to light gray",
+        "breast: light gray with white patches",
+        "crown: black, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: pale gray, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green, with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, fading into black at crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with white tips on outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, slightly darker than belly"
+    ],
+    "sula dactylatra": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-white feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: smooth, white feathers",
+        "breast: white, slightly puffy feathers",
+        "crown: grayish-white feathers with flat appearance",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded, white and gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, dark, and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: expansive, white and gray feathers for soaring",
+        "nape: grayish-white feathers seamlessly transitioning from the head",
+        "tail: elongated, white feathers with gray tips, essential for steering",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers transitioning from the beak"
+    ],
+    "hydrocoloeus minutus": [
+        "back: slate-grey plumage with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender black bill",
+        "belly: pale grey with light streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with delicate stripes",
+        "crown: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-black with small streaks",
+        "eyes: black and beady, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: reddish-orange, long and thin",
+        "wings: dark grey with white wing bars",
+        "nape: slate-grey, finely streaked",
+        "tail: black with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale grey with light, thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "egretta thula": [
+        "back: white sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: white plumes with delicate appearance",
+        "forehead: white and uncrested",
+        "eyes: small, rounded, and yellow",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: large, white, with extended feathers",
+        "nape: white with elongated plumes",
+        "tail: short, white, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white and slender"
+    ],
+    "branta sandvicensis": [
+        "back: dark gray-black feathers",
+        "beak: black, medium-length, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white to grayish-white feathers with black speckles",
+        "breast: dark gray-black feathers, with a more pronounced black on the sides",
+        "crown: dark gray-black, flat head with distinct dark feathers",
+        "forehead: dark gray-black feathers with a subtle curve",
+        "eyes: small, dark, along the sides of the head",
+        "legs: black, medium-length, effectively webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray-black feathers with lighter grayish-white bands of feathers",
+        "nape: distinct, with dark gray-black feathers and a lighter grayish-white stripe",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, dark gray-black feathers",
+        "throat: dark gray-black feathers, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "hymenops perspicillatus": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp black hook",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale silver-gray feathers",
+        "crown: bright cobalt-blue crest",
+        "forehead: light blue feathers fading into the crown",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eyelids",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray with strong grip",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with black tips",
+        "nape: gleaming green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, tapering, emerald-blue feathers",
+        "throat: soft, grayish-white plumage"
+    ],
+    "chlorostilbon canivetii": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent greenish-blue color",
+        "crown: shimmering emerald-green feathers",
+        "forehead: brilliant green hue",
+        "eyes: small and dark, encircled by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish-black",
+        "wings: swift, iridescent green with darker tips",
+        "nape: bright green feathers with a slight blue tinge",
+        "tail: forked, metallic green, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: gleaming green transitioning to bluish-green"
+    ],
+    "crax rubra": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: stout, pale yellowish-white",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: black with white speckles",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "forehead: rich blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright brown with yellow eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray",
+        "wings: blue-black with green iridescence",
+        "nape: deep blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: black with white speckles"
+    ],
+    "ramphocelus passerinii": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson with dark markings",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: deep scarlet red",
+        "breast: brilliant crimson hue",
+        "crown: jet black with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: glossy black cap",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white rim",
+        "legs: strong, medium-length, gray",
+        "wings: black with hints of blue iridescence",
+        "nape: glossy black transitioning to crimson",
+        "tail: black, medium length, with broad feathers",
+        "throat: vivid red with stark contrast to black cap"
+    ],
+    "haliaeetus vocifer": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a distinctive v-shape",
+        "beak: large, strong, hooked talons, pale with dark tip",
+        "belly: white with contrasting dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with a hint of pale brown",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning into brown",
+        "eyes: large, piercing with bright yellow irises",
+        "legs: powerful with scaly yellow skin",
+        "wings: dark brown with contrasting white underwing patches",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning into brown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown feathers with white banding",
+        "throat: white feathers with a slight brownish tinge"
+    ],
+    "petroica longipes": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight yellow tinge",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow with pale streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish with orange tint, fading to pale",
+        "crown: olive-brown, sometimes with a slight red hue",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown, with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: olive-green, with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark brownish-black markings",
+        "throat: creamy-yellow with faint pale streaks"
+    ],
+    "polioptila californica": [
+        "back: pale bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray plumage",
+        "breast: light grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-blue with a white streak",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray color",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with white outlines",
+        "legs: thin, black, and elongated",
+        "wings: blue-gray with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: pale bluish-gray, similar to back",
+        "tail: long and slender, blue-gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with a narrow black stripe"
+    ],
+    "certhia brachydactyla": [
+        "back: earthy brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved for probing",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: light beige with buff streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown feathers with a distinct stripe",
+        "forehead: rusty-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and beady, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: relatively long, with strong claws for climbing",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white-tipped covert feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short and brown with thin white bands",
+        "throat: light beige with delicate markings"
+    ],
+    "ara ararauna": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked black beak for cracking nuts",
+        "belly: light blue plumage with a greenish hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers transitioning into blue",
+        "crown: blue feathers extending slightly back from the head",
+        "forehead: light blue plumage on the upper facial region",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive eyes with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, gray legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: brilliant blue feathers with yellow under-wing coverts",
+        "nape: blue and green plumage on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with yellow and green bands near the base",
+        "throat: yellow feathers extending down from the beak area"
+    ],
+    "pygoscelis papua": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-feathered",
+        "beak: long, orange-black gradient",
+        "belly: pristine, white-feathered",
+        "breast: white-feathered, chubby",
+        "crown: black, smoothly-feathered",
+        "forehead: black feathers, blending into beak",
+        "eyes: circular, reddish-brown",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange, webbed",
+        "wings: long, dark-hued flippers",
+        "nape: black-feathered, slightly curved",
+        "tail: short, dark, wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white, connects to breast"
+    ],
+    "dryoscopus cubla": [
+        "back: matte black feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, blackish",
+        "belly: creamy white underparts",
+        "breast: slate gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with rufous patch",
+        "forehead: dark feathers, slightly tufted",
+        "eyes: bright, pale yellow",
+        "legs: blackish-gray, strong",
+        "wings: black with white streaks, curved",
+        "nape: black with rufous patch",
+        "tail: long and black, square-ended",
+        "throat: white with grayish streaks"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus serranus": [
+        "back: smooth, curved feathers for streamlined flight",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and slightly curved for catching prey",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers for warmth and insulation",
+        "breast: light-colored, rounded feathers for protection",
+        "crown: mottled greyish-brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers transitioning into white toward the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and alert for detecting movement",
+        "legs: long, slender legs with webbed feet for wading and swimming",
+        "wings: broad, pointed wings for agile flight",
+        "nape: mottled grayish-brown feathers connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: short, dark-tipped feathers for balance and maneuverability",
+        "throat: white feathers, separated from the belly by a thin gray line"
+    ],
+    "tringa melanoleuca": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with a faint stripe",
+        "forehead: white and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright yellow-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a faint stripe",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "psittacara mitratus": [
+        "back: green feathers with a slight blue tinge",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and light-colored",
+        "belly: yellowish-green feathers",
+        "breast: green plumage with faint blue streaks",
+        "crown: red feathers with green edges",
+        "forehead: red and green feather blend",
+        "eyes: orange-yellow ring around dark pupils",
+        "legs: scaly and gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: green and blue with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: green feathers with blue-violet highlights",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with some red and blue",
+        "throat: yellow-green feathers slightly paler than the belly"
+    ],
+    "larus californicus": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: lightly speckled white",
+        "breast: white with fine grey streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded, greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white circle",
+        "legs: vibrant yellow-green",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: white with black band at the end",
+        "throat: clean white, leading to breast"
+    ],
+    "streptopelia semitorquata": [
+        "back: light brown feathers with a sleek profile",
+        "beak: short, curved, and dark gray",
+        "belly: soft, creamy white feathers transitioning to gray",
+        "breast: grayish-brown plumage accented with rosy tones",
+        "crown: pale gray with a smooth, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: soft, lighter gray feathers slightly raised",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pinkish-gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: long, gray-brown with black-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: distinctive black-and-white striped collar around the back of the neck",
+        "tail: lengthy, graduated feathers in shades of gray, with black terminal band",
+        "throat: white to pale gray, surrounded by collar marking"
+    ],
+    "scopus umbretta": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, broad, and curved",
+        "belly: grayish-brown with dense white spots",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with thin bars",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: narrow, dark feathers transitioning into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with yellowish-brown surrounding",
+        "legs: long, strong, and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: white-tipped flight feathers with darker edges",
+        "nape: blend of light and dark feathers",
+        "tail: long, broad, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-brown, slightly lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "melospiza lincolnii": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with fine streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: off-white with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "milvus migrans": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black beak",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with golden hues",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with lighter shades near tips",
+        "nape: golden-brown feathers, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "tail: forked, dark brown, with white patches on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "geothlypis trichas": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, slender, and pointed in shape for catching insects",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside with subtle olive tint",
+        "breast: yellow feathered chest with distinct black mask",
+        "crown: olive-green or yellow feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: continuation of olive-green or yellow feathers from the crown, meeting the black mask",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, positioned on either side of the beak",
+        "legs: relatively short, light pinkish or greyish with slender toes",
+        "wings: dark, with two white wing bars and edged with olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning from the head to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark feathers with white patches near the base, often fanned out",
+        "throat: bright yellow, connecting the breast area with the beak and head"
+    ],
+    "zenaida asiatica": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, gray-black",
+        "belly: soft, pale grey shading",
+        "breast: greyish-brown feathers with hints of purple",
+        "crown: bluish-gray adorned with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: subtly rounded, bluish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white crescents",
+        "legs: pinkish-red, well-groomed",
+        "wings: bluish-grey, dotted with black and white flecks",
+        "nape: smooth, bluish-grey",
+        "tail: squared-off with white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to grey on the sides"
+    ],
+    "threskiornis molucca": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a subtle iridescence",
+        "beak: elongated, curved grayish-black bill",
+        "belly: pale brownish-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-grey plumage with slight streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with a patch of light grey near the forehead",
+        "forehead: smooth, light grey to white feathers",
+        "eyes: deep red to orange with a slight white ring",
+        "legs: long, dark grey to black legs with partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with a slight green iridescence and white wingtips",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with dark streaks, blending into the back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark brown with contrasting white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale brownish-grey with darker streaks, leading into breast area"
+    ],
+    "amphispiza bilineata": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: small and cone-shaped, dark grayish",
+        "belly: soft gray with faint dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray, streaked with darker gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with a white stripe near the nape",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray shading into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a small white eyering",
+        "legs: thin and long, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: white stripe separating the gray crown and back",
+        "tail: slate gray, forked with thin white edges",
+        "throat: fairly light gray with dark, blurry streaks"
+    ],
+    "dendragapus obscurus": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with lighter gray spots",
+        "crown: dark gray, blending into neck and back",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish-brown with sharp, black talons",
+        "wings: darker gray with white markings on primaries",
+        "nape: dark gray, sometimes blending into black",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with light gray barring",
+        "throat: white or light gray, contrasting sharply with darker head"
+    ],
+    "chloroceryle americana": [
+        "back: vibrant green with small white spots",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and blackish",
+        "belly: creamy white with greenish-blue streaks",
+        "breast: bluish-green feathers with white streaks",
+        "crown: bright green with blue streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue with white spots",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: short and pale with sharp claws",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: green with light blue streaks",
+        "tail: green and blue with white bands",
+        "throat: white with fine greenish-blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes erythrocephalus": [
+        "back: olive green with black barring",
+        "beak: straight, black, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: pale yellow, light black barring",
+        "breast: white, sporadic light black barring",
+        "crown: bright red feathers atop head",
+        "forehead: red, smooth feathers extending from crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, with surrounding white feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong and robust",
+        "wings: black with hints of green, white patches",
+        "nape: black with greenish tinge, barring pattern",
+        "tail: mix of black, green, and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, boldly contrasting with red head"
+    ],
+    "haematopus finschi": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: vibrant orange-red, long and robust",
+        "belly: white underparts, with a sharp front border",
+        "breast: grayish-brown feathers with a white border",
+        "crown: dark grayish plumage with no distinct markings",
+        "forehead: sleek dark grayish extension of the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with thin dark circles around them",
+        "legs: bright orange in color, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with white wingbars visible during flight",
+        "nape: continuation of dark grayish-brown plumage from the crown",
+        "tail: short fan-shaped, dark grayish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white, sharply distinct from grayish-brown breast"
+    ],
+    "eudyptula minor": [
+        "back: dark blueish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, dark grayish-black",
+        "belly: soft, white, slightly rounded",
+        "breast: white plumage, merges with belly",
+        "crown: dark, feathers smoothly reach back",
+        "forehead: blueish-grey feathers, meets beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, placed high on face",
+        "legs: short, strong, dark grayish-black",
+        "wings: dark blueish-grey, flipper-like",
+        "nape: dark blueish-grey, smooth transition",
+        "tail: short, dark, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white feathers, blends to belly"
+    ],
+    "recurvirostra avosetta": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, thin, and upturned",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: black and prominent",
+        "crown: black extending to nape",
+        "forehead: white and rounded",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: long and blueish gray",
+        "wings: black with white trailing feathers",
+        "nape: black connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short and white-rimmed",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "sporophila morelleti": [
+        "back: olive-gray feathers with faint streaking",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and conical",
+        "belly: white with pale gray-brown speckles",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with pale edges",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-gray with buffy-white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray, blending into crown",
+        "tail: short and square, olive-gray with pale edges",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to grayish breast"
+    ],
+    "anhinga novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with a slight green sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grey with white streaks",
+        "breast: white speckles on dark grey plumage",
+        "crown: black with a hint of green gloss",
+        "forehead: flat and narrow, transitioning into the beak",
+        "eyes: red or pale blue, surrounded by a thin light blue skin patch",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: large, grey with white stripes and speckles",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers with green gloss",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white and streaked with grey"
+    ],
+    "pluvialis dominica": [
+        "back: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, slim, and black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: black with a narrow white stripe",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: rounded, dark grey with white streaks, edged with black bars",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with a thin black semi-collar"
+    ],
+    "phoenicopterus ruber": [
+        "back: curved, pinkish-white feathers",
+        "beak: downward-bending, black tip, light base",
+        "belly: fluffy, white feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant pink feathers, smooth texture",
+        "crown: sleek, pinkish-white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, pinkish-white plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by thin white ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, pink with backward bending knees",
+        "wings: elongated, pink feathers with black accents",
+        "nape: slightly curved, pinkish-white feathered neck",
+        "tail: short, pink feathers with occasional black accents",
+        "throat: soft, white feathers, rounded shape"
+    ],
+    "aquila heliaca": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with slight golden sheen",
+        "beak: powerful, hooked upper mandible; yellow-orange lower mandible",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: deep brown with subtle gold feather edges",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers, sleek against the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with sharp black pupils",
+        "legs: thick, yellow, scaled legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, and dark brown with golden accents",
+        "nape: rich, dark brown feathers with a hint of gold shimmer",
+        "tail: elongated, broad, barred with brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white feathers merging into the streaked belly"
+    ],
+    "dacnis cayana": [
+        "back: vibrant blue upper body",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: light blue lower body",
+        "breast: bright blue chest area",
+        "crown: rich blue head top",
+        "forehead: vivid blue front head",
+        "eyes: black with white outline",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: bright blue with black edges",
+        "nape: intense blue back of the head",
+        "tail: long blue tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue frontal neck"
+    ],
+    "egretta tricolor": [
+        "back: bluish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage",
+        "crown: blue-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: yellow ringed, dark iris",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green legs",
+        "wings: long, slaty-blue with white fringe",
+        "nape: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, white and slaty-blue feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "aimophila ruficeps": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: warm buffy or white color",
+        "breast: dull, reddish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: warm reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: dark reddish-brown, blends with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, centered in a pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with dark streaks and two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown, with faint streaking",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "dendrocygna viduata": [
+        "back: dark, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sleek, and black",
+        "belly: white, with light gray feather tips",
+        "breast: blackish-brown plumage with white speckles",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark-brown eyes",
+        "legs: long, orange-red legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, bluish-gray feathers with distinctive white stripes",
+        "nape: black feathers dissolving into bluish-gray on the upper back",
+        "tail: dark, bluish-gray with a slight downward curve",
+        "throat: white feathers, sharply contrasting with the black crown and forehead"
+    ],
+    "campylorhynchus zonatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: light cream with black barring",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with narrow black stripes",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wingbars and black streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks, joining the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown with white and black banding",
+        "throat: pale cream, lightly streaked with black"
+    ],
+    "aquila nipalensis": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buffy-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter tips",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: large, deep yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellowish-white, featherless, strong talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with paler spots",
+        "nape: light brown with hints of gray",
+        "tail: dark brown, wedge-shaped with white tip",
+        "throat: buffy-white, separated from breast by small dark stripe"
+    ],
+    "todirostrum cinereum": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish tones",
+        "breast: light gray with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: capped with dark gray",
+        "forehead: narrow, light gray",
+        "eyes: black with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and tall, charcoal gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: muted gray-green",
+        "tail: long and stiff, dark gray-green",
+        "throat: pale gray with yellow undertones"
+    ],
+    "aythya collaris": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "beak: greyish blue with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with fine greyish speckles",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with darker spots",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: steep and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: bright yellow to orange-red",
+        "legs: grey with dark webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with contrasting white speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short and dark, with pointed central feathers",
+        "throat: lighter brown, bordering the chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "cyclarhis gujanensis": [
+        "back: olive-green color, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: thick, slightly curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy pale-yellow underside, soft texture",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive, slight streaking",
+        "crown: rufous-brown, distinct crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white band, contrast to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale gray or pinkish hue",
+        "wings: olive-green, dark-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with pale tips, splayed",
+        "throat: whitish-yellow, subtle streaks on sides"
+    ],
+    "sterna paradisaea": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: slender and pointed",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray with iridescent sheen",
+        "crown: sleek, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: satin-like greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: clear, bright, and dark",
+        "legs: featherless, dark gray limbs",
+        "wings: elongated with metallic green-blue top feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, ribbon-like outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: gray-blue plumage with hints of iridescent green"
+    ],
+    "centropus superciliosus": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: thick, black, and downward curved",
+        "belly: whitish with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: rufous color with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: short white supercilium (eyebrow line",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black",
+        "legs: grayish, long, and robust",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: mainly black with some rufous and white feathers",
+        "tail: long, with dark brown, greenish iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "elanus axillaris": [
+        "back: pale grey with distinct black shoulders",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: creamy white with grayish tones",
+        "breast: white, sometimes with light grey streaks",
+        "crown: pale grey, blending with the back",
+        "forehead: pale grey, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with a noticeable yellow ring",
+        "legs: short and yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and angular, black and white with grey edges",
+        "nape: pale grey, same as the crown and back",
+        "tail: white with black band toward the tip",
+        "throat: white, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "charadrius nivosus": [
+        "back: pale brownish-gray with small darker spots",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish-brown markings",
+        "breast: white with light brownish-gray spots",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: white, forming a \"v\" shape",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: short and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wingbars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with darker streaks",
+        "tail: short and white, with grayish-brown outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "quiscalus niger": [
+        "back: sleek and dark, glossy",
+        "beak: conical shape, blackish hue",
+        "belly: dark feathering, stark contrast",
+        "breast: deep black, glistening",
+        "crown: slightly raised, iridescent blue-black tint",
+        "forehead: smooth, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing gaze, encircled by dark feathers",
+        "legs: strong, dark color, agile",
+        "wings: broad and powerful, subtle sheen",
+        "nape: smooth transition to the back, dark hues",
+        "tail: long and forked, fanned during flight",
+        "throat: glossy black, hints of iridescence"
+    ],
+    "turdus viscivorus": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: yellowish, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale whitish with dark spots",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with indistinct lines",
+        "forehead: dark brown, merging with crown",
+        "eyes: surrounded by light-colored ring",
+        "legs: yellowish, strong",
+        "wings: brown with white and grey markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium-length",
+        "throat: whitish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes rubricapillus": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle darker streaks",
+        "beak: straight, chisel-shaped, light gray",
+        "belly: buff to tawny with dark streaks",
+        "breast: golden yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright red extending to nape",
+        "forehead: red with pale borders",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: gray-blue with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: blackish with white barring on flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright red continuing from crown",
+        "tail: black with white barring, stiff central feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "dryobates villosus": [
+        "back: black and white spotted plumage",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, and sleek",
+        "belly: white with some black spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: red nuchal patch on the males, absent in females",
+        "forehead: white with black horizontal lines",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white plumage",
+        "legs: gray with four sharp-clawed toes",
+        "wings: barred black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black and white striped pattern",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with no distinctive markings"
+    ],
+    "turdus rufiventris": [
+        "back: dark brown with a faint rusty hue",
+        "beak: straight, sharp, and yellowish",
+        "belly: reddish-orange coloration",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with small dark spots",
+        "crown: smooth, dark brown with a rustlike tint",
+        "forehead: straight and flat, dark brown fading to lighter color",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and orange-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown and reddish-orange feathered, medium-sized",
+        "nape: dark brown with a slight rusty tinge",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium length with a slight reddish-brown undertone",
+        "throat: smooth, reddish-orange with some small dark spots"
+    ],
+    "pyrrhocorax graculus": [
+        "back: dark glossy feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, yellowish-red",
+        "belly: blackish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: sleek greyish-black feathers",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: smoothly curved black feathers",
+        "eyes: large and striking, coal-black",
+        "legs: bright red and slender",
+        "wings: jet-black with a gracefully curved shape",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: greyish-black, sleek feathers"
+    ],
+    "tachybaptus ruficollis": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short and stubby, dark grey",
+        "belly: silvery-grey with white undertail",
+        "breast: chestnut-red with greyish sides",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly puffed",
+        "forehead: dark brown with faint lines",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, strong with lobed toes",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: chestnut-red, softened towards chest"
+    ],
+    "dendrocitta vagabunda": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slightly bluish sheen",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: rusty-rufous and paler",
+        "breast: grayish and rufous",
+        "crown: blackish with rusty-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: blackish with whitish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a periocular black patch",
+        "legs: dark greyish-black and strong",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with black edges",
+        "nape: blackish with whitish streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "setophaga striata": [
+        "back: olive green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, black in color",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with light streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray",
+        "wings: black and white, yellow edges",
+        "nape: black and white streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark, white edge",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "rissa tridactyla": [
+        "back: light grey plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly hooked black beak",
+        "belly: clean white underside",
+        "breast: white with light grey flecks",
+        "crown: black head with a small white patch above eye",
+        "forehead: white stripe connecting eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, alert eyes",
+        "legs: bright red-orange legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, pointed greyish-black wings",
+        "nape: smooth black transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: forked and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: sleek white plumage"
+    ],
+    "jacana jacana": [
+        "back: brownish-black with iridescent green sheen",
+        "beak: long, thin and slightly curved, pale blue with a yellow tip",
+        "belly: white with black-barred flanks",
+        "breast: rufous-chestnut color fading to white",
+        "crown: glossy black, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: black with pale blue frontal shield",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a hint of red",
+        "legs: extremely long, grayish-blue with elongated toes",
+        "wings: black with vibrant blue and green metallic sheen",
+        "nape: black with metallic green shine",
+        "tail: medium length, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, well-defined against chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "dryobates albolarvatus": [
+        "back: creamy white with black spots",
+        "beak: black and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white with black edges",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyebrow",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: black with white patches and bars",
+        "nape: black with a white stripe",
+        "tail: black with white edges and spots",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "alectura lathami": [
+        "back: dark brown and reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: strong, pale grayish-blue bill",
+        "belly: pale with fine, dark striping",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with fine, gray striping",
+        "crown: black and chestnut with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown with streaks of pale buff",
+        "eyes: piercing light brown or yellow",
+        "legs: powerful, pale grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-black with dark brown tips",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale buff streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, and brownish-black with pale tips",
+        "throat: pale buff with blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "psilopogon haemacephalus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, short, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: bright blue with dark stripes",
+        "crown: deep crimson with golden-yellow tips",
+        "forehead: black feathers fading into crimson",
+        "eyes: beady and black",
+        "legs: strong and dark grey",
+        "wings: lush green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: golden-yellow feathers tinged with blue",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "calypte costae": [
+        "back: olive-green with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with greenish tints",
+        "breast: pale gray with greenish highlights",
+        "crown: bright emerald green with purple sheen",
+        "forehead: vibrant purple band",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: iridescent green, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: dull green with slight iridescence",
+        "tail: forked, iridescent green with white outer tips",
+        "throat: iridescent violet-purple gorget"
+    ],
+    "burhinus vermiculatus": [
+        "back: streaked sandy-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: light cream with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: sandy pale-brown with faint spots",
+        "crown: well-defined dark cap",
+        "forehead: buffy-white stripe",
+        "eyes: large, yellow in hue",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale reddish-yellow",
+        "wings: broad, sandy-brown with black edges",
+        "nape: pale with thin dark streaks",
+        "tail: short with fine dark barring",
+        "throat: white with buffy-yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "egretta sacra": [
+        "back: light grey-blue plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: pure white feathers",
+        "breast: white with a slight greyish-blue tint",
+        "crown: smooth, light grey-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: thin white line above the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: large, grey-blue with white edges",
+        "nape: grey-blue feathers with a slight ruffle",
+        "tail: long, white feathers with grey-blue edges",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "egretta garzetta": [
+        "back: sleek white feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: smooth white plumage",
+        "breast: elegant white feathers",
+        "crown: white feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and white",
+        "eyes: small and round, yellow-ringed",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: broad and white, tucked to body",
+        "nape: white-feathered, elongated neck",
+        "tail: delicate white plumes",
+        "throat: white, sleek, with a graceful curve"
+    ],
+    "xanthocephalus xanthocephalus": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale white-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow patches",
+        "crown: solid, vivid yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow strip",
+        "eyes: surrounded by dark markings, dark brown iris",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: brown with black streaks and white patches",
+        "nape: yellow tinged with golden-brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with white spots on the tips",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "phylidonyris niger": [
+        "back: dark iridescent green-black feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved black",
+        "belly: light gray to white feathers",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: shining black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, long and slender",
+        "wings: shiny black with green-blue iridescence",
+        "nape: black feathers with green-blue sheen",
+        "tail: long, black and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a thin black band"
+    ],
+    "columba palumbus": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grey-white feathers",
+        "breast: pinkish-buff feathers with iridescence",
+        "crown: grey-blue with a purple sheen",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright orange with grayish-black outlines",
+        "legs: reddish-pink with a scaly texture",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black bands",
+        "nape: white patch on back of neck",
+        "tail: dark grey with a broad white band at the end",
+        "throat: pale pinkish-grey with iridescent green patch on the side"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus melancholicus": [
+        "back: dark grey feathered body part",
+        "beak: black and sharp pointed structure",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white lower body",
+        "breast: slightly darker grey chest area",
+        "crown: blackish crest on top of head",
+        "forehead: dark grey feathered area above eyes",
+        "eyes: small black and alert peepers",
+        "legs: slender black with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark grey with a white patch at base",
+        "nape: darker grey feathers at back of neck",
+        "tail: long and blackish with white edges",
+        "throat: light grey feathered region below beak"
+    ],
+    "merops ornatus": [
+        "back: vibrant blue to turquoise feathers with black edges",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved and downward pointing, black in color",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers with black streaks",
+        "breast: vivid yellow plumage with a bluish-green patch",
+        "crown: deep blue feathers with black borders",
+        "forehead: striking orange-yellow fur",
+        "eyes: round with dark brown irises, encircled by blue eyestripe",
+        "legs: slender black legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated with blue-turquoise upper wings and underwings spotted with green and blue",
+        "nape: blue neckband connecting the crown and throat",
+        "tail: two long, iridescent central feathers extending beyond the rest, blue to green in color",
+        "throat: yellow-green patch bordered by black on the prominent neck"
+    ],
+    "progne chalybea": [
+        "back: metallic blue feathers",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: white feathered underside",
+        "breast: pale blue plumage",
+        "crown: blue-black feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic blue cap",
+        "eyes: black and small",
+        "legs: dark and slender",
+        "wings: long and blue-black",
+        "nape: blue-black plumage",
+        "tail: blue-black and forked",
+        "throat: pale blue feathering"
+    ],
+    "aechmophorus clarkii": [
+        "back: sleek and grayish-black",
+        "beak: long, black, and slender",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with a hint of gray",
+        "crown: grayish-black and slightly raised",
+        "forehead: black and merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark, and web-footed",
+        "wings: elongated, black, and white with pointed tips",
+        "nape: grayish-black, merging into the back feathers",
+        "tail: wide, fan-shaped, and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and narrow"
+    ],
+    "icteria virens": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green",
+        "forehead: olive-green",
+        "eyes: large, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: blueish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellowish undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "tringa glareola": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light and unmarked",
+        "eyes: small with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, skinny, and yellow-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "nyctidromus albicollis": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with white spots",
+        "beak: small and slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light brownish-gray with faint streaking",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a white central stripe",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with a pale central line",
+        "eyes: large and dark, encircled by a faint pale ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, slightly darker than the crown",
+        "tail: long and forked, brownish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "geranoaetus albicaudatus": [
+        "back: primarily dark brown with grayish tones",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black with a yellow cere",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with a smoother texture",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a dark brown ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: broad and long, dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, merging into the back's coloration",
+        "tail: bright white with a single broad black band",
+        "throat: white and fluffy with scattered brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "anas platyrhynchos": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: flat, yellowish-orange bill",
+        "belly: white feathers with gray flanks",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored feathers",
+        "crown: green, iridescent head feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish, continuing from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white, semi-circular patch",
+        "legs: short and orange, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown and white feathers with blue speculum",
+        "nape: transitions from green crown to brown feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, curled black feathers",
+        "throat: white patch between neck and chestnut breast"
+    ],
+    "cardinalis sinuatus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, bright orange",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: vibrant red",
+        "crown: prominent red crest",
+        "forehead: brilliant red",
+        "eyes: deep black, encircled by red feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "nape: red transitioning to reddish-brown",
+        "tail: long and pointed, reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "throat: red blending with pale gray-white"
+    ],
+    "mimus gilvus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream or pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with muted streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown plumage blending with the back",
+        "forehead: lighter shade of olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: pale pink with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the olive-brown crown feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and white-tipped with distinctive outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "colaptes chrysoides": [
+        "back: golden-olive or greenish-olive with black bars",
+        "beak: long and chisel-shaped, mostly black with a paler base",
+        "belly: yellow with black spots or bars on the sides",
+        "breast: olive or greenish-yellow with black barring",
+        "crown: red, especially prominent in males",
+        "forehead: red or reddish-orange, extending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark in color, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish, strong, and scaled",
+        "wings: dark with white spots, bars, or patches",
+        "nape: olive or greenish-yellow with black bars, separated from the red crown",
+        "tail: black and white barred, often fanned in flight or when perched",
+        "throat: yellow or olive with black barring, surrounded by a light colored \"half-collar"
+    ],
+    "ciconia maguari": [
+        "back: white plumage with extended feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly downward-curving, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white plumage, slightly fluffy appearance",
+        "breast: smooth, white plumage",
+        "crown: black cap-like plumage on top of the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers contrast with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by black feathered mask",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-red with partially-webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, predominantly white with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: white plumage extends from the back to the neck",
+        "tail: white, rectangle-shaped feathers, often fanned out",
+        "throat: white, soft-feathered region below the beak"
+    ],
+    "phoebastria nigripes": [
+        "back: dark grey, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, grey-black",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, plumage merging with belly",
+        "crown: blackish-grey, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey, connects to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, expressive",
+        "legs: grey-black, strong with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black predominant, long, and slightly rounded shape",
+        "nape: blackish-grey, well-defined",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, blackish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, lighter shade than belly"
+    ],
+    "pica pica": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white with faint greyish markings",
+        "breast: white with black side patches",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: shiny metallic blue-black",
+        "eyes: dark with a noticeable pale stripe above",
+        "legs: dark grey with sturdy feet and sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, blue-black with white patch on primaries",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black with white edges",
+        "tail: long, black-and-white with graduated outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting sharply with black head and neck"
+    ],
+    "falco naumanni": [
+        "back: blueish-grey with dark spots",
+        "beak: small and hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale buff, streaked with brown",
+        "breast: white with brownish markings",
+        "crown: blueish-grey with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale blue-grey",
+        "eyes: large, black with pale yellow eyering",
+        "legs: short, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: pointed and slim, greyish-blue with black tips",
+        "nape: blueish-grey with black stripes",
+        "tail: greyish-blue with narrow black bands",
+        "throat: whitish with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "myzomela sanguinolenta": [
+        "back: olive-green upper layer",
+        "beak: slender, curved black",
+        "belly: pale grey or white",
+        "breast: bright red-orange hue",
+        "crown: olive-green with reddish tint",
+        "forehead: small, red stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: thin, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: short, olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green transitioning into red",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with reddish tips",
+        "throat: vibrant red-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "contopus pertinax": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: dull white with gray streaking",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark feather edges",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish coloration",
+        "eyes: round, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs",
+        "wings: long, pointed, grayish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with back feathers",
+        "tail: straight, medium-length, banded with dark and light gray",
+        "throat: pale white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "sporophila torqueola": [
+        "back: olive-green upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: off-white pale gray",
+        "breast: light gray with streaks",
+        "crown: black and chestnut striped",
+        "forehead: chestnut stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with chestnut edging",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green, short and rounded",
+        "throat: light gray"
+    ],
+    "vireo cassinii": [
+        "back: olive-green with grayish tinge",
+        "beak: hooked upper bill with dark-grayish hue",
+        "belly: off-white with pale yellow undertones",
+        "breast: grayish olive tint",
+        "crown: olive-gray with faint feathers",
+        "forehead: faint grayish-olive hue",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring with black iris",
+        "legs: slender light-gray legs",
+        "wings: olive-gray with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: muted olive-gray",
+        "tail: olive-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with slight yellow tint"
+    ],
+    "pteroglossus torquatus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim and curved",
+        "belly: striking yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: dark bluish-black hue",
+        "forehead: red and black striped markings",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: short and light gray",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with white band across upper edge",
+        "nape: black with bluish sheen",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, elongated shape",
+        "throat: white feathers with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus crassirostris": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, hooked, dark upper and lower mandibles",
+        "belly: creamy white with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-gray",
+        "crown: dark gray cap",
+        "forehead: grayish-white with slight crest",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, dark gray with white edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green blending into back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark-gray with prominent white edges",
+        "throat: pale whitish-gray with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "myiarchus crinitus": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint grayish streaks",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellowish",
+        "breast: gray with subtle olive tinge",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: olive-gray blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: sturdy and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray merging with back",
+        "tail: long, dark with rusty edges, and white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "cacatua sanguinea": [
+        "back: pale pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: large, off-white, hooked beak",
+        "belly: light pinkish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: bright pink feathered crest",
+        "forehead: soft pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, circular with white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and gray, with black claws",
+        "wings: pale pinkish-grey with a white stripe",
+        "nape: soft pinkish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: pale gray, long and slightly pointed",
+        "throat: light pinkish-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "mergellus albellus": [
+        "back: white, covered in greyish-black streaks",
+        "beak: black, narrow, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: pristine white",
+        "breast: white with dark greyish-black feathers",
+        "crown: white with black lines",
+        "forehead: white, bordered by a black line",
+        "eyes: dark, outlined by black feathers",
+        "legs: orange-red with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: white with black streaks",
+        "tail: black and white feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, bordered by grayish-black markings"
+    ],
+    "larus dominicanus": [
+        "back: glossy grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked, yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white and fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: grey-feathered head",
+        "forehead: smooth white plumage",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow-rimmed",
+        "legs: pinkish, webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad grey wings with black tips",
+        "nape: white collar at base of neck",
+        "tail: white feathers with black band",
+        "throat: soft white plumage"
+    ],
+    "threskiornis aethiopicus": [
+        "back: black plumage with subtle sheen",
+        "beak: long, curved, and dull yellow",
+        "belly: white plumage with a smooth appearance",
+        "breast: black feathered, merging with belly's white",
+        "crown: blackish coloring, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: black and smooth, without any markings",
+        "eyes: small and bright yellow, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black feathers with a hint of iridescence, span nearly twice the body length",
+        "nape: black and glossy, feathers blending into crown area",
+        "tail: black and elongated, slightly rounded with a matte finish",
+        "throat: white plumage starting from lower beak, connects seamlessly with belly"
+    ],
+    "pachycephala rufiventris": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: reddish-brown hue",
+        "breast: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small black orbs surrounded by a light-colored ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark grey appendages",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow stripe down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: white to off-white coloration"
+    ],
+    "regulus ignicapilla": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with buff-orange flanks",
+        "breast: pale gray with a reddish-orange patch",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a striking red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray meeting the red-orange crest",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, short, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green tapering to bluish-gray",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, with olive-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with a faint reddish-orange hue"
+    ],
+    "vanellus spinosus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: short, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers with black undertail coverts",
+        "breast: charcoal grey with buff-brown borders",
+        "crown: dark brown with creamy-white forehead stripe",
+        "forehead: creamy-white stripe separating crown from eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white feathered eyering",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with white slash and distinctive spur at bend",
+        "nape: rich rust-brown fading to grey-brown",
+        "tail: white with contrasting black terminal band",
+        "throat: white, bordered by rust-brown cheeks"
+    ],
+    "spizella breweri": [
+        "back: light brown with gray streaks",
+        "beak: small and conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: medium brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: brown with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: light brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: medium brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "egretta rufescens": [
+        "back: smooth, reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and pointy",
+        "belly: white mixed with reddish-brown plumage",
+        "breast: white plumage with a touch of reddish-brown",
+        "crown: distinct reddish-brown crest",
+        "forehead: white, v-shaped marking",
+        "eyes: small, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with curved wingtips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: long, slender, and reddish-brown",
+        "throat: white plumage with sparse reddish-brown feathers"
+    ],
+    "aegolius acadicus": [
+        "back: brown feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: short and hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with sparse white streaks",
+        "eyes: large and yellow, ringed with dark feathers",
+        "legs: feathered and grayish-white",
+        "wings: long and rounded, dark brown with white edges on primary feathers",
+        "nape: medium brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with minimal brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "aythya fuligula": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: bluish-grey with black tip",
+        "belly: white with light grey sides",
+        "breast: dark brownish-black",
+        "crown: peaked, black with greenish gloss",
+        "forehead: sloping gently towards beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: grey-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark black and white striped pattern during flight",
+        "nape: black with greenish sheen, extending up into the crown",
+        "tail: short, pointed, black feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers, continuous with breast color"
+    ],
+    "dicrurus paradiseus": [
+        "back: dark glossy black plumage",
+        "beak: sharply pointed and slightly curved",
+        "belly: slender shape with a black hue",
+        "breast: smooth shiny black feathers",
+        "crown: black plumage with a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: defined area with shiny black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and prominent with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin and dark colored",
+        "wings: long, dark and curved, with pointed tips",
+        "nape: black plumage, blending seamlessly into the back",
+        "tail: striking elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: glossy black with a slim appearance"
+    ],
+    "setophaga citrina": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight yellow tinge",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black spotting",
+        "crown: yellow with black streaks, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: sunny yellow with a few black streaks",
+        "eyes: black, centered on white eyering",
+        "legs: long, slim, and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with white edges and black streaks",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unblemished"
+    ],
+    "calidris ferruginea": [
+        "back: rusty brown upperparts with white speckles",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly drooping, and black",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-chestnut hue with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with streaks above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: pointed with rusty and black feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "geranospiza caerulescens": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: straight, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with fine gray markings",
+        "breast: pale gray-white with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue-gray head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, round, light brown gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish-gold",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-gray with darker tips",
+        "nape: streaked blue-gray and white plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "spizelloides arborea": [
+        "back: olive-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: pale grey to white underside",
+        "breast: lightly streaked greyish",
+        "crown: brown with grey center stripe",
+        "forehead: pale grey stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and pinkish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with faint grey central stripe",
+        "tail: long and dark, edged with pale grey",
+        "throat: pale grey, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "cecropis daurica": [
+        "back: dark, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: slender, black, and pointy",
+        "belly: white with gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with black, crescent-shaped markings",
+        "crown: black with a chestnut-colored patch",
+        "forehead: black with a chestnut-colored stripe",
+        "eyes: black, beady with a white line above them",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with black and white feathers, and chestnut patches",
+        "nape: black with chestnut-colored stripe extending from the forehead",
+        "tail: forked, with black and white feathers and red rump",
+        "throat: white with black crescent-shaped markings"
+    ],
+    "glaucidium gnoma": [
+        "back: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with faint spots",
+        "forehead: pale with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and round",
+        "legs: short and strong, grayish",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white or buff bands",
+        "throat: off-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "phoeniculus purpureus": [
+        "back: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, red-orange, and curved",
+        "belly: vibrant violet and green feathers",
+        "breast: deep purplish-red with fine streaks",
+        "crown: shiny metallic green-blue",
+        "forehead: metallic green-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by small feathers",
+        "legs: thin and long, dark grey color",
+        "wings: mix of iridescent green-blue and purplish-red feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green-blue with fine streaks",
+        "tail: long, vibrant purple feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: purplish-red with small streaks and green-violet feathers"
+    ],
+    "porphyrio martinica": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: vibrant red-orange, sharply pointed",
+        "belly: deep blue to purple plumage",
+        "breast: rich, bluish-purple feathers",
+        "crown: blue-black plumage, rounded crest",
+        "forehead: striking blue-purple hue",
+        "eyes: bright red with black pupil, outlined in yellow",
+        "legs: long, red-orange with large, webbed feet",
+        "wings: green-blue with black secondary feathers",
+        "nape: green-blue feathers fading to blue-purple",
+        "tail: short, green-blue with black band at tip",
+        "throat: paler blue-purple, slightly mottled"
+    ],
+    "charadrius dubius": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, black tip",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white, occasionally with faint brownish spots",
+        "crown: brownish with white border",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting with brown crown",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, thin and long",
+        "wings: brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: brownish-white transition",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "polemaetus bellicosus": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with brown feather tips",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, almost black",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending to white",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black ring",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, wide with dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: white with light brown streaks",
+        "tail: broad, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "empidonax minimus": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body plumage",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: light and unmarked underside",
+        "breast: pale with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a peaked top",
+        "forehead: plain and straight, no eye-ring",
+        "eyes: medium-sized and dark-colored",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with long primaries and no wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green coloration, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked and short, olive-green color",
+        "throat: unmarked pale olive-gray"
+    ],
+    "aulacorhynchus prasinus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: striking black, curved",
+        "belly: lighter green hue",
+        "breast: rich emerald green",
+        "crown: deep green feathers",
+        "forehead: bright green with subtle shine",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by green",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: iridescent green, folded",
+        "nape: continuation of crown color",
+        "tail: long, tapered, green feathers",
+        "throat: bold green plumage"
+    ],
+    "surnia ulula": [
+        "back: lightly barred with brown and white, forming a camouflage pattern",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and hooked for tearing prey",
+        "belly: pale white with dark brown barring for added texture",
+        "breast: ivory colored with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: rounded head with brown and white barring",
+        "forehead: white with barring extending from the crown",
+        "eyes: large and yellow, well-suited for night vision",
+        "legs: short and feathered, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded with brown and white barring, perfect for silent flight",
+        "nape: barred pattern, similar to the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown with light barring, multiple bands, and a rounded tip",
+        "throat: pale with brown streaks extending from the breast"
+    ],
+    "chloephaga picta": [
+        "back: black and white speckled plumage",
+        "beak: short, grayish-blue, hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-buff with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark spotted feathers",
+        "forehead: white with black spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white feather patch",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: white, black, and brown coloration",
+        "nape: white feathers with black spots",
+        "tail: short, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage"
+    ],
+    "spinus psaltria": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow patch",
+        "crown: black stripe on head",
+        "forehead: olive-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slim",
+        "wings: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: sharp, black, forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "myioborus miniatus": [
+        "back: bright reddish-orange with black streaks",
+        "beak: small and slender, black in color",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with black streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: yellowish-white, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, light in color",
+        "wings: black with white patches and bars",
+        "nape: yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white bands and outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint black streaks"
+    ],
+    "cairina moschata": [
+        "back: glossy blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: broad, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: soft, creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: deep red-brown plumage",
+        "crown: rounded, dark feathers",
+        "forehead: striking white patch of feathers",
+        "eyes: intense brown color, alert gaze",
+        "legs: strong, reddish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green, elongated",
+        "nape: sleek, dark plumage with a slight arch",
+        "tail: long, dark, tapering feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathering contrasting with darker plumage"
+    ],
+    "cochlearius cochlearius": [
+        "back: glossy black plumage",
+        "beak: long, broad, and flat",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: white and slightly streaked",
+        "crown: black with brownish tint",
+        "forehead: dark brown with slight black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale yellow eyering",
+        "legs: long, greenish-gray with slight webbing",
+        "wings: blackish-brown with white under-wing coverts",
+        "nape: dark brown with blackish streaks",
+        "tail: glossy black with white under-tail coverts",
+        "throat: white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "forpus conspicillatus": [
+        "back: light green feathers, slightly curved",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale gray",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: pale green feathers, more vivid close to wings",
+        "crown: green, round feathers, fade towards forehead",
+        "forehead: lighter green, smooth contour with crown",
+        "eyes: black, small and circular, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: vibrant green in the forefront, becoming darker inside",
+        "nape: green, gently transitions into the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, green feathers in a fan shape",
+        "throat: white feathery area, connects to the belly"
+    ],
+    "troglodytes troglodytes": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle light streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale grey with slight brownish tint",
+        "breast: light greyish-brown with fine dark barring",
+        "crown: warm brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with a slightly lighter center",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by thin pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: darker brown with faint barring, rounded shape",
+        "nape: olive-brown, almost merging with the back",
+        "tail: short and square-ended, brown with fine dark barring",
+        "throat: off-white with slight brownish tinge"
+    ],
+    "campephilus melanoleucos": [
+        "back: black and white striped",
+        "beak: long, ivory-colored",
+        "belly: white with faint black markings",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: red crest on top of head",
+        "forehead: red with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark against white face",
+        "legs: strong, gray-colored",
+        "wings: black with white bars and patches",
+        "nape: red, connected to the crown",
+        "tail: black and white, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with a hint of black markings"
+    ],
+    "troglodytes pacificus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with gray undertones",
+        "beak: small, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with faint brown streaks",
+        "breast: white to pale grey",
+        "crown: brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pink or tan",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grey with a white chin patch"
+    ],
+    "aythya valisineria": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathering",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with black tip",
+        "belly: white with fine black markings",
+        "breast: chestnut colored with darker spots",
+        "crown: greenish-black sheen",
+        "forehead: blending smoothly into crown",
+        "eyes: bright red color",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white speculum",
+        "nape: subtle buff coloration",
+        "tail: elongated, black central feathers",
+        "throat: white with a distinct black border"
+    ],
+    "scolopax minor": [
+        "back: dark brown with distinctive dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender, brownish color",
+        "belly: pale buff with sparse dark markings",
+        "breast: buff colored with dark streaks and spots",
+        "crown: dark brown and streaked with lighter brown stripes",
+        "forehead: cream colored, fading to brown on the top",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown with slender, agile toes",
+        "wings: brownish-black with buff-colored bars and spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter brown streaks",
+        "tail: short, squared, brown with black bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with faint brown markings"
+    ],
+    "aquila audax": [
+        "back: dark brown to black feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and grey",
+        "belly: dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "crown: blackish head feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, intense stare",
+        "legs: feathered, robust, and powerful",
+        "wings: wide, finger-like tips, brown-black",
+        "nape: blackish brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, and brownish-black",
+        "throat: dark brown with slight white streaks"
+    ],
+    "falco mexicanus": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: creamy, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, scaled",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark top, lighter under",
+        "nape: dark, seamless transition from crown",
+        "tail: dark, barred feathers, lightly tapered",
+        "throat: pale, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "cardellina pusilla": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, cone-shaped dark bill",
+        "belly: light yellow color with pale streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with some faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with a red-orange cap",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green feathers transitioning to the red-orange crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round eyes surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black legs with clawed feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather edgings, white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers connecting crown to the back",
+        "tail: dark, short tail with olive-green and black feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow plumage extending to the upper breast"
+    ],
+    "pycnonotus sinensis": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body feathers",
+        "beak: greyish-black, stout and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-white with a hint of yellow",
+        "breast: white to pale grey, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: black with white streaks, fading into the nape",
+        "forehead: black, featuring a slight smooth curve with the crow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by thin white eye-rings",
+        "legs: bluish-grey, slender and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green, featuring brownish-black primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black, streaked with white, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: long and uneven, comprised of dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white, extending from the chin to the upper breast"
+    ],
+    "dendrocopos leucotos": [
+        "back: white-barred black with a greenish tinge",
+        "beak: long, straight, and chisel-like, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale whitish-grey with black speckles",
+        "breast: whitish with unnoticeable black streaks",
+        "crown: red in males, black in females",
+        "forehead: white in males, patchy black in females",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white facial markings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grey, and adapted for climbing",
+        "wings: black feathers with white barring",
+        "nape: white in males with red markings, black in females",
+        "tail: black with white speckles, stiff central feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with sparse white streaks"
+    ],
+    "dendrocygna javanica": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle feather pattern",
+        "beak: black, flat, and elongated",
+        "belly: grayish-white with some black markings",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with fine white speckles",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark brown, gradually blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with dark brown iris",
+        "legs: orange-red, relatively long and thin",
+        "wings: dark brown with distinct white-bordered feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut brown with slight feather patterning",
+        "tail: long, slim, blackish-brown with subtle barring",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "melaenornis silens": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: black, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of brown",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: blackish gray with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black, round, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish, long, and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray, smoothly connected to the back",
+        "tail: long, blackish gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with a slightly darker border"
+    ],
+    "cracticus torquatus": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with black banding",
+        "breast: grey with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with rounded crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive with a black eye-stripe",
+        "legs: dark grey, sturdy, and featherless",
+        "wings: broad with white-tipped, black primary feathers",
+        "nape: black with a white collar",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "ardeola ralloides": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellowish",
+        "belly: white with slight brown tones",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black or dark brown",
+        "forehead: white or pale brown",
+        "eyes: red or yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: white on the underside, brown with white streaks on top",
+        "nape: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, brownish with white edges",
+        "throat: white with a hint of brown"
+    ],
+    "nucifraga caryocatactes": [
+        "back: dark gray with white flecks",
+        "beak: strong and pointed black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: black with small white spots",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyebrow-like stripe",
+        "legs: strong, black",
+        "wings: black with white, gray, and red-brown highlights",
+        "nape: black with white spots",
+        "tail: black with white or red-brown markings",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "vireo philadelphicus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, dark upper bill",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: olive-green to yellowish hue",
+        "crown: gray with dark border",
+        "forehead: faint grayish",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye ring",
+        "legs: thin and blue-gray",
+        "wings: dark with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish with green tinge",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark edges",
+        "throat: whitish or pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "strix varia": [
+        "back: barred brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: whitish with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale beige with vertical brown streaks",
+        "crown: prominent ears surrounded by darker feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, rusty-brown ridge",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: long, strong, and feathered",
+        "wings: broad with dark and light barred pattern",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark striations",
+        "tail: horizontally barred with white tips",
+        "throat: pale with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus bulleri": [
+        "back: light gray with soft feathering",
+        "beak: robust, reddish-orange with a black tip",
+        "belly: clean, white underside",
+        "breast: smooth, white blending into light gray",
+        "crown: light gray with smooth, plush feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray, continuing from the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark with a bright, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, reddish-orange matching the beak",
+        "wings: light gray with white tips and black outer edges",
+        "nape: light gray, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: sleek, white with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending seamlessly with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "setophaga cerulea": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender",
+        "wings: blue with black bars",
+        "nape: bright blue",
+        "tail: blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "trogon massena": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a slight iridescence",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, pale gray",
+        "belly: deep orange-yellow with light feathering",
+        "breast: velvety black with a hint of green iridescence",
+        "crown: brilliant green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: gleaming emerald green with a hint of blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and pale gray with small, sharp claws",
+        "wings: mix of iridescent green and black feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green feathers that flow down from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, black feathers with blue-violet iridescence",
+        "throat: velvety black with a slight green shimmer"
+    ],
+    "halcyon albiventris": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers with a green sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pure white to light grey plumage",
+        "breast: light grey with bluish tints",
+        "crown: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey with a green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, round pupils with a white ring",
+        "legs: dark grey with scaled texture",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with green iridescence on the upper surface, white to light grey on the under surface",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with green iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: long, slender, bluish-grey with green iridescence",
+        "throat: light grey with bluish tints"
+    ],
+    "larus glaucescens": [
+        "back: grey-blue feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, yellowish with a red spot",
+        "belly: clean white feathers, smooth texture",
+        "breast: white plumage with a hint of blue-grey",
+        "crown: flat grey-blue top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth grey-blue with white eye-ring",
+        "eyes: dark, intense, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pale pink, relatively short and sturdy",
+        "wings: grey-blue with white tips and black markings",
+        "nape: grey-blue feathers extending from head to back",
+        "tail: broad, white, with black terminal band",
+        "throat: soft white feathers, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "peucaea ruficauda": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout and conical",
+        "belly: pale ochre with dark streaks",
+        "breast: rufous with dark spots",
+        "crown: rufous-brown with a central stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with distinct markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: rufous-brown with black markings and white tips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: rufous-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "streptopelia decaocto": [
+        "back: pale grey-brown with subtle iridescence",
+        "beak: short and slim, dark grey",
+        "belly: light grayish-purple with some white",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-buff coloration",
+        "crown: smooth and flat, greyish-blue",
+        "forehead: light grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with dark, unbroken eye ring",
+        "legs: short and reddish-pink",
+        "wings: pale grey-brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grey with a white collar-like stripe at the base",
+        "tail: long and pointed, edged with white",
+        "throat: light grey blending into breast color"
+    ],
+    "anas acuta": [
+        "back: long and sleek, dark brown with fine white lines",
+        "beak: slender and elongated, black with blue-gray sides",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown speckles",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with cream stripe on side",
+        "forehead: white that transitions to brown on the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white stripe",
+        "legs: gray-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed with dark brown, white and gray feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with distinct white stripe",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark with white sides and a black tip",
+        "throat: white with fine gray speckles"
+    ],
+    "aechmophorus occidentalis": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage with a sleek profile",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: white feathering with a smooth texture",
+        "breast: white plumage expanding across the chest",
+        "crown: blackish-grey feathers forming a slightly peaked shape",
+        "forehead: slightly sloping with dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and fairly close to the beak",
+        "legs: short, strong, and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark grey with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray plumage with a gentle curve down to the back",
+        "tail: short, slightly rounded, and grey in color",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to the belly area"
+    ],
+    "buteogallus urubitinga": [
+        "back: dark brown with a hint of gray",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, black with yellow base",
+        "belly: rich cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow scaly legs, and black talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with white-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, distinct feather pattern",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white with pronounced brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "stercorarius parasiticus": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: strong, hooked structure",
+        "belly: light gray, feathered underside",
+        "breast: soft, gray-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark, flat head feathering",
+        "forehead: subtle stripe, darker feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin appendages",
+        "wings: broad, powerful span",
+        "nape: dark feathers tapering at neck",
+        "tail: elongated, fanned design",
+        "throat: white, faintly striped feathers"
+    ],
+    "anseranas semipalmata": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage with lighter feather edges",
+        "beak: short, triangular, slate grey with black tip",
+        "belly: light-grey, finely freckled with darker markings",
+        "breast: pale, silvery grey speckled with black",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grey transitioning to lighter gray on the face",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short with partly webbed, grayish-black feet",
+        "wings: dark grey, broad, with a green-blue iridescence",
+        "nape: dark grey plumage with a subtle metallic shine",
+        "tail: broad, dark grey and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: pale grey, speckled with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "bombycilla garrulus": [
+        "back: soft, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stubby, black with yellow tip",
+        "belly: pale, off-white coloration",
+        "breast: rosy red or pink hue",
+        "crown: reddish-brown stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray with sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beadlike with black rings",
+        "legs: dark gray, strong and agile",
+        "wings: dark gray with ivory wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with slight reddish-brown streak",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with yellow/orange terminal band",
+        "throat: off-white, blending with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "streptopelia turtur": [
+        "back: pale greyish-brown with dark buff spots and gentle streaks",
+        "beak: short and slim, dark grey fading to paler pinkish color",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with subtle pale spots",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-brown fading to pale white edges",
+        "crown: greyish-blue with buff streaks",
+        "forehead: light greyish-blue, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring, surrounded by dark grey-blue regions",
+        "legs: short and pinkish, with dark grey claws",
+        "wings: mottled brown with black patches and white barring",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with buff streaks, leading to back",
+        "tail: long, grey and brown feathers, white tail tips, black outer edges",
+        "throat: pale white-grey, leading to similar breast color"
+    ],
+    "merops bullockoides": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender with a black tip",
+        "belly: creamy white with light blue feathers",
+        "breast: golden yellow plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant blue with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: rich turquoise band",
+        "eyes: deep brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: bright blue with green highlights",
+        "nape: electric blue with black accent",
+        "tail: elongated blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "oreothlypis superciliosa": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: light yellow hue",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-blue streak",
+        "forehead: grayish-blue patch",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with grayish-blue streak",
+        "tail: olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "aegypius monachus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with slightly lighter edges",
+        "beak: large, powerful, black hooked beak",
+        "belly: thick, dull brown feathers",
+        "breast: dense, dark brown plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-brown feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown feathers than the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes with a black sclera",
+        "legs: muscular, feathered legs with powerful, large talons",
+        "wings: long, broad wings with dark brown feathers on top and slightly paler ones underneath",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers merging with the back and upper body",
+        "tail: long, rectangular-shaped tail with dark brown feathers and silver tips",
+        "throat: dark brown feathers with some lighter ones around the neck area"
+    ],
+    "lanius cristatus": [
+        "back: sleek and earthy-toned feathers",
+        "beak: robust and hooked for catching insects",
+        "belly: light underparts with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with pale barring",
+        "crown: distinct crest with black and white feathers",
+        "forehead: bold skullcap pattern extending to eyes",
+        "eyes: piercing and framed with black markings",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: elongated and peppered with white spots",
+        "nape: marked with a black, v-shaped collar",
+        "tail: long and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unblemished"
+    ],
+    "lophodytes cucullatus": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved bill",
+        "belly: pale grey-white feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: black, fan-shaped crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round, and brown",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, black-tipped",
+        "nape: dark feathers with an iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and black",
+        "throat: off-white, extending to breast"
+    ],
+    "ptilonorhynchus violaceus": [
+        "back: vibrant, blue-violet feathers",
+        "beak: short and curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale cream with dark spots",
+        "breast: deep violet-blue plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue with raised crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue-violet with fine black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, small and round",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-black",
+        "wings: blue-violet with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright blue with darker blue fine lines",
+        "tail: long and pointed, blue-violet with black banding",
+        "throat: deep iridescent blue-violet"
+    ],
+    "gracupica contra": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, pointed",
+        "belly: white to light grey plumage",
+        "breast: light grey feathers",
+        "crown: black cap atop head",
+        "forehead: black feathers, above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black, and strong",
+        "wings: dark grey feathers, wide and strong",
+        "nape: grey plumage, connecting to back",
+        "tail: long, grey feathers, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light grey feathers, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "taeniopygia bichenovii": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, pale cream color",
+        "belly: white with distinct black bands",
+        "breast: pure white, rounded",
+        "crown: black and white striped pattern",
+        "forehead: white with fine black stripes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white edges",
+        "nape: white with black stripes",
+        "tail: long, brownish-black with white tips",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "euplectes orix": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, silver-grey",
+        "belly: deep orange hue",
+        "breast: bright red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: black with a crest-like shape",
+        "forehead: velvety black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular",
+        "legs: greyish and slender",
+        "wings: mainly black with some red patches",
+        "nape: black and smooth",
+        "tail: long, black and tapered",
+        "throat: red-orange coloration"
+    ],
+    "caracara cheriway": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with speckled patterns",
+        "beak: hooked, grayish-black with yellow base",
+        "belly: light brown or cream, finely streaked",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black feathers with red-orange skin patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale-yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, yellow with black talons",
+        "wings: dark brown with prominent white wing patches",
+        "nape: streaked brown and white feathers",
+        "tail: banded, alternating white and black feathers",
+        "throat: white, faintly streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "ptilotula penicillata": [
+        "back: olive-brown upper surface with delicate streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved dark upper bill, and lighter lower bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray-black plumage with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: sleek, gray-black extending to above the eyes",
+        "eyes: deep black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black flight feathers and yellowish-green edges",
+        "nape: gray-black seamlessly merging with the crown",
+        "tail: black feathers with distinct white tips and a slight fork",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "colaptes rubiginosus": [
+        "back: olive green with black spots",
+        "beak: long and slightly decurved, blackish",
+        "belly: light brown with dense dark spots",
+        "breast: buff-yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: olive green with orange-red marking",
+        "forehead: olive green blending into orange-red",
+        "eyes: dark with pale yellowish eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and strong",
+        "wings: olive green with black barring",
+        "nape: olive green with orange-red patch",
+        "tail: dark with white barring",
+        "throat: buff-yellow with fine dark spots"
+    ],
+    "acrocephalus scirpaceus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: buff-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with fine darker streaks",
+        "crown: rounded, warm brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, long and slender",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with back and crown",
+        "tail: brown, slightly forked and narrow",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unstreaked"
+    ],
+    "pica nuttalli": [
+        "back: greenish-blue upper body",
+        "beak: stout, dark-colored, slightly curved",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underside",
+        "breast: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: striking yellow crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark-gray, sturdy",
+        "wings: blue-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with a yellow stripe",
+        "tail: long, bluish-green with white outer feather edges",
+        "throat: bluish-gray with a slight yellowish tint"
+    ],
+    "plectropterus gambensis": [
+        "back: brownish-black feathers and white patch near wings",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and orange-red",
+        "belly: slightly paler white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with black spots",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight gloss",
+        "forehead: rounded with black and white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown and relatively small",
+        "legs: long, dark gray, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, strong, and white with black spots",
+        "nape: black feathers with slight gloss, separated by white collar",
+        "tail: short and black with white markings",
+        "throat: white feathers with black spotting"
+    ],
+    "ardea alba": [
+        "back: long, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellow",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers",
+        "crown: white feathers, can form a crest",
+        "forehead: white, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellow",
+        "wings: large, white, with long primary feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers, slight curve",
+        "tail: short, white, rounded",
+        "throat: white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "saltator aurantiirostris": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers cover the dorsal area",
+        "beak: thick, hooked, bright orange-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow or cream feathering",
+        "breast: grayish-blue plumage with hints of yellow",
+        "crown: prominent crest, grayish-blue hue",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter grayish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, encircled by thin white rings",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: long, olive-green feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale, grayish-white feathering"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax penicillatus": [
+        "back: dark green-bronze glossy feathers",
+        "beak: slender and sharp, hooked tip",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: dark green-bronze plumage",
+        "crown: glossy deep green feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-black slope",
+        "eyes: bright turquoise with a blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: short with black webbed feet",
+        "wings: long dark green-bronze feathers",
+        "nape: elegant white tufted plumes",
+        "tail: short and stiff, deep greenish-black",
+        "throat: thin white patch, bordered by green-bronze feathers"
+    ],
+    "larus fuscus": [
+        "back: grey-brown feathered and curved",
+        "beak: yellow with a red spot and hooked tip",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: light grey blending to white",
+        "crown: sleek grey-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smoothly transitions to beak",
+        "eyes: crisp white ring with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: yellow-green and sturdy",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white markings",
+        "nape: grey-brown hues",
+        "tail: white with black bands",
+        "throat: white and seamless"
+    ],
+    "philesturnus rufusater": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with distinct gray streaks",
+        "beak: strong, medium-sized, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: rusty-brown with gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: dark gray with thin streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: long and slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark brown with grayish-white stripes",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with gray-white bars",
+        "throat: light gray and streaked"
+    ],
+    "laniarius ferrugineus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, hook-tipped",
+        "belly: brownish-gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: rufous-colored feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine barring",
+        "forehead: glossy deep brownish-red",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker tips",
+        "nape: brownish red with thin black barring",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: buffy-white with streaky brown markings"
+    ],
+    "geothlypis tolmiei": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with a bit of brown",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black, bordered by yellow",
+        "forehead: black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, slender",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with brownish-gray edges",
+        "nape: olive-yellow",
+        "tail: olive-yellow with brownish-gray edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "gallirallus australis": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, reddish-orange",
+        "belly: buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: pale brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: paler brown, lightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small, dark, positioned on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow, strong for running",
+        "wings: short, dark brown with stripe patterns",
+        "nape: dark brown, streaked with lighter shades",
+        "tail: short, dark brown, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale brown with faint white spots"
+    ],
+    "melozone aberti": [
+        "back: light olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy and conical-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale cream color with soft, blurry streaks",
+        "breast: chestnut brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark gray with a brown tinge",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, smoothly transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, pale eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint, indistinct wing bars",
+        "nape: light olive-brown, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a hint of rufous",
+        "throat: creamy white with occasional faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pachycephala pectoralis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout",
+        "belly: light cream color",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black band",
+        "crown: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "forehead: yellow and slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-tipped flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with a yellowish tinge",
+        "tail: olive-green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "setophaga pensylvanica": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale white-yellowish",
+        "breast: bright yellow with thin dark streaks",
+        "crown: plain gray and unmarked",
+        "forehead: light grayish",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and blue-gray",
+        "wings: gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: gray with white outer tail feather edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "sayornis nigricans": [
+        "back: dark gray with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: black and slender",
+        "belly: pale gray, almost white",
+        "breast: light gray transitioning into white",
+        "crown: black with a slightly glossy finish",
+        "forehead: black, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a small, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and relatively thin",
+        "wings: dark gray with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: black, transitioning to gray towards the back",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the black crown and forehead"
+    ],
+    "gerygone igata": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: creamy white with faint markings",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, slightly darker than crown",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "falco sparverius": [
+        "back: slate blue with dark barring",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white to yellowish with dark spots",
+        "breast: creamy white with streaks of brownish-gray",
+        "crown: rusty red with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a horizontal black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and large, surrounded by a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: pointed shape, slate blue with dark barring",
+        "nape: rusty red with dark streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-blue with a black terminal band and white tip",
+        "throat: white, with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "melozone fusca": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: gray-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with subtle white bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with a slight curve",
+        "tail: long, brownish-gray with pale tips",
+        "throat: white bordered by black streaks"
+    ],
+    "hypsipetes amaurotis": [
+        "back: dark brown feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brown crest with a darker shade",
+        "forehead: brown feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: round, deep black with a white ring",
+        "legs: light brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: large, brown, and strong for soaring",
+        "nape: brown feathered with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and tapered",
+        "throat: light brown feathers, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "vanellus vanellus": [
+        "back: olive-green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, and dark color",
+        "belly: white plumage with black patch",
+        "breast: black plumage with white borders",
+        "crown: shiny black feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: long, yellow-orange color",
+        "wings: broad, long, curved with black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers fading to green",
+        "tail: black and white feathers with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: white plumage covering the neck area"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax carbo": [
+        "back: dark feathered and elongated",
+        "beak: long and hooked, with a yellow-gray color",
+        "belly: deep black, sleek feathers",
+        "breast: black with a slight green sheen",
+        "crown: dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly prominent with dark feathers",
+        "eyes: bright green, enigmatic gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black, and powerful",
+        "wings: wide, black with green sheen, and feathered",
+        "nape: dark green and elongated",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black with green sheen",
+        "throat: black gular pouch with creamy-white markings"
+    ],
+    "psarocolius montezuma": [
+        "back: black with vibrant green iridescence",
+        "beak: long, curved and pale ivory",
+        "belly: black with hints of iridescent teal",
+        "breast: bright golden-yellow",
+        "crown: black feathers with a bold red crest",
+        "forehead: black and green iridescent feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with a subtle white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender and powerful",
+        "wings: black with green-gold iridescence",
+        "nape: black with golden edging on feathers",
+        "tail: long, iridescent green and black feathers",
+        "throat: glossy black with a tuft of golden-yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "megascops kennicottii": [
+        "back: heavily streaked and barred pattern",
+        "beak: short and strong, grayish-black",
+        "belly: light-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff to grayish-white with fine streaks",
+        "crown: round and gray with lighter markings",
+        "forehead: paler gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered down to the toes, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long and rounded, with barring and patterns",
+        "nape: buffy gray with streaks and barring",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with light barring",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "pelecanus philippensis": [
+        "back: strong upper body with dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, large, and hooked at the tip, pale yellow",
+        "belly: soft, and light grey plumage",
+        "breast: covered in a mix of light grey and white feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey, moderately feathered",
+        "forehead: sloping smoothly into beak, dark grey feathers",
+        "eyes: pale yellow-white with contrasting black borders",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, usually dark grey or black",
+        "wings: broad, dark grey feathers with white flight feathers",
+        "nape: well-developed with dark grey plumage",
+        "tail: relatively long, dark grey feathers with white tip",
+        "throat: distinctive gular pouch for catching fish, pale pink or yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "rhipidura fuliginosa": [
+        "back: dark charcoal grey with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small and slim; blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: slate grey",
+        "crown: dark charcoal grey",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey than crown",
+        "eyes: blackish-brown; alert and sharp",
+        "legs: long and slender; dark grey",
+        "wings: dark grey with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: dark charcoal grey",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped; black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "struthio camelus": [
+        "back: elongated, covered in loosely scattered feathers",
+        "beak: flat, broad, and slightly hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: rounded, covered in soft, downy feathers",
+        "breast: muscular and prominent, cushioned with thick feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, adorned with sparse, spiky plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, with few or no feathers, transitioning to the beak",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive; well adapted for viewing distances",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and featherless; sporting two-toed feet",
+        "wings: small, underdeveloped, primarily used for balance",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, featuring a spectrum of feather textures",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, with long, drooping plumes extending past the base",
+        "throat: bare-skinned and flexible for swallowing large and small food items"
+    ],
+    "lamprotornis nitens": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green sheen",
+        "beak: thick, black, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: rich blue with metallic gloss",
+        "breast: vibrant blue-green sheen",
+        "crown: glossy dark blue",
+        "forehead: shiny metallic blue",
+        "eyes: dark and surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: long and dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-green with iridescence and black tips",
+        "nape: dark blue with greenish sheen",
+        "tail: long, graduated, and blue-black in color",
+        "throat: bold metallic violet-blue"
+    ],
+    "pycnonotus goiavier": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with feathery texture",
+        "breast: bright yellow with fine feathers",
+        "crown: black cap extending till eyes",
+        "forehead: black merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyerings",
+        "legs: dark grey with strong scaly texture",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending with back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, distinct from breast"
+    ],
+    "arenaria interpres": [
+        "back: earthy brown streaks and spots",
+        "beak: bright orange-tipped",
+        "belly: white central plumage",
+        "breast: mottled black and white feathers",
+        "crown: black and white streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: striking white patch",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, orange-yellow",
+        "wings: brown, spotted upperparts",
+        "nape: brown-black striped region",
+        "tail: short, brown, and barred",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "campylorhynchus rufinucha": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with dark, well-defined streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and blackish",
+        "belly: whitish with heavy, dark-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: black and white stripes, bordered by rufous",
+        "forehead: blackish, merging into the striped crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a pale, whitish eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong, and relatively long",
+        "wings: brown-black, with broad, rufous wingbars",
+        "nape: distinct dark, streaked pattern transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with pale rufous tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, surrounded by rich rufous and black lateral streaks"
+    ],
+    "leptocoma zeylonica": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow undersides with a white patch",
+        "breast: bright yellow with greenish-yellow edges",
+        "crown: metallic green-topped head",
+        "forehead: iridescent green feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow plumage at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long and flamboyant greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers just below the beak"
+    ],
+    "calidris subruficollis": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: creamy buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: warm brown with dark speckles",
+        "forehead: white with light brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small with a white eyestripe",
+        "legs: yellowish-green and slender",
+        "wings: light brown with dark patterns",
+        "nape: brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: white with brownish edges",
+        "throat: pale white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "artamus cyanopterus": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked black bill",
+        "belly: pale gray, sometimes with a faint bluish tinge",
+        "breast: dark gray with subtle streaks of lighter gray",
+        "crown: slightly darker gray than the back, streamlining down to the nape",
+        "forehead: lighter gray, fading into the darker gray of the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, located on either side of the head",
+        "legs: slender, black, ending in sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: dark gray with a distinctive blue flash at the flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of the dark gray crown, leading to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, slightly forked at the tip",
+        "throat: slightly lighter than the breast, gray fading into the pale belly"
+    ],
+    "aphelocoma wollweberi": [
+        "back: blue and grey striped feathers",
+        "beak: black, short and stout",
+        "belly: pale grey with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with faint barring",
+        "crown: bright blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue-grey blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a slight white ring",
+        "legs: black and strong",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with grey flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-grey meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, similar to breast"
+    ],
+    "baeolophus bicolor": [
+        "back: light gray-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white and well-rounded",
+        "breast: white with pale gray-blue streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with distinct black border",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and gray-blue",
+        "wings: gray-blue with white edges and black stripes",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers with black border",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with white tips and black stripes",
+        "throat: white with slight gray-blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "euphonia affinis": [
+        "back: bright metallic blue",
+        "beak: medium-sized, black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: strong metallic blue",
+        "forehead: bright metallic blue",
+        "eyes: round and black",
+        "legs: short and grayish",
+        "wings: blue with black markings",
+        "nape: metallic blue",
+        "tail: metallic blue with forked shape",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "corvus mellori": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with slight sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey with subtle white speckling",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers with a glossy finish",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to dark grey towards the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almost black with a slight shine",
+        "legs: black and sturdy with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad with black and grey feathers, white tips on secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers fading to black towards the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: dark grey feathers, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "rallus aquaticus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved, reddish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with dark bars",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark speckling",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint black stripes",
+        "forehead: lighter olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellow-green",
+        "wings: short, olive-brown with black bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: whitish with faint dark markings"
+    ],
+    "pluvialis squatarola": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with scattered golden speckles",
+        "beak: short, straight, black tip and yellowish base",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks on sides",
+        "breast: dull gray with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray with a hint of gold",
+        "forehead: pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dull greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: gray featuring white wing bars and golden speckles",
+        "nape: dark gray with golden markings",
+        "tail: short, gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white transitioning to gray on sides"
+    ],
+    "mergus merganser": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers with a glossy finish",
+        "beak: long, narrow, and serrated for catching fish",
+        "belly: white or pale grey, with fine feather details",
+        "breast: dark plumage, transitioning from the neck to the belly",
+        "crown: streamlined crest, often black or dark green in males",
+        "forehead: smooth, leading up to the crest on the crown",
+        "eyes: bold and bright, with a predatory gaze",
+        "legs: short, strong, and fitted with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: powerful and elongated, with striking patterns in flight",
+        "nape: blending seamlessly into the crown, with sleek feathers",
+        "tail: short and pointed, offering excellent maneuverability",
+        "throat: lighter color than the breast, contrasting with the facial markings"
+    ],
+    "accipiter trivirgatus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with thin light streaks",
+        "beak: black, hooked, and sharp-edged",
+        "belly: creamy white with rufous bars",
+        "breast: white with rufous stripes or spots",
+        "crown: dark slate gray or black",
+        "forehead: slate gray, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: yellow to orange-red with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and slender with sharp talons",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown, rounded in shape",
+        "nape: slate gray or dark brown, blends into the crown",
+        "tail: long and banded with dark gray and white stripes",
+        "throat: white with pale rufous streaks"
+    ],
+    "phimosus infuscatus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: thick, long and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: white with dark brown barring",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: dark-brown surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "xiphorhynchus flavigaster": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly decurved, and blackish",
+        "belly: bright yellow with some white",
+        "breast: yellowish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "crown: rufous, blending to olive-brown towards nape",
+        "forehead: rufous with a faint yellow eyebrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale gray or pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending from rufous crown",
+        "tail: brownish-olive with rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white, bordered by faint yellow on neck"
+    ],
+    "megaceryle alcyon": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with black stripes",
+        "beak: long, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: white with a few scattered spots",
+        "breast: deep blue band with white below",
+        "crown: brilliant blue with ragged crest",
+        "forehead: wide blue stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: large and dark with a narrow white crescent",
+        "legs: short and stocky, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black stripes and white patches",
+        "nape: solid blue with a black line at the neck",
+        "tail: dark blue-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pure white with a slight patch of blue-grey"
+    ],
+    "hemiphaga novaeseelandiae": [
+        "back: dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long and robust, pale color",
+        "belly: soft grayish white plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-brown shaded feathers",
+        "crown: deep reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth reddish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black pupil",
+        "legs: yellow-orange, strong and scaly",
+        "wings: broad with reddish-brown primary feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown feathers continuing from crown",
+        "tail: long dark reddish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish white plumage"
+    ],
+    "cormobates leucophaea": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly downward-curved",
+        "belly: white with pale gray spots",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale white",
+        "wings: olive-brown with thin white streaks",
+        "nape: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint gray markings"
+    ],
+    "fringilla coelebs": [
+        "back: olive-green with brown streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale grayish-blue",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: reddish-brown, more vibrant in males",
+        "crown: brown with black streaks, flat on head",
+        "forehead: brown with blackish marking",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint brown markings",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, off-white or grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "buteo platypterus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers, slightly mottled",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with horizontal dark bands",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, smoothly blending with neck",
+        "forehead: brownish, smaller feathers than crown",
+        "eyes: sharp, piercing, dark-brown iris",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, scaly, curved talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers blending into back",
+        "tail: alternating dark and light bands, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: pale white, some dark streaks near breast"
+    ],
+    "chaetura vauxi": [
+        "back: blue-green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed black beak",
+        "belly: lighter gray feathers",
+        "breast: gray and white plumage",
+        "crown: dark colored top of head",
+        "forehead: darker gray feathers above eyes",
+        "eyes: circular with a black iris",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: long and slender with dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: lighter gray neck feathers",
+        "tail: short and square, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white and gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "actitis hypoleucos": [
+        "back: pale brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender and straight",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with slight speckles",
+        "crown: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with a white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark and alert",
+        "legs: yellowish-green and long",
+        "wings: brown with a white wingbar",
+        "nape: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: white, edged with brown",
+        "throat: white and clean"
+    ],
+    "guira guira": [
+        "back: light brown base with darker, scale-like markings",
+        "beak: curved, pale yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: creamy white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: small, gentle tawny feathers",
+        "crown: orangish-brown, spiky crest",
+        "forehead: protruded ruffled feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, framed by pale gray rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, light orange",
+        "wings: brown with black and white patterns",
+        "nape: brown feathers with lighter tips",
+        "tail: elongated, graduated feathers with barring patterns",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "stilpnia larvata": [
+        "back: bluish-green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow or pale greenish-yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with contrasting black and blue markings",
+        "crown: iridescent violet-blue",
+        "forehead: bluish-green with light orange eyebrow stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a fine white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: bluish-green with black edges and white spots",
+        "nape: iridescent violet-blue transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: long, forked, blue-black with white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a grayish-blue band"
+    ],
+    "circus cyaneus": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with sparse dark barring",
+        "breast: white with gray-blue streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with subtle darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale blue-gray with a smooth curve",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale gray feathers",
+        "legs: long, thin, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: long, blue-gray feathers with darker tips and white markings",
+        "nape: blue-gray with darker streaks transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: broad, blue-gray feathers with black bands and white tips",
+        "throat: white with a faint gray-blue wash"
+    ],
+    "tachycineta albilinea": [
+        "back: greenish-blue iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short, thin, black",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white with slight green sheen",
+        "crown: bright green-blue with iridescence",
+        "forehead: shiny green-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, medium-sized",
+        "legs: thin, dark grey",
+        "wings: green-blue with a white stripe",
+        "nape: iridescent green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked, green-blue",
+        "throat: white feathers with a hint of green iridescence"
+    ],
+    "spizella pallida": [
+        "back: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: creamy white, sparse streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff, light streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, faint median stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown, plain",
+        "eyes: beady black, pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish, thin",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, pale wing bars",
+        "nape: light brown, sparse streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, forked",
+        "throat: creamy white, clear"
+    ],
+    "calyptorhynchus funereus": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: prominent light-colored, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: deep black with greenish gloss and sparse yellow streaks",
+        "breast: black and glossy with faint yellow markings",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers tapering towards the nape",
+        "forehead: glossy black with a hint of greenish sheen",
+        "eyes: deep brown surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: scaled, dark gray with sharp, curved claws",
+        "wings: large black feathers with yellow flecks and greenish iridescence",
+        "nape: glossy black with a slight curve towards the back",
+        "tail: long black feathers with yellow banding and subtle green sheen",
+        "throat: sleek black feathers with minimal yellow streaks"
+    ],
+    "falco femoralis": [
+        "back: sleek, gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharply hooked",
+        "belly: off-white with brown spots",
+        "breast: buffy-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray, almost black",
+        "forehead: white with a slight gray tint",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, with yellow eyering",
+        "legs: long, powerful, yellowish",
+        "wings: long and pointed with gray-brown upper feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown, blending with the back",
+        "tail: gray with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: light gray, transitioning to the breast"
+    ],
+    "prinia subflava": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale buff or white",
+        "breast: light buff-tinged or grey",
+        "crown: warm reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and graduated, dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: creamy-white or pale grey"
+    ],
+    "alcedo atthis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, black",
+        "belly: white with faint blue streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange with blue tinge",
+        "crown: bright blue and green feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green hues",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, dark grey",
+        "wings: rich blue with black streaks",
+        "nape: blue-green with dark band",
+        "tail: short, dark blue with white spots",
+        "throat: white with blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "charadrius collaris": [
+        "back: dark grey or brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, black or dark grey",
+        "belly: white or pale cream feathers",
+        "breast: white with a distinctive black band",
+        "crown: dark grey or black, sometimes with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white or pale cream, extending above the eyes",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark brown or black",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale yellow or greyish",
+        "wings: dark grey or brownish-grey with white wingbars",
+        "nape: white or pale cream, contrasting with the dark crown",
+        "tail: short, dark grey or black, with white outer rectrices",
+        "throat: white or pale cream, blending with the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "spatula clypeata": [
+        "back: dark gray with white speckles",
+        "beak: broad, flat and light blue",
+        "belly: white with gray spots",
+        "breast: grayish white, lightly speckled",
+        "crown: glossy green to purple",
+        "forehead: white patch between the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange or yellowish",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white lines",
+        "nape: greenish-black",
+        "tail: dark gray with white edging",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with faint gray speckling"
+    ],
+    "selasphorus calliope": [
+        "back: shiny green upper body",
+        "beak: slim, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: light gray underside",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white chest",
+        "crown: greenish-bronze head",
+        "forehead: iridescent purple band",
+        "eyes: small, dark beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs",
+        "wings: semi-transparent, pointed tips",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze tint",
+        "tail: elegant, forked central feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant purple-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus savana": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter edges",
+        "beak: black, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray or whitish",
+        "crown: pale, whitish stripe bordered by black",
+        "forehead: grayish-white to pale yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with small white or pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray or black",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter edges, elongated feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter edges",
+        "tail: long, forked, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "glaucidium brasilianum": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown with intricate white markings",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: light buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale with reddish-brown barring",
+        "crown: conspicuously striped with black and white",
+        "forehead: white with small dark spots",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow or bright orange",
+        "legs: featherless, long, and dull gray",
+        "wings: dark reddish-brown with intricate white spots",
+        "nape: striped black and white, matching the crown",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with white-tipped feathers and black barring",
+        "throat: pale with a hint of reddish-brown tones"
+    ],
+    "anas poecilorhyncha": [
+        "back: greenish-black plumage and white border",
+        "beak: black, wide, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light grey with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown feathers with small white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a faint green sheen",
+        "forehead: white patch bordered by dark lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown and expressive",
+        "legs: long and strong, grey-blue color",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with white speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown, slightly glossed with green",
+        "tail: dark grey with contrasting white patches",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "gallinago delicata": [
+        "back: brown with dark and light markings",
+        "beak: long, straight, and brownish-gray",
+        "belly: pale buff with fine brown streaks",
+        "breast: brown with dark spots and bars",
+        "crown: brown with buff stripes and dark markings",
+        "forehead: buff with brown bars and streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black and round",
+        "legs: short and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with fine dark markings and white accents",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine buff stripes",
+        "tail: brown with distinct white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: buff with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "setophaga dominica": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, dark",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: yellow-orange with black mask",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange",
+        "eyes: small, black, in the black mask",
+        "legs: thin, gray-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white edges",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "sturnella magna": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: conical-shaped, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with a black v-shaped pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown with subtle lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown, blends into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, encircled by a whitish ring",
+        "legs: long, pale, slender",
+        "wings: brown with black bars, round-tipped",
+        "nape: light brown transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: dark brown, edged with white, slight notch",
+        "throat: vivid yellow, distinctive feature"
+    ],
+    "molothrus aeneus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: greyish-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale blackish tone with faint scaling",
+        "crown: dark iridescent blue-black",
+        "forehead: glossy dark blue-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, clear, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: bluish-black with purplish sheen",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, with a slight curve",
+        "throat: shiny blue-black with faint scaling"
+    ],
+    "parus minor": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight grey tones",
+        "beak: short, strong, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with grey-brown flanks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with grey-brown sides",
+        "crown: shiny black with a blue-green sheen",
+        "forehead: black with a blue-green iridescence",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender and blue-grey",
+        "wings: blue-grey with white and greenish-yellow wing bars",
+        "nape: glossy blue-black",
+        "tail: blue-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black extending down to the upper breast"
+    ],
+    "eupsittula canicularis": [
+        "back: green and medium-sized",
+        "beak: hooked and bright orange",
+        "belly: yellow-green with blue edging",
+        "breast: vibrant green transitioning into yellow",
+        "crown: bright blue-green feathers",
+        "forehead: green with a streak of blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong gray legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green with blue and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: green with a small patch of blue",
+        "tail: long and tapered, blue with yellow tips",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow and smooth"
+    ],
+    "anthropoides paradiseus": [
+        "back: pale blue-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: small, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white lower abdomen",
+        "breast: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "crown: blue plumage with a golden crest",
+        "forehead: bold golden band",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, pale pink",
+        "wings: blue and black feathers with elongated white plumes",
+        "nape: light greyish-blue",
+        "tail: long, streaming white outer feathers",
+        "throat: blue with black band separating from breast"
+    ],
+    "ramphastos toco": [
+        "back: sleek, glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: long, oversized, bright orange",
+        "belly: black feathered underparts",
+        "breast: white or pale yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black-feathered top of the head",
+        "forehead: black feathers blending into beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by blue skin",
+        "legs: short, greyish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rounded, black and strong for swift flight",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting head to back",
+        "tail: elongated, rigid, black feathers for balance",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow, matching the breast"
+    ],
+    "furnarius leucopus": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale, off-white with faint spots",
+        "breast: creamy-white, lightly streaked",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by pale feathering",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, same as crown",
+        "tail: long, slightly forked, brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "anthracothorax nigricollis": [
+        "back: iridescent green to purple hue",
+        "beak: long, straight and black",
+        "belly: white with greenish tinge",
+        "breast: iridescent green merging into white",
+        "crown: dark green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny greenish-black",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: iridescent green with hints of purple",
+        "nape: metallic green to purple transition",
+        "tail: short and square, dark green with pale tip",
+        "throat: velvety black with slight green sheen"
+    ],
+    "theristicus melanopis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale, off-white to buff-colored feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with indistinct crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white fading into crown",
+        "eyes: deep brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and grayish-pink",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-brown with prominent white tips",
+        "nape: darker gray blending into back",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "cinclus mexicanus": [
+        "back: dark grey with subtle brownish tint",
+        "beak: short, straight, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with pale undertones",
+        "breast: grey with mottled whitish pattern",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: gray sans discernable markings",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, strong, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: dark gray with small white patches",
+        "nape: gray with a slight ridge",
+        "tail: medium length, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with light mottling"
+    ],
+    "trogon rufus": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle metallic sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, light grey or white",
+        "belly: deep red or burgundy with soft feathering",
+        "breast: rich yellow or golden hue, meeting belly coloration",
+        "crown: iridescent green or bronze, forming a helmet-like shape",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from crown, more brilliant green",
+        "eyes: large and expressive, black or dark brown with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, light grey or blue-grey in color",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, vivid green or bronze with fine barring",
+        "nape: continuation of crown color, blending into back plumage",
+        "tail: long and square, bright red or rust with contrasting black band",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow or golden, well-defined from breast color"
+    ],
+    "icterus bullockii": [
+        "back: bright orange-yellow and black stripes",
+        "beak: long, thin, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-yellow",
+        "crown: black with an orange-yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: black markings",
+        "eyes: dark, slightly beady, outlined in pale skin",
+        "legs: bluish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: black with white and orange-yellow markings",
+        "nape: black with orange-yellow stripe",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: white with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "alectoris rufa": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, pale grayish",
+        "belly: light buff or whitish color",
+        "breast: reddish-orange or rust-colored",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a red stripe above eye",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with red eye ridge",
+        "eyes: orange or yellow with red orbital ring",
+        "legs: feathered, reddish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with chestnut-red secondary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, with chestnut and gray-brown feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with coarse black streaks"
+    ],
+    "charadrius mongolus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, black tip with pale base",
+        "belly: white with some brown spotting",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: white with a brownish tint",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: medium length, pale yellow",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white and black stripes",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with some brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "phylloscopus collybita": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, pointed, dark-brown",
+        "belly: pale, slightly yellow hue",
+        "breast: cream-colored, unmarked",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-green, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, pale brown",
+        "wings: long, dark-olive with faint wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, unmarked",
+        "tail: dark, relatively short",
+        "throat: cream-colored, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "buteogallus anthracinus": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: grayish-black plumage",
+        "breast: dark grayish-brown",
+        "crown: slate gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: large, broad, blackish-gray",
+        "nape: grayish-black with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and wide, black with white band",
+        "throat: slate gray with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "cyanocompsa parellina": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small black tapered beak",
+        "belly: whitish-blue underbelly",
+        "breast: vivid blue plumage",
+        "crown: striking blue feathers",
+        "forehead: deep blue coloration",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady eyes",
+        "legs: slender black legs",
+        "wings: blue with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: contrastive blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue, slightly forked tail",
+        "throat: bright blue feathered region"
+    ],
+    "setophaga palmarum": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with yellowish stripe",
+        "forehead: yellow-orange patch",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale and thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white patches on the outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "phaps chalcoptera": [
+        "back: metallic green with golden sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: dark metallic green",
+        "breast: iridescent purple-blue",
+        "crown: metallic greenish-blue",
+        "forehead: bronze green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light grey eyering",
+        "legs: dark grey and strong",
+        "wings: dark green with metallic sheen",
+        "nape: bronze-green",
+        "tail: long and tapered, iridescent blue-green",
+        "throat: velvety black"
+    ],
+    "centropus sinensis": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: thick, black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: lighter brown with white streaks or bars",
+        "breast: brownish-grey with white streaks or bars",
+        "crown: black with hint of metallic green",
+        "forehead: black with a slight sheen",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark grey, with long toes",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with a greenish sheen",
+        "nape: black feathers with a slight metallic green tint",
+        "tail: long and dark, with broad white bands",
+        "throat: light gray, transitioning to lighter brown and white on the chest"
+    ],
+    "thamnophilus doliatus": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: strong and black, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: light grey with dense black streaks",
+        "breast: grey with black bars",
+        "crown: blackish-grey with white streaks",
+        "forehead: greyish-white with fine black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: dark grey with white wingbars",
+        "nape: streaked black and grey",
+        "tail: long, rounded, banded black and white",
+        "throat: white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "aix galericulata": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with a mix of blue and purple",
+        "beak: short, orange-red with a white tip",
+        "belly: cream-colored with orange-brown patches",
+        "breast: bright orange-brown feathers",
+        "crown: purple-blue with a central crest",
+        "forehead: white with a slight orange tinge",
+        "eyes: large, black, and lustrous",
+        "legs: reddish-orange, short and sturdy",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with white streaks",
+        "nape: purple-blue with a white collar",
+        "tail: greenish-blue with elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored, blending with breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "progne subis": [
+        "back: bluish-purple iridescence",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: white with hints of blue",
+        "crown: purple-blue and glossy",
+        "forehead: deep blue sheen",
+        "eyes: dark with a black outline",
+        "legs: dark, slender, and long",
+        "wings: dark blue with primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-purple",
+        "tail: square-ended and dark blue",
+        "throat: white with a hint of light blue"
+    ],
+    "platalea leucorodia": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, flattened, and spoon-shaped",
+        "belly: white feathers with undertones of gray",
+        "breast: white feathers, blending into gray",
+        "crown: sleek, black feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning to white",
+        "eyes: small, deep-set, and dark",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: white with black primary feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into white",
+        "tail: short, wide, and white with black tips",
+        "throat: white feathers with a hint of gray"
+    ],
+    "syrigma sibilatrix": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, thin, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown markings",
+        "breast: white with fine gray-brown barring",
+        "crown: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a hint of blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: elongated, grayish-brown with white speckles and a pale blue shoulder patch",
+        "nape: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, slim, grayish-brown with white speckles and a darker band near the tip",
+        "throat: white with faint gray-brown markings"
+    ],
+    "campylorhynchus brunneicapillus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with thin dark streaks",
+        "breast: light rufous with broad dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-colored cap",
+        "forehead: rufous with white eyebrows",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled by white ring",
+        "legs: long, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: greyish-brown, black edge feathers",
+        "nape: rufous, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long and dark, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tiaris olivaceus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: yellowish feathers",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with yellow-orange band",
+        "forehead: black with thin yellow streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale, thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers",
+        "tail: blackish-green, short and square-ended",
+        "throat: yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus genei": [
+        "back: light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white with grey mottling",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: white to pale grey feathering",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye rings",
+        "legs: long and slender, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: light grey with black tips",
+        "nape: greyish-white feathers",
+        "tail: white with black band at the tips",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "columbina inca": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout; blackish color",
+        "belly: pale gray with scaled pattern",
+        "breast: slate gray with subtle iridescent glow",
+        "crown: smooth dark gray, slightly iridescent",
+        "forehead: dark gray transitioning to lighter gray",
+        "eyes: dark with faint, pale eyering",
+        "legs: short and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: dark gray with iridescent shine and barring pattern",
+        "nape: darker gray with slight iridescence",
+        "tail: long and dark gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with darker gray scaling pattern"
+    ],
+    "setophaga fusca": [
+        "back: blue-green upperpart, with darker streaking",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black bill",
+        "belly: mostly white with dark streakings",
+        "breast: reddish-orange fading to white",
+        "crown: blue-green with occasional black streaks",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: pale gray or light pinkish",
+        "wings: blue-green, with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: blue-green with occasional black streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, with white patches on outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with black spotting"
+    ],
+    "gavia immer": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, strong, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale, creamy-white",
+        "breast: pristine, white feathers",
+        "crown: blackish-brown, rounded",
+        "forehead: sloping, dark-feathered",
+        "eyes: intense, ruby red",
+        "legs: short, powerful, rear-set",
+        "wings: long, slender, pointed",
+        "nape: dark, glossy, with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, blackish",
+        "throat: elegant, white plume"
+    ],
+    "chlidonias niger": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: pointed and black",
+        "belly: mostly white with greyish sides",
+        "breast: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "crown: deep black feather covering",
+        "forehead: black plumage extending from crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark with a keen gaze",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: long and black, tipped with white",
+        "nape: continuation of black crown feathers",
+        "tail: forked and black with a white border",
+        "throat: black feathers transitioning to lighter belly area"
+    ],
+    "cistothorus platensis": [
+        "back: striped gray and brownish pattern",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light cream to white color",
+        "breast: pale beige with possible dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: beige with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and light-pink",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with streaks and mottled pattern",
+        "nape: striped gray and brownish pattern",
+        "tail: short and square-cut",
+        "throat: pale beige with possible dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "polyboroides typus": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: strong, slightly hooked, blackish in color",
+        "belly: light white or grayish feathers with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-white or white with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks, blending into the forehead",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown and darker around the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, round, and widely-spaced, with a yellow or reddish-orange iris",
+        "legs: long, strong, and yellowish in color, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: relatively short, with dark brown feathers and lighter spots",
+        "nape: dark brown to gray feathers, blending into the back and crown",
+        "tail: long and broad, with dark brownish-grey feathers and lighter tips",
+        "throat: white or pale gray in color, with fine streaks of dark brown"
+    ],
+    "falco peregrinus": [
+        "back: slate-blue feathers with fine barring",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: white to buff with dark spots",
+        "breast: white to buff with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: dark, sleek feathers on head",
+        "forehead: white or buff with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and sharp with a yellow orbital ring",
+        "legs: short and powerful with yellow-colored skin",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and narrow; powerful for speed",
+        "nape: slate-blue feathers with lighter edged",
+        "tail: short, squared-off, with gray and black banding",
+        "throat: white with faint, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "aethopyga siparaja": [
+        "back: vibrant green with bright reflections",
+        "beak: slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow transitioning to orange",
+        "breast: vivid orange fading into yellow",
+        "crown: metallic blue with a green shine",
+        "forehead: rich metallic blue",
+        "eyes: dark with a small white ring",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: glossy green with black feather tips",
+        "nape: shimmering green-blue hue",
+        "tail: elongated with green-blue feathers, often white-tipped",
+        "throat: fiery orange-yellow gradient"
+    ],
+    "crotophaga sulcirostris": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: long, black, and deeply grooved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white, fading to belly",
+        "crown: black with grayish-white streaks",
+        "forehead: black, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by black feathering",
+        "legs: black and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker tips and lighter linings",
+        "nape: black with grayish-white streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, with a slight curve",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with lighter breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "caracara plancus": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: hooked, black and yellow",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black barring",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black feathers with crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange skin patch",
+        "eyes: brown, surrounded by pink facial skin",
+        "legs: yellow, with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, brown with white bars",
+        "nape: white with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, banded black and white",
+        "throat: white, streaked with black"
+    ],
+    "botaurus stellaris": [
+        "back: densely striped dark brown",
+        "beak: long, sharply pointed, and yellowish-green",
+        "belly: buff to light brown with dark speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and yellow",
+        "legs: sturdy, greenish-yellow with long toes",
+        "wings: round-edged, brown with buff-colored stripes",
+        "nape: light buff streaked with brown",
+        "tail: short, brown with light buff barring",
+        "throat: pale buff with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus hartlaubii": [
+        "back: light gray with white feather tips",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: orangey-red, moderately long",
+        "wings: light gray, white-tipped feathers with black outer edges",
+        "nape: pale gray, merging with crown and back",
+        "tail: white, forked with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "icterus parisorum": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: yellow with faint black streaks or bars",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: yellow or orange feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black or dark brown, encircled by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray or dark gray with scaly texture",
+        "wings: black with vibrant yellow or orange feather tips",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow feathers extending to the back",
+        "tail: long, black, and slightly forked or squared",
+        "throat: yellow with some black lines or streaks"
+    ],
+    "anhinga rufa": [
+        "back: long, slender, and dark feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and yellow",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white and wiry feathers",
+        "crown: dark, slicked-back feathers",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: red with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, black, and white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: fan-like, elongated dark feathers",
+        "throat: white and feathery"
+    ],
+    "calidris bairdii": [
+        "back: dark brown with light feather edges",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight",
+        "belly: light beige or white",
+        "breast: spotted with dark streaks and beige base",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: light beige with some streaks",
+        "eyes: black, small, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, long, black",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edges and thin beige wing stripe",
+        "nape: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light beige"
+    ],
+    "spodiopsar cineraceus": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey, soft plumage",
+        "breast: greyish-white, slightly speckled",
+        "crown: dark grey, rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: blackish, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, beady, alert",
+        "legs: dark grey, slender",
+        "wings: grey-black, white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: blackish-grey, blending into back",
+        "tail: black, long, with white edges",
+        "throat: white, with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "icterus pyrrhopterus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered area",
+        "beak: slender black cone-shaped",
+        "belly: bright-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black plumage on head",
+        "forehead: black feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark orbs surrounded by thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: blackish-gray stilt-like limbs",
+        "wings: black feathers with yellow edging",
+        "nape: black and olive-green feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: black feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright-yellow feathers below the beak"
+    ],
+    "phoenicurus phoenicurus": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-orange feathers",
+        "beak: sleek, dark-colored, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: fiery reddish-orange hue",
+        "crown: dark slate grey with hints of auburn",
+        "forehead: sleek slate-grey feathering",
+        "eyes: deep black, alert and bright",
+        "legs: slender, dark brown, strong",
+        "wings: dark brown with orange accents",
+        "nape: slate grey merging into reddish hues",
+        "tail: striking reddish-orange feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale grey white, with a hint of orange"
+    ],
+    "acanthisitta chloris": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and thin, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: bright green with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: round and black, with white eyelids",
+        "legs: slender and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow, edged with white feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and greenish-yellow, with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-green"
+    ],
+    "trichoglossus chlorolepidotus": [
+        "back: vibrant green with yellow streaks",
+        "beak: prominent, orange-red curved tip",
+        "belly: lighter green with hints of blue",
+        "breast: bright green, transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: brilliant green feathers, flattening near the nape",
+        "forehead: bright emerald green",
+        "eyes: expressive, framed by vibrant green feathers",
+        "legs: gray, slender, strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: stunning blue and green hues with dark trailing edges",
+        "nape: vivid green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: elongated, lovely shades of blue and green",
+        "throat: lighter green, bordering breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "setophaga ruticilla": [
+        "back: olive-green with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: thin, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow and smooth",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow, blending with belly",
+        "crown: striking black and orange stripes",
+        "forehead: black with orange streaks",
+        "eyes: brown with an expressive gaze",
+        "legs: sleek and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with bold, black and white patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to back",
+        "tail: black with striking white markings on outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "milvago chimachima": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint barring",
+        "breast: pale mottled grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: buff-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellowish legs with black talons",
+        "wings: long, brown, with white patches",
+        "nape: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: brown with white bands",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with a hint of brown"
+    ],
+    "anas zonorhyncha": [
+        "back: sleek, elegant feathers in earthy tones",
+        "beak: elongated, sharp, dark-colored",
+        "belly: light, white feathery underside",
+        "breast: soft, warm-toned plumage",
+        "crown: distinct, smooth feathers with contrasting colors",
+        "forehead: pronounced, in line with beak's curvature",
+        "eyes: round, alert, black or brown",
+        "legs: strong, thin, brightly colored",
+        "wings: broad, spanning outward, vibrant patterned feathers",
+        "nape: smoothly curved, characterized by stripe-like markings",
+        "tail: long, finely-feathered, fan-like shape",
+        "throat: slender, light-colored, with gentle plumage"
+    ],
+    "passerina versicolor": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, black",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-purple hue",
+        "crown: bright blue-green with black streaks",
+        "forehead: striking blue-green",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, alert",
+        "legs: thin, gray, strong",
+        "wings: rounded, blue-green with black edges",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green and black",
+        "tail: short, forked, black with blue-green edges",
+        "throat: brilliant reddish-purple feathers"
+    ],
+    "callipepla squamata": [
+        "back: blue-gray with fine, dark scalloping",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: buff-colored, patterned feathers",
+        "breast: bluish-gray, white-striped",
+        "crown: blue-gray, distinctive feather crest",
+        "forehead: white-bordered, blue-black horizontal patch",
+        "eyes: dark with slight white ring",
+        "legs: featherless, strong, grayish",
+        "wings: blue-gray, brown-scaled, rounded",
+        "nape: blue-gray, patterned feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, brown-tipped, black-bordered",
+        "throat: creamy-white, bordered by fine black lines"
+    ],
+    "fratercula arctica": [
+        "back: blackish-blue and sloping",
+        "beak: large, colorful, and triangular",
+        "belly: white and rounded",
+        "breast: white and puffed out",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and smoothly rounded",
+        "eyes: large, round, and dark",
+        "legs: bright orange and webbed",
+        "wings: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "nape: blackish-blue and slightly curved",
+        "tail: short and black with stiff feathers",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "polioptila dumicola": [
+        "back: pale gray feathers covering dorsal area",
+        "beak: thin, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white plumage with subtle gray tones",
+        "breast: soft gray-white feathers subtly transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: dark gray cap-like feature with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: pale gray shade slightly mixing with the darker crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and rounded on either side of the head",
+        "legs: thin, black, and slightly long with sharp claws",
+        "wings: pale gray feathers with faint darker markings",
+        "nape: smooth gray plumage around the back of the head",
+        "tail: long, dark gray feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white feathers with clean and distinct borders"
+    ],
+    "tolmomyias sulphurescens": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: straight, dark, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-green feathers with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-green tint merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-green plumage blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and dark green with yellow undertail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow merging into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "lonchura striata": [
+        "back: brown-striped upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, greyish-blue",
+        "belly: pale, beige feathers",
+        "breast: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-brown stripes",
+        "forehead: narrow brown band",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, grey, and scaly",
+        "wings: brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: brown striping with light markings",
+        "tail: short, dark, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light-brown feathered"
+    ],
+    "accipiter gentilis": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharply hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with fine, horizontal grey bars",
+        "breast: creamy-white with dark grey barring",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey blending into the black beak",
+        "forehead: dark slate-grey, smooth contour",
+        "eyes: bright yellow to deep orange, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, yellow, scaled",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, dark grey with lighter tips",
+        "nape: dark slate-grey, meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long, banded grey with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "periparus ater": [
+        "back: dark grey with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white or pale grey",
+        "breast: blackish-grey with white edges",
+        "crown: black with a noticeable crest",
+        "forehead: black with a slight white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black markings",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, dark grey",
+        "wings: blackish-grey with white wing-bars and tips",
+        "nape: black or dark grey",
+        "tail: relatively short, blackish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with white cheeks"
+    ],
+    "patagioenas leucocephala": [
+        "back: light gray feathers smoothly transitioning to wings",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark gray color",
+        "belly: pale gray with a slight tinge of brown",
+        "breast: light gray blending into a white throat",
+        "crown: pure white feathers with a sharp contrast to body color",
+        "forehead: pure white continuing smoothly from crown",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, round, and dark with a thin gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, reddish-purple hue with scaly appearance",
+        "wings: light gray with a mix of darker gray flight feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to light gray body color",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, light gray with a tinge of darker gray",
+        "throat: white, creating a distinct and contrasting boundary with breast"
+    ],
+    "molothrus ater": [
+        "back: dark, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: short and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: blackish-brown color",
+        "breast: dark brownish-black color",
+        "crown: sleek black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: long, black and slender",
+        "wings: pointed and dark-colored",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: forked and black",
+        "throat: dark-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "vanellus coronatus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a white patch",
+        "beak: black, straight, and medium-sized",
+        "belly: white with black edges",
+        "breast: black feathers with a white band",
+        "crown: black with a tuft of elongated feathers",
+        "forehead: black with a narrow white stripe",
+        "eyes: brown with a yellow eye ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-grey and long",
+        "wings: white with black tips and broad",
+        "nape: black with a tuft of elongated feathers",
+        "tail: black with a white band at the tip",
+        "throat: black with a white border"
+    ],
+    "embernagra platensis": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: strong, cone-shaped, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale yellow with grayish flanks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: dark gray and slightly more pronounced than the head",
+        "eyes: small, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white edges and wing-bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with some dark streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with faint gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "calidris acuminata": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: off-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: lightly streaked buff or pale brown",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale with a buffy tinge",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: relatively long and greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers and central feathers edged in white",
+        "throat: off-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "saxicola caprata": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: reddish-chestnut patch on upper breast",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: dark grayish-brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink to orange-ish, slender, and long",
+        "wings: black with white patches on some secondary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with black streaks, similar to the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the pale gray belly"
+    ],
+    "garrulus glandarius": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers with bold white stripes",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: orange-brown with gray and white streaks",
+        "crown: black and slightly crested",
+        "forehead: black with white streaking",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, encircled by black and white markings",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: vibrant blue and black patterns with white spots",
+        "nape: black with white markings extending from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark vertical stripes"
+    ],
+    "passer montanus": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black pattern",
+        "beak: short, conical, and light gray",
+        "belly: light beige with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff hues with light streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a black central stripe",
+        "forehead: beige with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and sharp",
+        "legs: short, strong, and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: folded triangles with brown and white feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black central stripe",
+        "tail: square-shaped, brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: beige with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "pycnonotus jocosus": [
+        "back: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright orange-red",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and shiny",
+        "legs: long, greyish-black",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: black, extending from crown",
+        "tail: elongated and brown, fused with white edges",
+        "throat: black leading to orange-red breast"
+    ],
+    "sphyrapicus ruber": [
+        "back: vibrant crimson to deep red hue",
+        "beak: straight, sharp & narrow, black",
+        "belly: creamy white with black markings",
+        "breast: striking red with black spots",
+        "crown: brilliant red, crest-like feathers",
+        "forehead: rich red, sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: small & beady, black or dark brown",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-black, scaled",
+        "wings: black with white patches and red bar",
+        "nape: deep red merging into black",
+        "tail: black with white tips and red central feathers",
+        "throat: bright red with black speckles"
+    ],
+    "myiarchus cinerascens": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: strong, dark, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: grayish-olive with pale yellow undertones",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight green iridescence",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped with rust-colored undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale gray with yellow wash"
+    ],
+    "toxostoma longirostre": [
+        "back: olive-brown with grayish streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buff to whitish",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint spotting",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a distinct crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: similar to the crown, grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-buff with faint streaking"
+    ],
+    "lonchura punctulata": [
+        "back: brownish-black with fine white spots",
+        "beak: silvery-blue, short, and conical",
+        "belly: pale brown with white speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with darker brown flecks",
+        "crown: black with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: dark brown with fine white spots",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-spotted feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with small white flecks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with a subtle green sheen",
+        "throat: pale brown with faint white spots"
+    ],
+    "setophaga pitiayumi": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: olive-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, moderately-sized with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green like the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow to white"
+    ],
+    "camptostoma imberbe": [
+        "back: light brown and evenly feathered",
+        "beak: slim, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with faint spotting",
+        "breast: pale brown with subtle markings",
+        "crown: smooth and light brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: lightly feathered, blending in with crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-brown, and agile",
+        "wings: long and rounded with barring patterns",
+        "nape: soft and light brown, transitioning to back",
+        "tail: moderately long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale with minimal feathering"
+    ],
+    "ciccaba virgata": [
+        "back: dark brown and subtly streaked",
+        "beak: short and hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint patterning",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than crown",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by faint white ring",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: brown with indistinct markings",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with narrow white tips",
+        "throat: white with sparse brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pycnonotus cafer": [
+        "back: deep reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: dark grey, pointed and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: cream-colored",
+        "breast: light reddish-brown",
+        "crown: jet black, slightly fluffy",
+        "forehead: black with slight crest",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark beady",
+        "legs: dark grey and slender",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with hints of black streaks",
+        "nape: jet black feathering",
+        "tail: long, reddish-brown with black tips",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with cream-colored abdomen"
+    ],
+    "erithacus rubecula": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: white, lightly speckled",
+        "breast: vibrant red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: olive-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: olive-brown plumage",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: thin, strong, brownish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown, white wingbar",
+        "nape: olive-brown plumage",
+        "tail: olive-brown, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, encircles red breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "stelgidopteryx ruficollis": [
+        "back: dark brown with rufous edging",
+        "beak: short and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rufous highlights",
+        "forehead: dark brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by brown feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale gray",
+        "wings: brown with rufous feather edges forming wing bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with slight rufous band",
+        "tail: brown with white tips and notched edges",
+        "throat: pale orange with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "saxicola maurus": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage with subtle markings",
+        "beak: short, thin black beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: cream to light brown with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale streak",
+        "forehead: brown fading into white throat",
+        "eyes: small, black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, dark colored",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium length with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker head"
+    ],
+    "anthus trivialis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slim and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with streaks and pale central stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: small, dark with faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with pale edges and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "motacilla citreola": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green and streaked",
+        "forehead: yellowish with a hint of olive-green",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "wings: dark with white-edged feathers, forming a wing-bar",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark with lighter outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "glossopsitta concinna": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, greyish-brown",
+        "belly: lighter green plumage",
+        "breast: bright green feathers",
+        "crown: reddish-orange feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, piercing",
+        "legs: short, greyish-brown, strong",
+        "wings: green, long, slightly pointed",
+        "nape: green with reddish-orange tint",
+        "tail: green feathers, slightly fan-shaped",
+        "throat: light green with yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "hirundo neoxena": [
+        "back: sleek, glossy upper body feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: pale, buff-colored underside",
+        "breast: light grayish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: glossy, iridescent blue-black",
+        "forehead: blue-black, meeting buff-colored throat",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and streamlined for agile flight",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers curving down the neck",
+        "tail: forked with white outermost feathers",
+        "throat: buff-colored with a distinctive blue-black border"
+    ],
+    "gypaetus barbatus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: off-white to cream-colored feathers",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage with a streaked pattern",
+        "crown: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: blackish-brown plumage, fading to white near the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and surrounded by a white patch",
+        "legs: feathered and long",
+        "wings: long and broad, with dark brown to black coloration",
+        "nape: blackish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, and black-tipped",
+        "throat: distinctive beard-like feathers called a \"gypaetus barbatus"
+    ],
+    "buteo brachyurus": [
+        "back: brown or reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown or white with streaks",
+        "crown: mottled brown or reddish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: pale with brownish feather tips",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing stare",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp, curved talons",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, with dark trailing edges and pale wingtips",
+        "nape: reddish-brown or grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: broad with alternating dark and light bands",
+        "throat: white or pale with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "aphelocoma californica": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: grayish-white with light blue streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray-blue with dark barring",
+        "crown: deep blue with a crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eyering",
+        "legs: black with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue with black and white bands",
+        "nape: blue-gray with a slight crest",
+        "tail: long, blue, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: pale gray-blue with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "poecile atricapillus": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, black",
+        "belly: white, sometimes with pale yellow or gray tinges",
+        "breast: white, sometimes with pale yellow or gray tinges",
+        "crown: black cap extending from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: black cap extending from forehead to nape",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white wing bars",
+        "nape: black cap extending from forehead to nape",
+        "tail: short, grayish-blue with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with a gray tint"
+    ],
+    "anser caerulescens": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: black, medium length, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white plumage, lightly speckled",
+        "breast: gray feathers, often barred",
+        "crown: rounded head with blue-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: slope above beak with blue-gray plumage",
+        "eyes: brown, encased in white feathers",
+        "legs: orange, webbed feet, medium length",
+        "wings: light blue-gray with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: transition zone between head and back, blue-gray in color",
+        "tail: short, dark feathers with white under-tail",
+        "throat: lighter plumage, white or gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "circus hudsonius": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent green",
+        "beak: long, slim, and curved",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: maroon-colored feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black crest",
+        "forehead: narrow white stripe",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: strong and wiry",
+        "wings: broad with black and white patterning",
+        "nape: rich chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: forked with white and black feather tips",
+        "throat: stark white contrast"
+    ],
+    "aramus guarauna": [
+        "back: blueish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and greyish",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with white streaks",
+        "crown: blueish-grey with slight crest",
+        "forehead: blueish-grey, narrow",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, red-orange color",
+        "wings: long, blueish-grey with white spots",
+        "nape: blueish-grey, slightly lighter than the back",
+        "tail: long, blueish-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers, sometimes with faint grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "dives dives": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed mouthpiece",
+        "belly: soft, pale under-feathers",
+        "breast: sturdy, well-formed chest",
+        "crown: crest of plumage on the head",
+        "forehead: smooth area above the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, strong limbs",
+        "wings: powerful, extended flaps",
+        "nape: curve where head meets neck",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: delicate, exposed area"
+    ],
+    "polioptila melanura": [
+        "back: sleek gray-black plumage",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: clean white feathers",
+        "breast: soft whitish-gray plumage",
+        "crown: silky black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth black merging to gray",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, gray-black, strong",
+        "wings: elongated, blackish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: glossy black with a hint of blue",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pure white, contrasting with the head"
+    ],
+    "anas erythrorhyncha": [
+        "back: dark-brown, textured feathers",
+        "beak: bright red, narrow, and pointed",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: dark brown, dense feathers",
+        "crown: dark-brown, slightly raised feathers",
+        "forehead: brown, smoother feathers transitioning to beak",
+        "eyes: circular, brown eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: orange-yellow, webbed feet",
+        "wings: brownish-black feathers with white speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown, transitioning to lighter brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "patagioenas cayennensis": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and curved",
+        "belly: light grey with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale grey with brownish tinge",
+        "crown: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: small with black irises",
+        "legs: short, reddish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with thin white bars",
+        "nape: grey-brown with pale edgings",
+        "tail: dark brown with a thin white band",
+        "throat: light grey, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "chondestes grammacus": [
+        "back: streaked brown and white patterns",
+        "beak: curved, sharp, conical shape",
+        "belly: grayish white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, long and grayish",
+        "wings: black with white and buff patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "amazilia violiceps": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathered",
+        "beak: slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: bright green with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue-violet shine",
+        "eyes: dark and small, encircled by thin feathered rings",
+        "legs: short, dark gray, strong",
+        "wings: long, narrow, with black and green feather tips",
+        "nape: shining green transitioning to violet-blue",
+        "tail: dark, slightly forked, with subtle green highlights",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-violet feathers"
+    ],
+    "corvus cornix": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey-white feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: smooth grey-black feathers",
+        "forehead: dark grey with slight arch",
+        "eyes: small, black, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: broad and dark grey-black",
+        "nape: lighter grey feather transition",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and dark grey",
+        "throat: pale grey-white with soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "cyanopica cyanus": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray underbelly",
+        "breast: light gray chest feathers",
+        "crown: blue feathered head",
+        "forehead: blue with black eye-line",
+        "eyes: round black eyes",
+        "legs: thin black legs",
+        "wings: blue with black secondary feathers",
+        "nape: blue and black striped pattern",
+        "tail: long, blue, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray throat feathers"
+    ],
+    "sula sula": [
+        "back: vibrant reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and grayish-blue",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: bright red-orange feathers",
+        "crown: flat, deep red plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth red-orange feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: blue, sturdy, and webbed",
+        "wings: brown with highlights of red and blue",
+        "nape: rich red feathers transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: long, slender, and reddish-brown",
+        "throat: striking red-orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "euphonia hirundinacea": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, dark gray",
+        "belly: light yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: shiny blue-black cap",
+        "forehead: deep blue color",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: slender gray legs",
+        "wings: blue-black with white edges",
+        "nape: blue-black color",
+        "tail: short, forked with blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "aplonis panayensis": [
+        "back: greenish-black with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: dark, short, and pointed",
+        "belly: blackish-green plumage with slight iridescence",
+        "breast: shiny greenish-black feathers",
+        "crown: metallic greenish-black top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, slightly rounded with greenish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: blackish-green with slight metallic shimmer",
+        "nape: green-black feathers transitioning from crown to back",
+        "tail: dark, medium-length with metallic green edges",
+        "throat: iridescent greenish-black plumage"
+    ],
+    "andropadus importunus": [
+        "back: sleek greenish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, and black",
+        "belly: pale white with grey streaks",
+        "breast: tinges of green and grey",
+        "crown: deep blue with green sheen",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue with green edges",
+        "eyes: dark, focused, and sharp",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish black",
+        "wings: greenish-black with hints of blue",
+        "nape: turquoise with grey markings",
+        "tail: elongated, green, and slightly curved",
+        "throat: bright blue with contrasting white feathers"
+    ],
+    "psaltriparus minimus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: petite, black, and slightly upward-curved",
+        "belly: white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: buff-white with light streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with a light crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown with lighter markings",
+        "eyes: black and bead-like",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: short and rounded, with brown and white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and fan-like, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pavo cristatus": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, curved",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant, blue-green plumage",
+        "crown: fan-shaped crest with blue-green, eye-patterned feathers",
+        "forehead: shorter blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: orange, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, grey, scaly",
+        "wings: long, blue-green, adorned with iconic peacock feathers",
+        "nape: plume of blue-green feathers extending downward",
+        "tail: expansive fan-like display of fragile 'eye' feathers",
+        "throat: blue, tufted feathers"
+    ],
+    "ardenna pacifica": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, and hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with brownish edges",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with white edges",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with a subtle white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, dark, strong",
+        "wings: dark gray with white patches and bars",
+        "nape: dark gray with a hint of brown",
+        "tail: long, dark, with white corners",
+        "throat: light grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "accipiter badius": [
+        "back: grayish-blue with fine white bars",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: light grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: bright yellow or orange",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: short, rounded, grayish-blue with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue with fine white bars",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with white bands",
+        "throat: white with reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "junco phaeonotus": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: small, pointy, and dark pinkish-black",
+        "belly: light gray to creamy white",
+        "breast: pale gray with a hint of reddish-brown",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray with prominent white stripes",
+        "forehead: darker gray than the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: small, black, and circular",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with strong, slender claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with faint white bars and edged feathers",
+        "nape: slate-gray color, similar to the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feathers and a square tip",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "coereba flaveola": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black cap-like pattern",
+        "forehead: black region above beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin with dark gray to black claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-green feathering",
+        "tail: notched, olive-green feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "coracina novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: dark blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, slender, and hooked",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: pale gray-blue feathers",
+        "crown: black with a faint blue sheen",
+        "forehead: black, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong black legs and feet",
+        "wings: dark blue-grey with white highlights",
+        "nape: blue-grey plumage, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: elongated, dark blue-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with the darker upperparts"
+    ],
+    "larus glaucoides": [
+        "back: light gray feathered covering",
+        "beak: moderately long, hooked yellow beak with red spot",
+        "belly: white underside plumage",
+        "breast: whitish breast feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, pale gray dome-shaped head",
+        "forehead: sleek light gray contour",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: short pinkish-red appendages ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, pale gray with white tips, and black markings on the edge",
+        "nape: light gray area between the head and back",
+        "tail: white and slightly forked feathers",
+        "throat: clean white plumage"
+    ],
+    "dumetella carolinensis": [
+        "back: blue-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and straight, blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with faint streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-gray",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized with faint eyering",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with slight streaks",
+        "tail: relatively long, blue-gray with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "prunella collaris": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with a green sheen",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with brown streaking",
+        "breast: pale gray with brown streaking",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, and shiny",
+        "legs: slender, pale, and grayish",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with buff-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with a green sheen",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with thin white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray with brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "cygnus cygnus": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, orange-yellow",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: rounded, white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, bright",
+        "legs: strong, black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, elongated, white feathers",
+        "nape: curved, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short, white, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, soft, curved feathers"
+    ],
+    "amblyospiza albifrons": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: thick, conical, pale whitish-horn color",
+        "belly: creamy-buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: dark gray-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown with buff fringes",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: gray-brown with faint bands",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "vireo plumbeus": [
+        "back: blue-gray with olive-green tinges",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish",
+        "breast: pale bluish-gray",
+        "crown: ashy gray with a faint bluish tinge",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray with olive-green tinges",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white with blue-gray sides"
+    ],
+    "saxicola torquatus": [
+        "back: sleek and brownish-black",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black",
+        "belly: white or light grey",
+        "breast: brownish-black",
+        "crown: black, flat",
+        "forehead: black, smooth",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: slender, black",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: black or grey-brown",
+        "tail: dark, forked",
+        "throat: black or white patch"
+    ],
+    "calidris virgata": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: soft peach or buff color with dark spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark markings",
+        "forehead: light tan with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray or black, slender",
+        "wings: tawny brown with dark bars and white edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and squared with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "haematopus longirostris": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black upper feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and reddish-orange",
+        "belly: pure white lower feathers",
+        "breast: white with a slight brownish tint",
+        "crown: smooth, black top of the head",
+        "forehead: black, connected to beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a red eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-red, long and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: black, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: short, dark brownish-black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with a black streak running down"
+    ],
+    "sturnus vulgaris": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed, yellow in breeding season",
+        "belly: pale and spotted, grayish-white with dark markings",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark speckles",
+        "crown: glossy dark feathers with greenish or purplish sheen",
+        "forehead: glossy black, feathers converge in a v-shape",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by feathers",
+        "legs: reddish-brown, strong and slender, ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, blackish-brown, edged with white",
+        "nape: glossy black, often with green or bluish-purple sheen",
+        "tail: short and squared, dark with a light band at on the outer edges",
+        "throat: black with purplish-blue iridescence, contrasting with pale breast"
+    ],
+    "aix sponsa": [
+        "back: bright green, metallic sheen",
+        "beak: dark grey, slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white, fading to buff",
+        "breast: vibrant chestnut, plump",
+        "crown: green, shiny plumage",
+        "forehead: white, thin stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, with white crescents above and below",
+        "legs: dull orange, webbed feet",
+        "wings: distinct blue-green patch, white stripe",
+        "nape: dark green, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: dark, long central feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "sylvia borin": [
+        "back: olive-green upper surface",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and brownish-black",
+        "belly: off-white underside",
+        "breast: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: smooth olive-green head",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled with white",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with feathery edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, seamless with back",
+        "tail: olive-green with slight fork",
+        "throat: off-white, joining belly"
+    ],
+    "mycteria leucocephala": [
+        "back: sleek grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, curved",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: soft greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth white feathers",
+        "forehead: striking white plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, thin, with yellowish-green hue",
+        "wings: broad, grey with a hint of green",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning to grey",
+        "tail: short, retractable, with grey feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage with a hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "mergus serrator": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and serrated with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: crisp white plumage",
+        "breast: white with a slight rosiness",
+        "crown: sleek black crest feathers",
+        "forehead: black tapering forward to meet eyes",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: vibrant orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black-striped white feathers with dark grey to black primary feathers",
+        "nape: glossy black transitioning to white",
+        "tail: elongated, dark central feathers with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white with smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "ceryle rudis": [
+        "back: dark blue feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with some grey-blue speckles",
+        "breast: white with light blue streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue-grey with white streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: short and black with strong toes",
+        "wings: blue and black with white patches",
+        "nape: blue-grey with small streaks",
+        "tail: long with distinctive dark blue to black bands",
+        "throat: white with blue-grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "elanus caeruleus": [
+        "back: shades of pale grey and white",
+        "beak: short, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white, light plumage",
+        "breast: pale grey feathers",
+        "crown: slightly darker grey cap",
+        "forehead: lighter grey to white",
+        "eyes: large, striking, yellow",
+        "legs: thin, yellowish, featherless",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with pale grey and black markings",
+        "nape: transition from dark grey to pale grey",
+        "tail: white, with black band towards the tip",
+        "throat: white, merging into the breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "baeolophus wollweberi": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish color",
+        "belly: pale gray-white hue",
+        "breast: grayish-white, blending into the belly",
+        "crown: black and white stripes, divided by gray-brown",
+        "forehead: white stripe bordered by black lines",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eyelid markings",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars, subtle streaks",
+        "nape: gray-brown, continues from crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white, well-defined against breast"
+    ],
+    "momotus aequatorialis": [
+        "back: deep blue-green iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright blue with green undertones",
+        "breast: rich turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "crown: greenish-blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-green and well-defined",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-black with strong, scaled feet",
+        "wings: brilliant blue with a hint of violet sheen",
+        "nape: deep turquoise with hints of green shine",
+        "tail: long, racket-shaped with vibrant blue feathers",
+        "throat: vivid blue fading into turquoise on the lower part"
+    ],
+    "cacicus cela": [
+        "back: deep black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, pale ivory",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bold black feathers",
+        "crown: sleek black with a hint of gloss",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, black pupils surrounded by white",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: striking black with deep blue iridescence",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with a slight curl",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "chlidonias leucopterus": [
+        "back: sleek and streamlined grayish-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light whitish-gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark grayish-black",
+        "forehead: smooth and light-colored",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: thin and long, dark red-orange",
+        "wings: striking white with black edges and tips",
+        "nape: grayish-brown fading to lighter shades",
+        "tail: long, forked, and blackish-gray",
+        "throat: light-colored with subtle gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "colius striatus": [
+        "back: light gray-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray-white with thin dark streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: gray with thin white streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white bands",
+        "nape: gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, and gray-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ploceus capensis": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks",
+        "beak: cone-shaped, black",
+        "belly: light-yellow hue",
+        "breast: golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: black with a golden tinge",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow patch",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by thin, black eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark-grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with yellow linings",
+        "nape: black, tinged with golden-yellow",
+        "tail: dark brown, forked shape",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "chloris chloris": [
+        "back: bright green feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: pale pinkish, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: yellowish-green coloration, soft feathers",
+        "breast: yellowish, blending into the green back",
+        "crown: vibrant green feathers, may appear darker in certain lighting",
+        "forehead: bright green, meeting at the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by green feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish, thin but strong",
+        "wings: green with black-tipped feathers, yellow lower edge, capable of rapid wingbeats",
+        "nape: dark green, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: black-tipped, green feathers, forked appearance for agile flight",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "gavia stellata": [
+        "back: blackish-grey with white speckles",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with occasional spotting",
+        "breast: white fading into grey",
+        "crown: blackish-grey with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: steep slope, blackish-grey",
+        "eyes: large and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: short, greyish-black, set far back",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with white and black patterns",
+        "nape: blackish-grey with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, grey with white edges",
+        "throat: white with faint spots"
+    ],
+    "trogon caligatus": [
+        "back: vibrant iridescent green",
+        "beak: short, stout, and ivory-colored",
+        "belly: pale blue-gray with a hint of green",
+        "breast: deep blue separating the vibrant green back from the pale belly",
+        "crown: iridescent green matching the back",
+        "forehead: shimmering metallic green",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled with thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and light gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: iridescent green with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: glistening green transitioning into deep blue breast",
+        "tail: elongated greenish-black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: deep blue coloration extending from the beak down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "ciconia nigra": [
+        "back: glossy black with greenish-purple sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight and pointed, red with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with occasional black spots",
+        "breast: white with a soft transition to black on the back",
+        "crown: black, glossy with a hint of purple sheen",
+        "forehead: black, merging into white at the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by a small patch of black feathers",
+        "legs: long, red, and unfeathered with black talons",
+        "wings: broad, black with greenish-purple iridescence",
+        "nape: black and glossy, with a slight purple sheen",
+        "tail: long, black with a small white patch at the base, and hint of purple sheen",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasted with black plumage of the head"
+    ],
+    "rollandia rolland": [
+        "back: olive-green hue",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish with grayish streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: short black crest",
+        "forehead: gray coloration",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: black, thin, medium-length",
+        "wings: olive-green with lighter wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-green color",
+        "tail: long, dark olive-green, slightly notched",
+        "throat: white-gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eudocimus albus": [
+        "back: white feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved, grayish color",
+        "belly: smooth white feathers on the lower abdomen",
+        "breast: white and rounded with a slight curve",
+        "crown: white feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with a thin blue eyering",
+        "legs: long, thin, and gray, ending in partially webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, white feathers with black tips, used for flying",
+        "nape: white feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long white feathers with black edges, used for balance and steering",
+        "throat: white feathers covering the area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "turdus pilaris": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with a subtle tinge of olive",
+        "beak: yellowish-orange with dark tip",
+        "belly: streaked white and brown plumage",
+        "breast: mottled brown and orange shades",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with a hint of olive",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint pale ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown with strong, sturdy claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white corners and reddish-brown undertail coverts",
+        "throat: streaked white and black, extending to the sides of the neck"
+    ],
+    "tringa nebularia": [
+        "back: pale grayish-green with faint darker streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and needle-like with a dark upper mandible and a pale lower mandible",
+        "belly: white with some pale barring on the flanks",
+        "breast: lightly streaked grayish-brown fading into the white belly",
+        "crown: grayish-green with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-green, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pale greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: grayish-green with dark flight feathers and white wing bars",
+        "nape: pale grayish-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white outer tail feathers and a pale rump",
+        "throat: white, bordered by the streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "merops apiaster": [
+        "back: blue-toned feathers with green sheen",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: pastel yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant turquoise-blue",
+        "crown: deep blue-green, slightly elongated",
+        "forehead: bright blue with greenish tint",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: short, brownish-grey",
+        "wings: elongated, blue-green with black markings",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with black stripe",
+        "tail: long, pointed, dark blue with black bands",
+        "throat: pale yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "chondrohierax uncinatus": [
+        "back: dark gray with greenish-blue iridescence",
+        "beak: strongly hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: streaked white and dusky gray",
+        "breast: white with grayish-black streaks",
+        "crown: blackish-gray with bluish tint",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray",
+        "eyes: golden yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: short and strong, yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark gray with bluish-green sheen",
+        "nape: dark gray with bluish highlights",
+        "tail: grayish-black, square-tipped with white bands",
+        "throat: white with dark gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "netta rufina": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy and pale blue-gray",
+        "belly: white with rust-colored feathers",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: slightly crested, chestnut brown",
+        "forehead: prominent with brownish-red feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round and expressive",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: chestnut brown with slight iridescence",
+        "nape: warm reddish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: steely blue-gray with pointed feathers",
+        "throat: white to creamy paling towards chin"
+    ],
+    "pica hudsonia": [
+        "back: slate gray with lighter gray streaks",
+        "beak: long, slim, and black",
+        "belly: white with gray bars",
+        "breast: gray with darker gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: gray with backward slanting line",
+        "eyes: dark, with yellowish-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with a black stripe",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with a black stripe"
+    ],
+    "carpodacus sibiricus": [
+        "back: rusty reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical and sharply pointed, pale gray",
+        "belly: pinkish-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rosy pink blending into white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: brown with white edges and pinkish tinge",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer edges and slight fork",
+        "throat: rosy pink with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "anhinga melanogaster": [
+        "back: dark, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: light, large and rounded",
+        "breast: white streaked pattern",
+        "crown: black, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: narrow, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: red encircled with pale blue",
+        "legs: long, webbed, and grey",
+        "wings: large, black with silver streaks",
+        "nape: slim, black with a white stripe",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped and black",
+        "throat: white with a stripe, web-like pouch"
+    ],
+    "selasphorus platycercus": [
+        "back: iridescent green-bronze coloration",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and elongated",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white hue",
+        "breast: vibrant orangish-red feathers",
+        "crown: shimmering green-bronze head cap",
+        "forehead: gleaming greenish hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: petite and thinly scaled",
+        "wings: elongated and pointed, buzzing rapidly during flight",
+        "nape: green-bronze coloration transitioning to grayish-white",
+        "tail: broad and fan-shaped, often flared during hovering",
+        "throat: vibrant orangish-red gorget with iridescent qualities"
+    ],
+    "dinopium benghalense": [
+        "back: olive green with dark spots",
+        "beak: black, long, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light yellowish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with dark stripes",
+        "crown: black with a prominent red crest",
+        "forehead: red with a small patch of white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pale gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive green with white and black bars",
+        "nape: black with a touch of red",
+        "tail: black with white tips and horizontal stripes",
+        "throat: white with a hint of brown"
+    ],
+    "volatinia jacarina": [
+        "back: deep blue-black plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white coloration",
+        "breast: steel blue with a purplish tint",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: vibrant blue-ish black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly hidden by feathers",
+        "legs: short, slender, and dark gray",
+        "wings: long, glossy black with bluish highlights",
+        "nape: deep blue-black plumage, similar to back",
+        "tail: short, black with a bluish sheen",
+        "throat: dark blueish-black, with a slight metallic shine"
+    ],
+    "parkesia motacilla": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with darker central stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish bars and white edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: dark, with white outer feather edges",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "regulus calendula": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly striped",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: yellow abdomen with grayish-white undertail",
+        "breast: distinctive yellow-orange patch",
+        "crown: vibrant orange or yellow streak",
+        "forehead: olive-green tinged with yellow",
+        "eyes: dark and round with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with sharp, thin claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with yellow tint",
+        "tail: dark gray, forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "icterus wagleri": [
+        "back: olive-green with darker streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: round, black, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-black, long, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with black wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: black with white tips and yellow central feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "icterus pectoralis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathering",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: bright yellow coloration",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black streaking",
+        "crown: dark greenish-yellow feathers",
+        "foreground: greenish-yellow, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and sharp",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and long",
+        "wings: olive-green with bright yellow shoulder patches",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow fading into back feathers",
+        "tail: long with olive-green and yellow feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting against black streaks"
+    ],
+    "nycticorax caledonicus": [
+        "back: dark grey with greenish tint",
+        "beak: black, thick, and sharply hooked",
+        "belly: lighter grey with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: grey with white streaks and spots",
+        "crown: black with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: large and red",
+        "legs: long and yellowish",
+        "wings: dark grey with white spots on coverts",
+        "nape: black with a long white plume extending from it",
+        "tail: short and dark grey",
+        "throat: light grey with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "arenaria melanocephala": [
+        "back: light grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with grey spots",
+        "breast: whitish-grey with darker markings",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black and white streaked pattern",
+        "eyes: dark and large, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: grey with white wing bars and black tips",
+        "nape: streaked black and white",
+        "tail: white with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "charadrius bicinctus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: short and straight, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with occasional light markings",
+        "breast: white with prominent black and chestnut bands",
+        "crown: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with light speckling",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, and surrounded by white",
+        "legs: long and thin, pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks and tips",
+        "nape: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, olive-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white with light speckling"
+    ],
+    "perdix perdix": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with intricate patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and grayish",
+        "belly: whitish with black and rusty bars",
+        "breast: orange-buff with fine vertical markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with pale center stripe",
+        "forehead: similar to crown, reddish-brown with pale center stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feathered, light brown with dark brown bars",
+        "wings: brown and grayish with chestnut-colored markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with pale, buff-colored stripe",
+        "tail: brown with chestnut and gray markings, forked shape",
+        "throat: white with black-bordered triangular patch"
+    ],
+    "amazona albifrons": [
+        "back: vibrant green with blue hues",
+        "beak: sturdy, yellowish-horn color",
+        "belly: light green with slight yellow undertones",
+        "breast: bright green with hints of blue",
+        "crown: green with a touch of blue fading to white",
+        "forehead: rounded, predominantly white",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled with light blue-white rings",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: rich green outer feathers and blue primary feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-green feathers blending with crown",
+        "tail: green, blue, and red feathers in a layered formation",
+        "throat: soft green, fading to white near the beak"
+    ],
+    "perisoreus canadensis": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and sturdy, dark gray",
+        "belly: soft white or pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: smoky gray with faint white streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray, almost black",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, strong",
+        "wings: bluish-gray, with white wingtips",
+        "nape: grayish-blue, fading to smoky gray",
+        "tail: bluish-gray, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray, blending into breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "ramphastos ambiguus": [
+        "back: rich green feathers",
+        "beak: large and curved, bicolored yellow and black",
+        "belly: white feathered patches",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: dark blue or black feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: black feathering above beak",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark color with a white ring around",
+        "legs: short, strong, and grayish",
+        "wings: medium-length, green with hints of blue",
+        "nape: blue-black curved feathers connecting to the back",
+        "tail: long, green-blue central feathers with yellow tips",
+        "throat: bare patch of pale blue-gray skin"
+    ],
+    "monticola solitarius": [
+        "back: bluish-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, and slender",
+        "belly: white or pale grey",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark blue, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: dark blue with smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly hidden by surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark pink",
+        "wings: darker blue than body, with white patches",
+        "nape: dark blue, slightly paler than crown",
+        "tail: dark blue, with light blue central feathers and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: lighter blue with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "lanius borealis": [
+        "back: light grey, streaked feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, black, and sharp",
+        "belly: off-white, lightly streaked feathers",
+        "breast: light grey, streaked plumage",
+        "crown: blackish-grey with white markings",
+        "forehead: blackish-grey, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, and alert",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: dark grey, barred with white tips",
+        "nape: greyish, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long, black, white-edged feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, streaked with grey"
+    ],
+    "bubulcus ibis": [
+        "back: slate-colored feathers running along the spine",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellowish curved beak for catching prey",
+        "belly: soft, white underbelly feathers",
+        "breast: white, fluffy chest feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, white feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: white, sleek feathers transitioning into beak",
+        "eyes: bright, spherical eyes with dark pupils",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish-green legs for wading",
+        "wings: large, slate-colored wings with white patches for flight",
+        "nape: white feathers covering the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short, slate-colored tail feathers with a slight upward curl",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers extending from beak to chest"
+    ],
+    "archilochus alexandri": [
+        "back: dark olive-green hue",
+        "beak: slender, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark banding",
+        "crown: dark olive-green with bold streaks",
+        "forehead: light olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, rounded, and brownish-black",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: dark greenish-black with white edging",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint streaking",
+        "tail: blackish with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with dark-grey mottling"
+    ],
+    "agelaius phoeniceus": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers with slight green iridescence",
+        "beak: short, dark, and thick for seed-crushing",
+        "belly: dark, reddish-brown on males, lighter on females",
+        "breast: reddish-brown on males, light brown with streaks on females",
+        "crown: smooth black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: glossy black, blending into beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray to black",
+        "wings: black and slightly pointed with white edges on secondaries",
+        "nape: glossy black blending into the back",
+        "tail: medium-length, black with tinges of green, and square-shaped",
+        "throat: black on males, light brown with streaks on females"
+    ],
+    "zosterops simplex": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow underside",
+        "breast: light yellow-green feathers",
+        "crown: slight yellow-green patch",
+        "forehead: green-yellow coloring",
+        "eyes: distinctive white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, greyish-blue, clawed",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped, greenish-yellow",
+        "throat: light yellow with thin greenish-yellow boundary"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax aristotelis": [
+        "back: dark feathers with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, hooked, yellow-orange color",
+        "belly: dark feathers with slight iridescence",
+        "breast: dark plumage with shimmering effect",
+        "crown: sleek, dark feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, unfeathered area above the beak",
+        "eyes: green with a conspicuous white iris",
+        "legs: relatively short, flesh-colored with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, dark feathers with greenish sheen",
+        "nape: dark plumage with purple iridescence",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, dark feathers",
+        "throat: dark feathers with slight iridescence"
+    ],
+    "passerina amoena": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: short, conical, silver-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: striking blue or salmon color, depending on sex",
+        "crown: bright blue in males, dull grayish-brown in females",
+        "forehead: shiny blue feathers in males, duller in females",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by blue in males",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, strong",
+        "wings: mix of blue, green, and brown feathers, edged in white",
+        "nape: blue in males, brown in females, transitioning to back",
+        "tail: short, slightly forked, with blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant blue in males, light brown in females"
+    ],
+    "ardeola grayii": [
+        "back: olive-brown with prominent white streaks",
+        "beak: yellowish-green with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white and fluffy appearance",
+        "breast: white with brownish speckles",
+        "crown: blackish-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blackish-green blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow and piercing",
+        "legs: long and yellowish-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with prominent white streaks",
+        "nape: blackish-green blending into the crown",
+        "tail: white with blackish-green bars",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "coscoroba coscoroba": [
+        "back: white plumage with black-edged feathers",
+        "beak: short, light pink with a dark tip",
+        "belly: white with occasional black speckles",
+        "breast: pure white feathers",
+        "crown: white, rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, white plumage",
+        "eyes: small, shiny black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pink, long, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with black-edged primary feathers",
+        "nape: white feathers leading into a slightly raised crest",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, white feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "butorides striata": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: long, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white and streaked",
+        "breast: pale rufous with streaks",
+        "crown: black with vibrant crest",
+        "forehead: dark with bold stripes",
+        "eyes: intense yellow",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white spotting",
+        "nape: dark with streaks",
+        "tail: black and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "halcyon senegalensis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: straight black sharp beak",
+        "belly: white with crisp black markings",
+        "breast: creamy white blending to grey",
+        "crown: sleek electric blue",
+        "forehead: radiant blue-green",
+        "eyes: small and black with bright white streaks",
+        "legs: dark grey, long and slender",
+        "wings: striking blue with black bands",
+        "nape: electric blue, feathers merging with back",
+        "tail: elongated, blue-black feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "archilochus colubris": [
+        "back: vibrant green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with soft markings",
+        "breast: mix of white, gray, and faint green tint",
+        "crown: bright green with metallic shine",
+        "forehead: shimmering emerald green hue",
+        "eyes: small, round, black and alert",
+        "legs: slim, delicate, and grayish-black",
+        "wings: metallic green with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: transitioning from green to white",
+        "tail: forked with bold black and white feather patterns",
+        "throat: rich red with hints of orange and purple iridescence"
+    ],
+    "aeronautes saxatalis": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with dark horizontal stripes",
+        "breast: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark gray and white bands",
+        "nape: pale gray blending into the dark crown",
+        "tail: forked, dark gray, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "hirundo smithii": [
+        "back: sleek and glossy dark-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black for catching insects",
+        "belly: white with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: bright red to orange chest patch",
+        "crown: smooth, glossy blue-black head feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-black with a slight tuft",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and strong with dark-gray claws",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark blue-black",
+        "nape: glossy dark-blue with abrupt transition to white streaked belly",
+        "tail: deeply forked with dark-blue feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "lepidocolaptes angustirostris": [
+        "back: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brown with black stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with strong claws",
+        "wings: brown with black bars",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: short with dark bars",
+        "throat: white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "alopochen aegyptiaca": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: pinkish in color, short and sturdy",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: brownish-grey, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: dark brown, adorned with pale brown",
+        "forehead: brownish with a hint of beige",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a white patch",
+        "legs: reddish-orange, scaly",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, with white primary feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with white feathers at the base",
+        "throat: pale grey with a hint of beige"
+    ],
+    "platalea alba": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, spatulate shape",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers",
+        "crown: delicate white crest",
+        "forehead: slightly bulged, white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive gaze",
+        "legs: long, thin, and black",
+        "wings: wide, white, elegant span",
+        "nape: graceful white curve",
+        "tail: short, well-defined white feathers",
+        "throat: soft, white feathered area"
+    ],
+    "mimus polyglottos": [
+        "back: grayish-brown, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: light gray, soft plumage",
+        "breast: soft gray, faintly streaked",
+        "crown: blackish-gray, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray, smooth",
+        "eyes: bright, inquisitive, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, dark, slender, with strong feet",
+        "wings: grayish-brown, with white tips on flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray, smooth",
+        "tail: broad, long, blackish, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, subtly streaked"
+    ],
+    "emberiza spodocephala": [
+        "back: sleek light brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, pale cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with brown",
+        "crown: black striped with white",
+        "forehead: distinctive black patch",
+        "eyes: small and dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown limbs",
+        "wings: dark brown with white-bordered feather tips",
+        "nape: grayish-white with brown streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, forked feathers",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "heliodoxa jacula": [
+        "back: shimmery green feathers",
+        "beak: long and slender, straight black",
+        "belly: olive-green hue, lighter shade",
+        "breast: vibrant, shimmering green",
+        "crown: iridescent violet-blue",
+        "forehead: brilliant golden-green",
+        "eyes: small and black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and strong, with grey-brown color",
+        "wings: green with dazzling blue touches, quick in flight",
+        "nape: greenish-bronze, smooth transitions",
+        "tail: dark green feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: luminous green, gleaming appearance"
+    ],
+    "loxigilla noctis": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: black with a reddish-brown patch",
+        "forehead: black with reddish-brown accents",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown and slightly streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown with a hint of red",
+        "throat: grayish-white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "columbina passerina": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with subtle scaling",
+        "beak: short, black, and stout",
+        "belly: pale gray or white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with light scaling",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a gray streak",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: short, thin, and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: rounded, grayish-brown with blackish markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with a light patch",
+        "tail: short and square, grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray"
+    ],
+    "antigone canadensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked with black",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown and slightly elongated horizontal shape",
+        "legs: long, thin, and pale greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black streaks and white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown and streaked with black",
+        "tail: elongated with dark and light brown stripes",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "thraupis episcopus": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers",
+        "beak: pointed and black",
+        "belly: pale blue hue",
+        "breast: slightly paler blue feathers",
+        "crown: uniform blue-grey",
+        "forehead: blue-grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark and sturdy",
+        "wings: deep blue, blending into the back",
+        "nape: blue-grey feathers, similar to the back",
+        "tail: long and blue-grey",
+        "throat: lighter blue, leading to the pale belly"
+    ],
+    "passer domesticus": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers, narrow white streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, yellowish-grey",
+        "belly: pale grey-white underside",
+        "breast: buff-grey, occasional slight markings",
+        "crown: blue-grey cap, white markings",
+        "forehead: extension of blue-grey crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, shiny with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: long, dark, white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: continuation of olive-grey back",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark feathers with white corners",
+        "throat: off-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "emberiza calandra": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "beak: conical and pale pink",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: warm brown with streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: streaked chestnut brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with white and chestnut markings",
+        "nape: streaked chestnut brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: off-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "meliphaga lewinii": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: curved, black and slender",
+        "belly: pale yellowish hue",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight yellow edges",
+        "forehead: yellow with black markings",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim and grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with yellow highlights",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with yellow undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright yellow with thin black markings"
+    ],
+    "tringa erythropus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: mottled grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: vibrant red-orange",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: streaked brown and gray",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with light streaking"
+    ],
+    "microcarbo niger": [
+        "back: dark glossy feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: blackish plumage with faint white streaks",
+        "breast: darker greyish feathers with a paler center",
+        "crown: slightly raised black feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright emerald green with a black pupil",
+        "legs: relatively short and sturdy, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated with iridescent black feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers with a dark green sheen",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with black feathers",
+        "throat: blackish plumage, slightly paler than surrounding feathers"
+    ],
+    "cyanocorax yncas": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering the torso",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: smooth, light blue underbelly",
+        "breast: feathered with a mix of blue, green and white hues",
+        "crown: striped black and blue head crest",
+        "forehead: bright, pale blue patch above the eyes",
+        "eyes: intense, inquisitive black orbs",
+        "legs: sturdy black limbs supporting the bird's body",
+        "wings: lengthy, blue-green feathers allowing for agile flight",
+        "nape: a darker blue area, transitioning from the head to the back",
+        "tail: iridescent blue feathers extending from the rear",
+        "throat: white markings contrasting with the blue and green body"
+    ],
+    "charadrius obscurus": [
+        "back: dark brownish-grey feathering",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth brownish-grey blending with belly",
+        "crown: darker brown streaks and spots",
+        "forehead: pale creamy band stretching across",
+        "eyes: dark, vibrant, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, greenish-yellow limbs",
+        "wings: mottled brownish-grey with white wing bars",
+        "nape: speckled pale grey-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short with white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white, lightly speckled"
+    ],
+    "stelgidopteryx serripennis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white plumage",
+        "breast: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "crown: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "forehead: dusky gray with buffy streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long, pointed, blackish with faint white edging",
+        "nape: gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: notched, blackish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into gray on upper breast"
+    ],
+    "branta hutchinsii": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: short, black, with white patch near the base",
+        "belly: lightly barred gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: dusky brown with a pale gray cast",
+        "crown: dark brown, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: gradually sloping into the beak, dark brown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white feather patch",
+        "legs: dark gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with light-gray feather edges",
+        "tail: black with a white u-shaped band above",
+        "throat: white or lightly barred gray and white"
+    ],
+    "pternistis capensis": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with black speckles",
+        "beak: short, stout, and yellowish-white",
+        "belly: white with fine black barring",
+        "breast: chestnut-red with white speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with faint white streaks",
+        "forehead: rufous-brown and slightly fluffy",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and featherless with reddish-brown scales",
+        "wings: rounded and barred with shades of brown and white",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black markings",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped with dark brown barring",
+        "throat: white with blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "bubo africanus": [
+        "back: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and grayish",
+        "belly: pale gray with brownish streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with white spots",
+        "crown: dark feathered with white margins",
+        "forehead: brownish-black with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large and yellow-orange",
+        "legs: sturdy and gray",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: brown with bold white patches",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: pale gray with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "dryocopus lineatus": [
+        "back: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: black with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with red stripe (male), all black (female",
+        "forehead: black with white spots",
+        "eyes: bright, yellowish-white ring",
+        "legs: short, gray, and strong",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: black with red or white markings",
+        "tail: long, black with white bars",
+        "throat: black with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "pardalotus striatus": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, strong, hooked",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint markings",
+        "breast: golden yellow, black streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with black spots",
+        "forehead: gleaming yellow",
+        "eyes: intense, dark brown",
+        "legs: slim, gray-blue",
+        "wings: black with white spots, yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellow, marked with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white patches, yellow tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, black stripes"
+    ],
+    "psilopogon nuchalis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: thick, elongated yellowish",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich, golden-yellow feathers",
+        "crown: azure blue with black streaks",
+        "forehead: radiant yellow tufts",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eyerings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: green with black and blue markings",
+        "nape: distinctive violet-blue band",
+        "tail: graduated blue feathers with curved tips",
+        "throat: bold orange-red patch"
+    ],
+    "charadrius melodus": [
+        "back: light sandy-brown color with tan streaking",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly downturned",
+        "belly: white with no markings",
+        "breast: white with a black collar across the upper chest",
+        "crown: sandy-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white, blending into the sandy-brown crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange, slim, and long",
+        "wings: sandy-brown with dark brown and white streaks",
+        "nape: tan with white streaks, fading into back",
+        "tail: short and sandy-brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "mesembrinibis cayennensis": [
+        "back: glossy green with blue shimmer",
+        "beak: long, slender, and light grey",
+        "belly: pale grey-green hue",
+        "breast: subtle green with blue iridescence",
+        "crown: dark green with hints of blue",
+        "forehead: radiant green-blue tinge",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange encircled by bare, dark skin",
+        "legs: long, thin, and greenish-gray",
+        "wings: shimmering blue-green with dark tertials",
+        "nape: gleaming green merging into blue",
+        "tail: elongated greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: dull greenish-grey with slight sheen"
+    ],
+    "sericornis frontalis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: cream-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: rufous-colored cap",
+        "forehead: olive-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white edgings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with rufous streaks",
+        "tail: long and olive-brown",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "phalaropus tricolor": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with hints of rusty red",
+        "beak: sleek, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with slight streaks",
+        "breast: white blending into grayish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: white with brown edges",
+        "eyes: black with white surrounds",
+        "legs: long and thin, yellow-green",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white stripes and reddish edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "xenus cinereus": [
+        "back: slate grey upper body",
+        "beak: long, thin, and straight",
+        "belly: off-white to pale grey",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint barring",
+        "crown: slate grey with streaks",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: pale grey with dark tips",
+        "nape: slate grey with streaks",
+        "tail: long, thin, grey with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "ramphocelus dimidiatus": [
+        "back: iridescent deep blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black cone-shaped",
+        "belly: bright orange-red feathers",
+        "breast: vivid orange-red with smooth texture",
+        "crown: brilliant blue feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: deep blue with a sleek appearance",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: slender, gray, and perched",
+        "wings: lustrous blue, slightly curved",
+        "nape: radiant blue transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: striking orange-red, contrasting with the blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "melanitta deglandi": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: dark grey with hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white plumage",
+        "breast: black with white marginal feathers creating a scalloped appearance",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers with a green iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and dark grey with boldly webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, black, powerful feathers with white speculum patch",
+        "nape: black with a slightly green sheen",
+        "tail: short, dark black feathers with pointed tips",
+        "throat: black, slightly elongated feathers with a tuft-like appearance"
+    ],
+    "ammodramus savannarum": [
+        "back: brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with brown",
+        "crown: rufous with gray stripes",
+        "forehead: flat and pale",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint pale line",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brown with white edging",
+        "nape: gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: short and rounded",
+        "throat: unmarked pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "dendrocopos major": [
+        "back: black feathers with white bars",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: white or pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: red patch on the lower breast",
+        "crown: bright red feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white highlights",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: short, strong, greyish-blue",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: black feathers with white highlights",
+        "tail: black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "tyrannus verticalis": [
+        "back: olive-green to dark gray upper feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow, with a grayish upper half",
+        "breast: creamy yellow to pale orange",
+        "crown: deep gray, with a small crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: black, slender, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: dark gray, with distinct white bar",
+        "nape: olive-green fading into gray",
+        "tail: long, forked, black with a white outer edge",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker upper parts"
+    ],
+    "turdus leucomelas": [
+        "back: olive-green to gray-brown, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: yellowish base with dark tip, strong and pointed",
+        "belly: white or off-white with dark spots",
+        "breast: pale gray to buff, mottled with dark streaks or barring",
+        "crown: dull grayish, with pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "forehead: light gray, often showing faint streaking",
+        "eyes: dark with thin, pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish or gray, slender with strong feet",
+        "wings: brownish-black with two distinct pale wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, sometimes with pale streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, often with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, streaked or spotted with dark brown"
+    ],
+    "picoides dorsalis": [
+        "back: barred black and white pattern",
+        "beak: straight, stout, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with black bars",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: solid black with red cap for males, black for females",
+        "forehead: white, meeting at the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short and strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black and white pattern with red patches",
+        "nape: black and white barring",
+        "tail: black with white bands horizontally across",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "hydrophasianus chirurgus": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: deep chestnut color, intricate patterns",
+        "crown: prominent, metallic green crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, lighter shade of feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, long, scaled",
+        "wings: broad, patterned, powerful in flight",
+        "nape: beautifully marked, darker hues",
+        "tail: long, elegant, fan-like feathers",
+        "throat: distinct, narrower feather markings"
+    ],
+    "agapornis roseicollis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, red-orange",
+        "belly: vibrant green feathers",
+        "breast: rosy-pink to orange",
+        "crown: bright green and blends with back",
+        "forehead: rosy-pink to orange matching breast",
+        "eyes: lively, white-ringed, dark brown",
+        "legs: strong, grey with zygodactyl toes",
+        "wings: vibrant green with blue flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright green feathers blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue tips",
+        "throat: rosy-pink to orange feathers connecting with breast"
+    ],
+    "malacorhynchus membranaceus": [
+        "back: pale grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, spatulate shape, soft pink to orange color",
+        "belly: creamy white plumage",
+        "breast: rosy pink hues with white feathers",
+        "crown: pale grey with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: light grey-brown coloring",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grey-blue color",
+        "wings: grey-brown feathers with white, pink, and dusky-black markings",
+        "nape: light grey and white markings",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, grey-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white with soft pink blush"
+    ],
+    "cygnus olor": [
+        "back: sleek, white feathers",
+        "beak: stout and orange with black knob",
+        "belly: white, smooth feathers",
+        "breast: elegantly curved with white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth white feathers with rounded profile",
+        "forehead: small and white with subtle curve",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and bold against white feathers",
+        "legs: black and webbed for graceful swimming",
+        "wings: long, elegant, strong, and white",
+        "nape: curved, white, elongated feathers",
+        "tail: short, white, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: small area with soft, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "corcorax melanorhamphos": [
+        "back: dark, glossy plumage",
+        "beak: hooked, black design",
+        "belly: sleek, ebony feathers",
+        "breast: smoothly curved, black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black, flat top",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: beady, yellow-ringed orbs",
+        "legs: strong, black limbs",
+        "wings: broad, powerful flaps",
+        "nape: shiny, ruffled feathers",
+        "tail: elongated black plumes",
+        "throat: smooth, dark patch"
+    ],
+    "fulica ardesiaca": [
+        "back: dark grey or black with subtle white streaks",
+        "beak: stout, white shield-like plate",
+        "belly: slate-grey with slight purple hue",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with white streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black with a hint of green",
+        "forehead: adorned with prominent white frontal shield",
+        "eyes: small, red or brown, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow with large lobed toes",
+        "wings: dark grey or black with prominent white streaks",
+        "nape: glossy black, merging into grey on the back",
+        "tail: short, dark grey or black, with white undertail feathers",
+        "throat: deep greyish-blue, contrasting with the white streaks on the breast"
+    ],
+    "todiramphus chloris": [
+        "back: vibrant green hue with slight plum bloom",
+        "beak: strong, black hooked shape",
+        "belly: light yellowish-white color",
+        "breast: creamy white with faint green tinge",
+        "crown: brilliant metallic deep blue",
+        "forehead: dazzling bluish-purple shade",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, surrounded by thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy black with strong toes",
+        "wings: vibrant green shade with bluish tips",
+        "nape: bright blue-green transition",
+        "tail: iridescent blue-green feathers with black band",
+        "throat: creamy white with gentle green undertones"
+    ],
+    "catherpes mexicanus": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray",
+        "eyes: large and dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: strong and black",
+        "wings: gray-brown with light barring",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark with white tips",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "icterus galbula": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow with contrasting black streaks",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow and slightly pale",
+        "breast: rich yellow with faint black markings",
+        "crown: contrastingly black and blends into forehead",
+        "forehead: glossy black, extending to crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: thin and dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white markings, and pops of yellow",
+        "nape: seamlessly transitions from black to yellow",
+        "tail: elongated, black with white accents",
+        "throat: radiant yellow, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "catharus minimus": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, thin, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white to grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with fine streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with tinges of rust",
+        "forehead: slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale, slender, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: olive-brown, square-shaped, slightly forked",
+        "throat: whitish to pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "passerina ciris": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and pale gray",
+        "belly: lemon-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: rich red-orange feathers",
+        "crown: iridescent green-blue hue",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: turquoise-blue with black edging",
+        "nape: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright red-orange plumage"
+    ],
+    "podiceps cristatus": [
+        "back: sleek, brownish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly upturned, pale",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: rufous-colored, rounded",
+        "crown: dark, shiny crest with a fan shape",
+        "forehead: dark, flattened feathers extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright red or orange, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, grey, lobed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long, slender, tucked along the body",
+        "nape: elongated, slim feathers tapering to the back",
+        "tail: short, stiff, black or grey feathers",
+        "throat: white, with a hint of rufous near the breast"
+    ],
+    "dendrocygna bicolor": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: dark grey, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: buff white, with fine barring",
+        "breast: chestnut coloring, subtle streaking",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: dark grey, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: expressive, encircled with white",
+        "legs: long, grey-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: reddish-brown, black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: chestnut patch, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: tapered, black with white tips",
+        "throat: buff white, streaked finely with grey"
+    ],
+    "dolichonyx oryzivorus": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: elongated, pointed shape",
+        "belly: pure white plumage",
+        "breast: bright white feathers",
+        "crown: contrasting black plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and slender, grayish color",
+        "wings: long and pointed, black and white feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: elongated and sharply pointed",
+        "throat: white feathered area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "poliocephalus poliocephalus": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: white feathering",
+        "breast: white plumage, slightly fluffy",
+        "crown: curved head profile with white feathers",
+        "forehead: white feathers transitioning into gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, and bright",
+        "legs: relatively short, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: grayish-white, elliptical shape in flight",
+        "nape: white feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: white and gray feathers, moderately long",
+        "throat: white feathers, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "numenius phaeopus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with dark, vertical stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale stripes",
+        "forehead: pale, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, positioned on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: long, bluish-grey and unfeathered",
+        "wings: mottled brown with white edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale stripes",
+        "tail: long, brown with barred pattern",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "melierax canorus": [
+        "back: dark, patterned feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: strong, hooked for tearing prey",
+        "belly: creamy white with slate gray streaks",
+        "breast: pale, mottled gray with subtle barring",
+        "crown: dark gray with a sleek profile",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter gray transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, yellow-orange with a ring of bare skin",
+        "legs: long, slender, and featherless for walking and perching",
+        "wings: broad, dappled gray and black with a slight curve",
+        "nape: subtly streaked, slate gray blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, black-and-gray striped with a square, blunt end",
+        "throat: pale, streaked gray contrasting with the darker breast"
+    ],
+    "junco hyemalis": [
+        "back: slate gray or brownish-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: small, conical, pale pinkish or flesh-colored",
+        "belly: predominantly white or off-white underparts",
+        "breast: grey with a hint of rust-colored sides",
+        "crown: slate gray or blackish-grey head and crest",
+        "forehead: color blending with the crown, slate gray or blackish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark with a distinct white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish or pale-colored, slender",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with light wing bars",
+        "nape: continuous grey color from crown to back",
+        "tail: greyish-black, outer feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white, consistent with breast color"
+    ],
+    "sialia sialis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: petite, jet black",
+        "belly: white with rusty red sides",
+        "breast: vibrant blue leading to white",
+        "crown: deep blue, flat crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue",
+        "eyes: round, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray",
+        "wings: deep blue, elongated",
+        "nape: striking blue feathers",
+        "tail: dark blue, square-tipped",
+        "throat: royal blue transition to white"
+    ],
+    "falco cenchroides": [
+        "back: slate to dark gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, bluish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy or buff-white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray or slate-colored",
+        "forehead: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow with black iris",
+        "legs: yellow, scaled talons",
+        "wings: long, slender, with dark gray feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray, sometimes with a pale stripe",
+        "tail: dark gray with thin white bands",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "phoenicopterus chilensis": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with hints of pink covering the upper body",
+        "beak: black hooked tip with a white base and pinkish hue",
+        "belly: whitish-pink feathers covering the lower body",
+        "breast: smooth, pale pink feathers spanning the chest region",
+        "crown: flat, slightly dome-shaped head with pale pink feathers",
+        "forehead: light pink feathers creating a gentle, sloping contour",
+        "eyes: small, round yellow eyes with a pinkish, feathered outline",
+        "legs: long, thin legs with a pinkish hue and black, webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, curved pink and black feathers for effective flight and wading",
+        "nape: pale pink feathers connecting the head and back",
+        "tail: short, flicker of feathers with a mix of pink, white, and black",
+        "throat: slender neck covered in light pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "trogon elegans": [
+        "back: iridescent green, contrasting blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and yellow",
+        "belly: bright red-orange hue",
+        "breast: greenish-blue plumage",
+        "crown: black and blue with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: shimmering green-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: short and yellow with sharp claws",
+        "wings: multicolored with vibrant patterns",
+        "nape: iridescent green, blending into the back",
+        "tail: boldly patterned, square-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: metallic blue and green plumage"
+    ],
+    "ara macao": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: rich red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: blue feathers atop the head",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange color",
+        "eyes: intelligent gaze with white patches",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and scaly",
+        "wings: long and blue with red and yellow accents",
+        "nape: blue feathers transitioning to red",
+        "tail: elongated blue and red feathers",
+        "throat: bright red-orange feathers"
+    ],
+    "larus occidentalis": [
+        "back: dark gray feathered mantle",
+        "beak: long, strong, and hooked, yellow with a red spot",
+        "belly: white feathered underside",
+        "breast: white feathered front",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-white top of head",
+        "forehead: flat, gray-white frontal area",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, and alert",
+        "legs: pinkish or yellowish, webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, dark gray with black wingtips and white spots",
+        "nape: grayish-white back of the neck",
+        "tail: white, short, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white feathered lower head area"
+    ],
+    "carduelis carduelis": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: white with buff-colored sides",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with a distinct black border",
+        "crown: red with black markings",
+        "forehead: bright red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: black with a broad yellow band",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white markings",
+        "throat: white with a black-bordered chest band"
+    ],
+    "aquila rapax": [
+        "back: tawny-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: tawny-brown feathers",
+        "crown: tawny-brown plumage",
+        "forehead: tawny-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow-orange",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-gray",
+        "wings: broad and long, tawny-brown with dark tips",
+        "nape: tawny-brown feathers",
+        "tail: square and short, tawny-brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "anas rubripes": [
+        "back: dark brown feathered dorsum",
+        "beak: black-colored, medium-sized, broad bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown speckles",
+        "breast: deep brown with white and gray striping",
+        "crown: dark brown with striped appearance",
+        "forehead: gently sloping, brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black irises",
+        "legs: robust, orange-hued legs and webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown plumage with white-bordered speculum feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with white striping",
+        "tail: brown feathers with a light brown band",
+        "throat: brownish-grey feathers transitioning to breast"
+    ],
+    "mitrephanes phaeocercus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers and smooth texture",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: pale-yellow underparts with light barring",
+        "breast: grayish-olive with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: lighter gray and slightly rounded",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, blackish legs and clawed feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "tail: dark-gray, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "anas flavirostris": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: yellow-orange, slightly curved",
+        "belly: beige with faint streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow, strong and webbed",
+        "wings: brown with white and green patches, strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into back",
+        "tail: short, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white, similar to breast color"
+    ],
+    "piranga rubra": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange feathered",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and conical",
+        "belly: rich red-orange hue",
+        "breast: bright red-orange plumage",
+        "crown: scarlet feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: bright and vivid red-orange",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a slightly white outer ring",
+        "legs: slender and black",
+        "wings: red-orange, black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: back of neck with scarlet plumage",
+        "tail: long, dark, and red-orange tipped",
+        "throat: radiant and red-orange feathered"
+    ],
+    "passerculus sandwichensis": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale",
+        "belly: white with faint brown markings",
+        "breast: whitish-yellowish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-brownish above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black, small with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish or pale brown, slender",
+        "wings: brownish with black streaks and white edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown and streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: clean white, bordered by brown stripes"
+    ],
+    "lophaetus occipitalis": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish-grey in color",
+        "belly: slightly lighter brown than the back, with thin streaks",
+        "breast: brown and white feathers, appearing chestnut in color",
+        "crown: white feathers with a crest on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers meeting the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown and piercing, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy and featherless, yellowish in color with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long and broad, dark brown with white patches visible in flight",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with distinct horizontal white bands",
+        "throat: white feathers extending down from the beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "chalcomitra senegalensis": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration with slight sheen",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved, moderate-length",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellow feathers blending with dark green",
+        "crown: shining emerald green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent green feathers",
+        "eyes: black, round, set in pale featherless skin",
+        "legs: grey, sturdy, with strong feet",
+        "wings: shimmering green with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: metallic green feathers meeting the yellow belly",
+        "tail: dark green, undertail covert feathers bright yellow",
+        "throat: rich yellow feathers with metallic green chin"
+    ],
+    "terpsiphone paradisi": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green plumage",
+        "beak: slim, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: light greyish-white hue",
+        "breast: shiny turquoise-blue color",
+        "crown: sleek black head feathers",
+        "forehead: jet-black with slight shine",
+        "eyes: dark, small, glistening",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: mix of blue, green, black",
+        "nape: radiant royal blue",
+        "tail: elongated, ribbon-like, eye-catching",
+        "throat: shiny bluish-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "passer melanurus": [
+        "back: sleek, dark feathers",
+        "beak: slim, pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey-white",
+        "breast: dark-banded, grayish-brown",
+        "crown: black with subtle iridescence",
+        "forehead: dark, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark with a pale grey eyering",
+        "legs: thin, blackish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with distinctive white wing-bars",
+        "nape: black with a green sheen",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white with fine, dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "calidris alba": [
+        "back: light grey with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: slim, straight, black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: pale grey with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light grey with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: white with slight grey markings",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, thin, black",
+        "wings: light grey with black-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: light grey with dark streaks",
+        "tail: white with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "merops persicus": [
+        "back: blue-green iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white with streaked yellow",
+        "breast: light blue chest feathers",
+        "crown: blue-green iridescent head",
+        "forehead: bright yellow-orange patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye ring",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: long, blue-green with black tips",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green fading to yellow",
+        "tail: elongated central tail feathers, blue-green",
+        "throat: bright yellow with a black mask"
+    ],
+    "acanthiza pusilla": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: slightly darker grayish-white",
+        "crown: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint feather edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuous from crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with pale outer tips",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "accipiter nisus": [
+        "back: blue-grey, striped feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, hooked",
+        "belly: white with reddish-brown markings",
+        "breast: pale with brown streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-grey, sleek plumage",
+        "forehead: smooth, blue-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: intense, bright yellow",
+        "legs: long, yellow, sharp talons",
+        "wings: short, rounded, blue-grey on top",
+        "nape: bluish-grey, connected to crown",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey, banded, squared-off",
+        "throat: white with thin, brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax auritus": [
+        "back: dark, glossy feathers with greenish sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved, with hooked tip",
+        "belly: black or dark gray with a faint sheen",
+        "breast: black and glossy, smoothly transitioning from the neck",
+        "crown: black feathers, can form a slight crest",
+        "forehead: sleek black, sloping into beak smoothly",
+        "eyes: bright blue, surrounded by small, black feathers",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, webbed, and black",
+        "wings: broad and black, with greenish hues and white patches",
+        "nape: black feathers extending down from the crown",
+        "tail: long, black, wedge-shaped, with stiff central feathers",
+        "throat: black, with smooth feathers and a slightly paler patch"
+    ],
+    "bubo scandiacus": [
+        "back: white with dark brownish spots",
+        "beak: short, strong, yellowish",
+        "belly: pure white, densely feathered",
+        "breast: white with small dark markings",
+        "crown: pale plumage, round white face",
+        "forehead: white with light brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: feathered, grayish, sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, barred with brownish-black patterns",
+        "nape: white with brownish markings",
+        "tail: white with faint brownish bars",
+        "throat: white with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "ixoreus naevius": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark markings",
+        "beak: blackish-gray, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black speckles",
+        "breast: orange-red with dark bars",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight reddish tint",
+        "forehead: gray, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with reddish-brown patches",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, connecting to crown",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "larus hyperboreus": [
+        "back: pale grey feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, yellow with a red spot",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: light grey plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, pale grey feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, pale grey",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange and webbed",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: pale grey, seamlessly blending with crown",
+        "tail: short, white with black band",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "geothlypis philadelphia": [
+        "back: olive green with faint grey streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical and dark",
+        "belly: yellowish with subtle grey streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with greyish streaks",
+        "crown: grey with yellow side patch",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey slender limbs",
+        "wings: olive green with two prominent white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive green merging into grey",
+        "tail: olive with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "geranoaetus melanoleucus": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, curved black",
+        "belly: creamy white feathers",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray feathers",
+        "forehead: white and gray patch",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-orange",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, feathered",
+        "wings: wide-spanning, black, white, and gray",
+        "nape: gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, banded black and white",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "patagioenas fasciata": [
+        "back: dark gray with metallic sheen",
+        "beak: straight, black, relatively short",
+        "belly: light gray or off-white",
+        "breast: slightly paler gray than back",
+        "crown: dark gray or bluish-gray",
+        "forehead: same color as crown, sometimes with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: bright yellow or orange ring around a black pupil",
+        "legs: short, red or pinkish",
+        "wings: dark gray with two white bars on each",
+        "nape: similar color to crown, sometimes with iridescence",
+        "tail: dark gray with a rounded or slightly tapered shape",
+        "throat: lighter gray, mixing with breast color"
+    ],
+    "euodice malabarica": [
+        "back: olive-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: warm beige with dark streaks",
+        "crown: light brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with streaks and white spots",
+        "nape: light brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale beige with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "nectarinia famosa": [
+        "back: iridescent green plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, and curved for nectar feeding",
+        "belly: olive-yellow feathers",
+        "breast: bright orange with a purple patch",
+        "crown: glossy green cap",
+        "forehead: metallic green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, framed by thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short, grayish with sharp claws for perching",
+        "wings: pointed, dark blue with green highlights",
+        "nape: shimmering green transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, forked with iridescent blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant orange with a touch of purple at the center"
+    ],
+    "chlorospingus flavopectus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, gray, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: yellowish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow merging with the belly",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with slight greenish tinge",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-brown coloration",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: light gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale yellow edging",
+        "nape: grayish-brown transitioning to olive-green back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green, straight-edged",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gorsachius melanolophus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "beak: blackish, slightly hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: buffy white coloration with dark brown streaking",
+        "breast: streaked reddish-brown and buff",
+        "crown: black with long chestnut crest",
+        "forehead: partially concealed by chestnut crest",
+        "eyes: prominent white eye-ring with deep red irises",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: dark brown with buffy white streaks and spots",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, broad, dark brown feathers with buffy white barring",
+        "throat: white with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "porzana carolina": [
+        "back: olive-brown with vertical white stripes",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale blue",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with black and white barring",
+        "breast: light gray and unmarked",
+        "crown: slate-gray with a black patch",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: bold, black, and contrasting",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green with some red tones",
+        "wings: brownish-black with small patches of white",
+        "nape: dark slate-gray with a black collar",
+        "tail: short, blackish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "sturnella neglecta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale gray or white with black streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with black patch, streaked sides",
+        "crown: striped brown back",
+        "forehead: gray or buff-colored",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: long, slender, and gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white streaks, reddish shoulder patches",
+        "nape: gray or brown, striped",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "phalaropus lobatus": [
+        "back: light gray with black speckles",
+        "beak: slender, needle-like, and black",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with speckled pattern",
+        "crown: dark gray with a lighter streak",
+        "forehead: light gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white stripes",
+        "nape: streaked dark gray",
+        "tail: pointed, dark gray with white edges",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes hoffmannii": [
+        "back: shades of green, gray, and black",
+        "beak: long and sharp, grayish with black tip",
+        "belly: yellowish-white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: pale gray, small horizontal barring",
+        "crown: crimson-red; males only",
+        "forehead: dull-red with pale-grayish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a grayish-white eyering",
+        "legs: strong, olive-gray",
+        "wings: black with white patches, often with a white band",
+        "nape: grayish, occasionally streaked",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers, lightly barred",
+        "throat: pale gray, occasionally with faint banding"
+    ],
+    "cynanthus latirostris": [
+        "back: bright green upper body feathers",
+        "beak: broad and short, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: paler green underbelly",
+        "breast: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue head feathers",
+        "forehead: bright blue markings",
+        "eyes: small and black, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black tips",
+        "nape: darker green feathers",
+        "tail: dark green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: vibrant blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "turdus chiguanco": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint spotting",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: uniform grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: light grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: darker brown with pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown matching crown",
+        "tail: grayish-brown, squared-off",
+        "throat: pale gray with indistinct streaking"
+    ],
+    "pelargopsis capensis": [
+        "back: grayish-blue upper body feathers extending from neck to base of tail",
+        "beak: long, curved, and bright red with a pale yellow tip",
+        "belly: white and slightly fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white plumage transitioning to grayish-blue around the sides",
+        "crown: small, slightly raised crest of feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth gray-blue feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: black with white, almond-shaped patches surrounding them",
+        "legs: short, thick, and pale gray with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, gray-blue feathers with lighter blue edges",
+        "nape: gray-blue feathers extending from the back of the head to the upper back",
+        "tail: long and broad, with gray-blue feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: white, with a slightly palermark where the beak meets the neck"
+    ],
+    "coccyzus erythropthalmus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a smooth transitional gradient",
+        "beak: elongated, slightly curved, and blackish in color",
+        "belly: soft white with gentle cream undertones",
+        "breast: grayish-white with a slightly textured appearance",
+        "crown: olive-brown, seamlessly blending with the back",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown with a subtle transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: bright red-orange ring surrounding a dark pupil",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish-blue, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark, well-defined primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending smoothly into the back feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, olive-brown feathers with white tips and a distinctive forked shape",
+        "throat: pale gray with a smooth transition to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "thalasseus maximus": [
+        "back: dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, yellow, and dagger-like shape",
+        "belly: white and sleek feathers",
+        "breast: light grey feathering",
+        "crown: black cap over head",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, focused, and sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short and orange-red",
+        "wings: elongated grey feathers with dark tips",
+        "nape: grey feathers connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: forked, grey-white feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage, contrasting the breast"
+    ],
+    "jacana spinosa": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with pale streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pale gray",
+        "belly: white with some brown markings",
+        "breast: rufous chestnut with black to grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a blue frontal shield",
+        "forehead: flat blue shield extending over eyes",
+        "eyes: relatively small, dark brown",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue with elongated toes",
+        "wings: brown with white and buff feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: brown with black and white bands, tip edged with white",
+        "throat: white or pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "todiramphus sanctus": [
+        "back: dark green feathers",
+        "beak: long and black",
+        "belly: olive-green hue",
+        "breast: olive-green feathers",
+        "crown: vibrant blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue coloring",
+        "eyes: black with white outline",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark green with blue edging",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated with green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale bluish-green"
+    ],
+    "clangula hyemalis": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers with white outline",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale-colored",
+        "belly: white with black scalloping",
+        "breast: snowy white with black speckles",
+        "crown: smooth black with white patch",
+        "forehead: black with white border stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by white patches",
+        "legs: orange, webbed, and fairly short",
+        "wings: black and white, with elongated feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers blending into white",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped black feathers",
+        "throat: white with thin black stripe"
+    ],
+    "ocreatus underwoodii": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with some iridescent blue",
+        "beak: short, strong, black curved beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with pale chartreuse undertones",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow, iridescent plumage",
+        "crown: stunning, iridescent blue crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue, meeting the crest",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: slender, black, and strong",
+        "wings: radiant green with bright blue tips",
+        "nape: iridescent blue blending into green",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent blue upper-tail coverts with a green base",
+        "throat: white feathers with a faint greenish tint"
+    ],
+    "sterna striata": [
+        "back: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "beak: thin and straight, dark grey",
+        "belly: pale whitish-grey, streaked",
+        "breast: light grey-brown with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown, sometimes with reddish tinge",
+        "forehead: pale greyish-brown, more clear",
+        "eyes: dark brown with thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, long, and greyish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-grey, short and rounded",
+        "nape: brownish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "tail: short and brownish-grey",
+        "throat: pale grey with barely visible streaking"
+    ],
+    "artamus leucorynchus": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: broad, flattened, dark gray",
+        "belly: light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: smooth, pale gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark, small, alert gaze",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: long, pointed, gray-blue feathers",
+        "nape: gray-blue, blending with crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, gray-blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "theristicus caudatus": [
+        "back: vibrant and colorful plumage",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and curved",
+        "belly: light greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: soft and fluffy feathers, often with subtle hues",
+        "crown: adorned with bright or contrasting plumes",
+        "forehead: short, smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, with scaly skin and sharp claws",
+        "wings: elongated flight feathers, often with distinct patterning",
+        "nape: striking colors with a variety of feather types",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and well-defined",
+        "throat: smooth, unpatterned feathers, often with contrasting colors"
+    ],
+    "megarynchus pitangua": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: broad, hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: yellowish with pale streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow, smudged with gray",
+        "crown: rusty-red with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: blackish with a few pale streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive to grayish-brown, with faint streaks",
+        "nape: rusty-red continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with darker banding",
+        "throat: white with grayish smudging"
+    ],
+    "megaceryle torquata": [
+        "back: slate-blue plumage with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, black, and dagger-like",
+        "belly: white with dark blue bands",
+        "breast: white with a blue neck band",
+        "crown: slate-blue with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white with slate-blue band",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring",
+        "legs: short, dark, and sturdy",
+        "wings: slate-blue with distinct white patches",
+        "nape: white with a slate-blue collar",
+        "tail: long, dark, with white bands and tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by a blue band"
+    ],
+    "amazona autumnalis": [
+        "1. back: green with darker blue edges on feathers",
+        "2. beak: dark gray, hooked and strong",
+        "3. belly: yellowish-green feathered",
+        "4. breast: light green with blue wash towards wing edge",
+        "5. crown: green with blue frontal part",
+        "6. forehead: bluish-green feathers transitioning to brighter green",
+        "7. eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "8. legs: light gray with scaly texture",
+        "9. wings: bright green with red and blue flight feathers",
+        "10. nape: green with subtle blue hues",
+        "11. tail: green with red-tipped feathers",
+        "12. throat: greenish-yellow with darker edges on feathers"
+    ],
+    "catharus ustulatus": [
+        "back: olivaceous-brown with grayish tinge",
+        "beak: slender, slightly decurved, and pale grayish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with buffy wash",
+        "breast: warm buff, fading to white",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with diffuse central stripe",
+        "forehead: smooth and brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: expressive, dark brown, with an orange eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown, and bare",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with indistinct streaks",
+        "tail: relatively long, brownish-gray with a slight notch",
+        "throat: pale buffy-white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "larus argentatus": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with a slightly darker shade",
+        "beak: sturdy, yellow, and hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: white feathers covering the underside",
+        "breast: white, merging with the grey back feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, light gray feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: pale gray feathers transitioning to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and centrally positioned on the head",
+        "legs: pinkish, webbed feet with scaly shanks",
+        "wings: light gray with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: light gray feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: white with black banding towards the end",
+        "throat: white feathers extending from the chin to the chest"
+    ],
+    "ardea cinerea": [
+        "back: light grey feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: white or light grey feathers",
+        "breast: subtle grey plumage with a streaked pattern",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers with a dramatic crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and light grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: large and broad, with grey and white feathers",
+        "nape: grey feathers with a sharp transition to the crest",
+        "tail: elongated and narrow, grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "throat: white or light grey feathers, contrasted with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "rupornis magnirostris": [
+        "back: olive-brown color with subtle pattern",
+        "beak: large, powerful, hooked shape",
+        "belly: light cream color with dark markings",
+        "breast: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rufous shade with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: light cream fading to rufous on the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, amber-yellow color",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellowish-orange hue",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with light tips",
+        "nape: rufous tint with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, wide bands with light edges",
+        "throat: pale cream, spotted or streaked with darker hues"
+    ],
+    "elseyornis melanops": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, robust, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: white with sparse black markings",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black plumage",
+        "eyes: round, mid-sized, black",
+        "legs: long, fragile-looking, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: pointed, dark-gray with white patches",
+        "nape: black with a hint of iridescence",
+        "tail: medium-length, black with white edges",
+        "throat: white transitioning into black feathers"
+    ],
+    "sialia currucoides": [
+        "back: light blue feathered back",
+        "beak: small, black, pointy beak",
+        "belly: pale gray underside",
+        "breast: light blue feathered chest",
+        "crown: bright blue top of the head",
+        "forehead: blue feathered area between eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, round eyes",
+        "legs: tiny, black, upright legs",
+        "wings: bright blue with black feather tips",
+        "nape: blue feathered area between head and back",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white outer edges",
+        "throat: pale gray-blue feathered area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "thalasseus bergii": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, black with yellow tip",
+        "belly: white and fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: light grey shading to white",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: white, contrasting with crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slim, orange-red in color",
+        "wings: pointed grey feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: grey, transitioning into the crown",
+        "tail: short, forked, grey and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "corythornis cristatus": [
+        "back: dark blue with bright iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and black in color",
+        "belly: pale blueish-grey with some white feathers",
+        "breast: bright iridescent blue fading to grey",
+        "crown: vibrant blue with a sleek crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue with a smooth transition to crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by dark blue feathers",
+        "legs: thin, black, and featherless",
+        "wings: iridescent blue with elongated middle feathers",
+        "nape: radiant blue with an iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: long and slender, deep iridescent blue with thin white tips",
+        "throat: bright blue fading into blueish-grey on the lower part"
+    ],
+    "motacilla tschutschensis": [
+        "back: pale gray-brown, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: thin, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: off-white to grayish",
+        "breast: soft gray transitioning into white",
+        "crown: dull gray-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: blended gray-brown to match crown",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, pale, and strong",
+        "wings: gray-brown with prominent white wing bars",
+        "nape: smooth muted gray-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark, and narrow with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white for contrast with breast"
+    ],
+    "charadrius pecuarius": [
+        "back: golden-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short and black",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: pale brown with a distinct black collar",
+        "crown: golden-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white patch",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: yellowish-grey",
+        "wings: golden-brown with white tips",
+        "nape: golden-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and black with white margins",
+        "throat: white with a black collar"
+    ],
+    "poecile hudsonicus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: small, black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with faint striping",
+        "breast: light grey with minimal streaking",
+        "crown: blackish with a white stripe on either side",
+        "forehead: blackish, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: thin, blue-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edging",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a black \"chinstrap\" line"
+    ],
+    "lanius collurio": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with fine black barring",
+        "beak: black, strong, and hooked",
+        "belly: whitish with fine black barring",
+        "breast: pale orange to rosy pink",
+        "crown: grey with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: pale grey",
+        "eyes: black with a distinct white eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: dark, slender and strong",
+        "wings: black with white patches, and reddish-brown coverts",
+        "nape: grey, contrasting with the reddish-brown back",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: whitish, sometimes with a hint of rosy pink"
+    ],
+    "dendrocopos syriacus": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: long, chisel-shaped, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale pinkish-white with light spots",
+        "breast: slightly reddish with white speckles",
+        "crown: crimson-red with striking patterns",
+        "forehead: olive-green and a part of facial pattern",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: grayish with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white spots, short and sturdy",
+        "nape: olive-green with white speckles",
+        "tail: stiff, pointed, and dark upper-tail feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "cygnus melancoryphus": [
+        "back: dark plumage on upper body",
+        "beak: dark grayish-black with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: white feathers underneath",
+        "breast: white with flecks of black",
+        "crown: black feathers on head with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black transition to beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long black legs with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with black edges",
+        "nape: black feathers merging with the back",
+        "tail: white with contrasting black upper tail coverts",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning from the black head"
+    ],
+    "gelochelidon nilotica": [
+        "back: pale grey upperparts",
+        "beak: sharp-pointed, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: white or pale underparts",
+        "breast: greyish-white, often with dark streaks",
+        "crown: pale grey, streaked with dark lines",
+        "forehead: white or pale forehead",
+        "eyes: black or dark brown, small eye size",
+        "legs: reddish-black, relatively short",
+        "wings: long, dark-edged, pointed",
+        "nape: grey, streaked with dark lines",
+        "tail: forked, with dark outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, occasionally with streaks"
+    ],
+    "amazilia tzacatl": [
+        "back: iridescent green hue",
+        "beak: long, needle-like, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light gray and white feathers",
+        "breast: shimmering green feathers",
+        "crown: bright green plumage",
+        "forehead: iridescent green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and thin with sharp claws",
+        "wings: fast, tapered, and powerful",
+        "nape: vibrant green and blue feathers",
+        "tail: wire-like and rounded, tipped with white",
+        "throat: vibrant green plumage"
+    ],
+    "acrocephalus arundinaceus": [
+        "back: streaked with shades of light brown",
+        "beak: long, strong, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown texture",
+        "breast: pale brownish with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and light brown",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and well-defined",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: long, rounded with brown barring",
+        "nape: brown, lightly streaked",
+        "tail: brown with dark bands, broad and graduated",
+        "throat: light brown with a paler center"
+    ],
+    "campylopterus hemileucurus": [
+        "back: metallic green feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black with pointed tip",
+        "belly: white with brownish-grey speckles",
+        "breast: vibrant violet-blue hue with hints of shimmer",
+        "crown: metallic green with an iridescent sheen, crest-like plumage",
+        "forehead: dazzling emerald green tint, seamless transition from crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and beady with surrounding white ring",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and dark grey with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: blueish-violet with green edging, slightly curved feathers",
+        "nape: glossy metallic green, smooth transition to the back",
+        "tail: elongated, forked, iridescent blue-violet feathers",
+        "throat: rich violet blue, bright contrast to its belly"
+    ],
+    "limosa fedoa": [
+        "back: brownish-grey plumage with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly upturned, and dark",
+        "belly: white with fine dark barring",
+        "breast: pale with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: brownish with darker central stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-yellow and unstriped",
+        "eyes: dark and positioned on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: long and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: long, broad, with black and white patterned tips",
+        "nape: buffy-colored with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark with white edges and rufous-orange base",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "copsychus saularis": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers with a bluish-green sheen",
+        "beak: slender, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or light gray with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: shiny black with a greenish-blue tinge",
+        "crown: glossy black and well-defined",
+        "forehead: flat, black, and shiny",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin black eye ring",
+        "legs: black, slender, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: long, dark, and black with white patches at the base",
+        "nape: black, glossy, and slightly iridescent",
+        "tail: long, black, with white tips and outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with bluish-green sheen, smooth and prominent"
+    ],
+    "phylloscopus sibilatrix": [
+        "back: olive-green with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale white-yellowish",
+        "breast: faint yellow hue",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green with dark stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-green merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: green with distinct white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, similar to the back",
+        "tail: dark with contrasting white edges",
+        "throat: creamy white"
+    ],
+    "barnardius zonarius": [
+        "back: olive-green with black barring",
+        "beak: dark-grey, strong and hooked",
+        "belly: yellowish-green with black edging",
+        "breast: bluish-grey with black barring",
+        "crown: yellow with black and blue stripes",
+        "forehead: yellow and blue",
+        "eyes: dark with an off-white eye-ring",
+        "legs: charcoal-grey and robust",
+        "wings: olive-green with blue and black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue with yellow streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green and black with a broad azure-blue band",
+        "throat: pale-blue with fine black barring"
+    ],
+    "mareca strepera": [
+        "back: gray-brown with dark lines",
+        "beak: bluish-gray color, black tip",
+        "belly: creamy-white with fine black spots",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with black striping",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: vibrant orange-yellow",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white patch and green speculum",
+        "nape: gray-brown, merging into the crown",
+        "tail: blackish-gray with white, rounded edges",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark, thin lines"
+    ],
+    "rallus obsoletus": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale greyish-brown",
+        "breast: light brown with faint spots",
+        "crown: dark brown fading to a lighter color at the sides",
+        "forehead: light brown with a subtle stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: lengthy, reddish-orange with long toes",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter streaks and bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with fine barring",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white with a faint stripe"
+    ],
+    "leiothlypis celata": [
+        "back: olive-green with pale streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaking",
+        "breast: light yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a concealed yellow or orange patch",
+        "forehead: plain olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish or grayish, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green without markings",
+        "tail: olive-green with slight notches",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "recurvirostra americana": [
+        "back: blue-grey upper back feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and upward-curving",
+        "belly: white and smooth underside",
+        "breast: pale bluish-grey feathers",
+        "crown: flat, blue-grey head",
+        "forehead: rounded and blueish-grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: long, slender, and bluish-green",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and blue-grey",
+        "nape: blue-grey with a faint line",
+        "tail: short, pointed, and blue-grey",
+        "throat: white and feathered"
+    ],
+    "amazonetta brasiliensis": [
+        "back: greenish-black with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: pale blue-grey with black tip",
+        "belly: light brown with faint spotting",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with black speckles",
+        "crown: glossy green with a hint of purple",
+        "forehead: white patch bordered by black",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: pale orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: greenish-black with iridescent speculum",
+        "nape: greenish-black blending with crown",
+        "tail: short and pointed, greenish-black",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast color"
+    ],
+    "ciconia episcopus": [
+        "back: sleek, elongated body with white and black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved, and black or dark grey",
+        "belly: white feathers with a smooth, fluffy appearance",
+        "breast: predominantly white feathers, contrasted with black wing and back feathers",
+        "crown: black or dark grey cap of feathers, top of head",
+        "forehead: white, unmarked feathers above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round, set into a white or light grey face",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black or dark grey, with webbed toes",
+        "wings: large, black, and wide, with a white trailing edge",
+        "nape: transition from white throat to dark grey or black head feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with white feathers on the outer edges and black feathers toward the center",
+        "throat: white feathers leading up to the head, contrasting with the dark cap"
+    ],
+    "strix uralensis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white with dark bars",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with pointed feathers",
+        "forehead: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "eyes: large and dark, surrounded by facial disks",
+        "legs: feathered light brown, ending in sharp talons",
+        "wings: wide, rounded, and brown with pale bands",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: long with brown and gray bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: pale gray with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "vireo solitarius": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle gray streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and grayish",
+        "belly: white or pale yellow tinged",
+        "breast: light grayish-green, blending with belly",
+        "crown: leaden-gray, contrasts against face",
+        "forehead: uninterrupted leaden-gray color",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, surrounded by white spectacles",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green, with two wing bars in yellowish-white color",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly darker than the back, with pale edging on feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale yellow, separating the breast from the face"
+    ],
+    "artemisiospiza nevadensis": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, grayish-black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray-brown, with some faint streaks",
+        "crown: bluish-gray, with streaks of black and rumpled texture",
+        "forehead: light bluish-gray, transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, with gray-black surrounding skin",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, sturdy, and slender",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with darker flight feathers, displaying white patches",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, with a slightly lighter shade than the back",
+        "tail: dark grayish-blue, with white outer feathers and v-shaped ends",
+        "throat: subtle, pale gray-white, complementing the belly color"
+    ],
+    "anthornis melanura": [
+        "back: dark, metallic greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale gray with black streaks",
+        "breast: metallic greenish-black, fading to gray",
+        "crown: dark, metallic greenish-black feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic greenish-black with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: dark brown, often hidden by surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-black with strong, agile toes",
+        "wings: dark, metallic greenish-black with a blue sheen",
+        "nape: metallic greenish-black feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: long and dark, with metallic greenish-black feathers",
+        "throat: bluish-gray with thin, black streaks"
+    ],
+    "ammospiza leconteii": [
+        "back: rich brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: buffy-white with sparse streaking",
+        "breast: buffy with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with sparse streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, positioned midway on head",
+        "legs: long, pale grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown, with distinct white wing bars and buffy edges",
+        "nape: brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: brown, short, and slightly notched",
+        "throat: buffy with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cyanoramphus novaezelandiae": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with subtle blue hues",
+        "beak: striking scarlet red, short and thick",
+        "belly: light greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: luminous yellow-green feathers",
+        "crown: bright green head-feathers sweeping backward",
+        "forehead: rich, emerald green plumage",
+        "eyes: alert, dark eyes enclosed by discrete eye-rings",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-brown legs with powerful talons",
+        "wings: deep green feathers with a touch of cobalt blue",
+        "nape: brilliant green feathers converging at the neck",
+        "tail: elongated green feathers with hints of blue and yellow",
+        "throat: lime green feathers with a tinge of yellow"
+    ],
+    "cossypha caffra": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: white feathers with black markings",
+        "breast: black feathers, white stripes on sides",
+        "crown: rusty-orange feathers on head",
+        "forehead: white plumage between eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, rounded with a dull yellowish ring",
+        "legs: long, slender with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded olive-green feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers on back of neck",
+        "tail: long, narrow with white edges and black markings",
+        "throat: white feathers, distinct black breastband"
+    ],
+    "phoenicopterus roseus": [
+        "back: curved, pinkish-white feathers",
+        "beak: downward curved, black tip, light pink base",
+        "belly: fluffy, light pink plumage",
+        "breast: rounded, rosy pink feathers",
+        "crown: smooth pink feathers tapering to a point",
+        "forehead: light pink feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: round, black, encircled by pink skin",
+        "legs: long, thin, pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, vibrant pink feathers with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: slightly curved, pinkish-white neck",
+        "tail: short, pink feathers, slightly fanned",
+        "throat: smooth, light pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes formicivorus": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-black feathers",
+        "beak: stout, chisel-shaped bill",
+        "belly: creamy white with fine black streaks",
+        "breast: lightly streaked pale grayish-white",
+        "crown: bold red crown covering the head",
+        "forehead: red feathers transitioning to white",
+        "eyes: deep black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: black and blue with white horizontal stripes",
+        "nape: white contrasting with bold red crown",
+        "tail: blue-black with white upper tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white with fine black streaking"
+    ],
+    "pycnonotus barbatus": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly scaled",
+        "beak: sturdy and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: creamy-white and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: light gray-brown with fine speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray-brown transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-brown fading to the back",
+        "tail: long and graduated with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with bold black streaks"
+    ],
+    "calyptorhynchus banksii": [
+        "back: dark black feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: large, white, and powerful curved shape",
+        "belly: black, slightly fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: deep black, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: black, sleek feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "forehead: black, smooth feathers connecting to beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and focused under a bony ridge",
+        "legs: strong, black, and feathered with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: large, black, with red panels on the underside",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: dark black, smooth, and streamlined feathers"
+    ],
+    "luscinia luscinia": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers blending down the spine",
+        "beak: dark, slender and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale creamy-white coloring with soft texture",
+        "breast: pale greyish-brown with minimal markings",
+        "crown: olive-brown hue accentuated with slight sleekness",
+        "forehead: gently sloping with olive-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: black and shiny, surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pinkish tone, long and slender",
+        "wings: rounded with dark brown and rufous feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers that seamlessly connect the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark brown feathers, short and square-ended",
+        "throat: creamy-white with a touch of softness"
+    ],
+    "dryobates scalaris": [
+        "back: barred black and white patterns",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with some black spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks on sides",
+        "crown: black with white patches",
+        "forehead: black and white stripes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with strong claws",
+        "wings: black and white bars with white spots",
+        "nape: black with white stripes",
+        "tail: black with thin white bars",
+        "throat: plain white"
+    ],
+    "melanerpes pucherani": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue plumage",
+        "beak: elongated, straight, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white, tinged pale yellow",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown spots",
+        "crown: glossy cobalt blue",
+        "forehead: bright red stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white patch",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black",
+        "wings: iridescent greenish-blue with black markings",
+        "nape: vivid red band",
+        "tail: long, mixed greenish-blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: white, occasionally with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "porphyrio melanotus": [
+        "back: dark bluish-violet feathers",
+        "beak: robust red bill",
+        "belly: blackish underparts",
+        "breast: bluish-purple hue",
+        "crown: shiny deep blue-black",
+        "forehead: smooth deep blue-black",
+        "eyes: bright red orbital ring",
+        "legs: long and strong red",
+        "wings: bluish-violet with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: rich deep blue-black",
+        "tail: short and dark with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: dark bluish-plumage"
+    ],
+    "protonotaria citrea": [
+        "back: bright golden-yellow",
+        "beak: long and pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: golden-yellow",
+        "breast: golden-yellow",
+        "crown: golden-yellow",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: bluish-gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with yellow edges",
+        "nape: golden-yellow",
+        "tail: bluish-gray, short",
+        "throat: golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "anser rossii": [
+        "back: light grey with subtle feather patterns",
+        "beak: small, curved, and pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: white with light grey flecks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with grey markings",
+        "crown: rounded, smooth grey plumage",
+        "forehead: light grey with a shallow slope",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and attentive",
+        "legs: short, light-orange, and webbed",
+        "wings: grey with white edging and curved tips",
+        "nape: smooth grey transitioning into the back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, with grey and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "tangara gyrola": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: rich, turquoise-blue plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow-green feathers",
+        "crown: deep blue with hints of turquoise",
+        "forehead: stunning cobalt-blue coloring",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: robust grayish-black limbs",
+        "wings: mixture of green, turquoise, and blue hues",
+        "nape: royal-blue plumage blending into green",
+        "tail: elongated, consisting of bright green and blue feathers",
+        "throat: golden-yellow feathers transitioning to turquoise-blue"
+    ],
+    "sphyrapicus nuchalis": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black barring",
+        "beak: long, slender, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark markings",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark red crown patch",
+        "forehead: white with black border",
+        "eyes: dark surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and short",
+        "wings: patterned with black, white, and red",
+        "nape: black with a pale band",
+        "tail: black with white patches at outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and streaked with black"
+    ],
+    "chloris sinica": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale pink-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-olive with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, surrounded by faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark bars and white wingbars",
+        "nape: brownish-olive with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark central feathers and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-buff with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "nisaetus cirrhatus": [
+        "back: dark brown, feathery texture",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish tip",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks and barring",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks and barring",
+        "crown: dark brown, crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: yellow or brown, intense gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, powerful, scaly",
+        "wings: long, brown, powerful",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: brown, horizontally barred, white-tip",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks, distinctive"
+    ],
+    "zosterops virens": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "breast: soft yellow with hints of green",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green and smooth",
+        "forehead: clean, greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark with distinct white eyering",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-black",
+        "wings: vibrant green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: yellow-green transition from crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark green with black tips",
+        "throat: pale, soft yellow with a hint of green"
+    ],
+    "vanellus miles": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with green iridescence",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with a black band on upper part",
+        "crown: black with a small, erect crest",
+        "forehead: white patch contrasting with darker head",
+        "eyes: large and dark brown",
+        "legs: long, slender, and red",
+        "wings: black with green iridescence, white patches on primaries",
+        "nape: black feathers merging into the crest",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a black ring"
+    ],
+    "falco rufigularis": [
+        "back: rusty-red feathers with bold black spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with reddish-brown spots",
+        "breast: pale white with horizontal reddish-brown bars",
+        "crown: rusty-red with dark streaking",
+        "forehead: pale reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, reddish-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: rust-colored with dark streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with dark horizontal bands",
+        "throat: white with fine reddish-brown spotting"
+    ],
+    "chlorostilbon lucidus": [
+        "back: glistening green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved black bill",
+        "belly: grayish-white with green tinges",
+        "breast: bright luminous emerald",
+        "crown: shimmering green head crest",
+        "forehead: gleaming green iridescence",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-black",
+        "wings: iridescent green with fast movement",
+        "nape: radiating green neck feathers",
+        "tail: forked, emerald green feathers",
+        "throat: dazzling metallic green"
+    ],
+    "passerella iliaca": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: conical-shaped, dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale with rusty hues and dark streaks",
+        "breast: warm reddish-orange with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff",
+        "eyes: dark with faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish with reddish-orange and dark streaks",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with reddish edges",
+        "throat: pale buff with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "eumomota superciliosa": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise with green tinges",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow underbelly",
+        "breast: chestnut brown fading to yellow",
+        "crown: turquoise with streaks of blue",
+        "forehead: vivid blue with a hint of green",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by bold, blue eyering",
+        "legs: slim, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: turquoise blue with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue with a darker patch",
+        "tail: elongated, bright blue with black central feathers",
+        "throat: deep yellow with a slight orange tint"
+    ],
+    "passer italiae": [
+        "back: olive-green color with streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale gray to white hue",
+        "breast: off-white with grayish tinge",
+        "crown: blue-ish gray with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with subtle markings",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like appearance",
+        "legs: thin, elongated, dark color",
+        "wings: rounded, olive-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: gray-blue with streaks",
+        "tail: medium-length, dark with white edges",
+        "throat: whitish-gray coloration"
+    ],
+    "calidris minuta": [
+        "back: light brown with dark brown speckles",
+        "beak: thin, long, and slightly curved downward",
+        "belly: white or pale gray",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaks",
+        "crown: striped brown and white",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright yellow-green, relatively short",
+        "wings: brown with lighter edges on feathers",
+        "nape: brown with small white streaks",
+        "tail: short, pointed, blackish-brown with dark bars",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "sphyrapicus thyroideus": [
+        "back: dark slate-gray with white barring",
+        "beak: long, chisel-like, dark colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black to dark gray barring",
+        "breast: black and white striped",
+        "crown: dark slate-gray",
+        "forehead: red patch on males, plain gray on females",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by slate-gray feathers",
+        "legs: pale pink with sharp black claws",
+        "wings: slate-gray with white spotting on secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark slate-gray",
+        "tail: blackish-gray with white barring",
+        "throat: black with white stripes"
+    ],
+    "paroaria coronata": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with slight green sheen",
+        "beak: short, conical, orange-red",
+        "belly: whitish-gray",
+        "breast: grayish-white",
+        "crown: bright red",
+        "forehead: vibrant red",
+        "eyes: dark brown with grayish eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "sitta pygmaea": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered back",
+        "beak: short, pointed, black bill",
+        "belly: whitish-gray underside",
+        "breast: light gray plumage",
+        "crown: blue-gray rounded head",
+        "forehead: blue-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black, beady eyes",
+        "legs: short, sturdy gray legs",
+        "wings: blue-gray, sharp-edged feathers",
+        "nape: blue-gray, smoothly-rounded nape",
+        "tail: squarish, blue-gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked neck"
+    ],
+    "milvago chimango": [
+        "back: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with brownish markings",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: rufous brown with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: pale brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange with strong talons",
+        "wings: dark brown flight feathers, paler coverts with rufous edges",
+        "nape: rufous brown with paler edges",
+        "tail: pale brown with darker bands and white tip",
+        "throat: creamy white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "lybius torquatus": [
+        "back: dark olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with bold black spotting",
+        "crown: deep chestnut with distinct white streaks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with a white border",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a bare grey-white eye ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: black with white and chestnut patches",
+        "nape: rich chestnut with a narrow white collar",
+        "tail: dark greenish-black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black with a white border extending from the beak to the neck"
+    ],
+    "circus macrourus": [
+        "back: vibrant turquoise-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: soft, bluish-gray feathers",
+        "crown: glossy black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin, elongated, blue-gray color",
+        "wings: rounded, stunning blue and black pattern",
+        "nape: blue-black feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: impressive, elongated central feathers, black and white",
+        "throat: sleek black plumage transitioning to gray"
+    ],
+    "habia fuscicauda": [
+        "back: olive-brown with grayish tinge",
+        "beak: short, thick, and pale",
+        "belly: pale gray with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with brownish spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a faint crest",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with grayish shades",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and slate gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with reddish-brown highlights",
+        "nape: olive-brown with grayish tinge",
+        "tail: long and reddish-brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: grayish-white with brownish spots"
+    ],
+    "larus heermanni": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish",
+        "belly: light gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: smooth gray-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray-black patch",
+        "forehead: flat, light gray",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-red, long, webbed",
+        "wings: wide, gray with white tips",
+        "nape: gray feathers transitioning to black",
+        "tail: white with black outer feathers",
+        "throat: gray-white feathered area"
+    ],
+    "anthus petrosus": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "beak: yellowish-orange and slender",
+        "belly: pale and whitish",
+        "breast: buff-colored with streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with stripes",
+        "forehead: pale with faint markings",
+        "eyes: dark, large, and prominent",
+        "legs: pinkish or yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white edges",
+        "nape: light brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with narrow white outer feathers",
+        "throat: off-white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "sarcoramphus papa": [
+        "back: black feathered with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellow-orange with black tip",
+        "belly: black plumage with white streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with some dark streaks",
+        "crown: featherless, brightly colored red, orange, and yellow",
+        "forehead: colored red, orange, and yellow, lacking feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by colored skin",
+        "legs: dark grey, powerful and strong",
+        "wings: long, broad, black feathers with white streaks",
+        "nape: black feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and squared, black with white streaks",
+        "throat: brightly colored, red, orange, and yellow, partially featherless"
+    ],
+    "aegithalos caudatus": [
+        "back: grayish-brown and streaked",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: pale and grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white and lightly streaked",
+        "crown: black with white border",
+        "forehead: black and white striped pattern",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: long and brown with white edges",
+        "nape: black with white border",
+        "tail: long, narrow and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: grayish-white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "calidris canutus": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with fine, dark streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, black and pointed",
+        "belly: white with some grayish-brown speckling",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with darker streaks and markings",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and well-defined with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: moderately long, black with slightly webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and narrow, grayish-brown with contrasting white wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white sides and dark central feathers",
+        "throat: white with faint grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "corvus albicollis": [
+        "back: glossy black with iridescent blue-green sheen",
+        "beak: large, robust, and black",
+        "belly: pure white, contrasting with darker plumage",
+        "breast: stark white merging into the black neck",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, black, and scaled",
+        "wings: broad, black, with lighter sheen on wingtips",
+        "nape: curve from head to back with black feathers",
+        "tail: long, fanned, and black with subtle iridescence",
+        "throat: black feathers gradually transitioning to white belly"
+    ],
+    "leiothlypis peregrina": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaking",
+        "beak: slim, pointy, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with sparse streaking",
+        "breast: yellowish with black streaks",
+        "crown: unstreaked olive-green",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green tinge",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-brown",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "corythaixoides concolor": [
+        "back: uniform grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, whitish-gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-brown with slight streaks",
+        "breast: soft grayish-brown with accentuated streaks",
+        "crown: subtle crest with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray with scaled texture",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with slight barring pattern",
+        "nape: uniform grayish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: moderately long, grayish-brown with slight banding",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "aythya novaeseelandiae": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white spots",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black nail at the tip",
+        "belly: white and slightly speckled",
+        "breast: dark reddish-brown with white flecks",
+        "crown: dark brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smoothly curved, merging with the beak",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with a white stripe at the trailing edge",
+        "nape: dark brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with faint white edges",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasts with the darker breast"
+    ],
+    "melopsittacus undulatus": [
+        "back: blue and black horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: small, dark grey hook-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: pale yellow feathers",
+        "forehead: yellow with black horizontal bars",
+        "eyes: black bead-like with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, bluish-grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue, grey and black, curved in flight",
+        "nape: yellow and black stripes",
+        "tail: long, blue and black stripes",
+        "throat: dotted black markings on yellow base"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax pelagicus": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: slender, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: black with hints of metallic green",
+        "crown: black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: blue or green with black pupils",
+        "legs: webbed feet, dark gray in color",
+        "wings: long, broad, and black",
+        "nape: black feathers, slightly longer than the rest of the head",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: white patch extending toward the lower neck"
+    ],
+    "larus crassirostris": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thick, hook-tipped, yellowish with red spot",
+        "belly: clean white, contrasting plumage",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers",
+        "crown: dark and well-defined streaks",
+        "forehead: gently sloping, white feathered",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark, bordered by thin white lines",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pink, webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, grayish-brown with black-tipped primary feathers",
+        "nape: white, forming a partial collar",
+        "tail: short, white with black band at the end",
+        "throat: white, blending with breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "oriolus larvatus": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow-orange with black streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, curved and silver-black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black patterns",
+        "breast: vivid yellow-orange with black markings",
+        "crown: deep black with thin yellow lines",
+        "forehead: striking black with touches of yellow",
+        "eyes: round and dark with yellow eye-rings",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy, grayish-black",
+        "wings: black with striking yellow panels",
+        "nape: black with subtle yellow markings",
+        "tail: long and black with yellow edges",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow-orange with black stripes"
+    ],
+    "actitis macularius": [
+        "back: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "beak: long, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: white with brown spots",
+        "crown: brown with lighter stripes",
+        "forehead: white with brown speckles",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: light brown with darker markings",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: light brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "poecile palustris": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle brown streaks",
+        "beak: small, black, and conical",
+        "belly: pale white with faint gray tint",
+        "breast: bluish-gray with a light brown wash",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with a small crest",
+        "forehead: blackish brown, merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark beady, encircled by a small white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy light pink or gray",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting with the back",
+        "tail: short and narrow with square tips",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, contrasting with the breast"
+    ],
+    "loxia leucoptera": [
+        "back: streaked with brown and white",
+        "beak: short, crossed mandibles",
+        "belly: pale white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "crown: red or pinkish in males, gray-brown in females",
+        "forehead: red in males, gray-brown in females",
+        "eyes: dark, small and beady",
+        "legs: sturdier legs, gray color",
+        "wings: black with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: faintly streaked, gray-brown",
+        "tail: blackish with white spots",
+        "throat: whitish, sometimes streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "nestor meridionalis": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "beak: curved, strong, silver-grey",
+        "belly: pale grey-brown with yellow-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale grayish-white, slightly darker than crown",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a pale grey, bare ocular patch",
+        "legs: long and sturdy with beige-grey color",
+        "wings: dark brown with distinctive yellow accent",
+        "nape: dark grey with pale streaks blending into back",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with yellow band at the tip",
+        "throat: whitish-grey with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "ploceus ocularis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow underside",
+        "breast: golden-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black cap with a small crest",
+        "forehead: part of the black cap",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring surrounding dark brown eye",
+        "legs: grayish, strong, and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with some yellow edges, rounded shape",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers, continuation of the back",
+        "tail: olive-green feathers with some yellow, short and rounded",
+        "throat: bright golden-yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "tetrastes bonasia": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with subtle white markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, and cone-shaped with a grayish-black hue",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine white speckles",
+        "breast: off-white with brownish-grey spots",
+        "crown: dark brown fading into a lighter brown on the forehead",
+        "forehead: light brown with thin, darker feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round with a dark, penetrating gaze",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy limbs covered in grayish-brown scales and ending in sharp claws",
+        "wings: medium length, brownish-grey with white markings and patches",
+        "nape: pale gray transitioning into a darker brown towards the crown",
+        "tail: long and broad, displaying a mix of grayish-brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white with slight gray shading"
+    ],
+    "ardea purpurea": [
+        "back: dark purple-gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellow",
+        "belly: pale purple-gray with streaks",
+        "breast: deep purple-gray with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray with sharp feathers",
+        "eyes: round and yellowish",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellow",
+        "wings: large, purple-gray with reddish-brown accents",
+        "nape: purplish-red stripe down the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, purple-gray feathers",
+        "throat: light gray with streaks"
+    ],
+    "acridotheres javanicus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: pale grey with darker streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-white with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black and glossy with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and slightly feathered",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light pink and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark grey with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, black, with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: greyish-white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "fulica americana": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: thick, white bill",
+        "belly: grayish feathers",
+        "breast: grayish frontal shield",
+        "crown: blackish cap",
+        "forehead: red frontal shield",
+        "eyes: bright red",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: dark gray, flightless",
+        "nape: blackish-gray",
+        "tail: short, pointed",
+        "throat: light gray"
+    ],
+    "haematopus unicolor": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight metallic sheen",
+        "beak: reddish-orange, long, and chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with a touch of gray",
+        "breast: white with grayish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, merging with forehead",
+        "forehead: dark brown and continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: yellow with a red ring around the iris",
+        "legs: pinkish-red, moderately long for wading",
+        "wings: white with black flight feathers and brownish coverts",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: medium length with white and grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "anthus spinoletta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with slight streaks",
+        "crown: streaked olive-brown",
+        "forehead: pale buff",
+        "eyes: beady, dark",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-black with light feather edges",
+        "nape: continuous olive-brown streaking",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: unmarked pale buff"
+    ],
+    "dromaius novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: flat and elongated",
+        "beak: large, flat and hooked",
+        "belly: rounded and white-feathered",
+        "breast: wide and muscular",
+        "crown: sparse plumage, black feathers",
+        "forehead: nearly bare skin, blueish-grey",
+        "eyes: large, brown with thick lashes",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, greyish-green",
+        "wings: small, vestigial with elongated tips",
+        "nape: blueish-grey skin, sparse feathers",
+        "tail: short, sparse black feathers",
+        "throat: blueish-grey, nearly bare skin"
+    ],
+    "buteogallus meridionalis": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: black, hooked, sharp for tearing prey",
+        "belly: white feathers with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white feathers with brown streaks and barring",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers, forming a \"cap",
+        "forehead: white feathers, transitioning into the darker crown",
+        "eyes: penetrating yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, yellow, and powerful with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with lighter barring, strong for soaring",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: brown with white bands, squared-off, used for maneuvering",
+        "throat: white feathers, contrasting with the dark brown face"
+    ],
+    "vireo olivaceus": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish with faint yellowish hue",
+        "breast: pale yellow with subtle greenish streaks",
+        "crown: grayish with obscure dark stripes",
+        "forehead: grayish-olive with dark feather borders",
+        "eyes: dark with conspicuous white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale bluish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark with two bold white wing-bars",
+        "nape: greenish-gray with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark, slightly notched with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pycnonotus aurigaster": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white plumes",
+        "breast: greyish-white, sometimes with a hint of yellow",
+        "crown: dark brown or black band of feathers",
+        "forehead: mix of olive-brown and black feathers",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown blending with the crown",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: white or pale grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "eupsittula pertinax": [
+        "back: greenish-bronze feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, curved, light-colored",
+        "belly: greenish-yellow plumage",
+        "breast: green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "crown: bright yellow-green head",
+        "forehead: light green with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish legs with zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: greenish-blue tint and large rounded shape",
+        "nape: green with subtle yellow markings",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue feathers with a slight v-shape",
+        "throat: green plumage blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "catharus fuscescens": [
+        "back: olive-brown with grayish tinge",
+        "beak: short, straight, and blackish",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white with warm buff tones",
+        "breast: grayish with faint reddish-brown spots",
+        "crown: uniform olive-brown",
+        "forehead: pale, grayish-white",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with three buff wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown, matching crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint buff spots",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, clear of spots"
+    ],
+    "tetrao tetrix": [
+        "back: dark slate grey with fine vermiculation",
+        "beak: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: blackish-brown with white barring",
+        "breast: dark slate grey, blending into white belly barring",
+        "crown: glossy black, iridescent",
+        "forehead: black, slightly tufted",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert expression",
+        "legs: dark grey, feathered for warmth",
+        "wings: rounded, deep black, spotted white pattern",
+        "nape: glossy black with white-tipped feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black with lyrurus pattern",
+        "throat: iridescent black, puffed in courtship display"
+    ],
+    "lanius minor": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, black, sharp",
+        "belly: whitish with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey, subtly barred",
+        "crown: well-defined black crown stripe",
+        "forehead: black extending from beak",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze",
+        "legs: lengthy, black, slender",
+        "wings: black with white patches",
+        "nape: light grey, smooth plumage",
+        "tail: long, jet-black, edged with white",
+        "throat: white, unblemished"
+    ],
+    "calonectris diomedea": [
+        "back: dark gray plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp, yellow-tipped",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: dark gray cap",
+        "forehead: slightly darker gray than back",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long and pointed, dark gray with lighter edges",
+        "nape: gray feathers transitioning to white",
+        "tail: gray and forked",
+        "throat: white feathered with a distinct border"
+    ],
+    "quiscalus quiscula": [
+        "back: iridescent, with greenish-blue and purple shades",
+        "beak: long, strong, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: dull grayish-black, with slight iridescence",
+        "breast: dark gray-black, shimmering with green and purple tints",
+        "crown: glossy black, oily sheen",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark feathering over rounded skull",
+        "eyes: pale yellow, sharp and intent",
+        "legs: strong, black, scaly, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, iridescent with greenish-blue and purple tones",
+        "nape: glossy black, with a metallic sheen transitioning to back feathers",
+        "tail: long, slender, slightly rounded, iridescent",
+        "throat: black feathers extending from beak, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "haliaeetus leucocephalus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers cover the upper body",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellow beak for fishing",
+        "belly: white feathers covering lower body",
+        "breast: white feathers on upper chest",
+        "crown: flat head with dark brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, where dark brown feathers start",
+        "eyes: sharp, focused, yellow eyes with black pupils",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow, scaled legs ending in fierce talons",
+        "wings: broad, powerful wings with dark brown feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers on the back of the neck",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, white feathers for effective steering",
+        "throat: white-feathered neck extends from the underside of the beak"
+    ],
+    "spilornis cheela": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white spots",
+        "beak: dark-colored, hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with dark brown bands",
+        "breast: white with dark brown bands",
+        "crown: brownish-black with white spots",
+        "forehead: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: vibrant yellow with a dark, round pupil",
+        "legs: yellowish with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, mostly brown with white bands",
+        "nape: brownish-black with white spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: light brown with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "entomyzon cyanotis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with a touch of blue",
+        "breast: soft gray-blue plumage",
+        "crown: bright turquoise crest",
+        "forehead: vivid blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by blue rings",
+        "legs: grayish-blue and sturdy",
+        "wings: brilliant blue-green, strong and agile",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers with distinct turquoise markings",
+        "tail: long and tapered, showcasing blues and greens",
+        "throat: pale gray with hints of turquoise"
+    ],
+    "orthotomus sutorius": [
+        "back: olive-green colored feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: cream-colored, lightly striped",
+        "breast: pale orange with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-orange, well defined",
+        "forehead: bright rufous, contrasts with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with thin white bars",
+        "nape: rufous-orange, blending into back",
+        "tail: long, edged with rufous-orange",
+        "throat: white, bordered by dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ardenna creatopus": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown upper feathers",
+        "beak: stout, hook-tipped, pale yellow",
+        "belly: white with scattered dark spots",
+        "breast: smoky grey-brown feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown, rounded plumage",
+        "forehead: white feathers with faint dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, located amid white and grey feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-red, strong and webbed",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark grey-brown with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: dark grey-brown feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped with dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by smoky grey-brown on sides"
+    ],
+    "certhiaxis cinnamomeus": [
+        "back: rich brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: slender, curved, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale-yellowish hue",
+        "breast: cinnamon-toned with subtle markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with some streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: delicate, brownish-gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with lighter streaks, adapted for quick flutters",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long, slender, and brown with fine barring",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "passerina caerulea": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with subtle gray streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: white with hints of light blue",
+        "breast: white with blue-gray streaks",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest",
+        "forehead: sky blue with black markings",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray, and strong",
+        "wings: bright blue with dark markings",
+        "nape: deep blue with a contrasting white stripe",
+        "tail: elongated, tapered, and blue with black and white accents",
+        "throat: white with a soft blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "phalaropus fulicarius": [
+        "back: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "beak: slightly curved, slender, black",
+        "belly: white, slightly patterned with grey",
+        "breast: white, divides grey of the back and neck",
+        "crown: dark grey-black, peaked and angular",
+        "forehead: white with a black stripe line",
+        "eyes: round with a narrow black circle",
+        "legs: elongated, olive-yellow",
+        "wings: grey-black with concealed white feathers",
+        "nape: dark grey, connects to the back",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, grey-black feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white, extends as a patch from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "cyanerpes cyaneus": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: contrasting white plumage",
+        "breast: deep blue tones",
+        "crown: bright blue crest",
+        "forehead: shining blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by blue",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray",
+        "wings: striking blue and black patterns",
+        "nape: vivid blue plumage continuation",
+        "tail: blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: rich blue, well-defined area"
+    ],
+    "stilpnia cyanicollis": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and conical",
+        "belly: silvery blue with darker streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant royal blue",
+        "crown: shining blue with violet tinges",
+        "forehead: bright turquoise-blue",
+        "eyes: black with white outline",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-violet with black edges",
+        "nape: rich purplish-blue plumage",
+        "tail: elongated blue-violet feathers",
+        "throat: deep blue with iridescent sheen"
+    ],
+    "pheucticus ludovicianus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: stout, cone-shaped, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks and spots",
+        "breast: yellow with black central streak",
+        "crown: gray-blue with black streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-brown, featherless",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: gray-blue with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white corners",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "ortalis wagleri": [
+        "back: olive-brown colored with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, stout, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown with dark spots",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with black markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with a pale stripe down the center",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale yellow eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, with dull orange or grayish-brown coloring",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black and white barring",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with black and white bands and a broad white tip",
+        "throat: light grayish-brown with fine black streaks"
+    ],
+    "furnarius rufus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, slightly curved, dark-grey beak",
+        "belly: lighter rufous (reddish) coloration",
+        "breast: rufous-colored feathers",
+        "crown: brick-red head feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler rufous shade",
+        "eyes: dark, beady eyes surrounded by dark feathering",
+        "legs: long, slender grey legs",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "tail: pointed, rufous-colored tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale rufous feathering"
+    ],
+    "treron vernans": [
+        "back: greenish with bluish-grey wash",
+        "beak: short, hooked, dull orange",
+        "belly: pale greenish-yellow",
+        "breast: greenish-yellow, some blue-grey",
+        "crown: green with bluish-grey edges",
+        "forehead: light green",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: short, orangeish-red",
+        "wings: dark green, bluish-grey undertones",
+        "nape: green with blue-grey highlights",
+        "tail: long, greenish-blue, black band",
+        "throat: greenish-yellow with blue-grey tint"
+    ],
+    "dryobates pubescens": [
+        "back: varied shades of black and white feathers",
+        "beak: strong, chisel-like, black or dark gray",
+        "belly: white or pale gray feathered",
+        "breast: white or pale gray feathered, sometimes with black flecks",
+        "crown: red or reddish-orange patch on the head",
+        "forehead: white or light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large, black, and round",
+        "legs: short, strong, and gray",
+        "wings: black and white spotted or barred pattern",
+        "nape: black and white striped feathers",
+        "tail: stiff and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or light gray feathers"
+    ],
+    "colaptes auratus": [
+        "back: olive-green to golden brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: yellow with black spots",
+        "breast: golden brown with black spots",
+        "crown: grey with red nape patch",
+        "forehead: light grey to white",
+        "eyes: dark, round with black outlines",
+        "legs: short and grey",
+        "wings: golden-brown with black barring",
+        "nape: red patch on the back of the head",
+        "tail: dark feathers with black and white barring",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "amaurornis phoenicurus": [
+        "back: dark slate-grey, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: white with dusky undertones",
+        "breast: slate-grey with white streaks",
+        "crown: darker grey with a red crest",
+        "forehead: greyish-white, transition to the darker crown",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing white-ringed",
+        "legs: strong, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: slate-grey, rounded edges",
+        "nape: slightly lighter grey, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark slate-grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with grey breast"
+    ],
+    "molothrus bonariensis": [
+        "back: dark iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, conical, black",
+        "belly: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "crown: glossy black, smooth",
+        "forehead: glossy black, smooth",
+        "eyes: dark, round, small",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: dark, iridescent, pointed",
+        "nape: glossy black, smooth",
+        "tail: dark, slightly forked, broad",
+        "throat: grayish-brown, streaked"
+    ],
+    "pycnonotus capensis": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dull white with thick streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with hint of yellow",
+        "crown: rich chestnut color",
+        "forehead: reddish-orange strip",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by white ring",
+        "legs: greyish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-tipped edges",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored, lies between crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, highlighted against gray breast"
+    ],
+    "leptoptilos crumenifer": [
+        "back: grayish-black feathers with a slight iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: large, hooked-shaped, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-black with thin white feather fringes",
+        "crown: sparsely covered with short, dark feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent, large, and bare with red patches",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and situated on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: long, thick, and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: massive, grayish-black feathers with a broad white band",
+        "nape: covered in short, dark feathers with a slight iridescent sheen",
+        "tail: relatively short, grayish-black feathers with a white tip",
+        "throat: large, expandable, bare red pouch for display and courtship"
+    ],
+    "lagopus lagopus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white plumage in the winter, light grey-brown in summer",
+        "breast: predominantly white with light grey-brown speckles",
+        "crown: rounded head with brown and white feather pattern",
+        "forehead: blending of white and brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: feather-covered for insulation, light grey-brown color",
+        "wings: rounded, white and brown patterned feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey feathers with white speckles",
+        "tail: short and rounded, white and brown feather pattern",
+        "throat: lighter grey-brown feathers on a slightly convex surface"
+    ],
+    "ardeotis kori": [
+        "back: light brown with faint white speckles",
+        "beak: long and sharp, pale pinkish-grey hue",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black barring",
+        "breast: black with white speckles and dark chestnut edges",
+        "crown: black feathers with a mix of white specks",
+        "forehead: black feathers with white specks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a grey eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and thin, with a greyish-pink tint",
+        "wings: ashy-brown with fine white spots",
+        "nape: light brown, speckled with white tips",
+        "tail: long and narrow, black with white edges",
+        "throat: black feathers with a mix of white specks"
+    ],
+    "neochmia temporalis": [
+        "back: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, pale pink",
+        "belly: creamy-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-white",
+        "eyes: black with white eye ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with pale edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with pale edges",
+        "throat: pale cream with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "icterus prosthemelas": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow feathers",
+        "breast: yellow and black streaks",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin black eye-line",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: black with hints of blue iridescence",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: long, black, and forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "tadorna tadornoides": [
+        "back: dark-brown feathers with a green sheen",
+        "beak: pinkish-orange with a distinct black tip",
+        "belly: buff and white patchy feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with black bands",
+        "crown: dark-brown feathers, distinct crest",
+        "forehead: light buff color, transitioning to dark-brown crown",
+        "eyes: dark, encircled by white feathering",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: dark-brown primary feathers, white secondary feathers, greenish iridescence",
+        "nape: dark-brown feathers, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: elongated with dark-brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, blending into buff breast"
+    ],
+    "podilymbus podiceps": [
+        "back: dark plumage covering the dorsal region",
+        "beak: strong, short, and pointed",
+        "belly: white feathers on the lower body",
+        "breast: striped white and gray pattern",
+        "crown: black feathers cresting the head",
+        "forehead: sleek and low-angled in profile",
+        "eyes: small, round, and red-eyed",
+        "legs: short, thick, and laterally set",
+        "wings: brownish-black and compact",
+        "nape: smooth feathers meeting the neck and back",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, and dark-colored",
+        "throat: whitish area transitioning to breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "icterus spurius": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with thin streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a hint of yellow",
+        "forehead: bright yellow hue",
+        "eyes: dark and rounded, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: thin, gray-blue, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edges",
+        "nape: olive-green, matching the back",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright, solid yellow"
+    ],
+    "gallinago gallinago": [
+        "back: mottled brown and gray plumage",
+        "beak: long, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: whitish with faint barring",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark central stripe with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: pale with a dark central line",
+        "eyes: small and black in color",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow, medium length",
+        "wings: rounded tips with dark and light feather patterns",
+        "nape: brown and gray with variable striping",
+        "tail: short, broadly barred with alternating colors",
+        "throat: whitish with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "tringa semipalmata": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark barring",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with pale gray-brown streaking",
+        "breast: light gray-brown with spotting",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green or yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with gray and white barring",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers and gray at the base",
+        "throat: white or pale gray"
+    ],
+    "patagioenas flavirostris": [
+        "back: light gray with slight greenish hue",
+        "beak: yellowish with black tip",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with light feather borders",
+        "breast: pale gray with a slight pinkish tinge",
+        "crown: bluish-gray with a slight sheen",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: orange with a pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: purplish-red with black claws",
+        "wings: gray with darker tips and internal black stripes",
+        "nape: lighter gray than the back",
+        "tail: gray with a broad black subterminal band",
+        "throat: white with a faint grayish wash"
+    ],
+    "turdus olivaceus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint spotting",
+        "beak: yellowish, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light cream with dark speckles",
+        "breast: grayish, speckled plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, olive-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: subtly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, pale-pink, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with distinct wingbars",
+        "nape: faintly spotted, olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, brownish, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "sarkidiornis melanotos": [
+        "back: dark green-black feathers",
+        "beak: large, rounded, and light-colored",
+        "belly: mostly white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers with occasional black flecks",
+        "crown: glossy green-black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth transition from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by green-black feathers",
+        "legs: long, reddish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: green-black feathers with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: glossy green-black feathers transitioning to white towards the throat",
+        "tail: long green-black feathers with a fan-like appearance",
+        "throat: white feathers with a subtle border to breast"
+    ],
+    "contopus cooperi": [
+        "back: olive-brown with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with soft streaking",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: dark olive-brown with a peaked appearance",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with a blackish-brown hue and subtle white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, moderately forked, with indistinct white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with thin dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "lagonosticta senegala": [
+        "back: reddish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, silver-grey cone",
+        "belly: bright red plumage",
+        "breast: vibrant red feathers",
+        "crown: deep red, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: red with smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black tips",
+        "nape: red feathers transitioning to brown",
+        "tail: long, brown feathers with black stripes",
+        "throat: brilliant red with smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "limnodromus scolopaceus": [
+        "back: brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long and straight, slightly curved at tip",
+        "belly: white with brownish spots",
+        "breast: dark spots and scalloped pattern",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-green",
+        "wings: dark brown, pointed with white bars",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bars",
+        "throat: white with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "numida meleagris": [
+        "back: dark gray with small white spots",
+        "beak: short, brownish, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale gray with fine white speckles",
+        "breast: dotted with small round markings",
+        "crown: adorned with a reddish-brown helmet-like structure",
+        "forehead: light gray with pale markings",
+        "eyes: small, round, surrounded by a patch of blue skin",
+        "legs: long and strong, with sharp gray claws",
+        "wings: gray-brown adorned with a combination of white speckles and v-shaped markings",
+        "nape: featherless with a patch of bright blue skin",
+        "tail: short and rounded with layers of gray feathers and white spots",
+        "throat: characterized by a bare, light blue wattle"
+    ],
+    "campephilus guatemalensis": [
+        "back: black feathers with a slight glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long, thick ivory-colored bill",
+        "belly: white with horizontal black stripes",
+        "breast: black with hints of glossy blue feathers",
+        "crown: red fan-shaped crest on male, black on female",
+        "forehead: black feathers extending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and round, encircled with white",
+        "legs: black and sturdy, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black feathers with white spots and banding",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning into red or black crown",
+        "tail: black and white feathers forming checkerboard pattern",
+        "throat: black with a narrow white stripe"
+    ],
+    "zonotrichia atricapilla": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: conical and pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: black with yellow central stripe",
+        "forehead: black blending into white stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: gray transitioning from black crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white edges",
+        "throat: white bordered by dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "podiceps major": [
+        "back: sleek, streamlined feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and elongated",
+        "belly: white feathered, round shape",
+        "breast: full, prominent, covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, dark feathers on top of the head",
+        "forehead: flat, with dark plumage",
+        "eyes: large, round, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and webbed",
+        "wings: broad, strong, with dark and white feathers",
+        "nape: graceful curve from head to shoulders",
+        "tail: short, fan-like, with dark feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers, elongating the neck"
+    ],
+    "acanthiza chrysorrhoa": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey with a black stripe",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark",
+        "legs: greyish-brown, thin",
+        "wings: olive green with white markings",
+        "nape: greyish-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, white-tipped",
+        "throat: pale grey"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax sulcirostris": [
+        "back: dark feathers covering dorsal side",
+        "beak: hooked and serrated, yellow at base",
+        "belly: black feathers, slightly lighter than back",
+        "breast: dark feathers with white patch on throat",
+        "crown: blackish-green feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth, blackish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: dark coloration, long and broad for soaring",
+        "nape: blackish-green with curled feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: white patch extending from chin to upper breast"
+    ],
+    "sylvia communis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, sturdy, and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with slightly darker streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth light brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blackish and white edges on the feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown, continuing the pattern from the crown",
+        "tail: dark brown with a rounded tip and a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sicalis flaveola": [
+        "back: bright yellow and streaked with grayish-black",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with some faint streaking",
+        "crown: yellow with a hint of olive-green",
+        "forehead: vivid yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "remiz pendulinus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with pale gray sides",
+        "breast: pale buff or creamy white",
+        "crown: black with chestnut sides",
+        "forehead: black with chestnut edges",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or grayish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with narrow white edges",
+        "throat: white or pale cream, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "turdus grayi": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: yellow-orange, slightly curved",
+        "belly: off-white with grayish-brown spots",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark spots",
+        "crown: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "forehead: subtle gray-blue hue",
+        "eyes: dark, prominent with grayish-white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint barring",
+        "nape: smooth gray-blue transition from crown",
+        "tail: relatively long, square-ended, reddish-brown",
+        "throat: pale gray with distinct streaks"
+    ],
+    "asio otus": [
+        "back: mottled brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and hooked",
+        "belly: light gray with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: white with brown speckles",
+        "eyes: large, yellow-orange, and piercing",
+        "legs: feathered, pale gray",
+        "wings: long, rounded, with brown barring",
+        "nape: brown with light gray streaks",
+        "tail: brown with light bands and a rounded tip",
+        "throat: pale gray with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "pipilo chlorurus": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-green",
+        "breast: light olive-green, blending with belly",
+        "crown: grayish-green with a central crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-green, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-green, continuous with the crown and back",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with dark central feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "ortalis poliocephala": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with fine markings",
+        "beak: short, stout, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: buff-colored with light streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with faint barring",
+        "crown: blue-gray head crest with slight reddish hue",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray fading to buff towards the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white ring around each eye",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray with strong, sharp claws",
+        "wings: mottled brown and gray with white edges on flight feathers",
+        "nape: bluish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped with black banding and white tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "anas georgica": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: dark grey with pale tip",
+        "belly: whitish with fine black spots",
+        "breast: buff with dark brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: brown with iridescent green speculum",
+        "nape: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, pointed feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with fine black spots"
+    ],
+    "helmitheros vermivorum": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: olive-yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with black stripe",
+        "forehead: olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale edging",
+        "nape: olive-brown with black stripe",
+        "tail: olive-brown, long and notched",
+        "throat: pale yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "dicrurus bracteatus": [
+        "back: glossy black with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: strong, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: matte black with subtle gray undertones",
+        "breast: sleek black with a metallic gleam",
+        "crown: black with a glossy, iridescent shine",
+        "forehead: smooth black with a shimmering reflection",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, with a blackish-brown hue",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black, with agile toes",
+        "wings: jet black with an iridescent blue-green gloss",
+        "nape: glistening black, blending seamlessly with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated and deeply forked, with a glossy black finish",
+        "throat: obsidian black, smooth and with a subtle glint"
+    ],
+    "euphagus carolinus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark in color",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown to buff",
+        "breast: muted brown with rusty streaks",
+        "crown: olive-gray with darker head feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-olive",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-gray, blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: short and squared with dark, iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-gray with fading rusty streaks"
+    ],
+    "gallinula chloropus": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: bright red with yellow tip",
+        "belly: greyish-white feathering",
+        "breast: slate-grey plumage",
+        "crown: blackish coloring",
+        "forehead: red shield-like patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow with lobed toes",
+        "wings: short and rounded with greenish-blue speculum",
+        "nape: dark, glossy green",
+        "tail: short and white, often flicked up",
+        "throat: pale grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "bartramia longicauda": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with noticeable spots",
+        "breast: greenish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: mottled with yellow-green and dark coloring",
+        "forehead: white strip above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, yellowish-green, and slender",
+        "wings: elongated with dark bars and white tips",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, straight, and dark banded",
+        "throat: white, relatively unmarked"
+    ],
+    "motacilla capensis": [
+        "back: olive green with a streaked pattern",
+        "beak: slender and sharp, dark grey color",
+        "belly: pale grey with a white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: grey and or light yellow with dark grey streaks",
+        "crown: olive green or brown, moderately streaked",
+        "forehead: olive green or brown, leading to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown, outlined by a pale circular ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pink or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-green with prominent white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive green, transitioning to the back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white outer feathers and a slight fork",
+        "throat: pale grey or off-white, strip of dark streaks down the center"
+    ],
+    "patagioenas picazuro": [
+        "back: smooth, grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked; grayish-black tip",
+        "belly: light gray, blending to white",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight purple iridescence",
+        "crown: grayish-blue with a gentle shine",
+        "forehead: smooth, light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by unfeathered blue skin",
+        "legs: red or pinkish-gray, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, gray-blue upper surface, black edge",
+        "nape: soft, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, slightly squared-off, gray-blue",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to light gray"
+    ],
+    "larus cachinnans": [
+        "back: light grey with a subtle feather texture",
+        "beak: yellow with an orange-red spot near tip",
+        "belly: white, soft-looking feathers",
+        "breast: white with a smooth appearance",
+        "crown: pale grey, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: pale grey, matches the crown",
+        "eyes: yellow with black pupils, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, thin, and sturdy",
+        "wings: light grey with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: pale grey, connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: white with a black band at the end",
+        "throat: white, smooth transitioning into breast"
+    ],
+    "bostrychia hagedash": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and dark grey",
+        "belly: white with faint brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: white feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: long, dark grey, and scaly",
+        "wings: olive-brown with lighter streaks, slightly pointed tips",
+        "nape: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark brown feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to brown on the breast"
+    ],
+    "eudynamys scolopaceus": [
+        "back: dark green with a metallic sheen",
+        "beak: strong, curved, and black",
+        "belly: white or light-colored with dark barring",
+        "breast: white or pale, varying in hue depending on subspecies",
+        "crown: dark green, glossy, with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black with a white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: bright red with a black pupil",
+        "legs: robust, grayish-blue, with strong feet and talons",
+        "wings: long and rounded, with a unique red-brown hue",
+        "nape: glossy green, transitioning to the crown's coloration",
+        "tail: long, red-brown with a black band and white tips",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with adjacent pale breast"
+    ],
+    "vireo flavifrons": [
+        "back: olive-green and slightly streaked",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with yellowish sides",
+        "breast: white and unmarked",
+        "crown: olive-green with a faint yellowish stripe",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with white or gray edges",
+        "eyes: black with a white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-blue or black",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a yellowish-green stripe",
+        "tail: greenish with a slight notch and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "stilpnia vitriolina": [
+        "back: vibrant greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, slender, and black",
+        "belly: deep blue with thin streaks",
+        "breast: shining turquoise with black spots",
+        "crown: iridescent dark blue",
+        "forehead: metallic blue-green hue",
+        "eyes: dark brown, relatively small",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-black",
+        "wings: bright blue with black tips",
+        "nape: rich emerald green",
+        "tail: elongated and forked, royal blue",
+        "throat: shiny turquoise with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "macronyx croceus": [
+        "back: yellow-streaked, olive-brown",
+        "beak: long, curved, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow, spotted",
+        "breast: warm yellow",
+        "crown: striped, olive-brown",
+        "forehead: yellow-streaked, olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, round",
+        "legs: long, slender, pink",
+        "wings: dark brown, faint barring",
+        "nape: yellow-streaked, olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, black, white edges",
+        "throat: warm yellow"
+    ],
+    "aramides cajaneus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: medium length, slightly curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with black barring",
+        "breast: warm chestnut brown color",
+        "crown: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown feathers",
+        "eyes: round and black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, reddish-orange with large, strong feet",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with light streaks, structured for strong flight",
+        "nape: dark brownish-grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, whitish-grey feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: pale chestnut brown color"
+    ],
+    "agelaioides badius": [
+        "back: dark brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slim, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: pale brown with darker streaks",
+        "breast: brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: deep brown, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: brown with faint black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, with thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with slight sheen",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, long and pointed",
+        "throat: pale brown with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "gracupica nigricollis": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers with slight greenish sheen",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: light ash grey with faint black streaks",
+        "breast: ash grey blending into belly color",
+        "crown: black, smooth feathers with a slight gloss",
+        "forehead: black feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: round, brown, and alert",
+        "legs: slim, black, and strong",
+        "wings: glossy black with greenish-blue sheen at top",
+        "nape: shiny black feathers tapering into back",
+        "tail: long, black, with a hint of blue iridescence",
+        "throat: ash grey with very subtle black streaks"
+    ],
+    "passerina cyanea": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with streaks of dark blue",
+        "breast: bright blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue, extending to nape",
+        "forehead: royal blue, above eyes",
+        "eyes: black and round",
+        "legs: slim and grey",
+        "wings: blue with dark blue, white tips",
+        "nape: blue feathers, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: iridescent, blue patch"
+    ],
+    "fulmarus glacialis": [
+        "back: light gray plumage",
+        "beak: strong, sharp-edged",
+        "belly: white and feathery",
+        "breast: thick, white feathers",
+        "crown: pale gray smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: whitish-grey hue",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, broad, and pointed",
+        "nape: soft gray plumage",
+        "tail: short, white plumage",
+        "throat: pale, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "fringilla montifringilla": [
+        "back: blueish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, yellowish",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark, speckled pattern",
+        "crown: black and white striped",
+        "forehead: white stripe",
+        "eyes: black, relatively large",
+        "legs: dark, slender",
+        "wings: dark, contrasted white stripes",
+        "nape: dark, black streaks",
+        "tail: short, forked, edged white",
+        "throat: pale, ashy-grey"
+    ],
+    "dendrocoptes medius": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: off-white with red streaks",
+        "breast: pinkish-red with black streaks",
+        "crown: orange-red with prominent crest",
+        "forehead: pale orange-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with black circular patch",
+        "legs: dark gray, stout and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: orange-red and white",
+        "tail: black and white patterned with reddish tinge",
+        "throat: white and speckled with black spots"
+    ],
+    "trogon melanocephalus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, with a pale color",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: distinct red band",
+        "crown: glossy black feathers",
+        "forehead: black, blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a narrow, blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: green with black and white undertail coverts",
+        "nape: forest-green blending into the back",
+        "tail: long and squared, vivid green above and black with three white bands below",
+        "throat: deep black, contrasting with the yellow belly"
+    ],
+    "galerida cristata": [
+        "back: patterned shades of brown",
+        "beak: short, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: light and streaked with brown",
+        "breast: warm buff, darker markings",
+        "crown: prominent crest, reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: gradually slopes, meeting crest",
+        "eyes: small, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, long, and featherless",
+        "wings: brown, medium length, and pointed",
+        "nape: light buff, darker streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown, spiked shape",
+        "throat: light-colored, heavily streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "treron calvus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathered covering",
+        "beak: short, stout, hooked upper mandible",
+        "belly: pale greenish-grey underbelly",
+        "breast: light greenish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green feathers with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green-feathered area",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, red-orange featherless limbs",
+        "wings: greenish-grey with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green plumage with smooth transition to back",
+        "tail: long, square-ended with greenish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: pale greenish-grey blending into breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "chauna torquata": [
+        "back: bluish-gray plumage with black speckles",
+        "beak: dark gray, hooked-shaped",
+        "belly: pale gray-white feathers",
+        "breast: caramel-brown with black barring",
+        "crown: grayish-blue feathers with black speckles",
+        "forehead: flat, white line separating the crown from the eye region",
+        "eyes: small, black, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: long, grayish shanks with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black speckles, sharp-edged",
+        "nape: dark gray-blue, speckled with black",
+        "tail: long, gray feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: bare, white skin with a distinctive, amber collar"
+    ],
+    "amazona viridigenalis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, light-colored beak for crunching seeds",
+        "belly: soft green feathered underbelly with variable yellow hues",
+        "breast: green feathers transitioning to a reddish hue near the throat",
+        "crown: lush green feathers atop the head with occasional blue tinges",
+        "forehead: brilliant red patch right above the beak and eyes",
+        "eyes: round, dark eyes with white eye-ring, expressing curiosity",
+        "legs: short, sturdy legs with zygodactyl toes for perching",
+        "wings: vibrant green feathers with hints of blue at the tips",
+        "nape: green feathers transitioning from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: long, green, and splayed tail feathers with red or blue tips",
+        "throat: transition area between reddish breast and green belly feathers"
+    ],
+    "thryothorus ludovicianus": [
+        "back: brownish upper body with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: slightly curved, thin, dark bill",
+        "belly: whitish with light brown undertones",
+        "breast: white with distinct black spots and bars",
+        "crown: chestnut-colored with a narrow black stripe",
+        "forehead: warm brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by whitish crescent-shaped markings",
+        "legs: slim grayish legs with small, sharp claws",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with faint, darker barring",
+        "nape: chestnut color continuing from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black spotting near breast"
+    ],
+    "corvus brachyrhynchos": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved, black beak",
+        "belly: slightly iridescent dark feathers",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers meeting forehead",
+        "forehead: prominent, sleek black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, scaly texture",
+        "wings: broad, long, black feathers",
+        "nape: dark feathers transitioning to crown",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black, slightly long",
+        "throat: dark, iridescent feathers covering neck"
+    ],
+    "phalacrocorax punctatus": [
+        "back: dark green to black with glossy sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and hooked, black with orange markings near the base",
+        "belly: white to light gray with dark feather edges",
+        "breast: dark green to black with a glossy sheen",
+        "crown: black and sleek with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smoothly sloping down to the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing blue encircled by a narrow yellow ring",
+        "legs: black with large, webbed feet",
+        "wings: large and black with glossy sheen and white patches on lower edge",
+        "nape: dark green to black with a glossy sheen",
+        "tail: black and long, wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: white with dark feather edges"
+    ],
+    "centronyx henslowii": [
+        "back: olive green feathers with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with buffy flanks and black streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a streaked appearance",
+        "forehead: olive-green, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown, slender with short toes",
+        "wings: olive green and black, short and rounded",
+        "nape: olive green with a slightly paler central stripe",
+        "tail: short and dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, unmarked and slightly paler than the breast"
+    ],
+    "sternula albifrons": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish blue",
+        "beak: long, narrow, black",
+        "belly: white, downy feathers",
+        "breast: vibrant white plumage",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: steep dark-to-light gradient",
+        "eyes: dark brown, almond-shaped",
+        "legs: long, black, slender",
+        "wings: grayish-blue with white edges",
+        "nape: soft, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: short, white-tipped, grayish blue",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "zonotrichia albicollis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: pinkish-brown, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: white, unmarked",
+        "breast: crisp gray with prominent black streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-red, striped",
+        "forehead: white, unmarked",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by broken white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, long",
+        "wings: dark with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: gray to olive-brown, striped",
+        "tail: dark, notched with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus maculipennis": [
+        "back: mottled gray-white plumage",
+        "beak: black and slender",
+        "belly: bright white underparts",
+        "breast: light gray-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark-gray to black head-cap",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks extending above eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish-green",
+        "wings: gray with white tips, black wingtips",
+        "nape: gray with sharp demarcation towards white neck",
+        "tail: white, short, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: clean white feathers"
+    ],
+    "acanthorhynchus tenuirostris": [
+        "back: subtle olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: slender, elongated, and curved",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white hue",
+        "breast: light grey with fine streaks",
+        "crown: unnoticeable crest, olive-green",
+        "forehead: smooth, olive-green transition",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: thin, light grey, and agile",
+        "wings: olive-green with thin white bars",
+        "nape: soft olive-green shade",
+        "tail: slightly forked, olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey with thin streaks"
+    ],
+    "calamospiza melanocorys": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, cone-shaped, dark colored",
+        "belly: creamy white, streaked with brown",
+        "breast: pale brown, streaked with darker brown",
+        "crown: dark brown to black, sometimes with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: dark brown, sometimes with pale streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale brown",
+        "legs: dull pink or brownish gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with cream and rust-colored markings",
+        "nape: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, often with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale brown, streaked with a darker shade"
+    ],
+    "alisterus scapularis": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale yellow",
+        "belly: deep blue plumage",
+        "breast: rich blue feathers",
+        "crown: vivid green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a thin white eye ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy",
+        "wings: green and blue with black edges",
+        "nape: radiant green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green and blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: deep blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "burhinus bistriatus": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, straight, and yellowish",
+        "belly: light gray with faint barring",
+        "breast: grayish-white with black streaks",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with white eyebrows",
+        "forehead: grayish-white transitioning to darker gray on the crown",
+        "eyes: large and yellow with a distinct dark patch around them",
+        "legs: long, skinny, and yellowish",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white bands and speckles",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with faint white streaks",
+        "tail: short with grayish-brown and white bands",
+        "throat: white with a black line down the center"
+    ],
+    "mniotilta varia": [
+        "back: sleek black and white striping",
+        "beak: thin, pointy black",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bold black-and-white striped",
+        "forehead: white with black streaks",
+        "eyes: beady black, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray, long and slender",
+        "wings: black with two prominent white wing bars",
+        "nape: striped black and white",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "tachycineta thalassina": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark, and slightly pointed",
+        "belly: white with pale gray wash",
+        "breast: white with light gray streaks",
+        "crown: shiny greenish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming greenish-blue hue",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, and dark",
+        "wings: bright blue-green with darker tips",
+        "nape: metallic greenish-blue plumage",
+        "tail: dark blue with white outer edges",
+        "throat: radiant white with green-blue tint"
+    ],
+    "ixobrychus sinensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black with a green sheen",
+        "forehead: black with green gloss",
+        "eyes: small and reddish-brown",
+        "legs: long, yellow-green with elongated toes",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: black with a green sheen",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with white streaks",
+        "throat: creamy-white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "rhipidura albiscapa": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a lighter base",
+        "beak: short, thin, and curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray feathers",
+        "crown: darker olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter olive-brown hue",
+        "eyes: beady, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray with clawed feet",
+        "wings: olive-brown with grayish-white edging on flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with a lighter base",
+        "tail: long, fan-like, with black and white markings",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the gray breast"
+    ],
+    "setophaga pinus": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with a partial black cap",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with thin black stripes",
+        "eyes: round, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender and gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, black streaked, and white-edged",
+        "throat: white with blackish streaks"
+    ],
+    "cathartes aura": [
+        "back: brownish-black, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly hooked, yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: whitish-grey, soft feathering",
+        "breast: white to pale brown, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: dark brown or black, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown, thin feathers",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown, encircled by a thin membrane",
+        "legs: long, pale pink, with strong talons",
+        "wings: broad, with long, dark brown primary feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-black, dense feathering",
+        "tail: elongated, fan-shaped, brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: bare, wrinkled, reddish-orange skin"
+    ],
+    "buteo rufinus": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with dark bars",
+        "beak: hooked and sharp, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "breast: reddish-brown feathers with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with yellow eyestripe",
+        "forehead: dark brown with narrow white bands",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a golden ring",
+        "legs: yellow-scaled with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, long, and curved, with a variety of brown tones and white patches",
+        "nape: tawny-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with narrow white bars",
+        "throat: buff-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "trogon citreolus": [
+        "back: rich green feathers with iridescence",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale gray color",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow hue with soft feathers",
+        "breast: bright yellow, blending with belly",
+        "crown: brilliant green feathers with a metallic sheen",
+        "forehead: radiant green transition from the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, surrounded by a faint gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: green upperparts and ornate, white-banded black underparts",
+        "nape: shiny green feathers continuing from crown",
+        "tail: squared-off with black and white banded feathers",
+        "throat: shimmering green plumage meeting the yellow breast"
+    ],
+    "sula leucogaster": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, yellow-orange color",
+        "belly: white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white, downy feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth crest",
+        "forehead: dark gray, streamlined feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark brown color",
+        "legs: long, yellow-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grayish-blue, elongated shape",
+        "nape: dark gray, smooth feathers",
+        "tail: white, medium-length feathers",
+        "throat: white, fluffy plumage"
+    ],
+    "tarsiger cyanurus": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: thin, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white or light grey",
+        "breast: pale orange with some blue-grey feathers",
+        "crown: blue-grey with light streaks",
+        "forehead: blue-grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, greyish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-grey with white wingbars",
+        "nape: blue-grey, blending into the back",
+        "tail: dark blue with white corners",
+        "throat: pale orange, matching breast"
+    ],
+    "haematopus bachmani": [
+        "back: dark-brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: long, straight, orange-red color with a chisel-like tip",
+        "belly: pale beige plumage fading into white",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight grey tint",
+        "crown: dark-brown feathers forming a sleek top",
+        "forehead: white patch extending from beak to above the eyes",
+        "eyes: yellow iris with a black, round pupil",
+        "legs: bright orange-red, two-toed like waders",
+        "wings: dark-brown primaries with white and beige feather bands",
+        "nape: rich brown feathers transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark-brown feathers with faint white bands",
+        "throat: white, sometimes greyish-white, feathers extending to the breast"
+    ],
+    "gallirallus philippensis": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark purplish-blue with streaks",
+        "forehead: dark purplish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with black bars and white spotting",
+        "nape: dark purplish-blue with streaks",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with black bars",
+        "throat: whitish with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "ardeola bacchus": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage with streaks of white",
+        "beak: yellowish-green, long, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with a hint of buff",
+        "breast: white with light brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green fading to grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: pale greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-greenish, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with a white patch on the base",
+        "nape: greenish-gray with brown streaks",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white streaks and black bands",
+        "throat: white with a buff tinge"
+    ],
+    "pica serica": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, black curve",
+        "belly: soft white plumage",
+        "breast: shiny green breastplate",
+        "crown: eye-catching blue-green crest",
+        "forehead: smooth, green gradient",
+        "eyes: dark, watchful orbs",
+        "legs: slender, grey stalks",
+        "wings: expansive, green-blue canvas",
+        "nape: transition from blue to green",
+        "tail: lengthy, green-blue streamers",
+        "throat: silky, white contours"
+    ],
+    "icterus chrysater": [
+        "back: vibrant olive-green hue",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow coloration",
+        "breast: rich, golden-orange",
+        "crown: olive-green with a hint of gold",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow highlighting",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: striking olive-green, edged with yellow",
+        "nape: olive-green, meeting the crown",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with yellow edges",
+        "throat: gleaming, golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "poecile montanus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white or pale grayish underparts",
+        "breast: white with some gray-brown speckles",
+        "crown: brownish-black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: light gray or silvery-white",
+        "eyes: large, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: strong, short, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: gray-brown with slight white streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray or white with a hint of brown"
+    ],
+    "pipraeidea bonariensis": [
+        "back: blue or blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: yellow or pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant blue, sometimes with black spots",
+        "crown: bright blue",
+        "forehead: blue, consistent with crown color",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: slender, black or dark gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with dark flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue, blending into the back",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray, often with black feather tips",
+        "throat: bright blue, matching the breast and forehead"
+    ],
+    "mareca penelope": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with fine wavy lines",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with grayish, feathery texture",
+        "breast: pinkish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: light gray gradually blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady black surrounded by feathers",
+        "legs: bluish-gray with webbed feet",
+        "wings: greenish-gray with white speculum bordered in black",
+        "nape: greenish-brown, merging into the back",
+        "tail: black with light gray undertail coverts",
+        "throat: white with light gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "saxicola rubetra": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and black",
+        "belly: pale white with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: warm yellow with distinctive stripes",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, streaked appearance",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender, long and pale pink",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white patches",
+        "nape: streaked with shades of brown",
+        "tail: dark brown, elongated with white edges",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow with streaks"
+    ],
+    "upupa epops": [
+        "back: golden-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: sandy-buff colored",
+        "breast: broad, pale orange-buff band",
+        "crown: prominent, pinkish-brown crest with black tips",
+        "forehead: pinkish-brown in color",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and greyish-black",
+        "wings: rounded with black and white stripes",
+        "nape: paler pinkish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black with a broad white band",
+        "throat: light, sandy-buff colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "ploceus cucullatus": [
+        "back: brownish-olive plumage",
+        "beak: black, pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: yellow, sometimes streaked",
+        "crown: black or dark brown",
+        "forehead: black, sloping",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by feathering",
+        "legs: short, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown, rounded",
+        "nape: yellowish or olive",
+        "tail: dark brown, medium length",
+        "throat: yellow or white, sometimes streaked"
+    ],
+    "phoeniconaias minor": [
+        "back: vibrant pink plumage",
+        "beak: curved, black tip",
+        "belly: soft pink feathers",
+        "breast: vivid pink plumage",
+        "crown: dark pink feathers",
+        "forehead: light pink with smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with thin white outline",
+        "legs: long, skinny, pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: bright pink with black tips and patches",
+        "nape: pink feathers flowing down the neck",
+        "tail: elongated, thin pink feathers",
+        "throat: delicate pink feathers"
+    ],
+    "oriturus superciliosus": [
+        "back: dark green with faint blue iridescence",
+        "beak: slender, curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: blue-black with a small crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow with thin black marking",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale gray plumage",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue legs",
+        "wings: greenish-blue with black edges and white patches",
+        "nape: blue-black with green glints",
+        "tail: black with green iridescence and white corners",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "amazona finschi": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, light greyish-yellow",
+        "belly: pale green feathered area",
+        "breast: bright green with tinges of blue",
+        "crown: rich green feathers, accentuated red patch",
+        "forehead: green feathers transitioning to red",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent gaze, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-yellow scaly legs",
+        "wings: green with blue and red accents, subtle black tips",
+        "nape: lush green feathers, hints of blue",
+        "tail: elongated green and blue feathers, red undertail",
+        "throat: smooth green feathers, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "lophoceros nasutus": [
+        "back: long, dark-feathered spine",
+        "beak: elongated, curved, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: soft, pale-feathered underside",
+        "breast: rounded, cream or light-brown chest",
+        "crown: dark, sleek feathers with crest",
+        "forehead: gradient, from dark to light feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: strong, gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, dark, striped pattern",
+        "nape: continuation of dark plumage",
+        "tail: long, thin, horizontal feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, lighter feathers on neck"
+    ],
+    "anser anser": [
+        "back: strong, gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: stout, orange or pinkish",
+        "belly: pale, soft-feathered",
+        "breast: well-rounded, gray-brown",
+        "crown: smooth, gray-feathered",
+        "forehead: gentle slope towards beak",
+        "eyes: dark, expressive gaze",
+        "legs: orange, robust and webbed",
+        "wings: broad, dark-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: gray, curved neckline",
+        "tail: short, downy-coated",
+        "throat: pale, thinly feathered"
+    ],
+    "phoebastria immutabilis": [
+        "back: slate gray coloration with white speckles",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and pale grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: crisp white plumage",
+        "breast: white feathers with subtle gray streaks",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers, darker at the top",
+        "forehead: lighter gray area blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by gray feather patches",
+        "legs: long, pale bluish-gray, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: wide, elongated, and gray with distinct black patterns",
+        "nape: light gray feathering at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped with white and gray feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage blending into breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "glareola pratincola": [
+        "back: brownish-grey, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: short, straight, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-grey, soft",
+        "breast: pale brown, fine streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-grey, smooth",
+        "forehead: pale brown, slightly blended",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown, alert",
+        "legs: long, slender, yellowish",
+        "wings: pointed, dark brown with light edges",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, gently curved",
+        "tail: forked, dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, whitish-grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "selasphorus rufus": [
+        "back: olive-green with iridescent hues",
+        "beak: long, slender and straight",
+        "belly: light rufous-orange with white markings",
+        "breast: vibrant rufous-orange with white border",
+        "crown: radiant green",
+        "forehead: iridescent green feather patch",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed with metallic green and bronze tones",
+        "nape: brilliant green fading to rufous hue",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, rufous-orange with black banding",
+        "throat: iridescent orange-red gorget"
+    ],
+    "leucophaeus pipixcan": [
+        "back: light gray with white streaks",
+        "beak: black, medium-length, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with some gray markings",
+        "breast: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: darker gray than the back, with white markings",
+        "forehead: lighter gray transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark reddish-orange, medium length",
+        "wings: gray with black tips and white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: gray with white markings, blending into the back",
+        "tail: black with white tail feathers and slight forked shape",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "anser albifrons": [
+        "back: light grey with white-fringed feathers",
+        "beak: short, orange with a black tip",
+        "belly: light grey with subtle white streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with grey-brown stripes",
+        "crown: white, extending to forehead",
+        "forehead: continuation of white from crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: slim, orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white bars",
+        "nape: white blending to grey on the back",
+        "tail: grey with black edging",
+        "throat: white, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "nyctibius jamaicensis": [
+        "back: dark brown with buff streaks",
+        "beak: short, wide, and blackish",
+        "belly: grayish-brown with brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale brown with black spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with pale spots",
+        "forehead: buff color with dark spots",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and set close together",
+        "legs: short and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, dark brown with pale markings",
+        "nape: dark brown with buff streaks",
+        "tail: long and square-shaped, dark brown with pale bands",
+        "throat: grayish-brown with brown speckles"
+    ],
+    "cuculus canorus": [
+        "back: sleek grey plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with grey barring",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint barring",
+        "crown: light grey, rounded",
+        "forehead: smooth, greyish-white",
+        "eyes: piercing, dark",
+        "legs: slim, yellowish",
+        "wings: long, pointed, greyish-brown",
+        "nape: grey, slightly paler than back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white, barred with dark grey"
+    ],
+    "platycercus adscitus": [
+        "back: vibrant green-blue feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and strong, dark grey hue",
+        "belly: yellow-green feathers with blue shading",
+        "breast: pale blue feathers transitioning to green",
+        "crown: deep blue-green feathers converging to a crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathered area",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by blue-green feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy grey limbs with strong feet",
+        "wings: green-blue feathers with black edges",
+        "nape: blue-green feathers connecting head to back",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black barring",
+        "throat: pale blue and green feathers below beak"
+    ],
+    "icterus cucullatus": [
+        "back: dark, glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: relatively long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow, fading into the belly",
+        "crown: pointed, glossy black quills resembling a hood",
+        "forehead: striking yellow patches near the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by yellow feathering",
+        "legs: thin, black, and moderately long",
+        "wings: mixture of black and yellow feathers, with a contrasting pattern on flight feathers",
+        "nape: black triangle of feathers, connecting the crown and wings",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, black feathers with yellow edges",
+        "throat: rich, golden-yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "sitta canadensis": [
+        "back: blue-grey upper back",
+        "beak: slender and long black beak",
+        "belly: white and fluffy belly",
+        "breast: soft white chest feathers",
+        "crown: black stripe with white markings on head",
+        "forehead: white or pale grey forehead",
+        "eyes: round, alert, black eyes",
+        "legs: sturdy, black legs",
+        "wings: blue-grey feathers with white wingbars",
+        "nape: blue-grey striped nape",
+        "tail: long, blue-grey tail feathers",
+        "throat: pure white throat area"
+    ],
+    "tringa flavipes": [
+        "back: olive-brown with elongated white spots",
+        "beak: long, straight, pale at the base and darker at the tip",
+        "belly: white with some faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with a faint pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: bright yellow, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edging on feathers",
+        "nape: brown with pale streaks and spots",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of pale brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "vireo flavoviridis": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slightly hooked, blackish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow with olive wash",
+        "breast: pale olive-yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with gray edges",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: light gray-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight gray",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly notched",
+        "throat: whitish with yellow tinge"
+    ],
+    "pipilo erythrophthalmus": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, blackish color",
+        "belly: white or buffy-white hue",
+        "breast: gray, sometimes smoky-gray",
+        "crown: dark brown or black with rusty edges",
+        "forehead: dark and blending with crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by rusty-red patches",
+        "legs: strong and long, dark-colored",
+        "wings: brown with faint streaks and white bars",
+        "nape: dark, often with rusty reddish-brown streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with rusty outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasts against gray breast"
+    ],
+    "aquila chrysaetos": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish color",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: rich golden-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown plumage",
+        "forehead: broad, dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark ring",
+        "legs: feathered, powerful, yellow talons",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: golden cinnamon-brown",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, dark brown with white band",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "aythya australis": [
+        "back: mottled brownish-black plumage",
+        "beak: bluish-grey with black tip",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: smoothly curved brown",
+        "eyes: bright reddish-orange",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white speculum",
+        "nape: brownish-black with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: light brown with darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "platalea regia": [
+        "back: sleek, grayish-blue color",
+        "beak: long, spatula-shaped, black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with hints of gray",
+        "crown: black with a vibrant crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, long, dark-grey",
+        "wings: large, spanning blue-grey feathers",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and slightly fanned, grey-feathered",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "tockus leucomelas": [
+        "back: dark grey with white speckles",
+        "beak: thick, short, black bill",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: light grey-white with horizontal black bands",
+        "crown: pale grey with black speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth, light grey-white",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, grey, sturdy",
+        "wings: grey with white and black patterns, curved",
+        "nape: light grey with black speckles",
+        "tail: dark grey, long, two-toned with white tips",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "charadrius ruficapillus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "beak: short, black, and straight",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white with rusty-red band",
+        "crown: reddish-brown and white-spotted",
+        "forehead: white with rufous stripe",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellowish",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white spots",
+        "tail: brownish with white edges",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "serinus serinus": [
+        "back: olive-green with fine dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, slender, and conical",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle grayish hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaks on sides",
+        "crown: yellow-green with subtle black streaks",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark",
+        "legs: dark grayish-brown with thin, delicate toes",
+        "wings: dark gray with yellow-green fringes and pale wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with fine grayish-black streaks",
+        "tail: moderately long with dark gray central feathers and white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with smooth transition to pale yellow belly"
+    ],
+    "ficedula hypoleuca": [
+        "back: olive-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed",
+        "belly: off-white with a faint greyish hue",
+        "breast: creamy white",
+        "crown: dark grey or black",
+        "forehead: same color as the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark-colored, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: elongated, dark-grey, and thin",
+        "wings: black with white patches or bars",
+        "nape: olive-grey, similar to back",
+        "tail: black, medium-length",
+        "throat: white or light grey"
+    ],
+    "empidonax alnorum": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: slightly streaked with pale olive",
+        "crown: olive-green, similar to the back",
+        "forehead: pale with olive-green tint",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-pink in color",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: dark with slight fork shape",
+        "throat: pale white or light gray"
+    ],
+    "haemorhous mexicanus": [
+        "back: olive-green uppercover",
+        "beak: pointed, medium-length, and bicolored",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: rose-colored patch on the chest",
+        "crown: reddish-brown top of the head",
+        "forehead: brownish-red strip",
+        "eyes: small, round, and dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish legs with strong toes",
+        "wings: olive-green primary feathers with dark edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown stripe down the back of the neck",
+        "tail: notched and dark, with white tips on some outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale, streaked with fine reddish-brown lines"
+    ],
+    "sitta europaea": [
+        "back: blue-grey upperparts",
+        "beak: long, thin, sharp tip",
+        "belly: white or pale buff",
+        "breast: light bluish-grey",
+        "crown: blue-grey, uncrested",
+        "forehead: blue-grey, slightly lighter than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, prominent",
+        "legs: short, orange or reddish-brown",
+        "wings: blue-grey, with broad white wingbar",
+        "nape: blue-grey, similar to back",
+        "tail: blue-grey, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale buff, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "coccyzus americanus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with a sheen",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: white, unmarked feathers",
+        "breast: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray with prominent crest",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black iris surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: dark, sturdy and medium length",
+        "wings: olive-brown feathers with white markings",
+        "nape: gray with a border of light gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and graduated with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked feathers"
+    ],
+    "malurus cyaneus": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray-white plumage",
+        "breast: rich royal blue plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant blue with slight curve",
+        "forehead: intense blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slender, gray-black",
+        "wings: blue and black feathers, rounded",
+        "nape: rich blue feathers meeting the back",
+        "tail: long, dark blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: deep blue, dense feathers"
+    ],
+    "telophorus zeylonus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: creamy-white, streaked with brown",
+        "breast: buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: rufous-brown",
+        "forehead: whitish, streaked with brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eyering",
+        "legs: long, pale, and slender",
+        "wings: rounded, brown with rufous edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown, streaked",
+        "tail: long, graduated, brown with rufous tips",
+        "throat: creamy-white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "euphagus cyanocephalus": [
+        "back: dark iridescent bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: black, thin and pointed",
+        "belly: fading pale blue to whitish-grey underneath",
+        "breast: vibrant dark blue feathers",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black plumage",
+        "forehead: shiny blue-black with a slight crest",
+        "eyes: black and piercing with a fine eye-ring",
+        "legs: black, slender, and unfeathered",
+        "wings: long, dark, with a hint of metallic blue sheen",
+        "nape: slightly lighter blue feathers than the crown",
+        "tail: dark blue-black with a slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: brighter blue fading into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "falco rupicolus": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black with yellow cere",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark brown spots",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: lighter brown with slight markings",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown, intense gaze",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed with black and white spots",
+        "nape: lighter brown with faint markings",
+        "tail: short, broad with greyish-brown bands",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "phylloscopus trochilus": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, blackish",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: faint olive-yellow",
+        "crown: olive-green with bright yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark-brown",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale yellow margins",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint yellowish tint",
+        "tail: medium-length, olive-brown with thin yellow edges",
+        "throat: pale-yellow, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "eremophila alpestris": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with brownish stripes",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: striped with black and white",
+        "forehead: black with middle strip of white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by a thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with bold white markings",
+        "nape: white with black stripes",
+        "tail: relatively short, brown, and square-tipped",
+        "throat: bright yellow in males, pale in females"
+    ],
+    "pygochelidon cyanoleuca": [
+        "back: pale bluish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, short and pointed",
+        "belly: white with light gray patch",
+        "breast: white, occasionally with faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark gray-blue, well-defined",
+        "forehead: lighter gray-blue hue",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white patches",
+        "legs: black, slender and strong",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with dark primary feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray-blue transition from crown",
+        "tail: black, forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sharply contrasting with dark beak"
+    ],
+    "buteo lagopus": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown barring",
+        "crown: brown with pale edges",
+        "forehead: light brown to white",
+        "eyes: sharp, yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: feathered, pale yellow talons",
+        "wings: broad, long with brown and white markings",
+        "nape: brown with light feather tips",
+        "tail: white with dark brown bands",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "coracias garrulus": [
+        "back: vibrant blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and strong, black color",
+        "belly: light blue feathers",
+        "breast: purple-blue plumage",
+        "crown: azure blue feathers",
+        "forehead: blue-green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: short and dark, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: bright blue with black accents",
+        "nape: bold blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, forked with blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: dark blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "eupsittula nana": [
+        "back: green feathers with bluish tinge",
+        "beak: light horn-colored, stout and hooked",
+        "belly: vibrant green feathers",
+        "breast: bright green plumage",
+        "crown: green feathers with pale blue cast",
+        "forehead: bluish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: white eye-ring surrounded by greenish-blue",
+        "legs: dark gray with sturdy zygodactyl feet",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with yellowish-green edges",
+        "nape: green with a bluish tinge",
+        "tail: blue upper tail coverts with a red under-tail",
+        "throat: green plumage with a slight bluish hue"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus cirrocephalus": [
+        "back: light gray with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, yellow-orange",
+        "belly: bright white with soft feathers",
+        "breast: white, slightly plump, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: dark gray with streaked pattern",
+        "forehead: light gray, lightly feathered",
+        "eyes: bright, expressive, dark color",
+        "legs: slender, long, yellow-orange color",
+        "wings: long, gray, with black wingtips & white spots",
+        "nape: light gray, smooth feather transition",
+        "tail: short, gray with black terminal band",
+        "throat: white and unmarked, smooth feathers"
+    ],
+    "caligavis chrysops": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body feathers",
+        "beak: short, dark-colored, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale off-white with streaks of green and yellow",
+        "breast: slightly paler yellow-green compared to back",
+        "crown: bright yellow, extending to forehead",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: bright yellow, like the crown and forehead",
+        "tail: relatively long, olive-green with white tip",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting against the paler breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "falco columbarius": [
+        "back: blue-gray plumage with dark barring",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with dark, vertical streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with horizontal, dark banding",
+        "crown: blue-gray with streaks",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, matching crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and surrounded by a yellowish ring",
+        "legs: yellow-orange with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, pointed, blue-gray with dark barring",
+        "nape: blue-gray with streaks, like crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with multiple thin, horizontal bands",
+        "throat: creamy-white, bordered by streaked collar"
+    ],
+    "cinclus cinclus": [
+        "back: slate-gray feathers with a subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: short and pointed, black in color",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white or light brown",
+        "breast: slate-gray with a whitish tint",
+        "crown: slate-gray feathers, green sheen",
+        "forehead: slate-gray with a slight green shimmer",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark-colored with strong claws",
+        "wings: slate-gray with slightly darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: slate-gray with a greenish sheen",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped with dark, slate-gray feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale brown with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "circaetus gallicus": [
+        "back: dark brown with white spots",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with a greyish-brown hue",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter flecks",
+        "forehead: white with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: yellowish-orange, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong, feathered, and yellowish",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with a white patch",
+        "nape: dark brown with white edges",
+        "tail: long, dark brown, and slightly barred",
+        "throat: white with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "zosterops japonicus": [
+        "back: olive-green covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, straight, pale gray",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white underside",
+        "breast: light olive-green blending to grayish-white",
+        "crown: olive-green, slightly darker than the back",
+        "forehead: pale yellow or white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: prominent white eye-ring giving a \"spectacled\" appearance",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, slender limbs with strong feet",
+        "wings: olive-green tinged with yellow, rounded shape",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back color",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with a slight yellow hue",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, slightly lighter than the belly"
+    ],
+    "cinnyris afer": [
+        "back: iridescent green and blue shades",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange hue",
+        "breast: vibrant orange-red patch",
+        "crown: glossy metallic green",
+        "forehead: radiant green-blue tinge",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark gray",
+        "wings: mixture of green, blue, and brown feathers",
+        "nape: glimmering green sheen",
+        "tail: long, dark, and forked",
+        "throat: deep orange-red color"
+    ],
+    "tringa ochropus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and dark",
+        "belly: white with light streaks on the sides",
+        "breast: white with fine brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with pale spots",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending into the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale spots and dark tips",
+        "nape: pale olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white edges and darker bands",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "burhinus grallarius": [
+        "back: dark brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, yellowish-green",
+        "belly: white with thin black barring",
+        "breast: creamy-brown with black stripes",
+        "crown: brownish-black with a thin white stripe",
+        "forehead: light brown blending into crown",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow with a distinct white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slender, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: mottled brown with intricate patterns",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with thin white stripe",
+        "tail: dark brown with broad white band near the tip",
+        "throat: palest brown, fading to white on the belly"
+    ],
+    "spinus pinus": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: dark, sharp, and conical",
+        "belly: soft-white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: black forehead stripe; olive-green and streaked",
+        "forehead: light olive-green with a black stripe",
+        "eyes: small and black with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short and dark, with strong toes",
+        "wings: dark with yellow-edged feathers and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark and narrow streaks",
+        "tail: short and forked, dark with white spots",
+        "throat: bright yellow contrasting with black chin"
+    ],
+    "malurus splendens": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green hue",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: pale brownish-grey blend",
+        "breast: bright blue shimmer",
+        "crown: striking violet-blue tone",
+        "forehead: vivid purplish-blue shade",
+        "eyes: sharp and black",
+        "legs: slender with light grey coloring",
+        "wings: vibrant blue edged with black",
+        "nape: rich blue hue with dark streaks",
+        "tail: elongated and striking blue-black",
+        "throat: deep cobalt blue sheen"
+    ],
+    "piranga ludoviciana": [
+        "back: olive-yellow feathered coverage",
+        "beak: sturdy, hooked, light-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow-toned feathers",
+        "breast: bright reddish-orange plumage",
+        "crown: distinctive yellow-orange crest",
+        "forehead: bold yellowish-orange hue",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and well-defined",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, sturdy limbs",
+        "wings: black with white bar patterns",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers extending to the back",
+        "tail: dark, forked, and medium-length",
+        "throat: vibrant reddish-orange feathering"
+    ],
+    "hieraaetus pennatus": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, yellowish tip",
+        "belly: streaked with white and brown",
+        "breast: heavily spotted with brown",
+        "crown: golden-brown and slightly crested",
+        "forehead: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark outline",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with short dark feathers",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: golden-brown, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: barred, grayish-brown with narrow white bands",
+        "throat: streaked white with fine brown markings"
+    ],
+    "anthobaphes violacea": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: slender, curved, black",
+        "belly: metallic purple hue",
+        "breast: lush iridescent violet",
+        "crown: bright emerald green",
+        "forehead: shiny green plumage",
+        "eyes: dark with white outline",
+        "legs: long, slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: mix of green and violet feathers",
+        "nape: metallic green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, iridescent purple",
+        "throat: rich violet color"
+    ],
+    "dendrocitta formosae": [
+        "back: grayish-blue feathers with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: sharp and slightly curved, black color",
+        "belly: smooth, light grayish-white underparts",
+        "breast: darker gray feathers transitioning from belly",
+        "crown: dark bluish-gray feathers, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray feathers than crown",
+        "eyes: round with a prominent white eye-ring, black iris",
+        "legs: slender and black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: grayish-blue feathers with white patches, long and broad",
+        "nape: same color as crown, dark bluish-gray feathers",
+        "tail: very long and slim, grayish-blue feathers with white tips",
+        "throat: light gray feathers, lighter than breast"
+    ],
+    "setophaga americana": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: black, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with a contrasting white stripe",
+        "forehead: black with a yellowish stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: thin, black, and wiry",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with black markings and white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with black streaks and white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "thraupis sayaca": [
+        "back: blue-grey feathers with a slight greenish tinge",
+        "beak: small and pointed, dark gray color",
+        "belly: light grey with shades of blue, sometimes pale yellow",
+        "breast: pale blue-grey with a subtle green iridescence",
+        "crown: blue-grey with lighter edges and slight greenish tinge",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers transitioning to grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey or black",
+        "wings: blue-grey, slightly darker than the body, with white or light grey edges",
+        "nape: blue-grey with a hint of green and lighter edges",
+        "tail: long and blue-grey, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey or light blue, sometimes with a faint yellow hue"
+    ],
+    "cracticus nigrogularis": [
+        "back: dark, grayish plumage",
+        "beak: short, strong, hooked",
+        "belly: creamy white",
+        "breast: black-and-white banding",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black or dark gray",
+        "eyes: dark, alert gaze",
+        "legs: robust, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white wingbars",
+        "nape: black with slight white streaking",
+        "tail: long, black with white tips",
+        "throat: black patch surrounded by white"
+    ],
+    "iduna caligata": [
+        "back: greenish-olive upperparts",
+        "beak: dark, narrow, slightly pointed",
+        "belly: off-white underparts",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green",
+        "crown: streaked olive-gray",
+        "forehead: bright yellow stripes",
+        "eyes: medium-sized, dark",
+        "legs: light pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: greenish-olive with faint white bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: dark olive-green, forked shape",
+        "throat: pale yellowish-white"
+    ],
+    "limosa haemastica": [
+        "back: rusty brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: whitish with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: cinnamon-colored with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark with reddish-brown stripes",
+        "forehead: pale buff with darker central stripe",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: long and blackish-grey",
+        "wings: dark with bold white stripes on upperwing",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: white transitioning to cinnamon on breast"
+    ],
+    "busarellus nigricollis": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong hooked beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: brownish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: brown feathers with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: brown, smooth transition to the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: yellow, long and slender",
+        "wings: dark brown, with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: brown, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: long, brown, and squared off",
+        "throat: pale grey, slightly streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "brachyramphus marmoratus": [
+        "back: dark blue-green with marbled white-grey patterns",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with subtle darker streaks",
+        "breast: white to light grey with variable darker markings",
+        "crown: dark blue-green with variable white-grey speckles",
+        "forehead: dark blue-green with subtle white-grey speckling",
+        "eyes: dark brown, slightly beady",
+        "legs: short and black, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark blue-green with white-grey marbling, rounded and short compared to body length",
+        "nape: dark blue-green with variable white-grey speckles",
+        "tail: short and rounded with dark blue-green feathers and white-grey marbling",
+        "throat: light grey with diffuse darker streaks"
+    ],
+    "vermivora cyanoptera": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark, pointed",
+        "belly: white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with light streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with blue wings",
+        "forehead: olive-green, narrow, and short",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark, slender, and strong",
+        "wings: blue with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green and narrow",
+        "tail: relatively short with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "callocephalon fimbriatum": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers with hints of blue",
+        "beak: short, curved and ivory-colored",
+        "belly: pale yellow with fine black markings",
+        "breast: vibrant green feathers merging into the belly",
+        "crown: reddish-purple plumes with light tips",
+        "forehead: bold crimson feathers with fine black streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: stout, gray with sharp talons",
+        "wings: green and blue feathers with dark tips",
+        "nape: deep purple plumes transitioning to green",
+        "tail: elongated green and blue feathers with black banding",
+        "throat: pale yellow with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "corvus splendens": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved",
+        "belly: dark robust plumage",
+        "breast: glistening black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth black crest",
+        "forehead: marked with sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: attentive, deep-set",
+        "legs: long, slender, black",
+        "wings: black, broad, and powerful",
+        "nape: glossy black plumage",
+        "tail: fan-like, black feathers",
+        "throat: dark and smoothly feathered"
+    ],
+    "larus delawarensis": [
+        "back: light gray feathers with white edges",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, yellow with a black tip",
+        "belly: white underside feathers",
+        "breast: white chest feathers with slight gray mottling",
+        "crown: flat, smooth white top of head",
+        "forehead: flat, uninterrupted white area above beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and circular, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange, slender with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, light gray with black tips and white trailing edges",
+        "nape: white feathers at the back of the head and neck",
+        "tail: white with a black band near the tip",
+        "throat: white feathers beneath the beak and chin"
+    ],
+    "threskiornis spinicollis": [
+        "back: sleek, dark-coloured plumage",
+        "beak: long, curved, slender black bill",
+        "belly: pale grey to white feathers",
+        "breast: soft-grey plumage with a white strip",
+        "crown: black feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright golden-yellow",
+        "legs: long, black, slender",
+        "wings: dark grey with white tips and trailing edges",
+        "nape: black plumage extending into neck feathers",
+        "tail: long, stiff, black plumes with sharp points",
+        "throat: white and fluffy feathering"
+    ],
+    "haliastur sphenurus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and dark gray",
+        "belly: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, blending with the forehead",
+        "forehead: dark brown, narrow feathered area",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a sharp, intense gaze",
+        "legs: light yellow with sharp, strong talons",
+        "wings: broad with dark brown on top and lighter shades beneath",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a distinctive dark stripe",
+        "tail: long with dark brown, white, and grey bands",
+        "throat: cream-colored, blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "cinnyris jugularis": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: long and slender, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow underside",
+        "breast: rich yellow-orange chest",
+        "crown: metallic green-blue head",
+        "forehead: shining green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: thin, gray, and slightly curved",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-blue iridescence",
+        "tail: round-edged, olive-green tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright, iridescent blue-green"
+    ],
+    "anthochaera carunculata": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks of brown",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, blackish",
+        "belly: creamy white with pale brown streaks",
+        "breast: grayish-white with faint wavy stripes",
+        "crown: dark brownish-gray",
+        "forehead: dark brown with black marks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: olive-green with white scalloped edges",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, olive-green with white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine black markings"
+    ],
+    "haematopus fuliginosus": [
+        "back: dark charcoal, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, orange-red",
+        "belly: dusky black, soft underfeathers",
+        "breast: smoothly curved, sooty hue",
+        "crown: sleek charcoal, rounded contour",
+        "forehead: subtle gradient, black to slate",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow, dark outline",
+        "legs: striking pink, sturdy",
+        "wings: broad, black-to-gray shades",
+        "nape: transitioning gradient, black to slate",
+        "tail: dark, fan-shaped, iridescent sheen",
+        "throat: black, smooth curve to breast"
+    ],
+    "certhia americana": [
+        "back: brownish with streaks of white",
+        "beak: slender and curved",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: buff-white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with grayish-white streaks",
+        "forehead: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: black and beady",
+        "legs: thin and gray",
+        "wings: brown with white bars",
+        "nape: streaked brown and grayish-white",
+        "tail: long and stiff with brownish feathers",
+        "throat: whitish with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "lophophanes cristatus": [
+        "back: grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, black",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with a hint of brown",
+        "crown: distinctive spiky crest",
+        "forehead: white with grayish-black streaks",
+        "eyes: surrounded by black eyestripe and white oval shape",
+        "legs: short, pale, with sturdy claws",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: white with black and gray streaks",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with grayish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "buteo jamaicensis": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle white speckles",
+        "beak: hooked, sharp, and dark grey",
+        "belly: light-colored with dark brown horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: creamy white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter mottling",
+        "forehead: buff or light brown with some lighter streaks",
+        "eyes: intense, reddish-brown or yellow",
+        "legs: yellow with sharp black talons",
+        "wings: broad, long wingspan with dark brown feathers and lighter edges",
+        "nape: darker brown with some lighter feather markings",
+        "tail: banded, alternating light and dark brown bands",
+        "throat: lighter color, ranging from white to buff with some streaking"
+    ],
+    "corvus corax": [
+        "back: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: dense, black plumage",
+        "breast: black, smooth feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, black feathers",
+        "forehead: uniform black coloring",
+        "eyes: dark brown, alert expression",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, scaly",
+        "wings: long, broad, black feathers",
+        "nape: black, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: wide, fan-shaped, black",
+        "throat: black, ruffled feathers"
+    ],
+    "ptiliogonys cinereus": [
+        "back: muted, slate-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved tip",
+        "belly: soft, pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: light gray with subtle plumage pattern",
+        "crown: dark gray, smooth-feathered head",
+        "forehead: sleek, gray-feathered appearance",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: slender, long, and black",
+        "wings: broad, gray, with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: darker gray than back, smooth transition",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, gray with black tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, smooth-feathered"
+    ],
+    "melozone crissalis": [
+        "back: golden-brown plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: creamy off-white",
+        "breast: reddish-brown stripes",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown tint",
+        "eyes: beady and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark with white edging",
+        "throat: white with reddish-brown spots"
+    ],
+    "microcarbo pygmaeus": [
+        "back: dark greenish-black, slightly keeled feathers",
+        "beak: slender and hooked, grayish-yellow with paler tip",
+        "belly: light grey-white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: white with black-brown streaks, merging into grey",
+        "crown: black with slight greenish sheen, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers fading into neck color",
+        "eyes: bright emerald green, piercing and angled",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark greenish-black",
+        "wings: long and slender, dark greenish-black with some white streaks",
+        "nape: dark greenish-black, slightly raised feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, dark greenish-black feathers",
+        "throat: white with fine grey streaks, well-defined curve"
+    ],
+    "gallus gallus": [
+        "back: curved feathered region along the spine",
+        "beak: pointed, slightly curved mouthpart",
+        "belly: rounded, soft-feathered lower body",
+        "breast: full, plumaged chest area",
+        "crown: top portion of the head with feathers",
+        "forehead: area between eyes and beak, slightly angled",
+        "eyes: round, slightly protruding with dark pupils",
+        "legs: scaly, strong limbs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, fan-like feathered appendages",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in feathers",
+        "tail: long, extended feathers creating a fan shape",
+        "throat: slim, feathered area beneath the beak"
+    ],
+    "anas gracilis": [
+        "back: olive-green with black spots",
+        "beak: narrow and blue-grey",
+        "belly: pale grey with fine streaks",
+        "breast: off-white with grey streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a lighter stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-brown",
+        "eyes: deep brown and round",
+        "legs: orange-yellow and lanky",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with white stripes",
+        "nape: dark brown with a light central stripe",
+        "tail: long and dark brown with white corners",
+        "throat: white with thin grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "chalcophaps indica": [
+        "back: dark green upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: bluish-green or purple sheen",
+        "crown: dark green, iridescent",
+        "forehead: metallic green sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: red, medium-length",
+        "wings: dark green, iridescent, white-barred flight feathers",
+        "nape: dark green, smooth transition from crown",
+        "tail: dark green, long, central feathers metallic blue",
+        "throat: iridescent green or blue, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "chlidonias hybrida": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grey plumage",
+        "beak: sharp black with a pointed end",
+        "belly: light grey to white feathers",
+        "breast: pale greyish-white coloration",
+        "crown: smooth, dark grey feathers",
+        "forehead: darker feathering, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, beady",
+        "legs: long and slender, red or orange hue",
+        "wings: lengthy, pointed, dark grey with white patches",
+        "nape: uniform grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and forked with white edging",
+        "throat: pale grey with a delicate feather pattern"
+    ],
+    "necrosyrtes monachus": [
+        "back: dark brown, slightly mottled",
+        "beak: black, hooked tip",
+        "belly: light brown, faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale brown, streaked with darker markings",
+        "crown: dark brown, feathered crest",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: grayish-yellow, strong talons",
+        "wings: dark brown, wide wingspan",
+        "nape: dark brown, smoothly transitions to back",
+        "tail: dark brown, long and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: pale brownish-white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "asio flammeus": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, hooked, and dark gray",
+        "belly: white with brown vertical streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale buff with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, and bright yellow",
+        "legs: feathered, light gray, and long",
+        "wings: wide, long, and brownish-gray with white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with a slight crest",
+        "tail: brownish-gray with white bands",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown vertical streaks"
+    ],
+    "zonotrichia leucophrys": [
+        "back: brownish upper body with dark streaks",
+        "beak: cone-shaped, stout, pale pinkish",
+        "belly: off-white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: light grayish-buff, sometimes streaked",
+        "crown: contrasting black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: prominent white patch",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish with white and black stripes",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, sometimes streaked",
+        "tail: medium length, brownish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: unmarked, light grayish-buff"
+    ],
+    "cathartes burrovianus": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers covering dorsal side",
+        "beak: long and slightly hooked, ivory color",
+        "belly: whitish-gray feathers blending into breast",
+        "breast: pale gray feathers with subtle dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown feathers in a rounded shape",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray-brown plumage, merges with crown",
+        "eyes: piercing, encircled with red skin and thin white ring",
+        "legs: long, scaly, dark gray with slightly curved, sharp claws",
+        "wings: large, dark grayish-brown with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark grayish-brown plumage, merging with crown and back",
+        "tail: long, dark grayish-brown feathers with slight fan shape",
+        "throat: bare red skin extending into a pouch-like area"
+    ],
+    "pachyramphus aglaiae": [
+        "back: sleek, bluish-green feathers",
+        "beak: black, stout, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: rich chestnut color",
+        "crown: dark gray with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black plumage, blending to gray",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: stout, gray-toned",
+        "wings: blackish-blue with noticeable white bar",
+        "nape: bluish-gray, similar to back feathers",
+        "tail: dark with slightly rounded tips and white edges",
+        "throat: white, contrast against breast"
+    ],
+    "empidonax difficilis": [
+        "back: olive green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and grayish",
+        "belly: off-white and unmarked",
+        "breast: light grayish-olive with possible streaks",
+        "crown: olive green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: grayish-green and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-green with short, sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with two whitish wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing from the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with notched tip and thin white edges",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "larus canus": [
+        "back: light grey feathered",
+        "beak: yellowish with a red spot",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: flat, light grey top",
+        "forehead: smooth, sloping, light grey",
+        "eyes: dark with black pupil surrounded by a white iris",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange, thin, and webbed",
+        "wings: light grey with black tips, multiple primary feathers",
+        "nape: light grey, short feathers",
+        "tail: white, medium length with black band near the tip",
+        "throat: white and smooth-textured"
+    ],
+    "bucephala clangula": [
+        "back: dark iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: blackish-gray and stout",
+        "belly: white with clean black margins",
+        "breast: white with black lateral stripes",
+        "crown: glossy purple-black with green highlights",
+        "forehead: slightly inclined, dark feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow-golden color",
+        "legs: orange with dark gray webs",
+        "wings: mostly black with large white patches",
+        "nape: square-shaped with iridescent purple-black feathers",
+        "tail: short, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, bordered by black stripes"
+    ],
+    "anthracoceros albirostris": [
+        "back: glossy bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long white-billed hornbill",
+        "belly: black feathered area",
+        "breast: black with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: dark feathery crest",
+        "forehead: prominent black protrusion",
+        "eyes: encircled with a white strip",
+        "legs: short dark grey appendages",
+        "wings: black with a bluish shine, wide for strong flight",
+        "nape: black feathers extending to the neck",
+        "tail: long black feathers with broad white tips",
+        "throat: black feathers with a slight gloss"
+    ],
+    "linaria cannabina": [
+        "back: rich chestnut-brown hue",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale buff or grayish-white",
+        "breast: warm buff with dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: deep chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: chestnut-brown with black and white markings",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "tachycineta bicolor": [
+        "back: dark, iridescent green",
+        "beak: small, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white, soft appearance",
+        "breast: white, well-rounded",
+        "crown: dark green with purple highlights",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, alert",
+        "legs: short, light gray, slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, green and purple",
+        "nape: shiny, iridescent green",
+        "tail: forked, green/purple upper, white lower",
+        "throat: white, delicate feathers"
+    ],
+    "pernis apivorus": [
+        "back: gray-brown color, feathered",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, yellow base",
+        "belly: white with dark markings",
+        "breast: white with gray-brown streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: gray-brown, smooth",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark pupils",
+        "legs: yellow, strong, and featherless",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, gray-brown with dark spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown, slightly lighter than back",
+        "tail: long and broad, gray-brown with dark bands",
+        "throat: white with gray-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "petrochelidon fulva": [
+        "back: light grey-blue and smooth",
+        "beak: short and multi-colored",
+        "belly: pale whitish-buff with fine streaks",
+        "breast: light orange-brown with a band",
+        "crown: deep purplish-blue contrast",
+        "forehead: bright white patch",
+        "eyes: small and dark-colored",
+        "legs: short and reddish-orange",
+        "wings: dark blue with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: purplish-blue plumage continuation",
+        "tail: square-shaped and notched",
+        "throat: dark-reddish chestnut with distinctness"
+    ],
+    "netta peposaca": [
+        "back: pale-blue grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and white",
+        "belly: white with black stripes",
+        "breast: white with black markings",
+        "crown: pale-blue grey coloring",
+        "forehead: smooth, white feathers",
+        "eyes: black and round, with small white borders",
+        "legs: strong, grey colored",
+        "wings: blue-grey with black and white markings",
+        "nape: pale-blue with minimal feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with sparse black markings"
+    ],
+    "calidris ruficollis": [
+        "back: rusty-red feathers with dark streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight black bill",
+        "belly: clean white or pale gray plumage",
+        "breast: brick red with scattered black markings",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with fine dark streaks",
+        "forehead: buffy white fading into crown color",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: black, thin, and long",
+        "wings: reddish-brown upperparts with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: rufous coloration with fine dark streaks",
+        "tail: short, white with sparse dark barring",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "lanius excubitor": [
+        "back: slate-grey plumage, long and straight",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white, clean appearance",
+        "breast: white, slightly streaked",
+        "crown: grey, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: grey, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, intense gaze",
+        "legs: powerful, black, sharp talons",
+        "wings: black, long, with white patch",
+        "nape: grey, well-defined",
+        "tail: black, long, squared-off",
+        "throat: white, unbroken coloration"
+    ],
+    "myiodynastes maculatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: black, straight, and elongated",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with flecks of yellow",
+        "forehead: grayish with a yellow tinge",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black eyelash markings",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight yellow tinge",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: creamy white with olive-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "sterna hirundo": [
+        "back: dark, glossy green-blue hue",
+        "beak: short, thin, and sharp",
+        "belly: clean, bright white",
+        "breast: vivid white with slight curve",
+        "crown: sleek, iridescent green-blue",
+        "forehead: smooth, glossy head feathers",
+        "eyes: black, alert, and piercing",
+        "legs: short and slender with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and agile",
+        "nape: smooth transition from crown to back",
+        "tail: deeply forked, elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant white under the beak"
+    ],
+    "ardea melanocephala": [
+        "back: dark greyish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, dark grey",
+        "belly: light-grey feathered",
+        "breast: bluish-grey plumage",
+        "crown: black feathers with slight greenish tinge",
+        "forehead: blackish-green feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: long, black with yellow elongated feet",
+        "wings: broad, dark greyish-blue with white streaks",
+        "nape: black or dark green",
+        "tail: short, dark grey-blue with white markings",
+        "throat: white, merging to blue-grey on breast"
+    ],
+    "spatula querquedula": [
+        "back: greenish-brown feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: short, black, and slightly pointed",
+        "belly: creamy-white with black spots",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown with speckles",
+        "crown: dark brown with streaks of lighter shades",
+        "forehead: greenish-black with distinct white stripe",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: bright orange or yellow, webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue speculum feathers with white borders",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with slight streaks",
+        "tail: short, pointed, and dark brown",
+        "throat: light brown with faint markings"
+    ],
+    "oriolus oriolus": [
+        "back: bright greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: sturdy, pointed, and silver-gray",
+        "belly: vibrant golden-yellow",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black stripe markings",
+        "crown: black with golden-yellow edges",
+        "forehead: black, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: black with yellow patches and white wing bars",
+        "nape: black, connecting the crown and back",
+        "tail: black with yellow edges and white corners",
+        "throat: striking golden-yellow"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus ridibundus": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: slender, hooked, orange-red tip",
+        "belly: whitish-cream feathers",
+        "breast: greyish-white plumage",
+        "crown: deep black rounded head",
+        "forehead: smooth black curve above beak",
+        "eyes: gleaming white circle with dark pupils",
+        "legs: orange-red, medium length",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white trailing edges",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: white with black terminal band",
+        "throat: white, leading to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "saltator atriceps": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: stout, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray, sometimes tinged with yellow",
+        "breast: grayish-white, transitioning from the belly",
+        "crown: black with a bright blue patch",
+        "forehead: black, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a narrow white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong and dark gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with bluish edging on the feathers",
+        "nape: black, transitioning to olive-green on the back",
+        "tail: long and olive-green, with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: black, contrasting with the gray breast"
+    ],
+    "eucometis penicillata": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short and pointed",
+        "belly: yellowish-white feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white plumage",
+        "crown: grayish-blue crest",
+        "forehead: smooth grayish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, dark-colored",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black spots",
+        "nape: grayish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with black markings",
+        "throat: white, bordered by grayish-blue"
+    ],
+    "melospiza melodia": [
+        "back: striped brown and grey feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, and pale",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks and buffy wash",
+        "crown: brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and slender",
+        "wings: brown with white wingbars and dark streaks",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long, brown, and notched",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "picus viridis": [
+        "back: vibrant green with subtle barring",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, grayish-white",
+        "belly: pale yellow-green, mottled",
+        "breast: light greenish-yellow, streaked",
+        "crown: bright green with black border",
+        "forehead: light greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a narrow white ring",
+        "legs: gray and agile",
+        "wings: vibrant green with black bars, blue and yellow on flight feathers",
+        "nape: green, blending with the back",
+        "tail: dark green with yellow outer edges, black bars",
+        "throat: yellowish-cream with black chin streaks"
+    ],
+    "nycticorax nycticorax": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: light grey feathers",
+        "breast: mottled grey and white plumage",
+        "crown: black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white streak above the eyes",
+        "eyes: large, red, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: yellowish-green, long, and skinny",
+        "wings: grey with white patches and black primary feathers",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey, short, and rounded",
+        "throat: white with grey speckles"
+    ],
+    "alauda arvensis": [
+        "back: brown with streaks of black and beige",
+        "beak: small, pointy, and pale pinkish-yellow",
+        "belly: white, feathered with dark streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: streaked brown with crest on top",
+        "forehead: small, light brown with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: small, chestnut-brown, encircled by a light-toned ring",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown with three forward-facing toes",
+        "wings: brown with black markings and lighter edges",
+        "nape: beige-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: square-shaped, dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, feathered with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "calcarius lapponicus": [
+        "back: dark streaks on brownish plumage",
+        "beak: short and conical, black or yellowish",
+        "belly: cream or white with black bars",
+        "breast: rusty-red or chestnut with bold streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark, with a white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-black and long",
+        "wings: black with white edges and brownish coverts",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with large black crescent"
+    ],
+    "emberiza hortulana": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, yellowish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow-orange with light streaks",
+        "breast: yellowish-orange, streaked with dark spots",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a central streak",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown fading to white",
+        "eyes: large, dark, with light eyering",
+        "legs: grayish-pink, strong and slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with white, dark-edged feather tips",
+        "nape: olive-green to chestnut-brown transition",
+        "tail: mostly olive-green, forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white with grayish streaking"
+    ],
+    "botaurus lentiginosus": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks and beige spots",
+        "beak: long, dagger-like, and yellowish",
+        "belly: warm beige with fine, brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with brown streaking",
+        "crown: black with subtle beige streaks",
+        "forehead: beige with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by beige feathers",
+        "legs: greenish-yellow and long",
+        "wings: patterned brown, black, and beige",
+        "nape: beige with fine brown streaking",
+        "tail: brown with black barring and beige tips",
+        "throat: buff-colored with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "buteo lineatus": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers with a subdued pattern",
+        "beak: hooked and sharp for tearing prey, dark gray color",
+        "belly: creamy white with dark horizontal barring",
+        "breast: whitish with reddish-brown horizontal streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with rounded feathers",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray, slightly lighter than the crown",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with dark, round pupils",
+        "legs: strong, yellow with sharp talons for catching prey",
+        "wings: broad and rounded, brown with white and reddish-brown patterns",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, blending with the crown and back",
+        "tail: brown with multiple white bands and a broad white tip",
+        "throat: whitish, sometimes with light reddish-brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "amazilia yucatanensis": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper body",
+        "beak: thin, elongated black beak",
+        "belly: white to pale gray underside",
+        "breast: iridescent green feathers",
+        "crown: glossy green head",
+        "forehead: bright green plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short with black talons",
+        "wings: elongated, pointed, and greenish-blue",
+        "nape: bright green feathering at the back of the head",
+        "tail: forked with blue and black feathers",
+        "throat: iridescent green patch"
+    ],
+    "gallinula tenebrosa": [
+        "back: dark brown with subtle green sheen",
+        "beak: deep vibrant red with prominent frontal shield",
+        "belly: dusky gray-brown with paler undertones",
+        "breast: light gray with darker streaks",
+        "crown: black and glossy with reddish-brown sides",
+        "forehead: covered by red frontal shield",
+        "eyes: dark brown surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender greenish-yellow with red-orange knees",
+        "wings: dark brown with green sheen and distinctive white wing stripe",
+        "nape: reddish-brown fading to black at the crown",
+        "tail: short, dark brown with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale gray with a hint of brownish hue"
+    ],
+    "oriolus chinensis": [
+        "back: olive-green",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: yellow or golden-yellow",
+        "breast: yellow or golden-yellow, sometimes with light streaks",
+        "crown: black, extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: black, continuous with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown or black, with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, gray or pale pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with black edges",
+        "nape: black, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green, black and yellow, with broad yellow tips",
+        "throat: yellow or golden-yellow, distinct from the black crown and nape"
+    ],
+    "pyrocephalus rubinus": [
+        "back: bright red feathers with streaks of gray",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale, light gray with flecks of white",
+        "breast: vibrant red blending into the gray belly",
+        "crown: deep red with hints of orange",
+        "forehead: fiery red, extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark black with a thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, black with slightly curved talons",
+        "wings: grayish-black with red accents at the bend",
+        "nape: red slowly transitioning into gray",
+        "tail: long, grayish-black with small red feathers at the base",
+        "throat: bright red, contrasting with the pale belly"
+    ],
+    "arremonops rufivirgatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: strong and conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with brownish flanks",
+        "breast: white or pale gray with brown streaks",
+        "crown: striking rufous with black streaks",
+        "forehead: olive-brown with black speckles",
+        "eyes: large and dark, encircled by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: sturdy and grayish",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with rufous central stripe",
+        "tail: olive-brown with faint rufous tips",
+        "throat: white or pale gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pandion haliaetus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, black",
+        "belly: white with brown speckles",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown plumage",
+        "forehead: white with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: large, fierce, yellow",
+        "legs: yellowish, scaly, strong",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "regulus regulus": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body feathers",
+        "beak: tiny, pointed black beak",
+        "belly: pale off-white underbelly",
+        "breast: bright lemon-yellow chest",
+        "crown: vibrant golden crest with black borders",
+        "forehead: yellow-green feathers above the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, bead-like eyes",
+        "legs: thin, short, grayish legs & feet",
+        "wings: greenish wings with black-and-white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive green feathers on back of neck",
+        "tail: short, greenish-black tail feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow under the beak"
+    ],
+    "oenanthe familiaris": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers providing camouflage",
+        "beak: short, thin, black for insect-catching",
+        "belly: creamy white and soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown striped with black, hint of blue",
+        "forehead: brownish with white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, sharp vision for hunting",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, grayish-pink for perching",
+        "wings: broad, brown with black markings, swift flight",
+        "nape: brown colored, narrow stripes of dark feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, black and white bands, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white feathers transitioning to breast markings"
+    ],
+    "anthracothorax prevostii": [
+        "back: iridescent green upper body",
+        "beak: straight, black, and slender",
+        "belly: reddish-brown with black spots",
+        "breast: vibrant green with black markings",
+        "crown: dark green to black crest",
+        "forehead: iridescent green",
+        "eyes: dark brown encircled by green feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-black and slender",
+        "wings: elongated green with traces of blue or violet",
+        "nape: iridescent green plumage",
+        "tail: black with green and violet reflections",
+        "throat: glossy purple-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "anser cygnoides": [
+        "back: greenish-black, slightly convex",
+        "beak: reddish-orange, stout and hooked",
+        "belly: grayish-white, soft feathers",
+        "breast: grayish-white, rounded plumes",
+        "crown: dark green, rounded top",
+        "forehead: white, relatively flat",
+        "eyes: small, black with pale eyelids",
+        "legs: orange, short and strong",
+        "wings: broad, greenish-black with white tips",
+        "nape: dark green, slightly arched",
+        "tail: white, short and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: grayish-white, relatively smooth"
+    ],
+    "setophaga occidentalis": [
+        "back: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, thin, pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with black streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with black sides",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with black and white markings",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "cereopsis novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short and stout, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale grey feathers",
+        "breast: light grey with faint bars",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter grey than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a prominent pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong, greyish-pink",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with pale tips",
+        "nape: grey-brown feathers",
+        "tail: short and dark grey-brown",
+        "throat: pale grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "columba oenas": [
+        "back: bluish-grey with subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short and stout, pale greyish-yellow",
+        "belly: pale bluish-grey with faint markings",
+        "breast: pale bluish-grey with faint speckles",
+        "crown: smooth bluish-grey",
+        "forehead: slightly paler grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: short and reddish-pink",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with black bars, rounded",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with slight sheen",
+        "tail: short, dark grey with white-tipped edges",
+        "throat: pale bluish-grey with faint speckles"
+    ],
+    "cyanocitta stelleri": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, black, and sturdy",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray-blue feathers",
+        "crown: strong blue feathers with a crest",
+        "forehead: blue feathers transitioning to darker nape",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by blue feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy dark gray legs with sharp claws",
+        "wings: rich blue feathers with black bars",
+        "nape: distinct band of dark blue-black feathers",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with bold black bars",
+        "throat: grayish-white feathers extending from beak to breast"
+    ],
+    "mycteria ibis": [
+        "back: white with a slight grey tinge",
+        "beak: long, yellowish, and downwards curved",
+        "belly: white and smooth",
+        "breast: white feathers with a soft texture",
+        "crown: elongated feathers, light grey",
+        "forehead: white with a slight grey tinge",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by bare skin patch",
+        "legs: long, black, and slender",
+        "wings: white with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: white with a slight grey tinge",
+        "tail: short, white feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: white, bare skin extending to the beak"
+    ],
+    "passer diffusus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: whitish with faint grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale grayish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender, long, and pale gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "leiothlypis luciae": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small, slender, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light yellow with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: bright yellow with a distinct black mask",
+        "forehead: yellow blending into black mask",
+        "eyes: large, dark, surrounded by black mask",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing bars",
+        "nape: yellowish-green with faint streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "charadrius vociferus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: white with a black collar",
+        "crown: solid black with white stripes",
+        "forehead: white and unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyestripe",
+        "legs: long and yellowish",
+        "wings: dark with white patches",
+        "nape: black stripe bordered by white",
+        "tail: short with white edges",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "oreoscoptes montanus": [
+        "back: earthy brown with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, thin, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with sparse streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty-brown, uniform color",
+        "forehead: pale brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "eyes: round, small, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender with strong claws",
+        "wings: sturdy, earthy brown with faint bars",
+        "nape: rusty-brown, matching the crown",
+        "tail: earthy brown, moderately long with white edges",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks, contrasting above parts"
+    ],
+    "oriolus sagittatus": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: strong, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale, creamy white",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "crown: sleek, glossy black",
+        "forehead: smooth black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright, circular, dark-colored",
+        "legs: sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: black with striking yellow edgings",
+        "nape: rich, olive-green merging with the black head",
+        "tail: long, black with prominent yellow tips",
+        "throat: deep yellow blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "gymnorhina tibicen": [
+        "back: dark grey feathers with slight gloss",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and curved",
+        "belly: light grey and slightly fluffy",
+        "breast: lighter grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "crown: smooth grey with a streak of white",
+        "forehead: pale grey with faint markings",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: broad, sturdy, and mostly black",
+        "nape: dark grey with white stripes",
+        "tail: long, fan-shaped, and black with white markings",
+        "throat: smooth pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "coccothraustes coccothraustes": [
+        "back: strong, greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: large, thick, and conical",
+        "belly: bright, off-white color",
+        "breast: deep yellowish-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: dark blue with a slight green sheen",
+        "forehead: short white stripe above the eye",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by white feather patch",
+        "legs: powerful, gray-blue color",
+        "wings: broad and round, with dark blue-black feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow with black streaks, like the back",
+        "tail: short and black, with a noticeable white tip",
+        "throat: pale, off-white color"
+    ],
+    "eopsaltria australis": [
+        "back: olive-green color with yellowish streaks",
+        "beak: short and straight, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale yellow with brownish spots",
+        "breast: yellowish-white blending to yellow on belly",
+        "crown: dark grey with white stripe at edge",
+        "forehead: dark grey, slightly paler than crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: greyish-blue with sharp claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with white and dark grey striped pattern",
+        "nape: greyish-olive, darker than back",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with darker upperparts"
+    ],
+    "turdus amaurochalinus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: pale yellow, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: golden-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: flat and olive-brown",
+        "forehead: olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with cream-colored edges",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaking",
+        "tail: olive-brown with light fringes",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "oxyura jamaicensis": [
+        "back: dark brown with black speckles",
+        "beak: bright blue with a white tip",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: black with chestnut sides",
+        "crown: deep black with a slight tuft",
+        "forehead: striking white patch",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye ring",
+        "legs: gray-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: black extending to the back",
+        "tail: short, pointed, with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "chroicocephalus novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: light grey and narrow body shape",
+        "beak: slim and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: predominantly white with soft feathering",
+        "breast: white and smooth",
+        "crown: silver-grey plumage",
+        "forehead: sleek silver-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: bright red rings around the pupils",
+        "legs: thin and long, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed, with black tips",
+        "nape: silver-grey plumage that blends into the crown",
+        "tail: short with black band and a white rounded tip",
+        "throat: white feathers, connecting to the breast"
+    ],
+    "picus canus": [
+        "back: soft gray plumage",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and pale gray",
+        "belly: off-white to pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: light gray, sometimes with hints of green",
+        "crown: light grayish-green with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray with a smooth transition to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, with faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-green with scaly texture",
+        "wings: dark gray with white and greenish speckles on the coverts",
+        "nape: light gray streaked with darker gray",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with white outer feathers and greenish tinge",
+        "throat: pale gray with no distinct markings"
+    ],
+    "anthus novaeseelandiae": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-toned with darker streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by light eyering",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: long and dark, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale buff, lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "microcarbo melanoleucos": [
+        "back: dark gray with white speckles",
+        "beak: slender, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white with a faint gray undertone",
+        "breast: white with a gray streak",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slight peak",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark gray",
+        "eyes: bright blue with black ring",
+        "legs: short and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark gray with white spots, slim and elongated",
+        "nape: dark gray and slightly raised",
+        "tail: gray with white stripes, fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white extending from breast with a gray patch"
+    ],
+    "phoenicurus fuliginosus": [
+        "back: dark slate gray with a soft sheen",
+        "beak: short, slender, and dark",
+        "belly: light gray with a hint of rufous-orange",
+        "breast: pale gray, transitioning to russet flanks",
+        "crown: dark gray with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, dark gray and smooth",
+        "eyes: round, bold, and black",
+        "legs: sturdy and black",
+        "wings: slate gray with a subtle sheen and a distinctive white wing patch",
+        "nape: dark gray, blending into the crown and back",
+        "tail: rufous-orange with a jet-black central pair of feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, similar to the breast"
+    ],
+    "tangara arthus": [
+        "back: vibrant yellow and green feathers",
+        "beak: short and sharp, black",
+        "belly: rich turquoise blue",
+        "breast: bright orange-yellow",
+        "crown: deep metallic green",
+        "forehead: intense emerald green",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish, and strong",
+        "wings: bold green with black and blue accents",
+        "nape: contrasting black and green feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, green with black patterns",
+        "throat: brilliant golden yellow"
+    ],
+    "ramphocelus flammigerus": [
+        "back: vibrant bluish-black plumage",
+        "beak: stout, silver-gray",
+        "belly: intensely orange-red",
+        "breast: fiery orange-red",
+        "crown: glossy black with slight blue sheen",
+        "forehead: sleek, dark bluish-black",
+        "eyes: deep brown, well-defined",
+        "legs: strong, slate-gray",
+        "wings: brilliant bluish-black feathers",
+        "nape: lustrous bluish-black",
+        "tail: elongated, black with blue iridescence",
+        "throat: striking orange-red hue"
+    ],
+    "ortalis cinereiceps": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale",
+        "belly: white with pale gray streaks",
+        "breast: grayish with dark stripes",
+        "crown: dark gray plumage",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: stout and sturdy, with scaly gray skin",
+        "wings: broad, with a mix of gray, brown, and white feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray plumage blending into lighter shades towards the back",
+        "tail: long and fan-shaped, with gray, brown, and black feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "gyps africanus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: long, hooked, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish-grey feathers with dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-grey feathers with dark markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with a feathered crest",
+        "forehead: light brown feathers blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: deep reddish-brown, surrounded by bare skin",
+        "legs: featherless, pale grey, strong",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with lighter feather edges",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with slight crest",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, dark brown with paler tips",
+        "throat: light grey with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "carpodacus erythrinus": [
+        "back: rose-colored plumage",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, cone-like",
+        "belly: paler pinkish hue",
+        "breast: deep pink color, fading to white",
+        "crown: vibrant rose-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: bright pink distinct plumage",
+        "eyes: black, small, and sharp",
+        "legs: short and slender, with gray-brown hue",
+        "wings: medium-length, rose-colored with darker tips",
+        "nape: rose hue, transitioning to paler pink",
+        "tail: forked, rose-colored with darker tips",
+        "throat: deep pink feathers, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "pitangus sulphuratus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: straight, thick, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow with evident vent region",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with a concealed crest",
+        "forehead: white in color, distinctively bordered",
+        "eyes: black orbs with fine white ring",
+        "legs: strong and sturdy, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white and yellow patches",
+        "nape: solid brown with light streaking",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer tips",
+        "throat: striking yellow complementing the breast"
+    ],
+    "dendrocygna autumnalis": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grey with spots",
+        "breast: reddish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: slightly elevated, black feathers",
+        "forehead: greyish-white merging with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale yellow ring",
+        "legs: long, dark grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with white edges",
+        "nape: black and brown feathers",
+        "tail: dark brown with white tips",
+        "throat: greyish-white, blending with breast"
+    ],
+    "vidua macroura": [
+        "back: sleek, iridescent black feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, silver-white",
+        "belly: white feathers with fine black markings",
+        "breast: shimmering black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: black, glossy feathers",
+        "eyes: deep brown with a bright white ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, dark grey",
+        "wings: black with dark metallic blue sheen",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: elongated, ribbon-like, black feathers",
+        "throat: velvety black plumage"
+    ],
+    "podargus strigoides": [
+        "back: mottled brown and white plumage",
+        "beak: wide, hooked, and olive-gray",
+        "belly: light gray with faint horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: pale gray with white streaks",
+        "crown: gray-brown with fine white streaks",
+        "forehead: gray-ish white",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and forward-facing",
+        "legs: short, gray, and feathered",
+        "wings: rounded, large, with brown and white mottling",
+        "nape: gray-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, square, mottled brown and white",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine white streaks"
+    ],
+    "grus americana": [
+        "back: pale grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and light-colored with a slight curve",
+        "belly: white feathers with a soft, fluffy texture",
+        "breast: white feathers with a hint of grey",
+        "crown: white feathers with a streak of red skin at the top",
+        "forehead: red skin patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, positioned on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: long, skinny, and grey, with large feet for wading",
+        "wings: broad and grey with white feathers along the edges",
+        "nape: grey feathers transitioning from the back to the head",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, grey feathers with horizontal white striping",
+        "throat: white feathers, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "peucaea cassinii": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: short, gray-black, conical",
+        "belly: light gray, fading to whitish",
+        "breast: grayish-brown, streaked sides",
+        "crown: gray with a reddish-brown stripe",
+        "forehead: gray-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by a white ring",
+        "legs: pale gray, slender and long",
+        "wings: short and rounded, olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "nape: gray, blending with back and crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown, short and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "grus grus": [
+        "back: slate-grey feathered upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp",
+        "belly: lighter grey in color with thin feathering",
+        "breast: pale grey and well-rounded",
+        "crown: darker grey with a hint of striping",
+        "forehead: pale grey and smooth",
+        "eyes: round and dark with golden outlines",
+        "legs: long, sturdy, and orange-red",
+        "wings: wide and powerful in flight; patterned grey and white",
+        "nape: smooth and slate-grey",
+        "tail: long, fan-like feathers with white accents",
+        "throat: slender and pale grey with subtle markings"
+    ],
+    "empidonax wrightii": [
+        "back: olive-green upper surface",
+        "beak: short, straight, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale, whitish-grey",
+        "breast: light greyish-white",
+        "crown: olive-green with some grey",
+        "forehead: subtle pale eye-ring",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: short, greyish-black",
+        "wings: olive-green with two wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with back",
+        "tail: medium length, straight, greyish-black",
+        "throat: whitish-grey, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cecropis abyssinica": [
+        "back: metallic greenish-blue upperparts",
+        "beak: thin, long, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with pale reddish spots",
+        "breast: white with a reddish-purple patch",
+        "crown: glossy greenish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue with white markings",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: elongated with greenish-blue and black feathers",
+        "nape: glossy greenish-blue with white markings",
+        "tail: long, forked, and black with white tips",
+        "throat: white with a slight reddish tone"
+    ],
+    "turdus fuscater": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown upperparts",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, and blackish-brown color",
+        "belly: paler grayish-brown with subtle dark speckles",
+        "breast: slightly chestnut-brown and darker than the belly",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown, slightly crest-like",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin, pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: strong, medium-length, blackish-brown",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with secondary feathers slightly edged with chestnut",
+        "nape: uniform dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "tail: grayish-brown with subtle chestnut edges on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with dark flecks, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "actophilornis africanus": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body coloration",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: whitish-gold and streaked with dark green",
+        "breast: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark green with gold streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish-gold with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright orange with long toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with gold streaks",
+        "nape: olive-colored with dark and gold streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with blackened tips",
+        "throat: whitish with gold streaks"
+    ],
+    "turdus iliacus": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: dark grey, straight, and slender",
+        "belly: pale whitish with dark spots",
+        "breast: warm reddish-orange with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark grey-brown",
+        "forehead: grey-brown with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: dull pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: dark brown with bold white secondary bar",
+        "nape: grey-brown with discreet streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown, rounded",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "geopelia striata": [
+        "back: gray-brown with white striations",
+        "beak: short, curved, pale pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: creamy pale gray",
+        "breast: light gray with white striations",
+        "crown: gray-brown with faint striations",
+        "forehead: pale gray with white striations",
+        "eyes: round, black pupils, white iris",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: gray-brown with white striations and black spots",
+        "nape: gray-brown with faint striations",
+        "tail: long, gray-brown with white striations and black tips",
+        "throat: creamy pale gray"
+    ],
+    "haliastur indus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with dark streaks",
+        "crown: slightly paler reddish-brown",
+        "forehead: white with dark streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with black pupils",
+        "legs: long, unfeathered, yellow",
+        "wings: red-brown, long and pointed with white patches",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: banded, long, white and reddish-brown",
+        "throat: streaked white and dark gray"
+    ],
+    "turdus migratorius": [
+        "back: dark gray with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin and yellowish",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with spots",
+        "crown: grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender and brownish",
+        "wings: dark gray with white bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue",
+        "tail: dark gray with white corners",
+        "throat: white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "penelope purpurascens": [
+        "back: vibrant green and blue feathers",
+        "beak: long, black, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft white or light gray feathers",
+        "breast: mix of green and blue hues, lightly speckled",
+        "crown: deep blue or purple feathers, slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright green or blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark with a white ring around them",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray or black with sharp talons",
+        "wings: long, mainly blue or green with hints of purple",
+        "nape: mix of green and blue feathers, some purple",
+        "tail: long and slender, blue with purple highlights",
+        "throat: white or light gray with lightly speckled pattern"
+    ],
+    "lanius schach": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: hooked, black and sharp",
+        "belly: white or pale with dark barring",
+        "breast: pale grey or buffy, sometimes with streaks",
+        "crown: dark grey or black head cap",
+        "forehead: lighter gray than crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round and beady",
+        "legs: sturdy and blackish",
+        "wings: long, grey-brown with white patches",
+        "nape: continuation of crown's dark color",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale, sometimes streaked"
+    ],
+    "aratinga nenday": [
+        "back: green feathers with subtle blue sheen",
+        "beak: dark gray and hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: bright yellow feathers with a touch of green",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with a hint of orange",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray and sturdy zygodactyl",
+        "wings: green with blue-coated tips",
+        "nape: yellow merging green towards the back",
+        "tail: long, green feathers with blue undersides",
+        "throat: bright yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "alca torda": [
+        "back: dark-feathered, streamlined body",
+        "beak: pointy, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white, smooth, and rounded",
+        "breast: grayish-blue with white stripes",
+        "crown: black, flat, and tapered",
+        "forehead: rounded, black, and feathered",
+        "eyes: round, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, stout, and webbed",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and black-bordered",
+        "nape: dark, feathered, and curved",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, and dark",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "coracias benghalensis": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: light blue feathers",
+        "breast: turquoise blue plumage",
+        "crown: glossy indigo head",
+        "forehead: brilliant indigo feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slim black legs with strong feet",
+        "wings: vibrant blue with black tips",
+        "nape: deep indigo with blue sheen",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: pale blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "accipiter cooperii": [
+        "back: blue-green feathered upper body",
+        "beak: short, sharp, hooked bill",
+        "belly: off-white feathers, thin reddish horizontal stripes",
+        "breast: pale red-brown barring on light chest",
+        "crown: dark, sleek head feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, feathered brow",
+        "eyes: bright orange to red, predatory gaze",
+        "legs: long yellow legs with sharp talons",
+        "wings: broad, blue-green with white under-wing patches",
+        "nape: rich blue-green feathering on back of the neck",
+        "tail: long, banded with alternating blue-green and white stripes",
+        "throat: pale, thinly striped with brown markings"
+    ],
+    "hypothymis azurea": [
+        "back: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "beak: slender black bill",
+        "belly: white with blue streaks",
+        "breast: bright azure blue",
+        "crown: deep blue crest",
+        "forehead: dark blue coloring",
+        "eyes: deep black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dusky gray with sharp claws",
+        "wings: striking blue with black edges",
+        "nape: rich blue with bluish-black markings",
+        "tail: elongated blue feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: brilliant sky-blue hue"
+    ],
+    "bucephala islandica": [
+        "back: sleek black plumage",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark-colored",
+        "belly: white with dark markings",
+        "breast: bright white feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, black feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, black plumage",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with black pupil",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, orange in color",
+        "wings: black with white markings, powerful",
+        "nape: black and slightly curved",
+        "tail: short and black with a slight upward angle",
+        "throat: contrasting white feathers"
+    ],
+    "malurus melanocephalus": [
+        "back: vibrant blue hue with lighter feather tips",
+        "beak: small, slender, black and pointy",
+        "belly: pale blue-grey coloration",
+        "breast: bright blue central patch",
+        "crown: deep, glossy black",
+        "forehead: lustrous black extending down to eye",
+        "eyes: dark, bead-like with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slim, dark and slightly elongated",
+        "wings: vivid blue with black striping",
+        "nape: striking blue with black markings",
+        "tail: elongated, blue with black barring",
+        "throat: gleaming black, matching the crown"
+    ],
+    "passer hispaniolensis": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: pale white plumage",
+        "breast: light gray to creamy feathers",
+        "crown: deep grayish-blue top of head",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-blue front of head",
+        "eyes: small and dark with narrow white eyering",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown, and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with blueish-gray edges",
+        "nape: blueish-gray back of the neck",
+        "tail: dark blue-gray with a forked shape",
+        "throat: white feathers framed by deep grayish-blue"
+    ],
+    "sphyrapicus varius": [
+        "back: olive-green with white streaks",
+        "beak: slender, long, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: soft white with dark horizontal bars",
+        "crown: red or black with white patches",
+        "forehead: bright red band",
+        "eyes: dark and beady with white rings",
+        "legs: black and strong",
+        "wings: dark with white bars and spots",
+        "nape: black or red with white accents",
+        "tail: black with white tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "saltator maximus": [
+        "back: olive-grey with fine streaks",
+        "beak: strong, cone-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light grey, faint streaks",
+        "crown: dark slate-grey",
+        "forehead: slate-grey, slightly paler",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized",
+        "legs: long, strong, grey",
+        "wings: blackish, white-tipped secondaries",
+        "nape: slate-grey, like crown",
+        "tail: blackish, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sharp black border"
+    ],
+    "lullula arborea": [
+        "back: light brown with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: small and sharp, yellowish-brown",
+        "belly: white with brown spots",
+        "breast: pale brown with darker speckling",
+        "crown: brown with subtle white streaks",
+        "forehead: pale brown with slight streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by light feathers",
+        "legs: long and thin, yellowish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white spots and bars",
+        "nape: light brown with white streaking",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and dark bars",
+        "throat: pale brown with light speckling"
+    ],
+    "acanthis hornemanni": [
+        "back: light brownish-gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white with slight streaks",
+        "breast: pale pinkish-buff, accented with fine streaks",
+        "crown: rich red color with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: light reddish-brown blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by pale eyering",
+        "legs: slender, with a dark blue-gray color",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with two whitish wing bars",
+        "nape: light brownish-gray with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and forked, brownish-gray color",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "spinus tristis": [
+        "back: olive-yellow with streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black with yellow stripes",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: black with white bars and yellow edges",
+        "nape: olive-yellow with black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black patch"
+    ],
+    "prunella modularis": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: buff-white with faint markings",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: dark grey with a hint of brown",
+        "forehead: smooth greyish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: slender and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with distinct white streaks",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with light streaks",
+        "tail: squared, short, and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale grey with minimal markings"
+    ],
+    "branta leucopsis": [
+        "back: blackish-brown feathers with light fringing",
+        "beak: short, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale grey and white",
+        "breast: soft grey with hints of brown",
+        "crown: rounded, black, and sleek",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eyering",
+        "legs: black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark grey with white patches",
+        "nape: whitish-grey with a dark collar",
+        "tail: black, short, and pointed",
+        "throat: white and clean"
+    ],
+    "anthus rubescens": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: white with light streaks",
+        "breast: white with brownish streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: pale olive-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by thin pale eye ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-brown with pale edges on feathers",
+        "nape: olive-brown with pale streaks",
+        "tail: blackish-brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "pionus menstruus": [
+        "back: dark green feathers with blue highlights",
+        "beak: short, hooked, pale ivory",
+        "belly: light green to yellowish-green plumage",
+        "breast: dark green with hints of blue",
+        "crown: dark greenish-blue feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green than crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short, gray with strong, curved nails",
+        "wings: dark blue with green and purple shimmers",
+        "nape: bright blue feathers fading to green",
+        "tail: long, predominantly blue with green tips",
+        "throat: lighter green plumage fading to yellow towards the belly"
+    ],
+    "bucorvus leadbeateri": [
+        "back: dark-grey plumage covering dorsal region",
+        "beak: large, red, and curved, powerful for breaking wood",
+        "belly: greyish-white feathers covering underside",
+        "breast: light grey feathers at upper chest area",
+        "crown: dark grey with slight crest on top of head",
+        "forehead: dark grey, blending uniformly with crown",
+        "eyes: yellow, encircled by red for orbital skin",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong and robust for gripping",
+        "wings: grey and relatively short compared to body length",
+        "nape: dark grey feathers extending from head to back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: light grey feathers contrasting with red beak"
+    ],
+    "manorina melanocephala": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and black",
+        "belly: pale grey with pale streaks",
+        "breast: light grey with white streaks",
+        "crown: black with accompanying feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly paler black than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyelid ring",
+        "legs: dark grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather edges",
+        "nape: olive-green coloration",
+        "tail: square-tipped with dark feathers and white tips",
+        "throat: white with fine dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "delichon urbicum": [
+        "back: sleek bluish-grey color",
+        "beak: small and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: clean white hue",
+        "breast: white plumage blending with belly",
+        "crown: dark bluish-grey feathers",
+        "forehead: sharp contrast between dark crown and white cheeks",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin and sturdy, with black claws",
+        "wings: long and pointed, bluish-grey on top",
+        "nape: smooth bluish-grey feathers connecting to crown",
+        "tail: square-shaped with white rump patch, dark central feathers",
+        "throat: white, in harmony with breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "leiothlypis ruficapilla": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark-colored",
+        "belly: creamy-white, slightly streaked",
+        "breast: same as belly, but with more distinct streaks",
+        "crown: bright rufous with black border",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black with thin, white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with faint yellowish wingbars",
+        "nape: same as back, but with faint grayish edges",
+        "tail: dark with rounded feathers, olivaceous edges",
+        "throat: white with a faint hint of yellow"
+    ],
+    "gavicalis virescens": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, hooked, silver-grey",
+        "belly: white with grey-green streaks",
+        "breast: light green",
+        "crown: black with blue streaks",
+        "forehead: greenish-grey",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white ring",
+        "legs: pale grey",
+        "wings: olive-green with dark feather tips",
+        "nape: olive-green with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark band",
+        "throat: white with green streaks"
+    ],
+    "chamaea fasciata": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale buff-gray with indistinct streaks",
+        "breast: greyish-brown with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with well-defined streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth and slightly paler grey-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brown with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: long and narrow, brown with white edges",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "cyanocitta cristata": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black colored",
+        "belly: white with blue side streaks",
+        "breast: light gray-blue hues",
+        "crown: blue with a pronounced crest",
+        "forehead: slightly shorter blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and well-defined",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray, and strong",
+        "wings: blue-black feathers with bold white patches",
+        "nape: gradual transition from blue crest to gray-blue breast",
+        "tail: long, blue-black, and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: light gray-blue coloration"
+    ],
+    "phoenicurus auroreus": [
+        "back: bright rufous-orange",
+        "beak: small and black",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: vibrant orange",
+        "crown: deep cobalt blue",
+        "forehead: cobalt blue mixed with black",
+        "eyes: round, dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, dark",
+        "wings: blue-black, folded close",
+        "nape: rufous-orange fading to blue-black",
+        "tail: vivid orange-red with a black center",
+        "throat: blue-black with orange streaks"
+    ],
+    "pyrrhula pyrrhula": [
+        "back: dark gray with slight brownish tint",
+        "beak: short, thick, and pale brownish-orange",
+        "belly: reddish-orange fading to buff-white",
+        "breast: reddish-orange with a wash of gray",
+        "crown: dark gray with a subtle brown hue",
+        "forehead: dark gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, pinkish-brown with well-defined claws",
+        "wings: dark gray with black flight feathers and white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark gray, fading into the back",
+        "tail: blackish-gray with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: gray with a touch of reddish-orange towards the breast"
+    ],
+    "dryobates minor": [
+        "back: dark, spotted pattern",
+        "beak: short, strong chisel-like",
+        "belly: white, lightly speckled",
+        "breast: white, unmarked",
+        "crown: black with white spots",
+        "forehead: red patch on males",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, agile",
+        "wings: black with white bars",
+        "nape: striped white and black",
+        "tail: stiff, black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "cardellina canadensis": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, dark-colored, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: pale-yellow center with white undertail coverts",
+        "breast: bright yellow with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: yellow-orange and black striped pattern",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow-orange extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-rounded",
+        "legs: thin, grayish-blue with sharp talons",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green to gray and black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow bordered by black streaks"
+    ],
+    "calidris minutilla": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaks of black",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and black",
+        "belly: whitish with faint brown speckles",
+        "breast: light brown with darker brown streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with streaks of black",
+        "forehead: whitish with brown extensions",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and yellow-green",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark streaks and white edges",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers and dark bars",
+        "throat: pale with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "myiarchus tyrannulus": [
+        "back: olive-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "beak: black and broad, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: pale yellow, soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale grey with faint brownish tinge",
+        "crown: olive-brown, slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: light olive-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown, edged with pale yellow",
+        "nape: olive-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: long and dark, with rusty-red edges",
+        "throat: pale grey, contrasting with pale yellow belly"
+    ],
+    "euphonia elegantissima": [
+        "back: vibrant dark blue hue",
+        "beak: short, stout, pale-colored",
+        "belly: vivid, lemon-yellow shade",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow or golden",
+        "crown: deep metallic blue",
+        "forehead: gleaming blue plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and lively",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, grayish tone",
+        "wings: midnight blue with white bars",
+        "nape: rich blue-green coloring",
+        "tail: short, broad, blue with yellow edges",
+        "throat: yellow, extending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "tachybaptus dominicus": [
+        "back: dark brown with a hint of green",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and yellow",
+        "belly: light greyish-white",
+        "breast: greyish-white with fine streaks",
+        "crown: dull black with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and slightly puffed",
+        "eyes: small and deep-set, surrounded by a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short and yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: dark brown with lighter streaks on the secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown with a hint of green",
+        "tail: short and dark brown",
+        "throat: pale greyish-white"
+    ],
+    "icterus graduacauda": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: straight, thin, black",
+        "belly: yellow hue",
+        "breast: bright yellow plumage",
+        "crown: black-tipped feathers",
+        "forehead: black stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, beady",
+        "legs: thin, grayish",
+        "wings: olive-green with black-edged feathers",
+        "nape: black stripe",
+        "tail: elongated, graduated, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with black border"
+    ],
+    "quelea quelea": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale",
+        "belly: buff-white hue",
+        "breast: light reddish-brown",
+        "crown: reddish-brown top",
+        "forehead: black mask-like marking",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: slim, yellowish",
+        "wings: contrasting white feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown patch",
+        "tail: short, square, dark",
+        "throat: white, with black mask extension"
+    ],
+    "muscicapa adusta": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short and hooked, blackish-grey",
+        "belly: pale grey-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: olive-grey with darker spots",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with indistinct crest",
+        "forehead: light grey with a hint of yellow",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: pale pink-grey, relatively short",
+        "wings: dark brown with faint pale edges, pointed",
+        "nape: olive-brown fading to grey",
+        "tail: dark brown with a slight fork, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "parus major": [
+        "back: greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, black",
+        "belly: whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: bluish-black stripe",
+        "crown: bright blue",
+        "forehead: blue-black",
+        "eyes: black, bead-like",
+        "legs: pale blue-grey",
+        "wings: blue with white markings",
+        "nape: azure blue",
+        "tail: dark blue with white edges",
+        "throat: black band"
+    ],
+    "melanospiza bicolor": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical shape",
+        "belly: rich cream color",
+        "breast: black or chocolate brown",
+        "crown: deep brown with slight crest",
+        "forehead: brownish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown",
+        "legs: thin, light brown",
+        "wings: brown with darker flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-black tint",
+        "tail: dark brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: deep brownish-black"
+    ],
+    "tringa totanus": [
+        "back: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with darker markings",
+        "crown: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "forehead: white with light brown streaks",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright orange-red",
+        "wings: dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: dark brown with light speckles",
+        "tail: brown with white edges and dark bands",
+        "throat: white with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "anas castanea": [
+        "back: rich brown feathers with lighter speckles",
+        "beak: short, rounded and pale bluish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy white to light brown",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with fine grayish streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter brown streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and relatively small, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: orange-yellow with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: brown feathers with white-bordered green speculum",
+        "nape: brown with fine pale streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown feathers with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown gradually lightening toward the belly"
+    ],
+    "fulica atra": [
+        "back: dark, smooth, and sleek feathers",
+        "beak: white, sturdy, and slightly pointed",
+        "belly: black with a hint of iridescent sheen",
+        "breast: black and well-rounded",
+        "crown: black with a glossy shine",
+        "forehead: shielded by a white frontal plate",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, greenish-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, elongated, and strong",
+        "nape: black, glossy, and slightly curved",
+        "tail: short, dark, and fan-like",
+        "throat: black with a slight iridescence"
+    ],
+    "cacatua tenuirostris": [
+        "back: slate gray feathers with white accents",
+        "beak: elongated black upper and lower mandibles",
+        "belly: soft white underbelly feathers",
+        "breast: white feathered chest with a slight gray tint",
+        "crown: striking white crest of feathers on top of head",
+        "forehead: white feathers smoothly transitioning into the crest",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes with white feathered surroundings",
+        "legs: short, gray legs with scaly texture",
+        "wings: large white feathers with gray on undersides",
+        "nape: white feathers that extend down from the crest to the back",
+        "tail: long white feathers with gray tips",
+        "throat: white feathers surrounding the upper part of the chest"
+    ],
+    "colaptes punctigula": [
+        "back: olive-green with blackish bars",
+        "beak: strong, black, and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black markings",
+        "breast: yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: red with black border",
+        "forehead: yellowish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white ring",
+        "legs: grey and sturdy",
+        "wings: green-black with white spots",
+        "nape: red and black",
+        "tail: long with green-black and white bands",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "sterna forsteri": [
+        "back: olive-green with thin streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white and gray mix",
+        "crown: gray with a dark cap",
+        "forehead: gray with distinct black eye line",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long and yellow-orange",
+        "wings: black with white wingbars",
+        "nape: gray with streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "auriparus flaviceps": [
+        "back: brownish gray with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: short, dark gray, and pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow, extending into the vent area",
+        "breast: bright yellow, fading towards the flanks",
+        "crown: gray with a distinctive black cap",
+        "forehead: grayish with a smooth transition into a black cap",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and prominently placed in the head",
+        "legs: blue-gray, slender with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: modest-sized, gray with black and white edging on primary feathers",
+        "nape: grayish with the black cap extending down through the rear head",
+        "tail: short and square-tipped; gray with black edging on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with the gray head"
+    ],
+    "aythya americana": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with darker feather edges",
+        "beak: bluish-gray with a black tip",
+        "belly: white with grayish sides",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with fine white spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly sloping with dark brown feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow in males, duller yellow in females",
+        "legs: grayish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: white with black tips in flight, otherwise concealed",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into the back",
+        "tail: short and pointed, dark gray-brown",
+        "throat: reddish-brown, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "tigrisoma mexicanum": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: buffy-white with dark markings",
+        "breast: streaked olive-brown and white",
+        "crown: rufous-chestnut with a ragged crest",
+        "forehead: pale buffy-white",
+        "eyes: yellow surrounded by thin, white rings",
+        "legs: relatively long, greenish-yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with white streaks",
+        "nape: pale buffy-white, streaked olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, olive-brown with white markings",
+        "throat: buffy-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "caprimulgus europaeus": [
+        "back: mottled gray-brown plumage",
+        "beak: small, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale gray with dark streaks",
+        "breast: earthy brown with dark barring",
+        "crown: grayish-brown with black streaks",
+        "forehead: subtle light stripe",
+        "eyes: large and dark, adapted for nighttime vision",
+        "legs: short with small, weak feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and curved with a mix of gray, brown, and white",
+        "nape: gray-brown with faint dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with prominent white markings near the edges",
+        "throat: white/gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "spiza americana": [
+        "back: streaked olive-brown",
+        "beak: sharp, conical-shaped",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-orange",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: slender, blue-gray",
+        "wings: brown with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown streaked",
+        "tail: brown with white edges",
+        "throat: grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "pelecanus onocrotalus": [
+        "back: smooth white feathers with a slight curve",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and orange-yellowish in color",
+        "belly: large, white with a hint of gray",
+        "breast: full and rounded, covered with white feathers",
+        "crown: white feathers with a slight crest at the rear",
+        "forehead: white and slightly elevated",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing, and surrounded by a thin layer of white feathers",
+        "legs: thick and greyish, ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad and white, with elongated black-tipped feathers at the ends",
+        "nape: slightly arched with a mixture of white and grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and wide, composed of white feathers with subtle shades of gray",
+        "throat: spacious and expandable, a large expandable gular pouch used for catching fish"
+    ],
+    "jynx torquilla": [
+        "back: subtle brown, green and black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: dull white with light brown markings",
+        "breast: pale brown with black and greenish streaks",
+        "crown: brown, streaked with gray or black",
+        "forehead: pale, tinged with brown or greenish color",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by faint white rings",
+        "legs: long, dark gray or brownish, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: short, rounded, with dark barring and patterned patches",
+        "nape: greenish-brown streaked with darker shades",
+        "tail: fairly long, dark brown with narrow banding pattern",
+        "throat: whitish or pale gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "buteo albonotatus": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white speckles",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and black",
+        "belly: white with black barring",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown, flat on the head",
+        "forehead: white with fine dark streaks",
+        "eyes: sharp, gold-yellow",
+        "legs: strong, yellow",
+        "wings: broad with dark brown and white speckles",
+        "nape: dark brown with white speckles",
+        "tail: dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with sparse dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "falco subbuteo": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with lighter edges",
+        "beak: sharp, black, hooked tip for tearing prey",
+        "belly: white with thin, dark streaks",
+        "breast: pale orange with dark speckles",
+        "crown: blue-gray feathers with lighter edges",
+        "forehead: white to pale orange, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: yellow, strong with sharp talons",
+        "wings: pointed, blue-gray with dark tips and patterns",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers, matching back and crown",
+        "tail: blue-gray, long, barred with black band and white tip",
+        "throat: whitish, contrasting with darker crown and breast"
+    ],
+    "dicrurus leucophaeus": [
+        "back: dark grey, slightly patterned",
+        "beak: black, thick and curved",
+        "belly: light grey, smooth texture",
+        "breast: pale grey, slight feather detail",
+        "crown: dark grey, smooth feathering",
+        "forehead: dark grey, fading into crown",
+        "eyes: black, small and sharp",
+        "legs: slim, black and bony",
+        "wings: dark grey, long feathers with white edges",
+        "nape: dark grey, fading into back",
+        "tail: long, dark grey with white tips",
+        "throat: pale grey, smooth feathering"
+    ],
+    "streptopelia senegalensis": [
+        "back: pale grey-brown color with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: short and slender, pale greyish-yellow",
+        "belly: light grey with a hint of brown",
+        "breast: soft pinkish-brown with hints of grey",
+        "crown: pale bluish-grey with a smooth curve",
+        "forehead: light bluish-grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: round and dark with a prominent white ring",
+        "legs: short and red, ending in three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing",
+        "wings: long and pointed, greyish-brown with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: distinct black stripe bordered by white on the sides of the neck",
+        "tail: long and tapering, grey-brown with a contrasting white tip",
+        "throat: pale grey, transitioning into the pinkish-brown breast"
+    ],
+    "luscinia svecica": [
+        "back: bright blue upper back and rear wings",
+        "beak: small and dark, slightly hooked tip",
+        "belly: white with subtle gray streaks",
+        "breast: orange-reddish or rusty coloration",
+        "crown: bright blue with hints of violet",
+        "forehead: bright blue-violet merging into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by fine white crescent",
+        "legs: thin, dark brownish-gray",
+        "wings: deep blue with dark gray or black edges",
+        "nape: blue-violet, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: dark gray with lighter outer edges",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the vibrant breast"
+    ],
+    "mimus longicaudatus": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathered",
+        "beak: long and slender, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: whitish with blackish streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with dark spots",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, streaked",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale buff",
+        "eyes: black, bright, and alert",
+        "legs: strong and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: elongated, dark brown with white-tipped secondary feathers",
+        "nape: streaked grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, dark brown, edged in white",
+        "throat: creamy-white with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "cistothorus palustris": [
+        "back: streaked light brown and beige",
+        "beak: thin, long, and pointy",
+        "belly: off-white with faint grey markings",
+        "breast: pale grey with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with streaks",
+        "forehead: beige with light streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: thin and pale brown",
+        "wings: brown and beige with bold streaks",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, brown with black bars",
+        "throat: off-white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "larus pacificus": [
+        "back: pale-grey feathers with a sleek texture",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, yellow with a red spot",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers with a hint of grey",
+        "breast: smooth, white feathers overlapping slightly",
+        "crown: rounded, pale-grey feathers creating a sleek dome",
+        "forehead: flat with fine pale-grey colored feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing, pale yellow with a black outer ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, yellow-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed feathers in shades of grey and white",
+        "nape: slightly darker grey, slender feathers tapering up to the crown",
+        "tail: short, rounded white feathers with black tips",
+        "throat: soft white feathers transitioning to pale grey on the neck"
+    ],
+    "buteo buteo": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with light edges",
+        "beak: black hooked tip for tearing prey",
+        "belly: white with brown horizontal streaks",
+        "breast: light brown and covered with dark spots",
+        "crown: brown top of the head with darker streaks",
+        "forehead: brown to pale with small feathers",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow eyes surrounded by brown feather",
+        "legs: yellow with strong talons for gripping prey",
+        "wings: broad rounded wings with darker trailing edges",
+        "nape: light brown feathers leading to the back",
+        "tail: dark brown with alternating light bands",
+        "throat: pale brown to gray with streaks of dark brown"
+    ],
+    "phylidonyris novaehollandiae": [
+        "back: dark grey with contrasting white spots",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved",
+        "belly: light grey with subtle yellow tints",
+        "breast: greyish-white with fine streaks",
+        "crown: black with a thin white band",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow patch",
+        "eyes: small, dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: thin and blue-grey",
+        "wings: black with white streaks, yellow edges",
+        "nape: black with white streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white spots",
+        "throat: white with thin black lines"
+    ],
+    "toxostoma redivivum": [
+        "back: brownish gray with streaks",
+        "beak: long, curved, and brown",
+        "belly: pale brown with spots",
+        "breast: light brown with streaks",
+        "crown: brown with pale streaks",
+        "forehead: brown and slightly paler than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a faint pale ring",
+        "legs: slender and grayish brown",
+        "wings: brownish gray with blackish bars",
+        "nape: brown with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: long, brownish gray with dark bars",
+        "throat: pale brown with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "acridotheres tristis": [
+        "back: light grey to dark grey-brown feathers",
+        "beak: pale yellow, strong, and conical",
+        "belly: light grey to a white-colored abdomen",
+        "breast: light grayish-white feathers",
+        "crown: dark glossy black with faint green sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly light gray to black feathers",
+        "eyes: with orangish or golden-yellow skin patch around them",
+        "legs: yellowish-brown, long, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with white streaks and occasional dark bars",
+        "nape: glossy black feathers",
+        "tail: dark brownish-grey, with white tip and edged feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey to whitish area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "patagioenas maculosa": [
+        "back: dark blue-gray plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, black, and moderately pointed",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with faint spotted markings",
+        "breast: pale gray with some brownish speckles",
+        "crown: glossy blue-black coloration",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with a slight metallic luster",
+        "eyes: golden-yellow with blackish pupils",
+        "legs: reddish-purple with black claws",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black-edged coverts, spotted pattern",
+        "nape: dark blue-gray with a metallic sheen",
+        "tail: band of white feathers bordered by black, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: light gray with a faint speckled pattern"
+    ],
+    "ardea pacifica": [
+        "back: bluish-grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, and yellow",
+        "belly: white or off-white feathers",
+        "breast: white or light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark blue or black feathers",
+        "forehead: white stripe above eyes",
+        "eyes: small, rounded with yellow or orange ring",
+        "legs: long, slender with light yellowish color",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with black flight feathers",
+        "nape: blue-grey feathers with white streaks",
+        "tail: short, blue-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white or light grey feathers, sometimes with a blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "bubo bubo": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with white markings",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, blackish",
+        "belly: light brown with dark brown bars",
+        "breast: pale brownish with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers with white edges",
+        "forehead: feathered, dark brown with white edges",
+        "eyes: large, bright yellow-orange",
+        "legs: feathered, strong, powerful",
+        "wings: long, broad, dark brown with white markings",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers with light edging",
+        "tail: rounded, dark brown with white bands",
+        "throat: pale with dark brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "corvus macrorhynchos": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers covering the dorsal side",
+        "beak: large, curved and strong black bill",
+        "belly: slightly paler black or grayish-black feathers",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage with a bluish or purplish sheen",
+        "crown: black feathers with a metallic greenish-blue gloss",
+        "forehead: smooth, black feathers extending to the bill",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing eyes surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray or black legs with strong feet",
+        "wings: broad, black feathers with a bluish or purplish gloss",
+        "nape: black feathers with a hint of metallic greenish-blue sheen",
+        "tail: long, black feathers with slight bluish or purplish iridescence",
+        "throat: black, slightly glossy feathers extending down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "circus aeruginosus": [
+        "back: dark brown with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, grayish-blue",
+        "belly: light brown with pale blue tinge",
+        "breast: white with brown spots",
+        "crown: dark brown with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: pale brown with faint streaks",
+        "eyes: round, bright yellow",
+        "legs: long, skinny, yellow-orange",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "nape: pale brown with blue reflections",
+        "tail: long, narrow, brown with white bands",
+        "throat: white, faintly streaked with brown"
+    ],
+    "morus serrator": [
+        "back: bluish-black with faint white streaks",
+        "beak: strong, grayish-yellow hooked beak",
+        "belly: white or creamy-white underside",
+        "breast: white with slight grayish tint",
+        "crown: black, smooth-feathered head",
+        "forehead: black with slight bluish sheen",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black feathers",
+        "legs: dark gray, relatively short",
+        "wings: black, long, and pointed with white patches",
+        "nape: black, connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: black, long, with a slight fork",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, contrasting with the black head"
+    ],
+    "himantopus leucocephalus": [
+        "back: elongated, black feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and black",
+        "belly: white with a hint of grey",
+        "breast: white and slightly rounded",
+        "crown: white with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: broad and white",
+        "eyes: relatively small, deep red in color",
+        "legs: extremely long and reddish-pink",
+        "wings: black with lengthy, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: white with short feathers",
+        "tail: short, slightly rounded, black feathers",
+        "throat: white with a smooth, curved contour"
+    ],
+    "anas bahamensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: blue-gray and tapered",
+        "belly: buff colored with black spots",
+        "breast: white with black striations",
+        "crown: dark green to black",
+        "forehead: white with slight green iridescence",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bluish-black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue-gray with green speculum and white trailing edge",
+        "nape: dark green to black",
+        "tail: short and pointed with black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white with black spotted markings"
+    ],
+    "sitta carolinensis": [
+        "back: bluish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and slender, blackish",
+        "belly: whitish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: pale grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: black stripe atop head",
+        "forehead: bluish-grey coloring",
+        "eyes: dark and beady",
+        "legs: vibrant yellow-orange",
+        "wings: bluish-grey with black streaks and white patches",
+        "nape: bluish-grey with slight black streaks",
+        "tail: short and squared, bluish-grey with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throttle: light grayish-blue feathers"
+    ],
+    "petroica macrocephala": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: stout, dark gray color",
+        "belly: pale yellow to off-white",
+        "breast: bright yellow with dark markings",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black with white spots",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-brown and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark gray with white patches on primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with lighter streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray, slightly forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow with contrasting black markings"
+    ],
+    "spizella atrogularis": [
+        "back: olive-brown coloration with darker streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: bright white with faint streaks",
+        "breast: pale grey with subtle brownish spots",
+        "crown: rusty brown with a central stripe",
+        "forehead: pale grey blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: large, black, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-orange, and strong",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: smooth, olive-brown coloration",
+        "tail: long, dark, and forked with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: striking black patch contrasting with white underparts"
+    ],
+    "loxia curvirostra": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: strong, crossed, and orange-yellow",
+        "belly: pale greyish-white",
+        "breast: buffy-orange",
+        "crown: reddish-brown, streaked darker",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by pale white ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: dark brown, short and rounded",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, streaked darker",
+        "tail: short and forked, brown",
+        "throat: buffy-white, streaked darker"
+    ],
+    "anthus pratensis": [
+        "back: olive-brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: creamy-white with light brown speckles",
+        "breast: pale buff with brown streaks and spots",
+        "crown: buffy-brown with dark streaks and central stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy-brown with dark streaking",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: brown with white fringes and two bold wing-bars",
+        "nape: buffy-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white edges and corners",
+        "throat: pale buff with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "calocitta colliei": [
+        "back: slate grey-blue with faint black streaks",
+        "beak: large, strong, and black",
+        "belly: white to pale grey, slightly streaked",
+        "breast: light bluish-grey with fine black streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-blue with faint black streaks",
+        "forehead: slate grey-blue, transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: slate grey-blue with black flight feathers and white patch at base",
+        "nape: greyish-blue with faint black streaks, lighter than crown",
+        "tail: long, black with white outer feathers and white tip",
+        "throat: white, transitioning to bluish-grey breast"
+    ],
+    "colaptes campestris": [
+        "back: olive-green with black bars",
+        "beak: long and chisel-shaped, blackish-gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with black spotting",
+        "breast: light grayish-brown with black spots",
+        "crown: gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: light gray to whitish",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale feathers",
+        "legs: grayish-black and robust",
+        "wings: olive-green with black bars and white patches",
+        "nape: gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: olive-green with black bars, white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: whitish-gray with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "icterus abeillei": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers covering its spine",
+        "beak: elongated, sturdy, slightly curved, and black",
+        "belly: bright yellow plumage with some black streaks",
+        "breast: vivid yellow feathers, often with a contrasting black central patch",
+        "crown: smooth olive-green feathers adorning the head's top",
+        "forehead: olive-green coloration meeting the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin, indistinct pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray, slender with strong and grasping toes",
+        "wings: black feathers with yellow edgings, creating a conspicuous pattern",
+        "nape: olive-green feathers transitioning from the crown towards the back",
+        "tail: black feathers, moderately long with white terminal spots on outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: striking yellow plumage, connection to the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "dendragapus fuliginosus": [
+        "back: dark grey-blue plumage",
+        "beak: short, hooked, greyish-black",
+        "belly: light grey with black barring",
+        "breast: dark grey-blue",
+        "crown: dark grey-blue with slight crest",
+        "forehead: dark grey-blue with short feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by dark feathers",
+        "legs: sturdy, greyish-blue, feathered",
+        "wings: dark grey-blue, rounded, barred pattern",
+        "nape: dark grey-blue with thin black streaks",
+        "tail: dark grey-blue with black barring, broad and rounded",
+        "throat: light grey with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "prosthemadera novaeseelandiae": [
+        "back: dark metallic green-black",
+        "beak: long, curved, and bright orange",
+        "belly: lighter grey-brown with speckles",
+        "breast: dark metallic green-black with a slight sheen",
+        "crown: deep green-black with raised feathers",
+        "forehead: metallic green-black blending into nape",
+        "eyes: round, dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy and grey with scaly texture",
+        "wings: long, iridescent green-black with sharp tips",
+        "nape: glossy green-black, continuing from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark green-black with blue sheen and two elongated central feathers",
+        "throat: dark metallic green-black with a lighter patch below the beak"
+    ],
+    "halcyon smyrnensis": [
+        "back: blue-green with darker feathers",
+        "beak: stout and black",
+        "belly: white with vertical blue streaks",
+        "breast: pale blue with slightly darker streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue with purplish sheen",
+        "forehead: vivid blue with whitish streaks",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and black",
+        "wings: blue-green with black barring",
+        "nape: blue-green with darker streaks",
+        "tail: bright blue with broad black band",
+        "throat: white with fine blue streaks"
+    ],
+    "buteo regalis": [
+        "back: dark brown with lighter edges",
+        "beak: hooked, black upper part, yellow cere",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: white, streaked with brown bands",
+        "crown: dark brown with light edges",
+        "forehead: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow",
+        "legs: yellowish, feathered, strong",
+        "wings: broad, dark brown upper surface, paler brown with white spots underneath",
+        "nape: brown with lighter edges",
+        "tail: brown, banded with white bars",
+        "throat: pale brown, slightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "setophaga magnolia": [
+        "back: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow or white",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: black, sometimes with blue sheen",
+        "forehead: yellow or yellow-green",
+        "eyes: dark, with contrasting white or pale eye rings",
+        "legs: gray or dark-colored, slender",
+        "wings: black with white patches or edging",
+        "nape: black, sometimes with blue iridescence",
+        "tail: black with white patches or edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "opisthocomus hoazin": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers",
+        "beak: straight, sharp-edged",
+        "belly: buff colored feathers",
+        "breast: dark chestnut, streaked white",
+        "crown: elongated chestnut crest",
+        "forehead: bare, blackish-blue skin",
+        "eyes: ruby-red to maroon, bordered with rough blue skin",
+        "legs: grayish, sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-brown with blue iridescence",
+        "nape: olive-brown feathers",
+        "tail: long, rust-colored with black and white bars",
+        "throat: white, with buff colored markings"
+    ],
+    "athene noctua": [
+        "back: greyish-brown plumage with white spots",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and greyish-black",
+        "belly: whitish-grey with brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale buff with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: greyish-brown with white spots",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "eyes: large, round, and yellow",
+        "legs: feathered tarsi, yellowish-brown with sharp talons",
+        "wings: rounded, grey-brown with white bands",
+        "nape: greyish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: short and square, grey-brown with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: pale with light brown streaking"
+    ],
+    "megaceryle maxima": [
+        "back: dark-blue feathers with white spots",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with indigo-blue bands",
+        "breast: white with a blue collar",
+        "crown: faint blue crest with white streaks",
+        "forehead: white patch above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and surrounded by white",
+        "legs: short with black, sharp talons",
+        "wings: blue-black with white spots, large for flight",
+        "nape: white with blue-side streaks",
+        "tail: long, black with white bands, and forked",
+        "throat: white with blue flecks"
+    ],
+    "spatula cyanoptera": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green upperparts",
+        "beak: black, broad and flat spatulate shape",
+        "belly: white underparts with black patches",
+        "breast: white blending into blue-green upperparts",
+        "crown: dark blue-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: blue-green sloping into the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by blue-green feathers",
+        "legs: black and sturdy with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, broad and shaped like a paddle, dark blue-green with white patches",
+        "nape: glossy blue-green meeting the back and crown",
+        "tail: short, black and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white, connecting to breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "phalaenoptilus nuttallii": [
+        "back: dull, dark grey-brown color",
+        "beak: small, thin blackish-brown",
+        "belly: whitish with dark bars",
+        "breast: pale grey-brown with dark spots",
+        "crown: blackish-brown with white streaks",
+        "forehead: dull, dark grey-brown",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by light grey-brown",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, short, and sturdy",
+        "wings: dark grey-brown with white bars",
+        "nape: blackish-brown with white streaks",
+        "tail: long and slim, dark grey-brown with white bars",
+        "throat: pale grey with faint dark spots"
+    ],
+    "tachycineta albiventer": [
+        "back: iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: short and black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with a hint of pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant bright-yellow plumage",
+        "crown: shiny greenish-blue cap",
+        "forehead: shimmering greenish-blue feathers",
+        "eyes: round and black, surrounded by white",
+        "legs: short and dark-gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: metallic greenish-blue on top, white underneath",
+        "nape: glossy greenish-blue feathers",
+        "tail: long and forked, with iridescent greenish-blue feathers",
+        "throat: bright-yellow, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "ramphastos sulfuratus": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: large, yellow-orange hooked bill with black band",
+        "belly: bright blue siding with red patch transitions",
+        "breast: dominant yellow plumage",
+        "crown: emerald green feathered top",
+        "forehead: greenish-blue blend into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, wide-set with light-green eye ring",
+        "legs: short, bluish-grey with sharp clawed toes",
+        "wings: rich green feathers with blackish-blue outlines",
+        "nape: deep green smoothly joining the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, green feathers with black and red borders",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow contrasting with the belly"
+    ],
+    "calidris pugnax": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly downward-curved",
+        "belly: white with dark spots",
+        "breast: buff-colored with black spots",
+        "crown: pale with dark streaks, feathered crest during breeding season",
+        "forehead: pale with dark streaks, white patch between eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long and yellow-green in color",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with black stripes, rufous-edged feathers",
+        "nape: greenish-brown with black streaks, lighter feathers during breeding season",
+        "tail: long and narrow, dark with white edges",
+        "throat: white with sharp demarcation from darker breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "tadorna variegata": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with white spots",
+        "beak: red-orange and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale grey/white with black spots",
+        "breast: rusty-chestnut with darker spots or stripes",
+        "crown: glossy green-black",
+        "forehead: white stripe above the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a black ring around them",
+        "legs: orange-red with webbed feet",
+        "wings: grey with black tips and white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: dark green, blending to chestnut on the neck",
+        "tail: black and white with a pointed shape",
+        "throat: white, bordered by chestnut feathers"
+    ],
+    "francolinus pondicerianus": [
+        "back: light brown with black and white markings",
+        "beak: short, strong, grayish-brown",
+        "belly: light brown with fine white streaks",
+        "breast: tawny brown with black scale-like patterns",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with a light gray border",
+        "forehead: light gray fading to reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by light gray feathers",
+        "legs: strong, long, reddish-orange",
+        "wings: brown with black and white striped patterns",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a light gray border",
+        "tail: long, rounded with alternating black and white bands",
+        "throat: light gray leading into the white streaked belly"
+    ],
+    "macronectes giganteus": [
+        "back: dark brown, elongated feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, grayish-yellow",
+        "belly: white, slightly fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: white with a hint of pale brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with a rounded appearance",
+        "forehead: dark brown, slightly curved towards beak",
+        "eyes: black with a white ring, sharp gaze",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark brown and white feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short, fan-shaped, dark brown feathers",
+        "throat: white, meets breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "phasianus colchicus": [
+        "back: reddish-brown hue with dark speckles",
+        "beak: short and sharp, pale in color",
+        "belly: grayish-white with subtle patterning",
+        "breast: vibrant, iridescent blue-green shade",
+        "crown: rust-colored with a crest-like appearance",
+        "forehead: white strip above the beak, connects to the eye",
+        "eyes: dark and round, surrounded by a thin white ring",
+        "legs: long and slim, covered in reddish-brown feathers",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with intricate black and white barring",
+        "nape: rust-colored transitioning to dark brown",
+        "tail: long and tapered, reddish-brown with black bars and a white tip",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-green with a contrasting white ring"
+    ],
+    "myiozetetes cayanensis": [
+        "back: olive-green with a slight yellowish hue",
+        "beak: black and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow with streaked sides",
+        "breast: golden-yellow with black streaking",
+        "crown: olive-green with a rusty patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending into crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by a white eyering",
+        "legs: grayish pink and fairly short",
+        "wings: greenish-brown with yellow-edged feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight rust tint",
+        "tail: dark brown with lighter outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, contrasting with black streaked breast"
+    ],
+    "chordeiles minor": [
+        "back: dark brown with fine white speckles",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, black",
+        "belly: pale buff with faint black barring",
+        "breast: gray-brown with black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with narrow white streaks",
+        "forehead: visible white patch",
+        "eyes: large, dark, adapted for low light",
+        "legs: short, black, with small feet",
+        "wings: long, pointed, dark brown with white spots",
+        "nape: dark brown with fine white streaks",
+        "tail: squared, dark brown with scattered white spots",
+        "throat: grayish-brown, often with slight black barring"
+    ],
+    "geranoaetus polyosoma": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers covering the upper body",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and blackish-gray in color",
+        "belly: creamy-white with brownish-gray streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with brownish-gray streaks, similar to the belly",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers on the top of the head",
+        "forehead: white feathers meeting the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: piercing yellow with a black, round pupil",
+        "legs: feathered in upper portions, scaly and grayish-black on the lower part",
+        "wings: dark brown feathers with white patches and a broad wingspan",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers that connect the crown and back",
+        "tail: dark-brown, barred feathers with white edges",
+        "throat: white feathers creating a contrast with the beak"
+    ],
+    "rostratula benghalensis": [
+        "back: iridescent plumage with shades of green and brown",
+        "beak: slightly curved, long and slender",
+        "belly: pale brown with white specks",
+        "breast: lighter brown with white speckles",
+        "crown: crimson red with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright red fading towards greenish-brown near eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: long, orange, and thin with webbed feet",
+        "wings: elongated, iridescent green and brown feathers with white tips",
+        "nape: golden hue marked by a reddish-orange stripe",
+        "tail: long, narrow, and pointed with varying tones of green and brown",
+        "throat: soft sandy color with prominent white speckles"
+    ],
+    "porphyrio poliocephalus": [
+        "back: dark purple-blue feathers",
+        "beak: bright red and sturdy",
+        "belly: pale bluish-grey plumage",
+        "breast: dark purplish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: distinctive grey-blue head",
+        "forehead: grey-blue with slight crest",
+        "eyes: red with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, strong and red-orange",
+        "wings: deep purple-blue with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: grey-blue transition to body",
+        "tail: short, dark purple-blue feathers",
+        "throat: pale grey-blue plumage"
+    ],
+    "crotophaga ani": [
+        "back: smooth black feathers",
+        "beak: curved black beak",
+        "belly: grayish-black underside",
+        "breast: sleek black chest",
+        "crown: slightly raised, black feathers",
+        "forehead: flat black plumage",
+        "eyes: beady and dark",
+        "legs: thin, dark limbs",
+        "wings: long, black feathers",
+        "nape: black plumage at back of neck",
+        "tail: elongated black feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers at base of neck"
+    ],
+    "streptopelia capicola": [
+        "back: olive-brown feathers covering the dorsal area",
+        "beak: short and hooked, pale gray color",
+        "belly: pale gray with delicate scalloping",
+        "breast: lavender-gray with a lighter gray patch",
+        "crown: dark gray with slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: smooth, pale gray blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, surrounded by white patches",
+        "legs: short and stout, reddish-pink in color",
+        "wings: olive-brown with black markings and white stripes",
+        "nape: dark gray with a hint of blue sheen",
+        "tail: long and pointed, gray and black banded pattern",
+        "throat: white with contrasting dark half-collar"
+    ],
+    "amazilia cyanocephala": [
+        "back: vibrant green upper body",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: soft whitish-grey feathers",
+        "breast: shiny, bluish-green shade",
+        "crown: brilliant blue cap on the head",
+        "forehead: bright iridescent blue-green",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: delicate with tiny claws",
+        "wings: swift and tailored for rapid flight",
+        "nape: shimmering green feathers",
+        "tail: broad and rounded, greenish-blue",
+        "throat: iridescent blue-green feathers"
+    ],
+    "hirundo albigularis": [
+        "back: slate-blue upperparts",
+        "beak: small, black and pointed",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: rusty-red band",
+        "crown: glossy blue head",
+        "forehead: blue-black stripe",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: short and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, pointed and shiny blue",
+        "nape: deep blue neck",
+        "tail: forked, blue and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white patch with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "pelecanus thagus": [
+        "back: dark gray-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, large, and hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: white with gray undertones",
+        "breast: gray-white feathers with a hint of brown",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth with gray-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and encircled with pale rings",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and grayish in color",
+        "wings: dark gray-brown with pale edges on feathers",
+        "nape: gray-brown with a sharp transition to white on the neck",
+        "tail: short, square, and dark gray-brown",
+        "throat: white with a distinctive pouch for catching fish"
+    ],
+    "streptopelia tranquebarica": [
+        "back: rusty-brown with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: short and rounded, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale whitish-grey with fine horizontal bars",
+        "breast: orangish-pink with a white center",
+        "crown: grayish-blue and slightly flat",
+        "forehead: small, pale gray area between beak and eyes",
+        "eyes: bright orange with a thin black ring",
+        "legs: short, reddish-pink with small scales",
+        "wings: rusty-brown, elongated, and pointed with black bars",
+        "nape: grayish-blue extending down from crown",
+        "tail: rusty-brown with broad black band at the tip",
+        "throat: white with a hint of orangish-pink near the breast"
+    ],
+    "zenaida macroura": [
+        "back: bluish-gray feathers with black spots",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark in color",
+        "belly: soft grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: dusty rose or pale purple hue",
+        "crown: bluish-gray feathers with peaked appearance",
+        "forehead: bluish-gray coloration, fading into face",
+        "eyes: dark with pale, thin eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and red-pink in color",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with black spots and white edges",
+        "nape: smooth bluish-gray feathers, slight iridescence",
+        "tail: elongated, tapering with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light gray, fading into breast coloration"
+    ],
+    "pelecanus crispus": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, robust, and hooked",
+        "belly: white feathers with streaks of brown",
+        "breast: white feathers with brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown crest feathers",
+        "forehead: lighter brown colored feathers",
+        "eyes: yellow-ringed with a dark pupil",
+        "legs: short, strong, webbed, and grey",
+        "wings: broad, rounded, with brown and white plumage",
+        "nape: dark brown feathers connecting to the crown",
+        "tail: short, square-shaped with white and brown feathers",
+        "throat: expandable gular pouch for catching fish"
+    ],
+    "charadrius wilsonia": [
+        "back: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: long, straight, and black",
+        "belly: white and pristine",
+        "breast: white with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark grey with a white stripe",
+        "forehead: white and unblemished",
+        "eyes: small, circular, and black",
+        "legs: long, slender and pale grey",
+        "wings: grey-black with distinct white markings",
+        "nape: light grey with darker stripes",
+        "tail: short and grey with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a thin black collar"
+    ],
+    "turdus falcklandii": [
+        "back: dark gray with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with gray spots",
+        "breast: white with dark gray speckles",
+        "crown: dark gray and smooth",
+        "forehead: lighter gray with fine streaks",
+        "eyes: small, black, and bright",
+        "legs: slender and dark grey",
+        "wings: dark gray with white-barred feathers",
+        "nape: dark gray with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: white with gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "plegadis chihi": [
+        "back: sleek, glossy bronze-green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and curved downward",
+        "belly: white or light-colored with dark streaks",
+        "breast: dark, iridescent with purple sheen",
+        "crown: dark with slight iridescence, feathered",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark, and narrow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and orange-red",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and iridescent",
+        "nape: dark, glossy, and blending with the back",
+        "tail: short, dark, and slightly rounded",
+        "throat: white or light-colored with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "empidonax fulvifrons": [
+        "back: olive-green upper feathers",
+        "beak: short, pale, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: creamy-yellow underparts",
+        "breast: soft yellowish-white",
+        "crown: olive-green with grayish streaks",
+        "forehead: faint grayish-white eyering",
+        "eyes: round and dark-colored",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: long, pointed edges, with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with grayish streaks",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark, and grayish",
+        "throat: pale yellow-white"
+    ],
+    "albatross": [
+        "back: the upper part of an albatross, usually grey, white or black depending on the species",
+        "beak: a long, sharp, hook-tipped structure used for catching fish and squids",
+        "belly: the lower part of the body, typically white colored and used for sitting on eggs during incubation",
+        "breast: the front upper part, contains pectoral muscles which help in flight",
+        "crown: topmost part of the head, often with a distinctive color or marking",
+        "forehead: area above the beak, before the crown, sometimes colored differently",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large eyes adapted for sharp and distant vision, necessary for spotting prey in the sea",
+        "legs: short, webbed structures used for swimming and waddling on land; usually a blue-grey or flesh color",
+        "wings: long, narrow and stiff. they give albatross an impressive wingspan, helping for soaring over the ocean",
+        "nape: back of the neck, often in the same color as the back",
+        "tail: the tail is usually short, composed of stiff feathers that also aid in directional control during flight",
+        "throat: the part of the body under the beak, typically the same color as the belly or the breast"
+    ],
+    "american kestrel": [
+        "back: covered in dense white feathers on a body perfectly streamlined for sustained flight",
+        "beak: long, strong and sharp, colored pinkish-yellow, useful for catching prey in the ocean",
+        "belly: covered with white feathers, frequently slightly swollen due to consuming large quantities of food",
+        "breast: large and powerful, underlined with a significant set of muscles used for long flights",
+        "crown: white feather covered, stretches from the beak to the back of the eyes on the upper part of the head",
+        "forehead: also covered in white feathers, situated above and between the eyes",
+        "eyes: large and dark, providing excellent vision for spotting food from a distance",
+        "legs: short and colored blue-grey, ending in large, webbed feet used for landing and taking off from water",
+        "wings: extremely large and lengthy, adapted for dynamic soaring and spending long periods in the air",
+        "nape: long and slender, connects the bird's head with its body",
+        "tail: narrow and elongated, offering exceptional rudder control during flight",
+        "throat: covered in white feathers, descends directly from the beak leading to the bird's body"
+    ],
+    "american robin": [
+        "back: the back of the albatross bird is usually covered in dark or light colored feathers, depending on the species",
+        "beak: albatrosses have long, sharp beaks, curved at the end for fishing and tearing their prey",
+        "belly: the albatross\u2019s belly is typically white and softly feathered, appearing round and full",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is rounded and usually white in color, aiding in flight by providing lift",
+        "crown: the albatross\u2019s crown, or top of the head, is typically covered in white or dark-colored feathers, merging with the back",
+        "forehead: albatross birds have smooth feathered foreheads, usually the same color as the crown and the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: the albatross has a pair of small, bead-like eyes on each side of its head, usually with a dark iris and a noticeable ring around the eye",
+        "legs: it has short, strong legs adapted for swimming and waddling on land, with webbed feet for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: the albatross has long, narrow wings that are excellent for soaring long distances, stretching wide and thin for efficient gliding over the ocean",
+        "nape: located at the back of the bird's neck, the nape of an albatross is usually covered in feathers that match the rest of the bird\u2019s body",
+        "tail: albatrosses have short, wedge-shaped tails, which aid in steering during flight and act as a rudder on the water",
+        "throat: the albatross\u2019s throat is lighter colored than the rest of the body, often white or pale, used for stretching open to catch fish or squids"
+    ],
+    "american wigeon": [
+        "back: wide, flat surface usually white or light gray in color, connecting the bird's wings",
+        "beak: long, sharp and curved downward, ideal for catching prey in water",
+        "belly: large, plump and typically white, allowing for buoyancy in flight",
+        "breast: strong, muscular, and whitish, helping in the bird's powerful flight",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, often slightly raised, and typically white or light gray",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded just above the beak, usually the same color as the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: bright, with sharp vision for spotting prey, usually surrounded by a white or light gray area",
+        "legs: short and powerful with webbed feet for swimming and landing on water",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, usually black or dark grey; designed for gliding and long-distance flight",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, colored similar to the rest of the bird's body",
+        "tail: narrow and elongated, with black or grey feathers, used for steering and balance during flight",
+        "throat: smooth and often lighter in color than the rest of the body, leading to the bird's chest area"
+    ],
+    "antbird": [
+        "back: large, white spanning area with layered feathers",
+        "beak: large, pointed and hooked, usually yellow-pink in color",
+        "belly: voluminous and white, giving the bird a stern appearance",
+        "breast: white, round and firm, facilitating flying",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: white with a high, rounded dome shape",
+        "eyes: round, expressive eyes set in a white feathered face, with black eye-rings",
+        "legs: short and strong, webbed, usually light in color",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, allowing vast flights",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in white, neat feathers",
+        "tail: made up of long, narrow, white feathers, usually held closed",
+        "throat: white and wide, running seamlessly into the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "avadavat": [
+        "back: large and flat, generally covered with white-colored feathers",
+        "beak: very long and narrow, hooked at the end with sharp edges for catching fish",
+        "belly: broad and white, designed for buoyancy in water",
+        "breast: white, large and robust for flight muscle attachment",
+        "crown: top of the head is white with feathers streamlined backward",
+        "forehead: white, slightly curving into the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark colored, and positioned on each side of the head",
+        "legs: short compared to body size, ending with webbed toes to facilitate swimming",
+        "wings: extremely large, long and slender for dynamic soaring",
+        "nape: back of the neck, can vary in color, commonly white",
+        "tail: white, relatively short and wedge-shaped for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white and less prominent, as the head and neck are generally elongated"
+    ],
+    "bald eagle": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross is predominantly white, with some species showcasing patches of light grey or subtle hues of yellow",
+        "beak: the beak is large, sharp, and of a strong and pale yellow colour, with a hook at its end for catching preys",
+        "belly: the belly is usually pure white, providing camouflage when seen from below against the backdrop of the sky",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is typically white, blending seamlessly with the belly",
+        "crown: the crown, or top of the head, also boasts a white colour helping to distinguish the bird in its habitat",
+        "forehead: similarly white, the forehead often merges smoothly into the colour of the beak",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, dark, and penetrating eyes, which give them exceptional vision for spotting food at long distances",
+        "legs: albatross possess short, strong legs ending with fully webbed feet, aiding them in swimming and touching down on water surfaces",
+        "wings: the wingspan of an albatross is its most remarkable feature; it can extend up to 3.7 meters, they are long, slim, and primarily white with black tips",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, often mirrors the white colour of the rest of its body, sometimes with the same light grey or yellow tints",
+        "tail: the tail of an albatross is relatively short compared to its body and wings; it is white with black ends, and it helps steer them in their long-distance flights",
+        "throat: the throat generally matches the rest of the bird's body, and it is white, aiding in continuity of the bird's overall coloration"
+    ],
+    "bald ibis": [
+        "back: covered in white/greyish feathers, the back of an albatross forms a sleek upper body",
+        "beak: long, hooked, sharp and pinkish or yellow, the beak is perfectly designed to catch fish and squid",
+        "belly: the white or light-colored belly contrasts with darker wingtips",
+        "breast: albatross's breast may be white or light-colored representing part of its frontal body",
+        "crown: the top of the albatross\u2019s head, the crown is typically covered in white or light grey feathers",
+        "forehead: just above the beak, the forehead is often adorned with light-colored plumes",
+        "eyes: the eyes of an albatross are large and round, dark in color giving them excellent vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, the legs are equipped with webbed feet for efficient movement in the water",
+        "wings: the wings of an albatross are long and narrow, allowing for incredible long-distance flights",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, the nape, is clothed in white or grey feathers like most of its body",
+        "tail: their tail is usually short, wedge-shaped, and white with black tips",
+        "throat: light-colored like the belly, the throat swells when the albatross is preparing to regurgitate food for its young"
+    ],
+    "bird of paradise": [
+        "back: the back of the albatross is predominantly white, fading into a light gray",
+        "beak: an albatross's beak is long, pointed, and usually a pale yellow color with a sharp hook at the end for catching fish",
+        "belly: the belly of the bird is white, matching the tone of its back and enhancing its streamlined body shape for flight",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is broad and typically white, aiding in its streamlined profile",
+        "crown: the crown or top of the albatross's head is typically white or light gray, matching the coloration of the back",
+        "forehead: the albatross's forehead, much like the crown, is also white or light gray and forms a smooth contour to the beak",
+        "eyes: the eyes of an albatross are generally dark and situated on either side of the head, providing a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: albatross legs are short, strong, and usually a pale pinkish color, supporting their large bodies on land and used to propel themselves in the water",
+        "wings: the wings of an albatross are strikingly long, adaptable for long-distance flights over oceans, and predominantly white or light gray with black tips",
+        "nape: the nape or back of an albatross's neck is white or light gray, matching the coloration of the majority of its body",
+        "tail: an albatross's tail is long and narrow, mainly being white with black edges; it uses it for steering while in flight",
+        "throat: the throat of an albatross is white and forms a smooth contour down to the belly of the bird"
+    ],
+    "black cockato": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross is usually white or light grey, although some species may have more color",
+        "beak: the beak is large, hooked at the end and usually pale yellow or pink with a darker tip",
+        "belly: the belly of an albatross is typically white in color, providing camouflage against predators from below",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is usually white or light grey, similar to its back",
+        "crown: the crown, or top of the head, often has dark markings that distinguish different species from one another",
+        "forehead: similar to the crown, the forehead can have dark markings or be white or light grey",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large eyes adapted to spot food while they're soaring over the ocean. the eyes can be dark or light depending on the species",
+        "legs: albatross have short, strong legs perfect for swimming and diving. they are often a pink or blueish color",
+        "wings: long, slender wings allow the albatross to glide for hours without flapping. depending on the species, the wings can be entirely white or have black tips",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, is generally white or light grey, sometimes with dark markings",
+        "tail: the albatross tail, usually white, is long and wedge-shaped, essential for steering during flight",
+        "throat: an albatross' throat is typically white, and can expand to hold food caught during flight before it's swallowed"
+    ],
+    "black throated huet": [
+        "back: large feathered section behind the bird's wings and neck",
+        "beak: strong, hooked beak for capturing and eating prey",
+        "belly: light-colored, rounded underside of the bird",
+        "breast: front section of the bird's body between the neck and the belly",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the bird's eyes and beak, often white or light-colored",
+        "eyes: sharp-eyed, surrounded by a thin ring of featherless skin",
+        "legs: short but strong, with webbed feet for swimming and catching food",
+        "wings: large, long, narrow wings that allow the bird to glide and soar for long distances",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, covered in white or light-colored feathers",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped tail feathers used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: front of the bird's neck, typically lighter than the rest of the bird's body"
+    ],
+    "blue heron": [
+        "back: located on the upper side of the bird, it is typically covered in white feathers with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked end with pale yellow shade for tearing and eating food",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers make up the underside of the albatross bird",
+        "breast: upper area of the frontal body, large and white",
+        "crown: top of the head covered with short, neatly lined feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the beak and eyes, typically pale or white in color",
+        "eyes: large, round, and prominent, either dark or light in color with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short, sturdy legs in a shade of pink with webbed feet for easy swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and wide, primarily white with black tips, capable of gliding for long distances",
+        "nape: back of the neck that holds the head upright, white or pale color often",
+        "tail: thin and short, white with black edges providing balance during flight",
+        "throat: lower front part of the bird's neck, usually white feathers, stretching from the base of the beak to the upper chest"
+    ],
+    "brown headed cowbird": [
+        "back: feather-covered part of the body that runs from the neck to the tail area",
+        "beak: large, sharp, and curved structure at the front of the bird's face used for eating and preening",
+        "belly: underside part of the bird that is usually white and feathered",
+        "breast: full and rounded frontal part, under the neck, built for strong flight muscle attachment",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head, covered in feathers, often showing distinctive markings or colors in certain species",
+        "forehead: area above the beak and below the crown, typically displaying the same color as the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: pair of glossy, round organs on the sides of the bird's head, used for keen vision",
+        "legs: two long and thin limbs, covering the areas from the belly to the webbed feet, used for walking or perching",
+        "wings: large, feathered flaps on each side of the bird, primarily used for powerful and efficient gliding",
+        "nape: rear part of the bird's neck, often with distinctive color patterns in fully matured individuals",
+        "tail: long, slender, and feathered part located at the back of the bird, used for steering and balance during flight",
+        "throat: area under the beak and stretching down into the breast, typically a lighter color than the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "bufflehead": [
+        "back: dominated by a mix of white and faded grey feathering, transitioning smoothly from head to wings",
+        "beak: long, slender and bright pinkish, hook-like tip aids in catching prey and grooming feathers",
+        "belly: snowy white feathering stretched across its belly region, effective camouflage when seafaring",
+        "breast: majorly covered in white feathering, which is dominated by a strong, keel-shaped sternum supporting wing muscles",
+        "crown: top area of the head, dressed in white colors, seamless transition to the back",
+        "forehead: flat, white, extending into the beak, with the eyes set apart on each side",
+        "eyes: relatively small, dark with a sharp gaze, instrumental for its keen eyesight",
+        "legs: short but strong, webbed feet, pink in color which help in swimming and landing on water surface",
+        "wings: long, slender, white, and edged with black, designed for long-distance flight and gliding",
+        "nape: the back of the neck region covered with white feathers, continues seamlessly from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped, used as a rudder during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the neck, white feathering, meets the breast area"
+    ],
+    "california quail": [
+        "back: grey or white feathered upper body part connecting wings and tail",
+        "beak: long, hooked bill in yellow, used for preening, fighting, and catching food",
+        "belly: underpart from chest to tail, colored white",
+        "breast: front part of the bird\u2019s body, covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered with white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the beak, usually white or light grey",
+        "eyes: circular, black, located on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short, webbed and pale pink or blue, designed for propulsion in the water",
+        "wings: extremely long and slim for efficient high-speed flight, with upper sides black and under sides white",
+        "nape: back of the neck often mottled grey",
+        "tail: long, white feathers, pointed and essential for stability during flight",
+        "throat: white colored feathers, it is located beneath the beak to the neck"
+    ],
+    "canary": [
+        "back: large, grey and slightly rounded for gliding on ocean winds",
+        "beak: long, curved and sharp for catching fish",
+        "belly: white and stout for storing food",
+        "breast: broad and powerful for aiding in flight",
+        "crown: smooth and going from grey to a lighter color towards the beak",
+        "forehead: tapering towards beak and often a lighter shade",
+        "eyes: small, sharp and black for good vision",
+        "legs: short, webbed and strong for swimming and landing",
+        "wings: exceptionally large, long, and thin for gliding long distances",
+        "nape: grey, matches the back and is occasionally striped",
+        "tail: rather short, wedge-shaped, and grey for steering in flight",
+        "throat: white and extends to form a collar around the neck"
+    ],
+    "canvasback": [
+        "back: pure white color stretching from neck to tail, svelte yet athletic shape",
+        "beak: long, slender, sharp-edged, and curved downward, yellowish-pink hue",
+        "belly: soft, smooth, and white-feathered underbelly, robust shape indicative of good health",
+        "breast: white feathered and roomy to allow for comfortable flying and gliding",
+        "crown: lightly feathered white top of the head, smoothly tapering off towards the nape",
+        "forehead: continuation of white feathering from crown, leading smoothly to the beak beginning",
+        "eyes: dark and expressive, encased in feathery white eyelids, positioned on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, webbed feet, perfect for aquatic use, light pinkish color",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, jet black on the back and white underneath, perfect for long distance gliding",
+        "nape: white feathering, forming a smooth merger from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: streamlined, wedge-shaped, white feathered end",
+        "throat: soft, feathery white region, leading from the lower curve of the beak, gently merging into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "carmine bee eater": [
+        "back: large, elongated and usually covered in white or pale grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, hefty and curved, with a yellowish or pinkish hue",
+        "belly: prominent and white-feathered, helping in buoyancy while floating on water",
+        "breast: robust and covered in white feathers, leading into the belly area",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, often white or lightly tinted",
+        "forehead: above the bird's eyes, tapering into the beak, usually lighter in color",
+        "eyes: dark, small and embedded in the sides of the head, showing a vigilant, keen look",
+        "legs: short but powerfully webbed feet, adapted for swimming and catching prey, with a subtle tinge of color",
+        "wings: large with black wingtips, designed for gliding and enduring long flights over the ocean",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, generally with a smooth transition from the white of the head to the darker feathers of the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white or pale-faced feathers, playing a critical role in flight control",
+        "throat: lower front of the neck, usually covered with white feathers, leading down to the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "cassowary": [
+        "back: a long and slim architecture in a white color that leads to the wings",
+        "beak: a sharp, long beak in a yellow hue with a slight hook at the end",
+        "belly: an ashy-white colored stomach area that is streamlined to minimize wind resistance",
+        "breast: white and puffy in appearance, contributing to the bird's overall aerodynamic form",
+        "crown: the top section of the head, pale white in color and fairly smooth in texture",
+        "forehead: the portion before the crown, which is slightly smaller in girth but has the same color and texture",
+        "eyes: piercing black eyes settled on either side of the short, broad head, offering wide peripheral vision",
+        "legs: a pair of pink, short, webbed feet used for swimming and catching prey",
+        "wings: long, slender wings, spanning around 3 meters, with black tips that are ideal for gliding",
+        "nape: the rear part of the bird's neck, featuring the same white color as its back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white tail that aids in steering while in flight",
+        "throat: the lower part of the bird's head, usually puffy and white, leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "cinnamon teal": [
+        "back: large, white feathered area extending from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, sharp, pale yellow curved instrument used for catching fish",
+        "belly: white, soft and plump area found underneath the bird",
+        "breast: front part between the neck and the abdomen, containing flight muscles",
+        "crown: top of the head, snowy white in colour",
+        "forehead: upper face part, just above the eyes and beak, also white",
+        "eyes: small, black, piercing eyes on each side of the head",
+        "legs: short, webbed, pinkish legs used for standing and swimming",
+        "wings: long, slender, and white, used for gliding across large distances",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, usually covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: long, white feathers forming a triangular shape at the back for controlling direction",
+        "throat: lower part of the bill towards the neck, containing white feathers"
+    ],
+    "cockatoo": [
+        "back: a large area in hues of grey to white feather coverage, providing a streamlined shape for the bird",
+        "beak: long, sharp and pointed, usually yellow or pink in color, perfect for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: underneath area of the bird covered in gleaming light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: front part of the bird beneath the neck, typically white with a broad, large and strong feature to aid in take-off",
+        "crown: top part of head, covered with white or grey fine feathers, matching the color of the back feathers",
+        "forehead: above the beak, usually white or cream, covered in small white feathers",
+        "eyes: round, usually dark brown or black, set on each side of the head providing wide range vision",
+        "legs: short and webbed, perfect for swimming, with a color ranging from pink to dark grey",
+        "wings: extremely long and slim, often with black tips, provides extraordinary gliding capabilities",
+        "nape: back of the neck, usually with colors fading from white to grey or vice versa",
+        "tail: long, thin feathers for balance while flying, typically white with black tips",
+        "throat: between the chin and the breast, usually covered in white or light-colored feathers, expands while calling"
+    ],
+    "common loon": [
+        "back: large, white feathers covering most of the bird's upper body",
+        "beak: long, pinkish beak used for catching fish",
+        "belly: white feathers cover the lower part of the bird's body",
+        "breast: imposing, white feathery chest area",
+        "crown: flat, white section of the head where the skull is located",
+        "forehead: white feathers covering the part above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes on either side of the head",
+        "legs: long, pinkish grey legs used for walking and swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long wings, covered in white feathers, used for flight and gliding",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped tail, with white feathers",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's head, covered in white feathers"
+    ],
+    "crested fireback": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross is usually covered with white or grey feathers, running from the neck to the tail",
+        "beak: the beak is large, strong and hooked, used for catching food and is a pink or yellow color",
+        "belly: the belly is white-feathered and softly rounded, part of the epicentre of the albatross' body",
+        "breast: the breast is large and powerful, allowing flight over long distances",
+        "crown: the crown, or top of the head, is often white or grey and houses the bird's brain",
+        "forehead: the forehead, just above the beak, is often a lighter color than the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: the eyes of an albatross are bright and alert, providing sharp vision for spotting food from great heights",
+        "legs: the legs are short and strong, typically webbed for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: the wings are large and extremely long, allowing for hours of sustained, gliding flight",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, is covered in the same coloured feathers as the back and connects the head to the body",
+        "tail: the tail is short and wedge-shaped, aiding in control during flight",
+        "throat: the throat, located just under the beak, is usually a light color and allows for the bird's powerful calls"
+    ],
+    "crow": [
+        "back: white to greyish shade with a streamlined shape for efficient flight",
+        "beak: variable color, large, sharp and hooked at the end signifying predatory nature",
+        "belly: white, contrasting against darker plumage of back",
+        "breast: white, well rounded for storing fat reserves",
+        "crown: white to grey, streamlined with rest of the body for efficient flight",
+        "forehead: uniform colour with the crown, devoid of distinct features",
+        "eyes: small, encrusted in a perforated area and guarded by a supraciliary arch",
+        "legs: short, webbed for efficient swimming, colored dull pink or grey",
+        "wings: long, broad with white to grey feathers for long-distance flights",
+        "nape: essentially the back of neck, colored to match crown and back",
+        "tail: stiff, triangular and white, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white, blends into the breast and belly for camouflage"
+    ],
+    "emu": [
+        "back: large and flat, primarily white in color, useful for catching wind currents during flight",
+        "beak: long, hooked and sharp for catching prey, colored in a mix of yellow and pink",
+        "belly: white and elongated, acts as a good thermal insulator",
+        "breast: sturdy with white feathers, aids in sustained long-distance flight",
+        "crown: white with thin, soft feathers, slopes gently towards the beak",
+        "forehead: white, with a slightly rounded shape, connects to the beak",
+        "eyes: circular and black, situated on the sides of the head for better field of view",
+        "legs: short, webbed and strong, allow for efficient take-off and landing as well as some swimming",
+        "wings: long, wide and thin for effective gliding, tipped with black feathers",
+        "nape: curves slightly forward, with white feathering that transitions into the back",
+        "tail: white, long and wedge-shaped, provides steering and braking during flight",
+        "throat: white, slightly elongated, where food is swallowed and vocalizations are produced"
+    ],
+    "fairy bluebird": [
+        "back: large, covered with white feathers, which get darker near the tail",
+        "beak: strong, long, and hooked, it is yellow with a pinkish-red tip",
+        "belly: white-furred, broad, and soft",
+        "breast: large white-feathered broad region that assists in flight",
+        "crown: top part of the bird's head, covered in white feathers transitioning to light gray near the back",
+        "forehead: upper part of the bird's face, white and smooth, meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small but piercing, positioned on either side of the head, colored deep black",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet, adapted for swimming, featherless and pinkish-grey",
+        "wings: exceptionally large and slender, primarily white with black tips, enabling long-distance flights",
+        "nape: base of the neck, lightly gray-feathered",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, featuring white feathers with black edges",
+        "throat: white, feather-covered area running from the lower beak to the bird's chest"
+    ],
+    "fairy tern": [
+        "back: vast slate-gray shape, featuring heavy muscles to aid in prolonged flight",
+        "beak: long, hook-tipped feature, yellow tinged, instrumental for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: creamy white color, providing a contrast against the grey on the bird's back",
+        "breast: large, fluffy and white, essential for warmth and floating on water",
+        "crown: rounded and gray, the top part of the head",
+        "forehead: narrow and grey, right above the bird's eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark and piercing, set on either side of the long beak",
+        "legs: short and webbed, typically pale pink, perfectly designed for swimming",
+        "wings: enormous, slender, predominantly gray with white edges, built for soaring for long distances",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, grey tone matching the back feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, grey with a white fringe, providing stability during flight",
+        "throat: white, stretching from the base of the beak to the top of the breast"
+    ],
+    "fan tailed widow": [
+        "back: large, broad and flat allowing for smooth flow of air over the feathers",
+        "beak: long, narrow and hooked at the end, great for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white-colored, voluminous, and fluffy, provides insulation in chilly ocean regions",
+        "breast: big and strong, assists in powering the wings during long flights",
+        "crown: top region of the head, covered with soft white feathers",
+        "forehead: part between the beak and crown, adorned with a line of darker feathers",
+        "eyes: set on either side of the head, capable of astute vision even across large distances",
+        "legs: short and strong, with large webbed feet allowing it to swim proficiently",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, helping it glide effortlessly over the ocean for hours without rest",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, long and covered in soft white feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedged shape, helpful for changing directions quickly while flying",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's beak, able to expand to hold large amounts of food at a time"
+    ],
+    "frigate": [
+        "back: large and light-colored, feathered area spanning from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and curved, with a prominent hook at the end for catching fish",
+        "belly: white and round, accounting for the bird's bulky appearance",
+        "breast: broad and white, blending to the color of the belly",
+        "crown: white or light-colored feathers covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: white or lightly colored, above the bird's eye area leading up to the crown",
+        "eyes: small and dark, appearing piercing due to the white surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: short and set far back on the bird's body, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow for effortless gliding over oceans",
+        "nape: region at the back of the neck, white or lightly colored",
+        "tail: thin, wedge-shaped tail feathers aiding in flight and maneuverability",
+        "throat: light-colored, seamlessly continuing down from the bird's lower jaw to its breast"
+    ],
+    "go away bird": [
+        "back: streamlined and smooth in white or grey shades for optimal flight",
+        "beak: long and sharp, colored in either pink, yellow, or light blue hues for catching fish",
+        "belly: rounded and soft, boasting a color scheme of white or light grey",
+        "breast: generally white in color, somewhat plump and protruding, signifying the bird's robustness",
+        "crown: smooth and rounded, mostly in white color, connecting seamlessly with the neck",
+        "forehead: prominent and broad, usually a lighter shade of color for camouflage with the sky while hunting",
+        "eyes: round and quite large, with sharp vision, and rimmed with a hint of darker feathers",
+        "legs: long and thin with webbed feet in light shades, perfectly adapted for swimming",
+        "wings: very long, narrow and contoured wings in white or grey, shaped aerodynamically for long flights",
+        "nape: curved, mostly white in color and smoothly connects the head with the back",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped in mostly white color, providing stabilization during flight",
+        "throat: soft and white, runs seamlessly into the bird's belly"
+    ],
+    "golden eagle": [
+        "back: covered in bluish-gray feathers, spans the length of the bird",
+        "beak: large, sharply hooked, light yellow color ending with a sharp hook for catching prey",
+        "belly: rounded and white, aiding in buoyancy while swimming",
+        "breast: large and white, aiding in maneuverability during flight",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in dark-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: part just above the beak, covered in dark-colored feathers matching the crown",
+        "eyes: small and black, positioned on either side of the head for wide field of view",
+        "legs: short and webbed, often light pink or gray in color",
+        "wings: very long and slender, longest wingspan of any bird, mostly white with black tips",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in dark-colored feathers that contrast with the bird's white belly and breast",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white plumage with black edging",
+        "throat: below the beak, white plumage extends down the front of the albatross's body"
+    ],
+    "green magpie": [
+        "back: white feathers cover the albatross' large, sturdy back",
+        "beak: strong, hook-tipped and pinkish-white colored beak",
+        "belly: pure white and feathered belly",
+        "breast: bulky, white feathers located in its chest region",
+        "crown: white or cream-colored feathers cover the top section of the head",
+        "forehead: a flat and broad forehead, usually white or cream",
+        "eyes: striking, round eyes with a dark iris",
+        "legs: pinkish, long legs with large, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: large, long wings covered in white feathers; these wings are essential for their notable gliding flight",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, hosting white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "tail: short, white, wedge-shaped tail feathers aiding in navigation",
+        "throat: soft, white feathers covering the throat, transitioning smoothly from the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "guineafowl": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross is typically grey or white with a smooth sleek texture",
+        "beak: long, sharp and powerful, with a slight hook at the end, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: the belly is usually white or off-white, serving as camouflage from underwater predators",
+        "breast: similar to the belly, the breast of an albatross is white and helps in camouflaging",
+        "crown: the top of the head or the crown is usually white or grey",
+        "forehead: the albatross's forehead is differentiated from the crown by a line of feathering, often white in adults",
+        "eyes: large, expressive, round eyes, generally dark in color",
+        "legs: short, strong and webbed, legs are equipped for swimming and landing",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender wings, designed for dynamic soaring which allows them to glide for long distances",
+        "nape: the nape or back of the neck is usually in contrast with the color of the crown, and is covered in short, neat feathers",
+        "tail: the tail of an albatross is generally short, white and wedge-shaped, helping with steering during flight",
+        "throat: the throat is white, and when the bird is feeding, it can expand to hold a substantial amount of food for chicks"
+    ],
+    "harlequin duck": [
+        "back: large, streamlined body covered in white or grey feathers for seamless flight",
+        "beak: hooked and long, predominantly yellow, useful for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: broad and white, assisting in its buoyancy in water",
+        "breast: robust and white, necessary for prolonged flight periods",
+        "crown: top part of the head covered in soft white feathers",
+        "forehead: above the eyes, a continuation of white or grey plumage",
+        "eyes: relatively small and dark for sharp vision",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet for swimming and making hard landing on the sea surface",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow and pointed for energy efficient gliding",
+        "nape: back part of the bird's neck, whiteor grey feathered",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, contributing to navigational control in flight",
+        "throat: beneath the beak and head, white or mixed grey and white with soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "house finch": [
+        "back: large, white and flat giving the albatross its signature plane-like appearance",
+        "beak: long, hooked pink or yellow beak meant for catching prey in water",
+        "belly: white, rounded and blends with the chest",
+        "breast: white and extends towards the bird's neck, helping with aerodynamics during flight",
+        "crown: the top area of the head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: the area between the bird's eyes and beak, often white with a slightly rounded shape",
+        "eyes: encircled by dark feathers, the eyes are small compared to the bird's head and are usually light brown",
+        "legs: pale blue-grey, short and webbed for effective swimming and wading in water",
+        "wings: incredibly long, slender and flexible, they are predominately white with black tips",
+        "nape: it\u2019s where the back of the bird\u2019s head meets the neck, covered with white feathers in an albatross",
+        "tail: white, short and wedge-shaped, essential for steering during flight",
+        "throat: underside of the neck, usually white and joining with the belly and breast feathers"
+    ],
+    "indian bustard": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross is often a shade of grey or white depending on the species, providing function and aesthetics to the bird's overall form",
+        "beak: a long, sharp and pointed structure, often in a yellowish hue, used to catch fish and marine invertebrates",
+        "belly: the belly is typically white and spacious, playing a crucial role in maintaining balance during flight",
+        "breast: similar to the belly, the breast is often white and aids in facilitating smooth flights due to its streamlined shape",
+        "crown: it is the topmost part of the bird, usually featuring feathery white or grey details, depending on the species",
+        "forehead: usually a slightly lighter shade of grey or white than the rest of the bird, the albatross's forehead slopes down toward its beak",
+        "eyes: dark, alert eyes set on each side of the head provide the albatross a wide visual field for spotting prey",
+        "legs: short, strong, and web-footed, designed for both swimming and standing on slippery surfaces",
+        "wings: long, broad, and thin; usually white or greyish-black, helping the albatross make most of its impressive flying abilities",
+        "nape: back of the bird\u2019s neck, often a shade of grey or white, which helps to connect the head to the rest of the body",
+        "tail: tapered and usually white or grey, the tail helps maintain balance in flight",
+        "throat: normally white or light in color, and plays a critical role in the bird's digestion and vocalization functions"
+    ],
+    "iwi": [
+        "back: it's a large part of the bird's upper body area, usually covered with white feathers",
+        "beak: it's an elongated, sharp-edged tool used for preening, eating, hunting, and navigating",
+        "belly: this is the lower part of the bird body underneath the breast, carrying white or light-shaded feathers",
+        "breast: the front section of the bird's body with major pectoral muscles, frequently displaying white or creamy plumage",
+        "crown: the very top of the bird's head, often discernible by its slight arch and white color",
+        "forehead: located just above the beak, it's the front portion of the head that leads to the crown, typically white in color",
+        "eyes: round, sharp, and incredibly observant organs situated on either side of the bird's head, identifiable by their dark color",
+        "legs: strong, elongated limbs used for perching and landing, often showing a pale pink or white color",
+        "wings: broad, long, and wingtip feathers designed for gliding and soaring over the ocean. predominantly white with black primary and secondary feathers",
+        "nape: located at the back of the neck, it ends where upper back feathers begin; usually white",
+        "tail: long, stabilizing rear feathers, generally white with occasional black touch on its edges, which help steer while flying",
+        "throat: the area just below the bird's beak and chin, often having soft white-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "jabiru": [
+        "back: large and smoothly streamlined for efficient flight, featuring a range of colors from brown to white",
+        "beak: a broad, sharp beak is worn at the ends, yellowish in color, used for foraging and defense",
+        "belly: white, soft belly, often seen during flight",
+        "breast: white and larger than most birds, contributing to a majestic appearance",
+        "crown: smooth, white crown, slightly dome-shaped",
+        "forehead: white and curved, seamlessly connecting to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round eyes, dark in color, surrounded by a soft, white ring",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with large, webbed feet appropriate for both walking and swimming",
+        "wings: long, wide wings, primarily white but often edged in black or dark gray, essential for its renowned gliding capabilities",
+        "nape: white blanked nape, connecting the head with the back",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped tail often with darker feathers at the tip",
+        "throat: white throat and neck, stretching down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "kiwi": [
+        "back: a smooth surfboard-like curve from neck to tail, covered in white feathers in most species",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and sharp, yellow coloration at the tip, used for catching fish and squids",
+        "belly: soft, white underparts designed with sleek feathers, streamlined for efficient flying",
+        "breast: bulky and broad, powerfully muscled to support strong wing flaps; covered in soft white feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the head, generally plain and unadorned, blending with neck and back feathers",
+        "forehead: flat and wide, covered with soft white feathers, barely noticeable from the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: large, expressive dark eyes set in the pale face, forward-facing for precise spotting of prey on the ocean's surface",
+        "legs: short and strong, ending in webbed feet for swimming; tucked under body in flight or used for walking on land",
+        "wings: extraordinarily long and narrow, perfectly designed for long-distance gliding and soaring",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, usually blends with the color of the back, often white or sometimes dark",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, works as a rudder to control flight direction and balance",
+        "throat: a smooth, plumage-covered area from the lower beak to the breast, usually white or cream"
+    ],
+    "kookaburra": [
+        "back: large, flat, and covered with elegant white feathers",
+        "beak: hooked and long, predominantly pale yellow usually with a pinkish tinge",
+        "belly: broad and white, continues seamlessly from the breast",
+        "breast: voluminous, white feathers that aid in flight",
+        "crown: cover for the top of the bird's head, with white feathers",
+        "forehead: elevated, white, between the eyes and the start of the beak",
+        "eyes: shaded black, surrounded by a puffy white facial disc",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and webbed for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally broad and long, usually black at the tips and mainly white",
+        "nape: white feathers transitioning from the back of the head to the back",
+        "tail: wedgeshaped, white with black edges, useful for maintaining balance during flight",
+        "throat: white, smooth feathers, nestled under the beak and leading to the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "lark bunting": [
+        "back: large, covered with white or grey feathers, providing structural support",
+        "beak: large, sharp, and hooked for catching fish, usually pinkish or yellow in color",
+        "belly: soft feathers covering a plump body, usually white or light grey",
+        "breast: broad and robust, usually whitecrown: top part of the head or grey feathers to aid in flight",
+        "forehead: above the beak and below the crown, usually covered in grey or white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and sharp, positioned at the front of the head for excellent binocular vision",
+        "legs: short, webbed for powerful swimming, tucked away during flight, usually pinkish or black",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and pointed, allowing for the bird to glide over oceans for hours",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, covered in soft white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, pointed, used for steering during flight, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's head, usually white or grey, feathers transition smoothly down from the bird's beak"
+    ],
+    "laughing gull": [
+        "back: a combination of grey and white feathers forming a smooth, curved surface",
+        "beak: a long, curved, sharp yellow beak used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: soft, white feathery region making up the bird's underside",
+        "breast: the chest area, broader and puffier, covered in white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, covered in white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: the front upper part of the bird's head, usually a part of the general head coloration",
+        "eyes: dark, vigilant eyes framed by a thin, white semi-circle",
+        "legs: a pair of pencil-thin, webbed feet colored in pale blue or pink",
+        "wings: long and pointed wings, white underneath and black or dark grey on top, perfect for soaring",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, covered in lighter colored feathers than its back",
+        "tail: medium-sized, white or light grey feathered tail often held closed",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's head, usually white or cream, occasionally with subtle streaks"
+    ],
+    "myna": [
+        "back: wide, flat bodied surface colored in different shades of grey or white depending on the species",
+        "beak: long, hooked shaped and colored in pale yellow, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: broad, and flat, generally white in most albatross species",
+        "breast: rounded, dense with under-feathers, and usually white",
+        "crown: the top of its head, often a darker grey or black in color",
+        "forehead: section before the crown, usually the same color as the crown",
+        "eyes: round, sharp-sighted, often with a light-colored iris",
+        "legs: short, strong, and colored in pale pink or grey, ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: very long, narrow, and pointed that provides excellent soaring ability, often colored in black or dark grey",
+        "nape: area at the back of the neck, generally in a match with the color of the crown",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, used for steering while flying",
+        "throat: lower part of the head leading to the chest, often white like the chest"
+    ],
+    "northern cardinal": [
+        "back: large, flat and covered with white plumage makes the albatross more noticeable",
+        "beak: curved and sharp-edged, the albatross uses it to catch fish and squid",
+        "belly: the underbody is white, aiding in camouflage when predators look upwards",
+        "breast: the breast protrudes slightly, providing extra momentum during flight",
+        "crown: covering the top of the head, the crown is white like the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: above the beak and eyes, it shares similar white uniformity with its body",
+        "eyes: horse-shoe shaped and black, they offer extraordinary vision during hunting endeavors",
+        "legs: thick and strong, they help in landings and take offs, while webbed feet assist in swimming",
+        "wings: tip to tip could measure 11 feet across; this bird is best-known for its extensive wingspan",
+        "nape: the back of its neck is shrouded in the same white plumage that characterizes the species",
+        "tail: wedged, white, and important for steering while in flight",
+        "throat: visible when the bird is eating or squawking, normally sheltered by white feathers"
+    ],
+    "northern gannet": [
+        "back: dark or whitish and spans between the wings and tail",
+        "beak: long, slender and sharply pointed, hue varies between pink to yellow",
+        "belly: whitish and large, rounded part of the bird, below the breast",
+        "breast: upper front part of the bird, typically of lighter color than the back",
+        "crown: top part of the head, mostly smooth and white",
+        "forehead: the area above the beak, often featuring white plumage",
+        "eyes: small, dark and sharp, settled on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: pink or light colored, long and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: very long and narrow for long-distance flights, with characteristic black tips",
+        "nape: back of the neck, has fluffy, often white feathers",
+        "tail: white or grey, wedge-shaped and used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: part of the neck, typically white or light coloured, undersides of the beak"
+    ],
+    "northern shoveler": [
+        "back: large, flat, and grey-white that helps maintain balance during flight",
+        "beak: sharp, strong and hooked, typically yellowish for eating prey and tearing flesh",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers covering a small area between the breast and tail",
+        "breast: large, voluminous, and primarily white, crucial for flight muscle attachment",
+        "crown: grey-white, leading down to the back of the neck, holding numerous feathers",
+        "forehead: covered with tidy white plumage, giving way to the beak",
+        "eyes: peering out of the sides of the head, small and sharp for keen vision",
+        "legs: slightly webbed with three forward-facing toes and a rear toe for optimal swimming and land mobility",
+        "wings: long and narrow, primarily white with black edges, designed for dynamic soaring",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, covered in soft white feathers",
+        "tail: white, fan-shaped feathers that can spread wide to aid in steering while soaring",
+        "throat: white with soft feathers stretching down to the bird's chest"
+    ],
+    "ostrich": [
+        "back: large, smooth feathers covering the main body in a coat of snowy white in some species or dark brown in others",
+        "beak: long, sharp and hooked, usually light yellow or orange in color, used for catching and consuming fish",
+        "belly: rounded, often white or lightly colored, part of the bird's underside that stores food",
+        "breast: wide and robust, often white or brown in color, provides muscle to power the wings in flight",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, covered in white or brown feathers, depending on the species",
+        "forehead: area above the bird's eyes, usually rounded and covered in white or lightly colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small and round, usually black, provide excellent vision, crucial for hunting and navigation",
+        "legs: short and strong, usually with webbed feet for effective diving and swimming in the sea",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, sometimes reaching up to 11 feet in wingspan, allow for long periods of gliding over the ocean",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, usually covered in white or brown feathers like the back",
+        "tail: short, sturdy, and usually white, helpful for balance and steering while in flight",
+        "throat: located under the beak, often a lighter color than the rest of the body, expands when the bird is consuming fish"
+    ],
+    "oyster catcher": [
+        "back: large, sleek, and covered with white or grey plumage, serving as a streamlined canvas for wind navigation",
+        "beak: long, curved, and dagger-like in a yellowish hue, used to spear fish from the sea",
+        "belly: soft, wide, and white, it provides buoyancy to the bird while it floats in sea waters",
+        "breast: broad and sturdy, often white or pale grey, providing a strong force during flight",
+        "crown: the top of the head sporting white or grey feathers, integrated seamlessly into the overall color scheme",
+        "forehead: a wide and smooth area covered in white or grey feathers, accentuating the piercing eyes",
+        "eyes: circle-shaped and dark, providing a strong vision, critical for hunting fish in open seas",
+        "legs: short, webbed formations in a matching hue to the beak, useful for both swimming and holding onto fish",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender, and powerful, often white or blackish, enabling the bird to glide over vast distances",
+        "nape: the back of the neck clothed in soft, white or grey plumage, maintaining the color continuity across the body",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, often white with black edges, serving as an important tool for stabilization in flight",
+        "throat: fleshy and wide, often white, it can balloon out to hold fish after a successful hunt"
+    ],
+    "peacock": [
+        "back: large flat surface, primarily white in color with compact feathers in mature albatrosses",
+        "beak: curved and long, typically yellow or pale-tinted in color, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: rounded underside, covered in primarily white feathers, but may have some spots or streaks",
+        "breast: white, broad and powerful-looking, visible when the bird is sitting or in flight",
+        "crown: topmost part of the bird's head, covered in white or slightly off-white feathers",
+        "forehead: white-feathered area just above the beak and eyes, visible when the bird faces forward",
+        "eyes: prominent with a dark, forward-facing gaze for keen eyesight. rimmed with conspicuous basic color",
+        "legs: short, strong, and webbed, essential for both swimming under water and walking on land",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow and pointed at the end, mainly white with black tips, allow the bird to glide over the ocean for hours without flapping",
+        "nape: back of the neck, typically white in color, which gradually transitions into the bird's back",
+        "tail: white, slender and fan-shaped at rest, which the bird, particularly adult ones, uses for steering during flight",
+        "throat: area under the beak, usually white feathered, and quite smooth compared to the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "peregrine falcon": [
+        "back: large, broad, powerful back covered in white feathers that's essential for flight",
+        "beak: streamlined, hook-tipped beak usually yellow or pale pink for catching prey",
+        "belly: voluminous, wholly white fluffy feathered belly aids in thermal insulation",
+        "breast: powerful, white feathered breast area used for flight muscles",
+        "crown: top part of the head, white hooded crown often with black or grey markings",
+        "forehead: part between the eyes and crown, continues the white feather pattern",
+        "eyes: sharp, black eyes set on each side of the head for wide field of vision",
+        "legs: sturdy, webbed feet in a shade of pale pink perfect for water landings",
+        "wings: extremely wide wingspan, primarily white with black on the tips and edges for soaring wind currents",
+        "nape: region at back of neck, keeps the continuity of white plumage",
+        "tail: robust, wedge shaped tail with white feathers that help in steering while flying",
+        "throat: lower part of the neck, covered in white feathers, connects beak and chest"
+    ],
+    "phainopepla": [
+        "back: predominantly white, elongated with distinct feathers that aids in gliding",
+        "beak: yellowish-pink, hook-tipped, and designed for catching prey",
+        "belly: soft white feathers, fluffy and round",
+        "breast: white, powerful muscle for rapid wing-beating",
+        "crown: white head with sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: white with feathered high curvature",
+        "eyes: dark and round, sharp for spotting prey from a long distance",
+        "legs: webbed feet, pinkish in color, ideal for swimming",
+        "wings: large and long for extended glides, typically white with black or dark grey tips",
+        "nape: white feathers gently curved down to the back",
+        "tail: white feathers, short and wedge-shaped helping to navigate wind direction",
+        "throat: white feathered with an expanded pouch for prey storage"
+    ],
+    "philippine eagle": [
+        "back: large, smoothly sloping surface covered in white or gray plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp and hooked, usually yellowish or light pink in color",
+        "belly: broad and flat, covered in white feathers",
+        "breast: wide and robust, covered with white or gray feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered with white or gray feathers, smoothly curves into the neck",
+        "forehead: part above the eyes, often slightly more rounded and protruding than other birds",
+        "eyes: dark and small, set on side of the head; gives a wide field of view",
+        "legs: short, strong with webbed toes for efficient swimming, usually pink or gray",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, allowing for efficient long-distance flight, usually white or dark-colored",
+        "nape: back of the neck, usually whitish or gray, tends to be seamlessly covered with feathers",
+        "tail: short, white or gray feathers, helpful for steering during flight",
+        "throat: usually covered with white feathers, it is where the bird's call is produced"
+    ],
+    "puffin": [
+        "back: mostly white with some light-colored streaks",
+        "beak: strong, long, and hooked, traditionally yellow and used to catch prey",
+        "belly: white-colored, provides camouflage while the bird is floating",
+        "breast: similar to the belly, prominently white-colored",
+        "crown: grey or white, like most of the bird's body",
+        "forehead: typically white and can appear slightly ruffled",
+        "eyes: encased by a ring of dark feathers, with a sharp, intent gaze",
+        "legs: short and webbed, typically pink or pale in color",
+        "wings: very long, black, and narrow, designed for extended gliding flights",
+        "nape: characteristically white and transitions into the darker-colored wings",
+        "tail: white with black cross marks, often long, narrow and pointed",
+        "throat: like the belly and breast, mainly white-colored"
+    ],
+    "purple gallinule": [
+        "back: the albatross's back is predominantly white and broad, leading to its large wings",
+        "beak: it has a long, hooked beak which is pale yellow in color, perfect for catching fish",
+        "belly: the belly of the albatross is typically white and rounded, as it stands tall on water",
+        "breast: its breast is large and full, largely white, aiding in buoyancy when on water",
+        "crown: the crown or top of the head of the albatross is often white or light colored with a streamlined look",
+        "forehead: it has a smooth, slightly sloping forehead that leads from the crown to the beak",
+        "eyes: the eyes of an albatross are small and dark, sitting on either side of the beak",
+        "legs: it has short, powerful legs that end in webbed feet for effective swimming",
+        "wings: the albatross is known for its extremely large, slender, white wings which it uses for gliding and soaring",
+        "nape: the nape or back of an albatross's neck is typically white and short, allowing for head movement during flight",
+        "tail: its tail is long and usually white, with a wedge shape helping it maintain balance and steer during flight",
+        "throat: the albatross's throat is white, known to expand when the bird is catching fish or communicating"
+    ],
+    "purple martin": [
+        "back: broad and flat, typically white, forms the upper part of its body",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and pale yellow in color, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: spacious and usually white, facilitating buoyancy when in water",
+        "breast: sturdy and white, housing the bird's respiratory and circulatory systems",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, often colored white",
+        "forehead: broad and white, located just above the bird's eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: relatively small, often with a black or brown hue, and round in shape",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and pale pink or grey, ending in webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and generally white with black tips, designed for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, colored white and often with black spots in some species",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped and long, aiding in steering while flying",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's neck, usually white and somewhat conical when swallowing food"
+    ],
+    "pygmy kingfisher": [
+        "back: glossy and white coloured, curved smooth lines forming streamlined shape",
+        "beak: sharp, long, and tapered in shape with pale yellow hue, designed for fishing",
+        "belly: smooth and white-coloured, designed to blend with the sky from predators beneath",
+        "breast: white but bulging, projecting forward for optimum aerodynamic efficiency",
+        "crown: white, streamlined, and sleek as it extends down to the nape, designed for high-speed flights",
+        "forehead: white, slightly elevated above eyes, sleek and blends seamlessly into the crown",
+        "eyes: black and piercing, well positioned at the sides providing a broad field of view",
+        "legs: webbed, thin, short, usually pale blue to white, powerful paddlers for water navigation",
+        "wings: long, thin and ends with sharp curvature, white with black wingtip colouration for long-distance soaring",
+        "nape: white and sleek, transitioning smoothly from crown to back",
+        "tail: white with black at the end, wide fan-like shape used as rudder for changing directions during flight",
+        "throat: white, broad and strong for swallowing large fish"
+    ],
+    "quetzal": [
+        "back: widespread flat surface mostly in white shade",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and sharp, with hues of pink and yellow",
+        "belly: soft, rounded belly, predominantly white in color",
+        "breast: white plump and feathered, aiding in flying and floating",
+        "crown: the top of the head, mainly covered with white plumage",
+        "forehead: part ahead of the crown, characterized by white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and vigilant, located on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and webbed, well-suited for swimming and catching prey",
+        "wings: long and slender, capable of powerful flight over long distances",
+        "nape: rear part of the bird\u2019s neck, covered with white feathers",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, usually white, aids in steering while flying",
+        "throat: lower facial area, narrow and white, leading to the bird\u2019s breast"
+    ],
+    "red shouldered hawk": [
+        "back: broad and flat, usually white or light gray in adults",
+        "beak: long, pointed and sharp, colored in a mix of yellow and pink",
+        "belly: white and soft, usually making a stark contrast with the back",
+        "breast: broad and full, synonymous with the stout body of the albatross",
+        "crown: the top of the head, covered in white or light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: the area in front of the crown, usually white or light gray like the rest of the face",
+        "eyes: sharp, observant eyes with a deep black color surrounded by white or light gray feathers",
+        "legs: long and thin, suited for long flights and colored in a light shade",
+        "wings: extraordinarily large and wide, facilitating their long-distance flights, usually with dark tips",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered with white or light gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and slender, usually white or light gray with dark tips",
+        "throat: the under-part of the neck, usually white or light gray similar to most of the albatross body"
+    ],
+    "red tailed hawk": [
+        "back: a flat, smooth section covered in bright white feathers from the bird's neck to the end of the body",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and sharp pink or yellowish beak for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: round and large, white in color blending flawlessly with the bird's overall white plumage",
+        "breast: broad and muscular, covered in white feathers, aiding in the bird's efficient flight",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth white feathers covering the area above the eyes leading up to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark eyes with a perceptive and intelligent gaze, located on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, webbed feet in pink or yellowish shades, aiding in swimming and diving",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, sharp-edged wings extending up to 3 meters, making it excellent for long-duration flights",
+        "nape: the back part of a bird's neck, covered in white soft feathers",
+        "tail: medium length, wedge-shaped tail white in color help in steering during flight",
+        "throat: the lower part of the bird's head leading to the chest, white in general as the majority of its body feathers"
+    ],
+    "ring necked pheasant": [
+        "back: grayish-white feathers covering the central part of the albatross's body",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked pinkish-white beak for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: soft white plumage, usually clean and spotless, on the lower side of the bird",
+        "breast: puffed-out plumage in grey, larger and more rounded in appearance",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head, featuring grey feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the eyes, covered with whitish-grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark eyes with a keen sense of sight for locating food in the water",
+        "legs: strong, blue-toned webbed feet for swimming and balance",
+        "wings: extremely large, white-gray wings with wingtips often black, suited for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered with grey feathers blending into the bird's back",
+        "tail: long, white wedge-shaped tail feathers for steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's head, beneath the beak, covered in white to light-grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "roadrunner": [
+        "back: a large expanse of white feathers covering the bulk of the bird's body",
+        "beak: long, sharp and curved, with a distinctive pink or yellow shade depending on the species",
+        "belly: bright white and rounded, the underpart of the bird when in flight",
+        "breast: a large, rounded area covered in white feathers, indicating the bird's robust physique",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, white or cream in color, contrasts with the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: slightly raised area between the crown and beak, typically the same color as the crown",
+        "eyes: encircled by a rim of dark feathers, the eyes are round and intense, the color varies from dark brown to black",
+        "legs: long and thin, colored pink or flesh-tone, tucked in during flight",
+        "wings: very long, slender and pointed, perfect for soaring long distances without tiring",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, covered with white or cream colored feathers",
+        "tail: white plumage shaped elegantly and thin, helping in steering while flying",
+        "throat: white or cream feathering, connecting the head and the breast, noticeable when the albatross is in a rest position"
+    ],
+    "rufous kingfisher": [
+        "back: wide, flat surface with white plumage in most species, occasionally dark in others",
+        "beak: long, sharp and hooked, typically yellow or pink, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: large, white and plump, aiding in buoyancy when on water",
+        "breast: white and broad, leading up towards the beak",
+        "crown: rounded, often grey or brown, the top part of the albatross' head",
+        "forehead: area just above the beak, lighter in color, typically white or grey",
+        "eyes: relatively small, round and black, usually framed by darker feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong, colored from pink to pale yellow with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender and powerful, ideal for gliding across the ocean",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, usually grey or brown, that gradients into the color of the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, used for steering amidst strong winds",
+        "throat: white or light-colored, leads down to the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "sand martin": [
+        "back: the albatross's back is large, broad, and flat, typically colored in a mixed palette of whites and grays",
+        "beak: the bird's beak is long and sharply hooked, perfect for catching prey, and it is often yellow or pale pink",
+        "belly: the belly of an albatross is primarily white but can sometimes feature gray hues",
+        "breast: the albatross's breast is broad and white, which aids in buoyancy while swimming",
+        "crown: the crown or top of the albatross's head is covered in white or grayish feathers",
+        "forehead: the albatross's forehead is wide and flat, usually sporting the same coloration as the bird's crown",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, slightly pointed eyes with a brilliant black hue, giving them excellent vision",
+        "legs: the legs of an albatross are strong, short, and often pinkish or flesh-colored, with webbed feet to assist in swimming",
+        "wings: the albatross's wings are extraordinarily long and narrow, perfect for their signature soaring flight, ranging in shades of white, black, and gray depending on the species",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, is usually covered in white feathers, contrasting slightly with the colors of the bird's back",
+        "tail: the albatross's tail is short and wedge-shaped, featuring feathers in a mix of white, gray, or black",
+        "throat: the bird's throat region is predominantly white, often blending seamlessly with the color of its breast"
+    ],
+    "snow goose": [
+        "back: white with narrow, sharp wings extending outward",
+        "beak: long, narrow and yellow-tipped with a small hook perfect for catching fish",
+        "belly: predominantly white, sitting below a short neck",
+        "breast: white and puffed out, showcasing robust health",
+        "crown: white, sharp contrasting with dark-penciled feathers",
+        "forehead: predominantly white, downwards toward the sharp beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, perfectly placed in the center of white feathers",
+        "legs: long, webbed feet that are pinkish in color used to tread water",
+        "wings: extremely long and thin, black and white with a wingspan that can reach over 10 feet",
+        "nape: white, supports the oval shaped head of the albatross",
+        "tail: long and wedged-shaped, white with black edges for a striking contrast",
+        "throat: covered with white feathers, starts right under the beak and extends to the chest"
+    ],
+    "steamer duck": [
+        "back: dominated by pearl white feathers spreading out across its surface",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and pinkish-yellow, perfect for catching prey in the ocean",
+        "belly: creamy white color, sleek with feathers designed to keep bird waterproof",
+        "breast: white and rounded, helping the bird maintain its streamlined shape for effective flight",
+        "crown: the top of the head is covered with white feathers, contributing to its overall white appearance",
+        "forehead: white and smooth, the forehead meets the starting point of the bill",
+        "eyes: dark and delicate, their eyes are sharp and capable of spotting small aquatic life from a great height",
+        "legs: short and webbed, pink to blue-grey color, they enable the bird to swim effectively",
+        "wings: magnificently wide and long, dark-edged, designed for long-distance glides over the ocean",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, seamlessly transitioning from the head to the back, covered with white feathers",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, gives the albatross steering control in flight",
+        "throat: covered with white plumage, it is capable of holding large amounts of food for its chicks"
+    ],
+    "surf scoter": [
+        "back: a large area of white plumage covering the body from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, sharp, curved and pale-yellow in color with a darker point and tip",
+        "belly: broad and full, covered with clean white feathers",
+        "breast: a large white-feathered area leading up to the bird's neck",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: the area between the crown and beak, also covered with white feathers",
+        "eyes: position somewhat forward, black in color and surrounded by a narrow ring of bare skin",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, with webbed feet, typically used for swimming and colored grey",
+        "wings: very large and broad, with black tips and edges",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, showing white plumage same as the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, lined with bold black margins",
+        "throat: the area under the beak and chin, white-feathered and leads to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "tailorbird": [
+        "back: a large, flat dorsal surface covered in pure white feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved and sharp, used for capturing fish, it's usually pink or yellow",
+        "belly: rounded and white, serving as a counter shade in the water",
+        "breast: broad and strong, filled with white feathers, perfect for long flights",
+        "crown: the top of the head, featuring white or light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek and white, sloping back to the crown of the head",
+        "eyes: small and sharp, usually deep-set and dark, perfect for spotting prey from great heights",
+        "legs: short and webbed, great for swimming, usually pink or blue with sharp talons",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, so the bird can fly long distances with little effort, usually white with black tips",
+        "nape: the area where the back of the neck meets the back, generally covered with white or light gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, white with black tips, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: sleek and bright white, extending into the belly area"
+    ],
+    "takahe": [
+        "back: soft, mottled grey coating covering the upper section of the albatross",
+        "beak: sharp, large and hooked, usually tinted light pink or yellow",
+        "belly: sleek white underbelly, small compared to the bird's overall size",
+        "breast: broad, strong chest covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, coated with typically grey or white feathers",
+        "forehead: the area just above the beak, usually covered with feathers similar in color to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, keen eyes surrounded by a thin ring of feathers",
+        "legs: short, scaled legs ending in webbed feet for expert ocean navigation",
+        "wings: exceptionally long, slender wings designed for extensive gliding with minimal effort",
+        "nape: back of the neck, generally covered in a blend of white and mottled grey feathers",
+        "tail: narrow, elongated tail for steering during flight, feather colors often matching those on the back",
+        "throat: the area under the beak, usually white, and sometimes covered with a 'chinstrap' of darker feathers"
+    ],
+    "wattled lapwing": [
+        "back: the albatross boasts a solid, weather-resistant back, typically in shades of white or grey",
+        "beak: the bird's beak is long and sturdy, in hues of pale pink or yellow, used to catch fish and cephalopods",
+        "belly: the under-part is often white or light-grey, contributing to their overall sleek profile",
+        "breast: broad, robust, and usually white in color, aiding in its buoyancy on water",
+        "crown: the crown, often mirroring the back's color, lends a streamlined look to the bird's head",
+        "forehead: this part of the bird's head, just above the beak, is streamlined and usually in a shade of white or grey",
+        "eyes: the albatross has small, sharp eyes, dark in color, necessary for spotting their prey in vast ocean spans",
+        "legs: its legs, relatively short and webbed, are great for swimming and colored to camouflage them under water",
+        "wings: these birds are known for their immense wings, often spanning up to 3.5 meters, which are strong and adapted for gliding across oceans",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, often white or grey, contributes to the bird's streamlined look",
+        "tail: the albatross has a strong, wedge-shaped tail which it uses for maneuvering and steering during flight",
+        "throat: the bird's throat is flexible and can stretch, allowing it to consume large prey whole and assist in foraging for smaller fish and squid"
+    ],
+    "white tailed tropic": [
+        "back: large, smooth feathers in hues of white or grey, providing aerodynamics during flight",
+        "beak: long, sharp and hooked, ideal for catching and eating fish, usually colored pale pink or yellow",
+        "belly: predominantly white feathers, often with a layer of insulating fluff underneath",
+        "breast: white or light grey, thick feathers allowing for buoyancy and insulation in cold waters",
+        "crown: top of the head covered in white or grey feathers, often with a streamlined shape for efficient flight",
+        "forehead: the area above the eyes, usually covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark and positioned on the sides of the head, sharp for spotting fish in the water from high altitudes",
+        "legs: short and strong, with webbed feet for excellent swimming ability, usually tucked under during flight for aerodynamics",
+        "wings: very long, slender and pointed, built for gliding and soaring over oceans for extended period of time",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in similar colored feathers as the back and crown, provides flexibility to the head",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped white or grey feathers, used for steering and maintaining balance during flight",
+        "throat: covered in white or light grey feathers, often with a slightly wrinkled or loose texture"
+    ],
+    "wood duck": [
+        "back: streamlined and mostly white, supporting flight efficiency",
+        "beak: long and sharp, colored pinkish or ivory white with a hook tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and smooth, part of the bird's overall sleek body design",
+        "breast: broad and white, aiding in buoyancy when flying",
+        "crown: upper part of the head, typically covered in soft white feathers",
+        "forehead: just above the bird's eyes and beak, generally white with sleek feathers",
+        "eyes: deep-set and sharp, typically a striking blue or dark brown color for keen vision",
+        "legs: long and thin, coloured pink or pale, ending in three webbed toes, adapted for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, built for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: back of the neck, featuring the same white-colored feathers as the rest of the bird's body",
+        "tail: wide, white, short but strongly built for steering during flight",
+        "throat: below the beak, covered in soft, white feathers, where the bird's call resonates from"
+    ],
+    "red crossbill": [
+        "back: a smooth, predominantly white area extending down to the tail feathers",
+        "beak: large and powerful, tinted with a slight yellow color",
+        "belly: pure white and slightly rounded, could be seen when the bird is in flight",
+        "breast: wide and white, providing an aerodynamic shape",
+        "crown: white and smooth, leading down to the neck",
+        "forehead: continuation of the white crown, seamlessly merging into the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing eyes surrounded by a thin white area",
+        "legs: slim, webbed feet specialized for sea life, with a hint of pink color",
+        "wings: exceptionally wide and long, white with blackened ends for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: white and seamlessly blending into the back area",
+        "tail: long, white, and wedge-shaped assisting in navigation in wind currents",
+        "throat: white extending up to the belly part, appears smooth"
+    ],
+    "dunlin": [
+        "back: large and flat area with soft, white feathers giving the bird a streamlined shape",
+        "beak: long, hooked tip designed for catching prey; generally yellowish in color with a black tip",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers covering the underside part of the bird",
+        "breast: large, white, and broad area of the bird's front providing lift while flying",
+        "crown: top portion of the head, usually covered in white feathers, that runs from beak to back of neck",
+        "forehead: area between the bird's eyes and beak; part of the white-feathered head",
+        "eyes: small, round and typically black; positioned on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and strong, with large, webbed feet specialized for swimming; usually a pink or pale color",
+        "wings: extremely large and long; white in color with black tips, designed for powerful gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck where the head connects to the body; covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: thin, tapered bar of white feathers that help the bird steer while in flight",
+        "throat: area just beneath the beak; usually has a softer appearance and is covered in white feathers"
+    ],
+    "allen hummingbird": [
+        "back: broad and elongated, covered in white or gray feathers depending on the species",
+        "beak: long and hooked, usually pale pink or yellow colored, it has a sharp point for catching prey",
+        "belly: white feathers covering the lower part of the body from breast to tail",
+        "breast: a broad, muscular area covered in white feathers that helps with the bird's flight",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, which is covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "forehead: the front part of the bird's head, right above the beak and eyes, covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round and dark, positioned on each side of the head offering a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, typically a pale color, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extraordinarily long, slender and curved, they allow albatrosses to glide for long distances over the sea",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, typically covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "tail: relatively short and wedge-shaped, covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "throat: area below the bird's beak, usually covered in white feathers and expands when the bird vocalizes"
+    ],
+    "arctic tern": [
+        "back: broad and flat covered with pristine white feathers",
+        "beak: long, hollow, and sharply pointed for grabbing fish, with a slight hook at the end",
+        "belly: wide and slightly rounded, covered in white feathers",
+        "breast: covered in soft white feathers, larger and fuller",
+        "crown: top of the head, exhibits white feathers aligned smoothly",
+        "forehead: flat and white, gradually leading to the beak with few distinct feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round set on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, webbed feet for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, broad, and white, designed for soaring and gliding over oceans",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, featuring slightly thicker white feathers",
+        "tail: thin and short, white and sharply pointed allowing for swift change in flight direction",
+        "throat: beneath the beak, covered in white feathers, slightly fluffed"
+    ],
+    "barrow goldeneye": [
+        "back: broad and strong base supporting its large wings",
+        "beak: sharp and long, yellowish in color, adapted to catch prey",
+        "belly: wide and flat, usually white in color",
+        "breast: v-shaped chest, white in most albatross species",
+        "crown: top part of the head, often white or light gray",
+        "forehead: smooth area between the bird's eyes and beak, normally white",
+        "eyes: small and sharp eyes, black in color, set into the sides of the head",
+        "legs: short and webbed, great for swimming but awkward on land",
+        "wings: very long and narrow, better suited for long distance gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, white or light gray like its crown",
+        "tail: long and slim, used to steer while flying, usually white-tipped",
+        "throat: underneath the beak, white color that blends with the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "black guillemot": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross is usually a uniform grey color, subtly blending into its wings",
+        "beak: an albatross has a large, strong beak that is sharp and hooked, mainly yellowish-white with a pink or reddish tint towards the tip",
+        "belly: the belly is usually a striking white colour, contrasting with the grey of its back",
+        "breast: similar to its belly, the breast of an albatross is white and smoothly blends with the rest of its underside",
+        "crown: the crown is the top of the albatross's head and is usually the same color as its back. sometimes it can have a streak of white",
+        "forehead: the forehead of an albatross tends to be slightly paler than the rest of its head and leads into its beak",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, round eyes with a black pupil and a pale color iris which can range from yellow to grey",
+        "legs: the legs of an albatross are short, strong and webbed, adapted for their sea-faring lifestyle. they are usually pinkish white",
+        "wings: albatrosses have long, slender wings which are grey on top, white underneath, and black on the ends, allowing them to soar great distances",
+        "nape: the nape is the back of the neck which is usually greyish color, blending seamlessly into the bird's back",
+        "tail: albatrosses have a short, pointed tail that is usually white underneath and grey on top to match its back",
+        "throat: the throat of an albatross is white, just like its belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "black scoter": [
+        "back: long and straight, covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and hooked, primarily used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white and soft, assisting in streamlined flight",
+        "breast: broad and white, aiding in powerful flight",
+        "crown: top of head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: upper face part, meeting point for the beak, covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: bright with a sharp gaze, assisting in hunting and navigation",
+        "legs: short and webbed, adapted for swimming and standing not for walking",
+        "wings: extremely large, slender, and black-tipped, adapted for long-distance gliding",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, coated in white feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, helping with steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of bird's neck, white with potential of a yellowish tinge"
+    ],
+    "black bellied plover": [
+        "back: boldly colored and muscular, providing the bird with the strength required for extended flights",
+        "beak: sharply pointed, pinkish-yellow, used for catching and consuming prey",
+        "belly: white and soft, guarding the internal organs",
+        "breast: broad and muscular, helps generate the power necessary for flight",
+        "crown: sleek and white, the top of the head that is slightly above the eyes",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, found between the eyes and the beak",
+        "eyes: large and expressive, brown in color, used for a sharp vision that's essential during hunting",
+        "legs: grey, thin but strong, used for walking and perching",
+        "wings: long and slender, white with black tips, sported on either side of the body, necessary for long flights",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, white and smooth, connects the bird's head to the body",
+        "tail: white with black tips, wields control over direction during flight",
+        "throat: white and slender, part of the bird's digestive system, used in call vocalizations"
+    ],
+    "black chinned hummingbird": [
+        "back: long, streamlined back hued in white to light gray color, usually glossed with blue or silver sheen",
+        "beak: long, slender, and sharp beak, light yellowish or pink in color with a hook-like tip",
+        "belly: whitish smooth and rounded belly",
+        "breast: typically pure white breast extending up to the neck, offering a stark contrast to other parts",
+        "crown: light grey, slightly flat crown with a smooth texture",
+        "forehead: white, elongated, and slightly raised forehead adding to its streamlined profile",
+        "eyes: bright, sharp, and piercing eyes, usually dark or brown in color, set on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short, stout legs with webbed feet perfectly adapted for aquatic life, typically pink in color",
+        "wings: exceptionally long, narrow wings, often blackened at the tips, perfect for high-flying and long-lasting soaring",
+        "nape: soft, light-grey nape area that seamlessly tapers into the back",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped tail occasionally with black margins, used for high-precision steering mid-flight",
+        "throat: white, soft throat area extending to its chest"
+    ],
+    "black crowned night heron": [
+        "back: the upper body part of the albatross, usually covered in predominantly white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked and sharp for catching fish; either yellow or light pink depending on the species",
+        "belly: underside of the albatross, lighter in color, often white",
+        "breast: front lower part, may be bulkier than other birds, covered with dense feathers",
+        "crown: the top part of the albatross's head, typically with a smooth layer of white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: above the bird's eye, generally covered in light colored feathers",
+        "eyes: large, round and black, with keen vision for spotting fish underwater from high above",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and webbed for swimming, with claws capable of gripping slippery fish",
+        "wings: very long and narrow wings for gliding, can span up to 3.5 meters, often grey or white",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, usually having feathers of the same color as the back",
+        "tail: rear extension used for steering during flight, feathers may be of a different color for different species, often white or grey",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's head, often same color as the belly and breast, used for gulping down fish"
+    ],
+    "black headed grosbeak": [
+        "back: large, flat surface primarily covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked yellow beak used for catching prey",
+        "belly: large and white, used in flight for stabilization",
+        "breast: vast, white area that leads from the neck to the belly",
+        "crown: top part of the head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth, white area above eyes leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: small, bright eyes located at either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and stout, pink in color, perfect for perching but not walking",
+        "wings: large, impressive wings, black at the tips and primarily used for hunting and long-distance flight",
+        "nape: back of the bird\u2019s neck, colored white like the majority of the albatross\u2019s body",
+        "tail: broad, white, wedge-shaped tail used for maneuvering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird\u2019s neck, white and often expands when calling"
+    ],
+    "black legged kittiwake": [
+        "back: large and flat, covered in white or grey feathers, providing maximum lift during flight",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, and curved, usually yellowish or pink, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: broad and white, storing fat for long flights",
+        "breast: robust and white feathered, aiding in keeping balance during flight",
+        "crown: top part of the head, covered with smooth, white feathers",
+        "forehead: broad and white, leading up to the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, alert and encircled by a ring of bare skin, offering excellent vision",
+        "legs: short, strong and webbed for effective swimming, usually a mix of pink and grey",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow, and bending at the elbow, facilitating long-distance flight",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in white feathers, connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, aiding in steering during flight",
+        "throat: part of the neck, usually white, stretching from the chin to the chest"
+    ],
+    "blackpoll warbler": [
+        "back: predominantly white, slender and elongated with smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved and sturdy, mostly pink or yellow with a distinct hook at the end to seize the prey",
+        "belly: pale white, often streaked with brown or grey, slightly plump, and covered in short, downy feathers",
+        "breast: large and white, smoothly segmented by delicate feathers, facilitates strong, enduring flight",
+        "crown: usually white, topped with sparse, slick feathers and a streamlined shape to aid in flight",
+        "forehead: relatively flat, extending into the beak, covered in fine white or light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, circular and penetrating, shaded slightly darker than the rest of the face, often protected by a thin membrane",
+        "legs: short with large webbed-feet, pinkish-grey in color, adept for swimming and making landings",
+        "wings: enormous and wide, capable of a massive wingspan, usually white with black or dark brown tips, designed for long distance flight",
+        "nape: conspicuously white, blending into the white back, segmented by fine, downy feathers",
+        "tail: generally white with black tips, short, wedge-shaped providing balance and control in flight",
+        "throat: broad and white, often patterned with faint streaks of grey or beige, lined with soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "blue winged teal": [
+        "back: large, expansive feathered area, usually white or light grey, ensuring graceful flights",
+        "beak: large, pink or yellowish, curved with a sharp-pointed tip, perfect for catching fish",
+        "belly: large, often white or lighter colored underside aiding camouflage while flying over the ocean",
+        "breast: bulbous and robust, mostly white which provides insulation and flotation",
+        "crown: top of the head with a smooth span of lightly colored feathers",
+        "forehead: broad, flat area just above the beak, usually covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, sharp and ringed with a darker hue for better vision while hunting",
+        "legs: short, strong, webbed feet for swimming, usually colored pink or blue",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender wings which are black or dark grey on top and white underneath, allowing for long distance soaring",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, covered in lighter colored feathers",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped tail which is white with black edges, used for steering while in flight",
+        "throat: light colored underside of the bird's head with a gullet for storing and carrying food"
+    ],
+    "broad billed hummingbird": [
+        "back: large, sleek and white, enhanced for streamlined flying",
+        "beak: long, thin and pointed with a slight curve, yellow colored",
+        "belly: white-colored, robust for improved buoyancy",
+        "breast: white and voluminous, aids in heat conservation",
+        "crown: dominantly white with occasional feather streaks",
+        "forehead: white, wide, extends smoothly into the beak",
+        "eyes: circular and dark, set on the sides for panoramic views",
+        "legs: short, pinkish, adapted for swimming with webbed feet",
+        "wings: black-tipped, long and narrow for long flights",
+        "nape: white, thick and sturdy, connecting head to body",
+        "tail: narrow and white, with a wedge shape to guide during flights",
+        "throat: sleek and white, slightly bulged for food storage"
+    ],
+    "broad tailed hummingbird": [
+        "back: flat and streamlined, white with speckles, optimized for long flight duration",
+        "beak: long, hooked at the end, yellow in color, for catching and holding onto slippery fish",
+        "belly: white and rounded, a buoyancy aid for when the bird floats on the sea surface",
+        "breast: broad, white, and often stained yellow due to the secretion of body oils",
+        "crown: white or silver-gray, feathers arranged smoothly for aerodynamics",
+        "forehead: smooth, continues the line of the beak, usually white, starts to blend into a streaked grey towards the nape",
+        "eyes: dark and round, positioned on either side of the beak, for excellent visual acuity",
+        "legs: short and webbed, blue or pink, useful for swimming and waddling on land",
+        "wings: long, slender, sharp-pointed, black or gray with broad white stripes, built for gliding long distances",
+        "nape: streaked grey, blending into the white of the back, neck is longer than most birds for keeping head out of the water while swimming",
+        "tail: short, white, wedge-shaped, for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white, capable of expanding to accommodate fish before swallowing"
+    ],
+    "broad winged hawk": [
+        "back: broad and flat, usually white or pale in color",
+        "beak: large, pointy and strong, usually a pale yellow or light gray in color",
+        "belly: flat and rounded, often white or a light color similar to the bird's back",
+        "breast: large and round, usually white or pale, housing the bird's flight muscles",
+        "crown: top part of the head, typically pale or white, may have slight color variation",
+        "forehead: same color as the crown, where the top part of the beak begins",
+        "eyes: small, usually black or dark in color, positioned on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet, usually a bluish-gray or a pale color",
+        "wings: long and tapering, usually white with black or dark-colored tips, used expertly for gliding",
+        "nape: area at the back of the neck, often a light or pale color similar to the bird's body",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, usually white or light in color, assisting in flight stability",
+        "throat: area below the beak, often light or white, it may appear puffed up when the bird is vocalizing"
+    ],
+    "bullock oriole": [
+        "back: large and rounded, typically covered with white or pale grey feathers",
+        "beak: very long and thin, with a hook at the end, often yellow or pink",
+        "belly: wide and deep, covered in white or pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: broad and prominent, covered in white or pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: fairly flat, the area above the bird's eyes, features white or slightly yellowish feathers",
+        "eyes: large, black peepers, appear slightly squinty due to the bird's heavy brow",
+        "legs: short, strong, and webbed, perfect for swimming in the ocean",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, adapted for hours of gliding over the sea",
+        "nape: back of the neck, slopes smoothly down from the head, covered with white feathers",
+        "tail: broad and sturdy, feathers are usually white, helps with steering during flight",
+        "throat: below the bird's beak, covered in white or pale gray feathers, often inflates when the bird is calling"
+    ],
+    "calliope hummingbird": [
+        "back: a large expanse of white feathers covering the upper body of the bird",
+        "beak: long and narrow, it is a pale yellow color with a distinctive hook at the end for catching food",
+        "belly: pure white and slightly rounded, providing insulation and buoyancy to the bird",
+        "breast: a large, white feathered area, crucial for streamline when the bird is flying",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, smooth and white, merging into the back",
+        "forehead: slightly convex, it is also white and seamless with the rest of the bird's head",
+        "eyes: dark and sharp for spotting prey, they sit on either side of the bird's head",
+        "legs: two strong, webbed feet used for swimming, landing, and gripping onto prey",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, they are built for gliding and are mostly white with black tips",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck which connects the head to the body, covered with white feathers",
+        "tail: mostly white with black upper border, the tail works as a rudder to help the bird change direction in flight",
+        "throat: white, just like the belly and breast, the bird inflates it when attracting a mate or threatening rivals"
+    ],
+    "cassin finch": [
+        "back: large, broad, and typically white in color",
+        "beak: yellowish, long, and strong, specially designed for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and rounded, aiding in flight",
+        "breast: wide and white, often hosting a thick layer of insulating feathers",
+        "crown: white and flat, forming almost a straight line with the beak",
+        "forehead: a continuation of the white crown, typically flat",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a thin black patch, giving a striking appearance",
+        "legs: short, webbed, and strong to help in swimming and diving for food",
+        "wings: unusually long and thin for improved efficiency while gliding",
+        "nape: white or slightly grey, connecting the back of the head to the back",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: covered with white feathers, extending down to the belly"
+    ],
+    "common eider": [
+        "back: large, strong, typically white or pale grey in color, composed of sturdy feathers to support extensive long flights",
+        "beak: hook-shaped for catching prey, the bill of an albatross is long, sharp, and yellowish at the tip",
+        "belly: mostly white in most species, the belly is streamlined and built for efficient gliding over the ocean",
+        "breast: large and rounded, usually white or grey in color, assisting in lift during flight",
+        "crown: the top of the head, generally white or cream-colored with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: a slightly rounded space between the bird's eyes and beak, often pale in color",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a thin, white ring, the eyes are dark, sharp, and perfect for spotting prey from a high altitude",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, equipped with webbed feet to help albatross glide smoothly over the water",
+        "wings: extremely large with a wingspan that can reach over 3 meters in some species, enabling effortless soaring",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck often adorned with grey or white feathers in a streamlined shape to promote aerodynamics",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, used for steering and balance during their long foraging flights",
+        "throat: a soft part underneath the beak, normally white in color, and capable of expanding to store food during hunting"
+    ],
+    "common gallinule": [
+        "back: the albatross's back ranges from white to a smoky-brown color, often with a sleek and smooth appearance",
+        "beak: the bird's long, hooked beak is sturdy and sharp, typically orange or yellow, used for catching prey and defending itself",
+        "belly: the albatross's belly is usually white with soft, light feathers",
+        "breast: often white feathered in most species, muscular for aiding flight",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head, usually colored in soft white or grayish feathers",
+        "forehead: the area above the beak of the bird, covered in delicate feathers that may be either white or grey",
+        "eyes: the bird has round, bright, and expressive eyes that are typically dark or black",
+        "legs: the albatross has long, solid legs which end in large webbed feet, suited for strong swimming ability",
+        "wings:  the bird has enormous, sleek wings, ranging in various shades of white, grey, and black, enabling its ability for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: the back region of the bird's neck, displaying a blend of white and grey feathers",
+        "tail: the tail of the albatross is generally wedge-shaped, short, white and used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: the albatross's throat tends to be white or light-colored and may show a fluffy appearance"
+    ],
+    "common goldeneye": [
+        "back: strong and wide, characterized by smooth grey or white feathers depending on the species",
+        "beak: long and hooked at the end, designed for catching fish and marine life",
+        "belly: light-colored, usually white that contrasts with the darker upper parts",
+        "breast: broad and heavily feathered, often white or light coloured",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head which supports a mix of white and black feathers",
+        "forehead: leading up to the beak, typically covered with small, white or grey feathers",
+        "eyes: round and sharp, often set in a white or light gray face",
+        "legs: short and webbed, suitable for the bird's sea-dwelling lifestyle",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, accustomed for long-distance flights",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, usually featuring a combination of colors similar to the back and crown",
+        "tail: white and short, pointed at the end to assist with navigation during flight",
+        "throat: typically a lighter color, leading from the bird's beak to its breast"
+    ],
+    "common merganser": [
+        "back: a broad and lengthy structure, covered in dense white feathers",
+        "beak: strong and sharp, mostly yellowish with a hook at the end for catching fish",
+        "belly: large and white, providing buoyancy for swimming",
+        "breast: covered in white feathers, often puffed out whilst in flight to aid in aerodynamics",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white feathers, that slopes smoothly into the upper neck",
+        "forehead: slightly lifted, covered with dense white feathers",
+        "eyes: bright and round with a black iris, indicating alertness",
+        "legs: short and webbed, ideal for swimming and cruising on the water surface",
+        "wings: extraordinarily long and thin, perfect for gliding at high speeds and long distances in windswept conditions",
+        "nape: the back of the neck displaying a striking, white shade",
+        "tail: long and narrow, primarily white with a few black feathers, that helps in maintaining balance during flight",
+        "throat: white and unfeathered, stretching from the lower beak to the start of the chest"
+    ],
+    "cooper hawk": [
+        "back: large, curved space covered in white or light-grey feathers on albatross bird",
+        "beak: large, long, pinkish-yellow beak with sharpened hook on the end",
+        "belly: white, fluffy underneath part of the bird",
+        "breast: large, white feathery part above the belly and beneath the throat",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head, normally covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: the space above the bird's eyes and below the crown, white in color",
+        "eyes: almond-shaped, located on either side of the head with a dark coloration",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-grey legs that end with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow, and predominantly white with black on the ends",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, feathered with a lighter hue",
+        "tail: short, white with black edges and sharply pointed feathers",
+        "throat: the area below the beak and above the breast, typically white and fluffy"
+    ],
+    "costa hummingbird": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross has a classic grey sheen complemented by white or light grey spots",
+        "beak: the beak of an albatross is significantly large, strong, and yellow, hook-tipped for preying on fish",
+        "belly: the belly of an albatross tends to be white or pale, showcasing the bird's clean, sleek lines",
+        "breast: its breast area is typically white or light-colored, highlighting its majestic aura",
+        "crown: the crown or top part of the head is often white or grey, differentiating it from the rest of the plumage",
+        "forehead: its forehead seamlessly blends with the rest of its white facial features, giving it a streamlined appearance",
+        "eyes: albatross birds have sharp, focused eyes that are dark, almost black, which help them spot fish from a distance",
+        "legs: their legs are pale-hued and powerful, adapted for long flights and water landings",
+        "wings: albatross birds are known for their strikingly wide wingspans, with feathers varying in shades of grey and white",
+        "nape: the nape or back of the neck is typically grey or white, matching the bird's overall color scheme",
+        "tail: albatross tails are medium-length and wedge-shaped, lined with darker feathers for visibility and direction during flight",
+        "throat: an albatross' throat is white or light-colored, helping to maintain the bird's uniform color continuity"
+    ],
+    "double crested cormorant": [
+        "back: broad and strong, covered in white feathers for most albatross species",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hook-tipped for catching fish, usually yellow or pink",
+        "belly: white and broad, housing a strong digestive system to process marine diets",
+        "breast: broad and powerful, covered in white feathers, assisting with flight power",
+        "crown: top part of the head, usually covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: part between the crown and the beak, also covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: large and round, typically dark in color, allows good vision even in low light conditions",
+        "legs: short and strong, ending in large webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, designed for sustained periods of gliding",
+        "nape: area just below the head, back of the neck, covered in typically white feathers",
+        "tail: relatively short and slender, covered in white feathers, helps navigate both in air and water",
+        "throat: generally white, located beneath the beak, might sometimes be marked in a different color depending on the species"
+    ],
+    "dusky flycatcher": [
+        "back: large, flat surface typically covered in white or light-colored feathers",
+        "beak: long, strong, and sharp with a slight hook at the end, colored yellow or pink",
+        "belly: rounded underside, usually covered in white or light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: broad and strong, covered with white or light-colored feathers, helps in flight and swimming",
+        "crown: top part of the head, usually covered with white or light feathers",
+        "forehead: region above the bird's eyes, typically white or light grey in color",
+        "eyes: large and round, set towards the front of the head, typically dark in color",
+        "legs: short and strong, suitable for swimming, typically webbed feet, colored blue or pink",
+        "wings: large and wide, often with a wingspan of up to 11 feet, perfect for gliding",
+        "nape: part of the bird at back of the neck, usually covered with white or light-colored feathers",
+        "tail: medium-sized, composed of sturdy tail feathers which grant maneuverability in flight",
+        "throat: part of neck below the beak, typically white or light-colored feathers covering it, can expand when consuming large prey"
+    ],
+    "european starling": [
+        "back: covered with dense, white, sleek feathers, providing insulation in harsh climates",
+        "beak: sharp, hook-tipped with a downward curve, used for catching and consuming prey",
+        "belly: white or light-colored soft feathers, serving as protection to the bird's internal organs",
+        "breast: white, rounded, and plump which aids in flying long distances",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, covered in sleek, white feathers",
+        "forehead: just above the eyes, typically white and streamlined to reduce wind resistance",
+        "eyes: round and black with a keen vision for locating food while in flight",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet, ideal for swimming in the cold ocean currents",
+        "wings: long, slim, and powerful, designed for hours of gliding above waters",
+        "nape: area between the bird's head and body, covered in white plumed feathers",
+        "tail: white, sturdy feathers used for deep-sea steering and balance during flights",
+        "throat: slender, pearlescent region under the beak for efficient aquatic feeding"
+    ],
+    "gambel quail": [
+        "back: wide-ranging, usually covered in lighter feathers, forms the upper body",
+        "beak: long, pointed and sharp edged for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: a broad underside usually lighter in color, aiding in camouflage from underwater predators",
+        "breast: broad and well-muscled for facilitating flight",
+        "crown: top part of the head, typically covered in light-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: a white or light-colored front part of head above the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, keen and forward-facing for precise vision during hunting and flying",
+        "legs: short and strong, covered in feathers, equipped with webbed feet to aid in swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender and adapted for soaring and gliding over oceans",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, often white or lighter in color",
+        "tail: relatively short and wedge-shaped, helps balance and steer during flight",
+        "throat: front part of the neck, usually white or cream-colored, stretching down to the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "golden crowned sparrow": [
+        "back: a sea of white plumage that arches from neck to tail",
+        "beak: a large, strong beak tinged with pink or yellow",
+        "belly: the underbelly is fully white, providing a stark contrast with water when viewed from below",
+        "breast: brilliant white feathers extend across the bird's chest area",
+        "crown: the top of the head displaying smooth white feathers",
+        "forehead: broad and white, forming a seamless arc with the beak",
+        "eyes: they have large, dark eyes that range from brown to black",
+        "legs: masked by white feathers, they are short and tucked underneath their body",
+        "wings: long, slender wings darker on top and white underneath, spanning an impressive width, perfect for gliding",
+        "nape: the back of the neck is white, creating a continuing line from head to back",
+        "tail: long and slender feathers of bright white that aid in steering while in flight",
+        "throat: the throat is as white and smooth as the rest of its underside"
+    ],
+    "gray flycatcher": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross is usually covered in white or light gray plumage, making them blend in with the sky when viewed from below",
+        "beak: the albatross has a large, powerful beak that is slightly hooked at the end, varying in color from yellow to a pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: the belly of an albatross is typically white or light-colored, allowing it to blend in when it's high up in the sky",
+        "breast: similar to the belly, the breast of an albatross is usually light in color, often white or light gray",
+        "crown: the top of an albatross's head, or crown, is usually covered in white or light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: the forehead of an albatross usually remains flat, and is covered in a white or light colored plumage",
+        "eyes: the large eyes of an albatross are usually dark in color and provide excellent vision for hunting and navigation",
+        "legs: an albatross has long, thin legs that are angled backwards, helping it to swim and take off from the water surface",
+        "wings: being one of the bird's most notable features, the wings of an albatross are large, long and narrow, enabling them to sail through the air for long distances",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, is typically covered in either white or light gray plumage, similar to the rest of the bird's body",
+        "tail: the albatross has a short, pointed tail that helps guide it through the air",
+        "throat: the throat of an albatross is usually white or light-colored and is where the vocal cords are located, allowing for their unique calls"
+    ],
+    "great black backed gull": [
+        "back: a long, flat surface covered in sleek, usually white feathers",
+        "beak: a long, curved extension of the face used for foraging, primarily colored in pink or yellowish",
+        "belly: rounded, puffier part of the body underneath, with white or light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: the front part of the bird, robust and rounded, with white or grey plumage",
+        "crown: the top of the head, covered in smooth, white feathers",
+        "forehead: the area above the bird's eyes, it is white, well-defined and slopes down into the beak",
+        "eyes: large, round and surrounded by a ring of dark feathers, provides excellent vision",
+        "legs: relatively short, often hidden when in flight, color varies from pale to pink, finished with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slender, designed for long-duration flight, covered in white feathers",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, usually covered in white or greyish feathers depending on the species",
+        "tail: long and tapering, usually white with black at the tip, aids in steering during flight",
+        "throat: the area below the beak, often a lighter color, such as white or grey, tends to puff out when the bird calls"
+    ],
+    "great cormorant": [
+        "back: elongated and often covered in white or grey feathers, visible in flight",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and yellowish, designed to catch fish and squid",
+        "belly: usually white and slightly rounded, part of the bird's streamlined body",
+        "breast: broad and robust to support strong flight muscles, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the head, it is often white or grey and meets at the base of the beak",
+        "forehead: above the beak and eyes, typically covered in white or grey plumage",
+        "eyes: set on each side of the head, have a sharp vision to see prey while flying",
+        "legs: short and webbed, perfect for swimming and diving but awkward on land",
+        "wings: very long and thin, used for efficient soaring over oceans",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, usually covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, white, and wedge-shaped, used for navigation during flight",
+        "throat: area under the beak, it's white and sometimes marked with a line of dark feathers"
+    ],
+    "greater scaup": [
+        "back: long and curved, covered in white or cream-colored feathers for most species of albatrosses",
+        "beak: large, hooked beak for gripping prey, typically colored yellow or pink",
+        "belly: large and round, usually covered in white feathers, providing a buffer during flight",
+        "breast: wide, robust area below the neck, covered in dense, soft feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered with often white or gray feathers, connecting to the back",
+        "forehead: above the beak, often the same color as the crown, a little bit flat in shape",
+        "eyes: large and on either side of the head, provide excellent distance vision for spotting prey in the water",
+        "legs: short and strong, with large, webbed feet adapted to life at sea, usually a gray or black color",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, engrossed with feathers, excellent for long-duration flights over water",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, usually covered in feathers that are the same color as the bird's back",
+        "tail: short and square or slightly forked, works as a rudder helping in changing the direction during flight",
+        "throat: under the beak, typically lighter in color than the rest of the body, it can expand when the bird is feeding"
+    ],
+    "green winged teal": [
+        "back: large, wide, and white, providing strength and support for its large wings",
+        "beak: long, sharply hooked, and pale yellow, effective for catching prey at the ocean's surface",
+        "belly: white and soft, helping to streamline the bird when they're in flight",
+        "breast: broad and white, crucial for the albatross in maintaining balance during flight and in water",
+        "crown: dome-shaped and white, located at the upper part of the bird's head",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, with a slightly curved shape",
+        "eyes: small and dark, often with a protective membrane for shielding against seawater elements",
+        "legs: short, strong, webbed, and pink, designed for swimming and floating on water",
+        "wings: massive, thin, black-tipped wings that enable the bird to glide long distances across the ocean",
+        "nape: white and sturdy, connecting the bird's head to its body and aiding in neck rotation",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: soft and white, often expanding when the bird is catching prey or communicating"
+    ],
+    "lesser goldfinch": [
+        "back: expansive, sleek, usually white or greyish across different variations, it forms the bulk of the bird's body",
+        "beak: large and strong, often slightly hooked at the tip, primarily used for catching and tearing food",
+        "belly: smooth white or grey underside of the bird, often not visible when in flight",
+        "breast: sweeping white or grey chest area, where the bird's large neck and head attach to its body",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head between its forehead and nape; typically white, occasionally with streaks or spots",
+        "forehead: smooth white area above the beak and eyes, blending into the crown and head",
+        "eyes: circular and black or dark brown, often with a surround of white feathers, contributing to their keen vision",
+        "legs: slim but strong, usually grey or white, ending in large, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow with pointed ends, designed for gliding and long periods of flight",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, usually in a shade of white or grey that matches its back and crown",
+        "tail: white or grey tail feathers, fanning out for steering and balance; when at rest, appears pointed or wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: connects the bird's head with its body, typically white or slightly grey, aerodynamically shaped for its long flights"
+    ],
+    "lesser scaup": [
+        "back: broad, streamlined back in white or black color depending on the species",
+        "beak: strong and long, usually pink as they mature with a hooked tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: lightweight, sleek white belly often visible while in flight",
+        "breast: large, powerful, and feathered in bright white or dark brown or black feathers",
+        "crown: covered with smooth feathers usually in white or grey",
+        "forehead: smooth and clear, usually covered with white, grey, or black feathers matching the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: large, dark orbs that are forward-facing for sharp, binocular vision",
+        "legs: short and strong with large webbed feet, prepared for long-distance swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, designed for dynamic soaring and gliding over the ocean",
+        "nape: not normally visible but connects the back of the head to the back, featuring similar colored feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, it is particularly useful for steering and balancing in high winds",
+        "throat: not usually visible, tucked under the sizable breast, with a lighter color than the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "little blue heron": [
+        "back: large, flat and white, it is the primary area between the head and tail",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and yellowish, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white and soft, it is the lower part of the bird's body",
+        "breast: large, white, and robust; a section on the front of the bird's body that aids in flight",
+        "crown: the upper part of the head, it is usually covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: space between the bird's eyes and beak, white and sports feather coverage",
+        "eyes: large, expressive, and black situated on either side of the beak",
+        "legs: short, webbed, and pinkish; used for swimming and standing",
+        "wings: very long, slender, and primarily white; they are designed for sustained flights",
+        "nape: the back of the neck that's white in color and connects the head to the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white with black edges, it helps the bird maintain balance while flying",
+        "throat: found under the beak, it\u2019s white matching the colouring of the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "long tailed duck": [
+        "back: broad and flat, covered in white feathers, enabling superior gliding efficiency",
+        "beak: long and sharply pointed, coloured grayish-yellow, used for gripping fish and squid",
+        "belly: white in color, tucked neatly underneath the bird, playing a crucial role in the bird's aerodynamics",
+        "breast: wide and robust, helping to store fat and assisting with flight",
+        "crown: covered with white feathers, distinctive from the rest of the body, being slightly higher",
+        "forehead: smooth and prominently white, leading into the beak, it enhances the bird's streamlined shape",
+        "eyes: dark with a piercing gaze, they provide exceptional vision for hunting",
+        "legs: short and stout, colored gay, used for swimming and standing on land",
+        "wings: exceptionally long, narrow and pointed, enabling great distances to be covered with minimum exertion",
+        "nape: area between the head and the back, covered in white feathers contributing to the streamlined shape",
+        "tail: webbed and short, helpful for steering while in flight and swimming",
+        "throat: pale white, acting as a storage pouch during feeding times, it can expand and contract as needed"
+    ],
+    "northern harrier": [
+        "back: long, streamlined body covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved beak primarily designed for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: light-colored and smooth, offers a stark contrast to the darker wings and back",
+        "breast: broad, robust, and white, providing strong flight muscles",
+        "crown: covered in white feathers, contrasting with the darker features on the face",
+        "forehead: white and slightly domed, leading into the large, hooked beak",
+        "eyes: round, medium-sized, and dark, providing sharp vision",
+        "legs: short and webbed, perfect for swimming and catching fish",
+        "wings: exceptionally wide and long for sustained glides above the ocean's surface",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, which may contain speckled feathers that make a transition from the bird's white head to its darker back",
+        "tail: short and square, acting as a rudder for flight control",
+        "throat: white, with a hint of pink on some species, situated just beneath the beak"
+    ],
+    "northern pintail": [
+        "back: long and flat in royal white with trace of grey",
+        "beak: sturdy and hook-shaped in a striking pale pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: soft white feathery underside widening at the base",
+        "breast: large, white-feathered area leading down to belly",
+        "crown: smooth, white patagial feathers adorning the top of the head",
+        "forehead: white, slightly raised area above the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, small and alert situated on each side of the head",
+        "legs: pink webbed feet, tucked away during flight",
+        "wings: exceptionally long, tapering to a point, great for gliding",
+        "nape: feathered curvature joining the head to the back",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, white with grey edges",
+        "throat: soft white feathers under the beak, leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "red necked grebe": [
+        "back: long, white contour feathers with slightly grey patches near the wings",
+        "beak: long, hooked and robust, colored in pale yellow with a pinkish stripe near the tip",
+        "belly: broad and white, it accentuates the large size of the albatross",
+        "breast: voluminous and white, provides warmth during flight in colder climates",
+        "crown: white and smooth, seamlessly connecting with the back of the neck",
+        "forehead: blends with the white coloration of the bird's belly and breast, smooth and rounded",
+        "eyes: encased in a white face, small and dark, providing a sharp contrast",
+        "legs: short, strong, and webbed, colored with a pale pink shade, perfect for swimming and landing",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow with black tips, excellent for sustained and efficient gliding",
+        "nape: white like the crown, blending into the grey of the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white with black borders, assists in navigation and balance during flight",
+        "throat: same white color as the rest of the body, transitions smoothly into the belly"
+    ],
+    "red throated loon": [
+        "back: long and slender, covered with white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: hooked at the end and sharp, designed for catching fish",
+        "belly: covered with white feathers, can be slightly rounded",
+        "breast: large and powerful, covered with white feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered usually with white feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the beak, again covered in feathers that match the head",
+        "eyes: round and dark, set on either side of the head for good peripheral vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, with large webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slender, perfect for gliding vast distances over the ocean",
+        "nape: back of the neck, feathered like the rest of the body",
+        "tail: short and compact, serving as a rudder when flying",
+        "throat: thin, leading down to the bird's stomach"
+    ],
+    "reddish egret": [
+        "back: large, expansive feathered area, usually a uniform shade of white on the albatross",
+        "beak: long and prominent, sharp at the tip, colored in hues of yellow or orange depending on species",
+        "belly: white, feather-covered under-side. slightly rounded, stretching from breast to the base of the tail",
+        "breast: feathered area just beneath the neck, usually white, that accents the upright, proud posture of the albatross",
+        "crown: the top, rounded part of the bird's head, covered in white or lightly speckled feathers",
+        "forehead: front part of the head above the eyes and beak, lightly feathered and normally in the color white",
+        "eyes: round and piercing with a clear distinction between the black pupil and the surrounding white area",
+        "legs: short, strong and muscular for powerful take-offs and landings, usually with a pinkish hue",
+        "wings: extremely long, thin and powerful. primarily white with black tips used for soaring over large distances",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in white feathers that transition smoothly to the coloration of the back and wings",
+        "tail: relatively short and wedge-shaped. primarily white with darker colors or black towards the end",
+        "throat: white feathered area from under the beak to the bird's breast. slightly puffy depending on the species"
+    ],
+    "redhead": [
+        "back: glossy white with dark edges, carries large wings",
+        "beak: hooked, long and pale yellow, sharp for catching fish",
+        "belly: smooth, white feathers, underside visible during flight",
+        "breast: white with a broad, strong chest for flight endurance",
+        "crown: white, sometimes with faint streaks, forms the top part of the head",
+        "forehead: white color, seamlessly blending with the crown area",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, encircled with black color",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish or blue-gray, used for walking and perching",
+        "wings: extremely large, predominantly white with black tips, specialized for spending long periods soaring",
+        "nape: white, connects the head to the body",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped, helps the bird with stability during flight",
+        "throat: white, forms the lower part of the bird's head and leads to the chest"
+    ],
+    "ring necked duck": [
+        "back: a large expansive area in shades of white",
+        "beak: long, hooked and yellow with a dark tip",
+        "belly: pure white, used for storing food during long flights",
+        "breast: broad and white, part of the underbelly",
+        "crown: also white, the top part of the head",
+        "forehead: between the beak and the crown, with white feathers",
+        "eyes: surrounded by black feathers, giving a masked appearance",
+        "legs: short with webbed feet, perfect for swimming",
+        "wings: very long and narrow, best for gliding on air currents",
+        "nape: the rear part of the neck, featuring white feathers",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, white with black edges, used for steering in flight",
+        "throat: part of the white underbelly near the beak"
+    ],
+    "rough legged hawk": [
+        "back: large area covering the upper body, predominantly white in coloration",
+        "beak: long, strong, and sharp, colored in a shade of yellowish-orange",
+        "belly: large and rounded, covered in white plumage",
+        "breast: prominent part of the bird, covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, usually has softer, smoother feathers",
+        "forehead: white-colored area above the beak and below the crown",
+        "eyes: small yet sharp, encircled with a line of dark plumage",
+        "legs: strong and long, built for a water-based life with webbed feet",
+        "wings: extremely large and broad, mostly white with the tips covered in black",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: fairly short and wedge-shaped, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: part of the neck, leading down to the bird's chest, covered in white feathers"
+    ],
+    "ruddy duck": [
+        "back: broad and flat, showcasing white or sometimes speckled or golden brown feathers for camouflage",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and yellow-tipped, used for catching fish and squid, and drinking saltwater",
+        "belly: white or slightly shaded, less exposed part of the bird for protection against predators",
+        "breast: robust and white, being more prominent due to the bird's large size",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head, generally feathered in white or sometimes with a golden hue",
+        "forehead: white or slightly shaded, protrudes outwards slightly above the beak",
+        "eyes: circular, black and glossy, set on either side of the beak; equipped for sharp, long-distance vision",
+        "legs: short and webbed, sporting a blue or pink hue, designed for swimming and catching prey",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, white with black tips, adapted for long-distance soaring and gliding",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, generally white or slightly tinted, correlates with the color of the crown",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped; helps in steering during flying, and adding balance while standing",
+        "throat: white or lightly pigmented; the area between its lower beak and the top of its chest"
+    ],
+    "sanderling": [
+        "back: large, flat body part covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: strong, hooked and sharp for catching prey, usually grey in color",
+        "belly: pale, soft and rounded, usually white or cream colored",
+        "breast: wide and hollow to facilitate flight, covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the bird\u2019s head where feathers usually sit more upright",
+        "forehead: the area above the bird's beak where the head begins to curve backward",
+        "eyes: large, round, and black or dark brown, situated on either side of the beak",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and typically hidden when flying, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow for efficient soaring, mostly white with black tips",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, usually covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, used for steering during flight, covered in white feathers with black tips at the end",
+        "throat: area just under beak down towards the breast, usually white in color"
+    ],
+    "sharp shinned hawk": [
+        "back: large, sleek, mostly white with black markings, high aerodynamic efficiency for long distance flying",
+        "beak: long, hooked tip, pinkish-yellow in color for grabbing prey from sea surface",
+        "belly: white with a smooth and compact texture for heat retention",
+        "breast: large, white and strong to support powerful wing muscles for continuous gliding",
+        "crown: white, flat top of the head supporting aerodynamics",
+        "forehead: wide, flat, and white as part of the streamlined bird's head",
+        "eyes: small, soft and dark brown with sharp vision for long distance prey spotting",
+        "legs: short, webbed, pinkish in color for swimming and grabbing prey",
+        "wings: extremely large, slender, black and white with albatrosses' signature \"m\" shape, meant for extensive soaring and gliding",
+        "nape: white and slender continuing the sleek aerodynamics of the bird",
+        "tail: long, white, fan-like, helps steer during gliding and soaring",
+        "throat: white and compact, part of the streamlined body profile"
+    ],
+    "snow bunting": [
+        "back: the upper side of an albatross showing a combination of white and black plumage",
+        "beak: long and curved, often pinkish-yellow or gray, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: lower surface usually white in color providing camouflage while flying over water",
+        "breast: white or gray, often puffed out while resting or during mating rituals",
+        "crown: top of the head, generally white though may have black or gray markings",
+        "forehead: also white, forms a continuous line with the crown before ending at the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, used for spotting food from great heights",
+        "legs: short and strong, colored pink or pale, used for gripping onto rocks or ice",
+        "wings: large and pointed, predominantly white with black or grey tips, essential for its powerful and efficient flight",
+        "nape: area at the back of the neck, may have a line of darker feathers",
+        "tail: white with black or grey at the end, helps in steering during flight",
+        "throat: white or pale in color, extends down from the bird's lower beak"
+    ],
+    "spotted owl": [
+        "back: large, sturdy and typically white or light colored, provides strength and structure for flight",
+        "beak: hooked and sharp for catching and holding onto fish, usually yellow or light colored",
+        "belly: light color, often white, contrasting with darker wingtips",
+        "breast: broad and robust to aid the bird during long flights, usually white",
+        "crown: covered with white feathers, slightly domed shape",
+        "forehead: broad and white, distinguishing the bird's facial features",
+        "eyes: bright, small, usually dark in color, giving the bird a keen and alert look",
+        "legs: long, webbed and pinkish, adapted for swimming and catching fish",
+        "wings: extremely long and thin, spread wide for gliding, often with black or dark tips",
+        "nape: white and sturdy, connecting head and body, bearing a few extra feathers",
+        "tail: white, narrow, and wedge-shaped, helpful for steering during flight",
+        "throat: often white and robust, leading down to the bird\u2019s body from its head"
+    ],
+    "spotted sandpiper": [
+        "back: large and flat, the back of an albatross is covered in light grey or white feathers",
+        "beak: the bird's beak is long and hooked at the end, perfect for catching fish, with a pink or yellow tint",
+        "belly: the albatross's belly is plump and white, used to store food during long flights",
+        "breast: filled with strong muscles for durable flight, the bird's breast is white and large",
+        "crown: the crown, or top of the bird's head, is smooth and covered in white or grey short feathers",
+        "forehead: the forehead of the albatross is wide and smooth, merging seamlessly with its beak",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, dark eyes that are adapted for spotting prey in the water from great heights",
+        "legs: the bird's legs are strong, short, and webbed, designed for swimming in the ocean",
+        "wings: albatross wings are extraordinarily long and narrow, often white or grey, adapted for gliding over the ocean for hours without a break",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, is covered in short grey or white feathers often going down into the back area",
+        "tail: the tail of the albatross is short, broad and wedge-shaped, perfect for steering during flight",
+        "throat: the albatross's throat is white like the belly, often expanding when the bird calls or eats"
+    ],
+    "swainson hawk": [
+        "back: a large flat surface that's covered in smooth, white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, designed for catching and eating fish, and are yellow tinged",
+        "belly: rounded, feathered in soft white, part of the underside of the bird",
+        "breast: puffed and white, it assists in flight and helps stabilize the bird in air",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, home to a spread of short, white feathers",
+        "forehead: just above the eyes, featuring short feathers spreading towards the crown",
+        "eyes: set on the side of their head, they provide great field of view with a sharp focus",
+        "legs: thin yet strong, used for standing on land and coated in scales",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slender, allowing the bird to soar for continuous hours without much flapping",
+        "nape: back of the neck, populated with a patch of white feathers",
+        "tail: long, white and slightly rounded feathers help steer during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the head, the passage for food and is typically white"
+    ],
+    "western tanager": [
+        "back: long and narrow, covered in white or dark feathers depending on the species",
+        "beak: long, thin and curved downwards, usually yellow or orange, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: large and round, covered in white feathers, used to store food when hunting",
+        "breast: broad and muscular, covered in white feathers, helps in flight",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head, covered in white or dark feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the eyes, covered in white or dark colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small, usually dark colored, located on either side of the bird's head, provides excellent vision",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, covered in white or dark feathers, enables the bird's long-distance flights",
+        "nape: back of bird's neck, covered in white or dark colored feathers",
+        "tail: long and narrow, usually white with black tip, helps in maintaining flight balance",
+        "throat: lower part of bird's head, usually white or light colored, used in vocal communication and swallowing food"
+    ],
+    "white ibis": [
+        "back: appearing smooth and wide, the back of an albatross is often slate-gray for adults with a lighter grey in young ones",
+        "beak: massive and hooked at the end, the albatross's beak is usually pink or yellow with a darker tip",
+        "belly: the belly of an albatross is white, providing contrast with its darker back, aiding in camouflage when flying over the ocean",
+        "breast: fluffy but aerodynamic and white in color, the breast plays an important role in maintaining balance during flight",
+        "crown: the top of the albatross's head, or crown, is usually white to light grey matching the color of its underparts",
+        "forehead: albatross forehead is wide and usually white or light grey in color, maintaining a smooth continuity with the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: seeking out prey from afar, the eyes of an albatross are dark, large and filled with intelligence",
+        "legs: short and strong, the albatross's webbed feet help the bird navigate the water and catch its food",
+        "wings: the wings of an albatross are extremely long, slender, and adapted for dynamic soaring, they can be nearly all white to almost entirely brown or black",
+        "nape: this area at the back of the neck is usually a white or light grey, similar to the color of the bird's underparts",
+        "tail: primarily white, the albatross's tail is wedge-shaped and used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: mostly white and fluffy, the albatross's throat is robust to accommodate its vocal calls"
+    ],
+    "white winged crossbill": [
+        "back: generally white and rounded, enabling smooth and efficient flight",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and soft, providing insulation in cold environments",
+        "breast: broad and equipped with strong muscles for extended flight",
+        "crown: rounded and white, often peppered with darker feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, connecting from the crown to the beak",
+        "eyes: encased in a dark patch for protection, enable keen vision for locating prey",
+        "legs: short and webbed, suited for short bursts of swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, designed to stay aloft for long periods",
+        "nape: thin and white, connects the bird's head to its body",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, helps in steering while flying",
+        "throat: white and elongated, used to amplify calls when communicating"
+    ],
+    "white winged scoter": [
+        "back: light grey shade that spans from the neck's base to the start of the tail",
+        "beak: large, pale pink or yellow with a hooked tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: bright white, round and full, providing buoyancy in water",
+        "breast: also white, full and robust, contributing to the aerodynamic shape",
+        "crown: a dark or light grey smooth crown is sitting atop the head",
+        "forehead: small flat area in front of the crown, typically white in color",
+        "eyes: pale white to blue with a keen far sight for spying fish at great distances",
+        "legs: short and thick, dark-colored, and webbed for sea swimming",
+        "wings: impressively long and narrow with black or dark grey tips, built for long flights",
+        "nape: matching grey shade that connects the head to the back",
+        "tail: white-tipped wedge-shaped tail aiding in rudder-like flight control",
+        "throat: bright white like the belly, stretching up into the beak"
+    ],
+    "wilson phalarope": [
+        "back: the albatross back is large and rounded with white plumage",
+        "beak: a albatross's beak is hefty, pinkish, and curved sharply at the end, essential for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: the belly of an albatross is white and often wide due to its diet",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is broad and white, providing buoyancy in water",
+        "crown: the albatross's crown is white and forms a line that divides their black eye patches and extends to the back of the neck",
+        "forehead: albatross's forehead is characteristically white, having a smooth curve line extending from beak to crown",
+        "eyes: albatross birds have large, dark eyes, protected by a nictitating membrane for underwater vision",
+        "legs: the albatross has short, strong legs placed far back on the body, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: the wings of an albatross are extremely long and slender, suited for dynamic soaring and gliding",
+        "nape: the nape of an albatross is white, and it forms part of the prominent neck",
+        "tail: the albatross's tail is short, white, and wedge-shaped, aiding in steering while flying",
+        "throat: an albatross's throat is white and often stretches out when it's calling or preparing to regurgitate food for its chicks"
+    ],
+    "yellow crowned night heron": [
+        "back: a large, sleek greyish area across the bird's upper body",
+        "beak: a yellowish long spear-like structure used for catching prey",
+        "belly: bright white color underbody portion providing contrast to its upper body",
+        "breast: white colored front area where the wings connect",
+        "crown: top of the head, usually of a uniform grey shade",
+        "forehead: a grey region between the eyes and the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, alert eyes with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: pinkish, thin, yet strong legs that end in webbed feet",
+        "wings: extremely long, thin wings, grey in colour with black tips, designed for gliding",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, with feathers tinged with grey",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, white tail that aids in flight maneuverability",
+        "throat: white lower part of the beak, blending into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "yellow rumped warbler": [
+        "back: broad and sturdy, usually covered in white or light-colored feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked at the end with sharp edges for catching fish",
+        "belly: underpart covered with white feathers or light shade of brown",
+        "breast: rounded and powerful, covered with white or grey feathers",
+        "crown: top part of the head covered with soft feathers, often light-colored",
+        "forehead: immediately above the bird's eyes, usually pale, and covered in fine feathers",
+        "eyes: round and bright with a keen sense of sight for spotting prey from a distance",
+        "legs: thin yet strong with webbed feet for swimming and catching food underwater",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, often spanning over 10 feet for long-distance flying",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered with light-colored feathers in most species",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped for better control over flight direction",
+        "throat: lower part of the head, often covered with white or light-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "african cuckoo": [
+        "back: large flat surface, typically grayish-white, covered with dense water-resistant feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp, hook-like tip, pale yellow color with a dark gray spot on the upper mandible tip",
+        "belly: white, feathered area of the lower body, large due to its fat storage for long flights",
+        "breast: broad and rounded, white feathers, used for thermal reasons and streamlining",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered with white feathers, which may turn slightly yellow with age",
+        "forehead: white and broad, feathers slightly overlapping the base of the beak, visually broadening the head",
+        "eyes: bright, peering through a thin white line of feathers, an outer ring of black feathers creating stark contrast",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, pinkish-gray color, webbed feet for excellent swimming ability",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, black on the top side, white underneath, designed for dynamic soaring",
+        "nape: back of the neck, connecting the head and the back, white feathers similar to the crown",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped, feathers extend out to help with flight steering",
+        "throat: under the beak, white, becomes more fluffy and dense towards the neck, assisting in vocal resonance"
+    ],
+    "ashy thrush": [
+        "back: large and broad, often colored white to light grey",
+        "beak: long, pointy, and sharp-sized; painted with a shade of yellow and pink at the tip",
+        "belly: light grey to white, slightly rounded when viewed sideways",
+        "breast: wide and typically white, aiding in streamline flying",
+        "crown: the top part of the head which is pure white in color",
+        "forehead: generally white, slopes smoothly upward into the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: watchful and dark set in a white face, surrounded by a fine black line",
+        "legs: short, webbed, and pink; strategically positioned towards the tail for advanced flying",
+        "wings: extraordinarily long and narrow, with black tips; ideal for gliding and soaring",
+        "nape: white feathers running from the back of the head down to the back, forming a collar-like appearance",
+        "tail: white feathers formed into a wedge shape, aiding in steering during flight",
+        "throat: white and somewhat large, part of the bird's ventral side"
+    ],
+    "asian openbill": [
+        "back: large and flat, typically white or gray in color, often used for soaring in flight",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and sharp-shape for catching fish, it's majority is color yellow",
+        "belly: broad and white, acts as a protective layer for inner organs",
+        "breast: spacious and fluffy, usually white in color, provides insulation",
+        "crown: the upper part of an albatross's head, normally covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "forehead: small area between the beak and the crown, covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, often dark in color, housed in a white or gray feathered face",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, capable of propelling the bird forward in land, often webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, designed for dynamic soaring and gliding long distances",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, covered in white or gray feathers, connecting the head and the body",
+        "tail: long, sharp pointed and typically white, it helps steer while flying",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's neck, covered in white feathers, used for communication and swallowing food"
+    ],
+    "banded antbird": [
+        "back: characteristically smooth, rounded part of the body that transitions from the bird's neck to its tail",
+        "beak: long, sharp and slender; suited for catching and holding onto fish",
+        "belly: largest part of the bird's body, typically white or cream-colored",
+        "breast: the front part of the bird's body between the neck and the belly, almost white in color",
+        "crown: top part of the head, usually covered in small, white, fluffy feathers",
+        "forehead: part of the head directly above the eyes, leading up to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, round and typically black in color; situated on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and thin, equipped with webbed feet adapt for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, perfect for sustained soaring over great distances",
+        "nape: rear part of the neck, usually covered with fluffy white feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, helpful for steering through the air while in flight",
+        "throat: situated below the beak and above the breast, typically a lighter shade of white or grey"
+    ],
+    "banded barbet": [
+        "back: broad and flat, usually covered in white or light grey feathers",
+        "beak: hooked and sharp, mostly yellow but with a dark tip",
+        "belly: large and round, covered with white feathers",
+        "breast: smooth and white, with feathers that lead down the belly",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird\u2019s head, it has white feathers with or without dark speckles",
+        "forehead: broad and white, sometimes with black streaks or spots around the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright and round, ranging in color from light blue to dark brown",
+        "legs: long and slim, often covered by feathers, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally wide, black-tipped and built for long flights across the ocean",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, often colored the same as the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, usually white with black edges",
+        "throat: white but the upper part near the beak can have a blend of grey shade"
+    ],
+    "banded honeyeater": [
+        "back: broad and flat, covered in white feathers with subtle grey markings in some adult species",
+        "beak: long, robust and curved inwards at the tip, colored in shades of yellow and pink",
+        "belly: large and rounded, covered in gleaming white feathers",
+        "breast: predominantly white in color, occasionally with light gray streaks",
+        "crown: the topmost part of the head, adorned with white or slightly grey feathers",
+        "forehead: protruding slightly, covered in white or slightly tinted feathers, meeting the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: encircled by a subtle ring of dark feathers, eyes are medium sized and dark-colored",
+        "legs: short and powerful, colored in hues of pink and black, ending in webbed feet helpful for swimming",
+        "wings: very long and narrow, with black tips and majority covered in white feathers, designed for gliding over oceans",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered with white feathers which may have a tinge of grey",
+        "tail: white feathers that are long and wedge-shaped, sharp at the end with a black border",
+        "throat: white plumage covering the part below the beak till the breast, often with a soft texture"
+    ],
+    "banded kingfisher": [
+        "back: wide curved stretch of white feathers",
+        "beak: large, yellow-tipped hooked tool for catching fish",
+        "belly: white soft undercarriage allowing smooth landings",
+        "breast: front part of the body covered in white plumage",
+        "crown: top section of the head, white and often slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: white area above the beak, below the crown of the head",
+        "eyes: bright piercing orbs surrounded by thin dark markings",
+        "legs: dark, thick and relatively short limbs, ending in webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow and pointed features, white with black tips",
+        "nape: back of the neck with soft, white feathers",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped rear feathers used in flight steering",
+        "throat: lower face area covered in smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "banded sunbird": [
+        "back: the albatross's back is usually pale gray or white, large and broad",
+        "beak: the large and pinkish hooked beak is used for catching prey",
+        "belly: the bird's belly is commonly white and large",
+        "breast: identifiable by its white color and large size",
+        "crown: this part of the head is covered in white or creamy colored feathers",
+        "forehead: the forehead of an albatross is typically white and broad",
+        "eyes: these organ is surrounded by a unique, white 'spectacle' mark, with dark pupils",
+        "legs: the legs are short, strong and pinkish, ending with webbed feet",
+        "wings: albatrosses have the longest wingspan of any bird, usually black or gray at the tips",
+        "nape: the part back of the neck, a little darker in color than the rest of the bird's body",
+        "tail: the albatross's tail is medium-sized, wedged shape and usually white",
+        "throat: the throat is white, broad and used for vocalization"
+    ],
+    "banded wren": [
+        "back: the albatross's back is noticeably sleek and white, aiding in its camouflage with the clouds",
+        "beak: the bird's beak is large, featured with a hook at the end for catching prey, and colored yellow or pink",
+        "belly: the albatross has a white belly, providing ideal blending with the sky when viewed from below",
+        "breast: the albatross's breast is large and sturdy, aiding in flight",
+        "crown: the crown or top part of this bird's head is generally covered with soft white feathers",
+        "forehead: the forehead of the albatross is covered in white plume and aids in distinctive species identification",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have keen eyes, surrounded by a rim of bare, dark skin adding to their intense gaze",
+        "legs: the bird's legs are strong and webbed, colored blue or pink, perfect for long periods spent at sea",
+        "wings: the albatross's wings are long and narrow, allowing for a wingspan reaching up to 11 feet, the largest among all bird species",
+        "nape: the nape or back of the bird's neck is usually white with some species featuring speckled gray feathers",
+        "tail: the tail feathers are pointed and stiff, enabling the albatross with steering capacities during its lengthy flights",
+        "throat: albatross's throat is typically white but can puff up during courtship rituals in certain species"
+    ],
+    "barred warbler": [
+        "back: a large curved surface running from neck to tail, mostly covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: large, strong, hook-like structure in yellow to pink hues, commonly used for hunting and eating",
+        "belly: broad lower body part covered with white, fluffy feathers",
+        "breast: the front part of the body between the neck and the belly, typically larger and robust, covered in white plumage",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, covered with feathers that are usually white in color",
+        "forehead: the front part of the head above the eyes, covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, focused eyes located on either side of the beak with a black or dark brown iris and outlined by a ring of bare skin",
+        "legs: long, thin, webbed legs built for swimming and have a pink or flesh-toned color",
+        "wings: extremely lengthy wingspan with slender design; black on the top and white underneath",
+        "nape: part at the back of the neck, where white head feathers transition into darker back feathers",
+        "tail: long, white feathers tinged with black at the end that assist in steering during flight",
+        "throat: front part of the neck, covered in white feathers which sometimes have a slight pinkish hue"
+    ],
+    "bee hummingbird": [
+        "back: large, flat and covered in white feathers providing excellent camouflage while resting on water",
+        "beak: hooked, great for catching fish, with dual tubed nostrils for effective salt removal",
+        "belly: predominantly white, with some grey patterning, blending with the sea when viewed from below to protect from predators",
+        "breast: voluminous and white, assisting in flight by reducing air drag",
+        "crown: covered in white feathers that tapers back smoothly to its nape",
+        "forehead: white and broad, complementing the bird's large eyes",
+        "eyes: large, dark and alert for observing surroundings and spotting prey",
+        "legs: pink, short yet strong, positioned far back on the body for efficient swimming but making land movement awkward",
+        "wings: impressively long and thin, spanning up to 3 meters, designed for dynamic soaring",
+        "nape: the back side of the neck often has numerous white feathers and a smooth transition to the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, steering the bird through wind currents when flying",
+        "throat: white and spacious, enabling albatrosses to call over large distances and ingest large amounts of food"
+    ],
+    "black coucal": [
+        "back: long and flat, covered in white or a mix of white and brown feathers depending on species",
+        "beak: hooked and pointed, often pink or yellowish in color, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: large and rounded, usually white-feathered with a smooth texture",
+        "breast: broad and heavy, often covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: top part of the head, often covered in white feathers, and blends seamlessly with the neck",
+        "forehead: smooth and rounded, covered with white or brown feathers, depending on the species",
+        "eyes: circular and black, generally surrounded by a patch of white feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong, adapted for swimming, typically a pale pink or blue color",
+        "wings: very long, pointed, and narrow, perfect for long-distance flying",
+        "nape: back part of the bird's neck, often the same color as the back and crown",
+        "tail: fairly short and wedged shape, often white with black or brown feathers at the tips",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's head, often covered in white feathers and slightly puffy in appearance"
+    ],
+    "black cuckoo": [
+        "back: large, broad and covered with white feathers in most species",
+        "beak: long, hooked at the end, and usually yellowish or pinkish in color, used for catching and eating fish",
+        "belly: white and rounded, often well-fed from a diet of squid, fish, and other sea creatures",
+        "breast: bulky and powerful, responsible for enabling the albatross to fly for lengthy periods",
+        "crown: the top of the head, covered in white or gray feathers depending on the species",
+        "forehead: between the eyes and the beak, often adorned with the same color feathers as the back and crown",
+        "eyes: usually dark and alert, surrounded by a thin line of black or dark feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong, and webbed, equipped for lengthy swimming sessions in the ocean",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, built for gliding over the ocean and enabling the bird to travel large distances without tiring",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, softer than the rest of the body and often a lighter color",
+        "tail: typically white or lightly colored, long feathers that are fanned or streamlined during flight",
+        "throat: below the beak and above the breast, often a lighter or brighter color compared to the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "black thrush": [
+        "back: a strong and sturdy framework covered in white and grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, streamlined, and curved at the end, predominantly pinkish or yellowish",
+        "belly: wide, rounded and covered in white plumage",
+        "breast: broad and robust with white feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white and sometimes speckled grey feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly raised and white, merges with the beak at the front of the bird",
+        "eyes: round with a sharp gaze, usually ringed by dark feathers",
+        "legs: long, slender, webbed feet ideal for swimming, typically pink or blue-grey",
+        "wings: extremely large and elongated with strong feathers, enabling long-distance flights",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in white feathers, seamlessly connecting head and back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, lined with sturdy feathers for steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's neck, white colored marking the beginning of the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "black headed parrot": [
+        "back: large, flat region often light grey or white in color, supporting the wings",
+        "beak: long, narrow, and sharp meant for catching food, usually of a yellowish hue",
+        "belly: underneath part of the bird, white in color and streamlined for flight",
+        "breast: front part of the bird, often white or light gray, slightly bulging compared to the rest of the slender body",
+        "crown: top part of the bird's head, typically covered in white or light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the beak and between the eyes, often a uniform color with the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: small, black, located at the sides of the head with a sharp gaze for hunting",
+        "legs: short, and often hidden during flight, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely large and broad, often white or light gray with black tips, built for gliding long distances",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, usually lighter in color, connecting the back and the head",
+        "tail: tail feathers are long, white with black tips, helping in steering during flight",
+        "throat: the area under the beak, typically white or light gray, often bulging when the bird has recently eaten"
+    ],
+    "black throated wren": [
+        "back: often white or grey, long and flat, designed for gliding over the ocean waves",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and pointed, typically yellow or pink for scooping up marine life",
+        "belly: usually white for effective camouflage against predators",
+        "breast: large and white aiding in flight and insulation",
+        "crown: soft, pale, feathers providing the bird with a distinctive appearance",
+        "forehead: white to grey, complementing the hue of the crown",
+        "eyes: relatively small, dark brown to black, provide sharp vision for locating prey underwater",
+        "legs: short, often pink, and webbed, helping in swimming and landing on water surfaces",
+        "wings: large, black tipped, and extremely long for gliding and soaring",
+        "nape: white or grey feathers, forming the back of the bird's neck",
+        "tail: white, long, and wedge-shaped for aiding in flight direction",
+        "throat: pale, complementing the color of the belly and chest area"
+    ],
+    "blue seedeater": [
+        "back: extensive, light-colored span blending into wings",
+        "beak: long, angular and sharp, colored in shades of yellow and white",
+        "belly: light-colored, often white, smooth feathered area",
+        "breast: wide and plump, usually featured with white or light-colored feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, usually covered in white or light grey feathers",
+        "forehead: region above eyes featuring smooth light colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark colored, and intelligently attentive",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with fully webbed feet, often in tones of pink",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, often seen in a black or dark grey coloration",
+        "nape: area around the back of the neck often featuring light colored feathers",
+        "tail: long, narrow and pointed, typically dark in color",
+        "throat: lower part of the beak, often light-colored blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "brown honeyeater": [
+        "back: vast expanse of white feathers, covering the bird from neck to tail",
+        "beak: powerful, pinkish-yellow hooked beak for catching and holding onto prey",
+        "belly: white, soft feathered underbelly",
+        "breast: large, full and white, used to stabilize during flight",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly sloping, white forehead located above the eyes and leading to beak",
+        "eyes: large, dark eyes, surrounded by a thin ring of white feathers",
+        "legs: long and slender, ideal for airborne movement, colored grey or pink",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender wings, primarily white with black wingtips, perfect for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: back part of the bird's neck, covered in white feathers, connects head to back",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped white tail with black borders, contributing to the streamlined body shape",
+        "throat: white and smooth, located under the beak and above the breast"
+    ],
+    "capped white eye": [
+        "back: a large, flat surface often bearing a blend of white and grey shades",
+        "beak: a long, hooked shape with curved tip, perfect for catching fish",
+        "belly: the underneath portion of the bird, typically white and smooth",
+        "breast: the forward part of the bird, often gleaming in bright white color",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, usually adorned with a crown of soft white feathers",
+        "forehead: the front area of the bird's head, leading to the base of its beak; covered in soft white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and circular, giving a sharp contrast against the white feathers on the face",
+        "legs: skinny pinkish, webbed appendages perfect for aquatic life",
+        "wings: extended in flight, these are mostly white with black tips, extremely broad and long, specialized for gliding",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, often covered in soft white feathers",
+        "tail: white, wedged shape at the back that aids in navigation while flying",
+        "throat: the lower part of the bird's beak, typically white in color"
+    ],
+    "chinese barbet": [
+        "back: a large surface area shape typically covered in white or grayish-toned feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed and slightly hooked, typically yellow or pink",
+        "belly: wide, rounded area that's generally white-feathered",
+        "breast: broad and puffed out, often a lighter color",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head, usually covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "forehead: located above the eyes and covered with white or gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, bright, often dark-colored, on either side of the beak",
+        "legs: long, thin, usually flesh-toned or yellow, ending in large, webbed feet",
+        "wings: very large and wide, covered in feathers varying from white to dark tips",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, often a light color",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, with white, black or gray feathers",
+        "throat: located beneath the beak and often a lighter color"
+    ],
+    "chinese blue flycatcher": [
+        "back: large, curved body part covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed, sharp and yellow in color; used for catching fish",
+        "belly: soft, primarily white part of the bird, often bulging slightly from a diet of fish",
+        "breast: wide, broad front of the bird, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, typically a light color, sometimes with a slight tuft of feathers",
+        "forehead: located between the bird's eyes and its beak, colored similarly to the crown",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, and expressive, located on either side of the forehead, often dark colored",
+        "legs: short, strong and webbed, used for swimming and landing, usually pink or light grey",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, often black along the edges, enabling this bird to soar for long distances without flapping",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, typically covered in white or grey feathers, connecting the head and body",
+        "tail: long, wide and layered, aiding in flight and steering while in the air, usually white with black tips",
+        "throat: the area under the bird's beak, generally lighter in color, where the food goes down"
+    ],
+    "chinese fulvetta": [
+        "back: long and flat with white or grey plumage, spotted with black or brown patterns",
+        "beak: long, strong, and pointed, colored pink or yellow, equipped for catching fish and krill",
+        "belly: broad and white, sometimes tinged with shades of pale grey",
+        "breast: white and broad, designed for streamlined flying in the open seas",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered with white or light grey feathers matching the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: slightly curved, colored white or light grey, blending seamlessly into the crown and beak",
+        "eyes: large and dark, positioned on either side of the head to provide a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short, scaled and webbed, built for swimming and making awkward marches on land",
+        "wings: long, slender, and primarily white, with black tips and edge, designed for dynamic soaring",
+        "nape: white or light grey, connecting the head to the back of the bird",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, colored white with black edges, used for stability during flight",
+        "throat: white or pale, showing a sleek line down from the bird's beak to its chest"
+    ],
+    "chukar": [
+        "back: large, flat section behind the wings, usually of a white or light grey color",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and curved downward with a pointed end, typically yellow in color",
+        "belly: soft and fluffy underside, which may range in color from white to light grey",
+        "breast: front part of the bird leading to belly, usually white",
+        "crown: upper part of the head, often light in color and blends into the forehead",
+        "forehead: the area above the beak and between the eyes, slightly softer in shade as compared to the crown",
+        "eyes: a pair of small, round, black eyes on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: short, thick webbed legs for swimming, mostly in a shade of pink, ending in three thick, webbed toes",
+        "wings: very large black-and-white wings, extending far from the body to aid in gliding over water",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, which is typically light in color and connects the head to the body",
+        "tail: comprised of long and strong, black and white feathers, it assists in direction while in flight",
+        "throat: the lower part of the bird\u2019s head leading to the belly, typically white or lighter in color"
+    ],
+    "collared flycatcher": [
+        "back: large expanse of snowy white feathers, extending down the wings",
+        "beak: long, narrow, and hook-tipped, ranging from light grey to pale pink",
+        "belly: white color continuing from the back",
+        "breast: a vast stretch of white plumage running down from neck",
+        "crown: white feathers, sleek and lying flat against the head structure",
+        "forehead: broad and white, highlighting the bird's large eyes",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and encased in a strip of soft white feathers",
+        "legs: short, webbed, and pinkish in color for swimming and landing",
+        "wings: extremely large and wide, white with black wing-tips for soaring long distances",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, shrouded in white feathers matching the rest of the body",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white with thin black edges around feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers running down, meeting the breast area"
+    ],
+    "collared grosbeak": [
+        "back: large, curved area covered in thick, white feathers for insulation and flight",
+        "beak: strong, hook-tipped beak, yellow in color, used for catching, gripping and tearing food",
+        "belly: rounded underside covered in dense white feathers, acts as insulation",
+        "breast: broad and muscular, powers the wings for flight and is covered with fluffy white feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, rounded and covered with white or grey feathers, contains a large brain relative to body size",
+        "forehead: flat area between the crown and the beak, covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "eyes: large, forward-facing eyes surrounded by a bare patch of skin, allowing good vision even in low light conditions",
+        "legs: short and strong, ending in webbed feet with sharp claws for swimming and gripping onto rocks",
+        "wings: long and thin, exceptionally adapted for gliding and soaring over long distances, covered in large feathers",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in thick, white feathers, providing insulation and flexibility",
+        "tail: long, narrow and covered with strong feathers, used for steering and balance during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the head, underneath the beak, often covered in a mixture of white and grey feathers"
+    ],
+    "collared kingfisher": [
+        "back: large, strong structure, mostly white with thin black stripes in some species",
+        "beak: long, hooked and sharp-edged, colored in a mix of grey, yellow, and pink, used for catching prey in the sea",
+        "belly: broad and white, used when the bird is flying or floating on the water's surface",
+        "breast: large and white, providing buoyancy when the bird is floating on the sea",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually white with black spots in some species",
+        "forehead: part of the head directly above beak and between the eyes, white in color",
+        "eyes: round, large and dark surrounded by a thin circle of colored skin, providing the bird with excellent eyesight",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with big, webbed feet, often colored in blue shade, which help the bird in swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow with black tips, used for gliding over the sea surface for long distances",
+        "nape: back of the neck, often the same color as the back or slightly darker",
+        "tail: short, white often with black tips, providing steering control during flying",
+        "throat: the lower part of the bird's neck, white in color, often visible when the bird is calling out"
+    ],
+    "collared nightjar": [
+        "back: large, covered with white feathers, enabling seamless glide over water surfaces",
+        "beak: long and hooked, a combination of light to deep pinkish tones, designed for piercing and catching prey",
+        "belly: predominantly white, tapers seamlessly into the bird's overall physique",
+        "breast: broad and white, provides excellent buoyancy when the bird lands on water",
+        "crown: characterized by white plumage, nominally divided from the nape by markedly pale feathers",
+        "forehead: completely white, forms a distinctive 'v' shape where it aligns with the bird's beak",
+        "eyes: dark, with a keen gaze, encircled by a small area of darker feathers",
+        "legs: pale pink, strong yet lightweight, built for easy movement on the ground and while swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, white on the top and dark on the underside, designed for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: seamlessly blends with the bird's back, the demarcation made by slightly darker feathers",
+        "tail: wide and wedge-shaped, predominantly white, enabling efficient steering during flight",
+        "throat: white-feathered, inflates when the bird calls, enhances audio performance"
+    ],
+    "collared puffbird": [
+        "back: broad, extended dorsal area, generally in neutral or white color",
+        "beak: sharp and long, often yellow or pink colored, helpful in catching prey",
+        "belly: lower front section, usually white in color, contributes in giving aerodynamic shape",
+        "breast: upper front section, lighter in color and large enough to assist in flight",
+        "crown: upper part of the head, usually covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: located between the beak and the crown, uniformly covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, bilateral with a telling gaze towards the prey",
+        "legs: thin, strong and webbed, often grey, used for swimming and standing",
+        "wings: long, broad and white, specialized for long-distance glides",
+        "nape: back of the neck area, typically white or pale grey",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white with dark tips, works as a rudder during flight",
+        "throat: underneath the beak, usually white and less feathered"
+    ],
+    "collared sunbird": [
+        "back: long, flat stretch shaded in a mixture of white, brown or grey depending on the species",
+        "beak: pointed and sharp object, often having a yellow or light color, perfect for catching its prey mid-flight",
+        "belly: refined, pure white part that helps the bird blend in with the clouds during flight",
+        "breast: bulky, white region providing vital buoyancy for the bird when it's swimming",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: rounded section above the bird\u2019s eyes, typically with a smooth white or grey color",
+        "eyes: round, small, with a keen gaze for hunting fish, often dark-colored in contrast to the albatross's white body",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed toes for swimming, often pinkish color",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow with black tips; adapted for dynamic soaring above the oceans",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, usually lightly colored matching the head and body",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped with a white base and dark tips; it is used for precision steering through the air",
+        "throat: soft white part below the beak, often slightly inflated during the mating season"
+    ],
+    "crested drongo": [
+        "back: the albatross's back is typically covered in white or light grey plumage, appearing smooth",
+        "beak: their beak is sturdy, large, and hooked, colored pinkish-yellow, tapering to a sharp point",
+        "belly: the under-parts including the belly are usually white, providing camouflage when viewed from below",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is rounded and usually white or light grey/ blueish in color",
+        "crown: the crown, or top of the bird's head, is white or light grey with feathers smoothly laid back",
+        "forehead: the area above the beak and up to the crown, the forehead is covered with short feathers matching the crown in color",
+        "eyes: the eyes of the albatross are small and set on the sides of its head, giving it a wide field of vision, usually dark or black",
+        "legs: the legs are short, stocky, and webbed, providing the bird with excellent swimming ability, usually pinkish or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: the wings are extremely large, long and narrow, perfect for gliding across the ocean, generally black-tipped with the majority being white or grey",
+        "nape: they have a noticeably long neck, and the nape back of the neck is typically colored white or grey",
+        "tail: the tail of an albatross is short and wedge-shaped, typically white, sometimes with black edges",
+        "throat: the under part of the bird's neck, the throat is generally white or grey"
+    ],
+    "crested eagle": [
+        "back: light grey feathers covering the back, fusing seamlessly with the wings",
+        "beak: strong, long, and narrow pinkish hooked beak, ending in a sharp point",
+        "belly: the belly is white, contrasting with the light grey of the back and wings",
+        "breast: the breast is white like the belly, also contrasting with the upper body",
+        "crown: the crown, or top of the head, is white up to the eye line",
+        "forehead: the forehead is white, continuing the coloration from the crown",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, black eyes set in the white portion of their face",
+        "legs: their legs are short and powerful, with fully webbed light pinkish feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow wings with light grey feathers, capable of soaring for long periods without flapping",
+        "nape: the nape or back of the neck is a continuation of the white coloration of the head and neck",
+        "tail: the tail is composed of light grey feathers, it is long and narrows to a point",
+        "throat: the throat of the albatross is white, blending into the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "crested guan": [
+        "back: large and broad, covered by white or grayish feathers matching the overall color scheme of the bird",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and sharp, colored in pale yellow or pink, designed to catch fish and squid",
+        "belly: white or light gray plumage, large and rounded due to a diet rich in fish",
+        "breast: white or light grey feathers, a broad surface providing aerodynamic shape",
+        "crown: top of the head, featuring white or grey feathers, blending with the overall color of the bird",
+        "forehead: white or grey feathers, above the beak and eyes, giving a streamlined shape to the head",
+        "eyes: dark and sharp, providing an excellent vision, embedded on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and webbed, adapted for swimming, with a pale pink or yellow color",
+        "wings: extremely long and thin, adapted for soaring and gliding over the ocean for long periods",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered by white or grey feathers, connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: white or grey, wedge-shaped, providing additional directional control and stability",
+        "throat: white or light grey plumage, just below the beak, leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "crested ibis": [
+        "back: a wide and strong expanse providing resilience and mobility in the air",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and curved, ideal for catching and holding prey",
+        "belly: white and smooth, a large and broad surface area indicative of a well-nourished bird",
+        "breast: sturdy and white, accommodating the bird's large lung capacity for long distance flight",
+        "crown: flat topped and smooth, serving as the pinnacle of the bird's sleek profile",
+        "forehead: broad and slightly rounded outward, meeting seamlessly with the beak",
+        "eyes: sharp, round, and white-rimmed, providing exceptional vision capabilities",
+        "legs: short and robust with webbed feet, essential for swimming and landing on water",
+        "wings: very long and slender, allowing for a stable, gliding flight over ocean waters",
+        "nape: smooth and white, merging into the strong lines of the wings and back",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, and white, assisting in maneuvering during flight",
+        "throat: smooth and white, often slightly elongated, providing comfortable swallowing for the bird's diet"
+    ],
+    "crested myna": [
+        "back: a large and flat surface in white color",
+        "beak: sharp, pointy, and long beak with a hook at the end in a yellowish color",
+        "belly: broad and rounded, covered in white feathers",
+        "breast: large and wide, covered with white plumage",
+        "crown: the top of the head, rounded and covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: wide and flat area above the eyes, covered with white feathers",
+        "eyes: small round eyes with dark pupils and a pale grey iris",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet in pink hue, used for swimming",
+        "wings: very long, slender, and pointed when extended, covered in black and white feathers",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: shorter tail feathers that are broad and square-ended",
+        "throat: the lower part of the bird's neck, covered in white feathers"
+    ],
+    "crested spinetail": [
+        "back: broad, lengthy, and covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked, usually pink or yellowish in color for grasping prey",
+        "belly: round, usually white and fluffy for both sexes",
+        "breast: prominent and white; chest muscles for strong flight are located here",
+        "crown: top portion of the head, covered in fluffy white feathers",
+        "forehead: above the beak, white plumage from the crown extends here",
+        "eyes: small and dark, often surrounded by a ring of darker feathers",
+        "legs: short and webbed for swimming, mainly hidden while in flight",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender, and pointed for efficient gliding; predominantly white with black edges",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in white feathers merging with the back",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped and white, helpful in steering during flight",
+        "throat: below the beak, often lighter in color; leads to the bird's digestive system"
+    ],
+    "crested tit": [
+        "back: large, elongated and covered with dense, water-resistant feathers in shades of white and grey",
+        "beak: designed for fishing, the beak is long, sharp, and hooked, with a grey or yellowish color",
+        "belly: snowy white plumage to help with camouflage while over water",
+        "breast: white feather-covered area that is padded for comfort during long flights",
+        "crown: the top part of the head covered with soft, white feathers",
+        "forehead: a white, smoothly feathered area that leads up to the base of the beak",
+        "eyes: small, round, black eyes providing wide field of vision for spotting prey from high altitudes",
+        "legs: short, webbed, pinkish grey legs adapted for swimming and catching fish",
+        "wings: exceptionally elongated, aerodynamic, wing structure with black and white feathers, necessary for its long-distance gliding",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, covered with soft, white feathers",
+        "tail: mainly white with some black feathers on the tip, it helps in changing directions while flying",
+        "throat: softly feathered white area located below the beak, often expanding while making distinct calls"
+    ],
+    "crowned hornbill": [
+        "back: broad and flat, covered in predominantly white feathers for most albatross species",
+        "beak: long and pointy, often hooked at the end, with a sharp edge for catching and eating fish. generally pale or yellow",
+        "belly: white and rounded, part of the bird's streamlined shape that allows for efficient, long flights",
+        "breast: wide and bulky, covered in white feathers, housing the bird's powerful flight muscles",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head, usually covered in white feathers, where the skull is located",
+        "forehead: located above the eyes and below the crown, usually white or light-colored in most species",
+        "eyes: circular and dark, located on either side of the head, providing a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, tucked towards the body during flight but used for paddling in water, often webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: very long and slender, allowing the bird to smoothly glide for long distances over the ocean",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, usually covered in white feathers, connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, used for steering during flight, often white with black tip",
+        "throat: lower part of the head, usually white, where the esophagus is located, expands when the bird consumes fish"
+    ],
+    "fork tailed drongo": [
+        "back: wide, flat surface in various shades of white, grey, or black, depending on species",
+        "beak: long, hooked end, perfect for catching prey, normally pink or yellow color",
+        "belly: a light-colored, usually white surface that contracts with the darker back",
+        "breast: normally white with thick plumage, it aids the bird while floating in the ocean",
+        "crown: slightly raised area on the top of the head, usually grey or white in color",
+        "forehead: wide area above the beak, typically white or grey, leading up to the crown of the head",
+        "eyes: ornate circles on the sides of the head with black pupils and generally light blue color",
+        "legs: short and webbed, useful for swimming, usually pink or light brown color",
+        "wings: large, broad structures extending on sides, used for long-duration flights. mostly white with black or grey tips",
+        "nape: area at the back of the neck, usually colored similar to the back of the bird",
+        "tail: short to medium-length, often white feathers splayed out for balance and steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower area under the beak, usually white or light grey feathers that match the bird's belly"
+    ],
+    "gray crow": [
+        "back: a strong, sturdy part of the albatross typically covered in white-feathered plumage",
+        "beak: lengthy, hooked and sharp, typically yellowish in color, used for catching fish and other prey",
+        "belly: soft underside of the albatross, generally covered in white to light brown feathers",
+        "breast: the chest area, robust and round, usually enveloped in white or light-colored feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the albatross's head, smooth and covered in smooth, white feathers",
+        "forehead: the front part of the albatross's head, directly above the eyes and beak, feathered and smooth",
+        "eyes: always alert and sharp, encased in a circular border with a dark-colored iris",
+        "legs: short and strong, designed for swimming and catching prey, usually ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, strong and broad, perfect for gliding and soaring through the air, covered in aerodynamic feathers",
+        "nape: the back of the albatross's neck, where the head connects to the body, covered in feathers",
+        "tail: tapering rear-end feathers used for steering while flying, color usually matches the body",
+        "throat: the lower front part of the bird's neck, shrinking when the bird squawks, generally covered in white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray noddy": [
+        "back: large, rounded, and covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and yellow in color to help tear food apart",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers keeping it insulated whether over sea or land",
+        "breast: white, puffy feathers giving a robust body shape",
+        "crown: white feathers, giving a pure, untouched look",
+        "forehead: it is slightly prominent with white color",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and sharp for a great sight in high sea skies",
+        "legs: short and stout, pinkish or light yellow for waddling and swimming",
+        "wings: long, and narrow with black tips, known for being best for gliding and soaring over long distances",
+        "nape: white, thickly feathered area behind the head",
+        "tail: white, broad and wedge-shaped that aids in flight control",
+        "throat: white, lean with flexible stretchability, helping it swallow food"
+    ],
+    "gray tit": [
+        "back: covered in white feathers, forms the central part of upper body",
+        "beak: long, sharp and pointed, usually in yellow color, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: bright white feathers covering the lower part of the body",
+        "breast: puff out, also covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: top part of the head, covered in white feathers, slightly rounded shape",
+        "forehead: above the eyes and beak, covered with white feathers",
+        "eyes: black in color, located on either side of the head with a keen sight",
+        "legs: two short and webbed legs, used for swimming and standing, typically a light pink color",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender wings which are black on the back, used for hours of soaring",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered with white feathers",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, white feathers, important for steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the head, can be distended to hold prey, covered in white feathers"
+    ],
+    "gray wren": [
+        "back: broad and flat, covered in smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: long, hook-tipped and yellow tinged for catching fish",
+        "belly: white and rounded, offering buoyancy in water",
+        "breast: stout and heavy, covered in soft white plumage",
+        "crown: topped with white feathers and blends seamlessly with the neck",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, with fine white plumage adorning it",
+        "eyes: bright and alert, surrounded by a ring of thin black feathers",
+        "legs: tall, webbed, and pink or grey, perfect for swimming and diving",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and white; built for soaring over the ocean",
+        "nape: astonishingly flexible and covered in thick white feathers",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped and white, aiding in steering during flight",
+        "throat: plump and white, leading down to the belly"
+    ],
+    "gray rumped swift": [
+        "back: broad and rounded, covered by a layer of white feathers",
+        "beak: large, distinctively hooked pinkish-yellow bill used for catching fish",
+        "belly: soft, white underpart providing a clear contrast to the darker wings",
+        "breast: prominent and white, part of the bird\u2019s streamlined body shape for efficient flight",
+        "crown: top of the head, coated with white plumage, giving a sleek appearance",
+        "forehead: white and rounded, merging with the beak at a gentle angle",
+        "eyes: deep-set, dark-bold eyes on either side of the head for wider field of vision",
+        "legs: short and sturdy webbed feet, predominantly for swimming in water",
+        "wings: long and narrow, with black tips, designed for enduring extended flights",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in white feathers, connecting head and body",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped tail with white feathers, often black-tipped, aiding in steering during flight",
+        "throat: the lower part of bird's head, white, extending down to join the breast"
+    ],
+    "gray throated white eye": [
+        "back: large and streamlined, generally white with occasional grey or black markings",
+        "beak: long and hooked, cream or pinkish color, ideal for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white and broad, aiding in buoyancy while swimming",
+        "breast: large and white, enabling efficient flight and adding to its large size",
+        "crown: white or slightly grey, flat and broad, housing a large brain",
+        "forehead: wide and white extending towards the beak, adding to its overall distinct profile",
+        "eyes: round and black, located on the sides of the head, providing a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, webbed-feet in a bluish or pinkish hue, efficient for swimming and diving",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, ideal for the albatross's distinctive gliding flight",
+        "nape: white, connects the back of the bird's head to its body and supports the neck and head during flight",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white with black edges, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white, front part of the neck, often extended while calling or feeding"
+    ],
+    "green oropendola": [
+        "back: long and flat, extending from the neck to the tail, and covered with white feathers in most albatross species",
+        "beak: strong, hooked, and grey in color with two tubular nasal openings",
+        "belly: soft and round, covered with white, light brown or black feathers",
+        "breast: large and robust, used for streamlined flying and covered with colour matched feathers corresponding with species",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head, usually covered with a layer of white or light brown feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly high with the same coloration as the crown, extends to the area above the eyes",
+        "eyes: medium sized and circular, color ranges from soft grey to black",
+        "legs: short, sturdy and webbed for swimming, generally pink or flesh-colored, ending in three toes",
+        "wings: exceptionally long, narrow and pointed for gliding and wind riding, covered with white or brown flight feathers",
+        "nape: back part of the bird\u2019s neck, often with somewhat thicker and puffier feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, used for steering while flying, covered in white or brown feathers",
+        "throat: soft, expands when albatross is swallowing a catch, feather color varies by species"
+    ],
+    "green sunbird": [
+        "back: on an albatross bird, the back is the large flat area above the wings generally light grey or white",
+        "beak: the beak is long, pointed and sharp with a slight hook at the end, ideal for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: their belly area is often white or light in color and is the large area below the wings",
+        "breast: the albatross's breast is the chest area of the bird, typically puffed up and often lighter in color than the back",
+        "crown: this refers to the very top of the bird's head, usually light in color and feathers slightly lifted",
+        "forehead: the forehead of an albatross is located above the eyes and below the crown, typically a light color",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, black eyes that are rimmed with a thin strip of dark feathers",
+        "legs: they have short, strong legs adapted to lengthy flights and helping them in landing",
+        "wings: albatross wings are long, slender, and aerodynamic, designed for hours of gliding over the ocean without needing to flap",
+        "nape: the nape, the back part of the neck, is usually covered in white or light grey feathers, blending into the color of the head and back",
+        "tail: the tail of an albatross is wedge-shaped, short and has stiff feathers which aids them in steering during flight",
+        "throat: the throat area is located under the beak and can expand to allow the bird to swallow large marine life"
+    ],
+    "green warbler": [
+        "back: gracefully arching white curves",
+        "beak: a long, pointed, pinkish-yellow tool for catching fish",
+        "belly: creamy-white and soft, aiding in swimming",
+        "breast: sturdy and white, assisting in flight",
+        "crown: smoothly curved white, topmost part of bird's head",
+        "forehead: white, slightly raised area above the eyes",
+        "eyes: expressive, round, and fully black contrasting the white body",
+        "legs: skinny, long and pinkish-colored standing out against the body",
+        "wings: broad, white, and powerful; capable of sustained gliding",
+        "nape: robust and white, connecting the bird's head with its body",
+        "tail: short, white and wedge-shaped, aiding in steering during flight",
+        "throat: sleek, white, and stretches down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "hooded parrot": [
+        "back: it has a large, wide back that is typically white in color, occasionally mottled with dark patches",
+        "beak: the albatross has a large and strong beak, usually yellow or pinkish-white, hooking sharply at the tip",
+        "belly: the belly of the albatross is white, occasionally with some mottled markings, helping provide effective camouflage when viewed from below",
+        "breast: albatrosses have a broad and white breast, adapting for efficient flight",
+        "crown: this is the top part of the bird's head, often a little darker than the rest of the albatross's body",
+        "forehead: the forehead of an albatross is usually white, blending with the color of the rest of the bird's head",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, round eyes with a black color, often outlined with a white or light colored ring around each eye",
+        "legs: the albatross has short, strong legs, mostly webbed, which are ideal for swimming and catching prey, usually in pink or blue-gray",
+        "wings: the albatross has long, streamlined wings that are primarily black or dark on the top side, while the under-side is mainly white, suitable for long-distance gliding",
+        "nape: the back part of the albatross's neck, or nape, is typically white and smooth",
+        "tail: the tail of an albatross is white, often edged with black, short and wedge-shaped, helping with stability during flight",
+        "throat: the throat of the albatross is white, often with a scattering of grey or black feathers"
+    ],
+    "hooded tanager": [
+        "back: bright white plumage covering the top section",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked with a pinkish hue for catching prey",
+        "belly: white, smooth-feathered underbody",
+        "breast: bulky and white, aiding in buoyancy",
+        "crown: top of the head colored white",
+        "forehead: continued white plumage, connecting the crown to the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and small, flanked by natural water-proof coating",
+        "legs: short, sturdy, and webbed for swimming, with a blue-grey color",
+        "wings: incredibly large and long, black on the edges, suited for soaring",
+        "nape: back part of the neck with white shading",
+        "tail: narrow and white, with black fringes, assists in direction control while flying",
+        "throat: white-feathered running down from the lower beak to the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "island imperial pigeon": [
+        "back: long, grey-white feathers spreading across the upper body",
+        "beak: strong and hooked with a sharp point, colored yellow tinged with pink",
+        "belly: bright white plumage covering bottom part of the body",
+        "breast: white, rounded chest feathers often splattered with food or water",
+        "crown: grey-white feathers intensely packed from the forehead to the back of the head",
+        "forehead: smooth grey-white feathers leading up towards crown",
+        "eyes: dark black eyes encircled by a white orbital ring, convey a thoughtful demeanor",
+        "legs: long, well-built legs with pinkish webbed feet for life at sea",
+        "wings: incredibly wide, slender, and rounded wings made for prolonged gliding",
+        "nape: the region of the neck is covered with grey-white feathers extending from the back of the head to the shoulders",
+        "tail: white, sharply pointed tail feathers helping in steering when flying",
+        "throat: white-plumed region just under the beak, usually seen when the bird is calling or squawking"
+    ],
+    "lesser cuckoo": [
+        "back: large and flat, typically covered in white or light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked, usually pale yellow color with cutting edges for catching prey",
+        "belly: white or cream-colored, broad and rounded for fat storage and balance in flight",
+        "breast: large and sturdy with thick layer of feathers, enables powerful flight",
+        "crown: topmost part of the bird's head, typically covered in white or light grey feathers",
+        "forehead: space between the beak and the crown, usually white or light grey colored",
+        "eyes: relatively small, located on either side of the head, vital for spotting prey from great heights",
+        "legs: short and strong, usually webbed, used for landing, walking, and catching prey",
+        "wings: very large and long, often span over three meters, perfect for long-distance soaring and gliding",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, connects the back and the head, often white or grey",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, provides balance and steering in flight",
+        "throat: area below the beak, usually white or cream-colored, facilitates feeding and vocalization"
+    ],
+    "little cuckoo": [
+        "back: large and flat, usually a shade of white or gray, where its wings connect",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and either yellow or pink, used to catch and consume food",
+        "belly: usually broad, white, and sturdy to aid in its swimming capabilities",
+        "breast: wide and strong, a mix of white or gray feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually has lighter colored feathers",
+        "forehead: above the eyes and beak, often featuring a different color or pattern of feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, set on each side of the head for a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: long, thin, and strong with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: very long and narrow, adapted for gliding for long periods and distances",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, often a lighter shade of color than the back feathers",
+        "tail: short and white, used as a rudder when flying or swimming",
+        "throat: located under the beak, usually has a white coloration"
+    ],
+    "long billed wren": [
+        "back: broad and flat, colored in shades of white to dark brown or black depending on species",
+        "beak: long and slender, often hooked at the tip with a sharp cutting edge; color varies from yellow to pink or black",
+        "belly: usually white or light shadet in color; feathers can be soft or slightly stiffened",
+        "breast: white, wide and round, covered with dense, soft feathers",
+        "crown: the dome-shaped top of the head; usually white or grey",
+        "forehead: directly above the eyes and beak, typically white or grey; the boundary with the crown can be indistinct",
+        "eyes: circular, relatively small compared to body size, often dark brown or black; often with a ring of bare skin around",
+        "legs: short and strong, set far back on the body; typically, webbed feet for swimming and colored in shades of pink, yellow or black",
+        "wings: very long and narrow, adapted for dynamic soaring; predominantly white, but black at the tips and edges depending on the species",
+        "nape: back of the bird\u2019s neck; may be white, grey or colored like the back",
+        "tail: relatively short and wedge-shaped; often white with black tips",
+        "throat: area under the beak extending to the upper breast; typically white or a light shade"
+    ],
+    "madagascar cuckoo": [
+        "back: a large and smooth area, usually white or light grey in albatross species, tapering off into wings",
+        "beak: strong and sharply hooked at the end, generally yellow or pale pink, used to catch and hold prey",
+        "belly: rounded, white or light grey, often less visible than other body parts due to the bird's flight pattern",
+        "breast: broad and rounded, providing the power for their efficient gliding flight, mostly white or light grey",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually white or cream, sometimes with black markings in certain species",
+        "forehead: above the beak, similarly colored as the crown which blends into the beak and face",
+        "eyes: typically black or dark-brown, placed on either side of the head, showing a vibrant contrast against a light-colored face",
+        "legs: short and strong, perceived as pink or blueish, tucked behind the body during flight",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, usually white with black or dark grey tips, allowing for long periods of soaring and gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, often the same color as the back, sometimes darker or lighter depending on the species",
+        "tail: white or grey, wedge-shaped, used for balance, steering, and braking during flight",
+        "throat: located under the beak, normally lighter in color than the back, sometimes with a small amount of dark markings"
+    ],
+    "malia": [
+        "back: large and solid, often grey or white in color, serves as the base for feather attachment",
+        "beak: long and hooked, powerful for catching and eating prey, typically yellow or pinkish",
+        "belly: white or light grey, softer feathers line this area for warmth and protection",
+        "breast: broad and muscular for flight, often white or light grey in color",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually covered with white or light grey feathers",
+        "forehead: portion above the eyes, may be white or slightly shaded grey, depending on the albatross species",
+        "eyes: relatively small, sharp for hunting and sighting land, typically dark brown or black",
+        "legs: short and robust, used for walking and standing, often webbed for swimming purposes",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, often span upto 11 feet, white or grey feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in white or light grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and square or slightly forked, comprised of strong flight feathers, usually white with black markings",
+        "throat: area under the beak, white or light grey, sometimes bulges when the bird is calling"
+    ],
+    "mao": [
+        "back: the back of an albatross is sleek and typically a light gray or white in color",
+        "beak: an albatross has a large, powerful beak, usually a yellow-orange color, curved towards its tip",
+        "belly: albatross birds have white or light-colored bellies which are broad and sturdy",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is large and robust, making it a powerful flier",
+        "crown: the crown of an albatross is the top of their head, typically colored gray or white matching their body",
+        "forehead: the forehead of an albatross is broad and matches the color of the crown",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, dark eyes, with a defined look for wide-scan hunting",
+        "legs: albatross legs are short, strong, and fully webbed for the aquatic environment, with hues of pink to dark blue",
+        "wings: albatross have incredibly long, slender wings which allow them to glide for long distances without flapping",
+        "nape: the nape of an albatross is the back of its neck, having the same gray or white color as the rest of its body",
+        "tail: albatross tail is long, sturdy and wedge-shaped, giving sturdiness in heavy wind flights",
+        "throat: albatross have a thick, strong throat designed for swallowing fish and squid"
+    ],
+    "masked finch": [
+        "back: large, flat and covered in white feathers, visibly fading to a light grey towards the wings",
+        "beak: hooked, long and thin, and slightly yellowish, ideal for catching prey from the ocean",
+        "belly: round and white, it is soft and perfect for incubating eggs",
+        "breast: same as the belly, broad and white which provides buoyancy while swimming",
+        "crown: the top of the head covered in pure white feathers",
+        "forehead: white, rounded portion just above the beak",
+        "eyes: black and shiny, lined with light grayish-white feathers",
+        "legs: short and webbed, a dark pinkish color, adapted for excellent swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, black on the edges and tips, designed for long-distance gliding",
+        "nape: the back of the neck containing white feathers, connecting the head and the body",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped and lined with dark feathers, it helps with navigation during flight",
+        "throat: the lower part of the neck, covered in white feathers, where their calls are projected from"
+    ],
+    "moluccan cuckoo": [
+        "back: white or grey feathers, running from the base of the neck to the start of the tail",
+        "beak: long, pinkish or yellow with a hook at the end for catching and holding prey",
+        "belly: white plumage for camouflage when viewed from below",
+        "breast: covered in white feathers, puffed out to keep the bird buoyant in water",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white or grey downy feathers",
+        "forehead: above the beak, feathers usually lighter in color compared to the rest of the body",
+        "eyes: often surrounded by darker feathers, have excellent long-distance vision for spotting prey",
+        "legs: short and webbed for swimming, tucked into the body during flight for aerodynamics",
+        "wings: exceedingly long and slender for soaring; black, white or grey feathers",
+        "nape: where the head joins the body, generally covered in lighter feathers",
+        "tail: long and narrow with feathers that can fan out for balance, white or grey",
+        "throat: lighter shaded feathers, stretching from the beak to the upper chest"
+    ],
+    "mountain quail": [
+        "back: broad and flat with familiar white and grey colors unique to albatross species",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked at the end, posing a yellow or pink hue depending upon the species",
+        "belly: bright white and rounded, stretched during flight to show up the typical aerodynamic albatross figure",
+        "breast: white, forms part of the front body directly under the beak",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head, usually color-matching with the back",
+        "forehead: slopes slightly upwards to the crown, often featuring a distinctive color, generally white or grey",
+        "eyes: surrounded by a thin black line, giving a clear sight for long-distance hunting",
+        "legs: short with large, webbed feet for swimming and catching prey",
+        "wings: extremely long and slim, they can span up to 11 feet, enabling the albatross to remain in flight for long periods",
+        "nape: rear part of the bird's neck, typically white or light grey matching with the bird's back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, often white with a black tip, aiding in steering during flight",
+        "throat: below the beak, part of the bird's lower body, usually white in color, expands when calling"
+    ],
+    "mountain wren": [
+        "back: a strong and sturdy spine covered with white feathers, enabling flight and flexibility",
+        "beak: a long, sharp hook-tipped beak in a pale pink hue used for catching prey",
+        "belly: soft underbelly covered with snow-white feathers for insulation and smooth flight",
+        "breast: robust chest with dense white plumage which aids in flight and displays strength",
+        "crown: smooth crest of white feathers that cover the top of the head",
+        "forehead: sharp and streamlined, begins where the beak ends, covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, circular scope-like eyes with a fierce gaze, accented with black markings",
+        "legs: strong, pencil-thin, webbed feet in pale pink, perfect for swimming and landing on water",
+        "wings: with up to 11 feet wingspan, designed for long flights, their tips end in black feathers",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, merging from crown to back, covered in smooth white feathers",
+        "tail: long, rectangular-shaped tail with white feathers, aids in steering during flight",
+        "throat: soft, stretchable part under the beak, normally covered in white feathers, used for vocalizing and swallowing prey"
+    ],
+    "olive flycatcher": [
+        "back: broad and well-muscled, covered in smooth white feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked, mostly yellowish-orange, for catching fish",
+        "belly: soft, white plumage covering the underside",
+        "breast: thick, white feathering for insulation against cold",
+        "crown: white-colored head area, sometimes with small patches of feather-free skin",
+        "forehead: small, covered in white downy feathers, meeting the start of the beak",
+        "eyes: large and dark, set into sides of head for wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short and stout, covered in scales, equipped with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, well-feathered, and have a black/white pattern for flight",
+        "nape: white or faintly gray, where the back of the head meets the shoulders",
+        "tail: white feathers, short and wedge-shaped, crucial for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white plumage, often stretching down to the belly area"
+    ],
+    "olive woodpecker": [
+        "back: the albatross back is usually white or grey, broad and streamlined for efficient flight",
+        "beak: the beak of an albatross is large, hooked, and sharp-edged, commonly pink, yellow or dark in color",
+        "belly: the belly of most albatross species is white in color, adding to their overall sleek appearance",
+        "breast: the albatross breast is robust, aiding in its powerful flight and is often white or cream-colored",
+        "crown: the crown of an albatross is typically white or grey, matching the rest of its body feathers",
+        "forehead: their forehead typically mirrors the color of the crown, usually white or grey, contributing to their distinctive head shape",
+        "eyes: albatross eyes are often dark and expressive, surrounded by feathered skin",
+        "legs: the legs of an albatross are short but robust, pink or bluish-gray, designed for swimming and perching rather than walking",
+        "wings: an albatross' most notable feature, the wings are extremely long, broad, and usually a contrast of white and black or grey, allowing for impressive glides across the ocean",
+        "nape: the nape of an albatross usually takes on the color of the bird's back or crown, often presenting a white or grey shade",
+        "tail: the tail of an albatross is short, wedge-shaped, often white with black or dark edges, assisting in maintaining balance during long flights",
+        "throat: their throats are often white or off-white, providing a contrast to their usually darker beaks"
+    ],
+    "oriental magpie": [
+        "back: pale or white across most species, feathers sometimes mottled or streaked with black or grey",
+        "beak: large and pointy, perfect for catching fish, with a pink or yellow color depending on the species",
+        "belly: soft white feathers cover the underside of the bird",
+        "breast: white and mostly broad, ideal for controlled gliding",
+        "crown: top of the head, usually white or pale in color, differentiating each species",
+        "forehead: typically white or pale, feathers are tight, small and lead to the beak",
+        "eyes: usually dark with a sharp gaze, surrounded by a ring of bright white feathers",
+        "legs: rather short and positioned far back on the body, they are good for swimming but make landing and takeoff clumsier",
+        "wings: incredibly long and narrow, specially designed for soaring across big distances over the ocean",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, its color can vary from fully white to mottled",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, it aids in steering and stability while flying",
+        "throat: area underneath the beak, usually white, can puff out for specific behaviors"
+    ],
+    "palm tanager": [
+        "back: wide, flat, covered with white or gray feathers, and merges seamlessly into the wings",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish or light pink, designed for catching and holding slippery prey",
+        "belly: larger, white-feathered area providing excellent camouflaging while on water",
+        "breast: broad and white, well muscled for aiding in prolonged flights",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "forehead: the front of the bird's head, usually slightly higher than the beak, covered with white or gray feathers",
+        "eyes: bright and sharp, with a protective thin membrane for seeing under water, surrounded by a dark patch for sun glare reduction",
+        "legs: short, powerful, and webbed, tucked into their body in flight for aerodynamic efficiency",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, designed for dynamic soaring, with mostly white plumage having black tips",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, robust and feathered, assisting in movement of the large head",
+        "tail: white and slightly forked, used for steering during flight and balance while on land",
+        "throat: white-feathered part underneath the beak, often extending down to the breast region"
+    ],
+    "pied cormorant": [
+        "back: a large, flat surface predominantly white in color on adult albatrosses",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hook-tipped, usually yellow or light pink with a darker tip",
+        "belly: lower part of the body, typically white or light-colored on adult albatrosses",
+        "breast: front part of the body, usually white or light in color",
+        "crown: top part of the head, usually white in color, that pipes into the back of its neck",
+        "forehead: the part of the head above the eyes, typically white in color",
+        "eyes: large and positioned on each side of the head, with a light color surrounded by a dark ring",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet, pink or brown in color",
+        "wings: dominantly white huge wings, known for its wide wingspan, with black tips",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, which is predominantly white",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, white, long and slender with black or dark brown streaks at the end",
+        "throat: lower front part of the neck, usually white, connecting to the belly and breast of the bird"
+    ],
+    "pied cuckoo": [
+        "back: large, flat surface extending to the tail; predominantly white in adult albatrosses",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and sharp for catching prey; usually yellow or pinkish-yellow",
+        "belly: large white-colored area extended from the breast to the tail underside",
+        "breast: upper front part of the bird that is white in color",
+        "crown: top section of head, white in color, often with streaks of black or gray",
+        "forehead: area above the beak and eyes, usually white or light gray",
+        "eyes: relatively small, deeply-set and dark, providing sharp vision for locating prey from heights",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet for swimming along ocean surfaces",
+        "wings: very long, narrow, and strong; adapted for effortless gliding; predominantly white in color with black tips",
+        "nape: back of neck, covered with short white feathers; connects head with the body",
+        "tail: long and wedged-shaped, often white with black points, assisting in steering while flying",
+        "throat: underside of the bird's neck, usually white, stretching down to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "plumbeous hawk": [
+        "back: large sturdy body built for gliding across the ocean",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: streamlined and white to camouflage against predators from below",
+        "breast: broad and powerful enabling long-distance flight",
+        "crown: rounded and typically smooth with white or soft grey feathers",
+        "forehead: high and rounded, often white or grey",
+        "eyes: bright and keen for sighting food from vast distances",
+        "legs: short and webbed for swimming and standing rather than walking",
+        "wings: extremely long and slim, great for gliding and soaring currently",
+        "nape: connecting head with body, usually covered with white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedged, useful for steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's neck, often a lighter color than the rest"
+    ],
+    "purple crowned fairy": [
+        "back: broad and flat for supporting expansive wings",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, ideally suited for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white, rounded belly to store food for long flights",
+        "breast: wide and powerful for aiding in flight",
+        "crown: the area on the head between the forehead and the nape",
+        "forehead: broad area above the bird's eyes",
+        "eyes: round and sharp for keen vision while spotting prey from the sky",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet, well-adapted to life out at sea",
+        "wings: extremely long, thin wings designed for maximum lift with minimum effort",
+        "nape: the area on the back of the bird's neck",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped for steering and stability during flight",
+        "throat: white, stretching from the base of the beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "red bird of paradise": [
+        "back: large and robust, typically gray or white-feathered, providing strength and structure",
+        "beak: long, pointy and slightly curved downwards, used for catching and eating fish",
+        "belly: large and solid, usually white, serving as an air sac during long flights",
+        "breast: broad and muscular, covered in white feathers, used for propulsion during flight",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white feathers, serving as a visual signal to other birds",
+        "forehead: above the beak and eyes, typically white, serves as a continuation of the white plumage on the head",
+        "eyes: round and dark, on either side of the head, providing a wide field of view",
+        "legs: short and sturdy with webbed feet, used for landing and taking off from the water",
+        "wings: long, slender and pointed at the end, making them ideal for soaring wide distances",
+        "nape: back of the neck, usually covered in white feathers, allowing for movement of the head",
+        "tail: long and wedge-shaped, uses for steering and balance during flight",
+        "throat: under the beak, commonly white or pale gray, accommodating the food passage"
+    ],
+    "red goshawk": [
+        "back: the upper part of the albatross is white to brown-grey, with a slight downward slope from the neck to tail",
+        "beak: large, sharp beak perfect for catching fish and squid, generally yellow or pink with a hooked tip",
+        "belly: the underbelly of an albatross is a clean, white area which is often visible during flight",
+        "breast: it is a feather-covered torso, predominantly white in color",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, usually white or lightly greyed, feathers streamlined towards the back of the head",
+        "forehead: the area between the top of the beak and the crown of the head, typically slightly raised",
+        "eyes: the albatross has keen, round eyes with a black or brown iris and a protective clear third eyelid",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with fully webbed feet, built for swimming and long duration flights",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, formed for dynamic soaring, primarily white with black at the tips",
+        "nape: the area where the back of the albatross's head and neck meet, generally covered in sleek, white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: the tail feathers are short and broad, and are white with black edges that provide balance in flight",
+        "throat: the base of the bird's head where it connects to the body, usually a continuation of the white from the bird's underbelly"
+    ],
+    "red kite": [
+        "back: covered in soft white feathers providing insulation and buoyancy while swimming",
+        "beak: large, curved, and sharp to help them catch and eat a variety of marine life",
+        "belly: white and soft feathers covering the underside of the albatross",
+        "breast: white plumage that continues from the belly area",
+        "crown: the top of the head, covered in white plumage, same as the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: wide, containing the same coloration as the rest of the head and leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: large and round, usually dark in color, providing excellent vision for scanning the sea surface for food",
+        "legs: short and strong with fully webbed feet for efficient swimming and landing on water",
+        "wings: very long, narrow, and straight for high-efficiency gliding over oceans. mostly white, with black tips",
+        "nape: the back of the head, covered with white feathers, and connecting the crown and the back",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, helping to navigate and maintain balance while flying",
+        "throat: covered in white feathers, it's a part between the head and the breast"
+    ],
+    "red lark": [
+        "back: the robust, sturdy region between the neck and tail, usually covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, and sharp-edged predominantly yellow beak for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: lower part of the body, covered with white, soft feathers for warmth and protection",
+        "breast: front part of the body between the neck and the belly, white or light grey in color",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, generally covered with mottled grey and white feathers",
+        "forehead: the area above the beak up to the crown, often the same color as the rest of the bird's head",
+        "eyes: large, dark eyes with exceptional sight for spotting prey from great altitudes",
+        "legs: short, thick legs with fully-webbed feet for efficient swimming and diving",
+        "wings: extremely large, long, narrow wings for efficient gliding; usually span up to 3 meters",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, typically covered in white or grey feathers matching the back",
+        "tail: long, slender tail feathers for steering and braking during flight, usually white or grey",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird\u2019s neck, covered with plumage, often lighter compared to the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "red lory": [
+        "back: uniformly white and streamlined, providing maximum aerodynamics",
+        "beak: long and sharp, primarily yellow in color with a sharp hooked tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and relatively flat, aiding in keeping the bird's center of gravity",
+        "breast: white and full, supplying enough force for powerful flapping during flight",
+        "crown: sleek white feathers that smoothly crest down the back of the head",
+        "forehead: covered with white feathers, extending towards the beak and beady eyes",
+        "eyes: encased in a white feathered area, providing a wide range of vision",
+        "legs: short and webbed, perfect for swimming and catching fish",
+        "wings: long and slender, often carried high, spanning up to 11 feet for gliding through air currents in the southern ocean",
+        "nape: features a white, sleek feathered region at the back of the bird's neck",
+        "tail: narrow and long white feathers, which helps in steering during flight",
+        "throat: smooth and white, leads down to the bird's breast region"
+    ],
+    "red myzomela": [
+        "back: large, strong body area featured with white or grayish plumage",
+        "beak: long, solid, and hooked end for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white, lightly feathered part of the bird's body",
+        "breast: broad and white, preparing the bird for high-speed wing flapping",
+        "crown: upper part of head with white or light-gray feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the beak with the same color as the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, offering excellent visibility for hunting and flying",
+        "legs: short, strong and webbed, optimal for swimming and catching prey",
+        "wings: tremendously long and narrow, white or grayish, adapted for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: back part of the neck covered with light-colored feathers",
+        "tail: white feathers, short and square-tipped, assisting with in-flight steering",
+        "throat: white-feathered area beneath the beak and extends to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "red owl": [
+        "back: broad and flat, predominantly white or grey, stretches from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, slim, and sharp-tipped, usually pink or yellow, perfect for capturing fish",
+        "belly: white and rounded, rarely visible during the flight",
+        "breast: large, plump, white or grey, leading into the belly",
+        "crown: top of the head, often white or greyish, sleekly feathered",
+        "forehead: flat and wide, transition into the beak is gradual",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round, surrounded by white or grey feathers, has a keen eye for fish",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet, pinkish or black, tucked under during flight",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, almost like an airplane\u2019s wings, mostly white or black",
+        "nape: back of the neck, a seamless continuation of the back\u2019s color and feathers",
+        "tail: usually white or grey, short and wedge-shaped, helps with steering and balance in flight",
+        "throat: underneath the beak, usually white, not as plump as the breast"
+    ],
+    "red spurfowl": [
+        "back: a large surface area in a silvery-grey color, giving the bird its recognizable shape",
+        "beak: thin and long, usually colored pale yellow or brown, equipped with a sharp tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: mostly white with some grey striations, providing a contrast to the bird's darker back",
+        "breast: white to light grey in color, very broad and muscular, used in flight and when swimming",
+        "crown: rests at the top of the albatross's head, feathered in a darker grey color",
+        "forehead: continuation of crown color, but typically somewhat lighter; wide and flat shape",
+        "eyes: surrounded by distinctive white rings; the iris is usually dark brown or black",
+        "legs: short, strong and webbed for effective swimming; light pink to brown in color",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender in shape, coloured similar to back, enables the albatross to glide effortlessly for long distances",
+        "nape: the area between the bird's crown and back is thickly feathered in silvery-grey",
+        "tail: short and typically wedge-shaped, is coloured white and grey for most species, helping them to maintain balance during flight",
+        "throat: broad and light-colored, often white, it expands when the bird is feeding on a large number of fish"
+    ],
+    "red warbler": [
+        "back: light grey to white, the mantel of an albatross is a smooth, feathered surface that provides insulation and aerodynamics",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and pink or yellow, often featured with a sharp point for catching and holding prey",
+        "belly: light grey or white, a softer area where the bird stores and digests food",
+        "breast: voluminous and powerful, covered in white feathers, aiding in flight and keeping the bird warm",
+        "crown: the top of the head, light grey or white in color, where the feathers are more fine and delicate",
+        "forehead: a lighter area of grayish-white located just above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: striking dark color with sharp vision for spotting prey from great heights",
+        "legs: short and webbed, equipped for both swimming and walking, usually a blue or pink hue",
+        "wings: lengthy, slender, and predominantly white, capable of sustaining long-duration flights",
+        "nape: located at the back of the neck and often light grey or white, a transition point between the head and the back of the bird",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, helping during landing, taking off and maneuvering in the air",
+        "throat: white or light grey, a softer part of the bird that leads to the digestive tract"
+    ],
+    "red capped robin": [
+        "back: the albatross's back is often white or light grey, seamlessly blending into its wings and tail",
+        "beak: distinctive feature of the bird, the beak of an albatross is large, strong and hooked, usually pink or yellow",
+        "belly: usually a lighter color like white or cream, the belly of an albatross is often smooth and feathered",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is normally white or pale grey, round and plump to assist in streamlined flight",
+        "crown: the crown or top of the albatross's head is often white or light grey, blending with the rest of its body",
+        "forehead: generally covered in white or light grey feathers and is slightly elevated in comparison to the beak",
+        "eyes: albatrosses typically have sharply focused, large, dark brown eyes",
+        "legs: powerful, webbed feet in pale color, designed for swimming and perching rather than walking",
+        "wings: albatrosses have long, narrow wings ideal for long-distance gliding and soaring, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "nape: the nape or back of the albatross's neck is often the same color as the back and crown, blending with the rest of the bird's body",
+        "tail: usually short and wedge-shaped, often white or light grey in color, helping it with steering while flying",
+        "throat: the throat of an albatross is often white or cream, continuing the color scheme of the bird's underparts"
+    ],
+    "red fronted parrot": [
+        "back: smooth, white plumage covering the back region of the albatross",
+        "beak: long, hook-tipped beak, ideal for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white-colored belly area contrasting with darker wings",
+        "breast: broad, sturdy white-colored breast, leading to a strong body",
+        "crown: rounded crown often with white or light-grey feathering",
+        "forehead: smooth, white colored frontal area above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: sharp, keen eyes often with dark pigmentation around them",
+        "legs: webbed feet and short legs, adapted for life at sea",
+        "wings: long, slender wings suited for sustained flights across the ocean",
+        "nape: the back of the neck with smooth, white feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped tail to aid in flight and maneuvering in the air",
+        "throat: lightly-colored throat, usually white or light gray, extending from beak to the bird's chest"
+    ],
+    "rook": [
+        "back: large, covered with white feathers blending seamlessly with the wings",
+        "beak: long and hooked, with a sharp tip ideal for catching prey, colored in light pink",
+        "belly: a wide, white-colored underpart, complementing the bird's overall aesthetics",
+        "breast: wide and large, giving it a robust look, mostly white in color",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, covered with white plumage giving it a majestic appearance",
+        "forehead: broad and white, seamlessly joining the crown and the beak",
+        "eyes: round and sharp, providing the bird with excellent vision, typically dark in color",
+        "legs: short and compact, with webbed feet for swimming, usually hidden beneath the body during flight",
+        "wings: extremely large and thin, covered with white feathers, enabling it to travel vast distances",
+        "nape: the backside of the neck, uniformly white in color, providing a streamlined shape during flight",
+        "tail: white and slender, with feathers curling upwards, providing balance and control during flights",
+        "throat: lower part of the head, white in color, extending seamlessly to the bird's underbelly"
+    ],
+    "ruff": [
+        "back: large and strong, covered in white or grayish feathers for male and female albatross respectively",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked at the end, yellowish-pink in color used for catching and holding on to their prey",
+        "belly: broad and rounded, covered with soft white or grayish feathers",
+        "breast: large and rounded, covered with thick white feathers providing buoyancy during flight",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, covered with short, dense white or grayish feathers",
+        "forehead: broad and white or grayish, curving smoothly into the beak",
+        "eyes: large and round, dark in color, providing keen eyesight for spotting prey at large distances",
+        "legs: short and strong, webbed feet for swimming, located far back on the body for balanced flight",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and thin, black-tipped, capable of extensive gliding without much beating",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, covered with white or grayish feathers matching the rest of the body",
+        "tail: white or grayish, long and wedge-shaped helping in steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the neck, covered in white or grayish feathers, stretches when the bird calls out"
+    ],
+    "rufous flycatcher": [
+        "back: large, long and flat, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked and sharp for capturing prey, usually a pink or yellow color",
+        "belly: large and rounded, covered in white or grey-colored feathers",
+        "breast: broad and strong, housing powerful flying muscles, typically white-colored",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the eyes, usually white or light-colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round and dark, usually black or brown, provide excellent vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, with webbed feet for swimming, typically pink or blue color",
+        "wings: long, slender and strong, covered in white or grey feathers, perfectly designed for gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, usually adorned with brightly colored feathers in males",
+        "tail: long and slender, used for steering in flight, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "throat: lower part of the head, usually white or light colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "short tailed parrot": [
+        "back: large, white, and streamlined for efficient flying",
+        "beak: long and sharp to catch prey, colored yellow with a hook at the end",
+        "belly: pure white and fairly rounded",
+        "breast: broad and white for insulation and buoyancy",
+        "crown: covered with white plumage, round, and streamlined for efficient flying",
+        "forehead: white and slightly rounded, blends seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: small in proportion to body size, dark colored and set well forward",
+        "legs: pinkish in color, long and webbed for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long, thin, black wings that can span up to 3.5 meters for gliding",
+        "nape: white feathers that extend from the back of the neck smoothly down to the back",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, acting as a rudder while flying",
+        "throat: white, extending from the lower beak to the upper chest"
+    ],
+    "spectacled bulbul": [
+        "back: large, grey colored body that smoothly transitions into the wings",
+        "beak: long, sharp and pointed, primarily yellow-colored with a hint of pink at the end",
+        "belly: soft white plumage covering the lower portion of the body",
+        "breast: a robust, white chest providing aerodynamic efficiency during long flights",
+        "crown: the top part of the head covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: upper part of the face right above the eyes, also covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, dark-toned eyes providing sharp vision for spotting fish in the water",
+        "legs: short, webbed legs capable of swimming underwater with pink colored feet",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender wings that are grey on top and white underneath, optimized for dynamic soaring",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in grey feathers, connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: short, white feathers forming a wedge-shaped tail used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white colored area located under the beak, equipped for stretching while swallowing large fish"
+    ],
+    "spectacled warbler": [
+        "back: flat, white surface providing stability during flight",
+        "beak: curved, sharp-edged, colored in hues of pink and yellow",
+        "belly: noticeably lighter in color, feathered and rounded",
+        "breast: white-feathered region providing insulation, attached to the wings",
+        "crown: white, rounded-top part of the head",
+        "forehead: white area between eyes and beak, slightly raised",
+        "eyes: circular, black, and sparkling with sharp vision",
+        "legs: long, webbed and strong, suitable for swimming and catching prey",
+        "wings: very long and slender, mostly white with some black ends for long-distance flying",
+        "nape: back of the neck, white feathered, connecting the bird's head to its body",
+        "tail: long, white with sharply pointed feathers for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white part under the beak, sometimes tinted with other colors"
+    ],
+    "spot throat": [
+        "back: light grey to white feathers covering a broad, flat surface",
+        "beak: large, hooked and pinkish-white, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: whitish feathers running down the underside from breast to tail",
+        "breast: off-white feathers covering a broad chest area",
+        "crown: flat region on top of the head, covered by grey or white feathers",
+        "forehead: region just above the beak, often white or light-colored",
+        "eyes: bright, bead-like eyes, usually dark in color",
+        "legs: strong, blue-grey, webbed feet meant for swimming",
+        "wings: long, wide and pointed wings, which are perfect for cruising over oceans",
+        "nape: back portion of the neck, often covered in grey to white feathers",
+        "tail: white, wide and wedge-shaped tail feathers for steering in flight",
+        "throat: light, feathery region extending from the lower beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "spotted honeyeater": [
+        "back: silvery-white part in adult albatross, typically showing light and shadow contrasts in flight",
+        "beak: long, hooked, pinkish-white in color with a darker tip, used for catching food",
+        "belly: whitish to light-gray, it's the bottom part of the bird, underneath the wings and between the legs",
+        "breast: front of the bird, below the neck and above the belly, typically white in color, large and robust",
+        "crown: top part of an albatross's head, covered in white or gray feathers depending on the species",
+        "forehead: front portion of the head, above the eyes and beak, commonly having white or gray feathering",
+        "eyes: grayish-brown to black eyes placed on each side of the head often surrounded by a thin ring of colored feathers",
+        "legs: powerful, pinkish to brown, used for landing, standing and used as rudders during flight",
+        "wings: large, slender, mostly white with black wingtips, enable these birds to glide over the ocean surface for hours",
+        "nape: back of the neck seen as continuation of the back, covered in white or gray feathers, connects head and back",
+        "tail: white or gray, narrow and long, essential for steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of an albatross's neck, usually white, where food is swallowed"
+    ],
+    "spotted nightjar": [
+        "back: large, smooth, and predominantly white feathers covering a sturdy body",
+        "beak: long, spear-shaped, pale-colored beak, with hooked sharp tip",
+        "belly: white, smooth and feathered extending to the underside of the wings",
+        "breast: broad, white, rising steeply to the neck, providing buoyancy",
+        "crown: topmost part of the head, sleek white feathers blending seamlessly with the head",
+        "forehead: curved, white feathered area above the beak and between the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and large, located on each side of the head",
+        "legs: short and powerful, covered with scales, ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: enormously long and slender, white on the underside with black tips, enabling them to glide",
+        "nape: area at the back of the neck, covered in white, sleek feathers",
+        "tail: white, long and wedge-shaped, helping in flight maneuvering and balance",
+        "throat: white-feathered lower part of the head, leading down towards the breast area"
+    ],
+    "spotted owlet": [
+        "back: broad and flat, mostly white with light grey markings",
+        "beak: large, hooked, and bright yellow color with a hint of pink and a dark tip",
+        "belly: white and flat, softly feathered",
+        "breast: rounded, vibrant white matching the belly",
+        "crown: white and sleek with grey markings on the back of the head",
+        "forehead: flat white that smoothly transitions into the beak",
+        "eyes: encircled by dark grey, positioned on either side of the head, giving a wide field of view",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, hidden during flight, webbed feet in a pinkish hue",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed, mostly white with black tips and edges",
+        "nape: soft white feathering transitioning into a light grey patterned crown",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, made up of long, pointed feathers",
+        "throat: soft white feathers that lead down to the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "spotted pardalote": [
+        "back: grey to white feathery upper body surface of the bird",
+        "beak: large, strong, hook-tipped beak, often yellow-pink in color",
+        "belly: mostly white feathered lower body part underneath the breast",
+        "breast: large, puffed up white chest area where the wings connect",
+        "crown: top part of the head, typically covered in grey or white feathers",
+        "forehead: upper part of the face above the eyes, same color as rest of the head",
+        "eyes: small, beady, dark eyes surrounded by grey or white feathers",
+        "legs: short, thick, pinkish or light colored legs with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long and slender, usually white with tip end in black, made for outstretched gliding",
+        "nape: back of neck, usually grey or white, where feathers from head and back meet",
+        "tail: short greyish or white feathered rear part for steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of bird's head beneath beak, white and sometimes covered with thin feathers"
+    ],
+    "streaked flycatcher": [
+        "back: large, strong, covered in smooth, white plumage to endure long flights",
+        "beak: long, curved, and sharp for catching and holding onto prey",
+        "belly: broad and white, often visible when the bird is in flight",
+        "breast: sturdy and white, aiding in the bird's buoyancy when swimming",
+        "crown: top of the head, white and smooth, providing the bird with a streamlined shape for efficient flight",
+        "forehead: prominent and white, in line with the bird's beak and facilitating better vision",
+        "eyes: large and piercing, with excellent vision for spotting prey from great heights",
+        "legs: short and webbed, perfect for swimming and wading through water",
+        "wings: spanning up to 12 feet in some species, optimized for dynamic soaring over the ocean",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, white and smooth, consistent with the rest of the bird's body",
+        "tail: long and slender, aiding in flight control and balance",
+        "throat: white and sleek, leading onto the bird's broad breast"
+    ],
+    "striped sparrow": [
+        "back: a smooth, flat area in mostly white or grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, sharp and hooked, designed for catching fish or scavenging",
+        "belly: rounded and covered in white plumage, often spotted with food",
+        "breast: also covered in white plumage, seamlessly continuing from the belly and leading up to the throat",
+        "crown: covered in white feathers, slightly raised in comparison to the rest of the head",
+        "forehead: white, sloping downward toward the beak and the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and small, giving the bird a focused, intense look",
+        "legs: short but muscular, ending in large webbed feet, ideal for swimming and catching prey",
+        "wings: large and broad, mostly white and highly efficient for long distance flight",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered with white feathers, connecting head to body",
+        "tail: narrow and predominantly white, assisting with balance during flight",
+        "throat: white and smooth, extending down from the beak to the bird\u2019s breast"
+    ],
+    "striped woodcreeper": [
+        "back: large and broad, usually white or light grey in color depending on the species",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pink or yellow, with a hook at the end for catching prey",
+        "belly: mostly white or grey, varies depending on the species",
+        "breast: broad and sturdy, used for flying long distances, generally white or light grey",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: flat and broad, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "eyes: positioned on each side of the head, large and dark in color for good visibility",
+        "legs: short, strong, and featherless with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: very large and slender for long-distance flight, often white and black",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, usually white or grey, with feathers that are the same as the back",
+        "tail: medium length and pointed, used for steering during flight, usually white",
+        "throat: covered in white or grey feathers, the section below the beak and before the chest"
+    ],
+    "sunda cuckoo": [
+        "back: broad and flat, covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp, often yellowish color",
+        "belly: light gray or white, slightly rounded",
+        "breast: white feathers, well-rounded",
+        "crown: top of the head, white or light gray in color",
+        "forehead: above the eyes, covered in white or light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, round shape",
+        "legs: long and skinny, webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: very long and slender, primarily used for gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, coated in light feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, light in color",
+        "throat: white or light gray, feathers gather into a point at the top of the breast"
+    ],
+    "thrush babbler": [
+        "back: broad and flat, covered in sleek white feathers for most species",
+        "beak: long, sharp and curved downwards at the tip, perfect for catching fish",
+        "belly: rounded and white, staying slim even when the bird has eaten",
+        "breast: large and rounded, covered with white, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the head, normally white, meeting the upper beak at a point",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, sloping gently back to the crown",
+        "eyes: deep, dark eyes ringed with a band of white feathers, giving a watchful expression",
+        "legs: long, thin and webbed for swimming, with a grayish or pinkish hue",
+        "wings: extraordinarily long and thin, designed for gliding over the ocean for hours",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, where white feathers turn into a speckled gray pattern",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, moving fluidly to steer in flight",
+        "throat: smooth, slim and white, leading down to the rounded breast"
+    ],
+    "tui": [
+        "back: large covered with white plumes, crucial for flight stability",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, pinkish-yellow in color, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: distinctive white color, may bulge slightly due to stored food",
+        "breast: broad and muscular for powering the long wings in flight, coated in white feathers",
+        "crown: upper part of head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: front part of the head leading to beak, also covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: relatively small, encased in a dark liner for better visibility in bright sunlight",
+        "legs: short, set far back on the body, with large webbed feet useful for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender, and pointed wings, edged with black and perfectly adapted for soaring over the ocean",
+        "nape: area at the back of the neck, linke the crown, covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped, white with black tips, useful for steering during flight",
+        "throat: part of the bird's neck, covered in white feathers, expands while eating large prey"
+    ],
+    "verreaux eagle": [
+        "back: a white or greyish white surface that forms the upper side of the albatross",
+        "beak: large, strong, and sharp-pointed, typically pink or yellow in color used for eating and preening",
+        "belly: the lower part of the body, usually white or light colored",
+        "breast: the front of the bird usually with white, fluffy feathers",
+        "crown: the top of the head, typically covered with white or light-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: area just above the beak where the feathers may be smoother and finer",
+        "eyes: large and expressive with a dark color, often focused straight forward",
+        "legs: thick and substantial, usually pink or yellow, equipped for swimming and wading",
+        "wings: long and narrow designed for hours of gliding and soaring with a white or grey color depending on the species",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, typically with white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: strong, wedge-shaped with pointers used for steering during flight, commonly white or light grey in color",
+        "throat: the underside of the bird's neck, typically white and may have a fluffy appearance"
+    ],
+    "violet crow": [
+        "back: large, covered with sleek white or grey feathers depending on the species",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, generally yellow or pink designed for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: soft, white-coloured underside, important for insulation and flight",
+        "breast: wide, muscular and round used for powerful flapping motions",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head, feathered white or grey, no significant crest",
+        "forehead: curves smoothly into the bird's beak, typically white or grey feathered",
+        "eyes: dark and relatively small, encased in a white or grey feathered eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and positioned towards the rear of the body, used primarily for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long, slender and pointed, perfectly adapted for gliding",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, feathered white or grey, connects the head to the body",
+        "tail: white, relatively short and wedge-shaped, important for steering while flying",
+        "throat: located beneath the beak, white feathered, expands when bird is feeding"
+    ],
+    "white hawk": [
+        "back: large, grey-feathered area spanning from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, hooked and sharp, tinted in a pale yellow color",
+        "belly: feathered in pure white, often visible during flight",
+        "breast: voluminous and white, contributing to the bird's large size",
+        "crown: grey feathers spreading from forehead to upper back",
+        "forehead: flat and grey, gradually meeting the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, often surrounded by grey feathers",
+        "legs: short and webbed, tinted in pale flesh-color, useful for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, primarily white with black wingtips",
+        "nape: grey feathered area of the neck, connecting the head with the body",
+        "tail: white with a small fan-shape, aids in navigation during albatross's long flights",
+        "throat: white and feathered, seamlessly blending with the bird's breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "white monjita": [
+        "back: the albatross's back is usually white or pale grey, with broad wings extending outward",
+        "beak: possessing a strong and sharp yellow bill, perfect for snatching fish and squid from the water",
+        "belly: usually light in color, the belly is large and wide to accommodate for the heavy prey the albatross consumes",
+        "breast: the breast of an albatross is usually white or pale grey, which adds to their aerodynamic shape",
+        "crown: the top part of the albatross\u2019s head, usually covered with white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: the part above the bird's eyes, generally white or grey, connecting its beak to the crown",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, black eyes, optimized for long-distance vision and hunting",
+        "legs: the legs of an albatross are short and strong, with webbed feet for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: long, narrow and predominantly white wings which are perfect for gliding and hovering over water surfaces",
+        "nape: the back part of an albatross neck, typically covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: an albatross's tail is short and wedge-shaped, aiding in steering while in flight",
+        "throat: usually white, the throat is used during the bird's unique mating dances and signal displays"
+    ],
+    "white browed robin": [
+        "back: covered with the brilliant white feathers",
+        "beak: long and sharp, with slightly upward curving tip",
+        "belly: white and rounded, gives the albatross a buoyant look",
+        "breast: covered in white feathers that helps in flying efficiency",
+        "crown: white feathery part on the top of the bird's head",
+        "forehead: also covered in white feathers, continues seamlessly from the crown",
+        "eyes: encased with a black ring which makes it distinct, color varies from light to dark brown",
+        "legs: short, powerful and are webbed to aid in swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow, adapted for long flights, with blackened tips",
+        "nape: upper back part of the bird near the neck, covered in the same white plumage",
+        "tail: white with black tip, wedge shaped which assists in steering mid-flight",
+        "throat: covered with white feathers, leaving a streamlined appearance from beak to belly"
+    ],
+    "white browed tit": [
+        "back: large and strong with white or grey shades, enabling extended flight periods",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and robust, usually pink or yellow, perfect for catching fish",
+        "belly: broad and white, designed to blend in with the ocean's surface when seen from underwater",
+        "breast: puffed out and white, adding to the bird's overall majestic appearance",
+        "crown: white or grey, feathered part on top of the bird's head",
+        "forehead: part between the beak and the crown, usually white or grey",
+        "eyes: large and dark, with excellent vision to spot fish from high in the air",
+        "legs: short, webbed, and strong, equipped for both swimming and standing on rocks",
+        "wings: long, narrow and highly aerodynamic, enabling them to soar for long distances without flapping",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, usually grey or white, connecting the head with the back",
+        "tail: long, narrow and wedge-shaped, aiding in maintaining balance during long flights",
+        "throat: white or grey, the lower part of the bird's neck"
+    ],
+    "white rumped swift": [
+        "back: mostly white in coloration, tapered towards the tail",
+        "beak: sharp, yellow-colored with hooked tip for catching fish",
+        "belly: white and soft, used in courtship dancing by some species",
+        "breast: broad and white, facilitates buoyant flight",
+        "crown: sleek, white cap-top of the head",
+        "forehead: slightly round, above the eyes and between the beak",
+        "eyes: circular and dark, situated on either side of the head for good vision",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet in blue or pink hues for swimming and wading",
+        "wings: extremely long and thin, known for impressive wingspan for gliding",
+        "nape: area behind the neck, covered in sleek white feathers",
+        "tail: pointed and white, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: located below the beak, often swollen during mating calls"
+    ],
+    "white tailed shrike": [
+        "back: covered in white feathers, stretches from neck to tail, rounded form for aerodynamics",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked with a pinkish hue, designed for catching and eating fish",
+        "belly: soft, white feathers for insulation, more voluminous to aid buoyancy in water",
+        "breast: a large prominent area covered in soft, white feathers, allows for air storage during flight",
+        "crown: top of the head covered in white feathers, vital role in body temperature regulation",
+        "forehead: white-feathered and broad, essential for visibility and temperature regulation",
+        "eyes: large and dark, set on each side of the head, provide a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short, pink or blue-grey, powerful and webbed for swimming and landing",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow and pointed, designed for extended periods of gliding",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, covered in white feathers, acts as a cushion during rest",
+        "tail: white, fan-shaped for steering during long flights",
+        "throat: bare part underneath the beak, stretching down to the breast, used for communication and swallowing food"
+    ],
+    "white throated robin": [
+        "back: large area from the neck to the tailfeathers, usually covered with whitish or light gray plumage",
+        "beak: long and pointed, often used to catch fish and squid, with two tubes on top for excreting excess salt",
+        "belly: white or light-colored underside, extending from the breast to where the tail feathers begin",
+        "breast: large, plump area under the neck with pale feathers, works in conjunction with wings during flight",
+        "crown: top of the head, usually covered in white or light-colored plumage",
+        "forehead: area right above the eyes up to the base of the beak, often shows characteristics of the specific species",
+        "eyes: sharp and intense, located on both sides of the head, necessary for spotting prey from high altitudes",
+        "legs: short and with webbed feet for swimming, positioned far back on the body which assists in swimming but makes walking difficult",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, facilitating dynamic soaring and gliding long distances without flapping",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered with light-colored feathers, quite stout due to the strength required for long-distance flight",
+        "tail: contains short, stiff tail feathers that assist in steering and stabilization during flight, usually sharply pointed or wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: below the beak and above the breast, light-colored and sometimes showcasing a 'chinstrap' marking"
+    ],
+    "whitehead": [
+        "back: a smooth plane of white feathers stretching from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellow-tipped for catching fish",
+        "belly: white and lightly feathered, tapering towards the tail",
+        "breast: broad and robust, covered in brilliant white plumage",
+        "crown: the top of the head, often slightly raised, covered in crisp white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, slopes down towards the beak",
+        "eyes: large and black, with a keen, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: short and tucked under in flight, with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long and narrow, adapted to soaring on wind currents, mostly white with black wingtips",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, thickly feathered in white",
+        "tail: thin and straight, white with black edges for precision steering",
+        "throat: white and slender, leading down to the bird\u2019s chest"
+    ],
+    "yellow grosbeak": [
+        "back: a broad expanse of white feathers, strong and sturdy",
+        "beak: long, slender, and pink-hued, perfect for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and rounded, a shield for internal organs",
+        "breast: full and white, puffing out when the bird is in flight",
+        "crown: covered in white feathers, representing the top of the bird's head",
+        "forehead: prominent and white, leading to the slender beak",
+        "eyes: beady and black, a stark contrast to its white feathers",
+        "legs: long, webbed, and gray, perfect for both flying and swimming",
+        "wings: impressive in span, primarily white with black tips for aerodynamics",
+        "nape: connection point of the bird's head and body, covered by sleek white feathers",
+        "tail: white feathers arranged in a wedge shape, used for steering mid-flight",
+        "throat: white and smooth, the starting point of the bird's digestive system"
+    ],
+    "yellow faced parrot": [
+        "back: rounded and wide, mostly pure crisp white in color",
+        "beak: long, curved downwards, typically light yellow with a sharp tip for catching fish",
+        "belly: predominantly white in color, flattens as it extends to the tail",
+        "breast: large and wide, white in color, leading to the belly",
+        "crown: softly rounded, covered with pale-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: white in color, seamlessly extending to the beak",
+        "eyes: generally small, hearty dark in color contrasting against the white face",
+        "legs: webbed for their oceanic lifestyle, grey-blue in color",
+        "wings: long, broad, and pointed for gliding over the ocean, a mix of white and dark feathers",
+        "nape: white in color, transitioning smoothly from the crown to the back",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, provides balance during flight",
+        "throat: white colored, rounded and continues to the belly"
+    ],
+    "grey headed tanager": [
+        "back: smooth and whitish-gray extending to the wings",
+        "beak: long, strong, and sharply hooked in pinkish color",
+        "belly: predominantly white and unstreaked",
+        "breast: white seamlessly blending with the belly",
+        "crown: uniformly white extending to the nape",
+        "forehead: bright white, smoothly connecting with the bird's eyes",
+        "eyes: small and black, possessing an intense gaze",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, dark pink with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: long, slender, and black on the tip, enabling long-distance flight",
+        "nape: continuous with the crown, featuring the same white color",
+        "tail: white, long, and wedge-shaped assisting in steering during flight",
+        "throat: white and sleek, blending with the bird's breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "western marsh harrier": [
+        "back: large, sleek surface area feathered primarily with white plumage",
+        "beak: long, narrow, and sharp, with a grey on top and yellow-orange on bottom",
+        "belly: streamlined and rounded, featuring soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: broad, white, sturdy which allows for efficient flight",
+        "crown: top part of the head, covered in white feathers matching the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: just above the eyes, slightly raised, and donning brighter white feathers",
+        "eyes: small, deep-set and dark brown almost black, giving a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short, and ovular webbed, feet in pink color for easy swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long with black plumage on the tips, designed for long-distance gliding",
+        "nape: at the back of the neck, curved to allow easy rotation of the head, covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: wide, long and white with a fan-like shape, played a role in navigation and balance during flight",
+        "throat: covered in white feathers, capable of stretching when the bird is hunting or eating"
+    ],
+    "northern crested caracara": [
+        "back: smooth and streamlined, usually colored white in most species of albatross",
+        "beak: sharp and hooked, with a pinkish hue or a yellow color, depending on the species",
+        "belly: wide and round, with white or light-colored feathers",
+        "breast: light-colored, usually white, feathers that help in camouflage",
+        "crown: top part of the head, covered in white or greyish feathers",
+        "forehead: usually overlaid with white or grey feathers and connects to the beak",
+        "eyes: positioned on each side of the face, a piercing gaze with dark colors",
+        "legs: strong and stocky, adapted for swimming and walking on rocky terrains, usually pink or grey",
+        "wings: long and thin, perfect for gliding through the air, white or dark wings with black or grey wingtips",
+        "nape: back of the neck, adorned with white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and broad, used for steering during flight, typically white with black tips at the end",
+        "throat: the underside of the beak, usually white or slightly pink"
+    ],
+    "european nightjar": [
+        "back: large feather covered area, mostly white in color fading to a light brown at the wings",
+        "beak: long and sharp, yellow colored mainly used for catching prey",
+        "belly: predominantly white in color, rounded in shape with many feathers",
+        "breast: bulky, white in color and feather-covered, used for aiding in flight and insulation",
+        "crown: the top of the head, often white like most of the bird with a smooth gradient of grey and brown towards the beak",
+        "forehead: the area just above the eyes, as with the crown, is usually white but transitions to grey or brown towards the beak",
+        "eyes: small, sharp and sit on either side of the head, colored black to provide contrast with the predominantly white head",
+        "legs: short, used for landing and taking off, webbed feet for swimming, of a grey or light blue color",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, used for gliding across the ocean for extended periods, primarily white with black or brown tips",
+        "nape: region at the back of the neck, covered in white feathers and provides a smooth transition to the back",
+        "tail: white, fan-like and used for steering during flight. occasionally has black or grey feathers at the edge",
+        "throat: white plumage underneath the beak, often expands when the bird is calling or feeding"
+    ],
+    "european rock pipit": [
+        "back: a broad, flat surface covered with white feathers and is the main support structure for wings",
+        "beak: long, sharp, hook-tipped and pale yellow in color for catching and eating fish and squid",
+        "belly: soft, rounded underside featuring dense white feathers",
+        "breast: large, expansive area covered with white plumage, lending to the albatross's powerful flying ability",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head between the beak and neck, covered by white feathers",
+        "forehead: part above the eyes and below the crown, pale in color and covered in fine white feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and encircled by a thin ring of black feathers, showing keen sight for hunting",
+        "legs: short, strong and gray in color, used for landing, standing and swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, mostly white with black tips, aiding in their long-distance gliding",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, covered in white feathers providing insulation and protection",
+        "tail: white, elongated and wedge-shaped, crucial for steering during flight",
+        "throat: extended, white feathered area from the base of the beak to the breast, vital for vocalization and eating"
+    ],
+    "lucifer sheartail": [
+        "back: large, flat region that is covered with white feathers for most albatross species",
+        "beak: hooked at the tip with sharp edges, designed for capturing fish and squid, it's often grayish-yellow in color",
+        "belly: usually covered in white feathers, rather soft and portion of the body between the breast and legs",
+        "breast: large, strong and covered in feathers, designed to provide wind lift during flight",
+        "crown: the top of the head which is usually covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: located between the bird's beak and crown, feathered and white in many albatross species",
+        "eyes: situated on the sides of their head, relatively large and dark, used for sharp vision during hunting",
+        "legs: short, powerful, webbed and adapted for swimming; located at the lower end of the bird's body",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, aids in the unique 'gliding' flight technique of the albatross",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in white feathers for most albatross species",
+        "tail: long and narrow, used for balance, steering and braking when flying or landing, often white in color",
+        "throat: white-colored feathered part under the beak, used for vocalizing and ingesting food"
+    ],
+    "slate throated whitestart": [
+        "back: a broad and strong back covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp and light pink beak with a hooked tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: large white belly which aids in flight due to its buoyancy",
+        "breast: broad and robust white breast especially adapted for long flights",
+        "crown: white crown, forming part of the head, lined with neat rows of feathers",
+        "forehead: a white forehead that curves into the beak seamlessly",
+        "eyes: small, piercing eyes with sharp eyesight for hunting, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong legs with webbed feet for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: extremely wide wingspan with black fringed feathers, designed for soaring over oceans",
+        "nape: white nape forming the back of the bird\u2019s neck, providing support to the head",
+        "tail: short, white tail with tapering feathers aiding in changing direction during flight",
+        "throat: white throat, continuation of the bird\u2019s underparts, slightly narrower than the belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "pauraque": [
+        "back: broad and sturdy that supports large wings, typically covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: hooked and sharp, colored yellowish-orange for catching and handling prey",
+        "belly: slightly bulging and white in color, designed for storing food during long flights",
+        "breast: wide and muscular, covered in white feathers, aids in powerful wing movements",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head usually covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, seamlessly transitioning into the beak",
+        "eyes: round and observant, portraying a sense of intelligence and alertness",
+        "legs: short, robust, and usually webbed for effective swimming, colored gray",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slender, usually black at the tips, enabling efficient soaring and gliding",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, usually white, connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: typically white with black edges, wedge-shaped for precise steering during flight",
+        "throat: smooth and white, extending from the chin to the breast"
+    ],
+    "southern grey headed sparrow": [
+        "back: large, mostly white with spots of black depending on the type of albatross",
+        "beak: a long and strong beak in pink, yellow, or orange shades, with a slight hook at the tip",
+        "belly: white and large, to maintain balance during flights",
+        "breast: robust and white, suits their body weight and size",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, usually white in color with possible black or grey streaks",
+        "forehead: above the beak, white but might have light gray or black marking depending on the albatross type",
+        "eyes: round and black, placed on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and stout, generally light pink or cream in color with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely large and long, black and white in color, designed for gliding and long-distance flying",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, usually the same color as the back or slightly lighter",
+        "tail: white, relatively short but wide and slightly forked, helps to steer while flying",
+        "throat: large and white, expands when the albatross is feeding on fish or squid"
+    ],
+    "green wood hoopoe": [
+        "back: wide and flat, covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "beak: long, hooked point, ideal for catching and holding onto fish",
+        "belly: large and round, typically white in color",
+        "breast: robust and wide, often white or light-colored feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, often white with some darker feathers",
+        "forehead: situated above the beak, and often lighter in color than the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: small and dark, positioned on either side of the beak",
+        "legs: short and strong, used for catching prey and perching on rocks",
+        "wings: huge and broad, allowing for long-distance flights without needing to flap frequently",
+        "nape: back of the neck, often covered in white or light gray feathers",
+        "tail: long and slender, feathers arranged in a fan shape",
+        "throat: wide, typically covered in white feathers"
+    ],
+    "pampa finch": [
+        "back: large, flat area covering most of the upper part of the bird, typically white or light grey in color",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hook-shaped at the end primarily used for catching fish; colored yellowish-pink",
+        "belly: the underpart of the bird's body, usually white or pale, streamlined for efficient flight",
+        "breast: front part of the bird's body, typically white and puffed for insulation and buoyancy",
+        "crown: the top part of the bird's head, often with a smooth feather pattern",
+        "forehead: positioned just above the beak, it is a flat, rounded area on the bird's head, with uniform color and feathers",
+        "eyes: relatively small, located on the sides of the head with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and strong, with fully webbed feet adapted for swimming and wading; usually pink or pale colored",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, adapted for soaring and spending long periods in flight, typically a mix of white and dark colors",
+        "nape: back of the bird's neck, where head connects to the body. usually white, it supports the relatively small head",
+        "tail: used for steering while flying, it is wedge-shaped and white in color with black edges",
+        "throat: lower part of bird\u2019s head just before the chest area, usually white and part of the bird's streamlined aerodynamic shape"
+    ],
+    "lesser grey shrike": [
+        "back: the sturdy, white exterior feathers that act as a protective layer for the albatross",
+        "beak: a long and sharp tool, often a light golden-yellow in color, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white in color, it's the lower part of the bird\u2019s body between its legs and under its wings",
+        "breast: a plump and muscular part on the front of bird's body covered with mainly white feathers",
+        "crown: the top part of the albatross's head, often covered in white or light grey feathers",
+        "forehead: the upper part of the face above the eyes and beak, generally has a light, white coloration",
+        "eyes: dark and round, they provide the bird with a strong vision for hunting prey from high altitude",
+        "legs: short relative to the body and strong, they have webbed feet that help in swimming and landing delicately",
+        "wings: very wide, long, and primarily white, allowing the albatross to glide for extensive periods without flapping",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, usually covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "tail: made up of strong feathers, white or grey, helps in steering while the bird is in flight",
+        "throat: the lower front part of bird\u2019s neck, tends to be white, used for swallowing food and producing sounds"
+    ],
+    "common emerald dove": [
+        "back: the albatross back is a smooth canvas of light grey or white feathers, sleek and supportive",
+        "beak: an albatross's beak is long, slender, and hook-tipped, colored in hues of orange or yellow, often equipped with sharp edges",
+        "belly: the bird's belly is white or light gray, coated with fluffy, downy feathers for insulation",
+        "breast: the albatross's breast area is voluminous, displaying white or grey plumage",
+        "crown: a bird's crown is the area atop its head, typically covered in the same white or light grey feathers as the rest of its body",
+        "forehead: the forehead, just above the beak, usually similar in coloration to the rest of the bird's face, typically characterized by light grey or white feathers",
+        "eyes: albatross's eyes are small and often dark, surrounded by a sleek feather pattern, giving a sharp, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: the legs of an albatross are short yet strong, colored in hues of yellow or pink which supports its massive body",
+        "wings: the albatross has expansive, soaring wings with a wide wingspan, often appearing near-black on top with white underneath, used for their signature gliding flight",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, is often coated in light gray or white feathers that blend seamlessly into the bird's back",
+        "tail: the tail of an albatross is short and wedge-shaped, often white, which aids them in navigating their oceanic habitat",
+        "throat: an albatross's throat generally matches its belly and breast in coloration \u2013 white or gray, visible when the bird calls or feeds"
+    ],
+    "grey shrikethrush": [
+        "back: large, flat surface usually in shades of white and gray",
+        "beak: long, curved, and sharpened at the tip with a yellow-orange color",
+        "belly: the underside of the bird, typically white and rounded",
+        "breast: front part of the bird, typically white with great muscular structure for flight",
+        "crown: top part of the head usually covered with short white feathers",
+        "forehead: the area between the beak and crown, lighter in color and features shorter, denser feathers",
+        "eyes: relatively small, black, and situated on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short, sturdy legs with massive pinkish webbed feet for water landings",
+        "wings: incredibly large and strong, primarily white with black tips on the flight feathers and typically span 9-10 feet",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, covered with slightly longer, white feathers",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped with black edges at the far end used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: the lower frontal part of the neck, often white with a more smooth texture than the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "grey butcherbird": [
+        "back: a strong, streamlined back covered in white feathers for most species",
+        "beak: long and angular often yellow or pink, used for catching fish",
+        "belly: a sleek, white or light-colored underbelly aiding in camouflaging while flying above water",
+        "breast: robust and white, aids in flight maneuverability",
+        "crown: the top of the head, sometimes with a slight crest, typically white or light-colored",
+        "forehead: a broad white forehead in line with the bird's beak",
+        "eyes: bright, sharp eyes, usually dark colored, set in the middle of the head",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet designed for swimming, usually pink or yellow",
+        "wings: very long, narrow and pointed wings, often black-tipped, which allow for sustained, energy-efficient flight",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, usually covered in white or light-colored feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, often white with black at the tips, helps with steering during flight",
+        "throat: part of the bird's underparts, usually white or lightly colored, narrowing to join the belly"
+    ],
+    "common moorhen": [
+        "back: large and sleek, it's covered in white feathers in most albatross species",
+        "beak: strong and sharp, it is usually pink or yellow, perfect for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: light-colored and streamlined, it helps with staying afloat on the water surface",
+        "breast: broad and robust, it is covered with heavy plumage which aids in flight",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually white or light grey, it has an elegant streamlined shape",
+        "forehead: continuation of the crown, usually white or light grey, characterizes the bird's distinct profile",
+        "eyes: bright, with a contemplative look, usually encircled by dark feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong, and equipped with webbed feet, these serve for swift and efficient swimming",
+        "wings: long and slender, specially adapted for gliding over the ocean for long periods",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, usually lined with fine white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "tail: made up of stiff feathers, which are usually white and helps the bird steer while flying",
+        "throat: covered with white or light grey feathers; it swells when the bird vocalizes or eats"
+    ],
+    "grey treepie": [
+        "back: large and flat, usually covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, pointed and curved downwards, often in a light pink or yellow color",
+        "belly: sleek and white, optimized for smooth flight and floating on water",
+        "breast: voluminous and white, aiding in buoyancy and flight",
+        "crown: the top of the head, normally covered with white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: above the beak, usually white or light grey, rounded in shape",
+        "eyes: large and dark, often with a patch of white or dark feathers surrounding them",
+        "legs: short and webbed, pink to grey in color, used for swimming and standing on land",
+        "wings: exceptionally long, slender and angular, used for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, generally bearing white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, slim and white, providing balance in flight",
+        "throat: normally white or light grey, located beneath the beak and before the breast"
+    ],
+    "greater crested tern": [
+        "back: the back part is large and sleek, primarily color of white with some light grey spots",
+        "beak: the beak is long, strong and hooked, colored yellow with a strip of pink, ideal for catching fish",
+        "belly: it has a whitish belly, contributing to a pale overall appearance",
+        "breast: the bird's breast is predominantly white, blending seamlessly with the belly",
+        "crown: the crown on the albatross's head is slightly peaked and white with faint grey streaks",
+        "forehead: the forehead is large and white, giving the bird an intelligent appearance",
+        "eyes: albatross's eyes are encircled by a black ring, with a white color that contrasts nicely with the rest of the body",
+        "legs: the legs are relatively short, swathed in scales, and end in webbed feet fit for a life at sea",
+        "wings: as gliding birds, albatross have extremely long and narrow wings with black edges, assisting with their stamina in long flights",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, is white tinged with light grey spots, complementing the overall body color",
+        "tail: the tail is wedge-shaped and short, primarily white with the underside shaded black, aiding in steering during flight",
+        "throat: the throat is faintly pink, transitioning smoothly to the white of the bird's lower parts"
+    ],
+    "european green woodpecker": [
+        "back: white-colored with feathered covering, tapering towards the tail",
+        "beak: edged in grey and hook-tipped for catching fish, with a pinkish-yellow color",
+        "belly: broad and white, offering a contrast against the water while in flight",
+        "breast: white-colored, puffed out, helps the bird with buoyancy and flight",
+        "crown: white-colored crest at the top of the head, adds to the bird's distinct outline",
+        "forehead: broad and white, slopes smoothly into the beak, often matching the color of the crown",
+        "eyes: deep-set and dark-colored, their sharpness aids in hunting",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey, webbed, and sturdy for both swimming and walking on land",
+        "wings: black-tipped, broad, and long, efficient for gliding and soaring great distances with minimal effort",
+        "nape: white-feathered area on the back of the neck, connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped, and long for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white with a slightly fluffy look, helps in the bird's distinctive call"
+    ],
+    "blue throated mountaingem": [
+        "back: large, sturdy back with white or light-colored feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp hooked beak perfect for catching and holding prey",
+        "belly: white or gray underbelly, often blending seamlessly with the breast",
+        "breast: plumaged white or grey, puffed out and sturdy to allow for strong flight",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually carries the same white or gray coloration as the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: the area above the beak, usually white or gray like the rest of the head, leading up to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round eyes on each side of the head, showing good vision",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with webbed feet for effective swimming and landing on water",
+        "wings: extremely broad and long, well-feathered wings designed for long-distance flying",
+        "nape: back of the neck, blending effortlessly with the bird's back and head, typically covered in white or light gray feathers",
+        "tail: white or gray, narrow and often noticeably pointed, helps in steering during flight",
+        "throat: lightly colored area beneath the beak, leading down to the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "nene": [
+        "back: large and solid, covered in smooth, white feathers with some light black markings",
+        "beak: hooked and sharp, yellow-pink color to catch and tear fish",
+        "belly: wide and rounded, usually white in color for camouflage from predators",
+        "breast: bulky and broad, covered in white feathers that assist with flight",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white feathers, often blends with the neck",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, aligning with the rest of the head in terms of color and makeup",
+        "eyes: round and large, with a black color that stands out against the white feathers",
+        "legs: long and thin, webbed feet help with swimming and catching fish, distinctive pink color",
+        "wings: extremely long, slender and aerodynamic providing excellent conditions for gliding on air currents, black on the edges and white underneath",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in white feathers that blend with both the head and back",
+        "tail: streamlined, wedge-shaped, assisting with steering in flight, has black and white pattern",
+        "throat: covered in white feathers, just like the breast, smooth and streamlined"
+    ],
+    "grey warbler": [
+        "back: it has a large, sturdy back typically covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved beak with a hook at the end for catching fish, usually colored light pink or yellow",
+        "belly: white and large-sized belly that aids in fat storage for long flights",
+        "breast: white and strong breast feathers providing aerodynamic benefits",
+        "crown: the top portion of the head that is white and rounded, covered in soft feathers",
+        "forehead: slight bulge above the beak, covered with white feathers matching the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, small eyes on the sides for better peripheral view",
+        "legs: thin, webbed feet for better swimming, usually pink or yellow",
+        "wings: massive wingspan, the longest of any bird's, with black tips useful for soaring over oceans",
+        "nape: the back of the neck is usually white, connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped useful for maneuvering high speed flights",
+        "throat: generally white pouch useful when fishing or communicating with other albatrosses"
+    ],
+    "red billed teal": [
+        "back: large, snowy white spreading across the upper body, fading into grey on wings",
+        "beak: long, sharp and hooked at end, ideal for oceanic feeding, usually yellowish or pinkish",
+        "belly: creamy white in color providing a soothing contrast with the grey wings",
+        "breast: wide and robust white feathers perfect for withstanding strong winds",
+        "crown: smooth white plumage that extends from the beak to the back of the neck",
+        "forehead: also white, seamlessly blending with the rest of the head",
+        "eyes: expressive and bead-like, often dark in color, surrounded by a patch of bare skin",
+        "legs: short and webbed, excellent for swimming, grayish or pinkish in hue",
+        "wings: dominant feature of the albatross. long, flexible and grey to black, used to glide on ocean winds",
+        "nape: the back of the neck is white, often leading into a grey area where the color starts to change",
+        "tail: elongated and white, usually with grey or black coloring at the very end",
+        "throat: white, with a significant gullet pouch which is used for storing food"
+    ],
+    "yellow olive flatbill": [
+        "back: wide and flat, covered in neatly arranged feathers, provides stability in flight",
+        "beak: robust, sharp, and hooked, ideal for catching fish and squid, typically yellowish",
+        "belly: white or light grey feathers covering the lower portion of the body",
+        "breast: white or cream-colored, robust and muscular for powerful wing thrusts",
+        "crown: white or light grey feathers cover the top of the head, slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: slightly protruding, covered with white or light grey feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, usually dark in color, providing exceptional vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, usually pink or brown with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and straight, providing the ability for long-duration flights",
+        "nape: back of the neck, featuring light grey or white feathers",
+        "tail: white or grey, wedge-shaped, used for steering and braking in flight",
+        "throat: white or grey, connecting the beak to the breast, essential for swallowing food"
+    ],
+    "grey cowled wood rail": [
+        "back: white color, often with some shades of pale grey or cream, with a smooth and feathered texture",
+        "beak: long and pointed, pale flesh color with a prominent hook at the tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and smooth, rounded shape giving a robust appearance",
+        "breast: pale, often white-colored plumage with a slight creamy tinge",
+        "crown: white or light grey, the top-part of the head where feathers may stand up slightly",
+        "forehead: pale, flat, forms the front part of the bird\u2019s head above the eyes",
+        "eyes: positioned on the sides of the head, round in shape with dark-colored irises",
+        "legs: webbed for efficient swimming, grey or black, relatively short in comparison to the body size",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slender, powerfully built, back color on top, and white underneath",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, has white or grey feathery plumage",
+        "tail: white and pointed, moderately short, helps in steering during flight",
+        "throat: white and feathered part below the beak, forming the front part of the bird's neck"
+    ],
+    "greylag goose": [
+        "back: large, flat area in white or dark hues spanning from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long and strong, curving downward at tip, ideal for snatching fish from water",
+        "belly: mostly white, full and round, aids buoyancy while swimming",
+        "breast: broad and powerful, supporting strong flight muscles",
+        "crown: top of the head, predominantly white, with fuzzy feathers",
+        "forehead: usually white or light colored, leading to the bird's beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, giving sharp gaze, encased in surrounding feathers",
+        "legs: short and webbed, adapted for swimming and wading, with pink, blue or black hue",
+        "wings: vast, slender and long, designed for gliding and soaring, with a wingspan of up to 11 feet",
+        "nape: back of the neck, often white or light grey, transitions smoothly to the back",
+        "tail: narrow and wedge-shaped, used for steering during flight, primarily white",
+        "throat: white and smooth, often elongates while calling or flying"
+    ],
+    "bluish grey saltator": [
+        "back: snowy white coloration extending to the wings, providing aerodynamic shape",
+        "beak: long, hooked, pale pinkish-yellow beak used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white, lighter in color compared to back, stretches down to the tail",
+        "breast: large and white, merges seamlessly with the belly and underwing",
+        "crown: white and smooth, seamlessly melds into the neck and back",
+        "forehead: white and broad, extending from the beak to the crown",
+        "eyes: enclosed in a black eye ring, displays a sharp and keen gaze",
+        "legs: short and webbed, colored in a bluish-grey shade, essential for swimming",
+        "wings: long and white, slender with dark tips, perfect for long, gliding flights",
+        "nape: white, connects the back and the head, often moving while flying",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped helps with steering during flight",
+        "throat: white and smooth, stretches down to the chest area"
+    ],
+    "grey fantail": [
+        "back: the back of the albatross is predominantly white in most species, forming a stark contrast to its darker wings",
+        "beak: albatrosses have large, strong, hooked beaks for catching and holding their prey, often octopuses and squid",
+        "belly: their bellies are white and provide camouflage when they are flying over the water",
+        "breast: the breast is large, muscular, and white, enabling them to fly long distances",
+        "crown: the crown or the top part of their head is characterized by white or black feathers depending on the species",
+        "forehead: the forehead is typically covered in white or cream-colored feathers, forming a continuation of the bird's overall color scheme",
+        "eyes: albatross eyes are often circled by a ring of darker feathers, and their sharp vision allows them to spot prey from high in the air",
+        "legs: their legs are short and strong with webbed feet that are perfectly adapted for swimming and landing on the sea's surface",
+        "wings: albatross wings are exceptionally long and narrow, allowing them to soar for hours without flapping. they are typically dark on top and white beneath",
+        "nape: the nape or the back of their neck is generally white or gray, blending in with the color of their back",
+        "tail: the tail of an albatross is generally short and wedge-shaped, and it plays a crucial role in steering during flight",
+        "throat: an albatross's throat is white, and it has a pouch that is used to carry food back to its chicks"
+    ],
+    "rufous backed thrush": [
+        "back: a large, overall white section of the albatross, spanning from the base of the neck to the tail",
+        "beak: a long, slightly upturned, sharp-edged beak used for catching fish, often yellow or pink",
+        "belly: the lower front part of the bird that is usually a lighter white or grey color",
+        "breast: the front chest area just below the neck, often lighter like the belly in coloring",
+        "crown: top head area of the albatross, generally covered by white or lightly colored feathers",
+        "forehead: the area above the eyes and beak, slightly higher and more prominent than in other birds",
+        "eyes: large piercing eyes, usually dark colored, situated on either side of the head",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, mostly hidden when the bird is in flight, feet are webbed for better movement in water",
+        "wings: extremely long, narrow wings made for gliding long distances, often with black or grey tips",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, covered with white or lightly colored feathers",
+        "tail: proportionally short and often fan-shaped, used for steering during flight, typically a white or light color",
+        "throat: the front part of the bird's neck, usually covered in feathers of a lighter color, leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "grey francolin": [
+        "back: large, flat with white colored feathers spanning across",
+        "beak: long, slender and sharp-tipped in a yellowish hue",
+        "belly: large and white, sits between the legs in a rounded shape",
+        "breast: broad and white, slopes down towards the belly",
+        "crown: top of the head displaying white plumage",
+        "forehead: white, slopes smoothly into the beak",
+        "eyes: small and circular, black in color with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short, pinkish in color and end in webbed feet for aquatic navigation",
+        "wings: extremely long and wide, primarily white with black tips, suited for long distance flight",
+        "nape: back of the neck, coated in thick, white plumage",
+        "tail: narrow and wedge-shaped, ends in black feathers",
+        "throat: white, found immediately below the beak, a bit softer in texture"
+    ],
+    "grey headed gull": [
+        "back: wide, strong back covered in white or slightly gray feathers",
+        "beak: large, pointed beak, usually pale yellow or pink, used for catching food",
+        "belly: large, round belly covered in white feathers",
+        "breast: rounded breast with thick layer of white feathers for insulation",
+        "crown: top of the head, often covered in smooth, white feathers",
+        "forehead: area above the eyes and beak, covered in white or slightly gray feathers",
+        "eyes: small, piercing eyes with a sharp gaze, often dark colored",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with webbed feet for easy swimming",
+        "wings: large, long wings, span can reach up to 11 feet, primarily used for gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered with white or light grey feathers",
+        "tail: short, white tail feathers, used for steering while flying",
+        "throat: part of the bird beneath the beak, usually white or light colored"
+    ],
+    "australian wood duck": [
+        "back: solid white and slightly rounded, giving the bird an overall streamlined shape",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and light pink with a hooked tip that aids in catching prey",
+        "belly: flat and smooth, pure white complementing the whole white body",
+        "breast: gleaming white feathered area that connects the bird's neck and belly",
+        "crown: top of the head covered in soft, dense white feathers",
+        "forehead: the white area above the eyes that slightly slopes towards the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black and located on either side of the head, providing a wide field of view",
+        "legs: short, webbed with pale pink hue, designed for powerful swimming",
+        "wings: spanning up to 3.5 meters, elongated and narrow, white with dark edges",
+        "nape: connects the head and back, covered in white feathers, slightly round",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, aids in navigation and balance during flights",
+        "throat: found underneath the beak, white and broad, leading to the rounded breast"
+    ],
+    "eurasian whimbrel": [
+        "back: large, broad, and covered with white feathers in most species",
+        "beak: long and sharp, with a hooked tip, usually yellow or pink in color",
+        "belly: wide and rounded, covered in soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: chunky and white, providing good insulation in cold environments",
+        "crown: top of the head, typically white in color with smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: wide, rounded area above the beak, normally white or light in color",
+        "eyes: small, circular and black, located on each side of the head, provide excellent vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, usually pink or grey, ending in three webbed toes to aid in swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slim, optimal for gliding over the ocean's surface",
+        "nape: rear part of the bird's neck, white or light-colored feathers leading to the back",
+        "tail: narrow and relatively short compared to wing span, white or gray feathers, enables great maneuverability in flight",
+        "throat: light colored, usually whitish feathered area, stretching from the lower beak down to the chest"
+    ],
+    "grey headed swamphen": [
+        "back: covers the prominent upper body area, mostly white in color with some smooth feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked at the end with a slight pinkish color, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: large and white, camouflages the bird against the sky when viewed from below",
+        "breast: broad and white, provides buoyancy in water",
+        "crown: the top of the head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: wide and white, often speckled with some black feathers, located just below the crown and above the eyes",
+        "eyes: bright, sharp, and slightly on the side of the head, with a black color, for a wide field of vision over seas",
+        "legs: short, strong, but mostly hidden in flight, with fully webbed, pinkish feet for efficient swimming and walking on land",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, generally white with black tips, allow for efficient long-distance gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, white and generally smoothly feathered",
+        "tail: long and white, often split in the middle into two, aids in steering during flight",
+        "throat: located under the beak, white in color, expands during vocalization or when the bird is excited"
+    ],
+    "pied bush chat": [
+        "back: a large surface area covered in white or light grey plumage",
+        "beak: long, hooked top with a sharp tip, usually colored yellow or pink",
+        "belly: broad and rounded, covered in white feathers",
+        "breast: large and white-feathered, aiding in flight",
+        "crown: top of head, typically white with some birds having a grey or light brown hue",
+        "forehead: wide, white-plumaged region just above the beak",
+        "eyes: small and round with dark pigmentation",
+        "legs: short and typically hidden when in flight, with webbed feet for seamless ocean landings",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slender with black tips. ideal for gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, usually grey or white in color",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white feathers with black at the tip",
+        "throat: white or lightly colored area below the beak"
+    ],
+    "grey breasted martin": [
+        "back: large and sturdy, covered in white or grey feathers depending on the species",
+        "beak: long and hooked at the end, perfect for catching fish, shrimp, squid and other marine creatures",
+        "belly: wide and rounded, usually covered in white feathers",
+        "breast: robust and muscular, necessary for powerful flight, coated with fluffy white feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white or grey feathers matching the rest of the body",
+        "forehead: broad and flat, leads into the beak, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark, surrounded by a thin ring of feather-less skin giving them a sharp, alert appearance",
+        "legs: short and strong, designed for swimming, with fully-webbed feet",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, optimized for gliding and making albatross one of the largest wingspan bird in the world",
+        "nape: back of the neck, typically covered in white or grey feathers depending on the species",
+        "tail: usually white, with a distinct wedge shape, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: often a lighter color than the rest of the body, connects the beak to the belly"
+    ],
+    "grey go away bird": [
+        "back: feathered with white and black hues, forms the main body of the bird",
+        "beak: curved, strong and mainly pale yellow in color, used for feeding and preening",
+        "belly: white, broad and soft part located underneath the bird",
+        "breast: padded front area covered with white feathers, provides vital organ protection",
+        "crown: the peak of the head covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: area between the top of the beak and the crown, may bear a slight indentation",
+        "eyes: set on either side of the head, equipped with a protective membrane for flying at high speeds",
+        "legs: fairly short for its body size, colored dull grey, and used for walking and swimming",
+        "wings: long, narrow and primarily black with white edges, can span up to 11 feet for gliding",
+        "nape: backside of the neck, connecting to the back, and primarily white in color",
+        "tail: long, narrow and wedge-shaped, bearing white and black feathers, and used for steering while flying",
+        "throat: segment under the beak and towards the chest, generally white with a possible hint of peach"
+    ],
+    "grey heron": [
+        "back: a large expanse of white feathers extending over the entire upper body",
+        "beak: long and hooked, typically yellowish with dark tips",
+        "belly: white feathers covering the lower front part of the body",
+        "breast: smooth white feathers across the chest area",
+        "crown: the top of the head is covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: often white colored and visually connects the crown and beak",
+        "eyes: dark round eyes with a keen, intense gaze",
+        "legs: short, webbed and pinkish in color, used for swimming and wading",
+        "wings: extremely wide, black-tipped wings designed for long-distance gliding",
+        "nape: the back part of the neck, white covered with feathers",
+        "tail: white, broad, and short for stability during flight and often with black edges",
+        "throat: feathers are white, connects the beak to the breast"
+    ],
+    "woodlark": [
+        "back: long and broad, covered in white feathers for white albatrosses or darker shades for other species",
+        "beak: long, hooked at the end, yellow in color for most species, used for catching fish and squids",
+        "belly: white, fluffy underneath, providing insulation while the bird is on water",
+        "breast: broad and strong that provides support for wings during long flights",
+        "crown: the top of the head, white or darker toned depending on the species",
+        "forehead: slightly raised, covered in matching feathers with the crown, gives the characteristic 'proud' look of the albatross",
+        "eyes: circular, large, black or dark brown, provide excellent vision for locating food in vast oceans",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet, usually pale in color, for swimming and wading rather than walking",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, adapted for dynamic soaring, covered with white, brown, or black feathers depending on species",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, generally same color as the back, connecting the bird's head and back",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped and usually short, helpful for steering and maintaining balance during flight",
+        "throat: underneath the beak, usually white in color, expands while calling or feeding"
+    ],
+    "bush stone curlew": [
+        "back: broad and strong upper body part, covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and yellowish, the beak of an albatross is designed for catching prey",
+        "belly: soft underpart, coated with white down feathers",
+        "breast: large and robust, housing the vital organs of the bird",
+        "crown: the top of the head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: above the beak, narrow and coated in white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, black, and ringed with white, the albatross has keen eyesight for spotting food",
+        "legs: short with webbed feet, perfect for swimming and waddling on land",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and powerful, their wings are designed for long-distance flight",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, where head meets body, is covered in white down feathers",
+        "tail: short and wide, providing stability and control in the air",
+        "throat: white feathers located below the beak, connected to the belly"
+    ],
+    "black throated loon": [
+        "back: a broad flat surface covered in white feathers, aiding in wind resistance during flight",
+        "beak: strong, yellowish, moderately large, hooked beak used for catching and eating prey",
+        "belly: white, soft feathered area that helps protect vital organs",
+        "breast: large and strong, covered with thick white feathers, supports flight muscles",
+        "crown: the top of the head which is covered with white feathers, resembling a kind of cap",
+        "forehead: broad and flat covered with white feathers, located between the beak and crown",
+        "eyes: small, sharp, and black, located on either side of the head for excellent peripheral vision",
+        "legs: short, tucked-away, well-muscled for swimming and walking, ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slender, perfect for long-distance gliding with minor wing flapping",
+        "nape: back of the neck area covered in thick feathers, providing support and flexibility to the head",
+        "tail: made up of stiff, white feathers, it maintains balance and helps steer while in flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird\u2019s neck, usually retracted, covered in soft feathers"
+    ],
+    "siberian sand plover": [
+        "back: broad and rounded, usually a blend of white and grey feathers in varying shades",
+        "beak: long and hooked with a yellowish or pink tint lining",
+        "belly: predominantly white feathers with occasional spots",
+        "breast: covered with thick, white plumage",
+        "crown: top of the head, smooth with white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, usually blends seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: encased in a thin ring of black feather, giving them a somewhat masked appearance",
+        "legs: short and strong, tucked away in flight, and completely webbed for better swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, usually with black tips, and allowing for long distance flights",
+        "nape: back of the neck, typically covered with thick white plumage",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped, used for steering while flying",
+        "throat: bright white feathers, extending down to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "new zealand dotterel": [
+        "back: large, elongated body that appears smooth and streamlined in flight. normally of a white color",
+        "beak: long and sharp, with a hooked tip, often yellow tinged",
+        "belly: broad and white, leading to underlying areas with light feathering",
+        "breast: white and spacious, aiding the bird as an efficient glider on wind currents",
+        "crown: generally white with occasional hints of brown speckles",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, seamlessly blending with the head and crown",
+        "eyes: large and round, circled by a thin black or grey ring, with black pupils at the center",
+        "legs: relatively short and webbed, ending in sharp talons, and are typically a pink or light orange color",
+        "wings: extremely long and thin, often with black tips on the feathers, highly adapted for spending long periods gliding",
+        "nape: blends seamlessly into the back and is often a lighter shade of the back's color",
+        "tail: thin and elongated, with feathers that splay out in a rounded or wedge-like shape, normally white or light grey",
+        "throat: white with light feathering, sometimes blending into the color of the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "mountain pygmy owl": [
+        "back: feathered region stretching from neck to tail, predominantly white in color",
+        "beak: large, hooked end, yellow in color, used for catching prey",
+        "belly: covered with white feathers, carrying eggs for females",
+        "breast: puffed and white colored, leading towards the neck region",
+        "crown: top section of the head, covered with small, white feathers",
+        "forehead: above beak region, small and feathered, merges with the crown",
+        "eyes: round, with sharp vision, tucked in either side of the head",
+        "legs: long and slender with webbed feet, built for swimming",
+        "wings: broad and long, allowing for long-distance flight, colored white with black tips",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered with white feathers",
+        "tail: white feathers with black markings, assists in balance during flight",
+        "throat: area below the beak, white feathers blending with the rest of the body"
+    ],
+    "african grey hornbill": [
+        "back: the back of the albatross is usually white or cream-colored, sometimes with shades of light brown",
+        "beak: long and sharp beak, commonly hook-shaped at the end, for catching and eating fish",
+        "belly: the belly of an albatross is typically white or light-colored, contrasting with their darker upper parts",
+        "breast: prominent, broad, and typically white or pale-colored",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually covered in white or cream-colored feathers",
+        "forehead: the forehead is typically flat and wide, converging with a long and slender beak",
+        "eyes: eyes of an albatross can vary in color but are generally black or dark brown and relatively small",
+        "legs: strong, short legs equipped with webbed feet for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender wings, perfect for long-distance gliding on wind currents",
+        "nape: the nape or back of the neck is usually white or light-colored, blending in with the head and back",
+        "tail: their tails are wedged or rounded, generally white with black or grey edges",
+        "throat: normally white or light-colored, it is extendable to accommodate large chunks of food"
+    ],
+    "american bushtit": [
+        "back: a large, wide, and sleek greyish hue structure that aids in flight",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and yellowish pointed structure for feeding and preening",
+        "belly: broad white-colored lower body part",
+        "breast: large, white front side accommodating the pectoral muscles",
+        "crown: top of the head feathered in grey-white coloration",
+        "forehead: the upper part of the bird's head is whitish, following the contours of the skull",
+        "eyes: dark-colored, round and intensely sharp for spotting prey",
+        "legs: thick, short, and pinkish-grey designed for swimming more than walking",
+        "wings: hugely broad and lengthy for gliding over oceans, colored in grey-white",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, topped with white-grey feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, white with darkened edges for steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of the bird's head, a wide area covered in white feathers"
+    ],
+    "american gray flycatcher": [
+        "back: the albatross's back is usually greyish-white, seamless transition from the wings",
+        "beak: the albatross has a long, strong, yellowish beak for catching its prey",
+        "belly: the belly of the albatross is usually off-white, contrasting against its grey back",
+        "breast: the bird's breast is also off-white like the belly, broad and sturdy for powerful flapping",
+        "crown: the top of the head or crown of the albatross is generally smooth and white in color",
+        "forehead: albatross's forehead is broad, again pure white, connects in one plain line with beak",
+        "eyes: the bird has dark expressive eyes surrounded by clean white facial feathers",
+        "legs: albatross has short and powerful legs equipped with webs for ease of swimming, usually pinkish in color",
+        "wings: the wings of the albatross are very large and strong, typically grey with white undersides, enabling long flights",
+        "nape: the nape or back of the neck of the bird is usually the same color as the back and smoothly leads into the back of the bird",
+        "tail: albatross has a short, straight, wedge-shaped tail, white with grey or black end",
+        "throat: the bird's throat is usually slightly lighter than the rest of its body, often white, showing a stark contrast to its beak"
+    ],
+    "common kestrel": [
+        "back: large, white area extending from the neck to the tail",
+        "beak: long, sharp and slim, generally yellowish in color",
+        "belly: spacious and white, tapering down smoothly towards the tail",
+        "breast: wide and robust with soft white feathers",
+        "crown: top part of the head covered in white feathers with a streamlined shape",
+        "forehead: white and rounded, leading onto the beak",
+        "eyes: small, black and beady, often with a look of alertness",
+        "legs: short and strong, ending in large webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and thin, predominantly white with black tips",
+        "nape: area behind the head showing pure white feathers",
+        "tail: thin and predominantly white with black edging, used for steering in flight",
+        "throat: white area under the beak leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "american purple gallinule": [
+        "back: the upper body in a grey tone, provides structure for wings and tail",
+        "beak: hooked, long, and sharp edged, generally lighter in color for catching and feasting on fish",
+        "belly: light-colored or white underparts, soft to allow expansion of abdominal muscles for digestion",
+        "breast: white and puffy, providing insulation and buoyancy while swimming",
+        "crown: top of the head, normally in shades of grey, with a smoothed feather pattern",
+        "forehead: the area above the beak, usually grey, smoother in texture than other facial feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and beady, offering excellent vision for spotting prey from high above the ocean surface",
+        "legs: short, webbed and powerful, used for swimming and landing on water",
+        "wings: long, slender, and grey, functioning for proficient gliding over extended distances",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, often light-colored, connecting the head and the body",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped and grey, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: part of the neck in front, often lighter in color, aids in swallowing and vocalizing"
+    ],
+    "eurasian teal": [
+        "back: the upper area covered in stark white feathers, extending from the head to the tail",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and curved downward, used for catching prey, in a yellowish-pink color",
+        "belly: sleek white under portion from the neck down, softer than the bird's upper body",
+        "breast: wide and strong, covered in pristine white feathers, contributing to a large body",
+        "crown: top of its head, covered in white feathers, often blending seamlessly with the back",
+        "forehead: a small white area somewhat above the eyes and beak, barely noticeable due to the lack of distinct marking or color difference",
+        "eyes: situated on the sides of its head, relatively small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: medium-length, tucked into its body during flight, colored in a pink hue, ending with webbed feet for water landing",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, which spreads wide for soaring, covered in black feathers",
+        "nape: the back of its neck, sporting the same white plumage as the head and back",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, and covered in white feathers, which helps in steering during flight",
+        "throat: located directly under the beak, pure white, blending into the bird's belly and breast"
+    ],
+    "oriental dollarbird": [
+        "back: large and strong with white or grey feathers for long-distance flight",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked with a yellow or pink color for catching prey",
+        "belly: covered in white feathers providing insulation against cold water",
+        "breast: white feathers with impressive size to assist in flight",
+        "crown: the top of the bird's head, showcasing white plumage",
+        "forehead: broad and flat, covered in predominantly white feathers",
+        "eyes: round and dark, providing excellent vision for spotting prey from the air",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet, designed for efficient swimming and diving",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, usually white or grey, designed for gliding across oceans",
+        "nape: back of the neck, generally white or light grey, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: white, long and wedge-shaped for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white and sturdy, leading to the digestive system for swallowing fish and other sea food"
+    ],
+    "grey wagtail": [
+        "back: light grey feathers covering the upper body portion between the wings",
+        "beak: long, yellow, hooked beak with a pointed tip, used for catching fish",
+        "belly: soft white plumage adorning the lower body",
+        "breast: white, muscular region important for flight, filled with air sacs and muscles that control the wings",
+        "crown: top of the head covered in softly shaded grey feathers",
+        "forehead: continuation of the crown, leading into the beak, feathered in light grey",
+        "eyes: sharp, intelligent eyes surrounded by white feathers, providing a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short, strong and adapted for swimming with webbed feet, hidden beneath the plumage when in flight",
+        "wings: enormous, slender and tapering wings suited for gliding and soaring above the ocean waves for long distances",
+        "nape: back of the neck covered in white feathers, transition between the back and the head",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped structure used for steering and balance during flight",
+        "throat: white-plumaged lower face area, a continuum from the belly to the beak"
+    ],
+    "african wattled lapwing": [
+        "back: broad, curved with white or grey hues",
+        "beak: long, curved downward at the tip, usually pink or yellow",
+        "belly: smooth, white-feathered midsection",
+        "breast: white or grey, full and firm",
+        "crown: top of the head often covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: white or grey-feathered section above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: small, encircled by a thin line of black feathers, with a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: long, skinny pink or pale yellow legs ending in webbed feet",
+        "wings: wide, strong, and pointed wingtips for long-distance flight, often a mix of white and black",
+        "nape: back of the neck, usually displaying white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: long, wedge-shaped, usually white with black or grey margins",
+        "throat: white or grey-feathered part underneath the beak, part of the underbelly of the bird"
+    ],
+    "andean coot": [
+        "back: large, thick and covered with white or light grey feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked with sharpened edges, yellowish in color",
+        "belly: wide and white, sometimes with a greyish shade",
+        "breast: bulky and covered with white, soft feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered with white or grey colored feathers",
+        "forehead: relative high and flat, covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: usually brown or dark in color, with striking, round shape",
+        "legs: long, thin and pink or reddish with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, colored in black and white, adapted for gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in layers of white feathers",
+        "tail: white, short and wedge-shaped designed for steering in flight",
+        "throat: part below the beak, covered with white feathers, often looks inflated when bird calls"
+    ],
+    "grey cheeked thrush": [
+        "back: long and smoothly contoured, generally covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and pointed, usually pinkish-yellow in color with a cutting edge for catching prey",
+        "belly: white and soft-feathered, seamlessly blends with the bird's breast",
+        "breast: broad and white-feathered, leading up to the throat",
+        "crown: smooth, white feathers smoothly shaping the head's contour",
+        "forehead: covered with white feathers, leading to the beak with a flat and smooth profile",
+        "eyes: dark, set back into the face, offering a sharp vision for long-distance flight and prey spotting",
+        "legs: pinkish or flesh-colored, relatively short, webbed feet for efficient swimming and wading",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, white with black tips to aid in their renowned long-distance flight patterns, span up to 12 feet",
+        "nape: flat profile covered with white feathers, starts from the back of the head extending to the back",
+        "tail: thin and wedge-shaped, white with black edges, helps with steering during flight",
+        "throat: white-feathered, extending down from the lower beak to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "grey silky flycatcher": [
+        "back: predominantly white with strong feather structure for durability in flight",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and pinkish-yellow in color, used for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white and slightly rounded, often exposed during flight",
+        "breast: white and broad, providing buoyancy while swimming",
+        "crown: white and smooth, seamlessly blending with the bird's neck",
+        "forehead: white, lined with dense feathers and seamless to the beak leading edge",
+        "eyes: round, dark, and sharp, indicative of excellent vision for spotting food",
+        "legs: short, thick, and pink, ending in long, webbed feet for efficient swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, often white with black tips, designed for long-duration flight",
+        "nape: white and strong, leading seamlessly to the bird's back",
+        "tail: narrow and elongated, white with occasional dark feathers, assisting in flight maneuverability",
+        "throat: white and slightly extended, facilitating intake of food"
+    ],
+    "crested honey buzzard": [
+        "back: the back of the albatross is generally white or light in color as part of their marine camouflage",
+        "beak: their beak is long, thin, and hooked at the end, which they use for catching prey. it is usually yellowish or pinkish",
+        "belly: the underbelly is lighter colored, usually a clean white, aiding in their camouflage when viewed from below in the water",
+        "breast: the breast area is usually a combination of light and darker feathers, varying in color based on the species",
+        "crown: the crown or the top of the head is usually white or light grey with same color continuing downwards till the nape",
+        "forehead: the forehead of an albatross, in line with its crown, is lightly colored with a smooth contour leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have keen eyesight, with their eyes being sharp and typically dark in color, providing contrast with their lighter colored head",
+        "legs: their legs are short, wide, and webbed, perfect for swimming and sticking out behind when in flight",
+        "wings: the most noteworthy feature of an albatross, these wings are extremely long and narrow, providing them with the ability to glide for long distances",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, is typically a continuous color from the crown and back, often a shade of white or gray",
+        "tail: the tail is generally short, wide and fan-shaped which is helpful in steering while flying",
+        "throat: the throat is lightly colored, like their belly, being a part of their underbody"
+    ],
+    "grey teal": [
+        "back: large, flat and generally white space running from nape to tail",
+        "beak: large, hooked and sharp yellow beak for catching and eating fish",
+        "belly: soft, white-tinted underside that contrasts with darker colored feathers on the wings",
+        "breast: broad and plump, covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: top part of the head covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: above the eyes, typically white space extending to the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, bright eyes set on each side of the head, providing good all-around vision",
+        "legs: long and scaled, ending in webbed feet for swimming and standing",
+        "wings: very long, narrow wings designed for gliding, with black tips and white in the middle",
+        "nape: area on the back of the neck with typically white feathers",
+        "tail: long, white feathers extending from the back, aiding in balance and direction control",
+        "throat: covered in white feathers, situated beneath the beak down towards the stomach"
+    ],
+    "european herring gull": [
+        "back: white and expansive, giving the albatross its signature large size",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, typically light yellow in color, used for catching fish",
+        "belly: white and smooth, adds to the overall large appearance of the albatross",
+        "breast: broad and white, often puffed out during mating displays",
+        "crown: top part of the head, generally white with light spotted feathers",
+        "forehead: considerably white, slopes into the beak",
+        "eyes: small and black, gives a sharp gaze that's necessary for spotting food in the water",
+        "legs: short and strong, generally pale pink or grey, used for paddling in the water during takeoff",
+        "wings: very long and wide, mostly white with black edges, used for gliding over the ocean for hours without rest",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, sports a mix of white and light spotted feathers",
+        "tail: mostly white with black edges, long and helps the bird steer while flying",
+        "throat: smooth, white, expands during mating displays"
+    ],
+    "eurasian griffon vulture": [
+        "back: slate-gray to white color, the layer of feathers covering the bone structure from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, hooked pink and yellow bill, used for catching and holding onto prey",
+        "belly: whiter color than the back, softer feathered underside of the bird",
+        "breast: white, puffy, leading edge of the bird, containing the bird's muscular pectoral region",
+        "crown: top of the bird's head, usually white, where the feathers come to a point",
+        "forehead: area immediately above the bird's eyes and below the crown, white in color with thin feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and rounded, outlined by a subtle white ring, allowing for a wide range of visual perception",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish webbed feet designed for swimming and walking on land",
+        "wings: long, slender, and slate-gray that span up to 10 feet wide, perfect for long distance gliding and soaring",
+        "nape: back part of the bird's neck where it meets the body, similar in color to the back",
+        "tail: white, used for balance and steering during flight, it tapers to a point",
+        "throat: soft, white feathered part below the beak, leading to the bird's body"
+    ],
+    "rough legged buzzard": [
+        "back: broad and slightly convex, covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: sharp and straight, strong enough to catch prey",
+        "belly: large and white, used for balance during flight",
+        "breast: muscular and wide, helps with flapping wings",
+        "crown: rounded and smooth, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: forefront part of the head, rises smoothly towards the crown",
+        "eyes: sharp and intelligent, providing excellent vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, ending in webbed feet for effective swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, suited to dynamic soaring",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, smoothly connecting the head to the body",
+        "tail: wide and wedge-shaped, aids in steering during flight",
+        "throat: white and slender, connecting the head and body"
+    ],
+    "grey tailed tattler": [
+        "back: the back of the albatross has a light grey color and is smooth with large, closely stacked feathers",
+        "beak: the beak is long, hooked at the end, and bright yellow with a red or orange tip, designed for catching fish",
+        "belly: the belly is white in color and is slightly rounded, indicating a well-fed bird",
+        "breast: the breast is also white, and just like the belly, it is rounded and full, aiding in flight",
+        "crown: the crown (top of the head) is covered in white plumage, blending in with the rest of the albatross' body",
+        "forehead: the forehead is white with a smooth contour, merging seamlessly with the beak",
+        "eyes: the albatross has large, dark eyes framed by white plumage, providing excellent vision for hunting",
+        "legs: the legs are short and strong, colored in pale pink or light yellow, and are tucked under the body during flight",
+        "wings: the wings are the longest among birds' species and are slender and white, with blackened tips for soaring and gliding over the ocean for hours without rest",
+        "nape: the nape or back of the neck is also covered with white feathers that form a sleek contour with the rest of the body",
+        "tail: the tail is white with a fan-like shape and black fringes, allowing for better control during flight",
+        "throat: the throat is white like the majority of its body, and seems somewhat elongated, as it merges with the upper part of the chest"
+    ],
+    "grey headed woodpecker": [
+        "back: broad and flat with usually white plume that leads down the spine",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and sharp-pointed, usually yellowish in color",
+        "belly: mostly flat and white, positioned underneath the body",
+        "breast: large, white, and robust, supporting the bird's muscular wings",
+        "crown: white area at the top of the bird's head characterized by sparse feathering",
+        "forehead: area above the bird's eyes towards the beak, covered in white feathers",
+        "eyes: positioned on either side of the head, usually dark and expressive",
+        "legs: short, strong and webbed, tailored for sea life",
+        "wings: wide and long, brimming with mostly white feathers, built for long-distance flying",
+        "nape: region at the back of the bird's neck, covered in white plumes",
+        "tail: large, fan-shaped with white feathers, enabling navigation and balancing while flying",
+        "throat: area beneath the beak, white and downy, leading down into the bird's belly"
+    ],
+    "grey partridge": [
+        "back: generally white with a streamlined shape for seamless soaring",
+        "beak: a formidable, hooked beak designed for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: large, typically white belly used in storing food for long flights",
+        "breast: white and robust, allowing for strong wingbeat power",
+        "crown: mostly white or light grey, the top of the bird's head",
+        "forehead: white color, above the beak and between the eyes",
+        "eyes: relatively small, dark eyes that are adept at spotting prey from great heights",
+        "legs: strong, wide-set legs, designed for stability both in the air and on the ground",
+        "wings: very long, thin wings that allow for low-energy soaring above the ocean",
+        "nape: the back part of the bird's neck, white like the rest of its head and upper body",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped and white, allowing for great control while navigating in the air",
+        "throat: generally white, part of the bird's lower face leading towards its belly"
+    ],
+    "common whitethroat": [
+        "back: smooth, white plumage, stretching from neck to tail, often glides over the ocean",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and pink-colored with a hooked tip, ideal for catching prey",
+        "belly: white, sleek, soft underside, prominently visible during flight",
+        "breast: broad and white-feathered, providing a streamlined shape",
+        "crown: white-crested top of the bird\u2019s head, merging seamlessly with the back and neck",
+        "forehead: a smooth, white-scalped front upper part of the head",
+        "eyes: encased in black eyeliner-like markings, with a sharp gaze to spot fish from above",
+        "legs: webbed feet at the end of long, thin pinkish-grey legs, perfect for life at sea",
+        "wings: immense, black-tipped wings enabling the bird to glide for hours without flapping",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, thickly feathered, transitioning smoothly from the back to the neck",
+        "tail: white, fan-shaped feathers functioning as a rudder during flight",
+        "throat: soft, white plumage extending from the bottom of the beak down through the chest"
+    ],
+    "hen": [
+        "back: a large area with white plumage, seamlessly merging into the wings",
+        "beak: long, straight, and hook-shaped at the end, usually yellow or pinkish in color",
+        "belly: covered in white plumage, like the back and breast, often with grey shading towards the tail",
+        "breast: white, like the belly and the back, meeting the grey-black wings on the sides",
+        "crown: white, with light grey feathers sometimes extending towards the nape of the neck",
+        "forehead: pure white, leading towards the beak and eye area",
+        "eyes: encircled by a thin, black outline, usually a dark brown or black color",
+        "legs: short and strong, colored in a pale pink to grey-ish tone, hidden beneath the body when in flight",
+        "wings: very long and narrow, black on the top side with white undersides, designed for long soaring flights",
+        "nape: white and blends smoothly into the bird's back, often with a tinge of light grey",
+        "tail: white but edged with black, wedge-shaped that assists in steering flights",
+        "throat: white color, like the majority of the bird's body, contrasting with the beak's color"
+    ],
+    "junco": [
+        "back: the albatross bird's back is predominantly white in color, merging smoothly with the wings",
+        "beak: the bird's large hooked beak is strong and sharply pointed, designed for catching and ripping apart prey",
+        "belly: the belly of the albatross bird is white and plump, catering to its large size",
+        "breast: the breast of the bird is wide and rounded, aiding in its strong flight mechanism",
+        "crown: the crown, or the top of the bird's head, is usually white and smooth, in contrast with the other bodily features",
+        "forehead: the bird's forehead is wide and prominent, highlighting its distinctive beak and eyes",
+        "eyes: albatross bird's eyes are sharp and piercing, encircled by a thin black outline",
+        "legs: the legs are short and stocky, with webbed feet to aid swimming and land navigation",
+        "wings: albatross bird showcases impressive long and broad wings, essential for its long-distance flights",
+        "nape: the nape, or back of the neck, connects the bird's head to its body and is covered in soft white feathers",
+        "tail: the tail is comparatively shorter, but pivotal for navigation during flight",
+        "throat: the throat is wide and spacious, in line with the bird's big size and eating habits"
+    ],
+    "bustard": [
+        "back: strong and arched, covered by white plumage in most species, guiding long-distance flights",
+        "beak: long, hooked, and pointed, adept for hunting, yellow or pale colored, tip often darker",
+        "belly: well rounded and white, providing buoyancy when swimming",
+        "breast: strong, broad and white, contributing to powerful flight",
+        "crown: often white or grey, sleek feathers protecting brain capability for navigation",
+        "forehead: pale and slightly round, giving way to beak seamlessly",
+        "eyes: wide, dark, and vital for spotting prey from a distance, encased in white/grey feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong, built for swimming, usually colored in pale pink or yellow hues",
+        "wings: extremly long, slender, designed for gliding over long distances, white with black tips",
+        "nape: sleek, typically transitioning in color from white to grey, linking head to body",
+        "tail: quite short, white with black edges, pivotal for balance in flight",
+        "throat: often white or pale grey, stretchy to allow for swallowing of larger prey"
+    ],
+    "coucal": [
+        "back: large, flat area covered in white feathers on the upper body",
+        "beak: long, hooked structure, slightly yellowish at the tip, used for catching food",
+        "belly: white, soft fur-covered body part between the breast and legs",
+        "breast: large, round part covered with white plumage in the front of the bird underneath the wings",
+        "crown: top part of the bird's head, covered with white feathers",
+        "forehead: flat, white feather-covered area above the bird's eyes and below the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark brown placed on either side of the forehead",
+        "legs: thin, strong, grey colored appendages used for walking and perching",
+        "wings: very long, narrow structures with white feathers used for soaring and gliding in flight",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: long, thin white feathers arranged in a fan shape at the end of the bird's body",
+        "throat: front part of the neck, covered with white feathers, leading to the bird's belly"
+    ],
+    "macaw": [
+        "back: large and robust, usually covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and sharp, in lighter colors for catching fish",
+        "belly: heavy-set, covered with soft, white feathers",
+        "breast: broad and puffed out, covered with thick white feathers for insulation",
+        "crown: top part of the head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: fairly flat with white feathers, above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: circular, usually with a dark iris surrounded by a white circle, situated on the sides of the head",
+        "legs: short and webbed, built for swimming and colored light pink or grey",
+        "wings: extremely long and thin, designed for long distance flying",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: long and narrow, usually held straight or in a slight v-shape, with a group of white feathers",
+        "throat: part under the beak, generally a smooth, white area of tight feathers"
+    ],
+    "ptarmigan": [
+        "back: a broad, flat surface primarily covered in white feathers",
+        "beak: long, curved, and sharp for catching fish, it has a pinkish hue near the base gradually turning into yellow towards the tip",
+        "belly: soft and round, covered in white, fluffy feathers for insulation in chilly ocean climates",
+        "breast: predominantly white feathers that slightly bulge, enabling the bird to stay afloat while in water",
+        "crown: part of the head, white and rounded, atop the bird\u2019s neck",
+        "forehead: brilliantly white and smooth, extends from the crown to the beak",
+        "eyes: bright, intelligent eyes surrounded by white feathers, giving them a piercing look",
+        "legs: robust, pinkish legs equipped with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely large and sleek, with black wingtips. they are perfect for their exceptionally long flights and navigation",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered with smooth white feathers which provide aerodynamics and aid in flying",
+        "tail: short, white and sharply pointed, allowing for excellent maneuverability",
+        "throat: lined with white feathers, it connects the beak to the breast and expands when the bird vocalizes"
+    ],
+    "prairie chicken": [
+        "back: the upper body part covered in white or grey feathers for most albatross species",
+        "beak: long, curved, and often colorful beak used to catch fish and squid from the ocean",
+        "belly: underpart of the bird, usually white for contrast while flying over the ocean",
+        "breast: the front part of the bird's body, typically with white or light-coloured feathers",
+        "crown: top of the bird\u2019s head, generally covered with smooth white or grey plumage",
+        "forehead: area above the bird's beak and eyes, normally covered by white or greyish feathers",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large eyes in comparison to the head, usually dark-colored with keen, sharp sight for spotting prey in water",
+        "legs: short and strong legs equipped with webbed feet for swimming and a stable grip on the ground",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow wings provide the ability to soar and glide for many hours without flapping",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, covered with white or greyish feathers",
+        "tail: the tail is relatively short and wedge-shaped, aiding in steering during flight",
+        "throat: often lighter in color, possible pouch beneath the lower beak in some species used for storing food for the chicks"
+    ],
+    "dowitcher": [
+        "back: flat and extended, crucial for stability during flight, covered with silver-white feathers in adults",
+        "beak: long and hooked for fishing, pale pink-yellow in color",
+        "belly: white and rounded, part of the bird's streamlined body shape for efficient flying",
+        "breast: broad and muscular, covered in white feathers, provides strength for flapping wings during flight",
+        "crown: the top of the head, white in color, features a streamlined shape for aerodynamics",
+        "forehead: smooth and white, slopes gently into the beak",
+        "eyes: large and sharp, with a white or pale blue iris surrounded by a dark ring for enhanced visual acuity",
+        "legs: short, strong, and equipped with webbed feet for swimming and catching prey, usually tucked in during flight",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, specially adapted for gliding and soaring over the ocean",
+        "nape: back part of the neck, white in color, featuring the smooth transition from the head to the body",
+        "tail: white, wedge-shaped, and used for steering and braking during flight",
+        "throat: white, flexible for swallowing fish, part of the bird's streamlined body"
+    ],
+    "pelican": [
+        "back: long, sleek body covered in white or gray feathers",
+        "beak: large, sharp hooked beak often yellow or pink in color",
+        "belly: full, white or light-colored underbelly",
+        "breast: broad, powerful chest often covered in white feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: white or grey feathered forehead, often merging seamlessly with the crown",
+        "eyes: small piercing eyes usually in deep black or brown hue",
+        "legs: short, strong legs with large-webbed feet suitable for swimming",
+        "wings: long, narrow wings designed for gliding, covered in white, gray, or black feathers",
+        "nape: back of the neck often covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: elongated tail feathers, usually white or grey, that aid in steering while flying",
+        "throat: often white or grey, this part can puff when the bird is calling"
+    ],
+    "bittern": [
+        "back: long and wide, covered in predominantly white feathers like most of the bird\u2019s body",
+        "beak: long, strong, and curved downward, typically with a yellowish hue on adults",
+        "belly: large and white-feathered, rounded when the bird is in a stationary or relaxed state",
+        "breast: broad and white, leading up to the bird's noticeably long neck",
+        "crown: the top of the albatross's head, covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: white-feathered and extends into the beak, presenting a streamlined profile",
+        "eyes: dark and relatively small, giving the albatross a keen, observant expression",
+        "legs: short and strong, typically pale in color with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and pointed, white with black tips, that are used for their 'gliding' flight",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, white-feathered and connecting the back of the bird's head to its body",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, usually white with a dark band at the tip",
+        "throat: white and somewhat elongated, leading down to the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "vulture": [
+        "back: the back of the albatross is typically a deep shade of grey or black, evident when the bird is in flight",
+        "beak: an albatross's beak is long, large, and sharp, with a distinctive hook at the end, typically in shades of yellow or pale",
+        "belly: the belly is often white or a lighter shade compared to the back, giving the bird a two-toned appearance",
+        "breast: like the belly, the albatross's breast is often a soft white or lighter hue, blending down from the bird's throat",
+        "crown: the crown or top of the albatross's head often matches the color of its back, providing a seamless blend from neck to body",
+        "forehead: the bird's forehead may match the color of the back or crown, although some species show a lighter shade around this area",
+        "eyes: albatrosses have large, piercing eyes, often dark in color, which are used to spot prey from great heights",
+        "legs: albatross legs are short and sturdy, usually blue-grey or pale, adapted for land and water navigation",
+        "wings: the albatross is known for its large wingspan that can reach up to 11 feet in larger species, feathered with a mix of white and darker shades",
+        "nape: the nape of an albatross, or the back of its neck, often matches the color of the bird's back and crown, contributing to its uniform appearance",
+        "tail: albatrosses have a sharp, pointed tail that assists in their aerodynamic flight, typically colored to match their back",
+        "throat: the albatross's throat may be white or light-colored, like its belly and breast, providing a contrast against the darker shades of the bird's back and wings"
+    ],
+    "spoonbill": [
+        "back: large, long, and flat with a glossy white color",
+        "beak: sharp, hooked, and yellow-gray in color, important for feeding purposes",
+        "belly: white and smooth, blending into the other feathers seamlessly",
+        "breast: white and robust, supporting strong flight muscles",
+        "crown: white, curving gently into the neck and blending seamlessly with the back",
+        "forehead: narrow and white, smoothly transitioning into the beak",
+        "eyes: small and dark, providing excellent vision for hunting and navigating",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, webbed for excellent swimming ability, pale pink in color",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, white in color, optimal for gliding over oceans",
+        "nape: white, connecting the bird's head to its body elegantly",
+        "tail: white and wedge-shaped, essential for directional control during flight",
+        "throat: white and slightly less feathered, stretching from the lower beak to the bird's chest"
+    ],
+    "bulbul": [
+        "back: large and flat grey-white surface",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked, typically yellowish pink",
+        "belly: broad and white, underlining the bird's size",
+        "breast: wide and bright white, essential for flight strength",
+        "crown: grey and smooth, occasionally featuring a black brow stripe",
+        "forehead: bright white, merging with the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, glistening with a shrewd gaze",
+        "legs: pinkish, long and thin, designed for water landings",
+        "wings: extremely elongated and slim, white with black edges, adapted for soaring",
+        "nape: smooth, with a blend of white and pale grey",
+        "tail: white, long and wedged, instrumental in flight navigation",
+        "throat: white, leading down to the bird's belly"
+    ],
+    "goldfinch": [
+        "back: covered in white feathers, blending smoothly into the wings",
+        "beak: long and yellow, hooked at the end to catch prey",
+        "belly: white and rounded, typically seen when the bird is in flight",
+        "breast: also white, puffed out slightly for streamlining in flight",
+        "crown: top of the head, covered in white feathers, higher than the forehead",
+        "forehead: white-feathered area between the beak and the crown",
+        "eyes: dark and sharp, set on either side of the beak providing it a binocular vision",
+        "legs: short and webbed for swimming, typically hidden in flight, greyish-blue in color",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, black and white for natural camouflage, adapted perfectly for gliding",
+        "nape: back of the neck, covered in white feathers, connecting the head and the back",
+        "tail: long, thin, and wedge shaped, used for steering in flight",
+        "throat: below the beak, white-feathered, swelling slightly when the bird calls"
+    ],
+    "drake": [
+        "back: large area from the neck to the tail coated in smooth, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, pinkish-white, hook-tipped tool used for catching food and nesting material",
+        "belly: soft, white-feather covered area through which they digest foods",
+        "breast: big, powerful chest area covered by white plumage, used for flying long distances",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, white with a sleek feather finish",
+        "forehead: upper facial area above beak, feathers are smooth and white",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round, surrounded by thin white feathers",
+        "legs: short, strong and webbed for powerful swimming, with a pink to blueish-grey color",
+        "wings: extremely long and slim, black on the edges and white in the middle, perfect for gliding over oceans",
+        "nape: back of the neck, connecting the head to the body, with sleek white feathers",
+        "tail: medium-length, white feathers making a wedge shape, providing steering during flight",
+        "throat: lower face part used for swallowing food, white with smooth feather coverage"
+    ],
+    "magpie": [
+        "back: large and flat, covered in white, grey, or black feathers depending on the species",
+        "beak: long, thin and hooked at the end with sharp edges for catching and holding prey",
+        "belly: typically white or grey feathers that help camouflage the bird when it is flying over the ocean",
+        "breast: robust in shape, covered with thick feathers that aid in insulation while flying over cold ocean waters",
+        "crown: the top of the head, usually covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: a small area directly above the eyes and beak, usually the same color as the crown",
+        "eyes: round and black with excellent vision, often surrounded by a ring of colored feathers",
+        "legs: short and strong, ending in large webbed feet, perfect for swimming or catching fish",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, often with a span that far exceeds the bird's body length. they are designed for long-distance soaring over the ocean",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, typically covered with white or grey feathers like the back",
+        "tail: wedge-shaped and covered in stiff feathers, aids in maneuvering while in flight",
+        "throat: soft feathers that often have a different coloration than the body, can expand when the albatross is capturing prey or calling out"
+    ],
+    "goose": [
+        "back: wide and flat, covered in white feathers in most species, supporting the large wings",
+        "beak: long, sword-shaped, and hooked at the end, perfect for catching fish and squid",
+        "belly: white and smooth, often visible when the albatross is soaring or floating on the water",
+        "breast: large and sturdy, providing the strength to keep the albatross aloft during long flights over the ocean",
+        "crown: top part of the bird's head, usually covered in white feathers, fading into their darker wings",
+        "forehead: slightly raised and rounded, often seen curving smoothly into the beak",
+        "eyes: dark and slightly recessed, providing excellent vision for spotting food in the water from great heights",
+        "legs: short and strong, ending in webbed feet to aid in swimming and landing",
+        "wings: very long and thin, stretching out to help the albatross glide effortlessly over the ocean for extended periods",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, typically showing a smooth transition from the bird's crown into its back feathers",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, aiding in steering and balance during flight",
+        "throat: somewhat wide and flexible, capable of storing food caught at sea to be brought back to their chicks on land"
+    ],
+    "jay": [
+        "back: a large, flat surface mostly covered in white feathers in adult albatrosses",
+        "beak: long and slim, varying in colors from pale yellow to orange, used for catching and holding prey",
+        "belly:  mostly white, soft underbelly used for insulation and buoyancy",
+        "breast: predominantly white, large surface chest area, often puffed out",
+        "crown: upper part of the head, covered in white or light grey feathers",
+        "forehead: wide, flat space above the bird's beak and between its eyes, often white or light grey",
+        "eyes: small, usually dark brown or black, located in-line with the beak",
+        "legs: short, strong, and webbed, used for swimming and standing, often pink or blueish color",
+        "wings: very long and pointed in shape, used for gliding across oceans, predominantly white with black tips",
+        "nape: back part of an albatross's neck, usually covered in white feathers",
+        "tail: long and white, mostly wedge-shaped and is used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: wide, located underneath the beak, usually covered in white feathers, and used to display mating calls or warnings"
+    ],
+    "oystercatcher": [
+        "back: covered in white feathers, adding aerodynamic efficiency",
+        "beak: long, thin and curved, designed for efficient foraging",
+        "belly: broad and white, plays a role in stabilizing the bird in flight",
+        "breast: white with a strong build, allows powerful wing beats",
+        "crown: white with a streamlined shape; aiding in speed and agility",
+        "forehead: high and rounded; often appearing \"serene",
+        "eyes: dark and sharp, geared for long-distance vision at sea",
+        "legs: short and webbed, ideal for swimming and catching prey",
+        "wings: lengthy, slender, and tapered, enabling long-distance flight",
+        "nape: strong and thick, supports the large and muscular head",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, offers balance and direction in flight",
+        "throat: full and white, distinguishes the bird's vocalizations"
+    ],
+    "lorikeet": [
+        "back: white smooth feathers, long broad wings extend from the back providing the albatross its impressive wingspan",
+        "beak: pointy, sharp, yellow-colored beak that's used to catch fishes and squids",
+        "belly: white underparts fur that extends to the tail used to keep itself warm in cold temperature",
+        "breast: white plume covering the upper-front side that aids in thermal insulation and waterproofing",
+        "crown: white plumage on top of the head, along with the neck, dignifying its appealing appearance",
+        "forehead: white, slightly elevated area above the beak",
+        "eyes: expressive round eyes outlined with white plumage, providing them with a comprehensive field of view for hunting",
+        "legs: strong, short, webbed feet adapted for swimming, positioned farther back on the body, which aids them to propel through the water efficiently",
+        "wings: broad and pointed at ends, covered with white feathers, adapted for gliding on updraughts created by waves",
+        "nape: white-feathered back of the neck providing a striking profile",
+        "tail: white, short, wedge-shaped which the albatross spreads in flight for navigation during their exploratory soaring flight patterns",
+        "throat: white-front neck area, leading down to the breast, playing a role in the bird's digestion and vocalization"
+    ],
+    "hummingbird": [
+        "back: large, sleek and white, provides streamlined structure for flight",
+        "beak: long and slender in shape, slightly hooked at the end, grey to pale pink in color",
+        "belly: white and unmarked, supports large body during flight",
+        "breast: white with resilient feathers for warmth and protection",
+        "crown: top head part is white contrasting sharply with the blackish-brown upper wings",
+        "forehead: white and prominent, connecting beak and crown",
+        "eyes: circular and dark, offers excellent vision for hunting",
+        "legs: short and webbed, built for swimming and wading",
+        "wings: great, black-and-white wings with elongated primaries for long-distance soaring",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, where the head and body meet, often white or lightly shaded",
+        "tail: white and short, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: white, leading down to the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "toucan": [
+        "back: a vast expanse of typically solid white feathers running from neck to tail",
+        "beak: long, hooked and usually yellowish, it\u2019s designed for catching fish",
+        "belly: whitish area extending from its lower breast area to its tail",
+        "breast: features white plumage and acts as the bird's front side",
+        "crown: the top of the head, covered with a thin layer of white feathers",
+        "forehead: located just above the beak, covered with small, dense white feathers similar to its crown",
+        "eyes: have dark color, positioned on either side of the bird's head, offering it a wide field of view",
+        "legs: short, strong, and webbed with pinkish-grey or bluish color for excellent swimming",
+        "wings: extremely long and slender, black on the upper surface, and white on the undersides",
+        "nape: the back of the bird's neck, covered with white feathers",
+        "tail: composed of white stiff feathers with black edges, used for steering while flying",
+        "throat: a white region present beneath the beak extending down to the bird's breast"
+    ],
+    "hornbill": [
+        "back: large and streamlined, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "beak: long, sharp and hooked, usually yellow or pink",
+        "belly: broad and white-feathered in most species",
+        "breast: usually white, plump and well-feathered",
+        "crown: feathers on the top of the head, typically smooth and white or grey",
+        "forehead: feathers in front of the crown, white or grey, and forming a 'cap",
+        "eyes: large and dark, bring out a piercing gaze",
+        "legs: strong, pinkish or dark webbed feet to aid in swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and slender, span anywhere from 7 to 11 feet",
+        "nape: back section of the neck, feathered white or grey like the crown",
+        "tail: white, medium length and wedge-shaped which helps in soaring",
+        "throat: feathered white like the rest of the body, folds of skin for swallowing large prey"
+    ],
+    "quail": [
+        "back: large, typically covered in white or light gray feathers, forms the top portion of the albatross bird's body",
+        "beak: long and straight, it is sharp-edged and curved toward the end, typically colored in a shade of white or pale pink",
+        "belly: the lower front part of an albatross body, usually sheathed in a cloak of white feathers",
+        "breast: located directly under the bird\u2019s head, it is covered with white or light-colored feathers and crucial for air circulation",
+        "crown: the top part of the head, usually covered with white or light gray feathers, displays a streamlined shape",
+        "forehead: just above the beak, usually smaller and covered with soft, short feathers in a lighter shade",
+        "eyes: located on each side of the beak, eyes are round and black or dark brown, providing a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short and strong with webbed feet, cover in scales, aiding in swimming and landing",
+        "wings: very long and narrow, usually, a black or dark grey color, suited for long flights over the ocean",
+        "nape: where the back of the head meets the neck, often showcasing a sharp decline in feathers leading down to the back",
+        "tail: positioned at the end of the bird's body, it is short and wedge-shaped, helping control flight direction",
+        "throat: under the beak, generally white or light grey, it is a transitional area between the head and the body"
+    ],
+    "flamingo": [
+        "back: broad and flat, generally featuring a seam of dark feathers running through the middle",
+        "beak: strong and sharp, generally light in color with a hooked tip for catching prey",
+        "belly: mostly white, sometimes with a light grey pattern, providing camouflage in the air",
+        "breast: broad and muscular, often white or light grey, helps bird in forceful flapping during flight",
+        "crown: the top part of bird's head, quite smooth and rounded, often white or light grey",
+        "forehead: immediately above the beak, often the same color as the crown, lightly feathered",
+        "eyes: large and dark, offering excellent sight for hunting and protection",
+        "legs: powerful and webbed, designed for swimming, with sharp, retractable claws for gripping",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and thin, built for gliding for long distances over the ocean",
+        "nape: located at the back of the neck, usually featuring a thin line of dark feathers",
+        "tail: relatively short and wedged shaped, helps in steering and stabilizing during flight",
+        "throat: underneath the beak, usually white or light grey, can expand while eating or drinking"
+    ],
+    "crane": [
+        "back: wide, slightly curved part covered with white plumage in most species",
+        "beak: large, pointed, strong and yellowish-white, perfect for catching fish",
+        "belly: large, fairly round and covered with white feathers",
+        "breast: plump and white, giving an indication of the bird's overall health",
+        "crown: flat, narrow area at the top of the bird's head, covered with sleek white feathers",
+        "forehead: a small area above the eyes and beak, covered with white feathers",
+        "eyes: positioned on the sides of the head, small and black, with a sharp gaze",
+        "legs: short and strong, with webbed feet suitable for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally large and pointed, extending to greater lengths for long-distance flights",
+        "nape: found at the back of the bird's head, coated in white feathers",
+        "tail: short, pointed and covered with white feathers, used to maintain balance during flight",
+        "throat: smaller region under the beak, usually white in color, used for vocalization and food digestion"
+    ],
+    "jacamar": [
+        "back: the top portion of the body covered in solid white feathers",
+        "beak: yellow-tipped, sharp, hooked tool, used for catching and eating prey",
+        "belly: soft white feathered underside of the bird",
+        "breast: front top portion of body, covered in white feathers, robust in shape",
+        "crown: top of the head, flat and wide, covered in white plumage",
+        "forehead: white and flat, above the eyes and beak",
+        "eyes: almond-shaped, dark colored, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and strong, covered in pink or yellow scales, ending with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad, elongated, black on the top side and white underneath, adapted for soaring",
+        "nape: backside of the neck, fluffy white feathers",
+        "tail: long and slim feathers, white in color, used for navigation",
+        "throat: white feathers, stretches from the base of the beak down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "cock": [
+        "back: large, streamlined area in shades of white or light grey, acting as a balance for extended wings",
+        "beak: long, hooked instrument in pink to pale yellow, adapted for catching prey from water",
+        "belly: soft, white feather-covered area, gently rounded and matched for aerodynamics",
+        "breast: broad, bulging white area, providing a protective cage for internal organs",
+        "crown: topmost part of the head, covered with white or light grey feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly arched white feathered region above the eyes, leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: dark, circular facets on the head, characterized by sharp, far-dimensional sight",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet that are excellent for swimming, usually in hues of pale pink or white",
+        "wings: enormously wide and long feathered appendages, designed for effortless, long-duration flight",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered with light-colored feathers, granting it a streamlined form",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped rudder heavily feathered in white or grey helps in steering during flight",
+        "throat: soft, white-feathered area located below the beak, often stretches to contain swallowed prey"
+    ],
+    "kite": [
+        "back: light grey-back stretching from the neck to the tail",
+        "beak: long, slender beak with a sharp point, yellow hue near the tip",
+        "belly: predominantly white, contrasts the light gray coloring of back and upper wings",
+        "breast: covered with white feathers matching the color of the belly",
+        "crown: topped with light gray feathers like the back of the bird",
+        "forehead: characteristically protruding covered with light colored feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black eyes situated under the forehead",
+        "legs: thin, long, pinkish legs suitable for long-distance flight",
+        "wings: long, slender wings, light grey on top and white on the bottom side",
+        "nape: light grey feathers aligning with the rest of the bird's back",
+        "tail: white feathers forming a fan shape at the end, providing stability in flight",
+        "throat: mostly white, with a clear demarcation from the gray back and wings"
+    ],
+    "chickadee": [
+        "back: broad and flat, often in white or grey hues",
+        "beak: hooked, long and sharp, typically yellow or pink in color",
+        "belly: mostly white, sleek and soft feathered",
+        "breast: large and rounded, covered in bright white feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head, usually covered in white feathers",
+        "forehead: white-feathered, often slightly pointed above the beak",
+        "eyes: round and dark, providing clear, wide-angle vision",
+        "legs: short and powerful with webbed feet for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, often black or dark brown on edges, designed for sustained soaring",
+        "nape: back of the neck, typically with white feathers",
+        "tail: generally wedge-shaped, white with black edges, used to steer while flying",
+        "throat: slightly elongated, often white or light-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "robin": [
+        "back: strong and enduring back with white or grey feathers, slightly arched shape",
+        "beak: long, large, and hook-shaped to catch prey, typically yellow or pink",
+        "belly: usually white or light-colored for contrast with darker ocean waters during flight",
+        "breast: white and plump, adding to the bird's overall robust physique",
+        "crown: usually covered in white plumage, it forms a clear, round curve atop its head",
+        "forehead: smoothly streamlined, contributing to its aerodynamic body",
+        "eyes: large and dark, positioned on either side of the beak for wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short, webbed, adapted for swimming and catching prey with sharp talons",
+        "wings: extremely large and strong, allowing it to glide over oceans for long periods",
+        "nape: sturdy and flexible, covered with white or grey feathers, supporting its large head",
+        "tail: long and slender, frequently white or grey, used for steering during flight",
+        "throat: also covered in light-colored plumage, it helps in distinguishing the bird's age and gender"
+    ],
+    "bee eater": [
+        "back: broad, sloping area that gives the albatross its streamlined profile",
+        "beak: large, hooked instrument used for catching and tearing food. features a slight tube structure for expelling salt water",
+        "belly: white or light-colored undersection, essential for maintaining balance during flight",
+        "breast: large, rounded area crucial for efficient flight, often covered in feathers of varying shades depending on species",
+        "crown: top panel of the head, generally white or cream-colored",
+        "forehead: the front part of the bird's head, usually slightly raised and light-colored",
+        "eyes: large and dark, set on the sides for a wide field of vision",
+        "legs: short and strong, webbed for swimming and ending in three forward-facing toes and a smaller, backward-facing one",
+        "wings: extremely long and narrow, perfect for long-distance soaring",
+        "nape: the back part of bird's neck. generally covered in white or faint cream feathers",
+        "tail: slightly rounded or split, used for steering and balancing during flight",
+        "throat: lower part of bird's head, often a lighter color than its upper parts, presenting a striking contrast"
+    ],
+    "redshank": [
+        "back: expansive and primarily white, providing a smoothed aerodynamic shape",
+        "beak: long, sharp, and hooked at the end with a yellowish hue, perfect for catching fish",
+        "belly: predominantly white, essential for buoyancy while floating on the water",
+        "breast: also mostly white, slightly broader to aid in aerial maneuvering",
+        "crown: rosy-gray in color, typically smoother and less ruffled than the rest of the plumage",
+        "forehead: matching the crown, almost streamlined into the beak, rosy-gray as well",
+        "eyes: rimmed with black, lending to their solemn and somewhat piercing gaze",
+        "legs: short and webbed, stowed while in flight but useful for swimming",
+        "wings: exceptionally long and narrow, black-tipped and perfectly adapted to enable long-distance flights",
+        "nape: rosy-gray like the rest of the front side of the head; a good neck-length holds the head high",
+        "tail: predominantly white, wedge-shaped to assist with steering mid-flight",
+        "throat: a white extension of the belly and breast, a part of the uniform under-plumage"
+    ],
+    "partridge": [
+        "back: long, white feathered area that connects the wings",
+        "beak: strong, hooked and sharp at the tip for catching prey, usually pink or yellow",
+        "belly: broad and white, assisting in buoyancy in water",
+        "breast: large and white, hosts large muscles for steady wing beats",
+        "crown: the top of the head, often covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "forehead: white or grey, extending into the typical 'brow' of the bird above the beak",
+        "eyes: large, sharp, circled by dark feathers and adapted for far sight",
+        "legs: short with webbed feet for swimming, typically pale grey or pink",
+        "wings: extremely large, thin and agile for long-distance flying, covered in white feathers with black tips",
+        "nape: the back of the neck, covered in white or grey feathers",
+        "tail: white, short and narrow, often with black feathers at the edges",
+        "throat: white, connects to the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "hoopoe": [
+        "back: large, flat surface, typically greyish-white in color",
+        "beak: strong, hooked beak, sharper at the tip, used to catch and tear fish",
+        "belly: rounded, softer grey belly, often lighter in color compared to the overall body",
+        "breast: wide, robust, and slightly rounded; colored in shades of dull white to grey",
+        "crown: the top of the head, typically white or light grey in color",
+        "forehead: broad and flat, in continuation of the beak, shares the color of the crown",
+        "eyes: deep-set, bright, black eyes with a watchful expression",
+        "legs: short, webbed feet for swimming, with dull pale-to-greyish tones in color",
+        "wings: extremely long and pointed wings with a typical wingspan of 2-3 meters",
+        "nape: it\u2019s the back part of the neck, generally displaying a smooth transition from head to body",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped tail, often pale white or light grey",
+        "throat: soft, white part right beneath the beak extending to the chest area"
+    ]
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+    "Black-footed Albatross": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "beak: large, grayish-black, and hooked",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-brown feathers",
+        "breast: dark grayish-brown plumage",
+        "crown: dark grayish-brown feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by grayish-black feathers",
+        "legs: long and black with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, and dark grayish-brown",
+        "nape: darker grayish-brown feathers at the back of the neck",
+        "tail: short and dark grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: lighter grayish-brown feathers under the beak"
+    ],
+    "Laysan Albatross": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: large, hooked, pinkish-yellow",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white and rounded",
+        "crown: gray and slightly rounded",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by black patch",
+        "legs: strong, scaly, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long, slender, black-tipped",
+        "nape: gray, gently sloping",
+        "tail: short, white with black fringes",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "Sooty Albatross": [
+        "back: dark greyish-brown with subtle patterns",
+        "beak: long, black, and hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: soft, light grayish-white",
+        "breast: pale gray with slight shading",
+        "crown: dark gray to black, feathers slightly raised",
+        "forehead: smooth dark gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, black, and slightly sunken",
+        "legs: medium-length, black, and webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, slender, dark grey with a thin white trailing edge",
+        "nape: dark grey, blending into the crown",
+        "tail: short, fanned, and dark grey",
+        "throat: light gray with a hint of brown"
+    ],
+    "Groove-billed Ani": [
+        "back: black and glossy with hints of green",
+        "beak: thick and curved with prominent ridges",
+        "belly: dark and slightly iridescent",
+        "breast: black with subtle greenish sheen",
+        "crown: slightly raised and glossy black",
+        "forehead: smooth, featuring a small tuft of black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, with a white or pale yellow hue",
+        "legs: dark grey, strong and sturdy",
+        "wings: long with black iridescent feathers",
+        "nape: narrow and glossy with greenish-black feathers",
+        "tail: long and straight with black, slightly iridescent feathers",
+        "throat: smooth-feathered, blending with the breast color"
+    ],
+    "Crested Auklet": [
+        "back: dark, sooty plumage",
+        "beak: short, bright orange",
+        "belly: greyish-white feathers",
+        "breast: dark grey plumage",
+        "crown: blackish feathers curving into crest",
+        "forehead: black to pale gray feathering",
+        "eyes: small, dark, round",
+        "legs: short, orange-yellow, webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark, short, and rounded",
+        "nape: dark, with crest extending from behind",
+        "tail: short, dark, slightly wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: contrasting white and grey plumage"
+    ],
+    "Least Auklet": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: short, stout, and pale yellow",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-brown",
+        "breast: grayish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black plumage",
+        "forehead: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, round, black",
+        "legs: short, orange-yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brownish-black, pointed shape",
+        "nape: dark brownish-black plumage",
+        "tail: short, dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-brown with white streaks"
+    ],
+    "Parakeet Auklet": [
+        "back: dark gray feathers with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: small, orange-yellow, and slightly upturned",
+        "belly: white, soft feathers with slight dark markings",
+        "breast: dark gray feathers, lighter towards the edges",
+        "crown: smooth, dark gray feathers covering the head",
+        "forehead: slightly paler gray feathers transitioning to the crown",
+        "eyes: black, circular, and prominent with thin white eye rings",
+        "legs: webbed feet in a bright red-orange color",
+        "wings: dark gray with visible white edges during flight",
+        "nape: continuation of the dark gray crown and back feathers",
+        "tail: short, wedge-shaped, and dark gray",
+        "throat: white, soft feathers transitioning to dark gray on the breast"
+    ],
+    "Rhinoceros Auklet": [
+        "back: dark grey with white speckles",
+        "beak: curved shape with a white horn-like structure",
+        "belly: light grey with a white border",
+        "breast: dark greyish-black with white spots",
+        "crown: dark grey with white speckles and a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: dark grey merging into the beak",
+        "eyes: small and round, black, with white circle around them",
+        "legs: strong, webbed feet, in a vibrant, pale orange color",
+        "wings: dark grey/black with white speckles, slightly elongated",
+        "nape: dark grey with white speckles, connecting to the crown and back",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped, dark grey with white spots",
+        "throat: dark grey merging into the lighter grey belly"
+    ],
+    "Brewer Blackbird": [
+        "back: dark, iridescent feathers",
+        "beak: slender, pointy, and black",
+        "belly: glossy black plumage",
+        "breast: shiny black feathers",
+        "crown: smooth, iridescent black feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek, black feathers",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a narrow black line",
+        "legs: thin, dark gray or black",
+        "wings: long, iridescent black feathers",
+        "nape: black, glossy feathers",
+        "tail: black, fan-shaped with a slight curve",
+        "throat: iridescent black plumage"
+    ],
+    "Red-winged Blackbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharply pointed, dark grey",
+        "belly: smooth black plumage",
+        "breast: solid black, attractive",
+        "crown: glossy black sheen",
+        "forehead: smoothly crested, black",
+        "eyes: small, dark, engaged",
+        "legs: long, slender, greyish",
+        "wings: broad, black, red patches",
+        "nape: gracefully curved, black",
+        "tail: forked, black, versatile",
+        "throat: smooth, black plumage"
+    ],
+    "Rusty Blackbird": [
+        "back: dark brownish-black feathers",
+        "beak: pointed, silver-gray color",
+        "belly: lighter gray-black hue",
+        "breast: grayish-black feathers",
+        "crown: dark, sleek feathers on the head",
+        "forehead: smooth, black gradient",
+        "eyes: tiny, bright yellow circle",
+        "legs: thin, dark and slightly shining",
+        "wings: long, black with brownish tint",
+        "nape: black and slightly lighter than crown",
+        "tail: wide, black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "throat: grayish-black hue, similar to the breast"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-headed Blackbird": [
+        "back: dark black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy and pointed, light grayish color",
+        "belly: vivid yellow plumage",
+        "breast: bright yellow feathers",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow covering head",
+        "forehead: striking yellow coloration",
+        "eyes: small and dark, surrounded by yellow plumage",
+        "legs: long and slender, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with white markings",
+        "nape: black feathers transitioning into yellow",
+        "tail: long, black and fan-like",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow feathers"
+    ],
+    "Bobolink": [
+        "back: black and white spotted feathers",
+        "beak: small and pointy, light color",
+        "belly: bright white with dark stripes",
+        "breast: black and white patterning",
+        "crown: black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth black feathers",
+        "eyes: small and black, surrounded by feathers",
+        "legs: thin and grayish-brown",
+        "wings: long and pointed with black, white, and yellow feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers blending with crown",
+        "tail: short and pointed, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: black feathers meeting with breast pattern"
+    ],
+    "Indigo Bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant indigo feathers with a shimmering sheen",
+        "beak: short, conical, and silver-grey",
+        "belly: soft, light blue feathers fading to white towards the vent",
+        "breast: bright indigo plumage with a lighter blue streak down the center",
+        "crown: deep indigo with a slight crest at the top",
+        "forehead: iridescent indigo feathering",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black, encircled by a thin, pale blue eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and grey with strong, agile toes",
+        "wings: brilliant indigo with darker flight feathers and white streaking on the edges",
+        "nape: metallic indigo plumage connecting the head to the back",
+        "tail: dark indigo with white edges, slightly forked at the tip",
+        "throat: striking cobalt blue feathers transitioning into the breast plumage"
+    ],
+    "Lazuli Bunting": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with subtle gradation",
+        "beak: short, conical, grayish-black",
+        "belly: white with some blue at the sides",
+        "breast: rusty orange with light streaks",
+        "crown: deep blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue meeting with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by blue plumage",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: rich blue with darker, blackish edges",
+        "nape: bright blue blending into back feathers",
+        "tail: blue with black edges and white outer feathers",
+        "throat: intense blue leading into the breast"
+    ],
+    "Painted Bunting": [
+        "back: bright blue and green feathers",
+        "beak: stout, conical shape",
+        "belly: vivid red-orange hue",
+        "breast: rich red color",
+        "crown: deep blue-purple",
+        "forehead: electric blue tint",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and light pink",
+        "wings: contrasting bright green",
+        "nape: bright blue band",
+        "tail: bright green-blue feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant red plumage"
+    ],
+    "Cardinal": [
+        "back: vibrant red feathers",
+        "beak: stout, conical, and orange",
+        "belly: light red to grayish-white",
+        "breast: bright red plumage",
+        "crown: distinctive red crest",
+        "forehead: vibrant red feathers",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: red with black and white accents",
+        "nape: red feather transition to grayish-white",
+        "tail: long, red, and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: bright red with sharp delineation from white belly"
+    ],
+    "Spotted Catbird": [
+        "back: greenish-brown with darker spots",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale green with black spots",
+        "breast: light green with black speckles",
+        "crown: dark green with small spots",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter green with fine spots",
+        "eyes: bright, piercing black",
+        "legs: strong and grey",
+        "wings: vibrant green with black spots",
+        "nape: green-splashed with fine spots",
+        "tail: long, green with dark bands",
+        "throat: pale green with faint spots"
+    ],
+    "Gray Catbird": [
+        "back: gray, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: black, sharp, and pointed",
+        "belly: lighter gray, soft feathers",
+        "breast: pale gray with a slight chest bump",
+        "crown: sleek gray with a slightly raised tuft",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers transitioning into the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and slender with sharp claws",
+        "wings: gray and slightly darker than the body, rounded tips",
+        "nape: continuous gray feathers extending from crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray with rounded edges and white undertail feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending seamlessly with the breast"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-breasted Chat": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: black, thick, and short",
+        "belly: bright yellow, rounded",
+        "breast: vivid yellow, broad and plump",
+        "crown: olive-green with indistinct markings",
+        "forehead: olive-green, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering, bright and expressive",
+        "legs: grayish-blue, thin and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with darker feathers, long and pointed",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white-tipped corners, long and slim",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow, connects with breast"
+    ],
+    "Eastern Towhee": [
+        "back: olive-brown with streaks",
+        "beak: conical and dark gray",
+        "belly: white and unmarked",
+        "breast: distinctive reddish-orange",
+        "crown: black or dark brown cap",
+        "forehead: same as crown, black or dark brown",
+        "eyes: red or amber with dark markings",
+        "legs: sturdy and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark with white markings",
+        "nape: same as back, olive-brown",
+        "tail: long, dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black or dark brown stripe"
+    ],
+    "Chuck-will Widow": [
+        "back: dark brown streaked with black",
+        "beak: short, wide, and hooked",
+        "belly: pale buffy-brown with dark markings",
+        "breast: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with blackish streaks",
+        "forehead: chocolate-brown with a buffy tinge",
+        "eyes: large and dark, capable of night hunting",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, feathered in brown",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and brown with blackish markings",
+        "nape: dark brown streaked buff",
+        "tail: long and dark brown, barred with black",
+        "throat: white or pale buff, contrasting with dark sides"
+    ],
+    "Brandt Cormorant": [
+        "back: dark plumage with a slight iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: long and slender, hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: dark grey-black feathers",
+        "breast: deep black with bluish-green sheen",
+        "crown: glossy black with some white feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek black feathers with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: deep blue with white border",
+        "legs: dark grey with black webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad and dark with metallic green highlights",
+        "nape: glossy black with white speckled pattern",
+        "tail: short, black with a slight green sheen",
+        "throat: dark with a turquoise-blue throat patch"
+    ],
+    "Red-faced Cormorant": [
+        "back: dark grayish-blue feathers",
+        "beak: long and hooked, dark color",
+        "belly: grayish-blue plumage",
+        "breast: lighter grayish-blue feathers",
+        "crown: black feathers for crest",
+        "forehead: bright red, bare skin patch",
+        "eyes: noticeable white eye-ring",
+        "legs: black and webbed",
+        "wings: dark grayish-blue feathers, large span",
+        "nape: black feathers, matching crown",
+        "tail: dark gray-blue with wedge-shaped, sharp ends",
+        "throat: grey to black mixed plumage"
+    ],
+    "Pelagic Cormorant": [
+        "back: sleek, dark plumage",
+        "beak: long, thin, hooked tip",
+        "belly: black, slightly paler than back",
+        "breast: dark, glossy feathers",
+        "crown: flat, dark head with iridescent sheen",
+        "forehead: sloping smoothly into beak",
+        "eyes: blue, intense gaze",
+        "legs: short, strong, orange-webbed feet",
+        "wings: large, powerful, long, and black",
+        "nape: slender, gracefully curved neck",
+        "tail: short, stiff, fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: dark, with pale flecks or streaks"
+    ],
+    "Bronzed Cowbird": [
+        "back: glossy black with hints of iridescence",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: dark, slightly shimmering black",
+        "breast: gleaming bronze-black hues",
+        "crown: subtly metallic black",
+        "forehead: smooth, glossy black",
+        "eyes: striking red or red-brown",
+        "legs: slim, long, and black",
+        "wings: broad and iridescent black",
+        "nape: smooth bronze-black feathers",
+        "tail: relatively short, black, and fan-shaped",
+        "throat: shimmering bronze-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "Shiny Cowbird": [
+        "back: sleek black feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: smooth, glossy black",
+        "breast: shimmering black plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black cap",
+        "forehead: gleaming black feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and black",
+        "wings: iridescent black with a strong curve",
+        "nape: smooth, black, and glossy",
+        "tail: elongated, fanned, with black feathers",
+        "throat: black, slightly iridescent"
+    ],
+    "Brown Creeper": [
+        "back: brown with light streaks",
+        "beak: thin and curved",
+        "belly: white with minimal markings",
+        "breast: white and lightly streaked",
+        "crown: streaked brown and white",
+        "forehead: light brown with streaks",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white markings",
+        "nape: light brown with streaks",
+        "tail: long and stiff with white tips",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "American Crow": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, black, slightly curved",
+        "belly: smooth black feathers",
+        "breast: shiny black plumage",
+        "crown: smooth black head feathers",
+        "forehead: flat with black feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, round, intelligent gaze",
+        "legs: long, black, and strong",
+        "wings: large, black, powerful for soaring",
+        "nape: sleek black feathers at the neck",
+        "tail: black, fan-shaped, opening during flight",
+        "throat: black feathers, slightly ruffled"
+    ],
+    "Fish Crow": [
+        "back: dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly hooked black beak",
+        "belly: lighter grayish-black feathers",
+        "breast: dark grayish-black feathers",
+        "crown: evenly rounded black feathers",
+        "forehead: slightly raised black feathers",
+        "eyes: deep black with a perceptible glint",
+        "legs: relatively short black legs",
+        "wings: dark grayish-black with broad feathers",
+        "nape: sleek black feathers connecting head to back",
+        "tail: moderately long, squared black feathers",
+        "throat: smooth grayish-black feathers"
+    ],
+    "Black-billed Cuckoo": [
+        "back: dark olive-brown with a pale stripe down the center",
+        "beak: sleek black color, slightly curved",
+        "belly: creamy white, with some brownish spots in females and juveniles",
+        "breast: soft whitish-gray with a hint of brown hues",
+        "crown: smooth olive-brown color",
+        "forehead: dark brownish-gray, blends with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: slender blue-gray, adapted for perching",
+        "wings: long and pointed, olive-brown with white spots on the underside",
+        "nape: olive-brown, similar to the crown and back",
+        "tail: long and thin, brownish-gray with white tips on feathers",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "Mangrove Cuckoo": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with white",
+        "beak: black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: yellowish-white",
+        "breast: white with brown streaks",
+        "crown: black and streaked with white",
+        "forehead: brown and slightly streaked",
+        "eyes: black, medium-sized with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and slate-gray",
+        "wings: brown with rufous primary feathers",
+        "nape: brown and white streaked",
+        "tail: long with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-billed Cuckoo": [
+        "back: olive-brown plumage",
+        "beak: long, yellow lower mandible",
+        "belly: white feathering",
+        "breast: white with faint brown streaks",
+        "crown: sleek grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: buff-colored",
+        "eyes: reddish-brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: rufous primary feathers, noticeable in flight",
+        "nape: grayish-brown",
+        "tail: long with white spots on black subterminal band",
+        "throat: white with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "Gray-crowned-Rosy Finch": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with streaked pattern",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: rosy-pink hue fading into gray",
+        "breast: rosy-pink blending into gray",
+        "crown: distinctive gray patch on top of head",
+        "forehead: pinkish-gray blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-spaced",
+        "legs: dark, slender with strong feet",
+        "wings: dark, elongated with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: pale gray extending from the crown",
+        "tail: forked, dark, and proportionate to body",
+        "throat: rosy-pink merging with breast color"
+    ],
+    "Purple Finch": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with faint stripes",
+        "beak: stout and conical, darker upper and lighter lower",
+        "belly: white to pale gray, with faint streaks",
+        "breast: rosy-red to purplish-pink, fading into belly",
+        "crown: reddish-purple",
+        "forehead: reddish-purple, continuation of the crown",
+        "eyes: dark with a thin pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: reddish-purple, blending into back",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, forked with slight notches",
+        "throat: rosy-red to purplish-pink, matching breast"
+    ],
+    "Northern Flicker": [
+        "back: brown with black barring",
+        "beak: slightly curved, grayish",
+        "belly: creamy white with black spots",
+        "breast: pale beige, spotted",
+        "crown: gray, with a red nape patch",
+        "forehead: tan, with traces of red near the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, with a pale eyebrow",
+        "legs: grayish, sturdy",
+        "wings: brown and black, with patches of white",
+        "nape: red, with crescent shape",
+        "tail: black, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: beige, variably spotted"
+    ],
+    "Acadian Flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaking",
+        "beak: thin, long, and black",
+        "belly: pale yellow with subtle feather markings",
+        "breast: light olive-green with indistinct streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green, blending seamlessly with the back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler green than the crown",
+        "eyes: large, dark with a faint pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale grayish-pink, thin yet strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with bold white wing bars",
+        "nape: lighter green than the back, smoothly transitioning to the crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with a slight fan shape, white edging on outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale yellow, matching the belly color"
+    ],
+    "Great-Crested Flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green coloration",
+        "beak: broad, black, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: pale lemon-yellow hue",
+        "breast: gray with light streaks",
+        "crown: bushy orange-brown crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray gradient",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, black, and adept",
+        "wings: dark gray with rufous edges",
+        "nape: olive-green fading to gray",
+        "tail: long, black with rufous undertail coverts",
+        "throat: pale gray with fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "Least Flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: small, sharp, black",
+        "belly: off-white with pale yellow tinges",
+        "breast: clean, light-gray plumage",
+        "crown: olive-green with slight crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-green",
+        "eyes: dark, medium-sized, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, black, with sturdy gray feet",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, blending into back",
+        "tail: slightly forked, blackish with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Olive-sided Flycatcher": [
+        "back: dark grayish-brown plumage",
+        "beak: strong, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white feathered area",
+        "breast: washed with pale olive tone",
+        "crown: grayish-brown, slightly peaked",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown, blending with crown",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long, black, and strong",
+        "wings: dark grayish-brown with faint wingbars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown, blending with crown and back",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a slight tinge of olive"
+    ],
+    "Scissor-tailed Flycatcher": [
+        "back: grayish, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: slender and long, blackish",
+        "belly: pale, whitish gray",
+        "breast: light grey with slight pinkish hues",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish feathers",
+        "forehead: sleek gray feathers",
+        "eyes: round, dark piercing gaze",
+        "legs: slim, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: elongated, black with white edges",
+        "nape: smooth, pale-gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, scissor-like, black, and white",
+        "throat: light gray with a pink tinge"
+    ],
+    "Vermilion Flycatcher": [
+        "back: vibrant red-orange plumage",
+        "beak: short, tapered black beak",
+        "belly: creamy white with a hint of red",
+        "breast: bright vermilion feathers",
+        "crown: fiery red-orange crest",
+        "forehead: striking red-orange hue",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and piercing",
+        "legs: slender, dark gray legs",
+        "wings: blackish wings with red edges",
+        "nape: reddish-orange coloration",
+        "tail: black with red-orange accents",
+        "throat: brilliant vermilion feathers"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-bellied Flycatcher": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: small, black bill",
+        "belly: bright yellow underparts",
+        "breast: olive-yellowish chest",
+        "crown: olive-green head",
+        "forehead: slight eye-ring",
+        "eyes: dark brown color",
+        "legs: short and thin, blackish",
+        "wings: olive-green with two prominent wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green neck",
+        "tail: olive-green with dark feather tips",
+        "throat: yellowish-green front"
+    ],
+    "Frigatebird": [
+        "back: sleek and black",
+        "beak: long and hooked",
+        "belly: white or black, depending on species",
+        "breast: puffed-out red pouch (males only",
+        "crown: black and feathered",
+        "forehead: small and black",
+        "eyes: black and side-oriented",
+        "legs: long and scaly",
+        "wings: elongated, narrow, and pointed",
+        "nape: black with a slight sheen",
+        "tail: deeply forked and long",
+        "throat: long and slender"
+    ],
+    "Northern Fulmar": [
+        "back: grayish-brown feathers with light streaks",
+        "beak: strong and hooked, greyish-yellow color",
+        "belly: white and fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: white to light gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark grey feathers with a hint of brown",
+        "forehead: lighter grayish-brown with subtle streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing, surrounded by white feathers",
+        "legs: short and thick, greyish-blue with webbed feet",
+        "wings: broad and sturdy, grayish-brown with a paler underside",
+        "nape: lighter gray with a hint of brown and streaks",
+        "tail: short with grayish-brown feathers",
+        "throat: white to light gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "Gadwall": [
+        "back: subtle pattern of gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: medium-sized, dark gray, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white feathers",
+        "breast: light gray and subtle white speckling",
+        "crown: dark gray-brown with smooth feather patterns",
+        "forehead: light gray-brown, gently sloping",
+        "eyes: small, round, dark brown",
+        "legs: short, reddish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: gray and brown, featuring white wing patches",
+        "nape: gray-brown feathers, often darker than crown",
+        "tail: brownish-gray feathers with black and white borders",
+        "throat: white to light gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "American Goldfinch": [
+        "back: bright yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pinkish-orange",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow and white mix",
+        "breast: brilliant yellow with soft feathering",
+        "crown: black with surrounding yellow plumage",
+        "forehead: radiant yellow with a small patch",
+        "eyes: dark brown and expressive",
+        "legs: pale pink in color and slender",
+        "wings: black with white bars and yellow edges",
+        "nape: yellow feathered transitioning into black",
+        "tail: black with white notches on the feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow leading to the breast"
+    ],
+    "European Goldfinch": [
+        "back: olive-brown with black stripes",
+        "beak: pale pink-tinted ivory with pointed tip",
+        "belly: white and contrasting with the bird's colors",
+        "breast: reddish-orange patch, deep and rich",
+        "crown: black with a hint of glossy green",
+        "forehead: bright yellow, almost golden color",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with a small white ring around them",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with strong, agile toes",
+        "wings: black with a bold, bright yellow bar",
+        "nape: greyish-brown, blending seamlessly into the back",
+        "tail: black, forked with white spots on edges",
+        "throat: white, leading into the reddish-orange breast"
+    ],
+    "Boat-tailed Grackle": [
+        "back: glossy bluish-black feathers",
+        "beak: long, straight, pointed",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white or brown",
+        "breast: faintly iridescent blue-black",
+        "crown: iridescent purplish-blue sheen",
+        "forehead: slightly rounded, with similar sheen to crown",
+        "eyes: yellow to pale yellow",
+        "legs: dark gray, thin and sturdy",
+        "wings: elongated, dark, iridescent blue-black",
+        "nape: purple-blue sheen, connecting crown and back",
+        "tail: long, keel-shaped, often fanned out",
+        "throat: iridescent black merging with breast"
+    ],
+    "Eared Grebe": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: chestnut-colored with white highlights",
+        "crown: black with slight crest",
+        "forehead: black and smooth",
+        "eyes: bright red with a glistening appearance",
+        "legs: long and slender with lobed toes",
+        "wings: short, rounded, and dark with white patches",
+        "nape: black and slightly arching",
+        "tail: short and fan-shaped with black feathers",
+        "throat: white with a hint of beige"
+    ],
+    "Horned Grebe": [
+        "back: dark grey with white streaks",
+        "beak: sharp, pointed black",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: reddish-brown",
+        "crown: black with rust-colored \"horns\" (tufts",
+        "forehead: black and slightly sloping",
+        "eyes: bright red with black pupils",
+        "legs: short and dark with lobed, webbed feet",
+        "wings: folded against the body, grey with white tips",
+        "nape: black with rust-colored tufted feathers",
+        "tail: short, grey feathers with a fan-like shape",
+        "throat: white with a black stripe near the beak"
+    ],
+    "Pied-billed Grebe": [
+        "back: brownish-black with white streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout with a black vertical stripe",
+        "belly: snowy white",
+        "breast: dusky gray",
+        "crown: dark brownish-black",
+        "forehead: steep and rounded",
+        "eyes: bright red",
+        "legs: short with lobed toes",
+        "wings: small and rounded, brownish-black with white streaks",
+        "nape: dark brownish-black",
+        "tail: short and inconspicuous",
+        "throat: white with a dusky gray tinge"
+    ],
+    "Western Grebe": [
+        "back: sleek, dark grayish-black plumage",
+        "beak: long, slender, slightly upturned, pale yellow-orange",
+        "belly: soft, white feathering",
+        "breast: white feathers transitioning to darker colors near the back",
+        "crown: smooth, black, rounded head feathers",
+        "forehead: black feathers seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "eyes: fiery red, encircled by black feathers",
+        "legs: strong, gray-green, set far back on the body",
+        "wings: long, narrow, blackish gray with white secondary feathers",
+        "nape: black feathers gracefully curving towards the wings",
+        "tail: short, dark, and pointed",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with the darker head plumage"
+    ],
+    "Blue Grosbeak": [
+        "back: deep blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, conical shape",
+        "belly: rich cinnamon-brown",
+        "breast: vibrant blue plumage",
+        "crown: deep blue, slightly crested",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing gaze",
+        "legs: black, sturdy",
+        "wings: blue-gray with black streaks",
+        "nape: blue, smoothly blending into back",
+        "tail: long, blue-black with white outer tips",
+        "throat: electric blue, contrasting against breast"
+    ],
+    "Evening Grosbeak": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: large, thick, conical yellowish bill",
+        "belly: pale yellow underparts",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow chest",
+        "crown: black head with a patch of white on the sides",
+        "forehead: black and broad",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy grayish-purple legs",
+        "wings: black with prominent white patches",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into black",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: black and yellow plumage"
+    ],
+    "Pine Grosbeak": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with white wingbars",
+        "beak: strong, conical, and light-colored",
+        "belly: light pinkish-red",
+        "breast: rosy-red",
+        "crown: rosy-red",
+        "forehead: rosy-red",
+        "eyes: black and round",
+        "legs: thin, gray and strong",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with white wingbars",
+        "nape: rosy-red",
+        "tail: long and dark brown",
+        "throat: rosy-red"
+    ],
+    "Rose-breasted Grosbeak": [
+        "back: dark black plumage",
+        "beak: large, thick, and cone-shaped",
+        "belly: soft white feathers",
+        "breast: vivid rose-colored patch",
+        "crown: black and smooth",
+        "forehead: black and sleek",
+        "eyes: sharp, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, gray, and powerful",
+        "wings: black, lined with white",
+        "nape: solid black",
+        "tail: black, long and elegant",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with breast"
+    ],
+    "Pigeon Guillemot": [
+        "back: dark charcoal gray",
+        "beak: bright orange-red",
+        "belly: white underbelly",
+        "breast: blackish-gray feathers",
+        "crown: dark, flat crest",
+        "forehead: smooth charcoal-colored",
+        "eyes: small, black, and rounded",
+        "legs: bright orange-red, webbed feet",
+        "wings: blackish-gray with white patches",
+        "nape: dark gray with slight feathers",
+        "tail: short, dark gray, squared-off",
+        "throat: blackish-gray plumage"
+    ],
+    "California Gull": [
+        "back: sleek gray feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with a red and black tip",
+        "belly: crisp white feathers",
+        "breast: white with subtle gray undertones",
+        "crown: smooth gray plumage",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round with white rings around them",
+        "legs: bright yellow with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long, gray with black tips and white edges",
+        "nape: gentle curve of gray feathers",
+        "tail: short, white with black band near the tips",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Glaucous-winged Gull": [
+        "back: light gray feathered mantle",
+        "beak: strong, yellowish with red dot near tip",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white mixed with light gray plumage",
+        "crown: slightly flattened head with light gray feathers",
+        "forehead: light gray feathers blending into the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark, almond-shaped with red orbital ring",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: pale grayish-blue with white trailing edges",
+        "nape: light gray feathers blending into the back",
+        "tail: white with narrow black band near the tip",
+        "throat: white, blending into breast area"
+    ],
+    "Heermann Gull": [
+        "back: light grey upper feathers",
+        "beak: bright red-orange hooked tip",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: white feathers on chest",
+        "crown: greyish-white head",
+        "forehead: white with faint grey markings",
+        "eyes: dark with red orbital ring",
+        "legs: bright red-orange",
+        "wings: grey with black wingtips",
+        "nape: white extended to the back of the neck",
+        "tail: white with black terminal edge",
+        "throat: white feathers on upper throat"
+    ],
+    "Herring Gull": [
+        "back: light gray with black-tipped feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with a red marking near the tip",
+        "belly: white and lightly feathered",
+        "breast: white with a slight gray tone",
+        "crown: light gray, smoothly rounded",
+        "forehead: light gray, slightly sloping",
+        "eyes: yellow with a black ring around them",
+        "legs: pinkish with webbed feet",
+        "wings: light gray with black-tipped primaries and white spots",
+        "nape: light gray, seamlessly connected with the crown",
+        "tail: white with black band near the tip",
+        "throat: white, leading to the breast area"
+    ],
+    "Ivory Gull": [
+        "back: sleek, snowy white feathers",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, bluish-black",
+        "belly: pure white, soft plumage",
+        "breast: white, plump and smooth",
+        "crown: rounded, white feathers",
+        "forehead: white, with bright black eyes",
+        "eyes: dark and attentive",
+        "legs: bluish-black, slender and clawed",
+        "wings: white, elongated, with black tips",
+        "nape: white, seamlessly blending with the crown",
+        "tail: white, narrow, and pointed",
+        "throat: smooth, white plumage"
+    ],
+    "Ring-billed Gull": [
+        "back: light gray feathers",
+        "beak: yellow with a black ring",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers",
+        "crown: white feathers with light streaks",
+        "forehead: white feathers",
+        "eyes: large, pale and surrounded by red orbital ring",
+        "legs: yellowish-orange",
+        "wings: light gray with black tips and white spots",
+        "nape: white with light streaks",
+        "tail: white with black edge",
+        "throat: white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Slaty-backed Gull": [
+        "back: slate-gray with subtle black feather tips",
+        "beak: sturdy, yellow with a red subterminal spot",
+        "belly: white with minimal streaking",
+        "breast: white and unmarked",
+        "crown: uniform pale-gray with a rounded profile",
+        "forehead: soft gray blending into the pale crown",
+        "eyes: dark, well-defined against the pale-gray head",
+        "legs: pinkish to yellowish with webbed feet",
+        "wings: slate-gray with black tips and white trailing edge",
+        "nape: pale gray, similar to the crown and forehead",
+        "tail: mostly white with bold black terminal band",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, and contrasts with the darker head"
+    ],
+    "Western Gull": [
+        "back: light gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "beak: strong, yellow with red spot",
+        "belly: white and soft",
+        "breast: white and slightly puffed",
+        "crown: light gray with white streaks",
+        "forehead: rounded and light gray",
+        "eyes: dark and alert",
+        "legs: pinkish-orange and webbed",
+        "wings: light gray with black tips",
+        "nape: light gray and sleek",
+        "tail: white with a black band",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "Anna Hummingbird": [
+        "back: shimmering green feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender, and straight",
+        "belly: pale gray feathers",
+        "breast: iridescent magenta coloring",
+        "crown: vibrant, iridescent purple",
+        "forehead: shining green feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short and delicate",
+        "wings: fast-moving, elongated shape",
+        "nape: bright green plumage",
+        "tail: fan-shaped with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant magenta patch"
+    ],
+    "Ruby-throated Hummingbird": [
+        "back: iridescent green feathers",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: light grayish-white plumage",
+        "breast: bright green or fiery red, depending on the angle",
+        "crown: iridescent green plumage",
+        "forehead: bright green with a slight curve",
+        "eyes: small and dark, positioned on the sides",
+        "legs: short and slender, with tiny feet",
+        "wings: long, narrow, and pointed for rapid flight",
+        "nape: glittering green feathers",
+        "tail: forked with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant red in males, greenish-white in females"
+    ],
+    "Rufous Hummingbird": [
+        "back: vibrant, rusty-orange color with iridescent green patches",
+        "beak: long, thin, and slightly curved for feeding on nectar",
+        "belly: whitish-gray with soft rufous undertones",
+        "breast: creamy-white and delicately streaked with rufous",
+        "crown: iridescent green, fading towards the nape",
+        "forehead: greenish-bronze with some rufous feathers",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: short, thin, and well-adapted for perching",
+        "wings: shimmering green with pointed, curved shape for agile flight",
+        "nape: subtle transition from iridescent green to rufous",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, rufous-orange with black-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant red-orange gorget, dazzling in sunlight"
+    ],
+    "Green Violetear": [
+        "back: metallic green with a slight sheen",
+        "beak: short, curved, black",
+        "belly: white with green streaks",
+        "breast: iridescent green shimmer",
+        "crown: glistening green with violet highlights",
+        "forehead: bright metallic green",
+        "eyes: black with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-black, slender",
+        "wings: green with violet feathers along the edges",
+        "nape: shiny green, fading to violet-blue",
+        "tail: metallic green, slender, and forked",
+        "throat: vibrant violet-blue patch"
+    ],
+    "Long-tailed Jaeger": [
+        "back: sleek, gray-brown plumage",
+        "beak: sharp, black, and pointed",
+        "belly: clean white underbelly",
+        "breast: light gray with hints of white",
+        "crown: pale gray, smooth-feathered",
+        "forehead: slightly darker gray than the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, intelligent, and alert",
+        "legs: slender, black, with webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and pointed, with grayish-brown coloring",
+        "nape: pale gray, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: elongated, sharp central feathers, blackish-brown",
+        "throat: soft gray, lighter than the breast"
+    ],
+    "Pomarine Jaeger": [
+        "back: dark brown plumage",
+        "beak: strong and hooked, pale yellow and black",
+        "belly: creamy white or light brown",
+        "breast: dark brown fading to lighter shade",
+        "crown: dark brown, sleek feathers",
+        "forehead: brown, blending to a yellowish tint",
+        "eyes: dark brown, sharply focused",
+        "legs: thick and sturdy, pale yellow",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark brown with white patches",
+        "nape: brown feathers leading to a pale collar",
+        "tail: distinctive, elongated central feathers, dark brown",
+        "throat: light brown or cream-colored feathers"
+    ],
+    "Blue Jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers with grayish-white streaks",
+        "beak: short, sturdy, and black",
+        "belly: light, off-white color",
+        "breast: white with light gray-blue streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue with a distinctive crest",
+        "forehead: bright blue feathers",
+        "eyes: dark and alert with white highlights",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-black legs",
+        "wings: rich blue with bold, black bands and white spots",
+        "nape: bright blue transitioning to grayish-white",
+        "tail: long, blue feathers with black bands and white corners",
+        "throat: white with a subtle grayish-blue tinge"
+    ],
+    "Florida Jay": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: stout, slightly curved black beak",
+        "belly: pale gray and soft",
+        "breast: light gray and fluffy",
+        "crown: distinct blue crest",
+        "forehead: white striped marking",
+        "eyes: small, bright, and black",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blue with black bars",
+        "nape: blue with white markings",
+        "tail: long, blue, and white-tipped",
+        "throat: off-white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Green Jay": [
+        "back: vibrant green feathers",
+        "beak: long, dark, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: shades of soft yellow",
+        "breast: rich pale blue",
+        "crown: bright blue with black streaks",
+        "forehead: lime green",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: long and slender, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: vivid green with blue and black details",
+        "nape: green with black streaks",
+        "tail: long, exotic blue and green feathers",
+        "throat: pale blue and gray blend"
+    ],
+    "Dark-eyed Junco": [
+        "back: slate-gray to blackish upperparts",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: light gray to white underside",
+        "breast: smoky gray extending towards flanks",
+        "crown: charcoal gray to blackish top of head",
+        "forehead: same color as crown or slightly lighter gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by white or pale gray eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-black with white outer tail feathers",
+        "nape: gray to blackish continuation of crown color",
+        "tail: dark gray to black central feathers with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale gray to white, contrasting with darker head and breast"
+    ],
+    "Tropical Kingbird": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: black, straight, and medium-length",
+        "belly: bright yellow",
+        "breast: light yellowish-green",
+        "crown: dark slate gray",
+        "forehead: gray transitioning to olive-green",
+        "eyes: black with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: gray with sharp, clawed toes",
+        "wings: olive-green with brownish-black primary feathers",
+        "nape: olive-green with slight crest",
+        "tail: dark, forked with white outer edges",
+        "throat: light yellow"
+    ],
+    "Gray Kingbird": [
+        "back: smooth gray feathers",
+        "beak: black, strong, and sharp",
+        "belly: creamy-white hue with slight yellowish tinge",
+        "breast: pale grey blending into the white belly",
+        "crown: dark grey with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: flat and pale gray",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black with white eyering",
+        "legs: black and sturdy with long toes",
+        "wings: dark gray and streamlined",
+        "nape: pale gray, slightly paler than the crown",
+        "tail: long, dark gray, and slightly forked",
+        "throat: white with a slight greyish tinge"
+    ],
+    "Belted Kingfisher": [
+        "back: blue-gray feathers with horizontal streaks",
+        "beak: long and dagger-shaped, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with a bluish tinge",
+        "breast: blue-gray band (male) or blue-gray band with rusty stripe (female",
+        "crown: blue-gray with ragged crest",
+        "forehead: white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: dark and alert, surrounded by small white spot",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: large and powerful, blue-gray with white spots",
+        "nape: blue-gray feathers with horizontal stripe pattern",
+        "tail: long with blue-gray feathers and white or rust spots",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Green Kingfisher": [
+        "back: shimmering green plumage",
+        "beak: sharp black bill",
+        "belly: pale rufous coloration",
+        "breast: white stripe above rufous chest",
+        "crown: iridescent green feathers",
+        "forehead: gleaming green area",
+        "eyes: dark and round with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and strong with grayish-black feet",
+        "wings: bright green with white spots on coverts along with the primaries",
+        "nape: vibrant green feathered region",
+        "tail: green feathers with distinct white tips",
+        "throat: whitish region with partial rufous tinge"
+    ],
+    "Pied Kingfisher": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: long, straight, black",
+        "belly: white with faint gray barring",
+        "breast: white with black spots",
+        "crown: black with white dots",
+        "forehead: white, round patch",
+        "eyes: dark round with white edges",
+        "legs: short, blackish-gray",
+        "wings: black with white spots and bands",
+        "nape: distinct white collar",
+        "tail: black and white, elongated with bands",
+        "throat: white with minimal black markings"
+    ],
+    "Ringed Kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue with white speckles",
+        "beak: long, sturdy, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: white with brownish-grey streaks",
+        "breast: white with thin brown bands",
+        "crown: bright blue with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: white with a blue separating line",
+        "eyes: dark with a white crescent below",
+        "legs: short and strong with sharp claws",
+        "wings: blue with black and white markings",
+        "nape: blue fading into white",
+        "tail: long and blue with black and white bands",
+        "throat: white with thin brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "White-breasted Kingfisher": [
+        "back: vibrant blue feathers",
+        "beak: strong, sharp, black",
+        "belly: clean white patch",
+        "breast: bright white plumage",
+        "crown: brilliant blue crest",
+        "forehead: striking electric blue",
+        "eyes: sharp, black, and round",
+        "legs: slender, long and red",
+        "wings: deep blue with white patches",
+        "nape: electric blue feathers",
+        "tail: iridescent blue with white accents",
+        "throat: smooth, white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Red-legged Kittiwake": [
+        "back: light grey plumage",
+        "beak: short, black, and hooked",
+        "belly: white feathers",
+        "breast: white and soft",
+        "crown: pale grey head",
+        "forehead: smooth light grey",
+        "eyes: dark with white borders",
+        "legs: vibrant red-orange",
+        "wings: light grey with black tips",
+        "nape: pale grey with a subtle collar",
+        "tail: white with a forked shape",
+        "throat: white and smooth"
+    ],
+    "Horned Lark": [
+        "back: light brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white or pale",
+        "breast: grayish with black markings",
+        "crown: black and white with two small feather \"horns",
+        "forehead: yellow or light colored",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: slender and dark",
+        "wings: light brown with black markings and white edges",
+        "nape: light gray or brown",
+        "tail: short and black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: pale with a black crescent-shaped band"
+    ],
+    "Pacific Loon": [
+        "back: dark grey with white speckling",
+        "beak: thin and pointy, dark in color",
+        "belly: silvery-white",
+        "breast: blackish-grey with a white border",
+        "crown: black with a greenish sheen",
+        "forehead: steep, sloping angle",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: set back, blackish-grey in color",
+        "wings: dark grey with white tips",
+        "nape: dark with a greenish gloss",
+        "tail: short and wedge-shaped, dark grey",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with a black chinstrap"
+    ],
+    "Mallard": [
+        "back: glossy, greenish-black feathers",
+        "beak: wide, flat, yellow to greenish-yellow",
+        "belly: light gray to white feathers",
+        "breast: chestnut-brown feathers with white edges",
+        "crown: dark green, iridescent feathers",
+        "forehead: transition from green to tan or gray",
+        "eyes: dark, round with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: sturdy, bright orange with webbed feet",
+        "wings: blue speculum feathers with white borders",
+        "nape: connecting dark green crown to gray feathers",
+        "tail: black central feathers with curled tips",
+        "throat: white or tan feathers, may have streaks"
+    ],
+    "Western Meadowlark": [
+        "back: streaked dark brown and buff",
+        "beak: long, pointed, and yellowish",
+        "belly: bright yellow with black v pattern",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow with a black bib",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with pale stripe",
+        "forehead: creamy-white with pale stripe",
+        "eyes: dark, small, surrounded by pale stripe",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark brown with white edges on feathers",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with a pale stripe",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "Hooded Merganser": [
+        "back: dark brown feathers with a subtle sheen",
+        "beak: slender, serrated, dark-grey",
+        "belly: pristine white with light brown sides",
+        "breast: white with black stripes and a brown hue",
+        "crown: large, rounded crest with black and white pattern",
+        "forehead: black feathers extending into the crest",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with a black outline",
+        "legs: short, orange-reddish with webbed feet",
+        "wings: dark brown with distinctive white patches",
+        "nape: black with thin white lines",
+        "tail: dark brown, slim and slightly pointed",
+        "throat: white transitioning into the breast area"
+    ],
+    "Red-breasted Merganser": [
+        "back: dark green, sleek feathers",
+        "beak: long, slim, serrated orange-red",
+        "belly: white with gray lining",
+        "breast: rusty red, speckled pattern",
+        "crown: greenish-black with shaggy crest",
+        "forehead: greenish-black, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark, beady with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: bright orange-red, webbed feet",
+        "wings: compact, dark with white patch",
+        "nape: long, shaggy green-black feathers",
+        "tail: short, black, slightly upturned",
+        "throat: white, clean and bright"
+    ],
+    "Mockingbird": [
+        "back: sleek gray-brown feathers",
+        "beak: long, slender and dark",
+        "belly: light gray-white hue",
+        "breast: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: smooth gray feathers",
+        "forehead: blending into gray crown",
+        "eyes: piercing black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and dark grey",
+        "wings: gray-brown with distinct white patches",
+        "nape: smooth gray transitioning from crown",
+        "tail: long and dark with white outer edges",
+        "throat: white with subtle gray streaks"
+    ],
+    "Nighthawk": [
+        "back: streamlined and camouflaged",
+        "beak: short and wide",
+        "belly: pale with dark streaks",
+        "breast: lightly streaked, gray-brown",
+        "crown: flat, well-hidden",
+        "forehead: blends into the crown",
+        "eyes: large and reflective",
+        "legs: short and slender",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark",
+        "nape: dark with faint streaks",
+        "tail: broad, dark, and forked",
+        "throat: pale with dark markings"
+    ],
+    "Clark Nutcracker": [
+        "back: grayish-black feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved, black",
+        "belly: white feathers with subtle gray markings",
+        "breast: pale gray plumage",
+        "crown: darker gray with black streaks",
+        "forehead: smooth gray feathers",
+        "eyes: bright, shiny black",
+        "legs: thin, sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: black and white striped pattern",
+        "nape: lighter gray feathers",
+        "tail: long, sleek, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white plumage with grayish tint"
+    ],
+    "White-breasted Nuthatch": [
+        "back: slate blue-gray feathers",
+        "beak: strong, slightly curved black",
+        "belly: white with faint grayish-brown sides",
+        "breast: bright white feathers",
+        "crown: black with a subtle blue sheen",
+        "forehead: white with hints of gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white tips",
+        "nape: black stripe down the neck",
+        "tail: long, blue-gray with white edges",
+        "throat: bright white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Baltimore Oriole": [
+        "back: black with vibrant orange markings",
+        "beak: slim, pointed, silver-grey",
+        "belly: bright orange-yellow",
+        "breast: vivid orange with some black",
+        "crown: solid black",
+        "forehead: contrasting black",
+        "eyes: dark, piercing black",
+        "legs: slender, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: black with orange-yellow bars",
+        "nape: black with orange sides",
+        "tail: sleek, black with orange highlights",
+        "throat: fiery orange-yellow"
+    ],
+    "Hooded Oriole": [
+        "back: vibrant orange-yellow with black markings",
+        "beak: long, slender, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: bright yellow-orange",
+        "breast: deep yellow or orange hue",
+        "crown: jet black",
+        "forehead: black, extending onto the eyes",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: sturdy, bluish-gray",
+        "wings: black with white-edged flight feathers",
+        "nape: black, contrasting with yellow-orange back",
+        "tail: black, long and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow or orange"
+    ],
+    "Orchard Oriole": [
+        "back: dark, burnt orange with black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, sharp",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow, slightly paler than the breast",
+        "breast: bright yellow, plump",
+        "crown: black, sleek, with a neat crest",
+        "forehead: black, smoothly curved",
+        "eyes: small, round, black, alert",
+        "legs: slender, gray, with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white wing bars",
+        "nape: dark, burnt orange, with fine black streaks",
+        "tail: black, elongated, with narrow white edges",
+        "throat: same bright yellow as the breast"
+    ],
+    "Scott Oriole": [
+        "back: black feathers with slight green shine",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, silver-gray",
+        "belly: bright yellow hue",
+        "breast: striking yellow plumage",
+        "crown: glossy black, contrasting with the forehead",
+        "forehead: vibrant yellow, extending to the eyes",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by yellow feathers",
+        "legs: blue-gray, thin and strong",
+        "wings: black with white patches and green sheen",
+        "nape: black feathers meeting the yellow forehead",
+        "tail: black with yellow edging and white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "Ovenbird": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, light pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: white with bold black spots",
+        "breast: white with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: orange with a black stripe on each side",
+        "forehead: olive-yellowish",
+        "eyes: dark surrounded by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, sturdy and strong",
+        "wings: olive-green with light spots",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green with white spots",
+        "throat: white with thin black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Brown Pelican": [
+        "back: dark brownish-gray upper body feathers",
+        "beak: large, long, hooked bill with a pouch-like lower jaw",
+        "belly: white underside with a pale yellow hue",
+        "breast: white feathers with a slight yellow tint",
+        "crown: dark brown feathers occasionally blending with the nape",
+        "forehead: steep slope leading to the beak",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive eyes with a pale surrounding ring",
+        "legs: short, stout legs with large, webbed feet",
+        "wings: long and broad with dark brown to grayish feathers",
+        "nape: dark brown transitioning to white at the base",
+        "tail: short, wide, with dark brown and white feathers",
+        "throat: white feathers with a hint of yellow at the base"
+    ],
+    "White Pelican": [
+        "back: smooth, white feathers",
+        "beak: long, flat, orange with hook at tip",
+        "belly: white, fluffy plumage",
+        "breast: ample, white feathers",
+        "crown: gently curved white head feathers",
+        "forehead: wide, flat, and white-feathered",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and slightly recessed",
+        "legs: short, stout, webbed, and orange-colored",
+        "wings: large, white with black edges",
+        "nape: long, arching neck feathers",
+        "tail: fan-shaped, short, white feathers",
+        "throat: expandable pouch, pale yellow-orange color"
+    ],
+    "Western-Wood Pewee": [
+        "back: olive-gray with slight greenish tinge",
+        "beak: dark gray, thin and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-gray",
+        "breast: light gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: plain olive-gray",
+        "forehead: subtle pale gray",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-gray, continuous with crown and back",
+        "tail: fairly long, dark gray with faint white edges",
+        "throat: pale gray, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "Sayornis": [
+        "back: smooth, sleek feathers covering upper body",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: lighter colored, soft feathered underbody",
+        "breast: rounded, usually light colored feathers",
+        "crown: top of the head with colorful, well-defined feathers",
+        "forehead: short feathers above the beak transitioning to crown",
+        "eyes: small, round, with keen gaze",
+        "legs: slender, scaled legs with three forward-facing toes and one rear-facing toe",
+        "wings: long, pointed feathers extending from shoulder, built for agile flight",
+        "nape: back of the neck, joining the head to the back",
+        "tail: blunt-ended, rectangular-shaped with separated feathers",
+        "throat: smooth, lighter colored, sometimes marked region below beak"
+    ],
+    "American Pipit": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with light streaks",
+        "beak: slender, greyish color",
+        "belly: pale with faint streaks",
+        "breast: lightly spotted or streaked, buff-toned",
+        "crown: streaked, greyish-brown",
+        "forehead: light grey",
+        "eyes: small, dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, pinkish-orange",
+        "wings: elongated, brown with white tips on flight feathers",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, streaked",
+        "tail: dark brown, long, edged with white",
+        "throat: whitish with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "Whip-poor Will": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "beak: short and wide, brownish-black",
+        "belly: grayish-white with brown spots",
+        "breast: mottled brown and gray",
+        "crown: brown with black stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown with black speckles",
+        "eyes: large and dark",
+        "legs: short with brownish-gray feathers",
+        "wings: long and pointed, brown with black bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "tail: brown with white outer feathers, dark bars",
+        "throat: light gray with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Horned Puffin": [
+        "back: black feathered upper body",
+        "beak: large, brightly colored orange-yellow",
+        "belly: white underbelly feathers",
+        "breast: white chest feathers",
+        "crown: black feathered head",
+        "forehead: white feathers with prominent black \"horns",
+        "eyes: dark, rounded with white feathered surroundings",
+        "legs: short and sturdy, bright orange",
+        "wings: black, medium-length, and rounded",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting head and back",
+        "tail: short, black fan-shaped feathers",
+        "throat: white feathered area below beak"
+    ],
+    "Common Raven": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: large, slightly hooked and black",
+        "belly: dark, dense plumage",
+        "breast: glossy black feathers",
+        "crown: slightly raised, black feathers",
+        "forehead: black and smooth feathers",
+        "eyes: dark brown with black surrounding",
+        "legs: sturdy, black and scaly",
+        "wings: large, black, pointed feathers",
+        "nape: slightly longer, shiny black feathers",
+        "tail: wide, fan-shaped, black feathers",
+        "throat: puffed, black, shaggy plumage"
+    ],
+    "White-necked Raven": [
+        "back: glossy black feathers",
+        "beak: thick, large, and curved",
+        "belly: shiny black plumage",
+        "breast: sleek and black",
+        "crown: smooth black feathers",
+        "forehead: striking white patch",
+        "eyes: dark and piercing",
+        "legs: sturdy black legs",
+        "wings: wide, long, with strong flight feathers",
+        "nape: white-feathered neck base",
+        "tail: black and wedge-shaped",
+        "throat: bold and black"
+    ],
+    "American Redstart": [
+        "back: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "beak: slender and dark gray",
+        "belly: white or yellowish depending on the sex",
+        "breast: orange-red patches on males, yellow patches on females",
+        "crown: dark gray with a thin white eye-ring for males, dull gray on females",
+        "forehead: black in males, gray in females",
+        "eyes: small and black, with a faint white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink",
+        "wings: black with orange-red patches on males, gray with yellow patches on females",
+        "nape: olive-green with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark gray with orange-red and white outer feathers in males, gray with yellow and white outer feathers in females",
+        "throat: black in males, white or pale gray in females"
+    ],
+    "Geococcyx": [
+        "back: elongated and sleek, brownish plumage",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, and dull-yellow",
+        "belly: light grayish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "breast: dark brown, streaked with white",
+        "crown: distinct, with a shaggy crest of feathers",
+        "forehead: prominent, light gray-blue",
+        "eyes: bright yellow, encircled by dark blue skin",
+        "legs: strong, long and thin, built for running, yellowish color",
+        "wings: short, rounded, brownish-gray with bands",
+        "nape: feathered, blue-gray with white streaks",
+        "tail: extremely long, with alternating white and black bands",
+        "throat: pale, off-white, with grayish-blue border"
+    ],
+    "Loggerhead Shrike": [
+        "back: blueish-grey feathers with fine barring",
+        "beak: black, hooked, and strong",
+        "belly: white, contrasting upper feathers",
+        "breast: white with greyish barring",
+        "crown: slate-grey contiguous with cheeks",
+        "forehead: plain, narrow, and greyish",
+        "eyes: blackish on white background",
+        "legs: black, thin, and strong",
+        "wings: greyish-blue with black tips",
+        "nape: slate-grey with white bordering",
+        "tail: black, long, with white patches",
+        "throat: white underneath, greyish edges"
+    ],
+    "Great-Grey Shrike": [
+        "back: light grey upper body",
+        "beak: hooked, black short bill",
+        "belly: white underparts",
+        "breast: slightly greyish white",
+        "crown: dark grey head cap",
+        "forehead: pale grey",
+        "eyes: black, intense gaze",
+        "legs: black, slender limbs",
+        "wings: black with a white patch",
+        "nape: light grey, blending with crown",
+        "tail: long black tail, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, contrasting with grey"
+    ],
+    "Baird Sparrow": [
+        "back: lightly streaked with reddish-brown tones",
+        "beak: short and conical, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: creamy white with light streaking",
+        "breast: buff-colored with distinct dark streaks",
+        "crown: rusty brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: buff or creamy white",
+        "eyes: dark brown with light eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown, slender",
+        "wings: brown with white and reddish-brown markings, rounded tips",
+        "nape: buff with light streaks",
+        "tail: brown, long and pointed with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Black-throated Sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and dark grey",
+        "belly: greyish-white, lightly streaked",
+        "breast: whitish with a black central spot",
+        "crown: pale grey with white eyebrows",
+        "forehead: greyish-brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: greyish-brown with white-tipped coverts",
+        "nape: pale grey, blending into back",
+        "tail: dark grey with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: distinct black patch extending to upper breast"
+    ],
+    "Brewer Sparrow": [
+        "back: striped brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: small, narrow, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: light gray or buff",
+        "breast: pale with some dark streaks",
+        "crown: light gray with dark streaks, slightly raised",
+        "forehead: light gray",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and pink or pale flesh-colored",
+        "wings: barred with beige and dark brown",
+        "nape: striped or streaked gray and dark brown",
+        "tail: dark brown with buff edges, slightly forked",
+        "throat: pale gray or buff"
+    ],
+    "Chipping Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and black",
+        "beak: short, conical, pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: pale, off-white",
+        "breast: pale, unmarked grayish-white",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray stripe",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by faint eyering",
+        "legs: long, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: long, brown with black and white streaks",
+        "nape: gray with chestnut stripe",
+        "tail: short, rounded, brown",
+        "throat: pale grayish-white"
+    ],
+    "Clay-colored Sparrow": [
+        "back: light brown with darker streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale grayish-pink",
+        "belly: creamy white to pale buff",
+        "breast: cream-colored with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brownish-gray with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-gray with a pale median stripe",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-pink",
+        "wings: brown with two white wing bars and streaked feathers",
+        "nape: pale gray-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: relatively short, brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a buffy wash"
+    ],
+    "House Sparrow": [
+        "back: brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical",
+        "belly: light gray or buff",
+        "breast: light gray with some brown streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut, gray or brown",
+        "forehead: grayish-white in males; brown in females",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pink or brown",
+        "wings: brown with white wing bars",
+        "nape: chestnut-colored",
+        "tail: square-ended, brown with slight barring",
+        "throat: black in males; beige in females"
+    ],
+    "Field Sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: pinkish-orange, conical shape",
+        "belly: white underside",
+        "breast: lightly streaked, buffy color",
+        "crown: rusty-brown with a gray stripe",
+        "forehead: pale brownish-gray",
+        "eyes: black with a thin white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish flesh-tone",
+        "wings: brown with two pale wing-bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown blending into the crown",
+        "tail: brown, notched at the tip",
+        "throat: white with buffy sides"
+    ],
+    "Fox Sparrow": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short and stout, dark grey",
+        "belly: white with streaked flanks",
+        "breast: light grey with rusty-colored spots",
+        "crown: rusty red with dark central stripe",
+        "forehead: light grey with reddish-brown lateral stripes",
+        "eyes: dark with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and sturdy, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with darker markings",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: long and squared, rusty red with dark markings",
+        "throat: white with light grey streaks"
+    ],
+    "Grasshopper Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and buff pattern",
+        "beak: short, conical, and pale gray",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale buff",
+        "breast: light brown with subtle streaks",
+        "crown: brown with a light central stripe",
+        "forehead: buffy brown with a darker central line",
+        "eyes: dark brown with pale eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish or pale brown",
+        "wings: brown with buff-edged feathers",
+        "nape: streaked brown and buff with a gray collar",
+        "tail: short and dark brown with buff edges",
+        "throat: whitish or pale buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Harris Sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short and conical, black or yellowish",
+        "belly: off-white to light gray",
+        "breast: grayish or off-white with some streaking",
+        "crown: black or brown, sometimes with rusty hues",
+        "forehead: black or brown, usually connected to crown",
+        "eyes: small, dark and round",
+        "legs: pinkish, long and thin",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: brownish-gray feathers, usually continuous with back color",
+        "tail: brownish-gray, long and narrow",
+        "throat: white or off-white, may have dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "Henslow Sparrow": [
+        "back: brown and streaked with black",
+        "beak: small, conical, and pinkish",
+        "belly: pale, off-white color",
+        "breast: lightly streaked with buffy, yellowish-brown",
+        "crown: dark brown with light streaks",
+        "forehead: dull olive-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and round",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with conspicuous white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-brown with fine streaks",
+        "tail: short and notched, with brown feathers",
+        "throat: off-white, clean, and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Le-Conte Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with reddish-brown and black",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "belly: light buff, unmarked",
+        "breast: buff with dark streaks on sides",
+        "crown: rusty-orange with a central black stripe",
+        "forehead: rusty-orange, unmarked",
+        "eyes: dark, surrounded by a pale eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown, moderately long",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with contrasting darker feather edges",
+        "nape: streaked with reddish-brown and black",
+        "tail: dark with reddish-brown outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: light buff, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Lincoln Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked reddish-brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, and dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray or white with fine streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine dark streaks",
+        "crown: chestnut-streaked with a central gray stripe",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with fine gray streaks",
+        "eyes: small and dark with pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with buff-colored wingbars",
+        "nape: gray with fine chestnut streaks",
+        "tail: brown with buff-colored outer edges",
+        "throat: white with fine streaking"
+    ],
+    "Nelson-Sharp-tailed Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, conical shape",
+        "belly: pale buff with light streaks",
+        "breast: buff-colored with fine streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "forehead: grayish-brown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: long, slender, and pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with white accents",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with gray streaks",
+        "tail: short, pointed, dark brown",
+        "throat: white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "Savannah Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked brown and beige feathers",
+        "beak: short, conical, and grayish-pink",
+        "belly: white with faint streaks or spots",
+        "breast: buff or white with darker streaks",
+        "crown: pale gray or beige with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "forehead: beige or light gray with darker streaks",
+        "eyes: dark and small, surrounded by pale feathers",
+        "legs: pinkish or grayish, slender, and long",
+        "wings: brown with white-edged feathers and light wing bars",
+        "nape: beige or light brown with darker streaks",
+        "tail: brownish with pale edges and white tips or corners",
+        "throat: white, unmarked, or lightly streaked"
+    ],
+    "Seaside Sparrow": [
+        "back: olive-brown with fine streaks",
+        "beak: short and conical, dark gray or black",
+        "belly: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "breast: white with grayish-brown streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "forehead: pale gray or brown",
+        "eyes: small, dark brown with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: short, pale-yellow or dull gray",
+        "wings: olive-brown with contrasting white streaks",
+        "nape: olive-brown, streaked with darker brown",
+        "tail: relatively short, olive-brown with dark banding",
+        "throat: white or pale gray, sometimes bordered by fine streaks"
+    ],
+    "Song Sparrow": [
+        "back: streaked with brown and gray patterns",
+        "beak: short, conical, and brownish-orange",
+        "belly: off-white with brown streaks",
+        "breast: light brown with dark brown streaks",
+        "crown: brown with gray stripes",
+        "forehead: brown with a gray central line",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by light brown",
+        "legs: thin, light brown with small talons",
+        "wings: brown with white and gray markings",
+        "nape: light brown with gray stripes",
+        "tail: brown with dark brown streaks and white edges",
+        "throat: white with brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Tree Sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with dark streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, and black",
+        "belly: off-white to pale grey",
+        "breast: light beige with slight dark markings",
+        "crown: chestnut-brown with a white band",
+        "forehead: dark grey-black",
+        "eyes: shiny black and round, surrounded by a white cheek patch",
+        "legs: pinkish-grey with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with white bars and black streaks",
+        "nape: chestnut-brown",
+        "tail: brownish-grey, short and square-ended",
+        "throat: off-white with a faint dark spot"
+    ],
+    "Vesper Sparrow": [
+        "back: brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: small and conical, dark-colored",
+        "belly: whitish-gray",
+        "breast: light brown with dark streaks",
+        "crown: brown with dark center stripe",
+        "forehead: brown with a slight lighter central line",
+        "eyes: black with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brown with white and pale brown feather edgings",
+        "nape: brown with dark streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a thin malar stripe"
+    ],
+    "White-crowned Sparrow": [
+        "back: brownish-gray with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, conical, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "belly: light gray with some white",
+        "breast: light gray blending into white",
+        "crown: bold black and white stripes",
+        "forehead: bright white stripe above beak",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by gray feathers",
+        "legs: thin, pale pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: brown with dark feather edging",
+        "nape: smooth gray transitioning to stripes",
+        "tail: long, narrow, dark brown with white edges",
+        "throat: bright white contrasting with gray breast"
+    ],
+    "White-throated Sparrow": [
+        "back: brown with black streaks",
+        "beak: small, conical, and dark",
+        "belly: grayish-white",
+        "breast: dull gray with faint streaks",
+        "crown: brown with white central stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish patch at base of the beak",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: brown with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: gray with black lateral stripes",
+        "tail: medium length, brown with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: clear, white with distinct black stripes"
+    ],
+    "Cape-Glossy Starling": [
+        "back: iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: slender and black",
+        "belly: shimmering purple-blue hue",
+        "breast: glossy metallic blue-green",
+        "crown: vibrant, metallic blue-green",
+        "forehead: bright blue-green, iridescent",
+        "eyes: striking yellow-orange with black pupil",
+        "legs: slim and black",
+        "wings: iridescent blue-green with long primaries",
+        "nape: lustrously blue-green",
+        "tail: long, dark blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: slightly less glossy blue-green"
+    ],
+    "Bank Swallow": [
+        "back: brownish-grey feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish with brown streaks",
+        "breast: buff-tan with dark markings",
+        "crown: brownish-grey with a defined top",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short and pale",
+        "wings: brownish-grey with aerodynamic shape",
+        "nape: brownish-grey, connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: forked with brownish-grey feathers",
+        "throat: white with a dark brown collar"
+    ],
+    "Barn Swallow": [
+        "back: curved, streamlined shape with dark blue-black coloration",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly hooked for catching insects",
+        "belly: off-white to light orange color, sleek feathers",
+        "breast: deep orange-brick red, puffed out for warmth and protection",
+        "crown: blue-black with slight glossy shine, smooth feathers",
+        "forehead: small feature between eyes and crown, same color as crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, round, and alert for spotting prey",
+        "legs: short and slim, with powerful grip for perching",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and dark blue-black, allowing agile flight",
+        "nape: lighter blue coloration, connects crown to back",
+        "tail: streamlined forked shape, blue-black with white spots, helps maneuvering",
+        "throat: white with a hint of orange, smooth transition to breast"
+    ],
+    "Cliff Swallow": [
+        "back: dark-blue plumage with iridescent sheen",
+        "beak: short, brown, and conical in shape",
+        "belly: creamy-white with buff-brown flanks",
+        "breast: pale brownish-orange coloration",
+        "crown: dark-blue plumage with a slight iridescence",
+        "forehead: chestnut-brown color with a \"v\" shape",
+        "eyes: small, black, and well-spaced",
+        "legs: short, brown, and sturdy with strong feet for perching",
+        "wings: dark-blue feathers with a pointed shape, adapted for agile flight",
+        "nape: dark-blue plumage blending into a paler shade at the throat",
+        "tail: dark-blue feathers with a square or slightly forked shape",
+        "throat: pale, buffy-brown coloration meeting the breast area"
+    ],
+    "Tree Swallow": [
+        "back: glossy, iridescent blue-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and black",
+        "belly: clean, white, and smooth feathers",
+        "breast: white feathers extending up from belly",
+        "crown: shiny blue-green feathers, rounded shape",
+        "forehead: iridescent blue-green, slightly shallow slope",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: short, black, and thin",
+        "wings: long, pointed, and blue-green on the upper side",
+        "nape: iridescent blue-green feathers meeting the white of the throat",
+        "tail: long, slender, and slightly forked with blue-green feathers",
+        "throat: small area of bright white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Scarlet Tanager": [
+        "back: deep red with black edges",
+        "beak: short and thick, dark gray",
+        "belly: bright red",
+        "breast: ruby red",
+        "crown: bright red, sleek",
+        "forehead: deep crimson",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: sturdy, dark gray",
+        "wings: black with red edges",
+        "nape: rich red blending into black",
+        "tail: black with red plumes",
+        "throat: fiery red"
+    ],
+    "Summer Tanager": [
+        "back: vibrant red plumage",
+        "beak: relatively short, stout, and conical",
+        "belly: rich red hues",
+        "breast: deep red feathers",
+        "crown: striking red crest",
+        "forehead: brightly colored red",
+        "eyes: small and dark",
+        "legs: thin and grayish",
+        "wings: bold red with black edges",
+        "nape: vivid red plumage",
+        "tail: long and red with black edges",
+        "throat: distinctive red feathers"
+    ],
+    "Artic Tern": [
+        "back: sleek grey feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, orange-red",
+        "belly: white, smooth plumage",
+        "breast: soft, white feathers",
+        "crown: black cap on head",
+        "forehead: black streaks near eyes",
+        "eyes: alert, dark spheres",
+        "legs: thin, red-orange",
+        "wings: long, slender, grey-white",
+        "nape: white, connects crown to back",
+        "tail: forked, white, lengthy feathers",
+        "throat: white, smooth plumage"
+    ],
+    "Black Tern": [
+        "back: sleek, dark gray",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: light gray, smooth",
+        "breast: slightly darker gray than belly",
+        "crown: black, small feathers",
+        "forehead: black, seamlessly connects to crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, intense gaze",
+        "legs: slender, dark red",
+        "wings: dark gray, pointed tips",
+        "nape: dark gray, connects to black crown",
+        "tail: slightly forked, dark gray",
+        "throat: light gray, blends with belly"
+    ],
+    "Caspian Tern": [
+        "back: smooth, gray feathers",
+        "beak: bright orange-red with a black tip",
+        "belly: clean, white feathers",
+        "breast: white, blending with the belly",
+        "crown: black cap extending to nape",
+        "forehead: white feathers meeting the black crown",
+        "eyes: small, black, and alert",
+        "legs: short, orange-red, and sturdy",
+        "wings: long, pointed, gray with a white bar",
+        "nape: black feathers connecting the crown to the back",
+        "tail: short, white with a forked shape",
+        "throat: white feathers blending with the breast"
+    ],
+    "Common Tern": [
+        "back: smooth, pale gray feathers",
+        "beak: sharp, slender, orange with a black tip",
+        "belly: white and slightly rounded",
+        "breast: white, slightly puffed",
+        "crown: black, streamlined cap",
+        "forehead: white, just above the beak",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and alert",
+        "legs: thin, red-orange, and long",
+        "wings: slender, pointed, and pale gray",
+        "nape: white, transitioning from the black crown",
+        "tail: forked, black and white feathers",
+        "throat: white, leading down to the breast"
+    ],
+    "Elegant Tern": [
+        "back: sleek gray-white plumage",
+        "beak: elongated, sharp, and orange",
+        "belly: light white feathers",
+        "breast: soft white plumage",
+        "crown: black feathered crest",
+        "forehead: smooth and white",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin, long, and black",
+        "wings: wide, angular, and gray",
+        "nape: black-tipped feathers extending from the crown",
+        "tail: forked and white with gray edges",
+        "throat: bright, smooth white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Forsters Tern": [
+        "back: pale gray with white edges",
+        "beak: slender, sharp, orange with black tip",
+        "belly: white and fluffy",
+        "breast: white with slight gray wash",
+        "crown: black, extending from forehead to nape",
+        "forehead: white, blending into the black crown",
+        "eyes: dark, circled by thin white eye-rings",
+        "legs: long, slender, bright orange",
+        "wings: long, pointed, with dark outer feathers and white inner feathers",
+        "nape: black, continuous with the crown",
+        "tail: forked, white with gray outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sometimes with a hint of gray"
+    ],
+    "Least Tern": [
+        "back: grayish-white with a smooth texture",
+        "beak: sharp, straight, and yellow with a black tip",
+        "belly: white, soft, and slightly rounded",
+        "breast: white and subtly puffed out",
+        "crown: black with a sleek appearance, covering the top of the head",
+        "forehead: white patch contrasting against the black crown",
+        "eyes: small and round, with a dark, beady appearance",
+        "legs: slender and orange, with small, webbed feet",
+        "wings: narrow and pointed, with light grey and white feathers",
+        "nape: grayish-white with a smooth transition from the crown",
+        "tail: forked shape, white and gray feathers with black outer tips",
+        "throat: white, leading down to the breast and belly"
+    ],
+    "Green-tailed Towhee": [
+        "back: olive-green with reddish-brown streaks",
+        "beak: conical and black",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: creamy-white with gray streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with gray edges",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with narrow gray line",
+        "eyes: dark brown with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: dark brownish-gray with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with gray edges",
+        "tail: long and greenish with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: solid white"
+    ],
+    "Brown Thrasher": [
+        "back: rich reddish-brown",
+        "beak: long and slightly curved",
+        "belly: white with dark brown streaks",
+        "breast: warm buff with brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "forehead: reddish-brown with a slightly lighter shade",
+        "eyes: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "legs: long and greyish-blue",
+        "wings: warm brown with dark bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint streaks",
+        "tail: long and reddish-brown",
+        "throat: white with fine brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Sage Thrasher": [
+        "back: streaked, grayish-brown color",
+        "beak: long, slightly curved, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale gray with faint streaks",
+        "breast: light gray with dark streaks",
+        "crown: smooth, grayish-brown",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter in color than crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pale eyebrow stripe",
+        "legs: long, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: grayish-brown with white-edged feathers",
+        "nape: medium gray color",
+        "tail: long, grayish-brown with white tips",
+        "throat: pale gray, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Black-capped Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: short, sharp, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with faint yellow tints",
+        "breast: pale yellow and white plumage",
+        "crown: black with a partial white eye-ring",
+        "forehead: black with white edges",
+        "eyes: dark with a prominent white eye-ring",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars",
+        "nape: half-black, half-white plumage",
+        "tail: olive-green and slightly forked",
+        "throat: bright yellow and white feathers"
+    ],
+    "Blue-headed Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green with slight streaks",
+        "beak: short, pointed, and pale gray",
+        "belly: white with sporadic greenish-yellow tinges",
+        "breast: clean white with faint olive-green side wash",
+        "crown: vibrant blue-gray",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with white eyebrow striping",
+        "eyes: dark with white eye-ring forming a \"spectacles\" effect",
+        "legs: strong, dark gray with noticeable toes and claws",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: blue-gray with partial white collar",
+        "tail: short, olive-green with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: clean white with minimal streaking"
+    ],
+    "Philadelphia Vireo": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with subtle gray streaks",
+        "beak: short, slightly hooked, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellow or whitish-yellow",
+        "breast: light yellow or greenish-yellow",
+        "crown: grayish-olive or greenish-yellow",
+        "forehead: slightly paler yellow or greenish-yellow",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eye-rings",
+        "legs: pale gray or bluish-gray",
+        "wings: dark gray with greenish-yellow and white edges",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow or grayish-green",
+        "tail: dark gray with white or greenish-yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow or pale yellow"
+    ],
+    "Red-eyed Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green and smooth",
+        "beak: slim, slightly hooked, and pale blue-gray",
+        "belly: smooth and white",
+        "breast: light-gray with subtle streaking",
+        "crown: dark gray with a slightly raised crest",
+        "forehead: pale gray and subtly sloping",
+        "eyes: striking red irises surrounded by bold white spectacles",
+        "legs: strong and pale blue-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with blackish feather edges and white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with a slight transition to the gray crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with blackish feather tips and white outer edges",
+        "throat: smooth and white"
+    ],
+    "Warbling Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green hue, sleek plumage",
+        "beak: slender, slightly hooked, dark-colored",
+        "belly: off-white, light gray undertones",
+        "breast: pale yellowish-green, soft feathers",
+        "crown: olive-green, smooth head feathers",
+        "forehead: pale off-white, slight line marking",
+        "eyes: dark brown, encircled by white eye-ring",
+        "legs: light bluish-gray, slender and sturdy",
+        "wings: olive-green, blackish edge, two white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connects crown to back",
+        "tail: dark grayish-brown, slightly forked",
+        "throat: off-white with gray tint, blending into breast"
+    ],
+    "White-eyed Vireo": [
+        "back: olive green with a slight grayish tint",
+        "beak: dark gray, slightly hooked at the tip",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white, fading to white on the sides",
+        "breast: bright yellow with occasional gray streaks",
+        "crown: olive green with a hint of gray, and a white eye stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish olive green transitioning to yellow at the eye stripe",
+        "eyes: distinct white eye ring with a piercing dark eye in the center",
+        "legs: pale gray with sharp, black claws",
+        "wings: olive green with darker edges and two bold white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-olive green, blending with the back color",
+        "tail: somewhat long, olive green with darker edges and subtle white tips on the outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow, connecting to the breast color"
+    ],
+    "Yellow-throated Vireo": [
+        "back: olive-green, smooth feathers",
+        "beak: sturdy, short, and hooked",
+        "belly: bright yellow, soft plumage",
+        "breast: lightly streaked, yellow-green",
+        "crown: olive-green with a slight crest",
+        "forehead: pale yellow with a hint of green",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, surrounded by a white eye ring",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green with white bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, smoothly tapered",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer feather tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Bay-breasted Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow-white",
+        "breast: rich chestnut patch",
+        "crown: olive-chestnut cap",
+        "forehead: olive-chestnut hue",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by dull white eyering",
+        "legs: pale grayish-pink",
+        "wings: olive-green with two bright white wing-bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending into crown",
+        "tail: olive-green with white outer tail spots",
+        "throat: yellowish-white, clean appearance"
+    ],
+    "Black-and-white Warbler": [
+        "back: striped black and white pattern",
+        "beak: thin and pointy",
+        "belly: mostly white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black stripes",
+        "crown: black and white striped",
+        "forehead: white with thin black stripes",
+        "eyes: small, black with white eyering",
+        "legs: long and pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: dark with white wingbars",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Black-throated-Blue Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with bluish shades",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark gray",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks on sides",
+        "breast: bright blue in males, duller blue in females",
+        "crown: deep blue with a bold black stripe",
+        "forehead: bright blue for males, dull blue for females",
+        "eyes: dark brown with a thin white eyering",
+        "legs: dark gray and slender",
+        "wings: deep blue with black edges and white spots",
+        "nape: deep blue with black edges",
+        "tail: dark blue with white patches at the base",
+        "throat: black in males, lighter in females"
+    ],
+    "Blue-winged Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: yellowish-white and unmarked",
+        "breast: bright yellow with thin, dark streaks",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with a blueish tint",
+        "forehead: yellow or olive, sometimes with blue hues",
+        "eyes: dark with a yellow eyering",
+        "legs: pale pinkish or grayish",
+        "wings: blue-gray with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, blending with the crown",
+        "tail: blue-gray with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: bright yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Canada Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, dark",
+        "belly: pale yellow, unmarked",
+        "breast: yellow with black streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with an intense yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: blue-gray, blended with crown",
+        "eyes: bold white eye-rings forming spectacles",
+        "legs: pinkish, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green, slightly darker than back",
+        "nape: blue-gray, blending with back",
+        "tail: olive-green with white undertail coverts",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Cape-May Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green hue with subtle black streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and dark-colored",
+        "belly: bright yellow tint",
+        "breast: yellow with thin black streaks",
+        "crown: bold yellow-orange shade",
+        "forehead: striking yellow-orange coloring",
+        "eyes: dark, beady, and expressive",
+        "legs: lean and dark-toned",
+        "wings: olive-green with white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint black streaks",
+        "tail: black with white edges and subtle forking",
+        "throat: bright yellow with slight black markings"
+    ],
+    "Cerulean Warbler": [
+        "back: blueish-green feathers",
+        "beak: thin, pointed and black",
+        "belly: white with black streaks",
+        "breast: white with black streaks",
+        "crown: bright blue feathers",
+        "forehead: blueish tinge",
+        "eyes: black with thin white eye-rings",
+        "legs: black and thin",
+        "wings: dark blue with white patches",
+        "nape: blueish-green",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright blue with black necklace"
+    ],
+    "Chestnut-sided Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with streaks of black",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: white, clean underside",
+        "breast: white with chestnut-colored patches on the sides",
+        "crown: yellow with black on the sides",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, with white eyering",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: black with white streaks and yellow patches",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuous with the back",
+        "tail: black with white edges",
+        "throat: white, unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Golden-winged Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint stripes",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and black",
+        "belly: white with faint gray streaks",
+        "breast: white with a yellow patch near the throat",
+        "crown: gray with a black mask",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: black surrounded by a white stripe",
+        "legs: slender, light pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: bluish-gray with golden wing bars",
+        "nape: light gray",
+        "tail: bluish-gray with black edges and white tips",
+        "throat: white, bordered by thin black lateral stripes"
+    ],
+    "Hooded Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upper body",
+        "beak: thin, pointed",
+        "belly: bright yellow underside",
+        "breast: vivid yellow with black markings",
+        "crown: distinct yellow",
+        "forehead: striking yellow",
+        "eyes: large, black with white eyering",
+        "legs: bluish-gray",
+        "wings: olive-green with white tail spots",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: dark with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow"
+    ],
+    "Kentucky Warbler": [
+        "back: bright olive-green",
+        "beak: black upper bill, light lower bill",
+        "belly: yellow with black streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with black spots",
+        "crown: black with yellow edges",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: black with white eye-ring",
+        "legs: grayish-blue",
+        "wings: olive-green, black streaks",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green, white outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow"
+    ],
+    "Magnolia Warbler": [
+        "back: yellow back with black stripes",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, black beak",
+        "belly: white underside with black streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with black necklace pattern",
+        "crown: grayish-black head with yellow stripe",
+        "forehead: grayish-black with a thin yellow line",
+        "eyes: black eyes with white eye-rings",
+        "legs: short, pinkish-gray legs",
+        "wings: black with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: grayish-black",
+        "tail: dark gray with white-tipped feathers",
+        "throat: yellow throat with black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Mourning Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upperparts",
+        "beak: thin and pointed",
+        "belly: whitish to pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow with gray smudging",
+        "crown: olive-brown to grayish-blue",
+        "forehead: olive-brown or grayish-blue",
+        "eyes: dark brown with faint eye ring",
+        "legs: light pink or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-green with two faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green",
+        "tail: olive-green, relatively short",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Myrtle Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: small, sharp, and slender",
+        "belly: bright yellow with dark streaks",
+        "breast: rich yellow with dark streaks",
+        "crown: blue-gray with subtle stripes",
+        "forehead: blue-gray with yellow spot",
+        "eyes: dark, round, and expressive",
+        "legs: thin and dark",
+        "wings: dark with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green with faint markings",
+        "tail: dark, forked, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: brilliant yellow with dark streaks"
+    ],
+    "Nashville Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green upper back",
+        "beak: thin, pointy yellowish-beak",
+        "belly: white with hints of yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with a grayish hood",
+        "forehead: grayish-yellow",
+        "eyes: white-eye rings",
+        "legs: grayish-pink legs",
+        "wings: muted gray with bold wing bars",
+        "nape: gray transitioning to olive-green",
+        "tail: grayish-green with white edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Orange-crowned Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green feathers",
+        "beak: small, pointed, grayish-black",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white and gray",
+        "breast: faint streaks on light grayish-yellow",
+        "crown: subtle orange-yellow patch",
+        "forehead: olive-green merging with crown",
+        "eyes: black, centered on white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray, slender",
+        "wings: olive-green with two white wingbars",
+        "nape: olive-green, connecting crown to back",
+        "tail: olive-green, slightly forked",
+        "throat: light grayish-yellow"
+    ],
+    "Palm Warbler": [
+        "back: streaked brown and light tan feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointed, dark greyish color",
+        "belly: light yellow with faint grey streaks",
+        "breast: yellow with grey-brown streaks",
+        "crown: reddish-brown with lighter streaks",
+        "forehead: bright yellow with a hint of grey",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with thin white eyering",
+        "legs: light pinkish-brown with sharp claws",
+        "wings: brown with pale wing bars and tan edges",
+        "nape: reddish-brown, transitioning from the crown",
+        "tail: brown with white accents, slightly notched shape",
+        "throat: bright yellow, blending into the breast"
+    ],
+    "Pine Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle streaks",
+        "beak: thin, sharp, dark gray",
+        "belly: pale yellow with light streaks",
+        "breast: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-yellow with slight streaking",
+        "forehead: yellowish-green, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: dark, round, with faint pale eyering",
+        "legs: thin, pinkish-gray",
+        "wings: grayish-olive with white wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-yellow, consistent with the crown",
+        "tail: grayish-olive with white outer tail feathers",
+        "throat: vibrant yellow, matching the breast"
+    ],
+    "Prairie Warbler": [
+        "back: greenish-yellow with black streaks",
+        "beak: short, cone-shaped, and sharp",
+        "belly: pale yellow to white",
+        "breast: yellow with faint black streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with subtle yellow tint",
+        "forehead: olive-yellow, unmarked",
+        "eyes: large, dark, and expressive",
+        "legs: long, slender, and grayish-blue",
+        "wings: greenish-yellow with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish, unmarked",
+        "tail: grayish-green, edged with white and black markings",
+        "throat: bright yellow with prominent black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Prothonotary Warbler": [
+        "back: bright golden-yellow",
+        "beak: long, slender, black",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: vibrant yellow",
+        "crown: brilliant yellow-orange",
+        "forehead: golden-yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, surrounded by faint white eyering",
+        "legs: bluish-gray",
+        "wings: blue-gray with white wing bars",
+        "nape: golden-yellow",
+        "tail: blue-gray with yellow edges",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Swainson Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dense streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointed, and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale buffy-white",
+        "breast: washed with pale buff and streaked",
+        "crown: rich brown with a concealed crest",
+        "forehead: slightly paler brown",
+        "eyes: dark with a white eye-ring",
+        "legs: pinkish with long toes",
+        "wings: brown with buffy edges",
+        "nape: brownish-olive with streaks",
+        "tail: short, brown, and square-ended",
+        "throat: buff-white with faint streaks"
+    ],
+    "Tennessee Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with faint streaks",
+        "beak: thin, pointy, and dark",
+        "belly: pale yellowish-white",
+        "breast: light yellow, sometimes with faint streaks",
+        "crown: olive-green with a darker shade than the back",
+        "forehead: slightly paler olive-green",
+        "eyes: small, round, and black",
+        "legs: pinkish or grayish, sometimes with a yellow tinge",
+        "wings: olive-green with pale white or yellowish wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-green, continuing the color from the crown",
+        "tail: short and notched, olive-green with darker edges",
+        "throat: yellow, blending into the breast color"
+    ],
+    "Wilson Warbler": [
+        "back: bright greenish-yellow",
+        "beak: small, thin, and pointed",
+        "belly: pale yellow",
+        "breast: yellowish-green with faint streaks",
+        "crown: black with bold yellow stripes",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small, black, and round",
+        "legs: pinkish-gray and slender",
+        "wings: dark with two white wing bars",
+        "nape: greenish-yellow",
+        "tail: short, dark, and rounded",
+        "throat: bright yellow"
+    ],
+    "Worm-eating Warbler": [
+        "back: olive-green with subtle brownish streaks",
+        "beak: short and slim, dusky-colored",
+        "belly: creamy white or pale yellow",
+        "breast: light buff with faint streaks",
+        "crown: medium brown with blackish stripes",
+        "forehead: medium brown, blending into crown",
+        "eyes: dark with pronounced eye ring",
+        "legs: pinkish or light brown",
+        "wings: olive-brown with two bold white wingbars",
+        "nape: medium brown with blackish stripes, like crown",
+        "tail: olive-brown with a slightly darker tip",
+        "throat: light buff or creamy white"
+    ],
+    "Yellow Warbler": [
+        "back: bright yellow with faint streaks",
+        "beak: slender, pointed, black",
+        "belly: vibrant yellow",
+        "breast: yellow with faint streaks",
+        "crown: yellow with an olive tint",
+        "forehead: bright yellow",
+        "eyes: small, dark, surrounded by yellow",
+        "legs: light pink with dark claws",
+        "wings: olive-yellow with darker feather edges",
+        "nape: yellow with a hint of olive",
+        "tail: olive-yellow with darker feather tips",
+        "throat: yellow and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "Northern Waterthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with dark streaks",
+        "beak: thin, dark, slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale and lightly streaked",
+        "breast: cream-colored with dark spots and streaks",
+        "crown: olive-brown with prominent eye-stripe",
+        "forehead: yellowish with brown streaks",
+        "eyes: brown and slightly striped",
+        "legs: pale pink to yellow",
+        "wings: olive-brown with indistinct bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with slight streaks",
+        "tail: dark brown with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: cream-colored with light streaks"
+    ],
+    "Louisiana Waterthrush": [
+        "back: olive-brown with faint streaks",
+        "beak: straight, pointed, and dark",
+        "belly: white with dark streaks",
+        "breast: white with bold black streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with lighter central strip",
+        "forehead: light brown, fading to white toward the eyes",
+        "eyes: dark with thin white line above",
+        "legs: pinkish or flesh-colored",
+        "wings: olive-brown with faint wing bars",
+        "nape: olive-brown with lighter central strip",
+        "tail: olive-brown with white tips on outer feathers",
+        "throat: unmarked white"
+    ],
+    "Bohemian Waxwing": [
+        "back: silky brown with subtle grayish tint",
+        "beak: short, stout, and black",
+        "belly: pale gray with gentle pinkish hue",
+        "breast: warm cinnamon color, fading to grayish-pink",
+        "crown: glossy, dark brown with crest",
+        "forehead: velvety, stylish black mask",
+        "eyes: dark, glistening orbs with distinctive white circles",
+        "legs: short and dark gray",
+        "wings: earthy gray with bright red wax tips",
+        "nape: soft, velvety brown matching the back",
+        "tail: dark gray with vibrant yellow band",
+        "throat: light gray, blending with breast color"
+    ],
+    "Cedar Waxwing": [
+        "back: sleek brownish-gray feathers",
+        "beak: short, black and slightly curved",
+        "belly: pale yellow and gray",
+        "breast: soft gray with black bib",
+        "crown: smooth crest merging with nape",
+        "forehead: yellow stripe at edge",
+        "eyes: masked with black line and set in white",
+        "legs: short, dark and sturdy",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with red wax-like tips",
+        "nape: blending with crest",
+        "tail: squared-off with bright yellow band",
+        "throat: white and unmarked"
+    ],
+    "American-Three-toed Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: short, stout, and sharply pointed",
+        "belly: white with occasional black spots",
+        "breast: white, sometimes with faint black barring",
+        "crown: solid black with white streaks",
+        "forehead: black or black and white mixed",
+        "eyes: small and black",
+        "legs: short and gray",
+        "wings: black with white barring and spots",
+        "nape: black with some white streaks",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white, sometimes mixed with black"
+    ],
+    "Pileated Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped",
+        "beak: long and chisel-shaped",
+        "belly: whitish-gray",
+        "breast: white to gray",
+        "crown: bright red",
+        "forehead: red extending to base of bill",
+        "eyes: large and bright yellow",
+        "legs: strong and grayish",
+        "wings: black with white stripes",
+        "nape: red crest extending down neck",
+        "tail: black with white bars",
+        "throat: white or cream-colored"
+    ],
+    "Red-bellied Woodpecker": [
+        "back: dark black and white stripes",
+        "beak: sharp, chisel-like",
+        "belly: soft pale gray",
+        "breast: faint reddish-brown",
+        "crown: bright red patch",
+        "forehead: white to light gray",
+        "eyes: small, black, alert",
+        "legs: short, strong, grayish blue",
+        "wings: bold black and white bars",
+        "nape: black, with red streaks",
+        "tail: sturdy, black, white-tipped",
+        "throat: faint reddish-brown, blends with breast"
+    ],
+    "Red-cockaded Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white horizontal stripes",
+        "beak: long, sharp, chisel-like",
+        "belly: white with black spots",
+        "breast: white with sparse black spotting",
+        "crown: black and white stripes, red streaks on male",
+        "forehead: black and white striped",
+        "eyes: dark brown, surrounded by white markings",
+        "legs: short, gray, strong",
+        "wings: black, white patches, heavily barred",
+        "nape: black and white striped",
+        "tail: black, white vertical bars",
+        "throat: white, occasionally with black markings"
+    ],
+    "Red-headed Woodpecker": [
+        "back: striking black and white stripes",
+        "beak: sturdy, chisel-like",
+        "belly: clean, bright white",
+        "breast: solid white",
+        "crown: bold, vivid red",
+        "forehead: brilliant red",
+        "eyes: sharp, black beads",
+        "legs: strong, grayish-blue",
+        "wings: bold black with large white patches",
+        "nape: dazzling red",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: bright white"
+    ],
+    "Downy Woodpecker": [
+        "back: black and white striped pattern",
+        "beak: short, chisel-shaped, and black",
+        "belly: white or pale with sparse black spots",
+        "breast: solid white or pale",
+        "crown: black with red patch on male, all black on female",
+        "forehead: white or pale with black border",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and beady",
+        "legs: gray and short with sharp claws",
+        "wings: black with white checkerboard pattern",
+        "nape: black with white border",
+        "tail: black with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white or pale with black border"
+    ],
+    "Bewick Wren": [
+        "back: light brown with subtle black markings",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, dark greyish-black",
+        "belly: creamy white with soft light-brown streaks",
+        "breast: pale beige or white with minimal shading",
+        "crown: medium-brown with thin black stripes",
+        "forehead: light brown, blending into the crown",
+        "eyes: beady, black, surrounded by a thin white line",
+        "legs: thin, light brown, strong",
+        "wings: mixture of brown, black, and white feathers, folded close to the body",
+        "nape: medium brown with faint black markings",
+        "tail: moderately long, brown with dark bars, white tipped outer feathers",
+        "throat: creamy-white, clear of markings"
+    ],
+    "Cactus Wren": [
+        "back: brown and black patterns, resembling a cactus",
+        "beak: curved, slightly thick, and slightly hooked",
+        "belly: white with black bars, like a chessboard",
+        "breast: white with black speckles and streaks",
+        "crown: brown with darker patterns, blending with the back",
+        "forehead: brownish-black color, merging with the crown",
+        "eyes: black, surrounded by white eye stripe",
+        "legs: slender, grayish-brown",
+        "wings: bold pattern with white streaks",
+        "nape: brown with buff-white spots",
+        "tail: long, blackish-brown, with white outer feathers",
+        "throat: white with a faint hint of black streaks"
+    ],
+    "Carolina Wren": [
+        "back: reddish-brown with faint barring",
+        "beak: thin, slightly curved, and dark colored",
+        "belly: pale grayish-white",
+        "breast: warm reddish-brown with faint spots",
+        "crown: reddish-brown and unmarked",
+        "forehead: slightly lighter reddish-brown",
+        "eyes: large, black, and surrounded by white eyestripe",
+        "legs: long, strong, and dark colored",
+        "wings: reddish-brown with faint white bars",
+        "nape: reddish-brown with faint barring",
+        "tail: reddish-brown with faint barring and slightly upturned",
+        "throat: white with faint grayish-brown spots"
+    ],
+    "House Wren": [
+        "back: brownish-gray feathers, slightly streaked",
+        "beak: thin and slightly curved, dark color",
+        "belly: light gray or cream, faint barring",
+        "breast: pale brown with minimal markings",
+        "crown: brownish-gray, well-rounded shape",
+        "forehead: narrow, brownish-gray feathers",
+        "eyes: black, small, and bright",
+        "legs: light brown, slender and medium length",
+        "wings: brownish-gray, barred with darker shades",
+        "nape: brownish-gray, consistent with crown and back color",
+        "tail: faint gray-brown barring, medium length",
+        "throat: cream or light gray, little to no markings"
+    ],
+    "Marsh Wren": [
+        "back: brownish-grey with black and white markings",
+        "beak: thin, straight, and pointed",
+        "belly: white with some greyish-brown patches",
+        "breast: pale grey with small brown streaks",
+        "crown: dark brown with reddish streaks",
+        "forehead: brownish-grey with black streaks",
+        "eyes: small, dark, and well-defined",
+        "legs: slender, pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-black with white markings",
+        "nape: brownish-grey with reddish streaks",
+        "tail: short, dark brown, and slightly upward-curved",
+        "throat: whitish with faint brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Rock Wren": [
+        "back: light brown with faint black bars",
+        "beak: slender, slightly curved, and dark",
+        "belly: pale off-white with light streaks",
+        "breast: tawny-tinged with dark spots",
+        "crown: mottled gray-brown",
+        "forehead: buffy gray-brown",
+        "eyes: dark, alert, and lively",
+        "legs: sturdy and pale pinkish-brown",
+        "wings: brownish-gray with dark bars",
+        "nape: gray-brown with paler edges",
+        "tail: mottled brown with dark bands and white tips",
+        "throat: pale white with speckles"
+    ],
+    "Winter Wren": [
+        "back: warm, rusty-brown feathers",
+        "beak: thin and pointy, dark in color",
+        "belly: pale white with light brown streaks",
+        "breast: cinnamon-colored with speckled markings",
+        "crown: faintly striated, chocolate-brown",
+        "forehead: rusty-brown with slight creamy streaks",
+        "eyes: dark, small, and beady",
+        "legs: slender and twig-like, light brown",
+        "wings: barred with dark brown and tan, rounded",
+        "nape: striped rusty-brown and creamy-white",
+        "tail: brown with faint barring, short and stubby",
+        "throat: pale with light brown streaks"
+    ],
+    "Common Yellowthroat": [
+        "back: olive-green colored feathers",
+        "beak: small, thin, pointed, black",
+        "belly: whitish or pale yellow",
+        "breast: bright yellow coloring",
+        "crown: black mask around eyes",
+        "forehead: olive-green blending with the mask",
+        "eyes: black, beady, surrounded by the mask",
+        "legs: pinkish-brown and thin",
+        "wings: olive-brown with no distinct bars",
+        "nape: olive-green blending with the back",
+        "tail: short, brownish-green with small white tips",
+        "throat: bright yellow, merging with breast"
+    ]
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+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0050_137874.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0055_61046.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0087_174968.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0093_92705.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0053_8410.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0052_64633.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0070_796717.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0109_160245.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0052_117521.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0061_795479.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0081_169256.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0113_123613.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0106_180446.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0108_92675.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0013_169411.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0058_93078.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0002_155455.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0029_797300.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0049_156785.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0045_796422.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0014_79205.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0091_44120.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0012_147632.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0059_141876.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0039_135038.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0025_82808.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0023_26258.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0093_70360.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0078_186570.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0074_23511.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0015_182320.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0024_33393.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0052_101909.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0069_145931.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0061_795990.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0034_179715.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0113_136849.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0047_117442.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0067_104537.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0040_129674.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0078_51494.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0015_12632.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0012_29264.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0035_35518.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0073_139379.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0046_795328.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0004_49019.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0008_107000.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0027_156585.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0110_22549.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0004_33858.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0017_143876.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0116_189101.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0072_17159.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0017_4116.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0063_120707.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0062_177364.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0072_188764.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0068_28330.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0062_796683.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0024_38403.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0065_188995.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0131_92559.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0091_139602.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0087_72794.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0006_129652.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0026_153702.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0106_188100.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0143_54909.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0093_15030.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0043_72877.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0053_130585.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0114_67964.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0061_155462.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0127_139297.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0092_138688.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0107_32618.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0097_145923.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0042_794560.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0023_143985.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0009_123294.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0063_129774.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0115_58067.jpg",
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+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0038_168384.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0030_151067.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0010_98204.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0047_113801.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0125_190902.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0004_116581.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0006_158467.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0020_171989.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0065_173422.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0023_173788.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0058_156558.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0029_52613.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0021_165230.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0125_184656.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0025_37230.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0066_54105.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0035_77095.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0092_163455.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0082_188699.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0066_173350.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0076_57649.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0072_90298.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0039_117054.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0043_796510.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0022_4483.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0067_189152.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0085_154822.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0017_70342.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0075_167419.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0001_25053.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0006_107849.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0105_176849.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0118_113416.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0091_38811.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0109_45619.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0089_107535.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0027_797496.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0128_60398.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0041_103717.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0070_91383.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0084_155490.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0089_133545.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0029_167044.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0007_92439.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0107_26838.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0108_169426.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0021_797480.jpg",
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+    "Common_Tern_0047_149195.jpg",
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+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0042_175092.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0072_22097.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0060_796619.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0020_73914.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0055_166436.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0109_108162.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0042_151644.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0062_187194.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0016_188006.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0027_46389.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0105_158727.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0004_797199.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0073_26744.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0014_59476.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0096_23775.jpg",
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+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0009_26354.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0066_56486.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0118_57536.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0057_20979.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0002_1027.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0076_137702.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0076_44744.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0086_152738.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0057_795270.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0047_34204.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0082_159597.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0013_42769.jpg",
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+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0132_128833.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0055_795963.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0034_69242.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0032_177385.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0022_29145.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0002_61361.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0076_96427.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0094_92577.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0005_154784.jpg",
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+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0040_40270.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0030_40089.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0012_8443.jpg",
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+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0016_796067.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0095_124090.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0124_185501.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0076_79934.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0053_795493.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0083_795883.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0014_38398.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0057_159818.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0095_33568.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0033_166489.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0061_2270.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0125_41906.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0032_31922.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0131_76296.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0090_187762.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0066_87380.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0093_166986.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0069_120700.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0111_114527.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0046_163167.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0027_65783.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0004_797541.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0084_27034.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0037_40149.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0068_158684.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0109_189094.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0103_163669.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0079_796687.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0073_123871.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0056_166476.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0073_69401.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0105_167452.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0018_174196.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0073_796226.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0044_29995.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0082_102306.jpg",
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+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0095_21832.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0058_156261.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0006_25034.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0038_132780.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0012_127853.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0036_150972.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0075_34115.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0025_138712.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0049_2258.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0093_84809.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0018_77880.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0034_121255.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0107_144661.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0109_152094.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0075_100664.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0040_175347.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0071_11639.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0018_91601.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0063_133852.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0012_74511.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0028_173123.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0050_795143.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0081_134119.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0097_14617.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0002_105195.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0028_42639.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0008_129590.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0003_107035.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0006_794857.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0021_82562.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0085_182703.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0130_27555.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0009_168228.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0037_797499.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0072_161991.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0031_97064.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0079_28630.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0043_165774.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0104_25086.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0073_144638.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0048_188370.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0131_29329.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0059_159225.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0012_129518.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0009_59405.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0022_796438.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0061_21967.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0072_795929.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0129_163157.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0017_116636.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0090_36182.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0025_72795.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0012_133527.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0019_795347.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0122_163131.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0089_181907.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0115_51891.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0121_45375.jpg",
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+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0030_129076.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0002_91034.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0089_85004.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0045_121951.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0005_107443.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0045_97972.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0009_79012.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0105_22675.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0014_42533.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0048_41121.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0057_121090.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0027_796978.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0042_86488.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0005_171548.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0082_102973.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0060_33589.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0094_74407.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0127_155193.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0118_164991.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0080_8601.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0019_77876.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0017_795924.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0111_24590.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0062_132755.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0043_151332.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0073_160539.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0072_178058.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0047_100967.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0073_110718.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0044_144021.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0037_121078.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0006_107463.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0088_147941.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0058_184520.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0008_156551.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0011_794986.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0019_27192.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0060_107177.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0096_177007.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0130_121583.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0091_36194.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0007_91133.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0019_20567.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0119_186153.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0026_796782.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0036_112847.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0007_37312.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0114_37416.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0049_128311.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0039_107431.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0015_125105.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0041_93720.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0033_74344.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0113_166401.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0100_41796.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0074_145964.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0084_163872.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0047_166987.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0011_36522.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0068_166892.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0011_39935.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0056_155048.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0038_113356.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0051_795318.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0071_166692.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0068_42535.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0101_796653.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0064_166929.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0016_797134.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0018_85166.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0063_23515.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0043_795053.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0003_794558.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0054_34289.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0017_22138.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0103_162339.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0051_150469.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0134_85534.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0097_181363.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0010_797262.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0112_22231.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0007_794972.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0010_145667.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0029_796459.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0044_142151.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0031_795038.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0013_162375.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0009_115984.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0029_26865.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0108_38281.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0021_37789.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0031_133164.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0005_155176.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0006_26233.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0130_45210.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0047_93203.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0014_78421.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0097_64906.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0096_185898.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0076_27200.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0118_127919.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0028_2682.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0107_70883.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0087_31821.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0049_94598.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0076_70070.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0069_68416.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0110_177074.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0122_101708.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0078_35410.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0064_187489.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0064_36613.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0021_165919.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0005_101347.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0005_177023.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0049_795220.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0118_160363.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0086_190639.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0006_30262.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0054_30450.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0047_177523.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0083_158284.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0076_174807.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0082_150517.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0030_26240.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0113_51525.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0092_182787.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0120_183926.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0059_27966.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0001_73835.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0079_22874.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0108_172559.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0054_174556.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0031_796712.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0015_114650.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0003_137724.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0026_41386.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0027_177286.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0107_102888.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0013_133169.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0027_133203.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0121_22319.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0020_796237.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0037_77759.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0073_176218.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0024_42506.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0106_38218.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0016_156598.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0047_90637.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0038_794719.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0033_42695.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0067_114528.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0049_75780.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0082_183922.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0019_165389.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0005_122949.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0032_125564.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0123_121249.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0044_50239.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0068_134236.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0051_169487.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0099_187240.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0064_49406.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0014_185993.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0041_164379.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0037_794562.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0126_151257.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0010_21777.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0057_162085.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0061_8208.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0031_795582.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0087_49202.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0044_26243.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0116_26544.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0056_70156.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0071_796760.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0061_796232.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0079_62626.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0032_58168.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0046_796764.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0011_795777.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0035_796026.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0086_56495.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0022_120721.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0022_116835.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0093_46029.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0094_91950.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0027_55873.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0064_175361.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0094_38912.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0035_11117.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0002_27266.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0070_101896.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0124_44663.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0036_31910.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0031_166494.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0040_66689.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0070_788.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0021_104885.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0100_184584.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0009_94256.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0080_821.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0069_122065.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0017_125829.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0106_84856.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0083_77052.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0051_6715.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0025_161873.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0085_37487.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0091_180343.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0014_116494.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0122_189475.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0011_167615.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0086_795263.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0021_10623.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0115_135832.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0115_114855.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0077_125597.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0040_189159.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0018_26218.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0056_51523.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0020_156875.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0011_16690.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0046_166150.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0053_16404.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0058_30143.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0027_11579.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0095_18108.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0072_72954.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0091_33504.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0005_796090.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0079_71267.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0017_164911.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0096_157013.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0079_796020.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0034_187120.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0007_34236.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0085_162628.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0043_41326.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0044_42002.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0133_45415.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0022_115248.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0065_26203.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0056_74896.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0088_71122.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0048_9988.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0116_77862.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0100_117835.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0043_119362.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0016_175532.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0063_42179.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0040_176954.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0070_93678.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0053_28445.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0098_178009.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0025_159957.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0036_36521.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0049_35980.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0066_135788.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0126_158696.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0017_1561.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0073_180345.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0049_174213.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0055_163524.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0009_180460.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0075_45295.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0010_18894.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0053_92462.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0039_174883.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0013_71293.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0023_797288.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0125_114557.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0004_24851.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0125_88450.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0067_795520.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0044_150946.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0118_104131.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0065_795374.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0014_795827.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0084_111300.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0002_162426.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0072_794969.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0029_4804.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0074_59231.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0085_132939.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0099_64735.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0047_796330.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0003_96691.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0065_2310.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0017_796591.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0018_146010.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0091_22825.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0135_160334.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0064_158437.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0002_36518.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0054_167258.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0028_82636.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0133_156668.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0004_162005.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0039_180012.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0021_177187.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0138_156798.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0032_75441.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0012_72974.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0008_61231.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0082_156574.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0036_796444.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0046_794722.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0011_153722.jpg",
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+    "American_Goldfinch_0123_32505.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0122_56622.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0022_795058.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0042_38432.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0030_797417.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0113_166834.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0013_44381.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0053_70166.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0110_64605.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0017_140173.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0024_123805.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0088_31854.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0019_57025.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0116_138242.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0063_146082.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0085_15282.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0027_10569.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0097_43865.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0012_156434.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0066_25827.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0029_795483.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0118_176409.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0001_167117.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0061_134712.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0004_76958.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0139_29302.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0088_175163.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0094_26880.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0024_4180.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0026_78438.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0016_125615.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0087_45658.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0086_156244.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0090_57411.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0047_127575.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0107_129046.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0079_176036.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0113_117603.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0068_46392.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0115_32362.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0015_118910.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0101_33611.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0096_41733.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0041_139902.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0070_82676.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0008_797115.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0076_151330.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0007_106999.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0073_190044.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0019_120826.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0034_130099.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0052_109874.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0013_64706.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0079_100847.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0072_110851.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0042_164895.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0088_24731.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0050_796630.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0062_162955.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0022_28952.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0027_85266.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0023_189075.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0136_104144.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0034_38987.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0071_173690.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0087_82280.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0016_84490.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0042_14820.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0009_138076.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0059_103402.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0075_24947.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0041_29521.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0062_22418.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0008_70668.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0023_102437.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0055_117506.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0108_86308.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0065_144076.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0027_2329.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0072_57391.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0014_1755.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0029_32218.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0108_49356.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0104_26814.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0026_796289.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0030_141816.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0092_117294.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0029_794883.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0114_176201.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0093_162014.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0122_165940.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0044_75467.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0040_104507.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0036_51461.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0014_149194.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0134_22624.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0076_159996.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0046_71178.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0029_34557.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0005_85190.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0128_164620.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0090_14718.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0033_26521.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0021_794971.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0028_43752.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0003_107459.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0120_165462.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0008_180858.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0094_107085.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0016_182493.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0019_794567.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0060_34133.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0116_156049.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0075_148528.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0047_161511.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0035_113479.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0048_167610.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0025_794710.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0013_83670.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0102_174595.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0023_30352.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0018_796830.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0032_129491.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0101_171501.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0104_171668.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0013_180746.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0052_33676.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0018_34357.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0003_125427.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0048_14844.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0120_85890.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0038_189510.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0022_107825.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0071_159707.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0044_16557.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0081_155724.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0063_69589.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0035_133097.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0062_30131.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0062_35955.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0098_180170.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0080_72923.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0024_29173.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0105_128814.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0066_186818.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0061_34613.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0076_41597.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0112_168437.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0020_26027.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0133_175626.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0001_17057.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0113_121683.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0089_795322.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0063_138227.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0056_15032.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0058_796999.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0072_155539.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0085_21899.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0045_796148.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0102_158704.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0082_180523.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0046_38275.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0048_796749.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0020_61084.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0078_166875.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0066_117875.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0063_162324.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0037_27088.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0007_131030.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0001_129516.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0002_26072.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0068_155452.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0048_164622.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0096_56754.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0047_125788.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0133_27928.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0072_28678.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0054_16711.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0054_155145.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0040_153039.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0024_53631.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0071_176655.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0023_165247.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0088_168052.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0094_70698.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0055_91515.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0097_180392.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0057_795342.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0006_167998.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0033_93232.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0067_26124.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0082_23844.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0046_27295.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0021_113461.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0114_188016.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0075_108348.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0103_44062.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0007_83419.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0073_795800.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0073_155376.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0052_797487.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0111_158864.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0134_156919.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0032_42578.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0018_45608.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0109_123802.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0051_35143.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0089_77068.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0083_794761.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0012_103385.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0076_417.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0118_32210.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0044_132542.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0072_165534.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0016_795977.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0046_797494.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0017_614.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0017_70161.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0077_36355.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0044_76317.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0130_59500.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0024_69582.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0049_156082.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0001_73048.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0120_167149.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0111_127404.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0015_162388.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0017_185127.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0034_797102.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0098_37532.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0043_165240.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0039_150944.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0024_178230.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0035_44576.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0099_33455.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0120_104176.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0042_2101.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0052_92440.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0010_49169.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0014_22367.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0049_110976.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0018_23090.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0047_3802.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0050_162057.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0038_120819.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0055_42051.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0134_188213.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0101_104230.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0034_170352.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0093_139517.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0013_796278.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0060_66074.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0056_107010.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0013_42024.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0057_24529.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0054_91414.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0026_49466.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0070_108281.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0010_795166.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0027_59456.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0033_41782.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0029_129751.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0021_25137.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0042_34132.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0041_28697.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0008_110536.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0043_75747.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0003_796539.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0013_29496.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0024_98229.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0060_15159.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0067_145107.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0028_40666.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0024_146033.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0069_98299.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0025_97604.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0058_178795.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0044_189127.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0051_125587.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0019_41936.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0052_114878.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0007_20186.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0041_90218.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0070_188205.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0108_180956.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0086_125776.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0012_175328.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0022_105501.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0020_114744.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0022_22279.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0080_176542.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0088_33448.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0106_121154.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0043_39861.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0006_77171.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0029_39889.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0125_172536.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0049_33422.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0031_30502.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0051_28650.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0059_104258.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0100_174539.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0047_160547.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0104_52614.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0021_36282.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0102_44579.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0016_50392.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0051_25934.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0021_51300.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0074_159571.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0011_65947.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0033_85358.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0006_115864.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0102_36116.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0044_181122.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0001_122169.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0059_184396.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0103_115038.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0010_2269.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0071_26288.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0022_17233.jpg",
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+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0064_29546.jpg",
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+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0024_159193.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0131_85701.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0041_134111.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0065_102465.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0026_11057.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0048_100140.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0025_174973.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0106_150872.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0093_45576.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0101_1700.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0037_164233.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0046_797222.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0044_92828.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0058_70848.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0053_43843.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0056_795770.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0069_116332.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0061_106967.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0049_125806.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0084_155189.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0050_155475.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0077_186294.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0054_795791.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0056_98026.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0077_57858.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0086_41040.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0064_27007.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0120_58316.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0009_127658.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0053_26067.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0061_38026.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0019_22806.jpg",
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+    "Fish_Crow_0056_25851.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0025_78996.jpg",
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+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0061_53309.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0040_795974.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0041_163535.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0045_30174.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0060_1505.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0023_35687.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0029_154064.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0064_4936.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0066_184928.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0001_43749.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0108_74193.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0041_23763.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0094_42018.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0113_172456.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0023_187192.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0019_189533.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0060_186296.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0105_170429.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0030_162088.jpg",
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+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0037_126969.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0114_121233.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0011_117038.jpg",
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+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0017_59520.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0033_104195.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0061_166816.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0114_91412.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0080_175770.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0090_162432.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0023_21664.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0050_144000.jpg",
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+    "Caspian_Tern_0111_145995.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0059_29102.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0084_183004.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0084_172409.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0032_38473.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0096_143917.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0010_40735.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0058_795746.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0083_141579.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0096_163093.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0007_40313.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0082_135006.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0044_62759.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0012_24956.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0102_40986.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0025_111669.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0036_796053.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0089_125705.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0121_78402.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0007_167545.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0044_794554.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0105_156229.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0075_795981.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0096_161654.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0133_165016.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0008_795305.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0099_115399.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0046_186017.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0102_20644.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0080_1549.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0067_794846.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0026_92850.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0017_795782.jpg",
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+    "Western_Gull_0050_54425.jpg",
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+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0057_59489.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0093_180205.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0036_91818.jpg",
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+    "Prairie_Warbler_0058_172573.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0052_139804.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0111_153308.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0043_42182.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0074_117584.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0142_128237.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0032_70573.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0088_1678.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0025_184545.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0048_189683.jpg",
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+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0100_178643.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0052_163728.jpg",
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+    "Field_Sparrow_0008_113459.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0062_163859.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0117_41292.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0061_46501.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0056_46783.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0029_183337.jpg",
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+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0004_38396.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0052_125444.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0077_98133.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0052_171380.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0051_94578.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0005_166853.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0012_796748.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0099_158744.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0093_141880.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0035_165040.jpg",
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+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0043_116756.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0001_158397.jpg",
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+    "Hooded_Oriole_0088_90356.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0045_43581.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0077_90886.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0039_95216.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0120_37378.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0043_26492.jpg",
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+    "Gray_Kingbird_0044_70322.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0076_91527.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0029_189145.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0010_16948.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0119_99622.jpg",
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+    "Artic_Tern_0015_141829.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0130_155350.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0107_51306.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0095_125459.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0063_37409.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0092_61654.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0007_30339.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0057_159570.jpg",
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+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0019_42241.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0104_177676.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0053_162950.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0074_166637.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0013_8362.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0090_43867.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0090_794830.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0107_89985.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0101_116094.jpg",
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+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0001_98045.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0016_168082.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0022_55779.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0024_37404.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0087_137937.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0030_178202.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0067_797426.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0051_115923.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0012_179976.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0079_506.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0081_24198.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0036_22937.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0064_32142.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0045_165448.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0117_119917.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0099_152529.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0028_163302.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0066_166491.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0041_31064.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0073_133116.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0045_100803.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0104_113524.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0018_159897.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0034_187656.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0054_131146.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0124_27567.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0026_22913.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0063_796284.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0063_98295.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0082_80570.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0075_69978.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0079_797294.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0098_26501.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0139_166081.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0007_71163.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0057_120016.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0046_158849.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0131_25706.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0031_24139.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0014_184810.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0123_24589.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0128_160803.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0062_123000.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0073_155614.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0129_156781.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0091_41276.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0041_161802.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0135_128819.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0117_143394.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0033_795749.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0030_104930.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0009_185871.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0014_61335.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0039_38400.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0048_73894.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0077_16819.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0085_49456.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0088_69856.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0047_169354.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0005_794888.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0082_164544.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0054_157158.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0103_156382.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0042_41990.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0120_116021.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0014_23801.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0011_796568.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0053_188276.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0024_86200.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0105_19045.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0124_65848.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0087_175978.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0032_70111.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0055_45901.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0006_155478.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0011_25151.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0095_81177.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0055_61507.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0062_84573.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0006_26578.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0010_795995.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0053_77673.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0084_795860.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0065_34049.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0088_185873.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0001_71138.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0009_158721.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0007_128918.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0019_186527.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0014_130403.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0104_70596.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0108_32974.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0028_797082.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0104_85531.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0004_125787.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0035_71133.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0019_101063.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0007_797278.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0008_90118.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0086_34064.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0063_21783.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0063_116383.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0072_94974.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0120_29472.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0089_174764.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0081_61714.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0066_21839.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0052_11893.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0015_107079.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0078_796262.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0081_34153.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0122_160106.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0005_111967.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0073_35553.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0017_795041.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0069_34990.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0019_796242.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0101_78899.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0026_120798.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0049_158835.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0024_163406.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0002_69595.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0096_63330.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0131_119946.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0051_101048.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0032_796437.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0016_109051.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0039_797152.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0091_160896.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0099_161524.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0059_173434.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0136_45059.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0004_173475.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0098_621.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0087_30123.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0098_134916.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0035_797100.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0096_34452.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0127_111935.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0124_178857.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0109_99710.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0044_115681.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0067_175261.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0018_72957.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0011_42734.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0075_116805.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0042_167346.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0002_75775.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0013_794587.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0141_127766.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0041_100060.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0034_628.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0091_166762.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0059_177449.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0013_24131.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0039_71037.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0042_8574.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0045_116603.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0088_159084.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0058_64997.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0062_186390.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0016_155566.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0059_1480.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0053_25203.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0023_795362.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0013_25939.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0041_27105.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0041_112706.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0097_168004.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0010_116376.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0109_175578.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0082_31301.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0005_179902.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0092_163057.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0009_42234.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0036_59562.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0042_796419.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0016_156971.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0065_795819.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0015_2286.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0035_2166.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0040_30366.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0100_59541.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0139_187177.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0035_33750.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0075_30441.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0034_182806.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0027_796713.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0043_69613.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0013_795970.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0067_107508.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0065_107419.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0034_166720.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0091_45363.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0048_22557.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0041_30470.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0003_26797.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0067_40973.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0035_174741.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0075_176045.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0062_34523.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0117_188676.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0037_167687.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0063_43631.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0115_163121.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0110_73826.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0003_794619.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0114_114481.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0012_151558.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0037_148048.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0100_40179.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0081_125541.jpg",
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+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0132_51552.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0128_102017.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0039_166546.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0048_42298.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0039_50191.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0111_189596.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0108_121327.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0073_24546.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0107_161214.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0032_49322.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0076_27441.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0101_24987.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0061_32281.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0092_20735.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0053_154921.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0086_105005.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0063_34054.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0135_115251.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0038_121666.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0105_165095.jpg",
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+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0057_70582.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0042_797223.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0037_185332.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0137_25221.jpg",
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+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0004_35808.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0064_795954.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0126_74354.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0100_162923.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0094_112773.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0078_53595.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0071_160308.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0108_115894.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0070_164460.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0014_129668.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0039_21040.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0066_70356.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0102_116101.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0083_95840.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0113_155111.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0048_175079.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0018_78979.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0030_22926.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0079_51206.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0098_177116.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0131_32911.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0118_105157.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0141_190152.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0105_162372.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0101_139441.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0087_36570.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0046_45888.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0117_167987.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0031_41836.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0013_91945.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0034_160695.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0072_795559.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0049_183229.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0037_797405.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0028_22892.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0031_25909.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0033_45792.jpg",
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+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0033_117303.jpg",
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+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0005_159588.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0098_127019.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0126_55983.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0109_8271.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0014_74963.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0082_189549.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0115_177724.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0048_165862.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0102_611.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0093_133052.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0080_22303.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0003_23695.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0131_153983.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0009_795865.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0042_150851.jpg",
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+    "White_Pelican_0087_97247.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0002_186506.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0005_119735.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0044_163055.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0051_165646.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0102_72941.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0023_796458.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0046_176984.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0084_116519.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0004_189670.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0079_154764.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0099_99971.jpg",
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+    "Sage_Thrasher_0009_155463.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0035_143366.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0125_33867.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0075_136081.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0043_84853.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0104_67820.jpg",
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+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0078_116052.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0027_16536.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0044_68213.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0071_48751.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0019_164710.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0040_1715.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0003_151547.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0085_173829.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0038_183280.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0044_127386.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0040_16691.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0082_796655.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0031_794580.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0123_41330.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0104_162958.jpg",
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+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0010_6386.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0034_90686.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0024_22382.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0088_25303.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0071_70584.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0027_183029.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0041_21683.jpg",
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+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0078_38051.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0058_87296.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0132_101543.jpg",
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+    "Western_Meadowlark_0083_78197.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0110_103924.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0095_162401.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0067_115979.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0004_162928.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0005_795919.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0005_156007.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0037_66321.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0015_26208.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0048_30656.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0062_104743.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0004_794568.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0032_16605.jpg",
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+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0030_42523.jpg",
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+    "Hooded_Oriole_0105_90875.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0024_42616.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0049_151631.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0114_167732.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0106_180757.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0130_65885.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0055_155467.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0045_90415.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0110_187111.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0059_56674.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0105_36542.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0019_175175.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0122_22538.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0120_10859.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0090_158403.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0050_57510.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0074_45351.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0095_135829.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0034_45693.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0076_176086.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0027_174805.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0050_139358.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0048_796163.jpg",
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+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0111_108515.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0081_796636.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0017_156063.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0040_23144.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0081_15230.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0072_62944.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0118_121905.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0057_24345.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0102_186332.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0089_101891.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0035_876.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0075_797251.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0044_796698.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0068_137758.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0107_139488.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0067_151185.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0071_795848.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0024_29516.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0066_92460.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0039_180814.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0005_184699.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0111_66488.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0105_51513.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0013_20562.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0072_795603.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0058_163990.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0023_1059.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0042_128395.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0130_159075.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0093_126531.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0003_101045.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0079_69371.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0045_190563.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0078_16565.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0067_165484.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0009_30303.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0061_25884.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0036_42591.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0006_90685.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0028_42197.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0044_30349.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0056_61723.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0028_150117.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0050_30189.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0031_186713.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0087_90037.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0017_2668.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0006_184538.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0037_24440.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0047_65757.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0018_30462.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0036_61560.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0056_175269.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0014_157062.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0100_64645.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0015_155165.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0075_179114.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0025_166608.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0001_23538.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0061_133259.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0005_795137.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0116_185927.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0020_27961.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0010_797431.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0025_102584.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0111_99940.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0057_51315.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0026_165498.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0109_38451.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0104_6685.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0004_73861.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0064_43710.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0051_114107.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0058_16719.jpg",
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+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0085_159580.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0075_180480.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0092_23639.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0059_151269.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0022_130631.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0093_150534.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0060_150837.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0006_70625.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0084_34936.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0124_28966.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0027_70397.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0087_116490.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0080_121033.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0032_42216.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0123_156780.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0050_796045.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0123_105849.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0033_43794.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0055_103750.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0029_184046.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0117_44298.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0118_190805.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0082_87838.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0027_53994.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0073_23259.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0002_795886.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0028_37410.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0076_47497.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0129_102094.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0099_85717.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0094_797250.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0042_185514.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0094_62698.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0022_110518.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0019_23058.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0042_29127.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0031_21635.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0106_114720.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0028_122829.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0026_176337.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0027_795767.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0007_164633.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0082_73833.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0027_183940.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0078_161889.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0067_125429.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0120_155133.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0088_4007.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0086_796780.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0108_91530.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0010_100771.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0050_34561.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0102_16642.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0010_178891.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0092_187100.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0037_24032.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0053_22623.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0141_171263.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0058_41948.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0091_183144.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0097_29398.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0048_161665.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0080_6877.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0011_122964.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0068_69397.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0035_152932.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0067_162314.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0022_188280.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0037_117837.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0119_56309.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0058_177143.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0058_143981.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0090_186942.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0072_130474.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0051_154768.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0085_185474.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0076_61817.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0014_26754.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0029_24372.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0115_28190.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0069_179310.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0029_120828.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0029_795015.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0071_113747.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0099_190531.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0044_42305.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0084_32295.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0068_146615.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0139_21281.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0076_37818.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0080_95721.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0080_150538.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0113_167984.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0075_116404.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0048_95764.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0061_112795.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0090_85116.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0036_142447.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0054_796623.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0025_180756.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0057_796898.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0114_159206.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0018_190904.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0010_117263.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0026_796095.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0080_140110.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0118_37299.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0088_176336.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0089_66075.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0101_161510.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0064_143990.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0025_2231.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0131_66423.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0084_28318.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0092_175676.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0085_14627.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0100_54761.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0105_91186.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0098_99986.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0093_17676.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0023_159584.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0003_176429.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0085_24938.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0060_86031.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0029_30362.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0096_2634.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0032_120109.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0117_115983.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0038_73041.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0083_48674.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0004_70293.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0052_184760.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0056_120710.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0059_24421.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0036_96863.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0106_36509.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0090_190104.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0071_34311.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0038_30127.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0006_6005.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0073_100830.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0028_166905.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0021_795594.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0050_135104.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0034_795320.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0012_795469.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0016_145314.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0050_62974.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0052_133055.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0069_139941.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0001_75521.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0048_36399.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0068_61543.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0012_148477.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0088_162018.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0024_107439.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0106_149345.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0025_70501.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0057_27107.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0013_5762.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0075_73135.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0027_41083.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0091_159045.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0076_164591.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0094_49347.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0047_794704.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0054_138210.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0080_124120.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0044_186645.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0018_43771.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0042_794895.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0065_152206.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0037_795330.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0090_135325.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0050_170042.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0007_174796.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0051_72997.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0018_795386.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0110_93622.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0015_796858.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0059_42261.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0010_796964.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0010_160200.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0060_26686.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0017_794586.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0025_129521.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0061_44852.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0063_65925.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0073_13933.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0009_38609.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0044_140611.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0074_108401.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0142_190379.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0074_173443.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0049_797063.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0045_75589.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0081_158344.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0077_65736.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0005_164061.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0083_178743.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0068_125601.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0082_116660.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0053_543.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0018_98153.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0077_70620.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0085_156530.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0085_30318.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0060_20656.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0125_187009.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0027_100906.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0026_117754.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0099_158933.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0038_133701.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0016_38743.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0100_78037.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0021_186683.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0078_11852.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0070_155343.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0005_1750.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0032_26014.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0065_174757.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0054_176977.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0052_38804.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0035_796140.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0013_159531.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0053_20694.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0002_21395.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0071_49402.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0014_112947.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0038_110799.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0074_183907.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0065_794842.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0129_113748.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0029_132832.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0131_113582.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0015_188852.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0055_131933.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0058_34568.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0086_132477.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0012_795211.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0047_174340.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0047_23337.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0082_524.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0127_2235.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0109_137698.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0041_159032.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0012_115849.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0018_183455.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0043_128818.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0056_180946.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0061_184898.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0084_35863.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0075_158151.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0018_38374.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0132_189861.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0033_796086.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0003_179891.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0060_89616.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0085_797260.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0070_144292.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0118_66251.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0088_103892.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0046_28391.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0077_166749.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0108_104350.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0036_29693.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0079_8535.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0005_6771.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0031_28175.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0108_186089.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0023_61431.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0086_158564.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0075_116305.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0105_33663.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0068_75836.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0093_92020.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0014_153757.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0049_178723.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0084_80670.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0088_797194.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0067_795964.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0042_3635.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0117_26651.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0052_26232.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0094_28726.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0021_101767.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0050_164589.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0036_102025.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0062_42552.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0036_164779.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0043_797203.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0061_129484.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0094_5856.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0020_132317.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0058_165441.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0031_126457.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0071_45735.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0034_7736.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0003_797414.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0061_13259.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0097_107678.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0062_39853.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0142_142078.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0137_104693.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0106_116028.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0063_185589.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0019_177062.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0054_89825.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0056_89966.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0118_27604.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0049_53748.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0137_102848.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0042_98126.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0021_80343.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0103_41938.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0116_104240.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0086_166926.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0083_36033.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0099_121193.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0023_26637.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0068_24413.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0059_99628.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0038_128853.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0012_70325.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0076_156209.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0036_795577.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0034_78869.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0090_86856.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0112_125014.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0072_25945.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0056_43880.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0049_182452.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0004_185797.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0034_41548.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0108_78155.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0022_156546.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0078_159382.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0041_177199.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0015_44198.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0051_79599.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0063_77946.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0086_65025.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0023_796030.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0028_29696.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0052_112252.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0133_173279.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0088_41296.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0099_177747.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0013_795176.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0087_1765.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0105_174097.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0037_794770.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0006_144646.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0102_25000.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0061_30429.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0033_150687.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0008_796083.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0017_179830.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0025_796972.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0035_181913.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0038_796884.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0032_796170.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0053_161896.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0103_57573.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0079_172735.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0070_181182.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0014_175126.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0009_93395.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0136_115278.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0087_89726.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0117_164066.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0095_175595.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0081_795283.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0005_186109.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0008_75428.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0009_2616.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0102_8441.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0075_185046.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0061_794728.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0066_189034.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0142_85322.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0102_48078.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0132_47395.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0027_104004.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0074_162366.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0017_161878.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0024_795190.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0041_167534.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0023_68661.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0023_26409.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0029_1620.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0139_25186.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0005_167103.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0061_107438.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0047_14863.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0121_180026.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0042_23522.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0057_187157.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0012_32338.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0039_22945.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0009_81130.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0089_116531.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0042_796886.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0027_141617.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0085_134338.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0071_100651.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0027_177539.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0006_166595.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0073_186587.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0065_31659.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0083_180038.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0079_161194.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0016_23509.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0125_73910.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0123_180076.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0025_797508.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0007_35399.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0049_117265.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0014_141716.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0038_19203.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0089_71325.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0124_113868.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0058_796074.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0055_70290.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0098_8367.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0108_1639.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0044_36188.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0059_190584.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0061_100845.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0033_23530.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0053_44881.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0009_40218.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0023_181958.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0056_24452.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0031_125631.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0011_176676.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0033_795281.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0052_59581.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0040_25158.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0034_61247.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0046_169837.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0088_92086.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0138_48023.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0019_15231.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0079_104249.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0037_41066.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0029_62199.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0099_133948.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0083_186324.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0110_41063.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0041_117636.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0077_49051.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0102_17808.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0057_165673.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0039_42423.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0027_26319.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0008_143965.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0090_44836.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0030_125663.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0103_45996.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0020_188895.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0123_57745.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0104_152950.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0056_88355.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0091_136870.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0134_112644.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0072_156655.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0011_186871.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0090_37225.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0040_190427.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0113_146828.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0067_34654.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0060_6756.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0053_62744.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0011_796708.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0054_145890.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0091_144063.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0051_12837.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0032_24284.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0093_177141.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0062_189045.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0115_105575.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0096_111519.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0095_158886.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0053_4072.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0025_157173.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0007_169473.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0132_158908.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0005_796425.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0051_797095.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0074_178888.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0074_132094.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0056_24321.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0020_79046.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0096_155412.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0031_1588.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0050_85815.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0127_25412.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0043_30632.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0060_91536.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0110_9496.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0013_107005.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0127_154141.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0045_4526.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0051_69609.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0075_23645.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0107_85662.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0041_796997.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0079_30256.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0009_70536.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0051_178385.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0021_796880.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0105_32238.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0030_65824.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0025_795188.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0077_38160.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0004_25819.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0035_110138.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0036_13716.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0020_136587.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0106_147645.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0027_75542.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0023_177002.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0058_189346.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0062_796503.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0009_70933.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0119_27260.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0079_92610.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0085_795294.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0064_797109.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0042_133646.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0084_120063.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0015_22275.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0082_40290.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0014_85386.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0102_168189.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0068_114967.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0012_46654.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0046_190446.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0044_92262.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0032_23570.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0034_21955.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0035_117383.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0049_23714.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0006_795146.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0061_187911.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0035_98396.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0058_796239.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0038_174760.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0132_154149.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0066_82238.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0087_94358.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0047_795373.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0033_27926.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0126_103091.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0052_157185.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0018_114468.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0112_176301.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0001_79812.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0041_180461.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0050_18035.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0039_138010.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0109_115750.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0004_30140.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0050_159442.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0109_161635.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0001_163813.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0039_165532.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0029_190403.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0040_173447.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0067_24392.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0101_14873.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0109_113375.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0056_125657.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0049_180755.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0065_155229.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0031_183096.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0065_14558.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0024_79483.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0135_104716.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0043_795324.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0084_796587.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0020_83869.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0029_24912.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0084_69312.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0018_159450.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0015_795862.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0135_137699.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0002_49788.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0006_17684.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0026_795489.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0100_144597.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0062_75587.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0035_795851.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0077_14060.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0073_25977.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0021_24189.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0028_796988.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0002_169527.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0003_175154.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0107_72983.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0012_81216.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0054_2631.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0041_35224.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0009_23561.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0001_23398.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0007_24434.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0048_89957.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0108_70554.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0078_85828.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0127_93700.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0080_56366.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0102_122090.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0114_10627.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0018_108295.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0035_103017.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0017_187330.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0004_44361.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0040_94051.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0095_35496.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0074_1730.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0050_42598.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0123_167324.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0043_164476.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0009_98115.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0051_796991.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0145_188193.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0026_74910.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0044_60968.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0059_41998.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0112_73971.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0064_75532.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0004_930.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0045_185556.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0075_21125.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0017_185745.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0075_40159.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0030_85823.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0008_79458.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0050_795608.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0081_41318.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0116_84807.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0076_161162.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0024_75932.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0050_75388.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0058_31660.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0039_133645.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0063_795812.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0015_797425.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0106_118294.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0113_21270.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0040_35981.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0078_796126.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0027_43705.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0003_122425.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0074_107113.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0014_165336.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0061_163978.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0043_21008.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0054_81703.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0147_188367.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0058_153747.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0112_190571.jpg",
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+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0025_795484.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0021_58408.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0027_185212.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0100_168725.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0075_175234.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0091_55465.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0017_91801.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0068_125230.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0007_29280.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0027_162223.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0036_70184.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0022_187848.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0009_5841.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0059_30152.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0094_144466.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0139_184839.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0012_41853.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0086_177358.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0035_34137.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0070_179007.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0113_185113.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0043_129685.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0078_795340.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0035_136589.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0086_109022.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0084_92901.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0095_92796.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0044_183141.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0044_165436.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0138_142527.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0085_185515.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0060_161888.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0117_140812.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0025_144503.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0070_107196.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0030_29645.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0020_166997.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0065_56154.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0129_117898.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0043_138236.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0109_4454.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0021_15295.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0047_75393.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0029_54143.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0104_36164.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0003_796136.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0003_86029.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0046_155154.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0071_188111.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0128_51403.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0054_796301.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0087_183271.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0082_41852.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0097_167001.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0006_183383.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0033_12777.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0043_101901.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0041_796428.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0048_173095.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0085_53158.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0076_172104.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0073_94823.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0015_37238.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0102_2620.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0062_17334.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0074_30816.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0073_92369.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0057_114355.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0003_39986.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0113_86057.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0037_172550.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0073_29330.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0061_117529.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0126_92602.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0076_26177.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0032_34078.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0031_794840.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0120_185956.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0096_43654.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0052_131539.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0110_49408.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0042_147897.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0033_73133.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0074_100886.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0050_795957.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0030_122850.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0083_64599.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0022_129923.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0093_130121.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0063_128803.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0114_185532.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0059_140582.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0128_153732.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0029_142220.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0067_161860.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0055_795507.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0075_102530.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0055_26077.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0065_100625.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0013_30550.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0028_797241.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0059_61347.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0017_176888.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0037_125648.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0076_85801.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0079_177008.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0034_56614.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0127_142440.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0047_177304.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0119_86182.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0105_149841.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0026_129870.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0016_180760.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0058_158539.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0012_794552.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0041_795605.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0011_63660.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0093_163089.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0034_163911.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0098_188947.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0108_7937.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0014_40880.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0029_172618.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0039_176120.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0003_162920.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0052_98006.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0027_69735.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0098_133130.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0022_100227.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0045_125643.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0051_24083.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0138_45269.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0021_109588.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0116_164630.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0082_6906.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0096_109853.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0004_37960.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0068_105400.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0007_794563.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0132_156686.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0035_150744.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0104_28371.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0067_162539.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0083_66449.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0055_159532.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0070_116400.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0022_27028.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0023_105892.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0135_119620.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0060_185366.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0040_174933.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0141_37398.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0002_23680.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0025_30486.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0042_795755.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0042_81728.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0091_172597.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0090_125864.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0119_29778.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0029_83733.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0024_796463.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0059_156974.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0024_795363.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0087_184918.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0011_100621.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0085_160110.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0065_42635.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0079_79519.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0104_65908.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0057_165349.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0042_83603.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0112_87447.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0117_156026.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0089_80601.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0022_159037.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0031_79372.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0126_85134.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0063_797073.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0005_797206.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0120_113953.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0056_185626.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0070_796540.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0053_26390.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0102_144344.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0028_76010.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0022_155447.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0088_105663.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0053_796109.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0039_107259.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0037_162405.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0118_49191.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0041_53554.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0078_15164.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0034_25891.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0051_188260.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0118_180138.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0053_26738.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0132_171936.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0059_129896.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0022_796221.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0025_79935.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0050_154898.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0136_45416.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0079_31052.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0038_76902.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0027_185893.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0091_108308.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0070_71387.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0019_797186.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0110_169490.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0048_83648.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0074_24297.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0063_189543.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0105_64522.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0026_91444.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0072_158422.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0057_795856.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0048_53776.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0074_34238.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0122_162219.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0077_150548.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0044_167357.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0038_129830.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0027_167224.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0016_13661.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0065_138683.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0022_795012.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0040_168029.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0023_150654.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0115_9265.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0102_141453.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0136_166388.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0077_101349.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0061_184285.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0122_92993.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0128_94059.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0129_37831.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0057_68650.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0005_175977.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0007_153661.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0025_188897.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0007_26687.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0012_79425.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0010_75818.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0125_164925.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0013_161816.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0028_794896.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0023_156800.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0036_133168.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0056_162407.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0038_164354.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0013_36383.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0123_99929.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0043_2597.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0110_45968.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0035_55703.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0053_795792.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0043_10607.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0070_23513.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0095_180948.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0041_153470.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0129_29022.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0077_70191.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0043_100027.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0106_185013.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0020_93049.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0016_48969.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0101_93104.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0032_184870.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0119_59681.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0063_90976.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0079_25463.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0052_40137.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0012_2691.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0045_22798.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0040_69728.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0076_127604.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0010_85783.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0101_44718.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0058_183086.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0014_155421.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0030_163847.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0019_118200.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0009_8248.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0055_175183.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0051_79474.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0027_25146.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0106_77568.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0059_31646.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0075_180788.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0059_120794.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0129_137745.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0119_171551.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0126_172931.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0054_166985.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0019_69643.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0043_139884.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0050_174851.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0036_158268.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0058_40858.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0028_156217.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0047_190390.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0029_795846.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0045_34859.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0083_45879.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0091_602.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0052_69739.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0047_89686.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0021_91644.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0019_112645.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0096_153868.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0025_15079.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0046_18.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0035_24941.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0054_92310.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0102_23778.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0123_176471.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0013_15294.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0024_90157.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0084_34364.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0023_796328.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0077_79180.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0074_135219.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0070_70051.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0019_797479.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0020_35958.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0072_16697.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0122_41679.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0019_129788.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0106_65811.jpg",
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+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0109_21796.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0023_797072.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0074_93692.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0035_120099.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0067_122424.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0107_110825.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0009_174937.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0090_113613.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0057_163227.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0067_183710.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0089_162026.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0078_64692.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0046_176053.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0129_141395.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0009_149609.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0046_64488.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0023_162383.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0029_90485.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0045_77129.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0020_117542.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0048_110653.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0089_117527.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0006_69521.jpg",
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+    "Mourning_Warbler_0009_166429.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0008_21856.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0057_796286.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0065_58497.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0053_178892.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0049_794631.jpg",
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+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0014_57477.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0030_24103.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0032_98121.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0051_164892.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0095_90337.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0099_137783.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0011_21820.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0010_60895.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0084_70171.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0016_110297.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0015_43658.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0024_68961.jpg",
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+    "Common_Tern_0057_149749.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0004_152358.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0125_58932.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0047_140164.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0037_43712.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0016_129791.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0042_36035.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0130_186369.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0108_28502.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0085_8363.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0018_22546.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0014_34968.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0054_40871.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0018_49988.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0010_795000.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0109_39872.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0059_100925.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0035_100690.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0021_116399.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0101_72919.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0032_794849.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0077_26431.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0049_161856.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0061_159042.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0074_29553.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0026_71059.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0024_144039.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0020_120743.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0089_4188.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0028_643.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0071_25155.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0001_27571.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0049_9540.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0106_174221.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0040_11805.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0085_56756.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0032_21551.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0060_73132.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0092_185951.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0048_92876.jpg",
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+    "White_Pelican_0016_96659.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0068_796682.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0046_30529.jpg",
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+    "Prairie_Warbler_0127_172913.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0013_794892.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0050_189514.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0034_796209.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0048_75524.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0038_44719.jpg",
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+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0026_30525.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0038_166549.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0046_24463.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0026_794884.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0045_26194.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0072_78973.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0012_795875.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0059_120885.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0012_187973.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0037_167280.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0063_79064.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0080_167714.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0104_74142.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0092_49996.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0067_79723.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0017_99902.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0005_37331.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0063_70835.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0011_190401.jpg",
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+    "American_Redstart_0002_103723.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0127_175637.jpg",
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+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0046_157265.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0035_156596.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0048_21797.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0071_23007.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0051_51440.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0046_96888.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0102_161161.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0132_172705.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0032_120767.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0056_35623.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0053_115991.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0065_24464.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0018_75564.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0061_109113.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0103_78500.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0021_138199.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0038_42262.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0063_61406.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0002_180024.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0086_88375.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0051_182347.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0009_16674.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0116_58031.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0090_174183.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0019_796433.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0049_110736.jpg",
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+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0084_44775.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0017_21719.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0003_796270.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0048_162915.jpg",
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+    "Brown_Pelican_0075_95357.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0049_163735.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0064_152047.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0057_6935.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0100_137493.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0035_162377.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0113_156332.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0058_123591.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0129_32625.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0098_81117.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0076_59563.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0100_161622.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0060_177213.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0098_153820.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0004_108430.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0055_30912.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0038_37228.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0139_74492.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0067_22142.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0028_70358.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0122_164635.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0050_107460.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0102_168829.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0049_189504.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0005_42627.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0098_27280.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0091_101524.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0049_918.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0014_35424.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0038_51275.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0034_28740.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0087_796223.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0014_33485.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0064_140725.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0082_26012.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0043_54706.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0034_796165.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0124_24963.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0055_149486.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0056_79112.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0106_35418.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0016_174705.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0115_142570.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0016_29406.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0099_104134.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0058_637.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0120_113001.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0066_26600.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0024_153317.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0007_26320.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0124_139963.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0044_90082.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0049_31889.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0069_30544.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0110_128838.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0082_795869.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0064_106225.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0102_67402.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0140_165543.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0073_177558.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0021_797404.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0082_796121.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0004_75815.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0066_14914.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0013_12949.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0087_151226.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0012_63753.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0008_27455.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0019_73996.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0016_176452.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0052_43857.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0037_35598.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0098_22676.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0053_71319.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0090_45924.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0007_79157.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0053_38805.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0001_45472.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0086_28360.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0058_145886.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0068_1538.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0042_188195.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0048_144001.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0011_104779.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0127_190091.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0045_28805.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0037_26389.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0123_113847.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0090_155713.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0014_25287.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0083_114496.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0007_116484.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0124_167285.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0008_171330.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0117_174622.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0045_166710.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0023_794559.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0024_794630.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0045_150067.jpg",
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+    "Gadwall_0095_30911.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0059_794970.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0101_150715.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0005_64940.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0051_45622.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0014_129148.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0015_796307.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0074_71214.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0037_796638.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0027_30966.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0102_189563.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0107_76498.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0045_797464.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0070_79570.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0004_187448.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0004_154951.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0003_6749.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0020_24276.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0022_794833.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0067_11533.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0069_117812.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0037_797495.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0102_145928.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0043_28117.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0077_169042.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0043_175491.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0120_172340.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0060_133280.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0084_22082.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0077_104185.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0082_17875.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0080_159749.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0089_150854.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0076_106995.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0095_22594.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0097_121438.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0123_156443.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0091_26246.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0115_188443.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0040_127313.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0011_44827.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0110_35012.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0017_70957.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0067_77623.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0126_157179.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0020_22141.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0031_795960.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0120_105777.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0096_120376.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0042_87216.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0098_795231.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0002_795285.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0027_91265.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0016_135549.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0021_737.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0133_29314.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0021_172902.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0062_49722.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0106_176383.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0100_8407.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0105_66479.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0055_796720.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0108_796592.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0005_169918.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0017_94383.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0107_170620.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0084_14815.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0030_41354.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0050_129780.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0008_58204.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0005_794565.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0022_165693.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0083_125718.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0028_20598.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0007_58433.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0014_31570.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0125_22220.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0109_167428.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0027_172465.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0040_185859.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0051_795971.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0074_87214.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0048_116405.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0020_167198.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0109_1592.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0052_42551.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0073_795628.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0052_794875.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0046_2688.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0088_160668.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0055_18898.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0098_187368.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0020_190720.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0049_16869.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0032_156239.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0099_145939.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0058_42311.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0034_32371.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0092_31162.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0034_79292.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0025_104828.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0067_164743.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0057_163957.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0034_796521.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0076_120267.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0131_158522.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0034_796602.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0089_158519.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0110_189569.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0090_31893.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0104_189161.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0050_796878.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0034_70329.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0073_138108.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0135_28291.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0038_176388.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0045_104166.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0029_38995.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0064_76654.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0118_173261.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0013_82010.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0026_145125.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0082_24279.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0034_142022.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0033_29959.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0072_154946.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0125_105594.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0058_91819.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0131_166197.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0035_1591.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0036_185563.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0066_95495.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0079_27258.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0063_176800.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0040_74214.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0085_34063.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0062_796462.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0028_186526.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0052_30321.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0005_150708.jpg",
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+    "Gray_Catbird_0104_20716.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0017_45224.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0096_164739.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0075_70188.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0004_41643.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0126_120901.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0027_30549.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0015_116352.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0060_141955.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0075_174763.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0082_125503.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0062_90089.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0010_795852.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0116_54037.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0016_190986.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0061_65097.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0109_128529.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0068_796515.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0007_22934.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0030_795248.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0057_34590.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0101_56459.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0014_176414.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0065_64739.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0101_154907.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0079_24399.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0017_67676.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0090_26714.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0039_796589.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0012_24249.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0067_26878.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0058_4141.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0050_116369.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0062_796238.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0065_33423.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0001_34433.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0023_796410.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0082_24175.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0052_96865.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0026_155646.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0097_155564.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0056_794871.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0076_23523.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0087_73989.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0120_148670.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0099_175559.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0021_168263.jpg",
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+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0036_184048.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0112_117631.jpg",
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+    "Bobolink_0070_10624.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0036_25911.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0062_115056.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0047_188036.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0024_175278.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0056_794734.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0089_183435.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0087_39897.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0037_699.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0059_794799.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0048_145672.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0009_797256.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0061_795194.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0022_174138.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0035_154888.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0047_31360.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0056_104142.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0017_797400.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0030_79411.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0053_98186.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0010_26399.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0095_152067.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0098_151258.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0107_183290.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0036_43718.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0103_64537.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0060_116576.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0056_44658.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0129_22358.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0077_97025.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0015_180072.jpg",
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+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0020_6679.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0065_114945.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0025_119124.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0059_797079.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0015_104792.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0126_101459.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0018_94432.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0026_109010.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0080_34223.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0096_84996.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0064_78027.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0072_175958.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0107_156111.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0044_171104.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0118_42067.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0111_158423.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0006_41601.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0100_133665.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0123_114488.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0031_24999.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0002_179071.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0061_161984.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0061_166598.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0124_163037.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0043_178321.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0006_30824.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0054_33633.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0060_795604.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0008_190703.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0034_97466.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0003_94427.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0103_171922.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0013_45771.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0099_78176.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0057_173865.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0062_110187.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0055_188123.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0013_189500.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0013_159787.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0015_61429.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0073_42573.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0078_5372.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0024_83519.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0106_164869.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0046_116740.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0001_182541.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0020_36241.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0020_155223.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0096_185139.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0075_44455.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0054_107026.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0035_26081.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0027_129978.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0021_153979.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0014_17389.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0035_42282.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0043_109509.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0093_30898.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0082_151937.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0074_139592.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0087_21695.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0006_131315.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0069_21065.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0110_25541.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0127_174149.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0049_18258.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0108_40235.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0078_172729.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0045_161997.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0021_189597.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0019_33687.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0012_40236.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0063_26094.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0089_24841.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0118_45626.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0081_115630.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0004_65042.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0018_167191.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0002_21819.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0122_171274.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0041_75782.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0079_10736.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0082_79214.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0127_90200.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0044_156708.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0031_176282.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0067_38524.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0094_173607.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0094_16467.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0010_23421.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0129_90441.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0067_179979.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0057_151570.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0083_795163.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0046_163856.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0015_6885.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0004_16641.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0060_122371.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0071_152142.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0015_178818.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0068_110706.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0009_1522.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0050_787316.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0020_156663.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0043_34427.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0047_26070.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0043_8250.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0123_182116.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0071_35386.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0088_22948.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0039_184243.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0014_42608.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0062_107456.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0011_172744.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0076_116509.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0110_86038.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0035_164362.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0007_51430.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0075_176978.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0043_127096.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0042_2302.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0032_182815.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0059_65586.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0108_57653.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0015_93037.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0048_120321.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0031_796981.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0076_129088.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0024_24167.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0016_79605.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0110_85217.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0051_84950.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0096_33801.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0006_71297.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0097_10861.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0023_120326.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0047_115022.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0026_6768.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0086_86553.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0040_797503.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0071_140289.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0116_45236.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0049_22357.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0015_40232.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0062_61351.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0068_79057.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0137_2680.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0014_98094.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0043_157162.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0003_22922.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0007_53334.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0091_125598.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0100_189426.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0022_161520.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0022_21944.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0049_63082.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0038_40865.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0056_156502.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0013_6902.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0073_795895.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0098_129089.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0108_33398.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0010_99843.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0041_25887.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0013_29232.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0115_74271.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0097_93767.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0007_57388.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0109_87398.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0055_163171.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0062_4233.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0049_165313.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0083_795315.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0034_797252.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0055_794899.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0017_26221.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0082_1697.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0022_2170.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0028_63599.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0016_114213.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0064_65552.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0008_30686.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0026_103729.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0025_187160.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0079_70524.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0074_165269.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0063_155127.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0035_8447.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0032_78633.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0013_131812.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0049_155110.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0080_16534.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0106_160014.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0039_797000.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0042_796721.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0020_162354.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0026_162913.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0081_182336.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0041_142079.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0086_21877.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0092_102550.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0060_79972.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0051_29077.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0069_101018.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0069_25506.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0063_113667.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0021_795472.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0074_32265.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0064_74864.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0031_174696.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0016_184999.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0090_116664.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0067_165404.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0030_14986.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0061_79453.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0062_189501.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0061_154880.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0041_182408.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0071_173140.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0131_57813.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0110_105947.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0091_100276.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0058_118323.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0089_131934.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0054_795387.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0030_796994.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0112_189507.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0071_23964.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0110_21871.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0078_796649.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0020_100396.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0016_89885.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0081_796895.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0024_85718.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0046_797103.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0080_25861.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0034_73940.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0070_190678.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0065_82895.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0021_13979.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0023_130325.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0036_69939.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0009_113860.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0022_156184.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0015_46353.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0010_70057.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0125_111130.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0010_796600.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0027_175290.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0056_133921.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0066_190646.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0036_186722.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0052_796498.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0007_182242.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0076_14662.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0015_168196.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0045_71064.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0050_148928.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0116_33808.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0026_795962.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0040_72852.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0056_183913.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0065_796504.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0062_145981.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0004_2345.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0086_162027.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0107_162440.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0050_49245.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0019_30984.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0008_153313.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0092_1516.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0102_188654.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0073_49287.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0001_545.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0042_31979.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0098_107138.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0059_35507.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0091_35276.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0081_174771.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0108_188788.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0014_179882.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0103_32225.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0126_110959.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0074_56917.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0073_188952.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0012_795612.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0109_797440.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0014_176042.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0111_190569.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0055_796557.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0122_94022.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0028_179724.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0001_794869.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0042_75385.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0096_172577.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0114_89873.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0032_186566.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0001_186455.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0095_164709.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0098_174800.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0087_33369.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0091_155934.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0020_110609.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0053_22957.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0023_7325.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0023_80121.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0020_796965.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0053_1672.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0094_139351.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0005_155569.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0037_134647.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0035_129528.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0060_42595.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0016_797084.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0133_171641.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0066_44669.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0033_165213.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0098_795565.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0092_158688.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0071_9503.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0035_73012.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0011_797488.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0064_177380.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0051_159033.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0115_139253.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0115_156099.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0038_138198.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0001_56960.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0037_56587.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0013_163552.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0075_57537.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0011_179149.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0024_8586.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0039_128859.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0044_64664.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0111_165478.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0011_26406.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0056_6856.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0019_158313.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0113_158588.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0042_65740.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0004_164279.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0099_117482.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0113_184413.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0032_128866.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0066_169284.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0010_29396.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0110_53861.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0043_25666.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0070_85983.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0055_185230.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0091_105076.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0048_104817.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0016_115695.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0012_144091.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0024_143268.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0101_91233.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0077_177152.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0112_114159.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0023_179909.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0080_31747.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0012_104352.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0082_34227.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0008_34515.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0111_44856.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0041_2653.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0099_53670.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0031_29825.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0119_104057.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0031_42201.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0071_127922.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0067_25443.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0089_163776.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0101_35464.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0038_177027.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0046_76165.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0093_56851.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0050_108441.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0019_167626.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0044_795624.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0021_28235.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0085_22674.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0027_42649.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0054_114541.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0003_133496.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0075_139858.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0092_174810.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0055_8357.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0054_174914.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0088_100213.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0110_161726.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0007_163087.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0033_797474.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0038_139371.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0050_37336.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0106_105437.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0079_113288.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0128_77396.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0073_134997.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0069_33685.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0078_43985.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0041_131860.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0053_797276.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0058_103082.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0010_66649.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0055_6923.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0110_188434.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0006_63504.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0118_2081.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0118_175779.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0009_64723.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0091_180938.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0106_56335.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0027_796441.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0018_107437.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0087_177148.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0076_123669.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0093_28700.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0059_178500.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0068_106960.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0017_133806.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0020_166211.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0051_163244.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0077_166567.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0075_1617.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0094_184478.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0123_187095.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0057_42562.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0047_69719.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0079_165783.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0070_98225.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0014_796987.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0058_796315.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0109_93363.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0090_167607.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0119_145492.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0036_34048.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0022_144922.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0066_79275.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0049_21311.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0065_25942.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0024_183297.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0085_102041.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0087_156461.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0016_166736.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0094_189037.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0059_488.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0065_70560.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0018_42474.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0124_99848.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0007_44575.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0059_116608.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0013_57212.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0088_49177.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0027_168381.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0004_796652.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0134_158889.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0131_28962.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0064_24199.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0031_62913.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0057_176675.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0041_189227.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0016_2225.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0005_107150.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0093_102058.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0037_107442.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0083_74444.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0012_26712.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0031_190582.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0039_166709.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0074_18339.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0062_31921.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0059_119810.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0074_180936.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0029_175417.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0101_176864.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0112_77046.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0138_20945.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0019_95158.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0078_181887.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0055_190967.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0038_155498.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0101_49790.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0041_17189.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0035_17678.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0059_66305.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0024_26832.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0049_36219.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0098_144089.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0022_79153.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0053_189112.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0062_98123.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0034_796413.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0053_179960.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0107_91472.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0030_795885.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0032_181587.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0127_163860.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0097_30122.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0137_187273.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0039_795955.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0125_187251.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0007_161785.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0044_182374.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0023_135345.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0096_170867.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0024_101394.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0100_110545.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0007_185634.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0040_795370.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0002_127774.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0136_32277.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0096_121313.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0049_797468.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0099_188579.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0122_25200.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0010_13000.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0028_106221.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0041_796572.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0102_185902.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0040_116882.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0059_82741.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0041_129625.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0090_58598.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0047_17673.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0136_161400.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0082_168709.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0095_166098.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0066_795206.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0111_29543.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0019_141922.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0124_29294.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0088_82225.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0004_111989.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0007_797215.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0053_101291.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0040_75414.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0010_112678.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0093_110677.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0044_154934.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0017_795490.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0031_45822.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0081_167647.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0015_71042.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0013_50180.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0031_66785.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0030_120780.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0043_29115.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0065_91397.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0028_153781.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0081_92374.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0071_116476.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0039_69253.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0082_47540.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0038_40035.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0079_30662.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0021_42378.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0090_163629.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0082_86435.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0076_85083.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0027_6593.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0027_45864.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0134_175374.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0079_145777.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0043_107479.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0016_795528.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0048_57222.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0095_94290.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0118_185169.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0138_76735.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0057_177291.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0065_87303.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0024_796089.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0049_795580.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0003_37698.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0091_72839.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0038_155246.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0103_109529.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0040_9681.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0072_150911.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0075_128990.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0031_56709.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0081_164487.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0087_78972.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0104_162345.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0042_801.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0062_172755.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0074_180306.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0056_796585.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0064_79040.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0014_159709.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0090_164794.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0102_127708.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0040_163219.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0077_38929.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0065_159722.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0004_31903.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0034_797448.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0125_153996.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0078_72826.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0052_128923.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0091_184537.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0101_62882.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0002_175571.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0047_165900.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0071_36536.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0045_50215.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0041_795218.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0014_797415.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0046_129742.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0043_159628.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0078_23203.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0070_42250.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0053_84436.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0045_35962.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0003_130086.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0059_94504.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0078_117483.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0018_63455.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0011_66280.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0081_76266.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0024_109445.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0090_87054.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0033_794566.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0018_81183.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0066_2693.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0044_28592.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0063_161810.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0011_59480.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0045_795750.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0028_164883.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0057_10051.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0078_149161.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0063_794781.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0113_88407.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0131_175268.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0097_45783.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0055_38730.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0046_795227.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0010_172547.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0008_26357.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0009_174746.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0054_182031.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0009_31847.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0027_104291.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0086_49532.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0047_7009.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0031_37239.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0096_151068.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0139_84942.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0051_107217.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0114_49535.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0049_160749.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0085_796839.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0065_35713.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0104_53816.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0027_27153.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0051_24468.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0119_26550.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0056_184834.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0098_111073.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0008_795992.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0091_27425.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0082_142127.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0008_162416.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0053_38005.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0051_97833.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0068_180949.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0001_14916.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0130_172609.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0013_167326.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0033_78312.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0044_156548.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0019_70744.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0121_138255.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0075_116260.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0037_794839.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0028_70981.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0026_128843.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0101_59420.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0054_12213.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0039_4285.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0090_65895.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0039_2174.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0115_76840.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0007_9246.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0021_71009.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0078_184375.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0052_173400.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0111_3220.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0112_164650.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0127_125322.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0096_6846.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0089_106055.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0025_42032.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0002_171176.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0054_126068.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0080_49748.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0001_100225.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0090_160247.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0067_35465.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0083_164056.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0114_162396.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0091_22111.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0075_168751.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0009_36477.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0129_161399.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0106_52729.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0072_42085.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0017_128982.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0040_57982.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0115_167039.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0119_161416.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0052_79178.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0049_42380.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0006_89935.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0042_124512.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0025_23776.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0080_107050.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0009_797201.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0010_174724.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0053_176079.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0086_22611.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0090_45834.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0055_795825.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0008_53145.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0059_168259.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0043_36183.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0036_100974.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0010_104866.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0095_162965.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0001_70224.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0120_103089.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0117_55785.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0117_163079.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0072_184401.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0048_34175.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0105_123227.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0038_2294.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0050_98241.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0106_91830.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0025_153678.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0103_17425.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0082_31890.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0003_796246.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0041_149586.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0078_167964.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0079_185560.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0072_123991.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0030_164897.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0030_26350.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0008_38486.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0105_25283.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0085_797107.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0043_794605.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0033_129016.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0039_100890.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0065_8481.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0080_25220.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0080_100055.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0057_107036.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0071_3988.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0049_46508.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0078_99898.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0080_155200.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0042_189006.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0107_136223.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0090_99651.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0106_169571.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0078_188960.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0042_155213.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0093_71185.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0034_129496.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0085_109506.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0036_56809.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0086_102876.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0011_42554.jpg",
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+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0072_21830.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0108_145278.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0026_42375.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0070_54978.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0078_26888.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0087_54193.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0043_71212.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0086_167045.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0022_177397.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0136_28918.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0023_92534.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0019_795013.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0134_59449.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0014_70227.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0086_70569.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0045_182832.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0120_158991.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0033_177214.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0088_156416.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0024_49195.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0092_86016.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0054_796507.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0010_23711.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0110_154868.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0049_34100.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0018_26535.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0034_796693.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0083_61492.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0040_96026.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0026_161813.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0102_85089.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0127_28411.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0058_190958.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0059_14749.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0040_164605.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0033_796605.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0092_795221.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0017_796034.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0004_86969.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0005_796873.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0109_796577.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0101_164806.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0005_69662.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0045_46845.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0105_6937.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0127_188931.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0068_170243.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0010_34716.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0038_100635.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0060_175420.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0079_156086.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0023_125465.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0045_54735.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0051_118574.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0066_123569.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0006_133489.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0008_796538.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0021_14686.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0070_137714.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0090_795523.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0042_116499.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0141_74396.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0019_60970.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0093_24581.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0018_158304.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0099_25717.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0075_74126.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0007_111029.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0113_172544.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0050_189207.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0055_125611.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0095_34491.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0082_129048.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0071_20974.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0004_148977.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0126_167274.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0073_116803.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0020_795947.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0034_794800.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0007_175618.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0009_57904.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0043_93374.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0003_794866.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0081_94085.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0087_40909.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0020_106863.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0033_167991.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0026_155745.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0027_129503.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0053_56112.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0027_794989.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0008_794886.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0113_178627.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0086_189692.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0081_176972.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0130_167101.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0115_69485.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0078_17181.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0083_79562.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0085_151091.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0006_186742.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0036_156727.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0114_69700.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0071_59505.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0073_64896.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0098_15226.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0010_24146.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0093_182925.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0033_36395.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0059_25864.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0078_177444.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0079_24647.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0055_33774.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0042_797483.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0044_117116.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0035_27972.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0099_106944.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0068_164184.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0027_53080.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0029_151228.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0069_53553.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0116_159028.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0014_166831.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0088_166639.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0018_32324.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0077_100671.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0001_21928.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0031_110769.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0041_91258.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0080_186919.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0019_88186.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0132_155337.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0088_158452.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0096_77901.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0109_9869.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0041_87367.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0080_2234.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0086_164024.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0063_795904.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0067_159895.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0115_145927.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0027_179956.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0050_180398.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0085_116534.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0037_48655.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0005_34657.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0037_15021.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0042_23151.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0019_127652.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0027_155999.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0031_43750.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0033_162657.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0062_62585.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0056_167123.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0024_104243.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0028_79061.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0103_149733.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0088_63264.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0096_138022.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0034_102866.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0037_797212.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0001_24449.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0082_797395.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0072_796715.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0069_34199.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0077_43730.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0116_153715.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0092_2727.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0063_86573.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0025_796213.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0042_161869.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0028_796570.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0053_165332.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Billed_Cuckoo_0061_26692.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0002_116356.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0051_25505.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0021_66261.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0104_24698.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0053_122933.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0029_177915.jpg",
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+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0075_30712.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0056_143906.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0115_93731.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0004_31669.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0087_147945.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0033_112590.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0086_180096.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0087_47841.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0141_157205.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0038_65702.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0032_797150.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0013_70135.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0093_725.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0031_156632.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0004_45936.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0040_107172.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0004_796514.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0028_27114.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0067_78529.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0083_133771.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0081_796833.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0042_796983.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0093_67335.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0014_66258.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0092_23061.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0049_188540.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0060_128802.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0108_87576.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0037_98127.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0057_155488.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0028_184131.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0033_76565.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0126_11458.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0033_133836.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0092_147779.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0114_180455.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0001_796327.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0009_34244.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0103_27461.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0085_34713.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0037_1560.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0050_130095.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0083_51407.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0032_22802.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0100_28898.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0127_167494.jpg",
+    "Brown_Creeper_0027_24729.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0003_189838.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0115_77882.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0002_796427.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0096_38441.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0021_116107.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0092_125934.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0004_796841.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0013_54794.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0032_156897.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0081_797179.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0005_57349.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0043_797154.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0060_62570.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0138_172695.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0087_164221.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0080_180589.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0039_24359.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0005_156599.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0048_113387.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0002_71055.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0045_166575.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0119_142682.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0053_150507.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0014_48983.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0028_156510.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0003_72994.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0066_57518.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0094_166922.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0078_80426.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0017_104864.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0023_794797.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0106_2608.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0018_87782.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0075_668.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0024_20739.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0011_125608.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0015_163159.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0032_160569.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0035_21870.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0035_120986.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0083_151282.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0039_795471.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0107_1590.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0046_59647.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0098_23783.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0037_87337.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0070_160354.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0030_91612.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0002_55.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0004_188188.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0017_65017.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0118_156193.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0030_24206.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0104_100147.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0062_1767.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0038_189328.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0086_187815.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0031_176075.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0033_174123.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0035_100181.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0060_102013.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0016_796245.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0047_129014.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0028_92270.jpg",
+    "Green_Tailed_Towhee_0100_154966.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0053_13391.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0051_797132.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0093_51303.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0077_34587.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0026_115281.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0020_86143.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0017_797198.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0080_131829.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0086_169676.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0015_794891.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0042_136401.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0117_162394.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0039_9779.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0042_43739.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0085_25260.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0127_87560.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0071_189689.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0073_73118.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0063_132572.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0103_36515.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0050_31913.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0036_189245.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0025_60937.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0099_796567.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0004_91057.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0059_8079.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0064_22849.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0061_155140.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0054_70264.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0081_36578.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0018_26978.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0038_103278.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0024_150852.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0084_796639.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0076_160173.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0009_79576.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0085_127194.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0060_156555.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0006_103959.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0049_8548.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0009_72786.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0126_89651.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0121_184765.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0074_157170.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0045_796129.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0032_166847.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0022_69742.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0111_160342.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0023_39829.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0044_148680.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0026_104898.jpg",
+    "Chuck_Will_Widow_0021_796952.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0124_155052.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0071_80357.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0111_156258.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0086_95538.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0038_796632.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0128_58281.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0107_167186.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0042_40281.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0131_117277.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0043_107236.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0097_27288.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0030_27255.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0003_70970.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0108_164356.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0115_118882.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0031_180975.jpg",
+    "Chipping_Sparrow_0017_107552.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0042_796071.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0029_13761.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0104_144038.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0005_187493.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0034_159861.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0006_73836.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0115_22304.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0070_56085.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0020_104027.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0055_35502.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0012_174739.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0014_797248.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0074_73130.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0064_155531.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0053_121554.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0116_151688.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0075_33839.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0017_84237.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0038_35798.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0014_172542.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0026_796157.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0093_176490.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0009_51301.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0056_189508.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0037_141141.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0011_5845.jpg",
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+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0009_796835.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0053_795345.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0083_132949.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0100_796627.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0050_25255.jpg",
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+    "Herring_Gull_0145_46220.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0047_85630.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0076_795907.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0066_795514.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0058_47383.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0084_90607.jpg",
+    "Western_Wood_Pewee_0061_795060.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0002_156241.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0007_64708.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0073_107518.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0108_22182.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0112_3415.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0120_27597.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0036_177274.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0053_797157.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0042_179391.jpg",
+    "Blue_Jay_0033_62024.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0022_78410.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0005_30142.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0047_107428.jpg",
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+    "Cardinal_0016_17862.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0032_794603.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0043_115880.jpg",
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+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0106_68139.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0030_23732.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0033_658.jpg",
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+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0034_797305.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0121_129201.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0044_103433.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0021_107021.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0057_71096.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0001_22314.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0111_171040.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0033_144328.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0026_14669.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0101_2630.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0029_36379.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0102_93727.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0132_119962.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0057_167008.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0029_78832.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0003_61082.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0045_91205.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0060_41655.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0066_162062.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0030_160592.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0048_41646.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0118_187383.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0039_34257.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0085_91411.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0105_165661.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0129_153449.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0106_128815.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0049_22924.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0006_79819.jpg",
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+    "Elegant_Tern_0099_150682.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0063_190440.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0034_70069.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0075_38619.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0058_68784.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0018_85937.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0030_166732.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0060_180443.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0064_81068.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0045_797536.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0120_48822.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0037_74696.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0070_93140.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0005_70103.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0090_110145.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Oriole_0082_90045.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0071_54207.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0034_175443.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0001_40786.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Blackbird_0090_2658.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0018_101713.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0085_155562.jpg",
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+    "Horned_Grebe_0064_35015.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0030_79876.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0059_107060.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0057_30282.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0009_33373.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0050_190535.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0079_40389.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0111_78674.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0031_174578.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0068_113247.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0021_794602.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0066_69320.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0060_14495.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0045_171150.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0038_43846.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0035_14920.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0070_14665.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0048_184164.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0107_78608.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0012_25946.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0073_27104.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0112_116845.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0080_113811.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0077_186003.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0125_29593.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0101_185627.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0091_151895.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0134_104196.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0016_76315.jpg",
+    "Orange_Crowned_Warbler_0065_167952.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0083_116588.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0010_794769.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0015_795504.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0021_38382.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0120_6762.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0040_37429.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0069_73908.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0078_85416.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0028_119982.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0113_161407.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0003_155479.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0071_189213.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0029_16530.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0081_6967.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0015_100889.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0006_113839.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0044_156080.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0002_174884.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0079_92248.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0063_111460.jpg",
+    "Elegant_Tern_0107_150960.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0097_795183.jpg",
+    "Cliff_Swallow_0084_133974.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0124_93684.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0011_64920.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0059_45642.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0072_85742.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0015_101364.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0101_21178.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0085_51292.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0078_48718.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0121_25720.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0139_119444.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0032_30146.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0042_795308.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0034_153963.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0074_175645.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0042_29438.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0012_53605.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0051_29530.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0102_796692.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0125_164247.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0017_37379.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0063_34966.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0027_64689.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0034_166097.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0059_128964.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0019_178654.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0121_114886.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0064_82196.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0015_796435.jpg",
+    "Whip_Poor_Will_0036_100399.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0021_795776.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0063_796050.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0076_188108.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0023_140898.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0094_795264.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0106_139801.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0023_139859.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0032_144029.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0042_26148.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0072_14197.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0016_79079.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0095_185633.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0021_28741.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0080_161681.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0071_107446.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0010_151243.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0033_60955.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0101_144331.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0069_186230.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0095_69482.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0019_190524.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0089_93234.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0064_103081.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0106_35112.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0018_120716.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0067_169318.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0002_185680.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0052_177519.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0038_49298.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0039_41034.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0002_106962.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0089_40008.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0021_795545.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0083_73053.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0009_182540.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0023_19026.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0119_162307.jpg",
+    "Pigeon_Guillemot_0096_39995.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0109_183385.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0033_19215.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0100_34462.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0066_60921.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0049_175006.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0045_79358.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0121_59376.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0038_797465.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0001_34723.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0033_116380.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0116_116066.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0047_129520.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0136_171382.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0066_116362.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0068_79203.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0063_67688.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0025_190547.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0021_144734.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0114_160537.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0027_80980.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0045_69605.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0094_161790.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0022_6808.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0035_162658.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0099_3985.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0097_190139.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0056_135079.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0003_795892.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0022_19585.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0004_157224.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0122_176182.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0079_72961.jpg",
+    "Cape_May_Warbler_0107_162941.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0103_86470.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0072_4338.jpg",
+    "House_Sparrow_0028_113217.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0046_1663.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0060_146007.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0071_38207.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0012_64887.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0093_162356.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0073_177063.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Sparrow_0053_107282.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0091_794808.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0103_165647.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0103_102946.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0041_144964.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0041_177630.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0069_188776.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0022_179933.jpg",
+    "Pileated_Woodpecker_0070_180034.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0124_58465.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0042_113815.jpg",
+    "American_Crow_0048_25062.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0123_185069.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0135_158955.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0106_9126.jpg",
+    "Magnolia_Warbler_0044_165599.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0114_34517.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0106_27607.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0020_72888.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0072_155987.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0086_38048.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0051_795738.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0038_69455.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0084_100637.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0092_136236.jpg",
+    "Evening_Grosbeak_0036_37978.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0010_61457.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0004_79232.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0119_188404.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0093_189686.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0013_31020.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0061_160404.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0009_26977.jpg",
+    "Pine_Warbler_0095_171588.jpg",
+    "Wilson_Warbler_0066_117820.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0110_136921.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0092_184901.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0034_51270.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0002_58387.jpg",
+    "Prairie_Warbler_0009_173022.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0061_157202.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0025_12532.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0054_100915.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0092_155415.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0123_41638.jpg",
+    "Caspian_Tern_0014_145640.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0039_129599.jpg",
+    "Artic_Tern_0048_142372.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0022_44733.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0011_115937.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0058_12207.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0091_796212.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0073_185049.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0130_56122.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0045_117547.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0035_795214.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0089_174636.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0004_184648.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0024_155363.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0125_28485.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0033_796506.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0066_99961.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0043_188426.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0026_64938.jpg",
+    "Common_Raven_0033_101759.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0121_100040.jpg",
+    "Cerulean_Warbler_0025_797232.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0071_52845.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0042_182373.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0013_117202.jpg",
+    "Mangrove_Cuckoo_0002_26410.jpg",
+    "Swainson_Warbler_0033_794856.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0124_184364.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Bellied_Flycatcher_0040_795465.jpg",
+    "Parakeet_Auklet_0030_795930.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0099_55916.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0119_177942.jpg",
+    "Dark_Eyed_Junco_0124_67664.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0030_35498.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0017_795832.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0065_4026.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0012_44131.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0014_70910.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0132_86876.jpg",
+    "Golden_Winged_Warbler_0049_164509.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0062_140633.jpg",
+    "Horned_Lark_0065_74279.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0033_75571.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0139_104277.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0023_45686.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0083_128777.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0078_76238.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0027_190869.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0050_796186.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0099_23784.jpg",
+    "Great_Crested_Flycatcher_0132_29300.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0091_78576.jpg",
+    "Indigo_Bunting_0063_11820.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Throated_Vireo_0031_159712.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0042_177272.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0050_156538.jpg",
+    "Prothonotary_Warbler_0107_173921.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0112_70634.jpg",
+    "Ring_Billed_Gull_0089_51348.jpg",
+    "Bohemian_Waxwing_0026_177845.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0062_64996.jpg",
+    "Pied_Billed_Grebe_0053_35262.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0112_44731.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0071_190665.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0052_158534.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0090_110669.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0049_43906.jpg",
+    "Common_Yellowthroat_0039_190513.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0072_177121.jpg",
+    "Barn_Swallow_0019_130555.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0057_178370.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0111_161615.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0116_31943.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0066_94840.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0082_137978.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0083_38508.jpg",
+    "Red_Faced_Cormorant_0025_796306.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0030_21964.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0057_155164.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0036_163622.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0102_795195.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0043_125703.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0112_11073.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0025_57835.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0127_184756.jpg",
+    "Bronzed_Cowbird_0043_796224.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0027_79284.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0125_160482.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0045_795518.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0010_1704.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0008_16416.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0050_164662.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0115_47123.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0043_124034.jpg",
+    "Heermann_Gull_0111_45652.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0048_76995.jpg",
+    "Mourning_Warbler_0005_795372.jpg",
+    "Black_Tern_0014_143939.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0077_116127.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0079_181010.jpg",
+    "Worm_Eating_Warbler_0086_176073.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0132_184408.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Headed_Blackbird_0015_8207.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0023_72910.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0087_77499.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0114_119750.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0040_147973.jpg",
+    "Slaty_Backed_Gull_0083_786386.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0094_1540.jpg",
+    "Seaside_Sparrow_0007_120690.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0055_161996.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0001_116398.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0083_100649.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0009_34952.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0022_32111.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0088_117040.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0082_185021.jpg",
+    "Glaucous_Winged_Gull_0082_44528.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0062_120185.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0094_6582.jpg",
+    "Red_Bellied_Woodpecker_0071_180866.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0032_26292.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0076_11093.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0021_70228.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0063_93378.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0099_183524.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0021_43743.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0064_60999.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0081_9439.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0028_188797.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0055_56396.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0001_159237.jpg",
+    "Chestnut_Sided_Warbler_0008_164001.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0032_797470.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0011_53713.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0051_185425.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0028_118217.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0061_176559.jpg",
+    "Le_Conte_Sparrow_0023_795156.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0083_166738.jpg",
+    "Downy_Woodpecker_0116_184326.jpg",
+    "Northern_Waterthrush_0063_177346.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0080_64505.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0080_46806.jpg",
+    "Black_Billed_Cuckoo_0024_795331.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0016_59660.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0005_73086.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0009_161534.jpg",
+    "Bewick_Wren_0070_184892.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0042_182834.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0008_135352.jpg",
+    "Fish_Crow_0018_25879.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0086_159202.jpg",
+    "Belted_Kingfisher_0078_70366.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0078_41550.jpg",
+    "Pomarine_Jaeger_0080_795751.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0041_79574.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0132_65886.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0110_159735.jpg",
+    "Tennessee_Warbler_0041_174900.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0017_117432.jpg",
+    "Horned_Grebe_0082_34725.jpg",
+    "Northern_Flicker_0090_28491.jpg",
+    "Rhinoceros_Auklet_0048_2162.jpg",
+    "Marsh_Wren_0050_188657.jpg",
+    "Forsters_Tern_0092_152119.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0068_100872.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0058_125661.jpg",
+    "Canada_Warbler_0115_162309.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0001_794578.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0082_116300.jpg",
+    "Pine_Grosbeak_0056_38940.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0044_169319.jpg",
+    "Lazuli_Bunting_0092_14656.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0109_6698.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0001_179170.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0064_674.jpg",
+    "Brewer_Sparrow_0052_107478.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0051_89722.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0042_176460.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0005_23720.jpg",
+    "Gray_Catbird_0130_20328.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0024_160057.jpg",
+    "Cardinal_0018_17071.jpg",
+    "Song_Sparrow_0009_121025.jpg",
+    "Nighthawk_0005_84594.jpg",
+    "Brown_Thrasher_0135_155366.jpg",
+    "Scissor_Tailed_Flycatcher_0007_41917.jpg",
+    "Clark_Nutcracker_0113_85587.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0083_110734.jpg",
+    "Acadian_Flycatcher_0005_29157.jpg",
+    "White_Throated_Sparrow_0078_129041.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0014_167190.jpg",
+    "American_Goldfinch_0040_32323.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0108_105023.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0065_182863.jpg",
+    "White_Eyed_Vireo_0115_158932.jpg",
+    "Groove_Billed_Ani_0100_1646.jpg",
+    "White_Crowned_Sparrow_0116_127512.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0133_55639.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0037_102818.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0050_100645.jpg",
+    "Laysan_Albatross_0103_504.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Breasted_Chat_0029_22017.jpg",
+    "Least_Tern_0100_153461.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0047_78962.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0052_161739.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0058_176891.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0003_160228.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0061_22902.jpg",
+    "Cactus_Wren_0067_186034.jpg",
+    "Scott_Oriole_0046_92371.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0075_106153.jpg",
+    "American_Pipit_0101_100053.jpg",
+    "Black_Footed_Albatross_0085_92.jpg",
+    "Ovenbird_0092_93416.jpg",
+    "Ivory_Gull_0093_49052.jpg",
+    "Bobolink_0074_9311.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0102_159887.jpg",
+    "Eared_Grebe_0037_34169.jpg",
+    "Summer_Tanager_0103_139267.jpg",
+    "Gray_Crowned_Rosy_Finch_0072_26993.jpg",
+    "Brandt_Cormorant_0084_23265.jpg",
+    "Fox_Sparrow_0013_114344.jpg",
+    "Myrtle_Warbler_0044_166852.jpg",
+    "Blue_Headed_Vireo_0008_155950.jpg",
+    "Philadelphia_Vireo_0057_156525.jpg",
+    "Louisiana_Waterthrush_0046_177604.jpg",
+    "Western_Meadowlark_0076_77811.jpg",
+    "Rufous_Hummingbird_0067_59510.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0022_80552.jpg",
+    "Cedar_Waxwing_0033_178737.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0067_113448.jpg",
+    "Tropical_Kingbird_0067_69792.jpg",
+    "Red_Eyed_Vireo_0065_157019.jpg",
+    "Lincoln_Sparrow_0116_117372.jpg",
+    "Henslow_Sparrow_0080_11360.jpg",
+    "Bank_Swallow_0018_129891.jpg",
+    "Eastern_Towhee_0031_22233.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0026_75593.jpg",
+    "Common_Tern_0097_148874.jpg",
+    "Yellow_Warbler_0035_176360.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0041_64734.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0083_136800.jpg",
+    "Black_Capped_Vireo_0050_155836.jpg",
+    "Kentucky_Warbler_0047_165298.jpg",
+    "Olive_Sided_Flycatcher_0077_30492.jpg",
+    "Red_Headed_Woodpecker_0039_183446.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0121_116110.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0054_158321.jpg",
+    "Grasshopper_Sparrow_0049_115918.jpg",
+    "Herring_Gull_0070_46615.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0103_187466.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0101_41140.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0089_160370.jpg",
+    "Orchard_Oriole_0077_91651.jpg",
+    "American_Redstart_0047_102860.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0074_65889.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0007_53431.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0073_169781.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0014_96417.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0100_6597.jpg",
+    "Gadwall_0007_31537.jpg",
+    "Western_Gull_0065_55728.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0127_161176.jpg",
+    "Vesper_Sparrow_0065_125446.jpg",
+    "Scarlet_Tanager_0014_138298.jpg",
+    "Northern_Fulmar_0016_43958.jpg",
+    "Florida_Jay_0016_65051.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Merganser_0043_796783.jpg",
+    "Painted_Bunting_0016_15200.jpg",
+    "House_Wren_0042_187098.jpg",
+    "Field_Sparrow_0092_113580.jpg",
+    "Mallard_0070_77588.jpg",
+    "Black_Throated_Blue_Warbler_0064_161656.jpg",
+    "Warbling_Vireo_0087_158355.jpg",
+    "Savannah_Sparrow_0093_118267.jpg",
+    "Ringed_Kingfisher_0089_72947.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0059_106086.jpg",
+    "Brown_Pelican_0002_94773.jpg",
+    "Least_Flycatcher_0015_30280.jpg",
+    "Nashville_Warbler_0004_167146.jpg",
+    "Geococcyx_0050_104506.jpg",
+    "Blue_Winged_Warbler_0056_162013.jpg",
+    "Loggerhead_Shrike_0101_105392.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0059_85903.jpg",
+    "Long_Tailed_Jaeger_0045_61007.jpg",
+    "Mockingbird_0003_80833.jpg",
+    "Ruby_Throated_Hummingbird_0052_57432.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0098_65857.jpg",
+    "Rock_Wren_0035_188998.jpg",
+    "Bay_Breasted_Warbler_0019_159871.jpg",
+    "Baird_Sparrow_0006_794579.jpg",
+    "California_Gull_0089_40716.jpg",
+    "Hooded_Warbler_0089_164640.jpg",
+    "Palm_Warbler_0111_169663.jpg",
+    "American_Three_Toed_Woodpecker_0019_179870.jpg",
+    "Western_Grebe_0038_36363.jpg",
+    "Pelagic_Cormorant_0046_23588.jpg",
+    "Red_Winged_Blackbird_0104_3918.jpg",
+    "Sage_Thrasher_0056_796457.jpg",
+    "Boat_Tailed_Grackle_0066_33368.jpg",
+    "Clay_Colored_Sparrow_0097_110516.jpg",
+    "Green_Jay_0126_65716.jpg",
+    "Gray_Kingbird_0081_70276.jpg",
+    "Winter_Wren_0083_190025.jpg",
+    "Rusty_Blackbird_0052_7035.jpg",
+    "Carolina_Wren_0082_186421.jpg",
+    "Black_And_White_Warbler_0025_160584.jpg",
+    "Harris_Sparrow_0086_116373.jpg",
+    "White_Pelican_0072_96975.jpg",
+    "White_Breasted_Nuthatch_0129_86761.jpg",
+    "Tree_Sparrow_0044_122946.jpg",
+    "Horned_Puffin_0026_100937.jpg",
+    "Red_Cockaded_Woodpecker_0035_182435.jpg",
+    "Anna_Hummingbird_0087_56435.jpg",
+    "Shiny_Cowbird_0051_24438.jpg",
+    "Baltimore_Oriole_0073_87187.jpg",
+    "Vermilion_Flycatcher_0017_42407.jpg",
+    "Tree_Swallow_0032_136216.jpg",
+    "Red_Breasted_Merganser_0001_79199.jpg",
+    "Green_Kingfisher_0077_71129.jpg",
+    "Purple_Finch_0065_27473.jpg",
+    "Pacific_Loon_0003_75442.jpg"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/jsons/xclip_org.json b/data/jsons/xclip_org.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05b4e8f676f2afb97b6475120c8d6895ba9ab9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/jsons/xclip_org.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:b14ef605ab8fb800546e81fda8bf8c0a88a536f9c5c9fc09a6ae84b9a199ba86
+size 19449146
diff --git a/data/models/peeb_pretrain.pt b/data/models/peeb_pretrain.pt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96e2a94b1dc6921276b50a7668a8441b4bc468df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/models/peeb_pretrain.pt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:d876b4171bdc50581361c1e0681383ac06b9027e3c3a9c16245386e182b32621
+size 619365809
diff --git a/plots.py b/plots.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d81e236abcaa0b0021d7f959efab398ff289fda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plots.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from matplotlib import cm
+def get_pre_define_colors(num_classes, cmap_set: list[str] = None, in_rgb: bool = True, is_float: bool = False):
+    if cmap_set is None:
+        cmap_set = ['tab20', 'tab20b', 'tab20c']
+    colors = []
+    for cmap in cmap_set:
+        colors.extend(list(cm.get_cmap(cmap).colors))
+    if in_rgb:
+        new_colors = []
+        for color in colors:
+            if is_float:
+                new_colors.append(tuple(color))
+            else:
+                new_colors.append(tuple(int(x * 255) for x in color))
+        colors = new_colors
+    if num_classes > len(colors):
+        print(f"WARNING: {num_classes} classes are requested, but only {len(colors)} colors are available. Predefined colors will be reused.")
+        colors *= num_classes // len(colors) + 1
+    else:
+        colors = colors[:num_classes]
+    return colors
+def xyxy_to_xywh(box):
+    return [box[0], box[1], box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77db34455eb2588f918e6bec6dc541c0d87981e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/__init__.py b/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/utils/load_model.py b/utils/load_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b0d9b65e61657ac76240156d3ebe49af0722ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/load_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import torch
+from transformers import OwlViTProcessor, OwlViTForObjectDetection
+from .model import OwlViTForClassification
+def load_xclip(device: str = "cuda:0", 
+               n_classes: int = 183, 
+               use_teacher_logits: bool = False, 
+               custom_box_head: bool = False,
+               model_path: str = 'data/models/peeb_pretrain.pt',
+               ):
+    owlvit_det_processor = OwlViTProcessor.from_pretrained("google/owlvit-base-patch32")
+    owlvit_det_model = OwlViTForObjectDetection.from_pretrained("google/owlvit-base-patch32").to(device)
+    # BirdSoup mean std
+    mean = [0.48168647, 0.49244233, 0.42851609]
+    std = [0.18656386, 0.18614962, 0.19659419]
+    owlvit_det_processor.image_processor.image_mean = mean
+    owlvit_det_processor.image_processor.image_std = std
+    # load finetuned owl-vit model
+    weight_dict = {"loss_ce": 0, "loss_bbox": 0, "loss_giou": 0,
+                    "loss_sym_box_label": 0, "loss_xclip": 0}
+    model = OwlViTForClassification(owlvit_det_model=owlvit_det_model, num_classes=n_classes, device=device, weight_dict=weight_dict, logits_from_teacher=use_teacher_logits, custom_box_head=custom_box_head)
+    if model_path is not None:
+        ckpt = torch.load(model_path, map_location='cpu')
+        model.load_state_dict(ckpt, strict=False)
+    model.to(device)
+    return model, owlvit_det_processor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/model.py b/utils/model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d25de04be898be64191ed0c83c4342b200d8dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+import copy
+from typing import Optional, Tuple
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import numpy as np
+from torch import nn
+from transformers import OwlViTConfig
+# from transformers.models.owlvit.modeling_owlvit import OwlViTVisionTransformer
+class OwlViTBoxPredictionHead(nn.Module):
+    def __init__(self, config: OwlViTConfig):
+        super().__init__()
+        width = config.vision_config.hidden_size
+        self.dense0 = nn.Linear(width, width)
+        self.dense1 = nn.Linear(width, width)
+        self.dense2 = nn.Linear(width, width)
+        self.dense3 = nn.Linear(width, width)
+        self.gelu = nn.GELU()
+        self.dense4 = nn.Linear(width, 4)
+    def forward(self, image_features: torch.Tensor) -> torch.FloatTensor:
+        output = self.dense0(image_features)
+        output = self.gelu(output)
+        output = self.dense1(output)
+        output = self.gelu(output)
+        output = self.dense2(output)
+        output = self.gelu(output)
+        output = self.dense3(output)
+        output = self.gelu(output)
+        output = self.dense4(output)
+        output = self.gelu(output)
+        return output
+class OwlViTClassPredictionHead(nn.Module):
+    def __init__(self, config: OwlViTConfig):
+        super().__init__()
+        out_dim = config.text_config.hidden_size
+        self.query_dim = config.vision_config.hidden_size
+        self.dense0 = nn.Linear(self.query_dim, out_dim)
+        self.logit_shift = nn.Linear(self.query_dim, 1)
+        self.logit_scale = nn.Linear(self.query_dim, 1)
+        self.elu = nn.ELU()
+    def forward(
+        self,
+        image_embeds: torch.FloatTensor,
+        query_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor],
+        query_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor],
+    ) -> Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]:
+        image_class_embeds = self.dense0(image_embeds)
+        if query_embeds is None:
+            device = image_class_embeds.device
+            batch_size, num_patches = image_class_embeds.shape[:2]
+            pred_logits = torch.zeros((batch_size, num_patches, self.query_dim)).to(device)
+            return (pred_logits, image_class_embeds)
+        # Normalize image and text features
+        image_class_embeds = F.normalize(image_class_embeds, dim=-1) + 1e-6
+        query_embeds = F.normalize(query_embeds, dim=-1) + 1e-6
+        # Get class predictions
+        pred_logits = torch.einsum("...pd,...qd->...pq", image_class_embeds, query_embeds)
+        # Apply a learnable shift and scale to logits
+        logit_shift = self.logit_shift(image_embeds)
+        logit_scale = self.logit_scale(image_embeds)
+        logit_scale = self.elu(logit_scale) + 1
+        pred_logits = (pred_logits + logit_shift) * logit_scale
+        if query_mask is not None:
+            if query_mask.ndim > 1:
+                query_mask = torch.unsqueeze(query_mask, dim=-2)
+            pred_logits = pred_logits.to(torch.float64)
+            pred_logits = torch.where(query_mask == 0, -1e6, pred_logits)
+            pred_logits = pred_logits.to(torch.float32)
+        return (pred_logits, image_class_embeds)
+class OwlViTPredictionHead(nn.Module):
+    def __init__(self, config: OwlViTConfig, num_classes: int, finetuned: bool):
+        super().__init__()
+        out_dim = config.text_config.hidden_size
+        self.query_dim = config.vision_config.hidden_size
+        self.finetuned = finetuned
+        self.num_classes = num_classes
+        self.mlp_image = nn.Sequential(
+            nn.Flatten(),
+            nn.Linear(in_features=self.query_dim, out_features=self.query_dim),
+            nn.GELU(),
+            nn.Linear(in_features=self.query_dim, out_features=self.query_dim),
+            nn.GELU(),
+            nn.Linear(in_features=self.query_dim, out_features=out_dim),
+            nn.GELU(),
+        )
+        # if self.finetuned:
+        #     self.cls_head = nn.Sequential(
+        #         nn.GELU(),
+        #         nn.Linear(in_features=out_dim, out_features=out_dim),
+        #         nn.GELU()
+        #     )
+    def forward(self,
+                image_embeds: torch.FloatTensor,
+                query_embeds: torch.FloatTensor,
+                topk_idxs: torch.FloatTensor,
+    ) -> Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]:
+        # Get class predictions: topk_idxs (batch_size, n_parts, 1), one_hot (batch_size, n_parts, n_patches*n_patches)
+        topk_idxs = torch.swapaxes(topk_idxs, 1, 2)
+        one_hot = torch.zeros(topk_idxs.shape[0], topk_idxs.shape[1], image_embeds.shape[1]).to(image_embeds.device).scatter_(2, topk_idxs, 1)
+        batch_size, n_parts = one_hot.shape[0], one_hot.shape[1]
+        # (batch_size, n_parts, 3600, 1) * (batch_size, 1, 3600, 1024) = (batch_size, n_parts, 3600, 1024).sum(dim=-2)
+        image_embeds = (one_hot.unsqueeze(-1) * image_embeds.unsqueeze(1)).sum(dim=-2)
+        # image_embeds = self.dense0(image_embeds)            # (batch_size, n_patches, 1024) --> (.., .., 768)
+        image_embeds = self.mlp_image(image_embeds.view(-1, image_embeds.shape[-1])).view(batch_size, n_parts, -1)
+        query_embeds = query_embeds.view(batch_size, -1, query_embeds.shape[-1])
+        # if self.finetuned:
+        #     image_embeds = self.cls_head(image_embeds)
+        #     query_embeds = query_embeds.view(batch_size, -1, query_embeds.shape[-1])
+        # Normalize image and text features
+        image_embeds = F.normalize(image_embeds, dim=-1) + 1e-6  # (batch_size, n_parts, 768)
+        query_embeds = F.normalize(query_embeds, dim=-1) + 1e-6  # (batch_size, num_classes * n_parts, 768)
+        # Shape: torch.Size([bs, num_boxes, num_classes * num_parts])
+        image_text_logits = torch.einsum('bnd, bid -> bni', image_embeds, query_embeds)
+        image_text_logits_reshaped = image_text_logits.view(-1, image_text_logits.shape[-1])
+        # Shape: (bs, num_classes * num_parts, num_boxes) --> (bs, num_classes, num_parts, num_boxes)
+        pred_logits = image_text_logits.swapaxes(axis0=1, axis1=2).view(batch_size, self.num_classes, n_parts, -1)
+        pred_logits = torch.diagonal(pred_logits, dim1=-2, dim2=-1)     # --> torch.Size([bs, num_classes, 12])
+        #DEBUG: try add sigmoid here to see if it helps. PEIJIE: It does not help. 
+        # pred_logits = pred_logits.sigmoid()
+        # pred_logits = abs(pred_logits) # for debugging
+        final_pred_logits = torch.sum(pred_logits, dim=-1)
+        return (image_text_logits_reshaped, final_pred_logits, pred_logits)
+class OwlViTForClassification(nn.Module):
+    config_class = OwlViTConfig
+    def __init__(self, owlvit_det_model, num_classes, weight_dict, device, freeze_box_heads=False, train_box_heads_only=False, network_type=None, logits_from_teacher=False, finetuned: bool = False, custom_box_head: bool = False):
+        super(OwlViTForClassification, self).__init__()
+        self.config = owlvit_det_model.config
+        self.num_classes = num_classes
+        self.num_parts = 12
+        self.device = device
+        self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
+        self.ce_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
+        # Use CE loss for classification OR only train with contrastive loss
+        self.network_type = network_type
+        self.logits_from_teacher = logits_from_teacher
+        # Initialize OwlViT model from the teacher model
+        self.owlvit = copy.deepcopy(owlvit_det_model.owlvit)
+        self.layer_norm = copy.deepcopy(owlvit_det_model.layer_norm)
+        # For image-level classification
+        self.cls_head = OwlViTPredictionHead(self.config, self.num_classes, finetuned=finetuned)
+        # For box prediction
+        if custom_box_head:
+            self.box_head = OwlViTBoxPredictionHead(self.config)
+        else:
+            self.box_head = copy.deepcopy(owlvit_det_model.box_head)
+        # For box-level classification
+        # Why don't just:
+        # self.class_head = copy.deepcopy(owlvit_det_model.class_head)
+        self.class_head = OwlViTClassPredictionHead(self.config)
+        self.class_head.dense0.load_state_dict(owlvit_det_model.class_head.dense0.state_dict())
+        self.class_head.logit_shift.load_state_dict(owlvit_det_model.class_head.logit_shift.state_dict())
+        self.class_head.logit_scale.load_state_dict(owlvit_det_model.class_head.logit_scale.state_dict())
+        # OwlViT: set equal weights for the bounding box, gIoU and classification losses
+        # self.matcher = DetrHungarianMatcher(class_cost=1, bbox_cost=1, giou_cost=1)
+        # Losses for the criterion in DETR/OwlViT
+        self.weight_dict = weight_dict
+        losses = ["cardinality"]
+        losses += ["boxes"] if weight_dict["loss_bbox"] > 0 else []
+        losses += ["labels"] if weight_dict["loss_ce"] > 0 else []
+        self.criterion = DetrLoss(
+            matcher=None,
+            num_parts=self.num_parts,
+            eos_coef=0.1,   # Following facebook/detr-resnet-50
+            losses=losses,
+        )
+        self.freeze_parameters(freeze_box_heads, train_box_heads_only)
+        del owlvit_det_model
+    def freeze_parameters(self, freeze_box_heads, train_box_heads_only):
+        # OwlViT's text encoder is frozen by default
+        for param in self.owlvit.text_model.parameters():
+            param.requires_grad = False
+        for param in self.owlvit.text_projection.parameters():
+            param.requires_grad = False
+        # SKIP finetuning box heads
+        if freeze_box_heads:
+            for param in self.box_head.parameters():
+                param.requires_grad = False
+            for param in self.class_head.parameters():
+                param.requires_grad = False
+        # SKIP finetuning vision encoder and MLP head for classification --> Adjust weights of box heads only
+        if train_box_heads_only:
+            for param in self.owlvit.parameters():
+                param.requires_grad = False
+            for param in self.layer_norm.parameters():
+                param.requires_grad = False
+            for param in self.cls_head.parameters():
+                param.requires_grad = False
+    def update_num_classes(self, num_classes):
+        self.num_classes = num_classes
+        self.cls_head.num_classes = num_classes
+    def image_text_embedder(self,
+        input_ids: torch.Tensor,
+        pixel_values: torch.FloatTensor,
+        attention_mask: torch.Tensor,
+        output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None,
+        output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None,
+    ) -> Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]:
+        # Encode text and image
+        outputs = self.owlvit(
+            pixel_values=pixel_values,
+            input_ids=input_ids,
+            attention_mask=attention_mask,
+            output_attentions=output_attentions,
+            output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states,
+            return_dict=True,
+        )
+        # Get image embeddings
+        last_hidden_state = outputs.vision_model_output[0]      # 0: last_hidden_state; 1: pooled_output
+        image_embeds = self.owlvit.vision_model.post_layernorm(last_hidden_state)
+        # Resize class token
+        new_size = tuple(np.array(image_embeds.shape) - np.array((0, 1, 0)))
+        class_token_out = torch.broadcast_to(image_embeds[:, :1, :], new_size)
+        # Merge image embedding with class tokens
+        image_embeds = image_embeds[:, 1:, :] * class_token_out
+        image_embeds = self.layer_norm(image_embeds)
+        # Resize to [batch_size, num_patches, num_patches, hidden_size]
+        new_size = (
+            image_embeds.shape[0],
+            int(np.sqrt(image_embeds.shape[1])),
+            int(np.sqrt(image_embeds.shape[1])),
+            image_embeds.shape[-1],
+        )
+        image_embeds = image_embeds.reshape(new_size)
+        text_embeds = outputs[-4]
+        return (text_embeds, image_embeds, outputs)
+    def image_embedder(
+        self,
+        pixel_values: torch.FloatTensor
+    ) -> Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]:
+        # Get OwlViTModel vision embeddings (same as CLIP)
+        vision_outputs = self.owlvit.vision_model(pixel_values=pixel_values, return_dict=True)
+        # Apply post_layernorm to last_hidden_state, return non-projected output
+        last_hidden_state = vision_outputs[0]
+        image_embeds = self.owlvit.vision_model.post_layernorm(last_hidden_state)
+        # Resize class token
+        new_size = tuple(np.array(image_embeds.shape) - np.array((0, 1, 0)))
+        class_token_out = torch.broadcast_to(image_embeds[:, :1, :], new_size)
+        # Merge image embedding with class tokens
+        image_embeds = image_embeds[:, 1:, :] * class_token_out
+        image_embeds = self.layer_norm(image_embeds)
+        # Resize to [batch_size, num_patches, num_patches, hidden_size]
+        new_size = (
+            image_embeds.shape[0],
+            int(np.sqrt(image_embeds.shape[1])),
+            int(np.sqrt(image_embeds.shape[1])),
+            image_embeds.shape[-1],
+        )
+        image_embeds = image_embeds.reshape(new_size)
+        return (image_embeds, vision_outputs)
+    def normalize_grid_corner_coordinates(self, feature_map: torch.FloatTensor):
+        # Computes normalized xy corner coordinates from feature_map.
+        if not feature_map.ndim == 4:
+            raise ValueError("Expected input shape is [batch_size, num_patches, num_patches, hidden_dim]")
+        device = feature_map.device
+        num_patches = feature_map.shape[1]
+        box_coordinates = np.stack(np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, num_patches + 1), np.arange(1, num_patches + 1)), axis=-1).astype(np.float32)
+        box_coordinates /= np.array([num_patches, num_patches], np.float32)
+        # Flatten (h, w, 2) -> (h*w, 2)
+        box_coordinates = box_coordinates.reshape(box_coordinates.shape[0] * box_coordinates.shape[1], box_coordinates.shape[2])
+        box_coordinates = torch.from_numpy(box_coordinates).to(device)
+        return box_coordinates
+    def compute_box_bias(self, feature_map: torch.FloatTensor) -> torch.FloatTensor:
+        # The box center is biased to its position on the feature grid
+        box_coordinates = self.normalize_grid_corner_coordinates(feature_map)
+        box_coordinates = torch.clip(box_coordinates, 0.0, 1.0)
+        # Unnormalize xy
+        box_coord_bias = torch.log(box_coordinates + 1e-4) - torch.log1p(-box_coordinates + 1e-4)
+        # The box size is biased to the patch size
+        box_size = torch.full_like(box_coord_bias, 1.0 / feature_map.shape[-2])
+        box_size_bias = torch.log(box_size + 1e-4) - torch.log1p(-box_size + 1e-4)
+        # Compute box bias
+        box_bias = torch.cat([box_coord_bias, box_size_bias], dim=-1)
+        return box_bias
+    def box_predictor(
+        self,
+        image_feats: torch.FloatTensor,
+        feature_map: torch.FloatTensor,
+    ) -> torch.FloatTensor:
+        """
+        Args:
+            image_feats:
+                Features extracted from the image, returned by the `image_text_embedder` method.
+            feature_map:
+                A spatial re-arrangement of image_features, also returned by the `image_text_embedder` method.
+        Returns:
+            pred_boxes:
+                List of predicted boxes (cxcywh normalized to 0, 1) nested within a dictionary.
+        """
+        # Bounding box detection head [batch_size, num_boxes, 4].
+        pred_boxes = self.box_head(image_feats)
+        # Compute the location of each token on the grid and use it to compute a bias for the bbox prediction
+        pred_boxes += self.compute_box_bias(feature_map)
+        pred_boxes = self.sigmoid(pred_boxes)
+        return pred_boxes
+    def class_predictor(
+        self,
+        image_feats: torch.FloatTensor,
+        query_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
+        query_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
+    ) -> Tuple[torch.FloatTensor]:
+        """
+        Args:
+            image_feats:
+                Features extracted from the `image_text_embedder`.
+            query_embeds:
+                Text query embeddings.
+            query_mask:
+                Must be provided with query_embeddings. A mask indicating which query embeddings are valid.
+        """
+        (pred_logits, image_class_embeds) = self.class_head(image_feats, query_embeds, query_mask)
+        return (pred_logits, image_class_embeds)
+    def _get_text_query_mask(self, text_inputs, text_embeds, batch_size: int):
+        # Embed images and text queries
+        input_ids = text_inputs["input_ids"]
+        # Reshape from [batch_size * max_text_queries, hidden_dim] -> [batch_size, max_text_queries, hidden_dim]
+        max_text_queries = input_ids.shape[0] // batch_size
+        text_embeds = text_embeds.reshape(batch_size, max_text_queries, text_embeds.shape[-1])
+        # If first token is 0, then this is a padded query [batch_size, num_queries].
+        input_ids = input_ids.reshape(batch_size, max_text_queries, input_ids.shape[-1])
+        query_mask = input_ids[..., 0] > 0
+        return query_mask, text_embeds
+    def forward(self, image_inputs, text_inputs_parts, text_embeds, targets: dict = None):
+        # Store outputs for computing losses
+        loss_dict = {}
+        if not isinstance(image_inputs, torch.Tensor):
+            feature_map, _ = self.image_embedder(pixel_values = image_inputs['pixel_values'])
+        else:
+            feature_map = image_inputs
+        batch_size, num_patches, num_patches, hidden_dim = feature_map.shape
+        image_feats = torch.reshape(feature_map, (batch_size, num_patches * num_patches, hidden_dim))
+        if self.logits_from_teacher:
+            teacher_boxes_logits = torch.stack([target["logits"] for target in targets], dim=0).to(self.device)
+            topk_scores, topk_idxs = torch.topk(teacher_boxes_logits, k=1, dim=1)
+        else:
+            text_embeds_parts = self.owlvit.get_text_features(**text_inputs_parts)
+            # # Embed images and text queries
+            query_mask, text_embeds_parts = self._get_text_query_mask(text_inputs_parts, text_embeds_parts, batch_size)
+            # Predict object classes [batch_size, num_patches, num_queries+1]
+            pred_logits_parts, class_embeds = self.class_predictor(image_feats, text_embeds_parts, query_mask)
+            # Predict object boxes
+            pred_boxes = self.box_predictor(image_feats, feature_map)
+            # Get the top-1 predictions
+            scores = self.sigmoid(pred_logits_parts)
+            topk_scores, topk_idxs = torch.topk(scores, k=1, dim=1)
+            mapping_indices = [(selected_indices, torch.tensor(list(range(self.num_parts))).to(self.device)) for selected_indices in topk_idxs.squeeze(1)]
+            # get the selected_indexs for mapping_indices
+            selected_idxs = torch.stack([item[0].cpu() for item in mapping_indices])
+            loss_dict["pred_boxes"] = torch.gather(pred_boxes.cpu(), 1, selected_idxs.unsqueeze(-1).expand(*selected_idxs.shape, 4))
+            if targets is not None:
+                # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                #   Computing box + class + symmetric losses for box selection
+                # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                outputs_loss = {}
+                outputs_loss["logits"] = pred_logits_parts
+                outputs_loss["pred_boxes"] = pred_boxes
+                # Compute box + class losses
+                loss_dict = self.criterion(outputs_loss, targets, mapping_indices)
+                # Compute symmetric loss to get rid of the teacher model
+                logits_per_image = torch.softmax(pred_logits_parts, dim=1)
+                logits_per_text = torch.softmax(pred_logits_parts, dim=-1)
+                # For getting rid of the teacher model
+                if self.weight_dict["loss_sym_box_label"] > 0:
+                    sym_loss_box_label = self.loss_symmetric(logits_per_image, logits_per_text, teacher_boxes_logits)
+                    loss_dict["loss_sym_box_label"] = sym_loss_box_label
+                # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # Predict image-level classes (batch_size, num_patches, num_queries)
+        image_text_logits, pred_logits, part_logits = self.cls_head(image_feats, text_embeds, topk_idxs)
+        if self.weight_dict["loss_xclip"] > 0:
+            targets_cls = torch.tensor([target["targets_cls"] for target in targets]).unsqueeze(1).to(self.device)
+            if self.network_type == "classification":
+                one_hot = torch.zeros_like(pred_logits).scatter(1, targets_cls, 1).to(self.device)
+                cls_loss = self.ce_loss(pred_logits, one_hot)
+                loss_dict["loss_xclip"] = cls_loss
+            else:
+                # TODO: Need a linear classifier for this approach
+                # Compute symmetric loss for part-descriptor contrastive learning
+                logits_per_image = torch.softmax(image_text_logits, dim=0)
+                logits_per_text = torch.softmax(image_text_logits, dim=-1)
+                sym_loss = self.loss_symmetric(logits_per_image, logits_per_text, targets_cls)
+                loss_dict["loss_xclip"] = sym_loss
+        return pred_logits, part_logits, loss_dict
+    def loss_symmetric(self, text_logits: torch.Tensor, image_logits: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, box_labels: torch.Tensor = None) -> torch.Tensor:
+        # text/image logits (batch_size*num_boxes, num_classes*num_descs): The logits that softmax over text descriptors or boxes
+        # targets (batch_size, 1): The ground truth label of box-text pair for classification OR
+        # targets (batch_size, all_boxes, num_parts): The ground truth label of box-text pair for box selection
+        # box_labels (batch_size, num_boxes), 0 for no box, 1 for box
+        assert text_logits.shape == image_logits.shape
+        # For image classification
+        if image_logits.shape != targets.shape:
+            batch_size = targets.shape[0]
+            # get the matching labels (bs * 12, num_classes * num_parts)
+            default_box_labels = torch.kron(torch.ones(batch_size, self.num_classes), torch.eye(self.num_parts)).to(self.device)
+            if box_labels is None:
+                box_labels = default_box_labels.clone()
+            else:
+                # (batch_size, num_boxes) -> (bs * num_boxes, num_classes * num_parts)
+                box_labels = box_labels.view(-1, 1) * default_box_labels
+            # Create one-hot encoding of targets; matching_labels shape: (bs * 12, num_classes * num_parts)
+            target_one_hot = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.num_classes).to(self.device).scatter(1, targets.view(-1, 1), 1)
+            target_one_hot = torch.kron(target_one_hot, torch.ones(self.num_parts, self.num_parts).to(self.device))
+            matching_labels = target_one_hot * box_labels
+        else:
+            # For box selection: matching_labels shape: (bs, 576, num_parts)
+            values, indices = torch.max(targets, dim=1)
+            matching_labels = torch.zeros_like(targets).scatter(1, indices.unsqueeze(1), 1)
+        loss_i = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(image_logits, matching_labels, reduction='mean')
+        loss_t = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(text_logits, matching_labels, reduction='mean')
+        sym_loss = (loss_i + loss_t).mean()
+        return sym_loss
+class DetrLoss(nn.Module):
+    """
+    This class computes the losses for DetrForObjectDetection/DetrForSegmentation. The process happens in two steps: 1)
+    we compute hungarian assignment between ground truth boxes and the outputs of the model 2) we supervise each pair
+    of matched ground-truth / prediction (supervise class and box).
+    A note on the `num_classes` argument (copied from original repo in detr.py): "the naming of the `num_classes`
+    parameter of the criterion is somewhat misleading. It indeed corresponds to `max_obj_id` + 1, where `max_obj_id` is
+    the maximum id for a class in your dataset. For example, COCO has a `max_obj_id` of 90, so we pass `num_classes` to
+    be 91. As another example, for a dataset that has a single class with `id` 1, you should pass `num_classes` to be 2
+    (`max_obj_id` + 1). For more details on this, check the following discussion
+    https://github.com/facebookresearch/detr/issues/108#issuecomment-650269223"
+    Args:
+        matcher (`DetrHungarianMatcher`):
+            Module able to compute a matching between targets and proposals.
+        num_parts (`int`):
+            Number of object categories, omitting the special no-object category.
+        eos_coef (`float`):
+            Relative classification weight applied to the no-object category.
+        losses (`List[str]`):
+            List of all the losses to be applied. See `get_loss` for a list of all available losses.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, matcher, num_parts, eos_coef, losses):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.matcher = matcher
+        self.num_parts = num_parts
+        self.eos_coef = eos_coef
+        self.losses = losses
+        # empty_weight = torch.ones(self.num_parts + 1)
+        empty_weight = torch.ones(self.num_parts)
+        empty_weight[-1] = self.eos_coef
+        self.register_buffer("empty_weight", empty_weight)
+    # removed logging parameter, which was part of the original implementation
+    def loss_labels(self, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes):
+        """
+        Classification loss (NLL) targets dicts must contain the key "class_labels" containing a tensor of dim
+        [nb_target_boxes]
+        """
+        if "logits" not in outputs:
+            raise KeyError("No logits were found in the outputs")
+        source_logits = outputs["logits"]
+        idx = self._get_source_permutation_idx(indices)
+        # target_classes_o = torch.cat([t["class_labels"][J] for t, (_, J) in zip(targets, indices)])
+        # target_classes = torch.full(source_logits.shape[:2], self.num_parts, dtype=torch.int64, device=source_logits.device)
+        # target_classes[idx] = target_classes_o
+        source_logits = source_logits[idx].view(len(indices), -1, self.num_parts)
+        target_classes = torch.stack([t["class_labels"][J] for t, (_, J) in zip(targets, indices)], dim=0)
+        loss_ce = nn.functional.cross_entropy(source_logits.transpose(1, 2), target_classes, self.empty_weight)
+        losses = {"loss_ce": loss_ce}
+        return losses
+    @torch.no_grad()
+    def loss_cardinality(self, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes):
+        """
+        Compute the cardinality error, i.e. the absolute error in the number of predicted non-empty boxes.
+        This is not really a loss, it is intended for logging purposes only. It doesn't propagate gradients.
+        """
+        logits = outputs["logits"]
+        device = logits.device
+        target_lengths = torch.as_tensor([len(v["class_labels"]) for v in targets], device=device)
+        # Count the number of predictions that are NOT "no-object" (which is the last class)
+        card_pred = (logits.argmax(-1) != logits.shape[-1] - 1).sum(1)
+        card_err = nn.functional.l1_loss(card_pred.float(), target_lengths.float())
+        losses = {"cardinality_error": card_err}
+        return losses
+    def loss_boxes(self, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes):
+        """
+        Compute the losses related to the bounding boxes, the L1 regression loss and the GIoU loss.
+        Targets dicts must contain the key "boxes" containing a tensor of dim [nb_target_boxes, 4]. The target boxes
+        are expected in format (center_x, center_y, w, h), normalized by the image size.
+        """
+        if "pred_boxes" not in outputs:
+            raise KeyError("No predicted boxes found in outputs")
+        idx = self._get_source_permutation_idx(indices)
+        source_boxes = outputs["pred_boxes"][idx]
+        target_boxes = torch.cat([t["boxes"][i] for t, (_, i) in zip(targets, indices)], dim=0)
+        losses = {}
+        loss_bbox = nn.functional.l1_loss(source_boxes, target_boxes, reduction="none")
+        losses["loss_bbox"] = loss_bbox.sum() / num_boxes
+        loss_giou = 1 - torch.diag(generalized_box_iou(center_to_corners_format(source_boxes), center_to_corners_format(target_boxes)))
+        losses["loss_giou"] = loss_giou.sum() / num_boxes
+        return losses
+    def loss_masks(self, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes):
+        """
+        Compute the losses related to the masks: the focal loss and the dice loss.
+        Targets dicts must contain the key "masks" containing a tensor of dim [nb_target_boxes, h, w].
+        """
+        if "pred_masks" not in outputs:
+            raise KeyError("No predicted masks found in outputs")
+        source_idx = self._get_source_permutation_idx(indices)
+        target_idx = self._get_target_permutation_idx(indices)
+        source_masks = outputs["pred_masks"]
+        source_masks = source_masks[source_idx]
+        masks = [t["masks"] for t in targets]
+        # TODO use valid to mask invalid areas due to padding in loss
+        target_masks, valid = nested_tensor_from_tensor_list(masks).decompose()
+        target_masks = target_masks.to(source_masks)
+        target_masks = target_masks[target_idx]
+        # upsample predictions to the target size
+        source_masks = nn.functional.interpolate(
+            source_masks[:, None], size=target_masks.shape[-2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False
+        )
+        source_masks = source_masks[:, 0].flatten(1)
+        target_masks = target_masks.flatten(1)
+        target_masks = target_masks.view(source_masks.shape)
+        losses = {
+            "loss_mask": sigmoid_focal_loss(source_masks, target_masks, num_boxes),
+            "loss_dice": dice_loss(source_masks, target_masks, num_boxes),
+        }
+        return losses
+    def _get_source_permutation_idx(self, indices):
+        # permute predictions following indices
+        batch_idx = torch.cat([torch.full_like(source, i) for i, (source, _) in enumerate(indices)])
+        source_idx = torch.cat([source for (source, _) in indices])
+        return batch_idx, source_idx
+    def _get_target_permutation_idx(self, indices):
+        # permute targets following indices
+        batch_idx = torch.cat([torch.full_like(target, i) for i, (_, target) in enumerate(indices)])
+        target_idx = torch.cat([target for (_, target) in indices])
+        return batch_idx, target_idx
+    def get_loss(self, loss, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes):
+        loss_map = {
+            "labels": self.loss_labels,
+            "cardinality": self.loss_cardinality,
+            "boxes": self.loss_boxes,
+            "masks": self.loss_masks,
+        }
+        if loss not in loss_map:
+            raise ValueError(f"Loss {loss} not supported")
+        return loss_map[loss](outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes)
+    def forward(self, outputs, targets, indices):
+        """
+        This performs the loss computation.
+        Args:
+             outputs (`dict`, *optional*):
+                Dictionary of tensors, see the output specification of the model for the format.
+             targets (`List[dict]`, *optional*):
+                List of dicts, such that `len(targets) == batch_size`. The expected keys in each dict depends on the
+                losses applied, see each loss' doc.
+        """
+        outputs_without_aux = {k: v for k, v in outputs.items() if k != "auxiliary_outputs"}
+        # ThangPM: Do NOT use bipartite matching --> Use the boxes selected by argmax for computing symmetric loss
+        # Retrieve the matching between the outputs of the last layer and the targets
+        # indices = self.matcher(outputs_without_aux, targets)
+        # Compute the average number of target boxes across all nodes, for normalization purposes
+        num_boxes = sum(len(t["class_labels"]) for t in targets)
+        num_boxes = torch.as_tensor([num_boxes], dtype=torch.float, device=next(iter(outputs.values())).device)
+        # (Niels): comment out function below, distributed training to be added
+        # if is_dist_avail_and_initialized():
+        #     torch.distributed.all_reduce(num_boxes)
+        # (Niels) in original implementation, num_boxes is divided by get_world_size()
+        num_boxes = torch.clamp(num_boxes, min=1).item()
+        # Compute all the requested losses
+        losses = {}
+        for loss in self.losses:
+            losses.update(self.get_loss(loss, outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes))
+        # In case of auxiliary losses, we repeat this process with the output of each intermediate layer.
+        if "auxiliary_outputs" in outputs:
+            for i, auxiliary_outputs in enumerate(outputs["auxiliary_outputs"]):
+                # indices = self.matcher(auxiliary_outputs, targets)
+                for loss in self.losses:
+                    if loss == "masks":
+                        # Intermediate masks losses are too costly to compute, we ignore them.
+                        continue
+                    l_dict = self.get_loss(loss, auxiliary_outputs, targets, indices, num_boxes)
+                    l_dict = {k + f"_{i}": v for k, v in l_dict.items()}
+                    losses.update(l_dict)
+        return losses
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/predict.py b/utils/predict.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..894e609347127d448bd33b044a8aee005176f5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/predict.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import PIL
+import torch
+from .prompts import GetPromptList
+ORG_PART_ORDER = ['back', 'beak', 'belly', 'breast', 'crown', 'forehead', 'eyes', 'legs', 'wings', 'nape', 'tail', 'throat']
+ORDERED_PARTS = ['crown', 'forehead', 'nape', 'eyes', 'beak', 'throat', 'breast', 'belly', 'back', 'wings', 'legs', 'tail']
+def encode_descs_xclip(owlvit_det_processor: callable, model: callable, descs: list[str], device: str, max_batch_size: int = 512):
+    total_num_batches = len(descs) // max_batch_size + 1
+    with torch.no_grad():
+        text_embeds = []
+        for batch_idx in range(total_num_batches):
+            query_descs = descs[batch_idx*max_batch_size:(batch_idx+1)*max_batch_size]
+            query_tokens = owlvit_det_processor(text=query_descs, padding="max_length", truncation=True, return_tensors="pt").to(device)
+            query_embeds = model.owlvit.get_text_features(**query_tokens)
+            text_embeds.append(query_embeds.cpu().float())
+    text_embeds = torch.cat(text_embeds, dim=0)
+    return text_embeds.to(device)
+# def encode_descs_clip(model: callable, descs: list[str], device: str, max_batch_size: int = 512):
+#     total_num_batches = len(descs) // max_batch_size + 1
+#     with torch.no_grad():
+#         text_embeds = []
+#         for batch_idx in range(total_num_batches):
+#             desc = descs[batch_idx*max_batch_size:(batch_idx+1)*max_batch_size]
+#             query_tokens = clip.tokenize(desc).to(device)
+#             text_embeds.append(model.encode_text(query_tokens).cpu().float())
+#     text_embeds = torch.cat(text_embeds, dim=0)
+#     text_embeds = torch.nn.functional.normalize(text_embeds, dim=-1)
+#     return text_embeds.to(device)
+def xclip_pred(new_desc: dict, 
+               new_part_mask: dict, 
+               new_class: str, 
+               org_desc: str, 
+               image: PIL.Image, 
+               model: callable, 
+               owlvit_processor: callable,
+               device: str,
+               return_img_embeds: bool = False,
+               use_precompute_embeddings = True,
+               image_name: str = None,):
+    # reorder the new description and the mask
+    if new_class is not None:
+        new_desc_ = {k: new_desc[k] for k in ORG_PART_ORDER}
+        new_part_mask_ = {k: new_part_mask[k] for k in ORG_PART_ORDER}
+        desc_mask = list(new_part_mask_.values())
+    else:
+        desc_mask = [1] * 12
+    # replace the description if the new class is in the description, otherwise add a new class
+    getprompt = GetPromptList(org_desc)
+    if new_class not in getprompt.desc and new_class is not None:
+        getprompt.name2idx[new_class] = len(getprompt.name2idx)
+    if new_class is not None:
+        getprompt.desc[new_class] = list(new_desc_.values())
+    idx2name = dict(zip(getprompt.name2idx.values(), getprompt.name2idx.keys()))
+    modified_class_idx = getprompt.name2idx[new_class] if new_class is not None else None
+    n_classes = len(getprompt.name2idx)
+    model.cls_head.num_classes = n_classes
+    descs, class_idxs, class_mapping, org_desc_mapper, class_list = getprompt('chatgpt-no-template', max_len=12, pad=True)
+    query_embeds = encode_descs_xclip(owlvit_processor, model, descs, device)
+    with torch.no_grad():
+        image_input = owlvit_processor(images=image, return_tensors='pt').to(device)
+        # image_input['pixel_values'] = image_input['pixel_values'].squeeze(1)
+        part_embeds = owlvit_processor(text=[ORG_PART_ORDER], return_tensors="pt").to(device)
+        if return_img_embeds:
+            feature_map, _ = model.image_embedder(pixel_values = image_input['pixel_values'])
+        if use_precompute_embeddings:
+            image_embeds = torch.load(f'data/image_embeddings/{image_name}.pt').to(device)
+            pred_logits, part_logits, output_dict = model(image_embeds, part_embeds, query_embeds, None)
+        else:
+            pred_logits, part_logits, output_dict = model(image_input, part_embeds, query_embeds, None)
+        b, c, n = part_logits.shape
+        mask = torch.tensor(desc_mask, dtype=float).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).repeat(b, c, 1).to(device)
+        # overwrite the pred_logits
+        part_logits = part_logits * mask
+        pred_logits = torch.sum(part_logits, dim=-1)
+        pred_class_idx = torch.argmax(pred_logits, dim=-1).cpu()
+        pred_class_name = idx2name[pred_class_idx.item()]
+        softmax_scores = torch.softmax(pred_logits, dim=-1).cpu()
+        softmax_score_top1 = torch.topk(softmax_scores, k=1, dim=-1)[0].squeeze(-1).item()
+        part_scores = part_logits[0, pred_class_idx].cpu().squeeze(0)
+        part_scores_dict = dict(zip(ORG_PART_ORDER, part_scores.tolist()))
+        if modified_class_idx is not None:
+            modified_score = softmax_scores[0, modified_class_idx].item()
+            modified_part_scores = part_logits[0, modified_class_idx].cpu().squeeze(0)
+            modified_part_scores_dict = dict(zip(ORG_PART_ORDER, modified_part_scores.tolist()))
+        else:
+            modified_score = None
+            modified_part_scores_dict = None
+            modified_part_scores_dict = None
+    output_dict = {"pred_class": pred_class_name,
+                   "pred_score": softmax_score_top1,
+                   "pred_desc_scores": part_scores_dict,
+                   "descriptions": getprompt.desc[pred_class_name],
+                   "modified_class": new_class,
+                   "modified_score": modified_score,
+                   "modified_desc_scores": modified_part_scores_dict,
+                   "modified_descriptions": getprompt.desc[new_class] if new_class is not None else None,
+                   }
+    return output_dict if not return_img_embeds else (output_dict, feature_map)
+# def sachit_pred(new_desc: list, 
+#                 new_class: str,
+#                 org_desc: str,
+#                 image: PIL.Image,
+#                 model: callable,
+#                 preprocess: callable,
+#                 device: str,
+#                 ):
+#     # replace the description if the new class is in the description, otherwise add a new class
+#     getprompt = GetPromptList(org_desc)
+#     if new_class not in getprompt.desc:
+#         getprompt.name2idx[new_class] = len(getprompt.name2idx)
+#     getprompt.desc[new_class] = new_desc
+#     idx2name = dict(zip(getprompt.name2idx.values(), getprompt.name2idx.keys()))
+#     modified_class_idx = getprompt.name2idx[new_class]
+#     descs, class_idxs, class_mapping, org_desc_mapper, class_list = getprompt('Sachit-descriptors', max_len=12, pad=True)
+#     text_embeds = encode_descs_clip(model, descs, device)
+#     with torch.no_grad():
+#         image_embed = model.encode_image(preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device))
+#         desc_mask = torch.tensor(class_idxs)
+#         desc_mask = torch.where(desc_mask == -1, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
+#         sim = torch.matmul(image_embed.float(), text_embeds.T)
+#         sim = (sim * desc_mask).view(1, -1, 12)
+#         pred_scores = torch.sum(sim, dim=-1)
+#         pred_class_idx = torch.argmax(pred_scores, dim=-1).cpu()
+#         pred_class = idx2name[pred_class_idx.item()]
+#         softmax_scores = torch.nn.functional.softmax(pred_scores, dim=-1).cpu()
+#         top1_score = torch.topk(softmax_scores, k=1, dim=-1)[0].squeeze(-1).item()
+#         modified_score = softmax_scores[0, modified_class_idx].item()
+#         pred_desc_scores = sim[0, pred_class_idx].cpu().squeeze(0)
+#         modified_class_scores = sim[0, modified_class_idx].cpu().squeeze(0)
+#     output_dict = {"pred_class": pred_class,
+#                    "pred_score": top1_score,
+#                    "pred_desc_scores": pred_desc_scores.tolist(),
+#                    "descriptions": getprompt.desc[pred_class],
+#                    "modified_class": new_class,
+#                    "modified_score": modified_score,
+#                    "modified_desc_scores": modified_class_scores.tolist(),
+#                    "modified_descriptions": getprompt.desc[new_class],
+#                    }
+#     return output_dict
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/prompts.py b/utils/prompts.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7df70e231c5befa28940ecc5ca69b1cfb95e81a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/prompts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+import json
+def get_prompt_list(file_path: str) -> list[list[str]]:
+    return json.load(open(file_path, "r"))
+class GetPromptList(object):
+    _SUPPORTED_SOURCE = {'Sachit-descriptors',}
+    def __init__(self, file_path: str, name2idx: dict[str: int] = None, class_names: list[str] = None) -> None:
+        self.class_names = class_names
+        self.file_path = file_path
+        self.desc = get_prompt_list(file_path)
+        if isinstance(self.desc, dict):
+            self.__get_parts()
+        if name2idx is not None:
+            self.name2idx = name2idx
+        elif class_names is not None:
+            self.name2idx = {cls_name: idx for idx, cls_name in enumerate(class_names)}
+        else:
+            self.name2idx = {cls_name: idx for idx, cls_name in enumerate(self.desc.keys())} if isinstance(self.desc, dict) else None
+    # def __get_sachit_desc(self, file_path: str): 
+    #     params = get_sachit_hparams(file_path)
+    #     return load_gpt_descriptions(params)
+    def __get_parts(self, ):
+        # get part names from one of the descriptions
+        self.part_names = [d.split(":")[0].strip() for d in self.desc[list(self.desc.keys())[0]]]
+    @staticmethod
+    def replace_class_names(self, descs: dict, target_class: list[str], new_classes: list[str]):
+        new_descs = []
+        for desc, cls_name, new_name in zip(descs, target_class, new_classes):
+            temp = [d.replace(cls_name, new_name) for d in desc]
+            new_descs.extend(temp)
+        return new_descs
+    def __call__(self, source: str, pad: bool = False, max_len: int = 15, pad_text: str = "", target_classes: list[int] = None, pad_neg_index: bool = True):
+        """
+        This function will return a list of prompts based on the source (format) and file_path provided. 
+        If name2idx is provided, the prompts will be mapped based on the provied class indexes. Otherwise,
+        the prompts will be mapped based on the order of class name in the file.
+        Note: this function is will apply trucation when padding is True to make sure to have fixed length prompts.
+        Args:
+            source (str): The sorce (format) of the prompts. Supported sources are: {self._SUPPORTED_SOURCE}
+            file_path (str): The file that contains the original prompts.
+            pad (bool, optional): Whether to pad the prompts to the same length. Defaults to False.
+            max_len (int, optional): The maximum length of the prompts. Defaults to 15.
+            pad_text (str, optional): The text to pad the prompts. Defaults to "Padding".
+            target_classes (list[int], optional): A list of class indexes to include in the prompts. Defaults to None (include all classes).
+        Returns:
+            prompts (list[str]): A list of engineered prompts.
+            class_idxs (list[int]): A list of class indexes for each prompt.
+            class_mapping (dict[int: str]): A mapping of class indexes to class names.
+        """
+        org_desc_mapper = None
+        match source:
+            case 'Sachit-descriptors':
+                desc, org_dict = self.__get_sachit_desc(self.file_path)
+            case 'Sachit-no-template':
+                desc = self.desc
+            case 'Sachit-CLIP-template-5':
+                desc, org_dict = self.__get_sachit_desc(self.file_path)
+                desc = {k: [f'a photo of a {d}.' for d in v] for k, v in desc.items()}
+            case 'cub-12-parts':
+                return self.desc, None, None, None
+            case 'chatgpt-no-template':
+                desc = self.desc
+            case 'chatgpt-template-0':
+                # convert 'part: features' to 'a features part'
+                template = 'a {} {}.'
+                desc = {k: [template.format(d.split(":")[1].strip(), d.split(":")[0].strip()) for d in v] for k, v in self.desc.items()}
+            case 'chatgpt-template-8':
+                # convert '{part}: {features}' to 'a {features} {part} of {class_name}'
+                template = 'a {} {} of {}.'
+                desc = {k: [template.format(d.split(":")[1].strip(), d.split(":")[0].strip(), k) for d in v] for k, v in self.desc.items()}
+            case 'chatgpt-template-5':
+                # convert '{part}: {features}' to 'a photo of {class_name}, which is/has/etc {descriptor}
+                desc, org_dict = self.__get_sachit_desc(self.file_path)
+                template = 'a photo of a {}'
+                desc = {k: [template.format(d) for d in v] for k, v in desc.items()}
+            case 'chatgpt-template-x':
+                # convert '{part}: {features}' to '{features}. {part}. {class_name}'
+                desc = {k: [f'{d.split(":")[1].strip()}. {d.split(":")[0].strip()}. {k}' for d in v] for k, v in self.desc.items()}
+            case 'chatgpt-template-x-2': # no class name
+                # convert '{part}: {features}' to 'a {features} {part}'
+                desc = {k: [f'a {d.split(":")[1].strip()} {d.split(":")[0].strip()}' for d in v] for k, v in self.desc.items()}
+            case 'chatgpt-template-x-3': # no class name
+                # convert '{part}: {features}' to '{features}. {part}.'
+                desc = {k: [f'{d.split(":")[1].strip()}. {d.split(":")[0].strip()}.' for d in v] for k, v in self.desc.items()}
+            case 'chatgpt-template-x-4': 
+                # convert '{part}: {features}' to 'a {part} of {class_name}: {features}'
+                desc = {k: [f'a {d.split(":")[0].strip()} of {k}: {d.split(":")[1].strip()}' for d in v] for k, v in self.desc.items()}
+            case _:
+                raise ValueError(f"Source {source} is not supported. Check {self._SUPPORTED_SOURCE}")
+        # get the subset of descriptrions that match the target classes
+        if len(self.name2idx) < len(desc):
+            desc = {k: desc[k] for k in self.name2idx}     
+        prompts, class_idxs, class_list = [], [], []
+        class_mapping = {v: k for k, v in self.name2idx.items()}
+        for class_name, class_idx in self.name2idx.items():
+            descriptions = desc[class_name]
+            if target_classes is not None and class_idx not in target_classes:
+                continue
+            if pad:
+                pad_id = -1 if pad_neg_index else class_idx
+                ids = [class_idx] * len(descriptions) + [pad_id] * (max_len - len(descriptions)) if len(descriptions) < max_len else [class_idx] * max_len
+                if len(descriptions) < max_len:
+                    descriptions.extend([pad_text] * (max_len - len(descriptions)))
+                else:
+                    descriptions = descriptions[:max_len]
+            else:
+                ids = [class_idx] * len(descriptions)
+            prompts.extend(descriptions)
+            class_idxs.extend(ids)
+            class_list.append(class_name)
+            if org_desc_mapper is not None:
+                org_desc_mapper = {des: org_dict[class_name][des] for des in descriptions}
+        return prompts, class_idxs, class_mapping, org_desc_mapper, class_list
+imagenet_templates = [
+    'a bad photo of a {}.',
+    'a photo of many {}.',
+    'a sculpture of a {}.',
+    'a photo of the hard to see {}.',
+    'a low resolution photo of the {}.',
+    'a rendering of a {}.',
+    'graffiti of a {}.',
+    'a bad photo of the {}.',
+    'a cropped photo of the {}.',
+    'a tattoo of a {}.',
+    'the embroidered {}.',
+    'a photo of a hard to see {}.',
+    'a bright photo of a {}.',
+    'a photo of a clean {}.',
+    'a photo of a dirty {}.',
+    'a dark photo of the {}.',
+    'a drawing of a {}.',
+    'a photo of my {}.',
+    'the plastic {}.',
+    'a photo of the cool {}.',
+    'a close-up photo of a {}.',
+    'a black and white photo of the {}.',
+    'a painting of the {}.',
+    'a painting of a {}.',
+    'a pixelated photo of the {}.',
+    'a sculpture of the {}.',
+    'a bright photo of the {}.',
+    'a cropped photo of a {}.',
+    'a plastic {}.',
+    'a photo of the dirty {}.',
+    'a jpeg corrupted photo of a {}.',
+    'a blurry photo of the {}.',
+    'a photo of the {}.',
+    'a good photo of the {}.',
+    'a rendering of the {}.',
+    'a {} in a video game.',
+    'a photo of one {}.',
+    'a doodle of a {}.',
+    'a close-up photo of the {}.',
+    'a photo of a {}.',
+    'the origami {}.',
+    'the {} in a video game.',
+    'a sketch of a {}.',
+    'a doodle of the {}.',
+    'a origami {}.',
+    'a low resolution photo of a {}.',
+    'the toy {}.',
+    'a rendition of the {}.',
+    'a photo of the clean {}.',
+    'a photo of a large {}.',
+    'a rendition of a {}.',
+    'a photo of a nice {}.',
+    'a photo of a weird {}.',
+    'a blurry photo of a {}.',
+    'a cartoon {}.',
+    'art of a {}.',
+    'a sketch of the {}.',
+    'a embroidered {}.',
+    'a pixelated photo of a {}.',
+    'itap of the {}.',
+    'a jpeg corrupted photo of the {}.',
+    'a good photo of a {}.',
+    'a plushie {}.',
+    'a photo of the nice {}.',
+    'a photo of the small {}.',
+    'a photo of the weird {}.',
+    'the cartoon {}.',
+    'art of the {}.',
+    'a drawing of the {}.',
+    'a photo of the large {}.',
+    'a black and white photo of a {}.',
+    'the plushie {}.',
+    'a dark photo of a {}.',
+    'itap of a {}.',
+    'graffiti of the {}.',
+    'a toy {}.',
+    'itap of my {}.',
+    'a photo of a cool {}.',
+    'a photo of a small {}.',
+    'a tattoo of the {}.',